#and i will spread her gospel
electoons · 4 months
finding and recognizing your time to shine is life-affirming today one of my students was talking about my tattoos and she said her mom had a tattoo of a girl. "beeboo? bayboo? I don't know. she has small lips" AND THE FEELING I GOT WAS INDESCRIBABLE AS I EXCITEDLY HELD UP MY BETTY BOOP KEYCHAIN AND SAID "HER??" AND SHE SAID "YES!!!"
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doesephs · 6 months
jean moreau is a cagey french rat.
jeremy knox is a short mixed king.
laila dermott is a petty inuk lesbian.
catalina alvarez is a thespian zapotec tank.
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pinkusmaximus · 1 year
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she is so SILLY and i want to KISS HER A LOT. A LOT. a lot. a lot.
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skainatblida · 3 months
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LAURA FAIRER CHARACTER PRESENTATION from what we do in the shadows by stilestastic aka @splendidsupernova
read wwdits. playlist. pinterest. laura in "meet my ocs". laura's tag. (inspo ✧ ✧ ✧)
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
in defense of 1989:
the breathless, wailing anguish with which she howls "take me HOOOOOoooooome" as she finally gives in to her vices, her weaknesses, knowingly but willingly. because she's so tired of doing the right thing, the smart thing, so lonely, so hopeful, and soooo horny she's helpless against self destruction. A song so unflinching in its awareness of that while also unapologetic in her choice to fully throw herself into temptation.
and even still the continued breathless, endless questioning in out of the woods. is this it? is it finally over? when it be over? when will someone just love her, and when will she stop doubting that they don't? when will this cycle of searching and heartbreak end? the way the song ends, so desperate is she for guidance that her voices harmonize together in a nearly religious choir, calling to the heavens for an answer. utterly lost, screaming into the forest doubting everything she remembers, was it real? can she even remember herself?
In I wish you would, how she turns a quiet, fleeting moment of laying in bed, watching headlights crawl across her bedroom wall though the gap in her curtains into a bombastic tour through all the regrets and dashed hopes that fly through her head. how you can mentally run through the span of fifty emotions over the course of ten seconds.
wildest dreams where the song is paced using her own heartbeat i mean what a clever way to quite literally let you into her heart
also in wildest dreams, giving into the idea that maybe this is what she deserves maybe, all she deserves. it's all she'll ever be, just a memory to someone and so in that fatalist acceptance, she's determined to at least make sure she's a phenomenal memory. and she asks them to lie to her, just this once. she doesn't ask for anything else, just to be told one time that she's worth remembering. an incredibly vulnerable thing to admit about how you see yourself and how dark of a place to be mentally.
the murky, wobbly synth and wistful whispery voices on this love. the whole song sounding like a fog or like wading in the tide as it ebbs and flows. so tactile in how it renders the feeling of wading through the fog a breakup or dissolution. not sure what the right thing to do is, to turn around and fight for them, to let them go, to move on. a song where she's so lost, she surrenders her fate completely and accepts whatever happens will happen and completely succumbs to the current, wherever it takes her and whatever it brings. she has to believe they'll come back on their own because there's nothing else to do now. she's done everything she could and it's just up to the tides of fate.
i mean clean?? hello??? one of the most apt metaphors for breaking up with someone when the relationship was intense and maybe codependent or manipulative. how addiction can be a person, and all the same trappings apply. how the whole album was her struggling through that. revisiting it over and over, how hard it is to try to live without them, as if it feels like drowning. but ultimately finding a baptism of self in the drowning, being the one to save herself for the first time, realizing she could save herself. revolutionary idea for the person who wrote all 4 prior albums, a monumental moment of growth. while still acknowledging that the itch to return to them will always linger, but recognizing that that's not love or fate or destiny like she once thought it was. it's just her insecurities trying to drag her back into bad habits, ultimately pulling the monster out from under the bed and in the harsh light of day, seeing it for what it is and rendering it unable to fool her anymore. one of the most pivotal moments in her mental and emotional growth as a person that she's ever discussed in her art. Where she completely abandons the fairytale idea of fate and destiny and begins to embrace her autonomy.
bonus of YAIL being one of the quietest, most intimate and mundane stories of love she’s ever written. how poignant for it to come after the bombastic pop and clashing synths of the sweeping and tragic romances regaled on the entire album. as if to say nah, real love, true love is in the quiet, unremarkable moments. the synths and echoes used again here but in a more dreamy, ethereal way, as if it's not happening quite yet but it's a wish for something totally different than she had before, something she should have wished for all along. a beautiful contrast!!
also just i'm sorry but blank space was so clever, maybe you had to be there but for her to come out with this song after the Red era and just.... absolutely destroy the pervading narrative about her with a sledgehammer but in the most tongue and cheek way, the most above it all way. like look how stupid you sound? this is the person you think i am? do you hear how ridiculous this shit is? get a grip! she not only made them into the fool and came off smarter and savvier than anyone else, she made BANK off of their stupidity. slay of the century!!!
basically 1989 is the rawest and most honest depiction of a woman in her 20s at some of the lowest points your 20s can bring. how through that time, as you figure out who you're supposed to be as an adult, you completely lose sight of who you are, and because of that you feel the lowest about yourself you may ever feel in your life. You let yourself get treated horribly and you begin to wonder if this is all there is. and it's awful and it feels endless and so lonely because you feel like the only person going through it, that everyone else knows something you don't, and that you're pathetic and worthless for falling so behind everyone else. but at the same time your 20s are soooooo fun and exciting and liberating because of your first foray into independent adulthood, so to lay unapologetically pop instrumentals over these crushing feelings is genius. it's the whiplash of that time in your life, the oscillation making each feeling of euphoria and devastation that much more potent. And how she emotes on this album is unlike anything else! She’s theatrical with her syllables and delivery as if she might never get the chance to say any of this again!
but also, the perhaps unconscious metaphor she presented that so many people, fans included, seem to fall victim to. the idea that oh, it's just pop music, it's not that deep, it's soulless and vapid. only serious music can actually be emotional, when the words she's saying and the hard truths about herself she's conveying are raw and bleeding open wounds. repetition isn't laziness, but a manifestation of anxiety and building tension. heavy synths and electro-pop stylings aren't soulless compared to guitars, but a way to unground you from reality and give you that atmosphere of disorientation and so as she grapples with losing her bearings, so do you. it's a musical allegory for how in your twenties someone can outwardly be having the time of their life, but inwardly be the lowest they've ever been. it's the eternal duality of your 20s, rendered so beautifully and harnessing musical stylings so masterfully to convey this experience. i'll defend it forever for that reason and implore people to reexamine their view of pop music and pop instrumental compositions as less artistic achievements and less emotional than acoustic ballads. sadness isn't the only vulnerable emotion. confusion, anger, anxiety, frustration are all profound and loud emotions that deserve an electric guitar because sometimes words aren't enough for how much you're feeling, and it's up to a cacophonous soundscape of electric guitars and moog synthesizers and your own cathartic screams to fill in the rest.
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akkivee · 2 months
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anyone who says this simply doesn’t have honobono in their lives
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fat-fem-and-asian · 1 year
Sarah Snook's Theatre Career 🎭
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The Lover Talker (2007) as Gowdie - NIDA
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Review for the Shape of Things (2008) as Evelyn - NIDA (couldn't find any photos)
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DNA (2009) as Leah - The Old FItz
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King Lear (2009) as Cordelia/The Fool - State Theatre Company
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S-27 (2010) as May - Griffin Theatre Company
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Crestfall (2010) as Olive - Griffin Independent
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Rope (2011) as Leila - Tamarama Rock Surfers Co.
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The Master Builder (2016) as Hilde - Old Vic Theatre
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Saint Joan (2018) as Joan of Arc - Sydney Theatre Company
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The Picture of Dorian Grey (2024) as All Roles - Theatre Royal Haymarket
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gynkgobilobo · 11 months
On today's episode of gender is totally not enforced™, a growing portion of fandom discourse about the new Netflix series Blue Eye Samurai is revolving around how the main character, a gnc woman is actually a trans man. Because you know uhh, pulling off a Mulan-like scheme makes you male apparently.
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lunar-years · 9 months
I got my boss to watch the eras tour film yesterday and she never really listened to Taylor’s music before that but now she’s listened to all the Taylor Versions + Lover onward and is slacking me her favorites from every album hehehehe
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moe-broey · 1 year
ALSO ALSO SOMETHING. That may not mean Anything but (taken from a post I reblogged/translations of the official artbook)
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Isn't it fucking weird. That out of all the Askr family members, Sharena is the Only short one here. Like. It would be One Thing if Henriette was also short or mid-height. But she's the same height as Alfonse!!!!!!!!!
ALTHOUGH FULL DISCLOSURE I have no fucking idea what I'm even trying to suggest tbh esp looking up Peony like
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steppedoffaflight · 4 months
Hi! Here’s some information:
https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/chappell-roans-gloriously-unserious-pop/ | August 2, 2023
Twenty minutes into Hilton’s set, Roan is ready to leave—she would really like to find a real restroom—but not before surveying the sea of men in front of her and barking, “Where are the lesbians?”
During that time, she also came to terms with her own queerness. She had never encountered any gay girls growing up, so she thought seeking validation from boys was the only option; after going out with a few, she slowly realized it was not. “I’m never dating a man again,” she tells me bluntly. “I’m not attracted to them, I don’t like having sex with them, I don’t think they understand me, I don’t think they make good art.”
https://x.com/hiitschappell/status/1763625151630098588?s=46 | On Ashley Gavin’s podcast
I guess just in the past six months, I’ve just realised I’m gay, I’m gay, I’m gay. ‘Cause previously I dated men, and did date a woman for a couple months, I don’t know, I think I’m like, for real, gay.
https://x.com/hiitschappell/status/1763626737030832190?s=46 | December 7, 2023
And she said, “you know, at least wait until the third date to sleep with him”, and I was like, I don’t think you know how lesbians work first of all. We sleep with each other before we kiss, y’all, be easy!
https://www.billboard.com/culture/pride/chappell-roan-pride-month-love-letter-1235335682/ | June 1, 2023
“Thank God I’m gay” is a sentence I thought I’d never say, but it’s true. Thank God I love women. Thank God you taught me to accept myself, inspired me to dress loud, and and dance the way I have dreamt of since I was nine. Thank God you support me and I have the privilege to watch you from the stage radiating freedom and beaming with smiles. Thank God for drag performers. Thank God for strap-ons. Thank God for you.
https://youtu.be/6Qv8MySbN-o?si=Cx0-XkEIefOMz0u- | March 1, 2024
WeeWorld, got bullied, got called a lesbian. They weren’t wrong, but I wasn’t ready to hear that.
It’s disappointing to see lesbian erasure in action, Wikipedia is very strict in mentioning details of people’s personal lives unless they’ve explicitly stated such information, and by searching her name or her sexuality, she is still labelled as queer. She has stated explicitly that she isn’t attracted to men, but it’s hard to find a direct source of her being a lesbian online, especially with discourse surrounding “gold star” lesbians and how society refused to acknowledge lesbians who do have a history with men. I I can see how someone would think she’s bisexual if they’ve only listened to her music and aren’t super in the fandom, but as someone who is, she just… is a lesbian. I hope this helps!
+ Some people aren’t aware, but Good Luck, Babe as a song, despite how some may interpret it, is about a comphet lesbian, not being a bisexual woman.
Wow this is so thorough!!! Thank you for this! The obsession with “gold star” lesbians is very annoying, I agree. I’m glad she’s found the right label for her!!
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bitbotwomp · 4 months
good friend of mine getting me to read homestuck you know who you are
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 5 months
i didn’t have time to do my regularly scheduled mania monday spam but i saw that some of my mutuals were mania posting and it might seem silly but i just wanted to say i love you guys and i’m so glad you’ve joined me in doing this every week :) it used to be just me so it’s just. nice. i don’t wanna be too sappy but it makes me smile
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blxdc · 8 months
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B - Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons
L - Land of Confusion by Genesis
X - XXX by Joji
D - Don't Tell Me by Disturbed feat. Ann Wilson
C - Close Yet Far by CYK
Tagged by: @seidanguard - thank you, bb! Tsgging: @cagcd. @hxttrick / @toxicjaw, @shimmershots / @gwenbiote, @spidergene, @coldstoicism, @fractise / @rebirthee / @fateswallow, and YOU!
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wereh0gz · 1 year
Ok this post is gonna sound really fucking petty but this furry on yt got "cancelled" for saying that being gay/trans is a sin and shit like how she's not gonna use the new pronouns feature bc pronouns are assigned with your sex or whatever and she made a whole ass 11 minute video on how she's leaving the furry fandom
And I'm just sitting here trying not to laugh bc literally almost all the comments in any related posts are either agreeing with her or very respectfully disagreeing and saying they still respect her opinion and support her. And even those who I've seen say they won't support her aren't being particularly rude and are just rightfully mad calling out how insensitive she's being
Like idk maybe she's deleting any really bad comments but like from what I can tell she isn't getting harassed or anything for her homophobia and transphobia so like
Make it make sense
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phillipsgraves · 2 years
shoutout to @jendoe for being my biggest sponsor yet again 🤧
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