#and i'm still bitter about endgame
iamanartichoke · 1 year
Last night (well, this morning, really; it was like 3am) I slipped and fell down a Loki disk horse rabbit hole and, to be frank, I am already exhausted and season 2 hasn't even started yet. I'm not gonna lie, idk if I'm going to be able to fandom-along for season 2; I might just end up quietly watching on my own and keeping my thoughts to myself. Which - isn't as fun, really, so lol fuck me I guess.
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#mood gif#loki pokey artichokey#standom frank#i'm just venting but.#idk. bitches be unhinged#and this might be a hot take but I truly genuinely 110% don't understand why#if you hated the show so much that you're still meta-ing about it three years later#why would you keep up with season 2? why are you engaging with the trailers and the gifs and the fandom reactions?#when you have absolutely nothing positive to say and instead are just regurgitating all the same things you had issue with for season 1?#i'm not trying to gatekeep the loki fandom but i'm just saying#i love loki but i hate infinity war - i hate the opening scene i hate the death scene i hate how the narrative treats his death and absence#for the rest of the film and i don't mind dr strange objectively but my opinion of him is colored to this day#due to feeling so bitter over how much magic and world-saving he got to do in iw when loki should have been part of that#if not *most* of that#but you know what i don't do? i don't fucking engage with or talk about infinity war#unless to reference it through the lens of thor's pov in post-iw/endgame fic#but i don't post about it. i don't post about the russos. i don't hop on people's posts to point out all the issues i have with iw#especially if said post is in support or praise of it#i engaged with endgame only to the extent to find out how loki would be treated. i watched the entirety of the movie once via torrent#and i moved. the fuck. on.#so i genuinely don't understand why i can't peruse loki series stuff and gifs and the tags without coming across the inevitable anti wank#from the same group of people who seem to be taking the release of season 2 as open invitation to remind everyone#how much they hated season 1 and how loki was characterized and how the narrative was unfair to him#and blah blah blah sylvie sylvie wahhh#it literally makes me not want to bother re-engaging with fandom or posting any of my thoughts or meta that i might have#bc my opinion's never been black and white but even if it *was* people are bound to misunderstand it anyway#like the playground is for everyone but if you hate the sandbox and keep talking about how much better the swings are#go play on the fucking swings then?#not sure that metaphor follows but you get it#anyway i just needed to get this off my chest
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papikyoo · 23 days
what drew you to kabumisu? :3
i've meant to answer this since forever but oh my it's going to be a long post XD
I once said it's Kabru's line of thoughts for me. I don't think he will move on with his day and not thinking of how promising Mithrun's life is, he would want to be there, witnessing it, helping him find the purpose even. I believe it's a bit ooc for him not to do so. While he also finds comfort in the absense of social expectations, when you examine closely he has some cynical view about people because he's learned at a young age that he needs to prioritize others' safety and feelings, it is expected of him (Milsiril as an immature mother and Kabru who lost his hometown and family so he set the impossible standard for himself)
He deduces their motive so he's always one step ahead and solves their problems. So when he faces a person who doesn't expect anything of him, it helps him developing the need to do things for himself, that need is still about helping others ofc because he's not going to unlearn the trauma response soon and helping others encourages improvement as long as you don't sacrifice your own needs, the difference is helping Mithrun also let him reflect on himself, swallow a bitter pill, and lead by example.
And here's Mithrun, needing a guide, needing someone who will bring understanding and stop him when he's going to set himself on fire or crossing the lines, while knowing where he comes from. I don't think Mithrun shared his backstory to anyone except Kabru because he even tried to deter Kabru's enthusiasm, other canaries members don't really understand him, he started to cry when Kabru, possibly the only person who knew, touched him because he knew Kabru would relieve his sadness that's bottled up, so it's safe to say that he wasn't that comfortable telling everyone his own past or struggles, it makes sense to me that Kabru noticed and told him the world didn't need to know all of that, treating him like a human with grace. You see, there's always one guy who will be one step ahead and hold him down.
Let's say I just think they complement each other, similar but not the same, what the other person lacks challenges the other to be a better person, they can pick up the slack for the other's weaknesses and work well as a team as you can see in the six days chapter. If i'm being honest, I don't think that their relationship journey is a path paved with rose because both of them have their own conflicts waiting to be resolved. But I really can't think of more suitable characters to ship them with, so they are an endgame ship to me. They also have their funny moments too lol. Thank you for the question, I hope this is comprehensible!
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glisten-inthedark · 6 days
I don't know if I'm more chill about Byler endgame because I have the intel that people didn't have during volume 2 or what, but to any other ending that doesn't involve Byler becoming canon would just make the Duffer brothers the worst writers in the history of ever.
Because what do you mean you have a gay character that doesn't believe he'll get a happy ending only to prove that you know, he's right? How would that make any sense?!
I've said it before and I'll say how many times I have to: They could've made Will in love with literally anyone else. I don't know, some boy from Lenora, some other guy from Hawkings, hell, even Dustin was an option. But noooo, they instead chose to make him in love with his best friend.
They could've presented another male character with Argyle, instead they spent God knows how much money of their budget getting every Byler scene just right. Who would give this much dedication to a sinking ship? Like, they literally talked about how they had to wait during the day just so the lightning was just right during the van scene.
And also, the lighting during the cabin scene as well? Because that must have taken them ages to get it right. For the line to poor down only on Will, and that's not an artificial light, is literally the sun. So you're telling the Duffers were going to waste precious time getting these scenes just right but you know what? They don't mean anything at all, forget about it.
And to further drive the point home, the storyline makes no actual sense from a logical standpoint. Remove Byler. Let's all pretend we don't ship for one second.
Why in the world would they make Will in love with Mike of all people? He could've been gay without having to be that in love with someone. I know I'm repeating myself but I have to because I don't think you guys understand how senseless this plot is if they're not going to do anything about it.
And I mean senseless in the sense that it literally has no use to the plot (that we know of which is why I made that post about how Will's love will be fundamental to the story).
And not only that, not having Mike go with El to the Nina project thingy literally stalled their progression which is a huge deal. I know some people don't like that Byler was removed from the supernatural plot, but I for one think it was a necessary evil to allow Will to explore his feelings and for Mike to miss him.
And to honest, even if the writers are the most douchebags to ever douchebag, it still wouldn't explain the amount of care they took in every Byler scene. It wouldn't explain how whenever we are in Mike's POV, is like he literally sees Will like this shinning beacon of light.
Because if they wanted a quick cash grab on the expense of the queer community, I can assure you there are easier ways of doing it. I remember when I was at the Sterek fandom and J*ff Davis was an ass about the ship during interviews. I remember how Tyl*r P*sey made terrible comments all the while they were clearly using the shippers in the series. And yeah, while I do agree Teen Wolf wasn't necessarily queerbait because there were actual queer couples, it still left a bitter taste on my mouth.
The way they built this, they didn't give themselves an easy way out. It would be one thing if Will was gay but not in love with Mike, it's a completely different thing for him to love Mike so deeply that he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for him.
The writers made him to me irrevocably in love with Mike. (You don't make her (him) feel like a mistake at all), El (Will) needs you and she (him) always Will. These aren't the words of someone that has a crush or whose feelings are fleeting, these are the words of someone who would rip his heart out just so that the man he loves can be happy.
These aren't the words of someone that can be just be: yeah, I moving on from this. Mike is Will's heart.
So sure, Will needs to discover self acceptance and self love. He needs to recognize that he can be happy and deserves to have happiness, but if that was the entire point all along, he literally could have figured that without having to be in love with his best friend whom he believes will never love him back.
If the sole point of his arc was: Needs to learn how to accept himself for who he is, there are other - less cruel - ways of going about.
Because at the end of the day, making Will to be this deeply in love with Mike only to be rejected is just that: pointless and cruel.
And again. Pointless.
The GA already believes that to be the case, the Mil*evns too, Will also believes that. So why would it be a conflict at all if it was actually the case?
Why would they make a slowburn reaction? Will already thinks he was rejected, that's the thing. He already thinks it's hopeless.
So why would they use the painting? Why would they frame everything as a love triangle? Why not get this shit over already?
Why pair them together with the already canon couples?
At this point I'm just rambling and repeating myself. I'm gonna sleep, but I hope I was coherent enough.
You guys are welcomed to chime in, I love to hear your thoughts on that because I feel like I wrote all of this before but I'll say however many times I have to.
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
People don't understand, when I say maiko wasn't well-written it's 'cause I'm BITTER.
When Zuko got together with Mai in The Awakening I was like
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For some reason I didn't remember Mai smiling when Ty Lee teased her about Zuko back in Return to Omashu and it had gone completely over my head that the flashbacks in Zuko Alone were Zuko's.
Plus I used not to spare much thought to Mai and Ty Lee during my first watch so...
I just loved the idea of the two of them together. I was like “wow, so knife girl likes that wet blanket, huh? Inch-resting.” and that was that.
And then they get together and I can't express how much I loved it. So don't even tell me that if I think they weren't well-written it means that maybe I don't like the ship.
I do.
But I'd honestly, vaguely, thought they wouldn't be endgame.
So, on one hand I was pleasantly surprised they got their happy ending, especially Mai because characters like her either change to appease the audience or have a bad ending—
There's this sort of defying expectations at every turn aspect to this ship that I love. I realise now that the reason I felt that way wasn't because I thought they weren't a good match, but because that's what happens in media.
Maiko ate all the tropes and spit them out chewed up and I stan.
But Zuko could really have been a better boyfriend, man. I guess he (and the writers) already had too much on their plates.
I guess too much character development is a thing...
Anyways, it doesn't assuage my poor heart which wants more good (emphasis on good) content for my babies.
Tldr: maiko feels like it came out of left field not because it actually came out of left field, but because it's something we're simply not used to. That being said, Zuko's character development with respect to his relationship with Mai still needs a lot of work. So, yeah, when I say maiko wasn't well-written I mean that. I'm not bashing the ship, I'm just bitter because of what could've been.
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── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, based on endgame by taylor swift (you don't understand how much i'm loving this song), cute gf flo
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 2.2k
note: omg, it's finally here. I'm so sorry it took me sooo long, it just I was super busy. Was this inspire by Ms. Taylor Swift? Yes, yes it was. I really hope you guys like this one. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love you all so much <3
note 2: guys, I'm currently reading 'Delilah Green doesnt' care' and it's giving me so many ideas for fics. So would any of you be interest in more mum!florence? Please let me know. Xoxo, M
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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Your eyes were closed, your head was on her chest listening to her steady heartbeats, a soft smile formed on your lips.
“Promise me this is forever,” you whispered. 
You knew she was awake, she was doing the same thing as you, enjoying the moment, living in the present.
Your eyes found hers already looking at you. 
“I promise,” she said, her smile mirroring yours. 
Her lips found yours as if sealing the promise forever, but nothing ever lasts forever. The kiss that was first sweet and soft and filled with love, turned bitter, harsh and cold. You pulled back confusion written all over your face. 
You blink once then twice, and suddenly you were waking up on your bed, alone. You cursed yourself at the stupid memory. It was so pathetic to still think about Florence that way. You two were history, long forgotten, just a memory of your adolescence. 
You shook your head, trying to wake up your foggy brain from the nap you had taken. And decided to get some work done as a way to clear your head from your silly old fantasies.  
You made yourself a cup of tea, grabbed your notebook and put your headphones on. You only had three more months to finish your second album. The deadline wasn’t much of a concern of yours, what bothered you was the lack of inspiration. Every lyric you would write down was just trash, it was as if you were missing something. So far you had only five finished songs, and you needed ten more to have the album finished. 
You were humming, moving your head to the beat as you let your brain come up with the right words, but it felt as if you were stuck.
“I wanna be your endgame,” you sang to the beat. “I wanna be, I wanna be your… ” you threw your head back in annoyance, frustration getting the best out of you. 
You had been sitting on the floor for the last hour, trying to finish this one song but you were not even close to it. You took a deep breath trying not to lose your shit. Your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a new notification and that took your whole attention. 
“Y/n Y/l/n and Drew Starkey spotted out for dinner,” you read out loud and couldn’t help rolling your eyes at the link your manager and best friend had sent you.
According to the news, you were dating both Drew Starkey and Joe Keery. You also almost got engaged the week before to Rudy Pankow, but apparently cheated on him with Maya Hawke. You knew better than to actually pay attention to fake news, but you couldn’t help to. After all that was now your life, the life of a startpop in the making, so much for a boring Oxford kid. 
Your reputation precedes you, in rumours you were knee-deep. But there was nothing you could do about it. Exhausted from your social life and the poor lack of motivation to do the one thing you loved the most, you decided to go out on a walk, hoping it would help to clear your thoughts about both the fake news and Florence, who you tried to ignore from thinking of. But ever since that dream you found yourself thinking about her more often. 
You knew she was as famous as you were, maybe even more. You had to admit to yourself that some nights you found some kind of comfort in her movies, watching her cute pouty face, the one she was most known for. 
She was your first love, she taught you how to love, what it was to be loved. Of course it wasn’t easy to forget about her, even after all these years, some part of you still craved her love. It wasn’t that you didn’t love each other when you both decided to go separate ways, it was because things weren’t so simple anymore. You two weren’t just two teenargs in love, you were slowly becoming adults. She had booked roles and you were making your way into the music industry. 
And without the two of you knowing you two just drifted apart, the two of you too caught up in your careers. But you loved her, so you decided to let her go, hoping and praying to the universe that maybe she would come back to you one day. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as you opened the door to your local cafe and someone bumped into you. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t… “ but you stopped cold once you saw the strangers eyes. 
“Y/n?” she asked, her voice as soft and raspy as you remembered. “What are you doing here?” a smile formed on her face, as if she was genuinely happy to see you. 
You shook your head trying to clear out your mind, was Florence really in front of you? “I, um, I lived here,” you blinked once, twice and she was still there. “Just around the corner,” you added, cursing yourself for being so awkward. “What are you doing here?” 
Was this a sign of the universe? Have your prayers been answered? 
“Visiting my family,” right her family, you thought. “Well, not just that, I’m also working,” she scratched the back of her neck. “I was actually hoping to see you, too.”
“Really?” that had to mean something, the universe couldn't be messing around with you this cruelly. Right?
“Yeah, I have, um… I have been thinking about you.” she smiled at you and you felt the butterflies in your stomach. “I think we should talk.”
“I, um,” what were you supposed to say? Were you willingly going to agree to spend time with the love of your life as if the two of you were going to be just friends? What was that supposed to mean?
“Yeah, sure. When are you free?” you finally agree.
You mentally checked your schedule, you were supposed to finish your songs but taking a break wouldn’t hurt anybody. Plus, you were going to get your coffee and get back to it right away. 
“Um, what about now?” 
Shit, you thought. She wasn’t going to give you any time to prepare yourself. Well, you better get into it, rip it off like a band aid. 
“Okay, I was going to get a coffee and then we can…”
“Yeah, yeah, take your time. I’m going to find us a table.”
You order your coffee while mentally preparing for the conversation the two of you were going to have. What was she on about? Was it really a big coincidence? Did the universe put her in our path for some reason? You shook your head, you needed to stop thinking about the universe’s way of working for a second.
They handed you your coffee and now you had no more excuses to avoid her, not that you wanted to. Some part of you long to be near her, but you were scared of what this whole thing was about. 
“So, um, what’s up with Drew?” she tried to pretend she didn’t care but was actually dying to know if you were actually dating him, not that you noticed it.
“Drew? Starkey?”
“Oh, yeah, Drew,” you chuckled, silly you for forgetting your own friend. “He’s just a friend, a really good friend,” was it your imagination or did she just let out a breath of relief. “What about Ashley?” you asked before taking a sip of your coffee. 
She smiled at you, “She’s also a really good friend.”
“So, um…”
“Listen, Y/n…”
The both of you chuckled. 
“You go first, Flo”
That nickname. It was stupid because everyone who knew her would call her ‘Flo’, but coming out of your lips felt different. She had missed hearing her name on your lips, she had missed you. 
“I’m just going to say it, okay?” you only nodded. “I lied earlier, I’m not here for work or visiting my family. I came here to find you,” your lips parted in disbelief. “Ever since we broke things apart, I had been feeling like something was missing, Y/n. And I recently realised it was you. Well, I saw the article about you getting married and all I could think of was that something wasn’t right.”
“Florence I…”
“No, please let me finish,” she cut you off. “I understand that  we are strangers to each other, but I would love to get to know you once again. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, it can be like a fresh start. I just really need you in my life, Y/n. I miss my best friend.”
You took another sip of your coffee, stealing time before giving her an answer. The truth was you already knew what you wanted, you knew it the moment you sat at the table, but you wanted to mess with her just a little bit. 
You put your cup down, and finally your eyes found hers, “I would like nothing more.”
Ever since that day, Florence and you had been spending everyday together. Catching up with each other and going back to old habits. 
The more you hang out with her, the more you could feel your old feeling coming back. But you didn’t want to rush things just to ruin them again. But one particular afternoon you couldn't hold back anymore and decided to do something about it. 
She had fallen asleep 30 minutes ago, you chuckled as you realised her current state because she had picked out the movie but turns out she was more tired than what she let you see. 
You headed to your small studio and decided to get back to the song you were working on before running into Florence. You  knew exactly what you wanted to say, having found your new inspiration a few weeks ago. 
You pressed play and the music started playing, you already had a few things written down in your notebook you just needed to put all your ideas together. 
You were so lost and immersed in finishing the song, going at it back and forth, changing some lyrics, singing some ideas, writing and crossing out some bits, that you didn’t realise someone was watching you just when you were about to finish. 
You had already recorded the whole song and were just checking it out when Florence leaned in the frame door. 
Florence smiled as she listened to your sweet voice. She wondered who this song was about. 
Knew her when I was young, reconnected when we were little bit older
Both sprung, I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders
She didn’t want to get her hopes up.
Reputation precedes me, in rumors, I'm knee-deep
The truth is, it’s easier to ignore it, believe me
She felt her heart shrinking in her chest.
Even when we'd argue, we'd not do it for long
And you understand the good and bad end up in the song
She listened closely to the song as you hummed to it.
For all your beautiful traits and the way you do it with ease
For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities
Her heartbeat and body temperature were rising.
I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny
After the storm, something was born on the 4th of July
I've passed days without fun, this end game is the one
With four words on the tip of my tongue, I'll never say it
She couldn't take it any longer. 
“I like it,” she said, getting closer to where you were sitting. “It’s catchy,” she said, trying to shake her feeling away. That song could be about anyone.
“I feel like something’s missing,” you scrunch your nose.
“Sing the corus to me, please,” she looked at you with her doe eyes and you swear you could have melted in that moment. 
You shook your head with a smile on your face and compiled, “I wanna be your endgame, endgame,” you finished singing the chorus. “And then it goes. Big reputation, big reputation. Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah,” you sang, trying to not look at Florence. 
“You know, it sounds awfully familiar,” she teased, wanting nothing more than for it to be true. 
“And you heard about me, ooh. I got some big enemies,” you kept on going.
“What are you trying to say, Y/n?” she kept on pushing you. 
“Big reputation, big reputation. Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation, ah. And I heard about you, ooh. You like the bad ones, too,” you finished, trying to tell her that you were thinking exactly what she was thinking. 
She was so close to you now, her knees brushing against yours, sending electricity throughout your body. You could feel her hot breath on your lips. 
“I want to…” she didn’t finish her sentence because you were already nodding and she smashed her lips to yours in a second. 
You felt as if a wave of cold water was washing over you. Her lips felt both familiar and new at the same time. You felt at home as she wrapped her arm around your waist and her other hand cupped your cheek. You didn’t want to ever stop kissing her, but both you and her needed to breathe so ultimately pulled apart. 
She rested her forehead on yours, both of her hands cupping your cheeks, caressing your skin with her fingertips. 
“I wanna be your endgame,” you quietly sang to her. 
She chuckled before kissing you again and again and again. 
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! &lt;3
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firelxdykatara · 7 months
lol you just know all those "well zutara is bad cause colonization or something" arguments are all bad faith cause like 50% of the time u take a look at the blog that is saying that and they wholeheartely shipping zukka, like i guess the colonization argument doesnt apply if its sokka then.
There's so much 'it's ok if it it's gay' hypocrisy going on in that side of the fandom and it's just so funny to me. Especially when it's coupled with trying to give z/s all the zutara moments and dynamics rather than leaning into Zuko and Sokka's canon dynamic, cause at that point what it tells me is that they really do wanna just ship zutara but they're allergic to m/f ships and don't wanna admit it
So they make up reasons why zutara is bad and problematic, ignore the fact that all of those reasons apply just as much to z/ukka because 'it's ok if it's gay' and then pretend they 'solved' the ship war (by removing the girl the war centered around from the equation). But it's really just hypocrisy all the way down and also probably more than a little jealousy, so at this point I just have to laugh.
And even the people who ostensibly apply the same argument to z/ukka won't say boo about ships like jetko or jinko and I think that's ultimately because neither of those ships are very popular so they aren't a 'threat' to the canon ships the way zutara is for some reason. (I will never understand why k/ataang shippers are so damn insecure. Like even if on the remotest chance the endgame ships in the netflix adaptation are different, it won't affect canon in any way, so WHY do so many of them have such a bug up their ass about zutara being so popular?)
Anyway, I maintain that jetko is the m/m ship that actually deserved to have the massive surge in popularity during the renaissance that z/s got and I'm still bitter about it cause jetko actually has the sauce. (And allows for my favorite atla ot3 without a whole lot of contortion hehe)
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S3 last eps fix - 3B predictions
As I anticipated the last eps of the season were the most "shippers", even though they were far from what we woulda wished them to be.
And that is why they were the longest, because the meat of the season was there.
The day of the premiere I skipped straight to ep 10 before watching the whole thing and saw the Funeral dinner which I didn't know was a Funeral service at the time, saw Carmy crying and then Syd's panic attack, then I saw the fucking last scene and was left feeling that it was all about S4, without even knowing S3 part B was a thing.
Now, after having watched S3 fully, done a partial re-watch and multiple analyses of the pivotal scenes, and finding out about 3B, I can safely say that Syd is not going anywhere and will sign The Bear's agreement. We will not see much more of Shapiro going forward although I would love to see Carmy ripping his head off for trying to poach Syd and I'd love Syd to see that and appreciate it for what it is, not just possessiveness, but also love. Anyway, that will not solve our problems in 3B, nor will it ensure a Sydcarmy development right away.
I still feel S4 is Sydcarmy territory, as I always thought but now I can foresee us actually getting "joy" in 3B, just like JAW said in an interview. We will have another under-the-table vibe kinda moment. That's for sure. We will have what they deprived us of, a hopeful cliffhanger.
The reason is that Shapiro is the wild card and S3 was the sleight of hand of the whole arc of the show as Storer told us repeatedly throughout S3.
Not 100% sure yet when 3B will be released, I hope that by March 2025. Anyway, whenever they decide to do it, those were supposed to be the last eps of S3, not the ones we saw that left us feeling so off.
I have no idea why they decided to go about it this way because even if they tried to make it longer, this was not the way. I still have the strong feeling that the main issues were writing and edition this time around, although I don't understand why, as they even had more time to shoot the same amount of eps they usually shoot in 3 months.
The wedding scene was not included in 3A, so we will see that, which is obviously gonna be Tiff's wedding and we will also get a real reconciliation between Carm and Richie, maybe at the wedding or right after...
These events will cement what from now on I will be calling: TEAM SYDCARMY FOR THE GOLD (TSFTG), that is Syd+Carmy+Richie+Nat+Pete+Jimmy
And the other team that I haven't named yet, is gonna be: Luca+Claire+TheFaks
Donna is a mystery to me, but she's in a redemption arc, so I will wait it out. I'm pretty sure she will not be TSFTG right away but will eventually embrace that endgame. What I can't put my finger on yet is: is she gonna be on the same team as Claire? I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised. Let's see...
Ultimately what matters is that when we actually get to see those last eps that shoulda belonged to this season we just watched, we will see that Sydcarmy element we feel this one lacked and this bitter aftertaste will go away.
Stay tuned, I'm still working on it but I haven't really dived in some stuff yet, just the main ones.
Looking forward to getting your feedback on these topics, maybe it will help me figure out some more stuff.
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From Vormir, With Love - Part 2
Tags: strangers to lovers, love in space angst on earth, slavery mention, alien abduction, post Endgame, will add as we go on
Summary: As you're being chased you crash on Vormir. So far, so bad. But things take a turn when you come face to face with a marooned Black Widow.
[Part 1] [here] [Part 3]
Word count: 3.1k
A/n: after some nice vacations I'm back! Thanks for all your support, and I hope you'll like this chapter!
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Taglist: tbd
You were right, June didn't like you bringing one more person along. An Avenger on top of it. Still, she simply gave one look to the newcomer, groaned, and went back to her repairs. You could work with that.
Now, you're hanging in the cockpit of your ship, looking at the star chart. In the five years you spent drifting into space, you never managed to find Earth again. Most Aliens don't care for humans, and don't know where they're from. As for star charts, they cost an arm and a half, so you have to work with the one you have - one which of course doesn't give the common names of planets in human language and no translator has cracked it.
"What are you doing?" The voice comes from behind you, covering the snores of the rest of the crew in the background. Sleep doesn't come as easy to you, even if you have the privilege to have your own bed. For tonight, you decided to give it up to Tim. He looked miserable after the fight with Natasha.
"Looking up at the stars," you answer simply, eyes still on the chart.
"What are you doing in space?" She asks after a moment of silence.
"What are you?" You retort, not even contemplating answering her question, and finally looking up at her. Now that you know who she is, bitterness is starting to build inside you, for her and all the so-called Mightiest Heroes of Earth. You take a deep breath, you don't want to lose focus. "I know for a fact Avengers don't travel that far out without a reason, and clearly something happened." You point at the Aliens who came back from the blip. "Cause those guys appeared out of nowhere three days ago. So, what's up with that?"
"So it worked…" she whispers at first, in a sort of wonder, and you understand she had something to do with all that. She looks at you, searches your face, and for a bit you think she won't answer you. And then she smirks. That surprises you. "You're a smart one, aren't you?" She puts her feet on the board and you glare at them as she keeps talking. "I was here to save everyone from the snap. It's good to see we succeeded." She seems genuinely happy about it, but also troubled.
You hum, and you wonder if that's truly for the best. Memories from the day of the Snap flood back to you.
You had never been that scared in your life before. You had no idea where you were, if you were even still on Earth - you guessed that you weren't, because those… people were clearly non-humans. You remembered going to the convenience store down your street, after a long shift at work. The night had already set for a few hours at the time, and as you were about to pay for your ramen pack and soda, those things came out of nowhere. You tried to hide, to fight, but it was no use. You remember thinking that maybe, just maybe, someone would come and help you. The cops, the military, anyone. Maybe SHIELD or the Avengers had detected that strange activity, somehow, and they were on their way. But no one came.
The aliens took all of you, all the ones that were in the store, and the next time you opened your eyes, you were in what looked like a ship.
You were kept in a cell with the clerk from the store - June, you learned, an engineering student who was working two jobs to pay for college - and food was coming from the ceiling in bags. You quickly realized it was sedated, and stopped eating until your stomach begged for something, anything. Some of the aliens were walking around, probably to keep an eye on the prisoners, and you quickly noticed that the only ones armed were those who had six eyes and a weird stone in the middle of their forehead. There were others, they looked like they were only doing maintenance or cleaning. They had a collar around their neck. This lasted maybe a week, and you kept praying that anytime, at any moment now, someone would come to save you. But once again, no one came.
And then one day… no one came again. No guards. The prison doors opened for apparently no reason, and you took a step outside. Was it a trap? Your naked feet walked alongside other prisoners. Besides June, you couldn't understand any of them - they were all aliens speaking different languages, and the other three humans were nowhere to be seen. You found weapons, and fought some of the aliens. You managed to outnumber most of them with the other prisoners. Soon enough, you were aboard a ship and on your way elsewhere. You remember looking at the star chart with so much hope. Home. It was right there.
Home is nowhere to be seen.
"I wish you could be as optimistic as you." You shake your head.
Now, those Aliens have more manpower than ever, and will certainly come after you again. You will need to lay low for some time before you can keep going on your quest for Earth.
"You're not happy," Natasha simply states. It feels like you're raining on her parade, so you decide to reassure her in order to keep the peace. There is also this weird feeling in your chest that makes you like her smirk, and the stupid spark in her eyes, so you might as well try to keep it there even just for some personal gratification.
"No, it's probably good. Means more people to help us get back to Earth. Which, you wouldn't happen to have a star chart on you?"
"No. But I might know someone who does." Here is the smirk again, thinning her full lips that you could kiss right now if she is telling the truth. You lunge towards her and put your hands on her upper arms, one on each side, squeezing her. She looks surprised, eyes wide, almost ready to fight but she keeps it in her.
"Wait? Are you for real?! This would be fantastic!"
"Why don't we calm down first, hm?"
You want to throw a party and dance of joy. "Calm down? It's been more than five years!" You whisper yell to not wake up your guests. "I can finally go home!"
She decides you're a lost cause when she sees you walk towards June's quarters and almost fall from dancing happily between the bodies sleeping on the ground. Somehow, seeing this after the past few days makes her smirk slightly, her heart lighter. You disappear around a corner just as the memory hits.
When she opened her eyes, it was to a dark sky and crimson surroundings. Her clothes were damp from the small pools of water under her. Not far was the sharp cliff she jumped from. She remembered the last thing she saw. Clint. She sat up. He was nowhere to be seen, and she wondered if her sacrifice didn't work, because right now, she was very much alive. No. She should still be dead. She should still be… free. She swallowed. She never wanted to die. But. But… she stood up, as tired as ever, and checked her equipment. Her Widow's bites were fried, as were her comms, but she still had her sidearm. Now, she had to find Clint.
He was nowhere to be seen, she realized once she came back up the cliff. No one was here anymore, not even Red Skull, she was all alone. Alone. She was used to it, it was fine.
She checked her comms again. Still nothing, not even statics.
She sat down on the same rocks as earlier. Was it earlier? She searched around her pockets, and found her phone. She was barely able to make it work, but soon enough she realized what her problem was. She was back to today's time, after she left for the past. Clint wasn't here, not because he abandoned her, because the last time he was had been years ago. It suddenly made sense. What didn't was why she was here. But for now, she had a much more pressing question: how was she going to go back to Earth?
Luckily, fate gave her a quick answer.
In the horizon, light caught her eye. Someone was crashing here, and she would only hope to get to you before you left again. With no time to lose, she started her walk.
"Are you sure she isn't brain dead? 'Cause she ain't answering." June's voice brings Natasha back to the present. She arches an eyebrow and tilts her head the slightest in her direction.
"See, not dead," you say in triomph.
"Why don't you stop talking about me like I'm not here." Her tone is harsh, and it shuts up both of you. You rub the back of your neck and look away, ashamed, while June just crosses her arms almost in defiance. It's still enough to get back to the main subject.
"Whatever," June starts, "do you really know people who could help us?"
The irreverence aside, there is some fear in her voice, and it quickly clicks in Natasha's head: she's scared to get her hopes up. It's a fear she understood all too well; hope is always the first step towards disappointment. Hope is dangerous. But sometimes it's all you have, and she isn't about to disappoint those lost women.
"Yes, we just need to find them."
"And who are they exactly?" asks a very guarded June. You elbow her, and she simply send you a glare, ignoring your suddenly very shiny personality. You'd never been one to be pessimistic, despite everything that happened, you just knew how to hide it, but right now you were almost beaming with joy.
"Carol Danvers, ideally, then Peter Quill, or Thor, one of the two if we don't have a choice." She shrugs like this will be easy. To be fair, they are very well known individuals. June looks at you to see if you know who she's talking about, since you're well informed usually. You are always the one going outside the ship to find the missions. It takes you a second to know exactly who she's talking about, and you nod.
"Carol is our best bet, anyone with authority has a way to contact her. We can just go to the federation probably, but the Nova Corps could be closer. I think they have an outpost a few jumps away…" You're already thinking, looking back at your star chart to find the closest place where you can contact Marvel, or whoever the other two were - well, Thor you know, but the name of Peter Quill sounds made up, even if it titillates your brain. "I'll check the radio as soon as we leave Vormir's atmosphere. Something is blocking the communications."
June nods, then looks at Natasha with distrustful eyes. "You better be telling the truth or you'll pray you did."
Somehow, the threat works on you too and you move on your seat in discomfort. June always was the more serious of the two of you, and held an even bigger grudge against the Avengers than you did. It reminds you that maybe you should distrust a spy a little bit more, as you eye the ship's console. Natasha is less impressed, but still takes things seriously.
"I am," she simply reaffirms in all seriousness. You observe her, and she seems genuine to you. It looks like it's enough for June too, because she simply goes back to her bed.
"Sorry for June," you say when she's out of earshot. "She's… we both went through a lot. Makes things hard." Hard to trust, hard to forgive. You're happy that she could help, but you also know tomorrow the bitterness will still be there. Of course, Natasha knows too well what you mean, the vulnerability that comes with the short explanation, and she offers a simple nod in understanding, her eyes expressing all of her empathy.
You're thankful for it.
A small silence establishes itself, during which you look each other in the eyes. It's easy to fall in hers, the infinite pool of water so inviting, so full of hurt to learn and comfort to find. You could read a full life, and something more, a spark no one else had. It lasts a few seconds, before you get back to the star chart, and she stands up to go get some water. When she comes back, she brings some to you, and you thank her in a whisper. She starts to clean her weapons and tinkers with her widow bites to try and repair them. While she does that, she notices you talking to yourself when you plan your next course and smiles slightly while looking down. Her lips crack from three days spent in what was virtually a desert.
Somehow, it makes her think of home.
Everything is ready for take off, and as your hand hovers over the handle ,you send a look to June. She gives you a thumbs up, but you know she isn't as sure as she looks, you know she probably thinks there is a small uncertain chance you will crash again and not survive this time. But with the help of Natasha - turns out she's a good mechanic at least - and some of the maintenance crew, you managed to repair the ship earlier than June told you the first time.
"Okay, up and away we go," you whisper to yourself as you push the thrusters. "Let's hope."
The ship shakes under the building pressure, but it holds. You push them some more as you gain elevation, the ground further and further away, and before you know it, you manage to leave Vormir's atmosphere.
You let out a breath of relief.
The ship stabilizes under you, and you send a thumbs up to June this time. As you go back to the console, your gaze crosses with Natasha's, and you exchange a small smile. You only had brief talks since she joined you, but she always was nice to everyone, if a bit short with Tim. The giant humanoid feline was still suspicious of her, the same way he was suspicious of almost everyone. You mainly tried to ignore the small brewing conflict, but it was getting harder. For now, you were simply happy to be back in space and not in pieces.
"We're green across the board," you announced, and everyone let the reassurance lift the weight off their shoulders. You then focus back on the ship. You still had to have the autopilot calibrated to the nearest jump point that would allow you to access the Nova Corps, then, if you were lucky, Earth.
It takes you little time to get the autopilot calibrated, and once you do you notice Natasha is still watching you, where the others simply went back to their activities. She's leaning against the hull, her arms crossed, a spark of curiosity in her eyes.
"How did you learn to pilot?"
"Observation. When we… commandeered this ship–"
"You stole it?" She raises an eyebrow.
"They were bad people." She nods, and you continue. "We had aliens with us. I just watched them pilot and learned via observation."
"Not everyone could have done that. What did you do back on Earth?" Her interest starts to make you the slightest uncomfortable, but you simply answer with a shrug.
"I worked some job that barely matters anymore."
"Never had a flying lesson?"
You shake your head no, and you notice admiration in her traits. It seems like you impressed her.
"I'm impressed," she confirms. "It takes some exceptional skills to pick up something like that."
Somehow, it makes you blush slightly and your chest rises with pride. You look away to hide it as you feel conflicted, and decide it's probably because the only other person you spent time with the past few years has been June, and she's not one to show admiration for others. Definitely nothing to do with Natasha herself being incredibly competent, and pretty. Very pretty.
Your eyes can't help but wander back to her when you notice the way the dim lights from the ship are highlighting her sharp jaw and her cheekbones, her long lashes projecting their shadows on her delicate skin. You realize you're staring, and that she's actually staring back. It makes you slightly uncomfortable, as you feel that after five years, there isn't much to look at, so you decide to break the brief silence.
"It's not… maybe a bit but– you know, you look tired. Maybe you should rest or something?" You fumble to change the subject. She has the audacity to smirk, and you want to cross your arms like a petulant child who's been caught in the cookie jar. But she's nice, and simply agrees.
"I should. You should too, commander." There is some teasing behind her voice, and you sputter a bit. She doesn't wait for an answer before she ducks back to the other side of the ship.
You stay there for a minute, trying to process the whole conversation. Was she…? Was that flirting? No. No way. You frown, trying to understand what just happened.
"Nope, no way. She's right I'm just tired," you finally settle on. You stand up and go back to the living side of the ship, asking Tim to keep an eye on the trajectory before you join your bunk. It was more a hole in the wall with a mattress stuck in it than anything else, but it was yours. There was another bunk on top of yours, where you kept some of your stuff before the arrival of everyone, but it had been cleared to give space to them. On the other side of the room, there is the same configuration, and on the top bunk you can make the silhouette of the spy. 
It's the last thing you see before you fall asleep, and you wonder how long the newfound safety you felt is going to last.
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saintsenara · 4 months
As much as I love Dramione and that community. I stopped reading Dramione because of Ron’s characterization. Ron bashing is so normalized that it has become a Dramione convention and I’m not in for it. A lot of the faults that they give Ron are a lot of things that I can relate to (mediocre at school, procrastination, feeling like the lesser sibling) these are pretty standard Ron characteristics in Dramione. Usually the relationship with Draco start as a secret so Hermione is always alone in Dramione fanfics, her friendship with Harry and Ron is only a thing from the past that is occasionally mentioned. So a lot of Ron’s strong points are never there, I.e his loyalty, bravery, his defense of his friends, vast knowledge of the wizarding world. It is bothersome to see the way they portray students that do not excel in school, or have strong points that do not include academia.
Then also Astoria, she’s usually death or the crazy wife. Rose granger Weasley is non-existent while Scorpius Malfoy is a pretty common character, and Hugo… who is that ? The community doesn’t even mention him. I’m a bit disturbed by the way all of Hermione’s children in canon are just erased. Draco can be the dad, the widower, or the divorce but Hermione is the one that is single for a while, never married, haven’t had a proper shag, and ready to be the stepmother.
I always feel that they’re projecting their ex-boyfriends onto Ron, and Draco is the rich, intelligent, hot guy that they’d wished they upgraded for. In many stories Ron and Hermione break up because they always fight, but then they have Draco and Hermione quarrel just as much.
I would not be so bothered by it if I didn’t see all of this so much.
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
dramione certainly isn't my circus, but i find the same phenomenon occurring in my fandom spaces, since i'm someone with a preference for pairings which put harry with someone other than ginny - i've waded through so many fics in which ginny ends up getting turned into a complete bitch with no redeeming qualities and her relationship [both romantic and platonic] with harry is handwaved away in order to make her someone he never actually liked, who he only dated for a bit because he was forced to.
part of this is just standard slash subfandom misogyny when it comes to female characters, which we all need to get a grip on. but - as you say - it's also so prevalent in the fandom treatment of ron. and i find it really uninteresting!
i bang on a lot on here about how any ship is possible if an author has enough nerve - and how the reason for this is that love is fundamentally strange and unpredictable, and nobody can ever predict how it will strike.
but this comes with a flip side - that the strangeness of love means that its ability to last isn't always guaranteed. or - any ship can be disentangled interestingly and sincerely and [if that's an author's aim] canon-coherently with a bit of effort.
i think there are lots of really compelling things which could be done with the premise that ron and hermione don't get together or don't stay together - whether dramione ends up as the endgame or not - which don't need to reduce ron to the lazy, whinging boor he so often becomes.
and this includes thinking about divorce and co-parenting and blended-families in circumstances which aren't acrimonious. i think it's really striking that - as you say - there's an unease in fandom spaces with characters [above all female ones] having been married or had children in prior relationships. and there's also an unease about marriages which end for comparatively benign reasons - such as a couple simply not wanting to be in a romantic relationship with each other, but wishing to maintain a platonic one. divorces are always bitter - and the only time relationships break down without one partner becoming the bad guy, it's because someone [usually a woman] is dead.
this obviously isn't something fandom created, but it's still a wider cultural bleed-through into fandom which i find fundamentally boring.
and this is even though i very much understand the appeal of fairytale endings - draco malfoy as every disney prince rolled into one - as tropes. we all love a bit of self-insert fantasy, a bit of rom-com schmaltz, a bit of a knight in shining armour rescuing princess hermione from horrible ron.
but i think there's something valuable - and something no less fun, or moving, or compelling - about love stories which feel a bit less epic. second love, or friends-to-lovers-to-friends-again, or "there's no such thing as soulmates", or "this was fun while it lasted".
i genuinely think ron would be great as a divorced dad - not least because you know the single mams would be flocking to chat to him when it's his turn to bring the cake for playgroup - who remained best friends with hermione after they split.
and i think the dramione-specific comedy-of-errors of him and draco negotiating their new dynamic [mutual seething giving way to begrudging cordiality giving way to tentative respect] would properly bang as a premise.
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winters8child · 2 months
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 59
I perched on one of the many tables in Tony's lab, my heels long discarded and my elegant dress swapped for a simple shirt and yoga pants. The air was thick with tension as we grappled with the aftermath of Ultron's attack. The realization that he had infiltrated and compromised all our systems was a bitter pill to swallow. He had access to everything, including nuclear codes.
"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead," Natasha remarked, her voice tinged with worry and disbelief as she paced the floor.
"He didn't say dead. He said extinct," Steve corrected, his tone somber and resolute.
"And he also mentioned he killed someone," Clint added, his voice trailing off as he wandered around the lab, his steps aimless and heavy. The loss of Jarvis weighed on us all—Ultron had targeted him because Jarvis was our last line of defense.
Thor erupted without warning, storming across the room and seizing Tony by the neck.
"Come on, use your words, buddy," Tony croaked, his voice strained but still carrying a hint of his trademark sarcasm.
"I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark," Thor thundered, his eyes blazing with fury, his grip tightening. His anger was palpable, bubbling just beneath the surface of his skin.
Steve took a step towards them, his voice firm and commanding. "Thor. The Legionnaire."
Thor released Tony, who stumbled slightly before regaining his balance. "The trail went cold about a hundred miles out," Thor reported, his voice still laced with anger as he continued to glare at Stark. "But it is headed north. And it has the scepter."
"Now we have to retrieve it. Again," Thor continued, his tone dripping with accusation. Dr. Cho, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "I don't understand. You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?" she asked, directing her bewildered gaze at Tony.
Tony started to chuckle, a sound that seemed entirely out of place given the gravity of the situation. I looked around at our collective confusion, our faces mirroring each other's bewilderment.
"Tony has finally lost his mind," I said, my voice exasperated and tinged with disbelief. Bruce was shaking his head vigorously, his eyes fixed on Tony. Before he could speak, Thor's voice boomed across the lab, "You think this is funny?"
Tony turned to face him, a strange mix of humor and frustration in his eyes. "No, it's probably not, right? This is very terrible. Is it so... It is. It's so terrible," he said, his voice tinged with laughter that seemed to mock the gravity of the situation.
"This could have been avoided if you had not played with something you don't understand," Thor reprimanded, his tone harsh and unforgiving.
"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It is funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this," Tony retorted, stepping forward until he was almost chest-to-chest with Thor. The tension between them crackled like electricity.
Bruce tried to intervene, his voice calm but urgent. "Tony, this might not be the time."
But Tony was having none of it. He turned sharply to Bruce, "Really? That's it? You just roll over. Show your belly every time somebody snarls?"
Bruce's eyes widened in disbelief. "Only when I create a murder bot."
"We didn't. We weren't even close. Were we close to an interface?" Tony asked, his frustration boiling over. The tech jargon flew over my head, adding to my growing headache. The night had stretched on far too long, and our nerves were frayed beyond repair. I had to admit Tony had a point. The attack on New York had starkly demonstrated that Earth needed some form of protection against the threats lurking in the vastness of space.
"We are the Avengers," Tony declared, his tone intense. "We can tackle arms dealers all day long, but that up there—" he gestured toward the heavens, his expression grim, "—that's the endgame. How were you planning on beating that?"
"Together," Steve replied firmly, his voice carrying a resolute determination.
Tony’s gaze was unwavering as he stepped closer, his eyes locked onto Steve’s. "We’ll lose," he said bluntly.
"Then we’ll do that together, too," Steve answered without missing a beat, his resolve as unshakable as ever.
We all retreated to our rooms, the exhaustion from the night's events weighing heavily on us. Sleep was urgently needed. I collapsed onto the center of the bed, my thoughts still tangled with the chaos of the evening, when I noticed Steve removing his shirt.
Amid the ongoing Ultron crisis, I had almost managed to push aside the troubling memories from the maze. But now, all the guilt came crashing back, a tidal wave of remorse overwhelming me. I squeezed my eyes shut, only to find that doing so intensified the pain, making Bucky's face the only image that lingered in the darkness.
Steve collapsed onto the bed beside me with a weary sigh and began tracing gentle circles on my stomach. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver through me, and I opened my eyes to meet his gaze. His eyes were filled with concern, but he offered me a reassuring smile and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead.
Tears welled up as I felt the comforting weight of his presence. The softness of his touch and the simple act of lying here with him brought a profound sense of solace amid the turmoil. His brows furrowed in concern when he saw the tears streaming down my face. Gently, he wiped them away with his thumb. My eyes fluttered shut at the feather-light touch, and I leaned into the warmth of his palm.
"I know it's been a tough night, but we’ll be okay," he whispered, his voice soft and soothing as he kissed away my tears.
Despite his comforting words, I felt like the worst person in the world. The weight of my guilt was unbearable, and I lacked the courage to be honest with him, paralyzed by my selfishness. I cupped his face in my hands and gazed up into his eyes, my tears continuing to fall. "I love you, Steve," I choked out, my voice trembling. "I love you so much... I’m so sorry..."
His brow furrowed in confusion, though a faint smile lingered on his lips. "I love you too," he said softly. "But why are you sorry? I don’t understand..." My lip quivered as I stared into his eyes, my mind racing through all the possible outcomes of telling him the truth. The weight of my decision felt unbearable, and despite knowing that honesty was needed, I couldn't bring myself to speak. The reason? A paralyzing sense of selfishness.
As the silence between us grew heavy, I felt a surge of desperation. Unable to bear the weight of my unspoken truth and the agony of not being able to share it, I reached out and pulled him close. My lips crashed against his with an urgent, feverish intensity. It was a kiss born from a mix of fear, regret, and an overwhelming need to connect.
Steve’s initial surprise gave way to a passionate response. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me even closer as if trying to absorb the whirlwind of emotions that had overtaken me.
His hand slid to my thigh as he hovered above me, our tongues and lips meeting in a fervent clash. I grasped the hem of his shirt, tugging it upward to reveal his broad chest. The need to be as close to him as possible drove me to quickly discard the rest of our clothes. We were soon pressed together, our bodies bare and entwined, skin against skin.
"I love you so much," I whispered between labored breaths and gasps as his fingers traced fiery paths over my skin. Each touch ignited a new wave of desire, making my body arch toward him.
Steve's eyes locked onto mine with an intense gaze, his expression a blend of raw passion and deep affection. He leaned in, his breath hot against my ear as he murmured, "I love you too. Always."
I pulled back, my breaths coming in heavy gasps as his eyes fluttered open, surprised by my sudden hesitation. He searched my face for an explanation, but I remained silent. His hand gently cupped my cheek, his voice soft but laced with concern. "What's wrong?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but the words seemed to catch in my throat. The weight of what I needed to say felt overwhelming.
"He was here... Bucky... during the party," I stammered, unsure of how he would react.
His eyes widened in shock. "Why didn’t you tell me? I thought he was leaving... What did he say?" His voice grew almost frantic, a mix of worry and agitation evident in his tone. I pulled the blanket up to my chin, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. "He said he was scared... that he didn’t want to leave without me," I confessed, my voice trembling.
Steve's expression shifted to one of deep concern, and a heavy silence settled between us. After a moment, he spoke again, his tone serious. "Well, tell him I want to talk to him."
"I don’t have a way to reach him," I replied, my voice tinged with frustration. "He just appears and disappears, like a ghost."
Steve nodded, a look of determination in his eyes. "Then let him know that next time he shows up. Is that everything he said?"
I nodded, unable to meet his gaze. "That’s it..."
He looked at me for a moment longer, then sighed deeply. "We should try to get some sleep. It’s late." He got up, pulled on his shorts, turned off the lights, and settled back into bed, facing away from me.
I spent the rest of the night wide awake.
Tags: @capswife
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
Would there ever be a Silvika divorce AU?
Tw: dysfunctional relationships
It would take a very
huge deal for this pairing to have a divorce AU.
Not because they are super devoted in the lovey dovey sense, but because they both share similar natures that stay ruthlessly committed to a path to the bitter end. It's not about petty whims and childish desires - it's about the determination to see a cause through, to be connected to something bigger than yourself, to leave a lasting legacy that stands on solid ground.
It is about l o y a l t y.
And that loyalty will last, even if these two are barely on speaking terms, cannot stand to touch each other, and cannot be in the same room without seething.
In FnF, I always characterize Mel x Silco as that couple who, if they stopped having sex, would split by the year's end - not because they have little else in common but because physicality is their most surefire way of cutting through the noise and touching base. Without it, they'd succumb to their worst fears re: the other p. quick.
For Vander x Silco, if these two were at loggerheads, it would - and does - end in them killing each other, because in their differences, there is so much innate similarity that it ends up (literally) canceling each other out. This town ain't big enough for both of us immovable object vs unstoppable force etc etc...
Silco x Sevika, even if they were in disagreement over literally everything under the sun, are that pair who'd still be living under the same roof, still taking meals at the same table, and still speaking in terse tones about the family business, because it's about the endgame, not the bumps along the way.
(Naturally this is deeply unhealthy and leads to its own morass of suppressed resentments and bottled-up frustrations that would erupt eventually - either a year from now or a decade from now.)
At their worst, there is deeply whacked-out Gone Girl energy tying them together:
"I'm not a quitter, I'm that cunt. I killed for you; who else can say that? You think you'd be happy with a nice Midwestern girl? No way, baby. I'm it."
At their more redeemable, it is that classic Corinthians quote about agape:
"But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."
Personally, I'd recommend marriage counseling...😬
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acourtofthought · 10 months
"So for the fact that Az wanted Gwyn specifically to have something then panicked at the thought of being given credit for the kindness, he got shy and tried to backtrack? That is a beautiful thing."
It really isn't. Him wanting to get rid of the necklace bc it's making him sad is not kindness. And Az didn't want gwyn specifically to have it, as he very clearly said “if there’s another priestess here who might appreciate it, give it to them."
Az "panicked, showed kindness, got shy and tried to backtrack" Idk where you're getting all these range of emotions from Azriel. It's HIS pov. Everything he is saying and everything he's thinking is on the page. If he didn't mean that when he said, "if there's another priestess,.... give it to them" it would be on the page. Just like when he thinks "He wouldn’t go as far as to call Gwyn a friend" it's on the page.
Everything he's thinking would be on page? Oh, so you mean the part where he didn't argue with Rhys that he didn't just wanted Elain for sex right? Since he didn't comment on Rhys saying "if you need to fuck someone then go to the pleasure hall and pay for it" or think how wrong Rhys was in his assumption, Rhys must have gotten it right. Otherwise we have had on page sentence of Az vocalizing or thinking that Rhys had it wrong according to your logic.
Yeah, sucks when your own arguments bite you in the ass.
Here's the funny thing when E/riels try to throw around that "he wouldn't go as far as to call Gwyn a friend".
He's known Gwyn for a few months and the training ring that Solstice night is the very first time he's ever actually talked to Gwyn about things not related to training.
What would you expect Az to think of her as? Friends are people who hang out one on one, who talk outside their responsibilities. At that point Gwyn was no more his friend than Emerie was his friend but I'm going to point you in the direction of the Throne of Glass series where a certain male love interest once said this to his mate:
A feral smile, and he grabbed her by the chin—not hard enough to hurt, but to get her to look at him. “First thing,” he breathed, “we’re not friends. I’m still training you, and that means you’re still under my command.”
You guys really think you've got something when you try to throw that line in people's faces when all you're doing is proving exactly why Gwynriel is the perfect setup for an SJM endgame pairing.
And yes, Az did want it to be given to Gwyn specifically.
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It's right there on page that she was the one he first spoke of and it was only after Clotho tried to push him to confess he left it that he was uncomfortable because he didn't want the credit.
And maybe he wasn't comfortable keeping it but you know what happened? What started as something that had negative memories associated with it....
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.... left him in such a better place. It's really nice that the thought of Gwyn's happiness brought him such joy in that moment, don't you think?
What started off a shitty experience turned into one that was positive.
You know what else is on page? "He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to". And that's for a female he's known for how long? A female you'll claim he has feelings for? That from a male who planned his snowball victory for a year? It's nice that between ice balls and Elain there's a clear favorite deserving of his time and attention.
I'd rather be the "not a friend" who he looks at with admiration and amusement, the one whose happiness sparks something in his chest than the girl who only seems to stir emotions in his pants 😬
So yeah, the first hints of a Gwynriel mating bond is definitely more romantically coded than anything else we saw in that chapter.
Lust and bitterness being all he feels for Elain do not an epic love story make.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Not to be bitter,but I'm absolutely sure that even if they are not going to sell us Nickistat as a main couple, Sam and Joseph will surely have plenty of joint promos, itw (good for them I guess) they will be able to discuss scenes together etc..mark my words, I am sure about that.
I know that the subject is closed and that you have no power with what happened,you warned everyone BUT Loumand didn't have to be a legitimate couple for Jassad to have interviews together, they still had more scenes together in 2 years than Jacob and Sam and yet?? As actors, as a professionals, is just normal to breakdown important scenes 😭 .My god I know i'm annoying,sorry.
All good, as said before, I get the disappointment.
And we'll see. But I really do think that AMC is showing us the endgame couples in their marketing, and blatantly so. And I do think that will stay.
Nicki is already dead in the narrative. He will die. Yes, he canonically was someone Lestat loved very much.
I see Joseph in group interviews, yes. But I do not see them paired separately in promotion. That wouldn't make sense with what they did so far.
But, as always... we'll see :)
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
One thing about ATLA I love is... Things start making sense once you think about them...
Like, maybe I watched it when I was too young to catch on to a lot of nuances and my rewatches have been sparse and inconsistent but like...
While watching the show I didn't like Maiko—something seemed to be missing. At the same time I really wanted them to be endgame and resented the fact that they weren't better written. I still ship them to this day because—HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A COUPLE LIKE THAT ON SCREEN THOUGH?—I like every slightly unconventional thing and Maiko is unconventional and unique.
Last time I was thinking about how I didn't like that no big deal™ was made out of Mai sacrificing herself at Boiling Rock and I was just entertaining fix-it scenarios in the empty echo chamber called my head where it goes something like:
Zuko: Does that mean you don't hate me anymore?
And instead of Mai putting a full-stop after “I actually kinda like you” she continues to tell him that he'd have to win her back though. Like, in a friendly way—“I want to be in a relationship, sure, but I want to be wooed” way—because, well, she was in prison and now she has a better understanding of why he did what he did—
Oh wait! Is that why she forgives him so easily? Because she was in prison—probably with the Kyoshi Warriors because that's where Ty Lee was too (honestly I've begun to appreciate MaiLee more as time passes)—and while saving Zuko was a leap of faith and she didn't understand him then, but now she does? She knows what he did was right and she's glad to have been able to help him with it?
So...yeah. Her forgiving him makes total sense now. If Zuko had tried to explain it to her instead of breaking up in a letter I don't think she'd have understood (I understand why Zuko left her with a letter, I really do; but I'm still going to trash him for it: [cue exasperated tone] “Zuko!”)
But she does now...
What I don't like however is the “They let you out of prison?”
You're the fucking Fire Lord now, aren't you supposed to have pardoned all PoWs? Which includes Mai and Ty Lee. Who ended up their trying to save your arse?
[cue exasperated tone, second time] “Zuko!”
It could have been something like “Did you get out of prison alright? There wasn't any problem right? I'm sorry I couldn't come to get you personally—” or any variation of that!!!
How difficult could it have been?
But yeah. The point remains. I'm no longer bitter about Mai forgiving Zuko so quickly this time around.
Another thing I disliked is how in The Beach Zuko kept coming back to Mai expecting a warm welcome after every little friction. It was a classic man move where they upset you and try to act caring immediately afterwards and expect you to be responsive to it.
I loved Mai slapping his hand away when he tried to put his arm around her and yelling that she's still mad at him.
At least Zuko knows when to back off: he did everytime Mai told him to. And he didn't call her names for not being forgiving (which is what you expect men to do honestly).
Bar so low it's in hell, I know.
I hated that about him, that he thought he's owed forgiveness (with Mai here, never properly having apologised and trying to act as if nothing wrong happened) and later with Katara...
So... What I'm trying to say is... I love that in that last scene when Maiko is reunited... He isn't expecting her to forget everything and forgive him like a good little girlfriend. The fact that she does has a lot of reasons (she understands his motives now) but the fact that he goes, very timidly “You don't hate me anymore?” is actually very cute.
Add one more to the pile of “Zuko's character development.”
Like, yeah. What he did was necessary. But she also does have a right to be mad at him.
I'll just... Take it as a by-product of The Beach... He has bettered himself. Okay? I'll take it as that.
So. I've come from when I absolutely hated the Maiko post war reunion scene to a point where I only dislike the “they let you out of prison?” part. Also, it was cute the dopey way he smiles around her and she helped him dress, okay?
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
This is going to sound so stupid but everytime I see one of those "would you be happy with bucktommy endgame instead of buddie" polls going around with people going "as long as Buck is happy" in the reblogs i just - like Buck is my favourite character but there is more than one person is BOTH those relationships like what is the point anyway ANYWAY I love waking up and then scrolling through your blog reading hours worth of complaints glad to know the finale made us all bitter lol
LMFAOOOOO happy to provide here at the complaint box. and like yeah it's whatever i guess you're not obligated to care about both characters but it still annoys me irrationally because i don't really get it. whatever it's none of my business i'm fully on my they should end up together romantically or platonically train i don't have time for those polls anymore i'm free <3
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castlebyersafterdark · 4 months
If byler is somehow not endgame the Duffers are gonna have some major explaining to do. Like why they dragged out the love triangle til the bitter end only for Mike to reject Will. Why not let Will move on with a new boy? And more importantly they can't use the "it was the 80's!" excuse. Not good enough.
Absolutely!!! I think I'm pretty decent at interpreting media and following the trajectory of a story and honestly, while I'll still love them as a ship in a fandom I'm in, I'll feel pretty stupid for being this confident.
I'll need someone with balls enough to ask them what the fuck were the inspirations for framing and writing things a certain way if not to lead up to Byler endgame. When I watched the show from the start, I was a pretty casual viewer but from the beginning I always always assumed Will was just the 'token gay kid' like it was implied but not really a major plot point. I assumed we might see him with some little relationship once he moved to california? Maybe he'd have a storyline about that? I liked the idea of him and Mike but just as something I saw people mention online - it wasn't really something I cared about because I was a casual viewer - I was in other fandoms the entire time as well so it really wasn't on my radar. Watching season 4??? Made me go back and rewatch the entire series with a new light. Gosh if this is really what I think is happening, how the fuck did I miss this? I just didn't think a mainstream show like this would go there. But it's such a brilliant slow burn if real. I'm gonna need a deep explanation about what the FUCK was the point of the airport scene if Michael Wheeler wasn't repressing gay thoughts about his best friend, most of all to be honest.
They could have written Mike and El for suuuuuure not together at end of season 3 and then he's going out to cali to visit Will and then Mike/El journey to reignite their relationship that way. But NOPE they do all this bizarro stuff and make things tense with Mike and Will??? And frame it like they're the peak of the love triangle??? And end the season with that damn foreshadowing hill shot??? Nothing makes sense w filming and scene blocking and general dialogue choices if they're not leading to byler endgame. It just doesn't make sense and I'm gonna be pretty disappointed with the show, not even getting into the optics of queer representation, but for fucking nonsensical story-telling.
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