#and if everything had been right in the world they would have gotten those mirrors and that drawer for her stuff ;______;
ptieuca · 1 month
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Maybe we should think about getting a few mirrors. And maybe a drawer, you know for some of my stuff. Because that's what couples do. They have drawers.
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greyskyflowers · 2 months
I like the idea that, I've seen mentioned a few times and love it, the boys turn into those little orb things when they're like completely, if they were human they would have passed out, exhausted.
I imagine a soft glow, warm to hold, about the size of an orange, a little weight to it and it doesn't float but drops to the floor and rolls like a ball ~
It really isn't surprising after everything with hell, Esther, and Niko, that Edwin shifts.
He looks exhausted, and Charles still sees him terrifed and bloody in Hell when he closes his eyes, swaying a little bit where he stands listening to Crystal, and Charles knows what's going to happen before it happens.
The softly glowing orb doesn't even have a chance to drop before Charles snatches it, carefully tucking it away in his coat. It's a warm, little weight against his side.
He loves Crystal, Edwin does too even though he huffs about it, but she doesn't need to see Edwin like this. No one needs to see Edwin like this. The thought of it feels like calling attention to an open wound, advertising a vulnerable spot for someone to exploit or further hurt.
Thankfully, they're all finally free to go home. He doesn't like the idea of leaving Crystal but there's a growing itch to get back home and she shoves him towards the mirror and tells him she's meet up with them later.
Neither Charles or Edwin like being out when one of them is like this.
The first few time it happened, Charles hadn't really thought about it too much. And it happened a lot those first years after his death. He often overdid it, everything going fuzzy before going dark, and then he'd wake up, usually pressed against Edwin's side on the little couch. He always woke up on or next to Edwin and it'd been startling the first few times but he always wakes up comfortable now, no rush to get up.
The first time Edwin shifted in front of Charles, he panicked. Refused to let go of him until, after what seemed like days, Edwin shifted back. Still relaxed enough that he hadn't immediately shoved himself off Charle's lap and he hadn't fought the hug too hard either.
He's only see Edwin like that a few times but to be on the other side of it, he understands why Edwin always relaxes when Charles shifts back. It's a powerful and terrifying feeling, to hold something so small and vulnerable and know it's the most important person in the world to you.
As he got to know Edwin more, Charles had the horrible realization that Edwin had been in Hell for over 70 years and surely he must have been exhausted plenty of times when down there. What happened to him when he shifted?
Charles didn't know what Hell looked like or what really happened down there but he pictured the little orb rolling around on the floor, being kicked, or someone finding other ways to hurt it. He had finally asked, so worked up he hadn't even thought about if Edwin would want to talk about, because he needed to know.
He'd gotten a gentle look from Edwin and an answer.
While he was absolutely exhausted in hell, he never shifted. Hell takes a lot of things away and the relief of sleep or unconsciousness is one of them.
So, honestly, Edwin had lasted longer than Charles thought he would. He half expected that he'd have to lunge for the orb as soon as they fell back through the door from Hell.
Thinking too much about Hell and Esther makes him a nasty mix of furious and terrified, so he forces himself to focus on the present.
He holds Edwin closer his chest as he sinks onto the couch. He's emotionally exhausted and in the silence of everything, finally has a moment to think about the love confession on the stairs of hell.
He doesn't know what to do with that liar but he was right when he told Edwin they had forever to figure it out.
He lays out on the couch, feet hanging off the far end and his head on the armrest, the orb on his chest and his hands almost petting at it. Holding it like this means that when Edwin shifts back he'll be sprawled over Charles, something that will probably have him flustered and immediately trying to get up and off.
Charles hopes he's sleepy and comfortable when he changes back though, that he just settles there without over thinking it.
Just the two of them existing together in the same space.
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
Heart of the Great Wolf
The Trials of Resurrection
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Pairing: Jon Snow x F!Baratheon!Reader, Robb Stark x F!Baratheon!Reader
Length: 34.5k
Warnings: angst/hurt comfort, insecurities, jealousy and possessive tendencies, smut, oral (f and m receiving), p in v, anal, m/m/f threesome (no m/m interactions)
Notes: How this came about I have no idea. This is a side story of what if Robb had been resurrected later in the main story. Don't ask how he comes back to life, I don't know pretend it makes sense. Series Masterlist Here
“At least one thing about our Queen hasn’t changed around here.”
Your eyes barley even twitched, let alone flickered up to look at the voice of the approaching figure. All you had heard for the better part of an hour had been the flickering of fire and the scratching of ink against the paper as you worked. The peace and quiet around you for so long had felt like a foreign concept in ways you truly had never once envisioned. Much of your life felt like that now.
Sighing deeply through your nose, you barley had even strayed from your writing whatsoever as you responded loud enough for you to be heard with your back to him. “If you mean how much paper work is involved in my day to day, then yes. Very little has changed except now I do it in the cold instead of the heat.”
The laugh was short and more like a bemused huff, but as he took a seat on the adjacent side of the desk you worked at, your eyes finally flickered up for a mere moment. An eyebrow raised at his still knowing expression before sighing deeper and returning to the page in front of you. “And you doing it in here, all the way on the other side of the castle is just a coincidence?” Your jaw clenched, eyes narrowing an an annoyance that you were so easily known by him. “I thought everything was going well.”
Your voice was low, and a bit on the heavy side saying more then you wished out loud. “Everything is fine. I simply have work I need to get done.” The moment he jested that you meant the work both in question would tell you that you didn’t need to do for them, you nearly dropped the quill in your hand onto the page if not for the splatter ruining what you had already done.
Some days now it was beginning to feel as if Theon knew all of you way too much at this point in your new lives. All three of your new lives.
“Feels like you should be happier then ever with this arrangement.” Muttering low under your breath that it was more complicated then that, Theon shrugged a shoulder. Leaning back into his chair with narrow eyes you knew were trying to figure something about without asking directly. “Alright. I’ll rephrase. It feels like everyone but you has gotten used to all this.”
That had you hesitate. Your eyes flickering up with a wider more genuine glance before darting back in front of you, that time both of you were well aware you were attempting to push away what you both knew was the looming point overhead of this discussion. “Well, if one were to begin adding up the strangest occurrences in my life, I’m not sure this would make it close enough to the top to stand out.”
Was that a lie? It felt like a lie. It all felt odd and wrong in your head. A world you now lived in as if you awoke one morning in the wrong life. Going to sleep one night, and in the middle you had been plucked right from your world into another. Close in matching and all the same but one detail which had the rippling effect of rattling out of place all which you finally thought made sense going forward. As if back in the world you fell asleep in, those were still seeking you out wondering how you disappeared and desperate to bring you back when you did not understand how to tell them you were in a world of a warped mirror of that same one.
It wasn’t as if it were a nightmare. No, not at all. But confusing, and one which left you stuck in the middle feeling as if you both were being torn in two separate directions. The other being your fear that your torn sides were harming the feelings of each separate one tearing you back and forth when that was never the intention. They knew that, but you also did not really know how they came about the arrangement that this became.
They had discussed it themselves. Both knew you well and neither wished for you to leave behind the memory of one trauma for the others so called selfish wants, but also did not wish to simply scorn the other with keeping what they once or currently have. You hadn’t slept that night, but in truth you wish you did. You hadn’t slept much at all since as well. For one reason or another, but this time was unique to the nightmares which normally acted as the source of your plague.
By now you simply went along with it, accepted it. You left the squabbling about it between them, but in times you just needed quiet was always when that doubt and questions came through you. In that silence you never seemed to get anymore, did the pricking inside your mind speak of things you did not deserve and would eventually ruin. None had given you reason to think it was heading in such a direction and yet you sat there thinking it. You always did when you were alone anymore.
What the cost was to either of them, and if the true plague was you for engaging in this plan created only for your sake. Without you there was no need for a plan, there was no need for the back and forth and tearing apart. No need to have caused what you cause and they simply could’ve existed in a better peace and not a sight of the issues which came thrown towards them. There should’ve been nothing but relief and happiness, but instead you stood in the middle offering the path of strife and conflict no matter what they argued wasn’t there.
You knew it wasn’t easy on either of them, and you couldn’t stop sitting there letting that self hatred flood you with a deep, impending guilt for being their source of harm. Theon had sat down with the words on his tongue still calling you a Queen, but you scarcely felt it anymore. A Queen shouldn’t have allowed this such a problem to come to pass. You wished you had said no to their proposal, you wished you had told them to go back and talk it out until a true solution was found that did not pit them against each other. You wished that you had just let them talk it out, while you slipped away into the dark and not returned. Allowing them to reunite without you there to poison the water by standing in the stream both their separate paths connected into.
Leaning forward, both forearms resting across the wooden surface did Theons brows narrow at you with his voice lower but with a sincerity tinged in an actual worry that time. “They don’t resent you for any of this you know.” Your hand paused in place as if to keep writing but the muscles froze as your heart picked up in a nerving manner. “They’re both doing what they think is best beacuse they care about you. There’s no reason to blame yourself, they’re men they knew what they were getting into when they decided-”
Without any regard for what you had even been working on, the topic slipping from your mind rapidly, you let the paper ruin as the ink scribbled meaninglessly across the page when you tossed it down. Pushing up from where you sat, you gave Theon what he knew was a half smile that was stilted and polite for the sake of it alone. “We both have other things to attend to then to sit here and talk, I’m certain.”
You didn’t even hear what he had said as you swiftly made your way, the need to not be followed nor bothered increasing as you walked the more silent corridors as evening begun to fall on Winterfell. You didn’t want to hurt either of them, that was the problem. But either choice you made, going along with what they came up with for your sake or leaving entirely to rid your presence as the only true problem of the equation was still harmful. It still hurt both, and all of it continued to be your own fault.
The tea sat steaming and warm in front of you, but your eyes still looked at it wearily.
“There’s nothing to worry about in there, your Grace. I assure you. Only simply herbs meant to soothe the body into a more calm state.” Your eyes flickered up to Maester Wolkan, whom only had a small smile come over his features as he sat at the seat across from you. The smaller table in his study sat by a window, closed and sealed for the winter storms, but small candles lit across the still reflected in the glass, making it appear brighter then the time would suggest. “I ask you trust me, if I could get away with giving you something stronger to accomplish such a task more effectively, I would have done so long ago.”
Your laugh as nothing more then a huff in your throat, but gently picking up the small cup the dark liquid sat in, you gently blew the hot air away just enough to let a small sip warmth the inside of your mouth and the scratching feeling as it trailed down your clawed throat. A deep sigh left you, eyes closing for as long as it took to move such a need for air before letting yourself have another smaller sip.
Setting it down, you had glanced up to Wolkan with that trepidation of a look you had appeared at his door with. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to say any of that to them, without making it all worse.”
Tilting his head a bit, Wolkan’s tone was light but also held a firmness which made him easy to convince yourself to listen too on matters twisted in your own head. “Now, what part of everything you’ve just told me is something you think either would want you to think, let alone try to convey to them?”
Brows furrowing, your head jilted back a little not at all grasping where he had been heading. “I apologize, you mean to say my second suggestion is the one I should-” Cutting you off with a much more stern tell of no, your shoulders deflated as you reached once more for the hot liquid. “It isn’t a completely unreasonable thing to-”
Again, Wolkan had much respect for you and your title, but little care to foster the darkness in your mind which all knew could fester as quick as could be. “Did the last time you ran off without notice end with positive results?” Your eyes met his, only to drop them flatly. Bringing the cup back to your lips, you mumbled into it as if to hide your words that it wasn’t the same thing. “It is, I am afraid. You think the opposite party is upset with you, you decide leaving is better then living in the delusion that you are a burden and not have a single idea what chaos such actions committed by yourself will leave behind for their own well being.”
Muttering once more into the tea, you at least felt a bit more of your muscles relaxing better then the almost painful agitation the tenseness in you had put them in for hours. “So what is your wise advice in place of my own foolish ones?”
“Everything is still relatively new, it needs time between everyone to get used to it. To let things settle into place and it will get easier the longer it goes on without adding to it with your guilt. A guilt, your grace, I assure you neither wish for you to feel.” You knew Wolkan had a good point, but the self hatred flowed through you like lava burning in the depths of a volcano. Do nothing was what he was saying, do what you’ve been doing for days, weeks now. But simply pretend as if it was not bothering you in the fear it was pushing each away from one another.
New life was granted to you, then him. That did not make sense to either of you in a comprehensible manner of possible, but it had and you both had been bonded because of it even beyond the love shared already. But now? Now it was too granted to another, and you had no idea how to contend with the contrast of both right in front of you, and not be in the way of their own time together they never had the chance to as the proper men they became.
Some nights you lost track of which it was, of who had who and you would simply find the one you meant to because the other made themself scarce so they did not have to see any of it. Both of them hated your time with the other and subjected themselves to a lonely night whenever it was not theirs and again, you hated it. Their solution was making them miserable, but you knew neither would have any of it if you protested it right now.
Though you were fairly certain you could put together whose night it was if it took you longer then normal to come across either of them. At this time of the evening as the people around the castle begun to settle in for the night, were you not already by Jons side he’d have long found you himself before you even had to consider looking for more then seconds of where he was without you.
Turning the corner though, there was the other. Leaning back against the table of the meeting hall, the lack of daylight sun hid away what of the red normally could be seen highlighted in its bright rays, leaving the dark brown you were accustomed too, curls luscious in a way you knew he woke up with much to your own dismay. No doubt his personal taste seemed to naturally match that of Jons, since aside from colour, the coarse and thick feeling of both facial hair matched the same style.
The only major difference was in small details. Still did Jon prefer darker greys and blacks contrasted to the browns and dark blues you were looking at now. Jons curls sat long, and could either be found shrouding his profile from the side from partial view or pulled back entirely. Instead of the dark brown curls you looked at sitting shorter, never needing much work at all, always the strands sat in the exact same way. He looked familiar in every way to the last you ever saw of him, but it wasn’t until he spoke and that warm voice made you, for a moment, forget what you had been worried about.
“Is there a reason you’re standing there watching me like a girl with a crush?”
Your eyes fell a bit amusingly flat as you slunk through the open door. Putting away the blade he was sharpening on his side, the wet stone being sat on the table behind him did he watch with bright blue eyes and a smirk for you to come to him as he always knew you would. Your voice a bit on the air of defensive and childish. “I think I’ve long since passed that phase of my life.”
Raising an eyebrow, his playful smirk grew more into a bright, charming grin as he was as amused of you as if no hint of the overcast in your head was weighing on you for hours before right now. By the time you got close enough, he reached a hand out. Yours delicately placed in his as he pulled you with grace in front of him.
Hands moving to your hips as he stood up straighter, your own trailed along the leathers across his chest with a light sigh to get out the remainder of tense feeling which may give yourself away. His tone however, gave you new thoughts to focus on with a different kind of sigh. “The way you’re looking at me, it never left.”
Yes it seemed new life had granted Robb Stark with an insatiable need to playfully mock you at any moment.
Attempting to childishly pull away, Robb only tugged you back without any care of the force as his grin shined bright. The gentle mutter towards you that there was nothing to be ashamed of was meant as a teasing jest, but you knew it struck at something inside of you. Unstable the mixture of shame and guilt, but before you could allow such things to flare up again, you merely swallowed as your head tilted. As if to indicate that he had a point, whether or not you actually believed him.
Gently calling our your name, Robb leaned down a bit as if to catch your eyes with more of a scrutinizing gaze inside his own. “Whats going on in that head of yours?”
It was too early, Wolkan had said. Give it time, don’t weigh either of them down with any of this before it had a chance to fall into that of a routine. Shaking your head, you let your fingertips dance up behind the back of his neck, the feeling of his curls grazing along your skin that you could toy with. Your smile was not quite bright, but hopefully as believable as it could with the comforting feeling of being so close to him again. “A long day is all.” Without missing a beat did Robb begin saying that you didn’t need to do all of those things when you cut him off with a more indignant feeling behind it. “Don’t you start. I get enough of this lecture from Jon as it is.”
The smirk on Robbs face twitched to life in front of you. “Perhaps between the two of us, we can actually make you listen for once then.” Almost letting your eyes roll to the side, knowing he could pick up the tinge of playfulness within the gesture behind the annoyance. Running his hands along your waist and hip firmly, you could feel him indiscriminately pull you a bit closer. “Now, are you sure that’s the only thing on your mind?”
You nodded, and in a way you felt bad. Robb returned to you and found a stranger, a hollow shell of the woman he loved and no longer could he pick up on the new, very well hidden details that one may recognize as lying. You didn’t want to blatantly lie to him, and it did not sit well in your stomach to do so, but you wanted to avoid hurting his feelings at all. So, you could at least hide the degree of it from Robb for now. Pretend what was bothering you wasn’t and he’d not bring it up again thinking for now there was nothing more on the matter to look into.
Pulling you into his side, Robb was just as he used to be in that way. Keeping you so physically close in front of anyone with not a care about the public display of the affectionate nature within him. Sensing however his eyes on you, you looked up to the side at him with the question of what coming from you in an amused way he was so closely looking at you without stopping his feet. His answer was at least, something amusing rather then painted over with any hurt of jealousy. “Does he purposely use the same oils on you that he does to wash his hair?”
Eyes narrowing in thought, you mostly shrugged the free shoulder not pressed to his side. “It’s not impossible. I don’t think I’ve really noticed what he uses.”
A grunt came from deep in Robbs chest, pulling you more purposely close so his hand wrapped around you could trail back to your hips rather then the more appropriate spot on your waist. You could swear you heard something indiscernible on his lips close to something of a curse no doubt towards the brother in question.
For your mind however, it did not come off as the sort of competitive jealousy it really was. Warped by the confusion and self doubt within yourself, you took it as a sign to stop letting it happen. If it was going to upset Robb, you’d ask Jon to return to using one that doesn’t remind his brother of him. There were a lot of little things like that to get used too.
Your day to day in Winterfell as a wife had never properly been with Robb, and you didn’t want to rub it in his face by not changing certain things to accommodate him or include him. You didn’t want to shut either of them out by being so blatant in front of the other, but it still was all you did. All you thought about for every hour of the day was whether or not you needed to do something different, or if you were reading too much into a certain reaction. Few thoughts came to you outside of this arrangement and it was quickly turning into a dark obsession brewing with an insecure self hatred.
Robbs chambers were always warm. He had rich coloured fabrics draped everywhere that soaked up all of the cold and kept it out of the room. It was the largest of the Starks chambers aside from the Lords quarters where his father and mother previously lived in. He preferred however, keeping you in here. The room as Robb had put it, muttering in your ear as he had been slowly pulling the laces of your dress loose one by one, that this was also the room he fucked you for the first time.
Even now, it was difficult for Robb to see passed it. Your time together as one in this room was only twice, but it also were your only times together living in Winterfell as man and wife before war and before..everything that followed war. Very often when the door would close, Robb did not hesitate to at least, indulge his eyes. Tonight being no different.
Before you could get far, Robb grabbed your hips and kept you standing in place, your back facing his front. His hands rose up, undoing the laces slowly but with a strong grip. Ensuring you felt everytime he pulled one to it’s loosest form and knowing eventually it would draw the fabric to the ground. The warm rumble of his voice matched his chambers, accent thick as the fabrics and furs and just as comforting in your ear too. Regardless if teasing was what it was doing. “I have a question. Did you have a hand in designing these dresses yourself, or was this sort of thing Jons doing too?”
Your brows narrowed, trying to think of what he meant in truth and only coming up with the most outright logic bound of an answer. “By the time he reclaimed Winterfell, I didn’t have anything. I had no possessions and anything I wore was what the Boltons gave to me to wear.” You felt for only a moment, Robbs hand tug roughly open one of the laces down your back with an unintended force of anger.
Coming back knowing Roose Boltons betrayal of he and you both was one thing for Robb, hearing what fate he forced you into after you came back was another. In truth, you did what you did with Jon. You told him far less of the worst of it, you didn’t want either being angry or guilty for something neither could change for two men long since dead now.
Regardless, you continued on to attempt to draw Robb back to the present. Away from a tormented past he could not stop not did you wish for him to dwell on. “Jon helped me acquire most of the things I have now, because I had barely the clothes on my back. And even then, the only things I even had before then were either what I could get from Castle Black, or what Maege provided.”
The fabric on your upper body begun to fall suddenly, intending to pool around your stomach had you not reached up to hold it against yourself. Robbs hands slid in front of you to undo the belt keeping it all up. You knew the moment his hands reached to your upper back and dug into the fabric as his nails tapped at your skin, he was giving you an order to let go. The dress falling in one piece to pool by your feet, the shift on you short, and a pure white with straps holding it around your shoulders thin enough little force could tear it.
Robb let his hands trail further, a free exploration behind you with his voice much more heavy then before, thick with a desire that all this time later, did not fail to shake your bones. “My brother has clothes made for you, and this is what he came up with? These pretty,” One boot tapping at your shin, indicating he wished for you to step out of it. Each word shaking with the two kicks it took from Robb to get the fabric away from where you stood continuing. “Weightless scraps of nothing? You didn’t chose these?”
It made sense he noticed it. The only dresses Robb knew of you to wear were before, much more fancy and ornate dresses which required far more steps and sometimes more then just yourself to even assemble them on you. Layers and steps none of them were so shameless save for the dress made for your wedding. You had not had a hand in making that either though, much like everything about your visit in Winterfell with the Kings Company, every part of how you were painted up and dressed was orchestrated by Cersei. You’d have chosen a dress much more heavy and modest were it not her choice what it looked like.
Other then that, you both spent most of your time at war. You couldn’t afford to dress like a lady out there and you both had gotten so very used to it as what you appeared like. This was much more what you used to dress like, but not quite as complicated in putting together as far as dresses went. Robb had different views of it then you did though. “Does he realize just about anyone could walk by and reveal how little it takes to see you nearly bare?”
Smoothing his palms over your shoulders, under each hand did you feel him hook one of the thin straps of your shift with a finger, but keeping it right there as if to let you know he could tug this off any time he wished. Swallowing roughly, your voice was on the edge of breathless as he kept you standing there for as long as he commanded it. “It’s not-it isn’t-”
Leaning over your shoulder, the scratch of Robbs facial hair ran down your jaw as his lips hovered over your neck. “Oh I know exactly what it is. He had you all to himself, why not enjoy every bit of it whenever he wants?” Very suddenly did both straps get pulled down your arms. The fabric of your shift falling with it as Robb moved from your neck to look over you from where he stood behind. A hiss in his throat came out as his hands spared no time roughly grasping at your ass, a gasp jolting you in place. Moving up to your ear with much more of a biting tone. “You’re the same no matter who fucks you. Just a good girl waiting to be told what to do.”
One hand circled around to your front, sliding down your lower stomach to your mound, fingers dancing across right above where you wanted but never even considered begging. Only a nod as if to just agree with whatever he said, no matter what it was.
The smile you felt as his lips ran down your neck was more sinister then it was anything. “Tell you to get on your hands and knees,” Sliding down his touch to your clit almost had toy jump despite the feather lightness he kept over it. The hand on your ass now grasping firmly at your hip, still a biting tone in your ear. “Tell you to swallow every drop my cock feeds you.” A little more pressure and your leg muscles felt tense standing there with so little despite such vivid images we could conjure. “I could tell you I’m going to gag you so you can’t whine at me when it’s too much, and what would you do?” The laugh that time was far more noticeably dark with purpose. “That’s right, you’d still let me.”
Pressing down harder, the pressure against your clit sent sparks through you, flying up into your core with a warmth that buzzed at you like a bee. Running tight circles, he spared no reason to build you up slowly, letting his free fingers tease down along your entrance as he smirked once more at how quickly he could work you up. Grasping at his forearm, Robb took the opportunity to pull you firmly into his chest, still fully dressed against how bare you now were. Each pattern tormented on your clit made you tense back into his support as the need filled you.
Barley finding the breath to let out your only thought. “Is that what you want tonight?”
Two fingers stopped their movement put pressed harsh against the bundle of nerves as he looked over your shoulder again. “Is what the thing I want? To gag you?” Biting down on your tongue you nodded, but Robb let his hand on your hip reach to tilt your head back in a stretch to better meet his narrow eyes as they glistened with something teasingly cruel. “Wouldn’t have to hear you go on when you pretend like you don’t have anymore in you. Nothing but muffled whines instead of your pretty begs telling me to stop when we both know you don’t mean it.” His other fingers toyed down in the wetness you could so easily coat them with should he give you more, but they were positioned in pause like a threat, or promise.
With Robb it could go in either direction.
Almost a plea came breathless from you as if to sweeten the idea he was already putting forth with honey. “You could do whatever you want, and I’d be powerless to stop you.”
You could almost see the way Robb would raise an eyebrow in question as his voice rattled deep. “You think you can stop me now?” You had barley opened your mouth to protest that idea in need when Robb proved his own point. Those two thick fingers sunk deep inside of you, sliding to the knuckle as he had so knowingly dragged them along the sensitive wall causing you to arch back into his chest. Robb only laughed. Your core burned as you knew your wetness would only increase the longer he stayed there without movement. Or with, truly. Either one. “There’s nothing you can say that will make me stop when I’m with you. You beg and beg and never mean it, beacuse all you really want is to be fucked, isn’t that right?” Biting down harder, your eyes fluttered closed as you nodded. His grip on your chin tightening as if to signal you to open back to the room. “If I tied you to the bed right now and gagged you, how long would it take you to start whining against it for me to touch you? I’m betting not long.”
Ever so slowly did Robb pull his fingers as if to leave you but just as slowly let them drag right back up as you felt that warmth fill you in a jolt against him with a desire twisting and twisting so suddenly. You didn’t give him an answer, you knew this was not one of those discussions he wanted an answer. Robb asked and Robb would tell, you had to stand there and be good.
“I could cover your eyes. Make you wait and wait.” The hand on your chin slid down, pressing against your stomach for a moment as his eyes blazed before running them back in tight patterns against your sensitive clit. “Would you even know whose cock it was if we made no noise? You’d be laying there, not a clue if I was fucking you, or if it was Jon. Or who knows, maybe I left my door open and anyone could come in and have their way with you. Laid out like a feast for every man whose ever looked at you.”
Your head felt dizzy, something coursing through your veins making you weak as all the blood pooled in your middle. The coil in you twisting and turning leaning back against Robb the only thing keeping you standing. Unsure if you truly knew what you were saying, it left your lips like a sigh of need anyways. “I, I can handle it, I promise.”
Robbs laugh was dark, almost bringing your hooded, fluttering eyes back into the room as he his fingers alone felt so good dragging themselves inside of you as you clenched around them. “If only Jon understood what a needy little whore he was married too. How many men do you think would have fucked you by the time he realized what I was doing? What you let me do? Two? Five? Give every one of my men out there whose ever fantasized about you a chance, only your cunt doesn’t cost them a single thing.”
You clenched around his fingers, one leaving your clit to nearly shove in more roughly beside as a third, your legs shook needing to move a bit wider to give him space. A hand on your waist steadying you did not leave your clit for long, right and rough he ran over the bundle of nerves in tandem to how his fingers steadily increased the speed in which Robb thrust them in and out of you. Your wetness coating his fingers and making it painfully easy for him to sink as deep as he could get each time no matter how much he needed to go rough to get passed how tight you were clenched around him.
Robb however, refused to stop. A shine in his eyes knowing his words were soaking you as much as his touch inside of you was. Moving up to your ear with a bite before muttering into it with a bass vibrating through your body. “How quickly do you think he’d kill every single man who touched you? Would he untie you, pick you up in his arms and whisk you away like a valiant knight? Or would he take you then and there when he was done? Refuse to let you cum and leave you that way at my mercy to punish you?”
Small gasps came from your lips, eyes firmly closed unable to handle the world beyond his touch and voice as your nails dug into his forearm. “Robb, please..”
Tight, rough circles against your clit stood no chance against how deep his fingers thrusted deep inside of you, how each drag against your soaking sensitive walls waved again and again a dizzying pleasure twisting your insides until they were ready to snap. Biting down on your ear with a husking mutter thick in the manner he forced such words out. “Please what? Please let my men use your cunt like a whore, or does my girl want to cum finally?” Your nod was not an answer despite how much you thought it was. “Be specific. Say what you want and you can have it.”
Begging quiet and breathless, you were trapped against the edge of a cliff as every muscle in your body tensed being kept right there to be pushed off at any moment. Your only words the rawness in your head could even really hear, you felt as if you barley even understood the filth he threatened you with beyond wanting whatever he was to do with you. But he asked, and he required one answer. “Please let me cum, please Robb, please I’ll be good..”
Resting more against your front, Robb barley had to do any work to push you off that edge. He never let up his fingers both dragging in and out of you and the rough tough against your clit as you snapped and your blood both heated and cooled over. That coil twisting as you pleaded his name but he just kept the same pressure against you through it. Wanting to gasp for air you did not have as the coil snapped and burst like stories told of stars in the night sky.
Low mutters of curses hissed in your ear as you clenched around him tightly as you came. Aftershocks ceasing only a little bit as he moved from your clit to push your stomach more to force you back into his touch against you. Slowing his fingers until you had nothing left to soak him with that time. Dragging them out, Robb did not ask with any kindness.
The hand jumping to your lip, his thumb forced your mouth open and he sunk his three obscenely soaked fingers deep into your mouth. A whine left at the deep pressure but he used your mouth like he would when sinking his cock into it. Muttering for you to suck him clean, your heart pounded at how much you wanted more, an unhinged need burning through you as your mind had yet to clear of its dizzy haze. Grabbing at his wrist did nothing, Robb only shoved them in deeper while his other hand sunk down to again grasp roughly at your ass.
“That’s right. Every last bit of it, you know the rules.” Eyes closed you nodded, accepting the taste you wished didn’t have to be you but took without protesting anyways. The mercy only came when Robb felt the hint of a gag at how deep he pushed them into your mouth and let you gasp for air, traces of your own wetness and saliva coating your lips, not that your mind even allowed you the time to care of how it looked.
Which to Robb, was deviously perverse. Not even anything but his fingers and still your voice came out a bit strained, “I- you’re still..I need to..”
The haze was hard to discern what you meant, but Robb knew perfectly well. Waiting a moment for you to even stand up straight, your legs shook a bit from the sudden force he pulled your orgasm out with. Turning you to face him, you looked a needy mess already you knew and chest heaved trying to use the air to ground you. But Robb cupped the side of your cheek and part of your jaw to tilt you to look up at him. Blue eyes dark and serious and no room to disobey. “Get this all off of me.”
You nodded, swallowing down the moan of need still shaking through you. Nowhere near as steady as you wanted to be, piece by piece did everything come off of Robb before you had too freed his cock, thick and long enough even if he wasn’t already hard as could be it would be impressive. Your knees was the easiest to take his boots and breeches off but staying there at least the floor did not spin in tandem to your clit begging for more. Robb had no qualm with filling the silence. “If I were nice, I’d let you have a taste. But does my girl deserve my cock in this mouth?”
Biting your lip for a moment as you inhaled through your nose, you found more then just a scrap of a voice of something sweet and pleading without being begging. “I want it, but I don’t deserve it.” Asking with dark eyes why not, you didn’t have an answer but what you know was the only answer Robb was willing to take. “I wasn’t good.” Again, unmoving, unblinking he asked this time how. Your hands sitting in your lap, nails digging into the skin of your other hand to not touch before allowed. That time he wanted an answer, but you hesitated. Wide eyed looking up to his beautiful vibrant blue ones and you didn’t really know what the correct answer was, but you didn’t want to give the wrong one or lie. He’d know if you lied here of all times.
Instead, he gave pity. A hand running through your hair before his thumb again traced across your lips. “Unless you’ve been begging my name when you’re with him, you’ve been bad for almost three weeks straight.” Biting your lip, your eyes cast downward. The need and heat within you and the wetness coating your inner thighs felt off compared to the shame and genuine guilt you knew Robb did not mean to give you. “And I know first hand, you aren’t doing that.” Tilting your guilty gaze up to him by your jaw, if he picked up on how genuine the shame appeared he did not comment on it. “You beg Jons name like you were born to, don’t you? Pretty little begs too, can barley hear them over the rest of the noise.”
Gesturing with a nod of his head for you to move to stand, he grabbed your hands and helped you onto your feet before capturing your jaw, pulling you up to look at his narrow stare of a greedy disapproval. “Tell me, does my brother fuck you he's some animal? Something to shove his cock into and fuck like it doesn’t matter if he breaks you? You know how rough I am with you, my love. So why are you letting him be the one to fuck you like you’re some cheap five copper whore in the brothel outside?”
Hovering over your lips, Robb’s voice was angry and yet you knew his cock almost leaked with seed as it throbbed heavy between his legs. “Robb, I-”
Shaking his head you felt his lips brush yours with every hot spitting word. “That isn’t your fault he treats you that way. But you’re not married to some brute in a whorehouse are you? You’re married to a wolf. To two wolves. So why doesn’t my whore of a wife get on the bed so her wolf can take her like she deserves?” You nodded, and Robb had the audacity to smirk. “Good girl.”
Striking eyes watched as you sat gently on the bed. Only for a moment did you have to think about it, with Robb, it wasn’t out of the ordinary. But you almost forgot this was what he liked in truth, if you willingly climbed on the bed moving into such a position with Jon, you know he would nearly yank you off it and growl at you not to assume you should be doing things like that just for him. But Robb?
For the wolf saying he was going to show you love, you knew it was pure dark greed as he stared at your ass. Hands and knees just the way he liked, climbing up on the bed one knee at a time, he ran a hand down your spine whilst grabbing the other hip firmly. “He ever fuck you like this?”
You weren’t really sure if Jon would want you sharing those specific details, considering the only times you both had ever been in this position, Jon had pushed you down himself to roughly pound his cock deep into your ass. Biting you lip as a shiver ran through you that Robb no doubt felt, you shook your head no, keeping it simple.
Not able to see his reaction, all you had was the pleased lightness hinted in his voice. “That’s right. I fuck you like this, I control if you even get to fucking move.” Sliding the hand on your spine down until Robb reached the back of your neck. Twisting around to grasp at your throat, the air coming through to your lungs gasping in shock at the pressure to slightly stop it. “I bet he doesn’t even know what it feels like to fuck you, knowing how tight you get for me when I don’t even let you breath right before you cum.” Letting go, Robb no doubt kneeled straighter as one hand left you as he kept you steady. “This is why you need me. He has no idea how what to do with such a slutty little wife. But I do.”
Before you even had the word to beg his name, did Robb not at all gently slide inside of you. Soaking around, your thighs shook at the deepness and the stretch so suddenly. Both hands grasped your hips, and Robb didn’t give you the thought to consider his worth of mercy. Sliding back out slowly, leaving only the tip still inside of you before he slid back in deep and just as rough. A cry left you as a growl left Robb.
Robb had to fuck you harshly just to get as deep. You clenched around him like you were still the virginal maiden he ruined on your wedding night. If he had a clue what a little slut he had just married, Robb would’ve not even considered letting you sleep that night. He’d have taken you every single way he could think off. Cover every inch of you with his seed and teach you how to take his cock nice and deep that very night.
Slamming his cock into you roughly over and over, grunts forced from him each time as the sound of his skin against yours echoed in the room, only driving him to go harder. He should’ve, he thought. Should’ve kept his new wife naked, make you get on your knees and keep his cock in your mouth until you could take his whole length. If Robb could go back to that night knowing what you really were, he would’ve eviscerated every purpose of prayer you gave to the Maiden in hours.
Cries left you easily, head half hidden in the pillow you couldn’t contain it, each smack of his hips into your ass, you felt Robbs length slide deep and drag against your walls with a meanness. Never letting up never giving you time to adjust to his roughness, the moment you tried to meet his thrusts, Robb forced you further into the bed. Now more on your elbows he had your ass higher in the air at a better angle to pound inside of you. Your lungs burned with no air to ease it, and your insides screamed as a coil twisted like hot metal. Each pound radiating through you with a white hot pressure building and building.
The sound was obscene. Each smack of his hips pounding inside of you and how they increased with speed as they did echo louder, but too were you soaking around him. The wet sound drawing guttural groans from Robb only prompting him to go faster, the faster it was the louder the sound played as music would in a feasting hall. Trying to cry his name you had no words out, but Robb had plenty hissing through gritted teeth. “Fill your needy cunt, then I’ll fill it again. Beacuse you’re so fucking needy aren’t you, my love? You need my cock inside you more then anything.” He watched you try to nod from how your muscles no longer were able to hold yourself up. “Oh fuck, you’re such a perfect little slut, a good girl with the sluttiest cunt a man could ask for.”
Leaving a bit of the roughness behind, Robb increased the pace, the room louder and louder and much more violent sounding as he growled at you whereas you did noting but beg for him. “That’s right, let everyone hear whose doing this to you. Let my men know that no one makes you beg and cry like this the way I do.”
Again and again you cried out his name and each in tandem with the way his cock sunk deep inside of you. Throbbing as you clenched around him, tears so easily falling down your cheeks but nothing mattered as long as again and again Robbs cock filled you with such a stinging pleasure that you would feel even as you fell asleep.
One hand reaching down to roughly seek your clit, treating it rough through his fingers you gasped out something much more of a desperate sob as suddenly it felt as if the waves came crashing through the walls and inside of you. Snapping around him, cunt clenching so hard around his cock Robb had to return to something rough enough he had to grunt through each pound.
But he didn’t stop, a grunt turned groan of your name did Robb sink deep spilling warm inside of you, but all he did was yank you back the second you thought he was done. “I said I’d fill you twice, didn’t I?”
By the time he pulled out of you, you all but collapsed onto the furs. Leaving for only a moment, Robb returned prying your legs open. Shushing gently at your whines while he let a wet cloth run between you to clean you up. Climbing behind you, Robb tugged your back into his chest. Pulling your hair from your neck out of his way. His lips pressed down the path of your neck and back up to your ear muttering your name.
A hmm gentle in your throat as you snuggled back into the feeling of his bare body behind you, Robb pulled you closer if possible. “I’m going to take you one more time later, alright? You’ll be asleep, but I’ll be nice and slow just for you. I promise.” You nodded, finding comfort in his hand running along your bare hip.
“Anything you want, my love. Anything..” You were breathless and fading fast, but the press of Robbs lips hit your cheek before the world ceased to be around your slumber.
Those who were not used to such a sight considered it odd, but if one were to add up the total amount of people whom had not been long accustomed to this side of the pair, it was precisely one. Not that you had awareness of it to his side of things, but you were preoccupied. Locked in a discussion with Arya that early morning and had not seen the narrowing blue eyes which had tore themselves up from you to the just as watchful, yet angry grey ones behind you.
Bright hours of the sun rising up beyond the clouds, did you find yourself unable to go back to sleep. It felt as if something was missing, it had for this entire time. Not just the occurrence of Robb being back in your life, but you for every night since kept having strange dreams. They were hazy and unclear, often jumping from one ambiguous image to another. Sometimes surrounded by flames, others in a bright frozen cold but all of it was a blurry story your dreams were not forthcoming on.
But like so many nights, you had nearly startled yourself awake. Faint sounds of higher pitched cries rang through your head right before your eyes opened, as if something was calling to you that did not exist in the real world around you. The yearning for something close to stop the sound but you had nothing to articulate why it kept bothering you. It was only a dream, forget about it. So you had crawled from bed early, needing the sting of the cold morning air to shake it off and here you sat.
You were perfectly fine with laying it loose for the day, but the moment as you sat down did Jon follow into the hall not long after did your hair change. Whatever tenseness existed on his shoulders left the moment your eyes lit up looking over to him. Uncaring in front of Arya of all people, did Jon come up to you on your same side of the table. Not even sitting down, but leaning over as both hands tilted your head up and back so he could lean down to meet your lips.
A raspy mutter only for your ears, “You’re mine today.” Before connecting his lips to kiss you. Perhaps a bit longer lasting and deeper then he intended, only drawing back at the clearing throat of Arya as if to tell him to do this elsewhere. Pulling back Jon pressed a kiss to your forehead before comfortably sitting beside you close. Glancing up with an amused brow raised at this baby sister. “You’re welcome to leave.”
The small bit of bread in her hand was tossed at him with no regard for manners, Jon hardly moving out of the way with a smirking grin of his own as Arya used a tone much more overly exaggerated then needed. “We were having a nice discussion until you got here.”
Jon begun, without even thinking, to grab food for himself and occasionally tossing something to add to your plate. Hardly bothering to meet your eyes peeling over at him in a playful silent protest that he’d simply gesture with the fork for you to get going already. Himself not getting very far in eating on his own, you knew he had glanced to you more then once before he muttered in a lull of quiet. “You don’t normally keep it completely loose.”
Brows furrowing before following his eyeline to your hair, you shrugged, speaking between small bites you returned to. Keeping the story simple, no matter the scrutinizing eyes Jon could look at you with and see between the half lies. “I woke up early. I didn’t have much in the way of energy to be willing to do anything about it.” Arya piping up in an understanding tone thats why she preferred keeping hers on the shorter side from now on, much easier to handle by herself.
Jon however, looked at you for a long moment. A few bites of his food shoved into his mouth before he stood up, motioning for you to sit up straighter. Despite Arya’s curious eyes, you hardly thought anything of it. Standing behind you now, Jon begun moving your hair around into small braids, knowing exactly which styles you preferred and what your long length finally could allow him to do. Styles he hadn’t seen on you since you were both teenagers before you started cutting it shorter then most girls.
But here, he stood behind you doing it for you as if a normal task for a man called King to do for his wife, but neither you nor Jon thought anything of it. You wanted your hair more up, Jon wanted to run his fingers through your hair and always found an excuse to do so naturally. It was that sight walked in on that caused a silent staring between brothers as yourself and Arya missed it entirely.
Was jealousy the right word? It would be easy to put forth that a jealous man such as Robb Stark watched you with his brother and felt jealous, but it seemed reductive. Pinning his issue down to one single trait rather then an amalgamation of events and thoughts which were growing and growing. It was simply being a Northern man that made his difficult demeanor appear as if it were simply angry and cold. If any could see through it to what was going on, it was you, but the secret held between brothers was how much they kept it from you.
In their minds, they had torn you in two without meaning to do so. Two sides of your heart and neither of them were less then the other but things were vastly different now. Robb and Jon both had dived head first into what was to be done with their titles and kingdom between them. They worked well with each other, but they had been prepared to do so all their lives growing up. Work and rule at each others side and the two of them enjoyed it.
But you were something else. You were the rogue in the equation which threw everything off about it. Probably more then anything else did they attempt to find a solution, or a compromise that would least hurt the other, and most of all, prevent making it hard on you. Yet there posed something which had gone unspoken, but was impossible to ignore or avert ones eyes from. Over the passed weeks it was Robb who had noticed it’s extent. Of course on one side was you.
You had died with Robb. Side by side in betrayal you and him had left the world together. There was no way to turn a blind eye to the effect that had on you coming back. A year spent trapped within the grasp of the Boltons and you had little else to you but to obsess over the manner which you had never really been able to mourn that death. Yes you had sat in a cell alone for months, and spent many more in these very halls, but none of that was a life. You were not a person then, you were not truly alive then.
Thus no one could deny the impact bringing Jon back had on you. No one around you at any moment understood how that changed you. How it tethered you to him, made him your purpose. No one, not even you truly understood the degree to which you needed him. Jons new life owed everything to you, but your new life was nothing without him still there. And it was not just love it brought between you.
Robb was the one who could look at Jon and truly notice what was different. He was many things with you, but the one word he knew he had no reason to attribute towards himself, was controlling. Yes, he would take charge when necessary, but you were your own and he did not watch you as if to make sure you were doing what you were too stubborn to do for yourself. You were bad at taking care of yourself in unique ways, but Robb found little reason then and now to dwell so heavily on it beacuse if you needed help, he was there. You were your own person otherwise.
But Jon? As Robb sat down beside Arya and across from you, did he think to himself, that you being the one to bring Jon back, had made him a controlling man towards you. His eyes it felt were always either on you, or seeking you out, or his mind would obsess over you not being there. Always pestering you to do this and that. Watching what you ate as if you were a child who needed to be reminded to finish their food when that was never an issue you needed help with before. What were you doing, where you were, telling you outright when to stop beacuse he would force you to give yourself a break. Jon had a good mind for leadership, and somehow still held enough room for the other side of his head to consistently have something inside of him obsessing over you.
Of course Robb was still getting used to this new arrangement, but sending you off to Jon didn’t make him mad. It was something he had to accept, and he was coming to that point. Jon wasn’t. It did not take an expert to realize that Jon hated being away from you. Hated was almost too simple, he very clearly, utterly despised it. Robb almost wondered how little Jon was sleeping when you weren’t at his side.
There had been a morning not long ago where the sun had barley even been high enough that any light glowed inside the windows when Robb had slightly stirred awake. The door to his chambers closed and he was alone in the bed, and had assumed you woke early and slipped out for whatever reason. It wasn’t until later when you emerged seeming as if you had woken not long ago with Jon right at your side, did it occur to him.
Robb had his nights, but Jon’s night he claimed at the start of the day. Not saying a word but he had no doubt his brother had struggled to sleep without you, came creeping into Robbs chambers and gently scooped you up from his bed and brought you back to his, just so he could get some sleep with you beside him in the early morning. As if he needed you more then he needed anything else.
Watching now as Jon smoothed over the back of your hair he had done for you in a way he knew Jon personally liked, Robb caught his eyes again and the word came to him as strange as it felt to say about Jon of all people.
Possessive. Jon was extremely possessive of you and both brothers knew it.
“This is not the path, you know.” Glancing at you with a bemused smile, you knew he was avoiding answering what wasn’t even posed as a question. An exaggerated sigh left you alongside a grin you were unable to wipe off before he noticed. “It isn’t like you to keep secrets.”
Jon held a charming smirk across his face that brightened his eyes, but maintained a steady voice as if unaffected. “I’m not keeping secrets from you.” That time you were the one to raise an eyebrow with a silence demanding he explain himself. Jon though, was much more talented at keeping the ruse then you were. Taking advantage of the darker, empty corridor Jon leaned over to grab you and pull you in further to his side. One hand sliding across your hips and over your lower back keeping a hand pressed there on your spine. “Maybe I just want time with you to myself.”
You had meant it when you said it with such a casual tease. “You can have that whenever you want.”
Jon was quick though when he said what he said. “Can I?” Pausing mid step you looked over at him with lips parted slightly in question. Turning to face you better, he let the hand on your lower back encompass your hip as his other hand joined too. Your own reached forward, digging slightly into the belt around him keeping his weapons strapped to his side, but your fingertips at his front. Rasping low, Jon leaned down to catch your eyes. “When was the last time I had you to myself? Really had you?”
Opening and closing your mouth a few times, you ended up biting your tongue as your head hung slightly between you. There wouldn’t be any hiding Jon noticing the guilt festering within you, he saw everything with better clarity then you did. The excuse was hardly even an excuse, more just a rationalization to yourself. “I don’t want to be just leaving you alone.”
Tilting your head up to meet his gaze, two knuckles under your chin, Jon let his thumb reach out to stroke what of your cheek he could reach. A softness was in his eyes despite what you knew he must be feeling. “I know that. Doesn’t change that I miss you though.” Nodding, Jon only pulled you close by that same grasp before leaving a kiss lingering on your forehead. Pulling you in closer, Jon waited for you to wrap your arms around him before he did you. One around your back keeping you close, the other up around near your head like a protective measure as he pulled you into his neck by the back of your hair, murmuring into it. “We all have to get used to it, darling. I don’t want you upset by this and neither does Robb, but it’ll take time.”
Your voice was muffled, but he heard you without question. “None of this means I love you less.” Jon only chuckled, the hand around your back soothingly moving up and down a bit as you tried if possible to bury yourself in his touch more. “I don’t know how to do this. How to balance both of you..and without hurting either of you.”
The kiss left to the side of your head was gentle, as was his hand now smoothing down your hair, while his other hand stopped. “You’re not hurting anyone.” Your silence spoke of doubt, and using a grip of the back of your neck, Jon moved your head to seek your forehead once more. A kiss pressed before leaning down so his pressed to yours. The hand in your hair still smoothing along the strands. “You’ve been through enough, I don’t want you worrying about me and Robb. I’ll talk to him-”
Pulling back, your hands ended up on his sides almost meekly keeping him at bay. “No, Jon it’s fine. I should be able to handle this on my own.” Brows narrowing a little, as the painting in his eyes spoke of a gentleness seeped in worry. “I promise.” You both knew he would not keep you to that one, but he ran his thumb along your cheek anyways as if he was agreeing.
Leaning in closer, Jon nudged your nose with his. A low rasp murmuring in an entrancing manner for you to unconsciously lean closer into him. “Do you want to know the real reason I took you down here?” Muttering in a joke, you asked if it was beacuse he likes taking the long way out of being stubborn, but he only laughed gently. His warm breath dancing across your skin as he ran his hand down your hair at the side of your head, nudging your nose with his a little more as if to move you into a better position for what he wanted. “I took you this way, because I refuse to wait until tonight to have you to myself.”
Your eyes only fluttered open long enough for Jon to tilt your head up to a better angle, letting them return to closed the second he leaned down to connect his lips to yours. Soft and sweet he always kissed you with, no matter how rough everything else was, you could always count on Jons kiss being something that sent a floating feeling in your stomach awry. Just as he guided your lips to follow his lead, did Jon use his grasp at your hip to turn you.
Backing you up merely a few feet, he was gentle about how he pressed you into the wall. Cupping the back of your neck, Jon pressed up against you firmly making you have to tilt up even more to reach him. Your hands running up his chest and around the back of his neck. What of his curls you could feel from how he had pulled his hair all the way back did you toy with, your nails scratching at what skin you could manage.
Small nibbles to your bottom lip that went nowhere, soothing them with his kiss, Jon left your hip to cup your cheek and jaw, so front and back he had a hand to tilt you to his mercy no matter what. Down here nothing could be heard in such an empty area of hall, only the laboured breathing between kisses was heard along with whatever faint sounds you were unable to hold back. Each little cry of need or half a whine was let out into his mouth, to Jon it sounded and felt like you gifted him something.
Each cry from you into his lips were better then any music any could conjure for him. A creature of magic could appear before him, tell him he could have the best of song and instrument composed just for him and none of it would ever be better then what he could pull from you with his mere touch. Subtly shifting his knee out, Jon ever so carefully moved it so he begun dragging up the skirt of your dress until he could reach a hand down and snatch it.
Pulling it up to rest at your hip, your leg exposed somewhat to the parts dragged up your leg. One of your hand fell down to grab somewhat at his shoulder, as if that would be enough of any indication to Jon to put it back down to a modesty. No one was around, but you knew Jon. You knew someone being at risk of catching you both in such a position was never a true fear for him, not anymore. The times you had almost been come across in much more public places then here.
All of your time with Jon before was shrouded in the darkness. Never to be seen or heard from if he could help it, and when and where to withhold such behaviour was something you both had become somewhat of experts at. It was why being with Robb was so different feeling. He had not a scrap of reason to withhold what he felt where, and would be open with you in front of others. Yet he scantly even wanted men to be able to hear you, too jealous to choose if he wanted no one to hear, or for them to know what they weren’t getting.
Jon though, as he deepened the kiss, his knee pushed further between your legs now that the fabric was not so much in his way. Pushing you to widen your stance for him just the slightest, Jon kept it there to ensure you couldn’t get shy and close them again. His tongue ran over your bottom lip, and without any thought did you part them for him, only to be tricked. Pulling back enough Jon did, a more chaste kiss followed by a deeper and longer one each time, until he bit at your lip with more of a growl in his chest, both hands cupping your cheeks. The one with the skirt of your dress was pulled indecently high but he gave you no time to think.
Your gasp gave him opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth, running along yours in a brushing of taste as your hands both gripped uselessly at his shoulders. Deeply did his tongue taste inside your mouth as if knowing just how long to keep you so utterly breathless before teasingly pulling back. Your lips naturally trying to follow as he parted from you, eyes closed and small strands of saliva still connecting you both as Jons dark grey eyes looked over you with a hooded greed within them. Lunging back more urgently, Jon pressed you harsher into the wall as your hands fell to his waist trying to steady yourself against him, but a moan leaving into his mouth only pulled a groan from Jon, pressing further into you enough that the layers adorning him shifted enough you could just begin to feel a twitch pressing further into your hips.
The hand not gripping the material of your dress cupped the back of your neck again to keep you against his kiss as if he were not the one who had pulled away. Dropping the skirt all together, Jon let that hand drift to your neck, down your throat and seeking the collar of the top of your dress. Unwilling to wait, Jon sunk a hand under the fabric without any care as he forced passed the tight squeeze to grope at your breast. A gasp flew into his mouth, but Jon only squeezed more firmly, seeking out your nipple and with little room to you, twisted and pulled at the small bud with a purpose.
His kiss biting into yours as he did so in tandem, his hips pushing further into yours, the growing feeling of his covered cock hard against you had a wave of feeling rush between your legs no doubt as he intended. Squeezing his sides, you tried to whine against him but Jon but harder, kissed deeper, and groped more roughly as if to put you back into your place, to just follow him. Which you so easily did.
Hands digging into the belt around him, Jon knew if you were worse behaved, you’d have made any move to have him do anything more. But you just let Jon’s lips press you into the wall, hand groping at your breast only for him to realize you would not disobey, you wouldn’t part from his kiss. Freeing your neck, Jon let go of the strands sifted through his fingers as he ran the other down, the collar pulled indecently down, without exposing you but enough that any who’d see if Jon pulled his hands would be able to tell anyways.
Not an ounce of shame existed in him. Kissing and biting at your lips as your chest as roughly treated in a way that had your own self arch up into his touch, you much more obviously able to feel the trace of his cock thick under his own clothes but he did nothing about it. Able to ignore his own need for as long as possible to get what he wanted from you, Jon was talented at that beyond what most women would ever discuss of their mens sexual prowess.
Twisting at your nipple enough you cried out louder into his kiss, Jon only pulled from your lips to roughly husk against them. “It’s alright, darling. I know.” Nodding barley, you tried to chase his lips, but Jon surged forward making the contact himself roughly. Yanking one hand out, Jon traced the length of your body down to your skirt once more before not quite hiking it up, but moving it to where he could seek your thigh underneath. Running smooth over your skin before hiking it up onto his hip, pressing them more into yours as you cried out against him more.
Fingertips running over the already damp fabric covering you, a frustrated growl left Jon as he gritted against your kiss. “Why do you even bother with them?” Not giving you a stuttering chance to find a real answer, Jon gripped the fabric. Tight in his hand as he pulled, more of a yank on them to strain it’s hold, his other hand leaving your chest so suddenly to meet on the other side as both hands suddenly and roughly ripped he material from where it hid your most exposed parts. All without your notice, did Jon quickly put both scraps into one hand, tucking it away on his person without any care for what he did or for such a perverse act of keeping them in secret.
Two fingers seeking out your clit, just as you nearly jumped from the touch, Jons other hand slid behind to grasp at the meat of your ass, forcing your hips forward into his touch more. Rough, tightly kept patterns he moved against the sensitive bundle of nerves with urgency, pulling from your kiss again to watch your eyes before dragging them down what he could see of your body. Yet his voiced while rough and raspy was more on the edge of gentle then you’d expect. “How many can you handle?” A question sounded through your throat as Jon caught your eyes with his dark ones asking for a seriousness. “How many times do you want me to make you cum right now?”
Your voice was meek but you answered honestly, as the brewing tightness inside your core flamed hotter and hotter in a twist as you felt more and more wetness coming from you as you looked into his eyes. “One?” Jon only shook his head with a narrowed expression. “Two?”
Much more firmly, he gave his own final judgment. “We’ll do three.” Your eyes closed, hanging between you as you bit your tongue, hardly concealing the whine in your throat. Down that same path into your insides and core did the coil within you twist. Jon letting your clit almost roll and get tugged on as if your breasts getting the same treatment, your breathing picking up as your lungs stung to keep up with your racing heart. Calling your name more rasping and thick in voice then you could handle, you barley could look up at him as his fingers worked you over as his other hand left the imprints of bruises where he was holding your ass. Fingertips digging into the plush skin with no shame. “Three now, and I’ll give you all the rest later. Okay?”
Your nod was not enough, he always demanded you make yourself clear to him on such matters. “Okay, I promise.” Jon only let out a bright but gentle laugh, muttering that he didn’t need you to promise but you leaned up to meet his lips before he could continue.
Closer and closer the waves flooded into you, but the waters were as warm as Jon against you. Your hands rushing to the back of his neck to cling to him, almost letting him shift your hips so you had to be more at his mercy. Rough and harsh he was on your clit but just the right amount of pressure did he give and that coil snapped outwards and cried his name into his lips with a perfect need. The feeling dizzying you as a tensity gave to each muscle and yet you never even thought to pull away as Jon let that hand on your clit slide down running up and down your wetness with a bite to his kiss.
With no mercy, did Jon wait until he could sense you had just begun to come down before sliding two fingers thick inside of you. Dragging against your walls pulling a cry that had you instantly drop your head down onto his shoulder as if to hide. Pulling you back up with a somewhat tender hold of the hair at the back of your head did Jon pull you back up to meet his eyes. A whispered beg of his name as you almost winced as he sunk as deep as both could go.
Not leaving you, but gently running his nose down the length of yours his voice was full of a needy heavy and distinct, yet spoke with a lightness of concern that struck at your already pounding heart. “Hey, hey, look at me.” Finding your eyes proper, Jon eased up on the manner which he was more slowly pulling them partway from you before even as slowly filling you once more, keeping you on a lightheaded edge but not pushing you. “Are you alright?”
Nodding, you tried to seek his lips but Jon kept you back with an ask of your name to be sure. Eyes closing as you sought your voice beyond the needing beg desperate to seep back into it before looking back at him. “I’m fine, I promise. You’re just..”
“A lot?” Your laugh was breathless, and interrupted halfway through with a small gasp as another quickly forming wave flowed through you. Your hands grasping at his waist now, a tighter hold trying to keep his stature and warmth crowded in front of you, as if Jon had any intention of going anywhere else. Tilting your head back up to Jon, his lips were light and chaste against yours despite the racing in your blood of what he knew he was making you feel like. A burning fire in the dead of winter.
Leaning you more back against the wall in a more relaxed manner, in the back of your mind you could sense that Jon was changing tactics for your sake. Whether or not he believed you were fine didn’t seem to matter in if he said it. Going from a blaze of urgency to a softer, more easing and guiding manner he clearly had decided you needed to be taken care of in a more gentle manner. Days you had been taken by both wolves, and for days on end you begun to feel overwhelmed. Not just in the guilt manifesting in your deluded mind, but a physically overwhelmed sensation that both made you weak and pliable to either of their need, but it was making you overly sensitive.
None of the issue was a blame on either, but if one was likely to notice more then the other it was Jon. No more striking of a comparison then your life now, the manner which they were the same yet extremely different. In the heat of the moment, Robb had a little more trouble recognizing signs you needed to slow down. Obviously both would simply tell you that you should feel comfortable vocalizing that, but you never would. It wasn’t...well it wasn’t how the women in your life raised you.
You were never really told that it actually was alright to voice discomfort to a man in sexual situations, you had a duty. And even though you knew Robb and Jon both despised whenever you’d fall back into that sort of mentality with them, Jon was simply a little more soft in the moment which gave him time to recognize it. The slow way his fingers were still thick inside of you, but dragged them slowly along something sensitive inside of you, never picking that speed up or adding more. The hand around the back of your head, running through you hair almost in a massaging manner as he pulled you closer to your end and despite the grey bleeding out into black, his eyes gazing down at you in something bright but watchful and almost adoring.
He was wild and unpredictable. A man turned feral wolf unable to control his need, but also gentle and watchful no matter how far gone between you both the passion had led you down. Robb was somehow just as much an anomaly. So much more predictable and traditional, you knew what you were always getting into with Robb and yet the degree to with he would drag you down into his level of depravity was perplexing.
Forcing you back into the world was a sudden shift from Jon though, that man gentle and watchful had suddenly switched. Near hissing your name until you looked up to meet his eyes only long enough for Jon to capture your lips with his in a much more needing and biting aggression. Leaving the back of your hair to join his other hand still sinking his fingers in and out of you slowly, but letting his others drag along your wetness and move upward to run back at your clit. The coil inside burning hot and it hurled you faster towards your end then you thought you were.
Head light as he would chase your lips any chance you took to pull back for air until you cried out. The snap sudden and hands grabbing at him hard with a need to ground yourself but Jon simply bit at your lips rough enough you felt a tearing tingling feeling vibrating against them as if he made mean to draw a cut.
Hardly coming down still your thighs shook in such aftershocks but Jon all but growled your name, forehead pressing against yours and tilting you downward to watch as he hiked your dress enough you could see. Not bothering to give you any chance to get your hands on him further, Jon used one hand to pull his length out, thick enough that the still feeling of what you could describe a soreness begged for mercy looking at. But it was unbearably hard as he lined himself up with your soaked entrance. His other hand returning to the back of your neck did Jon force your lips to meet his as he sunk deep inside of you.
Free hand holding up your thigh around his hip, fingertips pressing into the skin as if to remind you that he knew you might be overwhelmed but he needed you to just let him take care of you. For how tight you could be around such a girth, Jon always managed to slide deep inside of you as much as possible in one smooth thrust as if despite everything you had been designed for him. You knew he felt as such.
Licking into your mouth upon a small gasp of pleasure drawn from your core, you had not the head space to realize he was making more of a display then you knew. Going slow enough that the degree of need flowing through you as you grasped at him was palpable, and a more distinct showing that even when his cock was deep inside of you, that was not the only way he would be. Never once did he let you leave his kiss, your lightheadedness mixing with a dizzy feeling the closer he drew you with him to his promised third end.
Sliding in and out of you at such a steady but slow pace, you felt every inch as he moved along your soaked walls. Feeling so full and at such a speed did it really put itself on display for your senses. A burning hotness within you grew and grew as you had no control but to cry as he too, took control of your mouth as well. You both knew in such moments, he controlled you, and you let him. Wanting to beg and plead to him how good he felt inside of you but Jons growling in his chest as he refused to leave your kiss indicated he felt the same.
Heart racing and you only able to meekly hold onto his waist, hardly in the position to try and move with him. No, Jon moved against you, cock slowly filling you, leaving almost to the tip before once more thrusting back enough that were you both bare, the sound would’ve escaped beyond the muffle of your clothes and be heard through the empty hall.
A whine sufficing as a cry of wanting to beg him, plead how good he felt inside of you, a sad, desperate murmur that you loved him as he fucked you slowly against the wall. But his kiss stole your voice and breath and every sound just as he wanted. Already a shaking feeling in your muscles did you wrap your arms more around his shoulder and back as that feeling once again raised it’s weary head and sent you down the hill to that burning water to radiate all over your body. Closer and closer did you go, clenching around Jons length as he throbbed inside of you. Hands tight against your hair and your thigh as he held but the moment you snapped and waved over with a cry in his kiss did Jon let out a guttural groan into your mouth in return.
Thick and hot his seed was as it spilled inside of you, his hips never slowing until there was nothing left to offer. For now. Were you in the confines of his chambers, that would’ve merely been a first, light coarse for what he really wanted to do to you. How long he could go. Letting your leg down, Jon ensured you were steady on your feet before tucking himself back.
One hand cupping the side of your neck, Jon tilted your head up by your chin to meet his dark eyes, both of you catching your breath close to the other enough you felt the air leaving him his your cheek, almost as hot as the seed he filled you with. A handsome smile came over him with a breath of a laugh, leaning close to capture another kiss but to also run his nose against yours, not moving an inch from you too far until he knew you had returned back down to the ground. He’d take you until you passed out tonight, he didn’t even need to state it for you to know.
Except as he nuzzled against you in return as you did him, did his voice hiss out more rasping and rough then he would’ve spoken to you with. “You wanted a free show or what?” Brows narrowing in an innocent confusion, as Jon turned to the other side of the hall did you gasp in a shock and startle. But Jon, only pulled you closer into his front. A protective hold on you without question as he glared down the other Stark there. Muttering as you felt the flushing of embarrassment cause you to hide more in Jons chest, asking how long he had been there. Jons answer only flooded your nerves with that humiliation more, but the gentle caress of the hair at the back of your head suggested he knew that when he said it. “Almost the whole time.”
You glanced over with one eye, despite who it was you felt something of that guilt and shame at being caught. His blue eyes bordered on dark as he stepped closer with something sharp and rigid in his jaw, arms crossed against his chest as he stood there eyeing down his brother, whom was keeping you protectively close to his chest. Robb was the slightest bit softer looking towards you but his words did not help. “The only reason he did this here, love, is he wanted me to see him take you.”
Coming too close, Jon pulled you more into him. Tucking your flustered head from Robbs prying eyes as Jon considered them. “Robb.” Stopping his brother in his tracks at the unmistakable warning in his voice, Jon tilted his head somewhat in his narrowed gaze that said something you did not have the privilege to see or interpret. Rasping deep close to your ear as if responding to something Robb had spoken silently, considering nothing was shared out loud. “She’s not yours tonight.”
Moving backwards a bit, you looked up to a confusion to Jon. Tearing what seemed to be a tense stare off between the two, Jon softened as he cupped both of your cheeks. Pressing a kiss to your forehead and a longer, chaste one to your lips once then twice before muttering against them. “Go on ahead without me for now. Tell them I’ll be right there, I need to talk to Robb for a moment.”
A bite of your tongue he could see, Jon merely left one more kiss to your lips as he let his thumb run over the skin of your cheek. “Let me talk to Robb right now, and I’ll take care of you tonight, darling. I promise.” Nodding, he gestured for you to go, not letting his hands leave your frame until there was no other choice.
A deeply embarrassed fluster was flush across your face as you had to pass Robb to even go in the direction you needed. Without seeing the flash of a much more quick and deep rooted anger Jons eyes sent towards his brother the entire time, Robb had stopped you in your tracks to pull you a little closer to his side. His whisper not quiet enough that Jon wouldn’t hear, which no doubt was purposeful as he let his hand run gentle at your other cheek then Jon had just been touching. “He take care of you?”
Not letting you turn to address the more stern anger in Jons shout, Robb raised an eyebrow with a charming smirk to entice you to answer. Wanting to glance between them with more to say but you didn’t quite know that he was getting at. Only nodding, as Robb then looked you over. Stepping close to your front he leaned down.
A whisper still enough for Jon to hear, “And the days he doesn’t, my bed is open to you for more then just what we agreed on.” You took it with much more innocence, but the gesture had Jon clench his jaw, turning from the sight with an anger deep in his agitated frame as Robb captured your lips in a gentle kiss. Hardly lasting long he nodded only once in the direction for you to go. Both waiting until the sight and sounds of you were long gone did they turn back to face one another.
“How often do you do this?” Roughly asking what, Jon felt little patience in him for this. Part of him was still buzzing from how perfect it always felt to make love to you, and having that interrupted no matter what set him off. But he too, was set off from last night and his own anger that might have ended him this discussion anyways. Robb’s comment was made in an anger, gesturing to where you had disappeared down the hall with offence. “Fucking her out in the open where anyone could walk in on? She’s your wife and you’re out there fucking her like you’re in the middle of a brothel.”
Jon found himself raising his voice in an angry audacity almost right away as he stepped closer to his brother. “I love her. I don’t fuck her like a whore, and I certainly don’t treat her like one.” Almost something amused sat in Robbs comment almost challenging him on that fact, but Jons face twisted as he gestured in general to Robbs person. “I heard you two last night.”
He was quick on the draw, Jon could give him that. “You listen to me fuck her often, Snow?”
That only inflamed that temper within him to draw out claws that much faster. “Everyone in the castle could hear. The way you talk to her-” Cutting himself off Jon ran a hand over his mouth as if to contain the ire and frustration so close to boiling over, despite the calm temper sitting in Robbs eye.
“What about it?”
Challenging Jon to say what he meant, Jon decided he refused to say it in any way that flowered it up in honey whatsoever. Robb knew Jon had said it with something feircly protective in him towards you. “She was your wife first. How about you try fucking her like you love her for once?” A short ask in a drop in tone for Jon to repeat himself, he pulled no punches as he let your name come growling out. “You fuck her like you hate her, and you want to judge me for where I spend my time with her?”
Only, the best opponent for a Stark in anger, was an equally as angry Stark. Robb was a good contender to throw back at his brother just as well. “I’m not the one leaving her bruised all over. Whenever I have her after you, it looks like you beat her.” The flare that struck within Jon did something near dangerous flow over his eyes, and yet Jon made not an inch of reaction despite that sudden pounding in his heart. “If you were anyone else, Jon, I wouldn’t be letting her anywhere near your bed.”
They both were letting their tempers make it personal, it didn’t need to be an attack on either, but neither were men well received for such harsh comparisons. Nearly getting into his brothers face his voice dropped to an edged husk like a sharp blade. “You of all people don’t get to throw that at me. Or are you going to honestly tell me that you aren’t way too rough with her every night you have her?”
It was the truth, and Robb could only ever phrase it to Jon in such a way, but it was not the right emotions brewing between either of them to make what was said, land anything close to being taken in the right way. “She wants me to be rough with her.”
Jon only growled out, “She want you to hurt her?”
Staring the other down, both felt that anger too close to the surface. If neither had said anything they would regret later by now, both brothers knew they were treading awful close to that line. Robb stayed as steady and calm as he always did, but nearly hissing out with a seething anger. “If you’re accusing me of something, Snow. Best say it now.”
Breathing ragged and harsh as it was deep through his lungs, Jons voice dropped rough with something much more visibly worked up in his every manner of his person. “I’d never treat her the way you do.”
“I’d never use her in public like she’s a show for men to get off on watching.”
Both could argue you never complained with either of them and it would be true, but the distance between how they were in such intimate scenarios with you were almost too different to see eye to eye in anyway here. The tension to thick and riled up to be compatible in any way. The feeling in his chest, heart pounding and yet it all beat in the direction yearning to be where you had gone, but that man overpowered the wolf long enough to push down the rawness for reason even for a moment.
Sighing out, Jon opened and closed his mouth a few times, but the wave coming across his eyes much more serious and concerned seemed to have luckily, struck Robb that whatever he was to say needed to be listened too at the minimum. More of a rasp, no one would hear save for Robb what he was about to say. “Things were easier between you two before, but it’s different now. She’s...” Finding his eyes, Jon felt what you must have felt towards him months ago. The need to spare a loved one from such a horrible knowledge. So he downplayed it, and both knew he was doing so. “The things she’s been through since she’s come back, she’s not the same anymore, Robb. She’ll never tell you if she wants to stop, she won’t tell you no when she knows she needs to, she’ll never do anything that she thinks might displease you. She’ll trick you into forcing her past her limits if she thinks she needs too.”
Robb only asked what did he mean by that, and when Jon didn’t answer, both felt unwell at either the truth or the following assumption. Looking away, Robb returned his brothers gaze after a beat passed with a tone calmer then before but full of a worry. “You’re saying she’d-”
Jon hated that he knew where it was going, but was as blunt as he knew Robb deserved to hear the extent of it. “If we weren’t raised by our father, if we were worse men? She’d let us take her against her will if we wanted it, and she’d still pretend she liked it for our sake. She’ll do whatever it takes to please you. I’m not telling you..” Both men nodded knowing where that one was going, brothers unwilling to address that so specifically as Jon continued with a clearing throat. “I am saying you have to be more careful with her. You have to make sure you’re watching for signs she’s about to lie to you when you ask if she needs to stop.”
You would’ve let Jon take you roughly if he hadn’t picked up on how overly sensitive you felt, and Jon hated that you trusted him even if he’d actually be hurting you. And he knew you trusted Robb the same, but he needed Robb to know that too. Nodding, the blue in Robb’s eyes much more matched the bright sorrow no doubt radiating in Jons greys. Thinking for a moment before he nodded, something more confident and firm in him. “I have to do better to take care of her.”
Jon though, none of the anger left, gave nothing but a peace offering in form of the truth. “We both do.”
Robb had the right answer though, one not so marred in Jons ill memories of the unknown to Robb as he lightened the mood standing in that corridor. “Who knew it’d take two of us to even try tackling whats wrong in her head.” Jon jested back, both glancing to where you had gone that you were the most exhausting woman a man could try to love. Both laughed lightly at that, facing the other again, as Jon extended his arm in a final offering. Robb took it with a shake. “You two have tonight with each other, tomorrow,”
“We start fresh?”
Robb could only add with an amusement, “She’s going to hate being part of that talk. Stubborn as all hell.”
Jon however laughed, again a bright look full of a distant adoration so vivid in his eyes watching where you were not. In truth, he seemed to have mumbled the quiet part out loud, but in a stroke of luck, Robb knew exactly what he was talking about for himself too. “And I’d never trade that about her for anything.” You were exhausting the two wolves knew, but Robb and Jon also knew who was up to a great challenge if not a pack of wolves?
The meeting went so much easier then the tension minutes before would’ve suggested. You and Robb worked well together, much of his thoughts or strategy complimented by you. But too were you also so natural at Jons side. More of the support for his decisions, and if Robb were to admit, you looked quite good at his brothers side. You looked perfect at Robbs he knew, but you also somehow looked like you too were made to stand at Jons. The only question now was what to do about that, but Robb knew that would have to wait until tomorrow. Robb wanted you, he loved you, but still he could see.
And there was no denying the simple fact that Jon looked at you like he truly needed you.
Little did something feel better then the hot water steaming around you. Not simply the grime of the day soaking off of your skin, but from the cold air exposed before getting in to the heat now engulfing every part around it, it made the pain that much easier to sit with. Faint were the sounds of your dreams which woke you so early the night before, and now sitting there you could ignore the rest of it for even just a moment.
Though, the just as warm figure behind you helped in that manner. Running through your hair, Jon had rinsed out the oils you had chosen for yourself that time, and now had begun busying himself with gently running through the long locks with a comb to untangle the rest. Rasping low in your ear as your eyes sat closed at his insistence that you enjoy yourself and not do anything. “You can’t avoid it forever.”
A murmur on your tongue, even without looking you could see the bemused grin forming across Jons face as you said it. “I think you’re underestimating my ability to run from my problems.” Mumbling that he certainly was not doing that, both of you knew were you facing him you’d have nudged him from you in a playful protest. “You know him in a different way then I do. You don’t have to worry about him putting every negative viewpoint he might possibly have known in his life and hurl it towards you for a life he doesn’t understand.”
Shifting so Jon could drape your hair along the front of one shoulder, he then slid that same arm across your frame, pulling you to lean back against him by your collarbones. One hand shifting up to hold at his wrist. “And I grew up a bastard, and married his highborn daughter. You don’t think that puts me down a notch in his eyes?” Mumbling that it was higher up of an opinion then you would be right now, Jon chuckled slightly before pulling you closer. “He’ll find out eventually.”
Inhaling deeply, you let your head fall back a bit against him, his other hand slinking around to your front to pull you closer as you sat between his legs. “And I’ll handle that when it comes to it, but I’m not looking for a reason for my father to judge me more then he does now.”
It took quite a while before you were willing to get up, and Jon never once hesitated in giving you that time, the hot water around now acting as a soother to you from the many encounters of passed days. How such a discussion came about to what would be said when your father learned of your new unique position, you had no doubt you’d rather not have to think on it. Pulling you up from the water, Jon had only gone as far as to wrap a long but silk made robe around your shoulders before guiding you into the other room.
Feet cold against the stone, you naturally sought out the furs in front of his fire. The cold of his room was always prominent, even moreso as the snows begun to fall and fall without failure. Never did it bother you, but in that moment it was as if the waters you just emerged from had been as cold as ice. Only the skin touched by the light of fire had anything soothing feeling towards it, your bones yearning to wrap a thicker shall or even a blanket around you by this point.
Your vision from the side told you that somehow, Jon had not the same feeling about the cold. Door locked and uncaring about the same insecurities you did about it, he hard only thrown on a pair of breeches. Not even laced up as they threatened to fall as they sat temptingly low on his hips. Flickering back to the fire, you felt a guilt for it as if spying on a sight not your business. He was not walking around that way for you to leer at and yet you found the inclination strong all the same.
Step by step you heard him approach, and yet as your arms had crossed your front pulling the sides of the robe closed, did Jon gently pull the sides down your shoulders with the silent command for you to let it fall where he allowed it. Dropping around your feet, your bare frame now drying better in front of the fire was not given the chance to shiver from the air. Pulled back into Jon once more, an arm wrapped around to your stomach and the other smoothing his palm up and down your waist to hip.
The still warm droplets of water fell from where they clung to the curls of his hair, down onto your skin where he leaned over your shoulder. The side of his head pressed into yours, Jons eyes and yours followed one single drops path where it fell on your collarbones, down over the curve of your breasts and down between before losing steam as it came down to your hips. Another and another as if he was muddying your ability to stay dry now with the desire to watch what came from him spill down onto your skin as if watching something far more perverse in nature.
Tilting your head somewhat to partially see him in your view, Jons voice was a low rasp but thicker with need then before. As if only as he spoke deeply did you feel the undeniable twitch of his cock begging to go back to being uncovered and close to you as he wanted. But did not make any move to do so, not quite yet that was. “I want to make you feel good.” Murmuring your name, Jon leaned over a little more to ensure you were looking at him. “Do you want that?”
Nodding at first, you should’ve known Jon would not accept such a response. He expected it out loud, and barley did you have the courage to whisper. “Please?” Jon only smiled something much more charming as he stretched the more awkward angle to seek what of your lips he could reach. Guiding you to lay down right where you were, Jon kicked away the fabric of the robe away onto the floor useless to him now.
Braced up against your palms, feet planted on the ground with your knees more bent, Jon sat more comfortably at your side facing the opposite manner so your eyes could easily meet. Letting a hand ride up, he ran gentle over your face and by your cheek, almost instinctively did you lean into his touch as he switched to cup your cheek completely. Thumb now taking over running back and forth. Reaching back up to grasp at his wrist, your own thumb pressing over his pulse had him shiver.
Almost twisting his face into a frown had you not know him better, Jon instead of making any words, slid his hand to the back of your neck. Pulling you to him as he leaned forward to capture your lips with his. Gentle he was as soft as his lips were, you never felt anything but that jump of lightness in your heart at such a motion. Not anything deep, but a guiding lead as he refused at every gesture to allow you to pull away.
Once, then twice did he try on his own only to fail and return to force your lips back to his as if he were not the one who tried to give you the air. Deeper and deeper did he kiss you, seeking out any and every need within him to keep that gentle press against him as much as you felt that lightness move from your chest to your mind, clouding it as you wished to reach up to him. Instead Jon leaned more over you, keeping you in need to stay braced against the furs to even meet him in anyway, but Jon more then made up for it.
Only tearing away as he bit your lip, pulling a gasp from you, Jon ignored the urge to slide his tongue into your mouth and made his way to press his lips against your jaw and neck. One hand moving to the opposite side of your head to tilt you better to his need, but Jon licked and kissed a wet path down your neck only to bite down. Returning up that same pathway, you felt Jon give more of a growl to you as he sunk his teeth.
A buzzing flew though you with something sharp as gasps came out in high pitched need, eyes fluttering closed at the scraping of his teeth pulling a desire from you more and more as your thighs tensed wishing to push together. Harder and harder did he bite, before his lips soothed the sting before returning to such the same animalistic instinct. Unable to stop himself from nearing the point of too far and yet never once did the need in your heart turn from such strong trust to fear. Never with Jon would you wish to feel that as if he’d treat you the way Ramsay had.
Pushing you down more, Jon shifted his own stance so he could hover over you. The hand on your face now drifting downward, seeking your knee as he reached blindly behind him and made them move to lay down, forcing you to simply lay out and relax. Yet his path of his lips did not make that easy, a wetness growing between your legs as each breath could be heard more labouring from you as every single sound was higher pitched then the last.
Not even the wince was truly correct, more of something overwhelming as when your legs lay out did Jon grasp at your breast. Calloused hand groping at the plush skin not even with any showmanship or finesse. Just the greed of a man who wanted more, lips moving down to your collarbones with every intent on stopping at your breasts.
His body moved down with him, less and less of him so easily available to see but his still damp hair, curls black as they created a tickling curtain where it fell around his head against your skin, his facial hair much more a raw scratching that had your hand dig into the fur with a whine so close to the surface.
Kissing the top of your breast which was not occupied by his hand, Jon finally glanced up to you only for a moment. Staring from your neck no doubt bruising as you felt the sting against it, down and down to your breasts before his hand returned to grasping at you. Fingers gently grabbing at your nipple, only pulling and pinching enough that matched his gentle manner his lips found the other.
Sucking gently at the bud of your breast did your back arch up into him. Fingers still digging into the fur as the other sat stretched above your head doing the same unsure what you were supposed to even do beyond barley withholding a whine of his name. More and more his lips found that of his teeth and as he more roughly pulled at your nipple did Jon bite down on the other.
That so much more a growl leaving from his chest, that feeling of sparks burned from his touch and flooded your bloodstream down and all through where it reached. The more he yanked at your nipple with a force, the more Jon took the other between his teeth rather then any gentle soothing with his lips or tongue. Bites around the rest of it as the sting on your neck was tenfold here. A pleasure much more distinct and needy begging to be brought to the surface.
But not yet finished was he in his path. Moving down Jon continued to not let any spot he passed go without a kiss. Between the valley of your breasts and down your sternum, Jon took his time at your stomach. The scar with careful near pecks before shifting fully. Kneeling more between your legs now on his knees, Jon grasped both of your thighs and spread them wide. Grey in his eyes disappearing to the black as he looked at what wetness you already gifted him. “Relax for me. I’ll take care of you,”
Hardly sitting up on your elbows, your neck and chest stung with indents of teeth and forming bruises as it heaved for the air he always made you feel as if it were a struggle for. Lips parted you nodded, an unsure glaze over your eyes that never ceased to accompany such an act but Jon was too busy staring what you so easily let him have between your legs. You never felt confident in this the way he was in how much he wanted it but you did not dare say no, not when your body burned everywhere you could still feel his touch. Fire alight on your upper thighs where he was keeping them pushed apart for his witness. Shifting downwards, Jon only rasped with an accent so thick you barley would’ve heard if not for the quiet around you two. “I’ll never get over the way you taste, darling.”
Head dropping backwards against the furs in both an embarrassment and also a deep shiver racing down your spine. You didn’t know if he even cared at this point at how you always reacted to his genuine thirst for the wetness he would drink from. Starved and in need, Jon never cared about anything he could taste more then what he could get from prying your legs apart.
Jon lay between your legs, pulling both over each shoulders with such a dark gaze staring with an intensity that could intimidate most. Lips finding your mound, you bit your lip from any noise but Jon with a hand holding you steady at the hip, slid more down to your ass. Not even grasping properly, but a sharp squeeze with his nails to add as if grabbing your attention to not hide from him. He could not look to you, thus he needed to hear you. Your breath shaky as he kissed down to your clit but the cry was an outburst you did not necessarily mean to come out so sharply.
Licks of his tongue almost like that of a kitten, Jon never picked up any pace of significance. Soft and sweet as if savouring something before seeking his feast, your body burned despite it. A fire forming in the pit of you core and were Jon not holding you down, you’d have arched to his touch more. Instead held in place, Jon grew more and more bold. Small flicks of his tongue, turned into more purposeful motions and the pressure begun to increase. Both in against your clit from his touch, but within your core it increased faster then normal.
You were sensitive, but that made it you were sensitive to touch of any kind. Jon was cruel however in what he would bring you to your finish from his touch on you alone. Much more sloppily did he care for your clit. Tongue flat against it, patterns you could not even discern and his lips taking it with a sucking as if your nipple. But the bundle of nerves so strikingly waved desire through you that your hand beside you within the furs grasped at his hair by instinct.
The hold was light, but Jon grunted. The vibration pulling a whine in your chest, and thus he did it once more. Further and further did his tasting tongue drag you down as he soaked you in pleasure. His lips and tongue so powerful against you as your thighs tensed. Your hand remained gentle raking through his curls but the other stretched bent above your head was positioned still grasped the fur tightly.
A growl against you and hands tight on your skin as he held you down, that thread keeping you from beyond had suddenly snapped as Jon almost ran his mouth over you as if a kiss meaning to tease you with his tongue. A shamelessly greedy manner to be between your legs and yet as your orgasm flooded your veins and clouded your mind calling his name did Jon shift your hips up.
Sat a bit more upwards, Jon now held you down where he could sink his head down properly into your cunt as an animal drinks from a pool of water in desperate calling. Only the dark curls could you see but your cries left without any ability to stop them. Your hand did not maintain hold through his curls to keep him there, but rather a tether to the ground where you’d float away otherwise.
Your wetness on full display for him, made only stronger by the saliva coating you as much as your heavy taste coated his tongue. The grunts from him only increasing, further and further licking inside of you. Tongue running flat along from your clit down, and growling emerging from his chest as he shifted his hold on your hips tighter to tug you to his mouth closer.
A burning feeling was all you had, just the fire beside you and the sounds of Jons mouth feasting between your legs and yet it echoed in the head of you who could only feel that fire for him. Nothing else existed and your lip would bite down as much as you could not keep them from parting with a moan out to the quiet of the night.
One hand running down to your ass, Jon shifted you better once more as if never happy yet. As if nothing could make any of it any better until as your mind was nothing but a beg of him, he wanted no sense focused on anything but you. Coating his tongue your wetness did, and every brush and lick as he found inside of you was almost not for you. The pleasure a coincidence, a side effect to the true desire which was giving Jon yourself in ways you only had known and trusted from him.
Crying out his name another flood of need waved through you, muscles all tense and yet as your feet pressed into his back, Jon growled as his tongue was deep inside of you. The vibrations strong and so sharp you would’ve jumped were he not holding you down. “Gods, Jon, please..”
Were his eyes not closed, they’d have rolled into the back of his head at the sound. Your begging like that of a siren in the sea to him, and he swam directly towards the source. Waters flooding around the man whereas here, it was the wetness mixed with you and his saliva making such a mess that were he not drinking all of what you gifted him, the furs below no doubt would’ve been soaked and Jon would not have held a single regret as such. A reminder of what he was graced with now no matter what past and present beholded to him. He could always lay you out on the furs before the fire in his chambers and always taste that sweetness no dessert could replicate.
Lay you out bare on the table in the hall and Jon would taste you as all else ate what was baked for any such occasion. Before you could even articulate it, before words could form such a burst of sparks turned to flames and did you writhe against his touch. A groan left Jon as his name left you, hands now braced at the thigh over his shoulders, did Jon not give you a single inch untouched.
Tongue flat against you and sliding as much as he could inside of your warm, soaking cunt as you clenched around the nothing truly filling you with as much crying need as his cock could give. Jon did not understand how some people saw this act as merely build up to the next event. Jon had you bare laying out for him for long enough that sweat was beginning to form over you in a way that made another groan come out against you.
Sparks too much as your hips flinched a little from his mouth but Jon was not done. He struggled to be done. Returning up to your clit with fervour, your hands tightening in his hair did not in fact, ease up the manner which he drank from you. In fact, it only spurned him on further. One hand reaching upwards, Jon ran over your front grasping tightly at your breast as if to gain your attention. The hand above your head reaching the language, reaching down to grasp his as you both held tight. Jon with such a tight hold on you as each shock of pleasure too much he kept you firmly on his tongue.
Your insides twisted without words to describe it, you faintly could breathe there was such a strong pleasure burning like a fire in the wild in your core. It never eased up as he never let you, cries coming from your lips as eyes stung with tears.
Further and further Jon dragged you down to the depths. One after another, you lost count as you suspected he wished for you too. Seeking a pleasure he could greedily provide you in contrast to what he still aggravatingly knew was such a rough manner his brother treated you. Jon knew he was rougher with you then he sometimes realized, but never did he do it on purpose. Never did he fuck you with angry words and spitting insults and yet you enjoyed it. Almost enough it would make Jon second guess your time with him.
But looking up, grey eyes scouring over your arching body with marked breasts from his mouth on full display, his mouth never once stopping his taste, Jons eyes slipped back closed. Your hand in his hair was not directing, only grounding. Only keeping you from floating too far, but again was Jon not concerned with stopping.
Jon gifted to you what no man before him had ever done, and none enjoyed it the way he does. No one understood the way Jon was laid between your legs, thighs over his shoulders as your feet dug into his back trying to ease the pressure in your core from his tongue. The way you grasped for words but failed short of anything but pleads of his name, or how if he looked closely, the tears existed in your eyes? He knew all he needed to know. He was different with you then the way Robb was, but he was more then enough. He was something to you other men could never be.
A final flood into his mouth, Jon had not waited until you came down to sit upwards. Surging over your body, Jon captured the back of your head, pulling you up to meet his lips as your hands instantly wrapped around his own shoulders and back. Grasping at the long, loose strands of black curls hiding his greedy kiss from the watchful eyes he knew was not there.
Robb was right, Jon had taken you where he did earlier because he wanted his brother to see. Jon wanted him to see how a man fucks you slowly, keeps your lips so pressed against his that he had not the time to even entertain the idea of muttering such filth to you. The anger he felt at the words spoken and how you in such a state of mind had just taken it.
He knew Robb loved you but he did not come anywhere near close to fucking you as if that were true. Jon however, knew that even in the most depraved moments where it was not a mans cock inside of you but a wolf, he still was not jut fucking you. A word, a concept saved for the brothel in Winter Town, it belonged nowhere between you both. Jon no matter how rough, made love to you.
And as he licked at your bottom lip, taking advantage of how obediently you parted your lips to allow him to slide his tongue into your mouth sharing the sweet and heavy taste you had him addicted too, Jon knew there was nothing which would fuck the way he did you were it full of something beyond love. Overwhelming your mouth with his tongue matching the same as he drank from your cunt, you gripped at his hair and whined into his mouth knowing Jon would not let you go.
He needed to share, to taste your lips and mouth along with your wetness. He needed you to understand what he was so addicted too. What he could salivate like an animal over thinking about too long. How he did not understand why you’d ever want to suck his cock when there was no way it was anywhere near as close to a paradise above as you. Tasting you was never rough, it was never mean and could never push your limits beyond a saftey.
But he was not finished. The manner in which he has shared with you to soak so perfectly, Jon pulled your kiss closer by the back of your head to the thought that sliding inside of you was going to be so beautifully smooth. Restrained by his breeches, he hated that he even put them on for any modesty, but capturing your sweet lips once, twice, four times did he finally pull away.
Running his nose slowly down the length of yours as he rasped with such thick words, slurring together from an accent running strong in his desire. “Spread wide for me, darling.” Running his hand along what he could of your sweating hair, you bit your lip with a nod.
His dark eyes looking down at you, not even watching but feeling as you had to be the one to spread your legs wider for him. Jons touch only found in the form of his hands smoothing up the back of your calves. A brighter look in his eyes gave a nod that you did good, but surged both of them up to cup your cheeks. Passion bright between you as he could barley find it within him to move his lips elsewhere.
You felt as Jon sat up, holding his hands out for you to grasp as he pulled you up to a sitting position before him. Still having to lean down over you from the higher vantage point, but he kept your hands gentle in his. Bringing them down to the tops of his breeches, Jon gave the softest of smiles to your weary expression. “You’ve done this hundreds of times now.”
Nodding, you pushed away the nerves as if the first time seeing a mans cock. Undoing each lace without putting any form of show on, just slow and carefully as to not have any roughness to him. Free and loose, you begun pulling them down to low on his hips, the top of his hard cock visible eventually making you pause. Eyes looking up to meet Jons, he didn’t have to say anything. The look of encouragement that you could do this yourself, and slowly did you pull them down enough your face was level with his cock. Thick and red from the amount of blood pooling in him, you stared at it with your lips parted in a need.
Head turning to look up at him with a question, “Jon-”
He was quicker and shorter in tone with you. “No.” Cupping the side of you head, Jons dark eyes did not watch the tender words. “I want to be inside you, but not this way. Just the way you and I always do.”
Your heart flipped as you understood the insinuation. The gentle way. Nodding, he muttered for you to speak up. “I understand.” His silence as his hand raked through your hair was as good as praise. Eventually he took over for you, getting the rest of his clothes off and tossing them beyond sight as he leaned over you again, your legs still spread so wide like he asked.
Palms pressing into the furs at each side of your head, you sighed deeply in a desperate need for whatever he was to do next at his choosing. Rasping with such adoration, there was no aggression in the way Jon ever spoke to you regardless of what his touch might insinuate. “Some day soon, darling. I’m going to fill you with a baby. Give you my son.” It wasn’t an ask.
Your heart suddenly remembered the faint cries in your dreams without putting it together so directly. Nodding, you ran your hands through his curls with a gentle smile. “We can name him after your father if you want?” Jon’s eyes were wide and glossy but he didn’t say no. A nod of yes small but clear as he reached finally between you both. As if he was giving you a promise for right now, as if outside of this room, you’d walk out and a baby boy would be born to you both no matter how much it had yet to happen.
Crying out, Jon too hissed as he pressed the tip of his cock to your clit. Sensitive and soaked, Jon prodded against it as if teasing, but no smiles were found. Dragging it down with the same pressure, finally did Jon run along your soaking folds. Forcing his hand under your head to grasp at your hair, Jon looked you in the eye as he finally sunk inside of you.
The stretch making you gasp, the sting so perfect and yet the pain from so much of it present. He slid slowly, deep as he could go, as you could take him and yet your tight walls clenching around him did not seem to effect how his cock had entered you in one smooth thrust. Holding around the back of his neck with a crying gasp, your legs laid wide shook. Begging his name, but Jon shushed you as if soothing something upset.
Jon didn’t even blink when he pulled almost all of the way out of you. Tip remaining and such heavy breaths from your breasts now turning colour, Jon caressed your head and hair as much as he could before slowly thrusting back inside. Dragging his cock along your such sensitive walls pulled tears, but your lips were left open in endless cries both his name and silence. Jon never wavered as he looked down to you, demanding in his expression that you not close your own eyes.
Each slide of his cock was followed by such a humiliatingly wet sound. Pushing inside of your cunt, it could be heard that it was so smooth beacuse he had you so soaked. It was slower then even before, the way he gently pulled out of your walls nearly completely before thrusting back in. Ensuring every single moment he could see your eyes as he did so. Embarrassing it felt, but he did not do it as such, but a need of his own. To look into your eyes and know this connection between you both was here and real beyond any doubt. He had to look at you, in your eyes as if it was his own tethering to the ground.
Muscles tensing above you the more and more Jons length thrusted in and out of you, but the drag radiated from where it clawed at, pooling to your blood and veins and only able to be vocalized as pleasure beyond, “Oh fuck, Jon..” Your eyes fluttered shut, only for a moment trying to drag them back open without prompt. A prideful feeling struck within Jon that without any orders he had you so obedient for him.
Trying to move your hips with him, Jon only leaned down to press his lips to yours. Shifting so he could pull one of your legs by the thigh to rest up on his hip. Speeding up to overtake how much you could match him in thrusts, eyes pleading you to just let him take care of you.
You felt unbearably full, the thickness of his length always managing to draw out the most beautiful pain that you never thought you’d want to be asking for. Sweat building between you both and none of it from the fire beside you alone. Biting at your lips, you didn’t even need to gasp to know what it was to come, parting your lips and as he had before, overtook the charge. Brushing over your tongue as a sound of need gifted from you to him as Jon picked up just the slightest.
Your other leg bending up to his side to match on it’s own, the drag of his cock from your soaking warmth had you clenching around him, a grunt to you right back. Just slightly faster was enough to arch up into his front. Tearing from your lips as thrust after thrust did he move his hips with yours, cock sliding barley half way out before Jon lost his patience and thrusted right back inside of you as deep. Forehead leaning against yours, the trail of saliva connected between you only to break as he husked out with such a rough, guttural force. “You’re mine, darling. You’ll always be mine, and I’ll always be yours.”
He expected no response, words not easily coming to you in such a state. Pleads and cries and begs all whispered and whined like music in his ears as much as the sound of your wetness taking his length with a perfection. He could share you with one, he could do that, but he wouldn’t give you up. He’d make it work with Robb, he had to. Neither wolf could afford to ruin this, as much as he didn’t want to hurt you, Jon too didn’t want to leave you. He couldn’t and wouldn’t.
Grasping the thigh on his hip, Jon pushed back enough on his knees still thrusting slowly inside of you. With gritted teeth Jon suddenly pushed your leg as much as he could up against your chest, grasping the other and wrapping his arm around it to push it to the same.
One foot resting along his back, the other too tightly held in it’s bend with nowhere to go, you gasped with a bite of your lip as Jons hips drove into yours faster again. No rougher, but faster did the slight sound of skin against skin fill the air beyond your cries of need to one another. The coil within you at the new angle twisted unbearably fast, a flooding heat fill a sparking explosion begging to occur once that coil snapped and Jons cock started to drive you faster and faster to that end.
Eyes growing wider, almost begging to him did your voice grow frantic, unable to handle the warmth as you clenched around him. “Jon, I..I- oh fuck, Jon please.”
A true growl left Jon that time, a smooth slide in and out of you he only picked up somewhat in speed but you were so tight around him this way. You were so perfectly out on display for his cock and Jon felt his head drop at the way he started to throb inside of you over it. Forcing out in rasp, “Come on, darling. Come on, I need to feel you around me, give me this one..” Leaning down Jon captured your lips in a messy manner before your lips fell open in a cry. Grunting into you, Jon begun thrusting harder into you as that wave exploded.
The fire flooding you and bursting with that perfect amount of pain, Jon never ceasing how deep he had to fuck you, how much he had to keep going rougher just to fill you the same. Whatever nothings of begs coming from your mouth, Jons eyes fell shut. Head dropping into your neck, your orgasm spinning your mind to only him, did Jon throb deeply before your name slipped muffled into your skin and hair.
A heat suddenly filled you so deeply, Jons seed spilling inside of you hot and as thick as his cock was, but he never stopped. He sat up on his knees, thrusting faster with just as much momentum. A darkness in his eyes, looking down to your body covered in his bruising work as he rasped with a dark desire. “We’ll go as long as you want, as long as you need. Always, I promise, darling. I promise.”
Your orgasm had hardly faded, his hot seed deep inside you as if both were desperate to find harmony with one another, but Jon kept going. Thrust after thrust until the world begun to fade away from your desperate form. Arms wrapping around the back of his neck in his hair, you begged for him to stay, and Jons cock went harder at the sound.
Only the sounds of Jons rasp did you hear in the growing fading lost in the pleasure. “Sleep, darling. You’re safe with me.” When your eyes closed and head dropped to the side you did not know. But you did in fact know, that Jon hadn’t stopped when you did. You didn’t want him too. Spilling inside you so much that when you awoke eventually it coated the inside of your thighs as if you were so full of him that it had nowhere to go but paint your skin too.
Bare in the bed with the fur gently pulled atop, Jon had finished at some unthinkable time after you slept, and brought you to bed eventually. Where your place to him, was always at his side. But that was the thing wasn’t it? Because Robb too, thought the same about you as Jon. And both were men who expressed the degree of their love through fucking you, no matter the toll it was beginning to take.
It wasn’t just the direwolves which seemed to have disappeared that afternoon, it was you as well.
Robb had you one night, Jon the other but where were you now? Back and forth they had you for the night but suddenly you were nowhere to be seen. Theon did not know, Olly did not know, no one seemed to know. Nor did Arya have a clue where Ghost and Greywind were. Suggesting they had gone out for a hunt, but they had done that last night and wouldn’t have needed another so soon.
In the ask if they should be worried, Robb held the level head. Saying it was fine, and no doubt you were somewhere still in the castle clearly since no one too had seen you even trail outside. “Jon, she’s somewhere. We just have to find where that where is.”
Sighing deeply, Robb could almost taste the overbearing anxiety emanating from his brother. Neither too, could see through the eyes of their respective wolves. Something which seemed to happen when one was in a deep sleep unable to be so directly interrupted. Which was good, they were asleep and there were only so many places that was. Your name leaving Jons lips, “Wherever Ghost is, that’s where she is.” Robb asked why, and curiously Jon almost hesitated for a moment to answer. “Because if I can’t protect her, then Ghost does.”
Not dissimilar things they had done, Robb during the war once rumours of Renly Baratheon’s strange death came from his mothers account, Robb was unwilling to risk anything else. Greywind watched you at all times, kept tabs on you and could report back to Robb as well as any soldier, if not better. “You can’t trust her inside our own home?”
Jon was holding something back he knew, something he wasn’t saying but Robb doubted it would be an easy task to try and pry it out of him. “No. She has too many enemies out there. All it takes is her getting too far outside the walls and who knows what could happen to her.” Robb could only relent with a slight tilt of his head, dark and murky history passed told that story very well.
Sighing deeply, Robb stopped to turn to his brother in the middle of the corridor. “Jon.” Trying to get his attention, it struck Robb almost as amusing the degree to which his brother had changed. Older and more put together much like himself, now much of the time his hair pulled all the way back much like father always did in the warmer weather. But the wide, bright eyes a striking grey did not look the sternness of his father. It much more looked like a mix of Ned Stark and..someone else. As if hints of whoever Jons mother was, hints of her could be seen in his eyes, in the more soft way his face could be.
After all these years, Jon still was somewhat of an anomaly to Robb. But unlike the angry brooding he had been used too, Jon held it now with a very different responsibility and weight. He was somehow darker, angrier, and even more broodsome but Robb understood that. Coming back changed Stark men. But it also meant Robb knew how to tackle the ticking obsession in his brothers mind.
“Ghost and Greywind are somewhere not far. No one has seen them or her leave the castle. We know her. Where would she go?”
It wasn’t there first guess, but it was Robb’s third once the more calm search had begun. Thinking that perhaps if you were overwhelmed by something you’d go to where there was quiet without any doubt, and there now was only once place which was not where you had been in years. Slowly opening the door, Robb peaked his head in first.
In another life the sight would’ve made him smile, but as cute as it could be there was something telling about what led to it. Creeping the door open slightly, he nodded for Jon to glance in next to them. Jon sighed in relief but too held the same wide, bright eyes as Robb did over what truly they were looking at beyond surface level. The middle of the afternoon was not a time you would be doing this normally.
You had snuck off, so exhausted you had abandoned the duties you stacked upon yourself to rest. Your old chambers were mostly bare. Your personal things had mostly been taken with you to Kings Landing after you and Robb had married, and no doubt not a scrap of that came back. But sheets and furs still clean in there for any guest reasons, it could be relied on to sleep.
Curled up in the middle of the bed, you had wrapped a thick shall around you as if a blanket. Hands tucked up into your chest closer to one side but your head against the pillow was leaning backwards to the opposite side. You were not in the bed, not fur covering you from the cold, but both brothers realized they did not need to be.
Since you were not alone in that room in slumber.
Sturdy behind you, a great sized beast covered your entire body’s length. Leaning forward as if their face was meant to be resting up against your neck. Keeping you warm but safe at your back was Greywind. Your head tilted back as if to nuzzle back against him when he most likely nudged at you for your attention.
On your other side, his head resting so close to you that were you to move your head back to match where the rest of you was faced, they would be able to rest it atop yours. Ghost laid on your other side, facing you just as asleep, but keeping you warm and a degree of comforting. One at your back one at your front, both direwolves slept soundly along with you as if acting guards so none could disturb you in your sleep all together.
It didn’t occur to them until that moment it seemed. The signs all there, your pure exhaustion growing day by day, more sensitive but too were you running ragged. Your duties no more pressing or exhaustive the past few days, you had not strained yourself physically in need of a nap to recuperate. No, it was Robb and Jon who had stressed you.
Marks on your body from Jon the night before more visible then anything Robb would’ve left behind, but he knew too well the manner which was with you in such times. Jon glanced to Robb as he tore his eyes from your sleeping frame to his brother in a wide guilt. They both felt the same thing that Jon whispered in the otherwise peaceful air. “We should’ve gone easier on her days ago.”
Robb echoed exactly as Jon had put it, now that he could see the result. “She needed to rest, but didn’t know how to say no to us.” Grey meeting blue, they both let that build and build inside them. That guilt. Resting in the middle of the day alone, hoping to be ready for one of them that night. Still even when you had to run and hide away from their insatiable appetites for you, you still did it for the benefit of their own wants and needs.
It went entirely unspoken. How Greywind and Ghost both slept with ease at either side of you in the bed. Neither even indicated it ran through their heads. That was something else. That was a leap, a step they hadn’t even considered until that very moment. Considering that was too much. You were Robbs wife as you were Jons, but already sharing you was something different. They shared your body separate from one another. Sharing your small and intimate moments of love like that? That was a step not Robb nor Jon was ready for.
Closing the door behind them, both leaned closer to the other in hushed tones to speak. They refused to speak on that step, but there was one. And of all people who thought of it, it was Jon. The strange idea that Robb never would’ve thought that was an idea he’d consider.
But he did. Jon almost took charge the moment Robb even entertained that idea. Laying out rules and limits and established what was what. “You know a lot about this sort of thing, Snow?”
Whatever reaction he expected, a dark look with not a single shift in demeanour to anything guilty or unusual, it was a strange thought that yes. Perhaps he does. Trying to pry Jon shook his head. Trying to further ask if it was about you, Jon was a little more tense. “I just do. The details don’t matter.”
Raising an eyebrow, Robb let it slide for now at least. Nodding down the hall away from the door, both brothers knew they had much more to discuss in private. Jon of all people knew that he needed to ensure this time, you understood exactly what the two wolves would be talking you into.
Unbeknownst to either, at some point in the next while did Robb and Jon separately come to check on you. Each time, you lay there with Ghost and Greywind more peaceful in sleep then you had in days. And even further unbeknownst to each brother, did you lay there between large wolves of safe warmth, did you not have dreams with were peaceful. Again you dreamt of cries. The feeling of something to be in your arms that was missing, and more did you recognize that the cries were familiar, even if for now, you couldn’t place it.
But when you awoke, you did have the distinct memory of amongst the rest of the foggy dream, you saw bright, wide green eyes like yours.
It was not often that being well rested made you suspicious. For four days and four nights both Starks had taken it very easy on you. Robb never engaged in anything physical beyond the comfort of his kiss, and only lulled you to sleep with a more firm but intimate touch without pushing it to something else. Jon as well, he had toned everything right down to nearly a halt besides his lips to yours. Pulling you close to his chest in such a soft and warm way as you both fell asleep wrapped up in each other innocently. Neither addressed why they had begun acting as such, but they did.
Robb one night, Jon the other and repeat for another two day cycle. You did not complain, but you wondered why. Fierce men of need your wolves were, but yet anytime you brought up anything you could do for them in that manner, they’d shut it down. Robb would laugh with a charming smile. Pull your lips to his by a grip on your chin and mutter enough that you felt a flustered smile come about. “Needy little wife. Can’t even enjoy spending time with her husband without jumping him, can you?”
You’d stammer a protest that it wasn’t what you intended so forward, but Robb would only drag you over to the other side of his chambers, and get you ready for bed with him. Pulling your back firmly into his chest as you both would be able to see Greywind on the furs by his fire. Circling around before curling up facing you both as all three of you fell asleep in the calm.
Jon on the other hand, did not even entertain that discussion. Kissing your forehead before cupping your cheeks to tell you with no uncertainty, “It’s cold tonight, darling. How about you just stay close to keep me warm.” When you had pointed out he in fact was the unusually warm one, he laughed brightly and pulled you in for a chaste kiss. “We keep each other warm.” Ghost both nights hopped up onto the bed as Jon turned you to face him, tucking your face into his chest and keeping you safe in his hold as Ghost lay partially across your feet and snuggling his head in the space your legs intertwined with Jons.
You were so much more well rested and in better both shape and spirits but the why eluded you. The sudden silent solidarity on going easy on you between them when neither indicated thats what they had talked about the other day. Now however, you walked alone to his chambers as evening fell on Winterfell. Jon had made only a scare appearance when food had been put out for supper, pulling you to press his lips to the side of your head muttering that he had somewhere to be, and for you to keep eating.
Robb had not made an appearance at all, but not long after were you to make your way. No guards outside his chamber doors, meaning either he was not in here as you thought or he had told them to leave him in peace for the night. Part of you wondered as you grasped the handle to the door. Did you just walk in? Did you knock first? You didn’t knock when entering Jons chambers without a specific call, but the foolishness then hit you. What would you walk in on of Robb that you weren’t supposed to see? What of him had you not seen or done by now?
As it turned out, that was the right answer. Slinking in as you only opened it enough for you before closing it behind you. Stood at the other side of the room, both much more casually dressed down as if settled in for the night, Robb and Jon stood speaking in hushed tones before both of them turned to the sound of you walking in.
You suddenly felt strangely overdressed, still put together with a proper gown when they looked much more comfortable and at ease. An eyebrow raised, your head tilted the slightest as your tone took on a much more mocking but confused edge. “Being summoned by a King is one thing, but two? A girl isn’t quite certain what to make of that.”
A smirk easy on his lips, Robb made his way over to you, a hand out to gesture to you. Taking your outstretched one, he gracefully pulled you over to him enough you grabbed at his forearms to steady yourself as he held low on your waist. “I imagine most would be nervous about that.”
A single nod of your head slightly to the side to indicate you understood such a stance, but you felt nothing of that nerve as the bright blue of Robbs eyes so easily watched you with that gentleness you for so long had missed. “Should I be?” More of a playful ask, but Robb’s face only flashed with a passing thought of what if you should, without committing to anything beyond the still faint smile.
“Only if you’ve been bad.”
Lips parting slightly, normally such rhetoric was saved for when he had you alone. Your head turning to glance over to Jon, leaning against the wall by Robbs window, arms crossed his chest. Jon looked at you with dark eyes shining in an intensity but he said nothing. Only gesturing with a nod for your focus to return back to Robb. Biting your tongue as you did, finally did you notice that Robb was not so far off either. Intense eyes but more bright as he had you close to him already, not that you understood what this was.
Continuing from where he had left off, still with a tone more flirtatious in nature but still serious to the degree it didn’t shift the air entirely. “Jon and I have been thinking it over, and we both realized you haven’t been very honest about how you’ve been feeling.” A protesting lie was so naturally to come out of your mouth that Robb cut you off. “That wasn’t a question, my love. I didn’t ask for an answer.” Without even thinking, you stayed silent right away. The beat passing between did that silence only make a grin grow on Robbs face. Turning to his brother in amusement, without letting go of you. “Is she only behaving this good because you’re here?”
Trying to glance between them, Jon only looked at you from the distance he stood at with the same dark eyes. Inhaling in thought Jon opened his mouth with a tone that matched in how it rasped out deeply. “She’s always good for me.”
The shiver running down your spine felt dizzying, you really felt lost so far, but Robb’s tone alone demanded you look back up to him. “I don’t even know why we planned any of this, Snow. You could’ve just ordered her to do this and she’d let us. Wouldn’t you, love?” He didn’t even look at Jon as he asked him it, nor did either brother take their eyes off you as Jon answered that he isn’t like that with you.
Biting down on your tongue harder, your heart picked up a tad as you tried to grasp what this mood was and came up with nothing. Finally asking, each word slow and careful as if you could offend either of them for what you didn’t even know about. “I’m sorry, did I do something? I don’t understand what’s happening right now.”
Still not bothering to move, Jon answered for Robb with a rasp that had your blood warm a bit. “Of course you don’t.” Meeting his eyes, there was no denying the free manner Jon scoured the length of your body and back. “It doesn't matter what we do, you’re too innocent for any of this to occur to you.”
Tilting your head back by your cheek to Robbs gaze once more, his hand begun trailing from hip to waist to hip, each movement taking a bit of your dress with him almost purposely. “Something about this arrangement isn’t working.” Before you could even think to spiral, Robb knowingly shut it down and fast. “You didn’t do anything wrong, but there is something, a few somethings that need to be said out in the open.” Gesturing over to where Jon still stood, “We’re terrible at sharing you.”
Your brows furrowing, you felt something akin to insulted on their own behalf. Jumping to a defence without hesitation. “I’ve never said that, I’ve never wanted either of you to think I’ve even implied that. We’re fine, we just need time-”
Echoing what now more then one person had said but Jon interjected. “If everything was fine, you wouldn’t be running off in the middle of the day just to sleep in peace without either of us.” You had no idea they knew about that. It was becoming a small little routine when it became too much between them. You would be confronted by Ghost and Greywind naturally sensing your distress and slumbering between the two large get warm direwolves for a little while had become a way to ease you during the day. But you didn’t want Robb and Jon to know, think you didn’t want to spend that time with them but you truly just needed a rest.
Grabbing you by the arms, Robb walked you backwards until the back of your knees hit the edge of his bed as he prompted you to sit down. Crouching before you, to look up with that sweet tenderness did Robb come off a little easier about it then Jons unmoving tenseness that you almost couldn’t read from this far away. “I’m not accusing you of anything. No one’s said that but us. We know we’re pushing you too much. Being too rough with you too often.”
A bit of fidgeting coming over you as you looked now at nothing trying to avoid it with a fluster and guilt in your chest. More muttering then anything, “I would’ve said something if I was struggling with-”
“No, you wouldn’t have.” Both your head and Robbs turned to Jon, your more wide eyed and guilty as his grey ones read through your excuses as easy as language came to him. “If we took you every single night until you were desperate for us to stop, can you look at me and tell me you’d honestly say anything?”
You couldn’t lie to Jon, and he knew it. He knew your tells better then anyone when you’d go to form one in your head even before speaking it outloud. Your head dropped a little, and a shake of no confirmed it for both men to hear. It begun to feel as if Robb was leading whatever this was, whereas Jon almost was here to ensure you were kept on a leash. Not let you get away with trying to talk your way out of them thinking you wanted them to change the arrangement they decided for your sake alone.
Reaching up to turn your head to look back at him, Robb let it run down your cheek and settle at the outside of your thigh comfortingly. “Why do you think we’ve taken it so easy on your for days, love? We suddenly stopped wanting you for an unknown reason?” Where your insecurity sat on that issue, you didn’t know for sure. “It’s not easy on us either. You fell in love with two jealous and possessive wolves, sharing you the way we have has been hard. Trading you every other night isn’t working, not being able to be with you properly when we need you the most just beacuse it isn’t our night isn’t working.”
“Are you saying..” You didn’t even want to entertain finishing that thought, you couldn’t handle that thought and Robb could feel it right away as your panic almost picked up considering it as a possibility.
Cupping your cheek, he moved to sit straighter with a smile comforting on his face. “Not even close. We’re saying we need to find a new way to share you. Something that works a little better for all three of us, so we don’t always feel like we’re missing you all the time, and so you don’t feel like you’re letting either of us down.”
It was when you hesitantly asked what they had in mind to start something different, did your eyes find themselves drawn to Jon. A rough exhale as he turned away from watching you with his jaw clenched something agitated strongly. Through more gritted teeth you could only hear not see him say it. “Just tell her.”
The hand by your leg drifted up to your cheek again, only to slide to the back of your head a little more firmly as Robb leaned up even further to you. His warm voice less soothing and much more alluring as your breathing no doubt begun to pick up. His eyes glancing to your lips, downwards and then back much more satisfied. “You and I are going to spend some time with each other, then you and Jon are going to spend some time with each other. Then we see how well you do between us.”
Waiting for it to connect, your eyes widened as you looked between them. “You-”
Jon still hadn’t looked back at you, almost more rough and deep his voice turned trying to force it out. “You know what that means, darling.” The lightheaded wave surging through you that indeed you did, but Robb had said- “Me and Robb agreed on this, but you have to say yes.” Finally looking towards you, Jon certainly held more intense scrutiny then Robb did, looking for any sigh you were about to lie just to say yes for them.
But something about it didn’t..not appeal to you. It was nerve wracking but in truth everything about the two of them made you nervous, especially so physically. “How is that going to work? One leaves the-”
Robb interjected that time. “Neither of us are leaving this room. You do all of this in front of us. We share your body already, there’s no reason to hide it.” Hand at the back of your neck tightening somewhat until you let out a shaking exhale, not much way of hiding the growing need behind it. “Is that a yes?”
You nodded, but Jon was short and almost in a command when he nearly growled, “Outloud.”
Heart picking up in speed, those nerves suddenly flowed through your bloodstream, leaving you feeling lost just sitting there so still and yet this felt strange to want between both of them after so many weeks of a heavy, heavy guilt. “I do. I want this.”
Robb and Jon looked to the other, waiting for a single nod from his brother did Robb turn back to you, pulling you to stand with him. Not a man to waste his own time, Robb almost instantly pulled off the shall which hung around you letting it drop of the ground. One clasp in the front of your dress, then another, then four more before it fell open to the shift underneath.
His eyes brightening as they did turn to something leering with a smirk. Peeking back up to your gaze, you knew he meant and succeeded at the tone perfect to seduce you. “My brother was right. You are so much better when it’s going to always be this easy to undress you.” Pushing it from your shoulders, your arms moved flat down to allow it to drop. The second his hands grabbed at your shift did Jon tell him to stop.
Turning his head with a glare, in your heavy breathing did you find focus enough to tell Jons hands crossed his chest were formed into fists as if needing to clench them roughly to stay grounded while the rest of him begun to look much more like a caged wolf, desperate to be let out in the feral wild. Speaking directly to Robb he let out, “You can’t have everything.”
Peeling his gaze back to you, Robb ran his hand down your side, thumb teasing the curve of your breast before settling on your hips, your own hands up to his waist with nowhere else to go. “I had all of her first, Snow. The first cock she ever took was mine.”
You had not the senses to notice how worked up and unstable he was making Jon as he continued to not invade the two of you. But your core felt a warmth as such a memory came to you once more. The way he made you watch, how little he gave you time to truly work up slowly until he fucked you like a man chasing his end with perversion. And how much you liked it.
“Do you want to take me again?” One hand drew up your arm, over your collarbones and to your neck before running his fingers over your bottom lip, slightly pulling at it almost to force it to drop open. “Show him that I’m the one who taught you how to take a mans cock so deep down your throat? Show him that you sucked my cock only once and it became all you ever wanted to do.”
Oh the flustering embarrassment wanted to throw up in a whine but you bit your tongue trying to not protest, tempting Robb to call out such an obvious lie. You muttered a half truth, but it only made Robb grin in such a dark, wolfish manner. “I thought it was normal to like it.”
Pulling down your lip, Robb held not an ounce of shame as he let his thumb slide into your mouth. Pressing somewhat against your tongue as he raised a knowing brow, you closed your lips around it and gently sucked. The darkening in his eyes spoke you did the right thing. “It isn’t normal that good girls let a man spill down their throats as if it was to be your last meal. It isn’t normal for a good girl to be so quick to drop to her knees the moment a man even suggests he might want you. You’ve never been a good girl, and you know why.”
Nodding somewhat, Robb let his other hand begin unlacing what he could of his breeches from there. Gesturing downwards without removing his thumb, in fact as you sucked he pushed it deeper to the knuckle. Just as he pulled it out for you to try and gasp a bit for air, did you too sink to your knees in front of him.
Safe it was, somewhere in the back of your mind telling you, not to look at Jon yet. Not to agitate the wild white wolf before it was apparently his turn. Instead Robb laughed darkly down to you as he tossed off his softer shirt exposing his chest to his warmer chambers. “I’ll let Jon have you when you’ve proved you earned it. Good girls don’t deserve the things he wants to do to you. And you want to prove to Jon you’re a good girl right?” Shamelessly you nodded, a fog filling your head as it did warm between your legs. “Pull me out then. Get to work.”
You hadn’t even noticed Jon pacing to the other side of the room. Forearm raised up braced against the stone of Robbs fireplace, dark eyes and jaw heavy set as he found himself unable to not look at you the whole time. As if he needed to know. Needed to know for himself that if Robb could speak to you this way, then Jon knew, there was practically nothing he couldn’t do to you anymore. A wave of need flying through him as he turned to see you slowly unlacing his brothers pants when Jon turned away with his eyes closing at the thought.
That Jon did have a set of chains he had always thought you’d look beautiful in.
Slowly did you begun to pull the material down his legs, leaving him in nothing and not too an ounce of shame. Grasping the back of your head, you needed no more instructions. Gentle to rasp his long length, your eyes fluttered closed as you pressed a kiss to the tip. Small as a peck and downward his length one side then the other. Only just briefly using your tongue to leave any sort of proper wet trace for him, trying very much to ignore the way you could feel Jons eyes staring at you.
Only starting with the tip of Robbs cock, he shifted his hand to a position better he could control you with, pushing you down right away, taking away your ability to go slowly. A whine suddenly erupted from your chest as your hands reached up suddenly to grasp at his thighs to try and steady yourself.
The pressure so deep was overwhelming, almost panic inducing if you did not also love how as soon as he got you just over halfway did Robb move you off. The same spot he pushed and pulled your head, your mouth warm soaking his cock as your tongue tried to keep up in any favourable manner. Still just over halfway when you heard Robbs voice, more strained but heavy in a command. “Do the rest yourself.”
Stopping for a moment, trying to will your hear to settle you let your hands drop to brace against the stone floor. Gently moving until just the tip of his cock was in your mouth, you sunk deep back down the length that always set your heart on edge. Filling your mouth, you felt that lighter fog grow more in your head that Robb was so good at pulling from you. Something as you bobbed up and down his cock did you know he was special in that sense.
He could throw you around and talk down to you, make strict commands with little to no praise or reward and everytime it made that fog grow. A feeling that was as if you were an object to hand yourself over to him. A pleasure toy he could order around and you felt even more sensitive all over knowing that. The hand in your hair wasn’t even for you. It was for Robb to control whenever he wanted, he wanted you to know he could control you at any point.
Inch by inch you slowly begun to take his whole length, your arms braced down shaking slightly at the feeling but you never pulled off. Your saliva mixed with what of his cock already begun to leak for you adding both to a taste you needed and an ease at how deep you took him.
Just as you came close to taking his whole length, did Robbs hand tighten to force you to stop. Looking down at you, you kept his gaze with a whine inside you as he dragged you mostly off his cock before sinking you down. Forcing every inch to drag heavy along your tongue until your nose was pressed into the coarse hair around the base of his cock.
That’s when he started to speak again. “I don’t know how you can look at how much she likes it, and not want her to do it every single night.” Gods, he was making it worse. A flustering humiliation as if exposed for such a way you let Robb use your mouth that Jon didn’t enjoy that much, and too how worked up he was purposely trying to make his brother feel. Not knowing Jon never looked at his brother once, just you. Hand clenched high on the wall as his muscles shook watching how you were just kept so deep down Robbs cock.
Your palms tensing at the feeling, knowing you weren’t supposed to alleviate the pressure making your heart pound by grabbing onto him. You knew the rules and your head felt so foggy without Robb even touching you beyond a gentle passing of his hand to your breast down your body. Too you felt Jons eyes no doubt matching that of a wild animal, he said nothing as Robb spoke again.
“You may not have known many women, brother. But none of them are like this one.” His eyes tearing back down to you as if expecting you were still waiting for him to return your gaze, which you certainly were. Tears forming in the sting behind your eyes, the slightest hint of saliva threatening to fall beyond your lips the longer you were kept taking his whole length. Still, he spoke. “Whores will put on an act and pretend they like it, but she truly does. Men can do anything to a whore because they paid for that right. But I know you already know. She’s better then a whore. She acts one because she will do anything you say, and she always likes it. You think how I shove her pretty face into my bed and fuck her from behind like a brute isn’t nice? Well, she doesn’t want nice, does she? Any man can give her nice. She’s not a stag anymore, Snow. A little she-wolf. And wolves don’t fuck nice.”
None of it was really said at or even for Jon. It was humiliation. It was still about you. Spilling such perverse secrets about you outloud as if that was going to change the way Jon looked at you, but with the confidence that it wouldn’t. It was meant to make you wet without ever coming close to touching you and you hated that embarrassing you as such worked so well. You’d clench your thighs together if you thought you could get away with it.
For Jon though? He was nearly digging his nails into his palms. He had to look away again. Unable to watch the way his brother and you looked each other in the eye as he was that deep inside of you. But Jon knew what it felt like. Robb was slightly longer, but Jon certainly was thicker. More then being mean, Jon knew letting you use your mouth on his cock was harder to justify. There never had been a time you sucked his cock, and not at some point, tried to hide the fact that you woke the next morning with your jaw slightly sore.
He stretched you open no matter where he fucked you, and still you took it. But he didn’t understand any of what else he was seeing. The way Robb barley needed to touch you, could talk down and embarrass you with that confidence in comparing you to a whore. It baffled him, why his brother wasn’t choking on the inside at how little he was touching you. How he didn’t destroy his own heart by speaking to you in such a way. But yet you wanted all of it as much as you wanted the opposite Jon gave you. His eyes kept tearing back to look at you, and he knew you felt his gaze, but he could never stay watching. He hated this idea, it was his and he hated it, but his cock throbbed under his breaches thinking about how much he wanted his turn with you already.
Slowly did Robb begin controlling you again, moving you up and down his length making it obvious when pulled more off how much you were soaking him. Good, he’d keep it that way. It would only help.
Heart racing inside your chest, you felt Robb begin to move faster and faster, before simply uncaringly shoving you back down. Coarse hair scratching at your face but your eyes sat closed with a sound of need vibrating against his cock throbbing in your mouth. Deep as he was, there was nowhere for his seed to go but sink down into your stomach as soon as he was to finish. And you could tell he was close.
Muttering your name with gritted teeth, he didn’t pull you off at all to look at you, merely holding your hair so tight it made you cry perfectly around him. Gritting out simply when he finally felt his orgasm peak, he too held you against him. “Fuck..”
The sounds of muffled gags filled the air. His warm seed coming out in spurts that felt as if they never ended. You struggled to even swallow with his cock so far in your mouth, but you wouldn’t be allowed to come off until you took all of it. The tears fell freely then, your hands tense against the floor and your heart and head so foggy and lightheaded that you hardly could hear what sounds you were making beyond swallowing and gagging.
Only once you had nothing else left, you normally would’ve been good. Clean his cock of everything else but Robb pulled you from him right away. Leaving slight trails of saliva and his seed visible against your lips as you gasped for air so suddenly. Running along the back of your neck massagingly, Robbs other hand tilted your head up. Cupping the side of your face and running his thumb over your cheek. You knew you looked up brightly at him as if to ask in silence if you were good. Robb only nodded, a bit of a smug pride in him.
Slowly your heart slowed, lungs filling with air as Robb slowly pulled you up. Not to stand, but sitting you back on the edge of the bed. Smart it seemed Robb was though, the feeling of metal finding your lips and prompting you to drink. The taste of wine unexpected, but you realized in the back of your mind it was to wash out the rest of traces of you. Not enough to give even any change to you, but certainly enough that it wiped clean your mouth as if starting you fresh.
Only a panic was felt in your confused fog of a head at the sudden feeling of Robb pulling away, but replaced just as fast as Jons striking warmth suddenly kneeled in front of you. Cupping your cheeks as you caught your breath, your hands gripping the fur below them as your eyes struggled to stay open yet. “Are you alright?” You nodded, but running one hand down your hair soothingly, Jon leaned closer with a worried look in his narrow eyes. “Catch your breath first.” Your heart finally settled enough you didn’t need to feel that strain in your lungs when Jons voice made your eyes open to find his grey ones both bright and yet dark and black. “There we go.”
Leaning enough he could nudge his nose against yours, you felt relieved that his curls were loose. Resting your forehead against him, the dancing of his curls hit your skin as your hands moved to grasp at his shoulders. A hand ran soothingly over the back of your head until he gestured for you to look back at him.
Your eyes slipped closed first, following his lead as he leaned in to press his lips to yours. Now the only thing for him was the taste of wine and you. Not urgent not even greedy, Jon deepened it despite his kiss being slow. Something which exploded into your mouth of a passion he had not words to express whatsoever. Only pulling away after pressing two more shorter kisses to your lips. Jon waited until you opened your eyes to meet his gaze again. “I’m going to take this off you.” Gesturing down to your shift.
Nodding, you barley had to move, Jon pulling it up your hips and waist before your hands cooperated to let him take it all off, letting it drop blindly beside him. Sighing deeply as he looked over your now bare frame, that dark need returned quickly as did the tension in his jaw. One hand of yours curled back into his hair, the other gripping his shoulder as you waited. That time you noticed Robb freely looking at you. His cock still hard as ever and soaked. Covered in both your mouth and his own seed, but leaning against a wall closer then Jon was before by the window, arms crossed with a needing yet curious gaze.
Drawing your focus back to him as Jon muttered your name, one hand moved down to your breast. Rough, calloused hand groping the plush skin as you moved into his touch. Thumb running over your nipple already toying with what he would normally do, as his other hand too drifted to the other. Grasping handfuls of both breasts, Jon groped roughly. Squeezing as he pushed them together and back as your eyes closed and a small cry left you.
“You can play later, Snow-”
Head turning over to glare at him, Jons voice was but a deep husk biting in anger. “I didn’t interrupt you.” A stare off before Robb relented, leaning back again to the wall as Jons eyes did not soften as he returned to your gaze. Voice softer, but the husk shuttered your insides in a warmth no matter what. “She deserves to be touched.”
Small sighs leaving you that wanted to turn to moans as the sparks he pulled as his fingers twisted at the buds in the perfect point of pain. Trying to stammer a voice out, but each twist and pull and grope caught you enough that no sound could be said unless forced out between breathless sounds of gentle need. “What are...what do you want me to do?”
It was a genuine ask, what he wanted. But Jon left one breast to cup your cheek. Hooded eyes staring back at his leering ones. “Nothing. You know that. Come on.” Suddenly moving to lay you back against the bed, your heart begun to race all over again as Jon positioned your legs to hand the right amount off the edge with your hips. Pulling his own shirt off, he leaned up over you to capture your lips with his. The slightest tease of his tongue against your bottom lip but he pulled away just as you parted them. Kissing a path of light and gentle presses of hips lips down your neck, between the valley of your breasts, stomach and finally kneeling on the ground in front of you with his hands on your thighs.
Sliding to your knees, Jon pulled them apart as your eyes closed and tongue bitten down on, avoiding the sight which flustered you so. First bracing them to your thighs as if prepared to push you wider for him, Jon was slow in his start. Much more innocent kisses left to the inside of your thighs, but the further to your soaking warmth he got, the more rough it was. The more he left a sucking bruise, the more he dug his teeth just enough he could pull away and see indents. One side matching the other before finally Jon pushed one leg open wider, and bracing the other up on his shoulder, letting your calf and foot rest falling down against his back.
Not that you watched, but black eyes scoured the sight. A darkness of the warmth you gifted his mouth but not yet diving in. Jon was gentle, letting his nose brush up against your clit as if to ease you into it. The first swipe of his tongue to your clit, a small whine burst from you like a shy moan trying to hide itself, your hands on either side of you grasping the furs between your fingers on the bed. One lick then the next, gentle and sweet as if a treat being given.
Yet it was not a treat, Jon treated you as if you were the feast. Tongue running flat against your clit, suddenly sucking the bundle of nerves sharply. Small patterns made, you could hardly tell what they were beyond the rising heat in your core, the buzzing around it from the feeling growing hot within you. Lick after luck, a gentle sucking but cut off by his teeth ever so slightly grazing against it and your back arched up off the bed without thinking.
Jons hands at your hips firmly, allowed one to sit at your stomach and force you back down to the bed without any other words. So worked up you felt, your head growing heavy and foggy ever more as Jons tongue drew you closer and closer, just tight motions to your clit without mercy, the sloppiness of it knowing it wasn’t just for you. Grasping your hips both tightly, you would’ve jumped in his hold otherwise as the first one snapped. A twisting metal inside of you that had been chipped away at slowly and yet Jon gave no time for you to enjoy it alone.
The moment your orgasm first flowed over you, did Jon run his mouth over your core with what was no other then a greed. Tongue fat and flat as he soaked up everything he could taste with a grunt. Pulling your hips more to his mouth like a starving animal. Soaking you more then he even was you, Jon feasted upon the sweetness of your cunt.
Running inside of you before tracing a path to your clit and back. His mouth never ceasing his work as growls came from his chest vibrating against you. One hand of yours suddenly drifted to his hair, not harsh in his curls but almost the way you’d grasp at his hand when you needed his touch more. Burning inside of you, Jons tongue felt so good against you that you didn’t even hear the beginning soft whispered pleas of his name.
Drinking from you like an animal at a watering lake, one hand ran down from your hip more to grasp at the meat of your ass, not just making you lay closer to his mouth but raising you up somewhat from the bed so he had even easier access. A mess he made of you as you felt the white hot twisting again but the nerves in your body filling your blood with a pleasure you couldn’t do anything about but lay and take it.
To Robb, you were an utter sight. Lips parted open in gasps and cries, eyes unable to even look at a bit of what was being done to you and your body arching on display as your hand yet was so gentle in Jons curls. He had never seen you this way, or had you this way, and again did the jealousy flare up that Jon had this over him. Without much experience of this himself, Robb still could tell almost with an anger, that Jon certainly knew what he was fucking doing. The man drank from your cunt like an expert beyond learning.
Running along you from cunt to clit and back, Jons own mouth was so warm against you and a sweat begun to cover you. His heat bleeding into yours. Growls leaving him at the taste, Jon would more likely attack the first man who tried interrupting him now then parting from you. He was utterly addicted to your taste, without even meaning to lead you there Jon pulled you to a second orgasm and yet as you gifted his mouth more as you shook around him, Jon only was more aggressive about it. Never let up.
Tears that time fell from your eyes but at how overwhelmed the sting would become the longer Jon kept you there, the more he refused to ease up because he knew your limits and you didn’t. One orgasm again, then another before he had anywhere near his fill and you felt weak in your bones. Tearing from you, Jons forehead rested against your mouth to catch his own rough breath before his black eyes tore up to his brother. “Remember what I said?” Robb must have nodded because Jon continued to rasp out, “Get her up.”
Eyes opening, you tried pushing up on your elbows to see him, but Jon suddenly rose as he uncaringly shoved the rest of his clothes off, standing before the bed never looking away from you at his thick length taunting you. Robb it seemed, had no qualms about snatching you up, kneeling bare on the bed behind you with a hand grasping at your neck with one and pulling at your hip with another to get you to sit more on your heels in front of him. Muttering low in your ear but not enough Jon couldn’t hear him.
“So many rules he has for you. You let him control you, don’t you? I order you around, my love, but you let Jon own you.” In truth, he didn’t seem angry about it and it also was not a lie in your fog of a mind and you nodded. The hand at the base of your neck only tightening a second to get your eyes to stop fluttering closed. “If to me you’re a whore, to Jon you’re nothing more then a toy to fuck, aren’t you?”
Biting your tongue noticeably hard you nodded, Robb laughing dark in your ear as he moved you to pay attention as Jon kneeled in front of you. A hand coming to the opposite side of the arm at your neck of Robbs, Jon cupped your cheek. His other holding something you had yet to notice. “If you don’t want this, it’s alright to tell us. Now, or at any point. You say anything, and this stops.”
Trying to shake your head, Robb moved his hand at your neck more down to sit at your waist awfully high close to your breast. “I won’t want to-”
Tugging you to look at him more seriously there was no room for question here. “No, darling. You tell me the second you stop enjoying it. No matter how close either me or Robb is, you tell us you can’t do this anymore and we stop.” Robb assuring in your ear that the last thing they want is for you to feel too guilty to say no. Leaning forward to catch your eyes Jon asked, “Do you understand what we’re about to do?”
A very quiet “Yes.” And Jon handed something to Robb behind you.
As he grabbed whatever the vial you saw was, he allowed Jon to suddenly grab you. Pulling you up to straddle him perched just against his cock near red from the blood pooling there for so long you imagined. His thumb moving down to run over your clit, you jumped at the sudden spark but not nearly enough to avoid the way Jons other hand grabbed at your side. Holding you steady right up against him the moment you felt it. Some kind of oil on Robbs fingers as he pulled one cheek of your ass wider and sunk one finger to the knuckle in your ass.
Head dropping to Jons shoulder he buried his face in your hair with gentle shushes as one hand ran over the sweating strands knowing it always was a lot to do this. Slowly one by one, Robb moved his fingers in and out of you. Opening you up perfectly for him despite the strange feeling of a pain and pleasure unique to such an act. Robb hissed close in your ear to his brother. “Can she take three?”
You felt Jons eyes staring down at you, and a single nod was given. Suddenly the fingers at your clit slid down, two sinking deep into your soaking entrance as Robb pushed a third finger into your ass. Full in both, tried to raise your head up to say anything of need, but words failed as you were nothing but a mess between them.
Cupping your cheek to look at him, Jons eyes tore up and down with almost a disbelief. “You’re a mess, darling.” Both your hands at his shoulders, you just nodded with a cry making your head drop. So suddenly without any notice, did the feeling and sensitivity draw another orgasm from you. Robb not stopping how deeply he let his fingers sink in and out of you, used his other hand to brace your hip steady as Jon kept two of his to the knuckle inside your cunt as he held your forehead to his to keep you grounded to something. Muttering in a rasp once more, “You have no idea how perfect you are.”
Trying to shake your head as your thighs shook, Robb suddenly leaned more over your shoulder to bite at your ear and down to your neck. “Letting us do this to you? Letting both of us take out turns fucking you every night the way we want? Letting us both love you no matter how much it pisses the other one off? You are perfect for us, love.”
You had not the head space to quite comprehend what he was saying not did they expect you too. “She ready?” Jon must’ve been asking Robb that, beacuse whatever mumble Robb said in return Jon pulled his fingers from you and grasped at your hips. Moving you up to his cock like a boneless rag doll, looking to your eyes Jons were black and once more serious as anything. “Anytime, darling. Any time you want to stop, I promise.”
You didn’t respond, and Jon must not have expected you too with the mess you were. Sinking you down not so slowly, taking his thick length even with how much he prepared you was always something that shocked you. Grasping around his shoulders and back with a cry, the stretch and the fill was such a pain and pleasure that your whole body felt it was a burning inferno. But he wasn’t done, or they weren’t.
The tip of Robbs cock at your ass, he cupped your neck and jaw to slightly turn you to look at him, only to be met with hooded eyes, and a glassy look over them that spoke you were not quite going to be totally aware. “I’d tell you to breath, but pretty little whores have done this a thousand times haven’t they?”
Jon almost protested at that language now, but you just nodded meekly. Jon as he cupped your cheek to look at you, also caught that glassy look behind your eyes. Sharing a worried look to Robb, he was assuring in his nod that you were alright. And in fact, putting you into such a space seemed to be the best for this. Not much of a flinch but a gasping cry into a begging sob as Robb slowly filled your ass with his cock.
Sinking every single inch and savouring how tight you were gripping him, Jon was hardly better off with the way your walls clenched around him. A growl making his breathing more unsteady as he now kept your eyes on his, another hand steady at your hip the opposite of Robb. A small attempt to call to you, “Darling..”
But you nodded as if he gave you a command, hands perched on his shoulders again you sat up to try and move, wanting to feel him fill you again and again but both wolves kept you steady. Robb seemed to know the manner which to speak to you here, “You don’t give, love. You just take.” That nod matched what you gave Jon.
Your head was hardly out of the clouds, nothing but such perfect pleasure as both cocks long and thick filled you every inch and you didn’t understand how you were supposed to be anything else but this. Robb moved first, easing in and out of your ass as the strangeness subsided to an unusual desire making cries from you much more loud and distinct.
At the same time, almost in matching, Jon begun moving you up and down his cock. Slow it started, both finding their pace as you cried between them with no words. Just a fire inside of you that wasn’t being put out and all you could think was maybe it was to be found in being filled by both of them just like this. Robb pressed close to your back and Jon your front, you were warm and trapped between two unbearably strong wolves.
The sounds of skin slapping against skin was something else in that room. The manner which Jon and Robb could work in rhythm of how to fuck you faster and harder and never break that harmony of sinking so deeply inside of you. Deeper and rougher Jons cock dragged thick against your sensitive walls and Robb dragged against something you didn’t even understand but was nothing but moans to accept.
“Gods, please...” You barley had a voice, a high pitched breathless beg as tears fell from you and yet you moved with them as if you were born to it. Rougher and rougher both of them begun to pound into you, in one moment Robb could drag you back against him.
Mutters in your ear between each rough fuck inside of your ass, “Innocent little wife, taking two wolves like a perfect slut. A toy just for us.”
You’d say yes in a moan, only for Jon to pull you back to him and fuck up into you each time he bounced you back down onto his cock. A rough, urgent and biting kiss to your lips, saliva connected you both as you found his eyes. Close enough his hot breath danced across your sweating skin. “You were made for us, darling. Fuck- the old gods created you just for us, for this.” Another kiss he gave you no chance to respond not that you could.
Flooding you, your orgasm twisted that coil and released it in a snap as fast as it too begun to wrap around that burning inside your core before it was even over. Robb was so deep and so unforgiving the way he fucked into your ass over and over, treating you with all the aggression you’d see on his face during the war but being taken out by your ass surrounding his cock like a vice he had to fuck harder just to sink into. Jons cock so deep and so thick you felt as if his promise of a child was to come true in this position alone. Sometimes finding his eyes but you were not at all aware of the beauty they found in how starry eyed you seemed to be in taking both of them as mean as they were inside of you.
Robb hissed as he suddenly held your hip a lot tighter, his thrusts rough and slower out of sync with Jons as he found himself close. “You better be close, Snow because she’s too fucking tight to hold back anymore.”
Kissing you once more, Jon actually slowed down. Never letting you more then halfway off his cock before sinking you back down slowly but matching his brothers pace. Rasping in an entrancing tone to you, “Can you come for us one more time, darling?” Nodding yes, he made you say it outloud with a more stern order and you nearly begged it.
Trying to move against both of them, Robb rested his forehead against the back of yours as both hands were grasping you low more by your ass to ensure he could pound into you with as much force as he could with every cry you gave him. Jon fucked up slowly into as he cupped your cheek with one hand and guided you to bounce slowly up and down his cock with the other.
He didn’t need to do much, but pulling you gentle to his lips. Your gasp letting him slip his tongue inside of you, your grasped at his curls desperately as both mens cocks throbbed inside of you to the point it flushed you with that perfect explosion of heat. Burning through you, Jon didn’t let you go. Never let your moans and cries leave anywhere but his kiss and yet the moment you clenched around both men, did their ends find you.
Robb pushing himself deep inside of you, as he finally came. Spurting ropes of seed inside of you endlessly as he moved his head to kiss at your neck as he came down. Jon refused to let your kiss go, suddenly pulling you down far onto his cock as much as possible before he too finished. His cum was noticeably thicker and much hotter compared to Robb who filled you more.
You fell limp against Jon when he finally pulled from your lips. Muttering your name, Jon suddenly while still inside you, grasped at your sweating hair and cupping your cheek with another. Nudging your nose with his me rasped in a gentle urgency. “It’s alright, you’re alright you did perfect for us. You’re perfect.”
Robb kissed his way to your ear, “No man but us has ever had such a beautiful, sweet wife to fill over and over.” Pressing more kisses to your neck, both wolves kept you there and on their cocks until they were even ready to think of leaving your tight warmth. Robb started first, shushing and consoling you each and every inch until you had none left of his length. Cupping your ass with one hand and running his other up and down your waist, he did the same of gentle words as Jon pulled out of you too.
You knew you were awake, but you felt little but the warmth between them, their seed which spilled double so deep inside of you and the phantom sensations as if they were still inside you. Barley hearing Robb muttering to Jon, “She’ll be like this for a while. Lay her down.”
Twisting you, Jon laid you on your side, an ease for the much rougher act for your ass, but parting your thighs from one another to ease the tension of strain he knew he gave you. Without thought, as Robb laid on this side at your back with a soothing hand over your back and side, you found yourself seeking out Jons warm front. Pulling you close to curl into his chest, his grasp was by your hip more as he let the top of his head rest in your hair. Your own head as such, leaned back a little bit, seeing out Robb who pressed a kiss to your neck and the back of your head as he nuzzled against it. A genuine whisper on your lips, you hadn’t fallen asleep but you were too lost to the clouds of Robb and Jon to have any energy but lay cuddled between them. “I love you.”
In truth, after a moment, both men chuckled a bit realizing that was likely at both of them. Robb moved to mutter it back in your ear before pressing a kiss to the skin below it, Jon tilting you enough to press a kiss murmuring it against your forehead. Again did your body seem to seek both of them out to go back to the comforting way they held you.
Neither Robb nor Jon addressed that they lay with you here, in the exact way they had stumbled upon you napping with Greywind and Ghost. All four of them were your wolves, as you were all four of theirs to protect and treasure.
As you lulled to sleep, your mind faded into a dream of the sounds and sight of a dark haired baby boy with bright green eyes staring up at you, a wolf placing him in your arms and pulling you close to kiss the side of your head as the feeling that something which was missing might be found here.
Somewhere in another dream was a life you wondered if it was your true one, and this was the distant fantasy.
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hanafubukki · 2 years
I Suddenly Became the Mother of the Red-Rose Tyrant?!
Summary: Well, fuck, somehow you isekaied and became the mother of Riddle Rosehearts
Characters: Riddle Roshearts, Reader, & Clover Family.
Notes: I have been reading way too many isekai Manhwas/Mangas. Not only that, but I saw a fanart of little Riddle and his mom and was inspired right away. This is a long fic, it’s been awhile since I wrote something so long so I am proud. 💕🥰💜
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·      When you had opened your eyes one day, you had woken up in a bedroom that definitely wasn’t yours.
·      The room was…meticulous, and that was putting it lightly.
·      Even your bed, while comfy, had a feeling of order to it; daring anyone to mess it up.
·      You should probably be more anxious over your new surroundings but waking up well rested in a while just mellowed you out.
·      That is until you got up and looked at a mirror, finally seeing the truth of the matter.
·      Well, fuck, you really did isekai to another world.
·      Maybe reading all those manhwas and mangas were not a good idea.
·      You glance at the mirror one more time and this time your appearance caught and held your attention.
·      You reached up and pulled at your…bangs.
·      They looked to form two heart shapes.
·      It was kind of cute.
·      The person whose body you had, well, she looked tired and stressed.
·      Lady, you need to relax once in a blue moon.
·      Wait…a minute, no, no, no. Heart shaped bangs? The only character you knew that had heart shaped bangs were...
·      “Mother?”
·      You turned around and right at your door, dressed prim and proper, was a tiny Riddle Rosehearts.
·      Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
·      You were isekaid into Mrs. Rosehearts.
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·      After you had gotten your bearings, you had told Riddle to go study and you would prepare him food. He had simply nodded and did as you asked. No protest against studying so early in the morning or any mention of hunger. You knew his past, of course you did, but seeing it firsthand was another experience all together. Seeing his response to the request you made? It burdened your heart even more.
·      As you made his breakfast, you had some time to yourself which you used to sort out your situation and feelings. Your memories before coming to Twisted Wonderland were still intact; you just didn’t remember how you ended up in this world, let alone in Mrs. Rosehearts body.
·      Of whom, her memories you had full access to as well. it was as if you lived two lives together. If it wasn’t for little Riddle in the next room, you would be tearing your hair out because, of course, you would be in this situation.
·      Looking through her memories, you can see why Mrs. Rosehearts had turned out the way she did. Generational trauma and unrealistic expectations seemed to run in the family. Which in turn led to her actions towards Riddle, and of which, led to Mr. Rosehearts walking out of their lives. He didn’t even fight for custody of his own child, the influence of Mrs. Rosehearts being too great.
·      Generation trauma that you could have prevented from continuing, Mrs. Rosehearts, but now it’s up to me.
·      You ended up taking a tray of food to little Riddle, with enough food that a child his age would eat and then some. At least with these memories retained, you also knew everything Mrs. Rosehearts did, and unlike the MC in Twisted Wonderland, you also had her powers as well. Which, given the game’s events, would come in handy in the future.
·      Right now though, as you opened the door to the study, you would do your best to raise your son right and well-loved.
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·      One of the first changes you made was decreasing his study time and allowing him the chance to play.
·      It didn’t go as well as you expected…Riddle had frozen and started shaking to your horror. Mumbling about doing better and how he could handle extra studies if you wished it of him. You had a feeling that he thought it was to test him and his dedication.
·      You had to calm him down and prove otherwise.
·      Giving him a dedicated set time to study, and just as much time to play. You would even join him. Drawing with him, putting together puzzles, and even playing in the backyard. You had even gone out and bought him a ball that you two threw at each other.
·      What warmed your heart the most was when you baked him a strawberry tart and gave it to him with a warm glass of milk. Your tart wasn’t the best with the crust crumbling, and you should have probably let it cool a bit more, but the shining eyes and wide smile from Riddle was more than worth it.
·      You patted him on the head as he scooped another piece into his mouth.
·      You loved your son.
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·      The next step in providing a healthy lifestyle for Riddle was making sure he had friends.
·      Which meant, you had to repair the relationship Riddle had with Trey and Che’nya.
·      It wasn’t easy, especially having to muster up the courage to look into Trey’s parents’ eyes and apologize for actions you did not commit.
·      But you were determined to give Riddle a good childhood and that meant him having friends his age and hopefully lowering his chances of overblotting in the future.
·      Riddle was quiet on the day you both went to the Clover’s bakery.
·      But you took a deep breath and patted him on the head.
·      “Everything will be alright, sweetheart.”
·      Riddle didn’t say anything and just nodded.
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·      You had chosen to meet Trey’s parents at closing time, and you had given them a call ahead of time.
·      When you met them, you could tell they were nervous and bracing themselves.
·      Little Trey looked ready for a fight.
·      You had to hold your smile in.
·      You ended up bowing to them and apologizing, which you could tell freaked them all out.
·      Riddle was surprised and grasped at your dress, worried.
·      “I am very sorry for the way I treated you all before. I know my words might not make up for my past actions, but I do hope you will forgive me in time.”
·      Mr. and Mrs. Clover looked at each other before tentatively accepting your apology.
·      “Mrs. Rosehearts, might we ask why the sudden change.”
·      It was Mrs. Clover who had spoken up.
·      You smiled and put a hand on your son’s head.
·      “I have been trying to raise Riddle the only way I knew how. I had let my past and expectations I have lived through blind me. I realized that was wrong, and I want to change that. I want my son to be happy and loved like he deserves.”
·      The Trey family seemed to relax after hearing your reasoning, but you could tell they were still on guard.
·      You didn’t blame them, but you hope in time, they will trust your words.
·      You crouched down to Riddle’s level, looking at him with a gentle look.
·      “I want to show my little one that adults can be wrong, and they can change. I want to show him that I love him, and I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. I love you and I hope you can forgive me too.”
·      Little Riddle was trembling, and tears were dripping down his face.
·      You opened your arms before he rushed into you with all the force his little body can muster.
·      You hugged him just as tight, holding your own tears in.
·      You got up with Riddle in your arms, rubbing his back as he cried and clutched on you tighter.
·      You bowed your head to the Clover family once again before looking at Trey.
·      “I hope you, you other friend, and Riddle can be good friends.”
·      Trey looked a bit nervous before nodding slowly.
·      You thanked them before returning home.
·      Humming a song to little Riddle and kissing his head.
·      You were determined.
·      You would make sure Riddle Rosehearts grew up loved and happy.
·      And as thoughts of the Twisted Wonderland plot came into mind.
·      You would make sure he was safe.
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How did you all like it? Would love to hear your thoughts 💕☺️
Tag List (open): @justeclem44​ @coraldelusiondaze​n @h0n3ysgh0st​ @thatdazaikin​ @strawberry-pie-thoughts​
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sytoran · 2 years
𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 ⌇ marvel ladies headcanons
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summary. marvel ladies and their favourite kind of kisses to receive from you ♡
includes. yelena / wanda / maria / peggy / natasha / shuri / kate note. a very late valentines special. sfw since tumblr hates me and my mature works. (literally every single one of them have gotten flagged this isn't funny anymore) regardless, i hope you all enjoy these adorably fluffy headcanons
masterlist / AO3
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──── ♥ YELENA
forehead kisses. when yelena was younger, she hated getting teased for her height. but somehow, it’s okay when it comes to you. maybe it’s because you can wrap your arms around her so easily and engulf her in your warmth, and your joy, and the life behind everything you do. or maybe it’s just the forehead kisses. you’re always gentle with yelena, loving her not in spite of her flaws but because of them, and maybe that’s why you’re so tender when you hold the sides of her face and press a kiss on her forehead. her shoulders relax, and she sighs softly, tucking her head underneath your chin, and all you can do is capture every moment in a frame of time. it’s moment like these that make yelena fall in love with you even more, when your lips are against her forehead and mumbling words that make her melt into a puddle of romances.
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──── ♥ WANDA
angel kisses. it’s a sweet name for an even sweeter kiss. angel kisses are placed on the closed eyelids, and it’s something wanda really fancies, something you do all the time. the world can get so loud and unbearable – but when you wrap wanda up in your arms and place kisses on her closed eyes, she stops trembling and it becomes a little more okay. wanda’s been through so much, and the fact in itself that you’re one of the few who’ve bothered to stand by her side all the way means so much. it means more when her eyes are closed and your lips are right there, always there for her. that sweetness is comparable to an angel, so maybe that’s where it got its name.
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──── ♥ MARIA
cheek kisses. for such a skilled agent, it’s surprising how you take maria by surprise every time you kiss her on the cheek. maybe that’s an emblem of how she lets down her walls around you, whether she liked it or not — you love maria, undeniably so, and though it took her far longer, she does love you too. a striking example of this is the small smile she allows to slip beyond the cold demeanour, whenever you so casually walk up to her and distractedly press a fleeting kiss on the side of her face. if it was anyone else, maria would’ve probably had them knocked out in seconds flat, but you’re not them, and your lips on her cheek are far sweeter. it’s the way you do it so absent-mindedly, too, like it’s a part of your daily routine and pepppering kisses on maria’s cheeks are a simple way of life. cute, and soft, and mushy, like those rom-com films maria hates, but she’d watch them all day, if it meant your lips would meet her cheeks once again.
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──── ♥ PEGGY
back-of-hand kisses. peggy, who is so headstrong and rarely shows her tender side, unexpectedly loves back-of-hand kisses. it’s just the way you brush your lips against her skin, over the callouses and the blemishes, cherishing her as if she ever deserved that delicacy. "i absolutely adore you, my love," you would mumble, pressing your lips against her knuckles gingerly just before she leaves for work. she would bite back a smile, feeling her insides turn into mush. she thinks she can handle another day disciplining rowdy soldiers if it means she can wake another day by your side.
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──── ♥ NATASHA
stomach kisses. scars and bruises and stretch marks are nothing new to natasha, and while she’d never admit she was acutely insecure of them, it does bother her to an extent that she avoids looking at her stomach in the mirror. it’s stupid, honestly, because natasha is a world-class assassin, and she’d rather look dead in the eyes of a bleeding man than her own stomach, but then you came along and flipped her world upside down. the first night you trail kisses along her stomach, lips fluttering over every scar and bruise, natasha almost cries. she's never felt so loved. you don’t say anything, and she’s grateful for your silence, but you press a few extra kisses on the bullet wounds and the beautiful stretch marks. it’s so loving and tender, that you even bother to kiss her stomach that delicately, and natasha thinks she doesn’t deserve you but you’d always tell her otherwise.
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──── ♥ SHURI
neck kisses. shuri absolutely loves the sensation of neck kisses. shuri could be up in her lab, so focused on her current project, but all that fades away when you wrap your arms around her from behind, and pull her into a soft kiss on the neck. she sighs softly, then leans back into your grasp, tilting her head up to meet your eyes lovingly. you give her a lopsided, lovesick smile, still not saying anything. you just duck down to press another kiss on the narrow column of her neck, hands encircling her waist as she lets her eyes flutter shut. it's all shuri ever needed, but when your kisses start lingering a little too long and your hands start wandering a little too far, she isn't complaining, either.
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──── ♥ KATE
spiderman kisses. the name is quite funny, since the two of you do know peter parker, but then again there's no other way to explain it. kate somehow always ends up on the floor, be it after a night of slumber, or playing with lucky, or watching tv. you find it so endearing, and you can't help when stand over her and peck her lips. your chins brush against each others' noses, and kate lets out a breathy laugh. both of you are smiling into the kiss, and the butterflies in kate's stomach flutter. it's so goofy, but it encaptures your relationship in the most perfect way imaginable ─ there's no need to take it too seriously, because both of you are just going with the flow. whatever happens, both of you will always be there for each other, with spiderman kisses or not.
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taglist: @simp4wanda26 @natashamaximoff69 @ohsugar-honey-iced-tea @fayhar @bibliophilicbi @screechcat @rowanyaboats @nahnahnahwhat @the-night-owl-blr @matchasrad @wannabe-fic-reader @natsxwife @wandsmxmff @enanna-h @gay4lizzie @jemilyswhor3 wanna be added to the taglist to see more works like this? leave an ask in my inbox! if by any chance you want to be removed from the taglist, also leave an ask in my inbox.
man i loved writing this, got me in the feels. happy late valentines, everyone.
masterlist / AO3
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austinswife · 8 days
PRANKS DAY — Austin Butler
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SYNOPSIS — Life with Austin Butler has been nothing short of adventurous. Married with a beautiful two-year-old daughter, Wren, you and Austin share a loving relationship built on playfulness, deep affection, and a lot of laughter. One afternoon, while preparing for a photoshoot, you decide to prank Austin by asking him to leave the room while you change. This simple request spirals into a hilarious back-and-forth filled with tender moments, teasing, and the deep love you both share. But when you slip off your wedding and engagement rings, Austin’s playful tone turns serious as he worries he’s done something wrong, setting the stage for an adorable and heartfelt resolution.
WARNING(S) — Fluff, mild nudity references, childbirth mentioned, playful tension.
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It was one of those lazy, warm afternoons where everything in the house moved just a little slower. Sunlight poured through the large bay windows of your bedroom, dappling across the floor in soft, golden patches. You stood in front of the mirror, shifting through a heap of clothes laid out on the bed, trying to decide on an outfit for an upcoming photoshoot. Meanwhile, your two-year-old daughter, Wren, was bouncing between playing with her stuffed bunny and babbling to herself—seemingly in her own little world.
Austin was on the bed behind you, lying on his back with one leg hanging off the edge, scrolling through his phone in his signature relaxed, slightly-too-cool-for-anything posture. His tousled blonde hair framed his face in soft waves, and every now and then, you’d catch him glancing up from his screen to look at you with that boyish grin he always had, the one that never failed to make your heart do a little flip.
You caught his eye in the mirror and smirked. The idea of stirring things up hit you, because, really, Austin was way too comfortable right now.
“Hey, babe,” you called out casually, holding a top up against yourself and pretending to examine it in the mirror. “Can you leave the room for a sec? I need to change.”
You could feel his gaze snap up, immediately puzzled by your odd request. Austin sat up slightly, propping himself up on one elbow, his expression a mix of amusement and confusion.
“Leave the room?” he repeated, voice dripping with disbelief. “Why would I leave? What, have you gotten shy all of a sudden?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, tossing the top onto the bed and picking up another. “I just need some privacy. No big deal.”
Austin’s eyes narrowed playfully as he swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood up, clearly intrigued by your sudden demand for privacy. He crossed the room slowly, that easy smile tugging at his lips.
“Babe, I’ve seen you naked, like… a million times,” he said, drawing out the words as if this were the most obvious thing in the world. “Privacy doesn’t exist between us anymore.”
You turned your back to him, pretending to concentrate on a dress you’d picked up, but really, you were trying not to laugh. “Yeah, well, maybe I’ve changed. Maybe I want some mystery back.”
“Mystery?” Austin echoed, incredulous. You could hear the smile in his voice as he stepped closer. “Pretty sure we left the mystery behind when we had a kid. I saw you give birth, babe. There is no mystery.”
You rolled your eyes, biting back a grin. “That was different.”
Austin let out a soft chuckle as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. “Different? How is it different?”
You leaned back into his embrace, your body relaxing against his even as you tried to maintain the charade. “Because… that was a medical thing. This is just me changing.”
Austin nuzzled your neck, his breath warm against your skin, sending shivers down your spine despite yourself. “You’re saying you’re shy now?” he teased, his lips brushing just below your ear. “With me?”
You could feel the laughter bubbling up in your chest, but you pushed it down. “Yep. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
He pulled back, clearly delighted by this game, though you could sense he was becoming more curious by the second. “You know I’m not leaving, right? I love watching you change.”
You turned in his arms, raising an eyebrow as if his statement was the most absurd thing you’d heard all day. “You love watching me change? Really?”
Austin’s grin widened, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously. “Absolutely. It’s one of the perks of the job.”
You tried to hold back a smile but failed miserably. “Wow, romantic.”
His hands slipped to your hips as he leaned down to kiss you softly, murmuring, “You knew that going in.”
You kissed him back, feeling warmth spread through you, but then decided to up the ante of your prank. Slowly, you pulled away, letting your hand fall casually to your side. Without making a big deal of it, you slipped your engagement ring and wedding band off and set them on the dresser next to you.
Austin’s brow furrowed immediately. His hands stilled on your waist as he caught the movement, his gaze flicking to your now bare finger. “Wait… what are you doing?”
You kept your expression neutral, pretending to be absorbed in sorting through the clothes again. “Oh, nothing,” you said breezily. “Just taking these off for now.”
Austin’s eyes narrowed further, the playfulness in his voice ebbing into something more cautious. “You never take your rings off, unless… Is something wrong?”
There it was—his vulnerability creeping in. You felt a tiny pang of guilt for messing with him, but it was just too funny to stop now.
“Nope, nothing’s wrong,” you replied nonchalantly, pulling a random top from the bed and holding it up in front of the mirror.
“Are you mad at me or something?” Austin asked, his voice quieter now. He reached for your hand, lifting it up as if to confirm that the rings were really gone. “I mean… you wouldn’t take these off for no reason.”
You fought back a grin, turning to face him with an exaggerated sigh. “I just… don’t know. Maybe I’m rethinking this whole marriage thing.”
His face paled slightly, and his fingers tightened around your hand. “Wait… what?” His voice cracked with a mix of confusion and panic. “What do you mean you’re rethinking it?”
You couldn’t hold it in any longer—you burst out laughing. Austin’s face shifted from concern to utter disbelief as the sound of your laughter filled the room.
“Oh my God, babe!” you gasped, doubling over. “You should’ve seen your face! You looked so freaked out!”
Austin blinked, still trying to process what had just happened. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally groaned, running a hand through his hair. “You were… messing with me?” His voice rose in exasperation. “You were messing with me the whole time?”
You nodded, wiping a tear from your eye as you tried to catch your breath. “I couldn’t resist! You should’ve seen how worried you looked! It was priceless.”
Austin shook his head, a mix of relief and frustration crossing his features. “I seriously thought I did something. You had me thinking I was gonna have to, like, apologize for something I didn’t even know I did.”
“Well, you didn’t do anything,” you said, still giggling. “But now I know how easy it is to freak you out.”
“Oh, trust me, I’m not letting this one go,” he muttered, though his lips were twitching with a reluctant smile.
Just as the playful banter settled between you, Wren decided to make her presence known. “Mama! Dada! Look!” she chirped, toddling over with her bunny raised high above her head like a trophy.
Austin’s expression softened instantly, and he bent down, scooping Wren into his arms with ease. She giggled as he swung her up into the air, her little face lighting up with delight.
“Look at you, Wrennie!” he cooed, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she squealed in response. “Such a big girl with your bunny.”
You watched them with a smile, warmth spreading through your chest at the sight of your husband and daughter together. Austin held her close, planting kisses all over her cheeks, and Wren dissolved into fits of giggles.
“She saved me,” Austin teased, giving you a pointed look. “If it weren’t for this little one, I’d be in pieces.”
You laughed and stepped closer, wrapping your arms around both of them. “Okay, okay, I promise not to prank you for a while. Maybe.”
“Maybe?” Austin quirked a brow. “You know, payback’s gonna be sweet.”
“I’m not scared,” you shot back, sticking out your tongue playfully.
“Oh, you should be,” he whispered, leaning in close with that playful glint in his eyes. “You should be very scared.”
Before you could respond, Wren wriggled between you two, demanding attention. “Mama, kiss!” she babbled, pointing at Austin’s cheek.
You grinned, leaning in to plant a kiss where Wren had directed. Then Austin turned, giving you a quick peck on the lips, his expression softening as he looked at you.
“See?” he said quietly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Our little family. No one’s going anywhere.”
You smiled, resting your head against his shoulder, your hand gently running down Wren’s back as she snuggled between you. “No one’s going anywhere,” you repeated softly.
The three of you stood there for a moment, wrapped up in the warmth of each other, the playful prank long forgotten as the afternoon sun bathed the room in a golden glow.
And as you looked at Austin, holding your daughter close, you couldn’t help but feel that this—this beautiful, messy, love-filled life—was everything you’d ever dreamed of.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 3 months
Hello, Mr. Monster 8
Summary: Eros and Psyche inspired Soulmate!AU, Morpheus x female OC/reader
Master list
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Chapter Warnings: SMUT A/N: So... I did a sneaky in this chapter. First one to guess correctly gets a 500 word Sandman drabble (you can give me a prompt or let me go wild - your choice). This is the biggest tender!fuck I've ever seen. Like damn. It's an important beat between chapter arcs, and there are some themes/hints ya'll should really take note of. For reasons. All I want for my birthday are comments, my dears! <3 Thank you for your ongoing support.
8. Seal
What happened?
Creeping out of the fog, she swept together the distant pieces of her waking mind, looking for a thought, or a plan, or…
What happened?
She’d had a wonderful dream. Safe. Warm. Happy. If she could fall back asleep and drop back into that place – those arms – she would, but a sleeping mind never followed the same course. She was waking, and it was over.
But she didn’t remember going to bed.
That was all right. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d gotten drunk or collapsed after days without sleep. Not a problem.
But –
She hadn’t set her wards.
Her eyes snapped open, and her hand sprang out, reaching for the bag of black salt she always kept near her bed in the van. Anything could come, anything could already be there. As she jerked to consciousness, full of half-remembered terror – the mirror, the unseelie, her skin, the dress – long fingers caught her flailing hand. They wove seamlessly between her own, pulling her attention down to starry eyes. Soft lips pressed to her knuckles, calling her back from the brink of delirium.
“All is well.” Morpheus’ thumb rubbed along her throbbing pulse, distracting her from her panic with tactile affection. He read the beat as her memory settled, as she recalled where she was and what they’d shared. He must have felt the spiking rhythm, too, judging by his smirk.
He was beautiful. And definitely naked under the grey silk sheets that gathered over his waist.
She licked her lips, at a loss for words as the butterflies she thought she’d banished sprang back to life in her stomach.
Yes. Excellent. Definitely the most romantic greeting after waking up for the first time in a lover’s bed. In her fucking eldritch soulmate’s apparent love nest, actually. So far as she could tell, they weren’t even in a room. She could see him easily, but beyond the place where they were lying, she could only see vague, bushy shapes that could’ve been clouds or trees. Lights flickered in them. Maybe stars. Possibly fireflies.
No visible exits. Not even a floor, in fact.
Though it wasn’t like she was in a rush to leave.
Following his gentle tug, she sank back to rest on her side, facing him.
He was so beautiful. She’d already thought it, but damn if it wasn’t worth thinking twice. With his disheveled raven hair and self-satisfied expression, he looked at least half as debauched as she felt.
Which reminded her.
Oh shit.
She was naked, too.
Her free hand moved towards the sheets that had fallen all the way to her thighs when she sat up, but his disapproving pout made her second guess herself.
Covering bare skin was instinctual. Especially after everything she’d suffered in –
No, no. Not thinking of that. She physically shook her head to banish the flashes of pain and fear trying to manifest.
She was safe. She was happy. Her Dream was real, and she could be vulnerable with him in this world apart. Nothing would hunt her here. Nothing would dare. He would avenge and protect her.
Carefully, consciously, she let her hand drift from the sheets, and Morpheus smiled in the wake of her decision.
“My love,” he purred, looping an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against him, “I want you.”
He nuzzled into her neck, kissing under her ear and finding new places her blood pounded under her skin. She found herself trying to remember language, how to speak in anything but sighs. Prince of Stories. Right. Whatever. Prince of Carnal Brainmelt more like. He made it impossible to think, working little bites over her flesh as he continued his eager assault, leaving her squirming, and desperate, and tongue-tied.
Even though she couldn’t see his eyes, she felt them burning far below her skin. Below flesh and bone. Stars were only cold because of their distance, and she was much too close to see them as anything but suns. She knew it was reckless to look, to stare back and let the heat blind her, but…
She couldn’t pull away now, even if she wanted to. He didn’t need prison bars and pansies to trap her.
Panting, she finally strung together an answer. “I want you, too.”
Her words brought him back to her lips, and he wasted no time licking into her mouth, sharing his heated groans. One hand slipped around to cradle her head. The one he’d used to reel her in crept down, brushing along her waist, squeezing her hip, and settling on her thigh. Strong fingers pulled her leg over his hip, and she groaned back into their kiss as his clear desire brushed her clit.
He didn’t press, only dragging himself through her folds as he explored her mouth. When she stopped for breath, he kissed under her chin, palm flexing just over her knee. She writhed with his slow strokes, enjoying the moment but far from satisfied.
“I need you.” Kissing his brow, his cheek, his lips, she sang her yearning. “I need you, Morpheus.”
Her words found him and burned the way his eyes flamed in her soul. She saw them kindling in his gaze as he pulled away to watch her face, swallowing every flicker of expression as he teased her entrance. And pushed inside.
The world hummed.
It was all beginnings and endings and discoveries. Dream was himself, and she was with him.
He moved so slowly, and she clung tight, shaking as the pleasure built with the inexorable pace of sunrise. Clutching his shoulder, his back, she fought to keep breathing, to keep her head above water as he pushed and pulled inside. Gods. He’d drown her, and she’d gladly find death here in his arms.
“You asked what I want.” He wasn’t as helpless to his physical manifestation as she was to her human body, but his rough voice proved how she affected him, and a sunburst of pride glowed in her breast. “Perhaps I was dishonest with myself. I want the measure of your dreams and your waking hours, too.”
He hunted for her fear, waiting for the golden moment to snap under the weight of his confession. His searching eyes flicked over hers, desperate but guarded. She didn’t know what to say. If she could say anything. But she wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t threatening her – this was an invitation. And she could only invite him back, let him feel the truths she couldn’t name yet.
Her hands settled on his face, trying to soothe the needles of anxiety, his anticipated despair. She offered more kisses, pulling at his lips, welcoming and reciprocating each touch in an effort to reach deeper. Too feel even more.
His grip on her thigh tightened, and he rolled half over her, leaving his sedate, almost drowsy lovemaking behind. Still tender, but openly needy, he picked up speed, using the new angle to his advantage.
She thought she’d been breathless before – fuck.
“I want… a life. A story. You.” He was begging. Commanding. On the cusp of claiming his own dream.
He didn’t take. He shared. They gave and met in true union, tasting elements beyond bodies to melt through time embrace destiny. A snare of their wyrds. A welcome loss wrapped in discovery.
Her heart would burst. There wasn’t enough of her to hold the love for something so vast as her monster, her Morpheus, and as he hiked her leg even higher on his waist, she grabbed him by the hair. She needed him. She needed his kiss, his breath, or she’d fall apart. He obliged, but she knew she’d go to pieces regardless.
As his thrusts grew more erratic, she broke.
The most exquisite destruction.
He pushed as deep as he could reach as she pulled out his own end, but he didn’t give her space to breathe. Rolling again so she was half draped – entirely boneless – over his chest, he kept his defiantly hard length inside. She’d have rest, but no peace.
Stroking her hair, he murmured into the crown of her head, “Stay, my love. I’m not ready to let you go.”
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mjr-acourtofdreams · 3 months
Dancing On My Own
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Azriel x y/n, Eris x y/n
warnings: angst?
summary: this was heavily inspired by the song dancing on my own by calum scott. It kind of gotten in a different direction then I wanted it to go but yeah!
I made sure that I looked absolutely beautiful well the best that I could for being me I was definitely not as flawless as Elain I didn't even come close to compare. My eyes where not that pretty brown that shines in the sunset just right or my hair wasn't soft and had that golden glow to it. Look at myself in the mirror one last time the midnight black dress hugged my curves just right my curls flowed down my back a small smile ghosted on my face maybe he will finally notice me.
The party was at full swing by the time Rhysand picked me up and flew me to the house of wind everyone was already dancing, mingling and drinking their fill. "Thank you for the lift." I glanced over at Rhys he lightly bowed his head "The pleasure was mine y/n, please enjoy the party." he smile and made his way toward Feyre who looks stunning in her starry gown her smile grew has she made eye contact with Rhys her eyes caught mine and she grab a little wave I smile and then made my way towards the bar table. "Wow! You look absolutely stunning y/n!!" I nearly choked on my drink I turned and came face to face with Nesta and Cassian I nod my head "thank you, Cassian." I gave a small smile and turned "Nesta" I nod my head to her she did the same "I didn't think you would actually come." Nesta raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Well, I think it would have been rude if I didn't since Feyre invited me in person and I needed to get out the house..." I took a drink she just nodded and turned and walked away I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in "It will be okay." Cassian put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a soft smile and went to find his mate.
I still haven't noticed the two that I've been trying to avoid, well mostly I was hoping to at least see Azriel and for him to notice me and then maybe just maybe I'll tell him what has been on my mind since the before that day my sisters and I was dumped into the cauldron. I glanced my eyes to the dance floor and that's when I saw it. Elain in Azriel's arms dancing across the floor she smiled up at him, he looked at her like she was his whole world. The tears in my eyes started to form but that didn't compare to the pain in my chest that started it ripped through my soul tearing my apart slowly, a slow painful death but I couldn't look away from the sight in front of me and I don't think it would even help ease the pain if I did.
I forcedly wiped the tears from my eyes and turned towards the drink table grabbed a glass and downed it as quick as I could and then reached for another and did the same. if I have to stay here all night and watch those to fall in love in anymore, I'm going to need a good buzz to do so, fuck this. I glared back up and see the whole inner circle and my sister gathered around chatting and laughing without me figure that much. I have all ways been on outcast of our family, being the youngest of the sisters made it was I was pushed even farther aways from the afterthought of everything and everyone else I would think after turning High fae and after everything things would change clearly, I was so wrong.
Holding the glass so hard it might bust into a million pieces staring at the perfect found family that acts like I don't even exist I didn't notice the male approach my side and stood there "If you don't let go of that poor glass, we are going to have a mess to clean up." I jumped so hard and grabbed my chest trying to calm my racing heart, turning my body to face the person who scared the life out of me. "Oh, Eris!" I set my glass down and glared at him "You just scared me to death! Don't seek up on people like that!" putting my hands on my hips looking up at him and he gave me his devilish smirk. I never minded the new High Lord of Autum we actually grew a very close friendship through the short years I have been fae. "Why are you over here guarding the bar table?" he looked into my eyes, studying them. Shaking my head I looked back out towards the dance floor "well someone has to." I smirk playing on my lips I soon forgot why i was so angry a moment ago. I felt him move closer bending down close to my ear and he whispered, "well why don't you give up your post for a moment and come dance with me." I shiver ran down my back "looking has exquisite has you do you shouldn't be hiding on the side lines." I turned my head coming nose to nose with Eris looking into his eyes "I-I w-well..." I couldn't get my words out before he grabs my hand and drag me into the middle of the dance floor a smile grew across my face and I threw my head back and laugh, I real laugh Eris glance back at me with a smile across his face and a glow in his eyes.
Azriel's POV
A smile ghosted across my face while I took in my family all gather together laughing and smiling, glancing to the side I see Elaine holding her glass close to chest smiling brightly at Feyre and Nyx while the talk about something I am not sure I lost track of the conversation moment ago turn to see if anyone needs another drink I heard the my joyous laughter fill room bouncing off the walls, I could pick out that laugh anywhere. Turning to find the person behind the laugh, looking across the dance floor I see her, y/n spinning around the middle of the dance floor, smiling and laughing like I never seen her do she looks so free, so happy and at peace it made my smile grow even wider until I see the arm that reached out and grabbed her and lifted her up spinning with her... Eris, the smile that cover my face vanished and my blood ran cold my shadows started to swarm around. "Azriel... Azriel?" I felt a hand touch my arm and a shook it off and whipped my head around to see a worried Elaine and a confused Feyre looking at me the glance at Rhys, I felt claws coming down on my walls "what is he doing here?" I spoke to Rhys in my mind he took a moment to respond, "all the High Lords attended this year's Starfall, he is the new High Lord of Autum." I just glared at Rhysand and turn back to the dance floor now see them both in each other's embrace he smiled down at her, she looked at him like he was her whole world. The tears in my eyes started to form but that didn't compare to the pain in my chest that started it ripped through my soul tearing my apart slowly, a slow painful death but I couldn't look away from the sight in front of me and I don't think it would even help ease the pain if I did.
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You are Morgan Yu. No, you’re not Morgan Yu. You were Morgan Yu. No, you were something else.
The face in your memory—a man. The face in our mirror—a woman? No, you were a woman. You were many shadowy faces distorted in the polished gold of the railings.
You are Morgan Yu.
I am Morgan Yu.
“…and after that, it was over. No one could stop the Typhon. It spread all over earth. So I took my escape pod…”
Alex’s voice drumming in your head. Morgan’s head. It drummed endless hours through a transcribe.
Alex had made you. Alex had resurrected you. Alex created you.
Alex had killed us from the beginning.
No. You shake your head. You are not Morgan Yu. You don’t know what memories are real.
“Morgan?” You look up. You haven’t quite gotten your tongue to form real words yet. Morgan would’ve spoken more. I wanted to speak more. Alex sighed. “I guess it’s a lot to take in. You should get some rest, Morgan.”
He gestures at you, his voice directed towards the operators—your friends. Voices you thought you knew. Drumming again, directed away and bouncing back. “Take it back to its cell for tonight. I don’t want to risk anything reverting overnight.”
You could kill them. You know that. You did it a lot, before.
But you are Morgan Yu. Alex Yu is your brother. Alex Yu watched over you and worked with you.
Your bedroom. Where are you? Your bedroom.
Your voice is speaking to you. You don’t know the words. You don’t know the speaker.
Your bedroom?
You’ve been Morgan Yu. You’ve been a thousand Morgan Yu’s.
Are you Morgan Yu?
We are reading again. The logs of the destruction of Talos. I don’t remember it this way.
“Remember that, Morgan? You gave us the greatest idea that year. Boosted Neuromod reviews in days. Mom and Dad would be proud.”
The escape pods. They didn’t work. They were built that way.
I said it aloud. It rasped from my lips, scraping my throat on the way out.
“Mikhalia?” Alex. “She’s the operator now, Morgan.” His voice, smooth and condescending.
She was, though, wasn’t she?
You squeeze your arm. We can feel pain. I feel a trembling energy underneath.
“Do you remember her from Morgan’s memories?”
You were Morgan Yu?
Morgan would nod.
Morgan nodded.
“Interesting. You saved her, and then let everyone die instead of letting anyone escape.”
The echo of straps across your wrists and ankles tugs at you.
“You’ve always loved her too much, I thought. Either I was wrong, or you still have too much Typhon left in you.”
Phantoms inhabited bodies of human dead. Human dead did not inhabit phantoms.
Your inky hands scrape into the metal holding you. Where are we? Where is Morgan? I am Morgan!
Mimics. Alex kept several in secure locations, continuing his research. He tells you about them. He tells Morgan about them. The deep purple tissue of the Mimics feels familiar. Familiar from a thousand lifetimes—and familiar from you.
There is a room tonight. Alex locks it from the outside. You’re still at risk of being a monster. Right?
You are Morgan Yu.
Who is Morgan Yu?
A man tells you to destroy it—destroy it all. You won’t like it, it erases your family’s legacy and you will probably have to die too. But it’s the only thing that’s safe.
She says it too. The woman.
The woman?
Something courses through you. Every vein, every neuron, every spin of every atom is alive. It stings it roars it slows the world to a stop.
And everything is at your hand.
Another day, Morgan Yu. Today, tests. “They’re an essential part of an experiment. Just like you did, Morgan. I know you don’t remember—you didn’t remember in the memories either—but you were so committed to those neuromod tests. No one could stop you.”
Alex’s voice rings into our head.
Morgan did the tests. We will do them again now.
The face in the mirror. Broken and dappled in blood, a sliver of silver shone through. The eyes fester with Typhon sinews. You are Morgan Yu.
The failure of a screen. Alex once shut a screen against Morgan, didn’t he? And outside, everything was golden.
Blood streaks the floor. Your leg is split open, your alien flesh bursting out. Alex’s voice throbs at the back of your head as you stumble. A memory, too many memories.
I am Morgan Yu.
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Hello, I miss the show and everyonez writtings help keep the essence of it going. What if: x and Sam lose Dean as in the show and they fight their feelings as to not betray Dean but atlas the give in and little Dean is born. Just a thought. Thank u.
Or Dean meeting his gf parents for the 1st time, that be cute.
Always You
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word Count: ~2,058
In which Dean meets the reader’s parents for the first time.
A/N: This has been in my inbox for wayyyy too long and I’d like to give a formal apology for that. It's a short fic, but I hope you enjoy it!!
Relationships between hunters didn’t last forever. It was something that all hunters knew, which is why relationships were something that most hunters avoided. It was an unspoken rule. 
Dean Winchester had never been a fan of rules.
At the moment though, he couldn’t help but wish that he had followed the rules. If he had, maybe he wouldn’t be in this situation, on one of his most important missions yet.
Meeting his girlfriend’s parents.
He looked in the mirror, frowning at his reflection. He was wearing his usual flannel button up and pants, his hair a bit mussed.
You had insisted that the gathering was completely casual, and that your parents would like it a lot better if he showed up as himself instead of playing a part to try and impress them. But as he continued looking himself over, he couldn’t help but start to second guess your judgment, even if he knew by now that you were always right.
He heard the door to his room open, his eyes finding yours in the mirror. You were dressed in casual clothes as well, a simple shirt and pants, looking more at ease and comfortable than he’d seen you in a while.
Not to say that you were never at ease. But most days, the two of you were in your hunter gear, or at least carrying concealed weapons on you. Even when you had a day without hunting, when you posed as regular civilians, you had a look of caution in your eyes and a hand near your knife. You were never really at rest, even when you were asleep, with one hand on the gun under your pillow. But today, he silently thanked your parents for inviting the two of you over if it meant he could see you in a calm state for a few hours.
You smiled lightly as you looked him up and down. “You ready?”
He shook his head, still looking at you in the mirror. “You sure I shouldn’t show up in a suit?”
You laughed as you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, your chin resting lightly on his shoulder. “No way, they’d think you were totally pretentious. And kind of a jerk.”
“We’re hunters, being pretentious is part of the job.”
“Maybe with regular civilians, yeah. But not with each other.”
Dean’s eyes softened and he turned, gathering you up in his arms. Being a hunter had taken everything from him. His friends, his family, and even his brother more than a few times. It had taken you too, once.
He gripped you tighter. Those few months without you had been absolute torture. He’d gotten more reckless, more aggressive. He’d tried to push Sam away, and isolate himself from the rest of the world. But Sam hadn’t let Dean give up on you. The two of them had worked tirelessly to find a way to get you back.
Multiple failed attempts had worn Dean out quickly. But Sam never tired, and never quit. He knew he would have given anything to get Jess back, and he wouldn’t let the same thing happen to his brother.
And then one day, their efforts paid off.
Dean snapped out of his thoughts as you pulled back. You tilted your head, looking up at him with concern. “You okay?”
Dean smiled, leaning down to press his lips to yours. “Yeah, I’m alright. You ready?”
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face. “I’m ready.” You walked towards the door before turning back to look at Dean, a smile on your face. “You coming, Winchester?”
He grinned. “Lead the way.”
The two of you stood side by side, Dean tense and rigid. You looked over at him and nudged him gently. “You’re going to do great. You brought me back to life, remember? Literally. They already love you for that.”
Dean nodded stiffly as the door in front of them opened. He immediately relaxed his stance and watched as a big smile broke out over your mom’s face.
She stepped forward and held you in her arms tightly, tears streaming down her face. She pulled back and brushed your hair away from your face. “My baby, my baby,” she mumbled as she pulled you in again to pepper kisses across your face.
You laughed and pulled back against her grip. “Nice to see you too, mom.” You turned towards your boyfriend and motioned towards him. “This is Dean.”
Your mom smiled gently. “Hello, Dean.”
Dean plastered on a charming grin, reaching out a hand politely. “Nice to meet-”
He cut off as your mom stepped forward and embraced him, her arms wrapped tightly around him. 
Dean froze. 
It had been so long since someone other than you or Sam had given him any time of physical affection. It was…..nice. He could feel a warmth in his heart. A warmth that felt almost familiar. One that he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
He slowly wrapped his arms around your mom, allowing the tension to slowly ease out of him.
Your mom held him tighter. “Thank you,” she whispered. “For bringing her back.” She pulled back and set a light hand on his cheek before nodding and turning away.
She grabbed onto your hand and started to pull you inside the house. “Hurry up, you two, before the food gets cold.”
Dean steadied himself against the bathroom sink, his fingers clutching on to the edge so tightly that they were turning white.
He had expected many things when he had come to your house, and had even prepared for many worst case scenarios. Maybe the group of you would be ambushed by demons, or jumped by angels. Maybe your parents would hate him and he’d never be able to show his face in front of them again. 
What he hadn’t expected, though, was for your parents to be so kind.
After your mom had dragged the two of you into the house, you had been engulfed in another hug by your dad, his eyes wet and his grip tight even as you laughed and reassured him that you were here, and you were okay, and you were alive. 
When he had finally let go, your father had turned his eyes on Dean, straightening up and walking forward purposefully. Dean reached out a hand once again. “Nice to meet you, Mr. -”
For the second time in only a few minutes, Dean was cut off and pulled into a warm embrace. Your father was silent, but his hug was warm and strong, one of his hands on the back of Dean’s neck, almost as though he were cradling him gently. 
The warm feeling was filling Dean’s heart again, but this time, he could remember where he recognized it from. It was the same feeling that he’d gotten every time Bobby would pull him into a hug after a bad hunt. It was the feeling he’d gotten when Bobby had taken him out to be a regular boy for a few hours when his dad was off on a hunt. It was a feeling of safety and security. 
It was a feeling that he’d thought he’d never have again.
As soon as he’d been released, Dean had excused himself and asked for directions to the bathroom, pretending that he didn’t see your worried expression as he hurried away.
Now, as he braced himself against the bathroom sink, he couldn’t help but curse under his breath. What was he doing? He was Dean freaking Winchester. He’d killed vampires and ghosts, fought angels and demons, and crawled back from Hell itself. So why was it so hard for him to face your parents?
He took a deep breath, releasing his death grip on the sink and stepping back, looking up at himself in the mirror. It was only for a few hours. He could handle this for a few hours.
A light knock sounded at the door, causing Dean’s head to swivel quickly. He ignored his pounding heart as he walked towards the door and opened it, coming face to face with you, a worried smile on your face. 
“Hey,” you said, your eyes scanning his face for any indication of what was bothering him. “You okay?”
Dean forced a smile on his face, nodding once and giving you a wink. “You couldn’t stay away from me for more than a minute, huh?”
You tilted your head, still staring. You’d been worried that something like this would happen. You had voiced your concerns to Sam just yesterday, asking if maybe introducing him to your loving and huggy parents was a bad idea, since Dean was the first to admit that he wasn’t big on ‘mushy crap’.
Sam had understood what you were really asking almost immediately. “It’s definitely been a while since he’s had to do something like this,” Sam admitted. “But I think it’ll be good for him to finally feel like a part of something like this again.”
You had smiled softly. “He already has that with us.”
Sam had smiled back at you, choosing to wrap you up in a tight embrace instead of responding.
Now, though, you couldn’t help but with that you’d listened to your anxious mind and kept Dean far away from your parents. 
His eyes were darting behind you, as though afraid that your parents would walk in and see him in this state. You pretended not to notice his nervous glances as you reached a hand up and gently cupped his cheek. “We can leave if you’re ready. I’ll say that Gar called with a new hunt.”
Dean pulled back, a mask falling over his face as he gave you another infamous Winchester smile. “You kidding? I can smell the pie from here. Come on, let’s go,” he said as he grabbed one of your hands and gently pulled you forward.
You dug your heels into the ground. “Dean.”
You waited until he turned to face you, a grimace taking the place of his false smile.
“The fact that you even tried,” you said as you took a step forward. “Means the world to me. You mean the world to me. If you want to head out, that’s okay. Honest.” You tilted your head again, a smile slowly forming on your lips. “And if you want to stay, I promise to let you eat all the pie you want. My mom is a gracious server.”
Dean let out a slow exhale at your words. You could practically see his mind working, trying to come up with a solution that would be beneficial for the both of you. Not that you wouldn’t support whatever decision he made. Spending time with your boyfriend without an angry Spirit chasing after you was already a perfect day in your book.
After a moment, Dean looked back down at you, the corner of his lips twitching. “All the pie I want, huh?”
Your smile grew. “And I won’t even tell Sam.”
Dean stared into your eyes, his heart slowing and the fear in his chest dissipating. And he was hit once again with a fact that he always seemed to forget in the face of his hardest battles. He could face anything, as long as he was with you.
The hunter exhaled slowly as you looked up at him with love in your eyes. “Well, how can I turn down an offer like that?” Dean asked with a grin. He reached out and grasped your hand gently, pulling you after him as he made his way back into the dining room.
Maybe this wouldn’t be as easy as he had hoped. Maybe it would be one of the hardest things he’d ever done. But as Dean looked back at you, joy and hope in your eyes, he knew that he would go through it over and over again if it made you happy.
You met his eyes, a spark of amusement dancing over your features. “I knew I could win you over with pie,” you said, a laugh bubbling out of your throat.
It wasn’t the pie, Dean wanted to say as the two of you entered the dining room. Your parents greeted the two of you with broad smiles and plates full of food. It was you.
Always you.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Threadbare (1)
Steve Rogers x Fashion Designer!Reader
Part One: Yield Strength (see series)
Summary: Steve gets to meet his favorite designer, and you get a surprise visitor at work.
Warnings: none. Maybe a bit of creepy behavior but not from Steve. Yes, I did just want to use the leather jacket gif for shiggles. What's it to ya? WC 3355
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Steve Rogers hates stuffy functions. He hates the brown-nosing. He hates trying to convince people who have everything to give scraps to people with nothing. He hates watching the excess and indulgence, even when he knows it ends up giving something to those in need. He hates it. He hates the whole lot of these stupid, asinine—
Steve takes a breath and smooths his hand down the buttery fabric of a double-breasted jacket hanging next to his intended garment.
Ok, fine, he hates the functions, but he actually enjoys the dressing up part.
He didn’t used to. No. The only outfit outside of his Cap suit that ever truly fit him—before or after the serum—was his SSR uniform, and coming from a time of nothing, Steve accepted that as a huge win.
And then he woke up in this world of excess and—what do they call it? Fast-fashion?— realized that what should be easier to acquire was much, much harder to find: room to breathe.
Steve may roll his eyes at Tony’s custom everything, but he admits internally that at least Stark’s comfortable all the time. Steve would settle for being comfortable in his own skin.
This helps though, this gloriously draped, stiff in a supportive way, heavy in a grounding way, and shapely button down. He doesn’t need a whole suit tonight; it’s not that kind of event. In fact, Steve wasn’t specifically invited. He heard Tony talking about the new collection by the designer of this shirt—which happens to be the label for 90% of Steve’s dressier clothing at this point—and Steve outright volunteered himself to go with Tony.
See, Steve Rogers is now a big, broad guy, and it’s been an adjustment, as well as plain difficult, to gather a wardrobe that isn’t custom tailored due to his sheer size and proportions. The team jokes about his tight shirts, but if he buys things large enough for his shoulders, his waist swims in fabric. Steve had to live off of stretchy clothing for the first three years he was out of the ice. He wasn’t out of his Cap suit long enough for the investment to be worthwhile. Then it took another several years before he discovered Tovarich.
The man must know what it’s like to be big and broad, that’s for sure. Steve may not be much for high fashion, but he’s genuinely gotten so much comfort and enjoyment out of Mr. Tovarich’s work that Steve wants to thank him personally. For once, being Captain America is a good card to play to ensure he gets to meet the designer.
Steve adjusts his rolled sleeves a bit in the mirror, smirking at himself for being a bit of a dandy concerning his look right now, but he’s determined to have a good time out with Tony. It’s just a fashion show. How difficult can it be?
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Really damn difficult, that’s what it is.
Steve isn’t prepared for the bizarre press interest in who is there instead of what is being shown. He’s used to cameras flashing at him—especially because the bright and loud pops of flashes were much worse in the ‘40s—but Steve’s in awe of the models’ complete indifference while walking a straight line with a straight face in some of the simplest, most magnificent men’s wear he’s ever seen.
If all he had to do was tick boxes on a list to order things, Steve would be in big trouble with a full bingo card and an empty wallet. It’d be worth it though.
Tony tries to talk to him every so often, but the music is outrageously loud. Steve can’t hear a thing.
He gets tapped on the shoulder by some women sitting behind him, and they try to say some more things he can’t hear.
Everyone rises to clap, and Steve joins in, overwhelmed by the fast pace of all the outfits on repeat, when the man on his other side accidentally elbows Steve and drops his program. The paper flutters to land in front of Tony’s feet, so Steve picks it up, hands it back, and the man makes an appreciative face before gesturing vaguely at the runway and mouthing his admiration. Steve nods and smiles, happy he’s not the only one fanboying over clothes.
The lights change in the venue. The photography and clapping stop. Tony starts yammering on about an after party, but Steve wants to meet the designer.
“Oh, Cap, that walk-and-wave was as close as you’re getting today. Tovarich is a hot commodity. I’ll just get you a fitting sometime.” He clamps a hand onto Steve’s shoulder and tilts his head toward the refreshments. “Shall we?”
Darn. Steve should have done more research on how fashion shows work, but he hates how invasive online snooping feels. It was fine when he was catching up on history and historical figures. However, most of the ‘news’ now is not news at all, so he avoids searching for information that way. He doesn’t ask question about Mr. Tovarich because, in theory, it’s none of Steve’s business and Steve may or may not be slightly ashamed at how obsessed he is with something as trivial as clothing.
Fashion is not something he thought about until very, very recently. The most time he’s spent worried about what he puts on is his tac suit, and the main features of that are being blade resistant and bullet proof. Those things don’t exactly interest him so much as they are in his best interest.
So Steve is rather disappointed by the outcome of the evening, but he’ll manage. For once, he’s got a tiny bright light of something to look forward to in the form of a few more dress shirts and a very sharp vest.
He goes on with life as usual.
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Months later and they’re doing this thing.
It’s called the Hellfire Gala, and apparently, it’s a big, big deal. Steve’s told everyone goes all out, that he’ll need to be dressed to the nines, and he realizes this is his opportunity.
Tony’s elated to make the arrangements for him with the Tovarich Atélier and plans to go with him. He wouldn’t stop grumbling about how awkward Steve might be, raving that he can’t have Steve getting a bad rap under his clout, so Steve shows up nervous.
Tony sends a text saying he’s running late. Of course he is, today of all days.
Steve shuts his eyes and lowers his head in gratitude that there are only two seamstresses when he first arrives. The ladies—one older and one younger—offer refreshments and ask a few questions about the event and what styles he might be interested in. He explains the getup needs to highlight the ‘Cap’ persona since the gala is a celebration of their work as Avengers, but other than that, it’s the-sky’s-the-limit for Tovarich.
The younger seamstress smiles at that and calls it ‘fun.’
Sure. That’s one word for it. Steve would also call it daunting.
As instructed, he stands on a small platform while the ladies bustle about speaking quietly to each other. Steve hears Tony ring the reception bell before any measurements have started, and he heaves out a sigh of relief.
“In time for the good stuff, am I?” Stark winks.
“Always perfectly welcome, Mr. Stark,” you, the younger woman, say politely. “Would you care for anything to drink?”
“Uh,” Tony smooths his hand down his current suit front, eyes flickering to Steve, “have you met me?”
Your smile widens. “Dominica, please,” you signal to your coworker.
Between your fingers, you’ve folded a scrap of paper, something you scribbled while Steve stood awkwardly on the pedestal (which isn’t to say he has stopped standing awkwardly), and Tony snatches the paper from your grasp, unfolding it to make a challenging, inquisitive face.
Steve huffs and glares, praying his friend doesn’t start hitting on Tovarich’s employee before the man even shows up. Steve isn’t the one to be worried about.
Stark takes Dominica’s proffered tumbler of brown liquor, saying nothing.
You are a ninja with the tape measure, gentle hands sliding over his chest and waist and—Steve swallows—his hips, all while rattling off numbers…which no one writes down. Steve moves his arms and legs when told. When you’re kneeling on the edge of the platform, eye level with his crotch, Steve decides to distract himself and get some answers.
“I’ve been looking forward to my first meeting with Mr. Tovarich. When might he arrive?”
Tony clears his throat, wincing. “Not possible, buddy.”
Steve tenses.
“I thought that—“
“You can’t meet him for the the first time.” Tony holds up a hand before Steve can move. “You already did. She’s measuring the distance between your balls and the floor.”
Steve startles out a ‘what,’ snapping his legs shut with your hand between his thighs.
“Captain Steve Rogers, please meet your favorite designer,” Tony beams, shoving his tongue against the inside of his cheek and hiking up his eyebrows.
Steve shrinks, face burning.
“Hello, Captain Rogers,” you introduce yourself with a lovely smile, “I will…need my hand to make your suit, sir.”
His open-mouthed impression of a fish is cut short by standing at attention, releasing the seal of his thighs. “Yes, ma’am. Sorry.”
“Very polite,” you mutter before turning to Tony. “Mr. Stark, was that entirely necessary?”
“For the look alone, yes. My god, I’ll pay you again just to watch now that he knows.”
You push off the platform and practically skip over to Tony, reading over his shoulder. “How did I do?”
Tony looks at the piece of paper. “Damn it. Spot on,” Tony grunts.
“And that means…?”
“That I leave you alone for the rest of the consult,” Tony whines. “Fine, but make it worth it, buddy. Lady gets paid by the hour.” He snaps his fingers playfully. “Dominica, let’s take room two, my dear.”
Steve’s not sure what to do with his hands and mistakenly remains up high on the pedestal while you pull out a notebook and sit at a small table.
“Oh!” You look up at him with tender, lively eyes. “You may step down now.”
He feet seem to thunder to the floor even against the carpet. “I didn’t mean to—I just assumed that—I’m sorry, Misses—”
“It’s Miss,” you correct him. “And don’t worry. You are not the first, and you won’t be the last. Have a seat, Captain.”
“Steve,” you correct yourself this time. “I’ll tell you a secret. I prefer that most people assume a man runs this business. You get to see people’s true colors when they finally find out.”
That doesn’t help Steve’s hot flush of embarrassment.
“You are one of the good ones. I can tell,” you add, adjusting to a fresh page in the notebook and marking the top corner.
In the silence Steve asks, “so you already knew my size?”
“You aren’t so different from my standard cut.”
“No,” he allows. Of course, he should have known that seeing as everything he buys from your label fits him so well. He kicks himself internally while trying not to frown at his slip up. It is, however, easy to keep a smile while basking in the glow of yours.
You pop your shoulder up into a shrug, lips morphing into a wry tease. “And I’m pretty good at what I do.”
Amazing, Steve thinks to himself. You’re amazing…at what you do.
Your elbow rests against the table, hand cupping your jaw as you hold Steve’s gaze.
“Some even call me a master of the male form.”
His swallow is deafening, which only makes you happier, and he looks down at his knee, rubbing his pant leg while his face heats.
“But for today’s purposes—“ you lean back in your chair, twirling your pencil playfully, a magic wand in your brilliant hands “—why don’t you tell me what makes me your favorite designer so I can make you my favorite client?”
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Why’d you have to be so pretty? Why do you need him for so few fittings?
Steve has to stop himself from spending a Tony Stark-sized fortune on clothing for the pleasure of walking into your store and seeing you alone—well, in the hope of seeing you at all. Dominica is very sweet, sassy in a hard ass mom kind of way, and she’s one of four total assistants you have at the shop. Steve’s met three of them.
There’s just only one of you, and you’re busy.
Between his duties with the Avengers, actually sleeping, and debating with himself about what constitutes looking desperate, Steve is lucky to have caught you in-house only half the times he visits.
And then he tore a shirt. In fact, he tore three shirts, and to his credit, two of them were by accident. The third…uh, there’s a chance that when Steve exclaimed “oh shoot, I didn’t see that nail poking out” that he 100% saw that nail and deliberately brushed himself against that wall. He also may or may not have deliberately done it in front of Tony, faking that it was no big deal, because now he has the excuse that Tony is the one who told him to go see you.
Yeah, Steve agrees, if you say so.
He’s all excitement and nerves again when he rounds the corner of your street, but then the adrenaline shoots through Steve’s veins for a different reason.
A squad car has jumped the curb in front of your shop, lights flashing, doors left open, and Steve can hear lots of tense voices.
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It’s a stressful enough day without the uninvited guest. Not many people—who know how you work and are not assholes—would dare to show up within a month of the Spring Show, without an appointment, and demand a rush job.
A rush job on a custom suit that you explicitly said could not be rushed before its scheduled time, mind you, but the surprise visitor doesn’t care.
Richard Fisk is broad. He has dirty blond hair that falls in front of his eyes when he tilts his head to smile. He often travels with a whole team of other imposing men.
The son of Wilson ‘Kingpin’ Fisk, however, is a prime example of personality souring good looks. Where it’s bashful and adorable that Steve Rogers hides his smile, Richard barely bridles his menacing entitlement.
You hate him, but he’s not a person you can outright refuse. He makes all of your assistants uncomfortable. Fisk is needlessly hostile to Tarik, who is thankfully not here today; he’s a creepy dick to Abby, who you insist stays in the fitting room with Anja, your longtime client who trusts you to push the envelope tastefully for a redheaded woman in her sixties; and he almost made Jules quit because he couldn’t follow instructions during a consult. Dominica stands in as the perfect buffer when she’s here, but the eldest of the Tovarich Atélier employees is currently on the other side of the city for a VIP delivery.
Your busy, busy day just got much harder.
His trio of beefy entourage flanks Fisk at the front of your shop.
“Here for my suit, sugar,” he drawls, flicking his used toothpick into a corner on the floor.
He eyes Abby as she shuts herself and Anja away from his direct ire, and although this leaves you alone, it stops your worry for their safety in addition to your own.
“As it stipulates in the commission, we take at least—“
“Those little hands are free now, I see,” he spits, stepping within an few inches of your face. His breath is foul and hot.
The aggression has you stumbling back, smashing into a side table and knocking a box of supplies to the ground.
“How ‘bout you get to work.”
You take in a heavy, fortifying, and quiet gasp. “Per your order, the fabric is manufactured off-site because teal is not a standard color. It takes time to produce. This was made very clear when you signed.”
Fisk flashes that menacing smile. “We can wait. One of these fine men can…keep you focused till you do your job.”
The condescending tone and disrespect of your work ethic spark flames of rage in your gut. Even though terror still simmers beneath, it’s too easy to let an insult fly.
“You’re lucky I’m even making it. The all white one last summer was a stretch, but teal? On you? Not something you can pull off.”
He lunges forward again. “Keep up the cheek, and I’ll lock you in my basement until I get everything I—“
“Ma’am,” a cop bursts through the shop door, “we got a call…” The officer goes quiet after one look at Fisk.
Abby must have phoned after hearing you knock supplies down, and you’re grateful, yes, but police are of little help with this guy. Cops wouldn’t dare ruffle Kingpin’s feathers or his awful son’s by proxy, but if you roll over now, you’ll never get back out from under him.
The only way forward is to put your foot down.
“Mr. Fisk, I wouldn’t make you a black and white striped three-piece if you did chain me in a basement. You’re a spring, and I have standards.”
“Ma’am,” the officer warns, his partner standing nervously in the open doorway.
“What kind of professional would I be if I let you walk around looking like a mental asylum inmate? I’m doing you a favor!”
Richard brandishes another toothpick. “The customer is always right, sugar.”
It’s stupid. You know it’s stupid to taunt him and yell. Being insulted and diminished doesn’t make you want to be smart though; it makes you want to be right.
Your hands ball into fists of fear and rage. “It’s my name on the label,” you bark, “and I could just refund you to get you the hell out!”
Now you’ve really done it.
The boy gangster’s face twists and his oral fixation goes limp in disbelief. No one talks to Richard Fisk that way, least of all women.
His men step between both the cops and their boss, leaving Fisk himself to grab a solid wood tie box from the nearest counter and fling it at your face.
Your arms fly up to block it, but nothing ever connects, nor is there a crash behind you.
An officer’s voice wavers from across the room. “Uh, I’m sure this can all be worked out. No need to…start anything.”
You’re ashamed to say that your hands are shaking when they return to your sides and reveal an entirely different bulky blond.
Steve Rogers casually holds the caught box in his hands, staring daggers as he shifts squarely in front of you to block Fisk.
“This doesn’t concern you, Captain,” the bully grunts. “Piss off.”
Steve strides forward to replace the box neatly and plants himself inches from Fisk’s face.
“Can’t do that. She’s expecting me.” He turns back to you. “Ready?” Steve asks with a tight smile.
You swallow down one iota of your alarm and clear your throat.
“Yes—” the word cracks but you hope familiarity will scare off Fisk for now “—thank you, Steve.”
That seems to be Captain America’s cue to handle everyone else at odds in the storefront. By the time you get control of your trembling limbs, Steve has shown Fisk the door and promised the officers that you’ll be looked after.
Abby peeks out of the fitting room, surprised to see only Steve.
“Did they send you instead?”
She opens the door wider for Anja to see.
The redhead quirks an eyebrow. “Call the police more often, honey. They’ve upped their game.”
The now bashful, broad blond tilts his head, rogue hair falling across his face. His blue eyes sparkle beneath long lashes while he apologizes for lying, but you can’t for the life of you figure out why he’d feel guilty.
“I…” Steve stumbles. “I don’t have an appointment. I just wanted to see you.”
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Currently estimating four parts to this grumbling into the ether but who knows. I clearly cannot be trusted to estimate length anymore...
[Next Part]
You can find more to read on my Main Masterlist! For readers under 18, please see the Light Masterlist which contains all-age-friendly works.
@supraveng @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @femefetalelevelingup @darsynia
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
IMAGINE: Yandere!Twst cast, dreaming of the MC, before they ended up Twst, and even though they searched for them, they couldn't quite find them... now that they've found them.. they can't seem to let you go.. how would they feel when they've learned that there are more competitors for your love.
A/N: I'm gonna call this the dreaming of you au! I have some plans for it.. I had to split this in part, because of tumblr's fucking word limit.
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He couldn’t recall when the dreams had first started, it was quite suffocating.. Looking back, he was tired of the same dream over and over again, yet it changed.. Slowly, he watched you growing up along with him, it was as if his dreams mirrored your own life.. And at one point, he believed that these vivid dreams held some meaning, there had to be a reason why he’d keep seeing the same person over and over again… At one point, he even started to believe that you were his.. Someone meant for him.. And as he grew older, he couldn’t help but search for you, wanting to validate his thoughts and imagination, which has gotten rather out of hand over the past few years. 
He didn’t even consider that others would have taken interest in you as well, ‘did they see you in their dreams as well?’.. The thought would have driven him wild, had he not been patient thus far, he might have truly lost himself then and there.. However, if he had waited this long, then it wouldn’t have been difficult to wait a bit longer.. After all.. He knew you a lot better than you know yourself.. He just needs you to realize.. That you’re his.. and he is yours…
YANDERE!LEONA, Leona had an unfathomable amount of rage, ever since childhood.. Which had probably been due to the negligence he’d received from his parents early on, he couldn’t quite recall when he first dreamt of you, but he knew that you were a change in environment for the young child, he watched you from afar in his dreams.. Though truth be told, he wished for nothing more but to be close hand in hand with you.. yet he couldn’t, some uncontrollable force forbade him from going closer then he already could.. Upon the realization, he concluded that he should just remain contemptible with watching you afar, and let that remain his norm.. However this didn’t last long, as with age, the man would slowly start falling for you.. His daydreams allowed him to create a fictional world where you’d be with him arm in arm, as he had wanted to be in the vivid dreams he had of you.. Though he hoped something more can become of you two.. he had not such confirmation of your existence to at least remain hopeful of that wish, however everything changed when he had first met you at NRC.. that’s when he realized that his hopes and wishes may have had a chance of becoming a reality, that all his dreams, wishes, and plans weren’t for naught. However, with that realization there came another, another much more displeasing to the already tired and aggravated Leona, who had long lost the patience he held as a child, that there were others who wished to be with you, just as he did.. Did those others have those off and vivid dreams as well? They better have not.. His patience was already warring thin the moment he had met you.. 
YANDERE!RUGGIE, Ruggie had grown up with difficulty, things weren’t simple.. Yet he found comfort in the dreams he had, where everything was simple and fine, from there he had made a friend.. Oddly enough.. He had made a friend through a dream, a dream! Quite fascinating isn’t it? He had passed you off as a mere imaginary friend, that he’d grow out of when he was older, however, he was wrong.. At some point, an unknown force wouldn’t allow him to interact with anymore, breaking a bond he had with you for the longest time, even if you weren't as real as he had wished you to be, he still considered you a close friend, and a sort of sorrow washed over him, as these dreams grew more and more complicated and realistic, he couldn’t help but grow more and more angry, as you forgot who he even was, and then.. He met you.. on campus.. The so-called perfect of Ramshackle, he couldn’t help but think this was some sick joke, he saw the surprise in your eyes, which recovered ever so quickly.. and he thought for a moment.. Maybe.. maybe you knew him, maybe you also shared the dreams with him.. But at that moment, as he saw you scurry off, with whatever excuse you could provide, he decided that he wouldn’t let you go this time around… 
YANDERE!JACK, Jack was young, and under a trance of sorts.. When he first saw you, he didn’t expect much out of his dreams, in fact being a child, seeing another person.. as perfect as you, around his age in his dreams didn’t phase him, not even when you repeatedly came back in his dreams.. It didn’t pose any problem to Jack, in fact, he passed you off as some good luck fairy, since whenever he had dreamt of you, good luck happened, for example his mother would bring him some candy, or he’d get a new toy of sorts.. It wasn’t until Jack had entered his pubescent years, did he start questioning if you were rare.. ‘What could these dreams mean’.. Overtime he found himself falling for you.. and only then did it pose a problem to him, he didn’t even know if you were here.. In this world.. Or if you were even real.. A part of him had hoped you were, it would be a pity if you weren’t.. That was when this borderline obsession had started, Jack had always defended his thoughts, with the reminder that you weren’t real… yet you were.. and he had finally met you, he couldn’t deny that fact.. He didn’t intend to deny it either, he loved you… he wanted you.. Wolves do mate for life.. Even if others decide to try and take you away, he didn’t intend on letting you go so easily.. 
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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feliciadraws · 4 months
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I wanna talk about Audrey, the so-called 'Hero.' Now I'm not that good at writing or posting meta but man oh MAN Audrey is actually so much more interesting than I initially took her to be; she's actually deeply insecure about not only herself but how the world perceives her AND has a skewed, dare I say, SUPERFICIAL, idea of what it means to truly be the hero. She primarily sees it as a role she has to play or fulfill, rather than something someone chooses to be, and while she "knows" herself to be the hero, she doesn't actually BELIEVE she is A hero in herself. Even further is that she WANTS to be The Hero but is so dyed in the proverbial wool in both her insecurities and her perception of her role as The Hero that she doesn't want to stop, she wants to fulfill the role she was given so bad that she broke her promise to the Bard when she said she wouldn't kill anymore Overseer spirits upon killing the King of Hearts because, how she sees it, 'that's how it is.' What was interesting is that Audrey spoke about her dislike of being told what to do and where to go when Eyala was acting as her guide, that she found it demeaning that she couldn't think or act for herself, but was that her interpretation of being told to back down by Eyala? After all, Eyala did mention to the Bard that when she warned Audrey, Audrey felt that Eyala was 'taking something away from her', and that something was the role of The Hero, without which she would still be a nobody that no one saw or knew or cared about.
She wants to be the Hero and is so attached to that role and the adoration it had brought her and wants to fulfill that role because she believes that what truly makes her and that without the title of Hero and the Sword and the powers, she can't be A hero. Her insecurities tell her that she can't be A hero outside of being THE Hero, and she can't understand not only how the Bard had gotten so far but how he continues to have hope, despite his own innate feelings of despondence and his own melancholy. But he keeps going because of his hope, hope that he can still save the world and that there is always another, better way, a way that one can choose. A different way to be a hero, if you will. And I personally think that the Bard's approach to being a hero, it's confounding to Audrey for many reasons, one of those being that he wasn't chosen by anyone or anything to be a hero per se, but he chose to be a hero HIMSELF, despite everything acting against him, including Audrey herself. The Bard admitted he's jealous of Audrey being chosen to be the hero and her sword and her powers, not knowing that his innate goodness and his CHOICE to be good make him a hero, without the need for a sword or a title or a higher calling.
I honestly love how Wandersong toys with the definition of the word 'hero', and not only subverts the typical fantasy RPG hero archetype with Audrey, right down to the outfit and the magic sword, but DOUBLE subverts her; she could have been a twist villain who was simply a villain masquerading as a hero, but even this was subverted by making her not a hero, but not quite a villain either, but an insecure girl who sees herself as a nobody and is so obsessed with fulfilling a role that makes her a somebody that she's going to end up destroying the world and herself (both figuratively and literally), but is blinded by her self-perception and insecurities so that she can't see anything within herself that's heroic, making her both a mirror and a foil for the Bard.
I'm not sure where I was going and I know Wandersong isn't the first game to do this but I love how it was done here so far (I'm starting Act Seven), not least because I hated Audrey at first but she's actually growing on me, as much as I hate to admit it, not least that she actually resonates with me much more now this revelation has come about. I was pleasantly surprised and now I want to study this girlfail mess of a human being under a microscope.
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n-agiz · 2 years
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THE OTHER WOMANㅤ ceo! gojo satoru x mistress! reader — smut [ 0.8k+ wc ] cws cheating + creampie ! MDNI
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ㅤbeing someone's mistress wasn't something you had envisioned for your future, but when it came to gojo satoru, you supposed anything was possible.
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sometimes you wondered why you had allowed yourself to get to this point.
if before this you hadn’t considered yourself an awful person, now you certainly did, and what you were doing was just one of the other million reasons why. you didn’t need this, didn’t need to be doing something so immoral, but as much as you hated to admit it, you had grown to crave it, crave something that once the mere idea of made you sick.
“you always look so pretty, baby. such a pretty thing, and all for me, right?”
“yes ‘toru, only for you”
your thighs ached from moving up an down, the burn somehow pleasant due to the pleasure it consequently gave you. your hands rested on gojo’s broad shoulders, legs parted over his lap and lingerie pushed to the side just enough to give his hard dick access to your pussy, having it fill you up perfectly, pink tip pressing against your cervix deliciously and veiny length rubbing against your walls in a way that made your head spin, the pleasure so great you wondered how much longer you would be able to last before finally reaching your high.
gojo satoru was an influential men, a rich ceo who came from a line of others much too similar to him. his family was known for their wealth, for how powerful they were, their reputation something they needed to keep in order to continue thriving — so you wondered what was so special about you that made him put everything on the line for just a few weekly fucks. you could destroy him if you wanted, could come out and talk all about how gojo satoru, a married man, had been fucking you for years now, having been with you ever since he got with his wife. you could talk about all the promises he made you, how he would assure you he would get divorced just to marry you instead, how he wished he had gotten with you in the first place instead of agreeing to an arranged marriage, how he would always tell you how insufferable his wife was and how much he loved you. those thing could all be lies, stuff he said while high on pleasure and when his dick was doing the thinking instead of his brain, but he still said them at some point, had repeated them too many times to count actually, so if you wanted, if you truly desired it, you could destroy him, get the revenge you sometimes thought about and finally show the world how immoral he actually was — but at the end of the day, you never did it, because truthfully you were just as unethical as him, after all, even if you weren’t directly betraying someone, you were still willingly helping someone do it.
gojo satoru might be an asshole, but you couldn’t really judge him because you completely mirrored him in that aspect.
“fuck baby! keep going like that, you feel so good around my dick” satoru’s moans were entracing, pretty even, and just as addicting as the feeling of the drag of his cock in and out of you, as addicting as everything about him.
“‘m close, ‘toru! really close”
“cum for me, pretty baby. cum all over my cock, c’mon” as he spoke, gojo started thrusting up into you, the chair you both sat on starting to creak as he matched your movements, reaching even deeper inside you. for a second you forgot all about how wrong this was, your own pleasure the only thing filling your brain as you felt your orgasm start to build, soon enough feeling the tightening knot in your lower stomach snap, sending blasts of pleasure to hit you hard. “ahh fuck! that’s it, just like th- argh!” and before long, gojo too reached his climax, moaning shamelessly while filling you up with his seed.
“‘toru!” your mewls were like music to satoru’s ears, so lewd and yet so beautiful, a boost of confidence that nothing else could give him. at it’s core, that was all you were to him, a simple boost of confidence, something he shouldn’t have but that he still did simply because he could, because he wanted to — and although you would never admit to it openly, at it’s purest form your relationship with him was also just something that rubbed your ego just the right way, something you kept up because it made you feel good, made you feel wanted, desired, and that was why you two would never work out if your relationship had been born in any other context. you and gojo worked out because, as wrong as it was, you were attracted to each other exactly because you weren’t supposed to have one another, because you were each other’s forbidden fruit, which turned you both into the more appetizing one, the more addicting one, and the only one that could ever satiate your thirst at this point.
being the other woman was a role you never thought you would fulfill, but as you sat on top of gojo satoru and looked at his glossed over eyes, pure lust filling their blue irises while he stared up at you, you wondered if you hadn’t actually been destined for this role all along.
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yuttikkele · 2 months
ok so I saw that anon giving very persuasive reasons to be a zukaang shipper, and I like was writing a bunch of tags on the reblog so I just decided to make my own post 😭😭 it was way too many tags. I have a lot to say about zukaang guys.
Everything’s under the cut, but this gets very chatty very ramble-y fair warning.
anyways the part I was mostly talking about was how zukaang has a lot of what mainline ships have to offer. but like, more. and like no offense to the ships mentioned, I think they’re cool banger ships! I'm just biased towards zukaang. ofc I'm gonna think it has everything those ships have to offer and more.
though I do like these ships, there might be a little negativity towards them in this post, but I assure you, I do not mean it in any mean-spirited way.
zkka for example. I liked it a lot at first, but then I got into zukaang, and, it's just no comparison. zkka is still amazing tho it's a really silly and heartwarming ship, and sokka deserves a popular gay ship as a treat. I like them 💙❤️
but text wise?? zkka went on a two part prisonbreaking journey. zukaang spent the whole show revolving around each other with multiple key episodes exploring their dynamic. zkka can't compete with that.
and sorry to bring ztara and ktng into this as well but I gotta.
Listen, ktng is great. I think they’re really cute! Though there’s tons of discourse about which ship should’ve been canon, I think the creators made the right choice making this one canon (it was set up from the beginning, and I do think it’s the more popular ship. I think they would’ve gotten MORE backlash had they not made it canon). BUT, they’re literally middle schoolers. Of course they DO end up together, but the chances of that actually happening are off the walls! They only stayed together because of bryke, fan popularity, and what the show ended on (it would be really awkward if it ended with them getting together, and then bryke saying they broke up later. I get that. I don’t think they made a bad decision there). It’s just a liiiiiiiittle unrealistic (and I don’t wanna hear nothin bout “this is a fantasy world everything’s unrealistic.” You know what I mean go smart off somewhere else). Zuko and Aang, on the other hand, are bound by fate. They’re best friends, and they stay best friends for like, ever. Platonic soulmates, ying yang, does that not ring a bell? They’re not separating, it’s in the code. Though Katara and Aang don’t break up, I still think, realistically, it’s possible that they’d last a couple years then grow apart. Meanwhile, Aang and Zuko get closer and closer and then boom: just as much gay tension as roku and sozin. But not doomed this time.
ztara I can’t see happening based on the text. they have a lot of sweet moments from them talking about their respective moms' death (kinda sorta death) to like zuko accompanying her for "revenge" (not really revenge) to katara fighting azula with zuko. and their dynamics are cute like rivals to lovers and stuff. but, I just can’t see it. Plus, zukaang has that.
zuko’s mom was taken away from him, and aang’s father figure was threatened to be taken away from him. but it doesn’t stop there. no, shortly after these events, zuko was banished from his nation while aang fled from his. (MIRRORING CHECK DO I GET A MIRRORING CHECK???) zuko might’ve gone with katara to tie up loose ends of her past, but zuko went with aang to learn from the past for the future. and not to mention, on that journey, zuko and aang met mirroring red and blue dragons that formed a heart around them then proceeded to shroud them in rainbow flames while they learned firebending from the first firebenders not unlike oma and shu who were lovers from opposing sides of a war. (DO I HEAR SYMBOLISM AND STORY COMPARISON???) and zuko? he said “it’s my destiny for me to help the avatar.” and he DID. Yeah fighting azula was a culminating moment of his character arc and was imperative to taking down the imperial fire nation, but do you think zuko would just go attack his sister if she wasn’t a threat to Aang and peace? No, he would not. And you may be saying “uh yeah you said ‘and peace,’ zuko’s doing this because he believes it’s the right thing, and to take down his corrupt family, and for peace, not Aang.” BUT DO YOU SEE IT. AANG AND PEACE ARE LIKE SYNONYMS TO ZUKO. THEY COINCIDE. THEY’RE THE SAME THING. And in that Azula fight Zuko was given a MIRRORING scar with Aang. Aang’s back scar and his chest scar. (DO I HEAR DEVOTION???)
also headcanon-wise, I just really think Zuko is gay, so the ztara thing also kinda falls apart at that for me. Zuko just doesn’t?? Treat women very well??? Sorry, it IS kinda true tho. For so much of his life being spent with his main friends being only girls, he does not treat the women he dates very well. He actually treats Katara the best out of the girls he interacted with in my opinion even though he totally crushed her trust first try. (Some ships are about to get stray shots here while I explain this so sorry 🙏🙏)
Alright now here’s Zuko just not being the best with girls in general with romantic and platonic relationships. Not saying he hasn’t had his good moments, but, if I knew him irl I’d be trashing him for how he treats girls. Him and Mai always had continual problems on both ends. Zuko never really seemed interested in her genuinely, but on top of me just not really feeling the chemistry, Zuko was unhealthily distrusting and jealous of her like an object, he broke up with her through a note, and she risked her life for him and he didn’t even think about busting her out of jail. he really didn’t think about Mai much at all when he was with team avatar, and when he did, it was usually with weariness. he never really seemed upset that he was away from her. Now there was the “that’s rough buddy” conversation, but that’s when Zuko said “oh yeah leaving the Fire Nation was EASY” to which Sokka brought up leaving behind loved ones and Zuko went “Oh yeah, I had a girlfriend. Bummer I had to leave her to go FOLLOW THE AVATAR. AGAIN.” I was never convinced either of them actually liked each other romantically. The best thing I can say about their relationship is that Mai didn’t want Zuko to die, and the hardest part about Zuko’s easy decision to leave the fire nation was leaving Mai. For Katara, obviously, he severed things with her pretty early on, but was able to regain her trust so kudos to him. I guess he and Suki’s minimal interactions were positive I don’t really remember them sorry. Zuko DIABOLICALLY denied Toph her field trip. And Jin from Ba Sing Sei. j1nko is actually the Zuko het ship I like the most and that’s just cause I think they’re cute, and also this is like one of the times Zuko does something romantic that the girl actually likes. And he just never saw her again. Like I understand he was in a bit of a complex situation, but he could’ve gone to visit her or give condolences once everything settled down?? imagine you go on a date with this guy and the next day he’s ghosted you so hard he’s not even in the same city anymore? Jin was probably so heartbroken and then she sees HE’S THE FIRE LORD?? Nah I’d be so mad. Zuko has issues with girls. Men tho? I don’t see this problem arising. He just really reads as a gay dude to me.
Switching topics abruptly here, angsty zukaang has its place, but me personally, zukaang is not one of my angsty ships 😭😭 they worked so hard to be together y’all let them have it. There’s multiple solutions to the kid problem in my opinion, some more ideal than others but yknow. they could find out they loved each other after they already had kids and got a divorce? They could get surrogate mothers? They could say “screw you” to having to have bio kids and just adopt (and probably not announce it publicly cause how would the people know? Just keep them believing.). My personal favorite, they could avatar magic it and bring in some storks ectobiology and poof! magic bio baby they’re both blood related to. Hey, crazier things have happened. And zukkang has made a world where they can both be together and it’s beautiful and lovely and sweet ❤️🧡
and like, I don’t think it’s an all-out solution to the ship war. I think zutaraang is the all-out solution to the ship war. BUT, zukaang is a solution. It’s that one Thomas Sanders Prince vine where he goes “you’ll never have her! because I want you…”
uhhh anyways thank for comin to my tedtalk ramble about zukaang. Enjoy the rest of your day, and God loves you :DD
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incomingalbatross · 9 months
Five times Stan saw Ford in Dipper
(and one time he saw somebody else)
To be honest, Stan didn't think there was that much to see, at first. Sure, Shermie had said more than once how much the kids reminded him of Stan and Ford, but Shermie remembered them as a pair of gremlins under his feet. Of course another little pair would bring back those memories. Stan...remembered Ford as his own size, so it didn't work the same way for him. And Dipper, with his snark and his cynicism and his general attitude, was a fun little pain-in-the-neck, but not much like Stan's brother at that age. On the other hand... finding him glued to the Used To Be About History Channel and taking notes within his first few days at the Shack brought back some memories.
Yeah, okay, so Stan felt a little bad brushing off Dipper's rants about wax murderers, or old-timey conspiracies, or living arcade characters, or whatever the kid had tracked down this week. So maybe that burning enthusiasm in his eyes when he tried to convince everyone around him to care about the world's weirdness was a little familiar. It was fine. The kid had Mabel glued to his side (sometimes literally, after crafting accidents). And the kids had friends! Wendy and Soos and... Mabel's girl-posse... and honestly most of Gravity Falls, it seemed like, had their backs. Dipper didn't need his Grunkle's validation.
And then the whole Wendy musical-mind-control debacle came up, and that one Stan did jump into with both feet because hey, that wasn't Gravity Falls-level Weird, right? This was something he could admit he found plausible. Probably. And Mabel was obsessing over her boy band and Soos was out, and he liked Wendy and hated Robbie and somebody had to back Dipper up on this. Even if the kid was wrong, Stan could handle plain old Girl Problems. And... and it was kinda fun, maybe. Backing up the kid on one of his conspiracy projects. It wasn't exactly a Ford thing, because Ford didn't have friends who were girls, let alone get close enough to a girl to have her "stolen" from him. But supporting Dipper through the rejection part, after, reminding him he wasn't alone... that was maybe more familiar than he realized. Until Dipper looked up with a grateful, almost-shy little smile of appreciation at the reassurance, and Stan had to stop for a split second because Oh. Holy Moses. There he could see Sixer.
Things had gotten better, in some ways, since the zombie thing. He and the kids weren't hiding any of the general weirdness from each other, so he didn't have to pretend not to listen to stories about tiny golf-people or infinite pizza. He could do crazy things with them, even. That was fun! It was refreshing. The family that fights monsters together stays together, or...something. On the other hand, he was still hiding other stuff from the kids, and it got more important every day. And he was pretty sure they were still hiding Other Stuff from him, too. Which made it kind of a race. And it also meant that even while he was seeing more Pines in both kids than ever, in good ways, he was also seeing Dipper staying up all night and muttering into his Journal and wandering around with bags under his eyes that you could use to smuggle contraband. The stubbornness? The refusal to let go? That, Stan could relate to. The obsession and the twitchiness and the occasional haunted look, though... He'd really never wanted to see that Ford when he looked at Dipper.
Good news! Dipper's paranoia and skittishness had, in fact, gone way down since he'd met Ford and heard the full explanation of Stan's secrets. Bad news: It felt like everything Stan saw when he looked at Dipper nowadays was some kind of funhouse mirror of Ford, like all they were was the same person - the science, the schemes, the nerd games, the enthusiasm, just two brains on the same wavelength forever and ever - and that wasn't right, was it? Stan wasn't crazy, right, Dipper hadn't always been a total mini-Ford, so why did it seem that way now? It felt wrong. Felt unfair, somewhere, to somebody. But Stan couldn't pin down anything concrete in Dipper that wasn't in Ford - this Ford, anyway, and this Dipper. Maybe he was going nuts. Or maybe he hadn't known either of them quite as well as he thought he had.
"Hey, Grunkle Stan?"
"Yeah, what's up, kid?"
Dipper looks hesitant. "I... had a question. But it's okay if you don't remember the answer."
"Eh, lay it on me," Stan shrugs. It's near sunset, out here on the porch. Ford and Mabel are in the kitchen - he might have heard something about refining the Mabel Juice formula, but that's terrifying, so he's not gonna think too hard about it. They'll be out soon anyway, or he and Dipper'll head inside, and then they can check on any potential abominations.
"When... Okay. You know we were in your head, right? Before Gideon took the Shack?"
Stan squints. That was... yeah, that was a weird memory, but it was there. "Yeah."
"Okay, cool! We, uh. Never actually talked about that, so good to know. Anyway." Dipper takes a deep breath. "I sorta saw some memories when we were in there, but obviously you were still hiding some big childhood stuff then, so I was wondering now..." He fidgets. "Were you really a wimp as a little kid before you started boxing? Was all that true?"
Stan looks down at him, blinking. Dipper's head is ducked, face hidden by his cap. This matters to him, for some reason.
"...Well, yeah," he admits. With a laugh, he hurries to add, "I know I seem like I must've been born this awesome, but turns out, no! I was a pretty wimpy little kid to start out. 'Course, then I figured out punching meant I could take out anyone who looked at me and Ford funny - still, took a while to get good at it, even then. So yeah, there's your Grunkle Stan's deep dark secret, kiddo: he started out as a bona fide weakling." He flicks up the kid's hat brim, still a little nervous about why he even cares -
And Dipper looks up, beaming at Stan. He's bright-eyed and happy, and he says quietly, as if he's just been given a present, "Kinda like me."
Okay then.
Stan squishes Dipper into his side with one arm before the kid can comment on all the dust that's suddenly in Stan's eyes. "Like you were, maybe," he corrects him gruffly, knuckles rubbing into his hat. "I think you're comin' along pretty good, you know that?"
Dipper, squirming and laughing, shamelessly hugs him back. "I hope so," he says, apparently because this is Honesty Hour. "I guess - I guess if you didn't start out awesome, there's hope for all of us, right?" And it's probably still the laughter that's making the kid's breath hitch but - either way, Stan realizes he means it.
Seeing Ford in Dipper was just a thing that happened. It's probably never gonna stop happening - they're nerds, and they're family, and they're Stan's family, of course he's gonna see when they echo each other. He knows - he's always known - that they're alike, and also that they're two different people, and that he likes them that way.
But it's maybe been a while since he looked head-on at the moments when he can look at Dipper
(snarky, sarcastic, always ready to mouth off, latching on to every friend he made, stubborn, scrappy, insecure, throwing himself like instinct between his family and anyone who looked at them funny)
and see, uh, well. Somebody. Who isn't Ford.
And getting faced with the idea of Dipper apparently... a little bit... looking for himself in that-somebody-who-isn't-Ford?
These kids are gonna give Stan a heart attack in the few days left between now and their birthday. Seriously. It's gonna happen.
"Shut up, squirt," he sniffs for now, and decides to stop pretending this isn't a hug. "Didja not hear me the first time?" Months ago, inside his own head - yeah, okay, so he could probably stand to say it to the kid's face. "I'm already proud of you."
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