#and i was looking forward to this egg so much because the shell has such a pretty colour 😭
daughterofhecata ¡ 1 year
Eating food prepared by a stranger is always taking such a gamble when you're a picky eater and/or have Texture Issues with food.
This egg isn't *fully* hard boiled and I want to cry.
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bingusbongu ¡ 9 months
Hey can you do a legoshi x male lion reader dating hcs? Bug boy means everything to me fr 🤞
A/N: RaAAAHHHHH I LOVE LEGOSHI HE IS MY FAVORITE BOY, he is so silly!!!!! Im absolutely happy to do this request!!! Tysm!!!! Happy reading~!
Legoshi x Male! Lion reader dating hcs!
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○ at First glance, Legoshi didnt like you, because well, youre a lion and he has had some terrible experiences regarding lion business
○ he was weary, especially with how you easily toward him despite being in the same year of school as him. Let alone, he didnt like it when you were near the more vulnerable students, he was afraid for their saftey. He knew what those teeth and claws could do.
○ though, when you were nice, especially towards the herbivores. Legoshi let off some of his worry, deciding to cut you some slack. After all, you were still a student after all. How could you have done anything bad, you weren't one of the lions who hurt him, or Haru. Maybe you werent actually a threat
○ though, when you ended up joining the drama class, he was shocked. That a big predator wanting to join acting stunned him, so did everyone! But, you managed to get along with everyone great! And the students started to warm up to you very quickly
○ and in time, you managed to actually talk to Legoshi, after him avoiding you for so long, you finally managed to crack out some conversation from him. You told him you understand his weariness, but reminded him that he couldnt always just judge a predator by his looks or past, shoving practically all his doubts up his ass
○ you manage to get Legoshi to talk to you more often! Yay!
○ he was, of course, his shy lil wolf self but you were destined to crack that shy shell and get him to talk to you more
○ which led you to getting help from Jack, who happily helped you out
○ now, you knew the secret, so, one day you brought Legoshi a free egg sandwich for breakfast and seeing how happy he got brightened your day for sure
○ so, you bringing him an egg sandwich got common, it was one of the ways you actually managed to get Legoshi to warm up to you and to actually talk to you! Win win!
○ eventually, you guys would day greetings in the halls, or after classes you meet up and talk to eachother! Legoshi obviously still afraid to share certain things, but you left it be, decided not to pry tell he was ready to tell you
○ legoshi was.. conflicted. You were a deadly preditor, that many animals feared, but you were so nice, so gentle.. unlike the other lions he had met before.
○ you kinda reminded him abit of himself, a gentle predator who wanted nothing more than to be validated and seen as sonething more than a carnivore, yet, you were alot bolder than he was
○ he started enjoying hanging out with you, even just looking forward to it, getting excited when you even gave him your number so you guys could keep in contact!
○ he started to go down a crisis, realizing how much he started liking the time with you, and how his mind would recall back to a moment where you two were touching, whether it be you patting his shoulder to comfoft him, or your swaying tail accidentally brushing past him, amd it made his tail start wagging furiously
○ jack noticed You and Legoshi hanging out alot more, and he absolutely teased the big wolfy about it
○ definitely went to Louis for advice, he was so embarrassed about it, but the deer caved in and helped him, it was kinda pathetic to see Legoshi so lost, almost worst than with Haru
○ Louis tried to persuade Legoshi to make the first move, but Legoshi, our lovely boio, was to nervous
○ so, you took matters in your own hands and invited him out to the city after school to go eat somewhere
○ Legoshi was extreamly nervous after this, especially during because he kept looking at you the whole time.
○ sweet mans wanted to hold your hand but was to anxious
○ You took his hand in his and he nearly choked on his food
○ after that, yall start dating, yippe!!!!!!
○ wolf man is absolutely smitten by you, hardly able to keeo his eyes off of you, especially during drama, which he gets yelled at for
○ Jack and the fog squad are his hype mans! Definitely hyping him up when you two of little dates like- "thats our wolf boy look at him go<333333"
○ Legoshi is to nervous to take initiative or to be the first to make any moves, so youre mainly the one who does them, like holding his habd or kissing his head?????
○ Flustered baby
○ he definitely asks you once and awhile to touch your main fur, which you happily oblige and he just melts at the softness
○ sometimes, Legoshi definitely needs Validation, he hardly gets any:((
○ So youre his supplier, making sure he knows that you care about him and love him and that he isnt a monster
○ soon, when he is comfortable, he will start coming to you if he has problems or just needs comfort
○ he will talk about bugs forever and you attempt to listen but youre to focused on how cute he is when he is excited (your ass is not listening!!!!)
○ i feel like if you pet him he would absolutely melt, like he starts shaking his leg like a dog and ITS ADORABLE
○ he is so touch starved, it took him forever to open up to it, but when he does he is clingy, only in private though, he would be to embarrassed if it was public
○ you two are the carnivore couple
○ what??? You think people dont notice how excited legoshi gets when you enter a room???? And the way you smile at him and come and sit by him?????
○ its so obvious hun
○ i like to imagine some people are just happy to see Legoshi in an actual healthy relationship, regardless if its with a big lion guy, hey atleast hes happy!!!
○ you need to take care of him, this poor man forgets that he has to take care of himself, so sometimes you have to force him to rest, drink water, or to eat
○ you lecture him while your probably petting him so he aint listening
○ he wants to get stronger for you to impress you and show you he is strong too!! Even though your basically the man of the relationship he still tries
○ Let him impress you, he gets so happy when you praise him like cmon
○ would throw himself into danger just to keep you safe, though you would do the same but ur like 'baby please dont'
○ definitely lets you brush his fur, and if you let him, would love to brush out your main
○ love. Him. Validate. Him.
○ he has been through alot, he needs so much love i swear
○ good thing he has you:)
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generalllimaginesss ¡ 9 months
"Every morning I question why I moved in with you." Can you write an older Hughes sister one where she moved in with Jack and then Luke when he started with the Devils and they’re always asking her to do things for them. Like waking her up in the morning to make breakfast because only she knows how to make pancakes like their mom used to when they were kids. She pretends to hate it but loves to be able to take care of her baby brothers. I imagine they’d all be obsessed with their sister if they had one.
Hughes sister has a chokehold on me and I make no apologies for it. I hope this is something along the lines of what you were thinking!!
It had been a long week at work, major changes in the computer system that your office used was causing you to work overtime, so you looked forward to sleeping in on Saturday.
However, Jim and Ellen both agreed that the youngest Hughes boys could benefit from having their big sister live with them as they adjusted to life without their mom and dad. Luckily you had a job where you could work from home and were able to move to New Jersey with ease. At least with ease regarding your job. Your brothers were anything but ease...
With there being a three year age gap with Jack and four with Luke, they looked up to their big sister, relying on you a little more than they should at their age. Most of the time it didn't bother you, but you just wanted this one morning to yourself.
The sound of pots and pans banging revealed that you had wishful thinking, causing you to groan when you rolled over and saw that it was only 7:00 am.
You could tell that the boys were bickering back and fourth about something, but you would let them work it out like the adults that they were. Or at least the adults that they should be.
The walls weren't thick enough to block their argument out though.
"Dude, no that's not how she did it. She added more flour."
"Are you dumb? We're not making waffles. It doesn't need that much flour."
"Well it doesn't need that much milk. It's pancakes, not soup."
"Go get her, we clearly have no idea what the fuck we're doing."
Footsteps, you determined as Jack's, began to come closer to your room, causing you to put a pillow over your head, wishfully hoping it would suffocate you into a deep sleep that wouldn't be disturbed by your brothers.
Three knocks on your door let you know that your wishful thinking was to no avail. You didn't understand why he even bothered knocking when he barged in and jumped on the bed, landing right on top of you, momentarily knocking the breath out of you.
"Jack, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" You yelled, shoving him off the bed, the thud resonating throughout the room.
You watched as he winced in pain, holding his knee as it took the brunt of the fall.
"You realize that I have a job that requires me to be healthy?" He groaned as he stood up, causing you to throw a pillow at him while rolling your eyes.
"Don't jump on me and you wouldn't be in this predicament, now would you?"
"Whatever....me and Luke can't remember how to make mom's pancakes. Can you help with that?" He asked, sitting on the side of your bed and falling back onto you.
"You two are hopeless..." You trailed off as you hit his stomach, trying to get him off of you. He swatted your hand away from his stomach, but moved enough to let you out of bed.
As you walked into the kitchen, Jack trailing closely behind and Luke sitting on a barstool on his phone, you noticed that it was an absolute disaster. There were egg shells scattered across the counter, way more than they should have needed. The flour bag was busted, a trail of flour showed where the boys had carried it around the kitchen. There was now only a half gallon of milk left from a previously unopened jug.
You groaned, wiping the sleep out your eyes as you recalled the way that your mom made pancakes your whole life.
"I feel like kids would be easier to raise than the two of you," You said under your breath, pouring the bowl of goop that the boys made down the drain.
"Jack is supposed to know how to make pancakes," Luke spoke up, not tearing his attention away from his phone.
"You watched her make it the same way we did, Luke," You pointed out.
"Yeah, but I'm the baby. I've got you all to do it for me," He smirked, watching you as your glares sent daggers towards him.
"I don't think the argument of being the baby of the family is valid after the age of 18. If it has to be brought up after that, then something's wrong," You rebutted, measuring out the ingredients and mixing them together.
Jack snorted, finding amusement in his oldest and youngest sibling arguing. He wasn't safe from your attitude though.
"You have no room to be laughing over there, Jack. You're older than him and still have to ask me to cook. It's funny...I've never had to do anything for Quinn," You knew when you said it that they would groan, and they did.
"Why don't you go live with him then?" Jack proposed, trying to sit next to Luke who shoved him away.
"Why the hell would you say that while she's making our pancakes, dude?"
"Trust me, I would get a lot more work done because he wouldn't be bothering me nonstop," You flipped one of the pancakes, a golden brown reflecting back at you.
The three of you were quiet as you finished flipping and plating them. You had made enough for the boys to have three and you two.
"Thank you," Jack snatched the plate from your hands, causing you to snatch them back.
"You will not snatch these from me when you rudely jumped on me at 7 in the morning. Take them nicely. We use easy hands in this house," You didn't budge, not giving him his pancakes until he slowly took the plate back. If looks could kill you would be long gone by the look he was giving you.
"Yeah, Jack, easy hands," Luke mocked, trying to grab the plate you held out to him. You brought it back closer to you and out of his reach, preventing him from grabbing it.
"What do we say?" Talking to him like a child elicited a glare from him as well, but he said his 'thank you' and you gave him his plate.
They ate quickly, mentioning that they were running late for a meeting. When they put their plates in the sink, you realized that they were leaving you with the mess that they had made.
"Who do you two think I am? Your personal maid?" You asked rhetorically.
"Love ya, Sis!" Luke called as he walked out the front door.
Jack didn't bother to say anything, only throwing up a peace sign as he followed Luke.
"Every morning I question why I moved in with you," You muttered under your breath as you rolled your sleeves up to clean the kitchen.
As you went to load the dishwasher, your phone vibrated on the counter, Jack's name flashing across the screen.
"What do you need?" You sighed, knowing he had forgotten something.
"I forgot my suit for the game tonight...can you bring it when you get a chance? Preferably before lunch?" You could hear Luke chuckling in the background.
"What do you say?" You were bound and determined to teach him some manners while staying with them.
"Oh my God, just bring it-"
"Do you want the suit or no? Because I'm not the one that has to wear it tonight..." You trailed off as you rinsed a bowl out before loading it onto the top shelf of the dishwasher.
Jack sighed, causing Luke to laugh.
"My wonderful sister that I love so much, would you do me a favor and please bring me my suit before lunch? With my Air Forces?" Sarcasm seeped from his voice, your eyes rolling in response.
"I don't appreciate the sass, but since you said please I will," He didn't bother saying thank you, hanging up immediately when you finished your sentence. He would learn one day.
You would never admit it to them, but you loved being able to help them. The early mornings and late nights that they caused you were inconvenient in the moment, but you would hate to miss out on the opportunities to spend so much time with them. They were, after all, your baby brothers that you loved so very much.
But unbeknownst to anybody...Quinn was still your favorite.
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chibi-celesti ¡ 4 months
Metafalica anw GRANDEE=LILIA_VANROUGE (The Song of Hope of Lilia Vanrouge)
Summary: In honour of one Fae’s Journey to fulfill his princess’ last wish to save her son, the newborn Prince of Briar Valley.
Heavy Spoilers to Book 07 of Twisted Wonderland. You have been WARNED! And to all the Lilia Lovers out there (yes that includes you, @hanafubukki), this is for you! Hope I did him justice!
Hymmnos Lyrics inspired by this lovely cover of METAFALICA.
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~xE rre lasye rYEfrEmU sasye ess Asphaela_urgn/.~
~xA rre lasye fwArn Amerfa_sasye, ag hYAppA za r.w. sasye/.~
~xA harr en herr kAvnLYA v.a. 1 varda rre cie aNuOk zz sarsa/.~
~xA rre arhou sAlLYEeh yYAzLYAtAeh dn vege manac rhaplanca en maoh~
They lost…
Briar Country, once heralded as a Land dominated by the Fae, is now a remnant of what it once was…
Their Princess…slain by the humans who demonized them for their existence. All because of the greed of one egotistical man.
All that was left of her was her son. Still only an egg, but also a star of hope for the people of Briar Valley.
And yet he, too, was taken away from his arms. Not by death, but by those who viewed the broken-hearted war general, who could do nothing but weep for the death of his beloved Meleanor, a failure.
As the days began to pass, the people of Briar Valley hoped and prayed for the young prince to hatch. While nurtured from afar with his grandmother giving him her magic, the prince heard Lilia's vow to one day find a solution that will awaken him.
And so, he traveled the changing world of humans. Looking for the key that would save the egg.
During his journey, he would stumble upon people, asking if anyone knew how to hatch a dragon's egg. But all he got in turn was disdain and hatred by most people who only saw him as a monster.
Even with the malice of human perspective and apathy wanting to make him give up, Lilia persevered and continued his journey.
All for Malleus's sake.
While he may not have made any progress, Lilia could only offer stories to the young prince when he met him time and time again. His voice was a balm to the little one, subconsciously becoming a Hymn of Hope to young Malleus. 
The stories Lilia told were that of an ever changing world beyond Briar Valley's borders. How much humanity has changed; some still superstitious and distrusting while others were more open and compassionate. He spoke of how he hopes to show Malleus the world once he's older.
The days passed with no signs of the egg shell showing any cracks to indicate his hatching. The people of Briar Valley feared that their Prince would soon join his parents in the Stars. That they would lose their symbol of hope to death.
However, even as those around him and Queen Maleficia despaired for the worst, Lilia kept moving forward. Kept going despite the gear gnawing at his heart and mind.
“I made a promise to your mother that you will one day hatch and become a Prince she would be proud of.”
And Lilia's vow grew into determination and hope. A hope that for one day Malleus could forge a bond with the outside world. From that hope gave birth to a power that is befitting for someone him; Protector of Cradles. Such a blessing allowed him to save the young prince when he began to reject his Grandmother’s magic and cry out to his true guardian and father.
Giving it his all, from his love, his magic and life force, Lilia had given it all to Briar Valley’s Hope. To young Malleus.
Lilia Vanrouge was proud to give up everything to give his Prince that hope.
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angelbaby191 ¡ 10 days
Tokoyami Imagine
Tokoyami x Bird Quirk! Fem! Reader
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You were on your period. It was the hitting you like a TRUCK. Period cramps pinching you in your lower abdomen, and your emotions are everywhere. Going from crying to raging out, to feeling sick. Not only that, because of your quirk, (similar to Hawks, look wise) your maternal instincts were going FERAL. Koda has let you baby his rabbit, before having to let you leave because you were crying too much, and you didn't want to bother him with your emotional state.
You decided to go downstairs for some food. Knowing everyone else had gone to bed, since it was about midnight. Craving toast and butter for some reason you opened the fridge, crouching down to locate the bread for your 'feast'. And right next to Mina's bag of discount Valentine's chocolate, was an open carton of eggs.
Your eyes welded up with tears. Forgetting about your munchies, you grabbed the carton of eggs, cradling them in your arms. Your wings fluttered slightly from the cold shells of the eggs touching your bare arms. you turned towards the stairs, carefully carrying the eggs. On instinct, you ended up at Tokoyami's room.
With your arms full, you turned to the side, opting to knock on his door with your wing. Tokoyami answered, seemingly pulling another one of his all nighters. He tilted his head in confusion, not expecting you of all people to be knocking on his door at this hour.
"What is it? Are you alright?"
He asked, becoming concerned seeing your teary eyes. you sniffled.
"No... You're the only one who'll understand.."
You turned to show him the carton of eggs cradled in your arms. He looked between you and the eggs, completely lost of why you were holding a carton of eggs. He opened his beak, pausing before he asked.
"...Angel.. Why do you have a carton of eggs?"
He asked, slowly and delicately, not wanting to upset you further. Even using your nickname in a calming tone to ease your nerves. You hiccupped before sobbing out:
"....They're babies! And they wanna eat them!"
Tokoyami still didn't quite understand, but he let you in anyway. Moving to the side so you and your... 'babies'.. could come into his dorm. You sat on his bed, holding the carton on your lap as if it were a human baby. Tokoyami stayed standing, Dark Shadow coming out, voicing his concerns about you into Tokoyami's ear.
"She's fine.. I hope.."
Tokoyami sat down on the floor in front of his bed, staring at you. You looked at him, not speaking. Your wings fluttered as your face burned from embarrassment. You could've sworn the tears evaporated off your cheeks. You wiped your them away anyways, looking away from his gaze.
"It's.. I'm on my red week, and I just can't get my quirk under control this time..."
Tokoyami looked down, nodding his head in understanding.
"That happens to me too.. and Tsuya-chan."
He crossed his arms. He looked up at you. He thought for a moment before sitting up on his knees, walking on his knees to you. He took the carton from your arms, cradling the eggs just like you did. He cooed lightly at the shells, nudging one with his beak.
You looked at him, absolutely adoring him in that moment. You sniffled, your checks pink, but not from embarrassment, but because you never realized how kind and gentle Tokoyami was, despite being his friend since the start of UA. You leaned forward, cupping his face in the palm of your hands.
"Thank you... Fumikage..."
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Thank you SO much for reading my first piece! I got this randomly in my mind, since my period started today, and my own MHA OC has wings and bird instincts- Let me know about a pt. 2 or request a story line!
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a-local-idiots-shitpost ¡ 7 months
why don´t you befriend lonely Dragons? oh yeah it was because of surprise Parenthood
the (not so) long awaited sequel to the previous master piece but now with more caring for an egg
this got 1227 words
after getting a scolding from Lilia you and the egg were released for the time being, Malleus on the other hand wasn´t as lucky and is still stuck getting screamed at and getting the question thrown at him like “what the hell were you thinking!?” or “wait until your Grandmother hears about it!?!” and your favorite “apologize to YUU!” honestly you didn´t know if he was just emphasizing your name or tried to call you over so Malleus can explain himself, you honestly don´t know much about how Dragon Fae reproduce other than it´s kinda like Pokemon but you feel a bit bad for Malleus
I mean awkward situation and all but eh thinking of your time in Twisted Wonderland surprise parenthood to a (maybe???) half Dragon Half Human Fae isn´t in your top five maybe the top ten but that would need some more thinking on your part, while you were thinking the situation over you took a look at the egg it doesn´t look how you would have imagined a Dragon egg to look but you never really thought about it either
it was hard to see due to it´s coloring but hidden in the black of it´s shell it was covered in protrusions that reminds you of Malleus scales, you weren´t really looking forward to seeing if it´s true because not only is it incredibly heavy, the shell itself seems to be rather sharp too and considering everything you knew about Dragon Fae´s (still not much!) it makes sense they would be so well fortified even before their birth or after or even inbetween??? honestly what would be the right word in this situation…?
you were brave enough to touch the pattern at the top though mainly because it just looks like it´s pigments and not an optical illusions that wants to hurt you, it is a pretty cute thing to see on it though but you hate to admit it because there are more important things than just thinking it´s cute and to your surprise the shell was pretty smooth almost like touching a smoothed down rock or well... just a chicken egg you would have expected it to be more rough but nope just the “scales“ want you dead and yes you did end up touching them and yes those are sharp interesting thing to learn not so good if you want to hold it without turning yourself into ribbbons
you were still staring at the egg and didn´t even notice that Lilia released Malleus from the scolding of a lifetime but you suspect he got of so easy at the moment because Lilia could be worried how you would be taking it considering you are uncharacteristically quiet and even calm for such a situation, you only broke eye contact with the egg after Malleus sat besides you and for the situation his face was hilarious you expected a lot but you idn´t expect a pout from him he looks like somebody just told him he won´t get ice cream for dinner and is ready to throw a hissy fit over it
your sure he would like to say but doesn´t know how to and considering he already has enough trouble as is to talk with people this situation must be downright horrible for him it would be for everybody else but just even worse for him and considering your one of the few people he has befriended might make this even worse for him
“soooo Mal anything you want to tell me?” you had a teasing smile on your face and it at least took the pout of his face granted it was replaced with confusion but hey it could always be worse “your… not mad?” he really was confused about your reaction and that´s really understandable your even surprised at you ability to just roll with it, also your already used to looking after a somebody that acts like a child every once in a while and throws tantrums like one and looking after Grim who is a mix between best friend, pet and your beloved son so that might take one of the fears away
you shrugged “to be fair a lot weirder shit happened to me here you know? I mean I don´t have magic am stuck in a school for promising Mage´s with a lazy as hell Cat and have to constantly run into Overblot´s so having a kid isn´t really the worst that happened to me” Malleus still looked upset and you tried your best to lift the tension a bit, you slung an arm around Malleus and gave him a grin “honestly if ya wanna make it up to me Malleus I wanna pick the name of the fletchling, I´m not trying to say anything with it but I don´t think it´ll be easy to keep the Mal trend going”
you know he doesn´t want to but Malleus does have to smile a bit at your attempt “I´m surprised you can keep calm so easily Yuu most Humans would have surely gotten angry over what happened” you gave him a grin “most “Humans” huh? and what about Fae? because you don´t seem so calm to me”
“I…” you would have loved to joke around some more but he seems really worried about it “I would have preferred if it happened it would have been under better circumstances” you know you should handle it with more tact and seriousness but that´s just not how you roll, you decided to take Malleus in your arm, you found a safe spot for the egg and to you and his surprise you managed to pick him around and swung him around a bit “aww no need to worry Malleus plenty of buddies had kids before and plenty of em will have em after us, granted this is a bit more unique situation but hey I´m a master at getting the weirdest cards dealt and handling them perfectly”
you know he isn´t happy with your jokes during such an important conversation but you put his worries at ease at least a little bit
“Yuu I want to ask you something” you put him down and just looked at him and he took it as his queue to continue “do you know how to raise a Dragon Fae?” uhhhh… you feel like your going to be dragged into an awkward conversation “not really? why?” Malleus gave you a grin and you know you just made a horrible mistake and that it´s his time to play around now
“that´s good to hear because Lilia so graciously offered to teach you on how to best care for the egg” you know you can´t get out of this one but you sure will try but first… “very serious and important question could Grim somehow manage to accidentally boil the egg?” your sure Malleus knows what you are planning but is willing to indulge your whims “the monster of yours can try as much as he want´s but he won´t be able to hurt them”
“I see” this was all he got out of you before you decided to book it, you know Malleus and/or Lilia is going to catch you but for now Malleus is willing to allow you to stay in some faux peace and false hopes of getting out of Lilia´s lessons
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palskippah ¡ 10 months
I've seen people draw Bowser's dad or talk about him in fics, but I wanna think Bowser only had a mom :y just for the fun of it asdkaslkd
It's under a keep reading bc it's a tad bit long, if you'll read it then prepare for nonsensical rambling :y btw it's silly too
Like, she was a very big royal koopa queen who he doesn't remember because she left when he was too baby still (kicked the bucket 🧍) and Kamek (and Kammy) had to take care and raise him since then. And maybe Kamek jut did the bare minimum for him to remember her and Kammy actually put more effort into it- but it's because her death hurt Kamek too much.
Also he and the queen were in a sort of situationship JDKDHD
Anyone would notice he stared at her a bit too fondly, and Kammy made sure to let her sibling know he was being a lovesick fool and everyone could tell. Even the queen. Especially the queen.
But alas, she was the highest rank of royalty and Kamek was her advisor, so it would raise suspicion if they had something, he worried about people thinking they were colluding or something (my paranoid magikoopa that missed the chance of his life-)
She's just like Bowser but maybe beefier and more regal and likes to use her crown and jewelry always. She has a huge lot of confidence and is very assertive.
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But they have a close relationship, and one day she's like: "Kamek, may I ask you something? Not from queen to advisor."
"From friend to friend? :>" he says smiling. But the queen shakes her head.
"No, from gorgeous koopa queen to lovesick fool-"
And anyway, that's how she asks him out.
So, the queen (who maybe is called Magma River or something volcanic-themed like that, she gets called Queen River?) got fed up on waiting for the silly advisor to take the lead, so she did. And then she died. So there's that. And Bowser was barely a year old.
Like imagine Queen River had Bowser the same way Bowser had Junior. Also she can't change her size at will, so when Bowser hatches she's like ??? bc royal koopalings are very small, but she's not sure she's even seen one, and by the size of his egg, she thought he'd be small, but not that small.
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The baby is named after the queen's father, mostly because she pretends to have no idea what name to choose, so River unsubtly leaves it up to Kamek (and that makes him very joyful, bc naming a child is very important, and she's trusting him on it, as if he were the father 🙏- Kammy teases the hell out of him after they're out of the queen's hearing range)
So, they're prince Bowser the second :] (then they become he or whatvers jaskdja when Bowser's older)
-Anywaysss, imagine that in Bowser's castle, where there is this stone sculpture of his head in the front, is actually queen River's face- Bowser just looks way too much like her, sans the purple scales and shell, so the sculpture is never taken down, just like, reused as Bowser's?
-When years pass and Bowser's a toddler and then a kid, Kamek spoils the hell out of him. He gets him one hundred toys, let's the koopaling order him around, and even at times Bowser get very disrespectful and hits him- at that times it's Kammy who has to put her foot down, bc Queen River wouldn't have let her kid talk to anyone the way Bowser did to the servants or Kamek. The queen was straight forward and respectful of the staff- so Kammy tries to right Bowser's behavior now that he's small- it doesn't work very well, bc he still has an awful temper, but at least he treats the workers at the castle decently.
-Maybe the queen dies in a tragic way or whatever, and it has something to do with another kingdom, so they have a war and the koopas win and they have another kingdom to rule or whatevs. Also (here's more rambling) what if the Darklands is like a Yugoslavia (or something??) and Queen River did a great job of ruling all the lands but then she died and it all went down bc the advisors and council don't know how to rule properly -and the queen didn't have more family apart from her baby-so the Darklands dissolves and becomes only the Koopa Kingdom, the Goomba Kingdom, the Bob-omb's and all that - (Then when Bowser takes the crown, he decides he wants to rule all the Darklands again and that's why he starts wars and wins them and whatnot-? He forces the Darklands together again :[)
-Bowser gets curious about the rest of the kingdoms too, so he arranges meetings to meet the other rulers. Particularly in the Mushroom Kingdom, there happens to be the young princess Peach who has recently taken the lead of the kingdom. And when Bowser sees her, she's very beautiful and nice and has the prettiest eyes he's ever seen, and he determines he'll set things right with all the other kingdoms to gain her favor, so she agrees to become his queen and wife.
>So he does, and the kingdoms have a truce and a good relationship, and Bowser and Peach are maybe something close to friends, but then he proposes, and she rejects him. And then from there it's all the kidnapping stuff bc Bowser's young and stupid and obsessed with her in an unhealthy way.
[This part has to do with my Bowuigi family au-] So, the name of the mom was Magma River, and when the koopalings suggest names for their soon-to-arrive baby sibling, Morton suggests 'Magma :]' and Luigi's like, 'ooh, that's a good one :D' and Bowser's like 'hey that was my mom's name :3' but Kamek's like :'U inside bc that's his love's name! And wouldn't it be amazing if one of Bowser's children had her name??
So, he's very very glad that Luigi finally says 'Magma it is!' all happy bc they have an official name for their baby now. And maybe when Magma's born and shifts to koopa form, she looks so much like the queen (actually she looks like Bowser- but let the magikoopa dream) and he's like :'V
I got off the rails 🧍 that's what I had to say shdjdh the queen enjoys being a mom all of one year and then she dies :'v
River always got all excited to talk anyone's ears off about her amazing little child and showing photos from a wallet that has like 12546 photos in it to anyone that talked to her-
Kammy and the queen were close friends too! It was the magikoopa that suggested Queen River better do something about her relationship with Kamek, bc her idiot sibling never would and all that.
Anyways, as usual, bless you if you read till here sjdksj
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iris-sistibly ¡ 6 months
I kinda know that this drama was gonna make me ugly cry but I didn't expect the roller coaster of emotions to be this early.
Now that we know where Hyun-woo and Hae-in's marriage started falling apart, I really feel bad for the both of them.
Hae-in went through so much (losing her older brother and being blamed by her mom for what happened), but losing her baby really took a toll on her. Considering the Hong family's dynamics, she probably [either] didn't get enough or didn't get any support from her family. I mean, the way her mom treats her? I wouldn't be surprised if she gaslighted her own daughter for what happened to the baby. That's why she puts up this stone-cold facade towards her family, and her being workaholic was probably her way to cope or distract herself from the horrible things that happened to her in the past. But in doing so, she pushed Hyun-woo away...sadly.
On the other hand, I believe Hyun-woo tried to comfort her and be a supportive husband, but the wall Hae-in built made it impossible for him to reach out to his wife, to work things out, to grieve together, heal and move forward. It didn't help that his in-laws were treating him like shit just because he didn't come from a wealthy family. For years he tried so hard to please them, putting up with their bullshit, taking their insults, etc. it may have been executed in a "funny" way but y'all can see that he's really walking on egg shells when he's with Hae-in's family. He has always felt like he was an outcast, and it didn't help that his wife was seemingly nonchalant about all this, that's why he felt so alone in their marriage.
In the preview for the next episode, Hae-in will find out about Hyun-woo's intent to divorce her but I'm really looking forward for them to realize how much they love and need each other and give their marriage another shot...for real.
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floralcavern ¡ 5 months
Rambling about character design
I could talk hours about this topic
This will include examples of my own characters and characters from media!
I personally love when people take the concept for their character and incorporate things like: Backstory Personality Etc into their design
For example! I have a character who’s a spider monster. And you can still incorporate spider like details into her without making it to obvious. Liiiike, the sides of her bangs cut down and curve inward, resembling spider pinchers
Also, clothes help a lot with this as well if you want things like subtle character design
Shape language is also great. I have a character whose main shape is hearts. I gave her high pigtails to resemble the shape of a heart. But she’s also a villainous character, so if she’s in the middle of battle and the wind is in her hair, her pigtails fly up and resemble the shape of horns
(ALSO WEAPONS OMG!!! So, i gave her two weapons. A bow and a staff. I gave her the bow for two reasons. One, to represent Cupid (not the heart themes). But also to represent her personality. In her regular civilian form, she’s very distant and reserved, always keeping people at an arms length. That’s what the bow represents. But for her staff, which is used for violent bludgeoning, it represents her villainous persona, where she’s extremely violent and forward. The reason why in this story i wrote for her, she’s the only one to get two weapons is because every other character who is a hero uses their personas to amplify and be the person they want to be. But with this character, neither her civilian nor her villainous character are who she really is. Weapons can do so much to tell you about the character)
This guy explains it better than I can
One of my favorite character designs is of Ahiru from Princess Tutu. She is heavily based on Swan Lake, The Swan Princess, and The Ugly Duckling. In her regular form, her hair puffs up at the front in order to represent bird plumage.
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But in her transformed appearance, her underpart of her hair is white to represent feathers and a transformation, her tiara looks like a broken egg shell
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Small details like that can go a long way with telling people who your character is and can indirectly take someone’s brain to a certain idea or image.
And silhouettes are hugely important as well!! Recognizable silhouettes can do so much to get both you as an artist and your characters to be so iconic. Even for basic human designs, you can do so much. An absolutely iconic example of this is Sailor Moon. Her whole silhouette is basic and normal,
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but one simple aspect of her, her hair, can tell the viewer immediately who the character is
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Colors too are huge! An example of a good and recognizable color scheme is what I call the pixel rule
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When you see these pixel, does a certain character come to your mind? Are those colors in the order making you think of someone?
If you said Mabel Pines, you’d be correct!
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Ok, let’s get a bit trickier.
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What about this one? It’s a bit longer, meaning there’s more complexities to her design. But do the colors in that order make you think of anything?
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Recognizable color patterns can do so, SO much. And that’s not even talking about color theory!!
I’m not nearly skilled enough to talk about color theory, but I’ll do the basics. Warm colors can make a person think of comfort, safety, and kindness. An example is Anna!
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Her colors are heavily summer based to contrast:
Elsa, who has cool colors. Cool colors can make a person think distant, cold, and reserved.
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But warm colors don’t always automatically mean a safe and comfort feeling. An example is Toilet Bound Hanako. This series is known for prioritizing warm colors 24/7
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It makes the environment seem cozy and comforting, but the series knows how to use this safe feeing of colors to its advantage.
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This image is still warm, but with the dark colors and eery shades of red-pink, it no longer feels comforting or safe.
At the moment I can’t think of anything cool colored that manages to subvert expectations as well, but it definitely is possible.
Anyways, thank you for listening to my rambles ❤️
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goldenraeofsun ¡ 2 years
Day 13: Morning After
Castiel wakes up, wincing against the sunlight hitting his eyes at the wrong angle. But that’s what he gets for falling asleep on the couch instead of his own bed. He cranes his neck, squinting around his living room.
An empty bottle of red sits on his coffee table along with two wine glasses, one still half-full. Wrappers from an overpriced bag of Halloween candy are scattered all over the table surface with more than a few crumpled on the floor.
And, of course, Castiel can’t miss Dean Winchester sprawled over his legs, dead to the world.
Castiel stares down at him. 
Dean’s never stayed over without sex before.
Dean’s eyes are still slightly swollen from all the crying, and the gel holding his hair swept up and away from his face gave out from the many times Dean raked his fingers through it. His hair flops unattractively (relatively speaking) over his forehead.
Dean kicked his boots off sometime during his third round of Castiel's wine, and threw his flannel over the empty armchair by round five.
Castiel looks away before he gets ideas about what it would really be liked if Dean stayed over more often, if, god forbid, he lived with Castiel.
Dean stirs, and Castiel waits with bated breath as Dean blinks himself awake.
“Cas?” he says, twisting around to see Castiel clearer.
“Hello, Dean.”
“Shit, I fell asleep?” Dean asks. He rubs at his eyes, wincing. “Christ, how long was I here?” He pushes himself into a sitting position, and Castiel tries not to miss his weight.
“Other than all night?” Castiel asks. “You got here around nine.”
“Sorry,” Dean says gruffly. “I’ll make it up to you.” He smiles at Castiel, a poor imitation of the charming grin that ensnared Castiel so thoroughly at Charlie’s housewarming party close to three months ago.
“Don’t be sorry,” Castiel says quickly.
Dean shakes his head. He groans.
“I’ll get you some aspirin,” Castiel says as he extricates himself from the couch. In the bathroom, he stares at his reflection in the mirror. He looks better than Dean, but not by much. The long hours he’d been putting into work show in the shadows under his eyes and his unruly hair that Castiel meant to get cut last week but forgot.
He shakes out two pills and fills the bathroom cup with water. He pauses in the doorway, breathing in once for fortitude, before he heads back out to the living room.
He finds Dean reaching for his boots.
Castiel hurries forward. “Here,” he says, all but thrusting the aspirin and water into Dean’s hands.
“Oh,” Dean says, surprised. “Thanks.” He swallows the pills and takes a large gulp of water before setting the empty glass of water on the coffee table. He bends back down to grab his boots.
“Do you want breakfast?” Castiel blurts, his brain descending to full-on panic mode.
Dean has to stay - by any means necessary. Something changed between them last night, and Castiel can't let it go, can't go back to being semi-strangers sharing a bed. He’s never offered breakfast before, mostly because his cooking skills are abysmal. But he has eggs in the refrigerator, and a loaf of not-yet-moldy bread.
Dean just gapes at him, so Castiel springs into action. He darts around his kitchen island (empty, of course, except for a bowl of plastic fruit so, your apartment doesn’t look like a squatter lives here) and pulls open his fridge.
Dean’s footsteps approach from behind. Quietly, he says, “You don’t have to do this.”
“You had a horrendous day yesterday.” Castiel cracks several eggs into a bowl, frowning as bits of shell fall in too. He fishes them out with his fingertip.
Dean leans against the counter, staring out Castiel’s barebones kitchen. “It wasn’t like it was a surprise.”
“That often doesn’t matter when it comes to grief,” Castiel says crisply. He already went over the details of his father’s death (quick, car accident) and mother’s death (slow, cancer) last night with Dean. Castiel wasn’t on the best terms with them, but that didn’t stop his emotional reactions of bizarre bouts of weeping or scalding anger that persisted for months.
“I should be on a plane right now,” Dean groans.
“You hate flying, and you already made plans to go to Kansas tomorrow,” Castiel says sensibly. “Bobby has that doctor’s appointment today that he didn't want to move, and it’s not going to matter in the long run if you wait an extra 24 hours to meet your brother.”
Dean hums in agreement, his lips pursed.
Castiel ducks down to open one of the cabinets beneath the counter and pulls out his frying pan, frowning at the thin coating of dust or other kitchen grime. He sticks it under the faucet to rinse it off. As his hands busily dry with a paper towel, he says, “Your brother isn’t dropping everything to head to Kansas either.”
“But his job –”
“Environmental law cases generally take months, if not years, to settle,” Castiel cuts him off firmly. “And if he’s truly under the wire for a particular client, that’s why firms hire associates.”
Dean blinks. “You remembered what Sammy does?”
Castiel opens his mouth, and closes it right up because every response that comes to him is too revealing. Eventually, he settles on, “You talk about him frequently.”
Dean throws him a wry look. “In between all the blow jobs and wall sex?”
“Uh, yes,” Castiel says. He turns on the burner and sets the frying pan down. “But not in a weird way, though. I’ve told you about my family, my job.”
“Not a lot,” Dean says, his brow furrowing.
Castiel shrugs. “Because most things in my life are tremendously boring.”
At least, compared to Dean, who dropped out of high school to take care of his brother. He studied for his GED while working two part-time jobs and applied and attained custody of Sam after their father left for an out-of-state job and never came back.
He supported Sam all throughout Sam’s college years, and is still helping Sam pay off his law school loans. 
And, if that wasn’t enough, when his dad got back in touch five years ago, Dean actually forgave him six months before his father’s terminal diagnosis. He called every week, often coming over to Castiel’s after hanging up, so Castiel could distract him with copious amounts of sex and orgasms. 
Was it healthy? Not exactly. But Castiel had hardly any complaints laying in bed with Dean, sated and already gearing for round two.
Before last night, Castiel had about half of Dean’s story. And, in the beginning, he was just Charlie’s handsome friend who was quick to laugh and who ould sell shoelaces to the barefoot.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Dean says quietly.
Castiel picks up the bowl of raw eggs like one might a bowl of dead cockroaches. He eyes the stove warily.
“Dude,” Dean’s hand shoots out to grab Castiel’s wrist. “Aren’t you gonna grease the pan first?”
Castiel deflates. “Oh, right.” He turns to the fridge, only to find Dean blocking his path, his expression inscrutable. “Dean?”
“You don’t have to do this.”
Castiel cocks his head. “You just said I need to grease the pan.”
“I meant make me breakfast,” Dean says curtly.
Castiel freezes. “My culinary skills might be mediocre,” he forces out, furiously reddening, “but I can manage eggs.”
“Not what I’m talking about.”
“Well, then,” Castiel narrows his eyes, “what are you talking about?”
“You don’t have to make me a – a pity breakfast,” Dean practically spits. “I shouldn’t have even come here. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“It’s not pity,” Castiel says, dumbfounded
Dean glares. “You’ve never made me breakfast before.”
“I didn’t want to scare you off with my abysmal cooking,” Castiel says, and he had no clue his face could even get this heated. “I have toast for breakfast most mornings, and I eat a PB&J for lunch every day.”
Dean sighs, but he looks less likely to bolt from the premises, so Castiel takes the bright spots where he finds them. “Move.”
“Move?” Castiel echoes.
Dean opens his fridge and takes out a stick of butter. Without a word, he nudges Castiel out of the way. He turns down the heat on the stove, critically eyeing the frying pan. “I might be a mess, but I can pull off breakfast,” he says, his tone resentful.
Castiel gapes at him. “I’ve never thought you were a mess.”
“Not when I was crying all over your couch,” Dean’s eyebrows fly up, “and eating all the Halloween candy you were saving for the kids in your apartment building?”
Castiel purses his lips. “After my father died, I drank three mini bars by myself and got banned from the Motel Six in Blue Earth, Minnesota.”
Whatever Dean was about to say dies on his tongue.
Castiel waves off his questions. “Your definition of ‘mess’ leaves much to be desired,” he says, turning to grab the loaf of bread he keeps on top of the toaster.
Dean busies himself with smearing butter around the pan.
“I think you’re one of the most resilient men I have ever met,” Castiel says quietly as he slips two slices into the toaster. “Raising your brother, staying in contact with your father after all he did.”
Castiel shrugs. “I’ve thought so for a long time, and last night only solidified my conviction.” He chances a glance at Dean, who looks dumbfounded. “Are the eggs supposed to be that color?”
Dean glances down with a small, “son of a bitch,” and hastily turns off the burner. “I think there’s something wrong with the pan.”
Castiel bites back a groan. “Of course it is,” he grumbles. It figures the one time he tries to offer Dean something more than physical comfort, it all goes to crap, as Dean would say. 
“So, uh, I was thinking maybe we could get breakfast out?” Dean says haltingly. “If you know a place.”
Castiel smiles, probably too wide and showing too many teeth, but Dean doesn’t seem discomfited in the slightest. He seems almost happy, actually.
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nct-charlee ¡ 1 year
Mark + Charlee (Marlee)
“Marlee & Me! Like the dog movie!”
// masterlist // NCT DREAM //
(english, korean)
Warnings: talks abt religion (under off screen)
WC: 585
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The First meeting
“The first time I got to meet Chae, it was right before the release of Chewing Gum. I just remember going up to her and saying ‘woah, you’re dancing is really good’ or something like that.”
It was Charlotte’s second week since becoming a trainee and to say she was a wreck was an understatement
She felt she was so behind and would often stay late to just keep practicing. Dance, singing, rap, facial expressions, everything and anything she could
Mark still to this day thinks she hasn’t shown her full dance potential.
“She was in a dance crew that performed on the World of Dance…she picks up choreography so quick guys.”
But back then he was so much more mesmerized by her dance he had slipped into the practice room and just watched (creepy behavior mark…)
She didn’t even realized he had came in, she just kept dancing
When the music finally came to an end, all that could be heard was her heavy breathing…until Mark started clapping
“That was so good! Sorry for barging in on you…”
All the alarms were just going off in her head. Mark, her senior, had just watched her dance. A dance that she could barely clean up
“Lord, please help me,” she has whispered (or so she thought), “It’s fine. I’m just surprised, you know.” She faked little laugh
“Oh you speak english?”
“You do too?” She was definitely surprised but that was only the start
Fan Favorite Moment
During Marks NCT World 2.0 quest where he has to make eggs, Charlee is teaching him what he has to do
She shows him how to make the first one and then she lets him to the others
“Mark…dude…” All of the first few come out very questionable and so he continues just to cook multiple at a time
Her and Xiaojun end up having the fire extinguisher on standby
On Screen
“We’re Marlee. Marlee & Me! Like the dog movie.”
Popularity: 5/10
Nicknames: Chaewonie, Lotte, Chae, Charlotte
They are the most expectations of having an older sibling
Mark is the youngest in his family and Charlee is the oldest so it’s her being the “big sibling”
Charlee is often seen with the ‘tsundere’ personality and is often ‘cold’ on camera
Mark is 1/3 members that are able to fully break down that ‘cold exterior’
She’s also super sarcastic and he’s 1/2 members that is able to get her to be quiet
“Fine. But just know you’re silencing a woman Mark.”
Off Screen
Both are really serious and like to get things done
But also can never get anything done because both are so stubborn
More often than not it’s Charlee telling Mark to take a break, or checking up on him
Off Screen Charlee is actually really talkative, and Mark was the person to break her out of her shell for her to talk to them
Both are Christian and she makes it a thing that if she’s not seeing him that day she sends him a bible verses to him (which he looks forward too)
Also on days they don’t see each other they just send a simple “🦋” to tell each other they’re okay
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them.
His was of course a butterfly
“You’re doing amazing and I’m so proud of you”
“No, I’m proud of you.”
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kabillieu ¡ 10 months
We're doing our usual low-key Thanksgiving at home tomorrow, just the four of us. I'm a little tired of the sides I usually make, but I didn't have it in me this year to branch out and try new things. I also like my gross Southern sides too. I can't help it. Casseroles raised me. I did add an (eggless) baked macaroni and cheese because so much of what I'm making has eggs in it, and R can't have eggs. Today I made cornbread muffins for the cornbread dressing I'll assemble tomorrow. I mixed the broccoli casserole and put it in the fridge. I made spinach dip. I have sparkling wine and orange/mango juice for mimosas. Dominic said he's going to make some sausage cheese balls for breakfast, and I'm really looking forward to that. I also have things to make a cheese board, but I bet we won't even get around to that. Here's what we're eating tomorrow:
Sausage cheese balls, with mimosas for me.
Spinach dip with sliced red and yellow sweet peppers and tortilla chips.
Fried turkey and gravy, cornbread dressing, jellied cranberry sauce (from a can obviously), broccoli casserole, baked macaroni and cheese, green beans, and yeast rolls.
For desert I wanted to make a chocolate chess pie, but all the premade frozen pie shells were gone when I finally went grocery shopping yesterday, and though I'm capable of making a pie crust from scratch, that's more effort than I care to put forth, so I grabbed two different kinds of frozen apple tarts and apple dumplings, and we'll have those with vanilla ice cream, and I think that will be good enough.
Thanksgiving used to be one of my favorite holidays, but as I get older it seems more and more complex. Regardless, I am grateful to eat too much gross but delicious food with the family I love.
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mintaclestentacles ¡ 2 years
Dick cooks tasty food that tastes like comfort, and he avoids using processed ingredients as much as possible, the kind of guy who would make his own pasta and sauce
Jason just watches this, wondering why Dick eats so much fast food and only cooks when he is there
Ok, warning ahead for Eating disorder, because I headcanon that Dick has one so please be good to yourself and skip this if it might not be for you!
Taking care of himself is always easier when Jason is around. When he's alone Dick's thoughts circle endlessly around food. Two parallel loops, one pending from- you should probably eat, to- but you can skip this time. And the other loop Dick wishes he could just turn the fuck off- first it's don't eat, not that much, you don't need that. and then. And then is the downfall. The quick and easy fast food. The bingeing and excess. First he manages to go with little to nothing, sometimes for days, but the other loop always inevitably catches up. And Dick always finds himself buying three of five burgers, eating one on his way home, wolfing down the rest once inside in his own privacy. Then crying and curling up in shame, convinced he can feel the grease on his face no matter how often he washes it and always nauseously aware of the mass of food in his stomach.
But these voices were just a bit quieter with Jay around. The days felt longer and peaceful. Dick had time to cook, and just seeing Jason enjoy his cooking made Dick discover some love for food as well.
It's not ok. Or, Dick is not ok, not even Jason can make him just be ok. But it was easy to waste time in the morning, preparing a full pan of scrambled eggs with onion and paprika, toasting bread and cutting up tomoatoes.
Dick stirs some cheese into the pan, when he feels the warm skin-on-skin of Jason's arm coming to hug him from behind. With a sigh of relief Dick leans back into his boyfriend's embrace, closing his eyes and smiling at the sensation of Jason rubing his nose against the shell of his ear.
"Smells good.", Jason rumbles, voice still rumbly from sleep.
Dick chuckles, "you can still smell breakfast over my stink? ah-"
Jason playfully bites into his ear. "I was talking about you. You smell good."
"I'm unshowered, Jay.", Dick protests.
"I know. It's awesome.", Jason answers.
So Dick lets him bury his nose in his unwashed hair, taking deep breaths as Dick finishes their breakfast.
Dick knew he had problems, knew he was not ok, but it was easier with Jason here. And for the first time in weeks, Dick was looking forward to his breakfast.
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joy-drops ¡ 1 year
this mf long so don't tell me i didn't warn u
been in a rut for over a year
something something autistic burnout
idk the cause or the solution
just trying to survive each day as best i can
easier said than done when everything that brings me joy (ha) is behind a pay wall
that's capitalism baby~
found out fauna is going to the only anime convention i can attend on a reasonable budget.... but im already so broke....
I'd shell out the cash (debt) if it meant guaranteeing a spot at the meet and greet but they might not release info until too late when plane tickets are unaffordable ;_;
i wanna look forward to something because sustaining my sanity on retail therapy and getting high definitely is losing its effectiveness
brain always returns to the loneliness. i know its crippling but how much of my struggle is from that and how much is from my disability... they're both invisible which makes it hard to tell
would having a partner help that much? my gut tells me yes since ill have motivation to live if i have someone to share existence with but that feels like putting all my eggs in one basket and setting myself up for an unhealthy relationship
i like to think i won't fall down that path of toxic codependency like i have in the past tho im not crazy confident based on my track record
Which reminds me I've realized how appealing polyamory sounds to me but I'm terrible in groups I feel like I'd be overwhelmed with more than 3 (including myself) tho who knows what can happen
REGARDLESS i guess i gotta talk to people and make friends since i am incapable of socializing with the intention of dating (trust issues yippee)
i wish i had a crush at the very least. i bring this up often but i fucking miss the feeling of legitimate interest and attraction towards someone
How do I meet someone, become comfortable enough with them, and ultimately find a partnership that satisfies my insane desires???? maybe I'm putting the cart before the horse? Tackling too much at once? Something like that...
Imma be real the only reason I'm active on here is another mechanism to cope with this loneliness (akin to listening to asmr for instant happy brain juice + with the added benefit of "putting myself out there")
My strange fantasy that I'll meet people on here like I did years ago and magically hit it off
AAAAAAUGGHHHHH how did I do it back then it seemed so easy what happened to my social skills (trauma, probably)
How is it I work 2 days a week and am still drained constantly? when will I be free from sleepy bitch syndrome? it's like I've been running on fumes for the past year WHEN WILL I HAVE THE WILL TO LIVE AGAIN
i miss having someone to talk to frequently about everything
i have my besties but unfortunately knowing there's no sexual or romantic attraction there makes it hard for me to get past these barriers?? Is that weird? I wanna be able to be intimate with someone and close but for me that's intrinsically tied to sex and romance. I'm overflowing with platonic friendships to the point where I had to cut off a bunch and leave many people I care about hanging because I simply have no energy to exist anymore
I've been doing my best each day but it only gets harder
The only thing I have energy for is getting high and living inside the fantasies my brain can muster as a means to cope with how lonely I am
I dream of being hugged, of someone touching me, of being accepted for all my flaws and reassured that my existence isn't shameful. I live for the day these might become reality
Since as long far back as highschool I've yearned for intimacy
Physical intimacy specifically since the most I've done is hold hands and lil cute things like that I CRAVE SKINSHIP UNLIKE ANYTHING ELSE
Anyway if anybody made it this far hi feel free to confess ur undying love 2 me
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darklordofthesimp ¡ 2 years
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inkykeiji ¡ 2 years
Separate question who would reader run to or what would happen if Touya died unexpectedly? Like drug deal gone wrong, car accident, wrong place wrong time didn't see it coming?
●Would she move back in with Rei and her father living as a shell of herself and neglecting her own basic needs?
●Would she find solice in Keigo? Move into his place so he could make sure she's not completely falling apart? To be that surrogate in her life until she starts to heal.
●Would she live with Rei and her dad but her mourning gets so bad to the point that readers dad asks Keigo to take her into his home to look after her because she's completely unresponsive to the outside world? Since Keigo is the only person outside of the family that continues to check in and see how she is.
●Would she cling to Natsu or Shoto or cut off all contact with todotoki siblings because she sees Touya in their hair, eyes, facial features, and it hurts knowing she can see him in his blood relatives but is haunted by never being able to hold him or be held by him again?
●If reader catches Fuyumi whispering to readers father or Rei several months after the accident that maybe this was the best outcome for everyone(the silver lining if you will)for you to have a chance at a normal life. The family, though still mouring, doesn't have to walk on egg shells, worry about Touya killing Shouto, you can have a normal relationship with a nice boy from uni. How would the reader respond after coming out from around the corner letting it be known she heard everything?
P.s. You are an amazing person and writer. Your ideas and concepts are amazing and you are the sweetest 💗 please take care of yourself because we all love you dearly Clari
lion!!!!!! what a fascinating question, i can’t believe i’ve never thought about this situation/prospect before!! i think it’s never crossed my mind because reader and touya are so irrevocably entwined in my head, like they are more ONE now than two separate entities, they exist for each other and feed off of one another etc etc so the thought of one existing without the other is just inconceivable to me LMAO
but!!! to answer your question:
tw: suicide mention, extremely unhealthy and toxic relationship
honestly, she’d try to commit suicide. life isn’t worth living if touya isn’t by her side. as i’ve mentioned before, he has become her sole purpose in life, he has become where she derives all of her self worth and validation from, and she is by now no more than an extension of him. she doesn’t exist as her own person anymore, and she would be lost without him. she would feel as though she’s lost a crucial, vital part of herself and she wouldn’t know how to function without him, nor would she have any desire to. so suicide would be her first thought; she’d be willing and ready to follow him straight into the afterlife (and, honestly, if touya knew this he would find this thought very endearing).
natsuo would be the only one who would have any hope at preventing this outcome. he has sworn to his niisan to protect their little sister no matter what happens and he will do everything in his power to keep that promise. so he would take her in and take care of her immediately, knowing that the suicide plan of hers is a very real and very viable option. he would allow shouto to help—he wouldn’t enlist in shouto but shouto would step forward immediately as well to lend as much help as natsuo will allow, even though he knows his eldest brother would fucking hate the thought of it, of shouto being there to take care of his most precious possession in the wake of his death. but shouto doesn’t really care for that; his remaining respect for touya has already been diminished to mere cinders which we see in my snowman & me, and he cares way too much about reader and about her livelihood and health to allow such a silly notion—that his dead brother would be rolling in his grave if he knew—to stop him from being there for her and taking care of her.
reader would never, ever recover—how could she, when she’s lost her most critical organ, her whole foundation, the most important thing in her entire life? who is she, without touya? no one, that’s who. and she doesn’t want to BE anyone without him, either. natsuo would attempt to patch up, repair, some of the damage touya has done to this poor girl’s mind and soul, but he would very quickly realize that this damage is irreversible, irrevocable—it has become a permanent part of her core being, the very fabric of her soul, interwoven with the threads of who she is, and no amount of therapy or medication can unstitch that. she would, however, find some comfort and solace in both natsuo and shouto (tho more natsuo than shouto) because they remind her of touya-nii so much (it’s the same as when she first meets the three siblings at their parents wedding and she focuses on natsuo because he eases her anxieties because he reminds her of touya). eventually, way down the line, she might try to be a little happier for their sake, or because they convince her that it’s what touya would want, even though she isn’t quite sure it is (would he really want her living on without him, especially when she doesn’t want to? touya is so selfish, so greedy, so possessive, it’s hard to tell if whatever twisted ‘love’ he felt for her would be able to permeate that greed, even under such dire circumstances. would touya want her to try and be happy without him? it’s hard to say yes to that), but nothing will ever fill that massive, gaping hole in her chest that aches every night, that swallows down her organs and mangles them to hell even in the warmth of natsuo’s strong arms.
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