Charlee ♡
17 posts
NCT dreams 8th member
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nct-charlee · 8 months ago
Jaemin + Charlee (CharMin)
“Charming. That’s what we are. ”
masterlist // NCT DREAM
(korean, english)
warning: NONE.
a/n: but hi everyone !!! so sorry for literally disappearing from the face of the earth for almost a year (yikes!). when i first started writing and thinking up Charlee i had the time and energy to finally write something. but the more i wrote and the less i saw people actually engage in my work was extremely disheartening. it was a really hard thing to consider but i just couldn’t write without thinking of what people would think of my work (if they would even read it LOL). at that same time i started falling out of love with kpop and kpop content and so it made no sense to keep doing something i found no joy in doing. BUTTTT i finally gained that spark and started following NCT and RIIZE!! writing charlee and her story was one of my favorite things to do and i really missed it i think. so her story lives on!! and there’s someone on the way, coming very very soon 😉
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First Meeting
“She was and is so-” (all the members start groaning, Chenle and Haechan start saying ‘la la la I can’t hear you’)
“-pretty” (Staff coo while all the members starts booing causing Jaemin to just smile wider)
It was right after the meeting to reveal that Charlotte would in fact join NCT dream
Charlotte was the last in the room, still trying to rack her brain. she was going to debut
Not just that she was going to debut in a boy group, all different things going on in her head
Jaemin had seen her around, in passing. They had not once said anything to each other though
“She was still bawling in the office and I felt so bad. I don’t even remember what I said exactly, but I remember comforting her.”
Jaemin had realized he hadn’t seen her and decided to go see where she was
He had just been put on hiatus for his back and had a feeling Charlotte was probably feeling horrible, she probably thought she was replacing him
When he came in she had her head in her hands and was sobbing. He quickly walked inside and closed the door, coughing slightly so she could hear him
She quickly tried to wipe her tears, before sniffing out “Sorry, I’ll get out soon…”
“No, no, You’re fine. I was actually looking for you,” He smiles softly. “I just wondered if you wanted to go and get some snacks with me?”
“Um, okay. Sure?”
Jaemin laughed a little and held his hand, taking hers and leading her to the nearest convenience store
Fan Favorite Moment
During “Boom” it was obvious that Dream was going in a darker and more mature era
Slowly her clothes got short and tighter until she all she could do was place her hands around her to at least have a little modesty off stage
It was also when staff realized she was in fact the same height as multiple members, if not taller
When people would bring up her height, he often would often try to change the subject, knowing she was uncomfortable with talking about it
He was also silently helping her with her clothes
Covering her with blankets or towels during variety or awards shows. If nothing was around he would use his own jacket, not caring that he was going to get a earful from the stylists
One time, the camera man started zooming in on her. He immediately jumped into frame and started smiling and waving his finger ‘no’.
When Charlee finally notices the camera she waves and they both start joking around
It’s still unclear if the camera persons intentions were bad or good
On Screen
“We are very charming so Charmin is us!”
Popularity: 9/10
Nicknames: Baby, Honey, Jagiya…that’s it, only endearing names
Best couple right here (I mean whatttt??)
They are so loved that even the biggest scandals that have come from DREAM was because of them, but they got cleared immediately when people realized it was about them
Again one of the few members to show affection on screen
Jaemin while being the perceived “loudest” in variety content, Charlee is perceived the “loudest” during vlogs and trip content. In both occasions they balance each other out
Either calming each other or bringing the other out of their shell. A slight graze of each others arm is all they need to know that they’re either doing “too much” or “too little”
Off Screen
Still touchy, if not more so
Off camera Charlee is quite unserious and is seriously the joker AND a big yapper
Being the same but total opposites at the same time translates even off screen
Charlee is not shy to run up to him and hug him randomly, or call him randomly to say “I have to pee”
There’s no such thing as TMI between them and she makes sure he remembers that
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them
His was a cup of coffee in a ying and yang-esque way. One half being darker (his namericano) and one half being a milk-coffee (her 70:30 creamer and milk to coffee ratio)
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
Haechan + Charlee (HaeLee)
“It’s the best we could come up with…Haelee.”
masterlist // NCT DREAM
(korean, english)
warning: just one bullet talking about religion (off screen)
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First Meeting
“For obvious reasons, Lotte hated me. The first words I said were ‘Are you sure know your way around here?’ ”
Charlotte was trying to find her way around the company…more specifically trying to find the cafeteria
It was the first time she had ever been on this side of the building, she swears up and down that she knew where she was going (just maybe not from where she was)
She was just looking around, praying she would at least find some type of landmark that she recognized….sadly that landmark was none other than Lee Donghyuck
“Are you new or something?” Donghyuck asked leaning against the wall slightly tilting his head
Charlotte slightly shook her head, beginning to explain where she was trying to go
“It’s my first time on this side. I’m trying to find the um- cafeteria?” She couldn’t remember the right word and said ‘cafeteria’ in english
“Are you sure you know your way around here?” He pushed himself off the wall, “I don’t know about ‘cafeteria’ but I can show you were the cafeteria is.” He had made an action like he was eating something then pointed down the hall
Charlotte stayed quiet and just nodded her head, following him
Not before long Donghyuck had started asking questions, “What’s your name? How long have you been here? Do you even know who I am?”
“Lee Chaewon, Not very long, and of course. Now, do you ever shut up?”
“I am so shocked I actually listened, I think I should’ve known then she would’ve been the boss.” (all the boys agree while laughing hard. Charlee scoffs)
Fan Favorite Moment
During the rooftop fight, while everyone is trying to teach Jisung how to open the champagne bottle, Charlee is seen backing up away from the table. Trying to get away scared
When Haechan realizes what she’s doing he voices a loud “Yah! Where are you going Charlee?”
Charlee flashes him a deadly glare
“Watch your tone Donghyuck”
“Yes ma’am”
Charlee ends up back to her seat and stands behind her chair, using it as a shield
While Jisung is still calling for his parents and not opening the bottle, both Haechan and Charlee scream
On Screen
“Haelee was the best we could come up with…Sorry.”
Popularity: 6/10
Nicknames: Lotte, Chaewonie, ChaeChar, Lee-Meyers, “Tom”
It’s funny because as much as Haechan loves to play pranks and make fun of her, he knows his limits
Mark says they’ve all learned to say ‘Yes ma’am’ in english whenever she’s annoyed with them or she gives them the look (CharTea ep. 2)
Haechan is probably the person that says it the most
When he says something and Charlee gives him a look or even calling him by his real name he shuts up and sits down saying ‘Yes ma’am’
LOVES himself Charlee. Hugs, attempted kisses, hand holding. everything AND ANYTHING
Charlee is very resistant of his rizz (no she isn’t, she giggles and twirls her hair)
Off Screen
Charlotte LIVES for annoying him
“Awhhh Hyukieeee~”
They’re both the oldest of their families so once again it’s hilarious that they both jokingly baby each other
Charlotte also lives for his hugs, as much as she hates them on screen
They’re both Christian and years ago they went to a sunday service together. Nowadays they don’t really have the time
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them
His was a teddy bear with a bow that had the initials ‘l.d.h.’
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
We Young
Line distribution for songs, Charlee’s clothing, variety shows and lives.
( #wy charlee ) ( #charlee era )
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Line distribution
We Young
La La Love
Walk You Home
My Page
Trigger the Fever
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
The First
Line distribution for songs, Charlee’s clothing, variety shows and lives.
( #mfal charlee )( #charlee eras )
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Line distribution
My First and Last
Dunk Shot
Chewing Gum (2017 version)
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
Jeno + Chaewon (NoWon)
“Nobody won…NOWON!”
// masterlist // NCT DREAM
(korean, english)
warnings: nothing (pls tell me if i missed something)
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First Meeting
"The first time I met Chae it was with my parents. Her grandparents happen to be my next door neighbor and invited us over!" (all members gasp or say "wow")
The summer of 2008 Charlotte's parents thought that it was only fair she would spend her summers with her grandparents
Charlotte had never been to Korea since she was born, but her father made sure she was able to understand and speak it, and she finally went by herself in July
When she had gotten there the schools around her grandparents house had gone on their break
So they decided it was best to invite their neighbors over for lunch!
"Back then she was so quiet. I thought she couldn't speak or understand korean." (Charlee laughs in the background) "All I said was 'hi' ."
When her grandfather had opened the door she had stood right behind his legs and peeked behind them to see a little boy around her age
"Come in! Come in! This is my granddaughter, she's visiting from the US," Her grandfather had begun to put his hand on her shoulder moving her from around his legs.
She bows and says a small 'hi' before running into the kitchen to help her grandmother cook
Charlotte had always been a picky eater and then it was even worse. She wouldn't eat tteokbokki, she struggled to try bulgoggi and never wanted to try any soup
The whole lunch Jeno watches as she just eats rice
After Charlotte pulls on her grandmas clothes and points to her toy box, her grandmother tells her to take Jeno with her
They both walk in silence and sit down on the floor as she opens the box and hands him a Pokemon poke ball. She herself grabs the tiny pokemon figurines and her trading cards
"Hi..." Jeno points to himself before saying "Jeno." He smiles, it even reaches his eye.
He struggles to find the next words to express that he too like Pokemon so he just settles with, "Pokemon," and putting a thumbs up
Charlotte laughs to herself more than at him, and Jeno joins in on it, both of them giggling
"Hi Jeno, I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Chaewon." Charlotte smiles and giggles again, "I speak korean too, you don't have to speak in english."
Fan Favorite Moment
During a live when she starts talking about pre-debut stories, Charlee talks about how close they were even before they became trainees
"My grandparents loved when I came over during the summers, they always thought it was nice to see me being around a kid my age during break," Charlee expresses while looking at comments.
"hmmm, yeah. Jeno and I were really close to the point whenever it was the weekend and during my school year he would call from my grandma's phone!" She even says it again in english
Comments start to go crazy ranging from 'woa, he really liked you', 'that's so cute!!' and even 'my NoWon heart <3’
On Screen
"Nobody won. It's fine because we're NoWon"
Popularity: 7/10
Nicknames: Chae, Won, Wonnie, Corgi
The "best friends to bestest friends"
The “puppy” duo (the name given by Mark and Jaemin), Charlee hates it and Jeno embraces it passionately
Jeno is somehow always hanging off of Charlee, he is one of the few members that openly show affection
If it’s not Jaemin clinging onto Jeno and Charlee SOMETHING is wrong
During the “CharTea” episode that featured all of 8dream (ep. 2: Mister Mister 7), Jeno talks about why she’s so cold and quiet on camera
He talked about how often staff are likely shut her down and that she came to him so he could voice her opinion for her
Even during interviews this is seen, but now it’s everyone of the boys doing it
He was also the one to say she should do her own content to show everyone that she can in fact do without the boys (in fact she prefers to do that!)
Off Screen
She's pretty much a part of his family and him to her
Their parents jokingly say Jeno might be the first to take the name “Meyers” (they also joke that all of dream might take the name Meyers)
They’re opposites on camera! Charlotte isn’t very shy and Jeno is very shy
Even the way they talk to each other, Charlotte is more likely to baby him !!
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them
His was a little poke ball
“stop looking at me weirdo”
“no. Chae.”
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
Renjun + Charlotte (Junlotte)
“Junlotte. Juliet but make it without the i and add more letters.”
// masterlist // NCT DREAM //
(korean, english, mandarin)
Warnings: talks about food, calling each other stupid
WC: 650
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First Meeting
“Lee seemed to not like me the first time we met. My first words to her were ‘You are too tall’. I can see why. ” (he laughs after he says this)
The first they met it was when they both had accidentally run into each other in the hallway
Renjun was late for a practice and Charlotte has just started walking back from a practice room
They turned a corner and slammed into each other causing them both to fall down
“I’m so sorry,” Charlotte is quick to apologize and getting up quickly to help him up.
“No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking.” Renjun is quick to take her hand and finally looks up to see who he ran into.
Charlotte hoped she didn’t seem weird, because on what world would you just stand there after helping someone up.
She so awkward that she sticks her hand out and introduces herself
“Hello…um I’m Chaewon.” Her smile is strained and her hand is held out in front of her
“I still feel so bad. I was so nervous and she was so cute, I couldn’t do anything and I just said the first thing in mind. I was thinking she was so tall, not too tall. It sounded like I was rejecting her!” (all the members laugh)
“You’re too tall.” He says in a straightforward manner, not even taking a second glance at her hand and walking away straight towards the practice room
Fan Favorite Moment
Funnily enough she was in the video where she was “learning” chinese
The producers sought out Charlee and asked her to be in the content
Nobody other than Chenle and Jisung knew she could speak and understand mandarin so the first thing Chenle asked was “Aren’t you fluent?” while laughing
“What are you talking about. Weirdo…”
It wasn’t until Charlee started correcting the others pronunciation that Renjun caught on
“You know what you’re doing. Why are you here!” Renjun got up and started jokingly hitting her with a hongbao.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m a student too!” Charlee said grinning while her teammates Jungwoo and Mark watched, laughing.
“If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t have answered my question stupid.”
“I’m NOT stupid.”
“Huh. So you CAN speak!”
From then on, when speaking in mandarin to each other they call each other “stupid” (affectionately ofc)
On Screen
“Charjun..? How about Junlotte. Juliet but make it without a few letters?”
Popularity: 7.5/10
Nicknames: ‘Let, Char, Wonie, stupid
The birthday twins!! With them being exactly born the same day AND having the same birthmark, they really are like twins
2/3 of the members that are able to breakdown her cold demeanor on camera
Always seen pinching each others’ cheeks, Renjun does it to show she is actually cute. And Charlee does it out of spite
Whenever they eat, Renjun always asks
“Do you like it? Is it good?”
No matter how many times they’ve had it, he’s very throughout in making sure she eats
“It’s just tteokbokki….”
“Yes, but are you eating it because you have to or because you actually like it.”
Charlee: 🙂
Renjun: 🤨
Off Screen
Again offscreen Charlee is actually really talkative!
It’s often Renjun telling her to “Shut up stupid” (affectionately)
More often than not Renjun is either painting with her, taking photos with her or eating with her
They almost always spend their birthdays together
They also never get each other presents because "we already have each other"
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them.
His was a Moomin doodle
They have whole albums in their phones dedicated to ‘Junlotte’
They do anything and everything together
“You’re so stupid.” Renjun: 😒
“So are you.” Charlee: ☺️
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
here you’ll get individual posts of special moments with Charlee and the members of dream, how they met, and how they interact with each other on and off screen.
// masterlist // NCT 127 // WAYV
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
Mark + Charlee (Marlee)
“Marlee & Me! Like the dog movie!”
// masterlist // NCT DREAM //
(english, korean)
Warnings: talks abt religion (under off screen)
WC: 585
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The First meeting
“The first time I got to meet Chae, it was right before the release of Chewing Gum. I just remember going up to her and saying ‘woah, you’re dancing is really good’ or something like that.”
It was Charlotte’s second week since becoming a trainee and to say she was a wreck was an understatement
She felt she was so behind and would often stay late to just keep practicing. Dance, singing, rap, facial expressions, everything and anything she could
Mark still to this day thinks she hasn’t shown her full dance potential.
“She was in a dance crew that performed on the World of Dance…she picks up choreography so quick guys.”
But back then he was so much more mesmerized by her dance he had slipped into the practice room and just watched (creepy behavior mark…)
She didn’t even realized he had came in, she just kept dancing
When the music finally came to an end, all that could be heard was her heavy breathing…until Mark started clapping
“That was so good! Sorry for barging in on you…”
All the alarms were just going off in her head. Mark, her senior, had just watched her dance. A dance that she could barely clean up
“Lord, please help me,” she has whispered (or so she thought), “It’s fine. I’m just surprised, you know.” She faked little laugh
“Oh you speak english?”
“You do too?” She was definitely surprised but that was only the start
Fan Favorite Moment
During Marks NCT World 2.0 quest where he has to make eggs, Charlee is teaching him what he has to do
She shows him how to make the first one and then she lets him to the others
“Mark…dude…” All of the first few come out very questionable and so he continues just to cook multiple at a time
Her and Xiaojun end up having the fire extinguisher on standby
On Screen
“We’re Marlee. Marlee & Me! Like the dog movie.”
Popularity: 5/10
Nicknames: Chaewonie, Lotte, Chae, Charlotte
They are the most expectations of having an older sibling
Mark is the youngest in his family and Charlee is the oldest so it’s her being the “big sibling”
Charlee is often seen with the ‘tsundere’ personality and is often ‘cold’ on camera
Mark is 1/3 members that are able to fully break down that ‘cold exterior’
She’s also super sarcastic and he’s 1/2 members that is able to get her to be quiet
“Fine. But just know you’re silencing a woman Mark.”
Off Screen
Both are really serious and like to get things done
But also can never get anything done because both are so stubborn
More often than not it’s Charlee telling Mark to take a break, or checking up on him
Off Screen Charlee is actually really talkative, and Mark was the person to break her out of her shell for her to talk to them
Both are Christian and she makes it a thing that if she’s not seeing him that day she sends him a bible verses to him (which he looks forward too)
Also on days they don’t see each other they just send a simple “🦋” to tell each other they’re okay
One of the first tattoos she had gotten was dedicated to 8dream, each member had a little doodle she drew that reminded her of them.
His was of course a butterfly
“You’re doing amazing and I’m so proud of you”
“No, I’m proud of you.”
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
[Uncut] with Charlee ⍟
everything related to the behind the scenes ! mostly just key moments and things that have gone viral
// masterlist //
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take #1 // take #2 // take #3 // take #4 // take #5
NCT 2020
take #1 // take #3 // take #4 past ~ future // take #7 departure ~ arrival // take #9 // take #12 // take #14 // take #17 // take #18 // take #21
Hot Sauce
take #1 // take #2 // take #3 // take #4 // take #5 // take #6
Hello Future
take #1 // take #2 // take #3 // take #4 // take #5
NCT 2021
take #2 // take #5 // take #7 // take #9 // take #10 // take #13 // take #14
Glitch Mode
take #1 // take #2 // take #3 // take #4 // take #5
take #1 // take #2 // take #3 // take #4
take #1 // take #2 // take #3 // take #4 // take #5
Best Friend Ever
take #1 // take #2 // take #3
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
CHARLEE Profile (updated!)
// masterlist //
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Stage Name: Charlee (찰리)
Birth Name: Charlotte Lee-Myers*
Korean Name: Lee Chaewon (이채원)
Position: Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper, FOTG**
Birthday: March 23, 2000
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 176 cm (5'9) [compared to other members/ idols it is thought she might be taller]
Weight: N/A (Charlee has expressed many times that her weight fluctuates and she isn't comfortable sharing)
Bloodtype: AB
Instagram: @/charlotts.webb
notes* It’s the way she often writes her name
notes** There are no official positions other than Main Dancer and FOTG that are stated for her
Charlee Facts:
She was born in Seoul, South Korea, but moved and grew up in San Antonio, Texas, USA
When her school had breaks, she would go to Seoul and visit her grandparents
She trained for only 6 months before joining NCT DREAM prior to the release of 'The First'
Speciality: making songs, playing instruments
Favorite Artists: Dynamic Duo, beabadoobee, BIBI, Bryson Tiller, Daniel Caesar, FLO, keshi, Laufey, Bruno Mars
Nickname: baby ostrich, Char, Chaewonie, Wonie, Lotte
She was in Pharrell’s “Happy” music video
Her and her sister were in a well-known dance crew in San Antonio
Charlee speaks and understands multiple languages including English, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese and Spanish
When she was in elementary school she wanted to become a language translator
She has a 3 younger sisters, Christina, who was born in 2006, and also rumored to be an SM trainee. And twins born in 2012
The song that made her want to become an artist was F(x)’s “4 Walls” (Apple NCT’s playlist)
She’s a very picky eater, even her mom doesn’t like her appetite (WEEKLY IDOL)
Her favorite colors are pink, green and yellow
She no longer lives in the dorm, but she lives in an apartment with her youngest sisters and aunt
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
Here you’ll find multiple songs where Charlee either helped produce, write or arrange. Ones with links have backstories on why and how they were written!
// masterlist //
Composition 🎧 ~ Lyrics 🎤 ~ Arrangement 💐 ~ Background Vocals 🎶 ~ Sole Credits ✅
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Blue Lemonade 🎤🎶 : Summer Magic - Summer Mini Album
Hi High 🎤 : [++] - EP
Eyes Locked, Hands Locked 🎤💐 : ‘The ReVe Festival’ Day 2 - EP
Don’t Need Your Love 🎧🎤 : Don’t Need Your Love - Single
Tell My Mama 🎤 // Invisible Things (Ft. Charlee) 💐🎤🎶 : ~How I’m Feeling~
Obsession 🎶 : OBSESSION - The 6th Album
Hmph! 🎧 : Single
Walk in the Night (ft. Zion.T) 🎧💐 : Single
GRWM ✅ : 回:Walpurgis Night
Bother Me 💐🎤🎶 : Querencia
My Youth ✅ 🎶// Rocket 🎤🎶 // ANL 💐🎶 // Rainbow 🎧🎤🎶 : Hot Sauce - The 1st Album
Bungee 🎧 🎶 : Hello Future - The 1st Album Repackage
Weekend 💐 : Single
Anxiety (Burlinda’s Theme) 💐🎧 : trying not to think about it
YEPPI YEPPI 💐🎧 : Savage - The 1st Mini Album
Universe (Let’s Play Ball) 🎧💐🎤 // Earthquake 🎤 // Know Now 🎤🎧 // Round&Round ✅ // Beautiful 🎤 : Universe-The 3rd album
Step Back 🎤 : Single
MVSK 💐🎶 : First Impact - EP
Teddy Bear 🎧🎤🎶 : Glitch Mode - The 2nd Album
Royal ✅ : LOVE DIVE - Single
Hype Boy 🎤// Hurt ✅: Newjeans 1st EP ‘Newjeans’
Seventeen 💐🎤 : Forever 1 - The 7th Albun
Time Lapse 🎤 : 2 Baddies - The 4th Album
Interstellar 💐// ROCKY ✅ : S:INEMA
Stamp On It 🎤 // MALA 🎧🎤🎶 : Stamp On It - The 1st Mini Album
Skyscraper 🎤 : AY-YO - The 4th Album Repackage
Cat & mouse ✅🎶 : That Karma - EP
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
here you’ll get individual posts of special moments with Charlee and the members of wayv, how they met, and how they interact with each other on and off screen.
// masterlist // NCT 127 // NCT DREAM
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
here you’ll get individual posts of special moments with Charlee and the members of 127, how they met, and how they interact with each other on and off screen.
// masterlist // NCT DREAM // WAYV //
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
here you’ll find almost every video Charlee has been in. Interviews, photo shoots, youtube content and everything in between. Request are welcome !!
// masterlist //
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welcome to our home // we're the bestfriends // dive into youth // time flies, we fly // hope it never fades out // dear my dream, i'll be there for you
we're coming together // you're the irreplaceable // all night long // life is still going on // underneath the same light // we're upgrading
[UNCUT] // 8dream debate // DREAM LOOP: The Last Midnight: #1, #2
season 1
ep. 1 pilot // ep. 2 Mister Mister 7 // ep. 3 Foreign Swag // ep. 4 aespa // ep. 5 Blackswan ‼️ // ep. 6 Yena and Lee //
nct field day: ep. 1, ep. 2 // one-two punch: ep. 1, ep. 2 // a midsummer night: ep. 1, ep. 2
NCT WORLD 2.0: ep. 1 // ep. 2
Nothing much prepared: NCT CHARLEE…you’re what⁉️ Limitless, but limit unknown 🥂
Good Mythical Morning: Telephone dance challenge
ODG: Suspicious Classmates (ft. NCT DREAM: Charlee)
Behind BAZAR and what’s in my bag
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
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All about CHARLEE: profile // her playlist // style // behind the camera // in her phone // family // Dating history
NCT 127
Outside of SM
The internet vs CHARLEE:
Charlee Youtube Content
NCT 2018
NCT 2020
NCT 2021
song credits
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nct-charlee · 2 years ago
♡ Navigation
latest post: Jaemin + Charlee (CharMin) 6/24/24
NCT DREAM (엔씨티 DREAM) is the 3rd sub-unit of the co-ed group NCT. The sub-unit consists of 8 members: Mark, Renjun, Charlee, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung. The group debuted on August 25, 2016 under SM Entertainment.
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Charlotte Lee, mononymously know as CHARLEE, is a fictional Korean-American idol from SM entertainment. She is apart of the co-ed group NCT, and is a active member of the subunit, NCT dream. She is also a member of the girl group GOT the beat.
/// masterlist ///
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©️nct-charlee … fc: bae yujin
NCT DREAM’s Charlee, and &TEAM’s KY, exist in another universe
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