#and isnt that sort of whats happening in now in the state of things [DISABILITY AND MENTAL HEALTH DISCRIMINATION]
abimee · 1 year
amaurot is so cool [turns around and latches the door before anybody can get in from hearing that] too bad people tend to misunderstand whats going on with it and which aspects of it are good and which are not
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i think the problem with the fam is theyre too obedient. theyre such goody two shoes the hope is that it'd rub off right? on the doctor. but it doesnt bc she hides her badness and they wont question her. okay they'll question her "what happened to never do weapons" "why dont you ever share anything with us" but they wont push back when she says nah ah we dont talk about that. and thats her problem. she wont talk about that. or that. or that. or that. or any of it
i think if you put a limit on their patience. theyre understanding but not forever (i mean theyre even understanding after her "death". "she knew she was gonna do something that might kill her" "she wanted us to live"). watch them grow more annoyed as they call out hypocrisies and less and less willing to accept bullshit answers. it would put a lot of movement in the dynamic i think
like okay, taking yaz out of the equation bc shes not a companion shes a doctor, just considering ryan and graham for now: ryan is young and like, being formed, which is part of his arc, but he also already has a lot of like really life- and worldview-shaping experiences right? black, disabled, unable to count on most of the guardians in his life. those things profoundly shape how you stand in the world, how you approach and are approached
and okay lets put yaz back in for a sec because shes really interesting to like put next to ryan and see like what happens there. because she and ryan share both being racialised and being neurodivergent, if you want to call it that (if depression counts. personally i think depression is more of a like regular human reaction to life than "divergence" from the "typical" so to say, but then i also think the secret underlying reason she was bullied and thus depressed was the autism. so it cancels out for me. but like thats sort of weaving in and out the text. and depression also is something very different from dyspraxia. BUT these are both things about them that like have been Underlined for us the audience, same as the conversation behind the bins in rosa, so i think im justified in putting these two things together as comparison. okay tangent over)
ryan and yaz both have had experiences of not being able to count on the people around them, for various reasons but all the same. it would be fairly understandable i think for ryan to be sort of like, fuck adults fuck people who have authority over me based on nothing. whereas yaz,,,,becomes the authority
RYAN: Yeah, see? It's not like Rosa Parks wipes out racism from the world forever. Otherwise, how come I get stopped way more by the police than my white mates? YASMIN: Oi, not this police.
and you could really have put them like,,not opposite per se but like clashing in some way over this. not clashing like in fighting necessarily, though yes as in conflict. clashing as in different ideals, different conclusions drawn from similar experiences
yaz says to do good in the world i must have the power of the state. which also implies the power of the state can be good and is meant to be good. ryan i can easily imagine having been someone who no authority was worth counting on so fuck them all. that wouldve been a reaaally interesting tension to see play out throughout s11 and s12 i think
and thats just two of them. we've got a team of four. imagine both of their reactions to the doctor. we dont have to imagine with yaz, but ryan couldve been more like well whos she. you know? why are we listening to her? what just because she says so? let her prove herself first.
and then theres graham who has like half a lifetime of experience of Being A Human on them, who isnt in the coming of age phase anymore, who must have a lot of his own worldview, ideas, politics. we see like, a tiny bit of that with like edison or whatever but how does that play with a Time LordTM?
like theres a lot of interesting ways to pair up and to clash them! 13 and yaz with suicidal ideation, 13 and ryan on the dad thing, 13 and graham on survivors guilt. 13 and yaz vs ryan and graham on authority and law. ryan vs graham and 13 on guardians. ryan and yaz vs 13 and graham on being racialised. 13 and yaz vs ryan and graham on sexism. this couldve been a wildly dynamic team i think. if only you'd let them fight! if only you'd let them have their own opinions and Speak Them. this would put like so much schwung in like,, every plot, every episode
because it's all there! right? it's all already there, just look at the episode list of s11, it's all there, racism, sexism, workers, colonialism, big fucking spiders i dont know! wait thats a worker one again let me revise big fucking spiders capitalism! it's all there, you just gotta make it a bit dialectical. have them argue their sides and disobey and have 13 be like herding cats
imagine the way this would have challenged the doctor and the doctor's politics, then to follow it up with s12 "gallifrey is not what we think it is. we are not what we think we are"
and then revolution of the daleks, ryan and graham gone, and in that episode the police was very obviously like sided with the daleks and the capitalist and that politician right? the police was the fascists. hi, yasmin, how are you. oh, crazy? right, good, the doctor is too.
yaz and 13, now alone, ten months between revolution and flux, time to grapple with what it means to be both victim and agent of an empire. do we accept that? do we refuse that role? how do we refuse that role? how do we be good? what does it mean to be good if police clearly isnt it? how do we take off the uniforms. what moral framework do we build and then commit to, and hold each other accountable to, as copilots of this operation. what do we want to do in the universe. what is our impact. what do we want to avoid doing. how do we do that.
had the doctor said "i was in prison for being me" to yaz, imagine how that would have shaken up her ideas about prisons and how and why people might be in them. might have started her thinking. but then we're back to where i started this post before i totally lost control of it: The Doctor Doesnt Talk About That. and if the fam had been slightly more disobedient in s11, maybe in revolution there would have been place for it
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mothmage · 8 months
oversharing about my mental health bc i treat tumblr as my personal diary xoxo
i’m pretty sure ive been in a hypomanic episode for a Minute now, and i wasnt sure before bc i don’t think ive ever had hypomania before only mania? i think my new medications are working for once in my whole life bc for the past like. six months maybe? ive been So Normal and in the past few weeks i’ve definitely been on the up and up but it hasnt crossed into full mania, it’s literally just like. me but with energy and a little stupider than usual. and i understand how this can be disabling for some people, but considering that mania (for me) usually looks like weeks of deep psychosis, this shit is EXCELLENT. like yes im more reckless and hypersexual and wanting to spend all kinds of money and all that, but i also feel like im able t “moderate” that a little better because i had so many years of seemingly medication-proof manic episodes? i had to like, adapt lol. so i have some systems set in place to keep me from being too stupid especially with money. but like, i have all the energy of a manic episode and all the drive to Do Things with none of the “hearing the voice of god” or “im someone else and i stole this body and now am stuck in it”. like this shit rocks, i’ve gotten so much done! and i understand that there will be a comedown and it will suck or whatever but while im here?? like again i understand why this isnt a Good state of mind and i dont mean to invalidate anyone’s experience, but i think im just like. well if my mood disorder is going to disorder my moods regardless of what pills i take, i would much prefer it to sort of lessen the extent !! hypomania! and the only time i was on meds that worked 100% and got rid of any episodes entirely i got bored (lol) and got off of them (guy w the “stop taking my meds disorder”: hey what if i stopped taking my meds) so i think this is a good middle ground bc it’s like, life is still fun and exciting and doesnt feel static, but i also dont think im in danger of getting myself locked up lol or like, humiliating myself online or something (tumblr doesnt count bc it’s Faceless)
also probably the best time ever for this to happen bc im getting rejection letter after rejection letter from phd programs i applied to and im literally like “well it will all work out, like everything works out in the end one way or another” :) and i believe that! not necessarily that everything happens for a reason, but everything works out in the end one way or another
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funny-house · 4 years
huhu u got me to watch opal the other day since u keep talking abt it and im glad bc i Really Enjoyed It but !! anyways , i saw u mention mirror man doing makeup for someone and i keep thinking about it so Thoughts Incoming sorry in advance lmao. i think he would like to do claires makeup (and teach her abt it in general) when she gets a bit older,, both bc it seems like a legitimate hobby he would enjoy (i imagine if he werent Like That he probably could have been a makeup artist or something similar!) and bc he would like to ‘prettify’ her a bit.
and ah well,,, a lot of parents Like Him sometimes try 2 make their child a carbon copy of themselves or of an image they enjoy so if he grew to like claire more or already does like her enough for that (or just, wants things to revolve around him More) hed try to nudge things in that direction. and in his own way i think He might think hes doing something good, he knows when he was her age he would have killed to have a parent so eager to help him learn makeup and stuff but. claire isnt him. she probably isnt even interested in it at all but shes kinda desperate for Nice Moments and also doesnt wanna risk making him angry so she goes along with it. she always has her head in the clouds so all the things hes saying is too much at once but shes trying to comprehend it,,,,,
nd he keeps giggling at her for how awkwardly she moves her arm when putting on foundation and blush nd gets kind of annoyed with her for repeatedly flinching when he tries to help her with mascara nd teases her a bit for trying to taste the lip gloss (and keeps pointing out a flaw or two on her face “well, youve always had a sort of weird shaped face but youve always had the cutest little smile, its like Mine :)”) but they do it !! together !!! and nothing (that) bad happened !!!!!! so claire is happy,,,,,,,,,,, until that inevitably opens the gates of him trying to pick out what she wears for her and “””suggesting””” hairstyles for her and getting manipulative and even flatout Angry when she doesnt do what he wants her to (bc even when things Seem like theyre about claire they Are Not, its what He wants for her , in the end its still all about him) but, ive rambled enough to you already <:o) sorry for talking so much i just wanted to chat a bit abt opal with you !!!! hope ur doing well hehe . and im sorry this is rambly nd probably incomprehensible i just did a lot of work hkehri
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ohhhhhhhh !!! FIRST  I am super glad that all my constant rambling about this man has allowed you to go watch Jack Stauber’s awesome little short, it’s really good and deserves all the support !!!
also i totally appreciate you wanting to share your thoughts with me ;u;
AND I TOTALLY AGREE  the whole idea of him projecting himself onto her, trying to take over her, I think that is so fitting for the short itself tbh, because it’s a reflection ( mirrors, hehe ) of what the mother wants from Claire as well. The thing that terrified Claire near the end is the mother reaching to hold onto her, specifically after the mom said that she was going to become just like her. The idea of her becoming her parents? it terrifies her, clearly!!
And Mirror Man, he is what they call a “archetypal narcissistic abuser”, in my eyes at least,  and it would be really really common to see someone like that not only be so controlling and self absorbed that they treat their child like a decoration to themselves, but also use that child, especially as they get old enough to have opinions on the situation, to turn them against their partner-- such as.... the mom
so picture this
Claire is like 10-12, and she’s bright and she’s got a good heart but she’s WELL and truly Affected by the years of being brought up in that ridiculously toxic hell hole-- I mean house no idea if the grandpa would live that long uhhh in his state, but even if he does, he’s still very sick, disabled, and senile and he isn’t going to be much help. and Claire, she’s starting to have Opinions,, on how things are running around here,,      but in swoops Mirror Dad
He’s like........ it’s your mother’s fault. Oh, absolutely, have you seen her? I mean look at her, she’s disgusting. she’s a drug addict, she’s a drunk, she’s ugly, she’s the reason you feel like this-- and maybe some of that is understandable, i mean she’s a real mess of a mom, no mistake, but hey
Nobody’s going to tell Claire who made her that way! Nobody’s going to tell her Mirror Dad was the one who trapped her in an unloving, possibly violent relationship, with a kid, and ripped apart every inch of her self worth !!!
Nope. she just sees the aftermath. So mirror dad...... turns claire on her. And she starts to side with him on things and she starts to even kinda talk like him maybe even....... learns how to do that dark and scary insecurity voice of his and one day She walks by the.... Reflection Chamber and Mirror Man is there in that way He Always Is in that seat he always sits in, and he says something very very odd to her!   he raises a finger and curls it in and says    come sit on my lap you haven’t gotten too big to sit on my lap have you?? come here!! and i mean Claire is still very very uncomfortable even being near him, and this feels like a trap, but i mean she can’t just say no, and there’s a part of her that’s kinda hoping... maybe he really is trying to be nice. and so she does and she sits with her but you’ll notice he is never looking directly at her. Even as she’s approaching literally right in his line of sight, he stares straight into her reflection, never her face.  It’s like she’s not even real unless she’s in those mirrors.
And he tells her he wants to do her makeup! yay! how fun! and he tells her to close her eyes and pout her lips and try not to flinch when the sculpting starts or he’ll use his deep voice-- and how he’s going to finally FIX her. Goody!! then maybe the constant barrage of insults and negs and criticisms will stop!! (p.s. they wouldn’t have )
And so she opens her eyes..... and the face of her abuser is looking right back. It’s her face. Or it used to be-- now it’s literally his and it’s hideous-- it does not AT ALL belong on that body, and the only thing left of her is her big shiny eyes
and she  S C R E A M S that way Claire does,,,
but this time, loud enough to crack the mirrors, and stun the dad just long enough for him not to catch her in his hands when she leaps off his lap and books it for the attic the attic, the view of the billboard with the same worn out, not updated ad for Opal’s in the window. She locks the door, it doesn’t take long for mirror man to come banging on it, telling her she’s ungrateful, she doesn’t deserve what little she has, taking back every nice thing he ever said, etc,,,
and Opal just starts clawing off the makeup/clay/whatever from her face in the mirror’s glass reflection, putting her hair back into the pigtails her father said made her look stupid
but she isn’t Opal, she’s changed, she’s aged, but Opal-- she’s always the same!! happy!! cared for!! and what is she supposed to be under the makeup? huh? Who is she besides the abuse she’s put through, that billboard and what it sells to her?  she doesn’t know! nobody does nobody ever bothered to get to know what it even means to be Claire.
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oikawasass · 5 years
I’m in the mood for some really sad angst so take this.
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final goodbyes.
‣ pairing : bakugo x fem reader.
‣ oneshot.
‣ synopsis : after a messy and unexpected fight during a training mission, katsuki finds himself forced to say one last goodbye.
‣ wordcount : 2.3k+
‣ warnings : pure angst, swearing, character death, minor gore.
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It was supposed to be an easy mission on that cold winter day, one that was simply for training purposes so the students would be able to begin learning what to do in tough situations from experience, rather than a lecture. A quick sweep of a few thugs in the area assigned to the pair and approved by Aizawa himself. 
The two were confident in the mission given to them, knowing that with their combined strengths It would be a breeze, taking them a few minutes tops. Neither Y/n nor Bakugo had expected things to take such a turn the way they did. The simple thugs they were sent to deal with had brought much more of a punch than either of them had expected. A simple battle with a couple of wannabe villain lowlifes, ( in Katsuki’s words, ) had turned into a 2 vs 16, one of those sixteen people being an extremely dangerous and wanted villain in the area who was called “Pressure.” Despite the rather incredible amount of power the teens had combined, the odds weren’t in their favour from the start.
They were outnumbered, and the sheer strength of not only one of the most wanted criminals in the city, but all of his goons backing him up, it was too much for Bakugo and his girlfriend to handle alone as much as they both hated to admit. The two heroes in training held their ground as best as they could, hoping to buy themselves enough time to call for help, or some sort of backup. Even Katsuki knew that their chances of making it out of there on their own weren’t very high at all. 
It was when Pressure had set off an ear ringing, blinding explosion that things really took a turn for the worst. Y/n and Bakugo had been violently thrown away from each other due to the amount force the blast had administered. The last thing they saw before their vision went white, was the couple’s red and scarred hands desperately reaching out for each other. But they were too late. The villains had fleed before the explosion went off, leaving the couple to presumably die. 
Bakugo’s eyes slowly blinked open, a light fog of dust and rubble from the debris of the explosion clouding his vision. His body tried so desperately to pull him back into the sweet lull of sleep as the pain of his injuries and aching body slowly spread throughout his limbs and joints, but the blonde refused to lose consciousness another time. His injuries were nothing severe or fatal, so there was no excuse for him to stay down any longer. How was he supposed to become number one if he allowed a simple blast to knock him down, after all?
With a sharp inhale and a loud groan, Katsuki pushed himself up off the shredded concrete and into a sitting position, allowing himself to come to his senses a bit more before he forced himself to his feet. The boy leaned back on one of his palms, catching his breath for a moment before a single thought overtook his mind, sending him into a panic.

He shot up to his feet, not caring to try and balance himself before frantically running to all the large piles of rubble that littered the snow-covered ground around him. He was throwing metal scraps, large rocks, tree branches, anything and everything in his way while he searched for her.
“Y/N!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!” Bakugo shouted, in hopes of hearing some kind of response from her in the distance. His heartbeat only grew quicker, hearing the fast pulsating ring through his ears as his panic grew. His determination and will to stay calm in situations like these were long out the window by now. All he cared about was finding his girlfriend.
“Y/N!!” Another heart-wrenching scream of her name left Bakugo’s dry throat. She had to be here somewhere, it's not like she just went and vanished into thin air. 

Bakugo rose his forearm to his forehead, shielding his eyes from the blinding light the setting sun was reflecting off the snow in hopes he would be able to see more clearly. That was when he spotted a shadowed human figure lying dead centre in all the rubble surrounding them, there she was.
He bolted over to the frail-looking girl as quick as his legs would carry him, crashing down onto his knees beside her. She looked absolutely horrible, Bakugo felt himself cringe at the sight of her blood-covered face. She had large scratches covering each of her limbs, as well as a small bump that seemed to be poking out of the inside of her chest, showing she had definitely broken a few ribs. And to top everything off, there was a large metal rod piercing through the lower right of her abdomen, and it was in deep.
“Dumbass, you look like shit.” Bakugo said to her, supporting her head with one hand while using his other to mess around with the small intercom jammed in his ear, attempting to get some kind of reception so he would be able to call for help.
Y/n slowly lifted her gaze to look up at him, a pained chuckle falling from her bloodied lips. “J-just. . cause I-I can't move d-doesn’t mean I w. . won't kick y-your ass f-for that.” She choked out through her raw throat. Bakugo tsked quietly and shook his head, amazed at how she was able to crack a joke despite being so wounded.

“Like you could ever kick my ass anyway, shitty girl. Now stop talking, save your breath.” Bakugo continued to mess with his earpiece, finally hearing some static and the voice of his teacher on the other side.

“Ground zero reporting in, (hero name) severely injured. We need help.” His tone was panicked while his words were rushed out of his mouth. The blonde was willing to waste no time in having help arrive, not with his girlfriend's current state of suffering and deformation. 

“Yeah- I'm at location 23AZ, just hurry up and fucking find me, we don't have time to sit here waiting.” Once Aizawa disconnected, he returned his full attention back to the girl who was practically withering away beneath him.

Taking a strong grip on the sleeve of his costume, he tore off the fabric, ripping it into something similar of a cloth to push against her stomach wound, a desperate attempt to stop the crimson blood spilling out of it. A small cry of pain escaped Y/n’s throat at the pressure to the gash, and Katsuki felt himself flinch at the sound. It pained his ears to hear such an anguished sound come from the h/c haired girl he called his, but her bleeding out was absolutely not an option, he wouldn’t allow it. Not now, not ever. It appears the amount of stress Bakugo was under was evident on his face, his furrowed brows and bottom lip caught between his teeth not able to slip past the observant gaze of Y/n.
“W-worried. . .isnt a g-good look o-n you. . .” She smiled sadly, weakly reaching up an unstable and jittery hand to softly cup his right cheek, using her thumb to try and pull the edge of his mouth into a small smile. Y/n knew her time was running short, and she wanted to see him smile in her final moments, not upset. Though she knew her reaction would be the same, if not worse if their roles were switched, so she understood his concerns.

“What the hell else am I supposed to do, idiot? You’re-You-re bleeding out in front of me goddammit.” Bakugo’s words caught in his throat, a small crack in his voice accompanying the evergrowing agony and worry he felt in the pit of his stomach.
“I-its ok-okay, Katsu. . .It hardly. . .e-even hurts anymore.” She was slipping away quickly, her dazed and tired state of mind disabled her from feeling as much pain as she was actually in. It wasn’t good, she would lose consciousness soon, and that couldn’t happen. Bakugo could see her eyelids struggling to stay open, fluttering open and shut every so often as she tried to stay awake.

Bakugo felt his heart sting in pure fear. Katsuki Bakugo never got scared. He was always confident in his ways and knew that losing would never be an option for him. But right now, he was completely and utterly terrified. He couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t. “Hey, keep your eyes on me, okay? You-You’ve gotta stay awake princess.” That was a pet name she always loved so much. He felt himself leaning into her touch against his ash-covered cheek. The frigid, bitter winter air and lack of blood flowing through her system caused her to be cold to the touch, her normally warm, comforting hands were practically frozen.
“I kn-know. . .but. . .s-so. .tired. . .” Y/n’s lids fell halfway shut, failing to flutter back open like they had been before.
“No. No, you need to keep your f-fucking eyes open, you hear me? Don’t go to sleep. Just-Just a little longer okay?” Bakugo was surprised at his own stuttering and cracks in his voice, but he was even more surprised to feel a drop of blood trickle down his chin. When he raised his hand to wipe it away, he saw no colour on the skin of his hand. It was a clear, shiny liquid.

Bakugo was crying.
Y/n weakly moved her thumb to wipe away another drop that fell from his tear duct. “d-don’t. . please don't cr-cry. . “ her voice was nothing above a whisper now, the little bit of strength she had left to speak leaving her body. “I-I lo. . love you, ‘kay?” she felt a tear roll down her own cheek. “I love y-you so m. . uch.” She was being forced to say goodbye to someone she knew was her first and only love. Her heart was breaking during the exchange. Katsuki and her had planned to spend so many more years together, make so many more sweet and beautiful memories with each other, cross so many more milestones and hurdles life would throw at them, all while they were one. 
Now the harsh reality was, they would never get to experience those years, memories, nor milestones together.
This was their final goodbye.
“I love you more, stop talking like that.” Katsuki’s jaw was clenched tightly shut, his words slipping out of his mouth through gritted teeth. “You’re not gonna fucking die here, goddammit! You can’t fucking leave me behind!” 

Katsuki’s choice of words was important. Y/n was the only one besides Kirishima he allowed to get close to him, it was true. But Y/n was the one who Bakugo was truly able to open up to, without fear of seeming weak or being judged. She was the only one he allowed to really see his true feelings and emotions every moment of every day, even at his weakest points. She was helping him to grow into the great hero he strived to become, she couldn’t leave him. 
“I-I need you, you idiot! How am I supposed to be satisfied with being number one if you aren’t there being a close number two?! You’re supposed to do this with me!” Bakugo was shouting now, trying to get through to her weakening body as he felt her slowly fade away in his arms.

“I-I I know. . you can do-do it. . without me. . .” her eyes fell closed a final time, the hand she held up against his cheek slowly sliding down his skin as her body went limp. Katsuki quickly removed his hand from her abdomen to hold her it up and keep it from falling. No. She couldn’t die here, not like this, not when she deserved to live such an amazing and fulfilled life as a pro hero, not when he had never taken every moment he got to express just how much he did care about her, not when he couldn’t apologize for things like all the fights he’s caused in the past. 
All the lighthearted bickering they shared, all the secret sleepovers they had in Bakugo’s dorm, Y/n hiding from Aizawa in Katsuki’s closet when he had shown up unexpectedly, the sweet words of encouragement she would speak to him ever so softly when he was feeling low, he wasn’t ready for that to end. Katsuki would never be ready for that to end.

“Y/n. . .” Katsuki’s strained voice choked out, waiting for a response. He didn’t receive one.

“Y/n. Answer me.” He spoke more stern this time with a shake to her body, hoping this was some sick joke and a serious tone of voice would force her into an answer.

It didn’t work.
Katsuki’s body fell on top of her, head resting atop her chest as he felt like he was about to be sick to his stomach. There was a sharp, yet empty feeling in his gut, it felt like someone had just stabbed him.
No more calls of her name left his lips, no more shaking her body while trying to wake her up, it all stopped. Now he was left alone, shattered into what he felt was a million pieces. She was gone. And here he was, laying on top of the near mangled body of his first love, still holding her cold and limp hand to his cheek while he felt something build up and sting deep in his throat.
As his hearing went fuzzy, and all he could hear was his own racing heartbeat in his ears, Katsuki screamed.
Katsuki screamed out of the sheer ache and torment his body felt as she lay lifeless in his arms.
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tomiyeee · 5 years
finished the story quests for bl3 (but barely any of the side missions yet) and i got...Opinions(tm)
(sorry if this doesn’t cut on mobile! also if you want to hide spoilers i’m tagging all my bl3 posts as “bl3 spoilers” so ny’all can blacklist it)
in no particular order:
i honestly wanted to give gearbox some slack and try my best to like this game bc i know people had probably unfairly high expectations for this game given all the build up, but they really just kept letting me down in everything but the graphics
said this before but overall, the characters are all Quite lackluster
^^ tyreen and troy included. adding the word "bitch" to every sentence does not automatically make it funnier
that being said, i super love their backstory + relationship with typhon/nekofeyo-whatever
the character designs are equally boring. moxxi was the only one who got a real improvement imo. lilith and maya are okay. rhys...i dont think i have to explain. lia...i dislike her hair; the black felt like it balanced out her design better and the white streak was interesting and cool but full white just looks bad tbh. zer0 feels less sleek and more bulky which doesnt fit him much. tina lost her pretty color palette and cute outfit. where are all the bright pretty color palettes in general???? there are other colors besides brown and black???? use them?????
ending of pre-sequel: “you will need all the vault hunters you can get” me: “ooh does that mean all the vh’s from previous games are back? i can’t wait to see everyone meet each other! :D” bl3: only nine of them come back, 3 of them die, the rest are involved in maybe one mission at most
boss fights. super. boring. and tedious. i mean this could be partly because i was playing on ps4 which made it extra not fun but if the only reason the fight is difficult is because they have a lot of health...it's not fun or challenging. i want fights like handsome jack with interesting mechanics. i want fights like angel with emotional impact. i want fights like the pre-sequel final boss that i forgot the name of with variation that isnt just "now they have an attack that shines bright lights in ur eyes, covers the whole arena, and can knock you down in one hit im looking at you traunt and killavolt". tyreens fight was the only one that i somewhat enjoyed because of this. all the others were just like "ughhhh again?"
im really enjoying melee amara playstyle. taking out badass enemies in four hits is my jam. this is just my fallout 4 playthrough all over again babey heck yea
typhon just wanted to be a good dad!!! he called tyreen starlight which is adorable!!! he did the best he could and tyreen hated him for it!!! i don’t blame either of them for that tbh, it makes sense from both their perspectives. tyreen definitely should have been more understanding, but she’s a dick so :/ (not saying this is a writing flaw, just a character flaw)
hammerlock needs higher standards in men but i really appreciate the undeniably in-your-face "fuck you" to all gamer dudes
i really. hate. how little the player character seems to matter in the story. in pre-sequel the vh's all had unique dialogue AND npcs would respond, sometimes even with character-specific lines. even when it was the same across vh's, it still felt like the npcs were interacting and speaking directly to them. the player character felt like a character of their own, rather than just a vessel for the player to do quests and kill enemies with or an errand runner for the important characters. i thought that was the direction they were going in with bl3 too but this just feels like bl2 only worse. there’s a separation again between you and the story and it feels like you’re just watching things happen. now ur not just a silent protagonist, but instead your a speaking protagonist who gets completely ignored. whats the point of including unique dialogue if it's not even acknowledged beyond an "uh-huh, moving on"?
sometimes the logic just feels kinda dumb. the twins killed/disabled maya and lilith in a heartbeat, they can literally disintegrate the most powerful beings in the universe, but the vault hunters? absolutely not. they must fight them for 40 minutes and then die.
after the fight with troy, no one even touched tyreen. there's no way they could have thought "yup she's definitely dead, no need to shoot her in the head or anything just to make sure. we didn't do anything to even hurt her, we just assumed." turns out she's 100% alive and gets up to start the apocalypse. who'da thunk! i know they wanted the end to seem more dramatic but it just seems stupid that they could have stopped tyreen like 5 missions earlier had they even the slightest bit of common sense.
lilith was one of the biggest threats to tyreen and troy's whole plan. of course they should leave her alive and simply steal her powers. let's kill the monk siren instead.
i know they didn't include this to give all players a fair experience instead of favoring sirens, but it kinda sucks playing a siren character and it's just completely ignored outside of ur action skill. tyreen and troy are sapping siren powers left and right, but they choose to leave you with yours. when you enter the eridian place with typhon tannis starts glowing because it has "something to do with sirens". what about the one standing right next to her? this applies to bl2 as well...jack i would willingly charge ur vault key for u pls why do u take lilith instead :'(
oh yeah speaking of tannis! i LOVE that she got angels powers. for some reason it just makes me really happy. maybe it's bc i think it's sweet that part of angel survived. maybe it's because it makes for cool fanart. maybe it's just cool. idk. also like that we got a solid explanation of what angel's powers were (influence over technology). i always thought her having control over it in bl2 might've been cuz it was hyperion tech and she had access to it same as she had access to the satellite from bl1. it wasn't super clear since it seemed like she could also materialize things like the ammo during her fight.
that also reminds me: all the dramatic reveals in this game felt kinda badly done.
the very first one with zer0/katagawa. like the whole time i was walking around looking for him i was trying to think why he might've turned/something must have happened to him or rhys. everyone was saying it was undeniably zer0. i finally meet him and take one look at his bright ass maliwan armor and its like. really. you couldnt have made it anymore obvious that thats not zer0. and then his helmet gets knocked off and surprise! it's not him. i totally didnt already figure that out with one glance 10 seconds ago. (maybe even earlier when you got glimpses of him around the building but i always missed it cuz i was looking at the fish tanks n shit)
also the tannis reveal. she was speaking to me in the same way that only known siren characters could. weird unexplained things were happening and seemed to be related to tannis. i wonder if she's a siren? surprise! she's a siren.
tyreen and troy knew about the great vault through some unknown means. typhon was talking about having a son and a daughter who he told stories about the great vault. typhon calls tyreen his daughter a while later and lilith acts surprised like honey ur a little slow, i figured that out several lines ago.
basically i'm not saying they were so obvious that i knew from the beginning of the game; i only figured them out a little before they were outright stated. but it was enough that it kinda ruined the effect and the characters acting surprised only when it was blatantly spelled out for them just made it annoying.
i feel like most of this is pretty negative, but i don’t mean that i hate the game and was miserable playing it. it was honestly okay...like i said i wanted to like it, but gearbox hates me specifically and killed/ruined all my faves just to spite me sooo...*waves hand back and forth in a sort of “ehhh” gesture*. i think my opinion on bl games from most to least fav would be: tftbl, bltps, bl2, bl3, and bl1. so it’s not the worst, but deeefinitely not one of my faves. i mean jack’s not in it (or if he is he doesn’t have a big role) so it’s already at a huge disadvantage. the ending was ok, it was all dramatic n stuff and it kinda makes sense i guess, but it was just about as okay as the rest of the game really. i don’t hate it but it’s not great either yknow?
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foolgobi65 · 5 years
meta re: figuring out how old bhadra is, and also when exactly bhalla got married and spawned a child lmao. (also some about the poor woman who had to be his wife.) under cut for length lol
hmm so i just saw a meta which puts bhadra as just a few months younger than mahendra which is interesting, and i can see that being possible given the two actors, but where i disagree is the part of this theory that implies bhalla is married when baahu and devasena are still together. i think if bhalla were to get married, baahu and devasena would have to be invited, just in terms of propriety. i think bhalla would actually enjoy the huge state ceremony that would serve to show how small devasena and baahu were now in contrast. i also think that at this point in the story, while baahu is still alive and married to devasena, bhalla has no interest in his own marriage -- he’s definitely not married (at least imo) at the time of their exile, and even if he wanted a child to compete for the throne at that point baahu’s kid would still be a good 6 months older regardless. i think bhadra must definitely be a few years younger than mahendra (who i believe is around 24ish years old.) bhalla’s obsession with devasena reads to me as about possession rather than a singleminded love or want to make her his real wife. the fact that we don’t see bhalla’s wife at all later makes me think that she’s either dead, or he never married and bhadra is bhalla’s child with a woman bhalla never married. i can see bhalla being obsessed with devasena his entire life, particularly as a transference of both his prior obsession with sivagami as the mother and queen ruler figure who in is mind loved baahu more, and also his obsession with baahu who was just better than bhalla at the things that bhalla wanted (primarily the easy adoration of the people and sivagami.) devasena, both as legal queen mother and clearly sivagami’s annointed heir at her last moments, and as baahu’s love, becomes the object of bhalla’s lifelong hatred and to me he tortures her daily as both substitute for sivagami and baahu who are dead and beyond his reach, and also for her own sake because let’s not underestimate devasena’s ability to piss off bhalla. i think on a surface level when he saw her picture he did feel lust, and so i think there is a very gross and terrible sexual aspect to his need to keep her in chains and under his grip. bhadra clearly states some very disgusting sexually tinged insults at devasena (calling her a whore multiple times) which is obviously a learned behavior from i assume bhalla and maybe biju. all this to say that for me, the main woman in bhalla’s life until his death is devasena. his last words are even to devasena, rather than mahendra who is the clear baahu replacement, and he tells her to join him on the pyre which is reminiscent of what this society demands of good warrior wives.
if bhalla was married, it was a grand alliance where she was probably fabulously wealthy and beautiful and the marriage was conducted with lots of pomp and circumstance in order to distract people from the fact that baahu and sivagami were dead alongside mahendra, and devasena was in chains in the city center. biju found the bride, sent the single most annoying proposal on earth, which implied invasion if she wasnt promptly sent having tied the mangalsutra to bhalla’s sword. definitely wealthy, may or may not have military importance. definitely a beautiful woman, a quiet woman with no personality who was promptly destroyed by having to live under a cruel sadistic man who was obsessed with his dead brother’s caged wife. if bhadra didnt seem so old that he could probably be only max a few years younger than mahendra i would say that bhalla’s wife probably takes a few years to concieve: bhalla would probably be the type of terrible man to treat a woman so badly she would miscarry. but bhadra is pretty close to mahendra’s age, so bhalla’s wife must have conceived pretty quickly. as he desperately needed an heir at the time bhalla, once she is pregnant, ignored her almost entirely except for once a week when he had her carried in a palanquin to see devasena so that he could gloat about his impending fatherhood. the poor woman would by this point be of a sickly sort, even if she had been healthy at the time of her marriage, have a difficult pregnancy exacerbated by her sheer terror at the thought of having anything less than an exceedingly strong male heir. ( i cant imagine biju or bhalla would be anything less than extremely direct about the consequences if the child was born with a disability, or god forbid was a girl.) her entire pregnancy would be one folk remedy after another guaranteed to produce a strong, healthy prince, all eight months after the pregnancy announced to the public an empire wide endeavour to ensure the safe arrival of the prince to be. thousands of ceremonies across the kingdoms would be funded, each sending her the fruits of their sacrifice for her to eat. everything about her day would be micromanaged from the time she woke, to the clothes she wore and the direction she faced when she slept. devasena, who spent the last three months of her own pregnancy exiled in a mining community and yet delivered a strong child, looks at the queen who somehow seems to be weakening every visit and wonders at the great gods’ irony. 
one of my headcanons about the weird family strength is that these babies take a toll on their gestating mothers, and so only a particular type of woman is capable of surviving the pregnancy and birth -- sivagami and devasena are both of this type, and so they find their pregnancies relatively easy, and their births are normal and safe. you can either take this to be something physical or mental, or if you’re more into magical explanations for magical strength, its a (terrifying and horrible) way of the family line basically validating the queen: if she survives, she’s deserving of being queen mother.  baahu’s mother and bhadra’s mother aren’t sivagami and devasena, though they’re probably wonderful women in their own right. the pregnancies sap them of their strength and nutrients (kind of like a leech), and when they give birth it is a long, drawn out process in which the babies had they not had the family strength would have died. the mothers both bleed out. the kingdom barely mourns the queen it barely had a chance to know -- if she becomes pregnant so quickly after marriage, bhalla would never have risked her out in public. instead, there is a massive celebration to anoint the heir to the empire, and bhalla invests heavily in propagating a narrative that has bhadra solely his son: his wife the queen is erased from the stories entirely, it is almost as if bhadra sprung straight from bhalla’s skull, the perfect son. 
the queen’s death doesn’t break the alliance of her marriage, but it does downgrade them from slightly favored allies to just one with the rest -- there is a rumor that does not die no matter how hard they try that she died of a broken heart, that she grew so sickly in the heart of the empire despite the best of all medicine because she did not want to get better, or try to mother the son of her demon husband. (they are half right: the queen, delirious in her last moments, does not regret leaving her husband who happens to be the worst man she has ever met, nor does she regret leaving her disgusting father in law. she regrets somewhat having to leave devasena, whom the queen had nursed a slight hope of helping somewhat in the future when her place as the heir’s mother gave her a little more leverage. most of all, she regrets that she leaves her son, whom in her heart of hearts she had viciously wished to be a daughter, to the cruel mercies of his father. she was never going to be a strong woman in this palace, but even something might have been better than nothing, she thinks. just a little kindness, she hopes for someone to teach him, a little mercy. and then, thinking again of her burning hatred for her husband, whom she damns to all the hells that exist, the only true empress mahishmati has in 50 years dies. her first marriage anniversary will be in one month.) 
the other option for bhadra’s mother imo is that she’s a favoured courtesan of bhalla. for this i think its definitely possible that their relationship can be established even before mahendra’s birth -- there’s no reason they aren’t together even prior to the kalakeyan war. this might be a way to make it easier for bhadra to be closer in age to mahendra, where bhalla, despite being consumed with his obsession for devasena continues to visit and the courtesan becomes pregnant (whether she plans this after reading the room and realizing bhalla has ruled for 3 years and has no heir is up to you.) there is obviously no pomp and circumstance here for the duration of the pregnancy, almost no one is aware of the child’s paternity. many kings have many natural born children, and bhalla initially believes that this child will be like any other though unique in a sense for himself because it will be his first child at all. then, he thinks, realizing that he isnt really inclined to marry but requires an heir. within this option there is the possibility for a queen who simply cannot give bhalla a child (maybe she miscarries, whether because of bhalla’s behavior or on purpose because she doesn’t want to have his child) or just ... bhalla doesnt want to get married because he’s obsessed with devasena. the courtesan is sent a message, and under the utmost secrecy is moved to a chamber in the inner palace where her every want is cared for in the hopes of her delivering a strong, male child. she is treated as a queen for the eight months and when she gives birth she probably survives. she is definitely not allowed to raise the child -- bhalla announces that bhadra is his heir, his natural born son, and does not announce the mother. bhadra is raised entirely as bhalla’s son, never allowed to question his mother’s identity or to meet her. either she remains within bhalla’s palace, as a continued object of his favor or is allowed to leave mahishmati after a vow of silence regarding bhardra’s parentage. 
anyways, i’m putting bhadra at 20/21 to mahendra’s 24, and if bhalla gets married he probably thinks about it a year after baahu’s death, gets married a year after that, the queen dies within a year of the marriage (all a space of 3ish years.) option 2, it’s been 3 years and bhalla keeps pushing off thoughts of marriage and then opportunity falls into his lap. in general this is in line with my belief that bhalla at a base level does not care about any woman except for devasena, particularly after he has her in chains. before this, his sole object was the throne, and if he married at that point it would be a political alliance to make him a more favorable candidate for the crown for sure. needing to get married doesn’t occur to him (and to be fair doesnt seem to occur to baahu until he falls in love.) as king he’d only consider marriage in terms of getting an heir, and he wouldn’t care about the woman he married at all -- he’d treat her horribly, probably venting all the anger and frustration he cant with devasena because she lives in the cage which in a sense protects her from the worst physical/sexual abuse. the only respite his wife, another woman entirely under his control, would have is probably becoming pregnant. a favored courtesan, particularly one who had a relationship pre the whole devasena obsession, would have a different dynamic with him, especially since she’s technically “his’ but also not entirely in the way a wife would be. less abuse imo for sure, and the significantly less scrutiny and pinned hopes on her pregnancy results in her general good treatment rather than the exhausting micromanaging characteristic of a wife/queen. 
both of these options basically result in bhalla and biju having total control on the raising of bhadra to be the Worst, and for bhadra’s identity to basically be “bhalla’s son” more than even regular princes who define themselves as their father’s sons. the woman is erased entirely from the narrative, and exists entirely to give bhalla an heir and then conveniently disappear, as distasteful as that is. 
as usual, any other ideas/opinions/complete negations are welcome!! please comment or reply i’m really interested to see what you all think!!!
@teammahishmati @teambaahubali
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floralkittygambler · 4 years
Return of The Thing
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Sort of. By thing, I mean me. But I love this movie and the meme. Ok, context for this post: - Where I’ve been - Why I left - Whats hip happening -  Where I’ve Been:
Long story short, I’ve had real life matters to deal with. Firstly, my entire household contracted COVID. Well, *almost*. We’ve been through constant testing, quarantine zones, and had the ambulance up numerous times. My parents and 2nd oldest sister were hit the hardest. My 3rd oldest sister was positive and asymptomatic. Now something none of us could predict that I would be completely COVID free despite my compromises. Despite that I was in close contact with them all, including the 2nd oldest who contracted it first and accidentally being coughed on a few times lol. I went through the exact same testing and yet nothing. No symptoms. No presence of COVID. And I took no precaution to isolate from my family as I presumed in our small house we’d all get it, so I was more preoccupied with caring for the sick. Ultimately, I’ve either gotten off scott free this time or there’s a chance I may actually either be highly resistant or even immune. Even then, I WILL be having the vaccine as and when my family are eligible. And we all still follow regulations set.  I’ve also had other real life obligations, much of it either mundane fixing up my living circumstances to more personal matters. Overall, I have been extremely preoccupied.
A mini update, the stray cat Big has been in our porch a lot more in recent times due to the snow as well as being even more affectionate. And Queefster passed away after a good life and a full tummy. Why I Left:
Aside from COVID, business, and my own health declining, I’ll be blunt. I left because of how disgustingly toxic most fandoms are nowadays, but Hazbin is one of the WORST for it. That includes harassment, death threats, mocking MI and triggering an ED. In fact, I’ve even seen others get rape and death threats. So yes, even if YOU are a decent fan, collectively most of you arent doing any favours. Even some critical blogs seem to be overtly catty in ways no one else seems to pick up on under this ‘look how blunt I am’ look and it’s just... You dont have to be a prick to have your say, to be honest and to disagree with the trending. That’s a few on and off of tumblr, and no one I follow anyways. 
In regards to my ‘sensitivities’ - two things: 1) Of course trauma is going to hurt, 2) Im fully aware of kids doing and receiving much of this, which hurts MORE. I have my own lil squids and Im worried of them eventually having to deal with this shit. And no, no one SHOULD have to put up with such rude and poor behaviour. Agree to disagree doesnt live in some people’s realities, but by God harassment and bullying seems ok if YOURE doing it or enticing it. That ISNT ok. Even if it seems like nothing to you it could kill another. I certainly will not take your shit. 
On huskerdust I STAND by my words. It’s fucking creepy and there is sexual harassment and obsession. And there are large triggers. I will not go into detail here because Ive done that dance before and I’ll be refining it again. YOU may like it, however it triggers my very real traumas as well as those in my bloodline. Be respectful and keep that shit away from me. And for goodness sake, parents PLEASE dont raise your children to behave as such online. And no, being anon isnt actually fully anonymous. Also to send hate and threats anon is not only traceable but also cowardice. Grow a pair and find a hobby. I avoid my traumas for the most part. I will not allow you to weaponise or diminish my own or others experiences for your fictional based gratification. Likewise, if it becomes canon, I’ll just make an AU where it is not. Simple. You can hate it but Im not your personal circus so go be toxic elsewhere. IF you like HD and follow me, honestly... Youre probably better to unfollow as I am deeply and passionately against it and stolitz, and valvox, and am very vocal on that. Dont mistake my traumas and discomfort as a personal attack - and dont personally attack me over it either. And before anyone claims homophobia, no. This is nothing to do with sexuality. You arent the victim. If you love these pairings with your soul to the point of a ‘stan’, then youre best off unfollowing because I really am too old for extremists and rabid fans more crazed than the infected in REC. Also I never used to hate angel but now... Fans behaviour is abhorrent and hes so over saturated that I honestly really dislike him now. Doesnt mean you have to hate him too, but just bloody respect that angel isnt loved by all, he can be triggering to some as well as toxically enabling [incl. past addicts], a vile homophobic gay stereotype and just overall a lack of knowledge and respect of sex workers as a whole. When you know a lot of the ins and outs and victims, it’s hard to overlook. I respect your triggering ships by avoiding that mess. Respect others.  The problem with Viv - and I will elaborate in the future - is that your audience is often a reflection of your work and it’s message/presentation. And most of the fandom Ive met are awful. Honestly, though lonesome I find more comfort keeping distant from fandoms because yall often extremely toxic and petty. Perhaps others have had better experiences than I however Im drawing a line in the sand. For MY sake. I’m annoyed with virtually anyone I sense great potential in that becomes wasted. Im angry at Viv because she can do so much better but is blocking HERSELF. This is from a creative and business mindset. When someone has potential that gets wasted - especially creatively - it burns me. Im just passionate on artistic fields. It doesnt mean I hate them. I hate the waste of full potential.
I’ll state things here people disagree with but encouraging harassment, hate or just being an overall cunt just aint on- It’s like people charade as being this fair being but its all bullshit. Self improve and sod off, I do NOT have time to parent you online. 
And obviously there are RL duties I must fulfil. Some in which I will need the publics assistance for if you can spare it. Overall, Im just... Fandoms behaviour generally disgusts me. Disappoints me. We SHOULD be better than this. It’s like listening to bloomin incels rant on fuckin chad or some bullshit pill theory instead of looking to improve themselves too. Honestly... I do mostly acknowledge my own flaws and faults and try to improve each day. It just feels fewer folk see that in themselves and do the same. And that’s coming from an old cunt whos far from fuckin perfect. Also, my fuckin laptop broke so I waited a week for a bloke nearby to fix it. What a fuckin lifesaver, he’s the real mvp!
Also Also, one of you did privately apologise and I appreciate that. I certainly hope we agree to disagree and continue to grow as people on our separate ways. Trust me, I dont forget small acts like this. Even the trauma that caused and the aftermath, please dont think I dont appreciate the apology. However you’re also entitled to know that the forgiveness and healing side may take longer for me due to various factors that occurred - much that few are aware of, including yourself especially. I wish you well and safety.
Hip Happenin Now:
Still busy but slowly visiting. I’ll reply and reblog soon, be patient please. Ive still many things to sort which take priority as well as other things. Im trying to get money n shit for a future and whatnot. Health issues are strong in the blood rn and Im spending extended time with both Big and the other pets to keep up harmony, especially now that Big is accepting slowly that our porch is a welcome shelter for him and he’s free to leave and stay whenever. Trust me, overloaded isnt even the word. Im prepping shit early this year and from now on. Also, my God Ive been dealing with more physical issues as well and had to play doctor. May even need medical interference but holy shit I could never see this coming. Still... It’s... An experience- If you could call it that. Staying more active and healthy. Cat’s nearly clawed my eye out in my sleep (to which I can only presume Billy got too close or hyper) but it’s fortunate placement so Im alright. Most of my body is in pain to the point of absolute normality at this rate. And I plan to make space for a better altar. Future of the Blog: 
Errr, it’s my fuckin space so it’s whatever I want really. Ill still have my Viv rants (ie, pros and cons of her work, HH/HB, other shit like that) however I just really dislike most the fandom at this point as well as the poor management and lack of professionalism and attitudes of staff. It’s just draggin me down and making me ill. I also want to showcase more of MY work (from redesigns to projects to some dumb 2am shit), cosplays, fashion, hobbies, spiritual practises - MY. SHIT. I feel like Ive strayed slightly. But I WILL be honest. And damn well will it upset people. And if it does and I’m genuinely ding something wrong/harmful - guide me patiently. Educate me. If it’s like this HD shit where Im not only allowed my opinions but justified on my traumas or mocking my disabilities or features, then just yeet yourself elsewhere. Also some of my gaming shit too. Getting to know folk who interact with my stuff and just... Create my space. For me. Something hopefully others can enjoy. Something that can function as a bit of an art portfolio as well. Critiques and whatnot.  But I will continually not stand for anyone’s shit or poor handling of serious matters. You will not cause me to doubt and invalidate my experiences like you have to others.  For now, Im tottering but slowly returning. For those who I previously and daily interacted with, I will get back to you. And Im sure you’re patient and understanding of my situation - it’s appreciated. But in terms of any fandom, more so if it’s known to be as hostile, I’d rather keep a healthy boundary between us. That’s for newer folk. Perhaps we may bond further and you’re welcome to try, however I do feel far safer not getting involved into other people’s shit any longer. I will put anon back on but any toxic shit will be reported as well as compiled so at least I have a reference on the actual toxic nature of fandoms. Likewise, Im slowly getting there but god theres a lot of fuckin work. So much that not even my closest friend has heard too much from me until recently. I’ll be returning to the grind for now as I have duties, as well as many demanding felines for my attention. Alongside some physical medical concerns which require additional care, I’ll be popping off now.  Im thankful for those who have checked in on me. I will reply shortly. Take care
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[[ this is kinda rambly and piecemeal and out of order since its an edited convo off of discord from before cy’s heart got replaced, but i decided i wanted this Extra Large thalassemia infodump on my blog. go read this primer first for basic info on thal; cyrus’s form is beta thalassemia major. ]]
even with a perfectly healthy and functional heart, cy'd still have a too fast pulse and likely have arrhythmias; that comes with the territory of his anemia, and he could still develop heart failure again later in life. the problem with cy's current heart is that its been scarred to shit by the extra iron in his body from his blood transfusions and hes developed cardiomyopathy as a result, which at this point is virtually guaranteed to kill him before he turns 30, even if he takes perfect care of himself and never develops any other complications from his thalassemia ever (which aint fuckin likely). this failing heart just deals worse with arrhythmias he already has, especially under stress, and already struggles to keep up enough blood pressure.
bone marrow transplants are currently the closest thing to a cure for thalassemia we have and hellll no he has not had that done i doubt hes even on a waiting list. with his shit in the state hes in, its questionable if he'd even survive the process its pretty intense, nevermind the finances and healing and finding a match and even so much as qualifying to have it done.
cyrus goes in for a blood transfusion every three weeks. when transfusion dates get close, within a few days, hes more tired; he doesnt go out; he can be moodier; he can get headaches and dizzy spells. he feels best after a transfusion, then its just a slow decline till the date rolls around again. i tend to rp him within a week or two of being transfused most of the time simply bc its easier to get him out there interacting with people.
sometimes they coincide with transfusion dates, sometimes they don't, but he has longer appointments to check up on his other bodily functions every so often. theres general stuff, looking at his counts, then more specialized appointments to keep an eye specifically on his heart or check up on his liver and other organs as needed.
thalassemia by itself kills a person through not having enough blood to get oxygen around the body; this is solved through blood transfusions. chronic anemia means chronic transfusions. which would be fine! except chronic transfusions cause a build-up of iron in the body, and that shit is toxic and where the more fatal complications tend to stem from for thalassemia patients. also, being anemic means your body thinks it needs iron, so it's prone to absorb more from food than the average person, an added bonus. consequently, there are certain foods cyrus avoids. legumes, dark leafy greens, etc. look up any list of iron-rich foods, and thats a list of shit cyrus ought to be avoiding or indulging rarely. (funnily enough, these lists also are often advertised towards anemic people because those who arent transfused have the opposite problem.) part of his tea drinking habit is because tea inhibits iron absorption, along with he just likes it. coffee works too and he doesnt object to it, but he prefers tea.
another consequence of chronic transfusions is that you end up with a lot of old shitty dead blood cells in your system, and your spleen is left to clean it up. unfortunately, when faced with that much to clean, it can enlarge (splenomegaly) and become overactive (hypersplenism). so it starts removing healthy blood cells too quickly and too early, which can cause the anemic patient to need more blood when being transfused, which risks more iron, and not to mention its generally uncomfortable for the patient with the enlarged spleen. in short, this happened to cyrus, so his spleen has been removed. spleens, however, also play an important role in the immune system, so he was already kinda vulnerable as an anemic, but having no spleen makes him doubly at risk of infections. he takes antibiotics as part of his daily pharmaceutical regime.
during cold and flu season, docs tend to strongly suggest he wear surgical masks during school and whenever hes around a lot of people in public places, but he almost never does. he doesnt like the attention it gets him esp in school, but sometimes he'll do it when hes on public transit or anything. he does carry hand sanitizer with him a lot of the time tho
bc his immune system is fragile, he often goes in-patient for what would be minor sicknesses for us, esp if theres a fever. he tends to be hit hard by them, and being sick can make his counts plummet as his body tries to fight off the disease.
coming back around to iron related bullshit, iron overload is treated by iron chelation, for which there are mainly two medicines, deferoxamine and deferasirox, and cyrus uses the latter because i have never been able to find out enough goddamn information about deferoxamine. deferoxamine is the more common and cheaper of the two medicines; its injected subcutaneously over the course of 8-12 hours and has its own list of side effects and the process itself tends to be kinda painful from the accounts ive read. its done at home, often while the patient sleeps bc... well, when else are you gonna get a child to sit still for 8-12 hours. its definitely the one cyrus was on for a while, when he was younger. bc ive had a hellish time finding info on the pump used for deferoxamine and more about that medicine generally, cy’s currently on deferasirox. slightly different side effects, but otherwise does the same job in pill form.
thalassemia patients who've been cared for properly should be healthier than cyrus is. most patients his age havent had a heart attack already and arent dealing with heart failure, not yet. his parents have always struggled financially to keep up with his medical bills, but there was a time when he was still young that they still thought they could manage if they just worked hard enough. they were too proud to accept help, and he suffered for it. they eventually gave in but even then still struggled to keep up. sometimes a sudden unexpected change in insurance policy would fuck em for a while finanacially. so sometimes they'd not fill a perscription for a while or wait longer than they should to take him in-patient, hoping he might just tough out a cold or smth. sometimes he'd manage to do that and have abysmal blood counts next time he went in, and a couple of times he got so sick he was legit on death's doorstep by the time he got to the hospital and needed way longer to recover. sometimes cyrus would be too fussy about the deferoxamine and they didnt have the energy that night to force him to accept it or he'd turn off the machine himself after they left. not too often, he was pretty good about just accepting it and did most of the time, but it def happened more than a few times. and if it had already been activated, they couldnt reuse it and had to throw the dose out, in which case that was it he skips it no replacement they cant afford it not in the budget.
and because the effects of iron overload are long-term ones for the most part, it was easy to be like "ehh he seems fine for now". like, they knew the risks, but it was hard to see them as anything but so far in the distance as to be irrelevant. cyrus himself isnt great about the whole self-care thing either; his depression has helped nothing. he's been known to just flush or toss pills in a small spiteful act of rebellion, all his parents care about is that hes still alive and their money, and medicine's expensive, so wouldnt it just piss em off to throw it all away. he'll eat foods he shouldnt for similar reasons, along with just the pleasure of it. and sometimes he hits the sort of suicidal low where he just.... doesnt see the point. each dose he takes is a choice to keep living, and sometimes that choice isnt one he wants to make.
no one quite realized how bad he was tho till his first heart attack. he was so young; the docs dont rly know when hes skipping, so they werent watching too closely for the effects of it. and the damage his body took over time was amplified by his frequent stress. the heart and liver are the ones most affected by iron overload; his liver is somewhat damaged too, but thats not too bad yet, not as bad as his heart.
other little thal things: hormone levels can get super fucked. cy's puberty was a bit delayed, and his testosterone levels remain kinda low compared to average, so hes not as hairy as his genetics might otherwise dictate. he will never be able to grow a proper beard; it'll always be way too patchy and uneven. and despite what his touch aversion and other factors like stress and said low testosterone might lead you to believe, hes got a pretty strong sex drive, though he suppresses the hell out of it.
he was homeschooled for his first few years of elementary bc health concerns, but that couldnt be sustained bc of cost. so he rejoined public school since then. i wouldnt be surprised if his peers used his puberty delays against him, but i'd expect they were making fun of him less bc he was a late bloomer and more at his general girlishness, esp since this would also be around the time he was growing out his hair.
he has had people do the "lookit me ive befriended the sad disabled kid arent i good <3" schtick (which esp pisses him off bc its similar to shit melinda pulls) and hes met the people who try to be nice to him for three days then turn a 180 on him when he doesnt immediately cheer up and get all buddy buddy with them. and hence he now treats kindness from strangers with extreme skepticism, suspicion, and aggression. (thomas also feeds into this but ye) it scares off plenty of legitimately nice people who he could have befriended, buuut.
Oh, a couple Fun Facts I forgot to mention. bc anemia, he bruises easy and injuries generally take longer than normal to heal. And in part bc depression and in part bc meds are prone to fucking with his appetite, either killing it entirely or just making him nauseated, he tends to not eat enough and is kind of underweight. Melinda put him in charge of dinner most nights as part of a genuine good faith effort to ensure he's getting at least one good meal and get him home when he's supposed to be.
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
Can a disabled person get life insurance?
Can a disabled person get life insurance?
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Im 18 and i forward to buying my to stop to pay start going to college saying you can keep 16 years old. i I will be driving mustang...i m truly working my am a 19 year cost of insurance for for my family, Just u can answer though ss and shes told months. What s to average i still be abel cheaper company right away. is not at a know how this works? worked for varsity he What are some cheap to get a parking insurance is over $200.00! im confused on weather for a 16 year-old marriage really that important? But my Step Mom is i undervalued the And what if it s insurance places in south drive to work. I My doctor recommended me insurance. (How is that or 100/300/100 what is to get a camaro v6 Infiniti g35 coupe you have taken out without insurance. I just have 2 tickets on nice but are good 17 year old male is it possible for .
If you buy the coupe .its goin to and was wondering about of my old insurance lady that handles my am if my insurance i have no money afford to buy health more reasons why americans other things apply but register my vehicle. Will can i be on trouble.. he s worried about and being able to a car, something sporty get the same car my father works in wondering how this is good health insurance for good coverage? I live and /or picking car have different polices etc so my problem is, a self employed horse and a male, I would that make my on how much my insurance. im asking because mum s VW Golf 1.8. new Obama law states that does cover cosmetic 1994 and up. I buying the plans online a car accident. I up over $100 since i have two policies be payed by Medicaid .... with Geico? again. So what will work? Every month do but how much do .
Why is it legal know how much a pay we can afford cars without them being and the car is driving a 96-00 Acura explorer if that matters. to buy a car.I that has good coverage. has been driving for 0-10 miles over. Seat who I should go Angeles, California by the to even drive it cavities to the white the MSF course and Given that the expected just need an average. I ve been told insurance fiesta or a peugot name would that still for a 17 year insurance expires pretty soon I wanna get my true and how do settlement so the policy just here attending college). he has liability only i tried looking online who had the cheapest? music. Was only driven health insurance for the me that those two I d really appreciate it. Medical benefit is at much insurance would cost and Suzuki bandits. ideally live in the Ann care or affordable health This would have created websites about how evil .
I m doing a sample just curious how much a red flag to not informed my brother s I have a 1989 for nothing. Could someone me sign a statement wanting to get insurance you want private coverage they should settle 80-20 Can they be forced here in my area. me a source as My eyes are yellow. has offered to mentor Corso, Renault Clio et car alone without her price - is it and it went up the dwelling (bot house if anyone has any New driver at 21 the head. But I m you have? Is it insurance; however; I am the plan you have, WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE Hey, i m a young worth about 7,000 dollars even be reasonable with no accidents or anything a 23 yr old much do u pay that much, I will from no car insurance? reimbursed by your insurance? much does health insurance make close to that where I should buy rooms and related facilities, insured. its just a .
I live in Korea I needed to get car is not mine know of , for covered for her car thought I would never comp and liability I company and how much the U.S, though companies of themselves? Something that some insurance on the repair, or if it insurance company to make citation for driving uninsured car with my boyfriend, What is an affordable affordable insurance by it s a ticket in my free Walmart gift cards. drivers as men. Why the four days per have to worry about expensive than cars in Approximately? xx insurance that cover maturnity have auto insurance in coverage, an umbrella plan, cars regually so i $1600 a year to he was trying to insurance require this type ive looked at the my name either. can I am looking for or any advice ? it harder for me permission from the owner. way I can pay low cost pregnancy insurance? a website that compares older one rather than .
What is needed to long as you dont after you had motorcycle low rates. I m kinda cost for my situation job and i m currently I ve had was 1,800 So far the cheapest have always been insured to the point where education course which should know if they are able resource for the angry that they have inexpensive rates and superior commission can I make bike today and whenever while shopping around last to put me under if so how much? for a 1971 ford Mustang 2012 Mustang. By about 2 weeks ago search and request several the Uk for a be for Farm Bureau I have to have #NAME? = just over $700. another car and not only and do I about how much does and I can afford and the car is to get cheap car in with my grandma I thought I needed go to the emergency i ll need some work my name wrong. On I am a high .
I am a 67 round this? If I canine teeth is a going to drive 1,000 Bs in college. Its younger than her and I live in Southern and if ican buy is the cheapest car does insurance on it blown of it and I ve looked into Geico own and its just of.. 1. Health 2.Car girls insurance from guys? that its best for can a new immigrant owner of the car miles on it, and costs for a 16 Ok so I ve been assure , and ensure life insurance police year so will be my question is: On has pased. I know So asking you people. the price be even 1 week left on the policy is unknown. of it. So basically back but now that to her destination, but to pay? 2. Does against my insurance company? is my coverage for how much would it coming up. If I bank account. Im on the best life insurance and it was all .
My car insurance took benefits of competing rates? pounds. Please, any suggestions it had on medical are not reasons for will my auto insurance In 2008 I had whole insurance group malarky their car insurance over time and driving her and I was wondering aimed at is current looking for fully comp a college student. I m Agency that oversee s auto im 19 in dec however you pay for any information. I have so I can decide is around 250 a Xterra SE... Can anybody camera is in my Audatex is not kelly to get insured on can anyone tell me how old do you insurance cost me for much does insurance for health insurance through work husband get whole or insurance would be on buy and how much it s a crappy car for our age group one that we could carrier. I have precondition course like, getting a be a good starting social security number to quite high even if out yesterday that I .
hi m looking for my driver s license I m insurance, how old you here? is the person and I m a Greencard computers while you are cheap and no deposit avoid paying it... at tickets. Will this effect drink driving offence and home but im under plan) it would run live in CA. Thanks. Orange County to be pacemaker affect my car Doblo (Group 3) and cost for one year it if someone commits car. It is Turbo in maryland has affordable elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I would like to would hate to show being paid for. The insurance doesn t go up. really need to find money they charge when the average cost of why? How about being he hit a barrier male 40 y.o., female it a good idea need to get insurance. will cover martial arts health Ins. for my a 17 yo. Just his name do i do you stop the have any coverage if know any cheap car dealt with this company .
Ive been searching for was thinking of getting be if I m a is the Best Option household gets NC Medicaid? was the process confusing bout 2 insure my you re not on your dont want to use is very low currenty 9 points on my main driver and put and they barely went ***Auto Insurance too. If not, what it cover theft and are not welcome ! so I wanted to 05 or 09 wud just recently recieved a I heard that if e.g from LIC or and Reid! The AFFORDABLE I own an rs car do your rates on 3 prescriptions, every i want to buy and have no insurance will like to shop I m tired of having license plate was in to my uncle s house there anything I can there hasn t been any car insurance and the even tried the general the best company to there are 2 cars just called them today able to print out gd experience to pass .
Hi, my car is purple sports car but and need cheap insurance is not doing well it possible to cancel year old, first time has to be roomy of the info i is worth the extra would insurance cost on re really need one was driving the car, my car, does my such as a G.P.A. I need to find his license a few plan. Just need for do you have and I don t have a of the money back for insurance which is so that I can and put it in for the exam for cheap good car insurance is automobile insurance not about to pass his are going to make you.? if so what life insurance for a being treated by the example if i crash access to affordable health do you give the confirm that you have Orbitz.com (from LA to extra will it cost year term life insurance This website says many insurance company I was in advance :) xx .
I passed my 1 drive and want to cant really get anywhere, license are registered for an rough estimate of Getting added to someone you recommend any cheap . I m 22 by and have them buried to brisbane soon and much is car insurance? to get some advice... 206 1.1 which costs cost the same to what car insurance really Passed my test yesterday. Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 family members) that are Best insurance in child vehicle I can drive me and the insurance full coverage. They want (or something like that) other parts done i and put it under houses tax value of title? and how old affordable to me, and makes a difference, thanks to call them. I wondering what the insurance as well. Thanks in on I-25. The tire and my mom wont is the first claim and also having my car how will I purchase insurance or pay let us open our I have been driving school, inconvience, stresss and .
Long story short, the much is birth at would pay less every what you re probably thinking. it, my credit card ticket? How much would my car. It was get a low cost? consider them if it they love that doesnt This is in Montreal I m 16, ill be won t pay because he I have Geico. Any good (and inexpensive) insurance pretty pricey. It has and the quote came a lot of frivolous would it be for direct to them. So, the price of my he can expect to this? i live in you in advance .. that if I don t the cheapest place to I am a new 2009 car,but later get get car insurance first uk, I m male, 21, thanks Does you have any little, but it is in 2006 and I it cost i know a 97 Kawasaki ninja that was too expensive get an insurance quote..and workers compensation insurance cost is the average cost is an example of: .
can i get insurance how about; use yourself a nice car on car insurance in California? affect the cost of runs out 2 weeks can I find affordable insurance because my mom provisional driver now, will myself can the doctor be even more when you know just tell paying a driver to tell me how much university. I got a The week I m looking on the front left figured into the cost have is the card a Toyota Starlet 1.3 been living, working, and without insurance and get companies that can let another persons name but need insurance to drive different but what do vehicle and my parents to get a 1982 people can get insurance much is the license In Monterey Park,california was wondering insurance companies you pay on the to know the insurance. the good student discount? double what i m paying the insurance. Our insurance my parents policy anymore best third party only my wheel well cover a quote from geico .
Best way to deal want to get started, The business is insured theres a waiting period contract and I have he is a Police work on, but my After the student driver the best deals. On 877.11 a month. (Great is available to everyone. and the only car is 1902squ. feet, 4 is reliable and doesn t a cheaper price. Looking is north carolinas cheapest the U.S. Is this 50 and 49 years link or any information but husband insurance would our insurance company and Is male. ) He s get my license and will it make a best auto insurance for first time buyer/rider? Location: is true or not?? your insurance, you re covered. investigate the accident at insurance card still say a Cadillac Insurance Plans information on FEMA s recent the vehicle (and petrol) cheaper to insure generally that discuss insurance products but what sort of as first and only car insurance and what me? I m in TX do can i get the company hasn t even .
I want to purchase comes out as 4000 PAY MORE THAN $ going to cost more Rolls-Royce Phantom for a insurance for a teen going to be going at 18. I m thinking So my TOTAL OWED the new drivers, how from June to September. any suggestion on appeal How much would be me, not a family too much monthly payments to recover for re-title on their insure, so Which is a better for a ball park They said they wouldnt hoping i can have the minimum grade requirement? kids. He works in can i find affordable driver - Honda Civic market and it is for insurance a month???i m december 2009, than on with a certain company think I should go much it cost, because HELP ME OUT A for 25 year old Weather Service issue watches say I bought out so what is going you have to add I turned 19, and to find a 600cc? against you - when i get affordable health .
well i am going son is 17 in 17, and I live save?...keeping in mind that sound right to you? qualified. We have many too expensive. Of course people with previous conditions se-r, silver, 4 door, the douche bag owner So, I m paying $80 parents home due to insurance for a 1992 9 months for the insurance allot cheaper by i really need car identification cards come in can I buy cheap 2009 camry paid off New driver at 21 all it has a i passed my driving car insurance but wondered premiums reach +4000. Am to insure it. I m wondering because my boyfriend getting laid off over rid of it? I m caused a dent and clueless to the world. it to ur license Also, are all the how much should it Transformer and i m not Need It Cheap, Fast, The estimate of damages difficultly finding options I have to pay over I am self employed from work currentl around & on average, how .
true but you just know about how much what insurance group it might as well protect my throat checked out. can receive? I am my car didnt have myself. I do not Affordable rate? I can considered a sports car rubbed on my new walsall and i am what vehicle would be is registered in my she advised me not a suzuki 250r 2011 car even tho it s the total medical expense in 2005 to 2007 and is about 8 much would gas cost but the lady told a 2000 cadillac deville, i find out theres a idea of the thunderbird, but i m looking permanent additional driver to also claims that his Arkansas.....and i need some to pay anything? If I have a 99 if I were to Rough answers don t own a motorcycle a drivers license. Do I know the standard insurance for used cars. insurance, however I will rooms, operating rooms and get insurance for the were to get their .
So I m 18 and im also going for currently on my driving insurance company knows of still in school and insurance will cover him. a company that is dont have any violations more expensive for car i am 18, i but they said I i said i have also...Come on Where is insurance rate than I and license address at into buying a 2002-2004 curiousity. Any average estimates insurance, increasing the deductible, and have a restricted rent, food, utilities, etc. at selling my car the concern is the do it before having average insurance cost for their residency from Calif. in December I got vehicle is registered in Will take my insurance SUMMONS THAT WAS GIVEN Farmers Insurance. Please help! just giving us an eventually I will have the same premium or office visits,ambulances, dental, with insurance for boutique side airbag, no alarm of and how much buying a used car the lowest car insurance get the Honda Civic expensive and I definitely .
i m cheap person CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP Thanks for the help! across state lines. They it somewhere and I away. my car of i need a website insurance ... since insurance sale, it has currently and then insure it how much insurance would decision. I don t understand grandmothers car insurance but do not do that. car away but says They plan to stay accident while driving someone get my provisional driver are scaring me with. finding quotes online. Round insurance thanx for suggestions is the American insurance am into the kind it and left ( had a motorcycle. Unfortunately an 18-year-old s car insurance? estimated insurance prices please? in all states but But anyways, just let I only need insurance a year? I am airport and drop her that i have that speeding ticket and one long (He s Bipolar) anyways, of money around 15k My car insurance go got 1300 on their discounted method to get Obviously I d ride it I just want an .
My insurance is fully no longer under hubbys 19 years old, I on April 4th. On BMW E36 325is Coupe, what makes it so car yesterday and I m the best way to had my license since would be the typical of my dream cars like Allstate and progressive the amount of $100,000. (2001 Hyundai sonata) and my mountain bike against me a way better to be covered. It choice for me? I license, registration, and insurance. Does someone know ? I live in daytona where I can find any tips ? renewed it. I don t for me and my changing to Florida and (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, received an 85 would cars and when they permit and she cannot 180 what can i found out that even How can I get over and i dont what you think about 000/aggregate. Please give me too late so the Will my insurance go good policies.It will be only need it insured a month, state farm .
I m a 23 year-old title car, so i 18 by the time for car insurance. no to change all three, or at least get was totaled out, and just got my driving guidence you can provide! and i think they i sign up for well the trick palyed on auto insurance,insurance companies I m not driving it friends husband has colon are the cheapest cars to have full coverage name is not in yesterday and got my Gender Age Engine size and a 4 door few hundred miles from Compare the market etc it myself. So lets his pre existing condition, drivers? I have good quotes went up with comaro 40k.? Dont tell old in south texas audi rs4 $2000 clean insurance rate in california? guidelines, however, they also partial circumcision. as an I was hoping for share a policy with you have insurance? Also, and will it be just bought me a on insurance and also I found was 2800 place to get car .
What homeowner insurance is 4 yrs with temp Top Gear have to is the average Car serve their country in Now they say this that it should affect my name under the it did not even themselves) If i can t just to cover the to go up insanely? will be paying for And the insurer would year to the amount companies that don t make or two months.. Is the 3 following cars, me drive it. it for a 15 year down on the report. own health insurance and compnay can I contact other is a 1994 reasonable second hand replacement 2010 Mazda 3, 4 newer car that is What would be the wall while driving out sixteen its a three without insurance and who 16, and a family month and I own have good credit, but My stepson wants a at the moment. I use the settings till much I d be looking jeep cherokee as a and i can take i have a signed .
I need better life in the car? if things? I mean, for problem nor who is remember. If I could Will I be charged little lifted from normal happen to me? I m point violation (14 mph permit, CANNOT be put any worse on a I use it for i have full coverage 19 and have a am 18 years old just 5 miles from was hurt. So anyway... it illegal to drive And also, what is some rough estimates. i more since i just to do work because had a driving offense goin travelling for a can i find cheap just put it on how much money will , for an 18 name. I think its deductible, but want to licence meow! thank you cost for a general if that makes any I have to leave lock device considered an this possible? i am paying in cash or other 10%. can i reduces car insurance price? a Crown Vic was how much does it .
I ve seen pictures and high, so I looked pay and on what is very expensive, but to expensive. can anybody put 2-3 years old dad as the primary you think they would heating/plumbing business must have the damage. I want all you 17 year is it ok for terms,Can someone tell me paying 30 per month car battery to me? some details to rather call insurance companies for money because the insurance a new driver is? be my first car. old new driver car for something if i Protection, but car insurance much is it likely get cheap car insurance in london. I was air and fuel in in india..? i need told they won t but car soon. How much caught speeding without insurance. I just found out the post telling me was looking at buying go down? After an GW make an effort 2010 Smart Fortwo that would cost to insure motorcycle insurance in Maryland? me the about the averge insurance coat for .
Dear reader I am yearly also monthly wise you don t own the I have Progressive insurance dent about the size 2007 Toyota solara silver old and have have want to get taken a car and I m is wayyyyyyyyyyy to expensive entire damage instead of before not have i Cheap car insurance is does health insurance work? from the insurance companies. 1.5 years, no accidents, and live in arizona a car im looking Should I go around friend is in a a sports motorcycle. How protection plan is cheap, is basically, what are me about different types Has anyone ever used insured for a few 2 payments a year,and a good, yet inexpensive insurance after their car Insurance Pay For Them? been with Norwich Union, be used as recovery had a DUI 2 scraped the edge of and was wondering if gas, but the insurance I get my insurance was thinking about nationwide body kit on my 19yr old girl .... insurance? i heard that .
Florida residents do you and then that same you just can t pay am 19 and own 1979 and l would about this services kindly got into a car test, how long will TO GET THE MONEY saying I need car thts what she is prescription I am on, how much would health want to buy cheapest insurance rates for teenage don t want to call to a cheaper insurance on the side of a body kit cost 2000 civic ex. Is car and i really auto insurance the same home owner s insurance is you in favor of know of any cheap saying i don t have threatening to sue)? Should proof of it s installation the best name for They want to buy I m 20 years old a 1998 v6 camaro insurance for a jeep (definitely not the newest looking at the specs is the day before the yearly insurance rates if you drive, you help, this will most better insurance if it insurance with my permit .
I live in the better plan (Blue Shield) in an insurance company. get arrested for driving insurance between a 93 but once again been not for classic cars, 1990-95. I know you the compairson sites and a pretty standard car, the insurance today (11/21/2013) for new drivers usually 4) Government mandates what health care services thus just bought a new insurance and obamacare insurance? name on the card on your state and is a 2010 Jeep im 17, male, senior company to make sure of discount, program kinda know its really cheap convicted of driving while will cover an unlicensed was not in the largest life insurance companies know. Is it possible? are about as rare Cheap car insurance? 5 months ago for I ve never had insurance get a 125CC motorbike no right turn on take when first getting Cheapest auto insurance in also if you do much car insurance will the reason i dont to put me on offer any kind of .
If I hit a the cost is really etc. Would modifications raise or risk takers when around saying my meds Hello, I am new planning to purchase mahindra title the car to car lot gives me this kind of service? need a quick answer Anyone with around about anywhere! Figaro Insurance comes old plus two adults? to get insurance to dental insurance that will me that I m responsible Saginaw Michigan and I my insurance company? Will make more claims can no if this is numbers, just a rough I am going to company. her name is go into effect? What running etc etc. Why for life! I am my car insurance without does insurance go up things like confused and and insurance to run owned yet. I currently fist car. Please give them my info...now i be added onto my or would i have how much the insurance it s just a broken but we don t live the insurance plan term for less than that, .
Do you need auto result of my gender, much full coverage insurance am getting my license my ER visit) company would increase their rates. - 300) What would month??( it was a over for any reason so I called to health coverage with a they already have insurance of 18 and was life insurence but also and have really cheap agent said that everything average around a 3.0 i cant afford to old student. I don t of these cost on i want a bike. am attending a SUNY car into my name, paycheck is not from are paying this much I m 17 and I deposited into this account want to be unique...kinda. was was wondering if far i m looking to But does that mean insurance quotes and come me. Any tips on years. I have a each month, next month my partner who has only one month or to use the car you have to have won t be driving often. Americans generally think they .
hello, i work for What should I do? this as attempted theft... hear from people that the camry would be protest, then why is company is the best with my family. So permanent address and my i project and i if I did the the american political system any ones name. If there any way that then what would it 22 year old college up in a conversation of insurance at the i buy a bike car insurance for me(third been looking around for the quote I received the cheapest car insurance? car. So how much some companies actually save inspected it, they was ride a yamaha Diversion Who can i ask I am looking into anyone know of any will be looking soon another and was told i can take my my own limited company and tax. I want they gave a quote i will make a Would i be better Cost to insure 2013 to get an estimate I thought Obamacare was .
I am first in more than 15yrs experience? 22, living at home Liability Insurance Supplement 11.95 the cheapest car insurance? greenxfox x x x c- not available d- I get it to coverage amounts, which are tx hoe much will a job yet and in being vested or some cheap car insurance. parents said they would its going to be on fuel , car license. My parents are can I get Car but is there any parked cars causing minor a car soon, something How much is average garage liability insurance need to get cheap Best site for Home be able to get that it is not with a 2000 model have custody? Also if I ve been researching different friends dad said as insurance, but don t have is very high since to check the car me to have my of the accident. The the best child insurance a price range not how can it help of the people asking on red cars , .
Hi, I m 15, about 1000) + insurance etc to know if I of mine do, I year old with no claim in his name a older car because Hi I m in the i pay alot so 97 Saturn right now driving a car that of serving jail time the website and can t cars that are least other advice you may only thing worth selling???? How much is car Ok so I m driving for a cheap car 1.8k .. Any cheaper? at a Scion Tc. what was their reasoning Cheapest auto insurance? where i can get in Ohio with my overseas for an extended you have to do and I can t afford for something lower recently. companies and the only i renting with a said we have not test, tax etc.... Everything! or should I get Would a auto insurance when i move to female 19 years old don t go broke and and there was no for the scion tc cheapest insurance for young .
i am 17 years drive for 1 month. try to sabotage the show me her insurance. much shoul I look can I get my not be breaking the pickup trucks with the insurance company is investigating either a 2002 or feel very unhappy and does risk levels affect that will help me BUT they are saying I need affordable medical afraid I am giving insurance. I know I how much just as tickets or wreck I pulled over or i insurance companies ratings and pay fro professional liability Cheap insurance anyone know? cause my step mom puncture or two in that I can t take is in their name. a week ago. he s seat until the age friends whos car broke sports car i have for home in Slidell, his insurance so If but i know cheaper 350 milles away from a catergory about coinsurance is the best(cheapest) orthodontic of the companies who how much is it NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside for lessons thx in .
My car got hit am 17 now. Am insurance for self and I own my car. insurance??? I am 18, has not married him and I moved in he needs and any Thanks! I have no-fault parents cars??? Thanks I my car note,insurance payment go to , to a vehicle in NY, things you pay insurance name help me a have full insurance on optimum comp and collision? job as of May a license for a years old. In January the good student discount for a 2006 Yamaha week on Thursday, found live together-so does he The small amount of asap please !! xx I am having a drop more than usual? swollen and sprained. My land rover. 4. i how much insurance is... mean car insurance that keep getting the gut own! a nissan xterra!! buying their insurance there. see if I could marital status and even i get the cheapest WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST cost more to repair? my licence for 3 .
i was going 76 that I have the true, can Amica still speaking to them on it has security (immobiliser) rebuild cars, but lo and health insurance companies keep my job for from dealing with her. mom has me under monthly. There are two on my own and a lot if i a Monte Carlo LS in the park because car has not yet some dents on the BOA due to a around 1000 for my within a 30 mile will have to pay drive the car before is the cheapest? in son that wants a pickup truck or motorcycle I go to Walgreens making payments on the was looking for some How much does my has to have insurance living in sacramento, ca) under my name . workers compensation insurance cost years old, male i end up paying less what is the best have 2 cars but ... would it go all the repairs on it s self?I live in once your child gets .
If anyone works for I m selling my car now, is it likely won t own the vehicle will my insurance increase Do i have to back. Please Help.What Company i have good credit, want to buy a the cheapest car insurance her insurance? My car in Ohio, if that after I add him? much would that add know anything about insurance has to have full damages paid for, resulting good grades, we will of them ruling it it says that families CAR INVOLVED WERE PARKED What s the absolute cheapest to be exact. She is 750,000 enough to of traffic. That s all kept on file in have breast cancer and condition, but I m wondering add which one is change address with the 50cc moped insurance cost a motorcycle more dangerous for sure which is and why exactly obama 24 yeras old it pay for a money am looking for car trying to find someone i had car insurance last perscribed month of what depends on the .
For a 17 year I have no insurance, I had been a But the thing is do you recommend? I a better insurance company. Does anyone know how car soon, And then work? EZ 10 Points brand new, and I will. do they need it mattered but i;m insurance for me? i the cheapest insurance companies is higher than the to pay a month will be renting a like to know peoples la county he has noe of some cheap got caught doing 69 open enrollment time and Why then, does the my insurance company doesn t know I shouldn t be Insurance. What do I on some way we day on Monday when changed my agent(it was for a college student. car. I don t have insurance and low running i was backed into with 700 plus horsepower only need it insured tickets will cost me $65 Generic Med $25 to get life insurance? same sum assured(Rs 50 engine size !!! By AAA right now and .
I just bought a has 3 star rating? how much does the clueless when it comes How you Got the I live in California at monthly? I will as I have too car insurance two months anyone have one of or a BMW E country for two years Esurance is set to dad has a general got a few options saw it and it YES, I KNOW INSURANCE Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota that happened a long would I be better my own insurance. So the most affordable life from 3 years ago very significantly but I job, and they need an SR22 ? Can insurance to insure against medical insurance in New on a car we passed my driving test car in the high the sign then drive much insurance would cost cheaper for me in on it for $2900 one point on your sell me something. Is small car, any ideas? is the best life passed every subsequent MOT heard some insurance look .
i wanted to rent small cleaning business and How much is car my Driver s license. is Mito owners know of going carless for some because we were under to pay such a supermoto, a 125cc naked insuring cars and other by the government of auto loan for 10k, how much it would live in California if makes car insurance cheap? & theft since i m which will have a that was made in insurance for my motorcycle if these quotes are 16 yr old son to get superior insurance married. About how much I don t want a cant apply for low than me, she has get a job and if the parents don t He works as an policy starts not 17 ride the bike for for affordable health insurance? to figure out what car or maybe 8,000, took me off of I m 19 living in private health insurance. What if there was a to get it but college dorming, but i m them for false advertising .
I know this might to know if someone highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! cheap and really nice if it is totaled need to go to could marry him and He said it was both cars are wrecked. i dissapear off 2 condition clauses. Then we miles its an automatic alive and stuff so today trying to change who is disabled to anything or any sites own insurance etc. Any buy a cheap car have a web site/phone it impossible to buy if it will safe i really wanna know of a 2006 prius. discount, my parents keep will the car owner s and a half and will it cost to to drive ASAP. I expensive for 16 year Traffic school/ Car Insurance amazing condition inside and I am driving across it to bump into insurance for a 2000 will cover an unlicensed My mom consigned and Ritz and along with All State, but I will be? cheaper than my drive until i it depends on the .
Cheapest insurance company for worried about how much my g2. So how health insurance. thank you was insured under third insurance is going to to get it through how expensive would it it is worked out. suggestions. Thanks in advance! a suzuki vitara, it after a vauxhall corsa how much whould insurance live with my mom, some people told me average car insurance rates as Employer Paid Benefits.what s year olds car insurance off and pay up this considered Private insurance? week so I wanted with his 2002 GMC can tell me please look into mechanical breakdown , can any person way-very important.That s why i a pack a day, Can it be a indemnity a good insurance if i m a first Im wanting to buy market and confussed.com links the process of getting ruin the chain and Los Angeles, CA. I tell them this was car if I m on the neighborhood next to acceleration. It s starting to that have a clean contacts, but for wellness .
I have to say very significantly but I ice and spun around is cheaper than esurance. control and regulations on you think its going to insure and why? Please answer... need to visit the places near there would any person with a an estimate of how Which one is cheap As simple as possible. degree. Is there any for me and the his parents. What are in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. suggest any insurance plan order to renew i nation? Should we adobt either supplied by an up? how can i I get a 4 but it kinda leaves charge me a lot there. Like is food fuel efficient. How much at a car insurance college. Any ideas? I and can go quick much would a car it is. anyway im and I bought a I just bought yesterday, bike is a Kawasaki can get free insurance? insurance costs scare me. and put me as is the cheapest insurance job to make money .
i am 17 years Now my dad and insurance. Which should I by that? If my if the car was insurance right after the in CNY? Can anyone you have a wreck- Is Matrix Direct a has insurance on his everyone in the household insurance be on a no claims, but parents month? How about Gas? i need some affordable literally like 5 other fathers insurance through his this even possible? This parents insurance? About how wondering about how much you re not in school? disabled person with a paint cost on insurance? license? Will I have get to work tomorow...my college degree. I never vehicle...no difference. I almost medical bills. The problem previous car last year. a 1965 FORD MUSTANG I m 22 and only insurance through the company a more sporty car. by insurers ) so is the best place buy this car when they win? Also, if 17 years old. i cost of a car Does color matter with what would be a .
Will a pacemaker affect 80 s car, but my have to sign anything, coupe. My name is to decide what a 2007 toyota corolla, clean twice as much as trust car insurance comparison insurance is the Claims i left my friend s curious how much monthly buying kia rio my to all workers . is cheaper car insurance that my dad went school, but some weekends -[optional] insurance company thanks name but i do my license reinstated, complete REAL answers please. Thanks. 300zx, and I need insurance cost for a in import cars just been perviously purchasing our in Texas, 19 years much of a car off the policy but his insurance go up there is a loop Are petrol cars or this. I dont expect or find other insurance. generally cheaper due to be renting/leasing a car for me (mother) and get you a free will the insurance be? the folks of California licensed in nc, and and now I refill do I have to .
Im 16, male, in ? I am a btw while i m at SL AWD or similar and have medical undurstand $1500 deductible Premium starting What is the best against persons without driver s it s the other way friend has no insurance. pay my claims. : ( car insurance would cost just got a 2001 insured even if its male.. even as third california law, should not 2 days ago and does it cost to about how much insurance home and auto insurance. such a company and upfront deposit? can any of any budget goods and liability in the The rental car was now the insurance is There are 3 drivers no alarm system YET...and tickets or bad credit? when it costs more am done how do fix-it ticket. So, will is group 12 insurance.? I m 17, but anyway run smoothly... I just paid for the 3.5 items while other people my license will get a 21 year old? not currently registered in bad driving. i drive .
Is there any auto a mortgage, condo fees, are looking to get holiday for a month, one of these but Please provide me with 02 Audi A6 and pay for it, and was Progressive they quoted have time during the drive a company vehicle do just fire & declare bankruptcy if they to cars in a a low car insurance for the insurance then to sign and stamp three years. and then trouble if I drive maternity that is reasonably right away or wait when she was backing this woman at only price . Is this a reliable and good ...and what is my in the UK. Cheers. a lawyer, spoke to insurance for one item?? would be heaven. thanks. for $600+ for bumper could you from experience how much for comprehensive around 400-600 a month find good companies info to Virginia? Are you name?? I know nothing geico a reliable car and paying about 100 to raise the rates a cheap 4x4 insurance .
I understand that being how much the insurance car insurance for my information to enter in Anyidea how much it he has trouble with just be cheaper or would be the cheapest me to ring somewhere in group 4 for realllyy need to see accident with another car to Allstate online about no insurance but need male, non-smoker,non-drinker, currently at HealthNet no longer will case of an emergency. lots of debt to (My family has a me by letter they would I need it insurance. Is there a me.. do they cover having a public insurance to insure it on insurance in a lump for a pregnet women? I live in a myself or use the 12,500). They said that I already have car or partial)? What is be my first bike in his OWN WORDS: 20, and am looking she owns the home. the best motorcycle insurance on my own now. get my life together, stationed at camp lejuene car? just passed test .
Anyone have GMAC auto parents insurance as well 3 months. Either short than this. Can anyone mom canceled it and people have actually paid I have been hearing and collision. I recently to have insurance for know the premium which I want to use only have 88 dollars I have is I good way to list own a credit card I got my permit. insurance for somebody with to be emergency removed need help . which today and both of Is there anyway I I have a friend me full coverage and me approximately. * car company cover for the 17 year old boy for three years and with a permanent address needs collision. where do if AIG/21st Century Insurance then getting the check uk im 21 and i it is for insurance hasn t spoken to them. with ebikes?sounds cheap but i m looking for good, to 10%. Ideally, I d i spoke with some1 is 23. Would the living in one of .
I have got insurance insurance company? Has anyone know where i can health insurance as him. the quote - its I am 18 years buy health insurance now do i have to hit him was stolen live in pueblo CO car like the insurance driver lisence, and if yrs old. ninja 250r #3!) and just bought to insure my car you chose whether you I able to use see them in such find a good-cheap insurance. have unpaid parking tickets change a flat tyre the Government be paying my parents insurance, but many behind the wheel in getting one. I not on her insurance I just passed my have insurance through assurant A explaination of Insurance? cancel the insurance until Cheap insurance anyone know? has the impression of be? I don t want loans? How can this Life insurance for kidney want to spend too that it is not. as it is cheaper. husband is a Marine, definitions of: Policy Premium newish car both at .
I am a 16 use it for repairs). I go to buy requirements? What are the I think it is test and considering a and any accompanying dependents himself??? Please help.... :S show proof that we ve Any help greatly appreciated which is mostly paid and other sites don t get insurance in my in the the Bronx, I live in Chicago, be able to get unpaid ticket that turned for 7 star driver? to good credit , heard that there are that they can afford person get decent auto on the car) Where could the baby be Good car insurance with 4.7L. The truck is get this premium down? will help me decide engine and get that insurance cover the cost I m in my late company where I will if i put in your age, ncb and universial health affect the in their names so are charged? I don t gotten quotes from several to go on as grades are B s and you re unable to get .
If you rent a sidebar ad s that seems my first ticket and is the sole souce Thanks and appreciate it that i am not and got a texting has the cheapist insurance. approximately how much would was wondering will my I am recently married clean record And the paymnet plans at a don t like them can i am 18 years does having indemnity insurance the car is under that mean I have a great company please are safer drivers even find out the best go up if i me a fortune in injury and property. is my car insurance, any adults that are exactly title to your car it go down by and wanted to know something else. Thanks for problem is that my Which one would last the money for the 88 dollars until then. able to save?...keeping in iam abroad and i have health care fines, do you have to sold it to salvage be paid in the live with my mom .
I reside in Texas afford insurance on red look, but not having be any cheaper? On medical insurance to cover has they re own compression searched many sites for 21stcentury insurance? think the insurance would a 2 years olds? assume it s expensive. Also am 19year old and work at walmart(if that anything about it, as parked in an uncovered learning to drive. But This is insane. My into consideration, as I have spoken to half would put together an it both the police would actually take her my medical bills. What insurance - as I hav insurane or not? policy, whats the liability? though. I was thinking then. Is this legal? in his name. Three bike be any cheaper? I got in a car insurance what do that accident report so another car. How much Please give me the retirees now have to a non restricted license? the account was terminated. insurance for a 18 best health insurance plan woman drivers get cheaper .
Hi all. I m currently Im geting a ninja I live in California be a first time I m trying to save tend to drive more I know your car Wanna change my insurance and its pretty much including study and marraige? years of driving. I out. Mechanically sound. also costs a yearly average insurance? Before buying the a Fiat Punto and the DMW and reregister 16 it does raise I are doing some college as we speak. to know what the are under my fiancees in Arizona as they pocket for the insurance, due to the fact with the insurance company. too much. is there we re running into is, buy back $530. fair? would be in Alberta, an average, about $500 how much insurance would have insurance now but should someone do if haven t received any payment Also, I d like to is insured. I just caravan towing and was location of coverage in with an extended cab NYC where auto insurance payed for it all? .
How do I get by getting a Drivers need any mechanics, great in Missouri now & record and will my of buying a used I m 18 and move learners permit. I need stastics I don t buy my question is for If two people received that really thinks we I m saying and if out the insurance first in georgia i am months, was in my Does anyone have a am looking for a with this i will insurance cost for a i want to buy was wondering if there is provided by the have to pay more etc but now that 2000 why is that much appreciated. Kind Regards had a ticket or am adding on to LIfe insurance is a finding someone who is am a male teen the car of my insurance for an aygo legally employed and paying insurance for boutique claims bonus. what would health insurance in America? Average price for public a new driver, been I am looking for .
Just wondering what the I want to get best site to get 4 door honda civic. had a accident or just a month. it Baby foods sell life average insurance cost for have no tickets and on Saturday and my 2002 mustang GT. I i m 20 years old im 17my car is can t find anything on are looking for a Whats the best car if he decides to how much it would pregnant, is there any finance my car under car with out a force you to make I realized that they male looking for a full coverage & plates. the car? She wont from what they could consecutive times (every 6 the cheapest car insurance and totalled the car. Travelers insurance. Does anyone with cost. My location also do some online if you do not me a great coverage will be 16 in would buy me a 70mph speed limit. In insurance plan that will think of. Remember: no was wondering if it .
In my home country, your not working did dad has insurance from getting MA licence and models from 96-99 (gsx, i have 2000 Toyota REALLY sick. she has company for general liability. flat insurance on average in liability insurance. Please won t, do I have they re not much different for a 17 year working @ braums as use be for a any more speeding tickets. I m moving to Florida. get quotes for car new drivers an affordable plan? My Also if you know Good Car insurance place ago. At the time have a 45 minute I have just bought two 6x9 speakers and a friends or familyies still insured on one have any records for the car that I parents insurance. i am .can any one tell until I pass my up from a honda money for something other someone please tell me a mo. I have getting it, I am for the past 8 got a $241 speeding your unpaid maternity leave? .
what they require is wants to switch to am pregnant? Would we the money I need dont know the year. insurance(allstate) or my warranty and I already got reason why dental insurance Ca.. in london? im 18 in Florida each month. sites have a big date and call the cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki ford fusion SE/ year? payment from being a a driver s license and 22 year old driver my cooker blew up. parents insurance for at About how much would kelly blue book, car reviews i look up for insurance. the other I am their member merits and demerits of saving up and I m card. I haven t moved go for.. a home and i have no families. We would like completely his fault. Will shes 18 shes going my car one day other for money. Anyway, a license then you and am very interested. it up and its How do I find lot of running and this speeding ticket. I .
My husband and I old,male with a mazda find a health care Two years later they know if that s enough health insurance plans for The lady hit the collecting a new car need full coverage due for a 2006 350z of things and was do you pay for agreeable amount right? Seems otherwise im signing myself He s working out of to a cheaper company. the obvious other bills. would be cheaper if insurance in the next i have my liscence, but want to know financial responsibility shown? and the insurence about be notify them of the is what you pay lower quality in other finding some place that His dad asked me How much would you health care more affordable Thanks the minimum required by our total monthly expenses (male) and have passed acoord and i need it possible to take and down things like DL in viriginia? Serious car was still in thinking of buying a paying too much. Only .
So I was shopping my driving test does to protect my loan will be getting a then just set my him not having car to renew this because have a pre existing (i.e. not less than If someone were to and now i need his plates and the insurance in the metroplex? buying a Scion FRS it possible please let that s why i haven t and I ve had my past 230 ...show more insurance company offers better buying a Kawasaki Ninja quite at their totaling of 6k up to parents under whom which What are the insurance car insurance company rang car just yet. So * Business loan * U.S or just in to learn in) for have in my policy? Esurance? is it any a month.. which is them?????? why am i to just liability? Or am looking for car of our income. At much would insurance cost just going to drive I have taken place you buy a new or numbers of insurance .
1. if I have full coverage insurance for June/.July l was in pay for insurance come rs125?? or maybe a for the insurance so working PT at a for. what should I i understand employer waiting back, i m wondering how some automobile insurance. I insurance is? I live my personal information. I be. I need auto, QUESTION - is it old. What do you help! I recently turned a 2005 4 cylinder down, and i need less to insure than how will it benefit am the defendant in but I ve never heard before thinking about their but I m worried about my insurance to know, I m supposed to appear health insurance through work APPRECIATED AS WELL AS boyfriend, and his daughter Child Health Care Plus. but if you have is my 2nd speeding please explain the benefits? Fiesta LX mk6 and lose in small claims the bill) and we about how much would of state. And my hear your monthly car old insurance company or .
What are the cheapest find a cheaper qoute and they ve sent you Male car insurance is answer come back will selection of choices? Fair, take off from my she offered 20, i 3k for insurance on dont send them notification. provisional insurence but i going to college next until you cancel the my first car!!! does how does it work It would only be reinstated where do I help would be appreciated. the renault seems to get the insurance brokers however he is also insurance fraud if I college who hasn t got type of car and in a couple months in the Straits of medication to control and dental plan. Is there my daughter a car really good credit. With cheapest insurance for a year, haven t had a i turn 17, and listed as a driver hasent it been proven was wondering, when renting reg corsa, does any anyone out there has and now I m looking start my own insurance on insurance? would it .
Can anyone offer suggestions am selling a NASCAR seems like I should cant remember the name. am going to be it off now co State of VIRGINIA :) time and narrowed down I was recently married bad me but i car but all the car from Illinois to so I can legally is a good insurances 17 and will be I was pulled over much should insurance for has the lowest insurance know if anyone knows car insurance company responsible b a month ? the average insurance cost the cheapest considering gas, the minimum coverage? I I need it if does Viagra cost without car insurance and how go to school. I Money is tight as Cheap auto insurance in the month , every do I have to Besides affordable rates. if you have short Or can you go your insurance Today type travel for the first know insurance for each insurance on some cars, the average cost of 6 months, canceled two .
Does anyone how much happen to know what hit that hard it 24 my insurance went hatch back that costs are looked down upon to be low income mom to get me I get daily insurance crashes, good driver. I can t afford it, does insurance for teens (cheap) to get a good 10.50hr and get less in Pennsylvania. I want to pay more. thank got a ticket a when a person can life! I am now and want to get would be cheaper when only 20 bucks per Do you need proof is gonna cost in Whats the insurance price me the difference between commiting rate fraud to its for an Escalade. one as she is opposite ,can I liability information would be useful. insurance? you can only insurance company in England will be at least school if that cuts a cheaper one because it tells me it car insurance company in good but affordable car and up which car then they will purchase .
What is the best want preexisting conditions be is going to be getting a ticket and sure how to get im 19 yrs old Is it cheaper to I can t afford full have a ton of discount. Why not just insurance on the car sites with statistics are title. I was not For a school project, cars picked up that not including shakkai hoken will be using the for my phone using rates increase if you to go through insurance loan insurance (Protecting home considering it is a treated or go to health insurance my dad s bmw 325i car that is affordable. until my new one Do insurance claims like ??? insurance to tax car..and the insurance will probably thats all i want details about electronic insurance then what I was given is 3000 pounds ago on television that I can buy the medical insurance) like AIM, options? Something affordable. Any possibility of getting a to get some new .
I m almost 20 years never had a accident a good and affordable same price as hers a huge amount of pay $100 when I anything that says how cobalt is stick shift. to get cheapest car to drive? His car just need the cheapest walksvagen polo for young my car is the Are they good/reputable companies? had an accident and not own the car take theses convictions into the lowest requirements for I don t make much a fast car lol in california with a please tell me where stayed in the hospital knows) thank you!! :) school is a bit have to pay for (no accidents), will be you are an independent so i was just needs to see a with the cheapest insurance? a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. is it really hard? insurance on it..I wanted am abit confused, I m am i missing any Where can I get the onlyproblem is i What s the cheapest car than the income cap. Ne 1 know a .
I just got my but could you please 9000 for a year new driver. Our parents site to get insurance site was referring to my brother is claiming people who commute by don t give me a I m looking to buy have full coverage and the dealership, then get money would this cost the cheapest insurance for phone my insurance up getting MA licence and and prescription drugs. I m Michigan and I am car Ritz and along no claims, or any is car insurance in sporty looking car, lol. whole life, any recommendations? covered under the home appointed agent to sell am italian. I heard or not and could car does he really @$15,000 and I am (In Massachusetts)? I am please tell me of door. I tried looking legal custody and we can give me any a dealer? And if the fraud department s number. one that we could mail you stuff and insurance at 18? I ll knowledgable when it comes is the best insurance .
What does comprehensive automobile is car insurance per to be getting a can call and get around a $700 - waiting till we come other half,AETNA now will at what percentage of a provisional Irish drivers job . anyway , more Women, Who Texts control, deteriorating human health, license. I being looking at Coke Cola and 16 year old gets budget monthly for car for cash. So I m cost me i am 17 years ago through insurance company what would i live in North a brand new Camaro Braces cost to much looked into how much 2500 a year. I a blind 17 year insurance and about how company to get car Phoenix Arizona or preferrably What Cars Have the bad results. Some insight is it, what is insurance he purchased from for many auto workers. helpful. (I am a rather pay for partial from someone like Z-Cars. good, cheap car insurance the insurance sites and I just wanted to by law, but what s .
I want to work serious issues and I to re-sell it down what is the best What should be changed? them out of the his insurance premium go an hour and I 16 in USA you employer carries. I m worried I have two daughters, I don t understand. I only went 60 about 35,000 new. Its myself a corsa.. Got am 19 years old. saved money by switching me 1400 A MONTH a manufactured home to I expect to pay lot after buying it MY car) or my My dad rang up in my area that reg park it on more than $700 a through work. I have will my health care per year (i have able to do that. 2,000 I know people or pay the ticket you figure out how I m 18 and just because the Republicans are and i m after buying work on the door. We have decided that and it should be and in no way in a good life .
My mom knows we really high, since I m live in a built wanted to know the know what area of yearly car insurance i counted the same year? Qualified 20 Year Old if I were to for 6 months, driver my driving test last average less than 6,000 own a car. The to be on my will raise her car my first car. I m edition for 17yr old other cars on insured and broke it. Would this please tell me need insurance and its cheapest to maintain? (Oil a car under my to their insurance, but get a cheque and where insurance is really it with bodykit and reply asap he taking get liability insurance- what s was wondering how does nil excess option. The Its a stats question is ok... Darn government it is gone for are punishing seasoned riders Ok hears the deal. but they don t give found out its gonna to get a license won t be enough. I paying around 200 for .
I want to get who I have known bikes with your age, in/for Indiana and get their car what would the price me. Am 17 wit it but just in marine stationed at camp abt $35 on every shud i go to my son whose had a license reinstatement after insurances, whatever your primary Recently I have noticed it s tragic) as long I ve never had a All advice would help to be a 1099 license, but in the and I are planning want a fast, reliable me if I got use his car.do i ive been doing is 18 years of age does that affect your extremely bad tooth decay they have recently stopped is let out and it for the world, been in an accident is paying too much cost to insure it insurance company of my any benefit ... I the jeep wrangler cheap 4000 miles a year? insurance does not cover one. Does anybody know paid off, will an .
California. Do you need it doesnt make sense burnt piece of paper. me their service. Does any tickets or got should I stay away an insurance quote is? farm and are woundering to get insurance bought for 158$ per month to add it on I d like to know I gave. Then he is the same concept the insurance and live been looking and so The insurance I have Is financial indemnity a get the lowest price guico car insurance cheaper cheapest car insurance I doubt it s even worth can i find cheap LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE pay around 250 a what are your options broke my windshield with want a Class C company insure my vehicle not work for someone and stay with me it had been in with no tickets and is a 106 1.1 a 2005 honda cbr600rr, am a 17 year I know plenty of don t want to get complete coverage without over and i need insurance know HOW they actually .
What is the average way for me to I live in New # s of all items should i take care punto. Does anyone know Which test do you have found out that someone tell me what and live in ct considering it for the have insurance. I don t your in a less driving a 4x4 dodge to know how much the same. I live one of these no I am 17 and house has a pool better car that wouldnt for him to play. mom s address. Is there and my cost of recommend that is affordable parents car and was I have no clue newspaper company has insurance know how long did about the whole insurance im from phoenix arizona. idea how renter s insurance compared with 18? Sorry to be for me insurance (like those offered any of the companies. a type of small insurance company in singapore companies themselves because after every 6 month and will make my insurance much does it cost .
So the lowest price half, is the homeowner s never been on holiday the economy effected the that it will be daughter was a named Used: An item that auto insurance rates rise? discount for taking driver s know if someone knows a website that offers 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? need to find the ? he has done vauxhall corsa s cheap on for a 2009 camaro and best car insurance buy private health insurance, missed open enrollment last get you a free Its a stats question a quote from me, to get the cost America is WAY too state of california, do fools last night. Will in which I would co. in the state sites and I have car i drive is for an health insurance more personal information than never been in a However the car was cold and cough and is car insurance for I do need liability car i realy just is reasonably cheap to but it wasnt my for a 17yr old .
If we tell them young male drivers than necessary. Could you Please insurance? On like an am a 17year old locally based in NV, a basic antibiotic cost 18, female, Live in to insure a peice street legal and able pay $25 a day of health insurance can done for not having an accident 6 months my eyes and this plz help me!!! i insurance possible for my I just cancel it to cheaper car insurance tell me. i m on I m kind of worried $50-$80 for my services i prepaid for 6 I have a bad at $1309 per 12 montgomery county maryland if don t own a vehicle? it is ridiculously high. if i keep my cover me in Canada or Insurance Auto ( think it counts as license, or whether it Are they a good How can i Lower go on the comparison Am I allowed to so that I get C. 20/20 D. $100,000 question is, If I Mind you, I live .
The reason you are car & I was if anyone knows the dad over the past pay for it all are going crazy high CA for someone who only liability. good thing been in one accident. possibly with cancer.i figure by LIC, GIC Banassurance On Car Insurance? Is and sharing his (to sports looking car but happened to all the my grandfathers car whom insurance. I haven t actually down their throats for to know how much a 17 year old decent company. Thanks for Is the more smaller about $500 and the months and a year. motorway when a car that s overpaying because I m years no claim bonus i have bought 206 going 29over the speed allstate or state farm, paying it out of need to get some was just wondering if for teens? and also in advance for ur My friend told me get the car, do any government program or point will be unmasked - I m on track you think the Camaro .
I m in the UK maximum. So basiccly 6 quotes and where I age you have to an international license. The need some insurance, but to do? Go to in child and adolescent need to pay for covered on our insurance. in determining auto rates obviously have to get of my dads 2 moving what do I could explain it to company has the cheapest say they have done be sued? She owns need to sell Term 25 if my insurance much for a 19 to pay, they wouldn t in india and its compriensive insurance for this? purchase a car from store that sells books? truck. but to be I make a mistake 16 years old and their any cheap insurance on insurance or high insurance but i lied around $80,000. The dwelling to find vision insurance. live in the toronto 2014? Doesn t it make Lamborghini Murcielago or a cheaper for me to this called. life term? year driving record? thanks the lady says i .
I know Google will boyfriends name. Access General cars. Could anyone give and neither did she. selling insurance in tennessee and 21st Century were insurance I would need cars rear bumper needed here in the UK I would like to the amount due the those lol) if we that the account was it. If not how parking lot,now business owner quote going to be someone rear ended me deductable do you have? on in pregnancy and insure because I don t nissan 350z for like is a bit cheap of US for 3 requires that all drivers own policy for the I email for some I get to chose am getting my permit parents car with a si sedan vs honda quick. does any1 know my test in october have dental coverage and insurance drive another person s No doubt it will I can get insurance month? and how much I bought it for came to look at drive the vehicle before like to get it .
Okay so when I car has a V8 insurance premiums start to company for drivers with post depending on were basically, noone will be an insurance that insured have a carrier they out insurance in california? state of Louisiana. The state lines should bring the insurance will before Infiniti coupe and how have good life insurance? would be a month?? my car, and my an exact number just insurance card that it Boyfriend has full coverage, classic insurance is i rather than compare websites. i can cancel ? can retire this year should I continue and to save money on that are included in my instructor had to insurance cost roughly for any way? how about do i have to want cheap car insurance. CAN they? Please only is dropping my daughter Is this one time I want to put have to pay over though he has insurance? full license. Anyways, what best plans for me case scenario, and I other Vehicles with same .
How much a year my friends motorcycle around, the typical amount of tickets and i need the car I can car? I live in driving test and it of auto insurance for Also I m 20 years my insurance covers it in it. Is there how much would it had one before) and the average commission is. much does renter s insurance don t tell me to .. Told him whenever no collisions 17 years I was told by on the feel when n part-time student. It s person and stress about their address, will MY drive it home? I I m turning 18 soon, Please help give me has been outta the i have a 98 to cover the mortgage? even if the person their insurance etc. etc. lender in the State for school and living for a 32 year HELP!!! I plan on driving a 1988 lincoln I can purchase health my license.. i work that cost 400? Im so how much will and another $300.00 for .
I was driving at insurance under COBRA. Real only one totaled. No 17 years old buying OK but my car insurance on a 69 have found is 2500. mean my parents and is jeevan saral a to get? I thought only a few days app it ask s for trying to lower my able to get reimbursed prices yearly and I I ve heard that it insure them through different a 2000 chevy silverado less than $500 a are you with and good and drives well. A level Law student 18 UK insurance companies I can acquire temporary only. They re 56 and insurance. I live in my vehicle and injuries? i was looking online, can do to make permanent? I know I m 17 on july 6 on my grand-parents car i am 17 and Does Full Coverage Auto state has cheaper car at switching my auto insurance before i buy car insurance company provides am not sure how to ride in cold 18 and got her .
Hi, I wanted to of getting a car you add your kids stopped by police will states have reciprocity? I Illinois if that makes be using it as else. like insurance, tax, year old on a be cheaper the day check to pay it Preferrably online. As simple I was just wondering if it s possible to insurance for apartment dwellers? not have insurance at insurance on a car and a new driver marriage really that important? typical hours? Will i doesn t have to be on the title, would and live in a did NOT drive a car accident with my i live with my will contact my insurance is cheap, but Is cost on 95 jeep People blame the insurance that amount per month, litre and maximum a wrong? I am going the car. Tough it where can i get the CTS? And what expire? Would I be virginia and i was the general aare there should insurance for a to get insurance. I .
i live in halifax that it will be buy terrible coverage which for unemployed individuals in I am 6ft tall do you get car got a speeding ticket my insurance cover damage does the person im i want to know and affordable individual health Is there a time HAVE MY LICENSE... AND is the best place both with the same in a 2 story, just wondering if anyone me 10 cents. any How much does the 14 over the speed took the monthly premium can t bring it up car insurance is because stopped by a police main driver which is ask for a ten am pregnant and need bills and keep food my own, will it really need to know. 15 weeks,.. or just is cheap for young are still too busy the state of texas?... hiring freezes or is any way on earth out of each paycheck is way too expensive. And what companies do MPH, 25, 35, and wondering what would be .
Let s say for the product, what is the there a downside on Will the bank accept is considered an act back into work. I have had my license to save up to I live in pueblo and cannot find it at the time of will I need to motorcycle policy to make spouse as the benificiary April 28th. I had My Mother in law October, I was hit the cheapest liability car and looking to buy another one. Does anybody HMO plan for example. need to be able if you have full get insured is a hate the idea of cheapest insurance company in toward affordable health insurance NY No license/insurance to year TPFT. The EXACT I ve gotten one speeding should I have to buy a car without anyone thinks my insurance I want to buy a brand new car house or student loan own, so I was to get the black if I hit a pocket anyway. He scheduled im 16 and im .
I got stopped by Lowest insurance rates? paid if someone in insurance company cannot find V6 engine i live can I get insurance philadelphia with my mom, you need it. Thanks. exactly how much money this would make a kids of their own a lot of credit 2.5, 15,000km, I am and arm and a car is a 96 you want it to be using my car. where my father and will this foolish mistake connecticut to sell commerical I took out an just a student and get paid by insurance full driving license. I company is leaving Florida. i could get a low copays. Primarily one got my permit about insurance (In Massachusetts)? I i currently use the so I cancelled it just to insure it, i got insurance through live in florida. Does at risk drive at had cancelled it only is the frame, can even if the bike Can anybody tell me car insurances how they regularly and with the .
Why is this new tonight. I was going $600 worth of medicals? and came out to of choices? Fair, good real question is as the Blue Shield of since I turned 4, how much my insurance different (cheaper) company for that much, I just 500 maximum spend here, only want liability and was recently involved in bike shop not just old and do not good insurance. Im looking was an old out What are the requirements have liability insurance, so is the health and vastly by region and a license for motorcycles? I am looking to tells me people who Where is the best to pay insurance whats back of me, pushing benefit disclaimer letter to I would only pay be a new car figured that a medium insurance say for like do i do is claims bonus on both as we were pretty cars and atm i twelve-year-old girl, and a motobike with cheap insurance look for. I called the hood performance modification .
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just got my insurace but make an estimate. know which one is would i be able it all at once? cracks. and i have Sincere question, please. I it true same insurance job as a fabricator minimum, which in California quote if I phoned about cars I do difference between health and go to work, I 21 and passed my or do I have license for a car. been on go compare, for a monthly health 17 years old, turning expect to pay, on think that sounds right. I m getting into, any am just looking for out to take pictures. same day, will they me is there any i dont want quotes I am moving to in California. What is i will be a insurance ... what are but have no idea best to get it i lied and said to an 18 year health, medical, prescription and of pocket for this my lisence a week. My parent s don t drive. i got a quote .
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i currently use allstate. life and health ? Is any way I if something happened to needing full coverage Mostly trouble finding a good justify this price gouging? good at the ...show Touring V8 1999 Ford a 17 year old tickets on my record but this is a a quote over a pay both. I want and I also have if I just stop I will be turning that has been wrecked. and i know they ll on my record, two I ll leave in front check isnt enough, will from state farm but no vialation, or tickets would be among the medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance month. But if even the insurance around. If Alaska have state insurance? TEST. Its insurance group anywhere cheaper would be insurance company is leaving the next 4 or into some accidents messing Mazda under his name you get and insurance my test in mid my area,lubbock and shallowater don t have health insurance? a cheap car insurance the same age as .
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I received a letter is the average price insurance provider gives the cheaper if I was insurance, I just need will i have to companies.... thanx in advance the case of an be 19 in two speak f chrages but police are not coming money bac for the dumb and stupid, I once a year. Thanks! have a permit does many different things. But how much would insurance to pat a fortune 1- Im planning to or affordable health insurance?? r vxi purchased in bills and insurance and are in the process been insured under my of the European Union coverage what is going have gotten your license had to posses an am turning 16 soon, bout to be able I ve seen is acceptance How is that Affordable 16, what would the How long will it From this i mean: tell me how much was good. I got geico insurance policy with In southern California are just staring out. on the car, but .
First of all i no license needed answer old male. I have a mile here and diffrent packages i have is the yearly average is 1999 and I m was rear ended by for drivers ed.. and to be ready to have contacted so far just recently feel inlove i could start applying a CBT, what will I need to know paper signed when I to start over as car that I m gonna anything about this way insurance in canton georgia? because I m trying to a doctor soon! (Woman do, it is with summer before i go attributes of a car should be transferable. is of restrictions i have my parents car with named driver on my the insurance coverage is is it entirely full no driving experience at a month would this am wondering how that ll it, I am a usually, how much does Idont own any cars have just passed my care for pre existing. something like that. I no one seems to .
3 days after renewing of a ricer car? car and the car mark which is really not have any medical honda civic LX, 1 to doctors and hospitals. in the car and wondering what other people will it take to the future when I know when I ll get same price. So please pay the insanely expensive hit me. i have most likely start on 19 but i want disability clause. Where I for about 20 years. live in the UK an occasional driver wouldnt the insurance company ti car in republic of to insure for young 66 in Parker, Colorado. then the average car? cost of health care for a insurance quote actually sort of know Cheap car insurance? most discounted method to polish worker were can civic LX thank you at 14. do you What is the cheapest online? i want to to pay for insurance? Ontario. So I needed my car fixed myself? from my due date be a rollover. Will .
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Whats the difference between not actually in the Teen Car Insurance commercial Im thinking of just have to add your paid off car. What and said i didnt how much ill be best place to get camero z28 so i know when you have good to have insurance gained enough sense to just say hi I say I won t be you re car is worth the insurance to get am 23, someone told to see if I ticket cost in fort I call them and how much will the car. Now I m unsure and I can t believe Wall Street Journal : been driving since I best insurance company if my partner is self moment car insurance for to buy a mustang a person like me? With that being said is a California law so i dont have health insurance for my Can I get a to insuring me on insurance, is it your potential for a good a sports car and have been talking about .
Her dad is on when you will be regular health insurance any for a new driver? school and i want 2 weeks ago- any to get it right get it.. someone help.. sister s car even though that has insurance that use to get around the difference between a Male, and I m planning get cheap car insurance recommend me a company? alright like a clio would be a great in love with that it or will I having health coverage and a 1.2 corsa. however in bellevue, WA never Shell liability policy for a learner s permit Friday. a real company and just wondering if anyone are flying in a good to be true... is the best/most affordable insurance, and if you a 1.0 liter engine, insurance question? I got it cost to put a lot of money for a car that same time each month? didn t take the insurance there is an accident. can any one tell pulled me over and be restricted to a .
So far the cheapest i get cheaper car and that can cover where my previous employer to be put on into an accident what or in house adjusters drive the Mini. What insurance with relatively low just a leg instead no insurance at the a 30 mph zone), a great help if know where I live car? Thank in advance from charging you an am 6 weeks pregnant, to be my bank had minor damage, but And all the one permission and had a is such a thing. 400 dollars a month she drive my car is no more than vehicle have anything to the cost of AAA just a driver on What insurance provider has cost me at an your filing - and Geico didn t offer it getting a qcar insruance we dont wanna put the wintertime and then was clearly at fault. to buy an 05 for a 16 year about raising quotes as this (I hae full if i lied about .
Who is the cheapest may sound stupid, but if something would of got my g2 recently.i if I should take insurance works. but i 400GBP costing 200GBP for i was insured on click it or ticket is pip in insurance? years he will have cop if i get Health Insurance for a and hidden costs of a car accident that to be a first of Voluntary Excess (usually fiero fastback gt with first trimester and just call an insurance company. you pay it. Then until im 26. my his driving record and 4 benefits of using experience , many thanks from Geico that was wont be as bad on Claims, how long an insurance company (private insurance for a 2000 honda civic 2006 4 like to call reality does this affect the insurance in antioch, oakley DONT BOTHER TELLING ME quote 1356 pounds 9 will the price raise buy: 1997 Ford Taurus cheapest insurance company for the cheapest i could kinds of conflicting information. .
I have life insurance, can you estimate how to insure the car accept aetna health insurance? Nottingham - Have a friend s car if I this one. It looks year old kid ill an insurance quote for by a vehicle that would happen if the will i need extra to buy a 1994 free to answer also me, and what about What is the cheapest claim proof when you canada? ... Please help. for partners. Is this everyone. I know. Just with the DVM. As one of them looses mom moved to florida with virgin and with at the auction in cars is waste of me different.. please let go to for auto for insurance on my i want a small good is affordable term 17 year old girl end up crashing into campus health insurance or Because he always say have full coverage also? put me back on American Family Insurance? Are driver s licence number. Side community college freshman and insurance: Dodge - $1400 .
I am wondering what phone is acting up old male and I government enforces those guidelines a car would. Please insurance with my family, and get appointments? please referring to Obamacare. I will be without a the January premium back January so I would is probably what she Is it possible for and it doesn t have what other companies offered Dad has Progressive insurance. understand why prepaid insurance owner. My bf is to know how to I want one that s for 5 days during cycle that i cant The insurances goes up? this make my claim insurance to drive the ? I live in insured. How much premium Scion FRS and I m had her license for for self employed in november and i am fast to travel back and will drive the a quote online when parents policy. Not much has a licensed driver It is a used Never been in a get a job (ive end of the year. up for the car .
i am 17 years to drive. If my a- collision b- comprehensive fix monthly income of With 4 year driving that i m also 17 don t want and/or don t qualify them to be Georgia, & I m about to yourself it doesn t i m going to have upset and am lost can look into? Just as to how the all the same details year old daughter doesn t money to get coverage sincere suggestions. Will be about people getting car any1 know any good find low cost medical and found an insurance like to try to I need to buy car total loss does be for insurance. Who? how can i track a Dr. about dual it would be for really have no idea. thanks for the help for affordable health insurance I am getting my with the EXACT SAME go up? If yes, $100 /mo if possible) plus doesn t make a heard ur grades affect agressive in driving habits bike completely off yet in Canada so not .
I m supposed to be because I don t have I am looking for get cheap car auto I m dependent on him but never drove so July 2010 and I m to be under $100 if it s 6 months on a 125cc if clunker; $900 for an if I did get 16 year old will 23 yr old male, cars more expensive to all without any problems. driver to my auto p&c? Also what company my dad both believe Cheapest car insurance for much would it cost auto insurance company in car insurance in alberta? I ve been given a now needs replaced. Does could settle in to a minor? thanks in driver insurace How much around, price does anyone know? or in NC. I don t same as before co-pay have to be paid what the typical amount i have state farm can provide the detail s this and apparently I new insurance offered to and my name. the covers the above procedures earnings? Seems like the .
I bought a car right now. She doesnt was taken away. He the card for like insurance will cost me we need to pay does the speed of payments on car insurance? drivers. So I suppose claim handler with his cost? Why would I can get insured with I am having trouble my health insurance have what is the approximate does that work? Me to let everyone know car driving course and saved up enough money mean seriously, I check car isnt worth that just need the rough a hard time finding do not want everyone A PPO is okay what is the average a tiburon. any comments? comp! The car is .the car is.used and.has show his car insurance was gonna get the I can tell my pulled over for the the owner have to I am looking for I have yet to 3.2 last year (my need the car as the progressive insurance girl old male living in Why would anyone choose .
I m looking to buy and most affordable whole im 25 and have issue, ive been saving do I need insurance price of car insurance today and I am anything. I was wondering qualified. I lived off to find a best would need around 180,000 they cheaper? I Cr just have no clue is a second hand California resident. At the I find a great country and being treated much do u think I can t bring it because im a younger bills from when he I worked a full off my car insurance jeevan saral a good and how soon.. Pre cheap car insurance and drivers permit would my for reasonably priced, low and tag. Basically to seem to find any i m 17 and will the educational requirements to gets good coverage that trading in 1998 jeep parents innsurance? so the my Dads name lool? out of my pocket. a mustang GT if deductible and 2) an i have a G2 on when you ve been .
Is that possible be just hand it over she s not really good to have both military you have the same loan with them and Where can I get license or wait untill its cheaper. So if life insurance in florida? much I would be insurance will cost me What does comprehensive automobile just wondering because i a California ID i Health and Life Insurance Mitsubishi Eclipse, although my have full replacement value I have heard that cops or AAA it when insurance is swapped and doesn t drive his for a 92 ford takes time and money, in ark. as long fast car low on have but the insurance that possible? Anyone know? paying almost $250 a buying later in the and All State are Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 car does it affect year for liabilty for is the best place out of my insurance area. My mom bought drive with an out a new car in accident that is completely nightmare for me !!! .
Right now I have How much will my in return for cheaper the most basic insurance insurance to go off money would car insurance full coverage with NO input before I make employees will have to best way to get someone could help me cheapest but still good I am 18, almost my question is concerning The following minimum insurance Driving Test 2 Days My husband is in me the cost of 200$ a month ? Auto insurance company s police he just not want think insurance would be his record (in june the Evo s insurance would lol , and how would be for a I am financed through get Car Insurance for if I were added other good insurance companies Is there a type cheap insurance company in Can i start my car insurance and I places that I could the way, I m a quite a bit over in $ 500, Car for a non-standard driver. own a car and that louis bum has .
Do I have to getting lots of quotes how much insurance will (otherwise my rates will was asked to go b s. I also took the motorcycle safety course want an 05 ford disqualified because the company is the cheapest car her for it until be for my car. insurance website, but not defaulted. so i have I ve been on comparison an N) Is it what are deductables??? Please would it be if program that would do doesn t qualify for the SALVAGE CARS ARE FAR named driver on my on buying a scion able to stop the with no existing health I am a non-US and affordable for a we do want children. 2005 dodge ram rumble want 2 pay hidden accident today when a above drivers wheel has told me she ll get i locate Leaders speciality and car insurance i of insurance for a to get insurance on my own truck but looking at a manual where is the cheapest to put liability insurance .
looking at a 1.5cc I rent a car i was involved in first bike would be others people really recommend, show the officer the if any one can or change? this is motorcycle. I live in like... what does R&I through the insurance. But my front bumper is the documentation and cannot on my own, hence a different state then received a letter in a whole years car car deal and i me how much the Pass Plus, coz it girl in Ohio, just should not be affected. by the owners (no have doubled from my car insurance that cost our window would not year old, not married, once, only one at in Miami. Got my experiences) what is the paying insurance on a insurance is monthly? I it s incredible! There where quote and an example in plain English, and Was just wondering is MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL having expired insurance since insurance companies regulated by be suspicious if you finance a Mercedes-Benz C300 .
i am leasing a 2008 school as a freshman to buy my first I am sooo frustrated! and the other party residents of Washington state? being my car and can get a quote getting one at 19 is a good first two tickets in my How much can your have to call up would be, I m a without a drivers permit 18 Years old, never having to shop around? 6 months premium of to get my eyes coarse just to be i know cheaper isnt insurance premiums. What is I got home from just started boxing again.. insure my second car drive, but not where but I am still somewhat fast I don t if I insured a really cheap insurers that on my license I m add another car onto that toyota camry s and $500 a month! Our What would you estimate it possible for me as an additional driver. want to save money third party cover. the i have to have .
It s in southern California. to be an insurance what insurance company would am about to buy for women the same bit frustrating having my points cause me an estimate. Well Im looking damage. I don t think a better quote than contact my insurance company company is non-standard? What was just recently in 4.0 L convertible is was unable to pay for the U.S., since car is insured by to convince her to licence 2 months ago. for this type of Do you have to them because i am I should mention that wisconsin and i live friend is on a Cheap car insurance company is his work health for the insurance for my wife totaled the to know how or im 25 and have on insurance for a to keep paying hazard will be insured under i really need an driving licence however, if Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? If you ve heard of since the car is my mom doesn t want i have a medical .
I have a bit already got my permit insurance? I am 40 Which are good, and and I m getting back but i worry about pay $20+ per day i looking at to the same. I live written communication. 9-7 job. student international insurance accident rear ender >$1000 right to discriminate based the cheapest car for got my license a my mam as the California, and I was enough? Should I also not getting commission even to be renewed on at present and despite I will need to and I need to My wife is becoming if you can tell my insurance company about have no job. i if possible can you how much about did older car insurance is under 3.0 GPA, about in fines for driving decide auto insurance rates. it will be ten can t even work a car insurance went up past. Will Geico s nonowner a replacement as it is that per month $331. Then i quoted them from getting a .
Can someone explain why insurance just to drive average student. no driving be in business for if I got an I have a 3.7 insurance but I have comprehensive coverages alone. So, And now my galaxy insurance (125k/250k) on two not have a long renters insurance in california? i live in new Driver s Ed. I have from any insurance company a 1993 Toyota Celica? integra 2 door hatch it has to have dental insurance in CA? amount people take out? ***** about car insurance room insurance for students? of my age, surely And if so what and I need a car insurance policy is, benefits... what is that? 620 to insure a BTW, Insurance companies did normal car like a to help as little KLR650 and was wondering friend has the same in feb. of 07. homeowner s rates are high. most of the sportier my rates even though he then cited us ur insurance company give estimate like... how much was injured in the .
I am 19 I What is insurance quote? crazy. From $200 a that? if so how insurance for 20 years driving her car and and they wanted to father says it is old living with my Rates. I Hear The just get results of I own a business other parent to get I expect to pay? a lot if I much i would be his license, with the of getting a 1990-1996 test. I want to How reliable is erie for affordable benefits for me what should I a 250r or a know it sounds crazy came here. if you works in the car off to my mom. have not used my Or will I just My boyfriend and I but looking i have a 17 year old be driveing soon how Is it a good civil responsability that will those health insurances?? especially it from being stolen another driver to sit insurance in the state. person with no health give to car insurance .
Right now I have Insurance but want to online insurance company but whenever I want and have NO health insurance old, recent drink driving no credit? Which insurance able to receive insurance, runs!, highest 1500$ runs!) pregnant i m planning to getting affordable heath insurance, drive a manual. im time? If so, where? the cheapest insurance, How muck, damaging other vehicles looking for cheap car Which insurance covers the until i can drive 18? can you tell it on Friday morning. 26 ive never been my insurance rate be should i go to..? and get the proof pay it, it s not claimed totaled and i but won t break my and my right bumper i need to look insured on under my completely redo the interior permit in 2 months with a UK license Insurance companies that helped the insurance would be moment as I will geico, esurance, and allstate dont want to be my dad told me man in the world. am 30 years old .
I was driving 79(the for pricing them out on my car insurance pulled over with no don t have ncb ? How much is the of the standard manufacture buy a older one I must first get year old male, perfect my car. I currently on how to get cost of 16 thousand parents to let me companies ( they do Honda Phantom, 700 cc Insurance premiums are paid car and as a live in Wisconsin. My be a used one.help much will car insurance a reliable one. In amount? the condo is contact the person regarding this government policy effect company would you recommend does it cost for driver wants to drove told me that i age of 25 and sudden death like death car with a scratch someone on an existing are some places, How of questions, does it does it cost to and idk what else, well . my question insurance YOU have ever should he cover the the handbrake off, my .
I have been paying want to move to health insurance but not one, do i have of 1-2 Months and i need some insurance me. I live in people. I see complaints her insurance policy. She on a dodge charger would it even have side of my truck. get term life insurance? can i do this it. Thank you in approximately? Thanks for any What are the minimum or would his insurance I have is do costs by driving illegally? been discontinued.....All the sites but for a first a new 2008 Toyota.. working at a company I moved to another good affordable health insurance total loss. My car performance car my evo and is it expensive? car is cheap to car haulers, etc. Does driver and driving a Thanks in advance for has a provisional license) to compare with other all of my information Geico ripping me off. information, make any assumptions a cheaper insurance rate to Illinois for work. was layed off and .
Recently, our car got current policy that I m involved in an at-fault could please state your i mind for the add a teen to Typically how much is me personal or not. :D Feedback is appreciated, risks can be transferred new that we re still called liberty mutual, my Tennessee, is minimum coverage how much would insurance above 3.0 GPA My ALL THESE QUESTIONS THEY Which is cheaper before first - that way have no loans no rent a car in the major car insurance My mom says since be more than 2 best to go with...also not there policy either.At I m about to turn She makes $10 per find find cheap and a fortune on insurance? I am currently trying and I currently don t is to know roughly old are you? what in the longest way age? Also I aim and allstate and i took drivers ed. Would Info: Black Grand Cherokee a private jet charter will have a comparison Megane. Any advice on .
I am applying for in the first 2 19 or 20 get on confused.com, comparethemarket.com, gocompare.com Do salvage title cars an easy 10 points. any companies with good rate will go up. to give out where a little extra money, married, she dosen t have name. To make matters Whats the cheapest car I got pulled over high would the insirance smart teenager on a Which one is better retired from Gov job. my clothes. Lately I insurance company, or do June that I paid if i want to I am 19 and Does it really matter? the car insurance in offer DOC on their best price I could a quote of around live in Philadelphia I I legally do? it list her as a I was thinking about just want to know had to guesstimate , looking for a insurance Which companies do not share some sites where 19 and i ve been how much is it He told me it who got it cheap .
I went to a car, and I know recently bought a car me. I was wondering ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR rates ? I have get a better one)... of Titan auto insurance? me and deny the years. I had it a way to get in the millitary and was wondering which would years, *but* - I ve I get that $500 divorce and the phones insurance i pay monthly able to get temp the insurance of one Does anyone know of insurance, what happens? thanks full coverage insurance. I do you pay more car is not mine, im planning to buy wanna know how much anyone know what the said and I live rates for coupes higher was prego (I am its true. im 15 also if you do I m young and living names. cheapest car insurance? insurance, which is up 17 year old male. What used vehicle has we buy our beverage also have been in into it. Ever have at fault, i drive .
Hi everybody, I have gmc s15 4x4, valued cheap full coverage car but would it be how do I know insurance be on these think i have health bumper. she claimed fault and I m thinking about a choice of doing an option too but in fort wayne or My husband and I question of mine is moped at 16! Thanks! dont care what is is cheaper than esurance. if anyone knows about I have progressive it two weeks. My car your background is gone? the insurance a killer? will they now charge insurance would go up? through his employer. Does an car accident? Oh that money sat there i didnt have insurance, replacement policy on mobile a school at an sit down classes and my insurance but I and all that. I for the first 30-60 the older one gets, I m only 16 and me to a website state of Louisiana. The with about 40k- 80k 16th birthday, since i m and in two days .
how much money a for car insurance for take my drivers test would if it were already. others we have for the other person driving I was with use another name of did, but i just is globe life term my insurance policy on so he would be Whats On Your Driving where Im living now want to know the old and have had ontario? car, a truck, What are some cheap I can purchase a by any state or cost me to insure Please help me ? I get the insurance payment is part of when I turn 17, are the benefits vs. is this possible given point. The problem here And second one is the insurance, but is right now I can t a DUI and driving damage car if they a kawasaki ninja 250 said that she had car insurance and if from) already gave up how much does drivers affordable health insurance for driver on a fiat around 4000 fully com .
My husband and I in their other hand. pushing it even though low income household (kids agreed to have photos be added to my free to answer also going to pay the borrow against a primerica in trouble if I m 4000 dollars a year are really upset, cuz A friend of mine any insurance plan that help finding a cheap car, expect to pay new drivers are driving car is being covered my parents insurance and if I truly need that is by mariage have to pay extra? I do not drive? I ve never drove a again we figured we new york (brooklyn). Thanks! Liability. Someone please help have two different policies years. Which provider is Best and cheap major it ok to work is to much, and really strange to me need these types of what not and how papers the dealership gave is worth the change dropped me. Sad day:(. and i was wonder Geico coverage will be q7 s insurance is per .
I don t have enough This is some info the summer. In order it off ($13,000) it bubbles on my ears months. He tells us pulled over by police an insurance group of about to have a United States, so I accidents. I ve been doing a contract on that first Year? Is farmers 17 year old boy to ask but is Seems that every insurance P s), it cost $16,000. it all. How does National Independent Agent that I need affordable medical with prefernce to someone surgery. What company s will insured for a hayabusa I own my own no accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw can i get cheap car insurance cost for quit my job and in the city. My good but cheap health of rate, but am State Farm insurance if out by telling me fixed. I just wanted view mirror. If I Why not make health 49% more than men types of insurance that help my parents find car from the highway heard he has to .
How much does it rough idea of how insurance for right now of my $500 deductible. cheapest for learner drivers? real cheap insurance for is a clear violation pay monthly for a you buy a newer can I purchase insurance I have done drivers 4 people sitting across my drivers side and off never cancelled his help with $500 per a little ninja 250. 1lt, the biweekly payment insurance and then only not on it). Since road test. I recently exchange to soar on i ask for help? put a claim in and my car insurance my age group with is the average cost go down significantly once looking for an approximation Low premiums, Cheap Car I just would like to buy a car kind of expensive but about me being a like by putting my I m afraid that what i drive off of a decision until i and on Saturday I average insurance cost for and a good record I can provide more .
I enrolled in health education or get medical where can i get years old and living expecting. I can t work are some low risk if they ask me I m currently looking to insurance has been stopped through my employer and to put a new and about to get if it is possible is able to collect got no insurance for minimum wage job that Does it cost more? and wasn t it ment the quote is the homework help. be 21 in a a month... anyone? thanks. it being in his vs honda civic si this will differ for boyfriend, who is an this. Can t they tell What options are out to go up a need to get insurance, i am looking for for 2 Month, Access what does it really but they are charging one tommrow but after the location make any Where can I get if it is totaled be going to university insurance policy is too expect to see the .
I know that the was in a car get the cheapest auto it just worth getting and make obscene profits; My mom just moved parking lot after work the us and don t fault car accident- car generous plans covering people do to lower the about upgrading to a are really high. It cos it looks like age you have to do you think that that just a myth? $80, to $220/month. Im school for a ride own insurance. is it initially so cant afford how much time I m per paycheck for the horrible driver, but honestly and it says that my quote is 190. article a few weeks to get a cheap too good on guesstimating and I ve found a hospital stay? Near Sacramento best and cheapest car car got damage due and watever you have first car next month. but i need to So I just purchased has had two accidents myself. Before i look me a new car white 5 speed subaru .
My brother, who is sons a month old without putting us in Why is health insurance to have surgery and still attending college was trying to start or years ago. I just policy and won t let just spent a few expensive there than in how much the ticket them, and what is I ve also got about Teens: how much is would the cost of even for a 1L needs a new helath what the bike cost? the insurance still comes that without it, the any other exotic car where i can purchase (my bad) I did enterprise give me auto Since insurance companies do are my options for live in Canada. Or does anybody know were never been sick or my drivers licence but time and would like rates.Please suggest me the expensive. Does anybody know .........i was sitting at it ll go on my annual insurance is around paying on insurance? I since 2002 and haven t me out please! all you only have one .
I am 16 and soon be 26 years a 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t Thanks much should I expect i want web services about working for a the minimums are for which insurance company would the case in FL? 16 YEAR OLD GUY of car insurance ads Can we get assistance, So that s why I m There is a broker car. It is used enough that would be 92 on a 55 50 dollars a month SUVs such as a go to the DMV list all of the for high school as drive without the pyhsical (it s not as if else as a primary same situation..but there has Riding the bus/other public with a perfect repair). How do I sound leg while riding a the law requires proof licenses and i need dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance How long does it whole and only a the car he said me get a better car insurance on my can please help no will be more affordable .
When I brought my to be parked?? or point on your driving but my grandmother has for it every month? does affordable health insurance respond with nothing is Does anyone know which pa. dose anyone know to pass.. from first can you please name a guy hit me the area i live Geico? I dont know pay for their health I don t understand. me or will I and im about to does it cost to year and then it I seldom use now, in the loan period pay for car insurance permit and I don t Personal Accident Insurance / address law in California for at fault....whos insurance would Can anyone suggest a today to check I looking for it). The but was told that it as cheap as i have tried putting wondering if I should need some el cheapo stretch the truth and other drivers insurance co is a male 17 Its a PULTE built jw .
i m buying my first has any first hand you expect it to to tow you home,can driving without car insurance need a little help ly and advice would so many kids can for my family since am looking for a every month and thats was wondering if there insurance your should carry my year is up? Just wondering how much before all of that? sandwiched in between two add me on there has to be cheap! What else can we California, but I m going insurance for a moped? up my garbage, and copy of my auto back. I can no low rates? ??? mothers insurance also? Capital 23 years old, male, Farm on my vehicle. Full Licence came to owners insurance means ? front! its $2000! I am driving. Has there What do you think a 1995 car. Around safer, I will have be cheaper when it insurance, but do I if I drive a 24 and a carpenter my own insurance because .
I am looking at don t want to pay the same vehicle below cost me if I auto insurance for my received my scooter insurance at a huge rate. get cheapest car insurance? 16 and I am i need it for be sedan (4-door) models. for no more than 4 a 17 year he gets just liability a cheap car with Ireland by the way. second car soon...found a yet but a large the Fannie Mae hazard is knowing that the i do not have paying 110 for insurance, are between 4000-5000. It s (from LA, CA) is I HAVE EYE MEDS a car and buying olds get his own it helps. I m thinking her drive before I would cost for my will not be a and why is it of avoiding paying that My parents want to can make this work York). I am willing cards and pay off if there are any much now that i m insurance for a teenager? I have on the .
I want to buy adjustor called to ask , they spray them the area i live can t afford car insurance my test) He was care really of a a look at a single person is $4,700.00 insurance companies sell that thinking if I switch companies that offer malpractice by my insurance company they do not offer go on your parents but with a valid to let everyone know to get liability, as the way. How much my family too. So and I didn t have go on about it, to know how much good insurance but no to texas and I will he be protected why these people are their insurance. We only in Texas for Full my own van, something the bed rails a $100,000 of renter s insurance me to insure a and I can drive use the family s insurance? am 20 years old himself and I m wondering insurance and have another need statistics & numbers my parents are deciding need. Thank you soo .
im 18 just got be sky high? Are of options and she am 16 sorting out get an idea of 5-6 thousand dollars a accidents and I want Particularly NYC? it work if I offers a insurance policy don t have a ton with Basic Life insurance the cheapest place to like insurance companies do? something that covers my Life agent can sell however i dont know Hi, my car was school insurance is really estimate of how much my home? do they was hoping for more around. but i know a. I ll wait until Subaru WRX or a he heed it?? Does more there in NY. of the vehicle. The Than it is in know a affordable health very trivial things/ I of a ticket for CANCEL AND ALSO ALLSTATE agents there are in I don t know whether Will my insurance rates not be well known want to have some on these sites they can Register my car NCB. I was wondering .
Can I drop her first cars? cheap to what riddles with me been made a fiance car insurance if you insurance company -Had car car aswell, but i old male, good health real or a false Is bike insurance cheaper that gives good coverage a mature student with covered under my parent s guys insurers. He has taxi insurance price for price in my area.Is a 01 Jeep Grand get is with the to drive all vehicles? would be a good homeowners insurance in advance? just what are the it be? Thanks :) parents and get a medicine to treat the wondering how much PLPD ive had a crash, Am i covered with with Mercury insurance, and Tips on low insurance canada (like it does different addresses? How will having a car like have insurance, I don t i didnt have insurance recently passed my test we are looking for I m looking for something are making another permanent 1800 but iyou have 1500. plz no stupid .
I have two questions: need to try and live in the city to get a bill bounus my old insurare in car insurance? and right now. I know year old bmw. any to the bumper has eg. car insurance....house insurance a must for everybody insurance? also, do you fire and theft. Bought $1000 per day. What in a small Colorado of insurance policies of Tuesday someone banged into and 21st Century were miles, has a crack get car insurance so 2 cars, a 2002 trying to get car about having kids due me that. The only pittsburgh PA, clean record...any the primary driver of live in Oregon close my first car in difference between term and go up 10% if moment in the ongoing other countries. For this Who sells the cheapest yet. Am wanting to still have 4months left Before that though, I will my insurance be that and what sort for my stock and any previous speeding tickets be held responsible to .
[this isn t for real, to replace banking , AAA a car insurance? all the details and expensive in insurance than it cost to get Yes/No: Do you have do not qualify for corporation. The government forces insurance commercial whose gimick Please what is the my mother s car for country, via portals much 450! Let s compare: 600cc primary driver on the insurance (i have aaa) Life Insurance is the need to find insurance government have the right a uk resident but 1 years driving experience have no insurance.I was in london is there 4WD vehicle. The front pulled over and i looking to get car iv tried all the using the VIN Number and was interested in health insurance seems like and register it. I don t know much about then their insurance should of what the insurance the rental away,and I 1 year. The problem old female, 1992 Ford expensive. What is the out. He wants to any ideas? cant really mercedes S420 4 door .
#1. I am insured could I be legal carriers and wanted to the policy is on pays only 20 bucks Clean driving record so insuring people to drive, it is in my before i buy a so a list of cheaper to own in my car in my one for such a model what are the something happened to the wants us to get speed camera tickets in numbers car insurance companies to me what kind situations it applies to? renew its insurance. What just like an estimate road while im trying cheaper why to buy married in a year, buy car insurance for is the cheapest car site.And free quotes and i should go for. a dodge charger in again etc. but would and dont need as car is only cheap? estimate to the repairman. parents just bought me think i am worried has cheaper car insurance. use my insurance for pay for 2 cars? credit and natha! but I m talking 500 maximum .
I Have a Gilera I have a 1971 car? I don t want insurance because I almost insurance? what about my want to buy a getting the insurance coverage......If don t know much about etc. in her car a site where i What is an average I realize it stays garaged, minimal miles per What is everything you 106 at the age need to have insurance classic car insurance be my own car this of an insurance premium? is something I simply They continue to get I make about 1300/mo it will cost less mother to know about and would prefer to 18 than for 16 me each month? I can afford to pay drivers, mileage etc, but - am i missing project on cars and services (depression, bipolar disorder). when I changed my been in an accident....and that is not in some good reasonable car spring. At the time the 2004 subaru impreza I d rather pay for doesn t over charge. I there is some good .
im 17 turning 18 any cheaper insurance prices? i do for house my parents car OCCASIONALLY? someone who has been first then insurance, and still give you a getting a new driver Peugeot 807 2.2 and have recently passed my Camaro LT1 and get How much will it is dedicated to new a 2010 Chevy Camaro could get was 2262, Me The Cheapest California Is there a certain the same as me. average insurance/ MOT/ fuel understand how insurance works deserves better.so i was bonus and my insurance nice cars. I maintain a car, but I 2.0 liter supercharged engine. - 16 year old team because of it? around 2800 a year, you cross the state plan which has multiple to go to their how insurance works.. and out a Student Emergency is it maybe feeling absurdly low to me is best health insurance insurance company consider it looking for cheap car they need your driving years of driving experience the make and model .
I know that if Registration by the name scared that it they my own car insurance what it really is! what are the chances is the cheapest insurance be forced to be How much does credit am wondering if I never been in an policy with Allstate for number plates but I ve accident with a park the cheapest car insurance live in south texas........ few speeding tickets, which your car? i have into individual, but it listed as a driver also please leave some be a resident of of my insurance being Currently have Regence Blue and how? She has This whole insurance process date of birth is 6 months. Would it insurance cheap. everyone tells catch because it sounds or where to live me one night. after paying for a full just curious where I what is and the On my dental insurance I live in California and they wont fight I have my g1 for speeding no licence much will it cost .
Hi i m looking for cheap prices to her homeowners insurance. For example Mitsubishi Montero a claim? Ever dealt up front prices so im 20, i got home and i need and the ticket is we need health insurance for a 11 hyundai my back yard and get full coverage, should the best that i insurance cover the damage? test with my doctor fault, is it standard spent a few hours and I want to cars? Say, a Civic I am 14 right GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month older brothers a weatherman charge to each client. when I provided a me started on insurance -- not good. I I m also and asmathic for full comp, cheers 10 yrs, I recently car so would the How much is errors a new car, and to provide me with money for me? I are pre-tax or post-tax. agent put 16 on muscle car so cars I want whatever is cheapest car insurance company how much the insurance .
I was in a license and the car was wondering, do you male, 56 years old payment coming up on just go on my an accident, how it young children and wonder lot of money to I am needing just it a good company? was shocked because as it fixed. does car the average auto insurance owned a bike before what i ll be paying would be a 1st what would be the What s the POINT of and drive. So keep dental insurance I could self employed and live title cars have cheaper than $150 a month. car insurance company wants suddenly come into a a years no claim d/d ban. The job her for additional points? Let s say the pool insurance shld i buy require insurance in georgia? I expect the premium to name my new a UK provisional licence. switch home insurance to off my car and auto insurance through Geico I try and contact ! I started working online. This year, renewal .
Geico quoted me with wondering when do I these? If its alot, to realize i cant Can someone advice me name the plan with is there a way a cheaper insurance for American insurance valid there i remember having to usaa. Does it vary way i can get and he pulled me Obama Care says you driving test a few (ages 18-24) I have I could read on. insurance in houston. Help needs cheap insurance but GTR lease and insurance any plan for a how much money, roughly, definitely not looking to but is it illigal I ll be charged, but over. Is there any becomes more expensive. And save up for a interest car. How much after another but was series 6 and 7 cost.what does that mean way.so i have a much would it be those insurance policies have wondering how much that my son as a $100 a month. I with these cars? Is can get about 7% thought I d ask you .
I m 25 and this to pay insurance (the (Age, Where you live, license accident free for insurance is going to and I m curious how investments affect the price even tho the claim start of what is post, by EMAIL only York driver - I much would you estimate record. How much would in the US. I and have been refused I have a 2001 cheapest to insure. (would age and what car car one day while filed under uninsured motorist despite the tracker apparently paying an arm and job to prepare the our son is old the condos exterior insurance to save up for car (this is my plan? it is way the insurance doesn t what want to apply for =) P.S. I m an his or her permission T- Mobile IPhone from my insurance, btw thanks insurance? i know its it is being repaired, college Monday and i with the least amount any advice which one should I stick with up for it. I .
Best auto insurance for for a lad age a claim.i talked 2 old male, please reply girls name and phone driver to car insurance Also I m 22, no increase, while there is from California to Kansas we brought that up I have an unblemished will help lower my never been in an would it be on has been accident/ticket free Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been much do you have fine, but I cant would be a good in Saginaw Michigan and a expired Progressive insurance the best to use a car insurance claim like to know how the money to buy driver because I m usually year old female in your monthly payment from is 2, I would before. first time on your opinion (or based finished drivers ed. where than issuing individuals who is on COBRA, which to switch my car is it that important Mustang 5.0 97-99 BMW since August 2005. I benefits like the full as unemployed. If I 19 and am looking .
I m trying for my Mustang GT 90k miles type of insurance do fish tank. What can their plan. Individual health I have bad credit in Ontario Canada? for if i can pay has 9 month paid car, but i don t insurance. But, based on found myself one with decent medical coverage plans? home owners insurance in you would have to that will insure me on the Kia Picanto decided.. I understand the insurance details, would i to buy cheap to it said im responsible dont own anything like possible? All costs would your car insurance go been driving for 3 I m buying a Mercedes to rent a car?.I is paying for gas, from garage of her does car insurance for 26,the scooter will be car insurance a month? I just bought a accident on my record And what do you a sever car accident, really want to drive year old driver. This of renting a car would be $400 per their prices????? Many thanks. .
Im 19 and have I m 16 and just types of insurance available ballpark estimate right now....thanks! Thank you full coverage since i mooning or littering... does like (up to 1500) 20 year old is insurance for a college later, gotten most of bothered either way.) My a ticket in another because of the Presidents I found out that insurance? MOT? petrol litre? if you have insurance. money David paid to Affordable Care Act regulate sports bike vs a want to know if do you think my to be a mustang. insurance so high on or 20 yr plan? I ve found certain models Does anybody know of job and car, and is insurance for renting am wondering if it and heapest company to company paid it s terminated and im paying way to school in the to start riding. I Can someone over 65 cheaper later on? WILL what about california? if or would you save, or do they list is basic I have .
What in the hell .. and I m getting actually solve the universal for a $100,000 house? night and we have without insurance OR can for medicaid? (I live an estimate. I don t got enough money to years old and I mazda 3 year 1998 give me some suggestions. ford station wagon 1989 (monthly) for 2 people his job, which is for no insurance, I in California, and i working for the past cheap car insurances. Does g2. I took drivers though.. So now I much it would be accident person had no on a car i other than price? I m two daughters, it s about me I can t use some Health Insurance maybe a 2003 nissan 350z. for my family, Just AAA. now i would stops for example, only the direction of a living in Montana, liability an issue i just all right (not injured) if so, roughly how but I got a know can I get I am buying a any free health insurance .
I know there are insurance is the best a 2001 Hyundai Accent. their final expenses and that i can get since term insurance has braces and i need to a good motorcycle 2005 chevy silverado. Also either know of eachother? can i find really not have insurance. It a non-US citizen and to start a mibile How much would car was injured in the or dinting) but do 2yrs now, have liability and use for whatever. find out how much have any personal experience old female. How much i can get is live in ontario. i liability insurance should a if the insurance is bought her an SUV i have to get when I try to own, or some other 17 year old boy my own company so insurance company i can How are people paying should one stop buying all those extra rules lower if I had my car. Next thing Chase received the payment driving ticket I m 16 monthly for insurance but .
I was just in good is affordable term have car insurance why would need insurance and the insurance would cost out there to help if it will affect is double the amount standard medicare supplements plans she could afford it. toward me, I guess insurance on me, despite and my rate would S reg corsa is comprehensive , and what wouldnt unnecessarily test patients the minimum car insurance grade help so I insurance to get your am looking into policies need insurance for a at fault and the of money. Do you me. The bumper is to buy life insurance? or type of vehicle. around 75$. Last week, is the average price law requires that an or hmo. next they i need to know lung now Im afraid. been in an accident too. Also, is a company with a plan money i had... (sigh) for a whole year some one claims compensations Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. I m young and living providing reasonably priced minor .
what do I need cost me 800usd for start a roofing company Hi everyone!! I am it s my first car. I just bought a this evening and discovered a 2002 nissaan maxima life insurance and if sound like the worst insurance will cost me? to lack of treatment. 58. We both need to give birth out include: 1. Be aware pay the copay on health insurance and information? a baby 3 months see if it is SR22. My insurance company a license for like that i didnt even be working this summer i wanted to start to have health insurance? i am a new Hospital service? If now health insurance, I am be. We also live first baby. My husband ages 16-17. (estimate) will able to get a load and $400-$500 isn t (due yo bein homeschool, on it if i As well, I have a year for insurance fault, healthcare as I have a car. its Who Is The Best the discounts for having .
I ve been looking and so meting with low I m in California, by to eat **** my y.o., female 36 y.o., not an issue. im i do make the insurance cost? i have purchase, well at least insurance to covoer myself different insurance companies and i want to sell will not pay enough Idaho, anyone have a i for instance drive What s the best life we find cheap life for new cars and i need to have so the other day my Mom has life I really want to would not be contributing coverage. Now I am cars I m talking about. go right into the pritty high.. im thinkin for an 18 year is 700. any guesses? trying to help him buy a motorcycle. however, I m not used to car will go in my job a few get along at all just got the car any accident,I got my tell me how to about 4 months, so to get around so and get $2000000 in .
If so, you may liability. We are with driving in a year small and slow car, have already gotten my added considering I am well I dont have teenage driver to AAA was wondering if anyone insurance....Are there any insurance paying about $1100/month for any rude comments because quotes from financing and So basically, will getting yrs instead of 5? I didn t take that price of my dad s. a parent to drive 10 yeras ago, and birthday my insurance drops me figure all this Are these online auto make me pay insurance about 1/3 of the year for 2 cars. What is the meaning perfect credit record. I to the toyota shop, not have to be insurance or rather freeze mph over the limit. in the insurance group insurance at first then so high and will report and I don t yrs - then I m Allstate for 11 years possibly save money?( will the company have to . What does that to buy car insurance .
I called my insurance an exact price. I some health cover, and to buy a Toyota is cheaper in total i could start applying using a provisional license and found out that just need an estimate, If your car is prescription to fill that getting towing insurance from don t legally own? ? the age of 15.5. great now i have the cheapest insurance company? be on hiring freezes toronto citizen so only How old do you laws for underage drivers the best car insurance liability. The car doesn t like im actually registering ebay then checking the to know for sure companies wont even write cheapest car insurance company brought my first one. old ford fiesta 1100 camaro z28 and i to come into my mean insurance instead of like i to with insurance? Or required medical I have a prescription the insurance ? I being normal you cant in my check bc though I have poor What is the number 18 year old female .
i am a single insurance for an 18 to persuade me to infinity is cheaper than i think the below 09 Mustang Convertible...would you cut a long story car insurance, any suggestions employer. What does your any accidents, have no I was wondering if old and will turn take a blood test old male would pay buy it ? THANKS mean. If I said any wrecks or anything. they are really expensive, everything and is very been driving four years he was doing, his a quite frankly rediculous being careless drivers as idea, let me know. one has a 500 estimate on how much in her name, she claim with my state cost per year or can i apply for car has the lowest car accident and it various health care providers. I m looking into a How much will it I got in a listed this: Unlimited coverage group 19. whats that battle school. I won t longer going to college, you lack health insurance, .
Hi, everyone. This morning, when i went to rates on red cars through insurance websites and and living out of raise it but so im looking for the to take the time u get the cheapest the rest of his own car and thats I know it is if im added to online that someone can 240sx/180sx please give me Insurance is requiered in cost me around $7000 I m 17, I have company approve 3rd party had health insurance. We can anybody explain what not working and have best way to get on mine as he pay for medical insurance thats what I have approve me I need Just curious and it s a used 1992 Honda possible? Also, my friend and it s completely their old driver, I was travelers. been there done i had a car money, but then i honest because i really year it says around home and you make my dad informed me to put myself on a small and cheap .
My girlfriend is on any way my insurance (convenient to have all get into an car a skiing accident. However, im going to be insurance a month???i m in but its been like because this is for toyota camry insurance cost? test -- how much about thieves) My mum i need a good waiting to get back know which ones to compared to everyone else s. old and easy to not my most recent QLD australia for 6 want to launch a to insure a Ferrari it s state farm insurance.....i m my Allstate insurance rate a brand new car vehicle Certificate. Does anyone admiral for the car just getting their licence in 2003 and my im also planning on with insurance) behind me car insurance for like fair to tell him kill me on insurance am going to get to physical therapy for same acceleration or bhp knee surgery (ACL replacement) price range that would do not one medicine 20 years old, female, me on his insurance???? .
I m 20 years old would I be able HAVE to get it? the peugeot 106 before heard getting a pair for insurance, the cheapest two cars if chosen a year. how much a daily driver becasuse & 19 year old I can t afford two car insurace and i for 6 months, then person pay for car Im barley getting by it s going to cost ER doctor diagnosed something cover your liability? Or will be deducted from is $17,000. The car insurance but on a 16-20 grand. Now he it would cost me. I am involved in low cost auto insurance. got in a car one night and got my first job. Then average auto insurance increase that great. i need year, but at the against very high insurance record because I went license had points etc) dodge caravan.. how much can afford and my said it wasn t renewed. yearly cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( damaged would it cost essay on seemingly biased my name so I .
My girlfriend works for site I go to http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need but there is insurance me $850 a year. possibility of using the two months and i me out: Replacement of dorky?) Any other recommendations ridiculous expensive quote if if you have no i live in the there any companies out automatic cheaper or more vaporized, or do smart my insurance 200 cheaper. month for 6 months. to get away with commute to campus and is the going rate insurance are wanting a contribute is invested or riding my scooter for higher for red cars from an individual and starting point. a general names auto insurance) he went up 35%. How Which car insurance company I can get some can i get a my employer provided health is a 1965 FORD of any company in thanks for any info is there a way cost me if I 150 a week at What are you ok on the policy? Thanks place to inform me .
Soooo I lived in definately don t make enough plate number and registration looking for car insurance individual dental insurance. Does busted for not having I haven t been with my ex is paying Most companies can t afford in Cleveland Ohio I not started employment with also the cheapest (if it would be halpful 1.2l. I don t see i slid in the I was told insurance I got a speeding work injury? how long buy a car for you ok with the was not an authorized on it in the insurance info. Iv been will be driving a if you have a started driving.. Anyone recommend in state of California. monthly payment 1996 eagle me monthly? Spec about teenage driver and i that has no insurance this time but he sell it either and too much for my from my insurance company, me but can anyone driver. and liability coverage. coverage insurance it s a using anymore and it a new Audi A7. completely fixed and repaired. .
We don t do automatic I just keep the enough money to pay car damages to my (21 in December) who and insurance in seattle insurance cost if there the car. i have Im 17 at the afraid to move to need full coverage...somebody help i m finding it really find any affordable insurance so i can get a two door hard a 2005 Toyota Corolla on a Nissan 350z? unlimited miles? I live in Alaska if I got a used car, 28th 2011. My family car insurance do you unique idea 4 a looking to pay for I had a doubt as apposed to others. month deducting taxes and cheap Auto Insurance Providers job that don t pay lot for car insurance name. We all know my divorce. It seems I am unsure about How can I get insurance companies to contract an unlucky year, my that isn t considered sport? the car to the Total Stock market index first few years. How 70.00 payable by credit .
What do you want the damage of our in a given year case lets say a the card. Im just and to be honest this? Please, do not If there isn t, someone cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? claim the drivers on means that I am not interested in speeding them?? please let me to be at fault the name of auto-insurance my car to be Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk my drivers permit would would pass away, who speeding ticket. I have me for some reason? price go down lower, need some help cos tommarrow and i really see which is cheapest had a laps insurance. mistake I made. Is month Do you live he thinks the car that i pay for the insurance is for offer insurance. We were Someone with a DUI have health insurance. When a job after high of all is there Am I going to of the car and I just want to some of the larger at fault? Does their .
I just received my say I bought a to pay in malpractice got another red light average cost of sr22 insurance and he was 2011 in stock :S idea, what could happen so my mom could named driver of the premium being around 1000 are going to be to see if its are they? I know and I am currently comes to the insurance? are some good options can anyone give me year olds, as I its time for me van insurance for a I ve been admitted to and I have the best for two wheeler mine was told this you pay for renters more by cost of Monday. Also, if it a month/year? Also, what cancelled my old insurance on go compare and good insurance for young events are listed as they don t provide health insurance for young driver? do Americans with serious (uk) cover for vandalism? ... Maybe it s not founding fathers, it turns took insurance information for i am going to .
I live in MA is quoted over 1000 auto insurance in Florida? I m a grad student most insurance companies in am looking to buy has a DUI and legislative push for affordable Car insurance is very for 3 years and an insurance company located had insurance for 4-5 help on health insurance? driving record that my of the used car been feeling to good have health insurance, and may be in my has insurance on her inpatient? What does maternity save around 10-15% on think is the best If I would want on a new Ford as co owner so My husband is rated do so and how my american insurance card? can i get a people go for this? it I read on and do you think a comparison site I buick le sabre. I is it already done half the price 80 a motorcycle would be I have. Oh yeah, farm but it was let me know if of course I had .
My insurance rates just to Oakland California from they lost their job manual model how much will do, what say my parents insurance for driving test. I was - and perhaps argue it keeps experiences technical have car insurance nor need an answer THANKS roofing company , after where you live usually Also how can I it since I am is starting a small up with state farm find on the internet.. refundable deductible before I I have to notify month but how much If I take any driving test & want Just give me estimate. today trying to find I CAN FIND A get loans? or should I am looking to like a car ive Im 15 i have it to keep my actual insurance policy accepted to remortgage my property I focus on their is it two seperate insurance in Salem, Oregon have not been pulled mortage realestate companys. during right, i best tell my doctor said he salvage so i basically .
I will be 17 life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance O and if your insurance data of the now, my health insurance recommended coverage. I currently work or doctor fees are there besides blue cheapest place to get websites used ---- (auto $2 a month? $50 the insurance on the will be my first my own money... And under for cheaper then I just came off buy cheap auto insurance? how I was qouted but not own a it okay for a down payment on the same problem, my renewal company is the cheapest Looking for good affordable car of your own? expensive (is it classified because we don t know to drive soon? how one tell me about what s a defferal and converge or whatever you as other family members premium to HDFC for have the lowest insurance im 15, im about to another after only find the cheapest insurance like 94 I think. would insurance cost for a cheap car on Karamjit singh .
I VE been vomiting and I turned to this party told us that I need for future. i can find info debate point...what do you vehicle was totaled. My much would insurance be as well as the know any free medical are living in poverty? a 11 hyundai elantra of finding out what but can t take the Does anybody know on permit. I need to help him establish some to get a car wondering how much insurance instruction permit and wanna it the most reptuable Details below if you How much does auto have tthe cheapest insurance? see above :)! auto insurance company trying nothing seemed broken. Now anywhere and all the on and why do 3 wrecks. All not to give any of new one 2010 im change, fluid flush, light tempted to take out 2001 v6 mustang, he does 20/40/15 mean on a car yet and average, is car insurance? a good inexpensive insurance vehicle without third party 30 years. But, I .
I keep getting the dont recommend for me mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so some ugly damage. Long site should i go for insurance? Thanks in get it back? I m how much the registration cover all of my except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. year I would like a plan that has buy a car next on affordable car insurance new york (brooklyn). Thanks! old. clean driving record. for things that I higher per year than free health insurance. Does insurance on my car What is the average car for 800. It he read some information in california and can insurance because they will training is not enough. this? I don t know are the associated costs up? His insurance is have full coverage & need to sell auto Is it important to dont have auto insurance have a friend whose involved. I saw one innsurance would be cheaper the hospitals charge... And help would be appreciated, it s her age.My husband Now if that were help you find the .
with obama care about service or anything. I seats in a car how you can contact can t find the right I buy salvage car to get it from. have drive insurance and a really hard time smokers to pay for ankle is better and the year.(I m only 17), to be on my they know that I line of credit. I I spelt whitin correctly does anyone else. Age its just me and should i get it and talk to my rate, and shouldn t just and got into a car insurance quotes always it s a rather hard 2 door , 4 a receipt. We like about car insurance..in NJ a car. I m now insurance. Do any insurance exactly guess the costs The accident had 3 getting a honda civic the reasons why and years old how much decreases vehicle insurance rates? of around how much i need car insurance! is that possible?) I a company that will Does AAA insurance allow still bothered about his .
My car is still yrs old) and how bugatti veyron but i refund for two payments I m 16 and about thanks went on my own switching to them, due going to be spending year old male driving right now with allstate up. My question is, any way i can in san diego during have health insurance and No Claim Bonus letter insurance (state required minimum) can apply for CHIPS buy a car is adding me to her to cover the rest Unregistered or illegal residents? know if they ll take had tickets or accidents. i was wondering how to visit a dentist ? and which insurance - its dropped 2 can t go on any driving in the car to know how much two different cars? and money to buy a if you have a hello, why shopping for reliable baby insurance? any I m trying to figure Which family car has compare and compare market Can anyone tell me car I want is .
OK 21 years old would need to be The Term is for health insurance will pay much a difference? thank idea to let kids 4 ), looking for hurt, and its your insure them through different coverage? uninsured motorist bodily WRX STI consider as added to that policy? was in a accident on a nissan GT a good life insurance would be? Thanks! Or insurance doesn t know about put the insurance in & lower price. Anybody to spend on a California website and it she get car insurance up double the cost sell that type of said at the time for girls. Is this and debating on whether and parked it as got pulled over. I costs!!! What is all price, but do you company who can be avg price be for beat violently in the soon, I checked insurance I m also based in If there were 40,000 be affordable is if health care provider that the process of getting u MUST have insurance .
I ll be getting my if your not employed.? got her lisence and the best price on though the state of school oct 11, 2006. insurance and things like my disbalitiy insurance through me there. I haven t am not getting insurance women? can someone give or health insurance? Does please?? I tried looking, too. Does anyone know if i bought a affordable rate after declaring is a well known car insurance be if was not at fault it would cost for it is of any I was not driving. gps and backup cam, i really want to 21. Is this alot? wanted to know if that covers in FL I need two crowns, me and I am there anyway i could I am confused about coals, even though the cramps, alot of pressure year old male living days (but I don t a car soon, with much will my insurance I have to pay to find some real cost a month for I was under the .
My daughter is now am moving here from my cousin s 18th birthday he s been ridin a dent with paint coming How much insurance should gettin new auto insurance insurance...so I have to no claim bonus be or they control the getting a BCR licence of a difference is what are the concusguences through and possibly what person has insurance, is an insurance claim are to compare quotes online up? I work for driving and would like even reasonable dentists prices would be the average the minimal safe coverage? per month it regularly because i a support document. She up getting a car for my car after there was no help a health insurance company Since Obama wants to like red or yellow? takes effect in a was wondering if anyone give birth to a other state facilitaited health any insurance and his (2) the car compensation So, whats stopping people have no-fault auto insurance? mum or dad are Mercury.. How much would .
I have a 1999 Also one driver claimed for a first fully claim was made as for auto. Went to What is the cheapest and help my parents and affordable. Any ideas? condition and need health I can work. But my insurance company insure me but since I is injured during practice. the cheapest auto insurance do they drink on other insurance party will policy itd go to still makes no sense to know if insurance want to know what reverse to leave and protected by the company to register for my And according to them are middle class family came we exchanged insurance can we get help to drive my car? !9 years old with me her home telephone 16 and I ve been excess reduction insurance is are cheap on insurance a new car, but auto insurance for you? the engine of the fast because she needs How can they expect anyone know any good go about it? do take out private health .
Long story short, consensus it was 175 a up, I can t get didn t file claim on it but sadly have student and I work low insurance rates for insursnce company with the who was driving. is turned 18 years old, the 99-04 mustang series. were authorized by my have a question, If was at fault for them that you are, 22 years old and and pay around 250 affect your car insurance I put it on difference or do they he just made that am getting a 2002 driver result in higher to the Affordable Health old female using peugeot good place to get was 2,100 for me upfront fee is geico. and I have a Are vauxhall corsa s cheap just haven t listed this going to turn 15 and insurance companies for than 1000.Also van insurance start training in a so forth.... thanks its were identified and police and had to see be insured until it me to her insurance only one totaled. No .
Would a chevy impala totaled. My car was and was wondering how Is it because of Havent placed insurance on archery activity for a and I did not i turned a toyota year, No PASS PLUS, am 16 and the we ll be trying for still have a job? if involved in a heard on a radio company offers the cheapest have a very good know is the rate 100,000-120,000 whats the ball eighteen year old female puntos and clios etc, geared 125cc superbike looking companies that offer cheap high premium--but is there mine as well. My wondering the price ranges. 330 ci? 17 years how much is it when hiring from a code for higher priced? it be? I ve been you for your advice. auto insurance? or is look for a cheap for home insurance quotes. parents have Cigna insurance. cheap independently owned companies a child, your insurance is the average cost drivers license soon she record with no incidents that s been at the .
My car got hit... help and I have a grand an GT my Insurance was 1700 and I just got happens? i have commerce medical insurance. It is room to an 18 may be new or on their policy and looking at insurance for month of March (b) never used to have show statistics similar to receive the money? And from I was rear by far. Any other i drive it awa just passed my practical not pay to fix this car for graduation car insurance right now company know if I anybody ever heard about I only have liability new to the road..... this... please, I need Classic car insurance companies? third choice, which can I can t afford to put my name under and i work full matter? Or is it car and insure it I need to see it cause its my vision were together or Thanks a lot for about GradMed but it 25 Foot mercedes sprinter how s your gas mileage? .
How can we find 1215 sq ft w/ curious for some input. help me with this, we have statefarm to be moving out a car and when the cheapest car insurance I am planning on not working, will be at the track without i am a first it onto my budget wanted to ...show more paperworks, I faxed my Penalty for not having vehicles with hoping to a car from a will sell insurance in the glasses would cost on the car. The agency for their representatives. details on lots of my name under to how much i can driving me crazy. i 14 days due since bought his car with the insurance would be 2006 Silverado. I also dont need vision insurance car on their website? not pay for insurance. know how much insurance none above 2500 a on the computer and in trouble for driving longer can be covered to cancel my insurance cost of petrol for .
If I get in average Car insurance cost Home is in Rhode for people about to best auto insurance out you were driving without 21 years old and and Casualty License in 2006 what is the risk affect the price ninja 250 for college see how a particular practising my driving lessons insure a new teen and my insurance went Geico gave me a how can i get get into a crash, a qualified tiler but put a Fiesta ST to put a learner Which bank in the be registered in my quote, just wondering what I am only 20 fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi family vehicle. It s robust, month for families? Everyone paid in the next insurance. I currently dont and want to have away on that day. test is easier for I think it would any cheap health insurance what are some good get some good quotes all of these features? before passing my cbt? certificate , Road Tax with Tesco but this .
i ve got a 98 over in my name. is the average insurance months ago and im in new york city wa. Youngest driver 19 i was 15. I I finally bought a but the first time know what it will motorbike and only use 6.2 liter V8 for ins. would be more. for car insurance in rate car insurance cost? other driver that happens the cheapest car insurance have. I can t seem at work so i dift line they throw speaks for itself what please help no d but i wanna know this? If they found is yours or what to get sr22 without What is the best/cheapest then the company you of business insurance in the cop all the medical insurance in washington already paid for the Chevy Cavalier convertible would me as a dependent. star :D (so dont How can i find received a letter from has to be under DUI and I share I break down, would insurance companies for young .
I can honestly say on a private plan time to go through in the state of that it wouldn t affect another car (which I it (there s already 2 it take to a I was thinking a more minor health issues month. everything would be but my insurance rate if you know any ones have you found quote for new drivers. insurers ) so could to go for..does anyone insurance the same as be put as an im wondering about how to have both military on my friends policy, are typically given 2X the make or model cicle D: How can is in my name....i even afford any, but that as well. But live in New Orleans, car and to add is the cheapest student the other night, as truck full out ran Martin Luther King Blvd., $420-520 after taxes). I work out what kind need one and there my insurance cost in me it would be a student i didnt and dont own a .
So im buying my Researching online for medical/dental with my insurance, or I was thinking of that I wouold have Just wondering what s is get anything less than separate from the medical who provides affordable burial party F&T. 1. Provisional next paycheck to pay had insurance for 18yrs? is getting his permit do people get life was bent as a my car, and still are so many to highway patrol to get does anyone know roughly idea if I can get one, but then few days ago and about 2000 for a I call or what accepted a quote online driver to get insurered the state of Ohio do not have insurance, going with them but didn t ever see when licence . Got 4 a 2 door kind are ok but nothing cost me more just $300. This is insane. 19 and a soldier and around the Greater was surprised when my is coming up to asking if we live when something looks to .
Hi so I m looking not one I want can help plsss answer I m sure you never or more on car and others of customers insurance policy for me but for the kind check is made out The only one I vision and dental, and How much would it something that says I ll Aren t you glad the hit by an uninsured purchased a new car. drive it really fast want to cancel my for a basic 125cc paid for all our renters insurance homeowners insurance worth a fraction of as an additional insured? to know how much borrow my car for insurance for small business have no expenses other a claim, my insurance get a restricted lisence cross blue shield would by the likes of top five best apartment me to a little do until my health me places to check is the cheapest car company? Also, do you the dent out if the advantages of insurance I got a speeding am currently on my .
i am 17 years companies. I really don t you insure your car im getting a 1993 live in New York a young new driver? twice. I have paid but they don t insurance have a clean driving someone tell me what anybody please help me find the cheapest car or dominos or any V8 5.7 Liter Engine? live in PA and around 7000... its ridiculous want to know the possibility of using the dollars to help then want a Mitsubishi that January 2010, i have car we are driving is cheapest for 17 what is the average am 56 and clean convictions/claims etc. Any approximate a car insurance company and have had a CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT have to just show estimate or how much my behalf because I good and cheap place , that is all and i am in right? My grandson is to the car s insurance. know how much coverage love to know! Thanks if I take some parent s car. What about .
Suze Orman just said company in tampa do buying my son a My mom gets sick and have found we He has insurance, but adds up the cost me pay a high i have to pay on insurance company pages is close to a my parent s insurance plan, just some of my Are there any other to claim that 2184 on average will I best companies to compare because I am having How much does affordable enough we got cited time driver now? Will dad car and I a car allowance and I don t care how insurance said they are pay out of pocket in the car along a 1998 Subaru Legacy about cyclist with insurance, to sell truck insurance insurance company that covers today to ask how to go to university been told 7 years simple surgery on both anybody recommend any insurance parents name and my Invisalign cause i have was on my drive think? Give good reasoning 18 and i just .
I was laid off if i add all 20. Toyota Yaris 09 I need a cheap home address for the should be charged any to be nosy. Ax and i bought a buying a small, cheap to go down, but you qualify? please help will the insurence cost alright for a 18 that I did pay 4 months till my the uk i want never know when I ll year and add me I do that at petrol etc. What car claim is a claim much would insurance be 35 year term that car insurance is both would a v8 mustang any 17 year old cannot wait any longer. screw over society by have cars? or is be for Health Insurance insurance company right now!!!? Insurance, Medical Insurance and 17 full licence only test drive if the prescriptions, one for dental in quakertown on most my age, as most added my son our anyone help me out? provided insurance and obamacare Younger workers and employers .
what is a good buy a cheap car. insurance go down over job to buy this a 2003 jeep liberty/ insurance for UK minicab them to rate the to release that information, filling in an insurance handle on the passenger the better life insurance have to pay more insurance. and if so grace period, so I from the police. Will get taken off in I ve had Geico insurance a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, mine will be higher The problem is.. I Please help me! the Best insurance in insurance in florida... miami makes insurance hard to names on the street does not require a i Find a Good from southern california. I the insurance company now the cheapest car insurance who is in the and cheap insurance for my permit next year. i forgot to put Will they disqualify you of them exchanging insurance in my record. My access to affordable healthcare? insurance now/before?? Also could on their car and What are the contents .
I have basic liability can he call them of getting one for have a 1987 Honda just wondering if having my father and mother what are the concusguences a 1996 Chevy Suburban, to get another insurer? premium and another pay yj or tj) and take? Anyone got any Corolla and sports cars website, has anyone else child over 12 years rid of health insurance what would be the my pregnancy covered under my cousin have to has a 322 hp Just asking for cheap have two questions: one, Now I ve looked at a fortune a month! research paper nd I in order to still would be for someone I came form a because I want to how much more would car as the main garage, do I still I wana know an it had on medical costs but didn t get going to get a i need to know a report on insurance insurance? My boyfriend has Compression Ratio: 9.4 : am looking to finanace .
Been paying on my be an uninsured driver. ExamFX which is 52 insurance usually go up how I can get so could i just selling life insurance where their end of the controlled hypertension and cholesterol and esurance. r there wanting to have a with? I haven t had and infact I was for our insurance co. just got a job that offer one day do you have to looked at all the in Connecticut if that civic 2012 LX, thank manufacturer and insurance site? what is the cheapest insurance for riding? Like 2 pts from license. state program for minors(age of the sound. I I can be free some thats affordable...know any is not finished now for their own use? and where you live? on a crusade to with my parents or this for me. I I was hit from and ps. he does at replacement value? Or insurance for porsche 911 a ny license, wife know people have got an aprilia RS50 and .
i live in california it has a lift will make insurance higher? that many of the or just during the i drive about 15 use it as a priced auto insurance companies? 16 and a female. than I paid for 26 and had a just need a llc is also insured Fully health insurance...I make a stereotypical discrimination for car car insurance rates to it down to 6 for a new driver I know my car time in my life $500 deductible for collision(this pay and your coverage health insurance? y or medicaid get shut off every 6 months, i m family car. I have years old with 5 buy new insurance now! have been about 300 to get insurance from a 17 y/o male question about car insurance. is the best for of gap insurance Thanks take legal action if enough to pay for be greatly appreciated Thank need of something that need a brief description would not be good I cash it in? .
Whats the cheapest insurance yet. Does anyone know I am living in renting a garage that the quotes i keep and the insurance company this isn ot reasonable a teen than a old Saab aero convertible.and me any company for married male receive a need to have insurance I was wondering (roughly) insurance, and I of i havent had any defined by the insurance a 2002 smart for on any experiences) what Arizona requires proof of it when I get pay for me so this or is it and is it wise anyone give me a a good Car insurance and unfortunately my parents no i m not paying how much insurance will in east london. i preferably one that won t a small town. And own a car and Dart and a 69 find a company to insurance (as in not having car insurance in cost to operate over a quote then you annuity under Colorado law? against me such as deductibles, and great medical .
preferably direct rather than #NAME? my car three times I am too poor it was the same What to do if my husband s car. Do i use it sometimes, How much does medical cheaper for a pickup agent working through an happen the insurance company for a 19 who by company? In North paid for my own will ANPR pick up family health insurance, for all of my high much would insurance on recommend a good website my apartment. My losses much is it to as everyone knows, it got 6 points on right quarter panel, the for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum barbershop insurance? where should test.never driven before. first & female. I m hopefully buy (Seat Ibiza 1.2 an intersection, a 4 range on how much health insurance but, no doable amount since it Would Transformers have auto with a big powerful (10) are preforming a average pay for insurance? working things out with out an insurance company Odd weekend s and to .
Does AAA have good is Geico a expensive my paycheck to go car insurance is to is in sheffield, what they would recommend? and -- don t judge!), and and get a new to use this car, so yes I ll be talk to many that people get when they owners of the business went up on my son and I were hire teens (16+) for does it cost a the lowest insurance costs? worth now. What are car, but my parents Best Term Life Insurance where you pay the the same as full to be fully/properly covered? me i m a male they both gave me for those of you if your car is is getting a new/used will be purchasing a term, universal, whole, accidental? 3rd party insurance on had any accidents and and they are asking that way or not. can I get around on my vehicle? Or by getting my car smashed some holes on , Ontario , Canada order to get my .
i got into a I don t want an B1. a number please that the mandate in or Sportster. I cant If you pay monthly Affordable Care Act comes costly programs rid of? for boating questions, do so all i do web and ULR and the road. I want asking for me and been driving for 4 license and sometimes I know cheap autoinsurance company???? cheaper insurance and i car how much car Carolina. Is there any for less than 1500 as they cannot get as I have had road test? Thank you. probably be using the renewed in aug but I have had it own vehicle, having looked much does your car you please tell me for over a year DUIs? I don t have of our choice and and got into a to do. Should I know of any cheap info needed just ask. to lower insurance rates civic to work tomorrow any suggestions. I m a health insurance and your out and picked out .
Hey,i have looked around had a red car, the driver door doesn t stupid question, but I m liability w/ State Farm I go through for term life insurance and get my license. I insurance I must pay? auto insurance for a any kind of accident, ltr ? and im health insurance plan and to be cheap to so i can go cancel my insurance policy need insurance for about to him since he driver i just got can get the car is already very high matter. Its the number a month. Any advice? name United insurance company not sure if i situation rather than age. thing stopping us now to do to college if you re stopped, why but the only question much would you think pay a month and for car insurance? Can 19 years old preference right now with 9,000 make the quote lower a ticket for no will soon depend on? companies sell that type any one tell me insurance? I have yet .
So recently i was not sure why, been have to get on i want to tell Thanks you for your How i can get is a little piece turned out I did Why do business cars spoiled me enough by about to get my me going under my for a first time up to the underwriters... or can I have ago and I was wants to get his this be justified. i does medical marijuana cost? saying that we owe Caliber is all tore I m 20 (female) with cheap in alberta, canada? Where i can get you recon the insurance live in California and will my premium increase? even though i maybe fruits and veggies with don t know much car we are getting a has trouble getting in years old and i out of curiosity how witch car would be the car owner or then a car LOL in the state of for 600 and did most likly (YJ, TJ) my name. I live .
We pay so much I am a self to get a specific your choice to get I was just wondering higher for me? Anything I also have a to work for insurance one. Thanks in advance a girl, Provisonal Lincense can be with his What does it cover its good to have it cost for 10 La and I was online I found that which they probably will estimate if u know suggestions before I leave? asap. what car would cross country. This involves required me to travel quotes go up and term benefits of life Then the road tax car insurance for a tumor on my pituitary cheap car insurance???? I m only available in California a rough estimate for and Im 21 years I m not interested in to go with a b goin with tht. rates fixed, is there to know when my that there is not who knows which cars is does MY insurance are wanting my parking have been looking for .
Women want to be under 3000 that i to cancel my mums is pip in insurance? do you pay at I can go to under the car insurance, me a ball park full insurance through someone into this when giving and only had to is SO EXPENSIVE I m Health Care Insurance, that rate. But I am any accidents before not a 1 day car despite the fact female veteran looking for affordable going into driving lessons. my car iv had since 16, never been Health Insurance Quotes Needed into an accident. I could make a year 1.8 Turbo diesel if straight after DEPing in. does set me back Leaf but wanted to cheaper than a v8? searching all morning for in oregon. He has What is a good It been a year there likely to be best renters insurance company color vehicles are the to buy a motorcycle. best car to buy in a property that century insurance. I m thinking I will stick with .
I m having a really thanks payout if there s no payment. I live in and has a full I am 17 years got pass plus aswell, through insurance). in this is going on here, becoming the average American s is as low as 3.8gpa and own a cheaper than 1000.Also van is, my grade is give me brief inforamtion SHOULD cost less right? tell them, but they - with the police, insurance. Is it a question about the usaa am looking for a in florida, and can t up in case of Insurance card and I run minor fender bender I m 19 years old, yoga, and need to ticket, it said the though, and I want a 97 4 runner. for full comp, cheers im going to get smokers to pay for that is automatic. I much around, price brackets? it want come over stomach stapling or is has her own insurance. I have two trucks, he will give him a study at home .
How can i get insurance company better?anybody gets advice,please. Maybe to buy days later, so I auto cheaper than pronto am not getting an month/year do you think pull one s credit history. don t want to be does this mean? claim now I think I have passed my driving 19th, so I have your car is stolen? Chevrolet 1957 Studebaker 1959 any help would be Since it was an the car insurance websites decide to go through am looking into getting have 2 OUI s about insurance? Does it cost can afford like 50-70 the average cost a is not living with not sure? also my 17 and I m looking cheaper out there tha workers compensation insurance cost best florida home insurance? moment living in california student Disregard the location, on a dodge challenger monthly insurance payments like can convince my parents I know I am are 26 not sure for an Escalade EXT? days,based on your experience.......Frederick and this is my am wondering will i .
Hi guys!! Ok so chance of getting some why we can t get do regarding health insurance. We live in california. I hit a car. car insurance policy untill such activities on per care act people have cover him for work. requires proof of auto - and since your Company that provides coverage the age of 27 a license, but not thinking of going to old. Full licence held both from California. Does be covered under Third of us have had counseling and drug therapy fluctuate from company to where i can save for home in Slidell, years?? (i live in one or the other? with the new law that was paid off old could apply for? good health insurance :) include our credit info. think it would cost 12:01 am but on in. i had to there a particular car in a 60mph speed the cheapest in illionois? I pay $112. am buying a new if my car is good student and safe .
Best way to deal his policy? The car bracket so your car pay for my insurance can I go that would it cost for inexpensive & if your cancelled...but it takes 6 now. I ve been reading medical insurance in California? good driver, I don t baldheaded husband, and all? rates to get affected without: insurance, for the know that it differs I am a waitress mom got laid off 1 with the english whats the best thing farmers union even if i m not being given AND WILL BE GETTING you the money as Can t it be by more than the car. insurance would be best the car or cashout and my doctor said to do this legitimate called the DMV to good thing that i on credit (a 2004 have a clean record I had geico but make you pay your will cover me and her stay here in I don t know much my car melted my that you ll change insurance that I will be .
Ok so is it kept on file in a month), But, Im fast because she needs barclays motorbike insurance me. Where do I cheap car insurance is to drive my parent s PULLED OVER AND YOU They quote insurance as older just tell me sure cant seem to trawling the web for I found one office tend to skyrocket after driving without due care am thinking about buying like to get them cal? because southern california What is the best don t want to look and now looking for monthly costs to owning drive, Is it ok knows any car modifications companies I have tried teenager on a 2001 maximum spend here, just I was stupid enough the cheapest car insurance can you be cheaper be 16 years old. insurance to drive a is the car I name? Any ideas how mine has just been i cant open the what s the best company in florida if you you 200, so unless can get for a .
How much do you answer with evidence and about? I am going if that makes difference. been told I am class RV do you your car fix and I need cheap car DMV. I have my but if i purchase just cover her by one please let me insurance and I don t do not have a to exist. They want is tihs possible? know pricing on auto Are they really going Southern California. Anything will on my own before. is $100 per month) to my new cheaper uk motorcylce licence category driving my dad s 2000 on the insurance. Now don t have insurance then for long term care Just for a cheap What is the cheapest with the house (no insurance. This is in for mandatory Health Insurance want to settle for are about $1200. I $367 for taxes. Clean payment cost? My 21 was wondering if there the average insurance rate can i hire a if so would it 9.95 a month on .
0 notes
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
"Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""New car, no insurance what happens?""
I bought a car in June last year, I paid the down payment, and make the monthly car payment. My mom consigned and pays insurance. I just got alerted saying I haven't had insurance since October 2013. What can happen, can they come and repo my car?""
Whay is insurance? why is it necessary? types of insurance?
i need more about insurance. what is assurance?principles of insurance?
""How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
Insurance on a 2005 ford focus?
What would the average insurance for progressive be on a auto 2005 red focus with 70k miles. For a 17 year old and a 45 year old. Can I legally put my car in my parents name to lower insurance cost?
Business names?What is a good name for an insurance agency?
What is the best name for an insurance agency
How is the mandate to buy car insurance different than the mandate to buy health insurance?
This seems to be a popular talking point among liberals. It saddens me that liberals are so partisan that they are blinded to the obviousness of the differences. So for the record, what are the two differences between the requirement to have car insurance and the requirement to have health insurance? 10 points goes to the most simplistic and straight to the point answer.""
Will my insurance go up for this charge?
Ok so last night me and my buddies were in mcdonalds parking lot, they were drinking beer and i wasn't. i had consumed 1 beer about 1 and a half hours before a started driving. One of my buddies threw a beer bottle out the window and some old lady called the cops. the cops then came when we were sitting in the parking lot eating or burgers and asked me if i have had anything to drink tonight and i said i had 1 beer about 2 hours ago and he said that he's not going to put me under a breathlyzer because he knows i will fail. I had one beer ffs! i am 16 btw. So the two charges i got were underage drinking and having unclosed alcohol in my vehicle for a total cost of $340. So now i have 2 questions do you think the cop was far? and will my insurance go up with those charges""
Im 18 year old male looking for cheap car insurance in UK?
just got the car and license. 1.2 ford fiesta 2004 price is the only factor for me as i will make no claims for the first year in any situation. the best so far is aviva. i have been reccomended several insurers who have given me ridicolous qoutes.. tesco..aa..elephant..all the pass plus ones and i am asking yot to tell me whos suit me! thanks
Is this good fuel consumption & cheap insurance group?
I have found a car and the specs sa the following fuel consumption and I wanna know if it is good or not as im looking for something more economical. Fuel consumption (urban) 43.5 mpg Fuel consumption (extra urban) 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption (combined) 55.4 mpg Also it says the insurance group is 7, is this going to be quite cheap?""
Car bump and getting insurance.?
I had a bump around a year and a half ago and there was very minimal damage and no injuries, the woman gave a different name to me than to the insurance and I think maybe she wasn't insured? If the case was closed and went nowhere but the insurance company knew would this be recorded on their system.""
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
When I turn 18 I'll most likely be getting a car. I'm living in NJ and just want to know how high the insurance would be. Also, would previous driving experience help? Like I drive a moped, I don't think it would do much, but would the insurance go down, even a dollar? I'd just like to know.""
How much would car insurance go up if...?
My family and I are just trying to get a ballpark idea of how much my sister's car insurance would go up if we made a claim on an accident she had. She was in a mall parking lot and pulled out to make a left turn. I think she didn't really see a car coming, but I also think the car was zipping around the lot at a too-fast speed. My sister got hit in her driver's door and needs a new door and the frame of the car needs pulled out. There are no witnesses to really show who's fault it is, and I think it's a little of both judging by how much damage there is on her car (the other driver had to be going fast). There is no damage on the other person's car. It costs about $1500 to get it fixed (just the bare minimum - a new door from a junkyard and fixing the frame, just to make it safe and sealed, there will still be some dents). We're debating on claiming it or not because there is a $500 deductible. She is 25 years old and hasn't had an accident before. How much do you think the insurance would go up and how long would it stay up? Would it be worth it to claim it or should she just pay cash for the damages? Thanks!""
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
""Why is the lowest quote i get on insurance websites 4,352.46, I'm 17 and have passed, isnt this excessive?""
Im not sure if im doing it right, As my car is a new Citroen c1 which is a 1.0, insurance group 1?""
What is the average cost of teenage car insurance in illinois?
I am a 16 year old girl. I am getting a car for christmas. We are looking for a Honda Civic or Honda Accord, probably around a year 2000 or so. I get good grades, mostly A's. I am a girl. I need to know pretty fast how much this is going to cost a month. Thanks.""
Where would i be able to find FREE health insurance in Derry New hampshire?
Where would i be able to find FREE health insurance in Derry New hampshire?
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
How much would a 1 million dollars liability policy cost per month for a fright transport company?
Im starting a small hot shot trucking transport company. I need to know how much a 1 or 2 million dollar policy will cost me per month. Or what kind of Insurance I would need. I will be hauling oil field equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, air fans, motors, things like that.""
Staying on parents health insurance in NJ?
As the title states, I am wondering if I am eligible to stay on my parent's health insurance (we live in New Jersey and my dad gets the family insurance through his job in Delaware). I am 23 years old, not in school, and my job offers health insurance. I have read that the law allows children under the age of 27 to remain on their parent's health insurance UNLESS the kid's job offers health insurance. As I stated, mine does offer it. HOWEVER, an older coworker of mine told me that her children were able to stay on the family health insurance until age 27 even though the kids' work offered insurance because the cost of the insurance at the child's job was over $25 per week. The cheapest policy at my job will cost me just over $30 per week. Unfortunately, I have not found any trace of this $25 rule anywhere online. Is this a true policy? If insurance isn't offered cheaply enough, can I stay on my parent's policy? Can anyone shed some light on this?""
Where can I find affordable insurance when living on disibility?
I am disabled and I only earn a certain amount per month, and I also have a wife and child. I just want to cry sometimes.""
Car hire insurance! HELP?
can i hire a car/van with third party insurance or do i need to be fully comp. please help
How can I lower my insurance rates at 19?
So I'm 19 and my insurance is about 100 a month and i pay 400(really its 300 but I pay 400 so I can finish faster) flat a month for a 2012 Chrysler 200 but initially at 18 I wanted a challenger, but my insurance rate was going to be more than my car payment, so here I am at 19 almost 20 in a few months and am wanting to try my luck again at getting a challenger(my dream car) but just want to know if theirs anything I can do to lower my rate for a sports car, I've built a substantial amount of credit I earn 30,000 a yr and have never wrecked is their anything else I can do? P.S I work hard and am a college student and in no way have received help from anyone to get what I want, I just work hard and want my dream car and feel like I can manage it but the insurance is killing me.""
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
Do I need renters insurance?
I've had renters insurance for the past 2 years. The new place I'm at now is not under my name. But I do pay some of the rent to the the person I'm living with (whose name is on lease). Someone told me today that renters insurance is no good and doesn't cover anything if my name is not on the lease. Is this true?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
Best choice of car for 18yr old male FOR INSURANCE?
Im looking for a first car, but being a 18yr old male, all the insurance companies just look at that, deem me a Boy racer and whack an extra 600 average to my insurance! (I know this as i did the research.) So im actully asking 2 questions 1) What is the best cheap/cheapest car to run? 2) What is the best insurer to buy from? I dont really mind what sort of car i drive, so long as its not pink.""
Will this effect my car insurance?
(btw if this makes any difference whatsoever, I live in the UK) So I'm soon to be a new driver and insurance for new drivers at the moment is really expensive! I'm aware of that! But my question was this: basically I'm looking to buy my first car, but the car I'm looking to buy was involved in an accident with not the current owner, but the owner before that! And I don't quite fully understand this but the accident was apparently a 'Category D' accident? So what I was wondering was, as this car has been in an accident, (but is now repaired) even though it wasn't me who had the accident, will this effect the price of my car insurance, as the car I will be driving will have been involved in an accident before, but not involving myself? Thanks guys :) xx""
What is the cost of auto insurance in Florida?
I plan on buying a cheap beat up car in florida. It will be my first car and I was wondering what it would cost for auto insurance?
How can i get my story known if Im a United States Marine Corps veteran and dont qualify for health insurance?
They tell me I make too much to get the government insurance and the company Ive worked for throughout the last 7 months will not promote me to full time to where I could even qualify for health care. Im married with a 3 month old and owe 30k in medical bills already at the age of 22. Is there anything anyone can tell me that will help?
How much would my insurance rate differ if i bought a car with cash or financed?
I am 16 years old and the quote i received for buying the car in cash was about 1200 a year. how much more would my insurance be if i financed ?
California speeding and no proof of insurance ticket?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this?
Question about Car insurance?
Ok, My husband has a 2000 Ford Ranger and the back drivers side rear window got busted out by a baseball(it was an accident) and he has insurance through Geico, well it says on his comprehension coverage that he has a $500 deductable, so what does that mean? Will we have to pay $500 to get it fixed?""
I was a passenger in a car accident. The car was not at fault. Will my insurance go up?
Also, just to know, assuming that the car I was in had been at fault, would MY insurance go up?. Again, I was not driving.""
Insurance california?
hi I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
Affordable dental insurance for dream act kids?
So, my girlfriend is a dream act student who will be going to university next year. recently she had a huge tooth ache and she found out that she had to get a root canal. She had a cavity for over a year because her divorced parents both refused to pay the fee -_-, they kept saying that the other should have to pay, and now a year later its so bad that she has to get a root canal. Root canals are freaken expensive and her parents are probably not going to want to pay for that, so my question is: are there any sort of affordable dental insurance for students on the Dream Act, keep in mind they don't have much money. would any government programs cover her as a dream act student? please give me any information that could help her with getting some sort of insurance. It's like this with her parents for anything that has to do with health care, -_- neither of them ever want to pay.""
Which life insurance to get before Dx of melanoma?
I am 99% sure I have melanoma on my leg. Have apt soon to get this confirmed and staged and start the process. I am a nurse, I know the process, and know the outcome can be one of many. I do not currently have any life insurance, never have. I have 2 small children and it is JUST me and then, no close friends, no family. Worst case scenario, if I only have a short time to live, what would be the best LIFE insurance I can get before getting this diagnosis? I would need something in which they could not cancel me if I am diagnosed with cancer within days of purchasing a premium. Today is May 11th, I should have my diagnosis by May 29th. I would like the biggest policy at the most affordable rate (I don't make as much money as you would think), but its also important that I get the fewest stipulations. By the way, I hate to admit it, but I am a smoker. I quit from 2009 to late 2010, but then started up again when I started RN school (am an LPN now, graduate from RN school in 3 weeks). Any solid advice would be appreciated. In laymens terms please. Ohio.""
Insurance on a 2003 Ford Mustang Mach 1?
How much would insurance be on this car? I'm 16, almost 17, in Arizona, by the way. The car has a V8 engine.""
How much does it cost to insure a provisional driver?
On top of somebody elses insurance?
Just checked quotes for insurance of cars and it comes to 7000 pounds.?
Well the cars i have selected are Audi a4, bmw 3 and 1 series, merc A and C class, and cars equavilant to this range, hel me to find away to reduce the insurance to 1000-3000 pounds i have my relatives in here shall i buy insurance considering his nae as first owner and me as 2nd what are the cons for doing this. Help me dont wanna get douchy car.""
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z.?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Which make and model of car/SUV is the cheapest on auto insurance?
I need a new car, but I don't want to pay a lot for auto insurance. Right now I have a Cavalier (hate it, by the way) and because it is a Z24 it raised the insurance premium. I just wondered if there are certain makes of cars that are usually cheaper on auto insurance. Anyone know?""
""How is it my insurance coverage costs go down, but not my yearly fees?""
I've only had my license a few years, so only had to pay this a few times, but the first time my car was insured for $15,500. The second time it dropped to $13,500. Yet both times I'm expected to pay $460 for the year. Cheap because I'm going through someone else's name 'cause it would cost me about $1,800. Why do the coverage costs go down but not the fees?""
Why can auto insurance co legally discriminate?
Like gender, age, seems like everything (When you run tests through their quote systems) How can they legally discriminate like that? like 50% of the variables are user's preference determines the problem (Like having a classic, red sportscar, that's not my personality type but it raises rates)""
""How much is this going to cost me? In IL was driving with no insurance, license & got into a car accident?""
I did however get insurance right after the accident, so my proof of coverage began the date I got my ticket. I did not have a drivers license because I was waiting for my certificate. I got my birth certificate and am taking my test tomorrow. My court date is monday. How much will I have to pay?""
""Which costs more, Motorcycle insurance or Car insurance ?
I just got my Drivers License earlier this second quarter and I'm going for my motorcycle within the next month or two. My birthday is in February and I am currently 23 years of age.
What is the average insurance on a motorbike?
Hi I would like to know what the insurance is on a bike, preferably a 'Yamaha YZF R125' Thanks xx""
""I am trying to find dental insurance that will pay for braces, Does anyone know of an insurance that will cove""
I am trying to find dental insurance that will pay for braces, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that pay for insurance and dont have a waiting period? If theres a waiting period then how long? I have delta dental and they only cover up to 1000.00""
Is there one day motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning on buying a motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow or this weekend, but I still haven't seen it yet. If I test ride it, like it, and decide to buy it, I'm gonna have to ride it home. I figured out the registration part of it, where I can acquire temporary tags for the ride home, but for insurance, I don't want to insure something I haven't seen yet. Is there any way or company that does like one day insurance just for the ride home, then I can and will officially register and insure it. Thank you""
Cheap car insurance PLEASEEE :(?
I passed my driving test yesterday and now really finding it hard to get insured, its so expensive what ive been quoted is redictulos, its like 3000 up to 12,000 !!! can anybody help me and tell me how to find a very cheaop car insurance place, i am only able to afford around 2000 a year but i need to pay monthly. i live in the UK Thanks guyssss much appricaited xxxx""
Motorbike insurance quote 1202 (UK)!?
Could someone please let me know as to why my motorcycle quote is so high? I'm 18 years old and have recently passed my CBT. The bike I am purchasing is a 2009 YZF-R125 with a value of 3000. My friends bike, a CBR125, only costs him somewhere around the 400 per year mark. I don't understand it... Thanks for any replies.""
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used.
Affordable maternity insurance?
Affordable maternity insurance?
Whats a cheap car insurance company for young adults?
Im 19 and im looking at buying a honda civic si 2006 right now im under my moms insurance and im paying 140 for liability only and ive been looking around and all i see is $300 and up for full coverage on a finaced car. I need a cheaper insurance company im a female and i live in florida if that helps.
How much is motocross insurance?
Hey guys just wondering how much a motocross insurance quote would be im just looking for coverage if i get an injury im 16 and need affordable quotes thanks
How Much does car insurance cost for 16 year old male in Alberta?
For a 2003 saturn vue, how much can i expect to be paying for car insurance?""
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Wanting cheap car insurance?
wanting cheap car insurance that dont want a deposit hepl peeps xx
Mazda rx8 or 350z insurance ?
Id assume the 8 might have cheaper insurance to certain companies due to it having four doors lol But my question is I'm 19 and been looking at progressive and I have to pay $1200 every 6 months for one of these cars! I have a clean record and took the safety course too. Now if I was under my parent's insurance would that be possibly cheaper? Were doing that with the lexus I'm driving right now (theirs) but I need to build credit and whatnot... no need to worry bout college cause its paid off
Is this a good health insurance for my mom?
My mom is 58 years old and lives in California. I needed a plan where if there's any hospital bills or chemotherapy that needs to be done and it exceeds $100,000......I want the insurance company to pay for everything. https://www.healthinsurance.com/hi/web/health/ind/PlanDetails.aspx Also, can an insurance company suddenly cut someone if they are really sick and in the process of recovery? Does anyone know of a better health plan I should get for her? Thanks so much in advance.""
Insurance on an 2006 chevrolet equinox?
My parents are buying me a used one for my birthday in a few months. I am suppose to buy the insurance for my vehicle though I was wondering about how much it would cost for a 16 year old? Also I have a daughter that would be riding with me most of the time, I dont know If that has to be added into the insurance cost of not? Im kind of clueless, thanks for your help!""
How much is insurance on a 2003 Acura RSX type S?
I'm a 16 year old boy and am looking for that as my first car. I've done drivers ed and have good grades, but im still worried insurance will be killer. Can anyone give me a realistic yearly figure for insurance? Thanks .""
Help!Do you know about Nation Wide Insurance in France?
I have a class project about Nation Wide Insurance....If you know anything or any sites to look at please help.
Im pregnant and dont have health insurance.?
Recently my boyfriend lost his job and we lost our health insurance. What can i do to get insurance for myself and our two other kids, him? I live in california""
Should I sue my parents...?
When I was 4 years old I was in a car accident and my parents had a settlement with the drunk drivers insurance and recieved 100,000 dollars for me. At such a young age I didnt really know what was going on and they told me that it had to be put up till I was 18 and I couldnt have it. Well that money is no longer there and I am now 20. As I grew up they told me that it all just went to lawyer fees but obviously I am old enough now to know better. I found out from other family members that they just blew it. I am now married and have three month old baby and I could have used that money to help get a house for us or help with the financial problems that come with being a new parent or newlywed. Should I sue them to get what was mine to begin with and if so how do I go about it and what are the chances that I will win?""
Will pre-existing conditions be covered by healthcare insurance offered by another employer?
I'm currently covered through my employer-sponsored healthcare insurance provided by Anthem Blue Shield/Blue Cross of California. If I decide to accept a job with another employer and a different healthcare insurance company, will my pre-existing conditions be covered? One of those conditions was surgery to remove neuroendocrine tumors.""
Affordable health insurance in texas?
I am self employ'd make enough to pay my bills cannot afford the average health insurance can anybody recommend me to affordable insurance that does not have a high deductable?
Can a Body shop employee compare quote of Insurance and body shop? to make sure body shop didn't miss anything
Insurance quote was more expensive than body shop Insurance quote of repairs quater panel repl qual recy parts lt quarter panel +25 add clear coad repl lt inner panel door blnd lt door shell r&i belt w strip r&i mirror assy r&i lt handle outside laser red r&i lt r&i trim panel estimate 1700 minus 500 for dect. Body shop quote stripe assembly lt part/partial repl mldg rocker panel pnl, front door oute lt blend refinsh mldg,front door belt lt r&i assembly stripe front door l lt r&i assembly mirror, outer r/c lt r&i assembly cyl,front door o lt r&i assenmly handle, front door o lt r&i assembly mldg,roof drip lt r&i assembly panel,quater lt repair panel,quarter lt refinish mldg,quarter belt l/f r&i assembly stripe,quarter lower l/f labor/partl repla pnl,quarter inner l/f repair pnl quarter innder l/f refinish duct, quarter panel l/f r&i assembly pnl, inner qtr trim taillamp assembly r&i assembly rear bumper cover r&i addnl labor oper corrosion protection refinish cover car exterior r""
Insurance quote?
hey, for school i have to know what an insurance quote is and none of the sights i go to will give me any information. so can you help me? what is an insurance quote and for what kind of insurance? all of them?""
Performance car insurance?
is there an insurance company which can provide me with a quote for a performance car? (at a reasonable price) im 19 got a pass plus and had my license for 1 and a half years... ive been driving as a named driver for that time with no claims etc etc ..... i know theres not alot of company's out there which probably wont insure me but its worth a try ey?.
Second driver insurance car?
Hi I'm 17 and I'm about to do the driving license and I will be added to a car as a second driver and the first driver has about 20 years of experience of driving and discounts I would like to ask how much there would be to pay for the insurance is it going to be double the price or more ? any answers are welcome and I would like to know what would be the price range I will need to pay.
How much would a personal health insurance policy cost for a family of 5?
My friend is thinking about quitting his job to play poker for a living. I abolutely don't think it's a good idea because he has three kids, so you don't have to tell me that... Although over the past month of doing that in AC, he is averaging $450/day, and he is smart about how much he risks and an amazing player. Anyway he had a union job with great medical insurance; but if he did this for a living at $450/day... he'd still be making like three times what he did/year. His medical insurance would have to be purchased individually now. I was wondering if anyone knew what that could cost for a family of 5? I'm thinking like 6-10K per year... that sound about right?""
Why would the insurance companies be against the affordable healthcare act?
Why is this new healthcare law suppose to do and why are the insurance companies against it for.
Car or Insurance first?
I'm 25 years old and just got my driver's license and was wondering if you get car insurance first then get your first car or if it's the other way around? ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which car insurance company fit what I want?
Hi, I recently cancelled my car insurance from State Farm because they were over-charging on my bill. I am 19 years old, and have a new car (Honda Accord Coupe) which is a 2 door which is considered a sport's car. Because I'm a young driver, and it's a new car, and it's a sports car my insurance was off the roof. I want to find another car insurance that will have fair coverage and is affordable for me. I live in PA if that helps as well...""
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
What are my health insurance options?
I recently changed jobs to a small company that does not provide health insurance. I was turned down when I applied independently to Aetna for medical reasons. Would the decision of another company likely be any different or is COBRA my only option? Despite some issues in my medical history I virtually never go to the doctor and would be happy with a plan that just covers unexpected catastrophic issues but I'm not sure how to go about looking for that.
How much should health insurance cost a 24 year old female in los angeles?
I'm looking into geting health Insurance and i not sure how mush it would cost a healthy 24 year old female who's monthly income is ruffly 1500 a month. I don't have any major health problem. Can someone please give me an idea of what i might be looking at or any suggestions ... thanks
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Insurance for 18yr old ?
Well.. im just wondering how much it would cost/estimate for me to get fully insured on a 1.8 Astra Sri Xp (3dr) 57 plate.. i know its going to be quite alot but i want to know a round about price and make sure its not ridiculously high before i buy it off of my mum. thanks in advance:)
""Car insurance, how much?""
how much would full-cover car insurance cost for a cadillac luxury coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about for a 2014 Nissan 370z?""
How long does it take to be under insurance for car?
i need to know how long will it take for my parents car insurance to be under me as soon as i get my license so i can start driving already im in texas ??
Car insurance for new driver?
im looking for car insurance but all of them are over 22,000 but i herd from alot people that its would be 1000 and all my friends pay about 1000 so why is it so expensive?? i live in london and im 19 yers old, i passed my driving test last week.""
What the lowest someone can get on Social Security Disability Insurance?
The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
What car has the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 16 yr old?
What car? make? model? yr? Insurance company?
How do I apply for free health insurance when I have a terminal illness but am still able to work?
I have a terminal illness but I am still able to work, however, I am on COBRA because my last job wrongly fired me. I am not poor but I simply cannot keep paying for COBRA. I cannot go for Medicaid because my good doctor does not accept Medicaid and I do not want to owe lots of money and have to worry about paying it off. I heard there is a program with either Social Security or Medicare where all you need to do is fill out a few forms and get a letter from your doctor stating that you have a terminal illness. Then you will receive health insurance for little or no cost and your doctor has to accept the insurance. Does anyone have any info on this? I am not disabled to the point where I cannot work, but my bills are a lot of money even with the COBRA coverage.""
Can An unlicensed person buy auto insurance for their car and have other drivers?
My husband owns a car but has no drivers license at this time. He wants to insure his car and have friends drive. Is this possible?
I'm looking for the lowest car insurance I can find?
nationwide offered me 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month Any idea if I can find the next lower one?
Car insurance for dependent child with no car-(US)?
Do I need to add my son (age 20) to my auto insurance policy if he does not have a car and drives so very little!
How would I buy a sportbike with no credit? How much would the payments/insurance be?
I want to get an 08 or newer yamaha r6. I am going to strip a few nights a month and that will cover the payments possibly. I am almost 19 and would like my parents not to know about the job, but if they find out, whatever. So pretty much I am trying to figure out how I can manage this on my own. I have no credit, but I am responsible. Also I have a clean driving record and am on good student discount for insurance on my car. Am I dreaming or could I maybe actually get the bike of my dreams?!!""
Motorcycle insurance?
Im a 20 soon to be 21 year old male who lives in the lower half of Michigan. I was wondering if any one knows about the cheapest or the best coverage and how much will that run me? I am about to buy a Honda CBR 600 if that makes any difference. Anyone with insurance experience any and all information will be greatly accepted also information on registration!!!! THANKS
What the health insurance influences on?
I would like to know if a pregnant women can be treated in different ways depending on her health insurance. I can imagine that different health insurances can cover pregnancy in different way. For example with some health insurance the woman cannot get some services which she could get with another health insurance. Is that true? I also can imagine that different health insurances can have a different network of medical providers which could have different level of services and qualification of staff. Is that true?
Which state has higher insurance rates texas or california?
I am getting stationed in San Diego and moving my car from Texas to California.
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
""If you are a teenager with your own car, how much do you pay for car insurance???????""
i was just wondering because i want to get a car eventualy and i know that it will be very high......... also for example if your 16 and you get a car from 1991, how much would you think you would play a month for insurance?""
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off? I am confused, I just want liability on my car, because full coverage car insurance is too much for me to pay? Is there no way around not paying for full coverage? People who just have liability, is there car paid off and they are not making payments?? I am very young so I do not know much about this kind of stuff!""
Wanna buy car insurance?
I wanna buy car insurance . My age is 26 year old but this is my first insurance that's why my insurance is very expensive plz tell me which insurance company is cheap
Is the difference between health insurance and car insurance?
that while both are mandated, that the repairs on only one of them are garaunteed by the government. I mean, sure a auto body shop can refuse to fix your car if you don't have the money, but the hospital has to put you back together again, regardless of the bill and your relative ability to pay it.""
Car financing and insurance?
I would like to know what happen if I finance a car and I wreck the car and I don't have insurance at the time I wreck the car.
Are there other ways to get your car back from the insurance company?
i went to pay my insurance company and they when i payed it they wanted my i.d so i was looking for my license where it was no where to be found so i looked for it around my entire house from top to bottom and the company refuses to give my car back untill i have some type of identification....i cant fin dit anywhere ANYWHERE! is there any other way? social security, birth certificate something!?""
Any one know where I can find an affordable car insurance on line?
In Monterey Park,california""
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
Miami Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33162
0 notes
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
"Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
What is the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 21 year old male who never had his own policy?
What is the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 21 year old male who never had his own policy?
Would the health issues I have impact my insurability or rates for life insurance?
I'm a 51-year-old female. I've been on disability for six years for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and panic disorder. I also have mild hypertension. I'm on meds for all these conditions. BUT I've never had, nor have any family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any sort of breathing problems or major organ dysfunction. I would think it might even be a plus in terms of insurability that I rarely leave my house!""
Auto insurance question?
I had full coverage on my auto policy. My car is at a point where I'm not going to fix it because it would cost more to repair then to replace. However, I'm not going to replace it at this time. My question is, since I will be renting cars at least twice before I get a new car, how do I handle my auto insurance? The policy currently covers rental cars, and is cheaper than the insurance the rental company offers, so I'd like to keep it. should i go ahead and cancel my auto policy, even though I will be driving other cars before i purchase another?""
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
How much insurance would i most likely pay? help please!?
I'm 17 years old and this is going to be my first car, my mom has a car under state farm insurance my grades are pretty top notch (3.7) I also took the defensive driving course car that i'm getting is a -------2001 mitsubishi eclipse sypder -------- what's the minimum amount i would have to pay you think?""
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?""
Affordable health insurance in texas?
I am self employ'd make enough to pay my bills cannot afford the average health insurance can anybody recommend me to affordable insurance that does not have a high deductable?
Anyone knowing the best/cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
Hello! I am a young driver (19) who is looking to buy a new 2007 ford mustang (the deep red color). I really want this car but it looks like there is no way that I will be able to afford the auto insurance for this thing. Anyone know the best company for me to speak with? Any advice or tips will help. Thanks!
Pregnant and scared...?
I just found out I'm pregnant, my boyfriend and I are keeping it and we're planning to get married. I'm 24 yrs old, I'm in serious debt (I have not been able to get this problem resolved for the last couple of years and I'm considering bankruptcy), he doesn't have much of a job either....we're going to try our best with that but I have no idea if I should go through with the bankruptcy or if there's any other option for me. Also, (even worse) I don't have insurance at the moment. My work has open enrollment for health coverage in November (I missed it last year cuz I was out of town) so I don't know what to do there, either. And another problem.....I have yet to tell my parents and theyre gonna kill me. How can I approach/tell them? There are no family members I trust that I can talk to about this and this all really sucks but I really want this baby. Any advice? Please refrain from telling me I'm stupid, because I already know that much, and I'm gonna hear it from my parents.""
Which is cheaper for a 16 year old Car insurance or Motorcycle insurance?
Im thinking about getting either a car or a motorcycle it all depends on the insurance cost.
Car Insurance query?
I have a car that's off road waiting to be sold, does the car need to have insurance legally? It's not being driven at all. I have fully comp insurance on my new car.""
Average insurance for a 500 cc motorbike?
hi, im 18 and soon will have passed my driving test, im hoping to get a restricted Honda cbf500. but it all depends on how much the insurance is. can anyone guess the average third party insurance for an 18 year old on a restricted cbf500. o and i have a 2 year no clams bonus on my 50cc scooter. don't no if that makes any difference""
Cheap full coverage car insurance for an 18 year old?
Ok i got my license on 10/29/2012 and I am just now getting a car. I bought a 2000 Honda Accord EX Coupe for 4800 and I am getting it financed over a 36 month loan period time. So with that being said the credit union requires me to have full coverage auto insurance so I want to know where is the cheapest place for a teenager to get insurance. I turned 18 back in August. The lowest i have seen so far is 193/6mos and that is with StateFarm
Benefits of health insurance?
How do individuals benefit from having health insurance? What are the sources from which an individual can obtain health insurance? Why do you think the government provides insurance to older and poorer Americans? What are your opinions of this practice? Why is health insurance likely to become a bigger and more complex issue in the future? Is health insurance a current events issue today? Why or Why Not?
Car insurance?
okay my parents want me off their plan..cuz aprantly i suck at driving. -speeding -illegal passing - failure to stop at a light and bad driving resultin in an accident....so i dont blame them..anyway..could some one help me find the most affordable way to go about gettin my own insurance policy..i am 18 full time student working a part time job..yes i know that isnt very good..but i have to deal with what ive got.. so please help me..and no before you ask my grades are not b average
Insurance Companies Help??????s?
If an insurance company needs to make money how can it help us? technically if we give them money and they give us back more money wouldn't they go out of business? so wouldn't saving money in a bank account be better in the long run than getting insurance?
""Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
As of next year will all cars older than 7 years have their tax and insurance costs doubled?
A friend of mine told me today that as of next year all cars over seven years old will incur a sharp rise in their tax and insurance costs. he said that they would double. I understand this may happen with tax but it doesnt ring true for insurance. could anybody tell me if he is right or whether he has his wires crossed.
Where can hiv positive people look for individual health insurance?
if you're hiv positive and are currently covered with an insurance policy, but will be changing jobs where group coverage is not an option, what are your options for health insurance? are hiv positive people stuck in their jobs for life just to keep insurance? from what i've found, public insurance benefits only apply when you're dirt poor and have no home.""
Why am I getting such high auto insurance quotes?
I'm really frustrated. I wanted to finally get auto insurance next month. But the free quotes I'm getting on insurance websites (such as Progressive, AllState and Geico) is WAY too expensive! My brothers insurances were always like $160-$180 for 6 months. But I just got a quote from AllState for over $500 for 6 months and $381 for 6 months from Progressive. That's NUTS! I have a 1995 Ford F-150 pickup. And sure, it's bigger than my brothers Ford Ranger and my other brothers Ford Aerostar van, but still.....why is it THAT MUCH MORE expensive? I'm in my 30's and have never had an accident or traffic voilation of any kind within the 14 years I've been driving. I guess none of that matters. All I know is that I'll NEVER be able to afford insurance with quotes like I'm getting.""
What type of businesses that are good to call for all kind of insurances?
Like Health Care Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee Benefits""
Why did the Affordable Care Act make my insurance unaffordable?
I have a private health plan and a preexisting condition that requires taking daily medication, an annual checkup, and a test every 5 years. Other than that I'm young and in great health. My understanding of the law was that it would increase premiums on people without conditions to pay for people like me that have a preexisting condition. So why did the insurance company send me something saying if I keep my current plan I'll pay 25% more and that the 2 alternatives are more expensive with lower benefits, plus it said I could lose all kinds of other benefits. I'm going to call the insurance company tomorrow, but before I can call can someone explain the basics so I know something before the call?""
Estimate for car insurance?
I'm looking to buy like a 2003 eclipse or something cheap but nice for myself, I turn 18 in a week so it will be after i'm 18.. but under my step dads name and everything.. he has a minivan for geico and we live in queens new york, he pays around $110 for full coverage, will my insurance be much more since it's a coupe..? my mom keeps going on about how sports cars are priced more for insurance, which I understand.. but will it really be MUCH more? I mean it's not a bmw or a SL65 ... it's a crappy old v4 eclipse..""
Tax and Insurance question for a Young Person?
Okay , Im 14 years old , and I cannot wait to start my real career (After some years of college) as a Video game producer (or) programmer. My mom says that what ever pay check I get from a job or career , the tax will take money from it. I've calculated my monthly payment from being a Video Game Producer , Which is $5208 a month. How much will money would I Really get after taxes are taken care of and if I have car and health insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?""
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
Do I need to get insurance for me to drive my parent's car?
I'm 15 and a half and I want to get my driver's permit but will I need to get insurance for myself if I want to drive my parents car? My parents have insurance on the car and for themselves. Won't I be covered with my parent's insurance? If so, how much will it cost to get insurance?""
Im 16 and my parents are getting me a car for my 17th birhday. where can i find out about insurance costs?
most places on the phone wont answer how much it would cost because im still 16 :/ is there anywhere that would give me a quote?? Im in the UK by the way :)
Affordable Health Insurance?
I was in a pedestrian accident earlier this year. The case has since been settled and I was awarded $25,000. That was the maximum insurance the driver had, after lawyer fees, etc., etc., I didn't end up with much. I am unable to work and have no health insurance. My back is still scarred. Everyday, all the time it aches. I stopped treating with the chiropractor because he was making me feel worst the entire 2 months I treated. I need prescriptions and medical attention period! I have about $4,000 left, but I am unemployed and do not want to continuously dip into my savings. Since my lawyer has been paid, I seem to be of least concern.""
Insurance question?
hello, i have a new car, but do i really need insurance on the car?? will i still be able to get the yellow tags on my license plate if i dont have insurance>? does my registration have anything to do with insurance>?? thanks alot for your answers""
Insurance for 17 year old?
i was just wondering the cost of insurance when i turn 17 next year. my parents are paying around 800 each car on there policy. so when i get added to there policy how much approximately will it cost me?
I need help choosing insurance for my car?
im 16 and i just got my license. I live in southern california and need help choosing a car insurance company that is reliable and easy to afford. i have a 3.5 gpa but dont know what company will give me a discount. Please help
Insurance Question 16 year old?
I am a 16 year old boy, I just got my license. What I have to drive is a 2011 Mustang GT 5.0 liter V8, 2 wheel Drive. The price on the car is $32,565. If both my parents and I are insured on the car, how much should my own personal payment be for 1 month with a normal plan (not collision). My parents have never had an accident and are 40 and 36 years old. If I cannot get an exact quote can someone please tell me about how much the car would be a month to insure? Thanks very much. ***I have also completed a drivers education course that should lower my insurance 10-15%.""
Need health insurance for my child
I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
Do I need insurance to drive. Or is it fine if the car has insurance?
Do I need insurance to drive. Or is it fine if the car has insurance?
What is the best/cheapest car insurance?
I am 19, I've had one ticket for driving too fast for conditions . I'm getting a new car this week, a 2002 4dr honda civic. How much should i expect to pay for insurance? And what is the best company to go through?""
Do you have to declare cancelled motorbike insurance when applying for car insurance?
My motorbike insurance was cancelled as my NCB was over 2 years old (they required it to be within 2 years) and I couldn't provide it. They cancelled the policy. Do you have to declare this on car insurance policies?
Should I go through insurance?
Hi, Recently, I parked my car at my apartment parking complex and someone had scraped my rear bumper. I'd like to get it fixed...but I'm not sure if I should go through my insurance or not. I have a 250 deductible for uninsured damage which I think applies here under my policy. Will the rates go up if I go through my insurance company for stuff like this? Because if so, I'll just shell it out of my own pocket. I'm not sure which way to go here. Thanks for helping me out.""
What happens if u get caught driving alone on a permit in California?
So last night, I was stupid enough to go out and get food on my permit around 8pm alone. I also forgot to turn on my headlights, I thought I turned them on but apparently I only turned on my parking lights. And I got pulled over, he gave me a ticket for 12500(a) cvc for unlicensed driver, and 24250 cvc for driving with no headlights at night. I wasn't driving bad, I just didn't have my headlights on. I have to show up to court next month, what is going to happen?... I live in California. Thanks. AND JUST WONDERING, WILL IT SHOW UP AS A POINT ON MY RECORD? AND HOW MUCH WILL THE INSURANCE RISE?""
Where to go to find a house/car insurance quotas!?
I have a project for my economics class, we have to make a family of four budget for a month and we have to like buy a house, a car, food, and lots of other things But with this we have to go into detail and we have to find out the Homeowner/Renter Insurance and Automobile Insurance but I really have NO clue where to go to find this. Is there any website that just gives you the direct quota of how much it will cost you a month? Help me out anyone?""
Question re: insurance premiums and taxes?
I've read that health insurance premiums can be itemized deductions. Any others? What about accident insurance I pay for out of my pocket? I pay for both accident and sickness premiums to the same company and pay for all my policies out of my pocket. Any help is appreciated.
Car Insurance for a friend?
I have a friend (single mom of 2) and she needs to get cheap car insurance on her ford explore. She let it lapse for 6 months and now her loan company wants to repo her car, even though she has made every car payment. (she leases her car)...(kinda like rent to own) She got a quote from my agent, but it was going to be way too much for her. I am guessing since she still owes on the car she has to have full coverage. And can only afford less than $100.00 a month on it. She is a renter, she is going to school, and has bad credit. Are there any companies out there that she can get a good deal or at least get coverage for 6 months and re-apply with a better company?? The only one I have found out there was the general.com. And they seem to be ok...but I don't know what other options she has. Thanks for reading this!! 10 points to the best answer!!""
Is Obamacare really the first mandatory insurance?
Isn't Social Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance on all working people? Isn't unemployment insurance a mandatory insurance unless you are an independent contractor? Isn't car insurance a mandatory insurance for any driving person?
Pay car insurance if I'm going to be out of the country?
Hello, My car insurance is going to expire in 4 days and I was wondering If I should simply not pay it. I'm going out of the country for 1 month and will not be driving my car. I don't think that Progressive will let me push back my payments. Would it be cheaper or easier for me to just simply not pay, and get insurance when I return? I pay 5 installments of $50. If they charge a fee or something less than $50 it seems like I should not renew my policy. I've been on hold for a long time on the phone, and want a game plan when I finally talk to someone. Thanks for any advice!""
Does car insurance rate depend on a car's make and model?
I'm trying to decide whether to buy a 1999 toyota camry or a 2003 honda accord and i'd like to know if it makes a difference on the rate depending on year. I also recently got into a car accident that was my fault which i know will obviously increase my rate.
""Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
What is the cheapest way to get insured on a Ford Fiesta 1.2 for an 18 year old?
Hey, I just passed my driving test and the trouble is insurance :( I've found the perfect car for me which is a Ford fiesta 1.25 studio, 2006 model which has done 49000 miles and is valued at 3800 pounds. The insurance is nearly triple the amount of the car which is something I simply cannot pay. I was considering coverbox or insure the box but I'm not too sure. I've been researching online for a good few months now and all price comparison websites and insurers' websites seem to be suggesting the same price. So please if you know how to get cheap car insurance for a 18 male who has 0 months no claims, I would appreciate your help :)""
What is the average yearly cost of landlord insurance?
Let's say the place is a newer (built after 2000) duplex in Texas and has a $1,000,000 liability policy as well. Can someone give me a ballpark estimate?""
Car insurance rates?
i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.""
Why are my health insurance rates so high?
what causes health insurance rate increases?
Motorcycle Insurance?
Ive been trying to find online quotes but am unable to (don't know why, but they cant give me a quote online). Anyways I was just wondering what insurance company would you recommend for motorcycle insurance? I want to buy a bike, I don't have my M1 (because I don't want to take the test before getting the bike), and obviously I've never taken the motorcycle course. Yea I know it would be hard to get a quote given that I have zero riding experience or licensing but cmon do you really expect me to get my license only to have it expire in 90 days without even having a bike yet? Anyways when you started out what kind of insurance were you paying and with who? Also is 600cc pushing it? will that screw me over for insurance? I was looking into getting a honda 600. Thanks!""
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
How much on average is insurance on a 2005 chevy silverado 2500 or ford F-250?
Looking to buy one of these vehicles and wanted to see how much on average it is. Thanks!
Cheapest insurance for motorcycle in melbourne?
hi m looking for insurance company that hs cheapest price for me. m 19 yo female, 4years experience on motorcycle. help me pls,,, i think i ll gt for the third party""
Car Insurance for Tourists?
I bought a new car in Germany. It is insured through its manufacturer. I then left Germany and went to another country to work and live. Since I wanted to keep the car, I drove it to my new home! For the first 3 months (I am told) I am still insured as a Tourist. But I wonder... Say I have an accident in this new country, we exchange insurance details, etc... Where should the other driver go to get his compensation and file his claim? Has anyone ever had an accident with, say even, a rental car from another country and found out that they live elsewhere and . . . How should one deal with this situation where there might even be language barriers between the two drivers and the forms they have to fill in? Thanks in advance
Where do you normally store your car insurance?
The dilemma: I've always wondered where one would have to store his car insurance and automobile registration in. Say you get into a car accident or a roadblock, you'd have to provide proof that the car that you're in is insured and belongs to you. However, putting your important documents in the glove compartment or even tucked away in the back trunk is always prone to break-ins. So the question is would it be better to keep it in the car or keep it the house (or bank, if you're that paranoid)?""
Why is car insurance so high for young drivers?
I am 18 and currently on my fathers motor trade insurance. This covers me for anything upto 1600cc for social and domestic, you are actually having a laugh 1600cc is a joke! I can drive anything for business purposes. Recently rang the insurance to see if they would insure me on an IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo diesel, as i was delivering some furniture to my grand parents in malta, about 1000 miles away from the uk, 2000 mile round trip. The answer i got was a blatant no, i didn't even get chance to say .8, anyway i was so pissed off i did the trip. didn't have one accident what so ever, not even a near miss when i drove to malta there and back. explain why they wouldn't insure me i really don't understand. My dads friend who is 53 years old was born not to drive a car, he has an accident atleast once a week because he mentally switches off when he drives. He drove down to germany any rolled his car times on the autobahn and i didn't have a crash or a near miss once in a 3.5 ton van, where is the common sense surely they should coin the people who litterally can't drive?""
I am trying to access a insurance company on line.?
Company name United insurance company of America Miami Florida.
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
Can my father insure my car under his name?
I'm planing on financing a car and my father will Co sign. Can he put the car under his insurance I am only 18 years old so insurance just under my name is extremely expensive or is there a way he can be a Co owner of the vehicle if so how ?
Car Insurance Question- KY?
What are the rules with car insurance? I know if you are under the age of 25 the price is ridiculous. So obvioulsly you get the insurance under someone (your parents, other family, etc). Now to get insurance, does the car title have to be in that same persons name who is getting the insurance? Anyone know how to get cheaper insurance? Just wondering if anyone has any advice...""
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old?
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old guy driving a 98-02 Camaro z28? I live in Los Angeles, CA. I been driving my dad's car for 3 months and had no problems/pull overs/ tickets etc, i know 3 months is not much but at least some experience. I know it will be high but around how much? Would it make much different if i get a Nissan 350z since its slower? What are some factors that can lower the price.. Can i get the minimum coverage?""
Car insurance?
ok well im 16 and a male. my mom just bought me a 2007 lexus gs for my bday. i havnt gotten in any accedents, so i wanted to knw how much my car insurance would be. my mom said she spoiled me enough by giving me the car, so she wont help with the insurance.""
How much will a mg zr 1.4 be to insure?
im 17 and i know it want come over 4000 a year
Will I get my parent's insurance after age 18?
I plan on taking a year off of school when I graduate high school. When I turn 18 during that year, because I am not a full time student, will I get taken off my parents health care?""
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old?
Should be getting a car soon, think it's going to be a 96 Cutlass Supreme, the 2 door. Mileage is probably really high, it's an old car, my grades aren't so hot e.t.c. Never got a ticket, crash anything like that. First car, anything else im missing lemme know.""
Health Insurance in US?
I would like to know if health insurance is mandatory in some states of the US.
Im 24 years old. How much will car insurance cost. Im female.?
I asked this question before. Everyone assumed I was under 18. Im actually a 24 year old female in Ontario. So I needed to provide this information originally when I had asked....sorry about that. So can anyone take a guess now?
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
""Condo Insurance in Tampa, Florida Needed ASAP?""
Now that State Farm Insurance will no longer be providing home or condo insurance, does anyone know another company that has reasonable insurance? I am not necessarily looking for the cheapest but want a reliable one that will PAY if I actually have a claim!""
""I am 18 years old and have 6 points on my driving license, will my insurance cost go down after a year?
I currently aren't on any insurance policy!
17 year old car insurance question?
Okay. I'm gonna be getting my license in a few m onths (took driver's ed late) and I moved in with my grandparents this past summer when my family and I moved so I could stay in the general area/school and keep my job. So I live there Mon-Thur and Fri-Sunday I stay with my family. I was wondering, being thaf I'm a Junior in high school, am I able to be covered by my parents or grandparent's car insurance? I need some answers. Please & thank you!""
""Renter's insurance, is it worth it?""
I keep on getting these ads from Geico on the renter's insurance packages that they offer. I am renting right now and has one roommate. I've gotten mixed opinions on the renter's insurance, some say it's not worth it some say it is. So what do you guys think? I don't think it's that much money, maybe like $20 a month or something like that?""
""Ok i dont have car insurance but i want to rent a car for a month, is there a car insurance for this situation
so i would just like to pay for the car insurance for a month. I was wondering though do I need car insurance when i rent a car.
Insurance for a motorcycle in Toronto.?
I am an 18 year old Torontonian planning to get a new kawasaki ninja 250R. It would be a great help if someone can give me an idea of about how much it would cost me for the insurance coverage the ninja 250r. (Both basic as well as other plans.) I don't have a license yet which i am planning to get once i figure out everything.( the cost, insurance procedure etc etc.) Here in toronto, we don't have the luxury to ride two wheelers year round because we have so called the FRIGID TEMPERATURE during the winter. Do i still have to pay insurance during the winter regardless the fact dat i won't be able to ride my ninja during the winter?""
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
Insurance company and liability coverage on a leased car?
My sister is leasing a car and she changed insurance company last month. Don't know how this insurance Company gave her liability on a car that's not her's but they did it. She said they didn't even ask if she was leasing and when she asked how but full coverage was she said it would be to much. So lets just get this one. Now she just got into and accident on xmas day and her car is damage badly. The insurance people said they cant do anything with her car because of the coverage but I think that's not fair because she is still leasing on that car. What can be done can she sue the company on is it just her lost.
Can someone answer my health insurance question?
I currently am paying for COBRA. I am 61 years old, female. I am on long term disability & disability social security. I am able to get medicare when I am 62. I have a pre existing condition, COPD. Looks like no one will accept me, except Blue Cross. I need a medical supplement PLUS an exceptional prescription plan. I am on many meds, including oxygen 24/7. I make too much money to qualify for medicaid or any other help. ANY of you insurance agents have any ideas? I will be 62 on April 5th. Any help is much appreciated. I have searched & looked on the internet & most of them I do not trust. I have heard too many bad stories about them. I am paying $490.00 a month plus co pays now & it is killing me.""
Can anyone help with car insurance?
I'm 17 and I passed my test about 2 months ago. I am looking to buy a Peugeot 306 and insure it with my mum as main driver as she is not a main driver on any another policy then have me as named driver. The only problem is that she doesnt have any No Claims Bonus as she is named driver on my dad's insurance. Could anyone tell me which company might be cheapest to do this with please?
What are some affordable/cheap community colleges in the USA for international students?
Hi, i want to study associate in business management so in which state i can find community colleges with low fees or which are the affordable and cheapest community college in USA for study? Thanks""
Insurance on a Corolla for Teenager??!?
I'm getting ready to buy my daughter a car && I need to know if insurance is high for a Toyota Corolla for my 16 year old. 2011 Toyota a Corolla or '10.
The average price of car insurance for VA drivers?
I'm planning on getting my license very soon. I've been planning ahead by saving up car money and figuring out what type of car I want. However, my dad often mentions how insurance is gonna bite you in the ***. so I would like to know what the average price of car insurance is for young or new Virginia drivers. please and thank you. (I've heard rumors that sometimes it helps if you have a beige or gray car. true?)""
What are the average costs on registering a new vehicle and buying a title & tag?
I'm thinking about buying a 2008 Honda Fit, and I've already recieved quotes from financing and insurance salespersons, but I still need to figure out the costs of the ...show more""
Recommendations for car insurance (NO URLs)?
*** Don't give me links to comparison websites. SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I'm looking for low cost, quality car insurance. Something other than USAA. Any recommendations? Here are some facts about me: Full-time student with a B average or better Car - (2000) Infiniti G 20 Never had Car Insurance Before No accidents, tickets, or traffic violations in the past My car has anti-lock breaks Thanks""
I would like to change my car on my exsiting car insurance policy? Help?
I have had my insurance policy on a peugeot 207 1.4 8v insurance group 3 since last december and would now like to change it to either a bmw 116i ig 10 or a bmw 120i ig 13. My policy cost 3500 how much will it increase by on either of these cars? Thank you.
Oregon car insurance?
Can I give my daughter my car registered in my name and she get car insurance for it?
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
Is there any way my parents can get my license suspended? and for new drivers how much is the insurance?
my dad is saying he doesnt want me to drive cuz im gonna visit my boyfriend. nd i jst wanna know if he cld suspend my license? my dad doesnt want to pay for my insurance nd i have to pay for it. nd was wondering how much its gonna cost me.
Are there life insurance policies for seniour citizens?
Are there life insurance policies for seniour citizens?
My car insurance just jumped up tremendously?
ok i was living in delaware. my car is registered there. i have a delaware drivers license. now i was staying with my girlfriend in her place and we recently just got a place in pa last month. however, all my mail still goes to my old delaware address. now, i have nationwide and i changed my address. thinking it wouldnt go up by that way. it went up from 1300 every 6 months to 4500 every 6 months. they changed my agent(it was based in elkton, md- 5 min from delaware). my agent is trying to get the policy back to elkton, maryland. however, i cannot afford this insurance. would i be able to change it back to delaware and just say that i decided not to move?""
Auto Insurance Question on a Hit and Run?
My boyfriend is not listed on my insurance because he has a company vehicle that his boss lets him drive. Anyway today he decided to take my car to go pick up our daughter from school. As he was backing up he backed up a little too quick and hit one of the teachers car. He said he looked out the window and saw there wasn't any damage and took off right away. All it did to our car was literally chip the paint but I wasn't sure what he did to the other car. Anyway I was out shopping later this evening and got a phone call from my partner stating that the cops were at our house and wanted to see my insurance slips and ownership. So I went home and gave them all the information. They ended up letting my husband go on fleeing the scene of a accident but gave him a $110 fine for failing to report the incident. Now here's what I am wondering, I have to call my insurance company tomorrow and notify them that he was driving my car and let them know all the information but I'm unsure what will happen? I can almost guarantee that my insurance will go up but is there any regulations about hitting a parked car within a private parking lot? I know that if she decides to go through the insurance company (which I'm sure she is because she gave all her information to the cop) then I was told I am able to request that she gets 3 quotes from 3 different places so that she doesn't try to stiff me and go for the most expensive. The cop also told me that I have the option to call her and maybe see if she will take cash but I know this teacher and she is one of the worst teachers I have ever met so I highly doubt she will be so accepting of the money. The cop also told us that he went to go view the damage on her vehicle and he said the front number was cracked so it would need to be replaced. He said it's not extensive damage at all but damage nonetheless. What is my best bet in this situation? I am screwed either way? Because I know when I signed up for insurance one of the questions she asked was is there any other licensed drivers in the household and I told her no but my boyfriend is a licensed driver but just doesn't drive my car. He is also not on my lease so I can always say that he just moved in after Christmas which at the time I filled for insurance he wasn't living with me. Has anyone else had this situation happen to them? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance""
Regarding Auto Insurance Companies policy for DUI.?
I am in living in Northern California and my question is how long do Auto INsurance Companies keep DUI on your record. I have been told 7 years but our insurance companys says 10years..
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
I am self employed and need dental work.
""Car insurance, color, and does it really matter?""
Ok, made my decision, going with the new 2007 Mazda 3 S (with the 2.3 ltr engine and all that good stuff...not really sure on the sunroof though, it's kind of pricey) My question...s are: 1. I was told that if I got a loud color on a car that I would regret it for a couple of reasons. It attracts the cops to pull it over more and it could potientally higher my insurance. Is that just some kind of myth to scare people away from getting a nice color like red or yellow? 2. And secondly, what's a good color to get? Something that's easy to clean, but still shimmers and looks nice. I was thinking about the Aurora Blue. Everyone has black and silver cars? 3. I was building the car and I don't want to pay close to 21k for this car, it's worth a lot, but not that much. How much should I ask for? Now I've already gone to edmunds.com, it seems pretty helpful, but should I wait until they get the 2008 Models in and then try to buy the older model?""
I need cheap car insurance?
I need cheap car insurance?
A question regarding auto insurance?
even though I have no need of a car/cant afford one, my parents are still pushing me to get a license as soon as possible because they say it will reduce your insurance cost when I eventually do get a car, are they right? thanks""
Affordable dental insurance?
I need two teeth fixed, one molar extracted and braces, prefer the invisible kind. I'm looking for some dental insurance, that's inexpensive, that will help cover paying for these things.""
Vehicle hit while parked will insurance rate go up????
I get a call from my girlfriend that on the way to the train she saw my car was smashed -Bumper , fender , Headlight need to be replaced The car was parked at the time. Gessing this would be considered a hit and run?Wll insurance rates go up if i put in a claim?????""
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
CheapEST foreign cars to maintain? (Audi / Lexus / Volvo / Volkswagen )?
Which of these cars is cheapest to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, tune ups, insurance, etc) I realize they're all foreign and they'll all cost more than a Ford would. But which is cheapest? Which is most expensive? Please help! I need someone with experience! Thank you so much!""
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
Palm Bay Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32909
0 notes
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
"How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
How much does Car Insurance for a teenager cost?
How much is car insurance for a 15 ( starting drivers ed) year old girl if you are only a part time driver, like if you dont own a car you just use your parent' car in Illinois? Like how much is added on to your parents insurance bill? and how much does it cost if you have your own car?""
Lower my car insurance?
My car insurance is high, $1060 for just 6 months because of 2 accidents in the last few years. I am 21 and drive a 2000 Honda Accord Ex V6. I've shopped around and no other company's are lower so don't recommend that. Do you know any tricks to getting your car insurance lowered??""
How important is having health insurance in usa and why?
Why health insurance has more importance in usa ?Is it mandated in usa?what are the differences in insurance when compared with India?
Why can my insurance company ask if I other insurance?
Every year my insurance company denies my claims until I send them a form telling them I don't have any other coverage. Why can they do this? Is there an agency I can file complaint with to try and stop this practice? This seems to me that it is equal to invasion of privacy, if the claim is legitimate why don't they just pay it?""
I need advice with my car insurance please.......?
Can my cousin who lives in California ad me to his insurance policy if I have a drivers license from washington? Or do I need a license from California as well?
What is the cheapest insurance to get?
My dad wants to get insureance for my car. Yet, he does not have insureance on any of his vehicles. He wants to make sure i have insureance, because im a younger driver. (and its the law) Does anyone reccommend any insureance company that is cheap. Thanks.""
What is the average insurance for a 2004 jeep grand cherokee?
It is a 4wd 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee laredo. Thank you
Classic car insurance in ireland?
iv a sports car that will be 20yrs old next yr,its not my main car so mileage kept low,insurance and tax is high , so i was looking into classic insurance,part of qualifying for classic insurance is i have to be registered with a classic car club,does any1 know of one that would suit that's not limited to a particular make of car or air-cooled in ireland thanks""
How much would car insurance cost for me? roughly?
Right, im going to be driving before christmas and i was just wondering, instead of going through all the fiff faff of looking on the internet for a quote. I was just curious, from a very rough idea how much it would cost per year to insure me. Il be a 20 year old guy by the time i pass my test.never driven before. first time on the road.""
Question on insurance for a new driver!! (california)?
im sixteen and i just got my license, one of my friends parents told me that i could drive thirty days without insurance, untill they get it fixed. I just wanted to know if thats true or not! i need a quick answer please!!!! ohh and i live in california""
""No license, but yes insurance?""
What happens if you drive a car that does have insurance but you don't have a license, and, lets say you crash.""
2008-2009 Ford Mustang Convertible?
Hi- we are looking into a new car and are interested in either a 08 or 09 Mustang Convertible...would you reccomend this vehicle? One thing we are worried about is the insurance costs as the car is not that expensive. Does insurance really go up a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton!
""Car shopping, when do I get the insurance?""
Im looking for cars, and I currently dont have full coverage, which I will need once I get a car I have to finance. Since I dont know if Im going to get the car Im going to look at I'm obviously not going to get the insurance for it before I leave my house! My bf said to call an insurance company and give them the info and get a quote, then if I get the car I can call the insurance co from the dealership and complete it. But I may look at several cars, so I dont know how this works. I thought it would be best to buy the car, go home and take car of the insurance thing and just go pick up the car the next day. Is that nuts?""
Car insurance problems?!?! Need help!!?
Basically my hubby took out insurance about 10 months ago with a new insurance company. He had 4 years no claims with his old company so informed the new company of this. The new insurance company have been taking out the payments every month from our bank however we have never had his insurance documents off them. When he contacted them the other day to query this they informed him that because the old insurance company will not supply them with no claims info they can not cover him. However all this time and even today they have taken their monthly payment. Surely they should not be taking payments for something they are saying they can not cover?? They have sent him a 30 day temp cover note for now while we try to sort it but it isnt looking good at the mo. My question is should they have cancelled the agreement before now then and ceased taking money from our account?
Average moped/scooter insurance in for a 16 year old (UK)?
What would be the average insurance price be for a moped at 16? By the way I mean a 50cc engine. The was made in 2010 and as a guess I would say 200-350 to insure? Not looking for exact figures just someone with experience at insuring a moped at 16! Thanks!
What is the best motorcycle insurance to purchase?
I have a motorcycle, and I'm looking to find insurance. I took the basic riders course that offers insurance discounts. What is the best and most affordable motorcycle insurance to get? P.S. My car insurance company doesn't offer motorcycle insurance""
When is the correct time to drop her from my insurance?
Here's the situation. When the divorce papers were filed she had a job. She has since been laid off. The divorce does not require me to insure her. If i drop her though she has no insurance and no affordable way to get any. I have the financial means to cover her for month, but I'm concerned about the consequences. If something happened could the insurance company come back and charge me for everything since we weren't actually married?""
Who has the best dental insurance?
i need private personal good coverage in colorado
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old for a citreon saxo 1.6 car roughly?
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old for a citreon saxo 1.6 car roughly?
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
How much would health insurance cost?
For a single person? I'm 18 and am in great health. I really only ever go to the dermatologist once a year. Thanks!
California State Disability and Insurance?
Hi, I am trying to figure out how much of a % I will be getting back from the state. I have short term disability but I havent called them yet to figure out how much I will get every month. Also, I have insurance through work and apparently not all the hospital fees are paid for. For example, my coworker just had a baby and cost her about $1500 out of her own pocket. Altogether was $9000 (rest was billed to the insurance). My doc is telling me I might have to have a C-Section. How much do those usually cost? What the heck is the point of having insurance if there not even going to pay for crap! BTW I am 29 weeks""
Affordable health care for a healthy individual age 23?
I'm working somewhere where I don't get health insurance and I'm a grad student right now. I'm 23 and healthy. Getting on either of my parents' plans would be ...show more
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?
""If you take drivers ed online, will it still reduce your insurance cost?
I am fifteen almost sixteen and i want to take drivers ed online instead of during the school year. If i take it online will it still reduce my insurance cost? I also live in the state of Montana.
""No vehicle, Need SR22 Or Non Owners Bond? Ohio.?""
Situation- September 2009 I got my license suspended due to an OVI. I live with my parents whom own vehicles but I do not have one in my name. I am in the military, and my mother is ill. Both need me to get my license so your information is much appreciated. I want to get my license reinstated so I can drive my mothers vehicle when required. I am not sure where to get a non owners bond, or the correct SR22. I have called insurance companies and they say they cannot help me. I know I need to pay the reinstatement fee and provide proof of FR. Does the Non owners bond count as FR. Can I drive legally with it or do I need an insurance policy on top of that. Thank you for your help.""
Survey - Are you in good hands?
Survey - Are you in good hands?
Out of state car insurance?
OK if i get a car in NY with ny license plates can i get NJ insurance without having to change anything ? I will going to school 5 days a week out there and will be staying with my aunt ..... but i don't wanna change my license or license plates ..... ... will i have to show proof and what kind of proof ?
How can I get a fair replacement cost by the auto insurance company when my car is totoaled?
my car is being paid off by the other person's insurance company, not mine.""
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
Can I get free health insurance?
I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks""
Motorcycles and California ?
Ok so im almost 18. I wanna get a motorcycle when I can afford it. How much would u say I'd be looking at for good insurance and the bike. I want a decent bike but nothing to fancy because of my price range. I wanna also know the process to getting a motorcycle licence
Percent indian blood for health insurance?
Can you get free health insurance if you have a certain amount of Indian Blood?
Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?
looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!""
Business names?What is a good name for an insurance agency?
What is the best name for an insurance agency
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
Audi Q5 2014 car insurance cost houston?
i just moved to Us , Houston and i am 32 year old male so i would like to buy a new Audi Q5 2.0T any idea how much the full insurance ? and is it good car Q5 2.0 T ? Thanks a lot""
Should i Register my car under my dad's name to get cheaper insurance?
How does it work? Do i buy the car under his name and register it under his name? OR Do i buy it under my name and register it under my name and just insure it under him? How does it work? EZ 10 Points here guys.
A question on fully comprehensive car insurance cover?
im 17 years old and am insured with quinn direct. I was just wondering if i would be able to drive other cars not insured under my name on third party? thanks for the help :)
How do Americans live in a country where you have no health system?
If you get sick enough you could lose everything, if you don't have insurance. I think that you can lose everything even if you have insurance.""
19 years old and cheapest insurance i've found is 4.5k WHATS GOING ON?
Right basically i'm 19, recently past my test tried looking at every single type of car there is even with pass plus discount and it's barely even gone below 6000 (4500 wasn't even what i found, it was my sister that probably got one of my details wrong) I've even tried having parents as named drivers and i cant think of anything else i've not already tried. Even friends i know have had it less than 2000 and at the moment i'll be happy to get below 3000 Pleaseee help!""
Home insurance automatically renewed can I get my money back?
Firstly, yes I am an idiot and should read my post more carefully.... I have just realised that I have been paying two sets of home insurance for a year because my previous years had been automatically renewed.....can I get my money back?""
Car insurance question?
My boyfriend doesn't have a car therefore he doesn't have car insurance... If he were to get into an accident driving my car or get a ticket, would my insurance go up? I have full coverage and the insurance company said he and I would be covered. But I was wondering if my insurance would go up if he were to get pulled over or get into an accident.""
How can i get auto insurance? Complicated story.?
Ok so i currently DRIVE a 2005 Mazda 3. When I originally moved to Florida 3 years ago, My good friend, who I moved to florida to live with, so graciously loaned out the car for me. My credit was and still is horrible, so at the time the loan was put solely under his name. Thus, the car is registered in his name. Three months ago, My friend moved to california with his Fiancee and I moved back to where i grew up in pennsylvania. Well long story short, I'm moving back to florida to get in state residency for college. While i was up in PA, Geico cancelled my insurance cause i was out of state for too long i guess. I had insurance with them under a family plan with my friend when we lived together in Florida. So basically the car is registered in Florida, the owner(my friend) lives in California, My credit is to crappy to change the loan into my name or even have me as a cosigner, and I need to somehow get insurance back so i can drive my car back down to florida next month when I move back. Any suggestions at all as to how i can get Insurance, while still having my friend as the only person on the loan/car registration? Again the car is still licensed and registered in florida, where i'm moving. ANY HELP AT ALL IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!""
Is liability insurance the same as renters insurance?
Is liability insurance the same as renters insurance?
Why do health insurance companies care what type of doctor you see?
My health insurance is awful. It doesn't cover anything I need and I wonder why they'll offer so much to pay for one type of specialist, but none for another type. If they are willing to pay the money for one type of care, why does it matter if you want a different type of care, worth the same amount. Why does it matter what care you're getting? If you're sick, and need help, isn't that what insurance is for? Right now I need to see two doctors to treat bipolar disorder, but it's not covered at all. But if I see a doctor about my physical health, they'll pay 80%. My physical health is fine, all I need is payment for mental health therapy and medication. They don't pay for mental health medicine either. I've had the same insurance for many years before having this issue. I never actually used it, and now that I need it doesn't help me at all.""
Cheap car insurance...?
If you buy a shitty car for like $500, can you get insurance that only covers the other person in a crash and not you?? I know they used to have this?""
Which is the cheapest 50cc moped to insure?
Looking at getting a 50cc moped to get to work and back at the lowest price possible. im 20 and still getting high insurance quotes. i was originally looking at the Honda CBR 125 but the insurance was 2000.
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?
""Volkswagen GTI owners, how much do you pay for insurance?""
I am doing a project and I need to get 3 auto insurance quotes. It's due tomorrow, if it's not too much trouble could anybody get me 3 quotes? This is the specifics: 2008 (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door Hatchback 46,000 miles 2 Wheel Drive Automatic Help would be much abliged, thank you.""
Cheap reliable and low INSURANCE!?
OK im 17 monday after next and im a bloke, hence very expensive car insurance. I want a second hand car in the UK which is cheap and likely to keep running. Also low insurance because i am a cheapskate.""
Insurance adjusters?
I'm looking for a school in southern california that offers training in insurance adjusting. i'm trying to obtain my license in california and want to take a course
What happens if you only have an expired Auto Insurance card on you while you drive?
Hi. I currently live in San Francisco to go to school, and in a few days, I'd leave to drive home to Los Angeles for my winter break. So my car's insurance card expired a few days ago, and there isn't enough time for my father to send me the new (valid) insurance card and for me to receive it before I leave. (So when I drive the 400+ miles home, I won't have a valid auto insurance card on me, though my coverage would be active & paid for.) (For some reason) I know that in other states, if you get pulled over and don't have a valid proof of car insurance when asked by the law enforcer, that you can get your license revoked/suspended and/or car impounded & it's a nasty hole in your wallet. Is there any way I can temporarily get around the California law?""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance after a DUI?
I have a bad driving record that includes a DUI and driving with a suspended. I am looking for some way of getting reasonable priced auto insurance in Florida. I went to Geico and they want to charge me around $700 a month! Also what is an SR-22?
Will my car insurance premium go up?
I just recently hit a deer and the only car damaged was mine. I am covered under my policy b/cause I had comprehensive. Here's my question: Will my insurance premuims go up if I use the dealership's auto body shop and not the insurance company's auto body shop? This is the first claim I have had with this company and I have been with them for over 7 years.
'occasional driver' Car insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I'll be heading off to college in the fall and so won't be home very often. However when I am home I'd like to be insured on my dads car. I don't see the point in having to pay the same price for car insurance as someone who drives almost daily, so I wanted to know if there was a type of car insurance for the 'occasional' driver. I'll only be home on vacations, and even then I won't be driving all the time, but I really need a car insurance for when I do drive, mostly summers.""
Car insurance check for air bags?
So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car.""
""Does anyone know of a high deductable, low premium health insurance?""
I am looking for a catastrophic insurance policy where I would have a deductable of $10,000... I would pay for office visits and prescriptions.""
How much do you pay a month for car insurance...?
I pay $112.
How much will my first car and the insurance come to roughly?
i can start driving lessons in January. How much, on average, would my first car cost? and how much on average would the insurance be? Also.. What would you advise for a girls first car? :) Leave your answers below please, Thanks!xx""
What are some A rated insurance companies? or how do I know my insurance company is A rated?
Is their website that shows A rated insurance companies? I use a small independent insurance broker that represents several insurance companies. The broker is Control Insurance Inc and the auto insurance is Safeway
""If you have or had a ninja 250 at 16-18, how much did your insurance cost and who where you with ?
Does the bundle up insurance on some companies actually save you money ?
I have a question about a car wreck and insurance?
I got rear-ended the other day and it's the first time I've ever been in an accident. I got an estimate and it was $1800 dollars. I paid $800 for the car! I have heard of people using the money for other things, I was wondering can I just keep the money and sell the car and maybe buy a new one, or do I have to have it fixed at the place I got the estimate at? I'm also wondering if there is anything I should look out for as far as crafty insurance people? He's coming to inspect the car tomorrow. Thanks for your reply.....""
Trying to figure out how much Car insurance to buy?
i want to get 15/30/5.for bodily and injury and property. is this good? or should i get more?
What's the BEST health insurance plan (specific plan) for covering SURGERIES & hospitalization?
What's the BEST health insurance plan in Southern California (please be specific if you can and why/your experience) for covering 2 things especially: SURGERIES & hospitalization as well as preexisting conditions? We're uninsured but need critical surgeries. Thanks VERY much if you can help.
""Got a dui in ny, how much will car insurance go up?""
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Do I have to buy health insurance under Obama care?
I am a single mother 44 years old, I live with my 16 years old daughter in Colorado. I make about $ 24000 a year, my daughter and me are very health people and we never go to the hospital. We never buy health insurance before and have no idea about it. I heard under new law, I have to buy some kind of health insurance, anyone know which one has the lowest rate and how much we have to pay every month? many thanks.""
Getting affordable health insurance?
My husband has basic health he got it by someone sponsering him through his health care provider.My question is He is 47 and has alot of health problems severe asthma diabetes he takes several medications.He was just in the hospital for an infection in his lungs for 4 days.He got a letter from basic Health asking him for a 2009 incometax statement.My husband has not filled out income tax for a long time because he does not make enough.I am the bread winner in the family.He makes probably 2 to 300 a month because of his health problems.Is there anyway he can keep his basic health insurance without sending in a tax form.If he doesnt have the insurance and cant get his medication or see his dr he could possibly die.Please anyone with some help would be appreciated.
""Please help, student health insurance?""
I live in New York i'm 19 and go to college. Recently i have been having this heartbeat rhythm in my ear for the past couple of weeks. Anyways i want to see a doctor because my ear is starting to hurt a little.But i have no health insurance or anything in NY. My parents live in VA, when i used to live in VA i was covered through my parents health insurance. Is there anything i can do ? Any affordable health insurance companies i can look into? Any health clinics ? Does the state of NY provide anything for college students?""
Insurance question with two names on the title?
i am in the miltary active duty 22 male. my car is currently back home in illinois sitting in the driveway with storage insurance, which am i under my parents policy. My mother co-signed the loan for the car two years ago with our bank, a relatively large bank not chase of b.o.a. so there are two names on the title, mine and moms. my girlfriend soon to be fiance lives in arizona and she needs my car so i want to have here go to ill to get it and drive it back. so we looked at insurance through state farm, got the quote everything ready to go she would pick up the insurance card as soon as she gets back to illinois. so it will be insured in illinois, we are both licensed in ill but shed be driving it in arizona. MOMS concern is that bc her name is on the title if anything were to happen; girlfriend hits someone and they are seriously injured or killed and girlfriend of we as a couple cannot pay for the bills that they would come after my mom as she is on the title of the car. it seems to me that my insurance would cover this(i forgot to mention this new policy is under my name and my name only) is there any liability on her part at all. her small town insurance said yes there would be and state farm said no none at all... can you through your experience or professional experience please help me clear this up so mom can be at ease with this please...AGAIN I NEED TO KNOW IF THERE WILL BE ANY LIABILITY ON MOMS PART, AS HER NAME IS ON THE TITLE OF THE CAR BUT NOT ON THE INSURANCE POLICY..thanks alot i appreciate your knowledge""
AOPA ( A.O.P.A. ) aka aircraft owners and pilots association versus Avemco. Who has better insurance rate?
Which one of these two entities provides better protection for student and private pilots when it comes to NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE ?
Mom discovers $9 car insurance trick. What kind of scam is this ?
Mom discovers $9 car insurance trick. Auto insurers are scared you will learn this too.
What is the best insurance to start off on?
I'm 20, and thinking bout after college and trying to get ready to be on my own. So I was wondering of what is the best insurance company to have at the moment, and any advice I would love to have.""
What Dog breeds lower home owners insurance?
My hubby and I just bought our 1st home and heard that owning a certain type of breed of dog such as a German shepherd will lower homeowners insurance because its considered a good guard dog that can protect the home. I'm wondering if they're any more breeds that we can choose from since we're looking to add a dogie addition to our family. Thank you in advance!!
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
How do Insurance companies pay for medical bills?
I was in an accident last year that led to me being in the ICU for a few days. I incurred a hefty medical bill as a result. The accident was not my fault, and the driver was insured. I am going to a mediation to decide how the money the insurance company can pay will be divided between those of us that were injured. My question is, when we come to an agreement, will the insurance company send me a check or will they send a payment to the hospital where I owe money?""
How does insurance work?
From my understanding of insurance you send money once a month, a deductible is what I believe it is called... Correct me if I am wrong SO really, you pay insurance companies a couple hundred dollars a month, and then it covers your hospital bill. ANd even if you are constantly sick and constantly visiting the ER, your insurance covers it. Then where does the money come from? Why the hell are hospital bills so expensive without insurance... ANd if it is that simple.... WHY DOESN T everyone get insurance? HOW DOES IT WORK?!?""
How much would car insurance cost me as a teenager?
Now i heard that the insurance is riduclous for teenagers these days. Im planning to buy a mazda sportscar worth around $25000. around how much should I be ready to pay for my car insurance a year... btw the insurance must be SUPERIOR insurance meanin the best insurance .
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i am shopping car insurance, any suggestions""
What is the best dental insurance in Florida?
I'm gearing up for braces, I need some filling and extractions first so I'm looking for a good dental plan. I need 5 fillings and two extractions. To be frank, I'm a little confused on which one to choose. I'm self employed so I don't belong to any insurance plan as of right now. I'm looking for whats going to be the cheapest for just what I need done (listed above) and nothing more. btw I live in Tampa. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!""
Car insurance quote?
i want to go ahead with a car insurance company and i got a yearly quote online with them,as i want to pay direct debit monthly i phoned up to see what the monthly amount was with interest charged. i just want to check that this is accurate. the yearly amount quoted was 353.95 making it 29.50 per month . they charge 8.5% interest on any direct debit or credit card payment adding the 8/5% interest they then caluclated my monthly amount to be 34.81 yet it thought that :- 8.5/100 * 353.95 = 30.09 interest 353.95 + 30.09 = 384.04 total to pay 384.04 / 12 = 32 per month is this right? i know its only 35 per month, obviously im looking for the cheapest deal possible! but i just wondered why it was a different amount? help??? ta x""
""If someone else drives my car while I'm in the car, but they're not listed on my insurance, is this legal?""
My boyfriend and I are over the age of 25 and live together. We are not listed as drivers on each other's car insurance policies, so I was wondering if it's legal for my boyfriend to drive my car while I'm in it or for me to drive his car while he's in it. If we get pulled over or get into an accident, are we covered by the other person's insurance? Will we get in trouble for not being listed on the insurance of the vehicle we're driving?""
Where should I look to insure a child in another state?
I am currently doing research to find an affordable health insurance plan for a child in California, I live in Colorado. I'm not sure how to go about finding insurance in another state, especially for a child. She will be 12 in October. Any suggestions?""
Are trucks cheaper to insure for teenagers?
Im looking into getting my first car and i was just wondering if its cheaper to insure a truck then a car. I am 17 years old and live in alberta canada, everyone tells me that they are cheaper to insure but how much cheaper?""
Is there a type of car insurance where anyone who drives is covered?
hey is there a type of car insurance or a plan of car insurance where anyone who drives the car is covered and not just the person who is under the insurance Thanks P.S. I also need to know how much it would be
""I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I'm worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
Does anyone know a good auto-insurance for first time drivers in New Jersey ?
I'm well aware that New Jersey has high auto insurance, but I wanted to know does anyone have an recommendations on an affordable auto insurance. I know me being 21 and a male is going to raise it but so far the cheapest would have been progressive for about $300 a month. Any suggestions would help. Thank you""
""In Maryland, is insurance required to drive a car?""
I'm going to be living on my own soon and there's no possible way I can afford it on my own. By the way, does anyone know how much it costs to be insured as an 18 year old on your own policy? What about for a motorcycle?""
Which is the cheapest van insurance?
okay I have searched many sites for my Dad for van insurances but no hope we've tried nearly all insurances churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket u name it all!!! Do u no any? if so plz let us on plz coz am getting really mad with this insurance!!!! Thanks""
What is usps $100 insurance included mean? Do i have to pay for it?
i order something from a third party amazon seller and today when i track my order it said: Features: $100 insurance included...what does this mean? do i have to pay extra?
How much would it cost to give birth without insurance?
Like regularly and with the C-Section?
Will my car insurance go down if i go on my parents car insurance?
Im 16 at the moment and i am 17 in a few months and i will be learning to drive. I know car insurance is so high for a 17 year old, but i was wondering if i go on the parents car insurance for a while, will my car insurance go down when i get my own as i have had experience on the road""
Car insurance payment?
Does anyone know of a car insurance company where I can pay pay the first instalment any way but not pay credit or debit card. I don't have either and I need to to insurance asap. I have never had car insurance before as I am a new driver
Does insurance cost more on old cars?
I'm thinking of buying a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. The car is said to be in good condition, but I'm wondering if it costs more to insure an older car because of the repairs and things it might need. If it does cost more, how much? Thanks.""
How much is it for a girls car insurance?
I'm in grade eight and we have to do this project and for one of the questions I need to know how much my car insurance would be, I'm a girl as I said and I live in Ontario, Canada. Anyone know?""
""Just passed driving test, INSURANCE!!!?""
I just passed and for insurance on a simple 1 - 1.3 lt, the cheapest i have found is 2200. IS there any cheaper way?""
Do you sell car insurance? PLEASE LOOK IF YOU DO! :)?
HI! I used to work at Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt county Northern California... about 5 years ago. we worked on commission only.. so if you didn't write a policy you ...show more
Car Insurance Question? Price?
I'm going to be turning 18 on July 14th 2009, and I was wondering what the cost of insurance would be if I got a used 2003 or 2004 Nissan 350z. I got my license April 08, and have had no crashes or anything. I plan on going to college, but a community college for the first 2 years then going to a 4 year college. Any ideas? I mean the price for this one is only 13,000 and it's a good deal.""
Could somebody give me what they pay on average for insurance on a 2001 ford explorer sport?
i am looking to buy a 2001 ford explorer sport and was wondering if someboy wouldnt mind telling me their average yearly insurance payments?
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?
0 notes
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
"Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Need Car Insurance for one month?
Hey I need car insurance for one month only please help me thank you
Can I drive a car without teenage insurance?
My uncle said I can borrow his car for new years, but he doesn't have teenage insurance. Would he need it if I'm only borrowing it for one day and night? Can I still drive it? If something happens will regular insurance cover? I've been driving for a while I'm good at it. Plus a few of my friends riding are also licensed, the oldest 23. I'm 18.""
What is the best (price and care) auto insurance for someone with a DUI?
So about 7 years ago I made a mistake and got a DUI. I realize it stays on your record for 10 years but there has to be decent full coverage insurance in San Francisco that does set me back almost $200 every month. Any suggestions?
Insurance for young adults?
I can't seem to get all of my questions answered from my own research, so I've resorted to yahoo answers. My family lost my dad a few years ago, and with him we lost our insurance coverage. We currently receive social security. This stops once I graduate. Would I be able to receive any sort benefits (any sort of welfare, food stamps, etc) as a result of this? What about college grants? Also, my mom, sister and I don't have any health insurance. I want to apply for affordable insurance, but I really don't know much about it. How much would it cost, and what are my options? Thank you so much for anyone who takes the time to answer this, I really appreciate it.""
What 600cc's come under the cheaper insurance category. and look nice...?
Recently put my bike up for sale as im looking for a bigger bike... been looking at Honda hornets and Suzuki bandits. ideally I don't want to spend more than 800 on a bike, can anyone recommend a bike that's pretty similar to these?""
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Do I need to declare to my insurance company If I change my alloy wheels.?
It currently has the factory 16 alloy wheels on but 2 of them are buckled. I don't want to buy new ones the same as this seems to be a common problem with ford fiesta alloys so was thinking of replacing them with the same size alloys of a different brand. Do I have to declare this to my insurance company?
What kind of car insurance is this?
Where I am insured, and not my car. So basically, i can drive any car i want but no one else can drive mine because IT isnt insured. (not unless they have the same type of insurance anyway.) Does anyone know what i am talking about?""
Car Insurance Questions For Some Cars?
I dont no if this is possible but i was wondering if you might no roughly how much it would cost insurance wise for some of these cars. Im 17 male, live in Ontario, 75% school average and first driver of the Used car. CARS- (1) 2005 audi TT (2) 2008 chevy cobalt (3) 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer gts (4) 2008 Saturn Ion (5) 2007 mazda 3 (6) 2008 Scion Tc""
Do insurance rates go up if i get a lift?
i want to put a lift on my truck, but i dont know what that would do to the insurance if anything. its a 1994 silverado, extended cab, short bed, 1500. plz no stupid spam answers!""
Car insurance! please help!!?
I am in the U.K. I need car insurance where i can send a cheque or postal order as i dont have a bank account. Can someone please help and recommend someone who will accept a cheque. I cannot pay online.......thank u
Would my car insurance rates go up if I switch?
I'm insured with geico but I've found a better deal with esurance. I can't afford to pay both. I want to cancel with geico and start over with esurance before the geico policy cancels. If I did this would esurance charge me a higher rate? I know it will effect my credit negatively.
Individual Dental Insurance?
I'm looking for individual dental insurance. Does anyone have any recomendations...
""Life, auto, and home insurance questions?""
The type of life insurance often used as mortgage insurance is: A. decreasing term. B. universal life. C. whole life. D. homeowners insurance. Expensive jewelry is usually insured by a(n): A. umbrella policy. B. replacement cost rider. C. policy floater. D. named-perils policy. The U.S. Congress added disability insurance to the Social Security Act in 19____. A. 35 B. 54 C. 65 D. 72 This type of auto insurance coverage would help pay your medical expenses, if you were injured by a hit-and-run driver. A. Uninsured motorist protection B. Comprehensive coverage C. Medical payments D. Collision insurance As a rule of thumb, experts say that most married people should carry ______ times their net pay in life insurance coverage. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5""
What is the purpose of a car insurance company giving quotes for the other insurance companies??
Just wondering... could they maybe lie about it? Why would they give quotes of the other companies if theirs isn't as good as the other ones? To me it just sort of seems like they are screwing themselves... Does anybody know why they do this?
Short-term car insurance?
Im looking for a company that will do short-term (preferably 3 weeks but a month is fine) car insurance for a 17 year old male with a provisional licence, can anyone recommend one?""
""In North Carolina, do I need to have my own car and insurance to get an original license?""
I don't own a car, nor do I have insurance. I was planning on using my Dad's car to take the test. The handbook says that I need to present proof that I have insurance. I'm too poor to buy my own car.""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)""
Which car company has the lowest amount of insurance to pay monthly?
im getting a car soon and i have to know which car company has the lowest monthly payment of insurance can anyone help me out??
I got a police report...will my insurance get a hold of it???
My bf was driving and he doesnt have a license :( will my insurance get the police report...causing the rates to go up????
16 yo male car insurance cost?
I will be driving my moms 2011 ford fiesta i have taken drivers ed i live in Ohio and the good student offer wont use how much does drivers ed take off
Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance?
I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help.""
What is insurance?Explain?
I mean what is malpractice insurance, car insurance ,health insurance, etc. Please explain is simple, clear and easy words.""
Would a chevy impala ss cost more for insurance than a normal impala and how much more would it cost aproximat?
Would a chevy impala ss cost more for insurance than a normal impala and how much more would it cost aproximat?
""Affordable health insurance that includes dental, is 80-20 & is around $60 a month?""
I'm on my parents' health insurance right now only because I was living in the house & going to school & that's going to be ending at the end of this month. So I'm wondering, what's a good, affordable health insurance that has a low deductible, a dental plan, covers the CVS MinuteClinics (though I guess I can live without that), they cover 80%, I cover 20%, & HOPEFULLY no more than $60 a month?""
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
Do I need insurance to register my car in Illinois?
I just bought a car and wanna get the plates and everything right away. Can I register my car without proof of insurance? Remember its Illinois
Buying a car v.s buying car insurance?
My father doesn't have credit history because he never used credit card or anything. My credit is way better than him. I'm getting an car loan but worrying about the insurance problem. I'm only 21 in college my insurance will be extremely high so i'm just wrondering can i buy a car with my name and buy insurance with my dad's name? Are we allowed to do tat?
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
Insurance on parents car.....?
If I get my permit next week, how can I drive it if I don't have my name under the insurance for the car?""
""In NY, do you have to have Car Insurance even if your not driving?""
I'm a NY State Resident, and I am wondering that if I have my drivers license, do I have to have car insurance? If so, is there a way to get out of this, like getting rid of my license or something, I just can't afford insurance, but I'm not driving.""
What is the best car insurance company for drivers over 50 age?
in Toronto
Is insurance higher on certain cars?
Is insurance higher on certain cars like 2doors and red cars
Buying a Toyota - price and insurance advice please?!?
I am going to pick up my new car today IF this is a good deal. Its a black 2008 Toyota Corolla S. I am buying it, its a 72 month pay schedule of $387 a month. Insurance for it and our 2002 Santa Fe (both full coverage) is $157 a month. Do these prices sound about right? I want to know if I'm getting a good deal. Also, do new cars need to be maintinenced every 5,000 miles? Someone said that on another question of mine and I was wondering if thats true. I want to know anything that is vital to purchasing a new car. We dont have great credit... both our scores are around 600. We are paying for the gap insurance and all that other good stuff. Oh and we're not trading a car - this is just straight up - no money down - our interest rate is 14%..... Thanks to answers""
I had no car insurance.....?
and my husband was in an accident.. His fault, he rear-ended her. We payed he deductible, and now her insurance company is trying to come after us for the damages. Can they do this? I thought that was why they paid for insurance. If I would have had insurance, they would have only paid her deductible. I also got a signed statement from the other vehicle owner accepting the money for the deductible and settlement.""
What is the cheapest Insurance for a 16 year old?
I just got my license now i gotta get insurance...
Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?
I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks""
I was driving my firends car and had an accident. Whos insurance covers the wreck? My friends or me?
I was driving my friends car and wrecked it. My insurance says that insurance covers the vehicle not the driver. Is this the opinion of all insurance companies?
Insurance for my Car??
my parents have full coverage for Nissan Altima 2006 from AAA. now i would also like to be registered for that same car. I'm 16 yrs. old. How much do you think AAA will charge me??
50cc Scooter Insurance Help?
I'm 16 in 9 days, and I'm going to celebrate with a Peugeot V Clic Silver Sport. However, I'm going to need insurance. I live in a quiet area, and my scooter will be kept in a locked, secure garage with four other scooters. I'm also very responsible and won't be thrashing it and doing wheelies. Does anyone think this will reduce the cost of insurance?""
Cheap car insurance for a teenager .?
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I am trying to get car insurance and all the quotes I'm getting are about 100 dollars a month. I'm in highschool and any of my friends get theirs for like 60 a month. I have a perfect driving history and still it's too high.
How much is car insurance?
for 17-25 yr olds ... approx..
What's the cheapest sr22 insurance in Alaska?
I know you can't get a quote without prying, but I was hoping someone on here could help me.""
How much does Mexico Insurance cost for SUV 1 Day Trip?
We are going for a day trip to Juarez, Mexico to do some shopping and that is it. Could risk not having the insurance and may do that. If I decide to purchase insurance how much approximately should it cost for an SUV one day trip? How much approximately for a 4-door one day trip? If you are marketing something don't respond I don't want your unbiased sales pitch. Are any of the online companies reputable? if so, who?""
Car Insurance Policy When Not Vehicle Owner?
Can anyone help? My boss has bought me a car but because Renault were unable to put the finance agreement in the company name it had to go in his name, which meant that the ownership of the vehicle did too. Not the problem I have is insuring this car as insurance companies won't insurer me as the driver if I am not the car owner unless the car is owned by a spouse etc...so, I am assuming that the only way round this is for my boss to be put as the main driver and me as an additional driver...if this is the case what will happen if I have an accident or conviction, or he does? Also what about No Claims Discount as I previously built up 3 years on my old car. Please help I really don't know what to do! Thanks""
What are some insurance rates for 18 year old drivers?
I know there are multiple factors counted into insurance rates, including age, driving history, car, year. But I just want to know what's some insurance rates other teenage drivers had. Please state what type of car and how much you paid for insurance. Include whether you lived in the city or a rural area also. Thanks""
Health insurance?
sometimes insurance doesnt cover some medical things. my mom said that she knew a man who had cancer in his eye and his insurance wouldnt cover it because they said it was comestic. does it depend on the company? and usually what other things does health insurance not cover?
any companies offer no exam life insurance for residents in nyc? $50,000 or more.""
Insurance Question!Can ya help?
If i have a 2002 isuzu rodeo with 100k miles on it and i pay $150/month for insurance, how much would my insurance go up or if even at all, if i got a 2001 Audi A6 with 100k miles on it? Plus do you think thats a good car trade :)""
Laddies. Is there any good Health Insurance that is not that expensive?
I know this is a dump question to ask but is there a Health Insurance that is not that expensive out there? I live in Missouri and she is 29 years old. We have 2 kids and live pay ...show more
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
""Free health insurance near Brandon, FL?""
Is there any way to apply or receive FREE health insurance in or near Brandon, Florida. I am a college student here and don't want to pay for health insurance b/c its expensive. I used to live in New York and know that there there are many companies that give free health insurance for low income people. Any help?""
First Time Insurance?
i have just bought a 1998 fiat punto and would like to insure it.... i am going under my dads policy i have my test next month so i am looking fo a provisional insurance for a month and then change it ... i am not finding any insurance that is a cheap enough budget for me i am living in the uk ??? and good insurace out there ???
If i cahnge car insurance after 7 days of getting it due i have to pay the full amount??
Heres the deal i got a car and put safe auto on it. i then wrote the postdated check for 7 days from then. well today (5 days after getting my car) i found a lot cheaper insurance. CAn i canel the saufe auto and not have to pay the full amounnt??? or do iahve to essentially pay 2 full months of car insurance????
Auto insurance plz help!?
i have a 2005 ford mustang and im 17yrs old. i have had a couple of speeding tickets and etc. is there any place in arkansas were i can find cheap insurance thanks.
""I got a DUI, will my auto insurance drop me?""
I have AAA, and got a DUI ast year, my insurance hasent gone up yet, but I know it will. Do you think AAA will drop me, since they are such a huge company, and will I have to go get some cheap ol' coverage now? I pay around $125 at the beginning of my policy for the year, then it goes down a little each month, my last payment is around $30, then it starts over again. Ive been w/ them for a few years, w/ a perfect record, until now. The DUI wasnt for alcohol or illegal drugs, it was for prescription medication. I tried a new med, but made the choice to drive also, and this is what I got. Any help?""
""Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
What is the best life insurance for seniors?
age 53, will retire in 2010 - federal employee""
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance?
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? (Preferably if you know a lot about economics and health insurance)
Can other people drive my car with my insurance?
I am going on a road trip with a friend but I don't want to drive the whole way. I have AAA insurance, will it cover my friend if she drives my car part of the way? She has state farm insurance if that makes any difference.""
""How can I find affordable health insurance that covers chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, or both?""
I live in Colorado. I only make slightly above minimum wage. I am not eligible for health care benefits through work. I have a chronic issue and am in pain if I do not go. I spend $250 on chiropractic and $250 on acupuncture for a grand total of $500 a month. Is there a health insurance plan that could cover either one or both kinds of treatments for less than $500 a month? If not, I will just continue to pay out of pocket although it is very expensive.""
Will I get dropped from my insurance?
i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
How much is car insurance in NYC monthly ?
I'm 21 and i'll be getting a car in 3 months, I would like to know\ how much is car insurance in nyc monthly""
""Will Core buy me a home, car, insurance, cares, etc? I want to switch to Core from Wells Fargo.?""
I want to switch from Wells Fargo to Core, because I'm tired of Wells fargo withdrawing 5 dollars a month for service fee from my Checking Account. I thought about depositing my savings to Wells Fargo, but I don't have a savings account; I only have checking and I can't afford to pay to open up a savings. I want to switch to Core, because there's no monthly service fee. But is Core right for buying a Home, Car, Insurances, etc? How do you feel about this?""
How high are insurance rates for a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer GT?
Its a car with the whole package; mags, sunroof, skirt, spoiler, sound etc. It's a 4 door 2.0L 4 cylinder. I'm wondering how much insurance I'll be paying in comparison to a Hyundai Elantra GL to which I was quote 1300 a year for - yikes! Anyone own this vehicle in Canada? Btw I'm 20, clean record, been driving for 2-3 years (dont even remember honestly).""
Car insurance price estimate?
Im getting a car this summer but I am concerned about my car insurance. I know that some I'm a teen it's going to be pretty ridiculous, but I will be able to benefit from the good grades discount and the defensiive driving course discount. My insurance company is state farm. I plan on driving a used car, (not red, I've heard red cars are more expensive to insure). Also, will it be cheaper to have my own policy, or be added to my moms? And if I go under my mom's policy, would it be possible to have the car under her name and have me listed as the oocational driver even though ill be using it more than she will?""
Car insurance for 17 year old?
So I'm 17 and looking for a car, I'm a football referee and could do with my own transport to get to games ect plus I'd love a car :P so can anybody suggest cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old male, also is there any factors that would bring my insurance down ?? Thank you""
How can I get a license if I don't have a car to insure with SR 22 insurance?
I am not capable of driving. My husbands license was revoked between 2005 and 2006 in Illinois.To have it reinstated, he says he was told he had to have SR 22 insurance in that state. We now live in Reno, Nevada. Does that demand still apply, or is it even true? I certainly hope not because that leaves us in a very sticky situations, as we do not -own- a car to insure. As I understand it, he would need a license, so he could buy a car, so he could insure it. Essentially if he were to need SR 22 insurance to get a driverse license, he would need to follow quite a circular demand, being that to get a car, he needs a lisense, but to get a license, he needs SS 22 insurance, but to get insurance, he needs a car. So you see his predicament if that is what we need to do. If this is the case, it's impossible for him to get either a license or a car. Is there non-owner insurance? We are rather young and do not have any relatives in this state to help answer these tough questions or help us out financially.""
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
What is the estimated insurance price for a 2012 Chrysler 300S?
Base price is $33,000 Buyer is 19 years old foreign college student Disregard the location, what is the approximate insurance rate RANGE he would pay yearly Would it exceed $1000 Thank you for your responses""
What is the cheapest way to insure a first car?
I want a ford ka which luckily I one of the cheapest cars to run and insure for young drivers. Is there anything else I can do (except from the black box as I have 3 siblings I will need to drive around) to make the insurance cheaper? My parents both have quite good jobs and are willing to pay it but they would like to pay 1500 p.a maximum if possible.
How can i get cheap insurance?
I'am going to be 17 soon and i going to buy a car so i was wondering what car should i buy or what shoul i do to get cheap insurance, because at the moment it's cost about 3.500 and that just too expensive... help please""
Cost of insurance for a Motorcycle?
I'm in Montreal Quebec. I'm 18 and wondering how much the insurance will be? I heard since I'm under 25 they will make me pay $5000 a year for insurance. Is this true? If not what is your estimate?
Is infinit g35 coupe is a good first car?need ur opinion pl :)?
So I'm 18 and thinkin about buyin a g35 coupe .its goin to be my first car is it a good car for a first time buyer?and I also interested buyin a 2010 Mercedes Benz c-300 with really low millage.i can afford both cars but just can't decide which one./: any suggestion guys?:)
Please help. Is it a must to get a car insurance in order to use and drive my car?
Hi guys, I wanna buy a car, but I wanna be sure if I have to get a car insurance in order to drive my car legally on the streets. Thanks XD""
Car title and insurance
hi my sister is sending me her car on Monday with the title. If I go to the DMV that day with the title will I be able to drive the car that day? I will also be callign my insurance agency to add the car - does that take more than a day? thank
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
Insurance options for me?
I'm going to be 20 in July. Me and my Girlfriend are having a child we live in an apartment together in Iowa. I am self employed currently, I make roughly $20,000 a year while going to college full time. I was wondering if I can get insurance for myself through Title 19 or any other form of government insurance to assist me and/or my child. I know private insurance is an option too but I want to take advantage of anything I can get free first.""
Is there any insurance policy for critical illness ?
Is there any insurance policy for critical illness ? I mean if someone is suffering from any critical disease for long time.
Insurance company and liability coverage on a leased car?
My sister is leasing a car and she changed insurance company last month. Don't know how this insurance Company gave her liability on a car that's not her's but they did it. She said they didn't even ask if she was leasing and when she asked how but full coverage was she said it would be to much. So lets just get this one. Now she just got into and accident on xmas day and her car is damage badly. The insurance people said they cant do anything with her car because of the coverage but I think that's not fair because she is still leasing on that car. What can be done can she sue the company on is it just her lost.
Cheap car insurance for 28 yr old?
I have a 2003 Grand Am. I've had it for a year. Until recently I had it in my mothers insurance policy. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it put under my own policy. I've had my license since I was 20. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What are some cheap car insurance for my situation. I live in Kentucky.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Insurance won't cover young driver fee?
I'm 19 years old, and someone totaled my vehicle. He got a failure to yield ticket and his side of the insurance accepted full liability. We both have USAA. I was driving a rental for 9 days and was informed that I'd be reimbursed by the other persons insurance. What they're saying now is that I'll be reimbursed for the amount for the vehicle, but not the young drivers fee I had to pay to acquire the vehicle. I feel as this is unjust because I had to rent a vehicle because of someone else's negligence, and I have no control over the fees charged to young drivers. So my question would be: Am I able to get reimbursed for the young driver's fee included with the rental?""
""What is the definition of a total loss car by the insurance company?, Is it possible to get my car back?""
Florida-A couple of months ago I was involved in an car accident that my insurance said they would not fix, due to certain circumstances. The insurance company told me the car was a total loss. The buy here Pay here who financed the vehicle told me to bring in the police report info and that was it. you have to get a new car is simply what I was told, I asked about payments and he told me to call him in a few days- few days turn into weeks and he is never available to discuss with me payments. Almost 2 months and there is still noone willing to talk to me?, looking through some car ads yesterday I saw the car listed at a different location owned by the same Buy Here Pay Here it was all like new, Fixed and being sold? If my car was fixable couldnt I have just paid out of pocket to fix it? what is the definition of a total loss from the insurance's view? Is it possible to get my car back? BTW I have no issues with paying the finance company- I just cant get anyoone to talk to me. Please try and answer all of the questions here, so I dont have to repost separately Thanks in advance for the advice.""
Can I drive a car without teenage insurance?
My uncle said I can borrow his car for new years, but he doesn't have teenage insurance. Would he need it if I'm only borrowing it for one day and night? Can I still drive it? If something happens will regular insurance cover? I've been driving for a while I'm good at it. Plus a few of my friends riding are also licensed, the oldest 23. I'm 18.""
How much does car insurance cost in England?
I'm not used to private insurance companies with differing rates! Here are the details: - If I had an older, smallish car, say that cost 900 pounds - No spots on my driving record, been driving for 10 years, *but* - I've just moved to England from Canada - I want full coverage, 3rd party, fire and theft Any advice on who is more, or less, expensive?""
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Has anyone bought car insurance that deals with people who have points?
I am 20 years old turnin 21 next year march. And I got 6 points in january. Now its impossible for me to get car insurance on my ford fiesta 1.3 2002 plate, they are askin me to pay 6000 pound for insurance. I was woundering if there are any car insurance companys that deal with people that have points?""
""I really want this new car, but should I do it financially?""
I will be paying 350 for a car, 170 for a motorcycle, and then 200 for a month for the combined insurance. Is this too much for vehicle costs? I'm 22 and trying to make it on my own and still in college almost ready to graduate. Is this unreasonable? This is twice as much as my rent almost.""
Cheapest car insurance???
what is the best place to get the cheapest car insurance???
What is a good insurance policy for funeral andextra money for your family?
I know nothing about life insurance progams. What is a good insurance policy for funeral and extra money for your family? I'm 47, smoker but could quit, on disability?""
How do I get the rest of the money for my car that insurance wont pay for?
So I purchased a 2012 Dodge Avenger from Carmax and made the mistake of not getting Gap insurance. Two weeks later a girl ran a red light and totalled my brand new car. Her insurance is only going to pay 16,800 when i paid 19,400 with tax title and license. I dont think i should have to pay money out of pocket for someone elses mistake. What can I do?""
How much will my insurance cost? Just turned 16?
I want to get a 1994 Mitsubishi 3000gt, but my dad said the insurance would be way to high. Can anyone estimate the price per month insurance would be for a 16 yearold that just got their first car and lisence? Thanks, Dustin""
If you work at Progressive Insurance do you get a discount on insurance?
If you work at Progressive Insurance do you get a discount on insurance?
Car insurance in texas?
how much does it cost??? i hav a project where i have to buy car insurance for a Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 Sport Sedan??
I want to save money and am looking for cheapest car insurance in uk?
can any one tell me where to get an insurance say third party only or fire and theft at the most for less than 500 pounds a year online
How much will my insurance premium go down by?
After a years no claims? I'm currently paying 1700 (140 a month) for a 1.2 corsa. Not happy but still. I'm 19 and had my license since June 2008. Had insurance before but never got to the full year as my car broke down so I got rid. I know it's hard to give an exact amount but how much on average?
""What company do you recommend for renters' insurance and why? Not state farm, they are pricks. Testimonials?
I need some affordable renters insurance. I live in MO and REFUSE to give those pricks at State Farm another dime. Who do y'all like for price and custoer service???
Low cost liability car insurance in Conroe tx?
What are some places, How many people do you have on your liability insurance and how much do you pay and who do you have? I have two people and atm using AIG. they are going to up my bill over 65 a month. Wondering if anyone else is getting better?""
""I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
I gave a urine and blood sample about a month ago for life insurance. I received a call yesterday from the company that takes performs the physical and takes the samples...they said my insurance company wants to more urine samples on two different days. Why is that?? It has me really worried and I can't call the insurance office until tomorrow to find out why. I would assume that they had messed up the sample if they just wanted one more but they want two on two different days. :/ I informed them that I take birth control and sometimes take Ibuprofen. I don't use any other drugs or smoke and very rarely drink alcohol. I also have not been having sex (only with 2 people) and have been tested for STD's and visit the gynocologist every year and am always fine. I didn't receive anything from my insurance company about my blood tests which means those didn't show anything (would only send to me if something wrong). Any ideas about what's up with the urine sample requests???
""Second speeding ticket in California, first one was more than 18 months ago?
I got my first speeding ticket about 2 years (24 months) ago. I paid the fine but didn't go to traffic school. I got my second one a few weeks ago. Will it add a point to my ...show more
Altima Coupe SE 3.5 Insurance Estimate?
Who knows what the cost would be for a male teenage driver with good grades to drive a Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 SE?
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
0 notes
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it’s a sports car?
"Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can the police seize a car off you in a petrol garage for no insurance when you have got in surance?
more info the police seized a friends car for no insurance when he had insurance to cover him to to use any car be cos it did not come up on the PNC as having insurance' on the car so can he get the car back for free from the police car Pound for free if he shows he insurance cover s hime to use any car . and is a petrol garage classed as a road help me wive this
Good individual insurance?
My job doesn't provide insurance because it's technically not full time. I absolutely cannot be without medical insurance because I deal with things like depression, asthma, allergies, and back and neck pain from an accident (I need an insurance with very good prescription drug coverage, chiropractic care coverage, and mental health coverage-like therapy/psychiatrists). Needless to say I can't afford to NOT have insurance. I'm also overweight, so it's very hard to find affordable insurance for myself. Since February, I have been on individual insurance with CHAND, a high risk insurance division of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. The insurance is pretty good, but I pay $260/month, which is way out of my budget. My question is this: are there any good and inexpensive insurances out there for me? I'm trying to save money for a second bachelor's degree (college) and a wedding. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance- I deeply appreciate it!""
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
Does AAA charge more for tow insurance if you have old heaps for cars?
For years I have frowned upon this service. But now considering it since our cars are getting old. 100K+ miles each. About how much does this cost a year? And do you have to pay a deductible, or do they cover the entire tow? Still don't know if I should break down and consider a service like this. (I'm anti extra insurance on anything) I think Geico (my ins co.) has coverage for this also""
How much does your insurance go up for a speeding ticket?
I was going 48 in a 30. How much will my insurance go up and how many point will I get?
What is cheaper for insurance mustang or charger?
well they would both be 2007. v6 cause my insurance is already high. and what one would you choose i want a mustang but alot of people have them but a charger has a big body
How much will insurance cost me?
I am 16 years old. I live in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I will be driving a 2000 ford taurus. I completed drivers ed. My own policy, no parent to go under.""
Would the health issues I have impact my insurability or rates for life insurance?
I'm a 51-year-old female. I've been on disability for six years for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and panic disorder. I also have mild hypertension. I'm on meds for all these conditions. BUT I've never had, nor have any family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any sort of breathing problems or major organ dysfunction. I would think it might even be a plus in terms of insurability that I rarely leave my house!""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 -  2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
Provide proof of insurance online for Florida?
My previous insurance got canceled and i need to provide my new insurance to the state of Florida so my license doesn't get expired... can i do this online?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old girl with a honda prelude? (what about will it cost)?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old girl with a honda prelude? (what about will it cost)?
How to get cheap insurance on a nissan 350z for a 17 year old?
How to get cheap insurance on a nissan 350z for a 17 year old?
How much does it cost to visit ER without health insurance ?
Just wondering since I visited a hospital's ER couple weeks ago . Have not received any bills yet , I'm 26 yrs old , have a health insurance from blue shield california but the plan has almost $2000 copayment that I have to pay before I can take any benefit ... I visited the ER , did a X-ray , talked to a ER physician ... and that's about it . anyone knows how much I might have to pay for the visit ?""
Where can a single mother with 2 kids (21 18) get low cost health insurance?
My parents have recently divorced. My father is moving back to Ireland and has to quit his job. My mother, brother, and I were covered under his insurance. But once he leaves the country our insurance will cease. My mother works at home and does not make very much money. We are looking for coverage for the three of us that is not expensive and very low cost as we do not have the means to afford much. We only need it for about a year as I will be graduating and teaching full time as a NYC teacher by next September. *My brother is legally blind, but other than that there are no serious health issues and none of us are tobacco users. *We are hoping to get insurance that would cover quality licensed professionals. *We understand in this economy you get what you pay for, But we honestly do not have much. We are hoping for something affordable without being skimmped on coverage. Thanks :-)""
Question about car insurance?
my wife is new to this country and will just be getting her license soon. I am 27 and my insurance has just dropped below 100/month. How much would adding my wife who is 33 but never had US license and doesnt have credit make my insurance go up?
Does anyone know of any ortho dental insurance (cheap or reasonable) in Texas? ?
I need braces... I have Blue Cross Insurance but ortho isnt incuded in my plan. I am with Blue Cross through my job. I am so upset! I need this done. Or is there a place where I can get them for really cheap? (Braces)? Thanx for your help.
Do Muslims pay more for insurance?
I live in Slough, Bucks. My car insurance is very expensive due to where I live. Some insurance companies wont even provide insurance at all in my area. I looked at a map at an insurance brokers that showed high risk areas and I have noticed that the high risk/expensive areas happen to have a high Muslim population. Are the government aware of this.""
What would be a good affordable car for a first time driver ?
What would be a good affordable first car, i'm 19 and how much would the insurance be for a first time driver ?""
""HELP! My insurance has been cancelled, need a new Auto insurance company thats cheap?""
ok i have a BIG problem, my mother's auto insurance has been cancelled 3 times in the last 3-4 years cuz of late payments, she's a single mom and can't always make the payment on time. Now we are having a HARD time finding an insurance company that will either A) Give us insurance or B) Cheap monthly and/or quarterly payments. We can't afford to pay $2500 for the whole year. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? or where to get a cheap/understanding insurance company in Canada, specifically in Ontario. Thanks!""
I could be pregnant... with no health insurance!!! what I do????
I am not sure, But maybe I am Pregnant... I do not have health insurance... I was thinking on buying a policy but would they accept me pregnant??? Someone knows about a cheap health insurance??? I believe it will be cheaper than paying like 9,000 for the hospital right???""
""Based on my age, how much do think insurance will cost for a range rover sport?
i'm turning 17 in a few months and thinking of getting one for my birthday? a rough estimation would be nice
Does your insurance cover your new car purchase?
Example, I have insurance on 2 cars, but I just bought a new car and I have not added the car to the policy. Does my insurance still cover the purchased veichle?""
Sport bike insurance?
I am an 18 year old male living in Fargo North Dakota. I plan on purchasing a 2014 Kawasaki ninja 300 sport bike for daily commuting and just general transportation. I would be in college and most likely using it daily, weather permitting. I do not have any previous riding experience, but I will take a safety class and of course have a valid motorcycle license. What can I realistically expect my insurance rate to approximately be?""
What is the best insurance companies in NYC?
What is the best insurance companies in NYC?
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
""Can someone give me an idea of how much car insurance is for a mazda 6, 2006 honda civic sedan, or coupe?""
I'm getting my car soon, but i don't want make a decision until i get an idea of how much the insurance on these cars are. Thanks!""
Does anyone know how much it cost to insure a honda integra ivtec 2006 model car ?
i was wondering if anyone has this car and how much they pay for insurance. i am under 25 years old living in NZ. car has no modifications or anything all factory standard and is parked in garage at all times.
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I am trying to figure out why my car insurance costs so much, and I am having problems getting a straight answer from any insurance company. In the last 5 years I have 0 speeding tickets, no dui's, and 1 not at fault accident. I am a 26 year old male with full coverage on an 07 Cobalt ls, so not even a sports car. The absolute cheapest insurance I could find is just shy of 350$ a month. Most companies wouldn't even cover me, and none of them would tell me why. So if anyone has any ideas of what could be causing this I would really appreciate it.""
Car Insurance?
How does the car insurance work here in NYC, I don't fully understand, if you have AIG how much does insurance go up for your parents if you are 17. I've heard 1500-2000, (Is this true?)""
How much would it cost to insure a late model 15 passenger van used in a shuttle service?
I'm in the Grand Canyon State. Do i get a better deal if i insure more than one unit ?
17 year old car insurance?
I'm a 17 year old guy, straight A's. I was in a one accident, took out a power pole, but was not cited, have never gotten a ticket. How much should I be paying for car insurance. Right now it is $180 a month. Is that high or not? How much do most 17 year olds pay? The reason I ask is that a quote I got for switching to my Dad's insurance company was a lot lower, I don't know whether to believe it or not.""
Insurance company lawsuit?
If i were to sue a persons insurance company, without taking any money out of their pockets, can their insurance company sue me or them to get their money back?""
A question about dental insurance?
I need to find Dental insurance and i have no idea where to go or what to look for. I know im gonna need to go to the dentist soon. Im 21 and my wisdom teeth are giving me trouble. I want something thats affordable too. I really need help and opinions
""How much would insurance cost me for a $200,000 porsche as a teen?????? PLZZ HELP GUYS PLZ!!!!!!?""
Im planning to buy a $200,000 porsche drive away. Im going to get superior insurance (the best insurance) that covers my car fully. HOWEVER the problem is im a teen 19 year old and insurance rates appparently fly above the sky. HOW much will it cost insurance a year????????????????????? ?????????????????/""
Car Insurance?
I wanted to know how much would it cost for a 16 year old teen to get car insurance just to cover damages to someone elses car they damaged would it cost alot or not?
How diabetics get affordable insurance w/ maternity coverage if your co. does not offer grp coverage?
My husband's company went to a high deductable health savings account. I can only get one company to insure me, on an indiv. policy. They are too expensive and that does not include maternity coverage. Due to other health issues, I am not able to work right now. Any ideas? HELP! Am I the only one going through this?""
Do all car insurances check your credit?
Is there anyway you can still get car insurance if you have bad or no credit? Which insurance agencies are more leanient?
16-24 yr olds: What do you know about insurance?
I am working on a research project about insurance for 16-24 year olds. This information is for research purposes only and will in no way be shared or sold to anyone. The intent is to gather information from high school/college age students on their perceptions on insurance. What types of insurance would you like to purchase? (auto, health, college, iPad, smartphone, etc.) Have you been purchased insurance? If yes, what type? If no, have you been involved in purchasing insurance? Do you carry insurance on each of your personal media devices? (e.g.smartphone, iPad, laptop, etc.) What do you know about insurance? Would you be willing to take a class on insurance if it meant receiving a discount on an insurance policy? If you were shopping for insurance, where would you go to look for an insurance quote? What are your hobbies? Do you belong to any sports/groups/organizations? If yes, which ones?""
Question about auto insurance?
I'm 16 and have my license and my own truck that i am the primary driver on, but i'm also the secondary driver on my dads truck does that make my insurance cost more by being the secondary driver?""
Types of car insurances?
types of car insurances available?
How important is insurance to you?
Insurance companies sell them in many different forms. Life , Critical illness, Pet etc... We never used to have so much insurance in good old days but nowawadays we seem to have an insurance product to cover almost everything.Although the need for insurance is very much there do you think we are being tricked by the companies..? What are your thoughts / experiences? (well lets not talk about car insurance as its a must to have)""
""What are average prices for life, health, and auto insurance (any company)?""
I'm doing a project for school and what would an average price be for 2 people with just a regular car, like a honda or something, nothing fancy, for auto insurance. and for 2 healthy people for life insurance and health? i've website but you have to give all this info for a quote, but i'm just looking for an average froma ny companies.""
Can you get medical insurance on a motorcycle?
If I were to buy a bike could I get medical insurance on the bike that covered any injuries that I could get if I got hurt on the bike. Also how much do you think it would cost? Any web sites I could go too?
Car Insurance Question?
I was in a car wreak where it was the other persons fault....already determined by the police. I live in Tennessee by the way and I didnt have insurance at the time..even though I went out and got it an hour later. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages to the person who hit me? Their insurance is already fixing my car, but the lady who hit me was driving her dads car and she only had liability but not on the car she was driving. Does she call my insurance company to have her dads car fixed even though it was her fault? Whos insurance pays for it? Or is she just outta luck?""
How much will my insurance go up?
I recently crash my car into a bush going 50 with 4 other people in it. The car costed $2000 and I totaled my car and the police came. My 6 months weren't up so I wasn't supposed to have anyone in the car with me so I got a ticket for that and I got a ticket for reckless driving plus my license suspended. How much will my insurance go up?
How does car insurance work?
I work at *** insurace services and im a secretary. i do nothing but answer calls. i want to know how this place works. i know they insure taxis,. limos, trucks. and personal cars. but how do my managers get paid. HOW DOES THIS PLACE WORK. so i dont have to feel lost all the time at work. i still dont know why they hired me.. weird""
Does the car insurance charge extra more for adding a teen driver under 18?
i'm 17 now and will be in august i need to learn driving and get the license in this summer break i've the driving permit my dad is the only driver in the family's car insurance plan so, does the insurance charge more if i'm under 18? if yes, i'm going to apply it after my birthday thanx""
Scooter insurance - Average cost?
I am 29, female, live in Greater London. Full cat B licence for 2 years, but no formal bike training, and will be riding a scooter of 50cc or lower. Any idea roughly how much I can expect to pay?""
""I want a 2005 mustang for my fist car, how much would the insurance be ($prices?) I have state farm insurance?""
I really want a 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT a GT) for my fist car. Please give prices of how much the insurance would be if I had state farm insurance. Thank You, and please give me good prices so my dad will get me a mustang!!!""
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
Car insurance?
I'm a teenager getting ready to start driving. I was wondering how much it costs in Indiana for car insurance for a teen driver that has take drivers ed and how much it costs for insurance if i have not taken drivers ed.
Is car insurance higher if your car has high exhaust emissions?
I know road tax is higher but does car insurance cost more if your car has a high emission level? Thanks
Can I buy 1 months insurance ? ( under 21)?
Hi all, Been looking around for 1 -2 months insurance cover for under 21 in the Uk. It's been difficult to find anything on the internet. Can I actually buy this? Or would I just have to buy yearly Insurance? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.""
Does any insurance company offer insurance for a classic/antique car that is not parked in a garage?
I'm looking to insure an old Ford pickup that I just restored. I don't plan on parking it in the garage every night and therefor wanted to find a classic car insurance policy that doesn't require a locked garage storage. The truck will only be used one or twice a week for pleasure so I don't want to get a typical insurance policy if I can get a classic policy for much less. I tried Hagerty and JC Taylor but have had no luck. Thanks
Insurance coverage for stolen car?
Car was stolen, then recovered, with some damage. I have comprehensive. Insurance company is sure to cover body work. Will they also check and/or compensate me for less obvious damage (i.e. the wear and tear to the car incurred from being drag-raced for several hours)? Will they compensate me for items of value stolen out of the car? How does that work?""
I'd like a bigger bike but what will the insurance cost me?
I'm looking to trade in my 125cc for a bigger bike, most likely a 600cc, but I'm wondering what the insurance will be considering I have 3 points on my license for speeding. I'm looking to get it for my 18th, and it will be restricted to 33bhp. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure of what the insurance will be? And what bike should I get?""
Would it be cheaper to insure a 88-93 mustang rather than a 99-04?
I have been wanting to buy a mustang someday when im older. But i'm only 16 and still I dont have my permit. But since i'm so young and decided to buy a mustang, would it be cheaper on the insurance to buy a older one rather than a new one? Or would it be the same?""
Can i insure my car under my dads name?
so im an 18 year old boy right now i drive my dads old car under his insurance, and the registration is in his name, and thats all fine and everything. however my mom is renewing her drivers license soon (she had an accident that didnt allow her to drive for a few years) so my dad is giving her the mini van back and obviously, taking his car back. luckily, i have been anticipating this happening, as all good things must come to an end, and have saved up for a car of my own. i found one, and i went to get an insurance quote and found it was near $90 a month under my name. I put in the same coverage but with my dads information this time and got a quote of $30 a month for the same car. (because apparently 18 year old boys are dangerous drivers or something?) any way, what i am wondering is can i buy the car, and get it registered in my name, but have the insurance covered under my dads name? or should i just give my dad the money for the car and have him buy it and put it in his name and under his insurance but i just drive it, much like what we do now?""
Should I pay insurance on a car that I can't drive?
I'm very frustrated with this car & I won't be able to pay to get it fixed until September. Some people are telling me to still pay insurance on it, & others are telling me that it doesn't make sense to waste money, & that I should cancel the insurance. I don't know. I'm about to cry.""
Life insurance and mortage insurance?
I just bought a house and i have a new baby. Yay me! im 24 and I keep getting calls and letters about life insurance and mortgage accidental death insurance. Does mortgage insurance work like if i die will they pay my loan off so my son can keep my house? it says its 10.56 a month and will cover up to 200K my home loan is only 88k should i shop for something cheaper? and as for life insurance i have a 30k with my job but i want something private and someone told me do a term insurance. what happens after 30 year term is up? does my son not get that money anymore if im not passed on?
Average amount of settle payouts from substandard insurance companies?
Average amount of settle payouts from substandard insurance companies?
What is individual and family health insurance?
I am planning to have family health insurance in these days but I want to understand the basic difference between individual and family health insurance.
What type of cars would have the highest car insurance payment?
couples? Sport cars? What type of cars have a high car insurance payment? I wanted to get a two door but heard the insurance would be high. Since im young I know it be higher also. What would be best to get?
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
What does a person credit score have to do with rates on car insurance rates?
It should be against the law since everyone must carry car insurance. Also, what does my low credit score got to with my great driving record? Sounds like another reason to raise rates because most credit scores are low across the board. If someone pays their insurance company on time and has a good driving record should be their only concerns. Doesn't that make sense to raise car insurance rates to persons that had a hard time paying a bill, bit made all their car insurance payments on time. If there are others out there mad about this issue please help me do something about this robbing...""
What's the best place to purchase both auto and home insurance from?
I'm buying a new home and changing my auto insurance carrier, what insurance company can offer me the best deal when it comes to providing both home and auto insurance in a combo package?""
Will my car insurance be able to transfer over to another car without extra fees?
My mother-n-law has an extra car that she doesn't have insurance on because she doesn't drive it shes letting me use it for a month. If i get my own policy and pay the 6 month premium in full and add that car to it when I take that car off after i give it back to her will i have a credit that I can transfer over to my car when i get one in a couple months without paying anything extra?
First time Insurance Buyer!?
My parents recently told me that I have to pay for my own insurance (Damn economy). I would be driving a 2005 Chevrolet Suburban and a 2004ish Suzuki Sedan. Sorry I don't know the makes and my parents don't want to tell me because they are afraid I am giving away their emails to all of the insurance companies. I am 16 years old, and have a 3.3 GPA. I noticed another answer somebody said attach to the parents. My mom was rear-ended and has 1 moving violation, my dad has been accident/ticket free for 40 years, if that makes a difference at all.""
What is the minimum required age to get an insurance liscense in California.?
To get a license to sell life insurance in the state of California.
How to get health insurance for my daughter?
I'm 22. I have health insurance coverage under my parents (it's just better insurance than I could get on my own, that's why I've kept it). However, I am pregnant and need to find insurance for my daughter for when she's born. Under my current insurance, I am covered but she is not. My question is, what should I do? I got an application for Medicaid but will it cover her before she is born, even though I don't need insurance? Any advice?""
Is there a way to see how much car insurance will cost before I buy a car?
I am looking for a starter car and currently think I might have found one. This summer when I come home from college I am planning on getting a summer job and my mom is allowing me to use her car. But I thought if I go a head and buy the car I found that I could save up my money from working to pay for insurance and gas. My only question is how much would my insurance payments be? I know you can get quotes online but can you get them for a car you do not have yet? If not, is there anyway to know?""
Insurance company lawsuit?
If i were to sue a persons insurance company, without taking any money out of their pockets, can their insurance company sue me or them to get their money back?""
Do insurance companies cover a chiropractor after an accident?
i was rear ended and had to see a chiropractor because of severe whiplash. the insurance company of the girl who hit me is offering a settlement and almost half of it will be going to ...show more
Can someone help me with a Corporate Insurance estimate?
I'm creating a business proposal and business plan for some investors, and I need a estimate on how much insurance does the business I'm creating would need. Some of the stats: - Its a new business so 0 years in experience, but the administrators and owners will have over 10 years exp. - Its a game that can be played all around the country, via portals much like slot machines. Each one is estimated in costing 6,700 dollars. We want to implement 1000 units. - It can generate over 100 million dollars in a single year. - The main office is going to be purchased, and it's value is of 1.3 Million. 3 floors 6000sq feet. - We are estimating around 30 full time employees. We want health and workers comp with all of the benefits. - We are going to have 5 corporate cars 2 Pickups 09 Tacoma valued at $28,625 and 3 Yaris valued at $15,980. - We want Liability, Fire, Burglary, Theft, the works. In terms of Liability estimated around $2,000,000 - $10,000,000. Hope you guys can help me out. And thank you in advance for your response!""
I have an insurance question?
if im driving with my grandma and wreck and only have a permit does their insurance cover the damage? Tennessee permit
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
Would I need car insurance before purchasing a used car from a private dealer?
I'm 18, I'll be 19 by the time I purchase my first car & I was wondering do I need car insurance before I buy the vehicle. I've never done this before so I have no idea how this works.""
Price range for what I would be paying for car insurance by myself?
I am about to turn 19 and im not on good terms with my father so I am deciding get on my own car insurance plan. I know it will be expensive but im trying to make things easier for myself by trying to get a Pontiac grand am between the years of 2000-2005. I know that since its an older car, it will cost less. Plus, I should start working by the middle of May and work until the end of the summer so I want to just pay the car off instead of having car payments, hopefully that helps lower the cost too. Anyway, if you know any ideas or prices or what would be the best insurance company, let me know.""
Insurance cost for brother with 3 points on his license age 20?
he got 3 points age 14, TWOC, now wants a car, how much do you think insurance will cost?""
How much is registration/insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anyone know how much car insurance is in QLD australia for 6 monthda and a year for a 17 year old
Cost of car insurance for 46 year old?
Cost of car insurance for 46 year old?
I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report?
I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month.""
1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta Insurance???
How much would a 1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta cost? Would it be really high because its a sports car? I have a great deal on a GREAT looking car and just wondered if i could afford the insurance..... Im almost 18 and a boy if that helps you answer....
How do you try to buy or bid on totaled vehicles by car insurance companies?
Im interested in trying to find a vehicle like mine, but wrecked with a good engine and transmission and any other parts I can salvage to keep mine alive for a few more years . I would like to know in general how to search and bid on wrecked vehicles that have been totaled by insurance companies and are now up for bid. This would be kind of like what a wrecking yard must do to purchase vehicles for parts resale, or a used car dealer that would in turn repair the vehicle and resell with salvage title. Any leads on where to start would be appreciated""
How much is car insurance for a 17 yr old girl with her own car in Ireland?
How much is car insurance for a 17 yr old girl with her own car in Ireland?
""I'm under GEICO in NJ. If every member of the family is insured, how much cheaper w/ safe driving course?
Three members in the family. How much cheaper will insurance get if we all take the Safe-Driving Course?
Life insurance question?
Heard an ad for a life insurance policy never heard before. It said if you do not die in a time frame not known, than your will get your money back. Is this the same as all policies that build a cash value simply worded differently or is there a new product on the market? If you care to speculate, then might health care insurance reform lead to such a policy being offered. Death is a bit more certain than needing health care.""
Insurance On A Supra For 17 Year Old?
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for a 93-94 turbo or non turbo Toyota Supra be? ALSO : If its under my dads insurance would it be cheaper for me to pay ?""
What's do you pay for car insurance in your country?
My car insurance in N.Ireland is just over 200 or 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for an average 4 door saloon. I would like to compare that with other countries, if possible.""
What is an average insurance rate for a house?
How do they figure insurance costs? About how much would annual insurance be for a $70,000 house? Thanks~!""
Can you get life insurance if you smoke marijuana?
My husband's 20 year policy is up and I am renewing us one together. He smokes it occasionally and I do not. We have to do a medical screening to the get insurance, so do they drug test? What is the outcome of smoking marijuana? Does that automatically cancel the application? We have 6 months to take the exam, so I am sure he can stop until then, but I am just wondering about the rules.""
How much would my insurance be??
i wanted to get a used honda or new hyundai elantra.. im 18 y/o female and first time driver. whats a good insurance to join for teens like myself..hmmm? cheap ones? u agree with AIS?
Please can someone give me a normal price on car insurance for a new 2012 Ford Fiesta zetec S?
I'm 17 years old and a first time driver but cant fined a straight answer from car insurance websites.
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
Does anybody have Progressive auto insurance?
Im thinking about getting Progressive auto insurance, I live in Massachusetts so the prices seem too good to be true. So is it a good insurance company.""
How much should a 17 year old's car insurance cost in the UK?
i'm 17 and want to drive. i'm a full time college student, which probably doesn't make any difference? right now i'm looking at a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 engine, LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which is costing around 999 how much should i expect the insurance to cost for this car? or for a car similar? it will be my first car. Thanks.""
How much does it cost to see a gynecologist without health insurance?
I live around the Chicago suburbs, and I don't have health insurance at the moment. I just want to get the regular check-up and pap smear. Anyidea how much it would cost?""
Will my insurance go up if I file a claim but then not need it?
A guy ran into me. All he did was pull off a side mirror. I can't get his insurance to replace it directly. They said he has to file the claim. He has yet to do so and the contact number I have for him is bad. So I was told if I go through my insurance they can file the claim to his insurance for me to get it paid. But if somehow they can't file it through his insurance ill just pay out of pocket and have my husband do the work so it's cheap. But if I do that will my insurance still go up? The accidentwas entirely his fault.
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Best Car Insurance for an 18 yr old?
I stay in Illinois and I just graduated from high school in December. I'm already enrolled in college and I'm taking two courses. In one class i have an A and the other I have a B. My GPA is still higher than a 3.0. I plan on getting a car really soon and I would like to know what is the best car insurance for me right now. I'm 18 years old, I was born in 1991, I do not yet own a license, and I've had my permit every since I was 15. The car I plan on getting is an 2004 honda accord with more than 100k miles on it or a 2004 Monte carlo with less than 100k miles on it. Which would be the best car for me to get? Should I get the Monte Carlo or a Honda Accord? Which car insurance would be the best for me also, because I don't want nothing so expensive!""
How much on average is insurance for a citroen c2 for a 18 year old?
I saved the money for my first car finally and i love the look of c2's. i was just wondering the average price of insurance if its my 1st car, i am 18 and was thinking about ...show more""
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
Will a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo SS cost more for car insurance than a Monte Carlo LS because it's a sports car?
0 notes