#and its easy to tell which people are gonna be like 'oh ok cool!' and whos gonna be like 'BUT WHY THO????? okkkkkk i guessss'
rrat-king · 3 months
And what if I tell you my Fight, Flight, Fawn theory for the Appleboys reuniting with Kristen. What then? Going by your age gaps of 2, 4, 8 because they're canon adjacent and the idea of the Applebees having a playpen when three out of four kids were 14, 12 and 10 is too funny. Assuming a reunion between Kris and the younger two happens post her birthday so it's 17, 13 and 9 respectively. Buckys is analysing his actual response we saw from 14 year old him. When I say leave in reference to Kristen, know that I know it wasn't her choice (Mac and Donna when I fucking get you)
Bucky got the Fawn response. I'll be real, when I began theorising that an Applebees brother would feature I thought "Oh god here comes the angst. There will be resentment, Mac and Donna have undoubtedly been talking shit for two years. But we see him and he's happy. He missed her. He hugs her. He wants to hang out. And yeah that probably stems from the fact you'll naturally miss your sibling and the fact he probably had to take the oldest sibling mantle. But he barely even commented on her life and friends (aside from the half baked comment about her living in sin and side eyeing Fig). I was expecting more problematic behaviours to be honest. The theory is he entered full people pleasing mode, desperately tampering down any complicated feelings because he NEEDS to make himself a good brother that Kristen will want to stay for this time (of course not realising Kristen will stay the best she can no matter if he kicks and screams)
Bricker got Fight. Was like 10 when Kris left, and I say this with love, in the absolute throes of puberty. I don't know what it is but this kid just gives me angry vibes, maybe it's the middle child. Very Nico DiAngelo "He looked too young to be so angry". When you're a kid, especially in that horrific period of 10-13 you go to the easy solution which is being mad, and you go to the easy target which is the one who "started" this huge upheaval (read Kristen). To a lesser extent, Bucky, for trying to play big brother (Bricker doesn't even realise this but the anger mostly came from a subconscious desire to preserve Kristen's place in the family for if she comes back).
(Bonus: Once they have a very good conversation and Bricker is reassured Kristen never did stop thinking about and loving him he will cry three years worth of pent up tears and beg her not to leave again)
Cork got Flight. He was only 6 when she left, its been 3 years of experiences (little man went from first grade to third in that time its a Lot). Kristen has physically changed a lot since they last saw each other. All this to say, he takes a minute to recognise this older person who's eyes are all wet at the sight of him. Some part of his brain blocked out memories of her because the way she was just gone one day was so scary to his little brain. When it does register who she is, Cork becomes completely unlike himself and gets shy. He makes Bucky stand close by because all he knows is that 1. This is a heathen who rebuked Helio's light 2. This is Krissy, back after what felt like forever and 3. She's so cool looking and why would someone this cool ever want to talk to him.
(Bonus: She played it off but Kristen's heart did break seeing Cork, the little boy she raised, take a minute to work out who she is, when she never forgot him. Not to quote Taylor but very "And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe")
god yeah kristen having partially raised cork only for him not to know who she is anymore/barely recognize her haunts me so much. bucky as a people pleaser is such a good read especially as he is forced into kristen's role as head of the siblings I just. yeah. also angry bricker is so important to me. he got left behind! he's not ok with that and he's gonna be angry. god I just. applebees kids make me crazy this is such a good read.
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miathesevikakitty · 1 year
Oh, um, hi! English is not my first language so sorry for all the mistakes, and I just wanted to say some cute things i saw in "The Sea Beast" the movie on Netflix. I know it's a little late but I just rewatched it and couldn't live without telling someone about those things I just noticed.
First of all, I'm a little obsessed with Sarah Sharpe so this will be most about her.
Ok, let's go, do y'all remember this scene? Where they all go down on that city before going to the castle? (I forgot the English name for the city since I watched it in Portuguese)
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Well, look, Sarah goes first than anyone. (I couldn't find the specific scene but y'know) even tho there are part of the tripulation carrying those heavy horns from the beasts, she still goes first. Before Captain Crow and before Jacob, so, in my little mind I saw this as a way of them to be caring, since she clearly has some problems walking due to the leg.
Cus, like, imagine all the times she would be left behind cus she can't run properly? She probably can, obviously, but it won't be that easy. So, I'm pretty sure its like a unspoken rule to let Sarah go first anywhere.
Also, just imagine the trouble this woman has walking on sand, grass, and anything that would make her leg sink? Poor baby. Y'know, in heels, the heels keep sinking in the sand and grass and breaking and stuff. A easy way to protect yourself from that horror is to step on your toes, but Sarah's leg is only heel, do you get it? I hope it makes sense.
Anyway, one more thing I noticed.
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She is like, "the fuck this b* gonna catch me slipping" on that scene. I don't know where she specifically is but, I'm sure this woman is doing her best to not fall. Cus, y'know, her leg doesn't seem to move (I forgot the verb in english) and it is probably complicated for her to get up by her own. And they're being attacked my woman doesn't wants to die today.
Also, funny thing that I had to watch 2-3 times to notice: she also uses swords and knifes, not only the guns. Everytime I though about her, I absolutely believed that she only used shotguns. But watching this scene, I can see she clearly using this sword. (There is any other name for it?)
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And, oh, look at her model! It isn't rendered but we can see clearly some important things here: just like I said before, this leg would be the absolutely worst to walk on grass. It has this spikes thing and would easily get stuck, which would cause trouble. also, look! She wears more blue-green than others colors.
If you look well, you'll notice that every important character has its own pallette, and Sarah's is blue-green centered.
Comparing her to Captain Crow, his pallette is more Black-ish with golden.
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He has mostly black in his coat, hat, shirt, pants and stuff while my woman wears this pretty blue.
Like, look (sorry for the BAD quality) Miss Merino is more red-ish. While Jacob is more yellow, even with the hints of red. She's blue and green.
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Also, talking about Jacob, look.
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My man's works out, just look and these arms that could easily carry me to death. It isn't a surprise that there are so much people simping for him he's absolutely playing on both sides.
Also, I'm pretty sure he "cuts to both sides" (it's a expression we use here to say someone likes both women and men) cus there's no damn way my man's haven't got his bitches.
Just look at him, I'm sure that he only arrives at the city's so he can talk to his girlies.
Learned with his mother figure Sarah.
Anyway, I'll stop simping (for now.).
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Do y'all notice that his clothing are simpler? Even tho he's clearly the captains favorite, he goes with this white common shirt while everybody has its complicated and cool looks?
It is because he's the protagonist, he has to call attention to him. And everyone has its super cool design with all those textures and details and stuff, it would be hard for him to shine. So, instead of giving him a super cool clothing, he's wearing something plane and simple that's easier to remember about.
Same for Maisie, but I'll be talking about her later wait there.
Anyway, giving him a simpler design and clothing made him appear more in the scenes, specially the dark ones. Since his blouse is white, it appears a lot.
Ok, coming to maisie.
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Diferente from Jacob, that has only his white shirt on top, she has three layers of clothing.
And yet, it is still simpler.
Why? Because it doesn't folds, doesn't has much detail and doesn't has much texture. What calls attention in her is specifically her hair and how her brighter colors doesn't mix with the rest of the tripulation BUT these who have a similar spirit!
Look at old Jack, who also has his little white shirt on, and that boy who Jacob saved in the start of the movie. Both of them have a lighter pallete, which goes just right with Jacob's and Maisie's pallete.
And also, notice that Maisie's also goes for blue-green colors. Just like Sarah, but her's are lighter tones.
No more, just noticed those cute details that I had to talk about.
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*Ok so I ended up on a whole tirade about horror character design so if you want to read that it's under here
Take Don't Hug Me I'm Scared; The main puppets are masterpieces. Actual works of art. Each of them is somehow terrifying in the most subtle and obvious ways at the same time, all independently of each other and I just have to geek about it because it's incredible.
I'm gonna start with the Red one because he's actually the least threatening out of the main three to me. He makes the most sense to my brain. He's got very normal proportions, his movements are very grounded, everything about him just tells me "oh yeah, weird alien-type dude, cool, got it". But then you look around and you realize... Hm. This dude is big. Like, weirdly big compared to the other characters. It's such a subtle unnerving thing, but it adds a lot to that sinking sense of discomfort. It feels like he's always looming over the others, and that combined with his more naturalistic movements creates the sense that he is somehow fundamentally separate from the other beings in this world. But the puppet-y aspects are unnerving too, just in a different way. At first glance I think his face is the least terrifying out of all of them tbh. Partially because he reminds me a bit of the Martians from Sesame Street which takes him down a notch on the scary scale. He's a very simple design that's easy to comprehend. Then you make the mistake of thinking a little bit more; What's under the yarn?
This is a perfect example of why I admire the designers so much, because they've taken classic puppet elements and made them uniquely nerve-wracking. Red has the classic Elmo-style eyes, placed directly on top of the head with no obvious sockets, using pieces of extra fabric to add eyelids for different emotions. Because they're placed this way we have no idea what his facial structure actually looks like. A lot of the time you can wrap your head around a design by starting with the relationship between the eyes and the rest of their face, because you look towards their eyes first. By taking advantage of that, the designers have created a weird mental contradiction, because the thing that should communicate the most information only communicates the absence of information. It's genuinely amazing.
Duck and Yellow are that "classic puppet feature just a little wrong" dialed up to eleven. I can't even figure out what's so messed up about them in detail because they make me so skeeved out. So here's what I can say- they look just left of muppets. They've managed to hit the uncanny valley within puppet design that's totally separate from the uncanny valley of puppets in general. There is this sense of fundamental wrongness but I can't figure out where it comes from because it makes my skin crawl. It's absolutely brilliant. And I CANT EVEN WATCH IT ALL THE WAY BECAUSE ITS TOO SCARY AND IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY
And that's just the one I can say the most about because I can look at him the longest.
Anyways rant over I've been thinking about this a lot thank you
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perexcri · 2 years
hi !! for the ask game, 13, 23 and 37, pretty please~
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
uhhh yeah! not to get too personal on main, but i just like. cannot write about kids' relationships with their fathers. the closest i got was a few scenes with Hopper and Will in irresistible, and even then i wrote them mainly as jokes, but they ended coming across as really sincere to people? like people in general were like "aw Hopper and Will bonding is great!" which is cool, but i didn't know how to explain that i wrote those scenes mostly as jokes to hide the fact that i don't like/can't write scenes between fathers and children at all
easy to write? apparently conversations about "but what's the point of doing these things if it's all gonna go away in the end" since it keeps sneaking into every single thing i write :) it'd be fun if i could learn to talk about something else, but we'll see, i guess
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
picture a walmart desk i bought on discount for $40. picture a loft bed from walmart that i've had since i was eleven. picture said-desk under said-bed. ok? cool. now, behind the desk, there's a bookshelf i put together my junior year of high school, but i'm horrible at building things, so two of its boards are noticeably upside down, but hey, at least i have some stickers on one side of the unit, right? its shelves are sagging with reference books and books i have yet to read, and more litter the floor right behind my chair. oh yeah, my chair - it's not a desk chair. it's one of our dining room chairs that i took over during my covid semester in spring 2020 when i had to come home from school. i have a jack skellington pillow i use with it because otherwise it hurts my back. my desk is cluttered, but my desk has been cluttered every since i was a kid, so what else is new? there's scratch paper and sticky notes all over it, mail from my new job that i should really look at, mail from my beloved friends, and an old candle holder i've repurposed as a pen holder. to my right is my corkboard with all kinds of fun stuff that would take eons to describe, so just picture cards, photos, a couple of tiny bells/windchimes, and art. i've also got some fall out boy and owl city cds i've fastened to the wall to watch over me forever
oh, and pinned up in front of my desk are a few fun things: a BTS poster, a postcard with a Van Gogh quote on it, some art from Chloe Gong's These Violent Delights, an Ouran High School Host Club poster, and a passage from It by Stephen King that I made a photocopy of when I was reading it last year.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
hmmm......i think once i've passed on, if anything i've written gets passed down in any way whatsoever, i think people will be able to tell i liked observing things. like i don't talk a lot, but i watch and listen to as much as i can. so...yeah. perhaps "observant" would be the word i'm looking for (despite my own obliviousness towards lots of things, but that's a different subject matter entirely :^D)
thanks for the ask anon!! i hope you're doing well :D 💜
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Whoops i lost track of this one my bad. Discord messaging is so much easier with the notification staying there. Anyways. Hell yeah getting to be not near people you do lnt vibe with is the best love that for you. Ah yeah gulls will just be an asshole about anything so at least they gave warning? Still dont like em though. Australian magpies are probably worse. Thanks! I adore german & it just. Having very specific words for things. So im excited to dig into that. Oh i didnt know that but honestly not surprised by it. Another piece of history from nazi germany to add to stuff i know. History was never my like. Favorite subject but i try to study it where i can. Its important. Mobile gave me bronya finally so its goin well & seele is coming back in 1.4 so maybe ill be able to get her & bronya both. Though i find it weird that we're heading back to belobog already? I havent even finished the next story part yet though. I havent used fire trailblazer much yet but will when i have more of her eidolons. Theyre both real fun rcg was short so i beat it quick still workin on dredge. Ill let you know how rain world goes for sure. Oh very nice. I finally did mine into purple & it looks really good im gonna keep up on it i think. Ive been breaking off from both to play other stuff but 4.1 fontaine is still fun to explore i love it. Cant wait for furina to drop. Oh shit history exam i hope that went well for you.i will say bronya is nice to have especially with kafka. Give her a turn boost to get her follow up action back works real nice. Damn that is. So much stuff but sounds so worth it. For all the merch & the choker who doesnt love a good choker
OH ITS OK IT APPEARS THAT SO HAVE I. AHHH. IM SORRY. schools been a Lot lately [7 tests this week......] and im going to alicante next week so its probably not gonna get easier for me to respond soon..... and oh yeah it totally is. i ❤ discord cos i can at least give ppl Signs Of Life instead of silence. anyways. THANK YOU!! ive been having a lot of fun with the new group lately its great. and yeah they really are ajdkfkjfj im Thankful for the warning yeah. and also that not even a single gull tried to steal my food. ooh tell me ab it i havent heard any australian magpie horror stories...... and yeah as i said. german is Such a nice language, i esp agree with the words bc theyre just. Great. love em. but yeah didnt have much luck in my previous years of learning it. and oh well the more you know!! honestly it was never MY favorite either bc, even tho ive always found it interesting, i just. could never remember anything. but honestly now that im on hist-geo its really growing on me ahdjfkkgj. probably also because i have a cool teacher. AND HEY CONGRATS ON THE BRONYA and good luck with getting seele!!! i have Not opened star rail even once recently [<- was only playing the game to get wolfie and kafka] so idrk whats been happening. have fun tho!! fire trailblazer IS good with her eidolons but tbh i just never had the energy to build her. and ah epic!!!!!! and yes please do keep me updated if you end up playing rain world!!!!!! its sooooo good its so good. AND AHHH NICE!!!! i want to do mine purple someday but i have a pretty dark natural hair color so id have to bleach it and i dont really Wanna Do That yet. and fair ahsjfkfk ive actually been playing genshin More recently, at least when i have time. which is not often. IM ALSO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR FURINA I HAVE LIKE 170 WISHES SAVED ALREADY................... anyway!!! it did actually!!!! but were doing pretty easy material rn so well see how it goes in the future ajdjhfjg....... it is what it is. and ah yeah that does sound like a pretty good team actually...... and yeah it def was!!!!! havent gotten a chance to wear the choker out yet [<- scared of old ladies on the bus] nut im Going To
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audible--silence · 1 year
Its easy to understand how people lose their minds out here
the illusion of permanece is a seductive mistress
On humidity: it feels like the world is giving you s hug
Am i reading right the look in your eye?
A cautioning glimmer of uncertainty shadows your soul as i tell you a dream. How much to extract and how much to surrender.
Raised not to feel comfortable and furthermore, raised to try to make the other better rather than accept them for who they are
- On brothers
And while sitting here in a taco shop with a tarp for a roof and a menu in two languages, I realize how much i long for the way life was. Out of a backpack and with no fixed address.
Nobody expecting you and an army of people willing to help you.
The reality is, spotify probably knows me better than anything with a pulse. Which is damn sad considering all I crave is to be known by someone who cares. And as good as Spotify is at suggesting my favorite songs, it doesn’t quite cut it.
Clearly I crave connection. I want it enough to download an app I previously and still do despise. Yet I am too scared of commitment to do any damn thing to build it.
Im damn near sure that most of y’all are technically better photographers than me. The only thing ive got that gets me anywhere is instinct, nerve and a slight lack of fear of consequences.
All ive got is the ability to stare the bad idea in the face and run to it with a smile
Say yes to everything
Be ok with living uncomfortably and doing risky, stupid shit because in my experience, 90% of getting good photos happens before you even pull the camera out.
Have a chat. If you can, have a drink
For every travel buddy thats ever uttered an “oh fuck it” or yelled a “oh fuck yeah” with me.
“ur gonna be so good. bullshit is ur native language it’s better than your English
It takes so much to be cool here that once you fit in here you stand out everywhere else
It takes two to tango and we each have two left feet and a lot of bad timing
Its good to pause once in a while for an occasional reminder of whatever comes to mind
Exist at your own risk
Edgar Allen Poe taste
“Awh mannnnn i need a flower foh me muddah”
- Kid in a park
The napkin with my phone number scribbled down is burning a hole in my pocket.
Because its no supposed to be there. It should be in the bag of the beautiful girl in all black dressed to kill. Or in the trash. Or on the seat next to her on the subway. The one place it shouldn’t be, is in my pocket. Because that puts me up against an uncomfortable truth. A flaw of my own character that I always thought id have conquered by now. Im nervous as hell when it comes to talking to people I’m attracted to.
I simply dont know how to do it.
I can talk to anybody except those who I find cute
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tiger85 · 1 year
Omegle Chat
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH THE CHINESE PEOPLE AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like Ask Me Anything.
You: hi
Stranger: Hi
You: How are you?
Stranger: Good n u
You: fine thanks
You: You prefer asking or answering
Stranger: Answering
You: Cool, anything off limits?
Stranger: Not really
Stranger: No fun that way
You: Very true
You: I'll start easy asl?
Stranger: Oh boy, ok im 18 f us but im mature for 18
You: Good to know
You: I like that
Stranger: Cool are you a guy? Just asking doesn't matter
You: yes I am
Stranger: Ok usually when i say 18 they leave
You: 18 is fine by me.
Stranger: Cool
You: I'm gonna get a bit dirty though now hope you don't mind
Stranger: I dont, at all
You: What age did you lose your virginity?
Stranger: 13
You: How old was the guy?
Stranger: 16
You: A bf from school?
Stranger: Well a boy i had a crush on, yes from school
You: Oh so he wasn't your boyfriend
Stranger: No he had a gf
You: Mind telling me how it happened then since he was dating a different girl?
You: Long response or something didn't show up
Stranger: He hit on me at a football game when she wasn't around and asked me if i wanted to pass by his house on the weekend
You: Oh, & of course since you had a crush on him you said yes
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I asked about her he said she was going out of town
You: Did you spend all weekend with him?
Stranger: No just the day it happened his parents were out
You: Did he call you once they left & told you to come over?
Stranger: He texted me when to come
You: You knew you were going to lose your virginity as soon as you got to his house didn't you,
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: Part of why i went
You: How did it go down once you got there?
Stranger: He kissed me when i went inside and we made out, then he took me to his bedroom
You: How was the make out sess?
Stranger: Hot very i felt his cock rubbing me it was hard
You: what was he wearing?
Stranger: Jeans and a tee-shirt
You: same for you? Or something else?
Stranger: I had on leggings and a shirt
You: Not that its too relevent, but were did your parents think you had gone?
Stranger: I told them i was going to my gfs house and i talked my sister into taking me to his house she knew i was going to see him
You: Ah so older sis knew you were going to get laid
Stranger: Well she asked me any i said maybe she just said ok but use protection
You: Aw how cute.
Stranger: Shes super cool
You: Anyway he took you into his bedroom, then?
You: Thats good
Stranger: We made out more and then he stood up and took his jeans and shirt off asked me if i wanted to do the same and i did
Stranger: I kept my panties and bra on
You: He didn't have any underwear on?
Stranger: Yes he kept them on also
You: okay, was kissing him as good as you had always dreamt it would be?
Stranger: Yes
You: In a way you didn't want that to end did you
Stranger: No i wouldve been happy just making out lol
You: Even though you could see he was very hard inside those underwear?
Stranger: Yes very and ngl i was a little scared cause it looked really big
You: Oh okay, so there you are in your bra & panties and there's your 16 yo crush in just his underwear, now what?
Stranger: We made out some more then he got up grabbed my hand and sat me at the edge of the bed and he stood in front of me and lowered his underwear and put his hand on my head
Stranger: I knew what he wanted
Stranger: It was so big
You: He wanted you to give him head
Stranger: Yes
You: Was he cut or uncut?
Stranger: Cut
You: He had his hand on your head & moved it to his cock, or did you do it willingly?
Stranger: I grabbed it by the shaft and opened my mouth at the same time he gently pulled me towards his cock, i closed my eyes and felt it in my mouth
You: Just the tip at first I'm sure
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I heard him moan
Stranger: So i guess it felt good lol
You: which had to make you feel good
Stranger: Yes it did
You: then you started taking more?
Stranger: Yes as much as i could, i had seen a few how to vids on youtube and i saw a real bj instructional vid on a adult web site
You: ah nice, so you were semi- prepared, just didn't expect him to be so big
Stranger: But i couldnt go that far down his shaft cause it made me gag
Stranger: Exactly
Stranger: I had the basics lol
You: Did he try to make you go down further?
Stranger: Yes but i gaged
You: I'm sure he liked hearing that though as well
Stranger: Im sure lol
Stranger: He did it a few more times and id gag and push away but he would say its ok just keep sucking me it feels so good
You: Nice
Stranger: My eyes would tear up
You: Did you look up at him as you sucked it?
Stranger: A few times yes but mostly i kept my eyes closed
You: He did that for a bit, then?
Stranger: Yes
You: Then what happened next? He have you take off your bra & panties?
Stranger: Basically yes after a while he stopped me and got in bed with me and pulled my panties off and told me to take my bra off
You: He didn't cum I'm sure from the bj
Stranger: No he didnt idk if i wasnt good enough yet or if he didnt want to yet
You: May have been a little bit of both
Stranger: Maybe
You: Now you are both naked in his bed together
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Hes on top making out
You: Was he also feeling you up at all?
Stranger: Yes fingering me, more like rubbing me then i felt his legs push my legs open and i felt like this was it
You: okay
Stranger: But instead he went down on me
You: He ate out your pussy, I am surprised
Stranger: Yes he said oh wow, i guess since i had shaven smooth lol
You: nice, good on you,
Stranger: It felt amazing
You: His tongue felt great?
Stranger: 100 times better than i thought
Stranger: Yes
You: He probably had plenty of experience with his gf and maybe other girls
Stranger: Yes im sure but at that moment it was just him i didnt even think about his gf or anything
You: I would imagine not, sorry please continue from him eating out your pussy & it feeling so amazing
Stranger: He did it for a long time too, and i came for the first time in a guys mouth
You: Damn he must have been really good then
Stranger: I think he wanted me to cum
You: probably
Stranger: He didnt stop until i came
You: I bet you were shaking quite a bit by then
Stranger: Then he came up and kissed me which ngl kinda yuked me a little i never tasted my own pussy before lol
You: Still having it be him do it, must have felt somewhat good
Stranger: Yes it did
You: and then?
Stranger: Then it happened, he got between my legs and i saw him reach down and grab his cock and put it at the entrance and i took a deep breath and i felt him push
You: Had he put on a condom?
Stranger: Nope!
You: oh okay, please continue
Stranger: The pressure was intense and then the pain hit me, and i pulled away a little but he grabbed me and shhhh me and kept pushing the burning feeling intensified and then i felt him pop in i screamed a little and he stood still
You: He had popped your cherry
Stranger: Yes that was the burning i felt
You: right
Stranger: He asked me if i was ok should he go on, i just nodded my head
You: good girl
Stranger: He started fucking me
You: slow?
Stranger: The pain was incredible but it was also pleasurable at the same time
Stranger: Yes he went very slow because i was gasping when he would thrust
You: Did he eventually pick up the pace though?
Stranger: Yes after a few minutes he started to go faster and thats when it really started to feel really good
Stranger: I was moan and he was grunting
You: He was just laying on top of you?
Stranger: He went faster and faster and he was moaning louder and louder and then he all of a sudden pulled out and jerked his cock and he came all over my stomach
You: What did that feel like
Stranger: I looked down and omg his cock was covered in blood and his hand also from his cock and it was pools and pools of his cum on me
You: But yet you felt so good as well
Stranger: Yes like i had accomplished a feat lol
Stranger: Then he got up and said dont move !
You: oh
Stranger: He ran to the bathroom and came back with the roll of toilet paper and he gave it to me and said here so you can clean up and he took some of it and helped me clean also and he cleaned his cock too
You: Very sweet of him
Stranger: Yes and his sheets omg his sheets got so dirty lol
You: I bet they were
Stranger: We got dressed and i helped him take his sheets off and we took them to his laundry room and i was the one who put then to wash lol he didnt know how to do laundry lol
You: It happens
You: He didn't offer to let you shower?
Stranger: He said listen you know i have a gf, are we cool? And i said yeah we're cool
You: Of course you were cool with it, you got what you wanted lol
Stranger: No but looking back idk if i would of lol
Stranger: I think we both got something we wanted
You: What exactly do you think he wanted? Just to be the one to pop your cherry?
Stranger: He asked if he could give me a ride but i said its ok and called my sister
You: Told your sister about it all on the way home didn't you
Stranger: Yeah most likely add another notch to his belt lol
Stranger: Yeah i had to do my first walk of shame lol
You: But was it so much of a walk of shame to her?
You: since she already knew pretty much
Stranger: And of course my sister being my sister was fist pumping and wooop woopp as i walked to the car all i could do was lower my head i was so embarrassed lol
You: lol
You: Was she disappointed that you didn't use protection?
Stranger: I kinda lied to her and said i did
You: Shame on you
Stranger: Lol yeah i know but oh well lol
You: At least he pulled out though
Stranger: Yes!!!!
You: Did you ever make any more advances towards him or ever talk to him about it again?
Stranger: You know at that very moment i actually freaked out for a second thinking omg hes gonna cum in me and im gonna get pregnant all those thoughts in like 3 sec lol
You: I bet you did
You: Especially only being 13
Stranger: But i think he knew also thats why he pulled out
You: Well he probably didn't want any kids at 16 either
Stranger: I did see him at school a lot but kept my distance i think we both knew it was best
You: Part of you had to want to talk to him at least a little at times though
Stranger: Until the next time she went out of town lol
You: Wait, then what?
Stranger: We fucked again lol
You: How much later was that?
Stranger: I was his official side piece
Stranger: Like close to summer she went on fam vac
Stranger: We fucked a lot lol
You: What'd he do just text you the next time she was out of town & asked you to come over for a fuck?
Stranger: Yes pretty much
You: He fucked you a lot that summer as she was out of town?
You: Or that was just before summer
Stranger: We fucked, yes we fucked a lot and i did anal for the first time also with him
You: Everytime bareback?
Stranger: Yes but by then i was on the pill but he would still pull out
You: why were you on the pill? Had you told your parents?
Stranger: Only time he didnt pull out was during anal
You: Bet that was an odd sensation
Stranger: No at school the school nurse could give pills
You: oh okay
Stranger has disconnected.
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tweekfilms · 2 years
A Conversation
basically this takes place in 1x04 after ricky leaves nini’s house and yeah welcome to yet another narration
if you told nico a couple of weeks ago that she would be making friends at east, she probably would have laughed.
while waiting for ricky, nico was pondering this before chase appeared next to her and asking
“are you sure you want me here”
“i told you a million times that i do, if my suspicions are right then i need you here” nico answered for the tenth time
the bell rang and chase got up to get the door while nico grabbed another slice of pizza and ate. she could vaugely hear ricky asking for her and chase telling him to come in and introducing himself.
“hey ricky” nico set her pizza down as he walked towards the couch
“hey nico um sorry for the late notice” ricky apologized
“its fine its not like i have anything else to do” nico joked but also she wasn’t lying
“its just um ive been having a tough day today” ricky said
“yeah molly said that she didn’t see you in rehersal today” nico offered ricky a slice of pizza
“my parents, they’re separating” ricky said the last few words carefully
nico looked at chase and he shared a look of sympathy. they both knew what it felt like, after all they just lived it.
“ricky im so sorry” nico tried to offer her condolecense
“it sucks, i don’t know how to get through it and i just thought that you know my parents would stay together” ricky was trying to hold back tears
“if it helps, i know what it feels like. my dad also separated from my mom and that’s why well i moved here. and i thought that you know they meant to be together but it turns out sometimes it just runs out” nico didn’t want to relieve the whole event of when she and her dad moved but well oh well she did
“i don’t know if i should add my input to this but my mom separated from my dad too and i get how it feels like everything is changing but finding the right people to help you is a game changer” chase added to her point
“both of us, we’re essentially children of divorced parents and we get it. its not easy but ricky, you have to know that we’re here for you ok ? and that even though your parents are separating they still love you” nico offered her hand to ricky
“thanks i really mean it” ricky wiped his tears
“do you need a place to stay tonight, i can ask my dad to let you stay” nico said
“yeah you can have my room tonight and i’ll sleep out here on the couch. i would ask gert if she would let me sleepover at her house but its a little late for that” chase added
“its fine guys, im gonna go home but it was really nice of you two to offer” ricky got off the couch and started putting his jacket on
“hey if you need anything uh don’t hesitate to call me or chase” nico gave him a slice of pizza to take home with him
“thanks oh before i go, you guys are going to homecoming right ?” ricky asked
nico and chase looked at each other, they really didn’t know the answer to that.
“maybe i mean molly’s going so i assume the rest of us will go to” nico shrugged
“that’s great, i’ll see you there maybe” ricky smiled before skating off into the street
nico closed the door and sighed, she wasn’t expecting tonight to get so heavy.
“you ok” chase sat down on the opposite end of the couch
“yeah, you” nico wiped her tears, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, talking about it still hurt
chase smiled sadly, nico could tell it hurt talking about it too “i guess”
nico got up from her end of the couch and went to the opposite side and gave chase a hug to which he hugged her back
“you know maybe we should go to homecoming hopefully we can convince gert, karolina, and alex to go too” chase suggested
“you know what im cool to go to homecoming and i know molly’s going to be thrilled” nico nodded
0 notes
diavolosthots · 3 years
Hey dear! I hope that you have a good time! I want to make a request, but please delete it if you don't feel like doing it.
I saved that request in the notes and been waiting for you to open them 😊
For request
First fight with brother (any of your choice) and one of them (I mean MC or that brother) thinks that it's end of relationship (because never had anything serious), but they reconciled in the end. I want some heavy angst with happy ending. MC can be GN if that is OK.
If you don't mind you can do for Mammon, but feel free to choose another one if you don't feel like write for him. Or if that would be better to write as headcanons for all the brothers. That's up to you!
I haven't been doing requests for ages. Please don't hate me if there is something wrong! I've read the rules, and I hope I haven't missed anything.
Anyway, sorry for long ask. And thank you for your writings!
(I forgot to look if you did anything similar, and remembered it at the end of writing that ask. Sorry if you already did something like that!)
Hey babes ❤ I did end up doing HCs for all of them because I thought it would be cooler (or more like I know someone is gonna request separate fics for all of them if I dont and I'm saving myself that trouble lol) I still hope you like it ! ❤ also this got SUPER LONG so its under a cut
Warning: angst -> happy ending-ish
THE BROTHERS in a fight with MC and thinking that they’re over (yikes)
Everyone always says Lucifer is quick to lose his cool but he’s honestly been nothing but patient with you. He may have hinted at several things he doesn’t condone and he definitely has that ‘look’, you know the disappointed dad look, but he has held back a lot so as to not ruin the beautiful relationship you have with him. Everyone snaps, though, and when he finally did, it was ugly. He did NOT call you names, but oh he didn’t. He went straight for your feelings and pointed out every mistake you ever made for as long as he’s known you. Ouch. In his defense, you weren’t nice either. The argument ended nasty and ‘I hate you’s!’ were definitely thrown around, but none of them were meant, right? Goodness, he doesn’t know. After you left, he threw himself on his bed, literally, and just stared at the ceiling. His anger slowly fled away and he began to feel… guilty. Not necessarily because of the argument itself, but because he delivered some low blows and he knows that. Are you over? Done with him? You haven’t texted or called or talked… you’ve been actively avoiding him and he doesn’t like that, but his pride is such an issue, goodness. He can’t straight up apologize, that dickhead, but he’s sending you flowers and standing in front of your door with a sad face that says it all. 
“Forgive me? I made reservations at your favorite’s? We can talk over a nice dinner?” 
Mammon is known to get mildly agitated over the silliest things, let’s be real. He’s also quick to revert to the “are you dumb?!” argument, which is never effective. But he loves you and he would do anything for you so even if you do do something that he deems ‘dumb’, he usually bites his tongue. Doesn’t mean that doesn’t get on his nerves, though, and he definitely has a short temper, although people tend to overlook that. You just managed to push his buttons today and he used the “are ya stupid?!” argument, to which you obviously defended yourself, and rightfully so. This ended in a massive screaming match and him saying “Then leave! Ain’t nobody keepin’ ya with me!” He regretted it the minute those words left his mouth and you could see his eyes grow wide in shock at his own words, but that didn’t mean you stayed. “MC!” he tried running after you immediately but you were faster and honestly, who can blame you? He fucked up, and he knows it, and he feels terrible about it. Honestly, he’s crying just at the mere thought of you taking his words seriously and he can’t… he can’t bear to lose you, you know? What’s he gonna do? You’re the light of his life, as pathetic as that may sound to some…. So he won’t let you run away. Homie will hunt you down and beg for forgiveness. 
“Please, MC! Forgive me! I’m dumb, not you!!! Don’t leave me…” Don’t leave him. He will continue crying. 
His constant need to put himself down is frankly, quite annoying. To you anyway. But you put up with it and just reassure him that, at least to you, he’s the most amazing demon that ever existed. It’s just facts. But a person only has so much patience, right? You can’t always spend your days trying to lift him up when all he does is dig himself a bigger hole. Who has the emotional time for that? You sure don’t. “Oh my God, Levi! Shut up! I can’t take it anymore!” Followed by “See! You’re just like everyone else! Leaving me!” and then you slamming the door to his room shut. It’s frustrating and understandably so. It makes you feel awful that you can’t even make your own boyfriend feel good about himself and get at least a little bit of self confidence and it’s so, so, so very draining to have to constantly listen to that. At this point, it’s affecting your own mental health and you just… you just can’t…. But Levi can’t lose you because he knows you’re right. He has to work on himself if he wants to keep someone as amazing as you with him and that’s why he’s crawling back to you now. 
“Look I… I know you’re right… I’m sorry. I promise I’ll … I’ll try. For you.”
For being the Avatar of Wrath, you always admired Satan for his ability to keep cool. He prefers the relaxed and easy going life much more than the type of life people expect him to live, and you respect that. That doesn’t mean his constant need to one up Lucifer, through whatever means necessary, didn’t bother the hell out of you, though. You tried talking to him about it once or twice in a calm manner, but you always got the same answer “Pfft.. it’s Lucifer. Who cares?” And it never sat right with you. Just today he decided to pull a prank on the eldest and you had enough, standing in front of Lucifer and letting the bucket of cursed green slime land on you instead, to everyone’s shock. “What are you doing?!” Now that you’re thoroughly green from head to toe, you were also beyond pissed. “What am I doing?! What are YOU doing?!” But Satan matched your anger tenfold, accusing you of favoring Lucifer over him and oh! “You probably got an affair with him, too!” Which was a stupid thing on his part, but it looked like it the way you defended him. Anger doesn’t even begin to describe the emotion you felt running through you and had it not been for Lucifer, you probably would’ve physically fought Satan for such a dumb accusation. Lucifer took you to get cleaned up and lifted the course, giving you your natural skin and hair color back within a few days and plenty of scrubbing, and Satan felt like shit. You’ve always been there for him and, rationally speaking, he didn’t have a reason to doubt your loyalty to him, but he just can’t help but feel insecure beside Lucifer…. He decides to come apologize anyway, a deep blush on his face and guilt in his eyes 
“I’m… sorry for accusing you. It wasn’t my right to speak out of anger and jealousy…” 
How can anyone fight with the Avatar of Lust? Seriously, the guy is super easy going and he loves pretty much everyone. Not as much as himself, but almost. You on the other hand… you didn’t. Well you didn’t NOT love him or yourself, but you were just… you. You didn’t spend 4+ hours in the bathroom trying to get ready when you knew you were only going to the kitchen down the stairs. Like?? Although you never brought it up to Asmodeus, he constantly bothered you about skincare and what foods to eat and what not to eat, etc… It’s quite annoying, honestly, and at some point you just gave him a passive aggressive “Okay, whatever. Can we move on now?” To which he didn’t take lightly. He was still nice and sweet, trying to convince you that at least one of these things will make your skin glow brighter than a unicorn’s ass but you just had enough. “Can you stop?! You’re indirectly saying I’m ugly without that shit ton of product in my face and a diet that would make me starve before it helped me! If you want a skinny VS angel that barely holds onto their skeleton, get one!” It was more hurt and frustration speaking than anything, but your outburst still shocked him and he was taken aback for a moment. And then you ignored him for a week straight and as someone who thrives off of attention, especially the kind he gets from you, he can’t handle that! So he showed up in your room in sweats and a tshirt and messy hair and no product on his skin. 
“You’re right… we’re all naturally beautiful…. Wow that… that really hurts to say MC but can you forgive me?” 
Oh the sweet, sweet angel. He’s far from innocent and you know that. We all know that. But for this story, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. His reliance on Belphegor is just really… annoying. Belphegor this, Belphegor that. “Belphie used to…” or “Belphie said….” or “one day when Belphie and I….” Like why does everything have to include his twin? It’s so annoying and so rude when your significant other is right here !!! and planning their own future with you, Beel, thanks. It makes you feel less than and like Belphegor will always come before you. It makes you feel like shit, quite frankly, and who is to blame you? “Hey MC did I tell you what Belphie---!” “No! Shut up! I don’t care! It’s always about Belphie! The day you come to me and don’t let that name drip from your tongue is the day Jesus comes back to save me and we both know that will be never! I’m tired of always being stuck with Belphegor! We are not equals!” Granted, you shouldn’t have yelled and Beel was more than confused at your outburst, but you wouldn’t talk to him anymore after that so he left you alone. He thought you may need an hour or two, maybe a day tops, but that day turned into a full week and he even lost his appetite just because he knows you’re angry with him. It’s been a week, does that mean you’re over? His heart aches just at the thought… 
“I’m sorry for bringing Belphie up… I don’t want you to feel less than, MC. You mean a lot to me and so does Belphie, but you’re not Belphie and I need to learn that…”
Honestly it’s a miracle he hasn’t lost his temper at you yet. Well, he partially blames it on his own laziness because if being angry or getting upset didn’t take so much energy out of him, maybe he would’ve snapped by now lol, but he tries really hard not to because he thinks your relationship with him after everything is pretty good, considering yall kiss and snuggle and fuck on a regular basis. But anyway, that’s exactly the issue. Considering everything, you’re still holding *that* against him. It’s never direct either, which makes it worse. It’s always said in a joking manner and something like “haha look it’s just like that one time you killed me” or “Beel’s grabbing that ham like you grabbed my throat” or “I remember seeing jesus for a moment there” and it agitates him. It makes him so angry, and he finally snapped. “I know I fucked up MC! Stop holding it against me! What do you want? A medal of honor? A survivor's certificate? Maybe a pat on the back for developing some sort of Stockholm syndrome that made you come back to your abuser?!” And then he left. And you may have cried both from confusion and your own anger, he isn’t quite sure. It’s just so…. Aggravating. He can’t deal with it. He knows it was a mistake spurted by his own insecurities and survivor’s guilt which ultimately led to his hatred but please, stop holding it against him.. He can’t keep putting up with it from the person he’s grown to love. He’s the one ignoring you and he won’t budge either because he’s a stubborn ass, but maybe if you come up first… 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you… I’m just so tired for it being held against me… I love you, and you should know that, and I do feel guilty about what happened.” 
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hard--mode · 3 years
Here's the notes for everything that would happen up until the end of the story.... as far as I had it figured out. You'll notice things are a lot less fleshed out the later things go. That's a big reason why this never got finished. the longer I tried to keep the thing running, the more I realized I never had any idea what I wanted to actually DO with this story which made it pretty hard for me to keep up. it's hard to write a story you're trying to take seriously if all you really have are jokes, it turns out.
I haven't reread any of this or edited it at all so who knows what kind of notes I might have written in between things haha
P: so as i was saying about undyne-
C: who’s undyne?
Everyone freezes. Chara just walked right up to papyrus without being noticed. Paps freaks out for a sec before he pulls sans into a huddle. Chara frowns and tries to peek around.
~Montage of papyrus’s excitement and harder puzzles, death montage
~Junior jumble: its sudoku now
Chara’s doing puzzles and sees flowey spying. They shout him over
C: HEY! still following me, loser? Don’t you have anything better to do? (but they smile)
F: somebody’s gotta make sure you don’t get killed too much out here
Flowey pops up closer to them
C: nah, I’m fine! I’ve got that reset power!
F: not for long considering how much you use it (mumbles. Rolls eyes??) (some depiction of chara dying a lot in the bg)
C: by the way…. In the ruins you were telling me to use it… care to tell me more about it since you seem to know so much?
F: I-... uh… well you already know the most of it. It just resets you back to your last SAVE point like nothing happened. Only beings with a powerful SOUL can use it, so monsters with their weak souls can’t.
Chara stops their puzzle work and sits to even the heights: Can flowers?
F: what the heck are you-... oh, no no no. I’m different.
C: so you have the power too.
F: No! I mean-, i used to before you came around. Yeah.
C: so you’ve done resets. (urging him on)
F: yep.
Chara waits a while: ...thats all you have to say?
F: yep
Travel scenes from here on out depict chara and flowey together
Flowey remarks that he doesn't remember a save point being before it. Chara goes along and gets paps’ bit. He does to activate it
C: wait this isn't for real right? U can't be srs!!!
P: yeah I am, this is hard mode!
Just show chara repeatedly spawning at the save and running back in with flowey watching them
Then cut to the end chara on the other side of it panting and exhausted, papyrus shocked but also beaming
P: wow you did it!! I'm so proud of u human! I didn’t think you would actually be able to get through it--- I mean- drat! Foiled again! I'll get u one of these times!
Papyrus runs off and Chara watches him with a look of wonder in their eyes.
F: don’t get too excited. his pride is cheap, he’s proud of everyone and every thing
Chara grumbles and marches forward: whatever. I don’t hear you saying you’re proud of me, so why do I have to listen to what you have to say
F: You know, you’re gonna have to fight him soon. Didn’t sans say so? What are you going to do then, die over and over until you give up or are you going to try to murder him just like you did with Toriel? :)
C: I am not! I’m gonna talk him out of it and go right past him like everyone else. Who knows! Maybe he won’t even fight me because he’s that cool. Even if he does, he’s probably a wimp anyways.
F: I wouldn’t be so sure! I bet you don’t stand a chance.
C: shut up! Quit following me if you’re gonna be this useless.
Paps fight
As papyrus carries their body to the shed to rest. Opens on their vision returning and they see their hands hanging toward the ground.
C: why didn’t you kill me? You’re stronger than everyone else, you could easily do it. Why dont you finish me off so everyone can leave or whatever it is you need me to do? Why did you hold back?
C: you held back…
Chara is too shocked and confused by the sentiment: I don’t… I don’t understand?
He sets them down in the shed on the dog bed.
C: then… does that mean you’re going to let me go?
C: !! I-I don’t know who Undyne is, but I can’t do that. I’m in a hurry to get out of here.
C: No, I have to go.
Cut to chara walking toward waterfall, papyrus calling after them to come back and hang out sometime. They keep walking and mutter to themself: Sorry, but I’ll get out of here before that ever happens.
They see monster kid and side eye sans as they charge in, hurriedly.
Chara keeps flowey around and asks him to read the words for him. FLowey says it’s not important at all to anything they’re doing. It’s just monster history junk that means nothing if chara’s trying to leave. Chara’s like shut up cmon help me out maybe there's clues. FLowey reads some history stuff in waterfall treating it like shit they already know
F: why do you care about all this garbage anyway?
C: I dunno, I guess it just sounds familiar. Like a story I heard a long time ago.
Chara stops suddenly and checks their phone. Flowey asks what’s up
C: i thought it rang… you didn’t hear-
The phone starts ringing. Papyrus is cheerfully on the other end and they walk and talk.
He tells them about how he heard so many horrible things about humans and the surface but chara was much nicer than he ever expected. Chara asks where he heard that and he says a flower told him. Chara covers the receiver and looks around for flowey, suspicions of him raised.
Montage w monster kid and umbrella
Chara falls from undyne’s spear attack and wakes up in the trash with flowey over them.
F: hey, wake up. I can tell you’re not dead so hurry up and get moving.
Chara’s kind of bummed: she killed me four times back there. And it wasn’t even a fight. I couldn’t talk her down or… i couldn’t even talk to her, I could barely see her.
F: what, are you giving up or something? You know she can kill you as much as she wants and you aren’t gonna die.
C: I know that! I know this is just like a game where you can keep on going but… it hurts. And it’s exhausting.
F: what will you do then? Sit here in this trash and do nothing?
C: *sigh* no. I’m just feeling down in the dumps.
They smile and get up.
As they’re walking out, they hear a click and someone to tell them to “hold it”
Mad dummys behind them and she just has a gun. Pointed directly at chara. She starts on her thing about the cousin and then blook saves the day.
Chara meets up with blook again. They go to where the snail races used to be. It’s all busted and unused
C: what’s this supposed to be…?
B: oh…. this used to be a snail farm…. And this was a race course…. For snails…. But a long time ago people started to call the races “insensitive” so we had to close them…. Sorry you can’t have any fun racing snails…
C: why was it insensitive…?
B: ...i’d… rather not talk about it………..
C: hey flowey! What’s up with this place and snails?
F:...i wouldnt know.
After waterfall where undyne says how many souls they have
C: flowey… if they have 6 human souls, that means 6 others fell down and died here, so…
F: what?
C: i just- i mean you were the first one i met-
F: no, no, no, ive never killed anyone. You’re the only human i’ve seen since i woke up
Chara relaxes: ok. So you dont know anything about them.
F: no. i heard some things from toriel, not much. It’s too late to try asking her, but she’s seen all of them. She was there at the beginning even.
C: the beginning?
F: you know…. When humans started falling down here and monsters started killing them.
Chara goes silent in thought: wait… how… long has this been going on? How old is toriel?
F: dunno
Chara after having a rough time: it’s hard, but no matter what happens i can just keep trying. I’ll make it out of this! You believe in me right, flowey?
F: no i think you should give up.
Page/chapter ends there. Next is chara going up to fight undyne.
Open on a riff on the “long ago” cutscene that chara cuts off by saying they already know this story
Undyne screams SHUT UP!!! I’m doing my HEROIC MONOLOGUE!! Whatever, I bet you haven’t heard the part about the King and Queen’s human child who died of illness and their other son who was killed by the humans when he tried to return their body to the surface?!
C: No I think I heard that one too? Why are you telling me all this anyways??
Chara’s getting their ass beat and on low hp: I’ll die in a hit or two. But that’s fine because I’ll just start this over. I’ll start from… where was the last save point…
A vision of them with flowey. Their eyes go red and the flashback cuts in between shots of them running from undyne
F: I think you should give up
Ch: what… give up?? I thought you were on my side with all the telling me to keep going and-and the hanging out with me?!
F: as if you had any other choice but to keep going! We both know you don’t.
C: so you’ve just been following this whole time waiting for me to give up and die, huh?! Why, are you trying to steal my soul just like everybody else?!?
F: it doesn’t matter how hard you try, you’re going to die! And die and die and die! You can reset as much as you want, it won’t change that! So what if I am waiting for you to give up? You’re the last thing keeping monsters trapped down here. If you give up, you’ll give everyone what they want!
C: I thought you wanted to help me?! I thought you were my friend!
F: I would never be friends with a human! You’re all nothing but killing machines!
C: I haven’t killed anyone!
F: You killed Toriel! No number of resets can change what you did! You’re a horrible, disgusting human just like all the others and everyone would be happier if you were dead!
Flowey could say something about dying down here is better than their inevitable death on the surface. Their death would at least be worth something. Mean something
Chara escapes the fight, undyne collapses, and they walk away. they tell themselves they won’t give up. They don’t need help, especially not from that dumb flower. They’ll live to spite him and everyone else who tries to kill them
Chara goes in and meets alphys and overall is p meh abt it bc bad mood. Alphys helping them through the underground makes them talk to themselves about how they dont need flowey, they can do this themself. Friends are no good.
hotland is as normal. probably figure out some indication of things not right. make the game seem broken bc they arent supposed to get so far like this
Chara meets with sans at mtt resort for food reluctantly. Lets him say his piece. After he’s done threatening to kill them chara says to his face that they really don’t like him.
Need some hubbub about them having to kill asgore to get out. Theyll be like yeah I know that (somehow)... oh but I need a plan… how will i come up with a plan..
Flowey finally appears to chara again just before they get to new home and tries to talk them out of leaving. Disparaging the surface and telling them they could live happily down here. Chara says no, it’s too hard because people are constantly hunting them down and being the last soul, no ones going to stop that. He says that he’s sorry for the way he was before
Chara smiles back, and then looks away: What you said before… about.. My inevitable death on the surface…
F: that was… don’t worry about that.
C: are you afraid of it?
F: well- yeah, it’s a dangerous place. Everyone knows that.
C: I’ve died a lot more times down here than I ever did up there.
A beat
C: you go back and forth a lot between talking about how I should stay down here because it’s better… but also if I die down here… everyone gets to go free… to the horrible, awful surface.
F: uh,, did I say all that…? I may have contradicted myself a little… I guess… in the end I just wanted an excuse for you to stay around. I really don’t want you to die.
C: so you did see me as a friend after all?
F: well…you reminded me of someone who was my friend. I wish we could have been friends.
C: Do you think… If I reset back to the beginning and did this again, if I said the right things… we could have been?
F: No… You could be as nice to me or as mean to me as you want. No matter how many times you reset, some things never change.
C: ...Did you ever… have to reset because you killed someone?
F: ……….once… and then I never reset ever again. The power to reset… makes you do bad things. It’s wrong. I had to stop because i knew… I’d make someone really upset if I kept messing around.
C: well, in that case… I guess I’ll just have to get the rest of the way out of here without any resets!
Flowey smiles: I dunno, keep one or two under your belt. You’re a pretty big klutz.
C: Thanks for helping me out of here, flowey. Even if you just did it because you were begged.
Can you imagine a more paranoid flowey who is less interested in attacking you and regaining the reset ability, but is pleased af that you have the reset ability because that means you can't die, and instead he spends the entire game trying to convince you that humanity is hopeless. That there is nothing on the surface world returning to. That it's safer, down here.
he's part of the reason why things are so much harder
he's the one that starts the rumors about the dangers of teh surface world
there's a definite sense of paranoia all across the board
When they approach new home, flowey appears one last time and grabs chara by the hand, telling them not to go. They can live in the underground, they’ve made a lot of friends here. Chara says that they have to go, they’ll find a way to get out without killing asgore. Flowey says that he tried to stop them, this is as far as he’ll go. This is goodbye. They bid their farewells and chara goes along, but flowey secretly follows them, much less detectable than ever before. It’s revealed when he’s hiding with the flowers.
Chara walks up to new home, regarding it as a vaguely familiar sight. They walk down the many halls knowing exactly where to go. The monsters speak as they go through the motions. They find a cookbook in the kitchen with a page for snail pie missing. Chara mumbles about already knowing the story and that they should all shut up. They walk more quickly to stay ahead of them. Then one mentions the snail pie and chara stops dead in their tracks. No that’s not how it happened- they stop, and take back off.
They are stopped by sans in the judgement hall, glaring at him.
S: well I had a whole speech to give ya, but you look like you’re in a hurry. You’re a weird kid, but you’re fine. The king’s up ahead.
OTHER alternative: chara realizes something’s wrong and runs back to get everyone, probably threatening to kill asgore to convince them to come quickly. Sans is avoided due to the mob approaching behind them “I heard the word that you’re on your way to kill the king.” c: are you here to stop me? “Nah. But you’d better have a good plan to back yourself up, kid. King’s up ahead”
They run up to asgore, no nonsense. Some time is taken to progress things. As they leave the throne room, flowey watches from the flowers, chara looks back to confirm he’s there.
Asgore draws up the souls, the fight is about to engage, before he can smash “MERCY” chara yells: ASRIEL. Get the souls.
Everything stops. Flowey is behind them, stunned and confused. Chara turns and asks him what he’s waiting for. Hurry up and take the souls before everyone else gets here. Nearly every last monster is coming, if he can become godlike and absorb them, it will be enough strength to break the barrier.
Flowey is confused, how do they know that? Chara tells him he did it before. Doesn’t he remember? Doesn’t he remember them?
Either flowey does it and something happens, or flowey waits too long and chaos erupts which gets them killed, and then chara and flowey have to meet up and workshop.
Final fight:
He probably says some shit about frisk and how he cant lose frisk again, chara must insist that theyre not frisk. When they say their name is chara, he hesitates for only a moment. Finally, when chara’s pinned and about to seriously die…
C: you remember it now too, don’t you? It took me a while, I couldn’t remember a thing until i started hearing your name around. You’re an all powerful god now, you should be able to remember it all better than me
A: shut up.
C: would frisk want us to fight like this?! Would frisk want you to kill your own sibling?!
A: c-.... You’re… you’re really chara?
He lets them go
They reach the conclusion that frisk messed with everything and put them here with no memories so they could do something frisk could never do. Frisk thinks they deserve to live, no matter how much the two may disagree. They have to play along. Asriel is a god and can use his powers to break the barrier and bring EVERYONE back to life so they can live together happily.
go to final fight and everyones already there, things are very confused, flowey takes the souls and things glitch out (screen phases between bosses) and chara realizes this isnt how things are supposed to be, tells asriel theyre sorry for their baggage but he doesnt understand bc he isnt theirs, and then they gotta find frisk somehow
OR... they realize things in the speech and don't go to fight asgore bc theyre finding flowey... they feign fighting asgore and then suddenly tell flowey to take the souls("Asriel! get the souls!" and thats the first time they call him by name)...? i like that a bit better. they start going on about crazy shit that makes roided out flowey kind of lose it at them which leads to them apologizing to their own asriel but then realizing they need to find frisk
but HOW do they find frisk
The end shows chara asriel and frisk hugging eachother, all alive and well. Then the two are “processing…” and remember that oh, theyve done some dark messed up stuff.
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redrosesartcabin · 3 years
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So yeah, I wrote the thing based on an anon message for @itsme-star
I made it a Barley x (female) reader (based on my self insert character) fanfic ‘cause I had to be a little self indulgent lmao
I hope you enjoy it! It turned out longer than I had planned xD
The double-decker couch
Barley x (female) reader fanfiction
Around three months ago:
Y/n’s boyfriend, Barley Lightfoot, had knocked on her window… with small stones… in the middle of the night:
At first her ear just twitched and the noise had mashed with the dream she was having, but the more the noise repeated, the more her consciousness felt pulled into the physical realm again, and with a groan, she had to face the reality that the noise would not stop until she got up (she already had a suspicion as to who was causing the noise).
With a heavy sigh, y/n forced herself from under her comfortable blanket, before ripping the window open.
‘Of course it’s him’, she thought, looking down at Barley as he waved his hands up at her, somehow wide awake.
‘How much energy can a person have?’, she asked herself, before she motioned with her hands, that she’d come outside.
“What in the world are you doing here?”, she asked as she arrived, whisper-yelling at him.
“Well you know how it is my lady: sometimes one just drives around at night after finishing a campaign of quests of yore and sees the poster of a double-decker bus and then one might think: ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if one could have a couch after that structure?’ After having had thought about a new couch for a while and ‘wouldn’t it be cool, if one might be able to build that with their girlfriend?’”
“I can’t say I relate, though I am impressed by one having the idea”, she said, deliberately accentuating the word ‘one’, as she couldn’t now but smile at her beautiful dork, “And I have to say I love the idea, though I still have to decide whether it was worth waking me up at three a.m… but for now I’ll just say yes, because I love you too much to be mad at you for this”
“I know: I’m irresistible”, he winked, pulling her closer to him and engaging her in a sickeningly romantic kiss.
“As nice as this is, I would still like to catch up on some sleep. We’ll write later and you tell when we should start building”
“I actually thought… you know… that maybe now-”
“Don’t push it”
It hadn’t been easy. First they had to scavenge several junkyards for old couches (because let’s be real: They were both poor college students and buying material or new couches just was too expensive), who weren’t completely busted. Then they had to figure out how to build the thing.
After studying art for a while, where y/n had to do a bunch of installation projects, she had gotten significantly better at building things with woods and such, though she still wasn’t an expert. And whilst Barley also got crafty from time to time, he also wasn’t a master.
But somehow, after sweat, and even a couple of tears after y/n once got her hand stuck under one of the couches, they had finished it: The double decker couch.
“This-”, Barley said, pointing his finger at it, “This is beautiful”.
It was a yellow and a green couch, connected through metal poles and stabilized with old wood planks with two ladders placed on top of it and just enough space between the couches, so that one could sit up straight. It sort of looked like a bunk bed, but with couches.
“It is. It really is”, y/n agreed, looking at her bandaged hand, “totally worth busting my hand”
“Totally worth going through every junkyard in the city”, Barley added.
“Totally worth being awake once for 48 hours”, she added as well.
“This should be awarded some kind of price… maybe I’d also just be happy for some money for a wellness weekend ‘cause my back could really need a nice massage”, Barley groaned, touching the small of his back.
“Hard agree”
They stayed standing there for a while, looking at it, before y/n occurred a question that should’ve occurred to her much sooner.
“So-uhm-”, she started, “what do we actually do with it now?”, she asked
“Sit on it of course. You sit below and I above so I can feed you grapes like you’re a roman emperor”, Barley explained matter of factly.
“That sounds lovely darling but that’s not what I mean”
“What seems to be the issue then?”he asked, a little frustrated. What could she possibly have to say now? After so much hard work?
“I mean… where do we put it?”, she asked with a sincere expression which immediately washed away his annoyance, “because it certainly won’t stay in my parents basement”, she stated.
“It’s certainly more worthy than this old, dusty room with your family's junk. And also because this place is crawling with bugs that I will have to remove every time because you’ll just screech and run away until it magically disappears”
“Hey!”, y/n interjected
“It's true!”
“Ok yeah fair enough, though seriously- where? I also can bet’ya we can’t put it anywhere in our homes either. It probably barely fit under the ceiling”
“Yeah no”
A moment of contemplative silence spread across them.
After a while, Barleys thoughts wandered to the night where he had gotten the idea. He thought about his beloved car-
‘OH. MY. GOD. That’s it!’, he thought to himself.
“I got it!”, he then yelled excitedly, his face contorted into one of the most adorable expressions y/n had ever seen anyone wear. No matter what it would be: She couldn’t but say yes to that smile.
Still she asked, “What’ya got?”
“You know how I got my idea from a poster with a double-decker bus?”, he asked her, still smiling like he had won the lottery
“And you know how I have a van, right?”
“No”, she answered sarcastically, “I know absolutely nothing about your most prized possession of a van that you called Guenivere the second after you sacrificed your first Guenivere when on a quest-”
“Ok I got the gist”, he chuckled, “but ok hear this: Since I have this wonderful van, this wonderful BIG van-”
“Wait a minute: You really want to put the couch in-”, she interrupted as she realized what he was saying, but got immediately interrupted back as he realized she had caught on
“Yes! I absolutely am”
“Dear lord… but ok I have no better idea, let’s do it”
“Barley I am telling you, this is NOT working”, y/n huffed as she let her side of the construction gently land on the ground once again.
“Come on, just one more time!”, Barley pleaded.
“You’ve been saying ‘just one more time’ for an hour!”, she argued, “there is no way around: this just doesn’t fit inside the van. You underestimated Guenivere”
“Hey! There is no underestimating Guenivere! It’s not her fault”, he pouted.
“Ok ok ok... Sorry Gueni”, y/n said, giving the car a sincere pat on one of the back doors. She has gotten used to treating the car similar to a pet, “but seriously: We’ve been trying this at every angle, and as cool as Guenivere is, she can’t magically shapeshift”
“Magically shapeshift”, Barely repeated her last words, suddenly deep in thought, before an “ohhhh”, sound escaped him, “wait here my lady, I’ll be back in a sec”
“O...k”, she said, a little confused.
Five minutes later, she saw Ian storm out of his house, his hands clenched around his magic staff, with Barley closely behind him. “WHAT'S THE EMERGENCY?”Ian yelled as he came to a hold, which caused his brother to almost crash into him.
“I need you to make Guenivere big enough so that our self made double-decker couch fits into her”, Barely explained, breathing as though he had just run from death.
For a moment nobody said anything to that before Ian and y/n both shouted
“WHAT?”,at the same time.
“So much for an emergency”, Ian also mumbled, a little annoyed at his brother's antics.
“I mean: If she’s too small, then we can just make her bigger, right?”
“Technically yes but I think you didn’t consider a very small, tiny detail”, Ian commented.
“And what would that be?”, Barley asked irritated, not understanding what the issue was.
“You are aware as a supposed magic expert, that I can’t only enlarge the trunk, right? I would have to make the entire car big, and that would lead-”
“-to the entire street being filled with the car”, y/n finished the thought, apologetically laying her hand on Barleys shoulder, “I’m sorry my love. It was a nice thought”
“Dang it”, Barley breathed out, “I was looking forward to make my own uber-van-couch-double-decker-business”
“Hm”, y/n simply hummed. She had known from the beginning it would probably go south, but his enthusiasm had given her hope.
“Sorry Barley”, Ian said quietly, now feeling bad for having been so harsh beforehand , before slowly heading inside again.
Y/n and Barely sat down on the edge of Guenivere’s trunk, tired and disappointed that it all hadn’t turned out like they wanted as they looked at their creation.
Y/n leaned against Barley’s shoulder, lovingly rubbing her cheek against him like a cat (she loved doing that).
After a while Barley decided he had enough of sulking, standing up to go to the front to put on some good old metal (which luckily she enjoyed too).
As he however returned to the trunk, he noticed some ropes laying around.
He had used ropes last time to tie up some of the material he had bought for their project, so they wouldn’t move around- what if though…
“Ok I’ve had enough”, Barley decided, “I WILL have my double-decker-couch-van for more people to ride with me and my buddies and if its the last thing I’m gonna do!”
“Barley, what are you-”, y/n wanted to ask, but as she saw him pick up the ropes from the trunk floor, she understood, “- Are you sure this will work out?”
“Nope”, he answered truthfully, “but I will surely try!”
She was still skeptical, but at the same time she would try anything with him, and if it meant helping him tie a double-decker-couch to the roof of his van.
“If you believe it can be done, I will too”, she smiled, giving him a quick peck on his cheek, “let’s do this!”
It was eight p.m. The sun was almost behind the horizon and the streetlamps threw dodgy looking lights in the middle of the street and kept the corners dark.
But the elven couple, who stood in front of a yellow van with a double-decker couch tied to its roof, couldn't help but see what they had accomplished: Which was accomplishing what, at least the female elf, had thought was impossible… yet again.
“I can’t believe that worked”, Y/n mumbled.
“Told ya”, Barley hushed back.
“Should we drive around? See if anyone is crazy enough to go on a drive?”, she asked.
“You bet we are. And tomorrow… and whenever we can. I’ll be the driver and you the tourist guide.. or maybe some kinda sturdess, after all you’re good lookin’”
“Oh hush”, she giggled, visibly blushing
“And-”, he continued, though not without giving her a good wink after his compliment, “then we’re gonna show the dear people of this town another perspective to life”
“That we can promise”, she laughed, “that we sure can”
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Karl jacobs- mr beast
wc- 2117
Warnings: none
~ Two weeks ago I randomly got a call from a man who invited me to a shoot for a video, believe me I was sceptical at first which the man seemed to understand but he provided me with all the information I could ever need and answered all of my questions so I believed him and agreed to go and now is the day of the shoot. To my knowledge there will be a few others there as well as a whole crew so if this is a bad situation at least I won't be alone.
My parents think I'm insane for going to this and they have made me promise to keep my phone on me at all times and to text them that I'm safe when I get there, it's nice that their worried but I honestly think I'll be fine. The friend that I've told seem to be thinking the exact opposite in fact they are convinced that I'm going to a mr beast shoot but I'm not too sure. They seem to think that because we live in North Carolina that this is the only possible explanation but I think that they would say that it was for mr beast so that the whole situation seemed less sketchy.
For the day of the shoot which happens to be today we were instructed to wear what we normally would but not to wear too much makeup because it doesn't look good on camera. I took this on board and wore my mom jeans with a black crop top just because it was plain and not too over the top, I don't want to stand out too much. I also barely put on any makeup I just covered the dark circles under my eyes and the few spots I had and I put on mascara so that I didn't look like I had no eyelashes.
The location I had to go to was only about 35 minutes drive from my house which was nice because I wasn't feeling a long drive today. I woke up early enough to have time to make myself breakfast and get coffee on the journey. At the local Starbucks drive through I got my usual order and talked to the girl at the window for a moment because she happens to be one of my friends sisters so we know one another.
"Isn't today the day if that mysterious video shoot your going to" she asked
"Yeah I have to be there in like 50 minutes" I said
"Well have fun meeting mr beast" she said handing me my drink
I rolled my eyes as I pulled away and started my drive. I listened to my Spotify playlist on the way just vibing to each song that played normally it plays at least one song that I'm not that into but today all of them were some of my favourite songs so I think today will turn out to be a good day.
As I arrived to the location I noticed that it was in this really random place with a bunch of big warehouses which I'm not gonna lie was a little sketchy but there seemed to be quite a few people about with cameras and other equipment so I calmed down again. I got out my car and went to the place that I was told to in the email which was relatively easy to find once I knew where the people were going and a guy led me into the middle of this warehouse with a few other people who were obviously taking part too.
Me and this one guy got talking while we waited and he seemed to know a little more than I did about what was happening so we talked about the video and this whole sort of experience. He was really cute too he had kind of long fluffy brown hair and lovely blue eyes that were and interesting shape but they really suited his face, I also noticed that he had his nails painted which made him seem even cooler much to cool for me to be talking to him. He was super nice to me and we had a good conversation until we had to start filming.
A few more people walked in with cameras following them as they talked but when they got closer I recognised the face and I couldn't believe it. My friends were right it was mr beast and his friends or at least a few of them. As they came in the guy I was talking to went over and joined them as they explained the video concept to the rest of us.
"Right for todays video we are going to get all these people to hide in pairs around these warehouses and whoever is found last wins $100,000 to share" mr beast explained
They sorted people into pairs but there was an odd number so I was left on my own.
"Slightly awkward but one person didn't turn up so Karl is going to step in and be y/n's partner for this" Chris explained
This Karl guy came over and he was the guy I talked to earlier, I got a bit embarrassed realising that I had absentmindedly been talking to this guy who's so well known as if it was nothing. The poor guy was probably so confused that I had no idea who he wasn't while at a mr best shoot hopefully I can redeem myself with this challenge.
We each took cameras to film as we found our hiding places which we had 10 minutes to go because the area we had was so big. Most people ran off to the furthest warehouses but me and Karl decided to stay a bit closer hoping that all the others would be found quickly. We went into this relatively small but tall looking warehouse which had a small upstairs bit to it where we looked for a good hiding place, there wasn't a whole load of options apart from this old wardrobe which looked like it could fit the both of us. We decided to keep looking seeing as we could always come back if we found no where else.
After checking another 2 warehouses that were almost empty we realised that our best option would be that wardrobe so we went back and squeezed ourselves in leaving one door open for now at least until we heard movement near by so that it wouldn't be quite as cramped. The both of us did fit in this wardrobe but on the inside it was smaller than it looked so we were pressed right against each other which would be awkward if you hadn't already embarrassed yourself in front of the person so I felt 10 times more awkward in this position.
We had to film ourselves which was quite hard with the darkness and the cramped space but Karl knew what he was doing so he took the camera off me and filmed the both of us explaining where we were showing just outside the wardrobe so that the viewers would know when the others were close to finding us.
Soon enough the timer went off indicating that our hiding time was up and now we really had to be careful not to make too much noise as we could've found any second I had kind of forgot about the fact that this was for a whole lot of money up until now because I was just so annoyed at myself for being such an idiot but now it felt really real and I was starting to feel quite competitive.
We waited what felt like an age before we heard any movement but when I heard the door open I almost jumped out my skin because it was so quiet up until that point. I gave Karl a look and the both of us forced ourselves further into the wardrobe and shut the door as quietly as we could making it completely pitch black.
It was a lot more squished in the wardrobe now as there was no space to move, there was no good way to stand because we had to had some part of our bodies touching or else we wouldn't fit. Karl whispered telling me to turn my phone touch on so that he could film for a second because he said that it wouldn't be seen from outside.
"We just heard the door open and there is movement downstairs so the door in now closed and its super dark without the light" Karl explained to the camera
"It's also super claustrophobic in here with the door shut" I added putting my head over his shoulder so that the camera could see me
He put the camera down and I turned off my touch and we just kind of listened and we heard the door close again or so we thought but it wasn't worth the risk so we left it a little longer before we felt safe to be a little louder but we didn't want to risk opening the door again so we stayed how we were.
It was actually a good time talking a little bit like we were before the filming started, Karl is a very sweet guy he really just wants to get to know me as a real person and not just someone helping him do his job. He seemed to really care about what I did with my life and who I am seeing as I know a bit about him and he knew that he was interested in learning about me.
Our nice conversation was soon interrupted when the door opened again and we heard voices getting closer to us. The sound of the metal stairs that lead to where we are could be heard which meant that they were close. There was a panicked feeling between the two of us and Karl pulled me closer to him just incase they opened one door they might not be able to see us.
"They could be in the wardrobe there" I heard a muffled voice say
Mine and Karl's breathing slowed down so that they couldn't hear any noise at all and if they did well they have great hearing. It was at this point that I realised Karl had his arm around my waist holding my back to his chest which was making me blush but it was dark so no one could see. The door opened on the other side and a camera was pointed in.
"There no one in this side do you really think they would both fit on the other side?" Someone asked
"I don't think so honestly but we really should check" another said
I knew it was over from that point and I was right the second door opened and cameras went straight into my face, Karl also let go of my waist at this point not wanting that to be on camera. Karl got out the wardrobe and offered his hand to help me out.
"Congratulations you guys have won" mr beast said
"It took us forever to find you so well done" Chris said
"Oh my this is amazing thank you" I said feeling quite overwhelmed
Obviously the prize for winning was $50,000 each which was absolutely amazing and just so life changing like there is so many things I could do with that amount of money but I have no idea what that will be yet.
"You have won $50,000 congra" mr beast started
"Wait I want y/n to have my share I don't need it" Karl interrupted
"Karl there is no need for you to do that I'm more than ok with $50,000" I said
"You are taking the money please it would make me happy" he said
I accepted the fact that Karl was never going to give in so now I'm $100,000 richer which is insane no one is going to believe me until this video comes out. My parents are going to think I've committed a crime of some form which isn't good but they will have to believe me eventually so it's fine.
The shoot wrapped up and I was heading to my car to go back home when Karl came running over and gave me his phone number saying he wanted to hang out sometime. What has my life become? I started the day thinking that I could be in danger and have ended it with $100,000 and the phone number of one of the people that works for a huge YouTube channel, it's almost like a dream.
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Rewriting Haggar/Honerva’s redemption arc
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One of the many things that bothered me about VLD S8 is Honerva’s redemption arc. While I was never fully against the idea of Honerva getting a redemption arc, I just didn’t want VLD to do it because I knew that they would fuck it up if they tried. And low and behold, I was right!
But yeah, I wasn’t against the idea of her being redeemed. And I don’t mean “redeemed” as in “all is forgiven and she’s just a good guy now,” but more like a Darth Vader, “the things she did were inexcusable and she would never be able to right all her wrongs but she goes out on one good act to show that there was still good in her deep down and she at least had the potential to change.”
I know a lot of people don’t like the whole, “redemption=death” thing, which I understand, but I personally never had a problem with it.
Ok, so why didn’t Honerva’s redemption work? Well there are a few reasons but the one that baffles me the most is that, instead of trying to make her more sympathetic, season 8 seemed to go out of its way to show her being more evil and vile than ever.
And because I have nothing better to do, I’m gonna go through Honerva’s story in VLD and explain what I would change to make her redemption more believable.
(Keep in mind I am not a writer, this is just me ranting about my favorite character and how I personally would’ve written her.)
1. Realizing she’s Altean
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I always thought it’s was weird that when Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” In the S2 finale, Haggar didn’t seem to react at all, she just kept attacking. It’s as if she didn’t care or already knew, which doesn’t make sense considering in the S3 finale and S8E2 it’s established that Haggar has no memory of who she was before she died. And in S4E3 she seems shocked by her Altean face (which also doesn’t make sense because her blue skin isn’t camouflage that’s just how she looks after the rift) so it seems like she didn’t know.
Wouldn’t it have made more sence if after Allura said “you’re...Altean!?” Honerva looked confused/shocked? If she became defensive and said Allura was lying/trying to insult her? There’s def anti-Altean propaganda in the empire so it would be considered an insult.
After that she starts questioning Zarkon. And when she looks into his mind, it’s out of genuine curiosity and desire to know the truth, not because, “the empire needs him” or whatever that meant.
And isn’t it a bit odd that she doesn’t seem betrayed at all when she finds out Zarkon has been keeping all this from her? She’s just like, “oh, you’re my husband? Cool.” Wtf???
2. Her past relationship with Zarkon
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Okay, I love Zonerva, but if we’re being honest, Zarkon was not the best husband. He enabled the shit out of Honerva, even when it was obvious that the rift was doing serious damage to her physical and mental health. To me, it seems like Zarkon was so blinded by the power the rift gave him that he didn’t realize/ignored the negative effect it was having on Honerva. In the same way he downplayed the negative impact the rift had on the planet.
I think that should’ve been explored more. Maybe Honerva notices that she’s been acting differently and is worried somethings wrong (think S5 Kuron). And Honerva tries to tell Zarkon that she feels strange and Zarkon just brushes it off.
And later, when Alfor visits Diaibazaal years later. Things are pretty much the same except when we sees Honerva, she is very obviously pregnant and Alfor’s there when Honerva falls and goes into labor (instead of a random quintessence seizure). Alfor and many Galran doctors try their best to save her and the baby but she dies in childbirth.
Zarkon goes ballistic. He’s yelling, throwing doctors across the room, and Alfor turns to the doctor holding Lotor and tells them to get the baby to safely, fearing Zarkon will take his grief out on the baby.
Zarkon turns on Alfor, blaming him for Honerva’s death and accusing him of letting her die so that he could get his way and close the rift. He lunges Alfor and roars at him to leave.
He spends the rest of the night grieving at Honerva’s bedside, when Kova jumps on the bed and starts gnawing on her finger trying to wake her up. This is what gives him the idea to bring her back with quintessence.
3. Her current relationship with Zarkon
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I think it’s pretty safe to say that they’re relationship didn’t get better after the war began. Zarkon hid her identity and her child from her for 10,000 years and essentially used her as a tool of war. It’s pretty fucked up.
I know it’s pretty well established that Zarkon treats Haggar with more respect than his other underlings, but I feel like it would be interesting to see that change overtime. We see that after Voltron comes back, Zarkon becomes very obsessed with Voltron/Black, and he and Haggar start disagreeing more and more.
Remember the moment where one of Haggar’s druids told Zarkon Haggar said he needed to rest and Zarkon hit them with his bayard and told them, “remember who your master is”? What if, instead of a random druid, it was Haggar who he hit?
I feel like that would be a good way to show Haggar and the audience just how much Zarkon’s obsession with Voltron is affecting him, and make the audience feel a tiny bit bad for her.
Then later in season 4, when Zarkon wakes up from his coma and finds out Haggar brought Lotor back to take his place he gets pissed. He puts a price on Lotor’s head and has Haggar arrested for treason. She steals a ship, escapes, and later on meets up with Lotor’s generals.
Her and Zarkon are officially broken up and her quest to reclaim her identity and get her son back begins.
4. Oriande
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I never liked the concept of chosen/sacred Alteans. The idea that some Alteans are just born more powerful than others just feels iffy. My idea of Oriande is that it’s an Altean holly land, any Altean can enter it just depends on whether or not you can pass the White Lion’s trial. Passing the trial proves that your intentions are pure and and the White Lion will bless you with power.
I didn’t like how Honerva seemed to force her way into Oriande, I think it would be more effective if she had gone through normally because, at this point, her intentions were pure. She was going there to purge herself of the dark magic corrupting her and reclaim her memories so she could go get her son back.
I also like the idea that Oriande is a sorta link to the Altean after life, and you can speak with people you’ve lost. Allura gets to speak with Alfor, and Honerva speaks with her mother.
You could also have her be confronted by the spirits of the Alteans she helped destroy. Have the weight of her past actions bear down on her. An important part of any redemption arc is acknowledging the terrible shit you’ve done in the past, and that was severely lacking in Honerva’s arc.
Another interesting thing you could do is have Honerva talk to her younger self. The one that died 10,000 years ago. This kinda thing actually happened in 80s Voltron, young Haggar appearing in Haggar’s head trying to convince her to be good again.
5. Her relationship with Lotor
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Now this is where the redemption arc really falls apart. I forget who, but one of the writers said after S5 that Haggar/Honerva was motivated purely by love for her son, but man did they do a bad job of showing that.
And it would’ve been so easy to fix that problem, just have her not be horrible to him. Have them have actual civil conversations, have her protect and defend him. Don’t have her reject him as a fucking baby!
Imagine if, after Zarkon destroys Lotor’s planet, instead of immediately deciding to
exile him, Zarkon says that this is the final straw and he’s going to have Lotor executed. But Haggar speaks up to defend Him. There’s actually a scene in DOTU where Zarkon tries to kill Lotor and Haggar gets on her knees and begs for him to be spared. (Though the scene was mostly played for laughs.)
she asks for mercy and justifies it by saying it would be unwise to kill his only heir. It’s a weak argument, Lotor’s a half breed and couldn’t realistically take the throne, but Zarkon does concede, he still loves her after all, and has Lotor exiled.
And Haggar isn’t spying on him because she doesn’t trust him, but because she’s concerned for him. When Lotor confronts Haggar about sending her cronies after him, she says she knows he’s hiding something. Lotor asks if she’s threatening him, thinking she’s going to rat him out, but she says no, she’s not threatening him, she’s just trying to warn him against doing anything stupid because, with Zarkon seemingly on his death bed, the empire needs Lotor’s leadership.
At this point in the story, Haggar is questioning her loyalty to Zarkon, so I feel like it would make sense for her to be silently supporting Lotor from the shadows.
Then at the Kral Zera in season 5, It was weird to me how she was helping Lotor through Kuron while also telling him he couldn’t be emperor and trying to put Sendak on the throne. I feel like it would’ve made more sense for Sendak to just show up on his own without Haggar.
Haggar wouldn’t even be at the Kral Zera, she would just watch through Kuron.
And then we get to S6 when she actually reveals to Lotor that she’s his mom. This scene was just so poorly done. She never actually apologizes to him, she’s just like “yeah I forgot you were my kid and I never loved you, but were cool now right?” I remember when I saw S8E2 and it shows her after Lotor rejects her and she looks like she’s about to cry, I was just thinking, “this would be very emotional and sad IF she had actually apologized and made it clear that she genuinely loved him.” But she didn’t and I don’t know why!
And then we get to season 8, and of course everything in S8 is bad but Honerva’s story is particularly bad. She’s supposed to be motivated by love for Lotor yet she doesn’t act like she actually cares about him at all.
She manipulates his corpse and when she sees his gross melted body, she doesn’t even react that much. When a mother sees her child’s mutilated corpse, how do you think she reacts? Screaming? Crying?? Hurling??? But no. She’s just like, “...”
And then when she goes to the alternate reality and meets baby Lotor and he rejects her, her reaction isn’t disappointment or sadness, it’s anger and entitlement. She immediately decides, “ok, fuck this kid. Let’s destroy this reality.”
It just doesn’t make sense! This is the season you’re trying to REDEEM her! Why are you going out of your way to make her so vile?
6. Her S7-S8 plan
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(Keep in mind I haven’t watched S7/S8 since they came out and barely even watched S8 to begin with, so I don’t remember some things and I can’t be bothered to rewatch them.)
Okay, starting with S7, she’s not in this season at all but in “The Ruins” the druid dude says that her final order was to hunt and destroy the Blade of Marmora. I guess it makes a certain amount of sense because she saw that it was Keith who brought Lotor’s actions to light, but that whole plot was really pointless in my opinion. (Was anybody really hoping for a rematch between Keith and that one random druid?)
If you want us to forgive Honerva for her crimes, you really shouldn’t keep adding more unnecessary crimes. It’s established that there were a lot of Galra war lords vying for power and pirates looking for money, just have it be that Kolivan got kidnapped by one of them.
Then you have her season 8 plan and I’m gonna be real with y’all, I have no idea how to fix this mess.
I feel like the basics of her plan could work. She tries to get Lotor and Sincline out of the rift but when she gets him he’s a melted corpse so the plan then becomes to use sincline to go to another reality to find a living Lotor, but opening all these rifts causes problems and the paladins have to stop her.
But all the shit with manipulating the colony Alteans, killing the White Lion, desecrating Oriande, and destroying Olkarion and entire realities, it was all so unnecessary.
Personally I would cut the colony Alteans from the story all together, there are other ways for Lotor to betray the team. It was a lazy way of making Lotor 100% evil and having Honerva manipulate them is unnecessarily cruel, especially in the season you’re trying to redeem her.
Here’s a very basic outline of how I would do this plot.
If we’re going by season 8’s logic that she needs a sacrifice to bring back Sincline, I would’ve had the Galra she killed at the Kral Zera be the sacrifice, not the White Lion. She stands on the pyramid and talks about how the empire stole her life from her and she wants revenge as she absorbs their quintessence into herself and then uses that to bring back Sincline.
Then when she finds Lotor dead she takes Sincline and uses it to go to another reality where she can be with her family.
The danger comes when she opens rifts to the other realities and rift creatures start coming out and causing damage. The paladins fight them and follow her into the rift to stop whatever evil plan she may have. Because the paladins don’t know that Haggar is now Honerva and all this is just to get Lotor back. They think this is all some plan for multiverse domination or some shit.
Meanwhile Honerva has just been rejected by little Lotor and seeing Voltron show up pushes her over the edge and they fight.
But when they find out the real reason she’s doing all this they start trying to appeal to her and convince her to give up and close the rift peacefully. And similarly to how the paladins had to sacrifice the castle to close the rifts created by the fight with Lotor, Honerva has to sacrifice herself to close the rifts.
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In the end, I feel like a Honerva redemption arc could’ve worked if the writers were actually competent and actually made an effort to have her be sympathetic, but In canon, her reasoning, “If I can’t indulge in the simple joys of life, why should anybody else?” just doesn’t cut it.
It’s disappointing. VLD had so much potential. I’m thinking of just rewriting the entire series from the beginning. Hopefully putting all my thoughts out into the universe will help me move on.
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rotshop · 3 years
hiiiiiii i have a disease,,,im gonna make a seperate post for 8 other characters i had in mind w/ this same prompt for the sake of me not dying <3
anyway here's a few random madcom characters + an animal s/o because im deranged <3333333
-this one is a LITTTLEE easy i will admit but,,,Cat,,,,,it just fits!!!!
-he's very good at just kind of. dealing with whatever it is that you kinda throw at him. if you randomly decide you wanna try and take up all the space on his bed (good luck, its fucking Big) that's ok, he'll just lay down next to you somehow. if you decide you wanna lay on him then whoops!! he's stuck there till you get up now lol. (the amount of times deimos and sanford come back from missions and just see him sitting on the couch with you laying on his lap is uncountable,,,each time he just makes a gesture for them to be quiet so they dont wake you)
-VERY gentle w/ you, especially after becoming a mag. he always pets you very carefully with his more normal hand because he's scared of hurting you (there was one time he'd accidentally nicked you a little with his claws and he felt SO bad, kept fussing and asking if you were alright afterwards)
-you both purr!! his is a little louder than yours naturally but he kind of. tries to force it to be quieter because he wants to hear you :[ you kind of. get him into the habit of not doing that so instead he just lays his head on your chest or stomach so he can hear / feel it
-he can pick you up so easily its really funny. exactly ONE time on a mission where you were about to get hit from behind while dealing with another grunt and he just like??? SWEPT you up off the ground and wrecked their shit. the entire time you're just kind of there like 🧍
-I'm so serious about this one dont even TALK to me. bnnuy.
-HE JUST THINKS UR CUTE!!!!,,,,ur a lot smaller in comparison to him (dont even get him started on how you look standing next to hank or any mag agents) and it makes him go :] ,,, on that note 9/10 he's carrying you around, he just likes picking you up and holding you since it's real easy and its a way of keeping you close to him (also he likes showing off his strength to you a little bit but shhh)
-rip to you though because you've got more sensitive hearing and. if you've heard his voice lines. then you know. this man. isn't always the quietest. BUT as soon as he noticed how you kinda flinch whenever he's yelling something on a mission or to one of the others then he apologizes a bunch and does his best to keep it to a minimum around you,,
-deimos is a menace and he would try and get san to confess to you a bunch'a times and it would usually just end in him trying to like. cover your ears or something so he can tell deimos to stfu. it barely works but its funny as fuck to see your confused expression and sans flustred one to dei
-all in all he just thinks you're really cute and kind of funny...sometimes you just kind of. sit down next to him and kind of stare because you want him to pet you lmao. on that same note at some point you just kinda. got into the habit of coming to his room to lay down with / around him and he just <:']
-You're incredibly sly and fast, directly complimenting his more flighty nature. he is a coward who avoids danger and you ARE said danger, u are fucking deranged <3. at first he kinda thought of you as an enemy because you kept swooping in and saving him but the entire time you kind of. dragged him around like a ragdoll SJFFDJWCDS,,,you're running off as you pull him by the hand to follow you and you like. looked over your shoulder and gave this fanged smile back at him and he just . his brain fucing exploded you killed him. he didn't stop thinking abt it for like 3 days.
-anyways. you run circles around him its crazy, you two playfight and roughouse a lot. however he did have to ban you from biting too hard because you accidentally drew blood one time,,,,,u were apologetic and you kept checking the wound to make sure it was ok and that he was doing alright,,he wont admit it but he thought it was funny to see you all worried abt him, teases you about it but you just bare your fangs (jokingly) and threaten to do it again. he just gets flustered and rolls his eyes with a little scoff.
-you make a lot of like. squeaks and yips when you're excited or otherwise kinda worked up and he thinks they're real funny. he tries to imitate them but he ends up failing and 10/10 you hear his voice crack BUT he still considers it a win when it makes you laugh so :)
-admittedly he does poke and prod a lot lmao. he likes to trace your paws and to kinda. brush against your claws a little because he thinks they're really cool. also again this mans fucking weird, he's stuck his hand in your mouth before because he wanted to fuck w/ ur sharp teeth again. you bit him. he does not do this anymore.
-(looks at a very specific mutual) hey. yeah no hof cat s/o lol
-he just!!! thinsk you're neat :) he really likes how sweet you can be and also still be evil and fucked up if you so please. you cause problems on purpose and he has to get you out of trouble lmao, SO...most times you just kinda stick around him (unless u have ur own work to do) and watch what he does. sometimes he'll have you help him out with certain things, eventually you kind of just. start picking up knowledge abt this and the first time you say something before he almost messes up on something he's just kinda 'oh yeah ur right....HEY WAIT YOU REMEMBERED-' he doesn't know WHY but it just makes him happy
-it is. admittedly. a little nerve wracking. to be nonhuman. in a lab that sometimes experiments on people. and nonhuman people. for some kind of obvious reasons. so he gets a little nervous about that sometimes. he does his best to kind of keep you out of serious trouble bc of that, keeps you away from phobos or any of his higher ups like him as much as he possibly can because he's scared of what they might do to you :[
-ON A MORE LIGHT HEARTED NOTE,,,u two stay up pretty late at the lab a lot. you just kinda help him out and you both get carried away. it's not an uncommon sight to any night guards or janitors to see you both talking in the dark with only like. a kinda dim lamp on as you both work. its like 1/4 you actually getting things done and 3/4s you two just talking about whatever comes into mind, he shows his more casual and laid-back nature in these moments especially. also not uncommon for people to see you both passed out in his lab curled up against eachother lol
-pets you absentmindedly a lot,,he isn't sure why he does it he just!! does!! he just kinda subconsciously reaches for you (sometimes you have to kinda. put your head under his hand for him which he appreciates). also likes messing with ur paws and claws a little, he's a lot more careful though since he's nicked himself on your nails before
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taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: you have a crush on college student renjun so you make use of your best lamest flirting attempts and surprisingly they work?!
pairing: renjun x gn!reader
genre: college!au, romance, pure fluff
warnings: very lame jokes, mentions of a cruel prank in the past (someone asking out renjun as a joke, pls never do that to people!), lots of awkwardness & sweetness, a bit of swearing, reader has an obsession with renjun’s pretty hands
word count: 4.7k
It had been a while since you had a crush so strong you even had a hard time focusing in class. Usually, you were a very good student, diligently taking notes and participating when the professor asked questions. But that was until you saw Renjun for the first time. 
It was like something possessed you and suddenly you couldn't think about anything else but his pretty, gentle face, his angelic voice and his lovely hands always drawing something in his notebook. It certainly didn't help much that you were seated right next to him during your shared lectures. It most certainly didn't help that you forgot all your vocabulary when you were in his immediate vicinity. Usually, your teachers and friends described you as well-spoken and eloquent, always knowing the right thing to say. 
But that was, of course, until Renjun. All words disappeared from your poor brain whenever he was around. And it's not like you didn't want to talk to him, get to know him better. But you physically couldn't bring yourself to form a coherent sentence. You kept telling yourself it was just a silly crush and it would pass in time. But the more time passed, the stronger you felt the need to do something about your feelings. Naturally, you couldn't speak, but there was still something you could do. Something you probably did best. Write.
So one day, after what felt like an eternity of yearning, you finally gathered the courage to act on your emotions. Taking a small sheet of paper out of your notebook, you wrote a little something. It was probably super lame but apparently, even your writing skills were affected by your crush on him. As soon as your "masterpiece" was done, you slid it towards Renjun before you could chicken out and change your mind about this whole thing. The note had the following text:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your drawings are almost As pretty as you. P.S. Key word: almost ;)
The second he spotted the little note which was folded in a hurry, he opened it curiously. Once he read its insides, you could hear him snort under his breath. Was it that bad? You couldn't help but worry. Then, he took his own pen and started writing something under it. That was a good sign, right? You were feeling hopeful. Once he was done, he slid the paper towards you. You opened it in a rush. His response was:
Hey! Are you bullying my art?!?
You looked at him in confusion. How could he have possibly misunderstood? However, he was too focused on multitasking (drawing most of the time and occasionally taking notes based on the lecture) to spot your reaction. You decided you had no choice but to be as explicit as possible and wrote another note:
Nooo, I meant to compliment both you and your art, sorry if it came off wrong and lame :(
When he received it, you could swear you saw him smiling a little, which made your heart melt. How was he so beautiful? Soon enough, his reply came:
That's alright, I'm just teasing...Also, it worked.
You couldn't believe it. It worked? You'd successfully grabbed his attention by using this first-grade flirting method in college? You were suddenly feeling brave and kept writing. It was too late to turn back time.
I just think you're really pretty and cool especially when you draw but I was too hesitant to talk to you directly...
When he read your most recent note, he even gave you a look of disbelief, which you couldn't interpret until you saw his response:
Cool? Wow, that's a first...And it's ok, I don't bite.
You chuckled quietly and suddenly noticed that class was ending soon. You couldn't wait until tomorrow so you hurriedly wrote the content of your next note:
What do I have to do to get your number?
Renjun shook his head in amusement and this time, his reply came quicker than before:
*number enclosed* Here, that wasn't so hard, was it?
You could hear the lecturer saying his words of conclusion and you hurried to respond via another note, because you couldn't trust your voice to actually speak to Renjun. Not yet, at least. So, you wrote:
Thank you!!! Here is mine: *number enclosed*
And just as he received your final note, the students around you started gathering their things. You simply looked at Renjun and you still couldn't believe he'd actually replied to your silly flirting and even gave you his number! You waved him goodbye like a lovesick fool and practically ran outside of the lecture hall. Stage fright whomst? Try having a crush on the prettiest boy in the world.
After you went back home, you debated calling Renjun. Eventually, you talked yourself out of it. What if you said something stupid and embarrassing? With texting, you could at least have more time to think things through before sending them. Actually speaking to him seemed too terrifying a task to accomplish. So, you texted him excitedly and your heart did a back-flip when he replied. Was it strange that you already missed him, even though it had only been a couple of hours since you last saw him? Naturally, you couldn't tell him that, it would probably freak him out. So, you settled for texting (for the time being).
Renjun: Why did you run away after class?
You: I was too nervous to speak to you, I'm sorry!!!
Renjun: That's strange, I see you talking to your friends all the time...Am I so scary?!?
You: Nooo, you're not scary, I'm just being an idiot 😔
Renjun: Top of the class does not equal idiot but I'll let it slide this time
You: Thank you for your generosity!
Renjun: What are you up to?
You: Probably gonna work on that assignment for next week
You: Sorry, I'm so boring 😔
Renjun: First of all, you don't have to apologize so much, you did nothing wrong
Renjun: Second of all, saaame. We can brainstorm together if you want?
You: Sorry, I'll stop. Oops, I did it again. Pretend you didn't see it.
You: Also omg, yes pls, that would be great!
And that is how your friendship with Renjun started. Texting on your phones and exchanging notes during class lasted a week until you finally decided to ask him out. Again, via text, because you were feeling too shy to speak to him. The only other contact you'd had was waving at each other. And it's not like he spoke to you, either. There were two explanations for that: 1) he chose to respect your decision or 2) he was possibly just as shy as you were. Whatever the reason, you thought this could not go on forever so you managed to find the bravery to propose a date.
You: Do you wanna go out with me? 👉🥺👈 
Renjun: Sure, where do you wanna go?
You: Oh, wow, I didn't think I'd get this far lol
You: Where do YOU wanna go?
Renjun: Hmm, there's this new art gallery I've been meaning to visit...if that's okay with you
You: Anything is good with me as long as I get to see your pretty face
Renjun: What
You: I said you're pretty
Renjun: Shut up, oh my God...
You: Do you want me to stop?
Renjun: Say that again
You: You're pretty
Renjun: 😳😳😳
Renjun: I can't wait to see you again
You: Same here
Once you got to the front of the art gallery, it struck you how strange it was that you would speak to Renjun for the first time ever. You mentally braced yourself as you awaited his arrival anxiously. Your nails were digging into the inside of your hands and you were terrified you'd pierce holes through your own skin. You told yourself this was silly, you had no reason to be so nervous. Renjun was a total sweetheart and he obviously liked talking...well, writing to you. You needn't worry that much, you kept repeating in your mind. You were too busy hyping yourself up to notice him approaching behind you. Too busy to be prepared for what came next.
"Hiii," Renjun greeted you with a surprise back hug.
"Oh dear," you jumped in shock as you turned around.
"Did I scare you, angel?"
Shit. Already with the pet names? How were you supposed to survive?
"No, it's fine," you waved him off, trying to play it cool. "Isn't it weird this is the first time we're actually speaking to each other?"
"Um...kinda," Renjun scratched the back of his head. "But I like it, it's what makes this so special."
"Wow, you sure do have a way with words," you chuckled.
"Shall we go inside?" he suggested.
"Yes, please."
As you looked around the art gallery, you kept pointing excitedly at the paintings, while Renjun was quietly evaluating them and telling you interesting stories about the artists. You couldn't help but be amazed by how attractive he was as he exhibited his knowledge. And of course, you couldn't help but wonder at how he was so much more beautiful than all the art you've ever seen. Naturally, you wouldn't tell him that. First of all, because it was too lame to speak aloud. Second of all, because your voice would undoubtedly betray you and crack or something even more embarrassing. As time passed, you were surprised at how easy it was to talk to him, despite your previous concerns. Renjun was very polite and soft-mannered and he made you feel comfortable, while the two of you looked at the paintings and discussed them. Once you'd seen everything, you were starting to feel a bit bummed out that your lovely date was coming to an end. When you were outside the art gallery, you impulsively asked:
"Can I walk you home?"
"I mean...sure. On one condition."
"I get to walk you home next time."
"There'll be a next time?" you whispered hopefully.
"I hope I don't sound presumptuous if I share my observation we both had a wonderful time."
"That's perfectly alright. Your observation is correct," you admitted.
"I live just around the corner, though. You really don't have to-"
"But I want to."
"So do I," Renjun said and the two of you began walking towards his home.
"I was wondering about something...You already know I didn't speak to you because I was feeling shy, but why didn't you? I have two theories, but I'm curious which one is more on point."
"Do tell and I'll try my best to enlighten you," he joked.
"Okay, so theory number one is you were being respectful of my wish not to talk yet. Theory number two is that you're just as shy as I am."
Renjun laughed and you could swear this was the sweetest sound in the entire universe.
"Am I so transparent? Honestly, it's a little bit of both. But there's another part you didn't guess. But it's too embarrassing."
"Come on, tell meee! It can't be more embarrassing than my lame attempts to flirt with you."
Renjun smiled gently.
"Well, to be honest, I couldn't believe you thought I was cool and pretty...I even feared this was some sort of prank. It wouldn't be the first time someone decided to mess with me like that."
"Renjun, are you serious? I don't understand why anyone would...Scratch that, whoever messed with you didn't deserve even a fraction of your attention. I meant every word I said. I really like you...and your paintings. And I'm sorry I couldn't say it aloud earlier. You genuinely deserve to hear nice things more."
"Thank you. I appreciate it," he blinked cutely. "But enough about me. I never told you...how beautiful you are. How kind and smart."
"I know," you waved him off teasingly. "But coming from you, this means a lot."
Renjun shook his head, amused by your words.
"We should go somewhere you like next time. Maybe a bookshop?" he suggested.
"Am I so transparent?" you repeated his words. "But sure, yeah. That sounds nice."
"Well, this is me," he said, pointing towards his home.
"Already? Aw, time sure flies by when you're having fun."
"I'll see you tomorrow in class, right?"
"Of course," you promised and before you could talk yourself out of it, gave him a quick but heartfelt hug. "Bye, Renjun."
"Bye, angel."
After your first date with Renjun, things were going quite smoothly. You finally got over your nervousness when it came to talking to him and the two of you would occasionally whisper things to each other during class. The first time he held your hand under the desk your cheeks filled with colour. Despite your embarrassment, you held his hand right back and granted him with a grateful smile. After that, holding hands in class (whenever you weren't busy taking notes) became like second nature to you two. It just felt so sweet and comfortable to be close to him. You couldn't wait till the next weekend for your second date. Even though you were just going to a bookshop and had nothing that special planned out, you enjoyed being around him so much that you were more than excited for spending time with him one-on-one. No professors or other students to distract you.
When the day finally arrived, you were surprised to find out your anxious self had made a comeback. Even though you were around him everyday and had grown accustomed to holding a conversation, it had been an entire week since your first date when it was just the two of you and you couldn't help but get cold feet as you were waiting in front of the bookshop. This time Renjun didn't surprise you from behind, you could see him approaching from a distance. Mentally bracing yourself for his inevitable arrival, you knew you'd be an awkward mess no matter how hard you tried.
"Hey, angel," he greeted you with the usual hug.
"It's nice to see you again, Renjun," you replied dumbly, briefly melting into his arms.
"You saw me yesterday, remember?" he teased you.
"Um, yeah, but still," you chuckled.
"Is everything okay? You don't seem like yourself," Renjun immediately noticed the change in your behaviour.
"Why wouldn't it be? Everything's peachy," you lied, but he didn't seem to believe you.
"Be honest with me, please," Renjun asked. You suddenly remembered what he'd confided in you during your first date. It was no wonder he had a hard time trusting you after someone in his past had had the nerve to pull such a cruel prank on a soul as sweet as his. You felt guilty for lying rightaway and began explaining yourself.
"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I don't want to fuck anything up. Like I just did by lying and swearing. Fuck. I did it again, didn't I? I'll shut up now," you were rambling anxiously.
"Relax, Y/N, I totally get it. I was just worried maybe you didn't want to be here...with me."
"What? Nonsense. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. No one else I'd rather be with."
"Well, the feeling's mutual so there's no need for concern. Let's look at those books, yeah?"
"Yeah, sounds good, Renjun."
As the two of you went inside and started exploring the hundreds of shelves together, you felt yourself relaxing a little. Being surrounded by so many familiar titles, so many gorgeous covers was comforting. And as you kept showing Renjun some of your favourite books and telling him about your most beloved characters, he realized you were back to your usual self in no time. Attentively listening and occasionally sharing his opinions on certain authors, you didn't notice how quickly time passed by and how much you had enjoyed yourself and each other's company. Once you had looked through the bookshop in its entirety, you felt like it was too early to put an end to your date, but you didn't want to come off as too clingy or something. So, you simply looked at Renjun, expecting him to say what he wanted to do next.
"I promised you I'll walk you home this time, didn't I?" he smoothly said.
"I believe you did," you giggled. It was so sweet of him to remember such a detail.
"I'm a man of my word so lead the way," Renjun replied, offering you his arm.
"It will be my pleasure," you eagerly took his arm and the two of you began walking. You were deliberately moving at a slow place, simply because you didn't want this to end and felt like prolonging the time around him.
"Your hands are so pretty," you blurted out at one point.
"You like my hands, huh?" Renjun smirked.
"Did I say that out loud?" you were undoubtedly blushing really hard.
"I'm afraid so."
You felt completely mortified as you covered your face with your own hands.
"Hey, hey, it's fine. You can tell me anything. Chances are I'll take it as a compliment."
"Really?" you sneaked a peak. "You don't think I'm weird?"
"Maybe a little bit, but it's one of the things I like about you."
"One?" you blinked curiously.
"You're really fun to be around and you've been nothing but sweet to me. And of course, you're stunning, but that goes without saying."
"Without saying? I don't mind hearing it, though."
"I'll have that in mind," Renjun smiled gently.
"Can you hold my hand?" you almost begged.
"I don't know, can I?" he tormented you with a joke.
"Will you hold my hand?" you corrected yourself.
"All you had to do was ask," Renjun acquiesced and intertwined your fingers.
Walking hand in hand, you eventually reached your place. As you two stared at one another, you refusing to go inside, him refusing to go, both of you refusing to let go of the other's hand, you thought to yourself how badly you wanted to kiss him. You had no idea if it was too early for that but you knew that the longer you tried to postpone it, the more you'd crave him. And you were an impatient person. So you quickly kissed him without thinking much. It was a bit awkward and rushed but at least, you had finally done as you wanted. Renjun looked taken aback and blinked at you a couple of times.
"I'm sorry," you apologized again. "I just..."
He silenced you softly with another kiss, this time more slowly and putting your mind and heart at ease. You lost yourself in the feeling of his plush lips against yours, finally letting go of his hand so that you could wrap yours around his neck. Hesitant at first but growing bolder by the second, you could sense Renjun's tongue testing the waters. You slightly parted your lips, letting him in. As the kiss intensified, you could feel him becoming more eager to touch you, his arms wrapped around your lower back. When you were seconds away from losing your breath, you finally broke the kiss. Opening your eyes to look at him, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He'd kissed you back.
"I thought I told you to stop apologizing so much. Especially, when you haven't done anything wrong," Renjun scolded you politely.
You opened your mouth to argue, but when you realized your immediate response would have been another 'I'm sorry', you closed it. A second later, you came up with a different reply.
"I guess you'll have to discipline me, then," you huffed in a challenge.
"Dumbass," Renjun flicked your forehead.
"Hey!" you complained with a pout. "That hurts."
"What do you want me to do? Kiss it better?" Renjun gave an unamused look.
"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea," you mumbled, not expecting him to actually...kiss your forehead. But he did. And damn your knees for threatening to give out.
"Feel better yet?"
You nodded enthusiastically.
"Get inside already," Renjun tickled your sides, nudging you in the direction of your door.
"You want to get rid of me so badly?"
"No, but we can stand here forever if you don't," he rolled his eyes.
"Do you want me to invite you in?"
"Don't tempt me and go," he was impossible to sway.
"Okay, okay," you relented. "See you tomorrow, Renjun!"
For your third date Renjun suggested something different. While your first and second date had all taken place in public locations, this time he offered going to his place. And maybe the shock on your face was too obvious, because Renjun was quick to keep talking and almost take it back.
"We don't have to if you don't want to! We can just watch something at the cinema or whatever. Forget I mentioned it if you're uncomfortable."
You quickly shook your head.
"No, no, I do want to come over! I was just...not expecting it."
"Yeah? You sure?"
"A hundred per cent," you nodded excitedly.
"Sorry to break it to you, but I'm at two hundred per cent," Renjun teased.
"It's not a competition," you reminded him.
"It's not if I'm winning," he kept playing around.
You rolled your eyes.
"So what are we watching?" you asked.
"You can't go wrong with Harry Potter, am I right?"
"You are so right," you squealed. "Which house are you in?"
"Don't get me started. Sometimes I get Ravenclaw, sometimes Slytherin, it's a mess."
"That's pretty cool, though," you were practically staring at him with heart eyes at this point.
"You're a Hufflepuff, aren't you?"
"Am I so transparent?" you complained, this line becoming something of a running gag between the two of you.
"Cute," he mumbled under his breath and you blushed, not managing to maintain eye contact.
When the time arrived for you to go to Renjun's place, you were more excited rather than nervous. He was so easy to talk to and you were genuinely making so many wonderful memories that you had made it your mission to not waste any second worrying needlessly.
"I have arrived," you announced the obvious as you stood at his door.
"I can see that," Renjun chuckled. "Come on in."
"I wasn't sure if I should bring something so I bought some pizza on the way. It's still hot, so I hope you're hungry," you said as you followed him inside like a puppy.
"Oh, that's very thoughtful. And I always have enough space left for pizza."
You grinned and the minute you put the box on the table and your arms were free, you wrapped them around Renjun in a hug.
"You're so warm," you murmured against his skin.
He kissed the top of your head swiftly. Soon after, the two of you were too busy re-watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, eating pizza and holding hands to talk much. Once the movie was over, you realized how badly you didn't want to go home and how cozy leaning your head on Renjun's shoulder felt. And how much you liked him and couldn't stop thinking about his hands, his smile and his overall existence.
"Do you want to go home already?" Renjun asked the dreaded question.
"I mean, not really, but I don't wanna impose myself on you," you whispered.
"Don't be so formal," Renjun replied. "Just stay a little longer."
"Yayyy!" you were quite overjoyed and kissed his cheek. "What do you want to do?"
"Hm, I don't know. I could give you a tour around the place."
"Sure, that sounds fun," you immediately agreed.
"Don't get your hopes up, it's just a regular college guy's apartment."
"I'm sure I'll be amazed by every little detail."
"Even my socks?"
"Especially your socks," you joked.
As he showed you around his apartment, you couldn't help but be amazed by how Renjun-like everything was. From the snug kitchen to his art supplies scattered around. Every corner made the atmosphere feel extremely homey. Until you saw something that you hadn't expected, something that hadn't come up in conversation before. A stunning grand piano. You looked at the instrument and then at Renjun and finally, back at the piano.
"Do you play?"
"No, I just keep things like that as an accessory," he responded sarcastically. "Of course, I play."
"Can you...no, wait," you stopped yourself before making a similar mistake to the one you made a while ago. "Will you play something for me?"
"Right now?"
"If it's not too much trouble," you gave him the very best pleading look you were capable of.
Renjun sighed reluctantly and sat down on the bench in front of the piano.
"Don't just stand there awkwardly, sit next to me," he urged you courteously. 
You followed his advice and took the free spot. However, nothing could have possibly prepared you for witnessing Renjun's skills up-close. Watching him play was like magic. You were simply in awe and couldn't help but stare at his pretty fingers hitting the keys in just the right ways. When he was finished performing the piece, you were too frozen to do anything. Couldn't even manage to clap, even though he deserved it so much. But you were too transfixed by his playing and those damn hands of his you couldn't possibly move.
"Earth to Y/N?" Renjun went as far as snapping his fingers right in front of your face.
"Huh?" you let out.
"Did I enchant you or what?"
"I think you did," you chuckled. "Just...wow. You're insanely good."
He looked away bashfully.
"Thanks. It just takes practice."
"Nah, I've heard people play before but what you have is different. So pure and genuine. Like a blessing. And I'm not just saying that because I think I'm falling in love with you. I really mean every word."
"Care to repeat that?"
"I really mean..." you started, still not registering what exactly you'd said. How far you'd gone. What you couldn't take back.
"Before that," Renjun reminded you gently. "You know. The part about falling in love with me."
"Shit. I was thinking out loud again, wasn't I?" you asked dumbly. "It's too early for that, I know. I'm really sorry. Let's just pretend I said nothing and forget about it, yeah?"
In your panic, you jumped up from the bench and were about to escape like a coward but Renjun grabbed your hand before you could take another step.
"I think I'm falling in love with you, too," he said.
"W-what?" you stammered.
"And I don't care about whether it's too early or not. And I'm not going to pretend I didn't hear it. So the question is...what are you going to do about that?"
"Me? What...am I supposed to do?"
"What you want to do," Renjun clarified.
"Um...I want to keep falling in love with you, Renjun. And holding your pretty hands. Spending time with you. Listening to your angelic voice. What I want...is for you to be my boyfriend."
"I thought I already was."
"You were?"
"We went on a couple of dates...we kissed...Haven't I made it obvious enough?"
"Oh, right," you chuckled. "Sorry."
"Say that word one more time, I dare you," Renjun slowly ran a finger down your lips.
"S-sorry?" you had to test his patience. Before you could argue, he kissed you fiercely, wrapping his palms around your cheeks. You were drowning beneath his touch, which was ridiculous, considering he was also setting your lips on fire. You figured if saying sorry too much was going to end up like this, you would be a fool not to take advantage of it.
"Pretty angel," Renjun whispered against your mouth. "My pretty angel."
You were practically melting and the only thing holding you together were Renjun's arms.
"For fear of sounding lame, I'm inclined to say your pretty angel's almost as pretty as you. Key word: almost," you giggled, recalling your earliest attempts at flirting with him.
"Lies," Renjun shook his head.
"Hey, it worked the first time!" you pouted.
"It only worked because you're the pretty one," Renjun ruffled your hair playfully.
"Oh my God, shut up," you covered your face to hide how red it was.
The End
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sarahjkl82-blog · 3 years
Artistic Instinct Chapter Nine
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Header thanks to the lovely @yespolkadotkitty
Summary: Marcus Pike and OC Anushka Pierce have been selected to work on a 5 eyes (Australia, Canada, NZ, the UK and US) intelligence team to track down art forgeries as a part of taking down an international white terrorism cell. Marcus is trying to escape his broken heart, Anushka is just trying to escape what the world expects of her.
Word count: 6500
Warnings: Language as always, warning of racist language (Nush talking about her mother's experiences), yearning, fluff to second base (yes, my darlings- IT IS ON!), alcohol is mentioned, food, anxiety attacks.
Pairing: Marcus Pike x reader (OC)
This comes with a MASSIVE THANK YOU to the lovely @yespolkadotkitty , who read, re-read, pointed out the constant flipping between tenses and gave me the confidence to try to write something. This is the first thing I have written since angsty poetry as a teenager. Apologies if it is shit!
People often think artists
Create with their hands
But really they create
with their hearts
So please be gentle
For we wear our vulnerability
On our sleeves
And freely give all we have
Hoping someone will fall
In love with the parts we offer
R. Evelyn
Chapter Nine
The sharp buzz of the door startles you out of your daydream. Laden with roughly the entire contents of your spice cupboard, vegetables, meat and prawns, your hands are crisscrossed with creases from where the weight of the totes has gouged at your skin. A smart-looking kindly gentleman greets you, “You must be Ms Pierce. Mr Pike has asked for you to wait here for him.”
Wow! Marcus’ place has a concierge - who did he have to blow to get a place like this?!
Throwing the bags onto one of the hotel lounge-like chairs, you slump into another as you rub soreness from your hands. A small ping tells you that the lift has arrived - you look over in the direction of the noise, a tremor of excitement rippling through you. An adorably scruffy Marcus, wearing old jeans and a t-shirt, steps out - his face utterly beaming on seeing you. “Hey! How are you doing?” he leans in to kiss your cheek twice - hang on, when did this start being a thing?
“Why didn’t you let me pick you up? You’ve carried so much over- lemme see your hands,” his brow knits on seeing the rapidly reddening welts as he takes your hands in his, brushing his thumbs gently across your palms.
“You live four roads away from me - they’re not that bad! And anyway, you can help me now- which floor do you live on?” You outwardly roll your eyes at the sweetness Marcus shows you, secretly enjoying the stroke of his fingers and the ghostly press of his lips still burning a hole in your cheek.
Marcus takes all of the bags from the chair, refusing point blank to entertain you helping him to take them upstairs - you watch as his arms twitch under the weight, enjoying the mixture of confusion and shock at your strength across his face, “you carried all of this?”
Nodding at him, you try to take a bag again, but he dangles it just out of reach, “Watch it - you do realise that I have two other brothers apart from Ads? I will think nothing of rugby tackling you to the floor and pinning you down,” you warn, enjoying the flush brought to his cheeks.
“You’ll be the death of me,” Marcus flusters as he calls the lift, handing you the smallest, lightest bag.
Exiting at the top floor, you’re taken aback by the amount of light and quiet that washes throughout the building. Feeling so removed from the shadows cast from the tower blocks and the hustle and bustle of the streets below, the broad daylight offers a sense of serenity, a peace that invites itself into the soul and makes itself at home. As Marcus unlocks the door to his flat, you kick off your shoes at the entrance, “You don’t have to do that,” he offers through the keys in his mouth, holding the door open with his elbow, still refusing any help from you.
“Oh believe me, if I didn’t, my mum’s radar would go off and I would be cruising for a bruising,” you giggle, taking in the glorious spaciousness of his apartment, “I promise my feet aren’t too stinky and that I put on clean socks.”
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” Marcus’ eyes crinkle at you, “Can I get you something to drink or eat?”
“A coffee would be ace - strong and black please,” you reply, your gaze drinking in the details of his home. Books line the shelves along one wall - such a mixture of titles ranging from airport bestsellers to obscure art catalogues - the relief to see actual paper and hardbacks adorning the shelves rather than trinkets and plants when so many keep their books electronically in their pockets.
A couple of large canvases lie propped against another - long hours preventing them from being hung - their bright colours sure to bring joyful hues to quite a stark room. There are a few photo frames dotted around - mostly pictures of a moment in time rather than poses - of people you assume are friends and family from back in the States. Handing you a steaming mug, Marcus looks over your shoulder as you look at a photo of an older couple dancing and laughing at a wedding, “That’s my mamá and papá at my oldest sister’s wedding. It was such a magical day - just so much love in the air.”
“You can feel the joy radiating from them,” you offer, lowering your gaze from him to grab the frame next to the picture of his parents, “Are these your sisters or cousins? You all look very alike.”
“Yeah, my little sisters,” he grins proudly. “This one is Beth - she’s two years younger and is a paediatrician in Texas. Has two kids with her wife, Sophie. And this one is Cat - she’s doing her own thing out on the West Coast as a musician. They definitely inherited all the clever and cool genes.”
“Hah! You’re kinder to your sisters than I am to my brothers,” you grin, “They’re all total idiots but due to some weird genetic and biological insistence, I still love them.”
Taking a gulp of your coffee, you turn back towards him, “Come on you, we’d better get to work if you want a curry this evening.”
He pouts, looking more like a sulky little boy than a middle aged man. You can’t help but laugh at the sad puppy dog eyes he is conjuring at the thought of work, “Oh poppet, what’s wrong?” you teasingly mock.
“I kinda hoped you were a magician who could just magic a curry outta nowhere so we could watch films til the others arrive,” Marcus grumps shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Well, there is UberEats for that but you horrible lot put me up to this so you’re going to help,” you wag your finger at him, “But as you’re the only one here, you get the honour of being the chief taster,” you add, tapping him playfully on the nose.
With a soft huff and a furrow of the brow, Marcus guides you into the kitchen where, whilst he was making your coffee, he has helpfully already put all the fresh produce in his fridge as the sides are delightfully blank apart from the bags of spices.
“What are we making today, Chef?”
“Ok, meat dishes are a spiced yoghurt leg of lamb, a keema - don’t you give me that look, a cardamom butter chicken, and, a prawn and courgette curry,” you turn to Marcus’ fridge to find the lamb, “Needs to come to room temperature before we cook it.”
“My tummy is rumbling already,” Marcus adds, his eyes glinting excitedly as he licks along his lower lip, the skin glistening damply. You have never quite figured out whether your love of his lips is due to their fullness or the association with the kindness of his words.
“Hah- you’re not getting away without having some veggies, too, mister,” you cluck as you hand him a bag of onions and several bulbs of garlic to skin, chop and crush for the various dishes.
“Ok, Moooom,” Marcus dramatically rolls his eyes at your dictate, “I admit, I’d rather eat sugary or salty things over green stuff but I can make an exception for curried veg.”
The arch of your eyebrow virtually reaches your hairline at him teasingly calling you mom, so you reach for the towel, twist it and flick him hard on what you’d hoped would be his hip but catch him square on his arse instead.
A yelp of pain and wide eyes greet your action, “Did you just…? Oh, it is on.! You might think you’re tough from your brothers but my sisters taught me sneaky tactics.”
“Come at me, bro!” you taunt from the other side of the kitchen, putting up a boxing stance.
Brandishing the hand without the paring knife in your general direction, he answers, “Nope, gonna use the element of surprise and attack when you least expect it!”
Tutting your tongue at Marcus’ weak ass response, you grab the spices you need to prepare under the power of your pestle and mortar. With the waft of roasting cumin soaring through the air and your battle with your boss at a supposedly declared ceasefire, everything starts to feel comfortable and easy again. You could be six years old and standing on the chair next to your mum, watching like a hawk as she lovingly prepared meals for your family with an ever burgeoning belly. It was then, during those hours shared in the galley kitchen that became your time with her when normally it felt pretty split between her work as a GP and your brothers.
What the fuck… You jump out of your skin when a warm, solid wall presses you out of your nostalgic reverie, “Hah! Pinned ya! Sneaky tactics- told ya they worked,” a deep, soft voice whispers in your ear.
Your heart flutters like a bird trying to escape its rib cage with the closeness of Marcus, the heat rising through your body from your proximity to him - a visceral response to the glorious cocktail of masculine smell from his aftershave and body wash.
What do I do next?
Why can’t I bloody think straight?
Wiggling yourself around so that you face him, his face now so close that you can feel his warm breath upon your cheeks. Your eyes playfully catch the steady gaze of Marcus’ deep soulful pools. It would only take the smallest of movements to reach forwards and kiss him right on that stupidly gorgeous, plush Cupid’s bow and crease. But… what if he doesn’t want that? He’s my fucking boss - that would be a stellar move to make…
Instead of the tiny incline forwards to press your lips against his as every inch of you screams to do so, you drop to the floor and crawl out from between his legs, “Not pinned well enough it seems,” you tease haltingly as your tongue sticks in your dry throat.
As you check the browning of the cumin seeds, out of the corner of your eye you see Marcus’ head drop sadly, hearing a small sigh - his hands still upon the work surface and feet not having moved from the position he had pinned you in moments earlier.
Did he want to...? No, surely not.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, Nush,” Marcus humbly apologises, pushing himself off the side, “I hope that I haven’t made things awkward.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” you softly say, pouring the roasted cumin into the mortar, ready to be ground, “I was the one who flicked you on your arse - I am the one who should be apologising.”
You beckon gently to Marcus, who has now taken refuge in the furthest corner of the kitchen from you - wringing his hands instead of chopping the onions, “Come over here - I want you to experience one of my most favourite smells of childhood. These are roasted cumin seeds and when you grind them, they release the most heavenly scent.”
After a few grinds, you offer the bowl towards Marcus’ face as he closes the gap between you, “I… Wow! I wouldn’t have thought it would make such a difference but it’s almost like you’ve entirely transformed it. See,” the dimple deepens in that right cheek of his, “you are a magician.”
“I love how spices - a bit like paint - can take on completely different characters depending on how you treat them. Leave the spice whole and you have this mild and fragrant taste. If you crush them, then their attitude comes back tenfold with a vengeance. Toast them, and they may as well be Clark Kent in a phone booth.”
Looking up you see Marcus gazing at you with a sweet half smile on his face - could he like me… like that?
“Sorry, you don’t need to hear me blathering on,” you fluster, waving your hand in a dismissive gesture as the heat rises through your face.
Shaking his head gently without dropping your regard, “No. No, please don’t ever stop. Your passion for things is beautiful.”
“Growing up, I didn’t realise that other people didn’t have whole cupboards filled to the brim with herbs, spices and seasonings. I mean, for all the damage the British Empire reeked, you’d have hoped that the spices would have entered more of their culture, but no! Apparently, my family was the weird one for having food with a flavour,” you shrug your shoulders at some of the ridiculous things you’d heard as a child - accusations of differences you’d never thought to be of note.
Marcus chuckles at your indignance, “It’s funny you should say that. I didn’t realise that my mamá had an accent until it was pointed out to me when I was a kid.”
Noting your slightly confused expression, Marcus explains, “She’s Argentinian- came to the States as a political refugee as she was a journalist following the disappearances during the Dirty War. Met my dad, and I came along very soon after, and the rest is history..”
You can’t help but laugh at the flush on Marcus’ cheeks as he recounts his personal history to you, “Love can’t be held back when it hits and it’s obvious that they’re still crazy about each other now from that photo.”
“Exactly, no point in wasting time when you know what you want,” Marcus grins, looking at his feet.
“My parents have a similar story. My dad is as English as they come - I mean we’re on a freaking island so there’s no true thing as being completely English. My mum is from Pakistan - Karachi - it’s in the South.”
“She came over due to the fighting between East and West Pakistan - the two countries that are now Pakistan and Bangladesh. It kept interrupting her studies to become a doctor so she came to England and restarted her degree here.”
Marcus’ brow creases in thought, “Why did she restart her degree? Could the credits not just be transferred to the college she moved to in the UK?”
“Hah- yeah. It was the seventies, during a time where all Southern Asians were P*kis - no matter where they were from on the Indian subcontinent- and thought of as dirty, lesser beings. There were constant race riots for anyone who wasn’t ethnically white or English. She would never have been taken seriously with her mediocre medical training from some Adobe hut in the middle of a jungle,” you fume, pounding the seeds into fragments. The mortar being threatened with the same fate too.
Marcus’ fingers wrap around your wrist to try and prevent your rage at the ignorance of others from causing you an injury, “I am so sorry,” he pulls you into a warm, tender hug, tucking your head under his chin, “How long before food can take care of itself so we can put a film on? I think we both need a rest.”
“Hmmm, ten minutes and then most things can simmer or be switched off ready for a reheat or proper cook this evening,” you say, leaning reluctantly out of his comforting arms to go check on the bubbling saucepans of food.
“‘K. I’ll go get things set up so you can flop for a bit,” Marcus touches you gently on your shoulder as he goes to set up the front room. You go to squeeze his hand but it’s removed from your shoulder too quickly for your response.
“You ready?” Marcus calls through the wall as you turn off the heat from the final pans.
“Mhm,” you mumble in response to his question - double, triple checking that everything is off. Too many fire alarms ruining perfectly lovely meals or moments.
“What did you pick?” You ask, curling up on the other end of the sofa to Marcus, “Do you have no cushions?”
“Shit, no -I’m a guy, what can I say? - lemme grab the pillows from the bed,” Marcus jumps up, calling through from his bedroom, “Bet you have loads on your couch.”
“A fuckload, but, mainly to hide the fact the springs have gone. It’s like a precarious balancing act of comfort on there,” you surreptitiously sniff the pillow, inhaling the smell of Marcus’ shampoo, “Did you give me your pillow?”
A confused look is shot at you from the other end of the sofa, “Whaddya mean?”
“Smells of your hair,” you say as you squish it into the perfect comfy shape, “Like a mixture of lemon and eucalyptus.”
“That’s a sharp nose you’ve got. I gave you the other side though,” Marcus huffs through a chuckles he shakes his head at your somewhat strange comment, “Guess I’ve been sleeping across both sides then.”
“Best thing about sleeping alone- getting to starfish across the bed. Unless of course…”
Marcus can’t help but laugh at your awkward dig to find out whether he’d brought home the goddess from Friday’s antics, “So you wanna know if I brought home Kemi?”
“She was very beautiful. You’d have been mad not to,” you try to school your expression as best you can, keeping your eyes glued to Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly singing about true love, desperate to hide the jealousy coursing through your veins.
“Must be mad then. Didn’t even kiss her,” Marcus honestly answers whilst copying your tactic of staring at the tv, “She could see that there was someone else I liked so it would have been cruel to have done anything.”
You mull this over in silence, trying not to speak, to ask a million questions.
“Can I talk to y…”
You both jump as an alarm goes off on your phone to remind you to turn the lamb down in the oven.
“Oh shit. Hold that thought,” you jump up from the sofa, heading in the direction of the kitchen with zero thought of what the man at the end of the sofa is desperately trying to tell you. Fiddling with Marcus’ ridiculously swanky oven until it looks like it is doing what you want it to do, you walk back in with two ice cold beers from his fridge.
“Raided your fridge,” you cheekily grin, holding one out to Marcus, the condensation running, down your fingers, “Hope you don’t mind!”
“Good thinking, Batman,” Marcus nods in appreciation, “Any more alarms set to scare us both?”
“Only due to go off when the film is done, so…” you yawn widely, “We’ve got a while yet.”
Marcus’ hand that was slung over the back of the sofa, lifts to stroke your shoulder, “You sleepy? C'mere, you.” With a soft tug of your t-shirt sleeve, he pulls you into his side - your willingness to sink into his broad chest very apparent. Your ear is pressed against him, his heartbeat singing a lullaby to you as his fingers stroke and caress the silken waves of your hair. You wonder at how this man - a total stranger a week ago - has seemingly knitted himself into becoming a cocoon of safety for you, his gentleness and calm offering a haven of tranquility in your otherwise cacophonous world, as the light in the room slowly fades to black.
“Uh oh.”
“Hey, welcome back, sunshine!” a gentle pair of fingers stroke back the hair that had drifted into your face as you dozed.
“Sorry for falling asleep. Again,” trying to finesse your way through the heat flaming your cheeks, you offer an awkward grin towards your chuckling pillow, “Guess we’d better start getting things finished as we’ve only got a couple of hours until everyone arrives.
“Oh, don’t give me that look, Marcus! I don’t want to move either but this curry won’t finish cooking itself.”
“Spit spot, there’s work to be done,” Marcus trills as he adopts his best attempt at a British accent.
“What the fuck was that? Did you just turn into Dick Van Dyke or something?” You tease mercilessly at the appalling sound coming from those lips, choking back laughter at his mock offended face.
“C’mon, you’re right. We’d better get moving,” Marcus stands with a stretch and a creak before reaching back to tug you to your feet.
Back under the glowing lights of Marcus’ kitchen, his presence is now constantly close to yours as you glide together around the space - stirring, chopping and checking. Every time he passes, above the general aroma of cumin and coriander, the onions and garlic, you can smell the cedar and amber upon his skin- a deliciously masculine scent that only seeks to entangle your senses further.
“Here, try this,” you hold out a heaped teaspoon of mince curry to Marcus, “This is the keema - I promise that I only put in the two chillies you chopped for me, this time.”
“Mmm, that’s so good,” he says thickly between chews, stealing the spoon from you as he dives in for a second, third, fourth spoonful.
“Hahaha! Leave some for the others- and you need to try it with some raita and fried onions too,” you check through your dog-eared, yellowed and slightly sticky recipe book that your mum had handed you the day you’d left home at eighteen - a memo of all the times you had cooked them together.
“Shit, I’d better start the chicken,” going through the spices in front of you, you search for the cardamoms that would make the butter chicken sing, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Marcus’ head snaps up from the green beans he was preparing towards you, “What’s up, sweetheart?”
“I can’t find the cardamoms for the butter chicken - gah I knew I’d fuck this up!” you cry, scraping your trembling hands through your hair, eyes flashing around the room wildly as your cortisol rises, making you want to run and scream at your failure to feed your friends.
“Whoa - where’s this coming from? C’mon, look at me. Look at me, Nush,” Marcus has his hands on either side of your shoulders, squeezing them gently, “There’s enough here to feed our whole office for the week with the daals you prepared yesterday, the vegetables we’re about to make and the meats that we’ve cooked up already here. Andy is bringing all the rice and naan, Kiri is bringing beers and Dian is on gin and tonic duty. You have done more than enough and I will not allow you to get this upset over one missing ingredient especially when there is a small store downstairs that I’m sure will have it, if we cannot find it after we look for it together.”
After seeing your numb nod as an agreement, Marcus moves his hands to the side of your head to focus your gaze on him rather than the panic seeping through you. As he strokes his thumbs across your cheeks, you allow your eyes to close and your breathing to regain a normal pattern.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologising?” Marcus searches your now open eyes.
“My reactions are ridiculous. Most people tell me to stop being so stupid and that just whips the storm inside my head even more,” you whisper, “But you. You know how to slow everything down and stop the spinning.”
The corner of Marcus’ mouth twitches, “D’ya wanna know a secret?” You nod at him, “As you know, I was married before. When it ended, I totally spiralled. The world kept spinning too fast and I experienced constant anxiety, very nearly burning out of my role.
“I was lucky. My boss was understanding but made me promise to get some support. He knew of someone mental health trained within the FBI who was there for mainly hostage negotiations - not part of the true psych team but someone who could help without it turning up on your record.
“Kwame worked with me for almost a year - pretty much to the point my decree absolute came through. Our sessions were done on a track - by running with me, he was teaching me the skills I needed to control my fears. By my feet hitting the tarmac, he was grounding me. By going over running techniques, he was teaching me how to control my breathing- taking longer and deeper breaths. And running is just repetition. A mindful repetition that allows your brain to have a bit of a break.
“So when I see you start to spiral, I try to give you the same steps he taught me. Get you grounded, opposite me so you copy my breathing and hope that gets you on the right track.”
“Thank you,” you drop your head forwards, relaxing onto his chest. He feels so - safe.
“You don’t need to thank me. Well, okay maybe you do as look what I’ve just spotted,” Marcus holds the offending spice aloft.
“Oh my god, I could fucking kiss you. You have just saved the curry,” you dramatically declare, clutching the cardamom jar to your heart before placing it next to the other ingredients on the counter.
“Go on then.”
His comment makes you snap your head over to catch Marcus’ tremulous gaze, his eyes darting between the floor and your lips. He takes a small step, closing the small distance between the two of you, threading his fingers between yours. Each slow movement offers an unspoken opportunity for you to step away. To tease him and move on with the day.
But why on Earth would you?
With your heart racing faster and faster, you lure him ever closer with your eyes, soft but absolute in their conviction of what was about to pass between you. A small part of you understands that when you kiss him, something will change forever. That within his lips you may find the place to call home - the aching in your stomach may cease and life could start to make sense again. The anxieties of the week washing away, the pain of your collective pasts and the hint of a brighter, happier future before you.
When he doesn’t move again, you seize the moment. Pushing up onto your socked tiptoes, you tilt your chin, inclining your face until your lips come to rest upon his in the sweetest, chastest kiss. Drawing back slightly to check that Marcus is okay with a raise of your eyebrows and widened eyes, he holds your gaze steadily, similarly stunned - a mirror of each other with racing hearts and slightly parted lips. It’s like in that moment everything around you ceases to exist as anything other than extraneous nonsense - all the noise inside your head silenced by that one touch.
A small dumbstruck smile creeps across Marcus’ lips before he lowers his head to press another gentle kiss upon you. Then another. Then another. Each press of your lips a little longer. A little deeper. Your lips part to allow his tongue entry as every single thought is quietened by the taste of him. Dropping hands for his to cradle your face and yours to thread through his hair as your bodies press together tightly.
Oh the taste of him is utterly exquisite! From where you’ve been using him as chief curry taster, there’s an element of spices with the tiniest hint of mint. And how you have missed having that beautifully solid warmth of his body next to yours. Inhaling his breaths that fall upon you, your hearts match each other’s rhythms as your lips explore each other, every sensation drawing together to create a humming ball of energy, like you are standing at the point where lightning strikes the Earth.
Hands fisted tightly in each other’s clothing - both stuck in the quandary of wanting to tear the fabric from your bodies but also frightened of pushing the other too far. Finally pulling apart, you gaze upon Marcus - all lust blown pupils and dopey smiles. Your foreheads come back to rest against each other, unable to quite let go just yet, not wanting to break the spell and return to reality.
“I have wanted to kiss you since perhaps the first time I met you,” Marcus murmurs as his lips gently ghost over your cheeks, “Maybe even from seeing the photo in your file when Andy drove me here from the airport.”
“Was the person, me?” You quietly ask, finally with the confidence to finish that conversation, “The reason you didn’t kiss or sleep with the goddess?”
He drops his eyes as he gives you a small nod, “Normally, I’d have just asked you out but I was scared of fucking up. It’s been a long time since I felt a spark with anyone.
“You’ve entered my life in this whirlwind of intelligence, beauty and tenderness - I didn’t want to frighten you or make you feel uncomfortable if you didn’t reciprocate.”
A thousand thoughts flood your mind as Marcus says those words. All at once, you want to tell him how safe he makes you feel. How much now that you’ve started kissing him, you never want to stop. How the cruel critics of slumber, silence themselves when you feel his heartbeat against your cheek.
Instead you stand there, silent.
Trying to stroke out the creases you’ve created in his t-shirt as you attempt to find words to put into a logical order, you notice his face twitching when the material under your fingers makes contact with his sides, “Oh Marcus, are you ticklish?”
“Um, no,” Marcus tries to deny breezily as he takes a small, hesitant step back from you, pretending to steady himself.
Making a small movement towards him, your hands at the same level as the point of the bunched fabric - you ask, “Are you sure about that?”
“Yeah,” Marcus is now eyeing you suspiciously - desperate to kiss you again but also a little worried as to what havoc your fingers might reek.
“Then, why are you moving away from me?”
“No reason…” his usually deep voice now a little tighter and higher, “Nush… What are you about to ARGH!”
His knees crumble beneath him as you attack his sensitive sides, “Gah! Quit it, woman,” he weakly commands between wheezes and hoots of laughter.
Taking full advantage of Marcus’ prone and vulnerable position, you take the opportunity to straddle him - effectively pinning him to the floor, “This is how you pin someone.”
“I let you pin me,” Marcus corrects you with a wink.
“Oh really?” you contest, entirely unconvinced by his bravado.
“Yeah,” he says with a small wiggle, bringing his hands to the back of your head, “Cos y’see, I can flip our positions quite easily.”
Suddenly, you find yourself flat on your back in Marcus’ kitchen with zero air in your lungs to form any sensible thought other than to kiss him hard. His large hands cradle your head as he props himself gently above you on his elbows. You feel his entire body covering yours. Deliciously pressing against every single inch of you and oh how it takes every bit of the minutismal amount of self control you have to not beg him to fuck you senseless into that floor.
“Shit, is that your door?”
“Fuck,” Marcus pushes himself up to kneeling between your legs, “Can we pretend we’re not in?”
The harsh realisation of an evening with your colleagues, albeit lovely people, sinks in to you both.
“Nope,” you groan, popping the p with a deflated gusto, “Hang on, don’t buzz them up until I’ve tucked my boobs back into my bra.”
“I dunno, makes for easier access,” Marcus lopsidedly grins with a wink as he heads for the door.
“You certainly didn’t seem to make hard work of it earlier,” you mumble at him, before you affix a smile to your face, “Hey! How are you all doing?”
A sea of never ending hugs envelopes and separates you from Marcus as everyone piles into his apartment. The stupid grin still firmly in place on your face since you’d first kissed, you find that every time you look over at him, he’s gazing right back, mirroring that lovestruck smile.
“Oh my god, it all smells so amazing,” Dian waxes lyrical, squeezing you tightly as she inhales a lungful of exotically scented air, “What’ve we got?”
You take her by the hand into the kitchen to show all the different things you had bubbling away. Andy ducks into the kitchen behind you, laden with bags filled with pilau rice, naan and chapatis, and a beautiful small bunch of spring flowers in his other hand - tiny tête-à-tête daffodils with multiple heads along each stalk, brilliant yellow and red tulips standing like soldiers and the otherworldly looking stems of hyacinth, wickedly scenting the air under your nose as he thrusts them under there.
“Hey pretty girl, here’s all the bits you asked for. You deserve a much bigger bunch for what I’ve roped you into but I know you love the early blooms,” he offers by way of apology, sticking a kiss to the side of your forehead, “Smells fucking good though as ever. Hope you don’t mind but I’ve brought a box to take some home for Greg - he was a jealous arse this evening so I suppose I should share.”
“You know the way I cook, enough for several small armies,” you wonkily grin at him, truly thankful for the part he’d had to play, “‘Fraid there’s no easy way to say this and you will have to be the one to break it to Greg, but there’s no butter chicken tonight.”
“You’d better have a damn good excuse for this slatternly behaviour, madam,” Andy gives you a serious side eye for this infraction.
“Initially Nush couldn’t find the cardamoms but then we ran out of time. Plenty of food here, though,” Marcus answers for you, his hand gently holding your hip as he reaches around you to grab a couple of beers from the fridge.
You see Andy catch Marcus’ hand lightly stroking your side as he walks back to Kiritopa, but are entirely grateful when his expression and mouth say nothing. The light chatter in the kitchen, whilst Dian dips a teaspoon into all the pots, is interrupted by a small knock at the door. Sticking your head around the kitchen door, you spot Marcus opening the door to a nervous-looking Harper. Andy sidles past you, to pull her into the main room, rather than her previous position of standing on the doorstep, utterly awkward and obviously feeling quite out of place.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind me coming. I know I wasn’t there Friday but I don’t really do large crowds and drinking.”
You walk over to her amidst the chorus of “not to worry”s and “lovely to see you”s, “Fancy something to drink now? Got plenty of soft options and I think I’ll stick alongside you as I’ve got to make sure I don’t burn stuff.”
“Including yourself, this time,” Harper retorts quickly with a small smile and a raise of her eyebrows.
“Hah, chance’d be a fine thing,” Andy laughs, slapping your shoulder before turning back to clink bottles and talk with Kiri and Marcus.
Through the full length doors of Marcus’ balcony, evening spring sunshine streams through, bathing the group of your co-workers in a gentle, diffused light that flows around the room coating you in a golden glow. You all eat your fill and then some, with full tummies and tired eyes - the kitchen still full of half eaten dishes.
“Can we make this a weekly thing?” Kiritopa asks through a mouthful of food, hopefully.
“Not unless we take it in turns or get a take away - I don’t have the physical or emotional energy to make this level of curry every weekend,” you pointedly remark, looking up from your coke to meet Marcus’ eyes.
You’ve spent the evening barely speaking to each other for fear of alerting the others but surreptitiously brushing past so that you can sneak touches. Tender hidden strokes that feel like the kindest stitches on hidden, gaping wounds.
Marcus stands up to help usher the evening to an end and get you to himself again, “I have some boxes for y’all to take food home as otherwise, I’ll be eating this for weeks - delicious as it is.”
Everyone thankfully takes their boss’ hint and head into the kitchen to grab platefuls to reheat after long days. Slowly saying their goodbyes, your friends drift off in the direction of their homes as you throw yourself in an exhausted heap of bones on his sofa. Two strong hands grip you under your arms, to drape your torso across his lap.
“Hey tired girl,” you slightly open your eyes to spy a smiling Marcus gazing down at you. His fingers draw lazy patterns over the sensitive skin of your neck.
“I’d like to take you on a proper date this week. Wanna do this properly. Make a bit of a fuss.”
“Yeah? Not just pin me down and ravish me on the kitchen floor?” you grin widely at him.
“Well, I’d hardly call that a ravishing…” your eyes widen, eyebrows raising at Marcus’ comment, excitement pooling in your tummy, “Yeah, I saw there’s an Argentinian restaurant in Blackheath so how about steak, Malbec and homemade ice cream before I bring you back to either yours, or mine, for another, even better ravishing?”
“That sounds amazing, although with the amount of food in my belly, I may never have to eat again,” you give your stomach a rub, “But the ravishing…”
Hauling you up to sitting across his lap, you protest loudly, “I am going to crush your legs.”
“Stop making ridiculous comments and c’mere,” Marcus demands as he gently turns your head towards him, stealing a delicate kiss from you.
“I...should… - argh! Stop kissing me for a second,” you beg halfheartedly, “I should go home.”
“Please stay,” Marcus desperately entreats you, “I’m not expecting anything but I’d love it if you stayed. I know you’ve got nothing here but give me two minutes and I can have a spare toothbrush for you. I’ll drop you home early tomorrow morning so you can grab some clothes and then we can go into work together?”
It feels as though the wind is knocked out of your lungs with the depth of Marcus’ need to be around you.
How does he do it?
“There’s no games with you, are there?” you twist in Marcus’ lap so that you now straddle his thighs, placing your hands on either side of his ridiculously handsome face.
“No,” he shakes head slowly, all the while holding eye contact with you, “I’m too old and I know what I want.”
“What’s that?”
Stroking his hands up and down your sides as he nuzzles your neck, he clearly and confidently declares,
Tag list of glory (as ever, please ask to be put on or dropped from the list): @astroboots @silverwolf319@sirowsky @leonieb @disgruntledspacedad @bison-writes @the-ginger-hedge-witch @danniburgh @sugarontherims @green-socks @tardisfangurl @absurdthirst @pedropascalito-deactivated20210 @mouthymandalorian @mrsparknuts @zukoyonce @agirllovespancakes @yespolkadotkitty @lunaserenade @theravenreads @lv7867 @songsformonkeys
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