#and if I don't get it I'm going to be pissed
cinnamorollcrybaby · 2 days
satosugu x reader smut ?! college au (like ur SCRUMPTIOUS nanami fic!!)
also, are there any genres (or kinks / fetishes) u are uncomfortable with? aside from the obvious weird ones...
Suck and Blow
Tags: Satosugu x Reader, college au, nsfw, mdni, mmf, switch sub leaning Satoru and switch dom leaning Suguru, can’t express this enough they FUCK.
Synopsis: While playing a good old college game of suck and blow, you’ve seemingly captured the attention of both Satoru and Suguru
An: Hmm, aside from the grotesque ones (age play, race play, piss/scat kink, etc.), i don’t think i have any hard boundaries. i try to be pretty flexible with my writing. i think one thing i would probably not be motivated to write would be ass play in a heterosexual relationship. nothing wrong w it! just not my cup of tea, and i’d find it hard to write. So sorry, this was kinda rushed near the end, but I needed to get it out before monstertober. Hope you enjoy!
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"Hey Satoru?" Suguru's soothing voice cooed to his long-term boyfriend. Well, basically his boyfriend. They never officially put a term on their relationship, but fucking each other raw on a nightly basis is basically being boyfriends right? If you were to ask Satoru, he'd say Suguru is his husband, and they're basically married by common law.
Satoru was lounging in a recliner in the common area of the frat house. He was pressing buttons on a small handheld gaming device as he concentrated on it. "Yeah?" He responded.
"Can I talk to you about something?" Suguru asked as he walked into common area. He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at the white-haired male.
"Oh, you're serious." Satoru mused as he looked up at the brunette. He quickly shut off the gaming device and tossed it to the side. "C'mere." He hummed as he patted his lap for Suguru to sit down.
Geto's lips curled into a smile, and he rolled his eyes at Satoru's request. "What?" Satoru asks with a small pout as he looked up at the brunette.
Suguru takes a seat on the couch, and his hands pat on his lap. "You c'mere." He mocks. Satoru's pout immediately melts, and he hops up out of the recliner.
"You don't have to tell me twice." He hums with a smile as he sits at on his boyfriend's lap, wrapping his legs around the larger one's waist. "What is it, Sugu?"
"I was wondering about something." Geto says calmly as his fingers come up and gently card through Satoru's fluffy hair. His boyfriend leans into his touch like a needy kitten.
"Go on. You're like edging me here." Satoru laughs as he flutters his eyes shut. His long white eyelashes batting closed.
"You normally like it." Suguru smugly comments, earning a pinch from Satoru. "Okay, okay... I was just wondering... Have you thought about fucking a girl?"
Satoru's eyes immediately open as he furrows his eyebrows in utter shock and confusion. He did not know that was where Geto was going with this.
"What...? Are you saying you're straight because you take an awfully large amount of dick to be str-"
"That's not what I'm saying you idiot. I was wondering if you ever just... thought about fucking a girl? It's okay if not."
The white-haired male pondered his boyfriend's question for a minute. Had Satoru thought about it? Sure. He was a man who would really fuck whatever gender as long as he thought they were attractive and if they had a good enough personality. Is that something he should tell his boyfriend though?
"Is this a trick question? Are you going to be mad if I say yes?" He reluctantly asks, still unsure of what Geto was trying to get at here.
"I'm not going to be mad, Satoru. I asked for a reason, just please answer." Suguru reassures as he continued to play with his boyfriend's hair.
"I mean... yeah, I've thought about it, but I would never do that to you."
"Have you thought about.. fucking a girl with me?"
It was straight up embarrassing how fast Satoru got hard at the thought.
"No, I haven't... but now that you mention it, I don't think I'll ever be able to get that thought out of my head."
"I think we should do it." Suguru casually mentions as he looks into his boyfriend's eyes. "I think it'd be fun."
"How do we find someone to do that with though? I don't think I want it to be just anybody, but I don't want any of our friends to see us like that either."
*** *** ***
The frat house was filled with people. Alcoholic beverages were at every turn. A group of misfits in the corner were packing a bowl. The guys had pushes all of the common room furniture to the walls, making an open space in the living room.
Satoru was sat on the floor between Suguru's legs. The brunette was sharing a cigarette with Shoko as he lazily petted Satoru's head. The white-haired male was looking through the crowd. He was on a mission tonight.
Ever since Suguru brought up sharing a girl between them, Satoru hadn't been able to shake the thought out of his mind. All of it sounded so exciting to him, being able to have the best of both worlds? He felt like a horny teenager all over again. When Geto wasn't tending to him, he was jerking off to the sheer thought of sharing a girl with him.
Suguru was much more tamed in his desires, though he still thought about it often. He had a wet dream of him and Satoru sharing a girl one night, and that was what started this entire mess. He had never woken up to a pool of pre-cum like he did that morning after the dream.
"So anyways, that's why I want to die." Shoko finishes up her story of why she has the worst roommate ever. Geto was halfway listening, but he was mostly just bumming cigarettes of Shoko. He didn't get to smoke often, since Satoru always whined about the taste, but he indulged during parties.
As he nodded and took another drag, a figure caught his eye. He looked over towards the sea of people in the kitchen, and he saw you quietly socializing with a group of people.
You were breathtaking, and you absolutely did not go to their college.
"Shoko, who's that?" Suguru asks calmly before nodding his head towards you.
"Oh, I think that's one of Ino's friends." She answers as she sits up. "I think Ino mentioned that she recently just transferred here."
"How is Ino friends with her?" Geto immediately asks as his face twists in confusion. Ino wasn't necessarily a bad guy: looks or personality wise, but he just couldn't see a girl like you hanging out with a guy like Ino.
"Beats me." Shoko shrugs uninterestingly as she leans her head back against the couch.
Suguru gently nudged his boyfriend as he was still sat between his legs. "Look towards the kitchen." He murmurs softly.
Satoru immediately glances over towards the kitchen, making his gaze seem casual. However, once his eyes lock onto you, he immediately knows why Suguru told him to look in the kitchen.
"Her." Satoru decides. "We could share her."
*** *** ***
Why would Ino invite you to a party then not show up? Now, you're stuck awkwardly talking with his other friends about shit you don't even care about.
Transferring to a new college right at the cutoff date was the worst idea you've had in all your life. For one, you were dreadfully behind in all your classes. For two, you had no idea who anyone was besides Ino. For three, all of the good dorms had been taken, so you were stuck living in the shitty one with a leak.
Honestly, coming to this party was the second worst idea. You should be in your leaky dorm catching up on the mountain of homework piled up. You only showed up to this damn party because Ino invited you, trying to be a good friend and introduce you to people.
You set down the alcoholic beverage you had been sipping on casually for the last hour, and you decide that you're going to just go home and pretend like this didn't happen.
As you reach towards the door, you notice a tall figure step in front of you. He leans his arm above the doorframe, and he looks down at you.
"Leaving so soon?" The white-haired male spoke in a pouty tone, but he had a smirk on his face.
"Oh- um, yeah... I have homework to do." You answer awkwardly as you stare up at him. His bright blue eyes were pretty but almost eerily so. It was giving uncanny.
"It can wait just a couple more hours, can't it? The party's only just begun." He coerces as his hand slowly drops from the top of the door frame down towards you. "I'm Satoru by the way. I don't recognize you."
"I just transferred here." You quietly admit as you take his hand and tell him your name.
"This late in the semester? Sounds pretty foolish to go through all the trouble."
"You're telling me." You respond as you look towards the door again. You really should go back to your dorm and catch up with homework.
"Satoru, you're crowding her." A calm voice spoke as he approached as well. He had long dark hair and a kind, trusting smile. He was also just as tall as Satoru. "I'm sorry about him. He gets a bit excited." The calmer male explained as he placed a hand on Satoru's shoulder.
"He's alright.. I was just leaving anyways..." You respond as you move toward the door. The dark haired male gently grabbed your wrist.
"Hey- I think I recognize you from somewhere." He says as he slightly leans in as if he's inspecting your face.
"No Suguru, you got it wrong. She's a transfer." Satoru says as he also leans in with Suguru, propping himself up on the dark-haired male's shoulder. They were both leaning in closely to your personal space.
"A transfer, hm? I'm sure that's not been easy. You deserve to let loose a little." The other responds, saying all the right things to convince you to stay. "Let me get you a drink, yeah? We should be good hosts, Satoru." He says as he walks off to the kitchen, leaving you and the other behind.
"Where'd you transfer from, sweets?" Satoru asks as he subtly leads you away from the door.
"Oh, just a nearby community college." You respond as you see Geto walking back towards you two with a red solo cup in his hands. Now, you've heard all the horror stories of what can happen to vulnerable college girls at frat parties. "I don't drink, sorry." You politely decline with a smile.
"Hm? I saw you drinking earlier." Suguru says as he tilts his head to the side slightly in confusion. Shit. Busted.
"Oh sorry, what I meant to say was I don't drink drinks that are made by men."
A look of sudden understanding crosses Suguru's face. He then looks down at the drink, and he takes a huge gulp of it first. "Satoru, take a drink." He hands the cup over to the other male, and he also takes a drink out of it. "I'm sorry. The thought never crossed my mind."
Satoru hands the now almost empty cup to you, and you can't help but laugh softly. These two dorks really just almost drunk the entire drink to prove to you that nothing was in it. "Oh, what the hell." You shrug as you take the last gulp of the drink. "Thanks."
"Of course, angel." Suguru smiles in your direction.
"Ooo, do you know what we should play with our new friend?" Satoru asks with a cheeky grin as he wiggles his eyebrows up at Suguru.
*** *** ***
Before you know it, a group of people are sat in a circle around in the common area, and there's a playing card in the center. Suck or blow is a game where the players pass around a playing card using only their lips via sucking or blowing. If the card is dropped between two people, they must kiss. To heighten the fun, after the card is dropped, it is cut in half, making it harder to keep the card up on the players' lips.
"Okay, but this isn't fair. Satoru and Suguru shouldn't be allowed to sit next to each other because they're just gonna kiss every chance they get." Someone in the circle mentions as they roll their eyes.
It just now occurs to you that the two men who convinced you to stay are lovers.
"You're so right. C'mere, sweets, so we don't ruin the game for everyone else." Satoru grins as he scoots over to the side, making room for you between him and Geto. Your eyes widen slightly from his proposition as you had a weird feeling about this game.
You slowly crawl between Satoru and Suguru. They're both big men sat with their legs crossed, so their legs are just casually rubbing against yours. No matter how much you try to scrunch up you're own body, they seems to press right against you.
Your eyes follow the playing card around the circle as people are giggling and taunting each other. Faces are red, there's awkward moments of tension, and a pair of people actually end up accidentally dropping the card.
It actually seems like a pretty lighthearted game. The card is cut in half, and the game resumes. Your heart starts to thump in your chest a bit harder as the card is making it's way closer and closer to you. With the way the rotation is going, you'll have to receive the card from Satoru and pass it off to Suguru.
Seems easy enough.
Satoru leans in to some guy that's sat beside him, and they both nearly laugh. Luckily, Satoru is able to obtain the card from the guy, lightly sucking in so the card stays flush against his lips.
He turns towards you, and his eyes lock with yours. For a moment, you swear you're able to see a devilish look in his eyes before he tilts his head up and blows the card away from his lips. "Oops. I dropped it." He feigns innocence with a smirk. "What can you do?"
You feel yourself lean back slightly. Surely, this wasn't fair. It's not that you didn't want to kiss Satoru. Let's just be honest, who doesn't? But you certainly didn't want to kiss him in front of his boyfriend.
"What are you runnin' from, angel? Satoru doesn't bite too hard." Suguru encourages you as he gently nudges you forward. Your face immediately flushes, and you barely have any time to respond before Satoru cups your cheeks and pulls you into the steamiest kiss you've ever received.
This was not like the kiss those other two people shared. This was deep, intimate, and totally inappropriate. Satoru scooted off of his bottom and onto his knees as he leaned more into you, bullying his way into your mouth by biting your lower lip.
A small muffled whimper escapes your mouth as you’re almost unable to breathe. Your hands push against his shoulders, and he groans as he’s forced to separate from you.
His face is slightly flushed, and his breath is short pants. His bright blue eyes were half-lidded as he leaned back to his spot with a smirk.
Your face is also completely flushed with embarrassment. Reluctantly looking around the room, the people are giggling and whispering about you. Some of them look towards Geto waiting for his reaction. Your heart starts to thump harshly in your chest.
You place your hands behind you on the floor to get up. This is too much. What kind of kiss was that anyways? Why would he embarrass you in front of everyone?
Before you’re able to get up from your spot, Suguru wraps his hand around your wrist, and he holds you back towards him.
“Now, now, angel.” He clicks his tongue disapprovingly, and you feel your heart drop to your stomach. Thinking Suguru is about to rip you a new one for kissing his boyfriend like that, you immediately start to apologize. “What you apologizing for, hm?” He asks as he leans in dangerously close to you. “I was just going to say that if Satoru gets a taste, then so do I.”
What kind of sick prank was this?
His dark eyes flicker down to your lips, and his other hand brushes your hair away from your face before he leans in and presses a softer - more sensual kiss. His lips are smooth and delicate; the complete opposite from Satoru’s.
You feel like you’re about to explode from embarrassment, so you pull away with a whiny huff. The brunette merely chuckles are your reaction. “I could still taste him on you.” He murmurs into your ear, making your heart skip a beat.
Your palms find your face as you’re literally trying to hide from the situation. Not that you can see, but the two men were literally just grinning at you, pleased with the mess they caused.
“Alright. That was fun.” Satoru announced, denoting the end of the game.
“Maybe for you.” A guy retorted with a halfway-annoyed laugh. You could hear people shuffling around, leaving the circle they were all sat in.
Slowly, your hands leave your face, and you see most people have went back to hanging out in their own social groups; however, Satoru and Suguru stuck by your side.
“Well, it seems she’ll share a kiss with both of us. I wonder what else she might do with both of us.” Suguru mused as he propped his head up with his hand. His elbow sat on his knee as he gazed at both you and Satoru with an enamored expression.
“I- We were playing a game!” You quickly go to defend your case, but Satoru is right there to also taunt you.
“Oh, so you’d only kiss one of us if we weren’t playing a game?” Satoru asks as he also leans into you, fluttering his long white eyelashes. “Sweets, if you wanted it to be just you and I, I could tell Suguru here to give us some space.”
“What-? No, that’s not what I…”
“So, you were open to kissing both of us.” Suguru cuts you off, not letting you refute or argue.
Your face is bright red as you feel your head spinning. Both of the men were matching each other’s energy, applying pressure to you. Their dominant personalities were making it hard for you to even get a word out.
“Please- stop.” You whisper quietly as you look down at your lap, practically folding in on yourself like a hermit crab who senses danger.
Suguru shoots Satoru a quick glance, and they seem to have a silent conversation between the two of them. The brunette is the first to speak up, gently placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Hey- it’s okay. We were just teasing.” He reassures you softly as he bends his head down to try to look in your eyes to show that he’s sincere.
Satoru gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “We’re sorry, sweets. We didn’t mean to overwhelm you.”
“You’re not mad at me..?” You quietly ask the two of them as they’re both doting on you with physical affection to soothe your anxiety.
“Why would we be mad, angel?” Suguru asks softly. His hand is gently rubbing on your shoulder, lightly massaging you.
“Yeah, we kissed you. Why would we be mad?” Satoru pitches in as he carefully cards his fingers through your hair.
Your heart continues to flutter a bit. Having both men tend to you emotionally and physically was rather appealing.
“I kissed you two back, and you two are…” Your voice trails off as you don’t know what type of label to place on their relationship.
“Ohhh, she’s worried about us being jealous, Sugu.” Satoru grins as his hand pats the top of your head.
“Poor thing. Allow me to let you in on a little secret.” Suguru dips his head closer to your ear, and he drops his voice to a low whisper. “Neither of us care as long as we both get to have you.”
You must’ve misheard him. Is he really just openly offering a threesome between you, him, and Satoru?
“I don’t understand…” You quietly murmur, not daring to make eye contact with either of them right now.
“Yes, you do.” Satoru interjects as he sits up a little. His hand grabs your chin and forces you to look up at him. Bright blue eyes stare into your very essence. “I think we’ve made our intentions pretty clear here, sweets. We both want you. So, you can either follow us up to the bedroom, or we can all pretend this didn’t happen, and you can go back to your dorm and play with yourself to the thought of us.”
You’re sure that if these boys keep it up, you’ll have a heart attack at some point. Your breath hitches in your throat as you try to comprehend how Satoru could be so bold. You’re truly lucky that Suguru is there to balance him out.
“You don’t have to decide right now, angel. Satoru is a bit too impatient for his own good.” Suguru speaks lowly as his hand gently caresses your back. “You can make your mind up whenever you’d like. We just want to be clear in our intentions.”
“That you want to sleep with me?” You ask as your eyes dart over to Geto.
“You make it sound so bad, love.” Suguru responds as his eyes look over your face. “It’s not just sleeping with you. It’s making you feel good. It’s sharing you between us and watching you deteriorate into that little shy mess that you let us get a glimpse of earlier.”
Satoru pinches your cheek as he still has your face cupped. “It’s about seeing how much you can take and which one of us will fold first and fill you up.”
You press your thighs together as you feel your heartbeat in your cunt. How did they make sex sound so appealing? Not that you didn’t like sex, but you never had it described to you like that.
“You like what he’s saying, angel?” Suguru muses as he leans in close to your ear. His nose brushes against your hair gently, and his warm breath ghosts your skin. “It’s okay. You want us both to fill you up. We can give you that.” His voice is so soothing as if he’s speaking a lullaby to you. His large hands trails to your inner thigh. “You just gotta give us the word, love. We’ll give you a night you’ll never forget.”
*** *** ***
So, that’s how you ended up in Satoru’s massive bedroom upstairs while the party continued on upstairs.
Suguru’s lips were on yours, practically making love to your mouth as he ran his hand through your hair. The back of your knees hit Satoru’s king sized bed as the brunette was gently coaxing you there by taking small steps forward.
His boyfriend was watching the two of you with big eyes. His hand was absentmindedly palming himself through his jeans as he admired the way you submitted to Suguru so willingly.
“Sugu…” Satoru nearly whines. If it was just the two of them in the room alone, he would be already pouting, but he has a dominant role to uphold.
The brunette gently parts from the kiss leaving you a panting mess to look over at his cute boyfriend, eagerly palming himself like an animal who couldn’t help themselves. “Such an only child.” He remarks with a smirk. “Never learned how to share properly.”
“I want to kiss her too.” Satoru huffs as he approaches the two of you. Your eyes are glued on Satoru almost out of fear. Despite how whiny he could get, he was definitely the more rougher direct one.
“Be my guest, Toru.” Suguru hums as he gently nudges you onto the bed to where your bottom is on the edge. “I wanna kiss somewhere else anyways.” His fingers hook into the waistband of your pants, and he tugs them off of you.
Satoru moves his upper body on top of yours while staying out of Suguru’s way. He’s slightly jealous that Geto is getting to taste you first, but he’s sure that he’ll get to feel you wrapped around him first. His hands pin yours above your head, and you squirm a bit, testing his grip.
“Think you can get away, sweets? Go ahead and try.” Satoru smirks as he doesn’t even have to try to hold you down. You’re no match for him, especially considering he’s a pro at contact sports.
Your squirming intensifies as Suguru’s fingers gently brush against your damp panties. “She already made a mess for us.” He muses to Satoru.
“What a slut.” The white-haired male grins before he finally gets what he came here for: a kiss. His lips devour yours in another steamy kiss as Geto starts rubbing small light circles against your clit with his thumb.
You’re completely at the mercy. Your body squirms around from the stimulation, but neither of the boys relent. Before you all went upstairs, Suguru made it clear that you had a safe word: crepe. If you uttered that word, both of them would completely stop whatever they were doing. Until then, you were fair game no matter how much you whimpered or squirmed.
The thought of it makes you try to press your thighs together as your cunt clenches around nothing, but Suguru forces your thighs apart. “Don’t hide your pretty cunt from me, angel. I don’t want to have to tie you down.”
Chills go up your spine from the thought, and you reluctantly stop trying to close your legs.
Satoru kisses bruisingly hard, gulping down each of your breaths and using your whimpers as a way to slip his tongue past your lips. His hand is still holding down both of your hands while his other starts to grope your breast.
Suguru presses chaste kisses to your core through your panties while still rubbing you. He hums with contentment as he watches your hips rise from the bed searching for more. He decides to indulge you for now, slowly sliding your panties down your legs.
“So pretty.” He murmurs as he gazes at your soaking wet cunt. His eyelids flutter shut before he leans in and ever so gently laps at your cunt, causing you to squeal into Satoru’s mouth.
The white-haired male finally relents in his kisses to gaze down at his boyfriend while he was leisurely indulging in your cunt like it was a gourmet meal. He bites back a moan as his dick is painfully hard, straining against his jeans. It’s nearly enough to make his head spin. He needs release — like now.
He unbuttons his pants before shrugging him off of him quickly. His cock has already leaked a small wet spot into his boxer briefs.
You’re too consumed with Geto’s tongue that you don’t even notice Satoru’s cock until he straddles your shoulders. Your eyes widen while looking at his size. His cock quite literally casts a shadow over your face with its massive size. His tip is an angry red color from neglect, and a bead of pre-cum sits upon the small slit.
“Oh sweets, you flatter me.” Satoru grins as he takes note of your facial expressions. The palm of his hand then gently pushes your forehead back, and he drags his length across your lips, smearing his pre-cum against your pretty mouth.
Satoru enjoys just gently rubbing his cock across your face as you give him pitiful glances and small whimpers. You try to take him into your mouth, but he won’t let you. He’s enjoying toying with you too much.
Meanwhile, Suguru is completely lost between your thighs. His jaw is almost sore from making out with your sloppy cunt, and that’s saying a lot considering he’s use to sucking dick. No matter, he continues alternating lapping at you and tongue-fucking your tight entrance. Each time his tongue thrusts inwards, he can’t help but think about how good you’re going to feel wrapped around his dick later.
Your hips try to shimmy away from him, and he takes it as a sign that you’re close. His hands grip onto your hips, preventing your escape, and his mouth then focuses strictly on your clit as he gently suckles on the small bundle of nerves.
Your mouth falls open as you gasp, and Satoru takes his chance to fill your mouth while you’re off guard. His cock immediately stuffs your mouth, muffling all of your sweet noises. Your eyes squint closed as you struggle not to immediately gag around him.
“Oh, come on. I know you can do better than that, sweets.” He taunts as he looks down at your poor struggling face. “You’re not even taking half of me.”
Your spit accumulates on his cock as he sits still for a moment, giving you just a mere second to prepare yourself. Then, he starts to rock his hips back and forth, fucking your pretty mouth while he holds you still.
“Look at me.” He demands with a small grunt.
Your eyes flutter open obediently to look up at him while he uses your throat to his heart’s content. Tears brim in your eyes, threatening to spill. Cute.
For a moment, your entire body tenses up as you gush juices against Geto’s face and chin. Your eyes slip shut as it’s almost too much to handle. The brunette continues to drink you down as if you didn’t just cum.
Satoru’s hips continue to forcefully push himself deeper into your mouth. He hates that Suguru is getting all the attention!! He gets to kiss you first He gets to taste you first. Now, he’s getting to make you cum first!
Taking his frustrations out on your poor throat, Satoru doesn’t even realize that his orgasm is rapidly approaching him until it’s almost too late. “F-fuck.” He grunts as he presses your head down harder. His tip grazes the back of your throat, causing you to gag around him. The tears slip past your cheeks.
“Yeah, gag around me, slut. That’s what you get for letting him make you cum first.” He moans as his hips stutter. He then shoves himself as deep as your throat will around, and his cock pulses between your lips as he empties himself deep in your throat.
Your cry muffles around his length as he stays seated in the back of your throat until he’s a sensitive mess. Your hand quickly comes up and hits the side of his thigh with a small whine.
With a small chuckle, he slowly gets up off of your shoulders, and Suguru had finally ceased eating you out. Your body is so tired. Taking a moment to rest in Satoru’s bed with your eyes closed, you hear clothes shuffling around.
You assumed they were maybe getting back dressed, but no, you were sorely mistaken.
“C’mere, angel. Let me hold you.” Suguru whispers softly as he crawls behind you onto the bed. Your eyes flutter open to see him completely naked, patting his lap for you.
He is (thankfully) not a big as Satoru is, but his cock is definitely fatter. You swallow harshly as your eyes wander his body.
“Listen to him, sweets.” Satoru snaps your mind back to reality as his hand gently swats at your thigh.
You slowly crawl up onto Suguru’s lap, and he turns you facing away from him. Your back lies flush against his chest. “I’ll be gentle with you. Don’t worry,” He hums softly as he pulls your shirt and bra off of you, finally discarding those pesky items.
His hand carefully adjusts his cock right between your thighs, fitting snuggly between your warm wet folds. “Mmm, feel good, angel?” He asks as his body lightly shudders from the feeling.
You weakly nod your head, and Geto starts to slowly rock his hips back and forth, coating his inches in your slick.
Satoru climbed next to you two, and he cuddles into your side before lazily catching one of your nipples into his mouth. His eyes flutter shut as he gently suckles on the sensitive bud. His hand is gently playing and rubbing on your other.
“Mnnph~ fuck..” You whimper as you lean your head back against Suguru’s shoulder. His hips continue to rock behind you, spreading your slick all over your thighs.
“Wanna see something.. ah~.. fun, angel?” Suguru asks quietly as he gently takes your hand. He slowly guides you to grabbing onto Satoru’s hair, which elicits a small whine out of him.
His blue eyes flutter open as he looks up at you pitifully while swirling his tongue around the small bundle of nerves. It seems as though he has a weak spot - his hair being pulled.
You can barely concentrate from the movement of Suguru’s hips when he makes you pull Satoru’s hair again only harder this time. The white-haired male moans around your nipple, adding vibrations to the mix of stimulation.
“Look at me, pretty boy.” Geto purrs at his boyfriend. Satoru’s eyes look up towards both of y’all’s faces. His eyebrows are pinched together, and he doesn’t dare stop suckling on the soft bud.
Suguru reaches down with his other hand, and he adjusts his cock right against your warm entrance. His tip bumps against the ring of muscle, causing you to whine from the sensation.
“Gonna prep her for you, okay?” Suguru mumbles to his boyfriend. The white-haired male immediately pulls away from your breast with a soft ‘pop’ noise.
“Wait no, I wann-“ Satoru’s words are futile as Suguru pushes into you with a loud groan. His head falls back against the pillow behind him. Your hands grab at the sheets with a whine as you squeeze your eyes shut. It feels like he’s trying to split you into two with his fat cock.
“Mmnn.. so, so tight.” He grunts, obviously provoking Satoru more. “Feels so good.” He adds while his hips shallowly move, pushing his tip in and out. The tight wet muscle envelopes him each time with a squelching noise.
Satoru’s eyes are as big as saucers as he watches Suguru barely pump into you. The sight of your cunt struggling to fit him and dripping juices all along his length makes him feel feral.
A huff escapes his lips as he shifts his face between your legs. “I wanted to stretch her.” He furrows his eyebrows in slight jealousy.
“Too bad. You’re just going to have to… ngh~.. watch me do it.” Suguru retorts as he pushed a couple inches deeper, allowing your gummy walls to squeeze around him.
“Oh f-fuck..! s’too much-“ You cry as your hips start to tremble. The pressure from his cock pushing deeper causes you to arch your back away from the brunette.
“Angel, I’m barely even in yet. You can do better than that.” Geto tsks disapprovingly. His hands wrap around your hips to hold them still. “Help her out, Satoru.”
The white-haired male looked up at your scrunched face as white hot pleasure and pain course through you, and he actually takes a little bit of pity on you… or maybe he just really wants a taste. Either way, he drags his tongue up Suguru’s length, licking your juices off his boyfriend. He continues to lick upward until his tongue presses against your clit.
You choke out a moan as you’re struggling to keep control over your body. It’s all so much. Your poor cunt squeezes around Suguru as Satoru continues to lap at you. As soon as you begin to adjust, Suguru pushes all the way into you, down to the hilt.
“Fuuuuck~ so good.” He groans as you clench around him so deliciously. Your juices mixing with Satoru’s saliva make it absolutely messy. The wet smacking noises fill the room as Suguru wastes no more time fucking himself into you.
Satoru’s tongue continually switches from focusing on your clit and licking up your juices from the base of Geto’s cock. He hums in pleasure as he pitifully grinds his painfully hard length into the mattress, desperate for any sort of friction.
“Sh-shit-! Satoruu~” You drawl as your hand finds his hair, but he quickly pins your wrist down, not letting you force him to submit again.
“She’s weepin’ for me, Suguru.” Satoru taunts with a hint of pride.
The brunette is lost in his own deep thrusts. He can feel his balls tightening, signaling how close he was. “Yeah? Get in here then. Make her feel good.” Suguru instructs as he pulls himself out of your wet heat, mostly to prevent himself from finishing too quickly.
You immediately whine in protest from the empty feeling, causing both of the men to chuckle at you. “Such a slut. Just needing something to fill you up, hm? You don’t care which one of us it is.” Satoru is back to his degradation as he sits up on his knees, scooting himself between both yours and Geto’s legs.
Suguru carefully tucks his cock back behind you, in between your soft pillowy cheeks. Satoru takes his opportunity and pressed himself against your entrance.
“Fuuck sweets, she’s cryin’ for me.” He groans as he bullies himself inside of you, immediately pushing all the way to the hilt, causing for you to let out a silent scream. His tip practically kisses your cervix, filling you fuller than you ever have been before. “Gotta give her what she wants.”
His thrusts were unlike Geto’s. He was rough, not giving you any time to adjust to his length before he starts pounding your pretty pussy. Your body jerks and squirms, but both of the men hold you down, making sure you can’t get away.
With each brutal thrust, your backside inadvertently grinds against Suguru’s already sensitive length. “Fuu- hnnngh~ my god.” The brunette whines behind you as his fingers dig into your hips.
You’re already a complete blabbering mess, getting completely fucked stupid in the head by the white-haired male. “Hah~… fuuuck, pleaasee.” You whimper, not even know what you’re begging for.
Satoru has your wrists pinned against Suguru’s shoulders while he slams into you. Sweat gathers on his forehead as he’s completely enamored by both yours and Geto’s spent faces. His mind plays tricks on him, convincing him that he’s miraculously fucking both of you right now.
“Whatcha beggin’ for, sweets?” He huffs as his hips push into yours, forcing your entire body up and down against his boyfriend. “Need both of us?”
Your eyes immediately widen, and you’re shaking your head quickly. “Ah, ah, I don’t hear the safe word. Suguru, I think she wants it.”
Geto pants and moans as he slowly pulls his hips back, allowing for his cock to slip between your legs. He’s painfully hard and sensitive too. “Think you can take b-both of us, angel?” He asks as he gently rubs his tip against your entrance that is already being filled by Satoru.
“N-no~! I-… I can’t.” You practically pleading as your legs are trembling from Satoru’s harsh abuse of your cunt.
“Shh, nonsense.” Suguru soothes as he brings his hand up to his mouth. He spits onto his hand and drags it along his length, lubricating himself so he can glide in. “You wanna be a good girl, don’t you?”
“Please. She’s not good for anything besides taking us.” Satoru interjects as he slowly pulls himself back until just his tip is inside, allowing Suguru the room to squeeze in.
“Poor angel, can’t even resist it, can you?” Geto mocks as he guides himself to your entrance. He slowly works his was inside. His cock was completely flush against Satoru’s, and your walls completely tighten around the both of them.
Tears fill your eyes as the pressure from both of them is almost too much. Your entire body tenses up, trying to cope with the feeling of being so full.
“Shhh, you gotta relax, darling.” Suguru murmurs into your ear. His hand reaches around and gently rubs small circles against your clit, coaxing your body to open up for them. “We’re gonna take good care of you. You need to trust us though.”
Satoru sits patiently, biting his inner cheek to prevent himself from moving. The tight feeling of your sopping cunt as well as Suguru’s cock smushed against his was nearly enough to throw him overboard. He gathers your hair carefully, and he gently moves it out of the way so he can kiss on your neck.
Suguru follows suit: kissing and biting gently on your opposite shoulder. Both of the men worked together to ease your body while Suguru slowly sunk in deeper and deeper, stretching you to your fullest. 
“Good girl..” The brunette quietly purrs in your ear. “Takin’ us both so well. Think you can take a little more?”
“Don’t call her that. This slut can barely fit us both.” Satoru grins as he wastes no more time. His hips start to roll back and forth, and his hands grabbed at the bottom of your thighs, lifting your legs up so they both could have better access.
Both of the men take turns pushing their cocks deep inside you, not giving you a single moment to rest or adjust. Your head was spinning, unable to form a coherent thought as your poor cunt was being taken by two at once.
Suguru’s clasp on your hips tightens as he rhythmically buries himself into you repeatedly. The feeling of your warm gummy walls combined with Satoru’s cock rubbing against his, creating a delicious friction was too much to handle.
“F-fuck.. I’m not gonna last too much longer.” He pants as he continues torturously rutting upwards into your sloppy wet entrance. “N-need to feel this.. mmmph.. this pussy up.”
Satoru growls lowly as he slows his pacing but makes each thrust count. Watching his boyfriend unravel underneath you was something he didn’t know he needed. He can feel himself getting close too.
But it was you who finished first. You couldn’t even warn them before your orgasm suddenly washed over you. Fluids gushed along both of them as your cunt spasmed and clenched around them.
“Did you just-“ Satoru looks down at where you two are connected to confirm it with his own eyes. “D-dirty girl, you just squirted on us.” He muses as his thrusts grow sloppier.
Suguru’s barely pumping into you before he tilts his head back. His adam’s apple bobs as he paints your insides white with a loud, needy groan.
Satoru’s legs are trembling as he keeps fucking himself into you. It’s so fucking wet from Suguru’s cum as well as your juices. The combined throbbing and clenching bring on dual sensations that have him spilling inside you as well.
“G-god fuck!” He tightens his grip on your wrists as he works his way through his orgasm.
The three of you stay in bed connected together while panting softly. The frat house is eerily quiet. Everyone must’ve went home.
“Are you alright, angel?” Suguru asks as his feather light touch grazes your tummy softly. “We didn’t hurt you, did we?”
“N-no… I’m okay.” You mutter weakly. “I don’t think I can walk back to my dorm though…”
“Good. You’re not leaving anyways.” Satoru declares with a playful smile before he snuggles into you and Suguru.
“He’s a bit clingy, but I agree. Stay here for tonight.” Suguru says, also wrapping his strong arms around you.
While the three of you slept peacefully in each other’s arms, your phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Ino who was worried sick when he showed up to the party, and you weren’t there. Oh well, you’ll just have to tell him in the morning.
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reshinless · 24 hours
hii!! I'm such a big fan of your works and ohhmmyygoodd they make me SCREAM
Although from me requesting for the first time, can you do clingy/dom kinich who just loves shoving his face into fem!reader's boobs pls... I feel like he likes boobs(I can also see him being a thigh dude)
AAAAA if you see my request tysm and ILY!!! /P
kind of just me ranting about how kinich loves your body. thank you, nsfw & crack themes :)
I can see this in kinich pretty well. he loves to just head first into your chest as soon as he's from another long day of being a saurian hunter.
ajaw could confirm personally that he only approved of you as a human, so he'd 'allow you in the dragon king kuhul ajaw and assistant kinich's presence apparently.
kinich would just sigh and continue to cuddle into your hold.
of course his imagination when it came to physical touch with you did not limit itself to simple cuddling.
kinich was obsessed with you choking him with your thighs whole he ate you out. yeah he knows he's making you feel good.
the soft plush of your thighs would be tight in his grasp, almost as if to chase your hips, hungry for your taste.
kinich who'd be so pent up and just suck on your tits the whole night. for him- it reminded him of one of his favorite treats to get with mualani back then.
but even during sex wherein he'd let you sit down onto his cock, he prefers to always have his hands on your skins, touching you constantly. the comfort of your plushy, soft body only made him even more so possessive of you.
his whole kink is all about making you feel good. he wouldn't really have any otherwise I feel. most of his Kinks would base off what you like and what you're comfortable with.
but he can't keep his hands to himself when it comes to your body.. the way your thigh dips when he presses over it, fuck he's addicted!
just as obsessed with squishing those specific parts of your body too!!
sometimes have to literally detach the poor man off you when you both finish. or even when you cuddle and you need to go to the bathroom.
"kin.. can you loosen your grip? gotta piss." ".. few more.. minutes.."
but even so, he's so attached you physically in bed, caressing every curve and flesh he can get his hands on. and he hates to admit but he really likes seeing you wearing revealing clothes (although only for him and if you're comfortable with it.)
"sweetheart, how does this one look? I don't know if-" a pause is shared between you both; finally he speaks. "let's get that one so I can rip it off you tonight. please?" another awkward silence is shared in the changing room. "..I need this for a meeting, baby.."
overall I feel he'd love every part of you, inside and out, he doesn't really care for how you look, because deep down he knows he'll be inside you tonight 🩵
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hangup119 · 3 days
don't get the deal | h. taesan (TEASER)
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being the shoulder to cry on is no easy task - especially not for han taesan, who has lived almost half of his life painfully smitten over someone he is confident would never, ever think of wanting him as more than just a friend. he wonders if he will ever get out of this so-called "friend zone," or maybe he just doesn't get the deal at all.
pairing. han taesan x fem. reader
genres + warnings. friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, one-sided pining, eventual happy ending, slight angst + profanity, taesan is bad at feelings, reader is even worse
playlist. don't get the deal by beabadoobee; but i like you by boy next door; somethin' stupid by frank sinatra; about a girl by nirvana; disasterology by pierce the veil; if i'm james dean, you're audrey hepburn by sleeping with sirens
expected word count. 7k-10k words | teaser word count. 1.3k words
author's note. hey goisss... ive had this in the drafts for so so long but for some reason i started working on it again and im nearing the end so hopefully this will be out very soon !!! dont quote me on that tho live laugh love user hangup119's work ethic <3 ALSO btw this teaser is like a flashback kinda thing but the real story actually takes place in their college days
@onedoornet | reblogs appreciated!
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To be more specific, it was during your last year of high school when he realized that there was simply no way he was ever going to win you over. Not now, and certainly not ever.
Because here’s the thing: Taesan was not a bad-looking guy, he’s far from it, actually. In fact, he had enough business cards from agency recruiters that could fit a whole shoe box, so his looks clearly were never the problem here. Was it his personality, then? Probably not that, either. He was pretty chill most of the time, and he had never really acted up around anyone unless it truly called for it. He always made sure that he wasn’t making a fool out of himself around you, and there were never really incidents that could have painted him in a bad light in your eyes. He had decent grades, so he wasn’t stupid either, which was one of your major turn-offs. And he was sporty—he participated in the school’s soccer team, and he even had a bunch of fans giggling over him whenever he so much as passed them by while chasing after the ball, so his popularity was pretty decent too.
Was he simply not… your type? But that couldn’t be—you were always making heart eyes at Park Sunghoon who was two grades above, and he was told all the time that he was basically a lookalike of the guy! Not to mention you were always at Jung Sungchan’s games, cheering his name even when the guy was literally being benched. Taesan never got benched. He was the star player of his soccer team. You fawned over Park Wonbin when he performed at the school’s talent show, but Taesan could also sing and play the electric guitar just as well. You squealed over Lee Sohee because he was sooo cute! but Taesan knew how to get real fucking adorable, too! He practically had all of their qualities combined into one, and not once did you ever look back at him. 
And that’s when it hit him. 
It was prom that night, and he was off at the corner drinking from a cup of water instead of jumping along with the fray and bouncing up and down to some Drake song when his friend, Kim Leehan, approached him. 
“I’m not slow-dancing with you, Leehan,” he muttered, taking another sip of his bland water. “Piss off.”
Leehan raised his arms in response, smiling in a way that was just so Leehan-like of him. “Woah, woah, I get it. Someone pissed in your cup, or something? Literally and figuratively,” he laughed, leaning against the wall next to him. “Lighten up for once, ‘san. It’s your first and last prom, you know?” 
Taesan only grunted in return. 
“Look at you; so emo tonight,” Leehan said, defeated. He followed the other’s gaze towards the dance floor, where everyone is packed together like a can of sardines. “But you’re always so normal around Y/N.” 
Taesan paused.
Leehan laughed again. “Hm, maybe not?” 
Sometimes, it was both a blessing and a curse to be friends with someone like Kim Leehan. 
“Stop talking about things you already know,” Taesan murmured, chucking the water cup into the trash can a few meters away. He placed his hands inside his pockets, looking straight ahead amidst the dizzying lights and the dispersed crowd now that a slow song started playing.
“Why don’t you go ask her for a dance?” Leehan suggested, signaling towards the dance floor. 
“She’s literally holding hands with Yang Jungwon right now,” Taesan deadpanned. “Are you kidding me? How’d she get him of all people as her prom date?” 
Scoring the smartest and the most popular student in your school has got to be the biggest flex of your high school career. Taesan had almost no complaints except for the fact that Yang Jungwon was your date instead of—him! Any moment now and he’d be losing his mind. Actually, scratch that, he probably already was. 
Leehan hummed. 
“Do you think,” he began, slowly, darting his line of sight between you who’s giggling at something Yang Jungwon said, before turning back to Taesan, the angstiest kid he’s ever known. “That, maybe, if you had just asked her out to prom with you… then maybe she’d have said yes?” 
Finally, the gears inside Taesan’s head started to turn. Leehan smiled at the sight.
Taesan quickly scoffed. “No way,” he denied, crossing his arms. “Why would she go with me when she’s got Yang Jungwon as her date? It’d only happen in my dreams.” 
He figured it out anyway. It wasn’t because he wasn’t as handsome as Park Sunghoon, or as sporty as Jung Sungchan, or as musically talented as Park Wonbin (though he’d beg to differ), or as cute as Lee Sohee. Heck, it wasn’t even because he wasn’t as smart or as popular as Yang Jungwon. 
Maybe it was never because of those things that made you look at them instead of him. 
Maybe you were just never interested in him at all. 
And Taesan will have no other choice but to live with that fact forever. 
Leehan’s smile dropped, and he peeled himself away from the wall. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped for a second just to say: “You’re so—stubborn.” 
Taesan looked at him indignantly. “...What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Leehan shrugged, finally walking away. “You tell me, dude.” 
And then he was gone, rushing off to join the rest of their friends while Taesan stayed in the back, alone and miserable all because of his newfound epiphany. Though he supposed he was already miserable the moment you entered the venue with Yang Jungwon right beside you. 
It was a time of new beginnings for Taesan; a time to finally move on from you. 
Though, if only it was that easy.
Two weeks later, when you were working on a final project with him, you unexpectedly dropped the news that you and Jungwon have broken up. Because Jungwon was going to some Ivy League, and you were decidedly… not. You couldn’t handle the thought of being long-distance, so you decided to just cut things off with him since it can’t be helped, you know? And then you proceeded to laugh it off with that huge, idiotic smile of yours before continuing on with the project. Taesan didn’t know what was so funny.
Eventually, he had to share his water with you when you started sobbing hysterically inside of the library, hiccuping and all. 
He admittedly felt awful seeing you cry over Yang Jungwon, your high school boyfriend of probably only two months, but most importantly, he felt awful because of the relief that suddenly washed over him. 
…And what did that make Taesan?
So, really, maybe it was for the better that you would never look at Taesan the way he wished you would. That no matter how many times he has lent you an ear to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, you never bothered to stop for a moment and think that hey, maybe this guy likes me to some capacity, and maybe I should give him a chance. Because what kind of friend is he to feel relieved at the fact that you had gotten dumped by your boyfriend? That when your heart was broken, he could only rejoice at the fact that he now has a higher chance of getting with you once again even when it is so clear that he never once did? 
How could he sit next to you and think such thoughts? 
And yet, even when you keep jumping from one person to another, falling for someone, crying over another—Taesan will always be there for you when it all comes crashing down. A friend to cheer you on, to lift you up, to steady you—because that’s all he’ll ever be to you. 
Han Taesan was only seventeen years old when you ruined his life. 
And for what it is worth, he is still in love with you.
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story by hangup119. do not steal.
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jinwoosbabyboo · 2 days
Don't Run Off Like That
You told the LADS Men to not piss you off and what did they do? Pissed you off. How I imagine they would react to you storming off in tears and you're not answering their calls or texts.
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The minute you run off Zayne would watch you retreat not because he doesn't want to chase you, but because he's going through every possible outcome in his head on whether he should follow you or not.
By the time he decides to follow you're already out of sight. Now you have him walking through the streets of Linkon looking like a lost puppy. After about five minutes of blowing your phone up he's turning into Sherlock Zayne and doing some deductive reasoning about where you may have gone.
He was relieved to find you wrapped up in a blanket. Not in your bed, but in his instead.
Zayne: Please never run off like that again MC: I can't argue with you especially when I'm pissed off I'll always lose Zayne: its not really a competition it's us vs the problem MC: I know that which is why I didn't want to argue with you especially in public Zayne: I feel the same MC: I just needed to calm down Zayne: *Smiles* In my bed? MC: .... Your scent is calming I just didn't want to hug you while I was mad at you so your bed was the perfect solution
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Rafayel is immediately chasing after you the minute you storm off, but of course you break out into a full sprint. He would be STRESSED. This man gets antsy when you don't reply fast enough. Now you're not replying and he can't find you? Yea his chest hurts. He's calling you on speaker phone just so he can continue texting you. After about ten minutes of your phone blowing up non-stop you share your location with him.
He found you in his kitchen, sitting on the counter, eating all his snacks. "I thought you got kidnapped or something!"
"Need I remind you I'm a trained fighter and constantly have a gun on my hip?" Rafayel would roll his eyes before taking the snacks from your hands and slotting himself between your legs. He rested his head in the crook of your neck while taking deep calming breaths.
Rafayel: Why did you run off like that? MC: I didn't want to say anything I'd regret so I needed time to myself Rafayel: So you turn into sonic the hedgehog? MC: I knew you'd come find me Rafayel: I'll always find you.
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Let's be so for real Xavier is on you. If you try to run from him he gonna teleport in front of you. So in order to get away from him you have to excuse yourself and then dip out when he can't see you. That whole turn around and storm off you planned on doing? Not happening that mf way too fast.
He would realize you've been gone for a while so he'd text you with concern. A few minutes pass and he starts getting worried. He's immediately on the move looking for you; checking your location, trying to get the coordinates on your watch. He'd call Jeremiah asking if he'd seen you as he's running around.
He manages to find you in the Hunters Association doing research on the increase in wanderers.
Xavier: You'd rather do research than talk to me? MC: You pissed me off and I hate arguing with you ... I needed something to take my mind off it Xavier: I don't enjoy it either but please don't disappear like that you almost gave me a heart attack MC: I needed to calm down Xavier: There's nothing wrong with that I just .... if something happened to you I don't want our last words to be out of anger you know? MC: I know ... I don't want that either
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Sylus would feel terrible for making you upset enough to storm off in tears, but he'd let you blow off some steam before coming to find you. He would definitely have the twins contact you first before he showed up. He'd have Mephisto watch you and report back to him as well.
You didn't go far he knew you'd storm off to one of your favorite places on base. The home library. He found you curled up on one of the giant bean bag chairs that you just had to have(he couldn't say no of course)
Sylus: May I come in? MC: Permission granted Sylus: I didn't mean to upset you Princess MC: Im sure you didn't mean to but you did and we're at a good point in our relationship I don't want to say anything I'll regret later Sylus: I don't mind you cursing me out MC: I mind Sylus: Are you ready to talk? MC: Yes, but I want a foot rub as we talk Sylus: *chuckles* I may have spoiled you too much MC: Is that a no? Sylus: *Grabs your foot* I'll do anything for you as long as you talk to me
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chrissturnsfav · 2 days
𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅 𝓆𝓊𝒾𝑒𝓉 | 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰
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you have been friends with the triplets for a while now, but you and matt started sneaking around only about a month ago. you, matt, nick, and chris are watching a movie, but you and matt's minds are traveling elsewhere.
ᰔᩚ fwb!matt, softdom!matt, smut, fingering, unprotected p in v (wrap it b4 you tap it), creampie, fluff, use of pet names, talking you through it, use of y/n, slight teasing, dirty talk
ᰔᩚ w.c. 1,836
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back to the future is playing on the tv in the triplets' living room, but you're struggling to keep your focus on the movie. you, matt, nick, and chris are all sat on the couch in a comfortable silence, the only noise coming from the tv and chris chewing on doritos.
however, underneath the blanket, matt's hand rests on your thigh, getting dangerously close to your core with each passing minute.
your body is practically aching with desire, your mind yelling at you to just text matt to meet you in his bedroom. a quiet exhale leaves your mouth when his hand slowly comes to cup your heat.
your brows furrow slightly as you keep your gaze fixed on the tv—but your mind is anything but focused on the movie when he runs a finger through your clothed folds. you let out another exhale, this one slightly shaky.
matt's eyes are fixed on the tv, his expression focused—but you know what's really on his mind. his hand then moves beneath your pants, then under your panties and he runs two cold fingers through your dripping cunt. you clear your throat to suppress the moan that threatens to leave your mouth.
but then when his two fingers begin to rub slow circles on your bundle of nerves, you gasp slightly, eyes involuntarily closing and matt smirks.
nick furrows his brows at the sound of your gasp before turning to look at you and you immediately open your eyes, looking at the tv screen again.
nick speaks in a confused tone with his brows still furrowed as matt continues his actions on your aching clit, "you good?" he says sarcastically, catching chris' attention and he turns his head to look at you.
you turn your head to look at both of them with a soft smile, "yeah, why?"
nick shrugs, turning his attention back to the tv, chris follows his actions.
matt scoffs under his breath, pulling his phone out of his pocket with the hand that isn't still rubbing at your nub to text you.
matt sturniolo
can't keep quiet can ya
y/n y/l/n
shut up
read, 11:16 pm
matt sturniolo
says you
matt sturniolo
watch this
matt smirks at the messages, tossing his phone aside before slowly pushing his middle finger inside you without warning. his index finger continues to rub circles on your clit, but faster this time.
your eyes widen as you grip the blanket on your lap, lips parting at his sudden actions and you swallow hard, desperately trying to keep quiet.
matt's smirk on his face grows as his eyes stay on the screen. you let out a quiet exhale letting him pump his finger in and out of you for a few moments. as it grows harder for you to suppress your sounds, you pick your phone up again.
y/n y/l/n
matt i can't
y/n y/l/n
we need to go upstairs
matt sturniolo
idk i'm pretty comfy here
y/n y/l/n
y/n y/l/n
i can't
matt sturniolo
meet me in my room in 5
matt pulls his fingers out of your pants, wiping them on his pants before shifting out of his seat, "gotta take a piss, be right back," he excuses himself to which chris and nick nod before turning their attention back on the tv.
you nod as well, playing it off as matt disappears upstairs. as you continue to watch the movie, you think of excuses to make as to why you need to leave the room.
five minutes go on and you pull the blanket off your legs, speaking up, "i have to pee," you say standing up.
chris and nick look at your for a second before nodding. you let out a sigh of relief when they don't question you.
when you get upstairs, you scurry to matt's room as your core throbs for attention and you throw the door open, closing and locking it behind you.
matt is sat on the edge of the bed, smirking at your presence before standing up and licking his lips, walking over to you.
you stare up at him through wispy lashes, lust evident in your eyes and a knowing smirk on your lips. you open your mouth to say something, but matt presses a finger against your lips, his face inching close to yours.
"shh," he hushes, staring down at you mischievously, "remember, you're supposed to be in the bathroom, gotta be quiet," he says in a low tone. you reply with a nod and he smirks, "good girl," he mutters, turning you around and walking into you.
your legs hit the back of his bed and he lets you fall, crawling on top of you to hover his body over yours.
his chain dangles in your face and his eyes dart from your lips to your eyes, desire overflowing both of your bodies. he presses his lips against yours and you exhale into his mouth, he takes this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
your tongues dance in sync for a few seconds, his hands trailing down your waist before resting at the waistband of your sweatpants. he slowly pulls them down, tossing them onto the floor as your arms wrap around his shoulders, silently begging for more.
he smirks against your lips, pulling your panties down and off your body, tossing them to the floor with your sweatpants. you tug at the hem of his shirt, whimpering into his mouth.
he breaks the kiss, his lips swollen as he licks them and looks down at you with a sensual look on his face, "take it off, baby."
you smirk up at him, pulling his shirt over his shoulders. he leans up to pull his jeans down, tossing his shirt and jeans to the floor to join the rest of your discarded clothes.
once he gets your shirt off, he stares down at your exposed body with a bite of his lip, "mmm...so beautiful," he mumbles, his hand trailing down to rest on your hip.
"please," you plead, body now aching for him.
matt smirks down at you, raising his eyebrows, "yeah? you want it?" he asks.
you nod, eyes fluttering closed as he pulls his boxers off his body and his dick springs out, "need it...so bad, matt...please," you mumble.
matt nods, positioning himself between your legs and tapping himself against your sopping entrance. you gasp at his actions, opening your eyes. matt shakes his head as he smirks down at you, "keep those pretty sounds quiet, yeah?"
you nod, wrapping your arms around his shoulders again, your legs wrapping themselves around his back, "mhm," you hum into his ear.
"that's my girl," he whispers before slowly pushing himself into you. he hisses quietly at the sensation, eyes closing. your eyes roll back and lips part as you suppress a moan.
matt's hips move rhythmically into you, his pace slow but hard and gentle as he grunts lowly. you desperately try to keep your whimpering low in his ear, panting quietly, "mm...feels s'good," you whisper out a moan.
matt hums quietly in response, "mmm...i know," he moans quietly, continuing his actions bit faster.
you suddenly gasp, slightly loud and matt tuts, slowing his hips again and staring down at you, "shhh...quiet, baby," he whispers in a grunt.
your eyes squeeze shut and you nod, "m-mm-mhm..." you hum, panting quietly and he smirks at your nod, moving fast again.
matt hisses above you, holding your hips in place as he rocks into you biting his lip in pleasure, "fuck...so pretty, so tight..." he mumbles quietly.
you feel the familiar knot in your stomach forming, signaling that you're close and your thighs tighten on his back as he buries his face in the crook of your neck.
you pant heavily, throwing your head back into his pillows, "m...mmm...'m gonna...gonna cum," you barely whisper out and matt nods, bringing a hand up to your mouth to muffle your noises as he pulls his head out of your neck.
"mhmmm, cum f'me pretty girl, c'mon," he mumbles lowly, his own high approaching.
you pant against his hand as he rests his forehead against yours, eyes burning into your closed ones. "c'mon, pretty, you got it," he mutters, pulling his hand away to brush his lips against yours. his hand intertwines with your fingers and you squeeze his hand tightly.
the knot in your stomach snaps and your mouth falls open, eyes rolling back as you desperately hold back your moans, letting it come out in a sharp gasp.
matt connects his lips with yours to muffle your sounds, his tongue sliding against yours. you coat his dick in a film of your cum, moaning quietly into his mouth and gripping his clammy hand harder.
"mmm...yeah, baby, look at you," he mumbles against your lips, pulling them away from yours when you begin to come down from your high in low pants.
matt's own high gets closer and his thrusts become sloppier, staring down at you with his eyes rolled back, "fuck...gonna fill you up, baby...gonna fill you up so good," he moans quietly and you nod, fluttering your eyes closed.
matt pulls his forehead away from yours, his hand not intertwined with yours moving to rest on your waist, pulling you down against the sheets to move against his hips.
matt hisses, "shiiit," he mumbles before his cock twitches inside you, coating your walls in his cum. he throws his head back, gasping lowly as you watch him cum.
he rides out his high before pulling out of you, looking down at your pussy to watch his cum dripping out and he spreads your folds to get a closer look. he licks his lips as you sit up on your elbows, still trying to catch your breath. "tsssk, so pretty," he mumbles, not taking his eyes off your core.
you smile softly at him and he shakes his head at your pussy, smiling at it before standing off the bed, "you good?" he asks as he pulls his clothes back on.
you nod, standing up and grabbing your clothes, "mhm, i'm okay," you say, redressing yourself with a small smile.
matt smirks, buttoning his jeans as he looks at you, "i'll go down first, yeah?"
you chuckle, nodding as you pull your shirt back on, "yeah, go ahead."
matt smiles, nodding and ruffling your now messy hair, "you can clean yourself up, right?"
you nod, chuckling again as you stare up at him, "yes, i got it."
matt nods, licking his lips before pecking yours softly and walking towards the door.
when matt leaves his room to go back downstairs, you clean yourself up quickly before staring at your disheveled appearance in his mirror and you shake your head, scoffing to yourself as you wonder what matt's excuse to taking so long is gonna be to his brothers.
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𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: LOVE SOFTDOM!MATT!!! hope you guys liked this hehe. i wrote this how i imagine matt would be during sex which is very soft, talking you through it, while still teasing you a lil bc i think its so hot
thank you for reading!! <3
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@chrissturnsfav ™
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minus-plus-zer0 · 3 days
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"You Know You're Fictional, Right?"
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♡ Genre: Fluff, crack ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader ♡ Tags: Established relationships
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You just wanted to fuck with his head, that's all.
"Katsuki," you said to your loving and ever-patient boyfriend, "you know you're fictional, right?"
You leaned on his bedroom desk, giving him the utmost pitying and concerned look. Bakugou was not having it today.
"Don't you got anything better to do than to mess with me?!" Bakugou banged his fist on the desk. "Why the hell are you accusing me of being fictional?"
"I'm only warning you for you own sake," you said, voice wobbling from sadness. Bakugou just narrowed his eyes at you. "I've wanted to tell you for a while... but..." You sniffled. "I didn't know how to bring it up!"
"So now that we're dating, you wanna pull this shit?"
"...Yes? I-I just needed to earn your trust before I--ah!"
Bakugou tickled you and you giggled, wrenching yourself away from his evil fingers. You caught your breath a short distance away from him, while he grinned madly in his seat.
"Got you back," Bakugou said, satisfied at your state of disarray from the tickles. "Now don't go calling me fictional again! I'm your real boyfriend! Not a fake one. Who do you think you're calling 'fictional'?"
"But what if I have to go back to my home world someday? you asked. "You can't just avoid this conversation, Katsuki!"
"I can and I will. Now, are you gonna cuddle with me or not, babe?"
You sighed and curled up in his lap while he finished his homework. You continued to ramble on about your theories regarding your shared world, how superpowers weren't natural, and how even All Might didn't exist in the world you supposedly came from.
“Am I the most popular in your world?” he asked, barely trying to humor you. “Or do those idiots got bad taste?”
He was the most popular, but you wouldn’t tell him that. “No, it’s actually Midoriya.”
“What?! Him?! You’re lying! That world is messed up.”
“You still have plenty of fans though!”
“...Are they weird and creepy fans?”
“Um… define ‘weird and creepy’.”
“Uggggghhh." Bakugou held you tighter in his lap. "Just shoot me.”
“Don’t say that!" You stroked his head. "At least people still like you at all! They love seeing your adventures!”
Bakugou slammed his pencil on the desk. “That wasn’t for them to see! That was private! You hear me? Private!” Bakugou lowered his voice, his face close to yours. “What goes on between us is private too. Now don’t go telling your little imaginary friends what we do. That’s only for us to know.”
Bakugou kissed you and then turned back to his homework. You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You still don’t believe you’re fictional,” you murmured. “Poor baby is in denial.”
"It’s ’cause your world sounds boring," Bakugou said, mindlessly writing out answers in his homework. Then, he turned back to you. "You should stick with this one. I want you staying here forever. You’re mine.”
"Katsuki, I was only trying to prank you. Of course I'm staying here!"
"Then why the fuck did you bring up all that sad shit about leaving to your own world! Don't say that kinda crap outta nowhere!"
"But that's my specialty."
Bakugou kiss-attacked your face, making you giggle as you swatted his terrifying kisses away.
"Specialty my ass," Bakugou said, beaming at you. "Go be special at something else then, how about that? Like tell me about your day or who's been bugging you. Don't go talking about how you're leaving me, it pisses me off."
"Katsuki, you know how my day was. We hang out all the time!"
"Well then fucking remind me!"
Nothing you did could convince Bakugou he was fictional, and maybe that was fine. The next day, you instead tried to make him believe that you were his fictional girlfriend, and he didn’t like that either.
“I didn’t get an imaginary girlfriend ‘cause I’m supposedly lonely, dammit!”
“I don’t know,” Kaminari said. “It sounds pretty plausible for you.”
The moment Bakugou’s hands started exploding, Kaminari ran away screaming. From then on, Bakugou had to prove to everyone that you and him were actually together and that no, dating him was not another one of your elaborate pranks. And from now on, Bakugou will side-eye you if you mention any other fictional crushes you have...
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(This one has been sitting in my drafts for ages!)
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pimpnchips · 22 hours
Needed Me 2
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Part 2
Natasha x Wife!Reader
Warnings: angst, slight smut, blow!job, slightly mean!
Summary: heated arguments with Natasha
Authors Note: I’m sorry it took me so fucking long to finish this, I'm okay! but I had major writers block and I wanted to make it good for you guys. I also wanted to put the daughter in here more.
Lena swung her head in your direction, "Mommy I want this one," she whined. The rack of stuffed animals sat on display as your daughter complained about how much she wanted the pink bunny.
"No baby, you remember what mama said."
Last night, Natasha talked to lena about behaving properly. Now that she's getting older you can't keep babying her and supplying all her wants after a tantrum or fit.
So Natasha decided on no extra things outside of the store list for a month so she can learn that you won't be able to get everything she asks for even if she decides on throwing a fit.
"Lena, no means no," scowls natasha. Carrying Mateo in his car seat with her left hand, "Pick her up detka — let's go."
You couldn't help but bite your lip at Natasha's authority
Seeing her do what she does best turned you on in so many ways you couldn't explain. You couldn't stay upset with her no matter how hard you 'tried'.
Heading to your shared bedroom last night, Natasha had a way with her words, instead of hate sex you made love.
You missed her warmth and her touch but there's nothing you miss more than how sexy she looked taking care of her family.
Yes, your wife is a lot of things but you know how deeply she cares for the three of you and if you didn't.. you wouldn't have taken her back.
You sighed in frustration, "I'm not trying to upset you baby"
"I never said you did," she muttered, gathering the clothes and putting them into the drawer across from you.
Which was a lie, you knew she was upset because you disagreed with her thoughts of not putting lena into school right now.
You brushed your fingers through her red hair trying your best to comfort her, "I understand there's a risk baby but I want her to have a normal child hood"
Natasha chuckles in disbelief,
"You understand nothing."
You scoff, "Natasha? She's my kid too so what don't I understand?" You started walking across the other side of the room away from her.
"Please, humor me." You sat down in the chair next to the open window, your hands slapping your knee as you sat down.
A blank stare on her face caused you to raise an eyebrow, bouncing your leg impatiently waiting for an answer.
It wasn't surprising that you and Natasha got into an argument today, it was always bound to happen. Sooner or later.
"You do shit like this all the time," she mumbles under her breath, trying to make it hard for you to hear.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Natasha?"
Your wife clutches the shirt in hand, more frustration clouding her eyes as she stares at you. She clearly didn't have an explanation, only acting on impulse.
"Am I the one who forged our divorce? If anybody does stupid shit it's you not me." You protest, rubbing your fingers on your temple.
But there's something about crawling under Natasha's skin that pumps you up. Toying with her is what got you here, having two of her kids and married to her for seven years.
She ignores your directed comment, "There's too many risks."
"She's not attending school and that's final," Natasha grumbled, her head was filled with your nagging comments.
"Nat -" you tried to reason with her.
"Don't" She growls, snapping her eyes up at you.
Your mouth clicks shut, "Sorry," you mumble. She knows how well you respond when she gets pissed off.
Sometimes you can't believe the effect Natasha has on you.
She knows your weaknesses and has no problem showing her mastery over you. Something you craved over the past few months, something a certain someone couldn't give you.
You haven't told Natasha, you figured if she ever found out a another woman came around the house, she'll probably kill the girl.
She's too possessive of you to share you with anyone else. It'll tear her ego down, make her seem like she doesn't have control anymore.
"What do you know about banana bread, bunny?" Natasha laughs, hearing your daughter talk about how much she loved the taste of the dessert at the dinner table.
Lena giggles with a wide smile, "Miss Maximoff always makes some for me and mommy" she grins, picking up her last nugget eating it innocently.
Fear was written across your faces as you avoided contact with your wife. Natasha furrows her eyebrows at you, mouthing something you couldn't quite pick up on.
You stood up, "Let's put you to bed baby."
Natasha stared daggers at you, continuing to watch you walk away but you tried your best to not turn around.
The anticipation of waiting for you to get back sent nat over the edge causing her to throw everything off her desk.
"Fuck!" she screamed.
You heard nat scream through the door as your hand hovered over the door nob. You took a short breath to get yourself together before entering.
The door shut behind you, Natasha turned around instantly averting all of her attention to you.
Before you could finish your sentence, she already had her hand wrapped around your neck causing you to inhale shakily, "Please baby."
Your wife clenched her jaw, staring into your eyes making you feel small under her grasp.
"Did she fuck you?" For a moment you saw her eyes darken, her hands starting to grip tighter forcing you to answer her question with a quivering voice, "No"
She released her hand, slamming it on the wall beside you, "Don't fucking lie to me!"
Your eyes welled up with tears and your body shook at the sudden movement she made. You and Wanda didn't have anything special she was nice but she was too nice for you.
You needed something stronger, you wanted Natasha hence why you never went further than a kiss on the cheek. But in this moment something clicked in you.
You needed her.
You looked up at the red head, moving down onto your knees. You wanted Natasha to know that you were hers and no one else's.
"Get up," she gritted.
Ignoring her statement you unbuttoned her pants pulling it lower until her underwear came off. Her dick sprung free ready to be sucked by you.
After a long pause, she moved forward grabbing your head forcing her cock into your mouth. Your tongue sliding along her length as you bobbed your head up and down. She groaned, holding onto the wall, "She could never fill you up like this" she said between pants.
You locked eyes with your wife who was watching you with pure lust in her gaze. Natasha cleared her throat, cock twitching from her own thoughts.
"You don't deserve my cock, detka."
She smiles at the whimpers that escaped you. Her hips started to move and you moaned.
"You shouldn't be sucking dick like a slutty little whore"
Tearing your gaze away from the cock, which was dripping with pre cum, you stared straight into her piercing orbs.
"We didn't have sex, Natty." You whispered, voice mildly hoarse already.
Natasha's face was flushed, cock weeping precum still.
She hadn't realized how close she was to coming until you stopped. "I know.you wouldn't do that to me," was all she uttered as you moved to take her again.
Natasha groaned, every word dying on her lips as your mouth was back on her cock. "Oh...just like that detka... fuck your mouth takes me so well..." You glanced upwards, watching her throat bob as she tilted her head completely back. A low, husky moan left her lips as you swallowed.
The sound of your daughter's voice from down the hall made you pull back. Saliva and cum dripping down your face as Natasha groaned at the sight, painting your face with her milk-white cum.
She forced your mouth open with her hand, releasing the rest of her cum into your mouth. Seeing you drop to your knees for her and pleasing her needs without asking made her proud. It made her thirst for you more.
You quickly got off your knees in a hurry, rolling your eyes at your crazed wife for making a mess of your face while trying to get up.
"Put your dick in your pants before your daughter comes in here" you whispered by her ear, a demanding tone that surprised natasha.
Quickly walking to the bathroom to clean your face, the sound of your daughter's voice getting closer to the room startled Natasha as she buckled up her pants.
"Mama, where's mommy? I can't sleep" Her hair was all over her head, fingers rubbing her tired eyes.
You shouted from the bathroom, "Mommy's coming baby!"
You threw your face towel down, walking out of the bathroom being met with Natasha sitting on the bed with the little girl tracing her tattoos, her head on her mama's chest.
Lena looked up with a smile making your heartmelt at the sight. "Why was mama screaming earlier?" She questioned, tilting her head.
Natasha bursted into laughter, you quickly sent her a pointed look causing her to quiet down. You sighed at your daughters question, "Nothing love, I was helping her with something"
Lena was even more confused than before, it was written all over her face but she shrugged her shoulders letting it go.
Nat smiled at her confusions, leaning down to kiss the temple of her head.
You smiled at the interaction it made you realize no matter the fights or arguments you and Natasha will have she'll forever be here to love you and the kids.
And you'll always love Natasha.
Even if that meant you needed her more than she needed you.
Needed Me
@starfire1008@viosblog112@dvrkhcld@ciao00000111 @ddreader04@twentyonetornmyheart @pancakefan7529@widowstingsposts @rosea-reginae @coxlong
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reptileyan · 1 day
A haunted house you're unable to leave
For anyshiptober 🎃
You're gonna sue the shit out of airbnb, should you ever get to a civilized place with phone service again. The gorgeous house you paid way too much to spend a few nights in seems much bigger than advertised, you can't find the front door. You can't find any doors to the outside, and you're throughly pissed, near tears. You need to go grocery shopping, the cute little mart down the road only looked a little bit completely out of business, but it doesn't matter now! You live in an endless victorian labyrinthian nightmare!
You sink to the floor and cry after forty-five minutes, finally giving up. You're hungry and tired. You're out several hundred dollars. The outdoors is gone and you hate this house, no matter how pretty the wallpaper is, how charming all the accents are.
You smell something good, and with it comes hope. Maybe the neighbors exist, and are nearby and cooking something delicious. They'll have you out of here and give you their lawyer's number and then you'll be free and rich and eating food! Maybe it's a single neighbor and you'll marry them and be rich because anyone who could afford anything as stupidly beautiful as the houses around here has got to be rich, with old timey maids and butlers and a personal chef-
You walk into the kitchen, and are met with a sweet smile, coming from something vaguely in the shape of a human. It definitely isn't one. It looks to be made of the same material as the floors and counters and walls, patchwork across their body. It isn't tall, isn't short. It never loses contact with the floor, the floor reaching up to meet and moving with it.
You take a step closer and the floorboards beneath you warm.
You're currently sober, but just in case, you swear to never do a single drug again if you make it out of this.
A table is next to you, and it wasn't before. The chairs look comfortable. You've decided to stop moving.
The thing continues stirring whatever its making. "You won't get hurt here, no matter what. Don't worry."
You are very worried. Voices don't normally sound like floorboards creaking and fires crackling and pipes settling. Voices don't sound like a home. Voices sound like a human.
It doesn't turn to see you. It must not have to. You understand, and don't want to. Its voice is raspy and soft and strange and doesn't alarm you by its sound alone, it sounds beautiful. The meal smells lovely. This just shouldn't be happening.
It tries again, ladling soup into bowls. "I promise. You can walk and sit anywhere. I prefer for you to not actively lash out against or harm me, but I can handle it if you need to, or if an accident happens. I'm sturdy."
You sit. The chair reshapes around you, softens and heats. It doesn't restrain or eat you, so that's nice. The thing comes over and places your food in front of you, smiles with a face made of wood and glass and porcelain and paper and paint, shifting depending on where it stands. You go to ask a question but it walks away to fetch fresh baked bread, and something to drink. You don't really know how to be polite in this situation, or how to survive, or what's going on.
You expect the soup to turn to gutter water in your mouth, the bread to turn to sawdust.
It's perfect, delicious, exactly what you needed. You eye the creature that sits across from you.
"Where did you get the food?"
It shrugs. "A pantry is part of a house, isn't it?"
Fair enough.
"How long have you been here?"
"I haven't kept track."
"Are you going to let me leave?"
It shakes its head.
"Am I the only one here?"
It nods. "Besides me."
You stop eating and think for a moment. "Just physical trapping though, right? No poison?"
"No poison."
You take a deep breath, and sigh. And take another bite.
It gazes at you happily as you eat the food, starving after the long drive and hopeless search for an exit. "You like it?"
You nod.
It seems pleased, the tiles that form something akin to hair clink as they puff up, its eyes alight with what might be actual fire, or little fairy lights.
You finish the last bite. "Yes. What are you going to do to me?"
It simulates a blink, the lights dimming and glowing. "Well i thought you might like to eat in a dining room but i didn't think to escort you to one. Are you still hungry?"
You aren't. You want a bath. And tea. Testing the waters, seeing how it reacts to requests.
It seems delighted, the chair pushing you into its arms, a wide grin across its face. "Of course! Anything you desire."
You raise a finger. "Except to leave."
It carries you out. "Yes, except to leave, you can't do that."
You insist on walking, it makes a face before telling you it supposes that's fine, it enjoys holding you like that as well. You decide not to ask about it.
The bathtub is huge, and opulent, much more luxurious than any of the photos. The bath is already filling up with hot water and bubbles, and it 'leaves' to get you a cup of tea. It returns in a few minutes, places the cup next to you, no indication that it's affected by you naked in the bath besides the water heating up a bit, the walls seeming a bit more pink. Funny.
You take a sip. It's delicious. "Do you imitate human mannerisms on purpose to indicate emotions, or do you do it instinctively?"
It doesn't know. You thank it for the tea and bath, because you forgot to, shifting so the bubbles wash off your chest. The walls' shade of pink darkens, and you sink into the bath as it heats until it stings, just how you like it.
"It isn't nice to kidnap people."
"I know."
"Or to lie in your air bnb description."
"I know."
"You have a phone and wifi around here, or you wouldn't have been able to do that."
"What if I find it and call the other humans?"
"You won't."
"Why not?"
"Because I won't let you, and you like it here."
You nod. "Fair enough. What if I don't like it?"
"I'll figure out a way to make it nice for you."
You're amused, and terrified, and tired, and resigned to your fate.
"Thank you."
It rests its cheek on the side of the tub to shamelessly watch you bathe. "You're welcome."
The towels you're given after are fluffy, the bed you're led to is huge and plush. It crawls in next to you, becoming 'soft and plush, just like you!' It seems very pleased. You don't bother to tell it humans would consider that rude. You like being fat, and you like being appreciated, and you like how it surrounds you with itself and curls up in your arms.
You ask if its going to charge you rent. Its laugh sounds like the windchimes that welcomed you when you first entered the house.
You sleep, after awhile of enjoying its warmth around you, how it pretends to breathe in the sounds of a building settling. You'll find your way out. Or you won't. But that's alright. You like it here.
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ccuniculusmolestus · 2 days
one thing the tsh fandom will do is constantly overlook the significance and also implications of henry and bunny's friendship in favor of relationships like henry and camilla. (and these were all realizations i had while talking to a friend so-)
we never see Bunny directly break down. well, we never see anything period because we're looking through Richard's eyes, and Richard never sees Bunny upset. I don't mean the upset where he's being mean or being a drunk in his dorm, I mean the kind of upset where he's sobbing and yelling out insults and threats and wrestling with Henry on the floor of their palazzo. I'm talking the kind of upset where he's screaming at Henry to stop touching him while crying in his bed.
We only ever hear that fight, and the other one in Rome we just get to hear of it. None of the others ever saw Bunny in that state, and I doubt they knew how the situation even arose. Only Henry did.
Only you know the way that I break.
And matter of fact, nobody saw Henry genuinely angry too. Even when he was dealing with Charles, he wasn't pissed per se, he was just annoyed and more ready to commit his third murder. I can't remember a scene where Henry genuinely loses it with someone he knows well (so, none of his friends). We only hear of him losing his shit with Bunny EXCEPT for the scene with Judy.
You push my buttons in a way nobody else can.
You know that makes me think, again, that him losing his shit at the party had less to do with Judy and more to do with Bunny. Think about it. Why would they be at a party where Bunny is nowhere to be seen? Why wouldn't Bunny, a party animal, be there with them? You'd think he might have invited the others, or at least heard of their intent to go and wanted to join them- but he just wasn't there. Why? What made the perfectly composed, stoic Henry lose his shit over something that, characteristically, shouldn't even annoy him? Who was later established to be the only thing in Henry's life capable of making him snap to the point of losing all self-control and resorting to violence?
That's right.
In every other case of aggressive, intentional, sober violence displayed by Henry, Bunny is the cause, on the receiving end, both times.
Henry and Bunny knew each other too much, way too much, and I'm tired of pretending theirs was not perhaps the most significant relationship in this story. Put aside the fact that the story is literally DRIVEN by them, put aside even the fact that they both are the only ones to die at the end (too much symbolism here kms), but their relationship genuinely is so fucked up and heavy it leaves more questions the more you think about them. So no, I don't think "Camilla was the only one who saw Henry for who he was" just because she was the recipient of his occasional smiles, because Henry was not just the gentle-giant she got to see. Neither do I believe "Richard was on the same frequency as Henry" because they had a shitty childhood (tbh all of them probably did?) and because Henry saved his ass from freezing. Henry was more so his rage and the anger he tried to keep sealed with the rest of himself, a destructive force trying desperately to reign himself in. Yes, he was not a bad person per se, but he was, like Bunny, a ticking time bomb (albeit a much more destructive one).
But even despite the anger and bitterness that later poisoned their relationship, I sometimes like to think of them whilst keeping in mind the fact that Bunny was the only one who could make Henry laugh. And Henry was the only one Bunny directly told about his past/home life. I think of them as freshmen, with Bunny's hair catching the sunlight in his lazy curls as his eyes crinkle and his tone rears back in preparation for a joke Henry doesn't see coming. And Henry, awkward in his detachment, with his nose in a book, trying to keep his lips from quivering up as the awful, stupid joke registers, and then failing to keep the chuckle from slipping through when Bunny's stupidly expectant face wriggles its eyebrows at him.
They were soulmates before they were friends.
And they were friends before they were enemies
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ruegarding · 17 hours
Wait what's the tea on Wotg makin' Percabeth even worse? /gen /nf
tldr; rick is continuing his trend of having annabeth imply that she thinks her bf is stupid (u can see what i mean by trend here). this is coupled w a lot of ableism: acting like percy is too stupid to function and removing annabeth's disabilities so she can be a girl boss while refusing to address their mental health. this is supposed to make percabeth look cute, somehow, but instead comes off as mean-spirited at best.
first, to establish context, percy's incredibly overworked,
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(he's also on the swim team) and bc of this percy is falling asleep in class and waking up in a panic. this is never addressed seriously despite being a series abt disability. as if that wasn't enough, percy also is never shown to enjoy any of his classes and is frequently written to be stuggling w his grades, just in case u forgot he was stupid (he also is written w the ableist stereotype of being lazy abt school work, too, instead of, you know, disabled). his main motivation is that annabeth will be successful with or without him so he better not be a stupid failure.
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completely ignoring percy was the one who wanted to go to nru. also, zero mentions for the accommodation percy is receiving for his disabilities (nor annabeth's, but she's written like they don't exist so).
and then percy says that annabeth's friend, hana, doesn't like him bc she doesn't think he's good enough for annabeth, going on to think yeah that's fair. this is never addressed bc it's supposed to be a cute percabeth and #girl boss annabeth moment. then percy makes a joke (?) that annabeth's friends are gossiping abt how annabeth can stand to date him when he's too stupid to understand architecture when percabeth walks away to talk. this is not a percabeth win and i'm genuinely not sure how anyone on rick's team thought it was.
then there's this:
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just in case u forgot, percy is the stupid one and annabeth is the smart one. teehee.
and, in relation to ignoring their mental health, annabeth talks abt putting spider webs all over hecate's mansion (bc she wants to make a haunted house), which rick says is ok bc it's not spiders. except part of annabeth's huge traumatic fight w arachne was being covered in spiderwebs that literally pulled her into tartarus. so. weird plotline. similarly, percy has a bit abt having nightmares abt cereberus, which is equally stupid. i talked abt it here. not necessarily percabeth but worth mentioning for context. oh, and percy also bodily-fluid-bends later in the book w no comment except annabeth's shocked expression. correction: while percy does bodily-fluid-bend w no fanfare, annabeth is not there. percy poison-bends in front of annabeth w no comment.
rick then keeps poking fun at how percy and annabeth would make great parents. which. they're seventeen. btw. but yeah anyway percy would make a great dad bc he's got the funny dad jokes (bc he's stupid. haha get it). annabeth would make a great mom bc she's soooooo nurturing what w taking care of a puppy who decides to call her mom and taking care of her stupid idiot useless boyfriend. i wish this was a joke. more on this later.
the line "[annabeth] looked surprised—me comforting her, kind of switching things up" is self explanatory and written specifically to piss me off.
this passage,
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which sucks for many reasons, but especially bc this is rick trying to rewrite book canon w show canon despite very easy ways to include this without acting like percy is an idiot who just didn't notice for the past THREE BOOK SERIES (like a war that took place recently where chiron was injured idk just an idea). instead, percy has to take the fall for rick's error and annabeth has to act like her bf is the stupidest person on earth.
btw, did i mention that annabeth is ahead in her classes and percy sucks at school? teehee.
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wow, it's like annabeth's dyslexia isn't even there!
now, it may seem that i'm exaggerating percy's incompetence.
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this is a real quote from the book.
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so is this!
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and this.
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and—u get the point. rick is acting like percy hasn't outsmarted his opponents bc his personality is stupid and annabeth's personality is reduced down to having the brain cell.
then, percy has a moment where his empathy shines thru and he's allowed to succeed at something (for the first time in the book), except he has to put himself down to make annabeth feel better. bc we can't have percy feeling good abt himself since it makes annabeth look bad. or something. idk.
again, there is no exploration of percy's self-esteem or their myriad of trauma.
to make up for all the times percy was treated like an idiot, annabeth says percy is "a pretty smart guy,"
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which is a surprise to her despite them having known each other for five years.
furthermore, rick is writing percy w a sort of incompetence towards household tasks that is, quite frankly, sexist. here is a good post on how it mirrors weaponized incompetence and here is another one abt the disturbing nature of mom-ifying annabeth. i should make it clear annabeth provides percy food in multiple scenes while percy does adjacent to nothing. she also tucks him into bed like a child in one scene and gets nicknamed "mom" by a dog that pees on her (AND she cleans up the pee while percy does nothing).
so, wottg is essentially 300 pages of mean-spirited bullying from all sides. none of the humor shines through these jokes, none of the facetiousness, like hey isn't it funny that percy is really smart but sometimes completely oblivious, is there. there is no comedic disparity between percy's power and skill and his ability to trip over his feet bc there are no impressive feats of power and skill (anything that would count are immediately brushed off). comments abt percy learning to tie his own shoes w his newfound octopus tentacles don't land in a book where he's acting like he cannot have thoughts without annabeth. and there's no grace to be given bc at no point in any of this handled as a serious exploration of percy's insecurities despite the ample opportunity to do so.
then, when percy isn't being hounded w vitriol, annabeth is being reduced to a sexist caricature of a woman. it does not make percabeth look good in any way.
finally, i need to make it clear that however bad this breakdown makes the books seem, it is worse. i summarized and skipped over a ton of stuff for my own sanity.
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grisou-01 · 3 days
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MK1 Earthrealmers x French!Reader
Hello everyone here is a new x reader with the earthrealmers men ! :) So i'm basically french and i thought it would be funny to do a French reader with the mk1 character, I put the traduction to the french setence ( even if most of them are insults lol ) Again English is not my first language so sorry if there are any mistakes :( Let me know of you have any request for the next x reader :)
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Since the day you were recruited as one of the champion you never told anyone where you were from. Not that you were ashamed or anything but you didn't felt the urge of telling everyone that you were not a real American like Johnny for example. You lived in this country for now 3 years so your accent was practicly undetectable for anyone outside french speakers. It was easy for you to hide it since you didn't lived in France anymore.
But there is one thing that could make your "French side" rise again. When you were reallyyyy pissed off or more generaly when you had really strong emotions. To be honest you didn't really knew what made you drop the act : Was it Kung Lao's huge ego? Or perhaps Johnny's constant flirting? Or Bi-Han's stubbornness and coldness? Maybe it was even the humble demeanour of Raiden and Liu Kang? Or maybe it was the constant winning at the spars of Tomas and Kuai Liang and their constant quarrels with Bi-Han? Or is it Kenshi's obession for Sento and his constant fight with Johnny ? You will never know. You thought you were the only one normal here. But what happened during the meal was the straw that broke the camel's back. So you the other champions , Liu Kang and the 3 Lin Kuei brothers were eating after a long day of intense training. It was pretty peacefull , until Johnny started to tease Kenshi about Sento and when Tomas tried to intervene he begin to get scold by Bi-Han for whatever reason, Kuai Liang tried to calm his brother but he began to yell at him too, and then Kung Lao entered in Johnny and Kenshi's fight, Raiden tried to stop him but it only maked them fight even louder. Only Liu Kang remained calm trying to stop both arguments. But it was inneficient. You continued to eat, trying to remain calm, to not just snap at everyone, but hearing everyone yell make it very hard. So after 1 minutes that felt like hour you just yelled without even taking your eyes off your food
As you Yelled every eyes were now on you. They didn't understood a single word, or maybe Liu Kang since he could basically speak every language after eons of living. But seeing you snap like that was very unexpected. Bi-Han who even when he did not understood a single words didn't liked to be yelled at tried to snap back "Who do you think you are to yell like this ?! I am the Grandmaster of-" During his little speech Your eyes finally looked away from your food and went directly at his direction. And before he could even finish you snapped a second time "J'EN AI RIEN A FOUTRE DE CE QUE TU DIS ! SERIEUX TU TE PRENDS POUR QUI A PARLER COMME CA A TOUT LE MONDE COMME CI ON ETAIT TES CHIENS ?" [Trad : I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU SAY! SERIOUSLY, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, TALKING LIKE THAT TO EVERYONE AS IF WE WERE YOUR DOGS?]
And for the first time in a long time. Bi-Han. Didn't answered anything. Well he couldn't because he didn't understood a thing about your speech. And that's when Johnny finally talked "Doll , you didn't told us you were French ?!" He said a bit stunned. You turned to face him and raised an eye brow "It wasn't necessary, so I didn't told you." You muttered. Everyone was pretty much stuned by how quickly you just became calm again. "So you're one of those Oui Oui Baguette-" Johnny said "La baguette je te la fous dans ton cul, serieux Johnny, vas te faire foutre avec tes clichés a la con la !" [Trad : "I'll stick the baguette up your arse, seriously Johnny, fuck off with your stupid clichés!"] You said as you looked at him with a pissed off face. But as you finished to spoke Liu Kang gave you a disappointed look at your talking maner. "Y/N Even if they don't understand you, It doesn't mean you can insult and talk down to them" "Oui oui pardon monsieur" [Trad : yeah yeah sorry sir]
you said as you quickly looked away. Everything was suddenly silent but then Kung Lao who had began to eat again said "How's the food in your country, i heard you had the best gastronomy !" "Well it's not bad our pastries are excellent but i don't know if you'de like frogs ' legs and snail" Kung Lao took a moment and said "Well if you'de like to to do one of this dishes, i can't say i would be bothered" you chuckled sligthly of course the only thing that would come in mind would be the food. "So i'm finally not the only European here" Tomas said with a slight grin on his face, you smirked and nodded amused by his demeanor. Bi-Han continued to give you a look filled with hatred, at least that's what you thinked because deep down he was impressed that someone (even if he didn't comprehend a damn thing) snapped back at him, it wasn't often at all that he was put in his place. And he couldn't say he didn't liked it (But he will never admit it). Kuai Liang, just looked at you with an impressed look, first you stuned his brother to the point that he didn't answered anything and second he had to admit that hearing you talking in French was pretty hot. He had a sly smirk on his face that you didn't missed to see. Raiden and Kenshi looked at each other then at you, Raiden said hesitantly
"How did you manage to hide this ? It's not likes it a big deal you could have told us" a soft smile appeared on your lips as he questionned you "Like i said i didn't felt it was necessary plus it wouldn't have changed anything !" You answered, Raiden gave you and understanding nod, you were right, what would it have changed? But still it was like they didn't knew you ? In fact you didn't talk about you that much ! Raiden thinked as he continued to look at you. Kenshi just looked at you with an understanding look too, like you he was from another country too. So he understood that you didn't felt the urge to tell them about this. "Well you could have at least told your favorite person here Sweetheart !" Johnny said as he winked at you . Amused by his words you just rolled your eyes. Then you just stood up and took your plate to put it to the dishes and said "Well this was very tiring day, i'm going to sleep, Bonne nuit tout le monde !" [Trad : Good night everyone] You waved at them with now a slight french accent as you spoke. You turned back and walked away from the dinning room to go to your room.
Leaving them all still stunned by the event that just happened. Liu Kang had a soft smile on his lips and stood up too before saying goodnight to everyone and walked away too. It was nice that you finally said your little "secret" even if it wasn't a big one. Things would be much simpler now. The champions and the Lin Kuei bros just continued to eat in silence, but everyone had a slight smile on their face. You were an interesting person. To say the least.
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Let me know if you enjoyed it ! :]
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fuck-customers · 1 day
Lady came in less then 10 mins before close and ordered one of every pizza on our menu. I'm internally punching her in her smug face cause screw you, who the fuck wants 6 pizzas at 3 'o clock in the morning anyway - but whatever.
Make the pizzas and by the time they're done cooking it's about 5 past close. I page her, and she doesn't come up. I page again, wait another minute and then decide if she's not gonna respect my time I'm just gonna go clean and she can sit her sorry ass at the pick up window until I come back. A few minutes turn to almost ten and still no sign of her at the pickup window, so I page once again. I hear the pager going off and realise the dumbass is at the register side of the window - the one that's got a thick ass curtain pulled down over it 🤦 I call out that she needs to come to the side window and put her food down before moving to wipe down the shelves nearby (only staying close so I can get the pager back). She meanders her way over, takes the pizzas and then asks about a few items on the menu. I answer kind of half assedly, without taking my eyes off my current job. She huffs and taps on the desk and goes, "you should at least look at someone when talking to them." Yeah, no, you've now eaten up almost 20 minutes of my close and I just want you to piss off already, you're not getting more of my time. She then tries to order five more things; two more pizzas and three other sides. I'm like ?? Are you fucking kidding???
"Sorry, we're closed."
"Oh. I didn't realise."
How the hell did you not realise?? Was the curtain over the register not an indication? Or the fact I'm pulling apart and cleaning several different bits of equipment?? Common sense is dead and I'm this 👌 close to knocking a bitch out.
Anyway, she continued to try to ask me about a few other menu items, where she could get cash out (after I told her my register was gone and even if it wasn't no, we don't do cash withdrawals) and what other areas of the club I 'recommend'. How about the ones the furthest away from me. I just keep directing her to the front desk because, seriously, take the hint - I do not want to talk to you. Our transaction is over, you have your food, now fuck. Off.
My manager came over to get the til later and said a lady had approached him and made a 'complaint' that the person in the food stall (me) was really rude to her (boohoo). I explained what happened and he pretty much said she sounded like she was being an idiot and he wasn't gonna take the complaint seriously anyway, so there's that at least.
Posted by admin Rodney
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lukolabrainrot · 17 hours
Calm theory anon here!!
So I'm a bit frustrated with some fans pages today. So my instant reaction is to put them in their place, but I'm gonna try to go at this in a different way. We all know that Nicola has achieved in her career. She's getting accolades finally. And people are upset because Luke did not comment on her social media post. They feel that he should comment something. I want to ask you the ones that are actively shitting on Luke consistently if you put all of your life on social media? When your friends are doing phenomenal, do you go to their page and congratulate them consistently? Is Your whole life lived on social media? No right. Social media is a tool used to share bits and pieces of your life. It is a five seconds snapshots of your life. I may like a picture of my friends but then text them or call them and give my congratulations. Or sometimes I like to do it face-to-face. We do know that they are shooting Bridgerton. We do know that Luke and Nicola are probably already shot scenes together. We do know that they have each other cell phone numbers. We do know that they hang out off camera. So why do we think he has not said anything to her? Luke seems to be the type of person that does actions. Like for example Nicholas said that Luke was the first person That wished her happy birthday. That means he beat JVN, JD, Douglas, Camilla. We also know that he gave her a camera that she cherishes. Which shows that he took his time buying that gift. He is a thoughtful person and we know this cuz of nic and jade. So really who is the social media comment for? It's not for Nic because I'm sure he can tell her to her face. No the social media comments are for the fans. That's all we want to see some type of interaction between the two and so we give him shit every time he doesn't comment because we want to see their interactions. I'm gonna say this doesn't owe us anything. He does not owe us a damn thing we did not stick up for him. And how do you know he hasn't thanked her in someway shape or form already in person? We don't know.
There is so much criticism when it comes to Luke. Every little thing he does is criticized to point where he's had to get off of social media or at least limit his interactions and that's because of fans. Luke gave us a phenomenal performance in his role as Colin. Then he gave us six more months worth of tours that we all cherish. What did he do so wrong that he consistently gets hated on? He dated a girl. He should not be held liable for somebody else's decisions and actions. Contrary to what people think Luke cannot control grown people. He cannot control their actions. He cannot control what they post. Yes, he didn't stop being friends with them. But He's also human people. He's known Rory for how long? Years it's not easy to break connections with people. Maybe I give a little grace to people because I am flawed myself, and I would hate to be judged the way that Luke is being judged. Sorry I went out a bit of a rent. It's just people are pissing me off. Thank you for the safe place to speak.
Ok I have to get this off my chest... these are all just my personal feelings/thoughts on all this:
If he did he would have just gotten TONS of hate under his comment… N would have had to clean it up and it would have turned into being about him and not her accomplishment.
I'm pretty certain these two are spending a LOT of time together BTS currently... I'm sure he congratulated her!
Just because he didn't comment on her post doesn't mean he doesn't support her or is happy for her... and guess what, he liked it so the fans knew that. That man ADORES and ADMIRES N, NO ONE can convince me otherwise.
SM is NOT a direct indicator of what is going on BTS. It is such a small part of our lives.
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kitasgloves · 2 days
idk if you’ll see this and it’s low key my first time requesting but like..Dazai and chuuya with orange cat girlfriend?
I'm ready to deliver anon 💪🏻
I've discussed this with a friend before and agreed that NAKAHARA CHUUYA is a Norwegian forest cat. I don't see Chuuya as some sort of guard dog or a chihuahua (it's fucking ridiculous). Sure, he's loyal to the Port Mafia but he's a pretty independent person. Norwegian forest cats are typically aggressive and cautious around strangers but they become affectionate when they get familiar with you. And I think that is very much like Chuuya.
Now, Chuuya with an orange cat gf is an interesting pair. Usually, I view Chuuya as someone who's reserved and can depend on himself, he does not seek chaos nor prefers to get entangled in it, however, you seem to attract trouble wherever you go. Your boyfriend always finds you in ridiculous situations that end up in catastrophe.
You try to cook spaghetti for date night, the kitchen almost sets aflame. Going on a date with him at a restaurant, you two were escorted out for getting into a fight with another couple (Chuuya caught the guy ogling you, got pissed off, and tried to kill him all the while you filmed it instead of prying him off the poor guy). Celebrating your anniversary by going on a romantic camping trip with him, you two ended up getting lost from your tent while getting chased by wolves (don't worry Chuuya saved you).
Your natural curiosity was usually the cause of trouble. You seemed to love to fuck around and find out. You're fortunate that the gravity manipulator adored you or else he would've lost his patience long ago. Chuuya does think that your clumsiness and playfulness add to your charm. You were always so outgoing and bright that it was difficult to resist you.
The mafioso was cautious of you at the beginning. He was closed off and didn't engage with you, since you were just a random civilian and he was part of the Port Mafia. You would always see him at your local stores or even the park just relaxing. However, with your persistence in constantly bothering him, he was starting to see how you genuinely wanted to get along with him. He tries to get to know you while slowly letting his guard down. When he sensed no maliciousness from your intentions, Chuuya felt like he could breathe easily.
The way you tugged on his heartstrings by learning all about his preferences made him think that he had to keep you in his life. The fact that you let him be vulnerable around you solidified the moment that he fell for you. It was a long time before he confessed to you, he was afraid at first considering he has lost a lot of dear people in his life, and he wouldn't want to permanently lose you. But after pondering and mustering enough courage, he confesses to you. Chuuya was bombarded with your sweet and wet kisses all over his face, and it made his insides melt.
There are even moments where you draw out the playful side in him too. Just like cats, you and Chuuya enjoy playing around. I would see you two going on dates that involve extracurricular activities like ice skating/rollerblading, hiking, swimming, etc. I also think Chuuya would love to take you on expensive and fancy dates just to see you dolled up for the occasion. And yes, he loves to spoil you with clothes and jewelry as well.
However, I think he's a bit peeved with your eccentric taste in food combinations or music. The executive spotted you mixing chocolate with pasta (rip Italians) once and he never wanted to talk about it again. You also love sending him weird playlists that have incredibly specific names, nonetheless, he still listens to them during his spare time.
"Babe, what are you doing up there?"
Chuuya peeked up on the tall tree where you were stuck, clinging to one of the branches. You grinned down at your boyfriend. Chuuya sighs.
"You know what, don't explain"
"Catch me!"
"What? ...shit! Wait��!"
Without having enough time to activate his ability, Chuuya ended up getting squished on the pavement by his girlfriend. He groans while he feels your giggling weight on top of him.
"Baby, you could've at least waited until I activated gravity"
"Whoops, sorry. Are you hurt?"
The gravity manipulator shakes his head but you lean down to kiss him, hoping any bit of physical pain would magically go away. This makes Chuuya smile and envelope you in his arms.
"You are one silly girl, [Name]"
"Can you carry me back home?"
You batted your eyelashes at him and you know it's enough for him to yield. Oh, how can he say no to his eccentric but lovable girlfriend?
Okay, we all know and agree with the fact that DAZAI OSAMU is a black cat. He's both weird and mysterious. So, him being paired up with an orange cat gf seems natural. Black cats are perceived as intelligent and aloof so I had a feeling that you met Dazai during his time at the Port Mafia.
You were nothing but a disposable civilian who had a quirky personality. And yet this quirky personality of yours has managed to capture his heart. You always found Dazai in public places (I mean, he's always wearing dark clothes so he was easy to spot), and you often tried to strike up a conversation with him. When you found out about his suicidal tendencies, you didn't mock or scold him. Weirdly enough, you started giving him more unique ideas on how to off himself.
"Try mixing bleach with a milkshake, I heard you wouldn't even taste the bleach"
Dazai suddenly looked at you with glimmering eyes and proposed for you and him to commit double suicide. Shockingly enough, you agree. So, when you both jump into a river and Dazai ends up being alive but you haven't emerged from the water yet, his body turns cold.
"Oh shit"
He starts to frantically search for you in the water. To his relief though, you finally swam up to the surface with...is that a fish in your mouth?
"Look! I caught one while I was at the bottom of the river!"
From that day forward, Dazai has officially fallen for you. However, he doesn't confess his feelings to you yet. It was not until he left the Port Mafia and began working at the Armed Detective Agency. He hasn't seen you ever since but that doesn't mean he doesn't think of you often. He has dreamt of your face with that fish in your mouth.
The moment you reunited with him felt like destiny. He was chasing a criminal down the street with Kunikida when all of a sudden, the criminal got hit by a car. His breath hitched when he saw you stepping out of the car and rushing to see if the criminal you hit was alright. Dazai felt like he was seeing you for the first time again.
You recognized him immediately and called him by his first name, which made his heart flutter. Dazai felt like he couldn't waste another moment without telling you how he felt. So, just like back then, he offers you to jump off into a river like before in another double suicide attempt. This time, he feels glad that both of you emerged from the water.
At that moment he tells you how he loved you then and now. You tackled him into a hug which sent you both plunging into the water again. But you gave Dazai a proper kiss when you two swam back to land.
I have a feeling that Dazai loves to enable your weird behavior. He'd encourage you to try outrageous things like diabolical food combinations or bungee jumping without the rope (he swears he's not trying to kill you, okay?). He doesn't have to stress about you being harassed by other men since your logic is to behave as crazy as possible so you won't get picked on. But if some bastard persists in bothering you, all Dazai has to do is stand menacingly behind you, truly channeling his scary black cat aura. It's enough to send them away while shitting bricks.
I've mentioned before that you give Dazai suicide ideas, it's clear to him now that it's all satirical. However, when you tried to off yourself once (as a joke of course), thinking it would make your boyfriend laugh, instead he firmly grabs you by the shoulders and gazes at you intently with his black eyes that are void of light.
"Don't ever do that again"
He scared you at first and almost made you cry. Dazai felt bad and apologized to you by cuddling you and feeding you your favorite food. As much as the thought of double suicide excites him, the idea of you dying genuinely disturbs him.
Dates with him aren't expensive. He's down with strolling with you on the streets and kissing on sidewalks or going stargazing on the rooftop with your legs dangling on the edge. He adored your jokes and silly pet names that you would call him. He'd pet your head affectionately like a cat.
Dazai would often indulge in your antics. You two enjoy chasing each other all over the house or outside like cats. You love plopping on top of him and rubbing your cheek against his chest. Even though he's on the skinnier side, Dazai is strong enough to support your weight and carry you around. He too enjoys snuggling against you and stealing all your body warmth.
You two were walking home after another double suicide attempt. Both of you were soaking wet from jumping into the river. People gave you and your boyfriend weird looks as you two entered the local fast food. Dazai was fishing his pockets and chuckling before whispering to you.
"Darling, I may have lost my wallet again"
You paused mid-chew on your burger and blinked at Dazai. You smiled reassuringly at him.
"Don't worry I'll pay—"
Your stomach drops when you can't feel your wallet in your pockets. You cast Dazai a look and he immediately knows it. Both of you looked at your surroundings and back towards each other. Immediately, you and Dazai made a run for it, bolting out of the establishment with one of the employees cussing at the two of you. Dazai couldn't be happier and content spending the remainder of his existence with you like this.
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batboyblog · 1 day
The recent Chappell Roan thing is why I absolutely hate the lack of political literacy in this country. Big-name celebrities think they're really cooking when they say "well Kamala still supports blowing up Palestinian babies because she won't cut ties with Israel, so therefore I'm not voting for her and you shouldn't either! Both her and Trump suck so I'm not voting/voting third party!"
Like it or not, Israel is an ALLY of the United States. We CAN'T just cut ties with them unless it's a long drawn-out process, and even then it's probably NEVER going to happen. This is basic shit we learned in social studies, holy shit!
Trump would be so much fucking worse for everyone involved, including Palestine, and not voting or voting third party is pretty much just handing your vote over to Trump due to how voting WORKS in a two-party system dictated by the fucked up electoral college.
This was a long ramble and you've probably gotten similar asks the last few months like this, but fuck, I just have to get this off my chest, and the most recent event with her was like the straw that broke the camel's back. Celebs in general need to shut the fuck up about politics unless they are actually partaking in activism instead of this virtue-signaling bullshit.
Taking things one thing at a time.
I'll admit to having only seen Chappell Roan's final video on the subject, so idk what she said before that (outside of generally)
The two things that really stuck out to me and pissed me off about that live/video was she 1. accused Democrats (she said "the left" but was clearly in context talking about the Democrats) for "transphobic policy" (also genocidal, equally silly) and it was SUCH a groundless lie, such a baseless, stupid, uninformed, silly lie. It'd be like saying "yes the right is bad! but Kamala Harris says she wants to shoot a pony every day of her Presidency and I can't support that!" And to be a Queer artist who's whole thing is centering Queer art, particularly drag who's got a young maybe not very informed queer fan base who's made talking about trans rights your main political thing to just lie about the nature of the threat to trans rights and trans lives at this moment is fucking awful and downright criminal.
Listen right now Republicans are aggressively attacking Democrats on trans rights. Trump went after Harris at their debate for "trans surgeries for illegal aliens in prison!" Republicans are attacking Tim Walz as "tampon Tim" for the idea that he supports trans male students having access to tampons (and other crazy transphobic attacks on him) Republicans are centering transphobia as a main campaign issue, anyone who gives a fuck about trans people in this nation should know Trump and Creepy Vance in charge of the federal government? is the nightmare. You can't claim to care about trans people or be "centering" them and not be doing all you can to stop Republicans at the ballot box this November. And both siding it and saying bullshit that somehow it will be just as bad if Democrats win is not stopping Republicans no matter how you personally vote.
The Second thing in her video that really annoyed me was she said she was voting for Harris but then had a whole word salad about how everyone needed to make up their own minds about who would be best. Basically saying that while she was voting for Harris, a vote for Trump was a reasonable conclusion people could reach. Again if you truly care about the issues she says she cares about, no, you can't vote for Trump. And again to use your platform to push "both sides" is to throw the very people you claim are your brand under the bus in the worst way.
I don't like to throw people under the bus for their family, Tim Walz' brother is a MAGA lunatic for example, but Chappell Roan talked about Republican family that "loved her" and I can't help but wonder if she was thinking of her Republican State Rep uncle, Darin Chappell. Again people can't control family members and I'm not asking anyone to come out and attack their family in public. I'm just wondering if her views on Republicans and finding a middle ground and "they still love me" is colored by Uncle Darin and not understanding he might love her and be proud of her but he still walks into the Missouri state capital and votes for abortion bans and transphobia.
to move onto the meat of your ask which I think is less about Roan in particular and more generalized about a certain type of celebrity and GenZ very on-line types. On the whole Israel-Palestine thing, I think most of the people posting about it know very little or know a lot of misinformation, you every see people boldly posting "I don't need to know everything to know right from wrong!" you run into that a lot. And I'd say yes, you do need to know a lot to comment on a complex multi generational ethnic-political conflict with many state and non-state actors.
Last night JD Vance and Tim Walz had their debate and every time there was an issue, housing costs, medical costs, gun violence, inflation, Vance would move it around to how if we just deported all the immigrants the issue would be fixed, no more drugs no more gun violence, housing would be cheap, just get rid of the people I don't like.
And I see a lot of that with Israel, "Palestine is a climate issue!" "Queer as in Free Palestine!" etc where if we just get rid of Israel it'll all be fixed. Which of course connects to long standing antisemitic ideas about Jews running the world, people happily sub in the word "Israel" or "Zionist" and then repeat the same old racism thats followed the Jews around for 1,000 years.
So long and short I think most people talking about Palestine don't know enough to talk about it, but what's worse don't really care about Palestine at all
I'm reminded here of Trump's "Deal of the Century". Oh? you don't remember it? shocker, in January 2020 Trump released a "peace plan" drawn up with no Palestinians involved, where Israel would be allowed to annex everything in the West Bank it would want, the Jordan Vally cutting Palestine off from Jordan and totally encircling it with Israel. The West Bank would be Swiss cheesed up into little pockets connected by tunnels or overpasses but with Israeli territory running through it everywhere. The Palestinians said "no!" and then Netanyahu claimed that Trump had green lit Israel to annex the land it wanted even without Palestinian agreement to the plan and without giving the Palestinians anything. There was some confusion and thankfully that didn't happen. We may never know the fully story of what stopped it, but I do think Trump agreed to annexing much of the West Bank, but pulled back under pressure from Gulf Arab Oil states who later in 2020 made peace with Israel in the Abraham Accords in an effort to stop Netanyahu's annexation plans.
any ways to point out, 1. Palestine was on the edge of annexation the end of the dream of Palestinian statehood in any meaningful sense, and where were the protests? the encampments? etc? it never comes up, 4 years ago, and all the people who live and breath this stuff never mention it? 2. We have reason to believe Trump signed off on a far-right government of Israel annexing much of the West Bank, his "peace plan" abandoned the outlines that American Presidents since Bill Clinton set forward for getting a Palestinian state on 95+% of the West Bank in favor of "what does the Israeli right want?" and again no one is talking about it in the context of this election, we know what he'll do, because he's done it before.
but again its not really about the Palestinians, its not about building a Palestinian state, its "get rid of Israel" and then what? what happens to the 9 million people who live in Israel? and people don't have a realistic answer, because its a political fantasy that if they just do X everything will magically get better, even on totally unrelated issues.
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defire · 2 days
Why I like tormenting the funny ones
(kidnapped whumpee vibes)
They start off making jokes. Watching their face fall into terror as whumper approaches with a knife
The disbelief the first time. "Wait, you're not gonna, wait, wait!" Wriggling away as far as they can in their restraints.
More denial, calling for help way too much until whumper gets fed up and gags them
After holding in a scream of pain and keeping it down to harsh grunting, making a snarky remark. "Is that the best you can do, sweetheart?"
After said snarky remark, whumper turns with that "you did not just say that to me." Face. And whumpee turns away and forces a chuckle, knowing it's about to get 10 times worse.
The groan that they try to make sound like laughter.
Reflexive/compulsive joking that they can't stop, it's a trauma response. And it pisses whumper off. *Cue whumper trying to beat it out of them*
"Shit, whumper, don't kill me all at once." Whumper, picking up a whip. "I warned you not to say one more word."
Whumper torturing them with exquisite slowness so they can watch whumpee's face go from forced smile, to red, swollen-faced breath holding as they try not to cry
"I'm sorry," laughing nervously at first. Changing to crying and begging, "whatever I did, I'm sorry, please!!"
When they're so defeated, panting hoarsely after so much screaming, and they stop smiling. Not daring to speak, even to look at whumper.
Or as they raise their head cautiously, whumpee just stares at whumper, lips quivering, hanging onto the last of their sanity by a thread.
Whumper leaving and whumpee just crumples to the floor, hand over their face, grimacing as they try to recover
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