#and i need to know where this baby at. like am i imagining it? cus i aint seen no babies. and thats why i know id get got
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year ago
I feel you should know that a mountain lion sounds like a crying baby or a woman screaming
Like if you hear a baby crying when you’re outside after dark in the Appalachian mountains (US east coast) it’s probably Not A Baby
Just a fun fact :)
That's terrifying. And you know what? I'd probably fool for it to. I hear a baby crying in public and I'm just 'someone's baby is crying. Who's baby is crying?' tryna find where it's coming from, I'd get got for sure. And honestly deserved
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 4 months ago
HELLOOO idk if ur requests are on rn so take ur time with this request and get to it at ur own time but i was wondering if u could make a short one shot fic abt reader who is in a relationship with katsuki and is at home while he's out in patrol and she sees his location with life 360 and sees that he's beside some sort of restaurant or supermarket so she texts him smth like
i see ur beside the ramen place i like can u buy dinner tonight 😊
all lighthearted and funny :))
LMFAOOOO thjs js so funny😭😭😭 tysm for this ask i hope i did it some justice :33 hope you’re still stickin around to read it anon ! Short lil drabble, much luv xx
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“since you’re by that ramen place i like you can get some for dinner 💋💕”
“ ? what the fuck”
“where are you.”
before you can send another text message, your phone lights up with your boyfriend’s caller id, you giggle.
“hi, baby.”
“where the fuck are you at ?”
you snort, readjusting on your sofa “what are you talking about ?” you ask teasingly.
you catch the sound of people talking as you hear katsuki grumbling to himself “i don’t see you.”
you giggle, kicking your legs a little “and why would you need to see me ?”
katsuki groans, already exasperated and growing more and more impatient, you’re surprised he hasn’t started cursing your entire bloodline yet “quit it with that mysterious bullshit, how do you know where i’m at.”
and just to mess with him, you respond “i see you.”
it’s quiet on his end for a moment, aside from the chatter on the street “yn. i’ll fucking kill you.” you throw your head back and laugh “once i find you, you’re done for. your ass is grass.”
“i like it when you talk dirty to me.” you joke, he scoffs hard on the other end “freak.” you hear him mumble, you giggle some more.
“i’m at home, just saw your location and decided to ask you to get me some food.”
“get you some food.” he bites, scoffing in disbelief.
“us, get us some food. pretty please, suki ?” you use your sweetest voice, maybe he might even be able to imagine your puppy dog eyes through the phone.
he laughs sarcastically “right. what makes you think you deserve to get anything after that little stunt you pulled, huh ?”
you pout, whining so he knows you are “i was just kidding, was jus’ a little jokey-joke.” you can’t help but tease him a bit more.
“yeah, my ass.” you snort loudly, laughing and the huff he lets out clearly lets you know he’s not amused, you can see him rolling his eyes at your antics.
“we’ll see.” is the answer he graces you with. you squeal, cus you know that means you won. katsuki is quick to remind you he didn’t say yes, but you already know his mind’s been made.
“i’m surprised you didn’t ask me why i have your location on my phone.” you hum.
katsuki sounds utterly confused by your question when he responds “why would i give a shit about that ? s’not like i get somethin’ to hide. don’t care if you know where i’m at.” he responds simply.
“sides, i know how obsessed you are with me, so—”
“i’m hanging up now, katsuki. get me my ramen. toodles.” your bitter tone makes him laugh, and just to piss you off some more he adds in a honeyed sweet “see you later, babe. love ya.” before he hangs up. you huff shaking your head. a text pings and you swipe up to check it, it’s from katsuki again.
“i’m not getting you shit btw.”
he does indeed come back with ramen.
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distinguisheddwarffriend · 11 months ago
Inspired by that post about Thranduil being all defensive/protective over Gimli in Valinor:
We all know the head canon of Thorin being all "no nephew of mine even associates with an elf" BUT
Just imagine, in a world where all three Durins survived, and Tauriel saved Kili (again), and some other elf healed his and Fìli's wounds last minute.
Thorin saw both his nephews almost die before him, has LIVED through how the gold sickness twists the mind and perception of things, and after coming to terms with Bilbo's theft of the Arkenstone, he for a while questions EVERYTHING.
And yes, he totally has a dramatic phase of self pity, holing up in his rooms, drinking Elvish wine (cus thats all there is atm) and smoking Gandalf's pipeweed, and mourning how "everything i knew is a LIE" and "if elves can make such amazing wine there HAS to be some good in them" and "I almost got my boys killed I am such a failure boooohoooo", and after Bilbo kicks his ass out if depression (and a STRONG worded letter from his sister) he is like "okay FUCK y'all I have TRAUMA TM and will do WHATEVER I WANT!!"
So when Kili all shyly comes forward one day asking if Tauriel can please stay with them in the mountain because she's banished from the Woodland Realm he's all "OF COURSE she can stay, you do you my precious boy, if Thranduil is stupid enough to let such a great warrior go we'll stick it to him"
and BAM, Tauriel joins Dwalin in leading Erebor's guard, and Dwalin is torn between "excuse ME u want me to share my job with a pointy eared maiden?" And "holy hell that lass has fire can't show how impressed I am".
And Tauriel Takes No Shit even from her own boyfriend, so Kìli is forced to take his new responsibilities seriously because "I did NOT lose my home to live with a CHILD, Kili", and Fili gets dragged into the whole thing without really understanding what happened, but hey, his lil brother is happy so who cares really.
And whenever someone at council (like Dain) complains about an Elf in the mountain, Thorin goes absolutely FERAL like "are you saying I don't know what's best for this mountain I just won from A DRAGON?! are you suggesting that my perfect baby nephew has bad taste? Huh? Exactly, didn't think so!!!!" And is a protective Papa bear "listen Tauriel if someone gives you shit you SHOOT them. No, not killing them, but, you know, just maim them a little to make a point. Trust me I'm the king."
And once Kili and Tauriel have their first child Thorin constantly kidnaps the kid and has them in the forge before they can even talk because "need to keep up that good old dwarven influence".
Anyway I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
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just-a-ghost00 · 7 months ago
A message from a beloved soul 🕊️
Recently, I felt called to ask for advice from passed on artists that have greatly impacted my life. A few months ago, my role model and most beloved artist passed away suddenly. I never thought this day would come. Or rather I didn’t want to think about it. And lately I feel his energy very strongly. I thought that maybe some of you could need some advice from an artist you miss dearly as well. I’m sorry if this triggers anybody. I thank these beautiful souls that have provided us with light and love for all these years for their messages and I hope that wherever they are in the Universe, their soul is at peace. ❤️
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Group 1
Letters : B Y I T J S L G K M U A P G D F Words : guys, tails, mask, Sag, just, Jiluka, Atsuki, July, Aug, days, pay, gay, Yumi, Yuki, Bad guy, kid, must play, guita(r), fly, BSK, family, silk, ask my pals if I still must (???), stalk, dumb, Mt Fuji
Tissue box messages : Singer, blue eyes, Scorpio I TRANSFORM Nov 23 to Nov 29, Capricorn I CREATE Jan 20 to Feb 16, 6th house daily life I LOVE, 12th house Spiritual life I DREAM
Their channeled message to you :
Baby the world is yours to take. Fate is yours to create. No matter the pain, no matter the fears, no matter the obstacles, you must live on. Do you hear me? Live. Scream at the top of your lungs. You can cry too. But don’t give up. I am with you every step of the way. My wings will carry you for as long as I can.
Clarifications - 10 of swords, Black Numen, King of cups, King of wands, 10 of pentacles, 10 of cups
This artist that you are asking about knows that you are going through a hard time and that a part of you doesn’t believe in your ability to make it through but they want to reassure you because not only do you have what it takes but the outcome is going to be much more brighter than you could ever imagine. You’re getting there. You’re so close to reaching your goal. I believe that there are actually two artists that are surrounding you with their love. They are both encouraging you to keep moving, though you may not understand where this will lead you, though you may not see the bigger picture. Because after this period of grieving and emotional turmoil, of hardships and uncertainty, awaits a bright and warm future, full of joy and abundance. While one helps you heal your wounds and deal with possible depression/mental health issues, the other is helping you manifest success in all areas of your life by fueling your fire and inspiring you. You may feel like your creativity is boosted and your mind is fuming with new ideas. Both of them are masculine in their energy. One of them may especially connect with you through your dreams while the other would rather put on your way resources and people that are beneficial to your growth. The channeled message you received was from the one you were asking about. But the other artist still wanted to silently show their support. I believe that in their living time this person wasn’t very talkative but would instead show their love through actions. They remained the same in the after life.
Group 2
Letters : A V U S E I F S V N A U I M K P Words : miss u, veins, pain, pause, Suki, fave, fame, pave, Mana, Aki, naive, invasive, Nivea, niveau (French for level), suave, Kaname, kiss me, five men, fans, vie (life/live), Pisa
Tissue box messages : Gym rat, creative soul, dorky/quirky, Scorpio I TRANSFORM Nov 23 to Nov 29, Ophiuchus I HEAL Nov 29 to Dec 17, 1st house awareness of self I AM
Their message to you :
My Jade ~ You are so beautiful. Your soul is so beautiful it shines all the way to heaven. God and the angels are so pleased with you. Seeing you grow so much has been my biggest joy and pride. I believe that you can light up this world and save so many people from themselves. But first make sure to save yourself, okay?! Love you ❤️
Clarifications - 9 of pentacles, The Lovers, Knight of cups, Judgment, King of cups, 6 of cups
You must prioritize yourself by choosing to give yourself the love you so willingly give to others. That much is clear. When the time is right and balance is restored, a soulmate will be sent to you to pour more love into your cup. They will come to you slowly but surely. You will recognize them by their piercing gaze and their powerful voice. You know them already. Wow that was very specific. There are a lot of water related cards, three of which can be associated with Scorpio. Then there is also Gemini energy and Taurus energy. I believe that in their living time the artist you asked about was a very generous and wise person. They were probably an old soul and had a hard time finding people they could deeply connect with. I get the feeling that you followed this person since you were a child and you looked up to them. They are a soulmate of yours. Their energy feels very balanced. I believe this person was very spiritual and always did their best to do the right choice and be the bigger person. They would always think of their loved ones before anything else and maybe that is one thing that caused this person a lot of sadness. Which is why they urge you to prioritize yourself. They know too well the cost of overgiving to others only to be left with so little.
Group 3
Letters : C N L C Z E K U V O T B E A V M Words : clean, zen, luck, black, block me, metal, zone, cat, melon, love u, meat, meet u at ten, note, bone, tune, name, bake, cake, Ameba, volcano, Kubo, Kobe,
Tissue box messages : Gym rat, bookworm, unconventional, Leo I SHINE Aug 10 to Sept 16, Taurus I PROTECT May 13 to June 21, Sagittarius I KNOW Dec 17 to Jan 20
Their message :
Dear friend,
I am so glad the universe has sent me to you. I am so proud of you for fighting for your dreams and doing your best every day to be a better person. You have no idea how much this means to me that you are working so hard to walk in my footsteps. My soul is filled with warmth because of you. Thank you so much.❤️ I love you too!
Clarifications - 6 of cups, 6 of swords, King of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, Queen of pentacles, High priestess
This artist is a soulmate of yours. They had to leave for you to thrive. It was part of their journey to pass on to the other side for you to grow and for them to guide you. It was necessary because their departure triggered an awakening in you. Your gifts wouldn’t have woken up the way they are now otherwise. It was their duty to contribute to your accession to your throne. By that I mean that in order to claim your power and rise up to their level, they had to eclipse themselves and now evolve in the « dark » or in other words on the other side of the curtain. You and this artist mirror each other, especially when it comes to your careers. I would even go as far as to say that for some of you they are a divine counterpart. You are the High priestess. And I saw behind her the Magician. They were the spark and you are the torch that will pass on the knowledge. They’ve taught you everything they had to while they were living. Now is your turn to do the same. You can connect with this person through hard work but also by working on your gifts, especially your intuition. When they were living, they were very intuitive too. They were known as a hard worker and a force to be reckoned with. They inspired people to leave behind what didn’t serve them. And they are now trying to help you do the same thing they did : be a mentor and a guide for others, especially younger souls.
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on-the-clear-blue · 8 days ago
Okay so a bit in the vein of Spider-Man in Gotham, I raise you this...Venom in Gotham.
Hear me out!
Just imagine, the same set up for the symbiotes coming to earth happen, it's a meteor/space shuttle coming down crashing into Gotham, no way in hell Batman isn't being there to either stop it some how or evacuate people.
He would find the sticky icky black tar thing that is moving on its own, probably stuff it in a jar and try and figure out what it is.
This works even better if it is Year one Batman, he doesn't have the experience to truly understand what the symbiote is! The JL haven't even become a thing yet, so he is all on his own.
Just imagine he takes the risk of letting it out, and suddenly Venom is there, worming itself into him, and then they are bonded.
(There was a scene in a comic that I will link to later, where it's said that Venom gained a piece of each of its hosts, it got its insanity from Deadpool, and it got its guilt from Peter)
And as its first host, Venom would be instilled with two things, the soul crushing weight of fear and the now absolute biological need for Justice.
Of course Bruce freaks the fuck out cus he now has an alien all over him, but once he calms? I think they would 100% work together.
Joker, cackling as he holds a gun to the mayor's head: Well well~ Pray that a little bat comes along to save you~
Venom!Batman: We are already here Joker...
Joker, staring up at a now 6 foot 6, many teethed, clawed and tendriled Batman, who's regularly human mouth and jaw is now a hanging maw with a much too long tongue: You know. Fuck this I am going back to Arkham.
And unlike Peter or almost every other host, Bruce has the money to supply the chemical that Vemon needs to live without killing people.
Venom:Bruce! Bruce I hunger!
Bruce, looking up from his files: Yes sweetheart?
Venom, melting a little: I require chocolate and brains.
Bruce, gently petting the symbiote: I have the concentrated chemical that you need right here Venom, why don't I have Alfred pour it over something for you so we can share dinner?
Venom, practically shaking with glee, would be kicking his feet and giggling if he could: Yesss...I require this...
Venom in every world is a hopeless romantic and Bruce would feed into that! They fit so well together.
Imagine Bruce has Venom during the founding of the Justice league, the JL has never seen the man behind the symbiote, never knows that he is human underneath the alien goop.
Flash, leaning over to Martian Manhunter: So like, you are from Mars right? Do you um, know what Batman is? Cus like...no way he is human.
J'onn, face calm and flat, even though he can hear the inner conversation Bruce and Venom are having, arguing about why it isn't right fo eat the Jokers eyeballs: No. No I have not a clue what they are.
And like, think about when the JL finally faces a threat that knocks Venom off Batman, and like, under rippling leatherly tendrils and fleshy thick muscles, a man's face is there, looking to be in pain (it's because Bruce has bonded enough with Venom that the loss of his support is painful)
Superman, watches in horror as Batman melts a bit: OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS, OH WHAT THE FRIGGING FUCK JUST HAPPENED??
Bruce, growling as he scoops up Venom around him and deposited him into a pocket, angry more that he didn't prepare to be uncowled by mere sound: I don't know what you mean Clark.
Diana, rasing an eyebrow: You appear to be...Human.
Bruce, sighing as it seem this wasn't going to be let go:A temporary set back, my sweetheart shall return once he is healed enough.
Diana, shares a look with Clark,: Sweetheart...interesting.
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olivianyx · 1 year ago
I am planning to permanently shift to a better CR DR. Where i can easily manifest things + where my aunt is still alive. When she died nobody told me about her in fear that i might get into depression and they told me after 3 days. She and me had very great bond more precious bond then my own family and my parents. Even though she no longer here in this reality I still feel like she is still alive and I want to see her again and hug her again tell her about my achivements because she was the only person who listens to me and believe me on whatever I said also supported me whenever I needed. That's I wanted to enter in void state and permanently shift to better CR. But I have been struggling a lot no matter what I tried. I have entered the void state 2 times but i wasn't aware about it when i was in void state and when i wake up from there i always had mental breakdown. Can you please help me?
Hi! Thanks for the ask honey ❣️
So basically you're planning to permashift to a reality where your aunt is still alive right? Okay, but you don't need the void for it sweetheart. Ik how you're feeling rn cus trust me I've been there too. I understand how you feel. First of all why would you assume that you can't enter the void no matter what you do? You enter the void everytime you're asleep. Yes you do. But actually to permashift you don't even need the void. You can do with just a command or by living in the end, or using subliminals, affirming, visualising, whatever. I mean I don't understand why the void is too overrated and people seem to overcomplicate it in this community. I personally don't like the void even though I've entered it after 2 years. But there's sats, lullaby method, alpha state meditation and many more. The lullaby method and sats are equally as powerful as the void honey. You don't gotta stress about the void.
Second of all, please do work on your self concept and stop overwhelming yourself. Actually I believe self concept isn't necessary but if you're having a hard time please do work on for a week and go on with the void.
If you really wanna enter the void, then I'd recommend doing psych-k sessions and the Wim hof breathing technique with pink noise.
Just remember what ever you do, please make sure you're fulfilled internally. That's the only key to achieving anything ❣️
You're pure consciousness, you're awareness, the God of your reality. Why would the creator be upset or stressing over his own creations? He knows he created it and he has the power to alter it too. So stop worrying baby. You can do it! I'd recommend putting on some music and imagining it (the distraction technique) and then zone out which practically is your pure awareness state where you aren't bothered by your physical realm.
If you still got doubts, you still can dm me, I'd like to help you honey ✨
You can do this! Lots of love ❤
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 years ago
Hmm...if Mac absorbs the egg - does that mean he would have a rock in his gut? How would that even work? Would the egg be draining Mac's magic as a form of sustenance to replace the umbilical cord? Imagine the panic those monkeys would have - "Didn't your rock blow up when you were born?!" "Calm down, I doubt it's gonna go all chestburster on you! I hope." "Chest-what?!" "Oh, right, you haven't seen the movies..." "WUKONG!" - or does the *baby* go to Mac and leaves an empty rock for SWK to use?
OK Im calling a Long Post warning; cus its a long answer, and gives a pretty good idea Why the plot happens.
Basically the stone "Egg" MK comes from was a comet containing Something. The Jade Emperor and a bunch of other Celestials noticed it coming right for earth and started panicing. To anyone not in the know, it just looked like an unseasonable meteor shower over Megapolis.
SWK is summoned cus the Jade Emperor had Visions of what was in the "Egg"; an infant Stone Monkey that could transform into an Eldritch Abomination. Jade Emperor gives the order of scrambled stone egg.
SWK and a bunch of other characters are Not Down For It; so they teleport to SWK's Shame Temple (seen in "Imposssible Delivery") to hopefully catch the Egg before it lands.
Coincidentally; The Shame Temple happens to be where Macaque was put to rest hundreds of years ago, and he's just Woken Up (more details on Why later) to his ex-best-friend/possible soulmate standing there.
Moskha and Nezha have to keep the monkeys apart long enough to form a plan.
The comet that contains the Egg finally crashes down, and begins leaking a horrific chaotic energy thats ripping apart the reality around it. It takes the power of SWK, Nezha, Mohska, and Guanyin herself to perform a ritual to contain the energy within a confined space.
Problem was that when The Egg hit the earth, it had cracked open. But unlike SWK and Mac, it had not developed a body for its soul to survive in just yet.
Wukong has a rare lightbulb moment.
Wukong: "Hey, if *our* eggs held us - then could we use our old shells to patch it up and let it finish cooking?"
Macaque: "Thats the stupidiest idea you've ever had. Lets do it."
Guanyin gives the thumbs up, and Macaque takes SWK's place in the ritual, summoning all his shadow powers to keep the Soul within the temple. SWK causes some chaos zipping around to Flower Fruit Mountain and the Moon for the remains of his and Mac's stone eggs.
SWK patches the broken Cosmic Egg with the remaining shells, successfully trapping the energy.
Then Macaque's control on the shadows faulter, causing the Cosmic Egg to zoom towards him (Samadhi Fire flashbacks anyone?) and hit just before Wukong can jump in for a save; the Soul contained within the Egg absorbing into Macaque's body and leaving behind a seemingly normal egg-shaped rock in Wukong's hands.
Everyone starts panicking.
Guanyin explains: since the Soul existed outside of the natural order, it couldnt just simply jump into the nearest body like a reincarnation. It needed similarly un-natural progenitors.
In essense; the undercooked MK soul was like: "Where am I?! What am I!? Why am i so cold!? Where's my parents!?" *sees SWK and Macaque fixing his egg* "Oh, there they are, my bad."
Which means that Shadowpeach just metaphorically and *literally* concieved a future mystic Monkey.
Macaque is NOT HAPPY and immediately jumps to beat the crap out of SWK.
Moksha has to stop herself from laughing cus; "Bro you just magically knocked up your ex.", while Nezha looks horrified cus he thinks he just saw what Stone Monkey baby-making looks like.
Guanyin advises the two monkeys that if they keep things civil, the Soul will likely incarnate into a physical body and get born as an infant Monkey demon do. But there's a catch:
On a gross physical scale; its not an issue. Mystic Monkeys exist outside the natural category of creatures, and are shapeshifters to boot, meaning that Macaque already had built-in "equipment" to carry a kid. Its just him and SWK never "tried" making more of themselves - a war and a bad break-up put a damper on any family planning they had.
On a magical + spirtual scale though? : Its Dangerous.
The mystical pregnancy takes so much energy from Macaque that he needs to in-turn "steal" energy from other life sources in order to keep both of them healthy/alive. SWK thankfully cannot die and can replenish his energy on his own via food and rest, but the HP donation in turn drains his powers.
Basically by deciding to spare the Egg, Sun Wukong and Macaque have become functionally Mortal until MK is able to provide for himself.
As for the leftover shell; SWK presents it to the Jade Emperor as evidence that he "scrambled" whatever was inside. The celestials present can tell that whatever was in there, isnt anymore, so they accept that SWK did as he was told.
Except for Erlang Shen who's like; "SWK would never do what he's told! This is sus. Imma keep my eye on you if anything new enters the celestial realm."
SWK: "Fine by me, imma go back to being retired and having my main antagonists sealed away."
Once its confirmed that the Celestial Realm considers the Egg destroyed; SWK and Macaque agree to hide in plain sight among the mortal world for the time being. There's a *few* hiccups along the way ofc, but by the time MK is born, they're settled into the apartment above Pigsy's, and faking being a "Completely Normal (Demon) Couple With Baby", and are getting forcibly adopted by the reincarnations of the old JTTW gang.
Cue the rest of the story, and Shadowpeach forgetting where the Fake Relationship ends and where the "Whoops, you're still my soulmate!" begins.
And the three Realms collectively crapping themselves when MK picks up the staff.
And yes; Wukong would worry about the possibly of MK being born chestburter-style. Macaque would then yell at him and banish him to his cloud for the night.
I'm close to finishing the first chapter, so please continue sending asks for more details you'd like to know, and I'll answer without giving away too many spoilers.
Tldr: No rock in Macaque's gut, just baby. Leftover cosmic eggshell used to juke the god. MK is the result of a Covalent Bond. Guanyin is an amazing Fairy Godmother
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general-du-vallon · 1 year ago
i started making a fic once where aramis holds his baby and thinks like 'well i did one treason how worse could it be if i stole this baby away', and he thinking about he could put another baby in its place and then i thought WELL WHY NOT
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Anyway now am thinking about the stolen baby au
Porthos waiting on a horse to spirit the baby away (just have the image of him waiting in the dark. He takes the baby cus like i s2 final where he rides off alone to be heroic)
Aramis having a moment to talk to Q.A (quee ann) before the baby is born and saying it as a joke and they both just look at each other
the other musketrs being like 'u decided what now with Q.A?!'
where they gonna get a baby?! well. Porthos can be like 'i know a guy'. I'm sure Flea could find them a baby needing a nice home.
Aramis being like '...and then i will slide the baby in' and Constance being like 'uh huh mm hhmm. WHILE THE QUEEN IS HAVING THE OTHER BABY?!? HM?!? u gonna GO IN THERE WHILE SHE PUSHES A WHOLE HUMAN OUT OF HER?!'
aramis after constance rant, as if there been no interuption 'and then constance will swap them' and constance being like THAT IS WHAT i THOUGHT
I mean the baby is already not king of france so who cares?! it could be ANY baby. Who says this ISNT what hapened?
anyway one of the big reasons i think this is hilarious is we already know there's a safe place for accidental french not-quite-heirs cus that's where Agnes and Henry went.
Aramis and Agnes and king of france (but louis did it instead) and the king of france (but random baby from court of miracles did it instead).
aramis giving in his commission; 'GONNA GO UH.... JOIN A MONESTARY. THATS IT. THATS RIGHT. THAT'S WHERE IM GOING'.
imagine in s3 if he was in that monestary and the others staring around at the hundred of babies aramis is sherpherding about like 'is it that one... is it that one... is it that one' (I know this is diff to the living in bliss with agnes plus king 1 and king 2 like the cat in the hat. but whatever. Did i say it all has to cohere?!?! HUH!?!)
it is actually surprising to me hwo much i could just... slide this into canon. That's really funny. Aramis coming back to paris with a couple of refugee babies and beingn like 'and this one I'm keeping FOR NO REASON he gonna live with me. um. better. really. nenver ever go to the palace. eek'
It would be fun reversal. Q.A sneaking into the garrison to see her baby. aramis being like 'you so really absolutely totally cannot be here' standing at the end of a corridor full of men used to living in barracks like not entirely dressed and sort of being awful all like O_O O_O O_O like those picures where the light in rats eyes.
Q.A being like 'and now this is aramis he is coming to court to be honoured and the king has decided in his generosity that aramis's baby is coming also and oops louis jr just happened to meet him oh look at that oh dear i tripped over and my two babies are friends what a big oopsie daisy no aramis i didn't do anything at all'
Q.A loves BOTH her babies. for the record. baby number 2 is GONNA BE LOVED.
I think porthos watching the king dote on miracle court baby would be fun. Porthos "shall we show him what being poor in paris is really like" du Vallon.
the king doesn't know. the king doesnt care.
the rest of the show can be p much the same. tbf i only watched bits of s3 and skipped a lot of the more plotty stuff so i dont actually know this. the version I watched could fit this change easy and who cares what other ppl watched.
Sylvie being like 'he is the king of france' abt the dauphin and constance being like '....well. technically u r correct. but. uh.' and sylvie being like 'this is another of those treason things isnt it' and constance like 'a bit' and sylvie like 'yesssss tell me tell me'
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diagonal-queen · 2 years ago
belated thungo thursday! someone's about to be real sad and that someone is ME
dazai: you have to do an impossibly important job for me akutagawa: oka- dazai: keep atsushi safe akutagawa: N E V E R
akutagawa was like 'dont kill the weretiger. not cus i like him or anything, but because if you kill him, he's gonna revive and he's gonna be an even bigger pain in the ass. save all of us the trouble'
NOT fukuchi being like 'respect the elderly' and akutagawa is like 'i don't discriminate. i hate everyone regardless of their age'
am i the only one who sometimes gets a little annoyed at how atsushi and akutagawa are always arguing with each other? like in the right time and place it's very funny and actually very important to their relationship but the two of them will literally put more effort into insulting each other than defending their lives from the powerful enemy who is very much trying to kill them. PRIORITIES BOYS. PRIORITIES. EVEN SOUKOKU DON'T DO THAT
'Do we need any more?' who wants to tell him
i wonder how fukuchi discovered his ability. like imagine as a kid he was just like hanging out with a friend or something and they were eating chips or something and he jokingly throws a chip at his friend and the impact from that single chip makes said friend fly across the room and land on the floor dead and fukuchi is like 'uh. whoops'
'four years ago dazai san abandoned me' omg akutagawa taking that shit SO personal. he left because his bestie got killed by some french dude it had nothing to do with your emo ass
'i don't get paid enough to die with a villain!' he was so real for that
holy shit the part where sskk caught the bullets and dropped them i fucking gasped. that was so sexy and for what??? why was that so hot i rewatched it like ten times holy shit hotties
okay akutagawa knowing how to safely choke someone?? i guess we know what he's into
im curious as to why atsushi didnt ask akutagawa to go longer without killing someone- like a year or something. did he think he'd say no? was he thinking 'that's too high a goal for this maniac. baby steps' LMAOOOO
i love how atsushi's run is like this goofy ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕦ( ᐕ )ᕡ thing while akutagawa just naruto runs with a stone cold expression
'should we be outed, my head will be the first to fly' akutagawa on his odasaku arc
i think its established pretty well now that i find atsushi sexy (and im sure absolutely nobody else does, but dont come for me) his tiger stripe mark things on his face make him look WICKEDLY attractive. argue with the wall
fukuchi live tweeting this crap like 'having a smoke while these gay boys plan to kill me. i'll update if i live lol'
people really always be like 'fukuchi has a point because of his war experience' i guarantee you if you were to approach any actual veterans and ask them if their experience in conflict made them want to plot for decades in order to kill everyone in the world who has ever been a veteran/fought in any sort of conflict, they would NOT give you an affirmative response. shut the fuck up
AND HE'S LIKE 'my struggles have been infinite and nobody gives me recognition for them so im mad' BUDDY WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO?????? AKUTAGAWA IS RIGHT THERE (and atsushi too but i mean he's kinda gotten some recognition for his rough life. akutagawa's gotten NONE)
imagine akutagawa like in beast breaking his arm and yosano is like 'oh dw akutagawa i can fi-' and then he's just using rashoumon to do it himself lmao (does he do that in beast? i havent finished it)
atsushi: i need to defeat this villain me: cus he wants to end the wor- atsushi: because i dont want akutagawa to do it first me:
heyyyyy we finally got an akutagawa ass shot!!! *adds to collection* i
akutagawa: i need to defeat this villain me: cus he wants to end the wor- akutagawa: because i want dazai to think im cool me:
i mean he soon followed it by saying 'i would never work for you because you'll never be as cool as dazai' which is very true, so i guess you've redeemed yourself for now akutagawa
akutagawa in uniform >>>>>>>>
whoever is voicing akutagawa and atsushi in this ep deserves a million billion dollars
im sorry sskk. i didnt mean to laugh. but the sudden triumphant moment being cut off (as well as atsushi's hand lmaoo) made me giggle im sorry
this episode got me wondering all over again; HOW is anybody going to defeat fukuchi. there is (seemingly) literally no way to best the spacetime sword (can't be arsed to remember its name im sorry). how the hell are they gonna resolve this. im not smart enough to theorise like the rest of you guys
holy shit what a perfect way to end that episode. like the suddenness of it and screaming akutagawa's name, but also because i haven't stopped listening to tetsu no ori since it came out and i'm obsessed with this song. everyone say thankyou granrodeo
i'm surprised i spent most of that time thirsting instead of crying. let's wait and see what happens next thungo thursday!!
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paarksunghoon · 4 months ago
HAIII it is ur fav person ever (Joking. unless...) sorry i didnt send an ask today morning (or night for u idk) i was busy trying to lock in, failed at it, took a nap, went to uni, came back n then finally locked in (face sitting w nerd chan sometimes my brain amazes me) BUT ANYWAYS! how are u my baby i hope u r doing well n that ur road trip went good!!! if u want i can share my chan playlist w u bcs it has cute love songs on it or give u some skz recs if u haven't fully checked out their discography cus tee bee eich idk how much of skz u actually know...
anyways u asked for a separate deep honey ask so i am delivering teehee but basically everything abt deep honey is my favourite duh!!! i loved the way hoon basically immediately took y/n into his arms the minute he saw her like no questions asked nothing or how he held her like a lil baby when they were in heeseung's room n brushed her tears away n gave her kisses :( the line of how he says he'd come running to her in a heartbeat n how u described him loving her like she's the only woman he's ever loved in his life was so so sooooo sweet i need a love like that so bad bcs he is just the most precious boy ever 🥹🥹 n then hee jay n jake all ordering her fav food n comforting her n jaeyun calling y/nhoon cuties ohhhh mannnn n OMG WAIT LISTEN... imagine an extension of deep honey universe where jake gets his own girl or smth... he meets her at a bookstore n tries reading her fav books in order to strike up conversation w her but he gets the details wrong n stumbles over his words n she just giggles at him n he asks for her number n GRRRRRRR MY JAEYUNIE
anyways if u have any more thoughts on deep honey u would like 2 share w the class i will be happy to listen to u 😇😇 as always much love from #1 paarksunghoon stan aka me n i hope u have the bestest day to come today n tmr n every other day for the rest of ur life i love u
— ur fav dh (altho im off priv but u can keep tagging me as this n i will keep signing off as this lolz)
hi!! send at your leisure. my inbox welcomes you whenever you want to stop by.
life is pretty difficult these days for a multitude of reasons. road trip was good, I’m happy to be reconnecting with a lot of friends I haven’t seen in a while. tomorrow I’m seeing a friend I met at my last enha concert because we both went alone and ended up talking + exchanging socials. suuuper excited
I like skz! they aren’t in my ults list but I appreciate their music and admire their production skills. han and I would so be best friends.
I love that you love deep honey. everything I write has a little bit of myself in there so it makes me happy to know this resonated with you. I felt quite soft when I wrote it. forever wishing I could hug sunghoon on the good and bad days. I also have a separate little jake wip in the works that originally wasn’t in the deep honey universe buuuut I might twist it a little and make my own literary universe.
I’d love to imagine deep honey sunghoon really loves to hold hands in public as opposed to full on PDA. he and his gf are really into movies + dinner (after watching) and he’s probably on the more reserved side, so he’ll let her talk and talk until he gets motivated to share his opinions. jay probably has to tell them to shut up if they all watch movies in his apartment bc they get so energetic 😭
eventually, yn probably gets really comfortable with sunghoon’s friends too (they did see and hear her sob her eyes out). hoon’s the type to always tell them random facts about her so they know things about her and she’s like ?? how do u know that ?? for example they know her top 3 cocktail orders so if she’s running late they get her one she likes. they probably know types of restaurants she likes so if no one knows where to go, they’ll pick something sunghoon mentioned. 1000% they know how she takes her coffee (vanilla latte with oat milk, half sweet) so if they go out when she’s not there, they always bring one back for her 😆
jakeyn = power best friends; yn will listen to him talk about this really cute girl who he accidentally spilled coffee on and needs advice on how to talk to her (from said wip); jake will playfully get mad @ her for “stealing” sunghoon; very sibling type of relationship
jayyn = chaotic duo; cracking really bad jokes that everyone tolerates; probably the first to be level headed when planning things (everyone leaves it up to them to plan hang outs because they have an #itinerary); in charge of shopping/ordering food because they always know how much to get without going overboard
heeyn = calm duo; heeseung brings out the more quiet side of yn and they could sit in the same room for hours, not say a word but do their own thing, and count that as quality bonding time; will text in depth about philosophical and life shit; they go to each other for advice a lot (yn will go to him first if hoon isn’t available and heeseung will send her 6 minute audio messages)
not unusual for yn to hang out with them without sunghoon because in my head, male/female friendships can 100% be platonic. sunghoon isn’t threatened but will still be all kissy kissy with her in front of them
sunghoon when he sees yn and his friends get close: back off that’s my gf
heeseung, jay, jake: ew she’s like my sister
sunghoon: wdym you guys don’t find her hot
heeseung, jay, jake: ???
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valkyrayn · 3 years ago
Brainrot? as a fellow breeding kink enthusiast who of the 4 ToT men do you think would have the strongest kink? Marius an obvious one bc he needs an heir, male wife Artem probably dreams of having a family, but so does Luke with the childhood friends troupe he seems like such a family guy and kinda possessive?. Vyn seems least likely imo but I am interested in ur thoughts 👀
hello fellow breeding kink enthusiast. i’d like to think all of them have a breeding kink 😌
Marius has a breeding kink only cus he is nasty like that. he just loves filling you up to the brim with his cum until it leaks down your thighs. he loves making a mess out of you, he just wants all of you and all of him on you and inside you. but also on a more serious note, he really wants to have children with you. he can’t wait to shower them with love - especially the kind of motherly love that he never got to experience. he knows you’ll be a great mom and while he does have the fear of losing you like his mom, you convince him that everything will be okay. and that it’s fine for him to put a baby in you. ‘i’m ready to be the mother to your children, marius…’ and so he tries his best to — every day, every night, filling you up full with his hot seed.
Artem being the malewife that he is, has been preparing his whole life to be a dad. you’ve known for a while now that you want to have babies with him cus he’ll be such an amazing father to your kids. so the moment you said to him ‘put a baby in me’ he freezes for a bit cus he can’t believe you just said it so casually like that. he asks you a few times just to be sure he hadn’t misheard you. you smile and cup his face - ‘yes. now artem, please cum inside me.’ and he does, over and over again. he fills your womb every single night, at least 3 times a day and then making sure to place a pillow underneath you to prop your hips up. he rubs circles on your tummy and you see him smiling softly at it. he can’t wait to see you swell with his child.
Luke has been dreaming of starting a family with you ever since he first met you probably. he’s always wanted a big family, and he can’t imagine having children with anyone else but you. he can’t remember if that was the reason why he has a breeding kink. maybe cus he just loves coming inside you or because he actually wants to make babies with you. he says it during sex all the time, how he’ll breed you and will fill you up full. but tonight, he’s a bit different. ‘should we…try to make a baby. for real this time?’ you can see that he’s nervous. but you’re so glad that he asked. ‘thought you’d never ask,’ you reply. and that’s all he needed to hear before he completely destroys your cunt and plants his seed deep within your womb :)
Vyn doesn’t outright admit it, but he does have a breeding kink. the first time he came inside you without protection, was the moment he realized that he wants to keep doing it — to fill you up with his seed, to completely own you. the thought of injecting you with a part of him like that sends a rush throughout his body and he feels extremely connected with you more than ever. ‘tell me where you want it,’ he asks, just in case. he wants to cum inside you so badly but he wants to make sure you want it as much as he does. ‘inside me, please,’ you beg. and from then on, he makes sure to finish inside you every single time. he’s never thought about it before but now, all he wants is to conceive a baby and start a family with you, his rose, his and only his.
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kim-seung-mo · 3 years ago
New follower found you by accident and binge read Ur fics and wow I love them so much, I liked the 22 one where all of them were pregnant, cus it was new (I feel odd that I like it so much-)
Right I was gonna request something, can you do one after they give birth, like how it's like, them being dad's (I am so soft over men with kids-) if you can't do all then just seung cus I need more fics of this boy 😭
Can I be 🍒 anon?
Cus Ik I'm gonna be coming back for more hehe
𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕪 𝕂𝕚𝕕𝕤 𝔸𝕤 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤
or...stray kids as dads, but there's a twist cuz they're taking the traditional mom role
♩ g/n!reader, omegaverse but it's barely there, pure fluff, just stray kids being cute with their children, though this can be read as its own, it is a direct continuation of this imagine so maybe read that one first?
♩♩ word count: 1.9k
♩♩♩ A/N: idk if ur even still here 🍒 this was from last year probably but here you go~
prompt list here (or you can request ur own)
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Despite all the worries during his pregnancy, everything seemed to flow smoothly after the birth of your baby.
Chan seemed to have endless patience with the baby, whether it was feeding him, putting him to bed, or getting up in the middle of the night to change his nappy, he always had a smile on his face.
You were always afraid that he would get tired, after all, he already had to take care of his seven other children, and now with another one you were afraid that he might not really be able to handle it.
You were always proposing to him that you could take care of the children too, so that he could take a proper break.
But he would always say no, saying that it was his job to take care of the children and that he enjoyed it, and every time he would ask you not to worry about him.
Chan, a busy man, sometimes doesn't have time to breastfeed, so he brings the baby straight into the studio and takes care of it while he's making music.
Sometimes, after he finishes a song, he would ask the baby if it sounds good.
Your child who is less than a year old and couldn't even say "Mama" or "Papa" yet just looks at his father with his head sideways.
But he would always tell you that he was sure his children would grow up to love music as much as he does.
You don't doubt it for a second.
After all, Chan has been playing songs by Stray Kids for your baby ever since he got pregnant.
You had thought Minho wouldn't like children very much, and to be honest it's still a miracle that he would let you knock a baby into him.
But after the baby was born, all your worries seemed to disappear instantly.
Minho was simply adorable when he was with your baby.
There was a look in his eyes that you'd never seen before, one that was so tender and gentle.
The cats you owned seemed to know that there was a new baby in the house. They used to jump right on you or Minho, but now they were careful not to step on the baby.
The happiest moment for you is probably when you are all lying on the sofa together, Minho feeding the baby, you lying on his lap and the cat lying on top of you, sunbathing together as a family.
Although you were a little annoyed that Minho always focused on the baby and ignored you a little, it was your baby after all, so you didn't do much except ask him for more kisses at night.
Even when the child couldn't even stand on his own, Minho would still carry him by the hand and help him dance.
The smile on Minho's face when he did this was something you wanted to cherish for the rest of your life.
"Changbin-ah, you know your son can't even speak yet, right?"
Changbin was trying to get his six-month-old son to sing his rap for the tenth time.
How could your son rap when he can't even say "dada" yet?
But Changbin just seemed so convinced that his son was "a genius like him".
Although you doubt that he could rap at six months, you did also believe that your son would grow up to be a genius.
After all, his father is Seo Changbin.
"Gee, if only we had a daughter......"
He grumbled to you as you both laid in bed after changing your son's nappy at 2am, holding your hand.
"Hey, he can't hear that. Besides, won't your daughter need her nappy changed too?"
Changbin grunts a little and wraps his arms around you.
"Daughters are so cute, sons are too naughty, I already see myself getting pissed off at him when he grows up......"
You kissed his forehead, "It's okay Binnie, you're going to be the best father ever. You already are."
Then you were silent for a moment and spoke again, "But...If you want to have another one...... I wouldn't say no."
And then... A year later, your daughter was born.
Something went wrong the day Hyunjin gave birth and for a while things were a little dicey. You hovered in front of the operating room for hours in fear, your heart pounding.
At the time, you thought, "If something happened to Hyunjin or your two children, you would have hated yourself forever."
But in the end, everything went smoothly, Hyunjin's life was not in danger, and both children were healthy.
You were there that night... No, it was four or five in the morning, at Hyunjin's bedside, holding his hand and crying uncontrollably. Thanking God while hating yourself for not being able to help him bear the pain with him.
He had so many complaints under his breath, but when he saw how worried and scared you were because he was in danger, all his complaints disappeared instantly.
When you came home, you stayed with him for the whole day, not letting him go anywhere, except to look after the kids.
Although he said that you were a bit annoying, he knew that the fact that you were so worried about him was proof of his importance to you. So secretly he was a bit delighted.
There were two children, so it took double the effort. By the end of each day, Hyunjin was basically in a state where he couldn't keep his eyes open. It hurts your heart to see it and there was nothing you could do about it.
You could only do what you could to help him, whether it was looking after the children or taking care of him.
He always kissed you and told you he was fine. And said that this burden was a happy one.
You always reassured him too, saying that everything would be fine in the end and that there would only be happy days from now on.
Although you have tried your best to reassure him that even after the baby is born, he would still be your first priority.
But after the baby was born, he still felt a little frustrated when you would always get up in the middle of the night to comfort the crying baby instead of staying with him in your warm bed.
Every time he feeds his baby, he has to sit in your arms while you help him pump out the rest of the milk the baby can't finish.
He still cries when his breasts hurt, just like he did when he was pregnant, and doesn't care if he wets your shirt.
You always felt like you were raising two children, even though there was only one real little baby.
He really does compete with the baby for favour and will get angry all day if you give the baby more kisses than you give him.
"Do you love me more or the baby more!"
Every time he asks this question, you facepalm yourself and give him a two-hour-long hugging session with your arms wide open.
But although he always pretended like he was at war with your child, he actually still loves him deeply in his heart.
As soon as the child starts crying, he gets upset too and even cries together.
Such scenes make you feel conflicted, not knowing if you should be crying or laughing. But at the same time, you would exclaim that Jisung really is the cutest person in the world.
"Y/N, can't an eight-month-old eat brownies?"
"Felix, he doesn't even have all his teeth yet..."
"Fine... I'll just go learn how to make baby food then."
Ever since the baby was born, Felix has been diving headfirst into the world of baby food preparation methods.
Every time you came back from outside you would smell a whiff of baby food in the house.
And Felix himself always smelled like milk.
He loved buying the baby nice clothes, cute little toys and the most versatile stroller.
When he pushes the baby out, he bounces around like a child with a toy car, which is probably the cutest thing ever.
The baby would always be in his arms if he wasn't in the stroller, and he even had to sleep with the baby in his arms at bedtime.
You always complained that the two of you couldn't get close like that, but when Felix looked at you with kittenish eyes and begged you if he could sleep with the baby in his arms, you couldn't refuse.
In the end, to keep you both happy, the three of you become a sort of chain of spoons.
You holding Felix from behind, Felix holding the baby from behind and the baby with his toys in his arms.
One more little thing...... That is, ever since your baby was born, the Stray Kids' Tik Tok account has been all about videos of your baby and nothing else.
Seungmin and the baby were like a big puppy and a little dog. Both were cute as hell.
He loved to let the baby sleep on top of him, just like he always used to love to sleep on top of you.
There was nothing about the baby from his clothes to his shoes to his toys that wasn't dog related.
You've seen a lot of pictures of Seungmin as a child. Your child arguably looked exactly like Seungmin when he was a baby.
You even start to wonder where your genes have gone.
"He has your eyes and your ears." That was Seungmin's reply.
But in your eyes, your child was practically a miniature version of Seungmin.
Your original nickname for Seungmin was puppy, but now you have a baby.
So it became big puppy and little puppy.
Seungmin's camera roll used to be filled with pictures of you and beautiful landscapes.
After the baby was born, it became you and the baby.
You didn't think it was wrong that everything was related to puppies.
It wasn't until when your child's first words were not "dada" or "mama" but "mongmong" that you realized the problem.
How was he going to take care of other babies when he was a baby himself?
That was your worry at first.
But it turns out that if Jeongin chose to do something, he would do it to the end, and he would do it better than anyone else.
You had all sorts of parenting books piling up in your house, and the YouTube recommendations page was filled with videos on how to take care of children.
You worried at first that he might be overwhelmed and panicky and frightened.
But he didn't at all, instead he seemed very proficient, as if he had done it many times before.
He was learning some new recipe or tip every time he had a spare moment.
Even when he was breastfeeding by himself, he was constantly flicking through them on his phone.
He really did try hard to be a good father, and it was all there for you to see.
He was obviously tired by the time he came home, but still insisted on cooking the baby's dinner, making milk powder, and singing a lullaby.
It wasn't just the child who loved to hear him sing lullabies, it was you too.
In his gentle voice, you too could sleep peacefully.
Your little fox has really grown up.
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ladymorghul · 2 years ago
I had an idea for a story/comic and wanted to hear your opinion cus I absolutely adore ur headcanons about alicent and her children! It might be a FAR reach but i mean it's fiction ... So... Anyway my idea was what would happen if in the setting of the show around the time of Episode 8 maybe before the family dinner (and disaster) Alicent were turned back into an 16/17 year old who just gave birth to Aegon and how everyone would react to that around her especially her kids and what they would do if they saw their mother as a very young distressed girl and their relationship to her. (i also imagend the "introduction" scene like alicent running down the corridors of the red keep screaming and crying at the top of her lungs where HER baby aegon is)
I hope this is somewhat coherent lol i also would love to know if you maybe have some ideas? I need some help lol
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interesting story to tell!!!!
im not good with storytelling honestly, but you could make it like a dream.
the story could start with alicent pregnant with aegon and her struggling and her having memory of her children but it'd almost feel like she dreamed her children and they were just a figment of her imagination and it's all a blur because look, she's very much pregnant with aegon now so she couldn't have had them already.
and she's panicked because she feels like something is wrong (on top of everything else that is already wrong) and that's when her maid tells her that the dinner will be served soon and that she should help alicent dress. alicent is too confused to even protest so she lets the maid dress her and she wanders into the dining room to wait for viserys and whoever else would join them that evening.
but then aegon, aemond, helaena and possibly even daeron walk in, grown as they are in ep.8 and it's all a shock
alicent looks up at them and it's like she remembers them but also she doesn't? like it's all blurry in her head while the kids are also shocked because that looks like their mother but also not really. she looks like the paintings of mother when she was younger. aegon is the first one who recognizes her changed features but the other ones catch up quickly.
and bam, you suddenly have 15-16 year old alicent meeting her adult children as she's weirdly pregnant with aegon but it's all a dream so it can be nonsensical
sorry i am very bad at this
it's funny because just the other day i was wondering how they'd react to have a picture of alicent as a teen and be like "that's mother"
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bitchkay · 2 years ago
Roy in bondage and blindfolded. He's completely at your mercy, and all he can do is beg you to fuck him after teasing him to almost no end. That's it. Go crazy, go stupid
Anon you're flirting with me😍😍
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No cus why was I literally just thinking about how Roy looks like such a slut in the 2nd Anniversary art--
The face card is definitely giving 'roy you notti notti boi😏'
One of those things where you're like 'yea his arch game stupid😌'
There was one event epilogue(?) where mc was "going down on him" not actually going down on him but kissing down his body in a way that made you think shorty was gonna suck dick but like cod writers hate cock apparently and never let mc suck dick- ANYWAY she was going down on him Roy was out here moaning and shit, I think he begged at one point and the way Roy was acting was like ouu boy I just know you submissive😏😏 you just had to be there man
Roy almost reaches Fenn level horny honestly
He been acting mad horny lately🤨
ANYWAY- tying Roy up???? That's some fruit for thought👀
Yall know how I feel about dominating men so whew am I all for it
And Roy is absolutely whipped for you, you think he wouldn't also agree???
Roy liking this more than you
Roy wants you to want him. Roy wants you to be obsessed with him so when you take the reigns in any context hes reeling
Now Roy being a submissive little bitch, that teasing glint in his eyes is no where to be found replaced by a doe eyed plea for mercy
Golden yellow eyes now dark round and wet, light pink strands of hair stuck to his forehead from sweat, streams of tears down his cheek and the lulling out of his tongue
Roy was already pretty vocal, now he won't shut the fuck up
Nothing but pleas for more, moans of pleasure, him begging for you to untie his wrists so he can reach out and touch you, he doesn't know how to be quiet
Imagine this☆:
Bound to a chair. Arms securely ties behind him at the wrists, bent at the elbows. Calfs tied to the legs of the chair, planted apart. Torso roped to the back of the chair keeping him in place. Can't have him squirming around to much. Roy butt naked and tied to a chair. You –in nothing but lingerie– laid delicate touches on his exposed body, tracing outlines on his skin. His dick stood on attention, stiff and leaking precum, burning red from lack of stimulation. "Touch me... please." Roy mumbled, probably the quietest he's ever been. He whined as you ignored his pleas, admiring his body and the way the ropes left red marks on his skin. "Please..!" You sat on his legs, thighs on either side of him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Roy baby, you're so gorgeous," you cooed a hand on his cheek. "I- ineedyousomuchyourebeingmean..." With words slurred together he pulled at his restraints to no avail. "Mean? Sweetheart I'm just admiring what's mine. You are mine right?" You spoke sweetly running your hands down his chest, eyes trailing his broad body. "Right?" "Right... I wa- Ack!" Wrapping your hands around his shaft your slowly jerked him off in your hand. "Ha- ah! Heartspell that's- that's so good oh my-!" Having been worked up to this point, Roy was extremely sensitive, the drag of your fingers on his cock making his brain short circuit, shocks of pleasure going through him making his body twitch. "You're so sexy when you're like this~" Increasing your pace on his cock Roy threw his head back a guttural moan roaring up his throat, his body heating up. "Ugh! Creator! Please please please-! I'm- I'm so- Heartspell I'm so close!" "Close? You wanna cum?" "Mhm!" Using both hands to jerk him, Roy's head fell forward, mouth gaped a string of droll falling from his lips, so utterly bliss out from your ministrations. His cock twitched involuntarily right as he was about to shoot then- You stopped. "What? No! Please please I cannot- I need you-" "Stop it Roy." You stood up from his lap. His dick stood stiff, an angry red as precum drool down the side, twitching from his ruined orgasm. You unclipped your bra and drew down your panties. "... what are you doing..?" The chair tilted slightly as he leaned forward seeking you out. Returning to his side, you kissed his lips messily, pushing pink and yellow strands of hair away from his sweat stained forehead. Pulling away with a wet smack of your lips you sat on his lap facing away from him, pushing your ass against his hard cock. "What? Didn't you want me to fuck you?"
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
[Smokey is a protective guy at the best of times, and now that his mate is vunerable He's like a guard dog ready to snap at anyone who comes close to his little troop.]
Oof, imagine if a certain rhino tries something on Liang? Think Lao Tzu’s gonna need to find a whole new pet by the end of that chapter.
[Xiao Qi doesn't know what to expect - Bama isn't a tree, where fruit coming out?]
Ooof! I don’t think anybody is ready for that talk yet…so, they ask Peach and Plum for help. In turn those two ask their Tang and Pigsy for help…
Smokey, disbelief: Really?!
Peach: Look, Tang has the power points and Pigsy can keep him from going too in depth. Trust me, best way of keeping it PG.
[Zhu Bajie: "...I'm terrifed of that Liu'er Mihou. Any being that can get Older Brother to behave himself has power rivalling the Buddha himself."]
Honestly? Not the worst policy to have. Those LEMs do be terrifying and feral when given the chance – and they tend to woo absolute simps. XD
It’s like the ‘We support Women's Rights and Women's Wrongs!’ Except it’s Macaques.
referencing the Reborn! couple's twins + or why a pregnant monkey on a Journey is very difficult.
[Oof, imagine if a certain rhino tries something on Liang? Think Lao Tzu’s gonna need to find a whole new pet by the end of that chapter.]
A certain Rhino quickly learns that no matter the universe, SWK will turn him into minced beef for touching his mate. The Reborn! Rhino King gets sent to Lao Tzu as a handbag for touching Smokey's pregnant mate and/or their uber-powerful kids.
[Ooof! I don’t think anybody is ready for that talk yet…]
Smokey and Liang try to get a dialog going to explain to the kids where the twins are gonna come out, but they panic and try to pass the buck to another Pilgrim.
Xuanzang/Reborn!Tripitaka, also panicking: "Um. As I have taken a vow of chasitiy, I am not privy to such knowledge. Brother Bajie?" Zhu Bajie: "Hey! Just cus I like the act, doesn't mean I understand the schematics of it! Wujing reads those kind of books!" Sha Wujing: *nervously laughing and shaking his head No* Ao Lie, in horse-form: "When two beings come together and form a physical union..."
The horse has the best version of the Talk ready. Though he accidentally refers to the babies as coming out as eggs.
I love the idea of LMK! Tang being the kind of parent to have a powerpoint presentation ready for the occassion. He just wants to give the kids the straight facts.
[It’s like the ‘We support Women's Rights and Women's Wrongs!’ Except it’s Macaques.]
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Oh gosh, I def can see a few of the Macaques wearing a t-shirt like that. The LMK!Macaques defintely.
Some SWKs oppose the title of "simp", but one look from their respective LEMs just proves the title further.
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goldentsum · 4 years ago
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— love, you can’t run away from me forever.
PAIRING: soulmate! suna rintarou x reader
GENRE: smut, soulmate au but make it dark
SUMMARY: growing up in a world filled with soulmates was magical but with news about people going crazy and killing people for their “love” made suna repulsive to the idea of soulmates though when you came along, he finally understood why those people did it. 
WARNING: dark content, smut, noncon, manipulative tendencies, cussing/cursing, creepy! and delulu! suna, mean! reader, masturbation (male), photos and audio recording taken w/o consent, kidnapping, oral sex (fem receiving), bdsm, sadistic! suna, dom! suna, violence, abuse, blood, suna is a dick, reader who tries to fight back
AUTHOR’S NOTE: another one cus why not! you guys seemed to liked my first dark fic so here’s another one! <3 might be bad idk prob cus of my writing HAHAHHA also, suna just being a creepy and psychopathic aquarius. DO NOT INTERACT/READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR OR DON’T LIKE THIS TYPE OF CONTENT. 
REMINDER: this is not love and i do not condone this type of behavior. do not romanticize this, this is fiction and in no way am i telling people this is okay. if you don’t like content like this, please click away or block the tag tw.darkcontent
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‘the world is fucked up,’ suna thought, looking at his phone as he saw all types of news about people killing and committing all types of felonies to prove that their love for their soulmates were real. 
the stoic male grimaced at one news he came upon when he scrolled up, a young man killed his family and friends because “he doesn’t need anyone else beside his soulmate”. now that was fucked up. suna never thought he'd lose faith in humanity even more with each passing day. it was actually impressive with how fucking stupid and delusional people get when the topic of soulmates come up. 
gold eyes narrowed at the inked skin of his wrist. “(l/n) (y/n)” or whoever that is better not mind never having a soulmate because there’s no way in hell suna’s going to be all lovey-dovey and accept the soulmate bullshit. 
he thinks that soulmates are a scam. it was a hoax to make people do stupid shit and suna will not tolerate that type of bull. if he’s gonna end up with someone, it’ll be because he likes them not because of ‘fate’ or whatever decided it for him. 
he will never conform to society and its standards. 
“suna! what’s with the ugly face?” atsumu snickered, plopping down on the seat beside suna making the taller male groan. 
“oh fuck off, atsumu. i’m not in the mood for your bullshit” 
“when have you ever been in a mood for bullshit?” 
suna raised a brow and hummed, “good point” 
atsumu shook his head and turned to the counter where his brother was standing behind. “’samu! i want 3 tuna onigiris!” 
osamu glared at his brother and scowled, “get it yourself, lazy ass” 
“i’m paying you!” atsumu whined like the little brat he is but osamu ignored him and tended to the other customers in his shop. suna groaned at the noise, “for fuck’s sake, tsumu. shut up. your voice is so annoying” 
atsumu glared at the man and punched his shoulder, making suna winced and scowled at his former teammate from highschool. the older miya twin huffed and ignored his words, continuing what he was about to say before suna insulted him, “anyway! what i was trying to say earlier was that people around us are finding their soulmates while i’m stuck with you bums! how is that fair?!” 
suna groaned, annoyed, at the same old topic of soulmates. “soulmates are overrated. it’s a scam. you’re lucky you haven’t met yours yet if anything.” 
the setter scoffed at suna’s old same line of bitterness towards the topic of soulmates, “what’s with you, anyway? what’s with the bitterness towards soulmates?” 
“it’s bullshit, is all” suna replied easily, not bothered nor giving a shit. atsumu smirked and threw an arm over the male’s shoulder, “one day, you’ll meet your soulmate and everything’s gonna change.” 
“did you just curse me or?” 
“I don't know, did i?”
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oh for fuck’s sake. atsumu really did cursed him. suna stared in awe, uncharacteristically so, at you while you glared at him. you clicked your tongue when his gaze was still as dazed and lovesick since you two have met. 
“fuck off, rintarou! i told you i don’t want any soulmate bullshit!” 
suna chuckled with a small blush on his cheeks, “i love it when you call me, rintarou--”
“because that’s your name, stupid! you know what, i’m not even gonna bother. and for the last time, stop following me!” you growled, stomping off to get away from your creep of a soulmate but the man didn’t mind your words. it was quite amusing to him to be honest. 
you’re so cute and small and so angry at the world that it’s so endearing to him. with every glare you give him, it sends pleasant shivers down his spine. ah, so this is what it felt to be with your soulmate. it’s addicting. you two could rule the world together if you want to. 
“love, you can’t run away from me forever. i’m your soulmate” 
you groaned at the persistent male, “i don’t want you as a soulmate! why can’t you understand that?!” 
suna stopped following you after your harsh words. you also stopped, your anger subsiding a bit when you realized what you said and all of a sudden, there was a pain in your heart. you cursed at the soulmate bond that was not letting you reject your fate. guilt resurfaced in your gut when you looked at suna who’s staring at the ground, eyes hidden under his bangs. 
“r-rintarou?.. look i’m sorry, okay. but i don’t really want any soulmate business in my life-...” you tried to explain but quickly cut your words off when suna started chuckling. 
scared and terrified at the creepy laugh and unexpected action, you stepped back and looked at him with wide eyes. suna then looked up at you and smirked, the dark glint in his eyes gave you the creeps, his breath heavy as he panted like a dirty pervert! his eyes were so filled with emotions. lust, obsession, and ‘love’ but you don’t  even know if you can call it ‘love’...
“did you feel that? it shows... no matter what you do. we’re connected.” 
oh fuck no. this psycho is not worth it. you grimaced at his words and turned back around swiftly, walking faster to get away from him. 
“fate will always bring us together, (y/n). the quicker you accept that, the easier life gets” you heard him shouted after you and it only made you quicken your actions, heart beating rapidly at what just happened. 
suna smirked at your figure as it grew smaller and smaller. he figured he’d let you go for now. it’s not like you can hide from him. you can try but the ink on your skin will always remind you where you belong and that’s with him. 
the tall male looked at his phone, the screen showing a picture of you sleeping. he traced your features through the phone with a loving sigh and quickly stuffed it back to his pocket. he whistled a small tune under his breath on his way back home, his thoughts filled with you. 
suna walked inside his apartment, shrugging his shoulders to loosen the tight muscles. he groaned in annoyance when his shoes got stuck on his foot but quickly shook it off. the moment he was in his bedroom, he removed his shirt and plopped down on the bed, opening his phone again. 
in his phone, there was a whole album of you. sleeping, eating, at the gym, when you were at the library. suna also opened one of the files in his phone as sounds of you breathing when you were sleeping echoed in the room. 
a small moan escaped the phone, suna’s eyes shining slyly at the sound. oh how he wants to hear it in person. he wants to hear every lovely sound you can make. he wants to know everything about you. 
what type of weather do you like? do you like cereal at night like him? do you have a special place for cats in your heart like he does? do you hate heat like him? and do you like getting fucked so hard the only thing you can do is scream? 
suna sighed at the last thought as rapid images of what you would look like popped in his head. would you look pouty? would you cry? would you be quiet and shy? or would you moan like a bitch in heat? 
the familiar twitch in his sweats made suna antsy. a hand drifted to his pants to palm himself through the cloth. 
suna massaged his hardening cock through his pants, letting out sighs as he did so. your soft breathing from the phone was making him harder. he imagined you beside him, sleeping. looking so innocent and safe from all the vile things of the world. safe with him. 
your plump lips curled into a small pout as your brows furrows while you dream then waking up, needy for him. suna groaned and swiftly tugged his sweats and boxers off him. he spat on his hand, hissing when he started stroking his thick cock. drifting to the sensitive head of his cock, he massaged it with the slick spit as it ooze out pre-cum. 
he quickly coated his digits with the precum and slicked his twitching cock with it for the smooth friction he was craving. he panted at the feeling when he tightened his grip on his dick, trying to imagine your tight wet pussy instead. 
“s-shit, baby... feels so good’“ he slurred, closing his eyes to focus on the feeling of the tight grip, stroking himself to a slow rhythm. in his mind, he can see your pretty face. 
he can imagine you on top of him, rolling your hips slowly to not overstimulate yourself with his large cock inside of you. suna licked his lips, a small smirk appearing on his face as he imagined the cute little noises you made when you tried to fit him in you. 
his thick cock hitting so deeply inside you but oh how you like it, you slut. you’d look so gorgeous, moaning on top of him, hands on his chest whilst you ride him. 
“r-rintarou” he can hear your lewd voice calling out, your breath getting heavier with each stroke of his cock, dragging in your tight wet walls. your big doe eyes filled with tears as you look down at him, trying to get some help from him to fuck you good already.
he cursed when he felt a familiar band trying to snap in his lower stomach, his hand getting faster. wet slapping sounds echoed in the room along with your soft breathing on his phone. his violent and aggressive movements were getting him closer to his release. 
this is how he wants it to be. him fucking you so violently making you cry, hands gripping you tight that your pretty skin would bloom with violets and blue. 
he can already see it, how your tongue will roll out your pretty lips whilst you get fucked so hard that all you can do is lay and scream for him, your soulmate. your other half. you belong to him. 
“ha-ah-!” suna groaned deeply when his release hit him, thick warm cum hit his clenching abs as the spiraling pleasure made him shiver. his hand pumping his dick fast to ride his orgasm, his chest heaving deep pants. the male gulped down, trying to wet his dry throat as he slowly calmed down. lazy yellow eyes stared up in the white ceiling of his bed. 
he needs you. he wants to feel you. he wants to be with you. now. 
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you sighed as you walked home to your apartment, it has been a week since your crazy soulmate tried to bother you in accepting him and it was making you jumpy. his eyes just showed so much when you last saw him that it made you paranoid with every movement that was happening around you. 
you entered your room, exhaling a deep breath of relief as you felt the warm air of your safe home. it was nice to be in your apartment again. no one to bother you. safe from the crazy man that suddenly stopped messing with you. 
after shrugging off your coat, you enter your kitchen to get a glass of water. all the overthinking about the mess that fate got you into was making your head hurt. as you greedily gulped down the water to soothe your dry throat, a movement from the dark living room made you choke on it. 
“shit” you cursed and looked at the wet floor. you put the glass down and looked at the dark living room, trying to catch any movement. you then quietly went to the knives beside you and grabbed one, walking cautiously through the room. you flickered the lights on, ready to strike if something attacked you, but as the lights went on, you sighed in relief when you saw no one. 
you let your hand drop beside you, rolling your eyes at yourself at the paranoia. you cursed the man that did this. now you were overthinking stuff and seeing shadows.
when you were about to turn around, a large hand covered your mouth and tightly gripped your wrist that held the knife, making it clunk to the floor as you screamed but the hand muffled it. 
“stop fuckin moving already.. you’re gonna just tire yourself” the familiar voice made your body stiff, your blood went cold. crying against his hand when you felt his lips touch your ear, teeth grazing it. 
“you’re so pretty” he cooed, his voice heavy and slow. tears pricked your eyes as you struggled against his hold but the tall man was obviously stronger than you being an athlete. you tried to stomp on his feet but the man nudged you forward with his weight as you two tumbled into the couch. 
you can feel the vibration of his chuckle as his chest was against your back. you heard him sigh and a small grind on your ass was enough to make you feel disgusted and dirty. 
“i apologize for this next action, (y/n)” suna muttered beside your eyes and he leaned back, quickly turning you around. before you could even scream, pain blossomed on your cheek. your vision turned blurry at the impact, dizzy.
this motherfucker just punched you. you faced him again and spat the blood on his face, your lip busted as well. “f-fuck you!”
suna growled at your actions but quickly smirked, wiping away the bloody spit on his eye while he held you down. 
“a tough one~ i like that” he whispered and you could feel a hard nudge on your inner thigh making you grimace. this man was fucked up... he just got hard from punching you and you fighting back-
suna smirking down at you was the last thing you remember then everything went dark.
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the room was cold. and your limbs ached with each movement you did. you opened your eyes and panic hit you when you couldn’t see anything. you tried to call out but there was a gag on your mouth. 
you cried through the gag, you cursed everything. you hate fate for getting you into this mess. you curse soulmates bonds, you were right. soulmates are a bunch of bullshit. just look at where that ended you up in. most importantly, you hate him. if you can, you’ll kill him on the spot. 
the fucking psychopath. your soulmate. 
you bit the cloth on your mouth as the binds on your eyes got wet from the tears that escaped from your eyes. your feelings were a mess and all you could feel is anger, shame, and dread. 
“oh, you’re awake. that’s good. i thought i hit you harder than i intended to, thank god that you’re okay” you heard the familiar voice that you loathe. you growled through your gag but suna could only laugh at your pathetic attempt of dominance when you’re gagged, blindfolded, and tied to the bed. 
“now now, no need for that. we want to get along, don’t we” he muttered, walking closer to you and sat on the bed, beside you. 
you flinched when you felt his weight beside you and his hands caressed your cheek. you whimpered at the dull pain when he touches your cheek. this fucker touched where he punched you--
“that looked like it’ll bruise” you growled again at his words. you wanted to scream at him. hit him. make him feel the pain of what he did to you. 
your fussing about stopped and you stiffened when you felt him shift on top of you, going in between your legs. you tried to close your legs but his hands were faster than you. 
he maneuvered you like a doll he owns, fixing you into a position he liked. suna gazed at your tied-up body, his cock already starting to harden in his pants. he wants to touch you already. 
his hand went up and tugged your blindfold as he smiled at your dazed look that changed to a mean one. suna chuckled at your spirit. it was making him excited. 
“you’re too cute, love” he muttered, leaning closer to your neck and nuzzled into you, taking in your scent loudly making you flinch in dread. 
“you smell so sweet,” he said against your neck, an unconscious shiver running up your body. suna smirked when he felt it and continued to nuzzle his face in your neck. his hands touching and groping your body while you growled through the gag but he barely even paid attention to it, too caught up at the feeling of finally touching you and being with you. 
“i wanna taste you~” he whispered lewdly, looking deep into your eyes with a smirk. your eyes widened at his words and mustered up all the strength you had and hit his head against yours. 
you were disoriented after it but it was worth it when you heard his curse as he leaned away. your forehead was red you were sure and it’ll bruise with how hard his head was. 
“you bitch-!” your moment of victory was cut off when large hands wrapped around your neck, squeezing it. you choked, wriggling around to get away from suna but he leaned all his weight on top of you. 
he glared down at you, watching with sick satisfaction when your eyes slowly fluttered close and your struggling gradually ceased. suna can snap your neck right now if he wants to. the power he has over you almost made him drool, his cock twitching excitedly in his pants.
he let your neck go, heart beating fast when he saw finger marks on your neck, the shape of his hands on your skin. he watched you cough and try to inhale air, desperately. 
suna then grasped your chin in a tight hold and turned you to face him, making your dazed eyes look up at him, “do that again and i’ll make you bleed.” 
he let your chin go harshly and climbed off you, going out of the room. you gulped and intake the precious air, looking at the door with fear and anger. 
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being with suna was an absolute nightmare. you don’t know how long it has been since the psycho kidnapped you and it was agitating. you fought back but suna liked it because it gave him the excuse to hurt you. you knew this but you just can’t give him the satisfaction he craved of you submitting to him. 
your body was slumped into the bed whilst you cried as suna ate you out. his fingers pumping viciously in and out of you, tongue lapping on your swollen clit. he denied you 4 orgasms already and your body was so sensitive from it. 
“just fucking accept this already!” suna growled against your pussy, the vibrations sending violent shivers in your body. you writhe and keened, your body in his mercy. 
you shook your head, tears streaming down your red and bruised cheeks. your neck was decorated with purple and red, bite marks and fingerprints alike. your wrists red and raw from the rope he used on you constantly.
suna rolled his eyes at your disobedience but let you be. he knows you’ll be his good girl sooner or later. he just has to try harder, he guesses. 
he sucked on your clit messily, tonguing your wetness. his fingers caressing your walls as he hit your g-spot making you arch your back. suna smirked and continued his ministrations, ignoring your pleading to let you cum already. 
he felt your walls clenching on his fingers as he stopped altogether making you cry in desperation. suna leaned on his feet, admiring the way your body tried to hump him to get the satisfaction of cumming. 
your body is so beautiful. before it was pristine and void of any marks and flaws but now your skin was decorated with purple and red courtesy of his love for you. 
“you really wanna do this, (y/n)? you rather be a bad girl than be my precious girl?” suna tried to reason with you, his tone was as if he was talking to a child. you scowled at him, “fuck you, asshole!” 
suna’s eyes turned dark at it. one thing he can’t tolerate was you saying such crude and bad words. he raised his hand and slapped you, the force of it made you turn to the side as you gasped at the pain. 
blood dripped from your nose. suna then grabbed your cheeks, squeezing. he glared down at you. “when will you learn... and here i thought you were smarter than that” 
you cried at the pain of his grip on your face and the sting of his slap was still there as his fingers pressed down to the bruises you had on your face. he shook your head, growling, “what do you say when you do something wrong” 
he continued to shake you, your aching limbs hurt at the violent movements. you whimpered and unconsciously replied, “i’m sorry-!” 
suna stopped and removed his hands from you. you looked up at him with teary eyes and saw him smiling softly at you. his mood swings were scary. you don’t really know what type of suna you’ll get before it’s too late... 
“atta girl...” he muttered and started to remove his pants. you panicked at his actions and tried to move away but the painful slap on your thigh was enough to make you stop. 
“now, let me fuck you” 
suna grabbed your ankle and pulled you down on the bed further, closer to him. he pumped his cock at the sight of you, so pretty and crying
“rintarou please-! d-don’t!” you cried, feeling so helpless and all your fire from earlier and the past days gone. the dark-haired male grinned at your sobbing and fussing about. 
“tsk. be a good girl, (y/n). just accept it.” he leaned closer to you, whispering against your wobbly lips. his dark yellow eyes stared straight into yours, lust swirling around his orbs. your body shook in fear and a small cry leaving your swollen lips. 
in one swift movement, suna entered you. he captured your lips, muffling your screams because of him suddenly entering you. the wet squishing noises were triggering your tears. you felt disgusted with yourself that you were enjoying the stretch and the feeling of being filled up by this psycho. 
maybe in another world where you two have met differently. a perfect world where things weren’t complicated. if you two worked it out and things were different then maybe you’ve actually loved him and accepted him as your soulmate. but not in this world. not now. 
you cried when suna started moving, hitting your g-spot with every thrust. your body arched on the bed, feeling the pleasure. suna panted above you, arms caging you and his muscles contracting with every movement he does. 
suna cursed at the feeling, it felt so good. you feel so good. your wet and squishy walls sucking him so eagerly. the lewd sounds of your wetness and his constant thrusting was making him more excited. 
he stopped for a moment, pulling out from your pussy to put you in all fours and then entered you again when he moved you the way he likes. suna groaned, fucking deep into you. his tip grazing your cervix making you squeal. you can feel your orgasm coming faster because of the orgasms suna denied you earlier. you sobbed, hips unconsciously thrusting back to his dick. 
the male chuckled breathily, sneaking a hand between your legs to play with your swollen clit. you choked on a moan when you felt him massaging your clit. you let your head plop down to the mattress, arms wobbly, and all you could do was moan as your body jerking at the pleasure suna was giving you. 
“oh honey, you should see how slutty your body gets when i’m fucking you” he snickered behind you, hips never relenting with his fast and hard thrusts. 
you felt tears trail down your bruised cheeks, you don’t know if it’s because of the shame you felt earlier or the pleasure. the fast circles suna gave your clit made you whine and moan as you felt your orgasm wash over you. 
you howled at the satisfying feeling of the violent orgasm, finally cumming after the torture of not coming four times earlier. suna smirked at the way your body convulsed beneath him. 
the unwavering fucking from behind was sending you to overstimulation and suna’s fingers still rubbed down your sensitive clit. you whined and keened, drool slipping past your lips. 
“so fucked out” suna muttered and bent to lean against your back, his dick twitching in your wet walls. he then angled his thrust differently making you gasp. 
he leaned back again, staring at your sweaty discolored back, from his bites from the past fun times you two had, and the way you leaned against the pillows as your pretty face contorting into a fucked out expression, so lewd.
a large hand trailed down to the back of your neck, grabbing it and letting you lean against suna’s chest. his hand then wrapped around your dainty neck, squeezing, as he felt the vibrations of your moans. 
“pretty baby~” 
his other hand gripped your hips, stilling your wiggling around as he fucked into your harder at the newly changed angle. you whimpered at the way his thick cock reached so deep into you. 
suna moaned beside your ear, hips slowly losing his rhythm as he chased his own orgasm. his self-control snapping into something greedy and feral. he ignored your cries and fucked you so he can finally cum. 
the way he used you wasn’t supposed to feel this good. although he didn’t have any intention to make you feel good, the way his dick stuffed your full and the way his thickness stretched you was made you feel the familiar band in your stomach trying to snap once again.
he unconsciously squeezed your neck, breath heavy, when he felt his orgasm getting closer. he growled, thrusting sloppily in you, the sounds of your wetness echoed in the room along with your broken moans and rasps. you can feel him twitching inside you sending you into another orgasm.
you screamed, body arching against suna. the way your pussy squeezed him and the feeling of you cumming again triggered his own. suna moaned, painting your insides with his cum as he rode his orgasm, ignoring your whining. 
he panted, removing his hold on you and letting you hit and slump unto the bed. you whined at the action. suna pulled out of you as he admired the way your pussy was filled with his cum, dripping down to your thighs and down to the sheets. he licked his lips at the sight and leaned closer to you as if he was lured in. 
you gasped and cried when you felt his tongue wiggling around your sensitive pussy. you squeezed your eyes close tightly, body shivering at the overstimulation but suna barely paid any attention to you. he only wanted to satisfy his desires.
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you gazed at the plain ceiling, dully. the soft breathing of the insane male beside you was making you grimace. he just finished fucking you or what he calls, “soulmate bonding time” but all he did was make you cry. 
the sun was up and it was probably noon now but suna normally sleeps in and today was no exception. the phone beside suna’s side on the table started buzzing, circling a little because of the vibration. you heard suna groaned, always the light sleeper. you quickly closed your eyes and hid your face in the covers and pillows. 
you felt the male shifting and after a while, he started talking in his annoyingly attractive deep voice. sleep taking a toll in his vocal cords making it all husky. you internally cursed the soulmate bond trying to make you see him in another light or some bullshit like that.
“hey, what’s up?” 
you continued to listen to the one-sided conversation as you pretend to be asleep. your heart skipped a beat when you heard suna’s words. 
“yeah, come over. i’ll introduce you to her” 
your body stiffened but tried to relax. maybe this was your chance to expose him. you have to try something, you can’t keep letting him do these things to you... 
a soft sleepy groan, the sound someone makes when they stretch, rung inside the quiet room. the covers shifted a bit and a disgustingly familiar body heat hit your skin as two large hands caressed your skin. 
“baby? i’m gonna introduce you to my friends, that’s okay right? it’s time i show off my pretty baby~” you heard him coo. you bit your lip, how can this man act like your relationship with him is normal... you then became painfully aware of the bruises and scars on your body making you self-conscious as you tried to make yourself smaller. 
“they’ll see all of these” he whispered sweetly with a dazed look on his eyes as he traced the marks that were in purple-y and reddish hues that it was too nauseating to look at but suna thought it was so beautiful on you.
suna spent all afternoon dolling you up, fixing your short dress that shows every mark he gave you. your eyes looked at your reflection. you teared up at the sight. you didn’t look like yourself anymore... 
tired eyes that sagged with dark bags under it. a deep purple bruise on your cheek. your bottom lip was cut from suna’s slap, neck decorated with hickeys and fingerprints, skin discolored.
the man behind you started whistling the godforsaken tune he always sang under his breath as he combed your hair. after fixing your hair, he let his hands down on your shoulders and looked at you through the mirror. 
“ain’t you a pretty little thing...” he muttered, admiring you. you let your gaze shift down to your lap as the male carried you to the living room. 
“now behave.” his word was final as always. do not question it nor do you go against it. or he’ll hurt you... again and again...
a loud voice cut through the quiet atmosphere in the apartment and impatient knocks was heard. “suna! open the damn door, already!” 
the dark-haired male sighed and went to the door. your heart started beating a little too fast. when his guests see you, or your state, you’ll get away from here... or maybe he’ll hurt them too... you shook your head. trying to stay positive so you can get out of this hellhole.
a tall man with golden dyed locks entered the room along with someone who looked similar to him though their hair was different. honey brown eyes lock with your tired ones, you were hopeful when you saw the confusion in his eyes. 
the man looked back to suna who stood next to him, you knew you were saved when the two identical men glared at him but then they started talking--
“geez! here i thought you’ll be gentler now that you met your soulmate!”
“suna? gentle? like hell. now where’s the food. you promised me food, suna” 
your eyes got teary as you suppressed a gasp. of course, his friends were as insane as he was. 
the golden haired male then smiled at you like there was nothing wrong. like he doesn’t see all the fucking bruises on your body, “hey, darlin’~ suna’s been beating you, huh? were you misbehaving~?” 
suna growled at the man and shoved him, “shut the fuck up, atsumu” the two started bickering like everything was normal as they ignored you...
you sniffled and turned to the light nudged from your side, you looked at the other male that entered the apartment. the man offered you some pudding as a spoon was hanging from his lips. “you look like you need it, miss” he said, his face unfazed. 
you took the pudding with shaking hands and lowered your head as the three men walked around the room, conversing with each other. 
maybe, suna’s right... life would be easier if you just accepted him. you were stuck with him now and always and his name on your skin will forever be the reminder of that. 
fate has a weird way of pairing people up and you can’t do anything about it. 
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