#and it may be a little soon to make any update/announcements
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 11 months ago
Okay, so, life update in the tags
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interact-if · 3 months ago
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Happy New Year everyone!
I’m delighted to announce that Interact-IF is officially back in business! I (Allie @allieebobo) will be taking the reins as the new mod, and I’m very excited to get this blog up and running again!
First, a heartfelt thank-you to the original mod team for everything they’ve built. Interact-if has become such an invaluable resource and hub for interactive fiction fans and authors alike. It’s a tough act to follow, but I’ll do my best to keep the spirit of this wonderful space alive :)
A little bit more about me: I’m the author of two WIP interactive fiction games, @collegetennisoriginstory and @merrycrisis-if. Interact-if was one of the first blogs/places that I discovered almost three years ago now, and it led me to so many amazing stories, authors, and resources.
When I saw that the blog was going into archive mode, with a call for a new generation of mods, I wanted to do my best to help out. I reached out to the original mod team and worked out a gameplan for the future of Interact-if, which I’d like to share with all of you today.
P.S. If you would like to join me, I’d love to have you on the team! Scroll down to the section on ‘open call for mods’.
Without further ado, here’s the plan!
My goal is to focus on retaining the aspects that made Interact-IF so special: spotlighting diverse authors, and creating a warm, inclusive space to talk about and share wonderful games.
🟢 Active:
Game Updates & Intros: If you’re an author with a new game or demo update, or if you’re organizing a game jam or event you’d like to share with the community, simply tag @interact-if in your posts, and I’ll reblog them. It would also be helpful if you added tags stating the IF's genre (e.g. horror, romance), has a demo/no demo.
Themed Author Features: I’ll continue the tradition of spotlighting authors and games based on monthly themes (e.g. Pride Month, Disability Month). These interviews are such a great way of celebrating diversity and inclusivity in the IF community, and I’d love to keep these going! Stay tuned for a detailed post on this soon!
Community Spotlight: Once every quarter, I’ll also do a call for reader recs around certain categories/themes (e.g. Fave RO, Fave Worldbuilding/setting, Fave plot-twist etc.) and compile these recommendations to share. Think of it as a bulletin of crowdsourced faves and a way of sharing a little note about an IF you love!
🟡 Remain open/active, but not modded:
Game directory: The Interact-IF repository of games (excel) will remain open for authors to update/list their games and/or readers to discover their next read. (Feel free to continue to update/populate the repository, though do note it will remain completely crowd-sourced/author-updated).
Discord: The discord will remain open and active for discussions, resource sharing, and casual chats, though again, this will not be officially modded (though I, and some of the original mods like roast, may be active from time to time)
🔴 Not active:
Asks: I will not be answering asks except for specific submissions (e.g. for author features, reader recommendations etc.). If you would like to ask for specific game recommendations, or have questions/just wanna chat, the discord channel is a great place to do just that! :)
Keeping track of events/game updates: As mentioned, I’ll rely on authors / readers to tag me in updates posts and/or flag any games with questionable content/anything that might need my attention, as I won't be able to search out update posts or do any extensive vetting.
Open call for mods:
Finally, I’d love to have some company! If you’re interested in helping out—whether with reblogs, interviews, or brainstorming new features—please reach out. Having a small team would make this space even more vibrant!
Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, and for being part of what makes Interact-IF such a special corner of the internet! :)
If you have any suggestions or ideas on how Interact-If can be improved, feel free also to drop the blog a direct message or an ask. I look forward to getting to know all of you better. Here's to an awesome year of interactive fiction (and many more!)
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endless-ineffabilities · 9 months ago
sapphire-hearted (part four)
Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
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Aemond is not one who shares those which he thinks belong to him. Including you, as you'll soon find out after an eventful little feast.
themes/warnings: jealous!Aemond, third and fourth parties (but not really), Aemond is a stubborn and possesive arse, drunk Aegon - huzzah!
series masterlist ▪︎ main masterlist
a/n: I can't believe it's been a year since I updated this fiery miniseries! Apologies if I couldn't tag everyone who asked from the previous chapter - taglist is now closed 💙
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The necklace is perhaps the most beautiful piece of jewelry you've ever seen.
With an intricate interwoven chain of Valyrian steel, and a sapphire pendant inlaid in a burnt bronze frame that glowed dark green in some lights, the frame displaying carvings that resemble Vhagar's scales.
There is no question to it. Not an inkling of doubt.
This gift is from Aemond.
"You simply found this when you arrived?" you asked your lady-in-waiting, as you pick up the necklace from its velvet casing and study it against the faint firelight in your chambers.
"Yes, my lady," she responds promptly. "Shall I fasten it upon you before you depart for the King's feast?"
Your mind forms almost immediately, resolute in your decision. "No, it will not be of any use to me this night. You may keep it away in my boudoir."
The thought of it around your neck is a pleasant one, to be sure. It is such a thing of beauty, fit to be worn to a royal gathering. But what message might it signal to the others?
What purpose might it serve - especially to Aemond - that you wear something that symbolises him?
All while your companion is Ramsay, with whom you hope to be betrothed.
And while Alys is likely draped upon Aemond's arm. That slimy, bastard witch.
You will not give in, and give him what he wants.
The necklace is far from enough to make up for how he has wronged you, so it stays in your chambers, safely tucked away in its casing, not to be worn until Aemond sets things right.
If he ever will.
Ramsay arrives at your door soon enough, accompanied by two of Aegon's guards. The awe in his gaze as he takes you in is so evident, so pure in its apparent innocence. Unlike Aemond's, who would be undressing you with a single passing look.
Unlike Aemond's, who - despite his trangressions - looks at you like he would burn the entire Seven Kingdoms for your hand.
But he has relinquished your hand when he took that witch to bed.
"You look dashing as ever, my Lord," you curtsy in greeting, as Ramsay kisses your hand. He is clad in a tunic in House Beesbury's yellow and paly black, as you are wearing a gown in your own House's hues.
If not the necklace from Aemond, branding you as his, why not something of Beesbury? It would anger Aemond so, but you are feeling petulant. Why can't you take a jab at him after what he had done?
"And what a lovely sash you wear," you say, observing his attire. "Mayhaps I might display this on my person? Have it as a sort of attachment upon my skirts? I would be proud to have everyone at the feast know that we have come together."
"Of course! I would be honoured, my lady." He immediately relinquishes it, handing it to your lady-in-waiting, who then fastens it around your waist. The colour is striking in contrast. The piece of cloth surely will not go unnoticed.
You make your way through the Red Keep, your arm entwined with Ramsay's. Sounds of the revelry make themselves heard as you near Aegon's private dining hall.
As the guards open the doors, you hear your names announced. Almost all the attendees are already sat around the table. Aegon and his host of sycophants, particularly Lord Reyne and Lord Estermont. Helaena and her lady companions. Tyland Lannister and his betrothed. Even Ser Criston Cole, who has never been one to partake in merrymaking, usually standing guard in the corner. There are some others whose names escape you, as you find your seats - among the last ones which remain empty, right next to Aemond and Alys.
"Welcome, dear lovely guests, welcome!" Aegon walks over to you, already on his fifth or sixth goblet of firewine. "Please find your seats, have a drink - or seven drinks, preferably, and... oh! Isn't that something, my lady? Beesbury yellow?" Not giving mind to any boundaries, he toys with the sash tied around your waist.
Aemond twists around in his seat, catching sight of you for the first time.
His pupil dilates considerably, with a single glance at your face, then down to your décolletage... where the necklace is nought to be seen.
What he sees, raking over your figure, is that sickening shade of bright yellow. That Beesbury sash tainting the beauty of your gown.
Tainting the woman who is rightfully his.
His hand instinctively goes to the scabbard in his belt, though his sword remains in his chambers. It matters not, he can just as easily demand one from the Kingsguard.
Because the rat who calls himself Ramsay has surrendered any desire to stay alive.
"So... you here," Aegon guides you to your seat, with his arm loosely draped around your waist. "And you right there," he adds to Ramsay.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think the seating arrangement is accidental. But you know Aegon - he surely planned it to be Ramsay, you, Aemond and Alys beside each other.
Aemond openly stares at you as you settle down to his left.
"My Prince," Ramsay greets from your other side, "Lady Alys."
"Oh, it's just Alys, m'lord," she clarifies, unabashed. "I am no Lady. I am simply here at the behest of my dear Aemond."
"Prince Aemond is fortunate to have you as his companion, Alys," you smile sweetly, concealing any ire you might have. "As I am fortunate to have Lord Beesbury by my side."
Alys nods, raising her cup to you. To anyone, it's an innocent enough gesture, but you see her up close, and you see into the depths of the witch's gaze. She knows about you and Aemond, of course she does.
The attention of your companions are diverted, and Aemond wastes no time in leaning closer to you. He grips your thigh underneath the table, away from any prying eyes.
"My love," he purrs, "you never fail to take my breath away. Although I never thought you would sully yourself by wearing that. I trust you received my gift?"
You cross your legs so that his hand falls off, but it doesn't faze him. He simply finds purchase yet again, this time digging harder into your flesh. So warm, it almost feels as if your skirts do nothing to prevent his encroaching touch.
"Hmm, don't test me, now," he warns, lips curling back in annoyance. His tone is so deep you feel the heat pooling in your core.
"I could say the same to you," you counter. "Do not lay a hand on me, my prince. Especially not in the presence of my betrothed." You push his hand away, and he relents for the moment, reaching for his goblet and downing its contents in one angry swig.
"And by betrothed, you must mean that you have reconsidered my proposal and agree to be wed to me, your only love," he says, daring you to challenge him.
"You are mistaken, Aemond," you respond coolly. "I do appreciate the necklace. It is a marvel, indeed. But there is a reason why I don something of Lord Ramsay's instead of it. I am not yours. I feared the message it would send were I to wear the necklace to this feast."
"What message, my love? The truth? That you are mine and mine alone?"
"That is finished - "
"If you value Lord Beesbury's life by any small measure, you would not speak to me of such vile ideas. He will not have you, lest he wishes his head to no longer rest upon his shoulders."
"Resorting to threats now, are we?" you spit venomously. "You will not harm him. Or I swear to you on my mother's memory that I will never speak with you again."
That shuts him up. He exhales deeply, weighing your words, studying your expression. He wants to fight back and to call your bluff, but it is no use. His gaze is drawn down to your lips, and he moves closer just an inch, his own lips parted in longing and torment.
"Well, it seems we may have more cause for celebration!" Aegon bellows from the head of the table, with a grinning Ramsay standing by his side. You tear your attention away from Aemond, but he lingers on you, until his brother calls out for him. "Aemond! You must have known about this, dear brother, as I understand you and the lady have always been close."
The guests share glances, already assuming what the news might be, but none of them say a word for fear of their Prince Aemond.
"Iderēbagon aōha udra sȳrī, lēkia." Choose your words wisely, brother, Aemond warns him. The mood of the entire room shifts, as it inevitably does whenever Aemond speaks.
"Oh come now, none of that!" Aegon groans, drunk and unamused. Nothing will bring his spirits down, not even his far more intimidating younger brother. "These are happy news. Something about a successful betrothal, I hear?" he declares, nudging Ramsay to make the announcement.
Ramsay locks eyes with you, and you manage to give a stiff smile, aware of the simmering rage of the one seated beside you.
"Allow me," Aemond stands, raising his cup to the entire table.
"Even better," Aegon shrugs, "you have always been excellent at dinner proclamations, lēkia." Brother, he addresses Aemond, his own Valyrian disjointed and careless.
Aegon sits back down and raises his cup. A confused but still smiling Ramsay returns to sit next to you.
Ramsay hurriedly tells you, "I was hoping to share the news myself, my lady, but - "
"Do I not have your attention, Lord Beesbury?" Aemond interrupts.
"O-of course, you do, my prince," Ramsay stammers, reaching for his cup with shaky fingers. You take notice and place your hand atop his to provide comfort.
Someone else takes notice, unfortunately.
"A toast," Aemond voices clearly, and a hush falls over the room, "to a new betrothal."
"Hear, hear," Aegon responds, taking a sip of firewine and waving for the others to do the same.
But Aemond is not finished just yet. "We are not often afforded the privilege to marry for love, and that is what makes this union so exceptional."
You stiffen in your seat, dreading the next words that you know will come out of his mouth. For you know him so well. You know Aemond's design.
"It is an honour to take my love to be my wife," he raises his cup as he gestures to you, and you swear you could hear a pin drop in the deafening silence that ensued. "She is already the keeper of my heart, so the ceremony will only be a formality. But I shall take her as mine in every way that I can. In front of the old gods and the new."
You are unable to drop Aemond's gaze, unable to see the look of betrayal Ramsay is giving you.
"Hear, hear," Ser Criston offers, in an attempt to cut through the tension.
Aegon releases a fit of laughter, prompting his fawners to follow suit.
"Seven hells!" he exclaims. "More wine, more wine for all!"
Aemond rushes to you, pulling you out of your chair, not paying mind to anything or anyone else.
"Come with me," he commands, his fingers tight around your wrist.
You feel powerless as you let him herd you away from the table and out of the hall.
"Oh, would you look at them!" Aegon practically squeals, and calls after you, "It is customary for the bedding to be after the wedding, you two! But then again, who fucking cares?"
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taglist: @immyowndefender @bellameshipper @aemondswifeisme @bash1018 @fuck-the-reaper @shessthunderstoms @aemondsbabygirl @melsunshine @youtoldalie @snh96 @noxytopy @ellooo0ooo @brianochka @not-a-glad-gladiator @mac95650 @whitejuliana1204 @midnightmystic @saminalloxo @oh-no-tia @magnificentsapphiresoul @clara-geekhime @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @ananas26t @iloveallmyboys @carriellie @summerposie @verycollectivecreator @toodlesxcuddles @brie-annwyl @dc-marvel-girl96 @bellstwd @bibli0thecary @happinessinthebeing @magnificentsapphiresoul @rorawinters @targaryen-madness @hanula18 @rhaenattargaryen @an0ther-us3r @sugurubabe @theshatteredideal @let-love-bleeds-red @s-we-e-t-t-ea @mydemimonde @the-intjs-dark-academic @heavenly1927 @anehkael @minttea07 @barnes70stark @cheneyq
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effetsecndaires · 4 months ago
— 𝐂𝐀𝐌! 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
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➺ PAIRING | gyutaro shabana x fem!reader.
➺ CONTENT WARNING | modern setting, gyutaro is human, camgirl reader, sex work, mention of sex, oral (male receiving - not from reader), masturbation. wc: 3k
➺ NOTE | this chapter was supposed to be much longer, but I sadly had to split it in two parts. I'm not satisfied with it at all but what's new lol 🧚🏻‍♀️ not proofread (if I read it again i might gauge my eyes out) i'll update AO3 tomorrow :3
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He’s fucked. Absolutely, utterly fucked. He’s read the mail approximately fifty times already, blinking many, many times just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
His stomach twists and he has to swallow back the nauseous feeling in his throat. Damn it. What the hell was he thinking? He doesn’t have money to throw around like this. That damn donation had been impulsive, a split-second decision fueled by the rush of pleasure he felt on the moment.
Now it’s hitting him. Hard. His bank account is already bleeding dry, his sister depends on him and he’s been stretching their groceries for days already.
Gyutaro runs a hand through his hair and swears under his breath, tugging at the roots.
Maybe it’s not too late. He can always message the site and plead for a refund… right? Surely they can do something about it? His leg bounces anxiously as he stares at the screen, trying to figure things out.
He slams the laptop shut, startled.
Within the next seconds Ume is storming into his room and throwing herself at him, her arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders.
“Hey, get off me.” he tries to wriggle out of her tight embrace, though not putting much effort into it. His voice holds a note of exasperation as he turns to look at her, her arms still firmly wrapped around his neck. “what's that for?”
“I may or may not have a favor to ask…” Ume drags out.
Gyutaro rolls his eyes, though there's no actual irritation behind the gesture.
“I’m going out with my friends tonight and, well, you know, I can't exactly go out without any money. You promised I could have a little extra cash this month.” Ume announces, her voice soft and innocent, as if the right tone might do the trick. Gyutaro groans, scratching the back of his neck and looking at his lap nervously.
Great. That's exactly what he needs right now. But she’s right—he did promise her extra cash this month. Cash he just blew on some camgirl he’s gotten far too obsessed with.
His cheeks flush in embarrassment, and he tries to keep his tone neutral so as to not let it show.
“...You know we're tight on money, Ume.”
“I know, but I haven’t been out in weeks!” she unwraps her arms from him, moving to sit on his desk instead, her legs dangling off the edge. Gyutaro's heart drops at how close she is to the laptop, afraid that she might grab it and come face to face with the mail. His fingers begin to subconsciously scratch his arm as a distraction.
“I…listen, I get that,” he says, his voice strained and apologetic. “But we really can’t afford any extras right now. We’re barely covering the basics. I’m sorry, Ume.”
“But please?” she interrupts, her eyes widening in that innocent way that always makes it hard for him to refuse. “Just this once? I swear I’ll pay you back as soon as I can! Come on, please!” she interjects, her voice suddenly sharper. “I’m not asking for much! Just enough for a night out with my friends. You act like I’m asking for the world or something.”
He hates saying no to her.
He always does his best to give her everything she needs, even if it means stretching himself thin—taking on extra shifts, sacrificing sleep, and pushing through exhaustion. It’s been this way for as long as he can remember and he's fine with it, as long as it keeps Ume happy. But this time, he can’t give himself the luxury to give in, not when he’s already made a mistake that’s left them $250 deeper in the hole.
“Besides, didn't you get paid this week?” she continues.
He swallows hard, scrambling for an explanation that sounds believable.
“Yeah, I did.” His scratching comes to a halt, his hands balling into fists instead so he doesn’t give into the itch. “But I had to cover some things first. You know…bills… insurance, n’stuff. It all adds up quickly,” he says, hoping the vague answer will be enough to satisfy her. “There just wasn’t much left over this time.”
Ume sighs, muttering a dismissive 'whatever’ as she hops off the desk. Gyutaro’s guilt only intensifies when she dramatically rolls her eyes, but he knows she’ll get over it.
Fucking hell.
“Ume, wait.”
Ume pokes her head back into the room, her face twisted in a small, disappointed frown as she watches him reach into his pocket. Gyutaro pulls out a crumpled twenty-dollar bill from his wallet and hands it to her.
"That's all I’ve got right now. I’m sorry, okay? I’ll… I’ll make it up to you next month, I swear…"
He was planning on paying their groceries with that money, but he can't afford to disappoint her again and raise her suspicions.
Ume hesitates, then finally takes the money, her fingers brushing his as she snatches it from his hand.
"Fine," Ume mutters, turning on her heel and heading for the exit. Just as she reaches the door, she pauses for a second, her hand on the knob. For a moment, Gyutaro thinks she might say something, maybe even offer some kind of forgiveness. But she doesn’t. Instead, she swings the door open and leaves without another word.
As Ume walks away, her footsteps echoing down the hall, Gyutaro gets up from his chair and starts pacing anxiously around the small room, his mind racing. He can’t stop thinking about this damn mail—the cheery, oblivious gratitude of a stranger who doesn’t know the havoc she’s unwittingly caused.
He pulls out his phone and opens the app once more to stare at your message, a sick feeling rising in his throat again.
There's no going back now. He's given you the money, and you've thanked him for it. Asking you directly for his money back would be… well, that would be a terrible fucking idea, wouldn't it?
You’d probably think he’d sent the money just to taunt you and take it back, and there’s a good chance you'd end up banning him from your streams entirely.
He rakes his brain relentlessly, trying to find a solution, but there truly isn't much he can do. There’s no way he can just ask for it back—not without looking pathetic or like a complete asshole. He'll just have to ask for longer shifts, endure more sleepless nights and get the damn money back by working his ass off. Damn it.
He locks his phone and drops it onto his bed before heading for the bathroom.
Maybe a shower could help clear his mind.
The rest of the day goes by excruciatingly slow. Gyutaro drives Ume to school, attends class after class, but his mind is a thousand miles away. Science, history, English—it’s all background noise, none of it sticking. His thoughts keep drifting back to you, your mail, and the stupid, aching frustration that he still hasn’t figured out what to respond to you.
And then there’s the matter of the name. You want to know his name, and he'd be lying if he said this wasn't messing with his head more than the whole money incident itself.
What could he even say to that? His real name is out of the question, too risky, too personal.
Well. It should be, at least.
But the idea of you addressing him directly, calling him by his own name instead of some meaningless nickname… it’s so damn tempting.
He knows that most people wouldn't overthink it so much. If any of the regulars from your chat received an email like this—something he’s sure has happened before— they'd probably get straight to the point and ask for something specific; for you to say their name while you touch yourself or some other nasty request along those lines.
But Gyutaro is terrified—no, mortified—by the idea of speaking to you directly. He’s always been too nervous to even comment regularly in your chat, so how the hell is he supposed to mail you directly and ask you to do something just for him?
This sounds like absolute hell.
He lets out a heavy sigh. He sits slouched in the back row of his math class, barely aware of the teacher droning on about some equation he couldn’t care less about.
His eyes are glued to the screen of his phone under the desk, the cursor of the blank email draft blinking mockingly at him. He isn't even trying to hide his disinterest in the lesson— his teachers have long since given up on getting him to pay attention. He's just another body in the classroom, as long as he’s quiet and doesn’t cause trouble.
He’d much rather save what little energy he has for his part-time job, where at least he gets paid to do something.
He starts typing, then pauses. His thumb hovers over the keyboard as he reads the words back to himself:
"hi, I'm a huge fan. I was wondering if..." He stops, cringes, and immediately hits backspace.
"hey, I've been watching your streams for a while and I don't really know what to ask for..." He lets out a frustrated tut, trying not to make too much of a fuss. He deletes the whole thing, his fingers trembling slightly.
After a long pause, he starts again:
"dear vixen,”‘Dear Vixen’. Seriously? What’s this, some kind of formal letter? He stares at the empty screen, fingers hovering over the keys but unable to move. Finally, he locks his phone and crosses his arms onto the desk, glancing at the clock before burying his head in them.
Still forty minutes to go.
If you ask him, he’d love nothing more than to walk home and collapse into his bed to sleep the rest of the day away, but no. He had to promise Tengen that he would show up for his stupid birthday party.
Not that he gives a damn about what Tengen wants nor does he take orders from him, but he's sick and tired of everyone constantly pestering him about staying in all the time. So, to shut everyone up, he’s reluctantly agreed to go to this party he has zero interest in. At least Ume will be delighted to know he's actually made an effort to leave his room, that's a plus.
But now he’s stuck here, not only dealing with Tengen’s larger-than-life personality but also watching him parade around with his three girlfriends, all of them fawning over him like he's some kind of God or something. Just seeing him bask in all that attention, acting like the center of the universe makes Gyutaro’s skin crawl. God really does have his favorites and he sure as hell isn't one of them.
He makes a beeline for the bar and grabs a drink, more to have something in his hands than out of any real desire. The cup feels cool against his skin as he leans back against a wall, scanning the room with detached interest. People are everywhere—dressed to impress, laughing too loud and clinking glasses like this night is the highlight of their year, and he tries not to grimace when a group of Tengen’s friends spot him. Of course it has to be the Hantengu siblings, those loud, arrogant bastards.
“No way! Look who decided to crawl out of his cave!" Karaku’s voice booms from across the room as he makes his way over, a wide grin plastered on his face. "Didn’t think you’d actually show up, man."
Gyutaro grunts in response, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, well… here I am."
Kaigaku props an arm against the wall and leans in a little too close for his liking, his voice dropping into something almost conspiratorial. "You planning on getting lucky tonight?"
Gyutaro just rolls his eyes, but Kaigaku isn't done.
“You seen that chick in the red dress? Bet she'd go for a guy who’s been locked away for too long. They love that brooding look, y’know?" Gyutaro’s jaw tightens, but he doesn't answer. He takes another slow sip from his drink instead, the bitterness of the alcohol grounding him. Karaku leans forward and gestures with his drink, pointing toward another girl across the room. "How about the one over there? She’s been eyeing every guy in here. She'd probably be easy to get alone."
“Like I give a damn.” Gyutaro mutters.
"Oh, come on! Why not?" Karaku pushes, throwing an arm around him with a sly grin. "You’re not gonna score standing in the corner all night, man. Gotta put in some effort."
Gyutaro shrugs off Karaku’s arm with a scowl, the familiar bubbling irritation starting to surface.
“Maybe leave him alone,” Aizetsu chimes in, trying to offer a little mercy. "He’s here, that’s all that matters."
Karaku rolls his eyes and takes a swig from his cup, muttering something about doing it himself before disappearing back into the crowd of people. Aizetsu stays, though, his presence less intrusive. He doesn't say anything more, which Gyutaro appreciates.
As the night dragged on, Gyutaro found himself drinking more than he intended. One cup turned into two, then three, the alcohol numbing the edges of his growing discomfort. If he was going to survive the evening, he needed something to dull the noise—both around him and in his head.
He quickly lost count of how many drinks he’d downed, and by the time the clock hit midnight, he was pleasantly buzzed, his problems momentarily forgotten.
He found himself laughing at Karaku’s stupid jokes, let Tengen hand him another drink, and even managed a casual conversation with strangers he initially didn't care to know.
And, well…
He may or may not have gotten his first blowjob ever.
He’s not entirely sure how it even happened. One moment, he was awkwardly chatting with this girl Sekido introduced to the group—a pretty brunette in a tight black dress with an easy laugh and way too much confidence. Not even his type. She had leaned into him while they talked, her hand brushing his arm now and then, her perfume cutting through the haze of sweat and alcohol in the air. And then, somehow, they’d slipped away from the main party area, her fingers lightly tugging at his hand guiding him to a quiet, shadowed corner of the house.
Gyutaro barely had time to process what was happening when he found himself pressed against a wall, her hands deftly undoing his belt and pants as she knelt down in front of him and started blowing him.
He came embarrassingly fast, and he didn't even get to know the girl’s name before she wiped her mouth and walked away, slipping back into the crowd like nothing had happened. He'd sort of hoped to get her number at least, but he knew not to get his hopes up. She'd probably lost a bet or something — nothing to get excited about.
It was a strange first time for sure, but he's not mad about it.
By the time morning comes, Gyutaro is a mess. He's slept maybe an hour or two at most, the alcohol and nicotine from the night before leaving him with a pounding headache and a bitter taste in his mouth.
He's not even sure how he got back home, honestly. His thoughts are totally blacked out.
He drags himself off the couch, his body aching from sleeping in an awkward position. He stumbles into the kitchen, his mind still hazy from the previous night, searching for something - anything - to soothe his pain.
He finds some painkillers in the cabinet, dry-swallowing them before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. The cold liquid feels soothing on his dry throat, and he takes a few more gulps to try and settle his churning stomach.
He glances at the clock, noticing that he has just enough time to shower and get ready before work. With a sigh, he shuffles into the bathroom, stripping off his rumpled clothes and stepping under the hot spray, letting the water wash away the remnants of the previous night.
His brain won't shut off, though; thoughts tangled between trying to remember the girl’s face from last night and the constant second-hand embarrassment from his own nagging stupidity. But it’s your face that keeps slipping into his mind, uninvited, pulling his thoughts back to the main issue.
He fucked up with that one. Like, seriously fucked up.
It wouldn’t hurt to check if a refund’s possible, right? It wouldn't look good at all on his part, he knows that, but fuck. He made a mistake and he has to do everything he can to fix it.
He dries his hand in his towel nearby and reaches behind the shower curtain to grab his phone. He unlocks it, opens the OnlyFans app and scrolls down, scanning past all your posts and photos until he finally spots a small link labeled "Terms & Conditions".
With a quick tap, the page loads, filling the screen with the detailed policy in plain text.
Terms & Conditions:
Thank you for supporting my content! Before making any purchases or engaging with my services, please carefully read the following terms and conditions regarding refunds.
No Refund Policy: All payments made to me are final and non-refundable. Due to the nature of my content and services, I do not offer refunds for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, dissatisfaction with content, misunderstandings about services, or personal financial circumstances.
Chargebacks and Disputes: Any attempt to initiate a chargeback or dispute without prior communication will result in an immediate ban from all current and future interactions. I reserve the right to pursue legal action for fraudulent chargebacks.
...And blah, blah, blah.
Well, that's settled. He’s not getting a single cent back. He can't exactly say he’s surprised, but it doesn't make the sting any easier to bear.
A notification pops up. His eyes are drawn to it — expecting another spam email or pointless app alert, but his stomach sinks for the 50th time in the last twenty four hours when he sees what it is; an automatic message from you to all your subscribers.
[Onlyfans] VelvetVixen69: Hey babes 💋 I am now making exclusive erotic audios for you to enjoy anywhere, anytime. Whether you want something soft and sweet or hot and filthy, I’ve got you covered 😉 Listen to me anytime you need a little extra thrill 🔥 The first audio is free.🩷 Stay tuned for more! xoxo Vixen
There's no fucking way. He tells himself, his eyes remaining glued to the screen for a moment too long. His thumb hovers over the screen, hesitating for a second before he swipes left, deleting the notification like it's a bad habit he’s trying to kick. Which, honestly, it is.
But there’s a time for everything. He knows he can't afford to get distracted, and if he dives into it right now, he might be late for work.
He’ll have to check that out tonight, once the house is quiet and he can be alone with your voice and his thoughts.
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kissmetwicekissmedeadly · 7 months ago
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The Midnight Cinderella app will be closed on Monday August 26th, 2024 (5 PM JST). The English version was actively updated from 2014 to 2021 when Cybird announced the ceasing of operations for MidCin, but the app remained accessible until today. I'm sure I'm not the only one who mourns the loss of it even after all these years of discontinuation, so I wanted to put together a post to properly say goodbye to it. Trying my best not to make it all too sappy - I'd rather look at it as a show that reached its final episode. Some things might be left unresolved but in the end, you remember the cast and the emotions they made you feel more than the actual plot. Nowadays there arguably may be better titles by Cybird out there, but for me, the simplicity of MidCin was what made the details so memorable.
1. VIDEO - POV: You're playing Midnight Cinderella (for 10 minutes)
The 10-minute version (without sound) is accessible via the link above (opens in Google Docs) This one I was really excited about recording! It's just your normal day playing midcin, I'm sure many will find it nostalgic and comforting. You log in, claim your daily bonus (I used the chance to do a present box reveal, 90+ items, many of which you might recognize from route grace checks), play the garden gacha (in my case, I used up all the points I had accumulated, 7800 which equals 39 solos), do your princess lessons, change your avatar, greet your friends, read 1/5 of today's free story parts, check the ranking and your stats, look at your memories directory. The video has no sound, as the game wouldn't let me turn it on (you will see me try to do so throughout the video...) but later on I got it to work so I recorded a one-minute video (the one imported above) of me replenishing stamina just for those iconic sound effects that you either loved or absolutely couldn't stand the volume of, haha.
2. A Midnight Cinderella playlist (spotify link)
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While I wasn't there for the early days of midcin, the songs I associated with the game almost always captured this very specifically nostalgic 90s-10s period, you'll see what I mean. Many of those are taken from 8track playlists dedicated to Midnight Cinderella, and if I'm not mistaken you can still look at what is left of them if you search them up. Others are just my very random interpretations of the route stories and the characters.
3. Fic recommendations
We have a lovely community of creatives and there are still so many works left behind which you can check out on the tags! But especially for fics I wanted to list some that truly touched me during the years (all links open in ao3) -
i'm on fire and its NSFW bonus scene bloodstream by a deleted user - words are not enough for this one. It's like it meant more than Nico's whole route for me at one point, and the songs are forever in my heart as Nico songs...
MidCin Works by DBMidCin (SoftSen) - ALL of these. This is my go-to collection of writings for midcin when I start to miss the game, it has a little bit of everything. The headcanon of Giles teaching his girls French for instance is one of the things I still remember reading like it was yesterday!
Bedroom Etiquette (NSFW) by RubyLeeRay - Because this is the dream. Doing something forbidden with your tutor Giles is the ultimate fantasy, I swear. I just love it.
And of course, many, many more. There are currently 166 works on the midcin tag in Ao3, and I'm sure there are a lot of hidden gems here on tumblr as well! Reminder that writers LOVE it when you interact with their old works, it's not weird, you shouldn't hesitate doing so if you find yourself enjoying any of them! <3
4. My own humble collection of MidCin writings on my writing blog @xxsycamore!
Maid, Butler, Chamberlain (NSFW) - Nico x MC with Giles joining them
Grabbles: 💋 Demand for a kiss, right here, right now (GILES); 👔 Stealing their clothes to cuddle when you miss them (BYRON); more coming soon as there are still some in my askbox and I plan on including midcin in future short writings request openings too.
Shared Moments (NSFW) - Nico x Reader - Secret relationship
Ice-cold heat (NSFW) - Byron x Reader - Temperature play
Double the Surprise - Alyn and Leo birthday fic
Leo Crawford having a misadventure with a cat (ao3 link) - crack fic featuring most of the suitors
5. Out of context Midnight Cinderella screenshots
This is a sideblog of mine dedicated to posting out-of-context funny screenshots that I took while playing the routes - @oocmidcin . If you have some of your own that are not on there, you're free to submit them and add to the archive!
6. The perfect MidCin song - The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
When I first discovered this song back in 2020 I dreamed of making it into a midcin music video with simplistic art and animations... It ended up being just something you daydream in detail about while in the car, but that's alright. I could at least share my vision with you! Disclaimer, this is just an interpretation and obviously it can't fit all characters ideally - In the brackets, I explain how the lyric is related to them and usually it reveals their backstories. Some of the details I've already forgotten, sorry if it's inaccurate.)
Tell me once again
I could have been anyone, anyone else
Before you made the choice for me
(Giles - his family making the choice for him since birth and later disowning him once he failed to become a knight due to his illness)
My feet knew the path
We walked in the dark, in the dark
I never gave a single thought to where it might lead
(Nico - wandering the streets with his mother once they were thrown out of Stein castle because she was a commoner having an affair with Byron's father, the King)
All those empty rooms
We could have been anywhere, anywhere else
Instead I made a bed with apathy
(Robert - the empty rooms of the once flourishing palace of the country that Robert ruled and led to demise, nowadays becoming a mere court painter)
My heart knew the weight
Ten years' worth of dust and neglect
We made our peace with weariness and let it be
(Leo - the years in which Alyn didn't speak to him, after the death of their parents)
The moon will sing a song for me
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own
(Albert - loyally standing in king Byron's shadow)
Name your courage now
We could have had anything, anything else
Instead you hoarded all that's left of me
(Sid - his relationship with his fiance that he agreed upon just to find out more about his parents by getting close to her father)
Swallowing your doubt
Like swords to the pit of my belly
I want to feel the fire that you kept from me
(Alyn - searching for answers about the murder of his family and the fire that burnt down their home)
I shine only with the light you gave me
(I could have been anyone, anyone)
(Louis - being a nobody and MC being his sun)
7. It goes on
I went to read what I could of chapter 4 of Rayvis' route, using my last two chapter tickets as well, thinking it won't make me cry. And then I'm hit with those familiar things.
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So let's close this with a word about the things that never change in the universe of Midnight Cinderella.
Stumbling down the grand staircase and right into the arms of somebody. Escaping the palace at midnight with Nico's help. Sitting at breakfast with Giles giving you your schedule for the day. Nico's teasing little smile as he accompanies you everywhere and listens to your relationship troubles. The way he's just a little suspicious at times. Finding Robert painting in the garden of Wysteria palace. Going to the room of your chosen suitor for the first time and meeting a pet there. Leo teaching you history and politics in his office. Dance lessons with Louis. Needing those dance lessons because King Byron is coming to Wysteria and a ball is going to take place. The bureaucrats being unhappy with you as a princess elect, no matter what. Galloping on a horse with Alyn who just protected you from an enemy attack. Getting information from a certain flirty merchant at a bar. Albert bickering with Nico, Sid teasing Louis. Being introduced to Archduke Herneit at Stein castle. King Byron appreciating the night sky. The sight of your yellow and orange princess elect room where on the large bed with its blue bedframe and tall see-through canopy you lie awake and think about the events of the day and how would a wise future Queen of Wysteria deal with the current situation. But ultimately you fall asleep, hearing the melancholically beautiful sounds of a violin coming from somewhere deep within your dream, and leave it all to the following day.
Thank you for everything, Midnight Cinderella!
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midnight-mourning · 2 months ago
💘Midnight's DCA Valentine's💘
The people wanted it, I'm here to provide it, it's Valentine's request time! See below for more details :D
I will have 14 slots available for requests. Which, is much less than last time, but I don't have time to do a month full of requests, and Valetine's day is the 14th sooo, yeah. BUT, length will be the same as December, 1000-2000 words.
Requests can be anything (again)! Just ask that they relate to Valentine's in some way, be that directly or indirectly and of course DCA-related.
As most know I am an X reader writer, but as long as my general request rules are followed, I don't mind writing for ocs, canon, etc. 
fair warning though for the above, I am not familar at all with TSAMS and if you DO have a specific au, I will do my BEST to be accurate but cannot guarentee beyond that
For those who don't know my rules, no nsfw (suggestive is fine!), and if you want something specific, be specific. Besides that, it's fair game, request what you want!
Potential Issues & Schedule
If there is overlap between request ideas, they will be combined in some manner of speaking (if possible). If needed, I will reach out to you about adjusting ideas or the likes, though I don't forsee this happening. This would occur if for example, someone wants gift shopping with Sun with their oc, and someone else wants the same thing with a reader-insert. Whoever requested second would be who I reach out to. 
Requests will be posted starting on February 1st & ending on the 14th!
I will be starting writing as soon as I get the first request, and since I'm in classes again now, I need to prepare as much as I can ahead of time so to not worry about getting behind. SO, requests will be open from today (January 18th) until next week January 25th. I know it's a short timeslot, but I need time haha 😅
To keep things organized, please request in the comments of this post. This also helps to potentially keep from overlap in requests, as you'll be able to see what else has already been requested. If you request in my ask box or such it'll make things a bit more difficult, so please avoid that.
HOWEVER, there is one exception to the above, which is if you wish to request anonymously, which is completely fine to do! But please only request in my ask box if you want to be anonymous. If overlap happens in that case, then y'all may just get two responses with similar vibes on the same day (essentially a bonus lol)
Sharing & More
Please feel free to share this post around, and request if you want to! Once I hit 14 unique ones I'll reblog this post with the announcement that requests are closed, so make sure to double check they aren't closed already prior to requesting!
I'll also post updates every couple of days regarding the status of total requests as well ^_^
Everything related to this will be under the tag #MM dca Valentine's, just in case there's another similar tag out there and I'm not just taking it for myself
I'm going to try and upload these in real time to ao3 so if you prefer to read there that will now also be an option! As opposed to having to wait for edits and such
Bonus little thing, if there's any artists out there that would maybe like to make some doodles to go along with these... let me know 👀👀 I would love to do it myself (same for the december requests) but I am unfortunately too slow a cooker to manage it 😔 would just be for funsies (i do not have the money for commissions so this would be volunteer-based) and no pressure to make something overtly intensive or the likes! I've never done this kind of thing before but I would probably send you the finished request/prompt ahead of time and you would (ideally) have a week or so to make something. Again, very small simple little doodle and if something comes up there would be no pressure to finish or such ^^
General update things from me
Hoping to finish up Holiday Spirit in the next week or so! shooting for ch. 3 to post today or tomorrow ^^
DCA December is now completely edited/posted to ao3 (will be posting the last couple chapters over the next few days)
Have decided that i WILL be holding off on posting Confused Spirit chapters 36, 37, 38 and will be writing them all together to make sure the plot points go correctly/how i envisioned
Cooking up some fun things for @/divinit3a's Cafe prompts, so expect to see those throughout the rest of the month :)
Okay that's all for now, goodbye!
Tag list for the usuals :D
@scarletcowboy @beemyhuneybee @fishm0ther @deviouscrackers @elsajoyagent8 @luckyyyduckyyy @zenkaiankoku @jogimote @local-shrub @milosmantis @robinette-green @everlightreader @sinister-sincerely @starredeclipse @dangerva @juukai @crystalmagpie447 @mothgutz236 @lizyxml @divinit3a @amarynthian-chronicles @crystalfay
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cheritzteam · 1 year ago
[Cheritz] Answering Customer Questions regarding the use of A.I. in <The Ssum> Season 2 and More
Hello, this is Cheritz.
Some of the photos of our newest Ssumone, June, have not been polished enough to the game standard, and we will be updating them as soon as possible. We apologize for the disappointment caused by this issue.
On that note, we would like to clarify the topic on the use of A.I. in art in June’s photos.
First of all, we express our sympathies to the fan base who have been worried about the recent issue over the use of A.I. in games and movies, as it has been linked to copyright issues, job security, and more.
As you may have already been aware, <The Ssum> had to showcase an unparalleled amount of text and images to create a long-term romantic experience for you, and in Season 1, we used real-world images and free stock images to achieve the goal. While keeping the subscription price as low as possible in relation to production costs, our team have been working on the game with a limited number of staff to make <The Ssum> viable in the gaming market on its own.
In Season 2, we decided to apply the 2D art style to meet the feedback received by the fan base, we used retouched images sourced by A.I. which got data exclusively from a commercially available sources of packs to avoid any conflict with copyright issues for the art work that do not involve characters’ faces.
It was never the case for our team to replace the art staff with machines, but rather because most illustrators in the game industry have preferences on drawing main character illustrations over backgrounds or objects. For that reason, the art team was more focused on drawing 2023 commemorative artwork for <Mystic Messenger> and SD images on social media. Also, because Cheritz has been running four-day work weeks since the start of 2023, there was an internal consensus to tap into A.I. to balance work and life for staff. There were no cuts or layoffs of art staff for Season 2 projects.
The team feel terrible about unpleasant surprises some of you may have gone through by us not announcing this before the release.
Additionally, we have learned that some of the users feel disappointed that the new character in <The Ssum> has a connection to one of the main characters of <Mystic Messenger>.
The team has been constantly getting requests for 2D-art style images and involvements of <Mystic Messenger> characters, and more text content to <The Ssum> since its release. Our team is aware of the users’ support for <The Ssum>, however, we did not expect the new change would sadden some of our loyal fan base.
We will do our best to make it obvious that the launch of June is not an extension of <Mystic Messenger>, but rather as an extension of the launch of <The Ssum>, where the games from the same company share a universe but are on their own game systems and charms.
In addition to the currently released June, we have a new character currently under development, and we plan to release the rest of Season 1 in 2024 with some of the improvements applied.
We understand this clarification would not satisfy everyone, and we feel awful that these changes made some of you feel disappointed. We will pay close attention to the negative impact that the A.I. has brought to the gaming industry, and we would like to find a viable way to reach out to you through our games.
The team would like to thank you for your continued support of <The Ssum> and other Cheritz games, and we truly appreciate our fans’ feedback.
We hope this announcement has made your heart a little lighter and given you clarity.
 *To clarify rumors about the author of <Mystic Messenger>, please let us address it as well here. The main writer of <Mystic Messenger> is Ms. Ri, the founder of Cheritz, as revealed in the Otakon video. Ms. Ri is also the writer of <Dandelion>, <Nameless>, and is the main writer of <The Ssum> Season 2.
Thank you.
-Cheritz Team
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softspaceboibrian · 2 years ago
Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago || Jamie Tartt
Chapters: 1 - more to come
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x Y/N - Social Media Manager for AFC Richmond || I used she/her pronouns, but there is no actual physical description, so the pronouns can be switched with whatever anyone wants or prefers!
Summary: When Y/N received that email, she couldn't believe it. He was coming back.
Warnings: maybe some swear words. hints and mentions of sexual acts (still SFW). S1 Jamie Tartt aka a dick. a little angsty. Sam being is lovable self.
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Sam Obisanya, Isaac McAdoo, Colin Hughes, Dani Rojas, Ted Lasso, Rebecca Welton. Some others may appear as mentions.
Wc: 3800 (this works as a pilot or a prologue, to set up the story)
A/N: this story is based on this idea I had and that a few people seemed to like. hopefully you enjoy this first chapter/prologue. and if you want to read more, feel free to leave a comment. If enough people like it, I was thinking to do a taglist, so that people can stay updated. anyways, thanks for reading &lt;;3
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When you first heard the news, you couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe that they could do such a thing. Not to the team, not to you. That was the reason you were stomping up the stair, the clinking of your heels echoing against the walls, as you reached Rebecca’s office.
You didn’t knock, you didn’t wait for them to welcome you in. They knew you were coming. Especially after the email they had sent out. The email had been sent only to the “necessary” people that needed to be involved, and you, being the social media manager for the club, received it. It was probably a way for them to warn you to start preparing the content for the announcement. But you obviously didn’t take it well. They knew about your history, they knew how things had gone down. They had to be expecting you.
“How could you?” Your loud, clear voice, full of anger and disappointment filled the room.
“Good morning, Y/N!” Ted’s cheerful greeting made you want to scream. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” The sarcasm was obvious.
“How could you? After what he did to the team? After what he said about you?” Your tone was loud, so much so that you were sure people from downstairs could clearly hear every single one of your words. “How could you?” You choked on your last words, and as you finally met Rebecca’s gaze, you could feel the familiar sting of the tears that threatened to fall, spill, pour.
The woman sighed, getting up from her chair to make her way around the big desk. “Listen, love, he’s a great player. When Ted told me about their talk, I knew we had to get him back.” She explained, walking over to her. “We cannot let our feelings get in the way of the team’s success.”
You shook your head, taking a step back. “I never thought you would become this cynical.”
“I’m not cynical, just rational.”
“It’s all the same thing. He’s a prick. And pricks don’t change.” You were furious. “And it’s not just my feelings, but the team’s feelings. But you obviously don’t remember how he used to treat everyone.” You lingered on that last word, looking briefly at each of them, before turning around and making your way out of the office and down the stairs. “No one understands.” You whisper, your fists so tight you started to feel that burning sensation of your nails leaving marks on your palms.
Keeping your head low, trying to hide the tears streaming down your face, you made your way to the changing room. You knew you couldn’t say anything to any of the boys yet, but still, you needed some comfort. You needed Sam.
You quickly reached the locker room and knocked, waiting for them to give you a sign to let you know you could come in. And, as soon as you opened the door, you ran straight to Sam, immediately burying your face in his chest.
“Hey, Y/N/N. What is going on?” His thick Nigerian accent immediately bringing comfort to you. “Did something happen?” He asked as he tried to pull away slightly, trying to understand what was happening.
“Just… hug me… please.” You pled, the voice muffled by his jersey. And he did. He wrapped his arms around you, softly placing a kiss on top of your head, before laying his chin in the same spot. You’re immediately comforted by the warmth of your best friend’s embrace. However, you didn’t fail to notice how the familiar chatter of the changing room had started to slowly simmer down until it ultimately came to a halt. A sense of pain and anxiety washed over you at once, and your head started again to fill with the same questions you had asked Rebecca and Ted. Why? Why him? Why now? How could they?
But soon, your stream of thoughts was interrupted by Isaac’s voice. “Who do we have to kill?” You didn’t need to raise your head from Sam’s chest to know that the feeling was shared by most if not all the team’s players.
“No one. Yet.” You mumbled, sniffling. “It’s complicated.” You added as you finally pulled away from Sam, yet still remaining extremely close to him, as if his presence was the only thing keeping you sane and calm at that moment.
“When the moment comes, just call, okay?” You gave a quick nod to the team captain, accompanied by a shy smile. To any casual passer-by, the comment may have seemed sarcastic, the usual banter between friends that care about each other. But the team knew that that was not sarcastic at all and that Isaac would indeed, without a shadow of a doubt, kill someone for you.
You couldn’t exactly remember when, but somewhere down the line, the team had become your chosen family. However, you could clearly remember how that process had started.
You had started working for AFC Richmond around the same time that Ted and Coach Beard did. You didn’t care much for football or sports in general, but you had just recently graduated from university and had found this work through Keeley. You and her had met at your cousin’s going away party a few years before, when he had decided to move to Greece to become an archaeologist. You had immediately bonded over who can even remember what, and remained close friends ever since. So, when she heard that the position had just opened up, she immediately sent your CV to Rebecca, without warning you first. You found out about the job only when you received a call from a certain Mr Higgins, who told you that they had read your curriculum and found it really interesting. And so, you ended up moving to Richmond-upon-Thames and started working for the club.
It didn’t take you long to get to know the team and become friends with them. Obviously, you had your prejudices against footballers, who you thought were self-centred egomaniacs – and you weren’t completely wrong about that – but, to your surprise, most of them turned out to be great people. You quickly became very close with Sam; Roy tolerated you; Isaac and Colin were always kind to you. Even Jamie Tartt, the prick of the team, would usually drop his dickhead persona when he was with you. And that was how you two ended up together. For the first month or so, you would notice his constant flirting, but you never really gave it too much thought. You had read about him in the tabloids, and you knew how he was famous for having a different girl every week. You weren’t that oblivious, you knew he was fit. But, every time he would flirt with you, you would play along for a while, before brushing it off and going back to your business. I’m just his latest challenge, he will move on sooner or later, you thought. Until, roughly a month and a half after you had started working there: he started waiting for you outside the clubhouse, asking you if you needed a ride home. Which then turned into him asking you to grab a coffee with him one day before practice. Then it was dinners. Movie nights at his place. Stolen glances in the hallways of the clubhouse. Sneaking in the boot room to secretly make out. And sooner than you could realise, you were sleeping over at his place most of the time.
You asked him to keep things private for a while. It wasn’t that you were ashamed of him. You just needed to be sure about him. So, you kept sneaking around. Avoiding each other as much as possible, too worried that the team might just figure it out. Let me show you off, Jamie would whisper into your ear, in-between wet kisses, as he stood behind you in the kitchen in the morning, wrapping his arms around your waists. Let me take you out to a restaurant, on a proper date, he insisted. But you kept declining his offers. Not yet, baby, you would reply, as you slowly melted under his touch, I need a little more time, you said as you turned around in his arms. And the conversation would die there, with Jamie immediately picking you up and placing you on top of the kitchen counter, his lips trailing their way down your neck, your collarbone, your chest, down, down, until your vision turned hazy and you had to grip onto the marble countertop with all the strength you had in your body, too afraid you might fall off of it, as his lips met finally met your core.
You were able to keep your relationship private longer than you had expected. It was after almost 4 weeks that Nate eventually walked in on you two in the boot room. You weren’t doing anything too private, you were merely making out. But Nate being Nate, froze on his feet as he saw you two holding onto each other, too stunned to move. I was… I needed to… sorry… I didn’t…. As usual, he was too embarrassed to form a complete sentence, so he simply left the room. You two looked at each other and knew that it was only a matter of time before your secret would be out. And you were right. The secret didn’t last the entire day, and when it was time to go home after practice, you were met by a horde of football players, asking you when it had started, how long had that been going on, if you two were official, and so on.
Somehow, but still not completely unexpectedly, the news reached the press in less than a day. The next morning, as you lied in bed with Jamie’s head on your chest, you were woken up by the constant buzzing of your phone. Check this article from The Sun, said a message from your high school friend, with a link attached to it. Is it true? Asked your mother. Congratulations! read the message from your aunt from whom you hadn’t heard in ages. And the messages kept coming. Yes, it was true. You were now in a relationship. Yes, your boyfriend was a famous footballer. Yes, you knew about his fame. Still, you didn’t care. Because, when Jamie was with you, he wasn’t Jamie Tartt, star striker for AFC Richmond, but just Jamie. And you loved just Jamie. He was sweet, he was passionate, he was kind, he always made sure you were feeling well, he brought you flowers once a week, he left some coffee for you in the pot in the mornings, he always made sure you were sexually satisfied – something he was really proud of.
Sadly, you hadn’t realised that, with going public, also came the hate from his fans, who thought that you would be too distracting for their beloved favourite player, and from the girls, the actresses, the top models, the reality tv stars, who had hoped to one day end up with him and whose dream you had shattered overnight. You pulled through it, and that was also thanks to Jamie, who never missed the chance to remind you how much he loved you and cared for you.
However, two months after going public, things started to change. You couldn’t understand why if it was something that you had done or said, but he started to become distant, cold. He would invite you less and less over to his place, and when he did, it was mainly to have sex, to ‘release the tension from practice’. And whenever the team lost, the sex would be rough. He was always on his phone, texting, dming, emailing. A part of you knew it was girls he was talking to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to confront him about it, so you just said nothing and held on. He soon stopped asking you how you were, telling you how much he loved you. You tried asking him what was going on, but he would always deny everything, saying that you were imagining things, that you were just paranoid, and that everything was fine. Fine. Oh, how you came to hate that word. You asked him how he was. Fine. You asked him if he wanted to spend the night together. Fine. You asked him if he wanted to drive to the clubhouse together. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. You hated fine. In Jamie’s language, fine meant if you really have to, or I would rather you left me alone, or I don’t really care. You hated it. And you hated what your relationship had become. But still, something stopped you from leaving him, maybe the hope that soon things would go back to normal, that soon he would go back to being just Jamie.
But that never happened.
And things only got worse when Ted decided to take him out during a match. You knew that Ted was doing it to teach him a lesson, and he was right to want to do so. But as you watched your boyfriend leave the pitch, you knew things would only get worse. So, you stopped constantly looking for him. You stopped texting him every day. You only met when he asked you.
It was in that period that you grew closer to Sam. You could distinctly remember the day he walked into your office to ask you for a few suggestions on how to make his Instagram page more appealing. Instead walked in on you sitting on the floor, with your back against the wall and your hands in your hair. You didn’t even have the strength to pretend things were okay, so you simply looked up, black lines scarring your cheeks, and met his eyes. “Sorry, Sam, it’s… not a great moment.” You struggled to get the words out.
But Sam didn’t say anything. Instead, he closed the door behind him, made his way across the room and took a seat on the floor next to you. “Is it Jamie?” He asked with his thick Nigerian accent that you would grow to love and even find familiar. You nodded silently. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. “Do we just sit in silence?” A nod. A beat. Then your head slowly fell to the side, until it found its resting place on his shoulder.
You don’t exactly know how long you stayed there, on the floor, in silence. It could have been a few minutes or entire hours. In either case, Sam stayed there, and didn’t leave your side. He never once took out his phone to check his messages, even though you could feel it buzzing in his pocket. He only changed position once, to move his arm and wrap it around your shoulders. That was the first time you had spent that much time in silence with someone without feeling the need to fill it with superficial chatter.
From that day forward, you and Sam were inseparable. There was something about him that simply brought you comfort, a comfort that not even Jamie had been able to give you. Whenever you weren’t sleeping over at Jamie’s, he would come to pick you up and drive you to work. He would drive you home in the evenings, making sure you were all the way inside your house, before sprinting off the road to go home himself. You would start having lunch together, usually joined by some of the other guys – in all of this, most of the time Jamie was nowhere to be found. And whenever your boyfriend acted like a dick with you in front of everyone, he would speak up. Are you his boyfriend now, Sammy? Jamie would mock him, using your nickname for him. I don’t think so. She’s me girl, so I’ll talk to her how I want, a’ight? He would puff out his chest, trying to look bigger and intimidating.
That evening, after practice was over, Jamie sprinted off to who knows where or to who knows who, leaving you there, alone. And, as per usual, Sam would come to the rescue, offering you a lift home.
“Why are you still with him?” Sam asked you as he stopped in front of your house. “You deserve better, not an asshole like him.”
You shook your head. “He’s not like that when it’s just the two of us.” You would always find a way to make excuses for him.
“I don’t care how he is when he’s alone with you, Y/N! If he really loves you, he should treat you well in public as well!” You had never really heard Sam raising his voice before, and it would have been a lie if you had said that you were not intimidated. But, despite everything, you could feel the care and preoccupation in his voice. “You deserve someone that truly cares for you, and that isn’t afraid to show it!” You knew he was right. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to say something, to break up with him.
But you never had to.
It was maybe a week after your discussion with Sam when you showed up unannounced at his place. It was cold outside, and you were only wearing a thick jumper. You stood there, in front of his door for at least three whole minutes, before finally knocking on his door. You knocked instead of ringing the bell so that if he was already asleep, you wouldn’t wake him. But he had heard it, and less than 10 seconds later, he was opening the door.
“Y/N, what are you-” He didn’t even finish his question. He took one look at you and knew exactly what had happened. He took your hand gently in his, and immediately pulled you inside, guiding you to the living room. “Wait here a moment.” He said, making you seat on the couch, before running off in search of a blanket. “Okay, wrap yourself in this while I put the kettle on.” He opened the blanket and put it around your shoulders.
“Stay here, please.” You whispered, grabbing him by the wrist before he could move away again.
“But you’re shivering.”
“Just… please.”
As soon as he met your eyes once again, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. He had seen you in distress before, he had comforted you multiple times after your fights with Jamie. But this time he didn’t even need for you to tell him what had happened, he already knew. He took a seat next to you, fixing the blanket so that it was properly covering your entire body, before pulling you to his chest.
“He said that I was too much work.” The words left your mouth watery. “That I asked too much of him. And that, since he was going back to Man City, it was better to call it quits.” You whispered. You could feel Sam’s body tense, the air blowing through his nose. You knew he wanted to say a lot of things. He wanted to tell you that he was a dickhead, that he never realised what he had in front of him, that he had just lost the best woman he could ever find, that he was a moron, a jerk, an idiot, a fool. But he didn’t. He remained silent. And he did the best he could to comfort you. He stroke your hair and your back, he rocked you and hummed to you, until you fell asleep.
After that night, it didn’t take long for the rest of the team to find out what had happened, and how it had happened. Every single one of the boys sent you a text, saying, each in their own way, that they were sorry, that Jamie was a dick, and that they were there for you if you needed them. And you were glad to know so many people cared for you, people that up until a few months ago didn’t even know you and that you would have never expected in your life to end up being friends with. They all stopped and hugged you when they met you in the corridor for the first time after it had happened. But some of them surprised you.
You hadn’t been able to sleep for the last few nights, which was made obvious to everyone by the way you dragged your feet against the floor whenever you walked around the clubhouse, your legs too heavy for your exhausted body to properly move. You had also stopped taking care of yourself. Yes, you showered and brushed your teeth because you hated not being presentable for work. But you had stopped brushing your hair every morning and every night, like your grandmother had thought you when you were little. And you had stopped wearing make-up. Not that you would normally put on a full face every day, but you stopped using mascara because it made your eyes burn whenever you cried, and the light concealer you used under your eyes to make yourself look fresher, more awake. And now your puffy red eyes and dark circles were there, on display, for everyone to see, a reminder of how you were feeling.
That morning you had opted for a very comfortable pair of sweatpants and a warm AFC Richmond hoodie. Using supportiveness as a way to hide your depression. Smart, you thought. Sad. You were sitting in your office, alone, working on the new social media campaign, when suddenly you heard someone knock on your door. “Come in.” You said flatly. As the door opened, you looked up from your laptop, only to see Sam walk in, followed by Isaac, Colin and Dani. “How can I help you, boys?” You forced a smile on your face.
“Want to watch a movie with us tonight?” Asked Isaac, taking the lead. You looked at the quartet in front of you, unsure of what to say. “We can watch whatever sad movie you prefer, and Dani can bring some Mezcal.”
“Boys, I-” You started, but you were instantly cut off.
“Uh-uh!” The Welsh stepped forward. “We don’t want to hear any I’d rather be alone or I don’t want to be a bother bullshit, okay? We want to do this.”
“Yes, we only asked to be nice, but if you say no, we will just kidnap you and force you to do it.” Said Sam, a soft, warm smile on his face, as he leaned over your desk.
“Por favor, Y/N” Dani pled, showing you his big, brown puppy eyes.
“Fine!” You gave in. “On one condition: we order Chinese.”
They all look at each other, before bursting out laughing.
A/N: if you read all the way through, thank you ! feel free to leave a feedback/comment. i would love to know what you think about it and if you would be interested in reading more of this story. let me know if you would like to be put in a taglist for this fic! love you <3
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snickerdoodlles · 1 month ago
Hi friends!!
So 👀 I'm planning a little fandom postcard exchange, and I'm looking for some extra help. The gift exchange theme is “Thai dramas” and while I have a lot of the logistics for the exchange hashed out, I'd prefer to have another 1-2 people on board to help me manage a discord server for it and help keep communications between mods and participants smooth. 
If this is something you might be interested in helping with, please DM me either here or on discord (I'm snickerdoodlles on there too). We don’t have to have chatted previously, you don’t have to have any previous experience hosting fandom exchanges or servers, and you don’t need to be into a lot of Thai dramas, or anything like that — I’m excited to work with anyone with some enthusiasm and a willingness to help out, so if you’re interested, please reach out! ❤
Some extra info on mod duties and what to expect below the cut:
Primary duties: 
Discord moderation: help cultivate a friendly and open environment, be moderately active in the chats (ie cheer people on, chat with people, don't come on to only answer questions for mods). 
Communications: primarily a second set of eyes on all announcements, forms, emails, etc. Most of these are already drafted, but I'm looking for a tone/proof read on all of them before they're sent and might ask for help to draft some minor communications (ie socmed post or discord updates). 
Matching: matching refers to assigning gifters to giftees for the exchange. How involved you are in this process would be up to you, it can be a big or minor role, but you will be expected to help look over final assignments to check and make sure that everyone has an appropriate assignment.
Expected to be an active mod (ie participating in mod duties and easy to get a hold of) from signs-ups (est Mar 1) to submissions (est Apr 14). I’m currently estimating the full exchange to run to about mid-May or so, and I'd like for mods to stick around/help out with things through to then, but sign-ups to submissions are my primary concern.
The above is what I'm specifically seeking help for. Obviously mods won’t be restricted to only doing these things, and we can work out what else you might be interested in helping out with in chats (if you want to, it’s also fine if you don’t want to do more than the above). I have quite a bit of the actual exchange machinery done, but I always appreciate extra heads on board, especially to help with areas I’m weaker in (graphic design is, sadly, not my passion 😂). 
So, if you’re interested, please let me know soon! :D
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Announcement Time!!!
Hi hi everyone, I know it has been a while since there has been any actual posts here, and I have been mulling over this for a while, but I have decided that I will be doing a soft-reset of the blog and story!
Why am I doing this? A few reasons:
I retconned/changed several details that would contradict future plot points if I continued as is
I changed a few designs/some designs naturally evolved (mainly Pep's) and honestly I kinda do not like some of the art in the beginning anymore
Having a fresh start is probably better than trying to revive the old art and story that is over a year old
I had another point, but I do not remember it...
BUT Do Not Worry! No previous posts will be deleted - just keep in mind that posts from before this post may have outdated information and should not be regarded as canon!
Characters will also have their memories reset, so Pep will go back to being called 'Peppino' and will be a little garbage boy once again (silly) and etc
I am also updating some art, the intro post and making an FAQ, so if you see some things get mixed around, do not worry!
The new beginning should be up soon, but thank you to everyone who has stuck around!
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stationarcadia · 8 months ago
Hello everyone. This is J. R. Steele on the Station Arcadia account today bringing you some updates, announcements, etc.
Firstly, you may have noticed that our website domain is currently unused. We've recently taken down our website, but failed to consider that transcripts would no longer be available. The link to our transcripts will replace the link in our profile bio. Thank you to everyone in the discord server who has been patient with our radio silence, and have updated us on what they need to access.
Second, we want to apologize for dropping off after Season 1. With Season 2 in full production; myself, Andy, and Eli were incredibly overwhelmed by both college, and the responsibility of managing not only a company, but our cast and crew who were also getting burnt out. Pushing this production was proving to be detrimental to our mental and physical health, and so we just left it to sit for a while.
I've been doing my best when possible to reply to folks on discord, and get organized for our next steps, but going radio silent was not the best solution, we know now. As 17/18 year olds, we sort of panicked when everything started to go less smoothly. In addition to that, college apparently takes up a LOT of time? I certainly wasn't expecting that... /lh
But we are not abandoning this podcast. 2020 was a hard year for so many people, but Station Arcadia was the highlight of mine and many others' year. A lot of creatives experienced the hardships of continuing a creative project once real life came back, and we did too. But we managed to create an incredible first season, and a little bit of a second season.
Season 2 does exist! But not in its full form. Over the course of maybe the next few months, or years, the executive team will be discussing how to distribute our content so that you amazing, supportive folks can have full access to our baby. Our writers, worldbuilders, audio editors, musicians, cast members, and everyone else who helps to make this show happen worked incredibly hard to do S2, and we won't let any of that hard work go to waste.
Third, a few internal snags have hit us pretty hard over the past year now. We will not be releasing this information until we've spoken fully with our entire production team and our cast (but rest assured it's nothing too severe).
We've loved our time with every single cast member who has joined this ambitious project. And if any of you have a specific question, we will not hesitate to answer it. It may reach us quicker if you DM or email me (Jaymes) at [email protected]. I will do my best to respond concisely and truthfully.
Lastly, we want to say a few words of thanks to the folks who have stuck with us since the beginning, have supported us both financially and verbally, and have had faith in this project. We promise that even though it will take time, we will not disappoint you!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Stay safe, stay moving, and please stick close. We'll be back soon.
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novafire-is-thinking · 1 year ago
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(Until life picks up speed again, this is null. I’ll update it later.)
How to say goodbye ‘see you around’ and mean it…
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The time has come.
First thing’s first: this isn’t goodbye—just a heads up.
Due to changes I’m making in my personal life, I’m easing away from the Transformers fandom for a partial hiatus. My ambition makes me restless, and it’s about time I put some of my plans into action.
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Yes, a Chinese person becoming a doctor. How original.
Maybe I’ll turn out like Ratchet. Maybe I’ll suffer long enough to become Pharma.
Only time will tell…
In any case, I don’t plan on totally disappearing from the fandom any time soon. For the foreseeable future, you’ll see me around primarily on weekends, Wednesdays, and holidays—collecting posts for the queue, answering old asks, announcing completed WIPs, and making a post every once in a while.
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What to expect:
The queue will publish a few times a day, and most original posts and extra reblogs will be scheduled.
I have 300+ post ideas saved in my notes and screenshots. My goal is to slowly release these into the wild.
I’ll try to keep writing meta, but when and how will depend entirely on how much free time I have, and what little energy I have to spare.
If I ever have extra time, I might open my ask box and play an ask game or two. Maybe…
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Asks, tags, and other things:
If you sent an ask in the past, I probably have it saved either in my inbox or my drafts. Yes—even the asks that are almost a year old. I have not forgotten, and I still intend to answer, even if the sender doesn’t remember.
My inbox is closed for now, but I’ve set up a fancy little Google form as a replacement: Nova’s Commlink
If at any time, you tagged me in something interesting, I saved it in my drafts. If I’ve deemed it worthy of a response, you will see it eventually.
Feel free to keep tagging me in things. I’ll give posts a ‘like’ to confirm I saw them, and if I really like a post, I’ll queue it for later or drop it in my drafts if I want to give a longer response.
If you tag me and I don’t confirm receipt within a few days, drop me a note in the Google form.
If I said I would do something else for you, I haven’t forgotten. It’s on my list, and I will get back to you about it when I’m able.
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Fics for my Constellations of Cybertron AU are on hold. I’ll still plot and plan, but it will be a long time before I publish any of those longer stories.
I will continue working on my shorter WIPs: short fics, zine pieces, etc.
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How to reach me:
Anyone (mutual or otherwise) who has my Discord should message me over there. This extends to those I’m in servers with.
Mutuals who don’t have my Discord and anyone I follow here can still DM me through Tumblr.
Everyone else can contact me using the Google form.
Don’t be afraid of bothering me. It may take me a while to respond, but I welcome it.
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Last updated: 5/14/24 - section(s) updated: intro, What to expect, and WIPs
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hasaniwalker · 9 months ago
Announcement/Trying to get ahead (Or just stable)
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I just finished up on The Tiny Chef Show last month in May. Which means I'm back to looking for a job while trying to find insurance and unemployment until I find a new job (still trying to talk to unemployment and the job search can go for months, sometimes a year.)
While listening to the 100th busy signal on a call for insurance, I got the same thought everyone in animation gets. "How long can I keep this up?" It's a struggle. once you're on the job, it's good, but once production is done, you're essentially put aside until you're needed again. Worse when a studio head decides they want to go on vacation or do something else and they shut down for a year.
But, I'm dependent on these places. On network shows, studio decisions and people who trust an algorithm to tell them when we should be making things. This is not something I want to stay in.
I'm not saying I don't want to be creative. I love being creative, but if you've seen any entertainment news, you know how difficult it is and how worse it may become. What I want to the dream of every artist I think. To reverse the cycle.
To be dependent on my own work and stories and then the studio jobs become the side gigs (and hopefully my stories become the only job I do in time).
I've been trying to get to this point for a while, but now a lot of this is driven by social media, likes, reposts, going viral. I'm not great at social apps and my following, though greatly appreciated (seriously, I'm amazed when people really like my work and very flattered) is still very small by comparison to others.
And still, I'm going to keep trying to reach that point. I think I may be trying for the rest of my life.
Anyway TLDR
I'm going to start bringing out ideas in forms of books and shorts. Things like Doris Doodle, My bedroom door, and others in hopes of getting to a place where these stories have an audience and I can support myself with my work instead of struggling to find a way to make things and pay rent and other bills.
One idea is done and will have a crowd fund up soon.
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I rewrote my Hundred Acre Kingdom story into a fantasy novel with up to 100 illustrated images.
I don't expect this to reach viral levels like Winnie the pooh blood and honey. But hopefully it'll get a little notice (and maybe sell enough pay for good insurance and rent! That's a top hope).
Follow to see more updates on the campaign and more! And please let others know! The only reach I have is word of mouth.
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And consider becoming a patron!
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yanxidarlings · 10 months ago
I'm honestly really proud of the q community people have come together and are working on alternatives, so for those of you who are wondering in general what's going on, here's a little rundown of discord servers quotevians have created, what happened, and what's next.
What Happened?
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the Q mods are going to change their decision to remove the group, feed and message functions. These changes will come into effect July 1st, so there is time to archive and save what you need to.
There is a lot of discourse and theories going around as to what caused this, a common one is that a user threatened to attack the white house, and caused the feed to go down, but Q mods have confirmed that the changes have been in the works for months.
Why are these changes being made? No one really knows why the Q mods are making this decision, from the official news statement on Quotev, it said the group, feed and message features are being removed due to no one using them, but I'm calling bullshit because the vast majority of it's active userbase was either on there to socialise and roleplay.
According to the Q update announcement, there will soon be the option to download groups and messages, however the mods have not given us an exact date as to when this feature will be available, so if you have stuff to save, start doing so now.
What's Next
For the time being, many Q users are beginning to save and archive roleplays, messages, plots, ect. There are a few sites they're doing this on.
Discord has many features that make it convenient to save work, however on discord only text can be saved. If you are going to use discord to save, I would suggest creating your own personal server, and sorting stuff into different categories, and then placing things relavent to each category in channels.
Tumblr users are allowed to have various blogs which makes it a good option for anyone looking to preserve things like roleplay groups. However to my understanding there are daily post and blog limits, which might drastically slow down the archiving process. If you are going with tumblr as your option, then you are permitted up to 10 secondary blogs per day, and 250 posts per day per blog. Creating a blog is as simple as going to accounts and clicking the new blog option.
Google Docs
For those of us who roleplay on Q, this update is going to hit particularly hard. There hasn't been any official confirmation of journals being removed, however I and many other Quotevians are not trusting the mods, and are backing up journals. Google Docs is the best place to do this if you want to maintain any aesthetic layouts. Whilst it won't accommodate every layout, it does provide an easy and quick space to save journals. If you have a google account then docs should be available to you.
Archiving aside, there are talented Q users looking into creating a website similar to Q, which may be where Q survivors will migrate to. I don't know when the site will be up as of now, but I will post updates when they are available.
Discord Servers
If you were on when the first plane hit then you would have seen the link I posted to the initial survivours group. Since then various servers have been created, so here's a rundown of them and the links to join.
This is where the Q user who is looking into creating an alternative site is taking suggestions. I believe it's the largest server so far. On it there will be updates and there are many Q survivours congregating together. https://discord.gg/U6spt44E
Quotev Hub
This is the server that Q users on discord are using as a makeshift Quotev. It's basically the Discord Quotev server. It's the largest Q server I've found. https://discord.gg/ZJFDNE67
Quotev Survivors
This is the original server I shared. It's gained quite a few members and is being set up as another Discord Quotev. https://discord.gg/5qK7REz2
This is one of the smaller servers, but I'm including it incase you want to make sure you're in every server like I am. https://discord.gg/SbYkaD4D
Quotev Roleplayers
This is where roleplayers are gathering. If you want to advertise roleplays or discuss them, I would go here since it's aimed for that purpose in particular. https://discord.gg/jNp9D9Ma
That's all the updates I have for now. I know alot of us are freaking out and panicking, but just know you're not alone, and us Quotevians are going to get through this together.
Rest in Piss, Quotev (2010 - 2024)
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authorsadiethatcher · 3 months ago
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It's another State of the Thatcher Address. And this time I'm not late. Yay! And Happy New Year. May 2025 be better than expected.
The big news is that I'm going to be traveling most of this month. If all goes to plan, I'll be on a plane in a week from the moment I'm writing this for the start of a three-week trip. I plan to keep publishing, but my regular schedule could fall off a little. Fair warning. I'll also be in a drastically different time zone.
On to other stuff. Remember that I'm only posting book announcements on Twitter now. But I am writing the occasional sexy caption Bluesky. Link below.
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sadiethatcher.bsky.social
A quick reminder that you can find my books on Amazon, Smashwords, Google Play Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Everand. You can also read everything I’ve published under my Sadie Thatcher name since last May 2023 on Ream, which is a subscription platform built specifically for authors. You can check out my Ream page below.
Ream: https://reamstories.com/sadiethatcher
And speaking of Ream, I have a Ream exclusive novel called The Muse (extreme dollification) that is now complete. I’ve made the first three chapters available for free. All you have to do is sign up as a follower at the link above to get a taste of my first real story that is too extreme for Amazon. I'm thinking about writing another Ream exclusive, but I haven't had any ideas for it yet.
I also post the occasional bit of flash fiction for followers on Ream. I have one up already and plan to post another one this week. As soon as I’m inspired, I’ll add a new mini-story to Ream.
On the Libby Feron front, I am finally moving forward with Astra's first book in Magical Misfits Academy. Astra will get a trilogy and then there will be a second trilogy featuring a classmate of Astra's. Hopefully it all comes together soon. Since I don’t talk about my fantasy writing often, checking out https://libbyferon.com/ and signing up for the email newsletter is the best way to stay informed. At some point, there will be a free novella offered.
Now for what to expect for January. To begin with, I'll be finishing the Bimbo Water Series. The last story has been written and will appear soon.
First, however, there's the new Bimbo Score Series. This imagines a world where women are judged entirely by their Bimbo Score. Think IQ, but 100 is considered perfect and it's possible to have a negative Bimbo Score. The first book in the series has been submitted as of my writing this. I've also already written book 2 and hope to have book 3 written very soon.
In addition to all of that, I also have two other new series I'm working on. In some ways, they feel related. The first imagines a bimbo afterlife. Or, more accurately, a possible afterlife where all women are bimbos. It won't matter who you were before. The other series also features end of life, but end of work life. A retirement package that promises youth and a second lease on life. These two series have yet to be written, but I'm hoping to make major headway so I can avoid working much on my trip. I want to work on other projects in my free time while traveling.
So that is the quick and dirty update for this month. And just remember, even though it's cold in the north, that's no reason to not dress like a bimbo.
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thatoneastralpoe · 5 months ago
BOTW & TOTK Rewrite!
(Name will likely be updated eventually)
What is this?
This is a passion project that I started because, while I do believe that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are amazing games, and have even played them multiple times. In my opinion, I believe that they could be better, especially Tears of the Kingdom. Therefore I decided to start making my own version, starting with BOTW.
Overall, I want to try and improve the games, but still keep the original spirit of what they were. I do also want to try and keep these somewhat realistic to be in a game, not just my rambling off about some fantasy world.I will make it clear though that I am not a coder, nor a game creator, so I cannot promise that I will always be successful in this.
I also want to make it very clear that this is in no way meant to be hate towards Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, nor Nintendo. This is simply a fan of the games who has a lot of passion and ideas that they wanted to share with others! This will likely include a lot of my own ideas, headcannons, and interpretations of things though, as I am one person and cannot account for how others may perceive these games.
(Please note that this is going to be quite a bit darker than the original version of BOTW/TOTK)
What this project entails
This project overall is going to pretty much be a near complete overhaul of both games, I’m not very good with background art, but I will try to draw out any changes to the physical map I ended up making to fit with my AU/rewrite. And when I say overhaul, I mean I am overhauling nearly the entire damn thing outside of characters, and locations.
This does not mean I’m throwing away what's already there though, as I want to try and keep what Nintendo had already put into the game, because I do truly believe it was at least a decent game. I am going to try and keep as much of what Nintendo has already laid out for both games, while getting rid of as many of the issues that I have seen myself, and have seen others have online with the games.
Asks will always be open, but I can’t promise to be able to answer them as it may end up being spoilers for a future idea, or something I just haven’t put together yet!
BOTW Rewrite:
[Main Story]
Rito Village Quest: Boarding Vah Medoh!
[World Building]
Main Story + Gameplay changes
Shrine of Resurrection + King/Old Man
The Timeline
Geography Changes
Memory rant
TOTK Rewrite:
None yet
[Random Posts]
UPDATE + Announcement
More coming soon!
I try my best to upload often, however sometimes the schedule gets a little slow for one reason or another, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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