#and i might just be interpreting things wrong /lh
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soureggs · 5 months
I want to say my opinion on the btd gomenne gomenne fan game , i basicly have no leg to stand on but this is just my view on it
Controversial opinion but
I DONT think anyone is wrong realy in this situation,both sides are vaild.
°its very muddy and ppl try to bring in topics i DONT understand????
*I think ppl often forget alot of the Loud minority of gatos fanbase has sorta parasocial relationship with her since at one point gato was very active in her fanbase offten answering questions on the spot and constantly liking fanart and leaving comments, something not alot of creator's do ( i know the creator of sally face interacts with their own fandom too!)
But bc gatos fanbase is so niche the small amount of ppl assum she approves of everylittle thing or knows about every protect/merch ect She doesn't , it apperse to me shes often the last one to hear the news. If even(?)
( somewhat un related but im using this as an example bc its recent) vvvvvvv
// Very recently a merch creator/ seller said that her version of ren was a. l%li-con and there was some ppl who assumed gato was okay with this. She wasn't lol- i mean gato said multiple times kids DONT even exist in the games plot, BUT because gatos so lenient and open to head canons /spins on her characters thoes ppl assume she approved it \\
Its also very hard when you make a character and then a person starts writing them using their own head canons or having alot of out of character moments
And a STRANGE AMOUNT of thoes ppl thinking its canon or cant get THAT version of your character out of their head/ fan art /wrighting untill eventually its a fanon
Even WHEN a fangame is a perfect (like said fangane) because one person dose it , some ppl with bad intention will use this as an excuse to make a upsetting fangame and wont REALY get in trouble.
Hell even ppl with good intention could do the same and completely miss interpret the characters yk??
Veteran btd fans saw this years ago -
But keep that in mind with Everthing i said above how it might be a reasonable personal rule to have in such a small fandom. Especially if she had bad passed experiences
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I think ppl misinterpret her words, not out of malice ! Im sure of it! , but (creating your own game based off my work) is much different than
(Creating a game using my characters and or plot or story)
I belive she ment ( you can make your own muderp%rn dating sim) like courten cowboys or lurking for love , lovers trophy , etc etc ! Maybe her wording was a misstranlation ? Or misinterpreted? , im on the spectrum so i have that problem too sometimes ! And Especially since gatos so flexible and vague its easy to missread /gen
To be Inspired by a work dosent mean to use the characters or plot, just like referencing when drawing ! Example, OFF and undertail was Earthbound inspired but they both dont use any characters ect OVER THE GARDEN WALL Was inspired by Dante's Inferno! But its not the same characters pulled out and used
I hope that helps/gen
I personaly believe stuff like that , what happened before and even in other fandom is why gato has that particular rule about not wrighting her characters at length. Not wanting to take the risk of someone miss using her characters again! /lh
I think its odd that ppl can Wright about sans undertail doing some weird ass shit and ppl dont scream about how toby fox approves of it . but they do for gato for some reason? ( if you could let me know why pls do ! )
" well ren was giving to gato so its not even hers"
That argument is silly to me, ren was giving as a gift, when you give a present to yourfriend is it yours anymore?? When a person buys an adoptable is it still the sellers?
Its not like gatos shy when saying she didnt creative ren, she was given him and modified him and still lets ppl know she didnt crate him .
Some of them use that as a talking point to say that said fangame creator is fine using that character in particularly as if hes free use, i DONT understand as someone who sells characters /designs(?)
( if you could explain i would appreciate it!)
The fangame devs are very talented the game seems fine from what i hurd! They did take creative liberties but its still very much gatos characters, I think they where respectable with them even in the contex of said game! . But i find it weird that the post says fanart for their fan game is appreciate ( at least in the English post i found prompting it) fan art of a fan game is confusing and i see how some ppl might mix the two up! Know?? like what would even be the tags? 'Sorrysorrybtd?' :0 So i can see how that could be another reason for the rule!
°I acknowledge and am so grateful that the artist. And devs worked so hard on the game and assets , im sure alot of ppl are as well! And im 100% sure it wasn't their intention to upset gato or anyone in that matter at all!
they are NoT obligated to apologize, maybe not make a second game out of respect(?) But thats their prerogative! They can do it , they wield the power yk?
And making dramatic posts about it as well - it just rubs me the wrong way. Especialy using this as a opportunity to disrespect gato and ONE of her only rules she has for this very odd ( positive) fanbase. its kinda a little silly in my opinion . NOT to mention harassing the other game devs - this might make them not want to make any other games at all in the future ! D:
Please know i dont mean anything in this post to be upseting or malicious in anyway, i honestly think no one this fangane drama had any bad intentions or would do anything to upset anyone on purpose! I know its very high tension. And i would be upset too if a fangame i worked SO hard on with characters i love was met with disapprove instead of praise. And this is to say -this could have ben done better on gatos part. Thos could've ben done in privet imp
BUT im not gato , im not the other devs. im not in the positions to say ' i would've done this' bc ive never ben in that position, ive never had to deal with anything like this. So i wouldnt know what ild do in that moment ! And i think alot of ppl also forget that with all devs involved
We are all vary passonat in this fandom. But please dont start burnning bridge's over this! :'3 this fandom is already so devided due to all of our strong personal opinions it dosent realy need to be a. ' pick your side ' thing i dont think..
I am relatively new to the fandom, so i DONT know much about the past dramas srounding it, so if yall have anything youll like to say or add or educate me on PLEASS let me know and i will retract any of thoes statements !
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idyllic-affections · 2 years
invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
summary. baizhu knows the struggle of maintaining a job while being chronically ill; as such, he is willing to offer an accommodating work environment for others who struggle like he does.
trigger & content warnings. angst (at first... it gets better i swear /lh), ableism, etc.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. hurt/comfort. baizhu & chronically ill!teen!reader, qiqi & reader. 1.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. he's out of nonplayable prison ygs!!!!! can't wait to see his character stories for..... personal reasons..... anyways i want to specify that i am chronically ill. i am constantly fighting with my genetics to be healthy, its ridiculous LMAO
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imagine baizhu employing a chronically ill, visionless teenager.
baizhu can easily say he's known their family for a long time, so he of course knows that they have trouble keeping a job. they often mention little things like that about their life during their visits with him. never once has he found anything wrong with them; they're always in virtually perfect health.
that doesn't change the fact that they're very clearly struggling. he's observed just how much they overexert themselves in a desperate attempt to actually keep a stable job, simply to help support their family, but all the exertion only seems to make their invisible issues worse.
also... they've been in his care for heat stroke more than once in liyue's warmer seasons. the heat is just far too much for their body to handle if they aren't careful.
"What the hell is wrong with me?"
Their voice was so quiet and whispery that if Baizhu hadn't been attuned closely to them at that moment, he might have missed it. They half wished that he would have. Based on the brief glance he spared in their direction, they knew he was listening. Oh well.
"I mean... really. This is ridiculous," they murmured, knees drawn up against their chest. "Everyone thinks I'm just dramatic. I'm not. I do fine for the most part, but then it just... gets bad for no reason at all... how am I in perfect health?"
By that point in their rant, his undivided attention was on them. Though his gaze was thoughtful, musing, they interpreted it differently and winced slightly.
"...Sorry. I really shouldn't be complaining like this in front of someone who's chronically ill."
"No, it's quite alright. You shouldn't minimize your pain. Your struggles are as valid as mine. I find your trust, your ability to confide in me, quite endearing, even," he reassured, unbothered, to which their shoulders seemed to lose some of the tension they harbored. "In fact... I've been thinking about this for quite some time now. Chronic illness may show itself in a variety of forms. Sometimes it may show itself in the form of your symptoms. Would you like to learn how to manage your energy better?"
the liyuean doctor basically hired them right then and there, but they don't really realize that for the first few weeks.
in the beginning, they're just... spending time at bubu pharmacy, learning how baizhu manages his own limited energy and applying those techniques to their own life (it works shockingly well). that's all!
it slowly turns into them helping out where they can—packaging herbs, learning what exactly each one of them does, delivering prescriptions to those who cannot physically get the medicines themselves... even when people start to question if they've found a new job, they remain oblivious.
it's one day while helping mince herbs that they realize they're basically a junior herbalist.
A soft hiss left their lips when the knife nicked the pad of their finger. They were quick to put pressure on the little cut, pulling their hand away from the countertop to prevent any blood from dripping onto it.
"It's best to get rid of those herbs," Baizhu reminded, stepping away from his own work to gently bandage their wound.
A small pout graced their lips. "I didn't get any blood on them, though..."
Amusement and the vaguest hint of fondness twinkled in his gaze. "We don't know that for certain, do we, now?"
"...Wait a minute." Their eyes narrowed suspicously at him, drawing their freshly-dressed hand back once he was done. "This isn't about energy management anymore, is it? Have I been... I've been working here this entire time. These tasks are very employee-like."
"Come, now. Don't look at me like that. You were looking for a stable job, and I am more than willing to accomodate your needs."
"You could've at least said something to me. I've been doing free labor all this time, and as a child, no less! Hmm... now, I do believe that is illegal in this part of Teyvat~ It'd be shame to get Ms. Yanfei involved~"
in the spirit teaching them to manage their energy, he often takes them on house calls with him, starting off to just homes in liyue harbor and later to homes all the way in qingce village. it's a good way for them to gain stamina and get a better understanding of their job.
baizhu has a tendency to smile through his own pain for the sake of his patients.
this habit slipped by unchecked until [name] came around.
whenever they feel like he isn't doing very well, they'll take over for him regardless of what he has to say about it.
herbalist gui is very thankful for them—baizhu hardly ever listened to him, but he does take better care of himself for [name]'s sake.
(he swears that baizhu is oddly parental when it comes to them, but he wouldn't dare mention the doctor's blatant affections to his face.)
"welcome to bubu pharmacy," they'd greet with a kind smile after unceremoniously shoving baizhu towards the back of the pharmacy where he could rest undisturbed, "unfortunately, dr. baizhu is currently out of commission, but herbalist gui and i would be glad to take care of anything you may need."
sometimes changsheng can be seen wrapped around their arm! usually it's their dominant arm, which is terribly inconveniencing. still, it would be an honor to be Chosen™ by their loved one's pet... if only she wasn't so mean to them.
"Hmph. You're terrible at cutting herbs. It pains me just to watch."
"Okay? Go back to Dr. Baizhu then? I'm not holding you hostage, Changsheng. You came to me," they huffed. "Also... maybe I'd be able to cut better if you weren't strangling my dominant arm. Just saying."
It's a few moments later that they're sulking, murmuring curses as Baizhu disinfected their fresh snake bite. Changsheng completely neglected to apologize until Baizhu had prompted her to.
(They would complain that he found that incident a little too funny if anyone were to ask them. It really hurt, you know!)
changsheng bullies them lovingly <3 she bites them affectionately <33
(not that she'd ever say that, though. baizhu knows. he just chooses to let her believe he doesn't know.)
qiqi becomes very attached to them very quickly, i think. she'd like having a nice older sibling around and would address them as such without even thinking about it. "jiějiě," "gēgē"... she can't really tell what gender they identify closer with and doesn't remember to ask, so she tends to bounce between the two terms of address.
she has an entire page in her journal dedicated to little things about [name] that she deems to be important. she notes down things they seem to like, things they seem to dislike, their birthday, other important dates, defining features...
she also keeps important warning signs related to health episodes of their's jotted down, like how when [name] stands still a little too long, qiqi should urge them to sit for a moment because they're probably either dizzy or having vision issues, or how when their hands begin to tremble, qiqi should share a sunsettia with them.
she does miss these signs sometimes... she does her best, though! qiqi only wants to help the sweet junior herbalist that braids her hair and accompanies her on her herb-picking trips and hugs her and says "i love you, please stop this task, you might get hurt" with so much genuine affection that it often overwhelms her :(
it's rare, but sometimes, there will be a customer or patient that has little tolerance for their disability-induced weakness or slowness.
because their illness(es) is(/are) invisible, very few people take their struggles seriously.
some people take this as an excuse to verbally and even physically abuse them.
baizhu does not take kindly to people abusing his employees, especially not his chronically ill teenage employee. especially not them.
"Is there an issue I can help with?"
They didn't mind being the only one at reception during the days Herbalist Gui was out, Qiqi was herb-picking, and Baizhu was otherwise occupied. It wasn't a big deal, really.
At least... not until someone particularly impatient decided to make their job difficult.
Baizhu never took kindly to such incidents; this one was no different. Based on his tone of voice alone, it wasn't hard to guess that he was livid, golden irises alight with rage. Even Changsheng had hissed in their defense at the sight in front of her eyes.
He'd come back just in time to see them flinch away from the raised hand of some foreign adventurer.
"This one—"
"And who said I was asking you?" he scoffed, sliding behind the counter and checking them for wounds. They were shaking, he noted, gingerly supporting a fraction of their weight in case they were to collapse. "I was asking my herbalist, [Name]."
Baizhu was a man of patience and, really...
He wasn't all that confrontational. Despite that, any semblance of the supposed cowardice he harbored was gone in an instant.
His scarred fingers drew soothing shapes on their upper arm as he led them into the back of the clinic, guiding them to sit on one of the beds before their legs could give out.
"Are you alright?"
baizhu takes very good care of them after stressful encounters because he knows very well that such high-stress emotional experiences will take a toll on their body.
whenever a wealthier patient comes in, they've learned to overcharge them on purpose even if it's for the most ridiculous of ailments; oh? you say you have been sneezing quite a lot and are having a hard time breathing? no, no, it's not springtime allergies, who told you that? it's quite dire, in fact, and the treatment price will be awfully expensive... oh? you'll pay it? wonderful!
^ herbalist gui says that baizhu is a terrible influence on them sometimes.
in their defense, they get hefty bonuses every time wealthy people pay ridiculous prices for typically rather inexpensive herbs (like a certain ginger harbinger did one time! they still giggle at the memory of him paying so much for so little). the more wealthy people pay, the bigger their bonuses (fatui harbingers are very wealthy...).
simply put, they make more mora than the majority of their family put together because of this morally dubious behavior.
baizhu, gui, qiqi, and [name] are a chaotic found family but yk what? they all make it work <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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brightside-brigade · 1 month
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Rant. Now./nf
hrdjdhdhr ABIUT WHAT?? /lh /silly
If you want something specific I need prompting cuz my brain blanks on things to talk about augh.
BUT I looked at your blog to see what you might wanna hear about and I saw you're also 'Kin so congrats you get the kin rant!
So like. Being alterhuman is weird for me because of who I am. Hi. Dr Jack Bright here. Welcome. So basically, my soul is already in a weird predicament. If we're getting technical, I'm just a sentient necklace at this point. (Well, back home. You know how it is). So my soul no longer has a "set form". I think the term used here for what I experience is called being a Polymorph?? I could be wrong.
For me, my kin identities aren't things I've been in past lives, but more like things that resonate deeply enough with me to consider myself one and the same with them, minus a few.
For example, me being a Demon and Archangel hybrid as well as a demigod comes from my connection with the Scarlet King, as my initial revival back home involved him and he like... added those "traits," to me? If that makes sense.
For the Cheshire cat, it's due firstly to me resonating deeply with the interpretation of his character. That being a chaotic guide of sorts, someone who CAN help you, but you might not understand them. Unclear morals but no hostile intentions. More specifically, the version of him portrayed in the song Cheshire Kitten by SJ Tucker. (Possibly spelled the name wrong agghg). But I felt more like just A Cheshire cat, not THE Cheshire cat. Like if it was a species and not an individual.
For being a Plagas, that stems specifically from hyperfixation. Resident Evil is one of my favorite things ever, and I at one point decided to make my own lore for that species. And, well, you can only end up dreaming about being something so many times before it becomes part of you! I know dreams aren't usually a good signifying thing for alterhumanity, but when something feels right it feels right!
These are just a few examples, but im glad I could talk about it! Especially having a less "traditional" way of experiencing alterhumanity. (Even though there is no right or traditional way)
Thank you for the opportunity and I'm always open for more questions!!
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inverted-flowers · 11 months
Secret Life Tarot Reading no. 5!
It's Tango's turn!
So this reading has been done after episode 3s have gone out while the previous ones (Joel, Martyn, Grian, Impulse) were done after ep 2s. Oh and I've decided to put the cards I draw in a colored font now too instead of italics!
Also just a reminder that you don't really need to know anything about Tarot Cards here. Just understand that I'm using them to predict how Secret Life is going to go for its lovely players that we all know and love. I guess it'd be good to mention that I'm interpreting the meaning of the cards I draw to fit a Minecraft smp (of all things good lord what am i doing pft /lh). I could very easily interpret the cards one way and the cards mean it in a different way. Or they could just be wrong who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First Card - Start
To describe the start of this season (which has definitely now passed) I drew the Seven of Cups in reverse. This card represents chaos and indicision, which, if you've seen Tango's 1st episode... kinda makes sense? I'll be honest I've seen his pov so far but I have a terrible memory. I do remember him struggling to find someone to settle down with in the first episode. The first ep is always pretty chaotic but with the lack of natural regen it's been even more so.
I'll be honest this might've just been a bad pull. My fingers get tingly when I hover over the cards almost like a metal detector. I'm not super good with following that though but that's exactly why I need this practice! I really struggled to pull this first card because the tingling was super strong and it was a bit overwhelming. I have learned though and I'm thinking next time this happens I'll just shuffle again :D
Second Card - Individual
This card is meant to describe how Tango will play! For this I drew the Ten of Wands. Honestly I looked at this and my first thought was that my deck didn't get the message that we're talking about Secret Life and not Decked Out 2 lmao. This card talks about responsibility; that one has had made great accomplishments that they now need to maintain. But then I remembered the whole schtick he's doing with the heart foundation and it made more sense. (Ifykyk. Not spoiling ;3) Tango might struggle with the upkeep of it. It is a very new way to play the game afterall!
Third Card - Social
This card is to describe how things will be going for Tango on the social side of things here. I drew The Magician which funnily enough dropped into my lap while I was shuffling! (If you saw my post just before this one it was after that.) This card is talking about ingenuity and combining strengths which... I mean this sounds again like the Heart Foundation thing! It's a new way to play the game and with all of them working together? I think we've really hit the nail on the head here! I can't really say a whole lot since I don't wanna spoil things. So far though I feel like this reading is saying what they've done (and are doing) is a strong or at least an innovative play so that's good!
Fourth Card - Big Impact
This card is supposed to tell us about what makes the biggest impact for Tango this season. For this I drew The Hanged Man. Now I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that I don't feel comfortable giving interpretations that feel more about the cc's feelings. It feels wrong because- well for one, it's not really what we're talking about is it? We're making predictions on how a game is going to go. But mostly it's just... not exactly good to do a tarot reading on someone without their consent. It's an invasion of privacy. Which- again, not what we're doing. So I'd like to ask you guys who read these to also avoid using my readings in this way. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this card represents inner reflection and the need for a break. (See why I went on that tangent now?) Regardless of what may immediately come to mind I do genuinely feel like this card is talking about the gameplay! This card is talking about needing to postpone decision making to further think and reflect on a situation. It's really pushing the idea that Tango's going to need to pause and think things through; to not make rash decisions. This probably means that the thing most impactful for his season is a rash descion he makes that he should've thought more about than he does.
Fifth Card - End
Finally I drew the Ace of Pentacles in reverse to describe how Secret Life ends for Tango. This one I feel really follows with our previous card but I think that's more for the final thoughts and theories section >:3 This card talks about a loss of opportunity. For the end of a traffic life season I can think of several different ways this manifests. It would probably be what truly does him in because... well this certainly doesn't seem like winner's end card does it?
My final thoughts and theories:
As much as this reading seems to praise Tango's strategy (if I'm interpreting this right) it's not exactly predicting a bright future for him huh? What Love Island has going is a new and innovative way to lay the chess pieces. But for Tango, in accordance to this reading, it won't be enough. It seems to say he's going to make a poor decision- one that he should've taken the time to think out better. That, with the end card saying he'll have a loss of opportunities... Well I've got a few theories! One option is the ever obvious he takes on a hard task and is then unable to complete it. This would in one way or another result in his elimination either directly taking his last life or by getting him low enough. You could also go a similar route and say he dies trying to complete said hard task due to a lack of opportunity pushing him to take a more dangerous route with it. Honestly with that one it might even just be a normal task.
Another idea is that the Heart Foundation gets a lot of pressure and it uh.. puts a crack in their walls? Man it's hard not to spoil that... Anyway- this could make Tango feel less secure and make him more likely to make a hasty descion. What that descion could be is up for debate (for now ;) ) but a couple ideas are that he leaves his faction (seems p unlikely to me) or makes a bad deal.
Ooh I'm so excited! I'd love to hear what other people think on these. If you've got any other ideas on what my readings could mean I'm all ears lol. 'Til next time!
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joan-does-stuff · 2 years
Hello LMK Tumblr, I have an offering. I Lego-ed Hou Yi. (Rambles about the subject below)
Hou Yi LMK >:D
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If you have no idea about this guy, I strongly recommend this video (its only 4-5min long, wont take much of your time). Love Overly Sarcastic Productions sm, anyway- I guess anything I do with him at this point counts as OC sheniagns? But he does exist in the mythos. I just wanted to make my interpretation of the guy for the silly monkie show. I don't think we'll have a reason to see him down the line, as much as I would love to be wrong. We're only gotten Chang'e for one episode, I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm confident he's not in JTTW anyway sooooo eh. Very "what if" concept. 
Random things I want to say while here: 
His color pallete is meant to correspond with the colors Chang'e is given cus... yk it is her dead husband and all.   Made his eyes red as a contrast to the about cool colors in the overall pallete AND my little headcanon with LMK Chang'e anyway is that her eyes are blue (so they're just the "Red Oni, Blue Oni" trope, for the sake of fun! - they subvert this trope later in my own writings, but that's not the point)  Needed to have the moon motif somewhere so I put it on the belt, little cresent moon and a star cus I thought it be cute.  I went looking to see if anyone else has done this, it was kinda fruitless BUT! I did find a person's (@chileanclown on twitter) LMK oc that's a reincarnation of Hou Yi and it's pretty cool. [here’s the link to that] 
Other things I bumped into, this post in particular killed my mood a little. Her sitting and crying a little while gently holding the bow bummed me out. How dare! :( /lh /aff I spent 6 hours designing this guy (includes 8 concept sketches + render) over the span of a week.  I adore how he turned out and I might make fluff doodles of him and Chang'e (the original star crossed lovers my beloved <3). I'll talk about them more soon, hopefully.
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katyspersonal · 10 months
Brador 1, 2, 25, 7 <3
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like Brador a lot!! I love his design, for starters: both the very concept of a normal dude in normal suit putting a cleric beast scalp over himself and just his face underneath! Also a really mysterious character. A kind of misanthropic, likely nihilist philosopher that has a lot to say on life, human nature and society! I am a huge sucker for such characters.. even if within Soulsborne, this kind of deep insight (HA) on the world is usually misery and despair. What always draws me in is "a character worth talking to"!
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He feels for me like someone that defends the (morally questionable) fundament of the Healing Church because he is blackpilled on how exposing the truth and changing the system will be just another pointless turn of the vicious cycle. Like... bro, you telling me you don't realize that Church's ways are doomed after witnessing Laurence (or another cleric) become a beast too? You might be a dumb bitch but you are not stupid! It strikes me more as him wanting the institution to run its natural course into dying, without extra panic or god forbid, a more corrupt person taking the mantle after Laurence's authority is crashed. But interpretation of him just being a very devout, lovestruck madman that stands with his (not yet) cancelled boss is fun and is good too! He is very depressing yet engaging character in either way!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Weird, but I love how he secluded himself in the cell and haven't had anyone visit it in... decades, maybe? His real body is old! And only attacked via astral projection. I get this is just more efficient and safe seeing how the bells and curses work in Bloodborne setting, but why not ring the bell from the comfort of his bedroom or something? He either didn't even trust himself to keep his mouth shut, or it was the price he was willing to pay to never part with the beast hyde of the person he valued (because someone might connect the dots for all you know), or both!
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I feel deja vu, I swear I said that somewhere already.. My first exposure to him was a portrait of him and some other hunters on a shared canvas, and he was depicted without the beast scalp! Seeing his (very flattering xd) portrait and title 'Brador the Church assassin' gave me an impression of a very serious, collected, handsome guy that'd just stalk the enemies and quietly kill them...
Well, turned out that he was a bit more feral than them, not to mention using not a poisoned dagger but an ass huge mace with the spikes made out of his own blood! 🤣 Not that I started to perceive him as, how kids call it, "skrungly scrimblo", but apparently some passion and madness got added to my initial much chill impression x) I like both the reality and the first impression, though! Guess you can't go wrong with the concept of an assassin in any way.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Wait, fandom does things for this character?? WHERE????? /lh
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Okay, I jest, Brador is just unfairly underrated xd But I fucking love the theory about him killing Laurence, it makes sense and it is the most heartbreaking one! ...until someone writes a very engaging and deep story between him and a cleric OC friend, I guess... I also enjoy when him and Maria interact! They are functionally doing the same thing, and share this "Fools do not become smart when they are given knowledge, they just become more dangerous fools" attitude.
Thank you for the ask! <:3
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wilblersoot · 2 years
Welcome to Wilbur’s Roleplay Blog
This is a Tickle Roleplay Blog for Wilbur Soot (I do regular roleplays too)! If that's not what you're here for, feel free to ignore.
I do both C!Wilbur and CC!Wilbur
DISCLAIMER! I am NOT Wilbur Soot and I am in NO WAY trying to impersonate him!
Last Updated: Sunday, November 19, 2023 - Boundaries
SFW Only! NSFW DNI! I don't mind 18+ blogs as long as you're SFW. This is NOT a kink or NSFW blog so if that's what you're looking for, you're in the wrong place.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything specific that you don't want me to include in roleplays!
Don't involve tools, stocks, and machines. The only things I will allow are feathers, the use of extra body parts (wings, tails, etc), and pinning. Being restrained, the furthest I'll go is being tied with rope, ONLY if it's an interrogation situation.
I can write feet tkls in fics, but when it comes to roleplay, I want to and am only comfortable being on the receiving end. I don't want to be on the giving end.
I won't be writing anything romantic between characters (*Cough* Quackity is an exception..), I don't mind flirting and teasing in general as long as it's platonic and simply jokes, and they're close friends, nothing explicit though.
OCs are fine but interact with caution /lh. Since I don't know what kind of relationship your OC has with anyone, by default it'll be the first time actually meeting in person (i.e. having previously heard about said person but never actually seeing them) unless we've discussed this beforehand.
Please don't rush me to respond to anything! I promise you I haven't forgotten, and if I ever wanna refuse I will let you know. You can remind me every few days if I haven't responded. DON'T bring it up to my main please. /lh
My interpretation of each of the Bursonas might be different from what you normally would see, just a little heads up!
Below the cut are headcanons! The headcanons are long and consist of multiple paragraphs so if you get easily overwhelmed by lots of words or paragraphs, you don't have to read them! They're not required to know for you to roleplay with me.
Under Construction
Specific Character Headcanons will be listed in 'General' and 'Characters', the rest is up to interpretation (could apply to all or some). Any specific spots or headcanons may differ from the one listed below, but it wouldn't be too far off.
Wilbur uses He/Him pronouns but he doesn’t mind They/Them. Ghostbur and Phantombur (OSMP!Wilbur) both use He/They pronouns. The rest of 'em uses He/Him pronouns.
Wilbur is clingy. He's very clingy. He loves to spend time with his closest friends, his family is what he calls them, and will stick to you like a little duckling following its mother duck. He's a very touchy and cuddly person. An arm around the shoulder, ruffling his younger brother's hair, holding hands with his family especially when he notices one of them to be scared of something, side hugs, cuddling, and sometimes falling asleep with his brothers in his arms, although this happens rarely with his older brother not being a fan of physical touch and both him and his younger brother not really able to find the right time.
Wilbur is quite known for his sass and his quips like Techno is known for his sarcasm and his dark jokes. He's dramatic as hell and lies right through his teeth like it's nothing.
[CC!Wilbur and C!Wilbur]
Fluffly brown curls.
Everything in his closet looks like it belongs on Pinterest boards. It's not surprising to see that most of them are sweaters and crewnecks. He is mostly seen in comfy sweaters, especially at home.
He has a bunch of coats too, no one knows why, he just has them, most of them are brown or black.
Mans has platforms and boots, goddamn he can and will be even taller if he wants to. He's rarely seen in them though (exception for Siren, Orpheus, and Revivedbur).
Basically anything you see CC!Wilbur wears is in his closet. So it doesn't stray too far from there.
[Simpbur and Softbur]
Simpbur seemingly always wears a white button up and black dress pants, he has very messy hair. They look fluffy but unkept and if you try to run your hands through his hair, your fingers will get stuck in the little knots. He always has bags under his eyes and he seems a bit skinny and slim.
Softbur seems a little better. He is seen either wearing his favorite yellow sweater or a white dress shirt with a jacket and black pants as well. He has fluffy but still somewhat messy brown hair. He also has bags under his eyes although they're not as bad as Simpbur's.
Mean. Cruel even. /pos
Mans teasy as hell. He will always find something to say to get the lee all giggly and flustered. More often than not, he resorts to baby talk, cooing and complimenting the lee. He likes to pretend he's not doing anything, striking up a normal conversation with the lee or anyone else in the room as if he's not literally wrecking someone at the time.
He loves putting on the tickle monster persona, he likes to be a silly little monster who loves to make people smile and laugh! He could also be pretty scary in a good way and chase the lee around the place if they dare to run, he tends to be a lot more teasy when this happens, especially if the lee resorts to hiding.
He adapts to the lee's wants or needs. He’ll make sure the lee is okay, checking up on them from time to time. No way is he going to make the lee uncomfortable, tickling is supposed to be a fun activity! He doesn't usually do aftercare and he's not the best at it either but if it's required, he will attempt to do it. He'll stay with them until they’re feeling all better and gain their energy back or fall asleep.
Raspberries are always present whenever he's tickling someone, unless he's going for a more gentle route. He loves to hear the hysterical laughter and cackles it brings out! He also loves giving tickly kisses and nibbles, especially on the neck, behind the ear, and tummy! /p
He can't take what he dishes out and most of the time, he dishes out things that would absolutely kill the man.
He's good at hiding his reactions. Hard to tease and hard to break, but if you know how to get him, he's done. It'll take a lot to get a reaction out of him and most people would give up but if you keep going, he'll break eventually. It's a lot easier when you take him by surprise.
Provoker, mans gonna do anything he can to get someone to tickle him. Be it stretching, poking someone, making fun of them, or straight up asking for it, he's going to get those tickles no matter what. He doesn't do the last one until he has no other choice. He's a stubborn man with a high ego (/j).
When he gets into one of his lee moods, he doesn't dare to ask, he will try to provoke but the moment he realizes it doesn't work, he shoves the idea down. It felt like forcing someone to do something for him and normally, he doesn't mind doing that (cause he's a little bastard), but for this, it's different.
He gets lee moods often, though it's almost never strong, and when he does, he reluctantly tries to push the feeling down by doing something else to distract him. It always works since he gets distracted really easily.
Soft lee moods make him a lot more clingy and touchy (/p) than usual. More often than not he will hug you at random times, take your hand and play with them while you do your own thing, resting his head on your shoulder, etc. He's normally like this with or without a lee mood, but it's a lot worse when he has one.
He LOVES rough tickles. He absolutely loves it. Even when he's in a soft lee mood, he tends to prefer something gentle but still mean. You can still go for his worst spots, he loves it.
He absolutely loves hates the rib-counting game. It gets him every time. Trust me. The best worst thing.
He will whine and squirm when you keep the anticipation for too long, occasionally letting a giggle slip through. He'll start getting desperate and flustered, all red in the face.
He's a squirmer! Once the anticipation has an affect on him, he can't stay still. He will twist, thrash, buck, arch his back, anything to get away from those prying fingers even if he really wants it.
He denies that the tickle monster tease gets him, but it does. Usually he would be able to feign his reaction to make it seem like it's not working but he is most definitely crumbling on the inside. On the occasion that he couldn't, he would try to hold back the involuntary smile creeping up his face and the nervous giggles from slipping out. And failing. Terribly.
Wilbur doesn't run away most of the time after tickling someone until they get their energy back, intentionally giving them a higher chance to get revenge! He knows this and he finds the adrenaline of the chase scary and fun.
He's a squealer! Most of the time he either shrieks or squeals, he rarely snorts and hiccups unless it gets intense!
He LOVES teases and compliments, but will never admit it. He tries to hide it everytime he's upset or disappointed when he doesn't get them but he seems to fail almost everytime as well.
He's a hardworker therefore he often gets shoulder and back pain for sitting in his chair for too long or moving stuff around. He always refuses massages for unknown reasons. His excuse being he has never gotten them in a very long time and the last time he did, it didn't help so he believes they're useless.
He has the tendency to stare at someone's hand when he's zoning out and in a lee mood. This doesn't always happen but when he does and that person notices and wiggles their fingers at him or gives him a knowing look, his face immediately goes red.
Biting and nibbling is the best WORST. Any spot is 1000x worse when someone nibbles on it. His neck and shoulders being a spot that usually only gets him to giggle? Nibble on it and he will shriek and shout. Will you get smacked by his hands and have your ears blasted by his screeches and yells? Absolutely. But it's worth it. Mouth tickles are so bad for him, he can never handle it. You gently bite on his hand, wrist, or arms? He starts giggling uncontrollably!
Spots that get him the most. Brings out shrieks, screams, and hysterical laughter! Also his favorite spots. ^^
Hips - !!!/10 His WORST spot! He can't handle this spot being targeted for too long, going for this spot tires him out quick. He won't admit it but this is his number one favorite spot along with his ribs. Drilling his hips will make him thrash, shriek, and scream in laughter. Lightly tickling or kneading them will make him squeal and giggle madly. Raspberries here will absolutely KILL him, he will be screaming bloody murder! Best for a quick revenge or if you're feeling a little mean!
Ribs - !!!/10 This is his other worst spot and also one of his favorite spots, same for his hips! Instantly brings out his hyena-like laugh, he will also let out his yell laugh if you mess with him by pretending to go for this spot. Playing the rib-counting game his favorite game by far gets him every time, the anticipation making it all the more unbearable for him! Whether you count from the top to the bottom or the other way around, the last one is always the most sensitive.
Sides - 20/10 A really bad spot when done right! Forming your hands into the shape of claws near the spot will make him jerk away with a yelp, usually muffled cause he tried to be quiet by pursing his lips but it didn't work. Doing that will immediately give him butterflies! A huge swarm of butterflies and a tingly feeling on his side and stomach that won't go away now. Look what you did. Clawing at his sides will get him to squeal and giggle uncontrollably, he tends to try holding his laughter in when someone does this, keep going and he'll break real soon. With enough anticipation, pinching his sides once makes him squeal and if you continue he will start giggling and it's going to be slightly higher pitched than if you would claw at his sides. Nibbles will KILL this man. He can NOT for the life of him handle that. He will start shrieking and screaming, and you have to have him pinned down because he will twist, thrash, and buck until it stops. If you do pin him though, you are cruel. And if nibbles are this bad, then raspberries... Oh boy. he will love you for it.
Back - 10/10 Dragging one finger down the middle will automatically give him butterflies, he will gasp and flinch and have a hard time trying to keep still but he will try to pretend like nothing is happening anyway even if it's obvious. Blowing a raspberry right in the middle will make him scream, the lower part of his back is more sensitive to scribbles while pressing your knuckle on the top part where his spine is will make him giggle like a madman!
Shoulder Blades - 9/10 Not as bad as the previous ones but still really bad! Scribbling on this spot will make him squeal and thrash around as much as he could, if he’s laying on his stomach, he’d be banging his fist on the ground, trying to claw his way out or get up. Makes him go weak and limp. Raspberries on this spot DESTROY him (make sure you prepare your ears for this because he will scream). Pressing, kneading, or massaging your thumbs into this spot will get him to shriek and plead. He will only flinch if he prepares himself or has his guard up, he'll have a hard time staying still and complain how much it 'hurts'. And it doesn't help that this is usually where his body aches the most when he overworks himself. So once the tension in the muscle relaxes and you keep going, that's when the fun happens :D
Really specific spots that also get him the most (just separating this so it doesn't get confusing)!
Back ribs - 9.5/10 Specifically the very edge. He will scream and yell at you. This spot immediately makes him thrash and if you're sitting on top of him, you have to hold on tight, otherwise you'll be thrown right off.
Bottom side where his shoulder blades meet his sides - 8/10 This one gets him bad for some reason. It just does. There's really no explanation to it.
Right below his underarm, between his first and second rib - 8.5/10 Zeroing-in on this spot will make him cackle and trap the ler's hands there! He can't bring them back up once this happens, so you'll have no choice but to weaken him until he goes limp.. 😔
Spots that still get him really good, bring out laughter and giggles and occasionally squeals and shrieks if done right!
Stomach - 8.5/10 Soft and gentle tickles are way more effective here. It's 10x worse for him when you just skitter and scratch with a little more pressure on his stomach than dig into it. The sides of his stomach are very sensitive. Wings, tails, anything fluffy you can use on this spot will get him to squeal and shriek! Sort of a melt spot? It's one of his favorites for teasy playful tickles or if you want to get him weak but not tire him out. Perfect for getting him to do or admit to doing something!
Knees - 8/10 Pinching or squeezing his knees will get him to start giggling no matter how much he tries to hold it. On the off chance he manages to not break, it won't last long before he does. Giving them light kisses will get him to shriek, squeal, or yell. He's a kicker so be careful!
Behind the knees - 8/10 He squeals and will kick out to try and get away, unintentionally giving more access to the spot.
Thighs - 7.5/10 He can keep a straight face being tickled here, but only for a certain amount of time. It depends on your method and hand placement. He giggles uncontrollably when you light trace on the sides or upper part of his thighs.
Underarms - 7/10 He can also handle being tickled here for a while before he breaks. Targeting this spot gets him to squeal and clamp his arms down when he doesn't expect it. Both light and rough tickles work but the reactions differ!
Spots that get him giggling, squirming, and melting!
Behind the ears - 8/10 Honestly, one of his favorites for softer tickles. Brings out giggles and breathy laughs! He melts and leans into the touch almost immediately, sometimes trying to keep it subtle but it's usually pretty noticeable if the ler is only going for that spot. He gets so flustered cause it's ridiculous! It's not supposed to be this sensitive! It's not fair! He tends to hide his face on the ler's shoulder and hugs them or clings unto them, muffled giggles and whines pouring out of him. He doesn't want to get away or stop it, so he hides his face instead. Blowing a raspberry on this spot, however, will make him shriek and laugh hysterically! No one usually goes for this spot cause they wouldn't have guessed. He's tall! No one would be able to reach his ears unless he's pinned down. So, no one really knows how sensitive this spot is, not even him. The first time he was targeted here, he was surprised by how bad the spot is. Let's just say, he makes sure to never keep this spot out in the open most of the time when he's around someone, even if that someone doesn't pose a 'threat'.
Neck - 8/10 Burying your face in his neck will get him to giggle and try to scrunch up his shoulders, which he can't because your head is in the way, so he'll end up giggling and squirming, trying to push your face away from this spot! Giving kisses to his neck will get him to squeal and nibbling will make him shriek and buck even though bucking doesn't even help him, it's just a reaction he can't help. Raspberries will get him to shriek and he'll start babbling incoherent pleas! This is his favorite method in this spot.
Shoulders - 7.6/10 Burying your face into his shoulders will make him tense or stiffen, but he tends to be able to brush it off by huffing as a "sign of contentment". He will try his hardest not to giggle or squirm and most of the time he will act like it does nothing to him but if you keep going, eventually he'll start to break. One of his favorite spots and also one that gives him butterflies instantly.
Wings (he has them only in specific AUs) - 6/10 Tracing the top part of his wings will get him to squirm, fluttering your fingers down the feathers will get him to start giggling (unless he can hold it in long enough), and grazing the area where his wings are attached to his back will make him squeal!
Spots that are uncommon or less well-known and a bit silly!
Palms - 6/10 Gently tracing will make his hands twitch and he'll smile but it wouldn't do much. If it goes on long enough, he'll start to giggle but he won't retract his hands even if the sensation starts to get unbearable. He can handle this spot just fine. Raspberries are a different story. If you try to nibble his hand, he will lightly smack your face with it.
Knuckles - 6/10 Giving tickly kisses and nibbles on this spot will get him to giggle uncontrollably. He can't even hold it from spilling out, even if he did prepare himself beforehand, giggles pour out of his lips like a broken dam whenever this happens. It frustrates him and he always curses when he starts giggling, but he's never actually upset with this. Lightly tracing his knuckles would make him want to pull his hands away but they wouldn't make him giggle, he'd just whine if it goes on for long enough. Raspberries don't work here.
Arms - 6/10 Only because nibbling also makes him helplessly giggle. This is also another spot that he can't stop giggling when nibbling happens, despite the spot not being all too bad when other methods are used otherwise. Raspberries make him squeal but otherwise, you'll just get giggles!
Ears - 8/10 Also solely because nibbling gets him to squeal and shake his head to get his ears away. Blowing in their ear will make him scrunch up his shoulders! Raspberries behind his ear is just cruel.
I have a few other spots that I don't mention on purpose, you're gonna have to find them on your own lol and the rest are undiscovered or found by accident. (someone already found one)
Characters that I have a little idea of how they work + Characters I WILL be playing
Wilbur (C! but Modern Day) - Lee-Leaning Switch
I have no explanation for this. You're just gonna have to see what he is like from my roleplays.
CC!Wilbur - Ler-Leaning Switch
He loves tickle hugs or cuddles! He will definitely lift someone up to tickle them or snatch them unto his lap. Can't escape now! Sometimes he'd randomly hug them from behind, feigning innocence and saying he just misses them. Don't be fooled, it's a trap.
Wilbur knows how to act as if he's not ticklish. He is, he's just good at hiding it. Catching him off guard or teasing him with anticipation will eventually break him. He'll challenge you and make you work for it but once he breaks, oho it's over for him.
He doesn't break immediately, being the stubborn bastard he is, even if you go for his worst spots (he can't hold on for long though). Teasing will definitely get him to crack, the moment he starts giggling, he can't stop!
Siren - Switch
Siren, one of the highly known supervillains, is a part of the big three worst villains known to man. In action, he's terrifying, a nightmare. Siren's power made it so he could coerce anyone into doing his bidding just by using his voice. A dangerous power to have, especially in the hands of the wrong person, and as a supervillain, Siren made sure to put it to good use. But out of the arena, he's just some guy with a silver tongue and sarcastic humor. He rarely participates in 'dumb' little activities like tickling, but when he does, he's a menace. Siren shows no mercy to his victims, even when it comes to tickling.
Siren is a confident man, he's confident in his power and his skills. He often degrades his enemies in and out of battle, putting them in their place with just a few words. Though he's confident, he makes sure to not underestimate whoever he's fighting with too much, lest he ends up putting his guard down.
He never expected himself to be ticklish. Obviously, he wouldn't be surprised if he was when he was a lot younger, but he believes he has grown out of it. Often fighting in battles has made him feel nothing short of rough and painful encounters, rarely anything soft and gentle. Well, there was that one time when he jumped almost six feet in the air when Blade tapped him on the shoulder a little bit too close to his neck or the other time when he had a hard time trying to stay still as Zephyrus wrapped his wings around him. But that was nothing! He wasn't ticklish, he's just.. slightly more sensitive to soft things.
He knows how to keep his composure, to pretend he has no clue of what is happening, to feign emotions. He uses these to his advantage, often for hiding things like his identity or in this case... his "sensitivity".
As the whole Soot family knows, Wilbur is the kind of person who needs verbal reassurance of his relationships with others. How even though he might seem confident, he actually had a lot of insecurity when it comes to the people close to him. When tickle fights became common in the Soot household, everyone learned that teasing and compliments is a must with Wilbur. Otherwise, he would end up feeling bad or guilty about it, especially if they had tickled him for longer than usual.
Orpheus - Lee-Leaning Switch
Having the ability to go intangible gives him the ability to phase through walls and surprise attack someone. Invisibility also comes with his powers, which lets him sneak up on someone as well.
Sometimes when he possesses someone for too long, he's usually out of it after he leaves the body of the victim. Other than Tommy's grounding method, tracing his palms helps him. It's not a super effective method but it works. His palms are pretty sensitive to touch, so when he isn't out of it, he can't help but squirm and giggle softly when someone traces over his palm.
Revivedbur - Switch
He acts more like a ler, rarely a lee, even though he prefers to be the lee. He loves to wreck someone for the sake of them doing it back yet his attempts always end up futile. He rarely gets to be the lee, especially during times he wants to, due to his status being “one of the scariest lers on the smp”.
He tends to get lee moods that end up "dying down" due to being the ler, it frustrates him but he keeps it hidden well. He doesn't complain about it, no one notices either, so he brushes it off and deals with it until it eventually disappears. If it’s bad enough, he wouldn’t be able to stay still and has the huge urge to squirm or hug himself to will it away. He fidgets with his hands and randomly gets up for no reason to walk around the room, pretending to be busy. When he does get the chance to be a lee for once, he runs away, he isn’t sure why and he curses to himself for it.
Mans a lot more sensitive after being trapped in limbo for so many years, the lack of contact makes him that way. He flinches just by a hand on his shoulder or a tap on his upper back but he hides it well. He never asks for massages in fear of not being able to hold back his laughter (he doesn’t know if it will tickle, he's never experienced it before). If he has wings, he also never asks someone to preen them for him, even if he doesn’t preen them himself.
Revivedbur has a scar where he was stabbed by Philza. He has a habit of staring at it in front of the mirror in silence, his expression tends to be unreadable, sometimes he furrows his brows slightly. He doesn’t do this often and not for long either, lest someone walks in on him and he’s forced to see the look of pity or sadness in their eyes. He also has tiny scars from trying to dig his way out for hours and hours day by day during limbo, he stares at them and traces the line slowly at random times, accompanied by a pang of guilt from who knows where. Due to this, he also has calloused palms. His scar is his worst spot for gentle tickles like scratches or light tracing, it drives him INSANE. /pos Doing this with the scar on his back is more effective than the front. Both are still effective, though.
He’s also more touch-starved, he melts into hugs, leans into hands caressing his cheeks, he loves it when people play with his hair. He never admits it but it's very obvious and everyone knows.
Phantombur - Lee-Leaning Switch
He phases through walls and pranks people with it! :D (I will get to writing a better description of what he does with it and stuff later) He's sneaky and chaotic and he likes to mess with people for fun.
Simpbur - Lee
He's a sucker for gentle but playful tickles! He giggles and squirms a lot, he can never stay still! Telling him to try and not to squirm around only makes him squirm and giggle even more! Be gentle when pinning him down or holding his arms, you'll notice that even when he has the choice to break free whenever he wants, he doesn't! The moment the ler lets go of his hands, he will bring them up to cover his face instead of stopping the tickles. Pointing any of this out will make him blush furiously!
He doesn't really like rough or intense tickles, it tends to overwhelm him. Though at certain times, his lee mood is so bad that the only way to satisfy it is by full on wrecking him! When his lee mood is bad, gentler tickles don't satisfy his mood but make it worse. He's too embarrassed to ask for tickles, let alone asking to be wrecked, so it frustrates him to no end when his lee mood is bad and the ler is being gentle with him. He starts whining and huffing, often squirms around in place. If he can't take it any longer, he'd pull at the ler's hands or accidentally shout what he wants, he ends up feeling really bad and apologizes profusely.
Compliments make him EMBARRASSED and FLUSTERED and SHY! He rarely receives compliments in general, so when he does, he blushes a thousand shades of red! It makes him feel safe and loved and cared for, it reassures him that the ler is having just as much fun as he is!
Aftercare is a must for him! Cuddles, hugs, anything! He loves and needs aftercare, otherwise he'd start to doubt himself. He needs constant reassurance!
Softbur - Lee
Like Simpbur, he loves gentle but playful tickles, but he also likes slightly rougher ones too! He often denies it because he doesn't want to admit that he's soft, he thinks it makes him weak. Reassuring him and complimenting him will eventually make him realize that it's okay to be soft once in a while.
Little Guy Wilbur (Thumbnailbur) - Lee
You know the little in his thumbnail? Yeah, him. Yes, I am making him a character you can't stop me. He's SMALL and SPITEFUL and he will bite and push at your hand if you try to grab him.
I do other characters as well but I have not written for them yet, I will still be playing them! (Ghostbur, Q!Wilbur, WF!Wilbur, etc.)
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geekyglamour413 · 3 years
I don’t write meta often so this turned out longer than expected(4 paragraphs) because head so full of thoughts, but here are my thoughts(no neg, just thoughts) about the latest lore talk.
I feel I should also preface this with I’m a theatre major, so my character/story analysis is done using the way I was taught which means I have a bias towards taking what a writer has given and working within their parameters instead of trying to change the way they write their story(which I know makes me different in this fandom so I wanted to my pov out in case it helps you understand where I’m coming from better)
First off, my favorite thing in the dsmp is that there is literally no clear good or bad guys(with a few exempt cases in which cc’s have made it clear) BECAUSE the story is based on which POV you’re watching. We get to see how everyone is their own protagonist and how they justify every action they take and each of their personal pain. We can then turn around and see the full extent of each characters’ actions within other character’s pov’s and how it effects them. You don’t get this in regular media and it’s my personal pull to the mcyt rp format and it also effects how I interpret the story and each character.
The biggest complaint I see is that “it’s so unfair how [insert char(no it’s just techno we know it’s techno)] never learns from his actions or deals with consequences!!” in my mind that’s what makes the writing interesting. It is a massive subvert of underdog trope expectations.(very personal opinion). Also in a way, he does have repercussions(the butcher army, being one) for his actions, they just don’t play out in a “normal” plot way because it’s rp with multiple protags(and also again subverting the underdog). “but he never faces any justice!” I won’t debate that because morality and justice is a subjective thing(and I wasn’t in the fandom yet when the festival and stuff was happening live) but where I stand now, is that at our current point in the lore there CANT BE justice anymore. The plot has reached Once Upon A Time levels of revenge plots one after another. There is no justice, only revenge at this point (literally didn’t you here c!quackity and c!charlie have that talk?? riveting. I adore both of them so much)
But this is why I’m so excited for fireworks duo!!! I think cc!quackity’s lore stream and said talk with c!charlie has set up a good precedent for actual forgiveness arcs. I know this is a very controversial take but I really enjoy “undeserved” forgiveness in media. Not like a character getting off scott free right after doing something, but a journey happening which neither party ends up happy because of their inability to forgive or compromise and they’ve come to an impasse and the literal only way to move forward is to forgive each other and keep going. Learning to let go of old pain, recovering and moving forward(to fresh new pain!! /j/j/j/j/j) And it’s a hard trope to write well! But I’m hoping that the (hopefully) upcoming fireworks duo stream will be the start, they might lightly talk, they might see each other in a new light, maybe even admit things they’ve done wrong(who am i kidding im a c!tubbo apologist my boy has literally never done anything wrong ever) and we can move on from revenge plots! Because another personal opinion, there have been too many! And I am bored of them. Give us allies to enemies to begrudging allies to friends fireworks duo I believe
Lastly, I understand being invested in a story and caring about characters, but don’t forget fandom is supposed to be fun! If it’s making you this upset maybe take breather. Go get a snack. Open a window and remember the entire internet is fake and you’re okay :D
(pls don’t be mean in replies i mean all of this /lh I just had thoughts)
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years
My hot take is some people need to examine the things that are thinking bc "It is totally childs responsibility that a rift formed between him and the parent and its totally up to the child to fix his relationship with the parent"
Also if you think the spy arc is what formed the rift between them when Wilbur couldn't say No I Won't Exile My Son to Fucking Sapnap im just gonna bite your phone /lh
Indeed! I don't mind interpretations of Fundy that don't focus so much on him as a child, but even if you wanted to suggest they were both complete equals (which is downplaying the very much canon father and son dynamic), the rift in their relationship isn't suddenly all Fundy's fault and all Fundy's responsibility. It's okay to acknowledge Wilbur could've done way better too and that doesn't mean you're demonising Wilbur or softening Fundy or whatever.
Yes Wilbur's actions in Pogtopia were understandable if you look at it from his perspective - but Fundy's actions were equally understandable from his perspective.
And yes, the issues didn't begin with the Pogtopia arc - indeed they were in full force in the election arc where Fundy was running against Wilbur. I'll say the issues were exacerbated by the terrible circumstances afterwards where before they were probably not an unhealthy level of tension with Fundy wishing for more respect and Wilbur still seeing him as his precious child. Had it not been for the election fallout they might have worked these issues out more healthily.
(Again I'm not super knowledgeable on Fundy's storyline. I'm sorry. Always feel free to correct me if I get him wrong.)
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bitsinakaleidoscope · 4 years
So I’ve been playing around with this idea for around half a day by now [because it literally came to me right as I was trying to fucking go to sleep]. Basically it’s me shifting the CotBG sects further towards Transhumanist Machine Cult than Doomsday Machine Cult. There’s also gonna be some stuff about the Foundation at the end, and I SWEAR it’s not because I’m completely used to O5verthinking’s O5-1 “Founder” [/lh you’re great, Rosencrantz].
Putting this under a read more because I have chronic Write An Entire Academic Paper syndrome.
To kick this off, I need to explain what’s going to change with the Mekhanites before I say why. Each sect basically gets their own brand of transhumanism from each other. The Broken Church is metaphorical and boring, at least in the sense of what they do with their bodies. I can imagine that exploring the thoughts of a follower of the Broken Church would be really interesting. The Cogwork Orthodoxy, of course, is going full on transhumanism. They’re trying to build themselves in the likeness of MEKHANE, to an incredibly literal extent. The Maxwellists overall seem to be a more “mind over matter” sect. I don’t think they’re trying to revoke every single organic material there is on themselves. They’re more focused on augmentations, improvements, making it easier for their minds to make a machine out of their bodies, without actually making it all metal. If Orthodoxy people would replace their entire limbs with new metal ones, Maxwellists would be more likely to wear an exoskeleton. Of course, this is ignoring prosthesis, in which case I’d assume every sect has something for that. Overall, instead of going we have to reassemble MEKHANE Themself, they’re more like we need to build our likenesses to resemble MEKHANE Themself.
Now, the reason why I made this change is the potential conflict there could be with the concept of substitutionary atonement. A quick explanation of what substitutionary atonement is, for those who might not know, is basically the whole “Jesus died for your sins” thing. MEKHANE broke Herself in order to cage Yaldabaoth, and now everyone needs to work to evoke Her image the best they can themself. Of course, there are going to be people who object to this ideology, but still believe/follow MEKHANE. These people are the classic “Let’s find all the parts of the Broken God and put Him back together!” followers that I’m assuming the CotBG was created for in the first place. Their work towards transhumanism is meant so that they can aid in combating and defeating Yaldabaoth once and for all, after reassembling MEKHANE. If MEKHANE wants us to be whole, then MEKHANE should be whole as well.
Adjacent to them, there are the Nalkans who are basically just like “Imagine following a god who hands you your transhumanism on a silver platter” [then again, I could easily shorten that to “Imagine following a god”]. This also falls in line with Nalkan beliefs [at least the newer interpretations of them], where they work to elevate themselves. Or only themself, if they’re one of the goddamn filthy capitalists [/lh]. They don’t believe in the sacrifice of one to benefit all. They either believe in the cooperation of all to benefit all, or capitalism [goddamn it, Neo Nalkans]. They would scoff at the idea of following any entity and making themselves in that entity’s likeness. They’re gonna take their flesh and make it however they want it to be like, fuck any entity who tries to tell them otherwise.
And now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for, how does the Foundation fit in here. Well, I’d say they’re practically high on substitutionary atonement. Look no further than the phrase “We die in the dark, so you can live in the light.” Though this is on the level of an entire group, they’re willing to put themselves through constant suffering in order to keep the world from ending. They stretch themselves thin in order to keep the Construct afloat. Hell, D-Class are promised atonement if they aid in the containment of different SCPs, and survive. But this will never come, as they aren’t the ones who will be atoned. The Foundation is trying their hardest to keep humanity from being damned. And, surprisingly enough, so is the GOC.
In the Operative’s Handbook, there are two main headers: “You are expendable” and “You are not disposable.” The section labeled “You are expendable” explains how, out of the billions of people alive, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect them. For “You are not disposable,” they clarify that the person can’t just throw themself around, because they have limited resources. Overall, this is a similar attitude to what the Foundation feels, though for the Foundation, it’s less given through order in a handbook and more inherited from the culture surrounding the group. Both the Foundation and the GOC, though in opposition over what to do with dangerous anomalies, still follow the idea of substitutionary atonement. They’re both standing on the front lines of a threat that could destroy humanity, and they’re allowing themselves to bear that brunt.
And there really isn’t much opposition to those two doing that shit on site. Like, yeah, you’ll have the Foundation undermine the GOC, GOC undermine the Foundation, UIU might get something in against either one of them, but overall, nobody’s really complaining about the whole substitutionary atonement thing. I’m not counting the Serpent’s Hand or Chaos Insurgency in this, they’re both too disorganized to count. Though, having a cell of either one of those groups being opposed to the Foundation and/or GOC because of the reason that no group should have to condemn themselves to suffering would be an interesting thing to see.
Treading into the land of Personal Canon, the conflict within the Normalcy Org. gang arises when the Foundation expects other groups/people to throw themselves to the front lines “for the sake of the Veil/Construct.” The choice is simple to them, one or a few people’s lives or the Veil/Construct. And the answer is simple as well, a handful of people is nothing compared to reality as a whole, therefore they should be down to sacrifice themselves. The UNGOC, being the distant oversight group that they are, are totally down with this. Groups nearer to Normalcy, however, don’t agree with this. For them, a life, human or otherwise, is still just as precious as anything else. For them, even if it might risk the collapse of the Veil or destruction of the Construct, they want to find a way for everyone to get out alive.
Drawing from An Unconventional Tail, the UIU- and, in extent, JOVE- is better at minimizing injuries and casualties than the Foundation is, most likely because their first thought is “How can I solve this without harming anyone” instead of “How can I solve this with the least casualties.” They go in with the idea of no man left behind, the Foundation wouldn’t feel as bad if a handful died. In theory, the UNGOC would be closer towards the UIU but even site canon says they’re willing to discard “Protection” for the sake of “Survival.”
Now, I’m not saying any group is in the wrong here. Each group’s goals call for different mentalities and beliefs. However, that must be kept in mind when each of them are interacting with each other, and that’s when the problems arise. When there’s a failure to understand the, well, culture surrounding the other group, you’ll get conflict.
Moral of the story aside, that’s all I have for this so far. Expect to see this pop up in whatever stuff I write, if I ever end up posting that shit on here.
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china-peach · 5 years
✨7-Card Tarot Reading for @sailor-solar!🍑
Prizes for @sailor-solar, 1/4
Congratulations on being a giveaway winner again, and I hope you enjoy your reading! This was really fun to do!
Reading Topic: Twin flame connection
1 - Has LH met her twin flame already in this life? (yes/no) 
Yes: Seven of Pentacles (upright), confirmed by the Knight of Swords (upright).
In this deck, the Seven of Pentacles is an extremely spiritual card, one which speaks of turning negativity into positivity through powerful perseverance. The Knight of Swords, on the other hand, is about disagreements, forceful ideas, and needing to avoid mistakes. Because this is for a yes/no reading, these meanings shouldn’t be taken too literally (at least, not for now), but there’s a bit of a “stuck” feeling to these cards. I get a strong sense of a karmic relationship, one with a lot of history throughout past lives. Let’s explore these energies in greater detail!
2 - Tell me about the connection between LH and her twin flame. 
Before I began shuffling, the Ace of Swords fell out of my deck. In this deck specifically, the elements of the suit of swords and wands are switched, so swords represent fire and wands represent air. The immediate impression I got, based on this and the depiction on the card of two goats which look very similar to rams, is that this person may have strong Aries and fire placements in their chart. 
For the question specifically, I pulled the Three of Swords (reversed) and the Seven of Wands (upright).
I think this speaks to the idea of a karmic relationship that I mentioned before. You and your twin flame have not been smooth sailing in all your history; in fact, in the past, your relationship has likely caused you significant grief and turmoil. I feel like, in a past life, there was a lot of shifting blame, venting frustration, pointing fingers, internalized anger and doubt between you two. This lifetime is about healing from that. It might not necessarily be healing together, but they will catalyze this process one way or another. It’s primarily about your inner strength, your ability to let go and forgive, your active decision to look on the bright side and move on. Optimism and self-acceptance are key. I feel that your twin flame connection is, or will be imperative to your ability to progress, in this life and as a soul. As twin flames are reflections of each other, this person serves to help you confront the parts of yourself you have ignored and grow. They challenge you and show you how things change for the better once you believe in yourself. The vibe I get is that most of this process has already taken place, and now, in this life, you will see it through.
There is a definite presence of victory with the Seven of Wands, so rest assured that you will overcome these obstacles and emerge a better person because of your experiences. Success comes to those who struggle to obtain it. To me, it doesn’t feel that this person will be in your life permanently (though they could be, as the future is flexible and everyone has free will), but again, they are instrumental in your higher development and their impact will last for a long, long time.
3 - What is LH’s twin flame’s personality like? (positive + negative trait)
Very interesting. We see the concept of a reflection, mirror image, two-sides-of-the-same-coin even here. For the positive aspect, I pulled The Empress (upright), and for the negative aspect, I pulled The Emperor (reversed).
Regardless of this person’s gender, they’re quite in touch with their feminine or yin energy. At their best, they are creative, generous, and joyful. I get the idea of someone who likes to bounce ideas off of others and share their thoughts. They like to see, and think, and interpret. If someone requests guidance or help from them, they are happy to give their support. They enjoy being shown respect and being asked for advice, because it affirms to them that they have worth and value in the eyes of others. They are very good at getting things done, especially when they work alone.
On the other hand, they have some issues with control. Despite their capability to be giving and nurturing, they actually are introverted, and function better as an individual than in pairs or groups. This is primarily because they feel the need to have control over everything, I feel that this stems from insecurity. They find it hard to take being criticized or proven wrong. This is something they don’t want to confront, but need to overcome, and which you are likely to bring into the light. They may fulfill many of their goals, but they don’t reap as much emotional satisfaction from it as they should due to internal blockages. Over the course of this lifetime, they should work to clear those blockages so they can enjoy life fully and freely. 
As the Emperor, a card of power, is in reverse, and The Empress can represent someone who uses emotional tactics to achieve their aims, this person’s most evident flaw is a tendency to manipulate people, emotions, and/or facts. I don’t feel like they do this maliciously, or even purposefully some of the time. I think that it’s more of a defense mechanism, because they’re afraid of something. Perhaps they fear that they would be left behind if others realize they’re not enough. It might be a bit of imposter syndrome. This fear is also something they must overcome. 
These problems may all be things you help them to recognize and address.
4 - Final insight. What does LH most need to know about her twin flame connection?
I pulled the Knight of Cups (upright)
I remember that I’ve drawn this card for you before, for a general reading! Now, this is not necessarily the case, but this could indicate that the person you came to clarify about after that reading may very well be your twin flame. 
If I ignore that relation (though I find it somewhat difficult to think it’s just a coincidence to be honest, haha), then this card, to me, suggests that your twin flame is either someone you have met only recently or someone you have already known for a long time.
The Knight of Cups means deep involvement, diving in head-first, emotions clouding judgment. This card essentially summarizes this person as someone who is good at their core, but largely imperfect (as all humans are), and ultimately not meant to stay with you forever. When you’re with them, you may not see things realistically. They may sweep you off your feet, per se. Their presence may overwhelm your mental space. Imagination blossoms. Enjoy that energy, learn and create, but also search for ground to stand on, and stay anchored throughout it all. 
I hope this reading resonates with you!🍑
- Mod Rosy
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you seem like a cool person, and i loved your analysis of classes and aspects! (they felt easy to read and understand)
i hope it's okay to ask for a classpect? (many words ahead haha)
(and emojis: 🌀❎🗡️)
What are your interests/hobbies?
i like watching reaction videos and essays to/about games and cartoons, or someone reading/reacting to some reddit threads with memes, lgbtq+ stuff, laughing at bigots (them being proven wrong); i like listening to electronic music/game osts, and singing/humming it too sometimes; i like categorising things like finding pretty gems, flowers, tunes, classpects, or other things and assigning them to my friends or else; i often stay up very late (early?) to get more alone/own time to myself and relax/enjoy; i also like learning about cooking and space/science and veterinary stuff and just how things work through reality/tv shows or youtube channels of people knowledgeable in those things; also searching some things online to help my friends!
(it can be hard to keep track of the interests or to be sure or what counts as it/if it's intense enough to count)
How do you see yourself?
mm, i see myself as someone who's doing more (over)thinking and observing than action, and has a hard time making own changes especially without guidance/assistance; i feel like i'm simultaneously both sensitive/emotional, and neutral/apathetic towards a lot of things; thought i'd also like to think/believe that i'm kind, always trying to do or say something nice for others and reassure/support them, and explain things because it's okay to not know something
How do you think others see you?
outside of the internet - probably weird/strange or lazy, and i worry about someone thinking i'm cringe or inadequate; my friends probably think i'm alright/not bad, but i also worry about them thinking more highly of me than i actually am, and getting disappointed; i don't tell/show others much (i think?), so i feel like people might see or interpret me in different ways
How do you interact with your friends?
i usually chat online (i don't message them first very often), i listen to them talk about things and what they're up to (i rarely talk about myself), and try to help them with anything they might be dealing with, or cheer and support/say something kind; i tend to be awkward and feel like i might be inadequate, and i sometimes feel unsure about how close/good we actually are, but when they say something kind/sweet towards me i tend to melt like "awww, (u really mean it/think so? (•́ ‿ ,•̀) )";
What’s important to you? (Specific people, ideas, morals, objects, ect.)
hmm, my friends, and making sure that they are feeling/doing alright; also having some uninterrupted alone time to myself, having good/ok internet to have access to new content; morally maybe for other people to feel comfortable and okay too; also kindness and reassurance, being gentle with people, and reminding to them that they are good and important and wonderful
Describe the ideal you, what kind of person do you strive to be?
probably a more active and honest/open one, more independent and not as scared of change or of doing unfamiliar things, more easygoing and outgoing and relaxed and unbothered by what others might think, and just able to enjoy things more; someone who can help and comfort people and knows what to say/do when they're struggling; also cool but still kind/soft, maybe some kind of ambiguous blorbo :) /lh
Thank you very much for the compliment! I'm glad they made sense to you :)
I think that you're either Light or Space, but I'm leaning more towards Light
For Classes, consider Maid, Rogue, and Knight
Out of those combos, Maid of Light and Rogue of Space seem to fit best!
If you have any follow-up questions about this feel free to let me know!!
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