#and it's hilarious
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Rambles in Star Wars History: The extreme shenanigans that changed an Empire
Bioware games can absolutely fascinate me, in part because of their worldbuilding, and in part because of where the worldbuilding ends. I mean, I did a whole long series of posts on the grammar of Qunlat and I have at least a dozen essays worth of material of exegetical analysis of religion in Dragon Age kicking around in my brain, which I keep threatening to actually manifest.

But since I'm here with my worldbuilding hat on, I'm going to ramble about Star Wars: The Old Republic, focusing on some of the sometimes-hilarious drama that's implied by the plot, and the implications for how these shenanigans remade a major galactic society in the process. Involved will be a man who faked his death to get out of going to meetings, a wine uncle who might become emperor, a living scowl with dangerous shoulders, and other assorted animals.
Expect a lot of bonus rambles in the image alt-texts, which is where I store commentary and jokes that I can't fit into the flow of the main post.
Before I dig into the topic at hand, I have to set the scene for those who don't know the game, or have forgotten in the fourteen years since the game launched.
Spoilers in the post below for Act 3 of the Sith Warrior and Inquisitor storylines, Act 1 of the Jedi Knight and Imperial Agent storylines, the post-Act 3 Battle of Ilum flashpoint, and for various expansions including Rise of the Emperor, Knights of the Fallen Empire, Onslaught, and Legacy of the Sith. Assume that all reference links to Wookieepedia contain major spoilers.
SWTOR is an MMO set 3600 years before the Skywalkers crashed through the ceiling tiles of the galaxy, though it's not to say anything was less chaotic back then, just different chaos.

(Pictured: Anakin Skywalker, circa 32 BBY-4 ABY)
In this time, the titular Old Republic is opposed by a Sith Empire, which is precisely as functional as one might expect. After a decades-long conflict that ended with a Sith victory but left both sides exhausted, a state of cold war began. The Jedi, their Grand Temple destroyed, left Republic space to settle on an ancestral world. The Republic, battered and reeling, tried to recover its stride through use of its superior size and resources, and producing a truly unhinged number of superweapons.
The Sith Empire, in some ways, tried to pretend everything was fine for quite a while. They had successfully forced the Republic into a favorable treaty to end the war. They'd gained territory, they had a lot of work to do there.

…But as things started to look more and more like war again, they were left with the uncomfortable realization that they had sorta kinda killed most of the Sith in the last war, and Imperial citizens in good standing weren't producing enough Force-sensitive kids fast enough to rebuild the losses. Might've had something to do with most of them being dead.

The Empire, of course, is an absolute clusterfuck of a society. Slaves toil to maintain its power. Children of a slave and a citizen will be citizens themselves—unless they're "aliens", a category that includes everyone that isn't a human or a Sith pureblood, the original Sith species.

Being a citizen isn't great either: The Force-blind face mandatory conscription into the military, and can never rise to the highest echelons of society. Above them, the Sith act as a semi-hereditary aristocracy of evil space-wizards that serve an immortal, eldritch Emperor, their living god who has also kiiiind of gone AWOL for reasons only a few of them understand. He's torn between doing his job or staring at a living paperweight, and the paperweight has been winning. He also recently got trapped by an evil hole in the ground, it's complicated.
With the Emperor incommunicado, the duties of the state fall to the Dark Council, a ruling body of up to twelve Dark Lords of the Sith. Each have their own sphere of governmental influence, which are, one can only assume, very dark as well.

Presumably, the Dark Council had something to do with the inevitable yet still surprising solution to their space wizard deficit: over a thousand years of laws were suddenly overturned. Slaves, aliens, and prisoners were not only permitted to become Sith, it was now mandatory that they report for induction into training programs if they possessed any hint of Force-sensitivity.
This is how one of the eight protagonists of the MMO gets their start: if you play the Sith Inquisitor plotline, you begin as a former slave who has survived basic training and made it to the Sith Academy, where your teacher dearly wants to kill you. Your first mission: survive school.

I'm sure this is very relatable to quite a lot of you.
Now that I've got my PhD with only a few gray hairs, I'm looking back at this premise and thinking: This would completely upend the social framework of the Empire. You'd have every established Sith Lord in the Empire scrambling to kill these threats to their power, or harness them against their enemies, or both.
This is actually canon, but canon never touches on the broader, systemic implications of what the new Sith would do, and who they were before—Sure, the overseers of the training programs seem to be doing their damnedest to kill and undermine the newbies while maintaining plausible deniability, but enough of them survive to reshape the Empire. We know that. You play as one of them.
How in the fuck did the Dark Council ever manage to get this policy implemented in the first place? Obviously they did somehow, but the specifics are never mentioned.
But the specifics have the possibility to be hilarious.

The Dark Council itself is composed of Sith who either killed their way to the top, or inherited their seat from their Sith master—who they probably murdered. Turnover on most Council seats is incredibly high. The Spheres of Ancient Knowledge, Technology, and Military Offense each have three different Councilors within a single year, for example.

This also means that whoever ends up in charge of a Sphere might be entirely unsuited for it. Who heads up the Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy? The least diplomatic guy on the Council, naturally. He goes by Darth Ravage, which fits in well enough with the three different Darths whose names mean 'death' (Thanaton, Mortis, and Rictus). The player can even end up as Darth Nox--'Darth Night'. You get the title by killing one of the Darth Deaths.

So, which of these barely-domesticated evil goths probably voted to allow 'inferior' beings to become Sith, overturning a fundamental tenet of imperial sith philosophy? Probably not the guy in charge of Sith Philosophy! We never see him, but he seems to have been a traditionalist. On the other hand, Darth "Murder has no rules" Ravage might not be huge on tradition, so we can mark him down as a "maybe". But he doesn't seem to be an instigator for something like this.
But on the subject of instigators: Darth Jadus.

Darth Jadus is an experience. While many of the other Council members make it quite clear they're angry enough to chew on the furniture, Jadus unnerves all of them by being utterly calm and composed, as long as you don't count how intensely fervent and irrational he sounds when he starts talking about the Dark Side. He's unhinged in a distressingly hinged-seeming way.
Heading up the Sphere of Intelligence, Jadus is a noted iconoclast on the Dark Council, using his authority to open Imperial Intelligence positions to aliens. He chooses slaves and Force-blind citizens to be his advisors and agents, ignoring the traditional power structures of the Sith. He prefers his literal cult following of fanatical adherents instead, who see him as a visionary savior, a terrifying inevitability, or both.

This means he seems to have basically no interest in elevating other Sith. In fact, he hates the way the rest of them run the Empire. Making more of them might potentially be against his interests.
Or at least it would be, if he didn't have some long-running secret plans that he wants to keep the other Dark Council members from catching wind of. Advocating for slaves, aliens and convicts to become Sith would superficially fall in line with his philosophy, and just raising the idea in public could cause such social chaos that his true plans would benefit from it. Jadus is also the most genre-savvy sith in the entire game: he seems to almost be aware at points that he's neither the protagonist nor main antagonist, and thus his evil plans involve not messing with either of them. When he jostles up against the main plot and realizes he has no plausible means to derail it, he responds by leaving the plot entirely.
Given the tactical chaos and uncomfortably fourth wall-touching strategies Jadus makes use of, let's mark him down as a "yes".

But Jadus is an unpopular one on the Council. He's creepy. Sith HATE feeling creeped out. That's supposed to happen to other people, dammit, not them! And with his disinterest in politics and his deep interest in foisting his manifesto on everyone, he's not the most effective Dark Councilor.

He might be able to pull in a few—Darth Decimus, head of Military Strategy, seems to have been quite willing to exploit any advantage he might be able to squeeze out of a situation. Fun side note, his voice actor also played the First Order officer who was just so done with Hux at the beginning of The Last Jedi.
[Video Description: A compilation of Mark Lewis Jones as Captain Moden Canady from The Last Jedi, with the video quality partially encrunchified by YouTube. This includes all of his shots from the film, from arrival of the Seige Dreadnought Fulminatrix, to the extremely annoyed look he gives the fireball that kills him. Sound supervisor Matt Wood was apparently pretty sure "FIRE ON THE BASE!" was going to be used as an EDM drop, and I can confirm, I've heard it out in the wild.]
Who else have we got rattling around in this Council, who might have extremely ridiculous reasons to vote yes? Well, we have Darth Vengean, head of Military Offense, was all about the Offense. Who needs defense? That nerd Darth Marr? HA! No, Vengean wanted to restart the war with the Republic. More bodies for the war machine would probably be fine with him.
Speaking of that nerd Darth Marr, Darth Marr.
Apparently he designed this armor himself. Solid effort, my man.
Marr is in his sixties by the time the game happens. He's one of the longest-surviving Dark Councilors, and he sounds so tired of his coworkers in every scene he's in. Heading up the Defense of the Empire, Marr also is the de facto leader of the Dark Council, by dint of being the only adult in the room.

Much like Jadus, he distances himself from the backstabbery and rivalries among the Council members. Unlike Jadus, he 100% means it, and has been focused on not making the Empire explode. He eventually ends up as the unofficial leader of the Empire until he gets one-shotted so hard it makes his ghost chill out a bit. He keeps the spikes, though.
So, if there's anyone on the Council who might vote for this on purely practical grounds, and has the power to push others into agreeing with him, because so help him if they don't stop holding duels in the conference room he's going to turn this Empire around—

Nobody listens to him on that, by the way. Both the Sith main plots involve duels in the conference room.
In fact, one of those duels is egged on by our last suspect. Marr might be a contender for longest-running Dark Councilor, but there is another candidate: Darth Vowrawn, who seems to be having a much better time being on the Council than Marr. I suspect the only reason why he doesn't have a bucket of popcorn with him in the Council chambers is because somebody made a rule that he had to stop doing that.

Vowrawn is a surprisingly cheerful old bastard who seems to have turned his hobby into his job. He shows up 'fashionably late' to someone else's attempted coup, after lamenting he can't sell tickets to the clusterfuck that's about to commence. In the expansions to the game, he can outmaneuver and outlive all of the competition and end up becoming the Emperor, at the age of 87.

Vowrawn is also indifferent to against the Empire's policies--he supports the ascension of a Zabrak to the Dark Council, and takes one as an apprentice as well. Beyond that, Vowrawn would have to support this move, because he's instrumental in any large project like this, both politically and practically. While the others I've mentioned all have roles explicitly to do with the aggressive expansion or protection of the Empire, Vowrawn heads the Sphere of Production and Logistics. In essence, he's the one who can decide whether all these other bozos get to eat or not.

If Vowrawn didn't accept this change, then it would have failed. So, he's a definite "yes" by default.
Speaking of bastards who are still active well into their eighties, we have one last major figure who isn't on the Council that likely advocated for this: Darth Malgus.
[Video Description: The "Deceived" trailer, set ten years before the game. God, I love this thing. This was the first trailer I saw for the game, and it got me, it really did. The Sith are just as ridiculous as they should be, combined with choreography that feels a lot more crunchy than lightsaber combat had been before, with distinct combat styles for the two main fighters. It's quick, it's impactful, and it's got a memorable conclusion. Love it.]
Malgus is as anti-racist and anti-classist as Jadus is, but without the insane transcendental Dark Side philosophy. Instead, he has an insane philosophy of bettering the Empire through eternal war, which he believes everyone should have an equal ability to participate in. He is what would happen if a Warhammer 40k character had an inside voice.
[Video Description: The "Disorder" cinematic trailer, set before the Legacy of the Sith expansion. Malgus is 75 here. Man's held together by spite and screws and whatever nutrients you can absorb by being thrown through walls. He's fully given up on the Sith Order at this point and is trying to do his own thing, and he makes it look rad. The choreography has only gotten better, goddamn. Why did it take me three goddamn years to watch this. IT'S REALLY GOOD.]
Malgus is a big deal in the military, with a lot of support from both the Force-blind soldiers and earning the loyalty of a surprising cross-section of Sith. We know this, because he nearly hijacks the Empire at one point in the early expansions. He'd be into this idea, and he probably advocated for it. While he'd have the most direct interaction with the military-related Councilors we already have in the "yes" column, he also has a history of annoying the bejeezus out of other Sith on "his" turf, so who knows! He may have been more persuasive to the others we haven't dug into.

And we can't really dig into all of them at the depth we have with some. Despite how bogglingly huge SWTOR is and the two thousand four hundred and ninety-five named characters and "Additional Voices" credits in IMDb, we never meet some of the Dark Councilors. If you don't play all the eight main storylines, you won't see all of them in the game. I'll admit, I've never seen Darth Hadra, because I've never gotten that far in a Republic-aligned storyline! The Sith you encounter in their stories can often be more one-note, because they're purely there as antagonists rather than people you are legally required to hang out with, and thus have more opportunity to pester mercilessly.
[Video Description: A clip from my own Warrior run-through, featuring my big lad Rejalgar, his coolest friend Vette, and his boss, Darth Baras, who is presently having a screaming tantrum, which Rejalgar makes worse with the most delightfully straight-faced "Is there a problem here?". The Warrior plotline lets you play things sincerely evil, sincerely noble, or sincerely hilarious. Do you want to see Jedi bluescreen when a Sith just straight-up refuses to be violent? Do you want to sidestep a boss fight by offering a family a government pension, something your boss commends as being very devious and evil? Do you want to break up a fight between gangs by threatening to eat them? Come play the Sith Warrior storyline, and be the chaos you want to see in the galaxy!]
[Video Description, from a clip I uploaded to YT specifically for this post after I found out you can only upload one video per tumblr post wtf: A clip from my Inquisitor run-through, featuring my extremely shirtless lad, Sericus, playing coy and a little airheaded when called up by his Sith master, Darth Zash. Back in the day, Purebloods weren't supposed to be played as canon for this storyline, but there were tweaks later made to dialog that provided a canon explanation for how someone with visible Sith ancestry could end up in this situation. The storyline, however, unfortunately does not fully account for a character whose ideal job description is 'villain's beautiful and deceptively intelligent consort, the true power behind the throne'. It assumes you're playing a character who wants to go conquer and/or do mad wizard-science. Bonus points for eventually letting you marry your eight foot tall razor-faced cannibal thrall though, that's very fun.]
Why don't we see all of the Dark Council? Well, because they're ultimately not important to the story as a group. Events keep you locked tightly under the purview of just one or two of them on the Sith side of things, before the post-game and expansion plots launch you into the experience of being a major player in Imperial affairs, and Imperial affairs launch themselves at you in return.
Everyone realizes the Emperor wants to eat them. Then he dies, except he doesn't. Malgus takes over the Empire for a few weeks. Marr takes over, but half the Council is dead and the rest are still in orientation and are probably also dead, because their would-be successors assassinated them. The Emperor, only mildly inconvenienced by also being dead, eats a planet. Then things go completely off the deep end, and the Dark Council is no longer your concern at all.
It's economical storytelling to not belabor the rest of the Councilors, and playing through as an ex-slave Inquisitor, you continue to face enough challenges directly linked to your background that the resistance feels systemic, even if you don't actually see all that many others who are facing the same issues.
But I think there's a lot of potential for some really wild storytelling in there. Your character receives some level of basic training before they reach the Sith Academy, along with a whole batch of ex-slaves. What did that entail? How was it organized? What happens when folks from abolitionist movements start being trained as sith, gaining all the attendant legal authority over the life and death of others?
And what about the prisoners who were released for training? While one canon option is to play a character who was facing immediate execution for participation in violent anti-Imperial resistance, at least a fair chunk of Force-sensitive prisoners were probably serving longer sentences. What happens when prison gangs start gaining a foothold in the Sith Academy, where they're too dysfunctional to even form Mean Girl cliques? What happens when some of their members become full Sith? How many of them might have Hutt backing, or even funding from the Republic Secret Intelligence Service?
These are the sorts of things the Sith themselves are terrified of. This earns a very sarcastic thoughts and prayers to them, of course. Yet it truly is wild to think about the decision-making process that went into this massive societal shift that the game treats as simply a piece of inciting incident for two plotlines out of eight: Twelve unhinged people sat down in some extremely high-backed chairs one day and voted to give everyone equal access to lightning.
I love Star Wars, it's just the funniest shit imaginable sometimes.
#star wars#star wars: the old republic#swtor#swtor meta#darth jadus#darth marr#darth vowrawn#the sith empire is held together with only chewing gum and bad vibes#and it's hilarious#love these terrible idiots
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So, The Glass Scientists by Sage Cotugno is one of my absolute favourite Jekyll and Hyde stories and I would highly recommend it.
It has the same tone of lighthearted silliness mixed with genuine tragedy which I loved about the original novella
I gives Jekyll and Hyde both ample screentime so you get to see both of their perspectives, and get to know them both as people
It doesn't play the "Jekyll's pure good, Hyde's pure bad" card, which I appreciate
The character designs are great and Hyde's facial expressions are priceless!
It keeps in the queer narrative, which is a major part for many people reading the novella but I haven't seen other adaptations do it very well
It has a werewolf, and he's a very nice and sweet young man
And it's Webcomic, so it's free to read on the internet!
#this is my sales pitch#please give it a chance#give it a read#you might really enjoy it#I did!#and I'm a very fussy Jekyll and Hyde fan#it also has cameo appearances of Griffin the Invisible Man#and it's hilarious#Jekyll and him are frenemies#as it should be#jekyll and hyde#henry jekyll#edward hyde#henry jekyll art#edward hyde art#mr hyde#dr jekyll#the glass scientists#tgs jekyll#tgs hyde#tgs fanart#jekyll and hyde fanart#art#my art
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Look at him.
LOOK at him.
He can't stand the thought of Ian being with another dude, much less an old, rich one. So he just goes and jealously stares at them kdhfhskdhgdhs. And you know he was looking for an excuse to punch Ned. Had Ned not called Mickey Ian's boyfriend, he still would have gotten a nasty beatdown, just for some other completely bullshit excuse. I think about this a lot. It's like Svetlana said in the later seasons. "I don't say things, I do things.". And that very accurately describes s3 Mickey. He loves Ian but he can't tell him that. Because he hasn't accepted himself, because he's embarrassed, because of Terry and all that. But he can give a beatdown to guys Ian dates. He can kiss him secretly when they are robbing Ned's ex-wife. He can start making out with him right before his wedding as a last hurrah to save their relationship. He just can't talk it out.
#gallavich#ian gallagher#shameless#mickey milkovich#shameless spoilers#SERIOUSLY LOOK AT HIM#he can't handle the emotions#and it's hilarious
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nah i think it's hot actually
#911 abc#911#911 spoilers#buddietommy#evan buckley#eddie diaz#tommy kinard#i clicked on a targeted ad article and was successful baited#lmaoo#you're not understanding okay#he's not an 'annoying third wheel' he's their boyfriend#and it's hilarious#have some fun#mine
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I was just thinking the other day about what would happen if you showed a 6 year old from 2011 the future seasons of Ninjago —yes, while there are many much more interesting developments such as Nya being a ninja and Cole learning more about his mother — you're all forgetting another, very crucial thing that seriously changed.
Lloyd and Garmadon's relationship.
Imagine some kid happily watching Garmadon rescue his son from the Fire Temple and thinking wow, for Ninjago's greatest villain, he isn't that bad of a dad. His own son's gonna be his downfall and he's actually proud of him for that. Wish he's my dad.
And then you show them crystalized and they're like:
...what the fuck happened.
#as a kid their relationship was the only reason i watched the show lol#they've been through so much to the point it's now a soap opera#and it's hilarious#sog & hunted might've crushed my heart to pieces but crystalized & MoTo had me laughing to tears oh my god#like what do u mean garmadon wouldn't tear apart the world for lloyd anymore?#what do u mean lloyd's exploding at him because garmadad replaced him with a plant#ninjago#lego ninjago#lloyd garmadon#lloyd montgomery garmadon#ninjago lloyd#lloyd ninjago#lord garmadon#ninjago garmadon#garmadon ninjago#garmadon#emperor garmadon#ninjago christofern#ns16#ninjago crystalized#ninjago season 16#garmadad
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"You are having an emotion AGAIN?"
The dynamic is basically "absentee teenage girl's father trying to understand what could possibly make her happy while she is working through an intense crush, bullying, and her final exams, with the addition of a disability."
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I've been looking what's left of og Striders group. We have Quiet and Foma for sure.
But the Sickle. There are like two mentions of him and in one Nimble calls him Faust. The second is a audio log with Ninth (idk if he sounded like Faust or I'm hallucinating). From what I checked it doesn't seem to be mistranslation. Cut content? Early version of the plot coming out? Is he Faust? Why would he change the name?
He is definitely on the monolith side.
Theory material.
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Mime accounts are so funny because the caption will be like "uh oh! Poppyloppy is being extra sassy today!" and the picture is literally just
#Clownblr#Clown Husbandry#mime#Mimes#Call me a cretin#They're just a little hard to read sometimes#and it's hilarious#Yes this is a parody of that one guinea pig post#serious talk this took way too long for me to make#I had to draw this thing on a macbook people#The “drawing Board” thing is atrocious#mime owners#mime husbandry
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i'm only about 3/4 through the neon court on my reread, and i apparently didn't write anything down in all of the midnight mayor, so this is by no means a complete list, but please enjoy:
Some Ways People Have Described Matthew Swift
“He’s a sorcerer. […] Doesn’t stop him from looking like a starving pigeon, does it?” (Vera, MoA 320)
“You look like a piece of rotting road kill.” (Blackjack, MoA 357)
“This is a new one. […] Me talking to a bloody mystic power no less, disguised as a guy with a face like a soggy sandbag” (Blackjack, MoA 360)
“You’re not that guy who keeps on getting beaten up by inexplicable mystical darkness, are you?” (Dr. Seah, TNC 131)
“You’ve done well, Matthew. While resembling a chewed-up rodent you’ve still managed to make them afraid.” (Bakker’s ghost, TNC 307)
“Bloody hell are you all right I mean obviously you’re not all right you look like a fucking bulldozer has been using you for practice and getting it wrong but I guess what I’m asking is, are you bleeding internally?” (Penny, TNC 408)
*page numbers are from my trade paperback copies, which are roughly 500 pages long
(In his defense, some of these take place immediately after Matthew has been beaten up by inexplicable mystic darkness. However, considering that he spends approximately 50% of his time in that state, i think those are still representative)
#stars has thoughts#matthew swift#when i say he is the embodiment of the 'sad wet paper bag of a man' vibes that tumblr often gets attached to#i am not exaggerating#people describe him like that ALL THE TIME#TO HIS FACE#don't get me wrong he's a three-dimensional and nuanced character#it's just also a running joke how he's incredibly magically powerful and also looks like the cat dragged him in#and it's hilarious#madness of angels spoilers#the neon court spoilers#(only if you know what you're looking for)
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funniest side effect of posting my brjeaus gifset is that i have learned via multiple notes that apparently some people were mad at them for talking shit about the hells
#i have seen none of this but also. what a silly concept#they are literally roasting themselves#and it's HILARIOUS
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Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if our sea cookies had a fandom but... I forgot about the fandom projections and Twinkitus. ✨️
Don't worry too much about the Italian Cake Nerd. We'll get to him later.
Black Lava belongs to @rawdough !!
#cookie run#cookie run kingdom#cookie run oc#crk#black lava cookie#crk oc#my art#tiffin cookie#zuccotto cookie#zuccotto is having the worst debut yet#and it's hilarious#Lava would get the worst of it all I think poor boy
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This is the only thing i can think about when Johnathan has to take Martin's statement
#he's like 'ugh Martin pls do you have to'#and it's hilarious#and a quick drag that its only for the liars and mentally unwell#Is Martin the Britta Perry of the archivists?#he gets a lot of hate tho but i'm very excited to know more#girl this episode is gonna be so good#tma#colony#the magnus archives#community#now i want to rewatch community
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as an autistic asexual lesbian it will never fail to amuse me how i am still REPEATEDLY come to for boy advice
#autism#asexuality#asexual#lesbianism#sapphic#wlw#boys#and not to brag but it's good boy advice#makes me chuckle#i have zero experience#zero social skills#zero attraction#zero interest in boys outside platonically#and my girl friends are still all coming to ME#for ADVICE#and it's WORKING#lgbtqia#i am an advice forum#and i am a fucking good one#and it's hilarious
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in reference to @freenarnian's Proverbs post: one of my favorite funny proverbs is Proverbs 1:8-10, which upon first reading does not sound funny. But my dad always reads it out loud like this:
They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.
if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them.
#this is Word For Word the actual proverb with punctuation differences and additions. and added emojis.#my dad loves that he has a SON for this EXACT REASON.#because he can read the Proverbs E X T R E M E L Y POINTEDLY#and it's HILARIOUS#faith tag#I'm trying not to derail the post btw
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Something about me is that I love to have a character in a story go "what's the worst that could happen?" and then IMMEDIATELY cut to the worst happening
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