#and im open to talk how men shows their love around the world
ink4blotches · 1 year
Pav x spider reader who is from spider-punks world and is like a little sister to hobie but likes Pav cause I need more Pav fics 😭😭
I gotchu anon ;) I'll probably be asleep when this uploads but just so you know I was rolling around in my bed writing this simply because Hobie's British in this is so bad so please forgive that little...thing.
Synopsis/Feels: Reader is Hobie's little sis but not by blood but u can't rlly tell, bad British slang beware, clueless Pav, mentions of Tom Holland(TW), etc.
Word Ct.:667
Without further ado...
Spider-Who?(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
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"Woah, he's awesome..." I sigh in amazement as I watch Pav swoop through the streets of Mumbattan.
"Mumbattan has the worst traffic I tell ya...aye, wot er you lookin at, kid?" Hobie asks as he realizes I've got my eyes focused on the streets below.
"Just...stuff..." I dodge his question as I take a bite of my scone, courtesy of your 2nd favorite Brit. It's me, I'm the 1st favorite Brit of course.
"Too right...you ready to skedaddle back to our universe kid? I miss me guitar." Hobie shrugs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Er...yeh, I guess." I sigh, watching as Hobie opens a portal(idk how the portal thing works Sue me).
"Hey guys! Leaving so soon?" Pav suddenly lands next to us, looking flawlessly perfect despite fighting a whole villain just a second ago.
"Yeh, sorry mate but yer universe is borin...right kid?" Hobie asks me. I barely hear him and decide to disregard it in favor of staring at Pav.
"Kid? Hello? Yer brain get hit with a rock...?" Hobie asks, popping me in the back of my head.
"I'm good! I'm great. Sorry, were said what you?" I immediately realize my sentence makes no sense as Pav and Hobie both look at me in confusion.
Hobie locks eyes with me.
Don't look at Pav, don't look at Pav, don't look at Pav...
My eyes dart to Pav and quickly go back to Hobie's.
"Oh, I gotcha...lil bugger's got a crush. Ain't that a bitch...wild how he ain't even from your own universe." Hobie says casually.
"What? Is it someone from the Spider Society?! Miles? Or Gwen?" Pav starts throwing out random names of teenage Spider-Men from the society.
"Wait...don't tell me it's....Miguel?!" Pav looks at me in disgust for a second before I shoot a web at his mouth.
As I watch Pavitr try to pry the web off Hobie pulls me to the side.
"C'mon, you gotta pick another. Love Pav, but he's...y'know....Pav." Hobie trails off, assuming I understand him.
"Well yeh, but he's also...Pav, y'know?" I argue slightly.
"Right and I get that...but he's Pav." Hobie complains to me, his grip on my shoulder tightening.
"I'm not gonna have this conversation with you Hobart. Don't you have taxes to file?" I ask with an eye roll.
"Fine, fine!" Hobie holds both his hands up in surrender. "You gonna tell 'im soon? Might have to spell it out since he's...Pav." Hobie shrugs.
"You mean you don't care?" I ask with a raise of my eyebrow.
"Course not kid. He might be Pav, but 'e's also Pav." Hobie emphasizes his words like it'll magically make sense.
"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Pav asks, finally joining us.
I give Hobie a silent plead.
"Nun much...I was bout to head back. Kid said she wants to stay awhile though." Hobie lies.
For reference I was thinking it but I didn't want to say it.
"Oh, great! I can show you my favorite street food stands and where the stray dogs are and where all the traffic is!"
"Oh. Where all the traffic is...great. Can't wait." I try to fake being excited.
"Catch you later, bugger. Try not to get pied off loser!" Hobie does a small salute before stepping through an open portal.
"Huh...? What does pied off mean?" Pav asks with an eyebrow raise.
"Nothing! Nothing at all...honestly it doesn't mean anything." I lie straight to Pav's face.
"...I don't believe you." Pav replies with suspicion in his eyes.
"Uhhhh....oh my god, is that Tom Holland?" I gasp loudly and point at the streets below us.
Pav's neck almost snaps as he looks.
"What?! Where?!"
Phew. Safe. Nailed it.
I watch as Pav swings down to the streets to find Tom Holland, who was never there in the first place.
I'll tell him. One day. But today is not the day.
TAGLIST: @ihearthxh @sweetheartlizzie07 @the-vulcan
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blossoms-phan · 21 days
I have been watching old videos in tour preparation and was staggered by how much happier and healthier Dan and Phil both look now. You can see how suffocated by the whole thing they were back for a period pre hiatus. Those years where the enjoyment and fun had gone is a tough watch.
I dipped out for a while and missed this period, and so looking back now you literally see the lights dim in Dan's eyes over a year or so, and how fed up of forcing an act he was.
The absolute chaos and fun and joy that has been post hiatus really emphasises just how tired and over hiding and lying and being yes men they must have been. It makes me appreciate this new era of content so much more. I would watch them watching grass grow, if it kept them smiling and happy and fulfilled, rather than making content for us, that made them that miserable.
oh :(( anon this really broke me and i have a lot of thoughts about this tbh.
as someone who's been lucky enough to watch them change and grow over 10 years, i think something we all know is how it's nothing compared to now, but like there was a clear shift around 2018 with tour and just the way that they presented themselves publicly. in part, they started to become a little bit more comfortable with each other and carefree about sharing certain things. again, looking back this sounds strange to say but im talking purely compared to the years before then- it was absolutely different. of course, we all know that this time was extremely difficult for dan, struggling with authenticity and "living his truth". i love ii, this is in no way dogging on it bc i think there's room to be proud of it and what they did but also the entire concept of "giving the people what they want" is almost poetic considering dan's internal turmoil during this time, like with what he said during one of those reaction videos- "c'mon dan, give the people what they want and then you can disappear forever." multiple people on here have put it like this before but there are certain points like in ii era liveshows where you can tell dan is just buzzing with this restless, frustrated energy, like he's stuck inside his own skin and can't crawl out of it.
i will say that i think just on some practical level, i like to tell myself that it wasn't all doom and gloom pre-hiatus and that there were obviously moments of happiness or comfort or things that they genuinely enjoyed doing, like travelling the world or something as small as playing a fun game. but i would be lying to myself if i denied the fact that they absolutely struggled at points, and that dan was fed up of struggling with the pain of wanting to be his true, authentic self, but being scared. again though, it's not all bad. this was the first time that dan started to accept and at least think about coming out, and all those moments where they signed pride flags and he would say things like "hopefully one day" to people who told them their stories really cements his point that the acceptance and support his audience gave helped him. the hiatus was so important for their personal growth, to heal their relationship with us, and like you pointed out they really were "yes men"- phil constantly pointing out how learning how to say no has helped a ton.
there are no words to describe this new era other than pure fun, joy, and whimsy. it's been an absolute privilege to see their personal growth, to watch them allow themselves to focus on themselves and be happy and open and watch them have the time of their lives and reassure us that they're enjoying it and not going anywhere anytime soon. i'm right there with you, i just feel so happy and appreciative of being here experiencing this new era with you all and them, and i just want them to do whatever makes them happy and fulfilled. which is what i think they're doing right now with the tour, and they knew it mere months after the comeback which they had no real long term plans for, but we showed up for them, and they know that which is why it makes the idea of our mutual "healing" and entering this new era together so exciting <3
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
a little rant while im on break at my job
okay i know we're supposed to like ghostflower ships but i... i have some thoughts.
i see the love and lust between those two in into the spiderverse, miles is so giggly around gwen and gwen is slightly less unhinged (you ALL know what im getting at, love her but our good sis gwen is.... *hand motion*) etc. allat good stuff.
but i can't see that happening especially w the events of atsv, like there's definitely room for patching up the relationship but anything romantic between the two would feel forced as fuck i feel like. and maybe that's just me being an intensely passionate empath who likes to act like a nonchalant lil asshole, but still. i LOVE gwen, sony set her up beautifully for an amazing character arc that i'm so excited to see in the next one. HOWEVER, also this could just be me being an annoying little afro latina shit, she's not coming back from opening the collectible, going through miles' sketchbook w/o permission, and the shoes on the bed. that doesn't mean i HATE her i just can't look at her the same.
now a bitch is biased because black love is forever 🔛🔝, but also in the comics and video game miles has a black love interest. there was definitely also THE connection w/ miles and margo (however i'm also kinda in favor of prowlerbyte anyway--), and lil old me in the theatre was loosing it. i think that staying true to the aspect of black love interests is also going to be so important for the community, both comic/video game fans and black fans alike, mainly because of how black men interact with black women. speaking from experience i can't even count how many times i wanted to be the short lil white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair instead of the tall and awkward black girl with the wide nose and corkscrew curls. now here's where i think my personal bias kind of skews my opinion on this, but this franchise has been so important to SO many people. again speaking from experience, when i saw miles in atsv with the EXACT same hair texture as me i almost cried because no one in the history of ever has animated my kind of hair right and miles' hair was right. on top of this i saw so many little black boys practically tripping and falling in anticipation to see this movie in theatres. so i think i favor miles having a relationship with a black girl because this will reach such a new audience and possibly open doors for black men and boys to start treating black somebody and girls with respect. because if these little boys in the theatre see their like, idol for lack of a better word, treating black women and girls with respect i think then there's gonna be an aspect of healing within that.
i'm not really sure how well i'm communicating this, but i don't really think i can fully get behind the ghostflower ship. to me it feels really fucking forced in a way that kinda icks me out, however this is not to say i won't absolutely love the shit out of these two if it happens. in a way, this franchise feels like something the black community needs in several ways. like yeah this shit is pro black but FULLY pro black, not pro-black but anti gay, trans, or whatever the fuck. it shows blackness in a new way, artsy and nerdy but also really fucking cool at the same time and i never fucking got that as a little kid. like i kid you not the other black kids in school would call me a wanna be white girl. and to see someone with similar interests as me just sort of opens the world up??? like i visited my older sister at school in the dmv while wearing a spiderverse hoodie, and people actually wanted to talk to me about it!!! like not ina "oh i like ur sweatshirt ma" type thing like a "omg you like this movie too??" type thing and i just--
yeah i def strayed from the topic, but i hope our baby does get his lil black girl (or his lil gwen, from a big sisters perspective i don't hate her as a prospective partner i just think that there would need to be a clear breakdown in the difference of cultures. for example i was taught that anytime you meet anyone formally (like a parent or something) you shake their hand and or go in for a hug and kiss BOTH cheeks and talk about their home their clothes or whatever) but for like the sake of authenticity (sorry to be that asshole but come ON) but like.... flowerbyte 🥰🥰
did this make sense i feel like i word vomited like a bitch, idk maybe i'm projecting my personal shit into a franchise i really like
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pinkwright · 1 year
in pieces | shuri udaku.
◘ rapper/producer!shuri udaku x fem!singer/director!reader
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trope – strangers 2 enemies 2 friends 2 lovers
inspo — in pieces by chlöe.
series warnings — mean!shuri, cold!reader, reader is rlly soft in love, her ex is all she's ever known so pls be gentle w her, toxic relationships, crybaby!reader, insults, gaslighting, yall the exes face claim is brent faiyaz LMFAO (i dont keep up w men so he was the first name to pop up), touchy!shuri, reader folds so bad so easily lol, cheating, reader is petty, relapses in judgement, reader is fucking talented, smitten shuri, vv soft but only later lol, reader can get bitchy, shuri rlly gets under her skin, bitter n spiteful reader, reader's manager is so tired of them, reader has her public persona nailed down, ppl rarely ever see the real her, t'challa is alive but their parents aren't, kissing, crying, dirty talk, strap slinger!shuri, fingering, thigh riding, smau elements, studio sessions, cunnilingus, taunting, edging, slut-shaming, possessive!shuri, sub!reader, dom!shuri, the media loves to dawg on reader for nothing, cursing, humiliation kink, bratty!reader, needy!reader, desperation, sexual identity crisis, patient!shuri, shuri likes to push ppl away, mentions of marriage/engagements, alcohol, anxiety, panic attacks, manipulation, clubbing, might have an open ending idk, there's probs more but oh well.
a/n — i have so many ideas dropping consecutively my bad yall LMFAO anyway this is my first series, n um im nervous badd but we move, i rlly like this idea and the skeleton of it so hopefully it comes off the way i would like it to so my perfectionist spirit can smile LMFAO (i find myself so funny sorry), anyway here’s the masterlist before i ramble more <3
dedications — @zayswriting – i’ve always avoided writing series (hence how i came up w sets LOL) but zay’s my inspo for series like that’s her shit so while the notion is still kinda daunting, she makes me feel like i can try to tackle it at least. @mbakuetshurisprincess constantly revising ur masterlist bc ur pen is just brilliant, u were also a huge inspo in getting me to write a series n u influence my version of shuri a lot. then a few people i admire that keep me posting n make me wanna improve; @saintwrld @vixentheplanet @verachii @naomis-daydream @marsolgy @inmyheadimobsessed <3
oke, that's the end of the sappiness.
⟢˚ @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @shurismainbxtch @rxcently @shuriszn @lppriceisright @golooktheotherway @motheroffae @vampzxi @mysticalmarss @abenomeiiii @6-noir @izrinmabel1 @vexoshuri @ilovelulu @sookiesookie @ziayamikaelson @sapphicvqmpires @locoforshuri @ventingfanfics @melanated-queens @cuddl3s4shur1
no matter how many times i break, i put myself back together every damn time. oh, mm, can i be honest with you?
y/n l/n, a hyper-pop sensation that is at an all-time high in her career; her two-time grammy winning album, above her oscar-nominated directing debut cemented her as a force to be reckoned with, both in the music and film industry. and soon, in a swoon-worthy show of romance, she's flaunting an envy-worthy diamond ring graciously accompanied by a viral proposal from high school sweetheart and renowned artist, christopher brent wood.
engaged and flourishing, her world is almost too perfect to be true, tainted by the pink shades of blinding love that soon violently shatter at the hands of the only love she's ever known, the fractals painfully littering her being; heavy fragments that she can't seem to even begin piecing together.
in a battle of identity, self-expression, independence, and rebirth; the international superstar finds herself in a back-and-forth battle with herself and the people around her, finding that the dark pit she falls into, may not solely be the demise of her fairytale, but also the fall of the y/n l/n that the public came to know over the years; the catalyst to the redemption arc in finding who she really is, the girl she buried years ago.
⊱ ───── .✶˖⋆࿐ ──── ⊰
[ characters ]
prologue : someone’s calling (chlöe)
— after a lengthy hiatus of absolute silence, y/n drops an ominous track w an even more intriguing visualizer, unrecognizable from her usual sweet hyper pop princess look n sound, n the internet wilds; the rebrand peaking an important person's interest.
...coming soon
one : pray it away
— after facing public humiliation from a cheating scandal that had put y/n in the spotlight she comes back into the spotlight w a haunting single n performance that sparks large controversy along with its acclaim; she meets a certain face that she sasses off too in response to her attitude.
...coming soon
two : body do
— after announcing the drop of her debut album y/n is set on a artist rebrand n her manager knows just the person; so she meets world renowned director/producer shuri udaku who directs her visualiser n the bad blood cause tension to spill.
...coming soon
three : i don’t mind + worried
— y/n l/n new maneater cutthroat persona has the internet fawning over her so imagine their shock when she shows up to the grammys w the same man that was the driving factor to her vicious rebrand n shuri gets a glimpse into the real personality behind the scrutinised pop sensation.
...coming soon
four : for the night
— a glimpse into shuri’s true thoughts about the girl she swears she can’t stand.
...coming soon
five : make it look easy
— when y/n finally tackles the song she couldn't face, the internet starts to rethink their view on the girl they've scrutinised n criticised for the entirety of her career n shuri finds it harder to cut deeper into the broken-down girl.
...coming soon
six : looze u
— y/n can’t stop the flood of emotions that overtake her when she confronts the man who broke her heart, opening the floor for hurtful truths n violent words that leave her reeling in her memories.
...coming soon
seven : told ya + cheatback
— the officially single superstar thinks she deserves a night out seeing as her album debut draws nearer by the day, n the fun night out has surprising outcomes.
...coming soon
eight : heart on my sleeve
– when shuri spits her meanest words yet to the softening star, y/n finds herself pathetically adding a track to her album minutes before its release, much to her fans’ concern n the producer feels stuck in limbo.
...coming soon
epilogue : in pieces
— while the successful album drop feels like a weight lifted off of her chest especially w/ an upcoming oscar performance; she can’t help but find the weight replaced by a certain pretty-eyed producer. 
...coming soon
⊱ ───── .✶˖⋆࿐ ──── ⊰
hold me when, hold me when i'm in pieces.
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renren-006 · 1 year
Hunt | John Winchester x Reader
summery: you meet john winchester, but maybe your not so clueless about the world of the supernatural as john thought you would be
word count: 623
a/n: hey all! i have been so busy at school i havent had time to write but im trying to make a point to finsh most of the request i got and to finsh up some other stories! dont feel bad about sending in more, i love hearing your thoughts. anyways this one is short!
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You met John Winchester not too long ago. You were working in a bar in North Dakota when he showed up. He was younger then, and his boys were just hitting their teenage years. You were younger too, spry, good looking and one hell of a bartender. You were smart too, you caught on quickly to what was happening in that little town. Course it wasn't the first skin walker to live in the area and hopefully was the last. When John came in asking about the town and the disappearances. 
“Hey” John had said to you, you smiled sweetly at him. “Do you know anything weird around town?” you caught on there fast. 
“You mean the 4 locals that have gone missing since the summer started?” i asked him, “no not at all” the sarcasm rolled off your tongue with ease. You smiled back before passing him a beer. “Look weird shit has been happening here every summer since i started living here”
“How long have you lived here?” He asked you.
“About 5 years…After I graduated I decided I wanted some scenery change and since then haven't left here.”
“So bartending was your…”
“My dream? Absolutely not but I'm a people person and talking to the locals and the passing throat makes my day. "You told him, “Plus the weird things that happen around this area have kept me intrigued” John was interested now. You had left out a few details, the skinwalker in the local area was not the only thing that ever crossed into this town. There was a local ghost that haunted for a year before she was put down. She haunted the local library, before then it was an old orphanage and the little girl had been killed so, it was a tragic story that you did your own research about. 
“What do you mean?” John asked. You smiled, you held up your hand to let him know you'll be back while you swerved at one of the locals before circling back to him. 
“Look, I've been out here for 5 years, I know hunters when I see them now” you told him, leaning over the counter. “The skinwalker that's here, he terrorizes women, which is weird, but look there's only so many of us in this town. Do you get what i'm saying”
“You think hell be after you soon”
“Yes, I'm young, I fit the profile and if I went missing the only people that would miss me would be the men I serve their beer too. I have no family, no boyfriend, no child, i'm the perfect candidate”
“What if you stayed with you?” John asked you, “me and my boys?” 
“I've got an extra bed and a couch” you told him. 
“Meet you after your shift?”
“I get off at 5” you told him.
Those few nights John stayed with you, you felt like the safest girl in the world. You gotta know Sam and Dean extremely well for those days. Dean was hard to let you in, after all your nagging he finally did, and Sam well he already opened his heart to you early on after he saw how his Father reacted to your presence. You liked John, it was obvious. When he was packing up to leave that Saturday the light rain made it worse. “Here” you said strolling out ot the car. You handed john a piece of paper, on it was your number. “I know you have to go, but keep in touch okay?” 
“Ill try” 
“You better do more than try John Winchester, or i’ll be the one to hunt you down” you told him. He chuckled before he got in the car and left with the boys.
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Peter Parker x reader
(this is with a gn reader:))
Warnings: making out , has some fighting , some evil people shit , nothing triggering really, yandere themes
Summary: peter doesn't think you are ready for a big fight but you prove him wrong(+ you two are spearing and he somehow ends up on top of you)
Asks are always open<3
Peter has been in the team some time before you joined and it is completely fair to say that he is head over heels for you from the moment he saw you
He thought you were the most precious thing in the world and wondered how you managed to became an avenger
He would kinda stumble on his words a bit , but when in his suit it like he is a whole new person
Now , when it came to your training , it was mentored by The Natasha Romanoff.
She was awesome in it and helped both you and Peter to improve your fighting skills. You lived her , but there was a slight problem with the way she taught
She had a strict no powers policy when training
Now , for you that meant , absolutely no special abilities, while on the other hand , Peter had it easier his strength and other enhanced sences making it easy for him to overpower you
He loved it when you two spared since he could show you how stronger he is than you and how he can easily protect you if he needs to
Don't get me wrong , you were good , but in peters opinion good was not enough to go on a real mission
So when you guys were assigned your first real mission together , peter freaked
He went straight to Tony , almost begging him to rethink. Tony however just assured him that everything will be alright and left him freaked out
He started thinking of ways to stop you from going , but nothing would convince you to back out
Then the day of the mission came and while Peter had been hoping that everything will go just fine and you won't have to fight ,the worst possible thing happened
' Peter there are around ten men coming my way right now'
Your voice slightly disformed , informed him through the radio installed in both of your suits
That was the last thing peter wanted to hear . His first instinct was to drop everything and come to your aid , but he knew that wasn't possible . He had to get this disk or a lot of people would die.
' What! Ok love , hang tight , I'm coming right now'
Peter nearly yelled , his anxiety flying through the roof
He heard you chuckle through the headpiece. While defeating the other villains he tried communicating with you but he got no answers whatsoever, sending his anxiety flying
' Im sorry buddy , no evil planning anymore' he told some man he had webbed up , his voice anxious
' please answer me , are you alright?' he once again asked but got no answer.
It took him less than five minutes to get to your location , but that was too much
There you stood in the middle of 10 men and some really weird shaped rocks. He wanted to think about what was happening but could not physically since his brain was almost going to explode along with his heart.
You sat there in a cross legged pose ,your eyes shut and your face greener than usual
He run up to you , almost falling to the ground besides you . His hands reached around your body hugging you.
' I was so so worried'
He shackily admitted his brows furrowed together , and his breath short
You slowly hugged him back. He could feel the way your hear raised through your suit
Peter found out that day about your powers
He actually wondered how that was possible since he has been stalking you often and never seen you use them
You were surprised by that fact , since you didn't hide them or anything
When you returned to the avengers tower with your first successful mission , all the avengers there congratulated you and ushered you to the infirmary
Wanda came over talking to you about your powers and the way ou handled the situation
She said she was completely amazed by the way , not only you handled your powers that were so hard to control , but also managed to keep your spirit calm after the fight.
I wish I could say that Peter never worried about you again in a mission , but that would be a lie. He continued worrying about you , mission after mission , he always tried to convince you to not go
Just a little bonus :)))
(warning: this turned in a whole make out session and also I don't know how people fight so....)
Natasha had left the training room in an urgent bussiness and she ordered you and Peter to just continue your sparing , letting you know she is not coming back
Peter was realistically stronger than you in a hand fight , but now that Natasha was gone you had some ideas
You both stood against each other a light coat of sweat on your faces. He smiled at you , and you smirked back at him
He was the first to make a move throwing a punch your way. You easily dodged it and tried returning the favor
He too avoided the hit and with a swift move brought you down on the mattress
'Oops sorry love '
Peter said with a slight mocking tone
You looked up at him with big eyes acting all innocent and when he reached his hand out for you to get, you pulled him down too
Now he was on top of you , his weight making a small 'oomf' leave your lips. You smiled at him and a ' hello Handsome ' was quick to follow
'Hello beautiful ' he answered smiling down at you . A small piece of hair had left position and was in front of his face in the most charming way possible. His hands reached out for yours , softly holding them , while his legs interlocked with yours.
He looked deep in your eyes , and leaned in to kiss you. You kissed him back passionately and flipped you two around , causing you to be on top and to smirk at him playfully
' oops sorry love ' you said in a slightly mocking way your tone matching his earlier one
He looked up at you socked for a moment and then kissed you flipping you over once more
' I think we should spear more often' Peter said between kisses ' you look so pretty'
I wrote this after a request by @slaymbo (thank you so much for requesting <3)
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
i just saw that you are biased towards vasco tabasco as well 👀👀👀👀 i beg for anything, i have read all the fics on this app twice and im getting withdrawals from my bit tit himbo 😭
Tell me who isn't biased towards our baby Tabasco and I'll fight them!!
Ty for the ask! I just love Vasco so much. He's THE ride or die and has always treated little Daniel so kindly from the start.
He doesn't always get it right but he tries and he learns and his heart is in the right place 😭😭
I feel like there's just SO much I want to read and know about Vasco. HC, x reader, drabbles, novels. But here you go anon, take some wordvom instead
Vasco Headcannons
The Burn Knuckles said they started the gang just cos they like him. Vasco was probably just shouting about protecting people and being all pure then attracting all these macho dudes that were going down the wrong path. He has a sense of justice that is just... Irrefutable. The kind that kids have before they grow up and get cynical and corrupted and he reminds them of a simpler time.
Also he's strong af so if you don't want to die, you come around to his view pretty quickly.
Damon Goh the rubber ducky guy hid away his ducks until Vasco saw them one day and was like 'omg!! These are so cute!!' with his typical heart eyes and asked for one. Since then, Damon just unapologetically carries them around.
No idea Leonn Lee is a girl. Doesnt care if she is, Burn Knuckles membership is open to all.
Doesn't know there's a tool council, thought it was something for architect class. Never made the connection with the Tool nicknames either.
Unapologetic crier. You've seen his tears. Encourages Burn Knuckles to show their emotions. They hold therapy sessions like a confessional but apart from Jace - Vasco and the rest of the gang share 1 braincell so no good can come from this.
Makes friends everywhere he goes. We've seen Vasco make his own crew out of the Homeless, and that's just how he is. He's made friends with BEARS like cmon.
Not that great with names or faces though, and he's just a general clown so he doesn't actually remember a lot of people.
Has a rather childlike and innocent view of the world with justice and lookism. It used to be pretty black and white but he learns and is understanding of the shades of grey pretty quickly. Let's be real, if Vasco was leader of the world - we would all be a lot better off.
Toxic masculinity who? Gender roles what? Zero interest in subscribing to men can't do this or women shouldn't do that. Will be the best provider or househusband ever, whatever makes his partner happy!
Daniel or Jay busy or out of town? If Vasco is available, he will be looking after Enu or Jays puppies. This is absolutely non negotiable. He always gets first dibs.
Seen and heard enough about Vin Jin to think there's no redeeming features with this guy. Although Vasco might be the only person that thinks his rap is pretty good lol
Very little sense of self awareness and decorum around girls. Not really sure where he's going wrong until Jay spruced him up and his post-date download with Jace.
Says he's married to the Burn Knuckles and he's talked less about finding a partner since then. In all honesty he finds the dressing up and the flowery words exhausting. He just wants to find someone that loves him for him, BNC uniform and all :(
And this is the perfect segue into...
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Vasco x Reader headcannons
Vasco is the ultimate friends to lover trope. He needs to get to know you first and your personality before he can begin to develops feelings for you. Your morals aligning with his is a must.
Doesn't think too hard on confessing if he likes you. He's a straight forward guy. Main obstacle is Jace giving him terrible advice based on trashy romcoms.
Only Jace (occasionally) or family call him Euntae. Will be so flustered if you do.
He is 100% innocent your honour!!! You likely need to take the initiative in the relationship. He's a romantic at heart but doesn't know how to express himself and is worried about being too foward. First hand hold? First embrace? First kiss? Gonna be all you.
Gets more relaxed the longer you date. Once he's more confident of your comfort levels and knowing that he can be himself around you, will initiate a lot more.
Not a huge fan of PDA but loves holding hands and holding you. It just feels right with you in his arms.
Vasco would naturally be the big spoon, but omg if you were the big spoon? He has never felt so protected and loved and will absolutely melt.
Huge fan of couples outfits. Not the cool ones, the cheesier the better. "If found return to Y/N" "I'm Y/N". And tbh Zack is sick with jealousy that him and Mira don't do that.
Still has an old fashioned sense of chivalry where he wouldn't want you to fight even if you could. After seeing you fight a few times though, he reluctantly let's you get on with things. Will try to step in where possible, but more that he doesn't want to see you get hurt.
Loves the novelty of classic dates at first, especially after seeing and reading about it all so much. Fancy 3 course meals, grabbing a coffee together.
After a while though, would prefer to just have more meaningful dates and take you to his favourite places. Even if it's that Fish Soup place lol, but you don't mind cos you can see how happy he is and being with Vasco is enough.
Expect good morning texts, good night video calls and everything in between! This man isn't afraid of the double or triple text. There's a lot of "I can't wait to see you!" and "I miss you!!" and just random ones like "I tried to buy milk but forgot my wallet lol"
As long as it's not against his morals, he will do A N Y T H I N G for you. Tired? Foot massage. Craving at 3am? Let me run right out. Prefer him clean shaven? Hold on I'll get the razor. He loves you so so much and it shows!
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Stalker's Baby
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader ft Kaia Gerber
Warning: NONCON! Drugged sex, Enforced pregnancy, Stalker Reader, Dark reader, Breaking and Entering, Bondage, Blindfolding, Creampies, Obsessed Austin, Birth, Pregnancy, mention of Murder, Obsessed reader, Switch/submission reader, Dark humor, Degrading kink, Spanking, Dirty talk, Cockwarming, Austin wearing a necklace and rings during sex. ( yes, that is a warning.)
Summary: Your baby's fever has reached its full height, with a great-paying job you look up a sperm bank, and to your wonder, some big names had donated like Brad Pitt. But your favorite celebrity and obsession; Austin Butler hasn't. You'd be damned if you can't have his baby. ( can y'all see I want a baby really bad?)
A/N: I DO NOT condone this! This is purely fanfiction. I WILL NOT have hate. Don't read it if you don't like it. Hi my sweet doves, I would like to thank y'all for waiting patiently, was excited and looking forward. It took a little longer then I hope and I can't wait to see y'all reaction and before y'all might ask I will do sequel
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You sighed, walking into your dull, lifeless apartment, dropping the keys into your key bowel and flopping down onto the brown sofa. You were exhausted, having followed your billionaire boss from meeting to meeting, and being hit on by snobby married rich men was exhausting, not to mention having lunch with your annoying sister and her deadly cute baby. It seemed every day you were reminded of how much you wanted a kid of your own. It's not like you had trouble picking up a man, but they just weren't him.
Austin Butler became your whole world the first time you had seen him, his blue sparkling eyes, that heart-melting smile, and oh his voice! he was the most addicting drug, the way he moved and how he put his soul into his acting was magical, his very being was mesmerizing. He was your unhealthy obsession and you loved every bit of it.
A bing brought your attention to your phone 'AUSTIN BULTER CLOSE BY ROSE CAFE.' That's the Cafe by your neighborhood, you grinned and hastily got up to get out of your tight pencil skirt and blouse into your gray hoodie with black leggings, a baseball hat, and dark sunglasses
You, fortunately, showed up before him, you bought coffee with a donut, taking a bite out of your dessert you looked around the cafe you have always been an observed person so much you're able to disappear, without a trance.
You hummed at the wonderful taste of the hot beverage and the sweetness of your favorite dessert, you go to take another sip when the man of your dreams strolled through the glass iconed door, the light of the mid-day sun shined on him like a gorgeous angel that was here to take you to heaven. You quietly chuckled at that thought 'I'm going far from heaven for what im planning to do.' you planned to finally get want you wanted, you had always put people above you, and you would take the blame for your brothers and sister, did everything you were asked, you ignored your wants and needs for so long and you refuse to keep it that way.
You took one last sip of your drink and swallowed the rest of your round sweet. You got up as Austin sat down at the table a few feet away, throw away your trash and look at him and left your favorite cafe. You need to hurry to get ready. It will be tonight to finally take what you wanted for what seems like your whole life on earth, everything must be perfect, it had and will to.
Austin stirred, feeling smooth hands slide down his chest and to his v-line"Mm~baby not now, you have to work tomorrow" Austin smirked lazily, eyes still closed as he tried to put his hands on Kaia's waist but a rope stop that from happening. Austin's blue eyes snap open "What? Who are you?!" his glaze switched to his girlfriend's side of the bed to find her peacefully asleep "Don't worry about her sweetheart, I just give her something to make her sleep better. I couldn't have her ruining my plans, you know?" you smiled tilting your head innocent-like. Austin opened his mouth to snap back but his jaw dropped a little and his blue orbs took notice of the beautiful light blue number on you, fitting your figure perfectly.
Austin cursed in his mind as he felt the similar heat of arousal, he needed to fuck something, he needed fuck you. "What did you do to me?" he barked "Oh, I give you something to boost your stamina and get you ready. After all, we need to make sure that I get pregnant." You showed him the needle before throwing it into a wall behind you "Fuck.. Take me out." "Huh?" "Take. Me. Out." Austin snarled jerking his hips hard, against your covered pussy with a whimper you took his big-hard long twitching dick, the head a pretty shade of pink, his cock was a good 7-inches and thick, your mouth watered it was better than you had ever imagined but you took to long for Austin's tastes.
"Ride me. Now," he growled and glared at you through his low-lidded eyes, you quickly nodded and ripped your thong off, you let his tip slide up and down your soaking folds then lined him with your wet-hot velvet walls, you took him inch by inch till he was completely inside. Austin choked down a groan as you bounced and grind on his dick, he throw his head back, closed his baby blues, and pulled at the ropes, Goddamn your pussy was so tight, tighter than Kaia's, and each time you bounced, your cunt would clench down on his sensitive member as if afraid he'd disappear.
He's so close to busting, he couldn't keep quiet his moans and groans as you started slammed down at each bounce, with sometimes a roll of your hips "Fuck!" Austin hissed watching you plant your hands between his spreading legs and use that momentum to ride him faster and harder. The view of you swallowing his dick inside pushed him over "Fuck yes!" you cried as he panted and filled you, sweat covering both of your bodies, eyes locked in a passionate, lustful glaze.
Austin had got his breath before you, he watched your breasts move with every breath, he needed more, wanted more he open his legs wider and planted his feet against the mattress. He dragged his tongue across his bottom lip and used the strength in his feet and thrusted upward, he barely let you react with his hard thrusting and a smug smirk resting on his face, his gaze locked on your breasts that were trapped in your laced bra.
"Take your bra off," Austin grunted rolling his hips, and a gasp left you as you hurried to do what he ordered, the bra dropped onto his torso, fuck your boobs were beautiful he wanted to squeeze them, slap them, suck and nibble at your nipples. He wanted to slap your ass until it bruised for making him want for you, he wanted to you let him out so he could turn you and plow you into his shared bed until you're begging, and pushing him to stop but he wouldn't until he empty all his cum into you.
"Let me out." he commanded in a groan, his cock began to slam into your cervix "N-no." you cried, shaking your head no and from this pleasure, you never felt before. Austin uses his leverage to pound at a punishing speed and you came all over his dick so much some landed on the bed beside Austin, and you let out a loud moan when a harsh thrust pushed you onto Austin's chest, your lips and tongues met in a dance, his hips stuttered, spilling his seed into your fertile womb. The kiss kept going, his tongue licked against yours, and you were able to distract him enough that you reached for the third needle which had a safe sleeping drug, on the bedside table and gently put it in his shoulder Austin jumped when you pulled it out and back where you had it "What..was..in..that?" his words slurred, his eyes already closing.
You placed a kiss on his forehead as he succumbs unconscious, you reluctantly got off him, grabbed the plug you brought, and put it into your pleasantly-sore pussy to keep his hot cum inside, then you quickly put all three needles in a plastic pencil case and walked over to your duffle bag. Tossing the case and putting on the black hoodie with black booty shorts you pick the cleaning rag, your hunting pocket knife, and the rash cream. You set the items on the bedside table kneeled and began to clean your combined cum off Austin's still-hard cock, you got done and folded the rag tossed it by your bag then you picked up the knife and cut Austin's hands-free, and finally rubbed in the cream onto his red wrists.
You kissed both his palms then stuffed everything into the large bag, wrap it around your shoulder, rushed to your car, throw the duffle bag in the backseat, and sat down in your driving seat. Once you arrived and made it up to your apartment, you check everything you need before you left in an hour with your boss you couldn't stay here if Austin reported you, that's why you made sure to get every single piece of evidence that could be traced to you and even stop hacking his phone. Two large duffle bags on the couch, one filled with clothes, the 10k your boss provided, and identity-changing papers, the other was filled with things you swear you can't live without.
You had to make sure if he did, they wouldn't be able to find you, so you started breaking plates, glasses, and lambs you pushed your TV off the stand and busted one of your windows. Grabbing a knife you walked to your bedroom and made it look like you were fighting for your life. You sliced the side of your hand, letting your blood drip onto the floor before bandaging the wound, you inhale and looked around, you were gonna miss this place but it was time to move on. You grab the three bags and drove to Ki's private jet. 'Hawaii here I come.'
You sang softy to your 8-month baby boy as you got up from your rocking chair and laid him into his little crib, it was hard at first moving from everything you knew but you were lucky that your boss, now best friend ki went with you, you asked for a bit of money so you could move and to quit but imagine your surprise when he said he wanted to expand from his parent's old company why not to Hawaii? It was set after that night you would escape to Hawaii, you were expected to hear Austin telling the media what happened but you saw nor heard anything which you of course you was grateful for, Ki had brought you a cozy house, car, and everything you needed for you to continue to work for him.
Being pregnant with Hudson wasn't easy, sure ki helped but you wanted Austin, and that was insane he hated you, he probably wanted you to die for what you did, he wouldn't love you or his son. You smiled sadly and walked into the kitchen to get water to drink, you finished the water with a large sip when you felt a lanky arm wrap itself around your waist, the cup in your hand dropped to the floor and you opened your mouth to scream but a hand clasped it "It's not that easy to get away." A deep raspy voice whispered in your ear and pushed his hard-on against your barely t-shirt-covered ass " I couldn't get off you know, no matter how many times I fucked Kaia or some woman I could cum at the thought of you." he hissed bucking his hips, you let out a whine already feeling your wetness ran down your leg.
"You were hard to find, not until I saw the news about your fucking boss's new business down here and what do I see? you, my pretty little stalker right by him," Austin hissed, pushing his pants down and slamming his cock into your pussy, his hands on your waist "Mm fuck." you mewled as Austin used your hips to fucked you harder muffled pants and moans along with skin clapping against skin surrounded the living room and a whimper stopped Austin med-thrust, he looked at the open nursery entrance with the sudden realization, a little cry is what made him move, he took one step as he slammed into forcing you to walk to keep your balance.
"Should we check on your baby? Like a good mama?" Austin mocked, he showed no mercy with his pounding not even as you stand above your still-sleeping baby holding onto his crib which rocked from the power behind Austin's hips "P-please, not ah here." you plead holding on to his hands, moans low, to not wake up Hudson, lucky Austin decided to show mercy to you and fucking you out the room "Where's your bedroom?" he granted biting your neck "down the hall." you squint your eyes shut as you felt your upcoming orgasm, it seemed in no time you stood before the edge of your queen-size mattress and without warning, Austin pushed you on the bed his cock slipped out with wetting pop, you moved to lay on your back, and lifted yourself on your elbows to watch what your obsession will do to you.
His eyes were a striking electric blue, his intense gaze made it hard to look at him. His hands rip his shirt off , and the motion causes his glistening golden chain to smack against his collarbone leaving just his naked body, chain, rings, and a black silk bracelet. No, it wasn't a bracelet but a blindfold, your breath hitched as he untied it from his wrist, his eyes never looked away from you "Take the shirt off." He finally spoke, breaking intense sexual tension, you took the shirt and throw it somewhere in the room as he got onto the bed, putting himself between your legs, blindfold in hand. Sitting up on your hands you are mesmerized by this beautiful man, his long fingers made work to tie the silk around your eyes "Relax." he whispered into your ear as he gently manhandled you to lay on your side with him behind you, he lifted your leg and the room was silent for only a moment until he plunged his cock inside, hitting your cervix, pushing you over with a sobbing wail, his rough pace returned.
He grips hard on your thigh, drilling into your abused vagina, pants, and growls leave him, it felt so good, he needed your pussy to survive, he'd lose his mind if he can't have this, you "You wanted a baby so bad right?" his hips thrusted upwards, causing stars to dance around your blacked vision "I'll give you another" he groans, turning you over on your stomach, his thighs spread yours wider, his forearms rested by your head, his sweaty chest against your hot back, his chain cooled down your nape and his balls left a sting sensation you welcome on your folds and clit. "Fuck." Austin moaned, throwing his head back, his eyes rolled back and his wet golden-sandy locks clung to his forehead as his rutting become sloppy "Please. cum, I want another baby." you whine, and a familiar warmth painted your womb "Oh God," Austin let a shaky breath, a blissed out smile on his pink lips as you untie the blindfolded.
Austin hasn't felt at peace since he had you nothing could satisfy him, not Kaia nor any women after, he had to force himself to cum each time. The only time he truly could cum was the panties you left funny how you got everything like you weren't even there but those, he washed them off course but it wasn't enough he needed the real thing. He searched for you, the disdained he felt as he watched the news about a rich young man that was starting a new company business bout for knows what just as he was gonna switch the channel when his mystery stalker, heavy pregnant mind you—handed the rich boy some notes for his speech. His rage met a new high that day and it didn't help with Kaia coming storming in with your underwear accusing him of cheating and spilling how she cheated on him multiple times well he saw white. He didn't know he did it until he was washing the blood from his hands, he buried her with a patch of flowers, her favorites, and it made him look like he took up gardening. Luckily he heard where to find you.
Austin hooked his arm around you and moved you both to lie on your sides, his cock still nestled deep inside "Goodnight baby." he chuckled, kissing the back of your head as he slowly fell asleep, cuddling your already asleep self.
You woke up with a little bit of a startle as everything that happened last night came flooding to you "You okay,baby?" Austin said tiredly and kissed your neck his arm still keeping you against him, his body heat warmed you in the otherwise cold room. You smiled softly, it was happening, your dreams were coming true. " Can I see my child now?" Austin asked "Yes." you giggled.
Taglist: @galaxygirl453, @plasticfantasticl0ver, @pennyroyalcreep, @blond3do1ly, @heavn666, @kittenlittle24, @mollyg25, @18lkpeters, @eddiesgorlie, @purejasmine, @godlypresley, @kendralavon7 .
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anythingbutdaddy1 · 3 days
If you really want to know what is going on in a man's head? This is it -
"Im fucking tired of it. Tired of being 2nd best to people. Tired of being told I'm wrong and then someone else tells them what I said and that person is right. I'm tired of being loved conditionally, im tired of being ignored, im tired of not being told ive done a good job, not being told that I matter, I'm tired of people not noticing that I don't hide my depression. I'm fucking sick and tired of being conditional to everyone around me to the point that if I'm not working 12hrs a day, then coming home and doing all the house work, day in and day out, every fucking day, every fucking night, and still having to be this stand up person to everyone around me because I'm the only person that holds it together and everyone else together but no one else will take the time to tell me I matter, to tell me they appreciate me, to show me that I'm good enough, to prove to me that everything I do isn't conditional."
Male depression is something a lot of people can't even fathom because we are conditionally loved. We don't have people to be there to lift us up, we don't have people we can talk to because we are taught to suck it up, hold it in, and move the fuck on because when we do open up, it becomes a weapon to be used against us at any given time. Our mental health isn't given a second thought to anyone until we are 6 feet deep in a box. We don't get flowers until we are dead. We don't get told we matter unless it's Father's Day, birthdays, or we're dead. No one tells us how they really feel until we're dead. Men move in the world like a shadow unnoticed. We're seen, but everyone just ignores what's in plain sight. We're expected to do so much and we shouldn't expect anything in return. This is what conditional love is.
No one takes the time to really say "I notice everything you've done and everything you do. I see you. I'm here for you. I love you. You're doing an amazing job. Let me help you so you can take a break. What can I do for you?"
Please take the time to show the men in your life that they truly matter and that you will be their support for everything.
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I am on drag Instagram (because I do drag and having a social media presence is a borderline job requirement these days) which means I'm also on makeup and fashion Instagram because the algorithm refuses to just show me people im following. Which means I occasionally get bimbo (pseudo)feminist TikToks on my feed because they like to wear lots of makeup and elaborate outfits and Instagram thinks thats what im into. which if you don't know what that is it's a TikTok phenomenon where girls wear a lot of pink and talk about how awesome women are and how hot they themselves are. They claim the term bimbo and say that they are feminists. Which is fine in the abstract, but usually they are lying about the feminism part. This one I got was rough on that front.
So this girl in a fuzzy pink crop top says 5 ways women invented the internet. And I was like, oh ok she's gonna talk about how Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer and then probably some women I don't know about because people only ever talk about the men, right?
She opens with how Google Images was invented because people wanted to look at a dress JLo wore. (High odds this is TikTok misinfo) (This one was the least offensive one to me)
The other women?: Monica Lewinsky (news blogging)(citation needed), Janet Jackson (YouTube specifically so people could post the nip slip)(citation needed), and the assorted women that mark Zuckerberg ranked on the original version of Facebook.
At this point I'm only still watching the video because I need number 5 to be Ada Lovelace. I wanted to know about obscure female programmers who invented Internet codes and all I have learned is that computer programmers love sexually exploiting women. Please say Ada Lovelace I'm on my fucking knees.
She does not say Ada Lovelace. She starts talking about some world war 2 era actress. I do not stick around long enough to find out how she was sexually exploited.
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ftmtftm · 1 year
hi, I'm not very good at thinking deeply about things, so I'll have thoughts that, base level, seem logical, but i know theres issues with it if dug deeper into (im not good at that) so im wondering if you can share your ideas and perspective on this for me? I love your posts and respect your opinion and how well youre able to explain your thoughts.
so, firstly I'm a mlm trans man. I do not have any masculine environments where I am accepted (I do not "pass"). and by masculine I mean, stereotypical fishing beer cars 3n1 masculine. I also mean the energy of being a man in the most simple of stereotypical definitions (excluding the toxicity part). I usually only get accepted socially by fem people, or other trans men who are more feminine and into things I'm not(like drag and make up etc)(WHICH IS FINE. I love that stuff I'm just not personally that interested myself.) so I'm constantly just catching everyone else's wave in order to be social. now this is all my own issue that I'll work on etc. but I can't relate to a lot of feminine things and I constantly find myself just wishing I could be surrounded by other masculine men.
I'm finally at my point I think... so the other day I quickly typed up a post before thinking about it that said "I only want to be surrounded by manly men" as a light hearted joke. I immediately deleted it before even posting it bc I realized that many people would take that the wrong way and see that as a negative thing. but then I thought "anyone of any gender could write "i only want to be surrounded by women" and no one would think twice about it." it wouldn't be nearly as offensive to most people. or wouldn't be seen as being misogynistic. i thought that was unfair bc as a trans man I'm kind of expected to reject the masculine culture and be ashamed of that aspect. because masculinity is usually tied to being toxic and abusive. i don't know if any of this makes sense. I'm really not the smartest person in the world and I have a hard time talking and using the right words so I'm sorry if I misused any terms or anything.
You're all good anon, and honestly? I can empathize with that kind of feeling a lot. I've also had a lot of times where I just... Want To Be Around Men And Love Men Because There Is A Lot Of Beauty In Maleness And Masculinity !!!!! And I also really understand that feeling of social isolation you're kind of describing where it feels like you're really only accepted by people who are more feminine in one way or another and want to be around more masculine folks.
It's definitely hard and tricky trying to express that though. I wish we lived in a perfect world where when mlm, especially trans mlm, were able to just comfortably say "I want to be surrounded by masculine men" and have all of the nuances of that just.... be understood. So many people don't want to attempt to understand our nuances though because they have no concept of what healthy manhood or masculinity can look like, so they don't understand why it would or could be desirable to us.
I really do think that we can be the change we want to see in the world though! I think as trans mlm we're in a really unique position to truly show people what it can mean like to be masculine and love masculinity in healthy and kind ways. To live authentically in that way is genuinely beautiful I think. I know it is easier said than done but if people can't understand or accept your authentic and true self? Fuck them. Like, if they are someone you care about it's always an option to try to help them understand and that sort of situation is up to you to gauge, but you owe absolutely nothing to strangers on the internet.
If someone can't understand why a trans mlm would want to be surrounded by masculinity, or if they immediately jump to the worst bad faith understanding of that desire, they are genuinely not someone worth breaking your back over. You deserve to be open about and proud of your desires anon, especially in light hearted ways like that.
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misterradio · 5 months
okay here are some tron 2.0 thoughts TEE HEE....... you have been Spoiler Warned for REAL!
tron fans talk abt this game with me okay 🥺
THIS GAME IS BEAUTIFUL .... MWWWWWAH!!!!!! i just love all the different environment designs, the color coding that went into the different computer systems was really cool too. my main takeaway is that the visuals Rule.
the npc designs were cool too but i kind of wish there was More variety (visually as well as voice acting)... but i really enjoy the design direction here ::-) why so many bald antagonist though? lol (AND WHY SO MANY MEN?)
In regards to gameplay i felt like it was pretty standard? i ended up using the basic disc weapon for most of the game because switching weapons takes Way too long if youre actively fighting, which is kind of a shame cuz there are so many weapon options... i did really enjoy the energy claw though 👍also the light cycle racing SUCKED and there was a graphical glitch that made it so that a bunch of visuals to my cycle were missing so i couldnt even enjoy the new design that was hyped up lol. as complicated as gameplay felt up front it definitely felt much better as it went on so it was pretty good.
game progression was very straightforward which i didnt expect..? go do this and then do that, etc. i thought it would be more open. this isnt rlly a complaint bc at least i wasnt lost or anything.
finding all the build notes was thankfully not hard but i enjoy poking around as much as i can in games already... and i liked the mechanics of searching archive boxes and being able to read emails between people ::-) YAY NOSINESS !!! despite finding all the build notes i still didnt end with the highest version i couldve...🤔 no idea how that works then...
moving on 2 story...
all the characters felt a bit flat so that was unfortunate... i wouldve liked to see some more emotions from everyone, bit more personality, etc...
i dont rlly know where jet's attachment to mercury came from, is he in love with this girl, if so why?? im thinking that since she was the first program to really reach out and help jet, that he latched on to her. but as the player i was kind of neutral on her SORRY although her design is cool
i was in disbelief that lora died and i was thinking she would just have been digitized and b in the computer somewhere? and there are allusions to her at least being superficially present in the program ma3a/ma2a etc (they have the same actress ^^__^^) but neither jet nor alan mention this which really shocks me??!!!??? thats your deceased mom or wife can u show a bit of tenderness or something..... maybe this can be cooked up more in an AU or something . idk i was really hoping she (and yori) would be around. i held on to hope for so long ✊️
OBVIOUSLY WISHING TRON WAS THERE... but omg alan being in the digital world shocked me so much i really liked that HEHE. him wearing tron's outfit was fun. i saw someone else in the tag say this, but if tron is "retired" then where is he?? INQUIRING MINDS WANNA KNOW !! he and jet werent very fazed by being digitized which surprised me buuut they also have to adapt fast given the urgency of their situation..
i felt rlly bad that thorne died SNIFFLE SNIFFLE jet and alan just watched a real guy die in front of them thats MESSED UP!! he was really cool too i enjoyed the corruption concept ::-) i was really worried the three fcon employees were gonna die too but im glad they implied that they could be repaired and manifested again.. (what is the word for un-digitized..?)
evil ma3a was really cool 👍 tbh all the antagonists are cool except im neutral on the kernel. i was confused that he was red i thought he was evil like in the original movie with the MCP's soldiers.. but i think hes just a guy who happens to be red. and also trying to kill u but just bc you (jet) are a freak of computer nature and should not be there. thats fair. i enjoyed his boss fight too.
THE FCON MONSTER WAS RLLY COOL HOW AM I NOT SEEING ANY FANART OF THEM.... ::-( i have to fix this... ALSO I WISH they had dialogue. like are they even aware of their situation. missed opportunity !!
okay thats all i can think of now.
WAIT UM I READ THE COMIC CONTINUATION(?) the ghost in the machine AS WELL and i dont have many thoughts on it bc it was really confusing BUT i did enjoy the layers of horror and unreality which i really did not expect. was also expecting the titular ghost to have more to do with lora (SIGH I REALLY WANNA SEE HER AGAIN) but it didnt but thats okay. i really liked the art of the first book specificaly.....
do any tron fans also like soma (2015) haha just wondering [TWIRLS MY HAIR
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full-moon-ships · 1 year
Ship: Graves/Hound
Cws: Internalized homophobia
World count: 1,089
Summary: They're done.
Notes: Dinner is served, enjoy
Hound had enough.
Nearly a year into this "relationship" and he was finally done. Done being a secret. Done being something to be ashamed of.
So, he asked to speak with Graves privately. The two slipped into his office and, misunderstanding the situation, Graves tries to go in for a kiss. Hound pushes him back, a stern look on his face. He won't give in.
"We need to talk."
Graves pouts insincerly, "Oh, love. What have I done now?" He jokes.
"Actually, it is something you've done. Im done," Hound says simply, "you can't keep treating me like this."
Graves looks genuinely confused when he asks "Treatin' you like what?"
"Like something you need to hide. Something you're ashamed of."
Smiling, Graves tries his best to wrap his arms around Hound, only deterred by the others squirming, "Oh, dear, I don't think that of you," he says in his honey sweet tone he uses to get his way.
"But you do. You refuse to go public, refuse to give me even the smallest affection in public. Not to mention all the gross shit you say about gay people. You need to work on yourself before we continue in this relationship."
Graves scoffs, "Hun, you know I don't mean what I say. I just have a reputation to keep up. Can't let the men think I'm weak."
Hound pinches the bridge of his nose, "That! That right there is what I'm talking about! You genuinely think that if you came out that the others would see you as weak, that being gay makes you weak! It doesn't. But you can't see that. Do you know how it feels? Hearing your commandin officer spew hate and vitriol towards a group your part of? To hear him say how you 'Ain't worth shit in the real world'? It fucking hurts. I'm done having to pretend I don't love you, and if you can't man up, say it back, and be okay with others knowing than this ends here."
Graves paused, but only for a moment. His mind was made, no qualms about it, "I won't let them think I'm unfit to lead," he says, "respectfully, you ain't worth giving up all that I've worked for," he opens to door to his office, gesturing out, "been nice talkin' to you, soldier."
So Hound leaves. He doesn't look back. He knew this would happen, knew the choice Graves would make before he even posed the question.
And he thrives once out of the relationship. The other soldiers ask him what happened, noticing the change in him, noticing he's the happiest he's been in a year. All he says is that he got out of a bad relationship. They congratulate him, of course. They're so happy for him.
But their Commander, on the other hand? They notice something off about him aswell. He's quick to anger and there's always this far-off look in his eyes. Like he's not really there. He says nothing, never giving them an answer as to why he's changed.
A few month after their separation, Graves breaks.
He realizes, late one night over a bottle of beer, how much he misses Hound. How much he meant to him. He cries. And he realizes how Hound must have felt. To hear all those awful things about him and the people he related to. How horrible it was for him to hear the man he loved spew such hate. And he vows to make it up to him in anyway he can. Even if he doesn't get a second chance. He wants to be better.
So, he researches, buys some flowers, and shows up at his door.
He shifts around nervously before knocking on the door to his room. He waits. And when he sees Hound he could cry.
Nervously, he hands the other man the flowers, "I wanted to apologize. I realize how shitty I was when we were together and want to let you know that I see how I had hurt you, and want to do better."
"And... the flowers?"
"Oh. The purple ones mean sorrow, the red-ish ones mean lasting affection, the other red ones mean deep love or heartache, and the ferns are for a secret bond, and they add some foliage. I thought you would appreciate them."
Hound smiles at Graves for the first time in months, "I do. Thank you so much, Phillip. Come in," he invites.
Stepping into his quaters, Phillip takes it all in for the first time. Its so uniquely Hound. The posters, the desk, even the little analog clock feels like him.
Coughing, he stands a little straighter, "I wanted to um. Tell you. I still have feelings for you, honestly. Losing you was the hardest thing I've been through, and we fight in active war zones every other day. What i mean is, I don't want to lose you for good. I want to be a better man. And i want you to be there along side me."
"I love you."
Hound pauses. Through their entire relationship Graves never said it back. And here he was, handing Hound flowers and finally saying those three words. Hesitantly, he speaks, "I... love you too," he sighs.
Phillip smiles, and tries to speak again before getting cut off.
"But. Things are going to be different. We're going to be public. I want the others to know about us, and I need you to publicly tell them. Okay?"
"Okay. I was planning to anyway. I want to apologize to everyone for what I've said, and formally say hatred has no place in our unit. That I only said those things because I hated myself."
"Good. Not- not the hating yourself part. Everything else."
Phillip smiles, "I know."
The next day during breakfast in the mess he says he has an announcement. Everyone quiets down. He calls Hound up.
"I don't want to keep things from you boys. So, I have a little something to say. Me and Hound... are together. Romantically." There's a round of cheers and applause, some money being exchanged, before they quiet back down. "And," he says, "I want to formally apologize for any homophobic remarks I've made. I know the damage can't be undone, but moving forward I want it known that any kind of hatred against your fellow soldiers is not welcome here. At the time, I was ashamed of who I am. Of who I loved. But I never should have taken it out on others. I'm sorry."
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winterxisxcomingx · 7 months
why are you so obssesed with poly ships? i've been lurking around your blog and you seem to put a lot of characters from your fandoms in poly ships, you even have a sideblog with polyamory in url and i'm curious why
ik you might just be poly yourself and looking for representantion which is valid even when you have to make it up bc there's not much of those relationships in media
but if your mono then what exactly about those ships interests you?
sorry if it's rude to ask or sth, i don't want to offend but i was seriously wondering
ohh that's interesting haha but im glad you're not mean
welp, it's just one of my interests, ya know. My bachelor's thesis was about polyamory representation in media and just overall - it's history, how people are seeing it, how they react to it, how this kind of relationships works. Like, idk it's just interesting to me. Also, poly is kinda part of lgbt+ community, but it isn't exactly popular in media or and lgbt doesn't really talk about it as much as about trans or other orientations. Lately, people has taken an interest in polyamory, and not only in a sexual way but also as a romantic, beautiful relationship, and I guess im just part of this group.
and representation in media? Oh lord, don't let me start on that. There's like one or two good representation in movies/shows, while others are just toxic and all are doing are harden negative stereotypes.
Also, ive been a shipper since i was a little kid. Idk men, I just like idea of people loving each other. Movies and tv shows in 20's were all about love triangles, and honestly why? I mean, if you both love one person, and that person can't seem to chose because she also loves both of you, then... don't you see a solution? I mean, obviously, it isn't that easy in real life, but in a movies? Why not just let them love each other without drama.
Oh yes, another thing: fandom dramas. I hate those, truly. Ive been in many fandoms before, and in most of them there is that discourse 'ship A vs ship B" usually having "G+K or G+N" and people are literally throwing insults and kys at each other just because they can't accept that other people like different dynamics than them. That's stupid all in itself, but welp.. I guess polyamory is some kind of way of remis? I mean, in poly you can ship both ships without argument. They can be in open relationship or close, they can be triad or just one person loving two others. Like, in a fictional world, it's the best solution, isn't it? It's us who create characters' thoughts, dynamic, emotions... We *can* make it work!
So hm that would be that, I think? Love is beautiful and you can make it that way if u want to!
I hope it answers your question ahaha
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somebodystoleme · 2 years
the music you gave me "sirius x reader"
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pairings: sirius black x reader
words: 1,128
trope(s): so in 1978 they had phones, friends to lovers, kind of cheesy, mutual pinning, confession in the rain, sirius is just sirius
requested: yes // no, by @in-my-feels-probably
hi love, i saw you were asking for requests, could i get one for sirius black?
i’m ok with whatever you feel like writing and you totally don’t have to use any of these ideas, but i do have one. could you do something where sirius is having an off day and he seems kinda quiet, so when him and the reader have some free time, they take him to listen to music, either artists he likes or artists the reader wants to show him? just something fluffy and sweet.
i also had an idea that you could either add onto this, or do instead if you wanted, where the music is modern. like sirius listening to phoebe bridgers or something, i feel like that’s a modern artist he’d be into.
you can totally ignore this request if you want to, or adapt it however you want, im happy with anything you come up with for him. thank you, take all the time you need, and have a nice day :)
a/n: thank you so much for the request!! i love moon song by phoebe bridgers so i decided to use that. uhhh the music is not really that big of a deal in it! i def tried to, im new a writer so sorry if i messed that up lmfao. but i really hope you enjoy this!
the music you gave me
you know when you can just notice someone is having a rough day? when you seem to notice their omnipresent smile starts to dissolve. i started noticing something was up with my close friend, sirius, when he showed up late for DADA, his favorite class and our last class of the day, much to say i was a little confused. his hair was ruffled and the darker-than-usual eyebags were showing. once the professor released us, i picked up my bag with my old notebook in my arms.
"sirius! wait up." i called out for him
his dark eyes found mine immediately, a small smile graced his face. "oh hey, y/n." once i caught up he nudged my side. "are you okay? i mean you showed up late to DADA!" i let out.
sirius and i have always been friends ever since the start. the start of everything you could say. we went school shopping together, (every year, i might add) courtesy of our parents, and we snuck into the muggle world once in a while, just to see.
i think the first time i fell in love with sirius over the years was a couple years ago.
it was a dark night in the country, whereas, no one was around. young ladies and men lined up across each other in the golden ballroom. now, where was i, you might ask. sitting in the corner with my garments wrapped all over me, very very uncomfortable. every time i heard the door behind me open i would sneak a peek just to see if maybe black didn't just stand me up. i nervously played with my fingers and i heard the door open. i dared not to look back so in case it was an old man i wouldn't make grim eye contact.
i felt a tap on my shoulder, praying it wasn't malfoy, i turned around to be meeting with sirius. "sirius. oh god finally. my parents keep on looking at me like they're going to kill me!" he starts laughing, "sorry y/n fought with my parents before this. but don't worry we can dance now."
my gosh did we dance. all night actually. it felt like a love story. your arm slung around my waist with my hand perched on top of your shoulder. you whispered in my ear that night with two words that i might never forget till this day, "you're stunning." and that was when i felt love for the first time.
but in the present, i sit across you on the benches near the lake, talking. you tell me about your parents and how sick they make you. and sometimes you add in some sympathy for regulus. i nod my head and listen, because i feel like that's the best way to comfort a sad sirius.
his eyes are most focused at the lake but at the end of a sorrowful rant it looks to me with a smile, "that was nice, wasn't it?" i nod my head in agreement to pull out my phone plus my stringy headphones. "you know what i want to do right now?" i say
"listen to phoebe bridgers"
sirius lets out that laugh that i feel so accustomed to, "yeah yeah i agree." he moves over to my side of the bench and i hand him one of my earbuds.
"god y/n have i ever told you how much i love phoebe bridgers."
"yes sirius. at least a thousand times. but if you'd like to go on and tell me more."
"just her music really speaks to me-" sirius rants for at least 45 more minutes till suddenly he sets his head on my shoulder. "y/n usually i would run up to my dorm to take a nap but can i?" and by can i, i think he means to sleep on my shoulder.
"yes, yes you can sirius." he snuggles up to my side and i can feel my face go red all red. i soon afterwards lay my head down on the old wood bench side and fall asleep.
my head is banging as i am being shaken. "what the hell-" sometimes when you nap you just down horrendous afterwards with drool and no idea where the heck you are. that's me right now. i lift my head to see sirius. he's all wet and holding an umbrella over me.
"y/n! finally! it's raining. if you couldn't tell."
i scowl, "where's my phone?"
"oh- um. yeah um. i put it in my waistband to keep it safe then ran it up to your dorm"
"ok. uh. well let's go inside i guess."
"sirius why aren't you moving."
"i like you. why don't you just like me?"
"excuse me-"
"i just put your phone down into my underwear and not even a tint of red is on your face! why don't you like me?"
"sirius i'm really confused."
"ever since we were children i thought you and i would end up together but it seems that you're in love with every guy you met or some bullshit like that."
"sirius oh my god. that's you!"
"excuse me!"
"you heard me." i roll my eyes
"so, you don't like me" he head drops down and with the rain drops falling down he looks even more melancholy
"you idiot! i'm a hopeless fool when i'm around you! of course-"
"so you do like me?" he looks like a puppy right in front of me. so keen to hear what i have to say
"my god, y/n, now let me have my sappy romantic confession, will ya? all my family drama and all the girls you stuck with me through thick and thin. i don't know when i fell for you but it happened and i couldn't shake you out of my head. now this looks so cliche that i'm telling you this but i just i don't know what to do."
"sirius. i promise-" i stand up right in front of him, "i'll choose you whenever. i swear i will. now i really love your sappy confession but im freezing over here."
"oh! yes yes let's hurry" and he mutters that he squats down.
"what are you doing sirius?" i start cracking up and this grown boy doing this!
"hop on my back, love" without zero complaining or punching him with that use of that nickname i get on his back. with that he carries me into the castle and i can't help to feel giddy about what's going to come next.
if i could give you the moon,
i would give you the moon
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dribbldrabbl · 2 years
in celebration of women’s history month, here’s some mha 1A big three drabbles! (sorry about format im on mobile)
he’s definitely going to treat you like the queen you are. you’re gonna wake up and have a hot breakfast with you favorite foods, with him standing at the side of your bed and his big adorable smile. he’s going to make sure you’re not doing any work the whole month. trying to open the door? nope, he’ll push you back and open it for you! walking? in those beautiful shoes? of course not. piggyback rides and bridal style. he’ll even feed you himself! along with the princess treatment, you’re going to receive a ton of love from him personally. kisses and cuddles all month long, and you don’t even have to ask for it! he’ll even tuck you into bed and give you a kiss goodnight. if that isn’t your dream bf idk what to tell you. “Sweet dreams, my queen.” bonus if you’re black and its after black history month.
when he realizes that the month even exist, the first thing you guys are doing is going on a brunch date. he’s gonna let you talk the whole time and listen to whatever bullshit you’re saying out of your pretty lips. though he isn’t going to admit that he likes hearing you talk. ask him and you’ll get a quick shut up and die while he’s stuffing his face. while in public, he’s going around talking about how his girlfriend is the best girl in the whole fucking world. if you try to deny it then he’ll start yelling at you about all you’re amazing qualities. you’re beautiful smile, amazing laugh, wonderful hair. got you blushing and shit. when you guys are alone he’ll finally let himself show some PDA. Playing with your hair while you’re doing something like winning video games or watching TV. at night, after a little convincing, he’ll grab you by the waist and hold you tight the entire night, muttering a quick “good night, your highness.”
he’s not going to know what women’s history month is until you explain it to him. you’re probably gonna make a joke about how men are supposed to treat women like royalty for the whole month, and then head to bed. but as we know, shoto takes things a little too serious. the next day you wake up and he’s dressed up from top to bottom, hair swerved back and a little white bowtie to match the butler-like outfit he’s wearing. you couldn’t be more confused. but regardless, you weren’t gonna let this opportunity go. he does whatever you ask him to, giving you a massage, making you snacks, painting your nails, giving forehead kisses. he also follows you around the whole month, readily accepting any order you give him. after a couple of days you release him of his duties, thinking he’s had enough of being bossed around. but instead, he says “i don’t mind being under your rule. you make a beautiful princess.”
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