#and im having the most fun i can while also having the worst time physically
The first three scenes of chapter 30 are basically done, two more to go
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dreamsy990 · 10 months
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(video essayist voice) kingdom hearts is-
so, kh1. its been. a little while since i played. so forgive me if the game isnt exactly fresh in my mind. theres maybe gonna be errors so please bear with me im trying my best.
this is probably the kh game i have the least thoughts on, which feels weird considering its the first game in the series, but i just dont have a lot of strong opinions on it. its a pretty solid game!
starting where i normally do, the gameplay is probably the worst aspect of the game. they really thought platforming would be a fun thing in this game, but its just. not. the physics are so bad oh my god. if i ever have to jump in kh1 again itll be too soon. the difficulty is also a little bit all over the place. i played on standard (like i do with pretty much every game) and i would randomly jump from breezing through the game to trying a hundred times to fight one boss. most of the time its not the fun kind of difficult, just frustrating. the only time i can remember the difficulty being fun is the last riku fight in hollow bastion. i wish more of the game was the fun kind of hard. strangely enough, i know a lot of people struggled with the riku race and fight in the tutorial, but honestly those were easy for me? i got the fight first try, and the race second. idk, get on my level nerds i guess?
the worlds here are hit or miss. some of them (mostly the original ones, hollow bastion and traverse town specifically) are just amazing and i love them. others are. uh. lets say getting rid of the tarzan world was the best thing to come out of copyright law. also, this game is the only one where i skipped an entire world (sorry atlantica, you fucking suck). so theres that. the disney worlds are probably my least favorite aspect of the game
the story is alright! i dont have much to say about it other than i think that its mostly pretty good when i know whats going on, although both me AND one of my friends were so confused at the ending that we had to go call someone else to ask what the fuck happened and honestly i still dont really know? what the fuck is a kingdom hearts you ask? the world may never know.
this game and 2 are the only ones where maleficent is good. i miss when she was like a fun villain. she was just super into the housing market and i love that. what the fuck is she even doing in ddd? getting into bitcoin????
rikus great, i dont think i need to say that. hes such a freak and i love him. soras pretty good, shoutout to haley joel osman for doing a great job for being uh. 12??? at the time???????? hes great. i know a lot of people really like ansem sod but i just dont get the appeal? he never did anything for me. like hes fine i just didnt care about him whatsoever and anyone who says hes a better villain than like. xemnas. is wrong.
0/10 where is axel. ok but seriously uhhhhhh i give it a 7.7/10. its a solid, enjoyable game! not my favorite, but thats not to say i dislike it at all.
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evelili · 1 year
I just finished your Magnum Opus, and it was super great. I especially loved the Pinkie chapter (which surprised me because she’s my least favorite character!). Anyway, do you have any mlp fic recommendations?
oh boy do i have a list for you, strap in!
if you read my magnum opus writeup, you may have seen i mentioned three authors that dragged me back into mlp. if you're interested in sciset (and what's probably the most popular eqg fic on the entire site), Long Road to Friendship by Albi is a longfic that started after the first eqg movie and is a rlly lighthearted read. i don't normally care for OCs but gosh if i dont accept Albi's version of trixie's parents as canon in my heart haha. if you're interested in pony adventure fic, i also rlly liked Sunset of Time, another rlly well done longfic ive carried in my brain since i first read it xd
the second author, Monochromatic, aka the raritwi authority aka someone who has a GREAT taste in editors, has written three of the most formative longfic ive ever read: The Enchanted Library, its sequel The Enchanted Kingdom, and Crimson Lips which i unfortunately can no longer link since she's taken it down, but i believe you can still buy physically through PFP if you wanted to take a gamble on it (it would be a very good gamble). apart from her longfic though i also adore some of her shorter works, including but not limited to The Choices We Make, a really interesting Pinkie study that's definitely shaped how i view her, Your Own Worst Enemy, which is just. peak rarity content, and Injuring Eternity, which while being one of her older works still has certain passages that wreck me emotionally on sight.
and the third author responsible for my magnum opus is the one and only Aragon, who i can not only recommend for his fics but ALSO for his blog posts and comics (see the comic index on his profile for links to all of them, as well as this amazing blogpost about his neighbour that is just peak comedy). he's also the writer responsible for the banger longfic Crime and Funishment which absolutely defined my writing aspirations for a few years and is the definition of comedy if you looked it up in my heart, as well as In Hindsight, yet another banger rarity fic, and Love Is In Doom which is just bloody, silly, stupid fun (and has sunset shimmer in it)
and then if we want to talk fics i love written by other authors, Sleepless Knights by r5h has my favourite brand of scitwi written right into the margins, Administrative Angel by horizon has one of the most amazing endings to an opening chapter ive ever read AND an amazing celestia, The Best Night Ever by Capn_Chryssalid is a fandom classic with a groundhog day twist on the gala episode from s1, Side by Side by Krickis is a feel-good rarijack oneshot w a focus on lgbt (specifically trans) themes, Wax Earplugs by Reedhoarse has a dysfunctional mess of an adagio dazzle that i adore, Merge Request by FanOfMostEverything has all the scitwi/midnight shenanigans you could ask for wrapped up in the relatable content of github hell, Guppy Love by PaulAsaran is a rarijack longfic with an incredibly realistic setting and an interpretation of mermaids that i love so much, Doused Flame by heartlessons has me handshaking on the "sopping wet pathetic relatable guy" flash sentry interpretation that won me over recently, 80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore by Cynewulf feels like reading a professionally published short story (and i mean that in the best of ways, it's enthralling), and finally if you'll allow me to be self-centred a bit i also am very proud of my two oneshots Heartstrings and Something About Midnights if you wanted to check em out too xd
oops long post!! im not sorry for it, i hope you can find something in here that catches your fancy (or even all of it haha), there's soooo many incredible fics in the fandom it floors me every day that i can read all these incredible works for free!!!
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strikerangel · 1 year
Okay saur. I was thinking abt agereggssor qcharlie. And i just finished the first gegg stream. So. Ive got hcs and also madness in my bones
Mariana is his main caretaker and is. Alright at it. Hes incredibly over protective when hes on though. No fun adventures for gegg when his mom is around #>>
Charlie regresses from like. 3months old to around 5 at any given day. Tiny baby gegg is incredibly sensitive to being called odd or weird so he sticks to the nicer caretakers those days
His pacifier is light green and has a green fish on it! His favorite onesie is yellow and has bees printed! His body physically regresses too, so he actually looks like a 3 month old when hes 3 months.
The day that gegg was introduced to the server mariana has entrusted him in the care of quackity. Bad idea quackity is a shitty caretaker who left him.
So phil gets the baby boy next! Yay. And hes like. Okay so i guess i need to treat him like the eggs. And he does. But that does NOT stop him from calling gegg odd . He just means it way more affectionatly than quackity did.
Roier is more of the fun uncle caretaker than dad. Which means gegg gets into so much trouble. Bobby and gegg are let loose and wreak havoc on various places!
Wilbur soot is banned from taking care of gegg.
So is quackity
Wil made him so upset one time while regressed that he fucked the whole day up. Please stop putting babies in cages.
Foolish is a pretty good caretaker when hes not going absolutely crazy building that damn dragon. Gegg has fallen off of it so much that mariana just buys a baby carrier for when gegg is over there.
Jaiden is a very good caretaker. She does not call gegg weird where he can hear her and that makes her. Better than. Alot of people on this list unsurprisingly. She takes him and bobby on fun adventures and teaches them how to cook. Or atleast she attempts to.
Maximus is also a little so he is . not allowed to take care of gegg. It would be the blind leading the blind and that never goes well. However they do have fun together on the occasions where they have the same caretakers!
Luzu (little hc of mine uwu) is a very good caretaker for gegg, while he may dislike charlie he is so soft for gegg its crazy. Arin likes gegg too but is a bit more firm with him.
Vegetta is a good caretaker for gegg too. Although theres a bit more of a languahe barrier he also takes care of biden when roier or dan cant do it. So hes good.
Missa is a alright caretaker, he gets overwhelmed easily when taking care of both gegg and chayanne though.
Fit is a great caretaker. He fights he protects but he is also bald. Immediate trust from Huevos and Gegg is no different. No, but seriously he gives Gegg souvenirs and also a gun.
Spreen. Is not a caretaker. Hes really bad at it too (fuckin left ramon. No one has seen him in weeks. Fit thinks hes dead)
Badboyhalo is a main caretaker. While he does rank lower than luzu on the 'who should i give gegg too while im out' list hes pretty damn good. He, gegg, and dapper work on the farm, play in the dirt most days. And then they go inside they bake! Fun activities for babies.
Dan is not a good caretaker he is liable to leave gegg out in the sun /j. No but seriously, when dans on hes an alright caretaker. They do science experiments and occasionally they blow up.
Egg section
Bobby is the worst around gegg. They blow eachother up and other things up too. However they work pretty well together in the kitchen
Chayanne views gegg as another egg under his protection, his left hand man actually. U mess with gegg you get ur ass kicked by both him and chayanne as they are very likely to double team ur ass
Tallulah likes gegg when she doesnt have to share her dad with him. Which. She doesnt anymore because her dad is BANNED from watching gegg. They play music together and while they may be off sync, its pretty fuckin cute lads.
Dapper likes gegg, theyre geggfriends and gegg can make stuff stick really well so buidling stuff with him is a blast.
Ramon likes gegg well enough, dislikes how goopy he is sometimes though. Goop in his mustache. They dance together often though, and ramon is very happy to find someone to dance with.
Leonarda fucking LOVES gegg. She is very willing to teach him everything about being an egg and is liable to kick wilbur in the shins everytime he comes over.
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stars-tonight · 29 days
Hi! So…I saw your haikyu matchup thingy and thought…YES.
On that note could I request a long romantic matchup?
The only characters I really have a problem with is Oikawa, kindaichi, and Kunimi. Also slight Atsumu but if you REALLY feel we’re a match (which I doubt) then he’s okay.
I’m a girl and I go by she/her, with a preference for mostly guys but will also do anything for a pretty girl…
My ideal partner varies depending on the day so it’s hard to say. Most of all I enjoy humor (or being able to tease the other). Which is kinda contradictory considering my anime type tends to be the tall, silent, and dense type…however, I also enjoy those that I feel need support or a little lift up. I may or may not have a savior complex.
I’m pretty shy when meeting new people but depending on the dynamic I can pop open and hit you with the most atrocious comment you’ve ever heard. I also tend to be really giggly and laugh at almost every dad joke. I’m also a bit family oriented but in like a sibling way? Essentially my sibling’s are my whole life. My best friends, my worst enemies, my everything.
I like to crochet and I’m in community service club. And I (obv) watch anime and really like reading romance/fantasy books!
Not sure what my receiving is but possible words or touch? Even quality time? Definitely not gifts. I know my giving is touch and words tho.
Ideal date would be something indoors where we can talk or admire something and share opinions. Like an aquarium or even board game night or smth.
I’m a big foodie and I have a GIANT sweet tooth. I’m allergic to cats sadly but they would totally be my favorite pet. My mbti is an INFJ and my enneagram is 9w1. Top characters are Tsuki, Yamaguchi (we have the same b-day 😈), Ushijima, and Bokuto.
-but can I be 👻 anon?
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🥛 first tsukki match in more than a month 🥳
🥛 honestly i thought of tsukishima before even seeing that he was one of your favorite characters lol
🥛 idk how skilled tsukishima is at "humor" but you'll definitely be able to tease each other
🥛 although he can sometimes be a little mean with it so hopefully you're okay with that
🥛 if you ever get genuinely upset by something he says though, he'll fs realize it and make it up to you somehow
🥛 which brings me to my point about love languages . . . i think tsukki's giving love languages are definitely acts of service or quality time, maybe a teeeeensy bit of physical touch
🥛 maybe both at the same time, like if he notices you're cold he'll wrap his scarf around you and pat your head or something after (while scolding you for not wearing something warm)
🥛 his receiving love language would maybe be physical touch
🥛 he says he hates it but he's secretly blushing and trying to hide his face so you can't see and make fun of him for it
🥛 also tsukki is tall and silent but definitely not dense, at least not when it comes to academics
🥛 he's pretty dense when it comes to social interactions or romantic gestures, ngl
🥛 he also cares a lot about his brother so it's cool that you're both family / sibling oriented
🥛 if he's going to settle down with someone i feel like he secretly needs them to be approved by his family, especially his brother
🥛 also since you share the same birthday as yamaguchi, it's simpler for tsukishima to get you both presents and prepare celebrations
🥛 tsukki always says it's easier than having to remember a separate day
🥛 (but you know he'd take care to memorize your birthday no matter what day it is)
🥛 tsukki definitely prefers staying in to going out and likes private, indoor dates
🥛 he likes the aquarium date because you can ask him questions about the marine life and he can rattle off facts and appear smart
🥛 he'd always scold you for eating too much candy
🥛 i could see him as a reader but not the romance / fantasy genre, if you somehow get him to read a romance novel he'll be rolling his eyes at every cheesy scene and grumbling about how he can't believe you got him to read something like this
runner up for you was sakusa kiyoomi!
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A/N: hello 👻anon! i am so sorry about the long wait but hopefully you like your matchup :)
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owmylasagna-blog · 1 year
14, 15, 16, 17, 18 >:3
Okay let’s do it.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Making Edd the primary narrator/pov. And I get it, Edd’s voice can be really fun to write and lends itself to a range of styles while also delving into how he thinks which is interesting. But it’s often favored over other characters and over the other Eds which I think is just a symptom of Edd being a fan favorite. I also totally get that a lot of fans relate really heavily to Edd too, which fair, but then we miss out on exploring motivations and perspectives of the other titular characters!
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Gotta agree with @doubledyke on this one: giving the Eds real hair rather than line hair in adult designs. I’d honestly say I see a 50/50 split on this, with myself being guilty towards team hair most of the time. Or insisting on making either Eddy or Edd blonde - I personally don’t see it, maybe unless Eddy got some frosted tips 💅 And I know I’m supposed to be “choosing violence” but I do enjoy when people integrate their HCs when it comes to accessories (piercings, nail polish) or smaller physical features (like dimples or beauty marks or scars).
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Eh I think many of the M/M ships still have super entrenched top/bottom or dom/sub tropes. Kevedd was the worst perpetrator of this but eddeddy hasn’t always been that much better. People really want Edd to be submissive 👀 have you seen the show?? And maybe it’s just me but I can’t think of a single real relationship where those lines are drawn so solidly… so not something I find realistic nor do I think it’s substantiated at all by what we know the character dynamics to really be like - a lot more push and pull, more complexity, more flexibility!
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Im shipping trash so selfishly I need more eddeddy
But for real, I’d love more fan exploration of the Kankers or Nazz. It’s unfortunate that the show keeps their characters fairly shallow but that also means there is a lot of room to create work that delves more into their lives, personalities, interests, etc. I’m gonna out myself for writing a bad fic ages ago where Nazz and the Kankers sort of strike up the start of a friendship because they never interact in canon. Truly maybe one of the few pieces of eene fan content that passed the Bechdel that wasn’t Nazzarie (I don’t hate nazzarie, but yknow)
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
already did it… But also I feel like the folks I follow now are way better about this, but making Edd WEIRD or UNLIKABLE! He’s into BRAIN SURGERY and SOCKS! He can be really RUDE and BITCHY! Or the Bible note that he is prone to crushes gets glossed over A LOT. Like let him be strange and have really awkward crushes and write bad poetry and also obsess over special interests that are low key disturbing or gross (:
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
Does tubbo have a role in this au? If so, in what chapter will we see him? Since Tommy has no idea how big the world actually is, and then he sees it on a map, does he think the world is flat? What about his backstory? Did he get bullied back at the colony? If he did, maybe he flinches whenever someone raises their hand. Do the crafts ask where he came from? If so, what's his excuse? Do they believe his lie, or are they suspicious? How do colony's work in this world? Is the reason he was so small to begin something to do with his size shifting ability? What if he meets one of the old borrowers from the colony? What would his relationship have been with Tommy? Nice to him, pitying him, or bullying him. What would their reaction be to him size shifting? I want to know everything.
sorry if I'm asking too much, you don't have too answer everything. Have some cookies as an apology 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
So for now the main characters are just sbi. I may add other characters if I can think of how it ties in with the story but for now just them. (Although Tubbo and Ranboo are mentioned in this somewhere so you never know)
This is canon. Yep definitely canon. Im going to say in a previous house he saw a map on a table once and heard it was the world. But doesn’t realise it’s obviously not to scale but def thinks the world is flat. He has a very heated argument about this with the twins and refuse to think otherwise without proof.
Constantly. As I said he’s different. The borrowers of this colony really did not like that he was different and they made sure to remind him of that. They’d either outright ignore him or deliberately make him do the worst jobs possible. Some borrowers (especially the ones around his age at the time) would deliberately go out of their way and hurt him for fun. So yes. Tommy in the beginning flinches a lot when he thinks he’s about to get hurt or someone moves to fast. Takes a long time for him to not be so tense about it but everyone is very patient about it and understanding when he semi outlines the abuse. The trauma of it all still a bit too fresh in his mid for detail
Yep of course they ask where he comes from! The Crafts wanna know who they need to go beat up. But I’m not gonna say if Tommy does or doesn’t say yet. Mainly because I’m not sure. But if he hadn’t yet, he’d tell them after the reveal properly.
Colonies in this world work a lot like the one in the 1997 The Borrowers movie in terms of how they have civilisation set up. There’s traders and stores and all sorts of things but they’re spaced out heavily and more built in underground caves then sewers. It’s more common for borrowers to live in forests and such then towns, but they have tunnels connecting places everywhere. This is how Tommy went from living in the smack bang middle of nowhere in the forest to living as an innie borrower in a house. Most borrowers know of the tunnels so a lot of innie borrowers are actually traders in a sorts that they’ll live in houses and bring back the ‘exotic human Bean’ things to trade in the colonies. Tommys parents however we’re not born in a colony, tho they knew of them, and lived mainly outside. But they were not very kind people and when Tommy was born, it just became more obvious to them that their child was different and so rather than waste supplies on a child they now didn’t want, they abandoned him.
Yes. Tommy being smaller than everyone else is because of his sizeshifter abilities. Sizeshifters born are kind of stunted in height. It’s part of how you can identify them. They’re also just a lot thinner and more lanky in appearance because they have the ability to change size and this somewhat allows them to do that. (Or I think it’s just funny to describe Tommy as lanky) but yeah even as they get older, they’re just a lot weaker physically too which would be fine because their shifting sort of makes up for that aspect. So while Tommy is an inch shorter then everyone else his age in the colony, if he knew he could size shift, he wouldn’t have been hindered as much.
If Tommy ever met someone from the old colony again, I think he’d probably just run out of the walls to find Wil, Phil or Techno. I think itd probably be one of his bullies that hurt him the most and Tommy would just go into panic attack mode and run for his life while probably being chased by them. He’d then run screaming into the room for someone while the bully still pursues them, and then of course he shifts. They’d be terrified and book it back to the walls and get away as fast as possible, while Tommy receives comfort cuddles.
Tommy is just scared child that runs from danger. He needs therapy.
You can never ask too many questions. Ask me more! I need the distraction. Thank you for the cookies ✨anon✨! Have some more lollipops 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
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silkythewriter · 2 years
Match up for Black Butler and/or Sally face?
Im nonbinary (masc, he/they) and pan, 5'1 ginger with a really bad buzzcut. I mostly wear baggy clothes and hoodies but like to dress formally every now and then. My main intrests consist of reading, collecting stuff and drawing. Sometimes I get to engaged in my art and end up staying up really late and sitting at the same spot for like 2+ hours. I can tend to be really stubborn and hate admitting that other people are right. Im mostly anti-social when with strangers and have a hard time talking to others , but when im with friends im complely different and basicly the weird energetic one in the friend group. I'm really bad at dealing with stress and dark thoughts. My love language is gift giving and I tend to go all out for gifts for my loved ones. I prefer compliments and words of assurance over gifts.
I hope that was okay!! It's like 3 in the morning and im really bad at writing so theres probably a few spelling errors and thing that dont make sense ;-;
Summary: match up for black butler and sally face!! :D.
Small warning!: AHHH TYSMM this is gonna be my second match up and as you’ve seen I’m not the greatest but not the worst at them so I hope you enjoy!
Small note!: I do art aswell!!! I enjoy it but only as a hobby cause I know how difficult it is, I love drawing random characters for fun! That’s all i wanted to say! I hope you Enjoy
Fandom!: Black butler/sally face
Daily song suggestion!:
Black butler: you got
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Your guy’s personality is very…. Different to say the least, ovo💧But somehow complete each other in a way!
They love when your in the mood to dress formally! And trust me they go all out, they probably have a walk-in closet of sorts so definitely has a whole section for you! They just find you so breathtaking and absolutely loves fashioning you up! <3
Considering that they are roughly around 5’9 or 5’8 makes them taller then you, they love Tessin about the height difference but it’s all for just laughs and giggles, if they do end hurting your feelings by accident though they would think they’ve committed the worst act possible so expect a lot of apologizes and big acts of service like cooking you meal!(if they don’t end up burning the whole place down💧 (*-3-*)
Once they figure out you do art they’ll literally beg for you to draw them, like they’ll keep asking to you cave and do it and inc you do they’ll make sure to keep it with them forever, probably carry’s it around in their wallet or pocket! Someone times they just randomly takes it out and stares at it is it weird? A bit but you’ll have to get use to it because they do it a lot 🤷‍♀️
They hate admitting that their in the wrong and are quite stubborn themselves so trust me when you guys get into fights it takes a bit for someone to say sorry, you’ll be the one that’ll mostly have to do it though cause trust me they can hold a grudge
On another note though! Whenever someone tries disagreeing with you or say your in the wrong wrong their all already behind you and defending you even if you the one in the wrong they’ll keep fighting with the person till they back down or leave 💀
They’re love language is mainly acts of service or physical touch but they also adores any compliments!, they basically drowns you with compliments daily all ranging form you looking absolutely ravishing today to how beautiful you draw and much more!, also they absolutely love when you buy them gifts cause you always know what they want! <3
They’ve seen how long you spend perfecting your art so sometimes they force you to take a break or get some beauty sleep with them, or sometimes they just watch you do your thing while they admire you from afar cause they genuinely think you look absolutely gorgeous when your focus they find pretty adorable to be honest,
They aren’t not the most social butterfly but definitely doesn’t mind chatting away with strangers when their in a human disguise, but they do know how uncomfortable you get sometimes so they almost always find a way or excuse to pull you away from a uncomfortable social interaction, but they absolutely love seeing you happy around your friends and how energetic you get! But they do have to admit sometimes they can get jealous by that’s besides the point ( ー̀εー́ )
Even if it does or doesn’t fit him he always steals your baggy clothes mainly shirts and hoodies, he just loves the scent they give off of you and also they’re very comfy so can’t blame them v(-ㅂ-)v they most definitely has a pile of stolen hoodies of yours that they wear when they moss you or when your gone
Extra<3: they love when you brush your Fingers through their hair or let them message your scalp, they love how close you guys have to get to do it, they just find it comforting oh! Also they are very clingy so I wish you luck with that -v-💧overall they love you and you guys go perfect with each other even if your different!
Sally face: you got
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Now he is almost exactly like you to be honest but there are some key differences!
He isn’t very social himself so he understands your pain and discomfort really, sometimes things get really awkward when he has to talk to people cause of his mask so he can understand why it’s pretty uncomfortable, he’ll try his best to help you but honestly he’d just get Larry to distract them while you guys sneak away
He has some baggy clothes but not many, but he’d gladly let you borrow them if you really wanted it, he doesn’t mind to be honest though they do probably have some soda stains and some cat hair 💀
Loves spending time with you as you worked on some art and drawing , he doesn’t mind pulling an all nighter with you! But he does force you to bed sometimes for your own heath benefit
He doesn’t mind you being stubborn and won’t force you to ambit anything but sometimes it does take him awhile to figure out how to calm Situations down whenever you get in a fight or argue with someone. He does force you to apologize sometimes so that might be a down side -v-💧
Your always invited to hang out with sal and the others but do expect a lot of teasing from them after they realized you were together. They’d always tease you both about how sal is always following you around like a shadow. He honestly doesn’t mean to he just enjoys being around you :(
He enojoys any gifts you give him or anything at all it can be a small bottle cap and he’d treat it as if it was a 10k ring so trust me anything you give to him he’d enjoy greatly, he even has a little box full of stuff you got him! He enjoys looking through it whenever you guys are together and discussing how you got it and the day you gave it cause he really treasures those moments together as cheesy as it sounds! But it’s true!
About the dark thoughts and stress he isn’t all that good either at dealing with it due to all the trauma he endured at such a young age so he understands where your coming form and understands how dark some days get, so whenever you need him to vent or just for comfort he’s there with you! Or if you just want some space for yourself he’ll make sure to check up on you but keep his distance and makes sure no one else bothers you, your very important to him so he’ll do anything to make sure your okay ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
To be honest he’s not the best at giving compliments and such but he tries his best! Any art work you have digital or physical hed try complimenting it and also tries seeing if he can keep some of your old pieces of work you have cause he genuinely loves them!
After a while like I’d say 3 to 4 years of dating he’s show you his face is it a long time? Yes but please keep in mind how he views his face negatively and has some insecurity’s about it so if your patient and willing to stay around for long he’d trust you enough to show you!
Extra!: even if you don’t know how to he’ll make you do his pigtails and even if their messy he isn’t taking them off cause it’s from you! So he now enjoys it 30x more <3.
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I'm Not Okay (I Promise) (I'm Lying)
So here's the tl;dr for this essay/creative nonfiction piece. I first heard im not okay when i was at my worst socially, physically, and mentally. it became my gateway into a wonderful community, it was the catalyst for the most fun writing project ive ever been in, and single-handedly saved my life.
there will be discussions of minor eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, self harm, and toxic relationships.
i would also like to thank Joey @space-bones-official Rae @spacingout Naima @ianthe-the-dyke and biz @gayslutraytoro for being the people that helped bring me to where I am today. No matter what happens, I will never forget you.
September 2019. The beginning of my sophomore year of American high school. The small group of three friends I had made in my final year of junior high had increased near tenfold. No longer did we need the end of long tables filling a room that had become obsolete, and instead almost thirty people pushed two large semicircle tables together to sardine themselves in the largest social circle of the cafeteria.
Despite being close to the largest and loudest personalities of the group, it was very rarely that I was heard without acting preposterous or "insane". And even then, I would have to push my vocal boundaries to make a tiny dent in the cacophony of discussion I could barely participate in anyways.
This was the year where it became more apparent the narrow scope of my knowledge. My closest friends were talking about games and movies and music I had never even heard of, and could barely remember due to the amount of noise that took up the space in my head. Even if it was something I understood, I never understood enough to contribute, or I was never loud enough to have my contributions matter.
This special brand of isolation coalesced into a poisonous and slow-killing method of attention seeking. I started to cause small amounts of pain to myself in public. I had been hitting myself and causing myself unseen harm much earlier, but I started to pick and scratch at my skin, or stab a pen into my arm until there was a large and irritated black spot. When that didn't work, I started to not eat. Maybe, I had thought, maybe they'll notice now.
They didn't. Looking back, they wouldn't have noticed if I had said it out loud, but it's hard to see the situation when you're drowning in it.
Then came September. One of my best friends, J, had decided to join us and not sit with the band that day.
I can't remember the discussion, only that I had turned to someone next to me and said something, only for them to start talking to someone else right afterwards. Not even a moment passed where it seemed that I was heard. For the first moment, I felt like I was truly alone.
In the minute that lasted eternity, it felt like everything that was real had started to fall away. If I couldn't be heard, was I even real? Did I even matter?
And it was J's earbud being placed in my ear, and the whispered statement that started my spider's thread escape.
"This song is about having a shitty experience in high school." He had said. "I think you'll like it."
And then I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance started playing. My life would never be the same.
I went home and listened to the entirety of The Black Parade while cleaning my room. It was good background noise, something that I could listen to but not need to focus on because it was new. I remember finding the time that Blood played (1 minute 30 seconds, a discovery that brought me much pride). After that, I put My Chemical Romance to the back of my mind, where I was aware but not truly into it, and wouldn't pick it up fully until early November of 2019, shortly after the reunion.
I can remember the reason why, too. I had, by that point, met Joey and remade my Tumblr to get away from the toxic online situation I had found myself in, and I found a post that said that MCR had gotten back together. I told one of my closer friends this, and their response was along the lines of "Why does that matter?".
The sudden turning down of what I had said sent me into a minor spiral. Why does it matter? Why do they matter to me?
I went back to the first song I ever heard, and it made more sense to me. I ended up playing I'm Not Okay (I Promise) for three days straight, before venturing into the rest of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.
My journey from there was much more intense and streamlined than before. I listened to Danger Days next, and loved the more synth-pop sound and vocal performance (especially as a vocalist). From there, I listened to The Black Parade, and found that, of all the albums I had heard in my life, that was the one that fit my emotional state the best.
It went stagnant, and I wouldn't gain the confidence to listen to Desert Song or I Brought You My Bullets until a month after March 2020, when I started to make some of the most influential and closest friends I will ever have in my life.
Quarantine was what started my deep dive into the My Chem fandom, leading to one very important Tumblr post. I had made a fun post talking about a theoretical coming-of-age school drama TV show without the bad tropes based around the music video of I'm Not Okay (I Promise). My good and wonderfully talented friend Grody said that they were interested, and thus started a very fun writing project.
I won't speak on it long, it's not that important to the overall story, but the I'm Not Okay Projekt was the most fun and innovative writing project I have ever had.
I stopped listening to My Chemical Romance somewhere near the end of 2021. I don't remember why, it just happened, but it does bring me to today.
This past week I've been listening back to most of the MCR discography. I say most because I had been putting off I'm Not Okay (I Promise) because I didn't know how I would react to hearing the song that saved me from living in such isolation, a state where I probably would have ended up dead.
Today I listened to it.
I listened to it through headphones one of my best friends gave me when I lost mine a few weeks ago, running to my first and only class of the day, knowing that afterwards I would be hanging out with my friends.
Listening to a song that resonated with me so strongly that it single-handedly changed the course of my life three years after the fact, in a completely different situation, with completely different context, it still has the emotional weight. Not the same kind of weight, but the same weight nonetheless.
Instead of the weight of isolation and self-hatred and the shittiness that is high school (and that was my sophomore year), it was the weight of an old friend. Still heavy and draped on my shoulders, but this time it was spread out. Warm. The sensation of nostalgia mixed with waking up on a winter day.
Maybe I'm not okay. Maybe I'm lying. Regardless, I am a better person because of the domino effect that this song started.
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chryzuree · 1 year
nitw chrysijacks au!!! tell me more abt it im so invested i love nitw!! do they get to be animals too...if they were animals what would they be!!!
AAAAH, okay okay, so it’s still a work in progress bc i haven’t decided if i want to have chrysi be in mae’s position but with elements of bea, or if i want jacks to be in mae’s position and have chrysi be mostly bea with just a hint of cole (bc i think chrysi would’ve absolutely left town for a bit), but as of writing this.. i’m erring towards chrysi as mae, since she defs can perceive things that most ppl can’t, plus she’s charismatic and generally a mess.
i was thinking chrysi shows up a couple days before her bday & you know. dismembered arm is found as usual. YES, chrysi’s thrilled abt this!!! VERY important to know!!! honestly, it’s a relief for her to find that arm, bc the vibes in that diner were in SHAMBLES. she was rlly trying to avoid eye contact w jacks and jacks was staring her down w his laser eyes. put those things AWAY, it’s literally four in the afternoon…
the party scene happens on chrysi’s bday itself, and guess who FUCKING FORGOT IT WAS HER BDAY. when the rest of their friends arrive at the party later (bc unfortunately, chrysi had to drive jacks out. she’s going to scream. that’s the worst, most awkward car ride over ever) & wish her happy bday, jacks is like “😦 oh………. happy birthday……….” <- has been in the same space as her for the past two hours. like. damn.
JACKS is the one that gets drunk (saw an ex, to which chrysi says, “you can’t run away from the town’s population”, since jacks is a serial dater), so chrysi takes him home and it’s the worstttt. she should’ve stayed at college. ((actually, jacks asks why she came home.. he’s rlly glad but he’s worried for her. unfortunately for him, he does NOT phrase it like that and chrysi gets even angrier w him))
they start repairing their relationship right around the same time chrysi starts seeing cult members / having fucked up dreams. so mostly, jacks comments on how exhausted and ill she looks. you really know how to compliment a girl, don’t you??
on one of their outings, chrysi finds out that jacks hasn’t rlly dated anyone in a while (omg.. theyre both single at the same time again.. which hasn’t occurred since jacks ruined their makeout session in senior year of high school!!!! wrow!!!!!) but anyway. still have to unpack allllllll the drama of high school before it goes anywhere.
their halloween celebration is fun.. i think that jacks would jst tag along w chrysi…. she’d win at the water balloon toss & they’d both laugh at their fortunes being read & jacks suspiciously goes missing when chrysi’s asked to cover for the witch play the town’s putting on. i jst think they need to reminisce abt halloween celebrations past… they neeeeeeed to kiss abt this, but they will NOT!!! never ever!!!!
jacks is the first to agree to research ghosts w chrysi <333 ughhh, he wants her so bad. does he believe in ghosts?? well.
THE SCENE IN THE WOODS, WHEN SHE GETS SHOT AT??? JACKS HAS TO BE PHYSICALLY DRAGGED AWAY SO HE DOESN’T ALSO GET SHOT AT. he’s sick with worry the whole time chrysi’s in the hospital. who cares abt the cult member keeping an eye on the appt??? he only cares abt how chrysi’s holding up…
he is dragging chrysi into the appt & picking her up bridal style when she shows up!!! he is putting her on the couch and tucking her in and curling up beside her!!!! they actually have a heart to heart there + chrysi begins to forgive him… before she “falls asleep” against him and jacks falls asleep too.. then chrysi gets up and goes to the woods w/o telling anyone.
jokes on her, bc jacks wakes up within ten minutes of her leaving bc he misses the feeling of her curled up against him. can NOT stop his obsessive crush and hyper-awareness of her. it’s been on overdrive since, like, ninth grade.
he’s the one to yell at her when they show up in the woods. OMG, JACKS ALSO HAS A CROSSBOW!!!! he fucking sucks at shooting at the guy tbh, he’s jst glad he managed to hit him.. then he hands off the crossbow to hold chrysi the whole way into the mines.
i haven’t rlly decided what i wanted to do here, bc i kinda want to deviate & play w story stuff regarding castor’s death.. kinda want it to be the valors that are part of the cult + they’re trying to bring castor back… but i also kinda want to up the level of danger throughout this whole time, so maybe castor’s already been revived as a vampire, but he’s like… super fucked up and ghoulish and nothing like the castor they knew… what if the mines were castor’s living quarters & they were jst trying to protect him?? plus this could mean that jacks can finally choose chrysi over castor !!!!!!! ,,,,mmm, yeah, i’m going to do that.
anyway. chrysi does NOT feel bad abt caving in the mines behind them!!!!!!! bye bye, valors!!! die then!!!!! jacks is a little more like, well, that was maybe not the best course of action? WHO CARES MAN!!!!!!
chrysi defs passed out bc visions or w/e but it’s FINE!!!!
the story would end w chrysi wishing jacks happy bday (fucked up two and a half weeks there, huh?) + jacks giving chrysi her bday present, bc he felt like an asshole that he a) forgot it was chrysi’s bday, and b) got blackout drunk on it… then they kiss abt it <333 and now they’re a couple!!!!
i wasn’t rlly thinking they’d be OFFICIALLY animals, but i think they’d both have a cat / fox motif…. lots of shirts + trinkets to call to mind those animals for them!!!!!!!!!!!! they should kiss…
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cas-coding · 1 year
list of my stims and tics to show you you're not alone.
i probably pass for neurotypical in many environments i enter, and i realize the privilege that i have because of this, but that does not mean that i am neurotypical. i have been diagnosed with GAD, depression, OCD, gender dysphoria, ARFID, and am waiting on an autism diagnosis appt later this year.
my point of making this list is to help anyone feel less alone than they might have felt before. even if you can't see me stimming or ticcing, i am, and that means that anyone could be stimming or ticcing along with you and you might not notice. you are not alone.
but here's my current list of stims, tics, and echolalia <3
wiggling my toes, specifically trying to position the seam of my sock into a certain position
kicking my foot. i have a friend who makes fun of me for kicking her all the time, but she knows it's a tic and i can't help it and the teasing is all in good fun
adjusting how i'm sitting. this is a big one if i have a large temperature fluctuation!! (and i'm not talking like oh, i'm uncomfortable with how i'm sitting, i'll adjust type deal. i'm talking every two minutes im like swinging my knee over my shoulder to get a better position)
hitting my hip. this happens a lot when i am stressed, especially if it is due to my own mistake.
shaking out my hand. this is a calming action, typically one i do in loud environments or when i have to eat a food i don't feel comfortable eating. in severe cases, i shake both hands rather violently. (i once shook so hard i had to wear wrist brace for a week)
putting my hand in a fist and nodding it. as a child i was told this was sign language for yes, but i have no idea if that's accurate or not. i've had this stim since i was nine as a nonspeaking way of showing my extreme excitement for something.
twirling my hair, occasionally pulling it. i have curls and so while it looks like i'm just touching up some curls, it typically is a tic that happens when i am very uncomfortable.
scrunching up my face and shaking my head. this can range from looking like a cute anime sneeze to a straight up meltdown. this happens when i am trying to tell someone no and they do not listen to me.
chewing my fingernails and the skin around them. this is by far the worst stress reaction i have, but it's also become a grounding technique. i've done this ever since i was little to stop dissociating as the pain will typically pull me from that headspace.
squishing my stomach. this is associated with eating and feeling unhealthy.
repeating the phrase 'mish mish.' i saw it on a tumblr post about two months ago as a way someone was referring to misha and now i say it as a comfort phrase. if someone could tell me why i latched onto this specifically that would be great.
humming, but not a specific tune. i typically try to find the pitch of whatever is bothering me most (like if there's a tornado test siren) as a way to feel like i control that stimulus.
just making sounds. you all know the sounds i am talking about. thee sounds
but, by far, my biggest and most frequent tic is neck tensing. this one is borderline dangerous. first my neck tenses up and then my head will shake, just a little bit until i either a) manage to stop by some miracle or b) my neck grows so tense i get stuck in a little sideways tilt for about 30 minutes.
other general sensory issues i have:
clothing texture
overlapping noise
watching tv without subtitles. literally cannot do this
the texture of whatever i am standing on (i'm not kidding, i will literally only wear fuzzy socks bc of this)
body temperature
tastes and textures of foods
restraining or constricting physical touch (for example: hand on the shoulder? so chillin. hug? i think the fuck not)
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valyrou · 2 years
Hello lovely! I was wondering if I could get a bsd matchup? I’m 20 and use she/her pronouns. I’m bi so any gender is fine. For personality I’m creative, introverted, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends/when I’m comfortable I can be quite talkative and humorous. However, I definitely treasure my alone time the most. Im a very big homebody and can be very hermit introvert sometimes. As for bad traits, I am sometimes the worst pessimist when it comes to myself. I’ll be fine motivating others but then when it comes to me I live by the “be ready for the worst and you wont be disappointed” As for hobbies escaping to new worlds while reading books/comics, watching movies, and playing rpg video games. My favorite genres are fantasy supernatural, detective and sci-fi, though I do love a good classic from time to time. Apart from that, I love working out. My interests on the other hand are design focused. I’m currently in university. I love my practice and everything including, game, web and interaction design, video art and visual effects, 3D modeling and character design, and digital illustration. I hope to get into game design or visual effects in the future.
A list of random likes: coffee, chai tea, dark chocolate, rock/blues/jazz/80s pop/soundtrack music, statement jewelry and accessories, cafe art shows, arcades, comic book stores, purple, thai/Indian/Chinese food, roller blading to classic rock, quality alone time.
A random list of dislikes: people i am unfamiliar (I have trust issues oops) with and have to make small talk with, the biting cold, rain, non fiction, staying too close to reality and not being allowed to daydream/imagine/roam freely in my thoughts, physical touch, overly crowded areas.
My love language is acts of service both ways. And as said before I’m not the most comfortable with physical touch. As for what I want in a partner, I would love a companion to just explore my hobbies/interests and their hobbies/interests together. Bonus points if some overlap haha.
Thank you!
A/n: Hi!!! I had such a hard time thinking of who I should match you up with but I came to a conclusion! Also I have around 25 requests in my inbox that makes me very happy !! Sorry that this is so short but I hope you still like it! Anyways on to the match up…
Requests are still open…
I am gonna Match you up with…
Tumblr media
You want someone to explore your hobbies with?? He will be there to help you!
He doesn’t necessarily do PDA or physical affection in general (that’s where I struggled with the match up)
He wouldn’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable, so acts of service is enough for him to show his affection for you
But please say some sweet things to him, because this man’s love language is words of affirmation as well as acts of service
Nice strolls in the park maybe??
He‘d listen to you, interested in your studies and even asks you to explain some stuff further to him.
In return he tells you about his school day :)
Would take you to aqua zoos, the cinema or take you with him to shop for groceries
But honestly you two couldn’t go anywhere without having the most fun ever
Anything just gets 10x funnier
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voidsumbrella · 2 years
howdy. here's how my september has gone:
housesat for my parents (painless)
found out cousin i havent seen since i was 6 + his wife and newborn are probably moving from south korea to an <5 hr drive from me
my mother in law, who is a medical fall hazard due to her progressively degrading spine problems, who lives in a 3 story death trap house with the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom on separate levels, who lives alone with no family or close friends within a 3 hour drive, who lives across the country from my wife and i, has tripped over a clotheshanger in her bedroom and broken her ankle.
this means my wife has to move their visit to see her, a fun social one previously planned for october, to as soon as physically possible so they can set up an emergency bedroom and mini kitchen on the ground floor (which is actually the basement)
i go with because im the only one who can drive, and also am Generally Handy and good at fixing shit, and also for emotional support and because i love my wife and because this is what you do when family members need help.
even if they're making the whole process a fucking nightmare because they're miserable in the hospital with nothing to do and have chosen to take this out on everyone around them.
which is mostly what the trip composed of.
i did find+archive a bunch of family history documents nd went through them w/ my wife's aunt (aunt in law? is that anything?) and that was super cool
wife has to extend the trip for 2 more weeks, i fly back solo and have what is The Worst Airplane Existence I Have Ever Experienced, Ever
find out my adhd meds can't be refilled, go unmedicated+jetlagged+dying of allergy-induced sinus ailments+dying of wifeless-induced ailments for 2 days
i finally get a hold of my psych, pick up my meds, return to the world of the living
discover i have developed an allergic reaction to stale/older food that causes my gums/general inside of mouth to swell and act as though i have badly burned all of it including the multi-day healing period.
opt to troubleshoot that one later because i have:
realized i have ONE (1) DAY before i leave for a multi-day concert trip that i have been anticipating for 2.5 years now, that involves 5 other people and i am largely responsible for coordinating, and while all the most important shit (hotel, ticket distribution) is taken care of, i am not even a little baby bit ready to leave the house
scramble to do that; i leave 25 minutes after the other car, have an extra 45 minutes tacked on to my drive so i can pick up my friend, accidentally drive fast enough that there's only a 10 minute difference in arrival times.
go to the concert
see My Chemical Romance
in their hometown
with a setlist that includes 3 of the 4 songs on my "i would kill to hear this live but probably never will" list
opened by Midtown, which i also assumed i would never see ever in my life
proceed to die in a ditch
drive back the next day, still hollering in unison w/ my friends because none of us are or likely will ever be over it
anyway i got home at 7pm last night, passed out at 830 after taking care of the pets and moving a bunch of plants inside bc it was too cold for them overnight, woke up a couple hours later at 10pm, took 2 benadryl and woke up at 11am.
how is everyone else doing, because i am So Fucking Tired
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 months
I have celiac too possibly (we at least know I can't tolerate gluten and if it gets in my system my joints hurt, I'm fatigued, mood issues, etc.) They now say 1 in 100 people are being diagnosed (used to be 1 in 10000 i believe?). And even the number i have could be old
I feel so much better off gluten that I don't necessarily mind, but I also would change it if I could. I crave foods I cant eat. My joints still hurt at times without gluten, but I cant confirm its related. I've been invited to so many places and then get told "oh sorry" because the people "forgot" and all I could eat was ice. My own boyfriend, ex now, told me it was too high maintenance. I would absolutely change it.
The thing i miss most is food. Auntie Anne's pretzels are one of them. I've made good alternative cinnamon rolls and baked goods so im ok there. But never a good enough pretzel
Oh, nonnie🫂
That sounds like coeliacs disease to me too (or at the VERY least, gluten sensitivity). If I get it in my system, which is admittedly rare for me because I’m borderline paranoid about my food because I know what’s gonna happen to me if I’m complacent and I’d like to avoid that at absolutely ALL costs, then it’s a special kind of hell. I could literally develop cancer just from having gluten in my system one (1) time. It’s terrifying.
I understand, being diagnosed with coeliacs disease freed me from the worst physical pain I’ve ever felt, but it also made my life so much harder. Even feeling better on a gluten-free diet, this disease has so many complications and I have to have blood tests every six months to make sure I’m as healthy as I can be for someone with an autoimmune disease, and most days I don’t even think about it because I’m so used to it. But this morning I woke up angry and upset and grieving, so I needed to vent about it; which is why I made that post.
I feel like the social isolation and exclusion isn’t something people think about when they invite people with coeliacs disease or other food allergies out to eat; we don’t WANT to live like this but we have to, and it’s very lonely and expensive and painful. I’m so sorry you’ve had those experiences. I’ve had people do similar or they’ve offered to accommodate for me and buy gluten free food, and then complain while I’m eating it how expensive it is and it’s such a “bother” and it just ruins everything and makes me feel guilty so now I tend to just turn down social invitations because I’d have more fun at home on my own. I’m so sorry your ex-boyfriend told you it was high maintenance?!!! What an ass!!! You deserved better, I’m so sorry nonnie🫂
Your Auntie’s pretzels sound amazing!! My grandmother makes amazing sausage rolls which I loved as a child and I’ll forever mourn I can’t have them anymore. I miss food. I mourn all the foods I’ll never get to try.💔
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julietasgf · 6 months
I have many ideas for the latam au, but I will answer that later or tomorrow because TODAY IS MARCH 15 JULI.
I've been debating with myself whether I should try to summarize it or would it be more useful to send you a post that explained the plot but I have a terrible physical and psychological need to talk about Raffles when asked, so I'm sorry you'll have to endure verbal vomit about these books but before I lose my mind about the cricket boys, I'll lose my mind about your ocs ~
🥰 Vienna!!! My love!!! She sounds so interesting. I really wanted to know more about the journalist, so appreciated getting to know some of her background. Oh buddy, you can feel her frustration, as she tries to escape the dramatic world of racing only to end up stuffed to the bottom jsjsjs literal in a rabbit hole but she won't be able to complain about the lack of gossip
Oh and I read about Rodri. Im fine :)))) I haven't suffered any emotional damage that will leave sequels for life *I'm going to cry next to Ale for the rest of my days*
I only knew him for a couple of days but DAMN I didn't expect to lose him like that, Rodri didn't deserve to leave 😭😭😭😭 (not complaining tho, I actually love the angst and the idea of Ale spending the rest of his days affected by the love he lost AFTER THEY RECONCILIATED 👌 it's BRILLIANT AND TRAGIC)
And I appreciate that you told me what happened between them... I can only say that oh boi I need to hug Ale, at the end of the road he took the worst part although he had a good part of the blame in the argument doesn't take away that his lifetime trauma will not be taken away by anyone and oh poor Rodri, he also had his part of the blame but I can't imagine how much it must have hurt at the moment to realize that Ale wanted him in his shadow although yes it was very dramatic on his part to crash, f1 guys can't fight like normal boyfriends, they have to destroy their cars and put their lives at risk 😭
🙏🙏🙏🙏 Andrea is an easy going it kid, vibe of be the sun, charming, friendly but full of pressure (and guilt) to be somebody because of his parents' sacrifice to support him in his career? THATS MY KIND OF GUY, he is my babygirl now. Im protecting him, I WILL FIGHT FOR HIM AND HIS HAPINESS
Also me: but Kimi kinda slay you know?
Btw although I'm really worried about Kimi's fate because you mentioned "he doesn't mind risking his life" and because he has substance addiction issues *panics* 😊
I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK EITHER FOR THE SAME REASONS. I SIMPLY BELIEVE DUNE MUST BE READ ON PAPER 🥺, it's worthy of that honor and other than that I read too much pdf already because of college. I need a break when I read something for fun even though I spoiled some things hehehehe
I LOVED THE FIRST MOVIE TOO. A lot of people say it's boring but I thought it was amazing, I can rewatch it a million times and never get tired of it because it's a visual and sound delight 😔🙏
Every day I confirm more and more that one of these days I must read and watch GOT, (I only saw the house of dragon; rhaelicent my beloved) jsjsjsjsjs but I guess you mean the wonderful political plot, and if that's it I agree that it's one of the best done and most interesting aspects that Dune has
Part 2 did not disappoint, Chani my girlfriend, I will treat her right 🥺💜, I really liked that we finally got to meet her, and that while she is Paul's love interest, she is her own person with her own ideals that she is true to. While it broke my heart to see her leave so disappointed, I was so glad that she was able to go her own way ah
OH BOI PAUL. 😭 I have a huge love- hate on him. I guess you've also seen these "my twink boyfriend turns bad" memes where people compare him to Anakin and Coriolanus; and while I see the similarities I think out of the three, Paul is the only one I'm a more willing to defend than the other two. The boy was born without much autonomy over his destiny - and body - and genuinely fought against the idea of being the messiah for the fremen because he was well aware that this was a bene g. project, and that he had no right to intentionally feed the lie any further. And his visions, they were terrifying and you could see the fear Paul felt for them: he really didn't want to unleash a war and was so willing to listen to Chani and fight by her side BUT WELL :)))) WE SAW WHAT HAPPENED AND YES I THINK THAT WAS THE WORST PART.
The good news is that I have heard that most likely we will have a third part that will tie together all the loose threads that were left. I hope Chani ends well and that maybe she kicks Paul's ass <3
Now it's time.
The time has come *thunder my fingers* let's talk about Cricket AND CRIME!!!!
You should know that before my TBOSAS - Sejanus fever, my blog and my fics and my everything, was dedicated to Sherlock Holmes (the books please, I'M TALKING ABOUT THE BOOKS BECAUSE MY DETECTIVE HAS BEEN TREATED VERY BADLY BY THE ADAPTATIONS), and it was thanks to Sherlock Holmes that I discovered my cricket boys:
AJ Raffles and Bunny Manders!!!!
Pd: Here I leave another post saying why you should read these books
The connection between them and Holmes is that Arthur Conan Doyle's brother-in-law, Ernest Hornung, was inspired by Holmes and Watson when he make Raffles and Bunny and these stories also share a very close temporality (end of 19 century) to the one existing in Holmes stories
But let's begin:
The plot follows the association of Bunny Manders (Bunny is not his name, it's a nickname) with the infamous Arthur J. Raffles, the amateur cracksman.
Bunny and Raffles attended school together, but their paths diverged when Raffles (who is older than Bunny) graduates, until the two meet again years later and end up becoming partners in crime (and maybe they are partners not just in a particular type of crime, laws against homosexuality were a thing at the time...👀)
AJ Raffles is a famous cricketer. He is charming, handsome, and brilliant. He has a reputation for being rich and moving among exclusive high society circles but it's all a facade, because in reality he's broke, doesn't earn a penny playing cricket and can flaunt his luxurious lifestyle because he's a jewel thief. He steals from wealthy people in the exclusive circles he moves in.
And the story narrated by Bunny who has an anxious, nervous, fragile and intense personality. Who is an aspiring journalist and occasional poet, tells us about what he calls his "fall from virtue." (Although as someone who has already read the books, I can tell you that it is Bunny's recounting of the most important person in his life: Raffles)
Bunny is an unreliable narrator <3 I should clarify tha. It's fascinating to see how fickle his memory of Raffles (who we know only through his eyes). There are 3 books made up of short stories:
1. The Amateur Cracksman
2. The Black Mask
3. A Thief in the Night
All by E. W Hornung
You can read them on a page called Raffles redux, on Project Gunterbeng or there is a project called Letters from Bunny where they will send the stories to your email
WARNING: THEY WERE WRITTEM IN THE 1890s BY A BRITISH AUTHOR, I think that pretty much sums up the flaws and criticisms of the text although it is an interesting study of the dynamics of the social classes in London at the turn of the century and a glimpse into the criminal world of the time.
Ah yes, the reunion of Bunny and Raffles. The first story in the saga takes place on March 15 and is called:
The Ides of March
HELLOOO AND HAPPY IDES OF MARCH!!!! (1 day later tho, but still 😭)
(and also, can't wait to hear your ideas for the latam au, bc I'm this 🤏 close to asking you if I can write something abt it bc it's driving me CRAZY)
KSLSKLKS noooo don't say you're sorry, first bc I love hearing when ppl are passionate abt something, second bc I LOVE anything related to sports, and knowing now it's also related to crime and sherlock holmes made me even more interested!!! (but before let me answer abt my silly little guys)
poor vienna, all she wanted was to get out from the formula 1 world somehow because she knows abt how the drama is insufferable, and now she's deeper than ever, you can almost hear her screaming into the void and trying to explode her mom with her mind 😭 BUT at least she starts getting interested because it's really bizarre how the cycle never ends and just keeps going on and on
I'M SORRY ABT RODRI 😭😭😭 but welcome to the "mourning over rodrigo" club, founded by alejandro himself!! rodrigo deserved much better, even though his death was mostly a terrible accident. he was such a young driver with such a bright future ahead... and plus, he just reconciliated with alejandro, he missed him so much. things were fine. they were, really. also, it's worth saying that after this, alejandro spent the rest of his career as a team principal trying to reinforce the security for drivers and proposing changes to make it safer. each time a crash happened on the racetrack, that man was on the verge of fainting. and the worse is that... he could only think abt how things could've been different. maybe if alejandro was more mature, or if he listened to rodrigo, or if he tried to talk to him much before that crash... would it still happen? it's all so tragic (and that's why I made it that way ☝️
ale definitely got the worst, that man got a trauma for LIFE. racing was his passion, before rodrigo died he didn't intend to stop any soon, but after his death, he couldn't get inside a car without panicking. and things just weren't the same anymore, you know? he tried to go out in dates with other people, but he couldn't move on, he felt too guilty, he felt too bad about it ("trends change, rumors fly through new skies, but I'm right where you left me"). rodrigo was so hurt atp, because he believed alejandro wanted him alongside him, not below him; alejandro was treating him more like a decoration than anything and it HURT. but yeah, these two guys should've gone to therapy instead of risking their lives, racing boyfriends really are the worst 😭
(it's so funny what you said abt f1 guys not fighting like normal boyfriends and instead crashing their cars bc this actually happened a couple of times in real lifeKSLSKLSKLKLKS)
YESSSS THE STORIES ARE CONNECTED!!! :D that's also how vienna have it easy to be able to talk to these guys, because everyone kind of knows everyone somehow
ANDREA IS SO SWEET 😭😭😭 he's a sunshine, rlly. like, I always say that rodrigo is the devil, but tbf him and alejandro are kind of made for each other (nobody else would be able to stand them). but andrea is such a sweet guy who was unlucky to be teammates with kimi, from all people. he got a heart of gold, just wants to help and to not disappoint his parents after everything (he doesn't know they are already so proud of him, like, their son is a FORMULA 1 DRIVER, this is already so awesome!!!)
I love kimi so muchKSLSKLSK his whole character is just so fun, even though he's a prick. and yesssss in almost every single aspect, he's a foul to andrea!!! but at the same time, they have a lot in common (ahem, being so insecure about themselves and failing people around them, feeling alone while being surrounded of people, and, ofc, their unconditional love for racing and how it's their life).
(since you asked, and also because I can't keep my mouth shut... I particularly find kimi's fate to be more cruel than rodrigo's. he didn't die on the racetrack. atp of the story, kimi and andrea had a better relationship, and andrea knew more abt his secrets and some of kimi's reasons. kimi had just won this year's championship. he was supposed to be celebrating with the team, after all, they all worked so hard for it. but andrea notices kimi isn't around. he's worried, he knows kimi, he knows abt kimi's deal with his parents. he decided to go to kimi's hotel room. he found kimi so high, so drunk. andrea helped kimi clean up and they had an emotional talk, even though kimi was not sober. andrea promised he would help kimi, that kimi wouldn't need to go back to his parents again. he put kimi to sleep and left the hotel. the next day, andrea woke up with countless calls on his cellphone. kimi eriksen had died from an overdose on his hotel room during the night.)
YESSSSS dune is that book to be full of post-its and highlights, I CAN'T read that book on digital 😭 KLSKLSKLS ans yeaaaah absolutely, when you read too much pdf for college, it's just authomatic your brain will associate it with studying, while reading physical books become more associated with fun (plus, this is more personal now, but I love scribbling on my books, can't do that on digital)
yesssss I get why people say it's boring (it's rlly slow), but the worldbuilding is just so nice + it's gorgeous visually + LETO ATREIDES IS IN IT OKAY IT'S ENOUGH FOR ME. idc if it's boring, I would watch it 100 times for that man.
(pls read got, it's so worth it, even though I think we as a fandom collectively accepted we'll never get the ending 🙏)
((and also NO WAY YOU LIKE RHAELICENT TOO, THESE ARE MY GIRLS 😭 you know that when I prefer the adaptation rather than the original work it's bc they did something right, and when it's related to alicent and rhaenyra, I like the tv show sooooo much better actually, they gave so much more depht to their relationship which is basically non-existent in the book))
save me chani.... chani save me.... and yes!!!! I remember that everyone was so excited during the first dune bc of zendaya, but when it actually premiered, there was like 10 minutes of her in the whole movieKLSKSLSKL but I'm so glad we got to know her bc she's such an interesting character!!! and it's just like you said, she's actually her own character, and it's just really refreshing seeing this and seeing how they decided to wrap up her arc (specially in a science fiction franchise)
PAUL WAS SOMETHING ELSE. from the three, he's actually the one I genuinely like as a person; imo, I feel like he tried to resist until the very end, that was not what he wanted. he only gave in when he felt like there was no other choice, specially after the whole thing with the harkonnens..... that's what hurts the most regarding paul, I actually LIKED him. anakin and coriolanus, we knew who these guys were, we knew their end, we knew what was going to happen. but paul? we could have this hope that things would be different, that he could choose or change things. but... yeah, things end the way they do and I felt betrayed over a characterkslsklsk 😭
NAHHHHHHH HE WAS SO WRONG FOR THAT, SRSLY, I was so happy chani left at the end of the movie because she deserves so much better 😭 (I know things in the book are different, but in this case I'm willing to block my ears and go LALALALALA to pretend that only the movie exists)
and yessssss!!! from what I've searched, the first book ends exactly where the movie ended, but the little change of chani leaving can actually make such a big change on the story, and I'm really interested to know where this will lead (and plus, there's the whole thing with paul's little sister, which is also another loose end I'm excited to know more abt).
but now: CRICKET!!!!
buddie, I've seen some of your reblogs abt raffles and bunny, and I was like "oh, this reminds me of sherlock holmes a bit, the aesthetic and all" (even tho I've never read sherlock holmes, I could recognize the close temporality) and I kept wondering if the stories were connected, like some thrillers' I've read, that are on the same universe but with different characters, sometimes with the same detective, so I thought this was the case.
I'm kinda shocked to discover that its setting is about cricketLSKSLSKSLKS I WOULD'VE NEVER EXPECT THIS, AND I LOVE IT
(also, I've read the post, it won me at "it will KILL YOU" and "the incredible adventures of two broke idiots", specially because I myself am a broke idiot, so I related)
I like the concept of this so much???? first because, again, SPORTS, second because it's also mixed with crimes and aaaaaa it sounds so cool 😭 raffles sounds like a demon, I already love him (every generation have their own saltburn /jk). bunny sounds relatable (cries in crippling anxiety language) and the fact that not only he's an unreliable narrator, but we also only know raffles from his pov is really interesting, idk, there's something fascinating abt never rlly knowing a character bc you only know them from a sole point of view...
tysm for telling me abt it and also for telling me where to read it, I'm already writing down to read it ✍️ (I just can promise to read it soon bc I have a pile of books which are here for MONTHS and just today I came back to reading again 😭 BUT I'll definitely read it, the mix of crimes and sports got me hooked + the gay undertones too ofc, but tbf there's nothing gayer than sports)
(also the fact that their reunion is on the IDES OF MARCH, why do I get a feeling that this is not going to end very well for one of them? 🤠)
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savethepinecones · 11 months
4, 13 (bakugo), 10
ooh thisll be fun
4: do you have a notp in your fandom? are they a popular otp?
oh boy im about to get absolutely destroyed but tododeku. i dont read established relationships much and i prefer lots of drama but the vibe i get from tododeku is theyd get together without much hassle so i just have no interest
13: unpopular opinion about bakugou?
ohhhh boy. i dont think theres anything i can say about him that hasnt been said before. the fandom has analyzed him to hell and back and honestly i think theyve got a pretty good grasp on his character at this point so i dont think any of my headcanons would really qualify here....
i think the biggest thing would be that i think he gets too much focus in the fandom. yeah hes the foil for the mc and hes had probably the most character growth out of everyone but there are other characters yall can obsess over smh.
also i think hes much more up front about how he feels than hes portrayed as a lot of the time. the shit he keeps to himself is either stuff hes still figuring out or stuff he feels guilty about but even in the case of the latter it comes up sooner rather than later (deku vs kacchan 2 for example). once he knows how he thinks/feels he doesnt really hide it. i think a lot of the time in fics he tends to keep things pent up or is sometimes a bit tsundere but honestly i think hes much more straightforward than that. hes not afraid of consequences because he very much believes he can overcome anything with enough effort so hes going to say what he thinks and deal with the results as they come up.
ngl though most of the fic i read is shippy stuff so this may not apply in non-romantic scenarios
10: most disliked arc? why?
the pre-ua arc. mostly because the only characters we see are all might deku and bakugou and im more invested in the dynamics of the class as a whole.
early bakugou is The Worst and while i think showing that is important in order to establish how he grows as the series goes on, its not something that i especially care to rewatch. i think looking back on cringey middle school times is always difficult for me irl or otherwise so its not really a complaint about bakugou specifically but yeah.
as for all might i frankly disagree with a lot of his views on being a hero and this is when most of them are established. every time i watch this i just want to argue with him lol
and with deku tbh im just not super a fan of him??? i think part of it is because a lot of his behavior thats emphasized in canon is stuff that i personally struggle with (his tendency to worry about others to the point that he completely neglects himself for one) and while overall i think this is something the series discourages i also want to shake him and scream at him every time he does this stuff. please value yourself small green child. (also all might encourages the self sacrificing stuff and sees it as a sign of being a True Hero and this is an excellent example of what i was talking about in the previous paragraph.)
also its always kinda bothered me that the initial couple episodes are all deku trying to become a hero without a quirk but a) hes not actually doing anything to get closer to his goal (unless you count the analysis of other heroes) like he knows he wouldnt be able to rely on a quirk but hes not even trying to figure out any more obtainable alternatives hes just saying "i want to do this thing" and then not putting any effort in until all might offers to train him. meanwhile characters who are equally committed to the same goal (bakugou and todoroki for example, although todorokis situation is complicated what with endeavor being The Worst and all) are training themselves physically in addition to strengthening their quirks. i would consider deku to be more on par with characters like kirishima who didnt commit to the hero thing until their last year of junior high but that just doesnt match up with the emphasis by both deku himself and the narrative that he has always really wanted to become a hero.
also the whole "i want to become a hero even though i dont have a quirk" thing gets resolved by him just. getting a quirk?? idk i feel like bnha toys with the idea of addressing quirkless discrimination but always just handwaves it away. like oh this character wants to do something that historically has never been achieved by someone with his disability. the resolution is that he no longer has the disability.
also in the case of touya it talks about his experience having a quirk thats incompatible with his body and how that affects him and shapes him but then it just gets kinda pushed aside by endeavors influence on the situation and instead of talking about how touya was affected by a bad home life and struggling with disability and being unable to accept his limits, it just becomes "endeavor was bad at dealing with the situation and then touya became a villain" idk it just keeps skirting around this stuff that i think is important from both a world building perspective and also applicable to actual things that irl people deal with but ultimately it just dismisses it as unimportant. like objectively saying "hey the mc is considered disabled and then in chapter three is magically no longer disabled" is a dick move. yes he struggles with adjusting but like?? the emphasis was on the disability and then it immediately just removed that factor and moved on to a New Problem (oh no the quirk is Too Awesome) (because he didnt bother to do any sort of training or anything to reach his goal until all might was in the picture)
i went on a big tangent but tldr a lot of the problems i have with bnha are especially emphasized in the first five episodes or so and because of that and my lack of interest in the characters with the most screen time (sorry deku stans) i just cant stand the "training to get into ua" arc
thanks for sending the ask! i had a lot of fun talking about this and also spent way too much time on it lol
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