#and it doesn't pigeonhole the whole thing as 'bad for you'
headspacedad · 1 year
Parasocial relationships in East Asia: A look into obsession
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ananke-xiii · 3 months
One of the reasons why Nick's story in s14 doesn't work form me is because of the show's insistence to pigeonhole Lucifer as "the supreme agent of evil". Of course, this is considered true in our real world (lol), specifically Christian world, but in-universe it just... doesn't work? If we want to go full-on dichotomy (and S14 very much goes there) if Lucifer's evil, who's the primary agent of good? No one, exactly. Definitely not Heaven.
Because there are, like, TEN seasons of angels going total batshit crazy, I mean we know that angels=good isn't a view the show supports since Cas appears in "Lazarus Rising". And we know that ALL angels downright lie, manipulate and coerce humans to get their "consent". We also know that the main issue with "the devil's spawn" in s12 was not so much "the devil" but the fact that "a Nephilim came into being".
The problem is NOT that who'll later be Jack is Lucifer's son, the problem is that he's a Nephilim. Lucifer has weight in the discourse merely because he's an archangel, NOT because he's the primary agent of evil. The issue is that "grace+soul"=a fucking lot of power. And a fucking lot of power means a fucking lot of problems.
We also know that humans get severely depressed after a possession, they have to face many struggles and sometimes society alienates them (see: "Repo Man"). So the argument that Nick's psyche is damaged because Lucifer's so evil his influence's still there even after he's departed is just... weak? A random demon can possess a random Jeffrey and the damages on the human psyche are still IMMENSE. From the human perspective random demon or most powerful archangel in the world are the same thing: they can carry out the same violence, abuse and trauma.
I might be wrong but what I get from the season is that the "primary agent of good" is the soul. And this is ALSO not true? Because shit gets real when Jack starts losing it, sort of implying that without the soul, his luciferian grace will make him become evil or will make him do evil things ("the devil made me do it" mentality). But we literally have a character such as Castiel, Angel of the Lord and Maker of Huge Mistakes but also Not in Possess of a Human Soul who actively strives to do good things (and he fails miserably so maybe he's not a good example but HE IS JACK'S CHOSEN FATHER, it MUST mean something ffs).
I think, maybe, I don't find the shift from "Nephilim" to "Lucifer's son" compelling because Jack's real "problem" (if we want to call it so) is that he's half (arch)angel and half human. Like, being an angel is a fucking issue in this show because these creatures are a bit deranged okay? LOL. On the other hand, being human is ALSO a fucking issue because it 100% doesn't warrant inherent goodness. Humans can be deranged creatures, too, okay? :D Both species can definitely just make mistakes, do bad things wanting to do bad things or ending up doing bad things without intention to do so. Ultimately, Jack's dilemma is being Other, just like his chosen father and just like Kripke-era Sam.
I still stand by my idea that all angels are a little bit like Lucifer. And there are episodes such as "Of Gods and Monsters" that sort of confirm it. When Nick calls Cas out and tells him "Castiel, you’re just a stone cold body snatcher. You’re no different than Lucifer" he's exactly pointing out the hypocrisy. Hell, the whole episode seems to question the season's main theme because Michael is literally possessing Dean, he conned him, he tells him that he owns him, he's creating an army of monsters as they speak, he's brutally torturing them but the primary agent of evil is still little ol' Lucifer.
Although, truth be told, I didn't particularly feel the need to learn more about Nick (sorry Nick, I know you're there so that Mark Pellegrimo could stay on payroll, I don't hold it against you), I can't deny that it had great potential as a narrative choice (let's not even go into the Sam/Nick parallels). But, to me, it didn't deliver because the show's murky on where it stands: on paper it wants to show the fallacies of "black and white" thinking but it effectively supports the same "black and white" view of the world that it seeks to question.
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rainbowsky · 9 months
Can I just take a few minutes to appreciate DD and his unwillingness to walk down a MBTI lane on the red carpet?
Just another example of why I love this man so damn much. He doesn't play games or get drawn into BS.
For those who weren't aware, the huge I and E at the end of the red carpet were meant to indicate 'Introverted' and 'Extroverted', part of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator quackery that a lot of people seem to be taken in by. Stars, when walking the red carpet, were asked to walk down the lane indicated by the letter they identify with.
DD, being DD, walked right down the middle, and when asked by the hosts he said he deliberately didn't choose a lane.
I know a lot of fans are into the whole MBTI thing and I hate to be a wet blanket, but it really is unfounded pseudoscience with the primary aim of making money. It relies on what is known as 'The Barnum Effect' ("individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them, yet which are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people*"). And let's face it, people are more gullible if you flatter them, and they'll believe flattering things said about them.
*From Encyclopedia Britannica's definition.
A lot of people see MBTI as good, harmless fun, but in reality it's baseless and even nefarious, and frequently used in ways that directly impact people's lives in negative ways. MBTI is used to make hiring decisions and to filter people in other consequential ways. These things also tend to be very racist, ablelist, classist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
Here are a few resources for those wanting to learn more about how utterly bullshit and harmful MBTI is:
They become dangerous tools: The dark side of personality tests
Why the Myers-Briggs test is meaningless, harmful and bad
The comforting pseudoscience of the MBTI
(BTW, not saying DD necessarily realizes MBTI is bullshit. It's likely he primarily just wants to avoid being pigeonholed. These kinds of things are often used by antis to say harmful things about him. But I wouldn't be surprised if he did think it was BS. He's a pretty straight-up guy who seems to have an aversion to things like this.)
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thommi-tomate · 4 months
Interview with Lee PT.2
By: GQ Deutschland
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You lived in Manchester for a long time. What differences do you see in terms of public and media reactions between Germany and England?
In both countries, there are media - and people - who like to pigeonhole others. That's certainly not the majority, but you have to accept it. In England, however, people find it easier to compliment you on an outfit. I do the same myself. If I like what a person is wearing, I tell them that - even if I don't know them at all.
You have been living in Germany again since 2020. How have you developed since your return?
I get a bit more attention here than I did in England - and that can be both positive and negative. In England, I was considered a talent and was just one of many players at Manchester City, so everything was a bit more relaxed for me there. Here I'm a German international. On the whole, though, I'm very happy with how everything has developed.
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The public mood towards the national team has not been particularly good in recent years. With the test match victories against France and Belgium, this has changed completely. How are you looking forward to the tournament?
Especially now with the successes in preparation, my mood is good and the anticipation is great. That has a lot to do with the fact that it's a home European Championship. You can only take part in something like this once in your football career, if at all. In sport, everything happens very quickly. If you lose, everything is bad, if you win, everything is great. We can put that into perspective. National coach Julian Nagelsmann always makes sure that the mood in the team is good and that we get on better and better with each other on the pitch. That's how the European Championship can take on a very special dynamic with the fans and those around us and take us a long way - hopefully all the way to the title.
Unfortunately, you yourself were suspended for the games against France and the Netherlands. Were you still able to get involved?
Definitely. It was very important for me to be with the boys again. The atmosphere within the team was already good beforehand and the coach always managed to ensure that we were relaxed and extremely focused at the same time. I'm very pleased that this has been reflected in the results and that we now have new momentum. This will hopefully carry us through the entire preparation period and well into the European Championships.
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Especially at such a big tournament, it is important for success that the structure in the dressing room is right. At the age of 28, you are no longer one of the young guns. What does that mean for your position within the team?
As you get older and more experienced, you look at how you can help and support the young players. Especially in my position as an attacking midfielder, there are lots of opportunities. I'm certainly not the one who always speaks up. But I try to be a leader on the pitch - a player who brings momentum and who the others can follow. We have a very good mix of experienced and young players, from which both sides can benefit.
One big change is that Toni Kroos has returned to the national team. His qualities on the pitch are well known, but how important can he be for the team in the dressing room?
In the dressing room, he is someone that all the other players look up to. He has achieved so much that his successes give him a special status. He's incredible on the pitch, he doesn't let anything get him down. Even when things aren't going well, he's always focused. You just look at him and you know you don't have to worry. He shows us that we always have it in our own hands to turn a game around. What's more, he can really intimidate the opposition with his presence. He helps us a lot and is just incredibly good for the team.
You mentioned that you yourself are more of a quiet type. You can also see that on the pitch and it's something that critics sometimes accuse you of. Is that something you're working on?
It's in my nature to focus on myself first. But now I try to show more often that I always give my all. As an attacking player, I have less of an overview of the pitch than someone in defensive midfield. As a result, I can hardly intervene in an orderly fashion. But I can lead the way and get the others involved.
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What do you expect from the European Championships?
Just being able to take part in a European Championship and represent your country is an extraordinary experience. The fact that it is taking place in your home country only makes the whole thing even greater. It's a good opportunity to be carried away and pushed by the euphoria. Of course, there is a risk that the pressure will be particularly high, but I'm just really looking forward to the tournament. I have great expectations of myself, of the team, and of course the greatest thing would be to win this title with the national team in my own country.
This euphoria can inspire a team, but a setback can quickly turn the whole thing on its head
We shouldn't start worrying now about what will happen if we are eliminated. In the past, we've seen that the fans were euphoric and grateful even when the national team was eliminated in the semi-finals - because the players always gave their best.
That was the case at the "summer fairytale", the World Cup in 2006, which also took place in Germany. You were ten years old at the time and played for Schalke 04's youth team. What memories do you have of the tournament?
I can still remember it very well. No matter where you were, people would gather and watch the games. When Germany played, the streets were empty because everyone was cheering in front of the screen or in the stadium. As a young boy, I dreamed of being on the pitch when something like that happened. So I'm in the process of fulfilling a big dream. And of course my - our - biggest goal is to give people another great summer like this.
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They really need to stop doing these culture/country themed weeks on GBBO. It never goes well, it's always some level of offensive, and Paul and Prue have the blandest taste buds in the world.
Paul, if you were just in Mexico, you know that they season things? With chiles and herbs and things are going to be hot? And just because you're not a fan of the flavor doesn't mean it's bad because you can't take spice or sweet corn or literally anything that wakes up that sad tongue of yours? My god, man. And if you're gonna give people a challenge where they're not gonna have enough time to properly proof things? Guess what! You're gonna get a lot of underproved breads!! Your whole thing IS BREAD. YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS.
Also, tacos aren't a bake. Tortillas are a bake. Making these poor people make tacos for the technical when the majority of the technical isn't focused on baking? Terrible. It's a baking show, not a cooking show, those are two different sets of skills that just happen to use the same tools and overlap sometimes. If you want them to do tortillas? Make that the focus! Make them do six corn and six flour, you can still have the pico be something that goes with it but at least then the baking aspect is the focus!
(god they should have just done churros, they're not an exclusively Mexican thing but at least they're BAKING. They could have done FLAN. It's not baking but it's a hell of a lot closer than a fuckin taco.)
Anyway, this whole concept needs to be retired. Between Japanese Week being full of stuff from other countries (and also being sort of racist) and this, I think somebody needs to realize this concept doesn't work. And if you want to do this? Do a pan-international week where they have to do things not commonly found in the UK but you're not pigeonholed into a specific country to butcher and make bad jokes about.
Worst of all, now I want conchas and I don't have any. I blame you, Paul. You milquetoast fuck.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
worst part of fanon: my god, anon. I'm looking at this like (a) you want me to pick one? I have a fucking list and (b) this feels like I am a wolf looking at a suspicious looking pile of leaves and going 'hmmm that seems like a bad idea to step there.'
and yet I'm going to do it anyway. I posted the meme! no one but myself to blame here.
but I am going to go ahead and do a list, because, you know, why not. it's 10:43 pm and I'm feeling reckless.
Nie Huaisang as champion of the common people and really just a good guy if you're not Jin Guangyao. Honestly pretty much any cultivator other than (a) Jin Guangyao, at least somewhat, or (b) Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen as champion of the common people. This is not a novel about people who care about ordinary people. It's just not. In fact it's sort of a plot point that it isn't.
This isn't, like, the worst, but it is starting to bug me: Pete is turned on/aroused by the torture of other people. It's actually important to me that Pete is largely indifferent to violence against other people. He doesn't enjoy it, it's just a part of life, almost inevitable. The "vegaspete who murder together stay together" thing just doesn't work for me.
Maglor and Maedhros, the nice Feanorians who were really not on board with all the killing that all their bad and evil brothers were doing. I'm exaggerating, but not that much.
I'm not inherently opposed to it in all cases, but I feel like the predominance of femdom Wen Qing is something where I'm a little like...other people have dissected the whole thing where in f/m ships sometimes it seems like it has to be pegging to be valid (not naysaying pegging! I've written it myself and whatever floats your kink), but here in particular I feel like it pigeonholes Wen Qing into this role where she's the mean but cool (sometimes lesbian but mostly if she's a background character) friend who TAKES CHARGE during sex because she's STRONG and...idk. Give Wen Qing a day off. a bath and a massage and someone to pamper her just a little. I think that would be nice for her.
Relatedly, though this feels less like fanon and more like just a common fandom kink, I'll throw in mean dom Xiao Xingchen. Don't get me wrong, I like it when Xiao Xingchen is a little bitchy and I certainly think he should get to be angry, an always perfectly forgiving Xiao Xingchen who will never be upset at people is a bugbear of mine too. But I just cannot see Xiao Xingchen being mean. I'm not saying I can't see him as a dom. I can, I've written it, or at least shades of it. But mean? Nope. I feel like he would cry if he attempted it.
that's...probably enough to be going on with, I think. and with that I'm going to bed, we'll see if I'm chewing off my own foot to get out of a leghold trap in the morning I suppose
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brujitaadinbo · 6 months
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I come with every intention of writing and spoilers: this requires a lot of text but, sorry… it's an interesting read.
I've seen a lot of people complain about SW and their way of doing things; I've seen people complain about The Mandalorian and say; At what point did it become children's content?
Well, as I tell you, since season 1 this content has always turned out to be family content.
Now the people who say this; It is because it is alienated that SW does not vary; when practically the SW material is pure fantasy and there is material for everyone, of all colors and flavors. The Mandalorian cannot be pigeonholed solely into violence; friend, then you have not understood anything about this universe.
See Star Wars and everything Geroge, Filoni and Jon have been working on with a whole creative team, etc, etc. is to enter that world to which they took you "the never ending story", "the labyrinth", "Dragon Heart", "Merlin" and I can continue… magical worlds, where hope resides everywhere, where love It is an important point because despite not being able to see it, it becomes part of this environment and expresses itself in mysterious ways (yes, like strength). That is why pigeonholing SW solely in violence is taking away a vital part of its narrative, it is as if the conflicts in its different aspects were not shown; or wanting to remove something very substantial that although species from other worlds are shown; They have something that unites them with everything. "The feelings, the emotions, the humanity that exists in these aspects"
Friend, believe me, when you only get stuck in violence and don't want to look at something else; The problem is you and maybe SW is not the content you need. And hey; I'm not saying that you have to accept everything, but definitely criticizing just to criticize, hating just to hate is ridiculous and pathetic. Taking SW or the Mandalorian as entertainment after a difficult day is not bad at all. But now you want to take this as a personal vent, project yourself, harass and be an infernal hater, sorry but that's disgusting.
And believe me; That violence that you ask for so much is desensitizing you, it makes you someone who loses the notion of how you can harm others and there are people like me; who lives in violent countries, where your life is at stake every 5 minutes, that the only thing we want is to stop experiencing this violence and live fantasy and hope. So stop messing around, okay.
At the end of the day your requests are like: "You want a good development for Din Djarin, but you don't want him to associate with anyone, you want to pigeonhole him into a life in the countryside with a secondary character, You want him to continue in a dangerous profession that "no It leaves nothing good for him or his green boy, you complain about everything and it doesn't seem like anything to you.” Please; It's very obvious that you didn't watch the series and don't understand Din's development. stop fucking around.
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A few days ago I was watching episode 3 and I'm going to say this; Anakin is a great character, he is a villain through and through, but all this grew like a snowball. They lost Anakin and he was already lost, Palpatine knew how to play his pieces. In the entire world of SW it is difficult to pigeonhole the characters because; The decisions are the ones that weigh the most. All SW characters have an Anakin within them, they all carry a complex and a mourning of their being; a good being or a bad being. Doing what is right or wrong is a struggle of ethics and morals.
Anakin was an enslaved child and grew up with this complex, remaining a slave due to his attachments until his death. Their actions do not have to be justified, but they do need to be understood and exposed. At the end of the day in this universe Who has not stained their hands with mud or blood to fight for something? Who hasn't had to ignore innocent people to preserve an idea or a fight? Who hasn't had to give in to the bad orders of others to save their people?
When I see people judging Bo Katan, for example; for being a terrorist in her past or for her wrong actions and them using this as a reason for Din not to be around her; I say to you.. How low and dirty do they have to be to use a person's past, in this case a character, and judge them and not allow them to redeem themselves?
Si Din let Bo Katan redeem himself this season 3 Who do you think you are to not allow it?
It hurts me a lot to see Anakin get lost and to see that here they showed us what love is. but they also show us "it's the right person at the wrong time"
Padme could fight hard but her own worries and Anakin's attitudes were driving them apart.
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When Anakin is tempted to turn to the dark side to gain power and knowledge, he gives in to his attachment to Padme, his fear, and gives in to the temptation. And for example in the mandalorian from season 1 We can see how temptation tried to envelop Din Djarin so that he would leave the creed.
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Many people believe that this scene with Omera was "romantic" which it was not so; This series was representative of that TEMPTATION that Din could have fallen into. It's a symbolic scene of how Din was able to abandon the creed, stop being a Mandalorian, settle down and live in a remote place. EVEN when he mentions to Omera that his main goal was to honor Mandalorian culture, which saved him from the droids. SHE tries to take off his helmet if he allows it, invasively, as a temptation. THE CLEAR THING was that he NEVER fell into temptation.
Din clearly tells him "I don't belong here."
Because many say “I wanted a quiet life with her.” I say; Since he did not agree to stay and preferred the creed and remain Mandalorian, develop his character, surround himself with other people, adopt Grogu and recover his planet together with Bo Katan, I tell you HE preferred a Mandalorian life and his lifestyle and culture may be anything but "a quiet lifestyle."
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Now when they say "Bo katan is a liar, a villain" it's because they didn't understand any point I mentioned. All SW characters have had to make difficult decisions, Bo Katan has been more oriented towards being an Anti-hero. And I don't justify her but it is understood and her points of view are expressed, about why she acted that way.
Since season 2 he could have killed or betrayed Din and taken his saber, in season 3 he had all the time and opportunities to do so. AND IT NEVER HAPPENS…
And it is more than clear that she had a very peculiar interest in him, that she protected him in some way.
Always saving him, even in chapter Plazir 15, she saves him from the separatist droids just when he shows rejection towards politicians. A clear nod to the fact that she does not fall for opulence or power, she simply wants to right her wrongs and bring glory to Mandalore, so that her people have their home.
Saying that Bo Katan "didn't redeem himself because he didn't do anything" Sorry, but living with a tormented conscience, with memory and constant regret. This season 3 Brendan Wayne himself says it in a podcast where he is a guest: "Din wanted to get Bo Katan out of that depression of that cloudy cloud of thoughts and knock her out with his own feelings, it was like he was talking to my wife"
I uploaded that interview and you can find it on my wall, I don't lie like SCREENRANT, they love to lie.
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I don't want to go into more detail but I'm going to close this post with this.
Let's assume Din and Bo don't want anything romantic, okay. then at least allow them to be comrades in arms; It doesn't take anything away from them, on the contrary it gives them both a lot. Both Din with his own qualities can support Bo and vice versa. So why separate them if in the end, they are just friends?
And if it turns out that there are feelings and love between the two IT ALSO doesn't take anything away from them and yes, it contributes to them.
Star Wars is a galactic opera and I repeat; Taking away love just because you are a bitter person is taking away one of its main foundations.
The Mandalorians would be another very peculiar, interesting and unique perspective on love, if they let this union flow. Because it wouldn't be the typical cliché
We would see Din and Bo fighting together, sharing moments, weapons, tactics, in the middle of a battle, a show of affection, a hug, something very human, holding hands, fighting together, sharing plans, exchanging ideas and even A Keldabe kiss..
I and many see potential, at least in this shipment there is a lot of material to refute this couple; and I'm completely in the group that wants to keep them together.
This is the way.
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videoplanchette · 2 years
TLDR: This is a marketing tool to sell dolls
So, I finished the live-action Monster High Movie last night.
It was fine. Like everything it has its pros and cons which I will be covering.
And I don't know why this is the camel that's breaking my straws or whatever the hell-- but if I see one more hyperbolic clickbaity thumbnail or post describing why this is somehow the "worst" movie people have ever seen, I think I'm going be arrested. I've binged all of the monster high shorts, and 3D animated movies, and my brain is complete goddamn mush at this point. The live-action movie isn't even the worst thing associated with the monster high brand. Like to the veteran fans who have been here and are saying that this series used to be "better"-- What crack are you smoking, just curious? Like this series has been straight-up nonsense at points because it's meant to sell toys first and foremost. I want to highlight the whole nostalgia goggles we tend to wear and tell you what it actually is. It's bias. just call it what it is, it's bias.
There are a few different reasons why this claim of Gen3 or the live-action movie, in general, being toted as "the worst thing ever" gets under my skin. I'll be trying to engage with this movie as well as most of the marketing choices with this new line of dolls in good faith. Versus assuming every misstep or mistake is somehow an attack. During this long tangent of a post, I want everyone to repeat to themselves "this is a show meant to sell toys to children; I will not send death threats over this."
To immediately get this out of the way, if you're mad because they made Frankie Stein Nonbinary/Trans, or if they made Draculaura chubby? I'm sorry but you are beyond even my help-- get well soon.
I mostly want to address the criticism of the changed art style, personalities, dynamics, and interests of the characters themselves. I guess why this is exhausting for me because as a long-time fan of other franchises which has canon routinely altered to adhere to trends or the whim of new writers, this happens a lot.
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Don't even get me started on Scooby Doo.
And I've seen this trend of trying to pigeonhole each new reboot of a beloved franchise as either the "best" or "worst" thing ever. And sure enough, when a good thing like Rottmnt is there, it's canceled before anyone actually realized it was worth a second look, even though the animation and voice cast was always on point. Or in Voltron's case, while met with initial praise, it tried to please everybody, while pleasing nobody. Nobody likes change, I get it.
Personally, I wish we had fewer reboots and more of an emphasis on original projects these days, but then how would we buy dolls?
Speaking of the Monster High Dolls. One thing I find hilariously hypocritical about people criticizing the changes made to the characters complaining about "coherency" and the like-- You folks do remember that this series was made specifically to adapt horror icons from the famed Universal Monster library and Gothic Literature characters into teenagers who attend school, make out with each other and wear gaudy clothes? Like again you guys are watching a derivative of a derivative! Like Monster High is a high school AU of HG Wells, Mary Shelley, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram Stoker, and GREEK MYTH!
I can understand the reservations to like the reboot, but I can guarantee you it's a more faithful adaptation than Winx: Fate or River Dale. It doesn't even scratch the batshit wildness that either of those series tried to pull. It's not entertainingly bad. The movie is genuinely decent. All the actors look like they wanted to be there and they all deliver their performances (especially Frankie's) with energy and charm.
Yes, the effects, costumes, and make-up are cheap, but I'd rather have cheap makeup done by unionized compensated workers with ambition than CGI everything. If anything it reminds me of my favorite made for TV Halloween movies from my childhood, like Scary Godmother or Halloweentown.
I guess what I'm trying to say, for a commercial to sell me a new line of dolls, it could have been a lot worse.
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 months
We're on her wave right now...
Alfred Soto: Seyi Sodimu's 1997 "Love Me JeJe" serves as the foundation for this delightful thing, a popiano groover which like many of its best songs doesn't insist on itself but has a way of insinuating itself.  [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: Last year, in a conversation for Interview, Kendrick Lamar asked Tems how she avoided being pigeonholed as an artist. In a surprisingly combative response, she took great pains to distance herself from Afrobeats specifically, Nigerian music generally, and everyone telling her that audiences would only accept her if she presented herself and her music in a certain way. ("It’s not that your music is bad, it’s just that it doesn’t fit in Nigeria. Nigerians don’t like this.") While she tried to spin it as me-against-the-world motivation, I came away from the interview exhausted on her behalf, overwhelmed by the idea that she would always be locked in a battle against forces that would seek to flatten her into a stereotype just because of the place she was born. With all of that as prologue, "Love Me JeJe" is a miracle in its weightlessness. Here is Tems at peace, unquestionably an individual but also unquestionably the product of her environment. Here is Tems effortlessly breathing new life into a familiar Nigerian hit that was originally released when she was two years old. Here is Tems gliding through the streets of Lagos as if floating, as if she came out the other side of her fight for individuality with the confidence that she won't lose herself.  [9]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Every Tems single this decade has been a little masterpiece; this is no different. But it is different — this is the most comfortable she's sounded on record, her performance filled with the little grace notes and playful asides that only come when a singer is in their element. "Damages" and the other singles off For Broken Ears were beautiful showcases for Tems' voice, but she largely stuck to grand gestures, melodies that spread across the sonic canvas like she was singing arias, gorgeous and lonely. "Love Me JeJe" feels tender in a way that her music never has, a warm and lovely party of a song — nostalgic not just in its invocation of Seyi Sodimu but in its whole feel, those call-and-response vocals and that "Heartbeats"-esque guitar riff invoking an endless succession of warm summer nights. Every note feels like an invitation to the sublime; even just in the way she subtly adjusts the emphasis the last time she calls to her lover, turning a note of devotion into something more flirtatious. The best pop songs we write about here are the ones that are worlds in themselves, self-sustaining systems of sound that seem to unfold further and reveal more to love about them with every listen. "Love Me JeJe" is one of those worlds. [10]
Julian Axelrod: Until this year, Tems' voice felt like a rare and incredibly valuable natural resource, meted out over a few sparse EPs and occasionally used to apply a lacquer of prestige to a Marvel soundtrack or an air of gravity to a Future beat. It's been hard to know the singer through the songs, but "Love Me JeJe" feels like the fullest picture of Tems we've heard so far. She sounds looser and freer than ever, but her voice has never sounded richer, whether soaring or scatting or talking shit in the studio. The song is presented as not just a reinterpretation of the Seyi Sodimu song of the same name, but as an homage. And whether this is an act of earnest homage or an attempt to avoid a lawsuit, it's incredibly charming to hear Tems sing its refrain almost to herself, like it's been stuck in her head for years. It feels like an act of adaptation that tells you as much about the singer as the song. [8]
Nortey Dowuona: The way Tems sings speaks to me. It's a modal tone, so comfortable and gentle; her voice floats comfortably in her chest register and feels as if she is talking to you, explaining something very difficult. Tems may arc into little peals and soft whole notes, but she stays in her range, tantalizing and lively, showing the loyalty and tenderness she sings about. On the tail end, she simply jokes: "Why won't you just open your mouth and say something?" It's such a gentle rhetorical question, a taunt a lover would say to you as their friend rightfully points out your fraidy-cat tendencies. It's a simple moment of in-studio banter, and it fits the actual lyrics so smoothly, cresting as soon as it reaches its end, ebbing into the sea. [10]
Jonathan Bradley: Tems is too chill here for me to call her shuffling West Africans rhythms upbeat, but she lets her words ("I need and I need and I need and I need you more) cascade over one another with a lovely liveliness. "I'm on your wave right now," she confides, and little flourishes of highlife guitar endorse the intimacy. The convivial call-and-response — "love me tender" — enhances the coziness; "Love Me JeJe" relaxes into the comfort of familiar company. [7]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: "I'm on your wave right now" is such a beautiful declaration. Tems sings it with an assurance of what it implies, of an unshakable bond with a future and past. She makes that known with the call-and-response interpolations; it is quietly pleasurable in the way that all in-jokes are when worked into everyday conversation. Those who don't know the Seyi Sodimu original can still feel its familiarity: it's the sound of a love that has stood the test of time, that has always felt eternal, that is capable of endless shared memories. [8]
Ian Mathers: Some love songs are overtly intense (wonderfully or horribly so), but this one succeeds by seeming, if not casual, at least laid back. A low-key ode to sharing a wavelength with someone, with that playful little guitar lick pealing away in the background over rim taps, there's a confidence and joy practically embedded in the music here that's infectious. [8]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Infinite and intimate, tender and timeless, warm and unwavering. Tems’ voice sounds like golden rays of sunshine, and if this summer fulfills its full romantic potential, I’ll come back and change this to a [10]. [8]
Katherine St. Asaph: "Relaxed" and "breezy" are not mutually exclusive with "mid." [5]
Will Adams: Simply gorgeous. [8]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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Ahhh the rhaelicent snippet is feeding me 😂
This here . “Your place was never at his side,” she swore. 😭
I love Alicent because she’s such a complex character. It infuriates me when people try to pigeonhole her as just bad and evil. Crazy to me that’s why I have such a soft spot for aemond I think because he is such a extension of her.
What are your plans after sacrifice and duty? You have any more stories in mind or extensions of this one.
I wanted to drop by on here because your comments can get a bit crazy and the good can be lost in the madness of all the fighting. So I’d rather drop my appreciation here.
Love this story. Love your style of writing. Can’t wait to see how it all wraps up 💜
Regarding this drabble.
Haha I'm so glad! In case you (or someone else) hasn't read it yet, I did post another small snippet a while back too!
Yes, I immediately don't trust anyone who doesn't at least sympathize with Alicent. Like you can villainize her in a fanfic all the live long day, I'll deal (if the rest of it is well-written), but the moment people start blaming her entirely for marrying Viserys or say she hates her children I'm out. Like, we must have watched a different show or something.
My plans once D&S is over are to write 2-3 lucemond one-shots and a few rhaenicent behind-the-scenes moments from the D&S verse! I might do a poll once the fic is done to find out what people want most, but I think it'll probably be around 3-5 scenes of our fav queens :)
Once I take a good enough break from longform fic I'm planning to return though--first with a lucemond fic I'd HOPE to cap at like 6 chapters (with a long sea voyage and Lord of the Tides Lucerys) but we know how that goes for me sometimes 😂 then a modern!rhaenicent fic that's been ruminating in my brain for forever it feels like, which will be pretty long (like D&S length). So basically the whole year is mapped out! lol
Thanks so much anon for your kind words and enthusiasm, it's readers like you that keep me going!! Hopefully my comment section won't be so scary in the future, things seem to have calmed down of late :)
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girderednerve · 9 months
ok i'm doing it, i'm fandomposting, my treasured mutuals may at this point look away, etc etc
stranger things
i actually think it would be fun if eddie strangerthings was trans. i like trans people and i want more trans people in stories so i'm not defending this viewpoint. i just think it would be extremely funny if steve had a whole figuring out he's bi over eddie thing, they get together & are happy together for a year or so, and then eddie comes out to steve as a woman, at which point steve gets to do an extremely funny "wait. wait. i'm straight again. i'm straight again? i'm so straight i knew you were a woman before you did? that's what happened?" i would just really like steve to be the kind of straight guy who actually, you know, likes women. not that he's never an idiot about it in this scenario which i have lovingly crafted in my brain, just that he actually really likes women and he's happy that he's dating a woman.
i did this with my partner, whom i started dating before i knew she was a woman: we then got to joke for a bit that when i thought i was a lesbian i was right! there was in fact no discontinuity! no thoughts on if that's actually true or like theoretically rigorous, but it's a fun & mildly affirming joke to make with your partner, and i think all of my life experiences should be explored through silly stories about made-up people from bad television shows or whatever. i never claimed to be deep. anyway
canonically, eddie spends all this time performing an extremely specific flavor of metal masculinity that is high-risk in context. people hate him and he leans into it when we see him. the fact that he's performing is a deflection to some degree; he gets to control what people are responding to, even if he can't control how they respond. transgressive gender performance is part of that, and it's compelling to me.
the scene where eddie's talking to chrissy, which i do think was meant to nod at the 80s movie freak+prom queen romance, is a moment of mutual recognition; they literally acknowledge each other's performances. chrissy's being crushed alive by the kind of gender performance she has to do. there's a cost to being a thin cheerleader, although i think we're all reasonably tired of hearing about how hard it is to be popular and conventionally beautiful. she's swamped by jason's letterman jacket & pigeonholed by his expectations of her, and she's frankly pigeonholed in the narrative: beautiful, self-loathing in a cliché way, condemned to die before the end of the first episode and then be invoked as a justification for a witch hunt. nothing but a martyred white woman, the most gendered kind. eddie & chrissy play off of each other in an interesting way, and i'd much rather they just be girlfriends, but what show did i watch? not that show.
honestly eddie & robin would be pretty cute too, but woe betide who first creates the ao3 tag, am i right? actually, while i'm dumping all my weird stranger things takes in here, i think steve and robin should fuck exactly one time because she's curious what it's like and he's willing to indulge her. they both go "huh. well, okay" about it and continue being friends. this does a couple things for me: one, it's funny. two, it suggests to us that men & women can have sexual relationships which are not gravitational, which i like. three, i'm annoyed by the fandom trend with those two being that they have an extremely intense, codependent friendship but the very idea that they have sex is outright offensive. two dudes giving each other a handjob which doesn't have to be sexuality-defining is like, a fandom trope! do we think that robin's identity is so fragile that she can't fuck around a little bit, in the interests of finding out?
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beevean · 2 years
What annoys you about the Netflix version of Castlevania? 👀
Mostly the fact that it has become the face of the series. I pointed out already that on AO3, 2/3rds of Castlevania fics are based on the cartoon - at best, some fics aren't even tagged.
Tumblr is even worse. Search for "Castlevania" and notice how many posts are about the cartoon.
For more specific things... I may have become a fan of the series relatively recently, but to me the whole show feels like the showrunners really wanted to make a Berserk anime, and slapped on it the Castlevania aesthetic. And I'm a big Berserk fan! But not when you mix concepts this way. Just because both series deal with monsters and are set in the middle ages doesn't mean that they have quite the same vibe.
Then there is the questionable treatment of characters. Grant was adapted out of what was supposed to be a C3 adaptation because Ellis decided that his name was stupid and that his pirate-like appearance didn't fit the setting, even though Grant isn't a pirate, he's a thief. Trevor is pigeonholed in the character archetype of "drunkard asshole", even though he already had a fairly interesting personality in Curse of Darkness that could have been elaborated on, honorable but arrogant and hotheaded. Carmilla hasn't appeared much in the series, but the few times she did, she sure wasn't a radfem girlboss who dismissed Dracula as yet another "stupid old man". And boy help you if you like Hector, Isaac and/or St. Germain, because they bothered to bring them back, but the former is... well, I don't know what other term to use but he was pretty much ukeified, with how his main trait seems to be naiveté and how he gets imprisoned, beaten up and enslaved (did we really need to see his dick flap around as Lenore is beating the shit out of him? Now you're just humiliating him); and the other two have nothing in common with their game counterparts other than their names and somewhat their powers. You know why I reblog Isaac fanart from 10 years ago? Because now the tag is full of posts about the Netflix character (even "Isaac Laforeze", even though by logic it makes no sense that Netflix!Isaac would be called that way, Julia Laforeze doesn't exist in the cartoon), with some fans even saying things like "sometimes wildly deviating from the source material is the best idea" :') also, how can you even write Death as not being the biggest Dracula simp? C'mon.
(yes I'm particularly bitter about Isaac. I would have accepted if they just replaced him with an OC, and I'm sure that Netflix!Isaac is a great character too so I understand why he's so popular. Replacing the original version with an OC but keeping the same name is just sleazy, like you want credit for "fixing" the "bad" character but not putting any thought in salvaging what could be salvageable, it's lazy)
Another thing that I find sus is the overabundance of OCs. I'm biased because I watched in real time IDW Sonic shift focus from the canon characters to the new characters to the point that the cover of #50 didn't even feature the titular character, but it says something that big bad Dracula dies halfway through, and then the series is about a council of 4 new villains. And yes, I'm biased because of scenes like this:
Tell me if it doesn't look like the show really wants to show how #girlboss Carmilla is compared to dumb Dracula. He can't even command a room.
Then there are... dubious writing moments. The series makes the common mistake of thinking that swearwords are witty, to the point that even Alucard says "fuck you" to Trevor and shows him the middle finger (because haha he's becoming like trevor). St. Germain is just embarassing, going from a refined yet quirky 19th century dandy man to someone who says "I am immortal and glorious, and all these other people smell of piss" or "God is now standing right in front of you. And soon, very, very, soon... he's going to have sex again". And Death... oh, Death, what happened to you...
I'm also baffled when they try to apply logic to vampire lore? It feels like the writers felt too smart for their own good. I can't find it on YT but at one point the character just stop in their tracks to argue the validity of the conception that vampires can't cross running water, just because. And the explanation to why every vampire hates crosses is just ridiculous, sorry.
And then there's the offensive stuff. Hector sticks his dick in Lenore, she tricks him into becoming her sex slave/pet, and yet in the next season they basically develop feelings for each other? And she's painted in a tragic light? She's basically Dahlia Hawthorne with a dom fetish (which I'm not even opposed to, she seems to be an interesting villain at first) and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her? In the same episode there's a random threesome between Alucard and two people he welcomed into the castle, but it was all a ruse to try to kill him, and he's traumatized for... a few episodes? Then he gets better? Just enough to show him pissing on their corpses. Thanks.
(and I'm not even getting into the fact that Ellis himself has been accused of sexual misconduct, which makes these scenes even more uncomfortable)
So yeah. I don't personally resent Netflixvania, and I know that there are some good moments in it ("Lisa, I'm killing our boy..."), but from what I've seen so far, the series simply doesn't deserve to massively overshadow the game series - not even because of quality issues, but because at the end of the day it doesn't have much to do with the games beyond some superficial references.
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oreganosbaby · 2 years
Thinking about the cis girl Succverse again and how Shiv is in this interesting position since she gets to have the most sexual autonomy of her sisters, with Kendall being pigeonholed as the pseudo-mom and Roman as the baby girl, and yet Shiv is also the most defeminized, which would probably be a blow to her relative social currency. It's definitely not like she can be anything resembling "butch", and despite her instinct to be a player I think she'd get initially presumed to be too mannish to be attractive a lot. Or rather, men probably wouldn't want to admit being attracted to her because it would feel too emasculating.
imo, this is practically canon. i always thought shiv's sexuality to be atypical for a fictional female character but, very realistic nonetheless. in canon, shiv is physically attractive enough as a woman despite her doing the bare minimum to be above avg in looks. like, she clearly doesn't care about fashion or anything that much but, she knows not to dress in a way that's significantly unfashionable. being a rich, good looking person who comes across as confident goes a long way despite her lackluster social skills. although she's seemingly bad at flirting, she's straightforward enough that she can get what she wants. in my experience, a lot of men actually really like when women are straightforward and blunt so, i think it works out for her in that way. i mean, she doesn't fully respect any of the men she fucked within the show because y'know, they're submissive. they're probably not the type to be that embarrassed by being attracted to her. i mean, tom thinks getting ANY is something to write home about because he didn't get that being sexually submissive is shameful. not everyone was raised by the roy family's spartan code. ironically, she’d assume every guy who WAS ashamed to be attracted to her were assholes.
in her encounters, she's the actor and the other person (from what we've seen, men) is the object: tom's a meat puppet, nate's a dog and that actor... self explanatory. this means shiv is socially fucking them, not the other way around because that's the sort of dynamic established between she and her sexual partner despite the fact that she's physically getting fucked. in most, but not all, contexts, she puts less importance on the gendered anatomy simply because it's inconvenient for her to think about it. to her, her gender doesn't matter and it's the other people who treat her differently for it that are in the wrong. she won't let them stop her and she'll take what she wants when she wants it (as long as she admits to herself she wants it). letting the uh, haters (misogynists) hold her back is like surrendering and that's not what she does. i mean, honestly, she's kind of a bull like that.
Because she's the one doing the fucking, she's actually good and correct still. like, she can't be a whore because that would make her dad a whore and he isn't because they both fuck. kendall (succession's ur-whore) and roman get fucked. when you want to get fucked, you need to ask someone to give it to you. when you want to fuck, you take what you want. i feel like the way the show frames her drives this home. i have literally ever seen shiv as being "slutty." the only time she dresses in a way that might be construed as this is around the end when she was wearing those midmarket tight dresses but, that's because she was getting weirdly desperate as the dynamics between she and tom as well as she and her father were shifting out of her favour and then there's the whole thing with her mom marrying peter onion. needless to say, shiv was going through it and it showed in some questionable fashion choices. other than that, she never really dresses to seduce because she just isn't seductive. she just fuckin takes nate's hand and shoves it down her pants. she doesn't feel compelled to be flirtatious in the way roman or even kendall (who is less good at it but i think he gets pity fucked a lot lol) seemingly does.
whatever bad relationship shiv might've had pre-Tom, i assume the dynamic was something like he made her feel like she was in control to manipulate her into getting what he wanted. i think in that case, it would be easy for him to make her feel bad about being independent, doing things for herself or being not as openly emotional as most people. there's a lot of like, seemingly "nice" guys who do that and i think, if tom is anything to go by, she likes "nice" guys with a bit of a mean streak so they're sweet to her but, aren't so nice that she'll feel like the asshole in comparison.
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fuwaprince · 1 year
A respectable and professional human being with experience in the field of helping others shares some intriguing opinions on what makes a good therapist! I transcribed a few quotes below. If they peak your interest, I humbly suggest checking out his video!
"A lot of therapists who aren't very good can get people to trust them anyway, just because they're so desperate to trust someone, desperate to have an ally... and also people don't want to believe their therapist isn't good because if their therapist isn't good then that can cause all sorts of problems. The first being oh my God I have to quit this therapist and then I have to find a whole other new complete stranger and tell my story all over again! I have to spill my guts and tell my most personal, intimate details all over again. And who wants to do that?! You want to believe really hard that your therapist is good."
"A lot of times, also, therapists who aren't very good, don't encourage people to trust their gut. They encourage people to trust the therapist and actually, if you think about it, from a business point of view, it's really not a bad idea. Hey! Trust me, don't trust yourself! And then you'll keep paying me and this relationship will keep going."
"If your therapist is pro psychiatric drugs- I wouldn't trust them very much. Now, does that mean your therapist should be against psychiatric drugs? I think pretty much yeah. You want a therapist who is against psychiatric drugs. Because when do therapists want people to go on psychiatric drugs? When do they refer them to psychiatrists or doctors to put them on psychiatric drugs? They refer them to people who refer them to psychiatric drugs when the therapist feels they can no longer help them! So right away, if the therapist really believes in using a lot of psychiatric drugs, or even a little psychiatric drugs, it shows the limits of their ability to be helpful."
"Also, from what I've seen, when therapists are- pardon using the word, but when therapists are trigger happy about sending people to the hospital, getting them locked up, having their rights taken away, or pushing them to go on medication when people are feeling suicidal... those are therapists that I generally do not trust much at all. Because when people really are feeling powerless, when people are feeling desperate, when people are feeling in terrible, terrible pain about their lives- it generally doesn't help very much to take away their freedom, to force them to take chemicals into their body, to pressure them to be something other than who they are... again, I think really what it comes back to is the willingness to have a more intimate, more caring, more devoted relationship on the part of the therapist."
"...for me personally- no, I don't believe in diagnosis.... in New York state... you actually legally had to diagnose people, especially if you were going to bill insurance companies but I don't believe in diagnosis. I don't believe diagnosis is really a helpful thing. Actually, what I see diagnosis as and what I've seen other good therapists had as an opinion is that psychiatric diagnosis is a very limited pigeonholing thing that doesn't really tell a person anything of significance about themselves. It certainly doesn't do much, if anything, to help someone heal from their problems and usually it's just a big distraction. And on top of that, it's very stigmatizing and it can be very humiliating and painful. I personally had been diagnosed by therapists and I did not find it a pleasant process. I found it, actually, a very disrespectful process."
"So when I hear that therapists into diagnosing people and believe in the diagnosis and believe that "this diagnosis requires this kind of treatment"... or especially "this kind of medication"... it's like mmmmmmm... this is a therapist that's probably worth being very skeptical about. Also, because if therapists get into diagnosis and really believe in it- and sadly most do from what I've seen, it's a sign that they really don't have that much else to offer, because they're really not getting into the deeper stuff that people are really going through... and/or if they are getting into it, they're seeing it in light of the person's diagnosis, which again isn't really very helpful as a therapist... if a therapist is really focused on something that's not very helpful, it's a sign they probably themself won't have the ability to be all that helpful."
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yokohamabeans · 2 years
Hello Yoko , What type of girls do you think the guys from Tenjuku like, as well as Hanme and Kisaki, and which girls on the contrary repel them
Hello Anon!!
Hmmm, this is a hard question for me to answer and I'm not sure if you'll like my reply, cuz it'll be in no way helpful or specific 😅
For the most part, I don't think they have any hard, specific 'type' of girls they're attracted to or repelled by, as I think they'll probably consider the whole package. In most cases, they'll probably just see or meet a girl they find attractive and that's it. Same for the opposite.
For some of them, they probably have a certain look they tend to like, but won't fall for the girl just because she has that look. They won't dismiss a girl just because she doesn't either. Again, it's down to the whole deal.
That said, here's my attempt at this, off the top of my head. Do know that I really think their 'types' are totally open to interpretation. (A part of me also feels that Wakui didn't want to include this in the character book for a reason!)
IZANA, HANMA, SANZU: Truly have no type at all. Izana and Hanma are complex and perceptive characters who I think understand that people are multi-faceted beings, so they rather not pigeonhole them into 'types' or 'categories'. How they feel about someone can be a total wildcard, IMO. If they ever want a quick, non-commital thing, they'd probably choose someone with a "hmm, that will do" kind of attitude, if you get what I mean. As for Sanzu, I think he's simply disinterested, so he doesn't really give any thought to the kind of girls (or even people) he'd like. (Well, for that matter I think Izana and Hanma don't really think about that either, actually.)
RAN: Doesn't really have a type either, like Izana and Hanma. Whether he likes a girl or not is on a case-by-case basis, and I think he's been attracted to many different kinds of girls before. Considering how important appearance is to him though, he'll probably be turned off by someone who doesn't present themselves well. From his comment about how he admired Izana and Kakucho, I get the feeling that he'll also respect someone with dignity, whatever that means.
KAKUCHO, RINDOU: Pretty basic of them, but probably the 'nice girl next door' type. For Kakucho, it's mostly because he doesn't have much experience with girls, so he's mostly just guessing that as a sincere sort of guy, he'd want a sincere sort of girl too. Rindou is probably also used to seeing many hot, 'party/club' type of girls throw themselves at his feet for his reputation and money, but probably just wants someone who's sincere and will like him for who he is. (I say this because Wakui's ranked him one of the most desirable Tenjiku guys actually.) Kakucho is said to dislike weaklings in CB3, so he probably dislikes girls who whine and complain a lot. I can see Rindou really disliking two-faced hypocrites for some reason, or be turned off by girls with a temper (after his bad experience with grouchy Ran...)
MUCHO: Mucho seems to hold some traditional values and can be quite austere, so I can see him preferring the yamato nadeshiko type of girl. At the same time, I can also totally see him being attracted to a cool, composed sukeban (female gang leader). Basically, I think his type is someone wise and dignified, or someone he can relate to. Conversely, he'll probably have a hard time warning up to the ditzy, make-a-fool-of-themselves kind of girls.
MOCCHI, MADARAME: They're simple guys who like girls they think are 'conventionally' pretty. Or rather, they'd just like girls who possess conventionally attractive features, like an hourglass swimsuit model body, or a certain style of makeup. Mocchi is more discerning with his tastes, while for Shion it doesn't really matter if the whole ensemble isn't actually attractive. (Fun fact, I also headcanon that none of the Tenjiku guys actually find the girls that Shion likes attractive LOL). Both guys will also dislike overbearing, naggy girls. Reminds them too much of their mothers.
KISAKI: Canonically, he is dead set on Hina so I don't think he'll even consider any other girl. I'm pretty sure though he absolutely loathes the kind of superficial girls who only care about looks and popularity.
So there you have it!
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
That clip where you mentioned jimin checked out a girl walked behind him , if you've only watched that small clip that was taken out of context and edited. Idols were going in lines behind him. He relaxed back and kinda streched his arms and neck , that girl called chaeyoung of twice passed by and then a boy passed by I think.
He might have thought he hit his hands on them coz he was stretching that's why he looked like ' oh shit ' or else he knew the boy group member who passed by coz immediately he looked the other side where artist are coming from and shaked hands with his friends who were following that boy.
I searched for the original video but couldnt find it
Next , edited video is where it says jimin and sunmi is staring at each other
Plzzz They edited the shit out of this video.
There was a 0.0000001 sec eye contact after that we can clearly see he was looking at yoongi who's siting next to him. But by this angle it looks like JM and sunmi are siting togtehr and flirting. Even I believed this and thought this shit is real until I watched the original video 🤡🤡🤡 it was NOTHING.
I don't know whom, maybe jimin antis and tkks who wants to JM to be a womanizer sooooo bad is spamming the comment section - JM makes eye contact and flirts with every girl 🤷‍♀️
Like you said I can only say very few examples where I think JM have shown attraction to woman. One, the infamous video of bts reacting to hwasa lol. Boy was taken aback.
When other boys have said this and this about describing ideal type and attractive woman earlier jimin mostly have kept quiet. If he was asked directly he will say cute girl and passes the question too quickly.
That the JM - woman encounters I can remember off
You're not wrong, anon. I didn't link that video because it appeared edited and not complete in my view and I'm glad to have that validated. Thanks! Thing is, we honestly do not have the information to assume sexuality or gender identity of other people unless they speak on it - and even then they may speak on it differently at different times. And just because I check someone out doesn't mean I'm into them. Jimin appears to many, I'd say most, people to be gay. Just gay not bi or pan or anything else, he clearly presents to many as somewhat effeminate (I'd argue that entire idea but it's a way long whole other post) and not interested in women like at all. I disagree with pigeonholing him into one attraction solely because of his own actions and displayed queer coding. Jimin is a very smart person and I don't think he's showing up with bi-flag-colored hair for no reason. I don't think he's flashing bigender symbols and the Ilecebra/Arcanus without knowing what that means. Just because he's in a long term relationship doesn't change who he is. His partner is a man (as far as we know, again, whole other post). But I'm a cis female who was married to a man for more than two decades and I'm not straight. So when I say he's gay I mean his relationship appears to be a homosexual one. Whether Jimin is gay or bi or pan or he's actually a straight girl sometimes is not something I can verify without having a number of close personal conversations with him. I mean, I volunteer. Anyone wants to get me close personal hangout access I'll take it and see what he gives me. And then I'll shut down all social media and tell nobody because Jimin's story is not mine to tell. I'm just the peanut gallery at this circus.
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