politijohn · 17 hours
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Wow, what could have happened? /s
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animentality · 16 hours
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People who try to convince you to vote 3rd party or to not vote at all do not have your best interests at heart.
Do not disenfranchise yourself.
Do not throw away your vote on a candidate who can’t win.
Do your part to hold back the tide of Fascism. Vote against Trump and Project 2025.
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virgoanmaenad · 2 days
We never see anti-sex and anti-choice people go after viagra. Why? Where are all the myths that it’s harmful to you, it’s big pharma trying to pervert the natural order? Where are all the rampant lies and falsehoods about its effectiveness?
Oh, right, because it’s not about that. It’s about controlling women, especially young women. It’s about putting us back into the home, preventing us from working or living outside the domestic sphere.
They don’t care about viagra, they care about all your options for reproductive choice. Birth control, abortion, IVF, surrogacy, all of that is included into their moral panic. But not men’s sexual healthcare, that’s perfectly fine. But a woman’s? Well, it’s always been about policing us.
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razorroy · 3 days
Giving Trump The Middle Finger
This is exactly what must happen. It should be happening everywhere. All across America people should be joining together to fight against Trump's lies.
The biggest fight against Trump and his lies is on Tuesday, November 5th.
Be there. It is going to be satisfying! #Vote
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body autonomy
“He had heard her say, so many times, that a society that approved of making abortion illegal was a society that approved of violence against women; that making abortion illegal was simply a sanctimonious, self-righteous form of violence against women- it was just another way of legalizing violence against women, Nurse Caroline would say.” ― John Irving, The Cider House Rules
There were 26,000 rape-related pregnancies in Greg Abbott's Texas since the decision to overturn Roe v Wade... that's approaching half the US total of 65,000. And it provides further evidence of the wild descent into violent crime that GOP rule in Texas has produced—much of it targeting women.
[JAMA Network]
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thecount03 · 3 days
At the prev reblog because I don't want to bring this up on OPs notes even if it's the same topic
Imma be real, I enjoy omegaverse but you just do NOT look at a trans man talking about health care in regards to abortions etc and go "oh a real life omega"
Anyone does that to me and I'm fucking punching them until their mouth breaks, my god have some common fucking decency and fucking think
Omegaverse is fictional and quite honestly mostly for kink and sexual fetishism even if myself and others do other things with it, it's fetishism end of story
Just fucking hell I'm legitimately fuming about that just what the actual hell
If I was more versed in witchcraft I'd put a curse on anyone who thinks saying that to real people is okay, nothing that'd cause full harm just something that would cause them every time they think or say something like that about real people to have minor misfortune and annoyances that ruin their day but don't cause permanent damage
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Kamala Harris holds an emotional event on the topic of Candi Miller and Amber Nicole Thurman, both of whom died because the Trump Abortion Ban prevented them from getting the care they needed.
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Coral Murphy Marcos at The Guardian:
Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, called Donald Trump “just deranged” on Sunday after he said women would no longer be thinking about abortion if he is elected as president in November. “This guy just doesn’t understand what the average woman is confronting in her life in this country, and how could he? He’s not lived a normal life,” Whitmer said in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union. Whitmer also reaffirmed her support for Kamala Harris, describing her as a person “who has worked hourly jobs, who knows how important it is that women have healthcare and access to the medical care that they need”. Whitmer was asked to comment about a speech the former president delivered on Saturday, saying women “will be happy, healthy, confident, and free” if he is elected president. “He’s just deranged,” the governor of Michigan said.
On CNN’s State Of The Union Sunday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) called Donald Trump “deranged” after his Truth Social screed on women would no longer be thinking about abortion if he is elected.
From the 09.22.2024 edition of CNN's State Of The Union:
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hellyeahscarleteen · 3 days
Has a sexual partner⁠ ever made you feel uncomfortable about wanting and using birth control⁠? Have they ever pressured you not to use it, like by trying to talk you out⁠ of it by telling you you don't really need it? Do you feel like you can't talk to your partner⁠ about making those choices? Has a partner ever deliberately hidden, stolen, or sabotaged your birth control? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have experienced or may be experiencing a form of intimate partner violence known as reproductive coercion, which is generally defined as someone’s attempt to exert control and power over their partner’s reproductive health choices, often, but not always, with the intention of making them become pregnant.
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animentality · 2 months
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embracetheshipping · 6 months
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yeahiwasintheshit · 7 months
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razorroy · 3 days
Trump Endorses A Man That Wants To Bring Back Slavery
What does that say about you, Trump supporters???
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politijohn · 2 months
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Phenomenal choice
As a former teacher, MN Governor Walz has:
Signed legislation protecting abortion rights
Signed an executive order protecting gender-affirming care
Banned conversion therapy
Restored voting rights to Minnesotans who are on parole, probation or community release due to a felony
Signed voting rights legislation
Signed legislation legalizing recreational cannabis
Signed legislation guaranteeing free school lunches to students
Expanded workers rights and is supported by unions
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ralfmaximus · 3 months
With no national support or attention, Arkansas women (and a few good men) did what everyone said couldn’t be done. On July 5, organizers turned in enough signatures to qualify an amendment to restore access to abortion in Arkansas.  The amendment will restore access up to 18 weeks for any reason and thereafter has exceptions for rape, incest, fatal fetal anomaly, and life and health of the mother.  The amendment had no support from national groups like Planned Parenthood or the ACLU because it didn’t allow for abortions up to the point of viability.  However, polling showed that anything over 18 weeks simply wouldn’t pass in deep red Arkansas, and the amendment will cover 99% of abortions that do occur.
Abortion rights will be on the ballot in Arkansas, thanks to a 100% unfunded volunteer effort! Amazingly good news.
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