#and i want to be a good friend please give me lessons on not being a little weirdo
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ari-ana-bel-la · 12 hours ago
OMG you're writing is actually so good, you're fics are the absolute. cutest
Could I please request more protective dad charles, maybe with teen daughter reader who is growing more independent and Charles is both proud and sad that his little girl is growing up and wants to spend even more time with her. I feel like clingy and protective dad charles would be cute but funny as the same time
His strong, independent girl
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The first time Charles held Yn in his arms, he knew—without question—that nothing in the world would ever matter more to him than his daughter. Not his career, not the roar of the engines, not even the red car he had once thought was the love of his life. Yn was his heart walking outside his body, and from the moment she came into the world, she held that heart in the palm of her tiny hand.
It hadn’t changed over the years. Not when she took her first steps, not when she lost her first tooth, and certainly not now that she was eighteen and full of bright-eyed independence. If anything, Charles only loved her more fiercely. But with that love came a deep, gnawing ache—an ache he felt every time she left the apartment with her friends, laughing as she tossed a quick “Bye, Papa!” over her shoulder. She was growing up, slipping through his fingers faster than he could hold on. And while he was so proud of her, the thought of his little girl no longer needing him twisted something tight in his chest.
So when Yn asked him to teach her how to drive, Charles didn’t hesitate. If this was how he could hold onto her a little longer—by guiding her hands on the wheel, by being the one she turned to when she wanted to learn—then he would gladly give her everything he knew.
And if he happened to use his favorite car for the lesson? Well, she deserved nothing but the best.
"Are you serious?" Yn’s voice was filled with disbelief as she stood in front of the sleek Ferrari Pista Spider, its back paint gleaming under the warm afternoon sun. "You're letting me drive this?"
Charles leaned casually against the hood, arms crossed as he grinned at her. "What? You didn’t think I was going to teach you in some boring car, did you?"
Her green eyes widened as she shook her head. "I thought you’d make me learn in the Volvo or something!"
He laughed softly, pushing off the car to open the driver’s side door. "Please, ma chérie, you’re my daughter. You should learn how to drive properly. And that means driving the best."
Yn rolled her eyes, but the smile tugging at her lips betrayed how excited she was. "I’m not going to crash it, I promise."
"I know you won’t." He said it with such quiet confidence that it warmed her heart. No matter how much of a perfectionist he could be with himself, when it came to her, he always believed she could do anything. "Come on, get in."
She slid into the driver’s seat, her hands gripping the leather steering wheel as Charles moved around to the passenger side. When he sat down, the familiar scent of his cologne and the faint aroma of the car’s interior wrapped around her.
"Alright," he said, his tone soft and patient, "first things first—adjust your seat. You need to be close enough to the pedals but not too close that you feel cramped."
Yn wriggled forward slightly, testing the pedals under her sneakers. "Like this?"
"Perfect," he praised, reaching over to tap the steering wheel. "And your hands—ten and two. Seatbelt. Always. This isn’t a video game."
She laughed under her breath but did as he instructed. "Okay. What next?"
Charles leaned back in his seat, watching her with a mixture of pride and something softer—something that made his heart ache. "Put your foot on the brake. Then press the ignition."
Yn followed his instructions, but as soon as she pressed the button, the engine let out a sharp, sputtering noise before falling silent. She froze, a flash of panic crossing her face.
"I broke it," she blurted.
Charles chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring. "You didn’t break anything, ma chérie. It’s fine." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Take a breath. Try again."
She did, exhaling slowly before pressing the button once more. This time, the engine purred to life beneath them, smooth and powerful. Yn’s face lit up with excitement.
"There you go," Charles murmured, his voice filled with quiet pride. "See? You’ve got this."
And from there, he guided her through the basics with endless patience. Steering, braking, accelerating—every movement was accompanied by his calm instructions, his voice as steady as if they were simply sitting at the kitchen table rather than in a car worth more than most people’s houses.
When she pressed the accelerator too gently and the car barely rolled forward, he bit back a smile. When she jerked a little too hard while turning, he only said, "You’re doing great—just ease into it."
And when Yn got a little too confident and sped up along the empty road, Charles didn’t scold her. No—he laughed softly to himself, thinking that it wasn’t her fault everyone else drove too slowly.
After an hour, Yn had the hang of it. Her hands moved smoothly on the wheel, and her confidence grew with every turn. Charles couldn’t stop watching her, pride swelling in his chest at how quickly she was picking everything up. But beneath that pride was a pang of something bittersweet—because every mile she drove was another step toward a world where she didn’t need him to guide her anymore.
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, Charles finally directed her back toward their apartment. When she eased the car perfectly into a parking spot, he let out a long breath and smiled.
"You did it," he said, his voice soft with wonder. "You’re a natural, Yn."
She turned to him, her smile radiant. "I had the best teacher."
He laughed, but when he looked at her—really looked at her—he felt a lump form in his throat. When had she grown up like this? When had his little girl become this smart, capable young woman who didn’t need her father to hold her hand at every step?
Before he could sink too deeply into those thoughts, Yn threw open her door and rushed around to his side. Without warning, she flung her arms around him, holding him tight.
"Thank you," she whispered against his chest. "For everything, Papa."
Charles’ breath caught, and he held her just as tightly, his arms wrapping around her as if he could shield her from the entire world. His hand cradled the back of her head, fingers threading through her hair as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Je t’aime, ma chérie," he murmured. "More than anything."
Later that night, when they returned to the apartment, Alexandra was sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine. She glanced up as they walked in, raising an eyebrow at the wide smile on Charles’ face.
"So," she drawled, "how did it go? Is our car still in one piece?"
Charles scoffed, dropping onto the couch beside her. "Our car? Please. That car is practically Yn’s now. And she’s a genius. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone learn that fast."
Yn, who was grabbing a bottle of water from the kitchen, laughed softly. "You’re exaggerating, Papa."
"I’m not!" Charles insisted, turning to Alexandra with an earnest expression. "She’s incredible. So smooth on the wheel, completely calm—"
"You’re ridiculous," Alexandra teased, though her smile softened as she watched the way Charles practically glowed with pride.
"I’m right," he shot back. Then, his expression softened as he glanced toward the kitchen where Yn stood. "She’s amazing," he repeated quietly. "And I’m so proud of her."
And in that moment, Charles knew—no matter how fast time moved, no matter how independent Yn became—he would always be her biggest supporter. Because she wasn’t just his daughter.
She was his heart.
Authors Note: Hey loves. I hope you enjoyed this story. My requests are always open for you.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years ago
Eddie has a hard time making friends | 2.7k | very self-indulgent corroded coffin centric drabble | not beta-read so i can only apologise, also i'm off sick so if this is incoherent i apologise x2
Eddie Munson lived his life telling himself that no matter what, he didn’t need anyone. That he was better off without friendships and relationships, that in reality, he could do whatever he wanted and please himself. Fuck off at the drop of a hat if he so desired! He didn’t need to factor anyone into his life and that’s the way he liked it. 
The truth is Eddie Munson wanted to be loved. That’s what it boiled down to. The problem was he wouldn’t and couldn’t let himself. That’s what he believed anyway. There was a pattern to Eddie’s relationships, be it romantic or otherwise. And that pattern was that Eddie fucked them up. He was too much. He knew it in himself, he could feel it deep in his bones. Every so often though, he’d forget and would open himself up to somebody new. Always guarded, he’d talk and play his part, getting to know this new person, entertaining them and making sure they had a good time. That’s what his role was and he was good at it. To a degree. Eventually he let a little too much of the real him out and that’s when the other person would see him. They’d see him and the uninterested look in their eyes would appear and the pain of the realisation would come crashing over Eddie like ice water.  The person would have enough and be on their way again, leaving Eddie alone but ultimately for the best. 
Sometimes though, sometimes Eddie let the person in. He’d take a few bricks out of his mile high wall and let the person peek inside. See the real Eddie, with his excitement and happiness but his sadness too, his neediness, the very weight of him and his pain. This never ended well. The problem is, Eddie got attached. He got attached too easily and then he’d make himself vulnerable. Then, the spark of a new friendship would fizzle out. Not for Eddie, never for Eddie, but for the other person, or that’s how it felt anyway. The conversations would get further apart, the excitement to share started to feel one sided. He’d get so nervous about starting a conversation, unsure what to say to how to say. Unclear if the other person even wanted to hear from him, instead sitting in silence and yearning to reach out. The fizzy feeling in his chest would still be there but it would be tinged with this heartache and Eddie would second guess himself, then the whole relationship, and he’d be pulling back so fast he could almost feel the g force of it. He’d push the new friend away after convincing himself that it was all out of pity. That they saw how much time and attention he took from them, that ultimately he wasn’t worth the effort and he’d be left to lick his own wounds as another friendship failed. The issue was that Eddie had maybe too much affection. And when he let that out? Even just a little bit? Reining it back in was impossible. A tidal force of emotion welled up for so long and desperate to be let out, it couldn’t be held back. And so after every time he mistakenly let himself show his true colours, he was left to mop up the deluge. Friendship swept away and another wreck left in his wake. A fresh ache to be added to the collection. 
He tells himself he is happy on his own, better off that way because the alternative is worse. He doesn’t need a reminder of just how unbearable he is, how unwanted his true self is. Eddie Munson, acquaintance to many, friend to none. Safe. He knows his part and he sticks to it.
Or that’s how he plans to be anyway. That is how he thinks his life will go. But then he gets tricked. 
He gets tricked into caring about three lost losers that wander into his orbit. 
It’s the lunch of the first day of his second senior year and he has no intentions of making friends. Knows he’ll be better off getting through the year on his own. But then it happens. He doesn’t mean for it to happen. But happen it does. There’s a new kid that clearly has no idea where hes going and is giving a valiant attempt at trying to be nonchalant as he cranes his head around looking for a free table. Eddie sits on his own at the table he has marked out for hismelf that nobody else comes near, likelihood that his reputation proceeds him. So he kicks a chair out and tells the guy to sit. And the guy? Looks at Eddie like he’s handed him the keys to heaven, or hell going by the boy’s judas priest shirt, nice.
Eddie is about to leave, gearing himself up for a friendly nod before running to solitude. The new guy isn’t so keen on that though. 
‘Thanks man, somehow nobody ever mentions how shit the time between classes can be when you transfer. Only ever the shittiness of new teachers’ the guy says, offering a smile so warm that Eddie returns it without thinking. ‘I’m Jeff by the way’ 
Lunch passess without consequence, he gets Jeff’s backstory. Listens to how his day has been so far and what he’s got for the rest of his classes. They part amicably enough and Eddie thinks nothing more of it, glad to have helped with first day nerves but mentally starts planning on taking his lunch elsewhere tomorrow, let Jeff get acquainted with the rest of the school and not feel obligated to the first person that was nice to him. 
Only that isn’t how it goes. Jeff finds him in the food line and Eddie, and his Wayne instilled mantra of ‘Munsons have manners’, smiles and engages in the best, albeit stilted, small talk he can muster while simultaneously seeking his escape route. Only he gets involved. He gets pulled into a conversation about guitars and the best bass riffs and honest to god symbolism in lyrics. He gets tricked! Jeff tricked him! And now he’s sitting at a table with this new guy and enjoying himself and he can’t help himself. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he’ll pull away and slink out the back door like he knows best and everything will be okay. 
Tomorrow turns into the next day, turns into next week and soon enough it’s two weeks and Eddie is looking forward to lunch so he can see Jeff, conversation gets easy, somehow enjoyable, and he hates himself for it but his heart is so happy he can’t help it. He’s heading to ‘their table’ (when did he start calling it that? Better quit while he’s even marginally ahead) and now there’s three people there, causing an internal panic.
Eddie must have got the wrong table? But no, sure enough Jeff is waving him down as a fluffy haired boy and his friend are flinging their hands around in a heated debate. Over what? Eddie guesses he’ll never find out because he is absolutely not sitting with them. Nope. No way. He is a loner and that’s how he’s going to stay. He’s about to turn on his heel, lunch tray in hand, when Jeff is by his side and pulling him over.
‘Get held up man? No worries, saved you a seat. I invited Gareth and Ian too, met them last week and thought it would be fun.’ Jeff doesn’t give him a chance to answer before he’s pushing him into a chair and getting back involved with the other two. Now Eddie is a loner but that doesn’t mean he isn’t keeping tabs on people. He knows the name of these two but other than that? Not much to tell. 
‘And I’M saying you are an IDIOT if you think Gimli couldn’t bare knuckle brawl with a shithead like smeagol and win’ Ian is passionate with it but he’s fighting a losing battle by the looks of things.
‘Oh! I’M the idiot? ME? DUDE! Last week you tried telling me that Tom Bombadil could win against Gandalf. GANDALF! THE GREATEST WIZARD OF ALL TIME? Fuck off man, thought you were smarter than that.’ Shaking his head, Gareth throws Eddie a look of ‘can you believe this shit?’ 
And before he can stop himself Eddie is interjecting, ‘All the power to Gimli but Gandalf respects gollum for a reason’ which gets him a slap on the back form Jeff as Ian and Gareth go at it again. He knows he made a mistake in this but he couldn’t help himself, he’ll pull back soon. He will. 
Only he doesn’t. He keeps coming back, he keeps talking and laughing and learning more and more about these guys and he cares. He cares so much he feels like his heart might burst with it. He actively looks forward to spending time with the three of them. They spend time together outside of school! Wayne has even made comments about it being nice to see him looking happy, brightening up like the sun when Eddie slips up and mentions plans with the three guys.
That doesn’t stop the pervasive and creeping feeling from reminding Eddie of who he really is, how things go for him. He tortures himself with it, in truth. He tells himself that he knows the pull back is coming so to stop the painful waiting game he starts planning the detachment. Tries to keep it scientific, emotionless. It isn’t easy. It’s the exact opposite of what he wants to do. He wants to spend as much time as possible with these people, talk shit with them, make them laugh, get to really know them, maybe even let them really know him. But still, there is the insipid little voice in the back of his head, telling him what he believes to be true, that soon enough they will have had enough of Eddie. Soon enough they’ll look at him and see the burden that he is. 
It’s a small thing that sets him off, and entirely his own doing. He starts comparing the relationships within the group. Analysing down to the nth degree to try and prove the worst to himself. And he does, of course he does when he’s torturing himself with it. The way he’s now convinced himself to see the group as a strong three. Ian and Gareth already were friends, already have a long history together, nothing is shaking them up. Jeff and Gareth? They can riff off of so many shared experiences after finding out their families are from the same place. Ian and Jeff are like peas in a pod when it comes to senses of humour, can’t help but make each other laugh, truly there for each other. The three of them have such interwoven bonds that means Eddie is left out in the cold. He can offer them nothing so what’s the point of sticking around?
He doesn’t do it slow, knows that ‘all or nothing’ is the best approach so he stops showing up at lunch. Doesn’t turn up to Gareth’s grandma’s house to watch the copy of ‘The Night of the Living Dead’ Jeff snagged from his older brother. Tries not to think about how excited he was for that one. He stops answering the phone and makes sure Wayne tells anyone looking for Eddie that he isn’t in while also not telling Wayne what was going on. He wishes he could say he found the whole process easy but that would be a lie. He doesn’t let himself ruminate on it though. Distracts himself with his guitar, his books, music. The things that have kept him going. It’s lonely, he can acknowledge that but that feeling will fade, he’ll get used to it again. It’ll be fine, in time. 
Eddie knows who he is, how he is and so he settles himself on the couch with the tv and a rerun of Magnum Pi, he’s sad but that doesn’t mean he can’t admire a beautiful man, okay? Sometimes ogling a hairy chest is the best medicine. That and it’s something he and Wayne like to watch together and point out the plot inconsistencies. Thankfully Wayne is home so Eddie doesn’t feel entirely isolated. Wayne’s tried bringing up the friend thing a few times this week but Eddie hasn’t been able to talk about it, just casts his eyes down and changes the subject. He doesn’t need Wayne hearing just how pathetic his nephew is. This is just always how these things go. Everyone else seems to navigate friendships so easily but that ability was clearly left out of Eddie’s skill set. 
He really is trying his best not to think about it but it’s so hard when the physical sensations in chest wont leave him alone. Its a constant churning of ‘Not good enough. Too much. Nobody’s priority. Never right’ that feels like a persistent and solid pain where his heart should be. And this pain is exactly what distracts him from the noise of a knock on the door, from Wayne going to the door, from Wayne opening the door and letting somebody in. Letting three somebodys in that are now standing in front of Eddie who is presenting as a very pathetic curled up mass of hair and flannel.
‘People here to see you, son’ Wayne calls from the door. Completely un-needed because yes Eddie can see them thank you very much Wayne. And they can see him and Why did he let them in??
Eddie slowly brings himself to sitting up on the couch from his position of ‘sad-lounging’. He doesn’t look up, can’t meet anyone’s eyes. Opens his mouth to speak while pushing a hand through his hair to buy himself some time. TO figure out the easiest way out of this. Why are they here?
‘Get the fuck up man, we only have this movie for one night before Jeff has to give it back. Don’t be a dick’ Gareth says rather than waiting for Eddie to begin, even starts pulling him up to his feet before Eddie can stop him. 
‘Guys, no. It’s fine. You’ll have a better time just the three of you. I promise’ Eddie starts his explanation, hoping to get it out so they can leave. 
Jeff won’t hear it though, ‘Fuck off Eddie, you know these two will just end up arguing ad I’m going to need someone to give me running commentary on the actual movie so I don’t get caught up in their shit’ He starts head out the door, Gareth tugging Eddie along and Ian at his back.
‘Thanks for letting us in Mr Munson, is it okay if Eddie stays with us tonight?’ Ian, actual shithead but always a charmer asks as he walks backwards out the trailer, following the troupe. 
‘Fine with me, just don’t feed him after midnight.’ Wayne replies and Eddie can hear the smile in his voice. Can’t help himself but shout ‘WAYNE!’ to the amusement of the guys. 
He gets settled in Gareth’s Grandma’s car? Gareth got his Grandma to drive them here?? And doesn’t let himself think until they arrive at the house. They get settled in the basement, all of them sitting closer than necessary but seemingly comfortable, Ian on the floor, tilting into Jeff’s legs, Jeff next to Eddie on the couch and Gareth sitting on the armrest. 
Eddie’s mind wont rest though, feels fundamentally wrong. Inexplicably bad and needing to fix thing. So he starts, quietly and in the dark as the movie starts ‘I’m really sorry guys, I know I’m hard work and not exactly eas-’ He doesn’t get to finish before Jeff is shushing him ‘Eddie shut the fuck up. Let us be your friends, yeah? But seriously, shut up. Movie time.’ 
Obviously he wants to keep going, apologise again, try to explain himself, opens his mouth to. But then he feels Gareth’s hand on his head, a gentle smack and a hushed ‘Dude, stop’ and Ian reaches over to pet his leg before stealing the popcorn out of Jeff’s lap to a shout of protest. 
Eddie tries to settle down, tries to just let it slide. But the thing is his skin feels tight and like somebody replaced his blood with something fizzy. His tummy is squeezing painfully and his trying his best to contain a laugh that’s begging to be let out. Maybe, just maybe, he’s found his people.
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callikari · 10 days ago
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SYNOPSIS — being a broke college student meant doing whatever it took to survive, even if that meant lying your way into a tutoring gig you weren’t qualified for. when lee heeseung, campus golden boy and star athlete, mistook you for his assigned tutor, you saw an opportunity—he was willing to pay, and you needed the money. easy cash, right? except there was one problem: he was already acing the class. turns out, he just wanted an excuse to spend time with you. now, you’re stuck in a fake tutoring arrangement, trying (and failing) to convince yourself that his dumb little smirks and unnecessary close proximity aren’t affecting you.
PAIRING — lee heeseung x broke-college-student-fem!reader (ft. enhypen, yunjin & eunchae from le sserafim, wonyoung from ive)
GENRE(S) — written, college au, fake tutor au, idiots to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, comedy, and slight crack.
WARNING(S) — swearing, broke student struggles, scamming (for survival purposes), heeseung being an annoying flirt, your friends clowning you, lots of academic bullshitting, and mild secondhand embarrassment.
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you had no idea how you ended up in this situation. honestly, you were just a broke college student trying to make some extra cash by tutoring, and now you were stuck in a "mess" of a situation with lee heeseung—campus golden boy, star athlete, and the last person you thought you'd end up spending this much time with.
it all started in the library, where you had been buried under a mountain of textbooks and assignments. you were just minding your own business, trying to squeeze in as much studying as you could before the next exam, when heeseung walked up to you with a confused look on his face.
"hey, are you my tutor?" he asked, looking at you like you were the answer to his prayers.
you blinked. “your tutor?”
“yeah, you’re supposed to help me with my chemistry class, right?” he said, pulling out a crumpled sheet of paper.
the paper had your name on it. assigned tutor.
you looked at him for a long second, unsure how to respond. in that moment, your brain made a split-second decision.
no, this wasn’t right. you weren’t his tutor.
but then again, you were broke. and he was paying.
so, instead of correcting him, you smiled and said, “yep. that’s me.”
heeseung grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “great! let’s get started, then.”
you immediately regretted your decision.
and so, here you were.
heeseung was the "last" person you expected to be in your tutoring group. you knew his type—popular, charismatic, and completely "unbothered" by anything that had to do with studying. you weren’t even sure how he managed to get into college in the first place with his terrible grades.
he sat down across from you, all smiles, like he didn’t have a care in the world. meanwhile, you were scrambling to figure out how to get him to actually pay attention to what you were saying. you’d barely gotten into your lesson before he started yawning.
“is this really necessary?” he asked, his tone light and lazy.
you glanced up, trying your best to suppress a frustrated sigh. “yes, heeseung. chemistry is a requirement for your major.”
he looked at you, completely unfazed. “i’m pretty sure i can just ask my tutor to give me the answers.”
you stared at him, blinking. “i *am* your tutor.”
he smirked. “well, then you’re not doing a very good job.”
you couldn’t help the way your eyebrow twitched at his words. why was this so difficult?
the more you tried to get him focused, the more distracted he became. you found yourself flipping through the textbook and pointing out formulas that made sense to you, while he sat back and played with his pen. his lack of attention was grating on your nerves, but you refused to let him see how annoyed you were.
“heeseung, focus. we need to finish this chapter today,” you said through clenched teeth.
he glanced up at you lazily, a playful grin forming on his lips. “you’re kind of cute when you’re serious.”
you froze. "what?" you couldn’t even process the words. sure, you knew he was a flirt, but hearing him say that made your heart skip a beat. you swallowed, trying to shake it off. this was heeseung, after all. you couldn’t let him get under your skin.
he leaned forward, clearly enjoying how flustered you were. “i’ll try my best, tutor,” he teased, his voice dropping into a teasing tone.
you gave him a tight smile, trying to regain control of the situation. “let’s get to work.”
it was incredible how little heeseung actually knew about chemistry. each time you tried to explain a concept, he’d stare at you like you were speaking a foreign language. but it wasn’t just that—he was charming in the most infuriating way. his innocent questions and half-smiles made you question your focus. you had to admit, the guy was cute, and his charm was practically endless.
“so, like, what does this even do?” he asked, pointing to the periodic table in front of you.
you tried your best to stay professional, keeping your voice as calm as possible. “this is the atomic structure. see, each element has its own number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. you need to understand the structure in order to comprehend chemical reactions.”
heeseung nodded as if he understood, but the amused glint in his eyes told you otherwise. “right, right. so, can we just…skip this and get to the part where you help me ace the exam?” he asked, his grin wide.
“heeseung,” you groaned, rubbing your temples. “we need to understand the basics first. there’s no way you’ll get through the exam without knowing this.”
he just tilted his head to the side, his hair falling perfectly around his face. “but you’re cute when you’re frustrated.”
your eyes widened in disbelief, but you refused to give him the satisfaction. “stop distracting me. focus on the material,” you snapped, though you could feel your face heating up despite your best efforts to remain composed.
it was a constant cycle of distractions, laughter, and trying to drag him back into the lesson. every time you thought you’d made progress, he’d throw you off course with a casual comment or a playful smirk. it felt like you were running in circles.
the more time you spent with heeseung, the more you started to notice things about him. little things. like how he’d always brush his hair out of his eyes when he was concentrating—well, pretending to concentrate, anyway. or how his smile could light up the entire room, even when he was clearly being a little brat.
it was a slow burn, but you were starting to realize that heeseung wasn’t just the charming golden boy you thought he was. yeah, he was annoying as hell, but there was something more beneath the surface. he was smart—really smart, when he put his mind to it. you’d seen it when he actually listened to what you were saying. it was frustrating, to say the least. here you were, trying to keep him focused, but at the same time, you were starting to feel a little… distracted yourself.
“okay, okay,” he said, leaning back in his chair, his hands behind his head in a relaxed posture. “i think i’m getting it.”
“really?” you asked, eyebrows raised. “you understand how to balance chemical equations now?”
he shrugged. “more or less. but honestly, i think i’d understand better if you gave me some extra help.”
you crossed your arms, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. “extra help?” you repeated, your voice a little too sarcastic for your liking.
he leaned forward again, a devilish grin curling on his lips. “yeah. like, you know, help outside of studying. maybe, we could—” he broke off when he saw the look on your face.
“no,” you said flatly.
“aww, come on,” he teased, his grin only widening. “what are you so afraid of?”
you felt your heart skip a beat, but you pushed it down. “nothing. i’m not afraid of anything,” you muttered, turning your attention back to your notes.
he leaned back again, clearly entertained by your reaction. “you know, you’re not as tough as you think.”
you didn’t know if you should laugh or just throw something at him. instead, you went with a fake smile. “don’t flatter yourself.”
he just laughed. “hey, no need to be so harsh. i’m just trying to help.”
“you’re trying to distract me,” you shot back.
“well, it’s working.”
the next time you met with heeseung for tutoring, something felt different. maybe it was the way he greeted you, with a casual “hey, ready to teach me something new today?” or maybe it was the way his usual teasing seemed to have softened. whatever it was, it made you more aware of how much you were starting to look forward to these sessions.
“we’re going over reactions today,” you said, trying to focus. “this is where things get a little trickier, but you can handle it, right?”
heeseung flashed you a grin, already making himself comfortable in his chair. “i’m ready. as long as you’re not as serious as last time.”
you shot him a look. “i’m always serious.”
he winked at you, and you couldn’t help but sigh. “seriously, though, pay attention.”
he was paying attention—or at least, he was pretending to. as you began explaining the basics of chemical reactions, you noticed how he watched you. his usual playful glint in his eyes was still there, but there was something else now—something more sincere. heeseung wasn’t just here to mess around. he was actually trying, and it threw you off.
“so, what happens when—” you stopped mid-sentence, realizing he wasn’t just looking at you but listening.
“when an element reacts with another, the atoms rearrange to form a compound,” he finished for you.
you blinked, surprised. “wait. you actually got that right?”
heeseung leaned back, a smug look on his face. “of course. i’m not a total idiot, you know.”
“well, you’ve been acting like one lately,” you shot back, but even you could hear the hint of affection in your voice.
heeseung’s expression softened, and for a brief moment, the playful energy between you two seemed to fade. “guess I’m not as bad as you thought.”
you weren’t sure how to respond to that, so you focused back on your notes. “let’s just get through this, okay?”
heeseung’s grin returned, but now, there was a sense of warmth behind it. “yeah. we’ll make a great team.”
you weren’t sure why, but those words made your heart race.
the sessions with heeseung weren’t just about chemistry anymore. they were about you and him. the more time you spent with him, the more you realized how much he liked to poke fun at you. but at the same time, he made you feel like you actually mattered. and god, that was frustrating. you were supposed to be the one in control here—not him.
so when he slid into the seat next to you one afternoon, throwing an arm across the back of your chair, you couldn’t help but feel a little too aware of him.
“ready to learn?” he asked, a playful grin tugging at his lips.
you tried to act unaffected, but there was a tightness in your chest that you couldn’t ignore. “we’re not here to talk about my learning skills, heeseung,” you said coolly, flipping open your notes.
he leaned closer, his voice lowering in that teasing way that always seemed to get under your skin. “you know, if you weren’t so good at teaching, i’d probably just be failing by now.”
you raised an eyebrow. “you say that now, but you wouldn’t even be passing if you weren’t such a good student,” you shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
heeseung chuckled, clearly unfazed. “oh, so you admit it? i’m actually a great student.”
you let out a dramatic sigh. “don’t flatter yourself.”
he leaned back in his chair with a satisfied grin. “i think you like it when i flatter myself.”
you rolled your eyes. “no, i think you’re insufferable.”
but even as you said it, you couldn’t stop the faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
the silence stretched for a moment, and for once, heeseung didn’t say anything. he just looked at you, like he was trying to figure you out.
you hated how that made your stomach twist.
“you really don’t like me, do you?” he finally asked, his voice quieter than usual.
the question caught you off guard, and for a moment, you didn’t know how to respond. sure, you hated his teasing and his constant jokes, but something about him made you want to keep going. to keep being with him.
“i don’t know,” you said slowly. “maybe i do. maybe i don’t. you’re a pain.”
heeseung’s grin softened, his eyes narrowing playfully. “i think you like me, just a little.”
you narrowed your eyes at him, but the heat in your cheeks betrayed you. “don’t push your luck.”
he just laughed, clearly enjoying the way he was getting under your skin. “okay, okay. but i know i’m not as bad as you make me out to be.”
you didn’t answer. you couldn’t. because deep down, you knew he was right.
the next few days passed by in a blur, with your study sessions becoming more frequent. heeseung had somehow turned into someone you could tolerate way more than you were comfortable admitting. and yet, you still couldn’t bring yourself to like him completely. not in the way he seemed to want you to.
you were walking through the campus courtyard, lost in your own thoughts when you spotted him across the yard, laughing with a group of people. heeseung was a natural when it came to making friends, effortlessly charismatic and always in the center of attention. you hated how much that bothered you. it wasn’t jealousy, you told yourself. it was just the fact that you hated how easy it came to him.
as you walked past, you caught his eye, and his expression immediately shifted. he excused himself from his friends and jogged over to you, that cocky grin on his face.
“you’re staring at me again,” he teased, his tone light, but you could see the playful glint in his eyes.
you blinked, startled. “i was not.”
he raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “you were definitely staring at me.”
you cursed inwardly. of course he noticed. “i wasn’t staring. i was just—” you stopped, realizing you had no excuse.
“it’s fine,” he said, a smug look appearing on his face. “i kind of like it when you stare. makes me feel special.”
you shot him a look, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. “don’t get ahead of yourself, heeseung. i was not staring. i just… got distracted. okay?”
heeseung just laughed, a low chuckle that sent a strange warmth flooding your chest. “sure, sure. whatever you say.”
you started walking again, trying to ignore the way your heart was beating a little faster. “i have to get to class,” you muttered, already feeling the awkwardness creeping in.
“i’ll walk with you,” he said, falling into step beside you without waiting for an answer. “might as well since i’m already here.”
“you really don’t take a hint, do you?” you teased, but the smile on your face betrayed your words.
heeseung shrugged casually. “nah, not really. i like to make my own rules.”
“clearly,” you muttered under your breath, still not used to how confident he was. it wasn’t just his charisma—it was the way he seemed so sure of himself around you. it was like he knew exactly what he was doing, and you had no idea how to handle it.
the walk to class was filled with small talk. lighthearted banter, the kind of stuff that made the air between you two feel almost normal—if you could call it that. normal, until he dropped the bombshell.
“so, do you ever think about… us?” he asked, his voice quieter this time, a little more serious than usual.
you stopped in your tracks, your heart racing. “what do you mean?”
heeseung turned to face you, his gaze softening. “i mean… do you think we’re getting along better now?”
you blinked, thrown off by the sudden shift. “i guess? i don’t know. it’s… weird.”
“yeah, i get it. it’s weird for me too,” he admitted, looking down for a moment. then, as if trying to lighten the mood, he added, “but i’m kinda enjoying it.”
you frowned. “enjoying what? our bickering?”
heeseung smirked. “well, yeah. i mean, it’s fun, isn’t it? but… i also like the times when we don’t fight. when it’s just us, talking.”
you were quiet for a moment, your mind racing. could it be? could he really be saying what you thought he was saying?
“heeseung, you’re impossible,” you muttered, though your heart was beating faster now. maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
heeseung stepped closer, that signature cocky grin back on his face. “maybe, but you still like me.”
the following week, your study sessions with heeseung took a sudden turn. instead of the usual quiet library dates, he started dragging you around campus, making you go to random spots to “study.” sometimes it was by the fountain, sometimes near the campus cafe, and once, he even convinced you to sit in the middle of the quad in the grass—in the middle of the day, no less.
“are you sure this is productive?” you asked skeptically, looking around at all the students walking by. the noise was borderline unbearable.
heeseung, however, seemed completely unbothered. he had his headphones in, typing away on his phone, clearly in his own world. “the point of studying is being comfortable. if you’re uncomfortable, you won’t focus. so relax.”
you sighed, dropping your bag onto the grass beside you and following his lead. you hadn’t expected him to turn into this “study guru” who somehow knew all the right ways to study. but maybe it worked. you couldn’t deny that it made you focus better.
“okay, so what are we even doing?” you asked, still unsure how you were supposed to study in the middle of a bustling campus.
heeseung smirked, pulling out a notebook. “well, i figured you could help me with my notes. i’m clearly struggling,” he said with mock sincerity, even though he knew you were the one who had been tutoring him.
you gave him a deadpan look. “struggling, huh? sure. if you say so.”
heeseung flipped the notebook open to a page full of notes and highlighted passages. “help me go over this. i need to make sure i don’t bomb the next quiz.”
as you went over the material with him, you couldn’t help but notice that he was more… attentive than usual. it wasn’t just that he was asking you to explain things. he was genuinely trying to understand. and for once, you weren’t frustrated with him. you found yourself getting lost in the work and even… enjoying the way he listened intently, his focus entirely on what you were saying.
but just as you were getting comfortable, your friend group walked by, and of course, they had to notice you and heeseung sitting together.
“oh, look at this,” yujin teased, clearly amused. “the two study buddies are actually… studying?”
“what are you doing here?” you groaned, trying to hide the slight flush creeping up your neck.
“we’re just passing by,” wonyoung said innocently, but the smirk on her face betrayed her true intentions. she was way too into the idea of you and heeseung spending time together.
“don’t act like you weren’t just checking on us,” heeseung added, eyes twinkling. “you know, we’re not that interesting.”
“oh, we know,” yujin said with a wink. “we just came to make sure you weren’t actually getting along. because we all know you two are at each other’s throats most of the time.”
you groaned, throwing your head back in exasperation. “please, not you guys too.”
wonyoung sat down beside you, throwing an arm around your shoulders. “sooo, tell me, how’s the heeseung tutoring going?” she grinned at you, clearly enjoying the chaos she was about to cause.
you shot her a glare. “heeseung is actually doing fine. for once.” you shot him a quick glance to make sure he wasn’t about to do something dumb.
heeseung, however, seemed unfazed. “yeah, i think i’m doing great. i’m just… naturally brilliant,” he said, giving you a mischievous look.
yujin laughed. “oh, right. naturally brilliant. that’s why you needed help in the first place.”
“you’re one to talk, yujin,” you shot back. “how’s your chemistry grade going, huh?”
wonyoung gave a dramatic gasp. “oh no, not the chemistry card,” she said, making a show of clutching her chest. “you didn’t just do that.”
heeseung grinned. “looks like i’m not the only one who’s got an ego problem.”
you rolled your eyes, but deep down, you couldn’t help but laugh along with them. there was something about being surrounded by your friends, even if they were shamelessly teasing you, that felt… nice.
it wasn’t long before the teasing died down, and your friends eventually decided to go grab some lunch. but before they left, wonyoung gave you a knowing smile. “we’ll leave you two alone. don’t do anything i wouldn’t do!”
“what?” you exclaimed, almost choking on your own laughter.
yujin threw a wink in your direction. “you know exactly what we mean.”
once they were gone, heeseung looked at you with an unreadable expression. “well, that was… something.”
you blinked, feeling the weight of the moment. it was the first time you felt like it was just the two of you—no teasing, no interruptions. just… him.
“yeah, it was,” you said, clearing your throat. “but, uh, we’re still studying. right?”
heeseung nodded, his usual smirk returning. “yeah, yeah. but… maybe later, we can have a proper study date.”
your heart skipped a beat at his words, and for the first time in forever, you didn’t feel the need to push him away. maybe—just maybe—you were starting to like this whole study partnership.
the next day, heeseung texted you a little earlier than usual. it wasn’t a huge surprise—he had developed a habit of doing that, whether it was to talk about studying or to joke around. but this time, the message was different.
heeseung: “hey, i was thinking about how much you need a study break. how about we grab lunch later?”
you: “seriously? i’m not a workaholic like you. i do know how to take breaks.”
heeseung: “i beg to differ. you’ve been glued to those books for hours. i can’t let that happen. lunch at 12?”
you stared at the message for a second. it was true that you’d been spending a little too much time with your nose buried in textbooks, but you hadn’t realized anyone was paying attention to it. you thought for a moment, then typed a response.
you: “fine. you win. lunch it is.”
at lunch, the campus was bustling with students, and as usual, heeseung had picked the most random spot to meet up: the food court. it was packed with people from different clubs and groups, but you didn’t mind it. somehow, even in the chaos, you felt like it was just the two of you. heeseung sat across from you, grinning from ear to ear.
“so, what’s on your mind today?” he asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.
you narrowed your eyes at him. “don’t act like you’re not just using this lunch break to drag me away from studying.”
he chuckled. “okay, okay. maybe i am. but it’s for your own good.”
before you could respond, your friends walked by—yujin, wonyoung, and hong eunchae, all heading toward the smoothie stand.
“oh, look at that,” yujin said loudly. “the lovebirds are having lunch.”
“yujin, shut up,” you groaned, sinking into your seat in embarrassment. “why do you guys always have to tease?”
“it’s fun,” wonyoung said, winking at you both. “you two are adorable. i’m just waiting for the day when you admit you like each other.”
you shot wonyoung a look. “it’s not like that,” you muttered, but even you could hear the slight hesitation in your voice.
heeseung, ever the tease, smirked. “oh? but wouldn’t it be interesting if it was like that?”
your friends took a seat at the table next to yours, but the teasing didn’t stop there. eunchae chimed in, grinning from ear to ear. “oh my god, it’s so obvious. look at the way you two look at each other.”
you groaned and hid your face in your hands, while heeseung, on the other hand, was clearly enjoying this attention.
“we’re literally just studying partners,” you insisted, trying to keep your voice steady.
“uh huh, sure,” wonyoung said, not believing you for a second. “you’re totally just ‘study buddies.’”
heeseung laughed, nudging you playfully. “what, do you think we’re some sort of study machine? we’ve got to eat sometime, you know.”
“that’s not what i’m saying,” you said, trying your best to ignore your blushing cheeks. “it’s not like we have feelings for each other.”
yujin shot you a teasing glance. “whatever you say, y/n. we’ll see about that.”
as the conversation continued, you tried to focus on your lunch, but you couldn’t help feeling a little flustered. your friends were relentless, and you couldn’t escape their teasing. at some point, heeseung nudged you again, this time a little more seriously.
“don’t let them get to you,” he said quietly, his voice soft.
you looked up at him in surprise. “what?”
“i can see how uncomfortable you are. don’t let them mess with your head. we’re just friends. study partners,” he emphasized the words with a wink, making you laugh.
“right,” you said, finally feeling a little better. maybe heeseung wasn’t just teasing. maybe, he actually understood how awkward this whole thing was.
just then, yujin raised her eyebrows. “wait, wait. friends? no, no, no. you two have definitely been spending a little too much time together for it to be just that.”
you sighed and rolled your eyes. “can you all just stop?”
eunchae, still grinning, leaned in a little too close. “oh, but y/n, we can’t. you two are like a soap opera waiting to happen. all this sexual tension is just begging for a plot twist.”
you almost choked on your food, while heeseung, to his credit, just grinned. “you know what they say, though. you can’t fight chemistry.”
“heeseung, shut up,” you said quickly, shaking your head.
the rest of the lunch went on with the teasing, but by the end of it, you couldn’t deny that you were starting to enjoy it. the teasing wasn’t as annoying as it used to be. if anything, it was starting to feel… normal. maybe you were beginning to feel more comfortable with heeseung than you thought.
as you all headed back to campus, you couldn’t shake off the idea of what your friends had said. maybe they were right. maybe there was something more going on between you and heeseung than just studying. but that thought left you with one burning question:
did he feel the same?
after lunch, you tried to shake off your friends’ words, but their teasing lingered in your mind longer than you wanted to admit.
you two are like a soap opera waiting to happen.
all this sexual tension is just begging for a plot twist.
they were just messing with you… right? there was nothing going on between you and heeseung. sure, he had become one of the people you spent the most time with lately, but that didn’t mean anything. it was just studying. and occasional banter. and… him noticing when you needed a break.
ugh. this was so annoying.
before you could spiral further, your phone buzzed with a text.
heeseung: “you free later? study session part 12938?”
you rolled your eyes but smiled.
you: “more like part 20. but yeah, sure.”
heeseung: “great. library, usual spot. i’ll bring snacks. you bring your brain.”
you: “you make it sound like i don’t have one.”
heeseung: “well, you keep denying your obvious crush on me, so i’m starting to wonder.”
you: “EXCUSE ME?”
heeseung: “relax, i’m kidding. unless…?”
you: “don’t even start.”
heeseung: “lmao, see you later, study buddy.”
you groaned, flopping onto your bed. why did he always have to tease you like that? and why did it get under your skin so much?
later that evening, you met heeseung at the library, as planned. as soon as you sat down, he slid a chocolate bar across the table toward you.
“peace offering,” he said with a smirk.
you eyed him suspiciously but unwrapped it anyway. “what are you apologizing for?”
“for making you flustered earlier,” he said casually, flipping open his notebook.
you nearly choked on your chocolate. “i was not flustered.”
he looked up, raising an eyebrow. “sure. whatever helps you sleep at night.”
you glared at him but decided to drop it. you were not giving him the satisfaction of seeing you react. instead, you focused on studying.
for the next hour, you two actually managed to get some work done—well, mostly.
“y/n, you’ve been staring at the same page for five minutes,” heeseung said, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
you blinked. “huh?”
“see? you’re totally distracted. are you thinking about something?” he teased, resting his chin on his hand.
“no,” you said quickly, flipping the page for dramatic effect. “just… taking in the information.”
he smirked. “taking in information or taking in me?”
“heeseung, i swear—”
before you could finish, a voice interrupted.
“oh? is this a date or a study session?”
you turned to see sunghoon and jake standing nearby, both of them looking way too amused.
“neither,” you said flatly. “why are you guys even here?”
“because watching you two is peak entertainment,” jake said, plopping down next to you. “heeseung told us you’d be here, so we figured we’d stop by.”
“of course he did,” you muttered, shooting a glare at heeseung, who only grinned in response.
“so, when’s the wedding?” sunghoon asked, completely serious.
“i hate all of you,” you said, covering your face with your hands.
heeseung chuckled. “c’mon, guys, don’t scare y/n off. they still have to help me pass this class.”
“ah, right,” jake said, nodding. “but after that, you’ll confess, yeah?”
you gaped at him. “why would you assume that?”
sunghoon smirked. “because it’s obvious.”
you groaned. “can we please just study?”
heeseung leaned closer, his voice low so only you could hear. “aw, do i make you nervous?”
you shot him a look. “you wish.”
but the truth was… maybe he did. just a little. and you weren’t sure what to do about that.
for the next few days, you did your best to ignore the way heeseung had somehow weaseled his way into your daily routine. between studying, running into him on campus, and your friends’ constant teasing, it was like the universe was forcing you to acknowledge… whatever this was.
but you weren’t giving in. absolutely not.
until one night, when everything changed.
you were sitting outside your dorm building, scrolling through your phone and attempting to unwind from a long day, when heeseung plopped down next to you, startling you.
“what the hell—”
“hey,” he said, completely unfazed by your reaction. “what are you doing out here alone?”
“thinking about how much better my life would be if you stopped showing up everywhere i go,” you deadpanned.
heeseung clutched his chest dramatically. “ouch. and here i was, about to offer you a ride to the late-night diner.”
you paused. “…there’s a late-night diner?”
he smirked. “yes. and i know you haven’t eaten because i know your study habits by now.”
you rolled your eyes. “so what, you’re my personal meal tracker now?”
he stood up, holding out a hand. “just shut up and come with me.”
against your better judgment, you took his hand.
the diner was small, dimly lit, and surprisingly cozy. the kind of place you could see yourself spending hours in without realizing it. heeseung led you to a booth and, without asking, ordered milkshakes for both of you.
“what if i didn’t want a milkshake?” you challenged.
“please, you love milkshakes,” he shot back.
you narrowed your eyes. “…how do you know that?”
he shrugged. “i pay attention.”
you hated the way your stomach flipped at that.
as the night went on, you found yourself forgetting about your usual arguments. talking with heeseung felt easy—annoying at times, but effortless. he told you stories about his childhood, his dumbest mistakes, and his dreams of doing something meaningful after graduation. you found yourself laughing more than you had in weeks.
and then, as you were finishing your milkshake, he looked at you and said, “y’know, i like this.”
“like what?”
“hanging out with you. without all the arguing.”
you blinked. “you like hanging out with me?”
heeseung scoffed. “wow, don’t look so surprised. i do have a heart.”
“questionable,” you muttered, though you felt your face heat up.
he grinned. “but seriously. this is nice.”
you hesitated before nodding. “…yeah. it is.”
there was a beat of silence. then, because you apparently hated peace, you blurted, “but you’re still annoying.”
heeseung laughed, shaking his head. “god, you’re impossible.”
but he didn’t let go of the straw he had been absentmindedly playing with. and neither did you.
you didn’t know what was more shocking: the fact that you willingly spent an entire night with heeseung without plotting his downfall, or the fact that you actually enjoyed it.
either way, you refused to dwell on it.
the next morning, you convinced yourself it was just the exhaustion talking. a momentary lapse in judgment. surely, once you saw him again, he’d go right back to being the most irritating person on campus.
except… he didn’t.
instead, you found yourself sitting next to him in class, sharing your notes like it was the most natural thing in the world. instead of snide remarks, he shot you small, amused glances when you got frustrated over an assignment. instead of ignoring each other in the library, he casually placed an extra coffee next to your laptop, muttering, “you looked half-dead, figured you needed this.”
and instead of feeling annoyed, you felt… something else. something dangerous.
“you’ve been real quiet lately,” jay commented as he sat across from you in the student lounge.
you blinked up at him. “what?”
“you and heeseung. where’s all the fighting? the dramatic, public arguments? i feel like i’m watching the downfall of an iconic rivalry.”
you scoffed. “don’t be ridiculous. we still argue.”
jay raised an eyebrow. “really? because from what i’ve seen, you guys are, like… flirting now.”
you nearly choked on your drink. “excuse me? flirting?”
“yeah. all the ‘oh my god, you’re so annoying’ and ‘ugh, i hate you’ shit?” jay smirked. “that’s flirting.”
“fuck off,” you muttered, kicking his shin under the table.
jay yelped, but his grin didn’t waver. “hey, i’m just saying—if you ever need a best man at the wedding, i’m available.”
“i’m going to kill you.”
“damn, first-degree murder? sounds like love to me.”
before you could launch a full-blown attack, your phone buzzed. you glanced at the screen. heeseung.
heeseung [1:07 PM]: library in 10? i found something that might help with your paper
you stared at the message a little too long.
jay leaned over, reading it before you could stop him. “oh my god.”
“shut up,” you snapped, standing up so fast your chair scraped against the floor.
jay watched you with an infuriatingly smug expression. “you’re so fucked.”
you flipped him off before walking away.
the library was quiet when you arrived, but you spotted heeseung immediately. he was leaning back in his chair, one hand flipping through a book, the other twirling a pen between his fingers.
you hesitated before walking over. “hey.”
he glanced up, smiling slightly. “you’re late.”
“by two minutes.”
“yeah. unacceptable.”
you rolled your eyes, plopping into the chair across from him. “you said you found something for my paper?”
he slid a book toward you. “this has a whole section on your topic. figured it might save you some time.”
you raised an eyebrow. “you’re being suspiciously helpful.”
“don’t get used to it,” he teased. “i like seeing you suffer, but i love proving that i’m smarter than you.”
“asshole,” you muttered, but there was no heat behind it.
heeseung just grinned.
and maybe jay was right. maybe you were so fucked.
if someone had told you six months ago that you’d willingly spend your free time with lee heeseung, you would’ve laughed in their face. maybe even fought them. but now? now you were waiting for him outside the library, scrolling mindlessly through your phone while he finished up an assignment.
this was getting out of hand.
you looked up to see heeseung walking toward you, backpack slung over one shoulder.
“took you long enough,” you muttered, shoving your phone into your pocket.
“relax, i was being productive,” he said, smirking. “you should try it sometime.”
“fuck you.”
“you wish.”
you scoffed, ignoring the way your stomach flipped at his words.
heeseung fell into step beside you as you both started heading toward the dining hall. this was becoming a weird habit—getting food together, studying together, exchanging notes without bickering. it was normal. and that was the problem.
you had no idea when the rivalry had started to feel less like a battle and more like an excuse to talk to him.
you shook the thought away.
“you’re spacing out,” heeseung said, nudging your shoulder.
you shot him a glare. “am not.”
“are too.”
“i hate you.”
heeseung grinned. “no, you don’t.”
before you could argue, a voice called out.
“ohhh, what’s this?”
you both turned to see sunghoon, jake, and jungwon standing a few feet away, watching with matching expressions of mischief.
jake gasped dramatically. “is this civil conversation i’m witnessing?”
“no way,” jungwon added. “they’re walking together without trying to kill each other.”
sunghoon grinned. “i knew all that tension wasn’t just hatred.”
you groaned, rubbing your temples. “you guys are so fucking annoying.”
heeseung just sighed. “let’s go before they start a conspiracy theory.”
but it was too late, jake had already pulled out his phone.
“this is groundbreaking,” he said, pretending to type. “i need to update the gc.”
you groaned. “jake, i swear to god—”
heeseung, on the other hand, didn’t seem phased. “you guys need a hobby.”
“this is our hobby,” jungwon said smugly.
“oh, absolutely,” sunghoon agreed. “we live for drama.”
you shot heeseung a look, but he just sighed and grabbed your wrist. “come on.”
you barely had time to process the sudden contact before he was tugging you away, leaving the three of them cackling behind you.
he didn’t let go until you reached the dining hall.
you cleared your throat, trying to ignore the way your skin still tingled where he’d touched you. “well. that was mortifying.”
“they’re insufferable,” heeseung muttered.
“and yet, they have a point.”
he glanced at you. “which is?”
you hesitated. were you really about to bring this up?
fuck it.
“this whole thing,” you said, gesturing vaguely between you two. “it’s not… normal.”
heeseung raised an eyebrow. “what, us not wanting to kill each other?”
“yes! i mean—no! i mean…” you exhaled sharply. “don’t you think it’s weird? one minute we’re at each other’s throats, and now we’re just—”
“friends?” he offered.
your stomach twisted. you didn’t like that word. not because it wasn’t true, but because it didn’t feel like the whole truth.
“sure,” you said weakly. “friends.”
heeseung studied you for a moment, something unreadable in his expression.
then he said, “well, that’s boring.”
you blinked. “what?”
“friends?” he repeated, tilting his head. “that’s so underwhelming.”
your heart stuttered. “what—what do you mean?”
heeseung smirked. “i mean, we could be so much more interesting than that.”
you stared at him. your brain was short-circuiting.
he took a step closer, and suddenly, the space between you felt way too small. “unless… you’re scared?”
your breath hitched. “scared?”
heeseung leaned in slightly, voice dropping. “of what this could be.”
your brain stalled.
“scared?” you echoed. “of what this could be?”
heeseung just looked at you, waiting.
you let out a breathless laugh. “oh, please. do you even hear yourself?”
“perfectly,” he said, still smirking.
“you’re joking.”
“am i?”
you crossed your arms. “yes. obviously.”
heeseung tilted his head, like he was considering something. “huh.”
“nothing. just… i didn’t think you’d be so dense.”
your jaw dropped. “excuse me?”
he shrugged. “i thought it was pretty obvious. i like you.”
your stomach flipped. your heart flipped. but your brain? your brain was malfunctioning.
you narrowed your eyes. “okay, very funny.”
“i’m not joking.”
“yes, you are.”
heeseung sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. “why would i joke about this?”
“because this is what we do!” you gestured between you. “we mess with each other, we push each other’s buttons—this is just another game to you.”
heeseung exhaled sharply. “jesus, you really don’t get it.”
you frowned. “what is there to get?”
he gave you a look. “the fact that i genuinely like you, dumbass.”
your breath caught in your throat.
heeseung shook his head, almost frustrated. “do you think i’d just say this for fun? you piss me off like no one else, but you’re also the only person i actually want to be around. figure that out.”
you stared at him.
heeseung liked you. like, for real. like, not as a joke.
and you… you had spent the past five minutes laughing in his face.
you were malfunctioning. actually, no—you were buffering. like a shitty internet connection that couldn’t load the page properly.
heeseung liked you. and instead of responding like a normal person, you had laughed in his face.
“heeseung,” you started, trying to find something to say. “i—”
“forget it.”
your stomach dropped. “wait, what?”
heeseung sighed, running a hand down his face. “look, if you don’t feel the same way, just say it. but don’t act like i’m joking just because you don’t want to deal with it.”
your throat went dry. “that’s not—”
“then what is it?”
he sounded tired. like he had finally run out of patience.
and it hit you, all at once.
you had spent so much time convincing yourself that this thing between you two was just rivalry—just banter and competition and winning—that you had completely ignored everything else.
how your heart always raced around him. how you always looked for him in a crowded room. how his approval meant way too much, how his insults stung just a little more, how he made you feel alive in a way no one else did.
you had been so sure that he was messing with you. because the alternative? the idea that he meant it? that was terrifying.
but now…
now you could see the way his shoulders were tense, like he was bracing himself. the way his hands were curled into fists, like he was trying to hold something in.
he wasn’t playing around.
he never was.
“heeseung,” you said, voice quieter now.
he didn’t say anything.
you took a step closer. “i’m sorry.”
his jaw tightened. “for what?”
“for acting like an idiot,” you admitted. “and for not realizing sooner.”
his eyes flicked up to yours, searching. “realizing what?”
you swallowed. “that i like you too.”
the words felt big. heavier than you expected. but at the same time, saying them felt like a weight lifting—like something settling into place.
heeseung blinked. his whole body went still.
then he exhaled a laugh, running a hand through his hair. “you are so fucking annoying.”
you rolled your eyes. “jesus, thank you, i was really hoping for that to be your first response—”
before you could finish, heeseung grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him, crashing his lips against yours.
it took you half a second to catch up, but once you did, you kissed him back just as fiercely, fingers tangling in his hoodie.
heeseung smiled against your lips. “took you long enough.”
you huffed. “shut up.”
he hummed, pulling back just enough to look at you. “make me.”
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AUTHORS NOTE: wait i lowkey hate this IM SORRY IF ITS BAD
© callikari -- all rights reserved
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skyrigel · 7 months ago
Rigel ☆ Immortal ∞ I crave delicate necks, haunted words, and crimson of life †
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[ In my dream I was eating your heart ]
Simon 'ghost' Riley Masterlist
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Serial killer!Simon x fem!reader [ 18+] violence, gore themes, sexual themes, possesive!ghost, blood.
Simon gets a call from sleepy!gf while he's at work.
Simon comes home to you, with bruised knuckles and a heavy smug grin.
Simon loves you but he has his own secrets, like the man in the basement.
Miserable! Simon Riley meets sweet! Missus
Clingy! Simon Riley wants your attention
Shy! Simon Riley meets pretty! missus.
Period rambling: Simon being best bf
Take a look at my gf trend with Simon [ 18+]
Simon who takes care of himself for you
Biker! Simon x wife!reader having riding lessons [ 18+ ]
Simon doesn't give a fuck but for you, he's a mother hen
Simon Riley and how I met your mother [ 18+]
Simon discovers Mrs.Riley's choking kink [18+]
Mrs. Riley is such a tease in her red dress, Simon teaches a lesson [ 18+ ]
Simon who can't say no to you
Simon being Sweetheart and Mrs. Riley being drunk in love( crack drabble <3 )
Brother's best friend! Simon x f! reader [ 18+] one para → pinked
Simon who doesn't want a relationship but for you he might try
Simon who says no attachment... until you're sick [ Suggestive themes so 18+ ??? ]
Grim Reaper! Simon Riley x f! Reader
Drabble 1: Simon wants attention
Drabble 2: Who's the clingy one ?
Stay with me [ 18+ ] [implied safeword uses ]
Sleeping beauty [ 18 + ] Somnophilia
Bet it does [ 18+] [ Overstimulation]
Period rambling again: soft! Simon
Simon who lives alone, reader who wouldn't leave him alone ://
Omega!reader makes a nest
Driving Simon crazy by saying his name[18+]
First kiss with Simon ft. Asshole ex
Shower sex with Simon[18+]
Simon who wants only you [ suggested themes ]
Sarcastic Simon x nurse!reader
Good night thought: best moment of his life
Giving Simon handjob [ 18+]
Simon who blushes
Oblivious! Simon and oblivious! Reader
Retired! Simon and neighbour! Reader
Non English! Reader and Simon (✿⁠)
Reversed trope: possessive reader
Simon with acne
Simon is not his father
Simon's mate crashes in ft. Soap [ghoap x u ]
Reader sending a text to Simon :)
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Back to Navi
If you like my work, please reblog my masterlist<3
© All rights reserved to @skyrigel, I do not grant any permissions to translate, copy or plagiarise my work on other sites. Please write your own.
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littlelamy · 6 months ago
the one where he wants you again
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s2!rafe x reader
rafe was pissed at himself. was he really that dumb to dump you so quickly? you were his bunny, his princess; if he asked you to jump, you would ask him how high. you were his. he didn't deserve you. but, God, he wanted you so badly. he needed you not only for your perfect body but because you did what others couldn't. he'd never tell himself that he loves you, but he does.
it was almost like an obsession. something about you that made him needy for you. something that made you a guilty pleasure for him. you are the only one who has ever made him think of a future. marriage, babies, anniversaries. all things that meant forever.
but rafe was scared. he was scared that one day you'll leave him. one day you'll listen to others and think his too crazy to be with. so he ended it before you could. now his sitting at this party after 10+ shots thinking of you while your smiling and giggling with a damn pogue right in front of his face.
you made it seem like you were okay but you were feeling just as sad as him. but you'd never say it. you want rafe to learn that there are consequences to actions. it took a lot for you not to jump into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck and kiss all over him, but rafe need a lesson. you are a gift, and he needs to treat you as such.
"y/n you there," pope says snapping his fingers in you face. "are you still thinking about rafe." yes. "if you want him so bad just tell him, maybe he'll change." no, you don't know rafe. you say to yourself.
"he's special to me, pope," you groan, annoyed at how bad you want him. "i can't just jump in his lap and play house with him. he hurt me, pope," you say feeling those familiar eyes watching you. "but, God, he looks so good," you complain looking at rafe out of the side of your eyes.
rafe couldn't take it anymore. he needed his bunny back. "pogue leave," rafe says sneaking up behind you and staring daggers at pope. "kook business so go," rafe rudely commands.
"rafe, stop being disrespectful," you turn around angrily. "his name is pope, and if you need to speak to me, you ask me nicely and take me aside. but you will not disrespect my friend." you say, turning back to pope, who is shocked. "i'm sorry, pope, I'll see you tomorrow at john b's party."
"it's fine, y/n, I'll see you tomorrow," pope says, still shaken up, walking away. you turn back around to an embarrassed rafe, as you gaze upon him his cockiness returns.
"so just because i dumped you doesn't mean, you come to this party looking like that," rafe gestures to your tight, short white dress looking like heaven on earth. "i told you that you can only wear that when you come to parties with me."
"um let me get this straight," you start. "you dumped me two days rafe, two days before my birthday, with some dumb excuse that ward didn't want you to be with me," you say, getting angry all over again. "then i see ward at the country club saying that he loved that rafe decide to date me because i make rafe a better person. so if i want to dress slutty, i can and you cant do any thing about it."
before you storm off, rafe gently grabs your arm, pulling you to his chest. rafe was not going to let you leave this time. "don't do it, bunny," rafe whispers in you ear. "i messed up, baby. and i miss you. please don't do this," rafe pleads with his cool minty breath blowing in your ear. "please, princess, please." he's doing it again the begging thing that you love. everything felt so intense.
you fed up with the neediness pull rafe in by his neck and give him a quick but passionate peck on the lips. "rafe, you have to promise me, that you will try to do better," you order him, caressing the back of his neck. "i love you but you can't keep pushing me away," you say looking into his blue eyes.
rafe needs you. rafe wants you and only you. rafe gently nods his head, leaning down to give you another peck on the lips, mumbling an 'i love you.'
"come on, baby, let's go back to tannyhill and take a bath," you say to a love-struck rafe. "then we can talk more tomorrow, okay?" you finish.
"yes, princess, whatever you want," rafe agrees, pulling your hand out of topper's house. even though he messed up, you can't possibly give up on him.
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blkkizzat · 1 year ago
please write nerd geto ! i’m sure you’ll write something amazinggg
Of course doll! Sorry this took a while I was sick most of December and January whooped my ass with classes starting again but I love love the idea of Nerd!Geto especially a Nerd!Geto with glasses so had to write a whole fic. Hope you like it :3 ♡
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Lessons in Anatomy
“Shall I give you a lesson, Y/N? Do you want me to teach you how to squirt?”
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summary: thanks to some bad choices and party girl ways you're on academic probation and can't afford to fail another test. fortunately your longtime friend nerd!geto is there to give you lessons in both economics and anatomy.
cw: college AU. fingering, squirting, dirty talk, edging, mentions of satosugu, rich party kid shit, incestuous friendships, mentions of reader x other jjk men, mentions of casual sex/hookups, mentions of drinking/drug use, reader is a dumb (and I mean dumb) bimbo, a little bit of a brat too, slight coercion, slight dubcon, virgin!suguru, soft dom!sugu, sex ed!sugu, roleplay as sugu is pre med major, some minor fluff, pet names: slut, bunny etc. a bit of a crack fic too haha. slightly black fem coded, no descriptors. a/n: LOL how this became an 8.2k fic about squirting idk chile... but special shout out to @littlemochabunni who talked me off a ledge when I was being emo and I wanted to scrap the entire thing and start over. w/c: 8.2k
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“I can’t believe I’m here and missing the biggest party of the year!”
You groaned as you scrolled through your stories to see all the pics and vids of your friends living their best drunken lives and happily binge drinking on frat row to celebrate your school’s football league championship win.
Toru just did unassisted keg stand pushups and you missed it! 
You, on the other hand, were stuck studying with Suguru in his dorm room. 
100% sober and being forced to learn 5 weeks of econ, that you never took a single note for, in one weekend. 
Well not forced exactly. 
You and Satoru had practically begged Suguru to help you study this weekend. If you failed this class you would flunk out as you were already on academic probation.
“Well I for one can’t believe you’re dumb enough to attempt to cheat off Toji and Sukuna of all people.” 
Suguru quipped back while pushing up his glasses. He snatched your phone away from you and placed it on the other side of his desk, away from you.
Not that he took offense to the remark, but he too had better things to do on a Friday night than tutoring you. Keggers definitely weren't his scene though and Suguru wouldn’t be caught dead at a party celebrating with those frat monkeys. Even if said monkeys included his childhood friends. 
However, as a pre-med student he’d much rather stay in to write his essay for the clinical research internship he was trying to get. 
“Hey! I didn’t cheat off them for the record! Toji and Sukuna said they had the hookup for the answers!”
You pouted grumbling as you tried to reach for your phone on the other side of the table only for Suguru to take it again. This time he slid it into his pockets, keeping it away from you for good.
“Urgh, it’s not my fault they got the test for ECON 230A and 230B mixed up. I didn’t even know there was a second section!”
Suguru had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at you again. The pilfered test definitely had ‘ECON 230B’ printed in big bold letters at the top. 
You all were idiots. 
Unfortunately for you, you were just a cheerleader idiot. 
The other idiots, Toji and Sukuna, dubbed the ‘The Boom Bros’, were the reason your team even won the championships in the first place. The best defensive backs your college or any college in your division have seen, ever. Not letting an opposing team score more than 10 points the entire season, there was no way in hell they were going down for that right before the championships.
That left you as the scapegoat, which was something Suguru noted that you happily took the fall for.  Although there is a very good possibility of you being a soon-to-be college dropout, your social clout was skyrocketing. 
Word spread among the popular social circles fast on how you ‘saved the big game’. 
Suguru couldn’t care less about football, though he was getting annoyed at all the texts, DMs and messages you received asking where you were. They were making you completely lose the little focus you were capable of, which is what made him confiscate your phone in the first place. 
Sighing, Suguru was pretty sure you would be competent enough to pass if you just applied yourself more to anything other than drinking and parties.
“Y/N, just try to focus on studying, please.”
You pouted, turning back to the textbook in front of you.
How did Suguru’s nerdy ass enjoy studying so much?
Studying, especially anything to do with math, gives you an ick. In fact, you were sure the only reason you graduated from high school and even got into this university was because you played 7-minutes-in-heaven with Choso at the start of senior year. 
It had been a secret double dare from Gojo but you sucked the soul out of that boy in Gojo’s closet that night. From then on, Choso pretty much did anything you wanted that year, including all your homework. Hell, he even wrote your college admissions essays and in turn you gave him some sloppy toppy here and there.
Choso was always eager to feel your soft lips on his cock, so you’re sure he could have thought of a better way for you to cheat so you didn't have to study at all and could be out partying right now. It’s just your bad luck that he was studying abroad this semester with his little brother Yuuji.
Although, even if you did flunk out you weren’t that worried. Worst case scenario if you couldn’t find a career or a husband you could always be one of Gojo’s three mistresses he said he would keep once he was older, married and had taken over his family’s company. 
He had pinky-pie-promised he would take care of you if you needed it and as one of your best friends you knew he was good for that promise. Even if he did make it while you both were partying, tripping balls off acid so hard that Satoru convinced himself your cunt could produce cotton candy. He chewed on your pussy for 2 hours straight one wild night on your group’s graduation trip where he then asked if you would be his future mistress.
But that didn’t necessarily mean you wanted that life for yourself. You liked your independence and Satoru would be alot to deal with, even with 2 other mistresses and a wife. 
Therefore, unless you wanted to resign yourself to that fate, you were stuck with Suguru as your tutor.
It’s not like you didn’t get along with Suguru, he’d been one of your closest friends since you were young along with Satoru. But as you got older your interests kind of drifted apart and you saw him less and less, especially as you got to college. 
You wanted to party and Suguru prioritized studying.
You had missed him. You wanted to have fun with him again.
And this was definitely not fun. 
Reading the same paragraph for the fifth time and retaining shit all of whatever the passage had said about ‘demand curve fluctuations’, you were ready to climb up the walls. 
You began to fidget, still in your cheer uniform from the game earlier. The material of your skirt rode up to your upper thighs when you splayed your knees out and leaned forward to lay your head on the desk face down with an exasperated yawn. 
Suguru shared in your exasperation but directed his towards you with another sigh, looking you over. His weariness at you from your inability to study causes his eyes to linger on your form longer than they should. 
Resting against his desk, your back had molded into a nice natural little arch as your tits pushed forward . Adjusting his glasses Suguru found it difficult to pull his eyes away once they landed on your thighs. Practically leering, Suguru is transfixed by the way the fabric bunched at your hips digs into your soft skin. 
He curses your university’s school colors as the next thing that caught his eye was the bright yellow cheer panties you wore that were tight enough to show the full shape of your cunt. Your panties are so skinforming that they don’t fail to give you camel toe. The indent of the slit between your fat pussy lips is on full display.
You’ve always been attractive, Suguru muses as he feels his pants slightly tighten. But it’s no mystery why you were such a slut now if these were the positions you found yourself in when alone with guys.
“Seeing something you like, Sugu baby?”
Suguru snaps his head up at your teasing to see you looking straight at him, your head still resting on his desk but has since turned to face him. The wink along with the lazy yet knowing smile forming on your cherry stained lips lets him know you know he was staring at your cunt. 
Caught red handed, Suguru rolls his eyes and scoffs as he returns back to the textbooks in front of him while you laugh. Dismissing your question entirely he changes the subject back to studying but can’t resist throwing in a little dig to take the heat off himself. 
“Y/N, can’t you just focus? You’ve barely made any progress… Or is it that you want to flunk out and be reduced to Toru’s mistress or something?”
Fuck, you forgot Suguru knew about that too. (Duh, of course he did. He was the sober one who found you both, taking care of you once your come downs had hit).
Not letting him get away with that shade, the brat in you clapped back as you returned his sarcasm back at him.
“Okay, well high school was one thing but do you want to go through college without getting any play too? Or are you satisfied just from peeking up a skirt?”
Annoyance flashes in Suguru’s eyes. He thought you had some audacity seeing as you were the one who was casually flaunting your pussy for him in the first place. Nevertheless, you continued, using Suguru as a punching bag for your current academic frustrations.
“Your pocket pussy and getting head from Toru behind the bleachers at prom doesn’t count by the way!”
Suguru pinched the bridge of his nose as his tolerance of the situation had officially bubbled over. He was tired of everyone thinking he was missing out on something just because he didn’t want to kill off brain cells partying every weekend or play STD Roulette with casual hookups. 
You bringing up prom was a low blow. It was the first time he’d ever had a drink and Toru had practically begged him. Satoru wanted to know if his head was just as good for guys as it was for girls (spoiler alert: it was).
Also, what you thought just because you fucked around alot it was actually any good?
“Yeah and getting railed by a bunch of banana brained monkey jocks, that counts Y/N? They wouldn’t know what to do with your clit even if it was an actual football.”
Suguru retorted and he watched as your eyes widened with shock then seethed with anger as you finally sat upright in the seat. 
Ding Ding! He had hit a nerve. 
“Oh and you would know what to do, cherry boy?”
Suguru knows he probably shouldn’t push it further. But like Satoru, you always knew what buttons to push to get under his skin. Suguru can’t help but to want to get under your skin as well, especially since he was never one of the ones getting under your clothes. 
“Well I can actually spell clitoris, so that already puts me at an advantage over those ball chasing monkeys. Have you ever even had a real orgasm before, Y/N?”
You started to speak but Suguru cut you off before you could.
“—and I mean one that didn’t come from tripping with Satoru or a toy? I bet you’ve never even squirted before.”
You resisted the urge to chew on your lip, not wanting him to know just how right he was but your immediate silence was telling. Racking your brain, you tried to find a way to get your lick back but found yourself at a loss. 
It was mostly true to be honest. 
A hot and heavy make-out session at a party would typically lead to mostly underwhelming sex and you would have to return to your dorm or wait for them to leave to finish yourself off with your rose or dildo… or both. 
Okay and sure, maybe the one and only time you did really have an intense body orgasm was the time you dropped acid with Satoru but… fuck –Wait…squirting?! Wasn’t that just pee? Gross! 
Satisfied with your small ammunition, after a pause you bit back again.
“Alright, so frat boys aren’t sex gods, tell me something I don’t know. It’s still sex Suguru—” 
You flipped your hair and crossed your legs arrogantly as you continued.
“— sex that you aren’t having, which, duh, is obvious if you think squirting is an actual thing. Because Eww nasty, I’m so not into piss-play, Sugu!”
You waited for his reply, assuring your win but Suguru just blinked at you, dumbfounded. 
The thought of you having won shatters when Suguru erupts into a fit of laughter. Hitting the table for emphasis Suguru was near howling as the glasses fell off his face and he had to clutch his sides for support, keeling over in his chair. 
Suguru couldn’t actually believe that you believed squirting was the same as urinating! 
On second thought, knowing you, this kind of checked out…
Watching Suguru in a fit of hysterics had your face burning with embarrassment as waves of self-consciousness came over you. 
To be honest, you weren’t even sure why you were feeling insecure as this was supposed to be your victory!  This was not the reaction you expected from him at all to say the least!
Just what made this so funny!? Because you didn’t want to piss yourself during sex?! 
“Hey, Suguru!!!”
Frustrated with him ignoring you and still laughing after failing to get his attention, you jumped up from your seat and marched directly in front of Suguru. Angrily you yanked his head up by his man bun. 
You were so ready to tell Suguru to go to hell for laughing at you. Even if you weren’t too sure exactly what he was laughing at you for, he was still being a jerk right now. 
However the words caught in your throat as soon as you saw his face.
Suguru’s wide grin easily illuminated the dimly lit dorm room. Tears gathered in the crinkle around his eyes and pulled into an expression of such warmth that you were reminded of all the fun times you had together goofing off over the years. You nearly forgot what it was like to see him laugh like this.
So nostalgic you almost forgot he was still laughing at your expense — almost.
“Don’t be an asshole Sugu…” 
Your voice was low, lacking any real bite as all your fire fizzled and was replaced by a pout.
Defeated, you let go of your stiff grip on his silky bun causing it to unravel and frame his face with thick black strands that flowed down past his shoulders. Although it wasn’t the first time you had seen Suguru with his hair down and no glasses, you couldn’t help but stare at him now. 
He had grown much more into his features since high school. 
College Suguru had sharper eyes, a slimmer face with a strong jawline and hair that flowed down to his chest. Not to mention his lanky boyish frame had filled out. The muscles underneath were prominent now even if he was wearing a baggy band tee and sweats. Suguru didn’t go to parties but from the looks of him he certainly didn’t miss going to the gym. 
He didn’t look much like the nerd you knew him to be right now at all.
Granted, you were still a bit salty with Suguru but didn’t want to fight with him anymore. Especially given the way his dark eyes sparkled as he gazed up at you, your heart nearly skipping a beat as if you were really only noticing him now for the first time. 
Sniffling, a cocktail of emotions swirls in you. Moisture pricks in the corners of your eyes despite yourself.
Suguru, who was also staring at you, took notice right away.
“Hey Bunny, I’m sorry...” 
You relaxed a bit hearing the old nickname he and Satoru gave to you back in middle school, you couldn’t remember the last time he called you that. 
Grabbing your hand in his much larger one, Suguru gave your palm a gentle rub with his thumb. His hand was surprisingly soft. 
Despite his sweet gesture, your brow twitched slightly at Suguru’s soft chuckles, still continuing albeit less frequently, at your expense.
“It’s just that… I dunno, I guess I would have expected you to have experienced it at least once before Y/N, it’s definitely not pee.” 
You huffed. You still weren’t convinced it wasn’t pee but now you were more curious than anything.
“And how do you know that Suguru? You’ve made a girl squirt before?” 
There was no sarcasm in your tone this time, just doubt since he would have told Toru and Toru definitely would have told you if Suguru was getting play from someone. 
Suguru to his credit wasn't discouraged though. 
If anything, he seemed to gain confidence on the matter now that you weren’t fighting him, rather looking to him for knowledge, for the first time tonight.
“Well, no, but I did get a 4.0 out of Anatomy last semester and unlike you I actually paid attention in Sex Ed. Also, just because I’m a virgin, doesn’t mean I’m completely clueless. There is a little thing called the internet, Y/N.”
You mouthed an ‘O’— a bit ashamed that you actually thought because he was a virgin who didn’t party he was merely just sitting around clueless to everything about sex.
But what could just reading textbooks and the internet teach him over actual experience? 
Then again, Suguru was practically a genius, if he was saying something was possible you could be sure it was. Still you couldn’t stop your mind racing as you considered his previous words.
You were the one with all the experience so you should have experienced it before, right? 
Maybe the guys you hooked up with weren’t the problem then? Maybe you were. 
“What if– w-what if I’m the problem Suguru? What if I just can’t?”
Tugging you closer, his fingers now interlacing with yours, Suguru’s other hand settled on your hip giving you a warm squeeze. You were so close to him now that his chin almost rested on your belly and Suguru was craning his head up to you with a small sly grin still on his face.
“It’s not a matter of can or can’t Bunny, you just don’t know how. Shall I give you a lesson, Y/N?” 
“Do you want me to teach you how to squirt?”
You felt a bit lightheaded as you considered the words that just came out of Suguru’s mouth. You weren’t shy at all when it came to matters of sex and you had the reputation to prove it. Yet your stomach still did a little flip at Suguru propositioning you. 
Sure you were a bit of a slut and had at least made out with almost every guy in your group of friends, but not Suguru. Not for lack of attraction though, you had teased Suguru in the past but he had always been the responsible one, like an older brother or protector. 
Besides, Satoru was always so needy for his attention. There weren’t often times you were with Suguru alone and he never seemed all too interested in sex either, at least when directly compared to a horn dog like Satoru. 
You didn’t actually know if he was serious though so you decided to make light of it, giggling.
“If you wanted me to pop your cherry Sugu, all ya had to do was ask.”
Suguru smiled back at you, he shook his head chuckling. 
“I’ll only need to use my fingers, Y/N. Besides, this is about you. What I really want is for you to not flunk out, I would miss you, ya know?” 
You try to keep a poker face but you couldn’t help feeling giddy at the fact you were extremely happy to hear Suguru would miss you. You had already missed him and combined with the inkling of new feelings stirring in your chest from seeing your old friend in a new light you feel adrenaline begin to pump through you as you brim with nervous energy. 
“Let’s think of this as a study break from Economics. You had to miss the party but we can still have some fun. You might even learn something for once, eh?”
His hand left your hip in order to push the books and papers on his desk aside and patted the wooden surface. The hand still intertwined with yours guided you over.
“Hop on up, Bunny. It’s time for your anatomy lesson.”
You look at the desk and pause as if you are unsure, biting your lip. 
Thoughts of finally hooking up with Suguru excited and the fact you were nervous whether you would disappoint him if you couldn’t actually squirt flood your mind at once. However when you meet Suguru’s eyes and feel gentle reassuring pressure on your hand your body is already moving towards the desk, making the decision for you.
Your heart is already thudding in your eardrums by the time you settle on top of Suguru’s study desk. Suguru immediately shifts into instructor mode, picking his glasses up off the floor and adjusting them back on his face. 
He directs you to lean back and relax and soon your shoulders are against the wall behind the desk as you are propped up on your elbows. 
You yelp as Suguru startles you by grabbing your hips with a firm squeeze and scooches you flush to his pelvis. Feet propped up to the edge as well all you needed were the stirrups and you could have been at the gyno's office, giggling now at the thought.
“Sugu, you can’t be serious. I feel like you’re about to give me a pap, not an orgasm.”
Suguru’s mouth twitches up into a smirk.
“There’s a reason they have you lie in this position, makes for easier access. If you’re going to squirt I’m going to need to find that slutty lil’ gland of yours and I don’t mean your clit, Bunny.” 
You huffed but you were otherwise agreeable. 
You couldn’t deny you were a slut especially not now with your legs spread open wide exposing your bright yellow cheer-panty clad cunt to Suguru. Laid out like this, the thin layer of spandex is stretched to its absolute limits causing your chubby pussy lips to poke out of the sides. This does not go unnoticed by Suguru who hadn’t taken his eyes off your lower half since you initially spread your legs. 
His Adam's apple bobbed heavily as he swallowed and breathed deeply at the sight of you.
Suguru can barely believe he’s really about to do this. 
If anything he is overconfident in his abilities, despite his lack of actual on-the-job experience so to speak. From all his studying as a pre-med student, books, health articles and yes even porn, Suguru could say he had an in-depth understanding of human anatomy and bodily functions. 
But that didn’t mean he didn’t need to calm himself enough to stop his balmy palms from sweating further at the reality of finally being allowed to actually touch you.
“I’ll be in your care then, Doctor Geto.”
You make a lighthearted joke with a nervous laugh to ease your own anticipation. However the joke has the opposite effect for Suguru and he snaps his head up as if you had activated something in him. 
Suguru’s fiery expression sends shivers down your back. Although as quickly as it appeared it was gone again, replaced by his trademark comforting grin. Even so your fingers pressed a bit deeper into the wood beneath you, steadying your frazzling nerves.
“Well aren’t you a lucky one then, being my first patient ever. You’ll be a good little pussy and listen to me, won't you?”
Suguru is looking down again, speaking directly to your cunt who is tingling in response to his voice. It’s fucking lewd. But then again so is the studious scrutiny of Suguru’s eyes so single-mindedly transfixed to your cunt you wonder if his leer alone could dissolve the cheer panties right off of you. 
You let go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding once Suguru finally starts touching you. 
But not your pussy just yet. 
His long thick fingers are surprisingly cool on your skin as they press into your warmth, ghosting just above your knee on both sides. 
Gentle strokes travel down along your inner thighs and up again to lightly tickle the backs of your legs. You tense and squirm beneath him when your eyes meet Suguru’s own.
“Patience, Bunny. It’s no wonder you never cum if you’re so used to diving right in. You need to relax first. This won’t happen if you aren’t relaxed, can you try to do that for me?”
You nodded back at him, yet the goosebumps left in the wake of Suguru’s soft caresses had you trembling. So used to rushed thrusts and hurried grasps, you don’t know how to just take it in the moment. 
You had never been touched this delicately before.
Already oversensitive, if anything you felt like the one who was the virgin in this situation.
If Suguru notices, he says nothing. His touches are progressively firmer, the light pets morphing into soft squeezes and circular strokes of the hand once he traverses closer to your core.
“You know Bunny, the inner thigh area is an erogenous zone? Can you say that, Y/N? Ero-gen-ous?
Suguru pronounces the word out for you as his heavy muscular hands make their way to the crease of your inner thighs, his hands once more perilously close to your pussy as he pauses looking up at you again expectantly.
“Say it, Y/N.”
Your cunt clenches at his command and it leaves you stuttering. Heat blossoms across your cheeks from how needy you sound choking out the word. 
Suguru rewards you by moving his hands again but to your dismay they pass your core to dig into your hips, his thumbs swirling over your hip bones. He leans his body in closer to you and you break eye contact to turn your head away lest you really start falling apart in his hands.
“Good girl. Ya know, you’re quite bright with the right motivation, Bunny.”
Puffs of moist heat glide over the tip of your ear as his lips are only millimeters away from your skin. His words stimulate a deep in your gut reaching all the way down to your toes, trying to resist how much he’s affecting you. 
Suguru chuckles at your bashfulness.
“Are you always this shy, Bunny? Or does that honor just belong to me?”
You whimpered. You aren’t sure how you got here. 
How was Suguru, a nerdy virgin, making you come undone like this? You didn’t know where the darkness that crept up on the edges of his eyes was coming from either, yet you squirm in anticipation despite yourself. 
You loved it. 
Always a know-it-all, so you would hate to admit it outloud, but Suguru was already making you feel more excitement than any frat boy you had been with. Lack of hands-on experience be damned. You’re losing it as his lips sensually flutter against your collarbone. 
“Y-you s-said only fingers, S-Sugu!”
Your voice lacks any real reprimand as you are arching up into his touches and quivering for more. Suguru obliges as he alternates between delicate nips and open mouth kisses sinfully marking you. Groaning into the crook of your neck Suguru savors the lingering taste of your perfume and the natural saltiness of your skin. 
Returning his attention back to your ear Suguru’s breath trails over your skin until your lobe is once again trapped between his moist lips. He lightly tugs it between his teeth before giving it a sharp bite.
The sting sends a jolt of electricity shooting straight into your cunt and a strangled noise escapes your lips. Your knees are starting to buckle but Suguru’s quick reflexes stopped your legs from clamping together all the way, bracing you. 
Taking your hands and leading them to the backs of your thighs, Suguru is making you steady yourself back into a spread position for him and gives you strict instructions not to move.
“Good girl… This should be more than obvious now Bunny, but there are erogenous zones all over your body that connect to the pleasure nerve endings here.”
Suguru’s voice is silky as his index finger tows long strokes over the slit of your clothed cunt and applies pressure on your clit for emphasis. Whines fumble out of you when Suguru switches from steady swipes to idle flicks with pads of his fingers and your legs twitch again once more.
“It's important to simulate multiple areas simultaneously and I only have two hands, don’t I? You don’t mind Y/N do you?”
You still can’t bear to look Suguru in the eyes, much less respond vocally so you just shake your head. 
“Feeling good, Bunny? Which do you like better, the strokes or the flicks?”
Your eyes squeeze shut from Suguru demonstrating both over your covered cunt. You try not to tear up but the amount of autonomy you had in this situation was new to you. Embarrassed and vulnerable you’re realizing that in spite of all your sexual experiences you still don’t feel comfortable expressing your needs.
“Hey, Y/N–”
Suguru clutches your face in his massive grip, squishing both your cheeks with a single hand and forcing your glassy eyes back on him. It was hard to focus on what he was saying anyway while you cooed from the feather-like circles he had been drawing on your clit.
“–you have to talk to me. This and sex in general, is just another form of communication. It won't work well and you definitely won’t squirt unless you can express to your partner what feels good and what doesn’t.”  
You are sure he can feel the heat gathering in your cheeks radiating off your skin.
“Stop t-teasing S-Sugu… I-I know you can tell it’s good.”
Suguru eases his hold on you, his smirk deepening at your complaint.
“Oh I can, tell Bunny. Believe me. Your pussy, she’s so sensitive no matter how much you try to hide it from me. But I still need to hear it from your mouth regardless.”
The hand playing with your cunt splays out and Suguru fully cups you in his hands. The pulsing of your clit vibrates against his palm even through your panties.
“If you’re going to be a slut Bunny, at least be a vocal one. Be a slut for your own pleasure...this fat n’pretty cunt of yours deserves it.” 
Suguru’s mouth is mere millimeters above yours, floating suspended both your lips are parted as you’re sharing the same air. The dizzying effect of breathing him in only intensifies with his words.
“Or perhaps you just get off on the idea of being free use?”
Suguru chuckles but doesn’t make you answer that question in favor of pulling back from you to inspect the large wet spot you soaked through your cheer panties from all of his taunting.
Pleased he gives your clothed pussy a smack, the moisture underneath the flimsy fabric evident in the soft squelchy sound that fills the room.
Smack, another moist sound echoes from your cunt.
“Oh, looks like she’s ready. This mouth down here is so much more talkative, Bunny.”
Hooking his fingers in the fabric Suguru peels your soaked cheer panties to the side, whistling at the thick strings of your essence that lingered between your cunt and your panties.
“So fucking wet, the prettiest most obedient lil’ pussy, aren’t you?”
A fleeting thought of sassing Suguru since yours is the first real pussy he has actually even seen up close dissipates as soon as your entrance flutters against his two thick fingers that rub over your uncovered opening. 
Involuntary bucking your hips, the burning urge to feel him inside you is all you care about now, pride be damned. 
You want him.
Suguru cuts your pleas short.
“Don’t interrupt Doctor Geto when he’s speaking with his favorite patient, Bunny… Your nasty lil’ cunt is really begging for her treatment, isn’t she?”
You pout at him, quieting down while Suguru rewards your submission by slipping into your folds once more, entering fully past your entrance and into your gummy walls. It’s only a single digit inside you but your pussy is hungrily sucking him in deeper, trying to devour his middle finger whole. 
Suguru murmurs intelligible obscenities from how warm and tight you are. He needs to find that spot. 
Your hands struggle to keep your legs from quaking when you feel his finger, longer, thicker and far more pointed than your own, bottom out before languidly dragging delicious pressure back through you, exploring your walls in search of–
“Found her.”
Your ass jerks up and nearly off the desk entirely when his finger roughly prods into the firm spongy spot within your cunt you didn’t even know existed until now. 
Your voice cracks and your vision blurs with tears that finally are cascading down your face smudging your mascara. Your reaction has you missing the wide-eyed look of amazement Suguru gives you utterly entranced by the way your entire body quivered from just a solid tap to the gland. 
Suguru had expected an intense reaction. He’d seen and read about how temporary control of muscles and spasms were common when abusing this spot in women. But the one thing textbooks, articles, nor porn could prepare him for was how fucking sexy you’d be while he was doing it. 
The ache in his pants has him groaning as he has to lean nearly his entire weight into you in order to get your lower half to settle back down on the desk. Pausing his movements inside of you, Suguru allows you to catch your breath.
Still the heavy pad of his finger is weighing down on you with enough force you still need to suck in your breaths, barely able to squeak out words.
“W-Wh-What is th-that S-Suguuu?!”
Suguru tells you not to worry about the actual name. It’s not very sexy, so you won’t remember it and it’s important that you do, so eventually he tells you to just call it the g-spot. 
You groan at the loss of pressure on your g-spot when Suguru removes himself from you entirely in order to bring the finger that had been inside you to his lips. Watching him savoring the essence of your sweet cunt on his tongue, you couldn’t take any longer, finding your voice. 
“Su-Surugu, N-Need–N-need more. P—please!”
Suguru obliges, slapping the fat of your ass teetering off the desk and lifts you as his knee slides under your hip. Leaning into you further, Suguru throws one of your shapely legs over his shoulder. 
“Oh, you found your voice Bunny? Then tell me what my patient wants. Where does Doctor Geto need to touch you?”
“M-my pussy– fuck– p-please Sugu, wanna feel good there. She’ll be so good for you!”
Suguru’s pleased smile is your only warning before two of his large fingers plunge-in and bottom out inside your cunt, knocking against your cervix. Your jaw completely slacks as you groan at the sudden intrusion, allowing Suguru the perfect invitation to your mouth. 
Wasting no time, Suguru crashes his lips into yours. The kiss is sloppy, hot and needy as any cries that attempted to leave you were drowned out in the wet cavern of Suguru’s mouth. 
Fuck, you’re greedy as hell. 
The kiss makes Suguru’s head spin and he loses himself in your sinful hunger as you wrap your arms around his neck and begin to dominate the kiss, sucking on his tongue. Soon Suguru finds himself groaning against your lips and slowly rocking his cock into the back of your thigh. Fuck, your body was too responsive, too eager for him to slut you out on his fingers. 
Suguru couldn’t lose sight of the goal though, you needed to squirt so he needed to take back control.
Catching you off guard, he bullies a third finger– his ring finger, into your cunt as well. Breathless you break the kiss, your eyes sinking back into your head as you meet the thrusts of his fingers with the roll of your hips.  
You aren’t able to control the way your body convulses as you writhe against Suguru. His massive body weighed over you as his hair fell in front of his face, hiding his crazed expression from you. 
Suguru is also panting as he vigorously pumps the appendages into you. In and out, swirling them Suguru’s fingers take special care to zigzag sweet torment over your g-spot. 
You’ve only felt the slight ghostings of this feeling before, nothing so pointed and focused on attacking this spot, while stretching your pussy so well in the process. You want– no need, to feel Suguru’s cock inside you next. 
You could tell he must be huge. Heat was radiating off his girthy bulge as it twitched up against your ass cheek even through Suguru’s joggers. The thought causes the hot iron coil in your stomach to tense to its breaking point, begging for release.
Suguru notices.
“A-Are you gonna squirt for me, Y/N?”
For the first time his own voice is ragged, set on keeping his promise to you.
“S-Sugu, I-I– I want to but I–” 
Your words catch in your throat as tears that are salty to the taste freely flow past your lips down your chin. You are unsure of what exactly to beg Suguru for even if you could do more than unintelligible babbles at the moment. 
It’s coming– you panic— this feeling!
“W-w-ait! Nooo, S–Su–Sugu… I’m g-gonna pee. S-stop, p-puhleaseee!
Your hands slip against Suguru’s shoulders as you try in vain to push him away. So fearful that Suguru was wrong and you may actually piss all over him and his desk. 
Suguru isn’t having it though, backhanding your clit with a harsh smack, his knuckle bullying into your bud. 
The slap was followed by two more in quick succession, his other hand never slowing inside of you. Disregarding your pleas Suguru ventures even deeper into your guts while pressing down on your lower belly.
“I told you it’s not pee, Bunny. You don’t listen very well, do you?”
Suguru hiss at you, the stress of holding himself back as you fall apart on his fingers was nearly too much, he needed you to lay back, be good for him and take it.
“I-I’m s-sowy, Dr. Geto but– I– wanna–.”
You sniffle back more tears, which has Suguru calming himself in order to soothe you again.
“Shh Bunny, it’s okay– now ask your doctor nicely for what you need. Go on.” 
At this point cuming, squirting, whatever Suguru you requires of you in order to release the feral sensations building within you is an essential need to live as much as taking your next breath.
“Doctor Geto, please let me cum! Sugu please! G-gonna s-squirt, gonna squirt s-so g-good for you!!”
“That’s right baby you will… Now squirt on me Bunny, make a pretty mess all over my fucking fingers.”
Timing a particularly hard jolt to your g-spot with simultaneous pressure from over your belly, has you tipping over the edge. Back arching you feel the gratifying release as you squirt hard, fluids spurting all over Suguru’s fingers and spilling down his forearms. The saccharine pleasure of it all is buzzing throughout every cell in your body as your eyes flutter back into your skull. 
Your entire body feels like an extension of your pussy, pulsing in tune with your cunt and you don’t realize you are even screaming until Suguru’s mouth is on top of yours once again. 
Suguru is tongue fucking your wails all the way back into the depths of your throat until they are mere raspy gurgles.
Riding out your orgasm you protest with choked cries as Suguru's hand abruptly leaves your cunt. Yet before you can process what’s happening you’re mewling loudly again once you feel his lips attacking your cunt. Sucking your clit between his lips, his own groans vibrate into your core making you all the more sensitive. 
Your hands fly to him again, tangling up in his long raven locks and trying to push his head away. 
Too much! You were far too sensitive right now for him to be lapping at your over stimmed cunt like a mad man.
Your slurs fall on deaf ears as Suguru continues, only pulling back briefly to shush you.
“Haven’t got it all out. This pretty pussy is so fucking nasty she can give a little more, can’t you baby? I know she can.”
Suguru is speaking to you but he sounds a million miles away, focused only on your cunt as he returns to suckling on your clit, his teeth scraping lightly. He knows your pussy will give him the answer he is looking for soon enough. 
The iron grip his arms have around your thighs holds you down allowing Suguru unimpeded access to dribble globs of his spit into your folds. His tongue flattens over your clit and his eyes smolder into yours before diving back into your pussy. 
So close to cumming yet again your thick thighs clench around him as you unintentionally smother his face deeper into your core. Suguru ignores any need to take breaths, your cunt being the only sustenance needed as he rams his tongue further into your convulsing hole. 
Shaking his head around sloppily, Suguru is goading your cunt into giving him more and more. His tongue is a mere worshiper in the temple between your thighs, begging your leaking pussy to give him the last morsels of your squirt. 
Not having the willpower to deny him, your pussy gushes out more onto his tongue and shamelessly he swallows all of it as you cum all over again.
By the time Suguru detaches himself from your cunt he looks almost as wrecked as you: hair is matting to the sides of his face, his glasses are clouded with slick and your juices are dripping down his chin. 
Although, now that Suguru has had a taste of you he is left craving more. Not letting a single drop of your juices go to waste Suguru is ferally slurping the drippings off your thighs and lowering his head to even zamboni the overflow of your essence off the desk beneath you. Ravenous with thirst for you Suguru is even using his mouth to squeeze out any droplets he could retrieve from your soaked cheer panties. 
You on the other hand could only heave as you gasped for breath. Your legs are still twitching in the after shock of your intense orgasm and squirt session. Dizzy and dazed you feel yourself fading out, unsure of how much time has passed or what Suguru was still doing between your legs until the familiar ring of your phone slowly guides you back into the present. 
Wiping his face with the back of his hand Suguru stands up and pulls your phone out of his pocket.
The phone is still ringing as he looks down at it and snickers. 
“It’s Toru, Y/N. Answer it.”
You give Suguru a frowny pout. You were barely conscious right now, you couldn't handle a drunkenly energetic Satoru. 
Seeing you making no attempts to move, Suguru answers it for you and Satoru’s voice overflows through the speakerphone.
“Y/N! Y/N! Where are ya at!? We need the beer pong queen to make her appearance, I need a partner! Nanamin is too good to beat without you!”
Suguru held the phone out to you but you could respond in labored puffs.
“Y/N is taking a study break, a bit tired after her lesson.”
“–Oh it's you Suguru!”
You end up tuning Satoru out as he’s begging Suguru to come to the party with you which you already knew wasn’t going to happen even if he didn’t just make you squirt all over him. 
Willing yourself to sit up, your body is  immediately revitalized when your eye is drawn to how bricked Suguru currently is in his dark gray sweats. 
Suguru arches his brow in amusement as you pull him forward by the band of his joggers. You hurriedly fumble to untie them, pushing them and his boxers down to reveal his hard cock. 
The sight of it nearly has you squeeing.
You practically have hearts in your eyes as you gawk at Suguru’s cock, it’s the prettiest you’ve ever seen. The way his girth swayed in front of you as pre marbles on the tip has you openly salivating. To say his length and thickness is above average, was a massive understatement. 
You can’t estimate a size but you know he is huge as you eye the a large vein on the underside of his cock that seemed to weigh him down even though fully erect. You squirmed at the thought of that vein scraping inside your pussy as Suguru pounded you.
You need to feel it. Now.
Nevertheless, it isn’t until Suguru snaps his fingers in front of your face did you realize Gojo was now addressing you again through the phone.
“Y/N! You there?! I failed with Sugu! He’s lame! But you’ll be here soon right???”
A sharp contrast to just 30 mins earlier but partying was the last thing on your mind now. You needed to get Satoru off the phone and Suguru’s cock inside you expeditiously. 
“Mhm-nh, Toru sorry, I–I really need to get a good grade. I need Sugu to tutor me a bit more. C-Can’t afford to flunk out!”
Although you had teased Suguru earlier about popping his cherry, you didn’t care if he was a virgin now. He had more than proved himself despite his lack of hands-on sexual experience. 
You weren’t really paying attention to Satoru any longer as Suguru motions for you to lay back again. Readily, you get in position returning your legs to a stirrup pose. 
Suguru rewards your obedience with his cock slapping against your clit.
You don’t care that Satoru is still on the line as Suguru is slipping his cock under your cheer panties, rubbing his fat tip along your folds. His cock sandwiched between your messy cunt and the soaked fabric has Suguru groaning at the crazy sensation, he could bust like this for sure.
“Huh? Oh.. OHHHHHH! Haha, I see, I see! Suguru’s lessons are the best, aren’t they Y/N?”
You’re openly moaning now. Barely registering Toru’s words as Suguru grunts, increasing the pace he’s bullying his cockhead across your clit.
“Y-yeah, the besssst-ahhh!” 
Satoru, feeling more than a bit left out, starts pouting over the phone.
“Hey, no fair playing with Bunny without me Sugu! Let me join ne–” 
Suguru abruptly cuts Satoru’s complaints short, hanging up on him while still rutting his tip over your pussy. His pre leaking out in globs and mixing with your own cum still dripping from you.
He wanted you all to himself, for now at least.
Satoru could fuck off.
“Gawwd Sugu–just fuck m–”
You abruptly stop as your face falls in realization when you feel his warm cum pour over your mound and into your cheer panties. 
Suguru is spilling so much of his thick load into you it's even coming out the sides of your cheer panties and running down into the crack of your ass. A few more jerks of his cock through your folds and he is quickly pulling back to tuck his softening length back into his sweats.
“N-no,no no no S-Sugu! Suguru! I-t’s okay you came fast but please— fuck me. I’ll even let you raw me and cum inside puhleaseeee Sugu– need to squirt again all over your cock!”
You don’t know the kind of willpower it takes Suguru to refuse you. 
Probably one of the hardest things he’s done in his life, especially as fresh tears trickle from your eyes and he knows you’d be crying just as adorably on his cock. You were too sexy, too perfect and he wanted to fuck you just as badly as he knew you wanted him to.
BUT– more importantly he wanted to enjoy you more than for a quick fuck and if he indulged you now, he couldn’t promise he wouldn’t be relentlessly tearing up your sweet slutty pussy all night. 
If you didn’t start studying for real you were definitely going to get kicked out of school and he can’t have that, especially not now after this. 
Masking his own lust with a stern instructor voice Suguru chastises you as he ties his hair back onto a bun and begins to give his glasses a proper cleaning before adjusting the books and papers on his desks around you back into their correct piles.
“Absolutely out of the question. Now be a good girl and pull up your panties, Y/N. We have a lot of ground to cover tonight.”
Sticky with Suguru’s cum, frustrated and still horny you groaned loudly but obeyed. You knew Suguru meant business. 
You hoped if you listened to him well enough you’d get what you wanted by the end of the night. It would suck for you to suffer through studying but it was the best motivation you had in literal years. 
Unfortunately for you, Suguru, focused on the bigger picture, had a larger goal in mind.
“Only smart sluts get dick, Bunny. You’d better get an A on that exam Monday if you really want this cock.”
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© ʙʟᴋᴋɪᴢᴢᴀᴛ 2024. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ.
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a/n: I would be willing to write a part 2 (some time in the future) of y/n popping Sugu cherry or even y/n getting double teamed by 'The Boom Bros' as a 'thank you' for taking the fall for them if there was interest. I'm kind of fond of this little college AU.
Reblog for an anatomy lesson from Nerd!Geto but likes and comments are also appreciated as always!
NEXT is back to my own ficcys! Upcoming: The Nursery - Yakuza!Toji x Y/N - teaser/taglist: ╰┈➤here. Delays cause I've been without my adhd meds and getting the first part of the fic beta'd for once but I FINALLY got them today and was able to finish this fic so hopefully I can get back on track! send me good vibes y'all!
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mysticxpizza · 10 months ago
Teach Me
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summary: imagine Art asking Patrick how to eat a woman out and Patrick happily complies - asking his girlfriend to help. 18+ no minors
warnings: oral (f receiving), elements of cuckolding (I mean look at the summary), art being a whimperer, masturbation (male), slight dry humping.
word count: 872
"You want me to what?", Patrick asks, wondering if his best friend was currently out of his mind.
"I want you to teach me how to eat someone out. Celia asked me last night and I completely blew it", Art explains.
"You're insane"
"Please, I'm desperate here"
Patrick looks Art up and down before smirking. "Fine, come over to my place at 9. You owe me big time"
Art knocks on the door wondering what the fuck he's doing. It was just like school when he asked Patrick how to jerk off but slightly more embarrassing. The door opens revealing …you. Patrick's girlfriend.
"What are you doing here?", Art says, walking through the door to face you.
"Patrick said he wanted me to teach you about eating a woman out."
"Wait, what?"
Art sees Patrick emerge out the bedroom door trying to stifle his laughter.
"I asked for your help, Patrick. I don't need a practical lesson." Art pleas
"Practice makes perfect." Patrick says. "You coming or what?"
You walk towards the bedroom, reaching the door before looking back at Art, smirking.
"Come on it'll be good for you".
You lie on the bed, Art standing at the door and Patrick sitting on a chair in the corner. Art walks over before hesitating.
"Patrick, she's your girlfriend. I can't -"
"Art. I don't mind sharing."
Patrick gestures towards you on the bed, knowingly nodding to Art. Art approaches, getting on top of you, kissing your neck with his open mouth before pulling your top over your head. His kisses move over the top of your boobs as you push up, gasping, leaving enough room for him to remove your bra.
He begins pinching at your nipples with your teeth, nibbling the skin, leaving you breathless. Art is so focused on you, that he forgets Patrick is there.
"Don't have too much fun, remember this is a lesson" Patrick speaks, knocking Art out of his daze. "Take her pants off and kiss down her stomach."
Art readily complies, pulling down your leggings and kissing the skin that slowly gets revealed.
"Fuck." you gasp, as Art moves closer to your pulsing heat.
"Kiss her over her panties, she likes that," Patrick instructs.
Art does just that, teasing you as you writhe on the bed.
"Please, Art, fuck" you beg, slowly pulling on his hair.
Art looks at Patrick for instruction as he begins to pinch your thighs, seeing Patrick rubbing himself over the top of his shorts leaning back in the chair with the same dazed look as you.
"Take her panties off"
Art pulls your thong off, looking at the glistening heat in front of him. He pulls your legs apart kissing slowly towards your clit.
"Please Art," you whine, looking over at Patrick, who by now is slowing tugging at his cock watching Art begin his feast.
"Tell him what you like baby." Patrick tells you.
"Art, kiss my clit", you tell him, pulling his head up to your clit, making him whine in the process.
He begins to kiss your clit, dragging his tongue, enjoying your taste and your sweetness. Patrick sees Art slowly move against the mattress, humping it to give his dick some relief as he tastes you.
Art slowly moves his tongue in and out of you as you keep pulling on his hair.
Your moaning gets louder as Art licks faster, nipping at your clit as his hands dig into your thighs. Patrick remains in the corner, indulging in the site before him seeing the pleasure that Art is giving you, watching Art's spare hand move up your torso and begin groping your tits.
"Use your fingers.", you tell him. "Look at my hand, Art"
He looks up, leaning into your thigh, watching your middle and ring finger in a 'come here' motion. He smiles before diving back in, adding his fingers, making you arch your back in pleasure.
"Oh my god, right there", you yelp, Art's fingers reaching that spot inside you, making you moan and mewl with raw abandon.
"Mmm, fuck", Art moans into you as he ruts against the mattress, desperate for release.
"Fuck, right there Art.", you moan, nearing closer to the edge.
You open your eyes, locking your gaze with Patrick who pumps his dick faster, watching your arch your back as your orgasm overcomes you. Art keeps moaning into you, as you cum, licking up all that you give him. His humping becomes more noticeable as he reaches his peak, cumming in his pants and whimpering into your thighs.
You both look over at Patrick, who's cum is covering his hands and thighs. You look down at Art, who lies on your stomach, heaving with heavy breaths.
"You didn't need much teaching, did you?" you ask Art, before collapsing back on the bed.
Patrick walks over, sitting on the bed, lifting your head onto his lap, and kissing your head.
"Was that good for you?" he asks you, looking at Art.
"Very much. I think we should keep him around."
You both stare at Art, smirking, imagining more sexual adventures between the three of you as you fall into slumber on Patrick's lap with Art's head on your stomach.
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gyusrose · 10 months ago
➵ how they would punish you during sex -> hyung line
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lost this request my bad!!! but here it is :)
✎ smut! (mdni)
⚠︎ spanking, degrading, denying orgasm, nicknames like good girl, baby etc. , hair pulling, cursing, blowjob.
summary: while it’s fun acting like a brat, regret swallows you whole soon.
( hyung line x fem.reader)
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heeseung -> this man would NOT let you cum for fucks sake. heeseung is very determined, even your glistening tears rolling down your cheeks, begging him to let you come would not change his mind.
he knew you did it on purpose, acting like a brat all day, even in front of his friends. he had to put you in your place. as soon as the both of you got home, he was already balls deep inside of you, knowing that’s what you wanted, what you didn’t know though is that he would pull his fingers away from your pussy as you were about to reach your climax, how he would retract his cock as soon as he saw you about to cum, this lasted for hours. it turned into to something you would usually enjoy to complete torture.
“please hee i need- please i need to cum.” you said desperately. barely being able to form a sentence.
“aw is my little baby frustrated? should’ve thought about that before acting the way you acted today huh?” he chuckled, he’s come many times so he doesn’t mind keeping you like this.
“please please i promise to be a good girl, please i just need to..”
“just because you apologized, cum baby, cum all over that cock.” you didn’t have to be told twice.
jongseong -> jay is normally a very passionate lover when it comes to sex, gentle and sweet, making it all about you. yet when you start acting up, he knows how to fix that.
he becomes a lot more aggressive, spanking you over and over as he fucked you from behind. leaving his hand marks tattooed on your throbbing red asscheek. pulling your hair making sure he could see you fucked out face. he would not allow you to touch him in any way shape or form. even when he switched positions, now fucking you in missionary, your hands would automatically got to his biceps and back, jay instantly smacked your hands away earning whining from you. you needed to touch him, and he sure as fuck knew that. his face cold and emotionless, a complete different person than he usually was.
“aw fuck!! a-ah” another slap on your ass echoed through the room, you know damn well you won’t be able to sit tommorow.
“that’s for flirting with that asshole, acting like a slut in front of me.”
“please baby, let me touch-“
“what did i fucking tell you? no touching, or do you not want to cum?” your fingers tangled through your head in frustration.
after though, jay knows you’ve learned your lesson, and his kind, gentle persona comes back, making sure to run you a hot bath and making you something to eat after.
sunghoon -> please sunghoon would be so cocky. after wearing the skirt he explicitly told you now to wear in front of the other guys, he knew you wanted to tease him. he could not handle the stares his friends would give you when you walked. they all wanted to fuck you. you knew that. having sunghoon and you leave early and pretty much throw you into bed, manhandling you like a rag doll.
this is what you wanted, right? wrong, completely wrong, this is not what you expected at all. sunghoon was thrusting painfully slow. taking his sweet time entering inch by inch. going in and out of your cunt slower than a snail, driving you insane. you had very little patience, sunghoon, on the other hand did.
you tried moving your hips, trying to fasten the pace, but sunghoon gripped them, stopping them. you groaned, begged even to the point of tears. wanting, no, needing more. sunghoon only laughed in amusement. he rarely saw you like this, so submissive.
“hoonie, i’m begging please, just move a little more, please please i can’t take it anymore!” you begged for maybe the 100th time.
“awe, since you asked so nicely baby, i’ll grant you that wish.” he said before he slammed into you full force, fucking deep into you, sending you into oblivion. you could see stars.
“promise you’ll never act like that ever again.” sunghoon said.
“no hoon, i’ll never do that again, ever!” you’ll probably do it again.
jaeyun -> he normally wouldn’t punish you but, jake still knew how to frustrate you and ruin sex for you. when he saw you laughing so closely with his friends while practically ignoring his existence, he couldn’t wait to get you home, gagging on his cock, gasping for air as he fucked your face.
and that’s exactly what he did.
it was a lost cause, you felt his tip at the back of your throat, making you gag, while jake would normally not push you all the way, he did today. not caring that you obviously couldn’t take him whole and just using your mouth as a hole he could fuck into. the lewd noises of your gagging and moist from all the saliva around his cock drive him insane. but that wasn’t it .
while sunghoon moved slowly, jake would not move at all. making you do all the work. at some point it was alright, but you started giving out later. jake knew how to hit the best spots, you couldn’t yourself. while riding him, your thighs were burning, not being able to keep up. you collapsed on jake’s body, more tired than ever. you had yet to cum but your body could physically not do it.
“is my babygirl already tired? “ jake said in a mocking tone.
“mhm please baby, help me.” you said breathing heavily in his ear. sending that you’ve reached your limit jake finally moved his hips into you. soon grabbing your waist as he thrusted deep inside you, sending you over the edge in just a couple of minutes.
“you’re only mine, got that? don’t ever ignore me again, it’ll be worse the next time.”
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checkeredflagggs · 1 month ago
The Story of Us: Chapter 3
pairing: logan sargeant x famous!fem!singer
summary: logan and you have been keeping a secret from everyone but it might be time for it to come out
a/n: while I do my best on most of my works to be race neutral, this one is very very very self indulgent 🤷🏻‍♀️
a/n2: this is part 3 of 4/5, which will be released when they’re finished and I’m using pretty much everything from Taylor Swift
a/n3: I still don’t understand instagram so - no one but those that follow you can see a private accounts comments (even on a public post). Also I still hate twitter so I’ve replaced it with Bluesky.
a/n4: Also timelines? Never heard of them. This is set in 2024 but I’ve moved Miami to before Australia
a/n5: I’m pretending that the race schedule is known more then a year in advance so…
Part 1 Part 2
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liked by charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, logansargeant, landonorris, and 12,284,124 others
y/n: loving the tour, missing the simple days
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user1: never seen someone so fucking pretty
↳user2: absolutely jaw dropping
user3: adding several things to my bucket list
↳user4: same!
↳user5: I just want to add her cloths to my closet
not_oscar: this is gonna cause so much trouble oh my god y/n
↳not_y/n: 😂🤭😂😉
↳not_oscar: i give it minutes before those losers start posting vaguely similar photos…
↳not_logan: no bet dude. It’s gonna happen
alexandrasaintmleux: Tu es aussi magnifique que les œuvres d'art sur les murs. You're just as stunning as the art on the walls.
↳charles_leclerc: Comme tu l'as dit, mon amour. As you said, my love.
↳user6: bringing in reinforcements??
↳user7: well at least it’s not cheating now I guess 😂😂
pierregasly: On ne devrait jamais avoir à porter ses propres sacs pour faire ses courses! One should never have to carry their own bags when shopping!
↳francisca.cgomes: Je t'ai bien appris. I’ve taught you well.
↳user8: oh boy the desperation…
georgerussell63: what’s your current read? I’ve been looking for some recommendations!
↳user9: How Not to Flirt with Someone Not your Girlfriend and Dumbassery 101
↳user10: 😂😂
alex_albon: do you offer horse riding lessons?
↳user11: don’t…don’t you own a horse???
↳user12: I think the drivers have passed from desperate into just being sad…
landonorris: visiting New York soon — any suggestions?
↳user13: getting a life maybe?
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liked by carmenmmundt, alex_albon, lilymhe, and 1,283,123 others
georgerussell63: Love those London days
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user14: …so this is blatant y/n bait right?
↳user15: absolutely!
↳user16: I think my favorite part of the season so far is how fucking stupid these drivers turn in the face of y/n…
↳user17: it has been funny to watch
oscarpiastri: why are you posting London photos? We’re in Japan?
↳georgerussell63: its call a photo dump Oscar
↳oscarpiastri: I think it’s actually called stupidity…
↳not_logan: 😂😂 please continue to call them out
↳not_oscar: well someone has to and it’s obviously not gonna be you…
↳not_y/n: not yet at least…
↳not_logan: the next part of your plan??
↳not_y/n: 🤭
↳not_oscar: you mean to tell me you actually have a plan for this madness?!???
user18: call him out Oscar!
↳user19: fighting for his best friend really…
user20: you can tell these aren’t recent because it’s still FUCK ASS cold in London right now
↳user21: oh my god I didn’t even notice that…🤣🤣
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liked by not_y/n, user, user, and 834,244 others
sargeantnation: not the weekend that Logan wanted but boy did he look good while he was there
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user22: made it further than his teammate did…
↳user23: barely
user24: you’ll get it next week Logan!
user25: did you see the look on vowles’ face??
↳user26: he definitely need acting lessons
↳user25: right? Like dude can you try and act like you actually like both of your drivers?
↳user26: I fear for Logan…it took so long for his contract renewal and vowles all but said he would have gone with someone else if they were an option…
↳user25: do not even speak that into existence!!!
user27: such a let down after last week…
↳user28: not everyone is max verstappen!
↳user27: going from a podium to last place though…
↳user26: and remember how lackluster vowles congratulations were for it??
↳user25: 😬😬😬 not. good.
Private Messages
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, user2 and 1,928,223 others
pierregasly: Missing those summer days and beach dates 🩷
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user29: hmmmm…not liking this
↳user30: the blatant attempt to shoot his shot at y/n completely overlooking his gorgeous girlfriend? liked by francisca.cgomes
↳user29: yeah that 😂
oscarpiastri: this is…not it
↳pierregasly: you’re supposed to be Norris’ problem — not mine
↳oscarpiastri: I’ll be everyone’s problem
↳user31: show them how it’s done Oscar!
charles_leclerc: enjoying that sunset? 🌅
↳pierregasly: enjoying the company more 🩷
↳user32: hopefully it’s Kika!
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux, iamrebeccad, and 11,124,135 others
y/n_gossip: Weeks into her tour, y/n has brought out multiple new outfits for her highly talked about Eras tour. Here’s a carousel of some our favorites!
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iamrebeccad: she could be a model…
↳carlossainz55: ¡Sabrías hermosa! You would know beautiful!
↳user33: girl go back to your actual boyfriend and leave y/n alone 😭😭
user34: is this a safe space? Can I say something?
↳user35: do it regardless
↳user34: I’m starting to believe user19…
↳user19: HAHA
↳user35: you summoned them
↳user34: brb putting on my clown hat 🤡
alexandrasaintmleux: Des couleurs si magnifiques ! Sur un magnifique modèle 💕 Such gorgeous colors! On a gorgeous model 💕
↳charles_leclerc: Presque aussi magnifique que toi. Almost as stunning as you.
↳user36: …👎🏻
user19: i have more proof for you people if that’s something that you need
↳user53: how??? Neither of them have posted anything even vaguely related to them being in a relationship
↳user19: after all this time you still doubt me??
↳user53: of course not but really?
↳user37: I’m gonna start my own crazy train — you guys are dating
↳user19: I’m gonna block you
↳user37: MORE PROOF
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, pierregasly, user, and 2,145,924 others
charles_leclerc: I’m laughing on the car ride home with you ♥️
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user38: oh so now we’re blatantly quoting y/n’s songs now?
↳user39: well she’s been ignoring her apparently many boyfriends 😂
alexandrasaintmleux: Toujours, mon amour Always, my love
↳user40: girl he’s trying to cheat on you
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↳user41: anyone else catch that?
↳user40: 😑😑😑
oscarpiastri: oh it’s so good you and Alex are taking time together
↳not_y/n: thank you for your service 🫡
↳not_oscar: I expect something for this
↳not_y/n: summer break with me and Logan?
↳not_oscar: sure
↳user42: thank you king for your continued service
alex_albon: going shirtless? For free?
↳charles_leclerc: anything for the fans
↳alex_albon: is that what we’re calling it nowadays?
↳logansargeant: 😂😂
user43: user19 can you give us more proof please
↳user19: I WOULD LOVE TO
↳user53: please stop screaming
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liked by not_y/n, georgerussell63, oscarpiastri, and 1,284,923 others
logansargeant: a full heart and a full living room
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user44: I need more photos of boyfriend Logan in my life
↳user48: I just need Logan as a boyfriend
not_y/n: 🥰🥰🥰 I love you so much Logan
↳not_logan: I love you too. More then I can ever say
oscarpiastri: thanks for the sleeping place
↳logansargeant: it’s always open for you
↳user19: ☝🏻☝🏻 LOVER CODED
alex_albon: when am I gonna get an introduction?
↳logansargeant: soon I promise — but she has a plan
↳alex_albon: can’t argue with that I guess 😂
↳logansargeant: oh I never argue with her…
↳user53: user19 they have a plan???
↳user19: well she’s a mastermind liked by logansargeant
↳user19: I TOLF YOJ
↳user19: Welcome to New York, Paris, London Boy, and Lover! All in one post!
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes, and 2,334,235 others
iamrebeccad: race dates and date dates 🩶
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carlossainz55: Chicas impresionantes! Stunning girls!
↳iamrebeccad: thank you my love
↳user50: 🤮
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user51: user12 was right…it didn’t take long at all for the wags to jump on the y/n train…
↳user12: ok but I am seeing a vision
↳user52: is the vision a Carlos-y/n-rebecca threesome? liked by carlossainz55, iamrebeccad
↳user12: yes it is
alexandrasaintmleux: lunch tomorrow?
↳iamrebeccad: sorry plans tomorrow! Day after?
↳alexandrasaintmleux: plans or plans 😂
↳iamrebeccad: plans
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, carlossainz55, and 18,234,023 others
y/n_gossip: y/n and y/n_nation has been posting videos and teasers of these vaults — thoughts?
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user54: music video?
user55: merchandise? It’s been awhile since they’ve dropped anything new!
maxverstappen1: new music?
↳user56: car boy I know you’re used to being fast but we don’t demand new music around here
↳user57: we’re gonna have put together a pamphlet on how to act aren’t we…
↳user58: not a bad idea actually…
not_oscar: why do you keep doing this y/n???
↳not_y/n: sorry not sorry 😂
↳not_lilyz: ohhh new music??
↳not_y/n: yes!
↳not_lilyz: oh my god i can’t wait!
↳not_y/n: I’ll send some voice notes for you my love 🩵
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liked by charles_leclerc, iamrebeccad, user and 1,192,469 others
alexandrasaintmleux: Voir l’art, c’est connaître l’amour. To see art is to know love.
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user59: stunning
↳user60: she really is
↳user61: can charles fight?
user12: user52 ok this or the other?
↳user52: definitely charles-y/n-alex liked by alexandrasaintmleux, charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc: Alors j'ai été béni tous les jours. Then I’ve been blessed everyday
↳user63: i am begging at this point…
↳user64: no I get it 🤤🤤
↳user63: what? Eww no. I’m begging them to realize they’re promoting cheating…
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, williamsracing, and 923,824 others
logansargeant: Not how I expected Australia to go but we preserve — let’s go Alex!
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alex_albon: thanks for the support!
↳logansargeant: of course!
oscarpiastri: mom said to plan on dinner at our place this weekend
↳logansargeant: yum!
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y/n: it’s time to open the vault — and release all the secrets. Tomorrow — 26 new tracks
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Private Messages
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Part 4
@anamiad00msday @suns3treading @daniskywalkersolo @awritingtree @justheretoreadthxxs @coral7161 @lost4lyrics @mastermindbaby
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ivyyisbored22 · 10 days ago
𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞—𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘹 (𝘧𝘦𝘮) 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
A Stray Kids drabble
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Synopsis: Look what wearing that little skirt got you to...
Warnings: SMUT🔞. Overstimulation, squirting, use of a vibrator, mean!Minho, pet names, slight choking(?), name calling (slut. But only once).
Minors do not interact!!!
Note: Just a quick random drabble that came to my mind when I was bored in class. No plot really, just smut lmfao.
If this isn't your thing, you're more than welcome to skip it. Reblogs, likes, comments and feedbacks are always appreciated.
ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴏꜰ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ɪᴛ ᴀ ᴍɪʟʟɪᴏɴ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ʙᴜᴛ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴘᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴡʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ.
Word count: 0.8k
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Lee Know has never questioned anything you do, especially your wardrobe. He lets you wear whatever you want because every time he says, “If anyone dares to look in your direction, I’ll make him regret his existence.” 
Which he has. 
But. Wearing that little skirt was a BIG mistake. Thinking that you could have him wrapped around your finger was another BIG mistake. And being stupid enough to show off that skirt as if you weren’t already owned by him—mind, body and soul—in front of his friends to make him a little jealous was the BIGGEST mistake of all.
Because now look at you, sitting with your back pressed flush against him, legs open, hands tied behind, his hand around your neck and your pussy being abused by your favourite vibrator.
Oh, and wearing nothing but that little skirt. 
“Minh— please—” you whined, trying to regain your lost voice while you were shaking, writhing, the intense buzzing of the vibrator only increasing by the second. 
But he didn’t care for your pleas or your cries. “If you’re gonna act like a bratty slut, I’ll treat you like one honeypie,” he cooed, the nickname falling out of his mouth teasingly.
He was mean and ruthless, letting the buzzing wand continue its assault while he stroked your swollen, tender clit with agonizing pressure that had you squealing. Your juices have soaked the sheets beneath you, he pulled one orgasm after another, without giving you time to breathe or process it, you even lost count of it. 
Your body trembled, pussy throbbing and thighs shaking against him as he kept you spread open, completely at his mercy.
A pleased hum rumbled against your ear, his breath warm as he pressed his lips to your flushed cheek. His fingers trailed up your belly, featherlight, teasing, setting every nerve on fire. “You wanted my attention so bad, and now you can’t even use your words?”
A strangled whimper left your lips, your wrists pulling helplessly against the restraints behind your back. His grip on your throat tightened just slightly, making your head spin. 
“You know, for someone who put on a whole show in this little skirt, you’re awfully quiet now,” he mused, his tone dripping with menace and pinched your peaking nipple. “Where’s that confidence, baby? Thought you could have me wrapped around your little finger?”
You shook your head rapidly, your back arching against him as another wave of pleasure hit you like a crashing tide. “I— I was wrong, Minho,” you gasped out, your voice wrecked.
Minho chuckled lowly, and the deep, indulgent sound made your toes curl. “Good girl. Have you learned your lesson?” he murmured, kissing the shell of your ear before biting down gently, making you shudder.
His hand skimmed down to your thigh after teasing your sensitive nipples, gripping it firmly as he finally—finally—turned the vibrator down just a fraction, letting you breathe. You sagged against him, your head falling back onto his shoulder, eyes fluttering.
But the reprieve was brief.
With a flick of his wrist, the vibrations surged back to full intensity, making you jolt in his grasp, a sharp cry leaving your lips.
“Ah, ah, not yet,” he tutted, his fingers tightening and digging onto your soft skin as he kept you locked against him.
Tears leaked out of your eyes as you squirmed, his fingers pressing against your puffy clit in tight, deliberate circles. The pressure was unbearable, the dual stimulation sending shockwaves through you.
The overwhelming sensation tipped you over the edge again and again, yet left you teetering just out of reach. He was so mean, so unbearably cruel, but you couldn't have it any other way.
“m’sens—sensitive, Minho please—”
You sobbed his name, barely able to form words anymore, completely undone in his hold. 
A new wave of release climbed up your spine and left you reeling, your back arched when the knot snapped, the vibrator left your sloppy hole and a gush of liquid spasmed out of you. 
You couldn't hold back the loud cathartic cry and Minho's grip softened completely as he watched you come hard and crumble against him, so utterly spent, it felt like you had nothing more left in your body.
You fell limp over Minho, chest heaving and feeling a pulse beat everywhere. 
“Oh, honeypie,” he cooed, his voice dripping with faux sympathy as he pressed a lingering kiss to the crown of your head, his fingers stroking your swollen, pulsing pussy and then untied your wrists. 
“All that attitude, and now look at you. My poor, dumb baby.”
His arms wrapped around you securely, pulling you flush against his chest. His fingers traced lazy circles along your spine, his touch suddenly turning gentle and soothing. 
You whimpered softly, too exhausted to form words, only able to nuzzle deeper into his warmth.
Minho smirked, feeling the damp trails of tears still clinging to your cheeks. With a sigh, he tilted your chin up, pressing sweet, featherlight kisses along your temple, brushing away the tear stains on your cheeks and ghosted over your lips.
Your lashes fluttered as he wiped away the remnants of your tears with his thumb, his gaze hooded but affectionate.
“Next time,” he murmured, his lips curving into a lazy grin, “think twice before trying to make me jealous, yeah?”
You barely managed a weak nod, too lost in the warmth of his embrace and the lingering buzz between your legs, your limbs tangled with his.
Minho only chuckled, holding you closer. “That’s my girl.”
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Enjoyed this drabble? Consider checking my masterlist for more. Requests? Check 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 (& 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜)
Thank you for reading!
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poohsources · 5 months ago
Troy Saga ❛  do what i say and you'll see them again.  ❜ ❛  what do you live for? what do you try for?  ❜ ❛  say no more, i know tat i'm ready.  ❜ ❛  the blood on your hands is something you won't lose.  ❜ ❛  is the price i pay endless pain?  ❜ ❛  something feels off here, i see fire but there's no smoke.  ❜ ❛  we should try to find a way no one ends up dead.  ❜ ❛  why should we take when we could give?  ❜ ❛  i see in your face, there's so much guilt inside your heart.  ❜ ❛  have you forgotten the lessons i taught you?  ❜
The Cyclops Saga ❛  it's almost too perfect, too god to be true.  ❜ ❛  what gives you the right to deal a pain so deep?  ❜ ❛  your life now is in my hand.  ❜ ❛  remember them, we're the ones who carry on.  ❜ ❛  what good would killing do when mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use?  ❜ ❛  i am your darkest moment.  ❜ ❛  i don't know where i went wrong but i warned ya', and you failed the test.  ❜ ❛  that's just like you, why should i be surprised?  ❜ ❛  unlike you, every time someone dies i'm left to deal with the strain.  ❜ ❛  i'll remind you i saw you as a friend but now we're done.  ❜
The Ocean Saga ❛  at this rate, we won't make it out alive.  ❜ ❛  please don't tell me you're about to do what i think you'll do.  ❜ ❛  yes, but how much longer til your luck runs out?  ❜ ❛  you rely on wit, and people die on it.  ❜ ❛  you're like the brother i could never do without.  ❜ ❛  and suddenly you doubt that i could figure this out?  ❜ ❛  keep your friends close and your enemies closer, never really know who you can trust.  ❜ ❛  'cause the end always justifies the means.  ❜ ❛  do you know who i am?  ❜ ❛  you are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great.  ❜
The Circe Saga ❛  whatever you need to say can wait some more.  ❜ ❛  there's no length i wouldn't go if it was you i had to save.  ❜ ❛  wouldn't you like a taste of the power?  ❜ ❛  don't thank me friend, you very well may die.  ❜ ❛  did you do something to them?  ❜ ❛  if you make one wrong move, then you're done for.  ❜ ❛  you and i are now evenly matched.  ❜ ❛  you've given me no reason to bestow you with my trust.  ❜ ❛  who's to say, with the mistakes i've made that they will be the last mistakes i ever make?  ❜ ❛  this is the price we pay to love.  ❜
The Underworld Saga ❛  all i hear are screams, every time i dare to close my eyes.  ❜ ❛  i no longer dream, only nigtmares of those who've died.  ❜ ❛  when does a man become a monster?  ❜ ❛  now you tell us our effort's are for nothing?  ❜ ❛  how has everything been turned against us?  ❜ ❛  do i need to change?  ❜ ❛  i'm the only one whose line i haven't crossed.  ❜ ❛  what if i'm the problem that's been hiding all along?  ❜ ❛  what if i've been far too kind to foes but a monster to ourselves?  ❜ ❛  if i became the monster and threw that guilt away would that make us stronger?  ❜
The Thunder Saga ❛  you wouldn't have spared me. i made a mistake like this, it almost cost my life.  ❜ ❛  i've got a secret i can no longer keep.  ❜ ❛  you know that we are the same.  ❜ ❛  we must do what it takes to survive.  ❜ ❛  tell me you did not know that would happen.  ❜ ❛  if you want all the power, you must carry all the blame.  ❜ ❛  how are we supposed to trust you now?  ❜ ❛  how much longer must i suffer now?  ❜ ❛  someone's gotta die today and you have got the final say.  ❜ ❛  please don't make me do this.  ❜
The Wisdom Saga ❛  you've made your worst mistake here.  ❜ ❛  this cruel world doesn't give out presents just for being good.  ❜ ❛  you're my friend, i couldn't ask for more.  ❜ ❛  did you know you talk in your sleep?  ❜ ❛  i'm what you want here, i'm what you need here.  ❜ ❛  you don't know what i've gone through.  ❜ ❛  i know your life's been hard, i'll stay inside your heart.  ❜ ❛  life would be so much worse if you had died.  ❜ ❛  you dare to defy me, to make me feel shame?  ❜ ❛  no one beats me, no one wins my game.  ❜
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piastri-fvx · 2 months ago
Her muse. Lando Norris.
Pairing: Lando Norris x artstudent!artist!reader, smau
Summary: When she's an art student and he's an F1 driver.
Word Count: 1,256+
Face claim: Sabrina Carpenter & girls/art from pinterest!!
Disclaimer/s: None, just a whole lot of fluff & lando being absolutely smitten <33
A/N: Watching Miss Americana as I'm writing this, it's so sad but sooooo good 😭🫶 let me know if you have requests or want to be on my permanent tag list <333
♡ Masterlist ♡
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liked by lando, pietra.pilao, flavy.barla f1gossip, user1 and 1.383.295 others
yourusername the artist vs. the art ✨
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pietra.pilao in love with everything you draw 🥰 liked by author
-> yourusername tsym, my love!! ❤️
user1 oh, what i would give to be able to draw like that
-> user2 real tbh, i can't even draw a star 😭
-> user3 i would constantly be drawing if i was her
-> user4 valid of her to choose to study art
-> user5 true
lando beautiful 😍 liked by author
-> maxfewtrell the drawing or your girlfriend? liked by author
-> lando both, duh 😙 liked by author
user6 it looks so real!! 😍
user7 drawing of lando next? liked by author
-> yourusername 🤭
flavy.barla can't wait to see you again!! liked by author
-> user11 I AM SAT.
user12 y/n, pookie, how do I sign up for your life?
user13 y/n, can i please be your friend 🙏
-> user14 she seems like she'd be such a fun and sweet friend 😭
-> user15 atp, i have a friend crush on her.
-> user16 real, i'd be content with just being her friend 😣
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, taylorswift, user1, maxfewtrell and 4.926.956 others
lando my girl drew this amazing portrait of me 🥰
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user1 obsessed 🥲
user2 how is she literally so talented 😭❤️
-> user3 i wonder the same thing, lmao
taylorswift desperately need her to draw me and give me some lessons on how to draw 😍 liked by author
-> yourusername AHHHHH i'm freaking out right now omg, hi!! I would LOVE both of those!!
-> user4 chat am i dreaming?
-> user6 in need of the drawing of tay tay asap!!
yourusername glad you like it, my love 🥰 liked by author
-> lando oh i adore it ❤️
-> lando not as much as i adore you though 😙
-> yourusername i love you, you muppet 🫶🧡
-> lando i love youuuuuu
-> mclaren @yourusername the orange heart 😍
-> user7 papaya 🤭
-> user8 mclaren is her biggest fan
-> user9 istg yeah
user10 okay but can we talk about the way she's literally so effortlessly beautiful?
user11 we need a y/n hair routine 🛐
-> user12 it's so shiny and prettyyyy 😭
user13 i wanna be friends with y/n and lanfo so baddd
-> user14 fr because they seem like they'd be so much fun to be around 😭❤️
-> user15 i want the bond they have 😣🫶
user16 i think i just turned bi
-> user17 that's the kind if effect lndo and y/n have on people 😭
user18 brb gonna go cry, I WANT HER SO BAD
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liked by user1, user2, user3, user4 and 58.838 others
f1gossip lando and his girlfriend y/n were spotted in Singapore earlier today ❤️
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user1 they're so 😍😍😍😍
-> user2 fr 😭
user3 the highway looking a lil too comfy rn...
-> user4 i feel you bro
-> user5 in need of a relationship like theirs 😣
user7 guys... THE. HAND. PLACEMENT.
-> user8 IT IS TO DIE FOR.
-> user9 I WANT HIMMMM
user10 i want a bf like lando so bad
-> user11 and i want a gf like y/n so bad
-> user14 I AM DECEASED
user16 there is no couple more attractive than them
-> user17 real, no one can convince me otherwise 🛐
-> user19 SO IS HISSSS
user21 is a relationship like this too much to ask??
-> user22 i want thisssss 😭
-> user26 I HOPE SHE IS OMG
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liked by taylorswift, lando, oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, maxfewtrell and 7.385.914 others
yourusername where's the trophy? he just comes running over to me ❤️🫶
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lando you're way better than any trophy i could ever ask for ❤️ liked by author
-> yourusername couldn't be happier to have witnessed your win, my loveee 🧡
-> user2 'my love' I'M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE
taylorswift 🫶🫶🫶 liked by author
-> user3 TAYLOR???
-> user4 OMGOMGOMG
-> yourusername @user5 soon 🤭
user10 face cards never decline 😍
user6 the way y/n was jumping up and down and cheering for him during the raceeee 😭
-> user7 she's the best wag fr 🫶
-> user8 landoy/n supremacyyyy
user9 he looks so genuiely happy oml
-> user10 his smileeeee 😭🫶
flavy.barla cutiessss ❤️❤️❤️ liked by author
-> yourusername THANK YOUUU, LOML!! 🥰
-> flavy.barla MY WIFEEEE 🤭❤️ liked by author
-> user11 estie bestie and lando norizz left the chat
-> user12 real, i love the way they're not even protesting
-> lando we're used to it by now
-> estebanocon yeah, we don't exist to them when they're together 👍
user13 they're both so lucky tbh
user14 well deserved win
-> user15 lando seems to always drive better when y/n's there 😭❤️
user16 the y/n paddock content we needed 😍
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liked by lando, yourusername, gracieabrams, oliviarodrigo, aryansimhadri and 7.082.483 others
taylorswift my lovely friend @yourusername drew me 🫶
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yourusername AHHHHHH!! TYSM, TAY TAY!! liked by author
user2 work of art 😍
lando my girlfriend everyone, back off 😙
-> yourusername muppet 🙄❤️
-> user3 tutorial on how to get a relationship like theirs please 🙏
user6 she's dating an F1 driver omg
-> user7 yeahhh, lando norris
-> user8 he's a mclaren driver, right?
-> user10 YESSSSS
user12 w drawing
user13 didn't know taylor had a friend who's that good at drawing 😍
-> user14 she's friends with everyone 😭🫶
-> user15 true though
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liked by lando, charles_leclerc, flavy.barla, lilymhe, pietra.pilao and 1.847.926 others
yourusername drawing & quality time>>>>
tagged: @lando
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lando my favorite time of the yearrrr liked by author
-> yourusername mine tooooo
-> user1 they're so pookie 😭
alexandrasaintmleux the drawing is adorable, y/n 🥰 liked by author
-> yourusername tyy, my loveee!!
-> user3 she should draw leo omg
-> user4 yess!!
user5 entering 2025 as a y/n and lando fan 😝
-> user6 fan and shipper 🥰
-> user7 realll, landoy/n 🛐
-> lando yes 😒
-> user9 prove it
user11 the dog is so cute dkdnfbkfkd 😣
-> user12 i want a dog like that
-> user13 the drawing is so realistic too 😭
-> user14 i love itttt
user15 i love lando (i'd rather date his girlfriend)
-> user16 she's drop dead gorgeous 😭
-> user17 i can't blame you 😣
A/N: HOPE U ENJOYED AHHHH!! Lmao, loved writing this sm <33
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hannie-dul-set · 4 months ago
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p — MYUNG JAEHYUN x fem! reader. g — humor, fluff, park sungho learns a lesson about minding his own business. w — swearing, death threats (as a form of flirting). 1.5k words.
requested by — @gluion “go kill yourself x “i’m pretty sure they have a crush on me”
note — part of my ship dynamics: insane edition gimmick. this is very the breakup soup coded. i just like writing about a bunch of idiots stressing about the dumpster fire love life of their friend. enjoy.
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myung jaehyun’s friends are pretty sure he’s had a very stable, very loving, very normal upbringing.
“stop staring at me, you fucking creep.”
“sorry, i didn’t mean to make your heart flutter. can’t help it when you’re so pretty.”
“i’ll stab your fucking eyes out.”
“my eyes are all yours, pretty.”
so they can’t wrap their head around why he’s acting like he has not a single ounce of self-respect in his body. sungho and leehan watch as their pitiful friend gets shut down again by the most venomous glare, hostile sneer, deflected by the biggest pair of heart eyes in the world that’s ever longingly following your disappearing figure out the library door. “she wants me so bad,” he concludes with a self-righteous smile as he arranges his notes into one neat stack. sungho and leehan share a look. god almighty, please grant their friend wisdom and salvation.
“what...what makes you say that?” sungho attempts to prod. the first step to finding a solution is to figure out the situation. they need to know why myung jaehyun is so down bad for you, and why he’s so convinced that you feel the same way.
“huh?” jaehyun perks up. like he’s genuinely confused sungho has to ask that. “she was so flustered earlier. couldn’t you tell? it was adorable.”
“she threatened to mutilate you…?” 
jaehyun beams. “she sure did.”
there...there is no point trying to understand him, sungho concludes. leehan is, for lack of a better word, getting mildly frustrated. “hyung, what the hell?” he raises. “if telling someone you want them dead is an indication of romantic feelings, then my middle school bullies must’ve been head over heels for me.”
a silence. a pause. “we’ll unpack that later,” sungho tells him. then shifts his attention back to problem child number one. “you. you’re a grown man who has full autonomy over his actions and feelings, and i know that. but as your friend, i just can’t keep watching you being disrespected, jaehyun. i can’t help but get angry on your behalf when you greet her good morning and alll she does is tell you to go fuck yourself!”
admittedly, sungho got a little bit heated at the end there. but he has every right to feel this emotion on behalf of his dense and seemingly unaffected friend— who is still sitting there, a smile on his face, hands on his lap like a patient buddha who has learned the true meaning of peace and serenity.
“sungho-yah,” jaehyun starts with a pleasant hum. “there’s no need to worry. the feeling is totally mutual. i’m telling you, she likes me back.”
in fact, sungho and leehan are beyond speechless. they have no idea where this ungrounded certainty comes from. they certainly have even less of an idea on how to fix his lovesickness, bordering on insanity.
so, reasonably— they call for backup.
“the only way for him to get his shit together is if he asks her out for real and finally gets rejected for good,” taesan declares confidently. somehow, they see a point. riwoo lets out an echo of agreement. woonhak asks why they’re all excluding jaehyun from this after school garage meeting. “do you guys know when he’s planning on doing that?”
“no idea,” leehan answers. “but maybe we can pressure him into it.”
“so, should we encourage him instead of telling him to give it up?” sungho raises. taesan affirms. sungho lets out a grunt and a huff. “god, that’s gonna be tough.”
a resounding voice of dissent arises from woonhak. “i don’t get why you’re all going against jaehyun-hyung!” he yells indignantly. “let hyung love whoever he wants! this is a free country! you guys can’t dictate his love!”
“he’s received fuck you’s straight in the face and swears she’s flirting, woonhak. you’re too young to understand.”
it’s four votes against one. woonhak can’t win against his hyung’s determination to save myung jaehyun from his self-dug pit of pitifulness that he’d been in ever since laying eyes on you at the freshman orientation. god, they never should’ve went. he never should’ve shot down jaehyun’s suggestion to just skip it. maybe then, myung jaehyun would still be normal.
but this is not the time to lament and regret. it’s time for sungho to right his wrongs. it’s time to bring jaehyun’s self-respect back, they decide. and it starts with a wake-up call in the form of your inevitable, brutal rejection. 
which, for some reason, does not happen as planned.
“we’re going on a date.” jaehyun is as chipper as ever and sungho’s ears are starting to ring. “thanks for the encouragement, sungho!”
it’s ringing. it’s ringing so badly. “wait, what do you mean you’re going on a date?” he attempts to clarify, grabbing jaehyun by the shoulders because this is two-parts concerning, one-part kind of…proud? this guy actually succeeded? “she said yes? she didn’t tell you to fuck off and die in a hole?”
“she did. she looked pretty while saying it.” jaehyun answers with a bright grin. nevermind. this is all parts concerning. sungho “she also told me she’d kill me if i pick her up late after her class tomorrow. we’re going to have dinner at the thai restaurant that just opened. riwoo recommended it.”
sungho does not understand. he cannot understand because you, who seems to hate all of myung jaehyun’s guts for no discernible reason, agreed to go on a date with him? hello? has jaehyun been right this whole time? do you really reciprocate his feelings? or is this just some new form of torture? is his friend a masochist? is he the weird one for making a big fucking deal out of this? is this how relationships work nowadays?
a thought enters sungho’s mind.
hold on a second—
“anyway, i gotta go, dude. a pretty girl is waiting for me.”
—what if this date is a ploy for you to finally get the chance to kill him?
oh my god.
“wait!” sungho’s face is pale. his eyes are wide and frantic. “don’t—don’t go on the date!”
“hm?” jaehyun bats his eyes at him, taking a moment to think. then sparkles in realization. “oh! don’t worry. i’m not gonna show up looking like this. i’m gonna head home first to change.”
“that’s not the problem! jaehyun! no! no!”
this is it, his friend is going to die. that is, unless, he shows up on your date just in time to stop it. yes. there’s still a chance. he knows where the date is happening. he’s gonna tell the rest of them because there’s no way in hell they’d allow myung jaehyun’s cause of death to read stupidity by misconstruing your murderous intent as affection. they are not only going to save jaehyun’s life— but his dignity as well.
“remember, be quiet. be inconspicuous. they can’t figure out we’re here.”
hopefully, things go as planned this time. all five of them are gathered in a booth at the said thai restaurant, the eventual scene of the crime unless they do something about it. sungho is surveying the scene to find where you and jaehyun are seated. leehan nearly trips over his unnecessarily long trench coat while trying to cover more ground. woonhak is using the menu as cover but has since gotten distracted and has started to pick out his order with riwoo and taesan. “hyung, is the khao soi good?”
“yeah, we should order it.”
“what drinks should we get?”
this is hopeless. this is a mess. their best friend is about to die and all they can think about is dinner.
no matter. sungho can still take care of this himself. his eyes scan the main restaurant wing, from left to right, until his eyes double over in a screeching halt to the back of a very familiar round head—
the back of a very familiar round head that doesn’t seem to be facing the threat of decapitation.
sungho sees you and jaehyun sitting across from one another, jaehyun’s fairly loud voice raising over the music and utensils clattering, people chatting and passing by. “you’ve got something on your face.”
“touch my face, and i’ll kill y— hey!”
first of all, sungho wants to claw his own eyes out seeing his friend being disgustingly sweet. second, jaehyun did touch your face with a napkin and it does not seem like you’re attempting to murder him. in fact, you look flustered even. flushed despite the harbored glare, still seated despite your apparent derision and disgust. the back of jaehyun’s head looks exceedingly happy. the dots aren’t connecting. sungho is malfunctioning. 
“should…should we interfere…?” leehan asks, his nose barely peeking out of the trench coat collar.
“i think...i think we should just leave them alone.”
“but isn’t his life in danger?”
“i misunderstood.”
forget misunderstanding. sungho can’t even behind to understand in the first place and has settled that he wouldn’t even try so long as myung jaehyun is happy— happy with being on the receiving end of fuck you’s and go to hell’s in response to his you’re so pretty’s and see you tomorrow’s, happy with getting his advances swatted away and shut down, happy with whatever the fuck is going on between you and him that sungho really can’t just wrap his head around.
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bsturnzmtts · 3 months ago
Red - Matt Sturniolo
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Re uploaded because my account bsturnzmtt got deactivated :( Please follow and let me know if you want to be in my tag list !
Paring: jealous bf! Matt x gf! Reader
Contains/warnings: explicit smut, rough sex, possessive behavior, oral (f receiving), overstimulation, jealousy, dirty talk, praise kink, light biting, unprotected sex, creampie, brief use of a safe word, almost caught.
Summary: Your boyfriend gets jealous about a small interaction you had with a guy at a party, so he takes you home and teaches you a lesson.
Tonight you and your boyfriend Matt are going to a friends party. His brothers Nick and Chris are also going. You are currently getting ready in Matt’s bathroom, while he’s laying in bed ready, waiting for you to finish. He’s wearing a white t-shirt with some design in the middle, baggy jeans, and of course his signature rings.
“Are you ready yet?” Matt asked.
“Almost” you shout through the bathroom door.
“Okayyy, but hurry up.” He replies.
You add some finishing touches to your makeup, finish straightening your hair and add a good amount of your favorite perfume. You are wearing a tight black mini dress, black heels with red bottoms, and your normal jewelry. You take a glance at the mirror checking if everything’s perfect and exit the bathroom.
“I’m ready!” You say.
His eyes widen as you exit the bathroom, his gaze devouring you from head to toe. "You look... stunning." He says, his gaze roaming over your curves in the tight dress, lingering on the way the fabric clings to your thighs. He walks over, standing close to you as he looks at you. "But maybe a little too stunning. Isn’t that dress a little too short?”
You roll your eyes and look down at the dress. “It’s fine Matt.”
He reaches down, moving one strap of the dress up a little, his fingers trailing along the exposed skin of your shoulder as he does so. "It's fine?" He repeats, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "No, it's not fine. I don't want all those guys at the party drooling over you.” He reaches out, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulls you closer to him. “I don't want any other guy looking at what's mine."
“Come on Maaaatt, it’s not even that revealing, and I really like this dress. I think it looks good on me.” You say.
His jaw clenches at your persistence, his grip on your waist tightening slightly. "You think it looks good on you?" He repeats, his voice low and husky. "You have no idea how good you look in that dress. And that's the problem. So-“ he was about to say something else but Nick interrupted him.
“Are you guys ready? We have to get going.” Nick shouts from the kitchen.
“Let’s just go, okay?” You say with a smile and give Matt a kiss on the cheek. “Yes! We’re ready.” You respond to nick.
Matt scowls at being interrupted, "Fine." He mumbles as he watches you grab your purse and head towards the door. "Hold up," he calls out, catching your wrist in a firm grip. "Not so fast. I want to make one thing clear."
“What?” You ask.
Matt's eyes narrow, his gaze intense as he looks at you. "You're mine. You're my girlfriend.” he says, his voice low and firm, his eyes locked onto yours. “You don't leave my side, you don't talk to any other guys, you don't even look at them for too long." His voice is low and authoritative, his grip on your wrist unyielding. “Got it?"
“Of course Matt” you say reassuring him and give another kiss but this time on his lips.
Matt's expression softens at your kiss, and he wraps his free arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss for a moment before slowly breaking it off. He lets out a sigh and smiles down at you. “Let’s go.”
You guys head downstairs where Chris and Nick are waiting. As you head downstairs, Matt stays close behind you, his hand resting on the small of your back. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, you see Chris and Nick standing by the door, chatting and laughing. Then Chris turns and says. “Finallyyyy.”
Matt holds the door open for you as you slide into the passenger seat of the car, then walks over to the driver's side and climbs in. His brothers riding on the back seat. He starts the engine and pulls out of the driveway, soon merging onto the road that leads towards the party.
After 10 minutes, Matt pulls up to a large house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. The front yard is packed with cars, and the sound of loud music can be heard from inside the house. Matt parks the car and turns off the engine. “We’re here”
“Yess!” Chris says excited.
"Come on, let's go," Matt says, opening the car door and stepping out. He offers you his hand to help you out of the vehicle. As you take his hand, he gives it a squeeze, a silent reminder of his possessiveness. "Stick close to me, okay?"
You nod and walk into the party.
As you walk into the party, the loud music and chatter envelop you. Matt stays close, his hand still wrapped around yours. You make your way through the crowded room, nodding and smiling at people you recognize. The smell of beer and sweat hangs in the air, and the bass thumps through the floor.
Matt looks down at you, his eyes shining with intensity. His grip on your hand tightens. "I mean it, Stay close," he growls. As he says it, he pulls you a little closer to him, just a small step.
You chuckle “Yesss Matt.”
Matt's face softens, and he gives you a small, flirtatious smile. "Good," he says, his voice low and husky. He leans in, his lips brushing against your ear. "I don't want anyone else getting too close to you."
You laugh a bit at his jealousy and lean in to give him a short kiss. “Let’s dance.”
Matt's eyes flash with desire at your kiss, and he growls low in his throat. He nods, a slight smirk on his face. "Yeah, let's dance." He pulls you onto the dance floor, the two of you moving to the beat as his strong arms wrap around you.
Matt holds you close, his thigh moving against yours as you dance. The heat between you two rises uncomfortably. And every time he pulls you close, pressing his lips against yours, you can't help but melt against him.
“I’m gonna go get a drink, okay?” You say to Matt.
Matt's eyes narrow, a flicker of possessiveness sparking in them. "Alright," he says, but there's an underlying tension in his voice. "but don't be long." He gives your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing you, watching you go with an eagle's gaze.
As you’re walking towards the bar a guy ‘accidentally’ bumps into you almost making you fall but he grabs you by the waist so you don’t fall. “I’m so sorry,” the guy says. “Uhm it’s fine don’t worry.” You say pulling his hands away.
Matt's eyes are glued to the guy who just touched you. He clenches his fists and starts making his way towards you with a menacing stride. "Is there a problem here?" he says, getting between you and the stranger.
“Matt, he accidentally bumped into me.” You explain.
Matt's gaze is still fixed on the guy, his eyes blazing with barely contained anger. "Accidentally?" he repeats, his voice low and dangerous. He takes another step forward, crowding the stranger. "You sure that's all it was?"
You grab Matt's arm trying to pull him away. “Matt-“
Matt's arm stiffens under your grip, but he doesn't budge. His eyes are still locked on the stranger, who's starting to look uncomfortable. "Let's go," Matt growls, he turns to look at you. "Now." His tone is low and commanding, brooking no argument.
“What? Where?” You ask confused.
Matt takes your hand, practically dragging you away from the bar. "Home," he says gruffly. "Now." His jaw is clenched, the anger and possessiveness simmering just below the surface.
“Why!? We literally just got here!” You exclaim.
Matt stops in his tracks, turning to face you with a fire in his eyes. "I don't like the way that guy was looking at you," he growls. "I don't like the way he touched you." He takes a step closer, invading your personal space.
“It was an accident.” You say.
Matt's expression turns incredulous, his nostrils flaring. "An accident? Are you kidding me? He takes another step forward, his large frame towering over you. “Why are you defending him? You like him? You liked the way he grabbed you by the waist? How he was looking at you?” his voice is low and intense.
“Wha- Matt, no!” You say.
Matt's face darkens, his eyes flashing with a mix of jealousy and anger. "Then why are you still standing here arguing with me?" He grabs your hand, his grip tight. "We're leaving. Now." His tone leaves no room for discussion, commanding you to obey his orders without question.
Matt starts walking towards the exit, practically dragging you behind him. His grip on your hand is tight and unyielding, a silent warning that he's not in the mood for any arguments. The jealousy and anger are still bubbling just beneath the surface, ready to explode at any moment.
As you stumble to keep up with Matt's long strides, he suddenly stops in front of the car, yanking open the door. "Get in," he growls, his voice still tight with anger.
“What about Chris and Nick?” You ask.
Matt's jaw tics as he grits his teeth. "They can fucking find their own way home," he snaps, his eyes blazing. He takes a step closer, his face inches from yours. "Now, get in the car, before I lose my patience completely."
You quietly get in the car.
Matt slams the door shut behind you, the sound echoing through the quiet night air. He takes a deep breath, his chest heaving, before stalking around to the driver's side and getting in.Matt starts the car, the engine purring to life. He grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white. For a few moments, he just sits there, staring straight ahead. Finally, he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I told you that dress is too fucking short, too revealing. But you decided to be a little slut and stay with it, hm?”
Matt cuts you off, his voice low and menacing. "No, you don't get to talk back to me right now. You're lucky I'm not pulling over and bending you over the seat." He takes a hard right turn onto a secluded road, the headlights casting eerie shadows on the trees.
Matt's eyes flicker to you, his gaze burning with intensity. "You think you're so innocent, don't you? But I know what you're doing. I know you're trying to drive me crazy, to make me jealous. Well, it's working."
“I’m not, I swear.” You say.
Matt scoffs, his grip on the wheel tightening. "You expect me to believe that? After everything that's happened tonight, you expect me to believe that you weren't trying to make me jealous?" He turns towards you, his eyes meeting yours. "Fucking try again, sweetheart."
Matt's face twists in anger, his voice rising. "You want to play games with me? Fine. Let's play. But you need to understand, I always win." His hand reaches out, his fingers brushing against your thigh, sending a shiver down your spine. After a few minutes you guys arrive home.
As soon as the car stops, Matt is out the door and pulling you along behind him. He practically drags you inside the house, slamming the door shut behind you both. Once inside, he spins you around to face him, his eyes wild with a mix of anger and desire.
“Matt I-
Matt's hand comes up, silencing you as he crashes his mouth onto yours in a brutal, possessive kiss. His tongue invades your mouth, claiming you as his, as his hands roam your body, grabbing, squeezing, marking you as his. Matt's kisses become more frantic, his hands tearing at your clothes, desperate to have you bare before him. Once your clothes are off, he scoops you up, carrying you upstairs to his bedroom and tossing you onto the bed.
Matt climbs onto the bed, crawling over to you, his eyes full of hunger. He hungrily kisses down your body, pausing at your breasts to give each nipple a hard suck, before continuing downwards to the apex of your thighs.
“Mmh” you whine.
Matt grins up at you, his eyes dark with lust as he spreads your legs wider, his fingers running along your inner thighs, teasing, toying with you before finally, he dips his head and licks at your pussy, his tongue delving deep, fucking you with it as he devours you.
“Mmhp fuck Matt” you moan at the sudden pleasure.
Matt growls in response, the sound vibrating against your sensitive flesh as his tongue continues its relentless assault on your clit, his fingers curling inside you, stroking your inner walls, coaxing your release. "You like that, baby? You like me eating you out, making you cum on my face?"
You nod pathetically. “Mhm feels so good.” You moan.
"Fuck, you're such a dirty little slut for me," Matt growls, increasing the pace of his tongue and fingers, his mouth slurping loudly at your pussy as he fucks you harder.
“Matt I’m so close” you moan arching your back.
"Cum for me, baby," Matt urges, sucking hard on your clit while he rubs his fingers over that sensitive spot inside you, pushing you over the edge, "Fuck, that's it, cum all over my face."
You let out a loud moan as you cum hard.
Matt laps up your release greedily, his tongue swirling around your clit, prolonging your pleasure. As you come down from your high, he pulls back, his chin dripping with your arousal, and grins up at you with a possessive, satisfied look. "You taste so fucking good, baby.”
"I'm not close to done yet, baby," Matt says, climbing up your body. He takes your lips in a deep, passionate kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
You quickly melt into the kiss letting out a moan.
Matt's hands roam your body, caressing your curves as he deepens the kiss, his hardness pressing against your thigh. He breaks away, panting, and gazes into your eyes, his own burning with desire. "I need to be inside you, baby. Now."
“Mh please Matt.” You whine.
Matt positions himself between your legs, his thick cock bobbing as he lines up with your entrance. With a powerful thrust, he buries himself to the hilt inside you, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he starts to move, pounding into you with ruthless intensity.
“Fuck! Matt” you moan in pleasure and pain at him stretching you out, not letting you adjust.
"You feel that, baby? You feel how deep I am in you?" Matt pants, his hips snapping forward relentlessly, each thrust pushing you up the bed. He grips your hips hard, angling them to take him even deeper, causing your belly an outline of his dick.
Matt's breath hitches as he watches you, his eyes blazing with a fierce, possessive hunger. He leans down, capturing your lips in another bruising kiss, swallowing your moans as he pistons into you, each stroke hitting that spot inside that makes your vision blur. His hands go down to your stomach bulge pressing on it.
“Mmh Matt” you moan.
"That's right baby, take all of me. Fuck, you're so tight and wet," Matt groans, feeling the rhythm building between you.
“Matt I’m gonna cum” you whine.
"Cum for me, baby, cum all over my cock," Matt commands, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he chases his own release. He pinches your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub in time with his thrusts, pushing you towards the edge.
“Mmhp fuck” you moan as you cum.
Matt's cock throbs as he feels your pussy clench around him, milking him for every drop. With a guttural grunt, he buries himself deep and erupts, painting your insides with his hot seed.
You lay there with your legs already weak, trying to catch your breath.
“Fuck, you liked that?” Matt says, pulling out from you.
You nod slowly.
Matt smiles, a satisfied smirk spreading across his face as he collapses beside you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. "Good," he whispers, his breathing still ragged. "Because I'm not done with you yet."
“What?” You ask.
Matt's eyes glint with mischief as he starts to nibble on your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "I said, I'm not done with you yet," he repeats, his voice low and husky. "We're just getting started."
Matt starts to explore your body with his hands, cupping your breasts and tweaking your nipples. He then trails his fingers down your stomach, making you gasp as he gently grazes over your still sensitive mound before delving between your legs again.
“Mhh Matt” you whine as you feel your pussy getting wet again.
"Good girl," Matt praises, his fingers teasingly dancing around your pussy lips before plunging in deep, fucking you with them. "You're so fucking wet for me. You want more, don't you?"
You moan as you lean your head back. “Mhm” you nod.
"That's what I thought," Matt says, his fingers curling inside you, hitting that spot that makes your toes curl. He adds a third finger, stretching you open as he pumps them in and out at a relentless pace.
“Ahh fuck”
"You like that?" Matt grins, leaning down to suck on your nipples, his fingers still driving into you relentlessly. "You're so fucking sexy when you lose control like this."
“Matt, I'm so close, I’m gonna cum” you moan.
Matt feels your pussy clenching around his fingers as you get closer to the edge. He sucks harder on your nipples, fucking you faster and deeper until you finally cry out, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave. "That's it, baby,"
With tears of pleasure running down your cheek you moan loudly as you cum.
Matt watches your face as you cum, feeling incredibly satisfied seeing the pleasure he's giving you. He slows down his fingers, gently milking the last of your orgasm from your sensitive pussy. "Fuck, that was hot,"
Matt grins, withdrawing his fingers and bringing them up to his mouth, sucking your juices off them. "You taste as good as you look, baby," he growls. “I want more.” He leans down, his head in between your thighs.
Matt's tongue snakes out, licking your pussy from top to bottom, sending shivers down your spine. He focuses on your clit, sucking and licking it until you're moaning again, your body trembling with pleasure.
“Mhh Matt too much” you whine.
Matt ignores your protests and continues his relentless assault on your clit, his tongue flicking and swirling around it as he devours your pussy like a man starved. He knows just the right spots to touch, suck, and lick to drive you wild.
“Maaatt” you moan in overstimulation as you try to push his head away.
Matt doesn't stop, he continues to lick and suck your clit. He teases your entrance with his fingers, dipping them in slightly before pulling back out. He wants to push you over the edge again and make you cum even harder this time.
“Fuck Matt Mmhp” you moan in pain and pleasure arching your back.
Matt grins against your pussy, his tongue doing its magic as it swirls around your throbbing clit. His fingers finally enter you, plunging deep into your wet and aching sex, thrusting in and out in sync with his tongue on your clit.
“Matt I-“ you moan loudly as you squirt on his fingers, feeling a kind of pleasure you’ve never felt before.
"Fuck yes, squirt for me baby," Matt growls, his fingers pumping harder as you gush around him, your juices coating his hand. He sucks your clit harder, his tongue lashing against it as he drinks down every drop of your release.
“Mmhp Matt stop” you cry feeling overstimulated.
Matt doesn't stop right away, he pulls back slowly, easing you down from your high before completely pulling his fingers out of your dripping wet pussy. He licks his fingers clean, his gaze never leaving yours as he smirks. “I want you to squirt on my dick”
With tears still running down your cheeks you say “Matt I- I can’t”
"Can't or won't?" Matt challenges, his voice low and intense. He rises up, towering over you, his dominant presence filling the room. "You're going to squirt on my dick, and you're going to do it like a good girl for me,"
Matt's eyes flash with desire as he takes in your half-hearted protest. He grabs your hips, pulling you towards him as he positions himself at your entrance. "You're going to take my cock, and you're going to love every second of it," he growls, his tip teasing your still-sensitive pussy.
“Mmmmh Maaatt”
Matt slams into you with a powerful thrust, burying his thick cock deep inside your tight heat. He sets a punishing pace, driving into you over and over, his heavy balls slapping against your ass with each stroke.
Your vision blurs and you moan in overstimulation.
"That's right, moan for me," Matt growls, his grip on your hips tightening as he pounds into you. He leans down, his hot breath fanning over your ear as he whispers, "You're mine, and I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight."
“Ma- Matt mmhfp t-too much” you whine.
Matt ignores your whimpers, continuing to pound into you with reckless abandon. He reaches between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and pinching it hard, sending jolts of pleasure-pain through your oversensitized body. "You're mine, and I'll use you however I want,"
Your back arches and tears run down your face. “Ahh mmph”
Matt's eyes gleam with triumph as he feels your body begins to surrender to his unrelenting assault. He fucks you harder, faster, his cock brutalizing your pussy as he drives you towards the edge of a violent orgasm. "Yes, cum for me, baby,"
“Ma- Matt I’m going to c- cum” you moan.
Matt's face twists into a feral snarl as he feels your body tense up, your pussy muscles contracting around his cock as you reach the precipice. "Do it," he growls, his hips pounding into you with increased ferocity. "Come all over my cock, baby."
One last thrust and you squirt hard all over his dick, your body trembling.
Matt roars with triumph as he feels your pussy spasm around him, your juices gushing out in a hot, sticky torrent. He buries himself to the hilt, grinding against your cervix as he unleashes his own release, his cock throbbing and pulsing as he fills you with his seed.
Your legs still trembling from the pleasure.
Matt grins triumphantly, withdrawing his cock from your well-used pussy with a wet, squelching sound. He reaches down, kissing you. “One more. You can give me one more, yeah?”
Matt's eyes gleam with amusement at your speechless response, his fingers tracing the curve of your jaw as he tilts your face up to his. "Oh, you can't even talk? That's how I know I did it right," he whispers, his voice husky with satisfaction.
Matt's gaze darkens as he takes in your flushed, disheveled appearance, your body still trembling from the aftershocks of your orgasm. He smirks, leaning in close, his breath hot against your ear. "I'm going to make you cum again, baby. And again.”
Matt's hands roam your body, his touch possessive and demanding as he turns you over onto your stomach. He positions himself behind you, his hard cock pressing against your entrance as he spreads your legs wide. "Get ready, because this time, I'm going to fuck you raw,"
Matt slams into you without warning, his thick cock driving deep into your pussy with a brutal force that steals your breath. He sets a punishing pace, his hips slapping against your ass with each rough thrust as he takes you with unbridled aggression.
You let out a scream. “Ahh Matt mmh too much stop.”
Matt's eyes flash, his grip on your hips tightening until it's almost painful. "You think that's too much?" he growls, pulling out before slamming back into you with a force that makes you cry out.
Matt's thrusts become more desperate, his cock throbbing deep inside of you as he claims you over and over again. "I could fuck you like this for hours,"
”s-stoop” you cry.
Matt's face contorts with a mix of lust and possessiveness as he hears your pleas. He reaches down, his fingers finding your clit and pinching it roughly. His hips still pounding into you with relentless intensity.
Feeling too much pain and overstimulation you scream out the safe word. “Red! Red”
Matt's movements freeze immediately at the sound of your safe word. He withdraws from you, his cock slipping out with a wet sound. His breathing is ragged as he turns to face you, concern etched on his features. "Fuck, baby, I'm sorry. I got carried away.
Upon seeing you're still in pain, Matt quickly moves to gather you in his arms, holding you close as he kisses your forehead softly. "I'll make it up to you, I promise," he whispers, genuinely remorseful. "I didn't mean to hurt you, love.”
“It’s fine Matt, don't worry, i- it was just too much” you say and hug him back.
Matt's arms tighten around you as he holds you close, his chin resting on top of your head. "I should have been more mindful. You're always my priority, and I fucked that up," he murmurs, his voice laced with regret. "Let me take care of you, okay?"
Matt carefully pulls back and looks at you, his thumb gently brushing aside a stray tear from your cheek. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up," he offers softly as he helps you out of bed and leads you towards the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Matt starts the shower for you and checks the water temperature to ensure it's comfortable. He then helps you into the shower, making sure you're steady on your feet before joining you under the warm spray.
You chuckle at his sweet actions. “Thank you Matt. I'm fine by the way.” You reassure him.
A small, genuine smile tugs at the corners of Matt's mouth at your reassurance. He wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling you back against his naked chest as the water cascades over you both. "I know you are, baby, but I still need to make sure," he says, his deep voice filled with affection. "You mean everything to me." he replies, his voice gentle as he reaches for the soap and begins to lather it on your skin.
You smile at his words and give him a kiss on the cheek.
Matt's eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles, clearly pleased by the gentle kiss. He turns his head, catching your lips in a soft, tender kiss. The soap slips from his fingers, forgotten, as he focuses on the gentle moment between you. "I love you,"
“I love you more” you say.
Matt's smile widens, and he deepens the kiss, his lips moving slowly and sweetly against yours. As you break apart for a breath, he whispers, "Impossible. I love you infinitely." He pauses, his eyes locking onto yours, filled with adoration.
You giggle into the kiss.
After a few minutes he washes the soap off you and grabs a towel and puts it over you.
Matt wraps the towel around your warm, damp body and lifts you effortlessly into his arms, cradling you against his chest. "Let's get you dried off and into something comfortable," he says, his voice still gentle from your shared moment in the shower.
Matt carries you out of the bathroom and into your bedroom, setting you down on the edge of the bed. He quickly retrieves a soft t-shirt and sweatpants from your dresser and helps you into them, making sure you're snug and cozy before letting the towel fall to the floor. "There, all better?"
“Yes! Thank you” you hug him and give him a soft kiss.
Matt hugs you back, his arms wrapping around you tightly as he returns the kiss with equal tenderness. He holds you close for a moment, enjoying the warmth and comfort of your embrace. "Anytime, love," he murmurs against your lips before pulling back slightly to gaze at you with a warm smile.
“Let’s go to bed, I'm tired.” You say yawning.
"Bed it is," Matt agrees, his voice low and soothing. He helps guide you under the covers, making sure you're nestled in comfortably before climbing in himself. Once settled, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. He grabs his phone and chuckles. “Two unread messages from Nick”
You chuckle “what do they say?”
“‘Wow thanks for telling us you went home’ ‘we are taking an Uber’ that was ten minutes ago” Matt chuckles as he reads the texts.
“Ten minutes ago?” You ask.
“Yeah, they’ll be here anytime soon. Why?” Matt asks.
“Matt! My clothes are still downstairs!” You say.
Matt was about to speak but he heard noise downstairs, the front door opening and some voices.
“Shit” you both say.
Taglist: @blahbel668 @bernardsbendystraws @sturnzsblog @deffonotjae @suyqa
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imdoingsortagay · 4 months ago
Rio x reader x agatha smut where the reader is a brat do they punish reader by edging them over and over and they DP reader 🫣
Let's Get Screwed !
Pairing: Agatha Harkness X Rio Vidal x Reader
Word count: 3.0k words
Summary: They weren't paying you any attention and so you took it upon your hands to get it
Warnings: 18+ smut, Mommy and Mistress kink, Kate is here, Anal( R receiving), fingering ( R receiving), double penetration, sort of soft agatha, toys, soft moment.
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This neighborhood party hosted by Dottie was getting boring. You didn’t want to go at all and wanted to spend the day at home but your neighbors had begged you to join along as they didn’t want to be stuck hearing about the other ladies. 
Rio and Agatha had taken a bit of a liking to you and you didn’t mind the company on nights where you didn’t have to go to work, which lead to a situationship between the three of you.
They were happily married to each other while you were their third, their perfect little pet who did no wrong.  The young adult just out of college focusing on your career.You assumed they just wanted you as a way to spice up their life not knowing that they had feelings for you. 
“ Are you gonna keep staring at them or actually listen to what I’m saying y/n?” Kate ask you. 
“ staring at who……” you play dumb while your best friend rolls her eyes. You were so bad at faking it. 
“ I’m guessing the three of you are still in the fucking stages them,” she says and you nod and burry your head in your hands dramatically. It had also been 2 weeks since they fucked you and all you wanted was their attention, no matter how you had to get it. 
“ Kate babe you have no idea, like works been up my ass about the new social media campaign and I haven’t had a good fuck in,” you pause to think,” 2 weeks Kate”. One of the moms in the neighborhood hears you cuss and gives you a side eye which you ignore and Kate just holds in her laugh. 
“ have you tried discussing your feelings with the woman? “ she offers up. 
“ nah,” and she rolls her eyes. 
“ texted them about talking ?” 
“ tried but schedules didn’t line up ?” 
“ Carrier pigeon ?” Kate asks sarcastically.
“ Does Yelena know a guy who does that because I’m actually considering it,” and Kate slaps your arm at your stubbornness. 
“ maybe you just need to make them jealous so they can fucking talk about their feelings,” she says sarcastically says, giving you a good idea. 
“ Would you help me Katherine ? Oh pretty please Katherine bishop ? Will you help your bestie friend to-“ and before you can say anything else she lightly slaps your arm to get you to shut up. God you annoyed her sometimes but she was up for the cause. 
“ you’re such a brat,” she chuckles and you smile at the compliment. 
“ hopefully it helps me with them fucking me til I can’t think,” you say, Kate not missing a second at she wraps her arm around your waist. 
The rest of the party , the both of you act like a lovesick couple, Kate holding your hand as the both of you sit together listening to Dottie talk about her plants. Mrs Davis calls you both adorable whenever Kate feeds you a chocolate covered strawberry , all while Rio and Agatha just try to keep their cool infront of everyone.
“ y/n is being a brat Aggie,” Rio says in a quiet tone to her wife as they watch you strut around with Bishop. Both ladies knew that Kate had eyes for Yelena so there was no reason to be throwing yourself at her in front of everyone in the neighborhood. 
“ give it another minute babe,” Agatha says watching you and Kate go off hand in hand,” then we’ll take them home and teach them a lesson”. 
“ you think they saw us?” Kate laughs nervously as she’s in no mood to piss off the milfs. 
“ definitely knowing them they’re on the way the way to come and ‘ talk’ or whatever “ you say. 
“ I’m actually down to go y/n,” and you nod as she leads you towards the backyard exit, not before a soft pair of hands takes you away from your friend.
“ Mrs Harness-Vidal !” Kate’s says while you try to hide your blush. Right on cue.
“ Quite the showing affection the two of you were showing huh superstars?” She curiously asks and before Kate can respond Rio appears with a plate of food to take home.
“ Really Rio ? right now ?” Agatha asks.
“ Mrs Davis offered and I wasn’t gonna say no darling,” she defends herself. 
“ Anyways,” Agatha begins again,” where are you and y/n going anyways Bishop?” 
“ probably gonna go back to my place and watch tv ya know ?” Kate attempts to act cool while you snort at her attempt. 
“ we can take y/n back with us babe,” Rio speaks up,” I know you probably still have to take your dog on a walk right ?” 
Kate gives you one more look before you give her a little nod, signaling to her that you’d be okay. 
“ bye y/n,” she gives you a quick kiss on your cheek before heading back to her place. Oh you were fucked after that.
Both ladies keep their composure as the three of you head over to the married couples place, the sound of Rio humming preventing you from freaking out as to what might happen.
“ on your knees pet,” Rio is the first one to speak and you don’t obey immediately, feeling confident to defy her. 
“ actually I think I’ll sit on the couch,” you say and make your way to the couch, Agatha’s face showing a bit of shock.
“ oh so someone wants to be a brat ? Not listening to your mistress when she’s giving you orders?” Agatha asks and you don’t budge.
“ maybe if you had payed attention to me more at the party mommy I would have behaved you think-“ and Agatha shoves you off the couch to your knees. You let out a huff as the older woman chuckles. 
“ listen here slut,” she has a grip on your chin,” your mistress and I are gonna punish you for being a bad pet for us and throwing yourself at Kate like that. You’re ours til the end of time you know that right ?” 
You nod as best as you can, mind feeling a bit fuzzy at her command. 
“ let mommy use your mouth with her fingers while Mistress undresses herself,” she tells you shoving two of her fingers in your mouth to suck, putting on a show for both ladies in front of you. Rio made a show of slowly taking off the dress in-front of you and her wife, taking her time to taunt you like the way she was an expert at.
“ fuck baby you’re drooling and you haven’t gotten my cock in your greedy mouth, she says with fake pity in her voice,” Rio baby, here or there bedroom”.
“ bedroom,” she answers and the three of you head to their main room, Agatha places you in the middle of the queen size bed while Rio places herself behind you. 
“ Now it’s time for mommy to undress herself for us,” Rio says and you feel her arms wrap around your waist. All you can do is watch as the older woman in front of you makes a show of taking off each of her clothes, mind going crazy whenever you see her naked body and acting like it’s the first time you’ve seen her in all her beauty. 
“ Is she wet for us honey? “ Agatha asks her wife and you feel one of Rio’s hands slowly go to your clothed center and pushing past your panties to feel your wetness. You lift yourself up a bit for the women behind you to take off your shorts and underwear in one swift motion, Rio helping you spread your legs so Agatha can see just how wet you got. 
“ Should Mommy pay attention to that pussy of your pet? Personally I don’t think you after you decided to be a whore at the party and throw yourself onto Kate,” Rio whispers in your ear and you whine as you try to get any sort of friction from her fingers. Agatha gives her wife a look before she removes her fingers and holds you in place again. You wondered what they had planned for you after deciding to act all lovey lovey with Kate and sassing them.
“ Mommy is just gonna run to the closet and grab some items for us okay doll? Stay here with Mistress and maybe if you behave we’ll be easier on you tonight,” and you nod. 
“ Mommy needs your words pet,” Rio holds your chin so you maintain eye contact with the other woman in the room.
“ Okay, Mommy,” and you see the woman smile before she goes to the closet while Rio moves her hand away from your needy pussy. The other hand that was holding you in place goes to your left tit while the other one goes to your mouth and she puts three fingers for you to suck. She might put up a tough exterior on the outside but when the three of you were in the bedroom, she was always the one to be more gentler that Agatha was which you always appreciated. 
“ Just let Mistress play with your body pet,” she orders and you whine around your fingers,” want you to be ready for what Mommy and I have planned for you”. 
It felt like an eternity as Rio took the fingers out of your mouth to go to your other nipple, giggling a bit as she messes with your bread, enjoying the little noises you make and before you try to protest Agatha comes back with two harnesses, a pair of cuffs, bottle of lube and two Dildos. What you don’t see is Rio smile at the idea her wife was proposing. 
“ Someone is feeling adventurous, “ Rio says as the both of them change places for a bit, Rio take a minute to put on one of the harnesses and you feel Agatha sit behind you. 
“ if you even think about using those hands we don’t hesitate to cuff you,” she spits out as her right hands goes to her cunt, two fingers going into your wet cunt with ease. Agatha goes slow and steady as she gets you ready for Rio’s cock. 
Both ladies give each other knowing looks, the woman under you positioning you so that you’re in a comfy position.
“ Mistress is gonna fuck your pussy a bit baby while I play with your other hole okay pet?” 
Oh , anal tonight ? 
“  Mommy needs your word honey,” Rio says as the cock slowly goes into your went cunt, letting you adjust to the size. 
“ Yes Mommy,” you mumble,” I’ll be good”. 
“ Good job pet, who knew I had to mention using your other hole and all of a sudden you decided to be good for Mistress and Mommy” and Rio giggles at your silence. Agatha wasn’t wrong at all, both ladies know you like the back of your hand. 
“ Honey, be a doll and start fucking that pussy while I get their other hole ready for my cock,” and Rio doesn’t have to be told twice as she takes it slow then you feel one one of Agatha’s long fingers tease your puckered hole, feeling the lubed fingers slowly go inside. 
“ Fuck Mistress,” you moan out as Rio fucks your pussy, expertly thrusting into you and teasing your sensitive nipples while her wife get’s to work on you asshole. Agatha groans under you, the feeling of her long fingers bringing you pleasure and without another thought, your right hand goes to your clits for more pleasure but not before Rio stops her movements. 
“ Oh honey, looks like our pet thinks they can touch their needy cunt whenever,” Rio says in a mocking tone, Agatha quickly grabs the cuffs from the right side of her and puts your arms in a comfy position. 
“ We might just be here all night if you can’t decide to be a good pet baby” Agatha says as she starts to thrust the two fingers in your butt, the woman basking in your glory with Rio goes at a slow pace, waiting for what her wife wants to do to you next. 
“ Is Y/N ready for your cock in their ass Aggie? I can tell from the way their legs are slowly wanting to close that our pet is close,” she laughs as she goes just a bit faster to make the point and rubs your clit as a tourating pace. Agatha does want to mess with you just a bit more but she’d rather want you in a more comfortable position first before anything else.
“ Lay down on the bed Rio and then be a good pet for us and sit on Mistress’ lap,” you nod, Rio slowly pulling out of you and going to sit on the bed, Agatha helping you to go back on her cock. No shame as she observes the way your face scrunches up at the feeling of the cock inside of your needy cunt. You lay your head on the other woman’s shoulder as you compose yourself, Rio rubbing small circles in your back while Agatha puts on her purple to use on you.
“ Now just stay still for us pet while I put my cock in your other hole for us,” she whispers in your ear, Rio whispering praises in your other ear to distract you at the toy went in your ass. It’s not like it’s your first time having something inside your ass, both of them training you with small plugs but it’s the first time having something bigger than just a small sized plug in you. 
“ Fuck honey, we should have done with sooner with y/n,” Agatha groans out as you take her cock so easily, Rio taking that as a sign to slowly start thrusting. You moan at the feeling of the woman under you fucking your pussy while Agatha starts to thrust in and out of you as well. You might just cum soon if they keep it up. 
“ Do you like mommy fucking your ass baby?” And you nod. 
“ Pet,” she pulls your hair,” don’t be rude to your mistress and answer the question”
“ Yes Mistress,” you moan out,” I like mommy fucking my ass, I’m so close”. 
“ Unfortunately because you decided to be a brat and whore yourself out, Mommy and I are gonna have fun using you like the little toy you are for us,” Rio chuckles at the fear in your face. The next hour both ladies is filled with begging, several ruined orgasms and so many noises coming from your pretty mouth as the ladies punish you for your actions from earlier, reminding you never to act out in front of them. 
“ Are you gonna be a good pet for us and never do that shit again” Agatha asks and you nod, brain feeling too dizzy and foggy to say any words. 
“ Use your big girl words pet,” Agatha orders,” unless you want to go another round”. 
“ M’sorry, mommy and mistress,” you whine out,” wanna cum, please, wanna cum on your cocks”. Both of them give each other looks, wondering if they should just cave in and let you cum. 
“ Promise not to act like that with Kate pet?” Rio asks and you nod. 
“ Promise to be ours and only ours baby?” You hear Agatha say in a sweet tone and you again nod, finding it hard to keep holding on until Agatha snakes your hand to your clit. 
“ Cum for us pet,” Rio whispers and you scream as your orgasm hits you hard, Rio helping you stay in place as the older woman slowly pulls out of your other hole first before Rio does. She whisper sweet praises in your ear while you bury your head in her chest. Agatha gets rid of her strap in the bathroom then comes back with a cup of water along with a rag to clean you. 
“ I know you wanna sleep honeybee but Aggie needs to clean you off,” and you nod as Rio helps you get off of her cock, your pussy feeling empty while Agatha can’t help to admire what both of them did to you. You whine at the feeling of the wet rag on your sensitive core but Agatha is the one to comfort you and lay with you after. 
“ Aggie? “ 
“ Yeah honeybee?” She asks you, admiring how adorable you look in her arms. Rio quietly makes her way to your right side so that both ladies are in between your tired body. 
“ Did you mean what you said earlier? Bout me being yours and Rio’s only? “ you asks with a bit of hope in your eyes, too tired to go home if they were to say no.
“ Of course,” she says,” Rio and I want you to be ours, we just hope you feel the same way”. 
“ I agree babe,” Rio adds,” We want to treat you like the princess you are, we didn’t like the way Kate was all over you earlier at the party ya know?”
“ I just wanted to see if you would get jealous,” you mumble as they cuddle with you, enjoying the feeling of Agatha petting your hair while Rio rubs your back. Both ladies chuckle at the revelation, a bit shocked they actually took your bait. 
“ I wonder where you got that from,” the sarcasm from Agatha’s mouth as she looks at her wife who acts innocent, making you giggle. For the rest of the night the three of you all take in the comfort of each other before drifting off to sleep in each other’s arms. 
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crimsntwlip · 1 year ago
"i said i love the smiths" | pt. 2
pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
warnings: slow burn, readers status not mentioned, reader is a slytherin
summary: after that little interaction that happened between you and mattheo, he starts to notice you more.
a/n: ¿i think i might turn this into a chapter fic? if this does well.. please Imk your thoughts !!
masterlist I posted: 11/22/23 | part 1
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a few days had passed since the little gathering in slytherin. mattheo was currently sitting in potions class next to theodore, quietly dozing off into his own little world while snape’s monotonous words bore him to death.
his mind drifted to her, thinking back to the little interaction they had during the party and how quickly he wanted to get to know more of her. during those few days that had passed, mattheo was consumed by thoughts of (y/n). he had become more aware of you; previously, he had not even known your name or acknowledged your presence in the classes you both shared, something he had not realized until recently.
he had his eyes fixed on the back of your head without realizing it. snape on the other hand, clearly noticed the distracted gaze mattheo had, quickly calling him out for it.
“mister riddle!” he exclaimed loudly, making him jump slightly in embarrassment as everyone turned their heads towards him, including yours as he immediately looked up at snape as he noticed that you had turned around to face the boy while he was being scolded.
snape deadpanned, "i see you're paying much attention." he scowled, "what negative effects could peppermint potion have?" he gave the instruction, causing mattheo to cast a sidelong glance in theodore’s direction, who appeared amused by the scenario.
he turned his gaze back towards the professor, “uh.. well..” he dragged, clearing his throat before continuing, “that would be uh steam coming from the ears?” he answered which sounded more of a question.
(y/n) noticed the confused tone in his voice, making her snicker quietly but quickly dying down when snape snapped his head towards her, making her feel small as she sunk into her seat. mattheo grinned at her but quickly wiped it off as snape turned back towards him. “correct.” he revealed sternly.
“now if you care to pay attention this time.” he requested, giving mattheo a determined look. theodore nudged him in his rib, smirking as mattheo simply narrowed his eyes at him before turning back towards the lesson, glancing at (y/n) here and there.
(y/n) felt a small shove, she furrowed her brows as her two bestfriends filled the empty seats next to her at the dining table. "i heard what happened in potions," elenoise commented as she began to load her plate with goods. she glanced at a puzzled (y/n). “what do you mean?” (y/n) asked, recalling back to earlier, you thought nothing particular happened.
“you really don’t know?” elenoise asked as she began stuffing her mouth, (y/n) shook her head at the girl, as she began to grow curious. “a certain slytherin was scolded for staring at you the entire lesson!” augusta chimed in, wiggling her eyebrows at you with a grin. “me?” you asked, you felt a slight blush creep up, the two girls nod at you.
“actually,” augusta muttered, she moved her gaze away and looked across the table, not that far away from you guys was mattheo who sitting with his friends as his attention was fixated towards you. “he’s looking at you right now!” augusta smirked, you follow her gaze, immediately making eye contact with mattheo.
as you made eye contact with him, almost immediately did he look away. his ears turning red from embarrassment of being caught as he tried avoiding your stare, turning his attention back to his friends. your friends start laughing, holding onto your shoulders for support as they held their stomach. you though, stayed quiet as you continue blushing, looking down at your food as your friends continued to tease you about this.
“okay.. thats enough..” you whined, feeling flustered as your friends teased you. you glanced back up at him, revealing once again his gaze on you. you gave him a gentle smile back before turning your attention back to your friends.
thoughts of befriending riddle came across your mind, his small gestures lingering on your mind. maybe, you thought, he isn’t like the others.
mattheo noticed the smile you returned, maybe, just maybe did he have a chance.
taglist: @hisparentsgallerryy
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