#and im a queer woc......
iheartmoons · 1 year
my toxic trait is that i think i can get as famous as taylor swift...
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lorelaiislatte · 5 months
sorry to sound like a four year old over a literal cop procedural but like. sitting here in tears because it’s always our shows and it’s just not fucking fair man
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sukibenders · 29 days
A female artist/celebrity: Hey, while I'm really happy for all the support you guys as my fans have shown me, can we please establish some boundaries? Some things are starting to make me uncomfortable. Again, I'm grateful but--
Said people the response was aimed towards: Oh so now she thinks she's too good for us? She's so ungrateful, letting all the fame get to her head. Doesn't she know that without us, she wouldn't be as famous? She should just suck it up!
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
wow it really does not escape my notice that every young person being assimilated on the Titan bridge crew are POC, one of them queer. meanwhile the old cis white people are unaffected and tasked with saving the day. 🐸
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inktaire · 2 years
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It's giving... let's joust and then I'll steal your wife
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butchlifeguard · 1 year
the she/theys vs he/theys and wlw vs mlm posts are symptoms of a larger problem within the queer community 👍
#1. lack of consciousness of beauty standards 2. no grasp of intersectionality 3. focus on online discourse and not queer theory#'discourse' used very literally there. this is not a sick dunk on Minors These Days#anyway we as lgbtq people are very focused on ourselves as oppressed that we dont realize how we are perpetuating/internalizing...#... oppressive beliefs#see how all 'g ender envy' is almost exclusively skinny *white* conventionally attractive cis people#i saw someone say something like 'dont tag as gender envy be yr own person' the other day#and that really opened my eyes ?#we can be so caught up in the politics of being trans (usually as yr only minority group)#that it basically turns into 'skinny white cis men are the ideal of manhood dont ask me why though idk'#its deeply internalized#same goes with the 2 posts i mentioned#ps. i KNOW gender envy is what you personally find enviable and you shouldnt forced to change yr attraction for political reasons#but its the same shit that cishet beauty standards have been for centuries#very similar to how the only models in magazines are skinny white cis women#they dont say that fat people/trans women/woc arent worth their pages. its implied.#we just need to think about what we're implying every day as a community.#also i have a personal thing against gender envy culture because you guys forced me to see FUCKING V OMITBOYX EVERY DAY IN LIKE 2020#/JOKE I SWAER. unless i get told one more time that im not really trans because i dont want short hair over my eyes. then i snap#<3
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murcielagatito · 3 months
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jenifercheck · 1 year
Now THAT’S what I CALL BI-ERASURE! Featuring such hits as:
They’re not ACTUALLY bi, its for attention!!
But if she’s with a man, it means she straight!
But if he’s with a man, it means he’s gay!
The B in LGBTQ+ stands for BenDaLaCreme
Bisexuality is just a stepping stone to homosexuality (and most of the time, we’re only applying this logic to bi boys!)
How can you like both????
The B in LGBT stands for Bees
Yes, we’ve seen this person date multiple genders and explicitly say they’re into multiple genders but we’re going to ignore that because its clear they’re victims of heteronormativity
The bisexual community has said several times that bi means two or more and that it’s inclusive to transfolk and non-binary folk but we’re going to blatantly ignore that and continue to further the lie that bisexuality is transphobic while pansexuality is not. 
The B in LGBTQ+ stands for bad drivers
This character is canonically bisexual and i think that’s homophobic with special guest stars: the valencia perez fandom, the valkyrie fandom, brittany s. pierce fandom and many more!!!!!!!!!
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I've been playing s.aints r.ow (2022) so much as of late!
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(n.eenah looks so cool...)
CHECK OUT THE GANG ‼️‼️‼️ THEY'RE ALL MY BESTIES‼️‼️I wanna make an s/i just so she can be stupid with them!
This is my player character!
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Her looks are obviously inspired by mine, with the skin color and the red glasses (wouldn't be me without my red glasses haha!), but we have some different features. There's also a red jacket because I wear my favorite red jacket a lot and that's the signature color of many of my s/is!
My player character is so fun and cool and I love her so much!
The friends are so goofy and funny!
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mamaspidershit · 2 years
idk i just find the idea of hydra!mj so comforting for some reason? like, you don’t understand people? same
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thewingedwolf · 4 months
genuinely annoying when you reply to someone you would consider a friend and they immediately start a “WELL IM LITERALLY X” or “STAY IN YOUR LANE” defense when we are talking about fictional characters that don’t exist with a culture of screenwriters that love to word of god important character information, not only is there no “lane” to stay in, but are we not all online in fandoms to engage with each other and get in the weeds about stuff? are we not allowed to say ‘this wording is confusing/slightly problematic/i simply disagree with this take’ to people we follow and engage with regularly? especially when we’re talking about something That We Both Are.
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 4 months
I saw a post by another user getting into the already prevalent shipping discourse about Crystal and Charles and how she’s “getting in the way” of paynland. Please read their post, they talk about how it’s a load of bullshit.
I want to talk about why Crystal and Charles work, the potential longevity of their relationship and how it doesn’t affect the paynland ship anyway. (And this is coming from a paynland shipper and someone who wanted Crystal to be crushing on Niko lol).
First of all, when I watched the show within 10 minutes (like most people did) I very much assumed that Charles and Edwin were gay for each other. I’d hoped in my heart it was going to be a potential plot line because it was so obvious the boys were in love with each other. Their already established dynamic made it easy to see that.
Then Crystal was introduced and shifted their partnership dynamic. She challenged Edwin in a way Charles never did, ultimately being one of the catalysts to his self discovery the led to paynland actually being a possibility (everyone say thank you Crystal). Edwin didn’t hate Crystal because she was stealing Charles away from him. There’s no doubt in his mind that even if Charles and Crystal were to stay together that Charles wouldn’t still love him and prioritize their relationship, and Charles reassures him of this constantly.
What Edwin is bothered by is having to deal with an inexperienced human, who has no idea why they do what they do, getting in the way of them solving cases that matter to them. Which is figured out pretty quickly when she proves herself to be an asset to the agency and they enter into a sibling like dynamic with wonderful banter I love to see.
What I enjoyed most about Crystal and Charles (if I’m completely honest) is their very out in the open flirting and the way she rejected his advances multiple times but he persisted anyway. Charles gives off a “will go for anything that breaths in his direction” vibes especially when he defends Crystal by saying it’s fun to have someone their own age around.
Also it’s so refreshing to see a black girl being paired with someone who isn’t white (I’m black lol). The bwwm ship dynamic is so overdone in media. In fact the woc x white man dynamic is so prevalent in media today that I just assumed they wouldn’t actually get together. I thought the show runners were just dangling forbidden fruit in my face lol. They do work as a couple because they give off mean bisexual gf with her golden retriever bf to me.
I’m just gonna say it as well because it’s worth thinking about before this fandom gets too crowded and opinionated, but why do you see a woc (especially a blk woman) being in a relationship with one of the mmc and immediately see them as ruining your favorite ship or as causing queer erasure? If we all watched the same show you’d know that Crystal didn’t get in the way of anything. And why don’t you feel that way about Monty of the Cat Kings pursuing Edwin?
Im not gonna dissect paynland as a ship because im so bad at understanding the nuances of male relationships lol as a bi woman. I can talk at lengths about the potential for Niko and Crystal if yous want me to though.
Anyway drink water lovely people <3
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saintmelangell · 4 months
(Ssorry 2 reference ur main 🙏) you recommended a few authors at one point that that included mary daly, and you mentioned that her views are outdated. i do plan to read her but until then, could i ask in what way her views are outdated? i keep seeing mentions of her name too in non theological feminist circles and something about dalyites?
(sorry for replying to this late i was in another country and didn't have my laptop lol) most people on this website would call mary daly a terf, although the term did not exist during the days of daly's scholarship. daly was trans-exclusionary and often viciously so. she was unable to modernize her thought to engage with evolving feminisms and thus she was unable to engage critically or helpfully with transgender rights. katherine o'donnell from university college dublin has written a paper on this topic that i highly recommend: daly was so focused on refuting aquinas and the oppressive patriarchal underpinnings of theology that she was unable to imagine a non-polarized approach to masculine/feminine binaries, and furthermore also unable to engage with critical race theory in a way that was helpful or progressive. to that end she was actually "called out" in a letter by audre lorde for her racial ignorance. for instance, daly compared a woman asking for equality in the church to a black person asking for equality in the klu klux klan. i get her point, but its an absolutely horrible analogy. i think daly allowed her frustration with religion to turn inward so much it made her myopic and her work often ineffective, but not without value.
daly eventually stopped doing theology work because she thought it was "hopelessly" patriarchal and shifted to philosophical feminism. prior to this shift she began incorporating wicca into her work, although she did not consider herself wiccan. i am also on the verge of giving up on theology because i agree with it being hopelessly patriarchal, but i do not consider wicca a viable alternative and i think philosophy is similarly, though not as intrinsically, as patriarchal as religion.
although i am not a terf and my work is focused on the rights of marginalized genders and sexualities, not exclusively women, i work with daly in my research. im mentioning this in an effort to combat the mentality that seems to be extremely prevalent these days where we completely reject certain thinkers (mainly women) for their problematic thought. scholarship is not a vacuum. no scholarship is presented as or should be taken as watertight, because we build on past scholarship in what? a hope that we can get closer to a truth. a scholar who presents their view unequivocally as the only correct one is a fascist and should not be paid attention to because by definition they cannot be engaged with effectively. this is not what daly was, although she was very misguided and lacked an effective cultural framework to understand the issue of trans rights and accept the invaluable role which trans people play in feminism and the rights of women and marginalized identities.
i would not call daly an influence on me, but because of my research her ideas- which were not original, are shared by grace jantzen, and come mainly from the work of erich fromm- about the patriarchy as necrophiliac are extremely important to me. i am using this idea to develop a better understanding of how patriarchy, including terfs, oppress the marginalized, especially woc and trans women. i do scholarship in awareness of daly's transphobia, and i take what is useful to modern feminism from her work because christian feminist theology would not be what it is today without daly. but the majority of scholarship i work with comes from queer and woc theologians: marcella althaus-reid, for instance, was a working class latina. audre lorde and bell hooks are much more important influences on me than daly will ever be. but i would not be a good scholar if i couldn't engage with problematic work and be able to derive what is both useful and not useful from it. if i simply ignored daly's scholarship, that would leave a gap in modern scholarship where terfs in theology could exploit that weakness and utilize daly against trans inclusion. by working with daly and, in a sense, using her work against itself (which one must do when working with theology because daly is right: it is hopelessly patriarchal), i am stopping up the gaps where bad scholarship could get through. i am exploiting the faults in daly's thought by drawing what is useful and using it in a new context that it was not intended for, but i am not dismissing daly because i couldn't do the thinking i am doing now without the work she did. she has created a foundation of both anti-patriarchy and anti-transness from which i can build my own anti-patriarchy, trans-inclusionary theology.
we come from contexts oppression. everything does. if we wipe out all of oppressive thought from our contemporary thinking and scholarship, we lose contexts, we lose the ability to combat the impression that is inevitable. how can i combat terfs now if i don't understand where they are getting their ideas from? how can i effectively show that trans exclusion is useless, anti-christian, anti-feminist and ideologically deadly if i haven't worked with the same scholarship terfs use for their ideas? i am more interested in showing how oppressions simply do not make logical sense than i am in keeping my scholarship "clean." i would rather wade into the mire to find the bottom of the pit than pretend the pit doesn't exist. i dont have to like daly, and i don't. i do have to be able make ideologies look stupid. and you. (not you specifically, anon, but anyone reading this who is under the idea that we shouldn't read problematic authors or scholars because their ideas are outdated and bad.) you should too.
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breakfast-oat · 1 year
woc lesbians are so amazing
nothing wrong with white lesbians at all, they're amazing too but woc have gone thru discrimination and racial prejudice on TOP of being queer
the mentally ill lesbian woc >>> they're so kind and calm and also bitter and mean and all these traits together swirl so nicely in a lovely wlw ice cream cone
i'm a minority in a minority in a minority so when i find other triple minorities i love em so much
im not jealous of het people anymore.
lesbianism is such a sweet and lovely sexuality. it's so tender and just hdsbhssdbhf knowing that you both are women and are doing acts which could get you killed in some parts of the world, but your love for each other is so much that you're willing to risk it all for her
just sitting together with your hands interlinked. it's 90 degrees out and you're both so sweaty and hot but you can't spend a second away and just get sweaty together. and the whole room smells awful but you see her laughing at a gay tv show you put on and it's just so worth it
i have a shit life and have been dealt a real bad hand of cards. but the 1 thing im grateful for is being a lesbian. every misogynistic remark, all the violence, all the fear is terrible. but when i see her, it all just goes away like that. and for a moment i can feel safe in her arms. her metaphorical arms.
i know you dont like me anymore aya, but i hope you're safe and away from the earthquakes now.
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inktaire · 2 years
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*Boops you*
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lesboygamzee · 7 months
this fandom is genuinely so fucking vile to trans women im surprised theres so many still here . like for a fandom that consists largely of queer people and who are proud of this fact if you ask any opf them if they care about trans women outside of their half assed headcanons theyll ignore you or get defensive ( if they have transfem hcs at all . lmfao ) . like even if we are going directly on how fans interact with homestuck rather than the blatant mistreatment of tma fans theres still constant problems . tme fans will praise every other queer reading of the comic but will speak over and deny transfem readings unless its a character they can feel like turning into a misogynistic caricature ( hack cough june egbert ) . im still seeing arguments that seeing roxy , a character almost undeniably intended to read as a trans woman , as anything other than a trans man is " transandrophobic " or whatever the fuck because of the epilogues . trans womens views on the story are just straight up ignored in favour of transmasc projection and like . its a problem in All Of Fandom that trans women are unfairly scuritinized and are the most common targets for harassment ( disguised under ' callouts ' or not ) . especially trans woc . im honestly losing my steam here but fucking hell im tired of seeing a fandom that has so many jokes about ' lol homestuck changes your gender !! no cis people allowed haha !!! ' be unnecessarily cruel to trans people . im still upset about the notes on that one june post from people who pride themselves on their half assed trasnfem headcanons . bc like 70% of them are either ' omg i thought this was normal until i Saw It ' or ' holy shit i want to fuck her so bad lol ' fpor the crime of her being drawn with a visible bulge . self proclaimed Majority Queer fandom when trans women want to exist without being treated like a punchline or fetishized
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