#and it’s honestly the only thing keeping me somewhat sane
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aaami · 1 year ago
Man 🙃
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daughterofheartshaven · 25 days ago
Why the Gallifreyan Presidency is such a mess.
This is in a series of Doctor Who expanded universe reconciliations. If you see a contradiction in the Doctor Who expanded universe, you can drop me an ask and I will come up with an explanation for it.
A response to an ask from @presidentdisastraofgallifrey - they asked me to explain why how the Gallifreyan Presidency works and to clean up the mess that is how it exists in the EU. I will probably still do that, but in the meantime, I figured I'd give my in-universe explanation as to why it's a mess. Happy reading!
This is a bit less formal then some of my other essays, so I'm not gonna do a play-by-play of where I'm drawing on this stuff. That being said, most of this comes from the classic series Gallifrey tv stories, the audios Time in Office, and Peri and the Piscon Paradox, and the books The Ancestor Cell.
The role of the Lord President was set up by Rassilon, and, following some teething troubles (read: Morbius and Pandora), set up into a pretty consistent pattern: A president would have the role for one of their lives, then at the end of their life, they would name a successor. The successor would then become Lord President for the remainder of whatever regeneration they were on before naming a successor and so on and so forth. In theory, the Lord President had vast power, but in practice, Gallifrey was so stable that this never came into play. Similarly, a nomination could be contested and brought to a public vote, but since the Presidency was just a ceremonial role, this almost never happened. While there were occasionally incidents where a president would die in office, they tended to have a successor prepared in the case of such an eventuality.
However, one case of this not happening broke the entire system.
When the current President was assassinated in The Deadly Assassin, he had yet to announce a successor. Subsequently, the first Presidential election in quite possibly thousands of years was held on Gallifrey. Had that election produced a clear winner, it is possible the Presidency would have stabilized.
However, of the three people running in the race, one (Goth) died and another (the Doctor) disappeared. This left Greyjan the Sane as the de facto victor of the election, but Greyjan killed himself less then three years into his term as president.
Since Greyjan left no successor, the presidency relapsed to the only contestant in the election still alive - the Doctor. (Or, possibly, Greyjan named the Doctor as their successor). Since the Doctor had roughly zero interest in being president, after The Invasion of Time he officially nominated Borusa his successor as Lord President and stepped down.
While president, Borusa regenerated. By the laws, he should have stepped down. But he didn't. Under other circumstances, this would have been somewhat controversial, but after the brief and chaotic presidencies of Greyjan and the Doctor, the populace of Gallifrey wanted a consistent Presidency. So no one challenged Borusa keeping the office after he regenerated.
Borusa, however, has realized that he does, in theory, have a lot more power than presidents have traditionally wielded, and he gets very interested in maintain his position. He attempts to undermine the High Council and solidify his powerbase to become President eternally. This backfires and he disappears.
However, in his disappearance, Borusa did two things:
Borusa did not name a successor because he planned on never needing one.
Borusa showed just how much power a High President could have.
Gallifrey had a new succession crisis, and it had become much more clear how an ambitious Time Lord could wield great power as a President. There had been an underlying cultural assumption that the President was a figurehead, but Borusa had broken that.
After a few interim leaders (Flavia, then Tivoli), the High Council brought the Doctor back and installed him as President.
I quite honestly believe that this was the worst possible choice they could have made.
The Doctor's second brief presidency was a flurry of him attempting to wield his power in order to break Gallifrey out of its stagnancy and better the lives of his people. This was very well-intentioned, and in the short term probably did result in the betterment of the lives of his citizens. However, a Lord President actually publicly using that level of power was functionally unprecedented and finished the cultural shift that Borusa started. The Presidential position was now one that was desired for its power.
The Doctor nominated a successor, Lowri, who kept things in check for a time. But then following the Ravalox Scandal, Lowri was revealed to functionally be in the pocket of the Celestial Intervention Agency, and she lost all public respect. And several ambitious Time Lords who had cottoned on to the fact that Gallifrey was finally in a position to change for the first time in millions of years sensed an opportunity.
What followed were the first actual, honest-to-Rassilon presidential battles in almost ten million years. The problem that immediately followed was that all of the relevant laws were almost ten million years old - with no reason to have accountability for what was seen to be a powerless figurehead, the laws regarding the presidency by and large had not been updated since the Rassilon had founded Time Lord society. And while Gallifrey had stagnated, it had changed enough over the past ten million years for this to be a big problem.
So, the reason the laws regarding the Presidency seem really inconsistent and contradictory in everything that follows the Fifth Doctor era (especially in the Gallifrey series)? They quite literally are that inconsistent and contradictory. The laws of how the presidency works by this point had very little to do with the actual office of the Presidency, and the sudden influx of ambitious would-be presidents left no time for the updating of the law. Following the fall of Lowri, the presidency became a game of "figure out a new legal loophole that allows me to illegitimize the last guy and legitimize myself."
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justcallmesakira · 1 year ago
Bsd men with a childish s/o pt. 3!
Sypnosis: How the people who are somewhat sane deal with you and your goofy goobers
Warnings: eyebrow less, wereballs, mentions of gaslight ING, mentions of turning into a gacha life demon form 2019,stealing glittery not pads, omori building reference, etc.
Genre: lowkey fluff, crack
A/N: bro this series is blowing up for real- Anyways heres part 2 andddd part 1!
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No guys hes not like you-😭
Sometimes he wonders if you were better suited with dazai then him (it's giving a certain emo Victorian kid kinnie)
But hey hey! Don't worry he will try to calm you down because he DOES NOT WANT YOU to follow dazai's steps! 😋😋
Dw atsushi! Reader is perfectly sane!!
He once came back to the agency from a mission only to see you see you eyebrow less
"Y/N! I am ba-AAAAAAAAAH-" "What, jinko, finally grew some wereballs"
Turns out you were cosplaying akutagawa and the eyebrowless thing was just a prank <3
Jizz man, give my pookie tiger
He's more scared of you then akutagawa 😨😨😨
You sometimes feel silly so you gave him cat food for lunch beacuse dazai convinced you with some skittles (he probably stole them from ranpo)
"umm, y/N.. WHY are you giving me cat food?" "because I felt silly lol"
Kyouka had to stop him-
I am pretty sure you two speak in kaomojis like--
But he enjoys your presence, it's nice to know that at least your happy,Perhaps he can protect you and your happiness if he tries....
Sometimes he wonders how you have so much energy to break into his home with hello kitty pins just to wake him up
And go to an amusement park..
There goes atsuhis wallet! 😄💸
I think atsushi genuinely likes your antics.. Sometimes
But he would definitely keeps you away from dazai so you two don't pour Elmer's glue into kunikidas hair :3
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Uh oh... Gin can you really handle reader-
OF COURSE YOU Can!! You can do anything hahaha... (please help I am being hold at gunshot by rea-)
Since she's really shy and all you speak for her though you jumble the words sometimes
"she asked for no pickles ya dumb yard😡🤬😈👿" *turns into a gacha life 2019 demon*
Although she can't keep up with your energy you always understand what she says in a notepad
You even stole bought her a glittered kuromi notepad for you twos personal talking!
Sometimes she sees silly doodles on the corners of the pages
Gin thinks its honestly cute
However if akutagawa founds out about your silly antics around his sister he's gonna give you a death stare
Gin haded to reasure him countless times that you won't eat her whole
I would😋😋😋
After she calmed her brother you always greeted him with "yo bro wassup >:3"
Bad idea😨
It's true your the person talking for her and all but she's gonna go full assassin mode if someone even tries to hurt you
THAT'S MY Girl!!!!! 😍🤩🥰😝 *verlaine bcs he canonically trained gin I think
Anyways you and her share a cute Lil dynamic
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T-that gif if him before finding out you were trying to eat the casino coins
"Y/N YOU CAN NOT EAT CASINO COINS" "why :(" "It's NOT FOR EATING" "why :(" "Well you ca-" ":c" "Why the sad face...wait did I shout too loud oh my god y/N I am so sorry.. You know what fine I will take you to the casinos play ground today" ":3"
Sigma.. That face is the face of someone who always gets what they want-😦
Also he sometimes questions how and why you speak in emojis like ":3" or ":("
Teach me your ways bestay😏
But please he's so insecure don't do that to my pookie😭🙏
He sometimes question if he has met your type before.. *flashbacks of Nikolai and dazai*
He's gonna go OUT of his way to keep you away from Nikolai bro
Sigma does not want to have a Nikolai dupe as his s/o
But still he might get a bit protective like "y/N be safe" "y/N don't go there" "y/N make sure to wear kneecaps before skating in the hallways of the casi- WAIT"
"don't worry I will be fine!" famous last words
*inserts omori reference here*
He's so tired bro but anything to keep you happy...
You somehow sometimes save him from Nikolai prank
But even so he tries protecting you...afterall no one wants to lose their only home.......
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A/N: hope you enjoyed it! Sigmas one was my favorite :33 anyways I think I will do hunting dogs ver. If you guys want!
Divider creds: @junkyukim on pinterest
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halieghhh · 5 months ago
I know I’ve made a post about this topic before but recently life has been tough and the only thing that has been getting me through it is Elvis; when I say my life has been very very rough, I mean it’s been absolute shit. I recently had to have my dog put to rest for behavioral issues, my mama is sick with lupus and is going on chemo soon ontop of having auto immune disease and kidney issues, my personal issues have also gotten a lot worse. I was diagnosed with severe depression when I was 10 and I’ve felt the same way for the past 4 years, it’s like a never ending cycle. I have thoughts of taking my own life everyday and I distract myself by listening to Elvis, talking about Elvis, watching Elvis movies or concerts, reading my books about Elvis. Elvis has been the only thing keeping me here and no matter how much I say it, I will never properly know how to put how much he’s helped me into words. The people apart of this fandom are always so sweet aswell and make me laugh and smile all the time. But, I’ve recently been reading and looking into bipolar disorder and it’s been something I think I may have. I’ve spoke to a doctor about it but they aren’t sure because it’s rare for a person my age to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder but it can still happen so that’s just another mental issue that I’m having to somewhat work through if that is the case but Elvis has been the BEST distraction through everything. I’m still grieving losses and I just recently lost my dog so it’s all a lot but Elvis is basically keeping me sane at this point. When I say I love Elvis, I mean it. I truly do love Elvis because he’s brought happiness to me and so many other people including my great grandmama. That’s where I got my love for Elvis from, from her. I always joke about it with my mom when it comes to her obsession with Elvis saying things like; ‘She better be saying hi to Elvis for me’ or something like that. But, that’s just how I cope with her death and I don’t want any judgement for it. But, I just wanna thank everyone in this community for being such sweethearts and honestly understanding me on levels nobody else could! :-)
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thegamingcatmom · 7 months ago
I came across your fic, the sisters on Ao3 and the writing? Amazing! I binge read it in one go and honestly can't wait for more of the story.
Had a thought on that, like we get the vibes that kate will probably push Tanya's buttons with having MC's attention. And then the thought came of would Tanya be annoyed if Kate stole an indirect kiss 👀
Like it's not a massive thing, but could you imagine: they're feeding her, and she's got a drink with a straw or whatever, and kate gets this idea just eyeing the MC drinking who has no idea what's going on and just assumes oh Kate's just thirsty or whatever
The offer of, "You want a sip?" A cheeky grin from kate as she realizes this takes it just for the sole purpose of getting an indirect kiss, not even a kiss, but like just to have that small bit she can gloat over her sister. The confusion on Tanya as Kate takes it even if she doesn't drink it before realizing
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This is-
But WHERE are my manners:
Hi! 👋
And THANK YOU for your lovely words! They just put a huge smile on my face, truly. 🙈❤️
Now, to the good stuff:
Oh, Kate will push buttons alright, and not just Tanya´s probs. Girl lives for being a nuisance, so I think MC would be well-advised to stock up on those headache pills. 💊😅
As for your idea with that indirect kiss?? I mean-
I love that omg!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Like, you have NO idea-
Okay so...what I´m trying to say here is:
"...it´s not a massive thing" is RIGHT up my alley. THAT´S what I´m talking about. Like, yknow, all those subtle things, that between-the-lines stuff. Like, YKNOW?? 🫣
God, I sound so unhinged rn-
OKAY SO, in my humble opinion, less is more when it comes to building up that tension and creating an atmosphere that manages to keep you on the edge of your seat, even if there´s little to no "action" going on, if yknow what I mean. It´s the little things that make you go absolutely bonkers because you´ve been suffering forever and you just wanna scream at them to just-
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But they won´t. Not now. Not for a loooong time. You hate it (and you hate that you love it). With every little interaction, the cup fills a bit more. The less action you put into those interactions, the faster the cup fills. (Yknow what I´m saying?) Until, at some point, a single drop would be enough to make the cup overflow. YKNOW WHAT I´M SAYING??
Ahhh, it´s just the little things, yknow? Idc about smut (I mean), GIMME THE TENSION. 😭
Also, can you imagine the LOOK MC´s gonna receive from Kate??? As she´s drinking from that straw??? Those lips??? Around that straw???
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Pls. That´s literally them in that exact scenario. I AM WHEEZING.
Meanwhile, MC´s just there like-
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Like, poor thing´s confused af and so innocent, but also kinda used to all that weird shit by now and she´s literally just woken up, trying to enjoy her breakfast, and Tweedledum and Tweedledee are already using up all her energy for that day and-
Is one sane day in this house too much to ask for??
If it hasn´t become clear enough by now: You have broken me with this. I can´t unthink this now. In fact, Imma go ahead and save that shit for later because there´s no way I´m NOT gonna use this at some point.
...Wait, can I? Like, is it okay if I use your lovely idea for my story?? Please?? 😭
If not, just lemme know. Send me another ask or dm me or whatever suits you best. ✌️😊
...If you fail to do so, however...
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Thank you so much for your ask! You´ve made my day (and my night) with this!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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Okay but Tanya getting back at Kate by not only taking sip, but a whole BITE??? Despite knowing it'll have to get outta there at some point later again because vampires aren't made for human food??? And Kate just looks at her like-
challenge accepted
-and then it's basically just the two of them taking turns snatching something from MC's plate, trying their hardest to keep their faces somewhat neutral despite the horrid taste and, in the end, MC's plate is empty, she's still hungry because those two idiots have swallowed it all, and said idiots-
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Well, looks like none of them is gonna get some now because 1) hooman's moody af because no food and 2) excuse them-
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years ago
You've been stuck on a small island for who knows how long... luckily, there's a merman who's been keeping you company the whole time! He'll come to the shore of the island and you two will talk for hours- even though you can't understand a single thing he says...
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey, language barrier, Floyd actually trying to be nice about the situation for once
★✦I'll Keep You Safe! I Promise!✦★
You say by the shore waiting for him to visit. He may be a bit strange sometimes, but he's honestly one of the only things keeping you sane. Even if you can't understand what he's saying ever, it's still nice to talk with someone.
He'll bring you fish and such... food to keep you alive... how nice of him! He seems to really care about you... at least, as much as he can without understanding anything you say.
It's nice, knowing you aren't entirely alone...
He wrote his name in the sand for you once. It wasn't written in his language, it was written in yours, which showed you that he probably somewhat understands you... his name is Floyd. You wrote out your name for him as well... he seemed happy about it. He drsoft view a little picture of a shrimp under your name.
He does weird things sometimes... he'll do some rather affectionate things, which are... a bit cute... he'll give you fish that have been torn to shreds- killed by him- as a seemingly romantic gesture... I mean, you don't know anything about merfolk customs, so, maybe...
...he also licks your face sometimes. You... you're not sure about that one.
One morning.
One morning, you woke up laying stomach-down on the sand with your feet somewhere soft and squishy... that's strange, right...? You're on an abandoned island, there aren't many natural things on an abandoned island that can be described as "soft and squishy"...
Not to mention, your legs feel... restricted somehow.
...should you open your eyes...?
You open your eyes.
Just the beach. Nothing of note. Though your body feels like it's getting progressively more and more restricted... how odd.
You don't realize what's actually going on until the jaws close around you.
You panic just as your head is swallowed.
"Maaaan... I don't understand why Shrimpy's squirming so much..." Floyd pouted. "I'm doin' something nice! Why're they panicking...?"
"Well, from what you told me, you made no effort to explain that they would be safe inside of you." Jade explained. "That seems like a good enough reason to panic."
"...well it's not like I could tell 'em even if I wanted to... sound travels differently underwater than it does on land, yeah?" Floyd asked, looking away, seeming disappointed. "Even if I wanted to communicate with 'em, I can't... so how am I supposed to show Shrimpy that they're safe???"
"Maybe you could show them in some other way."
Floyd decided a good way to non-verbally tell you you're safe would be to fall asleep with you inside him.
Every so often, he would gently stroke his stomach with you in it, trying to calm you down...
And you know what? It did help you calm down. Obviously you were still scared out of your mind, but... this gives you a strange sense of... comfort, almost.
How nice.
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foreststarflaime · 4 months ago
How about 2, 3, 11 and 23 for whichever members of AGSZC you feel like?
Oh boy you got it, ty for the ask!!! I’ll probably just do them all
2. Did you always like this character?
Angeal I did always like on some level. I loved the banter he has with Zack on the first mission to Tamblin so much! He is very funny and dad-shaped
Genesis I honestly do not remember my initial feelings towards, which means I probably didn’t hate him initially. I was probably between neutral and vaguely like I think?
Sephiroth…hm. My first exposure to him was just Remake, so I didn’t really have any of the backstory that makes me adore him. I thought he was a cool villain, very dramatic
Zack? ABSOLUTELY. I am victim to the puppy just as much as any of us
Cloud, oh yeah of course! He was my original favorite (him and Aerith), I loved that sad pathetic loser but kinda cool energy
3. What first drew you to this character?
“You’re a liiiittle more important than my sword. But just a little.” *most mischievous happy chuckle*
For Genesis it was him being a drama queen. Gotta love that flair. And I’m obsessed with books and trench coats too 🥹
For Sephiroth it was definitely how Crisis Core humanized him. I adore Sane!Seph <3
Zack’s puppylike charm and unquenchable optimism is so so endearing and I love characters who are like that
For Cloud it was honestly kinda the whole mysterious thing he had going on with the weird headaches. That boy was NOT okay and I needed answers
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
I’ll combine AGS on this one bc it’s very similar for all of them. Short answer, seeing all the little breadcrumbs of how human they were Crisis Core dropped in various places, and their chemistry with and love for each other. Reading fanfics with them in it only made that worse as I got to see more of that in fanon. Then I went on a massive fanfic binge and read anything I could get my hands on with any form of AGS content in it and now I am permanently addicted. Briefly, my favorite thing about each of them that grips me by the throat: Angeal’s instinct to keep his emotions bottled up inside, honestly I resonated with that. For Genesis it was his whole struggle—the desperate desire to just want to live, to be who he was and be happy. For Sephiroth it’s how deeply he cares for his friends.
For Zack, all I can say is just watching through Crisis Core and getting to follow his narrative. That was more than enough for me, I was ride or die for Zack by like the first 30 minutes in
For Cloud it was honestly pretty much just the same thing as Zack—getting to know him by seeing his story play out in Remake. I am an absolute sucker for characters who care about their friends as much as these guys do, and the weirder about it they are the better
23. Has this character permanently altered or impacted your psyche in a way you won’t forget?
I mean all of them have, you’ve seen how much I post about them. I connect them with everything I see these days. Like every cute animal video, etc etc etc. It’s an addiction. And these are the first characters that actually motivated me to write the fanfics I had in my head down to post them. And they connected me to all of you guys—I was never really active on any social media until this fandom, and I’m so glad I finally did start interacting! But as for specific stories—
I’ve accepted I’m nonbinary for…oh close to a year now? It took going to Oxford and getting to try things out in a new environment for it to sink in. But anyways fast forward to this summer and me discovering and feverishly writing about the trans Genesis headcanon. I was writing the fourth chapter of Silence, and researching top surgery stuff for that, and while doing that research was when it finally hit me that I wanted to do that. Which was simultaneously terrifying and exciting. So thank you Genesis for helping me process my emotions enough to start having nervous breakdowns about that lmao
And then somewhat similarly I was writing this Sephiroth-centric sort of character study fanfic which was very much projection about struggles talking to people and having a hard time finding the words to say things, etc yknow the type of thing, which is when my wonderful qpp @fridgefanatic started clowning on me about that being an autism (or at least some flavor of neurodivergent) thing, which threw me down that rabbit hole faster so yeahhhh
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dollivication · 6 months ago
Vergil definitely loves himself a smaller lover. He wants a petite mate. Dante wants one, too. The two of them just love having someone smaller than them :>
Vergil mostly likes it because it makes him feel tough. He has a small, fragile, little mate to protect (and sometimes breed) and he just loves the feeling. He likes to keep you close, mostly because just feeling your small form against his is so nice to him. Of course, fucking you is absolutely amazing, too! He loves how much he fills you up :>
Dante... Let's be honest, he likes how small you are because of how tight you are around his dick XD "Like fucking a virgin every time," he'd whisper in your ear while he's balls deep. He just loves breeding you, extra brownie points if he gets to do it raw and knock you up. He just wants to see you pregnant with his child! This man has one thing on his mind and that's breeding his little mate XD He's way too proud of himself when he eventually succeeds in his goal-
Don't mind me venting my size kink FSKHDFSGI-
no one can look me in the eye and tell me these freaks don’t want someone smaller than them.. they’re literally so high off the thought of constantly having the upper hand, especially over their partner!!
power is literawy EVERYTHING to vergil‼️ of course he’s gonna want tew fuck yu silly,, you’re jus t. so puny!! always struggling during his advances, because it feels laik he’s suffocating when he’s putting your knees to your chest and fucking you as hard as he can! >.<
it’s so cute.. you easily grow overwhelmed because of his cock, it actually makes the demon blood in him become somewhat active and influence primal behavior :3 calls yu his mate or some shi idk,, he just really lauvs stuffing yu with his seed.. it’s honestly just a subconscious thing too,, a need to carry on the sparda bloodline ^.^!!
dante is.. dante. gross, nastay, a fiend! he wants a small partner to fill all the way up with his cum! laik…; he will NOT stop fucking you until your hole has to push out his semen because there’s just way too much 4 your small body to handle !! LOVES seeing it seep out of you only for him to shove it back inside with his dick <3
dante’s uhm…!1!1!! peculiar, i fear.. something about seeing your tummy have a subtle bulge from his thick cock just makes him soso crazy!! it also laik,, turns on a switch inside of him and he's just desperate to see your stomach big with his babies!! fucks you like there’s no tomorrow, all while teasing you about how adorable you look getting railed by him <333!
auyhhhg… i’m so. sane about them!!!!sososane…
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reds-ultrakill-brainrot · 2 years ago
Hello, it's me again. Thanks for seeing my request for "v1, v2 x reader gone from hell". I would like to see modern au and all the characters together, this is my original idea. Thanks for your work =)
Hell Wasn't Full
modern au headcanons (included characters; V1, V2) x reader content (read platonic or romantic)
V1 - i honestly don't think V1 would get a job, they are't particularly social nor have any motivation to get one out of personal achievement - they are a decent roomate, V1 will help maintain the place and keep to their room most of the time that they are home, but dear god don't ask them to do the dishes, its not that they are incapable of it, they just tend to hand the dishes too... firmly (that or invest in plastic plates and cutlery) - is almost always out of the house, they tend to wander the streets and perform a little unauthorized artwork on buildings. they will be happy to have you tag along, as long as you can keep up when they run from the police - V1's room is a tad unorthadox, mainly because it lacks a bed, most of the room is full of decorations, a desk is nestled in the corner along with a bean bag in the middle of the room. the previously mentioned decorations are half self created, otherwise they are illegally aquired, most often street signs - their favourite activity to do together is to visit the local cat cafe, while they can't eat they do love spending time with the animals. it gets to the point that the workers recognise them by name, they greatly appreciate the amount of money that they spend in the store, as it turns out when V1 has access to money they will just tip $200 - is very interested in art and frequents museums and art galleries, its to the point they start to get noticed in said places. they don't tend to interact with anyone, mainly due to the fact others struggle to understand them. if you offer to join them you will be roped into speaking with the artists and museum curators - will take a vested interest in your day to day life, and if you have a job V1 is very happy to walk you to and from work, you will find yourself much safer for it, not many people will bother you with V1 making agressive eye contact with anyone who comes near you - enjoys learning how things work and mastering them, and once you introduced them to the concept of laundry you made an absolute cleaning monster, they have it down to an art at this point, and have internal timers set to arrrive at the washing machine just as it ends. you aren't burdening them with the task either, they derive genuine enjoyment out of speedrunning laundry - likes to randomly leave you gifts from time to time, both of their own creation and ones they aquired (legality pending) elsewhere. they very quickly pick up on your interests and favourite things, it does tend to help that they can review footage from previous conversations - is happy to meet your friends, V1 cares about what you care about, and if you value someone enough to let them into your life then V1 trusts your judgement. its unlikely that they will keep in contact with them unprompted, but they still make an effort to be polite (polite being V1 doesn't ignore them) - V1 has a small wardrobe of clothing that they have somewhat crudely altered to fit themselves, they have an interesting idea of fashion but its always fun to see what outfit they've concocted to wear for the day
V2 - an evil part of my brain wants to suggest that V2 gets a retail job to rub it in V1's face that they have a job, only to find near instantly that they fucking hate retail, but that idea would require them being hired in the first place which honestly no sane person ever would - to say their room is unorthadox is an understatement, it is one large metal table spanning most of the centre of the room surrounded by shelves stocked with all parts imaginable. the only object one could imagine sleeping on is their wheelie chair, though that would be on the off chance they aren't inhabiting it - V2 doesn't have many hobbies, what they do with so many hours in the day you ask? scheme about different ways to ruin V1's day. yes they quite literally sit in their dim room like a cartoonish villain and come up with ways to annoy V1. often times these ideas are more minor inconveniences but they gain such genuine joy out of doing it V1 has decided to just deal with it - if you intend on making V2 a good roomate, it will take a lot of time and interventions. V2's appreciation of you is most likely the only reason they listen to you when you firmly tell them to stop pouring glitter in the detergent. - is extremely interested in inserting themself into as much of your daily routine as possible, unlike V1 they do not appreciate doing chores but they like spending time with you, and by joining in chores they have plausible deniability as to why they spend most of their time with you (it is extremely obvious, they just refuse to acknowledge their endearment to you)- on the off chance they aren't plotting V1's "demise" they like to tinker with electrical devices and finding ways to automate things. they seem to have an innate sense of when something is broken and will very quickly appear and work their magic. watching them work is quite fascinating and will definately boost their ego - greatly appreciates quality time, simply letting them be near you while you work or participate in your hobbies is the ultimate form of bonding for V2. if you offer to help them with their mechanical work they might, might even thank you for it - speaking of mechanical work they are very well versed in almost all things related to mechanics, metalwork and electrical work. if you have a car you will find they have a vested interest in its maintinence and performance. at your request they will stray from illegal car mods but they will definately think about it - will meet your friends with only a relatively small amount of reluctance (relative to their normal opinion on interacting with people). in reality V2 is just concerned you are going to find someone to replace them, but they will never explicitely let you know that lest their ego simply disintigrate - V2 didn't originally care for wearing clothing, but once they figured out they could wear matching clothing with you they suddenly decide they like to wear clothing. not much of it mind you, they only tend to wear shirts or jackets but they will colour/pattern match you as often as possible Dual Headcanons - there is an ongoing game of tag involving the knuckleblaster, it trades owners very frequently and is progressively being stolen in more elaborate ways. V1's attempts at aquiring this tend to be more covert than V2's, who tends to launch themself at V1 from unseen location and attemps to rip the arm right off - as much as the two have a (mainly one sided) rivalry with eachother they are strangely familial. said brotherly affection appears differently in each robot, V1 tends to help V2 without their knowing, always making sure they have whatever parts they need for their new projects. V2 tends to be protective of V1, moreso in the way that they are the only one allowed to annoy V1. - if you intent to take the both of them out to spend time together expect V2 to become even more intent on stealing your attention away. prepare for childish antics afoot
thanks for clarifying, i honestly enjoyed writing both. this post feels smaller than i would want it to so i might add more later. stay tuned for that romantic minos headcanon post, it's coming i swear!
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tumfullofblue · 27 days ago
Also. I would love to hear about your remedy OC!!
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First of all, I want to say huge thank you for your kind words. Not afraid to also say they keep me going and everything YOU write for the old grumbly bastard Casey is amazing, good job sweetiepie.
ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっAnd thus, Coffee Anon gave me the green light to ramble about my girl! Don't mind if I do!
Meet a mess of a woman named Faith Virtanen! She's in her late 20s, Finnish origin (hence the last name; Virta meaning flow, current or river!) and works for Federal Bureu of Control. She had a very loving relationship with director Trench while he was already affected by Hiss. After his demise, poisoned by grief Faith is marked by Dark Presence and makes a few very bad decisions while being trapped in Dark Place ʕ ● ᴥ ●ʔ More of her story under the cut!
And yes, she is my self insert/original character. Something old folks like I am used to call Mary Sue back in my days. I mean, come on, her name is literal translation of my name from Russian!
Faith originally started working in Research Sector under doctor Darling's supervision. Following standart procedures for new recruits she was going through various tests and trials to determine her abilities and resistance. Later on, she finds out that those weren't just tests - she was actively being trained into becoming paranaturally altered individual. That was also the reason why sometime in her career, director Trench asked her to become his assistant, which she gladly did (though she was terrified of the man at first, but hey, who wouldn't?). Her abilities are unspecified and even she doesn't know the full scale of her powers. She just knows she has some form of talent 'manipulating' electronic devices. Changing their wavelneghts, making radios take signals from outer space, TV's to show footage of different reality - that sort of thing.
The whole time she was working in FBC, she grew very close with Ahti. He was treating her like a granddaughter, keeping her mostly safe and sane. And it's because of his protection and love she was spared the fate of being controlled by Hiss. She loves him very much (who doesn't?) and is somewhat aware that he is not just some friendly old finnish janitor. They shared many tender moments together over the cup of coffee and she considers him her family by bound, not blood.
I would describe her as a very spiritual woman. She was very religious growing up, but after the whole Hiss and Dark Presence shenanigans, she highly doubts her, drum rolls please, Faith. She is a big fan of books and working hard. Sometimes, agent Virtanen might seem aloof, distant and let's be real - weird as fuck, but she is actually very kind and motherly, even. Her problem (besides everything else) is that she lives to serve. Quite literally thinking that she is worth of something only when being used. When being controlled and told what to do. It's like she is almost afraid of taking the reigns of her own life into her hands.
Right now, I roleplay as her with my BFF and have one hell of a good time doing that! I don't want to sound to proud of myself, but I really like the story we made for her and honestly, if I could pay in dollars, i would commision so much art with her BECAUSE. I. LOVE. THAT. WOMAN.
Oh and she also has somewhat strong Finnish accent and THICKEST curls you've ever seen, brother.
What a woman, right?
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majorbaby · 1 year ago
as someone who has Feelings about House (I was watching it when I became disabled so oof), do spill the House takes?
Gregory House is a relic of early 2000s, vaguely Dane-Cookian, edgelord-style comedy so it's somewhat amusing to watch tumblr blorbify him. It gives me the sense that people are unaware that he's the type to unironically say, "I'm not racist, I hate all races equally". Blorbofication seems to to really rely on projecting on a character, or identifying with them, and House is a character who should be blorbofied with care. Of course you can identify with a character that makes poor choices and behaves badly while simultaneously condemning those actions IRL, but honestly, there seems to be a lot of irony-turned-sincere in the "asshole (affectionate)" sector of various fandoms these days and the push to rehabilitate House in fanwork so that he's a better person leaves me with a lot of questionmarks.
the rest of this is beneath a cut because it got super super long, sorry about that!
Here's one thing I do like about him: sometimes his unabashed assholery allowed House to do and say more progressive things than any heroic protagonist could ever say on television at the time, because radical speech is almost always an affront to the status quo. House could be pro-choice, staunchly atheist and practically allergic to any kind of traditional romantic relationship, and this was all acceptable to audiences because House is intentionally written as an asshole.
He's still an asshole though, in plenty of ways that aren't cute or excusable. The show and the character are plenty misogynist, racist, homophobic and yeah, House is disabled himself, but he's also ableist towards his patients. I'm not pointing these things out to say "don't watch this show because it's bad" but they're also unavoidable truths about the show. It's not subtle at all either, and it extends to production. House MD is famous for its wacky plotlines and doctors committing all kinds of medical malpractice or outright felonies, with the exception of Foreman who got less material because, as House would put it, "black guy". This kind of works out for Foreman because by virtue of getting much less material beyond "only sane man" or "voice of reason" or "endlessly patient with his racist boss", he's the most normal of the cast, and it made sense for him to succeed Cuddy at the end of the series. Every woman on the show exhibits saint-like patience towards him. Cuddy, Cameron and Thirteen could've collaborated to quietly murder this guy and I'd be shocked (well. would I??? this show did some truly wacky things) but I can't say I'd feel a terrible amount of sympathy.
The issue I have with a lot of the recent fic and headcanonry around the show is this "healed by love" trope that I keep seeing pop up. House's most basic traits are that he's 1) brilliant and 2) an asshole. The show asks over and over whether or not House will ever change, and the answer is always no. If he's rehabilitated, he is no longer Gregory House. Like, write what you want but why write House if he's not going to be an asshole? Or if you are going to rehabilitate him, understand that there's 8 seasons of television that deliberately, consistently portray him as being a lost cause in terms of positive character development. I've seen the claim that he's "good disabled rep" and like, on its face I agree with that. House is in pain 24/7, his brain functions differently from other people, he struggles in social interactions, he wants to be loved in spite of knowing he is hard to love, he tries to do better but he repeatedly fails. All of these experiences have a place in fiction, but rehabilitating him revokes that place.
More specific to my own blog, I've encountered a few posts comparing beejhawk to hilson and that's on its face ridiculous. Even if we disagree that Hawkeye is a good person, MASH frames him as a good person whereasHouse is a bad person who is framed as a bad person. I'm more ambiguous towards the Wilson-BJ comparison, but at least Wilson is canonically shown to possess some of the traits that are commonly assigned to BJ within fanwork. House and Hawkeye on the other hand... like Hawkeye and Wilson have more in common with one another, Wilson being compassionate and communicative towards his friends and patients, including House when House isn't being particularly likeable (there actually might be a bit of BJ in House, lol).
imo, it's part of a trend of homogenizing ship and character dynamics, molding characters/ships/settings to certain popular tropes rather than the other way around across fandoms... to what end, I have no idea. I'm of the opinion that nothing in fanfic presents any kind of real-world "risk" in comparison to mainstream media, but it seems to me that presenting all the big gay ships as being "the same", essentially inventing new gay stereotypes is something we maaaay want to move away from. Or at least ask ourselves why we do this with gay men specifically.
okay MASH/perils-of-gay-fandom tangent over. basically, House is a mediocre show, albeit with some very good acting. it offers great fodder for fanwork because the characters are all some kind of hot mess (except for Foreman), it's got plenty of sex and drugs, and despite the fact that every medical drama to ever exist has contained all of these elements setting each other off, there's still a societal expectation that doctors and nurses have their shit together. these are people who are responsible for human life, so they can't possibly be sex-having, substance-abusing, hot messes, right?
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flightfoot · 2 years ago
Honestly, the whole saltdom makes no sense to me. Why completely rewrite the show to that degree? Like, make up your own story at that point.
I've admitted I'm not the biggest fan of Luka. but When writing him I try to keep him in line with the show.
And none of the characters fit a certain archetype I wanted, so I just made Dustin up.
It started off as being a very negative, but at least somewhat sane reaction to Chameleon, with people taking Lila's threat very seriously and looking at how she could deliver on it, given how gullible the class seemed to be.
Then people got really enamored with the "main character gets to show up people who mistreated them and lash out, resulting in them getting everything they ever wanted while the people who 'wronged' them suffer" and thus it became a main stay. This has sadly happened in a few other fandoms, though the only one with a worse case of it that I know of is the Harry Potter fandom.
With it becoming popular and somewhat accepted to do this kind of thing, a lot of people have jumped on board who would never dream of doing so if other people hadn't shown the way. It's a bandwagon effect.
As for why these people don't just make their own original stories at this point, considering how disconnected the saltdom is from the actual characters in Miraculous, I'm guessing it's because the Miraculous saltdom has a built-in fanbase.
But yeah even for characters I'm not super fond of, I still try to at least keep within the realm of sanity when I depict them.
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years ago
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Please read the following:
After the events that have transpired these past few days, like many other blogs — I have decided to take extra measures to protect my peace of mind and my blog. This is my safe space, and I won’t have it ruined! I’ll be changing a few things, so it’s important to read through this post!! Saddened that it’s come to this, but we have to keep our community and one another safe and sane, & these are some of the ways that we can!
I have always blocked underage blogs and most blank blogs! I label things accordingly, I set out boundaries, and I expressed that those be respected. I’ve always had a policy of 18+ on this blog, or do not enter if you’re a minor. However, realizing how many people have truly crossed these boundaries myself and my fellow writers have set— I know that I need heavier measures. Which is why I will be starting the extra rules below, as well as my fic writing rules!
Do not attempt to contact me if you’ve been blocked from my page. I have my reasons and I do not owe you an explanation. Please respect this.
If you’re a blank blog, especially without an age in your bio — it’s an automatic block. I have a lot to still get through, as my followers accumulate pretty quickly and it’s sometimes hard to catch. If you’re of age — SAY SO IN THE BIO!
Don’t lie about your age or make duplicate blogs to follow or interact. I realize that can happen, and sometimes there’s no sure way of knowing, but I’m doing my best to keep my blog safe for my mutuals, followers, and myself. Let’s all be respectful here.
It goes without saying, that you’re getting blocked if you’re underage. Also if you’re a blank blog. This blog is 18+ ONLY
Do not interact with me or my blog if you’re under the age of 18. Do not attempt to follow this blog, either. Blank blogs — same rules apply. I sound like a broken record, but LISTEN!!!
NOTE: If you’d like to remain anonymous because of your own comfort levels — you can send me an ask via your blog, but ask me not to publish it. Maybe mark the username out? You must be 18+
Fic rules: Things I won’t write for, just send in an ask if you aren’t sure! It’s easier to answer that way than listing them!
I’m sorry if this upsets anyone about the anons, because if you’re of age and you’ve never liked sending shit off anon — I get it. But please understand. ❤️
I’ve lost an influx of followers, but I honestly don’t give two fucks, because safety is my priority here. If this bothers you — get off my page, kay? As an older community of writers, I feel that we have somewhat of a responsibility here. I’m grateful for this community and for my friends & fellow authors 💗
Note: Important Announcement
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fandomsoda · 1 year ago
I am. So tired of being a modern day youth.
Everything is taking a turn for the worst. There’s wars, genocides, injustice, people losing their rights, everything. That has always been a thing, this is absolutely nothing new and I am not going to act like it is anything new. It’s all too familiar and built into this fucked up system. It’s a feature, not a bug. But there’s an uptick in things now and a lot of other factors make it feel like these things are building up to something. And they are.
We are reaching the tipping point where it will just be revolution or die, basically. And we have no idea what that revolution is going to look like. We have no idea what we will lose, what we will have to be prepared for. Other than societal collapse, of course. Because it’s been made clear that the people in power would rather kill us all than ever throw us a proper bone. People are working 3 jobs and unable to afford rent, do you understand how sick that fucking is?
And it’s not like our parents care, they don’t care, they’re either neutral or in favor of this shit and those who do care are in the minority. Most of us are still just children. But now it’s almost only the children and young adults who have the power to stop this mess. I am expected to go through school, continue my day-to-day while innocent civilians are being bombed and the world is on the verge of societal collapse. The earth is dying too. It’s… awful.
and let me be VERY clear: hope is not lost. Do not be a doomer. There is still time and opportunity and space to enact change. We can do this. But…it also won’t be easy. I have no money, school eats up all of my time, I cannot go out and do things or organize or protest, nor do I even have the proper rights to do so because kids are not seen as full human beings under the law or society itself. Getting a job feels unattainable due to my disabilities. And… I’m also not physically nor mentally capable of handling the harsh conditions that will accompany this revolution. I know that fighting and standing up is the right thing to do, and thus I will do it if I have to, but it will not be easy and damn am I scared.
And with this fear, this mental incapacity, I’ve been dissociating and losing myself in media and fiction and reality is blending with unreality and my brain is just desperately trying to keep me sane and somewhat happy and in the process making me feel like everything around me is a construct of my own mind, and while I try my best to do what I can to aid the real world, I am struggling with whether it is real or not.
And I’m… lucky, honestly. I’m very privileged, I am very well off, I have a stable home and food and everything. And therefore my suffering is nothing in comparison to those actually experiencing the brutality. And at the same time it’s still torture to be trapped up in this ivory tower when I want to be out there helping and fighting and doing what’s right. I want so badly to do the right thing, to help people, to use my privilege for good, but I am physically unable to as I can’t go anywhere but home and school nowadays. And I wish that earning a better tomorrow was easy, but it’s not.
Hope is not lost, but the path to greatness is not pretty. And I love humanity, but damn I hate the world we live in right now. And I have it pretty good, but damn, I am tired. And I can only imagine how tired the people who are actually struggling are. They are the ones who matter here at the end of the day. Not me.
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val-of-the-north · 2 years ago
Top 5 hottest Bloodborne characters and why! (P.S. you must exclude Patches though, or else the top will be rigged and pointless)
Alright altright... let me think...
I don't have a particular order for any of these in mind, so bear with me here... the idea of hot in my head isn't really well-defined for these guys. I'll stick to the humans for this (and ones we actually meet and know what they look/ed like ahah), otherwise how is anyone gonna compare to like, Wet Nurse, Kos and Ebrietas? Simply impossible lmao. Also, it's half characters I personally really like and characters that just... ARE hot lol.
Call me simple but Annalise has some ALLURE to her. She looks absolutely beautiful in the portraits we do have of her, but her mask-bound visage inspires mystery and intrigue, as well as her just having that dignified nature to her. Despite everything she ever had having been toppled and destroyed, she keeps her chin up and still commands respect. She is very strong and confident in her blasphemy and you can't help but love to see it.
Call me simple YET AGAIN but Gascoigne is just undeniably hot lol. Like, I am not even his biggest fan but even I think it's an objective fact. He has everything you could ever want. Gigantic dad body, sharp teeth, a sexy voice... and he is probably sweet enough when off work to maintain a pretty stable loving family and a life-long buddy. Technically!!! He is the ONLY human character (that isn't a prostitute I guess) that is confirmed as not being a virgin lmao. Even the setting wanted you to know this man fucks. Like, there's no denying he is THE hot character of the setting when the topic comes up. People don't call him daddy for nothing...
Valtr. I don't even have to elaborate honestly. His looks are appealing, his insanity and violence are appealing, his voice acting is appealing. He is just REALLY freaking appealing with how strong he is and how passionate he is about the things he believes. And, while this may be a thing that only makes him more appealing to me, he also has the potential to be silly, which is hilarious since he is the character who'se goal is "everyone must die". I mean, it's THAT goal itself that makes him silly in the first place ahah. But yeah, solid design, concept, backstory and execution. It does not surprise me multiple people simp for him. Honestly, I am surprised it's not MORE.
Now with the more conventional out of the way, I'll go with Djura. He is a frisky old man, and one who tries to atone for his mistakes and crimes. He is well-meaning and surprisingly honest for someone in Yharnam lol, which makes him stand out in a sea of asshole opportunists and deranged lunatics. You know how people usually gravitate towards batshit crazy weirdo characters in a sea of relatively sane and good characters? I think Djura has the same effect but reversed lol. HE is the novelty in this world. Also, his design is pretty freaking attractive. It's simple, but the charm is there. His voice actor did a very good job as well ahah. I love his line delivery...
... I'll come out and say that I can see the appeal of Logarius VERY well. He is a tall evil man of dubious origin just chilling (literally) on the roof of Cainhurst for all time. He was most likely somewhat Pthumerian which adds to his attractiveness, as it would make him not QUITE a human (but still human enough to make it on this list lol). I also listened to the sounds he makes and I liked what I heard... he has a pretty cool evil laugh. I just like how he was either fully deluded and really believed his quest, or he was just enticing a group of fanatics while knowing full well their quest had ulterior motives. Both work and both are appealing for different reasons. One has to wonder what he looked like before he turned into a Halloween decoration...... welp, I said it. I am cringe but I am free...
Honorable mention to thicc Willem, the sexiest man in Yharnam and the one who ruined it. I like to think he wasn't JUST smart back in the day lol
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overlordofcute · 1 year ago
Honestly pretty disappointed in IDW Sonic #64
Full disclosure, I've only started reading the comic from #63 onwards, so I realize I'm not getting the full picture here.
But man, as someone who actively despises the trope of "Antagonist joins the group and ruins the protagonist's life by actively causing harm while everyone thinks the protagonist is overreacting or acting out of turn (because why would the new guy ever do anything wrong)," (I find it tedious and frustrating, but that's a tangent for another day) I was somewhat hopeful in a subversion wherein Whisper ended up believing Silver and was willing to side with him. It seemed like the comic was going "yeah, I get that this type of plot might be frustrating to read, but we're going to move into them trying to actually catch him instead, since that's more interesting."
...Until we got to next issue in which their genius plan to catch Mimic was to stalk him, actively put him in harms way, assault Lanolin when she rightfully doesn't believe you given you don't have any evidence, and then proceed to assault Mimic (as Duo) in the misguided hopes that he'd instinctively blow his cover (when he's already demonstrated that he has no reason to when he can just play the innocent card and everyone will believe him).
It honestly just felt like a filler chapter, given all that was really accomplished is that now Mimic has access to the main office with Jewel and now Silver's been booted out from the Diamond Cutters.
As part of my disclosure, I realize I don't fully have a read on Whisper or this version of Silver like more long-time readers might have, but this just felt absolutely impulsive in a way that was very frustrating given the monthly release schedule (Which, another tangent, I need to stress I'm glad the comic book is released under, I don't think putting stories out weekly is something that is sustainable for the mental health of those working on the comic). I just don't understand what either of them were thinking when they did what they did, and I was left siding with Mimic given he felt like one of the few sane players in this plot that wasn't a neutral party such as Lanolin herself (Which feels very wrong to me given he's literally the antagonist here).
I'm going to keep reading because I want to see where this plays out, but I'm just disappointed that I waited a month to only be told "Nope, they're just going to mess things up and look like an idiot, wait until next chapter to see how this plays out."
EDIT: Some more thoughts:
I'm not frustrated that they didn't resolve the plotline immediately or anything. I'm more frustrated that very little was accomplished or taught to us. Realistically, I would've been less harsh on this if the plot was Silver and Whisper staking out Mimic to try and figure out what his deal was, learn his motivations or plans, and still are unable to convince Lanolin or the others that something's amiss.
In a way, all we're told is "Whatever Mimic is planning, he's playing a long con for it", as well as, I guess, "He's trying to cause discourse within the Diamond Cutters by having them try and oust him to no avail (given he's directly showing himself to be Mimic to people)".
But... I don't know. It just felt like I waited a month just to be told "nah, they're just going to attack him and hope that solves things. Wait until next time to see if he actually does anything."
I did think it was cute that it tied into the Sonic and Blaze B-plot by having a cute heart-to-heart moment between Silver and Blaze, though. I thought that was a nice moment even if the story that lead to it I felt was faltering in execution.
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