#and i’m sure it’s been made before but shhhhh
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*blows a kiss to the stars* for nicholas matthews
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kayesfanfics · 1 year ago
Hi there! May I request an Adrian x reader where he's in need of comfort, so he asks (maybe shyly) if he can sit in her lap, even though she's smaller? She holds him gently, soothing him in any way she can?
Thank you for your consideration ❤️
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You and Adrian had been spending days on end cleaning up the castle, disposing of bodies after the battle and mopping up the blood, mending torn drapery and broken artifacts. The work was tiring, both physically and emotionally for Adrian. Having to go through his destroyed childhood home where he had killed his own father hurt him like nothing before, feeling the melancholic feeling of nostalgia waving over him as he wandered the halls of his childhood home, avoiding his old bedroom like the plague. You didn’t clean that room up yet, not wanting to overstep any boundaries before Adrian was ready. He was very quiet and solemn, as expected from someone going through his situation, but you made sure he wasn’t alone for it. You made sure he ate, would hold him as the both of you slept, would offer him a shoulder to cry on when he needed it.
On a day like the past few weeks, you were at the table sorting through dried herbs in the kitchen while Adrian was working elsewhere in the castle. It was so empty and silent and dreary in the castle, even being alone for a little bit made you feel uneasy, knowing it once housed a loving family. In the dreaded silence, you heard Adrian’s shows against the floor from the doorway behind you, and saw his shadow loom from the torches in the hallway.
“What’s on your mind, my love?” You asked without turning around, hearing his footstep get closer to you before a pair of thin, pale arms wrapped around your shoulders and a chin rested on your head.
“I’m not sure. My mind is just wandering right now.” He replied with little emotion, compelling you to set down everything you were sorting and turn to face him. His beautiful face was solemn and stern, his eyes puffy as if he had been crying, and his sweet lips in a tight frown. He looked as if he were about to cry right there in front of you, his eyes not meeting yours and looking down, as if he were ashamed to cry in front of you.
“My love?” You repeated, a hand moving to hold one of his, causing him to snap out of his thoughts and finally look you in the eyes with his own teary ones.
“May I…may I sit in your lap?” He asked with a trembling voice and a blush across his face. You told him ‘of course’ and moved so he could, wrapping your arms around his waist as he kept his around your shoulders. He took a deep breath of relief before letting out a shaky breath, slowly dissolving into tears as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You immediately held him tighter, moving one of your hands to rub his back as you buried your own face in his hair. You felt his body tremble against your own, his tears already soaking your blouse as he held onto you tightly, as if you’d disappear into thin air at any moment.
“Shhhhh, I know, darling.” You cooed, kissing his clothes shoulder as you yourself began to tear up. It hurt so much seeing the man you loved be so distraught and lost, stuck in a mourning phase he couldn’t escape. The two of you sat like that for what felt like forever until his sobs melted into sniffles, finally out of tears to cry.
“I love you. So much. You know that, right?”
“O-Of course.” He pulled away from the crook of your neck and you wiped any tears left away from his pretty face, holding it in your hands as he leaned into your touch. “I love you, too, Y/N.”
“How about we go to bed early tonight? I just want to hold you.”
“I would like that very much.”
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lovelettersforthedamned · 1 year ago
You Are Such A Distraction
--genre + trope: FLUFF omg, sfw
--pairing: tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
--word count: 0.6k
--summary: you can't help that you're boyfriend, peter, is just so deliciously cute when he works.
--warnings: kissing, so much fluff, teasing.
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--gif credits: @peterparkcr
There was nothing like seeing Peter work on something he’s passionate about. You’re sure you could sit on the couch for a lifetime if it meant watching his hands meticulously work on his craft. Sure, it’s not knitting or building a puzzle, but it was far more complicated than that. Mixing different chemicals into a glass, he sticks his tongue out as he quickly studies his notes one more time. He’s made web fluid hundreds of times, but he still looks at the notes he’s had since high school. 
You just couldn’t stop staring at him, it’s the way his shoulder muscles move as he lifts his arm, his laser-sharp focus, and especially the way his hands are moving to create the thing that saves so many lives every night. You must’ve zoned out a little bit because you completely missed the movement of Peter looking over at you. His voice startles you a little as he begins to speak, “Watcha lookin’ at, bug?”
Your eyes quickly meet his as you feel a warmth spread to your cheeks, “Oh! Uh-nothing. You’re just…a little distracting.”
His hands stop moving as he hears your confession. You become much more entertaining than his web fluid, completely disregarding his current project to walk towards you on the loveseat. “You think I’m distracting?” he teases. 
You can’t say anything, your voice is suddenly useless.
“Tell me more,” he adds.
You clear your throat before continuing, “You know.” You didn’t want to tell him still, too embarrassed that you were caught ogling your boyfriend. 
“No,” he continues to tease, “I don’t actually. Tell me.”
Still flustered, you rise from the couch with a grin on your face, trying to escape the situation entirely. As you stand, you feel a warm hand grab yours. You turn to face Peter’s sickly sweet doe eyes. “Hey, wait,” he kisses the top of your hand, “what’s on your mind, bug?”
Guiding you back to sit close to him, you finally speak your mind, “I’m just…You’re just so cute when you work.” 
A cocky smile finds its way onto Peter’s features, “Aw, you think I’m cute?” 
His face is suddenly very close to yours as he tries to rub it in. Pushing his face away you look at him, “Yeah, you’re annoying too.”
“Woah! I thought I was cute,” he looks at you offended, “What happened to that?”
A giggle leaves you as you lift your hand to hold the side of his face. Peter leans in as he expects a kiss, to which he is quickly interrupted by your voice, “Oh, you are, don’t worry,” you start, “you’re annoying too, bug.”
He leans back with one sharp motion. A pained look twists his face as he brings his hand to his chest as if you’ve actually hurt him, “Ouch! That was pretty low.”
“Mhm, sure it did,” you respond sarcastically, pulling him in for the kiss he’s been aching for this entire time. It’s sweet, but incredibly short as Peter pulls away abruptly.
“I thought I was annoying?” a smug expression written on his face, still within inches of yours.
Your eyes are still focused on his lips, clearly yearning for his touch, “Shhhhh.”
Pulling him back in for another kiss, he finally complies, giving into your touch to kiss you properly this time. 
--this is just something sweet, because it's only wednesday and im so tired already. my ask/inbox is open...so send me some ideas for future fics, or if you just wanna talk i'm all ears! please support your writers by liking, commenting, and reblogging!!!! ok, bye ily <333.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 8 months ago
ok ok ok your sub! john drabbles actually gave me the best idea. tattoo artist x john wick
tattoo artist reader is there to comfort him and make sure he’s okay and doesn’t pass out esp if it’s his first tattoo.
also writing this made me remember a fic i read that’s not finished but breaks my heart
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21060659/chapters/50100092 if you want to read 🖤
Thank you so much for this ask!! I've been thinking about this idea for a while actually. There was another ask about this a long time ago, maybe on my JohnWickCaretaker blog? I can't find that one, but if that was also you, then thanks a second time. Also, yaaaaay, fic recommendation! 🖤
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John Wick x Tattoo Artist Reader (Gender Neutral)
Author's Note: John is a little younger in this one (I’m picturing him being 18-19), so he’s not as mature. He’s even more shy and gets defensive more easily. Also, I'm not a tattoo artist, and haven't gotten any tattoos, so this is just based on what I've read about it!
CW: forced to get a tattoo, tattoo needle, crying, reader swears frequently, bittersweet ending
Image sources: 1 2 3
“You have time for a walk-in?”
You didn’t even hear this guy open the door. Once you’re done being startled, you notice…him. You’re not supposed to let yourself think this way about clients, but shit, he’s cute. He looks soft. Mostly clean shaven, with a thin, elegant face (maybe it’s the high cheekbones), topped off with a mop of dark hair. And probably inexperienced, based on how nervous he looks. A little part of you wonders how this is going to go for him. “You’re in luck. What’s your name?”
No answer.
“Can I see an ID?”
He hesitates awkwardly. “I’m coming from Mrs. Petrov.”
Oh. So he’s one of these. You doubt that’s her real name, but Mrs. Petrov sailed into your shop one day offering to double the usual price if you’d keep quiet and ask no questions, and you sure need the money. Your skin is crawling a bit but you take a deep breath and get into it.
“Okay, good enough for me. What design are we looking at?”
He hands you a paper. It’s the same one you’ve seen half a dozen times: hands touching in prayer over an image of the cross. Guys come to you for this tat again and again, “from Mrs. Petrov.” One told you it was a mark of his acting troupe, another said it was a family crest, another a symbol of his church. They’re probably all lying, but you know better than to call them on it – or to turn any of them away. You’re pretty sure it’s a mob thing. It breaks your heart a little bit to think he’s caught up in all that. He doesn’t look the part. But then, you also know better than to judge by looks alone.
You gesture to the chair. “Settle in, face down. It’s better if we have your shirt off.” He’s way too delicious underneath it. The perfect canvas...shhhhh stop it. You’re a professional and he’s…god knows what. “This will take about four or five hours. Is that okay?”
He nods.
“Silent type I guess?”
That gets a faint smile before he lays across the bench, chin resting on folded arms. You flip the Open sign to Closed, pull on your gloves, and start prepping tools. You turn on the radio to 80s rock, filling the silence between you - though it doesn’t feel like a stressful silence, surprisingly. Both of you know how odd this situation is and you’re both just trying to get through it. There’s a camaraderie to that.
You glance down at the design in your hand and whistle. It’s pretty big, taking up most of the center of his back, between the scapulas. “Is this your first tattoo?”
“Alright, well I’ll be real with you: this is going right over the spine, so you can expect some pain. Nothing that’ll kill you, just…not super pleasant. So I’ll check in from time to time, see how you’re doing. If you need a break, we can take one.”
“I won’t.” He sounds pretty sure of that. Standing behind him, you shake your head. It’s always the ones that are so sure…
“Well, after a while, I’ll need one.” You run disinfecting wipes over the center of his back and set to work. When the needle touches down for the first time, he winces once, but he doesn’t wince again for the next ten minutes of linework. It takes you that long to realize that he’s barely breathing. “Your muscles are tense, buddy. I need you to relax for me or this will hurt more.”
“…I just…don’t want to move.” There’s something so sweet about the way he says it.
“You won’t move. You’re actually less likely to shake if you can let yourself go totally limp, like you would if you were about to fall asleep. Here, sit up for a second, take a deep breath, and stretch out.” He listens, but he’s not looking at you. You’re pretty sure he’s blushing.
“Okay. I’m relaxed.” Liar. You can still feel the knots in his muscles when you touch him again. But at least it’s a little better than before, and he’s getting impatient. “Keep going.”
Well, the customer is always right. “Alright, let’s do it.” You grab your pen and get back into place. The best you can do is try to distract him. “How did you choose this tattoo anyway?” Might as well see what story this one will make up.
“I didn’t.” That’s probably the truest answer you’ve heard so far.
“Do you…like it?” God, you hope so.
“Not really.”
“…You’re telling me I’m putting something on your body right now that you don’t want there?”
“No,” he says, a little too quickly. “Forget it.”
That’s probably for the best anyway. You’ll get too pissed off if you keep going down this line of questioning. You take a deep breath and try for something lighter. “So what do you, uh…do for fun?”
“Reading, mostly.”
“Oh, sweet. You read anything good lately?”
“Kind of. I’m reading Anna Kerenina.” He slips into a faint accent when he says it, and you have a suspicion.
“What translation?”
“Just the Russian.” He sounds a little annoyed, like you caught him out on something. You suppose you did, and it was kind of fun.
“Bilingual. That’s badass.”
“Thanks.” There’s silence again for a minute, but it feels friendlier.
“So what do you think of it?”
You wrinkle your nose. “Yeah, it’s kind of dry.”
“I guess, but I don’t mind that. I just don’t like Anna and Vronsky. Which is Tolstoy’s whole point, but…”
“They’re both little shits to everyone. Makes it hard to get invested.”
“Right, exactly.” He shifts his chin. “If I was married, I can’t imagine cheating.” From some people, a line like that would sound like a transparent attempt to come across as a “nice guy.” But he says it so wistfully, you know he means it.
Don’t say what you’re about to say. Don’t say it. Be professional.
…Fuck it, you’re doing this under the table anyway. “Are you dating anybody?”
“No.” It sounds so bitter that, for a second, you think you really are dealing with a nice-guy-impersonator. But then he clarifies. “My…lifestyle doesn’t allow for that.”
“Oh.” You can’t think of any way to reply that doesn’t involve the burning questions in your mind about what exactly this “lifestyle” entails. So you lapse into silence again, for much longer this time, just thinking, wondering what it’s like to be one of these young men with the cross tattoos. Are they all friends with each other? What exactly do they do? Is it difficult? How does it pay? How did they get into it?
You stop when you’re done with the linework. “Okay, that went great! We’re totally done with the outlines, which is half the battle. I’m going to take a break before we start on the shading.” You circle around in front of him to grab your water bottle, and catch a glimpse of his face as he’s straightening up.
He’s wiping off silent tears.
Your heart almost drops out of your chest. “Oh shit. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, but it sounds hoarse and shaky. “Just hurt more than I expected.” He huffs a laugh, trying to play the whole thing off as unimportant.
“Dude, I told you we can take breaks if you need. If you’re crying from pain, you’re too tensed up. Tell me next time, alright?” Before you realize what you’re doing, you’re rubbing his shoulder. He freezes for a second, and you pull back. “Sorry, I – I didn’t mean to – “
“No, it’s okay. I’m just not used to that.”
“Damn, how do they treat you at Mrs. Petrov’s place?” You’re half joking, but you want to know more and more by the second. And when he just looks grave and doesn’t answer, your heart does that weird dropping thing again.
“…Let me get you a water, okay? I’ll be right back.” You’re grateful for the short walk to the mini fridge you keep in the back of the parlor. It feels so heavy in that room. You’re starting to wish you hadn’t taken the deal, because whatever this is, you don’t want to be involved.
When you come back, he’s perfectly composed again, but looking at you more carefully this time, like he’s finally really seeing you. After he takes a drink of water, he hesitates for a second. “My name is Jardani.”
Warmly, “Nice to meet you.” You take the bottle back and set it on the table, within reach. “You’ll tell me if you get overwhelmed next time?”
“Good. I’m trusting you.”
You watch him settle in and get back to work. It’s okay at first but there’s a dark shadow under those praying hands that needs to go right over his spine. It’s basically pure black. A couple minutes into it, he exhales sharply, like he’d been holding his breath for a while. “Stop.”
You set your pen down right away. “You got it.” You pull up a chair next to him and he turns to look at you, without sitting up. He’s really pale. “How are you feeling?”
“Yeah, you can pass out if you get tense like that for too long. But you’re okay. We can take as long as you need.” You put your hand on his shoulder again, massaging it, and this time, he lets you. You can feel some of the tension finally seep away and the color returns to his cheeks. The dark pools of his eyes are fixed on yours, and if you aren’t careful, you feel like you could fall into them and drown. There’s something trapped in cold waters down there, pleading for rescue.
Yeah, sure. If you were being unprofessional before, now you’re being a downright sentimental fool. This guy has probably shot people.
Despite being deep and rumbling, his voice sounds so quiet that it’s almost shy. “You don’t know what this means to me, to have a…nice moment... Thank you.”
“Oh – you’re welcome. It’s nothing, really.” You’re absolutely done for. “Um, do you want to stand up and stretch before we get back at it?”
Your brain is fried but you manage to hold it together while the both of you get back into position. The rest of the session goes pretty smoothly, and you talk a little more here and there. At first it’s just about how he should take care of this thing when it’s finished – staying out of the sun and all that. But then he starts to ask you about yourself - what you read, how you got into tattooing, your favorite designs. Everything you say seems to interest him. You can’t quite believe it but he’s obviously developing a crush on you. Or at least getting attached in some way. You can’t blame him, if the smallest friendly touch is such a foreign concept.
It's too soon when you place the finishing touches. “Okay! You want to take a look?” You help him up, his hand resting in yours for an instant as he slides off the bench, stiff and probably aching. It sends a jolt straight to your heart, to support some fraction of his weight and to feel the way his fingers squeeze down on yours before letting go. You mourn the contact instantly, and distract yourself by adjusting the two mirrors that reflect into each other, allowing him to see his back. “What do you think?”
“It does look cool actually.” He cracks a little heart-melting smile, and you’re really relieved. He may not have wanted it, but at least he’s not devastated.
“’Course it does, it was done by the best in the business,” you joke. Though to be honest, you really are impressed with your handiwork. Doing the same tattoo so many times pays off – each one has looked more polished than the last. It’s almost a shame to see him put his shirt back on…for multiple reasons.
“Oh, uh…” He fishes something out of his pocket. A wad of hard cash – a LOT of it, as usual. “Here’s the payment.” And then he’s leaving, before you can do anything, say anything, even catch the breath you’d lost trying to comprehend everything that just happened.
“Hey, wait!” You don’t really know what you’re going to say, but then he’s facing you again and you have to say something, and it just comes out. “…Do you need help? I don’t know what’s going on, but look, I’m not an idiot. I know something’s wrong here. I don’t know who Mrs. Petrov really is and I don’t care, but if you need me to do something, like…I don’t know, call a social worker or something or help you get transport out of the city...” Your voice falters. You have no idea what he’d need and even less idea how to provide it without getting both of you killed. And what if you’ve misread the whole situation? What if you’re completely out of line?
It certainly looks that way. It’s like a switch flips in him. “No. Whatever you do, don’t fucking try anything. It’s none of your business.” It’s the coldest he’s sounded. “You won’t see me again.” The door slams behind him.
You brace a hand against the counter behind you, shaking. How could you be so stupid, honestly. This emotional roller coaster isn’t worth it. You wish you’d never seen Mrs. Petrov, let alone this Jardani with his damn pain-soaked eyes and cornered-dog behavior. There’s something awful going on, and you can’t do anything about it, you’re just making it worse. If you can get out of this deal, you have to, even if it means getting out of the city. Maybe out west - San Francisco sounds nice this time of year.
You’re just putting yourself back together and trying to decide what the hell you’re gonna do when the door flings open again and he storms back though it, stopping short right in front of you. For a second, you just stare at each other, breathing hard. Then he catches the flash of foolish happiness in your eyes at seeing him again and musters his nerves.
And he. Fucking. Kisses. You. Forcefully, with his strong hands gripping your arms and his teeth colliding with yours, pulling, desperate, rebellious, like he’s trying to tell you something he’s not allowed to say. You’re pretty sure it’s, “Thank you. For being one of the few people who cared.”
And then he’s gone again, and this time, you can feel it: he’s never coming back.
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drowninginblox · 5 months ago
Thought I'd do something and treat the gents.
Minors DNI! I am not here to catch a case!! Top! Y/n with He/Him pronouns along with a side of teasing, hold the penetration Hope yall enjoy guys!
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Smut below the break!
“Y-y/n… what are you…?” He curls into himself a little more. His boyfriend chuckles against the back of his neck “I’ve noticed you’ve been needy Kurt… it’s okay… you know I’m a safe space for you yeah?” A shuttered breath breaks through followed by a squeak “I-I-“ He kisses his nape “If you feel uncomfortable love, I’ll stop.” He assures, pausing in his movements to accommodate. Kurt takes another shaky, but deeper breath before curling into himself more “Kurt? Did I go too far?” He asked as he began to pull away from him.
Kurt grabbed his wrist before she could. “NO! No-please… please don’t stop..” His partner smiles softly and moves in closer to his back than he originally was. A hands slip past his waistbands and feels the innermost of his thigh while the other moves under his shirt, bypassing the lean muscles of his chest to his already hard nipples. "Y-Y/n-" he manages to mumble.
"Shhhhh... It's okay baby. You know no one is gonna hear us, and I made sure to lock the door..." His lips trail to his shoulder. "You're okay... do what feels right." Kurt arches into him as a brush of his hand sends him reeling. A soft moan is breathed through bitten lips.
He can only smirk into his shoulder. "Kurt... c'mon," He repeats the motion, ensuring it's tantalizing for him in every blissful way possible. He shudders, opening his mouth to let out a choked gasp. "That's it, don't hold back for me. I know it's been too long."
Loving touches and sultry mummers made sounds Kurt didn't know he could make. But at this point he didn't care as the build-up was crumbling before him "I- I- Y-Y/n-!" He kisses Kurt's neck for what could have been the hundredth time that night. "Go on, let go."
That was all Kurt needed as his head tilted back into his partner's neck. Slews of praises and curses of German and English slurred together with pleasure while the mess in his boxers grew and grew to the satisfaction of his boyfriend. "Messy boy..." He mumbled into Kurt's cheek before kissing it, yielding a pleasureful whimper. "It's okay baby, I ain't going anywhere. We'll clean you up later okay?" Kurt only nodded. Words were too much right now. All he could need was right in this bed.
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therealcocoshady · 1 year ago
Recovery - Chapter 20
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Y/N gets back home from the hospital and Em comes for a sleepover.
Tags : Fluff - SMUT (P in V, foreplay)
Y/N’s POV 
The whole incident had brought you and Marshall a lot closer than you already were. You took it to heart, when he said he was missing you, when you were talking in the studio that fateful night before you were assaulted. You had been so focused on your relationship with Josh, so eager to get Marshall out of your head (or rather, your heart), that you had probably neglected your friendship a little bit. Still, he had been absolutely amazing to you while you were in the hospital, basically acting like your personal guard-dog, pillow, assistant and dream catcher. It got to a point where it was annoying for other people. Josh didn’t complain about it, he never would, but he did make a few comments about Marshall “always being around”. Talia and Jamal even joked about Marshall moving in, because he would never leave you alone. You could tell that Talia was a bit pissed off. You knew she loved him, but she also wanted to care for you. So when you got out of the hospital, they were basically bickering at each other, fighting over who would get “custody” of you. Marshall offered for you to stay at his place and hang out, while Talia seemed to strongly disagree. 
You’ve been with her nonstop for five days, Em, you’re not her only friend, you know ? She said as she rolled her eyes. 
I know. I’m just saying she can chill at the house if she wants, he shrugged. 
We have a house too, she said. She can chill there. 
Or maybe she wants to enjoy the movie room or the pool, he replied. 
Or maybe she wants her room, Talia insisted. 
Or maybe she wants y’all to stop fighting like divorced parents ? Jamal chimed in. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. You had been cleared by the doctor and were ready to leave the hospital. You’d been ready for about an hour and couldn’t wait to get out of that dreadful place but they wouldn’t stop arguing over small details, like who would drive you home. You didn’t tell them, but on top of that, you had Josh blowing up your phone, asking when he would actually get to see you. You were actually touched by all of this attention : not everyone had this many people they could count on. As annoying as it could get - because you just wanted to leave - it was a blessing. 
We could just leave them here and grab food somewhere, you suggested to Jamal. 
I like that, he said as he grabbed your bag. 
I want to eat too, Talia said. 
Me too, Marshall added. 
Look who’s suddenly on the same page, Jamal grinned. So, what do you want to eat ? 
Of course, that was enough for the bickering to start again. You offered to cook dinner, but obviously, none of your friends would let you lift a finger, even though you had basically spent five days sleeping and were more energized than ever. Thankfully, everyone ended up agreeing on the food, and you managed to display some excellent diplomatic skills when it came to organizing your schedule. You sent Marshall home after dinner so that he could actually get some rest and a full night of sleep and had a movie night with your roommates. As for Josh, you made plans to see him in a few days. Initially, you wanted to invite him to dinner on the night you got home, but your friends made a valid point that it would be wiser to wait for a few days, so that your first night home would be more chill. After the movie, you and Talia went to your room to do some pampering and she could not refrain from grilling you about “Em”. 
So… First night without cerberus in a while, huh ? She playfully asked. 
I guess, you giggled. He wasn’t that bad, though. 
Oh he definitely was, she chuckled. You should have seen him when you were asleep. He was standing there like some sort of bouncer, making sure not too many people were in the room. And then, when it got too loud, he turned into a cranky old librarian like “Shhhhh”. 
She imitated him, with his serious demeanor and frown. You couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of laughter. 
It’s sweet, you said softly - you couldn’t help defending him. 
He’s too much, she said. I swear, he is the most dramatic person I have ever met. 
It’s part of the charm, I guess, you shrugged. 
Oh, really… “Charm” ? She grinned. I thought we already had a prince charming… 
You know what I mean, you said with a frown. 
Actually, I don’t, she said. I mean, you’re wearing his clothes all the time, he spent five days in the hospital with you, you guys are always hanging out… I’m telling you : I wouldn’t enjoy being your boyfriend if I had to deal with Em being all over you. 
I know, you sighed. 
Especially when you enjoy it so much, she added. 
You looked at her but said nothing. Had anyone else made that comment, you would have lied, but it was Talia, so there was no use. 
I knew it !!! She almost screamed. 
Yeah well, you can know it but not shout it, ok ? You said. 
You like Em !!! 
I do, you groaned. But believe me, it’s not fun. 
Oh, boo-hoo, “my crush is all over me and it’s hard”, she giggled. Yeah, must suck to be you, Y/N. Especially when the crush in question is the wet dream of millions of people across the world. Remind me again, why are you bothering with Josh ? 
You ended up explaining the whole story to her : how you had a chance with Marshall, that was ruined by the argument, how you had planned on confessing your feelings for him in NYC but didn’t because he ended up dating Nicole and how you ended up dating Josh. 
Here’s the thing, you said : I love Marshall, but he doesn’t love me back. And I like Josh too, you know ? Like, actually like him. I want to give this relationship a chance, because he is so great. 
I feel you, she said in a voice full of compassion. You deserve to be happy. Em is a fucking dumbass in my opinion… 
He’s not. He doesn’t like me like this, it’s ok. He’s still my best friend. 
Yeah, but I don’t understand, though. For someone who doesn’t like you like this, he is all over you. That doesn’t make sense, you know ? She said. Anyway, if Josh makes you happy, that’s what matters, right ? 
He’s just nice, you replied. And Josh does make me happy. I can’t wait for you to meet him. 
I can’t wait either, she said. But he’s no Em. 
Promise me you’ll still be nice to him ? 
Of course, she said. 
You had finally introduced Josh to Talia and Jamal and they seemed to like him. The four of you would go on double dates, even some triple dates with Hailie and Evan. You had lots of fun and it felt really nice to have your closest friends supporting your relationship. Talia’s birthday was coming up in a few days and she even invited him. Josh was being as amazing as ever, and you wished you could say everything was perfect but it wasn’t. You’d been together for more than three months at this point and you still hadn’t been able to seal the deal. You’d had plenty of opportunity and slept together a bunch of times but that was all it was : sleeping. Not that you didn’t want to do the deed, on the contrary, you were both up for it, but the attack had left its mark, so every time he tried to do more than kiss you or hold your hand, you ended up being triggered. He said he was fine with it but, obviously, you could tell he was a bit disappointed. At that point, you were a triggered, yet horny mess, which put you in quite a mood. You weren’t even sure you’d be able to have sex ever again. Thankfully, you also spent a lot of time with your friends, which helped you get your mind off things. You were either hanging out with Jamal and/or Talia, at the studio or with Marshall. 
That night was your first night sleeping alone in a month. Ever since you got home, you were prone to nightmares. The doctors at the hospital had offered to give you some medication for anxiety and even some sleeping pills, but given your past, you refused to pick up the prescription. You’d been sober for a while now, which was great, but you still didn’t trust yourself. So your friends, being as amazing as they were, took turns having sleepovers in your room. The most frequent guests were either Talia or Josh, but sometimes, Marshall would come over too. It was the middle of the night and you were waking up from yet another nightmare and, normally, you would have someone by your side, but you had decided to try sleeping alone for the first time, since Talia and Jamal had a romantic weekend getaway planned and were spending a night in a hotel, and you weren’t too sure about wanting Josh coming over. Not that you wouldn’t enjoy his company or that he wouldn’t happily cuddle with you, but you felt like he might get his hopes up about finally having sex and you didn’t want to let him down yet again. You tried to pace yourself by using some breathing exercises, but to no avail. It was as if you could feel the attacker’s breath down your neck. Plus, it was a windy night and every noise from the outside was startling you. So much for putting on your big girl’s pants. You decided to call Marshall. 
Hey honey, you heard his sleepy voice say. What’s up ? 
Am I bothering you ? You asked in a little voice. 
Never, he said softly. What’s up ? 
I’m scared, you said on the verge of tears. I’m alone in the house and I feel like… He’s watching me or something. 
Oh. Isn’t Josh sleeping over ? He asked. 
Not tonight…, you said sheepishly. 
Want me to come over ? 
Do you mind ? You asked. 
You know I don’t, he said. Movie night ? 
Great. Be there in 30, ok ? 
When he arrived, he gave you the biggest hug and you put on some random, crappy movie. You were both laying on your bed, watching the movie on your computer. He had an arm wrapped around your shoulder and was mindlessly playing with your hair. His presence was soothing, and his hilarious comments were keeping you distracted. At some point, a steamy sex scene came on, and it made you feel a bit awkward. It didn’t help that it reminded you of all the action you were definitely not getting. Marshall picked on it right away. 
Are you blushing ?! He asked with a grin. 
What ? No I’m not…, you replied awkwardly. 
You’re so red. You’re blushing. 
Shut up, please, you whispered. 
Come on, it’s a movie, he chuckled. 
It’s just… It’s so awkward, you know ? I hate love scenes in movies, you said. 
Oh, believe me, actors usually hate filming them, he said. More awkward to film than to watch. 
Have you ever filmed one of those for a music video ? You asked. 
Sort of, he said. But the worst was the scene in 8 Mile. Didn’t take long, but I definitely didn’t have much fun. 
Oh right, you said. I sort of forgot that you were in a movie. 
What ?! You haven’t seen my movie ?! He asked in a fake offended voice. 
I haven’t, you giggled. What’s it about ? 
He proceeded to describe the movie for you, explaining the plot. You thought it was absolutely crazy that you were friends with someone who had a movie based on his life. Once again, it reminded you of the big deal that he was. 
Can we watch it ? You asked. That sounds like something I’d enjoy. 
Sure, he chuckled. Haven't seen that in a while. 
You changed the movie and put on 8 Mile. It was both weird and fun to see Marshall twenty years ago. 
God, you’re hot, you said before you could catch yourself. 
He looked at you with a smirk. 
Why thank you, he said with a smile. 
No, I meant before, you said. I mean, in the movie… Uh, you look good in that. 
Better than now ? He asked with a grin. 
No, you said. 
So I’m even hotter now ? 
Yeah. I mean no, I-I…, you began to say as you felt your cheeks burning. 
Relax, I’m just fucking with you, he giggled. God, you’re blushing so hard it’s hilarious. 
You focused your intention on the movie and tried to ignore him. The movie was good and you enjoyed it. Marshall definitely had great acting skills. At some point, the love scene with Brittany Murphy came on and you found yourself biting your lip. It was just a movie scene, for sure, but it was a steamy one and you were lucky enough to know that Marshall was actually good in bed (or on a couch, or in a car…). In fact, he was the best you ever had. And the last. This thought had you hot and bothered, and equally frustrated. 
Like what you see ? He teasingly whispered in your ear. 
God, shut up, you groaned as you blushed. His voice in your ear wasn’t helping you. 
Not a chance, he giggled. 
It’s not funny, Marshall… 
He chuckled and kissed your cheek. It was an innocent peck, as there had been thousands before, but it definitely made matters worse. And obviously, you had no poker face, so he picked on it right away. 
Don’t tell me you’re horny, he chortled. 
Don’t you ever shut up ? 
What ? Isn’t the lobster up to the challenge ? He grinned. 
Well, I guess we’ll never know, you groaned. 
He looked at you in confusion and pressed pause. His eyebrows were furrowed. 
What’s wrong ? He asked. 
Nothing, you said. It’s just… Nevermind. Let’s watch the movie, ok ? 
You can tell me anything, honey, he said softly. What’s up with Josh ? I thought he was great. 
I can’t put out, you blurted out. So, yeah, he’s great, but he’s probably going to end up leaving me and I’m going to grow my hymen back and die a virgin. 
He couldn’t refrain from chuckling and you shot him a death glare. 
Sorry, he said as he caught himself. It’s not what you’re saying. It’s the way you’re saying it. I feel for you, though. 
You do ? You asked with a pout. 
Well, I mostly feel for him, but yeah…
He’s not the one panicking every time someone tries to touch him, you groaned. But yeah, whatever, let’s feel for Josh, I guess. 
No, he chuckled. What I mean is that having you as a girlfriend and not getting any action must be really hard. Pun intended. 
He managed to make you chuckle. He always had the silliest jokes. 
Come on, you horndog, let’s watch the end of the movie, he said as he shook his head, trying not to laugh. 
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you to him and you went back to watching the movie. 
Is that alright ? He asked with a smirk. Or am I too hot for you ? 
Fuck you, Marshall, you whined. 
Well, yeah, you wish, he chuckled. Just kidding, I’ll stop. 
Thankfully, the movie was good and you managed to focus on it. Soon after the movie ended, you fell asleep. 
Showing 8 Mile to Y/N was pretty interesting. Marshall got to watch her reactions and it was a fun sight, especially when it came to the sex scene. He couldn’t help but notice her blushing and biting her lip and, obviously, he wasn’t going to miss that great of an opportunity to make fun of her. He didn’t mean to be an asshole, but learning she hadn’t actually slept with Josh made his day. Not that he didn’t want her to be fulfilled - he did - but the fucker didn’t deserve her anyway. He knew he shouldn’t rejoice in another man’s sexual misery, and karma made sure to remind him. As Y/N fell asleep, he kept on tossing and turning. For one, he wasn’t really tired anymore - somehow, being woken up at 2AM fucks up your sleep schedule. Secondly, seeing her all hot and bothered had him all hot and bothered. He could make fun of her all he wanted, but he hadn’t had any action in a while either. He probably would have if he hadn’t blown it up with Nicole, though. 
Y/N encouraged him to patch things up with her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. After realizing his feelings for Y/N were far too strong, dating Nicole seemed stupid. Years ago, he definitely would have used her to get over his feelings, but that wasn’t exactly the man he wanted to be. So he did the “right” thing to do : he sent flowers and apologized for lacking empathy being an ass, but decided not to see her anymore. Thankfully, none of his friends knew he was dating, so he didn’t have to explain his change of heart to anybody except Y/N. She didn’t understand at first but she ended up leaving him alone on the matter. 
He took a look at her as he tried to fall asleep. She was really cute and the sight brought a smile to his face. She seemed to sleep peacefully - at least for now - and he hoped she wouldn’t have any nightmares. He kissed the top of her head and cuddled with her before closing his eyes. He almost went to sleep when he heard her moan. Not an unusual sound since she kept on having these awful dreams. He almost woke her up when he heard something unexpected : his name. 
Marshall…, she moaned. Harder. 
Was she having a dream… about him ? He was about to shake it off when she moaned again. He had absolutely no clue as to what he was supposed to do. Leave ? Wake her up ? He thought about letting her enjoy her dream but as her moans got deeper, he felt as if he was about to go crazy. To make matters worse, she was squirming. She always moved when she slept but now, he couldn’t take it anymore. 
Honey, wake up, he whispered as he gently shook her arm and turned on the little lamp on the nightstand. 
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, flustered. She sat up and he could see her nipples poking through her tee-shirt. This woman was going to be the death of him and he knew it. 
Are you alright ? She asked in a small voice. 
Are you ? He asked as he couldn’t keep himself from smirking. 
At that point, it was second nature to him. He had to tease her about it. Anyone would do the same if they were laying in bed with a beautiful woman having a wet dream about them, right ? She looked at him and he could tell that she knew he heard her. She said absolutely nothing, though. 
So… sweet dreams ? He chuckled. 
She was biting her lip, looking away. She looked incredibly hot and it took everything he had not to jump on her this minute. Plus, he didn’t want to trigger her, obviously.  Not to lie, he was having a huge fucking ego boost, knowing it was him who had her in this state. Not Josh. Not anyone else. Him. As seconds went by, the silence was starting to become heavy. They were both horny, it was painfully obvious. She was looking down, obviously uncomfortable. 
Look at me, he said softly, coaxing her chin in his direction. 
Her beautiful eyes seemed lost in a haze. Her pupils were dilated and her chest was heaving. She seemed to be in some state. 
What did you dream about ? He asked. 
Y-You, she whispered in a husky voice. 
I didn’t ask who, I asked what, he said softly, his hand still on her cheek. Care to describe ?
She opened her mouth but no sound came out. He chuckled softly, amazed at the effect he was having on her. He could definitely get high on this feeling. He grazed her bottom lip with his thumb. It was swollen from the biting. All he wanted was to kiss her. He brought his face slightly closer to her. They were staring into each other’s eyes. He traced her features with his fingers : her cheekbones, her jaw, the curve of her neck… 
Marshall, she whispered. 
Tell me to stop, he said. 
But she didn’t. Instead, she brought her hand to his face and cupped his cheek. It was soft, intimate and unexpectedly sexy. Her breathing was heavy and so was his. He couldn’t resist her anymore. He captured her lips in a soft kiss. His heart was pounding. For a quarter of a second, he feared that she would push him away, slap him or run away from him. But she kissed him back. Thank God. Their kisses were delicate and soft, but they could both feel the passion brewing in each other. He gently bit her lip, causing her to moan. 
Tell me about your dream, baby, he said in a husky voice. Describe it for me. 
Y-You were…behind me and… I was in your arms, she said. Spooning. 
Her voice was breathy and her eyes were closed. He kissed her gently and grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers. 
What else ? He asked. 
You were hum… kissing my neck… and biting it, she whispered. 
I know how much you love neck kisses baby, he whispered in her ear. Can I kiss your neck ? 
Yes, she muttered, almost pleading. 
He smiled and gently got her hair out of the way before planting soft kisses on her neck, in that soft spot he knew she had. This caused her to whimper, much to his satisfaction. She ran her fingers through his hair, maintaining his head where it was. He chuckled and gently bit her neck. 
Tell me more about your dream, honey, he commanded. 
You were pounding in me, she said hoarsely. 
Was it good ? He asked. 
So good. 
He kissed her neck again. He was dying to make her his, but he didn’t want to rush her. He just wanted her to enjoy the moment. He could tell she needed some release. 
How about you show me how good it was, baby ? He suggested. 
W-What ? She asked shyly. 
Touch yourself for me, honey, he said before kissing her shoulder. 
He knew he probably shouldn’t ask her to do that. But in this instant he absolutely didn’t care. He was burning for her and he could feel her desire. They were looking at each other, as if they were high. She nodded and began running her hands on her body, on top of her clothes. She was wearing a tee-shirt and shorts. She closed her eyes, seemingly enjoying the sensations. One of her hands went to her breasts, stroking and pinching her nipples, while the other rubbed her thigh. Apparently, it was enough for her breathing to accelerate. This was the sexiest thing he had thing in a while. He was so hard it was almost painful. This view was both a blessing and a curse. He needed to touch her. He gently cupped her cheek and she leaned into his touch while she kept on touching herself, her hand going from her thigh to her pussy. 
I want to hold you, he said softly. Can I ? 
She nodded softly, her eyes still closed. He settled behind her. He took her in his arms while she rested between his legs, still busy with herself. Her head was resting on his shoulder as he traced the features of her angel face. Eventually,her hands got underneath her clothes.
You can just take them off, baby, he whispered. 
Once again, she said nothing. Only sweet moans were escaping her lips. However, she seemed to agree, as she removed her tee-shirt and her shorts. She spread her legs a little and rubbed her clit, which made her whine. He kissed her temple while his fingers were gently tracing circles on her shoulder. Her moans got louder when she inserted a finger inside her pussy. He knew she was soaking wet and it was making him ever hornier. He knew how good it felt to be inside of her. 
Does it feel good, baby ? He asked in her ear. 
Yes, she moaned before inserting a second finger. 
He spilled kisses in her neck while she fingered herself, determined to see how loud he could make her moan. 
Come for me, babygirl, he whispered. 
I can’t, she replied in a croaky voice. 
Do you want me to help you ? He asked softly. 
She stopped what she was doing and turned to him and looked at him in anticipation. She looked shy. He placed a tender kiss on her lips and stroked her cheek. 
I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to, baby, I promise, he said. 
Ok, she whispered. 
Ok what ? He asked in order to make sure he wasn’t misunderstanding anything. 
You can… help me. 
He kissed her again. He felt so proud that she trusted him enough. All he wanted was for her to feel safe. He grabbed her hand and gently sucked her fingers, enjoying her taste. He removed his tee-shirt so that he could feel her skin against his. 
Come here, he said as he put her in a spoon position. Take my hand and show me what you want, baby. 
They were comfortably laying in bed, cuddling while he kissed her neck. She grabbed his hand and put it on her breast. He could feel her heart pounding. He gently pinched her nipple, causing her to moan and arch her back against him, no doubt feeling how hard he was through his sweatpants. He did it again, a bit harder, while he bit her neck. She started grinding her ass against him, still in the spoon position, driving him crazy with each one of her hip movements. He gently put his hand on her hip, stopping her. 
Hold on, babygirl, he chuckled. You’re driving me crazy here. Let’s focus on you for a bit, alright ? 
It was true : he wanted to focus his attention on her. She chuckled softly and grabbed his hand again. They interlaced their fingers. 
Can you… touch me ? She whispered. 
Anything you want, honey, he replied with a smile. 
He gently cupped her sex, feeling how wet she was. His palm was against her clit, his fingers teasing her entrance. 
Is this what you want, baby ? He asked in a husky voice. 
Yes, she moaned. Please, Marshall. 
He pressed his hand harder and inserted two fingers in her as she let out a gasp. She was squirming against him, rocking her hips in sync as he was moving his wrist. At first, his movements were slow. He wasn’t in a rush anyway. Plus, the last thing he wanted was to trigger her or hurt her. 
Are you alright ? He asked carefully. 
Yes, she moaned. It’s good. 
He buried his face in her neck as he went a bit faster. Her moans became a lot deeper and he could tell she was about to come. He accelerated the movements of his head and she let out a small cry as he felt her walls clench on his fingers. Her whole body seemed to contract before relaxing altogether. 
Oh God, she whispered. 
Did you like it, honey ? He asked with a smile - already knowing the answer. 
Yes, she softly giggled before burying her face in the pillow. 
He gently turned her so that she could face him, so that he could see her beautiful face. She looked relaxed and happy, though still hazy.  
You’re so beautiful, he said. I want to kiss you. May I ? 
Instead of replying, she kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around her as their tongues found each other. It was a deep, ardent kiss. Their legs were tangled together, as their arms were clutching at each other’s body. 
I think… I want you, she whispered shyly. 
Are you sure baby ? He asked softly. You don’t have to. 
I’m sure, she whispered. Just… be gentle ? 
Of course, love, he said. How do you want it ? 
Spoon ? She asked with a little smile. 
He chuckled. She seemed to enjoy this position. It wasn’t particularly his favorite, but he was happy to indulge. There was something about it that was soft and intimate, which he had to admit was enjoyable. He removed his sweatpants and boxers and they resumed the spooning position. He slowly positioned himself at her entrance and he felt her tense up. 
Are you sure, honey ? I swear we don’t have to…
Yes, she said hoarsely. I want you. And I trust you. 
He kissed her temple and entered her. She let out a groan and he froze for a second. However, she relaxed and he took it as his cue to start moving. He was thrusting slowly while peppering her face with soft kisses, holding her in his arms. He started to gently explore her body with his hands, making sure she was ok with every move. He teased her nipples with one hand and stroked her clit with the other. 
Faster, she begged. I’m… so close… 
He happily obliged and started to thrust faster, going deeper as well. He felt her clench around him again, slightly jerking as they both reached climax. He buried his face in her neck while they were both panting, gasping for air. He grabbed her hand and held her close to his body. 
Are you alright ? He asked after a few minutes. 
Yes, she said softly. Are you ? 
Absolutely, he said. 
She turned to face him. She had such a pretty face and reaching orgasm definitely gave her a nice glow. He chuckled as he cupped her face with his hand. 
God, I’m so in love with you, he said.
He didn’t even think twice before saying it. It felt natural to him. Before he could catch himself, he saw the soft smile of Y/N turn into an expression of shock.
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icequeenbae · 2 years ago
Giving Love a Shot (m) | BBH
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Previous: Snapshot (m) [pt.1], Shot Through the Heart (m) [pt.2]
Pairing: photographer!Baekhyun x idol!Reader
Photographer AU, Established Relationship, PWP, fluff, smut (the usual)
Warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, Baek is the god of oral™
Word Count: ~3k
Summary: You and Baekhyun have been trying out the whole ‘dating thing’ for a few months now. He comes to visit you in Japan during your schedule and things take an unexpected turn.
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: Hey hey, your authornim is back!! Thanks to @hwasdollie who took on and completed her beta duties so swiftly, I am able to post this during my birthday month!! I might be able to post smth else for a different fandom before the end of June as well but shhhhh Anyways, since a few people approached me asking for the continuation of the photographer!Baek story, I decided it's time to get my act together and post it! I hope you like it!! And please don't stay silent, you know I love to chat 💕💕💕
Network Tags: @kvanity-main @exo-writers-net @bbh-net @superm-net
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‘Goodnight, Miss.’
You bowed to the hotel staff in a polite manner, looking perfectly put together. They only saw your eyes anyway, with your habit of wearing a mask at all times. Especially now that you had all your makeup removed after the full day of interviews. As your skin got pretty sensitive, you didn’t like to walk around bare-faced where people could see. Or worse, take pictures.
Had anyone asked, you would say that you contained your excitement reasonably well. Considering how giddy you actually felt, knowing that your boyfriend was coming to visit tonight. Actually, you were so impatient that you texted him from the elevator.
‘I’m almost in my room. Where are you now?’
Baekhyun was actually supposed to be there before you, so you arranged a spare key to wait for him at the reception desk downstairs. Of course, you made sure that it was discreet. You left it in a sealed envelope stuffed with blank paper to be passed onto him as soon as he arrived. He didn’t text you back in the last thirty minutes, so you assumed he was probably still on his way.
Swinging the door open, you walked inside and instantly removed your shoes. Your legs were killing you after wearing high heels all day. Checking your phone again, you confirmed that no answer came through and decided to make a quick run for the bathroom.
Incredibly short – in your personal opinion – fifteen minutes later, you were all done. But there was still no response from your highly anticipated guest.
‘Where is he, dammit?’ You muttered under your breath, walking into the room to get fresh clothes.
But as soon as you turned the lights on…
‘Oh my g-’ You covered your mouth to silence yourself.
There, on the armchair, was a neat pile of clothes. Male clothes. Meanwhile, said male was… in your bed. Sleeping like a baby.
There he was, your unreachable boyfriend. Resting up well, instead of giving you a warm welcome as soon as you walked in.
As your heart rate returned to normal, you rolled your eyes. If he wasn’t making an effort to stay awake, you were going to change into comfy panties and a crop top, as sexy lingerie obviously wasn’t on the menu for tonight, and join him. Turning off the upper light, you left the wall sconces on both sides of the bed on. Just for a minute.
You crawled under the duvet, instantly embraced by the warmth generated by Baekhyun’s body.
Two assertive arms snaked their way around your body, hugging you tightly.
‘Oh- you’re awake?’ You whispered in surprise, being pulled deeper into his den.
‘M- ‘f course,’ he murmured, eyes still closed.
‘Yeah, right,’ you snorted, squeezing his bicep in mock frustration. ‘I see you grew tired of waiting for me…’
‘Not at all. Your pillows just smelled so nice. And I know you hate when I get on the bed wearing clothes.’ He said, and you nodded in agreement. ‘So, I showered and decided to surprise you.’
‘By sleeping in my bed?’
You huffed out a laugh, brushing his messy hair out of his eyes as he cracked one of them open.
‘I wasn’t supposed to be asleep.’ He began, watching you with just that one eye, like a sleepy pirate. ‘I had an entire performance planned.’
‘That so?’ You nudged.
‘Picture this: you walk in, and I’m already on the bed buck naked, holding a rock-hard dick in my hand. ‘Enjoy the ride’ banner right behind me.’
‘Oh gosh,’ you coughed. ‘I’m thankful you changed your mind.’
‘I didn’t. There was just no scotch tape. And while I was weighing the probability of you killing me in case I used bubble gum,’ he paused to catch your hand that could very well pinch him for the suggestion. ‘…I fell asleep. Just for a second. More like drowsed.’
‘Drooling all over my pillow?’ You teased, causing him to frown.
‘I only drool when I’m dreaming of eating you out, and we didn’t get to that tonight,’ he said in a tone that suggested it was obvious and you should’ve known better. ‘Drowsed for a sec, nothing more.’
You only chuckled, fingers tracing the lines of his face. His sharp jaw, his prominent cheekbones, his soft lips.
‘I missed you a lot, aegiya.’ He said out of nowhere, both eyes closed.
‘You saw me two weeks ago,’ you mumbled, becoming shy as soon as he used the pet name.
It was so strange, even after these past few months, to see him like this. How could anyone become so boyfriend-y all of a sudden? You had no idea Baekhyun even had a side like this when you decided to get into this relationship. He’d managed to surprise you in multiple ways already; him flying across the ocean just to see you was one of the examples.
‘Exactly. Don’t tell me you weren’t suffering through every single day away from me…’
His fingers traced the skin underneath your top, threatening to start tickling you, and you squirmed, pushing him away timidly.
‘Why are you so lovey-dovey out of the blue? Are you talking in your sleep?’
‘Hey, that hurts. The real question is, why aren’t you? Aren’t you happy to see your oppa?’ He kept tugging you closer as you resisted playfully.
‘Ew. I told you, I’m not calling you that.’
‘Why’s that,’ he leaned in to kiss your neck and you failed to push his face away.
‘Don’t be gross.’
‘You’re my aegi, and I’m older, so-’
‘There’s no kissing for oppas. Or anything else fun.’ You pressed, licking your lips. ‘Only for my boyfriend. Baekhyun.’
He looked at your mouth a second too long, before muttering a low.
‘I see.’
You swallowed, trapped in this demonstrative struggle.
‘I see how it is, Y/N.’ He repeated slowly, catching you off guard with a sudden tug to finally press your body to his. ‘You think you got me all soft for you, so now you can do whatever you wish, hm?’
You bit your lip, shivering in excitement. His voice sounded gentle but low. Whenever he used this tone, you knew it was time to be a good girl.
‘Please don’t scold me, Baekhyunie,’ you pouted, caressing his shoulder sheepishly.
‘You didn’t give me an answer. Are you happy to see me?’ He pulled away slightly to give you a sharp glance.
‘Of course.’
‘That’s it?’ His furrowed eyebrows made him look dissatisfied.
‘I missed you. A lot. Too.’ You mumbled, eyes wandering around his bare chest.
‘Why are you so flustered?’ He continued his questioning, not allowing you to move away from his slow offense. ‘Thinking dirty thoughts already?’
The exposed look on your face probably told him everything.
‘Aegiya,’ Baekhyun smiled, content with your reaction. ‘You’re so easy to mess with.’
‘No, I’m no-’ Your protest was interrupted by a quick kiss.
‘Yes, you are. The moment I lower my voice you turn into a cute little puddle,’ he stated with the most satisfied look on his face before nuzzling your neck. ‘You know what else turns you into a pool of hot mess?’
You whimpered, startled by the pressure of his fingers directly on your clit.
‘God, I missed you,’ he gritted, licking a stripe over your ribs and inhaling your scent.
‘Baek-’ You swallowed, latching onto his shoulder. ‘We can’t be loud here. The girls are on this floor, and what if someone-’
‘This is a five-star hotel, princess.’ He made sure to continue his descent despite your feeble protests.
‘It’s not completely sound-proof!’
‘Don’t worry. I’ll make it quick.’ He smirked, hooking the fabric of your panties with his thumb to get them out of the way.
Making it quick was worse. It meant he was going to go zero to one hundred in a snap of his dainty fingers, and you were in no way ready to handle it.
During the course of your rather new relationship, he’d managed to perfect his oral technique to such an extent that you had to literally refuse him the pleasures of the mouth whenever you were outside the privacy of your homes. It was just too risky. If someone was to hear you…
He tended to make your sessions extremely noisy.
‘Just relax. I know what I’m doing,’ he hummed before poking his tongue out and dragging it slowly over your slit.
‘Oh-’ You grabbed onto the duvet, and he did it again.
Not forgetting to slurp this time.
Biting hard on your lip, you tried to keep still. But even that didn’t help when his wet tongue flicked your engorged clit. You could see him already getting into it. His heavy-lidded eyes watched you through the blond strands, and his mouth opened wide as if he attempted to swallow your entire pussy.
You panted, trying to move away, but he held you securely in place by the hips.
Baekhyun’s breath became heavier and heavier, and the sound of it only made you go mad with the thrill. His tongue flattened out and he moved his head up and down to drag it over your core.
Just as you thought that this was bearable, he did the unexpected. He sucked your clit into his mouth harshly, coating the area with so much saliva you could feel it trickle down to your entrance.
‘A-ah!’ You flexed your abs and pressed at the back of his head, chasing the contact.
Instead of slowing down as he usually did, he continued increasing the intensity. His tongue ran up and down your core with urgency before his lips closed around your most sensitive spot again, sucking harshly and then breaking out into short licks.
‘Baek, stop- I can’t-’ You sobbed mid-sentence as he shook his head lightly, adding stimulation.
At this point, his own breathing was loud and labored, as if he was the one on the receiving end of this hustle.
But, as soon as your breaths became shallow and your muscles started to clench, he ripped himself away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
‘I just love bringing you to the edge,’ he admitted, licking his lips hungrily. ‘cause then I don’t have to spare your pussy.’
He slapped your vulva abruptly, and you yelped from the jarring sensation, sitting up.
‘Ride me, baby,’ Baekhyun said, dropping on his back as you got on top of him readily.
You wanted to get this over with. You needed him to finish what he’d started.
‘Shit.’ He cursed as soon as you brought your thighs down. ‘Go on.’
Swaying your hips, you focused on the friction against your walls. He always felt so good inside you.
‘Let me help you a little,’ he suggested, taking hold of your pelvis to aid you in your movements.
Leaning onto his chest with your palms, you went as hard as you could. And his thighs met yours, sounding a skin-to-skin slap upon every fleeting contact.
‘M-Baek,’ you whined, messing up the pace.
‘Don’t slow down,’ he demanded, fingers digging into your skin.
‘I can’t-’
He put his palm onto your back and prodded you to lean forward, gaining enough momentum to start pounding into you from below.
‘Fuck.’ He gritted, ignoring your uncontrollable moans and the lecherous noises from where your skin met his.
Baekhyun’s eyes never left your body, and he kept his tempo for as long as he could.
‘Fuck- Fuck!’ He suddenly growled, and you shrieked as you became undone.
‘B-Baekhyun,’ you cried out, held solid by his hands while his dick kept nailing you.
Thankfully, your boyfriend was quick to follow you and find his release. You whimpered as he shook briefly, letting out only a strained grunt to signify that he was finished for now.
He rolled you over to rest on top of your body, his entire weight pushing you down, and kissed you deeply. Both your and his breathing was hectic, but it didn’t hinder the interaction. Your fingers traced his prickly nape, while his tongue played with yours.
You laid like that for a bit before he scrambled off of you, finally letting you breathe properly.
‘I really did miss you.’
He smiled as you said that, and leaned in to press a playful kiss to your nose.
‘I know.’
You poked his cheek in embarrassment. He was a really affectionate boyfriend, and you loved that about him. It did make you a bit bashful though. Strangely, more so than your crazy sex marathons.
‘Thanks for flying all the way here just for me.’
‘It wasn’t just for you. I got a couple gigs here for the next few days,’ he shrugged, and then added. ‘I might’ve gotten those after I bought flight tickets, but sh-h! I can’t let it go to your head.’
‘Why not?’ You pouted, stroking his collarbone.
‘Aegiya, you already behave like a little princess, we don’t want it to get any worse, do we?’
‘Am I not your little princess?’ You narrowed your eyes at him.
‘You are,’ he sighed in defeat. ‘I guess, you win.’
‘What did I win?’ You chuckled, pecking him on the chin.
‘I don’t know. What would you like?’
The answer came with no hesitation.
‘That’s cute,’ he snickered. ‘You already have me.’
‘Hm. Then I don’t need anything else.’
‘Ugh. You don’t even have to call me oppa. I’m already melting like an ice-cream cone in a warm hand.’
You snorted at his words, and he gave you a long look.
‘I wonder what you pictured just now.’
‘Alright, you don’t have to tell me.’ He agreed quickly, beaming at you shamelessly.
You shook your head.
‘It probably has something to do with my dick anyways.’
At this you kicked him lightly with your knee.
‘Ouch. Love hurts.’
You and Baekhyun stayed up super late (as per usual), talking about your time apart, teasing each other and bickering about pet names. So, when it was time for you to wake up and start getting ready… You decided to have some more beauty sleep.
However, after you ignored a bunch of ‘check-in’ morning messages from your members, the usual procedure was carried out – they sent one of their own to wake you up.
‘Eonni, are you up? We have to move out in an hour.’ Your maknae’s voice reached you through the layers of bedcovers and Baekhyun, who was practically wrapped around you.
Opening your eyes, you rose on the bed and rubbed your face to get ahold of reality.
‘Eo- eonni?’
The youngest of the group stood frozen in front of your bed, eyes open wide. Even with your brain barely shaken out of sleep, you realized what stunned her.
The blond man in your bed, who had his arm wrapped around you still, stirred from the noise and laid on his back, stretching out before opening his eyes. Your gaze fell on his exposed chest, and you quickly pulled the duvet up to cover the eloquent scratch you must’ve left on his pec yesterday.
‘What’s going on?’ He asked groggily, and the third person in the room finally broke out of her lethargic state.
‘S-sorry!’ She turned around and sprinted out of your room as if a demon was chasing her.
You called after her, but the click of the door locking announced that she was already gone.
‘Ah, dammit.’ You sighed, rubbing your pulsing temple.
Baekhyun’s hand squeezed your thigh to draw your attention.
‘Sorry. I overslept and one of the girls came to wake me up. Go back to sleep, I’ll deal with it.’ You caressed his cheek gently before turning away to get out of the bed.
‘What are you going to do?’
That was the question you had been asking yourself.
‘I’m not sure,’ you admitted. ‘That was our maknae, so… she’s probably told the entire group already. She is… easily excitable.’
‘Maybe you don’t have to do anything.’ He said, looking up at you.
‘Just tell them the truth. You’re not a rookie, no one’s going to kick you out of the group or whatever.’
You sighed. He was right, of course, but… You were scared. Admitting that to your group and management would make all of this official, and there’d be no turning back after that.
‘…or, you can just forget I said that. You don’t have to tell them if you don’t want to.’
He sounded neutral, yet somehow you knew he only made it seem like he wouldn’t be hurt in this scenario. Baekhyun truly was perfect in those few months you were together, so there was no reason for you to doubt his intentions. And you also liked him, a lot.
Maybe this morning was more of a blessing than a curse?
‘I’ll tell them. I’m tired of sneaking around anyways.’
‘Really? I found that quite exciting. Being your secret lover. Sneaking into your room through the window and all that.’
‘That never happened,’ you laughed.
‘It could’ve!’
‘Shut up,’ you pecked his smiling lips and picked up your phone.
Dozens of new messages in your group chat.
‘Y/N, if you’re not telling us who that ‘blond oppa’ in your bed was, we’re coming over to your room! We’re dying over here!!’
You read the last message out loud to Baekhyun.
‘That’s why I refuse to call you that. As soon as I introduce you to them, it’s going to be ‘Baekhyun oppa’ all the time. I like to be special.’
‘Gotcha,’ he snickered. ‘But princess, text them back before the whole intervention committee walks through that door. I’m not exactly wearing underwear.’
‘Oh crap, I better.’
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A/N: This is it for now with our freshly domesticated bf Baek~ I hope you enjoyed it the ride so far!! Let me know in the comments/ asks and reblog if you liked it ❤️
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roryyyys · 8 months ago
My Angel really is an Angel.
quick fic about Crowley and aziraphale
Crowley come to Aziraphale with a bit of a migraine luckily for him his Angel is a caring sweetheart who always knows how to take care of him.
It was an awfully quiet, rainy morning in Aziraphale’s bookshop. He was sitting by one of the many windows, reading a book, when the door swung open, and in came Crowley. He looked awful; there was no denying it. “Are you alright, Crowley?” the angel asked, clearly concerned for the demon. The demon ran a hand through his hair. “Fine, angel. I’m fine.”
Aziraphale was worried but gave a slight nod. Crowley hated lying to the angel, but he knew that if he told him the truth, Aziraphale would probably go crazy and try to make him rest, and he didn’t want to rest right now.
After a bit, the pounding headache he had got worse, and he closed his eyes behind his glasses. Aziraphale grew more and more concerned. “Are you sure you’re alright, darling?” he asked. The demon groaned and gave in. “Right, fine, angel. I have a pounding migraine. Just shhhhh.”
The demon realized how silent it had become and opened his eyes to see the white-haired male closing the blinds and turning off the lights, leaving just the dim candlelight. “Owhhh, angel, you don’t have to do that. I have sunglasses for a reason.”
The angel frowned. “But you shouldn’t have to wear those in here, especially with a headache,” he said softly, trying to keep his voice low.
Crowley was very appreciative of that and gave a small smile to the angel, taking off his glasses. He was quite tired, though, and lay down across the small loveseat in the bookshop, falling asleep. Aziraphale didn’t mind; at least the demon was getting rest.
Crowley woke up around two hours later feeling much better—a little nauseated but pretty good overall. The angel had made tea and left it next to him while he went to visit Maggie across the way. Crowley saw a bowl of crisps on the table next to him and ate a few—not many due to his nauseated state, but enough to make sure he wasn’t really hungry.
As Crowley settled back into the cushions of the loveseat, he picked up the teacup and took a tentative sip. The warm liquid was soothing, and he let out a contented sigh. The dim candlelight gave the bookshop a cozy, almost ethereal atmosphere, and for the first time in what felt like ages, he felt a sense of peace.
Aziraphale returned shortly, carrying a couple of books and records under his arm. He smiled warmly when he saw Crowley awake and looking somewhat better. "Feeling any better, my dear?" he asked, his voice still soft and gentle.
Crowley nodded, setting the teacup down. "Yeah, a bit. Thanks for the tea and, you know, the rest of it."
Aziraphale's smile widened. "Anything for you, Crowley. Now, would you like to hear about the new music Maggie introduced me to? She’s been experimenting with some new blends, she’s been showing me so much new music.
Crowley chuckled, the sound low and a bit raspy. "Sure, angel. Distract me with some tea talk."
Aziraphale spoke about all the new music Maggie had introduced him to and how much he liked it.
After a while, Crowley felt a little stronger, enough to sit up and join Aziraphale at the table. "You know," he said, reaching for another crisp, "you really didn't have to do all this. But I... I appreciate it."
Aziraphale looked at him, his blue eyes soft and full of concern. "Of course I did, Crowley. You’re my friend. And friends look out for each other."
Crowley gave a rare, genuine smile. "Yeah, angel. They do."
They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the rain tapping gently against the windows. The world outside was still gray and dreary, but inside the bookshop, it felt warm and safe.
Aziraphale stood and went to one of the shelves, carefully selecting a book before returning to the table. "I was thinking," he began, "that perhaps a good story might help take your mind off things."
Crowley raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh? And what story did you have in mind, angel?"
Aziraphale handed him the book, the leather cover worn from years of handling. "It's an old favorite of mine, 'The Wind in the Willows'. A comforting read, wouldn't you say?"
Crowley chuckled, the sound still a bit rough around the edges. "Comforting? You really are something else, Aziraphale. But alright, let's see what all the fuss is about."
As Aziraphale began to read aloud, his voice steady and melodic, Crowley leaned back and closed his eyes, letting the words paint vivid pictures in his mind. The tale of Mole, Rat, and their adventures along the riverbank unfolded, a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.
Time seemed to slip away, the outside world fading into the background as they immersed themselves in the story. Crowley found himself genuinely enjoying the narrative, the simple joys and camaraderie of the characters resonating with him more than he expected. It was a reminder that even in the most mundane moments, there could be beauty and solace.
When Aziraphale paused to turn a page, Crowley opened his eyes and looked at him. "You know, angel, you have a way of making even the simplest things seem... special."
Aziraphale's cheeks flushed slightly, a soft pink hue coloring them. "Well, I suppose it's all about perspective, isn't it? Finding joy in the little things."
Crowley nodded, the headache now a distant memory. "Yeah, maybe you could be right but how could I know."
They continued reading, the hours slipping by unnoticed. The rain outside began to lighten, the persistent drumming on the windows becoming a gentle patter. Aziraphale's voice, soothing and unwavering, was the perfect antidote to Crowley's earlier turmoil.
Eventually, Aziraphale set the book down, marking their place with a delicate ribbon. "I think that's enough for today. How are you feeling now?"
Crowley stretched, feeling the tension ease from his muscles. "Better. Much better. Thanks, Aziraphale."
The angel smiled, a mixture of relief and contentment. "I'm glad. You know you can always come here if you need a place to rest or just... be."
Crowley met his gaze, the sincerity in Aziraphale's words touching him deeply. "I know, angel. And I appreciate it. More than you know."
They sat together in companionable silence, the bond between them growing stronger with each shared moment. For all their differences, it was times like these that reminded Crowley just how much he valued Aziraphale's unwavering kindness and friendship.
As the rain finally ceased, the first rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds, Crowley stood and stretched. "I should probably get going. Got things to do, people to see."
Aziraphale nodded, though there was a hint of reluctance in his eyes. "Of course. But promise me you'll take care of yourself, Crowley."
Crowley smirked, his trademark swagger returning. "Don't I always, angel?"
Aziraphale gave him a knowing look. "Just... be careful."
With a final nod, Crowley slipped on his sunglasses and headed for the door. He paused before leaving, turning back to give Aziraphale one last smile. "Thanks, Aziraphale. For everything..I um.. I guess."
Aziraphale watched as Crowley disappeared into the brightening day, a sense of contentment settling over him. He returned to his seat, picking up the book and running a finger along its spine. Life was unpredictable, full of unexpected twists and turns, but one thing remained constant: his friendship with Crowley. And in moments like these, that was more than enough.
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yourmanz-sodapop · 2 years ago
Settling in together
Namjoon x Top! Male reader
Warnings: N/A Part 2/3
“Ok, This couch is perfect” Namjoon must’ve said that about four couches already. “Didn’t you say that about the previous couch?” you asked. “Well yes, but this one feels different than all the other ones. I’m telling you baby this is the one.” he pouts. “You’re sure this is the one baby?” “Yes, this one, let’s buy it.” he says, clapping his hands. He was excited, how could he not be? You gave him complete freedom to decorate your home. So far he had chosen the dresser and nightstand set as well as the curtains for all the rooms of the house and now the couch. 
“Ok, couch set check, next up is… kitchen table.” you see him from the corner of your eye walking off towards the kitchen area, as you're talking to an employee about what you want and how fast you can get it shipped to your house. 
Walking towards the area you last saw Namjoon, you find him sitting at the head of a kitchen table, his eyes narrowing on every empty seat. “What are you doing?” “shhhhh, I’m trying to see if this would match the look I’m going for.” “What look are you going for?” “Right now I’m leaning towards a minimalist vintage look. I think it suits us both, you're an old soul” letting out an amused chuckle you lay your head on top of his, “Anything will be fine, now hurry so we can go look at the paintings you want to hang up.” Say no more Namjoon was up and looking around trying to decide. You knew it would get him to hurry up. 
You need the house finished by next week but it seemed he forgot every other second. You’d made plans to have his parents over to actually see your new home, and to show them with proof that you are serious about their son, before it was just your words and small things you did. They loved you, they loved you just for the fact that you loved their son, that was enough for them but still you wanted to show them that Namjoon would always have a home with you, and that you could provide for him regardless of the fact that he made a shit ton of money from being an idol. I mean you also made a lot of money, you owned a finance company, one that you just branched over to Europe and hopefully soon you’ll add another branch in Korea near where you lived. As you were walking around looking at the different pieces of art, one specific one caught your eye. It was the same one you had in your office back home in America. It brought back a lot of memories.
“When are you coming back to visit?” You couldn’t stand seeing the tears on his face through the screen. “I don’t know, there was a problem with the construction crew, I need to go to Europe to see why they put a hold on it. I’m going to be gone longer than I thought I was, I’m sorry my love.” you explained. You’d already been gone for three months, signing contracts, getting permits overseeing construction for the new branch. “You promised you’d be back before I left on tour. I leave in two weeks.” he sobbed. You know how much it hurt, you haven’t seen each other in three months and now you have to break your promise about sending him off on his tour. You didn't say anything, what could you say to make him feel better? “I have to go” he whispers, “Namjoon, wait-” he hung up.  It was one of the lesser bad moments in your relationship. But it was quickly fixed, you flew out that same night and postponed your meetings to spend the remaining two weeks with Namjoon. 
“Babe!” Turning your head Namjoon was looking at you worriedly. “I called your name five times, are you ok?” He was carrying 6 pieces. “I’m fine baby, is that what you’re getting?” you asked. “Yes these, did you talk to the sales clerk about buying the couches?” “Mhm” “Ok then let's go, we still need to buy kitchen utensils and groceries. I’m not ordering take-out again.” “I’ll cook.”
Getting everything you needed for your new home took longer than you expected it to. Namjoon couldn’t make up his mind on a few things like rugs so you did have to go to a few other places the next day. Thankfully Namjoon found all the things he wanted and was satisfied with the end result of your house, now all you needed to do was wait for the weekend to come.
 You were both enjoying yourselves with this new dynamic of reality, a reality where you both didn’t have to fight your schedules to see each other, nor hide the fact that you were in love. His fanbase took it better than you expected it to, of course there was some negative backlash. Mostly  girls being upset that they wouldn’t have a chance to woo him, rather than the fact that he was with a man. It was a bit of a shock at first  but you got used to seeing your face more on social media.  The boys of course were over all the time now that the place was completely furnished with everything working as it’s supposed to. Now Namjoon understands why you got a three bedroom house.
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sylviesoothsayer22 · 3 months ago
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Well Matched - Chapter 5
Ranunculus Asiaticus Part II
Summary: Continuation of chapter 4.... Wei Wuxian now has to deal with the fact that he accidentally proposed to Ghost City's king...
Link for chapter 4: https://www.tumblr.com/sylviesoothsayer22/769679996158722048/well-matched-chapter-4?source=share
“That’s a serious accusation you’re making, Zhou.”
Almost every head snapped at the maple-robed youth who seemingly materialized out of nowhere. The only one not surprised was Black Flute, who already sat back down and helped himself to more wine. The uninvited guest was nonchalantly leaning against the betting table with his arms crossed. Giving the crowd a smile that was anything but kind.
“You know how this city treats cheaters, Old Man. Those who are dumb enough to get caught, anyway.” The final comment incited a few snickers here and there around the den.
Before Zhou could argue back, the youth casually grabbed the elder’s wine jar and took a mouthful from the unfinished jug. He sloshed the liquid back and forth in his mouth, swallowed and then shot Zhou a look of disdain.
“It’s not spiked. Lord Wuxian is simply no lightweight.” He snorts derisively. “Your tolerance is not what it used to be, Old Man.” Black Flute let out a laugh disguised as a cough behind his hand.
“And who the hell asked for your opinion?!” Zhou roared at the intruder. Utterly fed up with the situation. The youth raised a brow at the elder’s sheer stupidity.
“Are you a fucking idiot?!” Bái Māo cut in. “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?! Look at his sword, you fool!” Old man does so and pales as soon as his eyes landed on the familiar weapon. A scimitar with a glowing red eye glaring back at the lesser ghost. Zhou wasted no time in kowtowing to Hua Chengzhu, tossing the keys of his winery at Wei Wuxian’s feet.
“Mercy, lord! This one did not kno-!”
“Scram.” Crimson Rain uttered in a bored manner. Lazily resting his hand on the pommel of a growling E’ming, immediately stilling it. Zhou did not waste any time and scurried out of there. All of Hua Cheng’s attention had already gone back to the younger ghost before him.
“I could’ve sworn I told you not to make a commotion.” He smirked.
“And I tried my best not to, my lord.” The younger ghost retorted cheekily “Have I already made a nuisance of myself, Chengzhu?”
“On the contrary, I found your antics rather charming.” He stated, not once looking away from those silver eyes. “It seems that I’ve picked quite the entertainer to be my wife.”
You could hear a pin drop from the brief silence that followed. Distantly, Hua Cheng heard the crowd break out into whispers among each other.
So, it is true?!
Black Flute actually gave Chengzhu his ashes?!
How has he not been dispersed yet?
Hua Cheng did not pay heed to the surrounding gossip. He was more drawn to how the younger ghost’s eyes widened briefly accompanied by a soft pink flush that started from the tip of his ears all the way down to his pale neck. His fingers twitched. Once more feeling the urge to preserve such a pleasant sight onto paper.
Suddenly, Wei Wuxian’s face split into a grin and he clapped back:
“Who are you calling wife?! Wasn’t it me who proposed?” He stared back at Hua Cheng, eyes twinkling “So, shouldn’t you be the wife, Chengzhu?”
The crowd gasped. Likely expecting their lord to punish the younger ghost for his insolence. Hua Cheng bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing.
Instead of answering right away, he took a few seconds to leer up and down at Lord Wuxian’s form before replying:
“Hmm. I think you’ll look much better in bridal robes compared to me.”
Feeling all eyes turn back to him, Wei Wuxian scrambled to retort: “…but wouldn’t I have to wear a veil?! How could you ask me to cover up my pretty face?”
“Well, aren’t we self-confident?” He drawled. “We can modify the wedding garb to suit your tastes.”
“How accommodating of you, my lord! I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve it.”
“Whatever you need, I’ll gladly provide.”
Wei Wuxian’s smile was now all teeth. He leaned forward and Hua Cheng got a good look at the tick mark swelling on the younger’s forehead.
“Well, what I need now…” He gritted “…is to take a look at my winnings. I’m afraid Old Man Zhou forgot to give me directions to his winery. Could my betrothed show me the way?”
Hua Cheng snickered under his breath.
“Certainly.” He held out his hand. Carefully gauging the younger man’s irritation as he reluctantly laced his fingers with his. The whispers died down as he led Lord Wuxian out of the den. Hua Cheng knew that they wouldn’t stay quiet for long. The news will have spread all over the city before sunrise.
The wind nipped at their faces as they strolled past the busy market places and vendors. The sound of their booted feet scuffing against gravel echoed louder in their ears as the two men inched further and further away from the hustle and bustle of the main streets of Ghost City into its more secluded alleyways. Hua Cheng glanced at an uncharacteristically quiet Wei Wuxian.
Judging by how angry he was, Hua Cheng thought that the younger ghost would snap at him the moment they were alone. But Lord Wuxian seemed to have lost his fire the moment they stepped out of the den. Eyes glazed over with a slight frown and arms crossed, he appeared to be lost in his own thoughts.
Either he’s the type to quickly cool off after he’s gotten angry or-
Hua Cheng noticed the slight tension in the younger’s shoulders. Indicating that something was weighing on his mind.
Or it’s not me he’s irritated with.
Hua Cheng decided to gently break Wei Wuxian out of his own head and softly uttered:
“Something on your mind?”
“Huh?” The younger quickly glanced at Crimson Rain before focusing on the road ahead.
“…. did you plan on making a public announcement of our little ‘engagement’ or were you hoping to embarrass me?”
“My lord, everyone in Ghost City knows about your little proposal thanks to the courtesan you befriended a few nights ago. I’m only sorry that I didn’t get to see the look on your face when you found out.”
Wei Wuxian let out a pained groan and covered his face.
“If I knew that she was going to gossip about it, I wouldn’t have said anything!” He groused. “What kind of idiot proposes without knowing?!”
“You, apparently.” Hua Cheng retorted without a hint of remorse.
The younger let out a pathetic whine in response. Hua Cheng could only chuckle.
“Hey, Chengzhu…” Wei Wuxian began. Eyeing the red ribbon still firmly wrapped around Crimson Rain’s wrist. There was a hint of vulnerability within his next words “This ‘engagement’ isn’t legally binding, right?”
Ah. There’s the crux of the problem.
“Why are you asking?” He teased “Is the idea of binding yourself to me repulsive?” Feeling wrongfooted, Wei Wuxian could only stutter. Hua Cheng watched the amusing display for a few seconds before looking away.
“My apologies. I didn’t mean to make it awkward between you and your lover.”
“I-I don’t have a lover!”
Hua Cheng tried not to show any outward reaction at this bit of news.
“No? Then continuing this little charade shouldn’t be too hard for you then.”
“But I didn’t actually propose! Why not clear it up with everyone?”
“I’m afraid that’ll only add more fuel to the fire.” Hua Cheng sighed in mock-exasperation “The idea of two Calamities having a passionate love-affair makes for more juicy gossip than one of them making a foolish mistake. They’ll just think you’re being coy.”
“You’re enjoying every second of this, aren’t you?” Wei Wuxian hissed, unable to quell his embarrassment over the situation.
“Yes.” He answered back with a shameless grin.
“Hmph! If I didn’t know any better, Chengzhu, I’d say you’re just using this misunderstanding as an excuse to flirt with me.”
“And what if I am?”
“What if I choose to flirt with you for the sole purpose of making you blush like you did back at the den?”
“Then-then I’ll just have to embarrass you back!”
“By all means, go ahead. It’ll take several hundred years for you to reach my level of shamelessness, Lord Wuxian.”
“We’ll see about that!”
Hue Cheng let out a slight laugh. He finally took pity on the younger man and changed the subject.
“How did you manage to get Bái Māo on your side? He’s normally the overly-cautious type.”
“…it wasn’t really that difficult. All I promised him was that he could help me embarrass Zhou and he was ready to follow my lead. Apparently, there’s some bad blood between the two.”
Hua Cheng responded with a thoughtful hum before asking:
“Was it your idea for him to be the first one to sample the wine?”
“People prefer not to do anything out of the norm, unless they see someone else do it first. I wanted to slowly gain the crowd’s trust instead of having them fear me. Bái Māo helped me achieve that.”  
“Clever.” Hua Cheng complimented. “Did you also ask him to rile up Zhou on purpose?”
“I figured that the two of us could annoy the Old Man enough if he started acting stubborn.” Wei Wuxian shrugged. “I didn’t think that you would decide to step in.”
“What kind of man would I be if I didn’t jump to my betrothed’s defence?”
Wei Wuxian bit his lip. Refusing to rise to the bait. He couldn’t stop the blush colouring his ears, much to Hua Cheng’s delight.
“Offering everyone at the den a sample of the new wine was a nice touch as well.”
“Is Chengzhu going to give me more business advice?”
“No, you seem to be doing fine. For now.”
It was Wei Wuxian turn to be amused. The younger ghost let out a breathy laugh.
Both men continued walking in silence for a few more minutes until they finally arrived at their destination. The winery was old, rundown and clearly has not been well taken care of. Honestly, how Zhou expected to continue on with his job under these conditions and still make a profit was beyond Hua Cheng. He refused to waste space in his city for failing businesses.
“It’ll take some time to fully remodel the place.” He said, already making the arrangements in his mind. “If you need any help- what are you staring at?”
“You.” Was the quick response.
“I’m aware.” Hua Cheng replied dryly. “Why?”
Instead of answering right away, Wei Wuxian took a step closer in his direction. Silver eyes continued examining the older man’s visage, seemingly taking in every facial feature.
(He could feel E’ming let out a slight tremor in its sheathe. Hua Cheng gave it a warning squeeze.)
“I can’t help but wonder, how come you’re not showing anyone your true face these days?”
“It’s not uncommon for ghosts to take on a different appearance from time-to-time.” Hua Cheng answered nonchalantly.
“Judging by the rumours, I thought that Chengzhu would much prefer to stay in his original form.” A look of interest flickered on the elder ghost’s face.
“And just what did the rumours say about me?”
“Chengzhu, are you deflecting or fishing for compliments?”
Crimson Rain responded with a shrug. Wei Wuxian snickered under his breath and continued:
“ ‘A man with a face that is both handsome and feral, with skin as white as snow, along with a cruel smile and a lone red eye.’ ” He answered, as if he were reciting a line from an old book of fables. “Or something like that.” He deadpanned with a shrug of his own. Now impishly beaming at the elder.
Hua Cheng couldn’t hold back a snort.
“Nothing but over exaggerations. I didn’t take you for the kind of man to take gossip as fact.”
“Oh, don’t act all humble on me now.” The younger teased. Eyes alight with mischief. “What’s it going to take for you to show me?” Hua Cheng stared at the younger ghost for few seconds before slowly leaning into Lord Wuxian’s space until they were practically nose-to-nose, startling the younger ghost.
“If this is your attempt at ‘embarrassing’ me, I’m afraid your gonna have to try harder.” He leaned back and continued smugly “Not that it makes your efforts any less cute.”
At that moment, Hua Cheng felt his communication array open:
He held out a hand to stop Wei Wuxian from saying anything else as he listened to what Yin Yu had to say.
It appears that Qi Rong finally decided to express his displeasure over the new addition and has sent some of his lackeys to make a scene at the den. Shall I take care of them?
Hua Cheng let out an annoyed sigh. He could already feel a migraine crawling up his temples. Lord Wuxian was curiously staring at the silent Ghost King.
Leave some of them alive. I’ll send them back in pieces to the brat myself.
“It appears that we have to cut our conversation short.” He remarked and held back a smile as he could see the inquisitive Wei Wuxian barely stopping himself from questioning Hua Cheng’s odd behaviour.
“Leaving so soon? You haven’t even answered my question, yet!”
“Hmmm…. I’ll consider showing you my true face next time we meet.”
Before Wei Wuxian could retort, the alleyway was flooded by a sudden flash of light so blinding that he had to shield his eyes for a few moments. When he opened them again, Chengzhu was gone and there were only a few stray butterflies fluttering around. The younger ghost held out his hand, which prompted a curious butterfly to perch on his fingers.
“What a dramatic bastard...” Wei Ying whispered disbelievingly, biting his bottom lip to hold back the grin from taking over his face.
Not that I’m any better…
It wasn’t until later, when Hua Cheng had turned all of Qi Rong’s minions into a pile of meat and limbs on his -mostly empty- den’s floor did he recall E’ming’s strange reaction around Ghost City’s newest resident. He glared at the purring sword in his hand, satisfied that it had its bloodlust curbed.
“You like him, don’t you?” He accused. The damned thing hardly ever acted out of line until now. E’ming squinted its eye back at him.
As do you. It seemed to say.
Hua Cheng retaliated by flicking his fingers on that damnable eye.
Chapter End.
WN: *stares at a spot on WWX’s head* Uhm. Wei-Gongzi…?
WWX: *Doesn’t even lift his head from whatever he’s working on* What is it, Wen Ning?
WN: Th-there’s something in your hair….
WWX: *blinks owlishly before making an oooh! sound* You mean the butterfly? Yeah. I tried to ditch it the other day, but it won't leave. *shrugs* Guess it’s living with us now.
WN: *wondering if Crimson Rain is spying on them as they speak* okaaay…..
Wraith-butterfly: *just chilling in the pretty man’s silky hair. He’s definitely nicer than its other master…*
Hope ya enjoyed! Be sure to leave a like and/or drop a comment!
Many thanks~
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quotidianish · 1 year ago
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“Where’s Winter?” he whispered, nudging Ostrich with his elbow. She sat up and looked around with blurry confusion.
  “I don’t know,” she said. “He was here a moment ago.”
Qibli twisted in a frantic circle and spotted a shadow flitting through the pear orchard. He couldn’t shout for Winter lest he alert the whole compound. Qibli groaned internally.
  “Stay here,” he whispered to Ostrich. “Stay as hidden as you can. We’ll be right back.”
She nodded, strutting back into the shadows.
  Qibli hurried after the Icewing prince and realized that he was aiming for the courtyard, separated from the orchard with a wall. It was enormous, surrounded with buildings and a partial bailey, blocking his view of the inside. The bricks were painted in a turquoise and amber mosaic of snakes and lizards chasing one another endlessly.
  Before even seeing where Winter was headed, Qibli knew all too well what he was planning to do. The courtyard was noisy with birds and other pest-like creatures, alongside the distinct growl of a dragon.
Arrrrgh, Winter, you obsessed ninny.
  He caught up as Winter was tinkering with the lock of the metal gate. It stretched up to an arch at the doorway, where the mud had begun to crumble, smelling of spoiled food, live pigs, and dates. 
“Are you serious?” he said, and Winter jumped a mile, which was almost hilarious enough to make this side excursion worthwhile.
  “Shhhhh!” Winter hissed.
“What are you thinking?” Qibli whispered.
  “I’m thinking your horrifying grandfather will make this poor dragon into tomorrow’s buffet,” Winter whispered back. “Unless I save it.”
“Right now?” Qibli asked. “In the middle of our own precarious escape?”
  “Well, I’m not planning on coming back!” Winter said, tugging on the lock again. “Hey, you’re a street thug. Can you pick this lock for me?”
  “An Outclaw is not the same thing as a criminal,” Qibli protested. “Oh, fine, move over.” He studied the lock for a moment, unsheathing his kirpan and inserting it into the mechanism, wiggling it around until he heard a click.
  “Now what?” he asked Winter as he nudged at the gate, careful not to open it too wide so the hinges wouldn’t creak. “We shove it in a bag and carry it off into the desert with us? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this, but dragons aren’t exactly travel-sized.”
  “We’ll just let it out,” Winter said, pacing past him into the moonlit quadrangle. “It’s smart enough to fend for itself after that.”
   Qibli decided not to point out that it hadn’t been smart enough not to get caught in the first place.
  Winter crouched beside a large chain, bound against the beige dragon’s hind leg and anchored into the ground with weights. Despite having thrashed helplessly a moment ago, this time it peered curiously down at them.
  “Don’t be afraid,” Winter said softly. He looked around for the small alcohol lamp by the window they’d seen earlier, and carefully reached for its shackle. Upon bringing the flame close to the brass chains, the heat thawed through the metal like snow. They both stepped back and waited.
  Slowly, the levitation-esque creature raised its head, tearing its obsidian black eyes from the two humans and towards the night sky. A plume of smoke shot through the air as it flapped its enormous wings once, then twice, then lifting itself off the ground, sending a whirlwind of sand flying into Qibli’s face, before swiftly gliding away to freedom.
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unscrupulousartist · 2 years ago
hellerby fic, part 9/10
25 September 1929
Shut in a dim office full of whispering people, leaning back in a chair with a damp cloth draped over his eyes, Mordecai's mind was at home in his apartment. Nothing particularly exciting had happened, or would be happening, there. The previous month hadn't been graced with any particular visitors—thou Ivy and Mitzi occasionally came around to check on him outside of working hours—and there had been no renovations or alterations needed. The only thing different was a single button down shirt, discarded before a party and apparently forgotten when the owner of said shirt had, seemingly, gathered the rest of his clothes whilst leaving a conspicuously inebriated Mordecai to drool into his pillows. 
In spite of Mitzi and Zib muttering in his ear, he could still picture that shirt, crumpled and kicked under his bed. He hadn't noticed it for most of a day, too busy vomiting away a disproportionate hangover to do much more than putter around groaning at his plants. And when he did finally notice, it took another day for him to work up the nerve to pick it up and add it to his laundry. Since then, it had been ironed and hung in his closet, with a tag around the hanger which read Return to Rocky. He had yet to return it to Rocky.
"Here—" Zib whispered, and a cool glass tapped Mordecai's cheek.
Sighing, Mordecai shifted into a more upright position and pulled the cloth from his face. His eyes throbbed as he opened them, and faint auras radiated from the open window and the tip of Zib’s cigarette. Without his glasses, Zib's figure duplicated and overlapped itself; but the old cat also held a glass of water, which Mordecai took. "Thank you."
"Sure I can't convince you on weed?" Zib raised a brow. "Might help."
"I'm sure," Mordecai closed his eyes and took a sip.
Mitzi came and sat on the arm of Mordecai's chair, and softly laid a hand on his shoulder. "It's all sorted. Wick will be around to pick us up shortly, and Horatio knows to only bother you in an emergency."
"It's a headache," he cracked open one eye to stare at her. "I'm not dying."
“Still, sugar. There shouldn’t be any problems.”
“Mm,” he rubbed at the tension in his brow and took another sip of water. “As long as JJ stays away from the bar.”
Zib snorted. “That’s a hard sell, but I’ll remind him.”
Mitzi clicked her tongue and prodded Mordecai’s shoulder. “Shift over—” she maneuvered him a quarter turn towards Zib, so that she could wedge a little closer and rub circles at his temples. 
Reluctantly grateful, Mordecai relaxed against her knee.
Zib snickered. “I think he’s purring.”
“Shut up,” Mordecai couldn’t manage a scowl.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Mitzi leaned to speak over Mordecai’s head; he could almost hear her eyes batting at Zib. “I’ll rub your feet later.”
“You can’t afford me,” Zib teased.
“You can’t,” Mordecai agreed. “We barely broke even last month.”
“Hush you,” Mitzi ruffled his hair, then resumed her ministrations. “I’m tryin’ to be nice.”
“You’re as bad as Wick,” Zib sighed. 
“No one’s as bad as Wick,” Mitzi chuckled. “I’m tellin’ you, honey, he’s bein’ intentionally obtuse.”
Eyes still closed, Mordecai asked: “Does that mean you’re backdating the pool?”
“That only seems fair,” Mitzi nodded as Zib groaned.
“Well, then I’ll have to say the first day of Chanukah, last year.”
Mitzi made an interested noise, but the door opened before she could attempt an interrogation. A slice of incandescent light cut behind Mordecai’s eyelids; he hissed and flinched into the chair.
“Everything is ready!” Rocky shouted with a flourish. 
Half a dozen people sounded off: “Shhhhh!”
“Sorry,” Rocky whisper-shouted. “Why are all the lights off?”
Biting his tongue, Mordecai squinted his eyes open. 
“Mordecai’s head hurts, dear,” Mitzi replied quietly. Standing up, she approached Rocky. “Is Wick here?”
“Uh—” Rocky looked from Mitzi, to Mordecai, and back again. “Yes?”
“Wonderful, everyone—” Standing station at the door, Mitzi waved the room forward to leave. A few of the loiterers muttered goodbyes to Mordecai, including a silent Viktor who squeezed Mordecai’s shoulder on his way past.
Zib propped himself on the back of Mordecai’s chair. “Last year, huh?”
“When Mitzi had you selling Christmas kisses for nickels,” Mordecai explained as he retrieved his glasses from his jacket pocket. “It’s the only time I’ve seen him actually drunk.”
“I don’t remember that,” Zib narrowed his eyes.
“It raised enough profits to keep the bar stocked for months,” Mordecai added. “I don’t think I saw you sober until the New Year.”
“Not helpful,” Zib sighed as he stood. Then he ruffled Mordecai’s hair. “Drink your water.”
Mordecai exaggerated a snarl at his retreating form, and saw Rocky still lingered by the door. The musician squinted at Mordecai, until Mitzi started closing the door. “Come on, Rocky,” she said. “Good night, Mordecai.”
“Happy Birthday,” said Mordecai.
Grinning, Mitzi winked as she closed the door.
Leaving Mordecai blissfully alone. Slumping, he tested the damp cloth over his eyes; but it had warmed to room temperature and did nothing to soothe the lingering ache. Instead, he perched the heel of the water glass on his forehead and let out a long breath. It was cool on his brow, a sharp point of focus to distract him from pain.
Though the world curdled on the back of Mordecai’s tongue, it was spinning less. Some combination of too many drinks—he could almost taste the strawberry daiquiri Mitzi had brought—and whatever had been in the flask had emptied the contents of Mordecai’s stomach; though he was still doubtful of the musician’s libations. Slumping back, he propped his elbows on the stairs behind him and called out: "I can see you."
Rocky leaned further out from the doorframe. "I thought Zib was lying."
"I's habitual," Mordecai slurred. Drifting, his shoulder touched the wall. "Wha'd he lie about this time?"
Slinking forward, Rocky managed to stick to the shadows as he approached. His eyes glowed in the darkness. "Would you like the fibs or the truths?"
Biting his smile, Rocky crawled up the steps beside Mordecai. "He said you were no fun."
"I'm not," Mordecai agreed with a nod.
Snorting, Rocky slotted himself next to Mordecai. Their shoulders brushed, nudging. "I'm sorry I got you drunk."
Rocky snickered.
Mordecai tried again. "Barely. Paussssibly a little. Not 'nough for anyone to notice."
"You threw up," Rocky pointed out. "Into a plant."
Mordecai's nose scrunched. "Tha' doesn' mean anyone noticed."
Rocky huffed a smile, then sobered. His ears lowered and he looked down. "Still, I'm sorry. I wanted to make a good impression, instead I messed up again."
Much, much later Mordecai would admit to himself that, yes, his inhibitions were lower than normal. In the moment he leaned closer, voice rumbling with a wayward purr. "You’ll have to make it up to me."
Hissing at the memory, Mordecai removed the glass from his head to chug the last of the water. Then, placing it on the floor, he rearranged himself to sprawl lower in the chair with his legs hanging over an armrest. 
Distracting himself with trivial math, he fought to keep his mind clear and unfocused on the rhythmic throbbing of his brain. For a while it worked, an unknown amount of time bleeding into unconsciousness as his breath slowed with his heart rate. Drifting, he thought he heard music.
“It’s not really anything,” said Rocky. From atop the car, he performed a rudimentary scale, first with an up bow and then with pizzicato. “Just whatever comes to mind.”
Mordecai took another sip of elixir, then tapped the flask against the car’s hood. “And you perform that way?”
“Yea?” Rocky laughed. “For being the-one-to-impress, you don’t know a whole lot about jazz.”
“Someone lied to you.”
“We covered that.” Turning in place, Rocky spiraled into a seated position and crossed his legs. “It’s a lie I’d like to believe.”
Mordecai frowned, squinting. “You shouldn’t want to believe a lie.”
Placing the violin bow beside him, Rocky shrugged. “But I want to impress you.”
Rushed footsteps caused Mordecai’s ears to twitch, and he realized he had napped. His headache, while still present, had somewhat lessened, but the room was near full dark when he opened his eyes. 
Then the doors threw open again, and a panting Horatio stumbled in. “Fire!” he yelled.
Scrambling upright, Mordecai tripped over the armrest and hopped on one foot as he regained his balance. “Where?”
“The stage—”
“Evacuate the guests,” Mordecai pushed Horatio out the door first. “Out the garage if you can.”
Horatio started down the stairs, one hand grabbing the railing to keep himself steady. “Mozzie already started.”
“What happened?” 
Fumbling over the last step, Horatio crashed into the open door of the Lackadaisy. Hazy smoke trickled through the ingress, tendrils snaking along the ceiling. “Rocky—”
“What?” He interrupted, tensing. “Didn’t he go on the cruise?”
“No?” Horatio's voice hitched higher. “He said—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Mordecai growled. “Get the guests and get out.”
The main room of the bar was a spectacle of chaos that simultaneously settled the worst of Mordecai’s fears and stood all his fur on end. Mozzie and JJ were both corralling gawking patrons, trying to convince a crowd to stop spectating the disaster unfolding on the stage. A flickering orange glow cast everything in an eerie light, throwing moving shadows across the bar and ceiling. The piano was on fire.
As Horatio joined the losing battle with the guests, Mordecai stalked to the bar. He found and filled an ice bucket with water, carried it to the stage, and doused the flames. The smoke sputtered to a stop—it made it easier to see the smoldering pile of detritus that remained of the piano, somewhat misshapen with mysterious objects—and the murmuring crowd went quiet for a moment. Then the room erupted in cheers.
The curtains swung aside as Rocky stumbled onto the stage with a fire extinguisher. “Here!” He yelled, then paused to blink at Mordecai. Mordecai glared back at him. “Oh—you fixed it.”
Sighing, Mordecai shook his head and walked out to center stage. He raised his voice to address the crowd and squinted in the spotlight; numbly, it occurred to him that adrenaline had dulled the rest of his headache down to a mild twinge. “If everyone could please evacuate while we check for damage, there will be a round of cocktails served in the garage. On the house.”
Someone whistled and the crowd started listening to directions. Mordecai jumped down from the stage.
Something thunked, and Rocky scrambled to follow him. “It took forever to find the fire extinguisher! A moment sooner and you wouldn’t’ve had to come down from your rest—”
Mordecai bit his cheek.
From across the room, JJ jogged close. “Are we really serving—?”
“Of course,” said Mordecai. He beelined toward the bar, bucket still in hand. “If it was just the piano, we should be fine to continue operating. But we need to look at the stage, and someone should check if Mozzie swallowed smoke.”
“He was looking a little green,” JJ nodded.
“Guests first; there might still be some champagne leftover from Mitzi’s order,” Mordecai rounded into the bartending station and waved JJ to follow. “Make some of those disgusting brunch things you and Zib like so much. But not as strong, please.”
“Some orange tonic for the nerves,” JJ winked and chuckled, but his hands were shaking as he moved to find the needed ingredients.
“What happened?”
“Ah…” JJ cringed a little, and looked at Rocky.
Staying on the client side, Rocky sidled between two stools and drummed his claws on the bartop. “It was supposed to be a simple trick,” said Rocky; JJ snorted.
Mordecai narrowed his eyes at the violinist.
“I’ve performed it hundreds of times,” Rocky continued. “A balancing act of sorts, with a flaming hoop—”
Here, JJ interjected: “you never said anything about fire.”
“Didn’t I?” Rocky squinted and scratched his neck. “It’s what makes the trick exciting.”
Sighing, Mordecai rubbed his head and looked at JJ. “I thought only you and Mozzie were staying behind; everyone else was to be entertainment on the boat.”
“Uh—” frowning, JJ carefully picked up a couple bottles of champagne as he looked between Mordecai and Rocky.
“Zib and the rest have it covered,” Rocky waved a hand to emphasize. “I figured the bar needed more help than a pleasure cruise. What could go wrong on a pleasure cruise? The fun is right there in the name!”
The ice bucket clanged as Mordecai tossed it into the sink, and all three of them flinched—albeit for slightly different reasons. Still facing JJ, Mordecai pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. “JJ, send Mr Rickaby home; then help Mozzie and Horatio with the guests.” It was nearly one, still early for a typical Wednesday but late enough that a frazzled regular might forgive them. But the song and dance would have to continue. “I’ll check the stage.”
Rocky slumped until only his eyes peered above the bar, ears angling low. 
“Um…” JJ looked between them again.
“Perfect,” said Mordecai. Turning on his heel, he proceeded to the stage.
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storiesfromhalcyontale · 1 year ago
Seo's Memory
TW: Mention of dead parent
I tapped my shoe anxiously on the floor as I waited for my dad to get home, he always works late but it was able to make him a lot of money. He spent most of the money on me actually, making sure I had a decent education and an amazing childhood. But sometimes I really worry about him. He's working so hard for me and yet he never takes a break for himself and that worries me. I was just drinking some green tea, trying to get my nerves down really. Soon I heard the door unlock and my dad entered through it, he looked tired from a long day of work. He looked at me and smiled gently.
“Good afternoon Akemi!” My dad said as he ruffled my hair and slightly undid his tie.
“Afternoon dad.” I murmured as I sipped my green tea. Dad was looking at me with a worried expression.
“Akemi, is something wrong?” He asked me, taking a seat next to me.
“Yeah…” I sighed as I put my now empty cup on the floor, “I’m worried dad. I’m worried that you're gonna overwork yourself.”
“Overwork myself?” I saw my dad tilt his head curiously, “What do you mean overwork myself?”
“Dad, you haven’t taken a proper break in sixteen years.” I responded, “I get that you're doing it for me but you’ve got to find time for yourself…” I looked at my dad as he seemed surprised, “Sorry I-”
“Akemi don’t apologise.” He responded, he placed a hand on my shoulder, “I get what you're saying. I understand I work too much.” I looked down at the floor in guilt.
“Dad can I…ask you a question?”
“Sure thing…” He answered, I took a deep breath in. This was something I never asked about. “What was mum like..?” I asked carefully. I really didn’t want to upset my dad with this question.
“Valeria?” My dad mumbled, before shaking his head and gently laughing, “You’ve never asked me about her before. Why now?” “Well I…” I stumbled on my words a bit, “I was just curious that’s all.”
“Well… Akemi, your mother was the most lovely person anyone could ever meet.” He responded, wiping his eyes, “She was able to light up any room she went to actually by just being herself. She was really really popular actually.”
“Was she?” I responded in shock.
“Yeah..yeah. She had this aura about her which made boys almost fall for her. I wasn’t exactly fooled by it, mainly because we didn’t actually meet till college.” He laughed again, trying to hide the tears in his eyes, “I didn’t know a lick of spanish and she…she took pity on me and showed me around…around campus.” He took a moment before continuing, “That’s how I fell for her. She was just lovely to me and taught me alot of spanish.” I laughed a tiny bit, imagining dad learning spanish with his future wife was cute.
“I see…” I murmured. Dad then looked at me before continuing.
“Akemi, your mum would’ve been so proud of you.” He said before the tears started up, “Valeria would’ve been so proud if she saw our child today…” Soon I began crying, not as much as dad though which was understandable, “She wanted to have a child more than anything. She would’ve absolutely adored you.”
“I…I see.” I responded with a slight quiver in my voice, “What happened after she died…?” I could tell dad was gathering his composure before continuing.
“Well, she was my everything, Akemi. The last thing she said to me was to look after you.” He wiped his eyes, “And after about three weeks of mourning and taking care of you… Nothing was clicking with me. I felt lost.” I looked at dad guiltily, I hated seeing him upset, “But one day, I was thinking back to that day when it finally clicked with me. Valeria went through so much… Yet even with her final breath she was thinking more about you than herself.” This was when I finally began crying, to think that my mum was more worried about me than herself was so uplifting.
“Dad I…” I could feel my dad’s arms wrap around me as he whispered.
“Shhhhh Akemi it’s fine…” He whispered gently into my ear, “Look, I know I work alot but you’re my entire life Akemi. I do everything for you… I want to take care of you as my son and to make Valeria proud…” I nodded my head as he gently caressed my hair in a fatherly manner, “Look Akemi. I’ll take the day off tomorrow and we can spend the day just hanging out. How does that sound kiddo?” I looked up at my dad and smiled softly.
“Yeah, yeah I’d like that.” I sat back up and wiped my eyes. I watched as my dad sat up.
“I’ll go and quickly get changed out of my work uniform. Then we can have some dinner.” My dad then walked upstairs and into his room. Now I understand why my dad never remarried and chose to stay as a widower. He loved my mum too much, but in that sadness I saw a strength he had, that power to continue no matter what challenges life throws at you. That power was admirable, and it’s something that makes my dad a pretty cool person.
No matter what, he’ll always have the strength to continue. That's why my dad is a wonderful person.
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countessofravenclaw · 1 year ago
The 2023 writing Advent calendar: Day 5
5. Star 
“Hey! You’re here!” Luna skipped to meet Simon and Ambar at their door. 
“Shhhhh!” Ambar shushed her and pointed to the sleeping Esme at Simon’s arms. “She fell asleep at the drive over. Don’t wake her, please.” 
“Uuup, okay,” Luna made apologetic face, “You can put her down at our room.” 
“Thank you,” Simon nodded and walked to left, toward Luna and Matteo’s bedroom. 
“How my goddaughter?!” Luna exclaimed and scooped the one and a half year olde Ivory to her arms. “You have gotten so big!”
“You literally saw her yesterday,” Ambar smiled as Luna twirled Ivory around. “but are you sure you should do that?” 
They had been told last week that Luna in fact was pregnant again. It hadn’t that big of a surprise, Ambar had super good instinct with this. She had been able to predict almost everyone’s pregnancies before they had been announced. 
“Why not?” Luna rolled her eyes, “I have six months. The doctor said that there is no reason why I should take it easy. And I am going to hold all my babies. So Ivory, are we gonna decorate a tree?”
Luna and Matteo had asked Simon and Ambar come to help them to decorate their tree. The girls would hep of course, although Ambar wasn’t fully sure how much 18 month old and freshly two year old could  make the different baubles actually stay on the tree branches.
“She is out,” Simon came back to the other. “Hopefully she’ll stay asleep.” 
“Good things she has your sleeping tendencies,” Ambar nudged Simon as they walked to the living room. “Where is Matteo… and more importantly… where is Stella?”
“Stella’s helping daddie bring the decorations out,” Luna nodded broadly. To Ambar, that sounded a recipe for disaster. Luna and Matteo’s two-year-old daughter Stella had already come to her mother almost completely. She seemed to have unending energy and ran around for hours. Luna had been so sad when she had not been able to find skates that were tiny enough for her feet. 
“Are Gastón and Nina coming?” Ambar asked as she at down on the couch. 
“No, the Professor had an obligatory faculty benefit or something,” Matteo’s voice sounded as he apeared from the stairs that led to Luna and Matteo’s house’s basement which was Matteo so called music lair.
Gastón had finished his Ph.D. earlier in the year and had almost immediately been snached by the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina for the Science and Technology faculty. He only did teaching part time, since quitting the Castillo Corporation had never been in his plans.
“Look what I have!!” Stella toddled along behind Matteo from the stairs. She was holding a huge tangle… of what looked like maybe lights? 
“Well, what is it?” Ambar looked at it. 
“Stars, like me.” Stella showed it proudly to everyone. 
“That must be like all of your Christmast lights in one,” Ambar noted while Stella was showing the coil to Ivory, “Ivory sweetie, don’t start pulling it. It will break.”
“Where did they put the kids?” Simon asked as he sat next to Ambar, while Luna started unpacking the decoration box with the girls. 
“I told them they could just drop them off here, but apparently they’d fixed month ago now that Jonathan and April were taking them somewhere.” Matteo remarked and took the tangle of lights from Stella and looked at it blankly. “I don’t know how, but there has to be someway to get this untangled.” 
“Do I hear a hint of jealousy in you voice Matteo?” Ambar teased him. 
“No,” Matteo stared at the lights, “I’m happy that his family is around, it has not always been like that.” 
“Who were they again?” Simon scratched his neck. 
“Jonathan Ruiz and Dr. April Ruiz?” Matteo looked at Simon, “Gastón’s cousins. Oldest kids of Isla’s older younger sister Mía. He has nine cousins.”
“Oh, well, in that case, you should never feel the need to compete with someone’s flesh and blood.” 
“And well, who wouldn’t want to babysit those angels?” Ambar noted, “I don’t know what on earth they have been doing, but it is working.” 
“Well, that is our godson, so we can have some of the credit,” Matteo smirked while examining the lights.
“And our goddaughter,” Ambar reminded him before crying started coming from the bedroom. 
“I got it,” Ambar got up from the couch, “She’s probably hungry.”
“Daddie, we need starry lights,” Stella was pulling Matteo’s arm and pointing toward the tree.
“Just a minute,” Matteo looked at the light for the hundredth time. Who on earth had packed them last year for them to get this tangled. Honestly, he didn’t even remember had they use these last year… 
He had given these star-shaped Christmas light to Luna as a present in 2025, right after their wedding. 
“Luna? Did you put these away last year?”
“Maybe,” Luna turned to look at him from the box. “For some reason she hand two Christmas baubles, shaped like stars, tangling from her hair already. Ivory might have put those in there, but you never knew with Luna
“You wouldn’t possibly know how we get these out of this coil?” Matteo showed Luna the tangle. 
“How would I know that?” Luna shrugged. “But hurry up, we need to put the lights in the tree so we can decorate!” Ivory and Stella both were standing on the both sides of Luna nodding. 
“This is why we needed Gastón here,” Matteo sighed, “This is way up his alley.” 
“I mean he’s not an electrician,” Simon also stared at the ball of wires.
“Being a environmental engineer and a university professor is plenty of technical knowledge that we don’t have,” Matteo huffed. “Can you see the other end of the wire?”
“Maybe…” Simon squinted.
“Oh come on!” Luna had apparently had enough and came to grab the tangle. “Matteo you hold on that end, Simon the other end. Me and the girls will figure the middle out. 
“Okay darling, do you wanna go see the tree?” Ambar asked Esme after she had finished feeding and changing her. The others would probably be in full force decorating now.
Ambar hopped Esme on her arms and walked out of the bedroom… Only to walk into a sight…
“What happened here?” On the floor in front of the tree were sitting Simon, Luna, Matteo with Ivory and Stella. They were all tied together by that string of star lights. 
“So… We tried to uncoil this thing…” Simon started. 
“I can see that.” Ambar sighed. Even Esme looked at everyone confused, or as confused as a barely two month old could. At least no wire was around anyone’s neck. 
“Please help us.”
“Just a minute,” Ambar grinned suddenly and pulled her phone out. “But first—” She snapped at least 10 pictures and sent them in variety of group chats. Everyone had to see this. 
“Hey, who are you sending that to?” Matteo asked.
“No one.” Ambar put her phone away, “Okay… Who has the tailend?”
This was going to the the whole night.
And here we have the first Next Gen oriented drapple of the calendar... we will have more stories featuring the Roller Crew kids as I have unlocked that part of brain now. So this is what you get when you let Lutteo and Simbar lose with some offsprings and a tangled Christmas lights, when Gastin are not there and Ambar isn't looking... Also, I have confession to make. This was originally supposed to be tomorrows story, but the story I was writing today started to be more about the lights...and this works for stars as well, so we're going with this one instead. You come to notice that lot of the stroies for the calendar work for multiple different promps.
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senorincognito69 · 2 years ago
2 pussies for 1 maiden (Monthly tale - 58)Edit
(Woman into pussy)*
“So who's the cunt then?”
The question was raised too loudly and too casually, making Shila spit out some of her peach tea. She and her friend Gemma were sitting in their usual spot in the corner of the cafeteria, having their weekly catch up, when Shila’s complaints about her work made Gemma ask that indecent question.
Shila Kapadi was a brown skinned young woman with fuzzy eyebrows, her nose was quite prominent and straight, her black hair was braided into a pair of long pigtails that rested over her less than busty chest. She was quite short and wore plain looking clothes, normally a combination of blouses and long skirts.
“Shhhhh!” she shushed ducking down in her seat, glancing with a terrified expression to the left and right.
Gemma chuckled.
“Nobody is listening to us, dork.”
Gemma Dixon was a fair skinned asian woman. Plump, freckled, with bob cut dark hair and squared glasses. She was wearing a tall necked woollen sweater. 
“You still shouldn’t say such things out loud in public.” Shila whispered Shila in a begging tone.
“Bla, bla, bla, you were the one whining about your boss ladies, so which one is the worst twat?”
While Gemma worked as a freelance writer, Shila was an intern in the accounts department of a clothing corporation. 
“Hmmm… both…?” Shila slowly mumbled after a short moment of consideration. “Both of them are cunts.”
Gemma rolled her eyes and pointed at her friend with one of the cookies she was munching.
“Cheater! That’s a lame cheating answer.”
“It’s the truth,” Shila sat up straight and took a sip of her tea before continuing. “I couldn’t tell which one is worse… but they aren’t my boss ladies.”
“Uh, aren’t they above you in the pecking order?”
“Well… I’m an intern, everybody’s above me in the hierarchy. Lucy is my actual supervisor in the department, she’s… cold, stricter than a sergeant, always wants me to stay after work… Harriet, on the other hand, is the secretary of one of the executives that does… heeem… extra favours for them behind their spouses backs, but she comes around our section everyday to nag me…”
“It’s funny how the one with the bimbo like name is a stick in the mud and the one with the dweeb name is the actual bimbo.”
“Sigh, I only wish they would stop making my work life hell…”
“Eh, I’m sure it isn’t that bad, it’s just that you’ve always been terrible at coping with attention.”
“And you aren’t?” Shila asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Not as terrible as you… but hey, if they’re so annoying, there’s one way to get rid of at least one of them: Doing a deal.”
“A deal? What kind of deal?”
“Maiden’s deal.”
This time Shila’s tea came out of her nose, she coughed, trying to regain her composure, her cheeks flared up
“H-How can you joke about that…?!” she babbled breathlessly.
Gemma bit a cookie and shrugged.
“If they’re so much into you it could be a solution to one of the problems.”
“It wouldn’t solve anything… It would make it even worse if anything… I…” Shila closed her lips and shook her head, then cleaned up her face with a handkerchief. “It’s ridiculous…”
“Hay, it isn’t all that baaaaaaaaaaaaad if you think about it,” a deep sigh escaped Gemma’s chest. “Like, dunno… It would be nice to have a partner down there… you know? To not always be so lonely… I’ve been working on an article that has made me wonder about it and I think I would dig the company.”
Shila slammed her hand down on the table.
“Shhh already! This is absurd, why are we talking about… about this…” she snorted. “Absurd and… a-and even, if, I mean… It isn’t like…” her nervous fingers squeezed the handkerchief. “Neither of them would ever want to do something like that with someone like me, never ever, not in a million years… and I wouldn’t want it either!”
Gemma shrugged again and continued her nibbling.
“Not in a million years…” repeated Shila in a whisper. 
Lucy stood in the hallway, with her back against the door, mustering up her courage.
The chief accountant was particularly stiff that afternoon, even more than what was normal for her. Lucy was a rather tall white woman, with a long face and long limbs, her hair was auburn with a few shades of grey tied in a bun. She wore squared glasses, business pants, jacket and a white blouse. Despite being well past her thirties at that moment, standing nervously in the hallway while holding an envelope against her chest, she looked like a teen about to confess to her secret lover.
“Calm down,” she muttered. “You can do this.”
She straightened herself and opened the door.
The accounts department was a not too spacious, poorly lit room on the building’s third floor. There were many document cabinets and five desks, but only one of the desks was occupied at that moment.
“Shila!” said Lucy as she entered. “Have you finished the charts?”
Shila was taken completely off guard by the sudden return of her supervisor, startled like a rabbit she lifted her sight from her work, nervously moving the papers that were full of graphs and numbers.
“Y-yes!” she squeaked only to quickly correct herself. “No, but they are almost done, I’ll have them ready before my shift ends!”
Lucy moved in front of Shila’s desk.
“Good,” nodded the chief accountant. “I wanted to give you this,” Lucy put the envelope on Shila’s desk.
Shila grabbed it slowly, it was an everyday beige rectangular envelope, nothing unusual about it, made of sealed paper without any text. After finishing her quick inspection Shila looked at her supervisor and asked with teary eyes, “Am I fired…?”
Lucy’s eyelids open wide.
“No! No, no!” blushing, she raised her hands, shaking her head. “No, it’s not that, it is not work related! You aren’t fired! It’s a letter, a letter from Lucy, from.. from me… It’s… Hmph!” Lucy rubbed her forehead, trying to keep it together. “It’s something I want to tell you, I have wanted to for a while, but… I think it’s better to say it in a letter, it’s… Read it when you are back at home, read it and… tell me what you think…” the chief accountant lowered her eyes. “If there’s anything to say, if you don’t want to… just don’t say anything, I… I will understand, okay?”
Shila had never seen Lucy acting in such a manner.
“Are you sure I’m not fired?” she asked.
“No! No, goddess, no, I swear! You do a great job, you don’t have to worry about getting fired. It’s only a personal letter, personal things… Read it later… or not, if it’s too much… It’s… It’s up to you, I’m fine either way.”
The intern felt great relief when she heard that her job was safe, but now she was curious about what Lucy wanted to tell her that required a written letter. She was curious and also completely clueless about what it could be.
“Sure thing,” she said with a tender smile. “I will read it later.”
Lucy was left with a red face, she nodded a couple of times.
“Good, great, that’s… that’s all, keep… hmmm… keep working hard.”
Shila winked.
“I will, chief.”
There was an awkward silence during which Lucy rubbed her arms avoiding eye contact, acting completely silly.
“Good, good…” she mumbled and began to step away. “I’ll get going then, again, if you don’t feel like reading it don’t read it and if you do read it and don’t want to speak to me it’s fine, really, it’s fine.”
“You’ll have the charts on your desk by tomorrow, promise!”
“The what?” Lucy frowned, stopping with her hand in the door knob. “Oh, oh, yes, the charts, great, good, yes, finish them…!”
It was right then when the door of the accounts department opened again and a triumphant Harriet entered the scene.
A platinum blonde sexbomb, with tanned skin, tattoos, big round breasts, a big rear, swaying hips and long, long legs. Wearing a jaguar print top, a miniskirt, and pantyhose, she would have been taller than Lucy even without her red high heels and when she saw Lucy her juicy pink lips twisted into an annoyed grin and her thin eyebrows into a frown.
“Oh, you’re here,” the secretary said, not bothering to hide her irritation. 
Lucy and Harriet stared at each other, face to face, like lightning colliding in the sky. While they both had brown eyes, Lucy’s were slightly brighter and yellow.
“I was just leaving,” the chief accountant responded.
“Then hurry up!”
Harriet stepped aside, after an instant of reluctance Lucy stepped out of the department, immediately after that Harriet entered.
“Bye-bye!” she waved her fingers with a fake smile as she closed the door in Lucy’s stoic face.
With the door closed the secretary took a moment to recompose herself. She shook her luxurious blond mane, pulled down her skirt, sighed.
“Shila!” she exclaimed with a shining real wide smile. “My favourite sweet girl!”
Her heels clicked on the floor as she approached Shila’s desk.
Shila, who was watching the confrontation between the two mature ladies, moved straight to her seat after Harriet chose her as the next target.
“Hi, Harriet,” she muttered nervously. “Did you… have a good day?”
Harriet sat her bubble ass on top of Shila’s desk.
“Now that I’m with you it’s a perfect day,” she giggled, tapping the desk with her long pink nails. “Was Miss Boredom bullying you?”
“Who? Lucy? No, not at all.”
“Are you sure? Because if that dry twat abuses you in any way you only have to tell your dear godmother Harriet and I will beat her skinny ass!”
Shila shook her head.
“No, no really, she’s very nice with me, just like you… You two are too much actually…” she whispered that last part. “Thanks for the offer, but she wasn’t bullying me or anything, but just wanted to give me a personal letter,” Shila explained, showing the sealed envelope.
“A letter?” the secretary chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “Who sends letters anymore? Geez, Miss Boredom must live in dinosaur times!” she shrugged and leaned forward, very clearly and intentionally showing her busty cleavage to the helpless intern. “Whatever, toss that silly paper to the bin, I’m here to make you keep your promise!”
“M-My promise?”
“Ahem, you promised last week that you would come party with me and, sweety, tonight these bods are hitting the dance floor!”
“I don’t recall…”
“You totally did.”
“I said maybe, someday…”
“Today is someday!”
Shila took a deep breath.
“Look, Harriet, I appreciate the… intention, but I’m not the kind of girl that goes dancing, even if I would want to be, I am not. It's just… not the kind of thing I would do by myself, you know?”
“But you wouldn’t be going by yourself, you would be going with me.”
“Yes, but not… I… maybe someday, not today, we can go to watch a movie together or something, but today I have work, I have to finish these charts for tomorrow and…”
The intern was interrupted when the secretary gently put one of her hands over one of hers. With an eerie intense look in her eyes Harriet leaned over the shocked Shila.
“Let me be your cunt,” the bimbo abruptly pleaded.
Shila’s brain refused to accept what her ears heard, she blinked several times.
“The what?”
Harriet got so close their noses almost touched.
“The coochie! Pussy, vagina, I want to be yours.”
“Let’s make a Deal, right now.”
Inside the intern’s skull it was complete chaos, she blankly stared forward, the only coherent thought in her mind was that Harriet smelt wonderful. The question left her lips on autopilot, as if she was having an out of body experience.
“A deal? What kind of deal?”
Harriet grabbed Shila’s hand with both of hers and lifted it.
“A Maiden’s Deal!”
It was right then when the door of the department reopened yet again, and a furious Lucy, who had stayed outside eavesdropping on the conversation between the intern and the secretary, stormed back onto the scene.
“You slut!” the accounting chief shouted.
Shila gasped with relief.
“Lucy, thank goddess…!”
But the relief the intern felt wasn’t destined to last long, because the next thing Lucy did was to take a firm step forward and declare: “I am Shila’s cunt!”
Shila’s mouth was left half-open.
Harriet smirked and squinted, she stood with her hands on her hips.
“Oh, please, you must be crazy to think you could be a good pussy for Shila or anybody! Do you want to curse the poor girl with zero libido? What a bane to have to carry a frigid and cold granny’s twat inside her panties, a wrinkled patch of cold skin! I would be the best cunt because at least I know what pleasure is, I am lust made flesh, bitch!”
“You insipid bimbonic moron, sex is irrelevant to being a vagina… It… It isn’t everything, a Maidens’ Deal, to fuse with someone else, isn’t merely about fucking, it’s about a commitment, a connection. People can barely stand your dullness as a person, having you in their crotch for life would become hell in the first five minutes, no matter how great of an empty sex hole you think yourself to be!”
Their voices rose with each vaginal insult.
“Sex is irrelevant?” Harriet crossed her arms. “Have you ever done it? Have sex?”
Lucy grew redder than seemed possible.
“That’s irrelevant! I know enough to know that Shila deserves way better than you, do you want to be cunt meat? Fine, find some other willing bimbo of your kind and merge with her ass, but leave Shila alone!” 
“Pfff, irrelevant! You are a virgin spinster pussy-wannabe, Miss Boredom!” the secretary chuckled.
“Screw you!” shouted the chief accountant.
Shila decided to intervene before they started using their hands.
“Ladies! Ladies!” she cried. “Please, enough, this… This is very amusing, but there’s no need to go this far for a joke…” the intern giggled nervously, but the expression on the other two women’s faces left no room for laughter. “This is a joke, isn’t it? It must be, it HAS to be… Lucy?”
Lucy, frowning seriously, exchanged a tense glance with Harriet before shutting the door of the department.
“Read the letter,” she told the intern while closing the door with the key she had as chief of the department. “Read the letter, now, please,” her voice almost begged when she pointed at the envelope.
Shila gulped and slowly nodded, she opened the envelope and read.
With each consecutive line her eyelids widened further.
It was the most heartfelt and eloquently written confession letter she could imagine, it was also one of the most lewd and self-degrading texts she had ever read. With erotic flourishes Lucy requested in clear unambiguous terms to be allowed to  become a vagina.
Shila’s vagina.
The letter explained how, since the very first day, every time Lucy asked Shila to work extra hours it was with the hopes that, while the two of them were alone together, she might be lucky and disappear under Shila’s skirt.
There were also a couple of pictures with the letter.
Oh, the pictures…
“What does it say?” Harriet inquired curiously.
“None of your business!” grunted Lucy.
Shila held the letter and the picture against her chest.
The chief accountant and the secretary were standing side by side in front of her desk without a shred of doubt in their bodies. These two women, these two mature women so above her from the intern’s point of view, two successful established women that could achieve anything they wanted in their lives wanted nothing but to give up everything just to be her pussy.
Just her pussy.
Shila’s pussy twitched and moistened inside her panties.
“Oh… My… Goddess…” she gasped.
Harriet shrugged.
“Okay, I don’t care, your stupid letter doesn’t matter anyway, I called dibs first!”
Lucy rolled her eyes.
“That’s what doesn’t matter, moron, it’s Shila who is the one that has to call dibs!”
Shila was half-hiding behind her desk.
“You two can’t be serious, this can’t be real…!” she mumbled. 
The secretary shook her head.
“No, Miss Boredom is correct, you are the one that has to choose.”
“But, but… Have you two really considered what that means…?”
Lucy interceded. 
“It’s pretty clear I have, didn’t you just read my letter?” she said unflinchingly. “And I’m sure this leaking hole must have considered it and come to the same conclusion in her own mentally dull way.”
Harriet stuck her tongue out.
“Bet I put more thought into it than you, dusty twat!”
“Shila,” Lucy continued, ignoring the secretary. “Are you completely against the idea of sealing a deal with one of us?”
Shila needed a few seconds to answer.
“I should be against it…” she said, very slowly and carefully.
“So the answer is no, you aren’t against doing a deal.”
“Sweety, this is very simple,” the secretary took the lead, annoyed by the game of semantics being played. “This bitch,” she put a hand on her chest, “And this bitch,” she pointed at Lucy with her other hand’s thumb. “Have you ever seen us as just cunts?”
“Y-Yes…” babbled Shila. “No, sorry, sorry, I… I mean, not l-like…”
Harriet snorted.
“Answer the question!”
Shila looked at the two women, her boss ladies… The pressure made her vision blur and as it blurred the faces of both the chief accountant and the secretary, their serious dominant expressions started to be grotesquely deformed. They opened their mouths with lust as their lips spread vertically, robbing them of their dignified facades. Jewellery, watches, miniskirt and pants, along with hair dropped to the floor, one after another, their pleading voices an unintelligible gurgle as the two of them gracelessly shrank, collapsing into themselves. Collapsing until all that remained in front of Shila’s desk was two piles of empty clothes and on top of each pile a trembling ball of helpless flesh with a wet vagina.
One vagina with auburn pubes, the other with platinum blonde.
No names, no status.
Just cunts.
Needy cunts.
Shila blinked, the vision ended, Lucy and Harriet reappeared with a puff in front of her desk, waiting for her answer, once more the tall women they were supposed to be, that they pretended to be… but not to the eyes of the intern anymore…
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Shila tried her best to sound apologetic. “I’m so sorry, but… After this… I don’t think I can ever see you two as women again,” her lips shivered. “You two are nothing more than a pair of cunts.”
Harriet chuckled loudly and honestly with the satisfaction of being validated as less than a person.
“The only thing you should be sorry about, sweet girl, is for ever having mistaken us for anything other than walking vaginas!” she softly hit Lucy with her elbow. “Don’t you agree, my coochie-for-brains sis?”
Lucy pushed her glasses up and coughed, hoping nobody would notice that she was clenching her thighs.
“It’s unfortunate that it has come to this, maybe it couldn’t have happened any other way, but it’s been six months already and I don’t want to wait a single day more, only two women should walk out of this room.”
The chief accountant lifted her open palm, when Harriet saw it she smirked and grabbed it, their forearms crossed as they held hands.
“You are damned right!” the excited secretary shouted.
They looked at the intern and proclaimed with one voice: “Shila, I am your vagina!”
In unison the pair of pussies tossed their metaphorical hats into the proverbial ring of change. Their side of the deal was now established, set and open to be sealed, with a couple of words Shila could just claim any of them, or both, triggering the sexual magnet that would eventually make two of them become one. Become one at the cost of the mature part being squeezed between her legs until all that was left was twat flesh.
The intern's heart began to pound fiercely in her chest.
“This is…! This is…! Not! MMmmh!” This is dangerous, super dangerous! You two are crazy!”
The boss ladies stopped holding each other's hand. 
Lucy put the department key on Shila’s desk.
“We’re serious,” she said. “As silly and humiliating as our desire may be, our request is a sincere and genuine one, we only ask the same from you as we are giving and if you don’t think that either me or the bimbo are good enough to be your pussy, then take the key and leave. I’ve already told you too many times, it’s fine either way, it’s really fine.”
“But!” Harriet added. “If you wanna leave, leave, but if you leave you are not getting either of us in your panties! We aren’t second hand coochie!”
The chief accountant chuckled.
“So I’m not a dry dusty twat anymore?”
The secretary twitched her glossy lips.
“S-Shut up!”
Shila looked at the key, at the door, at the women.
The pussies.
They were serious, it was serious, but she had so many conflicting thoughts in her mind, in her heart that she wasn’t certain she was up for the challenge… or worthy of the reward.
If she left she would lose what would certainly be a once in a lifetime chance.
If she stayed she would doom one of her boss ladies to disappear… to become a part of her…
A very intimate part.
The intern stood up from her chair, rubbing her forehead as she walked around her desk, crossing her arms as she walked around the pussies, giving them a long measured stare.
“We should do a test… A test of the cunts,” she rationalised. “If I am to own one of you I should judge who’s the best vagina.”
“That’s fair,” agreed Lucy. “We'll do as you say.”
“The best pussy is obviously me,” gloated Harriet. “But you’re the boss, sweety!”
Shila nodded silently. No longer was she a mere intern, but the maiden, she gently sat on top of her desk, looking down at the wanna-be-vaginas, the judge of the end of their human existence.
The maiden tapped her fingers together, then it began.
“T-Take off your shoes…” she ordered without much conviction.
The instant the pussies understood the maiden’s request they obeyed without question, lifting their legs and removing their shoes. Harriet’s toe nails, wrapped in pantyhose, were painted pink just like her fingernails, Lucy was wearing brown comfy socks.
Harriet chuckled.
“I won't miss having to walk at all when I’m a vag!” 
She dropped her high heels, Lucy did the same with her flat shoes.
Shila was covering her mouth with both hands to hide the wide smile on her lips, she was truly in control of them, the pussies would do as she said.
Her word was law.
And that made her incredibly horny.
“Say your full name… and age! Full name and age!” she requested next.
Lucy answered first.
“Lucy Dane, I’m thirty seven years old.”
Harriet was slower than her peer.
”Harriet… Harriet Dulcinea Runington…” she lowered her eyes. “Thirty eight…”
“Bullshitter!” screamed the chief accountant.
The secretary stepped aside, looking ashamed for the first time since she arrived at the accountant department, maybe for the first time in her life.
“Fuck off…!”
Shila cocked her head.
“Harriet, you want to be my pussy, don’t you?” she asked the bimbo.
“Y-Yes, of course I want.”
“And you think I want a lying cunt?”
“Can’t… Can’t a cunt have some pride?”
“Not mine, not with me.”
Harriet grunted, stomped with her bare feet, gulped, closed her eyes.
“Forty eight.”
Lucy laughed heartily.
“And you called me a granny? What an absolute hypocrite, you are old enough that you could become MY vagina!”
“As if I would ever…! I didn’t call you a granny, but a granny’s twat, it isn’t the same, age is just a number!”
“Sure, grandma bimbo.”
Shila cleared her throat and the two pussies shut up, she didn’t seem too disappointed at Harriet’s attempt at lying. 
“Why…” the maiden struggled to keep her dominance. “Why me? Why my vagina? I am not… Not anything, really, you two could definitely find a better partner than me.”
“Don’t babble nonsense!” Lucy exclaimed indignantly. “You are smart and gentle, shy and caring, a hardworking girl! Any pussy would be lucky to be yours!”
“You have me on a pedestal…” mumbled Shila.
“Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean what I say isn't true. You have a brilliant mind and are a nice young woman, a good woman. Your only flaw is self doubt, something that only embellishes you more.”
Shila looked at Harriet, Harriet gave a tiny shrug.
“You are cool and…” she sighed and allowed herself to be honest. “Have you ever seen someone that is missing something? Like… a puzzle missing a piece? That’s what I saw in you and I thought I could be that lost piece that makes it complete.”
“Hmph!” snorted Lucy. “What a simpleton, thinking this is about you.”
The secretary shrugged.
The maiden didn’t add anything, but instead just gave the bimbo a long curious glance.
“Hmmm, we have to heat the room…” Shila leaned back, putting her hands on the desk. “Make out with each other.”
“What?!” Lucy and Harriet said at the same time.
“Make out,” repeated Shila. “Kiss with passion, with tongues, suck and lick and rub, as if you two were in love.” she smirked. “Entertain me.”
The chief accountant and the secretary froze, realising perhaps their biggest mistake: Despite daydreaming about being coochie they had never considered it would get kinky.
Harriet was the first to react, she chuckled and smirked back towards the maiden, then grabbed Lucy by the shoulder.
“W-What are you doing?!” Lucy begged.
Harriet kissed her, passionately, with tongues, as she had been told. Lucy’s eyes opened wide as her tongue tangled with her rival’s inside her mouth. The secretary was very skillful at the lewd, her hand swiftly opened Lucy’s blouse and found their way inside her bra to squeeze the defenceless tit. Not wanting to do any less, the chief accountant managed to grab the bimbo’s ass. On the desk Shila watched with satisfaction as her boss ladies had fun, she herself began to rub her breasts, tracing circles around the hardened nipples.
“Good, very good,” she giggled. “Maybe you two should really merge.”
It took the pussies a while to stop their kissing, when they separated Lucy was the one left the most dishevelled, her lips were now also glossy pink, her jacket and blouse were open and one of her slightly saggy breasts was out of her bra and hanging for all to see.
“No, thank you,” Lucy gasped.
Harriet winked.
“Eh, I would almost rather be a person than Miss Boredom’s twat, but only almost!”
Lucy was starting to fit her boob back into her bra when Shila raised her voice.  
“Stop!” she ordered, pointing with her finger. “You pair of cunts have had it easy for long enough. You still have to demonstrate your commitment by stopping pretending to be women. The only clothing a pussy should wear is underwear, so get butt ass naked, now!” the maiden put her finger on her lips. “Wait! Leave the pantyhose and socks and panties, if you're wearing any, but the rest goes away!”
The secretary laughed heartily.
“Now I regret having picked a thong from the drawer this morning!”
Harriet pulled her jaguar top over her head and tossed it, her gigantic silicone tits bounced free, a tribal tattoo surrounding them, she had another tattoo on her arm, some sort of smirking angel-mermaid laying down on her busty bust. She had no shame or modesty in undressing, rather enjoying how Shila looked at her boobs. In no time she was mostly nude, with only her pantyhose and tiny thong covering any skin.
Lucy wasn't moving as fast, having only taken off her jacket. When Harriet saw her lack of enthusiasm she smirked and moved behind her.
“Let me help ya, coochie sis!” she giggled.
“Hey, hey, wait!” cried Lucy.
The secretary didn’t wait, she ripped open the blouse, bit off the bra, pulled down the pants all the way to the ankles. Harriet pushed Lucy and the chief accountant took one step forward, leaving her pants, with only her socks and her big white cotton panties.
“Grandma panties,” Harriet kept giggling from behind her peer, removing Lucy’s glasses, untying her hair, kissing her neck.
“Don’t be a tease!” mumbled Lucy.
Harriet hung an arm around Lucy’s neck, leaning over her, Lucy clenched her hands together between her nude tits.
“Here we are, sweety!” Harriet told the maiden. “Ready to unwrap as you asked, do you like what you see?”
Shila got up from the desk.
“I do,” her voice calm.
She walked with determination around the pair of pussies, grabbed their asses, slid a finger over their spines, went back in front of them and put one of her hands on one of Lucy’s boobs, the other hand on Harriet’s, then she began to massage, rub and pinch the nipples.
“S-Shila!” gasped Lucy as if she was now the maiden.
Harriet chuckled.
“That’s it, go lose, wreck us!”
Shila smirked and got down on her knee.
“Don’t move.”
Her words, sharp and dry, made the two mature boss ladies stand still as their intern grabbed the front of their underwear and pulled it down all the way to their knees.
Lucy’s pussy was meaty, with a hairy bush of curls.
Harriet’s vagina was totally shaved, a tight prominent vulva.
“If I knew we were doing it today I would have shaved,” mumbled the accountant.
The secretary tapped Lucy’s back.
“Don’t be silly, coochie, she has to see us as it is!”
Shila cocked her head to one side, then to the other.
In an instant she lifted both hands, with two fingers in each hand raised, and penetrated both pussies in one move. Lucy bit her tongue and even Harriet was taken with her guard down.
“Fuck sake!” groaned the secretary in shock.
The maiden pleasured the pussies with harsh brusque moves, touching deep to the core of their lust.
“Keep standing! Don’t you dare drop!” Shila fondled the vulvas and pressed the clits with her thumb. “This is all you two are!”
A spasms of instinct had made Lucy and Harriet hold hands again, intensely, with their fingers tangled and the nails pressed into the back’s of each other’s hands.
“YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” they shouted, tensing their necks.
Shila didn’t stop until they both came hard.
Despite being left in shambles the two boss ladies managed to stand all the way up as they had been told, gasping and moaning with their panties around their ankles and their imploring vaginas leaking over their trembling knees.
“Lift your legs, panties go now,” was Shila’s next order.
In their blissful sexual trance they obeyed, just as they were going to obey until the end, raising their legs as the maiden claimed their underwear. What they didn’t expect was what the maiden did next: Pushing their panties up their cunts, clogging their vaginas with the cloth that once covered them.
Shila got up.
“You are a devil…” Lucy babbled.
The maiden smirked, then hugged the two sweaty mature women as best she could.
“Thank you,” she whispered between their heads. “Thank you for being cunts.”
Harriet chuckled, exhausted.
“A total devil… you lucky brat…”
Shila left them and went back to sitting on top of her desk, her throne, this time with her legs open.
“We are near the end,” she said. “On your knees, cunts.”
Harriet and Lucy raised their eyebrows in sync, not because of the demand, but because they noticed they were still holding hands. They looked at each other's eyes, smiled tenderly and kissed.
A short good luck kiss.
Before they dropped to their knees.
The maiden was rolling up her skirt.
“Crawl towards me, like bitches.”
The pussy pair stopped holding hands, got down onto all fours and with their panties still firmly inside their twats, crawled towards the maiden, they were so committed to it that they even barked and whimpered along the way.
It made Shila feel a bit sad that she couldn’t transform them into actual dogs.
A pair of bitches or maybe a bitch and a male, so she could keep both as pets.
Flesh was so easy to change, but she could only keep one of them as a pussy.
The pussies stopped in front of the maiden’s crotch.
“Say thanks,” Shila demanded while playing around with one of her braided pigtails.
“Get rid of my underwear.”
Neither Lucy, nor Harriet, could believe they were so close to it.
With reverential silence, with their cunts clenched around the panties inside their twats, they carefully grabbed the waistband of Shila’s black underwear. With chills down their spine, their fingers trembling as they rolled the cloth down until the maiden’s panties were left on the floor.
On their knees.
In front of the intern’s nude crotch.
They could barely look at it, barely breathe.
“Is it like staring at nirvana?” teased Shila, the maiden used two fingers to spread her vaginal lips. She could feel the heat radiating from the faces of the boss ladies.
“P-Please…! Please, Shila, please!” Harriet groaned, unable to restrain herself any further. “Choose me, choose me and I will do anything you ask, lick your feet, suck your ass! I will shut up, I will stop being annoying! I swear, I will shut up forever, not even bother to manifest as your coochie’s banshee. I will be a chunk of twat meat, nothing else, but let me live in your panties! Please!” There was true despair in her begging, she hung herself from Shila’s right leg, squeezing her boobs against it.
Lucy took a deep breath and began to fondle the maiden’s left leg.
“Shila,” she began to say as calmly as her shivering voice allowed. “It would be the highest of honours for me to be your vagina, I will gladly serve you as such, but it’s your choice to make who you want, if any, to be down there.”
Shila raised an eyebrow.
“Aren’t you scared of sounding like you don’t want it enough?”
The accountant shook her head.
“No, not at all, I trust you…” she fondled her intern’s pubes with the tip of her fingers. “I know that whoever you pick will be the correct choice.”
Lucy and Shila look at each other, sharing a tender smile… that was then interrupted by sobbing. They looked at Harriet and saw that the secretary, the oldest of the three of them, was crying like a little girl.
“It’s not fair! FUCK ME!” snot and tears ruined her makeup. “Not fair at all! Lucy is the best pussy, she’s a million times better than me! I’m greedy and spoiled and obnoxious and she’s… NGH! I’m nothing, I’m no good as a person, no good as a woman and no good as cunt! I’m fucking nothing!”
Lucy quickly moved to her aid.
“Shhhh,” the chief accountant tapped the secretary’s back, giving her warmth and comfort despite their nude, humiliating and silly situation. “Don’t cry, silly, this is supposed to be fun and sexy, not a drama.”
“B-But she’s totes picking you!”
“You don’t know that yet, I’m Miss Boredom, remember?” 
“Still she should or… or she’s dumber than me!”
Shila suddenly twitched her lips and grabbed Harriet’s face by the chin, squeezing her cheeks.
“Do you think I’m stupid? A dumbass?” she inquired in a cold and fierce tone.
Harriet frowned, confused and scared.
“N-Nuh, you aren’t, you are smart!”
“Do you want to be my vagina?”
“YES!” cried Harriet. “But I don’t deservehmmmmmmh!”
The maiden kissed the secretary, an intense heart-stopping kiss that lasted nearly a minute, during which Harriet passed from shock to allowing herself to melt with the pleasure.
Their lips slowly detached, connected for a brief moment by a thin bridge of saliva.
“Harriet Dulcinea Runington,” Shila spoke cleanly and clearly. “You are my cunt.”
A mute thunder broke the sky.
A chill climbed their spines, they vibrated from the tips of their toes to the tips of their noses.
Harriet moaned and panted.
“Oh, ohhhhhhhhhh, my goddess! Sweety! You did it! She did it! We did it!” she touched her face, her chest. “I feel it! Do you feel it? I felt it, I’m lighter than air! Iiiiiiiiiiiah!” a hand grabbed Harriet’s lush platinum hair from behind, pulling her head back. “L-Lucy?” the secretary babbled when she saw the chief accountant's serene face. “I… I’m sorrrrrrrhhmmmmmmmmmm!”
Lucy kissed her, a kiss that was just a notch less intense than the kiss the maiden gave her before closing the deal. Their lips separated, forehead against forehead.
“Lucy…!” Harriet muttered, not realising it’s her last word.
“You lucky bimbo slut, you better enjoy it for the both of us,” a sad smirk was on the accountant’s lips. “Adieu.”
In one swift move Lucy pushed Harriet’s face down on top of Shila’s crotch.
Lips met with lips and from that moment they became one.
Crotch lips with face lips, the opening of the two holes merged like melting wax.
“Hhmmmm! HMMMMMMMM!” Harriet’s eyes were wide open as she was muted by the cunt she was meant to replace, she could smell, the taste filling her mouth, the unstoppable pull sucking her to where she belonged. She grabbed the edge of the desk and tried to push herself away, but all she did was make Shila moan. “MHHHHH!”
“L-Lucy!” groaned Shila, looking at the secretary’s head between her legs. “What did you do?!”
“She’s your coochie, isn’t?” answered Lucy.
“Yes, yes she is, but… Ohhhhhh! OHHHHHHHH FUCK!” the maiden gasped and began to touch her own facial lips, they were swelling up. “She’s mine…!”
“Then you should also enjoy it.”
Her lips, her whole mouth, her chin, nose, teeth and tongue disappearing, Harriet could see Shila’s pubes perfectly - coming closer and closer by the second. Lucy was petting her hair, the chief accountant rested her head on top of one of the intern’s thighs, to take a last glance at the ex-secretary as a woman.
They saw each other with human eyes one final time.
“I’m so, so envious,” sighed Lucy.
Harriet closed her eyes, her forehead reached the crotch, her whole face was now gone, Shila’s eyelashes grew longer. The rest of the ex-secretary’s head quickly followed, the maiden moaned softly, on her forehead her bangs seemed to decolor, going from her usual black to Harriet’s platinum blonde, the same happened to the tips of her pigtails, but the rest of her hair remained the same.
In the blissful void of her mind a nude Harriet orgasmed alone one million times as her singular existence came to a close. She exploded into bits, dispersed into a puddle, both things at once, her grey matter, every fibre of her neurons, twisted and repurposed into erogenous flesh. 
Where Harriet’s neck ended, Shila's crotch now began, they were both forever attached. The maiden began to stare at something in front of her, in midair, the air itself was blurring, fluctuating, a rainbow shine, a vertical rip being torn in the fabric that held reality… soon she realised what it was…
A vagina, of course.
What else could it be?
A vagina floating above her.
It gradually formed, the vulva, the clit, the shaved surroundings.
Slightly translucent, slightly white, meat made of nothing.
“The birth of a banshee…” Shila mumbled.
“It makes sense, she went ahead first,” Lucy explained, crossing her arms over Shila’s thighs. “I have read about it, ultimately all the maiden and pussy pairs share a similar connection, but if you absorb the brain first the peak can be more intense… What do you see? You see her?”
“I see pussy, her pussy, Harriet’s pussy… in front of me…”
Lucy chuckled.
“That’s what she is.”
“I see… A tomboyish girl…” Shila put her hands on her head, she opened her mouth as if she was sucking something invisible. “I see the first time she sucked a cock in the college’s bathrooms… I see… I SEEEEEEEEEEEEH!”
The ghostly pussy was spread, penetrated by something else invisible.
Harriet stopped holding onto the desk and wiggled her arms blindly.
An eye appeared in the floating cunt, a tongue came from inside it.
Shila grabbed Harriet’s hands to stop the wiggling, she clenched, pulled, the arms detached with the softest of pops and fully fused with hers. She watched in amazement her nails becoming long and pointy. As the merging progressed the armless torso sank into her crotch, spreading the maiden’s legs. Harriet’s boobs did a heavy slam against the desk, slid upwards.
The maiden gulped.
“Uhhh! NGHhhhhhhhhhh!”
Her new nails helped her, a second blouse was ripped in that room that day, she lowered her bra. Her breasts convulsed, their mass expanded, the areolas extended, they rampantly expanded into a pair of enormous orbs. Perhaps they weren’t as big as the ex-secretary’s gigantic bust that was no more, but you could clearly call them a proud bimbo size. Shila put her hands below her extra large boobs, she massaged and pinched the hardened nipples.
She stuck her tongue out, licking her swollen lips.
“It’s so heavy, it’s…! It’s!”
Lucy finished the thought for her.
“Everything you ever wanted?”
“They look better on you than they ever did on me and hey, all natural, so no complaints in that regard!”
Shila looked above and saw Harriet’s banshee, the bimbo’s naked upper torso, floating and smiling at her. Only the maiden could hear and see her. 
Harriet stretched her arms, inspected her ghostly hands.
“This is truly all I am, uh?” she shook her head, chuckled. “Sorry, sorry, I don’t want to ruin it for you, but Lucy accelerated the thing and… and… as soon as my bod is gone I will vanish to donnnnnnnnhhhhhhm!”
Shila had smiled back at the banshee and that made Harriet’s mouth turn into a vagina in the middle of her face.
“If I didn’t want you around I would have picked Miss Boredom,” thought Shila, Harriet heard it perfectly despite the intern emitting no words. “You are my cunt, twat, you are my pussy and I want you, be proud of that, dumbo! If you get too annoying I can just put you in vag-brain mode, but cut the self-pity bs, our ovaries are too big for us to be a sad fuck, you are too cool for that!”
Harriet nodded, her eyes a bit watery.
Her facial vagina went back to being a mouth.
“Sweety, I love you so much!” the banshee rejoiced . “I’m so totally horny!”
“ME TOO!” the maiden screamed.
Lucy had put herself between Harriet’s hanging legs, those long limbs wrapped in pantyhose were starting to diminish. First the nails on the feet shrank into nothing, then the toes, then the soles… in slow motion the pantyhose were left empty until they dropped to the floor.
Shila gasped, her legs elongated, her feet enlarged, tearing the soles of her shoes.
All that remained of the ex-secretary was her sweaty bubbly rear on top of the maiden’s crotch. Lucy smirked, she grabbed her panties, which were still inside her pussy and grabbed the strap of the thong inside Harriet’s.
She pulled the soaked underwear out.
The maiden fell onto her back, laying on the desk, convulsing in orgasm.
“THAT’S MY PUSSY!” she cried with pleasure.
The chief accountant chuckled, tossing away her own panties without a care, but kept the thong. She got onto her knees, Shila’s crotch, Harriet’s ass, both open for her to take.
Lucy put her hands on top of the buttocks, pushed them inside Shila’s body, making the intern moan unrestrained. Next she lowered her head to the pussy.
And started to suck.
“Aaaaaaaaaah! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the maiden groaned blissfully. “My pussy! My pussy! You’re sucking my pussy!”
The accountant’s tongue flew inside the carnal gap, twisting, slapping and sliding.
Shila’s ass and hips expanded, so large the waistband of her skirt snapped.
In the air Harriet was also shaken by the wave of pleasure, groaning loudly in the ethereal realm that was her existence. Her legs crossed, hand in her crotch, arms squeezing her big boobs.
For her it wasn’t only her pussy, she was the pussy.
As the intensity of the cunnilingus increased the banshee descended, landing on the maiden, one on top of the other.
One within the lust.
Banshee and flesh, pussy and maiden.
Lucy firmly grabbed the waist with her arms, stretched her tongue as deep as she could. Shila crossed her long legs around Lucy, dragging the accountant forward, pushing Lucy’s face against her crotch in a way not too different from how Lucy had pushed Harriet’s face against that same spot not long ago.
If you could see both Shila and Harriet at that moment they would look like a busty woman with four arms and four tits. Two images filling the same space.
Even their voices overlapped as they shouted together.
“Miss Boredom, you are the real bimbo slut!”
Shila grabbed the edge of the desk with such strength that the wood cracked.
Her legs stretched stiffly.
A tsunami of orgasms multiplied by two.
Her mind melted in bliss.
With her eyes blank, the maiden’s body went loose, she lay on the desk, smiling sillily, giggling and panting. Lucy moved away from between her legs, and witnessed from her privileged position the final step of the incredible fusion.
Pussy over pussy, what little remained of Harriet’s mass was completely absorbed by her owner. Shila’s crotch resurfaces, the vaginal lips flapped and spread, accompanied by more moaning. The skin of the area pales from brown to a softer tan, the vulva swells into a tight vagina, the ink of the tattoos reappears, a fish tail under the crack, tribal markings on the sides, wings on the top and above that a triangular patch of platinum blonde pubes sprouted.
The gasps slowly stop, it closes slowly and is left trembling but motionless.
Harriet Dulcinea Runington.
No persona.
No secretary.
Simply a happy cunt.
Shila chuckled as she saw in the ceiling a pussy ball that matches her crotch drooling upside down without a thought in the world.
“Heeeeh…” she squeezes her big boobs. “Miss Boredom, that tongue of yours left me, and my coochie, stuffed!”
The intern sat up and looked down, Lucy was there, arms crossed over the maiden’s thighs once more, staring melancholic at the unassuming tattooed pussy.
“No offence to you, Shila,” the accountant tenderly poked Shila’s vulva a couple of times, the moisture starting to cool off. “But I think I hate your pussy more now that she’s your cunt than I did when she was a woman…”
Shila couldn’t help but feel bad for the maidenless pussy and she was certain that her own pussy would share that feeling. Pouting, she patted Lucy’s head, wondering.
“Hmmm… Maybe, maybe…”
“So, long story short, Harriet, Harriet was the cunt!” Shila proclaimed, shamelessly loudly. “My cunt to be exact!” her gloating was attracting some attention, but she didn’t seem to care or notice. 
The intern was in the cafeteria, having her weekly catch up with Gemma, so much had in fact happened since their last one that it seemed hard to believe. When Gemma saw Shila, her mouth dropped open.
The massive bust barely held in by the snow leopard blouse, the flashy platinum in her bangs and at the end of her pigtails, the glossy pink coating on the juicy lips, the flashy makeup, the long nails… She barely recognized her until Shila, still not entirely used to high heels or longer legs, stumbled into a waiter and almost fell face first.
“And that’s the tale!” Shila chuckled and fluttered her eyelashes. “What do you think? Do I look hot as hell or what?”
Gemma was rolling a cookie around the plate as she looked at her friend.
It was still Shila in essence, but a Shila mixed with something else… which only made sense if her story was true. Gemma couldn’t deny it, she also couldn’t deny that the new style fit Shila fantastically, but it annoyed her to have become the shorter of the two.
“Yeah, well-rounded,” she answered. “Also… Sorta gaudy, in a good way… I think…”
Shila burst into laughter.
“Oh, you don’t say! Big, rounded and… Uh, what does gaudy mean?”
Gemma frowned.
“Are you serious? That’s a joke, isn’t it?”
Shila shrugged.
“Of course, totes a joke,” she took a sip from her peach tea.
“Then,” Gemma looked around as if she expected to see a ghost, which made her feel silly. “Is your… vagina, around now? I mean, her banshee? Your banshee?”
“No, not right now, I took a shower before leaving, that’s why I was a bit late, sorry, and, well, Dulcinea gets super into it with a bit of teasing, I had to do some fingering, you can figure it out.”
“Sure… I can figure… Dulcinea?”
“Ah, one of my pussy’s names, like actual names, from when she wasn’t in my panties? She pretends to hate it when I use it, but I can tell you it turns her on, really on!”
Gemma took a bite of her cookie.
“I see,” she mumbled after munching.
“But we aren’t here to talk about me all day!”
Shila’s friend snorted, raising an eyebrow.
“Aren’t we?”
“No!” the bimbo smirked, pushing her bust forwards she put both of her hands on top of one of Gemma’s. “Gemma, I want you to meet a somepussy that is very dear to me!” 
Gemma gulped.
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solar-nightengale · 5 months ago
Originally this was going into the tags, but I started typing it out into a doc instead cause I didn’t want to miss a THING and, well, here we are JHGFKC It got really long woops!! I would like to formally apologise beforehand for the mess I’m about to hand to you guys uhhhhh!!
ANYWAY!!!! HI!!! I meant to get to this days ago but I kept putting it off cause I couldn’t quite figure my thoughts out! I STILL am not 100% sure on what this’ll be so uhhhhh!!!! Lets find out LOL
(I'm putting this all under a read more cause it's a bloody monster ><;;;;)
GOSH though you opened a major can of worms there, Libby!! A brilliant one at that!!! AND SERENA YOU AS WELL BUT WE’LL GET THERE
Cause you’re absolutely right though, their foolishness is passed on generation by generation so to speak. I know I said this about one other character here (and we will get there) but it’s created this little sorta cycle in a sense. And Serena’s right they acted out of love and that’s such an incredibly human thing to do!! And like!!! I find it kinda fascinating!!
Cause in AUGUST’s case you could say he was going by example led by his father; the only example he had of any parental figure at all before he was thrust into an unknown world on his own with nothing but an infant in arms, at the age of seven and stuck there for 28 more years. He had no other examples in his life except what he had around him, his survival instincts and the little lessons papa dearest may have taught him. His first immediate choices were “keep himself alive to live another day so he could see his father again no matter the cost.”
It makes you wonder if he didn’t regret his actions at all 🤔 This is a man with never-ending guilt on his shoulders that regrets his mistakes but despite that fact, his actions against Tamara are never brought up again. Yes, she conned him; yes, no harm was actually done, but he didn’t find that out until moments before his death! I refuse to believe that didn’t weigh heavily on his mind (Pretends I don’t have MIM on my mind as I think about all of this, yes, Geppetto’s actions and their consequences included SHHHHH!!!)
I don’t really know where I’m actually going with this JHSKUDOIRCTXVG LIKE I DON’T REALLY KNOW WHAT MORE TO SAY OUTSIDE OF WHAT YOU’VE PUT cause you’re RIGHT!!!
In GEPPETTO’s case though there was the option of letting his child die or keeping one family together
ON THE ONE HAND: I feel like maybe either he or the fairy (inhales) could have been honest to Snow and Charming about the matter and honestly I cannot help but wonder what it was that made them. Not. Do That.
This is always in the back of my head honestly!! It’s reallly curious! Here we have the paragons of good but Not only is this fairy that’s hellbent on the concept of pure of heart and being a good freaking person (an ideal she’s placed on one specific boy… I’ll get to her someday too oh don’t worry there’s no character out there that I think about more outside of Pinocchio/August compared to her JBHKJDSGLCI) BUT HERE SHE IS!!!! lying to their faces after being requested by the woodcarver who wouldn’t budge on the matter either. It makes me wonder what happened there!! Like would they have stopped them? Would they have looked at a father desperate to not watch his very magically born son die and go “lol too bad we’re family and we got to stick together for the sake of the world. Sorry hun no hard feelings <3” SORRY THAT WAS A TOTAL DERAIL BUT THAT THOUGHT JUST HIT ME AGAIN AND I’M……….. thinking about it now………
BUT THEN LOOKING AT IT FROM THE KID’S PERSPECTIVE IT GETS EVEN MORE INTERESTING!! Because on the one hand: it’s a father trying to save his child BUT ON THE OTHER,IT’S AT THE EXPENSE of putting a HEAVY burden on the boy and telling him to look after a literal infant! That’s something no child should have to deal with ever!! He was just a boy of seven!!!! It was a selfish as hell choice but it was done out of love and AUGH melting into the floor thinking about all of this they all kill me ><;;;;
And like!!! I agree with Serena!! The cricket absolutely shouldn’t be left out of this travesty either JSHKDGVCL
I’ve said this in a convo already but I don’t think he was infected or dumb from the start. ….Well maybe the latter BJHDGFKVLCURIOR but only in the sense that he literally had two conmen as his parents and lived with them until his what? Late 30’s? Longer? That in and of itself would have an effect on his mindset and what he believes to be right or wrong. He became Geppetto’s conscience with the snap of a finger and maybe never had any other actual social contact with the world! ALSO!!!!! BEARING IN MIND!!! He went to RUMPLE for help on trying to escape his parents who then gave him the potion. That was a conscious choice he made!! Maybe he didn’t know what the potion would do itself (I swear I remember him asking but getting a vague “LOL don’t worry about it! That’s not your problem anymore!”) But he still chose to speak to a man that was not exactly considered the greatest good around there for a means of escape!!
Not to mention I wouldn’t be surprised if he struggled with what is right, wrong; normal and abnormal in general!
He might have broken his generational cycle ultimately, but in the end he’d have to unlearn some crap too I’m sure! BUT ALSO YEAH I see your point too on the count that he had been trying to stop Geppetto from taking this action!
Gosh this family is such a wonderful mess though omlllll I love them to pieces 💖💖💖💖
No but can we talk about August's family tree for a second? Can we talk about the shared fuck ups that get passed down through the generations?
Because Stephen and Donna were conned, yes, and that helps to showcase just how gullible they were. But I think something that's even more important to point out is that the decision they made was selfish. And what I mean by that is...they genuinely thought that Martin, Myrna and Jiminy would be at a very high risk of dying from a plague if they traded the elf tonic with them. They were willing to risk someone else's life in order to guarantee the safety of their own family. They panicked and then they made a poor decision and sacrificed everything, including other people, in order to protect their son. And, instead, their actions made him an orphan.
Then you have Geppetto, who managed to convince himself that, if Pinocchio had been hit by the dark curse, he would have been turned back into a (probably inanimate) puppet again. He panicked and he made a selfish decision in order to guarantee the safety of his son. And, instead, his actions meant that August grew up without a father for 28 years.
And then you have August who, pre-Storybrooke, doesn't really have a family to look after. He has no-one in his life to call his 'family' and so the only person he needs to look out for is himself. So, when he steals money from Tamara, that's exactly what he's doing. And, just like his grandparents, Tamara IS conning August. But, also like Stephen and Donna, August doesn't KNOW that he's being conned at the time and, as far as August is aware, he's stealing money from a woman that would probably die without that money. He panicked, he made a selfish decision and he ultimately suffered the consequences for it.
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