#and it’s not anti-semetic to be anti-zionist
starmoji1 · 3 months
Quick Sims Ramble
I know I don’t post sims stuff on my blog (plan to in the future), but I’ve a simmer since 2017 and I’ve got thoughts.
I still remember some cc creators throwing tantrums bc EA threatened to uphold their 2-3 week (14-21 day) rule for paywalls—and proceeded to do absolutely nothing. Many of those posts from back then are still up btw, you can easily see what your favs think of you and how some of them see you as a walking wallet.
Speaking of cc creators and modders crying over money, Curseforge, why do you continue to use it? It’s been months now since that tweet of Overwolf (CF’s owner) explicitly stating they’re donating to the IDF, so I’m gonna assume most of you have had sufficient time to read about it and understand why it’s an issue. Of course, grace is to be afforded to those who are late to the party, but I think it’s crazy to know what they’re doing and willingly continue to support. It’s got to be the money.
The website ugly and janky as hell, too, so it’s GOT to be the money. 😭
And if money is the problem, doing Early Access via Patreon is always an option. Ko-Fi’s an option. Gumroad’s an option. You got options that actually look good, raise your standards, I beg. And there’s free alternatives such as Google Drive, Mega, OneDrive, SimsFileShare; there’s simmers on this platform right now who are willing to give you a SFS code for free. And what about NexusMods? I’ve seen people post their cc and mods there.
Point is, you got options. So, why are you all acting like deleting your content off one gutterbutt platform is gonna bring the end of the world? All you have to do is release it for free after 14-21 days, and if you do so consistently, people will willingly donate money to support you—because you’ll be showing yourself as a reliable content creator who makes good content they like. You can get your money. CF is not the end all, be all of modding platforms.
So, please stop throwing tantrums and giving fifty-leven reasons why you can’t migrate off one platform.
#if you can’t tell i don’t really like the curseforge platform#even when i was getting minecraft mods years ago i thought it was ugly#the new website design is uglier but i digress 🗿#i’m just scrolling through tumblr and tired of seeing modders make excuse after excuse#if you not real just say that#it’s as simple as that#and yes this is in reference to me finding out little ms sam is zionist#zionism ain’t sexy#and it’s not anti-semetic to be anti-zionist#be wise not to conflate the two as many jewish tumblr and twt users have stated a million times before#i would like to specify that i am not jewish#i am black and i am well aware of a genocide when i see one#you cannot claim to be apolitical while continuing to knowingly use a platform that supports/is conducting genocide#especially when you state “personal reasons” as your excuse when you really mean “i want money”#i want money too but you don’t see me turning a blind eye or being complicit to a platform#i’ve retweeted gofundmes and have been keeping up with the news on the matter#even though i don’t post anything on tumblr my friends can confirm and vouch for me that i’ve been pro-palestine based on our discord chats#so my stance on the matter should be very clear and i am not above blocking people#anyways this is developing further away from the original sims topic but i just needed to get some thoughts out#it’s insane seeing people in this community act like cf is the holy grail and they’ll die if they leave#PLEASEEE stand up and get a hold of yourself it’s not the end of the world#respectfully all i’m saying is: get a grip#ts4#the sims 4#the sims community#sims discourse
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proudzionist · 2 months
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Benjamin Netanyahu gave an excellent speech to Congress 👏👏👏
Meanwhile loser lunatics we're doing what they do best : acting like a bunch of crazies who have no life !
They serve no purpose but to destroy .
Too bad these lunatics couldn't be sent to Gaza or Palestine.
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America needs to wake up and hold these lunatics accountable.
If they hate America so much ?
Then get out nobody sane and with actual morals want you there anyways .
The same lunatics that hate Israel hate you too America .
Hold these lunatics accountable asap !
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rabbid-cat-boy · 3 months
It’s kind of fucked up that people will praise me for being a Jewish person who is not a Zionist why am I being praised for having basic human decency to not support a genocide? What the fuck I’m not “slaying” or being “iconic” I think it’s the bare minimum what the fuck
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bottlepiecemuses · 5 months
Wat Anti-Zionists Sound When Telling Jews To Go Back To Where They Came From
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Does this sound familiar because all you anti-Zionists sound like racist pigs? Seriously, this is why I say anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic because you really are ignorant to the length of Jewish suffering and what they went through. It wasn't only the Holocaust they endured but the fact they middle east had a hand in making many Jews leave for Israel.
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mycomori · 9 months
i should legally be allowed to stab someone i think like i don’t wanna hurt or kill anyone but also i really wanna fucking stab somethin over an dover and over again until i pass out
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gha-zal · 9 months
Babe the new rhetoric dropped. It’s now anti-semetic to call for a ceasefire because murdering children is just what Jews do.
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s-c-l-n · 5 months
i need the internet to sit down and realize that screaming and shouting about palestine at random jewish people online is not productive nor helpful. i would actually argue its only harming your cause.
naturally this does not count for podts explicitly about palestine/israel, rather seeing someone talk about judaism and writing “free palestine” as a comment or harassing jewish people on the streets because they are jewish
suddenly it feels very obvious why american jews feel unsafe post-october 7th.
if your “activism” includes harassing people for their culture, youre not being helpful.
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paradigm-failure · 4 months
A child should only be afraid of a rumble from the sky from a shock of loud noises. Not out of fear that they will be bombed for simply existing. A young man with an eye for beauty, should be able to make his world debut through capturing the wonder he sees. Not out of necessity to share his people being annihilated mercilessly and without discretion. A mother shouldn't have the necessity to bury her child, but still the ability to. Not to have it done for her with tens upon hundreds of bombs falling from the sky. A father should be able to hold up his child and look into his eyes. Not stare in shock and horror at where his head used to be. A child should feel wonder at a plane flying overhead. Not irreversible fear, wondering if this is when they will die. A people should be able to live and exist happily, regardless of race or creed. Not spend 75 years being forced slowly, inch by inch, from their land because of a need of a 'holy land' that didn't even exist before the 1940's.
Hurt people, hurt people. This is a genocide. A repeat of actions from WWII on another group of people because of their ethnicity and religious beliefs.
This needs to end. It never should have begun. Let the people of Falasteen return to their homes. Let those keys once again open the doors to their lives. Stop killing children. Stop killing babies. Stop killing mothers. Stop killing fathers. Stop killing brothers. Stop killing sisters. End the occupation of Palestine.
From the River, to the Sea.
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causalityparadoxes · 5 months
Btw if someone asks if you support israel and you say 'what could ever make you think that how DARE YOU' maybe don't have multiple easily findable posts on your blog about how "israel is good actually"?
Faux-progressive zionist apologists really love to say "dare you accuse me of doing the thing i did". Silence is not neutral. Especially when in the past you've only ever used your voice to legitimise a genocidal oppressor.
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sunsetsmakemesad · 1 month
Hey I just want to remind everyone that while zionists are terrorists, and Palestinians deserve freedom, it is never okay to be anti-semetic or downright hateful. Saying "kill yourself" to someone who is pro-Israel or being disgusting to jews for no reason will not free Palestine. You are just spreading hate. Be the bigger person. Wanting to help someone and hating a group of people are two different things entirely.
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lovelylunas-world · 10 months
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muncedes · 1 year
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the weird justification of trying to excuse the devastation in gaza by saying there’s warnings as if ppl would have anywhere to go and THEN saying “i’m talking to you BLM” i mean it so seriously when i say this woman and this form of zionism is beyond disgusting. THIS alone is a form of racism, hate speech, islamophobia, etc. this is exactly why it will always be free palestine.
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tikkunolamresistance · 2 months
you're so weird for generalising the entire free palestine movement as pro-hamas and anti-semetic. you post a lot about how we should fight for israelis and palestinins, jews and christians and muslims and everybody else to live side by side. that is what the free Palestine movement stands for. you're weird for pretending it's a pro hamas and anti semetic movement. youre a liar and a propagandist. you should campaign for peace without tarnishing the movement you deep down adhere to. you and the free palestine movement believe in the same thing. stop pretending you are not one of them. and also stop pretending jews cant be anti-zionist
hi! thank you for being polite through gritted teeth here. let’s do this.
i will never forgive the pro palestine movement for how they behaved on october 7th, 2023 and subsequently treated and still treats the active hostage situation in gaza.
since that day, the only version of the pro palestine movement that has had any significance in my life as a jewish person is the antisemitic hatred festering globally.
i would be standing with you if i felt safe doing so. allowing any measure of antisemitism into your movement that has direct material impact on more than 50% of the worldwide jewish population invalidates any intention of peace any single supporter has.
it is very important to me that the movement i show up for represents my values on all levels. this conflict is not one you can just skim, this conflict has too many moving parts to have a faultless ‘side’ but i will always stand beside those that call for peace, dignity, and respect— something the pro palestine movement has failed to display to me anywhere. including and especially tumblr.
i campaign for the integrity of my people and the future we all deserve: israeli and palestinian co-existence and overall jewish safety.
bring them home now.
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bottlepiecemuses · 5 months
Israel is an ethnostate and zionists are terrorists. You, my lovable oaf, are indeed a terrorist.
You project and ironically enough you support ethnostates with the fact the Palestinians have banned Jewish people to live there and have discriminated against their black members hard.
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rlyehtaxidermist · 1 month
reminder that contrary to the common narrative, AIPAC is not the largest pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States. It's the largest Jewish pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States, which is why it usually gets put front and centre by the actual largest pro-Israel lobby, Christians United For Israel.
CUFI probably wants to avoid the spotlight on account of its leader, John Hagee, having such wonderful pro-Jewish positions as
Jews control the Federal Reserve and are conspiring to ruin the American economy (some things never change)
Hitler was "partially Jewish", and the Antichrist will be too
God sent Hitler so Jews would move to Israel
God (Christian) created "anti-Semetic nations" in order to "crush them so that the Jews of Israel as a whole will confess that He is the Lord"
which likely complicates the whole mainstream American Zionist narrative about what constitutes anti-Semitism
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moxxxissecret · 1 month
Hiiiii, I'm finally updating this!
I'm Moxi, I'm a 27yr old autistic, pansexual transfem, relatively new to the NSFT side of Tumblr! I use she/her pronouns!
I love being a little whore on here, My Asks/DMs are open to anyone who isn't a cishet man, be flirty, sext me or just have a chat! If you're a creep, you'll get blocked tehe
I'm in love with the gorgeous @marsmutt! Go give them attention too, they deserve it
will not interact with the following:
minors & ageless blogs (you'll be blocked)
pedos & zoophiles
fat fetishsts, feeders AND pro-ana, ed blogs
transphobes & lgbtqia+phobic folks (also included are transmeds and transphobic detransitioners)
zionists/islamaphobes, racists & anti-semetics
cishet men
Blank blogs (c'mon guys put something on there)
Tbh I'm pretty bad at tagging stuff, I'm sorry about that but I'll update this if I start using them regularly
kinks — into
Impact play
Impact play
humiliation / degredation / praise / objectification / dumbification
Religion (both giving and receiving worship mainly, and iconography)
free use
kinks — not into
vore / scat / vom
misgendering / any form of turning gay folks straight
patriarchy / misogyny
pregnancy (breeding is good, babies bad)
Tbh I'm kinda still working everything out so and I'm not 100% happy with this post but I'll update this as I go!
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