#and illusio as well
ourlittleuluru · 2 months
I only know that if I had been a second later...
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I would've lost you... Forever.
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manikas-whims · 1 month
With the new FEEDBACK SURVEY now available for Love and Deepspace
these are a few things I suggest we all collectively request in the form:
1. Fixing Xavier‘s flower name back to forget-me-not in the ENGLISH version
Because wavyleaf sea lavender is a mistranslation.
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2. Increasing cap for Weekly Chocolate
Now with the addition of Sylus, its only fair that the weekly gains go from 1800 -> 2400
3. Increase in Crystals earned from Bounty Hunt
as well as add some sort of crafting or conversion system for the same
4. Add more ways to earn Diamond Rewards
and not just through limited time events
5. Increase Diamond Rewards in Deepspace Trials as well as Senior Hunter Contest
6. Make Illusio Permanent
7. Start the Battle Timer once we reach the starting point
8. Make the Banner durations longer (atleast 30 days)
And do re-runs of some past banners for the sake of new players that join everyday.
9. Allow more customization options to Players, especially more options for standard Hair Style
10. Roll out the microphone speaking option to Global players
especially with cards like Xavier's recent “No Restraint” where CN players are actually allowed to whisper his name
11. (OPTIONAL) Let the Love Interests have interactions!
I really really wanna see the boys interacting. I don't care if they bicker or get along or try to slit each other's throats. We deserve some interactions.
Thats all from my end. If you guys have more suggestions, please do add 🙏
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hananoami · 26 days
Xavier's Directional Orbit: Light - Stage 130 Clear + Vod
I realize this post clear write up is hella long over due, but July was such a busy month for me between balancing irl schedules and processing those Illusio Requests (which were more time sensitive). Nevertheless, for record keeping, Xavier and I cleared his Directional Orbit: Light - Stage 130 on July 22nd!
Some important information to know before challenging Xavier's Stage 130 is that you will need two teams. Team 01's protofield Stellactrum is 5-Emerald and 1-Pearl. Team 02's Protofield Stellactrum is 5-Amber and 1-Ruby.
By having a ’perfect match’ with the Protofield Stellactrum you will receive additional attribute bonuses (for every color you match increase DMG boost 5.0% and DMG reduction 5.0% up to 30.0%), as well as the ability to shatter two protofield shields in a single strike.
For this stage I opted to match the colors for each team. The bonuses of having a perfect match was more optimal rather than me trying to brute force it. I also decided to use Xavier's Lumiere companion for both fights; more about that below.
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Looking back at this stage I'm pretty sure my first few run was with Lightseeker Companion in the first half. I actually had difficulty grouping up the 4 wanderers together since none of them seem to want to be near each other in order for me to utilize Luminescence Blade's Active skill for cleave damage. This is why I opted to use Lumiere companion instead of Lightseeker here; I needed his control abilities.
My advice is to focus on the Carmine Talons first and then eliminate the Elysian Lacertus. Kindly overlook my messy game play, but in my clear vod you can see that I can have the Elysian Lacertus come to me instead of jumping all over the place while I focused on the Talons. Having Lumiere's Support Skill, Lunar Vortex, made it easier for me get all the wanderers grouped up together while we did AoE damage. It was such a close fight, but thankfully my Ardent Oath came up in time.
For the second half of the fight, I don't want to say it was a joke but... Lumiere really is the best. His Passive Skill, Moonfall, is so broken when combined with Moonchaser's Active Skill, Moontide. That's why, if you have R2 Lumiere, having 2-Expedited Energy Boost beta protocores on Lumiere is BiS is highly recommended. If you don't have Lumiere ranked up I would still equip 1-Expedited Energy boost with 1-Oath Recovery Boost beta protocore at 11% in order to use Ardent Oath twice.
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Unfortunately, I don't have screenshots of my stat attributes or have any recollection of which protocores I used for this fight. I'm also unable to recreate those stats I used for this fight because I've upgraded his memories and protocores since then.
EDIT: HUZZAH~! I FOUND THE MISSING SCREENSHOTS. They have been included along with any other information I could pull from them below.
So we'll just go off with what information I do have from my clear vod. If anyone has any questions or concerns about this particular stage I would be happy to help!
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Companion: Xavier's Lumiere [ DPS | Burst | Control ] Weapon: Moonchaser (guns) [ DPS | Sustained | Single-target ] Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 30.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 30.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 104 (Xavier’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Xavier teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP xxx || DEF xx || ATK xx ] Pair Bonus [MN] - Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. The Enemy [Moonstruck] is extended by 3 seconds. - Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. [Moonlight] will attach 1 stack of [Phasing Moon] to the enemy, increasing DMG dealt by 25%.
5☆ LIGHTSEEKING SHADOWREND (emerald/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ LIGHTSEEKING OBSESSION (emerald/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ 21 DAYS (emerald/lunar) Lv 70 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ ROMANTIC AFTERNOON (emerald/lunar) LV 70 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ FLUFFY TRAP (emerald/lunar) Lv 73 rank 2 using xx SSR protocores
4☆ BEST WISHES (pearl/lunar) Lv 60 rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
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Companion: Xavier's Lumiere [ DPS | Burst | Control ] Weapon: Moonchaser (guns) [ DPS | Sustained | Single-target ] Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 30.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 30.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 104 (Xavier’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Xavier teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP xxx || DEF xx || ATK xx ] Pair Bonus [MN] - Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. The Enemy [Moonstruck] is extended by 3 seconds. -- Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. [Moonlight] will attach 1 stack of [Phasing Moon] to the enemy, increasing DMG dealt by 25%. -- Duo Rank 2: increases Energy Charge cap by 1. When [Moonlight] is activated, the cooldown time of your Active and Resonance Skill is reduced by 0.5 seconds, and a small amount of energy charge is restored. -- Duo Rank 3: increases team DMG by 8%. When your Active Skill or Charged Attack hits a target with [Moonstruck], [Moonlight] will be activated, boosting CRIT DMG by 30%.
5☆ MIDNIGHT WHISPERS (amber/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ MIDNIGHT RAINFALL (amber/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ TENDER NIGHT (amber/lunar) Lv 70 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ HEARTSTRING SYMPHONY (amber/lunar) Lv 70 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ FAINT SENSATION (amber/lunar) Lv 60 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ UNIQUE AFTERTASTE (ruby/lunar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
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signal boosting: @hunters-association
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nightsdreamgates · 7 months
Can I ask for general romance/love headcanons, for NiGHTS pre and pos rebellion? Maybe also swap AU? Also for Nightopians, Nightmarens and visitors has some difference between the way they treat them or the way the relate with them? Could you share your idyeas with us? :0
Already thank you for this my friend, I hope you don't mind me asking >:3
APOLOGIES FOR THE LATE RESPONSE THO, even tho I'm sick and is 5am, I'm going to respond this, simplify yet giving enough details as well... A perfect balance! Hope you would enjoy!
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[] • . ☆ * .[]
Warning: NiGHTS pronouns will be mostly used as he/him or they/them; But that does not take the fact that they are a genderfluid/non confirming Nightmaren!
NiGHTS - Romance/Love HCs:
-> Visitor!reader:
" You've met eachother during a dream, where you found enchanted by the soothings notes from the flute - Whispering your ears and gettinf attracted by his mysterious nature; eyes peering, penetrating your soul that gives your back a cold chill, but no ill intend can be sensed. The violet being smiled as if they are entertained by your curiosity. "
The first time you saw NiGHTS, it was kind of a delight, yet with bunch other mixed feelings towards them. Who is this person? Why they look like a bufoon?
Their mysterious yet playful demeanor is what thrills you more into knowing him - seeing how they seem so interactive yet managing to balance the moments where they feel hanging out alone, a true ambientalist.
When you started to talk with NiGHTS more, they seemed to enjoy your presence more and more as well.
To him, you are a interesting visitor, who's humour built in being salty, sarcastic, creative yet sincere, even harsh on yourself.
Each layer that he discovers, the more he curious to get to know more about you.
Often times when he sees you, he would toy yourself to provoke, but never meaning any evil! Just to play and even encourage you!
Of course you both would discuss and even argue, but none of it made him to stop liking you; Your flaws is what makes you feel more alive.
When he hang out with you, things feel much more lighter, to your concern, he even gets way too silent, just to listen to your voice.
He finds your "yappings" to be entertaining, funny and charming. To complement it, they would even make questions about how your world works.
You always find yourself laughing at his many levels of shock when you tell him that in your world, people dont float/fly like them and other dream beings.
NiGHTS seems to build a strong bond with you, and when you give it the first move to kiss him... His head was all over the moon.
Such attitude, audacity and passion, is what gives him reassurance, deleting every doubt, that you love him.
He loves you as how you are, never as how you look; To him you are the most precious visitor that he would wish to share his freedom with.
As much your insecurities would speak loud about you interrupting his freedom due his rebellion, he rather stick with a person that he loves and gets along pretty well, than anyone who tries to make him feel egocentric for just leaving a toxic life style.
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-> Nightmaren!Reader:
" I could hear the day when he shouted against his own master, a grandious day of his own chapter of justice. This is how me and my people sees our old king, now a rebel, after the confrontation. He inspires me to be free, able to enjoy things differently, as much is far different and out of my zone, is how it all started. When I started to find my true self under this nightmare nature. "
You were a small third level Nightmaren, who ran away from Nightmera, the land of nightmares.
Your whole life was all about scaring people, feasting on ideyas and good dreams, following orders from your superiors and the rest is what left from being "alive".
It was never great, you would end up pushing yourself hard, over to get just a crumb of a ideya sparkle.
But when Illusio, turned against Wizeman's monarchy, and started his own whole new reign... Is where your eyes sparked, to hear the words from the rebellious king's discursion, about the true balance and image, Nightmarens should take.
For NiGHTS, it was simply words of rant for all the pain and disrespect Wizeman brought to his own creations - But to you, it was words of clarity.
Along with the minimum that wanted that piece of justice, you escaped Nightmera and tried to find your place on Nightopia. Which it wasn't easy for someone like you adaptating to a total in contrary of your homeland.
NiGHTS had found you and caught into your attention, when he saved you from the nightmarens who were still on Wizeman's side. Thanks to NiGHTS rebellion that motivated the tired and himuliated lower levels, a new rule has settle to imprisionate traitors and force them to work twice as worse for their sins against their people and creator
Seeing you hurt and tired, NiGHTS couldn't leave you like this, so he carried you and left you to rest after he cleaned your injuries and covered your wounds.
You woke up all healed, with NiGHTS approaching to check you and feed you with some Nightopia fruits - They were very tasty!
You started to shower NiGHTS with compliments, but not having any ideas that you were making them uncomfortable...
As soon you noticed, you apologized, but he shook his head and said that it was fine, that the only issue was not the compliments itself - But the deadname... Illusio
So you moved your head quick, understanding and yet apologizing once again to not repeat this mistake!
You still stayed beside NiGHTS for a few times, until you had to find yourself into looking more for your necessities and what you want for your life.
Growing to get used with NiGHTS new identity - You would communicate with him and wanting to know more and more about this new person... Is not the king that it used to rule Nightmera beside Wizeman. No. It is now a happier person, that had learned their own mistakes and wants to make a change. But his pride and trickster nature would not make it seen any better, he is trying his best.
You would also learn more about your now new purpose, to live for yourself... Inspired by him and somehow, NiGHTS hearing you saying how much you feel relatable to his troubles and how much he inspired you, warms him deeply inside.
You both end up being friends, but slowly creating much more deeper feelings.
Now who ends up protecting and healing wounds, was you, whenever NiGHTS stubborness dares to get in middle of the problems.
Making sure he is all fine, while scolding him. Seeing you worried of him, even if he is superior to your level. Makes them giddy, but tries to hold it before you could scold him even harder!
One night, when you went to see how NiGHTS was doing, after helping him to deal with visitors and grown much more as person. You two had a calming chat, talking how much you both did after leaving Wizeman's shadows.
It was a deep moment, that slowly turned into a sweet conversation, filled with puns, sarcasm, flashbacks and hand touchings.
His hand on top of yours while he smiles at you, both nightmarens yet creating such a beautiful dream. How ironic!
He was the one to do the first move, slowly shutting your mouth when you've got nervous by his touch, kissing you tenderly, filled with passion.
Your purpose was no longer to serve, but to live. And is by the side of the one who inspired you, that you want to live on.
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-> Nightopian!reader:
" His arms held you closer once those nightmarens got dissipated by his first level abilities - The paraloops scared you a bit, but his voice spoke to you with a strong affirming tone, that there's nothing more for you to be scared. His bravery and determination, is what attracted you. Wanting to be able to be brave and strong too! "
You were hanging out peacefully with your friends, when suddenly after you guys went after the strange beautiful song playing on the woods, nightmarens jumpscared yourself and the group, attacking each one of you cowardly since you was in a vulnerable position.
But then when you blinked, all of those nightmarens were being dragged by a giant looping hole, that sucked them in one!
Soft arms holding you, looking up, you see a angry, firm face looking at the hole, which softly changes to a concerned face, they look at you, speaking: " You nightopiana need to get better in keeping your own wings safe! Y'know? "
The look of admiration and enchantment switched to a "bruh" face. Is this the person who saves my life says???
As once you chirped to him, talking in your language, scolding with words of " that wasn't very respectful! " or " Don't say that about my wings! ", it made NiGHTS chuckle.
He found you so darn adorable, once he placed you on the ground.
" Alright, alright! No need to insult me! I was just sayin'... These marens' almost got your buns, so I found righteous to say that you guys need to be more cautious that's all.. "
That made you crumble deep down, frowning... Am I too weak to even defend myself? Why!
But you dont want that so after he seem his job is done, you tried to follow him, but... they are so fast!
But the words he said, motivated you to be stronger and able to defend your own self... So you started to work out your rosy wings!
It wasn't an easy task, but the more you were determined, more you felt you're leveling up...
You want to proof that big goofus that Nightopians are not so weak as he seems to be "warning"!
Until then... you found him again... When he saw you, he couldnt even recognize, you've gotten so strong! And you seem proud of it...
You wanted to proof him, you wanted to challenge him! But he simply doesn't accept, unless you provoked his ego...
Due your audacity demeanor, he smirked, seeing that a pian' is challenging him, is not so new but also not so usual! He likes your determination!
So you both did a race, which obviously... He won for being a first level sucker.
But when he seemed to be having fun, he saw you at distance, your wings fluttering smoothly and face red, you're tired...
He decides to help you, as much you rejected, you couldn't reject to lay into his embrace, to be awaken in a peaceful place on Nightopia.
You and NiGHTS started out as frienemies, that developed slowly into a cute romance...
He taking care of you and surprised he created a soft spot for you! Which dont get me wrong, he tried to hide it, if you weren't difficult...
You also felt the same for him... And you were also surprised! Ironic isn't it?
You both ended up confessing and it was very sweet, kissing into a nightmaren lips felt different, is like... is sweeter than the nectar that runs out of the colony.
NiGHTS as much he plays around, he never discouraged your will to be more stronger and cautious, but you've learned so much more with him.
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All I could is to write only his after rebellion... But do not fret, I will make a 2nd part for his pre-rebellion form to you after I finish few things here!
I hope you are satisfied and gave you more ideas and satisfaction! Im open to criticism to work better on my writting & working scenarios!
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cutesharkstudios · 8 months
Owl House Group Chat 2
(Hexsquad) 11:07 Willow has entered
Willow: Hello?
Amity has entered
Amity: Hey Willow. No worries
Willow: Yes worries! I promised I would be off at 10 and lost track of time
Amity: It's cool, this is suppossed to be a casual thing.
Willow: Ok. Side note, what did y'all do when I was gone?
Amity: Scroll up.
Willow: Oh my
Willow: Ok, ok
Hunter has entered
Hunter: Hi Willow
Willow: Hi Honey
Hunter: 0//0
Amity: Cute
Hunter: I like that name.
Willow: Really?
Hunter: I think it's cute, like you
Willow: 0//0
Amity: oh my
Willow: Yeah I deserve that
Darius has entered
Darius: My Hunter senses were tingling
Amity: Uncle Darius?!?!
Willow: Uncle?
Amity: He babysat me a ton as a kid. He and dad claimed they hated each other, but they didn't, and he helped dad take care of me.
Darius: Speaking of him, I need some advice.
Amity: Sure
Darius: Could we do this in a seperate chat with you, me, and the twins? I'll hext you the link
Amity: sure, see ya guys
Hunter: have fun
Willow: bye
Darius: Amity will check in soon
Amity: Hey
Ed: Hi Amity
Em: Hey Ams
Amity: So what's going on?
Ed: Darius needs our help with something wonder what
Darius: And this doesn't leave this chat, ok?
Amity: 100%
Ed: got it
Darius: Em?
Em: Sorry, had to turn off the oven for dinner. Your secret is our secret
Amity: What ya making?
Em: Centaur roast and carrots
Amity: Thanks
Darius: Okay here it goes
Darius: I want to propose to Alador
Amity: WHAT
Ed: Really?
Darius: I've drawn up the plan and will send them soon.
Amity: OMG, Darius, this is awesome.
Darius: Thanks Amity, I hope it goes well. We've really grown over the 4 years of dating, and I hope I can be a good parental figure to you and the twins
Em: You really mean it?
Darius: Yeah, I've always wanted to be a dad, and now I have the opportunity. I hope I do well.
Amity: Well you can't do any worse than you-know-who
Darius: Thanks for the support, though she didn't set a high bar
Em: She set the bar at all?
Darius: Touche
Ed: And hopefully we will be good kids. I know we're adults, so it's probably not what you imagined being a dad would be like, but we promise to be good.
Em: And we'll continue to be good siblings as well. Side note, Amity?
Amity: Yes?
Em: Now that we are at a slower time in our lives, I want to ask, are we good?
Amity: Yes, why do ask?
Ed: Well, we teased you a lot in our youth. We never meant any harm, but we realise we may have been, as much as I hate to admit it, mean to you.
Em: That was never our intention, and we're sorry if we crossed any lines
Amity: Well, the only real line crossed was with the diary and Luz. But given how much of a jerk I was back then, I kind of had it coming.
Darius: I'm just as guilty. I crossed my share of lines in my past that Alador only told me about AFTER we started dating. Oof, not my finest moments
Em: Well what happened happened. We can't change the past, but we can make a better future.
Darius: Anyways, here's the plan…….
Room Created: OldWitches
Raine has entered Eda has entered Lilith has entered
Eda: Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day!
Lilith: Whoa, sister, calm down, what's the occasion?
Eda: After so long of trying to get an appointment, Raine's getting their sigil removing treatment!
Lilith: Awesome. I had mine yesterday, and I gave my sigil a certain gesture before it went away.
Eda: That's my sister. So, Rainestorm, what new magic do you want to try first?
Raine: You're not going to belive this but, of all types, illusions
Eda: I take it you saw that article I sent of Goops moping the floor with Adrian?
Raine: Yep, I had no idea you could tell when someone was hiding behind and illusion. We laughed at Adrian all dang afternoon post incedent.
Lilith: I would have paid SO many snails to see that
Raine: I got the whole thing on my scroll. And backed it up on three of my personal devices.
Eda: Whatever happened to him and the other defect coven leaders?
Lilith: Trying to find them, but so far no activity.
Raine: They should be dormant for now, but the hunt is still on.
Eda: Check out this news article I found. [link]
Raine: What is it?
Lilith: It better not be one of THOSE websites again.
Eda: You'll see
Raine: EDA!
Eda: Yes?
Raine: Why did you not tell me about this wonderful thing called fanfiction? I don't even know who wrote this but, God, they have excellent potential.
Lilith: I think I know who wrote it
Raine: Who is the author?
Lilith: If you scroll all the way up, you'll see the author is AzuraFanOtter, take a wild witch guess who that is
Raine: Well no wonder Luz is getting A's in her writing classes, this is wonderful
Eda: And fitting 20 characters in one scene while giving them all ample screen time is tricky, but she made it work.
Lilith: Maybe she should write her own book. The money made from that could benefit her greatly in the future.
Eda: Indeed, though she'll probably be fine when she marries Boots, cause all the Blights are LOADED.
Lilith: Now now, keep in mind, there is a change things don't work out for them. It's not like they were made with the other in mind.
Eda: …
Raine: …
Lilith: What? I'm serious.
Raine: We know, but I'll eat griffon feathers if they don't work out.
Raine has left
Lilith: Well, I promised Darius I'd help with a "surprise" for Alador.
Eda: Cool, have fun.
Lilith: Thank you for not making an innappropriate joke for that.
Eda: Yeah, sorry about last week's prank, didn't think it go over as bad as it did.
Lilith: No no, I should have just taken the joke.
Eda has left
Lilith has left
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praazlwurm · 4 months
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Pokemon Conquest OC: Maaikasute Kosaka
she/they | 26yo Kingdom(s): Unaffiliated (formerly of Yaksha, rejected by Illusio) Specialty: Dark/Psychic Weaknesses: BUG, Fairy Default Pokemon: Inkay Perfect link: Inkay/Malamar
More info/stats below readmore!
GOD this took literal months to finish her art but my babygirl! My beloved murderous grey-moral babygirl~ (❁´◡`❁)
While I was chatting back when i had the spoons for discord with @flower-seller's Noodle and Salem about their Ransei-verse, darling @jordemme encouraged me to develop an OC to play in the space, but realized my favorite 'mon Inkay was not!! available!! in that gen! Hence, I set out to rectify this and develop someone who quickly became my favorite pokemon OC - and to give her the "official" art she deserves (/≧▽≦)/☆*: .。. :*☆
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And so Maaika came about! This art was started last year, and I've only in recent weeks recovered enough from burnout to complete it but I'm so so so happy with how it came out other stats and facts about her!
Warrior Skill: Marksman | Capacity: 6 Transforms to Rank II by reaching 75% link with Inkay and losing/fainting in battle. Rank I: Power: 70 | Wisdom: 75 | Charisma: 80 Rank II: Power: 90 | Wisdom: 55 | Charisma: 70 (sacrifices wisdom&charisma for power!)
Name origin is partially from the original name for inkay, maaiika meaning "oh well!" and referring to both a demon and demonic squid >:3c
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■ "roadside blossom" whose Metagross-palanquin is almost always in motion across the Ransein countryside, a beauty in the day and a beacon in the night… for better or worse
■ 5'0" / stout, plump frame, pear-shaped; ruddy side of pale, full lips lined with plum staining / dull, reddish-pink hair; visible eye is a dark taupe
■ covered eye has a dark sclera and a doubled, yellowed iris; it has perfect nightvision bordering on infrared; able to throw her voice
■ armed with an iron fan, a few hidden blades, and a handful of spiked rings to prevent escape, she's a one-woman highway robbery racquet, often tricking people into thinking she's a noble with poor luck who can repay their kindness - or, if they attack her first, trick them into underestimating her
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■ natural doe eyes and pouty lips, combined with a very cute if foreign partner pokemon all cover up sadism and resentment for society at large due to being abandoned as a babe and raised as a foundling to be little more than a bargaining chip
Thank you so much eerienoodle, Salem and Jordemme for encouraging me! (also the veil and hat with coins thing was inspired by this art of an inkay gijinka by "lemming no suana" that i can only trace back to this danbooru link, boo)
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keysoares · 2 years
all i see is you (a hogwarts legacy: video game) fic
here is the fic link!
tags: sebastian sallow/reader + mutual pining + fluff + hufflepuff/slytherin interhouse relationships + OMINIS GAUNT BEING A SAVAGE
You walk out of the hufflepuff common room with one thing on your mind. Sebastian Sallow.
Yesterday evening you both snuck into the undercroft and talked for hours. You're glad disillusionment got you guys out unscathed, but you can't help but think of how fun the two of you had together by just sharing each other's thoughts and secrets. You have enjoyed the time given to spend time with him. After all, it feels at times you're extremely busy catching up with your studies as a fifth year. However, Sebastian has been so understanding of your time and energy, never pushing your limits but that doesn't stop you from feeling inspired to explore more with him.
As you enter the main hall you see Sebastian sitting with Ominis at one of the benches. You approach him with a smile beaming on your face. Sebastian notices you coming towards them and immediately rises up from his seat to greet you.
"Goodmorning! It's not like you to be up this early?" Sebastian teases you with a grin on his face. Even though his accusation was true, you're almost always the last one to wake up from the common rooms, you wanted to wipe that grin off his face so badly. Teasing each other is what both of you guys are good at.
"I'm surprised you're not in detention this early in the morning, maybe you've been getting better at sneaking through the prefects at night." You reply, noticing a slight redness appear on Sebastian's freckled cheeks. He rubs his neck sheepishly.
"Ahem..." coughs a voice from beside Sebastian. Ominis raises his wand from his spell book he was studying a minute ago. Suddenly, you feel a bit embarrassed you had not greeted him sooner. You've been caught up poking fun with Sebastian that you almost forgot he was there.
"Back at it again with the flirting, I see. I can't say I'm surprised, I suppose." Ominis remarks.
You glance towards Sebastian, feeling your cheeks redden and see that he's giving Ominis the most evil glare you've ever witnessed. Not that Ominis could see it, of course. But you know his other senses are so strong that he's probably aware Sebastian wants to kill him right now.
You're not entirely oblivious to the chemistry you feel when you're around Sebastian but you're not absolutely positive he feels the same. You're hoping you hide your feelings well so it wouldn't jeopardize your friendship. You love your friendship with Sebastian so much- that you wouldn't ruin it for the world. Even if it means hiding your true feelings.
You say hello to Ominis and take a seat beside the two. Classes don't start for another 30 minutes. So you guys had a bit of time to chat before classes begin.
When class begins you notice how Sebastian seems to be fidgeting in his seat next to you. You don't know why, because Sebastian has never been nervous around you or anyone before. It's not like him to fidget or get flustered. So you begin to worry, but you quickly push the thought away, hoping he's just eaten something that made his stomach squirm.
You don't want to miss Professor Hecat's lecture so you regain your attention on her.
Unbeknownst to you, Sebastian couldn't pay attention to the lesson, his foot tapping on the floor and his mind wandering to this morning when Ominis had the audacity to point out he was flirting with you. You didn't seem to react or mind Ominis' clear intention to rile you guys up. Sebastian does not understand why it bothers him so much.
Perhaps he's worried if you find out he has growing feelings for you, you'll distance yourself from him completely. He's always hoped you felt the same but shooed the thought away as a mere illusion of his imagination. He loves how dedicated you are to your studies, and how loyal you are to him as a friend. You and Ominis get along so well, that he's so ecstatic to find you guys working so well as a team. He finds spending time with you to be his favorite part of everyday at Hogwarts. You're always there for him and Ominis, and your other friends here at Hogwarts. You'd do anything for them and he admires that immensely. It reminds him of how he went above and beyond for his sister.
He's figured he won't ever tell you about these growing feelings. Even though at times it can be suffocating for him, as if you've crawled into the deepest parts of his mind and set up camp there.
You're in the middle of the lecture when you notice Sebastian zoned out completely. You tap his shoulder which slightly jumps and whirls his head to you, as if he forgot you were really there.
"Are you okay?" you lip-mouth. Sebastian and you have gotten better at reading each other's lips. Especially when you want to  talk to each other in class without making any noise.
You've been around Sebastian for so long that you notice this is not the case. His eyes look lost and a bit sad too. As if he's lost in thought. You wonder if he's contemplating on what's happened in the past again.  Perhaps you need to comfort him.
Raising your hand, you say "Professor Hecat, can I escort Sebastian to the boy's restroom? He doesn't look too good."
"Wait what?" Sebastian whisper-shouts to you while the Professor gives you a curt nod. You immediately take his hand and lead him outside of class to the boy's restroom. He's giving you a string of curses. "Merlins beard! Don't drag me too hard!"
You realize you've been almost sprinting while holding his arm as you guys make your way to the boy's restroom. You loosen your grip because you guys are almost there.
"I'm sorry for hurting you! What's wrong? I know something is up." As you walk in you thank Merlin that no one's around. That you guys have enough time to talk. Sebastian can see by your expression and eagerness that you're worried for him. His expression softens. Sebastian lets out a long sigh.
"I'm sorry if I worried you," Sebastian replies, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, "I've just had a lot on my mind today."
You look into his eyes and you can see he's not lying. Sebastian usually diverts his gaze when he lies, which he isn't doing now, so you let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad that's the case. I'm just so worried for you. I know you're still not over what happened to your sister...and that it plagues your thoughts at times. I understand. I'm always here for you if you want to talk."
Sebastian closes the distance between you, wrapping his arms around your waist and gives you a heartwarming hug. You quickly reciprocate his embrace. You bury your head in his shoulder while he does the same. He smells like textbooks and citrus. The scent you've already gotten used to. You smile contently into the crook of his neck.
Sebastian didn't know how perfect this moment could be. The girl he cares about deeply being with him is almost enough to forget what he recently went through. He knows he hasn't told you how he truly feels and he never planned too...at least- before now.
Sebastians raises his head and unlocks the embrace. It felt like so much time has passed while you guys were holding each other that Sebastian guesses classes were almost over.
"However, I haven't been completely honest with you lately." Sebastian says with his gaze upon the floor. Your eyebrows shoot up.
"Go on, you can tell me anything." You reply.
Sebastian thinks to himself that: this is it. He's going to tell you how he truly feels. He prays that it won't mess up what you two already have, if you don't reciprocate his feelings.
"I've been growing feelings for you for some time now," Sebastian begins, "You've always been there for me, even when I let you down. I think you're the most beautiful, kind, loyal person I know. Every day I spend with you makes me feel like I've known you my whole life. I think, somehow, we were destined to meet. And if you feel the same, then I know it's true."
You're feeling a ton of emotions in that moment. Some you can't recall but they make you feel like you're a firework waiting to pop. You feel so happy you take Sebastian's face in your hands and give him a heart-shattering kiss. He kisses you back. Placing his hands on your back and pulling you closer to him. Kissing you with so much vigor. And so much love.You melt into his arms.
Sebastian finally releases you from the kiss and rests his forehead against yours. You are still catching up to your breath from that kiss. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Sebastian asks you. Your smile could take down an army of goblins of how big it was.
"Yes! Of course!" You reply eagerly, not even becoming embarrassed by how joyful you sound.
You hear footsteps coming from outside the bathroom, and the both of you know someone's heading in here. Hoping it's not one of the professors. The store opens to Ominis, and you both let out a sigh of relief of not being sent to detention.
Classes are over, doofuses. I don't even want to know what's going on, but I know it's you guys." Ominis' eyes narrow. "I hope this means you losers finally admitted your love for each other."
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allykakamatsu · 10 months
KH X GI Character Profiles, Mondstat
Note: More underneath the cut cause I don't wanna clog the feed-
Also please support me on ko-fi here
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"That boy is a walking contradiction. He was surrounded by darkness and tragedies for so long yet he came out so.... normal. If I didn't know any better I'd swear he was just a regular person. Still, it takes a special kind of person to go through all of that and come out so kind and relatively well adjusted, so he's definitely someone to try keep an eye on his fate." -Mona Megistus.
*Name: Riku
*Title: The Hope of Dawn
*A Keyblade Master from another world
*Vision: Anemo
*Constellation: Somnia Comedentis
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"It's not everyday that you see a real life Princess, let alone one from another world. That honestly sounds right out of a fairy tale, yet here one is in the flesh. And she's not just kind and compassionate like the one's I've read about, she's also so energetic, free, and an excellent fighter. She's just as much a knight as she is a princess. I hope I can be as impressive as her someday, maybe then I can join the knights." -Noelle
*Name: Kairi
*Title: Heiress to Light and Heart
A Princess of Heart and Keyblade Wielder from another world.
*Vision: Dendro
*Constellation: Purus Cordis
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"Nobody really knew what to make of Naminé when she first came to town, people thought she was weird, even a bit scary due to her powers. Then again, I guess the same went for Mr Albedo, so when you look at it that way I suppose it's not too surprising that the two of them started working together, and while I don't work with her nearly as much I can confirm she's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. Still, memory manipulation, one of these days I have to work up the courage to ask if I can do an experiment to figure out it's limits." -Sucrose
*Name: Naminé
*Title: The Witch of Sketchbook Memories
*Witch turned alchemy assistant from another world.
*Vision: Cryo
*Constellation: Memoria Poena
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"We both met back when we were in.... not great places in our lives. The main difference is that I had friends to help me get through it, meanwhile he always kept the people who cared about him in the dark about his true feelings in a desperate attempt to atone without feeling like a burden on anyone else. This ironically made him a burden to himself, but hopefully now he's had a chance to talk about how he really feels, things can start to get better" -Riku
*Name: Ienzo
*Title: Apprentice of the Forgotten Dark
*Former Nobody turned scientist from another world
*Vision: Dendro
*Constellation: Dolens Illusio
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mealvaan · 9 days
Years ago, Imogen bought a hand mirror. It was a small and compact oval shape, unadorned by frame engravings or even a handle, that fit right in the cavity of her palm. This was one in an avalanche of purchases she had convinced herself were 'must have's for adventuring. The majority of them made like Nym and sunk to the bottom of her bag, but the mirror survived by worming its way into her grooming kit instead.
Imogen was also the proud owner of a top bunk in the crew's quarters. She'd borrowed it on their trip to Garlemald when she asked Charlette to be her bunk-mate; she didn't want the desk that came with the bottom bit, and the top bunk felt oddly freeing, like a hammock hung from high branches. When she formally joined the Castaways, she reclaimed it as soon as the bed was vacated.
A pilot-in-training knew better than to hog a shared restroom for her nonsense, so she took her hand mirror and ascended to her lofty bed. Turned away from the salon space in the middle of the room, she held the looking glass up a good arm's length away from her face.
First, Imogen examined herself with features resting. How did they naturally fall? Where were lines already apparent? Did she have any acne scars or unfortunately placed scabs that wouldn't be going away for a while? Why did her eyebrows tangle up at the ends like that? Since when did she have that crust on the bottom of her lip, when did she chew it? One of her eyelids had more creases than another and it made her look off-kilter—
She put down the mirror for a second.
The next task came quickly. She pulled her face into a myriad unfamiliar expressions. It was almost disturbing how easily she contorted her body to suit the image of someone else using it. She had never thought herself a marionette — the mere implication was nauseating — but how else could one explain the elasticity of her face when she put it to use?
Imogen could frown like Spicer, which was always a subtle affair due to his light features, a spot of apologetic levity between his brows. Imogen could frown like Rubble, an unmistakable dissatisfaction that carved permanent lines into the hollows of his cheeks. When Imogen frowned like herself, her face hardly moved from its neutral position, and she found herself picking at all the little parts of her face that she didn't like.
Others' visages came so naturally to her as she rotated: Falcon's asymmetrical uptick of a smile, Sherry's lidded eyes and gently creased bow, Cookie's inscrutable wide eyes that darted this way and that, and Brigitte's permanently irritated face that… honestly wasn't too different from her own. She went through them in repetitions, honing the details each time she glanced down into the quarters' well and caught them passing through. Tiny corrections she stuck a pin in her skull for: Mister Grief didn't really frown so much as have a heavy pokerface, for example. Buckle's smile occasionally inspired crows' feet in the corners of his eyes, and she didn't often notice it from her low angle on him.
Her face muscles were starting to hurt. If she were a better artist like Cain, perhaps she wouldn't have to do this to get the image in her head. But she was a kinaesthetic learner — a term she'd picked up from Charlette, when she spoke of how Imogen had taken to the infirmary organisation fairly quick. This essentially doomed her to a life of whole-assing things. Her features retreated to the soft release of her pillow. Then she started all over again.
She'd thought about Cain just then, so she practiced him neutral. She never believed the man's face was best described as a 'pokerface'. Rather, his features were a clean, glass sheen over layers of material underneath, and the subtlest changes could be gleaned by an observant eye — they were amplified by that glass casing, even. When something bothered Cain, his bottom lip turned down and his brow knit together. When something embarrassed him, he looked away. She had a feeling that the illusionist would simply render him immovable to any emotion, when he was very much emotionful, that blank default state making it all the more apparent when equilibrium was disturbed.
Charlette came to mind too, and she would have to lock away that Charlette she'd gotten to know behind closed doors. It was the Charlette of the early years that she conjured up in her mind. The illusionist would never render her happy, she thought, and so it was authoritarian Charlette that took the fore. Those were anxious eyes ready to pounce on just about anything, a lip almost always moving so it was impossible to mimic it at rest. Scrutinising eyes that screwed themselves into their prey pair.
It made her sad to think about, and so she took another break.
Several members of their retinue for this mission were relatively easy to mimic. For example, Senca possessed of that pokerface for which Cain was often mistaken. Imogen also didn't have to do any upper face work to mirror her, which was grand. It was Senca's words that she'd have to watch out for, inscrutable and not something she was willing to practice. Luca… had been different of late, but she could easily replicate warbly smile that painted her features a moon ago. There was something about trying to mimic Luca's recent throes that felt wrong to her; she wrote the feeling off as not wanting to waste time, for her funk was surely impermanent. Opal was passionate and her face moved as one would expect it to; big bright smiles, watery eyes when something wasn't right, and fiery passion on the littlest pleasures of the world. Celica had a mulling face, like she was always considering something far away; she also laughed so hard it showed her molars, and quirked her brow all the way into her forehead — when she allowed herself to feel, she felt so evidently — and that was a fun repetition to bounce between.
A less fun repetition was Imogen's impression of Yoki. She cycled through poses that Imogen couldn't really pull off without silently screaming into a pillow — those little bits where she touched a peace sign to her cheek or struck a wink. They were harder to pull off without looking like a complete fool, and she gained a new appreciation for how much work Yoki likely put into practicing them. And then there was Yoki's tiny, delicate wince, which was far quicker to pin down and a well-deserved cooldown.
Gale had their poses too. Knuckles to the side of their cheek, occasionally unfurling to frame their jawline perpendicular to their thumb and index. Again, this brought Imogen close to tears of laughter — how fucking absurd to witness her own face this way. Gale had a serious face that took great practice for Imogen to mimic to a point of 'well, that will do', what with the intensity of their glare that she couldn't quite capture with her ocean eyes. It would've been the side of Gale that the illusionist saw, and for once she was happy that she'd seen it too.
Osric proved easier than she expected. Every so often, she popped her head down to look at him. His expression was always the same. Shifting eyes that never followed the bridge of his nose. It wasn't difficult to draw a comparison to the Brumelings she knew, whose puckered look was the sign of piqued hunger. She found Osric almost handsome in that sick way she tried and failed to smother, that he was playing keep-away with his face, and if she caught him she'd earn a prize.
Finally, it was Red's turn. She stared into her own mien for what felt like eons, then put the mirror down with finality. There was not much point in practicing. If she did it anymore, it would start to ache.
Imogen relinquished herself from the crew's quarters and looked around to check her work. But on the busy Cetea, everyone's faces blended together. Unsung and Castaway alike were a writhing mass of ants marching tired-eyed through the corridors, and she couldn't tell the difference between two pairs of eyes she'd distinguished as 'Cain's brown' and 'Osric's hazel'.
There was a privilege to what she'd observed before, a peace she sorely missed in the chaos. Peace she once hated and mistook for boredom. Whether she would have the privilege again when the illusionist struck was for them to decide.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kanato Maniac [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: Kanato-kun! Kanato-kun!!
...Haah...! Kanato-kun...Where are you!?
Yui: ーー !?
( Don’t tell me...Has Father come after mーー )
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: ...
Yui: ( Eh...? )
Kanato-kun...? ーー Kanato-kun!
ー Yui runs up to Kanato and embraces him
Yui: I’m so glad...! I missed you...!
Kanato: ...How are you...?
Yui: Well, it’s a long story...
Yui: But for now, let’s run away! Okay? 
Kanato: ...
...I wonder why? I can hear her voice...
But...Yui-san should be dead...?
Yui: Kanato-kun, what are you saying...?
Kanato: Aah, I see...I understand now...
You are also an illusion trying to trick me, aren’t you...?
Yui: I-I’m not...! I’m no illusioーー
Kanato: Fufu...Fufufufu. I have no business with frauds. 
*Drip drip drip* 
Yui: ( What’s this dripping sound...? )
Kanato: I’ll use this stake...No, I’ll use my powers to kill you. 
*Thud thud* 
Yui: ...Why...?
( The wooden stake he dropped on the floor is dyed a deep crimson, you can barely even recognize it... )
( Is this what Kanato-kun has been using to...? )
Kanato: ...Are you scared? However, you are not getting away...
I want everyone messing with my head to disappear from my life.
Yui: C-Calm down...Kanato-kun!
I’m the real one...! I’m not lyingーー 
Kanato: Shut up! Not another word!!
Yui: ーー Kyaah!?
Seiji: ーー Yui!!
ー Seiji rushes to her side
Yui: ...Father...!? 
( And the other Vampire Hunters too!? )
Seiji: You’ll be okay now. Just leave the rest to me. 
Kanato: ...Haah. Look at all these pesky flies buzzing around me again...
Fufu...However, I’ll get rid of them all at once. Ahahaha!
Seiji: You darned Vampire toying with my daughter’s heart, I shall end you.
Kanato: Che...
Yui: Father, no!!
ー Yui runs up to them
Seiji: You must not come! Stay back!
Yui: B-But...!
( At this rate, one of them willーー )
Kanato: Hmm~? The two of you are rather close, it seems...
If you’re connected to the Church, the natural enemy of us Vampires, then you truly must be a fake after all.
How could you...Out of all people, you just had to disguise yourself as her...
Yui: Wait! Iーー 
Kanato: Shut up! I don’t want to hear your excuses!
I won’t be tricked by the words of a fraud!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kanato: ーー Farewell.
Yui: ( ...!? Oh no...I can’t run! )
Seiji: Uguh...!? 
Yui: ...!? Father...? 
( Why is he standing right in front of me...? )
( Don’t tell me he tried to protect me... )
Yui: Ah...Aah...
Father...Father...! Hey...Wake up...Hey!!
Seiji: ...
Yui: Noooooooooooooo!!
Kanato: Not yet...I’m not done yet...I have to hurry up and put an end to it...
I don’t care for a World in which she doesn’t exist...So I must wipe everything clean...
ー The Vampire Hunters run up to him
Kanato: Fufu....Fufufu...
Kanato: Fufufu, haha...Ahahaha!
Come on, come on! You better learn to aim a bit better than that!
If you don’t try hard enoughーー 
Kanato: I’ll kill you first, see? 
ー The other hunters drop dead
Yui: ...Ah...Ah...
( This is...no longer the Kanato-kun I once knew... )
Kanato: ーー Oh? You guys are finished already?
Oh well, I suppose it’s fine. I left the best part for last after all. 
ー Kanato walks up to Yui
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“A World without you holds no value. It’s unnecessary. Therefore, let’s get rid of everything.” 
“It makes no sense for me to be the only one suffering, right...!? Everyone else should also feel my wrath after losing you...!”
Kanato: Sorry for the wait. ...Ahaha. Seems like I gave you quite the scare. 
Yui: Uu...
Why...! How cruel...How could you, Kanato-kun!!
ー She hits him repeatedly on the chest
*Thud thud thud*
Kanato: ...Is this your attempt at fighting back? I believe you’ll have to try a bit harder then. 
*Thud thud*
Yui: ....You killed my Father...and attempted to kill me as well...
Where has the kind Kanato-kun gone...!? 
Kanato: ...?
Yui: Hey, I’m begging you! Snap out of it!! Get a grip!!
Why can’t you even tell that I’m Yui!? 
*Thud thud thud* 
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Kanato: ...
Could it be...You really are Yui-san...?
Yui: ...Exactly!
That’s what I’ve been telling you this whole time, haven’t I!? Trust me...! Ugh...
Kanato: Oh...You’re actually the real one...
I was convinced...that you had diedーー 
ー He suddenly collapses
Yui: Kanato-kun!!
ー Yui grows faint as well
Yui: ...?
( I guess it’s because all tension released at once...? My consciousness is slipping... )
???: ...
ー Kino walks up to them
Kino: ...Ahーah. Things really aren’t going my way...
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freerangeranger · 1 year
//I just gotta say you do a fuckin AMAZING job writing honey!!! She's such an interesting character and
//honestly her during this whole arc has been pretty relatable in a way jdhdndg
//can't imagine how hard it was to like , explicitly show all the way up to this where everything had been let loose that she was still just so angry at him underneath it all, even if she was still having fun and making fun of bell light-heartedly and I've never seen anyone really just .capture that before especially in such emotional accuracy
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So when I read this yesterday you gave me the equivalent of human zoomies for an hour when I was supposed to be going to bed. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm blushing. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to meeee. (⁄ ⁄•⁄v⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I go over my 'breakdown' of this arc below the break, but please know that I love all of you and thanks so much for enjoying my gal. She means a lot to me. I'm glad my mental process comes through in her words and actions.
Also If you want more lighthearted stuff - I have a few more Amy roasts to go through so Do Not Worry we will flambae this man yet.
I am also gonna write this warning here as well - Content Warning for death, implied suicide, abandonment, animal abuse, pokemon abuse and generally uncomfortable topics to think about.
Honey could be charitably called a 'self insert' - although she looks nothing like me and we do have differing opinions on a lot of topics. From my experience with TTRPGs and running them for 7 years I find the greatest advice I can give to anyone both old and new is to put pieces of yourself into your oc's. This is two-fold for importance.
1) It fleshes them out and makes you like them. If you have a character with similar morals and goals to yourself it is much easier to relate to them and makes you actually want to continue - you know - playing them. Honey has many traits that I don't. But we do share a deep love for people (and pokemon but her love is much more tangible than mine). She has a strong sense of fair play and is stubborn to a fault, which is something a lot of people can relate with. Her flaws are the same as her strengths and that makes her feel alive.
2) The second part is - in my humble opinion - more important. You know how they Feel. Emotions are a fickle thing in roleplay. You have to be very good at separating fiction from reality. It helps a lot when you are in constant communication with the people you are creating the story with.
When I was writing Honey over the course of this arc, I noticed that I started getting agitated - not from myself - but when I put myself in Honey's shoes. And after some contemplation I could realize why. This whole situation reminded me of those "Don't Drink and Drive" TV ads where the owner of a dog leaves, promising to come back. For a few moments you get a horrible sinking feeling because you know that this is an ad for drunk driving. But the dog doesn't. But after a few shots the person returns! All's well that ends well. You get your catharsis because that's a bit too dark a subject for daytime tv.
But I always wondered what would happen if the person never came back.
Dogs and cats are pretty smart all things considering. But how would this sort of thing affect a creature that has a higher level of intelligence? Little kids don't have a super great grasp on death - and I assume that most pokemon (there are exceptions to the rule) have the emotional and mental capacity of around a 3 year old. But you can also verbally explain death to a child when they are old enough. How do you explain to a ratatta that their trainer passed away?
This has never been stated explicitly until recently but Honey does have a slightly longer relationship with Amy than is immediately apparent. Especially with his pokemon. She cares about them and understands them to some degree. She knows roughly their emotional intelligence and ability to grasp abstract concepts. Honey has no illusions that Maxx, Beetroot and a handful of Amy's other pokemon are smart enough to connect the dots if he up and vanished. Some of them might even hold a grudge or mourn his loss.
But she knows there are also many pokemon in his care that aren't smart enough to understand. Bruno in particular - who is arguably the pokemon Honey is most emotionally attached to. Bruno is a strange case because he has a very good memory. He remembered Honey at the wedding by smell alone; a solid 3-5 years after they first met. Honey had a decent impact on his life but her influence is nothing compared to how much he cares about Bellamy.
So you have a perfect storm - A pokemon smart enough to remember people and has object permanence but not smart enough to understand the possibility of death or the idea that their human - who they love more than life itself - is never going to come back home. Thinking of that mental image - Bruno sitting alone at the door waiting for Amy forever - is basically the sole reason for her anger.
There is compounding issues of course. Did Amy even think to put all his Pokemon in his will? Would his current funds allow each of them to live in the lifestyle they are accustomed to? How many of them could stay together? Would they all have to be adopted out to other people? How many of them are at risk solely because they were the Pokemon of TV icon 'Professor Wild Days'?
Maybe Amy has plans in place for if that were to ever happen. But Honey doesn't know. She thought Amy was more prepared than that but the fact he just marched into the Cold Storage with no plan and without any proper backup has seriously shaken her faith in his ability to consider the longstanding ramifications of his actions.
So when Honey says 'I am pissed' what she really means is 'I am scared that you don't care about yourself enough to realize that your family is still here and depends on you. I'm scared that you aren't living for them. And that makes me angry on their behalf.' This is something I also deeply care about. The greatest thing that helped me in my darkest periods of my life is remembering the creatures that depend on me. Not the humans in my life; but the pets and animals that need me because if I disappear I don't know what will happen to them.
... That's pretty dark and serious. But it's also a damn good reason to be angry.
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lepidus-illusio · 1 year
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last edited: 06.04.23
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queenofnabooty · 2 years
Illusio Insula Vignette 7: Last Days of First Visit    
           The voices were hushing each other now. A group of unchaperoned children from the island came to inspect the chapel. When Marisa and Asriel found this place they had heard that there was folklore regarding the location. The usual sort of thing: a sailor looking for shelter after a shipwreck comes crawling from the shore only to be enveloped by the cliffs themselves as he cannot make the rest of the journey. He was loved by the island itself and kept well there, but the sea calls to the sailor, and eventually, paradise had to be abandoned. Naturally, his island protector is personified as a woman because she did as women do and turned on her beloved. A boring story that was only enough to entertain children trying to scare each other. 
Illusio Insula Vignette 8: First Days of Second Post Scandal Visit
           Her heart sped up and slowed down in her sleep. It’s inconsistent rhythm was keeping Asriel from finding rest of his own. She must be dreaming intensely, he thought. He thought about her like a dog kicking its legs as it chased its tail in its own dream. He thought: they’re both dogs chasing their tails or one of them is the tail and one is the dog but who is the one doing the biting? Once after everything that happened could be chalked up to lingering sentiment, but twice… what were they doing here again? No practical excuse could shoulder the heavy lifting of justification. It’s not as if Asriel needed any of the books left behind or the scraps of fabric and furniture that’s been left to break down. Though maybe something here is worth a bit of money. He’d have to have a look around later when she wouldn’t have her eyes on him. 
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hananoami · 2 months
hii hope you're having a great day! i was wondering if you have the Lumiere outfit, you can put it on any memory, preferably those intimate ones where xavier is so dominant like tender night! again thank youu for your servicee >< hugs and kisses
Hi nonnie! My day has been going well so far. Hope yours is too <3 I have both Lumiere's outfits (Moonlight Glimpse and Crescent Dawn) available to use in any illusio requests. So if you could be more specific as to which kindled memories you'd like to see him in I will try my best to fulfill them before the event is over on 08/01.
For now I'll add Xavier's Tender Night w/ [Moonlight Glimpse] and [Crescent Dawn] to my pending list, located on my pinned post! If I can think of any other ones where he shows a more dominant side I'll include those at a later time.
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nightsdreamgates · 4 months
hey I wanted to do a request because I think that your NID au looks intresting and cool!
swap nights (your au) x reader fluff
so how would swap nights react to the reader who just gives them random (things since I feel like in the dream world the visitors can just created what they want in a way) like giving swap nights like rocks, candy and a frog? and Nights is trying to wounder why is the reader doing this? is a way to show affection? are they challing me? why a frog? is this a threat?
Hello Anon! I apologize for me taking a bit longer than usual to respond but thank you for requesting me this! I might write an short one-shot of this scenario because being honest that sounds hilarious! So here's goes your fluff!
Illusio [Pre-Rebellion/Swap NiGHTS] X GN!visitor
■ ‐ You (Visitor)
■ - Illusio (aka NiGHTS)
Adeema ≈ Goodbye! (Nightmaren)
Adeerya ≈ See you later! (Nightmaren)
○•. *
The Gift:
" What is this? " it had been an while since you and Illusio had known to eachother, the first day you both met, Illusio never understood why and how an visitor like you managed to handle him so well. Fearless to talk to him normally and even showing courage to still approach the king; Honestly it made him really annoyed how he cannot take any reaction out of you, but he did found intrigued by your bravery and even thought using this to benefit him into tricking you and steal your Ideyas. But unfortunately, for him, it's a shame to admit but the more he interacted with you, more he seems to fall into your weirdness, which even if he would feel dissapointed of himself, he quite change the path of his plans, quite enjoying this little relationship he has with you, growing attached eachtime you both start to connect. Now there you are, holding a frog and pointing it at Illusio, his eyes furrowing in confusion yet interest of why you're showing him a... Small dart-frog.
" Isn't it cute! I found hopping around the woods and decided to pick it up... The colors kinda reminded me or you! Except for the green eyes of course— " You say, bashfully, as your cheeks turns rosy by embarassment, especially at how Illusio is looking down at you in a firm neutral expression.
" Pfft– An frog that reminds you of me by it's colors...? Why now, are you calling me a frog, visitor? " His stance moves once he crosses his arms while he kept his seriousness in his face, making your eyes wide and you starting to feel nervous by it, even tho in reality, he isn't offended, mostly just finding this hilarious deep down, still containing his chuckles.
" A-Ah noo! Is not what I meant, I just wanted to show to you and see if you like to keep it! " Working hard to not misintepretate as you're mocking him, is not the first time he witnessed you giving him strange objects and tiny animals, he was very confused back then but once he started to realize that they were all gifts... He started to see you in different eyes, finding it amusing and somehow adorable. An visitor? Caring to show him things that amuses them? Now that moves his dark and mischiveous heart.
" Well... Why not! " He smiles, quite widely, it felt dubious once he picks the little frog from his palm, looking at it very close to his face. " Hello there little buddy... You look veery... Delicious " He would open his mouth widely and shove the frog into his mouth, you gasped once seeing the poor froggie being swallowed like a gummy. " NOO! Why you did this?... " Illusio looks at you with wide eyes, raising his hands as he acts out like he's innocent. " Whaat? Wasn't it a snack? "
" No! Besides I just wanted to give it to you if you wanted to keep it... But I wasn't expecting this! " You look down at the ground, shy yet upset seeing him misinterpretate your intentions, he looks at you grunting and rolling his eyes, before sighing and softening his pose towards your figure. " Look is hard for me to read what's your intentions sometimes, I'll admit. But do not be upset, it still makes me happy to at least receive a little snack! " He patted your shoulder, while he leaned playfully chuckling. " Really? Well at least you still accepted... I guess... "
" Yeah, yeah... Besides, the whole walking here was already enough. Y'know visitor, if wasn't for your quirkness, you would also be like that tiny frog... All chomped and chewed up like a gum! NHAC‐NHAC! " Teasing the visitor onto their back, always attempting to make the visitor scared but they always end up being slightly annoyed instead; Although you find his ways to bother you also bit fun yet stupid. " Gah! Stop with that you... Dingus! " You chuckle a little with him, Illusio always found the sound of your laughter tingly to him, way much sweeter than the screams of visitors being sinked into darkness.
" Bwa-hahah! What is this sort of insult? I think you're hanging out way too much with the nightopians! " Once you both started to have an fun moment together, Illusio huffs as his feets out of the ground, floated higher than before. You know what that means, soon enough he'll have to go, somewhere out there; He haven't told you the things he does behind the curtains, who he really is, probably because he has no time for it, or maybe... Is simply hiding, like he always did. Giving an mysterious aura to you, but it's bothering, because everytime you wanted to learn a bit about him, he always skipped it and changed the topic, slowly you're getting used to it, yet drives your curiosity crazy, especially more attracted by this intimidating being.
" Where are you going? " You ask, before he turned away. " Ahh... Out there, to handle my business, besides... You will wake up soon, so I better be out before that clock comes over to annoy. " Your eyes soften by the idea of waking up, the dismay of leaving this dream and having to come back to your reality.
It's always like this, Illusio only manages to sense your fears once you're about to be gone, an insecurity occurs around you, which naturally feeds his nightmaren nature; Taming his own insticts, since the care he had created for you still lives, is stronger than the idea of letting you fall to the list of damned visitors he once brought upon them. He asks about his purpose sometimes, doubting if is even that important like Wizeman says, but he would resist it for now... Yet never letting the idea die. " Will I... See you again? "
He smirks, like usually, before he turned his head to look at you. " Of course! Besides, I always come back! So don't worry, relax a little! I'll only come back once you're here again! " He starts to fly higher. " Ah besides! I might show you an special place once you come back to sleep, so, adeerya!~ "
Once you start to wake up and he fades away, in a distance enough around the void tunnels to come back to the dreamgates, his head starts to twist, along with his abdomen reflexing into an impulsion to let something out of his body. He spits out the frog who's still alive, holding the poor creature who's bathed in dark goo. His face is now serious after leaving the dreamscape, looking at the frog coldly. " .... You're coming with me, feel g r a t e f u l that I decided to accept you as an pet just because of t h e m. " The frog looks scared by him, before Illusio puts it in his pockets from the jacket. Like said before, is not the first time he had gifts from the visitor... He always save their trinkets in a special place of his domain, where nobody knows, neither them.
Thank you for reading this, hope you liked it!
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musicarenagh · 3 months
Join The Conversation As 'Me & Melancholy' Talks About New Album Today we have a special guest – Peter Ehrling, the man behind Me & Melancholy. If you have not heard of him, then sit back, relax and let me introduce you to him. Peter has been active in the electronic pop genre from the year 2022, blending elements from the past with those of the present. Picture this: Depeche Mode and The Cure were the parents and New Order was the cool uncle, so to speak. That’s kinda what Me & Melancholy sounds like. Peter is from Stockholm and has been dominating Spotify with nearly 10k monthly listeners. The crazy part?Autodidact – everything: producing, mixing, and all of it. His last released album is “Illusio Veri” and it will really make you think. It has got these profound messages that will make you reflect, all set to electronic music. From cheery songs such as “My Bucket of Things to Do Before I Die” to mellow tunes such as “When the Morning Comes,” Peter has this capacity to share stories through music. We are going to talk to Peter about the process of creating his songs, what inspires him in this process and what life situations he reflects in his songs. Whether you are an enthusiast of synthpop or just interested in the genre, I believe you would find Peter’s words interesting. Well, sit back, grab your favorite beverage and let me introduce you to the mind behind Me & Melancholy! Listen to Illusion Veri https://open.spotify.com/album/3oZUI5FUbhX4Ww2HbRkdjs Follow Me & Melancholy on Facebook Spotify Bandcamp Youtube Instagram What is your stage name Me & Melancholy Is there a story behind your stage name? The name came up pretty late one nigth. I was all done with the song The price was too high and I was going to distribute it when I got an idea to send the song using a new name. I have always loved music with a melancholic touch and I was thinking about something that could describe that. Me & Melancholy popped up as a tought like ”yes it’s me and that melancholy Guy I always bring with me”. Anyways I thought I sounded good, so I took the desicion there and then to distribute it as Me & Melancholy. Where do you find inspiration? I most often find inspiration to lyrics from something that have happened in my personal life or something that is happening in the world right now that I get engaged in. For the music I usually just start playing around with some synth or guitar and sometimes it doesn’t result in a whole new song but maybe a chorus to a song or just a cool riff or beat to save for later (I have 100s of such :-) Latest months I have got lots of new inspiration by using more hardware synth. You get another feeling when turning actual knobs and buttons. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Music have always had a big part in my life and I was feeling the music and always wanted to drum to the beat with my hands or anything that could be used nearby. Are you from a musical or artistic family? Not a musical family but my father was a magician so I followed along to many of his shows and sometimes was a part of it. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? i am not sure if it was any particular person, but when I started my first band I was listening alot to New Order and wanted to make songs that sounded like them all the time. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? When I was young I took guitar classes many years but when it comes to writing music it has mostly been a trial and error approach buy my self. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I think I was 12 or 13 and I watched Erasure perform and I was a huge fan. I was not old enough to go by myself, but my kind big brother followed me to the concert. How could you describe your music? It is synth based and I think almost always with a melancholic touch. It has often a focus on the rythm. Describe your creative process. I described it partly above but I often start a new
session after work when I am kind of tired of talking to people all day and just put on the headphones and start playing around with different sounds and rythms. If I get into the flow I could stay in the studio until 02 or even 04 to complete something I really want to complete. But of course some nights you don’t feel inspired at all and just realize you should go to sleep instead :-) [caption id="attachment_56063" align="alignnone" width="1500"] I described it partly above but I often start a new session after work when I am kind of tired of talking to people all day and just put on the headphones and start playing around with different sounds and rythms.[/caption] What is your main inspiration? Currently I can’t say I have any main inspiration and I don’t have so much time to actually listen to that much music, but I have in the past listened alot to New Order, Depeche Mode, Pavement & Radiohead and many more bands. But even though I might not have listened to much synth bands after say 1995, I think I am inspired by how I remembered that sound was in the 80s and 90s and probably mix in inspiration from more indie rock sound from the 90s. What musician do you admire most and why? If I must say one musician and think about what music has had the most profound effect on myself I would say that is Joakim Berg from the Swedish band Kent. I have listened to all their songs so much and still love almost every song they have released. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? For Me & Melancholy I think the style may not have changed so much. I guess I have learned and evolved since the first song produced, so the sound have probably changed a bit but I think it mainly sounds simular. Who do you see as your main competitor? I honestly don’t think of fellow musicians as competitors. I am usually a competitive person but when it comes to music I don’t think that way at all. What are your interests outside of music? I like to watch movies. Love sports, especialy fotball until just a few months ago I still played fotball 2 times per week. I have also worked with system/product development my whole life so I like to develop something just for fun too. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I already have another main career within development but if I could wish i would have liked to play professional football :-) What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? I think the hardest part, at least as a independant musician, is the promotional part. It takes time to learn and maybe not something I actually enjoy. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I would be nice to get more more paid as an independant musician. https://open.spotify.com/artist/6ZZZwGgM356RFi7YH7uSOs?si=GHJ1-W9sTNuJJAgUPhJukg Why did you choose this as the title of this project? The title of the album Illusio Veri, meaning the illusion of truth, came after thinking abount a theme of a new album and a though I had was that there is so much things that are being said by governments and media and we are are often bying everything without a second though. But when you dig into things deeper there might be an alternative truth. What are your plans for the coming months? The next coming weeks I will probably have just some time off, but since I have had some really productive weeks after being done with this album you never know if there might be something more after this summer. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans I have done some collaborations before and I have some in the works right now and more planned for later. What message would you like to give to your fans? Thank you so much for supporting me, love you!
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