#and i would love to see a few of them in the grove trying to figure what they do now and how they adapt
edmunderson · 1 year
Anyone know what happens to the mordrem after mordremoth McFuckin Dies? Like, do they regain control of themselves? Are they welcomed back by the sylvari? Do they get wiped out?? Idk if i missed something or if i'm forgetting but they don't get mentioned again after heart of thorns
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dumbofass-homo · 2 months
I've been thinking about how Halsin is always the caretaker.
He takes care of nature, but that's obvious. He takes care of a bunch of orphaned kids in the endgame. He took care of the grove, healed people, took in refugees. He cares about Tav (even if he is not Tav's partner) and the rest of the weirdos in the party. He cares.
It's so easy to forget that he is also a person that needs caring for. He is large and always has his emotions under control, so people tend to brush off his needs, sometimes subconsciously. And he is used to it, living for as long as he has.
It even shows in the fanart and fanfics - he is almost always the one to offer support and encouragement, emotional or otherwise. In the smutty works, he is almost exclusively the top, caring for his partners'pleasure.
I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this or what I'm trying to say, but I think he would just melt if his partners and/or companions would slowly start taking things off his shoulders.
The children want bedtime stories? Astarion will do you one better. He will act out the heroic victory over a certain vampire with so much flare he will be the talk of the settlement for days to come. He most certainly didn't do that to get the kids off Halsin's bear back and most definitely doesn't enjoy his new fans.
Lae'zel isn't affectionate, no, not at all. It's just that when she sees how dull his blades are, it infuriates her. Definitely. So she takes them, along with his armor and polishes everything to perfection, just like she would her own. The githyanki cannot allow their metal to be in less than perfect condition, you see.
New refugees came to the settlement and Tav gets them settled, shows them the place they've built and makes sure they know they're safe. The newcomers are a little baffled that one of the saviors of Baldur's gate is so normal, and it gives them reassurance. Tav wants to make sure not everyone needs to look to Halsin for the smallest things.
In the midst of the shadow curse, despite their animosity, Shadowheart infuses several items around camp with light. She knows he must miss the sun.
In Rivington, Gale scouts for ingredients for a certain cake. He can't find what he's looking for, the settlement is very short on sweets. But with his little eye (and a bit of magic) he finds a honey bee hive. A few blisters and agry bees later - a small honeycake is done, served with tea. Gale didn't want to make assumptions but Tav had told him their favorite bear loves honey.
On a particularly dreadful night, Wyll invites Alfira to play them a few tunes. He goes from person to person and gets them to their feet to do a little dance. Halsin is sure he has two left feet so he is reluctant to try - but everyone cheers and encourages him so he does, peer pressure be damned. He steps on Wyll's feet and has no idea how to move his body in sync, but Wyll isn't phased by it. He moves and twirls him around and Halsin is sure that looks absolutely ridiculous - but he is having fun, for the first time in a long time.
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galacticgraffiti · 1 year
⋆☾⋆ Big Love Ahead ⋆☽⋆
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!!! NSFW ⋆ 18+ ⋆ Minors DNI !!!
Summary: Halsin rescues you after you get hurt in a fight, and you get to spend some time with him during the spring and summer months as he nurses you back to health. And maybe, you start to wonder what it would be like if his hands touched you for different reasons than just to heal you…
Rating: Mature/Explicit (for horny nudity not smut) Wordcount: 4.5k Descriptors: The first two chapters are fairly genderneutral. Reader's physique is not really described aside from being quite a bit shorter and smaller than Halsin. CW: Fluff, softness, (physical) hurt/comfort, being nursed back to health by Halsin, pet names, this is achingly sweet, flirting, banter, oblivious pining, rated explicit for the eventual smut in chapters to come
✦⋆ Main Masterlist ⋆✦⋆ If you prefer AO3 ⋆✦
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Chapter 1: The Druid
He is the one who finds you.
Heavy footsteps make the earth vibrate beneath you, then soft fur presses against your bloodied cheek. You let it happen only because you can’t escape. It’s a miracle you’re still alive, if you are honest with yourself, and you are quite sure this is just a dream.
Surely, it must be a dream, right? To be lifted, not by paws but big, strong hands, to be carried out of that violent grove that nearly became your grave. To be placed upon the softest thing you have ever felt, and to see skin turn into fur once more as he lays beside you. Surely, a dream.
You close your eyes, and you drift off.
When you wake up, you are disoriented beyond all hells, and alone.
Your entire body aches, but when you look down, you see that all your wounds have been mended and wrapped in neat bandages. Some of them smell of forest and herbs, others of things you have no words for describing.
Sitting up makes your head spin, so you decide to close your eyes again. Just… for a moment.
It’s night when you wake up, though once you think about it, you are not sure how you know. Was it this dark the last time you woke up? You think there was some light - you saw the bandages, you could see the shape of your body beneath the sheets… But now, there is just darkness, so black it scares you, heavy like a blanket made from a thousand deaths.
Your heart starts to race, and you feel yourself breaking out in sweats as you think about your lost friends - all of them laying bloodied and broken on the battlefield like dolls, with slit throats and arrows in their hearts.
You groan in pain when you sit up, and the edges of your vision start to blur.
“Careful, now.”
The voice startles you. It comes from the opposite end of whatever room you are in, too far away for you to reach out and touch, and even with all your squinting, you can’t see anyone. Your fingers grip the sheets tightly.
“Who are you? Why did you bring me here?” Your voice is scratchy and raw, and your throat burns from the dryness. You cough, doubling over as you try to inhale some air to fill your desperate lungs.
“Shh, don’t die on me now, little flower.” 
The voice is much closer now, and out of habit, your hand slides down your thigh to where you usually keep your knife. It’s not there - of course it’s not, you are not wearing anything more than you’d need to guarantee the smallest amount of decency.
Panic rises in your chest, a sour taste coating your tongue.
“Who are you?” You repeat, out of breath from those few words.
“I saved you.” A flame is lit only a few feet away from you, and your eyes hurt from the sudden light. You squint, trying to get used to it. All you can see is the faint silhouette of a… man. A broad-backed man, taller than you have ever seen, with long hair and a gentle face. Pointed ears peek out from beneath soft curls, and you stare at him. 
An elf? With this… frame? Who the hells is this guy?
He looks at you calmly, patiently waiting for your reaction.
“Saved me?” The question makes you cough again. A hand appears in front of your face, offering you a waterskin. You accept it without much hesitation - what choice do you have? If he wanted to kill you, he would have done it by now.
The water hurts as much as it helps - cool and fresh as it runs down your dry throat. You take a few careful sips and damn near end up coughing your lungs out again. The hand takes the water away from you gently.
“That’s enough for now. Slow down, or you’ll make yourself sick.” His voice speaks more of concern than command. You let go, pressing back into your little corner.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you say finally. “Who are you?”
The man steps back into the shadows, his back turned to you. He is scarred and marked in ways only people from the wilds ever are, and that calms you a little. He is not a soldier.
“Rest for now,” he says. “We will talk when you wake again.”
You want to object, but large, warm hands press you down into your soft bedding again and pull the blanket up over your shoulders. Your eyes flutter closed - you are tired, so tired still. Distantly, you wonder how much time has passed since the grove.
“Wait,” you whisper, your hand finding his larger one in the dark. Your fingers curl weakly.
“What is it? Something you need?” Once again, his only feeling seems to be concern.
You slowly shake your head and regret the motion immediately when you taste blood on your tongue.
“No, I don’t- just… thank you.”
He stills in your weak grasp. Moments pass, then finally, his voice comes again, sounding oddly sad.
“You are welcome, little one.”
You find a rhythm after that, sleeping and waking. Sometimes he’s around, sometimes he is not. You realise that the supposed room you are in is little more than a cave decked out in some essentials.
After a few days, you finally learn his name: Halsin.
Halsin looks after you, and you don’t question why. He does not talk much, but the look on his face never makes you doubt that the only thing he wants is for you to get better.
You drink more water, and after a few days, Halsin finally allows you to eat: Stew, not much, fed to you by his large hand holding a spoon that seems much too small for him.
When the food stays down, Halsin allows you to eat more and more, and you get some of your strength back. Your body still hurts, but all your bones seem to be in the right place - though some are definitely still broken, as you discover when you try to lay on your side.
Some days after you first remember waking up, you manage to sit up all by yourself and your fingers can hold the spoon for the first time. Halsin watches you carefully, whittling away as you eat a bowl of stew. And another. And another.
“Someone was hungry,” he smiles.
“Hungry as a bear,” you grin. He furrows his brow. You swear his eyes seem golden, but it’s probably just the light of the fire. He stares into the darkness for a moment, then puts his knife to the side. Before you can ask him what is wrong, he is gone.
Halsin returns the next day, back to his usual self. You wouldn’t quite call it ‘chipper’, but none of the worry that graced his features yesterday seems to remain. You decide it is wisest not to ask about it. If there is something you need to talk about, he will tell you in time.
When Halsin tucks you into bed that night as has become his habit, you notice - not for the first time - how good he smells: Of fresh grass and summer rain, of wood and smoked leather. You become acutely aware that you yourself have not had a bath in quite some time.
“Halsin?” You bite your tongue, feeling awkward about asking.
“What is it?”
“Do you… well. I think I should take a bath.”
Halsin cocks his head. You can see the cogs in his head turning, behind his soft, round features. He crosses his arms, and your heart flutters at the sheer swell of his biceps. You shake your head to shoo the unwelcome thought away.
“Well. there is a stream close to the cave…” he says slowly.
You nod excitedly.
“Perfect! I can-”
“You are still very injured, little flower,” he interrupts you - not rudely, but firmly. “You can barely stand up, let alone walk all the way there. The stream is dangerous, and I do not want you injuring yourself-”
“Carry me, then,” you propose hastily, more in jest than anything else. A small smile tugs on the corners of Halsin’s eyes.
“You can’t stand on your own either, and only one of your arms has healed enough for you to wash yourself.” He quirks a brow. “Have you got a solution for that too, little one?”
“You can wash me,” you suggest, this time fully certain he will recognise the joke.
Halsin chuckles to himself and shakes his head.
“All that effort- for what? Your wounds are clean, and you are getting better every day. Have I not taken care of you? Is there something I missed? If you tell me-”
“You smell good,” you say before you can think about your words. Halsin’s eyes widen by the smallest fraction, but he stays quiet, so you drone on. “You smell like forest and fresh pine, and meanwhile, I have been wasting away in this cave for weeks now. I want to… I don’t know. I want to feel like less of a burden, I suppose. I want to feel like myself again.”
“Oh.” Halsin takes your hand, very gently, like a doctor calming his patient. It still makes your heart race. “You are not a burden. Taking care of you has been my privilege.”
“You’re sweet,” you whisper. Halsin lets go of you.
“Do you… do you think a bath would help you feel better?” he asks, his voice serious. “I know I don’t provide much entertainment-”
“I like it when you are around,” you admit quietly. “I like watching you whittle. Your presence calms me.”
At that, Halsin lets out a roaring laugh that takes you totally by surprise - so much so that you simply fall into laughing with him. You cannot grasp what he could be laughing about, but seeing him so happy - knowing you are the one who made him laugh - it makes your heart stumble.
“Fine,” Halsin says when he can breathe again. “Alright, little one, if a bath is what you want, a bath is what you shall get.”
When he returns the next day, for the first time, you notice that you have no idea where he sleeps. He laughs the questions off as he looks over your various wounds and ailments.
These inspections have become a ritual that both excites and frightens you: It excites you because it means Halsin’s big hands on your body, stroking, nearly caressing, touching (almost) every inch of you. It frightens you because you are scared he will notice how much you like it. And it scares you to think that one day, there might not be anything for him to look at - and when your wounds are healed, where will you go?
 You scoot to the front of your makeshift bed when Halsin asks you to, dangling your feet over the edge. When he kneels between your thighs to examine a particularly deep cut in your upper thigh, it takes all your strength not to cup his jaw and ask him to kiss you.
You daydream yourself away - dream of the way his hands look on you, of the way the light bounces off his irises and makes it seem like they are glowing. You dream of his lips and how soft they might be against yours, and you try to remember that feeling when he first found you - the softness of fur - might it have been his hair?
“Alright,” Halsin declares, interrupting your yearning thoughts. 
“Alright?” you ask, looking down at him. He stands, suddenly towering over you. You swallow thickly.
“I think… it’s time for my little patient to have a bath.” He smiles and offers you his hand. You feel like you have been punched in the stomach when he calls you his patient. Is that all you are to him? Just some… girl he needs to heal? Someone he found and took responsibility for? Still, you take his hand and slide off the bed.
Your legs give in nearly the second they touch the ground, but Halsin’s strong arms are there to catch you. He lifts you like you weigh no more than a feather. His arms feel familiar, and comfortable, and like you could fall asleep in them forever and ever. You sigh happily and snuggle against his broad chest.
When you realise what you are doing, your eyes snap open, terrified of your own actions.
“Sorry,” you mumble, your cheeks aflame with embarrassment. Halsin’s chest shakes against you.
“No need to apologise. I am happy you feel comfortable in my presence.”
“Mhhm.” You try to hide your face as best you can, lest he recognise the emotions that must be showing.
Halsin carries you carefully, stopping as you get closer to the light near the entrance of the cave.
“Close your eyes, little one. You haven’t been outside in quite a while, and the sun is bright today.”
You follow his instructions, pressing your eyes shut. The air smells fresh and sweet when he steps out of the cave, and the rays of sun that dance on your face warm you from the inside out. You blink carefully, lids still half closed as you take in your surroundings: The formation of rocks that makes up your cave, the meadow below you, the quiet gurgle of a stream behind a grove of trees.
“Oh.” The noise is barely more than a breath that escapes you, but when you look up at Halsin, a bright smile illuminates his features.
“Beautiful, is it not?”
“Yes!” you nod your head enthusiastically, too distracted by the beauty around you to notice the way Halsin’s eyes linger on your face.
“I am glad you think so.” His arms tighten around you for a moment as he adjusts his stance. “Are you feeling alright? The place I had in mind is not far.”
“I am wonderful,” you assure him, closing your eyes as you bask in the sun. You never noticed how much you missed all of this until now. Halsin’s company is the best you could imagine, but the cave gets lonely from time to time. You like being outside, hearing the birds sing again, watching the clouds that sail through the sky above.
“Right then,” Halsin nods. “Onwards we go.”
It really is not a long walk - it barely takes a minute. The quiet corner of the river is tucked between two bends, next to a big weeping willow. It’s warm outside, much warmer than you expected, and you dare to hope the water might not be ice cold.
Halsin stops right next to a small pool of water, set apart from the rest of the river by a few stones, carefully placed - much too neat to be a natural occurrence.
“I made a bath for you,” he says, sounding quite pleased with himself. “I knew you could never withstand the current, not in the shape you are in, and…”
You look up at him, awed by his care and affection.
“Thank you,” you whisper. Halsin smiles quietly.
“Whatever I can do to help, it’s my pleasure.” He points at the pool with his chin. “Do you think this will suffice?”
“Oh, it will more than suffice,” you nod, practically vibrating with excitement. Finally, after all this time, a bath. Feeling clean again. 
Halsin seems to consider something, his brow furrowed with concern.
“I did not think about… where to put you down.”
You look at him in confusion and he shrugs, your weight not even slowing his shoulders in the movement. Your heart leaps.
“I mean,” Halsin explains, averting his eyes from yours tactfully, “that you will have to undress before you get in. Now, as you may have noticed, I enjoy nature in all of her forms, but I know not everyone is so… inclined.”
You swear you see a blush creep into his cheeks. His eyes flashing golden in the sunlight. Your heart flutters when you finally understand what he is trying to tell you.
“Oh!” you exclaim then, wiggling in his arms. This could not go better if you had planned it. You didn’t even think of this when you asked for a bath, but oh dear, did fate give you a good hand today. “I don’t mind if you stay, Halsin.”
“I want to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.” He sounds almost like he is trying to convince himself. “I made that pool of water quite deep so you could sit in it, though it is shallow enough the sun should have warmed it up a bit…”
“I would jump into the ice seas if only it meant a chance for a bath,” you chuckle. You tug at Halsin’s arm. “Put me down, please.”
He sets you down on the ground so gently as if you could break. You find your footing after a moment, holding on to his big arm until your head stops spinning, waving him off when he bends down to look at you with concerned eyes.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Promise.”
Halsin stares at you, but he doesn’t drag you back to the cave, so you take that as a sign of faith. You take a deep breath and start peeling out of the few layers of fabric you have on you. Reaching for your bandages, you hesitate.
“Should I leave those on?” you ask. Halsin’s eyes snap up to yours, and you nearly giggle at the look on his face. He has the expression of a bear caught with his paw in the honeypot.
“Oh… no,” he answers finally. “You can take those off, I’ll put fresh ones on after your bath.”
“Mhhm. You take such good care of me.”
You start peeling the bandages from your maltreated body, dedicating all your energy to staying upright. Halsin’s eyes never leave you, roaming up and down your naked body, but you are far too focused on the task at hand to notice.
This is the longest you have been on your legs in weeks, and your thighs are already starting to burn. Quickly, you finish unwrapping yourself. Before you can figure out a plan of how to best get into the water, strong hands slip beneath your arms and lift you up.
You squeal with joy as Halsin slowly lowers you down into the water.
It’s warmer than you expect, yet still cold as all hells. Goosebumps rise on your body and you shiver. Halsin stops moving, you, halfway submerged, hanging limp in his arms.
“Are you alright?”
Your teeth are not exactly chattering, but it takes some effort to keep it that way.
“‘M fine,” you say. “It’s just… a b-bit cold. But I’m okay. You know, I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d take the ice seas earlier.”
Laughter rumbles from Halsin’s chest like thunder. It makes you smile. He laughs so much more now than he used to.
“Fine. I’ll- just give me a moment.”
You are gently placed down in the pool, cold water up to your neck. Halsin makes a dissatisfied sound.
“Seems I overestimated your size, little flower.”
“Not hard to do when you’re this big,” you mumble, turning around to look up at him, gesturing at his silhouette that stands out against the sun- and stop. 
Your jaw nearly hangs open when you are faced with a nearly naked Halsin. You blink and shake your head, ready to believe that the cold may be causing hallucinations. Maybe you never woke up from your sickbed - maybe this is a dream. Maybe you died on the battlefield and this is Celestia.
Halsin sheds the last layers of clothing covering himself, and it’s all you can do not to say fuck me quite loudly. You bite your lip, but before you can even process the situation, Halsin has slipped into the self-made pool with you.
The water seems to heat up the second he is in there with you, his body so close to yours you could barely fit a leaf between the two of you. His eyes are bright gold in the sunshine, and he takes a deep breath, his chest expanding.
You stare and stare and hope you are not being all too obvious about it. Carefully, you take a step back only to slip on the muddy ground.
Halsin catches you easily, your body pressed against his, and you think that the water might start to boil any second now.
“Thanks,” you murmur, straightening up. His hand lets go of you as he takes a step back himself - the furthest he can go, even though there is stll barely space between you.
“Are you warm enough now?” he rumbles, sounding amused. There is a note of something else in his voice - a strain; not impatience, but something close to it. You press your hands to your sides awkwardly.
“Yeah… yeah, this is better. Thank-”
“No need to thank me.” Halsin interrupts you, abruptly turning around, away from you. The water that is up to your neck barely reaches halfway up his back. “I shall stay here so you don’t get sick on top of all your other injuries. Take all the time you need.”
You wish the water wasn’t so clear that you can see every detail of his backside. You wish his hair was not so soft, shining in the sun. You wish you could not see the muscles of his back ripple when he shifts, and that his shoulders would not look so perfectly round and juicy it makes your mouth water. You wish it was not so hard to avert your eyes.
A golden glitter in the water catches your eye. It travels up Halsin’s calf, his thigh. He shakes his head like he is swatting away flies, and the spark in the water fades.
What the hells was that?
You frown; but the water is winning you over. Your legs already hurt from standing, though the water makes the weight more bearable, and as much as you wish to stay here forever, tucked closely into your little corner of the world, feeling Halsin’s body next to yours, you have to admit you are feeling a little tired.
So, you get to work, scrubbing yourself down, dunking your head into the water and trying to extrapolate the filth from your hair. You are fairly certain Halsin must have at least wiped you down with a washcloth after rescuing you, since your body is not still covered entirely in guts and blood and dirt, but you have not had a proper bath in so long.
You sigh quietly as you wash your hair, your shoulders, your thighs, scrubbing and scrubbing until you feel raw in the best way. One of your arms hangs uselessly by your side, the bone on the mend but not healed, and soon, your other arm burns with exhaustion.
Halsin has not turned around to face you, though from his relaxed stance you are guessing he is probably basking in the sun with his eyes closed. You try and push through the pain and exhaustion, but eventually, you have to admit defeat.
“Halsin?” You tap his shoulder blade. A flash of light appears in the water, gone as soon as it came. His neck turns slightly.
“Can you… help me?” you ask shyly. Finally, he turns around, his expression soft and controlled.
“What do you need help with, my angel?”
You shiver at the gravel in his voice, at the way he looks at you - with eyes burning, though you don’t dare to hope it may be desire. Maybe he is just getting impatient.
“I can’t reach,” you explain and point to your back. “Not with this arm, and-”
Large hands roam across your body, careful to avoid all the sore spots and healing wounds.
“Of course,” he grumbles. “Turn around.”
You blink up at him, then carefully spin around - you have learned your lesson from last time - holding onto the edge of the pool.
Halsin’s fingers are rough, but not in an uncomfortable way. His palms are soft when he slowly rubs small circles into your back, washing away dirt and grime, showering you in his attention and his care. You catch the golden sparkle in the water again, but when you twist to see, it is already gone again. It must be the sun.
You close your eyes and let yourself sink into the feeling of Halsin so close to you.
Something tightens in your belly at the way he touches you - the gentleness his large hands are capable of more than you can handle. The way his hands could so easily wrap around your waist makes your heart stumble.
Halsin’s hands glide up your back easily, up to your hairline, roaming across your shoulder blades, and back down, stopping just shy of the small of your back. A quiet moan escapes from your throat at the touch, and you stiffen. Halsin carries on as if nothing has happened.
Fine. If he can ignore it, then so can you.
You are fairly certain that you are clean at this point, but Halsin is not stopping on his own, and who would you be to tell him to stop? You close your eyes and relax into his touch, into the soft pads of his fingers that dig into your shoulders in just the right way, the warmth of his body that you can feel even through the water.
“Good,” he mumbles eventually, his hands vanishing from your back.. “I know you must be tired. Are you satisfied?”
With you? Never, you want to say. What comes out instead is a vague,
Halsin chuckles quietly.
“Oh, you are exhausted, my love. Come on, I will take you to bed.”
Your eyes are falling shut when he heaves himself out of the water, and you can’t even open your mouth to make a silly joke about being taken to bed by him. You could slap yourself for not being able to keep your eyes open - oh, to see him one more time, to take him in in all his glory in the fading light of the day. 
Halsin lifts you out of the water easily. A shiver runs through him that makes you crack your eyes open. His irises glow golden in the sinking sun, and you smile at the sight. He smiles back at you, wrapping you in cloth, and carries you back to your cave, and back to your bed.
You are half-asleep when your head hits the pillow, so you can’t even blame yourself when your voice asks sleepily:
“Will you stay here with me tonight?”
Halsin gently pulls his hand from your grasp.
“Not tonight, my angel,” he murmurs, stroking your cheek so softly you wonder if you imagined it. “But I’ll be right outside should you need me.”
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Hello my darlings! I have been consumed whole by BG3 and the big bear man, so I hope you enjoy! (Lmk if you want to not be tagged in this little series, I'm just going to tag my usuals)
@cyarbika @deewithani @ficsbynight @kote-wan @ariadnes-red-thread @rescuethewretched @twistedstitcher27 @kakashibabe02 @writingbylee @purgetrooperfox @basilbumble @witchklng @lackofhonor @ashotofspotchka @sailor-blossom @misogirl828 @amyroswell @darkjedipoptarts @pinkiemme @sleepingsun501 @fett-djarin @samanthacookieone @tortor-mcgee @corrabell @queen--kenobi @elegantduckturtle @felinaone @palpipeen @wild-karrde @obeydontstray @obeydontstray @nomercyforthewarrior @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @thefact0rygirl @everythingyouwanted @equalityforcats @cagrame @ladykatakuri @snakerune @shadesofshatteredblue @100lxtters @damerondala @tachyon-girl @rintheemolion @pickleprickle @mando-amando @certified-anakinfucker @baba-fett @ulchabhangorm
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adonis-koo · 10 months
of bones and gods
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Summary: in an act of keeping war from breaking, the Prince of Penumbra, Jeon Jungkook must journey to Eunoia to wed their Princess, in one final act of mourning his freedom the night before his wedding, he runs into the Queen of Eunoia
Genre: arranged marriage, enemies to lovers
Word count: 3k
Note: this is a lil drabble based it’s main story Wicked you can read this as a stand-alone though!
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Jungkook had been dreading this day for as long as the news had permitted in the air, the day he would have to leave the comforts of his homeland and accept that he was soon to be shackled and forced into marriage with a woman he would never love.
The grip on his reigns were deathly tight, his knuckles white and an icy rage in his eyes that had never quite left since two years ago when his father announced that he would be wed to the princess of Eunoia, and a rite of peace would be settled to cease the five year war.
He had many thoughts about the war, he was relieved, happy even to hear that it would finally end, but at the expense of his own freedom and happiness left him mixed inside.
And then the rage, the hopelessness, the depression that the woman he loved would have to be subjected to his new wife.
It wasn’t fair to have this much resentment for someone he had never met, but he didn’t care, this woman was nothing short but the ire of all his problems.
The hoofs of his horse plotted on the ground in the sound of a drum, five hundred echoing not too far behind as precautionary measures of Eunoia would try anything.
Not that they would, Jungkook personally thought it was a bit much, they were pacifists by nature, not even participating in the five year war despite the other nations putting pressure on them. It was the reason his father had chosen them out of everyone.
“I will be glad when this headache is put too rest,” his father finally commented, having rode beside him the last few hours in silence, “We won’t be staying after the ceremony, there’s much too do in the kingdom once we get home.”
Jungkook said nothing, his anger still very much awake and burning.
His father glanced at him, “Come now, don’t be so sour, she’s pretty. And not nearly the headache Seohyun was. You couldn’t ask for a better wife.”
“Is this supposed to make me feel better?” Jungkook hissed out, finally releasing his reigns to peel off his outer jacket.
Despite being early spring, he had taken note for the weather changes during their travels, in Penumbra, frost would still be on the ground. But here so close to Eunoia, it was warm out, buds were already on the tree’s and he could even spot wild flowers in groves of the valley.
And though he despised his soon to be wife and her people and this I sufferable wedding, Jungkook could not deny the peace he felt being on Eunoia’s grounds, he had never been here before, but he could see why it was called the Capitol of the Sun.
“Perhaps some gratitude that it could be worse is suitable.” His father commented, “I know you’ve despised this match from the beginning, and I don’t expect you to make a genuine attempt to make things work,” his fathers gaze darkened, “But I do expect you to uphold our family name, and above all else.”
“Protect the family,” Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“And soon, she will be one of us, whether you like it or not.” His father trotted ahead, sending a knight towards the soldiers behind to set up camp on the outskirts of the city.
Jungkook glared at his back but the loud noise of a horn took his gaze elsewhere, his eyes widening a little at the tall oak tree’s that lead into a forest. They would be arriving at the entrance of the capitol soon.
Jungkook slowly glanced around as he noticed people hidden in the groves and sloped hills slowly emerge.
Field workers, he thought, nothing short of curious as they all glanced at the passing of him.
Jungkook briefly wondered if he was in a dream though, women of all kinds, beautiful, some short others tall, thin or thick, freckles and darker warm skin, hair of bronze or birch, all in gowns short and skin on display.
Harlots. They’d probably be called in any other nation, he had heard of Eunoia’s primal customs, their way of life being looked down upon or considered indecent.
But here in Eunoia, these women were simply workers.
Baskets in hand filled with fruits, wheat or other foraged goods.
“Seems you’ve the pick of the lot for one last night of freedom.” Jeong Dae clearly noticed as well as he gave Jungkook a pat on the shoulder.
Jungkook only gave him a sullied look.
The only woman he wanted was the one he had to leave back in Penumbra.
The forest eventually opened into the field where the capitol was displayed, the sun shining it’s heavens upon its white cobble stone streets, vines growing off every house and flowers emerging from the place it could.
Jungkook couldn’t help but gawk around, his eyes intrigued with every inch they closed in on the castle, he knew it was a new land, but he had never been away from home, not truly, not unless it was to destroy another’s.
He never had the luxury of actually taking in another lands beauty before. And it was nothing like Penumbra, color flourished in every spot his vision could find, ivory that could never survive Penumbra’s cold climbed off every surface.
Stalls of trade had been set up and fountains poured where those gathered for water.
His brows furrowed as he watched a group of young girls play with long pieces of chiffon, some sort of dancing game as they waved the fabric in the air while singing.
Then his gaze set to two young boys, doing a dance of their own, this kind having to do with balancing on their hands, but they continue to fall over.
And eventually Jungkook’s eyes settled on the olden steps of the castle that lead to the courtyard, and upon entering it was just as angelic as the rest of its lands.
Vines bushes out hanging off parts of the upper rails, a large pond circled up ahead and the worn stone decorated the floors of the courtyard only adding to its beauty.
The man that stood behind it, his advisor behind him was the one Jungkook took note of.
Elisar stood calm, a face nothing short of welcoming as Jungkook and his father dismounted their horses.
“We welcome you to Eunoia, we’ve long since await this day and your arrival, there’s very few things left that need tending too.”
Dae Seong shook his hand firmly and Jungkook did as well next.
“We’ve all awaited this day, I’m ready for it to be done and over with truth be told, all this fuss just for a ceremony.” Dae Seong puffed.
Jungkook curiously watched for Elisar reaction, he knew his father rarely made friends.
Elisar only gave a small smile, “There is only but one day left to wait, thank the gods. Follow me please gentleman, I’ve made most arrangements in terms of the agreement for your access to the Noxtria mines, this should all be suitable but it would be best for you to read through it once more before signing.”
Jungkook briefly glanced around once more, light flowed in from every entrance and it felt like gold was spilling in bringing a certain warmth Jungkook didn’t think possible.
The guards ahead opened double doors as Elisar lead them in, “We of course, have plenty of time to discuss these matters later, aside, I’m honored for you to meet my wife Esme and my lovely daughter Y/n.”
Jungkook stood a little straighter, having known this moment would come whether he wanted it to or not.
‘She’s pretty’ his fathers words echoed in his head.
And here she was.
She was shorter then he anticipated her being, and it wasn’t his intention for his eyes to drop to her chest but her gown, truth be told was a risqué move even by Penumbra standards.
But seeing as her mother’s dress had a plunge in hers almost down to her mid stomach, this was very customary for Eunoian’s.
Still, her sleeves were flowing and long, leaves patterned on the sleeves, her shoulders exposed from the material and her neckline plunged dangerously low, a noticeable slit in the side of her dress, giving a small display of thigh if she shuffled.
She did that quite a bit.
His father wasn’t wrong, he begrudgingly thought.
She was very pretty.
Not just pretty, pretty was not a good description of it, it couldn’t describe the soul sucking beauty that radiated from her.
She had an ethereal kind of beauty, the kind that made it look as if her skin was glowing with light, flowers that could bud at her fingertips and eyes that burned with the fire of the sun, an otherworldly, primordial kind of beauty, the kind that men and gods would wage war over.
Jungkook couldn’t describe it.
In fact, lingering on trying to describe it made his lip almost twitch in annoyance.
Esme was graceful, a beautiful radiant smile on her lips as she spoke, “We welcome you to our home Eunoia! I’m sure the travel was long and taxing on you both, I do hope you enjoy our home, we look forward to the severed bonds of the past being repaired.”
It was silent only for a moment, but it was painfully loud as all eyes dropped to Y/n.
Too much fabric was in the way for Jungkook to really get a good look, but he thought for a brief moment he caught a glimpse of Esme twisting her daughters arm.
Who despite the raw energy her persona held, evidently was not nearly as well spoken nor graceful as her mother.
“It’s an honor to host for the royal family of Penumbra, I…” Her voice was a bit ragged, every word sounded like something was stuck in her throat, as if it was a genuine struggle to speak.
“look forward to our life together.” Y/n gritted her teeth, and Jungkook surely never heard a bigger lie in his life.
Her lips twitched as if resisting the urge to scowl as her eyes finally met his, as if left with no other choice but to acknowledge his existence.
Jungkook had seen this look before, it was a look he had received by many in his travels of diplomatic matters.
It made him want to scoff, what right did this woman have to judge him? Beauty or not it didn’t hide the fiery rage that roared behind her eyes.
Justice, or a lack thereof screaming in her face and haughtiness of presumption was evident in the way she held herself, as if she already knew him without so much as hearing a word from him.
It grated on Jungkook’s nerves, he held out his hand, feeling his fathers expectated gaze on him.
‘She will be one of us soon, whether you like it or not’
Her hand was much smaller, but surprisingly he was met with calluses of her own and briefly he wondered what she did to gain them.
Her nails had evidently been cleaned but he could still spot smudges of dirt beneath them that had evaded careful eyes.
He wasn’t sure how though, seeing as she was watching him like a hawk, her gaze was unwavering, refusing to back down or shy away from him as his own locked onto her, pressing a kiss against her knuckle, “Jeon Jungkook, the pleasure is ours.”
It felt like an electric current coursing through his body before the connect was snapped, her hand yanking away from him as if it had been burned.
Y/n’s smile was sharp, nothing less than unwelcoming, “The feeling is mutual.” It was said almost as a sneer.
The Bitch of Eunoia, that’s what they called her, and Jungkook could very clearly see why.
His father said she’d be less of a headache than his old fiancé, but somehow…His eyes followed her figure as she gave a courtesy and was escorted by a knight out of the room along with her mother, his eyes following her figure as the doors closed behind them.
Somehow, he truly doubted that was going to be the case.
This woman would surely give him a headache of a lifetime.
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Jungkook sighed as he tipped the bottle of wine to his lips, groaning at how sickeningly sweet the Eunoian wine was.
It felt like a taste of heaven dripping on his lips, though he was did miss the sharper more dry taste of Penumbrian wine, tomorrow he would have to face his destiny and marry the bitch of Eunoia.
But tonight he would drink and mourn.
Glancing at his ceiling, it was high, beautiful sculpted of white speckled noxtria, it made him snort, how could Eunoia use the strongest rock and metal uncovered as decor?
It did make him curious about the castle though, sighing he stood up, a bit wobbly albeit but it was late into the night and he doubt anyone would give him grief.
Keeping the bottle in hand he decided to explore the castle, this was likely to be the only time he’d ever be in Eunoia, he might as well make it count.
Just as he assumed, with it being late at night and nobody gave him grief, the few servants still up gave deep bows and curtseys but made wide room for him.
He didn’t understand the looks of concern they gave but paid them no mind as he took another large drink from the bottle.
Rooms were lit with candles and glowed with colors and flora, beautifully sculpted and windows from floor to ceiling.
Some rooms even having windows on the ceiling, opening into the sky, he had never seen something like this before.
Through journeying around the castle he ended up on a lower level, the room was shaped in a dome and flora once again crawling from every surface and another room with a window on the ceiling, opening up into the moonlight where flowers slowly unfurled, at the center of the room was a large circle that opened into the ground and he recognized it was a white oak stump, the surface sanded as if crafted into a seat.
The curves of it however made it look odd, a top of it sat a crown- or something kin to it, a strong band- he realized was noxtria and a pair of buck antlers, large, thirteen points on each side.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
Jungkook jumped, clutching his bottle tighter as he whirled around, “Your Majesty…”
Esme only raised her brows a little, clearly amused at having caught the prince off guard, a smile on her face as he attempted to bow, “No need for that, wouldn’t want you to fall and be bruised for your wedding.”
Jungkook begrudgingly straightened, he wasn’t that drunk, “Why is her Majesty up so late?”
“Who isn’t up this late tonight?” Esme countered, slowly walking towards him, before brushing past him as she walked further, “Isn’t it beautiful though?” She asked but didn’t wait for an answer, “It was the crown my great grandmother Galadria wore for her coronation.”
She gestured upwards, Jungkook’s eyes lifted as he realized the large portraits that hung on the wall, the room was a dome shape and four hung halfway across the room.
His eyes wandered to each one, the most recent obviously Esme and Elisar, the portrait was regal, Esme clearly younger and wearing the crown, sitting upon the inner curve of the stump, and Elisar sitting on the actual seat. And then his eyes lifted to clearly her mother, and her mother before her.
All the way until the first portrait, Galadria, sitting alone, but her dress alone took up every space.
“Galadria hadn’t wed at the time until after she was queen. Still, there is something cathartic about her portrait,” Esme hummed in wonder, “I do hope you and Y/n will make a return within the year back to Eunoia to allow her to get her portrait done as well.”
Jungkook only leaned against the marble column, taking another gulp from his bottle as he said nothing in return, he wouldn’t make false promises, he had no intention of returning to this place so long as duty did not command it.
“My daughter…Y/n…I will warn you wicked Prince,” Esme slowly turned around, her dark eyes piercing him as she spoke, “She is not for the faint of heart. Her heart is tender and she has created walls of fire to protect it,”
She paused, taking a long look at him as if accessing him, “She will burn anyone who dares try to hurt her. So protect her.”
“Pardon?” Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, shaking his head as he took another drink.
Esme glanced at his bottle before back at him, “It is any mothers wish for her daughter to be safe, do not take this as a command or I a queen, but as a mother.”
“With all due respect, I am not for the faint of heart.” Jungkook lazily leaned against the column once more.
Esme puffed a breath, “I am not worried whether my daughter can handle you, I am certain she will, it is you I worry for,” she folded her hands together, “Y/n is…she is a million souls of the lineage before her, she holds the wrath of a god in her bones,” Esme’s eyes grew cold, “And what are you? A prince who befell a misfortunate time to be alive?”
Jungkook glowered up from his bottle, “I am far more than what you and others say I am.”
Esme curved a brow, “Then I can only hope what you say is true. For Y/n will need that, whether she realizes it or not, she will need someone who will not be afraid of her, who will not let the flame of her soul consume them. Someone who will accept her as she is, I will not presume who you are, but I will put trust that you are not just merely a prince.”
Jungkook said nothing, eyes staying on her as he lifted the bottle to his lips.
“Do come and visit after you wed, I think you’ll fit nicely along the walls of our home,” Esme smiled, light lifting back to her face as she walked past him, snatching the bottle out of his hand, “Now go drink some water, I will not let either of you ruin your own wedding over foolishness.”
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deny-the-issue · 1 month
Love Thy Nature
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Summary: Set in the "Baldur's Gate 3" epic tale, you struggle with ongoing body image issues while pining after Halsin, hoping to earn a special place in his heart.
Thank you so much to my lovely beta readers @juniper-sunny and @sirenofzaun <3
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Thank you everyone for the overwhelming amount of interest in this fic! I hope you all enjoy <3
[MDNI] [Halsin x fat!Reader] [no mention of gender pronouns] [reader has vulva/breasts] [body image issues] [whatever height you are, Halsin is taller] [whatever weight you are, Halsin can lift you] [smut] [fluff] [angst] [happy ending] [oral sex] [vaginal sex] [teasing] [5580 words]
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Chaos. Those first few hours were absolute chaos. In Baldur’s Gate shopping for vegetables one moment, infested with a slimy tadpole the next. At least you aren’t alone. 
Even if they intimidate you. 
You all have a common goal, and you wear this safety like a blanket. With companions like these, maybe you’ll have a chance to live. If you don’t get caught in between Shadowheart and Lae’zel, that is. 
Stomach rumbling, feet aching, thighs raw, the nights end with you silently crying yourself to sleep. You are distinctly unsuited for this life. The others say nothing, but you feel like you’re letting them down when you lag behind them during the day’s journey. You simply cannot keep up with Karlach and Lae’zel’s pace, and with the dismal amount of food for dinner, you’re starving. 
You’re not the only hungry one, but you are the only one that eats away from the fire, in solitude. Even in the city you preferred to eat alone. Judging eyes haunt your every bite, but you know the shame comes from within. You know you have no right to complain about being hungry when you have the most weight to lose.  
So you suffer in silence. 
Your armor consists of ill-fitting cloth and leather which you have to repair frequently. The cloth is thin and your thighs can rub it away to nothing within a single, travel-heavy day. The others have found armor that suits them quite well, and you’re happy for them. But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t envious of the ease at which they can find things that fit. 
It’s hard not to dwell on your size. How it would be easier to find armor if you were skinnier. How much easier it would be to keep up. How much more confident you would be. 
You see your travel companions flirt and cast lewd looks at each other. It lightens the heart to see, yet stirs a deep yearning within that has been your constant bane over the years. To love is something you have known many times, but to be loved is another story entirely. Truly loved for everything you are, inside and out. It seems impossible to behold when you cannot fathom loving yourself in that way. 
Maybe one of them would have given you a chance, if only you had the confidence to try. 
As the days go on, you learn more about each other, some willingly and others forced. Just when you think no one else is hiding something, another secret arises. Every single one of them has enough problems without the threat of becoming illithid, and you start to see the people underneath the mask of intimidation you assigned to them. 
Despite your best efforts to keep your distance, they start to grow on you. Their troubles become yours, and a warm feeling of belonging takes root in your chest. 
The grove is a delightful little community. Their harmony with nature is beautiful, your curious eyes take in every part and crevice. 
Maybe too curious, since you had a near scrape with the guards due to the little shit, Mol. She’s too smart for her own good–trouble will surely follow her wherever she goes.
Just as it does you.
Just as it does him, too, apparently. Breaking a bear out of a dungeon is a first for you, but watching that bear transform into the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen becomes a keystone memory. 
Already you are filled with conflicted feelings, more thankful everyday this horrible thing happened to you because it brought you to them. All of them brilliant, all of them flawed, and all incredibly beautiful. 
You cling to the hope of his companionship as you prepare to protect the grove. Halsin’s knowledge instills fear in your bones, more defined than it was before. Now you have an idea of what you’re up against, and it’s all much bigger than you can fathom. Getting to know him personally casts away the worrisome thoughts; his words a honey-sweet distraction to the storm clouds gathering overhead. 
You leave his company with a smile straining your face, but it doesn’t take long for the bite of loneliness to nip at your heels. Halsin’s answer about lovers echoes through your mind, a deep spiral into well-trodden waters. 
“Right now? I bed down alone, I’m afraid. Perhaps once I talk less of curses and parasites, my fortunes will improve.”
How foolish of you to think he might warm to you. You’re sure his fortunes will improve, only with someone else. Someone more deserving of him. 
These depressing thoughts do not stop you from befriending him. Quite the opposite, in fact. By casting aside your hopes for romantic love, you feel as though you can finally start to be yourself in camp.
And you’re surprised to find they like you. Your spirit and sense of humor return to you in troves–making some poor sod kneel for Lae’zel has everyone laughing at camp that night.
Yet you still make off alone with your bowl of stew when dinner is served, until a large obstacle blocks your path. 
“I do not pretend to know why you dine alone, but you are most welcome to join us.” Halsin smiles kindly.
“I know, it’s ok. Thank you, though,” you try to dismiss him, but he doubles down. 
“Do you not find our company agreeable?”
“No! I mean, yes? You’re lovely–you’re all lovely,”you stammer, heat rising to your face. 
“Good, then you’ll have no problem joining us,” Halsin’s eyes sparkle with amusement, no doubt from watching your mind implode. 
The prospect shouldn’t be as terrifying as it is, yet you cannot help but feel extremely uncomfortable. 
You beat down the slight panic and return Halsin’s smile, unwilling to argue your case further. What would you even say? Laying your insecurities bare to a man you just met is not on your agenda for the night. 
His large hand touches your shoulder as he makes his way to the fire, confident you’ll join him. So warm and rough with callouses–the contact lasted but a moment but you can feel it still, like an invisible badge of affection. 
“Come on, Soldier, grab a stump! I already picked the slugs off for you.” Karlach laughs at your grimace. 
“Thanks,” you walk over to the offered seat. “I’ve had enough slimy things for a lifetime.”
A chorus of agreement and various stages of grief crosses the face of each companion as you join them around the fire, a part of the pack for once. As much as you begrudge Halsin for pulling you out of your comfort zone, you never spend another night eating alone, and your heart is all the fuller for it. 
The battle for the grove was hard won, and the celebration that followed was a well-needed respite for everyone. Surrounded by friends, plenty of food, and drink, you felt more alive than you had since it all began. Whatever shame you were harboring faded away with the alcohol settling into your rosy cheeks, and you sought out the man you’ve been pining for. 
Weeks of hard living have left you as lightweight as Halsin claims to be, but the confidence to mingle in his company is a welcome boon. Oh, to see him tipsy–better still if you are the first person he sees. Is he handsy in his affections, or reserved, you wonder? 
But what does he mean by calling you resourceful? 
You’ll have to ponder its meaning after some sobering sleep. Nothing could sway your mood tonight. He may have turned you down, but he was surely flirting with you. Even with the short time you’ve known him, you know he is not the kind to lead anyone on. 
Enjoyable. A night with you would be enjoyable; the thought has you grinning for the rest of the celebration, and biting your lip later, when you’re alone in your tent with roaming, lusty hands.
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You’re able to find suitable food, but with life’s ever-increasing hardships, it continues to take a toll on your body. Hiking is not as hard as it once was, though, and you are thankful for it. With a body such as yours, it would take a considerable amount of time before you’d be deemed ‘thin’, but the loss of weight is undeniable. 
Your clothes are loose, for one, and the little armor you have shifts uncomfortably, always needing adjusting. The others have started noticing as well. 
Karlach gave you a, “Lookin’ good, soldier!” the other night and you never wished to cast an invisibility spell so much as in that moment.
This slightly-slimmer body should make you happy, but the success is tainted in your mind. It’s not as if you chose to lose weight, to starve, to walk endlessly every damned day. What happens when– if-- you can live a normal life after this? The same mistakes will surely be made as before, and you’ll go right back to the size you so hate. No lesson has been learned here, not in regards to food. 
Even if you do somehow lose all this weight, you still will not be pleased with yourself. Stretch marks and loose skin, you could never look the way you want to. 
The frustration grinds your spirit down, but no one notices. Hells, you hardly notice. The Shadowlands dampen the mood of everyone, infecting the camp even without touching it. 
Fighting has never been easy for you, and you’ve managed to hold your ground so far. But every person’s luck runs out sometime, you suppose. One awkward move and you get a knife in your side. The armor should have protected you–would have–if only it fit you better. 
Halsin gathers you in his arms, carrying you despite your weight. A mad rush back to the Last Light inn saves your life. As you’re placed in a healing sleep, you hear echoes of Halsin’s soothing voice. You can never make out the words, but they calm your turbulent mind, keeping the nightmares at bay. 
When you wake, you are mostly healed. The skin is healed, though a scar remains, and the pain is manageable while lying still in bed. Halsin greets you with warmth and a small amount of haste.
It seems, while you slept, Halsin talked to both a tailor and a leather-worker on your behalf. What is more surprising is the light scolding you receive.
“You should have spoken up, we cannot afford such a loss in these dire times.”
“And we can afford this?” You doubt, knowing how much new, custom armor costs. 
One stern look from Halsin, and you concede.
Everyone pooled their gold together to buy you fitted clothing and armor, a gesture that means the world to you. What have you done to deserve such kind friends? Just as you took on their troubles, they’re taking on yours without a second thought. 
There is one part of their gesture that gives you pause. They need your measurements, and you need to stand for it. With abdomen muscles still healing, you require Halsin’s help to get out of bed, leaning heavily against him. 
So close to him, you breathe in his scent, take in his warmth, and relish the contact. It’s almost enough to distract you from the embarrassment of having a stranger shimmy a measuring tape around your body. You hide your discomfort as best you can, but Halsin notices.
He always does. 
He must have read it as pain, because he hastens the person along so you can lay down and rest again. Another unsaid deed that shows his care for you, soothing the stinging humiliation. 
“Let me call the healers over, I am sorry for disturbing your rest.”
You grab his hand, stilling his movements. “Wait, please.”
“What troubles you, friend?”
You shake your head. “Thank you. For carrying me back and for the clothing. Words cannot describe how grateful I am.” 
Halsin takes your hand in his gently, “This fight would not be the same without you by my side.”
You blink away a rogue tear as Halsin brings forth a healer, and drift into a deep, healing sleep with a smile on your face. 
When you wake, you’re fully restored, and your new armor and clothes are atop the bedside table. The sight should fill you with excitement, but all you feel is dread.
What if they don’t fit you? What if they’re too small?
Retreating to a corner with a privacy curtain, you hesitantly try them on, thankful that your party isn’t here. To your surprise and great relief, they all fit–as they say–like a glove. The leather armor comes with a learning curve with all the straps and strings, but after a few mistakes, you figure it out.
It’s genius, really. With overlapping leather and lacing on the side, up the arms, and down your legs, its size is fully adjustable. Up to a point, of course, but extremely useful for the days to come. You’ll probably lose more weight as the journey is far from over, and now you have armor that can account for size changes in either direction!
You choke back tears of happiness, never once having known the feel of well-fitting clothes until now. Everything has been uncomfortable in some way or another, always with minor inconveniences, and never once did they look good. 
In these clothes, it doesn’t matter how you look. You feel good in them, and for once in your life, that is all that matters. A burden has been lifted from your shoulders whose weight you never noticed before now. 
Could you truly be comfortable within this body of yours?
Later, when they all come back to the inn after adventuring, the party makes you spin for them so they can get a good look at your new attire, and although shy, your smile is brighter than it has ever been. 
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Saving Thaniel is no easy task, and you probably have a few more gray hairs after that battle. With Halsin’s life at stake if you fail, you fight tooth and nail to protect the portal. 
Even though it is not enough to lift the curse, Halsin’s eyes soften whenever he looks upon you, and that is all the reward you need. 
Your love does not end with Halsin; each party member has wormed their way into your heart. So when Shadowheart embarks on her quest with you at her side, you trust her to make the right choice. 
Dame Aylin is truly something to behold. The daughter of a goddess, and a god in her own right. To be reunited with her love after so many years is a love story of the ages. You’re lucky to bear witness to it, although it tugs at the heartstrings. 
The longing for a love such as theirs does not linger on your mind, not with the battle for Moonrise Towers looming overhead. 
Is this the end? Will you be free to live your life once more? The end does not feel as near as you are led to believe. Not all of the pieces fit together yet, and the unknown scares you. 
As you suspected, Ketheric Thorm was just one head of the hydra. There is much more to be done, and the journey ahead weighs heavily on your shoulders. You try to focus on your triumphs; the Shadowcurse is lifted, the land can begin to heal, and Halsin promises to remain by your side. 
A heart full of joy can only do so much when you’re running on fumes, requiring a warm bed and a few days rest. Your friends help distract you from the wear and tear of the past few weeks, always bickering about this or that. Usually you stay out of it, but Halsin has other plans on the journey to Wyrm’s Crossing, it seems.
Freeing Thaniel, and moreso, the land, has earned you a special place by Halsin’s side. You did not expect that place to come with an honorary nickname. 
Two simple words. It, at first, fills you with a sense of kinship, but soon begins to wear on your mind. As much as you love the affection it implies, one of those words hasn’t pertained to you for a long time. 
You find him that night at camp, voice hesitant. “Halsin, can I ask you something?”
“What is it, little duck?” He greets you with a pleased smile. 
“Well, that’s what I need to talk about. Little duck.”
“Does it not please you?”
“No–it’s not that. It’s just,” you pause, crossing your arms as you take a deep, calming breath. “I’m not little.”
“Are you not?” he inquires with a hint of mirth. 
Confused eyes lift to find his hand hovering above your head, a silent judgment of your height. 
Your stoic facade breaks with a smile, then with laughter, and you nudge him with your shoulder playfully. 
“You got me there,” you surrender, grinning ear to ear. 
Halsin laughs with you, but retains a more serious composure. “As much as that pleases me, should I call you by another name?”
“Please don’t,” you answer swiftly, needing no arduous thought to decide. 
From then on, anytime he says those two words, it fills you with warmth. 
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Reuniting with the refugees saved from the Shadowlands brings you joy, but not as much as a real bed and a roof over your head does. 
Freshly washed and bathed, you almost forgot what it’s like to be clean. The quest to save the city is as grave as ever, yet all you needed was some self care to feel ready to take on the Elder Brain. 
The nights in Elfsong Tavern are anything but quiet, and you feel Halsin’s attention grow with each night, like he’s working up to something.
Maybe it’s just hopeful thinking, but you feel the chemistry between the two of you. Laughter and conversation is always easy with him, and he’s been touching you more. 
Nothing serious; grazing your arm, wiping a smudge of dirt off your face, his hand lingering on your shoulder. The contact, although small, brightens your mood, and you begin to yearn for it every time he’s near, even if you still think romance is out of the question. 
It’s almost comedic, how wrong you are. 
Not a week passes before Halsin confesses his feelings for you; how he yearns to feel your skin against his in a romantic night under the stars. You barely hear his next words over your heartbeat pounding in your ears. 
His heart stirs for you, just as yours does for him. He seems so vulnerable, just now. Nervous, just as you would be in his shoes. You feel as though you are seeing a piece of him rarely shown, or perhaps you did not wish to see past the brawn. Your souls are of the same gentle nature, and just a rest away from uniting in bliss.
Fidgeting in your sheets, you try to calm your turbulent mind, but it is hopeless. Each shift calls attention to the throbbing in between your thighs, their thickness both a blessing and a curse. But your mind is still eager to race into dark territory. The night of your dreams is accompanied by your mountain of insecurities. 
You’ve been intimate with others before, but that was of a low time where you hid parts of yourself to please others. 
There will be no more of that. He will know you. All of you. Even if it means he does not want you after. 
With mind set, you find him in the clearing by the lake, his large hand upon the rough bark of a tree in silent communion. When turns to greet you, the relief and excitement in his eyes brightens the world around you both, and instills you with courage. 
All thoughts of revealing your most authentic self blow away with the breeze when Halsin relieves himself of his clothes. Standing proudly naked before you, he sweeps you up in his arms, his kiss as passionate and devouring as he promised, with roaming hands settling on your plump rear.
All of your insecurities come back to nag you all at once, and you break away from the kiss. “Wait, please.”
“What is it, my love?”
Crossing your arms, you begin to pace. The movement helps focus your thoughts, and you take a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m fat,” you begin with the simplest statement of your imagined deficiencies. “For most of my life now I’ve been various sizes of fat, and I’m probably always going to be fat. I don’t want to be. I didn’t choose it. I have stretch marks, flabby arms, back fat.”  
Your voice begins to shake as tears well in your eyes. “Yes, I’ve shrunk a bit these past few weeks, but it’s not enough! Not nearly enough. Because even if I do lose all this weight,” you pause, feeling the pressure build within–a truth so long known but never said aloud, ready to burst out of your chest whether you will it or not.
“I will still hate myself!” The first sob rips from your throat as the emotional dam is broken, shaking your entire being.
Halsin rushes to you, enveloping you in his embrace, cradling your head to his chest. 
“Beauty is not about size, little duck. Variety provides necessary balance in nature, and there is no shame in taking joy from its fruits. Your inner peace is what truly matters.”
Only now it occurs to you that he has also been judged for his size. Maybe not all negative, but that is not to say it did not have an ill-effect on his self-esteem and outward personality. 
After you stop shaking, he coaxes you to meet his gaze. Eyes red and puffy, you do as he wishes, taking in every beautiful detail of his face before settling on his eyes, as serene as the lake before you. 
“I love you as you are, stretch marks and all.” He strokes your face gently and then takes your hands in his. “Let me show you.”
Halsin guides you to the lake’s edge, and positions himself behind you, leaning both your bodies forward. The view is exquisite, but you know it is not what holds his attention. Cautious eyes follow the ripples of the water, slowly casting down until you see your reflection. 
Halsin smiles when you meet his mirrored gaze, wrapping his arms around your waist. The angle is unflattering, to say the least, but you are willing to try this for him. The heat off his bare skin is a comfort, but also a reminder that your clothes are what separates your skin from his. 
“If you are comfortable, I’d like you to undress. To look upon yourself as you do, and be comforted in my desire.”
Comfortable is not something that would describe you in this moment, but you feel ready to reveal yourself to him. Closing your eyes, you still your mind to the symphony of the world around you; crickets singing, a light breeze coming off the lake, and Halsin’s steady breathing as he nuzzles his nose into your hair. Heart fluttering in your chest, you take your shirt off with nervous hands. 
After helping you discard the fabric, he is instantly upon you, trailing kisses down the side of your face until he’s sucking at your neck. You melt into him, tilting your head to reveal more skin for him to worship with his soft lips. 
Rough fingers tickle at your waist with feather-light grazes, you giggle at the feeling and place your hands over his. Lacing your fingers in between his, you move with him as he explores your waist. 
Heat rushes to your core as you feel his cock twitch against your back. You grow impatient, moving his hands to hold your breasts. He moans into your neck, pulling you against him while gently squeezing. 
“More, please. I need to see all of you,” he pleads breathlessly in your ear, thumbs pulling down the hem of your bra. 
You pull away for only a second, the ambient temperature feels so cool compared to your combined heat. Gooseflesh prickles at your arms, and as you discard your bra, you can’t help but admire your form in the water below. Nipples hard from the cold air soon find shelter in Halsin’s large hands, and his heat blankets you in a blissful stupor once again. 
Lust pools in your mind, overpowering any insecurities still swirling within. Only thoughts of him remain, and you need no further instruction to take the next step. Your panties cling to your pants as you pull them down. Halsin provides an arm for you to balance while slipping them off, and you come face to face when you toss the unwanted clothing further onto land. 
You’d pounce on him, but he quickly turns you around to face the lake again with a playful chuckle.
“Almost, my love. Look how extraordinarily beautiful you are, just as nature intended.” 
There you are, indeed. There’s your belly that you’ve loathed, the fat thighs that have been your bane, your double chin that distracts you from your beautiful face. Yet, with him at your back, your perspective begins to change, and you can see this body as yourself instead of some ugly, fat thing.
Halsin trails one hand down your stomach, over your stretch marks, and cups the plush overhang, squishing slightly as he smooths his palm back up your body, feeling the entirety of your curves.
All of your fears dissipate with the irrevocable proof of his attraction digging into your back, and you turn to face him. This time, he allows you, his hands grabbing your ass greedily. You run your hands up his body, relishing the feel of his coarse hair covering his chest and stomach. He moans softly at your touch, but something else starts to happen. 
His eyes begin to glow as he backs away from you in haste. The transformation is something you have seen many times, but never did you see the emotion behind it.
There is nothing as flattering as a partner losing themselves so utterly in a shared moment. Changing back just as fast, he flashes you a sheepish grin. 
Halsin starts to speak, but your patience is at its limit, and you run up to him, pulling him down for a kiss before he can utter a single word. 
Having regained his confidence through your kiss, he leads you back to the tree he was initially at, kneeling at its base. He leads you down to him, laying you down on the softest grass you’ve ever felt. There is a fleeting taste of his passion-full lips as he kisses his way down to your breasts, taking his time to kiss each one before descending further. 
Halsin’s lips against your stomach tickle in a touch-starved way, adding coal to the fire raging inside your core. He slips his arms underneath your knees, bending and spreading your legs. Supporting himself on his elbows, he reaches around, parting your lips by pulling your flesh toward your belly button. 
The first soft kiss upon your exposed clit has you gasping for air, hands grabbing fistfuls of grass at your side. It was only the calm before the storm; a single taste of honey is not nearly enough to satiate the beast between your thighs, and he shows you no mercy. 
Tongue lapping at your cunt from entrance to throbbing bud, Halsin has you squirming under his touch. Just as you think his pleasure is at its peak, he suckles your clit.
Toe curling, back arching, you scream his name as you reach carnal heights you never thought possible.
You whine when he stops, but when you see his swollen cock twitching between his legs, you know exactly what he needs. He lets you push him back onto the grass, helping you straddle him with a steadying hand. Cock nestled perfectly between your folds, you nuzzle his nose with yours before he pulls you into a passionate kiss. The taste of you is intoxicating as you drink in his moans, slide your hips against him, obscenely slick.
Ever hungry for more, you explore his body with your mouth, hips never ceasing their slow but steady rock. Thick, muscled neck, tender for kissing. Pronounced pecks perfect for light, teasing bites. Sensitive nipples ripe for sucking. Veiny arms that your lips could kiss for days. The faded but still visible stretch marks around his shoulders that now hold a special place within your heart, and you kiss each one of them.
You worship him, mind and body just as he does with his burly hands ever present on your lust-driven body. His touch now bruising, he tries to push into you with each thrust, soft moans turning into desperate grunts.
He catches at your entrance, but you tilt your hips so he passes over your clit once again. You shiver at the feeling, and cannot help the laugh that accompanies the bliss.
Teasing Halsin is just so fucking hot.
With an animalistic growl, he rolls you onto your back, having had enough of your shenanigans. Your sounds of glee quickly turn lewd as his cock finally finds purchase, stretching you delightfully with his mighty girth. 
Even with a mind lost to passion, he takes your comfort into account, pushing in slowly to let you adjust. His hungry mouth kisses your face, your lips, your jaw, your neck, until your canting, impatient hips break the last thread of his self control.
Burying his nose in your hair, one hand holding your breast, hips pumping, he makes love to you under the stars. You wrap your arms around him, holding onto his back to keep from being pushed away from the force of his hips. Your voices are a sweet, rhythmic chorus to nature as you feel a fluttering grow in your core. Halsin relinquishes his grip on your breast, hooking his hand underneath one of your knees to spread you further.
He reaches new heights within you, and you feel his cock harden more than you thought possible, readying to fill you with the nature’s bounty you’ve been craving. Your hands slip down to his ass, needing all of him inside you.
Your wants ever his desire, he buries his cock inside you and ruts, massaging the bundle of nerves deep within. Your fingers cling to him, leaving red lines down back unintentionally as the chord within finally snaps. Walls fluttering around him before clenching down, the waves of pleasure overtake you both, and he is a helpless passenger in its wake. He says your name like a prayer as his hips stutter in their rhythm. 
Cradling him close as you feel his cock pulse, you whisper in his ear, “I love you, Halsin.”
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That mystical night under the stars with Halsin was legendary. Its memory, as well as the man himself, helps you through the rest of your quest, picking you up when you are down. All you need to do is close your eyes, and you’re right back in that clearing by the lake with him beside you.
You do not know if you would have gotten through it all without him. By the time you defeat the Netherbrain, you are the thinnest you’ve been since childhood, and also the most sickly. Stronger muscles and better food is not enough in the face of true exhaustion, and it shows in your gaunt face. 
The celebration with Halsin that night is sweet and gentle, containing all the relief of a battle hard won. You cannot help the tears that fall from your eyes as you reach your climaxes together.
It all feels like a dream. How could you have made it through all that alive and relatively well? With him at your side? A man as loving as he is large, he still does not impose anything on you. Talking as if there could be a chance you wouldn’t be going with him to resettle Moonrise Towers. 
You depart in the morning with nine wagons full of kids of various ages, all without families or homes, and your bear at your side. 
The savior of Baldur’s Gate is a bit rich for your liking, but it does give you a certain air of respect when you have to give them time-outs.
Halsin calls them all his ducklings, and it is so very fitting with how they follow him around from dawn till dusk. 
When you receive a letter with shaky lettering inviting you to the place where it all began, you’re more than happy to reunite with everyone. The time without doom hanging over your heads has certainly made you both plump and happy. You still struggle with body image issues, but you feel comfortable in your skin more often than not. A battle that is waning in your favor, with once barren fields blooming with slow acceptance.
Your appetite for life has always been large. Giant partner, a heap of kids to call your own, and enough tall tales to last them well into adulthood; you want for nothing in the years to come. 
With Halsin you build a loving home–an ending you never thought you deserved. 
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Tag list: @incognitoowl @slowlydecayinginside-blog @freddiemonstar @strawberry-siberian @zorazeppeli
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simping-overload · 6 months
ᴀ ᴛɪᴇꜰʟɪɴɢꜱ ᴛᴀɪʟ - ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴄʀᴏᴡɴꜱ
a/n: halsin with baby fever <3 make this man a daddy
tags: halsin, he wants kids so bad. gn reader, zevlor cameo, just fluff.
『read on ao3』
synopsis: Halsin watches as you interact with the children of the Grove.
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
The festival was bustling, children ran around and played whilst the adults drank the evening away. Bards sing their songs by the fire, occasionally starting sing-alongs.
Halsin sat separately, in a smaller, quieter corner, leaning against a wall as he watched over the party, making sure things won’t get too rowdy.
His gaze wonders over the crowd, looking for a familiar face before he lands on you. Sitting down on the ground and making flower crowns with the children. A child places one on top of your head, mindful of the horns.
The children braid and weave flowers along your tail and horns. Maybe at the right angle, you’d look like a statue wrapped in overgrown vines and plants.
Seeing you interact with the children stirs an all too familiar feeling in his chest, his desire for children of his own. Whether adopted or somehow biological, he wants ones of his own.
To see and hear the pitter patter of their tiny feet thumping against the wooden floor of your cozy home. Teaching them how to cook, clean, and maybe, if they wished, he can teach them the ways of the druids.
He’s already accustomed to the cries and screaming of children. Over the long years he has been alive, it’s safe to say he already knows how to handle it, especially when he took over as Arch druid of the Grove.
As much as he wants children, he doesn’t know if you wanted them. You never gave any indication if you did or didn’t.
Halsin tears his eyes away from you when he feels a nudge on his side. He turns his head, locking eyes with the person. It was Zevlor, a good friend of his.
“Something on your mind, Halsin?” The tiefling leader asks.
“Its—it’s not something to get into now, but how are you, friend?” Halsin tries to deflect the conversation away from him.
Zevlor raises a brow. “I’m well. The party is a bit more crowded than expected. Aside from that, don’t you dare try to change the topic. You’ve spent enough time of your life hiding your issues and feelings. Speak, my friend. I’m all ears.” Zevlor takes a sip of his wine.
“Do you think Tav and I would be good parents?” He suddenly blurts out, shoulders tensing at what he just said.
Zevlor grins. “I think you’d be one of the best parents in Faerûn.”
Halsin smiles at this, looking away from his friend and back at you.
“Though I would recommend waiting. Maybe a few years after the fame from your adventures, die down, and when you finally settle down. Did you ask them yet?”
Halsin chuckles nervously, “Well. No. I was waiting for a good time, but that moment never came.”
Zevlor huffed at this, smacking the druid’s calf with his tail. “Go ask.”
“Yes, now. Gods know you probably wouldn’t ask for another year! And look, they’re already on their way.. I’ll leave you to it.” Zevlor pats Halsin on the shoulder before slipping off.
Halsin watches as you approach, and by the Oak father, you look divine. The bear in him just wanted to ravish you more than and there. He pushes the feeling away as he pulls you into his warm embrace.
You wrap your arms around him, curling into him as you soak in his comforting warmth. Pulling back slightly, you look at your lover, adoration laced in your expression.
“Hi love.”
“Hello, my heart. I see you had quite the time for the children.” He brings a hand to the flower crown that lies on your head.
You chuckle, nodding, “Yeah, it got a little out of control.” You gesture to your tail. It had all kinds of flowers laced together covering it.
With a fond smile, he gently caresses your cheek with his hand. Pulling you forward, and presses a loving kiss to your lips. He faintly tastes like honeycomb and tobacco.
You shut your eyes, falling into the kiss. Getting lost in the sensation of his lips on yours.
He reluctantly pulls away when the need for air becomes too strong. He settles to rest his foreheads against yours, looking into your eyes with a longing your’re oh-so familiar with. You can see his eyes flicker with uncertainty. It seems he’s having an internal conflict with himself.
“What’s on your mind, Halsin?” You ask, cupping his face in your palms so he can’t turn away.
He sucks in a breath before letting the words flow from his lips. “I have something to ask of you.”
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simpcityy · 7 months
My Little Spawn Pt.3 (Dadstarion X Child!Reader)
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Summary: Astarion was finally free from Cazador after being kidnapped by a mindflayer but he was stuck with one annoying task, you.
Disclaimer: I do not own Baldur's Gate 3 or any of its characters.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Use of (Y/N), Cazador, language, violence, spoilers for those who haven't gone far in the game, mentions of blood, animal death...Uhhh...I think that is all.
Authors Note: Thank you all so much for the support! I am so glad you are all loving this series so far! As always please, like, reblog and comment if you are loving this series and hopefully others would like it as well. Also...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 FOLLOWERS. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. Since we reached this number, I would do another father figure series because I feel I'm much better at that than a romance x reader version. Who should it be? Gale? Wyll? Rolan? Gortash? So many choices!
  Astarion leans against the rocky wall watching you get swarm by the female druids and Tieflings coddling you from how adorable you are. He lets out a small smile seeing you pout as the ladies coo at you. He thinks back to the discovery he found out 2 nights ago. Dhampir, when has Cazador ever been involved with a human. More importantly which dumb female wants to be in a relationship with Cazador. He looks at you seeing you trying to squirm away from the ladies. He sudden thinks back how protective Cazador was with you. Never letting you step out of the palace even at night….no…he wasn’t protecting you but rather himself. He’s raising you as a spawn to conceal the reality of your powers. What a bastard but then again Astarion is not surprised, it’s Cazador after all.  
 You finally had enough of this ladies and burst out crying “Astarion!” You wail feeling overwhelmed. He sighs and walks over “Excuse me Ladies, I think the little one has enough and I hate for them to get cranky.” He picks you up walking away from the pouting ladies. “Now, now, there is no need to cry” He sighs and rubs your back as you whimper clinging on to his armor. “Don’t like the attention or what?” He asked as you only kept quiet whimpering a couple times laying your head on his shoulder trying to relax. He leans his head back trying to look at you, “Are…you okay, so odd of you to be quiet.” He mutters trying to find the group in the grove. “I just miss home…I miss papa…and everyone else…” You mutter. He sighs “there, there but you have me no?” He hums walking through the grove enjoying this simple conversation with you. “I want to go home…my clothes don’t fit much…it hurts me and I miss my toys!” You whine. Astarion lets out a chuckle “Oh what a spoiled little spawn…well creature…eh, you’ll always be a little spawn to me.” He puts you down looking at you, it was true, he did notice you were an inch taller than yesterday and your clothes did look a bit tight. “Oh you weren’t kidding…” He thinks looking around “Dhampir do grow faster and mature faster….” He mutters to himself before going to a trader seeing if they have anything in stock, fabric even. 
As he was busy, you stray from him as you spotted a few tiefling children playing. You ran over smiling “Can I play!” You stood in front of them. “Sure! You’re from Baldur’s gate aren’t you by the way you talk and dress?” One of them smiles, “What games do you play at home?” One asked. You think carefully. Games, well you play ball by yourself, Cazador has you learn reading and writing. “I…um…I don’t know…usually papa has me studying and sends his people to play with me.” You held your hands behind your back and kick your feet in a shy manner. “Oh…you’re those kinds…Um….I think I heard my mom calling” They quickly left as the others give other excuses and leave you alone. You only look down and grab the ball they dropped bouncing it on your own. “What’s the matter?” Gale walks over seeing the scene. You look up, eye glossy trying not to let tears fall down. “Making friends is hard…” You whisper “Back home there is no other children playing with me…” Gale looks at you thinking back to himself as a young child. “It is isn’t it?” He smiles gently grabbing the ball from you and tossing it to you playing. You smile giggling and toss it back to him. “I don’t have any friends at home to play with, papa never lets me leave the big castle…” You catch the ball as it was tossed back. “Is that so? I know how it feels to be lonely…how about this.” He catches the ball and placed it down as he squats to your height. “(Y/N) would you like to be my friend?” He smiles as your eyes widen gasping. “You mean it!” Your little body bouncing with excitement. Gale nods waiting for your response. “Yes!” You bounce happily “ I have to tell Astarion!” You ran off to find the pale elf. Gale chuckles watching run off to bother Astarion with a big smile on your face.  
The next day You were told to stay in the grove. Shadowheart chuckles watching you pouting away eating whatever was given to you. “I want to go out too!” You look up at her. She only sighs “How do I deal with children…you want to go out you say? I guess we can outside the gates and collect some herbs. I know everyone is going to need healing after this battle.” Getting up, she held your hand and walked outside of the grove. You ran around happily collecting flowers for everyone. “What am I supposed to collect?” You asked her. She smiles fixing your hair “See this herb right there, that’s what we need.” She points as your eyes follow the direction she was pointing at. You ran over picking it up smiling and collected more. She only sits by the rock watching you over as you collected whatever caught your little eye. You hum the same tune Cazador would hum to you. Collecting flowers you stopped seeing a bunny hop around in the distance. Shadowheart was busy playing with the artifact like a rubik's cube only to look up hearing the poor bunny squeal in the distance. She panics not seeing you and gets up putting the artifact away. “(Y/N)!?” She follows the sound before going down a small path behind a rock wall seeing you drain the blood of the poor bunny. You look up at her blood soaking your shirt and your lips stained. “What…are you doing?” She slowly walks over to you and kneels by you. You look at him “I…I didn’t mean to…I wanted to play with the bunny but…” You began to wail feeling overwhelmed by these urges. “Oh please don’t cry.” Shadowheart panics looking around, not knowing what to do in this scenario. “Where is the Spawn when you need him…okay. Let’s clean you up and a nap will help” She holds your hand ignoring the blood and toss the rabbit on the side into a bush for a wolf or other animal to chow on. She walks to the river and makes you wash your hands. “Relax, everything is going to be okay.” She whispers as you whimper. She collects water into her palm and rubs off the blood from your shirt the best of her ability. She sighs seeing the shirt to be now discolored into the blood stain. “Your bag is in the grove….we can’t let them see you like this.” She wipes your cheeks clean as well. You look over hearing the bush rustle behind her. Shadowheart quickly picked you up and took out her mace. “Who goes there!” She glares. You cling to her only to tear up seeing Astarion walk out of the bush. 
“There you are, I thought I smelled blood near the gate.” He was out of breath and bruised from the battle they came back. His hair was all over the place and had a panicked look on his face. Shadowheart puts her mace away “Don’t scare me like that! I could’ve swing!” She scolds at him. He paid no attention to her as he walks over seeing your face stained in tears and a scared look. He noticed your clothes stained in blood. He took you from her arms and held you close, his hand on the back of your head. “What in the hells were you thinking?! I thought it was your blood I smelled all the way from the gates! I thought you got hurt!” He yells but not loudly knowing how much you hate it. You only laid your little head on his shoulder crying into his shoulder, your fist clinging on to him. He softens a bit feeling your little shoulders shake, you were scared. “What happened?” He looks at Shadowheart ready to pin this on her. “What did you do to them!” He glares at her. Hearing the commotion, Tav found them along with the others following. “What’s going on? Why is (Y/N) crying?” Tav walks over ready to stop Astarion seeing the murderous glare at the young woman. “What did you do!” He repeats to her, holding you close. “Their Dhampir side came out…” Shadowheart looks at him, feeling a bit speechless seeing him get this overprotective. She snaps out of it and points to the bunny in the bush. Gale walks over but turns around quickly “If you have a weak stomach…I suggest not looking” He covers his mouth. Tav walks over and looks at the bunny. “Gods…its in pieces….” They whisper. Hearing their comments made you tear up. They think your a monster, they won’t be your friends anymore…they won’t take you to see your home and papa anymore. You only hide your face more, letting out choked sobs. “Enough! Think before you speak.” Astarion held you close “We just hide the damn bunny and do our best to cheer them up…they are feeling overwhelmed and not themselves…gods do you people ever use your brain?” He walks off holding you close. 
  Night fell, you were in Astarion tent, in the corner. The pale elf walks in holding food, “Your still human…you need to eat this….we can start implementing human foods more than blood to control that urge.” He sits by you. You only look at the plate, hugging your knees and shake your head no. “(Y/N)...it was okay what you did…it’s in your nature…and I know your scared…I was too…when I first became a spawn….” He whispers softly and scoots closer only for you to scoot away. “ No…I don’t want to you…or anyone…like I did to Mr.Bunny..” You tear up. “Is that why mommy didn’t want me…am I a monster…they…probably won’t be my friends anymore” You whispers thinking back their reaction to the bunny. Astarion looks at you before grabbing your arm, you gasp and try to wiggle away, scared to hurt him only to feel a warm embrace. Astarion held you close, planting a kiss on the top of your head. “By hells, you are speaking nonsense little spawn.” He rubbed your back. “If they thought of us as monster, we wouldn’t be here now…they…are odd in their own ways you know so no one is perfect.” He grabbed the plate “Now eat up” He feed you a piece of fish and sat you on his lap, making sure you ate. You happily munched feeling slightly better. 
  After finishing your food, you laid your little head on Astarions chest as he held you close in one arm while the other was busy reading a book about Dhampir’s he found in a box. Your little doe eyes look up seeing everyone walk to Astarion’s tent. You cling to him feeling anxious only to calm down as Astarion rubs your little arm, “Relax, they come bearing gifts” He hums. Gale was the first one to talk “(Y/N), it was rude of me to…you know…having a weak stomach but you have nothing to worry about, I will always be your friend.” He smiles and leans down leaving down a purple wrapped gift on the ground for you smiling. He rubs your head “Sleep well” He whispers before being pushed back by Karlach, “Hey little soldier! Look what I got you” She smiles placing the small stuff bear in your arms which you happily accepted. “Thank you” You whisper shyly hugging the bear. Shadowheart smiles as it was her turn. “I got you some pretty flowers and made a couple of bracelets, we both have one. “ She shows off hers and place the other next to Gale’s gift. Tav walks over smiling and crouched next to you and Astarion. “Mine…you’ll have to wait because I promise…I will take you back home” They pat your head. Upon hearing this, you gasp. “You mean it! I get to see my papa soon!” You sat up. 
Astarion leans back watching you interact happily with everyone, that fear gone. He chuckles seeing you yawn and rub your eyes. “Alright little spawn time for sleep.” He looks at the others shooing them away from his tent and picks you up, fixing the bedroll and lays down, holding you close. He wasn’t going to let you go through this alone, not on his watch. You’re his little spawn after all.
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Water Cooler Courting
Pairing: Frankie (Catfish) Morales x gn!reader
Words: 1.4k
Rating G: (brief mention of divorce)
Summary: There's a new coworker that catches the eye of a certain salesman.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: This is my entry in AU August challenge by @punkshort and got the prompt of coworker!Frankie. I hope you enjoy this cute little drabble!
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You didn’t think an office job was for you, but when you started working in advertising for Standard Oil, it was honestly the best job you could’ve asked for. The working environment was idle for your working patterns. Most of your team was amazing and you could feel yourself getting in the grove of your daily work schedule. 
One man in particular piqued your interest. A sweet middle aged man who wore the same company hat everyday, who you had seen in sales, tried to make subtle glances your direction. In the breakroom, he peaked over the rim of his coffee cup in the morning only to turn away when you looked over at him. And you knew that he didn’t pay attention to anything that happened in that budget meeting. You had to admit he was cute so you decided to keep an eye on this interesting man. 
“You have to talk to them,” Benny commented leaning against Frankie’s cubicle. 
Frankie, who was putting all of his concentration into organizing the same stack of papers since the beginning of this conversation, didn't look up at his best friend. If he did then he would have to acknowledge what he was implying. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” 
“Come on man, I saw how they were looking at you during the budget meeting. They were thinking, ‘How much will it cost me to take this handsome man out for dinner?’” Benny responded leaning on the edge of the cubicle. 
“It wasn’t like that. They probably just liked my shirt,” Frankie retorted though he knew it was a flimsy excuse. 
“Give me a break Frankie. You have to at least try. How long has it been since you’ve been on a date?” 
Frankie stood from his office chair and gently shoved past Benny on his way to the files room. Benny had been trying to get him out in the dating scene since the beginning of the year. He swore up and down it’s what he needed, but he wanted to deny that maybe he was right. But Frankie wasn’t gonna tell him that. 
“I don’t need to go out on a date. I gotta concentrate on work and my kid,” Frankie rolled his eyes as he turned the corner. 
Benny groaned. “That’s the same excuse you always use. Remember when you liked that girl from what two weeks ago, and had an amazing time yet you ghosted her.” 
Frankie shook his head as they weaved their way through the maze of offices. “She wasn’t the right fit.” 
“She literally said she wanted to go on another date with you while you were still on the date,” He deadpanned. 
Frankie paused in front of the files room and with a sigh turned to his friend. “Okay maybe that wasn’t my best move.” Benny rolled his eyes and Frankie rubbed his temple. “But it’s not a good time really. I just…haven’t been able to get over her. And who knows. Maybe they don’t want some office romance. They did just start four months ago.” 
Benny sighed. “Okay fine but at least get to know them. They’re a cool person. I talked to them about football for like an hour yesterday. Give them a chance and if things go the way that they do, they let it happen.” 
“Will this get you off my back?” He smirked at his best friend. 
“Only time will tell. But for now I must unfortunately return to my humble abode.” He stated as he walked about. Benny turned over his shoulder and called out. “I better see some flirting happening!”  
Frankie took a deep breath as he saw Benny slip around the corner and set the files in their intended slots. His thoughts were running quickly through his head when he heard a familiar giggle. He turned and saw you joking along with a few of your teammates. A blush creeped into his cheeks and he pulled his well loved hat down as he returned to his cubicle. Dammit you were too cute for his own good. He took a sip of his since chilled coffee and sighed. 
Attempting to work was not happening for Frankie. He had been staring at the blinking cursor for well over 15 mins. All he could concentrate on was that laugh. It rang throughout the cubicles in a way that made his heart skip a beat like he hadn’t felt since he met his ex wife. 
“Dammit Benny being right all the time,” Frankie groaned and stood up from his desk. Maybe water would fix his system. He didn’t even wanna tempt himself with the breakroom so off to the water cooler it was. Hopefully the cold water could wake his system. 
A dull thud behind your eyes started to develop as you continued to stare at the design you were currently working on, but god only knows the amount of fights you were having with Photoshop. It was evident that your productivity had greatly decreased, and you weren’t finishing this project anytime soon. You sighed and grabbed your mug of coffee though when you realized you already finished your second cup, you rubbed your temple with your knuckle. 
“Guess I should have water then,” You sighed and stood up from your ergonomic office chair. Not even bothering with the break room you stopped by the water cooler in the corner of the office spaces. You set the coffee up below the blue value and sighed when the familiar bubbling sound as water filled your empty cup. 
“Seems like we had the same idea,” A voice commented behind you and you turned to see Frankie standing behind you. 
You smiled as you turned off the tap. “I ironically couldn’t do another cup of coffee. Had to have water at some point today.” 
Frankie chuckled and leaned against the wall. “I get that. Been tryn’ to kick that habit but you see how well that’s going.” He gestured with his empty mug. 
“Well I’m right there with you,” You smirk and hold up your own mug. 
“I see we’re doing amazing.” 
“Just the best. I blame art school. Four years of late nights in the studio really made me dependent on the stuff,” You grinned. 
“The years spent in the military did the same to me.” Frankie added. 
“Oh really where did you serve?” You asked leaning against the wall so Frankie could have a turn. 
“South America,” He answered, turning on the tap. 
You nodded at his answer. “My brother did a tour in Iraq.” You added. 
“Had more in common then I thought,” Frankie remarked tilting his head to the side. 
A smile formed on your lips. “I guess we do.” You took another sip of your water before asking. “How long have you worked here?” 
Frankie thought for a second as he switched the water off. “I think around 4 years. Got the job a year after I got out of the army.” 
“Was sales something you’ve always wanted to do?” You asked looking up at the man curiously. 
“Maybe not a dream of mine but always wanted something stable to support my kid,” Frankie explained with a slight blush. 
You smile softly and felt your heart flutter. “That’s actually really sweet.” 
“Thank you. I’ve been tryin to give her a nice life, but ya know how life is sometimes.” Frankie rubbed the back of his neck. 
“I really do. My dad always tried his best when it came to me and my siblings. I can tell you’re a good dad.” 
This time Frankie couldn’t hide the blush that flushed his cheeks, and you chuckled. “How about I buy you a coffee sometime? I really would like to get you know you better.” 
Frankie had to blink a few times to process the information he just heard. YOU were asking HIM on a date. He had to shake his head to get his thoughts. “Yes um ya I-I would love that.” He replied quickly. 
Heat flushed your cheeks and you nodded. “How about Friday after work? My friend runs a cute cafe just around the corner.” 
“That sounds amazing,” Frankie answered with a smile. 
“Perfect, I will see you around,” You said as you turned back towards your office. 
Frankie watched you return to your cubicle and he couldn’t help but smile like a love sick puppy. This interaction would fuel him for the rest of the week. He turned to walk back to his office when he saw Benny give him a thumbs up from his office. He sighed. He hated when he was right, but maybe this time he would let it slide.
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backtotheshitshow · 8 months
Wood & Words
Woodworker! James Potter x Princess! Reader.
Summary: Y/n was looking for the castle woodworker to make her some new thing but she might have found something else instead.
Warnings: i don’t know fluff? James has trouble reading in this one….its for the plot I promise.
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James was on his way back from gathering wood from a nearby grove, his horse carrying the necessary gear to pull the massive logs back to the castle grounds.
As they trotted down the path through the fields, he looked about, taking in the scenery.
The grass around him was still damp from the last rain, but the sun was starting to warm the air to be comfortable and he enjoyed the feeling of being out and working.
He dismounted his horse as he arrived back at his wood shed, beginning to unload the logs from the cart.
There’s a small knock on the door of the shed.
“Excuse me. Um Mr Potter is it?” James hears from near by, causing him to stop what he was doing .
To his own surprise he turns to see the princess.
He quickly hid his surprise and nodded to her. He couldn't help sneaking a glance at her.
Her beauty was stunning, and just seeing her made his heart beat faster, a wave of heat running through him.
He smiled at her, his hazel eyes twinkling. He found himself staring at her, captivated by her presence.
"Yes, I'm James... Potter, your majesty." He answered her trying to not look to nervous.
He was very used to being left alone so the sudden visit was setting off his nerves a bit.
“Um how can I help you?” He asked.
“Ah yes… I’ve come to inquire about something.” She said stepping further into the wood shed towards James.
“Of course how can I be of servous?” He said wipping his hands on his pants and taking a few steps forward.
As he got closer she mentally noted that he was a lot more handsome than she thought he might be, despite the dirt that speckled his face and clothes.
“I’m aware that you often make things for the castle. Chairs and things. I was wondering if you would be able to make a few things for me?” She asked, holding her hands behind her back.
“I’ve brought a um…a list.” She pulled a folded piece of paper from her sleeves.
James looked down at the list that he was handed. As he looked at it, an awkward realization dawned on him.
The letters on the parchment swirled as they always did. As if his eyes refused to focus. An irritated look spread across his face.
“Is there something wrong Mr Potter?” She asked concerned.
He looked at her with a sheepish smile. “I’m not…I’m afraid I’m not very good with words your majesty.” He hands her back the list, avoiding her eye contact.
“Oh…” she seemed shocked by his response.
“I’m so very Mr Potter I…I did not mean to…” y/n cut herself off. “That’s alright. I was only hoping you could make me a new book stand, an easel and a stool, I doubt you need a list for that” She said a bit more confidently.
James smiled warmly as she apologised. Not being able to read wasn’t usually a problem. Most of his instructions came with pictures. And it’s not as if he couldn’t read at all, he knew basic words.
"Absolutely, Princess. I can make that for you. Do you have any specifications on what you want them to look like?”
“No. I’m sure whatever you make will suit perfectly fine.” She was quiet for a moment as she thought.
“Perhaps I can repay you for your service Mr Potter. You make the things I asked for and I can perhaps help you with your reading skills?”
James liked that she was being so kind, but the thought of anyone, let alone the princess helping him read made him feel less than adequate.
“There’s no need for that you majesty. This is my job after all, no need for repayment….” James says.
“Well I can still help either way. I’d love to get you some books perhaps.” Y/n offered with a smile.
James was getting irritated, he was trying to be nice but she kept pushing the subject. He didn’t wish to talk about his reading abilities anymore.
“Fogive me if I speak out of turn your majesty, but I don’t wish for you to teach like I am some small child. I have done perfectly fine in life so far with out it.” James says turns away putting some wood in a barrel.
Y/n felt saddened by his response. She hadn’t meant to upset him.
“I-I apologise Mr Potter I did not mean to offend you. I simply…..” she sighed, looking down.
“Very well thank you for taking on this task. I will return Friday next week. Will that be enough time?”
“Yes that should be more than enough time.” He said bluntly.
“Well thank you…um have a nice evening.” Y/n said leaving quietly.
James watched her leave. His heart was racing and his mind was racing even more, He was not sure, but he couldn't help feeling as though he’d disappointed her some how.
The following day y/n returned to the wood shed, knocking quietly as she had the day before.
“Mr Potter? Are you here?” She called.
James heard her voice as he was working on her book stand. He wasn't sure why she was here when they had agreed on next Friday, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy to see her and find out what she needed.
"Yes! I'm here! I'll be out in just a minute," he said, not wanting to keep her waiting much longer.
“No no take your time I’ve only come to drop off a small gift” y/n explained.
James walked towards her, face dirty and hair a mess, wipping his hands of sawdust with a rag.
James raised an eyebrow at the mention of a gift. He would not complain, but he could not understand why the Princess would want to give him anything, let alone a gift.
“A gift, your majesty?" he asked, still taking the time she offered him.
He was curious and, at the back of his mind, just a touch excited. It wasn't every day that a beautiful princess went out of her way to give him a gift.
“Ah yes….I know you said you didn’t want my help. I understand how you may have felt yesterday. I can see how it may be a bit of a sensitive topic for you. I found this at the markets today.” She placed a book entitled ‘Reading 101’ on his work bench.
“It’s not a childrens book. It’s more..mature then that I thought it might help.” She gave a quick smile.
James wasn’t sure what his reaction should be, he had said he didn’t want her help, but this gesture made it clear she wasn’t taking no for an answer and that oddly comforted him.
Y/n saw the unsure look on his face. “Please except it. I only wish to help.” She blurted out.
“Very well. Thank you.” James said. Moving back to his work.
“Oh…right yes. You’re welcome.” Y/n replied.
James took a glance over to her, he noticed a defeated look on her face. As she began exiting the wood shed he called out to her.
“Your majesty!”
Y/n turned around quickly.
“I mean it…thank you.” He said.
A beaming smile creeped its way onto her face. “Have a nice evening, James.” She said before disappearing.
Hope you enjoy.
Feedback and suggestions are always helpful.💜
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galedekarios · 10 months
devnotes: gale's last night alive / act ii romance scene
i thought i'd share the dev notes for gale's act ii romance scene here because i find they really add to the scene and the understanding of gale's mindset.
the desciption of the scene from the files reads as follows:
The player has accepted a invitation from Gale's hologram projection to come meet the real Gale at a secluded grove at night. There, they speak about how this may be his last night alive, as they near the heart of the Absolute, where Gale is destined to blow himself up. The player probes his mindset and can try to comfort him. Ultimately the scene may become romantic. Gale may lead the player to a magically-infused sex scene amidst the stars, or the player may determine they should take a more grounded approach.
and the cinematic context node is:
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Gale: I love this time of light. node context: wistful
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Gale: This may be my last night alive. I wanted it to be under a canopy of beauty and wonder... and with company to match. cinematicnodecontext: longing look at the player node context: full of longing - Gale: I thought this place might bring me peace. I thought it might make the weight of what I must do feel a little lighter... but I am not so sure. node context: a lot on his mind
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Player: Is this truly what you want, to die for the promise of Mystra's forgiveness? Gale: Babe or crone, coward or hero, death is assured. Mystra's forgiveness is not. If you knew the end was near, would you not want to ensure it had meaning? nodecontext: Quiet dignity
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Player: It's a heavy burden, yes - but one you're able for. Think of the good your sacrifice will do. Gale: I am trying. Believe me, I am. The path is set, and I will not stray from it - even as my heart quakes. I am terrified - I will not claim otherwise. My face could scarcely conceal it even if my words sought to deny it. nodecontext: Hushed, vulnerable Gale: There is no point in running from the inevitable. Better to meet it, on my own terms. nodecontext: Resigned
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Player: Why are you so sure it's inevitable? We haven't even found this 'Heart of the Absolute' yet. Gale: I can feel it - ever since we set foot in this strange, corrupted land. The closer we get, the heavier my own heart becomes. nodecontext: Melancholic, comtemplative
the different branching paths open here for either pursuing the romance path, rejecting it, or choosing the friendship version, before then branching out into the astral sea scene, the more 'mundane' scene, as well as the rejection of gale's invitation:
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cinematicnodecontext for the kiss: The player and Gale kiss seated on the ground. It's relatively chaste.
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Player: I'm in love with you too. Gale: That's a relief. It would be a shame to spend my final hours making an ass of myself. cinematicnodecontext: relieved chuckle
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Player: I don't feel the same way. Gale: I see... well perhaps this is for the best. Should my time be short, you will not be wounded too deeply by my absence. Thank you, for spending this time with me. I think I want to be alone now. nodecontext: quietly crushed
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Player: I'd rather not listen to you wallowing in self-pity. Good night, Gale. Gale: A good night indeed. The fairest I can imagine... nodecontext: player gets up to leave. gale sadly looks away from them, returning his attention to the stars.
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Gale: Yes... but there is so much to live for, and so few moments in which to house it all. [Approval_AtLeast_30_For_Sp6] Gale: Damn you. Damn you for giving me so much to care about. Our friends, our adventures... this would have been so much easier if it was just me. But it isn't. Gale: If there is a way - any way - to save all that's grown dear to me, I want to seize it. I just cannot fathom what that might be, other than to fail Mystra and condemn the world. Gale: Stay with me, will you? I don't want to think of it any more, but I don't want to be alone either. Player: Stay with him and watch the stars in silence. cinematicnodecontext: The player and Gale silently watch the stars. The scene fades out.
from there on, the different versions of the romance scene can play out:
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Player: I hope that wasn't a parting kiss. Gale: Not if I have any say in the matter. Gale: I want it to be perfect - to bond with you in the way that gods do... intertwining our spirits in visions of the Weave. nodecontext: gale stands, a little animated as he describes the possibilities of magic love. the player stands.
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Player: Show me. Gale: How about the perfect night in Waterdeep? Yes... Let's imagine how it would be. The scene is this: you and I stand in the room that is the centre of my universe. cinematicnode context:
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i love this line personally: this is gale's home and heart of his studies.
it really hammers home the point of what gale is trying to do here, showing the protag all of this, trying to cram as much as he can into this one night he thinks he has left with them.
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cinematicnodecontext: Gale pauses, breathing in what illusory seabreeze he may.
i made a gifset a while ago of how deeply gale misses his home and it really struck a chord in me, reading this again in the nodecontext as well.
after this he introduces the book. there aren't many devnotes in that part except for this option here:
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cinematic node context: cheeky grin node context: cheeky
after this the two paths diverge between the astral sea scene and the more 'mundane' scene:
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the cinematic notes and node context notes for the astral sea scene are the following:
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ending with a devnote for a wide cut and a fade to black.
the cinematic context nodes / node context notes for the version where you decline gale's offer are as follows:
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Gale: the old ways then. If that is what you wish, so be it.
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nodecontext: Tactful, bowing to the player's desires.
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Gale: A small gesture towards your comfort. nodecontext:
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and of course, there is a nodecontext/devnote too for the option to refuse gale at this point:
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Player: This is a pleasant fantasy, but no more. Time to return to the real world. Gale: As you like. Thank you, for spending this time with me. If only there was more. nodecontext: saddened/resigned, but respectful Player: This is a pleasant fantasy, but no more. Time to return to the real world. Gale: As you like. Thank you, for spending this time with me. If only there was more. nodecontext: saddened/resigned, but respectful
anyhow, i hope someone found this as informative and interesting as i did. 🖤
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~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~
This is a lovely commission from a moon of mine. They wish to be anonymous, but I do have a brief description of the headcanons. Hazbin character finds out their friend is self-harming and how they would help them. Id like this one with Charlie, Angel Dust, and Sir Pentious Platonic Charlie, Angel Dust, & Sir Pentious x Reader
TW: SELF-HARM MENTIONED, COPING SKILLS (not all skills will work for everyone), ANGST/FLUFF
When the news was broken to Charlie that you had harmed yourself, she was the saddest she had ever been.
She tried hard to be as strong as she could for you, and she stood by your side.
She did all sorts of tasks until you were ready to start taking on things again.
She would try to get you to talk about why or what happened, but she quickly learned to just let you be.
She showered you in rainbows, glitter, and platonic love to show you she cared so much about you.
Whenever you opened up to her the first time, instead of harming yourself, she was ecstatic that you trusted her, and she hugged you for hours.
She will 100% cry with you and be there through the ups and downs
She learns about these places called rage rooms, and she makes it a deal with you that once a month, you two will go
Once all the damage and anger is out during your friend sessions, she will take you to your favorite food place and just talk with you about anything
She sends you daily texts asking you how you are and making sure that you are well
She does it at random times of the day, too, so you don't think she is doing it out of routine but because she cares.
Angel Dust:
Angel Dust understood the need to harm yourself to let the pain out all too well, but to see his best friend like that was painful.
He cleaned you up nicely and took you to a dive bar to discuss some things.
He is the most meticulous person out of everyone just because he gets it and knows how to get through it.
He bargains with you that he will cut down on drugs and booze if you get a therapist and do healing activities with him.
You two sign up for all sorts of activities around Pentagram City to take your mind off the bad.
You guys did photoshoots, dress-ups, safe parties, artwork, music, and anything to help make your mind travel elsewhere.
Over time, he would do nightly check-ins and make sure that you had no other tools or abilities to hurt yourself again.
Once you were clean for a while, he threw you a big party, disguising it as a half-birthday party or something wild, so only you two really knew the meaning of it.
If you ever relapse he is gentle and kind with you, starting the process entirely back over.
He never gets mad or puts you down if you have a relapse or bad day. He is understanding and helps you find your grove again.
He has no care in the world if you need to interrupt his shoots, and he will leave to take care of you.
If you get worried that Val will hurt him, Angel just tells you it's going to be okay and that you matter more to the world than a few extra shots that Val will assign.
Sir Pentious:
Pentious is the most anxious snake in the world. He is terrified when he hears the news because he thinks he is being a bad friend.
When you inform him why you did what you did, he is just as anxious, but he is anxious because he wants to prevent it from ever happening again.
He has the Egg Bois stay with you when he has to go and do something so you won't be alone.
He does extensive research on how to help with depression, anxiety, and self-harm. He even learns a trick or two for himself.
Once he is confident that he can help you and get you the help you need, he will relieve the Egg Bois of their duty.
He talks to you about literally every option for treatment and assistance.
He helps you decide to stay in a private hospital for the time being.
He visits every visitation, laughs, and talks with you in the communal spaces.
He is there to help you reintroduce yourself to daily life when you get discharged.
He practically moves in with you at one point, sleeping on your couch.
After a couple of months, he feels safe leaving you alone but makes sure his number is on speed dial.
He takes you to all your checkups and therapy appointments that you get scheduled.
He is texting you on the dot if you get prescribed medicine when you need to take it.
He reminds you every day how important you are to the world and that you are his and the Egg Bois best friend.
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oops-all-concrete · 5 months
I was wondering if I could get headcanons for a younger(late teens-early twenties) tav who views the companions as more of older siblings/mentors, personally my tav is inspired off the tiefling kids in the emerald Grove because I thought it would be very cool if Mol a street kid became the savior of baldurs gate, absolutely adore your writing thank you so much if you decide to do this!
Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I went on an enexpected hiatus but I am back and have a few lists in the works, so keep an eye out for that!
But yeah, I LOVE this idea??? This is so cute and if you have pictures of your Tav, please share them, I NEED to know what they're like, they sound so cool and I love the idea behind them!
Anyway without further adieu;
Companions react to: Younger Tav who sees them as an older sibling/mentor!
No spoilers, just some lovely lil headcanons, enjoy♡
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Lae'zel - It depends on (your) Tavs dynamic with her. She was taught to follow when there was a leader, and lead when there was none. If Tav is intent on following, she's strict, sharp and a little intimidating, but always looking out for Tav, ordering them to the back of the group and allowing them cool moments in fights too. "Finish them off, teethling" She says proudly. But if Tav takes a leader role, she's happy to follow without question, and will shape everyone else in line with tavs orders, once she trusts their judgement. A kind leader and devoted follower. That's what you get from Lae'zel.
Shadowheart - She could never explain why, but having a kind teifling friend who's quite like this Tav is so...familiar? It's nice in any case. She feels at ease and way off her guard around Tav and is grateful to them for it. Of course she feels bad hiding things, but has gotten pretty good at making sure Tav is distracted and having fun on the adventure. She's always sneaking them snacks, turning a blind eye to any pranks they play on the others and keeping them in arms range at all times. They make her feel young again.
Wyll - He's like a guardian angel sent from above. He's happy to teach, but not above learning from Tav too, seeing them as an equal, even if he's kind of the "big brother." He's perfect for stories, indulging in Tavs silly ideas, good or bad, and the man you want in a crisis. No matter how bad it gets, he's staying calm for Tav, witty even, to keep them distracted or focused. It's hard to not be relaxed around Wyll and it's ever so intentional. If Tav is happy, so is he, and he says as much all the time.
Karlach - A young tiefling troublemaker who's just trying to do their best? She absolutely adores them, seeing her young self in them at every turn. It's healing for her to take care of who is basically her younger self, and she takes a genuine pride in looking out for them. Keeping them safe. Teaching them not to make the same mistakes she did. She'll do anything to keep them safe even at her own detriment.
Gale - Gale always wanted to be a teacher, and seeing how passionate Tav is, he just has to teach them. He sees potential in everything they do and goes out of his way to ensure they harness their abilities to their fullest. He's happy to answer any and all questions, and will look for answers if he doesn't have them. He's never short on praise either, always telling them how proud he is and how wonderful it is to watch them become the person they are.
Astarion - He's the bully older brother you never realised you wanted, probably because you didn't and still don't. He's got a thousand mean nicknames and if Tav slips up, he never let's them forget it. Tav and him will bicker to the end of time, but when all is said and done, if someone so much as grazes Tavs skin- he will drain the life out of them as painful and slow as possible. He might laugh, but only when he knows Tav is actually okay, and if someone else laughs, he'll make them regret it. He'd never say it out loud, but having a sibling he can protect is very nice.
Bonus, the older folks!
Halsin - He immediately takes up the dad role. He's always wanted children of his own, once he finds the right person, but they make him.okay with just doing it alone. Bear rides, whittled trinkets, spell lessons, he's all for it. There's just about nothing Tav could possibly say to make him unhappy to hear from them. He's indulged in everything they say and prideful in everything they do. He gets into the habit of calling them fawn, fledgling, lamb, whatever Tav likes sticks.
Jaheira - She doesn't realise it, but she does go full mother mode, even in front of the Harpers. Tav has messy hair? She's fixing it immediately. She sees elbows on the table, Tav is getting the mom look. Tav has dirt on their face, she's licking her thumb to rub it out. It's so subconscious, but she can't help it. And by God's, if anyone talks ill of Tav to their face, she's ready to throw down. Even if it's just questioning.
Harper: "I don't get it, they're a kid, how are they going to-"
Jaheira: "If I hear one more word out of that idiot mouth, I'm going to sew it shut and have you clear out the barn of all the ox shit, so you have no choice but to smell it"
Minsc - He's just happy to be admired for what he is; a warrior! Lead by a miniature giant space hamster. He won't question most things Tav does, trusting their own kind of warrior style and knowing they're doing everything for righteous reason. He admires them at every turn, even if he has no idea what their deal is or how to explain it to other people. Boo knows. And thats all that matters.
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galacticgraffiti · 1 year
⋆☾⋆ Big Love Ahead (2) ⋆☽⋆
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!!! NSFW ⋆ 18+ ⋆ Minors DNI !!!
Summary: After you start to get better, feelings start to grow - and you find out Halsin's secret. Or: Halsin is the softest man and I want to live the cottagecore fantasy with him so bad.
Rating: Mature Wordcount: 6k Descriptors: The first two chapters are fairly genderneutral. Reader's physique is not really described aside from being quite a bit shorter and smaller than Halsin. CW: Fluff, softness, building up some feelings before we get to fucking, pet names, oblivious pining, Halsin in bear form, thirsting for druids is hot, talks about feelings, resolving the tension.
✦⋆ « Chapter (1) ⋆✦⋆ Main Masterlist ⋆✦⋆ If you prefer AO3 ⋆✦
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Chapter 2: The Bear
The morning brings… surprises.
You wake up, your legs sore and your functional arm sorer, but you feel clean, and your hair still smells of Halsin.
You stretch, clenching your teeth at the pain that flares up as your muscles contract and your joints crack into place. New bandages cover your deeper wounds, and oddly enough, the sight of them makes you smile. Halsin must have dressed the wounds after you had already fallen asleep.
The thought of leaving the bed seems terrible, except that the last thing you remember is Halsin telling you he sleeps right outside. It may just be worth it to leave the comforts of your sheets to find him. You can imagine him now, his large form curled up by a fire, watching the stars in the night sky move with his impossible patience as he falls asleep, and seeing the sun rise in his golden eyes when he wakes.
You wrap yourself in your sheet and try not to collapse as you limp towards the entrance. It is only a few steps, but the way seems entirely too long, even if you can lean against the cave wall to prop yourself up. The outside is already bright with the light of dawn, and you squint into the sun, taking in the newly familiar sight of the grove and meadow, feeling the grass underneath your bare feet for the first time.
At first glance, you don’t see Halsin anywhere. There is no campfire like you thought there might be, no tent or even a bedroll. You look around, a little lost for what to do. This has never happened before - you have not been able to walk by yourself for so long, and you have never left the cave before yesterday’s bath. You had never needed to before - Halsin was always there whenever you required anything, and most of your time has been spent sleeping, reading and recovering.
You look around, taking in the fresh morning air and the beauty of nature before you, when a noise catches your attention. It comes from the shadows beside the cave, right behind a big boulder covered in moss. It sounds… almost like a snore. Except no person could ever produce such a noise, not even one of Halsin’s size. It’s much too loud, much too… animalistic. But Halsin would never let you sleep anywhere where you were at risk of being attacked, right? Surely not. He wouldn’t leave you alone if he was not sure that you were safe.
Carefully, though your entire body is screaming DANGER, you make your way around the boulder. And you are met by the sight of…
A really large fucking bear.
A bear. Next to your cave. Sleeping, curled in on itself, its giant head resting on huge paws with sharp claws. You can see its chest expand with deep breaths, and if it weren’t right there in front of you, you would find it fascinating. The bear shifts, huffing as it moves, it’s nose scrunching up.
You nearly scream.
But its eyes are closed, and you press your hand to your mouth just in time that all you utter is a muffled “hmph”.
You stare and stare. Your eye twitches. Your legs shake, as if the new effort of keeping yourself upright was not enough already.
You press your lips together and try to breathe as quietly as you can. And then, you move. Slowly, ever so slowly, you try to make your way back towards the cave, away from the animal that sleeps right next to your resting place. Then, a thought comes crashing in: Halsin. Where is he? Did that bear do something to him? What happened to-
In your panic, your silly feet miss a step. It’s like you are falling in slow motion, the world blurring around you. You hit the ground with a dull crack and a cry of pain escapes from your throat. The bear grunts, its head raising.
Your spine aches and all the air that has been pressed from your lungs when you hit the ground floods back in, but you don’t scream. Instead, you close your eyes and… give up. What else is there to do?
You can hear the bear shift, and you can almost feel its breath on your face, sharp fangs glittering behind your eyelids as you wait for the worst; wait to be mauled to death, to be ripped open and devoured in a bloody mess of bones and cartilage.
The worst does not come.
When you are brave enough to open your eyes again, the bear is staring right at you. With Halsin’s golden irises glowing in its face.
You get over it.
Maybe that’s the wrong way to put it.
You… find out. And you accept it. As soon as your mouth has stopped screaming in terror, as soon as paw turns into hand and fur into skin, you accept what has happened.
Halsin’s explanations make sense, and his voice calms you. You feel so stupid- you should have connected the dots ealier. But your mind is still reeling, and your heartbeat still much too fast. You might have collapsed if you were not already on the ground, but… you are oddly fine with it.
It’s just him. For a moment, the relief that nothing bad has happened to him cuts through the surprise, and that is enough to ground you. You pull yourself together and snap your mouth shut. You stare and stare, not moving, but not moving away either, as Halsin carefully approaches you, both hands raised in the air.
He sits down next to you with a sigh, far away so he won’t touch you. You watch him, watch his profile. And all you can think is: you should have known. A wood elf with his build? Of course he is a fucking bear. Of course this happens. You should have expected it.
Once the panic starts to fade, you are just ashamed at your reaction, which is not helped by Halsin apologising way more than he should.
“There’s nothing wrong,” you hear your voice say, eventually, though your mind is still somewhere else entirely, but he keeps on saying sorry for something nobody should ever have to apologise for. “You are just… a bear. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“I should have told you.” He sounds so broken that you shatter at the sound of his voice. “I should have-”
“You should have nothing,” you interrupt him. “This changes nothing. I’m fine, I promise. I was just… surprised. I’m sorry I reacted so poorly, I should have made the connection sooner, but I swear I’m alright.”
“You were screaming for about ten minutes there.” His voice is so dry and matter of fact that you nearly burst into laughter.
“I… I mean, yes.” You take a deep breath. “Was this the ideal way to find out? Absolutely fucking not. But… Halsin. Nothing could change the way I feel about you.”
“You… feel about me?” He seems genuinely confused.
You roll your eyes, and everything you have been keeping inside for weeks now, all the feelings you tried to shun and suppress, bubble to the surface.
“You are incredible,” you whisper. You push yourself closer to him, your fingers finding his and holding tight. “I…The way you took care of me- I should have guessed you were a druid. I should have known-”
“-you couldn’t have-”
“-and even if I had known earlier, or even if I hadn’t found out just now, nothing would have changed. I love staying here, with you.”
His fingers squeeze yours gently.
“I am glad I found you, you know? This summer has been one of the best I have had in many years.”
You smile quietly, but you don’t push him. There has been a sizable surprise already, you are not sure you could take another one. You are happy just sitting next to him, his large palm covering your hand entirely.
You limp back into the cave eventually, holding onto Halsin’s thick forearm for stability, and curl up in bed again.
“I won’t ask any questions,” you say as he sits by your side, peeling berries from a twig. “But you can always talk to me. You know that, right?”
There is a small smile in his eyes.
“Thank you.”
When he doesn’t say anything else, you lay back, your lids shutting all on their own.
You dream of a bear with Halsin’s voice and Halsin’s eyes, leading you through a forest with thick trees and sweet smells. He never leaves your side and you are never lost.
The next day, you ask Halsin if he can carry you to the meadow that lies before the cave.
“I cannot bear another day of being bed-ridden,” you complain. After a moment of hesitation, you add deviously, “...no pun intended.”
Halsin’s face freezes, then he bursts out in laughter, so loud it makes your ears hurt in the small space of the cave. You watch his shoulders shake with joy and think to yourself that you have never been happier.
You could probably walk to the meadow by yourself if you had a walking stick or something similar. After all, you made it nearly all the way yesterday. Neither of you ever mentions that, not when he scoops you up into his arms, and not when he kneels on the softest patch of grass he can find to put you down. You like being taken care of. You like being taken care of by him. And you get the feeling he likes taking care of you, too. One day, you’ll return the favour.
You spend the whole day there, watching Halsin go about his day, enjoying the sun on your face and the birdsong around you. The meadow is beautiful, and your eyes keep finding something new every time you look around. When Halsin carries you back to your bed that night, you can barely sleep thinking about what the next day might bring.
He carries you to the meadow every day from then on, and lays you down, as gently as if you could break, to rest in the summery sunlight. You ask him if he has anything you could help with, and he shows you how to weave baskets, how to skin an animal so you can use its hide, how to whittle and sharpen your knives and so much more. You get the feeling he just enjoys teaching you things - none of this is actually directly helpful to him in any way. 
But when his deep voice calmly instructs you and sings your praises when you manage to get things right, how could you ever complain? And it’s nice to see nature through his eyes: not scary and strange, but familiar and comforting, providing all anyone could ever need.
A week passes like that, and then another. Halsin spends more and more time by your side, brooding over scrolls, helping you hone your new skills. He fishes so he can stay close to you - or at least, you hope that is why. And one day, he asks you something unexpected.
He is sitting next to you, checking the rod of his fishing pole. You watch him as you always do - out of the corner of your eye, fascinated beyond measure by everything he does and the way he moves. He clears his throat suddenly, and you are startled from your daydreams.
“I want to ask you something. The bear… did I scare you?”
You consider this for a moment, your hand resting next to his on the damp grass.
“No,” you answer finally, and truthfully. “It- it scared me that I didn’t know it was you. But once I found out that you were the bear and the bear was you… you have never scared me. Never made me feel unsafe. Why should the bear be any different? He is just another part of you. Is there… Why do you ask?”
“Well,” he grumbles, shifting beside you, and putting down the fishing rod. “You haven’t seen me in that form since then, and… I didn’t know if you would mind.”
He sounds so cautious it makes you think that someone before you did, in fact, mind. But you don’t- and you tell him so.
“Good.” His sigh is one of relief, and a broad smile appears on his features. “I will be honest, I was getting tired of using a rod to catch our dinner.”
It takes you a moment to understand what he is saying. When you realise, a shiver runs down your spine - excitement more than anything else. You are way more excited to see his bear form again than you probably should be.
“Do you… usually catch fish as a bear?” you ask, trying to sound casual. Halsin turns to you, and your heart stumbles. His features are illuminated by the light of the afternoon, soft and glowing, and a strand of hair sticks to his cheek. You want to brush it back, you want to-
“I do, yes. It’s… easier. Less time consuming. And it’s not fishing - it’s a hunt. It is fun, and it helps me… keep control while I am human. The hunt relaxes me, but it also gets my blood pumping - it can be hard to control the beast if I don’t let it out every once in a while.”
You swallow thickly. You could imagine some other situations that would get his blood pumping-
“Ah,” is the only response you can utter without sounding like a desperate fool.
A moment passes. Halsin’s fingers play with the grass, pulling and weaving. You clear your throat.
“Well, I don’t think we have any food left for tonight.”
He looks up at you, his eyes shining. You know full well that there is a basket full of smoked meat in the cave, and a whole collection of berries, weeds and flowers to eat. He must know it too.
“Well, then,” is all Halsin says. “I’d better get you back inside and go hunting, wouldn’t I?”
He gets up, towering over you in all his glory. You bite your lip.
“Actually… I was thinking I could stay here,” you mumble.
Halsin cocks his head.
“You want to watch me hunt? I promise, it’s not nearly as exciting as it sounds.”
“I don’t mind,” you admit quietly. “I just… like watching you. I would like to learn more about you - and about the bear. If that is what you want as well.”
“Hm.” He glances across the meadow, over to the river, where the water gurgles and the fishes leap. “I suppose… this should be far enough away.”
Excitement floods you like fire in your veins. You smile at him, squinting into the sun.
Halsin flashes you his teeth in a short smile. You try not to stare as he stalks over to the large boulder next to the cave and starts shedding his clothes. You try really, really hard. And you fail miserably.
You have never seen an elf with his build, the bulging muscles, the soft belly, the thickness of his thighs and the roundness of his broad shoulders. It gets you every time.
He wades into the water, and you watch as a golden shimmer flashes across his skin, bringing fur and claws and wildness with it. It makes you think of that time he built a bath for you - how his eyes flashed, how you told yourself that the spark in the water was just an odd trick of the light.
Now you think it might not have been. 
The beast is hard to control when my blood runs hot.
Your belly tightens when you think about the implications of it. Was he- when he got in the pool with you… how close had he been to losing control? What would-
A triumphant roar interrupts your budding inappropriate thoughts. You watch as the bear - large and imposing, the water parting around its mighty hind legs - scoops one fish after another from the river. The thought that this wild animal is Halsin- that he is actually in there, with all his careful attentiveness, all his gentle touches- makes you feel things you cannot describe.
The whole thing cannot last more than a few minutes, but you feel like you watch the bear forever, in all his wild golden-brown glory. Every once in a while, his head turns to you as if to make sure you are still watching. Eventually, the bear wades back to shore. Only as he comes closer do you realise just how huge he actually is: Round belly, soft fur and deceptively cute ears.
A sudden flash of panic surges through you when you realise that you have no way of escaping him.
Your arms start to shake and you have to remind yourself to take deep breaths. It’s Halsin. This is Halsin, he would never hurt you. You press your eyes shut, then hastily open them again. The bear’s steps have slowed, he watches you with careful eyes. With Halsin’s eyes.
Your heartbeat calms.
With some effort, you heave yourself up from the ground, and stretch out a hand towards the bear. With steps that make the ground shake, he approaches, ever so slowly, until his wet nose bumps against your palm.
Carefully, you run your fingers up his flat nose, slowing your breath when the bear plops down next to you with a deep huff. He seems so… gentle. The wildness of the hunt is gone, evaporated along with the water of the river he stood in. 
You don’t fool yourself- you have seen the damage a bear’s claws and fangs can do, and Halsin would be no different. And yet, nothing about him seems threatening or dangerous. 
Your hand follows the outline of his fur-covered ear, and you smile when he twitches. For a while, you let yourself stay very still, until your legs start to tremble with exhaustion from standing up. Finally, you give in, sinking to the ground. Your stomach makes an absolutely inhuman noise as you do, and you realise how hungry you are.
The bear’s ears prick up. Languidly, he rises to his feet, shaking his fur like a wet dog.
“Hey!” you giggle when the droplets of water hit you. The bear’s head whips around, and the baring of his fangs seems almost like a smile.
He trods off, towards the boulder, and in a shudder of golden light, his form contracts and fur gives way to skin once more. Halsin smiles at you softly.
“You are a miracle, little flower.” His deep voice carries across the meadow, and you wonder if he meant for you to hear it. Heat rises to your cheeks as Halsin unabashedly dries himself off before stepping back into his trousers and pulling his shirt over his head.
He never seems to care about these things: him or you unclothed before one another. He never seems to notice it in the same way you do, though you think you have caught him looking at you a few times. You always tell yourself you must be mistaken - certainly, he would have acted upon it by now.
But to see him like this, to get to be part of his world so entirely- to be able to gaze upon the bear and see the man… Well, your blood certainly runs hotter, that’s for sure.
Halsin crouches down next to you, his finger stroking your cheek.
“You really don’t mind, do you?” His voice is full of wonder. You shrug and smile at him.
“I told you that I don't.”
“Many have told me. Few have ever truly meant it,” he mumbles. There is a pause, his face so close to yours that all you want to do is grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him in for a kiss.
Halsin clears his throat.
“I should get the fish.”
As he wanders off, you are left to stare after him, wondering if maybe, he does not feel the same way about you as you do about him.
That night, you have a nightmare.
It’s the worst one since the battle, and you wake up in tears, screaming until your lungs give out. You are only half-awake, thrashing in your bed, the smell of blood in your nose, when Halsin is already by your side, in human form, pushing your flailing arms down to the bed and talking over your cries.
“It’s alright, little flower. You are alright, you are here with me, alive and well- you are fine, I’m here with you, I’m here…”
You bury your face against his chest and sob, haunted by the faces of your dead companions, by knives slashing at you and the sharp agony of an arrow through your shoulder. Halsin holds you through the pain, his arms tight around you, the warmth of his body the only thing tethering you to the presence.
When your head hurts and you have no more tears, you gently unwind yourself from his embrace, staring at him through swollen lids. The question slips out of your mouth before you think about it.
“Will you sleep here tonight? I don’t think I can fall asleep again on my own.”
“Of course, my love.” There is not a moment’s hesitation, he just crawls into bed with you and opens his arms. You bury yourself in his strong embrace, feeling small and fragile. You are so relieved that he is here, his mere presence providing much needed comfort.
“No harm will ever come to you again,” Halsin murmurs into your hair. “I shall see to that. I will be there to protect you, little flower.”
The tears you cry now are those of an affection you cannot put into words. Exhausted by your nightmares, you fall asleep wrapped in him. You wake up a few more times that night, scared and shaking, but Halsin is always there, stroking your hair and telling sweet stories until you fall back asleep.
When you wake properly in the morning, your bed is cold where Halsin used to lay, and your sheets are stained with sweat and tears. With eyes still swollen from last night, you scoot to the edge of your bed and test the waters. Your legs carry you - hesitantly, but they do carry you. You stumble through the cave, dragging your sheets with you, intent on washing them so they can dry during the day. You will not make Halsin clean up your mess again. He did enough last night.
When you reach the outside with trembling legs, Halsin is nowhere to be seen, though you find a note at your boulder:
I am sorry if I have not returned and you must find me gone. I did not intend to leave you alone, but you looked so peaceful I did not want to wake you. I am on a hunt - I shall be back before you know it, little flower.
You grumble, but fold the note up neatly to put it in your pocket.
Little flower. He makes you smile even in his absence.
The few steps to the river seem like an eternity, but you need to wash the sweat off of yourself and your sheets. In the shallows, you can sit, though the water is ice cold and even less comfortable than it was in the little pool Halsin once made for you. However, the feeling helps you wake up, and as you are hanging your sheets from the tree branches, hurrying to rest your burning legs, you spot the bear on his way back towards your little camp.
Your heart beats faster at the sight of him: Halsin is back. You knew he would not leave you alone for long - you wondered that he left at all. Then again, you have seen the amount of food the man eats, so maybe it was hunger that drove him out of the cave.
The bear lumbers towards you, bumping your hand with his snout.
“Hey there,” you smile. Sometimes, you find it hard to connect the animal and the man, even though rationally, you know they are the same. But the bear makes it so much easier to touch him, to not feel like you are asking for too much when you let your fingers glide through his fur. He nuzzles against you so hard you nearly topple over and you laugh.
“Oy! Careful there, I’m still not too well up on my legs.” You smile to soften the blow of your words, then point towards the little hollow in the meadow where you usually sit. “Will you come lay with me? I could use the warmth after my bath.”
The bear snuffles and nods his head. You hold onto him, using his sturdy form as a crutch as you wrap yourself up in a clean sheet and make your way over to your usual spot. There are some leftovers from last night to snack on, and Halsin has left you a scroll or two with some stories about the forest. You grow curiouser and curiouser how he has accumulated all that knowledge. You know he is a druid, but he seems to know so much about the forest and all its inhabitants that you want to learn more as well.
The bear curls up next to you, sniffling and groaning quietly as he does. You carefully lean back against him, buried in a living blanket of fur and warmth. He is so comfortable, his breath quiet and steady, his belly expanding against you whenever he inhales.
You have some food while you read, but soon, your eyelids grow heavy and you close your eyes. Just for a moment, you tell yourself. You will just rest for a moment.
Sleep has you faster than a net catches a fish.
When you wake up, nothing has changed apart from the light - it has become the light of a late afternoon, the sun already low in the sky. You stretch slowly, hearing your joints crack with the movement. The bear next to you huffs and shifts. You turn around to face him, raising a brow.
“Seems we’re both having quite the lazy day, aren’t we?” You chuckle to yourself. Your stomach is growling, though, and as much as you wish you could curl up against the bear again, you should probably cook something. When you tell this to Halsin, the bear rises to his feet and trods over to the boulder where Halsin’s clothes are strewn about.
The familiar golden shimmer rises from his fur, and a moment later, Halsin in his human form regards you with warm brown eyes.
“I’ll help you,” he says.
It becomes part of your ritual after that: You, curling up against the bear whenever you grow tired and he is there. Every day, Halsin seems to get more comfortable changing shape around you, and you are happy about it. The bear, oddly enough, is an excellent listener. Telling him things feels easier than telling them to another person, even though you think to yourself that telling Halsin things is already easier than telling anyone else.
Maybe it’s the fact that he doesn’t speak, or the comfort of being able to touch him without implications. Still, your heart beats faster at any shape Halsin is in, and you slowly come to realise that it’s not only lust that moves your heart. You like him. You care about him - a lot more than you realised.
Sometimes, as long as the nights are still warm enough, you sleep under the stars, curled up in the bear’s warmth, talking about the vastness of the universe or the flavour of the berries you had that day. Sometimes, Halsin the man sleeps in your bed, thick arms wrapped around your body which always seems so tiny in his embrace. He always makes you feel so safe, and he never asks for anything more. He just crawls into bed with you and opens his arms, and you slot against him like you were created to fill that space.
The only time you are ever really apart is when Halsin the bear goes hunting. Sometimes he comes home with his snout covered in blood, but you don’t mind. That is as much part of him as your violence is part of you, and you know he never kills without reason. The forest is about balance, and Halsin would never disrupt that. He starts bringing you wild game to cook and brine. Under his guidance, you learn more and more about the forest and its plants and creatures.
The leaves are almost turning when you are finally fully healed.
You never talk about it - not really. One day, Halsin just takes the bandages off and puts no new ones on. One day, you can make it all the way across the meadow by yourself, and then you venture into the forest, and beyond the cave; in the beginning always with the man or the bear by your side, and after some time, you go on your own, picking berries and mushrooms while Halsin hunts. And you never talk about leaving.
It is a quiet and peaceful and happy life. You have become closer than you ever thought you would, but still, he has never indicated that he wants anything more - nothing, aside from the sparkle in his eyes when he looks at you. You are not even sure him sleeping in your bed is any indication that he likes you… in that way. That his affections are of the same kind as your own.
You try to be quiet in your love for him, afraid of disrupting the harmony, afraid he might leave if this is not what he wants anymore. You don’t press too close, you don’t bat your lashes, you don’t make any jokes, afraid it might all get too much. The thought of losing Halsin is more than you can stand.
One day, you are laying in the tall grass next to each other, your fingers interlaced as you look up at the clouds.
“That one looks like a bear,” you say, squinting at a particularly round accumulation of clouds and pointing.
“Do you say that to tease me?” Halsin laughs. “Have I become so fat and lazy in your presence, my love?”
You frown, sitting up on your elbows, unhappy that your silly joke could have made him think that way about himself.
“You are neither of those things, Halsin. You are perfect.”
“Perfect…” he muses. “It is not in nature to be perfect, and yet all of nature is.”
You watch him, the softness of his profile, the tree trunks of his arms, the lines all of his sunshine smiles have left on his face. And before you can overthink it, you roll over and clamber into his lap.
Halsin’s eyes are full of surprise, but his hands grab your hips immediately, slotting right into place as if he has been waiting for centuries to touch you. You look down at him, anxiety and excitement mixing in your belly.
Halsin looks back, his eyes warm and soft and hungry, mirroring your own.
You lean forward, tentative and slow, giving him time to stop you, to pull away, to lift you off his lap as if you were a feather. But instead, Halsin straightens up, his lips meeting yours in a sweet relief of tension.
You close your eyes, your hands burying in his hair, his fingers digging into your hips. The kiss is sweet, but there is something  simmering just beneath the surface - a hunger that is hard to describe but which consumes you whole. Your lips are swollen when you break apart, and your heartbeat is fast in your throat.
“I’ve been meaning to do that for so long,” you croak out, your hands fluttering nervously to his shoulders, his jaw, his chest. Halsin smiles, and it’s the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
“If I had known, I would have encouraged you more.” His eyes roam your body unabashedly, and heat rises to your cheeks. “All these times I slept in your bed, I could have done so much more to help you… relax.”
You choke on your own tongue, surprised by how forward he suddenly is.
“I-” you need a moment to make your brain function again. “I’m sure we will find some time for that still, my love.”
“Mhhm, I hope so.” Halsin’s fingers stroke your cheek. “I was so focused on making sure you would feel better- I should have noticed- I should have told you that this was always an option.”
“Always?” Your brain is spinning and you think you may have lost control of your limbs. Halsin’s eyes sparkle with amusement.
“Always, little flower. There is nothing under the sun that is not beautiful, and you may be the most beautiful of all of nature’s creations I have ever witnessed.”
You have never fancied yourself a particularly romantic kind of girl, but his words make your heart flutter and your breath hitch. Halsin’s eyes flash golden and he grimaces, his hands tightening on you for just the fraction of a second. The shimmer reminds you of something, something that seems so long ago now.
“The way your eyes just- that time in the pool, when you made a bath just for me-”
“I wanted you,” Halsin interrupts you. “I wanted you with every fibre of my being, but you had never given any indication that you had thought about me that way. I was worried I might scare you away if I was too forward- that you would not feel comfortable in my presence anymore. You were not well back then, and I… I could not risk losing control. The bear would have destroyed you.”
“The bear-” your mouth hangs open at the implication of his words. “Do you mean- I-”
“I told you, it’s hard to tame the beast when blood runs hot.” Halsin’s eyes are golden again in the light of the sinking sun. “Being around you so much has made things easier in some senses, and harder in others. I only want what you want, be it man or bear.”
“Or both,” you whisper. His eyes widen just a fraction, but that is enough. You kiss him again, with all the desperation, all the desire and yearning you have kept inside for the past few months. The groan that escapes him is animalistic, and before you know it, Halsin has picked you up and risen from the ground.
You wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you, your back slamming against stone when he presses up against the entrance of the cave.
“Do you know what you are saying, my heart?” Halsin’s voice is hoarse. His breath is hot on your face and you shiver at the look in his eyes - pure desire that sparks liquid fire in your belly.
You tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, lost in the feeling of his strong, warm body against yours, trying to somehow get even closer, to feel even more of him.
“I do,” you confirm quietly. “Though for tonight… maybe I’ll stick with you in this form.”
Halsin laughs, the sound rising into the air like smoke from a campfire.
“A wise decision, little flower.” His mouth descends onto you again in a swift motion. “We’ll have to make sure I fit as it is.”
⋆༻༺⋆༺༻⋆••●••⋆༺༻⋆༻༺ ⋆
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autistichalsin · 9 months
One of the most beautiful and understated parts of Halsin's arc is meaning.
In addition to showing kindness- like I mentioned in an earlier post- Halsin's love of nature symbolizes how he finds meaning in small things. It's why he loves honey; it's his little indulgence. It's why he loves ducks, whittling, and whittling ducks; because ducks are migratory birds, but they remind him of finding home.
In nature, Halsin sees life lessons. He sees meaning. He sees strength and protection and love in bears, he sees journeys and homecomings i ducks, he sees joy and simplicity in dogs. He sees strength and resilience and even beauty in trees, beginnings in roots, and wonder in the sky. It all has a meaning to him.
Even less happy things he acknowledges; he sees death as just as important as life, chaos as a necessary counter to order to keep balance (befitting his Druidic beliefs). He sees those who hate small talk as just as worthy of consideration as those who share his own love of rambling, and he sees monogamy as having just as much of a place in the world as polyamory even if the former will never be for him. Everything has a place, and he sees that.
He sees meaning in both the big and small things. He knows there is an underlying message behind so many actions and thoughts and beliefs, and those are important to him. He sees meaning in everything in the natural world, viewing it as a bounty from his deity.
And that actually reflects in his repeated choices to show kindness. It's his way of seeing the meaning of a child's laugh or a refugee's plight and knowing how to respond. It's part of why he's so flexible, because all of the different perspectives and attitudes matter to him.
I find it very telling that in the cut scenes where the characters would have been taunted in the Morphic Pool by hallucinations sent by the brain to dig in to their insecurities, Halsin's was saying that everything was meaningless. That the world should be allowed to burn while Halsin should give up. The taunt would have shown Halsin's struggles at that point in his life- his fight against cynicism (having given up cynicism around the age of 200), his frustrations with the ways cruelty is allowed to flourish (like his heartbreaking comments if Orin kills Yenna in the camp or his comments on the plight of the orphans in the city), his worries that perhaps his efforts are Archdruid were meaningless because he had few successes to show for his efforts. That image would have shown just who Halsin is- someone who wants so desperately, for better and worse, for everything to mean something.
And in overcoming it, Halsin would have shown one of his most beautiful traits- the ability to enact change in subtle ways, not obvious ones. Not in being a war hero or a folk legend, but in making his own meaning, for himself, and often for others too. When he sees children suffering, he makes a community where he can care for them. When he sees a Shadow Curse blight the land for 100 years while no one cares enough to fight it, he holds hope until he can break it himself. When others mock him for being a bear-man who loves honey, he indulges just as much, reasoning that as long as others are affected, he has a right to enjoy himself. When others sigh that he's talking about nature, again, and maybe he should talk about art instead, he turns it back to nature and saying that a tree is one of the most splendorous things in the world. When Halsin is, in his bad ending, left in the Shadow-Cursed Lands to try and break the curse on his own, he finds hope in his brief memories of traveling with the party, using those to sustain himself.
He makes his own meaning of the world. He refuses to believe that it's all without a purpose, even when he's miserable at the Grove or when he has no idea what his purpose is anymore once he breaks the Shadow Curse. He knows there's an answer- and if he can't find it readily, he will make it himself, and that's exactly why he ends up making a commune for those in need in the end, where he is adored by children and presumably adults alike.
Everything and everyone is important to him. He's a sentimental being at heart in a world that wants more than anything to toughen him up and stamp that out of him, and he refuses., and his devotion to kindness and meaningfulness are why he ends up so happy in his ending.
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underdark-dreams · 11 months
I just binged all your Rolan x Tav fics on here (about to go to A03 and give kudos ❤️) and just wanted to say 😩😩 Perfect! AND! I saw you wanted suggestions! i would love to see the first interact/first meeting of Rolan and Tav from his POV if you felt inclined! No pressure! Thank you, keep up the good work! ❤️
I've grown so fond of this vague fem Tav I keep pairing with Rolan...so I hope these pronouns are ok for this request! Tav gets her name finally. (Cal and Lia also barged their way into this one in a big way)
Blades and Spells
A sanctimonious soldier isn't Rolan's idea of a good person to know, but is seems Tav is doing her damnedest to prove him wrong. The day of their first meeting at the Grove.
Tags: Fem Tav, Fluff, First Meetings, Sibling Bonding
Word Count: 4,322 [Read on AO3]
"We don't even know these people—"
"They're the closest thing we've got to kin, and you know it!"
The bright and promising midday had been punctured by a bloody ambush at the gate. Kanon was dead—a goblin booyagh's arrow and a nasty fall behind the front wall. No doubt his body was still cooling just a short walk from where the three siblings stood inside the shaded mouth of the Grove.
Their caravan's brief respite was shaken by the attack. Zevlor had retreated to strategize; the other Tieflings were on edge, a few downright panicked, the fresh tension around them only fueling the siblings’ words. 
It had been weeks since he and Lia had a proper fight—Rolan felt all the pent-up anger rolling out now.
Lia stood with fists braced on her hips. "And what about the goblins? I know you're handy with a spell, Rolan, but I seriously don't fancy our chances alone on the Risen Road."
"Did you not see what just happened?" Rolan said, casting an arm behind his sister toward the gate. "That treasure-hunting idiot just led them right down on our heads. There’s bound to be more, and I don’t want us sticking around to find out how many."
"That’s all the more reason to stay!” Lia’s voice rose to match his. “These people aren't fighters, Rolan. We’d be cowards to leave. We can protect them—we should—"
“Or keep making a scene,” Cal said from the sidelines, to no one in particular. The other Tieflings had grown used to their bickering many miles ago.
Lia was undeterred. "Is this about your precious Lorroakan? Because I promise you, Rolan, he'll still be there when we finally get to Baldur's Gate."
Rolan's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Oh of course not, why would I want to achieve my lifelong dream, see my family finally be safe and provided for along the way—"
"Don't put this on me and Cal," his sister warned. "It's all the same excuse, you'd have left these people yesterday—"
"Because they're not my kin!" Rolan practically shouted, not caring how far his voice carried. "No matter how many times you say it! I'm not going to risk all three of our lives, our futures, on people who can't seem to keep themselves alive. How do you think I'd feel if I let anything happen to you? Either of you?"
"We know, Rolan," Cal interjected, trying to bring a little understanding.
"If you care about me and my future—" Lia jabbed a sharp nail at Rolan's chest—"you won't ask me to turn my back on these people when they need our help."
As Rolan opened his mouth to respond, he caught motion in his periphery. He turned to see an unfamiliar face standing at the edge of their conversation. The stranger rested a hand on her sword pommel, looking on quietly curious at the scene.
"Yes?" Rolan snapped at her. Sticking your nose into a private conversation hardly deserved politeness.
“Wait," Cal piped up beside him. “I saw you at the gate after the goblins."
Lia was quick to follow, disagreement all but forgotten. “You fought out there just now?” She sounded practically jealous. “Sweet hells, that must have been a rush. We owe you.”
"Good timing, that’s all," the stranger replied, shifting her weight a little. From real or false modesty Rolan couldn't tell.
He finally recognized her then—the one he saw speaking with Zevlor for quite a while immediately after the attack. Judging by the flecks of wet blood on her equipment, and on that of her companions behind her, these were the surprise reinforcements he'd already heard other refugees chatting about in energetic tones.
They weren't so impressive in person. Scrappy, in Rolan's private judgment. His eyes passed over the pouting cleric, the murderous-looking Githyanki with a massive sword on her back, the elf who was glancing around himself as though trying to decide which element of his current surroundings he disliked most. 
The other wizard looked sane enough, Rolan allowed. He could practically feel the ripples in the Weave all around the man's shoulders. Perhaps Rolan would have a chance at an intelligent conversation in this place after all.
As for the one in front—she smiled pleasantly at Rolan despite having just walked from a goblin ambush. That, to his mind, marked her as the most eccentric of all.
"Tav," she said, extending her sword hand. Rolan glanced down at the dark stains on her fingers.
Wasn't this hovel filthy enough? His clothes already smelled of smoke and grease from days in close quarters; he drew the line at smearing them with goblin blood.
Tav tracked his eyes, letting out an awkward laugh as she moved to wipe her palm on her pants. From beside him, Lia firmly intercepted the handshake.
"Lia. Forgive my brother, you know how wizards are about their robes." His sister's tone was light, but she shot him a look from the corner of her eye. 
As if Rolan cared what some passing stranger thought of him. If he’d had his way, they wouldn't be here to have this conversation at all. But Cal introduced himself as well, looking a bit starstruck.
“Well met,” Tav told them, Rolan included. “Sorry, I know I’m interrupting.”
Perhaps sensing Rolan was about to agree, Lia jumped in. “Please. It’s a pleasure to meet people willing to risk their necks for a bunch of strangers, especially Tieflings. You all heading to Baldur’s Gate?”
“Aye. Same as you, I imagine—”
The inanity was enough to drive Rolan mad; it was like their first days on the road from Elturel all over again. He crossed his arms and zoned out as she and his sister made their meaningless smalltalk. He'd rather get his tail stepped on than do this painful getting-to-know with one more person they’d never see again. 
Then he heard Lorroakan's name, and his ears perked up.
“He’s taken Rolan as an apprentice,” Cal was telling Tav proudly.
"Have you met Archmage Lorroakan?" Rolan asked her, suddenly interested in the conversation again. Tav looked at him with hesitation.
"Not personally. Gale said—" She glanced down the slope deeper into the Grove, and Rolan realized that the companions behind her had all trickled away in the short moment he hadn’t been paying attention. Seeking rest and recuperation, no doubt. "Gale was saying he's heard of him."
The human wizard, Rolan gathered. Hearing a stranger speak the archwizard’s name somehow rekindled the fire in Rolan’s chest, one he hadn’t realized had grown so low on fuel. He clenched his fist beside his robes and felt the crinkle of Lorroakan’s letter there in his pocket.
Tav was regarding him with a quizzical expression. "I mean, if an archmage that famous has an apprenticeship waiting for you…I guess I can’t blame you for wanting to move on sooner than later."
"Naturally," Rolan said, a bit stiff. It annoyed him that this newcomer could see more sense than his own siblings.
Then she continued. "But Lia's right. You three seem like you can handle yourselves, and I'm not sure the same could be said for everyone here. We'll need every fighting soul to defend against that goblin nest. Especially you—" Tav directed the comment to Rolan. "Having another Weave caster could make all the difference."
Well, so much for sense. Speaking of we and us as if they all had the same goals. A transparent tactic. Rolan wasn't sure what altruistic world Tav had waltzed out of, but he'd heard enough rousing speeches on kinship and unity from people like Zevlor to last him a lifetime. He wasn't about to listen to one from a stranger.
She was correct, however, to acknowledge the value of his skills. No one on the road here had displayed anything close to what Rolan knew he was capable of.
He glanced one more time between his siblings. The set of Lia's jaw told him her mind was well made up. Cal just looked hopeful for a resolution.
Rolan swore. "Fine. We've only taken our damn time getting here, what’s a few more days lost? If we’re lucky, we’ll reach the city with a good story, at least."
"Thank you, Rolan." Lia was meek now that she'd gotten her way.
“You must be quite skilled,” added Tav, sizing him up a bit. "To catch the eye of the Archwizard of Baldur's Gate."
Rolan didn’t miss a beat. "I am.” Cal rolled his eyes over Tav’s shoulder, but Rolan ignored him. “I’ve been manipulating the Weave since I was a child.”
“It’s true,” Lia confirmed. Still feeling guilty about winning the fight, perhaps.
“Really?” Tav broke into a grin, clearly impressed. Rolan drank in the admiration. "Good thing you're staying, then."
Behind his pride, Rolan couldn't help but feel a bit manipulated. Perhaps Tav wasn't the unsophisticated sellsword that she’d appeared at first.
"Well, I should go find the crew before they make too much trouble.” Tav was turning to leave before she paused, sheepish. “Say—don’t suppose druids keep a blacksmith around? One of those worgs’ teeth put a big scratch in my baby here.” As she spoke she looked down at the sword belted to her hip, almost like an indulgent parent.
“Dammon can fix you up,” Lia told her at once. “He’s one of us, a Tiefling. And he’s damn good. Take a left down the hill and you can’t miss him. Follow the loud noises,” she added, with a grin to match.
“Cheers,” Tav told her. “See you all later?”
The three of them watched her figure disappear deeper into the Grove. 
"She stabbed a warg right up close,” Lia murmured, sounding morbidly inspired. “That’s incredible.”
Rolan scoffed at her. “Better to kill it from a distance and not damage your most valuable piece of equipment in the process.”
“Hey.” Cal glanced over to his older brother. “Did you even tell her your name?”
Rolan wasn’t concerned. “I’ll tell her later, if she’s still around.” She and her companions would remember his name soon enough—them and all of Baldur's Gate.
In these cramped quarters, it didn’t take long before they encountered Tav again. Her hands swung a bit awkwardly at her sides, as if she didn’t know what to do with them. Her scabbard clanked empty against her greaves; presumably, Dammon was hard at work repairing her blade. 
Cal and Lia practically swooped down beside her as she approached. Rolan tried to hide his scowl at their eagerness.
"Have you been around the place yet? Cal and I can show you around, if you’ve got time.”
“I’d like that,” she told them both with a genuine smile. “Perhaps later, if you’re willing? Zevlor told me about your…druid problem. I promised him I’d have a talk with Kagha.”
Who had elected her emissary? Rolan glowered. "I assure you, the druids will tell you it's a foulblood problem."
It wiped the smile from her face, and Rolan found it difficult to feel bad. She wanted to dig through other people's problems? She could get used to uncovering ugly things.
"Yes…well. I'd prefer to keep an open mind," she told him evenly. With another small comment to his brother and sister, she continued on toward the deep clearing where the druids were gathering in preparation for their rite. A place strictly off-limits for Tieflings.
Lia rounded on him. "I swear, you embarrass me worse than Cal sometimes."
Cal frowned. "Hey—"
"Because you care too much about what people think," Rolan answered his sister. "Believe me, she and her people don't care about us. Didn't you hear her little speech before? She only wants more bodies for the fight."
Internally, Rolan was still bristling at the idea that Tav had complimented and cajoled him into staying at the Grove. He didn’t truly believe that was the reason for his decision, but the fact that she’d gotten to him at all unsettled him.
“Come on.” Lia knocked her arm against his playfully, an effort at reconciliation. “I’m just saying, Rolan. It costs nothing to be a bit nicer to people around here.”
Rolan heaved a sigh. Even he was growing weary from all the bickering they’d done today, though he’d never admit that to his sister. “All right. I’ll try, if it makes you happy. But believe me—people like her look after themselves. And I intend to look after us.”
Tav hadn’t been in the heart of the Grove for more than ten minutes before she reappeared, practically stomping up the path from the Kagha’s inner sanctum. Apparently the emissary work wasn’t going so well. Without her sword, her hands were clenched at her sides in empty fists. Her expression was thunderous.
“Have you seen Zevlor?” She asked the three of them as she approached, bypassing the smalltalk Rolan was beginning to expect from her. He directed her back toward the carved door in the corner of the cave. 
“Everything all right?” Rolan asked, curious in spite of himself.
Tav exhaled sharp through her nose. “Kagha was having a grand time interrogating a hostage. That little girl, Arabella.”
“What?” Cal’s voice rang with alarm.
“I guess she tried to steal the druids’ carving of Silvanus,” Tav told him. “The one they need for their ceremony. Her mother was nearly out of her mind…the child’s all right,” she added in haste. “Back safe with her parents now, but shaken up.”
Lia quivered with outrage at Rolan’s side. “Thank the hells you intervened.”
“Of course,” Tav replied at once, as if the situation called for nothing less. “I understand it’s the idol of their deity, but by all the gods…Kagha was ready to call her asp down on a terrified child.”
“That fucking viper." 
Cal wasn’t referring to the snake; his siblings both glanced at him in surprise. He was a gentle soul, but if Cal cared about anything, it was protecting the young ones.
Tav seemed of the same mind. “There’s something about her,” she agreed with a dark look. Abruptly, she wheeled on Rolan. “What do you think?”
She sought his opinion as a wizard, he realized. All three of them were watching him, in fact, hanging on for his answer.
“Ritual magic is quite different from the Weave,” Rolan replied carefully. “Especially druidic magic. I don’t have the same feel for it. But Kagha…” 
He cast his mind back to the first day their bedraggled caravan arrived in the Grove. The lot of them exhausted and bloodied after fighting off goblins and gnolls just up the road. Halsin, the massive elf who was then First Druid, squaring his shoulders above the smaller woman who somehow seemed to tower to his same height.
“She’s powerful,” Rolan decided. “Quite. Where it comes from, I couldn’t say.”
Tav was staring at him with an intensity Rolan hadn’t seen on her face yet. She looked far more intimidating than she had to him before. 
But then she let out a thoughtful hum, and her features were back to their usual lightness. “I guess that’s one more reason to find this Halsin sooner rather than later.”
They all watched her take her leave toward Zevlor’s makeshift war room, the stone door sliding shut again behind her.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and a stiff evening breeze picked up at the cave’s entrance, Rolan and his siblings settled toward the insulated back wall of the Grove where Okta was tending hearth. Whatever the old woman had simmering in her massive cauldron smelled a bit like damp wool, but the warmth of the coals underneath was toasty and wonderful against the skin on Rolan’s face and hands.
Cal and Lia were in wistful discussion on either side of him—something about which landmarks of the city they wanted to visit first. Rolan let the feel of the conversation wash over him without hearing the words. His eyes were on the glowing coals, but his mind was also on Baldur's Gate—that and its great archwizard. 
You are fortunate, young Rolan. The flourish with which Lorroakan had written his name floated through his mind's eye. Even the parchment itself was heavy and fine, almost promising of better things. Rolan’s fingers brushed the hip pocket of his robes again as if to assure himself. He still carried the letter with him everywhere, though he’d long since memorized its contents.
From behind him Rolan heard the sounds of a friendly disagreement and turned to look. Tav again. He shouldn’t be surprised; the woman seemed to be everywhere today. 
Across the path, she was engaged in a polite argument with Dammon at his tent. The smith held a hand up as if refusing something. Rolan caught sight of the polished sword pommel back in her scabbard once more, and surmised that Dammon must be turning down payment for the repair job after her help at the gate today. That seemed like his chivalrous style. 
Indeed, Rolan watched her tuck her leather coin purse away and offer a hand instead. Dammon accepted and shook it with a warm smile.
As he continued watching, the two struck up a friendly conversation. Rolan supposed a soldier would find much more to talk about with a smith than with an apprentice wizard. Her hand was draped at rest over her sword hilt again; that seemed to be an idle habit of hers. 
He remembered the city guard back in Elturel displaying the same gesture while posted at watch, and wondered whether she might be in a similar line of work. Back in…wherever it was she hailed from.
Insipid questions that Rolan nevertheless filed away in his mind to ask her at some point. If nothing else, it would make Lia happy to see him making an effort. Being nice.
Rolan glanced again at the dark stains on her fingers. She hadn't taken time to wash and rest yet since the fight. It was all over her, goblin blood and human, small flecks of it visible on her clothing and chestplate and even on the side of her face. Didn't she find it unpleasant? It would drive him mad. But it didn't seem to concern her, and Dammon certainly didn't look bothered.
The smith said something that made her laugh then, and a dimple appeared in Tav's blood-spattered cheek.
Dammon had an easy way about him that always seemed to earn him fast friends. Right now, Rolan found he was a bit envious of the trait. He didn't intend to come off as such a prickly ass, as Lia so affectionately liked to call him—though time and again he seemed to manage it. 
The constant setbacks between them and Baldur's Gate had just soured Rolan's mood in recent weeks, he told himself. His apprenticeship was all his mind could dwell on at rest, and each delay was harder to bear than the last.
But none of that was really Tav's fault. Inwardly, he could admit that Lia would have talked him into staying on her own anyway. Rolan found himself hoping that he'd made a non-terrible impression on the newcomer.
An elbow in his ribs broke his line of thought. "What?" Rolan looked around, rubbing the spot with a hand.
"I said, you're staring," Cal repeated. He and Lia were both looking at him—Rolan didn't like the expression on either face.
"Shut up," he said, though neither of them had spoken. "She's got blood all over her, who wouldn't?"
"I'm just saying." Cal put up both palms, his eyebrows raised. "From your face, you didn't seem that put off."
"Maybe she’d like to see your Thunderwave, Rolan," his sister suggested.
"You're both idiots." Rolan turned around with arms crossed, watching Okta pluck a dead chicken as though it might be interesting. The idiots on either side were not so easily deterred.
"There’s something about a woman in armor, isn't there, Cal?"
"I've always thought so." Cal leaned a forearm on Rolan's shoulder, sounding quite sincere. "Hey, you could offer to magic the bloodstains off her stuff for her. Use that presto—presti—"
"Prestidigitation," Rolan supplied, eyes still on Okta's cooking. A shockingly good idea from Cal. But it would be strange to offer that to a person he'd just met; Rolan dismissed the thought.
"She should've just taken the time to clean it herself before it all dried," Rolan said aloud. "The way her companions did, no doubt. Instead of running back and forth back here all day."
"Yeah," Lia drawled. "Saving little girls from pit vipers. What a waste of time."
“Well, only one way to find out if she’s interested.” Cal turned around and cupped a hand to his mouth. “Hey, Tav—”
Rolan would have smacked the back of his brother’s head had the woman not already turned toward the sound of her name. She approached their spot near the hearth looking politely curious.
“Lia was just wondering,” Cal started in—leaving Rolan’s name out of it, a smart choice for his skull— “won’t it take a long time to get all the stains out of your armor?” 
“Oh.” Tav sounded taken aback, but glanced down at herself as if just now noticing the state of her equipment. “Oh yeah, this’ll cost me a good half hour at least. And probably both my elbows,” she added with chagrin. “Damn. Got distracted by everything, I guess.”
“Because Rolan can magic it off in a second,” Lia said in a rush.
"Really?" Far from averse, she was looking at Rolan with sudden enthusiasm. "I didn’t know magic could—I mean, of course it can. I guess. Why, are you offering…?” She glanced between him and his siblings then, as if finally picking up on the strange energy between them.
Rolan felt all three pairs of eyes come to rest on him. He could hardly back out now. “If you’re interested,” he told her.
“Hells yes,” Tav laughed. “Are you kidding?”
Lia clapped her hands together softly. “Excellent. Well, since Tav’s interested—” She placed a strange emphasis on the word, one Rolan hoped only he noticed— “Cal and I should get going to set up camp. See you both later?”
“Right,” Cal agreed at once. With that, the pair of them slipped off in a few flicks of the tail. 
What a couple of damned children. Rolan let out a heavy sigh; they seemed determined to try every last slip of patience he had.
Tav followed him to a spot closer to the back corner of the Grove, a bit removed from the sounds and smells. A stream of cool air seeped in from somewhere outside the walls, and Rolan breathed in gratefully. He had found it hard to concentrate in the stale surroundings of this place.
“Right.” She stood opposite him, looking a bit unsure. “How does this work, exactly?”
“Just keep still,” Rolan advised her. This would be easier if she took off the pieces of her half-plate first, but asking her to do that seemed unthinkably familiar.
She did as he directed. “Sure you’re not going to transform me into a pigeon or something? Give me wings?”
“This is the simplest spell there is, I’m not an idiot.” Rolan’s tone was irritable, but it only made her laugh. He realized that she was teasing him.
Regardless, Rolan steadied his stance and reached out to the Weave. Whether or not it was technically correct, it was the way he’d taught himself. 
Breathe in—quiet each thought—feel the air above and the ground below—
Like a warm embrace from the oldest friend, the Weave flowed as a golden light into his cupped hand. Rolan formed the clear intention in his mind and guided the magic toward her. 
“It tickles,” Tav said in surprise, but he could tell she was doing her best to keep still. Her eyes were squeezed shut for some reason.
Rolan blinked at her, not sure how long she had expected this to take. “You can—it’s done.”
“Really?” Tav looked across her chest and shoulders and the greaves on her legs, admiring their new shine. “Wow…neat trick, that. So you’re saying Gale’s been watching us polish our armor and weapons every night when he could just use the Weave for two seconds?”
“The manipulation does take energy,” Rolan told her, not wanting to discredit a fellow wizard while he wasn’t here to defend himself.
Her expression changed a bit. Then she reached a hand to his shoulder. “Thanks for this, Rolan. It might be simple to you, but—” She dropped her arm and cast around with a tired laugh. “Life has honestly been…kind of terrible lately. Thank you for making it better.”
Rolan felt he could stand to hear more of that story, but he doubted she'd want to tell it. “You’re welcome,” he told her instead.
It was a bit awkward traveling back through the winding Grove together toward the entrance, but it could hardly be avoided. Their camps were both in the same direction.
The night patrol were watching vigilantly from the wall; the massive carved gate raised before them as if in anticipation. Rolan stepped out into the dark, cool evening with another grateful breath.
Beside him, Tav sighed wearily. "Well, 'night. Off to enjoy my extra sleep," she said with another smile to him before she turned away.
No such easy goodnight for him, Rolan knew. He imagined Cal and Lia perching awake on their bedrolls, eager to hear what chaos or embarrassment or both their meddling had caused for him this time. 
More concerning to him right now was the way his shoulder seemed to radiate where she'd placed a grateful hand before. Rolan rolled his arm a little, trying to shake the tingling warmth near his collar bone. It didn't quite work.
But perhaps he'd think about that tomorrow.
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aurora-darling · 3 months
Love me like you do
Zevlor x F!Reader
summary; during the shadowlands part you find Zevlor in a different situation. He’s abandoned the tieflings, he can’t handle that you chose Halsin and took them on a suicide mission through the shadowlands. Also, Halsin knew Zevlor was going this route and forced you to stay behind because bears don’t share.
also fyi lovelies, i purposely left out the tadpole and some companions.
NSFW warning; sex, pregnancy, some mentions of abortion and hurt feelings
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It took everything you had to keep light surrounding your party. The Shadowlands were nothing you had seen before, a dark and desolate place voided of Sunlight. Halsin had guided you and your companions through the Underdark, telling you the details of your mission; rescuing a young Fey boy named Thaniel.
Your companions kept close, your power to summon daylight keeping them safe.
You could just feel Shar's curse trying to suffocate and destroy you. It felt more of a personal attack on you than with Gale, Astarion, or even Halsin. You were sure it was due to being a relative of Sylvanus, a member of the Seelie Court—a Fairy. You felt weak, dizzy, and often carried by Halsin until you arrived at the Inn. 
Last Light Inn. 
The only haven in the land of nightmares.
You laugh at the title, the pun is a little too on the nose given the grave situation. 
An organization of misfits had occupied the Inn and to your surprise, the tiefling refugees from the Grove. You hurriedly looked for Zevlor but he was nowhere to be found. It wasn't long before you heard talk of your commander's supposed actions.
You clutched your heart as you heard rumors of Zevlor abandoning his people, forcing them to travel through danger, and pleading for them to surrender to cultists running rampant. You couldn’t believe the words. Zevlor would never abandon his people. Not your commander. Not the man you knew and loved. You couldn’t believe your ears, the painful words about him tearing at your heart. 
You looked for every possible sign of him but found nothing. It was as if he vanished, gone without a trace. Your mind was troubled, thoughts of Zevlor’s corpse lost in the woods plagued you daily.
It had been a few days since your arrival, the search for Zevlor and Thaniel becoming your only concern. You would have joined the others but tonight you stayed behind at the Inn. You weren’t yourself, you could feel something was off. You felt sick each morning and your male companions seemed to annoy you with their very breath. Your breasts felt swollen and your body tired easily.
You felt a wave of warmth over your body as you felt your guardian approach you. You turn and see Halsin's bear form.
“Halsin.” You say, watching his shape change back to that of a man. His frame barely fits through the door as he walks into the room and collapses on the chair, exhausted. “Ahh, I will perish without aid.” He says and holds his chest out proudly. He was flirting with you. “A druid who cannot heal tiny wounds like these?” You say, walking to pour water into a basin. Halsin’s wounds were fresh but nothing he couldn’t handle on his own. He wanted to be near you, to feel your presence. You see him remove his shirt out of the corner of your eye as he chuckles, his voice deep. He shakes his hair free, his large hands combing through it. You pull your apron around your waist and tie your hair behind your head. 
You approach Halsin with warm water and soap, setting the bowl on the table. He watches as you nurture him, cleaning the dried blood from his chest and arms. You can feel his green eyes watching you, your heart racing. You clear your throat as you ask, “Any word on Zevlor?” 
Halsin remains silent. 
He remains quiet, his head leaning back on the chair. You look at his neck, his intricate war paint swirling down the right side of his face. Several scars adorn his forehead and cheek, from a female bear he once told you. He catches you looking at him with concern. He could never keep secrets from you.
“I found something.” He says, sighing heavy. Your pointed ears perk up and you continue washing him.
Zevlor doesn’t deserve you, little petal. He groaned as you touched his skin, your fingers were always cool to the touch. Halsin thought of other ways you could use your delicate fingers on him.
You shake your head of his lustful thoughts, he had the sex drive of a Satyr and you were long overdue for your cycle. You assure yourself everything is fine. “Oh? What did you find?” You pull the water basin to rest at his feet, your hands pulling the sleeves of your gown up and sit on the floor below him.
“What I already knew. The Shadow Curse wants to destroy life and light.” He says as you kneel, his gaze over you. "Bless Sylvanus you are beautiful, Aria." You blush as you realize your cleavage is prominent at that angle. He leans forward and laughs deeply, his fingers pushing the tiny beads of sweat off your forehead. He chuckles as he sees your face flush, he moves his face close to yours. “Oak Father have mercy, your test is killing me.” You feel his breath close to your lips as he speaks. He groans and sits back, his eyes looking at the water. You blink and collect your thoughts, you feel timid and anxious. 
You start washing his hands, your attention on him as a Cleric. You continue thinking of Zevlor. You were worried over his safety, his wellbeing. How could he leave you the way he did? He walked away from you, he was so stubborn and ox-headed.
And yet?
You loved him. You cried yourself to sleep each night, your heart aching for him. You missed his gentle humor, the way he could be conceded and kind. The way he was a soldier, at every moment. He was your handsome Paladin, your saving grace. You had finally met someone who wanted nothing more than to make you proud. The way he smiled when you caught him staring at you.
And now?
Zevlor was missing. What was worse was everyone and every tiefling telling you he was dead. Gone. They even worsened the blow by saying he abandoned his people. He led them through the shadowlands and swore to them that there would be help, eventually. But no help came and he disappeared one night. You sigh heavily and stand to attend to Halsin’s face. You had heard word that Ketharic Thorn was nearby and wanted to search for Zevlor. “He’s out there still.” You whisper and wash Halsin’s cheeks.
“He’s the one who led his people on a death mission to follow us. He’s stuck in some cabin out there, brooding and weak. I don't have time for broken men. There are more important things right now.” He says blankly, his eyes on your belly. He smells the air and sighs deeply. His head hangs backward as he lays his arm over his eyes. “By Sylvanus. And now you're having his pup.” He groans, rubbing his face aggressively. He stands up and walks to his pack, rummaging through the bottles.
You were in shock, his words confusing you. Zevlor is alive? Where? Wait, Pup? What ‘Pup’? What was he referring to? No, you couldn’t be. Pregnant? Now? Yes, you and Zevlor had- but you were safe. You drank the herbs used by nymphs, there was no way you were pregnant. You felt different, even Astarion avoided you lately. Were you pregnant with Zevlor’s baby? You smiled and placed your hand on your belly. A part of Zevlor had been with you all this time.
Halsin now stood before you, holding a bottle in his hands. You stare blankly as he looks at you with emotionless eyes. “Drink.” He does not ask and places it gently in your hands. He asks Sylvanus to watch over you, his thoughts hidden from you. You shake your head as he pushes the bottle back into your grasp. “Aria, drink it. You are a Fairy. You cannot-” He stops himself and sighs heavy, his hand stroking your cheek. He looks at you, his eyes glued to yours. “He is not worthy to father your offspring.” He scrunches his nose, his lips pressed tightly his face full of anger.
“He’s out there!” You exclaim and hurriedly remove your apron and walk to grab your staff. You feel Halsin touch your shoulder, his voice calm but threatening behind you. “Do not put a target on his head, little Fae.” He warns, his words felt like ice. 
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
It took too long to convince Halsin you would drink his potion that night, alone. That you wanted to bathe in the moonlight and give back to nature. Something, anything that would let you escape to find your commander. You adorn yourself in silver armor, your gown flowing freely around your legs as you dash in the direction Halsin returned from. 
The cabin was rundown, not a single soul seemed to occupy it in years. Decades maybe. You push your way through the deserted home, your boots stepping over fallen furniture, and hear the boards creak under your feet. You had given up hope until you reached the last room. There he was. Zevlor sat at the end of the bed, he had lost muscle in the last month and his shoulders were hunched as he kept his eyes on the floor. His skin was the color of cinnabar with fresh bruises along his chest and hands. His hair was down, greasy locs hanging over his face. He kept his face down but your eyes flittered over his chin, taking in the length of his pointed ears. He sighed and flipped a small dagger in his hand, twirling it through his fingers. 
You stepped inside, your lantern bringing his face into the light. His eyes were sunken, that gold flame was long gone. The only color that remained was thin as mist. His horns were brittle and his head hung as if they weighed heavy on his head. He looks up at you, and back down again. 
“Please leave me be tonight, ghost. I am tired.” He says and leans over the floor, his elbows at his knees. You step forward, and lay your staff at his feet, your lantern close by as you look over his face for injuries. “I’m no ghost.” You whisper and his eyes look at you once more. Zevlor’s eyes widen as he breathes in deeply and moves quickly to wrap his arms around you. “Avccase.” He groans into your hair, his arms around your shoulders completely as he pulls you into him, your body lifting from the floor slightly. You push him away, cautious of your baby growing inside you. Zevlor’s eyes look pained, his arms dropping from you as he stands at attention. 
Once a Hellrider always a Hellrider. 
You gather yourself, hiding your tiny bump under your gown, and stand. Taking in your surroundings, you notice the shabby cabin is a poor excuse for a camp. There were rotten planks scattered everywhere and the only piece of furniture was a dilapidated bed. You sigh and move to pick up your pack and offer Zevlor what little supplies you have. “Take them.” You say, handing out several potions and rations. “I can get more at the Inn. I-” You choke back a sob, this was not how you imagined seeing him again. 
Zevlor steps forward and places his fingers on the silver bracelet you wore. His eyes softened, he knew how much you loved shiny things.
“New?” He whispers, his talons brushing your pale skin up and down your arm. He chuckles as the hair on your arms rises leaving tiny goosebumps. You nod. “Dolly gave it to me.” You say simply, biting your lip and keeping your eyes on his fingers. You knew the risk of what would happen if you looked up. 
“And who is Dolly?” He asks his eyes on your belly. Zevlor’s fingers lace themselves in the bracelet, his ring finger stroking your skin. You breathe in sharply and lick your lips to speak. “A pixie. She-She helped us, helped me. With.-” You looked up. “She blessed me.” Zevlor leans forward and kisses you for the first time since the Grove. You stabilize yourself, your hands on his shoulders. You can feel his hands roam you, pulling your blue gown up to expose your ass to him. He touches you with confidence now, his shy and anxious demeanor gone. Your knees weaken at his grasp, his kisses becoming deeper- almost devouring. You shake your head to keep your senses, you push his chest away and feel the leather armor under your fingertips. He moves to kiss your neck, his fangs dragging across your skin and he latches his mouth onto you. Your eyes flitter closed, his hands are still roaming you and you’re finding it harder to resist him. 
Hells I missed this. You smell like sunshine and lavender. What are you doing to me? His heart pours out to you. 
You bite your thumbnail and feel your commander's mouth on your cleavage. You whimper as he takes small, tiny nips at your flesh. He smiles up at you devilishly, he could have been mistaken for an incubus. You feel his tail at your back, slithering around your abdomen. You can feel the tug in your womb and think of your baby having the same tail as his father. 
A little hellion for Zevlor to raise. He would be proud… 
Wouldn’t he?
You shake your head and rub your eyes as he knelt in front of you. His face kissing and smelling your abdomen, your small bump. “I have something to tell you.” You whisper, his hands pulling your leg up to his knee. “Shh..” He soothes you and focuses his attention on your stocking. He groans, his talons raking down your thigh. He pulls the sheer, white fabric with his teeth and exposes your pale legs to the moonlight. “How are you always more beautiful each time I see you?” He laughs, looking up at you. You blush pink and hide your face in your hands. 
“No no, look at me, my love.” He says, his hands rubbing your leg. You move your hands behind your back and glance down at Zevlor. His hair was tied back in it’s usual way but much longer. You could see your hair was still braided into his, but he hadn’t cared to brush it. His eyes were sleep-deprived, his wrinkles more defined. He had aged harder in the last month. You motion for him to stand, your eyes never leaving his while he stands. You remove your breastplate, setting it next to the fireplace. You can breathe deeper now and close your eyes to prepare yourself to tell him. 
 “You’re doing it again.” He whispers, and steps forward looking at you softly. His fingers pull your hair to his lips, breathing in your scent. You can feel his knee pushing between your thighs, his hips pressed onto yours. “Doing what?” You moan, loving the way his body feels. “Making me fall in love again.” He moans, grabbing your ass and pulling you roughly against him. You smile and lean your head back, exposing your neck and chest to him. “Zevlor.” You say in your ancient accent, your hands on his arms. He leans forward, his mouth on your chest, and hurriedly unlaces your gown. “Always the most difficult armor.” He chuckles and picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he lays you on the makeshift bed roll. He lays between your legs but keeps his weight off your belly. He’s careful. He looks down at you and you see the pain in his expression finally. His eyebrows are scrunched, his hands clutching the fur under you. His fangs sink into his lip until blood runs down his chin. You can barely let out a whisper. He’s about to break.
Thunder clapped as rain poured against the window and Zevlor had remained silent. You were afraid to move, afraid to touch him. You were silent too. “Shit.” He curses and  moves to sit on the side of the bed, his back facing you. He rubbed his brows, his hands holding his horns as he rocks back in forth in frustration. You sat and curled your thighs up to your chest. “Beahat?” You ask, using your nickname for him and reach for his shoulder. He stands quickly, avoiding your touch. “Why didn’t come with me?” He asks, facing you now. “You knew Halsin was heading here and you waited? Why? For what?” He adds and waits for your reply. 
You were unable to read his thoughts, something kept you from detecting them. “I didn’t know!” You exclaim and shake your head, your eyes now lowering to the floor. “Halsin told me nothing until you left the Grove.” You hold yourself, your guilt rising. “I didn’t know you would take this route. If I did-I would-” Your words trail off into a whisper as you look back up at your commander. He can’t look at you so he picks paint off the wall and flicks it to the floor. 
You would have chosen him anyway. You hear him think as he moves to sit on a bench in front of you. Your lip quivers as you clutch your belly and think of his child growing in you, your heart breaking over his lack of trust in you. He pulls out a dagger and starts to play with the blade, flicking it open and closed. Over and over while he looks at you. “Well then, where are they? Don’t you have two more?” He asks and you know what he meant.
Your lovers. 
You scoff and shake your head. How dare he. “I don’t know. I was clearing my head when I found you.” You wipe the dust from your legs, slapping the fabric clean. You knew Minatours less stubborn than he was being. He scoffs and rolls his eyes, “If you have something to say just say it. I will not be disrespected like this, I am the-” You exclaim a retort and glare at him. Mother of your child. Your face was red, you let tears fall without care. Your eyes were a softer green now that you were crying. You were tired of this dance, you had finally found him and all he wanted to do was start a fight with you. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell him now. He wouldn’t know he was the father anyway.
Zevlor stands silently and walks to the doorway. He turns to look over his shoulder, his expression lost to you.“Stay here. I need to start a fire.” He says and walks down the hall, his moonlantern’s glow growing smaller. You sighed and rubbed your belly, moving to your pack to eat the sundried fruit you brought. Taking the moment to collect yourself, you took your braid down and cleared an area near the fireplace for you to sit. Thoughts on where Zevlor had been and how was he still alive plague your mind. He had returned shortly after, carrying kindling to start a fire. He remained silent, his eyes never looking at yours while he worked the flames. He sat next to you, bringing his cloak to wrap around you both. He kept his position between you and the doorway, his body taking any blow first should someone attack. You adjust your gown over your knees and watch the flames dance. Your gold curls cover your arms and you distract yourself with your jewelry. You hold it up to the fire, the light causing the silver to twinkle. You jump at Zevlors voice. 
 “I’ll return you to Halsin at dawn.” He says, his gaze watching the movement of your bracelets. You chew the inside of your cheek and shake your head. “I’m not ready to face him yet.” You say, leaning your face down to your knees. You wrap your arms around your legs and push your face further down. You let out a small prayer for your child. Zevlors ears pick up and you feel his gaze over you. You look up and see his eyebrows are lowered and his eyes are concerned. He looks worried, and his hand instinctively reaches out to soothe you. “Why?” He says, his arms over his legs as he waits patiently for your reply. “He said I’m-” You stop yourself, a fear of rejection building in your chest. How would he know the child was his? Would he even want it? What if he felt it was an abomination just like Halsin? 
You kept your head down, your gold curls hiding your face. Your thoughts overwhelmed you and you could not hear Zevlor move. You felt tears coat your cheeks again as you broke, your shoulders shaking as you sobbed into your hands. You cried true heartache as he held you, his arms around your head. You couldn’t hear him as you apologized again and again for not knowing sooner. You apologized for not knowing your own body. You apologized for failing him. For anything. You were a blabbering mess, pouring your heart out to him. He laughs and hushes you, his hands pushing your hair out of your face. “Shh, little one.” He says pulling you to his chest. “I can’t understand you, Aria.” He rocks you back and forth, his chin laying on your head. “Aria.. my girl, shhh.” He shakes his head and kisses your forehead. “Calm down first so you can tell me.” He says, his scent of leather and musk warming your chest. You breathe in deeply, the feeling of his arms around you makes you feel safe. He doesn’t push you for answers, he waits with you as you collect your thoughts. Rocking you both back and forth, his family in his arms.
“I haven’t had my cycle..” You admit, breaking the silence and Zevlor can feel your body tense. “I’m sorry, I’m late and I-” You sob, your hands wiping the tears off your face. “Halsin said I’m pregnant..” You huff and wipe your nose. “He said he could smell it.” You feel Zevlor pull away from you. Your heart sinks as you worry Halsin was right but you see Zevlor watching your belly. “Zev?” You ask, your nose is stuffed. He looks at you and places a hand over your belly, the flame in his eyes flickers dimly. “You’re really with child..?” He whispers, his long fingers finally touch your tiny bump. You feel his infernal heat through your gown, your heart is racing. “Yaveh.” You whisper in your native tongue. 
Zevlor moves to lean his face over your stomach, his horns casting shadows on the wall. You watch as your commander stares at your belly, his hands touching you softly. “You’re truly pregnant.” He whispers, his eyes filled with bewilderment. “Gods..” His tone is soft. He ignores you as he hums to himself. “I thought so..” His eyes roam over your belly, his hands holding your hips while he speaks to your abdomen. “You're glowing. Such radiance.” He moans, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your belly. “So small. Hello, sweet child. Oh, how precious you are, Aria.” You watch as Zevlor’s tail flicks happily behind him, his mouth kissing your belly softly. 
Your heart aches that you have to say it but you whisper anyway,“It’s yours.” You bite your lip, afraid of what he might say next. You prepare yourself for his response, he might argue it belongs to Halsin. Zevlor looks up at you instantly, “I know it’s mine.” He growls, sitting up and removing his armor. He moves quickly until he has nothing on but his trousers. “There is no one else but me.” He growls again, moving back to lay his face next to your belly. “I wouldn’t let anyone near you.” He whispers, his eyes roaming your small bump. “I told my lieutenant once I would kill anyone who touched you.” He says and pulls your gown up over your thigh, his lips kissing close to your pussy. You gasp and reach to grasp at anything behind you. 
Zevlor laughs and kisses your belly. “I’m sorry little one, I’ve made mommy excited.” He says and leans up to kiss you. His kisses are hungry, he takes your breath away and only stops to ask you, “Why didn’t you tell me?” He lifts your chin with his black talon, his scarlet skin almost like a ruby in the firelight. You swallow, your blue eyes staring back at him, your hands grasping your gown for strength. “I thought you wouldn’t-” You huff and look up at the ceiling, failing to blink back tears. “Wouldn’t want this-” You feel his hand cup your face as your commander leaves kisses along your jaw and cheeks. “Don’t you dare say it.” He demands, his hands holding your face to look at you. “I always wanted this.” His eyes are looking at you now, his lips in a deep frown as he holds back tears. “I wanted this from the moment we met.” He confesses, his head is lowered but you can hear his thoughts. 
You’re so beautiful, I wanted to keep you. I’m sorry. You hear his mind pouring out.
You lean over and kiss his horns, you would have to prove to him you love him. You knew it would take time but you would do anything. Even if that meant saying it every day, you would do it. He lifts his head and gives you a look that makes your toes curl. “Kisses like that is what got you pregnant.” He growls and pushes his face into your belly. You can feel him breathe in your scent, his hands on your hips. “I kept hoping you would be pregnant.” He moans into your abdomen, his face pressed into your body. “I kept praying, I know we only slept together a few times but… Gods.. my baby is growing inside you. Fuck.” He lays you down, his face moving back to your belly. “It was my seed that got you pregnant.” He leaves kisses across it. “You’re mine. Mine. mine. Mine.” Your heart beats faster as he confesses to you, his hands pushing your gown over your thighs. “You’re going to be such a beautiful mother. So warm and loving.” His hands are pulling at your undergarments, exposing you to the night air.
“You’re having my baby.” He moans as he kneels between your legs, his hands unfastening his trousers.You shiver as Zevlor keeps your legs apart, his gaze on your pink lips while you whimper under him. “Shh..I’m right here. I got you, sweetheart.” He says, his hands warming up your thighs, and leans down to kiss your clit. “You’re going to have my baby.” He praises you and opens his mouth over your pussy. “My good girl.” You cover your mouth, ashamed of the noises you make. His gaze is over your opening, his tail flicking against your ass lovingly. “My baby. Mine.” He kisses your folds. “Is growing inside you.” He moves to lean back, his cock now in his hand. You bite your lip, the devilish curve of his cock sending shivers down your thighs. “I need you now, my love. I’m sorry but I-” His cock is at your entrance, his body over yours. You breathe in sharply as you feel the head enter you, his member stretching you in one deep thrust. “I fucking needed this.” He says, thrusting deeper inside you until he reaches your cervix. He throws his head back, his fangs barred as he sucks in the air sharply. Zevlor shivers as he settles inside you, his black eyes observing you. “My beautiful fairy, you’re having my baby.” He grunts, his hand pulling your leg higher against his side, his thrusts are deep but slow. Zevlor keeps his hand on your thigh, his back straight as he keeps his pace fast. Your eyes flutter open and close, your body rocking on the floor under him. Zevlor watches you for your praises, his pleasure stemming from his ability to please you. You feel your legs spread further for him, your mouth opening in a silent moan. Your bottom quivers as your toes curl, his member throbbing and gliding his length against your walls. He knew how to tease you, how to draw out your build, how to slowly fuck you into submission. He grinned as he mounted you, his tail flicking behind him while he rocked your sore pussy under his hips. He chuckles at your whimper, his body now leaning over you. Zevlor steadies himself on his hands, his chest over your face. “I needed to get you pregnant.” He admits, his hand cradling your head. “I knew to pull out but I-” His words send you over the edge and he moans as your walls climax around him. He pushes his arms under your legs, pressing your back into the floor. He mounts you, his hips thrusting against you- the room is filled with the sounds of flesh pounding against flesh. His hair was sweaty, his horns casting a hellish shadow over your golden curls. You reach up to touch his face, his thrusts are faster. You look up at Zevlor, his eyes are closed as he mumbles his way through his climax.
“Pregnant. You’re having my fucking kid. Mine. I’ll make you pregnant again and again Aria. Be filled with my children, I’ll make you a mommy.” He groans, his words breathless and hushed. He pumps faster, his thrusts more erratic. “I will never pull out. I made you mine. You’re all mine. Mine. mine. Mine. mmmm..” He groans one last time as you feel the warm liquid coating your insides. “Aria..” He sighs, his member throbbing still. 
“My flower.”
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