#QSH × reader
chaostroberry1 · 4 months
Part two of Qin Shi Huang getting wrecked, please.😊 I want to know whats next.
Part 2 of cheater QSH × (possessive-ish?) reader!
⚠️disclaimer as always, no hate to any of the characters, please don't come at me alvitr and Qin shi Huang fans, I am fond of them. I just want to write smth new :)⚠️
Part 1 is here
Qin shi Huang getting absolutely wrecked lmao
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It's been a little while since you went out of the waiting room, having to withstand the embarrassment of being seen by Goll and Brunhilde.
How Goll looked at you with concern when she saw your heartbroken state, along with Brunhilde.
"(name)..? Are you alright? What happened?!"
"leave her be, Goll... she needs space right now..we need to understand."
Sobs and sniffles filled the space full of your sadness. Whatever was left of your strength, all gone, torn into pieces while you continued your onslaught of tears.
You heard footsteps, almost like they were hysterical about going to a certain destination, before-
"my dear empress!"
A happy emperor bursts through the wall, ignoring the door that was literally beside him, walking through the huge hole he created. Man is a beast bro
He was quick to walk towards you, frantically yapping about who knows what.
"my most treasured empress! my sweet dear beloved! I was looking for you everywhere!"
He walked over to you, not even bothering to care about the fact that his whole arm to the shoulder was literally severed from his body.
How did he find you? Who cares! He has an upset wife sensor!
Before even touching you, he tilted his body to the side a little bit, almost as if he was studying your state with caution. He couldn't just risk having you erupt into a crying volcano of tears—which is why playing it safe was the best way to deal with the situation.
"darling?.. Dear?.. Honey?"
He smiled nervously at you, the sight of your heartbroken state was enough to hurt more than his arm being severed off. He couldn't bare witness to this, it hurt him too much.
You couldn't look him in the eye, which made him decide to crouch down a bit, just to meet your gaze. A soft warm feeling lingered in your chest when you felt his eyes on you.
"I...I'm so sorry for what I did. Beloved, I wasn't thinking right. Please...can you find it in your heart to forgive me...?"
He stared at your tear stained face, while you couldn't find strength to return the love he gave to you in that moment. Making him understand.
But who said it would stop him from having you? You were still his.
And with that, he gently took hold of your hand, putting your knuckles close to his face while it brushed against his lips.
Might as well use his charm. Right?
"dearest, I still care for you. Don't you dare disagree with me. You know I love you, we both know I do."
He gave your hand a little kiss, before sitting down with you and laying his head to rest on top of your shoulder.
"I'm not leaving until you forgive me"
"n..no ..."
"nope! Still not leaving."
Without realizing it, a trainwreck of emotions hit you hard. As you immediately stood up and sobbed, angrily yelling at the man who sat on the couch with an oblivious face.
"why did you do that to her? Kissing her? Having her be your new bride??? How dare you!!" You sobbed angrily, as he just stared up at you with a neutral face, before smiling.
"stop that, please...If you don't want to be with me, let's just-"
"hold it."
You stare back at him, while he slowly stood up, his figure towering over your smaller body. His gaze that was once staring up at you, was now staring down.
"beloved...don't defy me like this. You are still my wife. Please...we've been together for so long, don't let my foolish mistake get to you."
He used his arm to close the gap between you, bringing you into a hug. His hand gently resting on your head as you sobbed in his chest.
"I talked to the Valkyrie girl...and to my luck, she understood me well, and even offered to look out for me while I went around to look for you."
Giving a small smile, he continued.
"I swear...I'll think better next time. What I thought were feelings of love were actually just admiration. I could never feel that way towards someone who isn't you. Especially not a partner that I only knew for less than a day or two."
He then made you look up at him, his eyes flaring with confidence and hope..as well as one more thing that overpowered it all...
You finally crack, and pull him into a kiss, which he gladly returned, as you both took your time, not realizing the three Valkyries standing in the doorway.
Alvitr, Goll, and Brunhilde who just sighed, Goll who watched with her mouth wide, and alvitr who was crossing her arms and huffing, happy that everything was removed easily.
"are you guys done or what?" Alvitr asked, concerned about how you both even make up after arguments, and why they don't last that long, but she knew better than to ask right away.
Your hands were all on his chest, not wanting to make any gaps while you both stared at each other in some lovey dovey trance.
"mhm" you and him replied in sync, not even looking at them. Eyes lost in the other's gaze. "Let's celebrate after this, alright, my sweet?"
You nodded at his words, giving him one more kiss.
"I'd be happy to."
Em done, finally. Thank you for reading!
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kanroji-san · 1 month
Sanemi!Y/n/Reader AU + Modern AU
Sanemi!Y/n: *Picks up the phone* Yes?
QSH: Dear, do you think drinking 36 cans of Red Bull consecutively would make my senses heightened or would I just die?
Sanemi!Y/n: …
Sanemi!Y/n: … I’m on my way. Don't do anything.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
I love your Pokémon x ROR work. Can I ask for something similar but instead of fighting during ragnarok, the Gods and humans meet some of the Pokémon outside of battle? Like intimidating ones like Charizard to cuter ones like Pikachu who’s still pretty strong. They’re confused on how to handle these creatures they’ve never seen before then out comes teen!reader who happens to be their trainer who easily takes over the situation. It be funnier with the gods reacting to a human child being able to tame and bond with the scarier Pokémon aswell
-You hadn’t meant to cause harm or panic in Valhalla, you had found a large park, one that was perfect for a picnic and relaxing, as you wanted to take a break with your team, who came to Valhalla with you after you passed in a rockslide accident.
-The park was perfect, there was a huge lake for your Gyarados to swim around in, and lots of room for your other Pokemon to run around, climb trees, or rest under trees in the shade, and just enjoy their second chance in this new life.
-You hadn’t realized that Pokemon weren’t something common in Valhalla, only god like ones, legendries, so when your Pokemon all ran off to go and have fun, they caused a lot of panic.
-Your Sylveon, Pikachu, and Mimikyu remand together, running off into a busy district where they were quickly surrounded by gods and humans, curious as to who they were.
-Qin Shi Huang kneeled down, looking curious as he held one hand to his chin, “Hmm I’ve never seen creatures like this before.” He held out his hand and Sylveon called out happily, saying her name as her ribbons stretched out, grabbing onto his hand, as if shaking it.
-Ares was kneeling next to Pikachu, doing the same and Pikachu scurried up his arm, sitting on his shoulder, calling out happily while made so many grin on how cute it was.
-Jack was looking at Mimikyu, who had an uneasy feeling about him, like he was something dangerous as Jack tried to read him, “Hmm how curious- it looks much like that one, but it’s different.”
-He touched Mimikyu’s head, to find it only to be a disguise, flopping over, breaking it. Instantly Mimikyu was crying, dark shadows coming from underneath it’s disguise, crying out loudly.
-Jack did his best to apologize, but seeing the dark shadows quickly had many running, Pikachu had nearly been knocked off Ares’ shoulders, but he caught him before, “Pik-a CHU!!!!” and lightning surrounded him and the war god, making Ares’ skeleton visible as he was electrocuted.
-Sylveon was chill in Hades’ arms now, while still holding onto QSH, looking completely unbothered as she called out, telling the other two to calm down.
-Many were prepared to fight these strange creatures, thinking they were a threat as Ares was twitching on the ground, charred before they heard, “Hey you guys! You were supposed to stay in the park!”
-The three instantly called out, seeing you running over and jaws dropped, seeing a child as the three Pokemon ran over to you, calling out happily, Mimikyu scurrying up your arm and held you around your neck, hugging you.
-Hades was polite, inquiring about your creatures and you told them that they were Pokemon, your partners, and after explaining what Pokemon were, many calmed down, as they had seen them before, just not ones like this.
-You apologized to Ares who told you he was fine, just shocked, literally, that Pikachu was so strong! You went to speak before you heard another of your Pokemon call out and you turned, seeing Snorlax gorging himself at an outdoor restaurant, “Snorlax!!”
-They all followed you over to the massive Pokemon who called out happily, seeing you while you apologized to the restaurant staff who were fine, as Snorlax didn’t break anything, he was just eating his fill on the endless food that was available.
-Hercules was impressed, “This is one of yours too?” you beamed, putting a hand on Snorlax’ belly, “Yup- this is my cuddly fat boy- isn’t that right?” Snorlax, hearing your pet name, pulled you into his arms, hugging you close which made you laugh.
-You recalled him into his Pokeball, followed by the others before you heard Gyarados calling out loudly, as if he was ready to fight as the sky darkened, “Oh no!”
-You all turned, seeing the lake in the park, seeing Gyarados stretching out of it, glaring down at Lu Bu, who was holding halberd, looking feral himself, ready for a fight as everyone scrambled after you as you shouted out Gyarados’ name.
-Seeing this massive Pokemon instantly calming down, hearing your voice, turning from this human that seemed so adamant to fight him, lowering his head as you leapt, hugging at his face.
-Jack was in awe, seeing this massive creature being so gentle with you while Lu Bu was pouting that you took away his opportunity to fight something strong.
-You recalled Gyarados back in as you apologized to everyone for causing so much trouble before Hercules pointed back at where a picnic was set up, your picnic, “What about that one?”
-You turned, seeing Charizard snoozing on the blanket, fast asleep and you beamed, “That’s my Charizard! He likes to sleep a lot but he’s just as strong as any of my Pokemon!”
-Charizard, hearing his name, woke up, sitting up and yawned loudly before walking over, hugging you from behind as you told your tale about how you died, taking your Pokemon with you, and now you were all here in Valhalla.
-Charizard rested his head on top of your own, still looking a bit sleepy, but Jack, Hercules, Lu Bu, and Ares were all easily able to tell that he was insanely strong, despite looking so unassuming.
-You were happy to have them all join your picnic, calling all your partners back out, telling them to behave this time, as you talked about your world, about all the different types of Pokemon you had seen, which they enjoyed.
-You were only a child, but you were a warrior, just a different type of warrior then what they were used to, but that didn’t make you any less of one and they wanted to know more about you, and what drove you to become a trainer.
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togetherhearted · 13 days
is it okay if I have hcs for Qin Shi Huang x Yakuza!reader (Gn). First QSH thinks their weak but they have similar abilities to Gerard Valkyrie from Bleach, they end up getting on good terms and drink together , reader looks intimidating and scary (which they are cuz they're yakuza) but end up nice to those who are close to them.
Hi! I don't know much about the Yakuza or the character you mentioned. I tried anyway. Hope this is fine!
Also I ended up with making a small snippet instead...
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Qin likes a challenge and he's not afraid of you, no matter how powerful you might be or intimidating you look. The emperor had the brilliant idea to set things with a good fight;A fight you don't refuse. It ends with both collapsing on the ground.A laugh leaves you both.You're now comrades. -So, the Yakuza uh- Qin offered you a drink in honor of your new companionship. -Yeah, surprised?- -Nah.Your strength is real and suits you- Qin gulped down the drink -The Yakuza, I mean.Bet there are formidable fighters in your clan. -You can say that- You smirked flattered -Why don't you join.You got the right spunk- Qin promptly shook his head -I'm already an emperor. I've got whatever I desire without moving a finger. I like this life- -Fair enough- You sipped your drink, enjoying his company.
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fandom-go-round · 6 months
FGO’s version of Qin Shi Huang who has a crush on their master. They both get along really well too. The only issue is that QSH’s master is a stubbornly passionate reader and author. Shenanigans ensue?
Qin Shi Huang finds you hopelessly endearing. They never thought they would be enamored with you but that’s the beauty of it. You’re so passionate around books and writing, how can they ignore you? Watching you is like watching a blaze; it warms them to see you so diligent but also makes it difficult to approach.
At first, they try to relate on an easy level: books. Qin Shi also loves to read and they’re eager to get your perspective on some of their favorites. The issue is, once you start talking about a book, it makes you want to write. They’ve lost count of how many times the two of you begin a conversation only for you to leave halfway through from a spark of inspiration.
They seek you out to ask about your book, helping you through plot holes and difficult scenes. You trust Qin Shi’s input and they enjoy helping you through the creative process. It’s hard for you to see past that, however, and Qin Shi is getting to the point where they need to bring in the big guns.
You finally realize what’s happening when the Emperor physically takes you to bed. You had stayed up late the night before working on your book, you were so close! That meant that you stayed up past the point of no return and figured an all-nighter wouldn’t be too bad. Qin Shi was having none of it; they placed you into bed, scolding you the entire time. It’s the first time you’d seen the gentle look in their eyes and you reach up without thinking to cup their face. Qin Shi startles before kissing your palm and giving a gentle smile. Your heart skipped a beat and you gasped; that was a look you want to see again.
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darkchocolaine · 2 years
On the rare occasion you get to stare at Qin Shi Huang's eyes, you're spellbound in the beauty of his gaze piercing through you as if he's staring directly through your soul and he's filled with so much gratefulness and affection, completely different to the arrogance he bears. You can count the moment he comes to your quarters without his blindfold on. Qin Shi Huang sees too much, he feels too much and he hates his eyes for it. But every single time he takes off his robe and leave behind the burdens of what it means to be an emperor, to be here with you in the private confines of your residence, alone and completely bare where he's allowed to be vulnerable, he treasures the time to sing praises to your body with his lips latched on to every part of your skin.
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undyinglantern · 3 years
Listen, as big a fan of Arjuna as I am, and as much as it saddens me to see him be mischaracterized, I can’t exactly get upset at the people who do mischaracterize him? Idk like, most his actual characterization comes from his interludes and while yeah he is permanent, he’s also a 5 star in a game with a 1% ssr rate. Listen, I’ve been (actively) playing for 3+ years and still don’t have regular artoria or a few other long-time permanent 5* servants. Being permanent doesn’t guarantee that everyone will have them.
Same applies to alter but in a different sense. He’s literally the most limited ssr in the game to date. If you didn’t get him when he was released then you’re straight up out of luck. So if you don’t have him, the best you can contextualize him (without looking up outside resources) is his own lostbelt. And while we, the reader, do get to see some of his inner thoughts on a meta level, no one else in-universe is seeing that. The only confrontation we get to see of his flaws is 1)whenever Pepe expresses their disgust with how he’s running this world and 2) after the big climactic fight against karna where karna tells this to him:
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And while this particular section is well written, it’s still a small one and could be easily forgotten. Or the details of this conversation could become fuzzy over time if you aren’t particularly invested in the characters one way or the other. Arjuna disappears shortly after this conversation and we still have to continue on with the plot and this lostbelt’s tree so we (the players) aren’t given much time to simmer over it either. Idk, maybe I’m being naive or too misgiving to people who clearly don’t put as much thought into these things as I have.
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kitaholic · 2 years
Bruh salute to that blogger dominating the qsh x reader tags.
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Cheating headcanons but they regret it ;)
So let's say maybe he might've found a lover more suited for him, even though he was already in a perfectly good relationship with you, then suddenly got caught. Thought he didn't really need you anymore, but started to miss u and regretted it. How'd that go? Well..
Fandoms : Bllk, lookism, record of Ragnarok
Typa guy to cry himself to sleep with a picture of you beside him to make it more dramatic and movie-like. Mumbling things to it like, "I'll get you back, love."
- yukimiya kenyu bllk, -Reo mikage bllk, Rin itoshi bllk -ikki niko bllk -Alexis ness bllk -Yo hiori bllk, -Beelzebub ROR -Zack lee lookism -daniel park lookism -Eli Jang lookism -johan seong lookism
Stalks your social media posts, liking it/showing that he acknowledges whatever the fuck you just posted. Or makes comments abt things you do or did, Knowing that getting attention from someone like him would be something out of a fanfiction. (Rlly confident abt it too)
-Noel noa bllk -Sae itoshi bllk -Michael kaiser bllk -Reo mikage -Leonardo Luna -Seishiro nagi bllk -Oliver aiku bllk -Chris prince bllk -DG/James lee lookism, -jaegyeon na lookism, -Goo Kim lookism -Hades RoR -Poseidon RoR -Buddha RoR -Qin shi Huang -Apollo RoR -Thor RoR
Type to glare or take your attention from anything that will distract you from him. Randomly talking about all his amazing achievements or skills, saying it wasn't that difficult or wasn't a big deal- when YOU're around.
-Michael kaiser bllk, -Sae itoshi bllk, -Chris prince bllk, -Noel noa bllk, -kunigami rensuke/wild card bllk, -Apollo RoR -Hades RoR, -Poseidon RoR, -Shiva RoR, -Loki RoR, -Qin shi Huang/ying Zheng RoR, -DG/James lee lookism, -Gun park lookism, -Goo Kim lookism, -Vin Jin lookism, -Zack lee lookism, -Jaegyeon na lookism, -bachira meguru bllk
Rizzes you up
-Michael kaiser bllk, -Shidou ryusei bllk, -tabito karasu bllk, -eita otoya bllk, -Oliver aiku bllk, -Leonardo Luna bllk, -Apollo RoR, -Buddha RoR, -Qin shi Huang/ying Zheng RoR, -Loki RoR, -DG/James lee lookism, -jaegyeon na lookism, -Vin Jin lookism, -Goo Kim lookism
Threatens anyone with/without you knowing, maybe a silent glare, actions, death threats, or maybe even all-out-violence, making it known to them that you were already taken.
-Sae itoshi bllk, -Michael kaiser bllk, -itoshi Rin bllk, -shidou ryusei bllk, -Alexis ness bllk, -Kunigami rensuke bllk, -Poseidon RoR, -Hades RoR, -Loki RoR, -Leonidas RoR, -Lu bu RoR, -Soji Okita RoR, -Raiden RoR, -Goo Kim lookism, -Vin Jin lookism, -James lee lookism, -Gun park lookism.
Actually normal
-nanase bllk, -yukimiya kenyu bllk, -Thor RoR, -Isagi yoichi bllk, -Hyoma chigiri bllk, -Noel noa bllk, -shoei barou bllk, Julian Loki bllk, Adam Blake bllk, Daniel park lookism, -jin kiyora,
Cries rlly hard and/or begs for forgiveness
-Aoshi tokimitsu bllk, -ikki niko bllk, -Alexis ness bllk, -beelzebub RoR, -Anubis RoR, -jay hong lookism, -Goo Kim lookism(pathetically tbh), -Daniel park lookism -bachira meguru bllk
Forcing/Kidnapping/toxic type shi route (has potential of being a lovesick bastard (too much ooc here)')
-Michael kaiser bllk, -Sae itoshi bllk, -Alexis ness bllk, -Leonardo Luna bllk, -Hades RoR, -Poseidon RoR, -Apollo RoR, -Buddha RoR(he'd be all buddy buddy and then suddenly Carry you somewhere), -Qin shi Huang RoR, -Beelzebub RoR, -DG/James lee lookism, -Gun park lookism, -Goo Kim lookism, -Charles choi(in his youth) lookism
I'm finally done 😌
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kanroji-san · 3 months
Sanemi!Y/n/Reader AU
QSH: *carries Sanemi!Y/n to their shared bedroom and slams them onto their bed then cuddles them*
Sanemi!Y/n: ...
Sanemi!Y/n: What kind of aggressive affection is this?
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kanroji-san · 3 months
Sanemi!Y/n/Reader AU
Sanemi!Y/n: You are very beautiful. I want to kiss you…
QSH: Did you say something?
Sanemi!Y/n: *Flustered* I said that if you die, I won't miss you!
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kanroji-san · 2 months
Sanemi!Y/n/Reader AU
QSH's marriage proposal
QSH: I want to be with you for the rest of my life
Sanemi!Y/n: *Joking* Are you proposing me or what?
QSH: *Getting down on one knee* Yes. Yes I am.
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kanroji-san · 4 months
Sanemi!Y/n/Reader AU
When Ubuyashiki gave all the hashiras a short vacation and they decided to celebrate it
QSH: You’re… inviting me over?!?!
Immediately changing into his best clothes
QSH: Absolutely! I’ll be there in an hour! *ends the call*
QSH: My empress wants to see me!~~
QSH: Take that depression!!!
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kanroji-san · 19 days
I'm curious why Qin Shi Huang interested in Sanemi! reader?
The reason why that I choose Sanemi!Y/n with QSH because they remind me of his mother. While reading the manga when Chun Yan appeared I don't why but I immediately remember Shinazugawa. And after she revealed her intentions to Zheng I was 100% sure that Sanemi!Y/n will be perfect partner for him
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Please tell me that I am not the only one who see the similarities between them
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kanroji-san · 5 months
Sanemi!Reader/Y/n AU
When Sanemi!Y/n is jealous of the concubines, but can't do anything because they have many missions, but one night...
QSH: My empress-
Sanemi!Y/n: If i don't get pregnant by tonight you're in big trouble.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Hi glad to see you back, hope your doing well.
May I ask for a Teen!reader like MaoMao from The Apothecary Diaries. If you haven’t watched that, they’re fascinated by poison and herbs, and have a habit of experimenting with them to observe their effects, primarily on their own body which leads to her applying bandages on her arms to cover the scars due to their passionate love of poisons and her enjoyment when consuming them. How would the family react to their child poisoning themselves on purpose because they’re fascinated by the effects?
(they have a decent immunity to poisons so it doesn’t kill then)
-First of all, the moment they realize that you experiment on yourself with poisons…. PANIC!!!
-Doctors are being called, only the finest physicians for their precious but dense child! While a portion of your family is crying or panicking, thinking you were going to die, the other half is scolding you and forcing you to vomit anything you had ingested.
-You were pouting, being put on time out, as you would call it, being confined to a bed as you had to let yourself be doted on, being treated like a child while the doctors checked out your arms, as many were horrified to see the condition of them, seeing the new and old scars, as well as the new wounds.
-When you finally got them to sit down and shut up for a moment so you could talk, you explained that you had always done this, as you wanted to create medicines for others, but all medicines and treatments had to be tested first, and what better way than to use yourself!
-A few did see the reasoning in your words and methods, but that didn’t mean that they liked it, like Hercules, Jack, Odin, Apollo, and Nikola.
-There were also a few, Lu Bu, QSH, Leonidas, Kojiro, Beelzebub, and Hades, who weren’t overly bothered at all, after hearing of your reasoning, and hearing that you were safe while you experimenting, knowing when to stop, knowing your limits, and knowing countermeasures just in the event if something more serious happened. A few knew of apothecaries, as they were around in their time when they were on earth, or heard of their research, so this wasn’t anything new, it was just surprising that it was you.
-Then you had a few, Adam and Ares mainly, who were beside themselves with worry, trying to go as far as commanding you or banning you from ever doing anything like this again, as they didn’t want anything to happen to their precious baby!!!
-You appreciated their different views and opinions, but you weren’t going to stop, you loved your medicines and poisons, that’s how you made a living when you were alive, being a poison tester, making medicines and treatments, and heralding in new techniques.
-After a while, your family did relent, with some rules in place, as they knew that doing this, for some strange reason, made you happy. While at first you weren’t happy about the rules, but you relented, because you realized they only put them there because they loved you and didn’t want you to get hurt or do anything stupid.
-You couldn’t help but smile softly, ‘I’m so lucky to have so many that care about me.’
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