#and kept talking about how great it looked
harrysfolklore · 15 hours
lando norris being down bad for his girlfriend: a compilation
summary: lando norris can’t help but talk about his girlfriend whenever he cans, fans make compilation videos about it
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Lando Norris could be described as someone who's not scared of saying whatever crossed his mind.
And that's why he never, ever, missed the opportunity to talk about his girlfriend whenever he had the chance.
He mentioned her during interviews, press conferences, social media post and even fan interactions. To the point where fans started making compilation videos with all the moments he publicly obsessed over his girlfriend.
The most popular one gathered millions of views on YouTube, showing multiple occasions Lando couldn't help but be down bad for her.
The video started with a clip from Q&A with fans, someone asked him about his favorite way to relax after a race. Without missing a beat, Lando replied, "Cuddling up with my girlfriend, of course. Nothing beats that."
"You're really whipped man, It's embarrassing," Oscar, his teammate, teased beside him, making the audience laugh.
"It's not, really." Lando shrugged proudly.
The next clip was taken from McLaren's Tiktok account, their content creator tried to do the "Can you watch my ___ for a second" prank on Lando.
"Oh my girlfriend already did this prank to me," Lando said, laughing at the camera, "Baby, If you're watching this, I miss you. Your pranks are way better than McLaren's"
The video moved to show Lando during a post-qualifying interview, his suit hanging by his waist and his fireproofs showing, when asked about his strategy for the race, he cheekily replied, "Well, first I'm going to call my girlfriend for some good luck wishes. Then, I'll focus on getting to the front."
"Zak Brown should hire your girlfriend as your strategist then," the interviewer joked.
"That would be great but I don't think we would be getting any job done. You know what they say about mixing business with pleasure."
The next clip showed Lando with his friend and fellow driver Max Fewtrell, playing a trivia game about how well did they knew each other. Max had to answer what was Lando's worst habit.
"I'm going to say leaving dirty plates around the house," he said, showing his board, "You do mate, admit it."
"My girlfriend would agree on that," he admitted, "She's always complaining about it."
"I don't know how she's still living with you."
"Because she loves me, and I would die if she leaves me."
On the same note, a video of Oscar teasing Lando followed right after.
"Who's most likely to snore?" Lando read the question, and Oscar quickly put ut the cutout with Lando's face, "How are you so sure? You didn't even hesitate."
"Mate, I've heard you, plus your girlfriend literally complained about not being able to sleep properly last night because you kept snoring."
"I did keep her up last night, but it wasn't just because of the snoring," Lando said, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Put the not safe for work disclaimer at the beginning of this video please."
The next segment was from Lando's own Youtube channel, he was doing a little vlog in Miami before the race weekend.
"Hi everyone," he said, filming himself in the mirror with his camera, "Today I'm back with another LandoLog, I'm going to be filming some behind the scenes of this Miami weekend, so without further ado, let's go," he moved the camera around, focusing on his girlfriend who was putting some mascara on her eyelashes, "Here's my beautiful girl, who takes ages to get ready. Say hi baby."
"Hi everyone," his girlfriend waved, laughing, "I'm not taking ages, I'm just making sure I look good."
"You always look good for me," Lando said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning the camera back to himself, "See, I told you she's the best."
The next clip showed Lando and Oscar together once again, this time they were giving a tour around the McLaren hub.
"This is my driver's room," Lando said as he opened the door, "It's cleaner than Oscar's, clearly, and looks like I have a bed."
Lando moved to put together the small bed that was behind the door, "This is an upgrade from last year, we didn't have this. I'll be definitely giving it some good use, to nap or with my girlfriend."
"Can we have a video where you're not a horndog please?" Oscar said, putting his hands on his hips.
"You're the horndog, I never said what we were going to use it for, we're just going to cuddle."
The video moved to show one of Lando's post race interviews after winning the Miami GP, he had been asked ho would be the most excited person about this win besides him.
"My girlfriend, definitely. I couldn't have done it without her," Lando said, his voice filled with emotion, "She's been my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and my motivation. This win is as much hers as it is mine."
The video then cut to a scene from Lando's gaming stream with Max Verstappen. The two drivers were deep into a game of Call of Duty, their banter and laughter filling the screen. Lando was focused, his eyes glued to the monitor as he coordinated with Max.
Just then, Lando's phone buzzed on the table beside him. He glanced at the screen and his expression softened, the comment section noticing, "Hey, mate, I need to go. My girl needs me for something," he said, setting down his controller.
"Lando! Are you serious right now?" Max said, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"I am, see ya," he turned to the camera, smiling not so apologetically "Sorry, guys, duty calls. See you next time."
The last scene was a snippet from an interview, Lando had been asked what he saw in his future.
He paused, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Honestly? I see a lot of racing, hopefully some championships," he laughed, "but most importantly, I see her. I can't imagine my life without her."
The screen faded to black, showing a text that read: Get you a man who is as down for you as Lando Norris is for his girlfriend.
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ashwhowrites · 3 days
Hi, I love ur stories and I had an idea I was hoping you could write. If not I completely understand and respect that. I loved ur fic where Eddie was the popular one instead and everyone thought hellfire/his band was cool. So would you be able to write another popular Eddie Munson x shy/nerdy reader fic but instead it doesn’t deal with the whole upside it’s more so of Eddie is popular and gets paired with nerdy reader or kind of like a 10 things I hate about you sort of thing where there’s a bet and she finds out about it but a happy ending please:) if not completely fine. I hope you have a great day/night and wish all the best for you <3
I think this got a little long because I squeezed it all in one part. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Bet on me
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It wasn't a shock that Eddie could get any girl he wanted. And his long list of the girls he dated could back that up. He never had anyone turn him down and that made him cocky. His friends loved it, boys will be boys. And boys love to play games.
"How was the date with Tracy?" Blake asked, one of Eddie's popular friends.
"It was alright. She was easy so that was nice" Eddie smirked, just another girl on the list.
"Well, you aren't the only one that got laid last night. I got Chrissy Cunningham, which puts me above you" Josh gloated. A pleased smile on his face as Eddie rolled his eyes.
"How did you land her? She's like forbidden" Eddie asked, a little hit to his ego.
"Either way, Josh is now at the top of the list. Getting closer to the $300" Blake said, writing down little dashes next to Josh's name.
"No way. I'm not losing $300. Who do I need to date to get me on the top?" Eddie asked, shoving Josh aside as he continued to brag.
"Um, how about..." Blake said as he looked around. Eddie watched as a twisted smirk showed up on his face. He looked back to Eddie with evil in his eye.
Josh laughed out loud. A laugh so hard he smacked Eddie next to him.
"Dude there's no way she's going to agree to that!" Eddie argued. Y/N was the nerd of the school. There were a few nerds, but she was the smartest out of all of them. She was quiet and kept to herself. How the hell would Eddie get her to date him? How the hell would he even get a conversation started?
"Damn, then it looks like you can hand over that $300 now," Josh said, holding out his hand.
"If anyone can crack her, it'll be you," Blake said, encouraging Eddie as he hyped him up.
"I'll add $200 more if you can take her virginity," Josh smirked, knowing Eddie wouldn't shy away from a higher bet.
"Well gentleman, looks like I'm making $500" Eddie smirked as he walked off, heading towards her direction.
Y/N finished grabbing her books from her locker. She slammed the locker shut and jumped as Eddie leaned against the metal beside her.
"Y/N right?" He asked, putting on his best charming smile.
"Um yeah," she said quietly, not quite making eye contact with the popular boy.
"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?" He asked, putting his arm near her head as he leaned into her. He felt a blow to his ego when she stepped back.
"I'm sorry but I don't think we have much in common." She spoke quietly that he could barely hear her. But she walked past him.
It looked like Eddie had to put in more work than he was used to.
Eddie waited a few days before he talked to her again. He didn't want his sudden interest to be that suspicious.
He walked into his math class, heading straight for the teacher.
"Mr. Munson, what can I do for you?" The teacher sighed
"Can I get a tutor? I need to pass this next test or my uncle is gonna kick my ass." He said, not a full lie. Wayne was getting pissed off with Eddie's grades.
"Language," the teacher scolded, "but I'm glad you are finally accepting help. I have a few options, there is Char-"
"I want Y/N," Eddie said, well demanded.
"Y/N? She is my best student but she doesn't take well to tutoring the popular crowd" the teacher explained.
"I'll make her change her mind," Eddie said with a cocky smile
And just like that Y/N was in the palm of his hand.
It took a few days before the teacher assigned her to tutor him. She tried to fight it but the teacher refused. She was extremely confused as to why Eddie would request her, and the thought made her nervous.
She took a deep breath and knocked on the small trailer. She looked down at the address on the piece of paper, making sure she was in the right place.
She looked up as she heard the door open. Spit caught in her throat as a shirtless and incredibly sweaty Eddie stood before her.
"Sorry. Was doing a workout, come on in" he said, stepping aside as she walked in. He pushed back his sweaty curls and closed the door.
"Do you want me to come back?" She asked. She felt extremely awkward that she interrupted a workout.
"No, you're fine. I'll just rinse off quickly and join you. Feel free to take a seat on the couch and help yourself to anything in the fridge" he said before he headed off into the bathroom.
She sat on the couch, taking in the small trailer. She could see baby photos of Eddie and an older man. The walls were covered in mugs and baseball caps. But it was a place of memories.
She grabbed out her books, pencils, and paper. She wasn't the type to help herself to something in the fridge so she sat and waited. She tried to shake away the thought of Eddie standing in the shower. The water dripped down his toned and tatted chest.
A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Eddie walked out, head down as he rang out his long hair. A loose muscle tank top covered his chest, and her eyes were locked on his arms. Then she looked down and took in his sweatpants. She looked away as he looked up. He tossed the towel back in the bathroom and walked to sit right next to her.
She shivered as she took in the smell of his shampoo and aftershave. She yelled at herself in her head to get a damn grip. But Eddie was attractive, everyone knew that. And she was simply a girl sitting next to the hottest boy in school, watching him get out of the shower.
"Where do we start?" He asked, smirking as she jumped out of her skin. He loved that behind all her walls, she was still a girl who found him attractive. At least now he knew what he could play at.
"With your last test," Y/N said, taking out his graded test and handing it over for him to look at. "Tell me what you don't understand" She looked up at him as she waited for him to answer.
"How you are so beautiful and don't have a boyfriend" he replied, his eyes looking nowhere near the paper.
"Oh...uh thanks," she said, "but I meant about the math, Eddie."
He sighed as his words seemed to not have any effect. She was able to compose herself and brush him off.
He figured he needed to earn a little friendship with her first. So he sat there for two hours doing math.
Y/N sighed in relief when the sky got dark and she had a reason to go home.
"Well it's getting dark so I better head out. You did very well today. I think we can get you around a C" she said as she stood up.
"Why don't you stay a little longer?" He asked, grabbing her hand and freezing her in her spot. "Maybe talk without it being about numbers?"
"I uh- I rode my bike here so I really should go home." She said, giving him a small smile as she released her hand from his.
She waved bye as she walked out the door.
Eddie sighed as the door closed. She was a lot harder to crack than he thought.
As the final bell rang, Eddie was already in the parking lot. He stood near the bike rack, not sure which one would have been hers.
"Oh hi, Eddie" she greeted him with a smile as she unlocked her bike.
"I was thinking, what if we put your bike in my van, and I'll drive you to my place tonight. Maybe stay for dinner?" He asked, his cocky smirk made her face heat up.
She looked around as students watched them interact. A few of his friends stared at them, and it made her nervous.
"Then I'll drive you home and you won't have to worry about biking in the dark," Eddie added, the final push to make her sigh and agree.
She sat nervously in his van as the music played through the speakers. She found herself humming along and drumming her fingers against her thighs.
Eddie smiled as he heard her softly singing, he was very surprised the shy nerd would listen to the same music as he did. He turned up the volume, winking towards her as she noticed.
"Don't stop, I like hearing you sing." He said, and for once he was honest.
Wait...did he like something about her?
They walked into the trailer and sat on the couch. For the first few hours, he stuck to the math, knowing she wouldn't move on unless they did.
"I'm starving, you hungry?" He asked as he stood up. His brain felt fried for squeezing in math for the past two days.
"I could eat" she smiled
"Follow me to the kitchen, milady" he joked as he held his arm out.
He silently cheered in his head as she laughed and took his arm. He walked them a few steps into the kitchen. He let go of her arm to look in his pantry.
"Mac n cheese?" He asked, taking out the small box.
"Sounds good to me," Y/N said as she took a seat at the small table.
Eddie began to prep the meal, trying to rank his brain for questions to ask.
"How come you wanted me to tutor you?" Y/N asked, her fingers drumming against the table.
"I wanted to get to know you," Eddie said, and it was the truth. He just had a different reason why he wanted to know her.
"But why? You've never noticed me before" She wasn't dumb. She knew Eddie wouldn't magically like her out of nowhere, no one did.
"But I noticed you now," he said, turning to look at her as the water boiled.
She accepted his answer and continued to drum her fingers against the table.
"Nervous habit?" He asked, nodding towards her fingers.
She felt her face blush as she clenched her hands into fits.
"A bit" she shrugged as she looked down
She heard him walking closer to her, her breathing picking up as he used his finger to lift up her chin. She stared at him like a love-sick puppy and he felt himself loving it.
"Why do I make you nervous, beautiful?" He whispered, she gulped as she bit at her lip. Eddie softly moved his hand up, his thumb yanking her bottom lip away from her teeth. A puff of air left her lips as she gasped. She tried not to squirm in her seat as he leaned down.
She was close enough to see every color in his eyes, every freckle on his skin, and just how pink his lips were.
"Is it because you like me?" He whispered. He smirked to himself when her eyes zoned in on his lips. He was cracking her down.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, her eyes snapped up to his eyes. He could see the panic, the fear, and the lust swimming together in her eyes.
"I- I've - don't know.." she trailed off, her eyes getting lost in his as the water boiled in the background. The only sound pulling her back to Earth.
"Never kissed someone have you?" He asked, his thumb softly rubbing her bottom lip again. She softly shook her head no.
She felt like she could breathe again when he stood up straight and removed his thumb. Space between them as she sucked in as much air as she could.
"That's a shame. You've got the prettiest lips I've ever seen" he winked, then turned around and finished making dinner.
He was collected, calm, and in charge.
She was a mess, anxiety-filled, and had no upper hand.
She got caught in the Eddie Munson spell.
Y/N felt awkward the next day at school. Knowing she was seconds away from kissing Eddie did something to her head.
He asked if she wanted him to kiss her. Did that mean he wanted to? Or was it a mind game he enjoyed? She knew his reputation and that relationships were not what girls went to him for.
She didn't have it in her to be used and tossed. She was far too sensitive for causal. As she walked through the hallway, her eyes caught a poster.
Hawkins Carnival
This weekend only
"Are you thinking about going?"
She turned her head as Eddie's voice filled her ears. He stood next to her, dressed to impress in his jacket and jeans.
"Oh, probably not. I'm not the best at those games." She said with a small laugh
Eddie knocked his shoulder against hers
"Half of it is strategy and the other half is physical. Which means if we team up, we could win and get our money's worth." Eddie explained
Did he want to spend his Saturday night at a carnival with Y/N?
Hell no. He wanted to be at a wild party and drinking until he forgot where he was.
But he had a bet to win.
"You want to go to the carnival together?" She asked, her head turned to the side as she looked at him. She felt the need to clarify what he was saying
He turned to catch her eyes
"It's a date then, sweetheart. I'll pick you up tomorrow at six." As always, he left with a wink that had her heart racing.
She was going on a date with Eddie.
Y/N barely slept that night. Her head filled with all the horrible things that could happen on the date. But also she allowed herself to get a little excited. Maybe she needed to not think so harshly about Eddie. Maybe he was a good guy and simply interested in her.
She sat on the front step, waiting for Eddie to pick her up. She took a deep breath as his van pulled up the street.
Eddie got out of his van and walked over to open her door.
"You look gorgeous," he said in awe. For once he saw her as more than the little nerd he met. Her glasses were gone, her hair loose on her shoulders, and simple touches of makeup that she probably didn't even need. He never realized how pretty she was just being casual. She always wore sweaters and skirts, but now her arms were bare as she wore a pink tank top. Her chest caught his eyes as he tried to look away. Then her smooth legs showed from her jean shorts.
"Oh thanks," she said shyly, "you look very handsome, Eddie." He wore a band T-shirt, his wrists covered in bracelets, black jeans with a red flannel tied around his skinny waist and his dirty sneakers.
For once in his life Eddie blushed
The drive was comfortable, and both sang along to the music. Eddie never realized how much he enjoyed her company.
The sun was still out and hot as they headed into the carnival. Eddie slipped his hand in hers, not saying a word about it as he walked up to the ticket booth. Once he paid for their tickets, they were walking hand in hand as they walked in.
The loud conversations filled her ears and the smell of popcorn filled her nose.
"Where should we start?" She asked, taking in all the rides and games.
"Bottle ring toss!" Eddie cheered as he walked them over to the small booth.
"Alright, gorgeous. What's my strategy?" He asked, handing the small bills over and receiving the rings.
Y/N leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Aim for the ones closest to you. And aim for the middle, it'll increase the chance that the ring will bounce onto one of the bottles."
She pulled back and stepped back, giving him space to toss.
And he did just as she said, tossing the ring into the middle. The small red ring landed on the bottle. He did it two more times and won.
He bowed as she clapped. The worker grabbed the small stuffed animal and handed it over. Eddie grabbed the small bear and happily handed it to Y/N.
She tucked the small bear under her arm and thanked him. He smiled and slid his hand back into hers as they continued to walk.
After two hours, they were hot and tired of walking around.
"Let's take a seat" Eddie groaned, sitting down on the bench. Y/N laughed but sat next to him.
With the moment to breathe, her head was spinning. She couldn't believe how much fun she was having with Eddie. How sweet he was and how he paid for everything, no questions.
"I'm so sweaty and hot" Eddie groaned, his curls all frizzy.
"Here, this might help," Y/N said as she stood up. Eddie watched confused as she walked behind him, and began to lift up his air. He breathed in relief as his hair was removed from his neck. He smiled to himself as she tied up his hair. A comforting feeling landed on his chest.
She used the binder on her wrist to tie up his hair, throwing it in a messy bun. She walked back in front of him and held out her hand.
"Let's go ride some rides and feel the wind"
Eddie smiled and grabbed her hand. He was actually having the time of his life. He was enjoying every second with her. And as he realized that, he felt a heavy amount of guilt fill his body.
Eddie blindly followed, focused on how terrible he felt.
"Ferris wheel?" She asked as they walked near it. Eddie snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. They walked in line and got on the small cart.
Their bodies smashed together as the ride slowly began to move. Eddie felt sick and he didn't think it was because of the ride.
"The sun is setting. Look how beautiful it is!" Y/N said as she pointed off into the sky. Eddie followed her finger and took in the pinks and purples that decorated the sky.
The ride ticked and slowly came to a stop, their cart at the very top. Y/N hummed as she felt the nighttime breeze start to make it's way. Her hair softly blew in the wind as she reached for his hand.
He snapped out of his thoughts again, looking over at her.
"Yeah?" He asked. He took in how beautiful she looked as the sun set behind her. The way her hair blew out of her face, and the scent of her perfume made his heart race.
Fuck...he likes her
"I want you to kiss me" she whispered, her eyes looking down to his lips as she leaned in.
Eddie felt conflicted as her eyes closed and she leaned closer. He knew he should have stopped her, and he should have confessed. But he wanted to kiss her, even if it would be the only time.
Her lips touched his and his mind went blank. All he could feel was her lips. Her left hand moved up to softly touch his cheek. He softly kissed her back, his hand landing on her thigh. The kiss was short and sweet, but impactful.
She pulled away, nervously. She just had her first kiss with the most popular boy in school.
Eddie had the first kiss that ever made him feel something. He looked into her eyes as she waited for him to say something, but he didn't. He pressed his lips eagerly against hers, already missing the way they felt against his.
Eddie pulled up in her familiar driveway. His stomach filled with endless butterflies. He never knew he could like a girl so much.
"I had a great time, Eddie." She said softly, holding the small bear in her hands. "Thank you" She leaned over and kissed his cheek, then got out of the van.
Eddie watched as she walked into her house. Her lips lingered on his cheek and guilt lingered on his mind.
A week passed, and Eddie and Y/N spent the week doing math. And now that the weekend was here, Eddie took her on another date.
This time at a house party. Y/N wasn't totally interested but she wanted to be with Eddie.
Eddie was terrified, but he had a plan. He wanted to go on a date somewhere else but his friends forced him to come. He didn't want to cancel with her so he bit the dust and arrived.
He was going to call off the bet with his friends and explain it all to her and hopefully, it would work out.
They walked in and all eyes were on them. Y/N gripped Eddie's hand as she tried to hide his body as they walked through. Everyone took in her small black flowy dress and red lips. She felt pretty and tried to keep her head high.
The night went and Y/N was tasting alcohol for the first time. She was a smart girl but didn't know a limit. She lost Eddie in the crowd, but she was on the path to find him.
She was drunk, stumbling around, and about to do something so stupid.
"So I need to talk to you guys about Y/N." Eddie sighed, the alcohol doing nothing to calm his nerves.
"Seems to be going very well, my man. Gonna hit it soon?" Josh asked, patting Eddie on the shoulder.
"About that-" but he was cut off when a body slid up next to his. He looked down as Y/N slid under his arm and cuddled into his side.
"I want to talk to you" Y/N whispered as she looked up at him. He looked down at her pouty red lips, craving nothing more than to kiss her.
"Alright. Let's go outside" Eddie offered
"I was actually thinking we could talk in the bedroom." She said, her finger trailing down his chest.
His friends whistled and Eddie was quick to grab her hand and walk her away.
Eddie groaned to himself as he flipped off his friends. Quickly rushing them up to the bedroom so he could confess everything before it was too late.
As they made it into the room, Y/N had more confidence than ever before. She pushed Eddie onto the bed, landing on his lap as she pressed her lips against his.
Eddie moaned as she rocked against his hips, but he had to focus on what was important. He held her hips still and pulled away from the kiss.
"I really need to talk to you," he said, she hummed but moved her lips to his neck.
"Talk to me," she said as she pulled away. He sighed in relief when she got off his lap.
"I need you to kn-" but the words died in his throat as she pushed down her dress. He felt a growl in the back of his throat as he took her in. The black bra and underwear looked amazing against her skin. He felt his cock grow hard as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor as she walked towards him again.
"Know what?" She whispered as she ran her hands up his thighs.
Eddie felt like he had an angel and devil on his shoulders. One side begging to cave and feel her wrapped around him. But the other side telling him to go any further would be wrong.
Before he could think of picking a side, the door flung open.
Y/N screeched and quickly grabbed the blanket off the bed. Eddie panicked as Josh walked in with a big smirk and a handful of cash in his hand.
"Well well well, Eddie you actually did it."
Eddie felt his blood run cold as he got off the bed. He snatched her dress and bra off the floor and handed it over to her.
"I'll be right back," he said before he harshly shoved Josh out the door.
Y/N was fast to get dressed, clipping on her bra as she immediately became sober. She slipped on her dress and cracked open the door.
"I don't want the fucking money. I want out." Eddie harshly whispered
"Oh come on Eddie. You put like three weeks into this bet, gonna quit now?" Josh scoffed
Y/N felt her stomach turn as she took in the words.
"Fine, you dated her so I'll give you the $300, but you didn't fuck her so you owe me the $200."
"You made a bet about me?" Y/N spoke, her voice cracking as she could feel the tightness in her throat. She opened the door wider, and the two boys froze upon her feet.
Eddie closed his eyes as he felt the world crumbling around him. He opened his eyes and turned to look at her. He felt his heart ache as the tears fell down her cheeks and the betrayed look in her eyes.
"Yes but please let me explain!" Eddie begged, his voice wavering with nerves.
Before she could think, her right hand slapped across his cheek. The sound echoed down the hallway and Josh yelled out to the party. People rushed up the stairs as Y/N stared Eddie down with the most hateful look he had ever seen.
"I can't believe I ever thought you liked me. I fucking hate you." She said through her clenched teeth, hot tears running down her face as she shoved him. She was fast as she pushed through the crowd and raced down and out of the house.
"Y/N! WAIT!" Eddie screamed, feeling the sting on his cheek as he pushed through the crowd.
But by the time he made it out, she was gone.
He showed up at her house over and over, but she never opened the door.
He had no idea how to make things right but he would die trying.
Monday morning he was off. He stopped by the flower store, picking out the prettiest ones he could find.
He held them in a tight grip as he walked into the building. Half the school was at the party so eyes followed him as he walked to her locker.
She was back to her normal self. Glasses on and her hair up, a sweater on her body, and a skirt on her hips.
"Y/N?" He said gently
"Eddie don't" she sighed as she looked at him
"Please I can explain" he begged
"Explain? Eddie, I'm not an idiot. You don't think I know that people think I'm a joke? I get it, I was a funny target for your popular games. But the game is over so just leave me alone." She said, tears building in her eyes as she walked off to class.
"But you're not a joke! You mean so much more than that!" Eddie said, following behind her and grabbing her arm. She sighed as he stopped her, the eyes of everyone on them. But Eddie didn't care, he was focused on her.
"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you would have never looked my way otherwise. You would have never liked me and you wouldn't have tried to get to know me." She said and walked away.
It hurt but Eddie knew she was right.
Eddie left her alone for about a week. He wanted to give her time to cry, scream, or whatever she needed to feel. But he didn't give up on her.
It was hard for both of them. He watched her every move throughout school, and she fought hard to never look. She dropped out of tutoring, which he felt would happen. He still worked hard at math, wanting nothing more than to prove their time spent together was for something.
He missed her and she missed him. She still has the bear, she cuddles with it every night. Eddie slept with the moments they had.
Y/N sighed as she walked out of school. It was Friday and she couldn't wait to go home and sleep away everything she felt.
But of course, Eddie stood there at the bike rack
"Eddie" she groaned
"I know. You don't want to talk to me or see me. I respected that for as long as I could. But I need you to know that everything I felt was real. I fell for you." He explained, his eyes pleading for her to stay.
"How can I believe you? How can I look at you the same way? I-I...I'm so hurt, Eddie. I knew getting involved with you was a bad idea. From the first night, when all you did was flirt and try to make me one of those girls. You knew I was fragile, and you used that against me. You toyed me along and made me believe for once I could be someone worthy of someone like you. I had my guard up in the beginning, but you were so sweet-" she got choked up as tears fell down her face. "So sweet that I thought I was the bad guy for thinking so little about you. That maybe you aren't a bad guy and I should see where it goes. But you are that guy Eddie. You are that shallow, selfish, and asshole guy."
"I'm sorry, I know! I'm an asshole, I was selfish. I had bad intentions in mind and you didn't deserve that. But I mean it when I say that you are someone anyone could fall in love with. I've never felt the things I feel for you. The way you make my heart race and the way you make me blush. You make me want to be someone better. I don't want the endless girls and be that guy anymore. I want to be worthy to be with you." Eddie choked out, tears building in his eyes as he made himself vulnerable to her.
She bit her lip as she tried to keep her cries inside. Her heart broke seeing him cry and being so torn up about it.
"That night at the carnival changed everything. We were going out even more after that. All those times together were real. Please just let me fix this." He begged.
"If they didn't walk in, would you have slept with me? Complete the bet?" It was a question she was scared to ask.
"No," he said without a thought, "I was going to tell you that night, I swear. I wanted to tell you at the carnival but then we kissed and every thought I had vanished. Then I was going to tell you at the party, and once you wanted to go further I knew I wouldn't until you knew the truth. No matter how hard it was to think straight when you looked the way you did. But I would never have gone through with it."
Maybe it was a mistake and maybe she'd get burned. But just like the last few weeks, she believed him.
"I'm Y/N, the last guy I liked kinda was an asshole. Think you can make me forget about that?" She asked, a teasing smile on her face as she held out her hand
Eddie wiped his tears and shook her hand. "I'm Eddie. And I'm gonna try my damn best to do so."
And he did. She wanted to go extremely slow. She made them start as friends, slowly trusting him as the months went on. He was patient, in no rush as he worked to be the best for her.
After being friends for three months, she asked him to kiss her. And he gladly did.
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4unnyr0se · 2 days
❥ moth to a flame | toru oikawa
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warnings: timeskip! argentina oikawa, fem! reader, ushijimas ex! reader, alcohol consumption, recording, fingering, making out, HEAVY flirtiny/dirty talk, hickeys, rough sex, multiple orgasms, ushijima hate, exhibitionism, degradation, oikawa is a bitch ass motherfucker
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 5.1k
a/n: based off of this post right here, i hope i did it justice. also sorry to all the ushijima girlies out there
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Oikawa really fucking hated Ushjima. He hated how good he was. He hated how he could easily get his ass handed to him on a silver fucking platter. Not that he would ever admit that, of course. The Great King had too much pride ever actually to acknowledge that someone was better than him at volleyball. He knew that the ace was secretly talking behind his back, telling everybody that it was such a shame that Oikawa never went to Shirtatorizawa. Fucking dick, what the hell did he know? He had a dumb face. Ushijima was only useful for hitting balls into the opposing team's court. It’s no wonder he got drafted onto the Alders, no universities would accept him. Now, did Oikawa actually have any proof that Ushijima was dumb? Well, not exactly. But he didn’t need proof, Oikawa knew that already. He fucking hated Wakatoshi Ushijima and anyone that associated with him, including the ace’s pretty little girlfriend.
You were too pretty to be Ushijima’s girlfriend, way too pretty. There was no way someone like you would ever willingly be seen with him, right? He was probably blackmailing you into going out with him and posing for Volleyball Monthly; that’s how Oikawa found out about your little relationship. “Shiratorizawa’s Power Couple” the magazine title proudly boasted, using a photo of you standing a little too close to Ushijima for Oikawa’s liking. The only reason you were even featured was because you were the captain of Shiratorizawa’s cheer squad. Probably the only fucking good thing to come out of that school was you. You were wasted on Ushijima, no matter how well he could treat you. Oikawa was furious; Ushijima had a cute girlfriend, but he didn’t. It didn’t make any sense, right? Oikawa could have any girl he wanted, yet he chose you, someone he couldn’t have. What a mind-fuck that was. 
Ushijima kept dating you after high school, much to Oikawa’s annoyance. Rumors were circulating that you would marry and give birth to the next great generation of volleyball, but Oikawa stopped caring at that point. He started playing for Argentina and decided (begrudgingly) that it was for the best that he stopped obsessing over that one Shiratorizawa cheerleader. That perfect, pretty, popular, and so fucking sexy cheerleader. Oikawa was content with his new life in Argentina, especially knowing he would never have to see you or Ushijima again. Boy, was he wrong. 
The beach was sunny that day, and it was full of people doing whatever they wanted: making out, poorly playing volleyball, making sandcastles, whatever they wanted. Oikawa considered joining in on an amateur volleyball match, but he shrugged it off. They would probably recognize him, and while he enjoyed his fame, he preferred his female fans to his male ones. He instead opted to do what he did best: lie there and look pretty. His muscles rippled in the bronzing sunlight as he observed how the waves of the ocean danced, how the children laughed, and how the seagulls terrorized innocent picnic-havers. It was the best thing ever…until he got bored and wanted a drink. Something light, something with lime and coconut. He didn’t care what as long as it had those two things. 
The bar was unusually empty, which was great. His fame got him a lot of special treatment, but cutting the line at the beach bar was certainly different from them. He gave the bartender his order and gave him the pesos, turning his back to the employee as his drink got mixed. Oikawa zoned out for the better part of it, not thinking of much until he was snapped out of his thoughts by a feminine voice. 
“Virgin margarita, please,” you spoke so sweetly like honey was falling from your lips. Oikawa snapped his head in your direction, and his eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. You, Wakatoshi Ushijima’s girlfriend, were standing a few feet away from him, in the cutest little black bikini he had ever seen. He choked on his saliva, pretending to brush it off as a cough. Fuck, did you notice him? There was no way you didn’t. Whatever, there’s no turning back now. Oikawa plastered his signature smirk onto his handsome features, staring at you through his designer sunglasses.
“Well, if it isn’t Ushijima’s illustrious girlfriend. What brings you to Argentina? Let me guess, he sent you to sign me to the Alders?” his voice was smug, annoyingly smug. 
You groaned and took off your sunglasses, nestling them atop your head. “Okay, you’re so wrong on so many levels,” you placed your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow. “First of all, I’m not his girlfriend anymore. I broke up with Wakatoshi after he got drafted to the Alders, which probably answers your second question.” the ghost of a smirk dusted your lips. 
“Oh,” Oikawa was momentarily silenced. “But you’re still on a first-name basis?”
“And is that any of your business?”
“Wow, since when was Shiratorizawa’s princess so fucking bitchy? I thought you were Snow White or something,” he scoffed, stepping towards you with his arms crossed. 
“And you’re just as pretentious as people say you are,” you snickered. “For your information, Oikawa, I can act however I want. I broke up with his sorry ass, and I’m not telling you why. God, I can’t believe we’re at the same beach.”
Shit, he liked how you were talking to him. No one had put him down like that long ago, not since Iwaizumi. It was nice…did he like it when girls were mean to him instead of worshipping the ground he walked on?
“Hey, don’t get pissy with me, princess. It’s not my fault you just happen to go to the beach near where I live,” Oikawa scoffed. “What are you even doing in Argentina anyway? What, did university not work out for you back in Miyagi.”
You rolled your eyes. “For your information, asshole, I got into every university I applied to. I just…” you signed, rubbing your temple. “I just needed some time away from that place. Everything reminds me of Wakatoshi. It was just better for me to get away for a while.”
The bartender coughed awkwardly, holding your drinks. You both took them as the employee turned back around, visibly uncomfortable. Oikawa took a sip of the drink, nodding in approval. “So, I take it finding me on this beach wasn’t the most relaxing thing?”
“I thought you were going to be nice to me, but I guess I was wrong since you thought I was still with Wakatoshi,” you sipped your drink, the cool liquid drooling down your chin and onto your breasts. “But…I guess I can forgive you. After all, neither of us went to nationals since Karasuno got number nine and ten, right?” 
Oikawa chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. Fucking Tobio.”
“You know he’s on the Alders as well, right?”
“What? Oh, fucking of course he is,” Oikawa scoffed, placing his drink down at the bar. He looked at your form again, drinking in each curve that your bikini did such a poor job of hiding. Did you wear that thing on purpose to find someone here to fuck? Maybe Ushijima never fucked you right. Maybe he never made you cum. Maybe that’s why you dumped his sorry ass because he was a terrible lover. Oh, wouldn’t that just be a fucking treat?
“So,” Oikawa stared at the ground. “Do you wanna head back to my apartment? It’s within walking distance. Plus, I have drinks that aren’t stupidly overpriced,” he shot the bartender a dirty look. “No offense.”
You thought for a moment, your perfectly manicured finger tapping on your bottom lip. “Sure, that could be fun. Besides,” you leaned forward, exposing your cleavage to the setter. “If Wakatoshi heard about that, he would be so fucking pissed. So why not, hm?”
Holy shit. You were perfect. “Wow,” Oikawa was speechless, which was a rare fucking treat. “And here I thought you were all sweet and innocent,” he casually snaked his arm around your waist, shamelessly feeling your supple skin. “I guess I was wrong.”
“You’re lucky we hate the same person, or else I would have broken your arm off by now,” you snicker, allowing his hand to feel up and down your waist. “Now, where’s your apartment? Let me guess,” you pointed to an expensive-looking building. “Penthouse suite on the top floor right over there?”
“How the hell did you know that?” he raised an eyebrow in suspicion. 
You scoffed, walking in tune with Oikawa. “I mean, it’s painfully obvious. That’s the only apartment complex within comfortable walking distance, and knowing your ego, you probably chose the apartment on the top floor because you think you’re entitled to it, somehow,” you smirked, staring into his milky brown eyes. “Well? How right am I?’
Oikawa frowned, pouting like a baby. “...pretty right…” he mumbled.
“What? I didn’t catch that?” you pretended to cup your ear.
“I said you’re right. Jeez, since when were you this cocky?” he grumbled, pulling you closer to his muscular form. He was ripped, more ripped than he was in the sports magazines from high school. His chest was chiseled, and his shoulders were broad as if he had been sculpted by the gods themselves. You would never admit this to him (not sober, at least), but Oikawa was hot as fuck, even though he was a major brat. 
“I’ve always been this cocky, just not in public,” you looked up at the door of the penthouse apartment complex, the doorknobs brandishing an expensive golden sheen. “Wow, these sure are different than the Miyagi apartments,” you mumbled, rubbing on your arm. Oddly enough, you felt out of place, like you didn’t fit the right tax bracket to be allowed here.
“Well, cutie, I am a professional athlete. I make more than the entire staff does combined,” he bragged, waving to the desk attendant, who had the most annoyed look on her face. Maybe she knew what a dick Oikawa was as well. 
You bit down on your bottom lip, tapping your sandalled shoe against the cool tiling of the lobby. Did he just call you a cutie? You shouldn’t take it personally. He probably did that with every other girl he found attractive. Wait, does that mean he found you attractive? Oh god, did you actually like being flirted with by Toru Oikawa? You slapped your hands over your cheeks, attempting to hide the ever-blooming red blush.
“Are you okay? You look red,” he thought for a second, his lips twisting into a smirk. “Is Shiratorizawa’s Princess blushing?” he leaned forward, smirking as the elevator doors closed. His large and calloused hands pressed against either side of your head, trapping you between the wall and his shirtless frame.
“Shut up!” you slapped him across his cheek, leaving a stinging imprint on his flawless skin. He gasped, massaging his cheek. “You’re a pervert, you know that?”
“I haven’t even said anything perverted yet! No one hits me, no one!” he wined, uncaging you from the elevator wall. “You’re feisty,” he mumbled under his breath, something you couldn’t hear.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the elevator door dinged. You both left the elevator and walked to his apartment in silence, your hands massaging your arms as the cold air of the upper floor set in. Rich people have excellent air conditioning. 
“This is it,” Oikawa jiggled his key into the lock, pulling open the mahogany door. “Ladies first,” he winked, making you scoff as you entered the vast apartment. 
“Holy-” your words died on your lips as you took in Oikawa’s living space. How perfect and elegant it was. It was massive, boasting a designer kitchen with beautiful granite countertops and three ovens. Who the hell needs three ovens? “This place is huge! Damn, I forgot how much they pay professional athletes!” 
Oikawa chuckled at your childlike marveling, or perhaps it was envy? Either way, he could get used to you gawking over his wealth. “I know, I know. I’m fucking fantastic,” he strode over to the bar cart, mixing some peach juice and vodka. “I know this isn’t the most manly drink, but beer is so gross. Don’t you agree?” he handed you a glass, not even trying to hide the fact that he was staring at your tits.
“Oh, totally. Beer is gross,” you took a sip of the drink, smiling at the peach juice hit your tongue. “Oh damn, this is good. Where did you get this?”
“I’m not telling. You could buy out my entire supply!” Oikawa laughed, taking another sip of his beverage. “So,” he leaned against his kitchen counter, staring into your eyes with his half-lidded ones. “What will it take for me to learn why you dumped Ushijima, hm?” his voice was a purr, like a siren trying to lure you into the sea.
You rolled your eyes and sat down on the couch, admiring the tasteful throw pillows he had. “Well, if it gets you to shut up, I’ll tell you,” you patted the seat right next to your own. “You’re lucky I have vodka in me, or else I’d be really bitchy right about now.”
“Who’s saying you aren’t being bitchy?”
You shot him a glare. “Do you wanna know my breakup story or not?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes and sat next to you, purposefully spreading his muscular thighs. Fuck, he was sexy as hell. “Well? Let’s hear the story, cutie.”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, locking your eyes on your pedicured feet. “We started dating because one of his teammates said we would look good together. Tendou, I think his name was. He asked me out, but it wasn’t very romantic. He was stoic, unfeeling. I guess he’s always been like that,” you paused, licking your bottom lip. “He was a good boyfriend for the most part, I guess. He was kind, and he supported me in anything I did. It’s just…volleyball was his top priority, not me. And don’t get me wrong, I loved cheerleading. Wakatoshi prioritized sports over his relationship, so I dumped him once he was signed to the Alders.” you looked up at Oikawa, a soft smile gracing your lips. “I’m happy I dumped his sorry ass.”
“Wow,” Oikawa mumbled, setting his drink on the coffee table. “I’m sorry he treated you like that. I always knew he was a piece of shit, and now I have the proof,” he smacked his lips together, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “C’mere, I gotta ask you something else.”
“Do we have to be this close for you to ask me a question?” you raised an eyebrow, secretly enjoying the intimacy.
“Yes,” Oikawa immediately responded. “Answer me this,” his voice dropped to a deep octave, goosebumps covering your arms. “Did he ever make you cum, or did you have to fake it every time?”
Your breath hitched in your throat, a blush dusting your cheeks. “Well, technically, no, he didn’t make me cum,” you whispered, knowing damn well that Oikawa had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“I fucking knew it,” he pulled you impossibly closer, pulling your lip down with his thumb. “Poor little girl, hm? You’re big, strong boyfriend never gave you an orgasm. Did he even know where the clit is?”
You shook your head. “No, I had to show it to him, and he still has never found it.”
“Oh, that’s pathetic. And adorable. To think,” his lips trailed upwards to the cartilage of your ear, nibbling on it. “That a pretty thing like yourself had a boyfriend that wouldn’t give her what she wanted…that’s just tragic, don’t you think so?”
You looked at him, your eyes ablaze. “I guess so. What, did you wanna do something about that?” your hands slid up and down his thigh, dangerously close to his hardening cock. 
“I think I will,” without any warning, he scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder, slapping you on the ass. You squeaked and were thrown onto his bed, the crisp cotton sheets welcoming your burning skin. Oikawa crawled on top of you, pinning your wrists above your head. “I have an idea, something that will piss Ushijima off. That’s what we both want, isn’t it?” he planted a daring kiss on your neck, the aroma of your tropical perfume filling his nostrils. “I know you wanna see him angry, don’t you, cutie?”
Fuck, his words landed right at your core. You squeezed your legs shut, tilting your head to the side so he could plant more of his blazing kisses on your delicate skin. “Mhm, I wanna see him get so mad he does something he’ll regret,” you purr, gasping as Oikawa sank his canines into you. A soft moan fell from your lips, only encouraging him to leave more delicious bruises. He stopped his ministrations, licking his way up to your ear. “I wanna film me fucking your brains out,” his voice was a low rumble, practically dripping with want. “I wanna send him pictures of you covered in my fucking cum with your tits covered in hickeys. That’ll show him, right?” he shamelessly palmed your breast, wanting to tear that slutty bikini off your perfect body.
“Fuck, Oikawa,” you moaned, breaking free from his grasp. “If you’re gonna do that,” you sat on the bed. “We have to be equals in this, or he’ll think you’re fucking me without consent.”
“What? So, no bondage or anything?” he pouted. “Well, I guess that’s fair,” his milky eyes darted to one of his dresser drawers. “I…I have a professional camera in there, as well as a tripod. Don’t fucking ask why I have those, okay? If we’re gonna film a little something for your ex-boyfriend,” he playfully nipped at your ear. “We’re gonna do it right.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you chuckled, swatting his hands away as he fumbled with the string of your bikini top. “Nope, you have to undress me on camera. That’ll really piss him off.”
Oikawa smirked, setting up the tripod quickly. How many times did he use that thing? “You sure know him well, don’t you, cutie?” he hit the record button, crawling above you again. The camera was positioned to have the side-view of whatever you two decided to participate in. “Don’t worry, I’ll get the money shot with my phone,” he snickered, hovering his lips above yours. “Now, cutie, do you wanna make a movie with me?”
“Fuck yes,” and his lips were upon yours, ravaging them like he had drank a love potion. They moved in sync with your own, relishing in the mango-flavored chapstick you wore. He kissed you like he owned you from the second he saw you in that slutty bikini. The way his teeth clashed against yours was animalistic in his fight to be dominant, not even asking for entry before shoving his tongue inside your mouth. Your wet muscles danced, pulling moan after moan out of your lungs before he pulled away abruptly, cheeks flushed and chest heaving. 
“Gotta fucking catch my breath,” he chuckled. “You kiss like a fucking whore.”
“I bite like one, too,” you smirked, rolling over to straddle Oikawa’s waist. He gasped in confusion before quickly being silenced, the sensation of you harshly sucking on his muscular neck making him whimper. You chuckled, grinding yourself onto his pelvis, your most intimate parts being covered by thin pieces of fabric.
“Fuck, cutie,” Oikawa’s hands squeezed your hips, rolling the fat between his taped fingers. He bucked his hips upwards, making you yelp. “Take off that fucking top now,” he growled, fisting the sheets beneath him impatiently.
You giggled and reached behind your back, undoing the bikini knot teasingly slow. Oikawa knew what you were doing. He’d seen it a million times by now. Usually, he wouldn’t mind. It was just another beach slut taking her time, trying to draw out their experience with the great Toru Oikawa. But this time was different. He didn’t want to wait. He wanted you creaming on his cock the way Ushijima never made you. Besides, there would be a second time. And a third, and a fourth.
His hand cracked against your ass. “Don’t fucking tease me, cutie,” his voice rasped, his hands hungrily grasping onto your tits. “Fucking take this off, or I’ll rip it off of you. Show me those tits, don’t get all shy on me now.”
You squeak, your clit pulsating at the contact. “Fine, whatever you want, baby,” you threw your bikini top across the room, letting your breasts be exposed to the cool air of his bedroom. Oikawa groaned, rolling over so he was on top once more. His mouth found your breast, sucking at the pillowy flesh while his hands rolled over your pert nipple, alternating between each breast. He sucked on your areloas, making sure not to be gentle. He only got more confident with each slutty moan he ripped from your lips, relishing in the incredibly high ones he received when he bit down on your nipple. Your chest was littered with tiny purple circles and covered in his saliva, the desire in your belly practically bubbling over. His cock was painfully hard, pressing against your inner thigh. You swore you could hear it throbbing, begging to fuck your cunt. 
“Oikawa!” you whimpered, grabbing his ashy brown hair and forcefully pulling him away from your chest. “I-I think you marked me enough, right? C’mon,” your hand guided his into your bikini bottom, sighing as his thumb finally found your desperate clit. “I’m so wet down here for you, Oikawa. Don’t you wanna take care of me?”
Your voice was high-pitched like the girls in porn, and Oikawa fucking loved it. You were both putting on a show in shorts. A show to piss off a man that you both despised, but it was a show nonetheless. It's a sexy, depraved show.
“You moan like a fucking slut,” he pushed your bikini to the side, exposing your dripping pussy. Without a second thought, he shoved his middle and ring finger deep inside your heat, curling them slightly. You cried out, arching your back further into the mattress as his other hand still had a firm hold on your breast.
“Oh, you like that, cutie? You like getting finger-fucked by your ex-boyfriend's enemy?” he growled, fucking his fingers in and out of your weeping pussy at a relentless pace. “I wonder what they would say if they saw you like this, a slutty little mess under me. You’re such a whore for my fingers, aren’t you?” his thumb dragged over your clit, his fingers and his arm being so precise in their ministrations. Your pussy squeezed around his digits, feeling your first orgasm in such a long-time approach.
“P-please, Oikawa! Fucking make me cum!” you sobbed, your hands clenching onto the white sheets. You saw stars as your orgasm crashed over you, rolling your head to the side to stare directly into the camera. With your blown-out eyes and bruised lips, you looked fucking ethereal.
“Good fucking girl,” Oikawa popped his fingers in his mouth, tasting your slick. You tasted incredible, unlike anything he had ever tasted before. “Open up,” he ran his finger over your soaked core, gathering up more of your essence to forcefully shove inside your mouth. “Suck,” he commanded, and you did. Your tongue ran over his fingers while you made direct eye contact with him, making the setter impossibly hard. “Little slut.”
“M’not a slut,” you whined, spreading your legs further apart. You were contradicting yourself. You were on display for him as if his apartment was some kind of brothel. The look in his eyes when he saw your gorgeous body, your thighs still trembling in the aftershocks of your release. Fuck, it really looked like he ripped you straight out of a porno. 
“Then how come you’re spread out like one for me, hm? That pussy’s dripping all over my bed, dirty girl.” he slid off his swimming trunks, his cock slapping against his rock-hard abs. He boasted a proud, sensitive pink tip that was leaking with precum. He pumped his cock a few times before aligning it with your entrance, slapping the head against your clit. “Now, are you gonna beg for me to fuck you better than that pathetic ex-boyfriend of yours ever could?” he looked directly into the camera, mesmerized by the flashing red light. “Better than Ushijima, I’m better than Ushijima.”
“T-Toru!” you whined, pulling him down by his shoulders into a passionate kiss. You stared into the camera as well, giving it a wink. Using Oikawa’s first name would surely make your ex furious. It just had to. “Fuck me! Fuck me better than Wakatoshi ever could!” you sobbed, wrapping your legs around his waist so he had no hope of escaping. Your eyes were wet with fake tears, begging him to ruin you.
“Shit,” he groaned, pushing the head of his cock past your entrance. “That’s what I like to fucking hear.” he slammed his lips down on yours once again, bullying the rest of his throbbing length deep inside your heat. “So fucking tight.” Oikawa hissed at the sight of your greedy pussy sucking him in, his teeth nipping at your lips.
“S’fucking big, Toru! Fuck!” you cried, your nails leaving angry red crescent marks on his back. Oikawa revealed in the pleasure, continuing to make out with you as he fucked you harder, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix occasionally.
“You’ve ever been fucked this hard before, hm?” he bit down on your shoulder, leaving an imprint of his teeth. “No one’s ever fucked this pussy as good before, huh? Fucking answer me, cutie,” his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing softly. 
You gasped, struggling to take his massive cock and breath at the same time. “No one’s, fuck, no one’s ever fucked me like this before, Toru!” you sobbed, sighing in relief as he let go of your neck.
“So fucking obedient. And you let her dump you, Usjijima? Fucking pathetic,” he rolled his hips against yours, hitting even deeper inside your pussy. His balls slapped against the cleft of your ass, the apartment echoing with lustful moans and squeals. He grabbed your jaw and pulled you in for another kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as his cock ravaged your core. 
“Toru, I’m gonna fucking cum!” you sob into his mouth, your nails now leaving furious red scratches down his back. He whined into your mouth, his hips never faltering as they continued their unrelenting and unforgiving speed. Sweat dripped from his brow and into your hair, moan after beautiful moan being ripped from your lips as he fucked you like he owned you, like you were his. It was more than just a revenge fuck, so much more.
“Fucking cum on my cock, cutie. Be a good fucking slut and make a mess on this cock,” he growled into your mouth, pulling on your hair to force your neck to the side. He planted open-mouth kisses as you were pushed over the edge, crying out his name as your release coated his pulsating shaft. 
Fuck, he wasn’t going to last, not at the rate that your pussy was milking him. He eagerly reached for his phone on the mattress, and just as he felt his orgasm approach, he pulled out of your addictive cunt. The camera app was opened, and the record button was pressed, videoing Oikawa desperately fisting his cock before letting out a guttural, almost animalistic roar. His thick, white-hot ropes of cum painted your stomach and fucked out face, some even landing on your lips. Oikawa stopped recording and took several pictures, each with a different angle of your cum-covered curves.
“Gorgeous,” the setter muttered, tossing his phone back onto the now-ruined sheets. He got off the bed and grabbed the camera, winking at the lens as he hit the power button. The light stopped blinking, and Oikawa was satisfied. “Well, you just made your first porno. How do you feel about that, cutie?” 
You shrugged your shoulders. “It’s more of a revenge porno than anything, but I liked it,” you averted your gaze. “You’re a good fuck.”
He placed a hand on his hip. “Well, obviously,” Oikawa rolled his eyes, grabbed a box of tissues, and handed them to you. “Clean yourself off. I’ll run you a bath in a minute.”
You needed clarification. “You’re doing aftercare?”
“Why the hell would I not?” he sounded offended. 
“Because you seem like an inconsiderate piece of shit,” your words were so casual, yet so mean. Why did Oikawa crave more?
“I made you cum, didn’t I?” he snatched the box of tissues out of your hand. “Twice, I made you cum twice. That’s more than fucking Ushijima ever could.”
“Woah, don’t get your panties in a twist. It was just an assumption, damn.” you rolled your eyes, stepping off of the bed. “Now, I’m gonna need to borrow a shirt before I get the hell out of here. You kind of ruined my bikini top.”
Oikawa shook his head, placing the camera inside his drawer beside him. “You aren’t going anywhere, not until I’ve gotten as many orgasms as I want out of that slutty little pussy of yours.”
You chuckled darkly and pounced on him, straddling his waist once again. “Only if I get to be on top this time, okay?” you licked his neck. “I wanna see how the Great King reacts to Shiratorizawa’s Princess riding his cock.”
Oikawa grinned and pulled you down for another kiss, his cock already hard. You were in for a long fucking night.
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Ushijima woke up to an onslaught of ringing sounds coming from his phone. Groaning, he turned to the side to see who had the balls to be emailing him at 2:56 in the morning. 
His eyes widened as he saw two video attachments, as well as several image attachments, of Oikawa’s cock plunging in and out of his ex-girlfriend's pussy. Her cries and moans quickly filled up his bedroom as Oikawa’s mischievous brown eyes locked with Ushijima’s green ones from behind the screen. He sat up, scrolling through the rest of the attachments. Each image was enough to send him into a rage, but the last one was what got to him. Your head resting on Oikawa’s chest, various hickeys covering your tits and neck as you slept soundly. On the other hand, Oikawa was smirking as he held up the number five with his fingers. Ushijima’s hands cracked his phone, shattering the protective glass.
Toru Oikawa was a smug-ass motherfucker.
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zvdvdlvr · 2 days
single ma!reader and si continued!! 🤍
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     Simon had given you his phone number with a ‘let me know when you both get home safe’. Surprisingly, the conversation you both had over coffee (with Annalise waddling from your lap to Simon’s mid-conversation) had gone extremely well. Simon loved the smile you gave him, completely unaware of the deeds he’d done and throats he’d torn apart. Simon loved the way your eyes softened when Annalise babbled nonesense as you proved yet again how great and mother and woman you were.
     Simon was finally settling down to take a cup of tea a few hours later when his phone dinged.
Unknown Number: Hi! It’s y/n from the café! I wanted to let you know we made it home okay and that Anna had a fun time with you. Thank you so much for being patient with her (and me!)
     Simon’s big thumbs moved across the keyboard in record time- and he had to pull back and spell check his text before he clicked send.
Simon: Very good. It was no problem. That girl you have is a good one. You’re doing well with her. I enjoyed today too. Thanks again for the drink. Glad you made it home safe and sound.
     After sending Simon added your contact to his personal cell. He took care to spell your name right and saved. You texted back with:
Y/n: Thank you for telling me that! It gets hard some days by myself, but I try my best for her. That little girl has saved me as much as I’ve saved her (if that makes any sense haha)
Y/n: What about you? Did you make it home alright?
     Simon knew how challenging it was to raise a kid by yourself- let alone raise one well. And Simon knew what you meant. He found himself smiling at the little glowing box in his hands. You kept the conversation flowing and Simon had no problems with talking to you for as long as you wanted.
Simon: I know exactly what you mean, y/n. And yes, I got home fine. Still deciding what I want for dinner tonight.
     You replied before Simon had time to worry if his response was… boring.
Y/n: Us too! Annalise wants some Italian but we’re all out of noodles! :( I’m thinking about taking her out to the pasta place a few blocks downtown, but the poor thing hasn’t had a nap today so I don’t know how she’ll be if we stay for more than half an hour
Simon: Italian sounds good. Anna has good taste. Is the place new? I never noticed it.
Y/n: It’s pretty new, yeah. They opened it like two months ago and it’s PHENOMENAL. Like, amazing
Y/n: Do you want to come with us?
Y/n: If not, that’s ok. I just figured Anna would like to see you again and if you haven’t gone yet it would be a good time to try it now
Y/n: But yeah, if not, that’s fine too!
Y/n: Sorry if I’m textinf too much
     Your typo didn’t escape Simon. His heart raced as fast your fingers were on the screen. He re-read the text.
Simon: Just Annalise wants to see me?
     Simon shut his phone off and turned it upside down on the couch beside him and looked rapidly around the room. He didn’t know if he was reading the situation wrong.
Y/n: I would love to see you again too if that’s what you’re asking
Simon: Send me your address and what time you want me to pick you up. I would also like to see you both again tonight. :).
🏷️: @tillnever644 @the-palelady @vlads-dracula3 @raf3sbby @mysterybabe
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thealtoduck · 3 days
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Jason Todd x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut, anal sex, bottom!Reader, top!Jason, rough sex, unprotected sex, blowjob, fingering, doggy style, porn with plot, size kink, you and Jason are both kinda tipsy, Jason is aftercare king, you and Jason are unkowingly filmed, angst ending…
N/n = Nickname
Summary: You and Jason get tipsy at an event and go back to your place…
(A/n: No. 1 Hoe Anthem)
One of the mayoral candidates, Mr Stone, had invited the Gotham Elite for what he called ”a celebration of Gotham’s greatest”. But from what you’d heard his campaign was running low on funds and he wanted to sweet talk all the people with deep pockets.
Whatever the reason may be you were now stuck there amongst the crowd of ”Gotham’s greatest”. You’d preferred to not go but according to your mother it’d be improper to ditch such an event and in her own words ”You have to go cause I don’t want to, I can’t stand that man”.
So you sacrificed yourself to spend the evening at the party… plus Jason had been forced to go along with his family and you promised you’d keep him company.
You watched as Jason entered in the company of his family, he was dressed in a black suit, giving him a dark and luxurious look. He and his family were greeted by Mr Stone.
While Bruce spoke to Mr Stone, Jason looked around the crowd of black suits and evening dresses until his eyes met yours and a soft smile appeared on his face. Once Mr Stone left them to enjoy the party Jason made his way to you.
You were stood in a corner looking at nice sculpture when Jason approached you. ”No tie?” he asked noticing you substituted a tie with a thin sliver chain necklace. ”Never been the biggest fan of ties, Jay, you know that” you stated in a your more upper class tone that tended to come out at these types of events.
”Well, you look great” Jason said grazing his hand against yours slightly. ”You too” you said adjusting his hair slightly. ”I’ll go get us some drinks” Jason said, soon coming back with two glasses of champagne, handing you one.
He then lowered his hand in his pocket bringing out a hip flask, pouring some of the contents in his own glass before offering ”Whiskey?”. Making you let out a small laugh before holding your glass out to him, saying ”If you insist”.
You and Jason mostly kept to yourselves through the party. You listened to Mr Stone’s speech talking about how good his campaign was going but made sure to add that it does take it’s toll on him, his workers and his family. But most of all to his wallet, he had joked making light polite laughs sound out in the room.
You and Jason found a table to relax at, sipping your drinks. The event was quite the bore, the music was dull, the decorations were plain, even the champagne on it’s own felt tasteless. You were lucky Jason had brought the flask.
Soon you and Jason were joined by Mr Stone himself. ”Mr Todd, Mr St. Cloud, enjoying yourselves?” he asked, you put on a polite smile and said ”Of course, it’s quite the event you’ve put together, Mr Stone”.
”Thank you, what a shame your mother couldn’t come” Mr Stone said. ”Yeah, she really wanted to but she wasn’t feeling well, but she wishes you luck with the mayoral campaign” you lied, your mother had said nothing of the sort, you were just being polite.
”You boys are old enough to vote now, right?” Mr Stone mentioned, you and Jason shared a look, you’d both been waiting for the topic to come up. ”Yes, we are” Jason answered and you nodded. ”Well, I hope this party has helped convince you who to vote for” he suggested followed by a lighthearted chuckle.
You did your best to not roll your eyes and said with a smile ”Of course, Mr Stone, you have our support”. ”You bet, Mr Stone” Jason said in a fake cheery tone. Mr Stone then said goodbye leaving you and Jason, your expression immediately turned to disgust as Mr Stone was out of sight.
”I hate him” Jason stated, followed by you saying ”Me too”. ”Let’s get some more champagne and then get out of here” you told him, he nodded in agreement and the two of you went to the drink table. Jason emptied the last of his whiskey in to your glasses and you drank.
Once you’d both finished 2 more glasses each you made your way towards the exit, you called your chauffeur to pick the two of you up. As soon as the two of you came out on sidewalk Jason loosened his tie and you took off your suit jacket.
Soon a familiar car pulled up in front of you and you and Jason climbed in the backseat. ”You wanna come back to my place or do you need a ride elsewhere?” you offered him, Jason smiled. ”Think I’ll join you” he said placing a hand on your thigh.
You leaned in against Jason’s shoulder, as the chauffeur started driving towards your apartment building.
Luckily for you the traffic was good enough for you to be home in a short while, you and Jason stepped out of the car and you thanked your chauffeur before making your way up to your apartment on the top floor.
As you stood in the elevator, Jason’s hand once more grazed against yours, this time your fingers intertwined. When you reached the top floor, you stepped out of the elavator to your door and you unlocked it.
You and Jason entered the penthouse, taking of your shoes. You threw your suit jacket aside and led the way towards the stairs, closely followed by Jason.
You started unbuttoning your shirt as you entered your bedroom, turning to Jason who looked curious where this was going. You threw your button up aside and stepped closer to him, you unbuttoned his suit jacket and pushed it off his shoulders letting it drop to the floor.
You then pushed your lips to Jason’s, while he snaked his arms around your waist as you started to hungrily make out. You then started unbuttoning Jason’s shirt revealing his athletic chest. You started lowering yourself to your knees as you placed kisses down his abs.
Until you were on your knees in front of him, you undid Jason’s belt and pulled down his pants letting them fall to his ankles. Jason had grown hard, his bulge noticable in his tight white briefs. You pulled down his underwear setting his big legth free.
His hard dick pointed to your face. When Jason looked down the sight gave him a sense of satisfaction, you half naked ready to suck his cock. You started taking Jason’s member in to your mouth, teasing the tip with your tongue.
Jason let out a small breath as you started taking more of him in to your warm mouth. You soon started moving your head back and forth on his cock. Jason’s mouth hung open as you went down on him.
”Fuck, you’re perfect” he said holding the sides of your head, using every bit of restraint to not start thrusting in to you. You worked your tougue on his dick, licking up and down his shaft.
When Jason looked down the sight alone could make him spill his load. You with his thick cock stuffed in your mouth, shining with your saliva on it. Before you could make him cum he pulled out of your mouth.
”Your turn, rich boy” Jason said teasingly, you raised an amused eye brow at him.
He then helped you up from the floor. He let his unbuttoned shirt fall to the floor and stepped out of his pants and underwear that were pooled around his ankles. He then undid your belt before pushing you backwards on to your bed.
You spread your arm out on the silk white sheets feeling as if you were laying down on a cloud. Jason then started pulling your pants down your legs. You seductively pulled off your own white briefs before throwing them at Jason, hitting him in the chest.
Now you were left wearing nothing but your silver necklace and a pair of white socks. Jason took a moment to take in the pornographic sight in front of him and then climbed on to the bed and your naked bodies tangled together as you made out lustfully.
Jason’s hand trailed all the way down your back to your butt. He didn’t waste any time bringing his finger between your cheeks and pushing it inside you making you moan while your mouth was pressed to his.
He used his fingers to work you loose and open so you��d be ready to take all off him. Once he was done he pulled out a bottle of lube from you nightstand pouring a generous amount on his huge shaft.
You positioned yourself face down - ass up wanting Jason to take you like a bitch. Jason stood on his knees in front of your awaiting hole as he rubbed the lube along his length. He teased your hole with the thick tip of his cock as you whined in to the sheets impatiently.
And who was Jason to say no to a slut in need of filling.
He started working his in to your tightness as you gasped at the intrusion. He pushed himself deeper and deeper into your warmth feeling you clench around his cock. ”That’s nice” he whispered at the feeling of you tightly around his manhood.
Jason wasn’t a small man, he was hung like a horse. You let out heavy breaths as Jason slowly sunk himself in to you, streching you out even further than he’d done with his fingers. He said praises to you, watching you beneath him as his cock entered you inch by inch.
Once he had sheathed himself inside you he waited for you to adjust to the size of him. You gripped the soft sheets of the bed as you were streched out to accept Jason’s hung cock. ”Fuck” you swore.
Soon you were ready to take all of him. Jason started moving slowly as pushed himself in and out of your tightness. His hands were placed on the globes of your ass squeezing them softly in his strong hands.
You were starting to get the feeling of bliss everytime Jason was fully stuffed inside you, making you moan as he worked your ass perfectly. ”Harder Jay” you said wanting him to take you to ecstasy.
”That’s all I needed to hear, baby” Jason said with an audible smirk as he willfully obliged and sped up his thrusts, rolling his hips like a machine. He put a hand on your back pressing you in to the matress as he took you. The sound of his thrusts starting to sound out through out the room.
You gripped the sheets as Jason thrust deeper in to you, his dick jabbing at your prostate making you let out a delighted scream of pleasure. ”That’s right, N/n, scream for everybody to hear me fucking you” he said cockily.
Jason hadn’t realised until now how much he had been longing to fuck you again after your first one night stand during the party at Wayne Manor.
Jason moved his hand to your hips pulling you to meet his harsh thruts into you. Beads of sweat started forming on his forehead. He wanted you to feel all the pleasures sex could bring.
Jason made you feel as if you were seeing all the stars in the heaven, as his hung cock was shoved deep in your heat. ”So- ugh! Big!” you said through your loud moans. A cocky smile spread on Jason’s lips. He was fucking you so good you could barely talk.
As Jason roughly pounded himself deeply in to you felt yourself getting close to orgasm. ”Jay, I’m gonna cum” you whined as Jason showed no sign of slowing down his rolling thrusts.
Your shot your load and it splashed on to the silk sheets below as Jason continued plowing his cock in to you. ”You’re so fucking good around my cock” Jason said through his rapid breaths as he fully lost control and fucked you like there was no tommorow.
”I’m gonna cum” he soon told you.
”Fill me, Jay” you begged and that was all it took for Jason to plant himself deep in you ass and let his cock explode inside you, filling you with his warm sticky seed. He breathed heavily as he let all of his orgasm spill inside you.
Once he was done he slowly pulled out of you leaving your hole gaping from his cock. His seed soon started pouring out of you, running from your used warmth down your legs. Jason looked proudly at the mess he had made of you before he walked to the bathroom.
Coming back with a wet towel and started cleaning his seed off of your body. Once he was done he threw the towel aside on the floor. You turned around and laid down on your back. Jason sat down by your side and stroked your thigh, asking sweetly ”Can I get you anything? N/n”.
”Could you get my night shirt from the closet?” you asked and Jason immediately stood up looking through your closet until he brought out a glossy white silk night shirt. ”Why is everything you own white silk?” he questioned amused as he helped you put it on.
”Why not?” you simply asked back. You took off your necklace putting it on your bedside table. You and Jason both laid down side by side on your bed. Jason was on his back and you laid your head resting against his pec.
”You were amazing” Jason said placing a kiss on your head. ”You too” you said stroking his abs lovingly.
You both soon drifted off too sleep…
2 days later…
You sat with your laptop on your couch checking your emails. Some adds, some social stuff, nothing too intresting. You took a sip of your coffee and as you swallowed a new mail appeared on the screen.
The sender was not listed.
You opened the mail and read ”We have something you might not want to reach the media, Mr St. Cloud” which was all it said. Then you noticed there was a video attached to the mail. You pressed the file and it loaded until a video started playing.
Your eyes widend the video showed a boy getting plowed roughly by his by another guy, but you soon realised this was your bedroom. ”Harder, Jay” your voice came from the video making you gasp in shock. Then came Jason’s voice ”That’s all I needed to hear, baby”.
Someone had hidden a camera in your room filming you and Jason that night. You slammed your laptop shut and rushed upstairs in to your room. Judging by the angle of the video the video had been taken from your bedside table.
You were confused you only had your alarm clock and a bottle of water on the table… Then you noticed it, on the side of the alarm clock was a black spot - no, not a spot a small round camera lens.
You picked up the alarm clock taking a closer look at it to it to make sure. Definetely a lens. Enraged you threw the alarm clock in to the ground making it smash on impact. You stormed out of the room bringing out your phone knowing who you needed to call.
”Hey St. Cloud” Jason answered a flirty tone in his voice.
You could only find one phrase to tell him ”Jay… we’re completely fucked”.
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worldofkuro · 2 days
What if Alastor, when he was young, goes to war and when he returns reader is married to someone else?
Mhn, interesting question. 
Alastor wouldn’t stop sending you letters, he needed to have some kind of connection with you, so matter what kind.
He would ask his mother to look out for you and tell him everything that was happening. 
Marie knew that Alastor wasn’t like the usual kid, she knew her child was dangerous and to preserve some kind of peace, she needed to manipulate you to dislike every man that would come your way.
He would talk about how his father was in the same unit as him- even if it wasn’t true- and asked if you were ready to kill him so you two could live together when the war was over.
If you stayed faithful to Alastor but had to get married, you did it so you could help Alastor. By being married, you could have some aid from the government which you would keep for yourself, waiting for Alastor’s return.
Alastor would ask you by letter who was your husband and if he was dragged to war like him. If he was, Alastor would put him in a situation that would get him killed. Insubordination, being killed by the enemy, dying of a strange illness, he would do everything to make your… so called husband disappear. 
Now, all the material’s goods were yours. You could sell it all so you could buy everything anew for Alastor’s return.
When he came back, you would both run into each other arms and Alastor would ask your hand in marriage. You would then keep on the original story, plotting for his father’s death.
Now… If you happened to fall for someone else no matter his great effort to keep you from doing so. Alastor would become the great mastermind he kept hidden in front of you. 
He would come back from war, after killing so many people from pure madness, and hug you like usual, congratulating you for your wedding.
Even when he was far away from you, he would easily manipulate your friends, your family, your husband against you. Now that he was once again close to you, he would be unbeatable.
He would use Alice, she was a close friend of yours so he knew her opinion counted. He would make it seem like your husband was blackmailing her with her relationship with Alyzée. 
Alice would soon detest your husband which would upset you. But then, you would discover your husband was seen with another woman in a dark alley, and that he was in debt, and that he punched Alastor in the face because he wanted to confront him?
Dear, trust me, you might have been wed to someone else, but soon enough you would be caged within his embrace, like you never left.
“ Dear, he wasn’t worth it.. I’m here now. I won’t leave ever again.”
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rainintheevening · 3 days
They're his children of course. Richard still recognizes them; it's only been two years.
And yet...
Peter is a man. Still six months shy of his draft papers, but he stands, walks, sounds like a man. He always has a pocket knife, he tips his hat to all the females, he sings in a baritone that will only get deeper and richer. The tea he makes is decent, but sometimes he drinks coffee now. He talks about horses and crops and reads Augustine. He can drive a car. He gives orders, and expects them to be followed.
They all look to him, to Peter. Helen calls him to open a jar, Susan questions how her hair looks, Lucy runs to him in tears. As for Edmund, he and Peter are curiously joined, they turn to each other with their laughter, their thoughts, their books and newspapers and letters. As often as his family swirls around him, Richard sees them swirl around Peter, a habit, he knows, born of necessity, but that doesn't prevent it from being strange. Even painful.
Peter moves to take the head of table, catches himself. They both start to say grace, stop, glance at each other. Peter takes the newspaper over breakfast, and is a page in before he remembers. And every time he apologises. Each time he smiles at his father, and it is warm, glad, even benevolent.
One of the first nights, shortly after Christmas, Peter finds him sitting in his old armchair, staring into the fire, after everyone else has gone up to bed. "Dad?" comes the question, and he looks up blinking at the tall man, lamplight crowning him in gold, blue eyes deep and dark with knowledge and certainty.
"I'm not who I was," Richard says, a confession, the kind a father shouldn't burden his son with he thinks immediately, but then Peter is down on one knee, reaching for the mangled hand, tender with the three fingers as he clasps strong calloused palms around them.
"Neither am I, Dad. None of us are." Peter's gaze is earnest, bright. "But you are still my father. And I will always be your son. I am forever grateful for that."
It is as if a great burden rolls off of his shoulders, and he finds no shame in leaning on Peter's hand to rise.
When the holidays end, and the four go back to school, Peter says I love you to each of them at the station.
If Peter is a man now, Susan is a lady.
She sits straight, she walks gracefully, she can cook anything as well or better than her mother. She reads the newspapers with Peter, she scolds Lucy for coming home with twigs in her hair and a tear in her stocking and wet shoes.
She talks less than her father remembers, and there is a woman's sadness in her gazing out the window or into the fire. She is also very admiring of the boys in uniforms, and Richard requests her arm on the way out of church with a father's righteous sense of protection.
But she is also gentler than he recalls, she does not shy away from his injured hand, she takes care of him without making him feel as if he needs care. She sits on a cushion by his feet as she braids her hair in the evenings, leans on his knee as she reads aloud, and Richard thinks, Not my little princess, but a queen now.
At the train station, she kisses him goodbye, and he hugs her close, and there are tears in her eyes as she says I love you.
Edmund is the closest to unrecognizable, the once-obvious four year span between he and Peter seemingly halved. He greets his father wordlessly, all shining eyes and bright smile, and his face is so close to Richard's own it makes his heart break a little.
Ed is no more little boy, he is tall, slim, oddly graceful, but his handclasp is strong. He holds himself the same way Peter does, with squared shoulders and lifted head, but he wears that nobility in a quieter fashion. He's quick to see, quick to hear, quick with a wisecrack that makes Peter laugh out loud. He plays the violin now. He returns the family Bible to the living room with an apology for having kept it since the summer holidays. He reads Agatha Christie as a personal challenge, whispers to Susan in French, and his chess games with Peter are fierce battles of strategy that Richard cannot keep pace with.
In discussions of the war and its movements, he is sober and considerate, he meets each of Peter's moods with a balancing counter, he has a way of phrasing questions that pull out stories Richard had never planned to tell.
A few nights before the children return to school, Richard sits up in bed, certain he has heard a faint cry, and he slips away from his exhausted wife to check on his children, remembering how Edmund had suffered from night terrors as a child, imagining little Lucy inflicted with some dark dream.
But all he finds is shadows in the boys' room, and quiet whispers—Peter's apologies, Edmund's reassurance, and allusions to things Richard has no context for. He lingers by the door, an outsider in his home, until silence falls, and he returns with morning light to find them curled together in Peter's bed, Pete with an arm over Ed, and the father's love is bittersweet.
They have fought their own battle over here, on the home ground, Richard reminds himself. In their own way they have each faced terror and learned to conquer or be conquered, but perhaps he can meet them somewhere in between. Only time will tell.
On the train platform, Ed hugs his father tightly, gives him a smile, tells him to keep out of trouble.
Lucy is the least changed, though she too is taller and stronger, and her eyes are deeper. She still sings, still dances, still tries to make friends with all the animals, still smiles and speaks kind and stares dreaming at the Christmas tree.
She still gives fierce hugs, still climbs into her father's lap, though her head comes up higher on his chest, on his shoulder.
But then he finds gaps in his library, and Lucy returns the medical books with a winsome apology, she asks questions about his practices in the field, she winces but does not shy away from the blood and broken things he speaks of.
Then she recites long poems, words spinning off her tongue until they become half song; she dances swift and graceful, she and Peter laughing and stepping and clapping and spinning in intricate patterns to the swing song on the radio; and it is she who, breathless, quotes Byron: "On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined!"
Her comfort is both generous and thoughtful, and she strokes her father's hair with a motherly hand that makes his eyes sting, and he kisses her fingers, looks up at her to whisper, "Don't- don't grow up quite so fast, my darling."
When she hugs him on the platform, Susan waiting for her, the boys already gone, she doesn't want to let go, and there are tears on her cheek, that he wipes away gently. "Be careful, Daddy," she whispers. "Get strong. Take care of Mummy."
"Yes, little mother," he smiles back.
And then they are all gone, and he takes a cab home, weary of his still-recovering body.
He will have to learn his children all over again, he thinks. But he is proud of them still. That has not changed.
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What’s Your Current Energy and The Energy You’ll Come Into?
[ With a Bonus Mini Letter from Your Inner Self ]
Before I begin the reading I’d like to take a moment to talk about: Monterey Bay Aquarium. They’re a non-profit organization that aims to inspire conservation of the ocean. If you’re interested do check them out and if you’d like to further support them click donate.
Divider Credit: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
New song discovery for the reading: Ecstasy by Anna Tsuchiya
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1. 2. 3.
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🚨 P.S.A 🚨 : I do not give personal readings! Disclaimer: this is for entertainment only!
Added Description: all my readings are timeless and meant to reach those who resonate to the messages.
[ General Messages: 3; Secret Circle; Rings; Chesapeake Bay; Pink and Purple; “Pick Me”; Uses this :3 text emoji; Slow Burn; Gradual changes; Relationship Content; Insecurity; Free things; DnD; WhatsApp; Comparison; Anticipation; Lana Del Rey; Coquette & Cottegcore; Becauseimmissy content ]
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Pile 1
Cards: 6 of Swords; The Chariot; 2 of cups ®; 9 of Pentacles ®; The High Priestess; 2 of Pentacles
[ Messages: Izana Kurokawa; Temperament; Full Moon; Sagittarius or Capricorn Moon; 222; Strength; Unconditional Love; Diluted; Akon (?); Jealousy, Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo; Heal; 19 or 22; “Silver-Spoon”; Kyle; Craving; Fanfics; 66; 9; June 6th ]
This is oddly specific but Kyle kept popping up…so idk if you are or dealing with a person with that name. It may be an extra confirmation.
Your Current Energy:
You may have moved on from a romantic connection (I’m not getting platonic), I’m getting the sense that you’re in a good place right now. It could have been a big accomplishment because we have the chariot (major arcana). You might’ve experienced a traditional connection that ended up being what you imagined.
For some reason, I keep thinking about relationship advice on tiktok and twitter (discourses). It may have placed a negative effect on your perception of what a relationship is supposed to look like. For a few, you may have grown up around traditional relationships and (might subconsciously) sought for that. Overall there is an emphasis on Traditional relationships regarding gender roles and stereotypes. I feel like it doesn’t help that there’s also a new-age agenda of approaching (new) relationships (mind games) as well as isolation.
After experiencing that you might’ve thought, “Why does everyone want this?” Or “Relationships aren’t all that great”. There’s this sense of having a nihilistic view in love because of media and personal experience. Which, I don’t blame you.
I don’t know if you recently stumbled on a post or something about love but I feel like it challenged your stance on it. Which leads to you wanting a better mindset of love & connections despite what you’ve gone through. Currently, you may be trying to find the balance in your connection (with yourself and other people) and getting to really know yourself.
The energy you’ll come into:
With the high priestess here, you may be learning how to be in tune with your emotions and your gut when it comes to people/connections. I feel like, because you’re getting to know yourself better and starting to understand what you want you’ll have an easier time seeking balance.
Compromise and balance is being emphasized in this reading, so maybe that’s the thing you’ll be focusing on (healing). What is your relationship with Compromise and Balance? How did it affect you? I also see that this will come once understanding nuances instead of having an “extremist” view. Another thing is that you crave for a stable relationship and seek it by finding someone who is stable.
Which is fine but there’s this big need of: them having to be “the (perfect) one” before entering in a committed relationship. You may have gotten fs readings/astro stuff because of this. The funny thing here is — in order to be in a committed relationship is to be okay with the unknown and trusting yourself. I know it’s easier said than done but that’s what I’m getting.
Another thing I’m getting is how you’re challenging yourself to be more focused on yourself in terms of finances, health, and basically practical things. There’s this sense of being grounded; how you want to treat yourself via materials and consumption.
Letter from Your Inner Self
“Who said we have to be rigid to be treated like ‘royalty’? Look at Simba! He's fun and outgoing — he’s still a well respected king and with the love of his life! We need to loosen up a bit, be more courageous when it comes to stepping out of our comfort zone. The longer we stay in our old ways we’ll end up living with regret, that’s worse than living with consequences! How about we do the first thing we were scared of? If we get a booboo on our knee that’s fine at least we did it. If they don’t show interest then that’s okay too, we can continue to sail. All I’m saying is we should have the courage to go with the flow and live our life to the fullest instead of wallowing or through the screen/fantasies. Let’s embrace the unknown and hope for the best, yeah?”
Alrighty pile 1 that’s all I have for you today. Thank you so much for sticking through until the end, I greatly appreciate it. I’m giving you virtual hugs 🫂 and shooting hearts at you! 🧡🧡🔫 *Pew Pew*
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Pile 2
Cards: Knight of Swords; King of Pentacles; Empress ®; 10 of Cups; Knight of Cups; The Devil
[ Confirmation Messages: Rollercoaster; Lilo & Stitch; “Inner Demons”; Renaldo from Los Espookys; Camera; Water and Earth Placements; San Francisco; Fear; Amusement Parks; Kali Uchis; ‘Take a Seat’; Road-trips; Night Drives; 333 ]
Your Current Energy
Okay Pile 2 your current energy is stable in terms of finances (as well as materialistic things) and you’re well grounded. You may be looking into how you can better your current financial stability or just being more responsible by getting your needs met especially in money matters.
Another thing is — there’s this sense of caution in regards to spending money. Now, I can’t give financial advice (it’s not my forte) but I can give reassurance. If there is a bit of wiggle room to spend on a snack or on that t-shirt you like then it’s okay to get it. I feel like there’s this sense of shame in regard to spending despite being able to afford things.
I used to feel this way as well and I remember talking to my cousin about it. They would tell me, “Whenever I feel guilty about spending on things I like, I think about the amount of hard working hours I put in to be able to afford it.” To lessen the guilt or shame of buying something that makes us* happy. This doesn’t have to apply to huge spends — can be minor ones like an album or that pint of ice cream you’ve been eyeing at the store.
There’s just this sense of guilt of spending which leads to a bigger guilt of not being able to nurture yourself in the way you want to. I feel like there’s this blame you have towards yourself for wanting things and punishing yourself for not doing it (the “damned if you do damned if you don’t” situation). Based on your cards I don’t see money issues (currently going on) but I do see the trauma linked to it. I don’t know if this stems from childhood or recent experiences.
(If you can, talk with someone you trust. They may have some insight that you need or just connecting with someone in general.)
The Energy You’ll Come Into
What’s funny is: there’s this sense of “fuck it we ball” vibe. I don’t know how it got to this sudden shift but it’s reminding me of one of the reasons why this acc exists. So maybe a tiktok or reel will piss you off into buying something for yourself with zero shame.
( I struggle with imposter syndrome, when I saw a YouTube short of someone dropping a 50lb lollipop from a rooftop and called it an “experiment” (it’s just obnoxious food waste! There was no science or anything!). I got so mad that they were earning money for wasting food I ended up saying “fuck this I’m adding to society” and boom here I am lol. )
I’m not saying your financial trauma is going to magically disappear but there is this sense of being fed up with how it makes you feel. If you are (or will be) seeing a therapist you may be working on your relationship with this financial trauma. I think another thing that you will be coming into is learning how spending and financial issues have affected you. I feel like during this period you may be reflecting on your relationship with money while doing exposure therapy.
But yeah the energy you’ll come into is indulgence and emotional fulfillment (however be careful as to not over do it) without zero shame. Despite not having any balance cards besides the King of Pentacles — I do feel like that’s what you’ll be coming into. Working on balancing your wants and needs while regulating your emotions when it comes to money.
Letter from Your Inner Self
“I know we struggled with money but we’ve put in the hard work to make ourselves happy. Why not bask in our success for just a minute? Why not see how far we come by planning something for ourselves? Can’t we at least congratulate ourselves for putting our foot in the door and say “I did it”! Because we did do that! Yeah, yeah we dealt with delays, some difficulties along the way but we pulled through! We did that, baby! We made it happen — we have a job, a career! Let's celebrate ourselves and give ourselves the gratitude we deserve. We fucking earned it!”
Alrighty pile 2 that’s all I have for you today. Thank you so much for sticking through until the end, I greatly appreciate it! I’m wishing you the best! Remember it’s okay to have nice things for yourself! 🧡
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Pile 3
Cards: Page of Swords; The World; 7 of Cups; Page of Pentacles; Knight of Cups; The Hierophant ®
[ Confirmation Messages: Astrology; Occult; Investments in Hobbies; Culinary Arts; New Passions; Lack; TikTok; Radios; Seltzers; Renaissance Fair; OktoberFest (?); Young or New Energy; Amethyst Crystal (Pendant); Twilight; Taking a Leap of Faith; Vampires; Vibrant Personality: 3 Body Problem ]
Your Current Energy
Your energy is like the sun after a cloudy day — like it is not like the other two piles. To be honest your excitement feels so contagious (in a good way). So you may have been very patient in the past or passive. You kind of just let life pass you by until something comes up.
When it did come to you and you took that chance it’s as if the world showed itself. There's so many options to choose from and that’s what’s getting you super excited. I feel called to say there are not wrong choices as it can work out with persistence and hard work.
Since you are in the process of accomplishing things or already achieved it — you may be wanting to expand/explore what’s out there for you. Let's say you got your drivers license, now you get to drive to the place you want. Or let’s say you took a chance on an idea then suddenly, you get loads of engagement. Because you took this chance a lot of opportunities are coming your way to the point it’s almost overwhelming.
The Energy You’ll Come Into
Because you’re putting in the work towards something you love — you’ll feel more fulfilled. I feel like whatever you’re working on will be another way to gain connections. It doesn’t have to be transactional connections — it just means you may make friends along the way or collaborate.
This especially applies to people who went the “unconventional route”. It feels like you made a decision that really aligns with you. I think what also really inspired you is seeing how people made their dreams come true, even if it’s by doing the simplest things. There is encouragement to remain open to what’s to come, especially when it comes to your creative skills.
I’m not getting too much on your future energy besides you making an earning from it and feeling fulfilled. I am getting this celebratory vibe that you have done it from the ground up. Through your patience and perseverance you were able to make it happen. I’m also getting a confirmation “yes, do it” to the question you’ve been really really thinking about.
Letter from Your Inner Self
“Listen…I know your intuition and anxiousness is going haywire right now. However, to feel your intuition you’ll feel a strong and I mean a strong pull to do something. I’m encouraging you to do it — do it even if you’re alone. You’ll never know the outcome unless you do it. Yes it’s unconventional but what’s the harm in taking that chance? We did it once, why not do it again and see where it takes us? It’ll make us happier knowing we did it instead of never doing anything. I believe in us, so don’t lose hope.”
Alrighty Pile 3 that’s all I have for you. Thank you so much for reading until the end, I greatly appreciate it! I’m so excited for you and wishing for things to go smoothly! Best of luck! 🍀🧡
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 day
Crushed | Jeno Fic #1 (feat. Jisung)
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Title: Crushed
Genre: College AU
Warnings: a love triangle is heavily implied, kissing is involved. reader is little insecure
Word Count: ~14k
Author's Note: Like my other lengthier works, this story took ages to complete. I actually started writing it last year and the motivation to keep going was very slow. But I was determined to finish this story and now it's finally done! I know love triangles are cliché, but I've always wanted to use it in a story. I feel like not many people will be interested in reading this story, but I do hope that those who do will enjoy it. Thank you for reading and please leave comments ^ ^
~ cats and coffee
“Hyung, Hyung—that’s her!” The younger one exclaimed in a hushed tone, shaking the elder’s shoulder.
Jeno’s eyes shifted upward to you standing behind the counter, donning a barista uniform. Your dark hair was neatly tied in a half ponytail and the round, silver-rimmed glasses added a scholarly charm, partially concealing your features. While your appearance might not be the most striking, there was a soft warmth about you that made others feel at ease.
“Kim (Y/n)?” He repeated, turning back to his friend.
Jisung nodded with a dreamy look in his eyes. “Isn’t she pretty?”
“Yeah I guess so,” Jeno shrugged. “Is she the reason you’ve been coming here so often?”
The younger boy’s cheeks tinged red as he bashfully rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe…”
Jeno never thought he’d see the day when Park Jisung—who used to run away from any girl who looked his way— had a crush. It felt…weird.
“How do you know her?” Jisung then asked, brows furrowing in curiosity.
Leaning back in his seat, Jeno replied, “She joined Jaemin’s club this year. I volunteer with her at the pet shelter.”
To be honest, Jeno hadn’t paid a great deal of attention to you before. The first time he saw you was during the first week of the semester when you joined the animal volunteer club, which he was a board member for. Aside from first-day introductions, you appeared rather reserved during meetings and often kept to yourself. 
Given Jeno’s own introverted nature, it took some time for him to actually talk to you. Even though he was in his third year of college, he still got shy when it came to meeting new people. In fact, it wasn’t until the two of you were assigned together to work with the cats that you were compelled to become more acquainted. Your shared love for the felines definitely eased the initial awkwardness. Despite this newly formed connection, his interactions with you stayed within the club’s activities.
Jisung gaped at this newfound information. “Seriously? You never told me that before!”
“Well I didn’t know you were interested in her,” Jeno teased, taking a sip of his iced americano. 
Just as they were talking about you, you caught Jeno's eyes and sent a kind smile in his direction. He observed as you exchanged a few words with your coworker and then walked over to their table. 
“Hi Sunbae, sorry for not noticing you earlier,” you apologized sheepishly, briefly adjusting the frames of your glasses.
“No worries. You looked busy over there,” Jeno assured you, before gesturing towards his friend across the table. “This is my friend, Park Jisung, by the way.”
Feeling a bit awkward now that he was in the presence of his crush, Jisung managed a small wave. “Hi,” he mumbled.
The warm smile you kindly offered gradually put him at ease. “Hey, you’re a dance major right?”
“Yeah, how did you know?” The boy’s eyes widened, raising a hand over his mouth in surprise that you recognized him.
You chuckled a hint of bashfulness in your demeanor. “I saw you dance at the freshman retreat. You were so cool, I could never do something like that.”
Observing the blush on Jisung's cheeks intensify, Jeno couldn't help but smirk involuntarily. “Oh—thanks. I’m glad you liked it,” Jisung said shyly, scratching his head. 
You glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing you couldn’t keep talking forever. A part of you felt guilty for having to cut the conversation short. But you also didn’t want to leave your coworker by herself for too long.
“Well, I better get back to work,” you sighed, briefly shifting your focus back at the two boys with a small smile. “I'll see you at tomorrow's club meeting, Sunbae. And it was nice meeting you, Jisung-ssi.”
As you excused yourself, Jeno and Jisung exchanged glances, both wearing smiles that lingered even after she left.
“She’s exactly how I imagined her to be. Kind and sweet,” Jisung said, the dreamy expression returning to his face. “Do you think I have a chance with her?”
Jeno shrugged, lifting his drink again. “Yeah, why not? You should try getting to know her more though.”
“How am I supposed to do that when I get so nervous when she’s around?” Jisung groaned, holding his head in his hands. 
Jeno watched his friend sympathetically, unsure of what to say. It wasn’t like he had much experience with girls either—not because he had some irrational fear of them like Jisung did. In fact, several girls eyed him on campus. But he just wasn’t interested in any of them.
Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Jisung’s head. “Wait, can you help me get with her, Hyung?”
The male across from him raised an eyebrow. “Why me?”
“You said you're in the same club as her. Maybe you could invite her to hang out with us sometime,” Jisung suggested.
“We’re not really that close,” Jeno mumbled, contemplating his friend’s request. He’s never been asked to play the matchmaker role before, so he wasn’t sure if he could do a good job. However, he couldn’t resist the hopeful look in the younger one’s eyes.
“Please do this for me, Hyung. I'll do anything you want!”
The desperation in the boy’s plea caused Jeno to sigh in defeat. “Okay, I guess I can help,” he relented, crossing his arms. “But you have to buy me snacks for the rest of this month.”
Jisung pumped his fist in the air. “No problem! You’re the best, Jeno Hyung.”
Back behind the counter, your eyes flitted in the boy’s direction again. A smile crept on your lips, noticing the animated expressions on Jisung’s face in contrast to Jeno’s calm demeanor. They seemed like really good friends as if nothing could tear them apart. 
Little did they know that their friendship would be tested.
~ an accidental start to something
The following Saturday, Jeno spent the afternoon at the pet shelter, where they gladly welcomed their club. He was paired up with you to clean the litter boxes, and you were able to finish the task sooner than expected. With some extra time on their hands, you decided to hang out in the nursery where the playful kittens were waiting.
Jeno observed you affectionately cradling a fluffy black kitten. He couldn’t help but smile at how your eyes lit up joyfully. It always fascinated him to see your reserved demeanor fade away in the presence of something you had great fondness for.
He chuckled when a kitten playfully pawed at the shoelaces on his sneakers. Jeno gently scooped up the little one in his arms.
“That one seems to like you,” you remarked, breaking the silence.
Jeno smiled, softly stroking the cat’s head with his finger. “Yours seems to like you too.”
“I wish I could just take him home with me,” you sighed, leaning over to gently nuzzle your nose against the kitten’s tiny black one. Unfortunately, the dorms didn’t allow pets.
He nodded understandingly, “I know what you mean.”
As the conversation flowed between the two, Jeno decided this was a good time to bring up his friend. “So, what do you think of Jisung?” He asked casually.
A thoughtful expression formed on your face as you placed the kitten in your lap. “He seemed nice. Why do you ask?”
“Well, we’re planning to see a movie tomorrow,” Jeno mentioned, a hopeful glint in his eyes. “And I was wondering if you want to join us?”
You hesitated, your eyes momentarily drifting away from the adorable cat to meet his gaze. “Oh... I wouldn't want to intrude…”
“You wouldn't be intruding,” Jeno reassured a warm smile on his face. “I'm just trying to get Jisung to make more friends his age. That’s all.”
After a moment of pondering, you smiled back. "Sure, I’d love to then.”
For some reason, Jeno didn’t expect you to agree so easily. But this certainly made his job a lot easier. He could already visualize the male’s surprised but excited expression when he learned that you said yes.
Jeno observed Jisung fidgeting nervously, as they stood in the lobby of the movie theater. The younger male kept stealing glances at the door, his excitement mingling with anxiety as they waited for your arrival.
Jisung clutched the popcorn bucket tightly in his hands. “I just can’t believe I'll finally get to hang out with her. What if I end up saying something stupid? Or if I—”
“All you have to do is be yourself and you’ll be fine,” Jeno interjected, putting an end to his friend’s anxious rambling.
Though Jisung nodded in response, he didn’t appear any calmer. Chuckling, Jeno gave him a reassuring pat on the back.
“Relax, Jisung-ah,” he said, “She’ll be here soon.”
As if on cue, you rushed through the front entrance, your hair slightly disheveled and cheeks flushed with haste.  
“I’m sorry for being late,” you exclaimed, trying to catch your breath. “A whole wave of people came in when my shift ended, and I couldn’t leave my coworker by herself.”
Jeno waved off your apology with a smile, “Don’t worry, you’re fine. We were just about to head in.”
He glanced over to Jisung who timidly extended the red bucket of popcorn towards her. 
“Here, um…I got this for you,” he mumbled, his words barely audible. The boy’s nerves eased when your eyes lit up with gratitude as you accepted the snack from him.
“Oh thank you. You didn’t have to do that,” you said softly, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. 
Jeno couldn’t discern whether you were touched by Jisung’s gesture or if it was simply your shy tendencies at play. Either way, the three of you headed into the theater room together and found your seats among the dimly lit rows. Throughout the movie, Jeno is mostly occupied with the plot unfolding on the large screen. However, he occasionally caught Jisung stealing nervous glances at Eunji from the corner of his eyes. Huh, he must really like her,  he thought to himself.
Two and a half hours later, the theater lights switched back on and people began to file out of the room accordingly. However, just as the three of them made their way outside the theater, Jisung suddenly realized his phone was missing.
“It must’ve slipped out of my pocket in the theater,” Jisung muttered, before turning to you and Jeno with a sheepish smile. “I’ll go back to find it. Are you okay with waiting here?”
You gave him a reassuring nod. “Of course, we won’t go anywhere.”
He smiled appreciatively before darting back into the building. Jisung’s absence left a subtle awkwardness in the air, a natural occurrence when two introverts were standing next to each other. In an attempt to move past that awkwardness, Jeno cleared his throat.
“So…what did you think of the movie?” 
His question ignited a spark of excitement in your eyes as if you had been waiting to discuss the movie with someone.
Though still appearing composed, you adjusted the strap of your purse. “I thought it was pretty good. I’m a big fan of action films.”
“Really?” Jeno cocked an eyebrow in amusement. “You don’t strike me as the type to enjoy the action genre.”
Your head tilted slightly with a smirk. “Why? Did you think I was more into cheesy rom-coms?”
“Kind of, to be honest,” Jeno said, rubbing the back of his neck. He couldn’t hold back a chuckle, having never witnessed this playful side of you before.
You placed a hand over your chest, pretending to be offended. “Well for your information, Sunbae. I happen to—”
Before you could finish your sentence, Jeno’s head shifted in the direction of the vibrating engine sound that filled his ears. Just as you also turned to see a red delivery motorbike charging straight towards you, Jeno’s body reacted faster than his mind.
The motorbike almost hit you when his hand wrapped around your wrist and swiftly pulled you back. As you stumbled forward, his other arm encircled your waist, holding you steady.
Once the vehicle had driven a safe distance away, Jeno met your eyes, which mirrored the shock on his own. His hand remained tightly wrapped around your wrist, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn’t tell if it was from the near-collision or from how close you were to him at that moment, your faces mere inches apart.
Time seemed to stand still, as the two of you stared at each other with shaky breaths. The proximity with you sent a surge of warmth coursing through Jeno’s veins, as he realized how mesmerizing your face was up close. And as he gazed into your eyes, it was practically obvious that an instant flutter of attraction had stirred within the both of you.
However, that flutter was immediately overtaken by guilt. Quickly composing himself, Jeno released his grip on your hand and helped fix your position.
“You’re not hurt anywhere?” he asked, his voice slightly hoarse.
You also seemed to snap out of it, giving him a light nod in response. “Y-yeah, thank you,” you stammered, pressing your index fingers instinctively adjusting the alignment of your glasses.
His shoulders sank a little, feeling reassured by your answer. “It was nothing, really,” he replied kindly. 
Shortly after that exchange, Jisung came dashing out of the theater once more with his phone in hand. He returned to them with a flushed smile on his face
“Found it!” he said, “Do you guys want to go eat now?”
Jeno unintentionally met your eyes with a hint of hesitation before you turned to Jisung with a sweet nod. “Yeah, Jisung-ah. Let’s go.”
The dark-haired male trailed behind, listening as Jisung blabbered to you about his thoughts on the movie. His mind was racing with conflicted thoughts, and his heart still hadn’t stopped beating rapidly. Jeno cursed to himself, sincerely hoping this feeling would quickly fade away. 
Because if he wasn’t overthinking it, he might have just fallen for his best friend’s crush.
~ getting too close
The university cafeteria hummed with the usual midday energy as Jeno spotted Jisung already seated at a table on the far right. Holding the metal tray of heaping food steadily in his hands, Jeno began making his way over. However, his footsteps slowed when he noticed you sitting across from Jisung. The three of you had never eaten lunch together before.
For a moment, Jeno contemplated just leaving and finding somewhere else to eat. No matter how hard he tried, his mind kept drifting to you since the incident that occurred a few days ago. The worst part was that he knew it was wrong to think about the first girl with whom Jisung avidly expressed his infatuation. Jeno repeatedly told himself that whatever he was feeling was temporary and would eventually go away if he ignored them.
“Jeno Hyung!” The sound of Jisung’s deep voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Jeno’s eyes flitted to the younger male, who waved his hand for him to come join them.
Knowing it would be hard to escape, Jeno’s feet reluctantly started moving again. He tried to appear as casual as possible as he took a seat next to Jisung.
“Glad I found you,” he mumbled, before briefly turning to greet you. “Hey, (Y/n)-ssi.”
You bowed your head politely. “It’s nice to see you, Jeno Sunbae.”
Jeno couldn’t help but detect an inexplicable layer beneath the typically reserved smile you were giving him. Maybe he hadn’t been the only one who couldn’t shake off the thoughts of what happened not too long ago. He tried not to dwell on that fantasy too much.
“(Y/n) and I were talking about the spring festival at the end of the month,” Jisung said, quickly filling him in on what he missed before he arrived. 
He nodded, picking up his chopsticks. “You’ll be performing with the dance team, right?”
“Yep, we’ve been preparing since the semester break,” Jisung said proudly, turning to you. “You’ll come to see it, right?”
Jeno noticed the genuine warmth in your smile toward the boy. “Of course, I will. I couldn’t miss something like that,” you replied affirmatively.
Your response made Jisung blush, causing him to lower his gaze slightly. Somehow, watching this exchange between the two of you left this gnawing feeling inside him. He wasn’t entirely sure why though.
His eyes followed when your attention momentarily shifted to your phone, which brightened with a text notification. Your brow furrowed as you read the message before looking up at him and Jisung.
“My friend Misun just texted, saying she signed up for a cooking class this Saturday. But apparently, all her friends ended up canceling due to schedule conflicts,” you explained, your eyes flickering between them. “She asked if I wanted to take their spots. I don’t know, would you guys be interested?”
Jeno’s mind clouded with uncertainty, as he turned to meet Jisung’s eyes. However, the boy’s eyes were already lighting up.
Jisung shrugged, “Well I’m not that great at cooking. But it sounds fun, right Jeno Hyung?”
“Huh—oh sure, why not?” Jeno fumbled over his words, agreeing without a second thought. 
You beamed, “Great, I’ll let her know.”
To be honest, Jeno wasn’t sure if this was a great idea. But Jisung already seemed so excited about a new opportunity to spend time with you and he felt obligated to be there as moral support. Although, he was no longer confident in how effective he could be as moral support.
From the moment the cooking class started, Jeno didn’t feel too good. The class was divided into pairs. Of course, he encouraged Jisung to be your partner so the male could spend more time with you. He was left to work with Misun, who had invited them to today’s occasion. She was in the same grade as you were and Jeno vaguely recognized her from the university’s cheerleading team. Although he didn’t hate this arrangement, he honestly wished they weren’t stationed across from you.
Jeno was barely making any progress cutting ingredients for the soup everyone was supposed to make. His attention was drawn to Jisung nervously flipping through the recipe. He knew that Jisung was pretty much clueless when it came to cooking. However, Jeno observed you calmly instructing him to wash the vegetables, as you began heating water in a medium-sized pot. 
Your friend’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Don’t you think they look cute together?” 
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m glad (Y/n) is there to make sure Jisung won’t burn the kitchen down,” he replied, quickly regaining his composure.
Misun chuckled, her hand hovering near her mouth. “Honestly I was kinda surprised (Y/n) agreed to come today, she doesn’t usually attend these types of events.”
“Oh, really?” he asked.
“Yeah, but I think she's been trying to step out of her comfort zone lately,” Misun nodded, swiftly adding the chopped potatoes he had cut into the boiling pot. “And her inviting you guys to come makes more sense to me now.”
Jeno didn’t need to question further to understand what she was implying. Their gazes returned to you, who was guiding Jisung on how to mince garlic. A soft sigh escaped him, unintentionally. You truly did seem to enjoy Jisung’s company.
Shaking his head, Jeno attempted to concentrate more on the task at hand. For the next twenty minutes, he managed to be more productive. Just as everyone in the class was almost done making their soups, Misun asked him to cut some green onions for garnish.
However as he was doing so, the sound of your laugh mixed with Jisung’s reached his ears. Without thinking, he looked up to watch the two of you. He wondered what you guys were laughing about. From across the room, Jeno noticed that Jisung seemed noticeably more at ease in your presence now.
As Jeno’s eyes lingered on the scene before him, his hand slipped and the sharp edge of the knife pierced the tip of his thumb. A curse flew out of his mouth, and he barely registered Misun’s gasp that followed seconds after. When he opened his eyes, he found you rushing towards him with a folded paper towel in hand. Concern etched across your features as you placed it under his finger to catch the blood that was already dripping.
“Hyung, are you okay?” Jisung’s panicked voice came from behind you as he approached. 
Trying not to grimace as the sting of the cut started to kick in, Jeno forced a smile. “Yeah, it’s not that bad.”
“Not that bad, my foot,” you muttered, turning to the teacher who had come over with a first-aid kit. “Chef-nim, is it okay if I step out with Jeno to take care of his injury?”
Of course, the chef gave you the blue plastic box. With the paper towel still pressed against his finger, Jeno watched as you briefly glanced back at Jisung and Misun.
“Jisung, you’ll be okay right?” you asked, wanting to make sure he’d be alright without you there to finish things.
The male hesitated for a second before nodding eagerly, “Yeah—I can handle things, (Y/n).”
“I can help Jisung too if he needs it,” Misun chimed in, “You two go ahead.”
With their assurances confirmed, Jeno soon found himself seated on a bench in the hallway beside you. His thumb pulsed with a relentless drumbeat, throbbing with pain. Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but be drawn to the way you were delicately tending to his wound, even as worry furrowed your brow. Perhaps, you were one of the few people who looked at him like that.
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” he said quietly, glancing down as you finally managed to stop the bleeding. 
As you set the red-soaked paper towel aside, you reached for some gauze to clean the cut with an antiseptic solution. Jeno bit down on his lip, suppressing a wince from the sting of it, even though you were being careful.
Focused on treating his wound meticulously, you spoke without meeting his eyes. “You’re right, but it’s the least I can do. Especially after you literally saved my life last time.”
Though he wanted to, Jeno couldn’t find an argument against that. Once you finished cleaning the cut, you wrapped his finger with some white bandage. He noticed you pause after as you held his hand momentarily, before returning it to his lap. His eyes met yours in a brief, yet charged five seconds that made his heart pound—rather against his will. This situation felt too much like déjà vu to him. Was he the only one?
You then cleared your throat, shifting your gaze to look straight ahead. Subconsciously, you pushed up your glasses that had fallen slightly off the bridge of your nose.
“Try to be careful when using your left hand. Your thumb should heal in a few weeks.”
“Thank you,” he breathed, also having trouble making eye contact with you.
A small exhale was let out by you, before glancing in his direction again. Jeno could tell you wanted to say something, but you seemed to hold back this time.
“No problem, Sunbae,” you smiled at him, rising from the bench. “We should go back to our friends. I’ve never seen Jisung look so frightened before. He seemed really worried about you.”
The mention of Jisung’s name stung worse than the knife had. Jeno hadn’t even thought about him since they left, and he hated himself for it. This day was supposed to be for his friend to get closer to you. Not him.
One thing for sure was that Jeno didn’t know what he was doing anymore.
~ the moment of realization
As the month flew by, Jeno tried but failed to limit his interactions with you. Hangouts with you and Jisung became more frequent, and the younger male often pleaded for his presence as moral support. Jeno tried to ignore his growing feelings for you. But it was hard when his spare time was now consistently consumed by being a part of this trio.
Then during the next club meeting, fate landed him and you paired to volunteer at the pet shelter again. He tried to convince Jaemin to trade shifts with him, but couldn’t find a plausible excuse without risking his secret being exposed or accidentally casting you in a negative light.
So he unfortunately found himself in the back room, folding freshly cleaned laundry alongside you. As the piles of white towels and soft cat beds grew around them, Jeno couldn’t help but steal occasional glances at you, observing how you folded the towels so meticulously. If you sensed his gaze on you, Jeno couldn’t tell.
“I’m looking forward to seeing Jisung perform at the spring festival next week. Are you?” you asked, once again breaking the awkward silence between you. Jeno mentally chastised himself for not initiating the conversation himself.
He nodded, mustering a tentative smile. “Yeah, I am. Jisung shines the most when he’s dancing.”
Before Jeno could hear your agreement, a staff member positioned near the doorway caught both of your attention. “Can you guys bring some kittens back to their condos from the private room?” she asked politely, her eyes darting between the both of you. “The customer decided to come back another time.”
“Of course, we’ll take care of it.” He heard you reply in the sweet, natural tone you often used around people in general.
The staff member sent the both of you a grateful smile, and stepped aside, allowing him and you to make your way to the private room. However, once you got there, there were no tiny felines in sight. As you mumbled words of concern, Jeno crouched down near the big blue chair to search for any hint of movement.
“Um, I think they’re under here,” Jeno said, his suspicions confirmed as he spotted two black furballs discernible only by their light green eyes.
You bent down to his level, your expression softening as you took a closer look. “Poor things, they must be scared.”
“Yeah I guess whoever came by must’ve unintentionally frightened them,” he agreed, extending his arm in an attempt to bring the kittens out from under the chair. However, his actions only served to make them shrink further against the wall.
Jeno let out a sigh of frustration, sitting up to see if you had any ideas on how to get the kittens out. He noticed the frown on your lips deepen, as you briefly scanned the room. Then, he saw your eyes light up with determination as you picked up a discarded cat wand from the floor.
With curiosity, Jeno watched as you crouched down and shook the wand, causing the feather tip to swish against the ground. “Come on, little ones,” you cooed gently, your voice sounding like a soothing melody in the quiet room.
It didn’t take long for the tantalizing movements to attract the kittens, inevitably coaxing them out of their hiding place. Jeno felt relief wash over him, as he finally scooped up one of the kittens, while you did the same with its sibling.
“Wow, you’re a genius,” he complimented absentmindedly, genuinely impressed by your quick thinking. 
You lightly chuckled, a hint of bashfulness coloring your cheeks. “You don’t have to exaggerate, Sunbae.”
As Jeno followed behind your lead back to the main room, he was unable to tear his gaze away from you. Something about witnessing you hug the tiny cat against your chest, placing little kisses on the top of its head, and whispering sweet words of assurance, triggered the feeling he had been trying to bury down throughout the entire month. 
Jeno held his kitten a little closer to his chest, feeling its warm black fur between his fingers. He knew then that he was officially doomed. No matter how hard he tried to remind himself of his loyalty to Jisung and resist the way you continued to make his heart race, he couldn’t stop himself from falling for you.
At that moment, Jeno realized that he was fighting a battle he was destined to lose.
~ how one kiss leads to catastrophe
Ever since you met up with Misun for the spring festival, the strange look she kept giving you was making you want to hide. After enduring ten minutes of her burning stature, you couldn’t take it anymore. When you finally sat down at one of the food stalls, waiting for the guys to arrive, you decided to speak up.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” you asked, wondering if you had done something to upset her.
Misun continued to eye you suspiciously. “Do you have a crush on Lee Jeno?” she answered with a question that immediately caught you off guard.
“W-what?” you laughed as if she just made a ridiculous statement. “No, I don’t…I mean… is it that obvious?” 
A smirk of satisfaction stretched across Misun’s lips as she saw your cheeks heating up as you anxiously awaited her response.
Casually leaning back in her seat, she crossed her arms. “Not necessarily. At first, I thought you liked Jisung. But then I started to wonder if it was Jeno after seeing you rush over to help him when he cut his finger.”
“So it is obvious,” you groaned in embarrassment, hiding your face in your hands. It was a good thing the guys hadn’t arrived yet, or else you’d be such an awkward mess.
Amusement danced in Misun’s eyes as she leaned forward on the table. “I can’t believe Kim (Y/n) has a crush on a guy. When did you start liking him?” she asked.
You pondered for a bit, tracing back to the events that occurred this past month. Your social life certainly has taken a turn ever since you became friends with Jeno and Jisung. Although you instinctively wanted to decline Jeno’s first invitation to hang out, Misun’s constantly chastising you for antisocial tendencies. In fact, she was the one who pushed you to join the animal volunteer club because she knew how much you liked cats.
“Well, I didn’t really pay much attention to him before, even though we saw each other at his club. I think it started after we watched a movie at the theater when he saved me from getting hit by a motorcycle,” you began to explain, recalling the details from that night.
Misun clasped a hand over her mouth and gasped, “No way, you had a k-drama moment!”
“I guess you could call it that,” you chuckled softly, lowering your gaze. “But the way he held me—so gently yet securely—and looking into his eyes, I don’t know…I just felt this spark?”
You weren’t exactly sure how to describe it. Honestly, you had been too focused on your academics and personal stuff to go anywhere near men. Yet that one heart-flutter moment with Jeno was enough to make you want to reconsider staying away from dating. It was sort of the catalyst that made you start to see Jeno in a different light.
“The more I spent time around Jeno, I just started to notice him more. Like how he can be quite funny when you get closer to him,” you continued, your voice softening with admiration. “He’s so good with the cats too, they always snuggle up to him when we visit the shelter. And he really is cute, like I don’t know how such a manly-looking guy can be so…endearing.”
Misun’s eyes widened in slight surprise. “Wow, you really do like him.”
“Gosh, I’m hopeless, aren’t I?” you mumbled, rather pitifully. You hadn’t even realized how fond you’ve become of the boy until Misun pointed it out.
 “Hopelessly in love,” Misun teased in a sing-song voice. “So, do you plan on confessing your feelings to him?”
Her question made your heart sink a little. “I don’t think so. He probably doesn’t feel the same as me, and I’d probably just make things awkward between us.”
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about what would happen if Jeno was aware of your crush on him. But for now, you were content with admiring him from afar, hesitant to pursue anything more. Misun, on the other hand, did not seem satisfied with that idea.
“Okay, I get what you’re saying, but I honestly think you have a pretty good chance, (Y/n),” Misun said, her tone brimming with conviction. “He literally couldn’t stop looking at you during the cooking class. Well, you know—until he cut his finger.”
While that did intrigue you a little, you didn’t want to entertain any false hope. You sighed, shaking your head in disbelief. “Misun, I really don’t think—”
“Trust me on this. I can even prove it to you,” she interrupted, her eyes gleaming with persistence. “We’ll do a little test. When Jeno and Jisung get here, I’ll ‘accidentally” spill something on your shirt. If Jeno likes you, he’ll offer his jacket.”
Your brow furrowed in perplexion. “I don’t see how that’s supposed to prove anything.”
“Because it’s a classic romantic gesture,” Misun insisted, tapping the table for emphasis. “It’ll work, I just know it.”
Although you were skeptical about Misun’s idea, you worried that any further disagreement would be futile. Maybe you could find a way to back out at the last minute. Besides, this so-called “test” couldn’t even happen if Jeno wasn’t wearing a jacket.
To your dismay, Jeno arrived wearing a denim jacket over a plain white t-shirt. Your stomach started doing somersaults when Misun waved him and Jisung over to your table.
“Great, you guys are finally here,” she said, flashing them both a smile as she gestured for them to sit. “We already ordered food, so it should be coming out soon.”
Jeno returned her smile with a nod and settled into the seat across from you. “Thanks. Sorry we’re a little late…we got sidetracked.”
“Wah, you guys should’ve seen Jeno Hyung arm wrestling!” Jisung exclaimed, his cheeks flushed with excitement. “It was so cool watching him beat all the guys that challenged him. Even Mark Hyung lost, and he’s really strong.”
For a moment, your nerves faded as you listened to Jisung ramble enthusiastically. It was cute to see him raving about his friend, especially with Jeno looking embarrassed. But you weren’t too surprised to hear about Jeno’s strength. You’ve noticed the prominent veins snaking along his muscular arms before—not that you were staring.
“It’s not a big deal, really,” Jeno said, brushing off Jisung’s praise. Strange, you didn’t think you'd seen him blush before.
But you found it interesting how they alternated between being shy and confident. Their dynamic was certainly something you continued to admire since getting to know them. 
Misun chimed in, giving you a nudge with her elbow. “I’d say that’s pretty impressive. Don’t you think, (Y/n)-ah?”
“Yeah, definitely,” you agreed, appearing calm on the outside, though the somersaults in your stomach resumed. You shot your friend a discreet glare before changing the subject.
“Anyway,” you said with a smile, hoping the anticipation in your voice was evident. “I can’t wait to see you dance later, Jisung!”
You guessed it was Jisung’s turn to be shy, as a light shade of pink tinged his cheeks. “Oh, thanks. I spent all last night practicing, but I’m still nervous,” he mumbled bashfully.
“I always tell him he has nothing to be nervous about,” Jeno quipped, rolling his eyes playfully. His remark only intensified the blush on Jisung’s cheeks as he glanced down at the table in embarrassment.
You and Misun shared a small laugh at the exchange. “Well, it’s only natural. But I know you’ll do great, Jisung-ah!”
Jisung exhaled deeply, his hand resting on his chest as he met your eyes with a sincere expression.
“Thanks, (Y/n)-ah. I definitely feel better having you—uh, I mean, all of you to support me,” he said, his voice laced with gratitude.
The four of you enjoyed the convivial atmosphere and loosened up when food and drinks were eventually delivered to your table. You almost forgot about Misun’s subtle scheme unfolding.
True to her earlier proposal, she passed you a preemptive look before “accidentally” knocking her elbow against the half-empty soju bottle in front of you. You gasped involuntarily as the cold liquid splashed onto your blouse. And now, you regret your decision to also wear white today.
Misun pushed her chair back, feigning a look of guilt. But you caught the mischievous glint in her eyes. “Oh no, I’m so clumsy! Sorry about that.”
Though her tone was apologetic, you didn’t miss the mischievous glint in her eyes before she shifted her gaze to the guys. Almost afraid to witness their reactions, you glanced down at the unflattering stain on your blouse. This was a lot more embarrassing than you thought it would be.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it, Misun,” you attempted to laugh it off, though your grip on the hem of your shirt betrayed your discomfort.
You were too flustered to notice as Jeno started to remove his jacket. However, when you glanced up, Jisung was already shrugging off his light blue hoodie and handing it to you.
“Here, wear this for now,” he offered, his eyes filled with concern.
You looked at him with slight surprise. “Oh, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I have to change later anyway,” he said earnestly. “It’ll keep you warm when it gets cold later tonight too!”
“Well—thanks, Jisung-ah,” you said kindly, hesitantly accepting the hoodie and slipping it on. 
The grin on Jisung’s face stretched so wide, but you were too overwhelmed with a different emotion to pick up on it. Although you did appreciate his gesture, a pang of disappointment gnawed at you, and you hated it. 
Meanwhile, Misun was watching Jeno closely. She saw how he paused mid-motion, his jacket still halfway off his shoulders, and caught the brief flicker of jealousy in his eyes as Jisung’s hoodie practically swallowed your petite frame. However, Jeno quickly regained his composure and smoothly slid his jacket back on as if nothing had happened.
Jisung glanced at his phone and took a deep breath. "Well, I better go get ready for the show tonight. I'll see you guys later?"
His eyes lingered on you, noticing your distant expression as you pondered how things hadn’t turned out the way you’d foolishly hoped.
"Yep, we'll be right in the crowd to cheer you on, Jisung-ah!" Misun replied enthusiastically for the both of you.
With that, Jisung waved one last time to you guys before heading off. Jeno cleared his throat and offered to throw out the trash from the table. As he excused himself, Misun grabbed your wrist before you could escape as well.
“Okay, I know things didn’t go exactly as planned. But—” she started to say.
This time, you shut her down by raising your hand. “No, I don’t want to hear it,” you shook your head, voice filled with irritation. “This was stupid. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Misun tugged on your wrist with urgency. “You have to listen to me, (Y/n). I saw Jeno was going to give you his jacket. Jisung just beat him to it!”
While you didn’t want to dismiss your friend’s words, you found them hard to believe. Standing with your arms crossed in uncertainty, the festival continued as your mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of Lee Jeno. You spotted him engaging in small talk with one of the seniors who was running the food stall where you had eaten.
Oh, how you wished seeing the way his eyes crinkled into half-crescents didn’t make your heart skip a beat. As the festival continued around you, your thoughts remained fixated on him. 
Misun was right about one thing, you were hopelessly in love.
Honestly, Jeno didn’t know what he was thinking when he had nearly offered you his jacket back there, acting almost out of instinct. Jisung was the one he was supposed to be encouraging to do those sorts of things. He hated how fast his heart continued to race with you sitting next to him in the auditorium.
Jeno could see the boy’s eyes practically bursting with joy when he saw you wearing his hoodie earlier. He should’ve been happy to see his friend make a move on the girl he liked. Compared to when he first met you, Jisung was coming out of his shell more, and Jeno wasn’t sure he entirely needed him to be his wingman anymore. However, Jisung had no idea how conflicted and inadequate Jeno felt in that role.
“Are you okay, Sunbae?” you asked, your voice bringing him back to reality. 
“Huh—oh yeah, I’m fine,” Jeno replied, scratching his head sheepishly. “Guess I just zoned out for a bit.”
Your eyes still carried a hint of concern, as if you weren’t fully convinced by his dismissive response. But before Jeno could offer further reassurance, Misun tapped your shoulder excitedly. “Look, the performance is starting!”
Both of you turned your attention to the stage as the lights came on. Jeno immediately spotted Jisung in the center position among the group. As the first song began to play, Jisung's body moved effortlessly with the beat. The group launched into a medley of legendary boy group hits from older groups like H.O.T and Shinhwa to contemporary acts like EXO and BTS.
Jisung led the charge, his movements precise and powerful, each step perfectly in sync with the music. The crowd’s energy surged as they recognized the familiar tunes and the dance team fed off that excitement, their performance growing more dynamic with each song. Jeno was always to see his friend who was usually so shy, transform into a powerhouse of energy and confidence once he got on stage.
Yet Jeno was focusing more on you, watching the way your face lit up in mesmerization as you were captivated by this side of Jisung you hadn’t seen much of before. Seeing you in Jisung’s hoodie only intensified the pit of jealousy gnawing at Jeno’s stomach. He couldn’t shake the feeling and realized he selfishly wanted to be the one to bring that light into your eyes.
He almost didn’t realize the performance had ended, except for the loud sound of applause as the stage went dark again. 
“Wow, Jisungie was amazing!” you exclaimed, gushing to him and Misun. “I’m so proud of him.”
Misun chuckled at your enthusiasm before glancing at her phone. “Well, this was nice. But I better get going now, my team leader wants to squeeze in one last practice before our performance on the second day of the festival.”
As Misun gathered her things to leave for practice, she bid you both a quick goodbye, promising to catch up later. Left standing in the bustling auditorium, Jeno turned to you with a smile.
"Want to wait outside? It's less crowded and quieter," he suggested, gesturing towards the exit. 
You agreed and soon found yourselves standing on a serene stone bridge just outside the festival grounds. He could tell you were still captivated by Jisung’s performance, not that he could blame you. The air was cooler outside, and Jeno was glad you had Jisung’s hoodie to keep you warm. Tall trees lined the path, their leaves rustling gently in the evening breeze. Though the sky was dark, the dim lights from the festival cast a soft, warm glow that created a peaceful atmosphere. 
As they walked along the bridge, Jeno heard you exhale. “You were right. Jisung truly does shine when he dances.”
“Yeah, he’s been dancing long before I even met him in high school,” he said with a hint of nostalgia in his voice. 
As you both talked about Jisung’s performance and reminisced about the recent memories you’ve shared as friends, Jeno felt his nerves die down a little. It was strange how the sight of you made him incredibly nervous, yet his body would automatically relax when you two talked. Despite not having much to say, he noticed your eyes focused intently on him whenever he spoke, and he could tell you were fully listening. 
A short silence settled you two, a familiar pause in his interactions with you, Jeno didn’t trust himself to speak, fearing he might ruin everything if he gave away his feelings. And just as the other times, you were the one to break the awkwardness. 
“You know, I don’t let many people in,” you confessed. “But I’m really glad I got closer to you and Jisung this semester.”
Jeno was slightly taken aback by the vulnerability he caught in your voice. Now that he thought about it, you had been somewhat withdrawn before he helped Jisung get closer to you. It wasn’t that you were cold, but he noticed you liked to be alone and only engaged with those you knew well, showing no interest in reaching out to others. He had never judged you for it, figuring you had your reasons.
He nodded thoughtfully, looking at you with an understanding smile. “Well, I’m glad you let us in. It’s been nice getting to know the mysterious barista girl who likes action movies and has a hidden talent for charming cats.”
“You’re so funny, Sunbae,” you giggled, shaking your head. Hearing your laugh was like music to his ears, as cliché as that sounded. 
The evening breeze rustled the leaves around you as Jeno saw you contemplate for a moment. “Honestly, I’ve really enjoyed our time together,” you began, your gentle voice sounding nervous but earnest. “And seeing you today made me realize that I don’t just see you as a friendly senior.”
Alerts went off in Jeno’s mind as he recognized the direction this conversation was taking.  No, this isn’t supposed to happen, he tried to tell himself, knowing how much Jisung liked you.
After exhaling softly, you spoke up. “I like you, Jeno Sunbae.”
For a moment, silence hung heavy between you, and Jeno knew you saw the conflicting emotions flicker across his face. He didn't know what to say, more so because he felt he shouldn’t say anything at all. Seeing your smile falter only made him feel worse.
“But it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way! I just wanted to get it off my chest,” you hurriedly added out of slight panic.
His eyes gaze into yours with the same intensity from that day he saved you from the motorcycle. So many emotions swirled within him, pushing Jeno to his limits. He couldn’t look at you without wanting something more. Before you could say anything else, Jeno impulsively cupped your face with his hands and leaned in, sharing the most passionate kiss either of you had ever experienced. 
Your lips were softer than he imagined them, carrying a faint taste of the soju you both had earlier. As he deepened the kiss, he could feel the slight pressure of your glasses against his cheek. But in that moment he didn’t care, his desire to be close to you overwhelmed any minor distraction.
Almost immediately, you melted into the kiss, as if you both had secretly longed for this moment. One of Jeno’s hands slid down to the back of your neck, his fingers threading through your hair and pulling you even closer. The other hand drifted to your waist, his touch firm yet tender. Your fingers curled into the fabric of his jacket, grasping tightly as you responded eagerly to his touch. 
Kissing you now made Jeno realize how much he had wanted to do it all those times. When he caught you in his arms after the movies that day, when you took care of the cut on his finger when he saw the affection in your eyes as you cared for the kittens at the shelter. Each moment he wanted to press his lips against yours and convey just how much you made his head spin.
The kiss only ended when the both of you started to feel lightheaded. The soft sound of your mingling breaths filled the air around you, and Jeno let out a soft sigh of contentment. A smile was about to form on his lips, until he noticed your eyes widening, looking past his shoulder.
That was when he turned around, only to find Jisung standing at the other end of the bridge, his expression a mix of shock and hurt.
The younger male shook his head in disbelief. “No way. I can’t believe you, Hyung.”
“Jisung, I…” he called out, his voice already full of regret.
But Jisung didn’t wait for him to finish. With a glare of betrayal, his best friend turned and stormed off into the night. Jeno cursed quietly under his breath.
You glanced at him in confusion, searching his eyes for answers as to why Jisung just left so angrily. But Jeno couldn’t explain everything to you right now. He had to go find Jisung.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n). I—I have to go,” he said, reluctantly pulling himself away from you. 
Then he left you standing there, completely bewildered, the guilt already beginning to pile up inside him.
“Jisung-ah, wait!” Jeno called out, his heart sinking as he caught up to his friend, now a far distance from the bridge. “Please, just let me explain.”
Jisung finally stopped in his tracks and turned sharply, his eyes ablaze with fury and hurt. Jeno has never seen him look so angry before. 
“I just saw you kissing the girl I’ve been crushing on for ages. So tell me, what is there to explain, Hyung?” Jisung demanded, his voice trembling with betrayal. 
His mind raced with regret, struggling to find the right words. “I…I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
The younger male scoffed, the memory of him kissing you still vivid in his mind. “How long were you going to deceive me?”
“I swear, I didn’t even look at her that way when you first told me about her,” Jeno insisted, his voice laced with guilt. “It sort of just happened…and I know how much you like her. But no matter how much I try, I just can’t get rid of these feelings.”
Jisung shook his head in disbelief, his fists clenched at his sides. “All this time, I actually thought I had a chance with (Y/n), but my own best friend goes behind my back. I feel like a complete idiot.”
Jeno’s heart twisted painfully at the sting that came with his friend’s words. He knew he screwed up badly and Jisung had every right to be upset with him. He wasn’t even sure if this was something that could be fixed so easily. 
“I’m sorry, Jisung-ah. I just didn’t want to hurt you,” he lamented.
But his apology wasn’t what Jisung wanted to hear. “Well you did hurt me,” he snapped, his voice cracking with emotions. “I trusted you, Hyung. You were supposed to have my back.”
Jeno cursed under his breath and reached out to touch his friend’s shoulder. “I still do, Jisung-ah.”
But the boy flinched away and took a step back. “I can’t be around you right now. And don’t follow me this time,” Jisung said, his voice stern and final.
With that, Jisung turned and walked away, leaving Jeno standing there with a heavy heart full of guilt and regret. He wanted to call out and explain further, but he knew there was nothing more he could say to undo the pain he had caused his best friend. Things weren’t supposed to happen this way and it was all his fault.
The weight of his actions left him feeling crushed.
~ the end of first loves
The days since their fallout with Jisung weighed heavily on Jeno. Any texts he sent were left on read and whenever they crossed paths, Jisung walked straight past him without a second glance. Jeno swore he was on the verge of losing it. 
He was angry. Angry at Jisung for not hearing him out, angry at you for confessing to him at the festival of all times. But mostly, he was angry at himself for letting this all happen in the first place. He should’ve known that nothing good would come out of falling for his best friend’s crush.
Wallowing in his despair, Jeno isolated himself in the club room where Jaemin eventually found him. The other dark-haired male sighed when he saw the troubled expression on his friend’s face.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding out lately?” Jaemin remarked lightheartedly, pulling out a chair from the table to sit across from him. 
Jeno sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “It’s not like I have anywhere else to go. Jisung keeps ignoring me and I can’t even look at (Y/n) right now. They both probably hate me.”
“Yeah, I tried talking to Jisung and he still seems pretty mad. This was the first time he’s really liked someone,” Jaemin pointed out. His tone was sympathetic but it only made Jeno feel worse.
He slammed his fist against the table, not even caring about the sting it left on his knuckles. “I know! Everything is messed up because of me and I have no idea how to fix it.”
There was a tense silence that hung in the air, Jaemin not having expected his friend’s sudden outrage. But he couldn’t necessarily blame him. 
Jaemin sighed empathetically, leaning forward with a serious expression. “Look, I get that you’re in a tough spot, man. But you can’t blame yourself for everything. Sometimes things just happen, and people get hurt.”
Jeno slumped in his chair, the anger in him slowly simmering as Jaemin placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “What matters now is how you handle it,” he continued. “Jisung just needs some space right now, he’ll come around eventually. As for (Y/n), maybe it’s time to talk to her and sort things out.”
Despite the guilt that still lingered in him, he knew Jaemin was right. As painful as it was to think about it, he understood what he needed to do.
Nearly a week had slipped by since the festival, and Jeno finally encountered you again at the pet shelter. The awkwardness between you was palpable, and few words were exchanged throughout the volunteer shift.  It wasn’t until after you changed out your volunteer clothes and prepared to leave that Jeno gathered the courage to say something.
Exiting the building together, Jeno hesitated before breaking the silence. “Hey, can we talk for a moment?”
He could see the apprehension in your eyes when you glanced at him. But then you gave him a light nod of agreement. 
That was how you ended up seated at a nearby café. Jeno fidgeted with the sleeve of his jacket, unable to meet your eyes at first. He noticed your nervousness as you lightly tapped the cold glass of your iced latte. 
You seemed to sense his unease and responded with a gentle smile. “It’s okay, Sunbae. Just tell me.”
Jeno could already feel his heart sinking as he heard you speak so kindly to him. He hated that what he was about to say would hurt you, but it was what had to be done. He had to end things.
“I…we…” he started, finding it hard to articulate. “I don’t think this is going to work out between us.”
He could see your smile waver slightly, but you encouraged him to continue with a nod. Glancing down, he stared into his own cup of coffee which had probably gone cold now. 
Sighing softly, he leaned forward to explain. “The truth is, Jisung was the one who liked you from the beginning. I was supposed to help him get closer to you…but then I started to feel something for you and now I brought you into this mess.”
You stayed silent, processing what he just told you. He could tell you were surprised by his confession. Perhaps you had been too focused on someone else to notice.
“Oh, I had no idea…,” your voice trailed off, unsure of what to say to this.
Jeno swallowed hard, forcing himself to continue. “Now I understand why Jisung liked you so much,” he tried to smile but failed. “And I really do like you, (Y/n). But… Jisung is my best friend, and I betrayed him. So I don’t think it would be right for us to be together.”
Your reaction was a lot calmer than he thought it would be, almost as if you had anticipated things going in this direction after the way things ended the other night.
“It’s okay Sunbae, I understand. Thank you for being honest with me,” you replied softly. Your voice remained steady, but Jeno could hear the underlying melancholy in it.
The silence that followed was so agonizing that one could practically hear the sounds of hearts breaking. Jeno could see you were struggling to hold a smile, and a hundred apologies wouldn’t be enough to express how sorry he felt about all this.
When you finally parted ways, Jeno shoved his hands in his pockets, watching as you walked farther and farther away from him. But no matter how awful he felt, he kept telling himself that things were better this way.
Later that day, Misun was starting to panic when you didn’t respond to any of her texts. All you had told her was that Jeno and you met up to talk today, and she hadn’t heard anything from you since then. 
Figuring you had to be back on campus by now, Misun ventured outside to search for you. Just as she was about to pass the space between the engineering building and the liberal arts building, the sound of someone crying stopped and made her pause. 
That was when she found you nearly crumpled to the ground with your hands pressed against your eyes, shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
“(Y/n)?” she called out cautiously, crouching down beside you.
You didn’t look up, but your voice trembled as you replied. “I feel so stupid for crying. It's not like we were even together.”
This heavy feeling of sadness was unfamiliar, a weight you hadn’t carried before. Confusion mingled with sorry, leaving you uncertain about its source. Was it disappointment? Betrayal? Or simply the abrupt end of something that never fully began?
“How can you not be upset?” Misun affirmed gently. “He’s your first love.”
Hearing her words caused more tears to well up in your eyes, and you buried your head in your knees. It suddenly dawned on you that Jeno had been your first love. You had heard too many stories of first loves ending bitterly, but you never expected it to hurt this much. As much as you wanted to harbor resentment for what happened, you couldn’t find it in you to be angry. Instead, you were left to pick up the shattered pieces of your heart.
Meanwhile, Jeno sat in a dimly lit bar, three empty bottles of soju strewn across the table. Jaemin watched sympathetically as his distraught friend poured more into his glass. It was unusual for the both of them to drink, a clear indicator to Jaemin of just how deeply Jeno was affected by the situation. 
“So you ended things with her?” Jaemin asked, eyeing Jeno as he downed the shot.
“It’s what I had to do,” he murmured in response, his voice hoarse.
His gaze fixed on his reflection through the shot glass, and he saw the misery etched on his face. Gosh, he was a complete mess. How had everything gone so wrong?
Jeno heard Jaemin sigh as he patted him on the shoulder, offering a small measure of comfort. “You did the right thing, Jeno-yah,” he assured him. “Maybe it’s for the best, you know?”
Maybe the alcohol had finally set into his system as Jeno placed his glass firmly on the table. Memories of all his stolen moments with you flooded his mind, and he felt the sting of tears springing to his eyes. Cursing under his breath, he harshly swiped at them with his hand, feeling pathetic.
Jaemin pretended not to notice he was crying and silently stayed by his side. What else could he say? He knew how much Jeno liked you, and it was unfortunate that things unfolded this way. If Jeno was feeling this devastated, Jaemin could only imagine the turmoil you must be going through.
Perhaps, this was simply one of those instances where nobody found their happy ending.
Eventually, the sharp sting you initially felt was gradually replaced by a dull ache in your heart. Misun made an effort to lift your spirits was appreciated. Some of your other friends noticed your despondency lately. But you brushed off their concerns with the excuse that you were just tired, feeling guilty for damping the mood.
All the crying and emotional turmoil had drained you of energy. The smiles you offered customers at the café felt strained, and focusing on assignments required every ounce of motivation you could muster.
Having to see Jeno from time to time at club meetings only made things more difficult. You tried not to make eye contact, yet sometimes you couldn't escape the weight of his sorrowful gaze, which tugged at your heart. Even sitting in the playroom surrounded by cats no longer brought you the joy it once did, not even when a kitten nestled snugly in your lap.
Nervously, you exhaled as you stood outside of the dance team’s practice room. You had finally gathered the courage to return Jisung’s hoodie, which had been neatly washed weeks ago. It had been neatly washed a while ago, but you had been hesitant to see Jisung after everything, fearing the awkwardness. Thus, the light blue clothing had been sitting untouched on the top of your dresser for some time.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing here?” Jisung’s surprised voice snapped you out of your thoughts. The other students exiting through the door briefly glanced at the two of you as they passed by.
Straightening your posture, your mind raced to find the words you had prepared. “I–uh, I wanted to give this back to you,” you said, holding out the hoodie. “Sorry it took me so long to return it.”
Jisung slowly accepted the hoodie with a grateful smile. “It’s okay, thanks for giving it back.”
You returned his smile, feeling some of the tension in your shoulders ease. As you exhaled softly, a sense of relief washed over you. This was the moment where you could simply excuse yourself and make your exit. Yet, looking at Jisung stirred a mix of emotions within you.
“Do…do you have time to talk?” you asked, your voice trembling slightly.
The tall male standing in front of you remained silent, hesitating for a moment. Eventually, he gave you a small nod and you spared him a grateful look, heading outside the building to find a bench to sit on.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to steady your nerves. Despite all the mental preparation you did the previous night, you didn’t feel as ready as you’d hoped. Jisung’s tense posture made it clear he wasn’t exactly calm either.
“I…I just wanted to say I’m really sorry, Jisung,” you finally spoke, glancing down at your shoes. “I didn’t realize you felt that way about me, and I never meant to come between you and Jeno.”
Jisung’s expression softened, and he laughed awkwardly. “It’s not your fault, (Y/n). You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Though his voice was reassuring, you still felt incredibly guilty for causing conflict between him and Jeno. As a moment of silence passed, a pang of sadness lingered within you. Jisung had always been so genuine with you, yet you couldn’t give him the answer he wanted.
I think you’re an amazing person, Jisung-ah,” you said, hoping he could hear the sincerity in your voice. “You’ve been nothing but kind to me, and I’m always at ease when I’m with you.”
Jisung inhaled deeply, a wistful smile playing on his lips. “Thank you, (Y/n). It makes me happy to hear that.”
Smiling back, you folded your hands in your lap. “I’m sorry I can’t return your feelings…”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Jisung sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Feelings aren’t something we can control, so there’s no need for apologies”
You looked up, surprised by the maturity in his response. Honestly, you hadn’t considered it from that perspective until he brought it up. But you still knew that this couldn’t be easy for him. Nobody liked rejection.
“I guess you have a point. But I know that the girl who ends up with you will be very lucky,” you said, gently.
He glanced at you appreciatively. “It means a lot to hear you say that, thank you.”
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the heaviness of the conversation hanging in the air. Sensing that it might be a good time to part ways, you stood up from the bench.
“I guess I should get going,” you cleared your throat quietly. “I’ve probably taken up enough of your time already.”
Jisung shook his head and assured, “No, you’re all good. I’m glad we talked.”
“Me too,” you hummed in response, definitely feeling like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. Following you, he rose from the bench and paused briefly before extending his hand. 
“Thank you, Kim (Y/n),” he said, his voice catching slightly. “For being my first love.”
You could see the tears glossing over his eyes, tugging at your heartstrings. Trying to hold back your own tears, you accepted his handshake with a sad smile.
Nodding gently, a lump formed in your throat. “Thank you too, for being such a great friend,” you whispered softly, afraid that tears might escape if you spoke any louder.
With heavy hearts, you both shook hands firmly before parting ways. Jisung sighed as you departed first. Things hadn’t turned out the way he had wanted them, but he couldn’t just stay hung up on what could’ve been.
Despite the bittersweet swirl of emotions inside him, he couldn’t help but smile as he watched you walk farther away. For his first love, he could at least say it ended with no regrets.
~ reconciling
Jeno had been navigating through days that felt like weeks, his usual routine disrupted by the absence of you and his strained relationship with Jisung. Even though he had done everything he could to make up for his actions, he couldn’t rid himself of the gloominess that clouded his every thought. His mind constantly replayed the events that led to this rift between him and Jisung.
So when his phone screen lit up with a message from Jisung, asking to meet after class, Jeno’s heart raced with a mixture of apprehension and hope. They agreed to meet at the PC bang they went to all the time during their high school days. Jeno remembered all the trouble they got into when their parents found out he and Jisung were skipping their after-school programs to go there.
Jisung was already there by the time he arrived, sitting in their usual spot near the middle of the back row. Peering at his screen, Jeno noticed he was already warming up with an old game they used to play. 
“Hey,” Jeno greeted cautiously, trying to keep the awkwardness out of his voice as he settled into the gaming chair next to him.
Other than the nod of acknowledgement he received, Jisung’s expression remained unreadable. The younger male briefly glanced up at him, his fingers pausing on the rainbow keyboard.
“Want to start with PUBG?” Jisung asked, his voice lacking the cold tone from their last interaction.
Jeno’s shoulders relaxed slightly, and he nodded with a smile. Soon enough, the familiar click of keyboards and the hum of the PC field the air as they dove into the game. Within ten minutes of playing, they were high school students again, shouting at each other as they fought through the virtual battlegrounds together.
“Ugh I died again,” Jisung groaned in frustration, leaning back in his seat.
Jeno shook his head with a chuckle. “I told you to go the other way!”
In the last seconds of the game, Jeno let his character die and pushed back from the computer slightly. The laughter died down as the flashbacks of recent events seemed to cross both of their minds. Feeling more response as the older one in this friendship, Jeno was the first to speak up.
“I’m really sorry, Jisung-ah,” he began earnestly. “You have every right to be upset with me. I should’ve just talked to you when things started to change. But I wasn’t being honest with myself either, and you got hurt because of me.”
Jisung remained silent, his gaze distant as he processed Jeno’s apology. After a tense moment, he finally responded, his voice calm but tinged with lingering hurt.
“I know you’re sorry, Hyung. You betrayed my trust, and seeing you kiss (Y/n) that night...it felt like you pulled the rug out from under me,” he replied softly, leaning his head against the chair. 
A familiar pang of guilt surged within Jeno. He knew his actions were inexcusable and he didn’t expect Jisung to forgive him immediately, or perhaps ever. Regardless, he was grateful for the opportunity to offer a sincere apology.
“But…” Jisung’s voice then trailed off, his grip on the mouse loosening. “I understand that you can’t really control who you have feelings for. And after thinking about it a lot, I realize I wouldn’t have known how to bring it up if I were in your shoes.”
Jeno felt a sudden wave of relief crash onto him, filled with gratitude for his Jisung’s understanding. He couldn’t help but be impressed with his friend’s maturity. When had scaredy-cat Park Jisung grown up so much?
“Thank you for saying that…and I really am sorry,” he said, his voice carrying genuine conviction.
Jisung waved him off, his nose scrunching in slight disgust. “Hyung, stop apologizing. It’s getting weird,” he said with a chuckle, reminding Jeno that not everything about Jisung had changed.
The two of them shared a laugh, and Jeno finally started to feel like things were returning to normal. Well, almost everything. There was still one lingering regret that stuck in the back of Jeno’s mind. Although he didn’t say anything, Jisung sensed it too.
As they prepared for the next game to start, Jisung tapped on his keyboard in contemplation before deciding to say something.
“You know, (Y/n) came to talk to me a few days ago,” he said, “I kinda had a feeling before the festival happened, but it’s obvious you both care about each other a lot.”
Jeno found himself blinking in surprise, unsure if he was hearing correctly. Slumping back in his seat, he shook his head in denial. “No…it doesn’t matter. I’ve already decided to step back.”
Especially not after everything that happened. Although his heartbeat still sped up at the thought of you and catching a glimpse of you around campus pulled at his emotions, he didn’t want to reopen wounds that had nearly cost him his best friend.
“It’s okay hyung,” Jisung said, leaning forward with a reassuring smile. “I can tell you really like her. You should be together.”
Jeno leaned back in his seat, his mouse hovering over the computer screen for a moment.
“Are you sure you'd be okay with it?” he asked tentatively.
Jisung nodded firmly, his expression turning serious. “Yeah. But if you hurt her, I won’t forgive you Hyung.”
“I won’t, don’t worry,” Jeno promised sincerely. “Thanks Jisung-ah”
The two exchanged understanding smiles before refocusing on the game. Jeno finally felt like he could breathe again. Now, without having to hold back his feelings anymore, maybe he could have a second chance with you.
~ baby steps
Before immediately running to you, Jeno made a conscious effort to wait a bit. Despite Jisung’s assurances— practically fifty times now— that he was cool with it, Jeno still wanted to be cautious. He also wasn’t entirely sure if you still had feelings for him. Honestly, he couldn’t blame you if that turned out to be your response.
It wasn’t until the end of the week, during a club meeting about organizing a fundraiser event for the animal shelter later in the month, that he finally saw you again. The room was abuzz with chatter and plans, but Jeno’s focus was on you. You were seated across the table from him, intently listening to the discussion.
After knowing you for a while, Jeno noticed that you tended to stay quiet in group settings, listening attentively to whoever was speaking. You seemed more comfortable when talking one-on-one or with just a few people. Even then, you spoke softly and blushed easily when you felt the focus shift to you. But he found that side of you to be kind of cute. Actually, he thought your entire personality was quite endearing.
As the meeting finally wrapped up and people began to disperse, Jaemin caught Jeno’s eye. Without saying a word, Jaemin made a not-so-subtle gesture toward you as you packed away your laptop. Jeno’s cheeks burned with embarrassment, but he knew what his friend was encouraging him to do.
After exhaling deeply, Jeno pushed himself to approach you as more people left the room. Determined to take this step, he ignored the way his heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. 
“Wait, (Y/n)!” He called out before he could chicken out.
Catching your attention, you turned around looking a bit surprised. But you quickly recovered, your eyebrows raising with careful curiosity. 
“Oh Sunbae, did you need something?”
For a second, Jeno’s brain momentarily forgot how to form words. “No, I—uh…I wanted to ask if you have a minute?”
He noticed a flicker of uncertainty pass through your eyes as you nervously gripped the strap of your bag. Nevertheless, you managed a small nod and pulled out your chair to sit down.
Thankful for the lack of a negative response, Jeno took a seat across from you. His fingers drummed nervously against the table as he scrambled to recall the speech he had half-prepared. However, your patient gaze helped him relax a little.
“So, um I met up with Jisung the other day,” Jeno started to explain, rubbing the back of his neck. “We had to talk through some things, and I apologized. He forgave me and now we’re all good.”
Your eyes brightened at this news, and you placed a hand over your chest in relief. “Oh, thank goodness. I was really worried I ruined things for you two.”
He shook his head with a reassuring smile, “No, you didn’t ruin anything. I was the one who made a mess of things. But Jisung was pretty understanding about it all, which I’m grateful for.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” you breathed.
Jeno could hear the sincerity in your voice, which he appreciated. Pausing for a moment, he glanced down at his hands before speaking again.
"He also said that it’s okay for us to be together," Jeno said, hastily adding, "But I completely understand if you don’t want to give me a second chance. Especially after everything that happened.”
It took you a minute or two to digest his words, trying to process this sudden information. Then a small smile began to form on your lips, and he watched as your gaze lowered shyly.
“Well if Jisung is truly alright with it, then I guess I’m open to that,” you replied softly, your smile growing warmer. 
Jeno’s face lit up with relief and a glimmer of joy. “That’s great to hear because…I really like you, Kim (Y/n).”
His confession made you blush, a giddy feeling welling up inside. Though he had technically kissed you first that one time, he hadn’t given a clear response when you first confessed. So you were elated by the confirmation that your feelings were not unrequited.
Being the socially awkward individuals you were, neither of you were sure what to do next. But Jeno stood up first, swinging his school bag around his shoulder.
“If you don’t have anything else planned today,” he asked with a hopeful expression. “Do you want to go grab a meal or something?”
Your smile remained, and you got up from your chair. “If food is involved, I’m in.”
Jeno chuckled warmly at your response, his heart beating rapidly with excitement as he held the door open for the two of you to exit the room together. As you both made your way outside, a moment of hesitation flickered between you. 
With the dynamics between you two having shifted significantly in just a few minutes, you were uncertain about navigating the new boundaries. As both of you internally pondered this, you exchanged subtle glances and shared a nervous laugh.
“Maybe we should take things slow,” you quietly suggested. “Like baby steps, you know?”
Although you couldn’t help but think of that passionate kiss you first shared. Back then, you and Jeno certainly jumped a few levels and things didn’t end that great.
Jeno was quick to nod in agreement, “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, unsure of where to start with taking “baby steps.” Deciding to be brave, Jeno gently took your hand in his, your fingers intertwining perfectly.
“Is holding hands okay for now?” He asked with a smile so adorable it made your heart flutter.
Trying to suppress your shyness, you nodded tentatively in response. The warmth of his hand contrasting with your own slightly cool one felt both comforting and reassuring. It was like that day he saved you from the motorcycle, his touch was gentle yet protective. Now that you thought about it, you got that feeling from kissing him too. But that type of thing could wait a little bit. Baby steps, you reminded yourself.
After holding back feelings for so long and dealing with some obstacles, both of you found joy in simply holding hands. Jeno hadn’t felt this laid back in a long time.
No more hiding or fighting his feelings. Finally, he could breathe freely and follow his heart.
~ epilogue
Time flew by a lot quicker than Jeno expected. It felt like he blinked and suddenly three months had flown by with you. Since that day, his feelings for you only grew stronger and it felt so great not having to hide them anymore. Jeno couldn’t help but also notice how your smiles seemed brighter when you were together. Once the initial shyness wore off, your conversations flowed effortlessly, deepening your understanding of each other with each passing day.
The weather was getting warmer, and Jeno had fallen into this routine of walking you home after you got off your shifts at the café. The street lamps cast a soft glow, illuminating the path as you stroll hand in hand.
“You know, you don’t have to walk me to my dorm every night,” you said, gently bumping your shoulder against his. “Especially when you have an eight a.m. class the next morning.”
Jeno smiled to himself, squeezing your hand lightly. “Yeah, but I want to. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you walk back alone when it’s dark out?”
You sighed in defeat, realizing it was hard to argue with his logic. And if you were being honest with yourself, you did appreciate getting to spend some extra time with him. Jeno's lips curled into a satisfied smile, pleased that you didn't protest further. A comfortable silence enveloped you both as you walked, savoring the simple pleasure of each other’s company.
“Hey, don’t you think Jisung and Misun are getting closer lately?” you asked, the thought suddenly popped into your mind.
His eyes met yours with a hint of surprise. “You noticed too? I thought I was the only one.”
“Well, Misun hasn’t said anything to me outright,” you mused, “But I catch them exchanging glances with each other all the time.”
Jeno chuckled, knowing how you picked up on these things so quickly. Ironically enough, you seemed completely oblivious to how he used to stare at you all the time before dating.
Nodding in agreement, he added, “Yeah, and apparently Jisung saw Misun’s performance for cheer at the festival. I guess he’s been kind of impressed by her ever since.”
You felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of your friends getting together. Misun had mentioned to you that Jisung was helping her come up with a new routine for her upcoming cheer competition. Those two have definitely been spending more time together, and you were all for it.
“They’d look so cute together,” you sighed dreamily, picturing them in your mind.
Jeno glanced down at his shoes, frowning a little. “But not cuter than us, right?”
Your head turned to see the subtle pout of jealousy on his lips, making you giggle. After being with him for a while, you learned that your boyfriend tended to get sulky quite often. Before your shyness could kick in, you reached up on the tip of your toes to give him a small peck.
Gently stroking his cheek with your thumb, you paused to reassure him. “Of course not. I think Jaemin Sunbae said we’re the type of cute that single people envy.”
Any trace of sulkiness slowly faded from his handsome face, replaced by his adorable eye smile. His strong arms instinctively encircled around your waist, drawing you closer to him. Gazing lovingly into your eyes, he brushed back a lock of hair behind your ear. The familiar unspoken attraction crackled in the air and the two of you leaned in naturally for a sweet kiss.
Unlike your first kiss, this one unfolded slowly, with the passion simmering gently between you. Jeno easily forgot everything around him, one of his hands getting lost in your hair while the other held you securely against him. Meanwhile, your hands rested comfortably on his broad shoulders, delighting in the sensation of his lips guiding yours in a series of tender, warm kisses.
However, you were the first to pull away, knowing that this moment sadly couldn’t last forever. The night was already growing late, and a nagging voice in the back of your mind warned you to be more careful. 
“As much as I’d love to keep going, we’re going to get penalized for missing curfew again,” you mumbled, lightly squeezing his hand.
Jeno frowned, clearly displeased about the abrupt end to the kiss. But he knew you were right. For some reason, your RA was super strict about everyone being in their dorm rooms by 10 p.m.
With a sigh of resignation, he nodded reluctantly and allowed you to start walking again. But Jeno couldn’t be upset for long, knowing he’d have plenty more opportunities to feel your soft, pillowy lips against his. He was a little clingy when it came to you, and thankfully you didn’t seem to mind.
Though Jeno felt pretty miserable earlier in the semester, now he couldn’t be happier to be alive. With Jisung still as his best friend and now having you by his side, he felt like he could accomplish anything.
Being in love had that sort of effect on people, Jeno supposed. And he had a feeling you would agree with him on that too.
previous masterlist -> current masterlist
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kamisama1kiss · 3 days
Hi! I hope you are well :)
I watched the Haikyu movie Dumpster Battle and what an incredible movie!!! (I was so excited at the cinema that my friend had to calm me down so I didn't short circuit).
I have one lost, I was thinking about the Nekoma boys (your choice) meeting s/o after losing the match
((I felt so bad when Nekoma lost but I was happy that my Karasuno boys won, urgh this movie brought me so many emotions))
Well that's! Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I'm still learning :p (kisses from Brazil <3)
The movie was amazing! I loved it sm and planning to watch it again the moment I can!! Sadly, I walked out before the post crdit scene, but I went on tiktok to see the rest of it, which, by the way, was literally kissable!
Deicide to do 3 of my top favourite characters from nekoma 🫶
Haikyuu Nekoma Headcanons { How would they greet their lover after losing the match }
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~Kuroo Tetsuro~
He had been previously talking and walking amongst some other of the nekoma team, such as Yaku and Kai. Kept an eye out for when he saw you, which didn't take too long, much to his enjoyment. Without much of a word, he went to greet his lover, who hadn't noticed him just yet. "Looking for a volleyball captain?" wrapping an arm around the lovers' shoulders.
"Tetsuro!" You jumped but quickly swaped to a smile, "I was looking for you." Lover had explained, looking up at him while intertwining their hands together. Slowly started to walk around the open room.
"Here I am. Did you enjoy the show?" Hummed from his height, squeezed your hand lightly yet in a wholesome move. "You all did amazing out there." Praising the effort they had put in only made his grin widend a little further. "Thanks, lovey." Planting a kiss on the base of your hairline.
~Kenma Kozume~
Having already hurried down to outside of the changing rooms to meet him, his lover stood there worried after seeing him getting actually hit to the ground and with the ball falling out of his hands. The train of through we're broken when the door opened showing Kenma. "Hey." A lazy expression resting on my face yet hinted with a smile.
"Are you feeling okay, after everything?" His lover spoke gently, tilting their head watching him, receiving a nod in exchange. "I had fun." Spoke simply looking at you. Placing both hands into his red sweatpant pockets. Standing in a shock for a mere moment as all the worry washed away into a happy content expression. "I am glad."
Pushing themselves off the wall while now wlaking down the corridor, "Should we get a snack?" He suggested in a light him, looking over with only his eyes, feeling his body exhausted. "I am down for a bite." You nodded, seeing his hand coming of the pocket reaching to hold pinkies with you.
~Lev Haiba~
Walking over to you with a visbal down smile, reaching for a tight hug. "Today was a lot." Whispering next to your ear, letting go of the embrace. Reaching for your hand, leaning forward when you spoke. "You did great, though." His lover muttered softly, making his frown turn upside down.
"Really?" If he had a tail, it would be going wagging behind him. Compliments always make him feel better, even if he won or lost a match. "Of course i think so." You said with a smile, straightened his back. Flexing the free arm with a the most shit eating grin this man ever had.
He might not have won the match, but he won the award for most supporting lover. "I appreciate your loyalty in believing my strength." Lifting your hand to place small peck on the top side.
Thank you, sm, for 118 followers!!! I'd never believe to have THAT many people would support me!! I appreciate and love every single of you very much 🫶🫶
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ashwhowrites · 22 hours
“Since when did you ever care about me?!” “Since fucking forever, you idiotic dunce!” 
“You know I’m holding back from fucking you over this kitchen counter, don’t push your luck.”
but like with robin
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Just sex, right?
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Y/N and Robin had this friends-with-benefits thing going on. And neither ever asked about what it was or what it meant. The sex was great and it always was. But was it great because there were no feelings or because there were?
Robin struggled with casual sex. All her brain did was wonder what Y/N was thinking and what she felt. Robin is known to ramble on for days, and Y/N would wait until the last word before she kissed her. She listened to Robin, and they had conversations about life, but it ended in bed and that's where Robin couldn't tell what they were. And she was not going to ask, that's for damn sure.
Y/N liked Robin and she made that clear with the dates, the conversations, and the sex. They had been getting to know each other for months and Y/N could feel herself falling for Robin, and that scared but excited her. Y/N was obsessed with Robin. With her short hair, bright blue eyes, her voice - which is why she listened to everything Robin said, her lips, fingers, and everything. Y/N fell in love with every part of Robin. Robin was an addiction and Y/N constantly needed to taste Robin to fulfill the craving. Y/N never announced her feelings, at least not yet. But she felt that Robin felt the same and they were both on the same page.
At least that's what Y/N thought
But now she wasn't so sure as she watched Robin flirt with Vickie in the dim lights.
It was a house party, the music was loud and she couldn't tell a thing Robin was saying. But she knew it was flirting. Their bodies were getting closer and closer and Y/N kept feeling her stomach drop. She wasn't sure how long she'd allow herself to watch and suffer.
She watched as Robin leaned in, her left hand cradling Vickie's cheek the way she always did to Y/N's, and then their lips touched. Y/N felt her throat close up as she struggled to breathe. She felt betrayed and cheated.
But she would not pity herself
She blinked away at her tears, straightening her back and shoulders as she walked straight over to them. Not bothering to hide her anger as she grabbed Robin's arm, yanking her lips away from the redhead.
"ROBIN! WHAT THE HELL!" she screamed over the loud music
Robin looked at her with wide eyes. Vickie awkwardly looked between the two. Robin wasn't sure if she saw jealousy or pain in Y/N's eyes. But the thought of her being jealous made Robin shiver.
"WHAT DID I DO?" Robin asked, nerves in her voice as Y/N glared at her.
"UNBELIEVABLE!" Y/N scoffed, "FORGET THIS," she said, pointing between the two of them as she marched off.
Robin had no idea that kissing someone else would cause a storm, but she needed to follow her. She gave Vickie an apologetic smile and followed Y/N out the door.
"WAIT!"Robin yelled after her, but Y/N kept walking. Unlocking her car she ripped the door open.
"DON'T WANT TO TALK!" Y/N screamed back, she slammed her door and started her car. She turned her head as she heard the passenger door open and Robin's body slid in.
"What do you think you are doing?" Y/N asked, looking at Robin like she was crazy
"I upset you and we need to talk this out. I don't know what we are or where we plan to go. But I'm not leaving it like this. I don't deal well with awkwardness and I can't see you around school and feel my skin crawl as I think of what on earth to sa-" Robin rambled, but Y/N shook her head and sighed.
She locked the doors and began the drive to her house. Letting Robin continue to ramble the whole ride about the same things. Y/N could hear her voice getting higher and squeakier as she continued.
By the time Y/N pulled into the driveway, Robin was short of breath. They got out of the car and Robin followed as Y/N walked inside. The house was dark and quiet, meaning they were alone.
"And I'm sorry," Robin said as she finished her rant. Her blue eyes shined with anxiety. Following Y/N into the kitchen.
"Are you done?" Y/N asked, her arms crossed. Robin gulped at the amount of anger that surrounded her.
"Yes" Robin squeaked
"So what? Do you like her more or something?" Y/N asked, the question came out far more aggressive than she planned. And she wasn't sure if she could handle the answer.
"No!" Robin rushed out, moving closer to Y/N.
"Then why did you kiss her? Why did you kiss her when I was right there? Why didn't you kiss me?" Y/N snapped, her anger clear across her face as Robin tried to keep her breathing stable.
It was a weird feeling. Robin felt scared, but incredibly turned on. The glare Y/N had, with the snarl on her lip and her arms crossed, made Robin's underwear feel wet.
"I..I..um" Robin stuttered, Y/N walked closer. Her head turned as she stared Robin down like she was the prey.
"Well...I don't know"
"Oh?" Y/N laughed, "You don't know why you kissed another girl? Well, I want a Goodman answer so use that smart head of yours and give me one." Y/N demanded. Robin could feel her hot breath smacking her lips. This aggressive and mean side of Y/N truly was far more attractive than she thought.
"I wanted to" Robin blurted out, "I know her from the band and I..well.. sometimes I thought about kissing her so I did. But I didn't know it would make you mad! I swear!"
Y/N clicked her tongue and smirked. She trapped Robin against the kitchen counter and she slammed her hands on either side of Robin's body on the counter. Her palms were red against the cold marble as she pushed her heavy-breathing body against Robin's shaking one.
Robin kept her eyes locked on hers the whole time. She felt like she was in a trance and couldn't look away.
"And why do you think I wouldn't be mad?"
"Because it's just sex between us," Robin said, and that's what she truly thought it was. But she knew her answer was wrong when Y/N's face fell.
"Just sex, huh?" Y/N whispered, she bit her lip as she backed away. Moving herself as far away from Robin as she could. "Glad to know what I finally mean to you after all these fucking months together!" Y/N said, her voice starting to rise.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Robin scoffed, "I don't know what I mean to you! I didn't think you'd care about Vickie because we don't care about each other in that kind of way"
"Don't care?" Y/N said through clenched teeth
"Yes! I mean when did you ever care about me? When you fuck me in a bathroom party and leave with Chrissy?" Robin fought, the memory still in the back of her head. She remembered the pain she felt as she came out of the bathroom to see Y/N's arm wrapped around Chrissy as they left.
"Since fucking forever, you dingus! And I already told you that she got sick and needed a ride home so you can't throw that in my face. I've always cared about you. I put your favorite shirt in the dryer so you have a warm shirt to sleep in. I am there for every hangover you have. I've taken you on dates, to movies, to restaurants, to fairs, and fucking everything you've ever wanted to see. So don't tell me that I don't care when that's all I'VE EVER DONE!" Y/N threatened, her finger in Robin's face as she panted hard.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know...I guess I never...I'm sorry" Robin stuttered as she began to cry. The yelling, the fighting, and everything was getting too much.
"Look Robin," Y/N sighed as she collected herself. "Do you like me? Do you want to be with me?"
"Yes, I do" Robin gasped through her tears, erasing the space between them as she cupped Y/N's face. "I love you and I'm sorry I never said anything. And I'm sorry for tonight and the mess I made. I thought everything was just sex, but I'm wrong!"
"I love you too" Y/N whispered, she realized how close their faces were as she looked down at Robin's wet lips. "I should have said something instead of guessing we were on the same page"
Robin didn't have a chance to respond when Y/N hungrily smashed her lips against hers. Robin moaned as Y/N pushed her against the counter and her hands slipped up Robin's thighs. They messily made out, their tongues clashing as they touched any part of each other that they could.
They pulled away for air, panting as they stared into each other's eyes.
"Definitely a better kisser than Vickie" Robin tried to joke, a testing smile on her face.
She gasped when Y/N's hand wrapped around her throat, and her mouth went against Robin's ear. Her hot breath hit her skin, and Robin whimpered.
"I'm holding back from fucking you over this counter, don't press your luck"
...Robin made sure to press her luck
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winchesterwild78 · 16 hours
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I’ve got requests- ignore them if you want, but I had to try.
If you could I’d like (all plus sized/curvy reader):
Soldier boy- something about him being a softie but only for her. And emphasis on how he loves her being curvy
*This is for you 😁 I hope I bring your vision to life. Thank you for trusting me with a request!!*
Characters:Soldier Boy (Ben) x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Language, SMUT, insecurities, Fluff, unprotected sex (cover it up guys)
A/N: This is my first ever request and I’m so excited to write it. I wrote it fast so please forgive any mistakes. This does not follow The Boys story line.
All work is my own, don’t take it!!
Minors DNI 18+
You were sitting at your desk at Vought Tower. You hadn’t been on the job long but you were excited to be there. You had a masters degree in public relations and were an absolute beast at your job. Vought fought hard for you to work for them. Working for them, with supes and the pay was great. Since you were a kid you were envious of the supes. You loathed Homelander though. He was a complete dick.
For as long as you could remember you were on the heavier side. You weren’t terribly overweight, but you had more curves and weight than the average woman. Your teenage years were filled with memories of teasing and being the target of some sick jokes.
As an adult you thought that would have changed, but you were wrong. Most men were either repulsed by you or thought you’d be an easy lay. When you wouldn’t give them what they wanted it was the same song and dance “Nobody is going to want you.” “You should be on your knees thanking me for even considering fucking you.”
The worst however came when you thought you found the one. You dated Thomas for a few years and he asked you to marry him. You were thrilled. The plans were made, the dress picked out and the day arrived. You were so happy and in love. As you’re in the bridal suite waiting for the ceremony to start your mom comes in with a look on her face.
She handed you a letter and you knew it was his handwriting. You opened the letter with shaking hands and read it.
I can’t marry you. I wish I could say I’m sorry but I’m not. I’ve met someone else and she’s a 10. I’m in love with her and her amazing body. Good luck in life and maybe try to lose some weight. It will help.
Your legs gave out under you and you collapsed to the floor. Sobbing you couldn’t talk. Your mother took the note and read it. She shook her head and left the room. Leaving you on the floor in your wedding dress sobbing.
When you finally got yourself together you packed your bags and left your hometown for good. That’s how you ended up at Vought. They needed someone who essentially had no life that they could work to the bone. You figured you’d throw yourself into your work. It’s not like you had anyone or anything at home to go to.
There was a buzz around the office about some long lost supe coming back after years of being gone. You tried to focus on your latest project but the buzz kept ringing. You left your desk to go grab a coffee, your 4th for the morning. When you turned the corner and ran right smack into what felt like a wall.
Only it wasn’t a wall it was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. That’s when you realized it was Soldier Boy. He grabbed your arms to help steady you and oh lord did his grip turn you on. “Hey, be careful Doll face” his smooth voice said. “Oh I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” You stumbled through your words. He smirked “no problem. Where are you headed in such a hurry? Getting coffee for the boss man.” Oh that pissed you off. “Excuse me?! It’s not the 1930s anymore. Women contribute more to society than coffee and babies. Now excuse me.” You seethed as you pushed past him.
Your heart rate was up so high you could hear it pounding in your ears.
Ben stood there smirking. Admiring your feisty nature and your beautiful curvy body as you walked away. He’d always had a thing for curvy women. He knew they could handle more and he didn’t have to worry too much about breaking them. He ran his gloved hand through his hair and kept walking.
You returned to your desk and got back to work. However, you were more distracted by the encounter with him than you cared to admit. You found yourself fantasizing about his strong arms around you and touching your body. The way his soft lips would feel on your skin. Damn. You shook your head trying to rid it of the thoughts plaguing your brain.
It was late night when you finally called it a day. This was your life though. Work all day long and go home to an empty apartment. You grabbed your things and headed down to the parking garage. When you stepped off the elevator you felt a little uneasy. Like someone was watching you. You had almost made it to your car when you realized you were right. Standing leaning against your car was Soldier Boy. His arms folded over his chest and his legs crossed at his ankles. He was the picture of perfection.
“Hey doll face.” He smirked. “Soldier boy” you nodded as you fumbled for your keys. He was right up next to you and whispered “Ben, call me Ben.” Your heart raced and heat filled your cheeks. “Ben, what can I do for you” you asked. He got a wide smile on his face “there’s a lot you can do for me, but for now let me take you to dinner to apologize for being a dick.”
“What makes you think I want to go to dinner with you, Ben” you seethed. “Well your heart rate for one, and I can smell your arousal.” Ben smirked. You rolled your eyes. Deep down you knew he was right. Your body responded to his in ways it never had before, even with Thomas. You couldn’t control it.
“Ben, you don’t have to apologize. It’s not your fault you were born when you were. Things have changed and you need to adjust to it. I appreciate your apology but you really don’t want to be seen in public with all this” you waved your hands over your body.
Then you saw Ben’s eyes soften. “Oh sweetheart you have no idea what you’re doing to me and how your body is making me feel.” He whispered in your ear. Your breath hitched. You swallowed hard and before you could process what you were saying it came out in a seductive tone “Then show me.”
Ben took your head in his hands and kissed you. Leaning you up against your car you could feel his arousal through his suit. Damn he felt big and really hard. Your mind was racing and your lungs screamed for air. You didn’t care. You’d die right here to keep this kiss going.
You two finally parted and you were breathing hard. His lips were soft but strong and his hands were so firm. You wanted more. Ben smiled at you softly. You were so confused by the softness you saw in him. You had read his file and knew what he was capable of. Being soft was not in the realm of his ability. He was a badass supe, probably the strongest one and he was a bit of an asshole. This man in front of you was anything but an asshole.
“Y/N, let’s go grab something to eat and talk” Ben said taking your arm. “Okay, Ben. I’m driving myself though.” You said firmly. He threw his hands up in surrender and agreed. He chuckled and told you he’d meet you there. You got in your car, took a deep breath and drove to the restaurant.
When you arrived at the restaurant you got out of your car and looked for Ben. You didn’t see him at first and when you finally found him your breath caught in your throat. Ben had changed out of his suit and into a nice shirt and pair of slacks. You’d never seen a supe dress like a “regular” person. He looked even more handsome than he had before.
Ben walked up to you and took your hand in his. “Ready darling” he asked. You nodded yes and smiled. You felt the heat raise in your cheeks and they turned red. When the two of you were seated Ben ordered a whiskey right away, you ordered a water. He chuckled.
The waitress came over and she was absolutely gorgeous. Tall, thin, long legs. She had long blonde hair and was very busty. You couldn’t help but be envious of her and her beauty. You knew Ben was going to flirt. You braced yourself for it.
When she realized who he was she flirted. “Oh my goodness it’s you, Soldier Boy. Oh wow I’m a huge fan. What can I get for you.” She gushed. He pointed to you “she’ll go first” he said it looking at her. She turned to you and her eyes went wide. You’d seen this look before. It’s the “what is she doing with a guy like this” look.
You plastered on a smile and began to order. “I’ll take the steak medium, loaded baked potato and side salad with ranch dressing please.” She scoffed and wrote down your order. She turned to Ben “what can I get for you. I’ll give you anything you want Soldier Boy.” He didn’t bat an eye. You were shocked. This gorgeous woman was practically throwing herself at him and he seems uninterested. “I’ll take the same as her.” He replied without looking up.
You sat in awe and silent. When she walked away you expected him to watch her but his piercing green eyes settled on you. You blushed a little. He grabbed your hand “Fuck you’re absolute perfection. You get me so hard.” You smirked. “What about her, Ben. I bet you she’s in the back trying to figure out how to get you to fuck her in the bathroom right now.” “Sweetheart I don’t want her. I want YOU!” His tone sent a chill down your spine.
“Me? Why would you want me when you could have women like her? She’s beautiful and skinny. I love food and I’m curvy.” You hung your head. Ben stood and lifted your chin. “You’re fucking perfect. From these lips (he kissed them), this neck (kissed again), these hands (kissed again), these gorgeous breasts, to every single curve. I’ll spend all night getting to know every single detail of your beautiful body if you let me.”
Your head was spinning. You never have sex on the first date. Wait is that what this is? Are you on a date with him? “Ben, people are staring” you whispered. “Let them” he said as he kissed you. Your legs felt like jelly. He was doing something to your body and you were okay with it.
When the food came out Ben asked for it to be boxed up. “We’re going home for dessert first” he wiggled his eyebrows. You blushed and giggled. The waitress was in shock. “You’d give up this to be with that” she hissed as she pointed to you. “I’d give up being a supe to be with her darlin” he said.
You saw the softness in his eyes and you knew he meant it. Your heart beat wildly and you pulled him in for a kiss. “Let’s go to my place, Ben” you said seductively.
By the time the two of you got inside your apartment clothes were all ready coming off. Ben lifted you up and you squealed. You’d never been picked up and manhandled before and it turned you on. He tossed you on the bed and you yelped and giggled. He pulled your pants and panties off leaving you naked in front of him. You tried to grab the sheet to cover up but he stopped you. “No, let me see how beautiful you are.” He said as he looked you over.
Your cheeks turned red and you had to fight hard not to cover yourself up. No man has ever wanted to see your body and here this god of a man was and he wanted to actually see it. He removed the rest of his clothes and his long, thick cock sprang free. You bit your lip and he growled.
Ben dropped to his knees and slung your legs over his shoulders and started to eat your pussy like a man starved. Your hands went in his hair and you pulled him closer. You felt him smirk and he moved faster. You were close to your release really quickly. You’d never felt like that or gotten to your release so quickly. He definitely knew what he was doing.
“Ben I’m going to cum. Oh god!” He leaned up and said “you can call me Ben”. You came hard and he lapped up your juices. As he stood you saw your arousal on his beard. He leaned forward and kissed your lips. You could feel his hardness on your leg. “Ready sweetheart” he asked. You nodded “yes I am. Please Ben I need you” you said.
He pumped himself a few times and lined himself up. Ben pushed himself in slowly and as he entered you he stretched you. “Relax baby. I’ll be gentle” he said. You relaxed and it felt amazing.
You wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled him. He grinned and pushed himself in the rest of the way. You both moaned and grunted as he bottomed out. He set a good pace. Not too fast and not too slow. Each thrust was amazing. You felt your bodies connecting in ways you never imagined.
“Ben please. I’m not going to break. Please fuck me” you begged. Ben growled and flipped you over on your knees. He pushed back in and began thrusting hard. The sounds of grunts, moans, and flesh hitting flesh filled the room. Ben grabbed your hair and pulled your body up and back flush to his. His lips on your neck. He smacked your ass and you yelled in pleasure.
“Fuck you feel so good. I don’t want to cum like this. Get on me baby girl. Ride me.” He groaned in your ear. He released you and laid down. You climbed on top of him and put one leg on either side of his body. You used one hand to steady you and the other to guide him in. As soon as he was in you slid down and he thrusted up. Ben thrusted up as you bounced up and down on him. He kept looking at your body and his hands roamed over every inch. He grabbed your breasts and leaned up sucking on them.
You felt yourself getting close to a second release. “Ben I’m close again” you breathed out. “Me too. I want to cum inside you. Fuck a baby into this perfect body. Make you mine” he said. “Yes Ben. Fuck a baby into me. Please” you begged. As you started to cum your walls clenched around his cock causing him to cum too. He grunted and thrusted deep inside you. Coating your walls with his hot seed.
When he was ready you climbed off and laid beside him. He kissed your forehead and moved a piece of hair out of your face. Ben got up and went into your bathroom. He cleaned himself up and came back with a warm washcloth. He parted your legs and carefully cleaned you up.
As he walked away to put the washcloth in the bathroom your heart twinged. You’d never had anyone take care of you like that. He was amazing.
Ben climbed back in the bed with you and held you in his arms. He drew delicate patterns on your arm as he held you. “You okay sweetheart. I didn’t hurt you did I” he asked softly. “No Ben. You didn’t hurt me. I’m perfect.” You leaned up and kissed him.
“I meant what I said. I do want to put a baby inside you. If you want me to.” Ben was so sincere. “I’d like that Ben. Very much” you whispered.
From that day forward you and Ben were inseparable. You never thought you’d ever find anyone who loved all of you. Especially your body. Ben worshipped your body. Any chance he got his hands were on you. He could be a jackass and a big scary supe, but not with you. To the world he was Soldier Boy, but to you he was your Ben. Soft, kind, and loving. He was your home and you were his. Curves and all.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92 @suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 @manicjk
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munsooooon · 11 hours
Warning: Angst, Kinda Hurt/No Comfort. English is not my first language, so feel free to let me know if there is any mistake!
Eddie does die. Steve grows up, but he never forgets Eddie and all that could be. He was the man who made him accept his bisexuality. He was the man who made him find new interests. To everyone's surprise, Steve forms a punk band with Gareth and some other guys.
In the 90s, they became famous. They were big as Green Day and other bands of the time. Steve becomes a rock/punk sex symbol. Everyone goes crazy for him because he is incredibly pretty, and his songs are powerful. But he always claims he's not interested in having a relationship.
His band's albums are successful, but Steve keeps a low profile, at the beginning of '96 he disappears from the public eye, leaving everyone bewildered, the world doesn't stop throwing theories, even his fellow musicians in other bands are worried, Steve is a king once again, but he doesn't care about that crown either. In March 1997, surprisingly, his band released a preview of a new album, a heartbreaking single called Gone Away. It immediately becomes his biggest hit. People immediately want to know what the song is about.
So Steve speaks, for the first time he gives a serious interview, he was always quiet in the back while Gareth talked to the media, he ignored the questions, he had never talked to the media seriously before until now.
He is wearing a faded Dio T-shirt, black baggy jeans, and rings on his hand. His sad eyes always made him be compared to Kurt Cobain even though his music was different.
The audience numbers on MTV were breaking records. There were kids in the studio who reminded him of The Party. The host was very excited and could hardly hide it, but he was making a good effort:
"First of all, Steve, thank you very much for granting us this interview and, above all, congratulations for the huge success that Gone Away is having."
Steve smiles weakly and tries to be nice despite how overwhelmed he feels. He does it for Eddie because the guy reminds him of Eddie, at least in looks, he probably would have gotten along great with Eddie, Steve always thought so when he saw him on TV.
"Thank you," Steve whispers kindly. The guys in the studio can barely hear him.
"I know you're not a big fan of TV studios, so is it okay if we start with the questions?"
Steve nods weakly, and he can feel himself starting to breathe more naturally.
"I suffer from really bad migraines, and the studio lights are terrible."
"I understand," replies the show host. He looks at him for a few seconds straight in the eye. The boy seems to be dazzled by Steve and seems to understand what this means to him. "So, Gone Away, what's the song talking about?"
Steve looks at him gratefully. MTV wanted the host to ask him about a thousand topics as Steve was giving his first exclusive interview, Steve had agreed to talk shit because he knew that MTV was the place where he could reach kids who cared about his music, kids like Eddie.
"It's about my husband. His name was Eddie, Eddie Munson."
Steve could hear everyone in the studio express surprise. Steve suddenly felt like he was in high school when Eddie would climb on the tables.
"Your husband?" the host asked in surprise, he looked as if he didn't believe what Steve was saying, as if he thought it was one of the antics he sometimes pulled while Gareth was talking about his music but Steve kept his face very serious.
"My husband. You all think I'm from New York and I've never cared to make it clear. The band was formed in New York, I moved there when I was 22, but I grew up in Hawkins, Indiana. Probably a lot of the kids here don't know because they were so young, but 11 years ago there was a devastating earthquake there, a lot of people died, including my husband Eddie, he was just 21 years old."
"Yeah man, I remember that earthquake, was awful"
"Yeah. A few days before, Eddie had been persecuted by the whole town especially by the religious people because he was wrongfully accused of crimes he did not commit, which sucks because he was the sweetest man I have ever known, I have lived since then trying to be at least a part of how sweet he was."
Everyone was in complete shock. All eyes were on Steve.
"Eddie died in the earthquake. He sacrificed himself to save me, to save our friends. We didn't get to live our romance, but I know my love was reciprocated because he wrote me letters and poems, he made me drawings, and even in his last diary entry he said he was happy because we had friends in common, he was planning to talk to me at Spring Break and have fun with me and our friends in the summer."
"Steve, I'm very sorry".
"Last year was the 10th anniversary of his death. I can hardly believe that I have lived all this time without him, but I am as much in love as the first day. That is why I call him my husband, because even though I could never propose to him, we are together but in different places. We even have our children, who are the reason I am still alive. I still wear his clothes, these are his clothes, and this seat I'm sitting in today belongs to him, he was born a rock star. "
"Steve, once again, you have left us speechless."
Steve smiled genuinely at him and then turned to look directly into the camera:
"I'm making it very clear. I'm bisexual, I don't allow anyone, not the fans, not the media to question my sexuality like they did with Bowie, like they're doing it with Billie. I am bisexual, in love, and married to a wonderful man. If you can't understand that, you are stupid, and that makes you part of the problem that killed my husband 11 years ago."
Steve left the interview at that moment. He sent a letter to the host, thanking him for the space to talk about Eddie, being aware of how incredibly privileged he was. It was the first and last interview he gave, he thought his career was going to disappear but the interview made him more famous, the band played in the most important festivals that year but in 1998 they announced their separation. Steve lived his last days with Wayne in New York. Steve died a few days after Wayne died. In the year 2000, he was 34.
The fans were really happy that Steve was finally with his husband, the love of his life and his muse. Because Steve chose to live a life for him and Eddie, every time he made a decision about his music, he thought: What would Eddie have done?
That's why he decided to go to that famous interview in 1998. It was one of the greatest moments in music. Eddie and Steve are well remembered, not only by fans, to this day Steve's contemporary artists like Billie Joe Armstrong or Dave Grohl talk about those small moments in which they met Steve at festivals, they all agree that he was magical.
Like Steve lyrics, people always leave flowers in his shared grave with Eds to show they care.
Leaving flowers on your grave
To show that I still care
Black roses and Hail Mary's
Can't bring back what's taken from me
I reach to the sky
And call on your name
And if I could trade, I would
And it feels, and it feels like
Heaven's so far away
And it stings, and it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that you've gone away...
• Gone Away is a song by The Offspring, an American punk band. Dexter, the lead singer, wrote this song because he was in the middle of a shooting with his girl. When I was younger I read he wrote it for his late girlfriend, who died in a car accident but apparently that's not true. Anyway it's one of my favourite songs, I think it is very beautiful, these days when I listen to the song I think that it is a song that suits Steve and Eddie a lot. Curiously, it was published in March 1997, exactly 11 years after Eddie's death, y all know he died in March 1986.
• The Billie Steve mentioned in the interview is Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer of Green Day. He is bisexual but many people question his sexuality back in the day and even nowadays.
I apologise for this, hahaha. I have a happy version of this if you guys are interested.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 days
In Century Egg au, Wukong is very much in a weird position. His recovery takes long enough that he's still stuck in the Celestial Realm by the time the Brotherhood have their coup. It's for this exact reason that the Jade Emperor survives the coup, but his power still ends up usurped. In turn, Wukong and Xiaotian are kept as political hostages for the duration
We be talking in the notes here about Century egg au + how the Brotherhood likely gets involved.
Azure is already on guard at hearing how there's a stink between the Ten Kings and the ownership of Brother Macaque's soul - something he hadn't even known was an issue until recently. How come Macaque decided to barter his soul with the Bone Demon?
Then he hears something very interesting from a passing god;
First Ten King: "That was an eventful trial." Second Ten King: "Not everyday a trial for the dead ends with a birth." Third Ten King: "It's best we keep vigilant, however. As immortal as Sun Wukong once was, his child nearly absolved him of all his dao. The Queen Mother has all but threatened us not to send Ox and Horse to collect him during his recovery." Azure, overhearing: "wtf???"
Sun Wukong was in the trial for Macaque's soul? Odd, but not impossible given that they were once mates. But apparently Sun Wukong gave birth during the trial!? Since when was he expecting?! Wait, is that why Macaque escaped Diyu? To be with his pregnant mate? And since when they Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven - need to recover??
Why is the Queen Mother suddenly being so protective of the very same monkey that ruined her banquet all those centuries ago?!
As if the celestial lapdog couldn't fall farther from grace...
Azure scouts things out cautiously at first.
He visits the Celestial Realm under the guise of working for his Bodhisattva - when in reality he's keeping a watchful eye and ear on the palace itself.
Wukong appears to be in a critical health-state caused by one of the most natural acts a creature could preform. The tiny brown-furred monkey cub is rarely out of sight of it's birth parent, nor the ever-vigilant Macaque. It seems that the two adult monkeys have reconciled since the Journey - the admittedly adorable fluff ball in their arms evidence of such.
Over the coming days, Azure then sees a parade of creatures from all walks of life visit the couple.
The Stalwart Generals that were loyal to the King to a fault.
The Bodhisattva Guanyin that turned their former brother against them.
The former-celestial Princess that drew Brother Bull away from the Brotherhood - an impatient half-bull demon child clinging to her dress. Brother Bull still imprisoned for a crime not even the Underworld has clear explanation of.
A pair of modern-looking Western Sea Dragons, either one holding a pup that chatters excitedly about her "best-est newest friend" resting in their crib.
Azure was confused by the inclusion of the dragons, until he noticed a trio with eerily familiar souls visit the monkey's temporary home. The very same souls that rested within the Pilgrims that felled their remaining Brotherhood! In new shells, but recognisable all the same. The "Great" Monk that had turned their brother onto that futile Pilgrimage now a dumpy mortal scholar that spends days at a time reading inside the imperial library. Zhu Bajie, a celestial general turned demon, now a fretful cook that frequently appears at meal times to ensure that each monkey has their fill of food. Sha Wujing, a former fighter and royal cup-bearer, now no more than a meditative cat-minder.
Azure didn't think it could get any worse when he spotted the Lotus Prince Nezha himself worriedly check in on Wukong, receiving the mother-monkey equivalent of an adoring coo and hug from the King.
Then came the Queen Mother herself, followed soon by her many daughters. Azure had been struck dumb by her presence. Looking deeper into the matter, he learned that the Empress had in fact delivered the King's cub! The lion suspects that the Queen Mother has become attached to Wukong and his cub as surrogate grandchild, given that Iron Fan is adamant on keeping her calf hidden from other celestials. But another reason must be lurking...
When the Jade Emperor appears in a manner almost sheepish at the door to the recovery room, Azure throws up his hands with disbelief. Now he's seen everything! The very same emperor they tried to overthrow was now crying silent tears as he held Wukong's cub in his hand. He did not shed a single cross word or expression to the monkeys, even as the infant urinated on his hand - which Azure thought was delightfully ironic, perhaps the cub was inherently rebellious as it's parent had once been?
Azure Lion now has full reason to believe that Sun Wukong, and unfortunately Brother Macaque as well, has fully thrown his lot in with the celestial host. And whats more, he nearly has the royal couple themselves eating out the palm of his hand. It's a insult to all their Brotherhood had stood for.
So the lion devises a plan to revive his two trapped brothers, and separate Wukong and his cub from the others so that they can have a talk about what has happened since the war.
This certainly wont turn into a political kidnapping now will it? (Doubt)
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day 4 - free day
Love you with my eyes closed
Jason finished moving in the last box that Tim had asked for help with. The penthouse that he and his boyfriend were moving into looked across the street to Wayne Enterprises. Jason couldn’t help but notice how Tim stayed back from the windows and kept checking his hip as though to hold his grapple. Jason knew that ever since Ra’s had kicked him out of the window he’d been more jumpy around high up places. 
“Isn’t the view great?” Benard asked as he walked into the living room from where he had been placing a box into their bedroom. “The windows are bulletproof even this far up, and the bedroom windows are also floor to ceiling like out here.” 
Tim gave one of his fake gala smiles to Benard and Jason had to look away when he kissed him. “It’s perfect, babe, just what you wanted.” 
“We.” Benard said quietly before kissing Tim again. 
“Is there anything else that you need moved in?” Jason asked, clearing his throat before Tim got caught in a lie.
Benard shook his head. “Nah, I think that we finally got everything moved over from Tim’s houseboat and my friends helped move my things in already.” 
“Cool, Timberly, you good?” Jason asked and Tim nodded. 
“Yeah, we’re gonna eat dinner and then I’ll see you later.” Tim waved at him. “I’ll have that flashdrive for you tonight.” 
Jason nodded and left the apartment. Knowing that Benard knew about them was the weirdest part of Tim’s life now. But after the most recent cult thing Tim had not really had a choice but admit to the blonde boy who he was. 
Jason pulled up to the manor and paused. Someone was driving a new car, and based on the other cars in the lot it was Tim… Tim didn’t like cars, he liked to ride his bike and feel the wind across him as he would weave through traffic. He had the redbird but that was specifically for when RR needed to get someone else somewhere, not when Tim needed to go somewhere. 
Jason pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. Bruce had a rule about smoking in the manor but Alfred had never cared if he smoked in the garage. Jason just needed a moment to think while staring at the car. It was beautiful, but it was so not Tim it was laughable. Jason walked toward the car with his keys out, maybe if he defaced the thing then Tim could go back to riding his bike. 
“Hey!” Tim said from the door pulling Jason out of his thoughts. “I thought I’d find you here.” 
Jason took a drag on his cigarette and then slowly blew out the smoke. “Yeah, just got here.” 
“You, uh, like the new wheels?” Tim asked, gesturing to the car. “Benard got it for me as an early birthday gift.” 
“Surprised me, thought you preferred to bike.” Jason said casually. 
Tim shrugged just a little and then looked toward the manor. “I better get back in there. When I left to come find you Duke was showing Benard some game but I’m pretty sure Damian is about to be home.” 
“Yeah, don’t let the demon spawn hurt your cultist.” Jason barked out a laugh. 
“Don’t call him that!” Tim yelled but in a way that Jason knew he was trying not to laugh. 
Jason watched Tim hanging out with Benard and his friends. They were at some restaurant that had just opened and there wasn’t a single person other than Jason in the place that was Tim’s friend first. 
“Surprised you didn’t invite your fast friend to this, it seems like his scene.” Jason remarked when Tim sat down next to him. 
Tim shrugged. “Bart isn’t big on-” 
“Tim!” Benard came to sit next to them and leaned over to kiss Tim’s cheek. “Have you met Stacy? I think you guys would get along well. She went to one of those posh boarding schools like you did.” 
Jason watched Tim talk to Benard’s friends and move around them the same way he would the rich and famous at a gala. Fake smiles and casual touches. Tim seemed to fit in just perfectly with Benard’s friends, but Jason could see how tired he was and how much he was holding himself back. 
“Why do you do that?” Jason asked Tim.
Tim looked up from where he was sitting on a gargoyle eating a chili dog. “Do what?” 
“You hold yourself back, and make yourself small.” Jason continued. 
“What are you talking about?” Tim laughed. “Did that hit to the head hurt you more than I thought?” 
“Around your cultist, and his friends, it’s like you cave into yourself, like you’re afraid of telling him the truth.” Jason kept going. 
Tim frowned. “Don’t call him that.” 
“It’s what he is, isn’t it?” Jason countered. 
“You don’t know anything.” Tim spat out, throwing his food wrapper to the rooftop. 
“I know you, Baby Bird.” Jason said, leaning in to him. “I know you’re afraid of heights when you don’t have a grapple to save you, I know you hate large windows because they cause you flashbacks to when you didn’t know if anyone would catch you. I know that you hate the confines of a car and think bikes are faster. I know that you don’t like blondie’s friends and miss yours when they’re not around. I know that he’s bought you tickets to some fancy dinner and show which you skipped to eat chili dogs with me. I know you.” 
Tim stared up at him and leaned in to kiss him. “How…” 
“I have you figured out, have for a long time.” Jason whispered into the space between them. 
“Don’t follow me.” Tim grabbed his grapple and ran off into the night. 
Jason glared at the ceiling and cursed his stupid concussion. He had indeed hit his head harder than he’d thought and had started just saying things. But Tim had kissed him! That had to mean he did something right. But then Tim had run off into the night and Babs had called him in for a medical check. 
“You’re an idiot.” She said from by her computer set up. “He’s dating Benard, he’s not going to just fall head over heels for you all over again just because you finally noticed him.” 
Jason groaned. “What are you talking about?” 
Babs sighed. “Tim was in love with you for years Jay, but you were too out of it to ever notice. Just because you’re noticing him now doesn’t mean that he’s gonna drop the life he’s creating to come back to you.” 
Jason’s eye twitched and he lay still. “You don’t mean…” 
“Yeah, I do.” She sighed. “Of course maybe I’m wrong.” 
Jason looked over to see Tim on the monitors running across the rooftops again. “Hood! What’s your location?” 
Babs sighed. “He’s at the clocktower.” 
“Thanks Oracle!” Tim responded and then diverted his course to head toward them. 
Jason watched Tim’s progress through the city and then stood up to meet him at the door to the outside.
Tim leapt into his arms and cradled his head gently. “Tell me you meant it.” 
Jason studied Tim’s eyes and saw them bright and attentive. “I meant it all, I’ve got you figured out.” 
“Kiss me like you mean it, because I didn’t just upend my entire life for nothing.” Tim laughed. 
Jason kissed him softly and gently, exploring Tim’s mouth with care and dragging up the last of his oxygen before Tim’s words fully registered. He pulled back to look at the younger man. “What did you do?” 
“I broke things off with Benard, I couldn’t be a cheater, but I couldn’t stay with him when my heart belongs to you.” Tim tried to kiss him again but Jason pulled back. 
“Tim, you guys…” Jason floundered for the words. 
Tim placed a finger on Jason’s lips. “He’ll get over me, he’s pretty and kind and will find someone better than me in a week. But he could never compare to the feelings I have for you.” 
“I love you, and I’ll prove every day that I’m worthy of you.” Jason promised. 
“You already did,” Tim kissed him softly. “You already do.”
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bloody-cupcakes · 1 day
i loved your platonic tenth doctor fic sm 💞 would you ever consider doing a pt.2? maybe with the reader sort of figuring out what’s up and trying to get back on their own
I would love to do a part two, I'm so happy to hear you liked it! (Part one is here for anyone who wants to read it first)
Platonic! yandere/dark! Tenth Doctor x teen reader; you discover he's purposely keeping you from leaving
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, the Doctor has possessive tendencies due to seeing the reader as his child, not technically kidnapping but the Doctor goes to great lengths to make sure the reader won't/can't leave so there's that
After your conversation with the Doctor about returning home to earth, you went to your room on the TARDIS and began packing. Part of you felt bad for possibly hurting his feelings (after all, you were currently his only companion, and while you didn't get the whole story you knew he had others before you that met less than ideal fates) but you couldn't just stay with him forever. You knew you had to go back home eventually.
The next day when you found him, he was fiddling with the control panel and humming cheerfully to himself. It was as if you'd never even spoken about leaving the day before.
"Um, Doctor?"
He looked up immediately when he heard your voice, a bright smile covering his face. "Ah, there you are! I was just waiting for you before I put the coordinates in for our next adventure. Are you ready to go?"
You made a visible face of confusion at his words. Next adventure? What was that supposed to mean?
"No, Doctor, I'm not. I already told you, I have to go home now."
His right eye twitched slightly with irritation as you mentioned that word again- "home". It wasn't fair that you kept talking about it as if your time with him didn't matter. I mean, he didn't even have a home to go back to, and he was perfectly fine. He learned how to become a well adjusted Time Lord after some time he assured himself while lying.
"Yeah, yeah. I know that." He waved his hand dismissively as if it was no big deal. "I just figured you'd want to go on one last trip before you had to leave. You know, just to cap off everything."
The exhaustion still in your body was screaming at you to say no, but he looked so hopeful as he stared at you with his big brown puppy dog eyes that you ended up saying yes despite yourself.
"You know what? Sure, why not. One last trip, to commemorate our time together."
The Doctor beamed with joy at your words, estatic that he was able to make you relent so quickly. "Great! Now, let's be off, then. Allonsy!"
It would just be one quick trip, you thought to yourself as the TARDIS started up, prepared to take you wherever you decided to go. It wouldn't take too long, and them he'd take you back home as soon as you were done.
So sure that you were right, you didn't even bother to keep track of the amount of time the two of you spent adventuring that day, which meant the Doctor was able to keep suggesting more and more things for you to do on your "last day" without any fuss. By the time you finally made it back to the TARDIS, you were exhausted, heading straight to bed without any more mentions of returning home for the time being.
The Time Lord was beside himself with delight as he realized his plan on keeping you too busy and tired to even think about leaving was beginning to work. He kept at it day after day, insisting that you just needed one more adventure to top it all off, just one extra trip. And because you didn't want to upset him by declining, you said yes to every single one.
This all came to a head the day he momentarily put his plan on pause due to the TARDIS needing repairs. It had been beeping nonstop at him for the past four days, and he'd finally had enough. He parked the TARDIS and told you to stay put, not that you had the energy to go anywhere.
While he was out for supplies, you finally got the chance to relax somewhat. Deciding to spoil yourself with this newfound free time, you took a long bath and put on your comfiest clothes before settling yourself in one of the several armchairs adorning the TARDIS library. You were just about to pick up something to read when the TARDIS started beeping again.
"I know you need repairs, he'll be back soon, don't worry," you tried to reassure it, but it simply ignored you and continued on.
Letting out a somewhat exasperated sigh, you set down your book and got up, making your way to the control room. "What seems to be the problem here?"
The TARDIS made a chirping sound as it brought up the coordinates that would take you back to the time and place of your home on earth.
You frowned in confusion, your brow furrowing as you studied the screen. The Doctor had been complaining about how it had been malfunctioning lately, so it's possible that what the screen was currently displaying could mean nothing.
In reality it had actually been scolding him for keeping you from your family on earth, but of course he ignored it, meaning it decided to take drastic measures in order to help get you back home.
"Yeah, that's my home. What about it?"
Something that sounded like a huff of annoyance came from the control panel. What its next few beeps meant you couldn't know for sure, but you were almost positive it had called you stupid.
"Hey, I'm doing my best here! I'm not a Time Lord, how would I know what you want?"
You could practically feel the way it was rolling its eyes at you before pulling up all the other places you'd been to recently. The log dated that they'd all been auto-saved on the same day, the day you told the Doctor you wanted to go back home.
A chill went down your spine as you realized he'd planned this out all ahead of time, knowing you'd be far too exhausted to argue if he kept taking you on one trip after another.
"Wait, why are you showing me this? What does this all mean?"
The TARDIS let out a few more beeps as it showed you the coordinates for earth again. It seemed to be trying to tell you something, but it was hard to know what it was exactly.
"Are you... are you trying to say that I should make my way back home, all by myself? Without the Doctor?"
The affirmative chattering of beeps and boops that came next told you the answer was yes. Now that you thought about it, the TARDIS seemed to be working perfectly fine, bringing you to the conclusion it had lied to the Doctor on purpose in order to help you.
"That's great and all, but I don't know how to manage these controls. I'd probably cause us to crash before we ever got there." You rolled your eyes at the noises it made in response. "Yes, I realize the Doctor crashes you all the time, and no, I don't want to take that risk. At least he knows how to fix you afterwards."
Your argument was cut short by a series of anxious beeps, the TARDIS frantically trying to warn you of the Doctor returning. You could hear him cursing from the outside as he tried to get in through the doors, the TARDIS having apparently locked him out.
"I can't fly you. I don't even know how to work all these buttons and knobs on your control panel." The sad and dejected boop it let out made you give it a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to get home some other way."
The doors finally opened, the Doctor nearly falling over as he entered. "Ah, there you are! I was just about to look for you. We should be ready to leave for our next trip once I've fixed whatever's wrong with the controls."
The TARDIS made an offended noise at the implication that there was something wrong with it, which both you and the Doctor ignored.
"Actually, I was wondering when you were going to take me back home."
The grin on his face immediately dropped at you words. "Home? You want to go home now?"
You hesitated briefly, not exactly sure what to think after the recent discoveries you'd made involving him trying to keep you from leaving. Surely he wouldn't do anything to actually hurt you, but you decided to tread carefully regardless.
"Well, yeah. I miss my family, and I'm sure they must be missing me. And I can always come back to travel with you again, you know." You added the last bit in hopes of easing the apparent pain of him losing you.
"But I'm your family now," he insisted in an almost pleading manner, gesturing to the inside of the machine. "This is your home. I don't understand why you'd ever want to leave any of this."
The Doctor shot the control panel a dirty look when it made a noise that sounded like sarcastic muttering. "Besides, I can offer so much more than they can. Can they take you anywhere in time and space? I don't think so."
"I'm not your family, Doctor," you blurted out in a desperate attempt to get him to see reason. "I'm not. I'm not your kid, and this isn't my home. I need to get back to my real home with my real family."
He turned away from you, resting his hands on the control panel so he wouldn't fall over from shock. His hands gripped onto the side of it so tightly his knuckles turned white.
"Doctor...?" You questioned gently, starting to feel bad for what you'd said. "Are you alright?"
Shaking his head, he responded in a quiet voice. "No, I'm not." He sighed as he leaned over the controls. "You're right, I'm not your family."
You felt a tiny bit of hope bloom within you despite yourself, hope that maybe, just maybe he was starting to see reason.
"So, does this mean-" You began eagerly before he suddenly cut you off.
"But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you leave, just like that." He turned back towards you, his face hardened as he gave you a look of determination. "Maybe I'm not your family yet, but I will be. And this will be your home, whether you like it or not."
A shiver of fear went down your spine at his firm declaration, causing you to realize you'd made a severe judgment in error when you decided to tell him you weren't family. It was at this point that you were beginning to wish you'd listened to the TARDIS when it told you to run while you still had the chance.
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