#and i was thinking maybe id see it mentioned in the tag but everyone is understandablely distracted with other things
kawaiianimeredhead · 11 months
0 notes
crypticreid · 11 months
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October 13 -- Virginity
author's note: happy friday the 13th!! this is a behemoth, but it feels right to celebrate this day with a little bit of fireworks lol!! thank you to everyone who voted in the poll, I might do more of those throughout the month. thank you for reading and let me know if you want to be tagged! (also, because this took me so long, it isn't as tightly edited as my other work)
summary: To be completely honest, you're struggling a little bit with you new job at the BAU. Spencer is there to help. Oh, and maybe he can help you with a few other things too.
warnings: female reader, losing virginity, fingering, oral (female receiving), grinding, discussion about masturbation and mention of sex toys
word count: 6.9k (sorry? lol)
this is adut content. 18+ plus only. minors do not interact!
Morgan smiles up at you from his desk as you scramble into the bullpen. Garcia is leaning against his desk as she raises her eyebrows. You toss your go bag under your own desk and push your hair out of your face, trying to ignore the pair. 
“Rough night?” Morgan giggles, as he pushes the pencil he’s holding through his circled fingers suggestively. Garcia guffaws, but at least has the decency to playfully hit Morgan on the shoulder. 
“Can you two behave for like five minutes?” You groan and try to find your ID badge. You literally just had it to get into the BAU department, but now it has mysteriously disappeared. It isn’t on your desk or in any of your pockets, but you do find a couple crumpled up dollar bills that you toss onto your desk without thinking. 
The appearance of the bills causes Morgan to whistle. Emily walks over and sees the offending currency. “Damn, invite me next time!” She laughs. 
You roll your eyes and don’t reply. Instead, you pull up your go bag and start to empty it. Maybe you accidentally put your badge in one of the pockets, you rationalize.
“What is going on?” JJ asks with a small laugh, gesturing to the contents of your go bag now completely strewn across the desk. Clothing and toiletries clutter the surface and you know you look like a crazy person. And maybe you are crazy. No, you definitely are crazy. Anyone who does this job is absolutely batshit crazy. 
Tears sting your eyes, but you blink them away. You are absolutely not going to have a mental breakdown at eight in the morning in the bullpen, and definitely not in front of fucking Derek Morgan. “I can’t find my badge.” You mutter and drop down to your knees to look under your chair and desk. 
You palm the dirty floor, but don’t find anything. Your friends stifle their laughter. “I would help you but this is not a crawl around on the floor kind of dress.” Penelope offers. 
“Gee, thanks.” You say to yourself. 
“Hey, has anyone seen –” Spencer stops in both his tracks and his sentence when he notices you on the floor. He swallows. “I found your ID badge. Over by the door. I think you dropped it.” 
“Wonder boy saves the day!” Morgan exclaims. 
Spencer finishes his trek over to you and offers a hand to help you up. You glance up at him, blushing slightly at the angle. Who would’ve thought you’d be on your knees in front of Dr. Reid? Okay, you’ve definitely thought about it, but your imagination didn’t normally make it happen inside Quantico and it absolutely never in front of your coworkers. 
“Sorry, my hands are kind of dirty. Uh, from the floor.” You confess and take his hand as you stand up. His hand is warm and soft, like really soft. Like you could easily fall asleep to him rubbing your back in mindless patterns. As soon as you’re on your feet you slip your hand out of his to avoid your mind adding more ammunition to your middle of the night imaginations about Spencer. 
“It’s okay.” 
“Thanks. For the badge… and –” you take the badge from his other hand and gesture meaninglessly between the two of you. 
“You’re welcome.” He smiles at you and you feel yourself redden deeper. 
“Alright, alright! Time for kiss and tell!” Penelope exclaims and you blink away from your eye contact with Reid. 
“What?” You whip your head around to her. 
Emily makes kissing noises and musses her hair. “You. And some mystery person. Last night. Clearly.” 
You turn toward her. “No. I wasn’t…” you start, your eyes flick over to Spencer as he walks toward his desk. “There’s no one.” 
JJ leans on your desk and raises her brows. “Then what were you doing last night?” 
You could not tell them the truth, but it was also impossible to lie to the best profilers in the country, so you give them a half truth. “Nothing. I just had a bad night.” You shrug and start to put your clothing back in your go bag, not bothering to fold it. 
The truth is that it had been a bad night because you were struggling with the job. You’d been hired ten months ago and the lack of sleep, the neverending cases, and having to constantly deal with the horrific things humans can do to one another was taking its toll on you. Yesterday had been a day off and you wanted to use it to catch up on sleep, but everytime you closed your eyes, the faces of the people you couldn’t save filtered in. You hadn’t been able to get a good night’s sleep since you started and it had caused a complete breakdown last night. You had pulled up Hotch’s contact information four times ready to quit, but you knew you couldn’t do it. You were here for a reason, you’d stick it out.  
Penelope hums. “Well, if it wasn’t a person… then it must’ve been alcohol.” 
“Or gambling.” Emily adds. 
You roll your eyes. “I don’t gamble.” 
“You should. It’s a lot of fun. I’ll play you in Blackjack.” Emily smiles. 
“Don’t play with her, she counts cards.” Reid murmurs absentmindedly as he reads over a file at his desk. 
“I do not!” 
Everyone laughs, but then the laughter dies away when Hotch comes out of his office. “Looks like no one gets to have fun for a couple of days.” Emily groans. 
On the flight home after the case, you’re seated across from Spencer. Everyone else is asleep or has headphones in, even Hotch is passed out on the couch, which is rare. You still can’t sleep, so you stare out the window into the darkness as you fly over Virgina. Spencer clears his throat and you roll your head to look at him. 
“Are you okay?” He asks. 
You allow a small smile to form on your lips. “Yeah, I’m fine.” 
He swallows and puts the book in his hand down in his lap as he leans forward slightly. “I know we don’t know each other that well yet, but you don’t really seem like yourself lately. Are you sure you’re okay?” 
The sore achy feeling of wanting to cry but holding it in burns your throat. You cough softly.  “I’m okay, really. Just – having trouble sleeping.” You give just a little bit of information, hoping it assuages his curiosity. 
“Is it that mystery person keeping you up at night?” He asks point-blankly. 
Your mouth is agape and you snap it shut, “did you just make a joke?” 
“I tried to.” He smiles and you match his smile with your own. 
“There really isn’t anyone.” You shake your head. “I’ve never –” you almost let the rest of the sentence slip out, but stop yourself just in time. The lack of sleep is obviously affecting you more than you thought. 
“You’ve never what?” The way he moves his body forward in his seat makes your heart thrum in your chest. His body language is clear, even a rookie behavioral analyst could tell, he was prepared to listen to what you have to say. Not only that, but he actually cared. 
You bite the inside of your cheek before letting out a sigh. Before you answer, you lean closer toward him, “I’ve never had sex, actually.” 
His eyes widen and he clears his throat, “you’re a –” 
“Virgin,” you finish for him. “I’m not ashamed or embarrassed by it. And it isn’t like I’m saving it or anything. It just hasn’t happened yet.” You shrug. “In all honesty, part of me just wants to pick some random person and get it over with.” You let out a small breathy laugh in an attempt to make you feel less awkward. 
“Why haven’t you?” You meet his eyes. “I mean, just found a random person to get it over with?” 
One of your shoulders lifts in a half-hearted shrug. “I don’t know. Like when I think about it, I realize that I’d rather have someone I trust, you know. Someone who would take care of me and not just see me as another notch on their bedpost. At least for the first time. And then after that, I’d feel more comfortable just going out and… you know.” 
“Notching up some bed posts.” He nods knowingly and you giggle. He smiles, you notice that he enjoys making you laugh. A lot of the time it seems like people are maybe laughing at him or about him, but not you. He’s never the butt of the joke for you. 
“Sure, Spencer.” You can’t help, but trail your eyes over him and contemplate the question that’s on the tip of your tongue. “How did you lose your virginity?” 
He doesn’t seem offended or shocked by your question. “In college.” 
You scoff, “weren’t you like twelve?” 
“During my undergrad, yes. But I have multiple PhDs.” 
“Of course, Doctor Reid.” 
He shifts in his seat. “I was twenty. She was, uh, we worked in the same lab. And had the same research advisor.” 
“So you two experimented on each other.” You joked. 
Spencer’s face flushed and you felt a pang deep in your stomach. “In a way, yes.” 
“I’m joking, Spencer.” He nods in understanding. “Were you like her boyfriend?” 
“No, we just –” 
“Hooked up.” You finish for him. 
“For a couple months, yeah.” 
Your mouth drops and you whisper, “you had a fuck buddy?” 
His blush deepens. “I don’t think we ever called each other that.” 
“What did you call her?” 
“I don’t know. We never talked about it. I finished my doctoral thesis before her.” He shrugs. 
“Wow, who knew.” 
“Morgan isn’t the only playa on the team.” You giggle and scrunch your nose, feeling the stress of the last few weeks dissipate from your shoulders. 
“I’m not…” he laughs and shakes his head. He glances out the window. “We’re landing soon.” He swallows and leans back in his seat. It was terrible, but you had a strong urge to step across to his seat and straddle his lap and kiss him until you were both breathless. You turn your gaze back to the window and try to force the image away. 
Your car wouldn’t start. You forcefully turned the key in the ignition again, and it sputtered and died. As you hit your steering wheel, you let out a frustrated noise and hit it again. You turn to grab your cell phone from your bag to call a tow truck and jump when you hear a knock on your driver’s side window. Spencer stands there apologetically, waving his hand with his closed mouth smile. 
He steps aside when you open the car door and get out. “Is everything okay?” 
“No.” You laugh bitterly. “My car won’t start and I need to get a tow.” You bite your lip, but can’t stop the tears that bubble over. 
Spencer freezes, but then reaches out and touches your shoulder lightly. “It’s okay.” For some reason his comfort makes you cry harder. “Oh, uh, here,” he mutters and pulls you into a full hug. He squeezes you tight against him and rubs your back as you cry into his chest. 
“I’m sorry, Spencer.” You blubber into his shirt. 
“No, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.” 
“Is it?” You pull away from his chest to look in his eyes. “I’m failing at this job and –” 
“Woah, failing at this job?” He interrupts. “Who said that?” His brows furrow angrily. 
“No one.” You blink away the tears stuck in your eyelashes and Spencer reaches up and swipes away one that trails down your cheek. 
“You’re not failing. You’re excelling. You’re incredible. Truly, I mean that. I wouldn’t lie to you. I promise.” He swallows and you realize how close to his face you are, his hands wrapped around your back. 
You don’t stop yourself, even though you know you should, as you lean into him. His eyes flutter down to your lips, but he doesn’t pull away, so you keep going. Your lips touch his lightly, barely there before you back away. 
His hands tighten on you and pull you closer to him. He chases your lips with his and kisses you back, your own hands are on his chest and they twist into his shirt. You kiss him fervently, his hands traveling to your lower back, arching you into him. A moan escapes from the back of your throat and it breaks the spell. Spencer pulls away from the kiss. 
His lips are pink and shimmery and you want to kiss him again. Desperately. “I’m sorry.” He murmurs, his tongue slipping out and swiping across his bottom lip. 
“What for?” You blink. 
“Kissing you.” 
“I kissed you.” 
“I kissed you back.” 
“And you should do it again.” 
His eyes dart to your lips. He wants to, you can tell, but he stops himself. “We shouldn’t.” 
“Not here, at least.” You glance behind him and pray that the parking garage is completely empty. If your coworkers acted the way they did this morning about a nonexistent mystery person, you can only imagine their reactions if they saw you making out with Spencer. 
“It’s inappropriate.” 
“I don’t care.” 
“There’s paperwork.” 
“Not if we don’t tell anyone.” 
“That’s not how that works.” He laughs, you can feel the vibrations of the sound against his chest. 
“Do you always play by the rules, Dr. Reid?” 
He swallows harshly, you watch the movement of his Adam’s apple bob against the tight skin of his neck. “I’ll drive you home.” He deflects. 
You reach up on your toes and kiss him again. His hands spread on your back and press you against him and your hands pull him tighter to you, wrinkling his shirt. You hear footsteps and both of you step away from each other instantly, putting distance between your bodies. You turn your head to see a person you don’t recognize come into view from the other side of the parking garage. They don’t even glance in your direction. The hammering in your chest slows and you turn back to Spencer. He runs a hand through his hair. 
“Grab your bag.” He says with an authority that makes you spring into action quickly. Neither of you say anything as you follow him down the rows of agents’ cars to his car. He opens the passenger side for you, the vintage car creaks in protest. He closes the door and you watch from the rearview mirror as he walks around the back of the car toward the driver’s side, his hands in his pocket. 
He slides into the car seat and starts the car, it rumbles to life loudly. “I normally don’t even drive to work, just take public transportation. But I had an errand the other day.” He explains absentmindedly as he checks the rearview mirror and slowly backs out of the park spot. 
“It’s kismet.” 
“I always thought it was interesting that the English pilfered that word from the Turkish language. Considering words like fate and destiny already existed. Some etymologists attribute it to the rampant orientalism at the time. You know, like kismet was more mysterious or mystical or exciting than just simple fate.” He rambles and drives you out of the parking garage. A heady want begins to grow in your lower stomach. “And of course, the Turkish developed the word from an Arabic word meaning portion or lot. Which is fascinating.” 
“It is.” You say earnestly. 
He glances over at you sheepishly. “Sorry, I don’t mean to ramble.” 
“Don’t apologize. I like it.” 
His eyes are already back on the road, but you can see his cheeks redden in a slight blush. “Where do you live?” He asks and you tell him. It isn’t a long drive, well it isn’t this late at night. Your morning commute is a nightmare. He gives you a brief look, “why did you join the BAU?” 
You exhale a long breath before you answer. “I wanted to help people I guess. Which is so cliche, but it’s the truth. Like it isn’t even about putting bad guys away or whatever. I just want to make the world safer. For everyone.” You look over at him and he meets your gaze for a split second. 
“You are doing a good job.” He states. You shake your head. “I mean it. You are. You’re making a difference. You’re helping people.” 
“But how do you keep your head above water? I mean… how do you not let it beat you down?” 
“We have each other. And you focus on the good.” 
You sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, letting his words sink in. “Thanks, Spencer. For everything today.” 
He pulls into a parking spot in front of your apartment building. “I’ll walk you up.” 
You go to unbuckle your seatbelt, but it doesn’t budge. You try again, but again, nothing. 
“Oh, sometimes it sticks. Here,” he leans across the middle and reaches for your seatbelt buckle. His fingers graze the outside of your thigh and inhale sharply, electricity buzzing from the simplest of touches. He unbuckles you and you let the seat belt slide across your body, he doesn’t move away from you. He’s close enough that you can feel his breath on your skin, it enflames you. 
“Spencer,” you whisper and turn your head toward him. His eyes slowly trail down your face toward your lips and then back up to your eyes. You can’t take it, so you lean forward and kiss him again. Tentative at first, waiting for him to respond. He does, his hands pulling your face closer to his, deepening the kiss. When you feel his tongue swipe across your bottom lip you open for him, let him explore and learn. You sigh into his mouth, your hands find their way to the back of his neck. 
He slips away from you, breathless, but starts to kiss down your jaw. He mutters your name against your skin. You feel the warmth of his kisses travel down your spine toward your core. 
“Come upstairs.” You sigh, when he bites lightly on a sensitive spot on your neck. 
“I can’t. I shouldn’t.” He pants against your skin. 
“I want you.” 
He groans, deep and frustrated, and moves to lean his forehead against yours, both of your heavy breathing intermingling and becoming one. “You shouldn’t want me.” 
“Why not? And don’t say the bullshit about us working together. I don’t care, Spencer. I trust you. I want you.” 
He backs his head away from your forehead so that he can look into your eyes, his thumb against your cheek brushes back and forth. “You trust me?” 
“With everything in me.” He kisses you again, softly, tenderly. 
“I’ll take care of you.” 
“I know.” You kiss him back and then pull away. He nods and you return it with a nod of your own. 
His tongue glides across his lip and he swallows. You blink and he’s moving out of his seat and already at the passenger side door before you can reach for the handle. He opens it quickly and helps you out. It’s old school, but it makes your heart stutter and start. When he takes your hand in his, it feels like two magnets being drawn together. He slams the car door shut and you lead him up to your apartment. 
Once you unlock your front door and guide him in, you shut the door and turn to look at him. You flick on the light. He stares at you and asks, “you’re sure?” 
“Positive.” You step toward him and reach out to slide your hands across his stomach and then land on his waist. “Do I have to kiss you first again, or –” you don’t have to finish your question before his lips are on yours. His kisses are not tentative or searching, they’re needy and impassioned. Before long, you’re clawing at his shirt, untucking it from his pants and then reaching up to undo his tie. 
He stops you as he breathes laboriously. “Wait, we should slow down.” 
You continue to work on his tie, perpetually crooked, but now just an obstacle to what you need desperately.  “I don’t wanna go slow.” 
He moans and you finally get his tie undone and whip it off. “No, we should.” 
Your fingers work deftly against his buttons, one at a time, and you look up at him. “I’m a virgin, but I’m not inexperienced. I’m not a delicate flower.” 
His expression changes, his eyes grow heavy and he quirks his jaw. “Not inexperienced?” 
“I’m not.” You almost sound like a petulant teenager. 
“How far?” 
“How far have you gotten?” Your hands stop almost halfway through the third to last button. You don’t answer. His voice deepens, gravely and sexy, “you’ve clearly kissed before.” You nod. “Have you had someone feel your breasts?” As he asks the question, his hand reaches up and caresses your breast. You lean into the touch. “Has anyone put their mouth on your breasts, marking you as theirs? Rolling your nipple between their teeth?” He inclines his head into the crook of your neck and presses a hot kiss there. “Have you ever had somebody's mouth on your clit?” 
Your breathing is sharp and jagged, but Spencer simply continues. “Would you let someone use their tongue to make you come? Or maybe even their fingers? Pump their fingers into until you're squirming?” 
“Spencer,” you plead. 
He continues to massage your breast as his other hand slips under your shirt and trails across your hips and stomach. “Or do you just mean that you’ve touched yourself? You’ve laid in bed and explored this beautiful body. Know just exactly how to make yourself shiver from your own fingers.” 
You’re almost overwhelmed by his touch, his lips on your skin, and his words, your head is spinning, but you’re also desperate for more. 
“We’re going to take it slow.” He informs you and it isn’t up for discussion. “Not because I think you’re a delicate flower.” He throws your own words back at you. “But because I want to take my time with you. I want to learn everything about your body. I want to touch every single inch of you with my hands. I want to make you come, I want to feel you come. Over and over again.” You’re practically shaking in his hands when his lips and teeth scrap across your jaw and to your lips. He takes them with his and you’re like clay on a potter’s wheel, malleable and completely at his will, waiting to be crafted into his masterpiece. 
“Do you want that?” He breathes on your lips. 
You somehow know instinctively that he wants a verbal confirmation, so you answer, “yes.” 
He continues to kiss you, deeply, almost like a starved man tasting his first bit of sustenance. You answer with your own fervency. His hand at your hip squeezes and pulls you tight against him and you feel his want against you. It makes you moan. You grind your body against him and his grip tights even more. 
“Bedroom. Where’s your bedroom?” He stutters, but doesn’t stop kissing you and you don’t stop either. Your hands are in his hair, pulling and twisting, holding him impossibly close to you. You didn’t know kissing could make you feel this way, simultaneously feverish and desperate, but also insatiable. You felt like you could kiss Spencer for a lifetime and never tire of it. He wasn’t close enough even though your bodies were pressed together, you needed more. The only thought in your brain is simply, more, more, more. 
He pulls away from you, both of you taking heaving breaths. His lips were perfectly pink, your body thrummed with the knowledge that you caused such a change in him. 
“Bedroom.” The single word went straight to your core. You take his hand and guide him to your bedroom. 
Once you turn on the light, he’s behind you, pressing into you. You can feel every part of him, and he kisses the back of your neck. He’s back to being soft and gentle. He brings his hands to your stomach and inches them under your shirt until he has your breasts in his hands. 
Your breasts feel heavy and logically you know why. Blood has rushed to them, just as it has rushed to your other erogenous zones, and it is sending a signal to your brain to release oxytocin. But you’re realizing that logic has no place in your head when Spencer’s hands and mouth are on you. Logic means nothing to you at this moment. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He compliments as he fondles your breasts, your head lolls back against his chest. He angles his head so he can kiss your cheek. “You distracted me that very first case you were on. Did you know that?” 
“No,” your eyes flutter shut when he moves down to kiss your jaw. 
“I thought you were so gorgeous. After the case, I went home to my apartment and touched myself as I imagined you. I felt so ashamed, I couldn’t even look you in the eyes the next morning.” 
Your mind wanders back to all those months ago. “I thought I had done something wrong,” you remember. 
“No, it was me. I was wrong. But I couldn’t stop. I mean you can feel what you do to me.” He was right, you could distinctly feel the effect you had on him. 
“I thought of you too.” You confess. 
“You did?” His voice is low and breathy and you nod. “In that bed.” He ticks his head to gesture toward it. “Tell me.” 
You feel yourself heat with blush. His thumbs brush across your nipples through your bra and your breath gets caught in your throat. You swallow and answer. “I would lie there, normally because I couldn’t sleep. And then I’d think about you. Your hands, I’d think about your hands.” 
“My hands?” He squeezes your breasts. 
You nod and answer simultaneously, “yes. I’d imagine them on my body, touching me.” He brushes your nipples again and you shiver. “And I’d slip my hand into my underwear, and rub my clit. Pretend it was you.” His hands abandon your breasts and slide around to your back. You step forward as he takes off your shirt and then unhooks your bra and helps you out of it. His hands on your hips turn you to face him. 
“I knew you were beautiful. But you’re perfect.” Your instinct is to feel self conscious under his gaze, but you push it away when you notice the admiration in his eyes.  
You reach for him and finish the job of unbuttoning his shirt and then peeling it off of him. “Fair is fair.” You say. He laughs, but his laugh dies in his throat when your nails scratch down his chest. 
Your hands explore his exposed chest and back, feeling the muscle move underneath soft skin, and he works to rid you of your pants. You use him for balance as you step out of your pants, but as soon as you're standing on two feet again, he backs you toward your bed. 
When the back of your legs hit the bed, you allow yourself to fall back onto it. He leans over you, your legs open for him and he kisses you again. Your hands continue their previous tour of his back, now feeling how his shoulder blades move when he grinds against you. 
The first time he does it, you throw your head back in a moan. Even though you have multiple layers of fabric between you, you can still feel the heat radiating through you. He does it again and you arch up to meet his movement. When he does it a third time your nails scratch down his back. 
He makes a low noise from the back of his throat and you know that your panties are soaked. His lips take a journey down your body, kissing and nipping at your clavicle, your chest, spending a significant amount of time on both of your breasts, and down your stomach. Your clawing at his back by the time his mouth meets the band of your underwear. 
“Look at you,” he whispers. His thumb rubs lightly at your clit over the fabric. Your thighs clench and he laughs. “Keep them open for me, baby.” You mewl at the pet name. “You like that? Being called baby?” 
“Yes.” You groan out when his thumb repeats his earlier action. 
He does it again, almost unbearably slow. “I want to taste you so bad. I’ve wanted to know how good you taste for so long.” His voice is strained. 
“You can. I want you to.” 
His hands skate up to the hem of your underwear and you lift your hips slightly as he pulls them down. You open your legs for him again and he swallows. “Stunning.” His mouth is on you before you have time to process the word. 
Almost instantly, he moans against you, the vibrations causing your toes to curl. Your hands clench your duvet and he pulls away for a split second, “touch me.” You do what he asks, coiling your fingers into his hair. He laps at your clit, creating a pattern and rhythm that makes your buck up to meet him. His hands grip at your hips and hold you in place. 
“Spencer, oh fuck,” you ramble. He answers by moaning against you again and then sucking your clit into his lips. You bite down a scream. The heat at the base of your spine spreads across your body. “Oh my god. Oh god.” 
He alternates between lapping and sucking at your sensitive bud, your nails practically digging into his scalp, your toes curling, as you try to catch your breath. Just at the moment where it feels like too much, your body clenches and crashes over the edge of your ecstacy, his name falling from your lips repeatedly. 
He continues to lap at you softly until your muscles relax in his arms and then he looks up at you, smiling and his lips glistening, “you’re incredible.” You pull him up, so that you can kiss him. You kiss the taste of you off his lips. He brings his head up to look at you, pushes away the stray hairs stuck to your forehead. “Are you going to get sick of me calling you beautiful?” He smiles. 
“No, I don’t think I could.” He smiles into another kiss. His hands travel down your body and as soon as one of his fingers slides across your folds, the flames reignite. 
“Is this okay?” He asks. “I want all of you.” One of his fingers slips inside of you and then he pulls it out. He slides it back in and then repeats his action, starting slow and building up to a comfortable tempo, as he continues to kiss you. Nothing about his movements is frantic, but rather languid and relaxed, gently stoking the growing fire inside of you. You grind your hips against his finger and he smoothly adds a second finger. The feeling is different, but not bad as you feel yourself accommodating the extra digit. 
“Alright?” He checks in with you, looking into your eyes. 
“It feels good.” It’s not like the times you’ve laid here in this bed with your fingers inside you. It’s an entirely divergent sensation that you don’t think your imagination would have been able to conjure. “Really good.” 
“Yeah?” He stops sliding his fingers in and out and instead leaves them inside as he pumps them, almost as if he’s searching. He finds what he’s looking for when you gasp and cling to his shoulder. 
“Yeah.” You nod furiously, biting down on your lip. He’s no longer building the tension within you. Instead, it’s like he’s playing with a taut rubber band, waiting for it to snap. 
You feel your eyes start to close, wanting to roll to the back of your head. “Keep your eyes on me, baby. I want to see. Want to see you come apart for me.” 
You force your eyes open. “Spencer��” 
“I know, relax into it.” His thumb starts to rub your clit. “You’re doing so good.”  
“Oh my god,” you start to mutter and ramble again, a mixture of curses and Spencer’s name. You never break eye contact with him. It’s intense, but also intimate. 
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” 
You let out a whine in answer and feel a muscle in your thigh twitch. Your core clenching on his fingers, the wet sounds of his fingers inside of you filling the room. The grip on his shoulders is tight and you hope it isn’t painful, but he barely seems to notice, all of his attention is on you. The mixture of admiration and lust on his features is almost too much. But you’re realizing that Spencer Reid never does anything part way or half-assed. Once Spencer puts his mind to something, he’s going to accomplish it. Not only that, but he’s going to put an almost Herculean effort into it. And somehow, you’ve become something he’s put his mind to. The thought makes you lean up and kiss him. 
You kiss him until a gasp separates your lips from him. “So perfect,” he muses. Your core constricts and contracts on his fingers. Your breathing is short and your legs feel like they’re shaking, but you can’t really tell. “Come for me.” 
One more shaky breath and then you do, the rubber band snaps. Your body arcs up into him and he swallows your shout with his lips, kissing you deeply. Again, he slows down but doesn’t stop, guiding you down from your high. When he does pull his fingers from you, you watch as he brings them to his mouth and sucks them clean. 
This time you don’t need him to rekindle the flame of need inside of you, it's already there. You reach between your bodies for his belt. Together, the two of you make quick work of the last of his clothing. And then he’s kissing you again, both his hands and your own caress, rub, and grab at each other. You reach down lower and lower, until you meet his hardened length with your hand. You grip the base and he falters. 
“I’d love that. Really, I want it so bad. But I won’t last, baby.” You squeeze him again and smile up at him, fluttering your eyelashes. “You’re a vixen.” He laughs, kissing you. 
“I want you.” 
“Fuck. I don’t have a condom.” You blink, it’s the first time you’ve ever heard Spencer drop the f-bomb. You giggle. 
“I have some.” One of his eyebrows raises in question and you shrug. “I like to be prepared. They’re over there.” You gesture toward your nightstand and he stretches over to open it. 
“Oh,” he lets out a surprised gasp and just then you remember what else is in your top drawer. “I guess you don’t just use your fingers to masturbate, do you?” He laughs. 
You reach up behind you and grab a pillow and toss it at him. He dodges it and it falls to the floor. “Like I said, I’m a virgin, not inexperienced.” 
Spencer grabs the box of unopened condoms, opens it and pulls one out. He carefully places the box back, his eyes lingering on your menagerie of sex toys. 
“What are you doing?” You ask. 
“I have an eidetic memory. I’m remembering… for later.” He smiles and you feel your heart speed up, pounding against your ribcage. You hadn’t had time to discuss anything past tonight. His smile falters. “I mean – I don’t mean to presume anything. Only if you want.” 
You reach over to him and pull him back toward you, kissing him. “I do. I want there to be a next time. Other times.” 
He looks down at you, searching. “Good, I do too.” He kisses you and only pulls away to put on the condom. He continues his kisses as he moves to position himself, spreading your legs for him. He brushes his thumb over your clit again and you moan. When he lifts his head from yours and glances up at you. You nod your head. 
You feel the tip of him at your entrance, pressing against you, but not fully in. That’s all he does at first, until you move on him and allow him to slip into you. He works himself into you, allowing you to stretch around him. It isn’t uncomfortable, but it’s definitely a new sensation. None of your toys feel like him. Both of you watch as his penis slowly disappears inside of you. He pushes in the last inch with a thrust. There’s a flash of a pinch and you let out a breath. 
“Are you okay?” He asks. 
“Yeah, just give me a second.” He nods, licks his bottom lip and then resumes his circles on your clit. It only takes a few seconds for you to relax on him. You grind your hips, somehow taking him deeper. He groans. “Move, Spencer. Please.” 
He inches out of you and then pushes back in without any urgency or force. He starts the same pattern and rhythm his fingers had used earlier that night. The feeling of him moving inside of you is incredible, you can feel him dragging against your walls. His body against yours, skin to skin, more connected than you’ve ever been with anyone else. Between the feeling of him pumping into and his movement against your clit, it doesn’t take long until you’re clawing at his back, wordlessly asking him for more. He answers, creating a relentless rhythm that you grind your hips to match. 
At some point, your eyes had shut and you hadn’t realized and so you force them open again, wanting to watch Spencer come apart just like he watched you. “You feel so good. Better than I could have imagined.” He starts to ramble. “I can’t believe I get to feel you like this. So good.” 
His eyes shoot down to watch himself slip in and out of you. “Fuck.” He cusses again. You decide you like when he curses, especially if you’re the reason. He moves his hips and his cock finds the same spot his fingers found earlier and you clench around him as you let out a deep groan. 
You lose track of time, it moves at a snail’s pace, but also at the speed of light. Time ceases to exist to you, your world shrinks down to only the two of you, everything else falls away. And then you’re falling again, diving headfirst into an orgasm. 
“Yes, yes. I love feeling you like this. Oh my god… oh fuck. I’m gonna –” he sputters. 
You reach up and pull his lips to yours, kissing him through his own orgasm. He shakes above you as he pumps into you with a final harsh push. And then when he peaks, he slowly fucks into you through his orgasm. He continues to kiss you until both of your breathing returns to normal and then he lifts his head to look at you. 
He smiles and you can’t help it when a huge toothy smile appears on your own face. 
“Are you okay?” He inquires. 
“I’m perfect.” 
His hand reaches up and caresses the side of your face. “You are.” 
The next morning you walk into the office still smiling. Everyone is around the desks, including Spencer. He glances over at you and nods in greeting, as if you hadn’t just said goodbye to him a few hours ago, the first golden rays of dawn streaming through your bedroom window. 
“Good morning.” You say to everyone. You set your go bag down at your desk and Emily smiles over at you, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
“Oh, Morgan. You had it all wrong.” She teases. 
Morgan looks at Emily and then over to you. “What?” 
“That is the look of a woman who got it real good last night.” Emily laughs, loud and brash. You smile with her and Penelope gasps. 
“Tell. Me. Everything.” She runs over to you and grabs onto your arm. 
“I have no idea what you mean.” You reply innocently. 
JJ smirks. “Oh, she got it real good last night.” 
“Is sex all you guys think about?” You joke. The girls laugh and Morgan still seems confused. Spencer is focused on the file on his desk, but his finger isn’t moving down it and you know he isn’t reading it. “I had a good night last night.” You give a small inch, just to stave them off. Penelope squeals. You grab her hand. “And that’s all I’ll say about it.” 
“Boo!” Emily exclaims. 
Penelope almost pouts. “Oh, you are the worst!” 
“I know!” You laugh gleefully. Spencer looks up for only a split second, but you catch it and he smiles at you. 
“I’ll find out eventually. You do know that, right?” Penelope warns. 
“You are terrifying.” You squeeze her arm and turn away from the group to start on your mountain of files. It’s true that eventually everyone would probably find out about you and Spencer, but for now the two of you get to live in your own personal world. You smile to yourself.
tag list: @spenciesprincess @catalinasroom @tylevx @alicentswife @ingrid69rs @sobbingcryingattsizzles @infinitegalaxiesworld
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kairiscorner · 1 year
could you maybe write some like bf head cannons abt miguel? like cute fluff stuff id rlly appreciate it 😚😚 i love ur writing so much
HELLO ANON !! omg this is the type of stuff that will not let me move on from miguel RGHHHHH YES OFC !!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS HEHE
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
miguel o'hara boyfriend headcanons
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repeat after me now: he's protective as fuck. miguel's number is always at the top of your call logs for the most part, there's never a day that passes by when he's not calling you to check up on you. he calls at random times, without warning of course, and he tries to keep his cool and ask you in a nonchalant voice: "hey, so... how are you, mi vida? everything okay? oh, why i'm calling? can't your boyfriend call you just... because? the reason why isn't important, mi amor, just... talk to me."
he definitely gets jealous easily, like he doesn't show it, but boy does he get all frustrated and confused when he gets jealous. he keeps thinking about you and furrowing his brows–and he knows he's not angry at you, of course not–but why is he so mad at the fact someone else is talking to you?
he shuts himself away from everyone else and buries himself in work–all angry and pouty at the mention of the name of the guys talking to you or hanging out with you, stealing your attention from him.
he is so attention craved when it comes to you, he craves for you to tell him you love him, to touch him gently and run your fingers over his arms and chest, and press your lips against his and... oh, what's this, he's flustered? he's flustered over you? he's desperate for your attention and love?
he melts at your touch when he's been deprived of it for so long. he murmurs how soft and gentle your touch is, how he seriously can't get enough of you holding him.
"mmm, mi vida... you feel so sweet. i love you, your hands... they feel so warm, so dear–please, keep holding me... like this. please, never leave me..."
he can't keep his hands off you, either, he loves having his hands all over you, no matter which part of you it is. he loves every bit of you from head to toe, he doesn't leave any bit of you untouched and unloved; he makes sure you know every bit of you is worthy of being loved and is appreciated.
he does that passenger princess meme thing where when he drives you around, he sneaks his palm on your thigh and caresses it gently, squeezing it and muttering how perfect your thigh feels in his touch.
he definitely carries you around when no one's looking, his favorite style is the one where he hoists you over his shoulder and wraps his arm around your waist with one arm and works on whatever it is he's doing with his other hand.
he definitely smacks your butt and thighs at random intervals with a straight face, he loves those parts of you the most.
"mi vida... i can't help it. you're perfectly plump in these areas, how can i not?" he asks you as he rubs your sore butt cheek that he previously spanked and spanked it again with a small smirk of satisfaction and love on his face.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @melovetitties @arachnoia @fictarian @yuridopted0 @ophanimgold @meeom @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @popeheywardssecretgf @smokeywhalee
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everyone who writes and supports miles smut can block me, that includes 42 btw.
TW: BELOW THE CUT IS DISCUSSION OF P//DO, UNDERAGE CONTENT. (I don’t go too far into detail but I know some people have been affected by it).
elaboration on why aging up (for sexual purposes) is bad
miles is canonically 15 and dont even pull that “he’s aged up” shit with me cause you know damn well on aged up fanfics they use pictures of CANON MILES. so its pretty obvious u have the teen in your mind. and you know what the ones that are around his age are annoying too but it doesnt put nearly of a bad taste in my mouth as the GROWN ASS ADULTS who make that shit.
and btw dont go and say “oh, it’s hormones and plus miles has hormones” and to that i have to say:
1. if you are a child who likes miles like that, fine, deal with that shit in private tho. you posting s*xual content of a minor is catering to creepy adults online
2. if you’re an adult saying that shit then i can say nothing less that you have the mindset of a groomer. You’re not very far from the mfs who say that “teenage girls are at their ripe age at 16.” you as an adult SHOULD NOT be using teenagers having hormones to your advantage and excuse. That’s disgusting.
“they’re just a fictional character” 😟 can you get a grip? go outside. Miles is a fictional character who is BUILT and DESIGNED to look like a teenager. And astv aint that unrealistic that you can say he’s ambiguous. He’s not. And even if he was he does activities that I do as a teen—I go to high school, I’m nervous about my future—miles is literally a relatable teen, as he was designed to be.
“Then stop looking for the smut posts.” I DONT NEED TO! It infiltrates my ASTV tag and at times the Hobie Brown tags too. You act like your tags aren’t public. If someone wanted to read a Miles fic that was normal fluff they would have to scroll through some smut too!
anyway thats all and dont even both coming up in my comments and reposts throwing a hissy fit you niggas r weird asf and can block me. maybe then id see less weird shit on my tag page. do us all a favor and log off.
+ Update: His ages from any other media isn’t a valid excuse. If you were clearly writing for canon adult miles you wouldn’t have astv miles as the icons and astv as the tag.
+ Update: Miles is CANONICALLY 15 in the first movie, and somewhere in the last movie he was YOUNGER. As mentioned above, mentioning other media as an excuse is bs when in the movies your writing for (itsv, atsv) he’s clearly a minor.
+ The thing that pisses me off the most is how ya’ll act like the people who are uncomfortable are weird. Are you not writing s*xual content about a 15 year old on a daily basis? please.
+ Fiction DOES affect reality. Why do you think people have nightmares after horror? Why does a sad film make people cry? Why does a deep movie change perspective?
+ In the scene where Miles argues with his parents, he says something along the lines of “I’m 15!!!” So if you think he’s not underage, you either didn’t pay attention or don’t have google. Plus what 18 year old discusses college that late? (without any other discussions prior?)
+ if you like little boys stop tryna hide that you like little boys it makes you even more manipulative and gross. no but in all seriousness telling minors that behavior is okay has gotta be SOME form of grooming on a more subtle scale. sorry if that’s too bold for ya’ll but as someone who’s been tricked into thinking content like this was okay when I was younger, I can confirm that this isn’t okay.
+ If to prove character that’s canonically a minor isn’t one you have to pull up seven different source materials that barely correlate to the one you write for, that character is still a fucking minor! It’s giving “she’s actually 3000!!!” when she looks 8.
yeah. kay bye!!!
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
hcs of stevepop being haters to papercut but specifically curly😸
rare stevepop mention in my inbox omg
•first of steve dont even hate curly fr, its soda that dont like him, its like a “curly shepard slander is not only tolerated, but highly encouraged” typa thing, steve has no strong feelings about curly, thinks hes trouble and a nuisance but nothin noteworthy, everyone thinks that of curly, steves not special in that regard😢
•soda could b ranting about how curly isnt good for pony and steves just not paying attention, he’s just staring at soda thinking he looks good😭😭, but if soda does say something outlandish that curly did, he will make his own comment
•i like to think that curly and steve r similar in some aspects so when soda mentions something steve also does, the convo goes “dont i do that same thing” “yea but ur u, so thats different” and steve squints his eyes cause he doesnt know how to take that one
•instead of just paying for the snacks at the drive ik, curly and pony go to the dx to pay for snacks and just sneak into the drive in w the snacks in curlys secret pockets, and will soda admit that thats clever as hell??? NO HE WILL NOT☝🏽☝🏽, he makes sneaking glances at him
•only time steve rlly talks to curly is if he makes some kinda comment towards soda, so at that cash register, curly teases soda and i WAS gonna say that steve doesnt say much and aggressively keeps it professional but id b a liar, steves saying something slick right back
•bc steve and curly dont rlly know each other that well, their banter is pretty much limited to curly talking about steve being w soda and steve WOULD say something about being w pony but sodas right there and he wouldnt like that, so he says something about curly being a pain in the ass, very surface level bullyin goin on here
•when soda sees pony and curly, hes literally pulling steve along, steve is 95% unwilling 5% willing bc he rlly does care for pony and wants to know whats up w em
•HOWEVER, he’s not that interested that he wants to be around them for longer than an hour when theyre supposed to be hanging out, steve just wants to question em for 5, maybe 10 mins THEN leave but soda wants to stay for way longer
•i feel like ppl also forget that steve still goes to school, so when theres a school dance steve takes advantage of that and uses it as a date opportunity and brings soda, but on e again much to everyones disappointment pony n curly r there too, so sodas like TRYING to enjoy his time w steve but look at curly over there,,,breathing near pony,,,how dare he share the same air,,,
•steves the one who drove all of em to the dance, however soda promised to not be too overbearing for pony and steves sake, which he kinda???did???? he was staring at em ofc but so was steve, but steve was just laughing at the stupid shit curly was pulling pony into while soda was makin sure nothin too over 18 was goin on
•steve is still like one of ponys biggest haters, once he told pony something about him being so desperate to not be a tag a long he mustve picked the closest person to him to prove that he wasnt and it just so happened to be curly and thats how they got together
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
The Spencer Mansion
STARS Office Part 2 
Part 1 
Albert Wesker x fem!reader, Chris Redfield x fem!reader 
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: canon level violence, Wesker toeing the line of using the reader and being in love with her, Chris thinking the reader is dead, canon level injuries 
Tagging: you all mentioned wanting a part 2, I hope you don't mind that I tagged you! <3 @boywivlove @fanartcollectorwriter @chaotic-fangirl-blog
Author’s Note: A lot of people have suggested I do a part two to stars office and I always meant to but never got around to it! I hope that you guys like this. Id be open to a part three (and hopefully do it quicker this time around lol). Thinking for part three that I could do two endings, one for chris and one for wesker....
I also added this request to the plot : @zedonna , If not that, then maybe a possible scenario where Reader replaces Richard? Instead of Chris finding him and Rebecca, he sees reader with the snake bite (someone he is close to and harbor feelings for) But for extra angst, maybe chris doesnt find the serum in time and comes back only to find Rebecca has abandoned a now deceased Reader. ( Totally not what happened my first playthrough with Richard) Thank you, anything is appreciated!
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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The tension in the helicopter was poignant and undeniable. You wouldn’t be there for long but the emotions hung in the air like dreamcatchers, haunting and sticky. Wesker hadn’t said anything about Bravo Team and no one had asked him. You hadn’t personally heard a thing about Rebecca since she left the day before, or any of them for that matter. The air held onto the fear of the moment, not knowing what you were going into and not knowing if you would come back. It didn’t help that you were sitting across from Chris, who didn't want to make eye contact with you. 
You felt bad. You knew that you had slept with Wesker to get back at him but Albert was right. He hadn’t actually made a move. It wasn’t your duty to control Redfield’s emotions, especially not so close to the field. 
Jill was waiting for the right moment to ask you about it. The day before you had been best friends with Chris but now you were wearing the wrong shirt, clad with the hickies to match the rumors. Wesker hadn’t let up - why would he? What was everyone gonna do, tell the boss? He had an especially confident aura about him this morning. It was attractive. His jaw set and his disinterested eyes made him that much more alluring. 
You tried to avoid eye contact. 
“Bravo Team’s crashed helicopter is just below us. We’re going to land there and fan out in search for them. All contact has been lost and we don’t know what we’re going into,” Wesker announced, standing up and grabbing the railing above his head. “Think on your toes and don’t try to find each other if you get split up. We meet at the mansion if needed.” 
There were a couple curt nods. Chris pretended not to listen as he looked out the window at the helicopter crash. His face was laced with concern. He cared so genuinely about all those people. Your helicopter lowered, slowly. You held your gun tighter as you got up, preparing to exit. You remained in line as you left, landing eventually on the ground below. 
Jill moved forward to investigate. 
“Stay low Vickers,” Wesker said into his comm. His voice was robotic now. You barely recognized the man you had been with last night. You came up behind him, gun held up, a flashlight in your other hand. 
“Yes sir,” Brad responded. The joking manner in his voice left with the sun. It was now tension filled and dark, a low hanging fog creeping in around the eerie crash site. 
“I don’t see anyone,” Barry exclaimed, from a little further in another direction. Wesker opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a growling noise coming from the crash. Everyone who heard turned their guns to face it. A dog emerged from the grass, teeth bared and slobbering. You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowed. How had a dog gotten all the way out into the middle of Raccoon Forest? You barely had time to think of solutions when it snapped, jumping forward. It went at Jill, who was closest. You moved forward to grab her arm and help her up, unable to distinguish the noises around you. 
Dogs were barking. More than one. You could hear people running, commotion happening. No one ever prepares you for the silence of the moment. There’s no background music to justify the violence. It’s just you and your thoughts, or lack thereof. 
The helicopter rose. 
Wesker yelled something, something at Brad in the helicopter. But he was leaving. You turned to try and find Albert but it was too dark. You and Jill ran in the direction of Barry, who you could make out. Chris was behind you in a second and then you had more companions than not. You were glad to be running the same way as them. 
You weren’t sure where you were going, or where this supposed abandoned mansion was. But you followed Jill’s stumbling direction regardless until you reached something that couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. 
Barry and Chris opened the doors as you and Jill shot aimlessly into the dark, hoping to hit a target. You backed into the mansion and the doors shut. The silence was deafening. Heavy breathing and large open air but no longer any dogs. You breathed again. 
“Good, you made it.” You turned around to face Wesker who was standing in the middle of the room. He was breathing slightly heavy but it was nothing compared to the rest of you. 
“You take a shortcut or something?” Chris questioned, bitterly. 
“I told you to follow me after Vickers got spooked.” 
“Got spooked? Those were rabid dogs Wesker!” Jill pointed out. She peeked out one of the windows. Now that you were inside, you could take in your surroundings. You were in a grand hall, doors on either side and two staircases going to the level above you. The light on the chandelier was on. 
“I thought this place was abandoned,” you pointed out. 
“It was,” Wesker muttered. 
“We should probably investigate it then. See who else is here. It might be Bravo Team,” Jill offered. Wesker nodded curtly. 
“Well there’s no going out that way,” he said pointedly, gesturing to the front door. You could still hear the faint scratches of the dogs on the other side. 
“This place is huge. There’s gotta be another way out,” Barry offered. 
“Jill, Barry, you take the left door,” Wesker said. “Chris-” 
“I can go by myself,” Chris noted. He gestured to the right door. “Try to keep your hands off each other.” You knew he was just hurt but it didn’t wound you any less. 
“We really should try to stay together,” you offered. 
“Let him dig his own grave,” Wesker offered sharply. Chris could’ve been swayed before but now he was gone, going up the stairs. You huffed out. 
“We’ll meet back here in five, after looking around,” you said, looking at everyone. Chris waved his hand, Jill and Barry gave a disregarding nod. You opened up the door to the left and was greeted with a small room. There was a statue in the middle. 
“Fucking Vickers,” you muttered. You moved your hair out of your face and looked back at Wesker. “Did you know he was gonna do that?”
“Of course not,” he offered. He tried the door at the end of the room. It was locked. 
“You can shoot it.”
“And waste a bullet on a door?” He gave you a dumb look. His glasses covered his eyes, making it unable to get a read on him. There was a curtain on the other side of the door. You moved it aside. 
You raised your gun. 
“Are we gonna talk about it?” you questioned, turning the corner. 
“What is there to talk about?” He was following you. 
You side eyed him. 
“I told you, I don’t do it often. In the eye of danger, I give into impulses.” You refused to believe that was all it was. The way that he held your face…that couldn’t have been conjured up for looks. 
“Alright,” you grumbled. “And the way you acted towards Chris this morning?” 
“Will you focus?” You rolled your eyes and entered the side room. There was a man passed out on the ground. You rushed forward to him, leaning down, gun still at the ready. Wesker hung behind you. You reached at his neck to check for a pulse, unable to see his face. You got nothing. You looked up at Wesker, about to tell him the unknown man was dead, when the man moved. 
You jumped, scampering back. Wesker raised his gun. The man stood warily, unsteady on his feet. You crawled behind Wesker as he shot without so much as a warning. The noise echoed off the small hallway. Wesker shot the man three times but he still stood, unaffected. His mouth opened, drool coming from his face. He didn’t look…human. He looked like he was dead, like his pulse. 
One more gunshot from Wesker in the face took him out. He fell back down. Your eyes were wide, breath heaving. 
“Be careful. Things don’t like to stay dead around here.” You looked up at him, amazed or annoyed you couldn’t tell. He offered you and a hand and helped you up. 
“What the fuck was that Al?” 
“You know what it was.” You wanted to tell him you sure as hell did not know. You thought about Night of the Living Dead. You thought about Evil Dead. Wesker turned to leave, leaving you amazed in his wake. 
“Albert was that a zombie?” 
He didn’t answer you. You reopened the door to the main room. You were happy to be in a larger space but now every corner was menacing. What was lurking where you couldn't see? Jill and Barry came from the door across the hall. 
“There’s something there! A monster!” Jill exclaimed. You ran to her, out of habit. She was one of your best friends and her distress sent you into protection mode. Suddenly you wanted Chris back. You looked up to the stairs, searching for him. 
“We saw it too,” you said. 
“We have to separate and find a way out of here,” Barry explained. 
“This place is huge!” you argued. 
“Where’s Wesker?” Jill asked. You turned around. He was gone. Where had he gone? He came with you into the main room hadn’t he? You opened up the door again but he wasn’t there. 
“He was just…he was just here!” 
“Chris?!” Barry called up the stairs. You were scared. The fear petrified you in your spot. Where were they? You didn’t want Jill to leave your sight. You wanted to stay planted right next to her. 
“Oh God, what happened to Bravo Team?” Jill asked, breathing out hollowly. 
“You want to split up?” you spat at Barry. 
“Chris could be dead,” Jill muttered.
“We need to cover ground quickly. It just makes the most sense,” Barry promised. “You both of your weapons. You’re trained to deal with abnormal issues.” He stood in front of you and Jill. She was holding your elbow. “You won't be able to find them if you just stand here.” 
He directed it to both of you but it seemed like he was talking to you. 
“Wesker couldn’t have gone far,” you maintained. 
“Then go find him.” Jill looked like she wanted to future protest. She looked up at the stairs. 
“I’ll go for Chris,” she said, voice still wary. 
“We all come back here when we’ve found an exit. It’s the central part of the house.” You didn’t want to know more details. What if no one came back? What if you were stuck waiting for someone who had been a zombies dinner? Where was Chris? Was he okay? 
“Find him,” you told Jill. She nodded. “Stay safe,” you whispered. You didn’t want to leave but you forced yourself to move away. You had to go. You had to go. 
You opened the door again. Wesker must’ve gone back to this room. God knows why he didn’t just wait until you had all made a game plan. You refrained from calling his name, holding your gun tightly in your hands so the blood left them. 
The zombie in the corner was still down. You tried the locked door again. It opened, weak on the hinges. He must’ve broken through it. You took a step through, trying to breath through the nerves. He was around. He had to be. 
The mansion was like a maze, filled with puzzles and locked doors. You had a hard enough time finding out where you were, let alone where everyone else was. You were met with zombies and disregarded ammunition. The Bravo team was here. You weren’t sure if they were anymore. 
No sign of Wesker but even less sign of anyone else. You hadn’t seen Jill, Barry or Chris since you split up with them. At the confines of the mansion you felt like the problems of yesterday were far less important. 
That was, until you saw Chris rounding a corner. 
He held his gun up, prepared to shoot an oncoming zombie, but was just met with you. He let out a sigh of relief and it was like there was never any ill will. You rushed to each other, throwing your arms around his shoulders. 
“Chris oh God,” you muttered against his arm. You had never been so happy to see your friend. “I haven’t seen anyone in forever.” In reality it had likely only been an hour but that hour seemed like a lifetime. 
“I thought you were dead,” he exclaimed. “I saw Barry briefly, and Wesker.” 
“Where?” You still were unsure how Wesker had evaded your searching. He had only a couple minutes of a head start. 
“Upstairs somewhere. I lost Barry outside, when some…some of those things…” He shook his head. He grabbed your shoulders. “I’m glad you’re okay.” 
“I’m glad you’re okay too.” He nodded once. “I found a couple keys laying around. I don’t know what they go to.” He offered you some of the keys he had found. They had symbols on them. You had found one, a Spencer key. You pooled them together. 
“We should see if these lead to a way out. How did you get outside?” 
“Through some wall,” he explained. “I don’t know who made this place but they need to take another architecture class.” You nodded. 
“Listen, I’m sorry about Wesker. I was angry and he made a move and I felt bad.” He shook his head. 
“It isn’t the time.” 
“It could be the only time,” you explained. “I’m sorry Chris.” His face evened out into a genuine gaze. 
“It’s alright. I’m sorry too, for making such a big deal of it.” You nodded once. 
“It’s okay,” you promised. “We’re cool?”
“We’re cool,” he agreed. You tilted your head, gesturing down the hall. “Let’s go kill some zombies, Redfield.” 
“Hey, I got this key. There’s a door down the hall I wanna try,” you said. Chris was messing with the piano in one of the rooms. 
“How far down the hall?” 
“Across the main room.” He narrowed his eyes on you. “I’ll be fine.” 
“That’s far. You can’t wait?” 
“I’ll just be a second.” You and Chris hadn’t gotten far on your own. He couldn’t play the piano and you couldn’t read sheet music. You were at odds. You knew Jill could play and she had to be around here somewhere. He swallowed hard. 
“If you’re not back here in five minutes I’m dropping all of my progress.”
“Yes sir.” You saluted him half heartedly and left the room. You rushed down to the other side of the hall, trying at the door you had seen locked earlier. The door opened slowly. You were met with a zombie, who you shot in the face. Only afterwards did you check to see if the zombie had familiar features. This had been people. What if some had been your people? What if one of them was Jill and you didn’t know until it was too late?
You shuddered. 
“Y/N.” Your eyes went wide at the sight of Rebecca. 
“Rookie,” you breathed. “God Chambers, look at you.” She looked dirty and like she had gone through hell. She rushed up to you, glad to see a familiar face. 
“You’re the first friendly face I’ve seen in ages.” 
“Do you know where the rest of your team is?” 
“Most dead,” she admitted, regrettably. “I lost the others. I crossed paths with Richard but then lost him again.” She looked down at the key in your hand. “Can you try this door?” 
The words seemed normal.
 You opened the door, expecting a zombie.
 You were greeted with a snake. Giant, the size of a house. Things happened so quickly, things you weren’t even sure could happen. Rebecca shot and you vaguely thought about how Chris would come looking for you soon. You wished you hadn’t left him. But you had found Rebecca. 
The snake bit at you, scratching your arm. You were just narrowly able to stumble out the door when you fell down, feeling the effects of it immediately. Rebecca rushed towards you, barricading the door as best she could. You looked up at her, worry lacing your eyes. You were bit. You were dead. 
The door opened. Chris emerged.
You and Rebecca turned to him, breathing hard, bleeding in different places. 
“I should’ve never let you leave,” he muttered. 
“There was a room across the mansion that had some medicine bases,” Rebecca said, thinking quickly on her toes. Her words seemed too sharp. You couldn’t even feel the pain. It was starting to numb. You looked at Chris, frightened. 
“Where?” he asked. 
“It’s hard to explain. There are so many rooms.” 
“You have to go with her,” you said. “She’s a medic, not a soldier.” 
“She made it this far.” 
“We don’t have time to argue. Do you wanna save her or not?” Rebecca felt awful. She had suggested you open the door and she hadn’t been prepared for what she would find on the other side. Chris looked conflicted, eyes gazing back to you. 
“Go Chris.” 
He gave you a pack of ammo. 
“We’ll be five minutes,” he promised. 
“I’ll come looking if you’re any longer,” you said dryly. He smiled weakly and looked at Rebecca. 
“Lead the way.” 
The silence was deafening. It was just you and the house again. You and the house and the snake next door. You and the house and the snake and the zombies that lurked, haunting your every step. 
You were trying to be brave in the face of your adversaries but nothing seemed easy here. You regretted telling Chris to go. If you died from this, would you turn into one of those things? Would he have to find your body, still warm, knowing he was just barely too slow to save you? 
Every option seemed worse as time went on. 
When the door finally opened again, it wasn’t Chris or Rebecca. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” 
Wesker’s voice was condensing in a meek way. Still, you were glad to see him. You were glad to see anyone living at this point. You held your arm, eyes like daggers.
“Be careful. I might turn into a zombie here soon and then you’ll have to shoot me.”
“I don’t have moral dilemmas like that.” 
“So you’d shoot me?”
“In a heartbeat.” 
“Thanks for the vote of confidence Wesker.” You adjusted your seating against the wall. He walked up to you and leaned down beside you. He grabbed your hand gently, moving it aside. He took off his glasses to examine the wound. 
“Snake bite?” “Large snake. More like a scratch.” You were so used to his sunglasses that you took the moment to stare into his cloudy eyes. He glanced up at you, a knowing smirk on his face. 
“You’ll be fine,” he promised. He looked around in his tactical vest, searching for something. You watched with curious eyes. After a moment, he grabbed a vile. He put it against your arm wordlessly and injected you with it without warning. You winced, more at surprise than pain. He grabbed a bandage wrap out of his side. 
“You’re awfully prepared for the worst,” you observed. 
“I have to be. I’m the leader of this team.” He tied it shut, strengthening it with a knot. “Be more careful next time.” 
“Where did you go?” 
“When we got to the main hall with Barry and Jill. You just left.” 
“I thought I heard something. I went to investigate.” You didn’t believe that. He was close, sitting beside you now. You bite the inside of your mouth, still hazy from the snake bite or whatever he injected into you. Wesker didn’t mind your questions. In fact, he wanted to encourage them. You were smarter than the rest of the lot. He liked that you would always be just a single step behind him, rather than a whole staircase. 
“Okay,” you said finally. “Can you help me up? Rebecca and Chris went looking for something to help me with. They’ve been gone too long.” 
“You should know that there’s no use in trying to save all of them.”
“They’re my friends Albert.” He put a hand on your wrist, holding it gently. 
“They won’t all live. There’s no use in you dying with them. It would be a waste of a talent and the waste of a sacrifice.” 
“Who’s sacrificing themself?” 
“Anyone who dies here is sacrificing themself for one of us.” He wanted to tell you it was a controlled experiment. He didn’t. You would find out soon enough. 
“I don’t think I like that Wes,” you muttered. 
“You don’t have to like it to live it.” 
You felt more comfortable with Chris but you felt safer with Wesker. No harm would come to you while he was here. You grabbed his hand and held it for a moment. 
“We’ll all get out of this.” You let his hand go and reopened the door. 
He wanted to tell you no. Not everyone would make it out of this one. It was designed to kill some, to help others succeed. He knew you would be the latter. Even with the snake incident. 
You went the back way to find Chris. 
Five minutes after you left, he returned. He found a pool of your blood on the floor and he didn’t see you. His eyes went wide as he stood in the doorway, blocking Rebecca from being able to view it. 
“What? What Chris?” She tried to shove him aside. 
“She’s gone,” he breathed.
He tried to picture you as one of those…things. He tried to picture your eyes dead, your fingers peeling, your skin melting. He couldn’t. None of the mental images seemed to conjure, out of sheer fear. He could never kill you, even if you were already dead. 
“Maybe she went looking for us?”
“We’re too late.” 
“The snake bite doesn’t mean she’ll become one of the zombies.”
“It could. It’s the same thing, the same virus, isn’t it?” Rebecca had no sound argument against him. She knew as much as he did. 
“She couldn’t have gone far. She went looking for us,” Rebecca said again. Chris didn’t have the heart to argue with her. 
Wesker intended to lose you again but you were just so alluring, he couldn’t help himself from hanging around. He followed you around the mansion, he helped you kill the bioweapons, he ended the mystery of things that should have remained shrouded. 
He figured you wouldn’t see Chris again until you reached the laboratory. He would keep you till then, saving you from that moral dilemma. It would be far more interesting for you to make the decision when you were before Tyrant, when you saw Wesker’s true colors. When you would’ve died without him. Could you live with him? 
“Wesker come on,” your voice spoke, breaking him from his thoughts. “I think I found something.” 
He followed you like a lost dog. 
“Let me see.” 
Final Part !
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fascinationsublime · 11 months
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Did I put this picture here just so I could look at him? Maybe. But I wanted to share some highlights (in my opinion. Although it is all around a pretty good article and I linked it at the end.) from this espn article.
Starting off strong with Paul Maurice's impression of him. Idk if with hockey blowing up like it is if everyone is aware of the coaches and the general managers and their impact and which ones we don't like and ect.
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But Paul Maurice is the type of coach that cares more that his players are doing what they love than about winning. Generally not the type of coach the NHL goes for (definitely not the type of management and coach that Tkachuk was dealing with in Calgary and I think that's part of the reason he left, as the article mentions briefly.) Generally he seems like a good coach who works with his players to improve them and I would like to see more coaches like him in the NHL.
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Matthew Tkachuk certified good boi™️ and it's not just Paul Maurice (and me) who thinks so. Barkov also agrees:
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I like to think Matthew just has manners and everyone's like hockey players are allowed to have those??
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This is probably my favorite quote from this whole article because it doesn't seem like it, Matthew hides it well, but that man has self esteem issues. For example every time he's asked to guess his chel rating and he low balls himself. He really just doesn't think he's that good, that he's that popular.
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'Demurs' is just so babygirl. And in typical Tkachuk fashion like I have never seen a man who claims to be 6"2' look so small
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Look at him. So smol. Rittich is like simba-ing him, bouncing the baby
Here is the article if you wish to read it yourself:
(@irrelevanttous I'm stealing your tag I hope that's okay)
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FINALLY, ive finished 25% of exile, the second book in the kotlc series. here are some thoughts i had :)
tags: @aylin-hijabi, @that-multi-fandom-hijabi, @tastetherainbow290, @nerdy-girl3791 (im tagging everyone who asked to be tagged in my notes for book one, but lmk if you wanna be tagged too / dont wanna be tagged anymore)
first off, why are second books in a series always the ones that take the most time / are harder to start? ig it could be that we've already established the worldbuilding n main characters, but its still that dragging stage between *where you already know mostly everything in the universe* and *where the climax builds up in anticipation of the "final battle" or the beginning of the third act, usually*. nothing to do w the book itself, just an observation
second off, alicorns are so much more important than being just "another species to save", im sure of it. theres wayyy too much of the council getting involved n talk abt how alicorns are sooo important. to anyone whos read percy jackson it kinda reminds me of the ophiortaurus (bessie) from sea of monsters, who seemed to be a recurring animal side character who turned out to have a lot of significance to the very universe they were in. im expecting smth similar, why else would everyone go to such lengths to ensure alicorns dont go extinct? or maybe im overthinking it lmao but what gives it away is the heckses literally tryna kidnap silveny-
speaking of the heckses, who the fuck tries to steal an alicorn. stinas parents are the whiniest bitches ive ever seen, and im a fifteen year old girl. like cmon ive seen some drama queens over the years, but those two- also, fucking stina. i mentioned before that i hope to see some character development w her, so shes not just the boring one-dimensional mean girl thats prevalent in literally every piece of media thats come out since mean girls w regina george. clearly not yet, tho, but im waiting on it (if it does not happen i will be majorly disappointed)
also, delving into theories now. its kinda far-fetched, but, was brant w the black swan ? i mean, it would add up pretty decently. it would explain why his guilt for jolies death runs so deeply (since grady rlly rlly seems to believe that the black swan killed her) because he would be with the literal organization that killed her. it would also explain reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy well why he recognized sophie. the fact that he knew her was wayy too emphasized to mean nothing. idk JUST A THEORY, its not based off of anything other than it would fit nicely w everything else.
but also if grady is so adamant that it was the black swan, and (hypothetically) brant is w the black swan, then would it be improbable to assume that he killed her? which would explain the guilt even MORE. but then again, he does seem to love her, so that last part is added very tentatively. (maybe he killed her by accident... but then would the note to grady three days before her death just be a coincidence? im sure that has some deeper meaning.)
maybe it wasnt the black swan who sent those notes to grady...
to end on a funnier note: alicorn poop. sophie faceplanted into alicorn poop. it happens to all main characters, it always has to be someone walking in at the worst moment. i thought id be the vackers w keefe who show up n embarass her, but who better than the council to get humiliated in front of ? i dont hate sophie i just laugh at her pain
i think thats all for the 25% mark, im gonna keep reading today. im gonna go to my grandmas house so maybe i can get a couple hundred pages in !!!
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talaok · 2 years
I've dreamed of this | Pt. IX
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Summary: You are a part of the BAU, and for the longest time you and Dr. Spencer Reid had been best of friends, even when it was clear to everyone else, and at times to you, that you should be more than that, and when something almost happens on a night out with the team, everything is destined to change.
This is a double pov story (each chapter will be alternated between y/n's and spencer's pov)
Chapter summary: Penelope calls you, and causes a chain reaction
warnings: angst (please don’t be mad at me)
<if you want to be added to the tag-list comment or write to me>
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*I'm really sorry for the long wait*
even his couch felt more comfortable than your own.
It was like you were meant to be here, it felt, like you were meant to be here.
The moment you woke up this morning, your head against his chest, and his sweet amber eyes looking down at you, the only question scratching your mind was why? Why have I waited this long for something I now see, was everything I've always wanted, if not needed?
It didn't make sense,
but then again, it did.
He had told you not to move, begged you even, to promise you wouldn't leave, and you didn't know how to tell him that that wasn't even a possibility you had weighed.
He had, unwillingly, left for work, and left you in his sunny apartment, feeling at home in one that was not your own.
You had been here before, dinners with the team, crashing at his place, movie nights where he either spent the whole time translating the film, or complaining about the improbability portrayed in the ones you chose.
You had been here, sure, but never like this,
now, it was as if you were looking at a whole new flat, a whole new world, one where things did, work out, and where his dark green walls maybe weren't so bad after all.
You had this feeling in your chest you couldn't describe as you smiled brainlessly at the off tv, relieving every second of the past 12 hours.
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this- a lot, for a very long time"
"I don't think I've ever meant anything more"
"would you just please let me kiss you?"
" I could too"
"I like you y/n, I've liked you for a very long time, In a way, I had never had before, and I know this isn't ideal, that there are a lot of things we should consider and talk about, and I'm willing to do that, but I just thought you should know"
"I like you, and I'm serious about this"
All of it in your brain, a constant background above the silence around you.
it felt like a dream,
this couldn't be real,
You had spent so much time fighting it, rationalizing all of it, your feelings for him, the way your heart would melt every time he blushed or smiled, and now there you were.
It all felt surreal.
This wasn't supposed to happen,
This was the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden,
and still,
you had taken a bite of the apple,
and nothing had happened,
not yet anyway.
Ring Ring
Your phone was ringing.
"Hello?" you hadn't even looked at the caller ID
"hi gorgeous, how's it going?" You recognized Penelope's voice.
You smiled at that "great" you said "it's going great"
"Really? Emily said she talked to you yesterday and you seemed down"
"Oh yes" you recalled "well, everything is better now"
"yes, really Pen" you smiled at her thoughtfulness,
"So did you find some things to do?"
You had to hide a laugh "Yes-yes I definitely did"
"Cool like what?"
it wasn't like you could tell her the truth.
oh yeah, so I basically got into a relationship that I'd been avoiding for years with Spencer, our coworker.
That didn't seem like it would work out
"I- I started watching- " you looked around frantically, and your eyes spotted a book "I started watching the lord of the rings"
"the whole saga?" she asked, shocked
"yes, it's been keeping me occupied"
"Spencer's gonna be happy about that" she scoffed amusedly.
Your cheeks flushed just at the mention of his name "Speaking of which" she said, and you could hear the smirk on her lips "Wonderboy arrived late today" she snickered "word on the street is he's got a girlfriend"
"What?" the words fled your mouth before you could stop them
How was it possible they already knew?
Yes, they were profilers, but no profiler was that good.
"Yes, let's just say he must have forgotten about some marks the lucky lady left on his neck"
Shit shit shit
"oh" you could only breathe
"not to mention how distracted he is " she chuckled softly "he hasn't even done his crossword this morning" she whispered as if it was some sort of profanity,
which, of course, it kind of was,
Spencer never missed a day, the whole team knew it.
You didn't know what to say, and so you stayed silent.
You could feel Penelope's attitude shift "Shoot- listen I know you two were kind of... I don't know- something-" she trailed off "but maybe this is better you know, with the whole Hotch thing and you being friends"
"I mean it's not like a woman like you doesn't have a line of men waiting for her"
"We weren't- anything" you clarified
"Sorry, I probably shouldn't have told you" you could hear the sadness creeping up her voice.
"It's fine, Pen, I'm-I'm happy for him"
"alright," she said, even though both of you knew she was still mortified "well anyway I and the gals thought we could come by this afternoon to keep you company"
Oh fuck
they couldn't come by, you weren't even there.
"oh no don't do that"
really y/n? that's the best you could come up with?
"why?" Penelope asked
C'mon think of something
"I just- I'm feeling a bit sick"
"oh" she hummed "I'm sorry," she said, " why didn't you say anything before?"
"I just didn't want you to worry"
"I'm- I'm not " she lied plainly "I could make you some soup you know? I could bring it to you. Yes, you know what, I'm gonna get off work earlier and get started on it-"
"Wait Pen"
"yes?" she stopped her rambling, and it surprised you she still had air left in her lungs.
"I think it's best if I just rest a bit y'know?"
"Sure" she smiled, but you could tell she was disappointed and worried altogether "I understand"
"thank Pen, say hi to the team for me"
"of course" she nodded "take care of yourself"
"will do" you joked "bye now"
You stared at the colorless reflection looking back at you from the black screen,
Your smile had faded,
The feeling in your belly had mutated,
more bitter now, the warmth slowly dissipating against the cold breeze.
You should have been happy right?
You had gotten away with it,
both of you had,
Yes, the team thought Spencer had a girlfriend, but they had no idea it was you.
And you were able to convince Penelope not to come by your house.
Everything went perfectly,
so why did you feel like this?
like a puff had just caused the unsteady house of cards to fall to the ground.
You had everything you wanted,
you had him,
you had you, together.
this wasn't how it was supposed to be,
you should be feeling ecstatic,
on fucking cloud nine,
but it was as if you had to woken up from the dream, from the fable, and reality was starting to hit.
You had lied to her,
to Penelope,
one of your best friends, a person who knew everything about you, a person who'd seen you cry and laugh and puke more times than you'd like to admit.
You had to lie
Make up a bunch of things and lie to her face like it was normal, like nothing was wrong with that.
But so much was wrong with it,
And not only because it made you feel dirty, and shitty, no, but because she didn't deserve it.
She would never do it to you, you knew.
And still, you hadn't even hesitated before doing it to her.
And as much as you liked to think that it was necessary, and that it wasn't gonna be forever, you had no real guarantee that that was the truth
You had never really thought about it,
and apparently, all it took was a phone call for the pandora's box lid to fly off, and your mind was now flooding with doubts and fear, and second thoughts.
When were you gonna be able to tell people?
never, was the only answer you could think of,
You weren't allowed to date,
because of Hotch's rule,
And it's not like you could have told everyone but him, that seemed practically impossible.
So that was it, either one of you left the BAU or you would have to keep it a secret forever, continuing to lie every single day.
The thought of it terrified you,
And with it, millions more started clouding your mind.
__ __ __
you had been crying
"hi" you smiled weakly from the couch
He threw his sachel on a chair and walked up to you immediately, bending to meet his lips with yours.
It felt good, too good.
"I've missed you" he sat next to you, a big smile on his face "I couldn't wait to get home" he confessed shily "I don't think anybody suspects anything though, so we're in the clear" he moved a lock of hair behind your ear, and his brows furrowed "what's wrong?"
You didn't know where to begin,
a tsunami of emotions was going off inside of you, and you had no idea how to get them out.
"Penelope called" you finally said
"ok" you could tell he was confused "that's good right?"
yes, Spencer, that's supposed to be good.
God, you felt like you were going crazy.
"I lied to her"
"what do you mean?"
"she said she wanted to come to my house, and I said I was sick"
"Oh" he breathed "that's-that's ok, I mean that's like a - white lie"
You could only look at him, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
"And you know, you could have gone back home, that would have b-"
"that's not the point Spencer" your voice broke " I lied to her, and- and I'm gonna have to keep doing it"
"what? no that's not true" he placed a hand on your thigh, trying to reassure you.
"We can't tell anyone Spence you know it"
"Well I mean we could tell her, just not Hotch"
"and how that gonna work?" you asked way too harshly.
"I'm sorry I just- there's a lot of things we haven't thought of"
"I know y/n I know" he stoaked your cheek "but we can work it out"
Oh, you so wanted to give in, to tell him that yes, maybe you could and that he was right, but you knew that wasn't the truth, as much as it pained you to say it, he was wrong.
"How?" you said "We're gonna get fired if Hotch finds out, and unless one of us wants to leave the team we're gonna have to keep it a secret," you explained with a weak voice "and I don't know-" you couldn't believe you were about to say it "I don't know if I can do it, Spencer"
It was like you had just punched him in the face,
his eyes went blank, as his smile disappeared.
"I'm sorry" you cried "I'm so sorry Spence this is all my fault I should have never come here, please- i'm so sorry" you reached for his hand.
"y/n-" he tried to talk but you interrupted him
"no, please don't try to change my mind" you begged "It's- It's not only Hotch, Spence" you confessed
"You're my friend," you said "before this, before everything you're my friend Spence, and- and you mean everything to me, y'know" you sighed "and if- if this doesn't work out I don't wanna lose you, I can't, I can't lose you, I don't think I could do it without you"
"And I know this is gonna mess things up for a bit but I hope we could still be friends because I need that Spence, I need you as I friend, and I'm scared that if we do this, like really do this, and learn we've made a mistake, then I'm gonna lose you forever, and I can't let that happen"
You hadn't noticed the tears fleeing your eyes, because your sight was fixated on him, his mouth slightly parted, his eyes still in shock.
"I-" he swallowed thickly, his eyes scanning your face "You're never gonna lose me y/n" he said "we can work this out"
"This can't be how this ends"
"I'm sorry" was all you could say
"Y/n the moment I met you, the moment you smiled and introduced yourself, I knew I wanted this, the first time I saw you laugh I thought I was gonna have a heart attack y/n, I-I- I spent the last four years of my life stealing glances at you, and planning things to do or say to make you happy." he breathed "you can't do this y/n, not now"
"I'm sorry" your lip was trembling
"please forgive me Spence but I think it's best if I go" you got up and quickly grabbed your purse just to dash to the door,
but he followed
"y/n" you turned, and he was just there, inches from you, just like that night at the bar "y/n, I lov-"
"no, don't" you covered his mouth, a sob creeping up your throat "please don't"
You let your hand fall, taking a step to be flush against him, your mouth ghosting his "this is for the best" you breathed, hopeless "I can't lose you Spence" you kissed him, fully, desperately, like it was the last time you were ever gonna do it, because, of course, it was "please understand"
you whispered,
and without looking back,
you were out of his apartment.
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taglist (if you want to be added comment or write to me.)
@jazzerbelle14 @nerdory10   @milivanili99   @cyb3rdollq  @ssababe​   @lou-the-confused-bisexual​ ​   @simpforspence​   @loviseamms  @gojutsu​ ​  @youbrokemelikeallyourpromises​   @baucriminalsstuff​     @fall-myriad​   @twelfthnightorwhatyouwill1998  @eevee0722​   @simrah1012   @queenofnothing07​   @ashray07   @wrenreid​    @moonmark98   @iloveyou-iknoww    @swxxtsour   @donttamethebeasts    @s1errasposts    @the-sun-died-out    @vthe​    @cherrypie5​    @hellooitsrose    @soundsprettyhumantome    @rrrogertaylor    @lilicy-secrets    @dankfarrick29    @lex13cm​    @zuckker-blog     @munson1968     @maybanksluvr    @halsteadssneakylink    @yourbloodyqueen​    @orangebitchsworld    @melinewton54     @mushy-mushroom04​    @killing-gremlin    @jaywinchestersalvatore    @fluffy-bnny    @r5court     @usuallyunlikelyfox​    @bella-columbus    @ineedsomezzz    @dellalyra    @classiclitfreak    @reidingspence    @l1lacthec0lor    @jaywinchestersalvatore    @mee22022    @lovejules888    @thornfield-blog    @instabull    @mspenguin99 @mokuflower @mommy-maia @bella-columbus @morningswewerehigh
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pineappleciders · 2 years
This mostly isn't a request but your works are so good I'm just reading every post you do it's beautiful
(here's the actual request
(also take your time I like your posts enough to read them all
One of the main four(dream or real world doesn't matter) with somebody who has like an almost morbid fascination with death(they aren't weird I swear)
-glass anon
A/N: i decided to do the realworld main four, hope you dont mind!! also thank you it means a lot <3
TRIGGER WARNING: lots of death mentions and mentions of violence, reference to MARI incident
SUNNY, AUBREY, KEL, and HERO with a reader who has a morbid fascination with death
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he understands tbh. like i dont think he necessarily is fixated on it but i think BASIL would be and BASIL is his best friend so he hears a lot about death,, specifically the decomposition process
he doesn't think you're weird for it, but he's a little scared of death and what it means so maybe it helps if you talk about it with him casually
i think SUNNY is the type of fella to want to just. be in the frozen meat section at the grocery store because he had a weird obsession with raw meat and butchery n knives and stuff. so he understands the fixation
if you tell him little facts and things about death and decomposition he's probably a little unsettled but he'll listen nonetheless. he likes listening to people even if it's about rotting corpses
honestly since the incident he's kind of scared of death, and hates thinking about dead bodies
she's definitely thinks ur a lil weirdo but you're her lil weirdo
doesn't really get some aspects of it but she has her own weird little interests,, like violence. and stealing. she's weird herself so she has no place to talk
if ur ranting or freaking out about your fixation she'll listen intently and kinda nod her head and wait for u to finish before she says anything. honestly she thinks anything ur interested in is cool
she appreciates it if you come with her to MARI's grave. even if it has nothing to do with death, she knows you won't be unsettled or weirded out being in a graveyard and u two leave flowers for her
i'm imagining her like coming to your house and saying "i saw a dead animal on the way here" and when u take her to go see it she complies but she looks away from it and goes blegh
she thinks ur funky but that's one of your best traits :3
idk i feel like he'd just go oh okay :D like he doesn't mind
he's kind of worried that ur like mentally unstable or something but he's used to being around unwell people atp,, look at his friends
he doesn't really like to think about death. thinking about what happens afterwards and all that just gets him anxious so he tries to avoid thinking about it. he'll probably appreciate if you tell him not to worry about that kinda stuff or something
if you like. idk want to visit a graveyard or a morgue or something like that or if your eyes spark when you hear about someone dying on the news he'll be again a little confused but he knows you mean well and always tags along wherever you go
he's kinda worried about u but he doesn't say anything. everyone has their own little interests and sometimes weird aspects! it's what he likes about you, how you go along so casually as if you didn't just say the most horrific fact he's ever heard
like KEL he's a lil worried but he calms down if it's just a weird interest and not like. mental illness
he likes seeing your eyes light up whenever your interest is mentioned, even if it's strange,, and he'll politely listen and talk to you about death even if it's not his favorite thing to chat about
HERO prefers id you don't talk about decomposition or any body stuff around him,, he has a weak stomach but he's up for chatting about the afterlife and psychological things about death
he's kinda scared of what comes after death but he just ignores it,, no need to worry about that anytime soon! hopefully
he's great at accepting flaws and weird parts of people, so while he does think it's a little weird to be fascinated with death he doesn't mind :D
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luna-figs-art · 2 months
Ok so I was reading y’alls tags, and I thought some of y’all might be interested with what I’ve come up with (some of you have given me ideas so thanks :D)
(Text post incoming)
The Velvet Room
This Velvet Room I imagine it to be a mash up of 3 things: the velvet room (duh), Iwatodai dorm’s command room, and the YoRHa bunker from NieR. Think the YoRHa command room but bathed in velvet room blue with bronze accents and blue led lighting. And the screens would display the stuff from the Iwaitodai command room and the party’s health and stats (which I like to think the info displayed in the command room is also what the navis of each game sees)
speaking of Iwatodai dorm and sees
1a. I think Velvet Room Command would function like Iwatodai dorm but is really only used as housing and mech storage after the P3 and P4 forces join together (and eventually P5)
Thinking of P4&5, I don’t know much about P4 but the Investigation Team would do their story (but place the setting within the au, whether it happens in a small town or ona remote planet) and later the P3,4,&5 groups would join together to basically form the Shadow Ops group but with Igor and all of the attendants forming the overarching command and support.
1b. The attendants, they’re still playing the role of persona providers but all of the siblings are together and some of them help do software updates or specific maintenance on the persona mechas or they’re there for emotional support
1c. Teleportation exists, so there’s a command station in space and on earth as well as several hangers on earth for the persona cast
2. All groups live through their storylines but with mech battles, and yes, despite the sci-fi-ness of this au magic is still heavily involved and is used as a handwavey excuse to fill any plot holes that may show up. Thier magic is harnessed and is powered by many sources
3. Now, do the persona pilots physically ride in their mechs like in Pacific Rim? Do they use neuro links similar to Neon Genesis Evangelion? A combination of both? I honestly think it would depend on the pilot, but I think a majority of the users would use both. Like the navis (P3&5 for sure, idk about P4) are definitely in their persona mechs but probably use neuro links as reinforced connections, and the other probably would use both to be able to fight further even if their mechs go down.
But what establishes the neuro links for each group? Well for the P3 team it’s their evokers, that’ll work kinda the it does in the game. For the P5 crew, their masks. The tech that probably makes the masks work as links would be similar to the technology in sword art online combined with the visors from NieR automata ( where they can see through the mask and it shows a hud/ui/ stats of party through the pov of their persona). But for the P4 cast, I’m not as sure. Maybe they’ll have a unique id-like card that they swipe/insert or in some form use since I can’t really think of a clever way to translate tarot card cherishing into this au.
4. And at the mention of Evangelion, a certain someone asked about the Ryoji-Thanatos situation, and I think that it could indeed be like Evangelion where the mechas would have its own consciousness (from what I know, I’ve never seen Evangelion. I know blasphemy), and yes, Ryoji would be in there (imagine him post Christmas as something like a combat support ai until 3/5). Or you could go in the route where it’s the no one dies, everyone lives au ending for P3 in this mecha au, then this bit doesn’t matter, and Ryoji and Thanatos are separate entities, but Ryoji helped design/make Thanatos for Makoto and that can be the connection between Ryoji and Thanatos.
5. Shadows, Dark Hour, the fog(??), Metaverse?
I think all of these do exist in this au because magic, and why not have interdimensional/intergalactic rifts and portals where there are aliens that invade at attack. And the aliens are shadows. But, only the persona pilots can perceive the shadows but the masses can notice the effects of the shadows like the apathy syndrome.
6. Timeline wise I’m leaning toward the cannon/generally accepted timeline between the games, but shove everything a few hundred / a thousand year(s) into the future
7. Now the wildcards. In this au, because they’re special (and in some cases, god’s favorite chewy toy) I’d figure did give an explanation for why they can have multiple persona mechas. The reason being that in this au, one mecha takes every fiber of one’s being to control them. And in most cases if someone tries to control another, they’d lose control of themselves (go insane mental breakdown style), or get overloaded and unable to physically handle the mental strain and die because of it and their mechas would go berserk.
But wildcards being wildcards, they have the mental fortitude to have multiple mecha connections and in Akechi’s case, the will to have a couple.
Anyways, that’s all I can think of right now, but I’ll update this post if I think it’s needed.
But don’t be afraid to make your own additions to it if you’re felling ˖✧ inspired ˖✧
Thanks for reading and another project with P5 is soon to begin :)
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junk-culture · 4 months
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. 5️⃣❗
now wtf is the 5 times table doing in my inbox... ! teehee... this is a lot of questions and my answers are lengthy so under the readmore they go:
5. Favourite band: HMMM this shouldnt be a difficult question but i feel like im always indecisive/struggle to identify an Absolute Favourite Above All Others...... i think i have to say depeche mode because i like them enough to have paid £[redacted] to go see them...they are definitely one of my big faves anyway........ i will add bastille as an honorary favourite simply because they are the band i have liked for the longest... i started listening to them as a miserable 14/15 year old so you know. that kind of band is eternal and forever even if i don't quite like all of their latest stuff/don't listen to them absolutely all the time etc. actually the jam are maybe tied with bastille for that sort of formative band so let's say them too. sorry i can literally never give one single answer LOL 10. Favourite model: uhm unfortunately i dont really have one im not really into following fashion or models....idk....but recently i started watching the x-men movies (cringe) and i kind of got the hots for halle berry a bit so ill say her. ik shes an actor but she started off as a model so it counts. honorable mention also to the sony d-e350 in gold . a very very sexy model (of cd player) :
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15. Lucky Number: It seems there's a typo in the questions post because they've put 14 twice instead of 15....I don't really have a lucky number although I sometimes see people with aesthetic blogs posting about angel numbers or whatever and im like i could get into that........ i guess any number can be lucky if it appears in a certain moment or is recurring... since 14 appears twice in the question post ill say 14. and its a pretty good number anyway
20. 5 things you love: ONLY FIVE? BUT I LOVE SO MANY THINGS ABOUT OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD...! well to name a few: 1. mai friends (physical and virtual) ^_^ 2. BRIGHT GREEN GRASS IN THE SUNLIGHT 3. art. drawing. its my essential activity i have to do it its awesome plus so important in the world for everyone 4. when you're travelling home on the train from a pleasant day out somewhere and it's really sunny and you have a window seat and the music you are listening to is just right for that moment and its just so the beautiful world. you know? 5. shagging ur mum LOL !
25. Favourite blogs: UMM im sorry im kind of too lazy right now to like tag people plus i feel a bit shy doing that anyway but basically all of my mutuals etc...... <3 and the smug jug blog also 30. Someone you miss: hm...i don't know if there's any one person i Strongly miss but there are a few i vaguely to moderately miss. idk. such as: - my mother occasionally - not my irl best friend as such because shes still here lol but moreso i miss hanging out regularly like we did when we were teenagers? like now we're both adults and in different cities and she works full time and im either working or studying and she has a boyfriend anyway its like we dont hang out that often... many such cases obviously but i miss the time of seeing each other every single day at college and walking home together...and especially because id love to do that all over again Now when im like. a lot happier/more functional/more "normal" than i was when i was 16/17 lol. but its the way of the world what can we do - i guess i sort of miss an internet friend who disappeared .... it wasn't exactly unexpected because we always were aware of the possibility and i know its simply how such things go but i wonder how they're doing sometimes...plus we exchanged physical mail and gifts so now its like i just have these objects in my home that are from a person who i no longer talk to lol....
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natsmagi · 1 year
I love ur art!!!! really its so gorgeous and the style brings me sm joy, its so soft and cute!! and ofc fem ntsmg is THE GOAT!!!!!!
BUT I JUST WANNA ALSO SHOW APPRECIATION FOR HOW U ANSWER ASKS AND STUFF AND IDK JUST UR WHOLE PERSONALITY IN GENERAL?? I love reading ur text posts especially when u kinda analyze the characters and stuff like its so fun to read and tbh, both natsume and tsumugi are characters that I feel are often mischaracterized in the fandom, and like idk I feel like u get them so perfectly and its sooo !??!?! Awesome getting to read ur awesome takes when new events come out and stuff like YOURE SO RIGHT ABT EVERYTHING, i be reading ur posts and going "you!!! YOU FUCKING GET IT!!!!!!!!!!" *happy stimming*
if you honestly did like a proper character analysis for them one day just now i would be so here for it and read it over and over again probably. Im currently hyperfixating RLY HARD on ntsmg so sometimes i just go through ur entire text post/ask tag and read everything over and over again 😭😭😭 I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG IN GENERAL KEEP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING, YOURE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME AND VERY MUCH BASED USER NATSMAGI!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️
im a very chatty person so im very glad u like hearing what i have to say 🥺!!! and im glad u like my personality too since i feel i can come off as harsh or arrogant sometimes AKJHFSKJH THOUGH TBF I DO TRY MY BEST TO BE KIND......
ID LOOOVE TO ANALYZE NTMG MORE !!! main reason i dont do it as often or hold myself back a bit is because admittedly its been a While since i read alot of the stories, a majority of which i have only read once, and when i make actually Proper analyzes i like to have reread the material and see if i maybe misinterpreted something on my first read or am misremembering, bc when given new info other interactions can be read differently and all that. and i also wanna actually do them justice and not accidentally spread misinfo AJHSFKJH AND I UNFORTUNATELY HAVENT HAD THE TIME NOR ENERGY TO DO THIS </3 but even without remembering every single piece of dialogue verbatim i like to think my grasp on them is still somewhat decent, and im very glad u like my interpretations 🥺❤️
it always makes me so incredibly happy when people view the characters similarly to me aswell bc like u mentioned they Are kinda prone to getting mischaracterized in some ways...... i think it mainly comes from both natsume and tsumugi having MANY factors to their characters though, and the mischaracterization comes from only highlighting one aspect of them and failing to think about how their different attributes overlap (although this can probably be said for the entire cast tbh). like an easy example that im sure everyone gets by now is natsumes little tsundereisms. if you only focus on him being rude to tsumugi it can look like hes just some edgy guy with anger management issues, but when you take into account other factors such as him having a rather spoiled upbringing both by his parents and nii-sans, and his distaste towards feeling "weak" (also caused by his upbringing, since he was frail as a child and raised as a girl) you start to see that oh. alot of that is just him being defensive and emotionally immature. since he had such a comfortable upbringing those hints of discomfort and vulnerability are threatening to him as someone who always had everything handed to him. and when you dont know how to deal with situations like that ASWELL as being afraid of being seen as "weak" youre Gonna start resorting to harsher words and sometimes even get physical because you have no clue how else to handle this. its also why the natsumes character consists of him being pretty obsessed with "growing up" and "not being a kid anymore," because he knows how immature he could be SKHDGJH he doesnt have bad intentions he just. doesnt know how to be vulnerable with people
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thatgirlwithasquid · 1 year
tag game: stranger things edition 👻
tagged by @ratbastardbilly and @intothedysphoria (ty guys xx)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): CUNNINGWAY!!! They’re my girls. Chrissy and Heather my beloveds. I have never been so hyped for a ship before and this is the first time I’ve put this much effort into one, but if I don’t advocate for this rarepair then who will? (the answer is bambi. bambi will. but whatever, you get the point)
2. most annoying ship: there isn’t really a ship i find WHOLLY annoying. stancy maybe. i also think jancy and mileven have ran their course and jopper gives me a lil bit of the ick. obvi no hate to the ships or those that ship it!!
3. second favourite ship: ima have to say harringrove, but there are others i like a lot too!!
4. favourite platonic relationship: heather, chrissy & billy. the chaos trio. more should be done with them <3
5. underrated ship: there are so many!! argyle/chrissy (which i am lovingly referring to as pompompinapple, just try and stop me)? byergrove (billy/jonathan)? calicheer (billy/chrissy)??? how can i possibly choose????
6. overrated ship: uhhhh this feels dangerous. but steddie. dont get me wrong, i love this ship, but the boom in works for them was INSANE cause i dont think they have TOO MUCH chemistry in canon (tho there 100% is a good bit and it makes sense)
7. one thing i would change in canon: the blatant lack of care the main cast have for characters outside their group. no empathy for billy, barely anyone looking into heather, characters dying that no one mentions again…
8. something canon did right: I really liked steve and dustin’s dynamic. like, a LOT. they cocked it up a bit in s4 for the sake of ‘haha, dumb steve’ but yeah. theyre sweet :)
9. a thing i’m proud of creating for the fandom: my sideblog @poolsidepanic . i know that its a niche ship but i hope i help other people who love them as much as me actually be able to enjoy their ship and not just… be disappointed when they come up empty handed. the art and little fics and such i make over there make me so happy <3
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldnt change a thing): heather. sassy, bitchy, yet kindhearted lifeguard? yes. the only thing id change is the DISSERVICE THE DUFFERS GAVE HER WHEN THEY KILLED HER AND IGNORED HER EXISTENCE.
11. the character i relate most to the most and why: steve. just how he responds to the offhanded comments the people he cares about make to him, that they never seem to realise hurt.
12. character i hate most and why: neil, karen, brenner. no explanation needed
13. something ive learned from the fandom: idk. ive always wanted to be a positive person but seeing some of the toxicity in the fandom has made me really want to keep my little blog as positive and safe as i can for everyone. some things we see SUCK but if i can make someones day a lil better id like to? so not really a learn but an encouragement to be nicer wherever i can
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i dont read a lot of st fanfiction, actually. i havent been in the mood for it for AGES!! but in general im a slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst kind of person. i love the occasional, agonising right person not enough time or some character bashing for the sake of compelling suffering (if done right!!!)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: ooooh fun!!! ‘Groan’, ‘Wet’ and ‘Maggot’ by Dazey and the Scouts are so Billy. ‘Drunk Walk Home’ by Mitski gives me Chrissy vibes, and ‘Maggot’ again for her tbh (billy and chrissy, my sad beloved blorbos). there arent any songs i associate with cunningway yet tho 😔
tagging: @bigdumbbambieyes @hargrove-mayfields @billyhargrovesupsidedownshadow @every-dayiwakeup and anyone else interested in sharing :)
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puppyluver256 · 1 year
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[Image Description: Human versions of four characters from Hollow Knight. Clockwise from the left: Hornet, the Hollow Knight (aka Hollow), Broken Vessel (aka BV), and the Knight (aka Ghost). Hornet has her hand on Ghost's shoulder while holding Hollow's remaining arm, which itself is holding a cane. Hornet and BV are looking up at Hollow, while Hollow is looking down at Hornet. BV has one hand on Hollow's back. Ghost is just standing there, their hands behing their back, looking at the viewer. The background is a messy green gradient of greens that resemble an unfocused view of foliage. End ID.]
Wanted to do more than just Hornet for human designs, so I did the siblings :D Had fun figuring out how to do the others' horn shapes, as while BV's could work as hair too (especially with the hat), I felt that making all of them have hair-horns would be a bit much. So Hollow's became a hair clip and Ghost gets funky headphones :3 I guess this could kinda be like a modern-esque AU too, though I'm imagining this to be not quite 2020s. Maybe mid-to-late 2000s, early 2010s at the latest, that's along what I'm thinking atm for the exact moment this pic would be taken hehe. Family portrait time :D The background's supposed to be like one of the backdrops they plop down in those professional family portrait studio places...do people still do those? Or was that left behind in the late 90s...
I imagine everyone but Hornet have been adopted away from the crap parents for a few years at this point (and like I mentioned last time I drew human Hornet, Herrah is alive in this AU, and while Hornet's in college at this point and lives at the dorms she's always welcome to come home when need be, also Mato and Ogrim 100% welcome her into theirs as well). Literally the only reasons I haven't included the better dads in this pic are 1) I still haven't given their human designs much solid thought at this point and 2) There's No Room XD (and also despite Hollow and BV's eyes, there's no infection here atm and it's just me calling back to their in-game situations)
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
The Knight (Ghost), Hornet, Broken Vessel/Lost Kin, the Hollow Knight, and other Hollow Knight concepts © Team Cherry Human designs and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
(do not tag this as any sort of ship or else I will kick your ass...metaphorically, in my brain, I will maliciously imagine my foot going right up your butt as I block you)
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yo this is completely random, but i just want you to know, i happened to see the post about writing a ventus and roxas fic and hi, im the author or AAR, i would 1000% leave a like a long comment on such a fic. it's 1 am and im very reminiscent on things rn, just thought id pass this along <3
oh my gosh! hi! this is so so sweet, AAR was SUCH a huge inspiration for me when it came out. it's actually the whole reason i started an a03, aaaand i think it might've been what encouraged me to start writing on my tumblr! oh man, i remember back in 2019, writing a roxas and ventus fic after reading AAR. BOY is it old, eheh... aaand i definitely see ven and roxas differently from then, not really into the whole "they see each other as brothers" angle anymore. anyhoo, im, like, SO honored you popped in to say hi?? this is like. SO sweet. i definitely need to re-read AAR again. oooh man apologies that this reply gets long, i'm just a bit excited! i love talking to people about these two...
the post you mentioned stumbling across is actually pretty old, eheh. i've written quite a bit since then!
Here's my ao3. You might notice i have a few Ventus and Roxas ship fics, which i TOTALLY understand isn't for everyone. i mostly write non-shippy stuff about them, anyways. I usually tag friendship posts about Ventus and Roxas . I even write headcanons about their friendship from time to time! heh, i'm kinda sitting on this unfinished ven and rox friendship fic right now. i'm definitely gonna finish it *eventually*-- but hell, maybe i'll just link the wip here lol
I hope i'm linking these correctly, but here are some ventus and roxas (and xion) thoughts i've written. and!!! i can totally recommend some of my favorite roxas and ventus friendship fics + blogs, too! just gimme the word and i'll compile some recommendations.
and, hey, it's been ages since i've started this fic and i haven't really gotten anywhere... but i'll share the work in progress here for anyone to see! here's chapter 5 of "five is company", if anyone wants to check it out. eheh, sorry this kinda turned into a self-advertisement. i just figured it'd be a good idea to compile some of my stuff here in case you were in the mood to read some ventus and roxas content! anyhoo, thank you so much for stopping by! it's... so very, very sweet of you to say hello to me. AAR really did inspire me a lot back in the day, and i hope life's been treating you well since the last update. it's awesome to see more posts from you, and definitely let me know if you want some recommendations for roxas and ventus fics.
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