#and if the fic is lawrusso too even better
kathrahender · 2 months
Me, before watching Cobra Kai: I swear, I hate this show so much. Why everytime I want to see a video in Youtube I have to see in the Ads the trailer of a new season of Cobra Kai? They're too annoying. I refuse to watch this show.
Me, after watching Cobra Kai: Lawrusso is now my favorite thing ever. I love you Sam, even if some people hate you. Johnny Chozen and Mike are the best. Johnny Chozen and Mike are the best. Johnny Chozen and Mike are the- Fellas is it normal if the rivals in this show look like lovers instead of rivals(cofcofLawrussocofcof) or have sexual tension (cofcofSamtorycofcof)??? WHY THERE IS SO MUCH CHEMISTRY BETWEEN CHARACTERS OF THE SAME SEX???? Kreese and Terry should kiss. There is so much angst in this show. But I kinda like it heeeelp
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lulamadison · 3 months
Here's a little Lawrusso comedy fic for a Sunday afternoon...
It's called Safe Word
Safe Word
“I can handle it, man,” Johnny said, sounding like he was on the verge of arguing.
“I know you can,” Daniel sighed, “but that's not the point.”
They hadn't been together long.
After the divorce it had taken Daniel a while to notice that every time Johnny insulted him it was actually a ham fisted attempt at flirting.
Johnny didn't have the vocabulary or experience to express what he wanted, Daniel eventually realised.
While the world had moved on since 1984, Johnny simply hadn't. He was stuck in high school, pulling pigtails to let Daniel know that he liked him, or in his case, calling him Danielle or Princess every chance he got.
After Daniel had figured out what Johnny was actually doing, he asked him out to a bar. It was a date, but Daniel wasn't sure that Johnny realised it was a date.
He picked Johnny up at 8 and opened the car door for him.
They went out for burgers and Daniel picked up the check first, saying, “No, no. This is my treat.”
They went to a bar, where they drank round after round of Banquet and shots, and as they closed out the tab at the end of the night, Daniel handed over his card to the bartender.
“You trying to get laid, LaRusso?” Johnny asked, as he leaned up against the bar. “You're treating me like a chick on a first date.”
“Maybe I am,” Daniel replied as he put his wallet away. “Maybe that's what this is.”
“Oh yeah?” Johnny asked.
“Maybe I'm trying to woo you,” Daniel said with a grin.
“Woo?” Johnny asked. “Like a ghost?”
“No,” Daniel laughed. “Like I want to be with you.”
“Oh,” Johnny said quietly, even though Daniel could practically see the gears in his head whirring. After a while he added, “Well, maybe I want to be with you too.”
“Good,” Daniel replied with a nod, trying to keep his cool.
He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He'd told Johnny this was a date and he hadn't beaten the shit out of him? It was going way better than Daniel expected.
They went out into the parking lot, and Daniel decided to leave his car at the bar, so he booked an Uber.
As they waited for the car to arrive neither of them spoke. The air around them felt heavy with the anticipation of what would come next.
They were heading back to Johnny's place.
Daniel made polite chit chat in the car, discussing some local news story about the state of the roads with the driver, just to make the journey go faster and to break the unbearable tension.
When they arrived, Johnny opened the door, then stepped back, letting Daniel enter the apartment first.
The second the door was closed, Johnny was on him. Kissing him roughly as he pushed Daniel against the wall.
Johnny's lips moved down to Daniel's neck, making him moan loudly.
Johnny broke away and breathlessly asked, “You wanna take this to the bedroom?”
“Yeah,” Daniel replied. “I really do.”
That was 6 weeks ago now and Daniel had never felt happier.
It turned out that Johnny had hidden depths under all that bluster and he was surprisingly sensitive in a way that Daniel had never expected. Johnny cried easily and he was quick to anger. He was a bubbling cauldron of swirling emotion hidden under a tough exterior, and Daniel could never predict how he'd react to anything.
When he decided to ask Johnny out on a date he'd thought that he'd probably react badly and have some kind of nervous breakdown over his precious masculinity, but he seemed to be oddly relaxed about the fact that he wasn't actually as straight as he'd made out.
Their sex life so far had been pretty frantic, with all the excitement of having a new partner, made even more fun by the fact that this was Johnny. Daniel still couldn't believe it sometimes.
They'd quickly graduated from kissing and fumbling around, to hand stuff and going down on each other, but Daniel didn't think it'd go any further than that. Johnny had been great about the whole thing so far, but Daniel knew he'd likely have him limits.
They were in a diner having breakfast one morning when out of nowhere Johnny said, “I think I want to try anal.”
Daniel choked on his coffee, spluttering across the table.
“Wow that's gross, man,” Johnny said, wiping his hand.
“You want to try what?” Daniel said, still coughing.
“You know,” Johnny said, leaning across the table, as if he'd finally realised there were kids sat not far away from them. “Butt stuff.”
“Oh my god,” Daniel gasped. “You could have waited till I wasn't drinking to say that.”
“It's just my ass,” Johnny said, said shrugging his shoulders.
Daniel sat back. “Your ass?”
“Well, yeah,” Johnny said. “That's what I want to try. So can we?”
“I think we need to do some research on the logistics of the whole thing first,” Daniel said, as he raised his coffee cup again.
“Well, yeah. It's not like I'm asking you to bend me over a table now, man,” Johnny said.
Daniel choked on his coffee again.
Daniel spent some time doing research.
He worked out what supplies they needed and how to prepare for what they were going to do.
He found an online sex store and ordered lube and other things.
In his heart he knew this was going to be a big deal, despite how casual Johnny was being about it.
Daniel didn't think Johnny had really thought it through and he knew there was a chance that despite his eagerness to go ahead with it all, there might be a chance he might have a change of heart, and wouldn't tell Daniel because he didn't want to seem like a pussy.
“I can handle it, man,” Johnny said, sounding like he was on the verge of arguing, when Daniel sat him down for a discussion beforehand.
“I know you can,” Daniel sighed, “but that's not the point.”
“What, do you think I'm gonna wimp out the second you touch my ass?”
“And that's exactly what I'm worried about,” Daniel said. “The fact you think changing your mind if you realise you don't like it makes you a wimp.”
“I'm not gonna change my mind,” Johnny said.
“But if we do this and you realise you don't like it and you don't tell me, do you know how that would make me feel?” Daniel asked. “I'd feel awful about it. It'd ruin the whole night.”
“Yeah, OK,” Johnny conceded.
“We need a safe word,” Daniel said.
“Safe word?” Johnny asked. “What's that?”
“It's a word you use when your exploring your boundaries during sex to indicate to your partner that things are starting to get a little too much for you.”
“Are we going somewhere?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because I thought we were gonna do it on my bed, right here.”
“Huh?” Daniel asked, his brown wrinkling in confusion.
“We could go to Vegas,” Johnny suggested, in a way that sounded like he thought he was being helpful.
“What?” Daniel asked.
“Boundaries,” Johnny said. “Is that like the state line or something?”
Daniel couldn't help but laugh. Johnny never failed to amaze him.
“A boundary is like a line you don't want to step over,” Daniel said. “Like you told me you don't like it if touch your neck, so now I don't touch your neck. That's a boundary.”
���OK, yeah,” Johnny said. “I get it. So how does a safe word work?”
“We choose a word now, and if either of us doesn't like something the other is doing we say the word and the other person has to stop what they're doing,” Daniel said. “But it has to be a word that you'd never ever say during sex.”
“OK,” Johnny said thoughtfully. He paused a moment, then said, “How about Miyagi?”
“Johnny…” Daniel said through gritted teeth. “The last person I want to think of during sex is the man who was practically my father.”
“Yeah, but say we're doing it and I realise I don't like it,” Johnny said. “I says his name and it's an instant boner killer, so you have to stop doing the thing I don't like.”
“Huh,” Daniel said, thinking about what Johnny just said.
“I mean, I know you'd stop anyway. I trust you,” Johnny said “But I'm also a guy and I know sometimes that's really difficult, so think of it like an off switch, but for your wang.”
“Hmmm…” Daniel said. “You know what? That's actually a good point.”
“So Miyagi it is?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Miyagi it is.” Daniel replied with a smile.
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newlacesleeves · 3 months
*slams this fic on the counter* Okay, look. I've been thinking about the parallels between Sam/Tory and Daniel/Johnny for far too long now. And then then season 6 trailer dropped and my brain would not let me know peace until I wrote this fic so I wrote it over a 48-hour period until I could finally get it all out. Enjoy.
AFTERBURNER | Lawrusso, Samtory, Johnny Lawrence & Samantha LaRusso | T | 8,634 words | non-linear narrative & parallels all the way down
The thing about history is we're doomed to repeat it. That's what Mr. Murray says on Sam's first day of AP World History. It's human nature, he says, to make the mistakes of our ancestors. The only way to anticipate these mistakes is to learn of them, learn from them, and hope we can use what we've learned to avoid the same pitfalls as our predecessors.  --- A fic about patterns, trusting, and how history is always just repeating itself.
The inciting incident, like most things in Johnny's life, is a punch to the face. 
Before the twerp manages to land it — right into Johnny's mouth pow! right in the kisser! — it's just a game to Johnny. Here's this skinny kid moving in on his girl, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, like a gnat in the sand just buzzing around. And Johnny, sure, he toys with him. Dances around him and lets him try to land one. But it's only when he manages to get a good one in there that Johnny sees red and nothing else. Because who does this kid think he is? Who does this kid think Johnny is? Doesn't he know who he's dealing with here? He can hear Kreese’s voice in his head: the enemy deserves no mercy. And Johnny doesn’t know who this kid is by name but he knows he’s just made a new enemy.
So Johnny shows him. With fists and kicks and a hard landing with a mouthful of sand. Forces him to cover up the dark bruise around his eye with a pair of aviators on his first day of school. Hide those Bambi soft brown eyes from Johnny's field of vision before he can even think about losing himself in them. 
That one punch sets each of them forward on a trajectory they are powerless to change. Their moves are now set in motion, each one preordained: LaRusso ducks left and Johnny swings right, LaRusso runs and Johnny chases. The interference by deus ex sensei only prolongs the inevitable moment: the pivotal accident that the tournament is only a few weeks away. That Kreese will do anything to win, even asking Bobby to fight dirty and deliver that crushing blow to the knee: it’s all a set up for the perfect storm that ends with Johnny’s face getting kicked by what shouldn’t be a long graceful leg but somehow it is. A beautiful kick. And if Johnny’s going to get kicked like that, it had better be a beautiful one. 
Johnny finds himself wondering what would have happened if that fist never swung his way. How different 1984 would have ended. First ever three-time All Valley Champ. Would Daniel LaRusso have found karate without punching Johnny Lawrence first? Would Johnny have found Daniel some other way? 
It's useless to wonder what could have been but Johnny does it anyway. He wastes years on it until one day he’s forced to walk into LaRusso Auto and sees the smug, charming, ageless face that’s plagued him all this time. Another hit, this time a hit and run, that resets the board and puts them in motion again. 
Three and a half decades later, LaRusso swaps a punch for a kiss — another pow! another pop in the mouth! — and just like that first night, Johnny doesn’t see it coming until it’s already happened.
He doesn’t see red but he does strike back. Uses his hands to tell LaRusso just what Johnny thinks about that, one with a grip on his jaw, the other threading through his stupidly soft, dark hair. Pushes him up against the wall of the dojo because this is just another fight that Johnny’s going to win.
LaRusso pulls back with puffed up lips and heavy dark eyes. His hair’s a mess and his grin is infectious. 
Another inciting incident. 
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msfbgraves · 3 months
i don't care about the darkness or the age difference of silverusso. i actually absolutely love the badgood nature of it and the, like you said, gothic sensuality of the pairing. definitely an all time favourite fan pairing of mine!
Me three!! I was a bit shocked when I discovered it after S4 how deeply non-shippers resented it at the time and how actively they judged the shippers for loving it. Honestly, if it's a NOTP, I completely understand - some things give you dopamine overload, others don't and we're all built different. But never before was I hesitant to post fic under my pen name and instead went Anon because I felt I might get hate. Things have calmed down now, luckily, but I still don't even post my silverusso posts with the tags terry silver or daniel larusso, as not to set people off who might not want it across their dash in any form. And that's quite unique for this fandom, in my experience.
I'm just so glad I know that actors had no problem going there,that TIG has been so supportive of fandom for Terry and that Ralph doesn't mind a dark story either. Not that the actors should feel obliged to interact with our output, but if they don't mind going there, if the canon doesn't mind suggesting a bond between them, well, why shouldn't I do the same? Daniel got lured in by a bad boy and that bad boy has never stopped being obsessed with him - that's been a trope in romantic fiction for millennia. And the fact that they had Daniel marry Amanda, who basically is Terry in female form, so he got over Terry as little as Terry got over him? Gawd! I love that it also doesn't stop there - he loves flirting with Johnny, Chozen and Mike too, and shares a deep bond with them. I also like that Terry sets him off soooo much. It took one apology and in Johnny's case, no apology and he is happy as a clam with all of them, but the first thing Terry does is apologise, Daniel gets Kill Bill sirens only to sleep in the same bed as his Terry lookalike wife; with Terry throwing his entire life away to renew is obsession with Daniel - TWICE - my goodness, you two, I don't know if getting a room would make it better but you have something to sort out! What the hell happened in your past lives??? How did Terry never find love again? Before Daniel, he had this deep bond with Kreese and a harem of cronies to play with and after Daniel he tries to conform, be worthy of him (?) and ditches Kreese??? Twice???? There's so much going on and none of it is normal, and though I completely see the appeal of Lawrusso and ship it gladly, Daniel didn't marry a Johnny lookalike. Also I like that when Daniel gets coquettish other men are always flustered, Terry is like, 😎😋 which is the only time that anyone has played an Uno-reverse card against a LaRusso charm attack. And that's interesting! And sexy! And Daniel keeps seeking Terry out to challenge him! And I just feel that even if they never spoke again, Daniel would let Terry fly him to some private island for a week of deeply aggressive hatesex, some cuddling, and a million protestations of "this never happened, don't call me again, when are you free?" With Terry saying: "You'll know, darlin'. Be good for me."
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zappedbyzabka · 2 years
This is a repost.
Younger lawrusso (like 22–23) smutty fic + long haired power bottom Johnny.
High heel kink, dom/sub, and feminization ahead.
Daniel waits for Johnny to come out of the bathroom, sitting on the end of the bed with goosebumps spreading on his bare skin and his fingers tapping on his knees; he’s completely naked, as per Johnny’s request, and he’s already half-hard just from the anticipation of what’s ahead.
Johnny finally steps out of the bathroom after what feels like hours, and Daniel’s breath gets caught in his throat. He looks like perfection, in black high heels that make his pale legs look like they go on for miles, a red minidress that’s tight on his body and accentuates his waist made for grabbing, his long, golden hair pulled back into a ponytail, and gloss making his lips look even more tempting than usual—Daniel is absolutely gone for him.
He slides off the bed and onto his knees, crawling over to Johnny and earning himself a coo.
"Do you like my outfit, baby?" Johnny asks, patting the other’s head like one would a dog. Daniel nods his head enthusiastically, dick twitching against his navel.
The taller boy smiles, then brushes his high-heeled foot against Daniel’s bulge teasingly, pulling it away with a scoff when Daniel promptly tries to rut against it. "Yeah, you really like it. You look like you’re about to burst. Poor thing. ” he laughs, right down at the brunet.
Daniel whimpers, his face burning. He digs his fingernails into the carpet to stop himself from breaking a rule and touching Johnny—he's not in control tonight. It’s hard to tuck away his pride, but it feels amazing.
Johnny frowns and tuts his tongue.
"Don’t give me those eyes, punk, I’ll let you touch soon." he reassures, then walks right past Daniel and perches himself on the chair in the corner of the room, a thrill running through him at the way the short man hurriedly crawls after him.
"Good boy," he croons once Daniel is at his feet again. He grabs his face with one hand and squishes his cheeks, then leans down to give him a quick kiss, giggling at the way Daniel chases after the kiss when he pulls away. He admires the look of his lipgloss on Daniel’s lips. "You’re my good boy, aren’t you, LaRusso? You love it when I tell you what to do, hm? My little puppy?”
Daniel squeezes his eyes shut, hips twitching against nothing—hearing Johnny say his last name in that same sneering way he did in high school has him feeling like he has a fucking fever. "Yes, sir.”
Johnny grins, pleased. "And that—" he leans back against the chair and pushes his heel roughly against Daniel’s aching dick, "is why you get to cum tonight."
The noise Daniel lets out is pathetic.
Johnny moves his foot away and spreads his legs a little to torture Daniel with the sight of his soft inner thighs. The brunet presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth with the urge to bite and lick.
"Hump my leg; make yourself cum like that," he orders firmly, giving Daniel an expectant look.
The doe-eyed boy hesitates to obey, unsure if it’s another false tease, so Johnny grabs a fistful of his hair and yanks on it, forcing him to come closer.
Daniel moans, pressing himself closer and gazing up at Johnny like he hung the moon and stars, the first brush of his sensitive cock against Johnny’s skin making his stomach clench. He’s going to start drooling at this rate.
“Get a grip, baby. Hesitate again and I might be too tired to let you fuck me.”
Daniel nods his head frantically, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as he begins to rut against Johnny’s shin, mouth falling open with a groan. God, he must look ridiculous like this, rubbing Johnny’s leg like some sort of animal, but the shame only makes it so much better. He goes faster.
The blond’s yanking hand goes lax, and he cards his fingers through Daniel’s hair.
"That’s a good boy. You can touch me now too."
It takes Daniel’s dazed brain a moment to process what he said, but once he does, his reverent hands are all over Johnny, touching his thighs and waist and anywhere he can reach.
"Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful—" he chants, pushing Johnny’s dress up to mouth at his thighs, drooling.
He watches Daniel fall apart with rapt attention—it’s the most difficult thing in the world to keep from just kicking the smaller man to the ground and riding his dick until he cries and shakes.
He knows that soon enough, he’s going to make Daniel beg to fuck him, but right now his only goal is getting him to paint his leg pearly, just from this. Just from how desperately he wants to stick it in him. No one else can say they’ve had Daniel LaRusso like this, and he needs to really savor it every time.
He rucks the skirt of his dress up until his panties are fully visible, red like his dress and soaked at the front from pre-cum, then hooks his free leg over the arm of the chair so Daniel can get a better view. He loves the way his pet looks just about ready to eat him alive.
"Look, you make my pussy so wet."
Daniel cums with a choke.
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
hiiiiii, i hope you're okay :) i have many many thoughts bc of your posts & fics and well i have to share them, so, imagine this:
wounded doe (universe?) lawrusso; they're out somewhere or at a party or something (i haven't decided if they're officially together yet or just fooling around, anyway) and someone says something to daniel or tries to start a fight or something and daniel doesn't pay this fool any mind because honestly, he doesn't have the time or energy for any of this shit anymore but then there's johnny, who just sees red the moment the nasty words leave this stranger's mouth or the moment he sees his hands on daniel and he's trying really hard to remain in control and not make a scene because he doesn't want to do anything in front of daniel but he just can't stop thinking. can't stop thinking about what he'd do to this asshole if daniel wasn't around, because he's already done it once and it felt good and he will do it again, for daniel. anything for daniel. but he can't do what he wants to do because now daniel is dragging him away so they can be alone because he knows johnny is furious and he's trying to calm him down but johnny is still shaking a little from the adrenaline and the urge to just do what he's been thinking about for months, what he can't and probably will never forget that he's done. and anyway, if he can't release all the tension from his body and mind that way, well, there are other, better ways. daniel is always down for it.
soooooo......yeah. that's it.
hi!!!! aww I'm so glad my fics have inspired you, that's so nice!!! And it's especially nice to hear about wounded doe because that's my personal favourite out of all the fics I've written. And I have more planned in this verse so stay tuned!!! More under the cut because I rambled for ages.
I love the scenario you've outlined here because that's so in tune with how I see Johnny in this verse and I think how his growing feelings for Daniel will manifest. Like I don't see their relationship being a particularly healthy one, or where they have many boundaries. I talk in my fic about how Johnny was completely dependent on Kreese for his self-worth and validation, he structured his entire self-image around what the man thought of him. But now Kreese is gone and Johnny has imprinted all of these feelings and needs onto Daniel. He makes Daniel the centre of his world, and it's even more intense because there's a romantic dimension to this relationship that there never was with Kreese. And we know how jealous and possessive Johnny was with Ali after they broke up, so imagine all of that projected onto Daniel times 100. So I see him as being extremely possessive, extremely jealous, very demanding when it comes to Daniel's time and attention etc he wouldn't ever want to think he comes second or that Daniel would prefer to spend time with anyone else. Whether it's healthy or not, he really believes Daniel belongs to him.
And Daniel for the most part is receptive to that. Like I see him mirroring that fixation and that dependence (though not in the dizzyingly extreme way Johnny does) but I think there will be moments when maybe Daniel does want a little more freedom, or wants to see how much distance he can get away with before Johnny notices and pulls him back in. So at things like parties or places where there could be lots of people and he happens to accidentally stray away because someone starts talking to him, Johnny would be watching him the entire time. Not because he doesn't trust Daniel but because he doesn't trust anyone else. Like I really think the very intense, laser-focused obsession Johnny had with Daniel during the events of the film would continue even in a romantic relationship. And god forbid anyone flirts with Daniel, or is a little too friendly, Johnny would go insane. And like you said, there's this added layer to Johnny in this verse. Like he's proven how unhinged and violent he can be. How vengeful. He's really crossed a boundary that he can never step back from, and that's always going to inform who is he romantically. Like I think the passion he already feels for Daniel combined with that innate violence will make him a very extreme, tumultuous, hot-headed boyfriend. And we know Johnny always feels more comfortable showing people how he feels than voicing it, and I think instead of talking to Daniel about feeling jealous, he'd basically just want to beat up anyone who touches him or even looks at him for too long.
But like you said too, Daniel will have his own ways of calming Johnny down. I wrote a while back that I loved the thought of Daniel knowing when Johnny's about to explode and making these soothing little noises and stroking his hands down him, and it's his little way of lessening some of that anger. Almost like he's a feral animal that wants to bite something and Daniel's the only person who can handle him without getting his own hand torn off. I can see Daniel taking him home and pulling Johnny's head into his lap and saying all these nonsensical soothing words under his breath as he cards his fingers through Johnny's hair, and slowly Johnny starts to come down from the overwhelming bout of rage he feels. (And of course there are the times when that's not enough and Johnny has to Daniel and channel all of his anger into fucking him and putting his mark on Daniel again, but in a way that makes Daniel half-insane with how good it feels. Because Johnny knows every inch of him intimately and knows exactly how to break him down. And it means Johnny can forget himself for a while by burying himself inside Daniel, wishing he never had to pull out and he could be part of him forever. And when he asks Daniel who he belongs to, Daniel always says he belongs to Johnny. And it's not just his way of making Johnny feel better, both of them know it's true.)
Ahh I rambled for ages!!! I just have so many thoughts and feelings about the two of them in this verse because I've been working on the sequel fic. It's lovely to know it's been inspiring you too!! <3
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elsonambulo · 3 years
@alienfuckeronmain asked me to do Carmanda and Samtory for this shipping ask game, and I accidentally posted before completing my answer, so here is my answer in full. Sorry I made you wait so long kasldhfs
Ship it putting it in a fancy box and mailing that box to myself
1. What made you ship it?
Admittedly, at first I was just thinking they'd look cute together as a side ship to my main ship lawrusso. But then I started really thinking about it and I watched the Pulpo restaurant scene and I was like, "God Carmen deserves so much better than Johnny and I just know Amanda would treat her right." Then I really started thinking about it and I realized they have their own version of "different but same" going on, and that coupled with their great chemistry got me fully on board. So much so that my first fics for this fandom were not for lawrusso but for them.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Everything aklsdhf. I like that they're both incredibly strong women, but in really different ways, and I like seeing how those different types of strength could mesh and clash. I like the potential struggle with the power imbalance due to class and racial issues in the society we live in - canonically, they seem to sidestep this nicely and simply fall into easy chatter if not outright friendship, but even without the pressure of romance, there's bound to be friction somewhere. Just because we don't see them disagree or become uncomfortable with one another doesn't mean it couldn't happen.
And on the flip side, I like the idea of times where they don't struggle with their differences and instead embrace them - Carmen teaching Amanda about her culture, Amanda spending money on Carmen because she wants to treat her. And I really like that they provide a different perspective on the karate war - they're involved because they have to be be, though really they'd rather not have to deal with anything karate related by now probably, and I think that in itself would be a serious point of connection and understanding.
Also as I said before: chemistry of the charts babeyyy.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think this ship has enough of a following to render any opinions truly unpopular, but I will say I ship them in a distinctly "Amanda is aro and Carmen isn't" way.
Shipping it so incredibly hard it's insane
1. What made you ship it?
Honestly? Mostly exposure at first. I didn't really ship it, but I could see why people did. And then I saw more of it and curiosity took over and I made sure to search it out and then the Dynamic and all it entailed just suddenly clicked for me. Now I go feral at the thought of them being in the same general vicinity.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like all the conflict, insane deadly karate rivalry aside: the Miguel and Robby thing, the classism, the bitterness due to socioeconomic differences, Sam accusing Tory of stealing and the ramifications of that, and the Aisha of it all. There's so much between them, so much to resolve. In my opinion, it's the inverse of Johnny and Shannon. Those two tried too hard to make it work between them and that, mixed with their own separate issues, is why they failed at being able to keep each other in their lives in a beneficial way. Tory and Sam, on the other hand, keep failing because they refuse to try to make it work. They keep approaching each other with antagonism. They have reason to dislike each other, no doubt about it, but instead of dismissing each other, they just keep engaging. Can't leave each other alone, and like. If antagonism isn't satisfying them, shouldn't they try something else?
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hmmm I don't think so? I think an unpopular opinion I have that's like, ship-adjacent, is that Tory develops a crush on Amanda, and in a way it helps her come to terms with her buried feelings for Sam. Because I think she'd like Amanda for things she already finds attractive on Sam, it's just easier to process with Amanda because Amanda is a safe adult who is helping her. Amanda makes sense in a way other people in Tory's life just don't, simply because she's one of the few rational people in the Valley. Just - idk it's easier to latch onto someone who's unattainable for a reason like "this is a grown ass woman and you are a vulnerable teenager whose life is in shambles" than someone who's unattainable because you're both teenagers who are rivals to the extreme and also you may have legit tried to kill her once or twice. Then you make amends with the girl you may have tried to kill and suddenly you realize you don't hate her and actually you really really like her and oh man you're not crushing on the safe adult anymore, are you?
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iwonderifthatisart · 2 years
not me starting another lawrusso fic about daniel as a photographer, taking slutty, slutty model pics of johnny (inspired ofc by billy’s model pics) because it pays well. might even escalate it into daniel filming johnny doing [REDACTED] because it pays even better
i already have too many wips why do i do this to myself. why do i wanna be nasty.
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olligreen · 3 years
No Bad Student | 3 -- Nice Things
Tumblr media
Pairing: Lawrusso (Daniel x Johnny) Genre: Angst Warnings: Emotionally-abusive parent mentioned briefly Word count: 1566 Summary: KK2 AU in which Johnny ends up living with Miyagi and Daniel for the summer. Inspired by nadianecromancer’s comic, but I’ll try to avoid making any scenes similar to the ones they already did! Notes: This was originally posted on Ao3 here. I’m much more used to that format than this one, but I’ve seen a lot of people post their fics here and thought I’d give it a shot.
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The dust had only just settled as Johnny’s car pulled up beside one of the tarp-covered vehicles in Miyagi’s lot. It didn’t belong there, Daniel thought, like a hyena in a pack of dogs. Daniel stood guard as Miyagi paid no mind to it at all, heading back to his work promptly, as if leading him there was just another errand he completed.
Johnny slammed his door with no malice, but the sound still tensed his rival’s shoulders. They met eyes momentarily before he set out toward Miyagi, his steps purposeful. He stopped a few feet from him, crossing his arms and glaring.
Miyagi gave him a nod but was otherwise unbothered.
“So what’s this problem you were talking about?” He spat out caustically.
“Talk later.”
“What? What do you mean? I’m here, my car’s here, now tell me what’s going on.”
“Talk later,” Miyagi demanded.
“This is unbelievable! What am I supposed to do until then?”
Miyagi ceased his work, looking up at him. “Don’t know. Go home?”
Johnny’s eyes drifted back toward the car without his intention as he searched for a proper response. “How the hell am I supposed to go home without my car?”
Miyagi turned his head to Daniel, who was watching from the very edge of hearing distance. Johnny followed Miyagi’s gaze and scoffed, not hiding any aspect of his frustration.
Daniel’s brows shifted. “No! No way! I’m not driving him around!”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Johnny retorted.
“It means I’m not doin’ it, dumbass! What do you think?”
Johnny’s eyes widened with rage. The same, purposeful steps sent him rapidly closer to Daniel.
Fear struck him just as aggressively as before, but he hid it well, as still and composed as a statue. “Look, I’m just saying, man, we’re not friends. I don’t want you around.”
“Yeah?” Johnny stepped close enough that their difference in height forced Daniel to look upward. He hovered there for a moment, letting his dominant stature assert itself before he spoke. “Well, I’m right here. What’re you gonna do about it, LaRusso?”
A sigh sounded from behind Johnny as Miyagi gave him a gentle push, bringing him back a few steps. Still, Johnny’s glare was locked on his opponent, whose defenses crumbled as soon as they separated, eyes looking anywhere but forward.
“Daniel-san. Move bed inside, work there.”
“What? You’re giving me work when he was the one who--”
“Go!” Miyagi shouted harshly.
After making a final, silent complaint, Daniel stomped off toward the house. He dragged the unassembled parts inside as quickly as he could since every second he spent in sight range of that prick was torture.
Johnny watched on with a sadistic grin, feeling, for the first time in a while, like he won.
“Why smile? Something funny?” Miyagi asked in his own form of sarcasm.
“Well, I--...” Johnny launched immediately into defense. “Look, man, you don’t know what that asshole really did, alright? You’ve only seen it from his side.”
Miyagi hummed in understanding, then gestured for him to continue.
“Tell your side.”
“Oh… uh…” Johnny’s eyes glanced to the house behind Miyagi, checking the windows. “I--... Alright, well, first he stole my girlfriend.”
Miyagi hummed again, furrowing his brows.
“Well--... Well, alright, we’d been broken up for a couple of weeks, but--... But it wasn’t over, alright? In fact, we were trying to talk things out but he kept butting into it. And then the guy punches me in the face! Outta’ nowhere!”
Miyagi nodded slowly.
“And so I--… y’know, I defend myself, and--... and--... Y’know what, long story short, she ends up going out with him, and--... And then he dumps water on me for no reason, like an asshole, ruined my joi--... my uh… my costume, and then we chased after him and--... well, you were there for that one, but we were just--... It was justice, alright?! He started that whole thing.”
Miyagi hummed. “That everything?”
“Well--... I dunno, I guess I just--...” Johnny sighed, his voice solemn, quiet. “Y’know, I lost Ali to him, and then--... then--... You have no idea how important karate was to me, man.”
Johnny’s gaze drifted downward, his mouth hanging open as he searched for a response, but found none.
Miyagi nodded, letting the silence hang for a while longer.
But Johnny was sick of silence. “So uh… what about that problem with my car? Is it bad?”
“Car problem not bad, can fix. You problem more important.”
“What problem? What’re you talking about, man?”
“Your trip.”
Johnny’s shoulders tensed as he felt his ruse falling. Still, he tried to hold on. “Yeah, to Malibu, like I said. I--... my family has a beach house there.”
Miyagi hummed, nodding lightly. “What family like?”
Johnny kept his gaze behind Miyagi. It drifted from window to window. “We’re fine. Normal, I guess.”
“Brother? Sister?”
“No, no it’s just--... It’s just me.”
Miyagi nodded, watching Johnny's expressions intently. “Encino, yes? Very nice place.”
“Yeah.” He said with a shallow nod, his eyes drifting downward.
“Not nice?”
His eyes lifted, surprise behind his blank expression. “Oh, no it’s nice and all, it’s just--... I dunno, it bugs me when people assume your life is good just because you’ve got money, y’know?”
Miyagi nodded.
“‘Cause I mean, it’s all good stuff: the pool, my car, our house, but--...” His words drifted off.
“It’s stuff. That’s all it is. It can’t replace everything else.”
Miyagi paused for a moment as he chose his words. “What missing?”
He sighed sharply in frustration, buying time. “My step-dad--...” The words seemed difficult to say, so much so that it stopped the sentence short.
Miyagi indicated again for him to continue.
“He just--...” His eyes moved along the ground as he thought. “He’s an asshole.”
Miyagi nodded, seeming to understand fully.
“Not just to me either, to my mom, to his employees, to everybody. Guy just likes being mean to people.”
“This reason you go on trip?”
His eyes went up to Miyagi’s again, the shock a bit more obvious this time. “I--... Yeah. He doesn’t want me around anymore, now that I’m… an adult, I guess. I don’t feel like an adult.”
“Know the feeling,” Miyagi said simply before starting off toward the house. 
Johnny watched as he moved away, then sped up to catch him. “You do?” He walked at his side, his gaze now fixed on him.
“Leave home alone too, just fifteen years old.”
“Fifteen? Are you serious? That’s crazy!”
“Hai.” Miyagi swung open the door of his home, holding it as Johnny entered after him. He took a turn, then opened a pine chest full of linens and cushions in plain, warm coloration. They looked inexpensive, but comfortable nonetheless.
Johnny made his own search with him, his eyes moving about the entry room, then he sighed in relief as he didn’t find who he was looking for. While he was distracted, he felt a soft thud as something hit his chest. Miyagi had set a bound bedroll against it. He lifted his arms to take the minimal weight of the thing, but by his expression, it was clear he didn’t know why. “What’s this for?”
“Right, but what do I need it for?”
“Sleeping.” He began setting everything back into the chest, organized properly.
Johnny stared forward in confusion for a few more seconds. “Are you saying I can stay here?”
“What--... With Daniel?”
“Hai... Yes.”
“Don’t you think he’ll have a problem with that?”
“Don’t know.”
Johnny watched, puzzled, as the teacher prepared to brew some tea as if nothing important was going on at all. 
It was only now that the surreal nature of the situation hit Johnny. He was inside Mr. Miyagi’s house, the same place that Daniel was given the weapons he used had against him. And yet, it wasn’t a negative experience -- not entirely, at least. He wasn’t sure what it was about the old man, but even having known him for this short of a time he knew that Mr. Miyagi was different from all the men in his life. He was better. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed to know exactly what he needed to hear, or his almost frustrating brevity, or maybe it was just the fact that he listened. He heard and understood what he was saying without forcing his own biases on his words. He saw his emotions even when he didn’t want to express them. Miyagi listened to him, and it felt good.
Johnny smiled warmly at the thought, but the smile quickly fell as he heard a loud thump behind him, muffled by the wall. Miyagi didn’t look up. He was too busy selecting a box from his tea cabinet.
“You sleep there.” Miyagi gestured with an empty kettle toward just about where that sound rang from: a door on the opposite side of the room. It didn’t exactly match the color or wear of the others, as it seemed it was just put there recently.
“I--... But--...”
“Hm?” Miyagi threw up a brow, looking over at the bewildered blonde only occasionally as he worked.
Johnny couldn’t seem to find the words to any of the questions he wanted to ask, so, with confusion still on his expression, he walked into the door, the bedroll tucked under his arm.
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narisjournal-blog · 4 years
A Way With Words
Fandom: Cobra Kai
Pairings: Samantha Larusso x Robby Keene, Robby Keene x Miguel Diaz (platonic)
Word Count: 3490
Warnings: sexting
Notes: So in this fic Sam and Robby are together, and there are some strong Kiaz vibes. I’ve made it platonic, but it could get dirtier. I’m not comfortable posting that, though as they are underage.  Please let me know what you think, I’m needy.
This would take place in season 2 after the Lawrusso double date, imagining that Sam and Robby didn’t go to the party and the shit didnt hit the fan. Thanks for reading x
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A Way with Words
Robby stood at the door to Jonny’s place taking in what lay before him. His father had clearly attempted to clean but there wasn’t much you could do when so much was ingrained. The couch was old and stained, the walls an off-white that made it feel darker, and there was a constant musty smell that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. At least he had got rid of all the empty beer bottles, Robby thought.
‘I know it’s not much, not compared to the Larussos,’ Johnny said, a hint of shame in his voice. ‘But it’s home. It’s safe. You know you’re welcome any time.’
Robby sighed as the door closed behind him.
‘How long do I have to stay here?’ He asked.
He looked round and he knew from the look in Johnny’s eyes that he had hurt him.
Johnny shook his head, resigning himself to the abuse he probably deserved.
‘Just a couple days. While The Larussos are away.’
Robby gave a wry smile. ‘They don’t trust me with their daughter.’
‘Definitely not,’ Johnny laughed.
Robby rolled his eyes.
‘Oh come on, like you weren’t gonna make a move the second her parents left?’
After a beat, Robby shrugged. ‘Maybe.’
Johnny gave him a slap on the back.
‘Come on, you can suffer a few days with your old man. I think you’ll find a lot more freedom here.
‘Where shall I put my things?’
‘Right through here,’ Johnny said, leading him to the small spare room.
‘I’ll be through there. Make yourself at home.’
He left and Robby slumped down on the bed.
This is a good thing, he told himself with his head in his hands. He’s trying. That’s more than he ever has before.
He had been really resistant to the idea when His father and Mr Larusso had finally sat down to talk and come to an agreement that Robby could stay with his Dad while the family were away. Even Johnny agreed it was better for Robby to live with the Larussos for the time being because he really didn’t have that much to offer in terms of comfort or luxury.
Robby had felt disappointed that he wouldn’t get to spend the time with Sam. It was so rare they got any time alone and he had thought maybe things might heat up a little while her parents were away.
Apparently Mr Larusso was well versed in teenage boy thinking.
He started to unpack his bag when there was a knock at the front door.
‘Carmen?’ Johnny’s voice said.
‘Johnny, I’m so sorry to do this, I know it’s a lot but it’s an emergency.’ She sounded upset. Carmen? Robby thought, trying to think if he knew her.
‘Hey hey, slow down,’ Johnny said. Robby continued unpacking clothes, thinking nothing of it.
‘Are you ok? What happened?’
‘It’s my mother. She collapsed and they don’t know what’s going on, they think she may have had a heart attack. She’s in hospital out of town and’ Johnny cut her off.
‘Yaya? Oh my God I’m so sorry.’
‘Can Miggy stay here for tonight so I can be with her? Please?’
Miggy? Who the hell was... and then it dawned on him.
Instantly Robby’s fists clenched and he rose to his feet.
Why did he think it would be any different? He started throwing his clothes back into his bag haphazardly.
‘I uh...’ Johnny’s voice continued, sounding uncomfortable. ‘I kinda have Robby...’
‘Please, Johnny. We’ve got no-one else.’
‘Mom, come on. I’ll be fine on my own.’ Miguel’s voice.
Carmen snipped at him in rapid Spanish, then quickly switched back to English.
‘He’ll be no trouble, and I’ll pay you for food,’ she added.
‘You don’t have to do that, I...’
Robby knew what was coming. ‘Yeah, sure he can stay. I’ll just have to talk to Robby, since you guys aren’t exactly best of friends.’
‘I don’t want any trouble,’ Miguel mumbled.
Robby slammed his fist into the wall and instantly regretted it as pain shot through his whole wrist.
He sat back on the bed nursing his hand.Swirling around with the anger, he could feel the hurt and the disappointment tightening his throat. His eyes burned and he shook his head to try and control it.
Why did he ever believe it could be any different?
There was a knock at the bedroom door. He stood, throwing his bag back over his shoulder.
The door opened. Johnny looked so awkward, it was pathetic. Like he was trying to pretend the decision was hard.
‘Robby, you probably heard. Miguel’s-‘
Robby cut him off.
‘Yeah I heard. I should’ve known.’
He flexed his hand to see if the pain was easing but it throbbed once again and he winced.
‘Are you ok?’ Johnny nodded to Robby’s hand.
‘Yeah I’m just peachy,’ he retorted.
‘Did you punch a wall?’
Robby didn’t answer.
‘Oh for God’s sake.’
‘Yeah well I should have known it was stupid to think I was your priority for once when you just jump at the chance to help your favourite son,’ Robby said.
Johnny scoffed. ‘Oh will you quit being such a baby. The guy’s going through a hard time, would you just put your hate to the side for one night and be a civilised human being?’
‘Whatever, I’m going back to the Larussos,’ Robby said and made to barge past Johnny.
He forgot just how strong and stubborn his father could be. Johnny grabbed his arm and shoved him back into the room. He stumbled backwards and then found his balance to pull his fist back.
‘The hell you are. What, you just give up? This is your problem Robby, you make it so hard. I know I haven’t been perfect but I’m trying, ok? Any time I try to do right by you, to be there for you or whatever, it’s like you’re just waiting for me to fuck it up and then you shut me out again.’
‘What am I supposed to do? I can’t rely on you,’ he said.
‘Come on just take a second to calm down. Find your centre or whatever that bullshit is that Larusso is teaching you.’
Robby had been caught off guard with a blow he never expected from his father. And he was right, he did need to calm down. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing.
He could feel his body calming and he hated that his father was right.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Johnny’s pleading face. Robby felt his defences ease.
‘I guess I’m just disappointed, Dad.’
Johnny’s eyes fell to the floor.
‘I get that, you have every right to be. But I can’t turn him away at a time like this, Robby. It’s the right thing to do. Deep down you know it.’
Robby sat back on the bed, resigned.
‘No fighting, alright?’ Johnny added, pointing at Robby.
‘But I-‘ Robby began to protest but he got cut off.
‘No fighting. My house, my rules.’ Robby exhaled.
‘I’m gonna go see if he’s alright,’
Johnny added then left.
Robby flopped back on the bed and ran his hands through his hair. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a text from Sam.
‘How’s it going?’
He wrote back. ‘Not great. Your ex is staying too.’
Almost right away she was ringing him.
‘Miguel is staying with you?’ She asked sounding perplexed.
‘Yeah. Weird right?’
‘How come? Like was it planned, did your dad know?’
‘No, it’s an emergency. His grandma is in hospital.’
‘yaya? Shit...This is going to be really hard for him.’
Of course she would sympathise with Migue, he thought rolling his eyes.
‘Do you think you can be nice to him?’
‘I’m not an asshole Sam.‘
‘No but your defences are up when you’re around your dad and Miguel. You know I’m right.’
Robby sighed. She was right. After what seemed like a long silence, he spoke again.
‘Ok. Tell me how.’
‘Just try and empathise, Robby. I know it’s hard because it’s him, but just try and think about what he’s going through. ‘
Robby sighed.
‘For me?’ She added in that way she knew would make him melt.
‘I miss you’ she added, changing the subject swiftly. ‘I was kinda hoping we might get some alone time this weekend.’
‘Me too.’
‘It’s no fun all alone in this big empty house. I miss kissing you.’ Sam’s voice was soft, playful but almost shy.
‘Maybe I can come over tomorrow?’ Robby posed.
‘I can’t stop thinking about all the things we could do if you were here.’
Robby, heart pounding, drew breath to ask for more detail, but he was interrupted .
‘Robby?’ He heard Johnny shout. Then a knock at the door before it pushed open.
‘I’m getting pizza, do you want some?’
Robby sighed. ‘Sam, I gotta go. Text me. I wanna know.’
He hung up.
‘Uh yeah, I’ll go for pizza.
‘Sounds good.’
‘Ok, well can you come out here and keep Miguel company while I’m gone? He’s pretty down.’
Robby couldn’t stop himself rolling his eyes. He stood and headed out the door nonetheless.
‘Is he crying?’ He asked with disdain.
Johnny slapped the back of his head on his way past.
‘Don’t be a dick,’ was all he said.
‘Ow!’ Robby rubbed his head, shocked at his father’s response.
‘Back soon,’ Johnny added as he left and closed the front door behind him.
Robby stood at the far side of the room trying to compose himself.
He looked across at Miguel, who was sat on the couch staring in the vague direction of the TV, although it wasn’t on. The boy looked so vulnerable, brown eyes wide with sadness.
Robby approached him.
‘Hey you know you’re supposed to turn it on first, right?’ He said.
Miguel seemed to snap out of some daydream and gave a faintly sarcastic smile.
‘You’re funny,’ he muttered. There was a long pause before Robby spoke again. He was surprised to realise he actually felt nervous.
‘Hey, you want a beer?’ Robby asked.
Miguel furrowed his brow in confusion. ‘We’re not...’ Robby raised an eyebrow.
‘Sure,’ Miguel shrugged, not wishing to argue.
Robby went to the refrigerator and grabbed two of Johnny’s Coors Banquets, looking around for a bottle opener. He opened them both and handed one to Miguel, who took it cautiously. ‘Are you sure? Won’t Sensei be pissed?’
‘Not at you,’ Robby said pointing the bottle to Miguel and sitting on the couch next to him. ‘You can get away with anything right now. I’m using you as a human shield. To your Grandma,’ He added, taking a big swig.
Miguel sighed, raised his bottle and said ‘to Yaya,’ then drank. He pulled a face at the taste and Robby laughed.
‘Yeah it’s shit.’
‘Why are you drinking it then?’
‘Because I can,’ Robby shrugged, taking another big swig.
They drank in silence for a while until Robby knocked back the last of his beer and stood to put the bottle on the table.
He didn’t realise his phone had slid out of his pocket - the shorts he was wearing were tight and had terrible pockets. He always managed to lose his phone when he wore them.
Robby was looking through the cupboards to see if there was anything decent to eat when he heard Miguel exclaim.
‘Woah, dude. You should really lock your screen.’
Robby whipped round to find Miguel holding his phone and reading something.
‘Hey!’ He yelled. ‘Give that back.’ He volted over the back of the couch to try and catch Miguel in a headlock so he could grab his phone back but Miguel was too fast and on his feet before Robby landed.
‘I miss your lips against mine,’ Miguel read, mocking in his tone. ‘I’ve been thinking about the way-’ Robby had grabbed him and pushed him to the wall but Miguel still managed to hold his phone out of reach and finish reading.
‘About the way you pressed me against the wall when you kissed me. I wish we hadn’t got interrupted.’ He laughed but relented and let Robby snatch his phone back. Robby considered punching him in the stomach for good measure, but thought better of it.
He opened the message from Sam and read through it again.
‘That’s private,’ he said, cheeks flushing against his will.
‘Well you certainly made an impression on Sam,’ Miguel added.
Robby was trying to think of some retort, but his mind was still half on what Sam had said.
‘You shouldn’t have read that,’ he said, glaring at Miguel.
‘Ok, I’m sorry. Come on I’m not trying to start anything... it was just there. I need something to take my mind off things anyway.’
‘And my private conversations are what you chose?’
Robby read the message again. He didn’t know where to go with that. He tried to think of what to say back to her but kept drawing a blank. He’d never been that good with words.
‘Are you ok?’ Miguel asked, actually sounding like he meant it.
‘Yeah. I just...’
Robby looked up and saw Miguel was staring at him, so he looked away quickly. He wished it wasn’t Miguel that was here right now. He really didn’t want to mess this up with Sam.
‘Look I’m sorry, but you don’t need to be embarrassed.’ Miguel continued to watch Robby. ‘Are you gonna reply?’
‘What? No that’s none of your business! I’m not talking about this. Just keep out of it ok?’
Robby stormed back to his room and slammed the door.
Miguel rolled his eyes and sighed, taking another drink of the awful beer. He had thought they were getting somewhere, but Robby was just so highly strung it was impossible.
He was trying to work out if he should feel jealous when Robby’s door opened again slowly. Miguel looked round and Robby stood half in half out staring at his phone still.
He looked up.
‘Should I reply?’ He asked.
‘Dude, yes. You have to reply. You can’t leave her hanging like that.’
Robby bit his lip, thinking.
‘What... what though?’
He walked back over to sit beside Miguel again.
‘Just tell her what you want.’
Robby looked up at Miguel, doubt in his eyes.
‘Look, if you were with her right now, what would you do?’
Robby shifted uncomfortably.
‘You do know what to do, right?’
‘Oh fuck off,’ Robby retorted. ‘It’s just not the same. Like, if I was with her, it would just happen. I get a read off her energy, you know?’
Miguel laughed. ‘You are so Miyagi-do.’
‘Just help me ok? What do I say?’ Robby pleaded.
‘Pick up where she left off.’
Robby’s thumbs hovered over the keyboard but nothing came.
Miguel sighed and held his hand out for the phone.
‘What are you crazy? I’m not giving you my phone again.’
‘Look I’m not gonna send anything, I’ll just start you off, ok? Come on. I have a way with words.’
‘Oh like you have a tonne of experience or something?’ Robby scoffed.
‘No, I just...’ he sighed. ‘I read a lot of fanfiction. Don’t,’ he added when Robby laughed. ‘You can learn a lot from fanfiction. Come on.’
Reluctantly, Robby handed over his phone.
He watched over Miguel’s shoulder as he typed and laughed in disbelief at the explicit picture Miguel was painting with his words.
‘Oh my god,’ he said. ‘I can’t send that.’
Miguel didn’t answer while he concentrated.
‘Ok I’ve changed my mind. Give me my phone back. That’s straight up porn, there’s no way I’m sending that.’ Robby tried to grab his phone but Miguel instinctively dodged and held it out of reach again while he finished typing.
‘No come on I said I changed my mind,’ Robby tried again, grabbing Miguel this time and shoving him to the floor, straddling him with his arm across his chest to hold him down.
Miguel gasped and looked at Robby with guilty eyes.
‘What?’ Robby asked, not catching on. Miguel looked down at Robby’s phone, the message bar now empty. It had sent.
‘Fuck,’ Robby said, grabbing his phone back but not letting Miguel up. ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’
‘I’m sorry, you knocked me. I didn’t mean to - I’m sorry,’ Miguel garbled, flinching away but also trying not to laugh.
Robby pressed his arm into Miguel’s chest harder, which made him cough. The cough turned to laughter and Robby wasn’t sure why but he ended up laughing too. It was so absurd and he didn’t know what else to do.
That was when the front door opened and Johnny came in.
Robby realised he still had Miguel pinned and quickly let him go.
‘Were you guys... fighting?’ Johnny asked, not sure what he had walked in on.
‘We we’re just messing around,’ Robby said quickly, glancing at Miguel who was brushing himself off and standing up.
Johnny narrowed his eyes looking from one boy to the other. ‘Whatever. Come give me a hand with this Robby,’ He added and handed him the pile of pizzas.
Robby looked again at his phone, still in shock at what had just happened, gave another glance back to Miguel who was trying not to laugh again. He shoved it in his pocket, and put the pizzas on the table.
Johnny was at the fridge.
‘Did you drink my beer?’ He asked.
‘Sorry sensei,’ Miguel said quickly. ‘It was my idea. I needed something to take my mind off Yaya.’
Johnny looked at them both again, suspecting there was some kind of conspiring happening.
‘Alright...’ he said, looking from one boy to the other. ‘Just nobody tell Carmen alright, I don’t wanna be on her bad side.’
He grabbed a beer, opened it and threw himself onto the couch.
‘You guys wanna watch a movie?’
Robby handed a pizza box to Miguel, grabbed the other two then leaned in as he walked past.
‘He’s totally trying to bang your Mom,’ he muttered, grinning.
The three of them had settled into the film and the pizza, all crammed onto that couch. Robby and Miguel had spent half the time pushing each other and complaining that the other was taking up too much space.
Robby felt his phone buzz in his pocket and instantly remembered what had happened. He shared a worried glance with Miguel, who also felt it buzz.
He pulled his phone out to look. It was from Sam, of course.
‘Robby that was hot,’ was all she said. Then the three dots appeared to show she was writing back.
Robby tapped Miguel’s leg, although he was already reading it. They grinned at each other. Miguel shrugged as if to say ‘I told you.’
After a few minutes her message came through. Robby didn’t even try to hide it from Miguel now. His heart raced as he read through her words, telling him what she wanted. Miguel exclaimed and tried to pretend he was coughing so Johnny wouldn’t catch on.
Robby shifted awkwardly. Part of him wanted to go to his room and be alone, but then he also still needed help. The cursor blinked at him.
Miguel, who was now leaning quite heavily into him to see what he was writing, held his hand out. Robby gave him his phone with no hesitation this time.
‘If I was there with you now I would...’ he typed then handed it back.
Robby sighed. He started typing something out as Miguel reached over and grabbed a couple of slices of pizza. He held one out to Robby.
Robby took it absently. He was staring at the screen again.
He looked up helplessly at Miguel. Miguel nodded encouragement and Robby added more to his text.
‘What are you boys doing ?’ Johnny asked, noticing their focus had shifted.
‘Homework,’ Robby said quickly.
‘Group chat,’ Miguel said at the same time.
After a beat, Miguel clarified. ‘It’s a study group chat.’
Johnny shrugged it off. He didn’t believe them but they weren’t fighting so he honestly didn’t care.
Robby sent his message after a nod from Miguel. He left his phone unlocked on his knee and they both stared at the TV while they waited.
After several minutes, a picture flashed up on Robby’s phone. Sam had sent a selfie in her underwear.
Robby gasped and grabbed his phone quickly and locked it, but not before Miguel had seen.
Miguel just gave him an approving slap on the back.
Robby cleared his throat.
‘Yeah I’m gonna get a shower,’ he said, standing up a swiftly and leaving the room.
‘Is he alright?’ Johnny sighed.
Miguel grinned in that knowing way of his.
‘He’s fine, trust me. He’s just really excited about this homework.’
If anyone wants to be tagged in future writes then let me know.
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
What we want, have and need - chapter 14
Notes: This is the fourteenth chapter of the Lawrusso and Sam/Robby long fic that I'm posting on AO3 and on Tumblr. You can read the next chapters on AO3 or the previous chapters on Tumblr here. I hope you enjoy this!
Louie rules!
Johnny is minding his own business during a class when Samantha tries to sneak in unnoticed – just like her dad did, or tried to do, when they were nothing but confused teenagers trying to figure out the secrets of the universe. He notices her and allows her to get inside without interrupting the current class.
She hides in his office, bouncing up and down on her feet. Twenty-three minutes later, the sensei bursts into the room, asking what is it that she wants.
“I brought this for you”, she hands him the heavy envelope that she got from Louie.
A stapled note explains Louie’s journey to win the process and make Shannon pay all the debt with interests using his lawyer labia. It has like, two and a half pages.
“I can set up an appointment so my dad will take care of you and Robby at the dealership.”
“I’d like that”, he pockets the cash.
Sam waves as she drives home, imagining how Robby will react to the news that he’ll get a car – and she would love to be around when he is at the dealership.
She giggles with her thoughts as she opens the door and goes to hug the woman. Amanda wraps her arms around her daughter.
“I missed you so much!”
“Aww. I missed you too, sweetheart. Now, your dad was telling me about that tournament you won. Why didn’t you told me you were doing Karate?”
“She couldn’t”, Daniel shows up in the living room, patting Sam’s hair. “Because she had to hide her best friend, who also happens to be my student and her sensei’s son.”
Amanda makes a confused face. They go on, explaining that Sam joined Cobra Kai under Johnny Lawrence – Amanda frowns when Daniel says that, but since he remains calm, she assumes they have already worked it out – who has a son, named Robby.
Samantha has been friends with this boy since they met in middle school and due to their parents’ past and – as it seemed at the time – long-lasting rivalry, two nine-year-olds made the mature – although unnecessary – decision of hiding their friendship until the time to rise up came.
Robby wanted more attention and some affection demonstrations from his father, so he managed to get it exploring the only emotions the boy could understand at the time: envy and anger. This is why he asked Daniel to teach him. More than Karate, he also learned how to balance within.
Sam wanted her father to notice she was there and needed him to be by her side, so she was taken under the wings of the sensei and became his best student.
The natural course of facts took Sam to the All-Valley Karate Tournament and she made her way to the finals, in which she used the crane kick on her opponent’s face (Amanda doesn’t have to look away from Sam to know that Daniel is smiling proudly).
Robby arrives earlier than the other students, according to his routine. He enters the dojo and “warms up” with some breathing and meditation. Daniel notices him there and joins the boy, nodding as Robby finishes the exercise.
“So, why didn’t you tell me about your dad?”, Daniel says when they leave the room.
“Because I wasn’t ready for it yet.”
Daniel sighs, patting the boy’s shoulder.
“You thought I’d refuse to train you if I knew who your father is?”
“We didn’t even want to tell you we were friends when we were children, so, why would I do that now?”
“You had to respect the pact”, Robby makes a confused face. “She told me about that. I’m sorry you thought you had to hide your friendship due to a stupid rivalry older than you. You lost many cool experiences you’d have had together thanks to that.”
The student delivers a speech on how comprehensive him and Sam want to be with their fathers, since they are ok with them keeping their senseis as well.
“That’s very mature of you. Karate can be a great start for a better relationship with Johnny, because it seems to be the easiest way, but someday, one of you might not be able to do Karate anymore, and you’ll be forced to build your relationship from scratch again.”
Demetri and Chris arrive and Robby uses this cue to leave and “help Nate with some moves”.
A few days go by and Robby isn’t fully recovered of what seemed to be Mr. L’s greatest piece of advice ever.
"You're home early."
"I was thinking of having dinner at that burger joint today. What do you say?"
"I say...", common interests, said sensei. "Let's go."
Johnny smiles as Robby follows him outside. He almost can't believe. They'll spend some time together. Robby wants to pick the music, Johnny lets him. Smiling as if he was going to drink all the cappuccino he can, Robby plugs an AUX cord on the old radio – the boy really can't get why his old man won't buy a new one – and selects a Hamilton song – Johnny could never tell the difference between this and a common rap song. Soon, they are jamming to Mulligan's plan.
Johnny likes it, but he wouldn't concede. Next, Johnny suggests they listen to some REO Speedwagon. And hey, it's not as lame as twelve-year-old Robby used to think. In fact, the lyrics are so immersive that he doesn’t notice where they are going until they get there.
“What are we doing here?”, Robby stares at the gigantic LaRusso board above the building.
“Buying a car, duh. What else someone can do here?”
Robby follows his dad inside. He almost doesn’t believe in his eyes. Everything in the dealership is so shiny… the place is nearly as bright as Sam.
“Hello, I’m here to see Mr. LaRusso”, Johnny says to the receptionist as if the phrase was a password he learned from Sam.
“He’s waiting for you”, the young man on the counter offers them a smile so wide and bright that Johnny wonders if there isn’t a weird rule about being happy all the time in this company.
Daniel meets them in the main atrium, dressed up like all the other rich man in the room – it kind of reminds Johnny of his step-father, but much, much prettier and nicer. In the second he notices Johnny and Robby are there, he turns on his heels and walks towards to them – leaving his client talking by himself in the process.
“Hi, boys!”
“Hi, sensei”, Robby bows slightly.
“How are you doing, man?”, Johnny goes for a handshake. Robby immediately thinks that’s not what his father was planning to do when Daniel approached them.
“Life can’t get boring when you get to see such preciosities every day.”
They engage on an excited conversation about cars and of which, Robby is excluded right away. Not that he cares much; it’s cool to see his father and his sensei getting along.
“Oh, I almost forgot it! You are here for him, right?”, Daniel exclaims, looking at Robby.
Undoubtedly, the kid has no idea what they are taking about, but he walks after them to the patio where Mr. L keeps the old cars. Then, Johnny and Daniel hold the doors open for Robby.
“Go ahead”, the father whispers at the son’s ear with the seriousness of someone who is sharing a top-secret information. “Choose one.”
Robby sprints through the patio, willing to have a look at everything that is here. Johnny and Daniel chuckle as they go after him, answering all of his questions. Robby is so excited to finally get a car that he needs three laps around the place to stop and decide.
“This is it”, he stares at a red 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS 350.
“Then it’s yours”, Daniel touches his shoulder, smiling. “I’ll get the keys and the paperwork. Be right back.”
While Daniel walks back inside, Robby turns to Johnny, still amazed.
“How is that possible?”, he inquires.
“Long story short, let’s just say that Sam reminded me that Shannon owed us years of unpaid child support and had a lawyer solve this situation.”
“That’s… very nice.”
“Really nice, indeed.”
“I like having Sam and Mr. L around”, Robby confesses, although they know it’s not a secret.
“I like them too”, and I would love to know if they like to be around us as well.
Daniel shows up again, holding papers on one hand and a bonsai tree on the other and he is about to drop everything down. Luckly, Johnny runs to him, saving the poor little tree from being shattered into pieces.
“My hero”, Daniel fakes a thin voice, sighing and rolling his eyes like a helpless maiden from a fairytale.
“At your service, my lord”, Johnny makes a kissing sound and takes the paperwork out of his hand. “I’ll take that, thank you.”
Johnny doesn’t have the time of his life reading and signing what seems to be thousands of papers – him and LaRusso are in good terms now; he wouldn’t write a tricky contract just to harm his new friend, would he? – but when he hears Robby talking about how amazing it will be to drive Sam on dates on his brand-new Camaro – it’s new for him and that’s what matters –, he smiles and keeps on with his work.
When the boy isn’t paying attention, Daniel slides another trinket into Johnny’s hand with a reticent look in his face.
“Thank you”, he whispers.
“My pleasure”, Daniel answers, sending shivers down Johnny’s spine.
Later that night, Robby drives to the LaRusso household and rings the doorbell. Daniel opens the door, chuckling when he sees his favorite student all dressed up in dirty Chuck Taylors, shiny jeans, band shirt and a jacket that is a bit too large for him – probably its real owner is Johnny.
“Don’t you look sharp?!”, he smiles, allowing him in. “So, what is tonight’s big plan?”
“Huh… movies and then, dinner.”
“I liked it, so I’ll let you go upstairs and ask the girl out yourself.”
He basically climbs up the staircase and walks on the familiar hallway – life has given him some reasons to believe he could find his way around here in the dark without running into a wall or breaking something.
Sam is lying on her bed, reading a university guide about that fancy school she wants to apply for.
“What’s the hat for?”, her eyes get a little up from the guide.
“I’m not… is that an Avenue Q reference?”
“Of course it is”, she puts the guide on her desk and straightens up her posture so Robby can sit by her side. “But really, what brings a sweet handsome boy like you here?”
“I just came to see my beautiful smart girlfriend and ask her out.”
“Hmmm…”, her eyes shine when she smiles. “Where are we going?”
“That’s a surprise.”
She makes him wait in the guest room while she gets ready. He knows it won’t take too much time, but he is glad to find some comic books to read for the next few minutes. When Sam shows up at the door step, her hair is falling in a cascade of brown waves on her shoulders and she is wearing a black blouse under a Cobra Kai jacket with skinny jeans and boots – Robby remotely remembers that he bought these pair of boots at some moment.
“You look amazing”, he says as she twirls around herself.
“Thanks. You should see my date. He’s even prettier than me.”
They are holding hands when they get past Mr. L, that gives only one recommendation:
“Drive carefully, kid.”
“I’ll, dad”, Sam takes her BMW keys out of his purse.
“I wasn’t talking to you, sweetheart.”
She turns to Robby, her blue eyes wide open.
“Bye, Mr. L”, he says, leading the girl to the car entrance.
She grew up surrounded by Mr. Miyagi’s beautiful cars collection and owns a respectable BMW, but even so, that Camaro impresses her. The painting is perfect and the mirrors are shinning.
“I knew you would pick something good”, she smiles proudly.
“My father and I made some polishing work earlier”, he announces, knowing that Sam will get happier.
They buckle up and Sam enjoys the pleasures of being in the passenger seat with her boyfriend for the first time. There isn’t much to do except for picking the music – Robby is about to apply the “my car, my music” rule when he realizes his car doesn’t have a Bluetooth device yet, so he’ll have to settle for Sam’s playlist, which has basically the same tracks as his – and admiring the view of the night falling over the Valley.
Yes, it’s a beautiful scene, but in Sam’s opinion, there’s nothing better to look at than a happy Robby Lawrence. There is so much joy bottled on his small being that he is bouncing on his seat.
Every now and then, his fingers meet Samantha’s hand. They feel the same electricity they felt on the ferris wheel and it feels so right and perfect when they get off the car and walk in the movie theater, holding hands.
The trailers haven’t ended yet when Sam places her arm on Robby’s shoulders. A popcorn bucket is placed on her knee. When they left her place, she imagined they would have a make-out session – you know, like on TV – but she forgot to consider the fact that the boy who is sitting by her side is a total art nerd and would never take his eyes an inch off the screen to do something he could do in every other room like… kissing. Turns out the movie is amusing and automatically becomes their movie.
They leave the theater and the cool summer breeze gets them off guard.
“Damn, it’s cold”, Robby rubs his arms, willing to protect the skin from the wind.
“Here, have my jacket.”
She covers his shoulders with the red piece of cloth with a Cobra printed on it and drags him to the Camaro even before he can open his mouth and protest.
It’s kinda weird that Samantha’s clothes fit in Robby’s body and he feels a ball of betrayal getting down his throat, but when they pass by a mirror on the way inside the restaurant and he realizes how badass he looks with that jacket on, he gets more comfortable with that.
The dinner is fine. Sam spends the whole meal star-gazing at Robby’s eyes and she knows he’s doing the same thing.
“So… what are we?”, his voice brings the girl down, reminding her they are seating on a table with soda cans.
“What do you mean?”
“We have been around each other for too long to play dumb, remember?”
“Ok, let’s think this through”, they take rhythmic breaths. “I don’t think we can still be friends.”
“This sounded like the beginning of a break up speech”, Sam chuckles, covering her laugh with a hand.
Trust me, I don’t wanna break up with you, they think the same thing, at the same time, but they will never be aware of this.
“How about we become girlfriend and boyfriend instead?”, she suggests.
“Time for a proper speech?”, he goes on before she can agree to that – God knows she would anyway. “I have been by your side for…”, he stops, counting the time in his fingers. “Eight years, I guess. And I’ve listened to all of your ideas. Some of them were terrible, others were ok, most of them were wonderful and brilliant, but this one… this one is your best idea ever.”
Sam leans over the table for a kiss. Third time is the charm, indeed. This kiss has even more electricity than the first and the connection gets instantaneously stronger.
Robby thinks he could write a whole thesis about how delighting and certain it feels when Samantha LaRusso is around and how much all this is increased now that he is her boyfriend.
A constrained waiter brings them the bill – the poor man has to clear his throat four times so loud that all eyes on a six-table range turn to him.
“I think I must drive you home now, right?”, Robby offers her an arm to hold and a charming, shiny, smile to look at.
“Last time I checked, that was a basic rule on the book How to have a great date: a quick guide, by Johnny Lawrence”, she laughs, tangling her arm on his.
“That must be a good one, but I prefer Calm down and kiss them: the ultimate steps to get yourself together, by Daniel LaRusso.”
By the time they get to the Camaro, they are laughing their asses off – Robby nearly pees in his pants.
Saying goodbye is as hard as it would be to any young couple. Sam finally gets the make-out session she wanted – having it on a car is even cooler than on a movie theater.
“My dad will come pick me up if I don’t show up in the living room in like five minutes”, she says, between a kiss and another.
“I don’t care”, he whispers jokingly against her cheek. “I’m going to kidnap you so you’ll never have to leave. How about that?”
“This would be a good time to shut up”, the girl laughs one more time prior to opening the door.
“Alright, Miss Pulitzer!”, he says loud enough so she hears him from the front door. “I know you’re smiling.”
And she is.
Robby already misses her when he spins the wheel to Reseda.
“This isn’t yours”, Johnny remarks when Robby comes inside.
“My girlfriend gave me”, he answers, simply, tugging the sides of Samantha’s Cobra Kai jacket.
The sun shines bright in the Valley during the next weeks.  Despite that, Robby no longer feels that weird urgence of going out just for the sake of being outside. Now, he can open the windows, turn on all the fans he puts his hands on, cuddle with Sam on the couch while they watch something on the laptop and he’ll be just fine.
On a Tuesday afternoon, Johnny arrives home and the second thing he notices - after seeing the kids playing video games on the couch - is his phone buzzing. He has just received an email from the real estate agent.
"Shit", Johnny says, not looking up from his phone.
"What happened?", Robby turns the head to his direction.
"My landlord just kicked me out. It seems I'm some months behind with the rent and he got an, and here I quote, excellent and immediate offer from someone else."
"I can talk to Louie if you want", the girl suggests, facing her sensei.
"No, thanks, kiddo. I think it's time to move out anyway."
"Then, you and Robby can stay at my place". I’m sure my dad would enjoy the company.
"Thank you, but it's not the apartment landlord. It's the dojo landlord", he sighs, rubbing his nose bridge. "Sam, can you do me a favor? Let everybody know that classes are suspended from now on."
She nods and picks her phone. Robby offers a hand and she accepts it. I do not think she needs help to send texts. There's only one thing Johnny can think about. His brain is working to fast for him to be able to call, so he gets in his car and drives.
"I have nowhere else to turn."
“Come on in”, the man makes way for him.
Johnny follows him to the kitchen. Daniel opens the fridge and hands him a beer. According to Sam, her father only drinks wine and other fancy stuff when it comes to alcohol. Cheap beer such as Coors would never have a place on LaRusso’s fridge. Unless…
“Kreese took over Cobra Kai.”
“He made the landlord a better offer and got me kicked out.”
“What are you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know. I think I’ll just cancel classes until I find a place I can afford and start again.”
“If you want, I can talk to the landlord and cover Kreese’s offer.”
“Oh, no. I couldn’t ask you to do that. I’ll think of something”, I’m pretty sure someone framed me, is the first and only thing on Lawrence’s mind.
They search the Internet for affordable places in the area. Daniel volunteers to visit the favorite ones with him.
“I could use a sensei’s opinion on this. If there’s no trouble.”
“Not at all. Sam is going to Amanda’s place tonight and she’ll be back only on Monday.”
“Let’s hit the road, then”, Johnny gives him a shiny grin.
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
I don’t know why I wrote this today when I should be working on my other WIPs, but here’s a scene from my “divorced Lawrusso with kids” fic if I ever get round to writing it properly. Because I guess I didn’t get enough tragedy or angst from my last fic...
Daniel takes them out for lunch at a diner across town. He thinks it'll be nice, the kids always liked it here. Instead they sit in silence, a storm brewing between them. 
He tries to draw them into conversation, but it's no use. Robby, so like Johnny when he's upset, stabs his fries into his ketchup, mouth pulled into a sullen knot. Across the table, Sam stirs her milkshake morosely, chin in her hand. Daniel wants to remind her not to put her elbows on the table, but he lets it slide.
He takes a sip of his coffee and says, "We haven't been here in awhile, have we? It hasn’t changed that much. I wonder if they still make that amazing key lime pie.”
"I liked it more when we came here with Dad," Sam replies, voice flat. "He used to get that huge cheeseburger and let me eat the pickles."
Robby's jaw clenches. "Shut up about Dad," he says. 
That snaps Sam out of her stupor. She looks up from her milkshake, blue eyes blazing. "Why? So you can go on pretending he doesn't exist?"
Daniel sets his coffee down, quickly thinking of ways he can steer the conversation into safer territory. Sam and Robby didn't fight often, but when they did it had the potential to go nuclear, especially since Daniel had asked Johnny to move out.
"Let's not fight," he says. "We can enjoy lunch and then walk over to the mall, how about that? Maybe we can even go watch a movie.”
Sam and Robby continue to shoot daggers at each other.
"He's the one who pretends we don't exist," Robby says. 
"That's not true!"
Robby squares his shoulders, leaning across the table. "Yes it is and you know it. Dad doesn't give a shit about us. If he did, he wouldn’t have bailed today.”
"Shut up," Sam says, voice rising to a pitch that has the family at the table next to them glancing over quizzically. 
Daniel puts his hand on Robby’s forearm. It’s meant to be a gentle, diffusing touch, but it just makes Robby tense even more. That was another thing he had in common with Johnny. He hated feeling caged in. 
Not that Daniel wasn’t angry himself. He was fucking livid. But he wasn’t going to let Johnny ruin their day more than he already had. 
"Robby, stop it. Your dad loves you. He just has a lot going on right now. Something must have come up this morning, but he’ll make it up to you.”
"Yeah," Robby says, upper lip curling up cruelly as he stares at Sam. "I guess he's too busy being a fucking loser."
That's the trigger point. Daniel’s about to snap, to say that’s enough, but before he has the chance, Sam surges up, her chair skidding behind her with an ugly squeak.
"And what would you know!" she says, so loud half the diner halts and turns to look at them. "You never talk to him, you never even want to spend time with him! All you do is say horrible things to him. You both treat him like he’s garbage. And now he thinks we don't want to see him, but I do! I want to see him and I can't, because no one will let me! So why don’t you just shut up about him for once!”
She starts crying then, and it’s not the small, hiccupping tears Daniel heard from her room sometimes, but a sob that made her entire body tremble violently. 
Daniel reaches out for her - to hold her, comfort her, he doesn't know what can make any of this better - but she jerks away, her face in her hands.
Robby doesn't say anything else. His mouth knots up again, and he turns to stare out the window, face pale.
A waitress makes her way over to ask if they’re okay. Daniel says yes, that they would be leaving soon. What else was there to say. How could he explain that the three of them had splintered. That since Johnny had left they were a ruin of a family, its debris forming around the empty shape he’d left behind. He can’t say that, so he doesn’t. Instead he puts an arm around Sam and wipes her face with a napkin, and the three of them finish their lunch in a still, bruised silence.
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littlecajunlady · 3 years
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
Thanks for the survey @mochisquish. This bored internet stranger appreciates it.
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?:  I don't know how it happened and I still can't believe it.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?:  I always thought I'd seen the first movie, but I was wrong. I only watched it for the first (and so far only) time a couple of months ago. I did watch some of The Next Karate Kid when I was a kid though.
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  Daniel. All of the LaRussos are my faves really, but I have to stick with the OG. And I know a lot of people may not be into it, but I'm really here for the dorky dad energy he exudes now.
Favorite ship:  Don't really care about shipping tbh. But really unpopular opinion, I liked Sam and Robby together. I do like Miguel and Sam together too and I don't want them to break up again - I don't want anymore love triangle drama. I also ship Lawrusso in fan fic only, more specifically 80s/90s era stuff.
Underrated character:  Moon. ♥
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  I ship them all with better communication skills. (Sorry, again, not into shipping)
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?:  Wax on, wax off
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?:  So I only saw the movies once so I can't remember any specific outfits, but I liked whenever Daniel wore red and I wish he'd wear it on the show. But I realize they have color scheme thing going. I do like the blue bomber jacket too.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: There aren't many left to return, but I guess I'd like to see Jessica. I assume she and Daniel lost touch and I'm curious about what happened there.
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: The last scene of season 3. I'll never get over that. FINALLY!! I literally just wanted Daniel and Johnny to be friends the whole time.
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?:  I really hope he will be. It'll feel like a waste if he isn't.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war.  Which dojo do you join?:  Miyagi-Do
What’s your training montage song?: No idea. I don't exercise so I can't even think of any work-out type music.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?: I haven't even seen the new Mighty Ducks show, so I don't even know if it's any good, but probably that one. Unlike TKK, I actually watched and loved The Mighty Ducks movies a lot as a kid and I recently rewatched them again. And I'd like to see a Ralph and Emilio reunion.
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storyshark2005 · 5 years
FIC REC!!! - “Who Is Like God?” - Miguel the Mythical Hero
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Down the Rabbit hole, down the magic well....
I almost missed this piece because I constantly watch the Cobra Kai / Karate Kid ao3 feed through a “LawRusso” filter, and usually I’m not super interested in something different. 
Then, I started chatting with other authors on Tumblr etc. and (I can’t remember how) after scrolling past this story a few times, I clicked on it and gave it a try.  Now @gia-is-online​ has other passion projects and super interesting pieces in progress (Her “Wonderful and Hot Times” gives me a warm fuzzy feeling every time, and “What You are in the Dark” is dark and creepy and atmospheric) but this is by far her best work.  I’d squarely place this in the genre of “magical realism”, and not only has the atmosphere and dark dreamscape appeal of “Pan’s Labyrinth” and “The Shape of Water”, she’s also writing the best prose of her ‘fic career’ so far, and nobody writes the Diaz family better than Gia.  The story touches all kinds of stones within the world of Cobra Kai, and fills in spaces we didn’t even know were wanting of story- Miguel’s alienation between his friends due to the darker growing influence of Kreese’s version of Cobra Kai ; the warmth that sickness and decay and cancer steals away from a home, turning the heart and hearth of a home into a cold, dark kitchen, a sunny bedroom into a shadowy hospice ; Johnny’s past of course, but Carmen’s too, where she came from and where she hopes to go.  We see dreams and nightmares, beasts and beauty. This is a surreal world that still hits you right in the heart. The reader, at this point, still doesn’t have a full understanding of the metaphysical forces ticking down to the upcoming endgame, but we follow Miguel through this strange world as if he was our guide, Orpheus into the underworld. 
This is also, a work that is totally imaginative, and totally original, derivative of nobody.  So sit down, pour a cup of coffee, and catch up on this wonderful WIP, and wait with me to the next update!! And please leave a review and let her know you enjoy it!
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
tagged by: @alienfuckeronmain @mochisquish @trillgutterbug & @ceruleangold (thank you for all the tags!!!!)
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?: Ahhhh I feel great! I I didn’t realise just how much I’d get into Cobra Kai when @pohjanneito gently encouraged me to start watching it, but the weirdly heated dynamic between Johnny and Daniel hooked me so fast. The history, the obsession, the violent passion, it’s all there. Plus I’m drowning in various WIPs, so that’s when I know I’m in the midst of a hyperfixation because I write like a little machine and ignore everything else in my life. I’ve also managed to get friends into CK through my sheer intensity for it. 
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?: NO! I never watched TKK when I was younger, I don’t think. I was big into fantasy and Disney as a little girl, and I didn’t really stray far from that. Though it’s a shame because I think I would have loved it if I had watched it. I would have fallen in love with Daniel and really rooted for him. I moved around a lot as a kid because of my dad’s job, so I think his loneliness and perpetual status as the new kid in town would have struck a deep chord with me.
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character: Ah this is so difficult because if we’re talking TKK then it’s Daniel but if we’re talking CK then it’s Johnny, a.k.a my trash god Apollo!! He’s the reason I got so into CK in the first place. I love how ridiculous he is, how behind the times, how damaged, how much he wants to be a better person. He’s really the heart of the show for me. I’ve said this before but I love that Johnny shows that you can start over at any time of your life. And yes he still stumbles, he still hurts people, he still makes mistakes, but he doesn’t stop trying. And the way he opens himself up to people after numbing himself for years is incredibly touching to watch.
Favorite ship: Lawrusso always and forever. I don’t even think I ship anyone else... Unless it’s Silverusso, which can be interesting and thorny when done right.
Underrated character: Bobby Brown ❤ I actually think there’s a lot of love for Bobby in the fandom, I just wish we had so much more of him. He’s sweet, loyal, strong, and doesn’t take any shit. He also isn’t as toxic as some of the other boys, and is genuinely sorry for hurting Daniel, so that shows he has a kind heart too. Plus I love that Johnny had a friend growing up who genuinely cared for him and looked out for him. All the CK boys are ride or die of course, but Bobby really earns his status as the best friend.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol): ermmm not a romantic ship, but I love the idea of Daniel and Ali being platonic soulmates... in my fic “ace of hearts” this is how I write their relationship, not actually as a romantic one, but as a strong platonic one where they understand each other and have a natural kinship. Platonic relationships can be just as strong as romantic ones, and that’s how I like to read into their dynamic.
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?: No idea, SORRY.
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?: Oh my goddd, this is so difficult because movie Daniel is such an accidental little fashionista at times. It probably has to be his first outfit in TKK (the blue jeans with the blue tank) because light blue looks so good against his skin tone. That OR the iconic blank tank with the shirt hanging off his shoulders, and the jeans and sandals. I love every outfit where he wears a tank top and shows off his slutty shoulders basically.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: I CAN’T DO THIS BECAUSE TERRY *IS* THE ONE I WANT TO SEE. I can’t wait until he waltzes back in, all weirdly intense and handsome and white-haired, and immediately starts calling Daniel “Danny” like a stalkery ex, and Johnny goes mad with jealousy. End scene.
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: Wah so every scene with Johnny and Daniel in TKK, but it’s probably the beach scene where Johnny and Daniel get into their first altercation because it informs the highly intense, push-pull, obsessive relationship they have in CK. That, or the scene from the rehearsal film on youtube where Johnny says he torments Daniel and beats him up because he likes it. I mean, hello?? Nothing encapsulates his destructive fixation with Daniel more than this scene! I’m so mad this didn’t make it into the final film but I’m so glad we at least have it in this form! 
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?: I actually had completely forgotten who this was until I googled it so I think that answers this DJDJD 🙈
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?: Oh god, it would have to be the Cobra Kai. I MEAN, it’s Johnny and I’d be in love with him so ddkdkd no contest!! I’d probably be far too soft for Cobra Kai and get shouted at a lot, but I’d get fully indoctrinated, to the point of making lots of cute merch, like crop tops with the CK logo on, and running all the social media accounts where I'd call the Topanga and Miyagi-do students big babies, and probably get into a ton of karate fights with other girls at the mall. Plus I’d probably think Daniel was a rich jerk and would hate him for looking down on Johnny haha.
What’s your training montage song?: Haha so it would probably have to be Gimme More by Britney Spears. I work out a lot to this song and it gets me so pumped!!! 
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?: WAH so not a current show but I always have these daydreams about TKK-era Daniel being a boy slayer in the BTVS universe, and Johnny being his hot but kinda useless jock boyfriend. Maybe there could be a special of CK where Daniel is this older slayer and his students are potential slayers he’s training?? And then it all turns out to be a fever dream or something. I don’t KNOW. Just give me Daniel as a slayer please!!
As a bonus, see this pic @captain-idgie​ drew of me as a Miyagi-do student! (Mack insists I'd be too soft for Cobra Kai, sigh.) This really shows how obsessed I am with CK 💙
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
What we want, have and need - chapter 8
Notes: This is the eighth chapter of the of the Lawrusso and Sam/Robby long fic that I'm posting on AO3 and on Tumblr. You can read the next chapters on AO3 or the previous chapters on Tumblr (prologue; chapter 1; chapter 2; chapter 3; chapter 4; chapter 5; chapter 6; chapter 7) I hope you enjoy this!
Those who care
Robby has been staying with the LaRussos for a week now. Even though he knows he’ll always be welcome at their place, the boy would like to know his father’s whereabouts.
The next Sunday, Lucille and Louie show up for lunch. Samantha’s phone gets loaded with texts from her fellow Cobras. Everyone wants to know where their sensei is, more than they wanted on that day (it doesn’t help Sam calming down, although she recognizes it’s a pretty logic and human attitude).
“They’re willing to help”, Sam whispers while Robby’s reading the messages.
“I don’t want their help.”
“Why not? They care about Johnny!”
“So what?”, he sighs. “Look, I get that he’s a way better sensei than a father, but I won’t sit down and watch them sneaking around in the woods and I won’t team up with them either.”
“Jesus, Robby! I know how far the Miyagi-Do Karate versus Cobra Kai rivalry went on the school, but this shouldn’t stop you from doing important stuff in real life, such as finding your father.”
“I don’t need them. I have you.”
“Fine. I give up”, with her hands clapped together, Sam takes a breath. “You and I can find him if we work together, but we need a little help from someone else to do it before my dad gets involved, what won’t take too long to happen, just so you know.”
Sam’s eyes shine and her smiles spreads wider.
“You’ll see. C’mon!”, she takes his hands and leads him back to the patio. Before they get there, the girl turns back and looks right in his eyes. “We’ll bring him home. I promise.”
She can see in his eyes how grateful he feels. It’s clear as day.
“Living the good life, ain’t you, Louie?”
The man sipping a drink by the pool faces them, lifting his sunglasses.
“I’ve worked hard for it, sweetheart”, Louie gives them the trade-mark LaRusso smile. “What do you need?”
“Why do you think we need help?”
“I may not be as bright as your dad, but it doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”
“I’m sorry, Louie. I didn’t mean to…”
“Just kidding, Sam. I’m just as immature as your dad claims and that’s a whole lot of immaturity.”
“Anyway. I need you to fool my dad”, she whispers rapidly, as if she was rapping on a Hamilton performance.
“I’m gonna stop you right there, because no. I’m not doing it.”
“Lady, gentleman, how about we take this conversation outside?”, Robby uses his best convincing voice. Sam immediately follows him dragging Louie along. “Now”, he says, once they get to the car entrance. “Listen, man. I was not supposed to be here.”
“Did you break in? ‘Cause my cousin seems okay with having you around.”
“The thing is: I was expected to be somewhere else.”
“‘Somewhere else’ as in ‘my grandma’s birthday party’ or as in ’jail’?”
“Oh, my…”, Samantha’s forehead receives a hard scrub. “You know what? Forget it. C’mon, Robby. We haven’t got much time left.”
She turns on her heels and gets on her car.
“Uh… where are we going?”
“The store.”
“Look, I know that guy is an idiot, but why don’t we take a chance on him?”
“Because he would never be able to do it without bursting into giggles. We need someone a bit more serious.”
“Not that much, tho. No one with their head in the right place would agree to help us. By the way, how will the store help us?”
She doesn’t answer, she just grabs tight the wheel, eyes on the road.
“I need lemon sparkling water to get myself together.”
“There’s plenty of sparkling water at your place.”
Sam stops the car, her hands trembling.
“That… that was stupid. Louie can’t fool my dad, nor keep a secret. We’re screwed and I don’t know what could happen to you. Oh!, and also: we don’t know where your dad is. I gotta solve this. I have to find him.”
Robby doesn’t know what’s going on; he just stares at her and reaches for her hand.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright. I’m here with you and always will be. Everything will be okay.”
She unbuckles and crawls up to his arms. He holds her, putting her chin above her hair and mumbling all the comfort words he can give the girl.
He managed to keep it all together so far, but now, they are trapped in a big lie – which is constantly growing –, his dad is missing, and his best friend, who always has all the answers, is losing her mind.
Robby’s left foot begins tap-dancing without permission. Even though Mr. L doesn’t seem the type of person who kicks people out of their houses because of lying, he might get really mad if he learns the truth.
And apart from all these horrible things, he’d lose Miyagi-Do, which is the most important thing in his life – after Sam, of course. Not to mention that she would get grounded and then, at last, they would be officially forbidden to be friends. Their worst nightmare is about to become true and they can’t find a way to stop their own Armageddon.
Elder McKingley would be proud if he saw Robby turning his feelings off like this. He even puts a steady face on while letting the quietest sob out of his chest and the smallest tear fall down his chin.
“Look at me”, he says. “You are amazing and you are doing great up to now. We’ll work this out. I promise.”
They stay there for twenty minutes or so, looking through the window and wondering what comes next.
Sam’s phone buzzes because Louie is calling. She exchanges a look with the boy prior to answering.
“What do you want, Louie?”, the girl speaks, imbuing her voice with all the acidity that she is able to express (and believe it, that much acid could make a lemonade). With his eyes, Robby asks her to let him hear it too. The phone is placed on the panel. “Watch your mouth, Louie. You’re on the speakers.”
“Hi, Louie!”, Robby says, just to mess with him (and get ignored).
“Anyway, I wanted to apologize for making fun of your problem and say that… if you still think I can be of help, just say the word.”
“Did my grandmother make you say this?”
“Let’s just say that she may or may not have threatened me with her purse”, Robby chuckles. “I guess that’s fair. Oh, come back soon, please. I won’t be able to distract Daniel for any longer.”
“Just tell him I went shopping for pads”, Sam ends the call and turns to Robby with a grin on her face. He’s sort of shocked. “What? ‘Pads’ is like a magic word to put fathers away. I learned that with Aisha in 8th grade”, she adds with pride.
“Let’s get your pads at once.”
Robby finds out that buying pads isn’t terrifying as he thought. Sam grabs four types of chocolate and buys some candy and plain soda, only to shove the plastic bags to his hands when they get back to the car.
It’s not surprising to see no one caring about where they were – Daniel only asks if she got what she needed.
“Yeah, lots of pads”, and Daniel walks away faking a smile. “Told ya”, she pours juice on a pair of glasses, chortles and winks at him. “A real magic word.”
They cheer, causing the glasses’ edges to tap gently against each other.
“I’ll include it on my daily vocabulary from now on.”
Even though not a single word is pronounced, them both can’t help wondering how Johnny Lawrence would react to the word “pads”. Thinking of Johnny makes their stomachs ache.
“I’ve an idea”, the boy mutters and starts typing on his phone.
<3 Rob(ery): We could skip school 2morrow and go looking 4 him @ the national park.
Sam kind of: Brilliant.
Sam kind of:  And then the school calls my dad to tell him I marked absent and he freaks out.
<3 Rob(ery): Let’s send Louie instead, then.
Sam kind of: That’s good.
Sam kind of: Now we just need someone to distract him from trying 2 contact your parents.
<3 Rob(ery): I know a thing or 2 abt hijacking phones that might b useful.
Sam kind of: Even though I appreciate ur enthusiasm, I rather keep it legal.
They remain as Lucille walks by them, peacefully talking with her son.
“I’ve figured it out!”, Sam exclaims, nearly too loud.
The next day, they get Louie to give Daniel a reasonable excuse to skip work so he could go to the national park. He makes sure to update Sam on all of his steps – “this way, you’ll be able to rescue me if something goes wrong”, in his own words.
Robby spends all the time he can holding Sam’s hand and feeling tense and worried. When he can’t do so, he wishes she was around to give him some peace of mind – if they are allowed to have it these days. She would like to escape and have lunch with him in the lab, but her presence in the Cobras’ lunch table seems to be mandatory.
“I had someone go looking for him, but they haven’t found him yet”, she informs.
“Man… rich people”, Miguel pretends to be mind-blown. “Someday, I’ll say this very same phrase. Oooh, just imagine it: ‘Hey, Bert, guess what? I’ll have someone do something the police should do, just because I can.”
“Ha-ha”, Sam’s laugh is fake, but the eye-roll is for real. “You’re so funny.”
“Yes, I am, thanks for noticing”, he giggles. “Let us know if your guy finds him, will ya?”
“You’ll know he’s back if your drop by Cobra Kai on a Saturday and there’s an actual class going on, but yeah, sure thing.”
The second her lips close, she gets a text from Louie: The guards said he was here and left some hours before I arrived. He’s prblly going home.
“My dad found out we’re friends on day one and he didn’t even know you.”
“Yeah. Johnny already thinks you’re Little Miss Tough. I guess this gives us some kind of upper hand, or better yet, a high ground!.”
“I can’t risk falling off my dojo”, Sam sings off key, giggling. “Don’t worry, kid. We’ll talk to him and make him understand.”
Robby groans, contracting his body.
The white door never was so terrifying as today. The passenger seat never was so safe as today.
“Can’t you drive me back to your place? I can sleep on your floor until graduation. I promise I’ll get a job and pay rent. I’ll clean the pool and do all the boring chores that you don’t want to do.”
“Robby”, she sighs, touching his hand. “I am by your side and always will be. If he dares raising his voice, I’ll kick his ass.”
The boy searches for the keys in his pocket, with Sam walking two steps behind him. He opens the door as if he was coming back from school on an ordinary Wednesday.
“Where the hell were you?”
Johnny wouldn’t be home this early on an ordinary Wednesday.
“At school, of course. Where else would I be?”, he shrugs, trying to fake a laugh (and a calm voice pitch). “This is my Biology partner, Sam.”
“Hello, sir”, she waves. “I mean, sensei.”
“You know each other? That’s nice.”
“Uh… I should get going, I have some homework to do.”
“Bye”, the Lawrences say together as she returns to her loved BMW. Robby tries hard not to go after her.
“So, how was the camping trip?”
“It was nice, until… Tommy passed away and we had to go through all that.”
“I’m sorry. My condolences”, he takes a second to add the last words.
Although life isn’t soft on that little wrecked family, death isn’t something that they have to deal with often.
“Thanks”, Johnny crack up one more beer. “How’s Shannon doing?”
“She’s…”, probably doing drugs as we speak, “fine.”
“Right. Go have some rest. I’ll order a pizza.”
Robby gives him a thumbs-up. Sam sends a text to make sure that Robby’s alright.
<3 Rob(ery): Positive, captain.
<3 Rob(ery): He’s ordering a pizza now. Not mad @ all.
Sam kind of: Told ya.
<3 Rob(ery): Anyways, tnx 4 the ride.
<3 Rob(ery): And 4 helping me @ the alley. And letting me sleep over.
Sam kind of: My pleasure!
<3 Rob(ery): You know, my old man’s right.
<3 Rob(ery): U rlly r a great fighter, Sam.
<3 Rob(ery): This year’s trophy will have your name on it.
Sam kind of: Cut the crap.
Sam kind of: I saw you training.
Sam kind of: I’m sorry 4 those who will fight you – and hope it’s not me.
In order not to make a fool of himself, Robby puts the phone away – it’s safer, anyway. The bike honk is the alert for the arrival of the greatest pizza available in Reseda district – a cheese circle sprinkled with cheap sausage slices.
“So, you’re classmates?”, Johnny serves a big yellow triangle to his son.
“Yeah, she’s cool.”
“Remember the new student I told you about some time ago? That’s her.”
“This is a small world, ain’t it?”
For some reason, Robby can’t look Johnny in the eyes. Probably, he doesn’t want his scared face to give his lie away, but he can’t hide for much longer.
“What’s wrong? Not enough pepperoni?”
“No, the pizza is alright, it’s just… I’m tired. It was a long week.”
“About that… I’m sorry for arguing with you on that day. I didn’t mean to take my problems on you.”
“I get it. I’m sorry too.”
Sam would be proud of her sensei if she could see us now, Johnny thinks.
“If you want, you can invite Sam over. Anytime.”
Once again, Sam’s right and Robby’s wrong.
Robby picks up the phone again when he comes back to his bedroom. He has to tell his best friend about it. Her face on the screen is genuinely glad when her ears and brain understand the good news.
“My work here is done. You’re finally getting along!”
“Work? Who is paying you? You should ask them for a raise, you deserve it.”
“I’m a freelancer relationship coach. And I work for free, as long as my clients make it worth.”
“We will”, his words are deep, an unsaid promise.
Sam’s smile shows that she really believes him.
“What about your relationship with Daniel? How’s it going?”
“The only thing we talk about is you”, the Cobra kai concedes, the joy unwittingly growing into shame. “He loves you, Robby. For real. You’re like a son to him”, not a brother to me, tho.
“God knows I’m thankful for that”, time to change the subject. “You should listen to Johnny talking about you. He gets all excited and proud when he’s blathering about his favorite student of all times. You’re the daughter he always wanted to have”, but I’ll never call you ‘sister’. “Tough and strong-minded, just like him.”
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