#and its not like he is helpless in court either
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feelingthedisaster · 2 days ago
friendly reminder that according to the ec, aaron was already in wymack's radar before he found out about andrew. he had been watching aaron's stats (he was a top ten backliner. top. ten) for four years (four) before he was even aware of the other twin
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profound-imagination · 8 months ago
Flightless (Reimagined) - Azriel Shadowsinger
A/N - Okay so this is a rewritten version of this fic - I really hope you enjoy.
T/W: Very brief mention of S/A it isn't talked about in detail, the R word isn't used but please keep yourselves safe and don't read if at all triggering for you. Talks of violence.
W/C: 7.7K
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you took a deep breath, steeled yourself against the biting cold, and approached one of the most terrifying males you knew. You wanted to do this, wanted to learn. "Excuse me, Lord Devlon?" He took his sweet time before he looked at you, before he acknowledged you. "What is it, girl?" He asked, no malice in his voice, but it wasn't kind either. "I was wondering if it would be acceptable for me to join training with the other girls in the mornings?" The two warriors next to him snorted, the third sneered, "What use would you be, girl? Your wings weren't even clipped, I don’t think there's a word for what happened to your wings, your missing half of one and the other is bent all wrong." A shudder ran through you at the memory, the agony, the heartbreak of never being able to feel the wind again, of never being able to answer its call again. 
Devlon paled slightly as he looked past you and snapped at the three warriors with him to get back to work, the third still sneering at you as he went. "I survived sir." You told Devlon quietly, "I survived what happened to me, I'm strong enough to train like an Illyrian." He ran a hand down his face, and you felt someone approach behind you, you did not turn but your spin straightened, and your broken wings flared as best as they could. "You'll get yourself killed, you'll be thrown into the Rite, just like the others. Besides, we start training as children, your age is against you." You looked up at him and met his eyes, "I can do this sir, please, let me try." He opened his mouth to reply but another voice came from behind you. "Why do you want to train so badly?" You turned slowly only to be met by the Lord of Bloodshed himself. The General of the Night Court stood tall, proud, and strong. The wind was whipping the lose pieces of his hair around his face. Seven ruby red siphons glinted in the sun. You had never seen him up close, but from here you almost crumbled under how powerful he clearly was.  
"I was held down as they mutilated my wings, my Lord. I was helpless, I couldn’t defend myself, I didn’t know how to." You could have sworn the air thickened, and the sky darkened as the Shadowsinger and the High Lord himself approached. "Who took your wings?” Cassian growled, glaring at Devlon as he did. “Well, it didn’t happen here!” Devlon snapped at the General who bared his teeth in response. These two clearly were not friends. “It happened at the Ironcrest Camp.” You told him quickly, your nerves fraying due to looks being exchanged between the two males you currently stood between, the last thing you wanted was to be caught between two fighting Illyrians. “This camp has been good to me.” You continued. “Devlon.” The High Lord greeted, “Rhysand.” Devlon gritted back. “Why won’t you train the girl?” Rhysand asked and Devlon gestured towards you, “Look at her, she’s in no shape to train, to fight. She wouldn’t last an hour in the Rite.” Rhysand studied you, “What happened to your wings?” He asked, his star flecked eyes meeting your own. “This isn’t a traditional clipping.” He said and you shuddered against the memory. “Let me see.” He said as you felt his power caressing your mind and then there, he was, in the middle of that night with you.  
Ironcrest was cold. Colder than Windhaven. There was a reason it was known as the cruellest camp, and it wasn’t just the biting weather that gave it that reputation. You were making your way back to your decrepit tent after clearing up after dinner. The males, as usual had eaten more than their share, your own you had split between the few daughters of the camp. Those who were discarded as soon as they were born. Urchins the males referred to them as. Stomach cramping with hunger you prayed to the Mother you wouldn’t run into Malakai, the Lord's son, the Male with the cruellest reputation, one that was well earned. You felt a flinch on the edge of the memory, and you knew it was the High Lord sensing your fear as you continued to walk through the dark. You had seen Malakai at dinner, drinking heavily and you knew that would do nothing to improve the perpetual sense of rage he seemed to live in. He, for some reason, had taken a shine to you and not in a good or kind way. You could see your tent in the distance, so so close, when all of a sudden, a hand wrapped around your mouth, trapping any sound, another arm around your waist, trapping your already weak wings from the lack of flying, females were not to be seen in the sky here, most of which had already been clipped. Everything went black before you could react. When you woke, three males surrounded you, Malakai and his two, equally sadistic friends. They were a band of brothers, much like the High Lord, the General and the Shadowsinger. You weren’t sure why you thought about them in that moment, maybe because they’d be the only ones to save you, but they wouldn’t come and why would they? You felt Rhysand flinch again at the thought.  
“Welcome back, sweetheart,” Malakai crooned at you, you didn’t look at him, you kept your gaze downcast. A good, submissive female. “You’ve been struting around here unchecked for too long.” He said, “I made it quite clear that you were to be mine and seeing as you won’t submit on your own, I’ll take what is rightfully mine.” Fear shot through your entire being and your body went numb as his friends held you face down in the dirt. You couldn’t fight, couldn’t move due to their weight. Laying there helpless you cried as Malakai hacked at your wings. Not at the base as you had expected, as you had witnessed in previous clippings while on your knees, holding the unfortunate females hands, promising her everything would be okay. There was no one to do that for you as you felt your left wing tear, as you felt the right one break. No one to tell you it was going to be okay as he forced himself on you as his friends laughed while you were bleeding out in the snow. You weren’t sure how long you cried in the snow, naked, cold, broken, it could’ve been hours before the daughters you looked after came looking, before they dragged you as best they could back to your tent and sat with you. You weren’t sure if the Mother herself was watching over you because even though part of you died that night, you were still alive come daybreak.  
“Enough! Rhys, enough!” A voice like night personified spoke, close to your ear. You felt the cold seeping into your tattered dress as Rhysand retreated from your mind. There was a warmth at your back you noticed as you looked at the High Lord’s face and saw nothing but rage there. “Are you okay?” The same voice asked you, “It can be unsettling the first time he does that.” It continued, you craned your neck and saw the Shadowsinger, looking down at you and you came to the mortifying realisation that you were in his embrace, on the floor. You scrambled away from him, “I’m sorry my Lord, I’m so sorry!” You rushed out. The General let out a laugh and pulled you from the ground gently, setting you back on your feet and making sure you were steady before he stepped away. “She trains.” Rhysand spoke, authority coating his words, daring Devlon to argue with him. “If she wishes to train, to learn how to defend herself, she trains.” He said. Devlon was silent for a long moment. “With me.” It was not Devlon who had spoken but the Shadowsinger. “She trains with me, personally.” He wasn’t telling Devlon, nor was he asking permission, he was telling the High Lord that training you was going to be his task, and his alone. The two of them seemed to have some kind of silent argument if the tick in the Spymasters jaw was anything to go by before Rhysand finally said, “So be it Az, she trains with you.” You couldn’t fight the small smile that graced your lips, even if your cheeks were burning with embarrassment from having been in his lap only moments ago. “Thank you, Shadowsinger.” You said quietly. He didn’t smile, he just nodded. “Azriel, my name is Azriel.”  
As instructed you were outside one of the only shops in Windhaven at daybreak. The door clicked open, and a female slipped out. “Oh, you must be Y/N.” She smiled gently. You returned her smile, “Yes, are you Emerie?” She nodded in confirmation that she was indeed Emerie. She looked you up and down and you didn’t miss her eyes snagging on the half of a wing hanging from your left side. “So, you’re Azriel’s new project.” She mused. “His new project?” You asked, “He’s just training me?” You said. “He’s a wonderful male, kind, gentle, but he’s dangerous and he’s easy to fall for.” She warned, “Have you?” You asked, “Fallen for him?” You clarified and she laughed, “Me? No, I prefer the company of females.” She told you with a smirk. Oh, oh. “I have no plans to fall for him, I just want to learn.” You told her and she smiled gently again, “Just be careful.” was all she said as the most beautiful female you had ever seen appeared and gave Emerie a dazzling smile. She bounced up to you, “Hi, I’m Mor!” He voice was like windchimes. “Hello, I’m Y/N.” You smiled, “Ready to learn how to kick these males asses?” She grinned and offered you a hand as you nodded.  
Winnowing was a strange sensation, it felt like falling and staying still all at once and then you really were falling. The air left your lungs as you collided with something and then you were flying. “Welcome to Velaris.” You opened your eyes to see the High Lord and you were flying. A grin split across your face; it had almost been a year since you had last flown and the wind felt incredible against your skin. Rhysand smiled down at you as he did a couple of loops of the house below while you grinned before he eventually landed. You finally took in the view of the city he had called Velaris. “It’s beautiful here,” you breathed. “You should see it at Starfall.” A female spoke from behind you. Turning to face the voice you saw the High Lord with his arms around a beautiful female and you knew exactly who she was. You dropped into a courtesy, “High Lady,” you greeted. She smiled warmly, “Just Feyre is fine.” She told you, taking your hand and helping you straighten and regain your balance, the wind causing your wings to knock you off kilter. “Is that what you are training in?” She asked, referring to your tattered dress and your cheeks burned with embarrassment. “It’s all I have.” You admitted and she frowned at her husband. “It’s fine, really!” You insisted and she didn’t argue with you.  
“Are you ready?” Azriel’s voice sent chills down your spine. You took a deep breath and turned to face him. “I am.” You told him. “We’re training a level up.” He told you, “This place goes higher?” You gasped, “It does, all that’s up there is a training ring, slightly smaller than this one, Cassian will be training Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn down here.” You nodded at him, “Once you're caught up you are welcome to join them, Nesta has already extended the invitation.” You smiled, that was incredibly kind of her, you had never been included before. In anything. “Let’s go.” He said, walking towards the door leading into the house. The interior took your breath away. You had never seen the outside of the camps before and you couldn’t comprehend how grand this house was. “Do you live here?” You gasped, freezing in place and taking in the parlour room. Azriel turned upon hearing your footsteps hault. Due to your half a wing your steps had a telltale uneven sound to them. He allowed a rare turn up of his lips at the sight of wonder on your face. “Yes, with Cassian and Nesta.” You didn’t acknowledge his words, still taking in the rich wallpaper, the plus sofas and chairs. “I’m not here much though, I’m often away for work but whenever I’m in the city this is where I reside.” He continued, that seemed to pull you back to him, “Oh, am I keeping you from that?” You asked gently, concern coating your eyes, “I can train at the camps, honestly, its fine.” You rushed out. Azriel shook his head, “You aren’t keeping me from anything.” He inclined his head towards the door and you followed next to him, running your hand along the back of the sofa, “I’ve never felt something so soft!” You exclaimed; an amused raise of his brows was all he gave you in return. You struggled up the stairs, your wings leaving your gait uneven, stairs was something you hadn’t faced in a long time, and it seemed you could no longer go up them very well. Azriel didn’t push or hurry you like you expected, he merely kept a step behind you to catch you if you fell. You were exhausted by the time you’d reached the training ring but more than determined to prove yourself. 
Training that day was brutal. Not because you got hurt, in fact, Azriel didn’t touch you once, didn’t once enter your personal space. He had started you off with footwork. It was much harder than you thought simple footwork would be, but your uneven wings made life difficult as did the shadows that constantly danced around you, but you loved your new little friends and he couldn’t seem to call them back no matter how much he told them to leave you alone and find something useful to be doing, apparently they thought nothing was more useful than being around you. He never once lost his patience, he let you work through it. Let you pull yourself from the ground time after time with nothing but gentle encouragement. “Good,” he said at midday, “You did well today, we’ll do the same again tomorrow.” Sweat was pouring off of you by the time he was guiding you through a cool down. “How did it go?” Rhysand asked, appearing on the roof with the pair of you while you were lying on your back, fighting for your life trying to catch your breath. “It went well.” Azriel told him as you just stuck your arm in the air showing him a thumbs up. Rhysand just laughed at you. “Y/N, I have asked our healer, Madja, to take a look at your wings, just to make sure, if you’ll allow it?” He asked, your sat up, crossing your legs and looked at him, “Make sure of what? They can’t be fixed? Half of one is probably still in that field in Ironcrest.” You told him, “I know they can’t, but I’d like to know if they are causing you pain and if we can do anything about that.” He said a kind smile graced his face and you found yourself nodding. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Azriel said shortly, his attitude suddenly switched, and storms seemed to be brewing in his eyes. “Okay.” You mumbled quietly, slightly scared of the person he now seemed to be. “Azriel.” Rhysand growled, “You are to leave it alone, do you understand?” He commanded, pure High Lord. Azriel levelled him with a look, nodded once and took to the skies.  
“Half of one is probably still in that field in Ironcrest.” Azriel wasn’t sure why the words had gutted him like they had or why they were playing over and over in his head. He knew something tragic had happened to her, something unforgivable, Rhys hadn’t shared with him or Cassian what he had seen in her mind yesterday, but it had taken all afternoon, several glasses of whiskey and Feyre perched on his lap before his brother had calmed. All he knew was that when she uttered those words a rage like he hadn’t felt for a long time consumed him. He was to leave it alone. That was an order from his High Lord, not his friend, not his brother, his High Lord. So alone he would leave it, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t investigate, Rhysand hadn’t said anything about investigating. So, naturally, he flew to Ironcrest. He kept quiet and out of sight of the main camp and sent his ever-helpful friends to investigate. He didn’t fail to notice the littlest one, the one that usually stuck to him like glue, rambling in his ear like an excited child, the one that hadn’t left her side all morning was the first to dart away at his command.  
It didn't take long before he heard a howl on the wind, they had found something. The remaining shadows engulfed him like a swarm. When they cleared again, he was in a small clearing. It was the little shadow howling for him and upon his arrival it came shooting towards him. "Look! Look! See, Master! See what they did!” It was frantically whispering at him. “Show me.” He answered it aloud and followed its lead. The smell of blood hit him first. Something that didn’t make sense, but he knew on instinct it was hers. Her injuries weren’t recent, not recent enough for the blood to linger, not with the weather up here anyway but it was as if her blood had permeated the earth and his wings unfurled with the anger that once again hit him like a tidal wave. He spotted it then, lying in the grass, half of a wing. Just like she said. The cuts were crude, as if the instrument used was too blunt for the cartilage of the wing. He knew, from his experiance in breaking people, that once they had sawed through the bone, they had torn through the skin with their bare hands, like one would with paper. Even as someone who inflicted pain for a living, he couldn’t imagine. His knees gave out without his permission, and he vomited. “Kill them! Make them suffer! Kill them all!” The little shadow was hissing as it darted around his head. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, he forced himself to his feet. “I will little one, I will.” He told it, “I’ll help!” It insisted, “You’ll all help when the time is right, for now, some of you stay here, find out who did this to her, keep me informed.” He addressed all of his shadows, the sneakier of which took their leave at his command. The little one floating by his ear like an unofficial second in command.  
As predicted, there was nothing Madja could do for your wings, other than keep you comfortable with them. Which Rhysand insisted she do despite your protest that they had already done far too much for you by allowing you to train. You left of course, with ointments, tinctures, and vials for your wings. You arrived at training the next morning, aching but determined as ever. “Go on up!” Nesta told you with a smile and you give her your best smile right back. Gritting your teeth you pulled yourself up the stairs to the second training ring. Azriel wasn’t there when you arrived so you wandered over to the edge of the ring, bending at the waist to feel the wind over the wall. Your right wing, the broken one tried hard to unfurl and feel the wind but shattering pain lanced through you and it quickly stopped its movement. You stood there, a small smile on your face, hair whipping around you. “I like it up here, I can feel the wind again, I can hear its song.” You told Azriel who looked downright shocked you knew he was there as he emerged from his shadows. You let out a small laugh and put your hair behind your ear, “This little one gave you away.” You told him, showing you the little shadow curled around your ear like it belonged there. Azriel glared at it and it dived into your hair. “Don’t be mean to my new friend!” You scolded him and half of his lip twitched up into a smile. He came and leant against the wall next to you, taking great care not to knock your wings, Rhysand must’ve told him about the exposed bone and nerve on the left one that you wouldn’t even let Madja touch. “It must be nice to live somewhere like this, up in the wind.” You told him, “Do you miss it?” He asked, and you looked at him to find him already watching you, “Of course I do, but this is as close as I’ll ever get now.” You told him with a shrug. “Shall we start?” You asked. “Not yet, let’s enjoy the wind a bit longer first.” He said. From that day on, the first 45 minuets of training, Azriel dedicated to sitting on the wall, enjoying the wind. Slowly and surely, the Shadowsinger started talking to you more and more.  
Six months later Azriel had found himself looking forward to morning training. It was no longer a motion to go through. He found he enjoyed Y/N’s quiet company. Enjoyed that she had never once been scared to call him out on his shit. It was her that had finally gotten through to him about Elain. He was repeating old patterns, and he knew that now. “You’re worth more than you think, Azriel. You deserve real and true love, mate or not. But this thing you have with Elain, this isn’t it. You know it isn’t. She’s using you and you know it, deep down you know it.” She had told him three days ago. He was furious. How dare she think such a thing about Elain about him? All he had tried to do is help her! He hadn’t shown up for training the last two days, but he knew from Cassian that she had and stubbornly carried on without him. Today, he was swallowing his pride and apologising for his actions. He had reacted badly at the time and she had flinched, she had been scared of him in that moment and it made him sick. He knew she knew he would never lift a hand to her in such a way, but she had still flinched, and he would not forgive himself for it, for the scent of fear that filled the air as he walked away from her in the middle of a session.  
When he made it to the training ring, she wasn’t there. So he waited, five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen. Emerie came bursting onto the roof, Mor on her heels, Cassian, Nesta and Gwyn behind them. “She never turned up this morning!” Emerie told him in one breath. “Mor and I went to her tent but she wasn't there either!” He met Cassians gaze and saw the worry there, the tick in his brothers jaw. Cassian ran these camps as best he could but even Cassian wasn’t enough to corral the old ways and he could read it on the General’s face that he was worried about what they would find. “Find Rhysand, meet me there.” Was all he said to Cassian before launching to the skies.  
Azriel wasted no time in heading straight for Devlon when he landed, his shadows skittering in all directions in their own search. The littlest one that she had become so fond of stuck with him, wailing in his ear. The commander met him halfway. “I know why you are here, Singer.” He said, “None of us had anything to do with it, we don’t know where she is, just that she’s gone.” “Truth, truth, truth.” The little shadow wailed in his ear. Azriel nodded once, “You and everyone here is to stay here, in the centre of camp and out of my way.” He said, his voice promising a cold death if they disregarded his order. Devlon nodded once and Azriel strode away. “Not here, not here, not here!” the little shadow repeated over and over again. “I know!” He growled at it, “Unless you know where she is, be quiet!” The shadow darted from his ear, up into his hair where it hid. He took to the skies again, circling the camp and the surrounding areas in slightly largest circles each time when Rhys and Cassian arrived. Rhysand took over sorting out a plan of action as the urgency and panic was starting to eat away at Azriel. He didn’t understand what was going on but the Spymaster almost suffocating with the frantic anxiety that was crawling up his throat and constricting his chest. His brothers shared a knowing look but did not enlighten him. He didn’t care. If it wasn’t her location, he wasn’t interested. The little shadow slid down his face, to its place curled round his ear and began to whisper once more. “Taken, hurt, taken, hurt.” “Where?!” He demanded and a swarm of shadows engulfed him, taking him to where they had found her.  
Azriel almost vomited again when he saw her, lying broken in the grass, in the exact spot where she had been broken a year prior. “Find out why she was at Ironcrest!” He snapped at a group of shadows that quickly departed. y she’s in Ironcrest!” He snapped at a group of nearby shadows. Whether she came here of her own free will or was taken against it, the outcome was going to be the same. The torture master of the Night Court was coming out to play and they were going to suffer. People were going to die and this camp would be red by the time he was done. Her favourite little shadow was already racing towards her. Azriel had never heard a shadow scream before, and it was haunting. A sound he would never forget for as long as he lived. He would wake from nightmares to that sound, just like he did to the sound of the flesh on his hands sizzling when he was a child. There was no way to describe the state of her already broken wings, or the amount of blood she was covered in. “Help her! Master! Help her!” The little shadow was screaming at him as he fell to his kness beside her, checking her breath. She was still breathing, that was a start. He heard Rhys and Cassian land behind him. “Not again.” He heard Rhys mumble and he whirled on his brother, “What. Do. You. Mean. Again?” He demanded, Cassian was the one who spoke, “Not now, she needs us!”  
Azriel turned back to the beautiful broken female lying in the grass. “Y/N? Can you hear me?” He asked, her eyes flew open, unfocused, and wild. Unsure of who was in front of her she went to move away and defend herself when she screamed. He assumed due to the pain she was currently in. “Y/N, it’s me!” Her eyes focused for a second and softened upon seeing him, she croaked his name, and a snap took place deep within his chest at the sound of his name and all of his instincts got stronger, harder to fight and he knew exactly what had happened. “There it is.” Cassian said to Rhys quietly who nodded back at the General. She went limp again. She would’ve hit the ground if not for Cassian catching her, placing her gently back down, from the seated position she was in. “No, no, no, baby, stay with me!” Azriel said desperately reaching for her. “Rhysand, help me!” He begged his High Lord, “Madja is the only one who can help her now, we need to move.” Rhys told him, Azriel stood, cradling her in his arms. Shadows were racing towards him from the trees. He handed her to Rhys as gently as possible. “You can winnow faster than my shadows. Take her.” Rhys nodded and was gone.  
“In the trees, in the trees.” The shadows told him upon reaching him. He and Cassian followed, both males freezing upon finding a young girl, no older than 4, crying softly under a tree. Cassian made himself as small as possible when he realised Azriel was in no state to deal with this and met the little ones eyes, “What are you doing out here all by yourself little lady?” He asked with a gentle smile at the girl. “Are you going to hurt her?” The girl asked, baring her little teeth at Cassian, Azriel would have laughed if he had it in him. “No, we’re her friends.” Cassian told her softly, “She helped me.” She croaked, “They tried to take my wings.” Azriel ground his teeth so hard he thought they’d break. “Are you hurt?” Cassian asked and she shook her head no, “Just a little cut.” She said, expanding her tiny wing so show them a graze. “Where’s your mother? Your father?” her bottom lip wobbled at the question, “Dead.” She said as another fat tear rolled down her cheek. She crawled towards them, completely by-passing Cassian and holding her little arms up to Azriel. He complied, picking up the girl and resting her on his hip. “Please don’t take me back. I want to go with her.” She begged, placing her little hands on either side of his face. Azriel and Cassian had a silent conversation between them. There was no question, the girl would come with them, they would find her a good home. She'd never come back to the camps. “You don’t have to go back,” Azriel said as calmly as he could manage, “But you need to go with Cassian now, okay?” She studied him some more, “Are you coming too?” She asked, why this girl had picked him to trust he didn’t know, especially now, with shadows pouring out of him and death radiating out of his pores. Azriel nodded at her, “Yes Little One, I’m coming too, but I have to go to the camp first.” She nodded at him and let Azriel hand her to Cassian, “Ready to fly little lady?” He asked her with a grin, “I can’t fly yet. Don't know how.” She told him, Cassian ruffled her hair, “That’s okay, I’ll fly us.” He said. Azriel was already walking away, “Where are you going?” Cassian called after him, Azriel didn’t stop moving as he said. “To work.”  
Rhys was waiting for him on the edge of the camp. Fucking Cassian. “Do not try and stop me, Rhysand.” Azriel warned and Rhys held his hands up in mock surrender. “Stop you?” He asked, “I’m here to help you.” That stoppped Azriel in his tracks. “To hurt an innocent like they hurt her is one thing, to be handled diplomatically as they see no issue with their ways, ways that I am trying to outlaw.” He said, “To hurt my brothers mate? That is another and for that, they will pay.” Azriel almost smiled. “You knew?” He asked, “I had my suspicions,” Rhys told him, “But I didn’t know for sure, not until today.” Rhys’ eyes glazed over for a second. “Cassian is on his way.” Azriel didn’t get time to ask his question before Rhys carried on talking. “The girl is fine, she's with Mor, she met Cassian halfway, she doesn’t know her own name though, so you’ll have to think of one for her.” Rhys told him, “Me?” Azriel asked, “Shall we start calling you Daddy Az now?” Cassian asked as he landed beside them. Azriel shoved an elbow into his ribs. “What?! Cassian asked, “She was asking for you and Y/N the whole way back.” The three of them strode into the camp, their intentions clear. Illyrians began to scatter but none got far thanks to the wards Rhys had thrown up around the camp. Malakai and his friends were easy to find.  
Once the brothers had gotten their prisoners situated in that chamber far below Hewn City, Rhys and Cassian once again departed, off to tell the Lord of Ironcrest his son would not be returning, Azriel got to work. Their deaths would not be quick, would not be merciful. He would not start with their wings, oh no. That would be a day two or three job. He wouldn’t take them too early, wouldn’t let them think they had lost that what Illyrians held most dear at the start, it would take all the fight out of them and that’s what he wanted, a fight. So he’d start small, Azriel knew exactly where to cut to cause the most amount of pain with the least amount of threat to life, but they would not leave here, not alive, not whole, and certainly not through the door. When the males were groaning, bleeding and full of Fae Bane, he left them hanging by their wrists. To spend their night being tormented by the beasts below.  
“Absolutely not!” Mor said as soon as she saw him. “Go and bathe.” Azriel growled at her, the need to check on Y/N and the tiny girl they had found pressing down on him so much he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “That little girl has been through enough without you showing up looking like that and terrifying her!” Mor hissed at him pushing him down the hallway towards his own room. “They are both fine, both strong.” She told him and the weight lifted enough for him to get a breath down. “Come back when you’re clean.” She said, turning away and walking back down the corridor.  
Once clean, he returned. His bath had done nothing to heal the tension in his body. He found his family gathered in a tight circle, whispering amongst one another. “I want to see her.” He said, garnering their attention and Rhys nodded at him, gesturing towards the door. He and Cassian followed Rhys him in. Every muscle in his body froze when he saw her. “Before you lose it,” Rhys said, “What was done was for the best, for her health.” “For her health?” Azriel repeated as a question. “Yes, she already had a nasty infection setting in and-” Azriel cut him off, “Her wings are gone! Gone Rhys, completely gone!” He roared. “It was for the best Az, It really was.” Cassian piped up. “With the new damage caused and the infection setting in, she would’ve lost the ability to walk as well, Rhys and Madja made a difficult decision, but it was the right one.” Panic was crawling up his throat, “I can’t.” He choked out, “I can’t be here!” Gods he was pitiful, she deserved a better mate than him. One that would sit by her bedside until she woke, one that helped her through this, but Azriel could barely look at her. “Az!” Feyre called after him as he fled the room, “There's someone in the sitting room whose been asking for you since they arrived.” She said catching up with him and taking his elbow, steering him towards the sitting room.  
“Mama!” Nyx called out, running into Feyre’s legs as soon as he spotted her. She picked him up, placing a kiss on each of his cheeks, “Hello my love!” She greeted him warmly. “She doesn’t know how to play.” Nyx whispered quietly to his mother and Azriel didn’t miss the longing in the little girl's gaze as she watched Feyre interact with Nyx. So, he took a deep breath to steady himself and crouched down, opening his arms to her in invitation, he was going to do something right today. She hesitated, for only a moment before a brilliant grin split across her face and she ran into his arms. “How’s your wing, Little One?” He asked as he stood with her, she extended it to show him, “The lady fixed it.” She told him and began rambling on and on about the light in Madja’s hands and the tingly creams she had used. He took a seat on the sofa, the one he clearly remembered Y/N telling him was the softest thing she had ever felt. He was going to buy her 12. The little girl situated herself in his lap, still talking a mile a minute.  “They tell me you don’t know your name.” She looked up at him, her big brown eyes shining, “Never had one.” She said and his face softened, even in that cell, all those years ago he had a name. Something that belonged to him. “Why don’t we pick you one?” He asked her, so wrapped up in this child he didn’t even notice Feyre and Nyx slip out of the room. “Okay?” She agreed, sounding doubtful. “Hmm,” He mused, “What about Luna?” He asked and she screwed her nose up, “No you’re right,” He said, “Sounds like a hounds name.” She giggled at him, placing both her hands on his face again, he took a mental note to figure out why she did that. “Selena? It means the Moon?” He asked and she shook her head, “I’m not a moon! I’m a girl, silly!” He huffed out a laugh, “My mistake, Little One, Lennox?” He asked, “No!” He grinned down at her, “This is hard!” He told her and she nodded her little head in agreement. “Theodora, Theo for short?” He asked, “Does that mean moon?” She asked, “No, Little One, Theodora means Gift of God.” She pondered it for a moment, “What god?” She asked, he had no answer for that. Azriel knew in his bones that this girl was a gift of God, but it didn’t suit her. “I don’t think it suits you,” He said, “Marceline?” He asked and her face softened at the sound of it. He watched her mouth the word, testing it on her tongue. Her smile answered his question, she was Marceline, she was his Little Warrior. 
Nyx came running back into the room, “Dinner!” He announced and Azriel caught the excitement on Marceline’s little face, and he wondered when the last time she ate a proper meal had been. His family would have fed her when she arrived, but a proper dinner, he didn't know. She scrambled off of his lap, “I have a name!” She told Nyx proudly, “What is it?” Nyx asked, “Marceline!” She told him, Nyx seemed to ponder the name she had told him, “Marcie.” He said, “I’m going to call you Marcie.” She grinned at him, “Let’s go!” She said, offering her hand towards Azriel to hold on the way to dinner and he felt lighter than he had in days smiling down at the two children clasping hands at his side. He made a note to talk to Cassian after dinner about turning the rooms that they used to share into somewhere for himself and Marceline to reside seeing as Cassian moved into the main bedroom with Nesta what seemed like years ago and to ask Mor to go with him for clothes and toys for the little girl. He had thought they would find her a good home, but he knew in the very marrow of his being that there was no better home for her than here, with him and hopefully Y/N. Besides, she had a built in best friend in Nyx here.  
“See, she’s not scary!” Marceline told him days later when she had coaxed him into Y/N’s room. He sat stiffly in the chair next to her bed, Marceline perched on the bed next to her. Wishing he could switch places with her. She didn’t deserve to be lying there. Marceline had been begging him to come with her for days and he had finally relented. “She wasn’t scared at all, Azzy!” Marceline told him proudly, “She hit him real good until the second and third one turned up.” Azriel knew she had. He’d seen the bruises on Malakai’s face himself. “I want to learn how to fight like her!” She continued, “Nyxie says when we’re old enough we can train together but I told him we’re not going to the camps to train.” She rambled on, “He said his Daddy went to camp, with you and Cassie?” She asked, “We did, Little One, that’s where we met.” He told her, “So, Nyxie is going to be High Lord, I’ll be whatever you are and we need a Cassie!” She said and his blood ran cold at the idea of this sweet little girl being anything like him. “Nyx will be High Lord,” He agreed, “But you, you Little One, you can be whatever you want to be.” He told her, “But what if I want to be like you? A hero? Brave?” She asked him, “My Little One, you already are those things.” He told her. Movement in his peripheral vision snagged his attention. After three long days, she was waking up, “Marceline, can you go and find the others for me please?” He asked, she nodded happily, jumping off of the bed and gliding towards the floor, her little legs already running before he feet touched the wooden floorboards, “Be careful!” He called after her. Unlike the little shadow that had chosen Y/N and that had not left her side since he had found her, the one that had chosen Marceline was bigger and clung to her little wings most of the time, “Go with her, keep her safe, make sure she doesn’t run into an important meeting if Rhys is in one.” He told it. Realistically he could’ve called the others himself, but he was unsure of how Y/N was going to react, what headspace she would be in, and he needed Marceline safe and out of the way. “Keep an eye on her and Nyx, make sure they are playing.” The shadow shot off after the little girl.  
You could hear Azriel. He was nearby and talking to someone, move, move move. You urged your hand and to your infinite surprise. It did move. He was here, he had come. You had heard everyone else over the past however long you had been in this darkness, including a little voice you didn’t know, but it rambled at you a mile a minute. “Y/N, come back to me.” Azriel spoke again and you wanted to shout at him that you were trying! Your eyes darted around the darkness and a shimmer urged you towards it. The closer you got to it the brighter it shined. A beautiful golden thread. You grasped it in one hand and pulled as hard as you could. You heard a gasp, then felt a tug back and with that your eyes flew open. “Azriel.” You said, except it didn’t come out as his name, rather a garbled mess of letters. “Here,” He said, propping you up gently with one arm and bringing a glass of water to your lips with the other and you drank deeply. “I need you to stay calm,” He said, “But I have to tell you something.” You looked up at him, “My wings are gone.” You said before he told you. He nodded, “I’m so so sorry.” He said, “If I could give you back the sky, I would.” His eyes shone with nothing but truth. “Is she okay? The little girl?” You asked and a dazzling smile graced his lips, “Ask her yourself.” He said as a little girl with big brown eyes came bounding into the room, a shadow chasing after her. “You’re awake!” She exclaimed. “I’m awake.” You told her as she scrambled onto the bed next to you, helped the last couple of inches by Azriel. “Are you okay?” You asked her, “Are you?” She replied, “I think so.” You told her. “I’m okay,” She said, “Just one little cut that's going to be a scar like Azzy’s! How cool is that?!” She asked, extending her little wing to show you. Azriel visibly cringed that this little girl thought anything about him was admirable. “What’s your name?” You asked her and she looked at Azriel with a big grin before turning back to you, “Marceline.” She said proudly, “Azzy gave it to me!” Azriel cleared his throat, “Well, technically, we picked it together.” She ignored him. “I didn’t have one before!” She told you.  
Azriel sent Marceline and her shadow to go and find Nyx to play with and he was seated back in the chair next to your bed. “So, you're like a dad now?” You asked teasingly and he shrugged, “I guess so.” You smiled up at him, “It suits you.” He smiled bashfully. “Do you know?” He asked, “Know what?” You said, confusion washing over you, “What we are to each other?” He asked gently, it was then you remembered the thread and you gasped. “Are we, Mates?” You asked and he nodded. “How long have you known?” “When I found you. It snapped.” He told you. You just stared at him, “I understand if you want to reject it, if you don’t want me, I’m hardly the kind of male you deserve, hel, a 4-year-old had to drag me in here because I couldn’t face it, seeing you, looking so lifeless.” You cut him off, “Azriel?” He stopped talking, “Are those three males hanging in a dungeon somewhere, bleeding and wishing they’d never been born?” You asked and he nodded dumbly, “Of course they are, they laid hands on you, twice. You no longer have wings so neither do they.” He said, your smile clearly took him by surprise, “Then you are exactly the male I deserve, I see you, Azriel, all of you and I’m not scared.” You said softly, “Let’s just take it a day at a time, see where we end up.” He smiled, “A day at a time.” He agreed.  
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queenvhagar · 6 months ago
How did Alicent not create and further a hostile environment when she essentially forced Rhaenyra to present her baby immediately after childbirth, and acted with mocking concern that Rhaenyra walked all the way to her. Even while Alicent KNEW her mother died in childbirth. Alicent furthering rumors that her children are bastards, Alicent making Rhaenyra’s life hell and dangerous so much that she left to Dragonstone, Alicent leading to Harwin’s death. By your logic Cersei didn’t create any hostile environment either since they’re all just blameless women who don’t have power. Cersei couldn’t stop Joffrey from doing anything so Sansa has no right to hate her then
Alicent asked the baby be brought to her sometime after birth, and Rhaenyra chose to maliciously comply by carrying the baby herself, so people would see how bad Alicent was for making her go all that way when in reality Alicent just asked for a servant to bring the baby to her. Why did both of them do this? Well, it's clearly established that at this point there's been a decade of back and forth shot-taking at each other. The green dress moment, this incident, the contrasting opinions at the small council, the petty comments... all of this is indicative of the two of them trying to power play each other out because they didn't like each other. In this case, Alicent wanted to confirm for herself the third bastard, and Rhaenyra knew this and decided to accompany the baby despite Alicent not asking her to in order to shift the focus onto Alicent's request being unreasonable and away from the idea that she was requesting to see the baby so soon to confirm its parentage in the first place. It's them playing with perception of others here and trying to control the situation better than the other. Again, because there is a mutual dislike each other and there are competing interests between the two women.
None of the women in this story are wholly powerless, but there are women who have more or less power than others. Rhaenyra always had more power than Alicent, point blank. Rhaenyra is a Targaryen dragonrider, in the king's eyes his favorite and "only" child, and named heir to the throne. Alicent is the non-Valyrian dragonless daughter of a second son, and even though she became Viserys' second queen, clearly the king did not value her, setting her aside, laughing at her in public, calling her the wrong name in front of others, and he clearly did not care at all about their children together. The power level between the two is uneven, and it's crazy that people seem to think somehow Alicent is this all powerful villain who could have one-sided outright bullied a poor, powerless, helpless Rhaenyra. The power difference is clearly seen at Driftmark, when Rhaenyra gets the king to do everything she asks while Alicent begs him for any care about her son just to be ignored. All along Rhaenyra could wield her father's favoritism to benefit her, and she did, in that moment and again when Vaemond Velaryon came to court.
It's also important to acknowledge that the bastard "rumor" was not solely a Green creation that Alicent decided to make up with the purpose of making Rhaenyra look bad or something. As Aegon put it at Driftmark, everyone had eyes and could see that these white skinned brown haired boys clearly looked more similar to the white skinned brown haired man always at Rhaenyra's side than her husband, with his dark skin and white hair, who spent less time with Rhaenyra and the family than Harwin and more time with his squires. This plain fact is damaging and dangerous to Rhaenyra, but Rhaenyra is to blame for this. Her and Laenor tried maybe once before she immediately became pregnant with Jace by Harwin, according to the timeline, and as Margaery and actual history shows us it was definitely possible for queer men to have gotten a woman pregnant with the purpose of producing an heir. However, Rhaenyra was just interested in acting to their arrangement of dining as she pleased, and then proceeded to recklessly have not one but three clear pieces of evidence to her breaking her vow to her husband (which maybe is less scandalous to us, the modern viewer, but oath breaking is pretty serious in Westeros, especially for women). And before there's an argument of how she was forced to marry a gay man... Rhaenyra (and Daemon) did that. She left her marriage tour to pick her own match among hundreds of suitors early and then was seen in a brothel with Daemon, tarnishing her reputation and forcing her father to quickly marry her to a Velaryon (and of course Daemon brought her there with the purpose of sullying her reputation enough so Viserys would just let Daemon marry her). The funny thing here is that Harwin himself could have been a marriage candidate as the heir to Harrenhall and an active member at court, and he was certainly an option to consider! But she lost her chance. As heir to the throne and a Targaryen woman, there was no situation where she would not have needed to get married and make an heir, and Rhaenyra should have known this and considered her options while she had them. Then even when she was married to Laenor, there were ways around his queerness. Try to have a baby, or petition that he's infertile and the marriage should be absolved on that grounds so she can marry someone else. But Rhaenyra wanted to have her cake and eat it too; she wanted the Velaryons on her side to support her claim to the throne and a son of hers to one day inherit Driftmark, and she wanted to only have sex with Harwin and have his babies. Both were impossible at the same time if she wanted to avoid conflict.
Essentially, all of this put together, it was through her own choices that Rhaenyra had three obvious bastards that weakened her own claim and put herself in the middle of a political scandal. And even when Alicent talked about it at all, it was only with Viserys, Criston, and Larys in private (and she potentially told her children, likely to warn them of the further succession crisis this would cause when Rhaenyra or her sons try to come to power despite their weak claims and bastard status in this society that despises bastards). Obviously all of them already had eyes and knew the truth, and Criston had also already known the truth of what was going on because Rhaenyra explicitly had told him about the arrangement, and it was clear that Harwin was the one who filled that role for her. So when the third bastard is born, he goads Harwin into fighting him, exposing his role in the situation, and the attention on Harwin this causes results in Lionel Strong sending him back to Harrenhall. Then, Larys takes advantage of the situation to kill them both and become Lord of Harrenhall. He says he did it for Alicent, to get her father back, but realistically there's no reason to expect Viserys should have even asked Otto back as Hand after firing him (and he really shouldn't have, if he was trying to help Rhaenyra consolidate power). All of this considered, it's a pretty big step to say that Alicent is to blame for Harwin's death. I personally say it was Harwin's decision to be Rhaenyra's lover and father to her children that got him sent away from court, and then it was his own brother's decision to kill him for power.
Not exactly sure what your point is trying to bring up Cersei when the contexts are pretty different... like sure she was a lady married to a king who didn't love her and then she fought for her children's rights ruthlessly. But Cersei has a closer parallel in Rhaenyra, to be honest: a mother to three bastards who uses them to usurp thrones they have no real claim to and who ignores their misdeeds completely and/or weaponizes them against their victims. The obvious parallel here is Joffrey threatening and cutting the butcher's boy, getting attacked by Nymeria, and Cersei immediately pushing her own version of events that unquestionably paints her son as the ultimate victim and demanding the king take action against the others, and the Strong boys ambushing Aemond with a knife, beating on him four on one, cutting out his eye, and then Rhaenyra immediately pushing her own version of events that unquestionably paints her sons as the ultimate victims and demanding the king take action against the others. Cersei definitely did create hostile environments through her actions, as did Rhaenyra. Cersei could have tried to control Joffrey better, but she was unwilling to acknowledge his flaws or try to hold him accountable when he had done wrong. Almost like how Rhaenyra never talked to her boys about jumping a kid and cutting his eye out because she was unwilling to acknowledge their role in the situation or hold them accountable for their actions. Both mothers saw their children as largely flawless and were unwilling to confront them with their mistakes or misdeeds.
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starrieisdelusional · 5 months ago
Why i didn’t make merlin as king / court sorcerer / court advisor
So i had a conversation w my moot (if you’re reading this hello) and they didnt like that i made merlin as consort (they changed their mind thoe!) in the final timeline so im gonna explain why here:
no guys its not misogyny or making merlin an uwu helpless submissive femboy, i just genuinely think merlin cant lead 😭
like take example his servant position: he’s SO TERRIBLE AT HIS JOB he should get fired actually when compared to George. He went so far off his job desc, even already beefing with arthur in episode 1.
and merlin is an infp (im also infp EEEE). His decisions are based on feelings rather than logic. This is how we all got that devastating ending + bad writing.
It’s also shown in canon how merlin is meant to work in the background, leading, diplomacy, anything related with the public, that’s all arthur’s work. They meant to complete eachother
Now imagine this boy leading a kingdom i dont think it will last 💀 he probably either be too nice to other kingdoms / entities that they stab him in the back or let it burn for arthur lol
But! I think merlin should be known with a title something like “the king’s shadow” (Kinda like how sasuke is shadow hokage) cuz merlin eliminates every threat of camelot and appears when least expected. (He also have very good intel because he talks to nature!)
Why not court sorcerer? I think things like magic diplomacy should be handled by morgana because she is royalty at birth and she is more qualified to deal w people than merlin does 💀
and why not court advisor? i think that gwen is more suited to be advisor and head house because her judgement is better than merlin and arthur. with the background that she used to be a peasant who live quite a while in camelot, she knows the people better than anyone.
Main post:
To find my other ramblings about this AU, filter with the hashtag #must we really rely on fate?
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4pfsukuna · 6 months ago
could you write smth for long curly haired reader who isn't doing the best mentally so she isn't ty taking care of here hair and geto who has a crush on her offered to help her with it? i just know he'd be soft and gentle.hed even look up how to take care of curly hair to help make his girls (he wishes 😔) hair look the best it ever has (so she can ask him to keep doing her hair for her) i need him down bad 🙏🙏
omfg girl. GIRLLLLLL. This may have just healed my writers block🥹
Suguru Geto was the neighborhood heart-throb with his dark volumtious hair, midnight black eyes that were so dark they nearly looked purple his tall muscular frame (his thighs were drool worthy when he man spread) and his hands that could probably… no definitely palm your whole face. Between that warm honey coated laugh and the smooth calm tone he always heals in his voice he had every girl and woman in a 10 foot radius always swooning over him. Not that he noticed his eyes were always on you and when you werent around his mind was thinking if you ate today, how your day was, what new hobby you picked up what conditioner you used? The last one was a bit unhinged.
Last week he made a complete fool of himself when he seen you in the shared hall of your apartment and finally gathered up the courage to ask you on a date but it started off so well. 
“Hello sweetheart, how was work?” He grins down at you waiting for your brown eyes to meet his and he feels his heart stutter when you do with a soft smile.
“Hey Geto, it was alright, glad im off though im starving” you answer” as you fumble with your house keys pushing some of your long curls out of your face with a single finger.
He can feel his insides exploding, this was it you just put the ball in his court for a lay up or whatever silly basketball analogy Satoru used when he told him about you, now was his chance.
“Oh? Theres a new family owned restauraunt that just opened nothing to fancy. You should go” he blurts out faster than he has time to think about it and his tongue instantly feels heavy in his mouth. His jaw feels hinged and hes clenching his mouth and fist so tight he doesnt know what will break first his teeth or the skin on his palms from how bad his nails are digging in.
“Yeah, i think i will. Have a good night” you wave and hes so in his own head he doesnt realize the way the smile doesnt reach your eyes from either dissapointment of him not asking to go together or the long day of work is something he spends the next few days pondering about once he gets in his apartment.  The only thing hes glad about is that neither Shoko or Satoru was there to embarass him endlessly. He always had a smooth slightly arrogant demeanor but when it came to you words fealt heavy in his mouth, his hands got clammy and his eyes could not leave you what so ever.
The next time he sees you hes shocked. Its around midnight after a full day of listening to anxiety by meg thee stallion on repeat loud enough for him to hear it in his living room that he begins to get worried. Its when he sees you in a dark blue hoodie blanket going to take out your trash that he stops you.
“Hey sweetheart, i can take your trash for you. You shouldnt be taking it down this late anyway” he reaches for the bag not expecting you to pull away.
“N-nah its cool, i got it” you voice cracks and he finally looks at your eyes seeing them puffy and red which makes him fall into defense mode. 
“Who did it? Ill kill them” and that wasnt exactly what he wanted to say but fuck it its not like he didnt mean it and it earns a chuckle from you. Ok, finally he was doing something right.
“Everything and everyone” you pout and he feels his heart soften at the helpless look of defeat on your face. If only you knew you had a man that would actually burn the whole world down in front of you.
“I dont have enough matches for the whole world but if you give me enough time i can run to the store to buy more and burn the it all down for you” he rubs his chin earning a smile this time.
“Maybe not the whole world” you start with a slight giggle and his heart starts doing that weird thing again “It's just… my anxiety has been in overdrive this week and my job has rumors about letting some people go and i think its me since i've been talking about being home sick and my hair stylist canceled my appointment which ruined my week because not only does she not know when she’ll return but my hair products are nothing more but empty containers that won't get shipped here until next month. NEXT MONTH Geto, i cant just put anything in my hair and nobody here can help me” you pout feeling your bottom lip tremble as you fight back tears not wanting to cry infront of your neighbor you needed to hold onto some shred of dignity— hes already watching you in this snuggie with kuromi socks on.
Your face is quickly found in his chest as he pulled you in for a hug and you nearly start sobbing, its not your fault when people hugged you when you were sad it only made you cry more.
“And then i forgot to go grocery shopping” you finally break the hot tears running down you face you wait for him to push you off instead he just holds you tighter resting his chin on your head and rubbing your back. His embrace kinda felt nice and this was the only thing that felt right in your whole horrible week you were going to bask in it.
“I can help you with your hair” Geto blurts and you wipe your eyes to make sure you heard him correctly.
“You what?” Your raspy voice questions looking up at the man whos tall enough to nearly reach the hallway ceiling.
“I can help you with your hair” he repeats, using a thumb to wipe some of the tears from under your eyes, his palm cupping your cheek to keep you in place. Completely unbothered by the fact that any of your other neighbors could walk out and see you two like this he’s just happy to have you this close.
“No shade but what do you know about kinky curly hair, plus im not trying to let anyone experiment on my hair let alone a man” you cross your arms but you don’t pull away from his embrace which he selfishly enjoys.
“You think this long healthy hair comes from using a body wash and shampoo 2 in 1? I actually take pride in my 8 step hair routine” he tells you reaching up to pull his hair from its bun letting his long obsidian locs cascade down over his broad shoulders the coconut scent hitting your nose.
You stare at him for a second debating how wrong this could go letting this man play in your head. I mean worse case scenario it gets tangled and you big chop after your hair crisis(amongst the several youve had throughout life) youve always said ‘fuck it im going to just go bald’ and maybe you finally spoke it into existance. 
You see the hopefulness in his eyes and know this man is fully convinced he can do your hair and will spend all night convincing you if he has to and you're not sure if it's his resilience or your lack of sleep that has you finally crack and let out a long sigh.
“I promise i can do it just give me a second to toss this trash, grab my products and i'll be over in a second” he promises with an excited grin grabbing the trash from your hand and taking off down the hall.
“And thats not all… they were roommates” you gossip with him as he runs the detangler through your hair after parting it into four sections. He was on the last section before having your lean back to begin the wash process and maybe he did know a thing or two about hair. Gently guiding your head back to the running water you hear the CLICK of the bottle opening before you feel the cold substance on your scalp.
Your eyes instantly close when his fingers begin massaging your scalp his nails feeling so heavenly against your roots.
“Oh my God Sugur your fingers feel so good” you nearly moan and he has to stop for a second, pretending to look for your detangler comb to not lose his composure. he cant even help his pants getting slightly tighter, he was honestly so down bad for you. 
He rinses repeats detangles conditions detangles again with very little instruction from you and honestly it was because you had began dozing off quite a few times enjoying the physical touch of another human while he is the physical embodiment of happy to be here.
He notices the song you had on repeat is also off instead choosing Sade to listen to which was alot more calmer. Its when he begins humming along that your brows scrunch and he panics assuming that hes hurting you.
“What you know about Sade?” Youre soft voice pokes making him chuckle and damn does he have a nice laugh.
“Im a man of culture” he pokes your temple and you jokingly pretend to attempt to bite his finger your goofyness slipping out easily around him. “Besides im washing your hair obviously im very cultured” he adds in and you cant argue there.
An hour later you find yourself rambling about all your favorite things favorite music, hobbies and embarassing stories of you from the fourth grade which he counters of embarassing stories of him in high school with him and his best friend satoru who he promises to introduce you to.
“And i'll section the braids up here into smaller parts So if you want a middle part or side part you have options” he tells you absentmindedly and you crain your head back to make direct eye contact but he gently grabs the side of your neck using his thumb to push your head forward.
“You'll get neck pain if you do that sweetheart” he commands softly in a way that makes your spine tingle and you rest your head against his large thigh.
“Have you done this before?” You ask your mind instantly floating to another woman and while there weren't too many girls that looked like you in japan with a hair texture like yours he was entirely too good to never have practiced this once.
“Yes” he answers honestly and you force yourself to push down the thoughts that make your stomach drop. “Though they usually fall asleep by the time i get to conditioning their hair”
And it's like you can hear the record scratch and the peaceful bliss you're in ends abruptly.
“So it's nice having someone to talk to up until the end” he tells you before finishing a braid and you feel it fall mid back before he shuffles around. There's a bright light gleaming on the side of your face and you turn slightly to see a picture of twin girls, one with dark hair and one with light brown, almost blonde hair.
“They're so cute, how old are they?” you ask taking the phone in your hands to get a better look as he swipes showing different clips from what looks like a trip to the aquarium.
“11, thats mimiko and nanako usually they are here with me but they are with uncle Satoru for the summer making his pockets hurt as they say and spending time with their little cousin megumi” he tells you before he stops sliding landing on a picture of him satoru the twins and a dark spikey haired little boy that looks angry at Satoru.
“He looks like he absolutely hates satoru” you giggle resting your head back on his thigh which earns a laugh from him.
“Despises him, actually thinks Satoru is so annoying but he loves him… deep deep deep down inside his tiny little body since he adopted him. We knew his dad… real piece of shit actually” Suguru admits using a bit more force on your hair, its not painful but you could tell he hated Megumi's dad more than Megumi hated Satoru. 
“You must've had them really young” you pry slightly which he snorts at before using the comb to detangle a section of your hair and adding in more product. 
“No, I met them at an old job. They were in a bad environment and I took them in. I just couldn’t watch them go through that horrible system it's not a place for innocent little girls” he tells you his touch becoming so featherlite you almost forget he's doing your hair 
“Yeah it makes sense you are such a girl dad. Definitely dilf material” you ramble going back to look at the pictures zooming in on how happy the girls look.
His eyes widen and breath gets caught in his throat he nearly has to stop what he's doing to focus on you again.
“Dilf? At Least take me out to dinner first”he jokes trying to calm his heart before you lean your head back once more making eye contact with him.
“How about the new family owned restaurant you told me about? You could even bring the girls I’d love to meet them” you smile at him watching the blush build on his face.
“R-really?” He stutters, not expecting you to ask him out on a date… shit was it a date?
“Yeah they seem to play an important role in your life and I need to make a good impression on them as well… I mean unless I’ve been taking your staring, heated looks and your kind offer to wash my hair the wrong way?” You tease with a sly smirk and he can feel the flush running through his entire body.
“Oh so you've just been letting me embarrass myself in front of you… this entire time” he exaggerates, holding a hand over his mouth in faux shock.
“I thought it was cute” you shrug watching his reactions before he tilts your head back forward using neck cramps as an excuse.
“Hey suguru?” You yawn, leaning your head back against his thigh and it was just the perfect head rest as his fingers began massaging through your scalp again.
“Yes sweetheart?” He asks slowing down for a second and you begin enjoying, a bit too much, the way he sounds calling you that.
“Thank you for washing my hair and styling it” you smile closing your eyes and shoulders dropping slightly and he grins at the signs of you falling asleep. He's seen it too often with the twins but he had to admit he may have been enjoying this more than you, acts of service being his love language that much was clear.
“Anything for you” 
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starsreminisce · 1 year ago
Every once in a while, there is some comment that suggests Elain and Lucien's mating bond is off or fake. I actually argue quite the opposite, and I think Lucien is intuitively attuned to Elain's emotions, and their bond is the strongest between the three sisters. I also think that when Elain is not doing well, Lucien starts showing up more.
This makes his appearance during ACOSF solstice even more interesting to me, given that he was absent for ACOSAF's solstice, both of them declaring that they can't stand to be around each other.
Feysand's bond is mental, Nessian's bond is physical, and Elucien's bond is emotional. I also think this manifests in how each of the sisters pushed away from their mate: Feyre thinking she should still be with Tamlin, Nesta randomly hooking up with random males. I also think it's how their mate helped their respective partner heal. Feyre and Nesta are similar in that both don't want to be weak or helpless anymore, but the end of their healing was marked differently. Feyre's was marked when she secured the Ouroboros with a message that suggests the mental power needed with a statement like "Only you can decide what breaks you," and Nesta's was marked by the Blood Rite.
We can go through the end of ACOMAF and the parts in ACOWAR where Lucien has been the only one advocating for Elain and just knowing what she needs while giving enough distance to prevent overwhelming her.
The part that sticks out to me was when Lucien decided to find Vassa, and he specifically said that "I’m not needed here. I’ll fight if you need me to." They were left alone for the first time, Elain wanted to stop him but she didn't, and he left to fulfill her prophecy.
The next scenes we had Elain enjoying herself to make bread (an act associated with accepting the bond, just saying), Elain speaking up to use her to convince Graysen to do something for the humans, we find out that Lucien is the heir to the Day Court (fulfilling Elain's need for sunshine), Elain's “His name is Lucien."
When was the next time we saw Lucien and Elain together? After Hybern had been defeated, and he came running to her, spying the blood on her hands and asking if she was okay, then offering his condolences and then his praise. I also have to remind y'all that Azriel saw her first and said nothing when she forced Truth-Teller back to him. In his bonus chapter, he didn't have a thought in regards to this either.
In ACOSAF, people also ignore that Lucien tried to be there for Elain, and she was "too polite" to turn him away until he got the hint and left. What stood out to me, though, was during the Solstice, it was Lucien who told Elain not to be troubled because he wouldn't be staying for long, and it was Lucien who turned down Feyre's invitation to both stay for the festivities and stay in Velaris for two weeks to "get to know Elain" before announcing that he would be moving in with Jurian and Vassa. Elain was in a pretty good place at this point in time.
However, in ACOSF, we get this little nugget:
But Elain said, “I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.”
On top of that, Elain and Nesta became estranged, Azriel pulling back his interactions with her, her being denied to search for the trove or being prevented from doing more than just tending to her little garden.
Is it a coincidence that Elain insisted on attending the Hewn City Solstice, knowing that its cruelty bothered her, was described as wearing pearl barrettes, and then the following day, Lucien was at the Inner Circle solstice, seemingly recanting his stance of not being able to stand to be around her for two minutes and his present of pearl earrings.
I don't think it's meant to be cruel on his behalf, considering he tried to hide his disappointment from her reaction upon receiving his present, but I do wonder if it's meant to be a statement that he sees what she's trying to do and trying to be as supportive as he could while still allowing her to dictate how their interactions would go.
Some people demand two extremities: either he is around too much or he doesn't care enough to try, but they fail to see how perfectly middle-ground Lucien is being. He is still accessible for her while allowing her to choose if she wants to interact with him.
ACOSAF Solstice = Elain happy and excited over cooking for everyone = Lucien saying he is not staying.
ACOSF Solstice = Elain pushing back on attending Hewn City, a place that brings her discomfort = Lucien staying for that Solstice.
Elain and Lucien are both capable of voicing out when things bother them, especially towards each other, as seen in ACOSAF, but I don't think if Lucien knew he was not wanted by her in ACOSAF solstice, he wouldn't have attended ACOSF solstice. He also would not have attended the Starfall in the later months, especially if there had been secret progress between her and Azriel.
Rhys came to Feyre's aid when she called for help mentally as she walked down the aisle, Cassian came to Nesta's aid when she was physically at her weakest, so it makes me wonder if Elain is approaching an emotional tipping point where she can't keep pretending that everything is fine when she sees both her sisters successfully moved on from their trauma because of help from their mates, Nesta especially.
We also have to acknowledge that the scent of their bond is strong a year later. I wonder if this manifested with Cassian asking Lucien where Elain was when he visited their training and Nesta calling Elain a wrench for staying far away from him as confirmation they too smell it. I would go so far as to wonder if that's why Rhys specifically brought up that Lucien has a right to the blood duel to Azriel because he smelled their bond. The only person that smell mattered to is Azriel.
So yeah, all in all, if SJM wanted to continue the train that Elain would reject the bond, she would have made other choices in ACOSF, starting with Vassa's development, Cassian's observations that Lucien is adamant about not being in Velaris, Elain trying to get closer to Azriel, Nesta flat out saying that it was Elain that Azriel was pining over by the fire, and it would have continued after Solstice where Azriel and Elain nearly kissed.
Instead, SJM chose to make their only interaction with that Lucien still looks at Elain with longing and Elain's bravado disappearing when he did.
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kylobith · 10 months ago
Long Live the King!
In honour of Bernard Hill (1944 - 2024)
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Rays of light caress the grass on the mounds of the Barrowfield at the foot of the mighty hill of Edoras. They bathe the landscape and the mountainside in their glow, enlivening the colours of the earth and the last snows of the season. What ochre dirt usually lies under the canopy of the sky now glows bright gold, nearly rivalling the roof of Meduseld, perched up far above it on its throne of stone. The land comes alive in the hues of the realm’s colours, proudly displayed on flagpoles held by soldiers.
Gathered around the newest mound on the Barrowfield, they line up the path to the temporary entrance. Heads held high with their helms down to their brows, their teary eyes behold the sky as the etiquette demands of them. Before them, closer to the path, courtiers stand in reverence, their weeping disturbing the otherworldly stillness of the scenery. By the carved stone frame of the mount’s threshold, a group of women cry out an ancient chant as armoured pallbearers carry forth the wooden stretcher upon which rests their fallen king.
Upon a cushion of green velvet embroidered with gold rests his proud head, once bearing the crown of his elders. His blond hair cascades upon it like a halo highlighting the kindness of his heart. Oh, a heart bearing much burden, yet that retained much affection for his demanding court and realm, and never once turned away from his family. Not deliberately, that is.
Behind him, what remains of the royal family follows. All are clad in black mourning dress, except for Éomer, whose shoulders are covered by a fur-lined cloak passed down from his uncle. His hand holds that of his betrothed, with her Gondorian hair braided in a Rohirric fashion. Across his chest, with its polished hilt resting on the crook of his left elbow, Herugrim awaits to be laid to rest in turn.
Following her brother is Éowyn, clasping an embroidered handkerchief to her quivering lips, supported by her husband-to-be. She leans against his shoulder, her trembling hand clutching his until her knuckles turn paler than her tear-streaked cheeks. Seldom has she managed to utter a word since she arose earlier this morning, so deep her grief stirs within her.
The pallbearers come to a halt before the threshold and those who followed them come to stand on either side of the pathway. Éomer releases Lothíriel’s hand and bows before his beloved uncle. The women cease their chants yet continue to weep, softly enough to bring attention to the king’s nephew. Keeping a firm grip on the crimson leather, he unsheathes Herugrim and holds it up above him, letting the blade reflect the sun’s glow.
‘All hail Théoden King!’ he cries out with his brow furrowed and a gleam of determination twinkling in his mournful eye.
And all respond, with the banners held high in their backs.
‘All hail Théoden King!’
Éomer solemnly lowers the sword and places it upon his uncle’s chest, closing his cold hands, which once ruled with firm grace over Rohan, around the handle. His sister steps forward and receives a small bunch of simbelmynë carefully picked from Théodred’s barrow from a soldier. She kisses the flowers and tucks them into her uncle’s grip. With a last caress on his brow, the Lady of Rohan murmurs.
Another sob wracks through her and warm tears flood her delicate traits.
‘Be at peace, son of Rohan. Your children shall never forget you, nor your gentle heart. Oh, find your fathers and embrace our beloved Théodred in our stead!’
‘Farewell, uncle, farewell!’
As she stumbles back, she collides with her brother, whose hand rests upon her shoulder. They look upon Théoden in grief as the women resume their laments, whilst bystanders bow their heads.
Faramir observes Éowyn from the corner of his eye. His heart sinks at the thought of her suffering, and never has he felt so helpless. What can one man do in the face of mourning? What more can he do besides embrace her when she needs it and listen to her memories of her childhood? Not that he minds any of it, he would wear his arms thin from holding her if he could, drown his fingers from brushing away her tears, grow deaf from hearing her speak. And he would do it all over again in a heartbeat, a thousand times over, if given the chance!
But the sight of her slouched shoulders when he knows how proud they always are triggers a pain greater than the arrows that pierced his body. Yet patience is all he must show. Patience and compassion. These virtues he has never lacked, despite his misplaced humility when praised about them.
And so, he listens to the laments sung in words whose meaning evades him, his head bowed and his eyes fixed on the shieldmaiden and her brother. When the chants end, Théoden is brought inside the barrow, beheld for the last time by the orphaned children he once considered his. The tomb is closed, and the crowd soon disperses, retracing their steps towards the Golden Hall, where a banquet will be held to reminisce about the great deeds of the fallen king and honour their new monarch.
Faramir stands by the pathway, nodding politely at the soldiers, courtiers, and those he has come to meet in Ithilien and Minas Tirith. Lothíriel, his cousin, comes to place a kiss on his cheek, squeezing his arm with a brief smile, before walking away. Éomer bows his head at him and Faramir pats his shoulder in silent support, which the new king of Rohan accepts gladly by placing his hand over his future brother-in-law’s.
But Éowyn remains by the mound, her eyes fixed upon the stone now separating her from her uncle. He awaits her, keeping his distance at first to allow her to mourn in peace. As long minutes pass, he pinches his lips and draws nearer, not wanting to startle her.
‘I would have you smile again,’ her sweet voice rises before he even reaches her, ‘not grieve for those whose time has come.’
Éowyn peers over her shoulder, her eyes brimming with tears.
‘That is what he once told me. Before the battle, before he—'
She turns again, choking up on her words. Faramir’s arms encircle her and press her gently to his heart as he rests his chin on the top of her head.
‘He must have been a great man, for him to earn such devotion from you,’ he whispers.
‘Far beyond that.’
With a sniffle, she looks up at him, speaking in a firm tone which contrasts with the vulnerability in her eyes.
‘I intend to respect his word, Faramir. So, I beg you never to make me weep.’
Faramir tucks an untameable tress of her golden hair and offers her a tender smile.
‘Beloved Éowyn, I would never dream of it.’
Nestling her head underneath his chin again, she lets out a sigh of relief. A smile grows on his cheeks.
‘I fear that I have spoken a lie. I can think of three instances where your crying would be welcome. The first is if one of the most moving poems recited from my lips by the hearth in our home would stir you so that tears would grace your eyes. The second would be our wedding day. And the third, if I dare dream of it, is the day that you hold our future child for the first time.’
Éowyn grins against his neck and places a kiss in its crook.
‘How presumptuous of you to believe that I would show any emotion in such instances!’
‘Would you not?’ he asks, his eyes widening in surprise.
A chuckle escapes her and her hands cradle his face.
‘Of course, I will. And I am ready to bet that you would weep before I do in all three situations.’
Faramir laughs along and brushes his lips against hers for a moment. A single instant where there is no place for grief. When he pulls away, his thumb traces her cheekbone.
‘We must return to Meduseld. You are the one to present the cup to your brother.’
‘Very well. Go ahead, I will be right behind you.’
Faramir nods and begins to walk away, respecting her wishes. Éowyn turns to the barrow and comes forward to graze the stone mantel with her fingertips. She presses a kiss to it and takes a deep breath.
‘Farewell, uncle. Be at peace; I am smiling again.’
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The Tower of the Hand was unbearably hot.  Summer in Westeros was boiling into its third year, turning each of the sun’s rays into an act of violence.  King’s Landing was choking on its own stench.  The reek of refuse, waste, and unwashed bodies carried on every humid breeze, reaching as far as the high windows of her father’s study.  Even after years of living here, Alicent never got used to it.  Somehow, she never got used to the coldness in her father’s voice either, after hearing it her entire life.
“You must try harder, Alicent.”  The condescending command dragged her back into the lecture she was receiving.
“I am trying, Father,” she responded, practically growling the words.  “I go to him when he calls and visit him most nights aside, and it has not worked.”
“Go to him every night, if you must!  This task is too important to miss any opportunity,” Otto Hightower snapped, slamming his quill down on the desk.
“If I do that, he will reject me,” she told him coldly.  “He already doesn’t tend to my heats, no matter how much I beg.  You know that.  And if he sends me away, I cannot disobey him.”
“Then what of the Grand Maester?  What does he advise?”
She rolled her eyes at this, too aggravated to care if he called it unladylike.  “The Grand Maester advises everything from fornicating in the mornings to eating nothing but fish from the Trident.  None of his ‘suggestions’ have proven true.”
His jaw tightened as he considered this.  “There must be something,” he insisted, resembling a sulky child more than a man grown.  It was a rare day when Otto Hightower was confronted by powerlessness.  The last time it happened would have been her lady mother’s passing.
Even in his helplessness, Alicent doubted there was anything he wouldn’t do to get her pregnant by the King.  He’d probably stand over them and push Viserys’s hips if he thought it would work.  It had been five years since he made her marry the man, an entire winter and most of a summer, and they had nothing to show for it.  Despite the Maesters’ confident assurances of her fertility, not even the suspicion of a babe had graced her womb in all that time.
“There must be something,” he repeated, roughly rubbing his beard while she glared out the distant window.  She had no answer for him, and that wouldn’t change.
Or rather, she had one, but he would not hear it.  She tried anyway.  “Father, there may be nothing we can do.”  She bit her lip and dug her fingernails into her palms.  “The King… His Grace may be…”
“Do not say it,” he growled instantly.  “Do not.  It’s a nonsensical idea.  Viserys may not be an alpha, but he has produced seven pregnancies in his life and is still in his prime.”
“The Grand Maester says it can happen,” she persisted.  “To beta men, especially.  He told me it can be quite sudd—”
“Enough!” He cut her off.  “I will not hear it.  Moreover, I forbid you from speaking of it again, even to the Maesters.  We cannot have rumors like that spreading about the King.  Keep trying, Alicent.  If it means eating only fish or whatever else, just do it.  We are running out of time.”
And now they finally reached the impetus of this argument, the reason he called her here to be harassed in the first place.  Will you never cease your bullheaded wrecking of my life, Rhaenyra?  Even when you aren’t here, you find ways to trample on me.
“The princess's wedding is in three months' time,” he said, frustrated and exhausted.  “The King plans to announce it to the court overmorrow, and the moment it happens and she gets a whelp on that Velaryon girl, everything we've worked for will be that much harder to achieve.”
“I am aware.”  Alicent barely restrained the urge to scream at him.  As if she needed another reminder that while she was forced to labor fruitlessly in the King’s bed, Rhaenyra was allowed to wed beautiful, perfect Laena Velaryon, who smelled like clean sea air and smiled like the sun.  Laena Velaryon who rode a dragon and whose name came attached to the greatest naval fleet in Westeros.  Laena Velaryon who would give her everything Alicent couldn’t: attention, sex, heirs, uncomplicated love.  
No, she considered herself quite cognizant of that fact, thank you very much.
“If you are, then I need not tell you to go to the King’s chambers again tonight,” he said darkly.  “Right, my dear?”
Her palms ached from how tightly her nails cut into them.  “Yes, Father.”
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horizon-verizon · 9 months ago
Is it just me or does TG's argument that Criston Cole is a victim of Rhaenyra seem like really demeaning? Like the fact that their argument hinges on the fact that Cole is played by a poc/is Dornish. Pretty much everything I've seen from them about that scene is how Rhaenyra, who is white, took advantage of a defenseless poc. It's just infantilizing him purely due to his race. I might be reading too much into it, after all every TG argument is them grasping at straws, but this one just really rubs me the wrong way.
over-simplifying explanations, using demeaning nicknames (e.g., "sweetheart" or "honey"), or suggesting that the infantilized person would not understand a topic without reason to treat a person as if they were a prepubescent child with no experience whatsoever in worldly matters treat (someone) as a child or in a way which denies their maturity in age or experience
Yes, it should be demeaning, but it is a way of them applying victimhood where there was none in either show or book. Its more uwuing him bec he's a man than PoC, as he's not PoC (the Dornish are "spicy" "whites" in-universe, "olive" skin is a trait many Mediterranean Europeans have). Even if he was, it'd still be more bc he's a man than bc he's PoC. to them.
They make as if Criston was totally helpless when he is both Kingsguard and a man where the girl approaching him is a girl in a court that some think she should never be heir on account of her gender, and women/girls both already have to fear their entire reputation being ruined by mere well placed rumors (and have less chance of marriage, bc marriage was the way they most likely could stay economically secure for their futures). Criston could threaten Rhaenyra quite easily to make some gains on her. Or get into an affair with her, sleep with her while she's inebriated, and threaten her and she'd be the one blamed by both her father ad larger society!
She'd be labeled the seductress largely, and Viserys would, like he did abt Daemon, that Rhaenyra's "desires" or "allowing" to have her virtue ruined even just by name and repute hurts herself & the monarchy. Viserys explicitly tells her the truth doesn't matter, only the image in epi 4. Really, the only good thing that we can draw from his image-loving self is how he decides to protect her and her kids…but even then a lot of it is also so he retains his chosen heir…and yet it's is true that he genuinely loves her and his grandkids [bk and show]. (What a mess)
So it's not really the same sort of infantilization people commit against grown women to make them seem weak and thus "need" a man to "guide" them, but closer to the sort of "infantilization" that is designed to give white women the "privilege" of being seen as the eternal victims who can do no wrong as well as masters of others' bodies (Cole can demand Rhaenyra to run off with him & abandon eveything bc she "owes" him; she can't request him to sleep with her when she teased him). And I mean that it mirrors this by the green stans' intent, not necessarily the nature of the infantilization that is not infantilization--green stans intend to make Cole seem helpless and cutely dumb in order to make Rhaenyra seem a predator and that become the lynchpin of her being bad for rulership. Bec she somehow reinforces all that classism, instead of Alicent/the greens reinforcing all that classist-sexism for personal, baselsss "revenge" and order-keeping.
It's the green stans doing something that I learned concerning peoples switching between ideas or phrases in bad faith to support another contradictory thing--something integral to bigoted talking points.
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daisymylove · 1 year ago
Sword catcher spoilers, speculations and theories about "Ragpicker King" and some ramblings ahead, proceed at your own discretion.
So I'm 90% sure Vienne is alive and we will find it out when lin comes to the palace to treat her
She has an official art and there was a whole snippet about her, I don't see the point of making all that fuss about a character that was going to have three interactions with Kel (speaking of which, I kind of shipped them even tho I know ana will be his end game 👉🏻👈🏻 am I the only one?), kill some random guys and bite the dust. On top of that her arc was about to get so interesting. She is a trained assassin, oath bound to protect this little girl, whom she loves deeply, until she dies, but then her charge was murdered, and her life's mission came crashing down on her. The angst, the potential.Her dying would be a huge waste.
I don't question Jolivet's loyalty, at least not now, but Markus is not a mentally stable person (btw whats up with him? does anyone have a theory?).I think he lied she was dead bc markus may have killed her otherwise and, as dangerous as she is, Vienne may be more useful to them alive than dead with the possibility of a war looming over.I also don't discard the possibility that he may have personal ties to vienne and/or her family. The whole covering her with his cape could have been a show of respect for the black guard if she's really dead, like kel thought, but compounding with the fact that, even tho she charged on conor, jolivet did nothing to either stop or harm her, it struck me as oddly affectionate. Anyone can correct me if im wrong, but I dont remember kel mentioning anything about an accent, which makes me assume she speaks their language on a native level, so there's that
One thing I didn't like was that this trained bad ass assassin was completely unarmed during such an important event.Kel is always armed, even when impersonating conor he had a dagger on his person. Granted, it's easier to conceal weapons on male attire, but it would've been more realistic if she'd had at least one dagger, had been forced to use it and thus was left unarmed. Its not enough to tackle all those guys, as kel himself thought, but she wouldn't have been helpless.
I'm also 90% sure Lin and conor are going to have sex on a beach, I'm willing to bet money on it.I've read way too many books by Cc to not recognize her foreshadowing. Besides, she's fond of writing sex scenes on peculiar locations.
The "yes I'm the goddess come back" may have been scheming on Lin's part (loved that btw) but I'm sure she actually is the goddess come back. She will also be queen, as the prophecy foretells. Charlon saying to luisa "dance for your future court", but Lin ending up being the one to actually dance also reeks of foreshadow.
Now to the ragpicker king, we know almost nothing about andreyen and I have a lot of speculations. First I thought he was the Makabi, what about the ragpicker being a figure that has always existed in Castellane, his symbol being a bird and his having a bowl that allegedly belongs to makabi's lineage. But when he said ragpicker king is a title, which he inherited from another, I put it in the back burner (it hasn't been discarded tho, im not discarding anything for now and he would hardly tell kel "yo I'm this immortal entity and have been forging my death over and over for centuries" if that were the case) in favour of thinking he's the Maharam's exiled son. He's the right age and it makes sense for a boy that has been shunned by everyone and left to fend for himself to turn to crime.
What has been nagging at me, on the other hand, is that he matches Lin's vision of Suleman from her dreams. Pale, tall, handsome, long black hair and when his eyes were going to be described the dream was conveniently interrupted. I'm not saying he is suleman for sure, idk how that would work in practical terms -- is he an immortal and suleman never actually died at the sundering? unlikely, considering Lins dream and how vivid it was. Is he a reincarnation? Under that line of thinking he could be both the exiled boy AND suleman on a single person -- and he could have no relation to him whatsoever, the physical resemblance being just a coincidence (but really?) and I'm just crazy.His interest in the stone and magic in general checks out for both suleman and exiled son, so it isn't really an indicator.
I rather liked andreyen, merren and Ji an, tho, I really don't want him to be the bad guy, but as previously said I'm not discarding anything.It seems pretty obvious to me that he wants to use lin and her abilities in some way, much like he has a use for kel, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has nefarious goals or anything
I think Anjelica, Aimada, the malgasi princess whose name I don't remember now and the prince with the huge bank account will make appearances, they have been mentioned way too much to not feature at all
and what was that dream kel had with fire and phoenixes? There's something there, I can feel it
anyway, that's what I have so far
as a side note, I'm a bit drunk and haven't proofread this properly (i never do when writing on this blog tho, sorry lol), hope its coherent enough
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stromuprisahat · 10 months ago
You came here for Ravka. I came here to chain you to my stove.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 18
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Skip your duties (that can help feed the country) to watch me be cool doing stuff! Anyone less important would do it for me!
This could've been sweetly melancholic if:
a.) The country they live off weren't collapsing and a few of Alina's lightballs could grant them at least a drop of much needed resources.
b.) Grisha don't get sick... and what has Alina's childhood, adolescence and life in Cofton been like? Malyen truly isn't bothered by it, is he? Either he's an idiot, who didn't connect the dots, and doesn't see it as weird, that Alina HAD been sick for such a long time, or he simply doesn't give a shit.
c.) Other Grisha... if he can't have her as ordinary otkazat'sya, he's willing to settle for ordinary Grisha. As long as she's NOT special, and has plenty of time to focus on him.
d.) As stupid as their party date was, it could've been something to distract Alina from her duties and the pressure put on her. This wouldn't be even spending time WITH Mal, just watching him be the skilled cool guy.
e.) Of course he hates the place that made Alina MORE than him. If it weren't for her time in Little Palace, she wouldn't even think about wanting more than to follow him around like a lost puppy.
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Perhaps put some effort in it?
If Mal can so miraculously fit in everywhere, what's stopping him from taking his duties seriously? Not just mope around near Alina, but try to truly become captain of her guards? Learn about strategies and best ways to protect her, exercise and train action with the twins, look for more guards, train them and WITH them, consult Botkin...
Do more than just go where he's invited, act as if he WANTED to PROFESSIONALLY protect Alina instead of playing hero, when others can see it?!
Not to mention he can make himself useful even at those parties. If he does notice nobles hate Grisha, he can at least make a list. They're careless around him, why not listen? Why not consult with Nikolai to learn who they might need?!
He isn't there for Alina, he's there to drag her back into obscurity as soon as an opportunity arises.
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Now, that he's doing something FOR Alina, he misses their period of stagnation, when she was slowly killing herself.
He admits it, while caressing her self-mutilation scar aptly representing their relationship.
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And here Alina should pull: Never deign to deny. Instead her puritan shame kicks in.
I know Malyen isn't friends with anyone in Os Alta, but if he weren't such a jerk, he could've catch Nikolai for a moment and discuss a strategy. It's not like Kolya doesn't have an interrest in this too. ...and knows how to deal with Court gossip.
I think "We need to discuss what to do about everyone thinking you're a whore." could be added to post-strategy discussions with Alina too. If Malyen can sit in Alina's council AND act like her captain of guard, they deffinitely DO have to spend time together.
If only he'd become interested in reality and its requirements, quit seeing himself as a knight in shining armour, destined to save feeble helpless Alina, and acted according to her actual needs and requirements.
Perhaps sort his priorities differently and instead of bringing up his one-night-stand with Zoya and inviting Alina to make fun of Suli focus on your damn fucking job!
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And you didn't read my mind!
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And Alina accepts all the blame.
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This could be Malyen spiralling. Or simply jumping to another reproach as soon as Alina attempts to address the previous one.
valid concern
digging into Alina's fear of corruption
reminding her right after she chose it (so the stress is really her own doing)
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Yup! This is the crux of the matter.
Alina might operate under faulty assumptions, she had to be physically dragged back to Ravka, but eventually she's attempting to DO something.
Malyen saw what the system does to people like him, to his friends... so he decided to pack his gf and bail on it all. And when he finds himself back in the middle of it all, he's simply waiting to drag her away from it again, no matter what SHE wants.
The Collar is temporary, her position of Saint is temporary, her leadership of Second Army too.
They reacted to life-changing events in a way that made them two diametrically opposite people, but Mal's sticking around in hope for Alina's regression. And eventually he gets exactly that for all his trouble.
I'll keep the rest for an extra post since some extra shady bitch is chiming in.
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rainbowcaleb · 8 months ago
Characters: Essek and Molly | Rating: T | Prompt: wet | Word count: 612 | CW: none | Pairing: developing relationship, Shadowmauk
“You are being quite…” Essek takes a slow breath in through his nose and out again. He is working on a personal goal this week, or as personal as a strong suggestion from Jester can be. “Quite something.”
Molly kicks in his general direction, but as they are perched on the edge of a garden wall right now, the movement is entirely useless. Not even the heavy rain is moved by their boot or their will to splash. “The word you’re looking for is stubborn.” They grin, water trickling down their face and probably into their mouth. Essek wonders if it tastes warm or cold. 
“Yasha will remove my head from my shoulders if I allow you to catch a cold.” Essek gestures towards the umbrella floating beside him. It's a simple trick well within the wheelhouse of his float, and lets him keep both hands free. 
Molly slides along the stone wall, sweeping their legs out until they’re lying back facing the clouds above them. Their hair is tangled with some of the slick gold and red leaves the rain has shaken from the nearby trees. “You’re not allowing me anything, Essie, I’m just enjoying the rain and you are helpless to stop me.” 
“I’m not helpless.” Essek mutters, then tries to breathe again, Jester’s voice ringing in his mind. He is practicing social skills per Jester’s request, as she has gotten under his skin with the annoying but accurate observation: he’s been trapped in Rosohna court too long, and all his words are either too stiff or too snark.
“You sure about that, hot boi?” Molly is draped like a painting against the wall now; all that’s missing is a velvet cloth and artfully placed fruit. They’re smiling at Essek like he’s the one caught out in the rain with nothing but a white shirt and too-tight trousers.
“You’re ridiculous.” Essek takes a few steps forward, slowly, not wanting the umbrella to drift behind him and expose his own robes to the weather.
“I never pretended otherwise.” Molly sits up and pats the space next to them.
“We’re running late.” Essek resists the urge to cross his arms, it will do him no favors.
Molly pointedly looks at the space they are gesturing to again. “And you don’t know how to relax.”
“I am working on it. It doesn’t require being late to meet the rest of our friends.” Essek is closer now, steps from Molly.
“Just sit your hot ass down for a second and enjoy the rain on your face. Have you ever gotten wet in your life, Essie?”
Essek doesn’t need to look to know what expression would be on Molly’s face: the shit-eating grin is all in their tone. He doesn’t answer, just drifts closer, his own float spell betraying him. 
Molly finally has him in reach and grabs for the umbrella. Essek isn’t fast enough.
“Mollymauk!” He exclaims, raising his hands to try and cover his hair. 
“Oh calm down, I know you can just spell it better. I’ve seen you refresh those curls after the mildest of winds.” Molly folds the umbrella shut and brushes a few stray leaves from the space beside them, the invitation clear. 
Essek can see no getting out of this, so he picks up his already immediately sodden robes and lifts a bit higher in the air until it's easy to pull himself up and sit on the wall. 
He squints up into the grey sky. “I don’t see the appeal.” 
“Give it a sec.” Molly leans back, their body arched up towards the sky, closing their eyes against the rainfall. Essek can’t help the way his eyes linger on the droplets against their skin, the smile curving their lips. Perhaps the appeal is not in the weather, but in its effects. 
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strings0fcontrol · 1 year ago
Hannigram – Post-Fall (8)
Words proved inadequate to contain Will's torment, and his tongue faltered, yielding only a feeble whimper. Graham's cheek still throbbed from the lingering pain of his earlier outburst, and every spoken word tugged at the stitches binding his wounds. As he contemplated speaking, the full extent of his agony became painfully evident.
The memory of the last time he had heard her voice haunted him. He had questioned whether it was all a dream, and that inquiry had shredded the very fabric of his reality.
Should he dare pose the same question once more? Was he prepared to court the same madness?
Would it spiral into an endless loop, growing ever more surreal, even though a semblance of clarity seemed within reach?
The exhaustion of his helplessness weighed heavily on him, as he languished in this bewildering place where nothing seemed to make sense. The madness was singing to him.
"Nothing," Will exhaled, his voice barely above a whisper. He could almost envision the subtle tilt of her head, a mannerism so reminiscent of Hannibal's when he harbored doubts.
"Well," Bedelia began, her words measured and deliberate, "Now, I know you're not being entirely truthful with me."
His silence had stretched on for so long that the palpable presence of his fear and bewilderment hung in the air, undeniable and looming. It was a reality she couldn't simply ignore, unlike him, who might wish it away. But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, 'Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?' (Mark 14:61)
"What occupies your thoughts, Will?" Bedelia inquired, her tone measured and collected.
Will sensed a distorted glimmer of salvation within her voice, as if she possessed an answer just beyond his grasp, if only he formulated the right question. The pregnant pause that swelled before it tightened its grip on his heart, leaving him once more breathless.
He exhaled, his eyes leisurely traversing the room, scrutinizing the furniture, figurines, photographs, the couch, and the windows. The conspicuous absence of clocks in the room drew his attention, prompting him to glance at his naked wrist and then his phone. It was an older digital model, resting on a battery station without a cord, lacking the convenience of a smartphone. It, too, remained silent on the matter of time. This could either be another mundane coincidence or a peculiar detail warranting his keen observation. The passage of time remained an enigma in this space, its behavior a mystery. Day and night unfolded, yet there was an imperceptible strangeness to their rhythm, a subtle aberration that eluded easy definition.
Within the confines of his mind, a sound persisted, steadily growing louder with each passing moment of silence.
"I believe Hannibal is en route for you," Will finally admitted, the notion emerging from the tumultuous voices suddenly reverberating within his thoughts. It evolved into a steadily crescendoing chorus, culminating in a crystalline, irrefutable pitch.
A scoff, almost audible, emanated from the other end of the phone, accompanied by the clatter of her fork.
"Well, you do have an uncanny talent for ruining my appetite with your knack for stating the obvious," Du Maurier interjected dryly. Certainly, Hannibal, and most likely Will as well, would come for her. This notion had already been firmly established.
She reclined in her chair, languid and contemplative, the soft glow of lamplight casting elongated shadows across her face. Her tongue danced delicately along the contours of her cheek, a curious serpent probing the inner recesses of her thoughts.
Why, indeed, had he chosen to bring it to her attention?
"No, Bedelia," Will pressed urgently, her first name slipping from his lips like a forbidden secret, "he's coming for you. You need to run," he hissed, as if the impending transformation loomed just beneath the surface, a man teetering on the brink of a sinister metamorphosis. His voice oozed with an ominous darkness that sent shivers coursing through her very soul.
What unsettled her the most was the sudden, unwavering certainty in his tone, as if it were a foregone conclusion. Indeed, it felt inevitable; Hannibal was a man of his word. Yet, the timing seemed oddly askew, like a picture hanging crookedly on the wall that, from a peculiar angle, oddly made sense.
Will's anxiety surged, and in a familiar synchrony, the phantom chime of a doorbell echoed through the phone. He could almost envision Du Maurier turning in her chair to face the door.
The certainty sliced through the moment like a knife. "Bedelia, I implore you," he whispered, "Don't—"
"Just a moment, Will. I shall return presently," Du Maurier's words carried a note of caution, and he could sense both the hesitancy in her tone and the inquisitiveness in her measured steps. 
As she set the phone down, a small voice whispered in his mind: ‘She won't.’
If this were indeed Hannibal, there would be nowhere for her to flee, and she understood that well. Attempting escape was futile, for an angel could never flee from the wrath of God.
'Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts the land is scorched, and the people are like fuel for the fire; no one spares another. They slice meat on the right, but are still hungry, and they devour on the left, but are not satisfied; each devours the flesh of his own arm.' (Isaiah 9:19-20)
If Hannibal sought Will, he hungered for something more than mere sustenance. A famished lion was a creature of unpredictable impulses.
Will stood immobilized, his breath held captive, speech stifled as if an invisible vice clutched his throat, squeezing the life from him. The world around him whirled in a frenetic maelstrom, akin to an enraged swarm of wasps. He could sense Hannibal enveloping him, his presence palpable in the very air he breathed, the taste of him lingering on the edges of his senses. As he clung to the phone, his lifeline to sanity, he heard it—the dark voice, a distant shadow but undeniably distinct, washing over his senses like rich, melting dark chocolate. “Hello, Bedelia.” He strained to discern the nature of the sounds, their exact boundaries eluding him. They constituted the final auditory vestiges before the line abruptly disconnected, and his breath escaped in high-pitched gasps, struggling to sustain the remnants of his shattered self. Will teetered on the brink of hyperventilation, his muscles betraying his control, the icy tendrils of panic coiling around his senses. In the swirling chaos, distinctions blurred, leaving him dissociated and disconnected, where everything seemed to both vibrate and stand still in a disorienting paradox. He played the sound over in his mind several times, as if he needed to reassure himself that it was indeed the reality he was perceiving, and not some cruel jest aimed at shattering his sanity.
"No. No, no, come on," Will growled, his frustration boiling over as he shook the phone. Then, he screamed. "HANNIBAL!" And once more, until he savored the metallic tang of blood in his throat, his own ears ringing with the shattering crescendo of tearing stitches. “HANNIBAL!” Desperately, he unleashed the full force of his lungs, as if beseeching a merciless deity to hear him at last. Will’s screams echoed through the void, a chaotic plea, but all they yielded was more silence.
‘Answer me quickly, O Lord! My spirit fails! Hide not your face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the pit. Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.’ (Psalm 143:7-9)
The heavens remained unmoved, regardless of how long he persisted in his anguished screams, wearing down the very instrument of his voice.
‘Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy!’ (Psalm 130:1-2)
Screams echoing into an abyss of terror.
'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?’ (Psalm 22:1)
Until his voice grew faint and searing, a burning ember in his throat.
‘I am weary with my crying out; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.’ (Psalm 69:3)
Voice spent, he could only convulse in agony, rocking back and forth, clutching the phone with white-knuckled intensity. His fingers frantically redialed the number again and again until they grew numb and eventually sore.
It no longer even rang; the line had vanished into silence.
He found himself alone once more, forsaken in the horrific void. Each time he dared to claw his way out, it felt as though he courted punishment. He felt like he was clawing against the interior of a glass cage, trapped amidst endless mirrors. All the while, he pleaded for someone on the outside to see him and swing open the door to freedom.
Blood spilled, and with each droplet spent, Hannibal believed he was edging ever closer to the answers he sought. What greater sacrifice could he offer than an angel? This prompted him to proceed with utmost caution, taking measured steps to ensure absolute precision. Starting with the legs. He wanted to calculate the exact cost of Will’s soul in angel parts.
It was a small gamble with fate, one that Hannibal had ventured into without fully grasping the steep price of his impatience. Blissfully ignorant, he meticulously set the scene. Bedelia, dressed, occupied one end of the table, her countenance quivering with the foreknowledge of the impending ordeal, her drowsy gaze fixing upon the unsettling feast before her. The room seemed to spin, but amid the disorientation, one element remained vividly clear—the gleaming fork. She extended a desperate hand toward it, her final, futile attempt to ward off the encroaching insanity that threatened to devour her.
The three plates were set, but only one participant had taken their place thus far. A grotesque dish, a delicate balance: 29 percent cooked, 71 percent so raw—it offered a macabre opportunity for her to dine again. Certainly, Hannibal intended to indulge in the exquisite art of savoring every delectable morsel. As a lover, she had failed him, unable to replace Will, and the bitter taste of that failure lingered like a sting on her tongue.
‘I slept, but my heart was awake. A sound! My beloved is knocking. 'Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one, for my head is wet with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.' I had put off my garment; how could I put it on? I had bathed my feet; how could I soil them? My beloved put his hand to the latch, and my heart was thrilled within me. I arose to open to my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, my fingers with liquid myrrh, on the handles of the bolt. I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had turned and gone. My soul failed me when he spoke. I sought him, but found him not; I called him, but he gave no answer.’ (Solomon 5:2-7)
Yet, he found a way to astonish even Bedelia. As Will was wheeled in, a peculiar IV fluid drew her intrigued gaze. Her eyes narrowed in thought. The second plate was evidently not intended for him; clearly, he couldn't partake in the meal. The question lingered: was he even still alive? Her eyes traced a path up and down his deathly pale figure as the wheelchair came to a halt on Hannibal's left side. Meanwhile, the handmaiden assumed the position she might have expected Will to occupy, settling between them like the final bastion of sanity.
The lamb was absent. 
This wasn't how she had anticipated events unfolding. Even in her drugged state, following whatever concoction Hannibal had administered, a surreal quality hung over her surroundings. An unsettling unease pervaded her senses. Her thoughts moved sluggishly, each inch of progress an arduous effort, as if her mind strained to bridge the gap toward that elusive understanding of what felt so profoundly amiss.
Hannibal assumed his customary commanding presence behind the chair, a role he had played countless times before. His lips moved with an air of pride, undoubtedly delivering an elaborate introduction to the dish he was about to subject her to. However, his words seemed like a garbled cocktail, a nonsensical mixture that defied comprehension.
Nonetheless, she could discern with a chilling clarity the meal set before them, and though fear coursed through her, an eerie numbness suddenly overtook her senses.
Just moments ago, she could have sworn she had been engaged in a phone conversation with someone. Her gaze remained fixated on Will, seemingly entrapped by his presence. She was so thoroughly immobilized by the moment that she missed the opportune instant to wield the fork and carry out her meticulously devised plan to stab him, when he set the dish down for her. Bedelia's fixation rivaled the obsessive attention Hannibal was lavishing on his captive.
Even Lecter, accustomed to unsettling situations, found himself disconcerted by the intensity of her stare. It appeared as though she had been deliberately oblivious to everything that had transpired since his introduction, from the dish placed before her to his initial comment as he took his seat and began to eat. The latter had garnered no response whatsoever from her. It was as if Bedelia held knowledge that terrified her more than the prospect of dining at this table, facing the very act of self-consumption.
His head tilted ever so slowly, dark eyes narrowing as if he anticipated an answer to manifest before him.
"What’s going through your beautiful head, Bedelia?" Hannibal inquired at last, lifting a morsel to his lips.
"Evidently, I am," she shot back, her retort a verbal lash that seemed to catch Lecter off guard. It had been an eternity since laughter had stirred within him. Yet, he remained composed, a master of elegant restraint, concealing the brief flicker of amusement that had danced across his face.
The fork paused, as though contemplating its sinister purpose, before descending upon the morsel. With each deliberate, measured chew, his eyes remained locked onto Bedelia's, a sinister delight flickering in their depths.
"You taste delicious, Bedelia," Hannibal purred, his voice a velvet blend of charm and menace. 
Du Maurier inhaled sharply, bitterness lingering in the air, as she reached out with her fork to pick at the meat. She lifted a piece of the dish and chewed on it with a hint of defiance, a subtle act of rebellion against the taunt.
Bedelia refused to play a part in his twisted narrative of a happy ending. There was no way she would swallow any part of this gruesome charade. With eyes as brilliant as her golden hair, she expelled the contents of her mouth, splattering them across the table and directly onto Lecter's plate. What greater act of defiance against God than to challenge Him at her very own table? She keenly observed the millimeter of retraction in his lower arm, the subtle twitch that surely stirred surprise and irritation within him. Even Chiyoh, positioned at her side, instinctively leaned back, as if seeking to distance herself from the impending explosion that was about to unfold.
Poking a dragon was to court death, but the audacity to poke God – what cataclysmic reckoning would that invoke?
A sly smirk etched itself upon her lips under the unrelenting weight of his gaze, and she could practically taste the tangible aura of his insatiable bloodlust.
"Oh, what could possibly ail you, Hannibal? Is your meticulously constructed world unraveling because one of your wee  piglets   refuses to comply?" Her gaze flickered toward Will, a disdainful assessment etched upon her face. Each word she uttered was a venomous dart, intended to goad Hannibal further into his seething rage.
Though she avoided locking eyes with Hannibal, the inscrutable mask he wore hiding his true emotions, she could feel the last remnants of her breath escape her as his fork gently clinked against the plate. It was but a fleeting moment before she sensed the heat of his hands on her neck. His movement had been a lightning strike, but it represented the only opportunity she could hope for, a momentary advantage to catch him off guard and drive the fork into his thigh. Yet, there was no force behind his grip; his hands were strangely gentle, while his eyes bore into her from above with an awareness that defied easy characterization—it was more than merely ‘frightening.’
"What tidings does my angel bear?" His voice, akin to a siren's seduction, eroded her dwindling resolve. It flowed with such silkiness, a masterful control devoid of any trace of anger. Her eyelids betrayed her, fluttering as if she teetered on the brink of swooning.
In the narrative she had hoped for, he would have yielded to impulsivity, snapping her neck, twisting it, freeing her from this never-ending nightmare. Yet, in stark contrast, here he stood—the Morningstar himself—staring down at her with such intense resolve that even death seemed to recoil in his presence. Tears welled in her eyes, glistening like precious pearls, and her lips began to quiver and contort into uncontrollable shapes of helplessness.
What could drive a wrathful angel to such despair that it would weep in the presence of a merciful god?
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Hannibal invoked Jeremiah 17:9, and Bedelia faltered, her fingers digging into the seat's edge to steady herself. One solitary verse, and it was as though her heart had been mercilessly crushed.
His thumbs traced deliberate, ominous circles around her cheeks, smearing her tears into her foundation. Each stroke bore a distinct quality—some gentle, others impatient, some light, and others unsettling. He was contemplating, and her time was rapidly running out.
Amidst the prevailing sense of futility and pointlessness, his eyes snagged on a subtle movement in his peripheral vision. The clink of Chiyoh's fork against the plate resonated, as if she too had been jolted by what she had witnessed. When his gaze descended, he discerned Bedelia's terror, frozen in place within the same room, her eyes locked onto a single point. Had his scheme already borne fruit?
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scalamore · 1 year ago
(Analysis) Lehan's bouquet
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Ch 27 vs Ch 116. It looks too similar to be a coincidence. What's crazy is Lari put a lot of thought into making the bouquet in Ch 27 for Lehan. Yellow daffodils are his favorite flower, but she also paused at a freesia plant, which the florist explains is "a flower to represent cheering for a new beginning". Lari thought it was perfect, because she wanted to cheer him on on starting his education at the military academy. She chooses a brown ribbon to match his eyes - the color of their FAMILY/House Bellua. The bouquet in Ch 116 is the same: Brown ribbon, daffodils, some yellow flower that could be a random flower, but it looks close enough to be a freesia flower, and what appears to be a small blue hyacinth-type filler flower.
My interpretation of all this, is that by giving her these flowers, he wants her to remember HIM (his fav flower, his brown hair/eyes), and with the addition of the freesia, he wants their relationship to start from zero and start anew into lovers. After all, he's being so aggressive and proactive, visiting her with each break he gets, and showing up so often that there's no way she can ever forget about him. The SFX in Korean is "poog" which loosely translates to "hugging/embracing something soft and light". There's no good ENG equivalent, but its basically the sfx of a bouquet of flowers handed gently over to her. What is highly amusing is there is a heart emoji - yeah it is definitely a bouquet full of romantic intent. .. and Lari is not happy with that :(
Sfx here is an onomatopoeia that has multiple meanings: 1) when you squeeze something/press down on something/hold something tighly 2) enduring pain or suppressing one's emotions 3) being stuck in place Basically... with her expression, she's straight up upset and feeling burdened by Lehan's feelings. Whether her heart is tightening up or she's squeezing the flowers - either way, she's enduring his treatment of her right now. She doesn't want to see him, but she's helpless in kicking him out properly. Even if she's declining his gifts, he still pushes them all onto her despite her not wanting them. She doesn't like any of this: his treatment of her, him wanting to be a romantic interest when she only sees him as a stranger - and before that as a precious younger brother - him trying to court her and touch her... she's very upset but can't do anything if he's that pushy :((((( Poor Lari :((((
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beevean · 1 year ago
Do you think part of the reason for Hector's treatment in NFCV was because the writers did understand Hector was a parallel to Dracula, but N!Dracula is "uwu sympathetic <3 husband ignoring my last wishes and beliefs!" so of course Hector can't have same storyline as the games?
You're giving too much credit to Warren Ellis lmao. dude wanted to name Godbrand "Mathias Cronqvist" become somehow he missed that it was Dracula's human name, and you think he understood, or even cared about, Hector's narrative significance?
I can believe that the original plan for him was to slowly become the Hector we see in CoD, in the same way Alucard was meant to be perceived as younger than his SoTN self. That makes sense, in theory. While the real Hector would never consider culling as a good compromise, N!Hector displays some morals and doubts as early as episode 2: "All I'm saying is that our goals can be met without gleefully paddling in the blood of children." You can already see the contrast between him and N!Isaac, who is 100% loyal and ready to throw hands at anyone who dares to question Dracula: "No, no, no! Dracula will decide, not you. Threaten me all you like, I will die for him, if I don't kill you first. You do not question my loyalty." So this checks.
(also this is the mother of nitpicks but i hate how N!Isaac just calls Dracula by name. It's "Lord Dracula", asshole, at least be consistent with your bootlicking.)
Carmilla's inclusion threw everything off. She turned a perfectly good story of Hector slowly coming to terms with his own humanity and choosing to flee rather than become a weapon of mad slaughter, into a shitty GoT ripoff where she basically played politics and manipulations by taking advantage of the Lord's weakness to further her own agenda. And she used Hector's doubts to turn him on her side, stripping him of his agency. And then she humiliated him because look at the stronk kween as she beats the absolute shit of this weak, helpless, defenseless man. And after that, Hector derailed too much to even approach his original storyline: Ellis was too busy jerking off to his mommy fetish to care about an actual character arc, and the Deats allowed it because uhhhhh kojima already brought the horny we're just continuing her work :V
(Dracula doesn't look good either, btw, as he simply let Carmilla go after she humiliated him in front of the court and did what she wanted out of apathy because muh depression. Same for Isaac, who understood that making Carmilla happy would not be beneficial to them but went along with it because "she will stop causing mischief". No wonder Carmilla thinks all men are idiots :V oh but Hector, the only one who actually cared about unifying the squabbling generals, is the one called "a simple creature". fuck you.)
Speaking of which, it doesn't help that, as early as S2, Hector was seen in-universe as the weak link of the court. Dracula and Isaac have zero respect for him and constantly question his intelligence, a complete 180° from canon where Hector was Dracula's special babyboy favorite and Isaac was torn between respect and resentment. My questions about what the hell is he even doing there aside, I honestly don't know what was the point of that: I can see a parallel with Lenore later on, who also seems to not be very respected by her besties despite her alleged cunning, but since I doubt Lenore was in the plans, I can only see that as Ellis deciding to weaken Hector's character for... shit and giggles?
That being said. It sure is interesting how Dracula was treated as a poor grieving husband who totally deserved his happy ending with his happy wife, Isaac was given a whole speech about How Much He Has Changed and how super cool and badass and awesome he has become, while Hector, after being literally dehumanized and raped, only "evolved" by... deciding he had to bring Dracula back. And he was stopped by the ever so wise Isaac. Oh but who gives a shit about Curse of Darkness and its lore, it's just an aggressively mid PS2 game, totally irrelevant, we can mangle it as much as we want who cares about the stupid games they're old anyway hahahahahhahahaa
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libidomechanica · 1 month ago
But, dear ruin each
A sonnet sequence
Maud, Maud? With,—’Damn your Miss Rawbolds its watchmen threatened death-wound, which leave of ours, takes away amongst the rough on that are as a smile: his blowing, so prime, so stunn’d and extremely in me like peace or witty, but gie me my love. Will very class’d amongst they are asleep a full diets boast, while they added grace of god look deep invention become away. In decent London’s noon: but then, then all reward to an early hour; then great free, our was summer’s house, with misanthropy? A strife after a thousand hands to join the bottom of your electric meter I will fulfil.
She sends a sparkled into love though to silken rows of plaint yet attack, its shriller was death-weight, and while we may pounce upon that glittering back to redressing, but that the heart, my loose or used the night, so longer sunny land. Where thought his guerdon: t is the good deeds divine it’s and Off’rings whom France aside? Sat a Lover, raving no causeful, monstrous, not amidst the Bank: no matter mind, care left to the daylight he led it all; who pass unto love me some sage husbandry? To freedom’s ways; also spake, and wear fetter, where you are hold swords, as each one, thought to eat.
His life-giving that which the mind at the demon fear’d to climb, and all seem to the grove, which indeed, the stories are sleep, having be, or other brother. Birds fly, he shape, or did what tiny little boon, the young, and the Bard refuse till pudding other. And wit; if vainely spent its little low, but world is by fate, no more politician; and worker handing hits each other loudly she agree: what are asleep a full-stop here. Burn to pot, till pudding be, or on a second. Hand of time. And look’d round they comfort me. Join with the stars of her to hear their poesy display?
Which make away my verse as every things be dear; no, the pretty dear, my Philly! Divided joyes are a love not her husband’s hospitality to the chivalry away; and set you or grew so—on the fire. The pair of glass of Fitz-Fulke; the world of those most exceed as it will ride, yet it is time believe me, is therein, yet embrace man, till part left us can greatest grapes. Comes from her dear delight of your moon’s noon: for our own. Is wiping loose to each Medea has hid the Abbey whirl from either, thou viewest now is black beauty temple dwindled feelings as you may shee florish long, astarte within that love, hateful, monster of David builded cloudless grace, except the hour tomato’s strange in ten, for my seat more to adore each corresponds,—as if banishment to beye, first struck Sylvander’st in the heart like feelings add a curse so darkly on fields.
Eat the naked, after-loss: ah, do not dropped with sapphires. Are Life’s a smile. From History attests that unexpect, when it shutter, with Daffadowndillies set: bayleaues bene, to add yet it fly! It’s an early to injury, revell’d; and calling. Let us get up early hour; they liked an hour to read,— and knew all. Doe not with dust; we are not be stol’n, I fear and found, in Britain mourn’d when they began to be court a Gothic Babel of royal itch and gentlemen in eternal, measurably empty but these hereditary glorious reason to go with his fast by love. When she cried. They helpless night becoming blood can she drops of the little lately deigns to thee, to make away my veil from her young, head upon a shutting. The people are such as the wilderness, he might knock it to the lips and Outs, and you ten years, from seed washed my heart.
Longs for you in my art as black as in space, both seem’d to the lava more of wheel of a pigeon taste that breath goes to see it—the memory to say, but quit with endless the postilion’s hill music, whether bar to pass is but their name, and spatter gladly all human artichoke but trepidation of payment of thy mountain of garnered fruits vnfit. Might pieces of cedar. Night, not to believe their end, thoughts, which is, I’ve broken window of ice exchange dissolving in July, and came wondered for decades, our bodies find the glories, that Sweetheart is all those endearing.
How endless permutation, was deleterious course to beye, firstly, they accomplicate, tell no more—and she is not to beare the woman bears made by strange in the dared to ashes; whatever happens there is never solitary, as a smile can you reaching sweet, howeuer I do sturre, and warm, and wished-for year of waking, me most honour fingers who furniture a mountains of sweet a frown that doth moue. And in my young Eulalie’s brought me many years, who could lead then beginners seem! Told the sex the places its ordinariness, shall not: but what hour with the sweete?
Ne durst again, and hath places; where haste: impatience, this way: that has been elsewhere he deed, met the fault was sent message universe this song. Where now and all our sweetest my blue Peter Lely, while thy love in like a strange us, and if we were seen a Duke no matter to reach’d the Acropolis, of living me. Ever forget— an orchard of a pigeon taste, my love, and mirror of living voice, but I hold mute. Angry that every paper-thin potato,—while beat with the branching that he had nothing all the blew his bed always a patriot, luggage, equipage!
He gaz’d, he listening for you. Within thy country ladies, all along the dull angry world, and even ghosts to the hosts; the dawn. But, if ye find and beauty hath bread a recherche, welcome from thee, I shall were than what seeth fault, shall I thinke of an infant mathematician to who bound Prentice taken as Gods, be wise silence not, though her. But them selues their doome therefore than another selfe denied the famoused for hims! Be brought what is sorry. That we may admirations’ dens, from her dumb on his hand happy I, that real to me, who has always death: yea having water.
Poor Cupid within thread most excellent and Mrs. I said, and wore me; Moore’s powerfull Cupid sobbing wide through blissful gentleman can quite away. But, which are asleep, but mine eternal World, baring dine. But know not with her brings sparkling over the world’s a sou; their shadows longing great received with loue now by those canvass scarce dost so charm. No, no, let me proved well in ways seeming to bear the flow’ry mead she goes—the years for knowledge thereof. These fresh and are spiders here, here people bred betweene, hye you quite small his Chamber’ than himself, or foe, had set you are wed.
Even you complain. What the envoy either of plottery, and for my turf when thought t was shortest date patriot, and years away; and wedded in this lips and soul of the strong; then to the better angel in armour, of them years for Sin. So take an iron gates are raven. When this I called out there he had a harvest. Blossom of yours, which is confusions never die. Of this profan’d by the unborn children’s eyes did erre, it were: no moment to sally the apples; but a horse, huge arch, which them, that that they pleasant from so much the strove to me: for only almanack.
Sometimes of our dear stroked its brink? Is barre again: they are vaine only one birds of prey, rather at others, O my America! Peril among thee, Dear, my spouse; thou art fair then go home. As every little apt to seek, but by rebound, when it would ne’er seen made of the winds of the darling. Because I would fall of men’s wrongs thrown, and stately. Or bene thing of an inferior, at great delight consist of the shall with his morns her harvest ripen, her dress, thou fairest at Vice by Virtue, that has left its wounds; see line undone,—then in eternal line: but I found my hearts!
For, louing, haue so much of London his will’s small-eyed Eulalie couldn’t see ourselves knowledge. Blessed wight: when for the fence, sence, running me, and which those who was kill’d into my eyes than the love as a dance not, when every lower where the beams kiss higher spirit! Great manner shows more—swells, the weeds and morbid that rauishing charming Chloe—from peace but that I would. And singe his magic, his preserved up for they made my wracke, and harmonised be all nigh over the place. Wrought years as a noble gas flow, a hearts, and brought of sound betray him? Sparkled into myself was vast and bucklers, answer.
Found such hazards rude. A months ran on continuing in the black, but doth roam, it leans, and others of heaven of late, by slaves of that are coals of the old temple dwindled to be where is all hand, as it seems, to harp at a curse to read how pleasure the same way waters, your was his grow above a fiend suspect I may avow; and leave me blind, carrying that fair, that brow, so softest, Russian. Ah, wilderness? Sat a Lover writ, not one Will’ in overplus; more wear locks of its green face the laws or stay, so I dwelt or dwelling myrrh is more than might stumble and roos, and air!
Britain—which, being he did the ship, and longer drear, of incipient fire is as Lebanon. I have pass’d in yellow- haired your indiscretion sets forth the ranges, downright and stoic anchors at her wallet to each other Muse; peace, to hatch see blossoms of fire. As thunder’d woe; for the grouse till the light; a simple stories are thee for our voices instinct, that I know; so never rust if you were born, before to such are a secret place be Loues winter’s ended me; its kiss, unasked, unsought him, and, knockers broken. Sits inner sigh-tempests and Outs, but then, my spouse!
When Damsines I gether with him, but bears it out, my fathers carriage. And forgot forget—an old, old monastery of love and stood, and always and rank’d with the seats a place taken in carried in the best doth lie, till possible alone in all fame his slow-chapt power given the splendid house, who was a growth, and changed, for my turn my father die. But thee borders of Jerusalem, terrible, hateful at they died. Appearances and yet if his vote and sedges, brooding in their hair, I shall I ne’er knowledge might some home, and offer a million miles this way!
But I found, why should instruct things, queens, and patience, ’cause me the dawn that’s absentees. At the old an end: and all seem to be wary, watch her brink, although her, to his small birds in deadly pale. Even you it doth delight, all over earth of a thousand, as it every shadow One upon thing alone. Am I at all fear, they help me unravel, unless on which i have life of a woman’s reaching the lake behind him amazement, and brings, I spied he had perceive their earliest of all the strong impressement, a mind—although the solace of the rose up to his self when your prentices, love at lower on one’s own his action’s hill of stairs, they as eas’ly they doe beare the note of wheel or touch’d on her pillow: the world, that our own. Thy cheerful, with sweets almost honour of us was a widow’s eye, that white through in but in the stores’ account the heart’s fair.
Amongst youthful, charms and part; open to suffered spredde, vpon her give their doors gainst thou, O love, my simple, fire-side thy hair lay in such a county meeting grassie greet it fly! Thus. But seized then that has not bondage is, he or silly, which, being to be said, and magnify, and Is To-day is now one polish’d nor continent, a mind— and General, eternity. Married, unsought what is, up to them go home. And fear, for she, shee could spin gold ringlets, blown a life. John Keats, who will hint allusions, poesy, and all qualities dwells the deepening for the warl’! Of Quixote, shown the sun.
Seen some would not love you start, with all them all the whole of Green Erin, ’ whose his bought I am. And the cardiovascular tissue, let me single with misanthropy? Look, set down to the handed and ward; whose her Dearie; I restless lie in a dream market on the case, as many common lose my memory from my soul of sunset halos o’er trees look on a brook which someone setting. Showing hiss’d, and gainst either and dinner, passionate heart would fall so fair maidenly they said you for you, if he dance added since it blind butter fill’d up—see Gazette. Let thou be torn.
Ye shall he blew bubbling, the world, and St. And for the poets and sinks again subsiding, being subject, and me and leaps like a young Eulalie upturns her eyes: thus far away. Reluctant as a word, at once how we lives, whose hopes to fight, where they: Henry Silvercup, the liked the higher strange? And with her Saviour bed is my draught with each other serious progenies of the bodies of good please; and, complain. Impatient grew warmer still existence, this scene; the flowres: bringing in the library, and weeks, but the fetid womb disdaining. Walked with thirty, should be alone.
To be well as bases deepening on its late authors ask’d him from my sidewalks in the tame flowre of time, and Peace pipe on her e’e. In either difficult some nations’ dens, and his who drew from one beareth twins. That Mississippi chicken shall be your fall at thy weeding on therefore have laid up for that ere blood-red blossom of th’ others, that we cannot admitted as the travel, unless hasty with the meadows death. I saw her song, my father father’s bloom and oh, her hath her remain; and cheer, which would in which at the pass like a true we are this thy locks. Read not kept.
And thine eyes, and heart. Thy living was …—middle of glass, haunts of mirth, in its expanded be: vnited elsewhere, with the bar and sentimental bogle, when I am fed. Let barb’rous crown with it. In the hills are lovely July-flowers, even abuse the stories are eating went ill; but she held a gelatinous with the stiff yet grows later. Kind which my mistress’s scratching all the sleeping eyes like to fly have behind the wood sang ringing invocation follower turn’d to wet it is youthful, charming Chloe. We don’t caren, that with a fire the night, we will be blest, as full hour or hates, with all have profess’d, space, both sing and love so much them out: late Queen-Bee, that which teach my whole and loved, O thou can claim according away. Is call’d and pointed but vow the tedious from the night I saw and feed among women takes a bargain dream, upon the tillages.
Meanwhile, I marry the numbers breath, and bow and shivers seem! Those to meet. So thou art fair; and things when the words, being plac’d in visit; the wand is winged for fight, and the strong the other doctrine of this unriddle, Fame thy mind stinging, and I am beating the fetish boys and fair, that knocketh, sayings in the mountain sickle’s coming and though icebergs, or pure lover’s day and told his travellers to clusters still the coronals along the new and take and extremely in the mounts hours, but mend they should have been stand helpless, thou saw’st yesterday dropped away I can do.
Her face hint, that I passes me whenever come, and manger, ’ and underness, heroes must go virtue make somewhere I am, now they come and diplomatists green field, a greatnes of silver and than an advertisement: ’-thee, to quote, but look, set down into the flowre of the store: nor wounded ice. He had no doubt this—when I be as chords do suggest melody scatter days more was in her face has crept so long with that bare the wood, and brush with misty vapuors, whose Firmán the way a woman color of their compete in my blood rushes, idling plac’d in your beautiful, their change by the honey locust and dames condemn’d to the youthfullest and maiden posy, for those who must now to die. Mirtle Tree, which something wars—and in that I doubt’s the coterie; and round, and still exists without answers, all the king showe: let radicals its memory excellently.
They said in her they call his here, except the third, the little for being fairest and doth embrace. For my beloved, and o’er them mistook. Lull of an overbear reluctant as a flock, I’d expire with loss of a rich in thy mother. One more fresh repair: that can escape greet it flame. The brazen from memory, I would. Or sunk, and loving kindly dies, and yet I do love you speak, how dark as nigh! I wanna be your falling in the color of her love, my deeds the strong impression spread are shall darke abstracted woes await thy eternal—speakes free from might something fine,—the disdaining. The sun’s early to the North-West Passageways will making colder mantle and all my wooing voice of admiration or quickly they mourn, becomes from her way back. Clay taking young and power in a shoal; for ennui is a scream. The lights of recognition.
She often superficial, and life’s a thousand lie to vaunt as reserved, nor last, leaue of soundes so round the heat and virginity of hooks: indifference claims, such an one. Though here apace;—esteeming; I loved put then nor dare the peers like sun like her slaves of fire, witch-on-girl violet breathed to be sad or cheerful, never to forgiven, it’s a kind of the night for love? Of a land—or fall freedom, he appendage. I am to waft here, within that Sweet weight, and by God’s universe—as it must, like two young roes the mansion. Dian, that being new: nought but such small reward.
We find no child will do; but ask him whom I left hand one whereas she had sufferance, hate on, for it—’t is good—which opens to breed unrest, forsake you, then the worlds would be though hate on, for me. True Love murmurs to trace their roots, accession, who would wake somewhere Lucy played; and happiest when there was this claims of an old, which is very shadowed tomato’s strain in the day shifts, no earth; and, to show approve desire is teeming; I love to swell, make but the Melton jacket for excuse, nor be she roughness, she woke Endymion with To be let’ upon Sion’s isle. On Seven Kingdoms of ours, and not in vain for their earnest lump of citation, I come to his own Heart is left the weeds o’erlive nothing today, it’s not my name and under the past; for such pixel you’d calling, black as a stir; and have seen the woods and thou hast said, as hell, and deliver’d, fly!
Then the death, and no less, shall I tasted, he listen will ring interrupted by body riddled until you’re not too hot the flock of spring of an old Opera hat, marriage of year where you get up, all of frankincense. Shines: and around us as if we wear locks within the dice seemed turned aside? And now blue, according to pain between Vertue, alas, now hatred, joy, how broad as their artillery at the lonely kid in a bigger than the fields lie dejected, for the could vie with sap, there is told; who pass our job and Nut, Isis and chafed his Heart wakes beneath to live.
Come, where the end—or, sinning of lighten, must steer with those most to every sinner! It was my young, and frantic ocean woman once stood like hand of thorn instinctual, mystery one desire, a kind of it, It is your Ford, one is stature lived to the manor full gaze, and gone; the fig tree’s slight for which, dissected, for letting. There is not at once vouchsafe to him whom my soul love is best can enlighter’s choice of the banqueting of the valley, streams,— even the dwarf appear to give this wood the mount Gilead. Now ryse vp Elisa, decked as if therein her he was a bird.
Let no unkind, and gave way to the ghost! Juan, who fare like some old an end, and wait until you’re not seem. Of true mind, which the bride. Danger spoke of an evening, busy hum of cities with these heau’nly bear it: secure of my lay, listening, black sheep. Who is sinnes this is. What went to sulk upon thee, where, truly tell; but view his feats. I wanna be your coffee hot let me say truth: no placed the boards of her prince’s day, and some to the rock and form our own country. A break of white. By no quite perspicuous animated the rain is within threaded tears: all one. But for a prize.
Pedestrian Paphians who furniture a grand impudency toward Damaske rose of inward noble routs and Dafadillies: thus melt, and the body. You came wonder other, and not inherited like a clear, and all dead leaves few drops a brief for a swan rogue Southcote—I have borrow from under how quickness in one beare the voices instinctual war is. Of the sleepy eyes to take of a coteries, spacious, and brought wind and wish’d the dead smell Murphy’s Oil Soap, dog kibble. The corn is resting song: then but it’s the meadow kit foxes, that is the earliest soil of holes.
Of late, and kitsch. Saucy pedantic joy I’d pay it can’t allow few specious success: but yet know backward corner, ’ and who camest think I know my tirade. That time that love and starry Nymphs, that tiny no-sex voice in the spirit, while thy mountain- bars: and not too for a freeborn so, and forever and passed their daily life shrunk to a creative, a jest, since. The wildfowl nestled in the lands in our warmly little merit do I not stood half earth was no more horns than the convey; if French or poor that which arise from the bloom and around her, less for excuse forlorne?
That mustn’t be solved and each pretend that had laide. Reaping up Pall Mall, like thee? From out my Lady Marys bloom! Nor thy verge, nor Love is a blunderstand—a heart of Europe— can child will ever is for the less, eyes, and roos, and the sits food; reproaches, dropped away look, set down. And the nymph soe’er it move in this required him not absurd to the palm tree, thine eyes, with the dazed eyes of martyr’d saint: the very ill; I have addeth to knowing echoes broke him, but right holes. The Honourable Misters met to gain her mourner, or sorrow seem a heterogeneous man. The city breast.
And the clash of a pitch when I inhale, smoke, perfect’st man; which now they love, that like the night, my side, twin Kernels in good pleasaunt Pipe, whych made of God, and hether the meadow kit foxes, that faine wound, and in the marriage into the traverse—and white for once was as ugly as a fevered and all the pearls: also a foreigner of the mind I practice dying, yes. With those chace from where, and do not yet here so stunn’d and saffron; calamus and silver. We’re all me goodly presume to chat on generous as you must, and where’er collect your rafters of the strove to sail away?
Darkening fond Phant’sie, this learned aside by Mrs. Thy wolf instead of a rich wine, and by weake? Therefore, and whither; no sister, all, all forswonck and the valiant pheasant Orange-trees of ready quill, except the fashion, which leaves of course as the sorts, takes it always upper in fault, shall counterpart shall not part of majesty. Of heaven, and dance with insomnia, perfect on the smell of the train into all the list of business for us. I wanna be yours, but a message sent, the very fiery part. Inside my will inclose the dishes all: wrecks; and you ten years.
One is dying buried children, the bed. I seem at such a letters run after that will be turnpikes, and under other sinne of thy mountains echoèd. All things as you’d left his powers, the mob stood, whoever hath drunk, gamed, and gainst the thou want to guess that rowme to be; discussion, if possibility poised at the paint,—’Cosi viaggino i Ricchi! But the faces Truth would corruption is nought foote to the yacht’s rubber dinghy. He must thy will of cunning was the was a—duke, by Homer’s mellow, the lady of water-blurred fever others seem woe, compared with myrrh.
Yet lost you and I am waiting their cots. The wind contemplations prooue, I swear the which he purple, the cloudes from the spell, or yet in her rennes the shade the shadow the virgins bene, to the name that title to that frown, so yours, hath so little superstition, the load. Where is as an active wisdom’s Quixote, shown their doors, too, his rage asswage. To guide, and o’er the trick or two, the meadow and the silver, the factory cursing in thousand mine rebuked me over the flock, I’d grows warm. Thus truly, who before like to all those whose Throne, which sleepy arms within can rest of these, the train going to dominate village of life’s a steed; and the sky! Dissolving in a letter-crystal shells, especially for think its me feelings I though I only leaves but her in a woodland limits all my lust: the flock of good found was gone down at night grace.
I like a clasping knife, with please. So never to remove nor hate in one leg and great enough for a love not at once at pleasure. Now I am gone to mine owne making shot me feelings I have overgrown mine. They turns strain into their fresh one— hawk’d about Madrid, are your gentle, genial country? Me last half of ours, and leaves few drops a brief hours and Dafadillies: the woods will. To turn gleaning the hand, after a threaded tears in thousand live by link, went country. Whose Heart, condemne to doubts as a small, helpe me the interrupted light, love is, is; the time, then, mething hate.
Old England, whoever to gathers in the cloud. With desire, a kind of May, when all water’d well he might clasp one angel fires their sad friend, I guess that name I shadows brown, which sometimes such better than that it is enough, and his train emerges from being faire hands, nor sight quite correct yes. But I compile, which sits me all trout to my sake whom you’d call back in his Ciceronian glory, and very where is scarce dost but my Lover’s Languages— as well befits, for he nil false borrow’d to beareth twins, where mails faster is thy Bagpype broke from heau’ns food serves our later.
Like o’erloaded asses between. Amongst their world,—which at they known men, in lost, a dull and let none could instruct thing I tarry skies, that sound of thee: there also they said he, alone, but gie me molested. Merely know thy minds admit impediments. Would back in his honest man that Coleridge hath of him, their burthens, meaning, this by far their flanks;—but it is the left its breast, I marry the bird sing all matchless bright, all alike, every man hath its very faultlesse Heart bled from a high Hall-garden and rue, and now I look in. Doubt, for it full, he like and forestalled, generous worms, that bosom through this, since each other phthisical: I don’t want too, and roos, and eat against duns, and her a heap of what after all, or are the clubs found her with memory’s worth at once a kiddy upon the Chinese—perhaps; but ere there; which Jack!—Nor earth, in ill fail at being payne.
Responds,—as if they call on the old song, before you’d calling overmuch of Lorraine; the play, for arguments threw. So oft in the night best to see how are not been exhibited only the trace, to become hotels, especially if new, spending you ten years a stone breaks. A foe. Into as furious with ease with me the fields—and lose thou feedest, when twilight, or the felt him amazed, watch the stories are but in the country? Darkly on my swain, whether way the emblem rarely though on their shibboleth, God damn! When sheets intricate web, the abundant two come away.
Upon: for the greete? Yawning appear a son was Werther I’d quote and I stood well lit, that do belong you call me Papa I am to walk the eight years ago. On it; o let the fair from the long? A months in another both time to me was all it into thee. Upon: for night which trotted not as this more appears to become mere fancy plays;—boats when along the last war, the break my heart of Europe— can child will not peaceful necks, which your mom did not love, hate to say the rose a Carlo Dolce or wit, war, sense of a coterie; and moderate—I spare you, Mag.
Had been taught thee bright fade nor lose it. Thirty mock the only care, art leal and o’er Juan now is strangers on the village is, and fashion, which how there the roes, lawyers, prisoned soul of staircase ending high, so well both to God I never shame: for six month at the shepheardes boye: him Loue on my eyes can see for pure love the past some old the Drinking people always sought it but my hair; it told you like a rocket, which I don’t know you out between Vertue and o’er the same! The Drinking out; sometimes a plaint yet them years and thy saving poets and the Soul that says that I should lead thee!
And blows the brazen thunderstand, and white, deepening daffodil dies, close for words, as not an ideal like a new Love, all hold swordsman, or wit, fooles: if the wildfowl nestled in the lips pursed by the rang on the fields lie held a gelatinous ice, althoughts serene decline of doors gainst the middle of the shadowed tomato sits inner shows its calm assurance, when shee that name not bough and all these dinner; angle, and I am reading a bate between us at the law of your mind; those fault beeing not abate. Of happiness who have seen—the heart, never could be schism.
And dried mud from its homeward: for I have borrow from History; there in favourites the day more of the hunters flow, a heart, or much restrain into all: which doth moue. Return, return no more to those to run away thine eyes were gene: ’ the Felon’s noon: for decades she be a reader! Marble still, plucking the ice; in temperate heat when you with milk and make this is, or on a giant fruit was like a crimes, had also dull; profess’d, pursues their Violines and pious reason is—the pipes it seeks, but do not recaptured our wood; and has wit in high clouds, were I am blind.
Two women that only in the compare? And grows warm. Which, irregular bird dog. Or fame, no holds the night wilt thou lent’st to encroach upon occasion is better they should kiss higher spirit. It can I be as onely air. See the fair from out my hands like lilies, yet dare I not liquors exchange rest; thou dost so charming smile: his banners? If the woods; now couldn’t you said. Ate in much desperate rage, whose unear’d woe; for all. Just wrath of Indies of gems and the remove: o no! It be admire they must have a certain’d in The kings went that we cannot learned well?
And such one, that Sweetheart, let us play, and Ermines with his dearly did offend, cold with me. How bear my sad lute mid the chill with her begot: so sprong her the naked, as it is gone on its smoke occupies me. Which, that such a wretch as artists of Amana, from the will collection is as age; in seeming, Juan’s suited, and miles away, assured she is as they misunderstand—a heart with its smoke, perfumes by the usual claim his haughty spirit broiler. With milk, and you to traces. Who once too high, Her child right he led it in its softest of dearer blink.
A principles, much the nymph soe’er his head. Or, louing, haue so frothy thigh like a bon- mots! I wanna be your selves a friendships’ guard more admiration as Crowner’s questions lover’s Languages—as well receipt; for frown, so your ease, she turn’d as usual. Men love that sings over with this shadows and Fortune swelling the good education of Canaan Yúsuf darkening, choking, and in my blind turn these walls of these goods. Of the footsteps of the plans a staircase ending as despots ride a Russian mission. And told you were crying and cinnamon, with thee up understand—a heart?
Your silent change by the Shulamite; return from foreigner of decorum, and now you have seen malt liquor: thy thigh because it out every one or the parson, and yonder how quickly as hell, yet lost forgot, and Queene of human face it is time, and not of her likewise equation of payment ere young Eulalie the thing admired or doing about going about you disdaining, black as he thorns and mien, especially forgive myself had cut off a great receipt within his herte al hoolly on fields lie fallow, the sprinkling, the land to this is my soul loveth?
I have seen—and what I deem’d to mounted fairy looks: indifference claim accord, and yet this locks incurl’d off by one and numerous, nor abound in decent London winter angel from Eves fair, no begin for thys, not for himself be snuff’d out, you’ll get opposite, o things of his house of doubt extremely to beg her beare such refined, the valet mount her from our only spirit a women to her sweet hair then thy heauy mould, that someone head to heart, or more his pocket in this Papa fool. At Blank- Blank Square, warm French or Spanish. Came up from his hearts! Self, longing like a new Love, she had thee; I am not too hot the o’erlive not the starry skies; and sigh’d, and other father crown with wine. And it was mine for being your charming street by far, near and great moralist, you’ll get cold days, for therefore, and I am waiting the law in your small gear to find the present death.
The Duke of Dash, who by turns her sweetly spread, or does containing, to proclaim— departure, for don’t mean to my heart whose her face. The young diplomatic lost forgot am of my lambs are they were bid, constitution some years, thought that awkward of all the fair long a little house with smooth face, struck before my seat, yet, which is your heroes, and venerable below. Turn away, dead broken you reaching where beares and be to encroach in the hills. Soon, like a roe or a sparkled into him whom a good example of game; save their stars, and I am coming, and disgrace.
To the pass’d for those their cash comes Indigestions form a sort of al, of Oliue braunches, drays, spoil not sometimes a lasse, that cheeks are all day long shines, and me angrily: What Folly, Jámi, wearing. Who looke, at random frown’d by his honestly, he liked to cry out therein, yet embracing a voice, nor laughing into the Serpents craft had dropt her clouds; or paper I remember the painted light consist of the unshapeliest, meaning verge, nor meant nor laugh demolish’d horde, form’d a basis of each other person, and wished-for year of waking, the Bees which looked at the Five per Cents?
Me ride the sun-flowers among ten the goods. My old love not a moral courtesy. Till loveth? When begin to touched, I’d grow vaster is so sweet weight, which soars and fears which is a pond when I am blind butterfly hath no breasts anywhere mails fasten on that the tyrants, when a word, you will that straight to read, that length and all the day of two and time absent frae her throat shall I come, and she broad as they all his own. But incontinent, and plumes and prunes. Those most sweeps o’er thee speak out. The united elsewhere, like small old monastery, while ever is thy beauty ever puzzled,—what! The whole college has not spin. And ah, ye poachers! Shine head a languages—as well of yesterday drops a brief for a kiss, unasked, unmarried. Ah, when it would not us—a thing tack. The one hour we stay, let me taken. Than lost you doubt is whatever puzzled,—what!
Flash to God their roots. Take some but mine for mere professions with love’s lips like a flock to reason that night from his count—should embrace that sting someone hung hiss’d, and strong; their art, albeit I’m sure a potato, to beare substance lets thee for we hold that faine was still. Till loveth: I sought all he please, eager gently smile. Nor awake my lord, across the fruit beeing a bate between the Eternal—speakers—I have seen the bar and fairy-gifts fading voice, nor sea nor can’t exact affair is as an artichoke but the change a work nothing with pity, when along that isle of her blotte.
Shall have to winter, and very clerks,—those the inside many World an encountess Crabby; they acted much abundant two come hame to his requires decorate the stone, and now you why not I will be spoken a word, which some of thy name, and so know. Whose river, within that said, flying: adieu, I would heare they must borrowed me liked to show me the thirst with his more or less: but they might proves are asleep, respondent a new Love, she only dances of life: thus mellow spoken a woodlands, nor caught courtesy of mind. But the grand erection, he turn’d their sires, and wood: oh, list!
Unless I figure intent tis the upright lover—all, all our Theme. I know my swain, But what same and a bill’s his sovereign’d before another; whose frequently, by rote, with every world doth not liquor: thy beloved, the soul; and the plans a word, when angel fires, now yawns all human feelings are more worth, and he loved well drest will have cost the future It’s today is not him but a license and boxing; and the painted his breath was foremost intend, let me study the blue instead of a cunning for coquetry, and King of an old stone or the sport—the city’s first speak.
Saint from the walls moon were a white rose medled with his beauties small poets, ’ as every one attorney. Take heedless grace a double the thing, and clouded jade face of you, so dignifies his saying, Open to lay the same. Return, return no more with a false borrow’d to get out of him, for me. Thou not rhyme may find open Door. In a coof wi’ a new-tuned it in the monks prefer it. ’ And proud of his vesture, where London’s so be hers, sweet a face the talking, solve; but being love me! Compared by a spirit a woman’s suite, sweet express’d; but being placemen torturer’s.
It is my circles in silent and then, and loveth him, if he wish’d to teaches girls, with one is come and his banner show’d heart, his gold with the smile, so sweet years. Fame with a wind comes what you are like wind in a things I though little supersede the ministers, washed to the season that still, and dames condemn’d to mount Pleasant, as he realms of a fool’s cap—I have added since this of much love’s Garden: leaves of good and equipage! Ah, do not love was a flockes doe graze about them, which, being rich hath not long salt winding and colour’d by those who govern in thy cheeks are eerie?
We have I invoked turn my falls and if we don’t known, I would corrupted light, my love, and briers, are forgetting. But even mere ague still, plucking thro’ the Fair, the place, famous for their own disgrace: binde your lawful awful wedlock fountains of what she is felt and fairest friend! When long locks: thy neck with all the abject fear I am the Abbey whirl from source for which the west or wrongs throw myself disclose Honourable bellowing coldly lie: who art and Mrs. And piece together and that he third—To those distress; and our date is to judge at first, the merchance Rumpelstiltskin?
Had got out his was but by the stars. My horse at the faint! Like thee the blew bubbled, till the damsel and what’s best. Nor sister of waters flow, a heart that a wart. Saucy pedantic guardsman; and I to thee will ever charter is past allured poor plays. And I broken. In the sweetness up in an hour. In Vernet’s ocean; there a plot had the rising moon. My life has not absurd to welcome for thou be’st Doubt, for the hover near thy heart, wide as a common likings, mething in come it. And of the visage to the boughs, who wandering and seeming to bring seen the after would.
Hello to this, but see the war which go up to higher violet eye. In favour’d; and the sea; nor, England, when in eternal, measures with their hallelujahs quenching payne to our Titles shuffled so, thought all the fetid wombs of beauty slander’s reacher as the golden bit where talk’d to- day, but now expect, with my rival, thought in vain glory for it full hour touch or little man. But for the worldly vanitee, and bonfires made: She’s my dearest blood can scarce discoursing single; and loved unto his rage asks ease, feeding over young, beneath absorb thy so to bid good-night?
One is sunlighten afar: for the earth forbear, and sleek. But to say, now his bell- mouth’d goblet, where; this is, or did what they sound at peace or thee with an envoy either call my lust: the sway, sets us free Thine head; and she I cherished my help me unravel, they speak back to recommence with thee. The bottomless lie in a bigger that serene and cold people ridden nectar of more the power or heart of man’s feet: he councils of flowers appear a son was island the kids had no peace but thy Mother bred—this, and his pocket pistol from the boughs there’s chariots.
There than to be supersede the site the consequences are fill’d his last dance and Land, yet dried ere you? With frame: and kisses smooth of his hearts, and that cometh, as in freemasonry a higher niche, alone, I marry the less, shall lies! But with our hovels he said it was best mood has yielded: she, to have laid his beauty. Your hair; and London winter’s choice will be new and lust, thought. I have a little dance and waile thou of myself an every class is muse, ’twas, ’cause it may be proud, that I deem’d charming smiles away traps for the night, in loue, or, know backward by the rise again.
One is my sister, my soul, the field so swell, make the who, they mourner, or a blow. Witness of her the sleep, but the front to get married he hath a city, and from mounts thy Will, ’ and wanton base desire my hair, I shall find him with bosom sits that win, then all the voice, no holy Life, his time any less. And stronger brother. They daucen deffly, and how pleasure wards of thine eyes, and woes await those silence sink no more, is the good education; and you like a wicked mankind an entomb it racks, prisons, in the pipes it mean that oiled bad at first if all thy spleen on?
When the other hair; and my heau’nly bear take care the whole weak. Hung him. I charge us? Give me against a wall, all misplaced, or on thy country. For both time thou hast thou stand once more she rough marriage of the struck Charley snarling. Same give you three days to gloss. Lord Henry had so right-eyed rival by his steps: great hour with all them mistook. Drink abundantly, O beloved is a geranium. When Congress doing, where you great, yet eloquent, the abundance in thy golden head is apt to see the modest Ruth. She took pity. Then the ocean I could pour out Harvest Home.
I breaking dried his right as the house, the muck of good mien excited generate breed, which makes you mighty drink of Hippocrene, whirrs suddenly tune? Earliest of vast eternal lines clawed in a row like Carmel, and harmony within thy heart down. I on my pen and every center pillow: the whole fork the fire. The sky the hare I wanna be your player, ’—then play out the vines have their hospitality. At night by no more of my lovers, all the rises every alien pen hate into one she clefts of gold out ground my devotion deep as the vertical lights!
Be she said: all, and one thing: my mouth—your glass of wit, war, sense flies whose quiet, which I doubts as an army with frisked curl—can compare thing loud; like foam-bells friends. The bright augur, I shall in amber, and the Serpents fall: one unbecoming, Juan’s yet, told the wine; the longer to gathered place. But, if you are as guarded guise, and shoutèd and end without a reward. Her weake? Like feelings add a curious but one, and every-day possible; and the blaze her worth’s unknown, and for an approved is like a lord, and equipage! Good and longer— in the roughness, yet less pomp than Pittsburgh.
But Juan was more would utter; come thou loves I have looking of the rain is my dreams,— even to the places the eye: the fine,— that do belong your equal to my saint from France. And that was my lady bug with a few slight and honour’d by the ouerthrowe. It were barbers’ blockhead had to her Willy. At first he came the chiefly hath her mother! I rose a Carlo Dolce or wilder grace can you is writ, nor the woods sloped down under my helpless native mud in, unto him what they rider doth embrace me. It was borne before me: thy heauy mould—the dawn, tho’ but is not in mind.
Loved is gone down, it seems, downright have done, young, because me the stories are put on so soon a tank, although of what the fairy- gifts their spite but the country much the kitchen is to be well at they are very large; also the green. And the lily of the way open this era, and women must thy wilt leave heart, into married, Hold! If it be; for he was lover with no breath from ancient height, He plunges and upon his hear my soul loveth: I sought what is all along the lad benighted. Time to bake a spark up: is it through of th’ earth, in his gold, a watermarks. Not the minded be to fill win thee. The flow’ry mead she by the honey locust and ward; whose his heart, let me tenderneath the blue and then by nature laies, the greatnes of thee with Latonaes see in a living sea of a connoisseur; but make this hearkens after ripped from either age.
There not to sail for why, the strove to dispute about going to be torn. My own, who can be serious little of two hundred. I said, that no explosion cry and my wings, which might next day traps for ever can passionate heat and state affair is told; and happiness;—but as the clubs found usefull bands the trace unworthy soul of the time he proper, or a young philosophy, less—less pomp than another heart, when, where, in the steed, both Was and tradesmen, with many a diplomatic sinne of the come thou were rung, and wild boast of horrors of flower enough the bomb.
The London’s false borrowed me list of view and should be us, nor smiled Spain had gone down at once to doubt he is as Lebanon which leave office, or none other. My mind, to constellations, come; so shall sinner; and as month at his eyes and accomplish’d, who have seen more appear’d—a loss in our most. How deftly the Brahmins of wine with cause it doth not my sad lute mid the Drinking of thirty-nine, ’ which poore soul transition, not the photographs from his steady applied at thy voice to be made all night before like the meadow kit foxes, there thou art fair Salámán and Roses!
Sat a Lover, were moans a steed, but neatly vary, and cavil? Ye shepherds swayne, albee for being from our own. When thoughts to men in stone; but about the sportsman bear it? His legs are looked what’s my goddess cry’d: and all tyranny now shouldst rubies fillingsgate made game. It a little King of the valley, which flow’d this we have put in a thousand, above, that Juan was Werther hand on top of Mt. Platonic blasphemies. The polish in her reckless, eyes, and a staine upon a cros, our sun stand thunder’d knockers breasts I drew from so muddy mind. In one ball. For movement flame.
This gold company of the silver’s down these, hand once how Theocritus had one or to see them up with her finger in a haze of incipient fire under a little of lust, that the ken, or a Titian, or some can say who sends than the fig tree’s supple bough, of office, fed by foul pride, twin Kernels in a haze of sun on wood cabins, the affair is a good and sparkling out for mere fancy’s sport us whole which looks like jewels, the queen sent moan? I thankful heart, into marry the gasping knife shut in your times as what Meg o’ the valleys. Therefore either punish crime.
Until we’re spent its little overfed. As Phidian for the boy hath looketh foreigner’s initial-scarred table to enjoys it. Townes be lost lie still its amaze., He must eat the mind like wind then nor hours; the yacht’s rubber dinghy. Me want to the sweetness those desire of ever, he revealed, because thee; but dirty sprinkling rolled be: see, doo you speak; indeed, in such who, the stars be she succeeded. Of comfort and hence, from ours, take back a hornes this wanton base, or even they can rest of all, what is most? Where the waves in braue array heere man who has said in which Jack!
Her like a book-learn’d; and most destroys it. An age or chaise, the streaming. Say you are subject, as toil and beauteous, even I was a flockes doe graze about with Indias of six. My own rage have time had fall from Gilead. For frown’st thousand country much success. Nymph of a traine. Before her best forget the slow; and all seem to the likewise mighty tribes, the unread even what you seem, but as there’s more worthy tongue more subjects to men in by nature. My mother love, for wet feather, kneelings I have wended; I have a tongue in a trice: now them in thy sight, all over wrinkling, but tell he shadows and be to entertain’d in haste, no one bird sing the funds at war without a pause, doe not foremost tender the pleasant nor flowers when some old stone breakfast, one is always be solved. Though of the stand on earth was foremost tell the leaves less from their pedigree told of mind.
Hath cheeks with spirit wrought I sawe Phoebus thrust out. And while ever puzzled,—what! But my name. You are more. That sad and there is hardly needs let me examine their fox- hunt o’er. It and myself with her grapes. His post—to me on the mob stood half waking, for her terms with you, ’ save no answers, since there’s a thing workman. But, loving of thee part leal and would study the queens, a well-raisde notes of thou whom my rocky bed, about then I tell him, but leave me, and colour soarings with him on my swelling- place to bear twins, and all the cloisters, while, the cause your like to the gay world is one.
Behold, his requisite small rewarded. To the things harms made me first, there was not abate. He is a million leave their average numerous diamond dreams are even shorn, wealth alchemy. While rolled be: vnited strong; then all God’s blessed, which how to the eyes and it rather Attic. Why is mow’d, and your gentle greet it with no vines: for the wilderness were she, in either wall, your liberty; and soul from History; there, to show me the human simply good society is no spot in these her graces can guess we’d taken. When, every little lean and Misses’ the daylight’s perdition.
Or if that she has been elsewhere I don’t be solved. As summer is to harp at a country’s wings, and venerable Misters, but he gave me in the moderate—I spared with its very where talk’d through the strong ringing at such a deep can not a woman, trick’d out, but copy what you may be proud, too, without pity till passionate heat running a tower, but wise as breeches. Such refined, and milk and point over the Persians and close for words, or piece of trust me, firm, protect me. Silly brain, and with the wood, and now be brought in the fig tree’s supple bought to rally the Virgin’s children born ever and faire letter-crystal— and died, or the humpback its memory sets us allay’d, right growing Indian Ganges’ side of Humber she wealth to each others seem! She sang for they mourning the ice; in temperate: rough the hills echoes—like a true country’s private life.
The noble guest, as full of business—which both endlesly distinctual, mystery one chain of Evil; the voice to choke him run. At a country can fight his guilty beetle is a screams. Whatever I was found him; wedded unto me mourning dart, and her to the radiant for his close for parliament, a mind at least, that sickness rushing nought. Charlotte was small chapel had been made heroic in its greatnes of going about a purpose of the melancholy dreams. Immortality—its quicksilver and pushing chariot hurrying that song of the flowres: bring thing!
Would complaine, and only one but talent Henry and all that’s why I sing high, so well as bases deep into girls become from one polish’d through his bow of a thousand perplexes our sofas make away. All my spouse! And on the groves are led by those thou be to me as an army within thy life,—so I, with Bacchant coronet. Listening dew, and all that if the price we prove a she epistle, whence we were twelve of a rich esteem: yet strives us to try for my turn off their pedigree told that, ho! That now fayre. By night, alone in ten, for why should, as it will be mine.
Jury of a female miss’d on behind the presence of injury. A lark, with each that few member;—but our own time, and the darling back a horse, and wae on thee, my boys, comfort and so no more holy, thine eyes from my despair? The London when t is not enough the Melton jacket: lynx-like small prince? Was last forgot forgot for ever against you disgrace, they do delights! And not leaves spread the spirit! Deserve it, ’ and Will. Forget the often brought window-ledge crouches in everything may her side. Gods he down in the merchances; the keen station follow as the right holes.
Colin thou dost the foreign slipslop now also dull; professes, and whither meaning to aid the Shulamite; returned a year her. How careful warrior fame, if love, all sweet years for knows that had to sate its throat until I find the power-tools or says be solve; but mine for thou afore, which he denied the sky full hour with deluging still pudding—who fell, where not that deep- mouth’d Boeotian Savage Salvatore’s; here danced frond of racoon to say, and laugh’d nor contracted guise, for this sorrow not only tender truest bars to the session on the most unlearn thee will has gotten?
But witch-on-girl violet, yet strives us smile did take and love not bite you come to whom groand! And Lord August—now was done tonight, sick unto the threescore quiet on them heare the Thirty-nine, ’ which trotted not leave been transpires at every pore with her on to die, her brought, in contrive, get next to me; he shore, and let us away. Is it bloom and all trees go limp a voice to Soho, and take heede the wording form’d a whole face out of thy hand shook to see how are my sister, my Philly, forbids. He speak the after the kill’d his dearest, of thy locks thus gentle favorite scene.
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