#and it kept waking me up because i was afraid i had camp problems to deal with
pbandjesse · 3 months
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I am really sleepy. But it was not a bad day. I just decided I should come home and I'm glad I did. I had such a fun and productive night. And that was after a pretty good day of groups and classes.
I slept all right last night. I went to go look at the stars before bed and had to walk in the woods a little bit. It's funny that I'm not scared at all when I'm out there. Even though it's very very dark and by all counts I should be afraid. But it's not scary you know that it's empty and you are alone.
I would see Callie's light in the distance and so I started walking towards her and she yelled over who's there? That was like oh my God it's me! And we would hang out for the next hour and a half.
She told me all about her day and some of the drama and I told her mine. And we would chat and laugh and have a nice evening. Eventually though we both started to wind down and went to sleep. Did not turn off our desk lamp. But I slept with a sleep mask on so it didn't really matter. And while per alarm did wake me up The only real problem I have is that she's pretty perfume and it got on my head. It was very funny but also the smell was a little overwhelming for a few seconds for me. I would be fine but it was just very funny.
I would get up for real and she asked me to bring her her toothbrush. So I would get washed up and dressed and I felt like I was moving really slow because I was freezing. I was just so cold in my cabin. So I was struggling to get dressed and ready but I would figure it out and collect her toothbrush and then I was off.
I went up the hill behind the lodge instead of the other route because I wanted to stop at the stream site to get the nature skills box to give to Callie But when I got there I was annoying to find the stream box I've been left open and had 3 in of rain in it.
But not just 3 in of rain. It also had two hatched snake eggs. It was crazy. I have never seen that before and I was afraid that maybe there was a snake in the box somewhere so rather than risk it I would let the office know and then let Lindsey who runs nature now. And I was just fascinated that that had happened because those eggs were big. And yesterday morning when I got the camp there was a shed snake skin on my table so the snakes are back for sure.
I would have a really nice day though. We had biscuits and gravy with bacon for breakfast but I don't eat two of those things so I got a biscuit and jelly. It would have been better with butter and then later on I found that there was butter in my backpack and I'm so mad but it was okay. I would eat watermelon and a biscuit and then I walked to the office to check in and then over to the art Jack where I waited for my first group.
This first group struggle. There was a couple very nice boys but they also apparently had to have a behavior conversation meeting with their village director already. It's only Tuesday. But we struggled through and it was fine. Couple of them made snakes couple of them made lizards some of them made bracelets but everybody made something. And they tried hard.
I did have a little trouble with one boy who was being a little bit mean to one of my boys that have been here for forever. And he kept saying that nobody likes him and nobody wants him here and blah blah blah and I'm like stop it even if that's true which it's not that's not very nice and it's not very kind and we don't do that. And it was just disappointing because that's so not what camps about and I don't want to see bullying at all at camping. It's upsetting. I really hope that his counselor is paying attention.
My woodlands group which was second was very funny and kept singing along to very early 2000s women singers. Specifically 1,000 miles and fireworks. And it was very funny hearing them all sing to the song when I put it on Spotify. They were like oh my God www! Which is little boy language for when which is positive. At least it was funny.
Lunch was fine but I didn't really want a veggie burger so I took a couple bites for the protein and then just made a sandwich using french fries a tomato lettuce and ketchup. Would have improved with Mayo but I did not see any. I also think that the chips from yesterday would have been better than the French fries but whatever.
I would eat lunch pretty quickly after being very confused when Aaron said that he did not feed the chickens yesterday? They're not in every other day either so that's weird. But I would text Lindsay about it because she's down there and it's easier for her to keep an eye on things than me. And then I would go to arts and crafts and lay down for a while.
I would be called upon by some of my coworkers. For string. Then for paint brushes. I heard over the walkie that they're going to start painting the teepees and they needed the big brushes and I quickly ran over to grab my walkie and tell them I had it I had it! And they would send someone up later on to get it. Alexi walked by and waved andJeci came up to work on bracelets for a bit. Ouzman(unsure of spelling) that would come as well He kept saying in his accent that he was going to have the best and biggest bracelet at camp. I thought that was very funny.
The afternoon was great. I had day campers I had Yukon and then I had horses. Some people struggled with their lizards. Specifically the little kids but I was pretty proud of my counselors for picking up on how to build them so they could help me and I wasn't the only one troubleshooting everyone's work. I was really proud of all the kids that persevered because it is hard! Hand-eye coordination, following a pattern, these are all skills that they needed I'm glad that we're practicing them. At every level. And even though big kids were making some lizards but others were a metal stamping or making beaded bracelets or string bracelets. And I was just having a really good day hanging out with everyone talking about past years and this year and all of the changes in the world. And it just felt good. That's a really good kids that are new and ones that are returning and I was just having a really good time.
I was also enjoying my counselors and the YLPs. Those teens struggle a little bit but if you give them direction they're good followers. They listen very well even if they're not quite self-starters yet. I was very happy with them and would just have a really nice time talking and showing them how to do different things. Showing my expectations of them. I got to make sure that I get that in quick so that there not in the hammocks right away.
This for some of the counselors as well.
A little before lunch the lights in the art building went out and I called the office and I was the first one to report but the lights had gone out. Because then slowly throughout camp the lights were going off. At the Hacienda and then the nurse's office and then the lodge and everyone kept calling him because no one was listening. And then me Tony and Kieran kept making jokes about Antonio thinking that people were calling the tower ( where he works ) when we were saying the word power. And so then Kieran said does anybody need a shower? And I was like is anyone looking for full hour? And then Elizabeth told us to stop and Kieran was like I got me and then she was like no more jokes and then I said guys at this hour? And it was really bad and we were just having a good time.
The power would only be out for about an hour. Thankfully I had water and I was fine but our bathrooms don't work if we don't have running water so that's always a fear. But thankfully was not too much of an issue today. And it would resolve pretty quickly.
My last group of the day was the worst girls and they actually didn't have me on their schedule officially They had archery tag but they chose to come to me instead and that was just fine. It would just set back me going home and it's all good. I was happy to have them. Some of them make lizards, including the counselors, and then someone was crocheting and other girls were making bracelets and it was just like a really nice calm end of the day. I was really happy and they were really sweet. And once they were gone I cleaned up and grab my backpack and got my car.
I was just about to leave when I saw Cody. He's not working here this year but he was visiting cuz he was in the area and I was joking asking if they had convinced him to come back yet. And I told him about all the new programs and he said that's why so it was nice to see him and I have officially in my mind for giving him for being my mortal enemy after making me cry my second year I can't. It's all good. It was just one of those things that I held onto for a long time but he doesn't work here anymore and honestly he's not a bad person. He tries very hard to be good and I have no animosity towards him anymore. I am letting that joke go.
Probably. I might forget every once in awhile. The bit is hard to drop.
I would leave camp a little after 4:30. And It was not a bad drive. I did forget my charger so I couldn't connect my phone to the car but the Bluetooth has been working pretty well so it wasn't a quiet ride thankfully. And I got back home before James did.
I parked in the front of the house and I would get inside and check on all my animals and hold sweetp for a second before I jumped right in to doing chores. I had mostly come home because I wanted to work on stuff for the market for on Saturday. I am running low on bears and I really need to have some out tomorrow. That's going to be my plan after my last group comes is to cut a whole bunch of bears so that I can start making new stock because I am low. But I packed up some bears and I even made some mystery bags of some of the ones that are a little more ugly than others. And it was a good time. I was having fun. I was starting to get a little overwhelmed by sound so I had to put Ruby in the other room. And sweet pea was outside so I put crab cake out there too and when I went out to do that sweetie was under the lid drinking the turtle water! I keep telling him it's going to make him sick. So I put a bowl of water outside for him so that he would stop drinking the turtle water.
I would also make a frozen pizza and after I finished my market stuff and putting things away I would eat my pizza outside on my swing and I was just very comfortable and having a very good time and then as I was laying there James came home!
When James got home they jumped right into their own list of chores. They had stopped at the grocery store and Charlotte's apartment to check on her cat little boy. But they were home now and they were going to sand our transom window and work on a couple small things in the kitchen. They had made a peach cobbler and they would warm that up for me a little bit later on. While they were doing their stuff I was hanging out and scrolling on my phone and enjoying how nice the weather was. I was also just really enjoying James's company.
Eventually we would sit together in the kitchen and talk and discuss things. And we were just being silly and having a good time talking. Eventually I would come upstairs and soon James are join me and we would hang out for a long time. I took a shower at one point we were laughing and watching videos and being silly and just having a good time. I'm really glad I came home. I really like staying at camp but I also just love being in my house. I spend so much money to live here and I love it here and I want to be home so I can do things. So it's hard being at camp for hours of doing nothing. The relaxing is good because I struggle with relaxing. But also it's hard to be away from home. I think I'm going to strike some kind of balance between staying home and staying at camp but I'm not really sure what that looks like yet.
Now though I feel very dehydrated so I'm going to go get some water and I'm going to get ready to go to sleep. I've had a really fun night with James and I just feel so incredibly close to them right now. I just think it's a little bit of missing them but it's also them just being very sweet.
Now though is bad. I hope that tomorrow is a really good day with really good kids and I have a really good time. I hope that you will have a really good time too. Until next time. Sleep well
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Christ on a cracker I'm falling apart
#so heres the thing. i got back from two months of summer camp a week ago#i was an area director. very stressful. my favorite job ever but stressful#i got home a week ago#but the thing im having most trouble with is sleep#as in i cant sleep. at all#it takes me over an hour to fall asleep and i cant stay asleep through the night#im almost one hundred percent sure it's because of stress#honestly tho i feel like all of my problems can be tracked back to stress#anywho i think this is camp stress come to haunt me#why do i think this is? well im glad you asked#the first night i got back and tried to sleep i had a dream#that my staff kept coming into my bedroom to ask me questions whoch made it so i couldnt sleep#and it kept waking me up because i was afraid i had camp problems to deal with#not ideal. but austyn couldnt that just be a one time thing?#god i wish#ive had no less than two more dreams about camp stresses in the week that ive been back#some variation of being with my staff or friends and them needing something so i wake up#and i cant get to sleep because im thinking about it#one week there was a scoutmaster that made my life a living hell. he (verbally) attacked me and my staff multiple times#(i am so upset that he went after my staff btw. say what you want about me but ill kill you if you go after my staff)#(and he picked the sweetest one of my staff members to attack too. when i vented about this she said 'id fight to the death for you')#(following me telling her that id always fight for my staff)#and the other night while i was trying to sleep i just couldnt stop thinking about that scoutmaster#i love camp but it is stressing me out way more than usual and i am falling apart because of it#i cant sleep. im nearly passing out at work. im depressed (that always happens after leaving tho). im anxious#so. anxious. and so. tired. fucking exhausted#in the last week i haven't had more than one consecutive hour of sleep#i swear this is going to get worse and worse until one day i just collapse and die#okay. gonna try to sleep. wish me luck. love yall. goodnight
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topazy · 2 years
Inside, outside
Paring: 10k x reader, Addy Carver x sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of violence
Chapter: 3.04
“What are you guys whispering about?”
You and Doc answer in unison, “Nothing.”
Addy frowned. She hated it when you kept secrets from her, but every time you mentioned 10K, it just led to you arguing. Not long after you’d told Doc about your theory, you found a red bandana wrapped around a tree branch with 10k’s initials carved into the wood below it. You knew it was him, you just knew it.
With a stern face, Addy marches towards you, “empty your pockets.”
“Excuse me?”
You try to wriggle away as she forcefully reaches into your jacket pockets. “You’ve been acting shady, and you're constantly holding onto something in your damn pocket.”
“Common girls, enough is enough,” Doc says, hoping for peace.
She pulls her arms back and opens her hands. She had managed to pull out a pack of gum, a few unused plasters, and 10K's necklace, which you’d found on the Z’s body. She stared at you with her mouth agape. “Why do you still have this?”
“Give it back.” Three confused faces watch from the gates of the makeshift camp as you jump and try to grab it from her, but Addy holds her arm up high, so the necklace is out of your reach. “It doesn’t belong to you, so give it back.”
Addy looks at you in alarm. “You seriously think he’s alive?”
“I don’t think he is. I know he is.”
Your sister lets out a loud groan of frustration and turns her gaze to Doc, who looks slightly afraid. “And you? Why the hell are you encouraging this? It’s not healthy for her to think that he’s still alive!”
You grow frustrated that she continues to talk as if you are not standing in front of her. “I am right here, you know!”
Doc shrugged, “I think the kid has a few valid points, and I don’t see the problem with having hope.”
“There’s having hope, and then there’s being delusional,” she scoffs. “Y/N, he’s gone. He’s not coming back, and you just need to deal with it like the rest of us have.”
You purse your lips together. All of their deaths were witnessed. Until you physically saw proof your boyfriend was gone, you wouldn’t stop looking for him.
You snatch the necklace from her hand, holding onto it tightly. “Stop saying that! I’m not delusional! You just don’t see things the same way I do. I know in my gut that Tommy is alive and I’m going to find him. If-” Addy tries to cut you off, but you don’t let her. “If you don’t want to help me look for him, that’s fine, but don’t try and stop me.”
She turns and stalks back towards camp. You exchange a look with Doc, who seems shocked that you yelled in your sister's face.
“I’m going to clear my head.”
Doc follows you, “I’ll come to. You should never go out alone and angry in an apocalypse.”
“No,” you say to Doc from high in the tree. “I can’t see them.”
You climb back down, full of guilt. You and Doc were now lost in the woods, all because you’d stormed off.
“Damn it! I thought they would have been looking for us.”
In the corner of your eye, you see something moving fast. “Did you see that?”
You spin so you are back to back with him. Your eyes scan the gaps between the trees looking for any dead, “maybe we should wait in a tree? The dead aren’t good climbers, I think. Doc?”
Suddenly, Doc is hit across the head with a guitar by a man dressed as Elvis. When you take a step back, you are hit on the back of the head with a different object, knocking you out cold.
The first thing you do when you wake up is scream. You scream until your throat is in agonising pain.
You are locked in a room with white padded walls and are trapped in a straitjacket. You freeze when a nurse unlocks the door to the room and says, “Now this patient is practically aggressive. She has already attacked another patient here, and threatened to liquefy my organs if I don’t let her out.”
Your eyes widen and you stare in confusion when Doc enters the room. He crouches down in front of you and says, “Hey, kid. How are you holding up?”
Tears of fear well up behind your eyes. Was your sister right? Are you delusional? How much of what has happened in the past few years has been true? You leaned back against the wall as your head began to spin.
“Is the apocalypse real?” You try to ask him, but end up slurring your words.
“Shhh,” he coos. “That’s just the medication making you sleepy.”
“I really must insist you don’t get so close to a violent patient,” the nurse snaps.
“She’s not gonna attack me” Doc gives you a knowing look and says, “Not when she’s taken ten different types of medication.”
The nurse scrunched her face up in confusion, “Ten? She should only be given four different types.”
Doc stands up and pretends to be worried. “Well, I read her chart and it has ten different types listed. This is a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately. If not, God knows what kind of problems we are gonna have.”
Doc promptly leaves with the nurse but returns moments later to let you out. Once you're out of your restraints, he hugs you, “I’m so glad you're okay.”
“You, too, Doc,” you say as you step back. “Is he really here?”
He nods and assists you in getting to your feet. As you try to walk forward, you stumble, “What have I taken?”
“I’ve no idea. As far as I’m aware, you haven’t taken any tablets, but judging from the needle mark on your neck, I’d say you’ve definitely been given something.”
“Honestly?” You say, swaying to the side, “I feel a little drunk.”
Once inside a canteen-type room, Doc sits you down at a table, telling you to drink some water and not to move.
“Hey, baby.”
Your body stiffens. You will recognise his voice straight away. Your eyes water with happy tears. “Tommy?”
“It's me,” he says, stumbling into the chair across from you. He looks at you in a daze until he notices the necklace dangling around your neck. He leans forward and touches it. “It’s pretty. I hope you washed the blood off it.”
“Be cool,” Doc says as he pulls up a chair. “She doesn’t know that you two know each other, or that I know 10k.”
You nod in understanding while 10k makes a strange popping sound with his mouth. Whatever drugs they forced him to take were obviously strong he was completely out of his mind. This wasn’t the sweet reunion you would have hoped for, but him being alive and in front of you was enough.
“So how are you feeling?” You ask casually.
“Like super mellow.”
Doc leans in closer to him, “You know, everybody thought you were dead except from us. We knew you were alive, you little cockroach. We knew it.”
10k let’s out a giggle and slumps to the side, pressing his face against the back of his hand.
“How did you survive?”
He smiles brightly, “Murphy saved me.”
The sentence felt like a dagger to your heart. “Murphy told us you didn’t make it out of the explosion. That lying, selfish bastard.”
You are taken aback when 10k suddenly sits up right, looking offended, and says. “He’s not like that anymore. He’s different.”
“Did something happen?”
10k’s eyes shift side to side fast, “no. Yes. I dunno. Everything is so fuzzy.”
You and Doc share a look of concern.
“The harder I think about it, the further away it goes.” He slams his hand against the table. “Where’s Warren? Addy?”
“They aren’t here,” the older man explains. “And we shouldn’t be either.”
“We gotta get to Warren. Murphy is taking over. She's got to stop him.”
“Where is Murphy?” You ask quietly, noticing the nurse lingering nearby.
“Spokane, Washington?”
“He’s starting a new world older,” 10k slurs. “Nude… whole… under.”
“Tommy,” you squeezed his hand underneath the table. “You gotta hold it together.”
“I’m gonna go chat to the nurse in charge and find out when the next class is,” Doc says loudly. “You two chat between yourselves.”
10k leans back in his chair and starts to click his tongue. “I promised the colour I’d find the crow if she helped me find my star.”
“You promised a colour?”
He swung forward, startling you. “She told me stars don’t walk on earth, so I told her a colour is not a name.”
You listen as 10k tells you about how he nearly drowned while trying to find a star. Unknown to you, it was you that 10k was talking about. His Astra, his star.
You grab a pillow from 10k’s hand and throw it onto a bed, “no napping.”
Doc had managed to sneak you and 10K out of a fitness class being taught by nurse Ratched. However, 10k didn’t seem to understand what was going on and kept grabbing hold of random objects.
You come to a harsh stop in front of the exit, seeing that it’s surrounded by the dead. “Shit, we are gonna need a better plan.” You pause, hearing a door close nearby. You try to help 10k move, but he doesn’t budge. “I think someone’s coming.”
Doc is too focused on listening to 10k ramble about warning Warren about Murphy to hear what you are saying.
Hearing footsteps, you quickly hide underneath some broken equipment. “Doc,” you whisper. “You need to hide now.”
You hold your breath as Nurse Ratched stands in front of them and orders other patients to take them back up the stairs.
You somehow managed to find the room with all the patients' personal belongings as you made your way back up towards the ward floor of the building. You get your own bag along with 10k's and Docs, then go walk up the empty hallway trying to find them. It didn’t take long as the nurse's voice got closer.
“Fuck,” you hiss as you notice 10k and Doc in straightjackets.
You fight the urge to run in, guns blazing, and wait for the right moment. If you screwed up, all three of you would end up locked up. When the nurse slapped Doc across the face and pinned him to the ground, you opened the door and approached her from behind.
Feeling a presence behind her, the nurse turns to look up at you, but you hit her on the head with the blunt end of your blade, knocking her to the ground.
“You sure like waiting till the last kick to play hero,” Doc says.
You are shoved to the ground by a large man who picks up the needle that had fallen from the nurse's hand and begins to stab her with it. Not wanting to make any sudden movements, you wait until he’s finished before uniting Doc and 10k.
Doc took charge and led the way for the patients to make it through the hospital ward full of Z’s to get to the back exit.
“Stay close to me, Tommy,” you say, while pulling your gun out.
10k said nothing but held onto your shoulder.
Somehow, all of you made it out of the hospital unbitten.
“Come on, 10k, you can sleep on the bus,” Doc pleaded as 10k’s feet started to give way beneath him.
“I’ll stay with him while you check on everyone else.”
Doc left to get the other patients who were mostly running in circles onto the bus, you tried to comfort 10k, who looked completely exhausted.
“Come on, we've got to get you sorted,” you say, wiping some of the dirt off his face and attempting to straighten his shirt collar, but stopping when your fingers brush against a strange mark on the back of his neck. A lump forms in the back of your throat as your fingers trace it. “Murphy did it, didn’t he?”
10k slowly nods his head.
“Well there goes our ride,” Doc huffs, running over to you as someone drives the bus away.
“Doc," you sob. "Look at his neck.”
Doc looks at his neck and immediately panics. “You’ve been bit. Murphy bit you! That’s what’s wrong with you.” He pulls 10k in for a hug, and holds back his own tears. “Goddammit, Murphy. I’m so sorry kid. I’m gonna fix this. I’ll track down the damn bastard and make the vaccine myself.”
Noticing 10k’s gaze keeps shifting to his bag you open it and pull out a pack of small needles. “What are these? Do they make you worse or better?”
He doesn’t reply.
Doc shakes his head, “we need to get him back to Warren and Sun Mei. They will know what to do.”
“No, you can’t tell Warren about the bite,” 10k pleads. “Not anybody. Please, I’m not like Cassandra. I don’t want them to think of me like that. I’m not one of those — promise me.”
Doc hesitates but agrees not to say anything.
“Astra?” 10k throws his flimsy arms around you. “Please, please don’t be scared of me. I’m not like Cassandra. I stayed away when I couldn’t control it and came looking for you when I learned how. Please, please.”
“I promise, Tommy,” you say, brushing your fingers across the back of his head. “We’re going to get out of here before the Z’s come and figure out a way to help you."
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If you’re still taking prompts:
“Keeping a secret from your best friend is difficult... but when that secret is that you're madly in love with her, it's downright impossible. At least that's what Cassian thought, until he was a little tipsy and sharing a sleeping bag with said best friend. (College, modern AU)”
With smut please?🧎🏾‍♀️🙏🏽👀🥺
Oh hey bestie! So I think maybe you had like after a college party in mind for this but I went a… different way. Also it’s only smut-adjacent because I think good smut requires a Drabble of its own I think I’m sorry. Hope you enjoy!!!
Nesta had two weeks between the end of her internship and the beginning of her last year of college, and somehow, she let herself get dragged along on her sister’s annual camping trip.
Their whole friend group was weird and twisted around like Ivy vines with who was closest to who, who was related to who, who was dating who, who had slept with who’s father (looking at you MOR!), and Nesta tended to avoid the big group things.
But this was only Feyre, Rhys, Azriel, and the real reason she was there… Cassian. Fucking Cassian dragging her off into the woods.
Nesta loved her sisters. She did. She wouldn’t spend time with them and pretend she didn’t hate their boyfriends if she didn’t love them. (Pretending not to hate Rhys and Lucien, for Nesta, pretty much required the energy of a full time job.)
She loved her sisters. But she was there for Cassian. Because she liked Cassian. Genuinely and entirely liked him. Nesta Archeron liked another human being. They’d been best friends since eighth grade when he tried to ask her out on the swing set and she elbowed him in the jaw.
Saying yes to that middle school date would’ve been the worst mistake of her life. Because then she’d have had this short drama filled relationship with Cassian and she wouldn’t have gotten to keep him. And she really loved that she got to keep him. Even if sometimes she wished he’d been her first kiss instead of Tomas.
Anyway, when he said he was going on this camping trip Nesta realized she had to go too. Because there was no way she was spending her free time somewhere that he wasn’t. He was her person. The person she wanted to spend her free time with.
“Pathetic,” Cassian grinned, plucking the pack right off of her back as if it weighed no more than a purse. As if she hadn’t been struggling under its weight for the past 4 kilometres.
“I agreed to camping. I didn’t realize a 7 hour hike was involved to get to the damn place.”
“Two hours at most, sweetheart.” Nesta scowled, pretending, as she always did, to hate his little endearments. “And all of the best spots require a hike. Otherwise they’re overcrowded.”
“Maybe overcrowded is a good thing. Maybe overcrowded means loud and safe instead of offering ourselves up to be a bear buffet.”
“I’ll protect you from any bears, I promise, Nes.”
Nesta glared. “You’re going to fight off a bear if it tries to eat me?”
“Of course I am,” Cassian nodded. “These muscles aren’t just for show.”
Nesta laughed. “How sad I’m going to lose my best friend on this trip. Don’t worry I’ll come up with something nice for the tombstone. “Here lies Cassian. Tried to fight a bear so his muscles would have a purpose.”
“I take it back, you can get eaten by the bear.”
“I’m going to shove you in front of the bear.”
Their water break had landed then both a few hundred feet behind Feyre, Rhys, and Azriel, so Cassian kept hold of her backpack as they moved, teasing her that he was still faster with two packs than she was with none.
When they arrived at the little clearing Nesta had to admit it was beautiful. Serene. A big patch of grass surrounded by trees with a stunning view over the mountains from a clearing just a few feet away.
“Worth the hike?” Cassian asked as he set up their tent. That was the deal. If Nesta was going to camp then he had to do all of the work. Because she didn’t know how to do it. Also he had to share his tent with her because seriously? Why would she own a tent? She wasn’t a damn mountain man.
“It is really pretty.”
“I told you you’d like camping, Nesta!” Feyre called out from over fifty feet away where Azriel, Cassian, and Nesta all banded together to force her and Rhys to put their tent. Far away from the other two. Nesta was so not sleeping on the ground AND listening to her little sister have sex all night.
“Cassian?” Consciousness pulled lightly through Cassian’s sleepy mind. “Cass? CASS!” He shot bolt upright, body instinctively turning to Nesta, looking her over, checking her for injuries or any other thing that might have her yelling his name into the pitch black tent.
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
Cassian laughed. It was probably 3am and she’d just woken him up, and still he was laughing. Man he had it bad.
“What’s up, buttercup?” He made a show of flipping around to face her even though he couldn’t really see her.
“I’m freezing.”
As his eyes adjusted, Cassian looked her over with a frown. She was bundled up in her sleeping bag, wearing his sweater… which he hadn’t given her, but he had discarded in between them before he went to sleep so that was fair game he guessed. It was far from the first time in over a decade of friendship that she’d stolen his sweater, but man… it still did something to him.
“Your sleeping bag isn’t made for below freezing temperatures, is it?”
Nesta stared at him. Blinked. “No. Why would it have to be? It’s August!”
“It’s colder up in the mountains,” Cassian explained. “Especially over night.”
“Great. I’ve been brought into the mountains to freeze to death and now Eris is going to win the gold medal for our year.”
Cassian laughed, “Well I can’t allow that. The horror.” This was probably a bad idea. No it was definitely a bad idea, but the words couldn’t be stopped from leaving his mouth once they popped into his mind. “Come share mine.”
Cassian half unzipped his sleeping bag and made a show of shuffling himself over.
“You’re too big.” She said.
“Thanks I work out,” Nesta glared at his cocky smirk. “Come on Nes, it’s this or letting Eris win the gold medal.”
Nesta huffed, but unzipped her sleeping bag and crawled over to his, her legs were cool as they tangled with his in the tight sleeping bag. Cassian pulled her in, one arm wrapping instinctively around her shoulders to pull her against his chest, before he zipped the sleeping bag up again after her.
This had been such a bad idea. But what could he do? Let her freeze?
Cassian told Nesta everything, so it was already difficult enough to be keeping a secret from his best friend... but when that secret was that he had been madly in love with her since middle school, the situation became impossible. And pulling her perfect body tight up against his and wrapping her in his arms, hands moving up and down her shoulders quickly to try and warm her up, was not helping the situation.
“Thanks,” Nesta murmured sleepily. “I’m already a lot more comfortable.”
Me too, Cassian thought but would never say.
“Hey Cass?” Nesta’s voice was teasing. “What do we do if you wake up with morning wood?”
Cassian chuckled into her hair, a little bit drunk on the familiar scent of rosehips and iron will.
“Then I guess we’ll finally have sex.” He deadpanned.
Nesta’s jaw dropped. Ok. Bad joke. “I’m not having sex with you for the first time in a tent Cassian!”
Now Cassian’s jaw dropped. That was her issue with his suggestion? “I… Nesta I was joking. But… the tent is the problem? The only problem?”
“Grow a pair!” Nesta batted at him with her hand, an impressive feat considering she was all but pinned between him and the sleeping bag. “I thought this was you finally making a move.”
Cassian stared down at her. It was pitch black, but even with just the shadowy outlines of her features, he could see her exact expression in his mind.
“I wouldn’t use you freezing as a ploy to make a move, Nesta.”
“And why not?” She humphed, “it’s the perfect opportunity.”
“It’s… coercive.”
“Do I look coerced to you, Cassian?” Nesta ran her foot up his bare calf and Cassian shuddered.
“I can’t have sex with you if you’re looking for a friends with benefits, Nes.” Nesta paused her movements. “I… fuck, our friendship means so much to me and I’m so afraid to fuck it up. And if we start having sex I won’t be able to handle it being just sex and you’ll start to resent me so we just… shouldn’t go there.”
Nesta’s arms wrapped around him now, struggling to span the full width of his chest. “And if it wasn’t just sex?”
“Please don’t fuck with me about this,” he whispered. Low and Ernest in a way he almost never was.
“Dont joke about this if you’re playing around or I don’t… you have to know, Nes. You have to know how completely in love with you I am.”
“Yeah,” Nesta tucked her head under his chin. “I know. I’ve just been waiting for you to make a move.”
It was dark. Cassian could barely see her. But there, with his arms around his best friend in the world, sharing a sleeping bag to keep her warm, Cassian nudged her out of his chest and found her lips in the pitch black.
Why had he kept this secret for so long? Everything in the world was better when he was kissing his best friend.
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hwascripts · 4 years
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What Izuku would be like in a relationship: The positive traits, the toxic traits, his love language, my own personal headcanons and an overall conclusion
WC: unknown
TW// POTENTIAL SPOILERS, No smut but Izuku is aged up, Toxic traits aren’t necessarily toxic...more so just bad traits, Teeny tiny little bit of angst, I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming the following headcanons are true. You are 100% free to disagree with me but please DO NOT send me hateful comments or asks. I am simply writing what I think Deku would be like in a relationship
a/n: Just to let you know, your nickname for him is Zuku just so you don’t think I kept spelling his name wrong.
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-Deku is literally the kindest soul ever and it makes me want to cry. He’d give you his umbrella if you ever forgot yours, he’d literally carry you to first aid if you ever injure yourself- this man will legitimately do everything for you
-He’s incredibly observant. If he catches you looking at a pretty ring then he’ll literally show up at your door days later with that very same ring in his hands
“I saw you looking at it a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you!”
“Zuku baby oh my god how much did you spend?!”
“You don’t need to worry about it sunshine”
I wholeheartedly believe Izuku would call you his sunshine or something along those lines
-I have this one headcanon of him drawing you all the time as an excuse to “observe you and your quirk” but it’s really just because he wants to admire the way you shine underneath the sun- and that’s how he came up with the name Sunshine for you
-Deku has a heart of gold oh my god, this guy cares so much about you it’s unreal. Imagine trying to hide the fact that you’ve been crying while on a phone call- mission failed because he heard your shaky voice and now he’s on your doorstep with your favourite hoodie of his and your favourite snacks
-His memory is insanely good, like it’s freaky how good it is. Like you mentioned to him ONCE that you liked a certain drink and now he pulls up to your dates with that drink all the time (not like I’d complain if Deku brought me my favourite drink)
-Just like Bakugou, Deku is incredibly smart and he literally always comes up with a solution. You could literally vent to him about a problem you’re having at work and he’s come up with at least 73 solutions within 6 hours
-He’s determined and hardworking. Again, he’s just like Bakugou in the sense that he’ll put his blood, sweat and tears into whatever he’s doing- no matter if it’s a serious high stake mission or something like planning your weekly date. The second he puts his mind to something, he makes sure to give it his all.
-Izuku is your own personal cheerleader, this dude will hype you up no matter what. Training after work? he’s cheering for you. You completed a really difficult task? you better believe he’s gonna pat you on the back for it.
-He’s very protective of you. Remember when the LOV attacked the training camp and he rushed to find Kota? yeah he’s 10x more protective of you.
-And it’s not because he thinks you’re weak and can’t defend yourself, it’s because he genuinely worries about you all the time and just wants to make sure your always safe
-He’s an inspirational person, he makes you hella motivated to do even the most boring chores around the house
-Deku isn’t afraid to show his emotions. Unlike Bakugou, he’s often seen showing his emotions. Deku said “toxic masculinity who?”. He definitely gives 0 fucks if someone sees him crying/upset because I feel like Pro-Hero Deku would stop the stupid mindset of “Hero’s can’t show their genuine emotions”
-Izuku is the type of person to analyze all his losses, figure out what he did wrong and then learn from it to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake again. He’s the complete opposite of Bakugou who gets bitter over his losses due to his superiority complex.
-He’s so good at comforting you that it’s unbelievable. Deku gives the warmest hugs that make you feel so safe- you literally cannot change my mind about this
-You know those hugs where the other person lightly rubs your back and lightly sways side to side with you? Yeah those are the hugs that Deku gives (he’d definitely give you a sweet little kiss on the forehead/cheek)
“Sunshine come here, let me hold you while you let out all your frustrations. I’ve got you, nothing can hurt you while you’re here with me”
-Can you tell I want some comforting Izuku hugs? He wouldn’t let go of you until he put a smile back on your face and GAHH oh my god I need Izuku hugs
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-As much as I hate to do this, it needs to be done 😔✊🏻
-Izuku is such an over thinker, this guy worries about EVERYTHING under the sun. Your eyes didnt crinkle when you smiled? he’ll think you’re upset with him. You gave him a side hug rather than a normal hug? he’ll think he did something wrong.
-He’s self aware that he overthinks things but he just can’t seem to stop his thoughts. No matter how many times you reassure him that you aren’t upset with him, he’s subconsciously thinking about how to make it up to you
-He constantly pushes himself past his limits. You guys saw how many times he’s broken his bones. Deku may be intelligent but when it comes to his own self he can be completely hopeless
-The amount of times you’ve scolded him while you clean up his scrapes and cuts is insane. He just sits on the toilet lid and bites his lip nervously while you wave your finger angrily at him
“Sunshine please, I said I was sorry and that it won’t happen again!”
“Zuku you and I both know that’s a damn lie, I’ve had to patch you up 3 times this week! When are you going to start being more considerate of your limits?”
-I’m sorry but I picture him being so nervous to initiate anything with you. This guy would be so fidgety just by THINKING about holding your hand
-And deep down he knows he’s being ridiculous because come on, you’re his S/O and he’s been dating you for years now- why does he still get shaken up just by holding your hand?
-At first you think it’s cute, he’s just being respectful of your boundaries- but as time goes on you kind of get a little annoyed because he always asks you a bunch of times if you’re okay with him being affectionate.
“Zuku...sweetheart you know you don’t need to ask me a million times if I want to cuddle, right? I love cuddling with you!”
*cue sweating* “I’ll keep that in mind, Sunshine”
-He eventually gets a lot more comfortable with affection...more often than not you wake up with him nuzzled into your side like a cat
(Side note PLEASE wake him up with a bunch of kisses, he’ll literally melt)
-He’s very insecure about his scars because they make him feel like he’s “ugly” and sometimes he doesn’t even want you to look at them
-Do me a favour and please kiss along his scars/ trace them with your fingers while you compliment him- he’ll start crying because the scars he thought made him ugly are now starting to look beautiful to him
-This isn’t necessarily a toxic trait, more like a bad habit. Whenever Izuku gets stressed he’ll train himself to the brink of exhaustion just so he can try to focus on something other than how stressed he is
-Again, not a toxic trait but a bad one...Deku puts everyone else before himself. Which isn’t a bad thing if it’s done in a healthy amount, but Izuku goes to the extreme. I feel like he’d neglect his own needs just to satisfy everyone else and you’d have to intervene before it gets worse
“Sunshine I said I was fine, you don’t need to worry about me! Your Zuku is perfectly energized and ready to go”
“Zuku don’t lie to me, you know I can read you like a book. You’re coming with me and I’m putting you to bed”
-I hate to say it but this guy hates confrontation so much that sometimes he’ll suffer in silence for MONTHS before he even hints at being upset with something
-I honestly think your biggest argument with him would be about his lack of communication in terms of him not being completely honest about how he feels and he just breaks down-
-Like he has a really bad breakdown because he’s been bottling everything up for so long because he hates the idea of fighting with you.
-And now he’s sobbing because he’s so frustrated that he doesn’t know what else to do
-Anyways, the two of you just silently comfort each other until you’ve both calmed down enough to talk properly. This is the night Izuku finally starts opening up to you rather than bottling up every negative emotion he feels
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-I honestly think his love language is a mixture of giving you gifts and words of praise
-He’s a little shy when it comes to showing you how he feels through affection, so giving you gifts and his praise get his point across
-He’s totally the type to send you cute messages throughout the day, send cute selfies when he misses you, or he just sends you a random bouquet of flowers because he saw them and thought of you
-Also the type of guy to have photos of the two of you displayed around his office. His most prized one being the photo of your first mission together
-Just warning you now that if you ever mention that your suit ripped or a certain item isn’t functioning properly then he’ll literally buy 10 replacements- each one better than the last
“Zuku I said that the sole of my BOOT ripped off, not my entire suit!”
“Well now you have 10 new upgraded suits to make sure it won’t happen again! Isn’t it great, Sunshine?”
(Someone take his credit card away from him)
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I definitely think Izuku would be an amazing S/O! He’s caring, kind and comforting- and he does his very best to try and work on the bad habits he has.
Overall, I would say Izuku definitely would win a “S/O of the year award” (sorry Bakugou)
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Come on love, let’s get this freak-show on the road
I’ve been replaying Fallout 4 for like the 100th time recently and again I have fallen in love with Hancock all over again. So this is a little one-shot I wrote up last night that goes through how Hancock is feeling about the SS. 
Hopefully you guys like it. 
Pairing: John Hancock X Female Sole Survivor 
Tags: Fluff, nothing else just some sweetness. 
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“To think I ever doubted you.” 
That was how he had started this, how he had got to where they were now. Of course, she seemed unfazed like nothing had changed. It had been days since their conversation on the side of the road. They had made camp at a local settlement of hers, or rather the Minutemen’s. She chatted idly to the settlers as they sat beside the campfire, unaware of his eyes on her. She had achieved such an amazing amount since coming off of ice. 
When they had first met, she had come strolling into Goodneighbour with Nick Valentine at her side. She was beautiful, and fresher-looking than any woman he had seen before. Like a poster of one of those pre-war movie stars. Of course, he was attracted, you would have to be blind not to be but he kept it to himself. And that vault suit hugged her curves aa though it were painted on.  
Once they started travelling together that’s when things had changed. Into something that he had never experienced before. She was kind, intelligent, cunning and not afraid to hurt those who needed hurting. He had had pre-existing ideas of what the Vault-dweller would be like in a fight and it was nothing like this. She had the reflexes of a trained killer, and as much as he had thought he would be the one protecting her, it was sometimes the other way around. He couldn’t count the number of times she had stimpak’d him mid-battle, just to turn and shoot his assailant in the face, as though it was nothing at all. 
The more they travelled together the more he fell for her. It wasn’t like him, John had always been a lone wolf, content with the occasional one nightstand. He had no problems finding lovers, even turning Ghoul hadn’t dampened his chances. The sexy King of the Zombies had no issues with the ladies. So why was he so hung up on the woman in a bright blue vault suit? 
It was one night, when they had stopped to make camp and he looked over at her sleeping form, that he fully understood, that what he felt wasn’t just simply lust, like usual. At first, it disturbed him, he wasn’t used to feeling like this, this intense feeling was scary. The womaniser in him denied these feeling of course and he told himself that the last thing she need was the love of a Ghoul. While he had never had trouble finding lovers, he knew that not all soft-skins were so inclined to his kind. He wasn’t sure he could take the rejection from her. He huffed to himself, she had turned him into a teenager again, nervous about asking out his first girl.  John Hancock was a confident flirt, never had he questioned himself before, but then never had he felt like this. She really was something else.  And yet he had never expected her to say what she did. 
He hadn’t expected the conversation to lead that way, he hadn’t even led it that way himself. He just simply wanted to let her know what a great friend she was, how impressed he was with her moral compass, deep down he wanted to be a little more like her. He felt it was only right that he shared, after all, she had been upfront since day one about her past, and what she was trying to do out here in the Commonwealth. But up until this point, he hadn’t really told her much about himself, only how he had become mayor and why he had wanted to leave. He had just wanted to share, to open up a bit. He hadn’t expected her to turn it on him like that. He had been telling her about what had happened at Diamond City. 
“I felt like I was the only one who saw how screwed up things truly were, who couldn’t just pretend things were fine. Still feel that way… or I did. Until I met you” He mentally scolded himself for that last part would she notice, question him. But she just kept listening politely, she hadn’t taken it for any more than just a declaration of admiration. No feelings attached. So with a smile, he continued. 
“I know I run my mouth, but having someone who sees the world for what it is and is willing to do something about it. It’s meant a lot to me. I feel damn lucky to have you as a friend.” 
“And that’s what we are? Friends?” the words had fallen from her mouth like they meant nothing, like she hadn’t just propositioned him. He couldn’t help the flutter that he felt in his stomach or that grin that spread across his face, he felt suddenly exposed, was she playing with him. But like aways, John use crude flirting and overconfidence to hide his nervousness. 
“Well, now that you mention it, I have been having slightly more impure thoughts than usual. Maybe we’ll get to…. act on those. Heh,” He had said to her. It wasn’t that he regretted saying it, after all, it was the truth. Watching her ass bounce in the vault suit, as she ran and few yards ahead of him as they travelled had undoubtedly been the inspiration for a few impure dreams. But did he want her to think that was all he had to offer? A few nights of passion on the road, just friends until they got into the bedroom. He wasn’t really sure what it was she wanted, maybe that was all she expected, after all, he did have a reputation. He told himself that with any other girl, especially one that looked like her, he would be happy. But as the days went past and he saw her save people who needed saving and take out those that threaten them, he knew he would never just been content with a sex only kinda deal. But it’s not like that had happened either since their talk nothing had happened. But it had been a tough few days, maybe she was simply worn out, he couldn’t blame. Or maybe it was all just meaningless flirting.  
“I’m off to bed, thanks for the drink Ben” she suddenly announced standing from her seat beside him, the settler nodded his head to her. She turned to John and bent down.
“Goodnight, Hancock,” she said sweetly before she placed a tender kiss to his cheek. He couldn’t help but turn his head and capture her lips. Just because she made him feel something new, didn’t mean he had forgotten all his moves. She squeaked with surprise at first but kissed him back nonetheless. He pulled away, shooting her his infamous grin. 
“You can call me John you know,” he told her and she smiled at him blushing pink. 
“Goodnight, John” she replied trying his name out and he smiled like a fool. No one called him that much anymore, but it sounded so sweet coming from her.
“Goodnight, Sunshine” he replied. His whole life he had been running but at that moment he knew, he could never run away from her.  
She stood fully and without another word headed off towards the small wooden shack that Ben had offered them for the night.  With his mind whirling he took off after her. He closed the door behind him and she looked up from where she was sat on one of the mattresses on the floor. She was going threw her pack, checking out ammo supplies and the like. 
“Hey, when you got time, I got something I still need you to hear,” he said as he perched himself in the rickety chair in the corner and pull the slightly smashed packet of cigarettes from his pocket. 
“Is everything alright?” she asked suddenly looking a little concerned. God, why did she have to look at him with those big beautiful eyes of hers? He took a breath.
“Oh yeah. Better than that. This is just… tricky” he began. Pushing the cigarette between his lips and lighting it. He offered her one silently and she took both the pack and lighter from him without a word, lighting the cigarette and taking a drag. 
He found himself opening up to her again, telling her things only he really knew. Things he hadn’t really told anyone.  How he felt inside, not about her but about himself. He needed to know she understood, that she saw him for who he really was. All his self-loathing out in the open, the real John Hancock on full display.  How he was just running away, with no real destination in mind. She hadn’t just listened to him spill his guts she had consoled him. 
“You may have run, but you always ran for a reason,” she told him with a nod of her head. Hearing her say something like that from her, was like a warm shower, washing away his insecurities, his worries. 
“Been trying to convince myself of that for a long time, but hearing that coming from someone like you…. I don’t know if you understand what that means to me,” he said with a smile which she returned. Again he took a breath.
“So, lemme get to the point. Throwing in with you has been the best decision I’ve ever made. It’s like I found a part of myself I never realised was missing…. Which happened sometimes when you’re a Ghoul” there he was joking again, protecting himself. 
“If I hadn’t taken up with you, I’d probably be in a gutter somewhere, getting gnawed on by Radroaches. You have been one hell of a friend” He had used that word strategically, he hadn’t forgotten the stolen kiss they had just had but he needed to test the waters. 
“Have you ever thought about us as maybe more than just friends?” she said her face serious. Was she testing him too? 
“Heh. It that obvious? But come on. You don’t want to wake up to this mug every morning. Never wish that on anyone I cared for.” it was honest, there were no sexual undertones, no joking. He was checking, he knew he could charm the pants off most girls in the Commonwealth but this was more than that, he wanted to check he hadn’t made a mistake. 
“Who I fall for is my decision. And I’ve fallen for you” she admitted with a smile and he swallowed hard. 
“Wouldn’t expect that kind of lapse in judgement from you. But I guess that works out for me then, doesn’t it?” he joked, mentally he scolded himself he should have told her how he felt. What she meant to him. But she giggled at his joke and he couldn’t help but smile. 
“Heh. Moments like this, I know all that karma stuff is bull. Because no one like me should be this lucky.“ he said looking down at the lit cigarette in his hand, the long line of ash waiting to be flicked off. 
Her hand entered his peripheral vision and he looked towards her. She had thrown her cigarette away and she was holding her hand out towards him. He threw his cigarette out the hole in the shack wall and took her hand. She pulled him to sit in front of her. Her beautiful eyes staring into his soul.  
“Look John, I know you joke to protect yourself. But I’m going to be honest now” she said and he blinked his heart beating out of his chest, she was going to tell him that he meant nothing to her. 
“When I said I fallen for you” she began, he knew what was coming”
“I really meant it” she breathed holding his hand a little tighter. He let out a breath he hadn’t know he was holding. She meant it?
“I love you, more than I’ve ever loved anyone before,” she said and he smiled so brightly it hurt his cheeks.
“I love you too, Sunshine,” he said and she smiled.
“But I want to check what that means to you. What I mean is, I don’t one-night stands or friends with benefits. I’m either in all the way or not at all.  So what do you say?” she said her voice far less confident than he was used to hearing from her. Had she been having all the same thoughts as him? God, he was a fool. 
“You don’t know how happy you make me, saying stuff like that. With you, I’ve found the person I was meant to be with. My missing piece. I don’t want to ever be without you. So you wanna make this thing official?” he asked and she smiled so brightly he could feel the warmth of it. 
Without a word, she leant forward and captured his lips in a kiss he wouldn’t ever forget. It was passion-filled but loving, with a swift movement he pushed her back so she was lying, her back on the mattress and he hovered above her. He looked down at her grinning like a teenager, who had just seen his first boob. She giggled before she leant up and captured his lips in another loving kiss. 
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liums · 3 years
Leona x Reader (ft.vargas camp event)
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Important information-  y/n is female but is pretending to be male.
Context- This happens in a timeline where when Yuu (aka y/n or mc) arrived to the NRC, since it was an all boys school, Crowley asked y/n to pretend to be male and keep it a secret.
 In Leona’s version, he found out when a teacher made him go check on y/n because “he” did’t show up in class.(Ruggie was too busy to go) When Leona arrived and knocked, since no one awnsered he just entered anyway lol. He saw a bunch of bandages on the floor and when he found y/n in a room, even if he saw y/n with unuasual long hair, he called and when y/n turned arround, Leona saw you were naked from waist up, with exemption of a bra....he was as shocked as he could be, and just turned arround and left. Y/n ran after him while dressing a shirt, explained the situation and he agreed to keep it a secret with a “What a pain I have gotten myself into” while rubbing his neck. (this happened after Jamil overblot and the two of you had a “I don’t mind his company ” relationship)
Now, with the story:
It was the end of the first day one and every club had just returned to the camp, exausted by the harduous day of challenges, ones more than others, since some didn’t even raise a finger. Y/n and Grim however were having their share of fun, they weren’t allowed to participate in the challanges, but recording such good memories with their friends was very fun.
  Y/n was reviewing the photos that were taken during the first day while Vargas was speaking with everyone. Just as you and grim were wondering where you two would sleep, professor Vargas came over and explained he was going to sleep in the Dawrfs hut and both of you would sleep in a tent next to it. 
Grim and you had just settled inside and were about to change to comfy clothes to sleep when you noticed the inside of your bandages were all sweaty, well that was to expect after such a day. After wiping the sweat you still felt the need to take a bath, most obviously you wouldn’t  ask vargas to take a bath in the hut due to certain circunstances.... You were thinking about what to do when you remembered there was a lake nearby, and it had a small and clean beach so it was secure...decided, you glanced one last time to check if Grim was asleep, picked a small bag with a spare of clothes and a small towel you brought, and left the tent.
On the camp site Leona had just left to his tent, leaving Ruggie and the other members of the Magift club discussing who would stand watch and look after the fire. He was lying down trying to sleep when he felt a familliar scent. The noise outside was preventing him from sleeping, so he might as well just go check what the hell you were up to this time.
 He migh not admit it, but since the Octavinelle Incident, more specifically, since you had threatened him (when mc threatened making noise every morning outside of Leona’s room if he didn’t help them), he had grown an interest in you, and by now he really didn’t mind your company or when you showed up in the gardening house when he was napping, or even when you sat down next to him. Actually, it seemed that he slept better when you were there. But he would never admit this.
Leona quietly left the tent and went in the direction of the forest where he felt your scent. Leona had light feet and walking at night in the forest was almost as easy as it was during the day, so he reached you pretty quickly. 
You were walking steadly but slow, walking in a forest at night really wasen’t one of your skills, you almost tripped a few times. Of course Leona was nearby just watching the whole thing from behind with that smirk of his, he was even eating an apple, he was wondering how come you didn’t ear him. 
Well anyway, after a while he grew tired of seeing you strugle, and finally aproached you. He had just lightly touched your shoulder and calling you”Herbi-” but he couldn’t finish because you jumped from the sudden touch, screamed high enough to make Leona turn his ears backwards, and were about to trow a punch to whatever had just touched you when Leona caught your fist midair with ease. “Tsk, why so damn lound” he said while rubbing his temple with his free hand.
“Le-Leona?? Why are you here?” You had just finished your sentence when you saw his green eyes narrowing a bit, and it finally came to you you had tried to punch Leona Kingscholar. Your face went white in a matter of seconds, it’s not like you were afraid of him, you could say your relationship had reached the level of friendship more or less, but this was pushing the boundaries quite a bit!
 You quickly retreated your fist, who was still in Leona’s warm hand, and apologized “Ah-! I’m so sorry Leona!! It was a reflex!”.  Much to your surprise, Leona didn’t do anything and just crossed his arms “So? what are you doing at this time of night in a forest?”  
“Ah- I was.. heading to the lake...” you shifted your gaze to other side while scratching your cheek and smilling awkwardly. It’s not like you were lying to him, but you didn’t really want to say you were going to take a bath.  Leona concluded you probably had run out of water and didnt think more about it. You were thinking about what to say next, when Leona just started walking and passed by you. “Hmm, Leona? Where are you going?”you asked.
He didn’t even bother to turn arround and said “You are going to the lake right? hurry now or you will get left behind”. 
Uncounsciously you hurried to his side “You didn't ’t really have to come....”you said only hearing a “hmnn” coming from him. 
And maybe due to the shock you suffered a while ago or to the fact you were distracted by Leona’s presence, it still didn’t hit you that his presence migh make your task of taking a bath a tad more difficult. And when it did, you hurried to say “ Leona, you should really go back, I don’t want to take any more of your sleeping hours....” you really enjoyed his presence, but you really really hoped he went back.
“Now that we are already here its a bit late” He rubbed his head. He was right, you two had already reached the lake. You were taking in the beautiful scene of the lake and the moon reflecting on it when Leona spoke up “We don’t have all night” he was now leaned against some rock, and honestly he looked stunning in the moonlight with those emerald green eyes of his, but this was not the moment to be thinking about this!  You gave a few steps forward but stopped and looked at Leona “Could you..could you turn arround?” you shyly asked, your face with a light shade of red.
“Hm? What’s the problem of me staying here” he moved one of his hands to his hip and tilted his head a bit waiting for you to awnser.
 This time you couldn’t really look at him at all, you stiffened your shoulders a bit and finally said “I came to take a bath” In a voice so low Leona almost had trouble hearing it.
He looked a bit anoyed now “Ah?Then again what is the prob-” Leona stopped mid-sentence when it came to him. He had actually forgotten. He massaged his temple with his eyes closed and said ”I will be over there” and left to behind a strocture of rocks a bit farther away. 
You muttered a “Thank you...” and went towards the shore. 
There. you began by removing tha bandages arround your chest, and then the shirt you had used during the day whole day, you kept your pants since you just really needed to clean the sweat in your upper body. You emersed a towel in the water and when you finally felt the clean water of the lake in your skin, you let out a heavy sigh. 
On the other side was Leona, leaned against a rock, backwards to you. To anyone who saw him it would look he was sleeping, but he was actually dwelling on what had just happened. After he had found out and agreed to keep it to himself he did think about it for a while, but at that time you two were no more than aquaintances who meet a lot and sometimes went to classes together, so in the end, your situation had slipped to the back of his mind. He had a frown on his face but it wasent out of anoyance, but rather due to his own actions up until now. 
Leona was thinking about how the hell he had grown comfortable arround you recently when his eyes shot open by a splash sound and a high pitched scream coming from your direction. He got up and was ready to complain about the noise and about how come you fell in place with only sand ,when he heard that sound that had been perturbing his sleep the whole day. fairies. They were nothing to him, but you were a human, a non- magical one at that, so leona just made a tsch and prepared to dispose of them.
“Ah, what a pain” he said to the air while going to take them out. “Herbivore you stay.....”  
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You were already dressed, but soaked from head to toe and with an unsetling expression Leona had never seen you doing, he would be making a smug face while mocking you if he warent too busy scaring that water fairy to death with his glare only. "Scram" he didn't scream, nor use an aggressive tone, but the way he said it had an imposing and superior aura.
And the fairy probably felt he would squeeze her to death next because she flew away in a blink of an eye. He was still making a mixed expression of anger and anoyance when he turned to you. “Thank you Leona, they came out of nowhere” You were trying to wipe away the water from your clothes , and only noticed Leona’s expression when you looked at him “Ah.” You looked troubled “Did I...did I perhaps wake you just now?” Anyone who spend more than 5 minutes with Leona would know how much he liked sleeping, and in your point of view, you were preventing him from sleep by having him acompany you to the lake.
Seeing your troubled expression made Leona get more at ease, and his brows weren't frowning anymore “Now it dosen’t matter, does it” he said while rubbing one of his ears.
 You were still doing your best to get most of the water off your clothes, but this didn’t go unnoticed by you “Have I hurt your ears too?” Your voice was now in its normal tune, sweeter, since now you didn’t need to pretend being male.
“Two times in a single night is too much, no?”He retreated his hand and returned it to his pocket. 
“The first time was your fault though....”You looked to the side and had a troubled smile on your face “But I apologize, sorry”.
 Leona analized your expression and half serious said “You don’t look so sorry however” he started rubbing his chin and curved a little to match more your height “What will you do to compensate me?”. With this statement you looked away and let out a troubled, very fake half laugh  “Ahahaha......”
Leona enjoyed seeing you troubled, more than he did the others, but in a good teasing way “*sigh*you should start thinking about drying yourself herbivore”. 
Oh don’t you say, It’s not as if you weren’t trying!!! “How come I didn’t think about that” you said while squezing your hair to get most of the water out of it. 
Now that Leona thought about it, this was the first time he saw you with long hair after that one day, and even if uncounsciously, he couldn’t bring himself to stop looking. “W- what? is it so weird I have long hair?” you had now cleaned most of the water off yourself, and Leona didn’t help one bit.
(Normally, you do your hair in a specific way so it looks short even though its long, i took that idea from Lucina from FE, i’ll drop a picture of how the hair is done at the end)
“What a problematic thing I have gotten myself into...” Despite seeming he was complaining about coming along with you to the lake, he was refering to spending time with you in general, somehow you were the kind of person who sooner or later would get involved in the most weird problems, and it seemed this time you had dragged him with you. 
However despite complaining, Leona had began enjoying your company for a while now. It had even reached the point that seeing you two napping side by side in the botanical garden was frequent. No one dared mentioning it though.
You noticed your bandages floating in the water "*Sigh....* it seems I cant use these anymore" you looked pitifully at the drenched bandages you picked up.
"Just use another shirt as a chest binder. If you hang it tightly enough it will have the same effect" Leona said as if this was the most normal situation in the world. 
You looked at him for a second "that is actually pretty smart you know" and proceded to do as he had suggested. After finishing and seeing how it looked you let out a pleased ‘hum’ sound and said “As expected of the great Leona!” you made a few moviments to see if it was comfortable and turned to him with both hands on your hips and a confident look  “So, how does it look??” 
Leona made an over exagerated expression as if the was thinking hard and made a “hmmm” sound for a long time just to keep you waiting. “Leonaaa!!” you cried, he intended to keep his teasing but after looking at your face again he noticed despite having a smile, you looked scared, afraid of something.
 No normal person would be able to see this, not even Deuce or Ace could, but after having you bugging him for so long, Leona had started getting more aware of things like this, so he stopped and let out a sigh of defeat. Honestly, only y/n to make leona give up his teasing.
“No one will notice” he said with a rare reassuring tone while tapping you on the shoulder. 
Hearing this, you let out the air you were unconsciously keeping on your chest. ”...thank you”. With that, you seemed more relieved, you really did trust Leona’s judgement huh. 
“Heh, if you are really that thankfull then next time you go to the botanic garden bring me food” Well, that seemed fair enough, you thought, but then a smug grin grew on his face “Actually no... that dosen’t seem enough to compensate my great effort.”
“Oh no...” you thought. At this point you could only prepare for what was to come. Leona could get tyranical at times with his requests, but he should have mercy on you......right?
After a dramatical pause, Leona continued “Next time my brother trows that furball of a nephew to me, you, my dear herbivore, will be so kind to take care of him for me”. What? That cute angelic cub? You saw no problem at all. At least on him you could release your hidden desires of petting lions ears. But looking at Leona, he really did look overjoyed he could get rid of Cheka next time he came visit. You couldn’t possibly ruin his moment by saying you would love to take care of his nephew, that would ruin part of his joy, so you just went along.
 You were going to start talking again when the wind blew strong, Leona had his super comfy looking camping coat, but you? In your still humid clothes it felt way colder than it actually was.
Meanwhile Leona had already went to pick up your bag ”Herbivore!” but as you turned to him, you saw only black ”Catch!”. You ‘eh’ed and expected your bag hitting you hard on the face, but next thing you knew, a fluffy warm feeling hovered over you.
After roaming arround with your hands you were able to take the ‘thing’ from your head, your hair was now a mess, but your eyes lit up when you saw that in your hands was Leona’s camping coat.
You probably spent a while looking at it, because Leona said “You gonna stay there eating my coat with your eyes, or you gonna return to the camp”. And when you looked at him again, he was already heading to the woods with your bag in hand.
“I’m going Leona, i’m going. wait for me!” you said while you hurried to his side and tried to put in the coat in a very sloppy way. You didn’t notice, but he was looking at the scene with a smug smirk. And by the time you had reached him, somehow, you managed to dress it wrongly.
“You know, I’m not an expert, but i’m pretty much sure that’s not how you dress a coat” He said while examining the way you had dressed it. “*sigh* come here”.
Leona then fixed the coat’s sleeve and helped you dressing it correctly while mumbling something about herbivores being too dependent.
You two were basically half way back to the camp, and you weren’t already there because you kept on misplacing your foot and almost falling, plus, the way back was upwards and it was dark. 
You had misplaced your food at least 30 times now, and in way too many of those, you had to grab Leona’s shirt so you wouldnt fall. And for someone who enjoyed their personal space, he didn’t seem to mind too much. 
You did try to avoid doing that as much as you could, but, just like now, you really had no other option if you wanted to avoid falling, so for the sake of your face staying off the ground, you grabed Leona’s shirt hem again.This time, with quite a lot of streight, and when you looked up, the first thing you saw was Leona’s ears turned backwards and he turning to you.
“Oi, don’t pull the hem of my clothes just because you have bad footing” (yet again I cannot decribe his expression properly, so I just drop an image of it, here) 
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.(yes i edited it to match night time)
Tsk tsk, it’s not like you could help it! it was dark! and the ground was irregular as hell! and you didn’t have a tail or godamn cat eyes! And the coat was so big on you couldn’t even move properly your arms! And it even had his scent! 
Well, that last one wasen’t really aproblem, actually you were quite pleased with it, but you were running out of things to complain about!
This venting was only half hearted though, you were really comfy and warm due to the coat Leona lended you, plus it had his scent all over it, and even if it looked huge on you, it was quite the cute sight, and even Leona thought it, but that aint ever coming out of his mouth.
You were still trowing half hearted insults at the situation when a ‘oh’ sound came from him, and you uncounciously looked at him. Big mistake, since he had a ever so smug expression “Or perhaps....can it be that you are scared?” his smirk widened even more , if that was even possible, and he had a hand supporting his chin.
And this was it, you could almost feel a vein poping on your forehead “Who is scared??? you say that because you have good night vision and a fluffy tail to maintain your equilibrium!” you pounted and went pass trough him without caring anymore. 
It was very rarely you had these little outbursts, so Leona felt pround he was able to stir up one and was enjoying the situation the best way he could: with his eyebrows up, a smug smile, both hands on his hips and ready to tease you more.
You were still walking forward, and Leona was still talking, but all you could hear was ‘bla bla bla’ in your head. So when he stopped and said “wait, there’s a-
You were too late to realise there was a huge root in front of you, and triped over it, you quicly used your hands to protect your head and brace yourself for the impact.
That never came, because as we can expect, when you opened your eyes you were still mid fall, and there was an arm arround your stomach supporting you. “That’s why you should listen to me herbivore, why are you always giving me work” He said while massaging his temples, his arm still around you.
Now realizing how childish your small tantrum was, and how much of an help he had been, you were more composed “You didn’t need to catch me...” you said in low voice, now looking at the ground you would be in if not for him catching you.
“Ah? What crap are you saying now? after all the work I went trough, if you get full of dirt now it will all be for nothing” He looked a bit annoyed, but just like your insults earlier, it was half hearted.
And after lecturing you, Leona finally let go of you after assuring you were steady on the ground, “Let’s go now” he began walking again, only to stop moments after, for some reason his ears were a bit down ”Next time just grab my shirt again or something”. Despite looking uninterested, he was actually waiting for your reply, more specifically, you thanking him.
So he couldn’t help but look back when he heard you saying “Leona...” in such a sweet tone. Though what he was not expecting to see when he turned back, was a lock of your h/c hair stuck in a three branch. “My hair is stuck...”  you said with a voice of someone who still had a lot to lose, but needed help regardless.
Leona however, had the look of someone who was not paid enough to handle this, but it’s not like he could leave you there, so yet again while lecturing you on how herbivores should be careful, he helped you.
While he was, doing it more carefully than he would have with anyone else, trying to free your hair lock from the tree branch and telling you multiple times to stay still, you couldn’t help but wonder, a sad look now in your face.
“Hey Leona...” you began while facing the ground. Receiving a “Hah? what is it now?” from him. You were glad he was behing you, and you were facing the ground, because the look in your face was probably really pityfull. “Do you really not mind...?” You began stroking your hands with your thumb in a nervous way “you know, me being....” You really tried to finish the sentence, but Leona cut you off  “It’s not like it makes any difference is it? Why the question”
You thanked he couldn’t see you, or else he would have noticed your trembling hands. You valued a lot the bound you had with Leona, more than he could imagine. Ever since you arrived at NRC you felt you didn’t belong ,out of place, but when you were with him...that feeling disappeared.  You were really afraid this could affect your relationship, so hearing him say this, did reasure you a lot. “No particular reason, i was just asking haha-Ouch!” 
You felt a pitch in your head, but your hair was already free. “Next time don’t be this reckless” Leona scolded you. Did he just flick you.
“Did you just flick me”
“Got a problem with it? If possible I would like to reach my tent tonight” He was already walking again, just a bit slowler so you could easily reach him, and it was not like you could do anything againt him so while you massaged the spot, you just picked your pace and headed to the camp together.
You two had finally reached the camp, more specifically, Leona’s tent. “Oh, we are here...I should get going, thanks for coming with me” you gave him a small smile, and began walking away.
“Oi, aren’t you forgetting something?” You looked back to find Leona with his arms crossed looking at you. Only then came to your mind that you were still wearing his comfy outdoors coat. At the realization you quickly tooke it off and hand it to him, feeling a bit sad you could no longer feel his scent. “Here you go, then I will be off, good night Leona, see you tomorrow” you gave him another warm smile he so much apreciated and walked off again.
However, had you not walked 3 meters Leona spoke up again “Herbivore, come here” You wondered what could he want, so you turned to him again, and as soon as you did, he continued. “Sleep in my tent”. He had a calm expression and said it with the most normality ever, yet you were only able to let out a ‘eh?’ sound before he resumed. “It’s not like we haven’t slept together in the botanical garden before, and I doubt you are down to spend the night near that bastard. He dosent know, does he” On this last part he put a hand on his hip and gestured with the other, as if he knew he was right. Wich he was.
You instantanly knew the ‘bastard’ he was refering to, was your teacher, since he always adressed him that way. “Well...you are right...” That was the reason you had gone to the lake in the first place. 
But before you had the time to actually awnser his question he made a smug smirk and spoke again. ”Plus, won’t it be better to have the real thing instead of just my scent in a coat?” he said jokingly, yet again trying to styr up a reaction, but instead of doing that, you looked away a bit flustered. ‘Have I been caught?’ you thought while laughing nervously.
Seeing this, his eyes widened a bit and Leona’s own cheeks became a little red too and he hurried to say “Anyway, I’ll go sleep. Don’t make noise when you come in” And he headed inside, You hadn’t even agreed to his offer! But for some reason, you said “Wait, I’m going in too!”  And went in after him.
His tent could bear 2 people and still have plenty of space left, however, as expected there was only one cushion. And of course the great Leona wouldn’t give up on his sleeping place, and this was his tent after all, and since you didn’t want to impose yourself on his space, you just went to the corner and setled yourself on the bare ground of the tent.
Leona was busy setling himself to sleep, so he didn’t notice you doing this right away, but when he, did a small frown appeared on his face. “Oi Herbivore, do you really plan on sleeping on the ground? Hurry up and come over already” after saying this he moved a bit to the side as if to show you there was enough space for both of you in the cushion. 
Well, you were already inside and it was too late to back away, and it was defenitively better than sleeping on the ground, you just never thought he would give up on his personal space this much. Lately he did let you stay really close to him in the botanical garden, and there was this one time his tail was even touching you, but....was this really ok?? 
You knew Leona enjoyed his space so you were a bit nervous, but it went away as soon as you laid down on the comfy culshion and he turned to the other side while pulling the blanket to cover himself. “Finally some peace and quiet...” he said before going silent again.
You covered yourself as well, and even if you were a bit tense, as you looked at the top of the tent, and felt Leona-s warmth beside you, you slowly became drownsy “...hey Leona...?” there was no awnser but you went on anyway, probably due to the sleepiness taking over you. “I’m grad it was you who found out...” and finally, you fell asleep. 
If he heard you or not? Well, we will never really know.
*This could end here, but I decided there wasent enough bounding nor fluff*
It was now arround 2 or 3 am, and the night became colder, you weren’t awake, but it did bother you, so you moved a bit more towards the midle of the culshion trying to escape the cold, settling only when you met some warmth, a nice one at that.
Leona never had problems falling asleep, this time was no exeption, he had fallen asleep seconds after he had covered himself. But it was a bit hard not to wake up when something, or rather someone was snugling onto your back. Even though his eyes shot open the moment he felt you, he didn’t move or speak, since he could tell you were asleep by the sound of your breath. Well it really was cold, and he knew he was hot, (take this in the way you want XD)  so he couldn’t blame you.
Instead, he waited some minutes to assure you wouldn’t wake up, and then turned to you. You were peacefully sleeping turned to him, with your hands clutshed together in your chest and your h/l (hair lenght) h/c hair all messy. He had a hand supporting his head while looking at your peacefull sleeping image. 
During the times you fell asleep beside him in the botanical garden you looked nothing like this, at those times you looked more composed, as if you had a wall arround you, your hair looked way shorter too, but also...in none of those times you looked as vulerable and comfortable as now, it was like he couldn’t take his gaze away from you, greedly taking in all he never could. As a matter of fact, he even fell asleep like that.
You were still asleep, but the morning rays of light began bathing the tent making the inside getting brighter and disturbing your sleep. Of course, as any person who was awake until lord knows how late, you shut your eyes tighter and tried your best to sink further in the blankets. Fortunately for you, you didn’t need to move much, since something was now sheltering you from the sunlight, and much to your pleasure, whatever it was, it was really warm too, wich made you cling onto it even more. 
After you began to regain a bit of counsciousness, you felt something heavy hovering over you, and your pillow felt a bit harder too...only after a while did you notice this wasen’t normal, and slowly opened your eyes, afraid of the morning light hurting them, but you only saw darkness, only after trying to understand the situation did you start feeling soft breathing on top of your head, and a familar scent came to your nose. You did try to pull away to see what was happening, but you only got pulled closer, now concious, you felt two arms tighttening arround you.
When you finally managed to join the pieces together, your face reddned at an incredible speed, and a “Leona..?” scaped your lips, realising what you had just done, you quicly covered your mouth with your hands, hoping he didn’t listen. However some seconds after, he made a low and deep growl, as he so many times did when you had to wake him for class, exept you had never been this close when he did it.
Honestly? From a 3rd person view, it it looked like a lion holding his prey, and it sure felt the same to you!. I mean, holy- the man was strong! you tried to get free from his grasp multiple times, but he didnt even flinch! You needed to get out of there, and fast, you were a blushing mess, and out of everyone, Leona was the last person you wanted to see you like this, he wouldn’t let you go without mocking you about it every hour .So when he began moving again you froze on the spot.
Leona began by closing his eyes thighter, as if trying to deny the morning sunlight. With his eyes still closed, he stretched his neck and afterwards tried to do the same with his arms, but seeing he was unable to, he opened his eyes with much relutancy only to see a Y/n under his grasp.  He was quite surprised at first, and if you weren’t so embarassed, you migh have noticed the small blush that appeared on Leona’s cheeks, but such a surprised expression was quickly replaced with his usual smugness. 
”Hmmmm....Look at what a small herbivore has been caught...” You felt his jade eyes sharply looking at you, but you refused to meet his gaze. “L-Leona I..I have to go” you said. Now that he was awake there was no need to be carefull, you simply got up, and tried to leave the tent. Seeing this, Leona quickly called you “Wait y/-” only to be interruped by a sharp pain and you triping and falling.
Despite being awake for just a short while, you were quick enough to use your arms so you wouldn’t fall face on. You and Leona let pain growls out, and looking at eachother afterwards, you noticed what made you fall. On your right leg, there was something wraped around your ankle.
You had now the most complicated expression you had in a while “......Is that....your tail?” you crouched down and looked at it closer “Did...did you really just wrap your tail arround my ankle?”  You thought of touching it, but he would get angry so you ignored your desire to do it. 
Leona was still rubbing his lower back, and only then did he look at you “Ha?What are you saying, of couse I didn’t” He had a small frown, but his voice didn’t have any ill intent.
“It is-” You didn’t even finish your sentence, Leona had already wnraped his tail. He semed to be somewhat sulking. This however made a sweet yet mischievous smile grow on your face. You thought he was just messing with you, but...he clearly hadn’t intended in getting his tail wrapped arround you. Did this mean..earlier when he had his arms around you, he really wanted you close?? 
Either way, you couldn’t let a flustered Leona scape so easily, it was your time to have fun. “Hmmmm... I wonder how did this tail get arround my ankle then...” you said while you sat on the couch and faked being thinking hard about it. ”Could it possibly be that the great Leona-san does actually enjoy my company?” you pointed at yourself while your eyes were closed and went closer while a smug smirk grew wider on your face. “..Ah! Will you purr for me nex-”. 
What happened now was too fast for you to say anything, but next time you knew, you were in Leona’s grasp again. “Shut up”. You were both laid on the couch again, but this time your back was on his chest, and he was hugging you closer from behind. ”You are anoying” he said in a low voice while he tried to get comfortable on the pillow, nudging his nose a little on your hair while doing it. 
So, this was so sudden you were no longer working at all, your eyes were wide open and “??????” was all that was in your mind for some good 6 whole seconds. Only then did you regain your rationality, and you had to admit, this was pretty soothing if you thought about it...having him embracing you, it really was comfortable...and his warm breath slowly hitting the back of your head... maybe...a little...”just a ...little... longer then...” and you drifted off to sleep once more. Leona who was already half asleep himself was only able to muster a  “...good” and clinging more to you, his tail rested now atop of you, he drifted off too.
~6 minutes later~
“!????!!??” Your eyes shot open because of the lound noise, and afraid someone would come in, you tried to get up and leave as fast as you could. However, before even being able to sit, you were pushed back to the place you were before “Stay” Leona said with a sleepy voice, his eyes not open yet. 
“Leona..! wake up..!!” you cried while trying to move him.
Hearing the call to wake everyone, you looked in the direction of the tent entrance. Meanwhile Leona let out a  small growl of protest while finally letting go of you and sitting on the couch “No one is going to some in” he finally said while massaging his temples because of the lound noise, his ears a bit turned back.
Hearing that did reasure you, and looking so relaxed as he did, it was hard not to believe him, though it was leona who we were talking about so....
You were looking at him with the helpless expression of someone who knows it’s a lost cause. Though as soon as he noticed you looking at him he said with the still narrowed eyes of someone who just woke up from a pleasant sleep and a grin growing by the day, his fangs now showing  “hmn, like what you see?”he said, stretching afterwards.
You just let a “mhum, right” and stood up “That one is getting old Leona”. Just as you had devoleped the habit of always going to the botanical garden to see him, recently, he too, had devoloped this tendency of showing off and praising himself everytime he woke up and you were there. So you were quite used to it by now.
You streached and picked up your bag, and noticing he was looking at you as well, and turning back to him “And you? Enjoyed having this ‘herbivore’ as an hostage?” you said jokingly. Leona, still laid down, with his hand supporting his head, smirking tenderly yet smugly at the same time ”If I remember correctly, the ‘herbivore’ entered the lion’s den by it’s own will”. 
Not having a way to argue back, you changed the subject “I really should get going now.” You said while quickly looking arround to check if you didn’t leave anything behind. And as you were going to exit, Leona grabed your wrist “For someone being so carefull the whole night, you sure can be reckless” He released your wrist and you looked at him with a confused expression, seeing this, he let out a sigh  “You sure you want to get out with your hair like that?”.
Your face went blank for a split second at the sudden realisation you had lost your hair elastics at the lake last night. What were you gonna do? Seeing this, Leona shook his head slowly as if asking himself why did it sometimes felt like he was babysitting you, and more importantly, why did he actually enjoy it. “Here” he said while taking off his own hair elastic and handing it to you. “I don’t have another one, but this should solve the problem until you reach your tent”
Receiving his hair elastic in your hands, your eyes were sparking with thankfullness. Quickly, but nimbly you did your hair in a similar way you always did. Finished, you swiftly left, but not one step later you turned to him again. You had an earnest look in your eyes “....Thank you Leona, for everything. Imean it” you finished with a small smile on you. Leona was going to say something along the lines ‘You should, I don’t usually put this much effort, I expect you to pay me back’ , but you went to him and did the impensable.
You were going to leave, but before you turned completely to the exit, you turned back to Leona again, and walking rapidly towards him, and without thinking twice, you hugged him. Despite being friendly with everyone, you had never done this before, nor to him, nor to anyone since you had arrived to the NRC (I’m sorry if you are a hugs person).
 Needless to say, even Leona was speechless during the whole thing, its not like just anyone could try to hug him, much less being allowed to, there was only Cheka, but that was a special case. 
 That being said, this was so unexpected that even when you let go of him, exited swiftly and without looking back, he still had his jade green eyes wide, only regaining his senses several seconds later. A deep blush formed on his cheeks, you had quite the audacity for a magicless herbivore who saw what he was capable of with his magic....though he dosen’t dislike it when you do it...
He thought just before leaving the tent for the morning meeting.
-E N D-
I can’t believe it took me so much time to finish a one shot... I wanted it to be small but it turned out with 5k words.... I can’t control myself haha...
anyway, I dont own Leona or any of the Twisted wonderland characters, only my oc, this is only  a fanfic therefore not canon.
The art was drawn by me and I will apreciate if you followed me on instagram or Twitter if you liked it.
Liums twitter
Liums instagram
Let me know if you like this kind story, where I shift a bit the already existing one.
here is the pic I mentioned :
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(Didn’t draw this one)
BTW requests are open 
Also, add me if u want uwu
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162 notes · View notes
asciendo · 3 years
Ember Island
Went through my old laptop and found a few Zuko drabbles i wrote years ago!
 Still thinking if i should post the rest so, let me know and comments are appreciated! 
Inspired by Zuko and Mai's fight in the Ember Island Episode but of couse, with the reader! 
The gang was stationed in Zuko’s ancestral home in Ember Island. It was a huge mansion with rooms for everyone. You were sharing a room with Zuko as the both of you have been dating the past few months after both of you joined Team Avatar. Zuko joined when he left the Fire Nation to help Aang and you were rescued along with Suki from the Boiling Rock. Your father was a high-ranking Fire Nation general that left after disagreeing with the inhumane ways of Fire Lord Ozai. You were captured when you tried to steal food from a Fire Nation camp for the refugees you and your family were hiding with. Zuko recognized you from the jail and rescued you and a little while after, the two of you began dating.
Everything was going smoothly, until the gang reached Ember Island. As soon as you arrived on the beach, Zuko became cold. He gave a half-hearted tour of his old house. While the gang was ecstatic on how huge it was, Zuko remained unbothered the whole time.
“Are you alright?” you asked him, resting your hand on his shoulder. “I’m fine.” He was staring out the window with no expression in his face.
He remained the same the days after. You’d try to talk to him but he’d shrug it off. The only form of response you got from him was at night, when you’d be asleep then suddenly feel arms snake around your waist. Katara would ask you if anything happened with him and you’d explain how he was fine until we arrived on the island.
“I don’t know...he won’t talk to me.” You sighed as you and Katara sat on the balcony. “Well, it obviously has to do with his family being back here and everything...” she looked at with you concern as it was obvious that Zuko’s behavior was taking a toll on you. “He’s so used to keeping his feelings to himself and afraid of being vulnerable, I don’t blame him though after everything but...”
“It’s hard.” Katara finished and you nodded.
Zuko’s cold behavior turned to snappiness and anger. The slightest inconvenience would make him angry. When you ran out of the tea he liked he threw a fit. The time you accidentally moved his robe after his shower and he couldn’t find it, he was in a bad mood the whole day.
Zuko’s attitude hasn’t gotten better and you were tired of it. No matter how many times you asked, he’d insist he was fine. It was like an ending guessing game. Your demeanor around Zuko changed as well as you replied to his nonchalant responses with sarcasm and eye rolls. This caused numerous fights and bickering between the two of you. Zuko sensed your distance and tried to somewhat make amends by bringing you tea in the morning although still in his cold behavior.
He’d try to hold you at night but you refused, angry at his erratic behavior. One moment he’s yelling at you for a robe, the next he’s trying to make amends by giving you a flower or trying to hold you. It was sweet but you were tired of trying to guess which Zuko you were waking up next to, the sweet and caring one you knew, or the angry and short-fused Zuko you’ve been experiencing.
The gang decided to go to the local carnival dressed in Fire Nation clothes. Everyone was excited to finally have some fun after months of training.
It was huge with hundreds of booths with games, rides, and variety shows. Zuko won a stuffed monkey in one of the booths and walked up to you. “You want this?” he asked you with no expression. You were annoyed at how it seemed like it was such a task to win you that toy and how it felt like he was forced to do so. “No.” you stated which caused Zuko to grunt and throw the toy on the ground.
The gang was surrounding a large arcade game where you had to shoot fire from two buttons to the target. “What’s this?” Zuko asked. “A game Zuko, we’re in an arcade what do you think it is.” You rolled your eyes. Zuko huffed then tried to play it. He ended up losing and burning the whole thing up.
“Hey we should get out of here before we get caught!” Sokka exclaimed and the group left.
The next day, the gang decided to hit the beach. Sokka and Suki were playing in the water, Katara was practicing her bending and Aang and Toph were building sandcastles. You and Zuko were relaxing under an umbrella just watching the sunset. Suddenly, he tapped your shoulder and there was a shell in your face. You stared at him then at him, he had a slight smile almost pleading. “This is for you.” He moved the shell in front of your face.
“What am I gonna do with that?”
“Don’t girls like this stuff?” he asked you, “Maybe stupid girls.” You rolled your eyes and looked away from him. “FORGET IT!” Zuko threw the shell across the beach,
He huffed then stood and left. Zuko came back with two ice cream cones but when he offered you one, you felt a cold scoop on your lap. There was ice cream all over you and there was a frozen Zuko staring at you waiting for your reaction. “Great, refreshing.” you rolled your eyes and left.
“Come on, it was an accident!” he called but you kept walking.
Some local Fire Nation teenagers invited Sokka to a house party and the gang decided to go.
Aang was dancing in front, Katara was giggling at him, Toph was dragging her feet as she didn’t wan to go to the party, Sokka and Suki walked hand in hand after them. You and Zuko walked behind in silence, the both of you not looking at each other.
You got to the party and the gang dispersed on their own. You weren’t feeling like socializing so you slumped on the couch at the end of the room. Zuko sat next to you but you two sat in silence. “I’ll get us some punch.” He announced and walked off.
Scanning the room, you didn’t see the gang anywhere. You began to daydream while waiting for Zuko to come back.
A voice broke your thoughts as you looked up to see a tan muscular boy stand in front of you. “Hey, I’m Lee.”
“Hi.” You pretended to be interested in your fingernails as you weren’t in the mood for small take. “What’s your name?”
“Ma-li” you almost said your real name, which could cause problems for the gang.
“Mali? Interesting name.” he winked. You smiled blankly as you wanted him to leave but he wasn’t moving.
“Soooo...what are you doing here alone?” he tried to walk closer to you but suddenly, there was a hand grabbing his shoulder.
“She’s not alone.” Zuko grumbled behind him. Zuko then threw Lee to the side of the room that Lee’s body broke a vase. “Seriously?!” you glared at Zuko as you left the party. You walked out onto the beach where you saw a campfire going, and sighed in relief, as it was the rest of the gang. You plopped on a piece of wood next to Katara and sighed.
“Where’s Zuko?” Aang asked with a mouth full of food. “Beating some guy up.” You rolled your eyes and laid back in your seat.
“WHAT?!” The rest of the gang sat up from their seats. “Why?!” Katara asked.
“Can’t believe I missed that.” Toph sighed.
“Oh, there you are.” Zuko said through gritted teeth then sat next to Toph on the other side.
“Did we miss something...” Sokka nervously asked, sensing the tension between you two.
“No, just Zuko being a ticking time bomb as usual.” You said coldly as you stared up at the sky. “Shouldn’t you be there with your boyfriend?!” Zuko spat back at you.
“Boyfriend?!” the rest of the gang piped up.
“You’re overreacting and you know it.”
“NO I AM NOT!” Zuko was yelling across the fire at you and the gang watched in silence.
“Yes you are! This whole trip you’ve been hot-headed, angry and impatient!” You snapped back, sitting up from your seat now as well. “Well at least I feel something! Instead of being like you, having no emotions for anything and being a big blah the whole trip!”
The rest of the gang became silent. Not knowing what to do with the two of you fighting in front of them.
Stung by this, you stood up and fixed your hair into a ponytail, with Zuko and the rest of the gang watching you closely. “Well, you don’t have to worry about having a “blah” person in your life anymore, it’s over.” You said softly yet harshly then walked off.
The rest of the gang stared at you walk away, shocked, then stared at Zuko who seemed shocked but angry as well.
“AGH!” he exclaimed and shot a ball of fire in to the existing campfire that made the gang disperse.
“Z-Zuko...” Aang began. “WHAT?!” Zuko shot back at him.
“Uhm...nevermind.” Aang nervously backed away.
“Zuko...” Katara placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” she was concerned about him, they’ve gotten closer over time and it was obvious that he was going through something.
“Why does everyone keep asking me if I’m okay? I’m fine!” Zuko shoved her hand off. “W-well..I mean...you’ve always been moody and angry and—“ Sokka began.
“Ow hey!” Sokka exclaimed as Suki hit him. “Zuko, we can tell something is bothering you, alright.” Katara began.
“Ever since we got here it’s like your whole attitude changed...you were impatient, you were snapping at everyone all the time and ignored all of our attempts to be there for you...even Y/N.” Katara finished and Zuko slumped to the ground.
“Is it because you’re back in your family’s home?” she asked softly and Zuko buried his face in his hands. “It’s just...the last time I was here I was still trying to capture Aang...I was still with my family...I used to come here with my mother...and now...I feel like a stranger in my own home.”
The gang looked at each other and exhaled, they felt sorry for Zuko. They knew his past and how he keeps everything bottled up. They could only imagine being back in the life you left but as a completely different person.
“It’s okay Zuko, we understand, we just needed to know that.” Karata smiled as she sat next to Zuko. “I’m sorry guys...I’ve been such a jerk.”
“Yeah you kinda have been.” Sokka stated. “OW!” he yelled in pain as Suki hit him again.
“We forgive you Zuko, and we’re here for you. You don’t have to hide anything from us. All of us had our share of meltdowns.” Aang sat on the other side of Zuko and smiled at him.
“Yeah except me.” Sokka said proudly. “What about the time you lost you boomerang?” Katara rolled her eyes. “HEY! THAT DOESN’T COUNT!” Sokka panicked which made Suki laugh.
“Ugh! But I ruined it with Y/N. She just broke up with me.”
“Yeah you did.” Sokka chuckled which earned another punch from Suki. “WILL YOU STOP HITTING ME?!”
“I don’t think she meant it...she’s just frustrated because she doesn’t know what’s wrong with you...” Katara assured him. “Yeah right..she seemed like she meant it.” Zuko hung his head low.
“Look, if you just talk to her it will be fine, I promise.” Katara smiled and Zuko looked around at the rest of the gang. They were all nodding in agreement with Sokka nodding as well but with Suki covering his mouth. “You think she’ll forgive me?”
“I know she will.” Katara smiled sweetly. Zuko got up and went to look for you.
You found a nice rock to sit on while watching the waves. You were slowly regretting breaking up with Zuko, you know you didn’t mean it and was just so angry. You began to climb down your rock to find Zuko but there he was, standing nervously staring at you.
“Y/N...I’m so sorry.” He began and you sighed. “Zuko—“
“No, let me explain.” He cut you off and you nodded for him to continue. “It’s just..I thought I was going to be fine coming back here, like it wasn’t a big deal...but it was.”
“It just brought back so many memories, with my family, my mother...when I was regretting choosing Azula’s side...and I just felt so lost...in my own home...like I have all the memories but it feels like it doesn’t belong to me.” You stared at him with compassion and empathy, you knew it had something to do with his family. It hurt you to see Zuko like this, you knew it was hard for him to express all of these things to you because he’s always been the type to hide his real feelings and anger.
“I was so angry at myself for feeling that way because I know I did the right thing joining Aang, and I took it out on you. I’m so sorry...I understand if—“
He couldn’t finish because your lips were on his.
“Does this mean we’re not broken up?” Zuko smiled as he looked at you. “No...I’m sorry too...I wasn’t being easy either.” You laughed and he did too. “I just hope that you tell me when you feel angry or sad or anything next time...I can help you, Zuko.” You placed a palm on his cheek and he leaned into it. “I know and I’m sorry...I love you.” He said and both of you stared at each other in surprise as this is the first time any of you have said it to each other. “Y-you don’t have to say it back—“
You crashed your lips onto his and he lifted you up to deepen the kiss. “I love you too, Zuko.” You smiled and he squeezed you tight.
The rest of the gang was waiting by the campfire. You and Zuko walked back with his arm around you. “Aw, the love birds are backed together!” Katara squealed. “Finally! My stomach is growling, I’m starving!” Sokka announced.
“Yeah lets go.” you laughed looking at Zuko.
“Lets go home.” Zuko kissed you on the forehead and you happily went back to the house.
That night as you slept tangled up with Zuko, you couldn’t help but smile.
“He loves me.” You whispered to yourself, and happily fell asleep next to Zuko.
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Opposites Attract: Part 2
Request: hey may I request a one shot for your Peter Pan story if yes can you, use my real name (Zai) instead of Y/N if you please and can you have me pans total opposite like sweet, shy everything he would hate but in the end he falls for her and becomes really protective
Pairing: Pan x Zai
Warnings: Cliffhangerrrr 
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< Part 1
Heavy, gloomy, and dark atmosphere swept through the camp, the boys quite obviously upset but too afraid to show any grievance in front of their ruthless leader as they held tears back behind their eyes. It had been like this for a week now, but somehow I couldn't seem to share the same sadness with the boys, I didn't feel bad, I hardly knew the boy and what I did know about him I didn't like.
The loud cracks and pops of the fire pulled me from my thoughts, snapping my head up to watch the orange and red flames dance with each other. The golden glow spread across the camp, painting it, contrasting with the dark gloomy sky.
A familiar pair of green eyes were caught staring at me from across the way, meeting my brown ones. I would say it bought a light blush to spread across the King of Neverlands cheeks, but as quickly as it came it left again. It was probably a trick of the light but this wasn't the first time I had noticed him watching me, observing me. Probably wondering if I was worth keeping around or not.
I found myself spending more and more time with the cold leader of the lost boys, not because I wanted to, just because he always seemed to be around me like a phantom slowly stalking me in the night. Never leaving, never straying from the path that I created, always watching, lurking, creeping. It seemed like he kept track of my every word, making notes of where I went and what I would do, who I spoke to.
Sweat trickled down my fare skin, the sudden feeling of grease and muck made my whole body tense up in disgust, I needed a wash and soon. Rising from the makeshift bench I was sat at I began to walk out of camp, I felt his eyes following me.
Stepping over the threshold of the Lost Boys territory I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
It was so peaceful walking through the forest at night, there were no animals or birds to be heard as they were all sound asleep by now, there was nothing but me and the trees. They silently watched as I passed them by as if they were guiding the way to the waterfall for me, mapping out the path I would take, making sure I didn't stray, and get myself into trouble.
The sound of rushing water grew louder and louder in my ears, indicating it was a step closer to becoming clean once more.
There it was, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen before. Clear, clean water running down cliff face basking the glory of the pale moonlight causing it to glow with a powerful silver shimmer. Everything surrounded it seemed to glow too, as if this tiny part of the island was untouched by the boy's wicked ways and remained pure, holding the power of a Goddess. The flowers seemed to dance in the moonlight stretching towards the starry night sky to drink up its silver shine. The scene before captured my gaze, refusing my eyes from averting themselves. As if possessed, I stalked forward ever so slowly, scared that the delicate scenery would be ruined by my presence. It was so beautiful, I was terrified I would mess it all up it like throwing a bucket of water over a freshly painted canvas, but it was like the spirits of the water pulled me in closer and closer, beckoning me to come in and be purified by the magic it supplied the island.
Slowly, the top part of my dress slipped off my shoulders, revealing the nape of my neck to the onlooking moon. I had no reason to hide or cover myself, for I was loved, the moon welcomed me, hugging me with its beaming silver light. It continued to fall, showing the beauty of my back which connected to my behind, the cold air was not a problem for the giant in the sky protected me from any harm such as the harsh cold. White cloth that once covered me tumbled down, leaving my entire body exposed to the wilderness. Next to flee my frame were my boots, feeling my feet meeting the grass, letting it rub in between my toes, and grounding me.
I stood, completely naked and free, praising my imperfections. Smiling down at every stretch mark, kissing every scar, appreciating my moles, befriending every freckle that resided on my skin, grasping the love handles at either side of my body and giving out a giggle of happiness.
I felt like I was a child once more, so innocent and carefree. The love that poured into my heart was overwhelming, calming, freeing. As I got closer and closer to the healing water of the waterfall, my appreciation for myself only grew more and more intense. Beautiful roses seemed to empower me, tall trees gave me the courage I needed, the small koi fish which swam around in the clear waters supplied me with the grace I always knew I had.  A single tear slipped down my rosy cheeks soon being washed away by the remedial waters the island gifted to me.
Drops slide over my skin, healing me from the toxicity of my old mindset. I was free, happy, cleansed, and totally whole. There is no reason for me to hide myself anymore, there was no reason to hide myself in the first place for we are all perfect no matter what we look like. Bliss consumed me, bursting into every cell in my body, flowing through my veins as I laughed and smiled, cupping the beautiful water, letting it pour through my fingertips.
I danced and cheered, this was the first time I had felt like this and no words could describe how amazing it is. I had been holding onto society's idea of the "perfect" body for too long and now I see we are all perfect, every single being in the universe is totally and utterly beautiful. All of us, children of the moon, stars, and sun as they lend us their beauty. We are pure. We are whole. We are loved.
It was only then that I caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, perfects poised, leaning against a tree. Vibrant green eyes stood out the most in the dark forest, reminding me of the Cheshire cat lurking in the shadows. His arms crossing over his broad chest, veins almost popping out of them, his shirt hugged his frame nicely as if it were made for him.
I felt proud, not feeling the need to cover up, not like it matter to the king much anyway for his eye didn't scan over me as I had expected them to do. They stared deeply into mine, not moving, a smile played on his lips but there was something about it that was different. It wasn't an act of lust but rather one of amazement, as if I had taken his gaze as a hostage much like the way the waterfall had mesmerized me.
As quickly as the boy appeared in front of me he left again, surrounding himself in a cloud of dark green smoke, leaving nothing but the air in his wake.
Bright stars shimmered in the sky, lighting the way back to camp. I didn't put my shoes back on but carried them in my hands, the dirt and leaves crumbled below my feet. Camp looked more lively upon my return, the boys were finally up on their feet and dancing around the fire, clashing their sticks together and they cheered and hollered.
A small, tired voice sounded, "Zai~" He spoke, pulling on the hem of my dress.
I smiled down at the sleepy little boy, "What's up Daemon?"
"Can you read me a story?" The glimmer in his eyes made it hard to refuse his request, the little boy warmed my heart, giving his place a sense of hope and innocence.
I nodded in reply and with that his little hand grasped mine, guiding me towards his time tent that was lit with nothing but a candle. Hopping up onto the bed he pulled the cute little storybook out from under his pillow, passing it to me.
I ran my thumb over the cover whispering the title into the cold air of the night, "Peter Pan" I almost laughed at how ironic it was, no wonder the small boy had ended up here.
"Once upon a time..." I began.
As time passed the child's eyes grew too heavy for him to keep open and he let sleep consume his body. Silently, I leaned over his, placing a soft kiss upon his forehead.
"You're good with kid's," A British accent whispered, turning to face him he seemed to stand in the exact same position that he had when watching me at the waterfall, like he is a statue.
"You were watching me," I replied in a hushed tone, more as confirmation to myself rather than a question.
"I was, you're good with him," He said, "Daemon needs someone like you to keep him safe, a mother."
"I am no mother," I whispered to the king of Neverland.
"You're more a mother to him than the woman who birthed him," Pan spoke, "She starved him, beat him, and left him for dead in a street alley."
It pained me to know what he had been through, my heart cried for him. He was safe now, here with his family, here with the lost boys. How could anyone do that to someone so pure, someone so innocent and small?
Pan knew that although I didn't respond, I understood. He could see the pain that I was feeling on the boys' behalf.
"You were also watching me at the waterfall," I said.
"That I was, I admired you. Seeing the way that you danced, you were free and happy. You had the power to turn your weaknesses into strength, you're stronger than you look, little one." With that, he gave me a smile before leaving the room.
I felt a sense of pride swell up in my chest, could this be true? Could the ruthless, cold-hearted, cruel, malicious Peter Pan be proud of me? Could I possibly have earned his respect after so long of being here?
As the days passed by the boys seemed to warm up to me, allowing me to hunt with them, dancing with them around the fire, play games with them. They stopped treating me like an outcast and more like part of their family.
"Listen up boys!" Pan's voice boomed, scaring birds from trees and causing animals to sprint away, "We have some visitors."
The smirk on the boy kings face grew causing a shiver to travel up and down my spine, I felt hot all of a sudden.
The lost boys hollard and cheered, we all knew what this meant, pirates.
Excited and eager we all rushed down to the shore, weapons at the ready. The boys were ruthless and bloodthirsty, looking for a fight, I however was on the more cautious side of things. I don't like to fight, I never did, but if I didn't want to be seen as weak again it would be a smart idea for me to join them only if it is for the time being.
By the time my feet met with the sandy beach, the fight was already in full force, the sound of metal clanking with metal and battle cries filled the crisp air. From where I stood the lost boys all looked so small, like ants fighting against another colony.
Silently, I watched the scene before me unfold. People were getting hurt, boys were getting hurt. Thick red blood dyed the golden sand with no remorse and I could do nothing but watch.
So wrapped up in my own thoughts I didn't notice the dirty pirate sneaking up behind me, hand covering my mouth as he attempted to drag me to Hook's ship.
I didn't know what to do, or how to react, but I wasn't going anywhere without putting up some kind of a fight.
Wriggling and struggling against him I tried my hardest to keep my feet planted into the ground, my efforts were useless. I bit down hard at the hand covering my mouth, causing him to yelp out and grasp the attention on the others. A sharp, sneering pain exploded in my side as I let out a muffled scream, trying hard to not look weak in front of the lost boys.
My foot came down hard on his and my elbow swiftly embedded itself into his stomach before he fell to the floor with a groan, in an effort to get as far away from him and possible I stumbled to the tree line. A wet feeling covered my hands, sticking to my shirt and sides. Red, that's all I could see.
"Zai" Pan's voice filled my ears, the look of worry was noticble on his face, it was strange seeing him show any emotion other than angry, "I've got you, don't worry I've got you."
Panic flowed through my veins, who's blood was that? His or mine?
My vision quickly became blurred, it was like I was under a spell, stuck in some trance that I couldn't get out of. The king of Neverlands voice echoed around in my skull, I wanted to reply, I wanted to tell him I was fine, but the words couldn't leave my mouth before everything went black.
"Zai!" the angry shout from the leader was the last thing I heard before falling to the ground.
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aecs-multy · 3 years
I'd make the devil prostrate before you
When Merlin wakes up and Arthur is not by his side, he know that he's going to have to get him back. The bandits aren't the ones that should be scared of him, it's the king who should be for being such a reckless idiot and going to fight them alone instead of bringing Merlin with him.
Merlin was going to murder him. Screw destiny, screw Albion, screw everything. If the bandits didn’t kill Arthur, he would. More than once. He was going to bring him back to life time and time again and he would kill him in every possible painful way he could come up with.
When he had been informed that the king had gone missing and no one knew where he was, Merlin had already come up with a thousand ways of making him regret the day he chose to ignore the sorcerer’s words.
“That idiot never listens to me. Become the court sorcerer. People will listen to you. You will have influence,” Merlin muttered under his breath while he packed some essentials for the trip. “Well, all that is worthless if the freaking king goes and doesn’t listen to me, that clotpole!”
Merlin was aware he was receiving weird looks from the stable’s boy, but he couldn’t care less. He was bristling with energy, his whole body vibrating with the magic that cursed through his veins, alert, ready for anything he commanded it to do.
He mounted his horse and went in the search of Arthur, begging to The Triple Goddess that his love was alive. He wanted the privilege of murdering him for himself.
Merlin would be lying, though, if he said that he wasn’t afraid. His heart seemed to beat too fast and too hard for it to be normal. He was feeling cold all over even under the heat of the summer sun. His hands trembled in the reins of his mount.
Despite the paralyzing fear that he felt, the sorcerer put on a brave face and hung on to the almost-blinding rage that had been fueling him since the news of the king’s disappearance. No one would touch Arthur and live to tell the tale as long as he walked the earth, even if he had to burn the world to ashes to find those who had brought harm to his other half.
“The mighty Arthur Pendragon,” The man said, circling around him and hitting him in the stomach, making him groan and loose his breath for some seconds before being able to look back up at the man with all the hatred he could muster. “Defenseless against me. The king of Camelot rendered powerless without his knights and his precious sorcerer.” The man’s laugh echoed around the room. “You’re nothing without them, poor little boy.”
As if to prove his point, his last word was accompanied with a blow to Arthur’s face, and soon the coppery taste of blood blossomed in his mouth. His shoulders and arms ached with the strain that came with being chained to the ceiling by his wrists. That was nothing, though, compared to the pain that he felt on his side, where he was certain that he had several broken bones from the maze used to torture him.
“At least I’m above the lot of you, so scared of one man that you have to chain me. Afraid that I’ll humiliate you in a fair fight?” Arthur mocked with ragged breath, earning himself another hit. He should have learned that talking back was of no use, but he couldn’t, wouldn’t, let them break him. His body might be mauled, but his spirit was intact.
He just had to wait for Merlin, and that scared him more than this bandits ever could. Just the thought of it made him shiver. He was in big trouble, and that had nothing to do with being kept captive by some bandits. He feared the moment Merlin came to save him, certain that whatever the sorcerer had planned for him was a million times worse than this.
Arthur should have listened to him. He knew better than to come here alone, but he just couldn’t let the bandits trade for the life of his sister as if she were an object. As soon as he had received notice that the bandits had captured Morgana and asked for him to come unescorted to pay for her ramson he had had to do something.
Obviously, Merlin was against the idea, but he slipped away in the darkness of the night and went to the location the captors of his sister had told him they would be waiting. To his surprise, they didn’t have Morgana, but now they had him.
Merlin was going to skin him. He almost wanted to ask the bandits for protection against his court sorcerer. Maybe he would even have, but soon something seemed to shake the whole room. Hell, the whole building seemed to tremble. Several guards fell to the ground when they lost his footing and even the leader hat to grab Arthur’s chained arm to avoid falling.
Shit, Arthur thought. Merlin was here. He sighed and closed his eyes, accepting the fate that awaited him.
His magic was flowing out of him, surrounding the small castle and searching for Arthur. Bandits tried to stop him, but they barely took one step before they were thrown away with enough force to make cracks in the walls they collided with. He could sense the vibration of the ground beneath him, reacting to all the energy emanating from him.
An arrow flew towards him, but stopped a mere meter away from his head. He reached for the core of his power and with just a thought, the rest of his magic inside of him exploded, sending everything and everyone flying.
When his magic recognized Arthur, he walked that way, leaving a trail of unconscious bodies behind him. Soon, only a door stood between them and his magic burst them open without a problem. Dust was floating in the air and falling from the cracks in the ceiling with every tremor of the castle. Right now, Merlin was the one that kept it from crushing to the ground.
The expressions of the bandits were full of fear, terror dripping from them in waves. Good. His power lashed out and made them all fall to their knees, pressing them down and down until they were lying motionless, unable to move even an inch.
When his gaze focused on Arthur, stronger tremors shook the castle as his magic flowed from him like the waves of the ocean crashing against the shoreline. At least the prat had the decency of looking apologetic. Well, apologetic and about to empty his bladder in his torn pants if the panic in his face was anything to go by.
Merlin’s heart softened and ached when he finally noticed the state his lover was in. Several bruises and cutes adorned his body, the sight making his magic reach out to soothe him. He could see how the tension in Arthur's shoulders ebbed slightly and how his eyes became glassy as a small smile appeared on his face.
He went to stand in front of him and softly cradled Arthur’s face, his thumb brushing carefully over a bruise that was starting to form in his cheek. The king bowed his head and said, “I’m sorry.”
Merlin used his magic to make the chains disappear and held Arthur against his body when his legs gave out after hours of being held on his toes. He pulled him into a hug, with Merlin’s arms around his waist, and Arthur hid his face in the crook of his neck.
The sorcerer felt how Arthur’s arms moved to circle his neck as he returned the embrace.
After restoring the building enough to be sure it wouldn’t collapse, his magic slowly retreated to circle around both of them, making sure that Arthur was safe, alive. With a content sigh, Merlin started focusing on healing the body in his arms, noticing how Arthur sagged against him more and more with every injury that he healed.
“You’re in so much trouble that you’ll need your whole life to make it up to me, but right now, you’re safe. I’m here, love, you’re safe with me,” Merlin said, kissing Arthur on the top of his head.
Arthur’s heart swelled with emotion at his words and found himself speechless. He knew he was safe with Merlin. His arms around him were like a fortress, keeping the threats of the world away from him. He had never felt safer that with Merlin, and not only because of his magic but because Arthur had given him his heart, and the sorcerer protected it with everything he had, making him know how loved he was.
Even when the castle seemed to be about to crumble down, Arthur had known that nothing would happen to him. Merlin’s magic was like a hurricane, able to destroy everything that would dare approach him, but it worked as a shield too, because he kept those he cared about in the eye of the storm, where they were safe from the winds that would crush anyone that wanted to cause them harm.
For a moment, he forgot where they were when lips pressed against his hair and just enjoyed his rapidly recovering body and the man that held him, but that didn’t last long.
“Look how cute, the princess needed to be saved,” The leader of the bandits said.
Arthur stiffened when he remembered where they were and took a step back sharply, as if he had been jerked awake from a good dream.
He looked at the man and the bandit’s eyes were full of a hatred that he returned tenfold. Before he could say anything, Merlin stepped in front of him.
“It seems like you are the one that needs saving,” Merlin said, and Arthur smirked when he heard the venom that laced with his words. “You know, after the ban against magic was lifted, I finally was able to learn a lot of things about my power. There are many spells, but I can think of one that I’m sure you’ll love.”
Arthur loved the way the man’s face paled even more. He knew what it was like to face Merlin’s anger, having been there before, and it would make even the bravest of men run away in fright.
“I will bind you to this castle so that you can never leave its walls, condemned to stay here for the rest of your life.”
“What? No! Please, have mercy, please!” The bandit pleaded, but with a movement of Merlin’s wrist, no more sound came out of his mouth.
“Adiuro vos in loco isto ut non numquam etiam,” Merlin said, and with a flash of golden in his eyes, the spell was cast.
They camped half way to their home because Arthur was too tired to make the trip in one go. Merlin had healed his body, but he could see how the captivity had affected his king, so he decided that resting would be the best.
Now that the worry had faded away after rescuing Arthur, he had started to feel relief, but also the anger that he had felt before. Merlin knew why he had done it, but it also hurt that he had been left behind, especially when he could have helped and all this problem would have been avoided.
Arthur was silent, sitting beside him, his focus on the flame before them. Merlin could actually feel the guilt that emanated from him, but it did nothing to dissipate his anger. Several minutes passed where the only sound that they could listen was the sound of the fire, but then Merlin heard Arthur sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
He kept quiet for a long time, pondering everything he wanted to say, all the arguments he had come up with during Arthur’s search, but when he spoke, it was only to say, “Why?”
Arthur looked at him with his head tilted to his side, his emotions clear on his eyes, and Merlin saw the flicker of confusion at the question.
“Why did you leave without me?” Merlin clarified, and then Arthur looked away, a blush of embarrassment clear in his cheeks even in the night.
“I… I just- I don’t know, I-” Arthur stuttered, but then he closed his mouth and run a hand to his hair, clearly distressed. Merlin waited, but Arthur didn’t attempt to say anything again, so he decided to do it instead.
“I told you to wait until the morning,” he said, barely over a whisper, but in the silence it almost seemed too loud. “I told you that we would both go there to help Morgana. I know how worried you were because she is like a sister to me too, but I knew that going to get her in the middle of the night wouldn’t solve anything because we needed to rest. You sneaked out ignoring everything I told you.” His voice had started to get louder, more irritated as his emotions took hold on him. In the distance, lightning struck. “You got captured because if you had waited until morning like I had told you, you would have discovered that she escaped and was back in the castle before the sun rose. All you did was useless because there was no one to save! You got yourself tortured for nothing!”
Merlin stood up and started pacing, not trying to control himself as he ended almost yelling, the fear and worry he had felt when he had woken up alone in their chambers coming back to him. “I could have lost you! Do you know how worried I was? I knew where you were, but not if you were safe, not if I would be able to arrive in time. If you were going to go anyways then you wake me up and we go, together-”
“I’m fine now, I’m alive, so stop shouting at me! I know I made a mistake, but everything is alright now, so stop worrying, I’m not a kid you need to take care of!” Arthur yelled, standing up too and standing in front of him.
“Then stop acting like one!” Merlin yelled back, his voice cracking. The tears he hadn’t known he had been holding back since he had woken up finally spilled and run down his cheeks. “I know you’re alright now, but I didn’t know that before, when I was riding in your search. I didn’t know what they would do to you, and I was scared, Arthur. You’re the king and you have a responsibility to your kingdom, but you’re also so much more to me, my partner, my best friend, my everything, and I couldn’t bear to lose you.” He said softly, his anger deflating until there was nothing left in him but such a deep ache that came with the knowledge of how wrong things could have gone. “I love you, so much that it hurts to even think of being apart from you. And it also hurts that you would leave me behind, because I thought we were past keeping things from each other and going behind each other’s backs since you discovered my magic. Guess I was wrong,” he finished, and now that he said it out loud, he noticed that most of his feelings revolved around that, about Arthur not trusting Merlin enough to tell him that he was going to go anyways.
He felt drained of all his energy and he sat down back again, cross-legged, with his elbows resting on his legs and his face hiding behind his hands. Merlin didn’t hold back, letting the tears flow freely as his body shook. He guessed he deserved it, after all, he had hidden his magic from Arthur, so it’s only normal that Arthur would hide things from him too.
He had been so foolish thinking that things between them would be alright, but how could they when Arthur didn’t trust him? It was all his fault. He should have told Arthur, but fear had stopped him, like something had stopped the king from asking Merlin to come with him.
“You’re an idiot if you think I don’t trust you,” he heard Arthur say, and he lifted his head to look at him.
Arthur felt something squeezing his heart when he saw the miserable look in Merlin’s face, and soon he was blinking back tears of his own, but he continued talking, regardless of how difficult it was to get the words out when his throat had seemed to close up.
“I trust you with my life, with the life of everyone in my kingdom, with the future of Camelot, with my heart. What I did wasn’t out of a lack of trust, it was out of fear. I thought Morgana was in danger, and I couldn’t let any harm come to her,” he said, but when he tried to open his mouth to speak again, Merlin cut him, his voice so weak that it hurt to hear it.
“But why didn’t you bring me with you?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t like it and that you would argue. You had told me to wait, but I couldn’t and I didn’t want to waste any more time,” he said, desperately trying to make Merlin see why he had done it.
“You could have taken me, you know that if you asked me I would move the mountains, conquer the sky and tame the sea for you. If you had told me how you felt I would have helped you without a word,” he said.
“I…” Arthur knew that, but in that moment all that he could think about was rescuing Morgana, he didn’t think about anything else, and that was the problem, “I didn’t think, I just acted.”
Tense seconds of silence passed where Merlin looked at him with so much pain in his eyes that Arthur wanted to hit himself for being so stupid. He could almost feel Merlin’s pain as if it were his own, because he knew how he would have been if the roles were reversed, if it were Merlin that had disappeared in the middle of the night.
Arthur would have gone mad with worry, no matter how capable Merlin was of taking care of himself.
“I’m sorry, I really am,” he said, crouching down in front of the sorcerer and taking his hands in his. “Never think that I don’t trust you, because I do, more than I trust myself. And you’re right, we’re past the hiding and all that, and I should have told you, for that, I’m sorry. I never meant for it to end like this, I just wanted to help my sister and I forgot that I had you by my side.” Arthur kissed his knuckles and smiled sadly at him. “Come on, I’ll let you call me a dollophead without sending you to the stocks.”
That managed to get a chuckle out of Merlin and with the sound some of the tension in the air dissipated. “You really are a dollophead,” Merlin said, and Arthur could hear the fondness in his voice.
“I don’t know what I did in my other life, but it must have been legendary because I certainly haven’t done anything worthy in this one to deserve you,” Arthur said, moving to stand up and pull Merlin with him by the hands.
“You’re right, I’m too good for you,” Merlin laughed wetly, sniffing and brushing his tears with his forearm, not letting go of Arthur.
Arthur gaped at him through his smile and said, “You can’t address me like that,” remembering the words he had said the first time they met.
Merlin didn’t disappoint when he answered, “Sorry. You’re right, I’m too good for you… my lord.”
“You were such an idiot back then,” Arthur laughed, throwing his head back, feeling lighter than before and dizzy with relief, knowing that they would be alright.
“You were such a prat back then, although, now that I think about it, you haven’t changed much, have you?” Merlin mocked, both of them chuckling, and Arthur shook his head.
“I love you so much,” he said, his heart so full of affection towards the man in front of him that he felt like it would burst any moment now.
“I love you too,” Merlin replied, a smile on his face that didn’t reach his eyes. “but if you pull something like that again I swear the torture methods they use will be nothing compared to what I’ll do to you.”
“Well, you can always bind me to your bed, can’t you?” he whispered next to Merlin’s ear and enjoying way too much the shiver that run through the sorcerer’s body.
“I- Wh- I-” Merlin stuttered, his eyes wide and dark, probably having imagined the situation. “Oh god, you’re in so much trouble.” He finally said, a grin so wide in his face that it might split it open.
They kept staring at each other and soon they were resting their foreheads together, slowly moving to embrace each other. Arthur drank in the feeling of being in Merlin’s arms again like a thirsty man seeing water for the first time in days.
“Never leave me again, please,” Merlin said, his breath tickling the skin of his neck, his tone full of vulnerability.
“Never again, I promise, love, never again,” he said in earnest, vowing to himself that no matter what could happen in the future, they would deal with it together.
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gallowswhump · 3 years
The End of Waiting For the Bad Times to Start
Cygnus has never found what he is looking for. He's only ever found trouble. This time the trouble is too much.
CW: Slavery, Fire, Burns, Abuse/Torture, Kidnapping, Hunting, Forced Captivity, Serious Injury, Swearing
Seven years eleven months twenty five days.
You have to do something about this. Cygnus swallows as he looks at the camp of slavers from his perching spot. They were preparing for a big auction during the day and Cygnus had been here for hours trying to figure out what to do. None of the slaves that he had observed were who he had come all the way out here for the simple rumor that they had a plethora of Tieflings. While that was true none of them were his brother. Ama had been whispering that he had to do something to get the people out. He agreed with it but he was trying to think of a way to do that. His skill set was very limited. He knew enough about stealth and pick pocketing to make his way out and get the cages at least unlocked. Every time that thought crossed his mind though Ama’s voice was heard in his head. You can’t steal.
You don’t want me to leave these people here but you also don’t want me hurting anyone or stealing. I swear to mom that you have to be the most unhelpful guide in existence. Can’t do anything wrong even if it’s for the right reason. What do you suggest that I walk down there and try and convince the slavers that what they’re doing is wrong? Silence rings in his head and he huffs, That’s what I thought. You don’t believe in your morality enough to think that it will convince these people. So we have a choice, we leave because it’s clear that Sneaky isn’t here or I have to do some sneaky things to help these people.
We didn’t have to be here in the first place.
Great, I'll take that as leaving. He gets up from his perch stretching.
No. He sighs because he knows where this lecture is going. You are the one who is obsessed with finding your brother.
Oh yes such a bad thing trying to find the only family that has ever cared about me,
Your brother is a bad person.
He’s not.
He’s a thief and clearly a bad influence on you.
You’ve been saying that since I was a kid. Dad is a bad person, Sneaky is a bad person. Come on Ama you already know where I stand on this.
Fine then we’re here. You should do something. Cygnus groans, afraid that she was going to say that.
Fine, fine. He takes a step down from his perch gracefully landing in one motion not making a sound as he touches the ground. He already has the plan mapped out in his head but it’s far from perfect. He knows he needs to run first time something goes wrong. He carefully circles the camp to where the cages and main cart was. The camp was quiet, most asleep and the few guards still up closer to the campfire to ward off the cold night air. Most of the slaves were also asleep, a couple of Elves and those who looked a little fresher as the exception. He moves to the set of keys hanging off the main cart keeping his back pressed up to keep out of sight of the campfire guards. Taking the keys he hugs them to his chest to stop them from moving and clanking together. He takes in a deep breath as he moves to the back row having already observed most of them were at least a race with natural magic and guessed that most here would be a caster of some sort. He makes his start with a drow woman who is laying down on the small amount of straw they had to act like a mat. He starts working through the keys to get the cage open. He doesn’t stop cycling through them as the drow rolls over and blinks at him in surprise.
“What are you doing?” She hisses.
“Getting you out of here.” Cygnus whispers looking back over his shoulder to make sure that no one has become aware of him yet.
The drow girl gets up quickly, “It’s the black key.” Cygnus quickly turns to that key and then puts it in and finally is able to turn the lock. He moves back away and starts on the next cage, losing sight of the Drow almost as soon as she walks out. The next person in line is a sun elf who was eyeing him suspiciously but Cygnus doesn’t have time to deal with that once his cage is open it moves onto the next one.
He is about ten in when a commotion is finally at large though those who were already released were doing a good job of being the problem and keeping them at bay from Cygnus. A fire had spread around the camp keeping the guards away from the cages so he kept moving through. His heart threatens to beat out of his chest but he keeps focused on getting those out.
He’s nearly done. Many have run to help open cages with magic or force and so things were limited but the fire at this point had spread around and as he is trying to open the cage to a young frightened half elf he feels flames llick at his back. He hisses knowing it was from a spell guards were finally getting to him. The cloak on his back has caught and he’s quick to pull it off and finally the cage in front of him is open. Another mote of fire is thrown at him and he cries out falling to his knees. Fire spreads over his white shirt and seeps into his back and wings under it. Flames lick and consume everything in their path and smoke chokes Cygnus’ lungs. He coughs trying to cover his mouth, rolling over desperately trying to get the flames out. He cries out when his wings and back hit the dirt and grass under him aggravating the fresh burn. He looks up when he sees motion and an angry man that he can identify as the second in command of the camp is next to him. The half angel desperately tries to scramble up but the sharp pain in his back grounds him again and he groans out. “Please.” The last thing his conscious mind is aware of is a black boot coming directly for his head.
Everything hurts, his head is pounding, his back feels like it’s still on fire, and that pain radiates everywhere like his body knows that danger is looming. Cygnus doesn’t want to be awake, he just wants to roll over and sleep off the pain but he can hear yelling. He groans slowly, opening his eyes hissing as sunlight hits his eyes. He keeps his eyes closed and tries to listen in on the yelling. “This conversation isn’t over!” The voice sounded like the proprietor of this whole thing.
“What did you want me to do? How was I supposed to know?”
“How about being a little careful with that magic of yours or you’re going to find yourself in the cage next!” Cygnus opens his eyes again letting them adjust to the light. “This could have ended in my favor but instead of a profitable venture you gave me a burnt chicken!” Panic sets in at that he quickly turns trying to move his wings to take a look at them but the smallest movement causes searing pain to shoot through him. He knows that something is wrong, he can’t feel most of his wings and what he can feel is nothing but burning pain. He feels Ama tighten around his arm. Thankful that she’s still with him.
It’s going to be okay. He pulls his arm close to him and nods. It doesn’t take long for him to drift back asleep.
Everything still hurts when he’s able to open his eyes again but the cooling air of night made it bearable at least. Maybe he had been out longer than one day though. His body healed fast but not usually this fast. He slowly lifts his head trying to get his eyes to adjust to the world around him. He groans, lowering his head again when he sees the second in command. Certainly the one who was being yelled at earlier. “Well, well looks like the oversized bird is finally waking up.” Cygnus turns trying to get a look at his wings now that the pain had slightly subsided and it was just like he feared. Previously pristine white wings had been burned into nothing. Charred into ash. While most of the burning had healed he wasn’t sure if his healing would be able to do anything about the state of his feathers. He sets his head down on his hands trying to come to terms with the loss of his wings. “Hey boss, he's finally awake!” The half angel watches as out from the main cart comes the leader of this whole thing. A large human man dressed in elaborate nice clothing clearly one size too small.
“Oh finally he decides to join us in the world of the waking.” Cygnus watches carefully as keys are pulled out. “Do you know how much trouble you cause for us little angel?” Cygnus feels his stomach fall out. He knew what he was worth in these parts. The keys make a click as the lock turns and the door is opened. In that second Cygnus tries to dart for the door. He manages to slip past the legs of the proprietor but the scarred face second in command was not so easy. Him getting caught easily around the waist. Cygnus cries out in pain as his body jerks. His hair is grabbed and he’s dragged back to the cage being thrown against the back of it. “Now, now, you owe us a debt.”
“I don’t owe you shit!”
“Tsk, what kind of language is that to come out of one of your kind. Wouldn’t want to ruin that holiness?” Cygnus' eyes dart to the exit again but he knew once was pushing it. The man grabs his neck and pushes him into the back bars. “Now you lost me a lot of money and you are going to make up for it big time. Every single part of you could be more valuable than what you lost me. Too bad the real money maker is gone.” The blonde shivers and whimpers. He struggles to get away as a hand just gently brushes over his wings. It felt like they were being burnt all over again. The man leans in smirking and Cygnus turns up his nose at the stench of cheap mead and sweet. “You better hope that they grow back soon or the most valuable part about you is your bones.” Fear settles in and the angle moves his hands up to the hand around his neck trying to pull it off.
“Please let me go!” He does manage to get a grip but he isn’t able to get the hand off of his neck but causes a decent scratch to come to the man’s hand.
The man swears out in some language that is harsh on the ears and causes Ama who is still around his wrist to bristle. He’s thrown to the side, the back of his head colliding with the bars. Cygnus groans as he collapses to the ground. His vision goes dark but he can feel blood welling on the back of his head. He’s not sure of what’s going on around him. He knows someone is speaking but can’t understand them. Then he hears the sound of the door closing and of the lock turning. He groans, curling his knees to his chest. Tears start flowing and a sob rakes through him. He didn’t want to be here. He just wanted to see his brother again. He just wanted to go back to traveling and singing with him. He wanted his father to be alive. He wanted off this continent and wanted to find a nice place to settle in where he wouldn’t be hunted.
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suckmysupernatural · 4 years
First Time Triggered
Word Count: ~1500, One-shot
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: minor sexual assault (not graphic), triggered anxiety, mentions of assault, panic, sexual touching
Summary: Dean and the reader were relaxing on the couch, when Dean decides to make the reader feel good. Little do either of them know that it would trigger a trauma from years ago. 
A/N: Yet another comfort fic :) This one is personal to me ----------------------------------------
Cuddling with Dean was one of your favorite pastimes. The two of you had just woken up from a nap on the library couch and were enjoying each other’s company. Still groggy, you looked up at him and smiled before giving him a kiss. He held you tight, giving you another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. After your lips parted, you burrowed your head back against his chest. Dean’s fingers trailed up and down your arm, the gentle touch making you melt into him. 
Slowly moving his hand down, he played with the waistband of your leggings before moving his hand underneath the fabric.
“Dean, we are in the library. Sam could walk by any minute and see us,” you giggled. Dean drew small circles onto your hipbone.
“Don’t worry. He’s busy, doubt he’d even notice,” Dean whispered into your ear.
“Dean…” you groan, not wanting the younger of the brothers to witness anything remotely sexual.
“Just let me make you feel good.” As soon as the words left his mouth you felt as if your throat had closed up. You weren’t completely sure why, but you felt a small sense of panic. 
You were fifteen, at a stay-away summer camp. You had just broken up with someone that day, over the phone. You couldn’t help but feel sad, you didn’t like hurting people. Sitting down for lunch, you had no appetite for food. No, you just wanted someone to make you feel good. Your best friend of many years sat down next to you. He had been there to help you during some of the worst years of your life. You trusted him. It also didn’t hurt that he was an insatiable flirt.
“Hey, Y/N. You okay?” he asked, noticing you pick at your food. 
“Yeah. I’m single now,” you give him a small smile. He had been telling you earlier in the week how jealous he was that you belonged to someone else. Overhearing you tell a girlfriend on the bus, he texted you to ask for confirmation. When you told him, he had started acting cold towards you. 
Maybe this was what you needed, to just kiss someone else, rebound. You had only ever kissed someone, being as young as you were. Even though you were sitting next to him, you pulled out your phone, not wanting anyone to overhear. I’m thinking of what it would be like to kiss you. 
Maintaining your cool, you looked over to see him get the text. His eyes widened slightly before putting on a neutral face. Yeah? He typed back. He looked over to you and you simply nodded. You could see his eyes fill with lust, his hand resting on your thigh under the table. 
The two of you ate lunch with your friends, acting like nothing was out of the ordinary. Once he had finished his plate, he got up and left the small camp cafeteria, telling one of the adults that he was going to go and take a shower. As soon as he was out the door you got a text. You coming? To which you responded Be right there. You waited a minute before getting up yourself, not wanting to draw any suspicions. An adult asked where you were going and you said you wanted to take a quick nap before the nighttime activities. 
You walked a ways away from the cafeteria, spotting him. He was looking around, whether for you or for any of the adults, you weren’t positive. Approaching him, he gave me a smirk.
“So, you turned on right now?” He asked. 
“Um…” you replied. You had never talked like this with someone in-person and it made you nervous. He grabbed your hand, placing it on his half-hard bulge.
“How about now?” you were outside of your comfort zone, so to try and jump back into it you kissed him. You knew kissing, you were comfortable with kissing. Quickly he pulled you off, glancing around to check that nobody had seen the two of you. Seeing the camp’s laundry room was empty, he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. It was dark, but neither of you minded. 
He backed you up against a wall, kissing you roughly. You were completely in your head, not feeling any pleasure. Your heart was racing, wondering if this was really what you wanted. Before you knew it, you felt his hand slide down your side, slipping under your waistband. No one had ever touched you there and you didn’t feel ready. You grabbed his hand, moving it to your waist. It only took a second before his hand was traveling south yet again. Your mind was racing as you grabbed his hand again, placing it back onto your waist. He broke off from the kiss, leaning in to whisper into your ear while his hand slid back down. 
“Just let me touch it.”
“Um… no,” you stutter. 
 Just let me…” he said, voice dark. You finally put your hands onto his chest, pushing him off. 
“No!” you told him. You didn’t see your kind and comforting best friend within those eyes. It had been replaced with a power-hungry lust that chilled you. He didn’t care about what you wanted, he had been making that obvious. He just stepped forward and continued to kiss you, this time keeping his hands around your waist. 
You wanted to leave, your body shaking with anxiety. Pulling yourself away from him, you quickly walk out the door without a second glance.
“De-Dean. I need to… um… to the bathroom,” you stood up off of the couch. You tried to keep your walking a normal pace, tears filling your eyes. You were shaking, fear coursing through you. As soon as you got into the bathroom you locked the door behind you. You walked up to the sink, splashing water on your face. Looking into the mirror you expected to see your fifteen-year-old self but simply met your adult self. 
“I am safe. I am okay,” you tell yourself. Tears were still streaming down your face. You jumped when you heard a knock at the door.
“Hey, Y/N, are you alright?” Dean asked. 
“Um… I don’t know,” you respond with a shaky voice. 
“Sweetheart, can you open the door?” Dean’s voice was soft and calm. He could hear that you were panicking and didn’t want to make it worse. A few seconds passed before you moved towards the door, unlocking it. Dean opened the door, seeing your tear-stained and puffy face. He took a step forward, his arm reaching out to touch you but he quickly retracted it once he saw you flinch. He had never seen this before and was trying his best to be calm for you. 
“Something happened, just now when we were on the couch… um… when you touched me,” you start, Dean’s eyes widening with worry. Did he do something wrong? Did he make you feel unsafe? 
“Oh, no, no it wasn’t… um, let me explain,” you stutter. “When I was younger, my friend. We were kissing and he wanted to touch me. I didn’t want to but he kept pushing it. He was whispering in my ear to ‘just let him.’ I guess the combination of you touching me in the same place and saying ‘just let me’ was triggering. I’ve never had a reaction about the assault before. I didn’t know it was so much of a problem. You didn’t do anything wrong, though. I don’t want you to think that I’m like afraid of you or something.”
You could see Dean process the information. He pushed down the hatred he felt for the boy that had hurt you, knowing that anger wasn’t helpful.
“What can I do?” Dean asked, looking right into your eyes. 
“Can we cuddle? Like, without any of the sex stuff? I just want to feel safe,” you tell him, looking to the floor. 
“Sure, sweetheart. Let’s grab a glass of water first, all that crying must’ve dehydrated you,” he said softly. You nodded, taking his hand as you both walked to the kitchen. He poured you a glass of water, watching you gulp it down. He refilled it before leading you back to the library’s couch, placing the glass on the side table. He sat down, letting you find whatever was most comfortable for you. 
You curled up into him, making yourself small in his arms. He ran his fingers through your hair, knowing how comforted it made you feel. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re okay. I’ll keep you safe, I’ll protect you,” Dean whispered to you, along with various other soothing words. 
“I’m tired,” you whine into Dean’s chest. Once the adrenaline stopped pumping from the anxiety, you felt completely exhausted.
“Go ahead, honey. I’ve got you. I’ll be right here when you wake up,” he said. He started to hum, quickly lulling you to sleep. You knew that this might happen again, getting triggered. It was alright, though, because in this moment you knew that you were safe in the arms of the man that you loved.  
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
ania [pre-pragma]
ania - sorrow
pairing: frankie ‘catfish’ morales x f!reader
warnings: mentions of drugs/drug use, angst
a/n: if you couldn’t tell from the title and the warnings, this is where we get into the start of francisco’s little problem. this is ten years ago so five years after ludus and eros.
summary: frankie wants to fight his demons but ends up taking on another instead.
pragma masterlist
Frankie had only been back a handful of times since he joined the army and each time, he seemed to be growing farther apart from the woman he loved. Loves. He had to keep correcting himself—it wasn’t over so he had to stop thinking like it was.
The first time he came back to visit, they couldn’t keep off each other. They had never quite made things official, but the exclusivity was there. He didn’t want anyone else and she stayed true to him through and through. They had went hiking and camping and spent every waking moment together until he had to leave again. He remembered the way she cried and told him, again, that he’d better come back. And he did. For a little while at least.
The second time he came back, she had joked around with him about his new haircut and he snapped at her. Raised his voice at her. When he reached out to her to pull her into his arms, she moved away and left, telling him to come see her when he was in a better mood.
The truth was there was only one thing that had put him in a better mood. It started on one of his tours of duty. They had seized a large amount of cocaine from some drug lord and the some of the guys began joking around about it and telling stories.
“You guys ever try it?” one of them asked.
“Nah, man. Are you crazy?” Frankie shook his head and tried to talk them out of it as they each took a bit. He swore to himself that he would never get involved. But then be kept seeing her face. That should bring him comfort, but it only made him sad and angry that he was in this shithole and not with her. He told himself that he just wanted to forget. Just a little to forget, he lied.
He wasn’t a fucking addict. He only did it to take the edge off—for emergencies. He wasn’t as bad as the other guys. At least he didn’t think so.
Until that night Pope had to punch him to snap him out of whatever weird mindset he was in. His best friend, his brother, stood over him shaking his head and pointing angrily.
“Get your shit together, Cat,” Pope hissed then stormed away leaving Frankie on the ground with a bloody nose.
This time when he took some, he told himself it was for the pain.
He wasn’t an addict.
The third time he came home, she seemed to distance herself even more. She never knew when he would snap and she knew something was wrong with him, but she wouldn’t ask.
He went to her place and was surprised when she let him in.
“What’s wrong with you, Frankie?” she asked. He wanted to tell her everything, but there was already so much pain in her eyes. He refused to cause more.
“I’m tired,” he said, “So fucking tired.” He broke down, falling to his knees and putting his head in her lap.
“Is there more?” she asked. His brain screamed at him to tell her, but when he looked up into her eyes all he could do was cry again. “Frankie…”
“I can’t tell you.”
“But…I want to help.” Tears filled her eyes. “You’re suffering and I want to help.”
“You can’t help me. No one can.”
He eventually got himself together and stood up, wiping his eyes and clearing his throat.
“No one can,” he repeated before leaving without so much as a goodbye.
The fourth time he visited home, he hadn’t even told her he was coming. Santiago had to tell her and he was afraid that he had told her more. Everything.
“Tell me you didn’t tell her, Pope.” Frankie had his best friend hemmed up by his shirt against the wall. “Tell me.” He sniffled but it wasn’t because of a runny nose.
“Look at you, man.” Pope shoved Frankie away. “I didn’t fucking tell her, but maybe I should.”
“Don’t you dare…”
“Then you do it! She’s suffering and it’s all because she loves you! You barely talk to her anymore. She’s hurt, do you understand that? You’re hurting her.” Pope was angry. Frankie couldn’t remember a time he had seen his best friend so upset. “Most people would kill to be loved the way she loves you but you’re just throwing it away.”
“I don’t…deserve her,” Frankie cried. “Can’t you see that?”
“Stop the drugs. Stop the bullshit! This ain’t you, Frankie!” Pope snapped. “I’m watching my best friend kill himself and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Frankie tried to speak again but Santiago held his hand up and walked away.
The fifth time, he stood in front of her. Neither of them had spoken a word for he didn’t know how long. They just stood there. She sniffled every now and then and he did too, but for all the wrong reasons.
“Is there something you need to tell me before you go?” she asked.
Yes! his heard screamed. Please help me! Please save me!
“I’m…gonna miss you…” He sighed and looked down.
“Right.” She turned away from him. “I don’t know if I should waste my time missing you, Francisco. What good has it done me? I feel like I’m losing a little part of you each time…”
“I’m…lost,” he admitted.
“No shit, but I’d wish you tell me why. I want to know what’s happening to you. Maybe Santi will tell me.” She hugged herself, still unable to look at him.
“Look at me. Please?” he begged. He only felt like he existed when she looked at him. He mattered when she looked at him.
“I want my Frankie back,” she sobbed. “Is there someone else?” The way she asked sounded like she was afraid to hear the answer.
“Never. There will never be anyone else for me.”
“Then tell me what’s wrong?!” she shouted, turning to him angrily. He was certain she was going to slap him when she stormed up to him, but she reached out slowly and touched his face. His eyes closed and he whimpered. “Please…Frankie.”
“I can’t.” He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his face. And when she kissed him, he almost pulled away. He didn’t deserve that kiss or any of the ones she gave him before. He had become tarnished, a lesser version of what he was.
But her kiss made him feel again. It made him feel that maybe, just maybe, he could be that guy again. He could be her Frankie again. His eyes opened as they kissed and he watched just how much of herself she put into the kiss. She was losing herself in him…for him. He couldn’t let that happen.
He pulled away and her eyes opened slowly. “Why?” she asked.
“I’ll be better next time,” he said. “I’ll be myself again. I promise.”
“Don’t go,” she begged, grabbing his hand. “Don’t. We’ll just go. We’ll leave the country…go on an adventure. No one ever has to find us.”
“Cariño…” He sniffled again and this time it was because he had started to cry.
“I can’t lose you…”
“I’m not gonna die,” he said.
“I don’t mean like that…” Her words hung in the air. “Losing you this way hurts way more than losing you if you die…that slow, agonizing fade…it hurts more.”
What hurt the most was that she was right. He was dying slowly, losing a bit of himself each time he decided he needed that extra something. A bullet would be faster. He stared at her as he thought about it.
No. Never that. Not when there was a glimmer of hope still left in her eyes.
“Let’s just…go,” she repeated. “Please.”
“You know I can’t.” No matter how badly he wanted to, he couldn’t. The day would come when he would spend the rest of his life with her, but it just wasn’t right now.
How much of his life was actually left?
“Well, can you promise me you’ll come back?” she asked desperately. She held his hands, anchoring to the earth, to her, to the only happiness he had left.
“I’ll come back but…I’m not sure how much of me I will be.” Was that his way of telling her that everything had gone completely wrong?
Tell her about the drugs…
“What are you not telling me?” She let go of his hands. “Please stop hiding things from me, Frankie.”
“You wanna know the moment I knew my heart was yours?” He didn’t know why he needed to tell her this now, but it was as good a time as any. “High school. We were all hanging out after school like we usually did, but we had spent most of the time just talking to each other. The streetlights had started to come on so you had to go. You said your goodbyes and as you were walking away, you turned back and smiled at me. Everything started moving in slow motion and life as I knew it was over. That’s when I knew.”
“Because I looked back?”
“Because you looked at me. Because you smiled at me. I only matter when you notice me.” He took her hands again. “When I’m away, you’re not there to look at me…”
“So, you think you don’t matter?” she asked and he nodded. “Of course you do. You always do.”
“I just need…” He hugged her hard. He held her like he’d never see her again.
“Just give me the word and we’ll go,” she said. He could hear a smile in her voice.
“I wish, babe. I wish.” He pulled away but held her face in his hands. “When I get out, we’ll go. No one will ever see us again.”
“You promise?”
“Yeah. I promise,” he said though he had that horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Guess I should let you go now, soldier.”
“I’m Frankie with you. Just Frankie.” He didn’t want to say goodbye yet, but the streetlights were on. He smiled at the connection. “Oh…look!” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the cap she gave him then put it on.
“Handsome.” She pulled on the bill of the cap and smiled. “I’ll see you next time, Frankie.”
“Yeah…and I’ll be better.” He would repeat it until he believed it.
“I can’t say the word so…just…” She kissed him goodbye instead then pulled away with a small sob. She walked and walked.
“Look back,” he whispered. He knew she couldn’t hear him, but maybe, just maybe she could sense it. “Turn around, baby.” And just like before, everything slowed down and she looked back. She smiled then turned away again. He watched until he couldn’t see her anymore. The feeling of hope he’d had faded away as she did. He made her a promise he wasn’t sure he could keep and it felt worse than committing a sin against God himself.
I’ll be better. It became his mantra. Maybe if he said and thought it enough it would come true.
Something deep down told him the world had other plans for him though.
pragma taglist: @saltywintersoldat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pedrosdoll @psychobillybunny @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @keeper0fthestars @mrsparknuts @thinemineours@synystersilenceinblacknwhite @lavenderl3mons @mrscrain-x7 @fioccodineveautunnale @gooddaykate @themilkface @ms-dont-care @mus1caln0tes @awesomefandomsunited @seawhisperer @virtualxjournality @badassbaker @lokiaddicted @forever-rogue @sloantravels @javier-djarin @longitud-de-onda @dirty-dancefl00r5
permanent taglist: @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @tiffdawg @smartsexycalmreflective @cryptkeepersoul @heresathreebee @jawabear @opheliaelysia @huliabitch @cable-kenobi
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topazy · 3 years
The Fierce And Broken
“You found me then.”
Murphy nodded and sunk down to the ground next to you. It had seemed like a good idea to hide out in the library, it was closed off and you assumed nobody would look for you there. But you had forgotten that nobody knew you the way John Murphy does.
Murphy frowned seeing you so upset. “What’s going on Alba? You have been acting strange for weeks.”
You shook your head and wiped away fallen tears as he contained to stare. You took a couple deep breaths before finally being able to speak, “it’s nothing...I’m just being stupid.”
“You’re not stupid Al, and thats the problem.” Murphy put his arm around your shoulder, “who’s ass do I need to kick for this?”
His comment made you chuckle, “no one.” You wiped away more tears before smiling into his hug. “I just feel so tired always pretending, you know? And I don’t know how to make it right. I just feel broken.”
Murphy brushed a strand of hair out of your face, you could see the look of concern on his face. “What do you mean by broken?”
“I just-” You struggled to find the words to express how you were feeling. “I look at girls John.”
“So?” He scoffed, obviously not understanding what you were getting at.
“No I mean I look at girls. I look at them the same way I should look at boys...” Pausing you thought about your next choice of words, “I like girls.”
Murphy placed a soft kiss to your cheek he had been stroking a moment previously. “Yeah girls are pretty hot.”
You smiled into his embrace. John was the only person you had worried about treating you differently when you realised that you had started to get crushed on girls, but the truth was he didn’t care. And you’d never been so grateful he was your friend.
You woke to the sounds of a woman yelling, “I need a saline and a pressure dressing. I’m going to need to check her hip bones in a moment.”
“I’m on it.”
You blinked as your eyes adjusted to the harsh light of the room. Doctor Griffin was leaning over you, she smiled when she noticed you waking up. “You gave us quite a scare, I’m glad to see you awake Y/N.”
“Where am I?” You asked groggily.
“Camp Jaha,” another voice said.
Facing the doorway you could see Octavia smiling as walked towards you, with her arms stretching out. She pulled you into a tight hug. “You had me so worried Al! I thought you had died.”
You held onto her tightly, “me? I thought the blast from the rocket had got you.” Pulling back from the hug you whined at the sharp pain in your arm. “Oh Jesus, I did forget about the pain.”
“Careful, you’ll end up pulling your IV out.” Jackson said, before explaining he needed to dress a deeper cut on your back. You nodded for him to start and don’t your best not to cry as the feeling of nippiness started to spread across your bare skin.
Octavia squeezed your hand. “Clarke told us what happened. The mountain men...how they are taking bone marrow and blood from us and grounders, from you.”
“Some of our people are still in there.” You paused for a moment to try and think about what else happened, “Anya is dead. She was going to set up a meeting with us and her commander, but she’s gone.”
Octavia kneeled down to your level. “Hey, we still have a chance.” She squeezed your hands again, “you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to come in and see you. I know Murphy will be thrilled when he knows you are awake.”
“Murphy?” You asked confused, after hanging Bellamy and shooting Raven you thought he would have been banished again. God, Raven. “Murphy is still in camp? And Raven’s alive?”
“He sure is, and Raven is alive and waiting to see you.” Once Jackson was finished Octavia leaned in closer to you, “I’m glad I caught you before I left.”
“Where are you going?”
Octavia watched to make sure nobody else was paying attention to your conversation. “Raven is turning the electric fence off so me Bellamy, and Clarke can leave-” she stopped talking when Abby walked back into the room. “Murphy and Finn are actually out looking for our people now.”
You played along so Abby wouldn’t grow suspicious. Octavia shared a knowing look with you, the thought of her going out into the wild scared but you knew Bellamy would keep her safe. You mouthed ‘be careful’ before she left.
“So,” Abby said, stepping in front of you with a smile. “We are going to look at your hip once Jackson is back, I’ll need to check for any signs of infection. I’m honestly surprised you managed to walk that far considering what was done to you.”
“Clarke helped,” you shrugged. A look of pride spread across the older woman's face. Clarke wasn’t your favourite person but she did save you from drowning, “Anya also helped. She saved me and Clarke a couple of times...what they are doing to the grounders is worse than what’s happening to us, to me. It’s barbaric.”
Abby gave you a sympathetic smile as Jackson entered the room. You dropped the subject and leaned back into the table.
Groaning you sat up, your original plan was to go look for your friends but between the pain and sleep deprivation you had nodded off. Sighing you looked around the room for your clothes but couldn’t see them. The gown you were wearing wasn’t exactly practical.
Opening the door to the hallway you looked around for anybody that could help but it was empty. Hearing footsteps you decided to walk in that direction when you heard Abby’s voice.
“Did you know about this?”
You recognised the other voice instantly and smiled. It was Raven.
“Tell me where they went and you won't be in trouble.” The aggression in Abby's voice surprised you, she had always been so nice when you had previously met her.
“Abby, I...”
“Someone let them through the fence. Someone gave them guns.”
Oh shit. It’s finally clicked, Abby knows Raven helped her daughter and the others escape. You walked as fast your body allowed you to before finding the door to the room they were in. You caught your breath before opening the door.
“I don’t know what you’re talk-”
You let out a gasp as you opened the door and saw Abby slapping Raven across the face. What the fuck. Abby stepped back from the brunette, “She thinks that because of what she's been through she's changed, but she's still just a kid.”
“You’re wrong, Abby. She stopped being a kid the day you sent her down here to die.”
Abby finally noticed you standing at the doorway and cleared her throat before giving you a fake smile, she obviously didn’t think you had seen. “Y/N, how are you holding up?”
As she spoke Raven turned around to face you, and you could see the red mark on her cheek. It took everything inside you not to curse the doctor out for hurting Raven. “Uh,” you knew from the look your friend was giving you she didn’t want you to say anything. “I don’t know where my clothes are.”
“Oh of course,” Abby clasped her hands together. “Octavia took them earlier and I’m afraid she didn’t tell me where they were placed, and she’s busy at the moment. I can-”
“I have spare clothes Alba can wear until we find hers,” Raven said quietly.
Abby nodded and exited the room, once you were alone you pulled Raven into a hug. You were afraid to say anything knowing that your voice would break. You were concentrating so hard on not crying that you didn’t notice the leg brace Raven had on until you stepped back.
Raven gave you a soft smile before, “I thought you were goner Al.”
“Likewise,” you moved to get a better look at her cheek. “I can’t believe she hit you.”
“It’s fine Alba, I don’t care about it. What I care about is your back.”
For the first time since being taken by the mountain men you didn’t feel that everything was doomed, knowing that two of your friends were safe was enough to bring a little bit of light back into the darkness.
“Come on, let’s get you out of that horrendous gown.”
“I can’t believe you are staying in a tent, they should have found you a room inside. If not because of your leg then at least because of all the work you do for them.”
Raven laughed at the comment as she handed you clothes. You ripped the gown off and happily threw it to the ground and shimmed into a pair of dark jeans and pulled on a clean top. Opening your mouth to thank Raven again you noticed the way she was staring down at her leg. You sat down on the bed next to her, “Reyes?”
You could see her lip trembling as she glanced up, “I have nerve damage from the gunshot.”
“I’m so sorry Raven, I swear I’m going to kill Murphy when I get my hands on him.” It still didn’t feel real to me that Murphy was capable of hurting someone that much. “Whatever you need I’ll be at your beck and call.”
“Careful you might regret saying that one day,” she chuckled. Raven’s smile faded when she focused at your waist, the brunette placed her hand by your bruised hip. You hadn’t noticed the top was ruffled up at one side, her fingers lightly rubbed against the top of your bruise. “What happened Al?”
You shrugged, “It’s a little fuzzy. The last thing I remember is injecting you with coagulant, Anya tried to kill us, then we blasted off.”
“Then the mountain men came.”
“Yeah they came and took most of us. I’m glad I got out but I still feel guilty for not trying to convince others to leave with us.”
Raven gave you a sympathetic smile. “Don’t do that Al, don’t punish yourself for the pain somebody else has caused.”
You were lost for words, Raven made basic sentences sound so poetic.
“What-what did they do to you in Mount weather?”
“I remember a horrible drilling noise, then waking up to a man called Dante Wallace leaning over me. He told me some bullshit then I escaped with Clarke shortly after.”
Raven looked unimpressed, “that’s it? I want to know everything that happened.”
Nodding you began explaining the full story of how you escaped, you tried your best not to laugh as Raven’s facial expressions that kept changing. She seemed particularly interested in how you got every deep cut and bruise. “I hope Clarke manages to convince the commander to agree to a truce.”
“I hope so.” You shuffled further back onto the bed so you could lie down. Raven gave you an amused look as you made yourself more comfortable, then It dawned on you that this wasn’t your tent. “Fancy having a roommate Reyes? At least until I get my own tent.”
She grinned before laying down next to you on the small bed, “I think that could work.”
There were still so many things you wanted to discuss with Raven but it wasn’t the right time. It was still daylight outside but you were both exhausted. You couldn’t stop yawning, and could tell how strained your friend was. Raven had heavy bags underneath her eyes most likely caused by stress of her leg injury. You wished more than anything you could take that pain away from her. Her ‘get on with it’ attitude amazed you considering the situation she was in.
Even if it was impossible for you to physically take her pain away, you could always try and distract her. “Reyes?”
“What's it like to spacewalk?”
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nishithunder · 4 years
Fall (Kuroo x Reader)
He never meant to fall, and she never intended to catch him. - TW: mental health struggles, cursing -  Part 1: You know them?! - Masterlist
 Practice always seemed never ending to Y/N, and today wasn’t an exception. The hours seemed to drag on at a snails pace and she wanted nothing more than to go home.
 ‘I wish they had never asked me to be their manager, I could be in bed right now,’ Y/N thought to herself, rubbing the tip of her index finger over the nail on her thumb, anxiously wanting to tear at the skin that was around it. Getting up every morning was starting to get harder for her, but if she was even a few minutes later to walking out her front door Kuroo would be standing there, waiting to knock and wake her up. He walked past her apartment every morning, finally realizing one day after practice that they walked the same way home, and that he passed her place every morning on the way to school. He had brought it upon himself to walk her every day, waiting for her either at her door, or at the front of the school after classes. Slowly she began to accept it, but at first she would walk right past him as if he wasn’t even there, and he would follow behind her a few steps away. It felt as though he was always there incase something happened, so he could be there to help her. She hated it.
 “Y/N!” A deep voice called out, breaking her out of her trance. Her eyes flicked up, meeting Tora who was already walking towards her. Since she began coming to their practices as the manager, he had taken a liking to her fast though she didn’t speak much to him. “Do you think you could help me?” The dreaded question, always asked of her when she was zoning out. Typically helping was just her throwing balls for him to spike, and he obviously didn’t know the strain this put on her mentally. Y/N ignored her internal struggle, giving him a small nod and walking towards the volleyball bin.
 “I can get it for you,” Tora offered, running past her so that he could push the bin over where she needed it. Y/N stopped in her tracks for a moment before nodding to him and walking back towards the net, watching her feet as she walked. She always kept her head low out of habit, not only trying to protect herself from stray volleyballs, but also because she was sure that if she kept her head down, no one would look at her as much.
 Kuroo watching Y/N cross the court, slowly sipping on his water bottle as his eyes followed her. He always noted how small she seemed, not just in stature but in her presence. When Yaku first introduced Y/N to the team, telling them that since they were neighbors he had walked home with her one day after school and asked her to join. Kuroo knew that Y/N never told Yaku that she would join, but since she didn’t tell him ‘No’, he must have just ran with it and told her that he would meet her after class the following day to show her where the practice room was and introduce her to the team. Kuroo, from that day and forward, wanted nothing more than for Y/N to feel included. She was a second year student, with no extra curricular clubs to make herself stand out. Y/N liked to lay low, out of every ones radar, but she didn’t know that she was directly within his.
 “It’s not good to stare, Kuro,” Kenmas voice ringed out from his side, causing him to jump. Kuroo chuckled, shaking his head and meeting Kenma’s eyes. Kenma saw everything as Kuroo was concerned, so he knew that Kenma saw exactly what he did. Someone who was broken, and needed help, even if she didn’t want to admit that.
 “I just want to make sure Tora doesn’t overwhelm her too much,” Kuroo said, looking back over towards the court where Y/N was awkwardly tossing up volleyballs to Tora. She was definitely trying, but Kuroo wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted to, or because she didn’t know how to say no. “you know how she gets...” he added in a lower voice, one that only Kenma would be able to hear.
 “Well practice is over, I’m heading home.” Kenma stated, grabbing his bag from the floor and waving to Kuroo, receiving a nod in return.
 “Alright guys! Good work today, practice is over, you guys get home before I change my mind and make you work for another hour!” Kuroo called, smiling when he saw Y/N let out a relieved sigh, reaching out for the bin to push back but being stopped by Tora once again.
 Y/N looked up, trying to muster enough strength to smile to Tora as a thank you, but feeling like it was coming out too awkward to seem natural. He smiled in return, winking at her before going around to pick up the balls and put them in the bin. Y/N rubbed her arm, turning and walking towards her bag. She wasn’t sure why everyone here was so nice to her, but she didn’t like having everyone else do everything for her. She could pick up her own slack, she knew she could, it just came down to being able to do it quickly enough and with enough energy as to not hold them back or feel too anxious that she was being a bother. She walked quickly over to her bag, hoping to pick it up and leave before Kuroo caught her, but she was too late.
 “Don’t think you’re leaving without me there, Y/N, it’s dark out. Wait for me.” The deep voice called, causing another sigh to escape her lips. She looked over her shoulder, Kuroo now striding towards her with his bag flung over his shoulder, everyone else leaving the gym before the two of them so he could lock the doors behind them.
 “You know I don’t like you walking by yourself at this time when I’m able to walk with you,” He told her as he pulled the door one last time, making sure he had locked it correctly before shoving the keys into the pocket of his shorts. She shrugged her shoulders, slipping her arms through the other strap of her bag, holding on to the straps after as she walked next to him. Kuroo had to slow down his stride slightly whenever they walked together, something he rarely did for anyone but his legs were much longer than Y/N’s, it was almost like he was running compared to her, but he didn’t mind. 
 “How was class?” Kuroo asked, finally breaking the silence between the two of them after a few minutes. Y/N looked up, having been watching the ground again as the two of them were walking home.
 “It was okay,” Y/N said in her quiet voice, shrugging her shoulders as she did so, “We had a test in my math class today, it was easy though.” she informed him. He smiled, knowing that this was more than likely the first time she really spoke today. Kuroo wasn’t in any of her classes, since she was a grade below him, but he made sure that if he could help her study or anything, he would. 
 “How do you think you did?” He asked her, his arms gravitating to the back of his head as he walked. She shrugged again, something she did often.
 “I hope that I passed at least,” Y/N told him, looking over at him. She was much shorter than him, having to look upwards every time she talked to him, but he didn’t mind that. Most people had to look up at him when he was around.
 “I bet you did. You’re smart.” Kuroo remarked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye, noticing a small, less forced smile on her lips. “You know we have our training camp starting this weekend. Are you going to be okay going to that?” He remembered, having almost forgotten to even mention it to her until now. They hadn’t had a new manager in a while, especially one that was female, so he wasn’t sure if she would want to stay there with them or stay at her own house, but he really hoped she would choose to stay with them so he didn’t have to worry about her walking home by herself at night.
 “I knew already, coach talked to me about it. He said it would be better if I stayed with the team at training camp so that I didn’t have to go back and forth so much since its going to be about a week long. My grades are good enough right now that it shouldn’t be a problem. Tora also asked me if I’d be staying there...I guess if I had told him I wasn’t he would have tried convincing me anyways.” Y/N explained in a quiet voice, looking down at the ground again. Kuroo felt his chest tighten up when she said Tora’s name. He didn’t think that they were that close, though they both were second years.
 “Do you and Tora talk a lot?” Kuroo asked nonchalantly, not wanting her to think anything of the sudden question. Y/N thought for a second, scratching the back of her head.
 “I guess so. He walks me to my classes and waits for me in the hallways. I think he’s afraid I’m going to get lost since I’m used to Kurosuno. I know where they’re all at, though.” Y/N told him, looking up again. Kuroo’s cheeks felt like they were heating up, and it became his turn to look down at his feet. He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t like the idea that Tora was the one walking Y/N to classes because he couldn’t. He didn’t like the thought of someone else standing this closely to her, when he had worked so hard to get to this point of trust.
 “The Kurosuno team is going to be at the training camp,” Kuroo began, looking over at Y/N who was wide eyed, her cheeks a slight pink color now. He hadn’t seen her look this way, as if she was genuinely happy at the thought of their team being there.
 “Are they really? All of them?” She asked quickly, louder than normal and excitedly. A smile spread over Kuroo’s face at this reaction and he nodded his head to her.
 “They always are,” He informed her, watching as a smile spread over her, the first true smile he had seen.
 “So I get to see Hinata? And Noya? And even Tanaka?!” Y/N almost squealed, stopping them both in their tracks as she looked up at Kuroo, hopeful. He nodded to her, the two beginning to walk again, before he realized what she had just asked him.
 “Wait...you know them?!” Kuroo asked, looking over at her in surprise. Y/N nodded, smiling at Kuroo in return.
 “Yeah! I was one of their managers, that’s why Yaku approached me in the first place. Before I came to Nekoma, me and Kiyoko were the managers, and when I left she had to find someone that would take on the roll when she graduated. Tanaka and Noya were my best friends... but once I came to Nekoma, I guess their studies and the team started to take up all of their free time. I haven’t talked to them in a while...they don’t really respond to my texts like they used to...” She stopped before she got too ahead of herself. Y/N missed them, with everything that she had, but she knew that school and the team were more important, and it was keeping them busy. She had to accept that, and the few texts checking up on her here and there were enough to remind her that they were still there whenever she needed them. Her smile faltered at the thought, and Kuroo could see it. The way she lit up when she talked about them, he knew that leaving Kurosuno was hard on her.
 “Why did you come to Nekoma anyways?” Kuroo finally questioned, never having gotten this far into a conversation with Y/N before now. Usually the two of them would walk in silence, so he never got the chance to really talk to Y/N like he would have liked.
 “I had to move. When my mom died, it was really hard on my dad. He couldn’t find a job for a while, but he found one here in Tokyo. He travels a lot for work, but when he is here, it’s faster and easier for him because he doesn’t have to take a train anymore to get down here. I didn’t mind moving, I know it makes it easier for him since we did.” Y/N explained, looking down at her feet again, remembering what her life used to be like before her mom passed. She was happier, things were so much easier for her dad. Even though he tries his best, there is only so much that he can do. “I’m at the house by myself a lot, but I don’t mind it. As long as it’s easier on dad, that is.” She added, looking up at Kuroo again. He was silent, not wanting to interrupt her, wanting to hear everything that she had to tell him. He hadn’t known these things before, but everything seemed to click into place now. That was why she was so reserved, so quiet. Kuroo wanted to break her out of that shell.
 Before he knew it, they were standing in front her her building and she was turned to him, looking up once again to meet his eyes. He didn’t want to go, he wanted to keep talking to her forever. He wanted to know more about her, what her mother was like and what her dad is like. He wanted to know what video games she played, if any, and what she liked to do in her free time. Her favorite color, her favorite book, what kind of food she liked the most, fuck it. He wanted to know all that she could possibly tell him about what made her, Y/N. But it seemed like their time was up, and he looked at his phone only to see that it was much later than he thought it was, and he really should be going before his own mom starts calling him to figure out where he was at this late at night.
 “Thank you for walking me home, Kuroo. Make sure to wait for me tomorrow, I don’t know where the training camp is going to be held at, I don’t want to get lost.” She told him, waving over her shoulder as she walked towards the front doors that led to her apartment complex.
 “Oh...uh...yeah! I’ll be here!” He called to her, his heart feeling like it was going to burst as she looked over her shoulder one last time, holding up a peace sign with her fingers, causing the biggest grin of the night to spread over his lips.
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Don’t Tell Dimitri — Claude x Reader
Summary: It was after one of the monthly missions that Byleth had asked you to assist with the Golden Deer. Your lance skills were remarkable enough to have Claude manipulating Byleth into asking for your help. However, Claude’s reasons to do so were others rather than just your strength and skill.    
A/N: I went for F!Byleth instead of Gender Neutral Byleth, as I originally intended. I’ve been playing far too long with F!Byleth, I sometimes forgt M!Byleth is a thing too XD forgive me. Also, I’ve been loving the Golden Deer route, although I’ve got to admit, I miss my Blue Lions :c Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. 
Also! I headcannon Byleth to be a cheeky little shit. Everytime I have the opportunity to answer with any sarcastic/smartass answer, I go for that one. So, my perception of Byleth is heavily influenced by it. I apologize if you eadcanon Byleth to be more of a composed/serious character.  
Posted: 04.21.2020
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: curse words. 
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How bad things would go if someone ever found out Claude's teeny tiny crush on Dimitri's younger sister? The princess of Faerghus. Being roughly a year younger than both Claude and Dimitri, skill wise, you weren't in any way behind them.
In fact, from a young age, you showed great skill with a lance, despite your lack of Crest. You waved your lance with such precision as if it were both a third arm and your dominant hand. With such grace and skill you waved any lance, making it hard to believe you lacked a Crest. 
That skill was what first caught Claude's attention. However, your laid back personality and sharp tongue amused him like very few things in life did. However, he could see through the cheerful mask you wore to cope with the horrible past you and Dimitri had been through. 
"Say, Teach" Claude said walking up to Byleth who was attentively watching you train with Felix. "Don't you think we'll need a little help for our mission at the end of the month?" 
"I can't believe you are admitting our lack of skill, Claude. It pains me, really" Byleth snapped sarcastically at once "I'm sorry I can't be the Professor you deserve" She continued, knowing it would either annoy Claude or amuse him. 
"Oi, no one said anything about you as a professor" Claude chuckled corresponding to Byleth's sarcasm "I was just merely stating a possibility…" 
"Why are you here, Claude? I know its not because you want to train. I rarely see you doing anything productive at all on a Sunday" The professor remarked as Claude laughed softly.
"Alright, you got me, I'll cut the bullshit" 
"Language, kid" Byleth chuckled rather amused by hearing kids use curse words. 
"Those two are very tough on the battlefield. That first mock battle we had, I swear to the goddess, for a second I thought we were done for when I fought against her…" Claude recalled as Byleth nodded, remembering how Claude barely could dodge your fierce moves.
"You're suggesting that I should ask for their help for our next mission, is that right?" 
"To be honest, Felix kinda scares me a bit" Claude admitted "He's so short fused, I'm afraid he ends up stabbing me instead if I do something to upset him. [Name] however...she's cool, funny, she laughs at my jokes. She's much more laid back than her brother. And at the same time, she's a killing machine with a lance" 
"Is it just me or do I smell your hormones all over me?" Byleth chuckled, looking at Claude, trying to see his reaction, however, the young man simply shrugged. “You could either genuinly care for this girl, or you just want to get on Dimitri’s nerve, which one is it? Or is it both?” Byleth teased. 
"Say what you want, Teach. Tease me to your heart's contempt. But rest assure, you'll remain my favorite lady in this monastery…" 
"Good, I was worried that you might replace me for her" Byleth replied sarcastically. 
"Me? Never! Who do you think I am?" Claude giggled mischievously.
"The Claudster" Byleth smiled back at her student before looking back at Felix swinging his sword swiftly as you effortlessly stopped each and every one of his attacks "Alright, I'll ask for her help after she's done training" 
By the end of the month, on your way to the battlefield, Claude and you didn't stop giggling and whispering things to one another. The two of you looked like elementary kids plotting something. But that same behavior helped camouflage Claude's feelings for you, as people thought you two were just friends. Some believed you were close to you just to piss Dimitri off. Either way worked to mask the secret Claude so desperately wanted to hide.
The mission wasn't particularly hard. But maybe it was because you were there giving a helping hand. A very helpful one. However, things of course wouldn't be as good after the Golden Deer had won the war. 
While saving Claude's back while he was busy shooting an arrow, you'd twisted your ankle throwing your lance at a thief running towards Claude, ready to slash his back with a sword. 
Claude helped you walk, holding one of your arms around his shoulders and one of his arms around your waist.
"I definitely owe you big time" Claude said, grateful that you'd saved his life.
"Oh, normally I wouldn't ask you to return favours, but I will ask for this one back" you joked, laughing, trying to mask the unbearable pain on your ankle.
"You better don't tell Dimitri about this" Claude laughed, knowing your brother would be particularly amused with Claude getting his sister injured.
"I don't know, it'd be a good way to blackmail you" You joked.
Once back at the camp, Marianne took a look at your ankle. Working a little bit of magic, it soon stopped aching and it no longer was swollen. 
"I-I'm so sorry, [Name]. I can't completely cure you ankle. It'll no longer hurt, but you'll still need to rest" The shy girl mumbled too fast and too low, it was hard for you to properly listen to her. 
"It's cool. You already did a lot" You tried reassuring her "The pain was the worst part. Thank you Marianne" You smiled.
"Teach, what now?" Claude asked Byleth as she sat next to you, looking at your ankle "It's almost sunset. We won't be able to be back at the monastery before nightfall" 
"We leave tomorrow morning. It is dangerous to wander at night" Byleth answered standing up and walking to her tent. "Especially considering one of us isn't in the best condition to fight if we run into something"
The moon was almost at its highest point in the night sky. The campsite, dark and silent, as only the echoes of Raphael's loud snoring. And Claude was unable to fall asleep. Not because of Raphael, it wasn't the first time they camped, the snoring had never been a problem. 
His mind was restless with the thought of you being asleep a couple of tents away from his. In an in impulsive thought he could not ignore, he left his tent and walked across the camp stealthily until he reached your tent.
"[Name]" He whispered. She's asleep, you jerk...He told himself after whispering your name a second time. "[Name]" 
The fabric shook gently as you popped your head out of the tent. 
"Why the hell are you still up?" You whispered a scream.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" The boy asked.
"Not at all" 
"What?" Claude raised an eyebrow as a smirk spread through his face "Why the hell are you still up?"
"Don't use my lines against me, smartass" You giggled "Wanna come in?" 
Claude tried not to answer right away and instead waited a couple of seconds as if he was considering it.
"Sure" he shrugged.
You sat on your sleeping bag as Claude kneeled inside your tent and sat next to you.
"So? What brings you here?" You said leaning back, resting your weight on one of your arms.
"Couldn't sleep. And I heard noises coming from your tent" he lied, since you hadn't been making any noise whatsoever, but didn't question his words. "Wanna hang out while either of us gets sleepy?" 
"Sounds good to me" You shrugged.
"Thank you for saving me today. Or...yesterday. whatever" He said frowning softly. "Thank you" 
"Don't thank me Claude. I was merely doing my part, thats it" you said as your fingers reached his earring. "I like it, it suits you" 
"Thank you, darling" he smirked leaning into your touch and shrugging softly "You're tickling me" 
"I didn't know you were ticklish" You giggled, smiling mischievously. 
"[Name], no!" Claude chuckled holding your wrist tightly as you tried to sneak it to his neck. "If we wake anyone up we'll be in trouble"
"Since when do you care about getting in trouble?" You snapped as Claude looked at you with a stare you knew it only meant trouble.
"True" He hissed as he moved closer to you.
"No" You said once you noticed his menacingly stare as his hands quickly found their way to your neck and sides "Stop! Claude!" you tried to keep your giggles under control as Claude was the one tickling you now. "We'll get in trouble" You whispered a scream.
"Sorry, don't care" He whispered back at you as his fingers kept roaming, tickling you, trapping you in a torturous laugh.
"Claude!" You cried.
"Alright, fine" He was giggling as he stopped "Whatever Her Highness commands" He chuckled as you caught your breath. 
"Claude?" You whispered, still panting softly. 
"Yes, [Name]?" With a pleased cheeky smirk, he looked at you, his gorgeous green eyes meeting yours.
His heart stopped for a second once he realized what kind of look you were giving him. Your eyes were beginning to look sleepy, and yet, they scanned his face slowly. He noticed the particular way your stare would stop on his eyes and his lips.
Taking the hint, he leaned closer, slowly, giving you time to decide what happened next. At first, you didn't move, and the tip.of your.noses brushed softly, as he kept looking at you. 
In a barely audible  voice, you whispered his voice before closing your eyes. Once Claude saw his cue, he leaned in, closing in the space between the both of you. His lips met yours. 
It started as a shy simple kiss that quickly heated up after you locked your lips with him. At first, the both of you awkwardly trying to adjust to each other's rhythm. But once you managed, the both of you lost yourselves in it. 
With your heart on your throat, you clung to Claude, wrapping your arms around his neck and gripping his hair. At the same time, Claude wrapped one of his arms around your back and squeezed you against his, while he rested his weight on his free hand. 
Finally, you broke the kiss, the both of you breathless, panting lowly. Claude bumped his forehead against yours as the both of you remained motionless. 
"Let's not tell Dimitri about this" You panted as Claude nodded. 
"Agreed" He whispered, looking into your eyes for a brief second before leaning closer to steal another kiss from you.
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