#and i'd like to say that one of the funniest things i found was an article lamenting the lack of 'masculine pro-life men' on a catholic sit
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months ago
finishing up The First Omen (good, enjoyed it) and have to pause and say that there's a real quick shot of a 50-year-old Gregory Peck's polaroid towards the end and like.... the amount of sex appeal 1 second of Gregory Peck (who has been dead for over 20 years RIP) added to this film... is an indictment on the expectations we have of actors at the moment.....
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gunlicker13 · 6 months ago
on signalis characters' voices (signalis spoilers!)
after playing signalis more than once and putting aside the overwhelming amount of feelings this game and its story can and will make one feel, it is easier to notice the more subtle details; e.g. enemies behavior, meaning behind documents and objects, and in this case, the characters' voices.
paying attention to the various living npcs you can talk to, one detail that stands out is that every character has a different tone of voice (similar to undertale).
i like to believe those sounds which accompany the text could represent what each character could sound like; one would expect, since replikas are basically copies, for them to have all the same voice.
well, that's not exactly the case.
here is a video with text and dialogues from all the npcs, without music to hear the "dialogue" clearly. (not all the dialogue is included, only one dialogue per character is present; except for elster as she does not like to speak much).
the dialogues are in chronological order:
-wounded star unit (STAR-S23?? is her name in the game files) in the aula before classroom 4C in floor B1, S-23 Sierpinski (elster included even if she has two lines);
-Isa Itou in the library, floor B1, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Storch Sieben (STCR-S2307) in the rationing office, floor B2, S-23 Sierpinski;
-EULR-S2312 (probably named Dezember given her number designation; eules in game like to use months as names, using the last two numbers of their designation as a reference) in the nurse station, floor B3, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Adler (ADLR-S2301), presumably in the elevator lobby in floor B4, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Arar (ARAR-S2318) in the vent below the Storch dorm in floor B8, S-23 Sierpinski;
-KLBR-S2302 in the library, floor B8, S-23 Sierpinski;
-Beo (MNHR-S2301) in the third room in the mines where monofilament stockpiles can be found, in the rightmost corridor.
-Ariane Yeong (and LSTR-512, still has an unbelievable amount of max two sentences at once) in the personnel room. floor B2, Penrose-512 (memory);
-Falke (FKLR-S2301) in her own room, found in Home.
you may ask, what purpose does comparing the "voices" serve? probably none, still i wished to know if they were the same sounds for every character or not.
here's what i could find out:
the majority of replikas have a different voice, with some exceptions:
-STCR and LSTR units have the same voice;
-as do STAR and FKLR units;
-a bit more expected, the gestalts npcs we see in the game (Isa Itou and Ariane Yeong) have the same voice.
now, for the fun stuff: by analyzing the frequencies which stood out the most in each "beep" from every character's voice, i could rank them from high pitched to low pitched ones.
again, has no purpose, but the result is actually delightful (to me).
here is the ranking:
1. kolibri
2. mynah
3. eule
4. isa-ariane
5. storch-elster
6. star-falke
7. adler
8. arar
pretty surprising, huh? i'd have wagered for isa/ariane to be in second place, followed by eules; also was expecting for arars to be just after the eules, and have behind them stars, then storches, then adler.
no one is surprised kolibri have the highest voices lmao, but mynah having an almost equally high voice was slightly unexpected but not unwelcome.
what's truly surprising to me is falke having the same voice as stars. i'd have expected something different tbh (stars being the lowest rank of protektors, etc etc, they're silly and stupid and crass; all things falke is not supposed to be).
elster having a deeper voice compared to ariane is the cutest thing ever! (as that post about them says)
that's probably the instance where you can notice the most that there is in fact a difference in most voices.
the funniest thing ever to me is that storches apparently have a higher pitched voice compared to stars, also arars having the deepest voice out of all replika is truly awesome to me (definitely fits).
here are to what musical notes the frequencies corresponded to, in the same ranking as before (visual rendering on a piano keyboard for fun i guess):
kolibri (G6 B6 E7 A7)
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mynah (F#6 A#6 D#7 G#7)
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eule (F6 A6 D7 G#7)
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isa-ariane (F6 G#6 C#7 G7)
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storch-elster (E6 G#6 C7 F#7)
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star-falke (D#6 G6 B6 F7)
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adler (D6 F#6/G6 B6 E7)
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(adler has five notes as two close frequencies were distinct from each other, compared to only one in the "feminine sounding" voices. i guess that's how they made him sound different, by overlaying two notes)
arar (C#6 F6 A#6 D#7)
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that's it! thanks for coming to my ted talk about signalis voices and listening to me ramble about them :)
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nanamiskentos · 3 months ago
do you think toji and/or sukuna are into looksmaxxing. i need to know.
choso is probably near to tears just thinking about it - he's having a hard time adjusting to all these new trends anyways, wdym there's a whole section of it now?
i feel like gojo just flexes his "natural" looks, nanami doesn't even know he has them until someone comments on your post saying "you won/we're so back."
omg hellaurrr i really pulled out a notebook to jot these down (this isn't even a joke, my keyboard was messing with me but i was worried i'd forget to answer properly) but now i may transcribe my notes on jjk + looksmaxxing 😭 🤭 u always send me the funniest things
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gojo once found a wrinkle on his forehead and cancelled class for the day. now he sleeps with a cucumber and a jade roller. when he gets drunk, he claims that a kpop idol dm'ed him for advice on clear skin, never says who though (#liar) and in high school he used a self tanner once because suguru once likened him to an overgrown, pale musty mushroom. ended up with orange streaks everywhere. does pilates but will never admit it. wishes that in another life he was an influencer just so someone would send him pr packages because its nice to get presents in a box. definitely calls himself an icon.
geto thinks essential oils are a part of looksmaxxing so he feels better on the inside. literally floats around like a walking bottle of sandalwood and lavender. tried growing facial hair because he thought it would be great to accentuate his jawline, but someone called him a discount samurai and he had to cancel the cult meeting that day. thinks looksmaxxing isn't just physical but also a state of mind, so he carries around books like crime and punishment to look smart. thought that wearing glasses would make him look smarter and had a phase where he wore fake ones and not one person complimented them.
sukuna secretly has a stash of protein powder. it goes in everything, smoothies and sprinkled over raw meat. says that he doesn't give a flying fuck about these things, but used to read old, ancient scrolls about medieval skincare. got uraume to make him a scrub from red spider lilies and wondered why his skin was burning sooo bad afterwards. sharpens his nail with blades and claims its better than just normally clipping your nails, but he always ends up scratching himself bad. has a collection of sheet masks. has the best eyebrows of all time and knows this (gets them plucked). has an anonymous #hater tiktok account where he comments rude things under gojo's posts.
nanami. you are soooo right, he probably doesn't know or give a fuck about these things because he's actually employed. but hates the idea of a ten step skincare routine for he thinks that the best routine is simple: cleanser + moisturiser + sunscreen. believes in the power of a neutral toned wardrobe with clean, tailored silhouettes. but there are photos of him out there from when he was 18 years old, with black eyeliner on his waterline. shoots down everyone's ridiculous looksmaxxing attempts. jawline exercises? just chew your food properly. botox and fillers? try eight hours of sleep before reaching for the needles. want to post a glow up journey? well, just focus on yourself and move in silence. kind of gojo's biggest opp for all this, and being so clean and put together effortlessly...
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hyacinthstears · 9 months ago
So I watch Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... holy shit I love this movie.
I'd never gotten around to watching this movie till 1am tonight and it is some of the funniest shit I've every seen. It's got found family, silly Mikey who is both party dude and big heart boi, angst, blood, Leo having the the pressure of the world- ok you get it. but while watching it I noticed some things that made me grin and flap my hands like a nerd.
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so every leo just has the silly gay slut pose? hell yeah that's hilarious.
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god I love this stupid van. I need Leo to say this rn "Batman, we need something stronger to get in that base, the bat mobile just isn't made to take a real beating... so batman, get in the party wagon."
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Nightwatcher is canon in tmnt 2019 and no one can tell me otherwise
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poor Donnie, just put the poor boy down. not to mention how Donnie gets his arm super broken later in the movie. sigh, send him help.
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Leo. GET THERAPY, when you start hallucinating the first thing that pops into your brain shouldn't be: "Oh dang all my brothers are dead and It's all my fault, I'm a terrible leader and it should've been me"
also the first of his brothers both 2012 and 2019 Leo try's to help/cheek on/ try's to get up is Mikey cause he's the baby... omg I love this.
The Movie is so good and if you haven't seen it go do that right now. I will be drawing so much fanart for this movie... oh no.... OH. NO. I"M MAKING AUS IN MY BRAIN!! NOOOOO SOMEONE STOP ME NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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reythenerdypisces · 1 year ago
things that I overlooked in PJO the first time / small, funny things I noticed during my reread
Part 2: Sea of Monsters
there is a lot this time.
this book is so short and it makes up for the length by being hilarious: 
I had nightmares about what Poseidon might turn me into if I were ever on the verge of death - plankton, maybe. Or a floating patch of kelp.
Tyson froze. "Pony!" he cried in total rapture. Chiron turned looking offended. "I beg your pardon?" 
"Um..." I said. "Would this be the super-dangerous prophecy that has me in it, but the gods have forbidden you to tell me about it? Nobody answered. "Right," I muttered. "Just checking." 
"Uh, I like Hercules." "Why?" "Well, because he had rotten luck. Even worse than mine. It makes me feel better."
Annabeth looked at me. "We have to get out of here." "You think I want to be in the girls' restroom?" "I mean the ship, Percy! We have to get off the ship."
Tyson was terrified of them. All throughout the tour, he insisted Annabeth hold his hand, which she didn't look too thrilled about.
"Then why do the gods even let me live? It would be safer to kill me." "You're right." "Thanks a lot." 
A minute later, Annabeth hit a slippery patch of moss and her foot slipped. Fortunately, she found something else to put it against. Unfortunately, that something was my face. 
As Luke was raising his sword to rally his troops, a centaur shot a custom-made arrow with a leather boxing glove on the end. It smacked Luke in the face and sent him crashing into the swimming pool. and a few moments later: He [Luke] raised his sword, but got smacked in the face with another boxing glove arrow, and sat down hard in a deck chair. Luke can't catch a break from those boxing arrows, it's the funniest thing
2. also so much baby percabeth!! they’re so cute
She'd [Annabeth] emailed me the picture after spring break, and every once in a while I'd look at it just to remind myself she was real and Camp Half-Blood hadn't just been in my imagination. the fact that he printed out Annabeth's photo? 
Annabeth punched him in the nose and knocked him flat, "And you," she told him, "lay off my friend." her standing up for Percy is adorable
I mean she [Annabeth] looked good. Really good. I probably would've been tongue-tied if I could say anything except reet, reet, reet.
She [Annabeth] started to sob - I mean horrible, heartbroken sobbing. She put her head on my shoulder and I held her. Fish gathered to look at us - a school of barracudas, some curious marlins. Scram! I told them. They swam off, but I could tell they went reluctantly. I swear I understood their intentions. They were about to start rumours flying around the sea about the son of Poseidon and some girl at the bottom of Siren Bay. number 1. the way percy is always there for her, number 2. the gossiping fish?? I love it
The look in his [Grover] eyes told me something was terribly wrong. Annabeth had been on guard duty that night, protecting the Fleece. If something had happened -he’s admirably protective, of not just annabeth, but all his friends and I love to see it… exhibit b:
"But if I [Grover] get in trouble again, you'll be in danger, Percy! You could die!" "If you get in trouble again, I want to know about it. And I'll come help you again G-man. I wouldn't have it any other way." I adore their friendship.
3. other mentions: 
"I'm Thalia," the girl said. "Daughter of Zeus." what. an. ending. I still remember how floored I was when I first read this wow
the mention of Hylla got me so excited
am I the only one who forgot Percy could control the sailboat? like the flying ropes and whatnot
I also completely forgot about his watch shield! 
I'll be back for part 3 shortly! :)
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shadowskulls-blog · 11 months ago
Yk given how tall carmilla carmine is why do I imagine a 4’10 reader being either bratty or just annoying carmilla *they just have gremlin energy* or her being protective of them and don’t want them to get hurt and the only way she can handle r is by putting on a high place and can’t get down *the top of the fridge/kitchen cabinet is offically r’s spot*
😂😂😂 and the funniest thing is I am that height and I can see her just having a “I’m done” expression and just put someone there and walk away winning the argument
Sup, I'm back and now have motivation again, and I was scrolling through my inbox and found this, and I wanted to answer it, but instead of doing a story, I'm gonna give headcanons instead. I've never written headcannons, but I read them a lot, so yeah.
Carmilla Carmine x Short Reader (headcannons)
(Sfw) and (Nsfw) headcannons
One thing is for sure the reader has gremlin energy. Being this small and rather full of energy person. Carmilla loves it. It brings her spirits up every time you come by and make jokes
I don't know her cannon height, but I'd imagine it's in the 8 foot scale. Because tall women are very sexy. So she'd definitely pick you up from time to time. Not a whole lot, but sometimes.
Half the times when she does is to either put you on the fridge or a high place to calm you down or when you're being annoying.
Annoying in the sense where you couldn't stop making sex jokes, so she put you up there so she didn't get too distracted from her work or you two were arguing.
I can only imagine the reader going, "wha- Cammy! What you doing?! Carmilla! You can't leave me up here! Carmilla, please! Come back!" While trying not to fall off the fridge so you didn't break something.
And the entire time Carmilla just has the most "I'm done" expression while placing you up there and walking out of the room
And I can only imagine that 40% of time, Carmilla forgets she put you up there and Clara or Odette walk in to grab a drink and you're just up there, having the most scared or tired look on your face and going
"Please, get your mom so she can get me down, and so we can go to bed"
Being very small. Carmilla would be very protective. Making sure you were close by her at all times and also making sure you were with her. While also making sure to be gentle with you. But she also gives you angelic guns to protect yourself.
Lord knows you're deadly with a gun
While you two are in bed, she will always have you wrapped in her arms, her giant hands making it feel like you're wrapped in a cacoon, or it either looks like a koala hugging a tree. You don't even need a blanket because you'll always be wrapped around Carmilla
While having sex Carmilla will try her best to be gentle, but it fails most of the time. Sometimes, she'll go too hard or accidentally scratch you a bit.
Carmilla is most definitely a top, but you have to be the top most of the time. Because if you don't, I can only imagine the after shock. But, Carmilla is also a power bottom.
Either way, you're getting railed every time.
The reader is definitely a scratcher. So Carmilla's back or anywhere the reader was grabbing is probably scratched a bit.
(I like physical touch a lot, and that's the only thing you're getting about me)
So the reader is a hugger a bunch, hugging Carmilla's legs, body, neck. You just like wrapping your arms around her, honestly like me
The aftercare is her being very gentle while holding you close. Most of the time, you both will fall asleep right after, holding each other or take a bath together.
So yeah, I don't know how to do headcannons since I've never written for them. Overall I just say what I want to and don't give two fucks. I'm just here to supply thristy bastards like myself.
So, I hope that was a good first try. Also, again, I am so very sorry for not posting. Life just likes to fucks me over but, it does for everyone so this is the last time I'll bitch about my life
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v3nusxsky · 2 years ago
Hey, do you write for wandanat? If not that's totally fine but if you do I was wondering if maybe I could request one?
Maybe where Wanda and nat are already together and one night at an avengers party they spot reader and Wanda falls for them and so convinces Natasha to seduce and take reader home with them?
Hopefully with smut, and maybe with daddy nat and soft mommy Wanda?
Love your work soooo much, feel no pressure to write this❤️
One of a Kind 18+
*Authors note~ a) I wrote this exhausted so mistakes are mine sorry y’all. B) I know you guys are all excited for different things so I was struggling to choose what I should post, shamefully having an anxiety attack over not choosing the right fic. So to save the day my lovely girlfriend choose wandnat for tonight*
To requester, I'm sorry I took some artistic liberties here but I honestly couldn't help but write them as g!p I hope that's okay!!!
Trigger warnings~threesome smut seduction daddy and mommy kink g!p Wanda Nat fingering r receiving praise and degrading kinks choking semi public sex??
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Wanda and Tasha really didn't want to come to this party. No. But as per normal Tony wanted to throw a party and showed off his wealth and success. Wanda opting for a stunning emerald dress and Nat going for a form fitting suit. Wanda hid her cock so well that Nat often found herself being jealous. But she couldn't deny that her girlfriend is absolutely stunning in everything and nothing.
You'd been invited by Fury as a way to introduce you to the Avengers. You'd be set to join the team soon, but no one but Fury or Tony knew. Nat spotted you first, a simple Maroon skirt tucked into a beautiful black pencil skirt. Your legs on full display and a few buttons undone to give a tasteful view of your cleavage to the public. Alone at the bar is how the story starts, a rather cliche but important fact. That was where under an agreement between her and her wife Natasha swooped in on you.
You'd be lying if you said she wasn't sexy and very alluring but you still don't quite understand why she's here wasting time trying to get you in her bed. No one ever does that. It made you skeptical of her advances and actively ignoring the way her voice alone caused your cunt to become slick. The way her voice deepened as her eyes drank you in almost got you. Almost. But your past caught you first, you ended up lashing out at the woman.
"No one's ever really shown an interest in me. I'm not the prettiest or the smartest or the funniest girl around, I'm just average." You almost whispered but the woman could hear the sadness dripping through every word. "So this cruel joke of yours. Just stop it! Because I know no one would ever want me especially when they look like you do. So just stop" your voice broke on the last few words before you fled the scene. Really how could she do this to you? You thought she was a nice person, but to suggest this and not mean it was obviously going to hurt. After all who in their right mind would want an inexperienced virgin when they can have anyone in the whole world?
"Hey, you're beautiful, and I'd gladly take you home for my wife and me to enjoy for the night, you just have to trust we want you in the way we say" she murmured to you a gentle handed rubbing at your back in an attempt to soothe the confusing outburst. Yet both women were no strangers to being used and abused by other people. "You mean it?" You were really speaking more to yourself but when she replied with a Russian pet name that slipped off her tongue, you were a goner, "детка, we've been watching you all evening, no one in this room has caught our interest because we've been focused on you."
A simple nod had Nat leading you to the table to introduce you to her wife. By no surprise, her wife was just as beautiful as the red head. You immediately felt like you were unworthy of their attention. "I um should say I've never, um" you stumbled over your own admission but you could see you had both women's attention. "It's okay детка we will take this slow and at your pace, we truly want to get to know you дорогой" she whispered to you over the loud noise of the party. The other woman who you learned was the Scarlett Witch offered you to come sit closer to the women as you all conversed over small things really, but you were now completely at ease with them, exactly how they wanted you.
Your head warm and fuzzy, you felt an electric pulse of a slender hand trailing your thighs. It appeared you were more sensitive with the alcohol but soon enough you were spreading your legs for the brunette woman with a little help from her magic. From there you exposed your panty covered core to her curious fingers. The woman seemingly unaffected by her actions and holding a conversation with her wife about how much of an asset you'd be to the team. You almost got away with it, almost, but a little whimper escaped you as she accidentally bumped your aching clit.
"Wans" Nat warned, "you best not be playing with the хорошенькая шлюха without me" she growled the last two words. Truly how rude of you both not to wait for her, especially after her work to bring you to them. "I'm sorry Natty, I just couldn't wait anymore" the woman replied and removed her fingers from your core causing you to release a very disappointed whine. "сейчас, котенок, о тебе хорошо позаботятся" Nat purred before gracing you with a kiss to your neck before taking your hand to lead you away from the party, knowing that her wife will follow behind you.
As soon as you rounded the corner the Russian woman immediately slammed your back against the wall and attached her lips to yours with ease. The need was pouring into the kiss as the brunette woman watched in jealousy. She wanted to be the one kissing you, dragging all the pretty nosies she possibly could, but then again watching her wife touch you was doing unspeakable things to her nether region. "Tashsa" Wanda whimpered feeling the tent begin to show through her dress. "Come котенок, mommy is getting impatient and daddy can't wait to ruin your pretty untouched pussy" Natasha purred leading you to the bedroom once again. Only this time she never got side tracked.
Perhaps you'd had too much, but from there it's hazy, how did you end up absolutely bare for two of the most wanted and famous women in the world? And most importantly why the hell did they have throbbing cocks just desperate for you to take them. The women wanted to do this right, they showered you in love and praises. The made sure to touch and caress every inch of skin they could. And only when your ready did they introduce you to more. "котенок, sort out mommy's problem you caused" Nat demanded, encouraging you to bring your head to her shaft, with another quick check in and some guidance you were now choking on her cock as she forced it down your throat. "Oh fuck natty, this throat is perfect, fuck a good cock whore for me oh!"
With a few strokes to own dick she enjoyed the show, you are a fast learner by the looks of it and she was now struggling to contain herself and refrain from doing all the filthy things she desired to you. Wands sensing her wife's impatience slipped from your throat allowing you to breath as Natasha guided you into a new position. With you now on your hands and knees you were able to suck off wanda and give Nat access to your untouched cunt.
She took it slow, letting you adjust to her size, Wanda telepathically sharing the image of you with teary eyes, choking on her cock as you let Nat deflower you. But soon enough you began to rock backwards in a need for something, yet you didn't know what. "Oh there she is, our flight little girl, a dirty slut for us to use. Oh you've made mommy feel so good котенок she's ready to treat you for all your work, you'd love that huh? Mommy to fill your petty throat with cum?" Nat teased keeping her thrusts slow, "and fuck you're so fucking tight котенок, if mommy doesn't hurry up daddy will paint your pretty pussy white instead."
At the pure threat, Wanda was thrown over the edge into her own pools of bliss, breath heaving as all she could do is mewl yours and her wife's name. You greedily sucked every last drop from her shaft, surprising both women with the fact it was your first time. Only when she was sure she'd finished cumming did she slip from your front and encourage you to slip onto your back so Natasha could see your face. The new position only seemed to encourage the red head, especially with Wanda dropping her head to your breast and skilfully sucking and licking the hardened peaks. She even managed to roughly tweak her wife's right bud causing you both to cry out together.
The gasp you let out when Nat brought one hand from the bed to your throat was something both women wanted on a loop, experimenting with a bit of pressure they discovered a kink for you. "Oh Natty she liked your hand as her necklace. Oh darling is your head all fuzzy?" A broken confirmation left you as Natasha picked up an almost animalistic pace of pounding into you. And when your cries became to loud Wanda guided you to her breast, allowing you to suckle and nip her sensitive skin and effectively soothe you at the same time.
When Natasha came in long spurts of sticky white cum you honestly had no thoughts other than both the women. You lost count of how many times you'd been forced over the edge and just how long you'd been here, but now you didn't care. What a first experience to have. Oh but you weren't done, they immediately started to clean up and look after you, offering food water and cuddles. You wanted to talk, what could this mean? You'd slept with married women? Was it a fling? You hoped not. And Wanda heard all those thoughts and settled you into bed between the women with promises of talking about everything when your brain wasn't still in sub space. You'd be needing a clear mind to decide if you would join the relationship as a third party. But for now, you all slept.
Word count ~ 1839
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ckret2 · 6 months ago
What your thoughts on other bill ships? Like Kryptos/Bill or Stanley/Bill. I love your Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone fic on ao3 and this is my first time using Tubmlr, so I’m not sure how it works here, so sorry if I sent this wrong place 💔
u found the right place
I don't ship him with any of the Henchmaniacs (except for saying an eye-bat is his ex because it's the funniest possible option), but I think he's hooked up with half of them. I'd say "casually hooked up" but I don't think there's anything casual about it, the Henchmaniacs are fueled by petty drama and rancid vibes.
I acknowledge Kryptos is easy for ships because he looks like he could conceivably be the same species as Bill and we know so little about him you could give him almost any personality, but i'm not interested in it myself. Especially since it feels like a lot of what I've seen with Kryptos/Bill goes for "Kryptos is the one nice guy in the gang and Bill is tsundere for him" and that doesn't do anything for me.
I occasionally contemplate "wouldn't it be fucked up if Bill hooked up with Stan so he could pretend he's with Ford and Stan knew but still went with it for some reason (idk why, maybe Stan's super lonely, maybe Bill's currently wearing a smoking hot human body, the point is we want DRAMA so any excuse will work)" but outside that, nah. I think Stan and Bill would be VERY fun partners in crime and they're GREAT to bounce off each other, but I prefer them platonically, I don't feel a romantic or sexual spark between them.
You wanna know what Bill ships I'm fascinated with?
Bill/Trembley. it's GOTTA be one sided though, Bill's gotta be head over heels for this weirdo like a teenage girl for her first celebrity crush while Trembley never even notices
Bill/the howling void he totally lied about not dating in TBOB. Here I am 15,000 words deep into writing their entire relationship start to finish... I was literally already writing about Bill dating a black hole, who happens to howl, prior to TBOB; so the book just took my OC and made her canon??? yeah sure fine I'll take it, damn.
Bill-possessing-Silas/the 100-something wives he stole from his cultists according to thisisnotawebsitedotcom. weeks after that reveal this is still the funniest & most fascinating thing to me simply because Bill had ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to do that, truly enthralled by his potential motives, I cannot believe this triangle is married
Bill/the shaman. I just think something was going on there. I can feel it. The shaman taught him a bit of magic, how often do you think that happens to Mr. Trillion-Year-Old All-Seeing Eye? Probably not much!
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hazardparadox · 1 year ago
Okay listen, I just need to talk rant about these two memes (pics?) That have been rotting in my camera roll for a sec because I'm bored and waiting for my flight
Found on pinterest in the deep dark corners (probably not. I just kept scrolling and found them)
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For the first one OH MY FUCK I WAS DYING WHEN I FIRST SAW IT. I live for the Oscar and Carlos drama and it was by far my fave thing to come from the 2023 season (the landoscar podiums were great too I guess) I just think it's so funny with all the comparisons to carlando and landoscar
Pls I literally sent it to way too many people to the point where one of my friends blocked me
And it's also got baby Oscar who looks pretty much the same and showing more emotion than he ever has in f1 (jk) (sorta) and the whole expression is just so funny to look at AND JUST LOOK AT HIS LITTLE SMIRK!!!
But anyway all the Oscar/Carlos memes and things are the funniest shit ever I swearrrr and if anyone has more (vids or posts or anything) memes I'd love to see it
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This is so special to me oh my god.
I don't even know why but something about this is so precious and the way that it's so perfect and accurate and ARGJHSHF I'm just a sucker for this kind of stuff and they're all so important to me omg
And the video of Max saying 'Charlie' 😭❤️ (but let's bfr he probably didn't say it. BUT I CAN STILL ACT LIKE ITS TRUE)
I swear I've seen a compilation of Lando saying 'Oscah' but I have no idea where or if it was just a figment of my imagination but it's just stupidly cute to me
Also I just love the pic of Lando and Max in general
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Here's an extra for you if you read suffered through the whole rant
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foundfamilyhq · 2 months ago
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Propaganda under readmore:
He has paid for the crimes of his corporation for long enough. The silly little guy doesn't need to be tied to the monopolizing oligarchy that uses his face for wickedness.
The Walt Disney Corporation blows, let's take their precious golden child and make him one of us.
To quote another tumblr post: "Do you not think he would look upon what his parent company has done and be ashamed?" Mickey is not his company. He has had to sit and watch Disney repeatedly slam their faces into poor decisions rooted in capitalism and bigotry. He is just an innocent guy who has shown time and time again that he would not stand with Disney if he was allowed to. But he is their face, and is forced to take the same hits they take. I say no. Let us cast aside Disney and their greed…but spare the mouse. He is not his creators.
Submitting a counter argument because I know some people will be standing up for him from the "It's not his fault Disney make him do bad things" angle:
Look, I used to be neutral on Mickey Mouse. I'd go as far as to say I'd never had an opinion on him. But recently, my baby niece got into watching Mickey Mouse's Funhouse and I sat with her while she watched an episode where Pete dresses up as an old lady to try to trick Mickey and friends into giving him some soup. Mickey does this whole thing where he talks to the audience and says shit like "Do only ladies have big hairy arms? No!" "Do old ladies have furry ears? No!" etc., to just hammer home the point that old ladies apparently cannot look like that
And just… fuck this. Fuck this mouthpiece of Disney telling kids how women "shouldn't" look in a cutesy way. It's misogynistic, transphobic, fatphobic and I could go on. Whatever kind of character Mickey Mouse was at the start, I really don't want the Disney mascot telling kids how to align themselves with gender norms to be in the found family, kthanxbai
I think he'd stand a much better chance if his Kingdom Hearts incarnation was shown or even mentioned (not sure why he originally lost, but I'm willing to bet it's because his base design is the face of a corporation that has…some issues). Him saying "say fellas, did someone mention the Door to Darkness?" is the funniest shit on this planet. I have linked to an image of him from said scene. Important to note he says this line after he shows up out of nowhere. While wearing a Hot Topic trenchcoat. I would like people to consider this when considering whether to vote for Michael Rat. Kingdom Hearts forever.
i'm sure there's lots of reasons for and against why he should join, but i just think his vibes are bad
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kacchanrawr · 3 months ago
mha final volume spoilers
For the past few months I've kinda just come to accept MHA's ending to be whatever. Not the best, but not the worst I've seen it's fine whatever. But seeing the final volume extra content honestly just has me genuinely hating the ending. I'm trying to keep an open mind cuz it's not officially out yet and leaks can be kinda dubious, but I'm genuinely so upset.
Ig the main feeling I have is: genuinely what's the point??? I mean there's a lot of things going on in mha and depending on what you care about ig you could feel like everything's fine and resolved, but personally? Just no. My main problem a few months ago was with Toga's death, but now I'm just even more pissed.
As so many people have probably already discussed: killing the villains off after all this stuff about saving them is a fucking problem right?? With Toga's case specifically (cuz she's my fave and I care the most about her), it's her just dying after she finally found the love and acceptance she's always wanted from Ochako. Like why? Even if you can technically make sense of it with her explanation of "I want to live life as I please", it's just stupid and distasteful. It would be one thing if she said that cuz she was just running away to be free, but to kill her? Of bloodloss of all things? Idc abt people going oh thats sooo poetic, no i think it's stupid. So many other characters have lived after going through worse like for fuck's sake, Edgeshot's still around.
What's the point of that emotional resolution if you don't show the aftermath, of her being able to live happily, or at least how she'll go on with life from then on? She didn't have to die, she could've just escaped or whatever (I was hoping that was the case when there was no mention of Toga's body). But by killing her, the only message I got from mha's whole saving the villains thing is: "sooo maybe having empathy for the deviances of society is important actually, but it's kinda inconvenient to deal with them." And even if that wasn't Hori's exact intention, that's what his story seems to be saying by killing off the villains.
And then the fucking nail in the coffin is the fact that Hori used Toga's death to drive Izuocha. It was one thing when he did it with the cliff talk when Ochako was mourning Toga (I always found it distasteful okay), but it's so much worse to write Toga literally pushing Ochako to Deku. So not only did Hori kill off the queer character who finally had her resolution and romance so he won't have to deal with her, but he's really following through with the Bury the Gays trope by using her o push the girl she loves to a man? Ew.
The worst part is that even if Izuocha got together and they're canon or whatever cuz of that last part, the way Hori did it is so fucking mid. Like seriously, if you were gonna do my girl dirty like that for that het romance, at least make it good?? But noooo. I mean they don't have to be like kissing and getting married and having babies or whatever (that'd just be shit), but at least have them properly get together. What is that "implied romance" ass handshake?? There's no fucking reason to make it implied, they're not queer or forbidden or complicated or anything. Bro just didn't wanna commit to actually fleshing out their romance. And you used Toga and her death for that, for absolutely fucking nothing?? The funniest part is that everything Togachako did is infinitely more romantic than that handshake, so how am I supposed to be convinced by this "implied romance"? (anyone who says implications enough for izuocha I'd say the bar's just on the floor for you cuz they're het)
And then there's Bakugo. I mean I was fine and whatever with the original epilogue, but what the fuck? So you're telling me bro lead Project Deku Hero Suit or whatever for 8 years, only for Deku to reject him when asked to be a part of his agency? It may or may not have been explicitly stated that they'd be in a hero agency together whatever, but I feel like it was a natural conclusion that they'd end up working together/closely as a hero duo? Win to save and save to win, wonder duo defeating ShigAFO together, that hospital talk about competing together for the rest of their lives, him being the one to reach out to Deku at the epilogue chapter, hello? DEKU REJECTED THAT AND FOR WHAT. Also ok fine this may sound stupid to be upset over, but why the fuck is Bakugo rank 15. Like we do just be writing whatever I guess
I'm still holding on to some hope that the leaks were ass and inaccurate. Or maybe even completely fake cuz the chapter's been getting a lot of AI art allegations? Though it's also probable that's just the leaker who used AI to get high res pictures of the leaks. IDK MAN JUST PLEASE DON'T LET THIS BE COMPLETELY ACCURATE PLEASE LET ME STAND CORRECTED
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ronearoundblindly · 7 months ago
I just want to start this off by saying you are one of my favorite Steve writers of all time I can’t believe I just randomly found you one day. Every time I read something I think “oh this is her best” and then I go to something else and literally the same reaction so thank you of sharing this for free. The comfort reading your Steve stories give me is unexplainable.
LOL the funniest thing is I found your works on ao3 first and at first I didn’t click the tumblr there so when I found the CEO au here I was like “um excuse me who tf is plagiarizing — oh wait no same person. Thank god”
So I don’t know how you feel about writing about pregnancy and kids but Steve having to deal with that especially in the Sun Salt and Shield AU is so hilarious to me. Is there a hc you have about that? Or just in general about them getting more serious. I love that you didn’t take the easy way out and just “Splash”ify the mermaid reader.
Um🥹😚, all of this is great, and I'm not trying to just skip over all your lovely compliments (also, good looking out on the plagiarism because that issue's going around again 🥲). I just want to jump right into the headcanon of pregnancy and kids for Sun, Salt, and Shield.
This is mostly rambling. Sorry it's not well-formed, but there *might* be a chapter of fic percolating from this. No warnings. No detailed talk of pregnancy or birth, only vague reference.
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Just the other day I revisited an ask about MissG/Doll not having the more humanoid body of idk-what-to-call-them classical mermaids?? And I wondered if that (the classic look) could have been a blended species from way in the past between deep sea mermaids and humans--essentially, would Doll and Steve have children that looked more like what we typically see as mermaids?
It's an interesting train of thought, and, frankly, perfectly logical. If they had a kid or kids, that's likely how I'd do it.
However--and this is a big HOWEVER,--I am admittedly not a big fan of pregnancy, kidfics, and all that 'adorable' parenthood stuff. Sounds a little cruel that way, but there you have it. I'm me. I make things more complicated than they need to be.
I would make pregnancy a different experience from humans. Doll's kind would have a different mentality toward offspring than humans. Some hilarious and/or angsty misunderstandings could ensue.
For example--because I don't think too deeply into these matters, shhhh--based on the sheer size of her whole species, I don't think deep sea mermaids visibly look pregnant like humans. Their hips simply get wider and they sort of thicken all the way through their torsos to mid-tail. Honest to goodness, humans truly just think Miss G is getting fat, but just in a 'putting on weight' way, not a nasty judgy way. In this event, and since you/G do not have the vocabulary to explain, your pregnancy goes unnoticed until it is very advanced.
To you, this is a common inevitability in the sea between mates, but there isn't the type of hoopla--for lack of a better term--surrounding the process.
So you're pregnant? Big deal?
Ummmm, wow, the wheels are really starting to turn on this, but also your species doesn't have a calculated sense of time. You live in mostly darkness (and the ambient/changing light of other mermaids' tails), so you wouldn't have any real way of explaining how long gestation for a baby is. Likely, the kid would grow super fast, too. Means Tony still doesn't know the average lifespan of your species because there are no common/known markers to describe how long your 'elders' have been alive.
Stuff I haven't worked out yet: would the child of a deep sea mermaid and a human be able to live in either native environment? That's where I'm thinking the lower-depth, classic mermaid comes into play; still has fins, can breathe air for short periods (but longer than you), probably can't handle heavy pressure for very long though (since you spend far longer in a pool, not the pressure chamber asleep, than most deep sea-ers while pregnant), and is lighter colored in scales and features than you due to the shallower water (more affected by sunlight).
I do think it would be cute for the child to have Steve's blond hair and blue eyes simply because that is unheard of in your species (as are the paler scales and armoring. I should mention that since you have lavender eyes--i.e. very light sensitive--human blue eyes are comparatively dark.
You'll notice I'm not saying son or daughter. When newborn young...I don't think anyone can tell if the child is male or female. I don't thing G's species cares, and I think you'd be very confused by how intently Tony and Steve try to figure that out. Conceptually, it simply doesn't matter at all what sex the kid is until puberty, and even then...it still sort of doesn't??
Hmm. That's all I got on this for now, but I sense I could probably come up with some interesting angst with a happy ending from it.
Thank you for asking!
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A/N: Not that it matters, but I love 'Splash.' I've learned that it's fine to explore fantastical things to all sorts of degrees, and as almost all of fandom can tell you, fluff is great, fluff is necessary, and fluff keeps us afloat. Big HOWEVER, it is not okay to wash away anyone's race or heritage (in this case--obviously fake--a species' culture). Be respectful. It's that easy.
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@fandom-has-taken-me-hostage @leah2901 @blogbog710
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
I'd like to request 10, 16 and 43 prompts from your list with Springtrap (FNAF 3) if that's cool with you. Thx :)
With a plot where the Draling is defiant of Springtrap and actively fighting back because of the frustration of how long they've been forced to live in such conditions and be "loved" by that monster. During their argument, the Darling says or does something that crosses the line and is threatened by Springtrap to finally obey, to which for the time being until they get a chance at escape they unhappily do.
Sure! @okchijt helped me out with the plot on this!
Yandere! Springtrap Prompts 10, 16, 43
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
"Do as I say or I may just have to press this weapon closer to your back...."
"Won't you be a good pet for me?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Blood, Murder/Violence, Kidnapping, Isolation, Manipulation, Threats, Sadism, Forced "relationship".
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Springtrap always loved the fight in you. To him, it's the most amusing entertainment he can have. He just loved to push you to the brink.
He always saw how you looked so hopeful when new Night Guards came to replace you. Even now it was always a fun time to end their lives just to see your reaction. He loves to see the hope fall from your face...
He loves when it turns to rage.
Amusement twinkled in the rabbit's eyes when he saw you scamper about the room he locked you in at the back of the attraction. Seeing you yell, scream, and break random objects was the funniest thing he's seen in years. In a way he found your fight cute... delectable even.
You always call him names. You call him a monster. You act like childish name calling is going to hurt the murderer's feelings.
You tell him he's ruined your life... he counters you ruined your own life by coming here.
Seeing your anger and destruction makes him cackle. You even pause in your outburst to hear the wheezy laugh of the decaying corpse inside. That is until he comments on your words.
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!" Springtrap laughs. "Maybe you're the one being ungrateful!"
He didn't mean it, the whole thing was a bait to make you frustrated. He just couldn't stop laughing. Oh, if he could cry he could!
Then he felt something thunk against him.
The rabbit stops, the room goes quiet. Springtrap slowly cranes his neck down to see the fact you threw something at him. No damage was done...
But things got less funny.
You two stare at one another. Springtrap can see the fear in your eyes. He hears you sputter apologies... yet he's not really listening.
You panic when Springtrap pulls you close to his suit, the smell suffocating you. You feel a blade lay against your back and go still. You had never shown such defiance before...
This would certainly be the last time.
"Do as I say or I may just have to press this weapon closer to your back...." Springtrap growls the threat out in a dangerous tone. He grins when you meekly nod. Funny how a simple knife to your back can silence you so quickly.
"You belong to me here, dear. You don't get to disobey me." Springtrap warns. "Disrespect me like this again... and there won't be any second chances."
You meekly murmur apologies against him, tears streaming down your face. He can tell you're getting overwhelmed... he's gotten the point across. Some fight is amusing to him... too much feels like a threat.
For now... he shows mercy
"Won't you be a good pet for me?" Springtrap coos before caressing you in a seemingly comforting manner. Yet the effect is greatly reduced due to the knife still behind your back.
You nod vigorously as Springtrap searches for any more fight within you. Once he deemed you fine he lets you go. You feel slight relief after he lets you go.
"Good, doll. Now stay here, I have some matters to attend to." The bot scoffs before leaving the backroom and locking it.
When his footsteps fall away you take the time to recollect yourself. You huddle away in the room, murmuring small promises to yourself.
Someday you'll escape...
Won't you?
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asleepinawell · 8 months ago
I missed a ton of npc interactions in shadow of the erdtree which meant I'd often have them say things referring to a conversation we'd never had which was confusing, however this did lead to one of my favorite moments when I found Leda somewhere and she just says hmm wonder who I should kill next. and I'm like. girl what. who the fuck have you been killing??? and she's like actually now that I have my free will back I've decided I hate people and also Ansbach needs to die. and I'm just like hello??????? ma'am????? what is happening here????? funniest shit ever. diversity win the homicidal hater of the group is a woman
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mikaelsrose · 15 days ago
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅rc random act of kindness event
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oh, jbaby. i've always found it incredible how much you pay attention to everything people say, how creative and thoughtful you were when it came to surprising your friends with birthday gifts, any other celebration gifts, and even random gifts. your participation in the fandom's creative sphere is genuinely jaw-dropping, your dedication (yes, im talking about the vday event rn) otherworldly, and i truly couldn't think of a better friend.
i often come back to this web weave either for inspo or just to feel something because you—same as fungi—have the unique ability to perfectly capture the atmosphere and dynamics between characters, not to mention your incredible descriptions. ive yet to read a few other of your fics but i genuinely cant wait to do that 🥰
tanu, you're literally the first person i've ever tagged on a fic when i joined tumblr and i will NEVER forget the kindness and support you've shown me. your edits are always incredible and i often feel bad that the only thing i can say about them is incoherent babbling and gibberish, but that's how amazed i always find myself while looking at your work. the love you have for your friends and fellow fandom members is astounding and i'd simply like to thank you for all your work 🩷
OSTENTIA, a big fat thank you for your dmitry fics and your immense help with achievements. for a dumbass like me, you're truly an angel 😇
agatha, your participation in the fandom's creative sphere is genuinely incredible 💖 not only you write regularly as hell, your fics are always creative and of a great quality. the fandom's creative part thrives because of people like you 🩷
lulu, first of all—youre so talented and invested in the fandom's social platforms that it often blows my mind because i only run the catalog, and i often struggle even with that while you're a mod for the catalog, the confessions blog, AND you find time to write.
thank you for always being so sweet and supportive, lu ❤️
fungita, my green-card wife, biggest bully, and funniest friend 🥀 thank you for immediately agreeing to helping me run the catalog, for all your incredible fics (even though you never think so)—youre incredibly talented, you always manage to describe the emotions and capture the characters' dynamic so damn well. ive always been (a bit) jealous of that and i can only hope that one day i become at least half as good at it 💖
LILITA 💗 my sister in sabrina, wife in abh ❤️‍🔥 the sheer talent and creativity you possess is mind-blowing and i couldn't be happier that we share the same lis because you provide me with a ton of incredible content 😅💗
WIFEY, im so glad you're back to writing because youre an incredible author? im so impressed with that little rafayel drabble you posted and can only hope that you'll write something for rc characters one day as well. moreover, thank you so much for creating all those amazing moodboards—i wont even try to hide it, ive always considered you the rc fandom's queen of moodboards 💗
THE TALENT AND DEDICATION, the regularity with which you create and post is enviable and i can only dream to be like you 🥺
moreover, id like to say a big thank you to all fandom creators—starting with writers and artists, ending with editors, web weavers, theorists, and moodboarders 💖
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months ago
Today I had the most horrible in a hilarious way dinner of my life
We were eating at *undisclosed location* and for whatever reason, my appetite has shrunken over the past few days, and my tummy didn't feel like it could handle anything heavy. I say this to let y'all know I wasn't that hungry for food anyway, and I only wanted to order a side dish because I knew I'd actually be able to stomach/finish that.
So one of the sides is street corn. I love their corncobs. I order that. They say that they're all out. Everyone else orders while I scramble for a second option. One is grilled asparagus. I love veggies in general. I order that. The waiter leaves.
After a few minutes, several servers come and the rest of the table is delivered their food. But my plate is missing. My Mother, God bless her, offers me half of her plate but I refuse stating that I just want to eat my own plate of grilled asparagus, and I'll be content with that. After a few more minutes, the original waiter comes back and sees that my spot on the table is empty. So he asks me again what I ordered and I tell him I just wanted the side of asparagus. He looks at me with a nervous smile and says "Oh, they didn't tell you...? I just found out, we're out of that, too."
We all think he's joking at first. After a moment of awkward silence, we realize he ain't. He offers to get me something else, but by this point I am embarrassed beyond hope and just want to forget the whole thing. I take half of my mother's offered food. The waiter offers to give us a free dessert to compensate, and the rest of my table says yes before I can nope out of the situation lol.
So my family looks over the dessert menu and finds a few dishes they like. I joke that I already know what the outcome for my order will be. My mother sees that there's an option like key lime pie (I love lime desserts) and gets that for me while the rest of the table gets ice cream or cake stuffs. Our waiter takes the dessert orders and goes back.
Our waiter returns a few minutes later with a harrowed expression and announces to the table that they are out of the lime dessert. I want the earth to swallow me whole. My mother starts cackling, scream-laughing "Out of all the desserts, that was the one she wanted!!"
The waiter cannot stop apologizing and I can not stop cringing. It was the funniest series of unfortunate events that has ever happened to me.
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