#and i still am out from the robron at least for now
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The drive home from Hell
-Robron fanfic
Summary: after a chaotic day at the water park the drive home proves to be a challenge for Aaron and his passengers aren’t exactly helping
(Au emmerdale)
“I want McDonald’s” the red headed 5 year old screamed from the back of the car.
Aaron was losing the plot at this point.
“No seb I told you if you where hungry you should have eaten your hotdog!” The Dingle replied plainly.
Seb pouted his lip angrily kicking the back of his youngest dads seat in disapproval.
Aaron sighs ignoring him and continued to just focus on driving. Okay so maybe today hadn’t exactly gone to plan. I mean Getting lost on the way there,Robert falling off the water slide raft,Seb losing his shoes and Mackenzie getting badly sunburned because, He quote ‘didn’t need suncream because he already looked to hot to be burned’. Well he was certainly paying for it now.
“Ouch why do you have leather seats all they do is rub on your fragile skin!” The brunette complained rubbing his sore arm dramatically.
“We’ll next time maybe don’t be a child and listen to me!” Robert scolded Turing around with a slight smile on his face.
Aaron rolled his eyes,finding it amusing his Husband was lecturing his best friend like he was a teenager. “You know Mackenzie Roberts right we warned you this might happen” He said rather to cheerfully.
Mackenzie huffed in annoyance.
“We’ll I’m not taking advice from somebody who can’t sit properly on a rubber ring” He snapped back.
“I thought you where supposed to sit sideways!” Robert argued back angrily the street lamps outside making the bruise on his head very noticeable.
“Not on a four person waterslide you’re not!”
“Oh yeah well at least I don’t look like a walking corpse!” Robert snarked back electing a silent response from the Scotsman.
“I want McDonald’s!” Seb suddenly said again trying to get back to his point of needing fast food.
“No seb!” Aaron said again more sternly this time. The response being the usual another kick to his backseat. “Sebastian Sugden-Dingle you do that again you’re going to bed early!” the Child stopped for a moment letting what his father had said just sink in.
Yeah not going to work because he had gone straight back to kicking the backseat. “ I want McDonald’s!” he screamed again accidentally kicking Mackenzies knee instead of Aaron’s seat. The Scotsman yelped in pain as it made contact with his burned skin,despite having jeans on it still hurt his raw skin through the thin fabric.
“Ouch god dammit Aaron just let him have some McDonald’s!” He shouted clutching his leg desperately as if it was about to fall off.
“Oye don’t yell at my husband!” Robert snapped reaching from the passenger seat to snack his arm,electing another dramatic scream from the Scotsman.
“What the hell sugden!” he yelled.
“Well maybe don’t be a rude Winey brat!”
Aaron was ready to drive into a wall.
“We’ll I’d rather be a winey brat than an uncoordinated blonde!”
Am I dead Aaron thought.
“We’ll at least my skin isn’t half on the floor!”
Maybe I’m in hell?
“I want McDonald’s!”
the breaks on the car suddenly slammed. Causing everyone to jolt forward.Aaron turned his head to face all of them. Their was a chill in the air Robert and Mackenzie awkwardly looked at each other. Seb had stopped his screaming and stared straight into his youngest fathers eyes. The anger seething out of Aaron was very uncomfortable for all them.
“If I continued to hear you two bickering so help me. I will throw you so far out that window their won’t be a planet near enough for your to land on! Seb if you continue to kick my seat I will be putting you to bed so early you’ll never see the dark again! now we’re going to drive home nicely and I don’t want to hear anything for the rest of the drive home! do you understand?”
Seb went silent and Mackenzie and Robert just sat completely still.
they all nodded not daring to speak a word.
Aaron smiled .“good now that’s cleared up let’s get moving.” He chimed Turing the radio on.
An hour later seb had started playing on his tablet while Mackenzie sat looking out the window, and Robert was happily listening to the radio. He reached out to hold his husbands hand smiling at him as he quietly fell asleep.
Finally Aaron thought I got through to them.
“Hey Aaron?” Mackenzie suddenly spoke.
“Yeah?” He replied quietly.
“could we go to burgerking?”
I wrote this in December and forgot about it and decided to post it after finding it in my drafts
#aaron dingle#robert sugden#robron#mackenzie boyd#Sebastian white#emmerdale fanfics#fanfics#fanfiction
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Wouldn’t be nice to have people tagging their own stuff cause y’know i don’t follow only emmerdale blogs, i still want to be here.
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Robron week christmas special
day 6: snowball fight
Team Robert and Aaron (AO3)
Teen AU
A/N: I've taken some creative liberties with everyone's ages. Robert, Aaron, and Andy are all roughly the same age - around 16/17 and Vic is about 8/9.
“Robert! Andy! Look! It’s snowing!” Vic yelled, running into her brothers’ bedroom.
Robert groaned and covered his head with his pillow while Andy turned around in his bed to face the wall and ignored his sister.
“It’s snowing!” Vic said again and climbed on a chair by the window to open the curtains. “Look!”
“Vic it’s early. Go back to sleep.” Robert tried, giving his sister a bleary look.
“But it’s snowing!”
“It’ll still be snowing later.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. I promise you the snow will still be there in a few hours. Just go back to bed.”
“But… I want to build a snowman.” Vic said, sitting down on Andy’s bed, making her brother sigh and turn around.
“We’ll build a snowman with you after breakfast.” Andy promised.
“In a few hours.”
“But why not now?”
Robert sighed and checked his phone for the time.
“Because it’s only just gone 5 AM. Dad’s not even up yet to feed the animals.”
“And it’s still dark out. We wouldn’t even be able to see what we’re doing.” Andy reasoned.
Vic considered his words for a moment.
“Ok. So after breakfast we’re making a snowman?”
“The biggest one ever.” Robert promised. “Just go back to bed now for a few hours, yeah?”
Vic got up from Andy’s bed and the two boys got comfortable in their beds again, thinking their sister would just go back to her own room.
“Can I sleep here?”
“What’s wrong with your own bed?”
“It’s cold.”
“Because you’re not in it.”
“Pleeeeaaaase Robert.” She begged.
“Ugh, fine.” Robert moved over to make room for her and pulled back the covers. “Come on then. But you better keep your cold feet away from me!” he warned her.
A few hours later, Vic woke her brothers up again, this time fully dressed.
“Robert, Andy, come on!”
Robert opened his eyes and realised he hadn’t even noticed her slipping out of his bed to get dressed.
“What time is it?”
“Time to build a snowman! Mum said we can go out before breakfast.”
“Why don’t you build a snowman with mum then?” Robert suggested. “We’ll come help later.”
“Mum is busy making your breakfast.” Sarah appeared in the boys’ doorway. “Which is ready now by the way, so get yourselves downstairs and eat something.” She turned to Vic. “The snowman can wait a bit.”
Breakfast wasn’t the usual toast and tea, but everything from scones to croissants and more flavours of jam than Robert even knew existed.
“Christmas isn’t until tomorrow, mum.” He pointed out.
“I know. But Marlon gave me the recipe for scones and I just wanted to try it before the big day. So tuck in. It’s all for you.”
“Don’t I get anything?” Jack jokingly asked.
Their parents had been through a rough patch, the house more often than not a battleground, but for now at least, things seemed to be back to normal.
Sarah gave him a look like she’d just noticed him.
“Well I suppose you can have a scone too… if the kids don’t want it.” She joked and sat down after pouring both herself and Jack a cup of coffee.
“I rang your nanna earlier,” Jack said a little while later “And told her we’re not coming over for Christmas. I’m not driving all the way to Spain in the snow and the ferry will be a nightmare.”
“Did it snow in Spain too?” Vic asked her dad.
“No, it didn’t. But it did here so that’s why we’re staying home. So you three can play in the snow.” He gave her a smile. “Nanna will come stay with us in the new year. And maybe you can go see her in the summer.”
“That’s better. We can go to the beach every day.” Andy told her and the two of them started excitedly talking about what they were going to do in Spain in the summer.
Robert however was distracted by his phone.
He’d sent Aaron a text they weren’t leaving for the holidays after all, but he hadn’t replied.
They’d been friends ever since Aaron had come to live with his mum a few years ago, but lately Robert had started to feel more for the other boy than just friendship, and he desperately hoped Aaron felt the same.
He knew Aaron liked boys, everyone in the village and at school knew. He’d gone out with a lad called Ben for a few months until the idiot had gotten himself kicked out of school.
Officially he’d just moved away and transferred to another school, but there were all kinds of stories going around about him screwing up in some way during a school camping trip.
Aaron hadn’t exactly been heartbroken when he left and when Robert had tried to find out more he’d just shrugged it off and said it was nothing.
That was months ago now and Aaron hadn’t had another boyfriend, and had been very happy when Robert confided in him that he liked boys as well as girls.
And wasn’t interested in his cousin Debbie or Katie Addyman.
“Robert! Hello, earth to Robert!” Andy waved a hand in front of his face.
“What?” Robert bat the hand away.
“Are you done? So we can go outside.”
“Right. Yeah. Just a sec.” He downed the last of his tea, shoved the last bit of croissant in his mouth and with a final glance at his phone, got up from the table to put his coat and boots on.
The village looked magical covered in snow and apart from some footsteps to and from the barn, the snow was still untouched.
“Ok we need three balls for the snowman.” Andy ordered. “Vic, you can make one for the head. But not too big or we can’t get it up on top anymore. Rob, you do the bottom, I’ll take care of the middle.”
Robert rolled his eyes but decided against arguing with his brother for the sake of keeping the peace. He checked his phone again and when he still didn’t see a reply from Aaron, he just went to work on creating the biggest snowball he could.
Some time later they managed to get their snowman assembled, and Robert had to admit he’d enjoyed working on their snow project with his siblings.
“It needs eyes. And a nose. And a hat!” Vic decided.
“We can just draw those in the snow can’t we?” Robert said, taking his glove off and poking two eyes, a nose, and a mouth in the snowman’s head.
“No, it needs real eyes. Buttons!”
“We don’t have buttons though. We can just look for rocks.”
“But the rocks are all under the snow.” Vic replied. “And he needs a nose too. And a mouth. We can’t make those from rocks.”
Robert shared a look with Andy over her head.
“Alright,” Andy started. “Why don’t you go ask mum and dad if they have anything for a nose.”
Vic smiled.
“Ok! I’ll be right back! Don’t finish it without me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Andy promised and Robert nodded in agreement.
“Ask dad for a hat too!”
“Ok!” Vic yelled as she disappeared into the house.
“Maybe we can make the whole family in snow?” Andy suggested. “This one can be dad. And we can make a mum and kids too.”
Robert scrunched up his nose.
“How long were you planning on staying out here?”
Andy opened his mouth to answer him but was hit in the face with a snowball, and before Robert could turn around to see where it came from, one hit him right in the middle of his back.
“Hey!” he turned around and saw Aaron standing by the fence and laughing, with his cousin Debbie halfway through climbing over.
“Hey.” Aaron replied, mischievous grin still plastered on his face. “Nice isn’t it, this snow.”
“Oh yeah, really nice.” Robert replied, noticing his friend kept his hands behind his back. He tried to move behind the snowman but Aaron caught on to what he was doing and threw another snowball at his head. Though luckily for Robert he missed.
Next to him he suddenly heard a high pitched scream and saw Andy had dumped a handful of snow in Debbie’s coat and she was trying to get it out.
While he was distracted Aaron threw another snowball at him, hitting him in the arm.
“Oi! That’s not fair, I wasn’t looking! Stop that!”
“Stop what?” Aaron asked innocently.
Robert bent down and quickly scooped up some snow and pressed it into a ball.
“You’re going to pay for that.” He vowed and threw the snowball at Aaron’s head.
Though unfortunately he ducked at the last second and it went flying over his head.
“Is that the best you’ve got?” Aaron taunted and Robert scooped up another handful of snow and ran towards him.
Aaron laughed and took off running down the road while Robert climbed over the fence.
Before they knew it, they were involved in a big snowball fight with almost all villagers participating.
Robert and Aaron however, only had eyes for each other. Eyes and snowballs.
Thought Robert couldn’t resist the temptation of throwing a snowball at Cain. It hit him on the back of the head and the boys could practically see the anger radiating off him when he turned around.
They laughed as they ran away and ended up in the fields near the cricket pavilion outside the village.
“He’s going to kill us.” Aaron said laughingly, leaning against a tree to catch his breath.
“Yeah, we better stay out of his way for a while.” Robert said, using the fact Aaron had his back towards him to his advantage. He scooped up some more snow in his hands and crept towards his friend.
They’d both gotten in some direct hits and the snow was starting to soak through their clothes and gloves but neither of them cared. They were both having more fun than they had in ages.
Or at least since Katie Addyman’s Halloween party where they’d almost kissed.
Robert moved even closer to Aaron, only the second he was about to dump a load of snow onto him, Aaron turned around and grabbed his arm.
“Did you really think I didn’t hear you coming?” Aaron asked, trying to keep Robert’s snowy hands away from his face.
“I told you I was going to make you pay!” Robert replied laughingly.
They laughed and squirmed and tried to get away from each other but suddenly Aaron tripped over his own feet and landed on his back in the snow. Robert grinned and pounced on him. He straddled his hips and shoved a hand full of snow into his face.
Aaron sputtered and tried to shove Robert off of him.
“Surrender?” Robert asked, leaning forward, eyes flicking between Aaron’s lips and his eyes.
“Never!” Aaron vowed and managed to roll them over and pin Robert down in the snow instead. “See? I always win.” He said triumphantly.
“I let you win.”
Aaron grinned and shook his head.
“Just admit you’re a sore loser.”
“No I just let you win to spare your feelings. Because I’m nice like that.”
“Oh yeah, you’re such a nice guy.”
“I’m glad you agree.”
Aaron laughed and leaned forward, pinning Robert’s hands to the ground next to his head.
“You’re such a prat sometimes.” He said and hesitated for a moment before muttering something to himself and pressing his lips against Robert’s.
It was a quick brush of lips and over before Robert really realised what was happening.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” Aaron said and let Robert go, getting up and brushing the snow off his clothes and turning around to leave.
“Aaron! Wait!” Robert called out as he sat up. “Please don’t go.”
“No, I… I’m just going to go home… I shouldn’t have done that. I thought you felt the same… but you don’t so… let’s just forget about it.”
“What makes you think I don’t?” Robert got up and took a few steps towards Aaron.
“I like you…”
“You… do?”
Robert nodded.
“I… I didn’t think you liked me. I thought you liked that prat with the hair.”
Aaron frowned.
“That guy from Katie’s Halloween party that kept telling everyone he’s going to be a doctor.”
“I have no idea who you mean…”
“He hung around you all night!”
Aaron shrugged.
“I was kind of preoccupied at that party.” He said and reached out to take Robert’s hand. “I would have kissed you if Katie hadn’t walked in.”
“Well… for what it’s worth… I would have liked that.”
They stood smiling at each other for what seemed like hours, until Aaron moved his hand up to Robert’s cheek and leaned in to kiss him. Properly this time.
“Was… was that ok?” he asked when they broke the kiss.
Robert gave him a dopey smile and just leaned in for another kiss.
They got so wrapped up in each other, they completely forgot about the world around them, until a snowball hit Aaron’s shoulder.
They jumped apart just in time to see Andy and a few of their friends from the village running towards them, armed with more snowballs.
“Quick! Run!” Aaron shouted but Robert grabbed his hand and dragged him with him behind some bushes.
“We’re a team now, you and me.”
#robron#robron fic#rwxmas#robert sugden#aaron dingle#my writing#happy belated christmas everyone#and happy early new year
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Halo Anons
Hey all! So I got some anon asks about the Halo stuff from yesterday, and I figured I’d answer them all in one post so I don’t spam your dashes. Here goes!
So how is that legal aren’t the characters owned by someone? Like I know ao3 protects their writers specifically because it’s *unmonetized* fan fiction, that’s why you can’t even share links to your fundraising pages..? Either way congrats! I’ll buy it!! This fic saved me. But you should really put this on ao3 I saw it on Twitter that’s the only reason I know. Im sure there’s others like me who went through a period of needing to read certain chapters more than once. I’d be a nasty shock.
With the legal stuff, that’s why I’ve been editing it. All the names have changed, a lot of their backstories (especially Robert’s) have changed, place names have changed, etc. All the mob stuff was obviously my stuff anyway, so that can stay. But I’ve tried to take “Emmerdale” out of it as much as possible.
As for posting it on AO3, that’s where things get tricky. If I say there why I’m pulling it, I risk losing my account, which I very much want to keep so I can write more Robron stuff in the future. So... yeah.
From my other ask.. you should also notify people on the Robron tag. Really! I’m in an great place now, but half a year ago if I saw this fic was just gone I would have fallen apart. When I say it saved me it honestly did.. I was in a really bad place of SH feeling dirty and worthless and this fic made me feel worthy of help. A therapist that was actually paid for through a child victims program that I didn’t think I deserved to use before reading this. So SO happy it will be a book for others!
That’s something I should do, you’re right. I’ll make sure to put a note up on the Robron tag before I pull it. Also: I’m so glad you’re doing better, love!!!!! You go girl!!!!!!
I am so proud of you!! The boy with the broken halo means so much to me ❤️
Thank you, sweetie! I’m not sure if there’s anything to be proud of yet, but I’m certainly going to try and be worthy of all the amazing people that read the fic.
Too bad so many people already read it 😞you should have withheld the final chapter til your book 😉 Jk a HP writer withheld a chapters til she got enough patreon donors and her account was deleted by ao3 😂 ahh exciting though!!! We didn’t deserve your talent on ao3!!!! 👏🥳 are you allowed to use Robron as the people?
Um... does it count that I’ve technically withheld a wedding epilogue? I mean, it wasn’t nefarious or anything. I’m just writing it now so it’s not like I’ve been sitting on it. But at least there will be something fun for anyone that wants to check it out. And really, I didn’t deserve this amazing fandom. I’m telling you, the comments I got on this story still make me ache to this very day. You all were so incredible.
Does this mean ur not writing anymore Robron now. Im so excited for ur sequel
Congratulations 🥳
I am nowhere near done with these two.
No way that’s amazing!! Cheers to you!! I read that fic twice! Are you able to use Robron or does it have to be original character names? I also had no idea your name is Faith! I assumed Becks was short for Rebecca! My name is Hope and my cats are Faith and Love 😄😻
Oh yeah, my name isn’t Faith. Becks is short for Rebecca. Faith is an homage to my first ever fandom name (savingfaith) and Beckett... Beck... yadda yadda. Hope is such a beautiful name though! And what great cat names as well!
I saw the news on Twitter! 🔥🎊 TBWTBH was amazing!!!! Satisfied both my Robron and mob obsession!!! While I don’t reread fics, I still hate that it’s being deleted! It makes sense though! The cover art is amazing!! 🤩
@scrapyardboyfriends outdid herself on that flipping cover. I am so in awe! It was EXACTLY what I wanted it to be and more!!!
“I’m not making this post to pimp myself“ uhhh why tf not??? You deserve to!!! You’re nothing but supportive and caring towards others in the fandom, so damn girl pimp away!!!
You sir and/or madam are so very kind and if we weren’t in a pandemic I would hug you right now. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to pimp myself, though. I’m the worst salesman on the planet.
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whoops, this is long after midnight. oh well!
Robron Week Day 6: Family
Fed up with Chas and Paddy fighting in front of Eve yet again, Aaron decides to take her away for the day.
AO3 link here
“Ah, shit,” Robert muttered, frowning at the bread bag in his hands.
Aaron looked up from where he was shoving an extra bottle on suncream into a bag. “What’s up?”
“Bread’s gone mouldy.”
“What, already?”
“Okay, I’ll nip to David’s and get some fresh – ”
“He’s closed the shop today, remember? Him and Eric have that family do on.”
“Okay, we’ll just have to stop at Tesco or something and buy some sandwiches.”
“Or you could nip to the pub and see if Marlon’ll make us some? Maybe those chicken and avocado ones he’s started doing?”
Aaron sighed and set the bag down. “Seriously?”
“What?” Robert shrugged innocently. “They’ll be nicer than some shop-bought ones.”
“Why do I have to go?”
“Look, if you go now, I’ll get the rest of the food sorted and handle getting Seb ready. Deal?”
Aaron power-walked up to the pub, checking the time on his phone as he went. It was a bright, sunny Saturday morning – the first warm weekend of the year – so they’d decided to take Seb to the beach for the day.
The pub wasn’t due to open for another couple of hours, so Aaron bypassed the main entrance and went straight for the back door, only to stop short at the sight in front of him. There on the doorstep sat Eve, still in her pyjamas with her knees pulled up to her chin and tears streaming down her face.
“Hey, squirt.” He approached her slowly, keeping his voice soft. “What’s with the tears?”
Eve just shrugged, wiping her nose with her sleeve.
Aaron crouched down to her level, lightly chucking her under the chin.
“Come on, what’s the matter? Has something happened? Someone upset you?”
She hesitated for a moment, before getting to her feet and pushing the door open to step inside. Aaron followed her and was immediately assaulted with the sounds of his mum’s furious shouts coming from upstairs, loud enough to echo through the house. They were soon followed by Paddy shouting back just as angrily, his voice high-pitched and defensive.
Aaron sighed and picked Eve up for a cuddle. “What’s going on?”
“Dunno,” she said into the fabric of his t-shirt, breath hitching. “Mummy’s been cross with Daddy since last night.”
“For god’s sake.” Aaron muttered through gritted his teeth, scowling as her carried her into the back room.
His mum and Paddy had sworn to him that this sort of thing would stop, that if they had to fight, they’d at least make sure Eve wasn’t around to see or hear it. He set her down in front of the TV, where Saturday morning cartoons were playing.
“Okay, I have to speak to Uncle Marlon really quick, then I’ll be right back. Wait here, alright?”
He darted through to the pub’s kitchen, where Marlon was preparing food with the radio blaring. When he caught sight of Aaron in the doorway he jumped a mile and scrambled to switch it off.
“God, make a noise, would you?”
“Yeah, sorry. Can I ask a favour?”
Marlon sighed heavily, putting his peeler down on the counter. “I suppose?”
“Me n’ Robert need some sarnies but our bread’s mouldy and David’s is shut. I was wonderin’ if you wouldn’t mind whipping us up a few?”
“Sorry, you think I have the free time to just make you and your husband a packed lunch?”
“It’s not like the pub’s open yet.”
“I’m still busy!” Marlon threw his hands in the air. “Just because there’s no customers doesn’t mean I don’t have meals to prep, do you know how long it takes to do ratatouille?”
“… I don’t even know what that is. Please, you’ll be doin’ us a massive favour, I’ll owe you one.”
Marlon held out for about five seconds, before rolling his eyes and grabbing the bread. “Fine. How many am I making for?”
“Three.” There was a sudden loud thump from upstairs, the sound of something being shoved or thrown to the floor, shortly followed by the loudest shout yet.
“They’ve been at it all morning,” Marlon grumbled irritably. “That's why I had the radio on so loud.”
Aaron glanced up at the ceiling, thinking quickly.
“Y’know what, make that enough sandwiches for four, actually.”
He left the kitchen without waiting for an answer and returned to the back room.
“Hey, how d’you fancy a day at the beach with me, Rob and Seb?”
Eve’s head whipped away from the TV to look at him, her eyes lighting up hopefully. “Today?”
“Yep, we can go right now. What d’you think?”
They went to Eve’s room upstairs so Aaron could help her get ready, digging some beachwear and a swimming costume out of her wardrobe and doing his best to distract her every time the sounds of shouting from behind her parents’ closed bedroom door increased in volume.
“Oh no,” Eve froze as Aaron tied her shoelaces for her, looking at him with alarm. “I don’t have a bucket and spade.”
“That’s alright, we can get you a bucket and spade when we get there.”
“Will they have pink ones?”
“I’m sure they will.”
Picking her back up with one hand and grabbing her backpack with the other, he tiptoed down the stairs and made his way back to the kitchen.
“Those sandwiches ready, Marlon?”
“Here you go.” Marlon handed over a tupperware box. “There’s some leftover crisps in there, too.”
“Cheers, you’re a lifesaver.”
“Marlon!” Eve waved her current favourite stuffed bear at him with excitement. “I’m goin’ to the beach!”
“Wow, lucky you!” Marlon grinned at her. “Alright for some.”
Aaron let her slide down to the floor and passed her the tupperware. “Why don’t you go wait by the door for me, yeah?”
Eve nodded and exited the kitchen, holding onto the sandwiches tightly.
“Do, er, do Chas and Paddy know you’re taking her?”
“Is that wise? Not letting them know?”
“Marlon, they were so busy tearing strips off each other they didn’t even notice me comin’ upstairs and getting her ready to leave with me.” He sighed heavily. “They can’t keep doing this in front of her, it’s not fair. I couldn’t just leave her sitting around by herself, not with all that goin’ on.”
Marlon chewed his lip. “I suppose you’re right. I always tried to keep my relationship problems hidden from April when she was that age – not that I always managed it,” he added with a slightly sad smile. “I wish those two would try a bit harder sometimes. Eve’s lucky to have you for a brother, honestly.”
“Cheers, Marlon. And good luck with your rata-whatever.”
“Yeah, that.”
He led Eve outside, pulling his phone out of his pocket and tapping on his mum’s contact. It took a few rings before she answered.
“Hi love, now’s not really a good time – ”
“This won’t take long,” Aaron cut her off sharply. “Just thought I’d let you know that Eve’s with me, I’m takin’ her out for the day.”
There was a short silence, followed by a noise of confusion. “Wait, what? What do you mean she’s with you? She’s downstairs watching cartoons.”
“She was, but now I’ve got her. I’ll bring her back sometime tonight.” He glanced at Eve, who was playing with her bear a couple of feet away, and lowered his voice. “Or I can always just let her stay over at mine, if you and Paddy need some more time to hurl abuse at each other?”
“What? No, we’re not – I’m just, I’ve been so tired this week, Aaron, and Paddy was getting on my last nerve, you won’t believe what he said to – ”
“Save it, Mum, I really don’t care. I’m just letting you know where your kid is, in case you were interested. Talk to you later.”
He hung up and slid the phone in his pocket, before taking Eve’s hand and leading her towards the Mill. She talked excitedly the entire way, all traces of her earlier upset gone as she babbled about everything she wanted to see and do at the beach.
They entered the Mill to find Robert and Seb sitting on the sofa, shoes on and ready to go.
“Hey,” Aaron kicked the door closed behind him. “Room for one more?”
Robert’s eyes briefly flickered down to Eve before he looked back at Aaron. They held each other’s gaze for a split-second, before Robert nodded in understanding.
“Course there is.” He got to his feet and grinned at Eve. “Come on then, sooner we get there, sooner we can get started on the world biggest sandcastle.”
Seb whooped loudly and took off outside, grabbing Eve’s hand as he went, the two of them chatting animatedly to each other as they dashed for the car.
“Your mum and Paddy at it again?” Robert asked quietly.
“Yelling loud enough to make the windows shatter. She might need to stay over tonight if that’s okay?”
Robert sighed and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Like you have to ask. Come on, we'd better get a move on before Seb tries to drive off without us.”
The four of them had a great day. They managed to snag themselves a decent spot on the sand, with enough space for them to build what did turn out to be a pretty epic sandcastle. They took the kids paddling and rock pool exploring, Aaron kicked a football about with Seb while Robert helped Eve look for seashells. And when the kids were happy enough playing with each other, Aaron got to stretch out in the sun next to Robert, sighing contentedly as his husband played with his hair with one hand and held a book with the other.
Saturdays didn't get much better than that. Aaron must’ve snapped about a hundred photos on his phone, saving a great one of Robert with his freckles coming out in full force as his new wallpaper.
As the afternoon drew to a close, they packed up their things and wandered along the seafront until they found a nice-looking pub on the seafront, deciding to stop there for their tea before heading back home. Since the air was still warm, they parked themselves on one of the outdoor tables, a young waitress bringing out a couple of children’s menus and crayons for them.
While they waited for their order to arrive, Eve started using the crayons on the colouring-in section of the menu, tongue poking out in concentration, while Seb pulled a few handfuls of rocks and pebbles out of his pocket, pouring them onto the table.
“Dad, are any of these fossils?”
“Let’s have a look.”
Aaron spread them out and the two of them bent their heads over each one, Aaron showing Seb what to look for. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Eve repeatedly pushing her hair out of her eyes with increasing frustration, only for the coastal breeze to blow it back in her face again, blocking her view of the picture she was trying to colour.
“Rob, can you get – ?”
Robert nodded and pulled Eve along the bench towards him. “C’mere, let’s get this sorted otherwise you’re gonna end up with a proper bird’s nest.”
He grabbed a hairbrush and a bobble out of one of the bags and started brushing Eve’s hair, doing his best to tame the messy tangle of curls. He’d just finished putting it in a neat-ish plait, when the waitress reappeared with their food. Aaron quickly moved Seb’s rock collection aside so she could put the plates down and Robert picked up Eve’s colourin, carefully folding it and putting it away so she could finish it later.
“Thank you,” Seb said to the waitress when she set his plate down in front of him, keen as ever to talk to adults like he was one of them.
“Fank you!” Eve immediately copied him, even as her mouth was full with a handful of chips she’d already started scoffing.
The waitress smiled fondly at them both. “You’re very welcome.” She glanced towards Aaron and Robert. “Well-mannered, aren’t they?”
“Hm, when they want to be,” Robert said lightly, tucking a napkin into Eve’s collar before she inevitably got ketchup all over her t-shirt.
“You should see them in the mornings,” Aaron added. “Then you might change your tune.”
She just laughed and shook her head. “You have a lovely family.”
Aaron froze, eyes flicking to Eve before he looked at Robert, who also had a slightly surprised expression on his face. It was a fair assumption, he supposed – no one would guess he and Eve were siblings, not with their age gap, not when he and Robert were closer in age to most parents than his mum and Paddy were.
“Oh, uh, actually she’s my – ”
“Thank you,” Robert talked over him loudly, mouth upturned in a polite smile. “That’s nice of you to say.”
“Is there anything else I can get for you?”
They both shook their heads and she went back into the bar, while the kids both tucked into their food hungrily, oblivious to what had just happened. Aaron slowly picked up his knife and fork, catching Robert’s eye.
“She thought… ”
She thought Eve was ours.
“Yeah.” Robert popped a chip in his mouth, raising an eyebrow at him. “Is that so bad?”
Aaron stared at him for a moment. He thought of his mum and Paddy, probably still back at the pub screaming bloody murder or giving each other the silent treatment, filling the house with a frosty atmosphere. Or perhaps Paddy had stormed out, hiding in the surgery and leaving his mum to stew, oblivious to anyone or anything other than her own anger.
He thought of how Eve would have spent her day if he hadn’t popped into the pub for sandwiches, and felt his stomach turn. She would have spent it stuck in among the tension, miserable and lonely and probably spending her Saturday bored out of her mind. He shot a glance at her now, sitting across from him with a happy smile on her face, cheeks pink from the sun as she nattered away to Seb in-between bites of her food.
“Nah. It’s not.”
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I honestly wish I could like Ben and Aaron (never like Robron, but at least it would be something until Ryan decides to come back to us), but the show isn't putting any actual effort into it... instead we have these "perfect last few months together" that we've never actually seen and we're just meant to imagine... It's just all so weird, like there's something else behind it, but I feel like these producers are not capable to think of something like that D:
Yeah I wish I didn't have the knee jerk irrational hatred response to it all. It would make things a whole lot easier.
I really wanted to have an open mind about Aaron moving on because I knew it would happen but they've just done everything wrong with this Ben stuff. From the moment it was announced that he was someone Aaron had bullied back in school, they had kind of ruined it for me. I was still willing to try though.
But it was so cringe from moment one. They couldn't even be bothered to show Aaron showing interest in someone new. We had to have it all be narrated by Liv as she teased him for always coming to the HOP to check Ben out when we'd never seen any of that. And they framed it as romance from the first second with that scene and with Chas later despite back tracking for about five seconds to have Ben confront him about the bullying. And like, I didn't think those scenes where they talked that stuff through were terrible or anything. They were fine. I just thought it was ridiculous that they put this barrier between them with that backstory and then immediately were like "now it doesn't matter anymore". They weren't really interested in telling that story. So why do it in the first place. Unless we really do get this revenge thing people want.
And then of course the rest of the mess happened with the false starts and the missed drinks and the constant lashing out and apologizing. And then the four and a half month disappearance. And now the complete fabrication of a relationship that is only described by the characters but never seen on screen. Not to mention putting it side by side with this Robert tease.
They just mess things up at every single turn. It's actually really impressive to do it THIS badly. Haha.
And the thing is, it's not just that I have an irrational aversion to Aaron moving onto a non Robert person, because I was kind of on board with the Mack concept, so much so that I got anons telling me I was traumatizing them by talking about it. Haha. So I feel like I am capable of being sort of okay with it. Although, I don't know how I would have felt if they actually went there with Mack and Aaron. It would have depended on how they wrote it. But when I initially outlined how I would want them to have Aaron move on, it was always first and foremost with an actual character that was their own person first and not just there to be a love interest and that's what Mack was. And I liked him on his own before he even interacted with Aaron.
So I feel like I am open to it, in theory and in reality, but this Ben stuff has just been so bad that I just reject it entirely. So I hear you anon.
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Affair...or is it?
my fic for day4 of robron week 2020
“This brings back some memories.” - he heard Robert chuckle from behind him.
“They haven't followed you right?” - asked Aaron turning around as he saw Robert entering the barn.
“Nice to see you too.” - smiled Robert before he pulled Aaron in for a quick kiss.
“Yeah yeah, I'm glad you're here. So?” - he asked again. Robert laughed at him before he saw how serious Aaron was.
“No. They haven't. Vic tried to get me to go over though. Have a chat.”
“She's not suspicious is she?”
“Because she simply couldn't ask about how I've been getting on right?” - asked Robert joking.
“Sorry... it's just....” - started Aaron biting his lips as he stroked Robert's arms.
“No I get it.” - he sighed before they went quiet. -”Tell you who was definitely suspicious though. Your mum.”
“Yesterday I had lunch with Vic in the pub, and Chas made it obvious how she feels about me being out.” - he frowned.
“Did she say something?”
“She told Paddy you must have met a bloke because you're actually smiling more, and you seem happy and how fantastic it is after the shit I put you through.”
“She said that? You know it's not true right? You're not to blame.”
“But I am.” - said Robert - “I pushed you away, wanted you to move on...”
“And I couldn't. What does that tell you?”- asked Aaron stepping closer.
“That you're an idiot.” -smiled Robert before he kissed him. - “I think Vic is onto something.” - said Robert stopping the kiss.
“She said something?”
“Not exactly... just kept mentioning you, ever since I’m back really. She said I couldn’t just give up.... then she asked me how would I feel if you’d start dating a bloke right in front of me.”
“What did you say?”
“The truth.” - he shrugged - “That it would destroy me.”
“No, it’s true.” - he sighed - “But... hopefully that won’t happen.” - he smiled.
“Like I’d ever do that.” - scoffed Aaron before he started smirking and took a step back from Robert. - “I've got something for ya.” -he said biting his lip.
“Yeah? What is it?”
“Close your eyes.”
“Come on Aaron just tell me!”
“No, close your eyes first.” - he said not moving a muscle until Robert did as he was told. Aaron didn't wait a second before he pulled out the ring from his pocket, slipping it on Robert's finger. He felt Robert tense before he saw him staring at the ring.
“We talked about it.” -shrugged Aaron. That was true. Robert was out of prison for the last 5 months and despite Aaron slamming the door in his face at first, they made up fairly quick, and ever since, they kept their relationship a secret. It wasn’t easy. They avoided each other in public. The whole village thought the reunion didn't quite succeed. They knew people were talking about it. Still after 5 months when they occasionally were in the pub at the same time, they would hear the whispers. People were wondering what happened, why they didn’t get back on. Little did they know... But it was necessary. Chas tried her best to keep Aaron out of Robert's way, and she was delighted when she overheard Robert telling Victoria how Aaron didn't want anything to do with him. It was all an act though. They needed space...from others, from the family, from the gossip, and that's how they started seeing each other in secret. It was better than keeping their distance. They couldn't have managed it anyway.
“You know if I'm gonna wear this our secret is over, right?” - said Robert looking at Aaron.
“I know. But...I can't expect me husband to act like we're strangers, can I.” - he said smirking.
“Wha...what did you just say?” - asked Robert gobsmacked. They haven't talked about formalities yet, so this came as a surprise for him.
“What are you doing this Friday?” - he asked and Robert's eyes widened.
“Are...are you sure?” - he asked shocked but he still couldn't stop smiling.
“Yeah. Booked it today. Usually there’s a waiting list but someone cancelled just before I got there and when I asked about their earliest appointment they told me Friday’s available. They were joking obviously.. when I said I take it... they thought I’m pulling their legs.” - he laughed - “So....this is kinda our last time to meet in secret.”
“What about tomorrow? It's only Wednesday.”
“You said me mum's suspicious. I sort it. And work. Because after we get married I want you all to myself for a whole week at least.”
“Hello luv, a pint was it?” - asked Chas as she saw Aaron entering the pub.
“Yeah, go on then, but I can’t stay long.” - he said checking his phone.
“Is it a bloke by any chance?” - asked Chas trying to get to know more. She knew something was up with Aaron. Lately he seemed... lighter. It was really refreshing to see it, especially now that Robert was back in the village and Chas was up half the night worrying about Aaron getting sucked into Robert’s lies again. Her words exactly.
“No. None of your business anyway.” - scoffed Aaron before his phone beeped. A message. He opened it quickly, and started smiling instantly.
“As long as he makes you happy luv, that’s all that matters.” - smiled Chas putting the glass in front of him. - “It can only be better than Robert.” - she added half whispering. Aaron heard it but tried to ignore it. He couldn’t deal with his mother’s mithering, when he just confirmed another date with Robert. Well... if you can call a secret meeting a date.
“I have to go to London for a scrap run. It’s a 3 day job. So... I can’t babysit Eve.” - he told his mother. He knew they wanted to ask him, but he couldn’t turn down an opportunity to be with Robert. Not even for his little sister.
“Ah, don’t worry luv, we sort it. Just have fun.” - she smirked... and did she wink at him?
“It’s work mum.” - he said again trying to sound convincing.
“Sure it is.” - she smiled. Aaron gave up. At least she didn’t think it was Robert. He couldn’t deal with the drama, not right now. Right now, seeing Robert was all that mattered.
*end of flashback*
“Chas is gonna hate this.” -said Robert worrying. - “Everybody will.”
“Not everybody.”
“My sister doesn’t count.” - he said.
“Robert, my mum’s been trying to get a name out of me ever since we... you know. She knows I’m happy.”
“Are you? Are you really? I mean... we can only meet in barns... and hotels... outside of the village. It’s like...”
“Like old times?” - asked Aaron with a little laugh.
“You can’t be happy with that.”
“But I am.” - he said confirming it. - “Because Robert, those years without ya? It wasn’t something I’d call life. And no, please don’t say I’m overreacting. I told you how it was. You know.”
“I know.” - he nodded. - “I just want you to be sure.”
“It was never a question.” - he said as he kissed him again.
“So, from now on this ‘affair’ is over?” - asked Robert smiling.
“Looks like it.” - answered Aaron - “But I still have...” - he said checking his phone - “..about 45 minutes before me mum’s gonna call to ask me to stop by for tea.”
“And to ask you who’s your mystery bloke is.”
“That too.” - he grinned. - “So? Do you wanna talk... or you’d rather get on with it?” - he asked impatiently making Robert smile before he lunged forward to take the lead. He waited for years to have this again, to be with Robert again. He didn’t want to waste any more minutes.
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Came across this on Tumblr a few days ago, it amused me for a couple of hours or more, filling it in, while watching QI.
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Star Trek: Voyager, I suppose at least for reading. Started writing with Stargate SG-1.
2. What is your latest fandom?
I dip in and out of lots of fandoms on and off, the most recent ‘pick up’ is Ballam from Eastenders, I don’t watch soaps, but Robron and Ballam both appear a good bit on my tumblr, so I eventually gave in to checking them out via fic and youtube – thank god for youtube, lol! I still don’t watch soaps, but I watch those storylines!
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Gosh, that’s... actually no that’s really easy. Primeval. For anyone not familiar, it’s a ‘silly little dinosaur show’ produced in the UK. It had 4 short seasons, with a somewhat revolving main cast – although they managed to keep 3 of them through all 4 seasons – but the fandom was/is amazing. I made life long friends through the fandom and even though I don’t write much any more I still read some and still talk with those people.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
I would say no. I can’t say every fandom has always been amazing – ship wars anyone! – but mostly fandom has been a very positive experience in my life.
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
How long have you got... in genuinely no particular order (basically as they came to me) Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek (TNG, DS9, Voy, Ent & Reboot Movies), Marvel, Kingsman, Person of Interest, Due South, Quantum Leap, Firefly, Buffy/Angel verse, Harry Potter, The Sentinel, Torchwood(/Doctor Who), Hawaii Five-0, Shadowhunters, Sherlock, Primeval, Emmerdale (Robron), NCIS, CSI (Vegas, NY & Miami), White Collar, Empire Records, Bull, Diagnosis Murder, MacGyver (the original), 1-800-Missing, CHAOS, Without a Trace, M*A*S*H, Charmed, Queer as Folk (US), Will & Grace, Bring it On, Nash Bridges, Magnificent 7 (TV series), House, Babylon 5 – I think I got them all... a few of those were one time only deals, but a lot of them have more (anywhere from 2-52 (or more still!) ranging from 100 word drabbles, to thousands of words – hey I’ve been writing fic for 21 years... you tend to amass a lot of fandoms...
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh geez, here we go, lol! Okay...
Stargate SG-1: Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Star Trek: Elim Garak/Julian Bashir, Chakotay/Tom Paris, Jonathan Archer/Malcolm Reed, James Kirk/Spock – I don’t particularly have an ‘otp’ in TNG, the couple I’ve written were Picard/Data, I’ve also dabbled reading Data/Gordi)
Marvel: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Kingsman: Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin
Person of Interest: Harold Finch/John Reese
Due South: Benton Fraser/Ray K
Quantum Leap: Sam/Al
Firefly: Malcolm Reynolds/Simon Tam
Buffy/Angel Verse: Buffy/Giles, Angel/Spike, Xander/Spike, Willow/Tara
Harry Potter: Harry/Draco, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Hermione/Draco
The Sentinel: Jim/Blair
Torchwood: Jack/Ianto
Hawaii Five-O: Steve/Danno
Shadowhunters: Magnus/Alec
Sherlock: Sherlock/John, Mycroft/Lestrade
Primeval: Nick Cutter/Stephen Hart, James Lester/Hilary Becker Emmerdale: Robert Sugden/Aaron Dingle
NCIS: Gibbs/DiNozzo CSI: Nick Stokes/David Hodges, Mac/Danny, Horatio/Speed White Collar: Neal/Peter/Elizabeth
Empire Records: Joe/Lucas
Bull: Benny/Jason
Diagnosis Murder: Steve/Jesse
I’ve left a few out where I don’t have particular OTPs
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Here we go again... lol!
Stargate SG-1: Jack/Sam, I just... no. I’ve read a few where it’s a background or secondary pairing, but it always makes me wince a bit. I’ve read a few with Sam/Daniel as a secondary pairing that didn’t make me react that way and I’ve read Sam with other characters, but Jack/Sam just is a nope for me.
Stargate Atlantis: McKay/Keller – no, just no. that was horrible. She treated him like... awfully, trying to change him to suit her, just... no.
Marvel: Contentious, but Tony/Pepper, also Peter Parker/Tony Stark. Maybe because I saw the movies before I ever looked at the comics, but meh.
Due South: Benton Fraser/Ray V – again, contentious, but honestly I think Ray V was kind of a shit friend to Fraser.
Firefly: Anything with Jayne. No really, I just can not stand the character. I spent most of the series wanting to punch him in the face and sometimes you get characters you love to hate, but I just hated him.
Buffy/Angel Verse: Buffy/Spike, Willow/Kennedy
Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione, Ron/Harry, Harry/Ginny... basically, Ron and Ginny should just be loveless hermits who live by themselves. Ok, no, that isn’t fair... but as much as Ron was Harry’s first friend, he was selfish and bitter and Ginny/Harry just... never sat right with me. Ron literally says she spent ‘all summer talking about’ Harry, when she’d met him for all of three seconds. She didn’t know him. It always felt like she fell more in love with the *idea* of Harry Potter, than Harry Potter himself.
Sherlock: Sherlock/Molly, he’d eat her for breakfast. Serious, she’d never survive him.
Primeval: Oliver Leek and anyway. Arg. Creepy little dude is creepy and evil.
NCIS: Ziva/DiNozzo – ugh, just no.
Again, I’ve left out ones where I don’t have particular NoTPs
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Tumblr, god damned bitches posting gifs of pretty boys falling in love, roped me in!
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
I dabble in several fandoms at once... but if we go by ‘most recently picked up’ as ‘current’ we’re talking Ballum, which hey, it’s always fun to have an actual canon pairing be my OTP, that’s rare for me, lol.
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Well (so far) I haven’t written any Ballum. (I say so far, because I’m a realist, lol). I rarely read in fandoms and not end up writing in them at some point. Although I have probably dabbled in a few I’ve not written for, but if I read it with any sort of consistency, I mostly end up writing it. I am weak!
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Okay, so that list above, just basically go with that. While I do drop in and hour of fandoms and some I certainly read in more than others, I do tend to go back to fandoms... If we were talking about what I’m mostly focused on writing atm... Steve/Tony, Mycroft/Lestrade, Harry/Draco and Robron are ones I’m currently working on most.
12. Who is your current OT3?
I’m not currently writing anything that’s OT3 with any real focus. I have a couple of Neal/Peter/Elizabeth WiPs that I will at some point finish, but they aren’t a big focus just now. I did recently read a fabulous Neal/Peter/Elizabeth fic that’s been on my tbr list for ages.
13. Any NoTPs?
Just... see above, lol!
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Harry Hart/Merlin, those two are Bro’s until the end and I will fight you on this. Also, Eggsy/Roxy! OMG they are such a BroTP! And Tony/Pepper/Rhodey – I may no like Tony/Pepper as a pairing, but I love them as best friends and of course, our Rhodes, because again, I will fight you on this, they are awesome and Tony needs his best friends!
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I’m not sure there is. I suppose I’ve read a few fics for some random pairings over the years, but nothing that’s made me really ship-ship them. I like Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes, after seeing it as a secondary pairing in a Steve/Tony fic, but I’ve seen that pop up a few times since, so maybe it won’t stay obscure for long!
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Jack/Sam, Tony/Pepper, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Buffy/Spike – they all seem to be het pairings, oops. But I am mostly a slash fic reader/writer, so I suppose that’s not too surprising.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Jack/Daniel from Stargate SG-1. I still love them. I still read them, although it has been a while since I’ve written them on their own (I have got some SG-1/SGA x-overs where they feature)
18. What ship have you written the most about?
I’m genuinely not sure... without going and counting (and I’m not going any counting!) I’d guess Jack/Daniel, McKay/Sheppard, Jack/Ianto and Steve/Danno.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
No, not that I can think off. I either like it or not. I do occasionally feel bad for not reading a fic if it’s an author I really like, but I don’t read that fandom or pairing, but nothing specific.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Robron and Ballum, lol. I do not do soaps!
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, a story called The Dare, The Disaster, The Almost Happy Ending, And The Very Happy Ending – it was awful. Don’t go looking, lol!
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Don’t we all? No, I wouldn’t specifically say so. There are certainly fics, especially older ones, I wish I could have written better, but nothing I’d go, ugh I should never have done that.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Uh... honestly that’s really hard. I... um... yeah, I don’t know, really. I wrote a nice little flower one in POI that I felt worked rather beautifully. The Language of Flowers. An I wrote an SGA fic for NaNo a few years ago, called A Different Life, but it’s not online, because I didn’t finish it yet and I knew I wasn’t going to finish it any time soon, so I didn’t feel it was fair to leave it up unfinished (there is a reason I don’t read WiP fics and I don’t post them either, because I know how much I hate unfinished WiPs) Edit: After writing this I reminded myself of a POI fic I wrote called Hours of Separation – It’s a Harold/John break up story that I always intended to write a sequel too where I ‘fixed’ them, but I just couldn’t do it. I broke them a little too well. But I really love it actually.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
The afore mentioned A Different Life needs to be edited and finished, lol! Also a Primeval fic with the working title Crypt Keeper (don’t ask) that I worked myself into a bit of a corner on and I figure out how to fix it, but I haven’t done it yet, so it’s still needs fixing and finishing, lol!
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
I haven’t the foggiest.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Sometimes, really easily, a quote, a line from the fic, a song title... other times it’s like pulling teeth, hence working titles on things like ‘crypt keeper’ which is a reference to one scene near the very start and has no actual hint of the plot, lol!
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Oh the titles. Summaries you can just copy a few lines from the fic if you are desperate, if you had to post ‘untitled mcshep fic #67’ people would get cranky, lol, hell I’d get cranky!
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Oh... I... huh. I mean who wouldn’t love fanart for their stories? Any of them honestly! But if I had to choose just one... I guess something in my Animal Instinct verse, which is Primeval (although I always intended to write other fandoms in the verse) where some people transform into animals, based on their ‘spirit animal’ and some art of the characters with their spirit animal form would be awesome.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
Sometimes, look if you’ve read this far, you know I write in a lot of fandoms, lol. In some fandoms it’s easier than others to find beta readers. Also, sometimes if it’s just something short, I won’t bother. But I do try for my longer fics.
30. What inspires you to write?
That old adage, if you want to read it, sometimes you just have to write it? Spite? Boredom? Honestly sometimes I just have ideas I have to get out of my brain and it’s write or go mad(der)
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
That it inspired them to write something.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Sometimes, sometimes I find it distracting when writing because I end up singing along and forgetting what I’m writing, lol! I do sometimes get inspiration from songs, I guess mostly from the lyrics, but no particular band or genre – although I listen to a lot of country music!
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
Little from column a, little from column b... littler still from column c...
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
Around 60k, I think.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I have. Primeval had/has a week drabble challenge, mostly when I’ve written drabbles it’s been for a challenge, with a specific prompt.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Uh... I mean, my fandoms really span the genres, but I guess sci-fi or crime are probably my favourites.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Third mostly, I have occasionally written in first person, if it felt like the fic needed it.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
Little from column a, little from column b... it depends on the fandom and the story. Sometimes you just need more characters, mostly they are minor roles, I don’t tend to write much established character/oc fic
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Ability to convince myself people will want to read it, lol! No actually to be honest, I love to know people read and like my stuff, but I gave up a long time ago on trying to ‘please’ people with what I write. I write what I want to read.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Focus. The problem with 21 years of fandom history, is well... 21 years of fandom history. A lot of fandoms, a lot of pairings and as I say, I never really ‘leave’ a fandom, I just drop in and out and sometimes that means I’ll write on something consistently for weeks or months and then end up getting distracted by another fandom again and not touch it for weeks or months again. Hence, I don’t post WiP fics, because I know I’m easily distracted and don’t want anyone to suffer my lack of focus but me.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I don’t read WiP fics, so yeah... but 5 I’ve recently read in different fandoms that I’ve really enjoyed
Turns Out, I Have a Rose Garden by betheflame (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Lucky by china_shop (Neal Caffery/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke)
Colors by Quesarasara (Sherlock/John)
Betrayal by Blackghost7 (Gibbs/DiNozzo)
Matchmaker (Part 1 of the Marmalade Series) by HastaLux, Mottlemoth (Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade)
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
See now this is hard, because... ahh so many...
FredBassett – Primeval author, her Stephen/Ryan series is epic and brilliant and endless
Keira Marcos – I know other people will have said her, I don’t care. I love all her stuff, across all the fandoms she writes in
theapplepielifestyle – her Steve/Tony is amazing. Hands down some of the best I’ve ever read. I will fight you on this.
JillyJames – her Tony DiNozzo is a real life grown up... exactly as he should be considered given he’s a goddamn federal agent!
missbecky – I’ve read pretty much all her Steve/Tony and Harry/Eggsy and it’s awesome.
Honestly, I could have listed so many more, but, I’m being good!
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Everyone. The thing is, fandom at it’s best is like crack, the more you get, the more you want. The writing, the gifs, the art... it feeds you and makes you want to make more of it, because more of it needs to exist and if that means you need to do it yourself, so be it!
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Oh hell no, not even, I can not. It took me an hour to narrow down 5 authors, I can not narrow down one fanfic!
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
I mean, it depends on what they like... probably the Hour of Separation I mentioned above, if they like the fandom/pairing, or my Animal Instinct stuff.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
Archive of our Own. I haven’t touched ff.net in *years* since they started getting super restrictive about what you could post. I do occasionally post stuff to tumblr, but mostly I now post to AO3. I did have my own site and I’ve yet to upload a lot of stuff to AO3 – one of these... months... that will be a project – but it’s amazing. Seriously, having been in fandom 20+ years, going from having to search all over a million different places and now it’s all in one place, where we’re honestly, spoiled and protected. The kids now have no idea how crazy impossible that once seemed.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Yes, but not as often as I should. I love AO3s kudos button, so I can sort of say ‘hey I enjoyed this’ without having to comment, because I sort of hate leaving comments just going ‘hey I enjoyed this’ because I always feel like I should say more, like, oh I enjoyed this specific thing, which yes is an unnecessary hang-up, but there ya go.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
Of course it’s nice to get comments, kudos, reblogs etc. I’m not as attached to them now as I was when I was younger, because I learned along the way that it was more important that I like what I’m writing than that other people do, but it’s still nice to know that something I’ve created is enjoyed.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I went looking for Star Trek Voyager stuff online, pics etc, waaaaaaay back when! And I came across fanfiction entirely by accident... and I read some – het stuff mostly, then I started watching Stargate SG-1, went looking for fanfiction for that, but was not on board with Jack/Sam, found Jack/Daniel went ‘huh really? That’s weird’ read it... and yeah... 21 years later... lol!
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Ship Wars. No seriously, just don’t. Like, who the actual fuck cares. I like my ship, you like your ship. I don’t care if it’s canon or not. I don’t care if it’s popular or not. I don’t read my NoTPs, but I’d never dream of telling someone else not too. Yes I think they are terrible, bad, no good pairings, but that’s *my* opinion. Don’t try to change my mind and I won’t try to change yours. I avoid them like the actual plague. If someone starts that shit around me, I will shut it right down. You are a dick. Go to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200.
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How The Loss Of My Husband Brought Me To Ballum and Robron.
I’m probably a bit older than your average Ballum fan. Well let me rephrase that...I’m probably a bit older to be on tumblr. Tumblr skews young and I’m just slightly over that average age. But Ballum and to some extent Robron is why I am here, Just some background...I’m a gay man who was partnered for about 10 years. Then my partner and I married when it became legal and then last June he became ill and passed away in July. After he passed away I because a bit of a home body and started looking for anything LGBTQ to watch...mostly to fill my time, distract myself and to fill the void that my husband had left in my heart. I first discovered Robron on youtube and within a week I had watched all 5 years that had been downloaded up to that point. Being American I had not heard that Ryan Hawley had decided to exit his Role as Robert so I had no clue what was coming in just a few weeks. Fast forward to November 1st episode. At the end of the episode I was devastated. It was an almost inconsolable devastation. Please keep in mind that it was less to do with what was going on on screen and more to do with the fact that only months prior I had lost my husband. I was seeking an escape from the pain from my husband loss...only to discover this wonderful LGBTQ couple that I loved...then it was ripped away in the most horrible way imaginable in my opinion. And to make Roberts exit worse was how they chose to portray it with him completely cutting ties leaving Aaron in the cold and to me...a man who had just lost his husband...that was even worse than death. And the way Aaron was grieving was that of a husband who lost a husband to death not prison simply because of how Robert (and the writers) decided there would be no contact. I mean...Aaron didn’t even get a chance to say good-bye. The good-bye he had...he didn’t even know it was a good by...how cruel of Robert. And the writers. (don’t get me started on Aaron not getting a letter ‘cuz that will piss me right off again) But at least with my husband I had an excuse to no longer have any communication...with Robert, to me, it was just stupid and in some ways completely out of character. And what it was doing to Aaron and how it as influencing me emotionally on a level that resembled the loss of my husband...well I finally decided I needed to step away from what was now the Aaron story. Which made me very sad. Because the very reason i had searched out Robron in the first placed backfired on me and in all honesty put me in a negative state for quite some time.
Then it was suggested by a twitter follower of mine that I look up this new-ish ship called Ballum. They didn’t nearly have the history that Robron had but because it was at the beginning stages I might enjoy it. I’m going to be honest...I wasn’t going to go down that road again. I thought I had gotten burned once with Robron and what was once a positive experience quickly turned into a bitter feeling towards the writers and producers of Emmerdale. But then I saw some online pics of Max Bowden and Tony Clay and I was in. So I started with their first scene together and went from there. And I must say I found them to be very refreshing. Max Bowden is an excellent actor and Tony Clay is so friggin’ adorable that I kept wanting more of them. I loved Callum’s coming out story. It intertwining of the two characters. The first hook-up. the wedding. The shooting. Callum coming out to his father and then the boyfriend stage...loved it all. But I kept getting irritated with the way EastEnders did their story as well. They actually have very little screen time together. Ever. It’s amazing that their characters even have a chance to fall in love because Ben is so busy doing other “bad boy” things and Callum is extremely busy being treated more like an extra than a full fledged character...but I still watched because I loved the characters and the actors. The one big difference I have noticed between Robron and Ballum is that Ballum is waaaay more affectionate on screen when they are together. I’m not sure if it’s the network rules, the writing, the comfort-ability of the actors...but it’s noticeable. Max and Tony just look more comfortable working together and look like they enjoy working together in general more than Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller did on Emmerdale. But that’s not really my point...the point is...they work well together and it shows on screen and they are wonderful to watch. And they are both so good at playing their roles. Max with his bad boy roles and Tony with is adorable good guy role...they are wonderful to watch. And even though there was a break up a week ago...I know it’s not over between the two characters so I’m not in the state I was in 2 months ago that I was in with Roberts exit on Emmerdale. Which is a good thing. Because I want to continue watching Ballum for a long time to come. And just to let you know...I’ve returned to Aarons story as well. Aaron is such a great character and I want nothing more for him to be happy so I will endure his pain and is current story in the hope that it will bring about closure to him in the end. He deserves that...the fans deserve that as well.
But I just need to say that I am so very thankful for having had Robron and now and most importantly Ballum through my grieving process. When suffering a loss a person sometimes just needs an escape from the reality that is life and both Robron and then Ballum did just that. It’s been almost 6 months since my husband passed away. The pain is still there but it gets better with every day. There is unbearable loneliness that still exists as I am still very much a home body and have still to a point cut myself off from friends and loved ones. But late at night...when the house is at it’s quietest and I notice my husbands absence the most...I put on the Robert and Aaron story (pre-exit) or the Ben and Callum story and although it doesn’t take away the pain and loneliness...it entertains and brings a smile to my face at a time when smiles are few and far between. Sorry this post was so long.
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Shamelessly stealing the title from the show. 4.8k of silliness. Spoiler: Robron love each other.
For the stunning, amazing, friendly yet sleepy Mally Mal, @robertisbisexual. I hope you enjoy the pilot episode of Robron IN SPACE!
Aaron’s biggest reward was resting on this moron’s inability to hide away even though he has several planets and moons that would be a better choice than the most populated one. Aaron is thankful though because he can cash in on the warrant because Eureka Maru was getting old and rusty and she was barely functioning. He thought to himself, eyes up, hand to gun, and in the dirty bar overrun with aliens of the lowest walks of the moons. Aaron looked around, he was feeling a bit nervous. No sign of any person of interest. There was loud screaming coming from the people gathered around a cage where some sort of boxing match was happening.
He decided to stay at the back of the crowd watching, waiting for something to happen and for his mark to come in. All of a sudden, the crowd parts and he can see on the other side of the boxing cage and he sees a familiar face. A face staring him right in the eye, like he was sitting there just waiting for the perfect moment to make his presence known in the most dramatic fashion he could conceive. Aaron hated him, his Killjoy nemesis, the one who was always one step ahead of him, one minute earlier than him, Robert. Tall, blonde, as far as Aaron was concerned Robert had sex with half of the planetary system and he was planning to get through the other half. Aaron’s thinking was that the warrant is everything. Nothing else mattered to him and Robert was only an unfortunate obstacle that he would have to get over. At least he knew that his rival was there and he had to get to the target before anyone else.
Robert smiled from across the cage as two men were punching each other, as Aaron stared him right in the eye, then he moved to the right and Aaron followed the same direction of movement when all of a sudden commotion happened and he saw someone running away just as Robert himself started running.
“Tenlio! Stop running!” Aaron yelled as he tried to push drunken people out of his way but he lost visual contact with his target. He tried looking for Robert’s big blonde head but he couldn’t see him either. He decided to still make a run for it in the same direction and as he was pushing through the crowd, he noticed that Robert was grabbed by a group of very strong built nefarious characters. He stopped for a second, and then he thought that nefarious attracts nefarious and followed the same direction.
It led him out of the bar, somewhere in a street with random people. He went in the middle of the street and saw Tenlio running away, so he followed suit yelling after him and pulling out his gun in nonkill mode. As he was running he saw Robert being punched into a small vehicle. Aaron stopped in his tracks and looked. Robert was hunched down, beaten, not looking around him. He was looking dark and scared which for one second made Aaron dark and scared. But he switched focus back on his target because the warrant is everything.
As he was running after Tenlio he felt his feet slow down, his entire body becoming heavier with each step he took, his breath was unwilling to cooperate and his eyes were curious about what was happening in a corner, rather than following Tenlio.
“Goddamn it. GODDAMN IT!” Aaron shouted to himself as he turned around and made a sprint towards where Robert was being shoved into the vehicle.
“I’m regretting this move already”, Aaron said to himself again as he was running in the opposite direction of his warrant. One of the most prolific killjoys in the galaxy and he was leaving his target to runaway. He knew in that second that he will be mocked for it, but truly the reason why he was so competent at what he was doing was because he had Robert as competition.
Robert’s brother had mysteriously disappeared after having been accused of crimes that weren’t ever truly specified. Robert’s father has poured all his energy and money into trying to find his other kid, leaving Robert to live a life of thieves. He mostly raised himself from his teenage years, wandering through bars, picking fights, ending them on the ground. But mostly he listened. He listened to people and then talked to them back with a charm that cannot be matched and he would obtain absolutely any kind of information he wanted. The day he was approved to become a killjoy, Robert solved 3 warrants. He was smart, on his feet and willing to do whatever it took. It kept Aaron on his toes all the time because he was competition. They would often pick the same target, because they wanted to measure against each other.
Many times they have shook hands and decided to work together on catching a target. Many times they have talked over some drinks, or in the same tight spot while doing surveillance, many times Aaron never felt that snakey charm taking over him. Robert never acted like that with Aaron even though he would have multiple reasons to sneak out information from his rival Killjoy. Surely, there have been one conflict or two. A push and shove against a wall. Hot breath against hot breath, brushed fingers against skin by accident.
This is why Aaron couldn’t leave Robert in the hands of those people, whoever they were. Maybe they were enemies, maybe they were the family of someone he’s turned in for a warrant. However, that decision that Aaron has made was that he was about to save his nemesis, just because having a bit of competition made him better at finding people.
Many hours later, he found the place where Robert was kept. The security was laughable at best, all he had to do was immobilize a guard and steal their coat, nothing more, nothing less. He followed the voices that were coming through a dimly lit hallway.
“So, tell us where he is and you can go free, promise”.
“Look, you tell me where that moron is and I’ll finish the job myself”, Robert jabbed back and Aaron decided to follow his voice. He tried to tune in to his breathing from that line, he had hoped he could pick up inflexions in his voice. However all he did manage to pick up was a groan of pain as the sound of knuckles hitting a jaw bone have reverberated through every fibre of Aaron’s muscles. He tensed up again, but he didn’t lose his cool. He had a plan, and he would stick to that plan, besides Robert can take a punch.
“You, Killjoy, tell me that you cannot find your own brother? How do you still have a job?”
“Well, even my skills aren’t good enough to track down someone with his training. What am I going to do? Look through every snake hole in the universe? Besides, he can die for all I care, he’s not my brother”. Aaron believed him, he knew Robert harboured this deep dislike for Andy, who could not ever be wrong. Even as he was suspected of murder, Andy was still loved by their father. Robert was left alone to mend for himself because the family needed Andy to come back. Robert told this to Aaron some months ago over too many beers. Aaron’s heart broke and that’s when he grabbed Robert and hugged him. And he did it back. Aaron knew when Robert was being honest and this was one of those moments. The bad guys, whoever they were, had a different opinion on the truthfulness of their prisoner.
“I have reasons to believe you’re a liar, Sugden. You’ve stole, cheated, lied and slept your way through half of the galaxy. How can I believe the words of a renegade Killjoy?”
“You don’t believe anything then.” Aaron marched in there confident. “I’ll take it from here. Would you rather leave or stand back and watch as I make this one talk?”
Aaron didn’t plan further than impersonating a guard. He looked around panicked because he had no idea where to move from this point on, and he could clearly see some relief in Robert’s eyes and at the same time he could see a little bit of anger. Aaron then spotted next to Robert a case of torturing instruments. He moved towards that direction while rolling his sleeves up.
“Well, I reckon words will flow out of your mouth easier if it weren’t for all those teeth acting as a barrier..” Aaron said to Robert while gesturing desperately from his eyebrows. Robert’s expression has turned to full annoyance
“Sure, because that’s how speaking works”.
Aaron didn’t understand what was happening to Robert and he took a second more before pulling out his gun, not set on kill mind, and emptying the room.
“What have you done, you idiot!” Robert yelled from his tiny little chair. He was beaten, bruised, bloodied and even though, it was quite clear that the anger he was spitting out was directed at him, Aaron was fantasizing about dressing his wounds.
“I was working, this moron was giving me everything.”
“He was giving you everything he had in his knuckles, yes. I have noticed and yes, you’re welcome Robert. Now sit still so that I can untie you.”
“I don’t want to be untied, I want that dude awake because I know he knows my brother’s last whereabouts.”
“You know what? Fine.” Aaron dropped the knife he was cutting the rope around Robert’s hands and turned his back and walked away.
“Wait!!! Don’t leave me here!”
Aaron kept walking.
“Fine!! Ok, i’m sorry, I should have had a go at you. Please untie me?”
Aaron stopped, turned around and picked up the knife from the floor. Although he wasn’t looking at Robert he knew that the jerk was smirking. He could feel that smug smirk, Aaron swore that the temperature in any room would go up two degrees whenever Robert does that.
“That’s a phrase I’ve never said before. It’s usually the reverse” Robert said to Aaron as he leaned towards him. Aaron felt it, and moved back up. “Come on, we don’t have a lot of time. Where’s your ship?”
“My what?”
“Your ship? The thing you travelled here on?”
“Oh”, Robert rubbed the back of his head while looking at Aaon and smiling cheekily. “I don’t have a ship anymore. I came to this godforsaken moon with someone. Uhm.. he was kind enough to drop me off on here while he.. Uhm… carried out his journey to another moon. Actually, I was kind of hoping to find you here working this warrant. It’s the only reason I took it. I knew I was being followed, and I knew that you would be here in case I needed help. So I decided to take the same warrant as you, hitch a ride here, and then keep you close enough so we could… do this.”
Aaron couldn’t believe what he just heard. He was manipulated in the worst way possible, not only did Robert know exaclty what he was going to do, he also assumed that he would care enough to go on a dumb rescue mission and neglect the warrant. He was frustrated, angry, hateful and impressed at the same time, but he didn’t want to let Robert know he felt anything, so he kept his cool front and replied with “OK, loverboy, let’s get that warrant. Regardless of your plans, it’s not a good look on either of us to allow a target escape like that.
Robert showed one of his few genuine smiles, filled with sincere joy. He sprung up from the chair where he was held hostage and he felt his bones hurt and let out an involuntary “ow!”. Aaron made a joke about him getting too old for this business and Robert poked his side triggering the lesser known and very well hidden, Aaron’s ticklish side.
As they were chuckling and crossing the hall together more footsteps echoed. Robert put a hand on Aaron’s chest and told him to stay back, putting his much taller, leaner, wider body in front of Aaron as if he was being shielded by this offensively good looking man.
“Wait what?” Aaron shook himself awake.
“I said wait here, behind me. They’re gone now, we can leave this place” Robert replied and Aaron thanked all the moons that he managed to avoid that awkward moment. He entertained for a second the idea that Robert could have a different interest in him rather than just some good old competition. He smiled and he shook his head at himself.
“Move faster, Sugden, we don’t have all day to drag your old bones through dodgy hallways.”
Robert smiled at him again, and Aaron swore that the hallway was all of a sudden brighter. And it actually was, because they were outside where this flickering street light was trying to do its best at a corner of an empty street.
“Right, so where’s Eureka Maru?! Let’s go!” Robert started pacing across the street and Aaron stood there until Robert realized he wasn’t followed.
“Erm.. it’s.. Resting. She’s broken and I can’t fix her because she needs this part, that is kind of hard to get so.. I.. I don’t have one, no.”
Robert stood under the flickering light and if one were to choose to see the humour in this situation would be that the flickering light was nothing but a metaphor of Robert’s mind trying to work out the information that they have no means of escape from the compound of these people who they have royally pissed off and who were most likely to come after both of them, to kill them in a few minutes.
“OK, OK, it’s alright, I can fix this” Robert started muttering while walking into circles like a scared animal.
“I know a solution. Mine’s 2hr walk from here, where’s yours?”
“Back, but In the basement.”
They were walking through complete and utter darkness. Aaron couldn’t see an inch in front of him.
“Aaron, I know I usually follow you because warrants and stuff, but please know that this will be the last time I follow you anywhere.”
“Shut up and stop complaining. We need to get out of here. We need a ship, their ship is in here, we’re stealing” Aaron said in a firm tone of voice as he moved his hand around until he found Robert’s.
“Hold on tight. We’re getting out of here” and he held Robert’s hand as tight as he could, with a force that could not be broken by the strongest winds. And Robert squeezed back. They’ve put their confidence of survival into each other. Aaron, the one who was always supposedly one step behind was leading Robert to freedom. Robert, the control freak, the one who needed to have all the cards dealt before he could make a move, he let himself guided by this yelly and grumpy Killjoy.
In the hangar where the ship was parked light came back to them and they stood and watched it. Hand in hand until Aaron got excited and sprinted to the ship. He looked back at a frozen in place Robert who had this warm expression on his face. Aaron marched to the ship and he heard Robert’s footsteps behind him.
They climbed in the ship, Aaron made it start immediately under Robert’s admiring eyes.
“Are you ready to do this?” Aaron asked even though he knew the answer.
“Yeah.” Robert replied softly.
And off they went. Aaron was hoping he would be able to put the ship outside of the atmosphere and outside of the defense sensors. In spite of all the story start to finish, he was having a good day.
“So, are we going to chase Tenlio, or… do you have someplace you might want to check out” Aaron tried to make a suggestion to Robert.
“Tenlio is too stupid to be the one warrant that should claim that they’ve escaped the Sugden - Dingle duo. So after him we go.” Aaron tried to say something, but Robert cut him off “I know what you’re about to say, and no, I don’t want to, and yes I am sure. I don’t know where he is. So we keep ahead of course.”
“Alright. Our job it is then.” Aaron looked at Robert with a softness in his eyes that he didn’t know he had. Robert had this deep stare. Fixed and intense. Determined. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing” Robert shook his head and got up from the seat near the left side panel of controls of this ship. “Do you know the name of this ship?”
“No. Why would I? What does it matter, it’s just a loan”
“Do you really want to go back to that moon?”
“Of course not, but I know these things are worth a lot in scrap value. Spare parts are a good commodity to negotiate with around these moons.” Aaron replied but he wasn’t really in the mood for this conversation.
“Yeah, well, you shouldn’t negotiate with idiots”
“Oh that is long done and dusted since I’ve met you”
“When did you meet me? Where did you see me for the first time?”
Robert started leaning his tall body against the wall that would lead to the sleeping rooms downstairs.
Aaron didn’t even have to think about that moment. He remembered that day as if it were yesterday, the memory of seeing Robert for the first time would be etched into his eyelids forever. He was just getting his badge from the receptionist at the RAC and he was making googly eyes at everything that was moving. They locked eyes for a nanosecond and Aaron’s felt that deep burn inside of him since then. He needed to know things about Robert since then.
How does he go about his day, how long does he sleep, what does he eat, where does he come from.
When he used his RAC accredited search prowess, Aaron couldn’t find any information on Robert. There were loads of stuff about his family, his hero brother, his hero father, his beloved and late mother. But nothing about Robert specifically as a person. Just some silly paperwork, but it was as if he had nothing special about him, as if he had only existed inside his little norms. On paper, Robert was unremarkable. In person, Robert was a volcano.
“I know how I met you”. I was drinking at the bar on the furthest moon and you walked in, waved your credentials and gun and caught this guy and you got money. I wanted to be like you. Walk in anywhere, free of the stigma, free of the family name. So i went and gave it up when I signed on. I had hoped that we could become partners but then I learnt that the majority of the Killjoys were going about it alone. But I didn’t want to do that, so I had to find you.”
Aaron froze on the spot as Robert was being more honest than ever with his words, his voice changed, his entire body language was trying to be silenced by the brain. “Well, you should have said something”.
“I’m saying it now.” And Robert just moved in and he grabbed his face and he kissed Aaron so hard that Aaron almost melted in a puddle at Robert’s feet. But he caught up fast as the shock of the first two seconds had washed off and he started pulling at Robert’s jacket. Robert started pulling at his hoodie’s zipper and immediately jammed his hands underneath Aaron’s tshirt. Aaron felt his hands like something his skin didn’t know it needed. Aaron felt Robert’s touch with every second passing the more intense, the more sure, like his hands were made to touch him.
His tshirt flies away and a hand is taken away from his skin, only to be met with his belt buckle as it was dragging it downstairs towards the sleeping chambers.
They stumbled on each other, Robert’s head got stuck in his shirt, Aaron has hit his elbow as he was trying to shove off his trousers. They were clumsy but they were doing it together. Each second when Aaron didn’t have Robert’s lips and tongue on his, those were wasted seconds. If only he could have accepted to himself earlier that the reason why he was so infatuated with Robert and his loud and obnoxious stories was because he thought that he was painfully unavailable. Robert on the other hand was just trying to be obviously available. They only needed the better part of a year, light kidnapping and theft of a spaceship in order to give in to the attraction.
That hunger they both felt as they were undressing and the state of contempt and calm Aaron was experiencing in the moments when Robert was in between his legs. No one else has fit that way, no one else has felt that way and no one else has touched him that way. He needed it so bad, he grabbed Robert’s shoulders and dug his fingers into his skin, receiving an approving moan back from Robert.
Neither of them realize how long it has been, or what was happening on the screens because they have been intelligent enough to disable the ship’s AI.
As they sat in bed super satisfied, peaceful and calm, Robert was holding Aaron who was facing the opposite way. Every inch of his skin was covered by every inch of Robert’s skin. They were tangled with legs, arms, fingers and purpose.
“You know, I heard that Killjoys that are couples have a better success rate in closing warrants”.
“Did ya really?” Laughter came out with that reply from Aaron’s mouth. Truth is he was feeling happy. He didn’t quite understand why this feeling was so closely tied to Robert. He’s had a plethora of men suitors, but none of them has ever felt like Robert did then.
He was laying on his side, fingers tangled with Robert’s. He was peaceful and he closed his eyes and fell asleep against an already sleeping Robert.
Nothing to wake him up like a good healthy jog of the ship. Robert however was having none of that and he looked just as calm and perfectly asleep as before.
“Robert, wake up!” Aaron shook him with his entire body, and he jolted a bit.
“Yeah I’m awake, what happened where’s the rush?” Robert attempted to make an effort as he was clearly only half conscious.
“We’re being boarded you idiot, quick, wake up, please wake up and grab your gun”
“We’re being wh.. OH!” and that was the exact moment when Robert’s brain decided to produce some cooperation. They both simultaneously jump from the bed and look for their guns in the pile of clothes on the floor and Aaron can’t find his. “Well, where did you put it?!!” Robert looked at him with giant panicking eyes.
“Well, I don’t know Robert, I was so careful and meticulous with how I undressed before my slumber last night.” Aaron mocked him and he saw that Robert enjoyed it.
“Dingle, you’re meticulous alright but in other areas of activities” and Aaron felt Robert’s eyes on his body, measuring him up and down. Too bad this flirting was rudely interrupted by the door of the chambers being knocked down, Aaron jumped behind Robert’s back as Robert began to fire his gun and then lunge very naked at the people trying to fight them.
As Robert was trying to keep them at a distance, two other men came storming in and Aaron went on hand-to-hand combat in which he had a slight disadvantage with him being naked and all. Robert paused for a second to admire Aaron’s naked fighting skills.
By some miracle they manage escaping the first wave of attackers. Without thinking twice or even showing a remote to stop to get dressed even a little bit, they advanced in the halls. The ship’s emergency systems weren’t activated either which was an inconvenience, but at least they can put this chapter to the lessons learnt section.
“I hope some other dude comes at you trying to best you in combat. I like to see you fighting” Robert told Aaron and he rolled his eyes in reply. They kept advancing along the halls of the ship, in complete silence. Aaron’s focus isn’t fully on their escape from the stolen ship. He likes to occasionally take a glance at Robert, and once he caught Robert doing the same thing.
“OK, this is serious now. We have to focus and decide how we’re gonna get out of this mess” Aaron tells Robert.
“Well, finding something to wear is high on my list. And I think we can take on these guys. How many can they be? 10-15? We just took out 4 of them with barely any problems. We’ll be fine, Aaron, trust me” Robert said before he gave Aaron a quick kiss on the top of his head and also before a voice came from behind.
“Well, I’ve seen a lot more things than I was planning on seeing today, so let’s cut this short, shall we? You tell me where the other Sugden brother is and then I will kill you quickly, I promise no pain. Never had any complaints so far, so you can trust me.”
It was the same man that was interrogating Robert when Aaron came in and fooled him into taking a step back. They turned around and were facing him.
“I don’t know where he is, and I am not interested in finding him. The further away he is from me, the better. And for the record, he’s not my brother, so you can stop using that word.” Robert spat back. Aaron knew that this attitude would get them in trouble, and he tried to motion with his head and eyes that he should probably stop being like that, considering their present circumstances.
“Right, sure. I believe you. And to show you a token of my belief you will have the privilege of coming with me.” he turned around and gestured to his goons to take them away as well. However, when one of them tried to grab Aaron’s arm, he started fighting back, disarmed the guard and immobilised 4 of them in a few seconds. Before Robert could understand what was happening, Aaron had his gun pointed towards the interrogation man.
“Yeah, I don’t fancy going back to that moon, ta.” and he shot him, neutralising but not killing him. “Alright, so I think these were all. I think they need sending back home, don’t you?”
Robert was standing there stunned, in full admiration and disbelief that Aaron would do anything for him.
“Yeah, let’s send these suckers back to where they came from.” and they started dragging their currently neutralised bodies back to their ship. While Robert was carrying out the last few, Aaron rigged the autopilot to send them to the furthest moon in the Quad system.
“There. Gone.” Aaron said as they watched the small ship pulling away and flying off into the dark void. Robert turned around, crooked smile on his face, and kissed him. Hard and decidedly. “You know, we did all this while naked and basically unarmed. Imagine what we can do when we are armed and clothed.”
“Well, I don’t plan on putting on clothes anytime soon.” Aaron got up and took Robert’s hand into his, leading him back to their chambers. He didn’t look back, he knew Robert would follow with that dumb look on his face, but unexpectedly he felt Robert stop. “What’s wrong?” Aaron turned around to find Robert staring wide eyed and basically frozen at a piece of paper on the ship’s floor. Aaron examined the paper closely, and he saw that it was from an old book. He hasn’t seen one of those in a long time, and next to it, there were some words scribbled by hand. Aaron never learned how to read old human handwriting and he asked Robert what was it.
“That’s 1984. That’s…” he took a small breath and paused a little before finishing what he had to say. “That’s my mother Sarah’s favourite book. She was reading this for the millionth time right before she died. I think this is a message from Andy, to me. This is why they thought that I knew where he was!”
Aaron was stunned and kneeled on the floor next to Robert whose hands were trembling as he was holding onto that piece of paper. Then he looked up at Aaron, eyes shining and shallow and quick breaths. “Will you.. Help me?” he asked as his hand reached for Aaron’s arm.
“ ‘course I will. We’ll do this, together. We’ll find Andy.”
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I can’t believe it’s taken me a whole ass week (!!!) to find the right measure of words to say and yet I can only think of two and that’s thank you.
It’s not as though I can sit the lads down directly (although at the moment there’s a different two words to say to a certain RH because that emotional damage is intractable and I will never forgive js) so all my gratitude is being spewed here instead. My little online space separated from the real world. The place I can unapologetically be the inane and overemotional idiot I am without judgement (or at least I hope to think so lol).
I know I’ve never been the conventionally ~popular~ tumblr user. I didn’t have my groups chats or people waiting for me to come online (blame my anxiety) but I had welcomed freedom and rapport with a bunch of strangers who started to feel like proper friends. And then there is my irl friends. My best friends. My soulmates. The ones I couldn’t live without and the ones I would have been missing in every fibre of my being without the existence of this epic soap ship.
It’s absurd for some to assimilate - which I guess is why I’m pouring my little dead heart out on the platform I feel total acceptance - but this fandom literally changed my life and me as a person. You don’t want to know what goes on in my head sometimes but every weekday at 7pm and beyond was a chance to block those nasties out. I could forget my health problems weighing me down and just smile and laugh and belong. The years embodying this magical and messy love story with you bunch of fellow loons was the most fun, frivolous and fundamental escapism I’ve ever had and needed and I couldn’t have asked for a more finer experience sharing the good and the bad and the damn right crazy on this wild rollercoaster ride.
I guess I’m writing this because it’s only been 7 whole days and I can already sense the slipping away. We all know there was no other option but to force the ramifications of this narrative but it doesn’t make it easier. It’s a tough challenge seeing something so unforgettably solid breaking apart and it’s even tougher not knowing how you’re going to harvest the leftovers because the inevitable is moving on and dispersing and how are you supposed to unchain yourself from a forever fence?!?
I’m trying to look at it logically. That, for me, last Friday was the satisfying ending and tragic parting which felt final and which I desired for two people still so madly and unconditionally in love. That anything after that is purely plot having to move forward. And that everything before that is an open book ready to be revisited.
The concluded chapter has closed and the show carries on without one of its leads but that doesn’t undermine what the story meant to us. They’re erasing Robert from the picture because they have to; because when an actor has gone, they’ve gone. That’s not to say it just stops being special and loses its importance. The incredible moments are still there. They haven’t disappeared and suddenly turned valueless. They happened and now it’s a matter of prolonging that because nothing has changed in that department.
Still, keeping that mentality up for weeks, months, years to come is something difficult to promise. The history of Robron stays petrified in stone but sticking around in the present of missing one half starts to feel flat and bleak. I don’t want to be bitter. I don’t want to hate what’s on screen. I don’t want to lose touch with this connection. I don’t want to hear it’s over. I don’t want to let go of something that’s been such a strong and significant part of my life (my attachment issues are screaming). And I don’t want to just end up disappearing without saying my piece and wrapping it up with love and positivity because I really, truly do. I love this community, I love the characters, I love this journey both they and we have been on and I love the memories it’s blessed me with.
But that’s not me waving goodbye. God no. It’s me appreciating this whilst it’s still new and echoing the fact whatever happens they can’t take away nor taint what we had and have installed internally (and eternally). I’ll continue to lurk and be active in celebrating these boys; even detaching from canon if I have to for my own sanity. And I’ll continue enjoying it with you bloody beautifully brilliant lot; even when you’re destroying me further with your talent and transfixing me with your words. (Unless Aaron starts going gooey over another fella and you revel in it, then I’ll have no choice but to disown you whilst tearing my eyes out and planning your murder. Even if you are my only and most dependable selfie validators. Soz.)
I found those two. I found my people. And I found who I’m meant to be. That deserves a thank you accolade made of gold, but instead you get this! <3
#long post#i fully sobbed writing this so you better appreciate it hehehe#just feeling all sorts of emotions again and my mind is really on one#i know this is more than 2 words and more like 2000#but it’s been a gift lads#i’d even go as far as saying a better gift than maxine alderton#i’ll be right here to stay until ryan announces his return don’t you worry#you’re not getting rid of me that easily#soppiness will be restored once he does also x#robron
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Baby (AO3)
So this is based on El @robertssvgden post wondering how Robron would react to their daughter getting pregnant from a one night stand with a shitty guy. Like Gabby’s story on ED right now.
I ended it where I did because it was starting to get LONG and if I had to include granddaddies Robron it would have easily gotten at least twice as long... so depending on motivation and inspiration (and interest!) I’ll add that as a part two in the next few days.
Also thanks to this I’ve been singing Papa Don’t Preach all weekend and it took Great Restraint, not to use that as fic title.
(And @ anon the vet Robert fic is still in the works too, I promise!)
“I said, are you going to be home for tea tonight?” Aaron asked, yanking one of Seb’s earbuds out of his ear.
“Hey! I was listening to that!”
“And I asked you a question.”
The two of them stared at each other for a moment before Aaron sighed and repeated his question.
“I don’t know… are you cooking or is dad?”
“I am.”
“Alright then I definitely have a thing with Isaac tonight.”
“Cheeky.” Aaron messed up his son’s carefully styled hair. “I’m a good cook. Your dad never complains.”
“That’s because he’s married to you. He has to say that. It’s his duty as your husband.” Seb said with a grin.
“You’re my son, doesn’t mean anything? What about your duties?”
“Nope. Only on father’s day and your birthday. And every other Christmas.”
“Only every other Christmas?”
“Yeah the other is for dad.”
Aaron laughed and shook his head.
“When did you become such a smart arse?”
“You say smart arse, I say witty and devastatingly handsome.”
“You are so much like your dad, it’s unsettling sometimes.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You do that.” Aaron laughed. “By the way, have you heard from your sister? Is she going to be home for tea?”
Seb shrugged.
“I don’t know. Do I look like her secretary?”
“I reckon you’d look great in one of those pencil skirts and high heels.” Robert said as he walked into the house, catching the last part of the conversation. “Hi.” He greeted Aaron with a kiss.
“Dad, that’s sexist.”
“What? How is it sexist to say my son would look good in a skirt? You’ve got killer legs, mate. If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” Robert teased and laughed when Seb rolled his eyes and closed his laptop.
“I’m just going to not be here for a few hours, so I can work in peace and you two can just be…” he waved his hand in the general direction of his parents. “Just be… you…” he gathered his things and shrugged on his jacket.
“Let us know if you’re stopping at Isaac’s tonight.” Aaron called out as Seb walked out the door and gave his father a half wave in return to let him know he heard him.
“Careful, dads think they’re funny again… and dad’s cooking. Aaron.” They heard Seb tell someone.
“I don’t care.” Came the reply.
“Alright. It’s your funeral.”
Seb left and at the same moment Robert and Aaron saw their daughter Ruby walk in.
“Hey Rubes, how was the film last night?” Aaron greeted her.
“It was fine…”
“Fine? You’ve been looking forward to seeing it for ages. I thought you’d be more excited.” He shared a look with Robert.
“Did you and Steph fall out?”
Ruby shook her head.
“No we’re fine. Everything is fine. The film was good. Really good.” She gave them a forced smile. “I’m just going to go have a shower and maybe take a nap. I’m tired.”
“Did you stay up all night talking about boys?” Aaron teased.
“Something like that…” Ruby replied instead of the usual protest and sputtering and reddening cheeks.
“Just take it easy for a bit. We’ll wake you up when tea’s ready.” Robert promised her.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Well maybe you will be later. Your dad hasn’t even started cooking yet so it’ll be a couple of hours.”
“Right… yeah…”
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course. Just tired.” She said and disappeared up the stairs to her bedroom.
Robert turned to Aaron with a worried look on his face when he heard the door close.
“That was weird.”
“Yeah… but that’s teenagers for you.” Aaron reasoned.
“Should we call Steph’s parents? To ask if they noticed anything?”
“Rob she’ll never talk to you again if you do that. She’ll come to us if something’s bothering her.”
Robert sighed.
“Yeah… I suppose you’re right…”
“Of course I’m right, I’m always right.” Aaron joked and pressed a quick kiss to his husband’s lips.
A few hours later, Aaron dished up their food and Robert made his way upstairs to wake Ruby up.
“Rubes? Are you awake?” He knocked on the closed door but got no answer. “Ruby? Tea’s ready.” He knocked again. “Ruby?”
“I’m not hungry.” Came the muffled reply.
“Just come down anyway and eat something. Your dad put a lot of effort into it.”
“I didn’t ask him to!” Ruby yelled through the closed door.
“Ruby, are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine! Just leave me alone!”
Robert’s hand hovered over the doorknob, aching to turn it to open the door and check on his little girl. He shook his head and decided against it.
“Alright… well… just come down if you change your mind about tea. There’s plenty.” He said and went back downstairs when he got no reply after a minute.
“Where’s Ruby?” Aaron asked when he only saw Robert walking into the kitchen.
“She’s not hungry and wants to be left alone…” he sighed and Aaron frowned.
“Is she ill?”
Robert shrugged.
“I don’t know. She won’t open the door. Maybe she’s fallen out with Steph after all. Or one of her other mates.”
“Yeah… maybe…” Aaron agreed and they sat down to eat, not speaking much, both worried about their daughter.
After tea Robert helped Aaron clean up the kitchen and load the dishwasher and then settled on the sofa to watch some tv. Though neither of them were really watching.
“Do you think she’s alright up there?” Aaron asked after a while. “Should one of us go up to check?”
“Maybe… but how much can we do through a closed door?”
Just as Aaron was about to get up to go check on their little girl, she came downstairs and shuffled over to the armchair.
“Hey you, feeling better?”
Ruby shrugged.
“Do you want something to eat? There’s plenty left.”
Ruby shook her head.
“I’m not hungry.” She told them. “Seb just texted me, he’s not coming home tonight. He’s off out with Isaac.”
“Why is he texting you and not one of us?”
“I don’t know… because he’s an idiot.”
“He takes after his father.” Robert teased and Aaron rolled his eyes and kissed him.
“You’re a nightmare.”
“You two are so weird sometimes.” Ruby commented.
“You’re 19, you should be used to that by now.” Aaron grinned. “Just you wait until you find that special person of your own. You will have your own weird stuff.”
Ruby bit her lip and was suddenly very interested in the tv.
“What are you watching? Anything good?” her voice was trembling.
Robert paused the tv and both of them sat up and turned their full attention to their daughter.
“Ruby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Everything is fine. I told you.”
“Yeah and it’s obviously not true.”
“You can tell us.” Aaron pushed. “No matter what’s wrong, you can always come talk to us.”
“Not about this.” Ruby said quietly, forcing back the tears.
“Tell us and we’ll be the judge of that.”
“No. I can’t… I just can’t…” Ruby insisted. “You’ll be angry and disappointed and I can’t handle you looking at me like that.” She blinked and tears started running down her face.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Aaron got up and knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his, trying to get her to look at him while Robert sat down on the chair’s armrest and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Tell us what’s wrong.”
“I promise we won’t get angry.” Robert added.
“You can’t promise that.”
“Yes we can, and we are. Will you please tell us what’s wrong so we can help you? I hate seeing you so upset.”
“You can’t help me. No-one can.”
“Of course we can.” Aaron insisted. “We’re your parents, it’s kind of our thing.”
Ruby shook her head and wiped her eyes with her sleeve.
“You can’t help me…” She said again and took a deep breath. “I… I was late. Am… late.” She started, looking at a spot on the wall above Aaron’s head.
“Late? Late for what?”
“Late… late. I’m never late… so… I bought a test this morning and I took it at Steph’s… and it was positive. And then I did another one at home earlier… and another one… and they were all positive.” Ruby sobbed.
“Wait… what are you saying here?”
“I’m pregnant dad! I’m having a baby!”
“YOU WHAT?!” Robert exploded. “How did that happen?!”
“I think we can fill in the blanks on how, Robert.” Aaron snapped and turned his attention back to Ruby. “Are… are you sure?”
“I took three tests, dad… they were all positive.”
“Right.” Aaron ran a hand over his face and sat down on the coffee table. “I uh… didn’t know you were seeing anyone…”
“I’m not… it was a one time thing… At Sienna’s birthday party a few weeks ago. We met there and liked each other and it just… happened.”
“Seriously Ruby? A one night stand with a boy at a party? A boy you don’t even know?” Robert started pacing. “And you don’t even use protection?! We taught you better than that! We taught you about condoms and your aunt Vic even went to the doctor’s with you to get the pill! And you don’t even take them?”
“I do take them!” Ruby protested.
“So how did this happen then?!”
“I don’t know! I had a few drinks… I think I threw up… I don’t really remember…”
“He didn’t force you, did he?” Aaron cut in.
“What? No. We both wanted to.”
Aaron nodded.
“Ok. Good. That’s all I needed to hear.”
Robert scoffed.
“Speak for yourself. I can’t believe you were this reckless Ruby! Getting drunk and jumping into bed with the first guy that’s nice to you…” he shook his head in disbelief.
“It wasn’t like that!” Ruby yelled and got up. “And isn’t that exactly what happened 9 months before Seb was born?! You getting drunk and sleeping with his mum?!” she ran up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door shut.
“Ruby! Get back down here!” Robert yelled and looked at Aaron for support but was met with a glare. “What?”
Over the next few days, the atmosphere in the house was tense to say the least. With Robert and Ruby constantly at each other’s throats and Aaron trying to keep them from killing each other.
Robert had apologised for his initial outburst but still the smallest thing would set either of them off.
The latest war was over the fact that Ruby wouldn’t tell them who the boy was that got her pregnant.
“It doesn’t matter who he is, dad!”
“If it doesn’t matter, you can just tell us.”
“No. You don’t know him anyway.”
“Does he even know you’re pregnant?”
“No. And it’s staying that way. It was a one off. We’re not together.” Ruby insisted. “And it’s my body and my choice.”
“Don’t you think you should tell him?” Aaron tried. “If it was me, I’d want to know.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not you. If I have an abortion, he’ll never have to know.”
“Is that what you want? An abortion?”
“I… I don’t know yet.”
“You’re going to have to make a decision on that soon though, Rubes. It’s kind of time sensitive.” Seb cut in.
“Shut up.”
“I’m just saying, if you don’t make a decision soon, mother nature will do it for you.”
Ruby glared at her brother.
“Mother nature? Really? What are you? Fifty?”
“He’s got a point though…” Aaron tried. “And if you decide to keep the baby, the boy has a right to know he’s about to be a father.”
“I don’t know if I’m keeping it!”
“I know. That’s why I said if.”
Ruby groaned.
“I’m so sick of all these men telling me what to do and thinking they know what’s best for me! It’s my body, my baby, and my decision! None of you get a say!”
She grabbed her coat and bag and stormed out of the house.
“Ruby!” Aaron called out but the only answer he got was the door slamming shut.
“I’ll go after her.” Seb offered. “She hates the both of you right now… I’m not on her shit list. Yet.”
“Call us when you find her.” Robert stressed. “I need to know she’s alright.”
Seb grabbed his jacket.
“Dad she ran out the door less than 2 minutes ago. She won’t have gone far.”
“Just humour me ok?”
“Fine.” Seb sighed and left the house, looking for his sister.
He found her on the swings in the village playground, trying very hard to show anyone how upset she was.
He walked over to her and sat down on the swing next to her.
“You plan on drinking that?” he nodded at the bottle of whiskey in her hand.
She shrugged and picked at the label.
“No reason why I shouldn’t. I bought it yesterday. With my own money.”
“You’re not going to talk me out of it?”
“Why should I? You’ve obviously made up your mind already so…” he shrugged. “The least you could do is share though. Nothing good comes from drinking whiskey alone.”
“Like you.” Ruby said, grinning at her brother. Ever since they’d accidentally found out about how Seb was conceived it had been a running joke between the two of them.
“I’m one of a kind.” Seb said, taking the bottle from his sister and taking a swig after opening it.
“That’s one way to put it.” Ruby teased.
“So, are you going to tell me who knocked you up?” Seb asked, ignoring the jab.
“Did dads send you to find out?”
“Nope. I just want to know who got my sister pregnant so I can get him a black eye.”
Ruby rolled her eyes.
“You couldn’t win a fight against a puppy.”
“Who would want to fight a puppy?!” Seb joked and bumped his shoulder against his sister’s. “Come on, just tell me.”
“You don’t know him. He’s… older.”
“How much older? He’s not married is he? Or someone’s dad or something?”
“NO! He’s 24.” Ruby sighed. “A mate of Sienna’s brother… he was nice… and I liked him… and well… I wanted it. Him.” She admitted, looking at her shoes.
“Yeah? Well… we’ve all been there.”
Ruby gave him a confused look.
“Your last birthday. Me and Oliver.”
“You hooked up with Oli?! My friend Oli?! Since when are you even into blokes?”
“Your last birthday.” Seb grinned. “Don’t tell dads but we’re kind of together. I don’t want them embarrassing me. Not just yet.”
“Does Isaac know?”
“Of course. Who do you think covers for me when I’m with Oli?”
“Right. I can’t believe my brother is hooking up with one of my best friends.”
“Better believe it.” Seb shrugged and took another swig from the bottle. “So now you know my secret, want to tell me yours?”
“It’s Scott Fletcher.”
“Don’t say it like that! He’s nice!”
“Does he know?”
“Yeah… I told him yesterday…”
“I guess it didn’t go so well then… if you went and bought this bottle.”
Ruby shook her head and took her phone out of her bag.
“He used me to make his girlfriend jealous… and I guess it worked. They’re back together.”
Seb read the texts on her phone and felt his anger rising.
“He’s got NO right to treat you like this! I’m going to kill him!”
“No! I just want to forget about it all.”
“I don’t care. I’m going to have a little chat with him.” Seb said and got up.
“No, don’t. I don’t want you getting hurt over my mistakes.” Ruby pleaded.
“It’s as much his mistake as it is yours. And I’m going to remind him of that.” Seb announced. “Just go home, dads are worried about you.”
“And where are you going?”
“To see a man about a baby.”
“No. If anyone’s giving him a black eye, it’s me. I don’t need you defending my honour.”
“Well then, what are you waiting for?” Seb said, offering his sister his arm. “Let’s go have a chat with Scotty.”
“Hello?! Seb?” Aaron answered the phone after practically sitting on top of it all afternoon.
“Dad… Hi…”
“Where the hell are you? Is Ruby with you? We’ve been worried sick!”
“Yeah… uhm… the good news is, I know who the father of Ruby’s baby is.” Seb started.
“That’s not really the news we were waiting for.”
“Yeah well… it’s uhm… complicated… but uhm… we uh… kind of… got arrested. We’re at the police station.”
“We went to see the guy… just to talk… and then he started calling Ruby all kinds of nasty things and well… things kind of… escalated.”
“Escalated how?”
“I uh… just let him know I didn’t appreciate him calling Ruby a desperate slapper.”
Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Are they charging you with anything?”
“Not really… but we could use a lift home.”
“We’re on our way.”
After making sure both of their kids were in one piece and PC Swirling assured them they were free to go, the four of them got into the car and drove back to Emmerdale.”
“Can we get some chips on the way?” Ruby asked.
They were halfway there and she hadn’t said anything since they’d left the station.
“I… want to talk to you…”
Aaron glanced at her in the rear-view mirror and then at Robert who nodded.
They decided to stop at a pub in Connelton.
“So…” Robert started after the whole family was pretending to be too interested in their food to talk. “What did you want to talk to us about?”
Ruby bit her lip.
“That guy Seb hit… he’s the father.”
“We kind of figured that out, yes.”
“He wants me to get rid of it.”
Robert nodded.
“And is that what you want too?”
“I… I… I’m not sure…”
“Well whatever you decide, we’ll support you.” Robert vowed.
“Even if I don’t go through with it?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t we?”
“Well… I know how hard it was for you to have me and…”
“That has nothing to do with this.” Aaron insisted. “If you want to have an abortion, we’ll support you. We’ll book the appointment, we’ll go with you to hold your hand if you want. We’ll all be there for you.”
“And if you want to keep the baby, that’s fine too. We’ll be there for you every step of the way.” Robert added and Aaron nodded.
“Absolutely. So just think about what you want. If you want a lift to the clinic or the baby store.” He told her and took a minute to study his daughter’s face. “You’ve made up your mind haven’t you?”
“Yeah… yeah I think I have…” Ruby said, looking at her parents and brother. “I… I think I want to keep the baby. I know I do. I… I think I’ll be a good mum.”
“You’ll make a great mum.” Robert got up to hug her. “This baby will be lucky to have you.”
“And you and dad.”
“Of course.”
“If it’s a boy, you could name him after his cool uncle.” Seb suggested with a grin. “Sebastian junior.”
“Oh come on Seb, the kid isn’t even born yet and you want to torture him already?” Aaron joked.
“And it might be a girl.” Ruby added.
“Sebastienne then. Or Sebastiana? It sounds fancy and all.”
“Maybe I’ll name him Oliver if it’s a boy. Just like your boyfriend.”
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Robron prompt: family or husband fluff (if it grabs you!) 💖
Most 14-year-olds wanted to be indoors, playing video games with their mates, but when they’d announced that they were taking Ellie to the park, Seb had surprisingly wanted to come too. Knowing he’d been working hard in preparation for next year when he’d start studying for his GCSEs, they’d let him come with them for the afternoon for a break and a change of scenery.
Now, Robert and Aaron sat on a bench at the side of the playground, watching as Seb pushed Ellie higher and higher on the swings per her shrieking demands, her little voice carrying on the wind followed by peals of high-pitched laughter when her brother acquiesced.
The two of them together, Eleanor with her riot of dark curly hair that never seemed to stay untangled, and Seb with the same green eyes and freckles as his father but a wicked smile that was all Dingle, it would never stop being something that neither could quite believe was real. It had taken so long, they’d almost given up hope.
But they hadn’t, because they had each other and together, they could do anything; that’s what they had promised each other, when they’d renewed their wedding vows a year after Robert had been released from prison, in a quiet ceremony in Wales. It had just been them, Liv, and Seb, Robert being unable to face a full to-do while still recovering from a breakdown, and Aaron not needing one.
“I keep saying it,” Robert said suddenly, breaking the silence, “but I thought for so long that I - that we’d - never have this. That I could never be a good enough father or husband again.” He stopped, swallowing hard, composing himself. “But you - you gave me that hope. You believed in me.” He reached across the bench for Aaron’s hand; he took it, twining their fingers together tightly, squeezing. He could feel Robert’s fingers shaking, and he gripped harder, wanting him to feel through his touch that he was there and tangible, not a fever dream or a mirage Robert’s mind had designed to play cruel tricks on him.
“You are good enough, you muppet,” Aaron insisted. “Look at them. Look at how happy they are, just messing around together, being siblings. I never doubted ya as a dad and I never doubted ya as a husband. Just took a bit of time, is all.”
“Yeah, because I messed things up. Again,” Robert muttered darkly.
“I thought you were dealin’ with all that?” Aaron said. “With your counsellor?”
“I am,” he replied. “I promise, I am. I never thought I’d spend seven years in therapy, either. But it is helping. It does help. Rachel’s great.”
Rachel was Robert’s therapist, a woman with red-hair and purple-framed glasses a little older than him, and Aaron liked her a lot. And when it came to Robert, he had high standards - and was very picky about who he trusted with his husband’s health and welfare.
Aaron leaned over to press a kiss to Robert’s shoulder, quick and fleeting, a gentle touch of the lips that said I’m here. And I’m proud of you.
At that moment, Ellie and Seb chose to abandon their games and came running up, Ellie immediately launching herself into Robert’s arms and scrambling into his lap, black hair flying.
“Seb says he’s going to eat me, Daddy!” she exclaimed, her eyes huge. “He said he was a big bad monster and he was going to eat me!”
“Ah, see, we can’t have that,” Aaron said, addressing Seb, who was red in the face from chasing his sister around, pretending to be a dragon in their make-believe games. Fairytales were Ellie’s absolute favourite, and Seb was usually her guinea pig. “Princess Ellie has big strong knights to look out for her, and we don’t like dragons much, do we, Rob?”
“Definitely not,” Robert said, giving Ellie a smacking kiss on one of her ruddy cheeks. “So sorry, but the princess stays with us. The bad dragon has to get back to his maths homework.”
“Haha!” Ellie giggled, sticking out her tongue at her brother. Seb blew a raspberry back at her, then ruffled her hair affectionately.
“Can I at least go and see Isaac later?” Seb asked.
“Okay. But only if your dad checks your homework first,” Aaron compromised.
Seb groaned. “Fine.”
“I love you, you know?” Robert said. He kissed the top of Ellie’s head again. “Both of you. You’re both so important to me, I need you to know that.”
“Eh, what about me?” Aaron asked, feigning offence.
“I love you the most,” Robert said, over the top of Ellie’s head. He smiled a soft, slow smile, one he reserved just for Aaron. It was still there, even years later. “Always.”
#saras-almanac#lorna's writing#robron#robron fic#robert's return 'verse#verse: meet me in the afterglow#one day i will ask for short prompts and actually make them short#today is not that day
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2021 Emmerdale Wishlist
(I was inspired by @softlass27 and wanted to do one of my own)
Some Overall Things
- More community involvement. I know, I know Covid, but hopefully they’ll be able to ease the restrictions before the year is out so it still applies. And aside from that, they need to work within the restrictions to do better. I still thought that clothing exchange in the cafe was a really good attempt to allow different characters to mix.
- In general, they need to really figure out how to work within the covid restrictions better because it has been very noticeable at times and the whole show has felt like it’s been a slower pace, including individual scenes and it’s a problem.
- More appropriate story lengths. I’m tired of these never ending stories that just meander along.
- Better story structure. Stories seem to either magic into being or they’re so slow to start you wonder if there is a story. I just want stories to have proper lead ins and build up and actual climaxes that feel worthwhile. And I want to understand the point of a story both as it’s going and for sure once it has finished. I don’t want to have to keep asking the question, “Is it going somewhere or is this just bad writing”.
- Work on relationship stories. Stop putting terribly suited people together. At least try and build relationships up naturally and allow them to have some time before just shoving them together. Stop having other characters talk about how people should be together. I want to see the actual couple together and understand why. If a couple isn’t working, actually break them up. Cheating stories can work but make them happen for an actual reason and not just cause you feel like drama.
- In general, work on motivations for characters because so many people this year have just done things for little to no real reason.
Character Focused things
- I too am willing to wait till the 50th Anniversary for Robert’s triumphant return. Enjoy that dad and son time Ryan, your time will come. Hopefully post pandemic restrictions and when there’s a new decent producer who has some robron nostalgia.
- In the meantime, I would like the show to allow Aaron to become a real character again. While, I’ve very much been fine with his massive break this year because it’s given me time to process him not having a tall blond glued to his side, I would like it if he got a bit more screen time next year. And I would like for that screen time to include interactions with characters that are not Liv and Chaddy. I’d love to see him get a friend, whether that’s Mack or someone else, I just want him to have someone else to talk to. I would also like to see him have an actual story even if he is a supporting character, but make him a consistent one, not support to the support and not just a cameo for an episode or two. I’d love to see him have more to do than a relationship story but if he must, for the the love of god at least put some amount of effort into it. Or just let him go on random bad dates that he gets to talk to his new friend about how no one is right.
- I want Chaddy to break up. Whether it’s actually a cheating story or they just realize how unsuited they are for each other after all, I don’t care. Let the Christmas wedding curse persist. (In lieu of that, I want them on screen as little as possible together and if they are they better not be having any problems or be overly sappy and if I hear more than one or two “Graaacieees” I’m out)
- As for Liv, either Isobel can get a big break with her music and Liv can take a never ending trip to Dublin or they need to do better. If she stays, I want to see her become an adult. I want to see her make some choices about her future, get a job etc. I’d still like them to explore what a relationship means to her without having it be a plot point in the next abuser’s story. That still means something to me and I’d like to see it on screen for real and not just in the background.
- For the love of god give Matty a story. Let him date, let him and Amy finally get together but like...do it better this time. Let him move out of Moira’s and stop being a footnote in her stories. Let him get promoted at the HOP or get a new job. Go back to his transition story. Let him interact with his friends more. Just almost anything really.
- With Charity, we all know Vanessa will be back eventually and they’ll put them back together, so in the meantime, I’d like to them to start figuring out a balance for her. I agree somewhat that the regressive behavior she’s engaging in now feels a little ridiculous but that’s mostly because it’s baseless. They need to find real reasons and motivations for her to have her scheming fun the way they did with Robert and Cain. So first things first, I would get her the hell out of the pub because that was always a bad idea. I want her back in a business that allows her to wheel and deal and scheme without it always having to be random criminal activity. I also NEED them to allow her to say she’s bisexual on screen and to own that and to stop having writers put in those stupid unnecessary biphobic jokes. And they need to allow her to realize that she’s okay on her own and that any growth she had wasn’t only down to Vanessa.
- For Cain and Moira, I want them to actually stay together this time and not immediately get broken up by something absurd. They can be tested, but only so they can prove that they are really working on their issues.
- I’d like Laurel and Jai to get through their grief and stay together.
- I want Jamie to get a fucking back bone and break free of Andrea altogether and break free of Kim too. I’d be cool with him and Mack actually being friends. I’d like him to get a real love interest too.
- For Mack, I want him to keep being the snarky, fun breath of fresh air he has been but I’d like to ground him a little bit too. I want him to find something real in the village, whether that’s a friend or a love interest. Jamie and Aaron are good friend options for him. Just someone to give him a real solid tie to the village and give him some to talk to/confide in. If they wanted to make him bi, I would not be opposed. I’d also like him to make some progress with Moira in the next year so that doesn’t remain stagnant.
- For Kim, I want this stupid story with Cain to already be over because it’s based on nothing. I know she’s supposed to get a love interest and I’m already dreading it. I do want her to get a love interest but I want it to feel real with real feelings and not come out of nowhere like I expect it to. I think Kim needs real connections in general. That brief period where she was friends with Rhona was good. They should give her another friend. Just. something to make her feel less like a cartoon villain even if she still is an antagonist.
- I want someone to run over Luke and Wendy. I want them the hell out of Vic’s life and the hell out of the village. I still can’t fathom why they ever introduced them or had them stick around.
- I need Harriet and Will to go away. They’re useless and they’ve overstayed their welcome at this point. I want to free Dawn because I feel like she could be a decent character if she wasn’t shackled to them. If the Malone story FINALLY ends with Harriet and Will both leaving, that would be a miracle.
- I want Dan and Amelia to move to Croydon so someone else can have their house. They’re just not relevant characters anymore.
- I want the new vicar and his son to be good characters and for more of their family to come in, hopefully female family members so there can be more women of color on the show too. But also I just want them to all be good characters with good connections and good stories.
- If Marlon and Rhona are going to get together again, I want them to actually work out as a couple because I’ve quite enjoyed their friendship over the years and I think they could work as a couple again if they just maintain what they’ve had and don’t ruin it.
- I’d like this whole stupid Al story to blow up in his face quick so we can move the hell on. If Al’s going to stick around, I need him to do something interesting. Either ground him more and give him better relationships or have him go full villain.
- For Gabby, I want to see her continue to grow and get more adult stories, once that don’t include her meddling in people’s relationships. I’d like to see them explore a relationship story with her too. If she wants to realize she’s bi or something too and that she and Liv are meant to be, I’d be fine with that too.
- More Jimmy and Nicola but don’t use that screen time to destroy them.
- For Meena, I’d like them to tone her down just a bit and resolve the weird petty stuff between her and Manpreet. I’m cool with them exploring her and David but I don’t want it to feel as rushed or haphazard.
- For Amy, I kind of want Tracy to just blow the whole Frank thing just so she can deal with the consequences and move on. Or just have her tell Matty as they’re getting closer and have him be like “eh my mum killed Emma so this is fine” and then it brings them closer. I just want it out there so it’s not hanging over her head anymore. I also just want her on screen more and with Matty and being friends with Vic.
- For Vic, other than being free of the Posners, I’d just like her to reclaim her life a bit more, maybe see her at the HIDE more, maybe catering more, maybe a better love interest.
- I’d like to see Billy get something decent too that’s not just another lame attempt at brothers at war with Ellis. Let him find a career he likes, make a new friend, finally make peace with Aaron, something.
- Ellis can move to Dubai.
- Sam and Lydia just need to keep being their perfect selves. Give them some fun little stories.
- The Mandy/Paul/Vinny saga needs to END now. There’s just no reason Vinny should be keeping all of this quiet. It’s dumb. Paul needs to go. Mandy needs to steal Paddy away from Chas or something. Vinny needs to hang out with Sam and Lydia and Samson again and maybe find a better career than whatever scrap jobs Aaron can throw his way.
- Belle needs to go back to maybe being a vet and maybe date someone that’s not an affair?!
- Leyla and Liam need to just stay together or break up for good.
- Rishi needs to stop being treated like a child.
- Tracy needs to just have this baby so we don’t have to hear about how she’s pregnant anymore (though I have enjoyed the reprieve lately) Are we sure Nate can’t go to prison after all?
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robron + fake dating!!! (i already forgot the number because i got so excited about it #rip)
Here you go! Just seventeen years later, I am SO SORRY.07. Fake dating.CW: forced outing, brief discussions of homophobia and biphobia. All of Aaron’s opinions on music are his own and I don’t endorse them nor condone them.
In Aaron’s defense, he’s drunk when it happens.
Technically, Aaron, a music journalist, should be impartial and fair.Practically, he and Robert Sugden, former boybander from the early 2000s gonesolo, have a feud going on. Well, they had one. These days, what with theintermingling of their personal lives, they mostly have a grudging andexpletive-laden acquaintanceship.
Adam once called them “frenemies” but Adam is an idiot and what he saysdoesn’t count.
Aaron can’t quite remember howit started. Probably with him saying something about how Robert’s the BritishTaylor Swift but with none of the emotional range. He might also be in a feudwith Taylor Swift now that he thinks about it, he’s not sure.
It’s all very fuzzy. Theapocalyptic amounts of alcohol he’s been consuming all night probably aren’thelping matters. They are, however, helping with the fact that he’s currently inRobert Sugden’s living room, witnessing all kinds of straight PDA.
There’s a party going on, somekind of celebration because Robert’s been nominated for a music award. Aaronfeels like he should definitely know which one, but it’s escaping him at themoment. What he does know is that it’s one of those cheap ones voted by thepublic, a popularity contest more than anything. Record executives love themthough.
If this lavish party isanything to go by, so does Robert.
Aaron takes a swig of hisbeer. Robert’s a sell-out, nothing new there.
Aaron tries to regain focus.He’s been waiting for Adam and Vic’s make-out session to end for a while now,but it doesn’t look like it’s happening any time soon. When he sees Adam’stongue enter Vic’s mouth for the third time in five minutes he decides to cuthis losses and get up.
He wanders around for a bit,nodding hello to the few people he knows, mostly other music journalists hereto network or just to score some free alcohol and food. Can’t say he blamesthem.
He’s just thinking he hasn’tseen Robert at all, and what a blessing that is, when he does see him. He’swearing a white button-down shirt and jeans, surrounded by people in silks andglitter, but he still stands out the most. There’s something about him thatdraws people’s attention. If Aaron were the sort of flowery writer that editorslove he’d describe it as a ‘magnetic aura’ or something equally stupid. As itis, he’s just annoyed in a way he can’t quite verbalize.
Robert sees Aaron from acrossthe room and smirks at him, a flash of white teeth that’s gone almost as soonas it appears. Aaron turns back. What a wanker.
Aaron wakes up with a bangingheadache and a mouth that feels filled with cotton.
He opens one eye, slowly, andwhen he’s not assaulted by the daylight as he feared, he opens the other one aswell. He notices gladly that the curtains are shut, allowing him some reprieve.Then he remembers that he doesn’t have curtains in his bedroom and a wave ofnausea hits him.
He’s on a bed, diagonally,mercifully alone and fully clothed, shoes included. It’s not his bed though.
Aaron gets up, gingerly, andas he does some of the memories from the night before flood back to him. Heremembers getting drunk, he remembers getting annoyed with Robert aboutsomething but he can’t quite remember what, he remembers wandering onto thesecond floor and into a guest bedroom and then suddenly not reallyunderstanding how locks and doors and handles work anymore.
Not one of his finest moments,admittedly.
So, he’s still at Robert’s, inone of his bedrooms. He takes his phone out of his jeans pocket and looks atthe time, it’s only 10.30 on a Sunday, he’s sure Robert’s still asleep. He canprobably get out of there without even having to see him.
This is fine. This is allfine.
Aaron’s trip downstairs is assilent as he can make it, which, given his current state, is not very silent atall. At one point he even trips on the carpet and barely manages not to fall onhis face, releasing however a string of curses. He sends up a silent prayerthat Robert’s room is very far away and Robert is a very sound sleeper.
“Aaron? Are you trying to giveme a heart attack?” Robert half yells, suddenly and inexplicably at the bottomof the stairs. He’s clutching his chest with a hand in a way that Aaron feelsis way too dramatic for the situation.
He’s wearing an open robe, apair of pajama bottoms and nothing else. Aaron is man enough and hung-overenough to admit that it’s distracting and that’s why it’s taking him forever toanswer. Not that he’s going to let Robert in on that.
“I fell asleep.” Aaron says,crossing his arms. “Why are you already up?” Aaron asks, with way moreaccusation in his tone than is warranted, all things considered.
Robert gestures towards theliving room. Aaron comes down the last few steps and peers into the largeliving room, where a cleaning crew is eliminating every trace of last night’sparty and studiously ignoring them.
“You look like you’re about tothrow up.” Robert says, wrinkling his nose. “Please not on the carpet.”
Aaron grunts at him. He canrecognize a hint when he gets thrown one.
“Fine. I’ll leave you to it.”He says, rushing towards the door, Robert right behind him.
“What?” Aaron asks.
“Last time you tried to leaveyou ended up in my guest bedroom. I’m just making sure you don’t end up in myattic.” Robert says. He looks weird. Sleepy, maybe. Soft. His bare feet barelymaking a sound on the plush carpet and his hair still a mess from the nightbefore.
Aaron idly wonders if there’sanyone upstairs, still in Robert’s bed, waiting for him to be done and get backunder the covers. He shakes the thoughts off. He might still be drunk.
He opens the front door andsteps into the fresh air. It’s cold, but at least it’s making his nausea goaway.
“Aren’t you forgettingsomething?” Robert asks from the door. Aaron turns around and finds himselfface to face with Robert, who’s leaning on the doorframe, robe open in a waythat’s too artful to be casual. It’s a little thing but it reminds Aaron why hedislikes Robert so much. Everything about him is studied and fake.
“What?” Aaron barks out, backon familiar emotional territory.
Robert blinks at him a coupleof times. “Didn’t you have a coat last night? It’s cold.” Robert asks, finallyclosing his robe, as if his words had conjured the chill.
Aaron shrugs. He’s not goingback in.
Robert sighs. He disappearsinside for a few seconds before reappearing with a bundle in his arms.
“Here, take this.” He says,thrusting the thing at Aaron. “You can bring it back to me next time.” Andbefore Aaron can protest or speak, really, he closes the door.
Aaron unfolds the coat, it’sone of those posh ones that cost hundreds of dollars. He shrugs it on.
Aaron does throw up on the wayhome. He’s not sure he can blame Robert for it but he definitely makes avaliant effort.
Aaron manages to drag himselfout of bed on Monday morning, held together by determination, a prayer, and thepromise of coffee.
In hindsight he should havestayed in bed.
It starts with Adam sendinghim a text with an incoherent string of emojis and a link to one of thosegossip sites that he hates. He’s about to ignore the whole thing when he seesthe name ‘Robert Sugden’ in the link. He must still be half-asleep because hejust taps on it, opening a new page.
Aaron’s greeted by pictures ofRebecca White leaving Robert’s house. They’re from the morning before and Aaronquashes the spark of something ugly in his stomach that flares at therealization. She looks okay, surely more put together than Aaron looked in thesame situation. Robert’s robe is mercifully closed.
He’s scrolling through thepictures and asking himself why Adam would ever think he’s interested in themwhen he sees the back of his own head. A picture of it, to be precise. He’sstanding close to Robert, who somehow looks even more naked in the picturesthan he was in real life yesterday morning. He doesn’t remember standing thatclose either, but the angle makes it look like they were only a few inchesapart.
Aaron skims the article, buteven calling it an article feels too much of a concession. It’s a bunch of baselessspeculations about their relationship, Robert’s relationship with Rebecca, andwhat might have gone down the night before. They have even embedded a few ofthe tweets he and Robert have exchanged during the years in for good measure. Thearticle calls them ‘foreplay’ and Aaron doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Robert calls him. Of course,Robert calls him. Tragedies always strike in threes.
It’s five pm and Aaron isabout to call it a night, earlier than usual, just so he can escape the circusthose pictures have created. His co-workers, who are usually to scared to eventalk to him, are openly laughing at him. Well, not so openly anymore after healmost bit Tracy’s head off earlier, but still. There’s definitely somelaughing at his expense happening. His own motherhas called him to laugh at him about it.
He’s just about ready to gohome, drink one or seven beers and go to bed when his phone rings. It flasheswith Vic’s number. He’s seriously tempted to let it go to voicemail, but in theend, he answers it.
He shouldn’t have.
“I’m going to be at your apartmentin half an hour, meet me there.” Robert says, in a tone Aaron can’t quitedecipher, then he hangs up.
Aaron is so incredibly temptedto stand Robert up. He could go to a pub and get his one to seven beers there,go back home once he’s sure Robert’s gone or even crash at Adam’s.
He sighs.
He goes home.
Robert is standing next toAaron’s apartment complex, leaning casually against the wall, a foot proppedback against it. He’s wearing a pair of stupid fake hipster glasses and a hat,trying to blend in. Aaron wants to punch him in the mouth.
He doesn’t even acknowledgeRobert as he goes inside, but he can feel him following. Aaron suddenly remembershe’s still wearing the coat Robert had given him yesterday and feels caughtout, but he’s not sure why. His own winter coat, the only one he has, is stillsomewhere inside Robert’s sprawling mansion, and it’s not like Robert can’tafford a new one if he really needs it.
“I’ll be right back.” Aaronsays before Robert can even open his mouth. He even manages to make it soundlike a warning.
He comes back with a case ofbeer and half a bottle of whiskey. Whatever it is Robert wants, Aaron isresolutely not listening to it sober.
Turns out, Robert wants themto date.
They are both so incredibly,stupidly drunk. They’re on Aaron’s couch and they’ve managed to demolish thealcohol and the meager contents of Aaron’s fridge, which mostly consisted of oldtake-away and a solitary carton of eggs. This is fine. It’s fine.
“So, you want me to, what, beyour reverse beard?” Aaron asks. He’s put Robert’s glasses on, and it turns outthey’re actually prescription glasses and it’s giving him nausea, but it’sbetter than the glasses being on Robert’s stupid face, so he’s keeping them.
Robert shrugs.
“Because between the pressthinking you shagged your ex-wife’s sister and a bloke the latter is… better?”Aaron asks, unsure. He’s, again, extremely drunk, but he’s pretty sure this won’tmake sense even once he sobers up.
“I didn’t.” Robert says,adamant, his eyes glassy from the booze, but intent. “Sleep with her.” Heclarifies.
“I don’t care who you shag,mate.” Aaron says, taking a swig of his beer, but something in his chest feelslooser.
“People do. The Daily Mailcalled me ‘a closet hopping groundhog gay.’” Robert says, finishing off therest of his whiskey. He looks so offended and sad, his hair sticking up indifferent directions from where he’s carded his fingers through it, his shirtrumpled.
Aaron laughs. He doesn’tbother to point out that only idiots read The Daily Mail.
“It’s not funny!” Robertprotests, but he’s laughing too. “I don’t even know what that means.” He continues,more to himself than to Aaron.
Aaron knows it hasn’t beeneasy for Robert to come out. He’s had to put up with his fair share of bullshitand Aaron can relate. Still. This is insane.
“I still don’t get why yougotta date me.” Aaron says with a grimace.
“Haven’t you read thecomments? People like us.” Robertreplies. “The idea of us.” He amends.
Aaron rolls his eyes. Robert’sobsession with what people think of him will lead him to an early grave.Probably by Aaron’s hands.
“Come with me to an event ortwo. A couple of dates. Then we can tell people we split amicably.” Robert says.Aaron gives him a look. “Or with a lot of animosity, whatever works for you.”
The crazy thing is, Aaron isconsidering it. He’s drunk enough to at least admit that to himself, and topreemptively give himself an excuse when he’ll wake up sore and regretfultomorrow.
“You’ll have full access. I’llmake sure you get the exclusive on any new project of the people I know.”Robert continues. He’s blurry and earnest seen through his own glasses. Aaronwants to throw up.
Aaron wakes up with a crick inhis neck for having slept sitting on the couch and a banging headache, sunlightstreaming in from the windows. He wants to die and throw up. In that order. Hereally needs to stop doing this.
Why did he even do this?
“Would it kill you to buy aset of curtains?” Robert asks, his voice scratchy from sleep and what Aaronhopes is the mother of all hangovers.
Right. That.
Aaron takes two aspirins andstands in the shower for as long as there is hot water. He towels himself dryand puts on some clean clothes. He even manages not to throw up. He takes it asa win.
When he goes back to theliving room Robert is still there, looking intently at Aaron’s recordcollection. There’s not much in the living room, his favorite ones taking upevery available bit of space in his bedroom, these are mostly the spillovers.Still, he figures it must be an interesting collection by the look ofconcentration on Robert’s face.
He’s wearing his glasses again,as well as his stupidly expensive coat and his hat. Despite the hangover, helooks good. Aaron hates him just a little bit more for it.
“Why are you still here?”Aaron asks, weary, but lacking the usual bite. It’s been a long day already andit’s not even nine am.
“You break for lunch, right?”Robert asks, completely ignoring Aaron’s question. Aaron nods. “Okay, Leylasaid we should go for lunch. Seafood.” Robert continues, whipping up his phonefrom his jeans pocket and looking at the screen.
“Did she?” Aaron asks, lookingaround the room trying to locate his own phone in an attempt to not look atRobert anymore. This is insane. In the harsh, cold light of day, this is positivelyinsane.
“She says ‘right now lunch says this relationship is new and lowkey and we’re having fun but within thebounds of respectability politics because we live in a heteronormative society.’I’m quoting.” Robert shrugs. “That must be some fresh fish if it’s saying allthat.”
Aaron groans. “Jokes like that’swhy you need a PR boyfriend instead of having a real one, mate.”
Robert is late. Not that Aaronis surprised. There are many a-Twitter rants from Aaron about Robert’stardiness. Honestly, he’s revising his stance on this, their feud is all Robert’sfault.
Not that there is a feudanymore, not publicly at least. Or privately, Aaron has to grudgingly admit. He’salmost getting used to Robert. It’s disconcerting.
He’s just about to get back insidewhen a sleek silver car parks in front of him. Aaron would recognize that caranywhere. He gets inside.
Robert’s showered and changedclothes. He’s still wearing jeans, but now he’s also wearing a button-downshirt and a blazer. If Aaron were anyone else, he’d probably be feelingunderdressed, but thankfully, he’s Aaron Dingle.
“It’s lunch.” He says pointedly.
“There’ll be paparazzi.” Robert replies just aspointedly, looking Aaron over. It sends something like a spark down Aaron’sspine, he squashes it down. Not in a million years.
The food is good at least. Hecan’t say the same for the company. Robert’s spent the entire time subtlyworking his angles so the paparazzi can get good shots while trying to looknatural.
Every time Aaron thinks hemight actually like Robert, Robert gives him a stark reminder of why he doesn’t.It’s like clockwork.
“Why do you even care?” Aaronasks, brusquely. He’s tired of being ignored, but he hadn’t meant to say it outloud. Still, at least it startles Robert out of his daze.
“About all this. It’s mental.”Aaron says. Robert looks like he’s waiting for Aaron to elaborate, but Aarondoesn’t.
“It’s sort of my job.” Robert replies,and to his credit he doesn’t say it like he thinks Aaron is stupid for notgetting it, which must be a struggle for him.
“Making music is your job.”Aaron says, defiant.
Aaron would rather die thanadmit any of this, but Robert has a good voice. He even has the classictraining and the rags to riches story to back it up. Farm boy turned pop star. Ifit were anyone else, Aaron could see the appeal. The fact is, Robert seems toobusy constantly obsessing over his image to actually sing anything worthlistening to and it makes Aaron want to shake him.
“Did you remember when peoplefound out?” Robert asks, and intense look on his face, and he doesn’t have tospecify what, Aaron knows he’s talking about his sexuality.
Aaron does remember. He’s theone who had to break the news to Robert that there were pictures of him with abloke circulating around various gossip magazines. He remembers threatening toquit if the newspaper bought any of the pictures. They had been one of the fewoutlets to not even run a story about it. The fallout hadn’t been great.
Aaron nods.
“How much work do you think ittook to make sure I still had a career after that?” Robert asks, but it’s a rhetoricalquestion.
Aaron gets it, he really does.Music journalism is a difficult world for a gay man to break into, he’s had toadapt, toughen up. It’s messed up that he’s had to do that, but he knew thescore going in. He doesn’t think Robert did. Or maybe he did and had decided along time ago to kill that part of himself was a viable solution. Aaron’s notsure which option would make him sadder.
Then something happens. Robertseems to remember they’re in a public place and there’s people taking theirpictures and he plasters a smile on his face. It’s a good enough imitation ofthe real thing, Aaron will give him that. Aaron knows better, still, he lets itgo.
“When we get out, I’m puttingmy arm around your shoulders.” Robert says, but Aaron knows it’s his way ofasking. Aaron shrugs.
“This is mental, mate.” Adamsays. They’re at work, huddled around Aaron’s phone, looking at the picturesfrom the day before.
Adam knows, because Adam isAaron’s best mate and because Aaron needed to share the insanity with someone andAdam was the best bet. Adam’s sworn not to tell anyone and that’s good enoughfor him. Not that he’s telling Robert that Adam knows. Compared to how Robertfeels about Adam, Aaron and Robert’s relationship is a picnic in the park.
Aaron looks at the picturesand he feels something hot flutter in his stomach. He looks at them and he canfeel Robert’s warmth through their two thick coats and the smell of hisaftershave. Robert’s smiling his real smile at him.
“It’s alright.” Aaron concedes.
After a week or so they manageto graduate to dinner dates, and hey, at least Aaron’s getting free meals outof this. It could be worse.
Tonight, they’re ending theirdate at Robert’s to unwind. Robert is barefoot in the kitchen, cooking, theradio is playing a pop song Aaron would never admit to liking, but he does. It’soddly domestic and it’s making Aaron feel weird. He wants to say he doesn’t likeit, but in the privacy of his own head he has to admit it’s not true.
It’s nice.
“I need the loo.” Aaron says,suddenly overwhelmed.
“Use the one upstairs.” Robertreplies without even turning around. “Try not to get lost again.” Aaron flipshim the bird.
Aaron does get lost again. Inhis defense, Robert’s house his huge. How many bedrooms and bathrooms andbarely used offices does one person need? That’s how he ends up in what he’spretty sure is Robert’s bedroom.
It’s the only one that seemslived in. There are pictures of Robert’s family on the dresser and a few bookslying around, bookmarks sticking out. There are also a few vinyls and a recordplayer. They all look brand new. Intrigued, Aaron picks them up. They’re alltitles from the collection he keeps in his living room. A lot of Fleetwood Mac.
Aaron’s just about to leavewhen he notices a leather notebook on Robert’s nightstand. He picks it up, itlooks expensive and well-loved. He can see post-its sticking from the sides,but it otherwise looks carefully maintained.
“You can open it.” Robert saysfrom the doorway, making Aaron jump.
“I got lost.” Aaron replies,caught out.
“It’s okay.” Robert shrugs,but he seems tense, nervous. Maybe he does want Aaron to open the journal. Aarondoes.
Inside, in Robert’s neathandwriting are songs. Lyrics and music. They’re all dated, some going back towhen Robert first started out. Aaron jumped to the last page, Robert had apparentlystarted working on the last one the day before.
“I didn’t know you actuallywrote your songs.” Aaron says. Robert’s stuff tends to be over-produced garbage,earworms designed to be catchy and meaningless, that’s the kind of stuff that’susually cranked out by over-paid teams of producers.
“I don’t. Not the ones I singanyways.” Robert replies. He sprawls on the bed, facing Aaron. He puts hishands behind his head, exposing a silver of skin between his shirt and hisjeans and wow isn’t that a sight.
Aaron’s gotten pretty good atreading Robert by now and he can see the tense line of his shoulders, the way he’slooking at Aaron with fake confidence. He’s waiting for Aaron to judge him. Aaronthinks Robert might always be waiting for others to judge him.
Aaron goes back to the journal.He takes his time, reading a few of the lyrics, singing the melodies under hisbreath. They’re unpolished, some of them unfinished, but they’re good. Aaron’sheart feels like it’s going to explode in his chest. They’re good.
“This is the stuff you shouldbe singing.” Aaron says, reverently closing the journal and putting it back onthe nightstand. “It’s great.”
Robert breathes and thetension seems to leave his body completely. Aaron thinks it might have beensome kind of test and he’s irrationally elated he seems to have passed it.
“I’ve been thinking about it.”Robert admits, and the way he says it makes Aaron think it’s probably his firsttime saying it out loud. “Going full Cher.” Robert jokes.
“It might even earn you thefirst good review of your career.” Aaron says deadpan.
Robert throws a pillow at hisface.
They eat dinner, they watch amovie, they drink beer, they sit close, closer than most people do, and then Aaronleaves.
They’re on Robert’s dooragain, shivering against the cold night air, Robert framed by the light comingfrom inside the house.
“I had a good time.” Robertsays.
“I’ve had worse.” Aaronreplies because Aaron is an asshole, but Robert doesn’t seem to mind because hesmiles at him. “You never gave me my coat back.”
“I think the maid threw itout.” Robert says, wrinkling his nose.
Robert reaches towards Aaronand does the zip of Aaron’s coat up higher, well, Robert’s coat really. He patsAaron on the chest once, resting his hand for a second right on Aaron’s heart.
“You can keep this one.”Robert continues.
That’s when Aaron sees theflash go off in the corner of his eye.
This is fake.
So. Aaron might be in lovewith his fake boyfriend, which is fine and not at all disconcerting. Also, definitelynot as hilarious as Adam seems to think it is.
The thing is: Robert is all action,even when he shouldn’t be. He and Aaron tend to have that in common. Robert’sbeen driving so far. He’s been taking all the first steps. If he had wantedAaron, he would have made it happen by now.
Adam thinks Aaron is an idiot,but Adam doesn’t know anything and he can shut his stupid mouth.
Aaron’s wearing a suit, thenicest item of clothing he’s ever owned, courtesy of Robert’s tailor. They’regoing to the MTV Music People’s Choice whatever – Aaron’s been preoccupied withother matters lately and he usually never covers this stuff anyways – and they’rewearing matching suits. Aaron’s wearing blue and even he has to admit that helooks good.
Robert, however, looks on awhole other level. He’s wearing a color he’s insisting Aaron call “maroon” (it’sdark red), and he looks every bit the star he is. Not that Aaron is evertelling him that.
That said, someone tonight isgoing to test whether people can actually cry from sexual frustration and thatperson is Aaron.
The night is a blur ofperformances and awards and speeches and Aaron finds himself enjoying the experience.Especially whenever Robert leans into him to whisper something mean andsarcastic in his ear. By the time they’re ready to announce Robert’s category,Aaron’s about ready to kiss him or kill him. Whichever option becomes availablefirst, really.
An overly tanned blonde manAaron doesn’t recognize is on stage, opening the envelope with what he mightthink is panache but it’s mostly just making Aaron’s hands itch.
“And the award for maleperformer of the year goes to…”
A beat.
“Robert Sugden!”
Aaron jumps up his seat, theentire room roaring into applause and cheers. It might have been his abuse of theopen bar, or his genuine happiness, or maybe just the fact that he’s been wantingto do this for a while. He grabs Robert by the lapels of his jacket and kisseshim for all he’s worth.
Robert kisses him back.
It only lasts a few secondsbefore Robert has to go accept his awards, but it leaves Aaron’s mouth tinglingand his spine shivering. Aaron can’t hear a word of Robert’s speech, theroaring in his ears too loud.
The after is a blur of congratulationsand drinks and there’s an afterparty to attend, but Robert holds Aaron’s handthe entire time.
The thing is: Robert is allaction, it’s just that sometimes those actions aren’t obvious to the uninitiated.Like buying someone a coat without telling them about it, or asking them to behis fake boyfriend, or opening up to and being vulnerable with them.
“I’ve been trying to date youfor months!” Robert insists, the two of them tangled in bed.
AaronDingle @aarondingledon’t tell @rjsugden I said this, but his new album’s alright
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Ooh someone else who's not against Aaron crying more. That seems to no longer in en vogue 😂 I just want more Aaron full stop at this point. It feels like he's been underused so much recently (almost 2 years actually lol). Maybe not in stats but in terms of how it feels and actual storylines that last over a period of time. I miss him. Let him be rude to people in the cafe even idc. It's a given that I always want more Robron too ofc. Comedy/angst/casual village interaction for them both please!
i think that (imo) (or at least from my personal perspective as a viewer)
(and as a preface, i don’t mean to compare robert and aaron in a rob vs aaron way - it’s more that robert is a very easy character to use here in order to demonstrate my point in this post about aaron, because they share so much screentime/storylines together)
robert is a character that they enjoy using in a way that a lot of other characters don’t get used or can’t be used quite so freely - they like putting him up against big dogs and making sure he’s got some sort of scheme in motion lmao, just because that’s sort of core to who he is, in a way
he’s probably very fun to write for and/or plot for in that way, because he’s a fucking lunatic and also gets to be kind of quippy and terrible
(and i will… fucking eat my hat if they haven’t set this graham plot in motion to ensure that both the kings and robert are in kim’s general orbit once she comes back to the show, just bc why wouldn’t they)
so robert usually has some sort of insane scheme happening - or before that, last year, we obviously had him involved with lachlan and rebecca, because of his ties to the whites and who knows maybe he’ll be tied back to lachlan again
but this has just sort of meant that he’s always had a couple of different stories happening at once lmao
it’s a rare day that the show doesn’t have robert doing something, even if he’s not being used very heavily
aaron on the other hand gets thrown into liv-related plots, or dingle plots maybe (but not very often) - stuff that’s really a lot smaller and kind of involves him doing the same thing over and over again lmao. i think he’s going to appear in jacob’s plot again at some point soon (potentially without liv???)?
but beyond that, he’s really just in the robron stuff
and if the robron stuff happens to be more robert-centric, then i feel like it makes sense that it might feel aaron-lite
plus they just don’t really use him in the same fun ways that they use robert
(and honestly!! not many characters do!! possibly bc it’s just fun to watch robert be terrible lmao, in much the same way it is nicola or charity or cain)
(again this isn’t supposed to be rob vs aaron bc i love how they use robert on this show lmao)
(but they also should use aaron in fun things too bc we deserve it)
(and i hope the robron/jimmy stuff this week is good bc i miss aaron doing crime things)
so he had a super quiet 2018, relatively speaking - mostly he was just supporting other things that were going on at the time with liv and robert and that’s cool and good and all characters should have a supporting period in soaps etc
but now it’s his time again we’ve done our waiting
and maybe bc he’s largely been very valuable as a presence but in a supporting function, it feels like he’s been a lot more underused than he actually has? just because he hasn’t really had anything that focused on him as a character since early 2018?
but also now the billy thing is happening
and i feel like (and i think maybe ppl might agree) we really haven’t had aaron say enough about his side of the story yet
and that’s fine, because he actually seems at the moment to be trying to act like everything is totally cool (even though he’s concerned about literally leaving the house)
he’s just like lOL robert drop it!!
bc robert immediately got himself arrested, i guess, so maybe aaron isn’t quite prepared to let robert know exactly what’s going on in his little head, because he’s worried about what robert will do
which is clearly valid
but that doesn’t mean that something somewhere shouldn’t give that ultimately makes aaron have to tell robert (or someone!!!!) (uh preferably robert)
that i want the aaron/billy situation to be an actual storyline for aaron
and an actual storyline for billy/ellis/jessie
which i assume it will be
but it’s still such early days so it’s sort of impossible to say how it will play out at the moment
but i hope like fuck that they
dont drop it
develop it into something interesting that gives aaron some focus
gives aaron a story that’s sad bc danny’s good at sad scenes and i enjoy them lmao
also ryan is good at sad dramatic stuff and sad dramatic robron stuff is good and like
give us more of that as a part of this
i know who i am
more robron angst!
let billy go after robert and have aaron get mad!!!!
i’ve got ideas @ ed writers hit me up
like, i’m totally fine/thoroughly enjoying robert trying to casually ruin billy’s life at the moment in an attempt to get rid of him and again, it works because aaron literally is acting like everything is fine, even to robert (for the most part)
i just hope it’s leading to more emotional stuff and aaron explaining what’s happening in his head and what happened
and more aaron/billy scenes honestly lmao
for the #drama
at the moment everything that’s happening is very shallow/face value stuff and the show really hasn’t started delving into the dynamics between any of the characters yet
there are so many depths for them to mine here
they’ve just started to bring up billy and jessie’s feelings about billy’s dad, which is a good start
but i need more yk
this shit is heavy and we deserve heavy angsty tear-filled aaron scenes to go with it
the show should work up to those imo thanks
like… it’s all promising stuff though? and i’m always chill about waiting for shit to go down, if it feels like there’s space for shit to go down.
i just hope they follow through and write it well and don’t just drop the story
and then i hope they take it somewhere interesting
until then i’ll just enjoy robert being a lunatic on aaron’s behalf and aaron very quietly trying (and frankly failing) to deal with his trauma
#answering anons#this is...... this is why i've never written a concise thing in my life#shit like this#spoilers#Anonymous#long post
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