#and it’s something that has a juvenile connotation to it
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #72
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theminecraftbox · 8 months
theres something specific about "mister warden." just "warden" is a factual title, and "sir" is a formality, something you call someone of higher status, and within the "institution" of the prison Q higher on the totem pole than Dream, though the emphasis in Dream referring to Q as "sir" plays to the torture dynamic and Q's complex about power and whatnot. but "mister" is an odd one, because theres a sense of seniority associated with it, and while the word has other meanings, the specifc combination of mister + noun has an immaturity to it that makes the seniority dynamic stand out more (like Mister Policeman sounds like something a kid says). this person has more experience than you, they know better than you, etc. etc. honestly the childishness of the title makes it seem teasing/playful, perhaps the ccs just used that phrase in reference to their secret roleplay because they were being lighthearted. but if it was canonically something dream called sam, i think sams acceptance of the phrase shows he likes the idea of dream like, admitting to sam knowing better than him enough that it overrides interpreting the phrase as being rebellious teasing.
YEAH 😭 it's this exactly: it's a COY thing to say, so playful that it feels nearly out of place. It struck me in Daedalus too and it strikes me now. It's got different connotations than c!Dream referring to c!Sam with some other respectful title, or just saying "Warden."
Like you say, "mister warden"'s connotations with authority are... juvenile, in either a mocking way or in a way that casts the speaker as young or inexperienced. So the idea that c!Sam heard this and decided to let c!Dream roll with it anyway goes crazy. It carries not only the implication that c!Sam likes c!Dream casting himself as juvenile, but also that c!Sam feels that either a) he likes it enough to ignore the hint of rebellion, or b) that he has reason to believe the name is coming from a genuine place of subservience/respect.
crazy, man.
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talonabraxas · 9 months
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Lord Shiva’s Third Eye ॐ Lord Shiva the god or destruction and regeneration. He is also known as Triambake, which in Sanskrit means “Third Eye”. Jai Trinetradhari ~ Jai Mahadev!
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Shiva is known as Trayambka Deva ( literally meaning the three eyed Lord’), the Sun (symbolizing love) is his right eye, the Moon (symbolizing justice) is left eye and fire is the third eye. Symbolically the third eye is perceptive and capable of destroying evil. The term destroyer has been used to address Shiva, in part, due to the presence of the third eye. The two eyes have the limited emission of power required to view the universe but the third eye emits energy enough to destroy all evil residing in the universe. While destruction may have negative connotations it needs to be understood that all that has a beginning by necessity, must have an end. Destruction only removes the illusion of individuality and does not denote an end. Hence, the act of destruction by Lord Shiva’s third eye is merely to give birth to something better. Destruction opens an opportunity for change and newer creation.
The origin of the third eye takes us to the popular story of how a playful move by Lord Shiva’s wife lead to the creation of the ultimate weapon of destruction. According one interpretation, Maa Parvati closed Shiva’s eyes by placing her hand over them while he was meditating. Her juvenile act leads to a blackout in the universe and chaos. So Shiva created a third to restore order. The unbridled light from the fire of his third eye made everything visible.
The third eye is also symbolic to insight or spiritual knowledge. It denotes wisdom and intelligence and the opening of the third eye also represents the vanishing of ignorance.
Scientifically, the third eye is located near the Pineal gland that affects the modulation of wake/sleep cycle and other motor functions. Some studies even show that it may influence the action of recreational drugs, such as cocaine and antidepressants, and make them avoid brain damage. Maybe it is time to attempt introspection of the kind that would encourage our third eye to open and deliver us from the world infested by ‘Maya’.
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damnfandomproblems · 15 days
I have some kind of disjointed thoughts adding on to #5718.
Often on Twitter I'll see interactions like "these are my OCs! ^^"
"Cool! ^^ what fandom are they from?"
"None, they're just mine"
And like nothing WRONG with that but having some sort of simple differential between the two could reduce the amount of these types of exchanges.
2. As someone in the comments points out people often use "oc" as a negative connotation, to imply that they're cringy, cliche, or badly designed and/or written, that their creator is juvenile and unprofessional. And when someone has a fan character people will say as a compliment that they're "too good" to "just" be a fan character, and ask why they don't just turn them into their own story. People perhaps see fan characters (and fan fiction in general) as a "crutch" but I think people ignore that there's a particular amount of skill that goes into weaving a character in to the established lore. There have been a few times where a fan character has been so well integrated that it honestly feels a little weird that they're NOT canon, because of how well they mesh with the cast, setting, and story. In cases like these, I think people may be missing the point a little bit when they suggest that you "graduate" them into being an original character for an original story. Like, thanks, but that's not why I made them. To remove them from this specific setting would require serious re-writing, which is possible but would also make them NOT this character.
3. Regarding 761097468022784000:
I've had a similar question for a long time, I'm definitely the type of person to get unhealthily attached to a seemingly insignificant character after minimal screentime. Not sure why, there's just something about them. I always like to try to expand on them, by reading very much into very little, and extrapolating everything I can from the scant amount of information we do have on them. The thing is, I try to make them as "canon compliant" seeming as possible, I want them to feel tied to this world. I think of them as OCs, but that's not really right, they weren't MY character originally, but I've definitely thought about them WAY more than the person who DID create them. They've got one line of dialogue and I've got their entire life story. They FEEL like mine--but I know they're not.
Posting as a response to a previous problem. (links to this ask.)
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alatismeni-theitsa · 10 months
I'm not Greek or anything, but following this blog and studying Greek culture has opened my eyes. I really do enjoy learning about other cultures. I guess when it comes to Greek retellings by American authors, I get talking about what women went through, but like... Do we... HAVE to make every single guy a bad guy and every single woman a victim? That sounds even MORE sexist if you ask me based on what's being written. Idk. I guess I'd like to see something different after studying Greek culture and getting REAL tired of Western portrayal of it.
Heyy! Welcome and thank you for the support! 💙It only takes some exposure before you start suffering/rolling your eyes like Greeks do 😂 (I'd do a Matrix reference but there are weird connotations attached there 😅 Is the term "Greekpilled" okay for this situation?? who knows)
These stories come from a culture with huge history and Greeks have studied them again and again forever. Like... we KNOW what's going on in these texts. We are aware of the dynamics and the context and how deep (or not, looking at you Circe) each character can be. We, and the whole world. And yet half the western - mainly Anglo - internet pretends they have been enlightened and can suddenly see things that people before them hadn't considered. Woooow what profound and innovative thinking!! You're so better than the rest of us, guys! I am sure absolutely nobody ever thought about the circumstances of these characters and the difficult situations they were forced into!!
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And since we're at it: Lately some posts have come to my attention where people exalt Clytemnestra and all her murders, just because she suffered and lived in a patriarchal society. At the same time, they target people who focus on the complex character of Agamemnon, and label them as misogynists and enemies of Clytemnestra. 14-year-old Greeks in Gymnasio speak with more nuance about Clytemnestra and Agamemnon but I guess these grown-ass westerners think their thoughts are unique.
I, of course, don't mind when someone is sympathetic to Clytemnestra and condemns Agamemnon's actions. There is base for that. But people forget how to be chill and reasonable about their analysis. It's come to a point where if you so much as LIST Clytemnestra's bad actions, or Agamemnon's good qualities, there's always someone being condescending about it, as if they're saying "we are modern, we never accuse women now, catch up! Agamemnon is the real villain of it all". Bonus: the phrase "I support women's wrongs" (while the song "let's generalize about men" plays unironically in the background). I'd like to say to them: touch grass and read a book ΤΟΥΒΛΟ, ξύλο απελέκητο, ντενεκέ ξεγάνωτε
As for the retellings, yes they manage to be even more sexist can you imagine that! The most glaring example is Medusa's story! They have things so backward and yet the rest of us have to sit back and listen to their misinformed, juvenile takes
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trash-can-sam · 1 year
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What if they were birds. Did anyone ever think of that.
Reasons I made them the birds I did (any discussion on symbolism is done with very surface level research, if I got something wrong I apologize):
Daniil: Fish Crow- I knew I wanted him to be some type of Corvid (because smart and cunning yk) but I settled specifically on fish crow because they’re smaller than the American crow and a lot smaller than a Raven. They also look really funny when upset.
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Crows also tend to symbolize death and misfortune while at the same time symbolizing intelligence and loyalty, being good and bad omens, and I feel like that describes Daniils place pretty well yk. I did give him a bag just because I thought it would be funny and suitably pretentious like of course he’d do something no other bird is doing by carrying around a small bag everywhere like ofc he’d do that. Im not sure if any birds will use separate carrying containers but to my knowledge they don’t.
Artemy: Broad Winged Hawk- I’m going to be completely honest and say I just wanted artemy to be a big bird who’s also pretty threatening and cool, so I looked at a bunch of hawks and the broad winged hawk just fit his vibe the best. From what I gather, Hawks also have strong spiritual significance in multiple cultures and often symbolize determination, fitting for artemy. Also there is nothing cooler than seeing a hawk just sitting somewhere, always kind of like they’re looking over the land if you get what I mean, to which Artemy has a similar sort of purpose.
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Clara- Black billed Magpie- Magpies have pretty positive connotations in many cultures, representing luck and fortune as well as mischief. In Ancient Rome, they represented magic and fortune telling. However, because of Christianity, it also became a bad omen, associated with thievery and death, and referring to someone as a magpie typically carries a negative connotation. This sort of strong meaning in both positive and negative as well as the association with magic is very Clara I feel. As juveniles, (which I drew Clara as for obvious reasons) their feathers don’t have the blue-green type sheen of an adult and their eyes are less dark, showing up as blue, grey, or violet, I also thought this would be a pretty cool, kind of mystical type of thing. I wanted to give her a beanie so bad but there was 0 way I could rationalize it because it would definetly just fall off so I just stuck to a scarf type thing.
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lady-embers · 5 months
I’ve been here since the first book came out, read it on the day it released, and I never once felt the chemistry between Elain and azriel. When he first carried her down from the house of wind I thought “huh, maybe they’ll be together?” but every single interaction after that held no interest for me. Elain is basically comatose in ACOWAR, and I found her interactions with Azriel to all be a little weird. Idk if it’s bc of her vision stuff but she seems very juvenile to me in the third book. Like almost aloof? That sounds bad but to me she did not feel like a woman in the way Feyre and nesta did. When she kisses azriels cheek after he rescues her it felt so out of place. Like he’s bleeding and about to pass out and she kisses his cheek and walks away? Idk. Zero romance, zero chemistry. That’s why the bonus chapter shocked me a bit. Like how did we get to them almost kissing??
I think a lot of their interactions in ACOWAR don't have any chemistry/romantic connotations. I think people have placed "romantic" connotations in their own minds to make it seem like there is something between them because Azriel was still strung up on Mor.
I do think something may have started in ACOFAS, like a little crush on Elain's side, but nothing to really make me go "hey these two both like each other as more than friends".
And while we have that "charged glance" in ACOSF there wasn't really anything in there either to make me think of more between them. I mean heck, Azriel himself it had been lingering stares and brief fingertip touches that went nowhere and he'd been deliberately staying away from Elain. It was also all sexual on his side to so while he felt attraction for her, it wasn't anything truly lasting to make me think endgame for them.
I honestly think the *almost* kiss was something for the E/riels but also a way for Sarah to shut anything down between them since nothing has went further and it doesn't appear it's going to either. They had their *almost* moment and Rhys put a stop to it. Azriel isn't going to go behind his High Lord back after a direct order and knowing he had been right to be staying away from Elain and if he had stayed he'd come to regret anything happening.
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wedreamedlove · 1 year
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In Freeze The Moment, the 2nd anniversary video Light and Night released, there are frames where you can see keywords for the men and I found them extremely interesting, especially because some words seem counterintuitive to what you would apply to the men. So, here is my analysis attempt.
First up is our Boss Osborn and I want to talk about his graphics. You can see that he's split in half (blue and black) and in the next frame his silhouette is boxed inside layers of alternating blue and black. I believe this is a nod to his split soul—good and evil.
runaway. At a glance, this word probably gives you a negative connotation, such as running away like a coward. However, you can use it to describe something that breaks away from control and this suits Osborn better. He has broken out of the expectation society placed on him as well as his own limitations (what I also think the boxed layers around his silhouette represent). In your relationship, there are multiple times where Osborn offers to take you on a getaway trip, like running out of a rainy day (Moments) or driving to the end of the world (1st Valentine's date). In this context, running away is no longer something negative but to throw off the troubles life brings and to embrace the freedom of being in the moment.
haven. Osborn is the man to go to when you want security. He founded the bar, Weeds, to give juvenile offenders a place to restart their life. He took in strays and gave them a home. Interestingly, in addition to carrying the meaning of sanctuary and shelter, havens are also used to describe shipping harbours, so we have this extra sea connection with Osborn.
romantic. Haha, this is an extremely cute descriptor to attach to Osborn, especially because he looks like an edgy bad boy, but it's completely true because in your relationship he can only do the most classic of romantic things. For example, in his 1st Valentine's date he stuffed his jeep's trunk with roses, and in the 2nd anniversary video call he brings a balloon to you.
danger. I think this is pretty self-explanatory, but both his racing and bounty hunter profession are accompanied with danger. Also, in his 2nd Valentine's card, he tells the journalist that some people are inherently born accompanied by danger (we just need to look at Osborn's entire past, especially given how he's a mix of the Blood Clan and God Clan). The person—you—who is willing to go with him on dangerous adventures doesn't need him to do anything because you would have entered his life already.
For Evan, after his words, the next frame shows him with bars around his silhouette, reminiscent of a cage. He's been jailed for being a smooth criminal. I believe this shows his upbringing and how he's never had any freedom.
expectation. This is a loaded word because this can refer to how he now looks forward to the future, thanks to your influence on him that gives him hope, or it can refer to his expectations for you because he's always challenging you to grow and be strong enough to stand on your own or against him.
Belief. The immediate thing that pops out here is that this is the only word, out of all the men, that has a capitalization. I saw a fellow fan bring up his reading event date, where Evan and you discuss possible words that start with B-E for a story, and ultimately you decide it must have been "Believe". I agree with this interpretation and I believe it refers specifically to your relationship with Evan, because in his sunrise date you say "Love is, even if you don't understand a person, you're willing to believe in them without reservation". Loving someone is a trust fall and for someone like Evan, who was once terrified of love, being able to love someone is being able to believe in them.
There is also the aspect of Evan's nihilism and how, due to Blood Clan upbringing being so against his nature, Evan has doubted literally everything in the world. At one point, after you do enough philosophical exercises, you will think yourself into a deep hole and realize that, in order to get out, you can only blindly believe in something.
loyalty. Evan's position in the game has always been close to being a double agent, haha. He manipulates everything behind the scenes and plays roles for both sides to the point where it's easy to wonder just who is the real Evan? I don't think it's a coincidence that all his AU roles has also played with this concept and the codename for his VR event is "Integrity". However, we can be assured that he will never put you in real harm anymore (after Chapter 16) and so I think this descriptor is a reminder that, in the end, he is loyal to you and only you.
commitment. Once again, I think this is a reference to your relationship with Evan and how, after all the push-pull tension that resulted in the climax of Chapter 16, Evan is now willing to fight for you and has committed to his feelings. He refuses to be strangers with you.
I don't have anything to say about his graphics, but I do think it's interesting that he is the only man who gets two screens for his words. Maybe it's to show the passage of his time?
serenity. I believe this refers to Sariel's zen-like attitude towards everything and how he believes in letting nature take its course. Out of all the men, Sariel is still the only one whose emotions rarely get agitated. He has seen so much over thousands of years that he can make peace with pretty much anything.
samsara. This is the concept of reincarnation and karma, which cannot be any more perfect to describe your relationship with Sariel. Although it seems more like timey-wimey loops in the game, we can treat it functionally like reincarnation and I will never shut up about the Möbius loop of how you went back into the past and taught Sariel about designer skills, which led him onto that path, and then makes him become your North Star, which leads you onto the path of being a designer.
reunion. I was shocked to see this word land on Sariel instead of Jesse, but I think it's ingenious in how it captures the development of your relationship with the men and the world state. Now that Sariel has recovered his memories he has truly reunited with you.
eternal. You met him when he was a child, you met him when he was a young general, and then you met him when he was a three thousand year old plus designer. Again and again, your lives intersect and you become someone irreplaceable to him. Sariel has said in his Spring Festival date that he can wait for you for hundreds or thousands of years, and in his 2nd birthday date he did a Spirit Clan ritual to mark your souls so that you can find each other again in the next life.
Oh man, do I have things to say about Charlie's graphics. First, there are 5 of him that appear with his words. Second, in the next frame, you see two Charlies that flicker back and forth. I wonder if this refers to all the different roles he has (Novaten heir, firefighter, journalist, burn surgeon, "Charlie"), his dissociation, and also his twin.
utopia. From the opening for the game where Charlie says the line "A new world. I will be here waiting for you", to the album title for his BGMs being "Utopia", to his 2nd valentine's date where he gets called an idealist who suffers in the current state of reality, to all of his main chapter cards, we can see that Charlie is driven to fight against the evils of society. There is no better word to describe the goal he wants to achieve.
fantasy. I believe this is a nod to his childlike innocence and how he encourages this in you. A lot of his dates involve bringing romantic fantasties into the real world, like his magician date and his Hello Kitty date.
stratagem. This is another word which I would have thought would go to another man—the behind-the-scenes manipulator Evan—but I think it's because Evan has now stripped off his mask and is openly warring with his family. Evan's battle still requires strategy, of course, but it's not at the scale of Charlie and his father, who also have their own war. The definition of stratagem involves surprising or deceiving the enemy and, in my opinion, this has been Charlie's actions where he has to limit the knowledge his father has, such as going on the run or hypnotizing himself.
freedom. I may not have said this out loud but I do believe Charlie suits this word more than Osborn. For all intents and purposes, Osborn has already achieved his freedom and it's no longer a prominent theme with him (rather, it's just inherent in his actions) but Charlie is still struggling to escape his father's control, the contradiction between his ideals and reality, and even the weight of his name "Charlie". Freedom is a keystone theme shared between you and Charlie and the foundation of your relationship, because you ran from the engagement and caught his interest.
Before Jesse's words appear, he also gets the cage-looking graphics like Evan and I believe it's because he's similarly trapped. He was born with the weight of the Xia Clan on his shoulders and the responsibility that comes with his powers. I would argue he is also trapped by his revenge and insecurities.
protection. Yes, all the other men protect you, but we only need to look at how many times Jesse puts his life on the line for you to know that this truly defines him. He gives you one of his soul flames in his Qixi date, he gives up on his revenge in the main chapter for you, and he forces himself to sing and topples off the stage in the main chapter for you. Heck, Chapter 15 was all about tackling his overprotective behavior.
partiality. This should have gone to Osborn. I believe this goes hand in hand with his "obsession" for you and how that is naturally expressed in favoring you for everything.
passionate. I think this might refer to how much he's grown from the boy who didn't understand his feelings for you to the man that now wants to be a partner you can rely on. In the steamier cards, he can barely hold himself back and puts his desires front and center.
firmness. This can refer to many things but I like to think it's Jesse's position on his revenge and you. At many instances, people have told him there was only one killer for his father but he refuses to believe that and continues to search for the truth. His "obsession" for you has been pointed out to have potential negative consequences, but he firmly believes that you are the fulcrum of all his possibilities. Once Jesse makes a decision, nothing can change his mind.
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redux-iterum · 2 years
Have any new Warriors protested their names? Maybe a -pelt who wanted -claw, or even a cat that wanted a new prefix?
I'm sure at least a couple have in history, but almost everyone is aware ahead of time what their suffix is going to be, so they're unsurprised or in acceptance. When a cat has multiple options - they could be a -claw or a -heart, for example - the leader is expected to call them in for a private chat and ask which name they want to go with. When they don't have multiple options, they still can get an idea of what they'll be called by their skills or observations made over the course of their training.
Cats who get -pelt/-fur or pattern variances do occasionally get disappointed that they didn't get a "special" suffix, but they don't tend to angst over it. The joy of becoming a warrior usually overrides that, and everyone celebrates their name all the same, so it's not a horrible fate that they need to ask the leader to fix. Once in a great while, a new warrior may privately speak with the leader about the name, but it's an extremely rare chance that the talk will go anywhere beyond an explanation of why the leader went with that suffix and a declaration that they're sorry if the warrior is disappointed, but the name logically fits them and to change it to some skill or personality trait would be a falsehood. Some -pelt/-furs do get pattern names instead if they plead hard enough, but at that point it's considered whining until you get something "special", which is petty and juvenile.
Now, in the case of prefixes, you have to be able to really justify the change, because prefixes are very important in helping a cat stand out throughout their life, from the womb to the tomb, much more than a suffix. It's your entire identity when you're born and up until you become an adult. If the prefix has trauma related to it, or has some other negative connotation (like if the cat was named after their father from another Clan and the queen wouldn't change her mind), the leader is understanding and can change the entire name at whichever ceremony is up next. If you just want a different name because "because", you're going to be denied.
Prefixes are built specifically to be objective descriptions and not have any association with cultural nonsense. A Foxkit isn't likely to complain about being named after a fox, because the name simply means that they share the color of a fox. Them wanting a new name is silly, because why would you be mad about being named by your fur, like everyone else is? An exception would be if the queen named Foxkit after the fox that murdered their father, or after a cat who had just recently died (which is a MAJOR faux pas in Clan culture), or if someone was bullying and abusing poor Foxkit by constantly insulting them with their prefix specifically, etc. Then they have some reason to be called something else, and the leader will comply with their wishes, regardless of what the mother has to say.
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scarletlizzard · 6 months
Precisely, glad to see you’re catching on.
Your manners are delicious - it’s so satisfying to watch you swallow your pride and behave, just to please me. Such an eager girl. Seeing as you asked so nicely, I’m 5’7 with hazel eyes, and do feel free to allow another few inches to that considering your ‘little Brit’ is nigh on constantly in heels.
Well, I haven’t punished you for your bratty behaviour, have I? A small admonishment has always been enough to have you fawning again. Though I admit I am inclined to be lenient in that aspect; I enjoy a pet with some personality - playfulness ought to be encouraged, but I warn you not to test the boundaries, darling.
I am glad to hear that you enjoy my manner of speech, I imagine it can be an acquired taste, particularly for other nationalities. I’m particularly gratified to see your response to being called a good girl, so very responsive.
Gosh, some nostalgic names in there! I really appreciate Hozier’s tone of voice, but in all honesty I don’t think I’ve listened to him since Take Me to Church was released! Suggest a couple of his songs to me, I’ll gladly try them. For me, Labrinth has such strong connotations of juvenile drinking at messy house parties, but it seems he has moved on from the days of ‘Earthquake’! I just listened to (and very much enjoyed) The Feels, so well done you. As for Leon Bridges, I adore him - in fact he was my most recently purchased vinyl. Excellent taste, darling. Having said that, I hadn’t heard Shy and (naturally) am now a huge fan. I currently have a Laufey song (Street by Street) on my playlist, but I think I may prefer this! Another wonderful addition to the playlist regardless.
I can tell that you worked hard, and you did such a good job, clever girl.
BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ONE WORD TO ME. This was sent before all the asks last night. But I still want to answer because it's my blog and I most absolutely can do whatever I want!!
Yeah, this aged really well, don't you think? Pride? Swallowed. Behave? I'm sat! Something about you thinking my manners are delicious just makes me want to -
You're quite taller than me, and the heels 😳😩 but also like... you're my little Brit 😙
I have to admit those hazel eyes WILL be on my mind. Also will admit you being lenient about your punishments?? Not so sure that's true. And so what if I admit you calling me a good girl had me on my knees?
Anyways I'm DONE admitting things!! Y'all are just ruthless. You're not even supposed to be reading this unless your name is little Brit. Go away!
Hozier just released an EP called Unheard yesterday that's been on repeat for me. It's four songs, and they're all so good. I'm particularly addicted to Too Sweet and Empire now. Besides the EP I think you'll like his songs Movement and Eat Your Young 😊
I can't tell you how happy it makes me that you listened, and even enjoyed my recommendations! Also that you even already listen to them. The fact that I knew so well is even more gratifying 😋 I love vinyl! Although I imagine our collections are a bit different. I do have a few classical though if that gets me any points.
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frowningfox · 9 months
asim 12 and 20!
Thank you so much for the ask!
12. Is your OC cynical or optimistic? Who or what shaped their outlook on life?
A serial optimist. And to an extent always has been. He has a bit of a "naive" nature despite being very aware how bad things can be. He sees himself as a downright scoundrel who has been given second chances throughout his life (he's a little rough around the edges but he definitely blows it out of proportion, he is very hard on himself) and wants to give back second chances in return.
In this lifetime (he has reincarnated a few times), a big influence on his optimism is Erwin the Exorcist. A higher up in the church that he sees as giving him one of his biggest second chances. He is a very kindly, old, half orc/human and is something of a legend. He came to the religious-military academy where Asim was serving under the juvenile delinquent program at JUST the right time.
Some of the older upperclassmen had thought it would be funny to teach "Juvie" (aka Asim) Five Finger Fillet and it went just as well as could be expected. Asim lost a finger and a bunch of distressed and a little drunk upperclass brought him to Erwin because Erwin is the Chillest Guy, and Erwin reattached it (being a high level cleric) and promised not to tell the teachers. Erwin kept an eye on Asim and grew fond of his... uh. Spirited nature. And recommended him for a town watchmen job, which helped Asim get out of the delinquent program early.
Asim and Erwin have an "old friends" type of relationship despite Asim being considerably younger than him, and Asim will often refer to him as "Sin'ji", which roughly translates to "brother" with the connotations of having known each other for a long time and being of a similar standing and age.
20. Has your OC ever done something terrible and lied about it? Did they run away or blame someone else for it? How long did they maintain the lie and did the truth ever come out?
Had to go back to put a head's up here: the following is a little heavy. It's not particularly bad or even explicit, just a serious topic taken seriously.
He would say yes, he has done something terrible and lied, but again, he's very hard on himself and doesn't lie - and can no longer lie since he's become fey! But it was never in his nature to lie in the first place.
There are a lot of things he hasn't told people, mostly related to some developmental disabilities and how they've impacted his life, especially when it comes to lashing out at people. He had a very hard time managing his emotions and overstimulation around his daughter - he was not ready for kids and perhaps was not a good fit for kids with the difficulties he has, but he tried his best and is continuing to try his best. Having a kid enter his life with so little warning was definitely a crash course in managing his shit. And he managed but not in a particularly healthy way.
He absolutely refuses to tell even his husband about the difficulties he's had with raising her, because he's afraid of being judged by his worst moments. He pampered his daughter and raised her to the best of his ability despite his difficulties, and with an inexplicable +5 wisdom his tiny little gob daughter understands and is such a daddy's girl she'd never tell anyone about his breakdowns. Those are private and for him to talk about when HE is ready.
The truth hasn't come out quite yet, but he will eventually confide in people, I'm certain. I'm torn on whether he'd confided in Erwin yet or not. He wrote him a lot of letters while he was isolated as a small town watchman. I think he has, and Erwin helped him work out some methods to manage himself.
This actually kind of hard for ME to talk about, haha. I'm undecided on the specifics of things so it's all vague. And the vagueness can lead to people... jumping to conclusions about he treated his daughter. Which I don't want - she is his little princess - but also I don't want to water down how much difficulty he had raising her by saying "and everything was all fine".
It's also a topic that is very close to me - I struggle a lot with over stimulation and the problems that come along with it - and I want to display his issues FROM the overstimulated person's perspective. I've seen a decent amount of media from an outside perspective, gawking at people having overstimulation and emotional regulation issues, and a lot of it demonizes or infantilizes the person. And the stigma that raises makes me very... worried about portraying these difficulties from the perspective of the person having them.
At the end of the day, I can just recommend to imagine how he acted similar to that of a grumpy old cat that gets overwhelmed by a kitten. But with a lot more guilt, temporarily self-isolating to redirect the lashing out towards himself verbally and physically until he could get the support he needed from an older less grumpy wise cat (Erwin).
This got a little heavy sorry eehh. It's something I've been wanting to talk about with regards to Asim but never knowing how because it's HARD. It feels like I'm telling his secrets that he's not ready to be open about. Pls be nice to him, he's trying very hard.
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pkmnprideflags · 22 days
two years ago a reddit user made an excellent tierlist showing what pronouns all the masters ex characters refer to themselves as. i am obsessed with this but a lot of characters have been introduced to the game since this person's post. so, does anyone know what first-person pronouns any of these characters use?
Ball Guy (I thought I read somewhere that they use boku? Which is interesting since that carries a masculine connotation)
The Hisui characters: Adaman, Irida, Rei, and Akari - do they use older/archaic pronouns since they're from the past? Does Rei speak differently than them since he's fulfilling the MC role and is originally from the present?
Rose (I believe in main series games he uses watakushi)
Nemona (what are the odds she uses boku or ore)
Dana & Morgan - their sisters use more juvenile pronouns to indicate their younger status, so I assume Dana uses something normal like (w)atashi and then Morgan uses something more grand like watakushi
The Team Rocket admins
Ryuki (100% chance of ore)
Furisode Girl Katherine
Iono (she has to use something ridiculous)
Rika (she's giving boku)
Klara & Avery
Additional question: the tier list says Anabel uses watashi, but I saw a tweet claiming she uses boku? Is that a lie? Or maybe she only uses boku in Emerald? She does have a shorter, arguably "less feminine" haircut in that game, so maybe she was supposed to be a tomboy?
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allylikethecat · 5 months
“I like you,” George said, shocking himself with his blatant honesty, even as he winced at the juvenile connotation of his words. “I like you a lot.” He swallowed hard, “and I’d like to take you out, if that’s something you’re interested in.”
oh and the one bed trope *chefs kiss* i love atkh!matty&george so much !!
!!!! I hope your neck is alright omg I'm so happy to hear that you liked the new chapter!! I know I keep saying it, but I had a lot of fun working on it and am just so grateful that people have not only given it a chance, but that they have also taken the time to like chat with me about it? That is just so amazing and I am so thankful! I debated and debated *how* exactly Fictional!George was going to ask Fictional!Matty out, but in the end, while having a lil early morning snuggle seemed like the best option... because there was in fact only one bed haha I love the only one bed trope so much and it without a doubt always has be giggling and grinning even though it is very cheesy so I was extra excited that I was able to make it work with this fic, which is so incredibly self indulgent omg I also love ATKH Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George SO MUCH so thank you so much for reading and loving them as well 🥰 I hope your Friday went well and that you have a wonderful weekend!
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pikahlua · 3 years
MHA Chapter 327 spoilers translations (but only the first three pages)
Since the spoilers came out so late last night, I didn’t get the chance to translate them before work today, meaning everyone else got to them first. If anyone’s still wanting the full translation, let me know and I’ll consider it. I think the chapter is pretty straight-forward though, so there’s not much up for interpretation.
That said, how could I not try my hand at the punny pages? Geeeeeeeeet dunked on!!!
(Warning: I’m a dweeb below the cut.)
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1 お湯の温度は42℃‼︎ おゆのおんどは42ど‼︎ oyu no ondo wa 42 do!! "The hot water temperature is 42℃!!"
2 Go!! ゴー‼︎ GOO!! "Go!!" (Yes, I'm being cheeky here.)
3 沸かせーー‼︎ わかせーー‼︎ wakase--!! "Heat up--!!"
4 脱がせーー‼︎ ぬがせーー‼︎ nugase--!! "Strip--!!"
5 洗えーーー‼︎ あらえーーー‼︎ arae---!! "Wash---!!"
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1 そして浸かれ‼︎ そしてつかれ‼︎ soshite tsukare!! "and soak!!" (This whole thing reads like a parody of a cooking show to me lol.)
2 大概の事はおフロ入れば何とかなるんだ たいがいのことはおフロはいればなんとかなるんだ taigai no koto wa oFURO haireba nan to ka narunda "Most things will work out if you go with the flow." (I'm kinda free-styling here. This seems to be a play on a phrase that probably means something like "most things will work out if you enter the flow," but the pun is in "flow," which is pronounced "furo," a homonym for the Japanese word for "bath.")
Steamy text effect ちんちん chinchin ~*PENIS*~ (For giggles, this is the same word Mirio uses when he beats up Class 1-A and says: “I tried to make it so you wouldn’t see my willy.”) (...teehee, penis)
3 おい湯船に汚れが浮くだろーが‼︎金タワシと業務用洗剤原液で刮げ‼︎ おいゆぶねによごれがうくだろーが‼︎かねタワシとぎょうむようせんざいげんえきでこそげ‼︎ oi yubune ni yogore ga uku daroo ga!! kane TAWASHI to gyoumuyou senzai geneki de kosoge!! "Hey, the filth will float in the bathtub!! Scrub it off with a brush and undiluted commercial detergent!!" (Yes, Katsuki goes to the effort of saying "undiluted commercial detergent," because he's a nerd.)
4 用法・用量は守らなきゃあダメだぜ! ようほう・ようりょうはまもらなきゃあダメだぜ! youhou・youryou wa mamoranakyaa DAME da ze! "You have to follow the usage/dose label."
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1 過ちを謝したにしては変化が無いな あやまちをしゃしたにしてはへんかがないな ayamachi wo sha shita ni shite wa henka ga nai na "Though he apologized for his faults, he hasn't changed."
2 変われよ かわれよ kaware yo "Change!"
3 変われよ かわれよ kaware yo "Change!"
4 ばふぁ bafua "Bwaa"
5 1番になんのを諦めたわけじゃねぇ… 1ばんになんのをあきらめたわけじゃねぇ… ichiban ni nan no wo akirameta wake ja nee... "It's not like I've given up on becoming Number One..."
6 全員ライバルなのは変わんねー ぜんいんライバルなのはかわんねー zenin RAIBARU na no wa kawanee "And that you're all my rivals has not changed!"
7 てめーも含めてなぁ!デ… いずく! てめーもふくめてなぁ!デ… いずく! temee mo fukumete naa! DE...Izuku! "That's including you [derogatory]! De... Izuku!" (I'm dying here. There's no kanji for "Izuku." This is so juvenile I'm dying Squirtle.)
8 ……
9 無理しないでデクでいいよかっちゃん むりしないでデクでいいよかっちゃん muri shinaide DEKU de ii yo Kacchan "Don't overdo it; 'Deku' is fine, Kacchan."
10 俺の辞書に無理なんて言葉ねンだよ おれのじしょにむりなんてことばねンだよ ore no jisho ni muri nante kotoba neNda yo "The word 'overdo' isn't in my dictionary!" (Note: The word "muri" has a connotation of "impossible," which is really what he's getting at, but OH MY GOD EXTRA!KATSUKI IS CANON LAMPSHADED.)
11 まァ上昇志向があンのは良い事…なのか? まァじょうしょうしこうがあンのはいいこと…なのか? maA joushou shikou ga aNno wa ii koto...na no ka? "Well, it's a good thing to want to rise up in society." (This is a reference to Katsuki's declaration that he still wants to be no. 1.)
12 これを機に爆豪を沈めてみようぜ これをきにばくごうをしずめてみようぜ kore wo ki ni Bakugou wo shizumete miyou ze "Let's take this opportunity to try and dunk Bakugou!" (I actively chose to translate the stuffy "submerge" as "dunk" BECAUSE THE PUNS, THE PUNNNNNNNNS!!!)
13 どれを機にだ! どれをきにだ! dore wo ki ni da! "WHAT OPPORTUNITY?!" (Katsuki is only the dunk-er, never the dunk-ee.) 
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simplysummers · 3 years
Breaking down Hunter and Omega’s relationship: pt 4.
Hi everybody. My biggest apologies for the delay on this series over the past two weeks, I’ve had a lot of medical issues going on, alongside a big decision in my life I had to make before the end of September taking precedence. However, with a little more time on my hands and a new team of proof readers behind me, I’m hoping to be back on track soon enough! I hope you enjoy my analysis of ‘Cornered’, and please always feel free to reply/reblog/send an ask with your opinions and discussions! I love to hear and reply to them! 💛
(Pasted paragraphs: I would just like to add a disclaimer here. I am, in no way whatsoever, slating the other batchers for having differing relationships with Omega. I absolutely adore everything single one of the boys, and I think they all have wonderful and unique interrelations with her. Although I may point out these different approaches in comparison to Hunter’s, I am not stating these engages are wrong, just different is all!
I’m going to separate this into a little series- covering each episode in a separate post, which I’ll have tagged as the series progresses. Once I’ve tackled these two, as they’re my favourites, I’m going to move on to each individual Batcher and perhaps a few other dynamics such and Hunter and Crosshair, or Wrecker and Omega! Let me know what you guys would like to see!)
(Thank you to this weeks proof-reader: @very-depressing-waffel 💛)
Cornered: S1/E4
Although minimal, I absolutely love the small interaction between these two in the opening scene of this episode. While it would make sense for Hunter to take the chair, as he is navigating co-ordinates, instead he allows Omega to sit down and rest, the pure affection between them is particularly radiant in these moments. I’d also like to note that it is Hunter’s order to originally send them to Idaflor, where we can only assume he is heeding Cut’s previous advice given on the subject of ‘disappearing to start a new life’. By connotation, this essentially means Hunter was extremely ready to settle down with his brothers and both raise and protect his newly found little one. However this clearly becomes an evident concern of Hunter’s as Omega begins to whine, claiming she desperately wants to explore the galaxy instead of hiding away on an uninhabited planet. Although appreciating her enthusiasm, he insists they cannot risk it, not right now, showing he has all further plans to take her to see the universe whenever it may be safe to do so. Her safety has become his priority.
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Also, another little mimic on Omega’s part is mentioned after Tech’s evaluates their situation- “Well, Pantora it is.” “Pantora it is :)”. This angel, she steals my heart.
Moving on slightly to the arrival of Pantora, Hunter’s civvies and Omega carrying his backpack for him, which is as big as her little torso might I add, makes the world spin. Notice too how her eyes never leave him for a moment, it’s a typical child trait when wanting to catch an adult’s attention for good behaviour. After Wrecker mentions the implications of sightseeing, which ultimately peaks Omega’s interest, Hunter is quick to diffuse the situation by insisting this is only a quick supply run. I strongly believe this is because although he intends to take Omega into the city with him, most likely recognising her desperation to explore, his main intention is to keep her safe and protected, I personally spy a compromise here. Finally, regarding this little interaction, when inviting Omega to join them, he calls her ‘Mega, ‘MEGA!!! Hunter is the first member of the batch to nickname her affectionately, and her little excited cheer in response says it all!
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When strolling through the busy marketplace, I noticed that alongside drinking up all sights she can set her eyes on, Omega continues to perform the aforementioned ‘smile at parent because I am both well behaved and very excited’ technique, breaking away from her awestruck staring to give Hunter a cute grin, which he affectionately returns under the realisation that her purity and innocence has erupted through something as simple as a marketplace, another endearing trait his charge has displayed. I’d also like to shed light on the protective hand-on-shoulder movement Hunter uses after the squad of troopers pass by him, Omega, and Echo. His wary stare and protectiveness is an extreme diversion from his usual headstrong attitude, which we know is correlated to his need to protect his charge. (Hand-on-shoulder, AGAIN. Comforting Dad alert!!)
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When offering to trade with the Gran merchant, I noticed that whenever Omega picked up a new item to inspect or show off to Echo, Hunter glances over his shoulder to observe her. I have reason to believe he might not only be watching her explore, but keeping an eye on her after the incident on Cut’s farm. I can practically see Suu’s words of advice ringing in his ears, and he wants to make sure she stays out of trouble. And after she does inevitably knock something over, although he scowls a little in her direction (as any parent would), Hunter swiftly turns his look of annoyance towards the Gran as he begins to scold Omega, once again showing his protectiveness in her regard, and in all honesty, he has every right to respond this way, we’ve already established this salesman is stubborn and conceited.
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The entire plot of this episode is centred around Omega’s inevitable separation from Hunter and Echo as she ends up running off to chase a voorpak, who has stolen her new doll. We cannot fault Omega for her behaviour, it was a little juvenile at most, but we must take into account this would be her first time in such a situation, and she has never been taught otherwise. Hunter’s immediate faltering smile as he realises Omega is missing is honestly gut wrenching. He has just received 3,000 credits, a hefty sum for what they’re in need of, and now he’s lost his ward, and the pain and concern is fully mirrored through his halting eyes.
I’m moving ahead slightly to add a little character-action comparison! Now, this may just be me nitpicking, and I mean no hate to Fennec Shand (I actually ADORE her), but did anybody else notice the difference between her hold on Omega and how Hunter holds her? Fennec’s fingers lay beneath the nape of Omega’s neck, almost curling into her tunic’s collar, and so while it may seem protective, it actually holds very possessive and controlling connotations. Whereas when Hunter places a hand to Omega’s shoulder, his fingers are quite loose, and it only ever rests up her upper shoulder, allowing the girl freedom if she so much as wishes it. It’s extremely docile. Furthermore, I wanted to briefly comment on Hunter’s tenderness when retrieving Omega’s new doll, most likely using it to track her recent movement. His hold is very gentle, considering he is now clinging to the last piece of Omega he has contact with, and a noticeable shred of panic holds his upper body rigid for good measure. It’s very nicely animated.
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Coming ahead swiftly to the brief ‘positive’ interaction between Omega and Fennec, I haven’t seen this mentioned before but I personally see the discussion concerning the need for protection when travelling the galaxy as a small nod to Omega’s newly found connection to the boys, and Hunter specifically. Omega insists it’s a good thing she has her ‘friends’. Noticeably, she is still very hesitant to label them as her brothers, as she most likely feels excluded to an extent (bearing in mind the boys were raised together with the exclusion of Echo, no matter her previous ties to them, Omega was always going to feel isolated to some extent), but not enough to deny she has an attachment to them, and vice versa. Hunter has already shown on multiple occasions (Kamino, Saleucami, the moon from episode 3) that he would do whatever it takes to protect her, but it’s nice to see Omega’s perspective on the newly found emotions too.
Finally, Hunter is able to catch up to both Omega and Fennec, and the sudden change in his demeanour and her aura of innocence is extremely present here. Hunter drops the worrisome parental act fairly quickly, and it’s replaced with the familiar soldier we all know and recognise, he needs to exhibit such strengths to assert the extent he is willing to go to protect Omega. Equally, upon realising Fennec doesn’t quite have her best interest at heart, Omega wastes no time jumping (recklessly) into action to save both herself and Hunter anymore trouble. Of course, being a weightless little girl, she isn’t able to do much, and Hunter ends up in a physical altercation with Shand, where he actually ends up taking his eyes off the assassin to address Omega directly, insisting she run. This not only shows just how much he cares about her, but how desperate he was to ensure her safety by putting himself at risk by not only getting into a fight, but exposing a vulnerability by taking his eyes off of her. (Her worried little face as she flees too, poor girl 😔)
(This point doesn’t have much to do with the relationship between these two, so feel free to skip over it if you want, but I did want to briefly comment on Omega’s timid exterior as she runs to Wrecker in the maintenance tunnels. It truly helps to perceive her genuine age and immaturity, the way she cowers into his neck and sits in his arms especially.)
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After Tech informs Hunter of Omega’s current predicament involving the maintenance tower, it’s easily noticeable that when questioning Tech’s information, his voice mirrors the exact tone and edge it held when berating both the former and Echo after their ship was impounded in Saleucami. To me, this shows a clear connotation between the dire situations, and how quickly Hunter has taken to his new role in Omega’s life, and his job as her primary carer. Not to mention, she is literally hanging mid-traffic lane, and in desperate need of assistance. Alongside this, we see previously in this episode that not only was Hunter worried about attracting unwanted attention, after receiving such a thing and accidentally allowing Omega to hang in the balance (pun unintended), he actually steals somebody’s hoverbike in an attempt to rescue the little one, seeming to not care he is attracting even more unwanted attention. There is no hesitation on his end.
The look of absolutely HORROR that crosses this man’s face as Omega drops from the tower and just about hits the hovertruck below. We haven’t seen a look like that cross Hunter’s features since Crosshair’s ‘betrayal’, another indication to his immense worry for the newest member of his family. Equally, this is mirrored by Omega’s wide eyed, petrified stare as she momentarily watches Fennec shoot straight for Hunter’s bike, realising both she and the closest thing she has to a parent are still in serious peril. We need to take into account that this little girl has never experienced something this grim before, and the internal panic is evident for both herself, and Hunter especially.
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This brings us down to the “HUNTER!!” comment from Omega as she dangles from the hovertruck. I personally believe her first initial thoughts were not to warn Hunter of the oncoming Shand, but instead a desperation to cry out for help from her guardian. This escalated as she notices Fennec approaching, and her eyes even widen as she calls out for Hunter to watch out, giving further evidence that her first thoughts might not have correlated to her eventual dialogue. It’s also important to note that despite her incredibly tragic situation, Omega is still much more worried about Hunter’s predicament than her own.
(Slightly unimportant, but I love the way Hunter leans in to take Omega in his arm before Shand knocks him out of the way. It’s very parental.)
I never noticed this before, but as Hunter catches Omega’s hand and hauls her onto the bike, he actually scans her over briefly to check for any injuries, before insisting she hold on tight. Notice how his voice isn’t scolding or harsh, he’s very calm despite the dire situation, doing his best to remain neutral for Omega’s sake, especially considering the day she’s had. It’s also important to note that this is further improvement from the situation on Saleucami, another example of their ever-growing relationship.
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The WAVE of relief that rolls from Hunter’s entire demeanour as he places the backpack down in the Marauder cockpit, knowing he can finally rest now that Omega is safe, while simultaneously anticipating the flurry of issues about to storm their already hectic lives with a bounty hunter after the kid. His eyes are exhausted, his shoulders are only slightly slacked to insinuate his rough exterior, and yet he still does his absolute best to comfort Omega as she begins to get upset over the prior events and the unknown future.
And, finally, a small action but important nonetheless. I noticed that Omega’s eyes quiver slightly as she begins to get upset, and in her final moments on screen, they direct towards Hunter. This may seem unimportant, but it provides further evidence to the notion that she seeks him out for protection specifically. She’s upset and frightened, so she looks to him because he protects her. It is set up as if she’s about to toss herself into his arms, because she needs him right now.
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I hope you liked my analysis of Hunter and Omega’s relationship in episode four of The Bad Batch! Of course, I’d love to discuss these two with anybody who might be interested, so please feel free to drop me an ask or a DM, and if you’re captivated enough I’d totally recommend looking out for my future posts on the topic!
As always, much love to our ‘Megs and Hunter, thank you for reading! 💛
Part One: Aftermath
Part Two: Cut and Run
Part Three: Replacements
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visd3stele · 3 years
More of my Invisible life of Addie LaRue thoughts that no one needs or wants. As always, click "read more" only if you are ok with spoilers (this time from Faust and Dorian Grey too)
I think something fascinating about humanity is how we can trace back our stories to one or more old ones. People in the past expressing same ideas, pains and visions as we do. That's why we call them classics, huh?
This being said, I don't think it's a new perspective to associate The invisible life of Addie Larue with either Faust or The picture of Dorian Grey. I will merely draw the similarities more prominent:
Let's start with the beggining, the deal with 'the devil'. It is the reason why most people point at these three stories and sense they're alike. Looking even farther, the reasoning of the main characters, though vastly different from each other, have one thing in common: it benefits their own selves. I would refrain to use the word selfish, for its negative connotations that can't be applied to all three of them, but Faust's pursuit of knowledge, as well as Dorian's vanity and Addie's desperate need of freedom serve only themselves. (an intresting observation is how the reasons work in or against the characters' favor: with Addie we sympathize and don't condemn her, Faust's is seen as noble and therefore excusable while Dorian's is incriminating).
They all have the influence of someone more powerful actively pushing them to lose their souls. Faust has Mefisto, Dorian has Lord Harry and Addie has Luc. (an important side note is what are these presence and how exactly they exercise their influence. Because Mefisto is almost always present on Faust's side, constantly breathing on the back of his neck and not letting him take a moment to consider his wrongs, but Lord Harry plants the seeds as often as he can and despite his blatant role in Dorian's fall, it's easier to brush it off as he is just a human Dorian could ignore. With Addie and Luc, the darkness is using both his absence and his presence to discourage her for the soul).
The linked objects Addie and Dorian have to their 'devils' give them more autonomy. It's their choice to sell their souls. (while Faust's lack of a specific object is absolving him of the fault of striking such a deal).
Their age. In order to walk down the path of decadence, Faust must be deaged. To enjoy his beauty and all the doors that are opened by it, Dorian doesn't age. Addie's forever youth is part of the curse, her promising Luc her soul when she doesn't want to live amymore. I'd say the age as a common factor is due to how younger people seek to experience everything. How we're mostly driven by emotions and burn bright and quick and chaotic, thus making it easier to trip, fall and get up again, idealy. (I'd also notice the older people presented along the main characters: Faust's old self, a teacher, patient, who has but one wish in the world, to learn; Dorian's so called friend, Lord Harry who, when old, spits on the man he modeled and the old lady that taught Addie about old gods. I bet she wouldn't have mistakeingly summon the darkness... or wouldn't have agreed with the deal.)
On the same page with the previous point, their age is part of the stories. They have characteristics of a bildungsroman, Addie's more than the others. She lets go of the innocence and naivity of childhood and becomes a strong, independent, powerful woman by the end. She had to face many hardships for it and Luc could act as a neccessary evil too. Dorian started as a good, confused, lost young man that didn't know how to deal with life. But he had the option to listen to Basil's good influence and mature accordingly. He evolves in worse and worse until only death can suit him anymore. Faust falls back in juvenile missteps and denies Mefisto to save his soul. I would never call The picture of Dorian Grey or Faust bildungsroman stories, but there are certain aspects that can be viewed as characteristics of one. Addie could be, in my opinion, called a bildungsroman.
(not proof read) (if you agree or not, if you debate this in the comments, BE NICE PLEASE)!!!
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