#and i still would kill myself if someone gave me a loaded gun and said go nuts
Guess who has been officially diagnosed with 'treatment resistant depression' 😎
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acnhfoggieisland · 2 years
Gaming Clips #1
After landing and looting a chromed Sleepy Sound, my friend ‘C’ and I made our way towards the next zone. During this we were casually talking about life and catching up with each other, but was interrupted by the sound of nearby gun shots. We decided to push and third party the teams, since we were all loaded up on loot and hadn’t gotten into a real fight yet.
After a successful third party, we carried on with our conversation while healing until we were rudely interrupted by another team pushing us. During that fight two other teams also decided to push us and some how we managed to make it through all of that and push to the next zone before anyone else found us.
At this stage we were a little confused by everyone being so sweaty so early in the game, but we figured it was because we were on EU servers. We used a large bush as cover while we healed up, but then heard more gunfire in and around Coney Crossroads.
Since we were now low on heals, we decided to stay in the bush and see what kind of situation we were in. We tried to continue with our irl conversation, but were very distracted by all the action going on around us. At this point, it would be foolish for us to move as the only cover we had was the bush we were in.
Luckily we managed to get zone again meaning that we didn’t have to move, but something didn’t add up…
There was still a lot of gunfire and a lot of names were popping up on the kill feed, but the total number of people on the main screen was still pretty high.
While C kept an eye on our surroundings, I took a look at the map and the number of duos left and it said
10 people left and 3 squads…
I told C and they asked me to repeat myself.
“10 people, 3 squads… we aren’t playing duos, we’re in a squads match” which we both laughed at, but while we were laughing and discussing the situation, one of the squads had killed the other. So it was down to us, a duo, and the last remaining squad.
It was unusually quiet and I think we had both silently agreed that there was no way on Sappho’s planet that we were leaving the bush without at least seeing the position of the squad. The bush gave us an element of surprise, even more so if they didn’t know we were a duo.
We saw the squad run out of coney and fan out. Not far enough, in my opinion, to pick one or 2 of them off. We waited 3 of them had spotted and made their way towards our bush. As soon as one entered we started firing. I couldn’t see anything but numbers and green from the damage and leaves, but I saw that I did knock someone. Then I heard death bleeps from C, but kept firing wildly in, out and around the bush.
I had gotten a second member of the squad low before being taken out by the fourth member of the squad. I honestly think we would’ve won if we were playing builds.
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 1 year
Frayed Ties - Chapter 14 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
Noni walked over to the treeline and raised a hand in front of her chest.
The trees in front of her were illuminated in two strobing bursts but she was blocking the actual mage-light with her body so that the glow of it wouldn't be visible to the small town behind them.
A couple of minutes later, Danya heard and then saw the others approach.
Noni silently gestured them up towards the building.
Lucas lifted his head from where he'd been leaning it against the railing and looked the group over.
In the end, his gaze landed on Atticus.
"Your children are huge."
"Thank you," Atticus said sincerely. "It appears things have not gone as planned here."
"I had to kill the guards," Simon said.
Seph's brow pulled down and she looked Simon over skeptically.
"You had to, did you?"
Noni placed a hand on Seph's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"They've explained the situation to me and I agree that it was necessary. I found myself looking for ways to be suspicious of him as well but it makes no sense to worry that he may have been too eager to kill other humans."
"Hmm," Seph said.
"Okay. Now what?"
"We take everything from this place as quickly and as quietly as we can, and then we leave."
"It sounds like my huge children will be of use after all," Atticus said as the Soldiers filed into the building to get started. "We will haul whatever you wish to take."
"I hope this isn't disrespectful to ask but would you be willing to help carry the mages we just rescued back as well?" Simon asked. "We could probably manage on our own with the smaller two but none of them have shoes and one of them is already hurt."
"Of course," Atticus said. "Mages have such delicate feet and we would not allow them to injure them out of some petty, pride based objection."
"Thank you, that's very kind," Tryn said as his fingers stroked through Kin's hair. "All of you, it's... thank you. You saved us."
"You're welcome," Noni said.
"I'm just... still not sure I understand why," Tryn said. "We'll work hard to earn our keep, of course but we're not very useful. We can't fight."
"Speak for yourself," Lucas murmured, but he didn't bother to lift his head. "Because we could."
Noni leant back to let Seph past as she carried one of the small, thin mattresses from the beds inside down the stairs.
"This happened close enough to the border that we could get in and get out without much risk."
"Well, I'm glad you did," Tryn said.
"That's the other reason," Noni said. "We can't tell someone what we're doing and then let them go straight back to their human masters if that's what they want. This wouldn't stay a secret very long if we did that. If we rescue someone, there can't be any question about whether it's in their best interests."
Lucas winced as he sat up properly.
"So, hypothetically, if one of us did have some place else to be the answer would be no? We're kind of still prisoners?"
Noni sighed and rubbed at her forehead.
"I don't know your situation but I get the feeling it's a bit more complicated. I don't want to keep you prisoner but I want to be sure you're safe and that you don't plan to endanger my people. Will you give us a chance to talk things over and understand one another?"
"Yeah, okay. I don't really want to go running off at the first chance but I don't plan on letting myself be anyone's prisoner."
As Simon passed with a load of bedding in his arms, Sharn tapped him on the shoulder and wiggled her fingers at him.
Simon sighed, handed the bedding off to Seph, and retrieved his knife from within his jacket.
"If you're taking it, you'll need to clean it for me. The blood will damage the blade if it's left to sit."
"Uh huh."
Sharn took the knife and then passed it straight to Danya.
"Gotta clean the blade."
Danya dissipated the dried blood with a tiny brush of magic and then handed the knife back to her.
"Hey, look, guns," Gaira said, holding one of the guards' pistols up in each hand.
Simon pushed the one closest to him down so that it pointed at the ground.
"Careful. They're probably loaded."
"Oh, how do I..." Gaira tucked one of the guns under her armpit and began fiddling with the other.
Simon leant out of the way as Gaira swung the gun around.
"Here, can I...?"
"Oh, sure."
"You're just gonna give it to him?" Sharn asked as Gaira handed the gun to Simon.
"I was the one who left them there."
Simon did something that opened up the gun and emptied bullets out of it.
"If I'd had any sinister plans, that would have been a better time for them."
"Fine, whatever."
"Do you know how to shoot, Simon?" Gaira asked.
"I know how, yeah but I'm not very good at it."
Simon traded Gaira the now unloaded gun for the other, still loaded one.
"Vampires move too fast for guns to be a practical weapon to use against them and using silver on single use items like bullets is a waste anyway."
"That is why we have these."
Atticus pulled one of the arrows out of his quiver and held it out to show Simon.
"Silver tipped."
Simon handed the second gun, now unloaded as well, back to Gaira.
"I doubt I'd have any more luck aiming a bow before I got my throat ripped out. Does it work for you?"
"I do not suppose you could ever take one of them by surprise. We are sometimes able to. I am told we smell like horse, which may have something to do with it."
"You hold your energy very close, too," Danya said.
When Danya had spoken up, he hadn't expected to draw so much attention to himself.
It seemed like everyone who was outside was now looking at him.
"I can sense energy," Danya said. "It usually... ah... resonates? I can feel everyone else here, the others inside now but none of the centaurs unless I'm more or less within touching distance. But that may be unrelated. I don't know that vampires can sense such things."
Atticus smiled and inclined his head.
"Interesting nonetheless."
"Do you have much trouble with vampires here, so close to Lainton?" Simon asked.
"Oh, no, they do not bother us often," Atticus said. "We are a difficult and inconveniently large prey. Not worth the trouble."
"That's lucky, with you being so close to the city."
"It is not luck at all. Our territories are strategically assigned. If they tried to cross the border through the territory above ours, they would find themselves hunted for sport."
"So would the human, if he went up there," Ath added.
Atticus returned his arrow to his quiver.
"Most likely."
"Would they hunt me for sport?" Kit asked from within the cocoon of Tryn's arms.
"No, you are not human," Atticus said. "Besides, you are a child. We would not kill even a human child."
"Why not?" Kit asked. "All human children grow up into human adults. Unless you kill them."
Tryn shushed him quietly.
"Don't talk back."
"Nah, he can talk back if he wants to," Gaira said as she helped Sharn secure a stack of mattresses to Atticus' back. "His own son does it all the time."
"Indeed he does," Atticus messed up Ath's long, loose hair.
"But to answer your question, child, it is because we seek only to defend our borders, not to kill all humans. Killing a child would be nothing but gratuitous brutality."
"Do you want to kill all humans?" Gaira asked Kit.
Kit pinched his lips together and shook his head firmly.
"I don't want to kill any humans."
"Are you upset that I killed the guards?" Simon asked.
Kit dropped his gaze and was silent for a moment and then gave a small shake of his head.
"No. They laughed at me and they hurt Lucas, so... I don't care."
"It was the guards who did that to him?" Gaira asked.
Lucas, who Danya had thought was asleep at this point, lifted his head and cracked open his eyes.
"Some of it. They were just the last of a long list of people I provoked into kicking my ass over the last couple of days."
"It was suicidal," Tryn said. "I thought you were mad but you seem calm and sensible enough now."
Lucas winced as he turned to look at Tryn.
"Do you know where they were sending us? Because they made that pretty damn clear to me. What I was doing literally was suicidal, which seemed like a good idea at the time. Kinda regretting it now, though…"
Tryn placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry. I thought you were just out of your mind but I understand now."
Lucas looked at the hand on his shoulder out of the corner of his eye, but he made no move to either lean into the contact or shrug it off.
"It's fine. I really don't care that you judged me or whatever."
"Okay, that's everything worth taking," Noni said. "Let's go."
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eternal-armin · 2 years
brand new city [part ii]
you ask [yandere] jinx what happened with kami, and she tells you her truth. reader: neutral. cw: light cursing, murder via gun, light description of gore, manipulation, established toxic relationship.
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“so, can i ask…”
“go on, toots. ask me anything.”
“what… happened with kami?” . . .
“what sparked this all of a sudden. hm, honeybun?”
“she was my friend. i just… i-i wanna know what happened.”
“aww. you’re too sweet,” she hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. you still found yourself smiling at the affection. “well, if ya wanna know, i can’t deny someone so cute and polite.” she giggled. it was a slightly tense sound, almost forced. under it all was disgust. whether it was disgust as remembering kami, or disgust that you asked at all, you didn’t really know.
you rested your head against her chest, and she stroked your hair, one hand holding you tight and close.
“i was plannin’ on just talking to her, y’know.”
the shop was closed, but locks don’t care when there aren’t any handles.
“this can’t happen again… i know. i know, damnit.”
it snapped and dropped like a toothpick, letting the door swing open. kami was still standing behind the counter, washing the surface with a cloth. without looking up, she said an uninspired “we’re closed.”
“does it look like i care?” jinx responded, her voice deader than kami’s. she could practically see kami’s blood run cold under her skin, hearing jinx’s eerily cheery voice. “y’know, a cute little birdie told me they visited you today. you know anything about that?”
“no. i don’t.”
jinx tilted her head at her, fighting back a grin. “well, you’re the only kami in the undercity. i saw [y/n] come into this shop. even though i told them this was off-limits…” she trailed a finger along the bookshelves, approaching the counter. “and you didn’t let them leave. that’s a little mean, kami. didn’t your mom ever teach you manners?”
jinx got a pained scowl from kami. she couldn’t help but laugh. “y’know, kami, i already gave you a warning. i gave you many, actually! and yet, somehow, you decided it would be smart to disobey me. that’s extraordinary!” uncontrollable giggles left jinx’s lips, drawing her gun from its holster.
“you don’t need to kill me.” kami managed, raising her hands. she looked like a deer in the headlights. it was just so funny.
“but i do. that’s the thing. if i don’t, you’ll keep trying to steal my sweetheart away from me, my [y/n]. i can’t let that happy. not for you, not for anyone. no one is leaving me again. and if that means i have to shoot you in the head to get that wish, by god, i’ll do it a million times over.”
“i know, but- i promise, just talking to her. like i talk to you. but she was pissy, if you could even believe it.” sarcasm was thick in her voice. “and i had to defend myself. i felt terrible, i did… she didn’t need to die. but she couldn’t live after that, either.”
kami shook her head slightly. “no. no, no, no, they aren’t yours. get your mangy fucking hands off of them! you think it’s right to control them like this?!”
a warning shot pierced the wooden wall, just a few centimeters from kami’s head, and she yelped, squeezing her eyes shut. “shut up! shut up! what the hell do you know about them?! when’s the last time you even talked to them, huh?! it’s been months since you guys last breathed the same air. and in all that time, i’ve come to a conclusion. you don’t deserve to breathe air at-fucking-all! i love them too much to let you near them ever again, you piece of shit!”
“that’s not love!” another yelp. “stop- stop waving that thing around, please!” kami’s eyes were glued to the smoking barrel of the gun. “let me live, and i won’t talk to [y/n]. ever again.”
jinx’s lips twitched into a scowl. “you’ve said that before, y’know. you’ve already made that promise.”
“you’re gonna regret killing me, you know.”
jinx scoffed, laughing hard. “you? regret killing you? nah. i’m gonna love this.” the gun clicked as another load entered the chamber. “sucks to be you,” she half-sung, half-muttered. kami opened her mouth to speak.
poor kami, not even getting the chance to beg for her life before her brain was filled with led. five bits, to be exact. last thing she heard was jinx’s laughter before she was dragged down to hell.
“you’re telling me the truth…?” you asked, your voice breaking worse with each word.
jinx kissed the top of your head, nodding. you could feel her shoulders move as she held you tighter. “i wouldn’t tell you anythin’ else, toots.”
you nodded too, sniffling. trying to fight back tears, you inhaled, trying to still yourself. but each breath was heavier with stifled sobs. why were you crying over her? why were you crying over her? she wanted to hurt jinx, she wanted to destroy what you had together. she refused to talk, for fuck’s sake!
“you can cry. it’s okay, darl.” while her voice trembled, her eyes were perfectly sober, unemotional. perhaps even proud of the way things had gone. “she was still your friend, afterall. good or bad.”
with her permission, the wall dividing you from your emotions shattered like glass. you began to sob, hiding your face in her chest. gently, she rubbed your back and pet your hair, humming a lullaby to you. you could barely hear it, your mind and cries too loud in your head, echoing until it felt like it was going to explode. curled up into her, you wanted nothing more than to be enveloped in her embrace. to have a chance to feel comforted from your own confusion.
why did you care so much?
both of you were asking that question.
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you didn’t know how long you had cried, but you felt dehydrated when your tears stopped flowing. fitting.
“how are ya, sweets?” jinx asked, her voice soft.
“i-i don’t know…” you were going to add to that sentence. but it stood well enough on its own. she nodded slightly, kissing the top of your head. you could barely feel it anymore.
“that’s alright. i mean, y’just found out one of your friends died! it was… a little stupid of me to ask. d’you need anything?”
“no, i’m okay.”
“you sure? you can talk to me, sweetheart. i’m always here for you. i’ll understand.”
you looked at her, for the first time in what felt like ages. her eyes were so genuine, so careful and loving. yet, as always, there was something there that you couldn’t describe. sharp and cold, like a blade pressed to the neck of whoever received her gaze. even you, to a degree.
“i-i… i don’t know why i care so much. you said it yourself, she was- she tried to hurt you. and yet i mourn for her. or even so much! is it because no one else will…? or am i just that weak, to feel bad for the death of someone who didn’t- didn’t deserve to live?”
jinx quickly sat up, bringing you with her.
“you are not weak, honeybun. you’re far from it. you’re strong enough to see the humanity in someone who had none! that’s a skill, that’s a strength! don’t you dare say you’re weak. you aren’t. you never have been.” jinx cupped your cheeks to make you look her in the eyes, see the truth in them and her words at the same time. “don’t ever say that,” she echoed, wiping away the tears and the stains which accompanied them.
upon receiving her comfort, you calmed down a little. your mind felt like a pool of static. “i-i won’t.”
“there ya’are!” she giggled, quietly, pressing a few quick kisses to your lips. “you know now, alright? so… let’s get you somethin’ to, take your mind off it. how’s that sound, toots?”
“that sounds nice. please. a-anything would be nice.”
“of course. of course! let’s bake, how ‘bout that? we can make some cookies, or- or some cupcakes. waffles? hell, i’ll run out’n get you whatever snack you want. we can work if you want, or play some games.”
“let’s…” you felt overwhelmed with possible decisions. “uh, we could work on your cupcakes. i… always liked them.” you sniffled, your words sounding small and almost scared. but there was a hint of happiness to them at the end.
jinx laughed softly. “aw, i’m glad, toots. cupcakes it is!”
through chapped lips, you managed a little smile. she still found it absolutely gorgeous on you.
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: Feeling Unworthy To Being His S/O
Hyung!Line & Mafia!Au summary: a rookie makes a comment about you being his wife, and it is not a positive one warnings: mafia!au, mentions of killing and drugs, insecure reader and hoseok in his part, crying from reader and yoongi, soft!yoongi, mentions of depression and depressed reader in namjoons part, soft!bts, fluffff, mentions of abusive family (reader being abused in the mentions mentally), scared hoseok, bts being soft for you and only you, rude rookies/newbie, comments about hating self and body. Mainly anything that has to deal with anxiety, depression, and self hate. This is a different type of mafia reaction I feel like w.c.: 2.3k notes: namjoons part was pretty personal to me and so it may hit home to some. Btw, I know it has taken me a while to post, but ive been trying to find my touch still, but please be patient with me!! School is starting up again next week, so I will be busy with it and with work too. Good news is that I finally found my writing self again!
Kim Seokjin
Am I being dramatic?
That was the first question that popped through your head when the newbie made the comment about your ability to have authority over him and group of others. Saying how you have no skill to be in your position, which is standing right next to your husband, Kim Seokjin, the deadliest mafia boss in the world.
From the beginning of your relationship with Seokjin, you have always felt inferior and unsure of yourself, especially lately when you guys got married. You took the position of being the ‘second in command’ even though his right-hand man, Kim Namjoon, is his go to. If anything, ever happened to Seokjin, he made sure you were the one to take over his business with the help of Namjoon. Before the marriage, Seokjin obviously asked you to which you agreed immediately – thinking that everyone in Seokjin’s gang was going to want this since they knew that you were his fiancée (at the time) and understand why you were getting the position. When Namjoon was told this, you began to apologize because you believe that he deserves the title because of how long Namjoon has been by your husband’s side. But those worries shut away when Namjoon smiled at you as he pulled you into a hug, congratulating you. In the back of your mind, you still believe that Namjoon deserves your position, but the constant reassurance from both Namjoon and Seokjin’s five other close friends, you felt confident. You knew a lot of the ins and outs of the job, thanks to being with Seokjin for almost seven years now, but sometimes you felt as if you did not deserve the position.
The one thing that fueled that thought was the newbie’s comment.  
“No offense, noona, but you don’t necessarily have the skill for this job. It is more of, you know, a man’s job.”
In a way, you believed that he was right. You believed that you did not have any power in this position, having no say, thinking that all of the members will believe you are just joking by ordering them around. This comment took a mental toll on you, causing you to lock yourself in your shared bedroom with your husband, hiding underneath the comfort of your blanks, staring blankly at the wall. This is where your husband found you, a concerned look on his face as he sped walked to your side.
“Sweetheart, what is wrong?” He asked in a calm, comforting voice, an action that had you crying.
The first that went through Seokjin’s head was to comfort you but the second one was to find the bastard or bitch that hurt you and to kill them.
“I don’t deserve the position in your gang, Jin. I’m not fit for it, or even to be your wife. Namjoon deserved the title of your secondhand man. The newbie is right, this is a man’s job—” you were cut off by your husbands hand covering your mouth.
“Who told you this.”
“The newbie, Soojin.” You said, not realizing that you were signing the document of his termination. It only clicked when Seokjin stood up, a dark look on his face as he made his way to your guys closet, grabbing his favorite gun.
Knowing that there was no way of stopping your husband from killing the newbie as he gave you a kiss on your lips, rubbing his nose against yours in sentimental way that always brings a smile to your face. “I’ll be back later, sweetheart.”
Min Yoongi:
Yoongi could see the stressed out look on your face as you made your way into his office. He wanted to comment on it, wanting to know what is wrong with his usual ball of sunshine girlfriend, but he did not. Allowing you to push his chair back so you can climb into his lap, seeking the comfort of his presence and the touch of his skin, he did not mention the tears welling up in your eyes or the wobble of your lip, a tale tell sign of you about to cry. Holding you closely as you silently cried, he massaged your scalp, a comforting form of affection that you love, he wanted to ask you what is wrong, but he only kissed the crown of your head, silently telling you that it is okay to cry.
“Am I worthy to be your girlfriend?” you asked silently, voiced kind of muffled by his undershirt. Fidgeting with his flannel, you braced yourself for the about to come anger from your boyfriend.
“What kind of stupid question is that?” Yoongi gritted out, holding you closer, if possible, to help calm down his anger.
“A question that someone made me think…” not wanting to say names because you did not want to be the reason for someone’s possible death. You knew in the back of your mind that Yoongi will make you say the name of the person who has been causing you distress for the past four days, but you did not want to seem weak and allow them to win in this mental game.
“What made you think this?”
Not being able to lie and play around, you began to ramble. “I don’t know their name since they started a few days ago, but they pointed out that I am just in your way. I am not worthy to be your girlfriend because I am weak, which I am. I am not made to be your girlfriend—”
“Now that is a load of bullshit, Jagi. You are my girlfriend, the love of my life. I love you because you make me feel human and feel so fucking loved. You made me see that there is good in this life – happiness even. You are my home. I do not care that you are not, in your words, ‘weak’ because you choose, along with my authority, to not get in the middle of this gang life. I do whatever I can to protect, and if that means hiding you from danger, then I will. But you are worthy, so worthy. I still question how I am even worthy to be your boyfriend and have the ability to love you and you love me.”
At the end of his speech, both you and Yoongi are in tears. The one thing that both you and Yoongi share is the insecurity of not being loved. But what the most beautiful thing that came out of this relationship is the ability to love yourselves and love each other. So, this topic is what makes you guys emotional – scared even. Scared that you both will lose each other and scared that you guys are not enough. It had been rocky in the beginning but seeing how far you both have came and grew is what made it worth it.
The anger and the want to kill whoever made you think this is what fueled the deadly thoughts in Yoongi’s head. You knew this because you can read Yoongi like a book. Looking down at you, silently asking you if he can feed his hunger, you nodded your head. Yoongi knows that you hate violence, but looking from his perspective, you would do the same thing.
Jung Hoseok
Jung Hoseok is a very observant person, has been since the day he was born. This is what makes him a dangerous person, especially in the mafia world because of how he can easily tell when someone is becoming a traitor or is lying to him.
That is why it is hard to lie to him because of how easily he can pick up your lies. You rarely lied to him, but when you did, he knows that something is wrong. So, for the past few weeks, he can tell that you have became more distant from him, mainly more unsure of yourself. He does not like pestering you about things, opting for you to come to him when you are comfortable enough. Being a person who hates conflict – mainly confrontation – he understands how hard it is for you due to your anxiety.
But he could not take it anymore. Hoseok misses you so much. How can you miss someone when they are right there in front of you?
That is why you are now cornered in his office, both hands beside your head, body pressed against the wall. You could see the conflict in your boyfriend’s eyes, a look that is rarely there because he is always sure of himself. Sure about the situation. But right now, the mafia boss is anything but sure.
“What did I do to make you not love me anymore?”
Looking at him confusedly, “what?”
“You’re distant. You don’t kiss me good morning anymore or even let me hold you at night. What did I do, Jagi?”
“Hope, I’m so sorry. I did not mean for this, for you to feel like this. I’ve been distancing myself because of how I realized that maybe I’m not exactly the type of girlfriend you need, especially in this lifestyle. I’m not strong, or athletic, or just what you need. I realized this when one of your dealers pointed it out when—”
“Why are you listening to what other’s say, Jagi? You do not need their approval for your choices on who you are with. If we are happy, then we are happy. We, you, do not need to make others happy. Making yourself happy is what is important. You are allowing someone who does not even know you decide on your happiness, especially someone who does not even know how to spell.”
“Wait, Jungsoo does not know how to spell?” You asked, going off topic, something that you do not realize a lot, a trait of yours that Hoseok loves about you. He knows that when you do this during serious conversations is when you grasp the situation and what he said.
Chuckling, “yeah, he is a lost cause. Fortunately, Yoongi will be able to test the new drugs he made on him.” Slapping his chest at that, you knew that he was going to get rid of him. “But Jagi, I am serious. I know you have a hard time with listening to people’s opinions, especially when it involves you. But what I have been saying from the moment I realized that I loved you, I do not care whether you are what this peasant considers to be ‘fit’ for my position in the mafia world. I love you for you.”
Grabbing him by his collar, you pull him down to you, smiling like a little schoolgirl, you kissed him.
Kim Namjoon
Namjoon wanted to kill the rookie right then and there. But he could not because of how they are at an important meeting with two other gangs. When the rookie made the underlying comment towards you about your appearance, Namjoon could see the light in your eyes diminish slowly. Shoulders slacking and your body caving in on itself, the sight of seeing your happiness disappear in an instant by an opinion (which is completely false and impossible to be found in any way true), is what made Namjoon feel as if he had not accomplished anything.
You struggle greatly with loving yourself and being happy with yourself. You know that you need to, but from the very first day you were born, your parents made you believe that you are unwanted and not even close to being beautiful. Having an older sister that you were compared to with everything and anything, you were always the one losing while she was winning. Nothing that you did was ever good enough. This had turned you into believing that you were not even good enough. You depend on people’s approval for everything – even if you do not even know them because of the abuse and lies (that you feel as if they are true), you believe that what people think of you is what makes you worthy.
But when you met Namjoon, things started to change. He began to show you how beautiful you are, how worthy and loved you are. It has been a very painful process, but you have gotten better. Yes, you get into a depression and deep rut that takes you forever to get out of. But, with the help from your boyfriend, you get out of it. Even if it means him having to literally drag you out of bed and into the bathroom to brush your teeth and help brush your hair, it helps.
It is just that you never know what a trigger to you will be. As of right now, with the rookies comment repeating in your head.
Realizing the train of thought you began to get, Namjoon pulled out his pistol and shot the rookie right in the head. Grabbing your hand, he excused the both of you and took you into the bathroom.
“Breath, baby, breath.” He cooed, hugging you close to him, kissing the top of your head. “You are so strong, baby. So strong, so beautiful, so perfect.” He whispered in your ear, rubbing circles on your lower back. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
“But I allowed—”
“No, no. Let’s not go there, okay? It’s okay to fall sometimes, but remember that we always have to pick ourselves up from where we left off. We can do this, you can do this. You are so strong, my queen. So strong and so beautiful. I love you so much.”
“I love you so much,” you promised back, sniffling. “Please don’t give up on me. I’m trying my hardest.” You begged, grasping his suit jacket tightly in your hands, scared that he will leave you.
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could you do one where the reader was natasha and yelena’s “sibling” when they lived in ohio, and reader was taken by the red room with them, and then when reader was a teenager, they managed to escape, leaving natasha and yelena behind, thinking reader was dead. after they take down the red room, they find the reader and have a sibling's reunion? and could you keep it gender-neutral please?
Castle on the Hill
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/sibling!reader, Yelena Belova/sibling!reader
Description: The reader was Natasha and Yelena's "sibling" when they were undercover in Ohio, and gets taken into the Red Room with them. After escaping as a teenager, the reader stays alone, leaving everyone to believe they are dead until one day, they recieve a call from a familiar voice.
Warning: mentions of the Red Room and the torture they caused, i think that's pretty much it
Word count: 2,002
A/N: i had so much fun writing this omg it seriously made me want to cry! i hope you enjoy it!!
“Tasha, stop!” I cried, giggling slightly as my sister and her friend chased me through the fields that were located a few blocks away from home.
The fields were my favorite place to play. My older sister Natasha, who was three years older than me, always liked to come to the fields with her friends. A few months ago, I had turned six and mom told me that I was old enough to go play in the fields with Tasha. My younger sister Yelena was only four, so she was still too young to play with us. But that was okay, I still liked to play with her in our backyard. We even had a playground. Tasha had taught me how to do the monkey bars without getting scared, and I passed the skill on to Lena.
Today, I was playing tag with Tasha and her friend. Of course, with them being nine and me only being six, they were a lot faster than me. Being faster than me meant that no matter how fast I ran, they would always catch up to me. Nat reached her hand out and shoved me lightly in the back. However, I wasn’t expecting it, and it caught me off guard, making me stumble a bit. My foot caught on a rock and I went tumbling forward, rolling down a small hill. The smell of grass overcame me as I continued to fall, hearing a sickening crack followed by a blinding pain in my leg. Finally, I came to a stop as I reached the bottom of the hill. I looked down at my leg. It was bent at a weird angle, and the pain was almost unbearable as I started to wail.
“Y/n!” Tasha screamed as she ran down the hill after me. “Are you okay?”
“No,” I cried, grabbing her and burying my head in her shoulder. “My leg really hurts.”
“Okay, hold on, we’re gonna get you home to mom, okay? She’ll know how to make it better,” Tasha reassured me.
I nodded feebly as she helped me up, sitting me in the basket of her friend’s bike before riding back home to get help.
My eyes shot open, tearing me from my dream. It was rare that I dreamt about my childhood. I had very few memories from that time, and the one I had just dreamt about was one of the most vivid. I broke my leg that day, and it took two months to heal. I remember Yelena being upset because it meant I couldn’t play outside with her for a while. As much as I didn’t like to recall that time in my life, I couldn’t help but smile at the memory.
Amongst my other memories from my childhood, there were things like my first crush—a kid in my kindergarten class—when I was five, the friends that I had made and had to leave behind, and family dinners every night. But what I remembered more than anything else were the fields we always used to play in. In the distance of those fields, there was a huge mansion made from stone, and Natasha and I always used to imagine it was a castle. Whenever the sun was setting, the orange sky made it look like there was a dragon in the castle blowing fire into the air.
Suddenly, I was pulled from my memories by the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at it sketchily. I never gave my phone number out to anybody, so the odds of getting an actual phone call were extremely rare. Against my better judgment, I picked up my phone and answered the call.
“Who are you and how did you get this number?” I asked, trying my best to sound intimidating.
“Y/n?” A voice came through from the other end.
The voice almost sounded familiar, like I had heard it before, but I couldn’t place it.
“I’m not going to ask again,” I said, my fist balling up at my side. “I am not the kind of person you want to piss off.”
“Oh my god, Yelena, it’s them,” the voice spoke, but it sounded far off like the speaker had brought the phone away from their mouth.
Did she just say Yelena?
“Tasha?” I questioned, my voice cracking ever so slightly as realization set in.
“Yeah, it’s me,” She whispered reassuringly. “It’s me.”
I fell speechless, the phone almost dropping from my hand as I moved to wipe away the tears that were already beginning to roll down my face.
Natasha, Yelena, and I were all brought into the Red Room at the same time. Natasha was eleven, I was eight, and poor little Yelena was only six. What we went through was something that no child—or grown adult for that matter—should ever have to go through. I was there for ten years. Ten years of being held prisoner, of being tortured, of being forced to kill.
I was sixteen when I graduated the Red Room. I thought it meant things were over, that I could run as far away as I could and never look back, but I was wrong. The Red Room continued to control me for two years after that, until one day I faked my own death and got out. It killed me inside to know that Lena and Tasha thought I was dead, but I knew I had no future if I stayed. My only regret was that I couldn’t save everyone else.
I distanced myself from the world, afraid of what I had become, what I had done, and what I was capable of. I escaped eleven years ago, and I’ve been alone ever since.
“Y/n, are you there?” Natasha’s voice came through the phone again, drawing me back to reality.
“How did you find me? I’m supposed to be dead.”
“I know a guy,” She responded, and I could practically hear her smirking.
Right. She’s friends with the Stark guy who owns practically the best technology on earth.
“Listen, there’s a lot we need to tell you about, and I think a reunion is in order,” Natasha explained. “We have your location and we’ll be there in an hour. Be ready.”
With that, Natasha ended the call, leaving me alone in silence. Half of my brain told me this wasn’t happening. That wasn’t really Natasha on the phone, it was just some cruel way for the Red Room to find me. But the other half of my brain believed that everything that just happened was real. As much as I wanted to err on the side of caution, the thought of seeing my sisters again made me the happiest I’ve felt since I was a child.
I glanced down at my phone to check the time. Ten minutes had passed since the phone call, giving me about fifty minutes to pack up my things and get ready.
Packing wasn’t hard. I lived a very minimalistic lifestyle, mainly due to the fact that I didn’t have a proper job, and I was always ready to run at a moment’s notice if I ever caught wind of the Red Room near me.
I finished packing and proceeded to pace the floor until the hour was up and I heard a knock at my door. Deciding that I could never be too cautious, I grabbed my handgun and checked that it was loaded before pointing it at the ground and approaching the door.
“Who’s there?” I called.
“It’s us. It’s Natasha and Yelena,” A voice with a thick Russian accent called back.
“Prove it,” I said again, still keeping my guard up. “Tell me something that only you two would know.”
There was a moment of silence before someone spoke up. This time, it was Nat.
“When we were little, you would spend almost every summer night catching fireflies because I told you they could grant wishes. When you found out they couldn’t, you were so mad, you didn’t talk to me for a week.”
I smiled slightly at the memory. Turning the gun’s safety on, I tucked it into my waistband and opened the door, staring face-to-face with my sisters for the first time in over two decades. Almost immediately, the two of them embraced me in a tight hug, and I never wanted to let go.
“So, what did you need to tell me?” I asked once we all pulled away from the hug.
“We’ll tell you in the car. We have to get going though, we have a long journey ahead of us,” Nat told me.
“Where are we going?” I questioned.
Natasha and Yelena explained everything to me. About how they teamed up, about how they killed Dreykov, and about how the Red Room was finally gone.
“So, the other widows, are they safe?” I questioned, processing everything they had just told me.
“Yes,” Yelena answered from the passenger seat, turning around to face me in the back. “There is no one controlling them anymore, and we are currently working toward undoing all of the mind control the Red Room created.”
“I can’t believe you guys took down the Red Room without me!” I exclaimed, crossing my arms. “I would’ve loved to help.”
“Y/n, we thought you were dead!” Nat tried to reason, but I wouldn’t listen.
I wasn’t seriously angry with her, and she knew that. Teasing each other was something we did all the time as kids.
“You can’t be mad at us,” Yelena raised her hands in mock defense. “We literally just saved so many lives.”
I continued to cross my arms, ignoring them both.
“C’mon, y/n, talk to us,” Nat glanced back at me through her mirror as she drove.
Still, I said nothing. I was extremely stubborn as a child, and I guess somethings never change.
“I’ve got an idea,” Lena whispered to Nat.
“February made me shiver,” Yelena started singing. “With every paper I’d deliver. Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn’t take one more step.”
“I can’t remember if I cried when I read about his widowed bride,” Nat joined in. “But something touched me deep inside. The day the music died.”
The two of them went quiet and I knew they were expecting me to sing the next part. Yelena looked back at me, and eventually, I caved.
“So bye-bye, Miss American Pie,” I sang slowly, a smile creeping onto my face. “Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry. And them good ol’ boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singin’ ‘this’ll be the day that I die. This’ll be the day that I die…’”
Suddenly, all three of us were singing as loud as we could.
“Did you write the book of love, and do you have faith in god above? If the bible tells you so. Now, do you believe in rock ‘n’ roll? Can music save your mortal soul? And can you teach me how to dance real slow?”
I burst out laughing with glee, causing Yelena and Nat to follow suit. We laughed for what seemed like an eternity, until we were all red in the face and gasping for air.
Trying to catch my breath, I looked out the window just in time to see us speed past a sign that read:
Welcome to Ohio
I continued to stare out the window as I watched the fields fly by. The sun was just beginning to set, and out in the distance, I could see the “castle” that we always used to admire.
Suddenly, I thought back to when we were kids. I was filled with all the memories we made in Ohio, as a family. Even though I knew it was all fake, it was real in my head. Melina and Alexei were my parents, and Tasha and Lena were my sisters. Ohio was my home, and nothing anyone said or did could take that away from me.
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
“Not My Bias”: Park Jimin Imagine: Plus Size Reader
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Park Jimin Imagine Summary: Jimin is upset because he is not the chosen bias of his girlfriend but instead it's actually Namjoon.   A/N: Also, this is just an imagine, a oneshot if you will.  However, if you want to see more of the story, just let me know.   Extra: Plus Size.  Also, woman is older than the man by a few years. Pre-established relationship, Jimin is dating an Army, ft Platonic moments with Yoongi.   Warning: Fluff, Angst, mentions of suicide and issues with mental health, arguing, jealously... teeeeennnnnnsssssiiiooonn.   Anyway, yeah. ----
Flared nostrils and a deep breath.
'He's just having a day.  Let it go.  He's just in a mood.'
The thought swirled around in that head like smoke.
"Babe, you were all over him.  I don't know how you can think that's ok? If I had done that to someone you would've flipped out!" Jimin's voice sounded.
Regardless of the fact that Jimin was continuously all over people because he was very affectionate and naturally flirty.  
Also, regardless of the fact that he literally had millions of people ready to volunteer like Katniss for the Hunger Games at the drop of a hat.
Regardless of the fact that it was very much clear as to how much he was loved and adored by his partner.
'Don't snap.  Don't lash out.  Just let it go.'
The thought swirled less like smoke and more like the unstable circle of terror that was the beginnings of a hurricane.
"I mean, fuck, you might as well just be with him.  You were practically eye fucking him right in front of me."
Stone cold.
Every thought brewing in that mind was screaming to let it go, to talk to him calmly, to just fix it.
But that's not what happened.
Because even though Jimin was clearly feeling insecure and it had turned into jealously... you had feelings too.
You slowly turned to look at him.
Jimin's gaze was hard as he looked back.
He had that about him where one second he could be cute and adorable and the next he could be very intimidating.
However, his duality was no match for yours in that moment.
"Jimin, you've got about three seconds to apologize." you said evenly.
"Apologize?" He scoffed.  "For what? Apologize for calling the bullshit when I see my girlfriend trying to fuck one of my best friends right in front of me?"
That was it.
You had a long fuse on a big bomb and right now... you weren't just a stick of dynamite.
You were a nuclear bomb.
You ran your tongue over your teeth trying in vain to calm down.
"First of all, fuck you." you snapped and his brows lifted on his forehead.  "Yeah I said it.  Don't you ever insinuate that I am anything less to faithful to you.  God dammit, Jimin.  I didn't want to have a fucking fight with you but since you seem so hell bent on it, let's go.  It's time for war, mother fucker."
His gaze intensified at your response, "Don't you talk to me like -"
"Me?!" you snapped. "You want to talk about me? You're the one who stood right there, basically called me a whore and accused me of fucking your friend! Who by the way, you owe a god damn apology to! He didn't do anything to you and you've been a dick the whole day!"
It was the wrong thing to say and you knew it.
Bringing up Namjoon during a fight, especially considering the context was the worse thing you could've done.
It further ignited his anger and his jealously all but consumed him.
But you didn't care.
He may have started the fire but you brought the gasoline.
"That's just great, Y/N.  Wonderful.   Exactly the way to convince your boyfriend that you're not fucking someone else.  Defending them in the middle of an argument."
Your screaming had clearly drawn attention and the door opened to reveal Jin's concerned face.
He said something but the two of you were too far gone in trying to outscream each other to hear him.
"That you started!" you snapped at Jimin.
"I was trying to talk to you!"
"You were accusing me!"
"Because it was obvious!"
You were shaking when Yoongi's head popped in beside Jin's but you paid them no mind even when Hobi appeared in the doorway.
"Guys, come on." Hobi said trying to calm you both down.  "Don't do this."
"Come on. Let's go get some food and chill out." Jin offered, knowing very well how Jimin's temper could be and also how he could say some horrible things when he really didn't mean them.
He had a sinking feeling that they'd already been said though and there wasn't much that could be done.
"What was so obvious to you, Jimin? Hm? I am a fan.  You know this? I was an Army before I ever met you.  This was abundantly clear to you from the beginning.  Did you really think that there would never be moments when I wouldn't be starstruck occasionally?" you seethed. "Because I'm sorry I'm not perfect Park fucking Jimin! I'm human!"
His jaw tightened and he narrowed his eyes at you.
"That's not what this is about." he said.
"Yeah, the fuck, it is." you snapped.  "Listen, I'm about to make myself abundantly clear about something.  You don't fucking know me as well as you seem to think you do."
"Clearly." he responded and you had to fight the urge not to strangle him.
Yoongi almost rolled his eyes at Jimin and his fucking mouth.
The rest of the members had joined the chaos at this point and you... you just no longer cared.
You were ready to go to war.
Fuck it all.
You drew a deep breath in through your nose, staring at the carpet before lifting your eyes up to Jimin's again.
"You seem to think that you have me completely figured out and you know everything about me.  But you don't know shit, Jimin.  Just because we've been dating for three months does not mean that you suddenly know every thought in my head.  But you're about to find some shit out about me right now."
"You're right. I don't know wh-"
"Shut the fuck up." you said coldly.  "You want to know so god damn badly why Namjoon is my bias?  Fine, I'll tell you and you can either deal with it or you can continue to be a spoiled, selfish little brat.  I don't really care anymore."
He would've fought you for calling him that but internally something stopped him.
"I was never into this type of music.  It wasn't my thing.  I listened to metal and classic rock.  That was what I liked.   So BTS was never really in my statosphere.  But a few years ago, I was at my lowest. My husband had cheated on me leading me to file for an immediate divorce.  I had just lost our baby and I was wrecked.   I didn't want to do it anymore.  So let me paint you a picture here, Jimin.  I was standing in my childhood bedroom because I couldn't bare to be in that house where he fucked his secretary.   I'm standing there in front of my little vanity from when I was a kid and I had my grandpa's pistol loaded, the barrel in my mouth.  My finger was on the trigger and I started to press down."
Jimin, all with everyone else, had gone completely pale.
"And then suddenly my cousin's stereo starts thudding from the other side of the wall.  And it's "Voice" from Joon's first mixtape and I stopped.  Because for the first time in a long time, I felt like someone understood what I was going through.   I put the gun down and I saw there on the floor with my ear pressed against the wall listening to that song.  I cried until I couldn't breathe because no one had ever put my feelings into words like that before.  That song.  Those lyrics.  They saved me.   I put the gun away as if it had burned me,  I cried because I had been so close to ending it all over someone else who wasn't worth it.  I went home that night, researched the lyrics and figured out who wrote them and then I began listening to anything and everything that Namjoon had a hand in creating.  Because it was those words that kicked me back off the ledge."
Jimin was completely still at this point.
No movement.
No sound.
No nothing.
You were staring straight into his soul in that moment.
"So you'll have to excuse me if ever so often I get a little starstruck with the person who literally wrote the wrong that kept me from killing myself." you said lowly.
You finally looked around to see the rest of the members there, skin heating with embarassment that they'd just watched you and Jimin verbally rip each other's throats out and then hear your suicide attempt story.
You looked at Jimin once more before you shook your head and pushed your way through the members.
Several tried to comfort you but you didn't want to hear it.  
You just wanted out.
And that was exactly what you did, shoving through the door and disappearing from sight.
Immediately, upon the slam of the door, Jimin erupted into tears, crashing to the ground.
He hadn't known any of that.
Taehyung rushed to his side, pulling him into his arms and trying to calm him down enough to function.
Yoongi pursed his lips before going after you.
He knew what it was like to pick at old scars like that and how fresh those old wounds could still be.
He caught up to you rather easily, insisting that you let him take you out to eat.
You fought him on it but he did something that he rarely ever did.
He pulled out his super power on you and used his cuteness.
And you couldn't resist the lil meow meow so you caved... just like he knew you would.
You didn't mind it as much as you thought you would.
Yoongi didn't push you and instead the two of just enjoyed a meal together.
You fought him over the check but he already slipped the waitress his card before you could even get a word in edgewise.
Then he took you to a local dog park, watching puppies chase their own tails because he knew it was impossible to watch dogs smack into each other and not smile.
He didn't force you to talk or to address what had just happened.
But what he did do was stay with you, offer you kindness, made sure you ate and did something that made you smile.
He reached out to place his hand on yours and gave it a squeeze.
"I won't pretend that I know what you've been through.  I'm not that arrogant and I'm not you.  But I do understand what it's like to get to a point where you don't want to do it anymore." he said as the two of you focused on a pomeranian with an attitude problem who reminded you both of Yeontan.
"You can talk to me.  Anytime." he said.  "I know I don't usually say alot but I'll listen. I promise."
"Thanks, Yoongi.  I'm fine.  I promise.  I'm alot better now.  I'm not the person I used to be.   Things are different.  Jimin just really hit a nerve with what he was saying and I snapped." you explained.
He nodded with a sigh.
"Jimin is someone who is full of emotion.  He's passionate.  That sometimes means that he loses his temper when he's scared.  He loves you and he's more insecure about losing you than he lets on.   He didn't express that in the right way at all.  I won't defend him on that.  I'm just saying, don't give up just because you two had a fight.  A hell of one, mind you.  Do you realize that you're terrifying when you're angry?"
You finally broke into a laugh at his words.
"I thought Jimin was the scary one." you commented, knowing very well that every single one of them collectively thought Jimin was terrifying when he was really angry.
"Shit, he's a punk compared to you." Yoongi chuckled. "You looked like an absolute demon.  If I hadn't seen it for myself, I'd have never believed sweet Y/N looked like she was forged in the fires of hell."
You nearly snorted at his response before finally looking over at him.
"Thanks, Yoongi.  Really.  You made me feel a lot better." you admitted. "I'm glad you came after me.  This was much better than how I likely would've handled it."
"How would you have handled it?" he questioned.
"Probably something self sabotaging and toxic as hell." you shrugged. "Or maybe I just would've cried when I cooled off.  Or took off.  I've been known to jump in the car and just keep driving when I'm angry.  It's literally me running from my problems but for the lazy because fuck that.  I'm not running from anybody.  Zombies can just eat this ass."
He shook with laughter.
It was one of the reasons he liked you a lot and he thought you were perfect for Jimin.
You were naturally funny and had a great wit about you... and you were tough.  
You needed to be tough if you were going to date someone who worked in the business they did.
You don't fall in love with the idol, you fall for the person.... but that person still has a job and to be their partner is really hard.
It wasn't for the weak of heart.
The two of you sat there for a while.
You'd turned your phone off almost instantly as soon as you cleared the building, not even entertaining the thought of dealing with any questions.
You assumed that Yoongi had likely told someone he was with you since he'd been with you for hours and no one was calling him.
You took in his profile as he watched a squirrel run up a tree.
You could practically see him thinking.
"Just spit it out." you sighed and his lips quirked just a little before looking at you.
"What makes you think I have something to say?" he questioned.
"Because, unfortunately, we are too much alike in some ways." you said.  
He chuckled, "All I'm going to say is, cut Jimin some slack.   He's crazy about you.   Anyone can see that.   And also, give him a chance to digest everything you just told him today.  That was a lot.   You know that better than anyone."
"I didn't mean to tell him like that." you shrugged. "I didn't mean to tell him that at all."
"Why not?" Yoongi asked, very seriously.  "You love Jimin right?"
"Yeah, of course." you said.
"And you trust him?" he said.
"Yeaaahhh." you said.
"Then how come you haven't talked to him about that before?" he asked.
"Because we've only been together for three months, Yoongi and we haven't spent a ton of time with one another in those three months. You don't just blurt your past suicide attempts out to people like that." you all but snapped.
You were getting defensive and he knew it.
But Yoongi also knew that you were only being like that because he'd hit a nerve.
He knew because he was like that at times.
"You were friends before you got together." he pointed out. "I know you're an Army. I get it.  But you and Jimin clicked at that fan event that day.  Don't get me wrongs.  He's a hopeless flirt but Jimin has never willingly forked over his phone number like that.   He didn't even know your name and he was hooked."
You ground your teeth because you knew he was right.
"All I'm saying is, give him a chance.  He's jealous of Joon.  He can't help it.  A part of him wants to be your bias because he's your boyfriend.  I can get that." Yoongi shrugged.
"It's not like Joon is my bias is a romantic way, Yoongi." you sighed.  "I literally just -"
"I know." Yoongi cut you off.  "I know.  I get it.  Trust me.  We are all painfully aware of that situation now."
You chewed on your lip, vulnerable at having your business out there like that.
"Hey." he said reaching for your hand.  "I didn't meant that to come off the way it did.  I'm glad we know.  I wish you hadn't felt like you were so backed into the corner that you had to come out with it like that.  But still, it's good to know that about you.   I think it'll bring us closer as a group."
You just nodded.
He sighed, "Listen, I'm gonna tell you something that I think we'll help.   Men are rather simple in a lot of ways.  Some not so much but others- incredibly so."
You lifted a brow at him.
"Explain that Joon's work inspires you and it helped you through a lot." he said.
"I literally just-"
"No, stop and listen to me." he cut you off.  "Explain that you admire Namjoon and his work. You love his writing.   This is also true for me or Hobi right?  You and I have talked for hours about some of my stuff and I know you and Hobi sat there and dissected Hope World for like three days.   You admire the work, the lyrics, the content, right?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"I know that it's a little different with Joon because his song was the first one you'd heard and it was a rather traumatic time.  So there's somewhat of an emotional attachment there.  And honestly, I think that's what Jimin is so scared of." he said.
"Scared of what?  It's music and yeah, I love the way Joon writes and yeah it was a crazy time but I'm in love with Jimin." you argued.
"Jimin is scared that Namjoon could take you away from him." Yoongi said directly.  
"What?" you gasped. "But I love Jimin."
"I know that." Yoongi said.  "Everyone knows that. But he also knows how much you obsess over anything Joon writes."
"It's good music." you said.
Yoongi nodded, "Yeah, it is.  But Jimin has likely got it in his head that you could easily just run off with Joon and have this philosophical conversations about poetry and lyrics.  I'd be willing to be money on it that he's insecure because you didn't start out loving BTS, you started out loving RM.   And that scares him."
"It was never about loving RM or BTS." you countered. "I needed those lyrics.  I liked RM as a musician.  I liked BTS as a group.  But I fell in love with Jimin.  And I'll tell you another god damn thing, I never fucking meant to either! I didn't want to love anyone after that shit happened!"
Your temper was flaring, which truthfully was dangerous, as Yoongi could match you in it.
But he also realized you were just very sensitive right now and not actually angry so he just watched you calmly.
"I didn't want to fall in love with anyone.  Ever again, Yoongi.  I was terrified.  I'm still terrified.  But I met Jimin and he fucking smiled at me and I crumbled.  It wasn't really about me falling in love with him.  I jumped head first into the darkness because even though it scared me shitless, I didn't care.  He's worth it.  No matter what."
You didn't realize that you'd gotten to your feet until Yoongi was smiling at you and he gently nodded over your shoulder.
You turned around and there he was.  
Of course.
With his expressive dark eyes and his dreamy lips.
As cliche as it is, it was almost as if time stopped.
There was nothing else but Jimin and you.
It became a race to get to one another and as soon as you got within arms reach of each other, your kisses were feverent.
"I'm sorry's" and "No I'm sorry" and "You didn't do anything wrong"  "I was just jealous" "No, no, no"
They all clanged together in a jumbled mess of mutterings slurred with kisses.
"Joon is not my bias, Jimin." you breathed.
"Baby, it's fine.  It's not a big deal.  I just got a little -"
"No, listen." you breathed.  "He's not.  I admire him.  I admire his work.  But he's not my bias.  I don't have a bias."
Jimin pulled back to look at you, "What?"
"I don't have a bias." you clarified.  "I don't pick favorites."
"Uh..." he said.
"I don't have a bias." you repeated. "But I do have something else.  Something super special."
"What's that?" he asked, brows furrowed.
"A keeper." you said.
"A keeper?" he asked.
"Yep, the keeper of my heart.  Only one person can be that and that's you."
It was cheesy.
Ridiculously so.
But Jimin melted for you and he squeezed your soft body to his so tightly that you could barely breathe.
And all the while, Min Yoongi sat on that park bench, watching the scene from the corner of his eye, a smirk tugging at his lips.
Smug grin ever permanent on his impish features.
"Lil Meow Meow strikes again..." he whispered to himself.
Hey loves!
I hope you enjoyed and I’d love to hear your thoughts!
If you’re interested in any of my other BTS works you can find the masterlist HERE
Mama Kennysaurus
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——- Also, just a reminder that I am open for commissions! Additionally, the only tag list I have is my permanent tag list but if you ever want to be added all you have to do is just go to the ask box and request to be added! It’s that simple and you’re in! I love you all!
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darkmulti · 4 years
𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭:
𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐕
⚠️: if you’re a softy, keep scrolling. If you click ‘keep reading’ don’t complain.
𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Pairings: Taehyung x female reader
Do not request for ‘Pick Your Split’
Word Count: 2.9k 
A/N: y’all already know I had to do this with Taehyung. The “Meeting V” part was suppose to be in point form but, I hit the limit and had to change it. So the writing is pretty shitty. Sorry! Not edited 
~ NSFW ~
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𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐃𝐈𝐃) 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲/𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬.
This profile is for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the real Kim Taehyung.
⚠️: Murder, mentions of murder, gun play, knife play, blood,
⚠️: dub con, mentions of non con, dark/hardcore kinks (all are in V’s punishment part)
Please Read At Your Own Risk!
Meeting V:
You were walking home from work after a long, late night shift. The streets were dark and empty. The flickering street lights being the only source of light.
You didn’t live in the best neighborhood or have the best job. But hey, at least you’re not homeless. At least you have a roof over your head.
Violence is normal in this neighborhood. You can hear people fighting or yelling as you quickly walk home. Drug dealers and criminals wondered in the streets.
You were about a block away from your apartment, when you looked across the street and see a man pointing a gun at another man who was beaten down on the sidewalk. You wanted to run away but what if he sees you and shoots you?
While thinking about what to do, the man holding the gun notices you. Right then he pulls the trigger and the bullet goes straight through the man’s head.
Your breath hitched as you saw the man’s head hit the cement. The other man flipped his gun in the air and caught it while walking across the road, coming towards you. You didn’t move or say anything. After all his gun was loaded, he was the one with power.
Damn it! You should’ve just called an Uber!
“Look at what we have here, Taehyung. Isn’t she pretty?”
You visibly gulp and look up into his sharp, dark eyes. His hand came up to touch your face but you flinch and step back. He then brings his gun up to your face and you hold your breath.
“Don’t worry, princess. I won’t hurt you.”
He rubbed the side of his gun along your cheek. Oddly, he was gentle. Almost like he was admiring your face.
“What is a little girl like you doing in the city’s most dangerous neighborhood? You know these streets are infested by criminals and creeps..”
Your heart was beating so fast, it could’ve just popped out of your chest
“I-I l-live here.”
You stupidly stutter, showing him that you’re afraid of him. He frowns at your responses then offers,
“How about I walk you home? So no one hurts you.”
You agreed since he had the gun and pointed to your apartment building. The man tucked his gun away, behind his back and grabbed your hand.
“Shall we?”
Both of you walked and made small talk. He didn’t tell you his name, but you told him your name which again, another stupid move. Once you arrived at your apartment door, you finally thanked him and said goodnight.
“Not so fast, little girl. You saw me kill someone. You have to come with me now. Pack some clothes. I’ll be waiting.”
“What?! I swear, I won’t tell anyone what I saw! I swear! Please don’t.” You begged
“I don’t like to repeat myself, little girl. Go. Get. Your. Stuff.” He said in a stern tone, giving you his dark, intimidating eyes again.
You let out a shaky breath before opening the door and walking in. He follows close behind then shuts the door. This could be your chance to get help!
“You can wait here, I’ll go get some of my stuff.”
He scoffs, “I’m not stupid. I’m coming with you.”
“What do you mean?”
He grabs your neck and brings his face close to yours
“I’m sure you already have a plan on how to escape me. Right now I’m not in the mood to deal with your bullshit.”
He follows you to your room and plops down on your bed. You take out your duffle bag and start packing your clothes
“Wow babygirl. Who are you wearing these for, huh?
In between his fingers hanged your red, velvet thongs
You walk over to him and snatch it out of his hands
“N-no one.”
“Well.. they’ll be for me soon.” He said, biting his lips while looking at it.
The man picked out matching panties and bras for you while you packed the rest of your clothes. He neatly folded them and placed them in your bag.
“That’s all you need, princess. I’ll buy you new and appropriate clothes. One of my men will sell this apartment and you can move in with me.”
“Wait what?! No no no no no no! I’m not moving out of here- this is my first apartment! I’m not gonna leave all my stuff.”
“Hush, princess. I hate it when you talk. You can’t live here. Too dangerous. I’ll give you the best life.”
You sat down on your bed and refused to move, completely forgetting about the gun in his back pocket.
“If you don’t get up in the next three seconds, I’ll kill your whole family darling.” He pulled out your passport from his pocket.
Fuck! You were fucked! You quickly got up and followed him out of your apartment with your bag in hand.
A black BMW waited in the front of the building. He opened the backseat door for you so you hurriedly get in and put your seatbelt on. You noticed that there was a driver. Either you were about to be kidnapped or this man’s hella rich.
During the car ride, you decided to break the silence.
“What do you want me to call you?” You look at him and he looks right back at you. “Daddy”
It was your turn to scoff so you did. “Another name please.”
“Taehyung. My real name is Kim Taehyung. Soon yours will be Kim Y/N, princess.”
‘Taehyung’ you thought to yourself. Isn’t that the name he said earlier. Was he talking to himself?
“Princess, give me your phone.”
“I don’t have one.”
“Stop lying. Give me it.”
“I don’t have one! I can’t afford a phone.”
“You’ve been walking home alone in that neighborhood without a phone. For once, I agree with V.”
“V? Who’s V?”
Taehyung didn’t say anything. A smirk landed on his face instead. “Who’s V? Telll meee!” You whine. “Shut up! You’ll wake him up.”
“Huh? Where is he?” You confusedly check around the car, looking for another person
“Is the drivers name V?” You look back at Taehyung and he’s playing around with a pocket knife
“You woke him up, little girl. You deal with him.”
Just then you arrived at his.. mansion. Your jaw dropped as you saw the 15,000 square foot mansion
“This is your house, Taehyung?” You whispered, still in shock. He didn’t respond. In fact, he looked annoyed “Get out of the car.” You quickly got out and stood next to him, still amazed by the ginormous house.
One of his maids brought you to your new room while Taehyung disappeared somewhere in the house. You were still uneasy about everything. But your curious, naive, little mind wanted to know more
Why didn’t Taehyung kill you too?
What did Taehyung do for a living?
Why did he kill that man?
Whose V?
All these questions clouded your brain until you hear a knock on the door. You open the door and see the maid standing in the door way
“Here sweetheart, I brought you a fresh new pair of pyjamas. Right now V is present. I suggest you lock the door before going to bed, honey.”
“What? Why would I do that? Whose V?”
The women’s eyes filled with fear. “Taehyung hasn’t told you?”
“No! What the fuck is going on?! Who is V?” She pushed you into your room and locked the door
“V and Taehyung are the same person. He has split personalities. Taehyung has been going through a lot ever since he was young. V helps him cope. Taehyung doesn’t hurt people. V does. He does it without any emotion.”
What have you gotten yourself into?
It took awhile for you to comprehend everything. “H-How do I know when V’s out?”
“He’s usually more aggressive and flirtatious. He’s more violent and does all the torturing and killing. Taehyung will tell you if it’s him. He’s more gentle. I wouldn’t say caring though. Taehyung is a fast thinker. He’s very stri- ”
You both hear a loud, desperate scream. Your heart started racing in your chest and you quickly run to the door to see what it is. Before you could open it, the maid quickly shuts it and pushes you back.
“Are you crazy! V will kill you! Leave him! Let him release his anger!”
“But- ”
“Sit down, and don’t make a sound. The slightest thing triggers him.”
The hallway went silent. V was looking for his next target. Bodies laid across the floor. Some not breathing, some barely breathing
You innocently sit on the bed, not expecting it to make a loud squeak. You cover your mouth and your face turns red. V quickly came over to your room and the maid told you to hide
She opened the door and V grabbed her neck and pushed her onto the bed. He almost choked her to death until you came out of your hiding spot, pushing him off of her
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you, little girl.”
V’s punishment:
He threw you over his shoulder and spanked your ass
“You think you can run from daddy?!”
Another spank landed on your ass, making you whimper
He loved spanking you
And slapping your face while fucking you
V was into hardcore ddlg
Had the biggest daddy kink
V wanted you to call him daddy all the time
He wanted you to scream and cry because of his cock
V definitely pushed your limits
He wanted you to be terrified of him
Had a lot of dark kinks
V can’t control himself around you
Whenever he sees you, he just wants to grab you and fuck you as hard as he can
Your just so pure and fragile
It fucking turns him on
Your little whines and squeals when he thrusts into you are the best
The skin slapping is so hard
You have bruises because V is too rough
Both V and Tae are into ddlg and they gave you the same rules
One of the rules is you can’t say no to them
So anything that V gives you, you take it like a good girl
He definitely has a dacryphilia kink
Tears turn him on so much
He’ll just lean down and lick em off your face
Or make you cry harder
Something that really turns him on is your teddy bear
You would be holding onto your brown, fuzzy bear with tears in eyes while he pounded you
V took your butts virginity too
He wanted all of you
Degrades you no matter what
Fuck, seeing his cum overflow in his little’s pussy is everything to his eyes
Size kink
Manhandles you in bed
Lowkey has a blood kink 
Knife play
One of his fav, gun play
You made him jealous 
So he fucked you aggressively 
Then he took his gun out and shot it at the wall the scare you 
It worked 
Fear kink 
There’s no getting away from V
You wouldn’t be able to function properly after he’s done with you
You wouldn’t be able to talk, walk, eat, stand or think
Your thighs are covered in marks and are soaked in cum
Somnophilia kink
He will keep fucking you even after you black out
You’ll wake up and he’ll still be fucking you
And you’ll feel a painful sting in your lower abdomen
Morning sex
He’ll wake you up by roughly fucking you again even though he fucked you unconscious last night
You would be so weak under him
Your fingers don’t function properly either
It’s like your whole body shuts down
Taehyung comes out for the aftercare
V’s behaviour:
When V was present, he called you little girl or little one
He was careless
Man wasn’t afraid to speak his mind
He scary and psychotic
He didn’t want anyone to know that you make him feel
V’s known for being “numb”
He is known for not caring about anyone or anything
And he wanted to keep that reputation
So to avoid feeling, V was always cold towards you
Only used you for sex
He still hurts & kills innocent people
You can’t stop him
When V is angry, it’s best to leave him alone and stay out of his way
Taehyung is the only one who can stop V
Every time you try to hug or kiss him, he always moved away and degrade you
Though, there was one thing that didn’t make sense
He was extremely possessive and overprotective
V believes it’s his job to protect and watch you
If you disobey him, he spanks you or sexually punishes you
V gets jealous very easily too
One time, you thought Taehyung was present so you started telling him how much you loved him and how much you hated V
V was burning with jealousy
What’s so good about Taehyung? He thought
V ended up punishing you for choosing Taehyung over him
A couple days later he saw you crying in your pink, princess room one day
When he walked in you quickly wiped your tears and look away like a child
“Why’re you crying, little one?”
“You don’t love me! I want daddy Tae!”
You pouted as more tears glided down your pretty face
“But I do love you. I’m afraid you won’t love me back because I’m a monster.”
You felt relieved and hugged V and for the first time he hugs you back
He picks you up and spins you around while kissing you neck
“You can’t tell Taehyung about this.”
“I won’t, daddy!”
Taehyung’s Behaviour:
When Taehyung was present, he called you princess or baby
Taehyung loves affection
He hates to admit it
But whenever you cuddled or kissed him, it drove him crazy
He fell deep in love with you
Taehyung was so glad that you taught him how to love
Now he could love you
Tae wanted to marry you
He wanted to have a family with you
The maid said that he wasn’t caring 
Taehyung is the finest gentlemen out there
He took you on romantic dates
Great cook
Husband material
Great fashion senses
Because of you, he’s learned to let go of things for the better life
He’s less tense
Taehyung was strict and professional at work
But he had a goofy side just for you
He sometimes takes you to work 
He gives you paper and scented markers 
You’d draw a cute picture and he’ll either hang it in his office or on the fridge
You had to use the washroom really badly so you whine 
“Daddyyyyyy! Washroomieee pweaseeee!”
He lets you go by yourself since he’s busy with work 
Everything was going smoothly until one of the workers stopped you and started talking to you
Taehyung watched from his office 
He was possessive
Taehyung gets jealous easily 
And when he gets jealous, V comes out
He got up for his chair and told his employee to go back to work in a low voice 
He then dragged you back and spanked your ass
You held onto your bear as you tried to figure out if V was out or if this was still Taehyung 
“Daddy, I’m sorry! He started talking to me and I didn’t know what to do!”
V was out 
V punished you in his office 
To keep V inside, you have to be on your best behaviour
Unfortunately today, you broke a major rule
You deserve a punishment 
Both V and Taehyung have a ddlg kink
They both believe they have to take care of you
Taehyung’s just more gentle and patient than V
Tae buys you clothes
He feeds you
Makes sure you eat enough
Taehyung always wants you to be happy
He even plays with you
Helps you shower
Kisses your boo-boos
He even bought you a tiara for your birthday
He takes care of you after V is done fucking you
He’ll bring you to the bathtub and give you a bubble bath
He knows you love bath bombs, so he lets you choose one
After your bath, he dresses you in comfy clothes and gives you a piggy back ride to the kitchen
He’ll make you something to eat
Taehyung will even massage you if you are in that much pain
The rest of the day, he cuddles with you and watches movies with you
He knows the last thing you want is to be alone
Taehyung’s Punishment:
Non existent
V punishes you
Taehyung makes love with you
Slow but deep thrust so you can feel all of him
Dirty talking with Taehyung
He praises you
“Just like that princess, gooood girl.”
Your eyes light up when he praises you
He lives for your moans
You live for his deep grunts
Lowkey wants to get you pregnant
So he cums in you all the time
Finger sucking
Taehyung will dip his fingers into you
And make you lick the cum off
Suck his fingers clean
He’ll deepthroat you with his fingers  
Choking kink 
Light bdsm
Thigh riding if princess is needy in public
You have to wear your collar and leash in public
Public blowjobs 
Don’t tell V though
He’ll humiliate you in public
Taehyung is gentle and sweet during sex
If you ask him to go faster, he will happily do it
Heated, saliva full kisses
Passionate sex will always be the best kind of sex
Sometimes he ties your wrist 
Taehyung doesn’t mean to overstimulate you but sometimes it happens
He’s really into marking you
So everyone knows that you belong to him 
You thought that Taehyung was the only one for you.
Therefore, V left forever without saying goodbye. You found yourself heartbroken because of that.
 Everyday you thought about him. You missed him. He wasn’t the nicest person around, but at least he was trying. Now who will protect you from all the bad guys?
 Taehyung noticed your behaviour changed and called for V. 
He told you that you have to choose one of them. 
Who will you choose? 
𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭
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luminousscammer · 4 years
all for myself
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Midari Ikishima x fem!reader
note: i was doing another thing but this idea screamed at me to be written, i just know this b would get off with this. also this is self-indulgent lmao.
I'm aware that the fandom is kinda dead here but i wanted to post this anyway.
Warnings: smut duh, yandere-ish, slight dumbification and overstimulation, gunplay, i can't believe I'm saying this but POSSIBLY snuff? lmao
Wc: 1.3k
tags: @interstellarpumpkin
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The first time you met Midari it was kind of… strange. She had already seen you before, gambling against other students who you almost always beat, you also had your losses but not enough to have a debt. From that moment on she couldn't take her eyes off you.
She would follow you to your classes and she even sent members of the beautification group to you, just to make sure you’re staying safe. You "accidentally" bumped into her in the hallway at school, she took that opportunity to say all kinds of compliments, she said that she always watched you from afar, she knew your schedules, even your favorite food, where you spent time when you wanted to clear your mind, etc.
For other people that would have been a red flag, that they should run from there as soon as possible!
But you didn't think that, on the contrary, you thought it was considerate and thoughtful on her part. She was completely stunned when she heard your response, it was the first time someone accepted her. From that moment on, you two became inseparable, her carefree and impulsive nature when gambling fascinated you, although, there were moments that made you worry, for example that time she played with Yumeko. When you saw the state in which she left her, you felt… jealous? But why?! If you two were only friends!!
The truth is that you developed a crush on her, everyone said that she was a freak, weird and obsessive, but that's why you liked her. You wanted to make her feel what Yumeko did, you wanted to hear her pathetically cry your name.
“If I manage to break you, you will be my girlfriend,” That took Midari by surprise, but didn't stop her from nodding like an overexcited puppy in less than a second.
With hands tied at the wooden headboard and her legs around your hips, she whimpers as you ram into her, not even waiting for her to adjust to the strap. Bottoming out, she throws her head back and cries out your name, the sound of her whines drowning out your own moans. She can feel her heart rate pick up as you pull out almost all the way before sinking back into her cunt in one fluid thrust. Sobbing and wrapping her legs around your waist tightly, she raises her hips to meet each of your thrusts.
But this wasn't enough for you, coming to a halt, you reached out to open the drawer of the bedside table, Midari was about to yell at you to continue but as soon as she saw what you took out she swallowed her words.
“Let's make this more interesting, shall we?” The smile on your face was as twisted as any of the girls knowing that they had the upper hand, “Where were we?” Putting a single bullet in the revolver barrel, you gave it a spin and with a flick of your wrist you put it in its place.
Midari was speechless, from the moment she saw the gun, her mind and breath quickened, but this wasn't a bad thing, she couldn't wait for what was going to happen, thinking of all the possibilities her pussy clenched around your cock. Slamming back into her, you started a brutal pace, seeing her tits bounce up and down, her flushed face and teary eyes, and oh, don't get me even started on the sounds she makes, it was fucking music to your ears, so desperate and sinful.
With the hand that is holding the gun, you put it right above her temple, the coldness of the canon made her let out a pathetic whine. The sound of you pulling the hammer back, makes her keen into you, noticing her reaction makes you let out ragged breaths. At first you were wondering if this was a good idea, what if I accidentally killed her? ... It wasn't normal, but the way she squirmed under you, and the faces she makes, made you forget everything. Plus, you would be lying if you said that you didn't want to pull the trigger to see what the result was.
In an impulsive attack, you pulled the trigger.
The sound rumbling in the dorm.
Her face screw shut, tears littering her lashes. “Y/N! Yes! Do it again! Fuck, do it again!” she cries out.
And you did, you did it nine times more, but you lost the count in that moment.
“Look at you, getting off to having a loaded gun to your head while being fucked dumb. You can't even talk properly anymore. Are you having a hard time, baby? Do you wanna cum?”
“Y-Yes! Please yes! I’m so close.” She moans like a slut for you, her words hitting something deep and fucking feral in the pit of your stomach. She's babbling nonsense as you hit her cervix over and over again, her walls clench and unclench around you, pulling the trigger one more time, with nothing but the clank sound coming out again, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and combined with a few more thrusts against her spot she cums. Her nails bite into the heel of her palms, body going taught as her cunt flutters against your cock.
Your hips stutter hard as you chase your own high. Her pussy gushes warm around you, muscles spasming rhythmically despite the stretch of you filling her to her limits. She chokes out your name with a final gasp. You pull out before the oversensitivity can become too much, you crawl down her body. She's too tired to check what you're doing and assumes that you're just trying to get off of the bed to grab a rag.
You don't make a move to leave her side, though, and when the rough texture of your tongue draws a long line down her pussy, her eyes go wide. You repeat the motion once more before pushing your tongue into her and lick her cum out of her until she's all clean. Taking off the strap and straddling her stomach, you untie her hands with care, the skin of her wrists was red. When you were about to apologise, you didn't expect that she still had enough strength to throw herself into your arms with your back hitting the bed to hug you really tight.
Wrapping one of your arms around her naked waist, you let out a content sigh. “You know what this means right?” looking at you with an almost confused face, her cheeks suddenly tinted a vermilion color and showed you a smile that it wasn't like her. It was sweet, her eyes full of adoration, you could swear that if you stared a little longer you'd see hearts in her eyes. She lets out a little laugh and attacks you, peppering your face with kisses, it makes you feel full, wanted. You laugh at the ticklish sensation, happy that your work has paid off.
“I want you to myself,” placing both of her hands on your cheeks, she confessed. “I like you, I love you. I want to do everything with you, I never want to leave your side, if I ever died because of you I wouldn't even care, because dying by your side would be such a heavenly way to die.”
Now it was your turn to look at her, the tenderness in your eyes was the enough acceptance and confirmation that she needed. Without a single word, she places her head in your chest and closes her eyes, your arms cradling her like a baby. In that position, you both fall asleep with the security that both will be there for each other in the morning.
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
Guardian Angel - Part 11
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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(Warnings: Reunion!! And smut... and fluff… it’s a smutty, fluffy reunion!:D)
You groaned as you accidentally stepped in some slippery mud, almost making you fall, your gaze moving down to your now destroyed boots, sighing annoyed “great, just perfect” you mumbled as you continued onward. The tire tracks led nowhere, and so far you hadn’t seen any sign of Daryl, but you stayed near the prison, circling around it in an attempt to find any trace of him, you refused to believe that Daryl actually left with Merle… he couldn’t... he wouldn’t, right? You had been looking for him for a week now.
Not long after the gas station you had gone further into the woods, finding an old hunting cabin that hadn’t been touched since before the world went to hell and back, hell even the roof was dusty, and surprisingly, no walkers inside, not even a corpse. In the cabin you found a hunting rifle, some ammo and a hunting knife. You stayed there for almost about six days, give or take, it was loaded with all kinds of supplies, untouched, you could hardly believe it, that
You sighed as you saw a marker you had set up, it let you know that you had gone a full circle around the prison, you weren’t close to it by any means, but you weren’t that far out, if you kept walking in a straight line from the prison, you’d reach your location in about two hours. You bit your lower lip in thought as you stared at the marker, you could turn back, go back to the cabin, rest a day or so, maybe even get to know the new hunting rifle a bit better. Making up your mind you turned around, walking back towards the cabin with determination, and in a day or so, you’d try to broaden your searching area.
You saw the cabin in the distance through the woods, a relieved smile on your lips as you made your way towards it. Daryl would have loved it, being secluded, surrounded by game, he would have absolutely loved it, maybe after you found him and got back to the prison, you could show him this place? It could be a small getaway for the two of you. If you ever found him, that is, said a nagging voice in the back of your mind, doubt starting to take over the small amount of joy that thought gave you, snuffing it out like a lit candle, surrounding you in darkness once again, reminding you that you were looking for a man who knew how to not leave tracks, who couldn’t be followed if he didn’t want to. And maybe he didn’t… maybe he would rather be off with his brother than with you, or with Rick… and Glenn… and Maggie and Beth and Carol and Carl and little Judith and-No, no you couldn’t think like that, not your Daryl, besides, he must have known you were going to go after him, perhaps he was just camping somewhere, with or without Merle, waiting for you to find him? But then again, Daryl was never the being-rescued kind, but maybe he was waiting for you, just maybe, a girl can dream, right?...
You sighed as you were almost near the door when you heard a branch snap, and in an instant you had your rifle out, pointing it towards the source of the noise, only to find someone making their way through the bushes, head down until he finally stepped into view. Your eyes grew wide, tears forming in them as you stared at the man you had been looking for, the rifle slowly lowering as he stared at you, a mix of emotions in his eyes, relief, sorrow, joy, anger? You couldn't decide which one was more prominent. As he slowly approached, you, for some reason, still held the rifle, frozen in place as you stared in disbelief at him.
“You gonna lower that or what?” he asked, half joking, half serious, an almost embarrassed look on his face, knowing you were only out here because of him, because he chose someone else over you, even though he regretted it. He were about halfway towards you when you practically threw the gun down, making him halt his movements, slight fear on his face as he saw you stomping your way over there and he half expected you to slap him, but when you pulled him in for a kiss he was more than happy to oblige, hands gripping your hips in a crushing way, but you didn’t mind, you loved it, even if left bruises. You moaned into the kiss and held onto him for dear life, one hand gripping his shirt in a death grip, a silent warning for him to NOT let go of you, and the other hand was buried in his hair as your tongues fought for dominance, and surprisingly, he let you take over, probably out of guilt.
“Damn, ya’ll swappin’ spit now too? Come on now (Y/N), you can do better than him, how ‘bout me?” you broke away from Daryl at the annoying raspy voice, Daryl about to tell him off when you approached him, and seeing as you walked towards him as you did with Daryl, he expected you to full on kiss him as well, but what he got instead was a fist to the face, and when he was down, you almost killed him, hunting knife at the ready as Daryl lifted you up in the air with no effort. “I’m going to kill you, you sad sack of shit!!” you spat as Daryl still held you up, your legs flailing about like a child not getting their way, and oddly enough, Daryl was smiling at you, Merle wiped his bloody nose, staring at you in disbelief, then laughed, which only pissed you off more. As you finally had seemed to calm down Daryl let your feet touch the ground, but he still held you back, watching with a smirk as your chest heaved, knife in hand and eyes glaring at Merle who just cackled amused “damn gurl, I always knew ya had a little fight in ya, but shit” Merle laughed and you almost flew at him, but once again, the party pooper Daryl stopped you, apparently he wasn't too keen on seeing his brother with countless stab wounds, how odd.
You scoffed as Merle pulled himself up, your eyes catching the make-shift weapon he had instead of a hand, and he smirked as he saw your eyes on it “oh yeah? Like this? Made it myself, that turns you on?” he asked creepily and you spat at his feet “only if you fell on it” you growled and glanced up at Daryl, taking his hand and leading him to the front door of the hunting cabin, grabbing your rifle and leading him inside, slamming the door on Merle as he tried to get in as well, only to walk straight into the now closed door. “Careful, don’t break it” you mumbled annoyed at Merle, who glared at you as he opened the door and went inside, your eyes going straight to him “no, you’re not allowed here, fuck off” you spat, pushing him towards the door, a very shocked Merle looking to his brother “ay! Control your bitch!” he spat, Daryl approaching Merle with a pissed off look “don’t ever call her that” Daryl growled, and you couldn’t help but feel proud as you had a shit-eating grin on your face, staring at Merle. Merle scoffed “alright, alright relax, didn’t know she was ya lady” Merle scoffed annoyed, moving around you and Daryl and all but sitting down on the old and dusty sofa, dust flying up around him, making him cough.
“Oh by the way, be careful on the couch, it’s a bit dusty” you yelled halfway down the hall to the bedroom, dragging Daryl with you after you threw your backpack and weapons in another room, which looked to be an old bathroom. Daryl barely had time to take in the small cabin before you all but pushed him into a room, slamming the door and smirking at him. “So, how long ago did you go back?” you asked as you took off the jacket you were wearing, throwing it on a chair as you moved in front of Daryl, gently pushing him so he sat down at the edge of the bed, you in front of him, in between his legs, his hands reaching for your hips out of instinct but you slapped them away, seeing him glare at you confused before relaxing again, “same day, realized I left someone behind that I couldn’t live without… looked for ya too, been out here every day, today Merle came with me, didn’t force him… I told him that I’d rather die than live without ya, I think he finally realized how much ya mean to me” he mumbled in a low voice, and if he was any other person, you’d ask him to speak up, but you didn’t, you knew he wasn’t always good with words, so in small moments like this, you let him be quiet, and you treasured them above all.
You kneeled down in front of him and gently cupped his cheek, his cheeks bright red, not being used to talking about such sensitive things, such as his love for you. You leaned up and gently kissed his lips, pulling away before he could kiss you back, which he wasn’t all that fond of. “Daryl… I’m so sorry…” you whispered and you heard him scoff “for what? Ya weren’t the one leavin’ with your asshole of a brother” he mumbled and you couldn’t help but chuckle a bit “true, so, how are you gonna make it up to me?” you asked in a teasing manner, expecting all sorts of things, but what you didn’t expect was for him to lift his wrist, showing you the bracelet you had made for him. Your eyes watered as you watched the bracelet on his arm, your hands coming up and gently touching it, fiddling with your initials gently before looking back at Daryl, a bright smile on your lips, leaning up and kissing him, feeling him kiss you back.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smut starts here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As the kiss got heavier, you felt his hands cup your face, gently pulling you up from the floor as he got up as well, his hands gripping your hips tightly as you both stood up fully, his hands then moving around your body, feeling every inch until he got bored of the fabric that separated him from your skin. Daryl broke away from you to practically rip your shirt off, your bra following quickly as he leaned in to kiss you again, but you pulled his shirt over his head first, then allowed your lips to touch. You felt him wrap his arms around you, pressing your chest against his as he continued to kiss you, this time it was his tongue that fought and won dominance, not that you complained, not at all.
You moaned as he moved his lips down your throat, placing sloppy kissed along the skin, desperate and needy in nature, and you loved every single minute of it, except- “Daryl I’m really dirty and sweaty maybe I-” he cut you off by roughly groping your breasts, hearing him scoff “think I care? I love you, (Y/N), don’t give a shit ‘bout no dirt” he mumbled the last part and you felt tears form in your eyes again, a bright smile on your lips. “Is this a proposal?” you asked teasingly, hearing him scoff again as he moved his lips up to yours “shut up” he pressed his lips to yours, his hands hastily pushing your pants down as he turned the two of you around and all but pushed you onto the bed, hearing you giggle as you landed, a smirk on his hip as he practically ripped your jeans and underwear off in one quick motion after pulling off your boots and throwing them somewhere “besides,” he mumbled as he kneeled down in front of you, a smug look on his face “ain’t got a ring yet baby” he said before diving in between your legs, your eyes wide, about to say something when you felt his tongue on your clit.
You moaned loudly, not giving a single shit about Merle nearby as Daryl continued to stimulate your clit, occasionally leaving broad, long strokes with his tongue over your hole, it was enough to make your whole body shake. Daryl gently nipped at your clit with his teeth before moving away, giving a kiss to your inner thighs as he stood up, kicking off his shoes and unzipping his pants, his eyes on you the whole time. You watched him crawl over you on the bed, his lips brushing against yours in a way that felt so intimate, so sensual, it was enough to drive you crazy. You felt the tip of his cock gently teasing your entrance, and in the blink of an eye you wrapped your legs around him, hands coming up and gently cupping his face, waiting a second before leaning up and closing the distance, however small it may have been, that was between you.
You moaned into the kiss as he pushed into you, groaning as he pushed all the way in, breaking the kiss to not only breathe but let out a tiny moan, one that sent chills down your spine. “Damn girl, almost forgot how tight you are-” You cut him off by tightening your legs that were wrapped around your hips, a groan escaping his lips as he looked at you, seeing the smirk on your lips made him scoff “careful now, wouldn’t want to hurt ya” he teased and you chuckled “maybe I want you to” you teased back and in his eyes you saw something just *snap*. Without a second thought he leaned down and kissed you with desperation and need and he began to roughly thrust into you, his lips catching you moans, one of his hands gripping your hair tightly, another holding your hips down as he continued to practically drill into you, hearing you whimper and moan made him only go rougher, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the pleasure. “Fuck, Daryl” you moaned into his lips, hearing him groan in response as he parted from you, eyes staring into yours, and despite the rough movements of his hips, his grip on your hip and your hair, it felt gentle, sensual and meaningful.
“Fuck Daryl I’m gonna cum” you whimpered, still holding eye contact as he continued to drill into you, that cord in your stomach that you missed whenever he wasn’t around, wasn’t inside of you, it began to tighten, so close to snapping, you just needed that little push, that tiny little-oh my god yes. Daryl’s hand that had previously been in your hair moved between your bodies, pressing on your clit as he moved his hand in rough, short circles, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and closing, Daryl’s lips meeting yours in a heated kiss as your coil snapped, waves of warmth and electricity rolled over you, your legs spasming and locking around his hips, forcing him in deeper, which in turn pushed him over the edge, his grip on your hip tightened and he continued his ministrations on your clit, pushing you through your high as you felt his cock pulse inside of you, his cum painting you from inside, and even after it was all over, even after you had gone through his high, he still continued to empty himself inside of you.
You gasped for breath as your lips finally parted, staring into his eyes with a love none of you had ever felt before, until now. You gently cupped his cheek and gave his lips a quick peck, your thumb stroking his cheek “don’t ever leave me again, deal?” you whispered, feeling him nod as he rested his head in the crook of your neck, your hands going to his hair, gently playing with it. You closed your eyes, thankful to feel his heart beat against yours in his chest, sighing heavily in a content manner, tightening your legs around him as your arms wrapped around him, almost like a hug, before letting go, feeling him pull out of you. You frowned at the empty feeling he left behind, and Daryl noticed, kissing your cheek in a small manner of comfort, which did help.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smut ends here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You moved to get up when a hand on your stomach stopped you, you turned your head and saw Daryl on his back, eyes on his hand which rested above your stomach, and a frown formed on your face as you laid down again, feeling his thumb gently stroke your skin, as if absentmindedly, but you knew it wasn’t that, not with the way he stared at your stomach. Finally, his eyes reached yours, and he looked almost doubtful, scared even, his mouth opening as if he were about to say something, but decided against it. “Tell me” you said in a low voice and you heard him sigh, glancing away from you before facing you again “would it be… I mean-... what I said before-... what if… you, you know… what if I got a-... a ring?” he mumbled embarrassed, and your eyes grew a tad bit wider, but soon a smile formed on your lips “depends on what you intend to do with it” you half joked, seeing him scoff as he looked up at the dusty ceiling in thought, moving his hand up and biting the nail on his thumb, only to have you smacking his arm, making him stop “it’s a bad habit” you explained and he scoffed amused, resting the hand on his stomach as he looked back up at the ceiling, his other hand behind his head.
“Already sound like my old lady” he mumbled with a small smile and you smirked at him “so, what would you plan to do with that ring?” you asked as you moved to lay on your stomach besides him, still smirking at him. Daryl turned his head and looked at you, studying every single one of your features as if it would be the last time he ever saw you again if he were to speak his mind. “Give it to ya… I’d make it real pretty, take ya out somewhere… maybe get down on one knee…” he said in a low voice, almost hesitantly, but seeing how your grin grew he felt confidence fill him, watching the way you looked away, heat flooding your cheeks as you couldn’t stop grinning at the thought.
“Well, sounds like a good thing to do with that ring” you said after a while, looking back at him, holding eye contact before giggling and getting up, beginning to put your clothes back on “come on, I think I’ve worried Rick long enough” you joked, feeling him sit behind you and gently kiss your shoulder, and when you turned to look at him he kissed your lips, briefly, you barely had time to respond, as you had done to him before, you watched him get up and get dressed as well. You liked the idea of him making something really romantic… yeah, yeah, you could do that, you thought with a smile on your lips.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Feral for each other
This was prompted by the amazing @smolandangry001! This was fun to write but prepare for angst!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: unpunished police brutality if you think about it, violence)
‘Gavin, I don’t feel good about this.’ ‘I know, babe’, Gavin whispered sitting next to him in the car, watching the others already mill about busy making last preparations. He turned towards the android and tried to smile at him as reassuringly as he could. ‘I’m here, okay? I will look out for you. If you need me, I’ll be there.’ ‘This will be just another Ferndale incident’, Nines disagreed. ‘It was mere luck I didn’t...’ The android looked at his hands contorted to claws and there was horror evident on his face as if he could still see it. Very gently, Gavin took his hands, looked out of the front window and kissed Nines fingers as he was sure no one was looking. ‘Then we’ll be lucky again.’ He pushed Nines fingers close and gifted him yet another smile. ‘We will get this over with, we will both return home tonight. I promise.’ Nines closed his eyes, LED still settled on red when he finally nodded and waited for Gavin to step out of the car. He took his pistol, checked the magazine for the hundredth time and followed Gavin over to their meeting point with SWAT and the FBI team.
‘Any news?’, Gavin asked one of his colleagues, who just pointed to Agent Perkins, who was listening intently to his ear-piece. ‘Captain Allen and Sixty have already met and our favourite RK800 is currently passing through the intel. I bet we are clear to storm in a moment.’ Gavin nodded and watched the building in front of them. He knew why he hated undercover operations: If they went wrong, they went to hell immediately. They were lucky the gang thought they could get their hands on police information. It was the only reason Allen was still alive and they had someone to rescue. Sixty had successfully infiltrated the building and already incapacitated some of the gang-members, but soon it was time for the whole team to go in. And from Perkins’ body language, that moment wasn’t so far away now.
The man nodded and looked over at them. Gavin had never liked the self-righteous asshole, but he had to respect him for his competence in the field. ‘RK900, I want you with my men in the front’, he began to bark. ‘We went over this a hundred times, I won’t repeat myself. Stay with your teams, be careful and stick to the damn plan! We will get this man out alive and well!’ Nines already moved and Gavin fell in step next to him. ‘Reed! On your position!’ The Detective sighed and turned to Perkins. ‘Listen, my position is next to Nines.’ ‘We don’t have time for your rebellious body-cop act. Don’t make me regret agreeing to have you on this mission.’ Gavin clenched his teeth and looked at Nines, who gave him a barely perceivable nod. ‘Alright, listen here Perkins. You might have heard about the Ferndale incident?’ ‘I have, that’s why I want the RK900 on the team.’ ‘Then you might not know I was there too and was the only reason Nines didn’t kill his colleagues, too. So, I guess you would agree that the position I am most useful in is right at his side.’ Perkins watched him with narrowed eyes, but reluctantly nodded. ‘Fine. Stay with him. Don’t cause any problems.’
They joined the first team to enter and Nines sheepishly looked around, avoiding their eyes. ‘Hey, it won’t happen again’, Gavin mumbled under his breath, knowing only the android would be able to hear him. ‘It’s okay, I’m here.’ He couldn’t take his hand out here in the open and hold him, so his soft words had to suffice. The android’s LED turned from red to yellow at least, so that might have been a good sign. He wouldn’t have much time to do anything else anyways as they got the order to move out.
It was a short jog up the hill and down the other side to the building’s main entrance. Nines was in the very front taking the lead, Gavin right behind him and the rest of the team surrounding him. He was a good shot and well-trained, but he was seldom in the situation to actually pull it on people except maybe as an intimidation tactic. He really was mainly here because of Nines. He hoped his own words would prove themselves true and he wasn’t needed.
They breached the doors and were almost immediately met with gunfire they returned. With mechanical efficiency, Nines took out the more difficult targets, incapacitating them with shots in the legs or arms.  He rushed in as soon as someone lost their pistol and took care of them with a well placed punch. Then the whole team hurried onwards before anyone could alarm someone, potentially making them harm or kill Allen in their panic.
They ran along the hallway, the sounds of their boots echoing back from the wall. Gavin saw Nines look back at him at least once and they both seemed to relax a little at that. But it wasn’t over yet. They entered yet another big room, Sixty’s intel helping them navigate. They turned right and ran on, only to be stopped once again. Maybe they had already discovered them rushing in or the sound of gunshots had alerted them. Gavin let himself fall back and covered their backs, only to be snatched, when he least expected it: An arm snaked itself around his neck and someone kicked the pistol from his hand. He began to struggle against the hold only to have the barrel of a gun pressed against his head. ‘Everyone drop their weapons and leave!’, the man holding Gavin demanded, but all that entailed was the SWATs to aim back at them. Gavin knew the statistics of a hostage surviving something like this, but somehow hoped they would change in his favour, when his eyes met Nines’. Oh no.
Nines stared at him, but only in the first moment he looked adequately panicked and afraid. Then a look of robotic indifference washed over his face as his body dropped processes active only to integrate with humans: His breathing and blinking stopped, and his stance changed to better supply the full strength and agility of a machine. Gavin swallowed hard and tried to calm himself down ignoring his surroundings. ‘Nines. Nines, it’s okay, calm down. They won’t harm me.’ ‘Shut up! We will!’ Gavin jolted his head and hissed: ‘Listen buddy, you don’t know what’s coming for y-‘ The pressure of the arm around his throat rose and let his words die in his throat. He still tried to look at Nines and contorted his face to something that should have been a calm smile. But he couldn’t control his heart beating in his chest and throat and his laboured breath.
And that action seemed to finally enable Nines’ protocols fully. The android smashed his shoulder into the side of one of the SWAT-members and ripped his weapons off his body to shoot them into the ambushing gang-members. With cold precision, one bullet after the next, the people fell to the ground, dead. RK900 had fired while running up to the man that held Gavin hostage. Now he stood in front of them and punched him in the face while at the same time forcing the gun out of his hand. The man fell to the ground, but the machine wasn’t finished yet, punching him again and again as blood already streamed from his nose. Gavin fell to his knees too, as the arm around his neck had vanished and gasped for air. He allowed himself just a second, before turning to the rest of the SWAT-team and signalling them to get the fuck out of here and continue with the mission.
They didn’t hesitate fleeing, seeing the android still punching the lifeless body of the man who had threatened Gavin. At the sound of their feet, the machine turned around, uniform splattered with blood and seemed ready to run after them not distinguishing between enemy and ally anymore but only analysing threats. As Gavin realised the android was moments away from sprinting off, he pushed himself in his way and held him by the shoulders, knowing there was no way he could actually prevent him from slaughtering his co-workers in this state.
‘RK900, stand down. That’s an order’, he said with stern voice, although he couldn’t hide his panting. ‘All enemies obliterated, disengage soldier protocols.’ The android blinked once, looking at Gavin, but still having that distant look on his face. It wasn’t over yet. ‘You did well, RK900, your target is safe’, Gavin tried to get through to Nines. And that made him blink once again, his LED turning red in an instant. Gavin immediately let go of his shoulders and took his hands. ‘Nines, Nines, look. I’m fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry, I wasn’t hurt. I’m not in danger anymore, I am fine. I am fine. I’m okay. You understand?’ ‘Gavin’, Nines answered, voice loaded with static. ‘Gavin, I saw you… You had a gun against your head and someone held you hostage and-‘ Nines lifted his hands to his head, but Gavin forced them to stay down and instead lifted his own up to make him focus on him. ‘Nines, it’s fine. I’m okay. I’m safe. That happened, but it’s over now. You saved me.’ ‘I… saved you?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did I…’ He tried to move his head, but Gavin shook his head telling him not to. ‘Yes. You did. Like Ferndale.’ ‘Is… Did I hurt many?’ ‘You killed the ambushing gang-members. The rest of the team is safe. They are off to save Allen.’ ‘How many?’ Gavin looked around and grimaced. ‘Shit, I don’t know. Ten? It looks like more than ten.’ It made the android press his eyes together in pain.
‘Hey, it’s not your fault, okay?’, Gavin tried softly. ‘You were programmed like this. You can’t do anything about it.’ ‘I’m not programmed like this. It’s a malfunction because I…’ ‘There is no one around, Nines, it’s okay. You can say it. I love you too. We will get out of this. I will tell Fowler what happened, that it was self-defence. He will likely give us a pass. Perkins will be pissed, but the guy has zero authority and Fowler hates him. We will be fine, okay?’ Nines shook his head. ‘It won’t. I killed, Gavin.’ ‘You did and so did I on the job. Let’s just say that we will never, ever take a mission like this again.’ ‘I can’t Gavin, Sixty-‘ ‘Sixty’s feelings are his problem. They’ll just send more people. Also, I highly doubt your psycho little brother wouldn’t get Allen out on his own. Only you are important at the moment. And you will be fine. Come on now, let’s get out of here.’
They had barely made it back to the precinct and got Nines’ hands clean of blood and a new change of clothes, as shit hit the fan: Perkins marched up to Fowler’s office, who Gavin had already warned and informed of the situation. It didn’t take long for Fowler to stand up from his chair, so his table was the only barrier between him and the Federal Agent. Soon after the windows were frosted and all that was left was the muffled screaming coming from within.
Nines sunk deeper into his chair as Gavin tended to him, cleaning the joints of his fingers from blood. He had hit the asshole that had held Gavin hard enough to deactivate his artificial skin. Gavin should have been afraid, seeing Nines’ raw strength and fury, but all he could feel was worry. Yes, Nines could be shoved in the backseat by mindless programming that made him go full terminator, forcing him to fight until either everyone was dead, or he couldn’t function anymore. But when he was back in control, he was soft and polite and everything Gavin wasn’t. On their very first occasion the android had caught Gavin off-guard by reacting to his curses by apologising. He was the very first person that managed to make the precinct’s asshole feel sorry and ever since they had been the perfect team. More than that, actually, but they hadn’t told anyone they actually were in a relationship. Not yet, or maybe never.
It broke Gavin’s heart, he had forgotten for the longest time, seeing Nines like this. Ashamed of what he had done, full of regret and worrying for his future. Gavin couldn’t help but set the pipe cleaner aside and brush over his exposed knuckles. ‘It’s okay, Nines. It’s not your fault.’ ‘I know’, the android returned quietly. ‘But I should have known better.’ ‘We will next time’, the Detective reassured him. ‘If there is a-‘
‘There he is!’ The door of Fowler’s office opened, and Perkins hurried down the stairs, face red as a tomato. ‘There is the fucking killerbot you lunatics still let run free! What the fuck is wrong with you? Something malfunctioning? Some mis-wired connection? Or did you just finally decided to turn against humans, huh?’ Nines head dropped, and he pulled his hand out of Gavin’s. ‘I thought you were competent as they told me of Ferndale. But now I realised your damn precinct is just conspiring to keep a cold-blooded murderer in their midst!’ Perkins looked around the precinct that had fallen awfully quiet. ‘I guess it is convenient to have a tool to use when everything went to shit. Send the RK900, it will clear out an entire building, regardless of whether the people inside are criminals or civilians. We can always call on self-defence.’ He shook his head and leaned forwards, looking Nines straight in the eyes. ‘You know what? I think some of you would really have been better off being dismantled at the camps.’
Gavin had watched the whole conversation going down in shock. For once in his life he was missing the words to tell Perkins to fuck off. Because there were no words that would accurately describe what cold hatred he was feeling at that very moment. Silence stretched and with horror, Gavin saw how Nines nodded and hid his hands against his body.
That was it.
‘Perkins, you lousy excuse of a human being!’, he whispered, but in the dead silence of the precinct it was more effective than a scream. ‘You. Goddamn… Phck, I don’t have words for it. What is your twisted mind like that you think you can just say something like this? This android saved my life. And I specifically told you not to take him with you on the mission. But surprise: You cocksure bastard thought I was just some idiot that can be ignored. This is entirely on your poor judgement and you can’t weasel your way out of that!’ Gavin had to take a break to breath as the tension inside his body had made him talk a lot faster than healthy. Perkins used it to open his mouth, but before a word left his throat, Gavin was already back at it: ‘I don’t phcking care what the hell you have to say. You won’t get another chance at insulting my boyfriend, who just went through an event that was traumatic. But you didn’t think of that, right? Not even for a minute, you wasted a thought on putting yourself in his shoes. How do you think it feels to be shoved out of your own body because some asshole thought it would be fun to design a killing machine? You don’t know the first thing about the love of my life, this precinct or our past. So, I would greatly advise you to shut up, leave this precinct and go eat a double decker dick sandwich!’
Once again silence fell, and Gavin knew everyone including Fowler was looking at him. He didn’t care. Not one bit. He could only stare at Perkins unblinking, challenging him to back off. But he didn’t. Of course, he didn’t. ‘Or what?’, he asked with a sly grin. ‘You gonna let your rabid dog off the leash?’ Gavin didn’t hesitate. He had planned this for a while now and he really, really didn’t care anymore. He stepped back and took a swing at Perkins, landing his fist perfectly against his brow and nose to make him stumble back and holding his laceration at the temple. ‘Believe me, that you already did by insulting him. You shouldn’t fear Nines. I am the one that will kick your ass out of here if you are not leaving in the next five seconds.’ ‘You can’t be serious-‘ Gavin hit him again. The fact that no one had yet dared to stand up and intervene meant that most were on his side here. The Detective leaned down to him and whispered once again: ‘Five seconds. Leave. Now.’
Perkins snarled at him, but Gavin’s already lifted fist was enough to convince him in the end and he ran towards the exit, shouting something like: ‘This isn’t over yet!’
Gavin couldn’t keep himself upright any longer and slumped against his table, slowly sinking to the ground. ‘Phck. I just punched a Federal Agent. I’m so damn screwed.’ He let his head fall into his hands. Then there was another one in front of his face, offering to help him up. It was Hank, Connor next to him. Nines was standing at his side too but looked more worried than comforting. ‘Don’t worry, Reed’, Hank laughed. ‘I did that too, once. Was actually quite satisfying as you might know now.’ ‘Yeah. I can still prepare to get my stuff and search for a new job now.’ ‘Don’t think so. You should have seen Fowler’s face. Don’t worry.’
Gavin turned around and looked Nines up and down, who in the end just stepped forwards and pulled Gavin in a strong hug. ‘Wanted to congratulate you two’, Gavin heard Connor’s distant voice. ‘Didn’t know you two were together.’ Both Nines and Gavin froze and looked at each other. ‘What?’ ‘You said he was your boyfriend.’ ‘I… did?’ ‘Yep.’
Gavin looked at Nines face that just pleaded him to go home and hold each other in the safety of their bedroom. It made him smile in contentment, because honestly, he would love to do that. ‘Yeah. I love him more than anything.’
[>next part]
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter VIII
Prompto placed one of his hands on the back of her neck, holding her in place as he basked in the softness of her lips. When she didn't push him away, he deepened the kiss. However, he snapped out of his blissful revere a few seconds later and immediately pulled away. He stumbled backwards, realizing he'd push himself on to her. "I-I-I..." Prompto tripped over his own feet and landed on his butt. He sat up, running his hands frantically through his blonde locks. "Six, why did I do that?! I-I'm so sorry, (Y/n)!"
The girl stood up and approached him. She squatted down in front of him, smiling. "Calm down. There's no need to apologize, Prom." She took his hands out of his hair and held them gently with hers. "I do want to know... What did that kiss mean?"
"W-Well..." Prompto casted his gaze to the ground, unable to look her in the eye. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down so he could say those three important words. He grasped her hands, exhaling with a shaky sigh. "For a long time, I've...I've really liked you. More than a friend. You've been there for me through thick and thin. You never gave up on me and you're still by side even now. I mean, I have Noct and the others, but they aren't you. I know I haven't been the easiest person to live with all these years, but I-I'm glad you've decided to stick around. I haven't had the easiest life, but you made every moment worth while. You're irreplaceable to me. I...I love you, (Y/n)."
(Y/n) clung to every word, taking each one to heart. She remembered every memory she's made with Prompto, cherishing them all. She may have been bound to him because of her status as his guardian, but those memories were made because she cares deeply about him and was infatuated with him. Even if she wasn't his guardian, she would still dedicate herself to him because of how much she cares for him. He too was irreplaceable.
The girl smiled warmly at Prompto. "You've made my life worth while, as well. I cherish every second we've been together and wouldn't trade them for the world. For the longest time, I convinced myself that you were a human and someone who deserved better than me. But still, I found myself falling for you as the days passed. I'm so happy you feel the same way. I love you too, Prompto."
Tears of joy sprang from Prompto's eyes. He grabbed (Y/n)'s hands and tugged her towards him. She lost her balance and fell against him just as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He embraced her tightly, burying his face into the crook of her neck and thanking her for loving him over and over again. She placed her hands on his back, trailing her fingers up and down his spine.
(Y/n) pulled away just enough to move her hands from Prompto's back to his cheeks. Sitting on her knees between his legs, she cupped his cheeks in her palms and used her thumbs to wipe away his tears. Smiling, she leans forward and presses her forehead against his. Her golden eyes darted down to his lips for a split second before locking with his cerulean ones. She didn't hesitate to lean in closer and press her lips against his, kissing him sweetly.
It was a brief yet intoxicating kiss. (Y/n) pulled away a few seconds later after noticing the many questionable stares they were receiving from bystanders. She got to her feet, offering to help Prompto off the ground. When he placed his hands in hers, she pulled him to his feet with a smile. "As much as I would love to continue this, we have to meet up with the others. Ready to go?"
Prompto nodded, smiling. "Yeah."
The duo walked down the road a little ways away from the Cauthess Rest Area. (Y/n) transformed and Prompto climbed onto her back. He pulled out his phone and checked Ignis' directions, sharing them with the guardian. Knowing they had just ate, the fox gently trotted in the direction of Aracheole Stronghold. She refused to use the roads in order to prevent another ambush like yesterday. They ran into many packs of voretooths and sabertusks while traveling through nature, but they fled at the sight of the spirit.
Once arriving at Sothmocke Haven, Prompto sighed in relief when seeing the others were safe. He slid off (Y/n)'s back and ran towards his friends. The fox reverted back to her human form, joining the blonde.
"So, what'd we miss?" Prompto asked.
"Besides a talking daemon and other two runestones, nothing much," Noctis shrugged his shoulders. "What about you guys?" He glanced between his best friend and guardian.
"We kicked some imperial ass! Well, only some. There were way too many to handle by ourselves." Prompto slung an arm over the girl's shoulders and pulled her into his side. "(Y/n)'s the reason why we were able to escape without so much as a scratch."
"What took you both so long to get here, then?" Gladio inquired.
"We were hiding from the empire and Prompto's phone was water-logged from the storm," (Y/n) answered. "We didn't see the messages until a couple hours ago."
"We are simply relieved you both are unscathed," Ignis said.
"The same goes for the rest of you. We were worried there for a little bit." The (h/c)-haired girl, once Prompto released her, turned around to face the stronghold. "So, what's the plan?"
"We were just about to discuss such matters."
Noctis, who was sitting in one of the chairs beside Gladio, looks up at his advisor. "So, any bright ideas, Ignis?"
"A dark one, as it were," Ignis stated. "A frontal assault would leave us exposed. But, if we move under cover of night, we might be able to infiltrate the base unnoticed."
"And until then?"
"We learn all we can about the base's design and narrow down the Regalia's location. I'll analyze what intelligence we have available to find us a way in."
Noctis nodded. "Sounds good, Specs."
"All right! We're gonna get our wheels back!" Prompto cheered as he sat down in the chair beside Noctis. "Guess we gotta wait for night fall now." He pulled out his phone and booted up the King's Knight app. While waiting for it to load, his eyes drifted upward. They locked on to (Y/n)'s back and watched her every moment as she offered to help Ignis.
Noctis caught the blonde staring at the girl with a joyous smile etched across his face. "Did...something happen between you two?"
When Prompto realized he was talking to him, he did his best to look everywhere but at (Y/n). "Why would you think that?"
"Besides the fact you're staring at her, no idea."
The sharpshooter lowered his phone, knowing he couldn't hide the truth from his best friend. "I...may have told her how I feel."
Gladio, who'd been eavesdropping, spoke up. "Guessing by the look on your face, it went well."
Prompto sighed dreamily. "It went better than well. It went perfect."
"Who knew you had it in you, string bean."
The younger boy rolled his eyes with a groan at the ridiculous nickname. He looked back down at his phone and saw the game finished loading. He focused his eyes on the screen, but his mind was reminiscing in the kisses he shared with (Y/n) only a couple hours ago. His cheeks were dusted with a light tinge of pink as he played King's Knight until it was time for them to infiltrate the stronghold.
The group left Sothmocke Haven and made their way towards one of cargo entrances located on the side of Aracheole Stronghold. They snuck through rows of storage containers until arriving just outside the cargo entrance. Two soldiers were patrolling the road and inspecting the outgoing cargo. While hiding behind two storage containers, Ignis instructed Noctis when to kill the soldiers. Warp-striking each one, he killed the enemies without alerting the stronghold.
With the way clear, they walk through the cargo entrance. They quickly duck behind stacks of boxes and storage containers when spotting the search lights located on the ramparts. They ducked their heads lower as a MA-X Maniple marched directly towards them with its headlight pointed directly at the cargo they were concealing themselves with. Holding their breaths, they patiently waited for the mech to pass by their hiding spot. It turned to their right, strolling away.
"It's gone," Noctis sighed, relieved it didn't spot them.
"Magitek armor," Ignis whispered.
"Don't wanna mess with one of those," Gladio commented.
"We shouldn't have to if we keep to the shadows." Ignis led the group through the rows of cargo in the direction the mech walked in. Three more soldiers sauntered by, which didn't go unnoticed by the group. Noctis times their movements before warp-striking and killing them one by one.
Now the way was clear. They made their way over to a gate located beside a deactivated MA-X Maniple. Noctis deactivated the barrier keeping them from going any further. While the boys continued forward and ran into another group of soldiers, (Y/n) climbed up a stack of storage containers and stalked the enemies' movements from above. She watched Noctis closely as he managed to take down four of the six soldiers patrolling the area.
The girl snuck across the top of the metal storage containers until she reached the second gate. She glanced over the top and spotted the Regalia not too far away. Her attention was redirected back to the prince when he alerted the last soldier by killing the other one. Before the adversary could raise his gun and shoot Noctis, she manifested a dagger made of pure flames and leapt down on top of the soldier. She jammed the fiery blade into his back, killing him instantly. The dagger vaporized as she stepped away from the soldier's corpse.
Noctis glanced behind him before looking back at her. "Where did you...?"
"Nice save," Gladio complimented, the raven-haired boy's question going unanswered.
"Aw, yeah! That's my girl!" Prompto chanted.
"Well done, (Y/n)," Ignis said.
"The Regalia is just through this gate," she said before turning to the panel and deactivating the translucent barrier. They walk into the next area and immediately spot the car they'd been searching for. However, they were spotted by a MA-X Maniple. As the mech rose to its feet and set its sight on the group, soldiers and magiteks encroached on their position. All the search lights were aimed at them, revealing them in the darkness.
(Y/n) transformed and leapt onto the mech while the boys dealt with the soldiers and MTs. She latched on to one of the missile cannons attached to its shoulders. She growled menacingly as her fangs sunk deeper into the machine's metal exterior. Shaking her head, she managed to tear the missile cannon from the MA-X Maniple and toss it aside. She jumped off its body, using her weight to knock it down to a single knee.
Prompto and Ignis dealt heavy damage to the mech after seeing it had collapsed. Noctis and Gladio kept their attention on the soldiers and MTs trying to surround them. Vaulting a safe distance away from the battle, the fox spirit concentrated her energy into her tails and paws. They ignited with bright flames and she rejoined the fray. She charged through a horde of soldiers and MTs, using her blazing paws and tails to swipe and them left and right.
Noctis saw the others were handling the enemies and decided to take it upon himself to warp up to the watchtower. Using the turret located at the top, he targeted the energy tanks. Explosions shook the ground as the tanks blew up one by one, taking enemies with them. When all the tanks, the MA-X Maniple, soldiers, and magiteks were annihilated, Noctis returned to his friends. Discussing their next target, they headed towards the magitek generator located in the rear of the stronghold.
The sun was beginning to rise. (Y/n), still in her spiritual form, split off from the boys to deal with the overwhelming amount of enemies swarming from all directions. She dealt with them while the others headed straight for the generator. She fought against more soldiers, MTs, and MA Veles-Bises, keeping them at bay for a short time before destroying them. She went to rendezvous with the others when her attention was drawn to the magitek generator. It had been destroyed and weakened the entire garrison.
Running as fast as she could, (Y/n) searched for the boys just as Noctis summoned the mighty Fulgurian, Ramuh. She stopped in her tracks, her slitted eyes traveling up to the sky when seeing the Astral appear. She watched in silence and awe as the god used his power to annihilate the remaining enemies in Aracheole Stronghold. Before Ramuh vanished, she could've sworn he glanced at her.
When the god was gone, (Y/n)'s ears perked up when she sensed a strange presence in the distance. Her golden eyes scanned her surroundings when the presence was slowly moving toward the direction of the Regalia. Instead of pursing the person, she used her connection to the gemstone on Prompto's bracelet to find the boys' current location. What caused her fur to stand on end was both their presence and the stranger's were closing in on each other. She couldn't understand why she could sense the stranger's aura without needing a connection. Pushing the thought aside, she made her way back to the Regalia.
The moment the guardian caught a glimpse of the car in the distance, she saw Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis were being approached by a man with a sword drawn she'd never seen before. With her sensitive hearing, she listened in on their conversation while keeping her distance.
"Long has it been, Noctis," Ravus, the man who she detected earlier, hissed.
"Ravus," Noctis growled.
"You receive the Storm's blessing. And yet, you know nothing of the consequences." Ravus raises his sword and points the sharp tip at Noctis's throat.
Gladio was enraged at the sight. "Watch it." He moves to get between them, causing Ravus to reposition the blade with its edge now along Gladio's throat.
Ignis starts to move toward Ravus, but the other man raises his left hand. "Be still. All of you," the man warned.
"Not good..." Prompto muttered.
"Heir to a crown befitting no other. Witness his splendor and glory. All hail the Chosen King."
Noctis, although being threatened by Ravus, stood his ground and snapped back. "Awful high and mighty for an imperial rat, serving the enemy to hunt down Luna!"
Ravus suddenly grabs Noctis' throat with his left hand. "I do not serve. I command!" He shoves the boy backward and Gladio gets between them. The high commander glared at the brute. "The king's sworn shield."
"You better believe it," Gladio snarled.
"A weak shield protects naught." Ravus slowly raises his sword above his head, then brings it down fiercely. Gladio briefly blocks it with his own sword before Ravus parries the weapon away and slams the pommel of his sword into the shield's chest, sending him flying into the side of the Regalia. Prompto runs to check on Gladio while Noctis gets between them and Ravus.
"Wanna go? Let's do it," Noctis remarked in a low, threatening tone. He summons the royal arms and they begin spinning around him.
"Should the Chosen fail, that too is fate." Ravus raises his sword again and went to strike the prince. Before he could bring it down, his blade was deflected by another. He stumbled backwards and casted his glare towards the person who parried his attack, ready to swing his sword a second time.
(Y/n)'s slitted eyes narrowed at Ravus' movements. Raising the cosmic blade gifted to her by Brahma, she ducked under his sword and slammed the pommel into his gut. The high commander collapsed to a single knee. The oxygen was knocked from his lungs and his grip on his sword slipped, resulting in him to drop it. It clattered against the ground. She kicked it out of his reach, pointing the tip of her sword at his throat. She stared down into his heterochromia eyes with a stoic expression. "How does it feel to taste your own medicine?"
Ravus went to snap back, but his eyes fell on the blade she wielded. His eyes narrowed, gritting his teeth. "The Creator's Blade..." He then took note of the gemstone embedded in her upper right arm and her slitted eyes. "You are-!"
"I'd say that's far enough," a voice spoke up. Everyone turned their attention to the owner of the voice and saw Ardyn sauntering towards them. Beside him was Callyx. The auburn-haired man smiled at Noctis. "A hand, Highness?"
"Not from you," Noctis scoffed.
"Oh, but I'm here to help," he innocently replied.
Ignis was suspicious of the chancellor's and Callyx's sudden appearance. "And how is that?"
"By taking the army away."
Gladio glowered at him. "You expect us to believe that?"
"When next we meet, it'll be across the sea. Just so happens we have business of our own with the tutelary deity. Don't we?" Ardyn then took a few steps toward (Y/n), who was still pointing her blade at Ravus' throat. He took off his hat and bowed. "Please do forgive my acquaintance, my dear. He has quite the temper."
The guardian stepped away from Ravus, withdrawing her blade. She noticed Ardyn and Callyx were staring at the cosmic weapon. The chancellor's face remained stoic while the emerald-eyed spirit gaped in shock. He went to step forward, but Ardyn stopped him.
"Ardyn, but she's..." Callyx began.
"We are leaving," the chancellor interrupted the guardian. He then helped Ravus up and said his goodbyes. "Fare thee well, Your Majesty, and safe travels." Ravus, Callyx, and Ardyn walk away.
"You guys know that guy?" Prompto asked.
"Ravus Nox Fleuret, first son of Tenebrae...and elder brother to Lady Lunafreya," Ignis explained.
(Y/n) dispelled the sword with a heavy sigh. "What a weird trio..."
"I'll say," Noctis said.
"They were really into your sword, (Y/n)," Prompto commented. "Where did you get it?"
"That's...a story for another day," she forced a smile.
Gladio rubbed the spot where Ravus hit him with his sword. "I don't care where the damn thing came from. Nice moves back there, by the way."
"Consider it payback for what he did to you and Noctis." She combed a hand through her (h/c) locks. "Now then, let's get out of here."
"Yes, please!" Prompto chanted.
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imanonymousfanfic · 4 years
Kid's Lipstick (2/2)
I enter the kitchen, head throbbing like I’ve split my skull open. I’m sluggish, barely able to stand like a bag of bricks in water. The smell of burning cigarettes and fried food sickens me, making me regret coming in already. I crawl into a chair, letting my heavy head fall onto the table with a loud thud. The impact rattles my skull sending a wave of pain through my head. I throw myself back, groaning out in agony as the throbbing increases. The others chuckle. They’re talking amongst themselves but I’m too destroyed to bother absorbing their conversations. I look over to Killer, who is cooking breakfast, staring directly at me as he blindly chops food.
“Water,” I ask him in a pained tone. He nods , grabbing a glass from the cabinet. I bury my face into my arms. All the bright sun shining through the windows is killing me. It’s unbearable. Heat cracks a joke about me, this I notice, making the rest of them laugh as they chomp down on their meals. Someone pokes at my arm, I peek, seeing it was Wire sat beside me doing it.
“Stop laughing, it’s not funny.” I mumble, my voice echoing from my folded arms.
“You were really drinking hard last night.” Haikei proceeds to tease. I sit up, looking at the man directly in his black circular shades. I snatch the cigarette sitting between his fingers and smush its lit tip into the table.
“Your smoking is going to make me more sick than I already feel! Kid said no smoking in the kitchen anyway.” I hiss, flicking the crushed cigarette back at him. An arm appears in front of me, placing a glass of water down. My dry mouth looks at the liquid hungrily, wanting to inhale an entire sea’s worth. I begin chugging its contents back hurriedly, feeling as though nothing will be able to quench my thirst at this rate. Before I can finish, I reach for the jug sitting in the middle of the table, lifting it to the glass without putting it down on the table. I keep filling myself until my stomach reaches its limit. I smack the empty cup down on the table, gasping viciously for air.
I burp loudly the sound of my greedy behavior echoing loudly through the room, shortly followed with an apology. I laze myself down on the table again, whimpering quietly to myself. Everyone gathered around the table is staring, eyes wide as they fork their breakfast into their mouths.
“What? Why are you staring?” I grouch at them. Oscar and Wire pull their gaze away. Silence fills the room with nothing but the sound sizzling food, which reminds me that I’m both famished and nauseated, a combination I hate more than anything. I know that my hangover won't end until I replenish my body, but the word food alone makes me want to regurgitate my own organs.
The door swings open and in comes Noe, grinning widely, seeming as fresh and energetic as ever. “Hey guys!” He greets. His eyes fall to me, peeking briefly from beneath his bucket hat. He chuckles amusedly. “Woah, you look like shit dude!”
“Fuck you Noe,” I spit, he brushes off the harsh response, patting my back as he walks past me and slides into one of the free chairs. The boys greet him, throwing in a couple jokes as they do.
“Well, I like the lipstick, it suits you.”
The room falls silent. I look to the others, who were all nervously exchanging glances, mostly between Noe, Killer and I. I look at the glass to see the burgundy print faintly along its rim. I rub at my lip, hard, seeing a minor shade red transfer onto my finger. I look back up at the guys to see they were staring at me as if I knew what was happening. I drop the glass and jump out of the chair in panic, fumbling over my words. I rush to the door, slamming it behind me in panic.
I rush to the medbay, hoping to catch Senior, he might know something. I throw open the door to see Kid sitting on a cot, clutching his temples with a pained expression. He and Senior both look over to me, Senior seeming caught off guard. My eyes meet Kids then Senior again. A smirk spreads across his lips. He already knows. My words stumble again, making a random jumble of sounds but no words come out. I throw the door closed and dart towards the sleeping quarters, the only place left that I can be safe.
I catch my reflection in one of the windows. I come to a hard stop, gliding on the freshly washed deck, nearly tumbling to the floor as I do. I study my reflection, seeing the familiar shade of lipstick staining my lips and the area surrounding them. It’s not a clown's job, that’s for sure..
Oh god... Oh god.
I take off once again, running down to my hammock and throwing myself into it, wrapping myself into a tightly enclosed cocoon. I pull my pillow to my face, screaming loudly into it, straining my throat as I do. As my voice dies out, I fall silent. I’m aching and frustrated and don’t remember anything.
“You know when we had that talk last night I was anticipating the situation to be resolved.” Killer's voice cuts the silence. Of course.
“I don’t remember a single thing after we talked.”
“That was obvious the second you entered the kitchen.” He retorts, seemingly monotoned. He’s not the least bit impressed with me.
I stir angrily. The shock in my system is fading but my heart is still pumping hard, mercilessly attacking my head.
“Are you here to make me miserable or do you have a point to make?”
“Hm,” he hums, “you can figure this one out on your own.” His tone harsh, different from usual. Instead of sounding like the heartless pirate he is, it almost sounds spiteful to my response. He turns, making his way out of the room shutting the door behind him, leaving me to sit in silence.
I really need to sleep some more.
More steps come and the door cracks open. Now frustrated,  I peel open my hammock and look over to see Noe walking over to me with a mug in his hand. The smell of coffee fills the room.
“What happened man?” He questions, plopping down against the wall next to me. He hands me the mug. I shake my head.
“I’m just really embarrassed.”
“Why? It’s not like you stripped and danced naked in front of us, although, that would have been fun.” Noe chuckled. I would have smacked him if he was in arms reach. I roll my eyes and plop my head down in my pillow again. He lightly sways my hammock, sitting silently in my company.
“How am I ever supposed to come back from wearing the captain's lipstick? This will haunt me for the rest of my days on this ship.”
“Stop being such a drama queen,” Noe shrugs, slurping his coffee loudly.
“Go fuck yourself Noe,” I mumble turning away from him, “you’re shit at offering comfort.”
“Sleep off the alcohol. We can talk when you’re less miserable.”
“Yeah hopefully then I’ll have the energy to bruise your face.”
The door to the sleeping quarters shuts.
I break from my deep slumber to loud stomping approach the room, the door slams open, almost falling off its hinges. The sudden commotion makes me jump and squirm in the hammock before falling out, landing fast first on the ground.
I groan loudly. “I don’t want to exist today,” I mumble, with my face still pressed into the ground, already feeling the bruise forming on my forehead. My head is still reminding me of my poor choices from last night. The extra sleep helped, but god I’m being punished for it. I roll myself over and look up to the silhouette blocking the light shining from the door. I can faintly make out Kids face. He’s pissed.
“I’m on watch duty aren’t I?”
“You were, I let you sleep in.” The captain growls down at me. For once he’s a little merciful. What the hell happened to make everyone act so weird?
He kneels down in front of me, lifting my head back and swiping his finger over my lips roughly. “There’s an enemy not too far ahead, we’re gonna them.”
I swat his hand away, tugging my head back from his hand. “Okay, I’ll get to the infirmary… and stop touching me.”
He narrows his eyes at me, making me freeze. I frown at him, what is happening? I scoot back a little bit and shakily stand myself up. Kid follows my actions, staring me down like I was hiding something from him. I know something is going on, and it's just hanging in the air, but I can’t deal with this now.
I bundle my hair up and tie it into a high ponytail, giving him the side eye as I turn to my trunk, kicking its side making the lid bust open. I tear off my crop top from last night and replace it with my work t-shirt, it still has a couple blood stains, but they match its icy blue color. Next is the gun Kid gave me, I load it, counting the bullets I have. He told me only to use it when someone attacks me while tending to someone. I’ve only had to use it a couple times.  I’m not supposed to fight, most of the time at least.
I fill the pockets of baggy pants with the bullets and slip my blade into my boot. Firmly sticking the cover inside so it doesn’t fall out. I throw my supply belt over my shoulder, tightly locking it over my chest and between my boobs. I catch him staring but his eyes quickly divert, his emotions making it hard to think about anything else. He remains still with his rage silently building as I continue to ignore the elephant in the room. I avoid look again, catching his gaze is typically the tipping point when he’s angry. I kick the trunk again and the lid falls closed. I make my way towards the door, spotting Killer strolling past, eyeing us down casually before disappearing again.
“You think you can just act like nothing happened.” Kid calls out to me. I come to a halt, nearly at the door and turn on my heels to face him again, almost jumping when I see his chest right in front of me. I look up to see his angered expression has softened slightly. I kick the door closed, unable to concentrate on him with the crew outside barking orders as they try to prepare for a fight.
I’m too tired to have this conversation now. Why now?
I sigh out. “Kid, I need to prepare the medical supplies. Seniors foot is broken, I have to work twice as hard.” My body itches. The curiosity in me is begging for answers but it feels more troublesome than rewarding at this rate. Everyone is acting off, and this is the last thing I need is to be messing up because of last night. “I don’t remember and I don’t want to try to right now.”
His eyes grow cold again, appearing angrier than before. Huffing out, he storms past, throwing me off balance as he does on his way out. I shouldn't have said that, in that way. It’s bothering me more than anything that he’s staying so calm about it. I spot the blond again by the door frame, silently watching me with his arms crossed, pretending to be casually hanging about.
“Yeah, yeah, I get the fucking message.” I huff out on my way out.
I beeline straight to the infirmary, helping only a couple men with ropes on the way when they needed me to. I open the door to see Senior sitting at his deck, leg propped up in his large cast. He’s reading that damn medicine book that's impossibly heavy with insanely tiny writing. He tilts the book at angle to give a look through his reading glasses, followed by a cocked brow.
“So.” He begins, just as I was hoping he wouldn't. I throw my head back, irked by his insistence to talk about Kid and I. He’s not the only one. It’s almost like the crew wants to be involved with this pointless drama. You would think as pirates they’d be too busy to worry about that.
“Not today, please.” I whine at him, grabbing one of the mouth rinses from one of the cupboards.
“That’s for mouth injuries.” Senior reminds me, without even looking up from his book. I often wonder if he has a third eye.
“Yes, well, I can’t get the taste of alcohol out of my mouth despite brushing my teeth twice today.” I throw the medicine back into my mouth, swirling the gross medicinal liquid around my mouth, making sure it’s coating my mouth entirely before spitting it out in a bucket.
“Maybe don’t get drunk.”
“I can break your other foot for you.” I snarkily respond slapping his casted foot. He hisses in response, giving me the stink eye. I wink at him, chuckling softly as I begin to  carefully pocket the medical supplies on my belt, organizing them by level of emergencies.
“Are you going to be alright on your own?” Senior questions me, now taking his feet off the table.
I adjust the belt over my shoulder, huffing annoyedly. “I don’t have a choice. I just hope none of the heavier boys need me to carry them.” Senior chuckles in response, clearly amused at the image.
“If it comes to it I’ll be out in a matter of seconds. You’ll be fine, it’s not an Emperor.”
I hum in response, thinking to myself quietly about last night. There’s not much I remember, just Kids eyes angrily staring me down as I make my way into his room. I drank almost half a bottle of whiskey on top of all that lager. Damn...no wonder my head feels like a balloon ready to burst.
I pop a pain killer in my mouth, chugging the glass of water on Seniors desk. “I’d usually kill you for that, but in your state I’ll forgive it.”
“You’re so merciful,” I sarcastically retort with an eyeroll, making my way back to the door. It swings open right as my hand reaches the handle and there stands his large figure. The light from outside burns my eyes, making me squint painfully as I stare up at him.
“Give us some privacy.”
I swallow the ball growing in my throat and step back, letting Senior step out on his crotches. Kid slams the door behind him, making me jump. His eyes are dark, filled with rage that I only ever see when he’s fighting. The ball in my throat drops, now pitting in my stomach instead.
He’s always been hard on me, snapping orders and reprimanding me when I’m wrong, but he’s never looked at me the way he does now. His nose crinkles as he snarls at me, bearing his teeth, ready to bite at any second. I look to his arm, seeing the veins in his arms bulging from his fist constantly balling up. He’s fighting with himself to stay calm. I can't look into his eyes, his gaze feral and ready to bite like a pack of hungry wolves. The anticipation for him to speak pains me. I continue to back up, stopping as my back hits one of the cots. I bite down on the inside of my lip, feeling my face wanting to show my fear, but that will only make this worse. I keep my eyes down to my boots, awkwardly looking down as I wait for his yelling to start.
“How dare you think you can talk to me that way.” Kid hisses at me through clenched teeth.
“Don't get mad at me if I can't remember what happened, stop humiliating me!” I bark back at him, my emotions finally getting the best of me. My spiteful cold attitude has held up so far but hearing the aggression in his voice breaks me.
His demeanour switches suddenly, and laughs tauntingly. “Can I remind you, you’re the one who went to bed wearing my lipstick.” His cruel teasing finally breaks me. I fold my arms over my chest, chewing hard on my bottom lip as I fight the tears pricking in my eyes. He waits for my response but nothing comes. I stare at the wall, angrily sulking, eyes watering and nose burning, viciously blinking the blurry vision in my eyes. .
He nods simply, his eyes boring into me. He’s quiet, meaning for once he’s thinking his actions through. He’s such a cruel man and I can’t stand being a victim of his merciless ways. He flashes me a dissatisfied grin. He turns away to the door, attempting to put an end to this conversation for now. If I leave it like this I will be in more trouble.
“Exactly as I thought from last night, you’re just talk.” He writes me off, waving his hand over his shoulder like I’m useless.
Asshole. I snatch the nearest item to me, a therapy ball sitting by my feet and launch the firm object at him. It smacks into his head with a loud thump before ricocheting across the room. Kid turns on his heels slowly, his eyes catching mine. His face contorted into a terrifying expression resembling what a demon would appear as in the skin of a human. His eyes pierce what little armor I have left. All my rage slips away, melting into panic.
My jaw clenches with my hands now shaking vigorously as I try to keep calm. I suck in air between my teeth, standing tall on the ground I decided to cross. “You cannot come in here mocking me and dehumanizing me for something I don’t even remember doing, you asshole!”
“You’re telling me how I can act?” Kid questions me, stepping towards me.
My words stutter uncontrollably, cursing the gutsiness my rage gave me. “I-I” Never once have I raised my voice at him and now I already regret it.
He kneels before me. I tear my gaze away, but he turns my face back to him. “What? So now the cats caught your tongue? Do I need to cut it off?” He laughs, now seeming more amused than angry at this rate. For the first time I’m struggling to understand what is happening inside of his head and I can’t stand it.
“So you’re embarrassed of kissing me?”  His question takes me off guard. My eyes widen as thoughts jumble in my head. Oh god. My exaggerated confidence has deflated completely, leaving me defenseless
He turns to the door, I release the air held in my lungs, hoping this is the end. He locks it, forcing every muscle in my body to tense. My goddamn luck betrays me everyday, but who am I kidding, this is Kid.
“So tell me why you came into my room last night telling me that I gross you out and I’d be the worst person to love, yet you still only think about kissing me?”
The air in my throat hitched, almost making me choke. Parts of the distance memory faintly come to mind. I don’t remember it, but I remember doing it. The blood in my face collects, turns my cheeks into an overheated mess, turning my knees to jelly. The incoherent words hang off my lips in a jumbled mess once more.
“So, you’re just too embarrassed to say you like me?” Kid asks me smirking even more now. Why is he smiling?
I dip away from his hand trying to grab me, his fingers brushing over my shoulder. The suppressed anger in him is building a tension in the room I can’t bear to face. He hasn’t been merciful, he hasn’t been kind, it’s so obvious now that since this morning it’s all been calculated. He wants me to confess.
“No, that’s not it at all!” I hiss in return. I dodge his grasp again, jumping away from his hand as it reaches for me. He turns to face me properly, slowly approaching as I calmly back myself away, feeling the walls as I go until I hit a corner. He leans down to me, his golden eyes flicking between both of mine, face sitting inches away. He hums amusedly, with his cool breath lightly fanning over my face.
“You can’t be embarrassed of your Captain.”
“I’m not,”
“Oh?” Kid sadistically smirked, “but you wanted to hide when everyone saw the lipstick on your lips.”
The words in my mouth stumble into a chaotic mix of sounds that mean nothing again. Kid laughs at me, before pulling out a lipstick from his pocket, brandishing it to me as he opens it to apply a fresh layer, covering his lips in the dark burgundy, watching me as he slides the make up across his lips. Once done he closes it, placing it back in his pocket, while his other hand wipes away the corners that he over-lined. He flashes me a toothy grin, running his tongue along his teeth, purposely torturing me with anticipation. He leans down closer to my face, the smirk fixed on his lips. All of my breath leaves my lips. He can’t be serious, not now.
“I enjoy seeing people suffer, you know that right?” I nod hesitantly in response. “Good,” he hums approvingly, wrapping his fingers around the belt on my chest. My heart stops, awaiting his next move. For once I can’t predict him and completely at his mercy.
He tugs on the belt, making me crash into him. Both of his hands cup my face, pressing his lips onto mine, holding me tight as he exhales the brewing emotions in him. He pulls away, parting the aggressive kiss, letting me breathe in finally. Completely overwhelmed and paralyzed by his actions, I stare at him with shallow lungs as I struggle to relax. I’m nauseated fromm my stomach nervously flipping. Why did he kiss me if he’s so angry?
“You came into my room last night yelling at me, telling me I’m the asshole for saying I liked you.”
“You are,” I quietly croak.
“Yeah,” he tuts back, an evil smirking spreading on his lips. My eyes grow wide, he’s planning something. He drags his finger over my bottom lip. “You’re not allowed to yell at your captain, throw bottles at his door, or-” The ball in my throat grows and regret fills me. I don’t want to drink ever again. “Be embarrassed of your captain.”
“I’m not!”
“You’re not allowed to lie either!” Just as I go to open my mouth again he kisses me, pulling me over his now kneeling leg, running one hand through my hair while the other pulls the hair tie out. My hands run over his shoulder grasping onto him as we deepen the kiss.
“You’ve fallen for my trap.” He laughs out, breaking the kiss. I tug my head back seeing the devious glint in his eyes. The panic sets in and I begin to struggle away from him as hauls me up and pins me to the ground. I push against his hands, quickly realizing my defeat. I whimper out, begging him to stop as he starts to cover me in kisses, planting his lipstick all over me, the creamy makeup covering me from my chest up to my forehead. I can’t help but giggle, but curse at him, infuriated by this. He pulls away, looking down at me with pride, appreciating his work.
“You can’t wash it off until the end of the day.”
“WHAT?” I yell, now trying to kick myself away from him.
“Discipline for your bad behavior.”
I hum angrily, eyes burning holes into him. I would be angrier if it wasn’t he wasn’t kissing me moments before. He picks me up from the floor, giving me the hair tie back. I snarkily sneer at him, tying my hair back up once again. He smirks at me again, headed for the door with me following shortly behind. I’m not ready for all the mockery I’ll be enduring for the rest of my life on this ship.
“Do I have permission to kick anyone’s ass who pisses me off?” I ask him.
He gives me a quick glance, smiling widely. “Only if they can handle it.” A smile creeps on my lips, I know I’m a bright crimson by now, but it’s all out of the way. Maybe my drinking helped me make better decisions than I thought. Part 1
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vanillann · 4 years
pancakes for dinner ii (spencer reid x reader)
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part i
warning: swearing 
word count: 1.9k
Spencer turned around quickly. He stood in the middle of my kitchen with batter sticking to his cheek.
The tone in his voice sparked up, causing it to crack. The roller bag was long forgotten in the hallway, my feet not stopping until I stood in front of him.
“You got my message,” I spoke mostly to myself but the comment itself brought a smile to Spencer's face.
“I did.”
Not another second was wasted, my lips crashing onto his. I felt like I was floating, like I was on cloud 9. The way his teeth ran over my bottom lip made shivers run up my spine, I felt completely helpless in the best way possible.
His hands grabbed both sides of my face, slowly bringing me farther away from his own.
“Wake up.”
“Wake up (Y/N).”
The sight of Spencer was gone in seconds, the overhead light of the plane taken over my vision.
“Hiya sleepy head.”
I turned back to my right, Lizzie's smiling face was a nice sight, but I was so mad it wasn't Spencer leaning in for another kiss.
Well, dream Spencer.
God, dream Spencer was just as hot as real Spencer.
“We are about to land,” Lizzie said as she grabbed my phone from my hands.
“What are you doing now, calling my boss?”
“Nope, putting my number in your phone.”
I smiled to myself, watching as my new found friend typed her number quickly into my phone.
Spencer fell back into his seat, a sigh leaving his lips as he looked at the loads of paperwork on everyone's desk.
“I need to call Savannah,” Morgan spoke quickly, stepping off to his office, his phone in his hand before he rounded the corner.
The talk of a phone call bought Spencer mine back to the voicemail (Y/N) had left him, sitting in whatever inbox the stupid thing had.
He looked through the glass door, the sight of the BatCave door was enough to have Spencer standing from his chair.
He pulled his phone out of his front pocket, knocking on the BatCave door because it was always nice to respect people's private space.
Spencer pushed the phone open, trying to figure out how to work this weird tech box.
“What’s up Boy Wonder?”
Garcia's voice was smooth, as always.
“(Y/N) left me a voicemail but I can't get to the inbox.”
Without another word Garcia pulled the phone from his hands and typed away quickly.
“Speaker or handheld?”
Garcia looked up through the frames of her thick purple glasses, reminding Spencer of his old art teacher from college.
“Speaker is fine.”
Spencer didn't want to hold that stupid tech box with thousands, 17,000 to be exact, to his face if he didn't have to.
Garcia did her classic dramatic tape, the sound of (Y/N) voice made it all worth it.
“Hi Spencer, it’s me (Y/N).”
The first thing Spencer picked up on was the edge of (Y/N) voice, did something happen?
Are they kidnapped?
God not again.
“I have a feeling you and the team are on a case or something so you probably aren't going to get this until Pen teaches you how.”
“Burn,” Garcia said, making a fist and fist bumping the phone screen.
Spencer rolled his eyes, the sound of a faint laugh sounded through the phone, a note (Y/N).
Just no.
“Okay, um here goes everything.”
Garcia and Spencer made eye contact at the same time, both confused looks burned into their brow.
“I wanna eat pancakes for dinner with you, I know that doesn't make sense to you and all but-um.”
Okay, something was definitely wrong, someone had to have a gun to your head if you were talking in code or something.
“A stranger on the plane told me a crazy story about the love of her life-”
“-dying in a plane crash and eating pancakes for dinner and I realized that I can't keep acting like I don't want you.”
Garcia dropped the phone, quickly jumping from her chair to pick it back up and hold it in front of both their faces, The bright screen lit up both their faces, both sided eyes and full of awe.
“And right now I’m horrified that this will end horribly but right now I’m stuck on this plane and if it crashes or I disappear or some serial killer finds me-”
Please don't bring up a serial killer killing you, not again.
“-I need you to know.”
Both FBI agents were bundled together in the middle of the room, both faces glued to the phone.
Hotch opened the door to the BatCave, opening his mouth to speak but Garcia hushed him quickly.
Oh god, In front of Hotch!
“I love you Spencer Reid-”
Hotch even took as small a gasp of air, not as big as Garcia but still louder than Spencer.
“-I always have and I can't help it that I wanna eat pancakes for dinner with you.”
Hotch closed the door, walking deeper into the room. He stood beside Spencer,  his face still stern but the hit of a smile playing across his face, his dimples almost on full display.
“I can't help it that you might be the love of my life and I might die today-”
“No,” Spencer yelped out, Garcia quickly held a finger up this mouth and gave him a Hotch look.
“-so if you don't feel the same it's okay but I just need you to know, um yeah bye.”
The sound of a harsh click ended the call, but no one in the room spoke.
“Oh god, if you don’t marry her I will, you can be the best man if you want,” Garcia spoke at lighting speed.
“She called me the love of her life.”
Spencer couldn't focus on anything in the room except the tech box that (Y/N) perfect voice was just flowing out of.
“How about I take your stack and divide them through the team?”
Hotch laid a shoulder on his shoulder, breaking him from the daze he had fallen into.
“Here take my car,” Garcia jumped from her seat, handing Spencer here keys with a Minecraft character, maybe, hanging for the side.
Spencer grabbed the keys and left the BatCave within seconds.
I placed the key into my apartment, a small voice in the back of my head telling me Spencer would be on the other side of that door with pancake batter on his face.
I pushed the door open, keeping my head focus to keep my disappointment at bay. I clicked the lights on, finally looking up to see my kitchen completely empty.
I felt the sigh pass my lips, dragging the roller bag, which felt extra heavy now, to the side of my couch.
I looked over my shoulder, the clock on my wall making me want to cry.
The time zone was off now and I couldn't sleep, the thought of work in the morning was what made a few single tears roll down my cheeks.
“I hate being old.”
My phone buzzed, my hopes that it was Spencer were gone when I saw Lizzie name pop across my screen.
Lizzie: home yet?
I typed a quick yes, shoving the phone back into my pocket, walking straight to the coffee machine.
If I was going to be stuck watching stupid movies until work might as well have some liquid energy.
The closer I got to the pot the sooner I realized that I had no more coffee beans.
Did the universe hate me, like really hate me?
I played with my keys between my fingers, the thought of running to the small supermarket down the street couldn't hurt.
I didn't think twice, walking back through the front door and closing it behind me.
I wandered down the coffee aisle, looking through the many selves of beautiful coffee beans. I grabbed my normal brand and turned left.
I saw the crowd of people standing around the exit, the thought of pushing through them right now made me cringe. I instead turned right, making my way to the other end of the aisle.
My phone buzzed again, I smiled to myself just knowing it had to be Lizzie since it was going crazy.
Lizzie: i think i should paint a picture of you
Lizzie: like with fruits on top of your head
Lizzie: looking like the hot ass human you are
I started to laugh until my head hit a hard surface, but definitely not wall hard. I reached out to the nearest thing to me. the feeling of soft yarn could be felt on my finger tips.
“I’m so sorry-”
I looked up, the sight of Spencer Reid's flusher face had my hand moving off his arm in seconds.
The way his voice jumped three octaves made the nerves float from my body, just like his voice always did.
Suddenly the memory of the plane was crashing against the side of my brain.
Oh no, it’s weird it’s weird.
“You’re home!”
I watched Spencer's eyes dart around my face, his smile full of nerves.
I shook my head, my eyes going to focus on the white floor of the supermarket floor before something caught my eyes.
A box of pancake mix was held firmly in Spencer's hands.
Pancake mix, oh jumping Jehoshaphat pancake mix!
“I’m more of a waffle guy but I’m willing to settle!”
The words came out rushed and for some reason his hands flew above his head, like he was going to get arrested or something along those lines.
The blush that was creeping up my neck was making my body feel hot, I nearly forgot there were people all around us in the supermarket.
“I’ll give up waffles completely if that's what you want-”
“How about waffles for breakfast and pancakes for dinners?”
I didn't know how the hell I said that so calmly, I felt like my body was going to explode.
The feeling from the plane came back when he slowly started to smile, the feeling of the clouds passing by at a slow pace.
“Yeah, good compromise. You’ve always been good with compromises-”
I watched his lips move at rapid speed, wanting to actually kiss him.
I wonder if it would be as good as dream Spencer?
His mouth didn't stop, I could even focus on what he was saying anymore.
Only one way to find out.
I grabbed his tie, crashing his lip onto mine, his lips sinking into my bottom lip from where he was talking.
I felt my eyes flutter close, the way his hand ran up from my shoulder to the side of my neck.
His tongue ran across my teeth before a loud cough echoed from behind me. We broke away from the kiss, I looked over my shoulder to see an older couple watching us, both giggle to each other.
“May we get around you both?”
I shook my hand, sliding to the side. Spencer's hand didn't leave the side of my face, my hand wrapped around his tie.
Both smiled, the women stopping themselves and smiling.
“Might want to clean that up.”
She pointed to the floor, the sight of a broken box of pancake mix laid messy across the floor.
criminal minds tag list:
pancakes for dinner tag list:
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rai-wick · 3 years
Gally x Reader Chapter 27: Lost
I finished dressing and sat at a ridge overlooking the valley. Turning a small black circular stone over in my hand as I was lost in thoughts, I didn't hear Newt approach and sit next to me until he gave me a slight nudge. I looked up at him and he tilted his head slightly as if to ask"Are you okay?". I gave a shrug in reply as Minho and Frypan made their way to the ridge. We sat in silence which seemed given because no one had spoken since the 'revelation'.
There was a crunching of dry grass as Thomas made his way to a rock on my other side and he sat down with a soft sigh.
"I wish Alby could've seen this"Newt said looking out onto the valley.
"And Winston"Frypan nodded.
"And Chuck"Thomas added, clutching the small wood figure that Chuck had given him.
"And Gally" I thought to myself but didn't dare to say out loud.
"He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy"I told him as he looked at me, nodding.
"Hey Aris!"Frypan shouted down to Aris who was sitting with Harriet and Sonya then upon seeing us, waved back"I kinda like that kid"He said with a smile.
"Yeah still don't trust him though"Minho squinted and muttered as we all chuckled.
"Hey where's Teresa?"Thomas asked.
"She went up there"Newt pointed to where Teresa was standing, staring out into the mountains. Thomas then made his way to her while the rest of us stayed where we were. I saw Newt blow on his hands to try warm them up in the cold wind. Our eyes met and I gave him a shy smile before covering his hands with mine, ignoring the heat I felt in my face.
"Unlike you idjits, I actually choose decent warm clothes with good pockets"He rolled his eyes, his cheeks pink but he didn't move his hands away as we watched nightfall. I was staring out onto the horizon when I noticed two lights which I originally thought were stars, were now getting bigger as well as a deep rumbling noise beginning. I pulled my hands away from Newt's and jumped up.
"_______? What's wrong?"He asked as Minho and Frypan turned to us. I just pointed to the horizon where the two helicopters were fast approaching.
"Shit!"We ran down the ridge just as the helicopters threw their first bomb. Panic ensued as WICKD swat teams landed and began firing tasers at everyone.
"Where's Thomas"Frypan asked as we threw ourselves behind some rusty barrels.
"Harriet! Ammo!"Vince yelled from a truck as he shot at the soldiers.
"Vince! Harriet!"Minho shouted, running towards them, the rest of us following behind"How can we help?"
"You need to cover us!"
"Hey! Do you know how to use this thing?"Vince shoved a gun into Minho's arms who nodded"Cover me! This fifty's our only chance!"Vince prepared his barrel gun as Harriet threw me a rifle and I took position opposite Minho to cover them. We aimed and fired to the best of our abilities. I saw one of the soldiers press something in his hand and I realised with a shiver, it was a shock bomb.
"Look out!"I grabbed Newt but my world went black before I could dive away. I woke up groggily as I was forced into a kneeling position between Minho and Newt. One of the soldiers grabbed my neck and scanned it before calling out "A-3" I saw Janson approach the soldiers and my blood boiled with rage. I was about to get up when I felt Newt grab my hand and violently shake his head.
"Now's not the time, _____"I scowled and slumped down.
"Where's Thomas?"Janson asked, looing around.
"Right here" We all turned to see Thomas being grabbed and brought before Janson who smirked.
"Thomas"Janson's smirk grew as he punched him in the gut, making him double over"Get him in line"He was forced down next to Minho"Okay, bring her in"Janson whispered to one of the men.
"Why didn't you run?"Minho panted to Thomas.
"I'm tired of running"He replied with a shake of his head. We watched as a third helicopter approached, blowing dust into our faces. It touched down and the cargo door opened, revealing the face of a woman who seemed like nothing more than nightmares before to me.
"Is this all of them"She asked Janson with a curt voice.
"Most of them. It'll be enough"He replied. She nodded and told him to start loading us in. As they grabbed people and shoving them into the helicopters, She gestured for Thomas and I to be brought before her.
"Hello Thomas, _______"She glanced at me with disgust before turning back to Thomas who stared at her with repulsion. The soldiers brought Teresa over and at first I felt relief she wasn't dead. This relief changed to anger when Ava pulled her close.
"I'm glad you're safe"
"What the hell"I tried to keep my voice level as Minho, Newt and Frypan stood up in shock.
"Wait, what's going on?"Newt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"She's with them"Thomas replied, staring hard at her.
"Since when?"Minho turned to Thomas.
"Oh, Teresa's always had an evolved appreciation of the greater good"Janson said"Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time"
"I'm sorry"Teresa looked around at all of us as we stared at her in shock and disgust"I had no choice. This is the only way. We have to find a cure"
"She's right. This is all just a means to an end"Ava butted in"Both of you used to understand that"She turned back to Thomas and I"No matter what you think of me, I am not a monster. I am a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure! No matter the cost"She sighed"I just need more time"
"More blood"Mary replied behind us.
"Hello, Mary. I hoped we'd meet again"Ava said softly"I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances"
"I'm sorry about a lot of things too. But not this. At least my conscience is clear"Mary shook her head.
"So is mine"Ava said before we heard a gunshot and Mary crumpled to the ground.
"Mary! Mary! Mary!"Vince clutched her as I looked back to see Janson holding the gun that killed her.
"Let's go Janson"Ava turned away.
"Sonya! Aris"Harriet yelled as they were grabbed. A soldier took Thomas who pulled out a detonator and hit in in the face with it.
"Everyone back!"Thomas yelled as we all made a circle around him"Let them go"
"Thomas, put it down"Janson said.
"Let 'em all go!"Thomas yelled.
"You know I can't do that!"Ava shouted.
"Thomas, please stop"Teresa pleaded"I made a deal with them. They promised we'd all be safe. All of us"She nodded at Ava who stared ahead at Thomas.
"And I'm supposed to trust you now?"
"It's true. It was her only condition"Ava explained.
"Shut up!"
"Everything can go back to the way it was. Thomas..."Ava stepped closer"Do you really want all them to die?"Thomas looked back at us.
"Listen to her, Thomas. Think about what you're doing"Janson inched closer. I made my way to Thomas as did Minho, Newt and Frypan, taking our place next to him.
"We're with you, Thomas"I said, keeping the fear and shaking out of my voice. Ava and her people began to step away"Do it Thomas. We're ready"
"We're not going back there"Thomas told Ava"It's the only way"He put his thumb on the detonation button. We all closed our eyes, bracing ourselves when we heard a truck horn blaring. We stared in shock as we saw Jorge shouting manically as he drove towards an empty helicopter, sending it crashing.
"Move!"At once, everyone split and run in all directions. I turned to see a soldier aiming his taser rifle at Thomas, yelling at him to drop his bomb.He pressed the button before throwing it at them as we all got down.
The bomb exploded as Ava was rushed into a helicopter. I was just getting up when I felt someone grab me and turn me over. I looked up to see Janson who punched me in the face before aiming his gun at me and I felt myself freeze as my blood ran cold.
"What a wast-"His sentence was cut off as I saw Newt shoot him in the shoulder. He groaned and aimed his gun at Newt. Just then, another shot was fired, almost hitting his ear, throwing him backwards. I looked up to see Brenda before grabbing onto Newt's hand and bolting away.
"Go on, get outta here!"Minho yelled, covering for us as we ran and ducked behind some cargo boxes. As Minho was reloading, one of the soldiers fired a taser bullet right in his chest. He kneeled over a crate, looking back at us.
"Minho!"Thomas ran towards him but Newt grabbed him back as bullets rained down"Minho!"He scrambled to get him as Minho was pulled away. Jorge dragged Thomas who was screaming and we ran to the ridge for safety, watching as WICKD took Minho away from us.
We worked the rest of the night, clearing the camp and finding out what exactly our losses were. We worked mostly in silence, a dark heavy silence. I was shifting through boxes looking for more ammo when I heard someone approaching. I looked up to see Newt holding up some pellets.
"I found them scattered around. I don't know if they're worth anything but..."He didn't finish but just held his hand out.
"Thanks"I took them, looking down in my hand and Newt turned to go"Wait, Newt"He looked back as I approached him"Thank you, not just for the bullets, but for saving my life"
"You're welcome, _______. We suffered enough, losing you would have been too much for me to bear"His eyes softened as he wiped some grime off my cheek. I nodded shakily in reponse and looked away "Come on" We made our way to where everyone was seated.
"What do we do now?"Frypan asked.
"Well, we pick up what's left of us"Vince sighed"We stick to the plan. We get you kids to the safe haven"He stood warily"Then we start over, I guess"
"I'm not going with you"Thomas stated as he slung a bag over his shoulder.
"I made a promise to Minho. I wouldn't leave him behind. I have to go after him"He replied. I looked at Newt and Frypan as we stood up.
"Hey kid, look around you"Vince gestured"WICKD just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed"
"I'm not asking anyone to come with me"Thomas shrugged.
"Thomas, listen to me"Newt stepped towards him"I've known Minho for...well as long as I can remember. So if there was any way that we could help him, trust me, I would be up there standing next to you. This, what you're talking about, is impossible"
"More like suicide"Jorge added as he and Brenda came over.
"Maybe"Thomas admitted"But I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about Minho. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKD's ever taken, everyone they will take. They'll never stop. They'll never stop so I'm gonna stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige"
"I have to admit, I'd like some revenge"Harriet said.
"Well, that's a good speech kid"Vince sighed"So what's your plan?"We all looked up at Thomas who's eyes flashed.
"We burn it all down"
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emberfrostlovesloki · 4 years
#25 Drowning (in Paperwork).
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Prompt: You overhear Spencer defending after someone calls you stupid / lazy.
Category: Angst / Comfort
Content Warning: None
A/N: Sorry that I have been gone so long. Grad school has been as busy as I imagined it would be. I’m almost free however and will hopefully post often over the break. This piece has been sitting idle for months so here is it. This is a collaboration with @imagining-in-the-margins​ who came up with the idea for the story. They have some awesome CM content, so I highly recommend their blog. 
Word Count: 2K
List with all stories
Y/n = your name 
Y/l/n = your last name 
_Y/n_ was currently slumped over her desk asleep. The bullpen was mostly empty at the moment because most of the members of the Behavioral Analysis Unit were out grabbing their lunch from the breakroom or getting food from the many take out joints near the FBI compound. Agent y/l/n_ had planned on shot gunning a cup of coffee and continuing her paperwork over their most recent successful case. The unsub, Keith Drivesdale, had ended the whole situation very dramatically with a seven mile footrace in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Tennessee. Mr. Drivesdale had been kidnapping young female hikers on the Appalachian Trail, assaulting them, and then dumping the bodies across state lines on the trail. Drivesdale had been repeating the same pattern for four months until the authorities in Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, and Pennsylvania had the sense to contact the other states sheriff stations to see if there was a pattern in the type of killings that were happening on their portion of the trail. By that time the unsub had killed eleven young women. The man hunt had concluded with twenty five sheriffs, five helicopters searching for the last victim from above, and _y/n_ and Morgan tracking down the man on foot. When they had found his trailer, Keith had not attempted to injure Kelly Browning, his last victim. Morgan stayed with the hiker until Jason and Emily came to take her to the hospital. Meanwhile agent _y/l/n_ had run after Drivesdale. The unsub finally tired enough to make a bad decision in his choice of trail to attempt escape on. The man had run himself onto a lookout with a high drop. _Y/n_ had her gun pulled out and said, “Mr. Drivesdales there’s no place to go. Give this up.” Keith pulled out a pistol from his belt and said, “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I really couldn’t.” The man quickly put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. His body wracked with the impact of the bullet, and the unsub fell back off the lookout, and into the river below. A second later Derek rushed into the clearing. The other agent was afraid that the unsub had hurt _y/l/n_. With the accelerating chase over, and the case solved the team piled into the jet and returned to D.C. 
It was the following day after the case and the paperwork was due by the end of the workday. Derek and Spencer entered the bullpen. Morgan walked up to _y/n_ desk and pulled The Decameron out from under the sleeping agents folded arms. Surprisingly this movement didn’t stir the sleeping woman. After a few minutes of standing over _y/n_ Derek gently patted her shoulder. The female agent jerked awake, and gripped the sides of her desk. Morgan startled a little at the sharp movement, and said, “Hey, are you alright _y/n_? After rubbing her palm over her eyes and replied, “I’m fine. I had a paper due last night and about a hundred pages of reading left before attending lecture tonight.” Spencer smiled and moved forward saying, “I’ve read The Decameron five times. If you want me to give you a summary of the pages you haven’t read yet I’d be happy to.” _Y/n_ smiled at Reid. She knew that reading that much text was going to take longer than she had. Also, she never missed an opportunity to hear Spencer flex his extensive knowledge. Therefore she replied, “That sounds great. I’ll treat you to some good coffee. You talk and I take notes. If that seems like an equal exchange to you.” Spencer smiled, trilled at the idea of getting to spend time with _y/n_. Derek could see Reid’s excitement, but refrained from saying anything about it in front of agent _y/l/n_. After an awkward moment of silence the standing agents moved toward their respective desks and started working on their own paperwork. 
After another three hours _y/n_ startled awake again. She internally berated herself for only getting an hour of sleep last night. Unfortunately editing a ten page paper took longer than she had anticipated. The paper was 15% of her final grade in one of the three graduate classes she was taking at Georgetown University. She looked up at the clock and was thankful that she had only been out for ten minutes. She was longing for the day to end, and to spend an hour or two with Spencer. Speaking of the young genius, she couldn’t see him anywhere in the brightly lit desk area. She also noticed that one of her thicker, unfinished files was apparently missing. She took the approach she always did when something strange happened near her; get a cup of coffee and figure it out after the caffeine hit her. She pushed her chair out from her desk and moved toward the break room. As she approached the small coffee area that was separated from the rest of the breakroom by a wall and door on the far right that led to the coffee she craved, she heard her name brought up. The voice sounded slightly like, ‘Dave, Devin, David’ she couldn’t really remember his name at the moment. He was a new quantitative technician that made sure all the servers were up and running as they should be. He often was in the bullpen in a desperate grasp to get into Penelope's good graces. From what she heard from Garcia was that the computer analyst hated the new guy's guts. “He thinks he is so smart, smarter than everyone else, even me,” the computer genius had once told _y/n_ over drinks. _y/l/n_ stopped and waited to see if the man had something else to say and wondered who in the world he was talking to. It’s not like this Dave guy knew her at all. It only took a moment before he heard his voice again, “So did she ask you to work on her files?” After a second _y/n_ heard a voice she definitely knew, Spencer's. He replied to the comment, “No, I just wanted to help.” There was a scoff from Dave and he replied, “Well I wouldn’t put it past her to ask you to do extra work for her. She’s such a lazy person.” This type of talk shouldn’t have gotten to her, she had heard worse. But hearing some egocentric man who didn’t even know her talk about her behind her back hurt in a way she hadn’t expected. What hurt her more was what Spencer said next, “How is she lazy?” _Y/n_ sucked in a breath and tried to stop the warm tears from rolling down her face. She had been doubted by cops, by teachers in the academy, by her own family that she wasn’t capable of doing this job. She didn’t expect to find her own team doubting her. Especially not Spencer. From the way he asked it sounded like he was trying to get more information about how she just wasn’t good enough. She wanted to move away, but couldn’t move her legs, instead she slumped against the wall and heard Dave say, “She’s always asleep at her desk, she doesn’t do her work, I don’t know what she’s like in the field, but I bet it’s not great.” The silence after his statement was finished was deafening. 
At least it was deafening until Spencer replied. On the other side of the wall Spencer was leaning against the counter as Devin made a rude remark about _y/n_. He furrowed his eyebrows and asked the middle aged man to elaborate. When the man replied he was just digging himself into a bigger hole. After Spence finished a swig of his coffee he cleared his throat and said, “Let me tell you something about _y/n_, first of all she performs excellently in the field. The case we just finished almost entirely was solved by her. Secondly, just because she’s new to the team doesn’t make her less valuable, in fact it makes her more valuable. She sees things in the cases and the team that we don’t. I hope that doesn’t change. Third, she’s not lazy or stupid, she’s pursuing an advanced degree in English Literature. She’s essentially condensing her master and PhD. into four years. I don’t see you reading three hundred pages a night of the literary canon plus secondary readings and trying to write a dissertation at the same time. Also, she's taking three classes this semester, which is a full load at Georgetown University. So don’t tell me that _y/n_ is lazy. She’s far from it. Also, maybe stop making observations about people you don’t know to a profiler, and especially to me.” With this Spencer brushed past the man and out into the breakroom. Spencer noticed _y/n_ leaning against the wall. Once he saw her it became exceedingly clear that she had overheard the conversation he just had with Devin. He walked quickly over to her and gently grabbed her elbow and led her away from the wall and the break room altogether. As the pair entered the hall Spencer quietly said, “I’m sorry you had to hear that in there.” After the duo entered the hallway and moved back toward the bullpen. Before they both entered the bullpen _y/n_ stopped Spencer by touching his arm lightly. The genius stopped and looked down at her. She gave him a small smile and bit her lower lip slightly before saying, “Thank you for defending me in there. It means a lot.” Spencer shook his head slightly, as if in shock, and replied, “You don’t have to thank me. That guy is an idiot and an asshole.” Reid’s word’s caused _y/l/n’s_ heart tug slightly, she smiled up at him and said, “So, are we still on for later today?” Spence smiled and nodded. With the conversation being finished for the moment he opened the glass door to the bullpen and held it for her. 
An hour later _y/n_ was sipping on a warm chai latte and Spencer was going over the last fourth of Boccaccio’s plague narrative. It was raining outside, and the atmosphere in the coffee shop felt like it’s own cozy little bubble separated from the rest of the world. After Reid had finished his recap and _y/l/n_ had all her questions answered she looked up and said, “Spencer, um, I was wondering if you’d like to do this again sometime, but without the books and notetaking and all that?” The lanky agent shifted in his seat before responding, “You mean a date?” _Y/n_ smiled slightly uncomfortably, hoping she hadn’t crossed some kind of professional boundary with her colleague. She thought about her response and replied, “It doesn’t have to be a date if you don’t want it to be. I would like it if I didn’t have to have the excuse of studying to spend time with you. You’re a cool guy and I’d like to know you better if you were comfortable with it.” Reid couldn’t suppress the small smile that crossed his face briefly before saying, “Sure, I’d like that a lot.” _Y/n_ looked down at her notepad to hid the redness of her cheeks from Reid. It wasn’t anything yet, but she hoped with time she could tell Spence how she truly felt about him. She reminded her self of one of her favorite quotes, ‘all in good time my love.’
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