#and its so creepy???
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so how about that update, huh
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 month
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Monster John is something that can be so very special.
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cracklewink · 3 days
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Discord redesign idea I had! He has three heads representing the three types of ponies that are constantly bickering.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 310
Shadow core Danny? Shadow core Danny with Hazmat AU? Indeed, with a hint of a twist. 
See that hazmat helmet beneath the hood? Yeah that’s erm, that might be his actual face now. It might be able to split open into a proper maw, as he found out during one of the early fights. He thinks it might be a shadow-core thing though, because Fright Knight has something similar, along with the Keeper. Who's apparently a ghost that keeps track of other shadow-ghosts, which, cool. Cool library covered in flesh, nothing spooky there. 
He mentions this? Because apparently even if all ghosts partially feed on emotions, shadow cores need Fear the most. Which, thankfully shadow cores are apparently more rare than he’d expect, so he’s not going to go into a territorial frenzy or something on a bad day, yay! 
But uh, he might… count as a ghostling since he’s only a year dead- in fact he’ll continue to be as such until he’s at least 100 years dead, since he didn’t die as an adult. Which in turn… means he needs even more fear, at least until he’s old enough to generate it on his own. 
So what’s a ghostling to do? Take a trip to one of the most fear-soaked cities in the world, y’know, just a little weekend trip every month. Gotham isn’t that bad, and he can stay invisible- mostly! What’s going to happen, he run into a vigilante? Ha… oh no.
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sketchy-tour · 9 months
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I can't see you. Do you see me? 👁️👁️
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bixels · 4 months
Bit of a weird question, but what is your overall least favorite thing about MLP? 
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ovegakart · 2 years
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The chain travels to Travelers Hyrule and he starts finding one up dolls of all his new hero friends. They'll probably come in handy, so he'll hold onto them for now.
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junuve · 7 months
hearing the sims being called a "cozy game" is so ??? because i grew up playing the sims 1 and thats one of the most evil games ever created. and no, not intentionally evil, this is beyond will wright's hands. what i'm saying is that a foul fae spirit invaded the sims files and has permeated every sims 1 installation since. there is a malicious, foreboding presence in that game hiding behind the quirky, comic-sans labelled veneer, and if you meditate quietly for too long in its presence something tragic will happen
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teethkid67 · 7 months
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aka a valentine for the lovely @itsnotmystic / @corvids-calling - fanart for stars fic of the same name, which you can read here !!! i really enjoyed this concept and wanted to do some art for it :3 hope you like it because i REALLY loved your work & i hope this shows that !!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!
this is also a loose love-letter to the wonderful @arginnit 's crazy background-drawing-ability and style/skill at portraying environments . wadds your stuff is insane and i love it
happy @mcyt-valentines exchange !!!!
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n4rval · 7 months
your gaster looks very friendly. i would pat him on the head but im too short
i know what you want anon dnw i got u
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js-dragonart · 20 days
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"Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don´t let the dragon bite. :)"
*pained wheezing*
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raginglesbian2006 · 8 months
what if Alastor had someone he loved accidentally killed in one of his "escapades" and they ended up in heaven. When Alastor dies, he knows that his beloved was too pure to end up in the depths of hell so he begins his journey of gaining enough power to try to get his love back, in turn making a deal he regrets and stumbling upon the Hazbin Hotel. He doesn't speak of this special someone often- only Husk, Rosie, and Mimzy know of them.
All of this is based on the presumption that Al is just a big ol' sap deep down. Albeit a bit....dubiously motivated.
Edit: Turning this into a fic very soon! :) Stay tuned...
A glimpse into my fic based on this random thought- Ne Me Quitte Pas
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letsgetitblog · 5 months
The way he got UP????
Ew, brother ewwww 😭
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coulsart · 1 year
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
Blood Blossom lore for the Blood Blossom Au
Blood Blossoms -- otherwise scientifically known as rosa hemato -- are an extinct genus of flower from the rosaceae family that disappeared from the mortal plane in the late 1600s due to over-foraging from settlers during the Witch Trials. Prior to their extinction, they were already a rare breed of rose because of an evolutionary trait resulting in their main source of energy being ambient ectoplasm.
This means that blood blossoms only grow in areas where there are unusual levels of ectoplasm present. Regardless, however, only one or two bushes of blood blossoms can grow, as too many of them results in the ectoplasm being sucked out with no room of replenishing back to its original levels. This kills the blood blossoms in return. So a balance has to be met.
Blood blossoms have a mildly unsettling appearance. Their namesake, "blood blossom", comes from the blood red appearance of their petals, which start out as a vibrant red but steadily grows darker with age similar to blood drying on a page. Their stems, leaves, and thorns are, rather than green, a rich black-purple color. The center where the pistil sits is the typical yellow, however, it takes on the appearance of a yellow eye peering through the petals.
Blood blossoms emit a sweet, fragrant scent that allows them to not only attract bees, but also break down ectoplasm for consumption. See, what it does is that it discharges some of its pollen into the air, which then "latches on" to ecto. As the pollen begins to float down to the ground, the ectoplasm then sinks into the soil for the blood blossom to then draw into its roots. It gives the ectoplasm a physical body to latch onto, which it then uses to consume it.
Despite having a symbiotic relationship with ambient ectoplasm in it's natural habitat, the interactions it has with ghosts is an entirely different story. To ghosts, Blood Blossoms are terrifying, opportunistic parasitoids capable of consuming spirits whole if given the chance. Ghosts give off significantly more ectoplasm and when the blood blossoms sense that, they emit more pollen in order to consume it. Which is where the whole "blood blossoms are natural ghost shields" thing comes from.
Their sweet scents and vibrant colors made them popular upon discovery for perfumes and dyes, and when eaten taste sweet and slightly bitter, almost irony. Which is another reason for their namesake. During the Salem Witch Trials it was theorized that blood blossoms could expel the sins/demons from someone's body when consumed and prevent possession, or when surrounded by the roses, would trap the demons inside it's host body which would then be burned to banish it back to Hell along with the soul of it's host.
Which made them incredibly popular in executions, exorcisms, and Mass.
They could grow anywhere in the world so long as there was an adequate amount of ecto present.
Surprisingly enough, they do not commonly grow in or around gravesites due to a competitor flower nicknamed "rest in peace lilies" which, despite their name, are actually from the asparagaceae family and have more in common with bluebells. They're more modernly known as everlast bells. Ghosts prefer them over blood blossoms because they have a similar effect on ghosts as poppies do on the living where it sends them into a restful slumber. Hence their nickname "rest in peace lilies". The dead loove them.
In the Ghost Zone, their effects on the dead are far more potent than when they grew in the living realm due to the excessive amount of ectoplasm. They also grow much faster, so ghosts treat their appearances on islands similar to how one treats mint or kudzhu after finding it growing in their lawn: with extreme prejudice. And a lot of terror. Ghosts tend to rip them out when the flowers are not in bloom, or burn them when they are.
Their appearances in the Zone aren't much different than what they looked like in the living realm, with only a few mild changes like their thorns being sharper, their petals being more angular, and their eye-like center actually looking more like an eye. It's theorized that the Infinite Realm versions of blood blossoms gained very mild sentience, just enough that it almost feels like their eyes follow you when you pass by them, like a painting. Nobody is willing to test that theory.
To a ghost, getting caught in the hooks of a blood blossom means a slow, agonizing death akin to thousands of needle-sized mouths eating you all at once. The pollen doesn't stop until the ectoplasm is all broken down. Blood blossoms in the Ghost Zone are very much capable of eradicating a ghost entirely, core and all, with no chance of return. No passing go, no reconstruction, just complete oblivion.
Danny, prior to his poisoning, had severe allergic reactions when in physical contact with blood blossom in his human form. Rashes, blistering, hives wherever the blossom had physical contact with, inflammation, you name it. Luckily that hadn't been something he needed to worry about since they're, well, extinct.
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thestarsloth · 3 months
headcanon that aphrodite kids' pupils are heart shaped
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