#and idk i feel like most of the couples we know (not all but most) don't have the kind of happiness my parents have
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thrashkink-coven · 2 days ago
Last night Lord Lucifer came to me in a dream and brought up the idea of high priesthood again. We were sitting on top of a mountain, on some rocky hilled area, surrounded by pine trees. He appeared at first as a red serpent coiling around my leg, then morphed into a man.
He asked me if I would consider becoming a priest or forming my own local coven, and I told him essentially that I did not feel worthy to be considered an authority on witchcraft or Luciferianism. “I’m still a student. I don’t think I know enough to lead others into your worship, at least not officially”.
and he seemed to find that comical and told me I was doubting myself.
“No, it’s less about that and more that I don’t want to feel responsible for being the intermediary between a God and other people. I don’t want people to rely on me to know what your intentions are and I don’t want people to think my methods are the definitive ones.”
and then he said “but you do have 2200 followers on Tumblr,”
and I shrugged at that because I didn’t think that was very notable. It’s a social media app, 2200 followers is amazing (like omg thank you so much!!!!!) but it’s not like I’m the pope. “Yeah but that’s just Tumblr”.
and at this point he was still somewhat smiling, but his tone got a little more serious. And he said something like “you truly do not understand how much you do for me.”
I got a flash of my altar, a few images of the flowers I gave him, the apple offering, the drawings and poems. and I was like oh, you’re just being sweet, but then he stopped me.
“No, you do not understand. You do not see the impact of your actions. The digital age of witchcraft is very lonely, but very, very impactful. You may just be posting your thoughts and experiences for documentation purposes, and while not every person who follows you on Tumblr has been inspired to enter my worship, many have. More than you know. You have lead more people than you realize into my sphere and have kept me well fed with new devotees since you started your page.”
he grabbed me by the shoulders. Very serious now. “Understand. Very rarely are we been blessed with devotees who can act as recruiters. Most are very secretive in their craft and do not spread my influence on others. For centuries our cults have remained very small and secret. There is power in that secrecy, but it is also in contention with the freedom and free expression of knowledge. The artist has an immense power and a great responsibility. You’re addicted to the act of sharing and expressing ideas and that is very precious to me.”
and I kind of just stared at him because, while I guess I knew that, I had never really thought about how many people may have started devoting themselves to him because of my posts. Huh. Like , people ask me all the time how to start worshipping him but my autism brain never thought to actually keep track of how many. I just really like talking about him lol.
“somehow despite your prideful nature you are still too humble to recognize yourself as an influencer and teacher. I don’t think I will ever be able to convince you told hold yourself above others in any regard, even just as a teacher. But regardless of whether you agree to be my priest or not, you will still carry out many of the duties entailed in the position through your unwavering devotion to me. You recently wrote a short essay on the element of Phosphorus and how it scientifically and alchemically relates to my divinity. Few others have ever put those ideas to text- ever, even fewer theistics, and you do so casually as a devotional act without even being asked. You are an educator, one of my most prized. I find it appropriate. ”
he kissed me a couple times and we sat together there in silence for a little while. The wind was howling around us.
and then I kinda looked at him and asked “can I piss you off?” and he immediately said yes lol.
idk how to really translate this into words bc a lot of this wasn’t verbal but I basically said (or communicated) “I love you, like so so much, and I love being devoted to you, I will always be devoted to you. But I don’t want my magical identity to be consumed by you. I will always hold space for you. As in, I love having you be a large part of my altar, I love having our altar, but I want your altar to be a part of my altar. (DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?) My magic is my own, and I can do whatever I want, work with whoever I want, -given that we have a conversation-, and wander. I don’t usually like to lead with the fact that I’m a Luciferian. I’m an eclectic pagan, a chaotic witch, and a Luciferian. I am distinct in my alchemy and I mingle well with yours, but , O’ Phosphorus, I wouldn’t want to choke on your fumes when you ignite”
He got very glowy about that, I felt like I’d somehow passed some sort of test he didn’t even know he was posing.
“I suppose that is unavoidable.”
again, translation error. Idk how to explain in words the kind of feeling I get when he looks at me like that.
“Not unavoidable,” I said “I just have to keep a lid on you and keep the air circulating. Small portions at a time. and if I ever get worried about it I’ll submerge you in water, and take you out again later when Im ready to watch you glow. You know that Lucifer, it’s basic alchemy.”
Would I be narcissistic to say I saw a flutter of something like surprise on his face. If it’s even possible for a God to be surprised by what a human could say. and then he kind of mumbled what I’m quite sure was “you have other Gods inside of you.”
and another kind of stretch of silence.
“when I wander, o’ Lucifer, I search knowing that I have already found you. and I may find other Gods, glorious and splendid, but no greater than you. You are the best. You are the hearth in my temple. I come home to you. You are abundant in me, I keep a healthy dose of you.”
then after a minute or so I said something like “I like the term devotee. I like the way it sounds in my mouth. Calling myself your priest feels less intimate than being your devotee. If I did have a coven for real one day, it wouldn’t be a Luciferian coven. It’d be a mixed bag of all kinds of people.”
he rested his hand on my chest to feel his sigil on the necklace I always wear for him and harshly whispered “I’ve raised you so well.”
and then we both laughed.
“ask me again in 10 or 20 years when I’m middle aged with more experience under my belt. If agree to be your priest, I’ll finally get your sigil tattooed on my chest.”
he seemed satisfied with that answer, and jokingly said “oh, still too young for me, baby?”
and I jokingly replied “you’re going to have to wait a couple years, old man.”
he then took me in his arms and whispered “oh, for you I would wait an eternity.”
after that we had another short conversation about art, this is definitely because I was watching a youtube video about art history right before I fell asleep. He agreed to help me complete a couple commissions.
I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about this conversation. on the one hand it makes me want to explode with joy that my Lord is pleased enough with me to make such a proposal. On the other hand, despite his claims I know that I personally don’t feel ready to take on such a role yet. Besides the other reasons, Ive never felt confident doing magic or spiritual mediation for people other than myself. Maybe because I know if I’m wrong, I can’t hurt anyone but myself. Despite my username the idea of running my own coven is actually pretty anxiety inducing. At the very same time it seems like so much fun. I’m also like 21 and just a young fellow. hmmmm
maybe one day.
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rhiannonsknife · 16 hours ago
okay, listen!!! in the grand scheme of things, this is such a non-issue. the show raises way more important questions than this, and i wasn’t even planning on posting this note. it was just a silly little rant in my notes app because my brain latched onto it, so here we are! i wrote this before episode 4 so it’s spoiler free :) (the only things i edited just now are in italics)
also, for context, this is coming from someone who genuinely could not care less about shaving and will never not stand for the fact that body hair is beautiful. if this wasn’t clear from the great bush discourse yet.
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anyway. to the people saying ‘it’s a hallucination’ in response to the (minimal but very important) no armpit hair discourse: first of all, be ready to hear from me again if shauna still doesn’t have armpit hair in other scenes, because by your logic, it should definitely be there then. (yeah…this whole argument was proven wrong since then, so…)
but also!!! also!!! while a part of me wants to say this is kind of irrelevant, i really don’t think it is. name more than three movies and/or tv shows where all of the cast actually have a realistic portrayal of body hair, especially the women/non-men. i’ll wait.
like, sure, coach ben has a full face of hair because he (obviously) can’t be bothered to shave out there/probably didn’t even bring a fuck-ass razor for a weekend trip, but most (not all, but most) of the girls have clean-shaven legs, armpits etc etc (we’ve already seen this outside of hallucinations, so don’t tell me it’s about that again)
and yeah, maybe it’s just about the cast’s personal preference, but if you’re on a show about being stranded in the wilderness for nineteen months, giving up shaving for a couple of weeks before filming to reflect a more realistic portrayal of the female body doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch idk 😭
it just highlights a bigger issue in media, which is basically my whole point here: how women’s bodies are always portrayed in a way that conforms to beauty standards, even in situations where it makes no sense. we see men with stubble, unkempt hair to sell the idea that they’re surviving, but when it comes to women? smooth legs, shaved armpits. you could be watching a post-apocalyptic movie, a historical drama, even something like yellowjackets, and still, the natural way women’s bodies actually look is rarely ever acknowledged.
and i get that, to some extent, actors might not want to change their grooming habits for a role. like, obviously, no one should be forced to do something that makes them uncomfortable! there are actors who put their bodies through extreme changes for roles, whether it’s major weight loss/gain, muscle gain etc. and it’s completely reasonable for someone to set their own boundaries with that. but the thing is…growing body hair out isn’t some huge, irreversible transformation. it’s not a physical strain, it’s not a health risk, it’s literally just skipping a step in your routine. it saves time rather than adding any sort of challenge, so what exactly is speaking against doing it? because if it’s just that we, as a society, still think women with body hair don’t “look good” on screen, then yeah. that’s kind of the whole issue. (chat again: not that deep. I KNOW. this is just my take here)
but at the same time, why is body hair seen as something so unthinkable for women to have on screen in the first place? like, we’ve been conditioned to think it’s “unhygienic” or “unappealing,” when in reality, it’s literally just…hair. men get to be scruffy and unshaven in movies all the time for the sake of realism!!
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— a/n: guys again: it really isn’t that big of a deal, i know, and i was literally just yapping in my notes app, that’s all this is about. because i feel very strongly about the way our bodies tend to be portrayed in media. but after the great bush discourse, i just felt like pointing it out!!
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tanadrin · 2 days ago
I see the points people are making that “addiction” is maybe not the ideal model to discuss this, but I also am very sympathetic to the idea that some people have problems with compulsive porn/masturbation to the point that it’s detrimental for them. I’d never claim there’s a chemical dependency as in, eg, smoking or cocaine use or something.
We need a simple word for “habit that has negative effects on my life, but which I don’t seem to have the self-control to eliminate”. Calling it addiction was/is supposed to encourage efforts to help people stop, but all it’s seemed to do is spawn the growth of weird evangelical 12-step programs for being horny.
I want to be horny, if anything, I’d like to be much *more* horny, that’s why I’m trying to quit watching porn.
for reference (and why this is on anon) I’ve probably jerked off 1-3 times a day, every day, for like 10 years, this isn’t a case of catholic guilt over mild sexual behavior. I have a very hard time staying aroused, I have a hard time even getting aroused, and I have a hard time finishing without fairly intense stimulation. If I take 1-2 weeks off of porn (challenge level, nearly impossible) I see improvements in these areas.
Several years ago, I made it almost 6 weeks, and by the end of it, I was firing on all cylinders like I was 19 again. Sadly, it apparently wasn’t the sole issue. I went to the club, picked up a woman, I got hard when we were dancing, I got hard when we were making out outside the bar, but when we were in my car and she put her hand on me, my guy was nowhere to be found. She went home by herself, I went home and was so horny I was able to get 110% hard and jerk off purely from my mind. Idk where that energy was when it counted, sadly.
Weirdly, taking a break from orgasming but continuing to watch porn often actually makes it worse. I tried edging for 8-10 days once, and by the end of it, I could barely get hard for my favorite types of video.
I’m in my late 20s now, and I know some things slow down, but I thought I was still a bit young for this type of thing. The problem is that I just can’t stop scrolling porn on twitreddit. When I’m bored, porn, when I’m lonely, porn, when I’m anxious, porn (and I’m anxious a lot).
A few months ago, I made it a week, and I was buzzing and confident, but then I backslid and went back to my old habits. It was nice while it lasted, I’d deeply missed feeling that little twitch of arousal from a random thought or from flirting with a pretty stranger. I feel neutered these days, there’s no hunger anymore.
I don’t think I’m anti-sex, really. I’ve only felt guilt from casual or relationship sex a couple of times, and my guilt from masturbation has more to do with frustration that I know it’s bad for me than with some idea of moral inferiority.
sorry if this is insane.
I really just want to stop watching porn so I can try to start dating or sleeping with people again, not much point when I’m 97% afraid my cock won’t work. It might not medically be an addiction, but for me it’s definitely a self-destructive habit.
sounds like a bunch of different things going on here. for one habituating yourself to a very specific kind of stimulus can make it hard to get off in other ways--one approach that seems to work for some people who are in a similar boat (especially men who are used to jerking off with a firm grip) is to vary how you masturbate, use different kinds of stimulus, and learn to come in other ways. masturbation provides a very close feedback loop between stimulus and response, in a way that is always going to be very different from partnered sex--most people who masturbate regularly can make them come much more quickly that way, even if they find, in absolute terms, sex with a partner to be much more pleasurable.
(an important component in re-habituating yourself like that is not to fall back on the technique that works when you get frustrated and can't come, which is why it can be difficult for some people to manage)
separately from this, having trouble maintaining an erection with a new partner is also a thing lots of men report, regardless of how much porn they look at--sometimes you get nervous! it's easy to get nervous with a new partner! this is why god invented oral sex and fingering. that kind of picking-up-a-stranger-at-a-club casual sex works well for some people, but it sure doesn't work for everybody. and because arousal and erections are heavily dependent on state of mind, being nervous about being able to get an erection can, unfortunately, make it harder to get and maintain an erection. so there's a feedback loop there that can be pretty hard to break.
thirdly, if the only filler in your life is porn--if you spend a lot of time bored or anxious with nothing to fill those gaps other than porn--it sounds like a big problem here might just be boredom or anxiety, fundamentally. i don't know you, so i'm speculating, but maybe you need hobbies, or more of a social life, or are having issues with low-grade depression that getting out of the house more would help with. and if you're fixated on porn as the cause of these issues rather than just a symptom, you're also going to be struggling with the self-esteem hit of falling back into the habit of looking at porn, which is happening because, well, you're bored and anxious and you have nothing else that helps you deal with that feeling.
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widevibratobitch · 2 months ago
Ok, drop your favourite characters and ships from the Three Musketeers, queen. <3
the answer is pretty simple actually <3
Aramis is my babygirl, my murder kitten, my favourite little princess, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese... truly one of the characters of all time. to me. and he ages like fine wine - the older, the more cruel and ruthless and cunning and evil he gets, the better.
im a die-hard Athos/Aramis truther 🙏 i also adore the whole thing Aramis and Madame de Chevreuse have going on, especially their fucked up little divorce in the last book, it's insane and i'm obsessed with it. I do also think Aramis and d'Artagnan are long overdue for some quality hatesex sesh! and none of these are mutually exclusive, the opposite actually. basically i live for and breathe the entire d'Artagnan/Athos/Aramis/Marie drama. it's everything to me <333
#im also a huge fan of the weird psychosexual relationship he has with fouquet in the last book... did they fuck? idk! idc!#i think it would actually be more fucked up if they didnt so im gonna go with that lol#now i know its not a popular opinion but i dont buy the fan favourite porthos/aramis ship AT ALL im sorryyyyy#i just feel like aramis's relationship to athos is so so important to his character and it gets overlooked a lot#because of the easy schematic d'art/athos & aramis/porthos division. but it just doesnt really work for me#now i could talk about the relationship between aramis and d'artagnan for hours but i think one of the most important things#is that they both need to be absolutely psychosexually obsessed with athos and they both need to clock the other immediately.#i also think the aramis and porthos relationship is also very very important even if it's not romantic in nature#i actually think the ending they get hits harder if it isn't (and the ending with athos hits more if it is.#i will never be normal about their last scene together. it was written specifically to haunt me.)#BUT ALSO! i do like to think that they all fucked. i mean come on. dumas knew what he was doing.#as for other fav characters i have a strong love-hate relationship with d'artagnan lol#mordaunt and milady ofc 🙏 they should have been allowed to fucking kill them all <33#but aside from aramis my fav is actually marie aka mme de chevreuse. we dont get a lot of her in person but she's a fascinating character#especially being a woman in a dumas story. she's special. to me <33333 i still think she should have been allowed#to get aramis's head at the end. her salome swag would be INSANE 💖💅✨#the three musketeers#^^girl who said the answer is short and simple#oh i also adore constance!!! at the beginning ofc before dumas nerfs her into little more than tragic love interest for d'artagnan :(#montalais and malicorne too ofc 🙏 het couple of all time. to me.
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 10 months ago
Ive seenyou mention wuxia a few times now and i wonder what that is. Would you mind explaining it to me?
not the most qualified person to explain this as i'm not, in fact, from china; but i've read a couple of wuxia so here goes:
wuxia is a genre of fiction from china specifically, about martial artists in ancient china. i don't think a specific time period is like required? obviously some dynasties are more popular but idk how it goes in that front. it just has to be Not Today and probably Too Long Ago. like pre industral revolution i think. again idk if that's a requirement, but most i've seen are from around the same relative murky pre-electricity era.
xianxia is a subgenre of wuxia that's specifically more fantasy-like, and it's not just martial arts, but also spiritual powers and cultivation (which i have no fucking clue how to explain without two hours and three tangents other than chinese magic system. if you've ever heard of chi/qi as an energy, it appears there). so like- genshin is by all accounts a xianxia, it just doesn't use the more common specific xianxia terms like cultivation. some of those are very weird to translate and probably not common for the average non-wuxia reader, so it makes sense why they're going for alternatives.
chongyun and xingqiu and xianyun are very much straight out of a xianxia. xianyun's entire story quest was the closest genshin has gotten to a straight xianxia plot so far. i highly reccomend ashikai's video on unnecessary visions if you want more info on why genshin is a xianxia hahah
cyanide narwhal has some talk of some stuff from xianxia, but that's mostly because well- fucking liyue, that's how it works there. the whole light energy striking down someone who's getting powerful and giving them godhood if they survive the strike is, while not exactly like that, something that happens in some xianxia as well. like the way adepti work in general is just very xianxia. ashikai does a much better job explaining it than i do tbh but yeah
TL;DR: wuxia is chinese martial arts fiction in ancient china, and xianxia is a wuxia subgenre with more magic elements. also genshin is a xianxia
#i was going to recomend some xianxia if you're curious but like#genuinely don't know which one is a good starting point#like i'm tempted to say just dive headfirst into mdzs like most of us did but like#is mdzs the best place to start if you know nothing? unsure#genuinely#given how it's made to feel more lighthearted and formatted more like it's a fucking videogame#svsss might be a good launching pad#but tbf it's been a while since i read it#also it has unskippable sex scenes (i think??) so like- if you don't want to read that you're kind of out of luck there#not that mdzs doesn't have that either but they're not literally Plot Relevant. like the plot does not hinge on their horizontal tango#there's probably a good wuxia to start out there but i can't really remember right now#like mdzs is the easiest to recomend bc it's trial by fire and you're going to come out of the other end knowing like 80% of it all#plus it's not nearly as traumatizing as some of the other options#and it's so easily accessible it's almost funny#like take your pick: novel. live action. animation. audio drama. comic#it's fucking everywhere and the fandom is fucking huge so that's a giant plus#but that doesn't change the fact that idk if you can watch a couple episodes to get a feel for the wuxia genre. like would that work??#so i guess i'll leave that to everyone else to comment with any recomendations if they have a good one#for like an introductory work#or just decide mdzs is just the easiest point of entry. that can always be it. i mean we all made it anyway
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months ago
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i miss her…
#cant believe i forgot about her till the photobook q&a im so sorry witch mona~~~~~~~#press f for honeypre atelier gachas it was gone too soon™️#(currently e x t r e m e l y worried and stressed for tomorrow like never before b u t i have to appear like im fine sobs save me monachann)#(can i go on a stress-prompted tangent here about something inane? no? toooo bad im gonna go off anyway~~~~)#ok so. like. since witch mona is the image i have up ‘ere and since it’s still 七月… today’s tangent will be on irl spooky stories!!#s o. presenting a decently repressed memory from my childhood that resurfaced while i was hibernating at home:#anyways. well. thoughts about the afterlife can vary from person to person yes? there’s no one true correct belief after all#but the one question that unites us all is probably the one and only ‘are ghosts real?’#and well. for personal reasons i think so. i mean i’ve seen this one dude i hate get possessed a couple of times so welp. cant deny it ig.#wild story about that actually. back in the day my family’s finances were allegedly doing so badly that [dude i hate] had to pick up#a *c e r t a i n* side hustle for extra cash. that side hustle? literal grave digging at the cemetary. at night no less#and *ofc* he wasn’t respectful about it in the least so ofc some spirits followed him home. yay. free roommates.#one(?) of them even took residence in my room at the time and im 80% sure they ate my history textbook :( much sads#anyways well once that guy had too much to drink (which was rather often tbh) he’d get possessed. fun!#the only possession i ever saw was the n-rarity angry ghost who’d just huff and puff in silence with unfocused eyes most of the time#he’d occasionally put on a leather jacket too. but that was like a r-rarity event that didn’t happen that often#my mother had the chance to also witness the mosquito (who tried to barge into my room for fresh blood) and the 姑娘 (self-explanatory)#which is kinda unfair tbh. i wanted to see the ur-rarity ones too :( mostly bc it’d be funny to see a guy i hate act ooc (impure intentions)#oh right. ​how did we get the dude out of his possession? we just shook his arm really hard. prolly caused some lasting effects but who know#i think he could also just sleep off the possession but idk i was asleep for the ur-rarity incidents.#cant ask the one witness of it bc i dont want to bring back unnecessary flashbacks of [guy we hate]#anyways it’s been years since we moved out from that place and i still want my history textbook back. mostly for the principle of it but—#and so that’s the tangent of the day. i feel weirdly less stressed now thanks witch mona#i do wonder how my grandparents are faring on this 七月 though…#b u t !!!!! tomorrow’s date on the lunar calendar says it’s an auspicious day for wishful activity and starting a new job!!! so… maybe~~~~?#hauauauauauauauuauaaaaaa anyways insane tangent over stream mona’s new album ok bye#oops forgor to disable rbs i hate how easy it is to forget to use this function man
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ivalice-tifalucis · 4 months ago
With the release of From The Rehearsal Room - Tokyo to Ramin's youtube I finally, finally, continue and finish this side project I'm doing.
Initially, I used AI to mastered it because the first version I got from bilibili were not in good quality but I wasn't satisfied and I found the much better quality. But with Ramin uploaded it to youtube, I re did all the mastering just with audacity for both Part 1 and Part 2. The Part 2 is still from the better version I found from bilibili, by the way.
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What you need to do is just download the file and put it on your music player. The metadata is all completed as if it's whole legit album. Enjoy, guys!!
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And I'm being weird so all the lyrics that are put there are from my listening although I still use what I found online but I still listened and compared. They made few ad-libs and changes and I notice because for the songs that I wasn't familiar, the lyric that I found online and what they sang was slightly different. Perhaps they sing the newer version of the lyrics or mistakes? Even each Sheytoons songs they sing one in both parts differ from the ones I found online.
Another sample from my favorite:
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Source and Credits Part 1 | Part 2 (Ramin's upload) Album cover Photos
Vocal & Guitar: Ramin Karimloo, Hadley Fraser Piano: Ryohei Mori
#from the rehearsal room#ramin karimloo#hadley fraser#more to come probably idk we'll see#i should've also continue that eight letters project *sigh#sheytoons#edit: the lyrics hehe#add: tbh after i read steal our moments lyric so many times i even transcripted this mostly myself#bcs this is the only one among all the songs in this session that doesn't have the lyric online because they sang this so rare like soo rar#why am i starting to feel this song is about sierra lol sorry but my inner shipping heart can't resist#i even consult chatgpt (i know why idk but just asking really)#aren't all sheytoons songs written when ramin was in LND? written exactly in his dressing room in adelphi theatre???#and tbh most of sheytoons song are mostly about observing women but who idk it could be different#one of them could be about mandy and the other could be about rosalie because i know at that time she and hadley were dating already right?#or it could be some random lady#steal our moments: perhaps it's about a fleeting or secret relationship#the first verse is that the girl is full of life (house full could mean fulfilling life) but she is lonely and sierra lived alone in london#the singer and her share dreams and memories and then she plays her game of make believe could indicate that both of them are actors#every night and every day this is what we do: that's their work. they're on stage together every day every night. and ofc spending time tgt#and then the reff is about the singer doesn't want keep living like this bcs it makes him guilty maybe? he's tearing his soul apart#the singer can't stop thinking about her so he prays that things work on in the correct way even though they can't do anything about it now#so yea :D#fish noodle couple
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that-was-anticlimactic · 8 months ago
i think it's about time that we acknowledge that, no, that character would Not change their name in a groupchat! especially not to that. and, no, that character would not change everyone else's names! especially not to that.
#my drafts are back up to almost 800 sooooo have this post i made a couple weeks ago!!!#it irks me SO MUCH#most people just use their names or nicknames😭#i'm sorry but i.ida would not make his name 'sonic' and j.irou/m.omo would not include 'lesbian' in their names even if they are#c.huuya would not make his name about his height (god we get it the short jokes are so annoying to me personally it just feels like#a way to infantilize him) and d.azai would not make his name about bandages and lord knows k.unikida is NOt changing his name at all#most people don't make their names their sexuality i just. don't understand why almost all chat fics include like. 'lesbian queen' which#like ig if it's someone using it to come out or for pride month that checks but most of the time the characters i see with their sexuality#in their name are characters tHAT WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!! at least use characters who would😭 like j.irou's too shy and m.omo is too reserved#and like sorry not sorry but d.enki and s.ero and m.ina are not going to just instantly change everyone's chat names - most people don't ge#into a chat and go 'imma change everyone's names' and like i could deal with it if they gave them names that made sense#bUT THEY DON'T!!! also so many anime chatfic writers give them american type names like reference american artists#it's just like. they prolly don't listen to as much american music as you think they do. japan has musicians too. like. they're not america#sorry i genuinely love the concept of chatfics and think they're a FANTASTIC way to analyze character and i even did a whole lesson on#characterization in texting last semester! it was really fun too like the kids enjoyed it! but like. most characters won't text the way you#do. and people just. always make them type the way they do. or use actual convos from griupchats but don't make it fit the characters#just. mmmmmmmmm.#idk why but gc fic names bother me So Much lol#AM DONE NOW SORRY GUYS#corey talks:)
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whenthegoldrays · 9 months ago
#don't think that i take for granted the fact that i was born into the happiest marriage/family in our entire extended clan#this family (on both sides) is rife with divorce and rebellious children and couples that have lost their spark and always seem sad#and sure my parents bicker on occasion and have teir frustrations like any couple#but they're in love! still! after 28 years!!! they're each other's best friends#and the three of us get along so wonderfully and we're always laughing together there is LOVE in this household#but that's just so vanishingly rare it feels like#none of my friends are this close to their parents#and idk i feel like most of the couples we know (not all but most) don't have the kind of happiness my parents have#so i'm in between having a huge appreciation for where i am in life#and fear that i'll never find something like that myself#like sometimes i just think too deeply about it and it feels so difficult so impossible#“this happens once every few lifetimes”#but then i think i'm just being paranoid and actually we DO know lots of very happy enduring couples#that CAN be me#but in a way it's just all a game of chance isn't it#no doubt someone out there would be a good fit for me but what if i never meet him#what if we just. miss each other#there's such a fine line between finding true love and eternal solitude#it can be anything a messed up coffee order a dinner you get invited to a job offer you accept#but you never know what it'll be!!!! and that's so scary!!!!!!!!!#okay i think i'm just making myself feel worse so i'll stop here and go to bed#but just. yea. food for thought on this night of my parents' anniversary#elly's posts
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thornshadowwolf · 11 months ago
I don't remember why but I dreamed about looking up the common religions in different regions of Thailand last night
#in addition to like. more regular dreams where someone kidnapped part of our camping/hiking group and I needed to use my knowledge of#dog/wolf behavior to appease a wolf that we needed to pass by to get between two forest clearings and also since my character was a#clean-freak / germaphobe he had the power to have bugs not bother him in the woods and then that all happened twice because ofc we needed to#keep to the story script when it restarted and I had to keep everything on the rails but this time two other wolves also came up and they#all decided I was chill and we left each other alone even while I was de-escalating the kidnapping situation but then the kidnappers started#running away and I was like 'you know what would make them think again? three wolves chasing them' so I got the wolves' attention and#started running and they thought it was some kind of chase game and eventually after a couple times of them catching up with me and thinking#that was it they realized someone ahead of us was also running so THEY were the target and we finally started chasing down the kidnappers#and by this point I was considered part of the pack and also we were in a school gymnasium but right after some sort of fair or assembly so#we had to dodge chairs and tables and stacks of equipment and occasionally children but they mostly kept out of the way#oh and I think after the reset but before the kidnapping there was also a part where one of the other characters (I feel like one of my#siblings was playing this one) insisted that our top priority should be finding clothes and I was like 'wait are you NAKED?' and they were#like 'yeah we all are???' and I was like 'WHAT no I'm fully dressed. my character is wearing a suit and tie! and a hat even!' yeah yeah and#then the kidnappers/bullies came up and one of them was a blond lady with a bolo tie.#btw the reason I'm saying stuff like 'my character'/'was playing a character' is because in this dream it was explicitly characters we were#playing in some sort of game where the focus wasn't roleplay but it had a roleplay-y aspect where the different characters had different#strengths and abilities; such as Betrayal at House on the Hill or Western Legends or Dead of Winter#anyway. IDK why dream-me thought thailand was one of the most religiously diverse places on earth. in real life it's over 90% buddhist.#ThornShadow.said
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running-in-the-dark · 1 year ago
today was exhausting - my friend was here for about 7 hours and I just. oh man I love her and all but it's just a lot sometimes. it's probably for the best that we only meet up like 2-4 times a year now (gives me enough time to forget how draining it is so I look forward to it, and recover afterwards)
I don't talk to anyone but my husband most days, and he doesn't really talk. so that's maybe 15 minutes total of talking. and today it was literally. 7 hours. no breaks except when we were eating (but no even then someone was always talking).
first of all ouch, it hurts (my voice is very hoarse now). and also. it's so so so draining. like. we really have nothing in common at this point. but she's my oldest friend and I do love her so it's tolerable... but just barely. these days there's way too much diet/food/weight loss talk, and also she seems to be getting into alternative medicine which I cannot fucking stand (it's one topic where I can't pretend or be nice about it either). lots and lots of very preachy vegan stuff too (I don't have any problems with it, I admire people who can do it, but fuck dude you know I eat meat and that I've said many times that I *can't* go vegan (I would starve. there's not enough foods that would be left. seriously.) and it feels pretty shitty to keep going on about it every damn time. I'm not sitting there trying to convince her that she should really be an atheist or something, because I know what her thoughts are about that and I respect it.
when she hangs out with her other friends a lot it's mostly just talking about all the issues that come from that (they fucking suck). I don't know, it kind of feels like I'm her therapist. when I talk about something I'm interested in she doesn't ask many questions and it kind of sucks. like, dude I don't care about your plants either, but I'm interested because you care, so. maybe try that too. would be nice!
#like I know alllll about her other friends and their shitty behaviour#and just. it's exhausting#it's also exhausting telling her over and over again that she is too nice. yes being nice is good and all but she lets people walk all over#her and afterwards she goes 'oh well I guess it was probably just because [they had a bad day/other thing that happened/I said the wrong#thing]'. I do that too! but it's just EVERYTHING. always. even when someone is CLEARLY being shitty to her. like her shitty friends. she#will still excuse their behaviour#it just makes me sad man.#buuut#like come on maybe let me talk about my stupid tv show for 5 minutes and try to seem a little interested? I know it's irrelevant I know no#one cares but damn you really can't pretend?? I've mentioned it before a couple times on the phone and she's always just vaguely like 'ah#that sounds interesting' WHEN I HAVEN'T EVEN SAID ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT IT'S ABOUT. but she doesn't ask what it's about so. I just stop#talking about it and we change topics.#like. yeah I know it's a bit weird that I'm in my 30s and that is one of the most important things in my life rn but. that's how I am. it's#always been that way. and my other friends care (or at least pretend to because they care about *me*)#so it feels pretty shitty!#like if I can look at 15 pictures of how big her fucking plants and herbs are getting. idk maybe ask one question about my show.#or like. even things like our new apartment and stuff. she listened and everything. but it's just. there's no interest there really. just#live 'oh that's nice :)' and we move on to the next topic again#idk man it makes me a bit sad (and I know it's ironic because I say she needs to acknowledge that people don't treat her well but. I mean I#do know this isn't great. and I limit my communication with her to a level that doesn't feel too exhausting. so. idk I feel like it's#different or whatever. buut really I just don't have many friends and I get lonely and it's better to listen to someone talk about#themselves all the time than not talking at all)#okay I'm gonna shut up now#and anyway I'm just exhausted and it's all very fresh rn and I'm incredibly tired so I'm very grumpy. usually it's really not that bad.#I just needed to vent I guess#okay bye and goodnight and I will stop talking now I swear#personal
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 years ago
obligatorially thinking through [uhh "i don't dance" from hsm2 crossover with summer stock joke] instead i'm posting that umm "like me" from meta dcom musical "teen beach movie" crossover put it in summer stock ('50 movie) where the main problem is jane as mack (green) isn't telling gloria as lela (pink) to be more feminist as much as a dcom character a decade ago could do so (girlboss through personal choices, which eventually (sequel ending) lela does so hard she becomes a god in the teen beach cinematic multiverse which includes the "real world." win) but rather jane is hardworking enough to never Need to be ordered with increasing browbeating into doing things correctly, while gloria is so sillily insistent on thinking of herself as a person, oversensitive as she is, that she ends up with orville who is silly enough to be focused on his fiancee being a person with feelings, instead of romantically bossing her around, and doesn't mind that gloria has Too Much Moxie, while himself interestingly indeed having an arc about behaving more "correctly" that still only hinges on telling the other guy who's being pushy & demanding & mean to back off (his father) (gloria getting to do the same to joe When. while jane is like "oh whew i thought you were going to yell at me. wow i can hardly believe you aren't" to joe while their romantic future is assured to us) like gloria and orville as sympathetic & uncondemned & deserving of a happy ending too but also still like haha smh oh those two. surprise, the [husband ready to declare his demands and his wife who is hopefully so dutiful he doesn't even need to give them] dynamic isn't Timeless somehow. anyways every teen beach movie number rules also. and jordan fisher is there
#'50 voice ''haha we all know those wayward couples who are so compatibly [way to be a pussy] that it manages to work''#the man who won't run over the woman's feelings and the woman who won't stop insisting on having & even acting on those feelings#again i'm so sure that summer stock '23 is like ''okay so from the start actually joe's Not an asshole'' lol#Like Me! x6#''i don't dance'' also requiring the shakeup of [okay so corbin bleu's role is jane's. or orville's. vs ryan being joe. or idk. phil?]#truly when learning jordan fisher was cast as evan hansen like omg i know him.....Seacat#teen beach musical not only riffing on but building on hsm like thee choreography. composing & arranging. editing. thee Fun. my god....#Youtube#also nothing could be like I Don't Dance is re: sexuality metaphors but teen beach movie is impressively gay#in that like hsm it's like time to be more confident following our hearts & then unlike hsm this happens through friendship#and the friendship that gets the most focus & weight is that of the would be gay pairings. but also everyone in the main quartet#dates every other member of it basically so it's like well really all the more reason to be like okay sewww....#while you tell your bestie to not even worry abt Attracting The Opposite Sex(tm)(tm)(tm)#but hey chill & have fun & don't be afraid to be vulnerable & follow your heart do what you wanna do :) nothing gay possible therein#and if it improves your would be straight(tm) relationships? well that's Just Like Real Life :) (for real lol. nonsarcastic '':)'')
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sttoru · 1 year ago
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·.⌇ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. you’ve been one of sukuna’s many concubines for quite a while now. yet, you still cannot get rid of the jealousy in your system whenever he interacts with the other women in his harem.
wc. idk around 1 to 2k
tags. true form!sukuna x concubine!female reader. angst (hurt to comfort), fluff, suggestive at the end. heian era. you call sukuna ‘my lord’. reader gets called ‘brat, little girl’. size difference. no part2, don’t ask i beg. not beta read.
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���get back here, brat,” sukuna raises his voice as he follows you. he isn’t one to care about others’ emotional outbursts, yet here he is, chasing you after you’ve poured out your heart to him.
you don’t know why you’re this upset. you do know, however, that it’s childish of you to walk away mid dinner. you should’ve just stayed seated and refuse to let the thoughts consume you.
now you’re speed walking down the hallways of the estate—your legs carrying you as fast as they can without actually making a run for it. your mind keeps replaying the ‘unsettling’ scene that caused you to flee.
you remember it vividly. the sound of sukuna’s low, amused chuckle. how intrigued it was because of something another concubine told him—how he stopped chewing to say something back to her. which he rarely does.
hell, you’ve never seen him laugh around his other concubines.
“i do not wish to talk to you right now, my lord,” you reply, voice raised so the distance wouldn’t make it a hassle for the king of curses to hear you. you know that feisty attitude of yours entertains sukuna to no end.
he raises an eyebrow once he’s heard your voice; how it’s dripping with envy and hurt. you’ve never reacted like that before—at least not in his presence. it made him want to figure out why and how.
though, he can easily guess the reasoning behind your sudden defiance.
“oh, that so?” sukuna hums. he’s lenient with you this time around. he could catch up to you in under a split second, but he decides to give you that sense of accomplishment first before completely destroying it. he walks after you slowly, your fast steps being the same tempo as his slow pace.
you don’t answer. you’re stubborn. you have no right to feel jealous. you are a fairly new concubine—only a couple months ago did you join sukuna’s harem. yet, the time spent with him was precious.
he treats you differently. everyone notices that. everyone tells you the same. you know he does by the way he lets you off the hook with most stuff you say and do.
you don’t know what you did to gain his favouritsm, but it’s addicting. his attention is addictive. real addictive.
you had sworn not to develop any unneccessary feelings for that ruthless sorcerer. but, with the way sukuna treated you so gently behind closed doors, it was impossible not to.
you eventually reach the doors to your chambers. you slide them open and wish to close them behind you, only for a big hand to halt those movements. you freeze in place and refuse to look up at the owner of that said hand.
“look up,” sukuna demands. his voice causes goosebumps to appear on your arms, but you still don't budge. he clicks his tongue. that’s your first warning. two more and your punishment will be carried out, “we can do this the hard way too if you want.”
you turn your head, your fingers curling around the material of your kimono. you really should not feel this way about a little interaction between sukuna and his other concubine. that is none of your concern. what he does with those other women is none of your concern.
and yet. . .
“i don't want to,” you retort. sukuna walks into your room with a sigh. each step he takes forwards, you take backwards. your back finally bumps against the wall next to your bed.
sukuna towers over you, his tall and big frame making you feel vulnerable. especially with the way those red eyes of his are staring down at you. he crosses all four of his arms before speaking.
“tell me what’s running through that head of yours,” sukuna inquires sternly. he isn’t playing around anymore, you can tell. you glance the other way—knowing that he will laugh at you the moment you tell him why you’re upset.
you have a feeling he knows the reason behind your tantrum anyway.
“it’s nothing of importance, my lord,” you shake your head and relax your tense shoulders to make you seem less upset. your words have some truth in them—you don’t think your feelings of envy hold any value to him.
sukuna sighs again. he’s trying his best not to be annoyed at you. you’re his favorite and he wishes not to sadden you any further. he steps forwards, one hand moving to cup the side of your face.
his rough fingers play with a string of your hair, “i’m not stupid, little girl. i don’t like it when my woman is in distress.”
your heart skips a beat. this is what confuses you—how he can go from stern to gentle and vice versa. it’s surprisingly unexpected, which makes you long for more. even if his behaviour is confusing.
you look up at sukuna. your eyes meet for the first time in a good couple minutes. the corner of sukuna’s lips curls up into a satisfied smirk. that’s one step closer to getting you to open up.
“now,” the king of curses lowers his head to your eye level, the proximity all the more nerve wracking. he holds your jaw super tightly out of the blue. it makes you whimper.
“spit it out.”
there it is. the duality of the man strikes once more. you swallow the spit that’s been building up in your mouth. you bite your bottom lip lightly, trying to gather and form the right words to explain yourself.
sukuna wouldn’t understand. he’s a cold-hearted man who doesn’t care about such ‘trivial’ matters. he’ll just call you stupid, pathetic or whatever other derogatory term.
you stop your thoughts for a moment.
“it’s really just a stupid thing,” you mutter. your fingers curl around sukuna’s wrist—the one hand he’s using to firmly hold your jaw. you take a deep breath in, “i did not like it when you, errr. . . when that woman talked to you at the dinner table.”
your voice is clearly dripping with jealousy. pure, pure jealousy. and for what? because he talked to his other concubine. you feel stupid. you thought you discarded your personal feelings for the sorcerer before you the moment you turned into one of his many women.
“that woman?” sukuna tilts his head, feigning ignorance. that little grin on his face tells you enough. he’s playing with you like some form of entertainment. well, technically you are.
he wants you to be specific. he’s forcing you to be by acting like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
in all honesty, sukuna’s already forgotten what that woman had said to him. it wasn’t and still isn’t worth remembering. all he can recall is your adorable facial expression when you saw him interact like that with his other concubine.
that little frown on your face was priceless. it makes him want to keep teasing you.
“you know who i am talking about, my lord,” you huff, trying to look away, but get stopped by sukuna readjusting his grip on your jaw. he firmly yet gently taps your cheek once and you know what it means.
“attitude,” sukuna warns with a quick hiss. he can let you say whatever you want to him, but you also have some limits regarding which tone you use with him. you apologise quietly under your breath.
the king of curses nods in satisfaction before releasing the grip on your jaw. his large hand trails down to your neck, thumb rubbing up and down your throat, “so, my little girl is mad at me because i talked to another concubine of mine, huh?”
you nod mindlessly. sukuna can easily get you to comply with him—to obey his every word, simply with his actions. the terms of endearment he uses are the cherry on top. they slip off his tongue so easily with you.
“tsk tsk,” sukuna shakes his head. his hand is now on the back of your head, fingers tangled into your hair. he’s staring down at you with a smug expression. he knows he’s got you wrapped around his finger, “how childish of you.”
you knew that would be one of the things he’d say to you. what you didn’t expect is for him to go for a kiss right after. his lips land on yours firmly, and to no surprise, you instantly return the gesture.
your arms wrap around his neck—your chest pressing against his. sukuna wastes no time in picking you up and letting your legs encircle his waist. he’s not pulling away for air to breathe and you don’t either.
“you’re going to listen to me, yeah?” sukuna murmurs between passionate kisses. he’s holding onto you tightly with two arms, his free hands roaming over your body whilst he pins you against the wall.
when you whimper out a weak, high-pitched ‘yes, my lord’, he smirks against your mouth before turning to kiss your neck. he slightly bites the skin to make sure you’re paying attention to him.
“i don’t remember what that woman said,” sukuna continues, nearly out of breath because of the kisses he’s leaving all over you. he easily grabs both your wrists and pins them above your head on the wall, “i was too busy lookin’ at a much prettier concubine of mine.”
he pulls back a little so he can look you in the eyes. you’re panting and embarrassed by what he just said. one of his hands finds your face again, tracing the shape of your mouth.
“my favourite,” sukuna whispers whilst licking his lips. you can see it in his eyes: he’s silently planning out how he’s going to remind you of your place. your place as his favorite concubine.
he dips his head back down, aiming for the valley between your breasts. he closes his eyes before sucking on the surrounding flesh;
“guess i’ll be nice for once ‘nd show you just what it means to be my favorite so that you’ll never dare forget it again.”
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chaussetteblanche · 4 months ago
and they were roommates
pairing : Spencer Reid x fem!student!roommate!reader summary : you are Spencer Reid's roommate, the team finds out about you when a case brings them to the university you study at word count : 2.5k warning : canon-typical violence A/N : the university is a random one I picked in Virginia, bear with me because I don't know how US university systems work, thanks :) I think this is a part one, there may be a part two or even more, idk, but tell me what you think !
part 2, part 3, part 4
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"I- I'm sorry, what university did you say?" Spencer's frantic tone was immediately noticed by his colleagues. Suddenly, he seemed hyperaware of everything in the room. The loud AC, Derek's pen-clicking and the overwhelming smell of Emily's coffee. "Mary Washington University," JJ answered swiftly, eyes narrowed as she sent Reid a confused glance. The man in question mumbled a few words under his breath and shot up, grabbing his coat and scarf. "We need to go." His tone, unusually urgent, left no space for debate or questioning. He was out the door within seconds, followed closely by Morgan and the others.
When you'd applied for Mary Washington University, you had known you would have to get an apartment. You lived too far away to even consider taking the numerous trains and buses and subways to get there. So, when you had been accepted into your first choice of universities, you'd started apartment hunting. Or roommate-hunting, to be more precise.
To say you had been unlucky would have been quite the understatement. You'd visited four apartments so far and could not even consider living in one of them for a second. The first had been full of frat boys who made your skin crawl, the second was with an old, far right-wing couple, the third had been two sisters who'd yelled at each other for the whole time you were there and the fourth had been so crowded your were certain it was neither sanitary not legal for another person to live there. With the deadline of university starting and having to move all your things, you were starting to get quite anxious. But call it chance or fate, one day you stumbled upon an advertisement for an apartment in a nice neighbourhood with one person who seemed quite normal. This person was a state-employee (which meant a stable salary and that meant you wouldn't have to compensate for rent) who travelled often for work and liked to keep mostly to themselves. Not one for big parties, they preferred a night-in and rarely had people over.
So you'd put on your big-girl pants and had walked over to what you hoped would be your last apartment visit. You hadn't been expecting such a young person to open the door because of the way the advert had been written and because of what it said. "Hi, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid." You noticed he didn't hold his hand out and mirrored his behaviour. "Hi! I'm here for a visit!" You introduced yourself somewhat shyly, feeling intimidated. This man was at the most five years older than you and he was already a doctor?
He showed you around the apartment, which you liked very much. The rooms smelled like books and tea and everything was kept very clean. On the whole, it was tidy, even if a few books or articles were stacked in some odd places. The bedroom you'd stay in was large and luminous. After the tour, he made you a cup of tea as you discussed formalities.
"Uh, so, you’re a student, right?" he'd asked politely as he added a worrying amount of sugar in his earl grey. You bit back a teasing jest. You hoped maybe one day you'd get to place where you could comment on his daily sugar intake. "Yeah, um, I'm studying English Literature and Cinema." You stirred your tea, looking around the kitchen. Even though it was painted a dark, forest green, it still seemed luminous in the afternoon sun. "Oh, that's super interesting! I’ve always found texts in Middle English particularly insightful! I- I read the Canterbury Tales when I was about 10 years old. It’s fascinating the way in which issues which were already current then are still very present today, like in the Wife of Bath’s tale, for example-“
He cut himself off, leaning back into the couch. He rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks dusted pink. “Sorry, you probably don’t want me to ramble about what you already know.” “No, I think it’s amazing that you would know that, actually. What else did you like in the Wife of Bath’s tale?” Spencer seemed to brighten up at your words and thus ensued a lengthy discussion of the avant-garde themes evoked by Geoffrey Chaucer. You were fascinated by his knowledge and found his passion especially endearing. Lots of your professors weren’t even that passionate when talking of late 14th century literature.
After discussing rent, which you would afford by waitressing at a local bar, lightly touching upon political subjects (on which you seemed to agree on), he finally told you that he was an FBI agent. "Excuse me?" you spluttered, leaning backwards in shock. "I'm a profiler with the BAU, the Behavioural Analysis Unit. I can show you my badge if you want." He stood up and reached for his bag, but you stopped him in his tracks. "No, no, that's okay, I believe you. I'm just surprised, that's all, sorry." His expansive knowledge of so many things seemed fitting for an agent of the BAU. After realising you were the first person who didn't demand his badge as proof of his profession, Spencer granted you a small smile. "You don't need to apologise. I- I know it can be a bit... off-putting." He sat back down and looked you in the eye. "Is that a problem for you, living with a federal agent?"
You thought about it for a second. As a general rule, you weren't a big fan of cops. Even more generally, you didn't believe in the structure of today's society. But that was a big topic. Plus, a profiler wasn't really a cop, was he? "No, that's not a problem for me."
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You'd moved in a month and a half later. Things had been slightly awkward at first and you'd had to figure out what kind of dynamic Spencer and you had. But eventually, you’d found your rhythm.
When Spencer left for work, you took care of his plants and sent him pictures of Geoffrey. Geoffrey was the cat you’d found on the street and taken in. He was named after Geoffrey Chaucer, author of the Canterbury Tales, your first common point of interest. Spencer had been reluctant at first, but you’d taken him to the vet, where he was tested and vaccinated, and the man had finally accepted him into your shared space. Now, he loved the little creature. Sometimes, you’d call him to ask how he was doing and whether he was safe. He’d always reply that yes, he was doing fine and no, he wasn’t in any danger, don’t you worry. He’d ask how you were doing and if you were staying on top of uni work and if you’d eaten and if Geoffrey wasn't being too annoying. As an orange cat, he had his particular tendencies.
When Spencer was at home, you'd always look forward to getting back from class. There was always that sense of comfort and ease when he was around. You had found a lovely routine quite easily. You'd both work or study, then cook, eat together and afterwards maybe you'd watch a movie or something. You were at a point where you could comment on his daily sugar intake, which he's started correcting since meeting you. He loved the Big Bang Theory and though you weren't such a fan, you loved the little laughs he let out and all the corrections he'd make. In general, you liked when he talked. Even more generally, you liked him. You also liked Friends and though Ross got on Spencer's nerves, he enjoyed being able to discuss it with you afterwards. The two of you got very close without even noticing.
Sometimes, you'd remember he wasn't just your roommate, but also a man. He'd make you a cup of tea and you'd stare at his hands a little too long while he stirred the honey in. Or he'd help you reach for a cup with his impressive height, his front just skimming your back with a shiver. He'd tell you to breathe and sit down when you were upset about something. A few times, he drove you home from a night out with your friends and laid his hand on your knee. He was the only one who remembered how you'd told him you wanted to kiss him.
With you, Spencer discovered many things he had never experienced before. A healthy, comforting and peaceful routine. A supporting, non-judgemental, healthy friendship. Easy laughter in the middle of the night and tired "good morning"s at dawn. Butterflies in his stomach whenever you touched him. A budding romance which kept him awake at night.
So when that was threatened, he just about lost it.
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"Oh my God." "I can't believe this." "Is this a prank?" "Did someone call 911?" "What about her parents?" "Oh, that's sick."
Voices swarmed around your head, making you dizzy. Your hand rested over your mouth as you stared at the body strewn on the lawn. Much of the student body stood next to you, just as shocked. Mary Goldman had been her name. You'd crossed her just this morning in the main hall and had exchanged small smiles. You had thought that she looked really pretty today, but hadn't told her. You regretted that now. At the moment, her mascara had run down her cheeks and dried and her lipstick and been smudged. Bruises and cuts decorated her bare arms and legs and a big red stain sat on the side of her stomach. The contrast between her dead body and the green, thriving grass beneath her was haunting.
You turned away, feeling sick. You felt your friend's hand on your shoulder, a small source of comfort anchoring you to reality. Facing the road as you turned, you were surprised to see three big black SUVs speeding towards the crowd. You'd been expecting an ambulance, or cops. Not whoever these guys were. They screeched to a stop, drawing everyone's attention. A small dozen of people stormed out, all dressed differently though they all held the same aura of importance, knowledge and authority. You turned back to your friends. "Who are these-"
You stopped mid-sentence when you heard your name being called out urgently. You'd have recognised his voice amidst a thousand others. He spoke your name like no other. You frantically looked around, pushing your way to the large vehicles. When you finally spotted him, tears started pricking your eyes. "Spencer," you breathed in a half-sob. His eyes ran you over once, twice, assessing any damage. When he saw there was no physical wound, his shoulders sank in relief. He opened his arms and you rushed inside his warm embrace almost reflexively. Neither of you noticed the numerous pair of curious eyes observing your intimate exchange.
"Oh my God, Spence- What- What are you doing here?" you'd cried into his cardigan. You buried your face into his neck, inhaling the comforting scent he always bore. He wrapped an arm around your waist and another around your shoulders, holding the back of your head in a consoling manner. "We're- We're taking this on as a case, sweets. Are you all right?" He knew it was a stupid question but all the emotions and tension were barely wearing off and he didn't know what else to say. You pulled away but he kept you at arm's length, holding your cold, shaking hands in his warm, steady ones. "I- Yeah, it's just- I- I saw her this morning! How could she- Why would someone do this to her? To- to anyone?!" Spencer cooed and pulled you into another tight hug as you continued to ramble through your tears. When you'd eventually calmed down thanks to his words of reassurance, he pulled away softly.
Spencer understood what you meant perhaps more than anyone. The sadness, the shock, the anger, the need to understand. He gently wiped away the mascara under your eyes with his thumb. "I know, I- It's- Even I don't always understand, sweetheart, so don't- Why don't you go home? I'd come with you but-" You nodded, biting your lower lip. He gave you a sad smile. "I promise I'll join you as soon as this is over. You- you can make yourself a cup of tea and process all this and pet Geoffrey, okay? Classes are going to be cancelled either way." "I don't want to-" The look in his eyes kept you from arguing further. You nodded, giving him another hug. Before you left, an older man came over to you.
"I'm sorry to bother you, miss. I'm Agent David Rossi. I just had a question-" "Rossi," interrupted Spencer with a stern tone you'd never heard before. The older Agent raised an eyebrow at him. "Just one question." He turned back to you. "At what time did you say you saw the victim?" You inhaled shakily, running a hand over your face. "Uh, it must have been around quarter to eleven. I think- Yeah, somewhere between ten thirty and eleven." "Thank you, miss." You didn't miss the glance shared between the two men before Rossi retreated.
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"Who was that?" asked Emily as soon as you'd left and Spencer had joined them behind the police tape. "No one," Spencer brushed her off as he kneeled next to the victim. Strangely, he hated the idea of someone who knew you dying. It felt too close to home. "C'mon, man, you lost your shit this morning, a girl you clearly know very well runs into your arms, you snap at Rossi and you expect us to believe you?" Derek raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. Spencer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking up at the rest of the team. All were staring at him patiently. He stood up, swallowing.
"That was my roommate." He informed the team of your name and of how you'd been living together for a few years now. "Spencer, you've been living with a woman for years and you've never told us?!" Derek was all but hysteric. Hotch reminded him that everyone was entitled to a private life. "So, are you dating or something?" Emily prodded again. Spencer hesitated a second before answering. "No." Derek scoffed, appalled. "You mean to tell me you've been living with a beautiful woman like that for years and nothing's ever happened?!" "Not everyone is like you, Morgan," Emily reminded with a teasing smirk. Derek sent her an unimpressed look. "Look, let's all grill Spencer later, we have a case to focus on right now." Rossi, ever the voice of reason, directed everyone's attention back to the corpse laying next to them.
Needless to say, the BAU team did not need to interrogate Spencer or attack him with incessant questions to find much out. They'd seen by his behaviour that very morning how much he cared about you. They'd seen how relieved he had been when he'd seen you safe and sound. They'd noticed you'd only started crying when you'd seen him, a big sign of trust. They had never heard him call another by pet names such as "sweets" or "sweetheart". They'd read both of your body languages like a children's book and translated it easily.
Love. Comfort. Peace. Ease.
3K notes · View notes
yeahxsurexokay13 · 2 months ago
wrong guy, lando norris
summary: fans think yn is dating max, but they've got the wrong guy [bsf!reader]
been a min since i posted! honestly, these just take me way too long and i usually end up abandoning them because i start hating them halfway through from overthinking lol. hope you enjoy this one though (: xx
y/n.y/l 📍 Ibiza, Spain
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Liked by riabish, carlossainz55 and 159.870 others
y/n.y/l we only argued 3 times, cried 2, and got lost 1 (personal record)
view all 579 comments
user9 right so who argued? who cried? and most importantly whO IS THE SHADOW?
user14 can we talk about how u're LITERALLY glowing in that first pic? u look so happy, girl!!
user20 the vibes on this dump… rich people's holidays just hit different.
iamrebeccad ✓ Beautiful girl 😍
y/n.y/l 🫶🏼 miss youu!!
user4 “cried 2 times” is actually impressive ♥︎ by author
user55 lando and max just casually being brothers in the fourth pic 😩❤️
user81 that shot is just *chef’s kiss*!!!! Glad we can always count on this queen for hq content
user63 Okay so I’ve been staring at this shadow pic for like 10 minutes, and I can’t figure it out…
user33 my money’s on max bc that hug pic of them earlier too… feels very coupley.
user63 idk friends to lovers agenda thriving tho
user3 Max and Lando with the face masks are killing me 😂 ♥︎ by author
user6 max or lando? place your bets now. i’m team max but i’ll die on this hill if i'm wrong
user2 which you are, because it’s definitely Lando
user8 guys they’ve literally known each other since forever and go on these friends holidays all the time lmao this is just FRIENDSHIP GOALS. stop romanticising everything!!!
user24 then explain the head kiss?
user8 friendly head kisses???
user24 friendly kisses?? in this economy? be serious. that’s couple behaviour
user12 smells like a third wheel in here…
y/n.y/l sorry, that's just me. i am the third wheel🙋🏼‍♀️
user13 she really said 'stop shipping me with my best friends' lol
user44 max and lando with the face masks in the water might be my new favourite photo of all time
user16 ngl that's not bad statistics for a week long trip ♥︎ by author
user11 If it’s Max, I’ll cry. If it’s Lando, I’ll cry harder. If it’s neither, I don’t know what I’ll do.
user18 i’ve been following these three for years and i’m still trying to figure out if that last slide is supposed to be romantic or not….? HELP I AM SO CONFUSED
user22 what book is that? i need recommendations!!
y/n.y/l just for the summer!!! LOVED it x
user10 i can’t believe she was so chill about posting thAT LAST PIC!??!! miss y/l!!! SPILL NOW
maxfewtrell ✓ Why are you saying 'we'? Pretty sure you were the one who did all of those
landonorris ✓ classic move, shifting the blame
y/n.y/l @/landonorris @/maxfewtrell the getting lost part was definitely a team effort
user1 I need to go on a trip with friends like this ♥︎ by author
user5 being that close to lando AND max and surviving the friendship without catching feelings was too good to be true let's be honest
pietra.pilao 😍😍
y/n.y/l 💞💞
user7 so when’s the next ‘friends holiday'? asking for a friend (me)
15 August 2024
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maxfewtrell ✓
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Liked by landonorris, y/n.y/l and 98.982 others
maxfewtrell The real girlfriend reveal, for the record 🫡
👤 pietra.pilao
view all 398 comments
user6 so it really wasn’t Y/n??
pietra.pilao ❤️❤️ ♥︎ by author
user4 omg she's the girl who commented on yn's holiday dump!!!
user3 We owe Max and his gf an apology 😭 She’s stunning, btw
user2 omg u two are so cuteeeeeeee! happy for u max :)
user5 your gf is so pretty 😭😭😭
y/n.y/l P!!!! 💕💕
y/n.y/l you two make a better couple than you and I ever would anyway 😂 ♥︎ by author
user9 WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THIS EARLIER?! we’ve been spiralling for WEEKS
user12 actually he's been saying it from the beginning. we just didn't want to listen 😂😂
user8 max: “here’s my gf. leave me out of y/n’s business”
user12 OK but pietra is STUNNING!! Max, you’ve been hiding her for how long?!
user7 the way he had to clarify this because of us is actually hilarious. sorry, Max.
user11 OMG I feel so dumb now we really had y/n in a whole relationship she wasn’t even in 😭
29 August 2024
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Liked by oscarpiastri, sophiaaemelia and 289.034 others
y/n.y/l outtakes from ai·bee·thuh
view all 930 comments
maxfewtrell ✓ So Lando gets the cute video and I get the passed out in the car pic? Playing favourites, I see. Noted.
user8 Max calling out Y/n for favoritism is peak sibling energy
user33 i can't believe we were full on shipping them not even a week ago omg
maxfewtrell ✓ Also, can everyone stop tagging me in that shadow pic now? Like, I’m good, it’s definitely not me 😅 ♥︎ by author
user11 pietra honestly deserves a medal for surviving this holiday with these three omg
pietra.pilao Special week 🤍 ♥︎ by author
user81 the lift photo with the McDonald’s bag is so relatable. even on a fancy holiday, you gotta have your nuggets ♥︎ by author
user25 turns out Max wasn't lying when he said y/n wasn’t his headache... lando’s the lucky one 😂
user10 and y/n and pietra? they do ✨besties ✨ better than anyone ♥︎ by author
user19 can we get a ‘whoops, my bad’ from the ppl who saw them in Ibiza and STILL missed the fact that Pietra was there?
user2 they literally had a front row seat to the full gossip and still didn’t catch on !!!!! like hELLO? u had one job
alexandrasaintmleux ✓ Ahhh loveeee 🩷🩷 ♥︎ by author
user26 both boys punching above their weight fr. i said what i said.
francisca.cgomes ✓ ❤️❤️😍 ♥︎ by author
user16 The way Max is sleeping in that last pic has me wheezing ♥︎ by author
user3 lando is literally holding y/n like he’s never letting her go boy is WHIPPED
user7 not the way y/n is casually posting a McDonald’s bag in a robe and THEN dropping the most beautiful couple pic with lando
maxfewtrell you know, it truly baffles me how this was barely even considered
y/n.y/l no one believed in me enough to be able to pull f1 race winner lando norris. humbling.
user20 YN I - 😭😭😭😭💀💀
user38 it was a couple’s holiday the whole time 😭😭 I need a moment to recover
user9 this fandom’s clownery knows no bounds istg.........
user21 not me crying over the hard launch of the year when I was just admiring Max’s sleeping face 5 seconds ago
user24 Ibiza really gave us everything: friendship goals, couple goals, and max in a food coma
user18 IT WAS LANDO KISSING HER HEAD. I feel so betrayed by my own theories and also pretty disappointed in myself i couldn't tell it was his shadow
landonorris ✓ I see you saved the best for last 🖤
y/n.y/l ☺️☺️
y/n.y/l omg guys i wasn’t being dry i just don’t know what else to say with all you watching 😭😭
1 September 2024
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3K notes · View notes
harrysfolklore · 2 months ago
you belong with me - gr63
summary: george has been in love with his best friend for 15 years, but she can’t see that she belongs with him
folkie radio: MY FIRST GEORGE FIC!!!! idk why it took me so long to write for him but i hope you like this !! send your feedback <3
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liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon and 87,846 others
yourinstagram finally race week! can't believe it's been 10 years of watching this one from the paddock. from sneaking into george's garage during f3 days to now having proper passes (still can't get used to saying "my best friend is an F1 driver" 😅). ready to watch @/georgerussell63 crush it this weekend!
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username2 you guys are literally soulmates just date already
alex_albon The OG paddock bestie 🙌
└ yourinstagram and you know it
landonorris still waiting for my batch of cookies tbh
└ charles_leclerc Get in line
└ yourinstagram LMAOOO
username3 bestie you spelled wife wrong
username4 10 years of friendship and still going strong
username5 someone convince me they're not secretly married
georgerussell63 Wouldn't be the same without you here! Even if you still support Lewis more than me 🙄
└ yourinstagram HES THE GOAT!!!
└ username1 she’s so real
username6 we need more paddock content of you two!
username7 "best friends" sure jan
username8 george's smile whenever she’s around >>>>>
username10 no one does best friends better than them
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris 1,028,946 others
georgerussell63 P1 BABY!!! Thank you to everyone for the amazing support - winning here in Austria feels amazing. Special shoutout to @/yourinstagram for the lucky socks tradition since F3 - even if they still have tiny race cars on them 😂 Team did a mega job this weekend! 🏆
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lewishamilton Great drive mate! 🙌
yourinstagram those socks won you GP3 AND F2, respect the lucky socks russell 😤
└ username2 whats the real lucky charm the socks or yn
└ georgerussell63 Fine fine, the socks stay
alex_albon expose him more about the socks pls @/yourinstagram
landonorris lucky socks with race cars?? we need pics
└ georgerussell63 Absolutely not, those pics are staying buried
username3 yn has been his real lucky charm since day 1 😭
username4 not the childhood best friends to lovers story we're witnessing
username5 the socks story is too cute i can't
username6 THIS IS MY GOAT
mercedesamgf1 Brilliant drive today George! 💫
username7 how long before he proposes guys??taking bets
username8 find someone who supports you like yn supports george
username9 that post-race hug though 👀
username10 These two give me hope in love
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liked by username1, username2 and 15,378 others
f1_insiderinfo🚨 EXCLUSIVE: Mercedes driver George Russell spotted having an intimate dinner with mystery girl in Monaco! The pair were seen laughing and sharing food. Sources say they've been meeting here regularly. Has Britain's most eligible bachelor finally been taken?
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username2 y’all must be new here 😭
username3 HEEEELP see we’re not delusional for saying they need to be a couple
username4 ffs that’s his best friend story being weird
yourinstagram ah yes, the very romantic dinner where I stole half his pasta and made him watch tiktoks of cats. very intimate. also that "usual spot" is just where they make his favorite tiramisu 🙄
└ georgerussell63 you INHALED half my pasta, there was no stealing involved. also you promised not to expose the tiramisu thing
└ yourinstagram what, scared the other drivers will find out you have a sweet tooth Mr. Professional Athlete? 👀
username5 not them exposing each other in the comments
username6 the way they banter like an old married couple
username7 "mystery girl" my foot, that's his other half since forever
username8 someone get me a friendship like this 😩
username10 this is peak comedy
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liked by username1, username2 and 12,836 others
russell.archive A thread of George Russell and his best friend YN through the years 🤍
Slide 1: 2014 - Their high school years
Slide 2: 2015 - Their prom photo
Slide 4: 2021 - His first points with Williams
Slide 5: 2024 - Another season together
The "just friends" agenda for 10 years and counting... 🤔
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username1 WAIT THEY'RE NOT DATING??? All this time I thought...
username2 the prom photo is giving soulmates idc idc
username3 slide 4… that's love
username4 not me thinking they were secretly married this whole time
username5 the way his race engineer calls her "the mrs" though
username6 look at how young they were in the first pic 🥺
username7 their height difference stayed exactly the same I'm crying
username8 everyone saying "best friends" meanwhile they act like this
username9 SOULMATES
yourinstagram omg the prom photo 😭 remember when you stepped on my feet during the entire first dance @/georgerussell63
└ georgerussell63 excuse me? who forgot the corsage at home and made us late?
└ username1 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
└ username2 not me crying over this
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texts between george and yn
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2019 rookies forever groupchat
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liked by jamessmith_eng, georgerussell63 and 82,468 others
yourinstagram date night 🍷thanks for a lovely evening @/jamessmith_eng
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username2 someone check on george rn 😭
username3 the way my heart just DROPPED
alexandrasaintmleux 😍😍
username4 this has to be a joke right???
username5 10 years of analysis gone wrong...
landonorris inch resting
username6 Not me having to explain to my bf that no, George and YN weren't actually dating this whole time
username7 guys can you please be normal for once? george and yn are FRIENDS stop being weird
username8 why is everyone being so dramatic?
jamessmith_eng ❤️
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liked by username1, username2 and 27,038
russell.archive The way he immediately looks for her after every race 🥺 (Hungary GP, 2024)
Scientists still trying to figure out how these two aren't together...
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username2 bro runs faster to her than he does on track
username3 10 year study of their relationship and still confused
username4 that hug is not giving "just friends" idc idc
username5 THE KISS HELLO
username6 not her wearing his mercedes jacket
username7 remember when he was sick and she flew across 3 countries just to make him soup??
username8 the race engineer calling her his better half I CANNOT
username9 someone tell that alpine engineer to back off please x
username10 very platonic sure
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, jamessmith_eng and 92,268 others
yourinstagram triple header concluded ‼️oh and i have a boyfriend now @/jamessmith_eng
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username1 OH-
username2 this feels... wrong
username3 not me zooming in to see if she's still wearing her matching bracelet with george
lilymhe cuties 🤍🤍
username4 THE ALPINE GUY?
username5 why is everyone acting weird like yn and george are just FRIENDS
landonorris 🤔
└ username1 he’s one of us
└username2 HEEEELP LANDO
└ yourinstagram you’re strange
username6 my heart breaks i really thought she was with george
username8 no like from george either 😭
jamessmith_eng 😍😍
└ username2 go back to alpine
└ yourinstagram ❤️
username10 i know george and yn are just friends but omfg this feels wroooong
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liked by lewishamilton, yourinstagram and 876,366 others
georgerussell63 Gained nine places today but overall the damage was done yesterday. Congrats to LH and the team on the podium. We have another chance to fight before the summer break in Belgium. Bring it on.
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username1 no yn mention??? are you okay???
username2 first race post this without tagging yn i'm worried
username3 the way he usually writes "couldn't have done it without my lucky charm”
lewishamilton incredible drive 👏🏾
landonorris most depressing caption i've ever seen mate
└ username1 HE KNOWS 😭
└ username2 he’s so annoying
username4 where's the usual "special thanks to my favourite paddock menace"
username5 he's posted about yn in every race post for YEARS this is not a drill
username6 even the emojis are gone 😭
username7 BRO IS DEVASTATED and not only about the race
yourinstagram no selfie? 🥺 breaking tradition much
└ username1 CRYING
└ username2 george why are you breaking tradition
username8 alpine guy better make yn happy at least
username10 the damage in question was un hard launching her bf
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texts between george and yn
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liked by jamessmith_eng, lilymhe and 86,992 others
yourinstagram coffee runs with this oneee 🤍 @/jamessmith_eng
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username1 isn't that… george's usual coffee spot??
username2 the way she used to do this with george every race weekend 💔
username3 why does this feel wrong
iamrebeccad ❤️
francisca.cgomes i miss youuuuu
username5 she and george are endgame tho idc
username6 the wasy geroge never likes her posts with her tho
landonorris 🤐
└ username1 LANDO STOP
└ username2 he has no chill
└ yourinstagram i never understand what u mean
└ alex_albon oh honey
└ username3 IM WHEEZING
jamessmith_eng My ❤️
└ username1 i don't like his vibe george aside
└ yourinstagram love youuu
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liked by username1, username2 and 16,038 others
f1gossip SPOTTED: George Russell with mystery brunette at London restaurant 👀
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username1 HELLO??' SINCE WHEN??
username2 yn's twitter likes suddenly very aggressive
username3 someone check on yn PLEASE
username4 the way she's sitting in yn's usual spot i feel sick
username5 toto watching his team's morale depend on these two idiots
username6 th groupchat must be wild rn
username8 ou george boyfriend era?
username9 this is alpine guy's fault
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2019 rookies forever groupchat
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liked by jamessmith_eng, francisca.cgomes and 83,044 others
yourinstagram date with my favorite human 💕thank you for making me smile x @/jamessmith_eng
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username1 okay this might be cute
username2 CRYING AGAIN
jamessmith_eng Perfect day with my perfect girl ❤️
└ username2 ewww
└ username1 come on they're happy stop being weird
└ yourinstagram 🥺🥺🥺
lilymhe we should have a double date!
└ alex_albon we're kinda busy
└ username2 LORD
└ username3 ALEX YOU'RE INSANE
└ username4 he said im with my boy george forever
└ yourinstagram buzzkill
username5 george didn't like this post either
username6 this is how we can get rid of him
username7 why are some people so weid about them yn and george are FRIENDS
username8 i want this
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 839,022 others
georgerussell63 Some traditions never change. Pre-race selfie and coffee with my best friend #15YearsAndCounting
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username1 I LOVE THEM SM
username2 george russell choosing violence today
mercedesamgf1 🤍
username5 james has been real quiet since this dropped
landonorris territorial much?
└ georgerussell63 You're so strange mate
└ username2 SURE GEORGE play dumb we'll play along
yourinstagram LOVE YOU GEORGIE BOY!
└ username1 girl he loves you but like loves LOVES you
└ username2 wake up he's in love with you
└ georgerussell63 ❤️
username6 whe said who's james we don't know her
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texts between george and yn
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liked by francisca.cgomes, jamessmith_eng and 86,370 others
yourinstagram thank you for the flowers and for always finding your way back to me @/jamessmith_eng 🤍
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username1 GIRL
username2 this is the 4th "second" chance but ok
username3 not the apology flowers AGAIN
lewishamilton 👀
└ username1 EVEN LEWIS KNOWS
└ username2 PLEASE
username4 the whole garage pretending we didn't hear them fighting yesterday
alex_albon 🤦‍♂️
username5 somebody check on george
username6 girl get up
username7 can pierre and este sabotage him or something 😭
jamessmith_eng Love you baby ❤️
└ yourinstagram love you too x
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georgerussell63 has added to their stories
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username2 taylor’s version too
charles_leclerc 😂😂😂😂
└ georgerussell63 don’t push it
landonorris JUST TELL HER
pierregasly Whats this supposed to mean
└ georgerussell63 I love the lyrics of that one :)
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liked by georgerussell63, landonorris and 98,749 others
yourinstagram 15 years of friendship and watching you live your dream from the grandstands, and i still get butterflies every time that 63 crosses the line 🤍 couldn't be prouder of my best friend. race day ready as always @/georgerussell63 (still wearing the lucky charm bracelet you got me when we were 12 btw 😉)
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username1 MY FAMILY
username2 IM SOBBING
username3 james from alpine found shaking
lewishamilton 🖤
landonorris remember when she used to hide behind trees to watch him practice?
└ yourinstagram LANDO DELETE THIS
└ username1 I LOVE THEM
username5 it has always been HIM
georgerussell63 Still can't believe you kept that bracelet
└ yourinstagram it's my good luck charm, you're not getting it back russell
└ georgerussell63 Wouldn't dream of it x
└ yourinstagram better not crash today, i'm wearing it
└ georgerussell63 Wouldn't dare disappoint my number 1 fan
└ yourinstagram since karting days
└ georgerussell63 And counting ❤️
username6 yeah they’re in love and everyone knows it but them
username7 james alpine you are BONES
username9 this slow burn friends to lovers idiots in love…
username10 lando and alex screaming rn
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liked by yourinstagram, charles_leclerc and 1,022,497 others
georgerussell63 Found out she's still terrible at paddle after 15 years. Some things never change 🏸
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username1 girl whatever he said wasn't THAT funny you're just in love
username2 the way she looks at him vs the way she looks at james- anyway
mercedesamgf1 🖤
username4 the way she only laughs like that with george
username5 yn looking at george vs yn looking at james: a thesis
kimi.antonelli Great day 👏
landonorris "terrible at paddle" mate you dropped your racquet 3 times
└ georgerussell63 Trying to make her feel better
└ alex_albon by embarrassing yourself? smooth
└ username1 THIS IS MY FAMILY
└ username2 best trio forever
username6 not yn pulling a zendaya
yourinstagram i'm not that bad!
└ georgerussell63 You hit yourself with the racquet
└ yourinstagram you DISTRACTED me
└ georgerussell63 By existing?
└ yourinstagram by being annoying
username7 ou james don’t make that face
username8 i feel like something is shifting and these two will confess soon
username10 the best friends secretly in love with each other of it all
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texts between george and yn
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liked by georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 102,927 others
yourinstagram always 🤍
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username3 that's george's hand i've studied it for 5 years I KNOW
mercedesamgf1 🥹
└ username1 toto just fist bumped lewis in the garage
landonorris took you long enough
username4 the childhood friends to lovers pipeline never fails
username5 the easy we all just KNOW they finally confessed
georgerussell63 ❤️
└ yourinstagram🤍
username8 if look idiots in love in urban dictionary a pic of george and yn shows up
username9 MY PARENTS
username10 plot twist this is actually the alpine guy 😭
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2019 rookies forever groupchat
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liked by username1, username2 and 19,738 others
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username1 OMFG
username3 james found crying in alpine
username4 NO WAY FINALLY
username6 i’m crying, this is the softest love story ever
username7 ya conspiracy girlies were always right !!!!!!
username8 we witnessed this best friends to lovers slow burn happen in real time i can’t believe this
username10 guys they’re KISSING like WE USED TO PRAY FOR TIMES LIKE THESE
username11 george finally grew balls and confessed
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liked by georgerussell63, landonorris and 102,836 others
yourinstagram not just the race you won today mr russell 🏆🤍
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username3 the way james had to watch this from p7 💀
mercedesamgf1 Best vegas grand prix ever confirmed 👏
landonorris get a room
└ yourinstagram we did
└ landonorris HELLO???
└ username2 no fucking way
username4 they had been in love since forever like we could SEE IT it was about time they realized
username5 HE. GOT. THE. GIRL
username6 george russell you fucking did it
username9 a love story fifteen years in the making
georgerussell63 Still can't believe you're mine
└ yourinstagram always have been. just took me a while to realize
└ georgerussell63 Worth every second of waiting 🤍
└ username1 IM SOBBING AGAIN
└ username2 this is the most beautiful thing ever
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liked by yourinstagram, lewishamilton and 2,018,476 others
georgerussell63 Vegas ‘24. Won more than just a race tonight.
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username2 i still can’t quite believe this
alex_albon boy went from you belong with me era to lover era real quick
└ georgerussell63 Stop with the Taylor Swift references
└ landonorris NEVER
└ username1 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭
username5 alex and lando screaming somewhere because of this
username6 imagine being that alpine guy right now LMFAO
username7 they’re proof that real love always finds a way
lewishamilton Prod of you mate. On and off track 🖤
└ username1 AWEEEEEE
username8 best friends to lovers Y E S
username9 the fact that george waited YEARS for her and watched her with other guys but got her in the end. THIS IS TRUE LOVE
username10 this is way too pure
yourinstagram quite the victory lap mr russell
└ georgerussell63 Had to make it special for my special girl
└ yourinstagram you’re such a sap
└ georgerussell63 Your sap tho. Officially now
└ yourinstagram was always yours. just took me 15 years to realize 🤍
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