#and if you don't well that's a big problem and you probably need an organ transplant
celepeace · 1 year
When you find a post/blog by someone who seems knowledgeable about your understudied chronic illness and you get hopeful that they might have advice for symptom management but then they start going into how using essential oils to "detoxify" your body can improve symptoms -_-
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galactic-rhea · 4 months
The Midi-chlorian essay only a few asked
(or, How Is Anakin Skywalker a walking biological horror)
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So I made this post and a few were actually interested, also i needed to write down all of this or I wouldn't be able to sleep.
The way I went just from "hahaha they're just mitochondria before becoming forced symbionts and losing all autonomy" to the Medical Horror that would be Anakin Skywalker .
Let me explain, going from this theory, let me tell you that the average mammal cell can have between 800 to 2000 mitochondria. In Star Wars we're told that the average living being, has 2500 midi-chlorians per cell. The difference isn't that big, so we can assume that mid-chlorians are smaller than our real-life mitochondria, and it would make sense since the mitochondria have the best possible living conditions, whereas midi-chlorians, if they're free-life bacteria (as in, they aren't forced to live in the cells of another being) it would make sense if they're just smaller, let's say, sneaky, to increment their chances at living.
So Midi-chlroains don't just produce ATP, Force sensitives have a minimum of 4000-5000 midi-chlorians per cell. That's...a big number, but not very horrific. See, the amount of mitochondria is related to how much energy the organic tissue requires. The cells of muscular tissue and neurons are the ones with the highest mitochondria count. Also the mitochondria in the neurons are mobile and flexible, because just thinking burns ATP.
We can assume that using The Force burns insane amounts of ATP, so I assume it makes sense for Force Sensitives to have big amounts of Midi-chlorians. But! The problem with this is that we're told that the Midi-chlorians are attracted to the force, not born within it. But any multicelullar organism (with a few exceptions) need the mitochondria. Mitochondria have their own ADN, and they're always inherited from the mother, so we can assume that there's two different types of midi-chlorians: The ones any normal being borns with, and the ones that get attracted because of the baby's force potential. Either that, or both the mithocondria and the midi-chlorians exist simultaneously.
Which means that Jedi (or anyone who wants to know, really) would need to take several blood tests for midi-chlorians count. Because a newborns midi-chlorian count wouldn't be the same through a babie's infancy. UNLESS...The midi-chlorian infection (yes, i'm calling it that) ocurrs already since the pregnancy, if the force is strong enough for a fetus to be a possible force sensitive in the future, then I guess the midi-chlorians would get attracted to the parent during the pregnancy as well.
WHICH BTW, IT FITS WITH PADMÉ BECOMING FORCE SENSITIVE, at least for a while, like the discarded ROTS concepts. But also, would mean, that poor Shmi became a hella strong force-sensitive person as well, at least for a while.
And it would be a biological advantage if we take this route, because it would possibly make the pregnant being stronger and with a higher supply of energy.
It also explains why the jedi would only take a single blood test when the force sensitive is just a baby, because the infection is already settled. It can also be argued, that any baby born with a fairly high amount of midi-chlorians (like the 4000 per cell count minimum) would only increase, if only slightly, as the force sensitive grows because the midi-chlorians will get attracted regardless.
There must be a limit, or more like, a balance, that the midi-chlorian and the force potential of the individual met. As in, there's just enough force within the individual for a certain number of midi-chlorian, and all of this is probably decided already during the fetus formation or very early on the baby's life.
Now, Anakin...would be an abomination. Because his cells are so full of midi-chlorians, that it's scary to think how the cells aren't exploding or downright giving malfunctions to the rest of the cellular organelles.
If we go by the route of "midi-chlorians start infecting the force sensitive host mother during pregnancy" it means there were high chances of a misscarriage or an incompatibility between Shmi and Anakin, because holy cow, Anakin is just too much.
But you know what also, it could potentially mean? That Padmé's pregnancy was a risky one, fron the start -slowly nods-. Luke and Leia's force potential was lower than Anakin's, but there's still a lot to unpack there in terms of compatibility. We are never given the exact count of midichlorian count for the twins, but let's pretend it was low enough for Padmé to not inmediatly have a miscarriage. That, and also, maybe, Padmé isn't strong in the force to manipulate it, but maybe just close enough for the pregnancy to be carried to term, let's say, her midi-chlorian count is 3900, close enough.
Something similar with Shmi, I'm taking for granted that she also had a difficult and risky pregnancy (on top of it being a pregnancy she had no agency). It becomes worse because, unlike the twins, Anakin is just...50% human. The only possible genes Anakin has are from Shmi. So he's probably...genetically, almost a clone of Shmi but with a massive infection of Midi-chlorians (yes, this implies that Anakin has homogametic sex chromosomes, aka XX, there's no other possible explanation because he literally only has Shmi's genes to work with!).
But he's Space Jesus, though,so let's pretend that the "no father genes" helped with this and allowed Anakin to grow into a...normal-ish baby despite it all.
Midi-chlorians must be extremelly small, closer to the size of a virus in this case, viruses vary on size and the way they infect the cells is by hijacking the nucleus, which then can produce more viruses instead of its own proteins. This can vary anywhere between a production of 50.000 to 100.000 viruses produced by infected cells.
Which, btw, still fits somewhat with the mitochondria theory, because mitochondrias are believed to have been from a genus of bacteria called Rickettsia, which used to be believed to be the in-between of Viruses and Bacteria due their small size and extreme endosymbiotism.
Still, we aren't even told how many midi-chlorians Anakin had, just that it was over 20.000 and thus the chart couldn't even register it. Even if we're just counting 21.000 midi-chlorians per cell, that's...a lot. Even if the relationship is symbiotic and positive in nature, that's excessive, an infected cell will usually die faster. So Anakin's cellular death must be on record time.
The life span of a cell varies highly depending of the type of cells, white cells can live about 2 days, others about 5, and then there's others that live about 6 years in average.
Forget all of that, Anakin's cells die anywhere between a few hours and a week. Which also means a super fast regeneration and healing (Hey! that tracks, that's how he didn't die even though he should have, on several ocassions).
But that's not the only problem here, the production of energy is strong with this one, too strong. Again this should make the cells burst due too much ATP because of an increase on osmotic pressure. Anakin is producing so much damn ATP (which we can assume it becomes glycogen stored in muscles and fat tissue) his need to be active and just doing something skyrockets, he might as well be the equivalent of being high on meth since birth.
The accelerated cellular formation and death, gives me the horrific idea that Anakin was probably one of these babies that are born premature, but also that he probably was bron with, idk, teeth and already lots of hair. Maybe that's also why he got so tall of all sudden, lots of cellular grow, huh.
Anakin seems to age normally by what are we given by canon. So despite it all, his life-span or aging doesn't seem to be compromised, this is probably because of how strong he is with the Force. In the sense that...he needs the midi-chlorians to handle this much power, but he also needs the force to handle with that many midi-chlorians, otherwise he would have been already born dead.
See, ageing has a lot to do with stem cells. Anakin's stem cells need to be highly prolific and potent to keep cellular division happening at such a high rate, we can infer that any force sensitive has potent stem cells, so the force must inherently affect stem cells. So Anakin's stem cells must be monstruosities in efficiency. If Anakin donated stem cells to someone else, that person would either have a strong inhumne reaction against them or they would get some of the worst cancer ever seen. Again I'm no expert, but the fact Anakin doesn't develop cancer at all as soon as he was born is already impressive. The rate in which Anakin's cells die must be ridiculous, even has a baby, he must have required tons of energy and endure lots of stress which...tracks. The fact he gets electroshocked, burned, gravely wounded or whatever every week or so, must help him to no develop some cancer, which is a bit funny.
But it would also mean he can go long periods of time without eating or resting like...a normal human. Not saying that he doesn't need it, though, but his neural activity and use of the force must be high at all times to burn out that much energy. Theoretically, the production of glycose and glycogen helps him through long periods without sleep or food so he doesn't get long-term damage, or at the very least the ability to keep going, like I said, maybe is like being on drugs all the time; there's still the need to sleep and eat, but he can push his body to keep surviving beyond what's considered normal without having long-term damage. (Don't get happy, this isn't taking into account all of the stuff that happens to him, lol)
The balance between burning too much energy and not burning enough must be insane as well. As Vader, a lot of this probably watered down because all of his energy must be saved for...you know, surviving all the torture. But as a young teen/man amist war? Oh boy.
I'm not an expert, but I'm theorizing that putting Anakin in an induced sleeep must be...fricking hard. Painkillers that work on him? fricking hard. Anesthesia? Probably the same used for big animals, he must be insane and awful for a doctor to work with! Just imagine it, he probably gets injured in such a way that would have anyone else fall unconscious, but Anakin remains awake and with tremendous amounts of adrenaline triggered by a stress response sustented by the extreme amounts of energy that the midichlorians produce.
When it happens in the central nervious system, excess of ATP can produce neuronal dysfunction. In fact, many degenerative mental illnesses have a lot to do with a malfunction of the mitochondrias. There's a corelation also with neurodivergency sometimes, like autism or ADHD. I will leave it there.
And with all of this...I also conclude that Anakin, on general basis, doesn't like sugary things and doesn't even rationalize why, but is because he has already enough glycose. Having something sugary probably gives him a headache.
God what has Star Wars done to me.
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keyotos · 1 year
well aware, you are always mine
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summary ⎯ bf headcanons w/ hsr men!!
includes ⎯ dan heng, gepard, blade, sampo, jing yuan
tana's thoughts ⎯ keyotos being active and writing?!!!?!!?!?!
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dan heng
⎯ TOTAL acts of service bf. cuts fruit for you, organizes your closet with you, helps you rearrange ur bookshelf. like all of that. he is ur #1 helper in all situations and is probably the most reliable person u know. if ur ever having problems, you always call dan heng bc he always solves them for you
⎯ considerate bf. listens to all ur song recommendations and also your book recommendations. never takes your word with a grain of salt (most of the time)
⎯ not a big fan of shopping trips, but will go with you anyway. he will carry all your bags and help you pick out clothes. AND HE WILL GIVE U ACTUAL FREAKING ADVICE INSTEAD OF BEING LIKE, "it all looks good on you."
⎯ like dan heng will pull up with, "that color washes you out," or, "that does not match your color pallete at all." he's detailed wit it too?? the only reason why he knows all of this is bc he pays attention to you.
you see something you like? let's find it in that color that matches w/ ur fav pants so you can wear it all the time. don't worry, i already found it.
you look dissatisfied? dan heng thinks he knows why: you think it won't look good. oh, he was right? well, he can help you style it in a way for it to look good. you can wear that with the shirt you like so much, with some added jewelry, of course.
⎯ does not spend ANY TIME in his room (but who could rlly blame him). he's always in yours and he's lying down in your bed. he takes the phrase, "make yourself at home," to another level. but i guess he gets a pass bc you literally are his home.
⎯ he's sarcastic asl. since his guard is down with you, there's not really a need to maintain seriousness at all times. his dry and sarcastic humor really comes out when you're around him specifically. dating dan heng would make u a victim of the sassy men apocalypse.
⎯ dan heng is the type of person to stare at you lovingly (like HEART EYES are coming out) while you guys are taking a photo together. and you wouldn't even know until you saw the photo. like picture this: you are over here smiling and being cute or whateva. and then dan heng is there. he's obliviously staring at you: like how the light perfectly bounces off your face and how perfectly your eyes crinkle when you smile.
⎯ when he feels secure around you, he is the definition of lovesick. longing stares from far away (even tho ur dating)? yes. touchy (you make sure to tease him about it)? yes. buries his head in the nape of your neck? duh. like he is the whole package and he can never seem to let you go... like ever. you are constantly stuck in his head and also his body.
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⎯ hilariously bad at taking pictures. like you tell him to get one angle and he gets the exact opposite angle. manages to always catch you off guard in every. single. picture. his excuse for this is, "but you look good in all of them :/"
⎯ when he gets super tired after work, sometimes when he gets home and finishes showering/etc, he just flops onto u. like. literally flops onto you. you're always shocked at first, but you move him into a position where he can comfortably sleep (and hold you) in and then you relax. he always apologizes for it later in the morning and makes sure to shower you in more affection than last night, but you always reassure him that it's fine.
it's only bc u take the time to take equally bad photos of him #payback.
⎯ you have to water his plants for him. we all saw this coming. but on the bright side, that means ur home more often!! and when you greet him on the couch after a long day... like you've never heard a deeper sigh of relief before. doesn't collapse on you like other days (thankfully). you two just spend the night eating dinner on the couch and watching reality tv. sometimes, when you fall asleep on the couch, gepard always brings a blanket from your bedroom and drapes it over you. and then he carries you into bed.
⎯weirdly good at cracking your back for you. like if he wasn't the captain of the silvermane guards, he could very well be a freaking chiropractor. like he knows all the right joints to pop, all the right places to put his hands, and all the right places to press down. and it feels SO GOOD. you've never asked him about it.
⎯ gets you really cute and considerate gifts since he isn't around a lot. sometimes gets lynx to deliver them for him. and they're always paired with your favorite flowers too. all his gifts r things that he remembered you liked/wanted (new shampoo brand, new book pela recommended, new plants).
⎯ still asks if you wanna go out even if you two have been dating long term. like he would text you and be like, "would you like to go out with me for coffee," all formal and wtv, and you would respond like, "gepard we have been dating for five years. you do not need to ask."
he would get all flustered when you would bring it up at the coffee shop. pays for your coffee so you could forget about it (you don't: you tease him endlessly).
⎯ learns other things for you. he's dedicated and loyal to you like how a soldier is dedicated to their general. if you wanted a specific kind of dish, gepard would learn how to create it. if you wanted to learn how to plant certain seeds, gepard would run to the florist (and pela) to ask for many tips. if you spoke a different language, gepard would be running to duolingo.
though there is always his duty, a part of his heart and soul will always belong to you.
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⎯ contrary to gepard, takes the BEST FUCKING PHOTOS of you. he should be a professional photographer or something because, all the photos he takes, makes you look like a MODEL. he gets all the angles perfectly right + he always makes sure the lighting looks good. and u look back at all the photos he took and ur jaw is DROPPED
⎯ hates going outside x goes outside 24/7. you're big on exploration and fun while blade wants to lie low. but either way, you two manage to have fun in your own respective ways. blade watches you from a distance (of 1 foot) and only intervenes if he needs to. other than that, you drag him around the entire place. he is not complaining: one stupid and cheeky grin from you, and blade realizes he is an absolute goner.
⎯ a little too supportive. it's a good thing in all aspects except for one: making decisions. this mf is like, "whatever you do, i fully support your decision." BUT THE PROBLEM IS THAT YOU CANNOT MAKE A DECISION. THAT'S WHY UR ASKING HIM.
⎯ this problem comes up very often during shopping trips. where dan heng excels at shopping trips, blade... not so much. blade is the type of bf to say, "everything looks good on you." but not bc he doesn't care enough: he genuinely thinks you look good in everything.
in his mind it's like: how could you think you look bad in that outfit when you are radiating luminosity from every crevice of the room??? does anyone else see that glow coming from you, or was it just him??
⎯ did not have a favorite color until you. he actually didn't have a lot of favorites before he met you. now his favorite color is blue (you like looking at the sky), his favorite scent is peach blossoms (the shampoo you use), and his favorite food is fried rice (it's the only thing you know how to make).
⎯ does ur hair for u. expert in hair care but it's not uncalled for (his only friends⎯not counting you⎯are silverwolf and kafka). you need to braid your hair? blade has already offered before u could even pull up a tutorial. a new cute hairstyle you wanted to try? don't worry, your boyfriend is there to help you part, section, and clip your hair.
⎯ pretends to give off big scary dog energy, in reality he is a small little lapdog. desires your love and affection so often. does not go out without you. grabs things n carries them to u like a cute little dog would. he's very devoted okay?? let him bring u stupid little trinkets and stay by ur side all the time.
⎯ you send him stupid ass memes all the time. one time u sent him one of those stupid 'good night' memes and he threatened to block you (lovingly). but he found that his reactions always make you laugh (and blade wants to keep you happy forever), so he just lets you send them to him atp. most nights, he sends a simple, "good night" text back. but when he wants to tease you, he sends a goodnight meme back.
⎯ those nights, he thinks that he hears your ecstatic giggles from down the hall. you sound so giddy that it makes his heart want to blow up. those are the good nights.
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⎯ bro is mischievous. he leaves little sticky notes for you all around the house and makes it a game for u to find them. they're not even super important too they're just little things like, "i miss you," or, "did u find all the notes???"
⎯ but he knows you get bored easily, so he made those notes so that you could have something to do during the day. his intentions are adorably sweet, but his execution is so. um. A FOR EFFORT!
⎯ most of the stuff he gives you... hate to break it to u but they are usually stolen. if you choose to ignore that, great! most of the things he grabs are usually rare and u have no idea how he gets them. you swear he doesn't leave belobog, but some of the items he gifts you seem a little too... outlandish. but yk, it's the thought that counts!
⎯ manages to distract you from every single task. usually disruptive, but sometimes, very helpful. after an entire day of work, you can always come back home to where sampo is, because he will always find a way to distract you from whatever stress you have on your plate. whether it be cooking you dinner or simply talking you through his day, you always find yourself feeling slightly better around him.
⎯ has a good relationship with your family. yeah this was very unexpected on both ends. your parents love him: they love his humor and his looks and literally are charmed by him. even tho is a CON ARTIST. anyway. sampo loves your parents and messes around with you by calling them as their parental names (mom/dad). you are not amused.
⎯ grabs dinner before he comes back home. always manages to swing by a place you like and he always gets free food (you've gave up trying to question his methods). before, when he brought home food, it was usually a special occasion because he would never be home often. now, it's a common occurrence: he's wanted to be with you more, and now he brings home food every day.
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jing yuan
⎯ the xianzhou's nagging king. this is not a good thing. he nags at you for a lot. did you take your allergy meds? did you eat breakfast today or just drink coffee? did you forget to clear out the pencils on your desk? he does it out of endearment. it does not make it less annoying (lies).
⎯ so accustomed to your little routines together that he can do it with his eyes closed. how do you want your tea? easy: he can list it within ten seconds. he can make it with his eyes closed. and he will always make it perfectly too.
⎯ lets you sleep on mimi (you could say you go mimimimi). not even gonna lie, sometimes he wishes he was mimi. you just sleep so peacefully on her, but you refuse to sleep on jing yuan. you make up stupid excuses like, "your bicep is going to be numb by the time we wake up." but that is simply not true (it is).
⎯ favorite times of day are when it's night. okay that didn't make any sense but he really just likes spending the night with you. it's quiet and the world is much less loud, and it feels like being with you redefined the definition of happiness. everything is so much more peaceful, and plus, you were there.
⎯ being a cloud knight general has its negative aspects. so, much like gepard, he would probably also crash into bed with you at night. but this time, he doesn't need you to move him, because he traps you in between his arms every. damn. time. it's like this man cannot fall asleep without you.
⎯ sitting down with him is like a chore. if you two are sitting down, jing yuan likes to grab your legs and move them onto himself, so you two would be closer. this isn't just on the sofa, by the way. armchairs, conference chairs, office chairs. the chairs don't even have to be connected. he'll just find a way to connect you two anyway.
⎯ you are the first person he looks for in a crowded room. in a place full of people, jing yuan's eyes will only scan for you. his height makes it easier to do so btw. but anyway, you are someone of great importance to him. he doesn't want to lose you like how he lost so many. and when he finds you, it's like the sun shines directly on you: it's always a surreal sight when jing yuan sees you, because he always thinks the sun has risen.
⎯ it hasn't. he was always looking at you.
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letteredlettered · 4 months
What an interesting topic. I’ve heard that a large percentage of employees cite their bosses as the reason they leave their jobs. What are some ways companies try to mitigate this?
They don't.
I can really only answer for my company, which cared about retention (of employees) a lot. Many companies do, because it costs much less to recruit/onboard/train as little as possible, and because it can be hard to get the work done without adequate staffing. I'd add that my company had one area in which staffing was a nation-wide crisis; also my company was in the public sector and was in the press a lot, which mean they cared about their image.
They still didn't do that much to ensure that people had good bosses. That has less to do with this company and more to do with the structure of business in capitalist society. This is a big reason HR is never going to be that helpful unless you've got a tiny company that, completely by luck, has mostly good folks.
A company isn't going to take a generalized point about folks leaving their job because they don't like their bosses as fact. Companies feel they are too diverse and the financial risk is too great to pour money into something if they don't have hard data, so the first step to retention is getting data. You would think exit interviews would be really informative, but those require a lot of time which equals staff which equals money. Some employers do them but mine would only do one if you asked, and then they did nothing with the info. This is because the company's mentality was "well, if you're leaving you're probably really dissatisfied and we don't want to hear about that." I know this makes no sense. But in general, not just in the business but in this society (formed by capitalism), the idea seems to be if you're dissatisfied it's your fault. Meanwhile the company is interested in data about why people stay; they figure if folks are satisfied, that's the company's fault and they want to keep doing the same so they can retain employees.
Our company had a huge employee satisfaction survey they did every year that included questions about employee opinions about the company, their colleagues, and their bosses. You get emails to remind you to take it and if you can't get time in the workday, bosses are supposed to allow time for it. Some problems with that are you still have to remember to take it; if you don't have time you have to ask a boss you might not like to get that time; some folks at my company literally had jobs that literally are life or death so it can be hard to take time to take a survey; the survey is only in English; the survey is only in the computer; the reminders are only in email. So you have to be a moderately good English speaker who regularly checks email and knows how to use a computer and gets regular access to a computer for the company to get your data about your satisfaction. As you can imagine, our most vulnerable employees often get missed.
If the survey showed that folks were really dissatisfied with a particular boss, that boss got put into a series of trainings. Training is good, but US businesses (and plenty of employees themselves) seemed to have latched onto the idea that training is the be-all, end-all of improvement. Many of us saw this in response to the discussions about EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion) that came about in 2020; business promised to be anti-racist and had some EDI seminars to prove it, and that was all. Why is it like this? What is really needed to make bosses better bosses? And why isn't that being done?
When it comes to "why is it like this": recruiting and retaining good leaders is hard. The way someone becomes a boss in almost any organization is a) management likes them, and/or b) they were good at a job in a lower level or different department, or c) they come from the outside with a good resume and what sounds like good experience. But a lot of time, management likes people who aren't disruptive, and sometimes folks who aren't disruptive are the folks who are not thinking for themselves and not asking questions and doing everything the way they're told even when it doesn't make sense. That doesn't make a good leader. As for folks who are good at the lower level job in the hierarchy or in another department, they aren't always good at managing. It's a different skill set, but I've seen a lot of leaders and employees make this mistake. They think that that the folks who are great at the job should be promoted, and honestly that really doesn't make sense. And last but not least, folks who get hired from the outside are a complete crapshoot, because experience with leadership does not necessarily a good leader make.
As for what is needed to make bosses better bosses, imo what you would really need is someone embedded within the department who is managed by the boss and is doing the same work as the other employees, but also has the training and experience to evaluate what the boss is doing well and isn't doing well, and then also has the authority and buy-in to work with the boss so that the boss can shadow and learn the leadership skills they need. Then, if the boss can't improve, there would need to be the will within the org to fire or demote that boss, and often that will doesn't exist because recruiting bosses is so hard and the training is usually monumental.
Side note, what I'm describing is what consultants should do and normally don't. Consultants come in and ask a lot of questions and do focus groups and maybe some observations, but they are not in there doing the work understanding what it is like to live in this world, and without that I frankly find a lot of the work they do useless. That said, consultants are almost always hired to identify inefficiencies; they're not really there to make it a more satisfying job. Imo, the greatest efficiency is a satisfied worker, but it is hard to get the data to point that way, and again, companies only want data, and again, your dissatisfaction is your own fault.
Another side note, this is why unions are so great. Union stewards are folks who work for the company but can act as a union representative. This means they're embedded in the department and doing the work everyone does, but they can also at times step outside that role and carry the authority of an outside entity that does have some power to use against the employer. This is why all employees should have a union.
So, why aren't companies doing this? As you can imagine, hiring the ambassador to embed within a department, training them, paying them for their time--all of these are just too cost prohibitive to justify when they only thing you're getting out of it is employee satisfaction. It is also possible to improve employee satisfaction by paying employees more, which is in fact why I stayed in this job I hated as long as I did. I was getting paid so much that it just did not make sense to walk away without a firm plan in place. In the end, paying employees more costs less than ensuring they have a good boss.
I have lots more to say about this, but I've said a lot already, so if anyone has follow up questions, feel free to send more asks.
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bonefall · 5 months
what are the main prey animals that Shadowclan eat in better bones? because in my rewrite, i can only find like 5 british marshland birds, the frogs like canon, and a common lizard, while the other clans have dozens of prey species. I don't think 7 prey species can feed 50 cats for the generations i need them to, yknow?
This is hard to find out because of the unfortunate reality that wetlands are an "unpopular" natural biome. It's hell out there. No one appreciates their local swamps and marshes </3
But I'M here, NUMBER 1 GOO FAN. Quickie on some of the most common species ShadowClan will be hunting, in an English wetland. 5 for your convenience.
Small intro/recap to BB!ShadowClan's food culture; For a mixture of several reasons, including early collaboration and trade with WindClan, living in an area heavily affected by seasonal changes, and cultural pride in being able to eat anything, ShadowClan has one of the most varied diets of any Clan. Mammals, fish, birds, if they can get their mouth on it, they will eat it.
(Yes. This means predators as well. Other Clans will avoid eating predators for culture and taste reasons. ShadowClan finds it offensive to just let good meat rot.)
The most important reason in that list must be stressed; winter is CRUEL to ShadowClan. The RiverClan river is a moving source of water which rarely completely ices over, most animals in ThunderClan don't hibernate, WindClan's rabbits are active in the snow. For most Clans, they will not feel the "bite" of winter until towards the end, when the prey populations crash. ShadowClan feels it immediately.
That's a problem because Prey Item Number 1 Will Surprise you. The most popular prey in ShadowClan is...
1: Ducks.
And with the most common species, mallards, at about 2 pounds on average (with males being slightly larger) you're looking at 5,442 calories each. Enough to feed 15 warriors for a day.
(Note: This estimate is low; actual value would probably be higher. This measurement is taken from this chart which measured whole carcasses and caloric value rounded from 5.9 to 6, and this particular duck was "dressed"-- so its organs, the most valuable part of the animal, were already removed.)
Ducks are SO valuable as prey it's hard to oversell them. They're huge, they're highly nutritious (thiamin, vitamin a, vitamin b, iron), and they're PACKED with fats. They also lay eggs, TONS of them, which ShadowClan will happily snatch from inattentive hens.
The problem with ducks is, they don't stick around in the winter. Mallards might stay if the weather is mild, but if the water starts freezing, they're a-leaving.
That means that right when ShadowClan needs them the most, they'll vanish. If the marsh freezes, which is VERY likely because it's stillwater, they can't access ANYTHING under the ice. So Prey Animal Number 2 ALSO becomes an issue;
2: Carp
Their size and weight varies immensely, but the european carp is a species that AVERAGES 6 - 15 pounds. Using our rough estimation numbers and only a 6 pound fish, that's 10,884 calories. That's a whole Clan fed, if it's rationed perfectly.
Many carp are larger and heavier than cats. Here is a picture of a human fisher with two 5-pound bass so you can get a feel for just how big fish are
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The biggest problem with carp, aside from the fact that icy winter conditions will block access to catching them, is that their gallbladders are poisonous. Carp bile is the only dangerous type of bile Clan cats encounter (that I know about so far). When being eaten, Clan cats must take care to gut them gently and remove the organ without spilling toxic green slime everywhere.
(ShadowClan actually collects and uses this bile for other purposes. Dried and diluted, it can be used as a medicine for treating parasites, and wet and mixed into a poultice it can be used to dress wounds. If gargled, it can also dissolve and loosen stuck bones in the throat, VERY important for unknowing kittens who tried to eat cooked bird bones.)
These two are the most common animals in the highly varied ShadowClan diet. Hunt in the shallow marsh, and you're bound to bump into either a duck or a carp at some point.
But when winter rolls in, they start to rely on mammalian prey.
3: Rats
While some rats can breach 2 pounds (SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY NEW YORKERS) most of them only clock in at about half a pound-- 250 grams. That's 1,250 calories. About 3 cats fed.
(NOTE: These estimations of how MANY cats they feed assumes that these bites are being distributed evenly, such as if the animal was being put into a soup or meticulously portioned. It's more likely that a single rat is eaten alone or only shared between two warriors who then bulk up. The sensation of "fullness" is determined by weight rather than caloric value.)
Rats are highly adaptable omnivores, but most of their diet is actually plants! Humans associate them with garbage and filth, and yes, the rats from carrionplace would certainly taste awful. But most of the rats ShadowClan catches would be living in natural conditions, eating nuts, fruits, and smaller animals. So it doesn't make sense that canon sees ALL rats as dirty-- they should actually be a HUGE part of a warrior's diet!
Especially in ShadowClan, where the invasive brown rat has all but eliminated the native black rat population. Brown rats are huge, thick-tailed, excellent swimmers who stick around in the winter and find themselves right at home in a marsh or swamp.
In fact, ShadowClan thinks hunting them is a two-way blessing. A cat stays fed through the winter, and more resources are freed up for the rarer, but more delicious water vole. ThunderClan isn't the only Clan that understands population management.
And speaking of...
4: Squirrels
Significantly smaller than carp and ducks, gray squirrels are usually about 500 grams. I've heard it said that they triple in mass over the winter, but since I'm not sure if that means they triple in weight, I'll simply rule that a wintertime gray squirrel is 1000 grams. Which means about 5,000 calories, enough to feed 14 cats.
...but also. don't underestimate how big a squirrel is. You are a 200-pound bipedal ape, these are 10 pound cats. They are also eating all the organs you, a human, would usually toss.
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The general term, wetland, refers to all land that is... take a guess... wet. The difference between a marsh and a swamp is that a swamp is wooded land, which means squirrels can live there!
ShadowClan often finds itself in conflict with ThunderClan over squirrels. The native, endangered red squirrel is a cultural icon to ThunderClan and they believe it's important to protect it at all costs by killing gray squirrels whenever possible. ShadowClan, meanwhile, agrees red squirrels are beautiful, but isn't willing to be aggressive with gray squirrel populations to protect them.
5: Cheating
In true ShadowClan fashion I do what I want and use number 5 to babble about several animals they turn into grub
And SPEAKING of grubs, they love to forage for larval treats. They regularly make snacks out of chafer grubs, stag beetle larvae, cutworms, and if they can manage it, baby honeybees. Chafer grubs are their absolute favorite, which is another reason why WindClan is so passionate about maintaining their moorland; when it turns into grassland, ShadowClan is energized to fight for grub foraging space.
The "problem" with the meat of predators is that it's said to be tough and taste strong and unpalatable. ShadowClan doesn't entirely mind it, but if they end up with a predator in spring and summer, they like to use the seasonal stream (called a syke) that cuts across ThunderClan to soak the meat in running water for a few days.
Not to mention that they really will just grab at any animal, in addition to those lizards and frogs they're notorious for. Hedgehogs, crayfish, waterbirds, snails. There's all sorts of spices they'll use to try to season a strange meat, between mushrooms, pellitory, juniper, rosemary, so on.
It's harder to find something they WON'T eat.
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Speaking of energon, I wonder how often cybertronians need to fuel. It probably depends on how big their rations are at the time, how purified the fuel is, frame specificities such as size, how active they are, and continuity differences. Because I feel like it changes?
In mtmte, it seems like they need to fuel wayyyy more than in the other continuities, but this might be a matter of having more energon but in general more dilute energon or energon with more impurities (some of which being desired, such as in energon goodies or drinks that get them overcharged. And whatever the fuck is in nightmare fuel). And when these guys get hurt they bleed like absolute hell so that probably factors into it.
In TFA, we pretty much never if at all see them consume energon, but we do see them drinking types of oil so their systems might be adapted to deal with impurities, but I feel like they need to consume at least some energon? Because I know the energon shortages are a whole plot point thing, and they certainly bleed energon. But iicr from the initial Meltdown episode their energon is more goopy than you'd anticipate.
Do we see them consume anything in Bayverse? Ik they needed more energon specifically for the hatchlings, and iicr Megatron fed them... Something in DSOTM, so it might be requirements that change with age? Either energon is green in bayverse or they can bleed a wide variety of substances, and even then we don't see a lot of said substances in the gruesome fight scenes.
In g1 they seem to be less fuel efficient, but again energon is way easier to make and purify so y'know a game of checks and balances.
In Aligned I feel like they're sort of the middle ground when it comes to fuel efficiency, but methinks energon is a little more concentrate in it (but it seems to vary? Dark energon seems to be very dery powerful in general but also pretty toxic, Tox-En is just. Deadly as all hell and motherfucking useless as a fuel. Red energon seems to be harder to extract from the ore but when you do a little goes a long way. A major problem with the Synthe-en was how quickly it burned through their systems.). Chompazoids being an outlier as Underbite can fuel on metal, I feel like he can likely fuel on metal alone if need be, and the rest of the Pack gives him dirty looks for this.
In beast wars it seems like the Maximals and Predacons actually can fuel pretty well on the organic life (... And each other...) and significant amounts of actual energon can fuck them up pretty good (possibly a trait the autobots and decepticons before them didn't have that evolved in response to energon crises?)
In Earthspark yet again we see shortages and them needing quite an amount to fuel on (excluding the Terrans, they seem to be fueled by water????), especially considering the sizes of some of the cubes we see. We also see them bleed quite a fair amount in the later episodes of the second episode drop (I will never forget the absolute horror when Bumblebee and the Malto kiddos found Brawl's offlined corpse)
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ideas-4-stories · 9 months
Cross Guild romance AU -
Buggy makes his own explosives, which doesn't sound all that important until you sit back and think of the ramifications and knowledge required for that. Buggy is damn good with chemistry, math, physics, and I bet he was the brain to Shanks's brawn on the Oro Jackson; he'd probably have been all over Crocus whenever he could to learn more about anything and everything.
Crocodile and Mihaw don't really put the two together, given that they see Buggy primarily as an idiot and coward. It's when an epidemic spreads on the island that some odd things click into place-
Buggy has forgone the big costume, is in comfy and sturdy clothes. His face is painted minimally, hair tied into a tight bun, bandana on, and he's working side by side with the medical professionals. He's elbows deep in checking vitals, organizing charts, and even synthesizing medications. More members are sick than not, and they go under a near-quarantine lock down to handle the illness. Between working in the medical tents and taking care of his people, Buggy has also had a hand in organizing for resources to be sent and delivered.
Neither Croc nor Hawk had even considered some of the balls Buggy has gotten rolling. They both have very strong immune systems, so they rarely face or think of illness or sickness as something to prepare for or to account for, but this just exploded one day seemingly without warning, and the clown had a plan in motion by eevening.
It's at this point that they begin to wonder if maybe there's something more to their Chairman than they first thought...
((Bonus points, they catch Buggy coming back from a long shift at the medtent, sent off by the other's to get some rest, so he's just at that sweet spot of tired enough to lose filter. They ask about the medicines, and Buggy goes on a mini infodump about chemicals, hormones, enzymes, antioxidants and antibiotics, mentions that he and a few others already have a few batches baking, and sleepily chuckles about how "the simpler ones seem to work well so far, thank goodness. I was worried... *yawn* that I'd have to dip into my supplies for my testosterone... *falls asleep at the table*.
Croc just becomes the Spiderman meme of "TRANS???" when Buggy wakes up))
I LOVE this is an understatement, this is so good!!! I love Competent!Buggy so much!!! Why can't the clown be a fucking genius while being clown-failure babygirl he is?
Buggy having a plan by evening is because he has so much anxiety, I mean, look at the poor clown! It's always the things that he didn't think of that happens that gets him in trouble. But this, he can do this. I also love the headcanon, that Buggy learn a lot of things from Crocus, so he has this in the bag!
It would be funny if Buggy could be fine in a really bad pandemics, but the flu and whatever the happened near Laugh-Tale is his biggest sickness problems. What am I saying, back to this cool ask!
Buggy being competent because he doesn't want his crew to die or get really ill, not because he needs them to work, but because he wants them healthy and happy. Buggy forgoing the pillow onesie for something better, and not taking that much time on his makeup is so good, that just shows how he priorities his Nakama before himself is so cute! I have a headcanon that Buggy has a least a Field Medic degree or a Nurse one. Mihawk and Crocodile watching at the sidelines is what I see them doing, because like the clown's being competent and they see there's not much they can do in this.
Yes, on Buggy rambling on and on about things he does, I want Buggy to infodump so hard. Like really really hard, Buggy could go on and on about things that interests him for a while.
Buggy is every gender and nothing at all to me, and the spiderman meme with Crocodile is the only one pointing at Buggy while Buggy is confused and sleepy, while Mihawk is just there on the sidelines. Is really funny to me.
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jungwnies · 1 year
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✰ syn ’ safe for work a-z boyfriend for park sunghoon ✰ pairing ’ boyfriend!sunghoon x gn!reader
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a ⋆ affection - how affectionate are they?
he’s not the most affectionate
especially in the beginning he is not the one to initiate it
he’s a very awkward person as we all know so don’t expect him to cling onto you start day one
once he’s warmed up to you though he doesn’t get clingy
but he gets very comfortable being physical with you
he’s better with his words than he is expressing his affection through actions
but he’s still cute so it’s okay
b ⋆ bonding - how often do they bond with you?
all the time
it’s the little things he does
like i said he’s awkward so he never really knows what to do
but he always makes time for you
sometimes you don’t realize what he’s doing is for you but it’s okay because he likes it that way
he’s secretly bonding with you all the time tbh
c ⋆ communication - do they keep in touch with you when they're away?
he texts you a lot actually
his confidence sky rockets on text tbh
tries lame pickup lines on you when he’s on tour
takes pictures of everything just to show you
d ⋆ dates - how often do they set up a date for you two?
not often
he’s not a homebody but his dates are super spontaneous
so don’t expect them to be well organized because well
they’re not
but he does things for you often
it just doesn’t need to be classified as a date
e ⋆ essential - what is the thing that is important to them?
the relationships he builds with people are extremely important
he really values the people around him
he just has a hard time expressing his gratitude
f ⋆ friends - how did the friendship start?
i feel like he saw you around
inside of a store or something
he thought you were cute but he was too scared to flirt so he probably got someone to get your number for him
honestly he probably asked staff to get it
g ⋆ gross - what is the thing he hates in your relationship?
he hates when you lie
boy he hates liars so much
even though he lies sometimes and he’s a little devious
when it comes to lies about the relationship or lies that can ruin the relationship
it just makes him mad
he has no secrets with you
so hopefully you have none with him either
h ⋆ hugs - do they like hugs? how do they feel?
they’re awkward but safe
in the beginning it was definitely more awkward
he didn’t know where to hug you
how to hug you
how to make you comfortable
but when the relationship started to settle
it felt safe around him
he held you like he’d never let go
pause cus this is reawakening my sunghoon bias-ness in me
i ⋆ intercourse - how are they during intercourse?
oh oh oh
same with his hugs
they’re awkward
but why is he low key goood
he knows what he’s doing
he’s hitting on the right spots
touching all the right spots
he knows the anatomy of your body really well
j ⋆ jealousy - how jealous do they get?
oh ‘em geee
he is so jealous
but not toxic
but low key toxic
k ⋆ kiss - how good are they at kissing?
he’s great
he knows what he’s doing
they’re always so soft and delicate
but so passionate at the same time
loves being the one to deepen the kiss ugh
l ⋆ love - how do they show their love to you?
just little things
he doesn’t like making a big deal out of things
but he does small things for you that make a big deal in your life
he will remember everything you like tbh
m ⋆ mad - how often do you argue?
not often
but when you guys do argue
communication is soooo bad
n ⋆ naughty - how do they deal with you annoying them?
sunghoon ignores it
or tells you to stop
hes not into the annoying things
he has a short temper when it comes to things that bother him
o ⋆ open - how often do they open up to you?
i don't personally see him as an open person
he dozes off a lot and his problems don't really ever leave his mind
it took him awhile to be honest for him to be completely comfortable with you
but when he's at that stage he's super open
usually when he's upset he'll tell you, but his prefers to sulk
p ⋆ pet names - how are they with pet names?
and jagi
and sweetheart
sometimes prince(ss)
in the beginning it was just your name though >.>
q ⋆ quiet - silent treatment?
he doesn't give to you often to be honest
but usually he will when you guys get into an argument
sunghoon sulks a lot okay leave HIM ALONE
he has a hard time communicating how he feels :c
r ⋆ ramble - how often do they talk about you to others?
oh he is a BRAGGER
he loves talking about you
and how good you treat him
he's always like "hmp, you wish you had a bae like me."
LIKE ?!?!?!?
s ⋆ soft - how soft are they to you?
sunghoon is not soft with you
but when you smile
it melts him to be honest
he becomes liquid
and vice versa
i mean, have you seen his smile??? it's precious 😪
t ⋆ think - what reminds them of you?
every time he goes shopping
he thinks of you
and what he can bring you
he loves dressing you up
he's like a mini fashionista when it comes to you
it's so cute
his whole face lights up when he sees you wearing something you bought for him
u ⋆ unhappy - what makes them break if you break up with them?
i think the fact he got so comfortable with you
and now it's over
he doesn't know if he'd be able to open up like that ever again tbh
he doesn't have his favorite shoulder to lean on anymore
whose arms is he going to cry in when he's overwhelmed
literally the scent of your perfume/cologne lingers and sends him into tears
literally cannot forget you
v ⋆ vacation - how are they with long distance relationships?
he is so bad with this
his communication skills are already so bad
he doesn't leave you on read or anything like that
but when he's super busy he kinda forgets to text
he doesn't even see the message
but he's quick to apologize and make it up to you
w ⋆ wholesome - the sweetest thing they ever did to you?
when he realizes he hasn't been as good as a boyfriend
he will always find a way to make it up
and it's ALWAYS he sweetest things ever
it's those little things that are like "i can't believe you remembered this"
and he's just like "well of course i did, i love you." 😭😭😭
x ⋆ extra headcanon
the first time this boy said he loved you
he was a mess
he was so nervous oh em geee
he fiddled with his fingers and was so nervous
and when you said it first????
he basically melted in his chair
he literally disintegrated into thin air
y ⋆ young and beautiful - (how long does it last?)
i feel like in the beginning his relationships are short lived
he's not a long term kind of guy
but he actually feels that bond with you
well, you're stuck with him
for literally ever
z ⋆ zzz - how do they sleep with you?
he's very much loose spoon
he likes to big spoon but very loosely when it's night time
he doesn't like people all up in his sleep space
but for you he make the exception!!
he snores though not gonna lie
not loud
but sometimes
it can keep you up at night 😗
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2022 © jungwnies thanks for reading! reblogs & likes are appreciated!
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sciderman · 3 months
Quick Question, does Wade need to eat, as in is eating necessary for his survival need to eat? Forgive me if I'm wrong but in my head the way his powers work is all of his cells dying and regrowing all at once, so he wouldn't really need to eat because of that, the newly alive cells already have the energy/nutrients/etc etc. that food provides. Not sure if I'm reading him wrong but I imagine eating might actually make him sick? If they're all regrowing and dying I don't imagine they're actually working to digest the food he's eating, so it would stay there for a lot longer than is probably healthy. It would probably cause all sorts of digestive problems? Please correct if I'm wrong but in my head that's a cause of why he has a low metabolism and that lovely extra cushion, just very curious. <3
i think you might be putting a little too much thought into it,, the comics certainly don't put that much thought into it. wade eats, like any normal guy. in fact, i think it's been mentioned a few times that the reason wade is so high-appetite a lot of the time is because he needs it to heal. just like normal humans. i don't think his body, in the way it's described, works all too differently than ordinary humans do. except that his skin and brain are in constant flux. i know that on paper, they say his entire body is in flux, whatever that means, but, functionally, it's just his brain and his skin. if we thought about all the ramifications of his entire body being in flux, well, that's just about as good of a time as thinking about how ben grimm's organs work now that he's made out of rock. how does he digest food? he still eats! generally, when posed the question, it's shown that, actually, it's just his skin that's rock and his organs are still fleshy and pink underneath. (i don't like to think about it, so we don't think about it.)
i think the way i approach wade - which, you know, definitely isn't how most people approach him - is that, on terms of abilities he's basically normal. he isn't low metabolism, he's pretty normal. pretty average. he's getting soft in places the same way any man his age with his diet would. it's just that in typical circumstances, his body would be healing from injuries and he'd be, you know, fighting, doing backflips. doing whatever this is.
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his metabolism works in overtime when he's pushing his body to the limit. when he's healing from injuries. since he's not doing deadpool stuff, his body is getting all soft. in the way any normal human who is not doing backflips and healing from injuries might.
in a same vein, i know his wiki says "super strength, stamina" yadda yadda, but i don't think so. i think, sure, he's definitely capable of feats of strength and stamina that no normal human would be capable of, but not because he physically is that strong but - that he can push his body beyond what normal humans can, because a normal human worries that if they push themselves beyond their limits they'll suffer injury. but wade doesn't care how many muscles he pulls or bones he breaks. so a normal human couldn't stop a helicopter with sheer strength without sustaining irreparable damage. but wade can. not because he's, like, as strong as spider-man, but because he can take the damage.
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i think that's why i kind of write peter as being kind of wary whenever wade says something is "n.b.d" because he knows wade isn't super-strong, and things aren't actually "n.b.d", and that it costs wade just as much as it would cost any normal human, it's just that wade's convinced that he'll heal. ergo, no big deal.
peter knows wade tries to diminish the strain that he's under, and doesn't like peter to know just how much harm or pain he's feeling - whether it be physical or emotional. but peter knows that wade suffers. just as much, or more than any normal, frail, not-blessed-by-spider-bite human being. and so peter tries to protect wade, just as much as he would any normal, frail, not-blessed-by-spider-bite human being. healing factor or non.
i do think the thing that keeps wade's healing factor fighting so hard is that it constantly has something to fight. i think, in my head - in a way that some might think is tragic, but others might think is bittersweet, that if wade doesn't keep exerting himself to his limits and having to heal from physical injuries and, say, decides to retire and live a normal, docile life where he's not putting himself into the line of fire all the time then - well, his healing factor, not having to work so hard, eventually starts to slow down in the same way his metabolism does. his body doesn't have to fight so hard anymore. it gets lazy. he puts on weight, he ages. like any normal human guy. he grows old. the cancer does, eventually, beat out his healing factor. he dies. like any normal human man.
BUT! if he DOES have to put the suit back on, and get back into form for any reason, to say, i don't know, protect eleanor from her inevitable stupid future superhero shenanigans, then i'm sure his drive to be an unbearable dad for his daughter for the rest of all time will keep him from dying a slow, humble death.
RIP to peter, though, eventually. (though i do think, with his spider-longevity, peter could live well into his 100s. I think he'd look amazing, even in his 70s. like cher. (if he doesn't get his stupid ass killed prematurely.)
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rachetmath · 2 months
Jaune's Final Act
Jaune: Okay, so from all the information you all have shown me, again thank you all, I think we should discuss some things.
Winter: Indeed. 
Ruby: We need to do something.
Jaune: Okay, first let's discuss the Crown. As Coco told me they were a horrible organization. They target people, especially with valuable semblances. Not to mention they are now partner with Tyrian. A wild card that we may not be able to predict.
Qrow: Yeah he is a slipper guy.
Jaune: We have no idea what their next move will be so we need to be prepared. So I think we send Emerald Sustrai in to infiltrate and spy on them. 
Ruby: What- No!
Jaune: I’m sorry why not?
Nora: Jaune we can't trust her.
Jaune: why not?
Yang: Well she-
Jaune: Penny is dead. You got a new arm. Your name is clear. Get over it. First off, we don't know what Tyrian knows. Tyrian might not know what's happened in Atlas. Even so, we’re not letting go as she but in disguise. 
Nora: But Jaune-Jaune-
Jaune: The woman helped us in evacuation. And has not she not protected this city from Grimm?
Winter: Well-
Ren: She probably informed Cinder and that's-
Jaune: Has anyone interrogated her? Robyn.
Robyn: Well um-
Jaune: So we jump to conclusions. Plus this is perfect for her to prove herself so why not let her walk?
Blake: Jaune she was a-
Jaune: Blake we have files and you told me about your old life so don't try to play. 
Blake: … …
Jaune: Yang didn't you destroy someone's property and drive past the speed limit? Shouldn't you be in debt?
Yang: … … …
Jaune: Ruby you interfered in the hunting business more than one time. You know you could've been charged a fine right? In fact, you be arrested.
Ruby: Um…
Jaune: And Weiss. You. Your sister. Your mom. Or your brother. Someone's could do some time considering the Schnees' shady deals. In fact, Klian can take the fall.
Weiss and Winter: *scared*
Jaune: Like I said let her walk. We need her. Next is the Grimm attacks. They are skyrocketing. This may be due to our mistake of bringing too many people to Vacuo. Not to mention Vale citizens. So… I am afraid we need to escort some of them out.
Robyn: What?! Objection!
Obleck: I agree, Mr.Arc. That is cruel.
Jaune: Oh really how so?
Robyn: We can't force these people out. They will have nowhere to go.
Jaune: We forcefully brought these people here. They don't like being here let alone with each other. 
Robyn: Well our people-
Jaune: Stop. You talk a big game yet you haven't done jack for your people. Where were you when they needed you? What were you doing besides making their situation worse?
Robyn: EXCUSE ME!? I’ll have you-
Jaune: When you kept stealing from the military did you ever occur to you that could have caused Martial law to be In place? In fact, even without Martial law, you caused more problems like with more security. More guns. Largerer curfew hours. Was what you were trying to accomplish worth that than for your people?
Robyn: … 
Jaune: Not to mention Tyrian wouldn't be here or alive if it wasn't for a certain someone or two people for letting him escape. Was that worth it to you? Considering he hurt your team too.
Robyn: …
Winter: Say that we do consider your suggestion. How would we go about it and where would they go?
Jaune: I already spoke with Mr. Belladonna. 
Blake: My father. 
Jaune: Yep and he agrees to help. In fact, he said he could use some more hands considering the state Mantle was left in.
Ren: That isn't enough. 
Jaune: Well he also wanted to talk with you on this Ren.
Ren: He wants to use my old village.
Jaune: Yep to expand Faunus territory, gain more human relationships, and restore it. He even believes since it's your home you should one day lead it.
Ren: But- 
Jaune: Regardless that village is unclaimed territory right now. If he doesn't get it someone else will. I just want you to have your home back. You can discuss the terms with him. Your choice.
Ren: Okay.
Nora: Wait. Jaune… this could lead to our team- 
Jaune: I know.  
Winter: Okay besides that just Mistral- 
Ruby: Well we have Argus but we also have that one village we went to. And with Apathy gone, we could use that.
Jaune: But if that's the case we still need to send hunters to help.
Raven: Woo-woo kid. We can't send hunters on escort missions. 
Theodore: Yes we need as many hunters as possible. 
Jaune: Yes but we need to escort these people safely out of the city. 
Theodore: Are you suggesting what I think you are?
Jaune: …
Theodore: No.
Jaune: Sir please -
Theodore: They're just kids. First year. 
Jaune: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. And nine for Pyrrha. Ten of you count Penny.
Theodore: Your point?
Jaune: Pyrrha a first year chosen to be a maiden. She died. Penny, another first year, was placed in charge of an entire city. Became soon after. Died.
Theodore: Mr. Arc I will have you know I am nothing like Ironwood and Ozpin. 
Jaune: I know. But my point still stands. These people, students, wanted to be hunters. But they lack experience. So why not give it to them? Let them show what they got. I mean they will be monitored but still.
Theodore: Very well.
Raven: Now for the tribes.
Jaune: We already set up a meeting with them after this one.
Raven: What?
Theodore: It's true. We need to know what tribes will be against us and who we can trust. You Miss Branwen will be my ascort. 
Raven: ….
Jaune: You have more tribal knowledge than any of us. You're our best shot.
Raven: …
Jaune: So. Does anyone have any suggestions or questions about this? 
Everyone is silent. 
Jaune: Look I understand I sound cruel. But I rather for once be ahead of the game this time.
Yang: You can’t control everything Jaune.
Jaune: I know. But at least I’m doing whatever I can instead of being an ass. 
Raven: We’re screwed.
After a long battle.
Raven: Holy crap.
Emerald: That’s right. That’s right. I did this. I came through. Mercury.
Mercury: I’m officially on the hero’s side. I’m nothing like my father.
Emerald: That’s right. 
Ren: My village will restored. And one day I must lead it. Blake, I hope you will help me.
Blake: Of course my friend.
Oobleck: Our numbers have increased. New homes have been established. 
Theodore: We still have the relic despite losing our maiden. But that was the casualty of war.
Ruby: I got maiden powers now.
Jaune: You're the main character.
Ruby: F*** you.
Raven: We really increased our chances. Get work kid.
Jaune: Yeah… *died*
Ruby: No! 
Cinder: *laugh* F*** you b****!
In heaven
Jaune: Damn. Well, at least I turned up one last time.
Pyrrha: Jau-Jaune!
Jaune: Pyrrha. Penny! Alyx! Lewis!
Jaune hugs all of them. 
Pyrrha: I’m so- I’m so- sorry.
Penny: I am too. 
Jaune: Don’t be. I wish I’m sorry I-
Pyrrha: It’s okay. You did great out there. 
James: I think-
Penny: Shut up.
Summer: I mean-
Pyrrha: You died for nothing.
Jaune: I mean, come on, I died but at least I gave the world a better chance to survive. I focused on what mattered in the present instead of the future which changes constantly. I tried to bring humans and faunas together for a common goal and maintain relationships even after Salem was finished. 
In hell
Adam: Damn
In heaven
Jaune: I may have lost my life I didn’t go out like a b****. A coward. And a control freak. I went out like a G. Like Roman. 
In hell 
Roman: Damn right.
In heaven.
Jaune: Now you excuse. 
Pyrhha: *lifted bridal style*
Jaune: I think you owe me something for all my troubles.
Pyrrha: *blushes*Um.
Jaune takes Pyrrha away.
Penny: Have fun you two!
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thecoolnauta · 5 months
okay so this is part two and i'm just so dizzy but i'v been ALL THE MAMAHUEVO day thinking about this so yeah
TW: gn reader, teenager reader (ALL IS PLATONIC), some mentions of bullying but not that many, maybe sm angstand a lot of spoilers abut the archons missions, reader calling themselfs "bad boy" but meh
part one :)
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So you were running for your life
No, seriously you're running for your life, don't laugh about it again
Some random people with a very ugly green uniform were hunting you like you were some type of a witch of the 1600's because you tried to ask them for directions
People of the town being so mean to you sounds like a frocking fanfic trope
Your weak nerd legs wouldn't handle it anymore, but you still running like they have told you there is a special product of your hyperfixation on sale.
AND! you have an egg
A magic egg, with... shinny shell
Running, running, running, blahblahblah, you almost pass out when you lost them closer to a beach
Pretty view, huh?
You heard their steps and hide behind a big stone, your legs and lap now wet by the crystal water
They left and you stop holding the staff like your life dependet of it.
Oh! that's your reflection, you haven't seen your face in hours
The horns and the black eyes felt like some very creep vision of yourself, but you couldn't get that first impresion of you out of your head.
You looked like something, not like someone
Even though your face looks "correct" now, the feeling of the itchy skin and the fragile organs aren't something you would forget any time soon.
"Well, let's not think about that, this bad boy needs to find any social community or will cry" you jump of the stone and continue walking wherever the wind guides you
Actaully, why does the wind feels like guiding you?
(Venti actually let out a big sigh lol)
"Why do I feel a deja vu about all this?"
And there they were, the most influent persons of all Mondstadt discussin about this very serious problem to solve... and a bard (who is actually their god but shhh).
"But, what do we do now? We don't have any idea of-" the bard was interrupted by the youngest girl.
"Master Jean, we must ask to the Traveler for more information, that letter is the only thing we have? Amber asked, her frown hidding her tears.
"Sadly yes, Amber. This is the only thing we have to prepare ourself in any case" Jean said, her untied blond hair flying around.
"What do you mean with 'prepare ourself', Jean?" Diluc asked, his leg shacking with anxiety.
"Well" the witch started, avoiding eye contact.
"Aether said... that probably his Guide... the new found god that had been helping us is now..." Kaeya said, walking around the room. Everyone felt his nerves, because they were just as nervous as him. "It's now corporeal"
"Corporeal, we can touch them, they are now... With us."
Silence filled the room, holding breaths and silent screams are all the winds can reach.
"Master Jean!" Noelle enter to the room, feeling the heavy vibes of the place, still stay with a anxious face.
"What's wrong, Noelle?" she replaid.
"Umh well..." She took a deep breath, letting it all out in a shout with a bow.
"There's a prisioner teenager who scaped from the bouild with rare magic, they don't have any visions and they act like they were from another world, like Traveler!" a quiet and long time pass, slow and slow and- "Okay I'm going, anything you need just say my name."
She leave, then, a loud shout singing the same song was heard in any corner of Monds.
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astroyongie · 6 months
Hi yongie can you do a the boyz ideal type post?
The Boyz Ideal Types
Physically he likes someone on the average heigh
someone that is more on the slim side
His usual type is someone that takes care of their appearance and of their body
they are naturally pretty and a symbol of beauty
so people that enter the beauty standards
long hair, fair skin, big eyes
a mix between cute and sexy
That use makeup and that dress well
so feminine girls in general
personality wise, his ideal type is someone that is playful
and flirty
someone that laughs at his jokes and that has more of a submissive side
Someone fair and that is all about balance and equality
His ideal type is also someone that works hard but is balance between work and domestic
Sangyeon is still attached to traditional roots but at the same time it needs to have some sort of novelty
In his case he is terraced to people that are funny and easy going
he is more into people who are extroverts by nature
his ideal type is someone that communicates well their feelings
someone his parents and his friends would like and enjoy
someone with a good sense of humor too
based on his chart Jacob's ideal type is someone diplomatic that can engage with other people
someone with whom he can argue on the positive side
i also feel like the person needs to be friends and lovers at the same time
but honestly as long as the person can be versatile and jovial it is a pass
Physically, Jacob isnt that picky
but he would prefer someone with defined (or strong) arms
with well designed hands too
probably someone that wears a lot of jewlwey and rings for exemple
perhaps tattoos on their arms ?
but thats basically that!
In Younghoon's case, his ideal type is someone work oriented
Someone that takes care a lot of their health as well
but generally someone who is career focused
who is independent
who doesn't need him, of his status or his money since his ideal type is not eh same pedestal than he is
Probably someone that is very clean on themselves
And organized
His ideal type is someone that screams "boss slay" and has their shit together
physically someone with short hair
sharp features
small eyes and smaller height
a perfez harmony between slim and thick.
his ideal type is a little feisty and they have a strong personality
they can be judgmental in a way because he would love to gossip with them
someone he just clicks
he doesnt need to share words with
thoughts are enough
his ideal type is someone on the sexy side
probably on the introvert type of personality
Hyunjae is into average height people
long silky hair
deep cat eyes
someone awfully gorgeous but also intimidating
like there's some balance here
in their personalities, his ideal partner is someone emotive
sensitive yet deep
someone he can connect you
his ideal type is also clever
and assertive
I they can be jealous and possessive he would be all for that
someone that can match his energy and his liking in love
his ideal type is someone that dressed classy like, sometimes a little edgy
his ideal type is without a doubt someone who is career oriented
someone who screams "I have go this"
like he wouldn't mind being taken care by them on a financial level
but other than that Juyeon ideal type is someone pretty
someone with sharp features
with fair skin
nice hair and who takes care of themselves and their appearance
like they want someone who gives a luxury vibe to them
personality wise, someone that works well
someone who is assertive and they know what they want in life
his ideal type is someone who can solve problems
who are down to earth and don't act bratty
His ideal type hides a sense of dark humor
but they ar pretty serious in their every day life
Someone who can teach him but also rely on him with their lives
extrovert or introvert doesnt matter as long as they are independent
Kevin has the same ideal type than Juyeon
they have to be someone who are assertive
who gives the vibes of owning the place
someone Collected that dont allow their emotions to have the best of them
someoen hard working
their career is a priority and their financial background needs to have a certain status
Kevin's ideal type is someone clever
who probably has done important studies or hold important jobs
someone his friends would be jealous of
physically someone smaller than him
but feisty
his ideal type has luxurious hair, they take care of their nails and skin
they have routines and hey are stick with it
they make sure to be a balanced style of sensuality and boss like vibe
this boy is a dreamer
is ideal type is probably impossible to find because they are just too perfect
and for that I mean they need to be physically perefct
fit the standards he has
they have to fit on the beauty, their hair is nice and well combed
their skin is well taken care of
they are just a beauty in their feet
they have big round eyes and they smile a lot
his ideal type is someone bubbly
who has a nice sense of humor
someone who is fun and laughs a lot but are also very sensitive
Someone that needs him
someoen that cries and develops co dependency on him
Chanhee's ideal type is someone who will be utterly In love with him
someone who will do anything and anything for him, no questions asks
Just someone that fits all of his own perceptions of beauty and of "perfect partner"
Oh okay so his ideal type is someone on the sexy type
misterioso type too
someone who doesnt talk much
who is reserved, perhaps timid and introverted
but who is emotionally aware and clever
Changmin's ideal type is someone with dark hair and eyes
dead eyes are his type
He might be attracted to someone on the numb side for exemple
his type is someone he can connect it on an emotional level
someoen who will understand him without him having to open up
love and passion
Changmin's type is someone who will hold his hand
throw tantrums of jealousy
who wears his clothing
and has the same weird passions and interest that he does
This boy is attracted to girls that will make him cry
on a honest point, he wants his partner to be feisty
to have a hot head and a bad temper
like someone spicy to say the least
Someone who is competitive
Who laughs a lot and have quite a nice jokes
his ideal type is extroverted and does well with other people despite their temper
physically someone with defined abs
like someone who does a lot of sports and take care of their health
His ideal type is someone who can keep up with him when it comes to adventures
who won't be tired with cardio (cough)
more into short people
with short hair
who will fight you
Okay for our big boy
it's mostly like Haknyeon
physically is ideal type is someone atheletic built
he is into people who have their body well defined, muscled in a way
Short hair is more of his things
if they have any facial scar is is all in
his ideal type is someone strong and with a high white smile
They can be more on the masculine side for exemple
or not have such a feminine vibe for exemple
someone funny and unhinged
someone that will challenge him and making him lose his mind
His ideal type is someone hot tempered
that is competitive by nature
who will always see him as a prize they have to fight for
Someone who can make decisions and knows what they want in life
Sunwoo has no time for yes or no, he needs someone that matched his fiery energy
okay he likes people that are different
like his ideal type needs to be edgy, needs to be different
it wouldn't surprise me that he is more into curvy people for exemple
people that dont really enter the beauty standards
They could be people with piercings or tattoos in their body
someone with colorful hair and modified body parts for exemple
this ideal type is just someone that isnt him
so there's the possibility that he is also attracted to people of different skin color and ethnic
Based on chart, physical aspects aren't that important
as long as there's a good chemistry between him and the person
but in any case, we can say that Erik's ideal type is just someone different
with their own beauty
a very unique personality
someone that isn't conventional, and that doesnt truly follows rules
a little bad boy/girl for exemple
but who is still educated and fair
someone with an open mind that he can talk with about anything and everything
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another-goblin · 3 months
I like the metaphor of Dr. Ratio being a doctor who tries to cure the disease called 'foolishness'. It helps understand the character better.
First, let's not forget that he's actually a medical doctor:
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But he sees himself as more than that (and Screwllum agrees):
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That alone can say a lot about him, and that's why I don't agree with some of the ways some people interpret him.
Would a doctor get angry at somebody for being too ill? (they probably would for not using the medicine the doctor prescribed, or not taking their condition seriously.) Would a doctor be disgusted and abandon somebody for being too ill? Would a doctor take pride in being healthier than their patient?
But is this metaphor warranted? Doctors save and improve lives; what does education do?
We know how dangerous ignorance can be. Our real world gives us a lot of examples of that.
Besides, Ratio himself found a cure for some terrible disease threatening humanity and resolved "the energy crisis of the century."
So I'd say that education can save and improve a lot of lives too.
What exactly does he 'cure'? The words he uses, like 'foolishness', sound very vague. But if we interpret it as ignorance, then his work as a teacher makes sense. He also gives lectures seemingly outside his curriculum (remember that series of faux movie posters where he looks super excited to give a lecture about astronomy), organizes conferences (his voiceline about the Express's archives), and urges us to go to university and join some debate event. That's a lot, but these are some conventional things you'd expect from an educator.
On the other hand, this looks more like life coaching or counseling:
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 It's basically the idea that humanity should start thinking by themselves and not rely on geniuses who don't care about them (btw he holds a similar position about the Aeons; people shouldn't rely on them too).
This is very different from these things I listed above.
So he sort of does both, I guess?…
Another thing is, there is a big difference between a physician treating an individual patient, and a researcher curing a whole disease (the way Ratio himself eliminated that actual disease). And again, he seems to do both, with both his conventional educational activity and, well, 'life coaching'.
What he did on Herta station is a good example. For the researchers on the station, he showed that despite the presence of 2 (or 3) geniuses on board the station, only our TB could help them; that they could have discovered the truth by themselves if they weren't so dependent on the geniuses.
And at the same time, it was a lesson for the TB about how if we really try, if we don't rely on people just telling us what's happening and what to do, we can make sense of a complicated situation by ourselves.
BTW he reminds me of Dr. House (from the show 'House, M.D.' Do people remember that show? From 20 years ago? oh god…)
I don't think they have a lot in common if you dig deeper, but there are some similarities on the surface, that can help you understand Ratio a bit better.
They don't mince their words and don't care what other people think about them.
House is dismissive of people who bother him with trivial problems. (reminds me of Ratio's "Don't ask a question if there's already an answer" and "If you have a problem, are you sure you can't solve it yourself?")
House is the most rude to other doctors for not doing enough (the same way Ratio is extremely critical of other scholars - people who are priveleged to have access to knowledge but don't do anything worthwhile with it. And, in a smaller degree, to his students - people who already have access to higher education but don't take it seriously enough, in his opinion.)
But he will cure those who really need his help, whether they want it or not.
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kurov1864 · 3 months
Robin dating hcs!!
- Aggressive cuddler. As in, he'll jump onto you kind of hugging. He'll wrap around you like a snake when cuddling. He'll squeeze you until you can't breathe and wouldn't let go even if the world was ending type shit.
- Might be projecting a bit but he might be insecure about being from a branch family?? In one of the manga chapters, Bachiko mentions that Robin is the perfect archer, but it was a shame that he comes from a branch family.
- ACTS. OF. SERVICE. While he is super clingy, making you think that his love language is physical touch, he actually expresses way more affection through doing stuff for you!! Like cooking for you (malewife material fr), pulling your blanket up when you fall asleep, preparing you a snack pack to boost your energy (and hopefully your patience) after being drained by an exhausting morning of teaching students, and organizing surprise dates. Mostly food-related tbh,,,
- Ohmygod the dates. I'm not sure what is up with him and dates but he love love loves to make each date more unique then the last. For example? A picnic date near the everflowing lava lake, where you both compete to see who can guess which geyser shoots the highest. A fishing date in the clouds, where you both quite literally fish for birds. An archery date in a crystal cavern, where you both rely on your senses and the random bursts of light the crystals emit to take each other down. With him, you would never have a "normal" date.
- Also really connected with nature. If you're not the outdoorsy type, you two might not be the best match. When he's not focusing on his students or his many teacher tasks, you can probably find him wandering around Babyls, exploring every nook and inch and finding more hidden gems. (I have a hc that Babyls is a lot like Hogwarts, with many unexplored areas that aren't shown on screen, just because it would be cool)
- Communication is key!! He's not afraid to state his feelings loud and clear, and probably expects you to do the same. If you don't say anything nor show any physical signs of discomfort, he'll take that as an OK to continue doing whatever he's doing. Please don't make him have to guess why you're in a bad mood. No matter how observant his archers eyes are, they're not all-seeing. This also means that if you're doing something that makes him uncomfortable, he'll tell you in a very straightforward manner, maybe a little more hesitant if you enjoy doing that thing a lot.
- The whole "communication is key" part will also carry over to fights. Remember, when you two fight it's you two against the problem, not each other. While that doesn't mean that you both can't show emotion to have a perfectly rational conversation, it would be appreciated if there were no emotional walls up.
- Big on PDA in front of friends/in public, a bit more toned down in front of students. Like, you cannot tell me that he's not the type to jump on you, sit on your lap, intertwine your hands and kiss your cheeks. He doesn't really see a need to keep his relationship private (not that he can), but did he really have to stuff it in everybody's faces that you two were dating? Oh absolutely.
- This brings me to my next hc. Despite being sunshine incarnate, he can get awfully possessive. That's why he wants to tell everybody that you were his by acting so affectionately out in public. This way, nobody could ever doubt or even think that you two weren't together. And well, if there actually was some knucklehead that apparently didn't get the message, he would make sure that before your next meeting with them, you would be... appropriately marked as his. Of course, he could always use his image as a socially oblivious teacher to use and scare them off imply that you two were dating.
- Speaking of socially oblivious, I hope you realize he is anything but. As I've mentioned before, being an archer and all it's in his blood to be observant. This translates to him being able to sense anytime you are in a foul mood. And being the attentive and caring lover that he is, of course he's going to try and comfort you! You don't want to tell him what's wrong? That's totally fine. He'll cook you a nice hot meal while you shower, and try to cheer you up by telling you silly stories over the dining table. Expect a few movies to be put on while you two cuddle, anything to make you feel loved and protected. You want to vent about your day? That's good as well! He'll take it as a compliment that you trust him enough to not tell anybody. Although he's usually hyper and speaks up whenever he wants, for you Robin would just sit and listen, nodding and giving appropriate comments whenever needed until you're all tuckered out.
- When finding out you're human, I honestly don't think much would change. He has full faith in Suvillian's evaluation of you, and he wouldn't allow somebody who is weak and defenceless to join the faculty. Probably the only difference would be him trying to find out more about the human world, because he's just naturally curious about everything.
- DATES FOR MARRAIGE. I cannot stress this enough. Although he's not extremely traditional like Kalego, he is extremely loyal. This means that if he agrees to date you it's basically a declaration that he wants to marry and spend the rest of his life with you. He will not get into a relationship that he thinks won't last because he simply thinks it wouldn't be fair to both parties.
- Loves cheesy nicknames. Things like "cutie pie", "bugaboo", and "my lil cutie patootie". He absolutely refuses to use normal nicknames, just because. Favorite part of the day is to shout those in front of students, just to see your face turn red and try to shut him up.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Yeah people are starting to slowly acknowledge things.
Q. I am not a die hard Tommy fan, I want to open by saying that. But I would have liked to have seen the story to completion, and I do believe it was a temporary storyline. But the longer Lou goes without saying a single thing, and not even liking any posts the more I think he's not coming back at all and they did in fact decide to go the off screen breakup route. Thoughts?
A. I agree that the longer things go on without anything at all from him the likelihood of him not being back at all increases. While I do believe a conversation between Tim and him happened, I do not believe they forbid him from even 'liking' posts about him or Tommy. Which he is clearly not doing because if he was his base would absolutely be screenshotting them and parading them around like medals. There could be several reasons for this. One, he started the cameo nonsense hoping to leverage a half or full season guest role, that didn't happen, and once he was informed of his final episode number there was simply no point in engaging anymore. Two, he essentially already filled the show's overall goal of his character. He came in, he made bi Buck canon, was received fairly well, and as a result bought himself a couple more scenes. But at some point during the off-season Tim/ABC decided there was no need to drag a break up out and it was more important, story wise, to put some time between Buck and Tommy parting ways and the start of Buck/Eddie so they decided not to bring him back at all. And Lou decided just to walk away entirely from the interactions. But I think there's another possibility. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he never intended for anything that has happened to Oliver, and especially Ryan, to happen. That includes everything the production staff and the show's official pages have also had to deal with as a result of the ideas his fans walked away from the cameo videos with. And once he realized what he inadvertently created he walked away.
The absolute shameful embarrassment that was the SWAT Con Twitter meltdown is a perfect example of why he just might have walked away. It was a poll, an online poll, organized by the con convention, asking what SWAT characters they might like to see. When a few people brought their attention to some of Lou's troubling Twitter history his name was removed from the poll, with the apologies of the convention staff. His group of diehards descended into their comments so hatefully that they got blocked by a fan convention. Let me say that again. They got blocked by a fan convention organization. Because of their behavior regarding an online poll. For a show that has nothing to do with Tommy. They have absolutely become a problem for him. They have absolutely become a hindrance to him. They give him no benefits. They are not helping him in any way. He knows that. And he walked away from them entirely because of that. Again, we don't know what the actual reason is he's gone completely silent. These are just a couple of options. I still think he will be back for at least one episode, but I'm wavering on that more and more. The reality is they can move the story forward without him.
His fans can pretend all they want that he's going to become a big deal on the show. He's not. His canon content is:
"can never have enough closet space, right Evan?"
"look, Evan I think you're adorable, but you're not ready"
"mmm so not like that" (how he takes his coffee)
"they had Henley's in the 80's"
"who are you guys supposed to be The Wedding Singer"
"that fire was a beast"
"mm enjoy it while you can"
"I certainly hope so" (daddy kink joke)
That is the entirety of his season 7 dialogue following 7x4, which was the original end of his arc. I probably left out a word or two, maybe, but I wasn't going back and watching the scenes. If I'm off at all, it's not by much. He is the definition of a plot point. The deleted scene, that I didn't include because it's technically not canon, though I tend to believe they release scenes because they do want the audience to at least have the context of those scenes, continued the pattern established above. You can move on from that character with an off screen breakup. And truthfully it wouldn't surprise me at all if they decided they just didn't need the character back, and once they informed Lou of that decision he just walked away from the fan interactions. We'll see, anon. But typing that dialogue out was laughable. Who sees that and says, 'yep that's endgame'? The entire thing has been so ridiculous I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't unfortunately experienced it.
Thank you Nonny! Much appreciated!
I read this with interest Ali. I fully agree with everything here. There are many reasons why he could have gone into total radio silence, but the fact of the matter is that this kind of hardcore 'stanning' didn't work out well for him. He might just be hoping it'll all go away by staying quiet. It won't.
I laughed out loud when I read over his dialogue in season 7. I don't understand how people came to the conclusion that this is anything but temporary, based on that dialogue. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
I have no idea whether or not he'll show up for season 8. He might or he might not. Whatever happens, it will always end in the same way: a break up. It'll either be an on screen break up or an off screen break up. But based on all that we've seen in season 7? That's exactly where BT is heading.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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ollieofthebeholder · 19 days
Hi! I know you do NaNo every year and are quite involved with it; have you seen their new AI policy? And what are your thoughts on it?
So first off, nonnie: My involvement with NaNoWriMo has, uh, declined significantly in the last year. I was an ML through last November, and there were...a lot of problems that all culminated in me (and my co-ML ) not only making the decision to step down as MLs, but disaffiliate our region from NaNo altogether. We're not stopping people from participating, just taking the groups we manage independent and starting our own, localized version. Global communities are great, but when you get to as big as NaNo got and start having to implement rules and make them apply to wildly diverse regions - and then have absolutely no policies in place for people in those specific regions to adapt those policies - it stops being fun, frankly. For organizers and participants.
All of which is to say, no, I hadn't seen this until now.
My thoughts are that, like so many other things NaNo has tried to do since November, it's well-intentioned (probably) but poorly thought out and even more poorly executed. It's also too broad and overencompassing. And it violates the spirit of the program they've been belaboring us with for the last 25 years.
AI - Artificial Intelligence - covers a lot of ground. Spellcheckers are technically AI. Speech to text programs could be construed as AI. Predictive text is AI. ChatGP and its ilk is essentially an advanced form of predictive text, at least at this point. And if you had suggested five years ago that someone might write a novel entirely based on predictive text, the official NaNoWriMo stance would have been "I mean, sure, you CAN do that, we can't really stop you, if that's what you're happy with." If your goal is just to have 50,000 words, do whatever you want. I guess from their wording, they're saying that this is in general, not specifically for NaNoWriMo, but this is still a pretty bizarre stance for an organization that pushed for years for everyone to start on November 1 with a blank document and not a single word written ahead of time.
Arguing that "opposition to AI is classist and ableist" is the kind of reductive bullshit I expect from Tumblr, not a major organization that is supposed to promote literacy. I especially don't get the "not everyone has access to all resources" bit. Yeah...that's true...but if you have access to AI, you have access to everything you need to participate in NaNoWriMo, i.e. a computer with a keyboard and an internet connection. If you just want the fifty thousand words to get the prize and don't care if they're good, just fucking write "banana" over and over again until you hit it. Boom, you're a winner, and you've done just as much work as someone prompting ChatGPT, and it'll probably make about as much sense.
Also, most AI programs in existence use up a ridiculous amount of energy and resources, and encouraging their use is kind of an iffy stance for any company to take, let alone one that's been making this much of an effort to be sustainable.
Frankly, I think this policy is just one more sign that NaNo has gotten a) too big to be sustainable and b) too far from what it was originally meant to be, and I'm honestly debating if I'm even going to participate in the global one this year.
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