#(i am so upset that he went after my staff btw. say what you want about me but ill kill you if you go after my staff)
Christ on a cracker I'm falling apart
#so heres the thing. i got back from two months of summer camp a week ago#i was an area director. very stressful. my favorite job ever but stressful#i got home a week ago#but the thing im having most trouble with is sleep#as in i cant sleep. at all#it takes me over an hour to fall asleep and i cant stay asleep through the night#im almost one hundred percent sure it's because of stress#honestly tho i feel like all of my problems can be tracked back to stress#anywho i think this is camp stress come to haunt me#why do i think this is? well im glad you asked#the first night i got back and tried to sleep i had a dream#that my staff kept coming into my bedroom to ask me questions whoch made it so i couldnt sleep#and it kept waking me up because i was afraid i had camp problems to deal with#not ideal. but austyn couldnt that just be a one time thing?#god i wish#ive had no less than two more dreams about camp stresses in the week that ive been back#some variation of being with my staff or friends and them needing something so i wake up#and i cant get to sleep because im thinking about it#one week there was a scoutmaster that made my life a living hell. he (verbally) attacked me and my staff multiple times#(i am so upset that he went after my staff btw. say what you want about me but ill kill you if you go after my staff)#(and he picked the sweetest one of my staff members to attack too. when i vented about this she said 'id fight to the death for you')#(following me telling her that id always fight for my staff)#and the other night while i was trying to sleep i just couldnt stop thinking about that scoutmaster#i love camp but it is stressing me out way more than usual and i am falling apart because of it#i cant sleep. im nearly passing out at work. im depressed (that always happens after leaving tho). im anxious#so. anxious. and so. tired. fucking exhausted#in the last week i haven't had more than one consecutive hour of sleep#i swear this is going to get worse and worse until one day i just collapse and die#okay. gonna try to sleep. wish me luck. love yall. goodnight
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Are you taking requests. Because I have an idea after reading your chapters where the reader became a cat. Why not she turn into a puppy this time, I would love to see divus react since he is base off of Cruella de vil
Actually, I am taking requests! 
And to be honest, before writing the Neko!Reader story, I was struggling to choose to write reader as a dog or a cat. Looks like I get to write both! 
Thank you for the request!! I hope this story is up to your standards and I hope you have a lovely day!!
Btw, this story will feature third-years since I used second-years in the Neko!Reader story.
What if you became a dog? (Ft. Grim, Ace, Deuce, Leona, Vil, Malleus and Lilia)
It has been a few weeks since your ‘neko’ accident and Grim is still off of his supply of tuna. But due to this accident, you and Grim were faced with extreme supervision whenever you attended Professor Crewel’s class. All your potions were tested before Professor Crewel gave you the permission to use the potions. There was absolutely no space for any errors.
So... With that being said, how did you, ended up as a dog?
Well, it’s pretty simple. You went for a bathroom break during one of Professor Crewel’s classes, so you left Grim in charge of your potion for awhile. The creature read the instructions carefully, trying to not mess up the potion as it would extend his punishment of no tuna even longer. However, he messed up the ingredient amount. Once the creature realized his mistake, he tried to get rid of it before anyone found out. So, he did the one logical thing to do. He threw the entire potion out the window.
You were on your way back from the bathroom, hoping to yourself that Grim was able to handle the potion perfectly, then all of a sudden, you felt something on your head.
Rain? No, the sky was pretty clear.
Water? No, this doesn’t feel like water.
You then used your hand to touch the liquid on your head, bringing the liquid to your eyes to get a good look at what it was. As soon as you did, the cloud appeared again.
“Not agai-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence and you were completely covered by the cloud once again.
“Now, Grim! Yours and (Y/N)’s potion please.” Professor Crewel beckoned Grim to show his potion to him.
“Fgnaaa! Um, well, you see I-”
“Woof!” A (H/C) colored pup appeared at the doorway, chewing onto a stick.
“Woof! Woof!” The pup barked cheerfully.
“What is that? No, who is that?!” Ace exclaimed. Grim looked at the pup with widen eyes.
“Oh no....” The creature said as he rushed to the window where he threw out the potion to see the potion along with your clothes on the floor. Deuce and Ace followed to see the same scene and they looked at Grim and they immediately knew who the (H/C) colored puppy is.
“Grim... What did you do?” Deuce asked while Ace slowly approached you, trying to not scare you for they remembered the ‘neko’ incident all too well. If you were already a runner when you were a cat, they could only imagine your speed if you were a dog.
“I...Uh... Might have miscalculated some ingredients.” Grim said. Deuce could only shake his head at Grim.
“My, what a lovely young little pup this is... “ Professor Crewel appeared beside Ace, peering down at you. Ace could practically feel the menacing aura bouncing off from the professor as he stood beside him.
“Ahh, your fur is so soft.. And what marvelous color coats your body..” The professor had reached out to pet you. You slowly backed away from the professor's touch.
Now, I would be lying if I told you that you were okay with this. You were very uncomfortable. You felt as if you were a prey and the professor was the predator. Ace realized this and quickly scooped you up.
"There there, (Y/N), calm down..." Ace cooed to you and you just snuggled into his arms more, trying to get away from the professor's looks on you.
"Ano, professor, can you make another antidote for (Y/N) again?" Deuce asked the teacher, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Yes, of course I will, in the meantime, please don't lose sight of (Y/N) again." The professor looked at the three first-years.
"Yes, Professor Crewel." They replied in sync.
"Good boys, now I shall get to work on the antidote." The professor said and he mumbled a sentence after. "Even though I don't want to."
"Okay! So what do we do with you?" Ace asked looking at you, and you just barked a response to him.
"I say we don't do anything with her, we just close her in a room and stare at her." Grim suggested. Ace and Deuce looked at him in confusion.
"Looks like you don't have any experience with dogs at all." Deuce said shaking his head.
"I know, we'll just take her back to Ramshackle Dorm and let her run around the yard of the dorm." Ace suggested and Deuce nodded.
"Yeah, she'll get her run and we get to keep an eye on her."
"Sounds like a plan." Grim added.
"Usually it's (Y/N) who makes these plans, looks like she's rubbing off on us." Ace said as they leave the laboratory to get you back to Ramshackle Dorm.
However, on the way back to the dorm, a certain something had caught your eye. It was a tail. Not just any tail though, you had noticed the tail of a certain dorm leader.
So, you jumped out of Ace's arms to go inspect the tail.
"Huh? (Y/N)!! Wait!!" Screams for you to wait were heard, but you didn't care. You were focused on the task you gave yourself, 'to inspect the mysterious tail'.
So there you were, navigating along the hallway with your vision focused on the elusive tail, there was no way you were going to let it out of your sight. Then, the tail took a sharp left turn, and you followed it so. You were immediately met with blazing sunshine for you were in the field of Night Raven College.
"Ah, Leona-san, glad to see you actually arrived for the class today." Vil commented to the lion.
"Ugh... Let's just get over with this so I can go back to sleep." Leona replied with a yawn.
"Alright!! Let's begin today's lesson!!" Vargas (Idk if I should call him a professor or not) said to the third-years. "Let's start with 100 laps around the field!" As soon as this sentence left the teacher's mouth, multiple groans were heard, especially from a certain beauty queen. However this didn't bothered Leona, due to plenty of magical shift practices, he was already used to running long laps around the field and he just wanted his nap so he decided to get it done with as soon as possible.
And there he was, in position, ready to run. His tail was resting on the ground and you took this oppurtunity to inspect said tail. As soon as Vargas had blown his whistle, you pounced on the tail, holding a firm grip to it. So with that, a 'smack' sound was heard and Leona had fallen face first onto the ground. Some laughter was heard from the other third-years.
"Oh.. My? What's this?" Vil said as he saw you playing with Leona's tail.
"What do we have here?" Malleus appeared beside Vil with Lilia not far behind.
"Why... It's a cute little puppy.." Lilia said with a slight smirk on his face. "How adorable."
"Oww..." Leona groaned.
"But, there aren't any dogs on campus, at least, there aren't any dogs who aren't half-human." Vil said.
"You're right, no student nor staff owns a pet dog." Lilia agreed.
You didn't care though, the only thing on your mind was the tail. But shortly after, you felt as if someone was holding your neck as you're being lifted into the air. You let out a slight whimper as you were faced with a slightly annoyed lion.
"Alright, whose (H/C) colored pup is this? You better come out now before I eat'em up." Leona looked at you with menancing eyes.
You however, were not taking any of this so you glared at Leona and barked furiously, trying to bite the lion, also shocking everyone around you.
"Ah, you've upset it." Lilia said as he tried to take you away from the lion. But you were thrashing around, making it super hard for the third-years to seperate you and Leona.
And thanks to the loud barking, Ace, Deuce and Grim heard you and they immediately ran out to the field to see Lilia getting a hold of you while Vil and Malleus were helping Leona.
"A-Ah! Lilia-senpai! Dorm leaders Vil, Malleus and Leona!" Deuce shouted and Lilia turned to look at them.
"Ace? Deuce? Grim? What's wrong?" Lilia said as you were struggling to get out of his grip but you stopped once you saw Ace, Deuce and Grim.
"Can we have that puppy back?" Ace asked.
"Oh, so this puppy was yours?" Leona glared at them. Vil and Malleus had already helped Leona back onto his feet.
"Now, Leona, let's not jump into fights." Vil said to the lion.
"Um... No... Technically, this is (Y/N)." Deuce said, sweatdropping.
"E-Eh? This is (Y/N)?!?" Lilia asked shocked. Leona, Vil and Malleus were looking at you, trying to confirm what they heard was true. No wonder they thought this pup was so...so....adorable!
"Oh, fufufu, this is the first time I've ever seen her this cute." Lilia said, hugging you tighter.
"Ah, let me guess, a spell went wrong?" Malleus asked.
"Or perhaps a potion?" Vil added.
"It was a potion that went wrong, Grim here, miscalculated the ingredient amount needed for the potion. And to not get caught with it, he threw the entire potion out the window." Ace explained.
"And it landed on (Y/N)." Deuce continued. Malleus and Vil had to restrain themselves from laughing while Lilia was already laughing madly.
"The coincidence is uncanny! Hahahaha! But anyway, here you go, take her to Crewel immediately." Lilia handed you over to Deuce.
"Yes, senpai." The first-years nodded and head back to the lab.
"Well, it was fun while it lasted, never knew she could be so cute." Vil said to himself.
"Let's just hope Crewel doesn't decide to try anything with her." Leona said, for he knew what the professor would do to animals like him, especially if it's a dog.
You arrive safely back in the lab and the professor was already there waiting for you. He reluctantly gave you the antidote and you were turned back to normal. The professor then walked away muttering something about soft fur and nice color.
"What happened?" You asked.
"Well, instead of becoming a cat again, you became a dog." Ace started.
"Ahh, did I now?" You slowly turned your head to look at Grim with a smile on your face.
"F-Fgnnaaa!" Grim exclaimed as he saw your eyes staring into his soul. You then gave him a closed-eye smile.
"No tuna for another month."
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hi! i just found out i have aspergers, and this might be a bit of an odd request, could you maybe write some hcs for the bug boys or queen (your choice) and how they would react to the reader telling them 👉👈? sorry if this is weird i just love your writing saw requests were open
Hello, there darling nonny!
This is not an odd request at all! Although reader inserts should always be as blank a slate as possible, diverse reader inserts are always especially needed and appreciated in my opinion. Racial, ethnic, LGBTQIA, gender, and neurodiversity representation can be extremely powerful.
To receive a diagnosis is freeing for some and nerve-wracking for others. But you are lucky, there are lots of resources that can help you, Tumblr and otherwise (which I will reblog with links that I know of).  Sorry, this took a while, I was nervous to take this on. Since symptoms can be so different for every person and trying not to be accidentally ableist, yada yada ya. And if I get anything wrong or offensive, someone please correct me. Don’t be afraid to dm me with anything you have to say or to let me know. Drag me gently. 
Anyways, onto the headcanons! I will do both!
For the Beatles...
John: I imagine John would blink a lot. You would be scared he would make fun of you or leave you at once. He does not. You’re still shaking so badly you don’t know what he will say. So finally he smiles. He asks lots of quiet questions about it. If you were sensitive to sounds, he would even play his guitar a little quieter just for you when you were around. If you got antsy somewhere and stimmed by rubbing your hands or tapping your foot he would play “footsie” with you. He would help you with anything involving hand-eye coordination like silly carnival games and then give you the prize.
 Paul: Paul would be the most mother like and protective at first. But he would soon relax. You communicate to him that it’s too much and he relaxes. Both of you love routines and you find ways to work together where you even gossip about so and so while brushing your teeth. Sometimes you ask “Paul…am I being too awkward? I know I’m awkward, I’m so nervous.” So he will put an arm around you and call you “me dove,” and do something to charm and relax you. He often buys gifts relating to your special interests. He flat out spoils you on Christmas and your birthday! He would also check your mail, destroying any ableist letters from jealous fans. You feel like he is your safe haven and you are his.
 George: You tell him on a beautiful day in a flower garden on a picnic. You rest your head on his lap and he strokes your hair softly. Geroge would understand if you are more shy and quiet like he is. Though if you are more boisterous he has a way of calming you down. If you get worked up emotionally, he often takes you walking into the garden to relax a little. He is a cuddler so you put on the movie that’s been invading your thoughts and cuddle with blankets a lot. Once (at a slower point, let’s face it, you knew the script backward and forwards) you made a game of throwing strawberries into each other face and catching it with your mouths open and it was hysterical. He always knows how to make you relaxed and happy.
 Ringo: Both of you would get emotional when you tell. You love him so much and you’re scared he will leave you because he’s in a popular band. But he doesn’t. He tears up because you trust him so much. “You don’t think I’m some…I don’t know, some monster?” “Monster! No- God, Y/N! You’re not a monster! You’re the bloody opposite! You’re an angel! Always! That doesn’t change anything!” He might misunderstand certain things but you correct him and he corrects himself (“But didn’t you cry at that song?” “I can still cry! I feel empathy,” “Oh, okay.”). Though he would sometimes forget and even brag about you (never discussing your diagnosis without your clear consent) because he would be very starry-eyed and lovey-dovey over you. Despite the newness of the term even, he still kisses the ground you walk on. He just learns to be careful.
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 Now for Queen...
Freddie (platonically): You keep trying to find a time to tell him, but he is always incredibly busy. He is like a bee, bustling about. But the time you get him to sit down, you tell him. He gets you some tea and one of his cats comes up and curls next to you, purring. Though, somehow some words got around, even if Freddie got his mouth shut. A staff member overheard perhaps. At one party there was an ableist asshole who heard the word and went up to you. “So Y/N, you don’t look…” “Y/N looks like a divine creature of Roman mythology, don’t you agree darling?” he would swoop in with a wink. You love attending parties. If you’re more introverted you feel comfortable, and if extraverted you know you can be yourself. Fred is the king of that. He is a gay immigrant and empathizes with you for being different, but encouraging you to be unapologetically yourself as he is.
 Roger: Like with Ringo, you were scared when you “Came out” to Roger due to him being the drummer of an incredible band and how the fans would view you. You would go on a drive in his favorite car. Then ask him to park. And then you tell him. He would hug you at first and you would smile. He helps you to stand up for yourself if someone is being dismissive. Though he might fist sight any ableist who messes with you. He would love to hear you talk about your special interests and passions and have all sorts of conversations about it. He drums in a special place so it’s not a sensory overload- he even gets you a small headset with your favorite records with a note reading “for Y/N, my sweet love, Rog.” Though if you love to listen to it at full blast he will place you on his lap and play. He would also never mind all of the one-sided conversations and know how to talk with you. I mean, the man turns girls to gravy with one look so imagine what dating him would do!
 Brian: He would be the most scientific and the most technical when you tell him. When you come out, the conversation after is like a trip to a very sweet, empathetic doctor. But he can in a way relate. He has a variety of things he is passionate about. He has a lot of in-depth knowledge but he forgets the car keys (which you always have in your pocket and will return to him for one kiss). He can be considered an eccentric, and you feel like you are eccentric. But he smiles and tells you “just be your lovely self, Y/N.” If you stim, you love playing with his hair and he lets you. He would never talk you down and patiently re-explain things if need be. If you don’t feel like looking into his eyes, he will at least stand by you and maybe hold your hand if you want to. Even when you get depressed or anxious, just a quiet night of stargazing with your favorite guitarist reminds you how happy and lucky you truly are.
 John: He is a total sweetie and completely accepting. If you are the type that is clumsy he will love to catch you and then hold on, saying something cheeky like “if you wanted to dance with me you should have asked.” He is quieter but sometimes makes sure his gestures are a little more clear so you understand. He would also like to learn about your own passions and even fix your tv when it broke and you wanted to watch a show that was special to you. He is so sweet and calming if you get anxious or depressed. He would make you cheese on toast, peppered with buttery, crumby kisses, and talk through things with you. He tells you he is going to write a song. You’re nervous. What if he says something insulting by accident. But just a song to play when you get stressed or upset. So the day you are brought into the studio with tape and the first few lines of “You’re My Best Friend” churn out (btw if you’re not fem! identifying, imagine Deaky switched the pronouns), you’re in happy tears.
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Taglist: @queenlover05 @retropetalss
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spicysoftsweet · 4 years
Get out (for the ask for the ask!! I'm not telling you to get out please don't think I am)
LOL, omg nooooo stop being mean (jk)
OK I will say one of the most uncomfortable/scary situations was once I was working night shift, and this patient on my census got upset about something the day team of doctors told him about his care and wanted an explanation in the middle of the night.
( btw like in general, if you want details about your loved ones’ care in the hospital, avoid calling or showing up on weekends or after 6pm because chances are it’s not the primary team covering and while they’re briefed on what to do to keep them safe through the night, they do not know usually know details).
Anyway, I go in to talk to this dude and calm him down, and he’s like EXTREMELY upset because of his long, frustrating hospitalization (and rightly so), and of course it’s fine cuz deescalation techniques are my forte, but at one point he goes, “you know I used to murder people for fun, and I’ve only done time for half of the things that I’ve committed and I really think I’m about to lose my temper right now, so you better be ready.”
so obviously when he says that i’m like “hm, i don’t feel like dying today.” And like this is is not a small dude, he’s definitely big as shit (cuz duh). So suddenly I was acutely aware of my positioning in that room and of course I was on the other side of his bed, and would have to run across the bed in order to make it out of the room. Plus, it’s late at night so half the hospital staff is not there, so it really all of a sudden struck me, “man i probably couldn’t escape that easily if he did end up getting mad enough to beat my ass’
Anyway, things went better during the conversation, and he eventually felt reassured, so I left and didn’t hear anything from that room for the rest of the night. But yeah that was scary.
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spacedimentio · 6 years
Live Impressions of “Change Your Mind”
Neat, a bit of the credits music on the title card is fun and totally not ominous
Oh, this a dream. I was legit worried about Connie for a second there
That thing looks like one of those rainbow caterpillars that really little kids have that you can pull behind you with a string
!!?! I- That’s not worrisome at all, nope, no identity crisis here, oooh boy
Does that mean that Rose knew what the corruption light was? Or just that it was an attack of some kind. Cause if she knew exactly what it was then she should have probably seen it coming.
Déjà Blue is right, they’re using the exact recording/drawing I think
“No.” Damn right you’re not sorry!
Oh Blue, you really did love her, didn’t you… She looks nice with messy hair, it reflects how she feels on the inside.
That easy huh? Haha, look at her face she doesn’t know what eating is and is totally mystified and disgusted xD
Yellow time. Oh, are those…those are fusion experiments. A nice reminder of an awful thing that Yellow is responsible for.
Oh, oh shit! Blue looks absolutely mortified holy fuck
Hey, there’s the scene from the promo. “You’d hurt your fellow diamond?” “Didn’t we hurt Pink? She was suffering in silence for ages, just like our gems, just like me!” Oh man, she does know that they’re responsible for a lot of bad shit, was their behavior all just…fear?
That face Yellow just made stabbed me in the heart jesus No don’t you dumb banana what are you doing holy shit! Oh my god no she’s gonna cry and then I’m gonna cry and she really just doesn’t wanna do this
Did he really just Did he really just hit her with “If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs” I can’t
Haha fuck yes! Yellow crying was my one wish for this ep :’D Let it all out Yellow, I’m sure Steven will give you hugs at some point Also kudos to the person that made the comic where the dialogue was almost exactly like this in regards to Yellow telling Blue to stop using her powers when she wasn’t doing anything
Oh! They’re calling him Steven now! They probably don’t get what he is still but that’s a good step
I’ve heard “You’re not going anywhere” in the commercial like 5 million times but it’s still creepy af
Oh hell no the ship did not need eyes no thank you
Ok I just thought he was trying to pull a “hey, what’s that” and run away while White looked to see what he was pointing at, but no it’s actually the two arm ships how the fuck did Bismuth fix them so fast (how long were the kids in prison jeeeeez). I like how it looks like there’s bandaids and duct tape on them lol But this might actually be a bad thing because why did you bring the arms, you’re going to make the mech stronger!
Dream: achieved! Ayyy, new designs! Nice glasses Peri, but they too big, so I like Lapis’s outfit more. I do love how you just have the lid to a garbage can, you could have found cooler things to surf on, but nope. Garbage can lid.
No don’t attach the arms that’s going to come back to bite you I just know it!
Man, the diamonds hopped on Team Steven quick, but I can’t be too upset with that because it is also what I wanted XD I guess they’ve been suffering a lot more than I thought.
That’s a nice sentiment Connie, and I’m surprised that the diamonds actually listened to what you said and considered it. Doubt it’ll work though.
Oh, they’ve still got control of their ships. I wonder how that particular bit of bullshit space magic works.
You got this Yellow! Don’t hold it in anymore! Oof, they don’t like the pressure they’re under, and they’re under a lot. The diamonds are responsible for a lot of awful things, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t conditioned and expected to fulfill their roles just as much as any other gem.
Aww, look at how Yellow is smiling, and I love how they’re holding hands! Bellow forever!
Oh that’s… Zero hesitation. Stone cold. I don’t like the way their heads flopped backwards, that’s really unsettling OK IT GOT WORSE STOP SMILING LIKE THAT D:
Steven I know you want them to reform but you should probably bubble them before…you…drop them, just like that.
I demand the BGM for this episode and will inevitably be sad when we don’t get it
Oh what, you can just do that? Fuse with a gem that’s not even formed?
o0o Rainbow 2.0! I had a guess that their weapon would be a parasol and it was even neater than I thought it would be Wow, they’re really, really British. That’s a British accent right, I’m not dumb? They’re just Mary Poppins, holy shit I love them! Jet umbrella leaves rainbow trail, ok yes thank you
Fire lady??? We fusing with everyone up in here today! Steven, in episode fucking 11: So, what’s today’s mission? I hope it’s fighting a giant foot! Today, in episode 157-160: a giant foot almost shatters everyone Well you sure got your wish buddy, are you happy?
Alright we got sunglasses mcgoo over here. Sunstone looks like a cereal box mascot I swear to god. So we’re going full “PSA mascot from the 90s”, are we. Man you are just…continually breaking the fourth wall aren’t you. Of course, Sardonyx also has the power to break the fourth wall so I guess it’s just a Future Vision+ thing. I like you Sunglasses McGoo, but I hope your weapon isn’t just suction cups or you’re never going to show up again in a fight xD
Fuckin rip Nice shades Garnet, I like what you did with your…idk what that piece of clothing is called but it’s the bit in the thin section of her body, I like the way the color goes onto her hips a little.
Oh OH SHIT IS IT REALLY TIME FOR THE LONG-THEORIZED TEMPLE FUSION That’s a lot of arms dude! Oh my god they are so cool I love them already!
Peri I love you, never don’t be ridiculous Oh geez I thought she wasn’t going to be able to catch her for a second because bismuth is a diamagnetic metal and *flashbacks of A Gem is Shattered being on the bingo card*
What’s this…staff thing? Ok that was extremely cool, your face is full of lava and you just made a sword from it. Goodbye hands I’m hearing Alexandrite’s percussion instrument in the music, that’s neat. Obsidian is also just roaring a lot, like Alexandrite.
Oh through the eyes, sure. Idk why she didn’t just close the eyelids to keep them out
With all the commotion and fusions, I totally forgot they got brainwashed, oof. It’s definitely not extremely unsettling to see them all talking at once with one voice, nope, not at all. Please stop talking, please stop talking, christ please stop talking
“But you’re a part of me” I-… Does that mean that the color theory where the other diamonds used to be part of White has more merit than I thought? Is that where they came from?
Nononono leave them alone! Oh god why
I don’t think that’s true, I’m pretty sure Pink was just a naturally social person who’s status forced her into loneliness. She just wanted some got dang friends
I DON’T THINK I’VE EVER BEEN SO CREEPED OUT IN MY LIFE. Why is this animation and these over-exaggerated faces reminding me of Cuphead. I’ve never played Cuphead but that’s what I’m thinking of.
(Edit from the future: Probably most of you didn’t have a commercial break after this moment, but I sure did, and I spent the entirety of those minutes with my hand covering my mouth in pure shock, tears trickling down my face. I was left to wonder…is Rose coming back? Is Steven dead? I was left with this image:
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I was so astounded that I had to pause for a moment and just breathe. And christ, having to wait just a few minutes in utter shock and terror was An Experience. I feel bad for those who didn’t have a break there.)
*quickly realizes that having half the screen still black means that we’re gonna have double perspective* Oh No Oh Shit Oh No is it really gonna be her?!
Oh thank goodness. Congratulations, you now have two Steves, whatever that means
Ok Steven’s still alive, but it looks like it’s excruciating to be without his gem. I’m glad he didn’t just fall apart without the light holding his cells together. How long can he last without his…soul?  Shit what do we call this, what even is this.
This is definitely not what she expected to happen. Oh jesus christ holy shit chill out dude, even White Diamond shook
It’s just…such a relief to finally know. I never believed that the show would abandon its themes of loss by having a miraculous return, but I still wanted to see her anyway. She’s gone.
So what is this guy, exactly? Does he have any conscious thought? Or is he just pure gem energy with the desire to return to his other half
“I only want you to be yourself!” Uh, White honey, you are literally doing the exact opposite thing. “I’ll do it for you!” That’s not how people work White, you are just not having a good time with this turn of events are you
That’s an…interesting shield. Who did Steven say that to, btw? Was he telling White to stop hurting them, or his other self to stop reflecting the attack? Cause White was also in the middle of being hurt, I think
Aww, they’re so happy! It’ll never not be creepy to see White’s voice coming out of Steven’s glass-eyed friends though.
Normally I don’t notice when something in a 2D cartoon is 3D animated, but that shot of White’s head was kind of jarring? I didn’t like it
Oh thank christ he’s alright! I wonder if the gemstone is gonna be turned the other way now? Wait no, it was still turned inside when we went through past reformations.
Oh wow, she’s actually just a 60 foot baby. Look at Steven and Connie laughing cause they’re getting bounced up into the air. Zing! Haha, she’s blushing so everyone’s blushing. …Ok did the ship really need to blush too, come on guys
Ok so whitewashing everyone is something you have to put some effort into controlling. She was literally putting parts of her mind into them.
Haha, good timing guys, you missed everything. Bismuth’s face tho, perfecto At least only Connie has to live with the trauma of seeing Steven get his gem ripped out.
Her face is still cracked? What…what are the cracks from if not from being mind-controlled mercilessly
Yes, congratulations, you are having an emotion. Oh, she’s actually a shade of pink now, what. There’s that color theory again. Guess whose turn it is to have an existential crisis? It’s you!
“I’m supposed to know better! I’m supposed to be better! I’m supposed to make everything better!” Wait, according to who? Theory that someone made her confirmed?
Oh hey, Beach City. It took me a good second to realize that Sadie was doing a remix of a Greg song. Cue a big-ass robot hitting the beach in three…two…one! BAM! A+ timing guys
Oh, White isn’t actually that much taller than the other two when they’re standing together like that. I could have sworn she was at least 100 feet tall, that’s a bit disappointing. Then again, it would be really hard to get her to fit in frame with everyone else. Does this mean that Pink actually might be undercooked after all? Cause when I thought White was 100 feet tall, Blue and Yellow were as proportionately small next to her as Pink was next to the two of them, but now I’m wondering again.
Me too, Ronaldo. Me too.
Uh, wow. Nice timing Lars. Those poor off-colors, it took them a million years to get to Earth and the first thing they see is all three diamonds staring at them. That sure is a mood, Rhodonite. Big mood.
Aww, Lion and Lars are gonna be bros. ‘You’re like me!’
Fucking hug each other you dumbs! God, you’re frustrating.
I demand to know how all three of them fit on the warp pad/inside Steven’s house! Tell me at once!
Oh, we’re doing this right now? I know there’s going to be a season 6, but what are we going to do in season 6? Sneeple? (Re)adjusting to earth shenanigans? Diamond family time?
Nephrites! Look at em all, I love ‘em! And Watermelon Tourmaline too! Ayy, it’s Biggs! I’ve always wondered what she looked like. Haha, if I wasn’t shipping Biggs/Bismuth before I sure am now.
Jasper! Wow that only took like two years for her to show up again. Also I just realized that everyone looks weird because they still have traces of corruption on them and not because they were Like That in the first place.
Oh boy Jasper, you’ve…you’ve missed a lot. I wanna know what Amethyst just told her that made her hide in the water in shame.
Boy that one in the middle with all the different colors is scaring me a little
It’s kind of funny how White Diamond went from Massively Threatening, Narcissistic Perfectionist to Completely Lost Almost Cute Child in a snap. I actually feel bad for killing her off in my fic now, whoops. Ah well, it’s an AU anyway so I’m not gonna retcon anything.
Alright who taught Yellow to make a peace sign
Alright who parked the legs on the cliff like that
All the songs in this arc have been named after the episode title they appear in, nice. I’m kind of disappointed that we didn’t get another diamond song but maybe that’s for later (a song about how everything is confusing now? or maybe about how they let Pink down and suffered themselves)
Welp, that’s a wrap. It is now once again time for hiatus. Yellow continues to be my favorite diamond after Pink; I really hope they all come visit Steven and learn stuff. I’m actually very surprised that they jumped ship so easily; it seems that they might understand that what they do is wrong but they do it anyway cause that’s what’s expected of them. Seems they were suffering a lot more than I thought, and I already thought they were hurting quite a bit.
And that brings me to the biggest question I have. Much like Blue and Yellow, White was acting as if someone told her to do this; it’s like she’s a rogue AI who’s original creators are long gone. I don’t know if I wanna see what White’s afraid of, cause up until the last 10 minutes or so of this ep she was the scariest thing I’d ever seen.
Who made White Diamond?
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rvnjun · 6 years
mc | mark lee
requested:  Hey I saw a anon asking if there was stories about about Mark and you said no, so I was wondering if I can request something about him ? Like the members HIGHKEY shipping him y/n after he was mc with her and then she like becomes friends with him and comes over and they end in a heaters make out session but before things get any further ten or Johnny walks in 😂, I’m sorry if this makes u uncomfortable, btw love ur blog💕💕💕 genre: fluff, suggestive?  warnings: making-out  word count:1.5k a/n: I really liked this request! Im worried I didn't cover the “shipping” part that much so sorry about that! I hope you like it 
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“Thank you so much for joining us,” the staff member said while fixing your hair. You nodded your head and smiled appreciatively at her, “I'm so honored that you asked me,” you said while wiping your palms on your jean shorts. Your eyes wandered around the room and you looked at everyone, you had performed on this stage many times before, but you have never mcd. Not even when your group was being asked questions, it was always one of your members that answered them and held the mic. “We invited you because you have similar energy as the other MCs,” the staff explained. You hid our mouth behind your hand while you laughed at her words. 
Thinking about the MCs you shook your head in confusion, “I'm not so sure if that's a compliment or not,” you jokes. The staff member started laughing and pointing somewhere behind you. Turning around you locked eyes with Mark. Instantly you bowed and nervously chuckled. “Ouch,” Mark said while watching you. You immediately started to shake your head. “No! I didn't mean it like that,” you tried to explain but you were laughing too hard. 
Growing up you had always been told that first impressions matter and this was surely a bad one. "I get what you mean, it's okay. Oh, I'm Mark by the way,” he smoothly introduced. You stuck out your hand to shake is and nodded “Nice to meet you, Mark, I'm Y/n,” he shook your hand back. “I came to give you your mic,” he said while handing it to you. 
You eyed the mic in awe. You had always dreamed about having the silly mic with your name bedazzled onto the front. Mina had to temporarily leave her position as MC for 1 month, during that time you were going to cover. “I'm not going to be here that long,” you said while still staring at it. Mark was still holding it, he held it close to your face. “Are you going to take it or can I keep it?” he asked with the praise of his eyebrows. Your hand shot out and you grabbed it from him like a kid who got their toy stolen away. “No,” you whined with a sly smile.
 In a matter of seconds, Mark has instantly become an awkward shy mess. His cheeks with a soft peachy pink and his hand started to clam up. Mark rubbed the back of his neck and started to back away towards the door. His hand went up and his thumb pointed at the exit “I have to go but,, see you later?” he asked. “Of course,” you stated, you were about to see him for mcing. “Okay,” he said, turning around extremely fast and hitting his head on the door. “Oh my gosh! Mark, are you okay?” you asked, rushing toward his side. Mark rubbed his head and bolted out of the door. “I'm fine! See you soon,” he hollered from somewhere in the hall. 
You sighed and stared at the door before turning back to the staff member you were previously talking to. Waving your mic in her face you turn you smiled radiantly “What do you think?” you asked while seeing it with heart eyes. “I think you and Mark are cute,” she giggled and began to put her things away. You thought about Mark for a moment. He was extremely cute but this was your first time meeting him. “Hush it,” you softly whispered making her chuckle suspiciously while walking away. “Y/n! Come on,” a voice yelled from the hall. “I have to go, thanks once again,” you said while rushing out of the room. “Ready for your first time as an MC?” the staff asked and you instantly nodded. “I'm looking forward to this experience,,” you said with an ecstatic smile
You sighed half-heartedly. The past 3 weeks as an mc had been extremely amazing. You weren't expecting to have this much fun and to get along with everyone so well. Part of you was sad that Mina had to come back so early, but you knew it was her position. “If I had known I'd love it this much and become this attached to it I wouldn't have joined,” you mumbled to yourself while shoving another piece of cake into your mouth. All day you had been pouting and mapping, part of you knew that there was a bigger reason you being upset about leaving. 
Mark. Unexpectedly you had become extremely close with Mark and you were going to miss him. During mc times you two would sneak flirtatious glance sat daughter and prayed that no one saw. While you were waiting to film or do something you and Make would mess around and have fun. He made your day, you began to look forward to your play dates with him. “Hey Y/n,” Mark said sadly as he entered your dressing room. You put on a big fake smile and turned to look at you. “Hi Mark!” you beamed while staring curiosity at the boy. Mark handed you a singular sunflower. Taking the flower you happily smelt it. “It's beautiful,” you softly said. Your eyes started to water but you did your best to hold it in. 
Mark looked like he was deep in thought, you stood up and went to put the flower somewhere special, leaving the boy to stand there by himself. Mark stared at the marble white floor as he thought back to what his members said. “I'm not one to say this type of stuff but HOLY SHIT you and Y/N would be so cute together,” “Ya know, I would've thought yall were dating if I didn't already know the answer,” “Your chemistry is so good!” his members had said a variety of things to him. He knew that people thought you looked good together but he thought it was just the fans, he didn't know that his own members liked the thought of you two dating. 
“I'm going to do it,” he said to himself full of confidence. He was going on a limb and was going to assume that you reciprocated his feelings.Once you re-entered the room he walked to you, placed his hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eyes. “Y/n I really like you, like, a lot,” he said, cheeks riveting a fire truck. You softly smiled, you didn't think that he confess, especially not like this. ‘I like you too,” you said mailing his mouth drop open. “Wait really?” he asked removing his hands from your shoulders You started to chuckle “Of course, silly! I thought it was obvious,” you stated while thinking to all the times you blankly stared at him without shame. 
Mark's eyes went from your eyes to your lips, he took a step forward and cornered you. “Mark?” you asked softly while staring into his eyes. Slowly he leaned in, you felt your heart pick up speed at his actions. His soft lips pressed against yours in a rough manner. He backs up and pushes you against the wall. You could tell this was something he had been wanting to do for a while now, the feverish want in his actions was crystal clear. Your hands danced their way up his toned chest to his neck when you rested them. His hand sid the same except they made their way to your hair where they gently tugged at the strains causing you to moan. Mark took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You let Mark take control, his hands went from your hair slowly down to your ass. He tightly squeezed your ass, you jumped up slightly and wrapped your legs tightly around his waist. Carrying you to the leather sofa he laid you down and straddled you. His lips danced to your neck, with each kiss he placed you felt a fire ignite inside of you.
 “Hey, Mark-” Johnny started saying as he walked into the room. He stopped in his place and stared at you two on the couch. Mark stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at Johnny. He stared at him like a meerkat while mumbling incoherent gibberish. Johnny took note of everything, you pressed against the couch, the shiny marks on your neck, and Marks puffy glistening red lips. “Nice one bro,” Johnny said with a slight laugh. Mark hid his red face in your neck. “As happy as I am that you two are together, you are wanted by our manager,” Johnny explained while gesturing to where Marks dressing room was. “Yep,, I'll be there soon,” Mark said while moving himself off of you. Johnny nodded his head and finger gunned his way out of the room. “I have to,, a,, go. Can we finish this later?” he asked with a sly smile. You nodded your head and slipped on a piece of paper. “Make sure to call me,, see you later,” you said while pushing him out of your room. “Yeah, see you later,” he said before turning around and stealing another intense kiss from you.
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spacerockwriting · 6 years
I’m feeling much better now, so I’m going to talk about the time I saw Cursed Child. It started over a year ago. When the raffles were being released I entered every single one and when I failed at winning, I, like everyone else went to enter the queue on the main day.
The tickets went on sale while I was at work, and I put everything on hold, stressing myself out for the tickets. I get really anxious when I buy tickets for concerts because most of the time I’m fighting for really good concert seats, and with this, it was no exception. However, as I entered the buying portion, I didn’t know what to do. My first plan was to try and see the show in April, as my best friend and I were already planning a trip to see George Salazar and Joe Iconis’ Two Player Game while we were there. I was very impatient with my desire to see Cursed Child. In fact, I was so impatient to see Cursed Child I was willing to throw sums of money at a person who is no longer in my life, just so they could report to me the story. Desperate, amirite?
After much conversing with my best friend, the decision became clear that we couldn’t go see the show in April. We had a lot going on already for that trip, so the decision became that we would just have to go again! When I got in line to buy tickets, september became the time period I was most easily able to get. At first, the decision was like many, to do both parts in one day. However, my best friend is not a Harry Potter fan like I am. They’re familiar with it, they know the franchise, but the thought of having to spend six hours in a theater is not something they’d personally be interested in. Fair enough, so I got the two day tickets, which I’m glad I did!
So in a hurry, I buy two tickets to the September showing of CC. The queue went so quick, and the ticket buying process is a blur. I had no more than ten minutes to make a decision and I called him shortly after buying them and was like “guess we have to go back to New York in September” which he was obviously fine with.
When I bought the tickets it was too quick to really know where I was sitting and what I had bought. When we got there in April, we went past the building and saw a few of our favourite Marquees for shows, but at the time I wasn’t able to go in the HP shop. We saw George Salazar and met him and Joe Iconis at their concert, went to Irving Plaza for a last minute 5SOS show for their upcoming album, and had a blast.
Weeks before our September trip, my best friend asks if his little brother can come to the trip. I say sure, as long as he can finance his own way. A few days later I am asked if it is okay if he goes to the HP show instead. His little brother is a really big HP fan, so I get it. I have no problem with this. We make plans for the trip and I arrive in NYC late on Wednesday before the show.
The Thursday of the show was exciting! I had started to plan out a head of time all the things I wanted at the shop.We decide that my best friend should go see a show while we’re at our show, so he buys last minute tickets for Book of Mormon, and then later that afternoon we eat lunch at Ellens Stardust Diner. The food is really good, and if you’re into Broadway and musicals, I’d suggest it.
After, we go pick up Will Call tickets and he heads back to the hotel while we get to the venue. I am overly excited. I’m in my Hufflepuff backpack and Hufflepuff shirt (my Cedric one I got at Universal) and we wait and wait. We got there like an hour early, and I highly recommend that. We were close in line, but like fifteen minutes later the line was wrapped around in like a U shape. Going in, one of the people at the door told me that “Lounge is downstairs and to the right.” My friend’s brother looks at me and is like “Comet, what did you do?”
I had just pressed buttons on the ticket site until I received tickets. I didn’t know what I did, or pressed. I just blindly bought tickets. So we went to get merch and big reminder IF YOU ARE IN LOUNGE DO NOT BUY THE SOUVENIR PROGRAM which I didn’t know so I had to return my copy of the program, lol. While in the lounge they have a name list by the entrance and you give them your last name and then we got one free beverage (alcoholic or non) and snacks, and at intermission we had desserts and one free beverage (alcoholic or non). It was a blast. Everyone we sat near was excited and hyped up and people beside us were sharing alcohol with us, and tasting and it was like a party. Everyone was excited.
At the end, the waiters in the lounge told us to come back tomorrow and have a wonderful day. The service was excellent, and they were so nice and respectful about everything. They were happy to take pictures, whatever.
At the end of Part 1, the show just stops. There is no curtain call, there is no cast coming out. Just a screen with To Be Continued... Note: the cast does not meet after part 1. If you want part 2 merch, you can only buy it behind the counter after part 1, or during part 2. You cannot buy it in the regular shop. (it is available online, however.)
On part 2 day, I wore my Malfoy quidditch shirt from Universal and kept my Hufflepuff backpack. A LOT of staff were confused why a hufflepuff was wearing Slytherin and I’m a dork about Scorpius so, theres that. Because we were in The Lounge, as we came to call it, my best friend’s little brother and I got in the “special entrance” on the side of the shop. We supposedly counted as VIP and could enter early.  As soon as we got in line, my best friend bid us farewell and went to see his night of Book of Mormon, and then we entered the venue and Voldemort Day started. All the staff hammed up the event and it just became even more of a party. In between snacking I got more stuff because I’m a nerd and tbh Scorpus’ wand is just as cute as Albus’ and I decided I needed a Voldy shirt too. (I also got two more plush fuzzy owls. One for my bestie, and one for his little brother.) During Intermission we got our free souvenir programs, the plastic cups, and I actually had more alcohol which is rare since I don’t really drink hardly ever because of my extreme reflux.
As soon as curtain call ended I told my friend’s brother we needed to high tail it to stage door because we were going to meet the cast. He had no objections, so we got in line and that queue was amazing. It was just a straight line and not a cluster and it was so calm. Some mum’s near us would pull out their programs and yell down the line who was coming which is very helpful because so many characters are in the show. When we were there, almost all the cast came out except for Jamie, the woman playing Hermione, I don’t think Rose came out, and sadly, Sam was not out. I did get to meet Antho, which I was really excited about.  Lol, I went to show him my shirt and he was like do you want me to sign it?? and I misheard and was like “Oh, no! I was showing you!” and oops. But no hard feelings. The gentleman playing Dumbledore was VERY talkative and had conversations with pretty much every person in line. My best friend’s brother is actually a HUGE Marauder’s fan, so he was upset after we realized Myrtle was ALSO Lily and declined the pictures, lol.
When the cast was done, my best friend showed up and we all went back to the hotel and saw the goodies he got from BOM (my favourite musical btw)
We found out a few days later that Jo was at the Sunday performance of the Cursed Child, and Monday the cast of Fantastic Beasts were on GMA which we were SO upset we missed. I would’ve high keyed out in the middle of Times Square at 3AM for a glimpse of Ezra Miller, lol.
Some tips if you’re seeing Cursed Child:
Arrive Early! This gives you PLENTY of time to look around the theater and buy merch & food. Trust me, the theater is WORTH exploring.
There is NO HP food there. I saw A LOT of people ask where the gummy slugs/chocolate frogs/butterbeer was. They can’t sell those there, as Universal owns the rights to those items. That being said, Cursed Child, Fantastic Beasts, and HP are 3 separate franchises, so you won’t find them intermixing.
You CAN bring food into the theater!! Drinks too!
If you have Lounge Access, you have your own bathroom. Trust me, that will save you a TON of time.
Part 2 Merch is only available during Part 2 or after Part 1.It is kept behind the counter so you can’t get it during normal shop hours.
There is no curtain call after part 1. House lights come up and thats the end. No cast come out after part 1 either.
Seeing it in 2 days isn’t as bad as one would think. I think I liked it better than I would have seeing it all in one day.
The playbills have recaps of important HP events crucial to the plot. This is helpful for anyone who hasn’t read the books in a long time, or isn’t super familiar with the story. (i.e not me or my best friend’s brother).
I think this is long enough, but if anyone has any questions about seeing the show in NYC I’ll be happy to help!
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mackenzielass4ever · 6 years
Outlander Con Vegas part 1...
First of all, I want to say this was a well organized event and very low key, chill. I Loved it! The first day had some glitches with the autograph lines, but the staff corrected for this and it wasn’t a problem for the rest of the weekend. I also feel there were many more opportunities for personal interactions with the cast. I chatted with everyone I had a ticket for and there was no pressure to move along and leave people alone. I’ve never seen an OL event with so many cast members in attendance. I know many were upset with Sam’s inability to attend the Con, but Creation who put on the event, did a fabulous job of securing so many other actors for a one stop shopping kind of experience. I really appreciated this! I would absolutely go to another OL themed Con again if Creation was in charge.
Sophie Skelton: may I say this woman is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen! She’s delicate and tiny like a flipping teacup fairy. It’s ridiculous! I appreciated a couple things about her. Firstly, she takes her role as Brianna very seriously. She knows what others have said about her and her performance and she takes it to heart. She actually apologized to fans for not meeting their expectations. We all quickly put that sentiment to rest for her! She appreciated the support and encouragement we gave her. Secondly, she took time to talk to each and every fan in her autograph line on Sunday and she was at the table for probably 3 hours. She was attentive, patient and such a friendly individual.
During her q&a session, she shared this:
The scene from the book where Jamie shows Brianna she can’t fight a man off if he means to physically overpower her is in the show as well. During the filming of this scene, Scotland was in the midst of a hailstorm. It was so cold and they were being pelted by hail to the point where she and Sam could’ve even deliver their lines. At one point, Sam said he couldn’t do it anymore because he was too cold. Sophie said Sam is usually a trooper, but this time he couldn’t hack it. After all this, they had to film the scene all over again.
In the infamous scene with Bri and Stephen Bonnet, you know the one, Sophie said she’d have a 4 am call to go to set and 3-4 days in a row she got up just to have the shoot cancelled due to the severe weather. Sophie had to study the subject and get in a dark head space in order to do that scene and it was hard to have wait in limbo all that time just to get it done. When the scene was over, she cried afterward.
Richard Rankin: this man is charming, cocky, irreverent, sexy as hell and hilariously funny! He had everyone cracking up all the time. He flew in Saturday late and stayed up all night to hang out and enjoy Vegas so he had NO sleep before he hit the ground running on Sunday. You’d never know it. The man never stopped. BTW, he went to the Beatles show, LOVE. He loved it. He also drank a lot and ate a huge stack of pancakes for breakfast. He was regretting those choices!
Richard and I discussed hair product. He is growing his hair out for season 5 and he let me know that he puts a little leave in conditioner when his hair is freshly washed. Light product to keep it on place and then he’s ready to go! I finally got to tell him I’ve loved his work for years and am so happy he’s Roger on OL.
This man was so accommodating to his fans. One woman wanted a photo op with him, but was in a wheelchair and couldn’t stand or walk well. He took the time to help her up, get posed just like she wanted then helped her back to her chair again. He was so careful and considerate. It made me tear up.
During his q&a, Stephen Walters was introducing him and Richard was standing off stage. They started improvising a bit where Stephen was channeling the spirits and Richard responded as a ghost. Richard kept saying, “is there anyone here in the audience with a name that starts with a B? This person would also have a grandmother.” Stephen couldn’t keep a straight face. Then Stephen read a poem to introduce Richard. He said, “ you really want me to do this?” Richard said, “yes, it’s in my contract. I must be introduced with poetry.” I’ve seen this bit on SM and if you get the chance, watch it. It’s hysterical! He finishes his set with an Irish jig!
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killapunk · 6 years
the weirdest, NO, evilest, person i have every worked for
no real names are used in this piece. i refer to other weirdos and freaks throughout, sorry its a long read (i didnt intend for this) but its one of those things ya gotta settle into and believe me its a wild ride. this saga covers over three years of drama btw.
tw: mental health mentioned (inc panic attacks), chronic illness mentioned and mild sex references 
i am going to single out jess. shes more evil than a weirdo but weirdo nonetheless. pete is a secondary weirdo in this saga.
i work in retail for a long time. a fashion store to be precise. i started out in one store but transferred when i started studying at uni and remained there for the majority of the retail career. during my time there i had three managers, the longest one, who is also a fucking weirdo was pete. now before i worked with pete, before he transferred to our store. i didnt like pete when i started working with him, he annoyed the fuck outta me. but my life circumstances changed and my mental health issues got very bad AND i was diagnosed with cfs so i had to disclose it w him. turns out… he was fucking mental too, very understanding, super chill. we liked the same shit. great boss. 11/10 every time.
he would be my reference for every job ever…
…but. he started gettin involved w jess. now to jess. the main character in this piece.
jess had started at the company around the same time as me and we were always on the same level until the last year or so. jess was a bit older than the average age of staff at the store (17-20) and was 23 when this drama started. she had a college diploma, went onto do something semi-successful but related to her HND. but blew all her money, moved back into her parents and started working at the store part time and then onto full time. she was like…the perfect retail girl? small, cute, slim, bubbly… always looked cool in her uniform. customers loved the fuck out of her. 
jess had a bf when i first started and pete had a longstanding gf. jess and her bf ended things abt 4 or 5 months before pete and his gf. but i remember they started gettin cushy around about this time. im not sure if its cos im v sympathetic towards pete (a true kind soul who i hold v dearly in my heart) but even tho youd be thinking ‘boss abuses his power’ …jess was and still is fuckin manipulative and he has longstanding mental health issues and i just think she sorta got the ball rollin’. pete and his gf didn’t seem on good terms, i dunno the full story but it seemed like they should have broken a long time before the did.
i think the fortnight before pete and his gf broke up they were spotted hanging out together near where she lived. it was this hush hush thing that everyone giggled abt cos there was at the time talk they were fuckin. when it got out, after his breakup jess said she was ‘just being a friend’ cos he was ‘going through a tough time’. 
jess got promoted to keyholder even though she didnt really (at the time) have the skills or confidence to be a keyholder. and then she started to try and fuckin control the work. back during this time, everyone who worked at the store, minus literally 3 people, had worked for the company for at least a year. the store ran very well, we were always in profit. nothing went wrong. but. she started changing processes because it 'made things easier when she was opening’. like. she made everyone tally the amount of people they served in the fitting room in one box and tally the amount of things people left behind so she could make a sales chart. idk if that’s normal in other stores but like? it was just nuts and impossible to do.we always put deliveries away out the package but not folded in a particular way. she made everyone tag and (where relevant) hang items bc she had to pick everything in the morning. 
she became friends w most of the girls, including one of the supervisors. they ruled the workplace. it was a total gossip mill. she gaslit the fuck outta people. one already less-popular girl at work ended up quitting cos she kept blaming her for fuck ups, she kept getting write ups and it was impating her mental health. she spun people against her. less popular girl spoke up and called her a bully and jess acted all defensive and said she wasn’t a bully bc shed been bullied before? jess continued to fuck up the workplace. next she turned on two people in her own clique. one tbh, i think she was jealous of bc jess had always wanted to be a teacher and this gal was training to be one. the other girl was v like jess, just not a bitch… strongwilled, liked control. anyway, drama got to the point where they had to quit. waay too much drama for this textpost. at this point others started to notice n work became hostile. jess moved her girlgang clique to one of the original clique girls, a different supervisor and the other two full time staff members.
pete obv didn’t listen to people coming to him, as store manager being like… hey… there’s this major clique problem and he’d be like ‘nah everyone is just friends, jess is a bit insecure but yno things are good, people quit, its just retail. fuck it.’ jess accused everyone who didn’t get on w her as being a terrible person. those legit words. like. if someone said it was a shame x, y or z left shed rebut, nah they were shit at their job, they were a shit person. honestly. EVERYONE. was a bad person. even the nicest people in the world were the worst person, the worst at the job. she was a good person, she liked the good people. she HAD BEEN BULLIED AND WOULD NEVER BULLY. she threw the anxiety word around a lot.
once we had a staff night out and i got left alone with jess and pete at the end of the night in this terrible lil bar as i waited for someone to pick me up. this is a good point to mention jess was always weirdly jealous cos i was close to pete. fucking ridic considering he was 14 years older than me and you know my fucking boss??? this night, i was sitting right next to pete, we were both drinking, jess wasn’t (cos she likes to be in control, she even said it), he had his arm around me and was whispering something into my ear that was such a non-thing i don’t even remember. she got her phone out, started texting. he excused himself and when he returned he sat beside her. it was fucking nuts. i couldn’t believe my eyes. we had to basically carry pete out of the bar. jess said to me she was gonna drive him home cos it was on the way to hers (spoiler! it was not!). myself and pete did the open the next day. he came in wearing the same clothes. i mean, he could have just passed out and had to rush to work when he woke up. but. this guy went out a lot. he never repeated an outfit. i think jess took advantage of a very drunk him. similarly, on another night out, jess promised to drive someone home. said person got too drunk and thew up. jess refused to take them home and called them embarrassing, she gave the space in her car to pete.
i had a major bad evening shift at work concerning another staff member, kaylee. a gal who just rubbed me up the wrong way, and who didn’t like me. ill never know why but it was just one of those things where anytime i was on shift w her she would nitpick and bitch about me and just… make me feel not v good. she was possibly the laziest and rudest person i had ever worked with but someone got away with it?
i used her as a way to talk to pete about the general problems in the store (jess). and…it was fuckin surreal. i told him abt kaylee. i told him i thought jess was controlling but kinda laid off a bit like ‘i get she thinks shes doing it for good’ etc. i padded it out w a few other rly petty issues abt the store. i was actually really upset, kinda numb from life to properly let out my emotions. and then. he started cry on me. like this full-on grown man having a panic attack in front of me when i was 19, fucked on diazepam i should have never been prescribed. to this day i visualise it. me and pete were v close at this point, and like, he didn’t mention jess too much – asked me about the other girl and other issues when i came to him. we spoke about personal shit, all but jess. i kinda wonder if he didn’t have the panic attack if i would have told him his under the radar relationship w her was not on?
and then. pete sold me out in the name of jess. idk the full ins and outta everything but he had to confront the drama once and for all cos our figures were so low so he decided to blame it all on kaylee. from my understanding of the situ from a lot of ‘he said she said’ bs, pete had this big meeting w kaylee. was like. 1. do ur job right and 2. stop being rude and unapproachable. the thing is, although kaylee is rude shes one of these ppl who most ppl really liked, not in a jess/regina george theyre scared of you way but…like they thought she was a tv character and she was funny and honest. so i think she confronted some obvious allies, and jess told her, according to another staff member, that i complained about her. after hearing this i obvious went to pete and tbh, acted pretty dramatic (cos if you haven’t fucking learned already THIS STORE WAS FULL OF DRAMA QUEENS). as soon as i heard, i started texting him angrily on his day off. i remember folding something in the fitting rooms and he came up to give me a hug and i was like ‘HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TELL OTHER PEOPLE MY BUSINESS’. i confronted jess, in a lighter tone, cos i obv told pete (half) what i felt about her. jess played the fucking innocent role. like, she said something along the lines of ‘we’re both close to pete n he was so worried that when me, you and kaylee did those shifts together that something would go wrong. so he told me to keep an eye on things and that’s all i told kaylee cos she wasn’t sure why she was being targeted when so many people in this store are treating people badly. i didn’t say you reported her or anything, honestly!!!!’ queue more bs.
after this, jess didn’t bother with me but was never explicit about hating me. if there was a convo going on and i tried to join in she scolded at me for being nosey. if i was unwell (i have cfs) shed moan ‘jokingly’ that i always had to be ill. i think she ripped on me once cos i said i was late for a hand-in at uni.
her next real victim, however, was jack, my best friend in store and our supervisor. jack was getting fucked over in his supervisor role bc pete would schedule jess for anything managerial. jess started a rumour that pete didn’t trust jack bc jack fucked it at a meeting w the other stores (semi true but fucking up a meeting isn’t the end of the world). like. anything jack would be, jess would be on him. by this point 50% of the staff that were around at the start of the story HAD LEFT. jess had driven people out and had the new ones all up her arse.
pete quit. it was sudden.
not long later, facebook popped up with a fuckin ‘pete is in a relationship with jess’ status and pete has never spoken to me again. i left shortly after that, although our new manager was lovely i felt like i was working for jess.
jack ended up GETTING DEMOTED, by petes replacement who had no idea what a shitstorm she was getting herself into. the new manager PROMOTED jess and demoted jack bc she was doing all the supervisor jobs whilst jack was only doing midshifts. he didnt get shafted to the lowest pay and was instead given the title ‘trainer and authorised opener/closer’ whilst still doing the same fucking job. he transferred out, cos that shit is fucking degrading and within, like two months he was put back up his rightful position. yay for my forever work bestie. I
feel like this has been going on for too long now. i think this doesn’t do her justice. like…i cant believe someone who is NOW 26 and who got what she wanted after manipulating a mentally ill man caused so much drama and pain and tension in a fucking clothes store.
fucking horrid. im reading this completely exhausted and so i cant say much but i just feel like these people are always the ones who come out on top, and its so fucked up. im really sorry you had to deal with so many unpleasant people, and your friend as well. 
i swear mediocrity and asskissing is what gets you anywhere in this world, and manipulative cunts like this jess woman take full advantage of that. it’s pretty scary, honestly. amazing how far drama can go, huh. this is why i have trust issues.
i still hope she gets her ass kicked by life, though. there has to be some sort of karmic justice somewhere
i also feel like i should say that there’s always going to be people who won’t like you for some reason. even if you don’t do anything wrong and even though everyone else thinks they’re great. no idea why this happens, but all i can say is there’s really nothing you can do. so FUCK EM (in the most metaphorical sense as they don’t deserve you giving them the time of day)
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The apocalypse is here
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Pictured above: Either the I5 North or the current political races. I’m no longer sure. So, this will take a bit of time to get to, but I promise it’ll be good. I guarantee that, I’ll be quoting directly from candidate statements/descriptions (we’ll get back to the abyss soon enough, and the time a DIY project almost killed/crippled Dad)(the man attempted an electrical project, I’d like to point I quietly though this was a bad idea). Anyway, I’m certain that decent, kind, honest, noble, and educated and mostly-human Congresscritters must exist - people do vote for them, after all. However, having met one Congressman and, being lied to the staff of another (pro-tip; no matter how pro-military or manly and awesome you like to think you are, it’s not a reassuring thing to your constituents if there’s an explosion on a large photo in your office. So I have rather low regard for them, as a group (I know, that’s baseless stereotyping).
So you can imagine my surprise at coming to rest in Daryl Issa’s old district, a man so loathed even by his own party that they quietly told him to go away. I’ve seen a lot of strange political events, but, believe me when I say I’ve never seen anything like this; a completely vacant Congressional seat that could be inhabited by a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, or even some type of salamander (the salamander would’ve been an improvement over Jerry Lewis). Anyway, since there are also assorted state assembly judicial races at stake, they’re all included in this pamphlet (and potentially included in this oversized piece). As usual, I will be selecting choice quotes, and, remember, candidates may include an age and/or occupation.
Kistin Gaspar: “[...] A mother, small business owner, and the mayor of encinitas, she has the get-it-done approach we need in Congress.” Fantastic, just as I start to enjoy the peace and quiet of life without Larry the Cable Guy in the public light, there’s this call-back. Or so I thought, until I found out that the “Get It Done” app is used in our area to report “non-emergency problems to the city.” Now, I hate potholes as much as any American (possibly more, since I used to live in a country where drivers used them to help corner while going 80 mph on unpaved roads). Still, “Fixing potholes” seems a little below the pay-grade of a pre-conviction congresswoman.
Diane Harkey: Healthcare: Diane will worke for policies that increase choice, costs, and allow patietns and doctors to decide what care is best. No, no, she isn’t. Diane’s endorsed/puppeted by the American Independent Party, so she has about as much chance of winning as a large rock. But, more importantly, I’m pretty sure the AIP is only concerned with healthcare as a business that sends them money. The big take-away here is less what I say, and more the fact that third party-associated candidates with little-to-no chance of winning feel compelled to tell everyone their healthcare system will be fine, even if it won’t.
David Medway: “I want to protect working families from increasing taxes, healthcare bills, and gun violence (while protecting our right to bear arms). I want to prevent national catastrophes like pandemics (which I wrote a book about) and environmental disasters (such as protecting our coastline from nuclear waste and oil spills that would devastate our shores). I support women’s rights and the melting pot of cultures tha tmake up California. I support lower taxes, less government and the best healthcare and education in the world for all Americans at reasonable prices. Please define “reasonable,” sir, I suspect our answers will differ. Also, you’ll notice he’s making the classic math mistake - better, improved services at a mere fraction of the tax cost! Which is a bullshit political statement/proposal. You might be able to get a great vaccuum cleaner for a fraction of the name-brand because slavery is still totally legal in some parts of the world (meaning the company saves a lot on payroll), and wholesalers/transportation will give bulk purchase discounts. Unless your local police and firefighters are staffed by robots (always a possibility), imagine City Hall telling them that they now have to do the same job, only much better, and with a pay cut. Oh, and we’re firing one-in-three of their employees. Society tried hat in Silicon Valley (with choppy results), I don’t think you want to try it with ambulances.
Crag Nordal: “I am an Evangelical Christian who will defend and protect Israel, protect innocent human life from conception to birth, and to natural death, defend and protect marriage between a man and a woman, restore Christian and Jewish morals and ethics to our public schools, and protect religious freedoms. I vow to enforce and enhance border security, build that wall, protect and defend our 2nd Amendment as an NRA life member, and wok to shrink government daily and drain that swamp. I believe I have a conviction from God, to enter this race. I ask that you consider my moral character and conviction above any other experience or attributes. Nothing is more important in selecting our leaders in in the Congress of the United States of America. Our country is engaged in a spiritual battle between the guiding force of moral law and those that are working to remove God from every aspect of our society. We need Christian moral leaders to stand up and fight for the God given rights that our Founding Fathers based our Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. In the creation of this great country God and His laws were relied on to form the greatest founding documents of any country ever formed by men, and thereby the greatest country ever conceived. The United States was formed to be God’s hammer in this world to contain and destroy evil.” Holy shit (almost literally), is there a lot to discuss - I included all of it because every time I thought I’d gotten to the funny/pertinent point, it went on, like a Harry Potter book . First of all, even though you get looney-tune candidates like this and parts of the GOP that always like to nod to the idea of instituting a theocracy, let’s get that out of the way; this is basic civics, First Amendment expressly forbids the idea of instituting a state religion. Speaking of which, even if that were legally possible, whose religion? When he simultaneously restores Jewish and Christian ethics to the schools, will bacon be allowed in those schools? You get a different answer depending on if you go to church on Saturday or Sunday (which is also something different Christian sects have different ideas on). For the purposes of brevity, I’ll have to just say, everyone’s welcome to their own religion, but the institution of a theocracy - while appealing in theory - would be horrific, brutal, and possibly genocidal (I’ll admit I like the idea of communism, in theory, but I’ve seen enough of the results in the real world to know it’s not a good idea). Also, I appreciate his desire to look after Israel, which is always a positive attribute when you’re voting for someone to look after your own country’s interests (I know there’s a tenuous Biblical connection, but, come on, guys, Isarel’s gotta start fending for itself)(the flip side of hat sentiment would be, “We can talk about Israel when every American has a job, home, and healthcare”). And there’s “I believe I have a conviction from God.” We all have convictions, maybe some of them come from God, but most are personal. Unless he means “I believe I have a mission from God.” Which is more grammatically correct, and, compared to the rest, no crazier or dumber. BTW, I feel like I have to put out a disclaimer about religion and say that I don’t really care if you’re religious, or, as long as it’s not hurting anyone to what extent your religion informs policy proposals (and I wouldn’t expect anyone to be able to determine exactly where one ends and the other begins; our minds just aren’t built that way) - there’s a massive difference between that and standing up in the middle of church (let alone Congress) and shouting, “GOD COMMANDS ME TO CAST OUT THE UNWORTHY.” I do like his demand that we judge him exclusively on his faith and not on what he says, does, or anything else that might involve objective reality. Oh, and that bit about “God’s hammer in this world” really upset me when I first read it, and I couldn’t figure why, until I remembered this quote, “ "I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you. “ which is attributed to Genghis Khan (even if you think the temporary stability and increased trade in Asia as a result of the Mongol Empire is awesome, remember that 40-60 million people died due to his campaigns and policies)(the Mongols tended to obliterate cropland, so whoever they didn’t kill usually starved).
Robert Pendleton MD, PhD - Surgeon/Biochemist/Small Businessman/Visual Artist: “ My name is Robert Pendelton Md PhD and I feel a calling to awaken the apathetic and unite disenfranchised moderates. I am an eye-surgeon, biochemist, small businessman, and visual artist, and the K9USA Party is my vision for a better world. K9 is a political party and philosophy of decision-making based upon the attributes of dogs that make “man’s best-friend” so special: Unconditional Love, Simple Needs, and Readiness to Defend. Adapted to national politics, international politics, and our personal lives, these attributes become the nine K9 principles: Socially Progressive, Fiscally Conservative, and militarily prepared (national, Altruistic, Sovereign, and United (international), and Loving, Lean and Strong (personal).2020 Application of K9 Principles yields the “six results” of Tolerance, Security, Health, Happiness, Peace and Freedom. My “2020 Vision” is for the K9USA Party to elect a majority of representatives (50% women) to the United States Congress and Presidency by the year 2020... Donkeys and elephants have failed. It’s time for dogs to lead.” I have only just heard of this man and I love him.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
I don't regret not saving her... by AllieC3PO
I live in New Orleans where we have flooding basically anytime is rains.
We had extreme flooding recently due to pumping failures. It is a serious and scary problem.
This story isn't about our cities issues though...I wish it were. I rather talk about just about anything over this.
So our major flooding happened a few weeks ago. I was lucky enough that my upstairs apartment was untouched. The floor below me was not so lucky.
A little back story....
My husband and I have lived in this apartment for 3 years now. When we first moved in we really enjoyed it. Our neighbor below us is this little old lady.
We have always been nice to her but honestly find her a little annoying. She has even kind of made us come into her apartment before while we were trying to get our mail.
She gave us the tour and talked about her family. She was never married and never had children. She does have a sister who had children. Her walls were old family photos mostly of the nieces and nephews.
Of course I feel bad for the old lady. She is very obviously lonely. I still don't want to be best friends with her however.
We never really minded so much when she would stop us and talk for awhile. That is until recently...
She claims there is this loud noise and vibrating that is keeping her up every night. I know what you're probably thinking lol. No it isn't us we both work early and are not up at the hour she claims it happens.
We listened to her complain the first few times but it has gotten a bit much. She made us come in and listen to the "noise." There was nothing...no sound at all.
We figure she just sits in her apartment with no tv no noise at all and just picks up any noise she hears. My guess is it is someone doing laundry or something.
It got so bad she made management look in our apartment and all the surrounding units.
What do you know they found nothing!
After this she still kept stopping us and going on forever about the noise. The old lady would describe it as tug boats...wtf? She would complain about management and say they were lying.
We were finally fed up and have been avoiding her ever since. Oh this started probably 3 months ago now btw.
So we have successfully avoided her for at least a solid month. I am happy we have been because I overheard her making the same compaints to another neighbor.
Alrightly we have the back story out of the way let's get on with the worst of it...
So we happened to just be at home when the flooding happened. We didn't really prepare or anything we just got lucky for the most part.
It really happened so fast everything was going under water.
We watched outside the window worrying and thankful we were safe in our apartment.
Then we saw the water rise higher and higher.
We knew it had to be flooding the downstairs apartments.
That's when it happened....
Someone started banging on our door. We checked the peep hole and it was her. The old lady.
My husband and I whispered to each other frantically what we should do. We decided we were not going to open the doors. This lady is very much a stranger to us and living in New Orleans my whole life has made me very untrusting.
I know most people would let her in but what were we honestly supposed to do when we let her in?? We have no room for anyone else and for all we know she could be a clepto or murderer!
She kept banging on the door for awhile and it finally stopped. We checked out the peephole and no one was there.
Maybe she tried another neighbor. We literally have 5 neighbors before us that she passed up to get to our place! We also do not know her and have never invited in our home before.
In our area most of the water did not stay long after the flooding, again we were very lucky. Our cars were okay and so were our neighbors. They unfortunately have damage to their things but they are at least okay.
Well all except one...
The old lady was gone. Her apartment was wide open. We did decide to attempt to peek in and check on her. She was no where to be found. All her things still there but water damaged a bit of it.
My husband and I notified the manager that we think she is missing. We never received an email back but at least we informed them.
Now this past weekend is when the real nightmare started.
It was Saturday morning when we were disturbed by someone banging on our front door. We were annoyed as fuck and went to go check.
No one through the peep hole. We opened the door and checked around to see no one.
Everything else seemed to go normally throughout the day. We did manage to get some groceries and such.
When we went to sleep that night we started to feel vibrating and heard a shrieking noise.
We got up and turned the lamp on to see wtf was happening.
The fucking old lady was in our fucking bedroom shaking the bed and yelling! We yelled at her get the fuck out and promptly called the police. She ran out and I assumed when back to her apartment.
When the police got there they could not see anyway the old lady broke in and assured we must have left the door unlocked. They went to check on the old lady but her door was wide open and no one home.
They were honestly rude to us for getting upset over this old lady. Man fuck off just because she is old does not mean she can break into my fucking apartment.
We know we fucking locked everything for fucks sake.
The next morning we emailed the property manager and informed her of the situation. She replied to please not call the police unless it is an emergency. That we caused a major disturbance last night.
Fuck this shit bro...as soon as our lease is up we getting out.
We got really pissed over the entire thing and decided to take matters into our own hands. We ran to Lowe's and got a new lock for our front door. We went to Best Buy and bought some cameras and a little alarm. It's an alarm that you hang from a door and it will go off if disturbed.
We were ready for this bitch!
We were up fairly late this time but did finally get to bed.
At about 3am we were disturbed the same way again.
We both got up and looked at the old lady. She was screaming so loudly and shaking our bed again.
She looked disgusting....her skin was yellowish with a green tinge, her hair was wild, her eyes were black.
This time I was going to call the police before she could run away and we had cameras to record her!
But she started to attack me. Brutally attack me..she was ripping at my face with her teeth and nails. She was holding me down with a strength I could not have expected.
Then it happened...
My husband tried to pull her off of me but she just kept at it. Then my husband shot her...
I screamed as her body fell limp and he helped me up promptly.
We both knew we couldn't call the police. The police and the management would never take our side even with the footage.
I am sure someone heard the gun shot!
We wrapped her disgusting body up in bags and blankets. Waiting amd listening for sirens.
None ever appeared.
So we lugged her body downs stairs and into our car.
We drove down to a gross spot by the river. A spot you would see addicts shooting up and prostitutes sucking dicks. Not a place we wanted to be.
We parked the car behind some old building and proceeded to dispose of her body. We removed all of her finger tips, hair, teeth, anything we could think of. We then burned her face until it was unrecognizable.
After that we tied some cinder blocks we found to her and dumped the body.
We then drove an hour out of town to some woods and burried the rest of her.
We went home and were horrified and disgusted. I took a shower and tried to tend to my wounds.
The following morning it all seemed like a bad dream until I looked in the mirror and saw my wounds.
We were justified...
She was trying to kill me!
A couple days later we saw her apartment was getting cleaned out by the maintenance staff.
Oh God do they know??
I kept checking news outlets online to see if her body was found.
I decided to go to the store and buy a paper to see as well. So far so good!
I searched her name online as well. No reports missing, of course.
Then I saw it...
Her obituary....dated the week before the flooding.
I hurried and called my husband to tell him.
Why would the manager not say something?? What the fuck is going on??
I emailed the manager with the obituary and my email got sent back to me. I called the office and an unfamiliar lady answered.
I asked about the manager and she said she was fairly new but not familiar with that person.
My husband and I sat that evening figuring out what to do. We decided to pack our shit and our pet cat and get the fuck out. We just packed it mostly up and went to a hotel.
I can't even wrap my head around any of this. Are we murderers?? Was she a different lady we never met? Who was banging on our door the day of the flood?? It looked just like her.
We went to sleep that night probably well into the early am. Just happy to have each other and feel a sense of calm.
Then we heard a banging on our hotel room door....
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Part 11 of The Sam Diaries
Read on Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10507836/chapters/27140973
20:47: Is this Eunoia?
20:47: Yes? Who are you?
20:48: It’s Neil Josten. I was trying to get hold of Sam’s number to tell him the police got a hold of the guy at the game but I couldn’t find it.
20:49: If u managed to get a hold of my mobile number in Greece I don’t think it was the police who took him away
21:01: Why doesn’t Sam have a phone?
21:05: He broke it last week and hasn’t replaced it yet Also kinda still can’t believe I actually know u pls b nice I am too excited and tired for this conversation
21:05: How did he break it? And I don’t think I’ve ever been good at nice sorry
21:06: He dropped it on the floor Apparently me in lingerie causes him to lose all motor functions
21:07: I didn’t need the extra info
21:07: Your fault for asking. Anywho, I’ll pass on the message. Thank you again for the game tickets and congrats on how well you played
21:09: Andrew’s probably bought those game tickets ten times over in ice cream by now
21:09: That is… Maybe a little bit true. I should probably give him discounts at this point
21:10: Do not it is hard enough keeping him to his diet schedule as it is
21:10: Rodger that. 21:11: Sam just asked me what I’m laughing at He is shocked and appalled at the idea of a meal plan
21:15: Don’t ever let him meet Kevin Day. He loves meal plans more than he loves his wife
21:16: Poor wife 21:20: So apparently ur demi too? Oh Shit sorry Sam’s just told me not to mention it I just haven’t met anyone irl other than Sam Ignore it
21:30: It’s fine 21:45: So Sam’s demi and he was just born like that?
21:46: Yes?
21:47: And you’re not demi right?
21:47: Nah I’m just a boring heterosexual.
21:48: I didn’t know there was a word for it I just thought I was different
21:49: Well u r but it’s not a bad thing. And it seems to be working for u guys fine!
21:50: Yeah. Thanks Eunoia.
10:52: Neil, I need to apologise I never thought I was going to get answers as to what happened to my parents And I definitely didn’t think the answers would be btw ur parents were spies Like that’s not a reality I ever had to live in Don’t get me wrong I’m 100% ready to stab ur uncle if he ever comes near me But Sam’s convinced me I shouldn’t have taken that out on u it’s not ur fault I’m sorry
11:10: Your parents were killed to save my life. I should be the one apologising. Are you ok? Also do not attempt to stab my uncle you will be killed before you even met him
11:11: Calm down crazy. U didn’t kill them. Sam's helping me through it. It's going to take a while to rewrite them in my head. I can't believe they lied to me for so many years. It's like, did I even know them? But the best thing for me is to get back to work doing what I love. And finish up wedding decisions as well :) I figured that. My parents were the good guys tho right?
11:12: I might as well have I'm glad you've got Sam. All the members of the FBI I’ve met are pricks but they were on the right side of the law I suppose. And they got taken out because they were too good at their jobs
11:12: Pls pass Andrew ur phone
11:13: Ok… 11:14: What?
11:14: Pls get ur bf’s head out of his self-deprecating arse. Also how much ice-cream will it take to win u over? I have a lot
11:15: Unfortunately it’s been stuck there since he was born. I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. Just how much of your ‘Death by Chocolate’ do you currently have stocked?
11:16: How big is ur fridge?
When Andrew had finally managed to coax a nervous and still visibly upset Neil out of the Maserati and into the shop (thankfully there didn’t seem to be any other customers in yet; Andrew had a feeling Neil would like this conversation even less in public), it’s to find Rosa deRosales behind the counter, not Eunoia. Rosa and Andrew stare at each other blankly.
“Oh yeah, Rosa, those famous Exy players I was talking about come in here all the time, I don’t really know why, but they’re pretty chill so don’t give them special treatment.” Eunoia’s voice calls from the back, getting steadily louder as she makes her way to the front. “Can you get the door for me babe?”
Rosa breaks eye-contact with Andrew to push the door to the back open and lets Eunoia, hidden behind a tower of white dopplers, into the front of the shop. She places them down on the counter carefully, having still not noticed Andrew and Neil.
Andrew takes a second to look her over. In all honesty, she looks like shit. She has bags under her eyes that speak of not just a bad night’s sleep but a truly horrific one, and she’s hobbling like she’s injured her feet in some way. Her hair, for the first time in their acquaintance, is tied back away from her face, and it makes her look serious in a way she rarely is. Her eyes are still slightly wild and more than a little haunted, but she’s calm in the way she unstacks the boxes and there’s nothing fake about her smile as she thanks Rosa.
“How long have you worked here?” Andrew says finally and Eunoia startles and looks at him in confusion.
“This is my first shift.” Rosa replies quietly, fidgeting with her apron. “I’m just helping out Eunoia while she gets some new staff, but I still fill her ‘fucked-up’ criteria.”
“You know each other?” Eunoia asks, gesturing between the two of them, giving a disapproving glance at her friend for calling herself and the other employees fucked up. Andrew shrugs.
“We were in the same foster home, but not at the same time.”
“Oh.” Eunoia says in surprise, and then she glances at Rosa and pales. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” Rosa replies, and Eunoia looks vaguely sick when she looks back at Andrew. Andrew quirks an eyebrow, feeling like he’d missed something.
“I’m guessing that’s why you were barely sober over November and December in Junior High.” Eunoia says quietly, still talking to Rosa but not taking her eyes off Andrew.
“I couldn’t believe he was really dead after I’d spent all of Freshman High hiding from him at your house.” Rosa agrees, just as softly. Neil and Andrew both stiffen.
“I suppose that makes Eunoia one of the ‘good friends who got you to the hospital in time’?” Andrew manages, eventually. Eunoia shakes her head.
“We didn’t go to the same university.”
“Not that that stopped her from flying halfway around the country to visit me in hospital in the middle of her exams.” Rosa smiles, poking her friend in the side.
“Way too many fucking coincidences.” Neil says, blinking at them all. Eunoia agrees with a laugh, and if it’s a little more hard-won than it usually is, that’s to be expected. They’re going to be ok.
"At least half of those better be mine." Andrew deadpans, pointing at the dopplers, when the feeling in the room gets a little to sappy for him to stomach, and this time when Eunoia laughs there's nothing hesitant about it at all.
“Andrew.” Kevin’s never been one for conventional greetings.
“Kevin.” Andrew replies, because neither has he.
“Are you free?” Andrew assumes he means to chat, and wonders when Thea had managed to persuade Kevin to be a little less brisk and demanding on the phone. He’s not entirely sure he likes it. He stretches out on their couch, secretly pleased with the fact that he’s short enough that his whole body fits on it lengthways with some wiggle room, and closes his eyes, listening to Neil switch on the coffee machine. Neil thinks that when the coffee machine is whirring Andrew can’t hear him singing along to the radio, and Andrew sees no reason to inform him of the truth, especially when after last week’s mess with Sam and Eunoia, Andrew was worried the singing wouldn’t come back for a while.
“From Neil? Unfortunately he’s still alive and annoying as ever.”
“Of time constraints you bastard.” Now there’s the Kevin he knows and- Knows. “I thought we could get lunch.”
“You live on the other side of the country.” Andrew deadpans, intrigued despite himself.
“And now I’m in your town.” Kevin says back with his usual stoic demeanour, no hint as to why he’s travelled hundreds of miles just to take Andrew out for lunch.
“What happened? Did you finally leave Muscles to do something about your Knox boner? Come to have a gay crisis with me?” Andrew can tell Kevin’s fuming through the phone, and Andrew knows the only reason he hasn’t exploded in rage is that he’s not sure what part of Andrew’s speech he’s most upset about.
“No.” Kevin grounds out, through gritted teeth. “I’ll meet you at that Italian place Neil took us to last time. Don’t bring him.” The line clicks dead before Andrew can ask what the fuck that’s supposed to mean.
“What the shit is going on, Day?” Andrew announces as he strides up to Kevin’s table, ignoring the waiter chasing after him about waiting to be served. Kevin flicks an apologetic look at the staff as Andrew sits across from him, who predictably all swoon over the handsome celebrity.
“I owe you.” Kevin says, uncomfortably. It’s the last thing Andrew ever expects him to say. Luckily Kevin is used to Andrew’s taciturn ways and keeps talking without being prompted. “I didn’t hold up my end of our deal.”
Andrew’s eyes narrow as Kevin clenches and unclenches his scarred hand. He doesn’t think the striker even knows he’s doing it.
“You don’t owe me anything.” Andrew says, eventually. Kevin frowns at him.
“I know it’s been ages but that doesn’t make it ok.” Kevin protests, and Andrew wants to snarl at his stupidly thick head. He hated dealing with people who didn’t understand him.
Which basically translated to he hated dealing with anyone who wasn’t Neil.
“I came up with that deal because I was desperate, and much as I meant to hold up my end of it, the way I went about it was all wrong. I built my entire life around Exy and I didn’t think for a moment that you couldn’t do the same. I knew for certain that Exy could be more to you if you just let it, and I was right, but it couldn’t be the be all end all for you.” Kevin trying to apologise is almost amusing enough for Andrew to want to continue the conversation; his face is contorted with the effort of saying the right words, and he’s still failing miserably. It’s quite possibly the first time Kevin’s tried to genuinely apologise in his life. Andrew’s fairly certain he practiced this little speech.
“You’re not listening Kevin. You don’t owe me anything.” Kevin blinks.
“I don’t understand.” Andrew rolls his eyes and looks out the window as he fidgets idly with the knife on the table in front of him. Unfortunately not sharp enough to cut the pest.
“You picked Neil.” Andrew’s hand tightens around the knife at his admission, and he watches as understanding dawns on Kevin’s face.
“You’re paying for the food.” Andrew insists, not letting Kevin linger on the topic for any longer.
“We’re only here because it’s got some options with really rich carb intake.” Kevin says sternly. Andrew sometimes amuses himself thinking about Kevin’s face if he saw how loosely Andrew followed his meal plan. (And by loosely he means one night a week he eats whatever green vegetable-filled meal Neil forces down his throat, and only because Neil hates vegetables just as much and Andrew will one day capture on camera the face Neil makes around spinach.)
Andrew sends a text to Neil informing him that he’s leaving Neil for his bowl of pasta later on, and occasionally offers a comment on Kevin’s latest analysis of the upcoming season, admitting to himself quietly, with a little bloom of warmth he usually only feels around Neil, that it’s because he enjoys talking to Kevin.
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bangtan-spells · 8 years
Jimin Scenario: Earned It.
Request: I'M SO HAPPY REQUESTS ARE OPEN! I have a Jimin scenario request when y/n is an idol and she does a a special dance stage with J-Hope(like slow dancing) and Jimin gets very jealous and y/n tries to calm him down because there is nothing going on between J-Hope and her. Btw, Jimin and y/n are dating! Thank you! ♥
Genre: Romance / Drama.
-So… have you told Jimin?- Hoseok asked when you two were taking a break from the dance practice which you did at your company’s facility and not in Big Hit.
-Ugh, stop making it sound like we are having an affair- you laughed after making a disgusted face at Hoseok who looked offended for a few seconds and then laughed as well. -You are like my brother or something-
-You are the gross one thinking about affairs, I’m just being a good friend, and believe me, I know Jimin, he’d would…-
You sighed. -I know what Jimin would do, but this time he’d have to calm down and just accept that I’m dancing with another guy, it’s just work-
Hoseok sighed. -You want me to tell him?-
-What? No! Oh god, he’d be here all the time, he’d try to find a way to stop the performance all together and that can’t happen, I need this, ok? It’s the first time they offered me doing a special stage like this, so I want to do it-
Hoseok stared at you and then exhaled in resignation. -I think we should just tell him, this choreo is after all a bit…- 
You bit your lip thinking about it, the choreography was really sexy, there were parts of the song where you danced alone but for most of it you two had to do it together and the physical contact would be a lot to say the least. 
Being idols Jimin and you knew that things like this could happen, on both sides you were conscious that maybe one day you would be doing something not that innocent with another person for the performance’s sake, but you also knew your boyfriend and how he hated guys touching you too much, so you could guess how he was going to react when he saw you with one of his best friends.
Hoseok was picked for this by the producer, you two had tried to change so it was Jimin instead of the rapper, but the staff told you that it was impossible since they wanted specifically Hoseok on the stage.
-I know you don’t want to create trouble between you, but this dance is important to me-
-And you don’t think he’d understand if you explain it? He’s a nice guy our Jiminie, if explained nicely he’d understand-
-Well, I will just tell him that we are doing a special stage and nothing else, so even if he insists you can’t tell him what we are dancing-
Hoseok scratched the back of his head looking uncomfortable. -I feel like a bad friend-
You arched a brow. -Have you forgotten about the song we are going to perform? Besides you are a great friend, don’t say that-
-Oh fuck it, he’d set a scandal before he let us dance that- Hoseok said sighing yet again. -This performance better end up good, and I hope this ends in BTS and you twice popular than before and not in me being punched in the face by my dongsaeng-
You bumped fists as you laughed at that. -He wouldn’t do that, I think-
It was hectic every time KBS decided to do a special episode of Music Bank, the good thing was that BTS were no longer rookies and thus they had a bit of priority about how things were managed. BTS had already performed, they sang Blood Sweat and Tears and Fire and prior to that Jungkook had done a special stage with the maknaes of other groups, they all knew that Hoseok also had a special stage that was coming next.
It had been surprise for all of them when they found out the person with who he was going to dance was no other than you. Jimin had been caught off guard when you told him, it was a dance stage, Jimin was proud that you had been selected for it since you worked hard practicing your dance skills, but he was also a bit worried that it was Hoseok dancing with you and not… well, and not him.
-What are they dancing?- Namjoon asked sitting beside Jimin to see the performance in the screen they had in the waiting room, by his side he had Taehyung who was also staring at the screen, but soon after all the remaining members had gathered together to watch the special stage.
-They are going to do well Jimin- Jin said patting his shoulder, maybe thinking that Jimin’s angsty face was because he was worried that you might fail, and that wasn’t the case. He was just a bit envious that it wasn’t him with you, after all this was your first special stage and it would have been perfect if he have gotten to be with you.
-Yeah Jimin, relax and let’s enjoy- Taehyung reassured putting an arm around his shoulders.
Jimin nodded and smiled, he had to relax and just watch your splendid moves, if this was a collaboration with Hoseok then maybe it was something street style, or a complicated choreo, he had to pay attention to then congratulate you and brag about his girl’s moves.
The music started and the first few seconds everything was dark, he hadn’t recognized the song, but then the lights of the stage illuminated both of you going out at the same time, already in the choreography, and Jimin realized which song was. Earned it by The Weekend.
He put his hand over his mouth and leaned forward with his eyes glued on you. At first both of you started to dance like you were mirrors, moving your bodies to the rhythm of the song, the pace of the song demanded your bodies to roll and move smoothly, at first it was all ok but then the space between you decreased more and more, and it was like you were dancing only to Hoseok, moving your body for him, and the expression you had… Jimin dammed the camera man for zooming it, it was like you were tempting Hoseok to come closer to you and to touch you as you did a roll with your hips that Jimin could only describe as sinful.
And then Hoseok did just that, his hands running down your stomach, deviating to your thigh just before he could… Jimin groaned feeling the anger bubbling up on him. What the hell was this? Had you planned this to mock him? How could you have kept this a secret from him? This choreography was too intimate, to sexy, god it was too much. How had the staff even approved this? This was ridiculous.
He stood up and went out of the room despite his friends calling him to come back, but he couldn’t keep watching, he had had enough. The image of you with his friend was burning in his mind making him reckless, he had to calm down, this was just a dance stage, but then, why hide it from him?
After ending the special stage you had to go back to the waiting room, then wait for the other groups to perform and then finally comeback for the ending, so you had a good chance to see Jimin and see what had been his reaction, you went with Hoseok to BTS’s waiting room but you found out he wasn't there anymore.
-After he saw you guys he went out, he was fuming- Namjoon explained. -We couldn’t even contain him-
Hoseok face palmed. -This is my fault, I should have told him-
You shook your head. -You wanted to, I was the one that…I’ll look for him, ok?-
-Be careful- Namjoon said nodding at you, in here you had to be as discreet as possible, there were too many eyes around, you knew that, but you also knew about a place where you could talk privately, one that Jimin and you had used before and in which you were almost sure you were going to find him.
He was indeed where you thought, an old dressing room that no one used, the space was small so you saw him immediately sitting in an old chair, his head that had been resting on his hands snapped up when you entered but he deviated his eyes of you.
-Seriously Y/N, I don’t want to hear it-
-Jimin… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you-
He snorted. -Yeah right, so sorry you are-
-I am- you retorted. -I didn’t want to tell you because you would have wanted to stop the performance-
-Hell I would have, or do you think it was just a dance?-
-It was just a dance, that it was…-
-Touchy? Sexual? Way too much to do with another man?-
-It was sexy yes, but it was just a dance in the sense that it was strictly that, you more than anyone should understand that, you are a dancer-
-You don’t see me dirty dancing with girls, do you?- he snapped standing up. -You made me look like a fool, I didn’t even know what was happening and Hoseok what? He thought it was ok to do this with my girlfriend? Or no wait, maybe that is what you wanted-
You shook your head, trying to be patient and not get angry since Jimin was mad, he was talking impulsively and you knew he didn’t control well his words when he was in that state, if both of you were like that then it would make things worse. -Don’t go there Jimin-
-But really, if you think this through it makes sense, you and Hoseok hyung, the two dancers, you have great chemistry I could see that-
-Jimin, there is absolutely nothing going on between Hoseok and me- you said slowly. -Don’t even insinuate that again, you are offending me-
Jimin groaned and flipped his hair. -Where is he?-
You sighed, you knew Jimin would be upset, but you didn’t imagine him being this angry or even thinking you could cheat with Hoseok. -He’s waiting for you with the rest, It’s all my fault that we didn’t tell you, I really wanted to do this stage because I haven’t been asked to do one ever, so it was my chance-
-How about telling me that?- he interrupted you raising his voice. -You didn’t think about that?-
-Would you have been ok?- you fired back and then breathed to calm down, you two were a bit too explosive sometimes. -Jimin, babe, I’m here telling you it was my fault, I did wrong, I know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you, or that Hoseok doesn’t either, and this absolutely doesn’t mean that I want others to touch me, because there’s only one person who I want-
He crossed his arms not saying anything so you stepped forward getting closer to him. -Babe, seriously, I’m sorry, how many times I have to say it? I’m sorry for not telling you, but you have to understand that nothing happened, it was just a performance-
Jimin stayed silent and you thought he was going to stay like that not talingk to you anymore, he was way too angry, but then his gaze turned to you making your heart skip.
-It just… it makes me crazy, seeing you with someone else-
-But it was just a dance…-
-Even if it just like that, I… I don’t like it, I love you Y/N, I want to keep you all to myself, what’s so wrong with that?- he admitted and at that moment you had to bite a smile because he sounded a bit childish, like a child who had been denied his favorite candy. His anger was slowly dying down so you took advantage of it and curled your arms around his neck.
-I’m yours Jimin, do you think other guys can have me like this?-
-Absolutely not- he denied right away, finally giving in, taking his hands down your waist to your hips. -I don’t appreciate you dancing with my hyung either-
-I know, but think it this way, he’s like your brother, he wouldn’t ever look at me that way, don’t you think? It was like dancing with my brother-
-Brothers and sisters don’t dance like that- he answered back stubbornly.
You smiled inhaling deeply. -Why are you so stubborn Park Jimin?- you felt his hands moving around your hips massaging your skin a little and an idea popped to your mind. -I tell you what, right now we have to go to do the ending, but what if…- you said leaning forward, pressing your body to his so he could feel as your head moved to the side so your lips were by his right ear, his hold on your hips tightened and you smiled. -What if after all this ends we get together and I show you exactly how brothers and sisters shouldn’t dance? huh?-
You felt him have goosebumps as you had them yourself, Jimin stared at you his eyes wide with surprise just before he attacked your lips, the kiss was fiery and needy as he caressed your body with his hands. -You are mine Y/N- he breathed between kisses. You were a bit out of breath but smiled into the kiss. -You’ll show me that dance just for me, I want special treatment after today-
You giggled and bit his lower lip. -You had earned it babe-
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