#and it makes me realize how much i tower over them lmao
godgavemenoname · 6 months
i just realized... the body is about a whole foot shorter than i am in the inner world... 💀
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xxresi-rotxx · 1 year
i just need leon x f!reader angst where he goes off on reader🙏🏽🙏🏽
I’m always down for an angsty prompt! I feel like there are so few of them (or I’m garbage at finding them lmao) either way, enjoy😘😘
I was going to have Leon absolutely scream at the reader but wasn’t sure how harsh to go so I made this pretty mild😅I left it open incase you crave a harsher part 2🫢😏
Leon didn’t want you on this mission. He advocated against it. But did the President listen? Of course not.
“I’ll feel better knowing you aren’t alone out there Leon.”
Would the President really feel better if he had known he’d basically just given Leon another person to worry about?
Leon had worked with you in the past, chatted occasionally when he saw you. You were a great field agent and one hell of a shot; but Leon couldn’t deny the way his stomach would flip every time he saw you.
This mission was supposed to be in & out. Find Ashley, bring her home. So why the fuck does it seem like every ghost of his past is coming to haunt him? The ties Luis has to Umbrella, Ada’s interference, the death that haunted him everywhere he went; it was exhausting. Maybe it was the exhaustion or the way he kept jeopardizing Ashley to make sure you were okay that had him yelling at you right now, but regardless of what it was he couldn’t stop.
“Ashley, give us a moment.” Leon grit out before opening the door of the cabin and walking out, waiting for you to follow him.
You followed, utterly confused at what had crawled up his ass and had him so upset.
“Leon what-”
“Are you truly that stupid?” The harshness of his tone and the way he spat the words at you had you frozen. Out of all of the agents you worked with, Leon was always the nicest. The only one you didn’t look down on you for being a female agent.
“Well?” He continued, waiting for some comment on your behalf.
“I-I,” you couldn’t even figure out what to say “what are you talking about?”
“The President insisted you come along, no matter how many times I argued against it, and all you’ve fucking done is made this 100 times harder.”
His eye contact was unwavering and you hated how small it made you feel. It didn’t help that he towered over your figure physically either.
“What have I made harder? I’ve done nothing but help you and Ash-”
Leon’s laugh cut you off; it was laced with venom.
“Bullshit y/n. Ashley is our priority or did you forget?”
Was he referring to earlier? When you saved Luis?
“Are you seriously yelling at me for saving a life?”
You were starting to get angry, this wasn’t the Leon you had heard all about from everyone in the agency.
“He would have made it just fine, there was no reason for you to risk all of our lives for some dick.” He spat.
Your face flushed between a mix of anger and a mix of hurt. You were used to comments like this from the other douchebags who didn’t like you simply because you were a better agent, but not from Leon.
“You don’t honestly think-” he cut you off again.
“Why did you want to come on this fucking mission, huh?”
‘To work with you’ the thought died on your tongue before you actually answered.
“I’ve had to save you more than I’ve had to save Ashley, what did you want to just make my life this much harder? Prove yourself, is that it?”
He was just like everyone else, your heart ached at the thought. You had been so excited to work with Leon, to see his tactics up close, to help him.
“Fuck y/n are you even listening?!” He got closer to you now, suffocating the space around you. His eyes trained on yours.
“I’m not trying to prove anything.” You barely got the words out, realizing your voice was so low he probably didn’t even hear it.
Leon scoffed, turning away from you and running his hands through his hair.
“You could have been killed.” He spoke.
You almost didn’t hear him, his voice eerily quiet.
“What?” You questioned, so confused by his mood swings.
“YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED” he screamed back at you, before pulling a gun from his hip and shoving it into your stomach.
“Do me a fucking favor okay? Protect yourself before you try to protect others.”
Leon couldn’t figure out how to voice his concern for you. His emotions coming at him in waves he couldn’t control. He was furious you kept risking yourself for others, furious you were even in this hell hole. He was amazed every time you shot someone he didn’t even notice, truly awed that you kept such a positive mentality, but his strongest emotion right now was fear. Fear you wouldn’t make it out, fear he would be forced to save Ashley over you.
None of this made it’s way across to you. Instead you felt like a burden, like another agent just in the way. The man you looked up to was no better than everyone else, and you suddenly found yourself tongue tied. Your eyes beginning to water.
You took the gun he shoved at you, and slid it into the waistband of your pants. You refused to meet his eye contact now.
Your lack of eye contact didn’t go unnoticed, but Leon was too frustrated to care. He pushed past you back into the cabin, not bothering to hold the door for you.
There was no doubt in your mind Ashley heard everything. She probably thought you were a burden now as well. Could this mission get any worse?
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spence-whore · 4 months
Short Stack
Spencer Agnew x Reader
Request: spencer is so cute he’s just a wittle guy 😭😭😭 he would tower over me tho omg wait a reader x spencer but reader works at smosh and is short and ppl make fun of her and spencer is like “nah its hot that they are short” or something cute and flirty and kinda goofy because he’s so goofy
A/N lisssteeeen i know i just posted one but i hated it and i felt like this was such a cute one. so, y’all get two in one day🫶🏻 this one is gonna be a short one (no pun intended) but hopefully this does your request justice<3 also, side comment about this. This was definitely a different one for me to write because I’m usually taller than everyone i meet. I always like to say I’m metaphorically small because my personality and how quiet i am makes me feel tiny lmao
Your entire life, you have been known as the small one. You’re quite small, so this led to you being teased for it your entire life. You thought once you got into an adult, office job that it would change.
Oh, how you were so wrong.
“Hey short stack.” Courtney said and flopped down in the chair across from you.
“You got nothing better? I’ve heard that a thousand of times before.” You said snorting and shaking your head.
You know that they meant no harm but it got to a point that it was kind of annoying. All anyone ever comments on about you is your height.
“Honestly though, I know we comment on it a lot, Y/N…” Noah says trailing off and standing in front of the chairs.
“How are you so little?” You respond in a mocking tone. “I don’t know. Whenever I was little, doctors done scans and everything. It was nothing concerning or anything like that. I’m just small.”
“I honestly think it’s adorable. You’re like a little pocket size human.” You hear Amanda say from the side as she approaches the conversation.
“At least I’m not getting bullied for being a ‘short king’ anymore.” Shayne comments while doing air quotations and sitting down beside Courtney. “I genuinely never thought there would be a day that someone would show up at Smosh that is smaller than me and Spencer.”
“I might be small but I can still fuck up your knee caps if you don’t leave me alone.” You mumbled while sliding down in your seat and glaring at Shayne.
“Leave them alone guys.” You hear Spencer say whenever approaching the little get together. “Honestly, I think it’s kinda hot that they are that little.” He says and shrugs his shoulders.
You felt your face immediately flush red because your office crush had just commented on your height and said it was hot.
“Uh, thanks? I guess? That’s definitely a new one.” You whispered and tried to cover up your face with your hair.
“Honestly though, it really is. I’m used to everyone else being my height or taller but you’re so little. It’s so precious. I could like scoop you up and just carry you around.” Spencer adds then walks away.
You didn’t know what to say, you could just feel everyone staring at you because everyone was very aware of your very obvious crush on the guy.
“Oh, Y/N!! Your height is so attractive!! I could just pick you up smooch you and hold you close to me!” Amanda starts saying in a teasing tone with a huge grin on her face.
“So, how’s that new video idea going?” You try changing the topic with Courtney but she won’t change it.
“Oh, what video? I think we should just talk about the little exchange you and little Spencer just had.” She says while gigging and making a face at you.
“He was just teasing me, he doesn’t find me attractive or anything. Just leave it be, please.” You pleaded, staring at the woman in front of you.
“Y/N. I was pretty much saying what Amanda was saying..” You hear Spencer say from behind you, not realizing he had came back. “I could just pick you up, smooch you, and carry you around.” He says in a mocking tone like Amanda then starts laughing as well as everyone else.
All you could feel was your face heating up and your heart racing. “Oh for fucks sake.”
“Calm down short stack, might blow a fuse with how red you are.” Spencer says while sitting beside you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder then pulling you close to him.
“We’re just teasing you. Calm down. What I said might be true though. You will never know.”
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pareidolla · 25 days
Saw your recent broken post - please I would love to hear more about the "anger and resentment" category!!
although i am wringing my hands in embarassment because the topic of broken's characterization is something i'm very passionate about, but i've complained about it before, and i don't want to come across as too whiny. i don't believe any one person should be seen as an authority on a character's portrayal, and i don't want to cause anyone undue stress. he's a video game character, it's not that serious.
that being said ⸻ broken is a very angry and bitter voice and i wish that was acknowledged more often!!!
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you're the one making things difficult, you're the one making us hurt.
even outside of the tower's pet line, the voice of the broken reminds me of an abused dog. a dog will fight you, naturally, but you are stronger, and if it is wise, it will realize resistance is pointless. you can harm a dog as much as you'd like until it learns to do whatever it takes to satisfy and stay your hand. only then will you reward it, and only then will the dog merely flinch between caresses.
but submission isn't love, and a dog still has it's teeth.
as a hardcore simp, i've read as many broken opinions and writing i can get my paws on, and i've noticed a tendency to depict him as someone who holds no animosity unless directly influenced by tower. in their eyes, he pathetically loathes himself and believes that the other voices are superior in every way.
i disagree with this because, to put it bluntly, broken literally hates everyone. canonically! he may be a sad little shelterdog deserving of many head pats but he's not soft with anyone. his sadness shouldn't distract from the fact he firmly believes the other voices are delusional in a hopeless situation. broken never shows admiration for anyone other than the princess, but he's obviously not always thrilled with her either.
who cares if you (narrator) think we're special? as far as i can tell, the only thing special about us is that we get to experience painfully dying all over again.
[we] can't even surrender right
he's (cold) even worse than her (nightmare).
i think the best demonstration of this is how people approach broken's regret over his actions during the tower route. he's usually portrayed as overly regretful and melancholy for stabbing the long quiet, which makes sense, but i'd like to remind everyone that we have his canonical reaction, and he doesn't care lmao.
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(literally my favorite broken line i must shamefully confess he sounds soooo hot here.)
which makes sense! broken is sorrowful, yes, but his more violent actions and words are motivated by an innocent desire to be safe. when he remains silent after being insulted or avoids conflict, it's not because he's afraid of the others, but because he believes it is safest for him to accept the hurt now rather than being inflicted with additional harm later. he's not going to apologize for attempting to save everyone when their futile efforts have now locked them into a cycle of being slain over and over by the princess's hands. like, literally the one thing he wanted to avoid.
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it's also why his relationship with tower makes me want to gnash my teeth against the bars of my enclosure. they aren't good for eachother but they're so beautifully entwined and and their dynamic is so...?
broken's soulmate isn't physically incapable of hurting him like damsel, but she isn't determined to hurt him like razor or nightmare. for the price of his everything belong to her, she's able to save him, melting his anger into adoration, and he's even willing to hurt himself endlessly for her. i'm gonna 'hrow up.
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obsessivestar · 4 days
'What If It's All A RomCom?' - a Ted Nivison x Reader (smut)
{{-Another smut chapter folks, this one is gRAPHIC IM SORRY or maybe I'm not sorry idk. Anyways, go read Chapter 9 before this one if you want the full context. Otherwise, enjoy again lmao.-}}
//General Warnings: 18+ Fanfic (ESP THIS ONE NO MINORS GO AWAY RN), Reader is implied to be afab and under 5'5
Chapter Warnings: HUGE DOM TED, Reader receiving and giving, humiliation, he smacks u wit it LOL, mix of degradation and praise, gettin' it from the back hhh graphic smut\\
Word count: 5.9k FUCK IM SORRY
@k-k0129 & @callsign-scully
☆▪︎Love ya to death!▪︎☆
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Chapter 10: You're Pathetic
I keep my hands on my doorknob as I turn towards Ted, who's leaning against my closed closet door, still wearing the formal fit he had kept on all day. I can feel my heartbeat pick up in my chest, trying to steady my breathing so I didn't look too excited. "Y'know, I watched Tanner walk right into his room earlier.." I give Ted a small little smile, moving away from my door slowly. I don't know why, but I felt nervous. Genuinely nervous.
"Yeah? Waitin' for everyone to turn in?.." Ted grins at me, slipping one of his hands into his pocket. He's standing at the entire other side of the room, yet I feel like he could pounce on me whenever he wants.
"I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't use the same excuse 3 times in a row.." I let out a quiet chuckle, crossing my arms in front of me. I could see how heavily I was breathing with how much my chest was visibly rising and falling; I was trying to hide it. "So...why are you in here this time?"
Ted doesn't answer right away. He steps away from my closet door, slipping his other hand into his pocket as he steadily approaches me. "Because you want me to be." He answers, a mischievous chuckle leaving him. "Because...you've been starin' at me all day, and I know why.."
"I have not been staring all day..", I scoff defensively, turning my head away from him momentarily. I tried to appear relaxed, but my stomach was welling up anxiously, making me shift my crossed arms a bit.
"Maybe not all day, but I've been payin' attention.." Ted purrs and continues to step towards me, keeping his dark eyes fixed on me. I try to take a step back but I'm stopped by my heel slightly pressing against the baseboard of my wall. I didn't realize I was so close to it already.
"Have you?.." My voice becomes softer, quieter; with a hint of sarcasm to mask my nerves.
"Oh, I have. I've been watching you closely today.." Ted hums, sneakily moving even closer. "I saw where your eyes went when I stepped out, I saw the way you closed your legs on that sofa, I saw you look at my lips again when I had you up on the kitchen counter and I know you were checking me out when you thought I wasn't looking.."
At this point, Ted is about 4 feet away from me. Any closer and he could touch me. I've nearly backed myself up against the wall, a gentle blush along my cheeks. Besides Ted's talking, it's so quiet. Sometimes if you listen well enough, you can hear little things coming from everyone's room, like Joe's watching TikTok's or the sound of Dan's keyboard, but not tonight. It's dead quiet. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Ted.." I speak out carefully, focusing on my words so I don't stutter them out. I could feel my body shivering, tightening my crossed arms to keep myself grounded.
"Uh-uh. You're not lying your way out of this one, princess.." Ted grins at me, taking yet another careful step towards me. "I know what's goin' on in that pretty little head of yours.." I watch as his hand reaches out to finally touch me, his hand moving under my chin to hold it up slightly. I keep my eyes locked on him, my smile faltering a little. God, he's so much taller than me. He towers over me, absolutely towers over me. It makes me feel small. "You can play dumb all you want, but you're nervous as fuck. I can see it." Ted chuckles at me, lightly gliding his tongue along the ends of his top teeth.
"I'm not nervous.." I reply softly, giving him a flirty smile and loosening my arms to let them rest at my sides.
"You're lying to me, (Y/N)..."
"Oh, I'm lying now?"
"What makes you think I'm lying?"
"Because your hands are shaking.."
I can practically feel my heart drop in my chest, a heavy blush spreading along my face when he calls my bluff. My eyes widen a little and I can't think of a single excuse or comeback. Next thing I know, he grabs me by my shoulders and pins me up against the wall behind me, a grunt escaping me from the gentle but firm collision. He's so strong. He moves me so easily.
"E-Easy.." I stammer and try to move my hands to hold onto Ted's arms, but he moves faster than me. He grabs both of my wrists and pins them up above my head, a gasp leaving me in response. I never perceived Ted to be such a dominant guy, but he wears it...rather nicely.
"This is what you wanted, yeah?" Ted grins mischievously at me. "Missed being beneath me?.."
"Fuck off.." I purr back with a mocking grin, raising my chin up at him. "You're the one that snuck into my room. Again. You're obsessed with me, Teddy.."
"I'm obsessed with you?" Ted repeats, raising his eyebrows at me before pausing. He let's out a curious hum, his eyes scanning my face. I feel my body tense up when he leans in closer to connect our lips in a gentle, longing kiss. I hear a raspy moan leave Ted's throat in the kiss, pressing his thumbs into the palm of my hands to caress them somewhat.
"You might be right about that.." Ted purrs against my lips, trailing kisses slow along the side of my jaw. "But I think you're obsessed with me, too.."
I try to move my hands to touch him, but his grip is too strong for me to do anything back to him. I just have to take whatever he's doing to me, listen to whatever he's saying to me. I close my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. "In fact, I know you're obsessed with me.." Ted hums, his low voice rumbling in my ear. "I know you still think about that first night, how I touched you...tasted you..." Ted leaves gentle kisses along my skin with every pause, practically locking my whole body against this wall. I could feel my inner thighs getting warm again, causing me to close them a little. "I know you think about my voice ringing in your ear...I know you like how tall I am, how I tower over you, yeah? Ringin' any bells, you little cunt?" He mocks me, lightly nipping at my ear with a snicker. I open my eyes. It hits me. He's repeating everything I told Joe at the stairs yesterday. He heard us. He heard me.
"Y' f-fuckin' kidding me.." I manage to whisper out with a shaky breath, closing my eyes once more when Ted chuckles lowly into my ear.
"'Fraid not, princess. Surprised you didn't say more about me. Sounded like you wanted to.." Ted's hands slowly move down my pinned hands, his body language telling me to stay still. I keep my wrists up against the wall as his hands smooth their way down to my shoulders, slowing along the sides of my breasts before gripping my waist to keep my body close. As his warm touch explores my body, I can't help but move my hands down to rest them on his shoulders, letting out a shaky breath.
"Y'know what I keep thinking about?.." Ted whispers into my ear, one of his hands staying on my waist while the other steadily moves further down my body. He pulls his face away from my neck to look down, his free hand working to unbutton my pants. "How nice you felt to push into...that first time.." He purrs with a mischievous grin, moving a bit of my pants aside to sneak his hand into them, feeling his fingers press against my clothed bud; he knew exactly where it was. I let out a shy gasp, meeting his dark gaze, my grip on his shoulders tightening a little. "Right after I played with this little thing..." Ted speaks again, moving his fingers in a slow, circular motion against my panties. "I grabbed your waist and slid riiiight in, so easily...you remember that?.."
The little movements he's making against my sensitive nerve makes my body shiver once more. I close my eyes and turn my head with a shaky moan, only to feel his hand move away from my waist to grab my jaw, turning me to him once more. "No no no, look at me. I'm talkin' to you.." Ted scolds me, shaking his head a little. "I asked you a question, didn't I?" His fingers move a little to the side, slowly pulling my panties aside to slip between my folds. This was driving me crazy. Just a few words and some carefully placed kisses were enough to make me wet for him again. How he makes me weak so quickly...
"I-I remember.." I whisper with a little nod, a few shaky breaths leaving me. As his fingers continued to tease inside my sensitive folds, I could feel my core begin to react like it was purring, aching for him once more. I could almost, almost feel him inside me again. I'm so warm...
Ted rewards my answer by moving his fingers up my slit to my sensitive bud, his fingers moving in an unbearably slow circle. "Theo.." A quiet moan leaves me and I lean my head back. His touch makes me crazy, I can feel my mind slipping, my judgment being clouded with nothing but pure arousal for Ted. I can still feel his heated gaze on me. He's watching me squirm, I know he is. He's enjoying this.
"There she is...Fuck, I love my name in your voice.." He chuckles lowly at me, almost mockingly so. "You're so fucking cute, I..." He leans his way back down to my neck as he continues to touch me, latching onto my skin with a dark hum. I feel his teeth and his tongue tighten against the skin, a gasp leaving me in response. He's--He's giving me a hickey. Fuck.
I turn my head, catching our figures in a standing mirror. His body against mine, his head in my neck, his hand in my pants...It was a visual I thought I'd only dream about. It made me desire him more. I could feel my legs shaking like crazy, like they were about to give out. He has me right where he wants me, and fuck, I want him too. I need him.
I turn away from the mirror and glance down at him, my hands moving down from his shoulders to smooth along his clothed body. "E-Enough, please, I..." I whimper to him, taking his tie into my hands to pull on it a little. Ted pulls away from my neck, a pleased hum leaving him.
"Mmm, you don't really want me to stop, do you?.." Ted asks with a low purr, his finger circling my clit a little faster. My body shivers once more, my chest beginning to rise and fall at a quicker pace.
"F-Fuck no, don't you dare stop.." I moan with a shaky chuckle, looking at his tie in my grasp. "I-I just--fffuck...I-I want to move. My legs, I-I feel like--mmfhh--I'm about to fall.." Every couple words are interrupted by a needy moan, biting the corner of my lower lip when I finally manage to complete the sentence.
"Aww, you gonna lose your balance?.." Ted laughs a little at me, moving his finger back and forth along my clit. "Mm? Your legs gettin' a little shaky on me? You that desperate?" He knows exactly how to touch me, and it's making me lose it. I lean my head back, close my eyes and let go of his tie as I moan out, a whimper escaping me as I grip his loose buttoned shirt. I try to close my legs the best I can, but his hand is in the way.
"Say you want me, and I'll move you.." Ted speaks it like a command, a confident smile permanent etched along his lips at how helpess I was in front of him. "Tell me you want me..."
I couldn't fight it even if I want to.
"I want you..." I whine a little with a slight pout. "God I want you, okay? I can--I can still feel you, I need you.."
"Look at me."
"Ted please, I.."
"Look...at me."
A shaky breath leaves me as I open my eyes, meeting his dark gaze with a shy little frown. He looks so sure of himself, so confident and in control. I'm the complete opposite, all because of what he does to me.
"I...I.." With his eyes so intensely on me, I find it hard to speak clearly. He raised his brows at me, as if to say 'go on', but I'm borderline speechless. Anytime I feel I have the ability to speak, he moves his fingers and I gasp or moan instead. This is maddening. It's just three words. "I-I...w...want you.." I'm finally able to muster them up, keeping my gaze on him as I whimper for him. I see his eyes darken with desire and he laughs at me again.
"Oh, that's pathetic.." Ted shakes his head a little, finally removing his hand from my pants to grab my waist with both hands. "Three simple words, and that's how you let them out? That's real pathetic.."
"J-Just take me on the fucking bed already.." I curse at him with a glare, giving his shirt a good tug. I was getting fed up with the teasing, I needed him, bad. That little lash out made Ted's eyes flare at me a little, a grin spreading along his face.
"Ooh, that's better.."
I feel his hands move under me to swiftly lift me up into the air, making me wrap my legs around his waist. I instinctively move my oej hands to his shoulders, a surprising gasp leaving me. It was so easy for him to pick me up. I know we had talked about it before, but my weight was nothing to him. My god.... With his hands holding me up from my ass, he pushes his body against mine and kisses my lips passionately. I quickly kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck, an excited moan leaving me when he turns us away from the wall to start moving to my bed, grasping and picking at the fabric of his shirt. He nearly slams me down onto the edge of the bed, keeping his hips against mine as he works at removing my shirt first, once again throwing it somewhere in the room. My hands move up into his hair and my nails glide along his scalp, tightening me legs around his hips when he moans into the kiss. I feel him press more against me and my god, he's so hard.
I break away from the kiss to breath, giving him time to move my legs so he could slip my pants down, tugging my panties down with them. He was so hungry for me, I could see it in his eyes. All of that teasing and flirting had been affecting him just as much. He's just as desperate for me. It makes me even more excited for him. I try to sit up to work at removing his clothes, undoing his tie first before he'd stop me, making me lay down again with a grunt.
"No no, not yet, I'm fuckin' hungry first and you're gonna let me eat..." He growls at me, adjusting his loose tie around his neck before latching onto my neck once more, still standing by the edge of the bed as he trails kisses down my naked body, worshipping me like the first night. He eventually has to sit down on his knees to get between my legs. I run my fingers along my upper thighs as his lips move along my breasts and down my stomach, forcing my legs open to feed once more.
Just like before, he's all over me. His tongue can slide into my entrance and taste everything he had teased out of me, pulling me more to the edge of the bed so it was harder for either of us to move. His tongue moved smoothly between my soaked folds, his cold glasses occasionally touching my lower belly once he'd move up to bring attention to my sensitive bud. I watch as he closes his eyes and loses himself deep between my thighs, moaning and panting like it's his drug. Fuck, he's going to condition me to need this every tine.
I don't last as long as I did the first night. I don't even have the chance to warn him, becoming a moaning and whining mess when I finish from his tongue flicking along my warm clit over and over until I reached down and pulled at his hair, hearing him chuckle lowly against me.
"I love making you a fucking mess." He shakes his head, leaving little kisses along my inner thighs. "You get so fucking wet after I eat you out, you know that?" He stands back up and presses two of his fingers against my entrance, toying with it before pushing them into me. The feeling of him moving inside of me was so nice, but not as satisfying as his cock would be. He's once again smiling down at me as he begins to pump his fingers inside of me, his free hand in his pocket once again. "You came faster this time. Am I too much, princess? Is it getting worse? Aww, look at you down there. A fucking mess, aren't you?" He begins mocking me again as I moan for more, moving my knees up a little to try and get him to angle his fingers better. Fuck, he wasn't deep enough. His cock could go deeper.
"T-Teddy, I need more.." I moan softly, trying to push myself against Ted's fingers. His dirty words were dancing around in my head. I was becoming completely his, losing all sense of individuality. Every word and every sound he made just tightened the leash around my neck.
"Mm? These can only go so deep, princess.." Ted hums at me, slowly moving his fingers out of me. "More of what, hmm? Use your words, what do you want from me?.."
I let out a quiet huff, feeling my body shiver when he once again uses his soaked fingers to tease my sensitive clit. The slight overstimulation made my body jolt a little, making it harder to get my words out.
"D-Don't make me say it..." I pouted at him, holding my upper body up by my elbows. Ted starts laughing at me again, shaking his head a little.
"You gonna go shy on me again? You know better than that, right?.." Ted grins at me, spreading his fingers inside my slit to spread my soaked folds. "Wanna use that little mouth for somethin' else then? Hmm?.." Ted moves his hand away from my core to gently grab my chin. I can feel my essence along his fingers, making me shiver a little. His voice was gentle and almost comforting, but the way he was touching me was humiliating. Still holding my chin, Ted makes me sit up at the edge of the bed, looking me over as he moves his fingers to my lips. I open my mouth for him and keep my gaze on him, the unique taste of my essence and Ted's fingers touching my tongue. This may sound odd, but I had never tasted myself before. I can see why Ted gets so lost between my legs, it was sweet. Savory...
"You are so...fucking cute.." Ted purrs at me, watching me suck on his fingers with dark, piercing eyes. "Oooh, I like you like this..."
My eyes glance down to his belt, my breathing picking up in excitement as I reach for it, quickly working at getting it unbuckled. I half-expected Ted to stop me, but he looks just as eager for his pants to be off. The sound of the metal buckle loosening was only making me more aroused, panting as I slid the full belt off of him.
"You are so fucking eager for it, eh?.." Ted chuckles at me, slowly removing his fingers from my mouth to help me remove his pants. "You're so impatient. Easy, baby..." I certainly was impatient, I wasn't afraid to show it. I tugged his boxers down, moving my head back a little when his length suddenly springs out in front of me. Ted laughs at me again, trailing his tongue along his top teeth. Whenever he laughs at me, I feel like he's tightening the collar around my neck even more. He laughs at me like I'm a little pet that's entertaining him. Warm, but sarcastic.
"Is it intimidating? Mm?.." Ted hums with a devious grin, moving his other hand to slink into my hair. I lean a little into his hand with a content sigh, feeling him begin to massage my scalp. At this point, I had truly lost myself, falling deep into my arousal for Ted. I carefully bring his tip to my lips and open my mouth to allow him inside. Ted physically shudders as move my head forward, feeling his shaft slide along my tongue.
"A-Ah, fuck.." Ted let's out a shaky moan, taking a fistful of my hair into his hands once I tighten my lips around him and begin moving my head back and forth. Even with him wrapped in my mouth like this, he was still completely in control of me. His girth was pulsing inside my mouth, a moan leaving me as his tip continuously rubs passed my tonsils. I close my eyes for a moment to focus on my movements, smirking a little when I begin to hear a symphony of panting and moaning from Ted.
"Oh my god, (Y/N)--f-fuck.." He chuckles weakly, giving my hair a nice tug to pull me in closer. I gag a little against him, pulling back briefly to steady myself. God, his size was almost too much for me. "Easy, girl. Easy.." Ted purrs with a little chuckle, moving his grip to the back of my head to pull me in close once more, allowing me to take my time. I moan as his tip touches passed my tonsils again, slowly moving my head back and forth once more. Once I found a smooth rhythm, I was able to adjust to his length and take him in a little deeper, massaging his shaft with my lips and curling my tongue underneath. I began to feel his hips moving against my head, pushing his cock deeper down my throat with every thrust. He keeps a fistful of my hair in his hand, gazing down at me as he fucks my face freely.
"There you go, there you fucking go, yeahhh..." He moans darkly, panting with every thrust he deals. "You look so pretty, baby. I like you with your mouth stuffed--oh god, yes--fucking stuffed like this. Just like this.."
I roll my eyes back and moan against his thick shaft, my own entrance throbbing everytime he slips down my throat. His filthy words will be ringing in my ears for a long while, I'm sure of it. I'll dream of it. I'll beg for it.
I feel his length twitch in my mouth and a shaky, almost nervous sounding moan leaves Ted. For a moment, I expect he's going to finish inside my mouth, but he pulls his length out instead, stifling another moan as his body shudders. He breathes heavily as he gazes down at me, moving his hand from my hair to caress my face again, his thumb rubbing my cheek somewhat roughly.
"Fucking hell...you're a little slut for this, hm?.." Ted chuckles at me mockingly, moving his shaft up to my face to rub his tip against my cheek. A weak moan leaves me, closing my eyes to catch my breath as he rubs himself on me. It was so dehumanizing, but holy fuck, I didn't care. I was so horny for him. Everything he did made it worse. "Yeah, look at you...look at you.." He whispers to himself, resting his length on top of my face with a curious hum. "Is this what you've been thinking about? Hm? You got what you wanted?.." I close one of my eyes when he rests his shaft on my face, opening my mouth somewhat to stick my tongue out at him. He let's out a dark chuckle, lightly smacking his tip along my tongue a few times. "God, you're a little whore, eh? I put on some nice clothes, smack you around a little bit and you'll do whatever I want.."
"Pretty much..." I purr back at him, flicking my tongue against his tip. A pleased hum leaves him at he slips his length away, moving his hands to my chin to guide me to stand up. He keeps his dark gaze on me, glancing down at my lips with another dark chuckle before pulling me into a deep kiss, his hand moving down to wrap itself around my throat. I return the passionate kiss with a needy moan, moving my hands up to unbutton some of the buttons of his shirt. He slips his tongue into the kiss, a growly moan leaving him. My whole body feels hot, my thighs feel tense and I know my core is aching for him, aching for all of him. When he breaks the kiss to speak again, my heart begins to beat out of my chest.
"Turn around for me.."
I feel his grip around my throat tighten a little alongside the command and he's smiling mischievously at me. His pupils are so large with arousal, his eyes mind as well be pitch black. I'm surprised his glasses were still on, but I understood why. He wanted to see everything clearly this time. Last time was spontaneous and passionate. Tonight, everything's deliberate. Calculated. He wants to savour it all. Savour me. Enjoy me, so I do as he says. He let's go of my throat so I can turn around, feeling him hold my waist with one hand and grab the back of my head with the other. He carefully bends me over the bed, making sure we're both positioned comfortably. It's a relatively tall mattress, so my legs can stay on the ground, for now. I can hear his deep breathes over my anxious panting, his warm hand leaving my head to smoothing down my bare back. His free hand leaves my waist and I feel his tip press up against my soaking wet entrance. The anticipation is unbearable. This. This is what I had been waiting for all day. All. Fucking. Day.
The moment I feel him push into me was like I was my soul was ascending out of my body. His length fit inside my entrance like it was always meant to be there. All night I could feel it aching for him, I could feel where it was supposed to be. It was a sensation I had never experienced before, with anyone I had ever been with. With Ted, it's not just that I wanted him, my body needed him, craved him. I couldn't think straight now even if I wanted to, I was in his hands. I let out a long, satisfied moan as he pushes into me completely, leaning my head back a little. I hear him chuckle behind me, his hand moving to hold my waist again. "Oh I know, baby. I know..." Ted purrs, using his other hand to rub my lower back. "I've needed this too. Fuck, I've needed this.."
Ted doesn't start out as gentle as he did the first night. No, he begins working at me immediately. I feel his hips smack against my ass as he thrusts into me, pulling me into his movements by my waist. He's using me like I don't even matter, but I wouldn't have it any other way, not tonight. I keep my head leaned back so he can hear my needy moans for him, my mouth completely hung open. Once again, I don't give a fuck if anyone hears us. He's fucking me like I'm the only girl in the world, I needed it.
"You are so fucking good, princess. Such a fucking good princess..." Ted growls at me as he fucks me roughly, reaching further up to grab my shoulder, moving closer to make his thrusts harder. This was already better than the first night. Something about slapping his shaft on me had made him even wilder, more feral. This was more than I could've hoped for. If every fuck was going to be like this, I'm following him home. I don't give a fuck. This is everything.
"Teddy! Teddy, oh my g--Te-Ted--Teddyyyy" It's nearly impossible to get any other word out that isn't his name. I'm as careful with my volume as I can be. I'm a mess, an absolute mess for this man and I want him to know it. Ted doesn't even have the energy to laugh at me, he's just as lost in this as I am. He keeps smacking his hips roughly against mine, over and over, not once losing the pace or the rhythm. He was practically throbbing inside me, I could feel it. So thick, so deep. I had no way of grabbing him or turning myself around. I had to take it. I wanted to take it. Even when my legs began to shake once again, I kept still for him, letting him hear my desperate cries for him. Just him.
"You really are--ughh--fucking made for me, little cunt..." He groans out, taking both sides of my waist into his hands to pull me in harder and harder. My whole body was surging with pleasure, all I could do was close my eyes and cry for him. It was hard to even understand what I was saying at this rate. I'd cry out his name, I'd moan for his cock, I'd beg for him to move faster. He'd reward my dirty words with a grunt, a spank, a hard thrust, any and all for me. We both became borderline unintelligible, occasionally hearing a growly "Take it. Take it, bitch. You fucking take it." from Ted until I began to feel it all begin to build up in my stomach. My cries become more desperate, his moans becomes louder, his cock massages my sensitive walls and slams into my sensitive core over and over until it all comes undone.
"I'm cumming! I'mcummingi'mcummingi'mcummingi'mcumming!..."
I whimper and whine out for him to hear as I feel my entire body burst with intense pleasure, feeling his hand quickly come up and grab a fistful of my hair to tug it back again. I feel his body lean down against mine, grinding and thrusting against me to make my release even stronger. He wanted to hear everything, he wanted to feel me tighten around him and cry his name. Fuck, did he get it. He got it all. Everything he ever wanted, he could have it.
He slows down his thrusts to allow me to come down from my high, grinding against me like a desperate animal as I moan weakly. It feels like my brain is dancing around consciousness and I realize...he hasn't even finished yet.
"B-Baby, fuck, I'm...I need--I need you. I need more..." He moans against my skin, carefully pulling out of me so he could push me more onto the bed. I'm too weak to try and fight him on this, not that I even wanted to, but fuck was I sore.
"Theo, fuck.." I whimper weakly, my half-open eyes watching as he crawls on top of me. Before I have any time to think, he slips inside my sensitive core again, letting his desperation be known with a relieved moan. "M-My name, f-fuck. My name, again, please...I..." Ted whispers as he begins to fuck me again. I don't have the energy nor the desire to resist, regardless of how sore I am. He's throbbing inside me, fucking me desperately. I wrap my arms and legs around his body and moan out his name for him, our heavy breathing mixing together. He stuffs his face into my neck. Every quick thrust from him sets my body on fire, a slight spark of pain mixing in with the pleasure everytime his hips smack into mine. All the adrenaline was slowly coming down, but Ted wouldn't last much longer, I could feel it. He was moaning so sweetly into my ear, rubbing his sweaty body against mine as his thrusts became more desperate. I moved one of my hands up to run my fingers through his thick hair, caressing the back of his head as I whimper his name. "Theo, Theo, Ohh Theo, yes, yes.."
With just a few more sloppy thrusts, I feel his thick warmth enter me, his body shivering against mine as he empties himself inside me. I close my eyes at the familiar sensation, tightening my legs around him as he grinds the rest out. I'm so full of euphoria and exhaustion, among other things. "Fuuuuuck.." Ted whispers into my ear, slowly pulling out of me with a shaky groan. He pulls away from my neck to look at me, but my exhaustion is hitting me so strongly, I can barely keep my eyes open. Ted chuckles at me weekly, planting a gentle kiss on my lips before moving off of me somewhat.
I lay flat on the bed with my eyes clothes, breathing heavily in an attempt to catch my breath. At first, I thought Ted was leaving, sitting up a little to see if I could spot him. I didn't see or hear anything at first, frowning to myself. Did he leave?...
When I suddenly feel the bed sheets underneath me move, I turn around to see Ted was trying to take the comforter off. I laugh weakly, sitting up a bit to help him toss it off before moving under the loose sheet.
"I was...worried for a second.." I admit in a gentle tone, moving aside so Ted could slip in next to me.
"Worried? 'Bout what?" Ted asks with a curious hum, slipping his white shirt and tie off of his body completely before laying on his side. "Thought I left?"
"Mhmmm.." I hum quietly with a nod, shifting closer to him. "A little bit.."
Ted gives me a warm smile, making sure we were both comfortable under the loose sheet before wrapping his strong bare arms around me, pulling me in close to his chest.
"Nuh-Uh. I'm stayin'..." He whispers to me, one of his hands moving to caress and massage the back of my head. "I'm stayin'. I'm stayin'..."
I feel my exhaustion get the best of me and I close my eyes, a weak smile spread along my lips at his words. My hands are comfortably in front of my body, content to be nuzzled up against Ted's chest for the night.
Another Night ends in Ted's arms.
I'm happy.
__________________________________Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 (smut) || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
Personally I think they're both huffing a bit of copium about one another (Vox and Alastor) but Alastor is better at hiding it/maintaing his cool. We know that at least Valentino feels confident enough to goad Vox into taking the bait, that Alastor "almost" beat him last time. It's an interesting attitude compared to Vox's. Even Velvette doesn't seem all that concerned with Alastor, both her and Valentino are confident in the Vees current status and it's only Vox's personal insecurities that prevent him from sharing that mindset.
Vox's medium IS the victor in the grand scheme of things, he (along with the other Vees) ARE more relevant than Alastor/radio. And Vox is also capable of upgrading/improving himself over time in a way Alastor (from what we've seen) is not. It's so interesting seeing Vox unable to fully realize his strength/power - he can say it all he wants, but I don't think he really believes it. We the audience, however, know that visual media is king... case in point we are watching this series as a show on screens. Vox's hypnotism and electric powers are also pretty OP, he's got a good deck of cards (even though we haven't seen the full extent of how he can really leverage these yet).
And let's not forget Alasor BOOKED IT across town to get back at Vox during Stayed Gone. I think Alasor is (and should be) somewhat nervous (maybe "cautiously aware" is a better term) about the influence Vox and the Vees have regarding the future of media. He doesn't crack easily, as we've seen, but he cares enough to engage with Vox which he doesn't bother doing with outright "lessers".
In this way the dynamic is more even (in my opinion) than many give it credit for, which I personally prefer, but to each their own... for me, if it's not more equally matched, I struggle to see how the Vees will be worthwhile antagonists in the next season and that would be such a shame for characters that have so much potential. I just love the Vees!
(prev ask)
ehh I mean I do feel that they are on more equal level than some of the fandom may make them out to be but I still don't feel like they're exactly on the same level. like every time I see takes about mutual stuff between them I still can't fully agree cause to me, it's still on some level imbalanced. I do think they are of roughly equal power yes, but I think alastor being able to keep his cool is in fact a point towards him having the upperhand. it's the fact that vox is literally incapable of keeping his cool when it comes to alastor that spells more of his weakness when it comes to him I think. but yeah I mean how the vees, or rather vox will be a proper antagonist when he's so easily defeated by alastor is what I've been asking for a while LMAO.
and the thing is, we've seen instances like alastor being somewhat scared when zestial pops up, his mask slipping when starting stupid beef with lucifer (his eye is literally twitching the moment lucifer steps into the hotel LMAO), and of course with his fight with adam. we don't see any of that when it comes to the vees/vox, alastor waves them off as "nobody important" when niffty asks, easily tramples vox in stayed gone (and yes, he did immediately go back to his radio tower to bite back, but I don't think that's necessarily out of fear, could've easily just been he saw he was being insulted on live tv and HAD to bite back because he's a petty bitch), and gloated to him about having to "try harder than that" after failing to spy on him.
in my view, he doesn't see the vees or vox as a serious threat. HOWEVER, I do think that could easily be a point against alastor. his cockiness and not taking them seriously could very well come bite him in the back (JUUUUST like with adam!)
but when it comes to his current season 1 dynamic with vox, I do think he has the upperhand because of their different attitudes. if vox was able to keep his cool like alastor he wouldn't have caused a city-wide blackout over stayed gone LMAO. they're definitely more leveled power-wise though I think, the difference comes in their attitudes. if vox won the idgaf war a bit more they'd be more leveled, but he has chosen to obsess over him 24/7 so here we are.
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lesbianslvt666 · 1 year
Road Trip?
College au!
Mean! athlete!Ellie x trying to stand up for herself! Kind of an art major?(f)reader lmao
Ofc not proof read
pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt5
Synopsis: Ellie and you are roommates in your shared dorm, both in different majors, you ever see each other when it comes to be at the dorm, on parties or with Dina, your shared best friend. At first Ellie was nice, always kept to herself but never mean, until she got her first college girlfriend, everyone keep telling you how much she looked like you, including Dina. So when Ellie "cheated" on her ex, her reputation went from friendly reserved football player, to fuck girl, "I got all the girls" asshole, or so it seemed to you…
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My eyelids dropped without my permission and sometimes closed. My neck sank in. My hand coincided with the brush, creating a large stripe on the canvas that hid the hours of work I had put into the face.
that was the part of the self-portrait I had the most trouble with.
When I saw my disaster, I groaned and stepped back as not to lash out and destroy the painting.
I looked at it from that distance. I realised that the proportions were off, that I lost the intensity of the pose. that the colours weren't strong enough in important areas, but too bright in others.
"Forty-five minutes," I jumped up from the floor and looked back at the familiar voice.
She chuckled and pointed to the picture, "The proportions are off," and I rolled my eyes at her remark.
"no shit sherlock" I slumped my shoulders and moved my head back and forth as the pain in my back got worse.
From behind me, I felt her arms sneak up to my shoulders and rub them with her calloused hands. "You know, I feel like you're thinking about this too much." I felt her hot breath tickle my ear, so close to my neck, so close to my face.
There wasn't much I could do. I let myself fall into her embrace, both of her arms now towering over me, holding me close, intertwining at my waist.
My body relaxed, but my heart beat so fast that I could feel it in my mouth
"Why don't you want me to make you feel good?
"I don't trust you, Williams." I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel to look at her.
The hairs on my arms bristled, don't let her win, my mind screamed as I tried to keep my gaze on hers.
She closed the space between our bodies, and I realized I wasn't moving.
thereupon she tilted her head a little to the side without taking her eyes off me, her grin widened, oh she knows, she knows she can't win, not his time...
I felt her towering over me, her body was so close to me I could smell her shampoo. I felt the warmth her body radiated, I could hear her breathing. My shoulders slumped forward and I shifted my line of sight.
She was laughing so hard at my pathetic attempt, I am tired, her presence irritated me. "What do you want anyway, Williams?" "I just want to help my lovely roommate," the playful grin on her handsome face grew even wider, "I don't need your help..." Ellie moved closer to me and put a hand behind her ear in a cartoonish way, "Speak up babe, you know I hate it when you whisper."
"I am too busy for your shit, plus, don't you have your exam tomorrow? You should study." my voice sounded a bit rougher than I expected, the hand that was behind her ear, was now in her heart. she opened her mouth, opened her plump lips, and closed her eyes while faking a gasp. "don't know, if you care about me or if you hate me" she turned around after seeing my uninterested reaction "Okay, well. fine... I have something to ask you, or rather propose to you." she picked up her backpack and opened it, holding out a scribbled note to me, her handwriting read.
"Van rent= on Joel
Feeding and extras= on us
Gas= on Joel"
"Okay, do not look at me like that, Y/N!". I handed her back the note, the simplicity of which, actually gave me more questions than answers.
"What's this?"
"t's a road trip, a van trip, an almost-everything-paid-for plan!" her face was beaming, her hands moving from side to side as if it was not obvious enough
"I mean yeah, but why are you showing me this?" didn't she wanted to get as far away from me as possible? As far as I knew, she did not like me.
"Doll, you fried all your little brain cells, trying so to figure out how to get your picture?" she rolled her eyes "look, the plan was Dina" I looked at Ellie with raised eyebrows "our Dina?" "Our Dina" she confirmed, calming down a bit as she was still having a hard time sharing our friend with me. "Her boyfriend Jesse and I." she paused, her features tightening. "but Dina did not want to let you down for spring break, so you are invited." she sat down on the mattress, opened her legs to be more comfortable, propped her forearms on the bed and looked at me.
"So, all I have to pay for is ..."
"Food and extras," she interrupted me, running a hand over her face, "I read it, but what are extras?"
"I do not know, Y/N, souvenirs maybe? Whatever else you want to buy?"
"Where do you wanna go?" "I do not know, Y/N. We are going to the beach, LA maybe, and then to Chicago, Broadway, all that good shit"
"Who's driving?"
"Jesse and me."
"Does your dad know I am going too? Did he agree?" Ellie rolled her eyes.
"He's not my dad. but yeah, he knows. Dina asked him if you could come. he still thinks you are the "cute girl who helped me bring my stuff to the dorm." he likes you more than I do."
"Well, I like him more than you."
"Shut up." she tensed and looked down, shying on me. I considered teasing her a little for that, however I choose to ask a different question.
"For how long? "
"The whole spring break. We'll be back a few days before school start." she said now, bored of looking at me, looking at her hands up close.
"look, sleep on it okay? You look like a living corpse" her remark came after I didn’t answer the last part.  "you wake up tomorrow morning, ditch the first few lectures, finish the painting and you tell me what I wanna hear" she was now standing, rocking side to side.
"and what do you want to hear?" I stepped closer, squinting my eyes, my head moved to the side in anticipation.
"I wanna hear you say yes Doll."
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Okay HI hello I hope you're doing well!! I haven't been on tumblr for a few days, been so distracted with stuff but I've had an idea in my head for so long now I gotta share it.
Stephen Strange x Reader (ofc lmao) where Reader and him are in a secret relationship cause they know it would cause problems within the Avengers and their dangerous jobs.
One day, everyone is in the tower discussing stuff. And idk how it would lead up to it. But essentially goes like
Stephen: I'll have to ask the wife.
Tony: you have a wife. You of all people? What- did you buy some bimbo off ebay?
Essentially just absolutely dissing him not at all believing that he has a wife etc etc. And Stephen is all annoyed and says something in defense. And eventually reader goes
"The wife says no." While glaring at Tony
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. A/N: How do you come up with these brilliant ideas?!
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You knew the meeting was important. It was the only time when all the Avengers were on planet, in dimension and with no missions.
A rare occurrence.
Which was why Tony Stark had decided to call in all the Avengers to discuss their most recent missions and take notes. In case there was some other threat looming over the horizon that could potentially destroy the planet.
So far, no one had reported anything out of the ordinary. And you were glad. Not only because the world was at peace for the time being, but also because it meant your husband didn't have to run off on a mission that required his expertise.
Your husband was none other then Dr. Stephen Strange.
And when it came to the nature of your relationship, no one knew.
Or perhaps some of them knew. But if they did, no one had revealed it to anyone else. Which was just how the both of you preferred it to be.
Mostly because it provided you two with the privacy that you needed, and given your line of work, the more secretive a relationship the better. If Barton could hide his entire family from the rest of the world as well as the Avengers for a good many years, then you and Stephen could hide the nature of your relationship as well.
Not that you were ashamed of it or anything. Nothing of the sort. The decision was made on behalf of the fact that the nature of your jobs was life-threatening. He had his fair share of enemies, and you had yours. And while both of you were capable of holding your own against the opposing forces, there was no harm in taking extra precaution.
Hence the secrecy of your relationship.
Though for the last few days or so, you had been discussing about getting it out in the open. At least to the rest of the Avengers.
At present you were listening to Captain America as he assigned the next set of missions to everyone. There were only a few, and you had been paired with AntMan who had waved at you. You smiled and waved back. You liked working with Scott, he was always fun to be around.
However, you did not miss the way Stephen's eyes found yours. You only gave him a small smile and a wink, knowing how much he preferred that the both of you take on missions together.
But hey, he couldn't always get what he wanted.
Just then Tony asked Stephen a question, to which your husband was a little late with his response. Prompting Tony to gaze quizzically at him.
"Feeling alright there Dumbledore? Don't want you flaking out on me during the mission." Apparently Stephen had been paired with Tony Stark aka Iron Man himself. The realization prompted you to hide your smile behind your hand.
"Stop calling me that." Stephen stated in a deadpan voice, which only served to make Tony goad him further.
"Oh lighten up. Or should I say Lumos?" This time a giggle did escape you, but you weren't the only one. Anyone who got the reference let out a small laugh at your husband's expense.
"You need to learn to take a joke Strange, but think about it? You're a single fella going on a mission where the majority of the population on the planet is female, should double your chances of getting laid wouldn't it?" Since he was already married to Pepper, Tony of course made no mention of himself being in the same category as Stephen.
You frowned, your previous mirth forgotten as you glared at Tony. You knew it wasn't his fault for making such a remark, but you still couldn't help the small sliver of jealousy as well as anger that burned in you at the thought of Stephen being around all those women. Not that you didn’t trust him, you just didn’t trust females you didn’t know.
Stephen, ever the observant husband, was quick to pick up on your mood, even from sitting across the table on opposite ends. Perhaps your reaction was what compelled him to say what he did next.
"I don't know Stark, I'll have to ask the wife."
Instantly the whole atmosphere of the room changed. Everyone, even those who had their suspicions, turned to stare at the Sorcerer Supreme with a gobsmacked expression on their faces. You were one of them. You certainly hadn't been expecting him to come out and say it like that.
Tony was the first one to recover. "You have a wife? You?!" He let out a laugh of disbelief at which Stephen raised an eyebrow at him. "What did you buy her off E-Bay or something?" He continued to joke. Somehow he didn't think it possible for someone so uptight as Strange to have a girlfriend, let alone a wife.
"I mean come on Strange, if you want to lie, at least make it a convincing one." He continued with a roll of his eyes.
Stephen glared at Tony. “And why would I lie about having a wife?” The man shrugged. “You tell me. You’re the one who’s lying.”
“How about I just call her and ask?”
So saying Stephen drew our his phone from a pocket dimension and pressed dial on the number that was saved under your name.
Everyone could hear the phone ringing at the other end. What no one had been expecting was for your phone to start ringing within those first few seconds.
Your gaze was fixed on Tony’s as you picked up your phone from the table and accepted the call. Stephen instantly hit the speaker button, while you raised your phone to your ear and calmly spoke into it.
“The wife says no.” Your voice rang loud and clear, live as well as from the speaker of Stephen’s phone.
The reactions were instantaneous. While some only stared in disbelief, others were more vocal about it. Tony was the former, staring at the both of you, his brain unable to process what had just occurred. You ended the call before standing up and pretended to dust off the front of your skirt. “Husband? Would you mind taking us home now? I believe the meeting is over.”
Stephen stood as well, the triumphant look in his eyes was visible to everyone as he began to walk towards you, pulling out his sling ring as he went and sliding it on.
“Of course, my dear.”
He opened a portal to your shared rooms right behind you. Once he reached you his arm came to wrap around your waist, pulling you close to his side as he smiled at you.
“Oh and Stark? Do refrain from making remarks about my wife in the future.”
“I didn’t know you had one!” Tony defended himself. Which was true.
You smirked at him. “Well, now you do.”
With that you stepped through the portal. Though you couldn’t help but glance back one last time, if only to catch a glimpse of their still stunned faces.
Good thing your husband had a flair for the dramatics just as much as you did.
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chaostroberry1 · 4 months
Part two of Qin Shi Huang getting wrecked, please.😊 I want to know whats next.
Part 2 of cheater QSH × (possessive-ish?) reader!
⚠️disclaimer as always, no hate to any of the characters, please don't come at me alvitr and Qin shi Huang fans, I am fond of them. I just want to write smth new :)⚠️
Part 1 is here
Qin shi Huang getting absolutely wrecked lmao
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It's been a little while since you went out of the waiting room, having to withstand the embarrassment of being seen by Goll and Brunhilde.
How Goll looked at you with concern when she saw your heartbroken state, along with Brunhilde.
"(name)..? Are you alright? What happened?!"
"leave her be, Goll... she needs space right now..we need to understand."
Sobs and sniffles filled the space full of your sadness. Whatever was left of your strength, all gone, torn into pieces while you continued your onslaught of tears.
You heard footsteps, almost like they were hysterical about going to a certain destination, before-
"my dear empress!"
A happy emperor bursts through the wall, ignoring the door that was literally beside him, walking through the huge hole he created. Man is a beast bro
He was quick to walk towards you, frantically yapping about who knows what.
"my most treasured empress! my sweet dear beloved! I was looking for you everywhere!"
He walked over to you, not even bothering to care about the fact that his whole arm to the shoulder was literally severed from his body.
How did he find you? Who cares! He has an upset wife sensor!
Before even touching you, he tilted his body to the side a little bit, almost as if he was studying your state with caution. He couldn't just risk having you erupt into a crying volcano of tears—which is why playing it safe was the best way to deal with the situation.
"darling?.. Dear?.. Honey?"
He smiled nervously at you, the sight of your heartbroken state was enough to hurt more than his arm being severed off. He couldn't bare witness to this, it hurt him too much.
You couldn't look him in the eye, which made him decide to crouch down a bit, just to meet your gaze. A soft warm feeling lingered in your chest when you felt his eyes on you.
"I...I'm so sorry for what I did. Beloved, I wasn't thinking right. Please...can you find it in your heart to forgive me...?"
He stared at your tear stained face, while you couldn't find strength to return the love he gave to you in that moment. Making him understand.
But who said it would stop him from having you? You were still his.
And with that, he gently took hold of your hand, putting your knuckles close to his face while it brushed against his lips.
Might as well use his charm. Right?
"dearest, I still care for you. Don't you dare disagree with me. You know I love you, we both know I do."
He gave your hand a little kiss, before sitting down with you and laying his head to rest on top of your shoulder.
"I'm not leaving until you forgive me"
"n..no ..."
"nope! Still not leaving."
Without realizing it, a trainwreck of emotions hit you hard. As you immediately stood up and sobbed, angrily yelling at the man who sat on the couch with an oblivious face.
"why did you do that to her? Kissing her? Having her be your new bride??? How dare you!!" You sobbed angrily, as he just stared up at you with a neutral face, before smiling.
"stop that, please...If you don't want to be with me, let's just-"
"hold it."
You stare back at him, while he slowly stood up, his figure towering over your smaller body. His gaze that was once staring up at you, was now staring down.
"beloved...don't defy me like this. You are still my wife. Please...we've been together for so long, don't let my foolish mistake get to you."
He used his arm to close the gap between you, bringing you into a hug. His hand gently resting on your head as you sobbed in his chest.
"I talked to the Valkyrie girl...and to my luck, she understood me well, and even offered to look out for me while I went around to look for you."
Giving a small smile, he continued.
"I swear...I'll think better next time. What I thought were feelings of love were actually just admiration. I could never feel that way towards someone who isn't you. Especially not a partner that I only knew for less than a day or two."
He then made you look up at him, his eyes flaring with confidence and hope..as well as one more thing that overpowered it all...
You finally crack, and pull him into a kiss, which he gladly returned, as you both took your time, not realizing the three Valkyries standing in the doorway.
Alvitr, Goll, and Brunhilde who just sighed, Goll who watched with her mouth wide, and alvitr who was crossing her arms and huffing, happy that everything was removed easily.
"are you guys done or what?" Alvitr asked, concerned about how you both even make up after arguments, and why they don't last that long, but she knew better than to ask right away.
Your hands were all on his chest, not wanting to make any gaps while you both stared at each other in some lovey dovey trance.
"mhm" you and him replied in sync, not even looking at them. Eyes lost in the other's gaze. "Let's celebrate after this, alright, my sweet?"
You nodded at his words, giving him one more kiss.
"I'd be happy to."
Em done, finally. Thank you for reading!
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sheikahwarriork · 1 year
Do u have any dimileth headcanon??
LMAO TOO MANY. here's a brief(?) list
dimitri fell in love right away when they met but realized it only during the rain scene
byleth fell in love more slowly and realized it at the goddess tower (academy)
sylvain knew about dimitri's crush all along and kept teasing him about it but dimitri was dense and clueless and always like "i dont know what you are talking about, sylvain. my only feelings toward the professor are admiration, care, and the wish to spend all my life at her side. totally normal"
during the fishing tournament, byleth asked dimitri to keep her company. dimitri was confused, the professor always fishs alone!, but gladly accepted. she also tried to teach him how to fish but he kept broking the fishing rods
byleth always spends at least 3 hours at sunday having tea with dimitri (its me im byleth)
the first time byleth tried to make tea for dimitri, she made a chamomille too strong for a normal human to enjoy. luckily dimitri isnt normal and it was the first time in years he tasted something. byleth keeps over-pouring his chamomille just to see him enjoying some taste
dimitri cant cook for shit. byleth only knows how to stew at a campfire. dedue is their savior
(dedue knows about dimitri's crush too but doesnt tease him about it)
they love each other in every universe, in every timeline. even if they dont realize it, or one of them (dimitri) dies, they still love each other and always will.
dimileth CF: edelgard is the one who kills dimitri, byleth tries to stop her but fails, and after she spends an entire day hugging dimitri's corpse, unable to understand why her heart feels so broken (since when does she have a heart?)
dimileth VW: after the timeskip, byleth meets dimitri for the first time at the gronder. she rushes to him and hug him, whispering "i thought you were dead", and dimitri replies " i thought it about you too". then an archer hits dimitri on the back. he looses strenght on his legs. byleth starts screaming. dimitri doesnt look at her, he only says "i always wanted to dance with you" and dies. byleth turns back time till the monastery and now chooses the blue lions :)
dimileth SS: (wooo "ghost scene".) dimitri always loved the professor from afar. and hes not dead, but he knows he's about to, so he goes to the monastery to see the professor one more last time. he needs to tell her what hes doing, what hes about to do, but looses all his composture once he sees byleth smiling at him in relief (she thought he died- offscreen during gronder). ohhh but he needs to go now, he feels like that smile isnt meant for him, this isnt his- their story; maybe in another life. this is dangerous. why this urge to kiss her, why right now? he needs to go, now. "im sorry, professor. im a coward, i've always been a coward. i came here to tell you-" shes crying, shes smiling. "i love you too".
woooo too much angst. back to the romcom fluff
when byleths asks dimitri to go to the sauna with her, he heats up so fast not bc of the heat, but bc the professor is in her underwear sothis help me-
mercedes knows too. (actually every blue lions knows. theyre not very subtle) she tries to help byleth realize her feelings by talking through metaphors but byleth is too dense and she keeps wondering why mercedes always talk to her about "the goddess and her king"
during academy phase, dimileth dont kiss. but according to sylvain, they spend all the time "eyes-fucking each other". true!
their first kiss? lmao actually at the S support scene. theyre clumsy and a bit awkward- its the first kiss for both- but its also the best one of their lives. bc its the beginning of their life.
sothis hates both of them (lovingly). A LOT. she considered many times to get control over byleth's body just to make those two fuck. everytime byleth smiles under her breath when she thinks about dimitri and then wonders "what is this hot wave im feeling? must go ask manuela about it" sothis starts screaming
at the ball, dimitri spent all the night looking for the courage to ask the professor to dance. once he collected it, he sees claude dancing with the professor! (how dare he!) (why am i so jealous?!) the next time he spares with claude, claude ends up in the infirmary. "oops. my crest activated :("
they have many children and lives happily ever after forever.
("brief list" my ass.)
hope you enjoyed this! many of these hc comes from a very long fic i wrote some time ago that i still havent published, but im working on its translation (its currently only in italian) and maybe, one day, it will be on ao3. i hope so. :3
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This might be an odd brainrot but hear me out. How much of a world of pain would they be in if say... five cookies were to try to rescue S/O from the clutches of a Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie?
Ok so I’m a bit confused on the wording…so I might not have completely understood. (No blame- I’m just a little dum dum)
I’m not sure who “they” was meant to be, but I’m gonna assume it’s the 5 cookies???
Ok so the 5 cookies…I don’t think it was specified so I’m just gonna spin the wheel-
We got:
KniGHT CooKie
Captain Caviar ✨
Mkay so we got 2 Dilfs, a pretty princess who will beat you up, a cookie without a limb and loves birds, and…a knight.
(We should make this a game- just spin the wheel and see which cookies fight against Yan whoever lmao)
Tw: kidnapping, mention of ‘blood’, Pure Vanilla is literally insane, MC gets restrained
Ok so I know Moonlight is def stronger than Pure Vanilla so let’s ist say they’re equal for the sake of convenience.
The team of the 5 cookies were absolutely worried when their good friend literally just got kidnapped by so called “Cookie of pure hope”. What had made the healer so fucking salty that he had to kidnap them??
Thanks to Almond’s ultimate detective skills, the group had managed to find the king. He was cradling MC so tightly, like a deranged madman as his maniacal eyes stared at them.
Poor MC was quivering with fear, their arms bound to their sides. Everything about their expression screamed help.
“…Why are you here? There is no need to attack, they are simply delighted to be in arms.”
Not writing on my laptop so it’s orange ;-;
“PURE VANILLA! I demand you release them immediately! You know what happens if you don’t!”
For once, Moonlight was far from calm, a look of anger crossing her face. She glared at the blonde cookie as if he were vermin.
“Haha! Never.”
He sarcastically laughed, before frowning again, holding MC tighter to his body.
“…My king, what has happened to you?”
Black Raisin was horrified to see healer so troubled. He didn’t look like himself, his heart seemed to be…cold, for once.
“Love changed me. I realized I needed to be harsher against this cruel world who labels my love as ‘insane obsession’.”
“That’s because it is! A sane cookie wouldn’t kidnap someone for the sake of love! Your heart is tainted, Pure Vanilla!”
Knight Cookie charged for Pure Vanilla, but his sword was deflected by a sudden object. The knight flew back slightly by the impact, falling down.
Almond helped him stand, and the group saw a big ass Vanilla flower monster, its body towering over behind Pure Vanilla and MC.
(I’m literally bullshitting this story help-)
“Haha…This little guy here is a prototype. Since my magic isn’t for combat, I decided to make myself a guard to help me out here. He’s a good boy isn’t he?”
Pure Vanilla smiled, not in his usual innocent fashion; it was crooked, a cruel smile.
“This bastard…Looks like this won’t be an easy rescue.” Almond mumbled, as the group readied their weapons.
“I would never let you steal my precious dear from me. They NEED me. I’m their comfort. You villains!”
Pure Vanilla exclaimed in a crazed voice, seemingly offended of being underestimated.
Pure Vanilla stood, the eye of his staff wide open.
Caviar held up his ginormous cannon, sighing, “You’re almost as bad as that Black Pearl mermaid-“
And the ending will be up to your imagination!
If I miss interpreted the brainrot plz tell me, bcs I am willing to rewrite to its proper form.
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zelda tangled au anyone?
genderfluid link. runaway princess zelda.
imagine ganon knows only link can defeat him so he kidnaps him as a six year old and takes him to an abandoned tower in hyrule forest with the intention of corrupting him and the master sword to get them on his side. zelda has been told all her life that the power of hylia is in her, but she hasn't unlocked it yet, and the pressure is getting too much so she sets off to find the "legendary future swordswoman" who went missing years ago because "if i can't unlock my powers, maybe she can help me."
one day, she finds the master sword (which ganondorf has been hiding near the tower because he's saving it for when he finally figures out a way to corrupt it, harness its power, and take over hyrule). she's like "oh my god what if the swordswoman is around here somewhere😱."
MEANWHILE link is in the tower with their gorgeous long hair (and maybe wolf link as a sidekick instead of pascal?), and every year on his birthday, the leaders of all the villages get together and hold a little mourning/prayer ceremony for her bc signs of the calamity are approaching fast, and they're hoping link shows up soon, especially with zelda's power not being awakened yet. link desperately wants to go see the ceremony (they don't know what it's for, just that there are a lot of beautiful lights and the dragons of hyrule all come together as well), but obviously ganondorf won't let him.
THEN zelda finds the tower and scales it. link is all "HYAH!!!!!!" and the scene where eugene is trapped in the chair with rapunzel's hair plays out between the two of them except it's just a lot of link being like 😡😡and zelda being like 🤭omg this guy's reallly good with a weapon...looks a lot like the descriptions of...WAIT OMG ITS THE LEGENDARY SWORDSWOMAN🤭 link is like "i mean 1/3 woman i guess."
eventually, zelda convinces link to leave the tower with a bargain like "if i take you to the swordswoman ceremony, will you tell me about ganondorf?" (she already suspects it's THE ganondorf ykyk), and link is hesitant because zelda is telling them that the person they've been raised by is evil, but he really wants to see the ceremony, so he goes. they cut their hair to its length in totk and it really validates her gender yk? and when zelda sees how happy link is in her newfound freedom and gender expression she's like "well i have to tell him the truth about who he is"
she doesn't want to because it'll shatter link's worldview and newfound peace, and she doesn't want to put a burden on their shoulders (bc hylia knows she knows what that's like), but she does it anyway. at this point, link is beginning to get flashes of memories from his childhood and realize what zelda is trying to tell her is true, so both of them go to kakariko village to talk to impa (and they plan to talk to the champions after), but once they get there, ganondorf is there waiting in front of the desecrated former village like HEY POOKIE. FOUND YOU. MISS ME?
he takes link captive again and accelerates his plans to take over hyrule. link is trying to find a way out, and zelda is trying to find a way to help him, but it's not working out very well lmao. meanwhile zelda goes to the champions and asks for their help, relaying everything she knows, and the champions make a plan to get link and stop ganondorf. they get to the area where the tower is, but ganondorf was expecting this and takes them captive
as this happens, link doesn't know what's going on and is alone in the tower. he finds the master sword and the secret tower staircase, but it's a trap laid by ganondorf to manipulate link into joining him because link escapes the tower only to find zelda and the champions all tied up and stuff. the bargain is like "join me and i won't kill your friends when i rule, but refuse and i'll kill them slowly and make you watch" (i came up with this on the spot i know it's a rough plot WORK WITH ME😭🙏)
link being link challenges ganondorf to a duel, and ganondorf accepts purely out of amusement bc at this point he thinks "link can't defeat me yet since he's been locked in the tower; he's only a danger if he's been trained." link whoops his ass, but ganondorf harnesses the power of the calamity at the last second (which he was planning to do just to teach link a lesson in obedience and whatever). he whoops LINK'S ass, but just as link is about to get killed, zelda's powers Come To Life, and she saves him. then they all work together to defeat ganondorf and they all live happily ever after
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strideofpride · 1 year
On that note, can you imagine how INSANE the media circus would be if it did come out publicly that Chuck and Blair illegally backdated their marriage certificate and the case against them was actually re-opened? Especially in 2023, at a time when anti-billionaire “eat the rich” sentiment has become very mainstream, and true crime is one of the most popular and profitable genres of entertainment?
Like, the events of season six happen so fast that we don’t really get to appreciate just how wild they are from the outside looking in. Imagine if Michael Bloomberg or pre-presidency Donald Trump died in a car crash, and their then-teenage progeny took over their real estate empires. Everyone just gets used to the idea of a little boy real estate mogul, I guess, and a few years pass, and then - surprise! They were faking their death all along!! Yes there was a funeral, yes they were legally declared dead, but who cares! They’re back baby, and ready to go back to being the same shitbags they were before!
Except, a mere handful of months later, they’re dead again - this time having gone careening off the side of one of their company’s most famous buildings (imagine if Donald Trump died falling off of Trump Tower lmaoooo). Did they fake it again? Was it foul play? By the time rumors start to swirl of the alleged involvement of their recently deposed nepotism baby, the cops close the case and rule it an accident. Their heir, still barely an adult, retakes the reigns of leadership - newly married, a detail no one realizes is suspicious because they likely have no idea that the spouse was at the scene of the crime.
Years pass. YouTubers and online conspiracy theorists periodically bring up the case, but the public at large once again more or less accepts the public narrative. Another piece of shit real-estate mogul gets elected president, and the attitude of the general public towards the uber wealthy turns increasingly hostile. Then there’s 2020, and 2021, and 2022, and- And then. “Billionaire boy and family linked to father’s mysterious death after discovery of faked marriage license”.
Even though we, the audience, knows Chuck didn’t actually kill his father, do you think in a world where this was an actual case involving actual public figures anyone would believe that? The coverup is so ridiculously suspicious that the general public almost definitely assumes they really did do the crime.
And consider the players in this case - a terrible billionaire who died a deliciously ironic death, his somehow worse son who in a post-#MeToo world is already a PR nightmare waiting to happen, and the ex-princess of Monaco (?!) who just so happens to already be tabloid fodder. If they get especially unlucky, Dan (a pretty famous novelist, at least according to the reboot), Serena (a 2000s era “it girl” and semi-celebrity), and Nate (an ex-NYC mayoral candidate, media mogul, and in universe Kennedy equivalent) might just find themselves implicated too - or at least forced to testify - given they were at the very much in public wedding where any rando could have snapped a picture.
There is just soooo much fucked up entertainment value in a case like this I can’t imagine it being anything less than a public fucking spectacle, and not the kind Chuck or Blair could just shake off. I genuinely do not know how they could absolve themselves in the court of public opinion if it actually went to trial, even if they managed to prevail legally.
Oh my god. Okay well, first of all, I really want the fake Serial podcast that unpacks all of this lol. Someone should make that lmao.
"little boy real estate mogul" took me out lololololol
also like...faking your death is a crime right??? how was Bart just able to re-enter society so easily??? did they ever say???
i'd also like to point out that it's actually much vaguer whether or not Chuck killed his father. They cut away during their fight and then next thing you see is Bart hanging onto the edge. Chuck himself says that he isn't sure whether or not he pushed him or Bart fell over. but also Chuck and Blair both just stood there and did nothing to help Bart before he fell, which is involuntary manslaughter I believe
But seriously though, you're so right anon that all of this was made for true crime. In 2030, someone makes a "Jinx" style doc about Chuck I bet
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Hello, i'm cheese anon's evil (not really) alter ego, theorist anon and i've come here to tell you my theory or uhh... actually personal hc of what happend to bruno (headcanons are like theorys but less fancy shut >:[), (i tweaked it a bit to fit your context just a tad better as i have some ideas with how you portrayed bruno (or well part of him))
SO. First of all i have to say i liked the uniform you gave bruno, very cute tbh, but more than pizzeria it's giving ice cream or candy shop thb, not that is a bad thing just saying so uhh fuck it pizzeria no more he runs an ice cream shop now in me mind
Ok so. Once upon a time this italian guy called Bruno runed an ice cream shop with his wife, pizzahead saw how succesful they were on their own and said "shiiid imma need that" so he made a deal with the happy couple. BUT then he tried to bribe and trick them into giving up pretty much all rights to uhh.. i don't have a name for the ice cream shop actually lmao, just think of amything. anyways, they said no bc the ice cream shop was something they hold very dear to them, they have been saving for this for literal years and risked it all to get it running so who would want to give it all out like that really? But pisshead can't accept a no for an answer so what did he did? He just killed them in the spot. If they aren't gonna sing these papers might as well just kill the guys so they stop growing you know? He cannot afford ANY sort of competition (even tho he sells horrible pizzas and they are a fucking ice cream shop). But then he realizes "shit i fucked up imma get sued" so he just tried to recreate bruno using his brain as a base, couldn't replicate the wife tho, he accidentally shot her in the brain without thinking he would have to clone her too oops.
Anyways they go thru the cloning process but uh oh the clone isn't perfect, guy doesn't even remember who he was. The solution? Lie that they sold their shop and flew out the country with the money without telling anyone, aslo they changed their numbers you cannot find them ^-^. Btw the shop closed down literal months after he "acquired" the shop, the ice cream was bad it tasted like pizza :(.
That gets us to today, pizzahead now found some new guy to torment and since he had the clone laying around he just kind of managed to make it change looks so it can look like peppino and then used them as a boss on his tower.
Ok i'm done talking :] hope you like this mess of a theory imma go, cheese bitch wants to take control again mkay bye was a plessure to speak to ya'll <3
(Ohohoho, Theorist Anon! What a delight to read!
I cannot confirm nor deny your theory, but I will say that part of it is pretty spot-on! And it's generally an interesting story regardless!
Just some silly and goofy pizza man absolutely snapping and killing a couple bc he's a jealous bitch, and then he goes 'whoopsie daisy' and remakes one of them, and uses them to torment another guy??? Incredible
If dear Cheese Anon allows you to return, I'd love to read any more theories you have! (And I will continue to smugly grin as I do not confirm nor deny them)
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ALSO, I totally get the ice cream shop vibes from the outfit, not intentional, but it is very funny to imagine Pizzahead taking over a non-pizza related place and making bad pizzas or pizza-flavoured ice cream!
Who knows! Maybe the tower warped Bruno's Ice Cream to Bruno's Pizza, bc it is Pizza tower and not Ice Cream tower hehe
Also, Pep does love ice cream, but that's maybe unrelated!)
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
Hello! I just read the thing I requested and I LOVE IT!!! While reading, I was thinking about how tall S/O compared to Ingo would be. I live for tall s/o fr and dw! I love it when the story is long, it just gets me motivated to read more! so while I still have the chance, can I request tall, extremely calm, and works at the subway masc s/o with Ingo and Emmet? (it can be poly, Not blank shipping ofc) - 🚆Anon
man y’all REALLY want to have a
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relationship huh?
I mean… me too though.
I love it, let’s do it!! I just think these pokeguys have had plenty of time to tower over people… if no one is cooking up big spoon reader content, then I’ll do it myself!
Thank you very much for your request, I love the train men haha. And I’m also very glad you enjoyed my previous piece I made for you!! You’re so kind. I’m still very much feeling my way around, trying to figure out what I want from this blog, and y’all have been so sweet. It’s why I feel bad not writing as frequently as I could! I love you guys, my fellow gay yearners out there, y’all are my brothers lmao. I hope you enjoy this one as much as you did the last! (And maybe one day I’ll figure out not just how long I want my actual posts to be, but these intros as well. Too much free space for me to ramble in lmfaooo.) Since you said S/O, I’m going to write this as an established relationship! Also the submas are written as autistic because I’m autistic and I make the rules. Thouuuugh this did end up a little too focused on the twins’ autism coded behavior and I apologize for that. I got a little too into it. But at the same time you can pry autistic submas out of my cold, dead autistic hands I refuse to write them as anything but
The Pillar of Calm — Ingo and Emmet (separately!) with tall, calm depot agent S/O
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⚪️ — Well, no matter what, the most important thing you need to know about him is he loves you verrrrry much!
⚪️ — You two met when you transferred to work at Gear Station after your first long-running job at the Magnet Train station in Johto. Definitely a bit of a culture shock, considering battles are a BIG no-no on those trains, but you figured things out pretty quick. One of the most important parts of adjusting to your new job was, of course, meeting the subway masters to get the proper rundown on how things worked around here, and that’s where it started.
⚪️ — Emmet is a ball of hard-to-contain energy that he constantly needs to express via stimming or just moving around, and even if words aren’t his strong suit, he has a woeful amount of things he wants to say. You being the strong silent type who can somehow keep a level head in any situation and seldom expresses anything, it seems like your personalities would clash horrifically. But when breaks were called around Gear Station, you were one of the first faces Emmet saw as he hopped off the Super Double Line, and you being your grounded self was honestly reassuring to be greeted with after all the stimulation the constant battling is. The more you hung out, the more it became apparent Emmet could just find some calm and steady his tremendous energy with you there to ground him. It ended up becoming a bit of a behind-your-back joke around Gear Station as other depot agents took bets on when one of you would finally stop dragging your feet and ask about being more than friends.
⚪️ — But that was a long time ago. This is the now!
⚪️ — In the same fashion that brought you two together in the first place, you’re one of the first depot agents Emmet sees when he hops off the train for breaks or for closing, and he’ll come bouncing up to you when he sees you. Right away you lock arms—Emmet loves all the excitement of his job, without a doubt, but sometimes he can just overload without even realizing it’s happening. But you’re so stable and your arms are so strong, kind of locking himself to you brings him back down to earth from all the battling adrenaline.
⚪️ — It’s funny watching you two walk hand-in-hand, or with locked arms. You have a very stiff and simple stride and as calm as you are, there are no points of tension or parts of your body that just need to move sometimes. Meanwhile Emmet takes those big, toy soldier-like steps with perfectly straight legs and swings his arms so much, so walking together you’re perfectly still save for whatever arm he’s swinging around with his motions. You’re never bothered, though. It’s all very cute and you don’t mind your arm getting a little sore from Emmet just being Emmet. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
⚪️ — It’s okay that he’s not great with his words or that he can’t script when apart from Ingo if he’s around you. He can talk as much as he wants with no expectations of making sense or proper sentence structure or correct tone. You’re so laid back, you don’t mind any of it. You feel pretty special for being one of the only people on earth who can make Emmet comfortable enough to stray from his usual script and just talk and talk.
⚪️ — Carry him!! If you’re strong enough, that is. When you two get home from a long day of work, you’ll often find your arms full of giggling Emmet. He actually really likes to be held, and not many people are as significantly taller than him as necessary to do that. (Part of the reason why he’s attracted to guys, to be honest. Hold him with those big strong arms!)
⚪️ — Did I mention your calmness is really grounding? Because it is. He knows there’s no judgement with you and you aren’t a struggle to read when you take so much in stride. It’s so rare and strange to say, but Emmet feels like he can make mistakes around you. And have those mistakes not be a bad thing, I mean. He’s always heard of mistakes being learning tools, but they’ve always felt so punishing to him, he never knew why anyone would want to learn through messing up. At least, not until he met you and he realized he could flub his words and commit any social faux pas when he interacts with you, because he knows you won’t judge. You’re safe. When he’s with you, the world isn’t so harsh and judgmental, it doesn’t pick him apart so severely for being “weird” and “different”. It’s so liberating, to feel so safe in making mistakes and knowing you’ll still love him at the end of the day.
⚪️ — And for your part, you struggle feeling strong feelings, especially excitement. So when good things happen, Emmet feels the excitement for the both of you, and his energy definitely seeps over to you! With him around, feelings don’t blend together and fade into each other so easily. He never expects you to change, he loves your calmness, and it only brings him even more delight when you do get excited about something, because that something really must be amazing, then!! It’s just so comforting to have Emmet there and watch him emote for the both of you.
⚪️ — Beyond the actual therapeutic, helpful little things about this behavior, it’s also just adorable. You make that well known, because Emmet likes that you think he’s adorable. Him? Really? Even if his smile is creepy and never goes away, or he’s always tense and shaking around, or his eyes seem too blank or glassy, you think he’s cute? He’s rather insecure about his appearance, actually—he’s been called creepy and weird many times before, mostly regarding his smile and his erratic movements, so hearing you like all that about him is just so, so validating!
⚪️ — You better be a good big spoon because Emmet loves snuggling up to you and being in your arms. If you’re having a bad day, though, your height difference won’t stop him from holding you! He’s lived with Ingo his whole life after all, he’s gotten pretty good at reading fairly minimal indicators of mood since he’s used to going off so little so he always knows how you’re feeling.
⚪️ — Expect a lot of quick shows of physical affection. He’ll crush you in a side-hug for exactly two seconds before running off, he’ll bounce onto his toes to kiss you on the cheek, he’ll nuzzle his head into your shoulder before it‘s about time to get off the couch and head for work, he just likes physical affection and squeezes in it whenever possible. He’s just always very busy, and that applies to just his thought process and usual way of conducting himself, too, but you never complain about his style of affection.
⚪️ — Of course you swap train stories and facts! He’s very fascinated hearing about the Magnet Train, Unova really hasn’t got around to utilizing high-speed railways yet. And if you have any questions about the Battle Subway, he’s happy to answer!
⚪️ — Emmet’s a professional, of course, so he’s not going to be all over you at work, but he doesn’t hide your relationship either. If you’re working his line and he gets off the train in time to spot you, he’ll run over and give you a quick peck before heading off to wherever he’s headed.
⚪️ — Since words aren’t his forte, he uses all these quick shows of affection as his “I love you”s. So Emmet has likely seldom or even never said a verbal “I love you” to you, but that’s okay, because you know that’s what every one of his kisses and hugs mean.
⚪️ — If he’s ever getting overstimulated or just plain riled, you give his hand a comforting squeeze that makes everything slow down a bit.
⚪️ — Ingo loves you, by the way (in a platonic sense). He’s delighted to see someone make his brother so happy, and to see Emmet has found someone he doesn’t have to mask with that’s not just him or Elesa. He would do the classic family move and warn you that you better treat Emmet right, but Ingo doesn’t find that warning necessary. He’s seen you working even before you and Emmet got together and knows you’re not at all fickle about your commitments. He’s not worried.
⚪️ — At the end of a long work day, you can expect to find you and Emmet tangled up in each other’s lanky arms and legs, surrounded by all your Pokemon both on and off the bed. And there Emmet will talk and talk, and probably make no sense while he does it, but that’s alright and he’s just happy to spill his thoughts without worrying about how he structures them. He’ll often go until he’s yawning, at which point you shush your beloved conductor and encourage him to maybe go to sleep.
⚪️ — Before burying his face into your chest or stomach, he’ll mumble out a sleepy “well, next stop: dreamland… aaaall aboooard…!” just because he knows it makes you laugh. You’re so stoic, but he absolutely can make you laugh with ease.
⚪️ — He loves that laugh of yours, because hearing it reminds him how free and happy you two are to express yourselves in the safety of one another’s company.
⚪️ — And when you both wake up in the morning and start getting ready for work all over again, Emmet always manages to find some words with so much less effort than it usually takes him as he barges into the bathroom to help you straighten your tie.
“I am Emmet. And you look verrrrry handsome today.”
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⚫️ — Everything is Emmet’s fault here. I mean… look, he knows that despite what people think, his brother can feel joy and actually feels it quite often, but it can be hard for Ingo to keep up with how upbeat Emmet is and his brother recognizes that as loud as Ingo can get, Ingo is really more built for the quiet and the calm.
⚫️ — (Most of the time. He definitely has his moments, but unlike Emmet he doesn’t have that surplus of energy to always be shaking out. Ingo is just a bit naturally more reserved. He is certainly more verbose than Emmet, but is actually less of a fan of being social than him.)
⚫️ — So knowing he was the personality Ingo spent the most time around, Emmet really got to thinking his brother needed someone who matched his energy levels better. In general, he thinks Ingo needs someone! It makes him verrrry sad, but he knows challengers approach him much more often than Ingo solely because his outward demeanor is more approachable to people. And by god, Emmet is determined to get more people as loud and proud members of the Ingo fan club.
⚫️ — Unceremoniously shoving his poor brother into you, a complete stranger who Emmet deemed to match Ingo’s “vibes”—at their workplace no less!—was probably not the ideal way to go about it, but you guys are dating now so it really is Emmet’s last laugh this time.
⚫️ — Ingo is very quiet and slow with his affection—at least, when he wants to be. There’s a time for words, definitely, but he honestly spins his wheels endlessly when he does talk and considering he has to take charge in that department for both his and Emmet’s sake, he likes being able to wind down with you.
⚫️ — (Definitely not me gay yearning looking up all different types of cuddles but) He likes to sleep in the sweetheart’s cradle position with you. Being nestled in your arms is very comforting for him, and when he can’t sleep, being so close let’s himself get lost in… well, you. He’ll trace his fingers across your skin, just focusing on the texture, listen to your heartbeat as he lays his head on your chest, or bury his head in your side and try and figure out what that body wash you used is supposed to smell like. He can be a restless sleeper, as his mind’s always buzzing every which way, but he always drifts back off eventually when he’s with you.
⚫️ — He does get a little embarrassed about how clingy he can get and how much he wants to be held, though, but you’re just there to love him even if he gets a little flustered about it.
⚫️ — Not huge on PDA because of his self conscious-ness, and NONE at all if you’re at work. This is a professional environment, after all! Of course, you’re so calm and laid back, that’s not an issue for you. Hey, whatever he wants.
⚫️ — Ingo loves his brother, he loves him more than life itself, but despite being identical twins they don’t see eye-to-eye on everything—Emmet’s excitability and energy being something Ingo doesn’t really have. He can get into those moods and does like excitement from time to time, but as much as he adores his job, the constant excitement can be a little much and he can rely on you for some quiet and calm in his life. He doesn’t need to maximize his energy and put on a show to be enough for you.
⚫️ — You’re so quiet, sometimes he worries his lack of volume control upsets you. He’s always so loud, and you’re… not. But you’re okay with him that way, you tell him you understand that’s a hard thing for him to control and the boisterous voice is something you love, anyway. It’s so uniquely him, just something you can hear and smile to yourself about as you think “yep, that’s Ingo”.
⚫️ — Also a bit nervous about publicly being in a relationship, but hey, you’re willing to take it at whatever pace he’s most comfortable with!
⚫️ — You use your height to your advantage, doing stuff that flusters him often—because you know for all his huffing about it, he loves the attention. You swipe his hat sometimes at home and tousle his hair, only to plop it back down all the way over his eyes. You put your arms around his waist when he’s not looking and lift him up, just a little bit—that move is especially useful when Ingo is overworking himself, because he’s literally powerless in that situation and will just hang there, defeated while you carry him somewhere else like you’re a child with an oversized teddy bear.
⚫️ — You and Emmet are some of the only people who can get a real smile out of him. He absolutely still enjoys himself and feels a good amount of joy daily, he just seldom smiles to express it. But you and Emmet are both capable of pushing him into such a good mood, the corners of his mouth twitch up a little bit into his unique half-smile. (Ingo is very self conscious about how unnatural it looks, but you think he’s adorable and it kills him a little every time when you compliment his smile in spite of him growing up hating it. So with how good of a mood he already has to be in in order to get that tiny smile in the first place, that mood only soars higher once you start complimenting said smile. Very pleasant situation he can get himself stuck in.)
⚫️ — Will happily invite you to join him for safety checks on his lines, and even though he’s very much a “no romantic interactions at work” kind of guy, he’s guaranteed to happily infodump about the trains if it’s just the two of you. He’s thankful you’re such a good listener.
⚫️ — One of his favorite shows of affection to you is kissing the back of your hand, especially to say goodbye whenever you need to part ways—and no, he definitely doesn’t go after your hand because he can’t reach your face.
⚫️ — I feel like both he and Emmet need regular reminders to take care of themselves, but Ingo is definitely the more stubborn one in that department, at least when it comes to the business/paperwork side of running the Battle Subway. Emmet throws every ounce of his energy into the battles he loves so much and is so tired by the end of the day, Ingo doesn’t want to make him do it! But in convincing him to step away from work, he’ll at least begrudgingly listen to you.
⚫️ — The only time Ingo’s voice is at its true quietest is at night, when you two are laying next to each other in bed. Your fingers running through his hair, his hand laced with yours, you’re used to him half-consciously mumbling about his feelings when he’s close to falling to sleep, because Ingo’s a sentimental dork and the sleepier he gets, the harder it is for him to hold back rambling like an idiot. He can’t help it! He compensates for his lack of physical emoting by always outright stating what he’s feeling and thinking—at least, most of the time—and though he’s never dishonest about how strong his feelings for you are, a tired Ingo is the sappiest Ingo.
“Mmh… I love you… so much…”
“I love you too, Ingo.”
“I’m so… lucky to have a man like you in my life…”
“You’re sweet.”
“I just love you so much…! With all of my heart…”
“I do too, Ingo. But you should go to sleep now, really.”
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idleorbitals · 1 year
only friends ep 3 watch through (part 1/2)
!! the mess is here. the mess is here and so am I
we open on nick catching even more feelings over bostonnick sex montage. oh this is painful to watch. lmao @ the of directors being the ones to give nick the tweet replies he doesn't want to hear though
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I have to say I am such a sucker for the kind of aw noise boston makes at 2:26 it would get me too. but right after this he sits up and says the most manipulative shit about ~we might become something more~ nick baby. get out of there
raysand softest wake up together scene. this is very tender for a one night stand situation. my expectations for what we're supposed to want for them keep getting overturned. what I want for them has remained consistent but not bc of anything rational just bc I'm a simp
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moment of silence for first kanaphan special acting ability where he manages to look like he's gazing softly up at khaotung's character while towering over him
moment of silence for sand who is already gone for ray and realizing it a little
moment of silence for ray who is still flirting having fun and feeling fancy free. oh boy when you torpedo this everyone will suffer you included
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The Friends (tm) are eating and planning a pool party. they are having a fun chat about all the crazy things the cctv they want to put in is going to pick up. you know when you create all these opportunities for the narrative to screw with you it will babes.
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ray remembers he knows a hot musician and volunteers to take care of the djing in a way that is so sus that the rest of the friends get comic whiplash sound effects and an eagle scream about it
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topmew date time. sorry legitimately the only thing I can think about in this scene is how if everyone is dancing to different music everyone will look foolish as heck. forcebook really selling it here
I lied I have another thought and it's that these lyrics they are singing make me feel like the narrative is slapping me in the face
everyone regards me as a bad guy / I'm a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually / in the end, he's the one who has your love / I want to be a hero, but villain is my role
ok calm down top
if some of that's not metaphorical tho...yikes yikes
*begin vid section [2/4]*
an old familiar hookup comes to flirt with top in front of mew. can't totally read this dynamic. mew is clearly a little jealous but doesn't really have the standing to say anything. much like top's encounter with boston in the shower last week he's pushing away just a little but not putting his arm into it. top what is your game here?
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nick getting boston to help him move lmao. that's right use him babe
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sand is connecting dots. about bostonnick and about the hostel. ding ding ding baby you're all tangled up in this thankless situation. I wish I could have hope about sand and nick being good for each other bc they seem like the two most sympathetic characters this storyline currently has to offer but unfortunately my guess is they will both be too hung up on other people to be any real help to one another. and/or nick's going darkside idk you guys I'm starting to wonder. more on that coming up
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ray wants to hire sand for ~party fun times~ so he goes to his work mom yo to clear it with her first. she says /why are you trying to get me wrapped up in your mess I'm a pure character/ and ray, about his intentions toward sand, rasps out "nothing is suspicious" while clearing his throat and shaking his head very quickly to indicate that nothing is suspicious.
yo's bf arrives on the scene to act as another character pointing out ray's day drinking. sorry ray the narrative agrees it's problematic to hang out at a bar all day when you're not sleeping with someone on staff. yo and bf have a cute moment and ray goes sweet and starry eyed about it.
ray: "can I get one like that?" p'yo: "here comes sand"
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sorry I legitimately cannot continue without taking a moment for sparkly princess ray here. wtf. this look is, of course, aimed at sand but honestly that's not even what's important to me right now
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cut to sand doing some of the most inefficient chopping work known to man while ray stands around flirting prettily with him and asking for favors.
trailer teasing us yet again on their dynamic. ray is the first one to say "you think I want you as my boyfriend? of course not!" while sand takes a long sip of his water and stares into the middle distance. oh sand.
sand calls him an asshole (affectionate)* again and gets up to go. ray grabs him by the arm and asks with feeling if he is really okay with this, which is the narrative reminding us that we are still allowed to sympathize with him even when he's being a little shit bc he understands consent. they have a nice little ~what are we~ conversation which, like—even though we know it's not actually going to work out ok for either of them even over the course this episode—is some pretty healthy communication, especially stacked right up against everything we've had from boston and nick this week. I'm honestly consistently surprised ray is being allowed to be a decent person but I'm not complaining
*nearly every time the subs say "dickhead" "asshole" etc what the characters are actually calling each other is สัตว์ "animal". I get that this is a more commonly used insult in thai but I think it almost holds up as a direct translation in terms of relative weight and I sort of wish it was glossed more consistently somehow. idk someone come tell me more tho
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back at the pool nick meets top, who he recognizes from the photo booth pictures he found at boston's. they get a set of villain zooms, one each top and nick. nick baby don't do anything sand wouldn't do ok?
back to one of nick's online-in-a-dark-room moments. he's stalking top and finding boston comments all over his ig. the camera is not looking kindly on him here. something something the toxicity of jealousy and obsession. nick has real feelings involved so he's already at a disadvantage in his dynamic with boston, but suddenly I get the sense that boston is not necessarily safe, even if he's not going to catch feelings
how is sandray of the messy unrequited friend thing the only safe dynamic of the Big Three
(part 2) (all ofts watch throughs)
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