#and jumps up to cuddle with me in bed at noon with his head on my lap
coloursofaparadox · 1 month
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 18)
N was peacefully in sleep mode, wrapped around something he inherently wanted to protect, whatever it was, it was pleasantly cooler than the rest of his body, and he found himself bringing it closer to him.
“En! En! En!” A small little voice chirped into his audio receptors, but even still he remained in sleep mode, where all that was active was his most base code.
That voice was no threat, it was the opposite, it meant love and protection, it was someone who belonged with him, no need to panic, no need to disrupt recharge.
His programming pulled the source closer.
Love. Protect. Mine. Those keyphrases ran on repeat within the part of his system that was always active, always ready to immediately jump into action even when he was asleep.
“Shhh… Tera let your dad sleep…” A second, very sleepy voice met his audio receptors, sending more code running through that system.
Freind. Partner. Love. Protect. Safe.
Still no reason to disrupt charge. Partner not in distress. Offspring not in distress.
“Zi!” He felt something shuffle against him, and the sudden removal of the weight in his arms, finally he snapped out of sleep mode, visor and eyelights popping on all at once in a sudden outburst of conscious thought.
“Huh…?” He asked noone, blinking around dumbly, his eyes landed on Uzi, who was currently filling yet another bottle with oil. Tera was unplugged, rolling excitedly in her arms as she impatiently waited for her feed.
“Sorry, I tried to let you sleep.” She said sheepishly, before finishing what she was doing and rolling back down her hoodie, she rubbed her side, apparently all the attention was beginning to make it sore.
“S’okies…” He slurred, still groggy. Dang, what background process was running that had him this out of it?
“Can't believe you have a full size bed and we both used the couch.” She grumbled as she slowly squeezed the oil into Tera’s port, he blushed, oh yeah, they'd cuddled all night…
“Hey the past week's been crazy, you can't blame me for falling asleep.” He defended, not giving into the fact he'd been having a little trouble sleeping without her there.
Uzi looked disheveled, like she'd just lost a fight or crash landed, her beanie was crooked and her hoodie was lopsided, there were lines under her eyelights that indicated poor sleep.
“How did you sleep?” He asked on instinct, stretching as he splayed out on the couch, he wouldn't lie, it was incredibly comfortable.
“Meh… weird dream.” That was typical for Uzi at this point, “weird” probably didn't describe them very well “terrifying” and “prophetic” was probably a better description.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked, only for her to yawn and shake her head, she would put it up on her conspiracy board when she was next home, it was way easier to sort out that way.
“I'm good.”
N looked slightly concerned, he hoped she wasn't bottling in any emotions, she tended to be good at that.
“I got a message from Thad?” She suddenly said, although it was clear she was talking more to herself, N felt his core flip at the mention of the drones name.
Usi had just checked her system messages (and they were nearly always empty) and found several green colored messages awaiting in her inbox.
WID-Thad: Hey Zi, throwing party this wknd, ur still coming right?
WID-Thad: It's gonna b outside. Don't worry, @ nite
WID-Thad: Or r u gonna need a babysitter fr the kid?
The kid? Oh… oh no.
“Thad knows about Tera…” Uzi whispered, living one of her greatest nightmares, how- how did he find out?
“How'd he find out?” N asked as if he read her mind. She wasn't in the headspace to think about that, not when Thad, the least gossipy person she knew, knew about Tera.
“I don't know! I thought I was doing well in hiding it!” She pulled at her hair, eyelights hollow and the feeling of extreme anxiety crawling up her mechanical spine.
“I mean it's not all bad? What did he say exactly?” N could immediately tell she had started to freak out, and took Tera in his arms, standing up just to put a hand on Uzi's shoulder.
“Uh… if I needed a-uh babysitter to come to his party?” She tried to breathe, maybe it was some sort of weird, oddly coincidental misunderstanding?
“I mean… I would…” He admitted, but that made sense, he was the one who adopted her, that was the main name on those papers, not her.
“Yeah but he asked me that. I'm not- at least not officially!” She stammered, trying to both claim ownership and avoid it at the same time, two juxtaposing desires, to be seen as edgy and mean so that she could protect herself, and all soft and gushy and parental, bragging about her kid.
It was all very confusing.
“It's okay! Maybe it's just Thad?” N offered, smiling like he really, truly meant it.
It was not just Thad.
When Uzi left N's apartment later that day to track down Thad and figure out exactly where he'd found out from. She'd been approached by drones she didn't even know, asking her how the baby was and how N was doing. Like they totally didn't ignore her existence for her entire life.
The entire colony seemed to know. N had just brought Tera home, how has it spread this quickly! And the assumptions! Several drones had asked how long her and N had been together, one had even asked how well her and N's code fit together.
How was she supposed to answer!? Other than how she did, which was a gruff “Bite me, none of your business.” Before she continued her warpath to Thad’s room, a blush slowly but surely growing everytime she was stopped, congratulated, or questioned.
When she did eventually get to the door, she pounded on it with a fury. How the hell did everyone know so soon?!
“Zi? Woah… you look pissed…” Thad opened the door first with a confused smile, then extreme nervousness, glancing from side to side and backing up slowly.
She shoved him wordlessly into his apartment (which was littered with sports memorabilia) and followed him inside, unleashing her tail to close the door behind her with a aggressive smack.
“How the fuck did you find out about Tera?” She asked, so serious that Thad's eyelights gained a few extra lines underneath them.
“Tera? Is that the kids name? It's cute!” He replied, clearly trying to appease her.
Her tail came up to point at him, saliva dripping from it's needle-like teeth, each drip causing his carpet to singe slightly. It's hot organic breath blowing over his visor.
“Wasn't what I asked Thad.” She put a hand on her hip. She wasn't really controlling her tail right now, but she did agree with it's sentiment, less small talk- let's get to the point.
“Right! Right! No need to get the tail involved!” He gulped, backing away from her tail slowly, putting both his hands up in surrender.
“I overheard your Dad talking to some of the WDF! That and Lizzy said she saw you and N walking into his new apartment with a baby! I drew conclusions?!” He stammered out rather loudly. Sweat appearing and falling rapidly down his visor.
“Okay sure, but why does everyone know!” She exclaimed, raising both her hands in irritation and stomping angerly. If it was just Thad she may not have even minded, but it wasn't was it, it was freaking everyone!
“Lizzy is a blabbermouth and your Dad isn't much better…?” He suggested, still attempting to get away from her irate tail, which had begun chasing him as much as it could while still attached to her.
“I didn't say shit Zi! I knew better!” He exclaimed, looking more and more freaked out of the fleshy appendage as it had somewhat backed him up against the wall.
She sighed, groaning as she put her tail away. Of course it was freaking Lizzy!, she didn't even blame her dad for this one, dispite his everything, he kept family matters pretty tight lipped- he probably hadn't said much.
“Dammit… Sorry Thad, I just… didn't want anyone else to find out about uh… her.” Her voice became… not soft but no longer as aggro.
“Hey it's cool. Didn't think you'd ever want kids though, did N wear you down or something?” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, looking at her with an eyebrow raised.
“Uh! No! She's- She's not mine. Er, not mine mine. She's adopted, and N adopted her, not me.” She explained, violet breaching her defenses as she stammered over her words. Dammit not now! Not in front of Thad!
“Oooooh, yeah that… that makes way more sense. He always seemed more the type then you.”
“Y-yeah…” She couldn't help it when her voice lost it's edge. Even when she tried to hide it.
“Lizzy took a picture though, she kinda does look like… yours.” He sent her a photo over short-range, and she immediately brought it up to her view.
And yeah, he was absolutely right.
It wasn't just the fact that Tera had purple eyelights as well (it's not like that was uncommon.) But her and N were looking absolutely enamored with her, she was even gripping onto his arm as they were walking to get a better look.
She uh… did not remember doing that.
She looked back up at Thad, who was smiling warily, trying to look supportive but also looking incredibly nervous.
“Uuuuuuuuugh” A blush had taken over her face again, this time impossible to hide.
So that's how everyone knew… there was a picture floating around. Photo evidence of her being soft and squishy with a baby.
“Uh Zi…?” Thad looked at her with an amused smile, quickly recovering from her threats once noticing her bravado had deflated.
“My life is over…” She replied, looking like she was suffering deeply, her arms drooped to the floor.
“Thats… probably overdramatic.” He chuckled, stepping closer into her personal space, he hadn't been scared of Uzi, not really. He wasn't sure why, but he'd never got the impression she ever wanted to actually hurt anyone as much as just scare them. He knew she could, and the tail was intimidating, but want to? Nah.
“Theres photo evidence of me being-ah!” She yelped, she was also always… dramatic, seemingly overanimated at times, some people found it off-putting, he found it endearing. A nice juxtaposition to his eternal mellow.
“Of you… being, motherly?” He asked with a smirk as she seemed to melt with embarrassment.
“I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean, has it been bad for you so far?” He asked, cocking his head. Surely it hadn't, she looked happy in that picture, happier then he'd ever seen her before.
“Well uh, no…” She admitted, the people who had stopped her had all been relatively nice… not as mocking as she'd expected.
“I think it looks good on you! You can't be edgy all the time.” He replied, this time a wide smile on his face, honestly, Thad had known about Uzi's soft center for a long while. He had known her right before Nori died, she'd been… much sweeter then. Soft spoken but not shy.
“Yes I can! Bite me!” And there was the shield… oh well.
“Sorry. You're trying to help.” Oh. Now that was new, the Uzi he knew would never apologize for anything, much less for saying “Bite me.”
“No issue. So are you and N…?
“Uh… no, we're not… I'm just helping him take care of Tera, and uh… speaking of.” The way she stammered and sputtered told him a lot. Mostly that she was still hiding something that's for damn sure, but he didn't want to pry.
“Riiiiight…” He said as if he didn't quite believe her, and he didn't. There was no hiding it in that picture. Hell, they looked like they were married, not even just dating, with the soft looks they both had.
“Okay now actually Bite Me!” She shouted as she stomped off, but Thad stuck his head out of his doorway to shout back.
“You better be still coming!”
She grumbled all the way back to N's apartment, still being stopped every once in awhile to be asked questions, either about Tera, or about her relationship with N.
While her first instinct was to still snap at them, she found herself actively beginning to surpress it. None of these people were asking out of any sort of malice or trying to be mean. Some of them even looked genuinely happy for her.
So she answered them, possibly not in the best or friendliest way (her voice was still rough and a little rude.) But she did clear up a few things here or there.
“No N and I didn't have a baby. She's adopted.”
“No, N's on the paperwork, I'm just listed as a caretaker.”
And when she did reach N's apartment and opened the door. She found N on the floor, helping Tera roll around to chase her toy, a wide grin on his face as a peel of laugher escaped his adoptive daughter each time she was boosted forward gently by his hand.
His eyes snapped up to meet her and they immediately softened, and Uzi had to supress another blush.
Now that she knew he liked her, the signs were rather obvious.
“What did you find out?” He asked, cute little head cock and all, she sighed, sending him the picture.
He blinked, before his face seemed to explode with color, taking a gander over the picture he couldn't help but think how much they both looked like parents.
“O-oh.” Was the only thing that came from his mouth, he look another look at Uzi, who was obviously far tenser than usual, she looked at him, and with only a beat of hesitation, threw herself onto his lap, wrapping her arms around him.
“Uh! Uzi-wha-” He stammered, was something wrong? She didn't typically initiate hugs like this unless she was extremely upset.
“Shut up and hold me goober.” Was all she said, holding him gently. He couldn't see the blush or the smile on her face that had appeared after she'd heard his core skip over a cycle when she'd made contact.
“Y-yeah okay…”
Next ->
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curawrites · 2 years
Bunny cuddles
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Young! Remus Lupin x Bunny animagus Reader
Warnings: Most likely crappy writing. Mention of werewolf transformation, injuries, food. 
Note: Bunnies can purr??? It’s called tooth purring. The start is weird but oh well-
Pain was all Remus felt as he woke up. His head was pounding, his muscles were sore, his hands and arms felt suffocated by the bandages wrapped around them, his whole body hurt. The aftermath of his transformations were always painful but the pain he was feeling right now was excruciating. 
He attempted to recall last night’s events but could only vaguely remember entering the shrieking shack with his friends, the rest was a undecipherable blur. Remus could only assume that last night’s transformation was brutal.
His entire being filled with dread at the thought of waking up, all he wanted was to fall back asleep, escape the horrible pain he was in. But his body wouldn't comply. He tried everything he could think of, counting sheep, meditating, counting his breaths... Eventually he turned onto his side, ignoring how his body screamed in pain. While settling into his pillow, his face brushed against something soft.
Taken aback, Remus opened his eyes, taking a few moments to adjust to the blinding brightness of the infirmary. To his shock the first thing he saw was a familiar ball of fluff. It was you in your animagus form, a small, fluffy, bunny. 
Your eyes widened seeing your boyfriend finally awake. Your quiet purring grew louder causing him to chuckle faintly.  
“Hi, poppet...” Remus weakly greeted, petting you with a shaking hand.
You hopped onto the chair beside his bedside before transforming back into your human form. 
“Hey, Rem... How are you feeling?” You asked, gently running your hand through his unruly hair. 
“Awful..” he rolled onto his back, quietly hissing in pain.
“I can imagine” you laughed dryly , “Last night was bloody awful..” 
“Yeah..?” he murmured.
‘‘Merlin, Rem.. I didn't think me and Wormtail were going to make it out alive- I swear Prongs almost stepped on me four times.’‘ you sighed exasperated at the mere thought of last night.
He chuckled weakly. “What time is it?” He asked.
“It’s…” You glanced at the clock, “Noon.’’ you announced.
“Noon..? Have you gone to class?” Remus questioned.
“No..” you said, laughing nervously.
“Poppet..” he sighed.
“Rem.. I couldn’t leave you all alone after last night.” You reasoned, gently tracing the scar across his nose.
Remus only hummed in response.
The sound of clicking heels could be heard approaching in the distance.
“She’s coming...” You whispered hearing the footsteps quietly getting closer.
Assuming it was madam Pomfree, you transformed back into your animagus form much to the disappointment of your boyfriend, and jumped onto the bed. Quietly, you hopped closer to his head and settled in the crook of his neck. Remus smiled and rubbed his cheek against your soft fur. 
Your assumption was correct. A few seconds later, Madam Pomfree walked into the infirmary. 
“Good afternoon, mister Lupin.” she greeted the lycanthrope, gathering some materials as she spoke.
“Hello..” Remus greeted, voice hoarse.
You stayed cuddled against Remus’s neck while she skillfully took care of his injuries. 
‘‘You’ll be right as rain in a couple of days. I expect your friends will fill you in on what you’ll miss?’‘ She said while folding a cloth. 
Remus nodded, not wanting to move much.
‘‘Good, get some rest.’‘ she stood back up and put away some things before leaving. 
Eventually the sound of her shoes clacking against the stone floor slowly faded into the distance. You stayed cuddled against Remus, to comfortable to move.
Ten minutes of blissful silence and snuggles was rudely interrupted by the approaching boisterous voices of your friends.
“Oi Moony! Waggles! We got food!” Sirius announced, walking into the infirmary.
You shifted back into a human, surprised by Sirius’s loud entrance. Both you and Remus laughed at your friend’s silliness and enjoyed the lunch oh so graciously brought to you.
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r4ikkonen · 1 year
Fem Hamilton x Verstappen married??
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A/N Hey!!I didn’t quite understand this request but I hope I wrote it well, thank uu for requesting enjoy reading this!💘
It’s been a year since I’ve been married to Max and honestly it’s been great.Of course we’ve had our rough patches but nothing that we couldn’t make up for.He’s been a wonderful husband and living in Monaco with him is such a dream.The only problem is work.We are both occupied with work and we barely see each other because he travels a lot.I have a lot of work on my own too, turns out being a lawyer isn’t easy.Whenever Max is away he always makes sure he sends me flowers and other gifts.He really cares about me and I care for him.This week we’ll spend together.I cant wait for him to come home.I missed him so much.
After I’ve came home from work I saw two messages from Max.A slight smirk appeared on my face as I’ve went to shower.It was 5pm already and I couldn’t wait for Max to come tomorrow.I went to lock the door and watch some Netflix before I fall asleep.Suddenly someone got in.It caught my by surprise because noone other than me and Max have the house key.When I looked my eyes went wide.It was Max standing there with his Louis Vuitton backpack and two luggages.
“MAX!” I yelled reaching out to him
“Babyyy hii!!” He lifted me up, I’ve missed you so much I didn’t want to way till tomorrow”
I locked eye contact with him and pressed a deep kiss onto his lips.I could feel his heart beating fast.He was so warm and I felt sad when I had to let go of him after I hugged him.
“Maxie you stink let’s go take a shower” I teased pulling his arm to the bathroom
He had let me take him to the bathroom.We both got our clothes off and hopped in the shower.After we showered we went straight to the bed.I felt his arms absorbing me and I’ve missed his touch so much.It’s been weeks since we’ve slept in the same bed.
The next morning I had a day off so I went with Max to the paddock.Max drove us there and we’ve had fun the whole time.When we arrived to the garage I heard someone calling me.
“Hey mrs. Hamilton or should I say Verstappen!” Horner yelled while taking of his headphones, he looked like he was figuring out the track.
“Oh Horner hi!Great to see you again.” I pulled on a fake smile and shaked his hand.Max knew how much I hated Horner even tho he was only good to Max.
I’ve followed Max to the motorhouse so we can grab something to drink.After I said hi to everyone we went to straight to the fridge to get some Red Bulls to drink.we sat on the sofa and watched TV until it was Max’ time to qualify.We still had 2 hours to kill so we’ve spent it in the Motorhouse.
I snuggled up next to him feeling so comfortable in his chest.
“You know I still can’t believe that we’re married, I know it’s been a year but it feels like a dream to me” Max said with a thick Dutch accent placing his head on mine.
“Me too, But I really wish that I could see you everyday” I said with a sad smile.
“Y/N you know we’ll make it work, just wait two more years and I’ll retire and then we will always ne together.We can even start a family!” Max said full of hope, his words made me feel better and I knew that it’s worth it waiting for Max.
He placed me on top of him and pulled me in to a kiss which turned out to be a make out session.We were getting reslly comfortable on that sofa forgetting that other people might come in and see this freakish scene.
As soon as Max placed a kiss on my neck Horner rushed in the Motorhouse and yelled out searching for Max.Both me and Max jumped from our seats hoping Horner didn’t see any of it.
“Uhm Max, don’t get too freaky before the race c’mon we have to go” Horner said, Winking at me.I’ve never felt more uncomfortable but Max just pulled me into a big hug.We were so lazy and we didn’t want to do anything except to cuddle each other..
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CAN U PLZ RIGHT SOMETHING ABOUT HARRY CANCELING THE SHOW AND BEING SICK. like he starts saying he feels sick after that show and the next few days it’s you taking care of him and he gets emotional cause he feels like he let everyone down when he cancels it🥹🥹
AN: i love this and had this in mind before you requested it but you requesting it just pushed me to actually write it. hope you enjoy.
This story contains: (some) puke, crying, sickness in general, fever, comfort, fluff
{ boyfriend!harry - current harry era - softrry }
word count: 2,462
Harry tries to hide the fact he feels sick for a few days until after his performance on Wednesday night where the truth comes out and he finally allows you take care of him.
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Harry felt fine on the night Harryween took place. He was full of energy and even went out to a Halloween party after the show still dressed in his Danny Zuko costume. The following day he didn't have a concert but he did have a My Policeman movie premiere to attend that night. Meaning he got to sleep in with you, his girlfriend, until around noon.
At the movie premiere Harry started to notice his limbs feeling weak and his head starting to ache but he ignored it, thinking he may still be a bit hungover from the Halloween party last night. After the premiere he asked if you could drive home because he just felt too sleepy to drive. That's when you had your first inkling something wasn't right. Harry normally never asked you to drive. Especially in LA traffic.
On the drive home to your shared Los Angeles home Harry passed out in the passenger's seat. His head rested against the cool glass of the window and his legs curled up in front of him. You thought he looked adorable and so relaxed but still had that worrying thought that something wasn't quite right with his behavior.
When you arrived home from the movie premiere Harry jumped in the shower and then rushed to get into bed. Whenever you asked if something was wrong he'd just say he was tired and a little hungover from the partying the night before, but you knew that was unlikely the case because his hangovers never last that long. You just tried to ignore your worry for your boyfriend of four years and cuddled him close as you fell asleep together.
The next morning Harry felt even worse than the night before. At this point he internally knew it wasn't just a two day hangover and that it must be him coming down with a sickness. But he knew in order to not let the fans down tonight he must power through the day and give it his best on stage tonight. Luckily whatever bug he'd caught was a slow sickness, meaning even though he felt sick on the inside, the outside of his body didn't present many symptoms yet. Therefore he could hide the fact he was sick for a while longer.
But you knew. Being in a relationship with him for so long you knew when Harry was sick. And you knew he was trying to hide the fact he wasn't feeling good. You allowed this to happen throughout the day because you didn't know just how bad he was truly feeling. You thought at most it was just a little cold coming on, not that he had the flu or anything.
Harry did manage to power through the day and get ready for the concert like he normally does. The crew and his bandmates suspected something was off with him because he didn't talk and make jokes like he normally does but they didn't say anything on the matter. Even Jeff saw how Harry was acting but choose to ignore it because he knew the show must go on, well at least this concert did.
You stood where you normally stood at your boyfriends concerts and watched as Harry got on stage and gave it his best. But after the first song you could hear his voice giving out. And when Harry spoke into the mic for the first time that night his voice cracked and sounded so hoars that it made you feel physically sick to hear. Other than his speaking voice sounding bad when he talked and not really being able to hit all the high notes in his songs, Harry still sung beautifully.
You along with his manager and friend Jeff who stood beside you, assumed his voice was the only thing giving him issues on the stage. Little did everyone else know that Harry was struggling in many other ways. His head was pounding and the bright stage lights wasn't helping with that at all. It was actually making him feel a bit dizzy and nauseous. Then his limbs begun feeling heavy and weak like it did at the My Policeman movie premiere last night. He just wanted to be done performing and crawl into your arms for you to hold him.
It wasn't until Harry skipped his normal little speeches and jumped right into singing again that you KNEW Harry wasn't feeling good at all. At this point it was painful for you to just stand there and watch the last part of his show. So you left early and headed back to his dressing room. You begun packing all your belongings that you'd brought to the venue this evening so that you could leave shortly after he was done on stage.
Not even fifteen minutes later Harry comes bolting in his dressing room and sprinting off into the little bathroom to the left of the room. You stand from the sofa you were sat on and quickly follow him in to make sure everything was okay. As soon as you step inside you see Harry hovering over the toilet, projectile vomiting into the once clear water. "Oh, H!" you mutter as you rush to stand behind his trembling body and run a hand up and down his sweaty clothed back. You didn't realize his stomach was also bothering him.
After what felt like minutes of him puking and dry heaving into the toilet, Harry finally felt his stomach settle and he grabbed a wad of toilet paper to wipe his nose and mouth with. Then he tossed the dirty tissue in the toilet and flushed before he was sick again. He stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the vanity sink to wash the hands that had been gripping the sides of the public toilet.
"Babe, I knew you felt sick but I didn't realize your tummy was feeling sick too." you say in a quiet and calm voice.
Harry turns to you with red, water eyes, from the throwing up and on the verge of actual tears, and replies in a voice almost unrecognizable, "It's not. S'just, m' head is throbbin' and the lights, the stage lights, they...... it was makin' me dizzy and that. Then towards the end.... the dizziness on top of my headache made me very nauseous. Glad I made it in here on time. Really thought I was gonna be sick in front of everyone there for a second."
You step forward and wrap his tall body in a hug. You don't care that he smells like a mixture of sweat and puke, you know he needs this hug right now. Standing in the small bathroom of his dressing room at the Forum, you hold Harry's body tight, well not too tight, and he rests his head on your shoulder. Feeling your warm embrace and knowing he finally and somewhat successfully made it through tonight's concert was just too much and that's when he lets out a sob.
"Baby, H, it's okay. Can you tell me what's wrong? I know you haven't been feeling well today but I wasn't sure what all was bothering you and I can't help if you don't tell me." you whisper while rubbing your hands up and down his back, still holding him to your chest.
Taking a deep breath to try and form some words, Harry whispers back, "M'head hurts s' bad. And.... *sob* and my arms and legs feel s' weak. M'tummy feels better now and until the stage lights started botherin' me m'stomach hasn't bothered me at all today. Think throwing up was a one off thing, thank god. And I'm just s'tired." As you take in this information you carefully lead you both back into the dressing room and onto the couch.
Gently unwrapping his arms off from around you, you settle him in the cushions of the sofa and state quietly, to not disturb his pounding head, "Okay, it's all gonna be okay. I'm gonna go tell Jeff what's the matter and help you out of your clothes to give to Harry Lambert and then we'll head home. I'll take care of you, alright. No need to cry anymore." Harry just nods and sniffles as his way of letting you know he understands what you'd said. It hurts him to speak so he's trying to limit the amount he does say.
It only takes you about five minutes to go explain to Jeff what all is wrong with Harry and then make it back into the dressing room where he's nearly dozed off to sleep. You help him strip from his stage outfit and hang the clothes up for Harry Lambert to see. Then you dress him in some comfy sweats and a hoodie. Harry's shivering even though he's still sweaty from stage which lets you know he most definitely has a fever as well.
With all your bags in one hand, your other side is preoccupied with Harry's body leaning on you for support as you walk out to the back parking lot where your vehicle sits. Luckily no paparazzi is back here and you're able to help settle Harry into the passenger's seat before getting in yourself and driving off towards your home.
Forty-five minutes later you arrive to your Los Angeles home and help a sleepy and sick Harry out of the passengers side door. You leave your bags in the car for now so you can solely focus on getting him inside and taking care of. You'd come back out to grab them later. You help walk him up the stairs and into your bedroom where you help remove his clothes and lead him into the shower.
In his croaky voice, Harry whines, "You're not gettin' in with me?"
"Did you want me to, babe?" you ask softly. He just nods his head and that's when you start to strip out of your concert clothes to join him. Any other day Harry would be getting hard at the sight of you stripping naked in front of him, knowing you're going to shower together, but he feels so sick that that's the last thing on his mind. Once you're completely bare, you open the glass shower door and join your sick boyfriend in the steamy shower.
Though for Harry the warm water feels so good on his freezing body, he's feeling worse and worse as the night goes on and you can see that. So you quickly help wash his brown curls as well as his fever ridden body. He groans every now and then from you accidently bumping into his sore skin. His entire body feels like it's one big bruise at this point. Then you quicky wash yourself off as he sits on the shower bench, waiting for you to finish.
Finally, just finally at one in the morning Harry gets settled into the comfort of his own bed. He is thankful that he got sick during his residency in LA where he actually has a home instead of having to stay in some hotel room. It's much nicer this way. You tuck him into the covers, making sure there aren't too many layers because you don't want his fever to spike higher. Though you did only dress him in some boxers. Then you go down stairs to grab him some medicine for him to take. As well as grabbing your bags you'd left in the backseat of the car earlier.
With your bags set in the fourier and a glass of water in one hand and some medicine in the other hand, you pad your way back up to your bedroom. You have to gently wake Harry up from his ten minutes of sleep so he can sit up and take the medicine. He protests but eventually complies. Once the medicine is in his system, you turn all the lights out and climb into bed as well.
You were gonna slide over and cuddle into his body but Harry beats you to it. Harry slides over to your side of the bed and lays his damp head on your left shoulder and tosses one leg over your waist. Then falls into a deep sleep immediately.
All day Thursday Harry tried to get proper rest and take all his medicine to be well before the next night, which is concert night. You stayed by his side and took care of all his needs. You don't mind though. You love taking care of Harry, whether he's sick or well.
But when Friday morning came around, Harry still just felt awful. He had a cough and his throat was very painful, making it hard to talk or swallow. You knew for a fact there was no way he was going to be able to perform tonight but Harry insisted he'd feel better by the evening. Little did he know you'd called his doctor to make a house visit while he was napping and after his little check up, he was diagnosed with the flu.
His doctor told him that if he wanted to get better quickly that he doesn't need to get on stage tonight and he should rest for the next few days. This crushed him. Harry was going to be letting down so many fans that had traveled to his show and paid money to see him. After you helped him notify Jeff and his bandmates of the issue and the need to cancel his show tonight, you helped him type out his note for his fans and the public to see.
As Harry told you what to type out on his instagram story, he couldn't stop crying. He felt so bad for letting everyone down and was devastated he couldn't perform tonight like he wished he could. You had to keep taking breaks from typing the cancellation notice to comfort Harry and remind him that he'll be sicker if he keeps crying like that.
Once you'd finished and posted the post, you turned off Harry's phone so he couldn't lurk at any negative comments he may receive from rude fans that just didn't understand he couldn't get on stage sick. Later you'd allow him to view the nicer and more positive comments. The ones wishing him get well soons and such. But right now he needed to get more medicine in him and go back to sleep if he wanted to be better in time for the next show that wasn't postponed and rescheduled in January.
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @japanchrry // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @bohogothic // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptresss // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1
// @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran  // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  // @mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghosts // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @theroosterswife24 // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci
let me know if you’d like to be added on my tag list in my next post by telling me HERE (let me know if i forgot to add you)
My Masterlist Masterpost
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Hey, I hope that you are doing well and taking care of yourself! If you wouldn’t mind, I would like to please request the prompt pumpkins or Hide-N-Seek (whatever you prefer) with Law or Rayleigh with a GN! Reader in a Modern AU. Thank you so very much!
Hello Anon love!! I'm doing great! Yes of course! I would gladly do this for you! I chose hide-n-seek and Law was the lucky winner! I did end up doing this on the polar tang because the scene that popped into my mind was hilarious! I hope you enjoy it!
TW: none WC: 580+
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“____ this is not funny anymore ya.”  Law lets out an annoyed sigh. Law didn’t agree to a game of hide-n-seek but when you told him a few hours earlier you were going to hide he didn’t think you were serious. He was working the whole time when he realized it was quiet. He didn’t hear your voice. Getting up from his desk  he called your name a few times with no response. ‘Dammit where did they go?’  he looks up and down the polar tang as he reached for the back of his neck. Law began to open up the cabinets each one was empty. He began to ask some of the crew if they saw where you took off too. “Haven’t seen them since noon since I could remember?” Penguin tapping his chin. “If I were ______ I would hide somewhere that is comfortable. They do like places that are comfy.” Shachi suggests to the tattooed captain. “Well Bepo is out, they can’t hide from him….” Penguin spoke, “Unless he ate them.” “I WOULD NOT EAT ______!”  Bepo jumped into the conversation. The three heart pirates began to bicker  it seemed to get a bit louder until  Law let out an annoyed sigh “Look enough, bickering you three ya…. If you find ______ let me know.” Law began to walk off leaving the three heart pirates looking at him walk off.  Thinking of what Shachi said earlier somewhere comfortable. Law walked to the room you both shared and noticed the sheets were on the bed and the blankets were missing. He remembered you were doing laundry earlier that morning.  He made his way to the laundry room. When he entered he noticed the spare blankets that were washed were pulled off the shelf. He saw the larger hamper that had the clean blankets in it and noticed his own washed blanket. He noticed there was some movement in the hamper underneath his blanket. When moving the blankets around he saw a familiar face. Yours drifted to sleep in the still warm cozy blankets. It was like you were hibernating. He pinched the bridge of his nose and he let out a low chuckle. He didn't know if he should leave you there or wake you up. The next thing you know he was picking you up along with the blanket that was covering you. Slowly peaking your eyes open as you were being carried out of the hamper. “You found me.” you yawned, still half asleep. “____ I didn’t agree to play that childish game with you ya.” Law responded looking down at you. “But you found me.” You let out a sleepy chuckle “not that you found me it’s your turn to hide and I will find you.” “Yeah, not going to happen.” Law made it into the room and placed you on the bed. “Well then take a nap with me you grabbed onto his sleeve.” Looking up at him, gave him a puppy dog eyes expression knowing he could resist anything when you gave him that expression. As she proceeds to lay next to you, you place the blanket over him and cuddle closer to him. Law became a bit bashful when you looked up at him “You are so cute blushing up close Law.” playfully whispered to the Doctor. “Quiet and go back to sleep ya.” his hand was on the back of your head bringing you closer to his chest so you couldn’t see him blush anymore.
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i-am-still-bb · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 - No. 8 - EVERYTHING HURTS AND I’M DYING | Head Trauma
Anders/Mitchell, G
Anders slowly laid down on his bed. He lowered himself inch by inch until his face was pressed into the cool pillow. He toed his shoes off and they fell to the ground with a sound that Anders would not normally notice, but today was far too loud.
He groaned and rolled onto his side.
Eyes closed he feels for the plush blanket that Mitchell insisted on having on the bed. It was covered with tiny owls with winter hats in Christmas colors. It was April. But the blanket still got tossed onto the bed each morning once it has been made.
Anders finds the edge of the blanket and wraps it around himself as well as he can manage without moving more than a few inches and without opening his eyes. He exhaled.
Even breathing hurt. It moved his head too much.
But the longer he lay in the bed, the more the nausea he had been fighting along with the pain and the light sensitivity since about noon faded from urgent and mind-filling to mild.
He slowly adjusts the pillow beneath his head so that an area of cool fabric is against his face.
The smartwatch on his wrist vibrated. He flipped his wrist over to see what it was only to screw his eyes shut tight. The light from the small screen felt like daggers. He removed the watch and dropped it over the edge of the bed. His phone followed it.
He would have sent his belt over as well. But that required too much movement. So now it just hung half-undone around his waist. He pulled the plush blanket over his eyes to further block out any light and sound.
Anders winced with the apartment door slammed open.
Anders groaned and pulled the blanket tighter around himself.
He squeezed his eyes shut tighter when the bedroom light flicked on.
“Fuck. Sorry.”
And the light was gone.
“No, just … everything hurts and I’m dying,” Anders said from beneath the blanket.
The nausea came back with a vengeance when the bed tipped as Mitchell sat down. Anders groaned.
“Did you take your pill?”
Anders made a pitiful noise.
“Hold on,” Mitchell touched Anders’ hip and was gone.
Swearing came from the room. “Where the hell is it?” And a not insignificant amount of banging and stuff falling over. Normally Anders would say something about the casual destruction of his carefully organized bathroom, but right then he just wanted silence.
“Got it.”
The bed dipped again when Mitchell sat down. “Here.” Mitchell fished one of Anders’ hands out from beneath the blanket. He pressed the small pill into it.
“Right here. I even got you a straw.”
“Ta.” With herculean effort Anders propped himself up on one elbow so he could take the pill and swallow some of the offered water. He lay down again. He opened his eyes a fraction to see Mitchell sitting there holding the glass of water between his knees.
“So, how was your day?” Anders asked slowly.
“Better than yours.”
“Can I get you anything else?”
Mitchell’s eyebrows jumped in surprise. “Yeah. I can do that. Just let me…”
Anders closed his eyes again and waited for the reappearance of Mitchell.
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annieintheaair · 6 months
I can't help myself I put it down on paper
Yesterday afternoon I picked up a poké bowl and sat in a parking lot with my dogs to eat it while I talked on the phone. Even with all the encouragement from family and friends, I still had this weird hope. I hate endings and I hate giving up.
Once I was done eating, I drove to a nature preserve to walk my dogs but the crowds were insane and there were literally no parking spots. I drove another ten minutes to my dog, Ellie's favorite park. Despite how I was feeling, it was a beautiful, sunny, warm-ish afternoon. I walked the dogs in the park and then went to the dog park and watched as Kirby laid in the sun and Ellie ran around with the other dogs and rolled in the grass. Sometimes when I'm feeling down, one of the best things for me to do is do something that makes my dogs happy. Seeing them happy always makes me feel better.
During my walk, I couldn't help but text my ex, James. We started talking a few weeks ago when he told me about his new puppy. When we broke up years ago, he decided to get sober so I wanted to know what happened in his life that made him decide to give up drinking. He explained to me that while going to therapy, he realized that his life was miserable and when he stopped drinking, it was no longer miserable. Things got better. I was so happy for him and told him how proud I was of him for going to therapy and getting sober. It made me a little sad though to think that he made these positive changes after we broke up. Isn't it crappy when you're with someone and they don't think they have a problem until it's over and too late?
By 4:15pm, I decided it was time to head home so we drove the hour home. I was home a little after 5pm and immediately jumped in the shower and put my pajamas on. I wasn't hungry but ordered pizza, wine, and ice cream. By the time everything arrived, I really didn't want to eat but ate some of it and put the wine and ice cream away because I honestly had no idea what I was thinking when I ordered them. I thought the wine would help until I realized it would just make me feel worse. The ice cream could have been helpful but I just wasn't hungry. In case you're wondering, I got Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream. Dan always got it for me in college to cheer me up whenever I was feeling crappy.
My TV recommended that I watch the movie "Most Men Are Losers" which is a movie based off of a book that a dad wrote for his daughters. It was appropriate for the night and I think I might buy the book.
I ended up going to bed after finishing some work for my side job. I didn't feel like working but knew I needed to get it done before bed.
When I decided it was time to go to bed, I was searching for my sleeping pills when I opened a pill pouch and there was my A necklace that I thought had been gone forever. It meant so much to me because my aunt gave it to me for my birthday one year and I loved it so much. After months of looking for it, I swore it had fallen off when I was out one night. I was so glad that it was back and I don't know but maybe some things aren't lost forever even though it feels like they are sometimes.
I was lazy this morning, laying on my couch, watching church on TV, and working my side job. It was after noon when I finally realized I needed to get dressed and do something with my day. I decided to take a drive to Popshelf to pick up a few things for my sister for her daughters' Easter baskets. Doing things for other people always makes me feel better and helps to take my mind off of things. At Popshelf, I treated myself to a tulip-shaped planter because I love tulips and felt like I deserved something happy.
When I got in my car to leave, my sister texted me and told me I could come over and hang out if I was bored. As much as I wanted to go home and crawl back under my blanket and cuddle with my dogs, I knew I needed to get out of my cave of a house and be with other people.
I picked up Swig and headed to my sister's house where I played with my nieces and held her new tiny baby boy. I held him for what felt like hours. Maybe it was hours. I just looked at him and it made me think-- here is this infant boy that's only a few weeks old. He's so innocent and knows nothing. He doesn't know what's to come in his future and how his life will play out. I just looked at him and prayed that he, as well as my other 3 nephews, grows up to be a sweet, loving man someday. I prayed that he would never be the cause of anyone's hurt or pain. Looking at his adorable little face, it's so hard to believe that we all started like that and somewhere in life, everything changed. It makes me really wonder, as a parent, how do you feel when that sweet baby that you raised grows up to become a man who doesn't think twice about breaking someone's heart?
When it was time to leave, my nieces all gave me hugs. My oldest niece gave me a really long hug, not even knowing how badly I needed that. When I left, my sister texted me that the youngest girl was crying for me. In my car, I, too, started bawling my eyes out, at least someone is crying for me.
I decided many years ago that I never wanted to be a parent and have kids of my own. I have four nieces and four nephews. My siblings have had enough kids that I don't feel like I need any of my own. It's weird because no one has really asked me why I don't want kids. The truth is, after all of the hurt that I've experienced in my life, I don't know how I could ever handle it if I had a daughter and she was crying over someone hurting her. How could I bring another person into this world where there is so much pain and sadness?
Just thinking about my nieces and the idea of someone breaking their hearts someday makes me totally lose it. Sure, I know I'll be that understanding aunt who does everything she can to put their broken pieces back together and make them realize that they are so loved, but thinking about them feeling the way I feel right now has me bawling my eyes out already. I pray that no one ever hurts them and that they'll find so much happiness and never experience all the disappointment and sorrow that I've felt in my life. I know that's not the reality though. Someday, they'll probably be crying, too, and feeling like someone lied to them when they said they loved them.
On my drive home from my sister's house, Clara Mae came on my Spotify, and her song "Sorry for writing all the songs about you" made me think about how I write (not songs but blogs) to process and heal.
I can't help myself I put it down on paper All the different stages, memories of us That's the only way I know that I can shake it Writing all our pages, every single thought
I know you don't like when I'm nostalgic No, you've never tried to understand Say you're doing fine, don't think about it Like I do
Sorry for writing all the songs about you I know that you hate that I got more to say Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to Swear no one will know that every moment was true All the mistakes and why you ran away Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to
Just to get over what we lost, what we lost I put it in words to clear my thoughts And just to get over, over us I had to, I had to
After everything yesterday, I changed my Facebook status to "single" and wrote on my feed that I know I deserve to be with someone who means it when they say they love me. All of it came from my pain and my intention wasn't to hurt anyone by writing it.
I guess I'm not used to someone walking away with every fight. His neighbor called me last night and told me that his boyfriend gave him a pair of nice sneakers as an apology. I don't expect gifts, I just hope for verbal apologies. I hope to be with someone who loves me so much that they never give up and want to always work things out. Dan never walked away from me. Dan never stopped reminding me that he loved me and never stopped trying to get me to change my mind. Our relationship was far from perfect but I want someone who never stops loving me and means it when they say it and does everything to make it work forever.
With my house on the market and my heart totally shattered, I decided that after over 9 years in Texas, I think it's time for a change. I spent some time this morning listing things on Facebook marketplace in preparation to go back to New Jersey when my house sells. I think it will do me some good to leave this place for a while and be with my parents and have their support and help with my dogs while I get my life back together and who knows, maybe when I'm ready to be on my own again, maybe I'll try a totally new place and start over. For now, once I figure out how to put my transfer into NYC, that's what I'll be doing for the time being. I've loved this place and there have been some great memories but I know the door is closing and it's time for me to move out of the way.
0 notes
deadman-walken · 9 months
I watch as the water mixes with the blood washing off my body, spiraling down the drain to never be seen again. Everything that I did afterwards was a direct result of no longer existing. I was a next level cleaner. Of course I had to be, I couldn’t leave my messes for someone else to take care of. That’s where mistakes happen. 
My forehead fell against the soaked tile wall and I let the water finish its job by rinsing the night's affairs away, but only physically. Mentally was a whole other thing. Put a smile on, do a good job and keep everything surface level. 
I heard my fathers voice more often than I did my own, and he’d been gone from this earth for more than ten years now. It wouldn’t matter how long, his lessons had been drilled into me the minute I was cut out of my mother. 
I was saved from any more tortuous thoughts by the ringing of my phone belting out ‘Crazy Sexy Cool by TLC’ which was the tone designated to my cousin, Kris. I made quick work of getting out of the shower, grabbing a towel and draping it around my waist. It was still beating off the base when I finally snatched it off my bedside table.
“Speak or forever hold your breath, I’m dripping a lake on my wooden floors right now.”
I heard a snort and then laughter on the other end.
‘It’s not my fault that you don’t know how to carry your phone with you.’
I was rolling my eyes before she finished that sentence. Kris always said the same thing. I hated having my phone attached to me at all times, and she knew it.
“When they force us to take a shot up the ass and inject us with tracers, I will then keep an electronic device on me.”
‘HaHaHa…Maybe this is why you are single. You barely have your phone with you to receive and answer properly to calls or messages. Just food for thought.’
“And what is your reason for being single, since you have some form of phone/tablet/watch or anything with you at all times?”
Okay I am sure I heard a slight growl come through the line this time. That had me smiling in victory.
‘Meanie…anyway what are you doing tomorrow?’
I thought for a moment, it was Saturday night, I had taken care of the majority of what I needed to, and being busy tomorrow would be good for me.
“Nothing, I’m open for anything that’s legal.”
With Kris that needed to be added in, I’ve ended up behind bars or in the back of a police car a couple times because of my cousin, and I would do it again. I don’t have a large family, the ones I have I keep close to me, that includes the ones that weren’t blood but had become family along the way.
‘Perfect, wear work clothes, something you don’t mind getting trashed and I will be there to pick you up around noon.’
Questions and warning signs went off in my head but for now I didn’t have the mental capacity to ask or even broach the subject of what the fuck. Instead I just said. 
“Sounds good, I will see you then.”
‘Are you okay, Lenx?’
I could answer honestly but then that would have me with nighttime visitors that wouldn’t leave and right now I couldn’t handle being around another.
“Yes, I finished digging the trench and then went and poured the footers for Monday's job. I need my pupper cuddles, my bed and hours on hours of sleep.”
There was about forty seconds of silence before Kris finally answered, obviously appeased by my answer.
‘Okay, hug the little flea bag tight and I will see you on the morrow.’
The line went dead and suddenly I felt the exact same, giving into the exhaustion I literally fell into my bed that I had been standing by, soaking wet and all. I dropped the towel to the floor and slid under the blankets pulling them up over my head. It was right on cue that my little monster jumped on the mattress burrowed under the covers, curling up tight against my chest so I could feel his tiny heated fur ball against me.
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tatakaebomb · 3 years
HASI2NQKFNENJDFBEHS HELLO REN DID U ALREADY DRINK UR COFFEE?? can i request Kisaki x Reader where y/n got this pretty body, she has big booba and ass, but Kisaki won't do "it" to her. she wonders why bcs most of her friends are getting railed by their bfs (y/n's a virgin lol) so one time when she and kisaki are in kisaki's penthouse and just chilling, she tried to seduce him by wearing a shorts and a spaghetti strap tanktop w/o bra but Kisaki ended up rejecting her, saying "we aren't ready for it" but the truth is he doesnt wanna hurt her, bcs he knows he has breeding and corrupting kink 💀 so y/n threatened him by saying "i— i'll fuck Hanma if you wont do it to me!" so Kisaki goes rough with her she thought her cervix gonna give up for her 💀 and cuddles after segs please!! <333
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This is my first time writing Kisaki, you honestly had me at breeding and corruption, and the mention of Hanma because im a whore for that man.
When i said juicy request, you really came through with this one anon.
Noone look at me rn - i wrote this on 4 hours of sleep
- Ren
tw : corruption, breeding, virginity loss, manipulation, creampie, fingering, rough sex, spitting in mouth, jealousy, kisaki has a big dick, cervix fucking, um i dont know what else to say.
NSFW 18+
wc : 1.4k
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" Wait, you mean.. you guys never..."
Your friend stares at you, shocked expression on her face after you told her " must be nice " to her describing every way her boyfriend was fucking her brains out last night.
Truth be told, you tried with Kisaki.
You really did, multiple times in fact, but he never seemed to get the hint.
It was getting old now, the same old story, shamelessly asking your boyfriend to fuck you just for him to turn his eyes back to his phone and mumble something along the lines of " not yet ".
You were a virgin and Kisaki knew this very much so, that was the main reason he kept denying you over and over.
You always looked so disappointed each time, innocently glaring at him as you nodded with a sigh.
He hated seeing it, but more than anything he himself was obsessed with the thought of completely ruining you and draining every last bit of innocence from you as he fucks you dumb.
He held himself back though, he didn't wanna hurt you but you were getting more and more impatient and it drove him insane knowing you wanted something so bad and he didn't provide it for you.
After all, you were his girl - there was nothing else you asked for and wasn't given.
Your relationship with him was pretty solid, however this was the one issue you had and at this point, something had to be done about it.
You're laying in bed after making dinner, mindlessly scrolling through your phone when a thought popped up into your head.
You had a plan, a great one indeed.
Putting on the shortest shorts you could find in your closet along with a white spaghetti strap tank top, you looked at your reflection in the mirror.
Your nipples slightly hardening through the thin material, your hair brushed neatly back over your shoulders.
This was something any man would dream of coming back from work to, well , at least that s what you thought.
Kisaki walks into the bedroom suddenly making you jump up, his hand loosening his tie as you twirl around looking in the mirror.
He sits on the bed, baby blue eyes glued to your figure as you sway your hips with a large smile on your face.
" Y/N, what are you wearing ? " He asks, blunt tone in his voice as he furrows his eyebrows.
You slowly start walking towards him, hands placed on his cheeks as you pull his head closer to your tits giggling.
“ Hm what? you don’t like it ?”
He runs his hand over your thighs, grabbing your ass as he curses under his breath before staring up at you.
“ You look so good - shit “
You smirk, looking down at the obvious bulge in his work pants before lowering your lips to his ear.
“Mm yeah ?” You whisper, hands tangling in his blonde hair as you feel him slap harshly on your ass.
“ Y-yeah baby” He stutters making you smile,
“ Then fuck me, Tetta “
He stops, holding your hips and pushing you away gently before guiding you to sit next to him .
“ We talked about this, we aren’t ready yet “
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms.
Damn it, you thought you had it.
“ Fucks sake, who’s we ? I’m fucking ready “ You pout making him smile as he places a kiss on your cheek.
“ Princess-“
You turn your head to face away from him, impulsively letting your inner thoughts out.
“ Well if you don’t want to fuck me, maybe i’ll let Hanma handle it”
You smile to yourself once you feel him grabbing your wrists, pinning them above your head in an instant as he pushes you into the mattress.
“ Say that again “ He grits his teeth, anger filling his veins at the mere thought of you getting fucked by anyone else but him.
“ I said - if you don’t fuck me, i’ll fuck Hanma”
You smirk as he tightens his hand around your wrists, parting your lips once you feel him get closer to your face.
“ Open that filthy mouth of yours “
You do as he says, lolling out your tongue.
A small gasp leaves your lips when he spits in it, a gentle slap landing on your cheek as he instructs you to swallow.
You obediently do so, breath quickening as you feel his hand travel down your torso , pulling your shorts and panties down.
You arch your back when you feel his fingers brush over your clit, watching the tense expression on his face slowly fade into a smirk at the sight of you squirming under him.
“ You want to be fucked so bad you didn’t know what else to try huh ? “
He pushes one finger into your wet cunt, a small moan leaving your lips when you try to form a sentence.
“ T-Tetta wait-“
He adds another finger, scissoring them inside of you loosening you up as you squeeze down hard. He grunts at the feeling of you sucking him in, barely able to move his long fingers inside of you.
“ Wait for you to fuck Hanma ? Fucking pathetic slut“
You clench down even harder at his words, making him chuckle before placing a kiss on your lips.
“ You like that baby? Like it when i call you a slut ? “
He begins movings his fingers faster, your eyes shutting tightly as you feel your lower stomach start to burn.
“ Mh yeah - more- please-“ You moan out, cursing when you feel his fingers curl inside you as he begins kissing down your neck, biting and marking you as his own.
You chase your high only for him to pull his fingers out last minute, making a whine leave your lips. Watching as he pulls his pants down and frees his cock, your eyes widen at the way it flings up, long and thick length covered in precum twitching in front of your eyes.
He notices your worried expression as he spits in the palm of his hand, letting his hand run over his length with a breathy groan.
“ Gonna ruin this pretty pussy and fill you up “
He throws your legs overs his shoulder, pulling you closer to him until his tip lines up with your throbbing cunt.
You look up at him as he pushes inside, small tears forming in the corner of your eyes as you wince at the stretch.
“ ‘S too much- fuck- “ You cry out as you dig your nails into his back while he watches his cock slowly slip inside of you, a loud groan escaping his lips as he bottoms out. You feel the tip or his long cock hit your cervix as he pauses briefly, giving you time to adjust to his size.
“ Y-you asked for this - shit - riling me up like that “
He groans in your ear, your legs starting to shake once he starts moving in and out of you.
Quickening his pace, tears start falling down your cheeks as the pain quickly eases into pleasure.
You were too drunk on the feeling of him hitting your spot with every stroke to even care about the way your cervix was being fucked into, too cockdrunk to even form a coherent sentence and tell him to slow down.
“ G’nna cum- ‘s so good” You throw your head back, feeling his dick twitch inside you.
The sight of you underneath him, your body shaking and tear filled eyes barely held open as you looked so fucked out for him, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
“ F-Fuck - Cum on my cock pretty, let go ”
You roll your eyes back, your hands grabbing onto the bedsheets tightly as you let curses leave your lips, coming undone under him.
“ G’nna fill you up baby “
He bites on his lower lip as he thrusts himself slowly deep inside you, and you squirm at the unfamiliar feeling of your cunt being filled up with cum.
He fucks it deeper inside you as you try pushing him away at the overstimulation, body twitching as he finally pulls out and lays down next to you.
You pant, staring at the ceiling in silence as your blurry vision starts clearing up, head completely empty while coming down from your high.
He turns to the side, placing small kisses on your mascara tainted cheek as he pulls you to his chest, wrapping his hands around you.
You giggle, melting into his arms as you finally catch your breath.
Your plan did work out in the end :)
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luvmaiil · 2 years
Tied Ribbons
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Pairing: Joseph x Reader
Pronouns: not specified; gender neutral
Content: hunter reader, sleeping, cuddling, hair braiding, and more.
Description: You could be content forever if it mean it was with him.
Note: AA I haven't written I'm forever, I hope you can all enjoy this <3
Comftorable silence hung in the air as you rested your hand on your cheek. It was still midday and while you were incredibly sleepy from how many matches you did, that didn't mean you could take a break just yet.
A small cough rings through your ears as you jump away from your original position.
"What are you doing sleeping at the dinner table? It's not even noon yet mon cher"
A hand reaches out and touches your cheek, his thumb grazes your skin lightly and it brings a small smile to your face.
You gave him only a small hum as response and it brings a noise of disapproval from him. 
He takes your hand without another care in the world and ushers you out of the dining room of the manor and into his room.
"You're tired, are you not? Come to my bed, your next match isn't for a few more hours. Rest with me and I will let you know when to wake up."
"But I have to practice-"
"There's no need to practice on occasions like these, there's time to practice another day"
And with that, there were no words to be said. You let Joseph guide you towards his bed and you fell onto it as soon as your knees hit the soft mattress.
It brought a chuckle to the man's face and that made you feel good, it wasnt rare for you to see eachother but spending time alone together wasn't as normal either.
Times like these where you could make eachother laugh without having to worry about other company, it made you happy. 
Joseph settled in beside you on the bed, careful to keep his distance.
"Come closer Joseph" you say
He inches just a tiny bit closer, but even with the confirmation you gave him, it still didn't make him budge.
You set your head on his shoulder and place your hand on his waist as you cuddle up closer to him on the bed.
Joseph places a small kiss on your head and places a hand near your hair. Twisting and playing with it as you start to fall asleep.
It brings you into a daze and soon the atmosphere around you falls into a dark void a you close your eyes and drift off to sleep.
When you wake up again, the warmth you had wasn't there anymore. Instead of it being by your side, it felt as if it was behind you.
As the hazy feeling in your head, from just waking up, leaves it helps you regain your senses back. You twist a bit on the bed and you look back to see Joseph.
His face was smashed into the pillow, his hair set prettily on his face, and his mouth was just a bit agape as he breathes in and out.
It was a miracle you didn't wake him up with all the twist and turning you were doing.
You often were the one asleep, but you usually never saw Joseph sleep. He was always alert and on guard.
Subconsciously you reach your hand to graze his face, like how he had done with you at the dinner table.
In his sleep Joseph moves closer to you, closer to you then before.
His hand rested wrapped around you and his head was near the crook of your neck now.
Hair now right in your face, it was too tempting and you weren't about to pass on being able to play with his hair while he was asleep.
He always kept it so neat and tidy, and it still was just like that even when he was sleeping.
The ribbon I'm his hair stood just a bit crooked and you tried to fix it to the best of your abilities, but nothing really worked.
Your efforts were futile as Joseph nuzzles into you more and effectively the ribbon loosens.
It's so loose now that it just falls off, so you take it out and let his hair go down freely.
You always saw Joseph as a very pretty man, but in situations like these where his hair cascaded down his shoulders and the sun shined through the window just right. It was as if he were the most beautiful man on earth.
You admires him for all he was and you were glad to be able to spend time with him like this.
It brought a smile to your face and you decided to enjoy the moment.
You press a lingering kiss to his head and go back to sleep as you hold eachother.
You woke up again, and this time the warmth from the other man was completely gone.
Instead you saw him by a chair nearby, situated with his camera in hand. He inspected thoroughly and hadn't noticed you were awake yet.
As you look at him more closely you can see that he had the ribbon tied to his hand, his hair neatly tucked behind his ears but no ponytail or braid in sight.
You let out a small groan as you stretch, but you don't dare leave the bed, it was still so comfy and warm.
Joseph doesn't jump but he immediatly looks for the source of the noise, and he smiles to greet your sleepy appearance.
"Did you sleep well mon ange?"
You nod as you go to get up but he stops you.
Hurriedly he places his camera down and goes over to you.
He sits beside you on the bed and your hand rests beside his. You look down and see how close it is to yours and you can't help yourself but grab it.
You place a small kiss on the back of his hand, he smiles and decides to do the same to your hand.
"I have good news for you" he says as he places both hands on your waist and moves you to the middle of the bed and into a criss cross position.
"What is it?" You ask and inspect how he reaches for your hair and starts to braid it.
"Your matches for the day have been canceled, you'll be able to be with me for the rest of the day"
That brought you immense joy, you really needed a break from so many matches. Especially after all the defeats you had been getting, survivors really are tough to win against sometimes.
Your glad to be able to enjoy the moment with Joseph, and be able to spend the rest of the day with him.
You close your eyes and hum a tune as he finishes up your braid.
"There you go, mon cher" he says, and ties the braid by loosening the ribbon on his wrist and tieing it to your hair instead.
"Oh Joseph you don't have to do that"
"It is my pleasure" He places one last kiss on your head before he dives in to cuddle you for longer.
[1212 words, May/10/22]
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having insomnia is Great :)) i would like to request mayhaps a scenario where the reader is so sleep deprived that they havent gotten a proper good nights rest and it doesnt help that theyre overwhelmed with some sort of work. precious moth boy notices reader acting all weird and very sleepy than usual that he catches them practically on the verge of passing out one day before they head off to work so he makes the reader go to bed with him and cuddle until they finally get some sleep
hmmm yes i would also like a big Abyss moth to snuggle me to sleep <333
~ * ~ Chasing Dreams
Foul Legacy Childe x Reader Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Fluff Warnings: Mentions of sleeplessness and you being absolutely exhausted (Childe helps though <33)
~ * ~ To live in Teyvat is to toil. It’s the fate you’ve resigned yourself to, of course, as all people of the Harbor have. Every child was taught at a young age by their friends, mentors, and family, “You must work to be successful. Give everything you’ve got, every day, and you will be rewarded.” And everyone keeps that hope in their heart, toiling and working away day after day in hopes of obtaining that hidden prize at the end. A few did reach it- Ladies Ningguang and Keqing, Captain Beidou, Director Hu Tao all found success, although the work never stopped for them. They found their reward. They found their prize. Apparently your reward is sleep deprivation and a mountain of paperwork that never seems to shrink. With a long-suffering groan you slide into your chair, fingers already grasping for your pen- your poor, worn, used pen that’s been molded to the shape of your hand. It’s nearly out of ink, you’ll need to get a new one soon. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you turn your attention to the document before you and banish your weariness to the back of your head. This form is to be submitted tomorrow morning, along with others, and you need to finish it before anything else. Bowing your head towards your desk, you rest the nib of your pen on the paper and begin to write. It’s hours later when you look up, the dawning sun giving way to a hot and bright noon. You can feel the still, warm air in your office, and you wave your hand like a makeshift fan to cool down. The only sound in the room is your pen scratching busily on the document, which quickly fades once you begin to register your joints aching. When you look down, the paper is filled and written, but there’s ink splattered across your fingers. You hiss in irritation, then sigh and shrug. At least it’s not on your paperwork. Your stomach growls, and you feel like growling yourself at the sunbeams that dance against the walls, taunting and mocking you. We’re out here, and you’re in there, working away while we shine and glow and enjoy each other’s company! Silly human, you never learn! You promptly shut the door in the sunlight’s face, almost stalking your way to the kitchen in search of some food. The drifting scent of tea eases the tension in your shoulders, and you close your eyes to take a deep inhale- it’s one of Zhongli’s blends, one of your and Childe’s favorite. Childe… Childe! You run the rest of the way to the kitchen, partially scared your beloved Abyss monster burned himself on the hot water, but also hopeful that you might be able to take a few minutes to snuggle into his fluff for a moment of peace and quiet. When you toss the door open, there he is, sitting at the table fiddling with two mugs full of steaming tea. He glances up and trills happily when he sees you, beaming in pride as he nudges a mug in your general direction. Gratefully you sit, sipping the hot tea and letting your mind wander. It jumps, from place to place, trains of thought starting and ending as soon as they appear in tandem with your tired, exhausted self. Childe chirps, and you blink tiredly, registering it just a moment too late. The chirp turns into a concerned whine, and he rises to come over to your side of the table, sitting beside you and worrying his fluff with his own claws. You reach forward to untangle said claws from his soft fur, and Childe in turn evades your hands to gently cup your face, croon soft and worried. His thumb presses against your cheek, just like the way you run your fingers over his mask when he needs comfort, and you lean into the touch with a silent exhale before looking up and forcing yourself to smile. “I’m okay, really.” Childe chitters, clearly in disagreement, but you simply shake your head and stand, holding your half-empty mug in your hand. You give him a quick peck on the cheek, which he returns with utmost care. But it’s covered by his fretful whimper, and he nudges his forehead against yours a moment too long, whining when you pull away and walk back to your office. You’re too deep in thought to see Childe’s worried gaze fixed upon your retreating figure as you return to your chair and desk, well known to you by now, and get back to work. The next time you glance up from the scattered papers on your desk, the sun is watery and just peeking over the horizon, on its way to carve its usual steady path through the sky. You frown, then wince as the movement sends pain shooting through your head, your previously pushed away weariness making itself very known and clear. You must’ve worked all day and night- at least most of the paperwork is done. Slowly, as to not upset your already-pounding head even more, you pack your bags and brush out your mussed hair. No time for breakfast this morning, you need to submit these documents as soon as possible. You toss on your coat as you make your way to the front door, blinking blearily at the morning light streaming through the windows. Your shoes sit lopsided on the floor where you kicked them off last night, too absorbed in your work to line them up neatly, and you sit to tie the laces, laces that look like little wriggling snakes to your tired, gritty eyes. Your fingers fumbling with your shoes is the last thing you remember before you nod off, right there at the front door, and are subsequently shaken awake and met with frantic chitters and trills. Childe kneels before you, claws grasping your shoulders, and he lets out a relieved coo when he sees you open your eyes. You mumble a “Thank you” before yawning so wide you can hear your jaw crack, and Childe yawns too, much like a cat. Then he crosses his arms, leveling you with a stern glare. He can’t speak, but the way he chirps and trills so seriously gets the message across to you all the same- you need sleep, badly. You rapidly shake your head, holding up the folder full of documents, filled, inked documents you spent so long making sure were perfect and all in order, but Childe huffs and squints at you. What about making sure your health is perfect and all in order? What about taking care of yourself? You can’t find an answer, lapsing into silence again. Childe’s glare softens, and he leans down to pick you up, sweeping your pained body against his own, leaning your aching head against the fluff that you love to spend hours brushing. He carries you to his room, despite your protests. “It won’t work. I can’t sleep.” He pushes open the door, your words falling upon deaf ears as he looks around for the perfect place to set you down. The entire room is covered in soft blankets and pillows, forming a nest of sorts- although it’s rarely used at night. He prefers to snuggle up with you in your bed at those times. But Childe’s room is wonderful for naps and cuddles, and he lowers you into a dip in the covers, perfectly sized for your body. Then he settles next to you, curling his body around yours to press his forehead against yours, his crystal-clear eye gazing into your drowsy, drooping ones. He holds something up to you- your half-full tea mug- and drapes an arm over your torso as you sip, snuggling his horned head on top of yours. A delicate wing flicks itself over your body, starry patterns speckling its surface, and you absentmindedly run your fingers over its edge. Your slow, gentle touch makes Childe purr, and the soothing rumble he makes runs through your body and drains the remaining stress and tension away. You feel yourself go limp, eyes struggling to stay open, but Childe simply croons, each note in his voice filled to bursting with love and affection. He drops a hand over your eyes, blocking out the rapidly-brightening sunlight, and you drowsily nuzzle into his touch like he does to you. Childe’s purrs increase in intensity and volume, and you swear you can pick out a touch of pride in his tone, as wordless as the sound is. A sleepy, content smile plays on your lips as you snuggle deeper into the blankets and finally allow your eyes to drift shut and pull you into slumber. Childe makes sure you’re breathing deeply, comfortably ensnared in sleep, before tightening his grip on you and burying his face in your hair. His own eye blinks tiredly, and closes as he leaves to find you, and join the delighted chase between dreams and stars.
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Shadows of the Past
Part 18 (Part 17)
You rub your eyes as you walk down the hallway to one of the conference rooms.  It’s 10 minutes to noon and you are on your way to your third meeting of the day.  This next one was only scheduled for half an hour but you were convinced it could be handled with an email.  You settle into your seat, opening up your laptop while you wait for everyone else to arrive.  
You still have a few minutes until it starts so you take our your phone and check it but still no text from Loki.  Maybe he forgot, you think to yourself, he’s probably busy with training and meetings too.  You start to type out a message but Tony and Fury walk in so you put your phone away.
The issue you needed to discuss is resolved quickly, like you knew it would be but the meeting drags on as people start to bring up other topics.  You can’t help it when your mind wanders back to this morning. When the alarm on your phone started to beep you turned it off as quickly as you could.  You didn’t want to wake Loki, he looked so cute as he smiled a little in his sleep.  His arms were still wrapped around you, holding you against him tightly. It was no small feat to slip out of his grip, he groaned a little but you managed to get out of the bed. Halfway out of the room you stop, taking your phone out of your pocket so you can take a quick picture of him sleeping.  He was too adorable, he had rolled over and replaced you with a pillow.  You left his room quietly and went to yours to shower and get ready for work.  
Fifty eight minutes later, the half hour meeting is finally over.  You take out your phone again as you leave the conference room and still nothing from Loki.  It’s hard to text and walk while you are holding your laptop and files so you decide to call him.  It rings over and over, finally going to voicemail.  Just as you are about the leave him a message Hills waves you into another meeting room so you hang up with a sigh.
Three hours later you finally have a break in your schedule so you decide to use it to go find Loki. You can’t understand why he didn’t text you.  He had to have seen you called him, even if you didn’t get to leave a message.  Was he mad about something?  You aren’t sure what you could have done so you head to the Library knowing that’s where he spent all his free time.
You wander aimlessly through the Library, not able to focus.  None of the books seem interesting to you but you eventually pick one and take it to your usual spot in the back corner.  You sit on the couch and open the book but no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop thinking about Y/N.  
You had woken up in the middle of the night and the feeling of having her in your arms was perfect.  You had fallen back asleep easily, cuddling against her.  But when you woke up this morning, she was gone.  You knew she had work but she didn’t say anything.  She had just left, did she regret what had happened?
You are lost in thought, staring at the book but not absorbing any of the words when someone taps you on the shoulder.  You jump a bit and putting the book down, you look up and see Y/N smiling at you.
“You ok, Mischief?” she says giggling a bit.  “I didn’t mean to scare you but you didn’t answer me when I called your name,” she told you as she sat next to you.
“I-I didn’t hear you,” you said.  
“Loki, what’s wrong? How come you didn’t text me?,” she asks, putting her hand on your knee. 
“What?” you ask her confused.  
“You were supposed to let me know what you wanted to learn how to make next.  Remember?” she asked you looking as confused as you felt.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Y/N,” you told her honestly.
“It was in my note...” she told you.  “Didn’t you read it this morning?”
“You-your note?” you suddenly start thinking hard, had there been a note?
She moves closer to you, “Oh my god, Loki did you think I just snuck out?” 
You nod, feeling a bit embarrassed.  “I didn’t see a note, I thought... I thought you had changed your mind.  That you regretted last night,” you told her.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to wake you so early.  My first meeting was at 8:30 so I left you a note on your fridge.  Loki, look at me,” she says putting her hand on your cheek and tilting your head up towards her.  “I’m sorry, I promise I’m not going anywhere,” she leans in and kisses you.
You put your hand on the back of her head, kissing her deeper.  When you finally separate, she smiles at you and asks if you feel better. “Hmm, I’m not sure.  I think you might have to do that again,” you tell her.  She giggles and kisses you again.  
Her phone goes off and she turns off the alarm, “Ugh... I really don’t want to go but I have a meeting in 15 minutes.”  She leans against you, “When you get back to your room, don’t forget to look for that note, ok?  I left it on the fridge.”  
You kiss her cheek, “I have to see Thor & Stark about something but I will find it as soon as that is over."
She says goodbye and leaves, you put the book you had been pretending to read away and head off to your meeting.
When you finally get back to your room you head straight to the kitchenette, but there is nothing on the fridge.  You look around a bit confused and after a few more steps you kick something small the skips across the floor.  You walk to the other end of the space and pick up the magnet.  Now where is the note, you wonder out loud.  Walking back towards the fridge you the corner of a piece of paper sticking out from underneath it.  You wave your hand and use your magic to pull it out from under the fridge.  Now you feel horrible for doubting her, for thinking the worst straight away.
     Morning Mischief, 
     I’m sorry I had to leave so early but today is going to be crazy.  I just wanted to tell you that I’m really glad we talked last night... and that you are incredibly comfortable.  It was so hard for me to get out of bed this morning, I could have stayed there all day with you.  I can’t wait to see you later, I should be free around 7.  I was thinking maybe tonight I could try and show you how to cook something a little more complicated than mac & cheese.  Let me know if there is anything specific you want to make :) 
     See you tonight,
You smile reading the note and immediately text Y/N to tell her you found it.  She texts you back and says you need to get better magnets.  You laugh but agree that might not be a bad idea.  After some thinking, you text her something you want to try making tonight.
You finally close your laptop and text Loki that you are on your way.  You can’t believe some stupid magnet almost ruined things between you and Loki just when they were getting started.  You shake your head thinking about how ridiculous the whole thing had been.  You really wanted to make sure you talk to Loki about coming to you when things are bothering him.  You wish he had just texted you this morning to see what happened when he woke up alone.  
There was also something else you needed to talk to him about.  Sarah was going to be back from her suspension in a few days and you were nervous to say the least.  You felt horrible for hitting her, no matter what she said to you that wasn’t an excuse.  You really wanted to talk to her, to tell her that you had screwed up and you know you had been a horrible friend to her recently.  That conversation with her would have been tense enough but now there was a new wrinkle... Loki.  
The last thing you wanted was for her to find out about you and Loki from someone else.  If you were being honest, you would rather she just never found out but you knew that wasn’t realistic.  The more you thought about it the worse it all made you feel.  You and Sarah might not be anywhere near close as you used to be, and you may never be that close again but you just broke one of the major rules in a friendship... do not date your friend’s ex.  
@michelleleewise @evansabove1981 @ace-of-gay @butt-ugly-popsicle-stick @poetic-fiasco @lokisprettygirl22 @soubi001 @kats72 @misswimberly @meibruges @juulle987 @asgardianprincess1050 @el-zef @xorpsbane @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @apine7 @lulubelle814 @annoyingcloudninja
Let me know if you want to be added! 💚
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aiiwa · 4 years
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✗ REQUEST: i’ve been seeing all over tiktok the whole lay between your s/o thighs trend (idk if you know the trend) but i wanted to see it with the hq boys. so could i request iwa, kuroo, bo and suga🥺.
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― iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsurou, bokuto koutarou, sugawara koushi.
⤷ genre: fluff
⤷ warnings: suggestive content (everything i write at this point is suggestive lmao), i got lazy proof reading this but i’ll come back to it
⤷ word count: 3.1k
― a/n: i was very soft writing this hehe, also;
me to me: let’s limit this to 500 words per character
also me: almost writes 1k just on kuroo.
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after two long weeks apart, with iwa having to travel overseas for work, he had finally come back home to you. work trips weren’t uncommon, but often left you alone, missing him more and more with each day apart.
it took everything in your power to hold yourself back from jumping on him, the moment you caught sight of his bulky figure walking out of the airport terminal.
and now the two of you were on your way home. after bickering over who would drive, iwa now sat leaned back in the driver’s seat, large hand engulfing yours on your lap and the other gripping the leather steering wheel; skillfully maneuvering your car down the snowy streets. fiddling with his long fingers entwined between your own, you bring his hand up to your mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
glancing at you from the corner of his olive eyes, you could see his soft smile under the flickering glow of the streetlights. he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, before his focus turns back to the road.
ten minutes pass relatively quickly, with iwa shifting the gear into park outside your shared home. he trails close behind you, warm breath tickling the side of your neck and duffle bag slung over his wide shoulder, as you unlock the front door.
“welcome home.” you whisper, tilting your face up to look at him.
iwa’s quick to drop his bag, spinning you around by your hips to pull you flush against him. wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggle at the feeling of his hands dipping lower to give your ass a loving squeeze.
“i missed you, baby.” he breathes out, before leaning down to capture your lips.
the kiss is sweet and slow, you indulge yourself in the familiar feeling of his soft lips; before his tongue darts out to trace against the pout of your bottom lip, asking for permission. you moan into him as your tongues brush against each other sensually, dragging your hand from his nape to caress his jaw; you jolt away as your palm brushes against the icy cold touch of his ear.
“haji! your ears are freezing!” you hiss, both hands now tugging at his ears.
chuckling lowly, he grabs at your wrists lightly. “ah, i know...why don’t you warm them up for me?”
overwhelming thoughts of how exactly iwa intended for you to warm his ears up, clouded your flustered mind. in a flurry of movements, he lead you into your bedroom; freeing you from the tight denim of your high-waisted pants, and having you perched up and leaning against your fluffed up pillows. the fuzziness in your head starts to clear up at the sight of iwa stripping off his long sleeved shirt, exposing the toned muscle of his stomach and chest.
crawling towards you and parting your legs, he presses a kiss to the inner side of your knee, before he flips over and slides his read right between your legs. you blink once, then twice, watching as he grabs your thighs, wrapping them around his neck and squishing his face.
“well, this...isn’t exactly what i was expecting.” rubbing your thighs against his ears to get used to the freezing touch.
iwa hums contentedly, patting the side of your leg. “mmm, don’t worry baby, we’ll save that for a bit later okay?” heat rushes to your face as he calls you out on your thoughts. “i just wanna lay here and feel you like this for now.” you push your hands against your face, feeling how warm your cheeks are, before iwa grabs at your wrists softly, bringing them over to kiss your palms. “just lie with me, okay baby?”
with your hands caressing the sides of his face, you nod, smiling softly. “okay, haji.”
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working together with kuroo for japan’s volleyball association was amazing. for the most part that is. it’s how the two of you met, he’d charmed you into a first date by his second week, and it was almost three years since then.
you spent every day with your boyfriend at work, and every night together in bed. but sharing a busy week schedule filled with back-to-back meetings, interviews with athletes for potential promotional videos, and late nights in the office filing the never-ending build up of paperwork - meant weekends were very much looked forward to.
lazy sundays being your favourite.
the day usually started well into noon, both of you enjoying the extra undisturbed hours of sleep - since the blare of kuroo’s six a.m. alarm wasn’t ringing in your ears. he’d greet you with a drowsy rasp - “good morning, shorty.” - making you giggle before dragging him to share a steaming hot shower with you; . and with a towel wrapped around your head, bare legs on show underneath the hem of your boyfriend’s large shirt, you’d sway in front of the stovetop flipping pancakes while a shirtless kuroo sliced up your favourite fruits - music from his playlist playing softly in the background.
if the weather allowed it, you and kuroo would sit out on the balcony of your apartment; basking in the warmth of the sun, admiring the way his hazel eyes reflected gold. yet this sunday, a storm was raging outside.
“why is she giving a rose to that prick yamato? fuji deserves it way more than him!” kuroo calls out.
you were only half invested in the bachelorette marathon playing. rain spat against the fogged glass; heavy lidded eyes followed the trails made by the racing raindrops. you were tucked snugly into kuroo’s side, a long arm wrapped around your shoulders, and legs tangled under the softness of the new periwinkle comforter you’d bought the other day. kuroo’s laptop rested on his lap, and you jostled about as he shot an arm out to point at the screen accusingly.
“are you seeing this, y/n?! now she’s choosing sachihiro! over fuji?!”
humming half-heartedly in response, you squeeze yourself closer to kuroo; dragging your hand over his bare chest, and resting it over his heart. you could feel his heartbeat against your palm, thump-thump thump-thump, and the steady rise and fall of his chest began to lull you to sleep.
the sound of your soft snores, pulled kuroo’s attention away from the show.
“shorty, you sleepin’?”
at your lack of reply, he chuckles lowly, shifting around to put away his laptop. you were always the first to fall back asleep, especially after eating good and coming back to bed to cuddle. pulling you closer to him, he smiled at the sigh you released against him; before pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead and resting his cheek on his pillow. the smell of your strawberry shampoo wafting around him, was the last thing kuroo remembered before he joined you in the dream world.
laying on your side with half your vision obscured by the fluffy pillow under your head, you blink away the sleep as you gaze outside the window. the rain had come to a slow drizzle, with the skies still fairly bright meaning only an hour or so had passed while you were asleep.
“tetsu?” you call out.
usually the rooster head would be pressed right up against you, but you couldn’t feel or see him. attempting to twist your body around, you find your movements constricted. it was only when you tried once again to lift your leg up, that a hand slid around your knee to halt your movements.
pushing yourself up a bit, and resting on your elbow, you glance down to find your boyfriend’s head between your thighs, back of his head pushed against your pelvis. because the two of your are on your sides, the full weight of your left leg over his shoulder has his cheeks smushed together; but kuroo seems completely unbothered, in fact he’s just scrolling through instagram on his phone. when you reach a hand down to tug at his inky hair, only then does he glance up at you.
“are you alright down there?” you ask. “can you even breathe?”
“i woke up here, and i don’t plan on moving any time soon.” kuroo hums, the vibration from his throat are ticklish against your inner thighs. “i’m living my best life, wanna see my new lock screen?”
without waiting for an answer, he shows off his new lock screen - which really happened to be a live photo displaying a collection of pictures with kuroo’s face squeezed between your lush thighs. you can’t help but laugh, kuroo’s cackling joining you. slightly embarrassed at the thought of someone catching a glance at his lock screen, you pull at his hair; complaining about the possibility of being exposed.
kuroo slaps your hands away from his hair, still chuckling. “i don’t care, shorty. i look good between your thighs, don’t you think so?”
flustered, you yank on his hair again. “shut up, rooster head.”
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while waiting for bokuto to come back home to you from his training with the msby jackals, the last thing you expected was to receive a call from his teammates. it was your day off, and as you were loading the last of you and bokuto’s laundry, your phone began to vibrate - the bright grin of a certain tangerine-haired cutie flashing across the screen.
“hi, bokuto-san- ah, um, i mean y/n-san!”
you chuckle lightly at hinata’s correction. ever since you announced your engagement with bokuto, the younger male had started addressing you by your fiancé’s surname. in the background you can hear atsumu yelling out to you, followed by sakusa complaining about his loud mouth. you were more than familiar with bokuto’s close friends and teammates, from the countless team dinners and nights of drinks hosted at you and bokuto’s townhouse, you shared a solid friendship with everyone.
“ah, shou-kun, everything okay?”
“um, well i just called to let you know that bokuto-san didn’t have the best time at training today.”
‘oh no, poor kou,’ you thought to yourself, heart tugging at the thought of bokuto being sad. his somber moods were a rarity these days; it had actually been almost a year since he’d been in a slump, and he usually loved his trainings, so that meant today must have been extra tough on him.
“i see, thank you for telling me shou-kun.” after listening to hinata’s retelling of the events at training, with side commentary from atsumu and sakusa; you all exchanged goodbyes before ending the call.
with the chance to avoid being unequipped for bokuto’s gloomy return home, you were grateful for hinata’s thought to warn you. it gave you an hour, from his shower to the drive back home, to prepare some of his favourite things. normally it involved inviting akaashi over, but with him out of town, it left you to your own devices. though after being with bokuto for so long, it wouldn’t be that hard.
you knew your man like the back of your hand.
he was probably starving after practice, and what better than to cook some barbecued meat for him - his favourite, with the special sauce you always made just for him. after making some side dishes and rice, you set the table for the two of you, leaving the meat to stay warm in the oven while you went for a quick shower. bokuto made it know how much he enjoys the smell of your cherry bomb body wash, yet today you opted to lather on his orange body wash. knowing the smell of him on you made him crazy, you dried yourself off and decided to wear his old shirt from high school; the baby blue of ‘the way of the ace’ shirt, with the faded black characters.
you had just finished throwing your softest blankets and fluffiest pillows onto the couch in the living room, when you caught the sound jingling keys at the front door. leaping over the back of the sofa, you ran just in time for the door to open.
“kou!” you exclaimed, leaping as soon as you see his bulky figure enter through the doorway. his gym bag landed on the wooden floors with a thud, as he caught you easily in his arms. “welcome home! i missed you so much, baby!”
bokuto’s hold on you is tight. “hi, y/n…” there’s none of the usual chirp in his voice, and you squeeze him closer to you, peppering kisses on his face.
“are you hungry? i made your favourite.”
offering him a small smile at his slight nod, you slid out of his grasp, taking his hand to lead him to the dining table. when he saw the table set, barbecued meats on display, he tugged you to a halt; staring at you with round, golden puppy eyes filled with appreciation. you sat on his lap as he ate, with your arm hooked around his neck; allowing him to feed you, as he listened to you talk about your day. and when the two of you were done, bokuto offered to finish off the dishes while you lounged on the sofa waiting for him, netflix loading on the wide screen television.
distracted by the trailer of some netflix original film, your caught by surprise when bokuto slides face first between your thighs. with his cheek pressed against your pelvis, he shifts your legs over his broad shoulders, thighs almost obscuring his face from your vision if it weren’t for the frosted tips of his hair sticking out. running your fingers through the slightly damp, silken strands; you felt you relax in your embrace, releasing a contented sigh.
“kou?” he hums in response, arms sliding around your thighs as he nuzzles his face into your smooth skin. “i know today wasn’t the best, but there’s always a tomorrow. just remember that i love you so much, and i’m here...okay baby?”
lifting his head slightly, thighs resting by his jaw, he sets his chin just below your navel. staring up at you, he takes your hands in his, slippings his fingers between yours.
“i love you, y/n.” he whispers, slightly mumbled. “thank you for everything.”
giving his hands a loving squeeze, you start explaining the new movie you want to watch. and with his interest piqued, the two of you spend the rest of the afternoon in the comfort of each other; bokuto tracings patterns on your leg, and your hands tangled in his hair.
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it had been almost a month since you and suga’s return from your honeymoon. after spending an amazing three weeks on a tropical island with your newly wedded husband; strolling along sandy beaches, scuba diving in clear blue waters, and spending warm nights making love under the stars - it was safe to say you were missing the time away relaxing.
so when daichi called your husband during the week to make plans for the long weekend, you were more than happy for a mini getaway to tokyo with your old high school friends.
and that’s how you found yourself, guava oil spread across your skin, stretched out by the poolside, and sipping your umeshu tonic through a pink swirly straw. the boys had decided to take a dip and cool off in the pool, while you and kiyoko had taken to some sunbathing. it was a little after midday, scorching sun at its peak; and the golden rays captured the sparkle of the princess cut diamond of your engagement ring resting between two matching, diamond encrusted bands.
“you’re going to blind everyone with all those diamonds, y/n.” blinking away the daze you’d caught yourself in, you chuckle at kiyoko’s teasing.
“speak for yourself, soon-to-be-mrs-tanaka.” you shot back, nodding at the glimmering engagement ring on her own finger.
the two of you giggled like little school girls, cheeks flushed and eyes closed in mirth; only stopping when a sudden wall appeared, blocking the warm sunshine, and shadowing over you. the wall being none other tanaka, suga following behind.
“kiyo~!” tanaka coos, leaning over his fiancé. “you look hot- uh, i mean it’s pretty hot, y’know.” 
kiyoko simply raises an arched brow, listening to tanaka’s rambling; which quickly turned into the latter throwing the her over his shoulder, and running back towards the pool. she hadn’t even protested at his manhandling, taking to sending you a look that said ‘what can i do?’. with the two of them gone, your full attention was set on the sight of suga.
now standing next to you, his hazel-brown eyes glanced over your laid out figure in appreciation; entranced with the way your bikini top dug into the soft flesh of your breasts, drawing attention to the deep valley of your cleavage. your own keen eyes took in the sight of his slender build; admiring the way his soaked canary trunks hung low on his hips, polyester sticking to his thighs and leaving little to your imagination. with his chest exposed, glistening under the sun as droplets of water slid down his toned stomach - it suddenly felt as if the air had become ten degrees warmer.
“hey there, this seat taken?” suga asks, tilting his head and running a hand to push back the damp, grey strands out of his face.
“oh, this seat?” you ask, gesturing to the lounge chair you were occupying.
your brow’s furrow slightly in confusion, though you gasp when he trails ticklish fingers over your thigh, before squeezing the soft flesh. “no, this one.”
chuckling, you hold your left hand up, wiggling your jewelled ring finger in front of you. “sorry sir, i’m a taken woman.”
suga just grins at you cheekily, leaning forward to press his soft lips against your own. this kiss is brief, but the lingering taste of his mango chapstick and chlorine has you a bit dazed; allowing him to part your legs and slide himself right between them. laying on his stomach, your legs rest by his sides, his fingers teasing the hem of your bikini bottoms.
“ah yes, that you are, sweetheart. and i’m the lucky man who gets to call you mine.” with his cheek is smushed against your thigh, his words come out slurred; but the dreamy look in his eyes as he stares up at you is clear.
“and i’m lucky to have you, koushi.” you whisper in return, the weight of him over you is comforting and you find yourself leaning back into the lounger; as suga nestles himself closer into you.
“mmm, i love this...laying right here between your thighs, sweetheart.”
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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loousir · 3 years
[Naga] Snake Bites
Naga Male x Bold (& kinda dense) Artist Male Reader
Setting: Mostly a Naga's cave deep into a forest.
Warnings: Soft lime at the end (marking/mate), bad (was the first oneshot in the original book), slight mention of naga attacking reader
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The fall breeze blew gently, tossing some fallen leaves around some worn shoes. The man who wore said shoes brushed away the strands of hair that had fallen into his face. He stared out into the woods, eyes following a gorgeous path until it disappeared.
"Hope you don't plan on goin' out there, " An older resident said. They were at the edge of a small cabin town. Some houses we're newer than others but that didn't seem to bother anyone. The houses were decently spaced and it was pretty active for being where most elders come to retire.
The man shrugged at the other's comment and adjusted the large hiking bag on his shoulders. "You shouldn't. Most don't make it back." The other male rolled his eyes and looked back to the elder. "I'm well aware of what lurks out there." He turned away from the other and set out on the path.
The path almost instantly secluded anyone who walked it from the chaotic world around it. He examined the terrain and all it had to offer, collecting some things along the way. His side bag was full of odd rocks and a book that had some pressed foliage, now had ones he hadn't collected before.
The walk was peaceful. Birds chirping as the wind rustled the leaves. The path was mostly covered but the leaves caused rays of light to shine through, giving him inspiration. He eventually found a spot to rest and decided to paint the path he was walking. Once his bag was set down, he pulled out a roll of canvas and laid it as flat as he could.
There were some paints and brushes in a holder in the middle of the roll and he smiled softly as he picked them up. He opened the bag and pulled out what he thought he needed as well as a small jar that held water to clean the brushes.
Close to 30 minutes had passed when he got a slight chill down his spine. He paused his painting and looked around. His eyes only saw the woods so he somewhat hesitantly went back to painting. After another 40-ish minutes passed, he finished his first of few paintings.
Luckily, the breeze dried his paints quicker than he had anticipated. He very carefully added a few layers of a sealant he had and let it dry. The same chill from earlier came around again but it was a bit more intense. He looked around as he finished cleaning and putting things away, noticing something in the distance.
Whatever he was looking at disappeared and he sighed as the now dry canvas was gently rolled and placed back onto the bag. He stood up, stretched, and continued his mostly peaceful walk, forgetting what he had seen earlier.
Some hours had passed, his periodic breaks allowing him to gain inspiration for future paintings. It was just after noon when he decided to make his own path. He pulled out a book and wrote directions so he could find his way back. In the process of creating his own path, he stumbled upon one of the most stunning places he'd ever seen.
It was a small, oasis-like area that had a magical feel to it. He stopped what he was doing and found the perfect spot to paint the scene in front of him.
While he painted, some birds had visited him and even a small snake had managed to befriend him and his paints. The snake had coiled gently around his wrist while he worked which made him smile.
The man had sat and painted the space for another 2 hours, finishing at around 2 o'clock. His (e/c) eyes looked up to the sky and he sighed, sealing his now finished work before packing everything away.
The snake was still on his wrist, not even bothering to leave so he just dealt with it. He continued on his own path for another hour. It was still fairly bright when he found himself at the entrance of a cave.
The small snake uncoiled itself and slid into a pocket on his cloak. The cave went deeper but he was cool with not going into it since he was going to leave soon anyway.
He stayed at the entrance and found a nice area to sit and relax, maybe get another painting done of what the cave looked like. It was gorgeous after all, nature framed the entrance perfectly, leaving some vines to hang down, moss covers rocks and small fungi scattered every so often.
He decided on just relaxing as he set his stuff down and leaned against a wall.
Soon enough, he had dozed off into his dreamland.
I ssswear I'll kill that woman...
Ssshe won't leave me alone...
The large, gorgeous albino Naga slithered through the leaves, carefully making his way to his home. He had noticed some newer prints, clearly from something with two legs, but he didn't pay too much mind to them.
He reached the cave and sighed as he entered. Bright blue eyes scanned the area and his heart sank to his stomach when he saw a (tall/short/avg) man with (h/l) (h/c) hair leaning against the wall.
Pleassse dear godsss tell me he iss alive...
He quickly made his way to the motionless body, not noticing said body's items not too far away.
If ssshe killed another human to try to pleasse me... I ssswear...
As he was lost in thought, the other stirred thanks to his intense staring and slightly heavy breathing. The human yawned and stretched his back slightly as he looked up to the Naga with a slightly annoyed expression.
"Is there something you need?"
The Naga jumped slightly and stared down at him with shock but also joy, happy he wasn't dead.
"I apologize... I wasss afraid you had passsed..."
The Naga paused for a moment while the other rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"Wait... You aren't... Afraid of me?"
The (h/c) shook his head and looked up to him again. "If you don't mind, I would like to take my leave." He said placing his hands on the ground in preparation to stand. The Naga stood speechless, staring at the smaller human sitting in front of him.
"Can you move please?"
With a nod and small apology, the Naga moved away from the male who carefully stood and stretched his limbs.
The white and yellow snake watched as the other took out a small pocket watch, that the small snake from earlier was now holding on to, and checked the time. "When the hell did I get so late..." The man mumbled to himself. The time read 8:11 and judging by the lack of light it was night time. He slipped the watch and snake back onto his pocket.
"Well, I better get going." He said grabbing his bag and putting over his shoulder. The Naga still stood, watching as the male walked to the mouth of the cave.
He looked back to see that the other had slithered closer and held a worried look on his face. "P-please don't leave! Y-you can't!"
"Oh yeah, and whys that?"
"I would rather not find sssuch a beautiful man ssslaughtered on my cave-step in the morning..."
Said beautiful man turned to look at him, slightly shocked at the statement.
"Pleassse just ssstay with me till the morning and I'll essscort you back to the village..." He looked frantic and genuinely seemed like he cared.
With a sigh, the other looked to the pleading blue eyes and said, "I don't bunk with strangers. I'll be fine." He turned and walked out of the cave, leaving the Naga shocked and frozen.
"Wait! I'm ssserious! Pleassse!" He followed after the human and froze once again when he saw him pinned by the she-devil herself. His bag had been tossed to the side, most of the contents falling out. She had him wrapped in her tail and smiled as he struggled to get free.
His shy demeanor had dissipated rather quickly. The small snake had gotten out of the other's pocket and hid in the nearly empty bag.
He suddenly lunged towards the woman he hated so much. She clearly hadn't noticed him before then and threw the human off to the side, his body slamming into a tree. The two of them fought as the one tossed aside slowly passed out, struggling to stay awake.
Soft hands gently rubbed his back as he awoke again. His (e/c) eyes looked around the best the could but they didn't see much other than a wall. His whole body was sore but those hands were working wonders. The room was warm and whatever he was laying on was extremely comfortable. He closed his eyes and let out a pleased groan.
The hands froze and pulled away quickly, making him turn his head the other way. A set of bright blue eyes were staring with surprise that the male was awake. "H-hello there..." The human smirked and slowly blinked, "Hey sexy, why'd ya stop?"
The blonde blushed and looked away. "I dessspissse that remedy ssso much..." He mumbled as his hands carefully went back to massaging. "Mmm... I'm soooo tired... Will you cuddle with me?"
"No... Just go back to sssleep human..."
"Mm... Oh-kay."
A soft warm light lit the room, if you could really call it a room. A rather noisy yawn resonated from a still fairly sore male. He carefully stretched and sat up, almost instantly laying back down.
"Fuuck me..."
His hand fell from what he now knows as a large hammock. Soft locks brushed against his fingers and without thinking he gently combed them, enjoying the soft and cool feeling on his slightly rough hands. The owner of said locks leaned into the hand, clearly not realizing whose hand it was.
The two enjoyed each other for a moment before the blonde realized the situation. He pulled away and sat up, looking at the still sleepy human in his bed. "Are you feeling better? Do you need anything?" He asked leaning in slightly.
"Something to drink, and maybe a name?" The Naga nodded and got a cup of water first. He sat up in the hammock carefully and crossed his legs slightly. Looking around, the room was neat yet cluttered with various items. He spot his stuff and cautiously, yet somewhat reluctantly, left the hammock to inspect them.
He sat on the large plush rug and rummaged through his own things, glad to see that everything he had was still there. Other than his canvas. He panicked slightly and looked around, immediately regretting the sudden movement.
Laying back, he closed his eyes and sighed. Mr. Naga came back and looked at the other on the ground. He hovered over him slightly till he opened his eyes. "Here, it'sss fresh ssspring water."
"Thank you." He said carefully sitting up and drinking what he was given.
"My name is Sssyerca." The other nodded. "(Y/n). Do you happen to know where my canvas is at Sssyerca?" He asked mimicking the way the other said it. Syerca blushed and nodded, moving over to a small table to grab it. (Y/n) stood up carefully from the floor and followed him to said table.
There was a large couch, clearly made for the naga, that (Y/n) sat on. Syerca sat next to him, and (Y/n) leaned on him, closing his eyes as he took in the snakes, surprising, warmth. Said snake blushed and looked down to the (h/c). He gently took the cup from (Y/n)'s hand and set it on the table.
"I hope you don't mind that I may have looked at your paintingsss..." (Y/n) shrugged and looked up to Syerca, one eye pressed against his side. "Are they ok? Physically?"
"Ah, yesss! They're fine. And quite beautiful if I might sssay..." Syerca said with a soft tone. (Y/n) smiled and looked down to the rolled canvas. He stood up and Syerca watched as he stood on the opposite side of the table. "Lie on the couch and get comfortable. Let me grab something real quick." He said walking over to his bag and rummaging around for a moment.
Syerca hesitantly did as the painter asked and made himself comfortable on the couch. (Y/n) found all of the supplies he needed and set them on the floor next to the table before sitting on his knees. "May I make a request?" He asked looking up to Syerca. The Naga nodded as he watched (Y/n) unroll the canvas. "Look cute and don't move till I say you can." Syerca blushed and adjusted slightly so that he was looking at the other.
(Y/n) started to put blobs of color onto the canvas. Syerca watched as the soft yellows and whites turned into his tail, then tans to his chest, and so on till it had gotten to his head, his face still not painted.
It had been close to 2 hours by that point but neither had seemed to notice the time go by due to being entranced by the painting. "Syerca. Could you look at me? Don't look at the painting." (Y/n) said, starting at the other's eyes. He blushed softly and looked into (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.
Syerca took this opportunity to examine the human closely. His (e/c) eyes we're soft yet focused, while his (h/style) (h/c) hair moved slightly with his gentle head movements. He blushed and bit his lip slightly as he looked at his lips. They were a soft pink color and we're parted slightly as he worked, the occasional blep happening due to his focus.
Many minutes had passed before (Y/n) looked up and said. "Alright. You can move again." Syerca snapped out of his trance and looked down to the canvas. (Y/n) cleaned up as Syerca turned the canvas to look at properly. His eyes shined as he looked at it closer. "The amount of detail iss amazing..." (Y/n) looked up and smiled. "You can have it if you want it. I'll put it on a frame and sign it if you do." He said with a small laugh.
Syerca looked up as his eyes widened slightly. "Really? That would be lovely..." (Y/n) nodded and said, "I'll have to head back to my home though. If you'd be willing to come with me I could do it today." He went to get his pocket watch to check the time when he heard Syerca get off the couch. (Y/n) though nothing of it but tensed when he was hugged from behind.
He turned his head slightly to look at Syerca who buried his face into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck. "Uh... What are you doing that for?" The other stayed silent for a moment before responding. "I know thisss is extremely sssudden... But... Would you be willing to become my mate?"
"... What would be in it for me?" (Y/n) asked looking to Syerca who pulled away. "Protection from any other Naga, free-range of my territory... It will finally let me rid thisss world of that vile woman that attacked you..." He said mumbling the last part. His eyes looked to (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes and the other said,
"So you wanna be my boyfriend?"
Syerca was quiet before he broke out in laughter, his eyes closing as he did. "Yesss... I-if that'sss what humansss call... Call matesss." (Y/n) looked up and shrugged. "Ok. I'm single anyway." Syerca smiled and hugged him, gently pressing their foreheads together. "Would it be ok for me to mark you?" He asked quietly, looking into (Y/n)'s eyes.
"I-I don't know what that entails but um... Sure..." (Y/n) gently wrapped his arms around Syerca's bare torso. He gently rubbed the others back. It was smooth but the occasional line like bump came up, telling there was a scar there. Syerca leaned down to (Y/n)'s neck and placed soft kisses under his jaw. (Y/n) gasped and shivered, slightly tightening his grip on the male, not expecting what he did.
Syerca continued to kiss before mumbling, "Sssorry... But thisss might hurt..." (Y/n) was about to speak up but Syerca bit down on his neck, his canines sinking in. (Y/n) gasped and let out a small moan of pain as he hugged him. Syerca pulled away slightly and licked the spot where he bit. It left a tingling sensation behind and (Y/n) felt a bit weak after.
"Are you ok..? The mark will tell that your claimed... My ssscent will remain and only be picked up by other naga..." He gently brushed (Y/n)'s hair back. "I wish you told me that's what you were going to do..." Syerca looked away and sighed, "I didn't think you would allow me if I told you."
(Y/n) looked up to him and moved his hands from the others back to his cheeks. He gently rubbed them with his thumbs. Syerca smiled and (Y/n) smiled too. His thumbs gently rubbed over Syerca's lips, they were thin but still nice. Syerca smiled more and stuck his tongue out, showing it's slit. "I don't know what's in that... Saliva of yours but it made me feel pretty good."
Syerca moved (Y/n)'s hands from his face and interlocked their fingers. "Also what's with you and making me feel good?" He asked, resting his face on Syercas chest. "I apologize... But... Thank you for letting me... M-mark you." (Y/n) pulled away and looked up to the others eyes. "Let's get to know each other before we call it official though." Syerca nodded and rested his forehead against (Y/n)'s.
"I'll take you back to your village a little later. For now, let'sss get to know each other... Like you sssuggested..."
Definitely not my fav but hey
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osakunt · 3 years
Your blog is fuc***g awesome!! I was wondering, can you write something with msby boys and a s/o who is going to uni and has a lot of exams? Like yesterday me and my friends studied all night and we have breakfast with readbull, coffee and cereal to have the energy to study again and I want to see them with a s/o doing something similar. Thank you!
➬ 𝗠𝗦𝗕𝗬 𝟰 𝘅 𝗴𝗻!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
➬ 𝗺-𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 😳😳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗼. 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 ‼️‼️
𝗦𝗔𝗞𝗨𝗦𝗔 kissed you before going to bed and told you to come to bed when finishing. He was knocked out - in sleepy land until he rolled over in the early hours of the morning to bring you closer to him but you weren’t there. “They can’t be” he whispers. Peeking an eye open - already knowing where you were. “Mind telling me why you’re still here and at four in the morning……with energy drinks (?) love, what the fuck ?” “Morning Omi. How’d you sleep ?” You look over your shoulder to see him frown at you.
“Don’t morning, me. Tell me that you didn’t stay up all night” he sits next to you pushing your notebook to a clear space in the coffee table. “Then I won’t tell you” you shrug giggling making him groan. “Did you at least take a break to eat ?” “No. I said I was going to do that but I completely forgot” hearing your answer ,he leaves for the kitchen and comes back with two bowls,cereal and milk. “Here this’ll keep you steady for now” he hands you your bowl nagging you to eat before you got sick. When you were done you set the bowl down and go back to picking up your notebook, however Kiyoomi had other plans.
“NOPE. You’re comin’ with me” he throws you over his shoulder, making his way to the room. “I have my day off today so we’re sleeping” he says before his head hits the pillow and arms circling around you. It didn’t take long for the both of you to fall asleep. After eight hours of cramming things into your brain, there was nothing else to expect. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
BOKUTO thought you’d go to sleep a few minutes after he went to bed but he had been in bed for an hour now, still awake - waiting for you to come join him to cuddle to sleep. Grabbing his phone from the night stand, he sees that it’s exactly eleven on the dot. Getting out of bed and going to where you were at the desk in the next room, he sees you sipping on coffee - reading some notes you had taken hours before. “Hey baby ? You coming to bed ?” He asks poking his head and half his body into the room
“I can’t Kou. I need to finish up this third part” putting your mug down, you look up to see him pout. “How many parts are left ?” “Two, baby”. Now, Bokuto wasn’t all too happy with you staying up - after all he only went to college for two years before getting drafted for the MSBY. He understood that you working for your career was a priority but at the moment his priority was having you in bed and in his arms, ear pressed against your chest to hear your heart beat. “Guess I’ll just stay with you” he pulls up a rolling chair settling down in it; smiling at you.
“Kou, this will take me all night.”
“I know. I’ll spend it here with you. Good thing it’s off season so I can stay up till anytime”
“That’ll mess up your sleep schedule though”
“No it won’t” and he was right. It wouldn’t mess up anything for him. It was now three in the morning and he was on your lap knocked. You even used his chest as a table for your books when you ran out of space on the desk.
He wakes up when the sound of a RedBull can opens and some of the sprit falls on his cheek. Blinking the sleep away - he stirs up from your lap, taking in the circles under your eyes. “Are you done yet ?” “No. I need to read through this article” you pull out a sheet with a pencil. “Then let’s popcorn read so you can finish this up. This studying thing annoys me. It takes you away from me” he grabs your paper and starts reading the first paragraph to help you finish faster. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Atsumu’s plane landed around five and got home at six from an away game the team had. He wasn’t excepting to see you eating a bowl of cereal with your laptop propped up on your legs with a blanket over your head. “Ya waited fer me ta get home ?! Awe, angel yer so sweet ♡” “Shhh Tsumu !!! I need to hear this” you shut him up increasing the volume of your computer.
“Welcome home babe - thanks,baby! It’s great to be back - I missed ya- I missed ya too, angel” Atsumu goes back and forth with himself creating a welcome home scenario - playing both your part and his.
Making it over to the floor where you were set up, he squints his eyes seeing numbers and letters appearing on the computer screen. Face dropping even more, he sets down his duffle bag then takes your laptop away from you. “Heyy!!” “Let me see your face” he squished your cheeks with his hand to get you to stop moving.
“Ya didn’t”
“I did. And will continue” you finish up your bowl of cereal tossing it aside to grab your laptop from his hands but he yanks it away.
“How long ya’ve been at it ?”
“Since two days ago”
Hearing you say two days ago blew him away. This meant you probably hadn’t eaten anything nor taken a break. Setting down the laptop - he brings you up to the couch snuggling into you. Playing with your hair and making small talk, he feels your exhaustion overpower you - slowly carrying you into a deep slumber. A slumber that he also needed and took the chance while you were in his arms. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Hinata was up studying with you. While you studied for your career, he studied his plays and next moves to make in the next game the team had. “I can jump a little higher” he pauses the video he was watching to write down a solution for his problem. Glancing over to you, he sees you handing him a glass bottle of refrigerated Starbucks. “Thanks” he smiles at you opening up the drink and looking at you again. “What time is it ?” His eyes show how bad he needed sleep, however he refused to go to bed unless he found ways to improve his plays.
“It’s ten. I think we should go to sleep. I’m pretty much finished” you suggest
“Fifteen more minutes. That way we can both finish and sleep the whole day” he says yawning.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you look at him and turn off the tv. “No. You were literally just falling asleep just now.”
“Y/n- but pleaseee” he gives you puppy eyes. Ones that you ignore packing up your things in their respective place. Unlike the other MSBY 3, Hinata will be the one you have to force to go to sleep because of how invested he is in finding ways to palm that ball. Though the others are also invested, Hinata is the one who has a hard time because of the excitement.
“No. Sweetheart it’s about to be noon. Let’s try to at least sleep” you grab his hand - dragging him to the shared room. “Maybe I can do that trick Atsumu did with Osamu when we were in high school. When they changed positions”
“Shut up. Sleep” you kiss his forehead resting your head on your pillow - quickly falling asleep.
“Baby ?….y/n …..oh they fell asleep” Hinata rubs his eyes, feeling the warmth of the bed - maybe a quick nap wouldn’t hurt.
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