#and i just watched cat people 1982. it was . well
wolvierinez · 8 months
you ever watch a movie and youre not sure what to make of it at all but you feel like it did something to you deep down. yeah.
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captain-crowfish · 17 days
The Warrior Cats Phenomenon
A beloved xenofiction series that is, in reality, incredibly mediocre, is subsequently glamorized and over-inflated by the perception of adolescents, influenced by the cultural landscape at the time of the fandom's mainstream conception. The era of the early 2000s brought about the popularization of the internet, and with it came a new sub-division in alt. youth pop culture; which for the sake of this tangent I will refer to as "Alternative animal expressionism." In less formal terms, just about all the artsy kids on deviantart had a fursona that walked on four legs and was adorned with an abundance of accessories and bright colors, as well as punk/emo-resembling hair styles. This is reflective of the commonplace visual aesthetics we now refer to as MySpace/MyScene subculture. MySpace was designed as a platform for older teenagers and young adults, and just so happened to collide with the rise of Youtube, and with it came two other communities that were skyrocketing in popularity; AMVs and furries. The history of furries is too long to elaborate on here, however many of them were pioneers in developing crucial components of code still used in modern operating systems. What defines a "Furry" is debated, but mostly revolves around an enjoyment of anthropomorphized animals. arguably one of if not the most popular forms of media depicting animals with such characteristics at the time was Walt Disney's The Lion King, and the growing number of forum websites meant that multiple forums and websites were bound to surface that were entirely dedicated to The Lion King and its fans, serving as a dedicated space to discuss the film, and potentially their own fan-made characters. AMV is an incredibly broad and potentially outdated term. The Acronym "AMV" was first coined as "Anime music video." Although for reasons I will touch on a bit later it can also mean "Animated music video." Again, with the notoriety of forum websites and online fan spaces, information can much more easily be found, given, and spread. Anime was still a relatively new concept in the world of Western entertainment (and was first popularized by, you guessed it, Furries.), and until files and videos could easily be shared over the internet, the only way to watch Anime was to get your hands on a physical VHS tape, which at the time still proved to be difficult and an incredibly niche practice, especially if you wanted subtitled or dubbed Anime.
Now in the 2000's, the popularity of Anime has increased almost tenfold. And while animation is a media that can be easily translated is necessary and enjoyed by a Western Audience, Japanese music did not quite reach the same level of popularity, at least not alongside Anime. Western audiences often combined clips of various Anime TV shows and films to music, most of which was Western-made. The intent, editing style, and end result of each fan-made music video often differed greatly from each other, although a common idea was evidently present: The music landscape at the time, brought on by the newest wave of counter culture, could be relatable to the situations of the animated characters. (This was not a completely new concept, and full disclosure I do not know how people made fan made music videos before computer video editing software was invented. According to Wikipedia, "The first AMV was created in 1982 by 21-year-old Jim Kaposztas. [He] hooked up two videocassette recorders to each other and edited the most violent scenes from Star Blazers to "All You Need Is Love" by the Beatles to produce a humorous effect.") These were also sometimes referred to as "Anime mixes", particularly if they contained footage from more than one property. Similar media also included MMVs ("Manga music videos"), FMVs (literally "Fan Music Videos") and HMVs (which were obviously created for a more adult audience).
The oldest AMV on Youtube (at least that I could find) After some time, the appeal of creating a fan-made music video spread to other fandoms (again through social cross-pollination, i.e. someone who was a fan of both Anime and The Lion King was more likely to adopt these mediums), particularly The Lion King, and fan made music videos using footage from the film and its sequels began to surface, although still using the "AMV" Moniker. The next logical step for anyone who enjoyed Western mainstream animation was to include other Disney properties in fan-made music videos. But why stop at mainstream? Why stop at films? the medium soon evolved to contain and pay tribute to all kinds of Western animation, from Walt Disney to cult classics such as the likes of Watership Down, to TV shows like Avatar The Last Airbender (the latter of which was often understandably grouped in with Anime and AMVs).  In 2003, a group of authors underneath the pseudonym Erin Hunter released the first book in what would become one of the most popular and most beloved xenofiction book series of all time. Warriors: Into the Wild. Like most budding fandoms, Warrior Cats also sprouted dedicated fan websites for discussion of the series. The up-and-coming Warrior Cats fandom found itself somewhere on the spectrum between the anime and furry communities, combining the ingenuity and creative thinking with the"Sparkledog" furry art style. However, the more "visual" creative types lacked almost any pre-existing media to work with, and before 2009, fan-made music videos often consisted of picture slideshows with simple or non-existent effects and transitions, with some scattered fan-made animations here and there. And then, everything changed when a small team of artists and animators driven purely by devotion, passion, and seemingly sheer creative will, released the first episode of their new Anime-inspired, episodic retelling of the first Warriors book. SSSWarriorCats was so Anime-inspired, both in animation style, direction and pacing, perfectly straddling the balance between the Anime and furry communities, respectfully. The series, although technically incomplete, still garners an enormous fanbase to this day. Evidently Warrior Cats fans have been inspired by these animations for over a decade, and it's not hard to see why. And thus the release and subsequent releases of episodes sparked what is regarded as the “Classic” period in Warrior Cats fan animations, and also sparked the creation of “MAPs” (“Multi-Animator-Projects”), as opportunities to collaborate with fellow artists. To summarize, Warrior Cats had the ingenuity of Anime fans to create music videos out of already-existing content, but upon realizing they had none, looked to the furry, tactile-based artistic side of their fandom’s conception to create it, instead of waiting for an official adaptation to surface. (And considering what Tencent animation is doing… I’m glad they did.) In other, perhaps more unserious terminology, the Warrior Cats fandom is the cultural brainchild of the Anime and Furry communities. To summarize, Warrior Cats had the ingenuity of Anime fans to create music videos out of already-existing content, but upon realizing they had none, looked to the furry, tactile-based artistic side of their fandom’s conception to create it, instead of waiting for an official adaptation to surface. (And considering what Tencent animation is doing… I’m glad they did.) In other, perhaps more unserious terminology, the Warrior Cats fandom is the cultural brainchild of the Anime and Furry communities. The Warrior Cats Fandom continues to persist, even after two decades, seemingly out of sheer artistic will. But, of course, the question remains as to why all of this happened, why does the possibility for these ideas to occur exist in the first place? The answer is simple, The perception of adolescents that such amalgamated fan-made media can be perceived as "mature" or even "edgy" is not one that has disappeared from our culture and probably never will. Cringe culture is dead.
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plexiglasssheets · 7 months
Pine-ing part 1
EDIT Prebook of book of bill so ermmmm
Fuck it fiddauthor fic probably will multi part | Cross posted on Ao3
PT 2 ================================
1982 Dec 17,
F was having somewhat reasonable holiday with drawls. His family away, I could sympathize with him. It had been a long time since I've sat with my family for anything. A homed cooked meal became a distant taste, as my cooking skills are mediocre to non existent. It being a Saturday it seemed reasonable to go into the town for a meal. We went to the diner that he loves, he said their bacon and syrup pair together like no other.
I take his word for it, as odd food combinations were never my thing, Stanley used to do something similar wit-
He went to walk around the town, but I couldn't just drive back home and leave him in the snowy town. I never liked walking about but the trip seemed to be doing F well so what's an hour or so walking around.
There was a library but I combed through that my first month here, to little interest. There was a coffee shop but it was far too populated to give any sense of relax. But then I found it, a book shop.
Empty, Dusty and may have smelled of dead cat. It was fantastic. The lights were old with that nice yellow glow, flickering and loud. The shelves were a dark wood and dusty beyond belief, perhaps a walnut, wood was never my thing. The back was practically made for me, hand written accounts and journals, ecological studies and records that were the only copies.
To say I was excited was an understatement. The cashier was a fine looking young gentleman, most likely my age. He seemed kind enough so I thought nothing of it when he watch me move around the shop. With the state of the shop I can safely assume that he doesn't get many costumers.
I went to purchase my books, and the worker was very friendly. The first person here that shared my intrigue with it oddities. Complementing my book choices no less.
Then F walked in, he had two coffees and his satchel seemed bigger so safe to assume he bought other things. But there was a look to his face the same one he gives me when I talk to my muse for 'too long' in his words. I always took it as him being perhaps unsure of the greater power. I was never good at reading emotions, but have I mistaken his jealously? It would seem so if I knew what there was to be jealous about.
But the coffee he brought me was perfect. The way I love in, black coffee, no sugar, no creamer. Me and F left after I put my books in my own bag.
The cashier asked for my phone number to discuss books later, which I don't have as my equipment interferes with any telephone lines so I had to decline. I would have said I be back but I'd be lying if did, as me and F's schedule wouldn't fit a whole other escapade to town.
I would have explained but F seemed to want to leave so I politely declined.
We made way back to my truck and started to drive up the long rode to my cabin. Another moment I was grateful for the coffee. As my car absorbs what ever weather is outside and triples it.
Bitter caffeine as a hand warm what could be better. I would have played my favorite CD of eurythmics, but F was never a fan. Recently buying me an ABBA's singles when he went to the grocery store last month for that very reason. He was idlily tapping to the music, but he seemed off.
He was upset.
I was never one for emotions or feelings. I was always the logic, that's what I was good at. I can solve equations the length of a room but can't figure out how to ask a frie what upset him. We were a few minutes from my place, I was internally fighting if I should speak, but I understood people enough to know I Should, just I didn't know what exactly to say.
I asked him what he got. Great start, he's engaged and if he doesn't want to talk he doesn't have to. Perfect.
A present for his son.
He got divorced last year, as she wanted him to be with them. I didn't know much, its was just messy. He missed his son, not so his wife but it was a touchy subject.
I forgot most enjoy time with family.
Family hasn't been the same for a while so sending holiday letters sufficed any familial need. Meeting F at collage, he is the only other person who hasn't cared about my freakishness, that I'm ever grateful for him. And I can't help but feel guilty about his family problems. He wouldn't have left if I didn't ask. The more to value his companionship.
He asked about my own purchases, and told him. The journals, the record reports, the primary historical recounts. An utter drug to my brain, he seemed to be engaged till I mentioned the book seller.
Off put? Upset? He wasn't happy. Bitter? Maybe, but I suppose that mixed with his family business upset him. But I didn't know how to ask. 'hey F why are you so upset about a bookseller?'
Stupid, I know, but easy to ignore.
We pulled into the drive way and rushed inside and hung our frosted coats. It was my turn to make dinner, F went off to his room to read like he does. But unlike usual he came down while I was still cooking. He seemed less upset which was good, he sat at the table and watch me cook as he read a book.
I was no chef, so I felt so- observed. It was no different then when we worked, me doing a tasks as he read. But this felt, intimate? for lack of better word. The dim kitchen light blub that was in desperate need of a change flickered its orange hue that filled that small room.
It was a Friday, so it was so it was excusable for the two of us to have a beer or two while we watch trash television the living room. F hated them but I had a soft spot for them as they were what plagued the tv set my mother had.
We barely watched the show and more added our own commentary, We cracked much needed dumb jokes in the tv lit room. Its blue filter light our only sources to see.
F had his glasses off, and was sat next to me on the couch.
It felt right.
A feeling that felt long distance that he only seemed to bring.
Its no mystery that girls were a mystery to me. Relationships felt so unnecessary, and I dance around the thought of the alterative. Which- I don't think I'll go into now.
He commented something about some 3? maybe for 4 dramatized way relationship that was going on. His dead seriousness made it possible to not laugh out. Holding my stomach and bending over, sides hurting. One of those that aren't funny but still somehow are.
That night was nice. It was a good refresher, I bid him good night and headed to bed myself. Sleep was different, usually I'm so exhausted I pass out, but tonight I just couldn't. My thoughts were somewhere else.
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nockergeek · 11 months
For the past two years, my partner and I have spent October watching horror movies. Some are films we know, others are new to us. Each year, we try to theme the movies; 2021 had Undead October (all vampires, zombies, and ghosts), and 2022 had Otherworldly October (all threats from space or other planes of reality).
2023’s theme? Kingtober - all movies based on stories by Stephen King.
We try to watch a movie everyday, but sometimes life gets in the way. The last two years, we’ve ended up with around 21 movies watched. We’re just shy of three weeks in, and up to 14 movies.
Our reviews so far:
(Note: these reviews are our opinions. As always, your mileage and tastes may vary.)
Movie 1: Carrie (1976). Stephen King’s first published novel, the first film adaptation of his work, and one of the best. The direction and cinematography is fantastic, and while maybe not scary, it tells a tragic tale of a girl victimized on all sides. Highly recommended. A.
Movie 2: The Shining (1980). I’m a fan of the book, and… I have notes. I’m with King on this one - Kubrick did not make a good adaptation. He has a great sense of framing shots, but no sense of humanity. Jack’s slide into madness feels more like a facade cracking. C at best.
(Yeah, that one’s going to be controversial. I know it’s a very famous film, and Kubrick is a director with vision, but I don’t feel like he gets people well. Also knowing what he did to Shelley Duvall makes it hard to watch her scenes.)
Movie 3: Doctor Sleep (2019). An intriguing sequel to The Shining, and you definitely need to have seen that film to appreciate the visuals in this one. Better characters, but a far more complex plot that doesn’t quite fire on all cylinders. Decent use of Chekov’s boxes, though. A high B-.
Movie 4: Silver Bullet (1985). A passable popcorn werewolf movie. Good story (Cycle of the Werewolf is a good novella) marred by some rough acting, uneven pacing, and some really bad effects. I’m guessing they didn’t have Rick Baker werewolf money. A solid C+, and very watchable.
Movie 5: Cat’s Eye (1985). A perfectly serviceable anthology with two thrillers based on short stories, and one new kid’s fantasy/horror story. Really only marred by horrible synth music. It would get a B, but Drew Barrymore gets flipped off by a troll, so it gets an automatic A+.
Movie 6: The Dead Zone (1983). One of the best King adaptations so far, easily up there with Carrie. David Cronenberg is a fantastic director, and he and Christopher Walken tell Johnny Smith’s tragic story of unwanted psychic visions with craft and grace. This one gets a solid A.
Movie 7: Creepshow (1982). George Romero and Stephen King’s homage to old EC horror comics. It’s intentionally campy and wonderfully stylish, with vivid colors and dark comedy throughout. Good use of animated interludes, which really drives home the comic book feel. A fun B+.
Movie 8: Christine (1983). The tale of a boy and his evil, possessed, regenerating murder car. John Carpenter does a great job adapting the book to film, and has some fantastic shots, the best of which is Christine in flames chasing a bully down like the devil itself. Another solid A.
Movie 9: Children of the Corn (1984). Wow, this movie was bad. Poor pacing, terrible effects, high-school-level acting, multiple characters making dumb decisions, and odd exposition kids ruin what is otherwise a neat concept. Such a letdown after the last two films. D-.
Movie 10: It (2017). This one was solid, a very good adaptation. It did a good job of ratcheting up the terror, making you want to see how It was going to mess with the members of the Losers Club, and had good character arcs too. Let’s hope Part 2 holds up as well. This one gets an A.
Movie 11: It Part 2 (2019). So, yeah, the follow-up was just about as good as the first one. Excellent pacing with moments to breathe and laugh between the horrors, and a surprising amount to say about trauma and healing. Maybe a bit overlong, but still good. B+.
Movie 12: Graveyard Shift (1990). A movie about an old textile mill with one hell of a rat problem. This one is both over- and under-acted at the same time, and the lead has zero presence or charisma. Mildly entertaining, though, in a campy way. Still better than Children of the Corn. C-.
Movie 13: 1408 (2007). One skeptical writer vs. the most evil room ever. Purely psychological/paranormal horror, and excellently written and acted. Lots of fake outs and mean-spirited twists in this smallest of haunted houses. Among the best we’ve watched so far, and an easy A.
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poindexters-labratory · 10 months
Can you tell us about Mikey??
So... I started writing all of Michael's information and then I got 2,000 words in and realized that this was practically a perfect outline of everything that happens in this AU because Michael is the protagonist
Mind you, 2,000 words was just the introduction for the second installment of the AU, 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears', and that's a lot of spoilers for what happens if I was to continue writing for the rest of the installments (there's about six of them by the way, until Michael dies, 'Wild Cat', 'Before the Storm', 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears', 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria', 'Fazbear Emporium', and 'Reunion')
So, I can briefly go through Michael's history up until we start getting into the games:
CW: brief mentions of neglect, verbal abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, homophobia, substance abuse, and death (because it's not FNAF without it /hj)
Michael was born June 15, 1965
His full name is Michael John Edward Afton, he has two middle names
He is the one that made the Foxy character, his father begged for Henry to help build it
Mike was bullied in elementary school because of his family
He knew Jeremy Fitzgerald when they were in school together, they were friends
Evan was born when he was five
Lizzie born when he was eight, almost nine
Since mid-elementary, he hasn't liked his dad because his dad is really girly and not 'normal'.
Liked Henry a lot better
Jeremy left Hurricane
Had a distant mother and she left when he was about twelve with his sister
Before his mom left, he was a very polite and kind little boy
After his mom left and in the height of being a teenager, he became very aggressive, very confrontational, and this would decrease and increase depending on the stability of the relationships he had with the other people around him.
Would get in verbal altercations with his father very often, he's hit his dad once when he was sixteen, he's never gotten along with him very well but loves him because that's his dad
His father's springlock accident in early 1982 made him have a sort of epiphany that he really does care about his dad and he would be really sad if he was never able to see his dad ever again and feel guilty about not appreciating him and all of his oddities
Michael's behavior fell on the decline again after he broke up with a girlfriend, would scare Evan who was scarred by their dad's accident, witnessing it happen
Jeremy came back and Mike fell in love with him, and was a little concerned over this crush, which he found he could confide in his dad about since his dad is gay and understands that feeling of fear
Jeremy and Michael got together (in secret)
Broke up when Jeremy told a lot of people that Mike's dad was gay, and Michael beat the shit out of him
His behavior went on the decline again which resulted in the accident that happened in April of 1983
Michael moved out to live in California after he graduated to escape his spiraling father and his own guilt
He visited Hurricane a few times, his father's behavior getting stranger and stranger
Mike attended Charlotte Emily's funeral with his dad, both of them drunk and they decided to go home and drink some more
Not long after, in 1984, he got a call from the police department explaining that his sister and father were missing and Henry was dead
He came down to take a statement and look around the Afton house to see if anything was displaced, taken, or shouldn't be there and ending up finding the instructions from his dad to go to the Circus Baby rental place to "find his sister" whatever that means.
Mike is not a good person, he's done shitty things, he is a very flawed character which is why I love him as a protagonist. We actively get to watch him want to fix everything that he feels like he caused, even when it's not his fault. William is a direct foil to him because they're being proactive about their situation in completely opposite ways.
Michael wants to heal, heal the town's suffering from his father's actions, bring closure to the spirits, heal himself (accept what happened to his brother), and try to mend what's left of his family, i.e, him and his dad, and soothe his dad's pain. That's the responsibility he's decided he owes to his brother, Elizabeth, his dad, Charlie, and Henry. To stop and let it go.
William, however, wants nothing more than to be angry and hurt. He's not going to listen because he feels the universe owes it to him to inflict pain because of the terrible life he's lived, and the terrible things that happened to him. He wants to fester and he's decided that this is the only thing he can do, nothing will satisfy him. William is the angriest, most restless spirit and he won't let go of that anger.
Michael and William Afton's bond is the heart of the Hurricane AU and it's a big ol' analogy for unconditional love because I'm corny and love those kinds of stories, except this one doesn't have a happy ending because plot twist, Henry isn't dead and is just like William in terms of being very angry and not letting shit go. His method of setting shit on fire doesn't work very well and just made everything worse.
Anyway, I'm very tired, writing this at 3 in the morning
Michael Fun Facts!!
He's bisexual
He has ADHD and a Cluster B personality disorder of some kind, I have to diagnose him later
Very short, thanks to his mom
An animal guy and professional artist
Thanks to his dad, can play guitar extremely well
He's a dad, didn't know until the kid was seventeen though
Mike is, like, sixty, in the FNAF 3 location
Nicknames include: Mike, Mikey, call him Mickey, he'll make you explode, Sweets, Elizabeth-given name: Foxy Locks
Favorite animatronic: still Foxy
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hello-uh-hello-hello · 11 months
ok gen question before I commit property damage.
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like without Freddy's? A life where nothing went bad.
A life without Freddy's? I mean, I don't think I could imagine myself anywhere else! I don't think I've been anywhere else! Well, you know, other than the odd police station for questioning. Lots and lots of questioning. Employees get up to the darnedest things when you're not watching them, don't they!
But, uh, yeah. Freddy's is my life, always has been. Sometimes people come up to me and they ask me, 'Scott, how do you do it?' And that's a question I'm not really supposed to answer! No, really. Uh, one of the last managers at some other one of our franchises got a little too loose-lipped about some of our practices and we didn't hear the end of it from corporate for weeks. Lotttta lawsuits with that one. I perish the thought.
It's pretty nice here. Can't really think of anything particularly bad that happened. Nothing I can release to the public, that is; you're not getting me that easily. What are you, a cop? But no, uh, nothing that I can remember. I'm pretty sure I would remember if there was something to remember in the first place.
I'm sure you're probably talking about your plan to - you know, those Freddy Fazbender's-brand Fazurinals™®© are expensive. What, you think we just have some secret Fazurinal™®© factory where Fazurnals™®© grow on Faztrees™®©? Well, we don't. That farfetched conspiracy theory was disproven in in 1982 after a serious investigation and inquiry. They don't exist. Stop saying they exist.
Anyways, corporate'll have my hide if anything happens to those Freddy Fazbender's-brand Fazurinals™®©, so, uh, I'd really appreciate if you'd, I don't know, maybe blow up a Candy's or something? I hate that smug cat. His face... it mocks me. Well, we'll see about who exceeds our predicted quotas this quarter... we'll see about that....
Don't blow up the Fazurinals™®©.
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berryflavouredkoolaid · 19 hours
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Meredith Gibson - Stranger Things OC
~ General ~
Full Name: Meredith Adeline Gibson
Nicknames: Mer (By friends)
Born: October 3rd, 1968
Residence: Hawkins, Indiana
~ Physical Appearance~
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Skin Tone: Light
Height: 5’7
Misc: a detailed cross necklace, green stains from cheap jewelry, bitten lips, chipped nail polish
~ Schooling/Career ~
Best Class: English
Worst Class: PE
Hawkins Arcade (1983-1984)
Starcourt Cinemas (1985)
Family Video (1985-)
~ Personality & Traits ~
Personality: Described by most as a prickly, rude individual, Meredith exudes an air of irritation. Defensive, cynical and even mean, Meredith is reluctant to let people in past her walls. Despite her closed off nature, Meredith places great trust and care in those she trusts. Her love is hard won but loyal and nearly unbreakable. Meredith is a loner, and prefers to spend most of her time alone. She rarely shows her emotions, and reacts in anger when people catch a glimpse.
Priorities: Her friends safety as well as her own
Strengths: Tough, strong, quick thinker
Weaknesses: Often pushes people away, holds grudges, can be mean
Fatal Flaw: Her distrust of others
Likes: rolling her own cigarettes, cold pizza, milk chocolate, silver jewelry, horror movies, horror novels (especially Steven King), pop rocks
Dislikes: Blood, liars, peanut butter, cola gummies, dogs, cheesy music and movies, beer, store bought cigarettes
Hobbies: Reading, photography, smoking, watching movies, sleeping
~ Family/Backstory ~
Meredith’s family history is fraught with incident. When Meredith’s mother became pregnant, her heavily religious parents kicked her out. Kathleen and Adam, Meredith’s father, were left to fend for themselves. They had to drop out of school and get jobs to afford a trailer in Forest Hills Trailer Park. Following Meredith’s birth, Kathleen struggled with severe depression. Adam, as the sole breadwinner and caretaker for Meredith, struggled under the strain. Until he killed himself when Meredith was 3. Kathleen quickly fell into drugs and alcohol.
When Meredith was 14, her mother died of an overdose. She was sent to live with her grandparents, but their conflicting views and Meredith’s agnostic and independent nature caused them to butt heads almost daily.
She was kicked out after a particularly explosive argument in October 1983 that ended with her grandmother slapping her and telling her to leave and never come back. With nowhere to go, she called Jonathan, who picked her up and convinced his mother to let her stay with them for a couple months.
~ Relationships ~
Adam Gibson (Father) (D.1971)
Kathleen Gibson (Mother) (D.1982)
Dorothy Booker (Grandmother) (Estranged)
Martin Booker (Grandfather) (Estranged)
Best Friend(s):
Jonathan Byers (Formerly)
Robin Buckley
Will Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Max Mayfield
Jonathan Byers (Formerly)
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Carol Perkins
Tommy Hagan
~ Misc and Notes ~
Mer has semi-adopted a stray cat who comes by her apartment, she calls him Mister and feeds him. He comes and goes from her apartment.
Growing up, Meredith was often bullied for her cheap, secondhand clothing.
She used one of her first pay checks to buy herself a camera.
She likes cold pizza more than hot pizza and often has a box she eats out of for a couple days at a time.
She graduated high school a year early but condensing her junior and senior years into one.
When Adam died, her mother bought a gun incase of intruders. When Meredith was 12, Kathleen tried to shoot her while on a bender, thinking she was an intruder. Meredith buried the gun in the backyard when her mom passed out.
She found her record player in a dumpster behind her apartment and fixed it up with steve’s help.
{remade her! i just wasn’t very happen with the look of my old one lol and i’m loving this new format haha}
more about mer here
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squarestarheart · 3 months
I'm sure that this has all been written before but my kiddo and I just watched The Secret of NIMH (1982) this evening, a few months after we finished reading through the book, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert O'Brien (1971). Let's just say, oh boy, we were both Big Mad. Spoilers after the break. (There are image descriptions in the alt text!)
For the uninitiated, the book (which I'll abbreviate add MFRN) is a delightful classic piece of children's literature. I read it and reread it as a kid, and was excited to share it with my own child this year. MFRN follows Mrs. Frisby, a widowed field mouse with four young children. Her younger son, Timothy, is sick with pneumonia, and so she can't move her children out of their winter home (which is in a half-buried cinder block in the middle of a farmer's field) to their summer home in order to protect Timothy's weak lungs as he recovers. In seeking help, she first rescues a crow (Jeremy), then very bravely speaks with an owl, who advises her to speak with a reclusive colony of rats who live in a large rosebush on the farm about moving her home until Timothy is well.
Mrs. Frisby manages to make her way to these rats, who tell her their own history as test subjects at the National Institute of Mental Health, where experimental injections increased their intelligence and bodily health to the point that they learned to read. The rats, alongside some mice who went through the same procedure, eventually resolve to escape the NIMH laboratory, which they manage to do. As they travel across the countryside, they come upon an abandoned home with a large library, and teach themselves mechanical and agricultural principles.
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There's quite a lot more to the story, but the important point is that this is a story about a mouse who wants to protect her family, whose fate is deeply intertwined with these highly intelligent rats who are trying to leverage their smarts and learning become more than Just Rats.
Secret of NIMH (SoN) seems to be a beloved film for a certain crowd of people. It's a Don Bluth film, his first full length movie after leaving Disney animation studios. At first, SoN seems like it's going to be a somewhat clipped version of MFRN, with some necessary differences that were needed to adapt the story to film. Mrs. Frisby is renamed Mrs. Brisby, likely due to perceived copyright issues with the Frisbee flying disc toy. A rousing chase scene is inserted at the beginning of the movie to establish the danger of Dragon, the farmer's cat. But the story diverges from the published material very quickly.
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SoN dispenses almost entirely with the entire plot line about the NIMH rats, relegating Nicodemus's story about their origins and trials, a tale that takes up a good 40% of the book, to a brief two-minute sequence. The rats wear outfits befitting medieval aristocrats. Jenner, a rat who in the novel left the larger group in an effort to find his own way, is recast as a nasty villain who sabotages the rescue of Mrs Brisby's children and kills Nicodemus so the rats can continue to live on the farmer's scraps. And most infuriatingly for both me and my kid, the rats are... magic?
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So instead of slowly becoming smart, being taught how to read, and developing a rational and technological society so they can become independent like the MFRN rats, the rats in SoN.... get injected with psychedelic chemicals, suddenly learn how to read, learn... magic?, become a medieval monarchy, and craft incredibly intricate and tiny little costumes for no apparent reason.
In MFRN, the rats succeed at very carefully moving Mrs Frisby's home in the middle of the night using clever machinery. This is at great risk to themselves, because they need to get the hell out of dodge the next day to avoid being captured and/or poisoned by NIMH staff. They are noble, they stick to their promise to Mrs. Frisby, and they eventually make their way to freedom despite some losses.
In SoN, we are instead treated to an attack on the house-moving operation by saboteurs, a sword fight, and then an honest-to-goodness Chekhov's Amulet Deus ex Machina when the mysterious amulet we see Nicodemus pass along to Mrs Brisby turns out to give the bearer magical strength. Why? No idea.
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And then the film ends with Jeremy the Crow canoodling clumsily with another crow, Mrs Brisby and her children in their safely moved house, and.... What happened to the rats? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ The End!
These were only some of the changes that both my kid and I found jarring. On the whole, this film felt like it took a few key points from a beloved book (some characters and a few key plot points) and then just plunked them down into a new story riddled with unexplained phenomena, hand waving, unnecessarily Brooding and Mysterious vibes, and a saccharine tone that really underestimates the kind of story a kid is able to understand.
We're 40 years late on this movie review, but here we go. 2/10. Read the book, Skip the movie.
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apurplesoundingname · 10 months
Things I read/watched/listened to this year:
When the Angels left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb—loved this so much! I read it in one sitting
The Raven Cycle & Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater—read these as fast as I could get them from the library & then read tons of posts about them. I’m a little sad I didn’t read them when they were coming out, it might have been fun to be in the fandom
His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik—kind of bored me. I don’t like battle scenes 😔
Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones—I forgot how much I love her books. This one was not my favorite but it was still good
Reread In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan and liked it much better than the first time. I actually started at the end and kind of read backwards scene by scene
Reread The Blue Castle for tumblr book club—still one of my favorite books & I loved seeing all the posts
Finished Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation—lived up to my expectations & I don’t know what people were on thinking the extra stories were problematic
Reading List:
System Collapse by Martha Wells as soon as it comes in from the library
The Phantom of the Opera
The Code of the Woosters—it’s in my backpack right now. I’ll probably read it on the train
Annihilation—my sister has a big omnibus of the whole trilogy—I could read this on the train too
I might read The Witch King by Martha Wells but maybe not
Tiger, Tiger—amazing! Sooo many great characters. I love them all
Go Get a Roomie—loved it
Inhibit—really love these characters too & interesting premise
Long Exposure—amazingly the first time I’ve read it
Recoil by Spire Eaton—way darker than it seems at first
Phantomarine—wonderful art style with beautiful colors
Vainglorious—very funny
The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal
Ride or Die—really good with again, great characters
This is Not Fiction—I’ve been following this since 2013. It’s actually the thing that first cured me of homophobia
Reading List:
Sakana—read it in 2016 and need to get caught up
Goth Western
Paranatural—my littlest brothers insist—I actually read it in 2015 but I need to get caught up
Demons Mirror—recommendation from my little brother
Filmed production of The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall—over and over and over ten million times—this is the first time I’ve ever watched it and I love it so so much. I’m constantly singing the songs
The Phantom of the Opera 2005–Christine’s outfits were beautiful
The Phantom of the Opera 1925–silent film—it was fun but phantom really wants to be a musical
Rewatched Annie 1982–I love Carol Burnett so much
Annie 2014–it was meh. They took out way too many songs
Started watching a filmed production of Annie but I haven’t finished it yet
Buster Keaton’s Steamboat Bill jr.—super funny & I was laughing out loud the whole time, then I showed it to my family & they loved it too
Started watching Revolutionary Girl Utena & I’m really liking it so far. I was very surprised when Utena had a ‘protagonist’ voice instead of a ‘cool girl’ voice 😄
Started watching My Fair Lady in the car on the way to thanksgiving & haven’t finished it. Mr Higgins is so infuriating!—I read the play when I was a teenager & it’s so interesting to notice all the lines I remember
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes—it was fine. “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” was pretty good. Jane Russell is so hot
Watched a bit of Bocchi the rock but I don’t think I’ll finish it
Watch list:
Fiona and Cake
I might watch Love Never Dies just for the songs
Once Upon a Mattress—I love Carol Burnett
Listened to:
Jesus Christ Superstar—favorite
The Phantom of the Opera—many different versions many different times
Various ballets by Tchaikovsky
I’m bad at finding music I like 😔
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Are the movies you listed good, or are they just enjoyably bad lol. Because I’ve been wanting to watch cat people for a while, but I’m nervous to watch 80s erotic films bc they seem sketchy to me 😩 but I love your blog sm and I do enjoy 80s films lol. I used to be obsessed with retro science fiction and horror movies
Imo 80s erotic thrillers are def good and much better than modern thrillers which all look like they were filmed on someone’s shaky cellphone in an LA crack house.
The 1982 Cat People remake is one of my fav movies of all time. As a Nastassja Kinski stan how can it not be? She suits the role of a panther-woman hybrid so well bc she’s graceful and elegant, and the shadows and lighting in the film are so dreamlike and ethereal:
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And don’t even get me started on Paul Schrader…
While he may be a sleazy perv, he’s an incredible screenwriter and director. He wrote the script for Taxi Driver (an incel classic which was autobiographical), Rolling Thunder, Raging Bull, etc and directed classics like American Gigolo, Hardcore, Blue Collar, Mishima and so on.
So I don’t get why people consider Cat People to be trash when it’s so misunderstood! It’s like a beautiful nightmare dashed with sex, violence and animalistic desire. Paul was completely baked on set tho but like how relatable is this:
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And let me add my fav item of gossip from the set how can I not:
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Lmaooo this is why I love Nastassja she pumped and dumped one of the most talented directors in Hollywood I think it’s so iconic.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 2 years
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Next up for Hiccanna Month: Another fic idea that’s been bouncing around in my head like a Windows screensaver since 2015! GOD, I remember watching Blade Runner for the first time alone in my dorm room my freshman year, and just getting OBSESSED--and, of course, the first thing my brain does is start building an overly-detailed Hiccanna/RotBTFD AU longfic that I’ll never have time to write XD Idk, maybe someday???
WELL ANYWAYS. Figured y’all deserved to see the base concept that I get super obsessed with every now and again, even if I never do anything with it XD I’ve read the book the movie’s based off of, too, so some concepts from the book found their way in here as well. I also rewatched the movie for this, and lemme tell you, that shit holds up--like every other cyberpunk dystopia deadass wishes they could be Blade Runner (1982). How they did all those flying cars and futuristic buildings and shit with practical effects and mini-sets is beyond me.
Fic summary under the cut! As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request!
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was one of the best Blade Runners in Los Angeles back in the day. Not like he had much choice in his career; he comes from a long line of proud android hunters--strong, ruthless men who will do anything necessary to protect humanity from its own rogue AI creations. Hiccup trained to “retire” replicants since childhood--and with excellent tracking skills, sharp intellect, and ruthless pragmatism, he was very good at his job.
Natural talent or not, blade running wasn’t a job that Hiccup could stomach forever. Eventually the brutality took a toll--it became more and more of a weight to bear, killing beings who looked just a little too human. Hiccup decides to retire early (much to the chagrin of his late father, he’s sure), turning in his pistols and retreating to his high-rise apartment. The perks of a such a dangerous and taxing job were that it didn’t pay half bad, and Hiccup has plenty to support himself for a while. And that’s all that’s really needed--no wife, no girlfriend, no roommates, only one real friend.
Despite his success in his career, Hiccup is a lonely man. He’s never particularly connected with his coworkers, not finding much joy or satisfaction in retiring replicants. The women he tries his luck often as not find him too awkward or sulky or sarcastic--hardly the charming man with a vibrant life that many seek.
Hiccup’s best and only friend is an electric black cat, found in an alleyway after work one day and lured into his building with canned tuna and freeze-dried salmon. He doesn’t know the precise story behind the abandoned cat, but what he’s able to semi-confidently piece together (he is a detective, after all) is that the artificial cat was an attempted scam--pawned off as real, as so many high-quality, convincing electric animals are. Real animals are a rarity, most having died off as the world became choked with trash and pollution that apparently only the human animal could consistently stomach.
The cat could certainly pass as real--at first glance, anyways. In fact, Hiccup is initially shocked, wondering how he stumbled on a real flesh-and-blood feline in a city where practically everything else is artificial. When he gives the loud-meowing cat some dinner, though, he notices the teeth seem to slide in and out of the creature’s jaw as he eats in a way no organic cat’s would. Hiccup suspects this is what gave him away as a fake to whoever adopted him--and whoever must have thrown him out in the street.
Nevertheless, Hiccup knows what it is to be rejected. To be ostracized and excluded because you’re not what people want you to be. And someone needs to fix “Toothless”’s broken tail--which, upon closer inspection, is sparking every so often, too. Certainly a fire hazard if left to wander about the city.
Hiccup’s retirement is going rather well when things get upended. Toothless is good company, Hiccup can afford the nicest games and streaming services money can buy, and he even has time to indulge in a hobby he was always too busy for--tinkering with and fixing broken machinery.
Then one day, over his regular lunch of shrimp-and-beef ramen, his old boss shows up and says he’s needed for one last job.
Hiccup won’t hear of it. He’s done with killing and hurting and destroying things, no matter how much society would have him think it’s not “real” life. It turns out, however, that Hiccup’s boss isn’t letting go of his best Blade Runner so easily.
“Your cat,” he says. “Organic or electric?”
Hiccup sees no reason to lie. If he claimed Toothless was organic and word got out, everyone and their mother would be trying to steal him.
“So his software is hooked into the Cloud, just like every other electric animal in the city. Their brains were built to share a network.”
Hiccup freezes.
“What I’m saying, Haddock, is that certain...city officials have access to the animal neurological networks in the Cloud. Sure would be a shame if Toothless’ got damaged...or shut down completely.”
And so Hiccup is on the case. There are four replicants total who must be retired, all rogues who got loose on a ship bound for Earth, killed all the human passengers, and hijacked the controls.
“Jack Frost,” the supposed leader, is tough-as-nails combat model built to withstand subzero temperatures and be far more flexible and agile than any human could hope to be. He’s wily and charismatic, as likely to try manipulating or sweet-talking you as shooting you.
“Merida,” another combat model, is the brawn of the group. Aggressive and ruthless, she’s not the sort to back out of a fight until her opponent is beyond dead.
“Rapunzel” has appropriately long blonde hair to match the fairy tale moniker, though she usually keeps it braided back and out of the way. She’s a standard pleasure bot, not an uncommon sight at exoplanet military outposts, but rumor has it she is not to be underestimated, and she’s not as soft as she looks.
“Anna” is another combat bot, although she’s not noted as being brutal like Merida or cunning like Jack. She is, according to her profile under her spinning head on the hologram screen, fairly average in every way.
Nonetheless, Hiccup can’t take his eyes off her. There’s an intriguing--almost playful--glint in her holographic eyes that draws him in.
He manages to track Anna down to a seedy part of town, finding out that she’s been forced to work as an “exotic dancer” of sorts to lay low while still paying the bills. He meets her backstage, claiming he needs to run a “safety inspection” on the premises, but it only takes a short conversation for Anna to see right through his cover. She attacks with superhuman strength, throwing him hard against a wall and making a run for it while the wind is knocked out of him.
Hiccup gives chase through grungy, neon-lit streets, nearly losing her among the raincoats and umbrellas of thick crowds a number of times. He finally corners her near a backalley, out-of-the-way clothing store, in a place where there are no cars or people or power boxes to hide behind. She dives through a display window, the effort of breaking glass slowing her down, and at last Hiccup has his chance.
Something stops him from pulling the trigger.
She turns and looks at him the second before he shoots, and her eyes are filled with blazing, palpable fear. The fear of a clearly sentient creature. Not so different from the fear Hiccup saw in Toothless’ eyes when he first met him, back when Hiccup was just another in a vast world of humans that only wanted to hurt him.
He lowers his gun, and watches as Anna scrambles into the darkness of the closed shop and out of sight. He starts home, feeling sick.
He knows he’ll have to kill her eventually...but not tonight. Not tonight.
He’s almost to his car when a cold, steely grip closes around his arm, yanking him into an alleyway. In the bright neon glow from the adjacent street, he recognizes the round face and tied-back head full of red curls immediately--Merida, the most vicious of the rogue replicants. She saw him shooting at Anna, her comrade and friend, and now he is deeply fucked.
It’s not much of a fight. Within seconds, Merida gains the upper hand--and is, to put it delicately, beating the ever-loving shit out of him. Hiccup makes his peace with the gods, recognizing that tragically, this is indeed an occupational hazard of being a Blade Runner.
She’s just about to land the killing blow when someone intervenes.
Shaken and battered, Hiccup gets to his feet. He leans against a wall, watching a blur of red and orange hair as he gets his breath back.
His rescuer, he realizes, is Anna.
Merida is hard to subdue, blinded by rage and lashing out wildly in her efforts to get back to Hiccup. Anna pleads for her to stop, trying to explain that Hiccup let her go--that he’s not worth killing if he could help them.
Hiccup realizes with a start that she must really believe that. Why else would she save his life?
Finally, the realization that Anna is alive and well--and not bleeding out from a gunshot wound outside some dingy shop--seems to sink in for Merida. She calms down and takes a step back, eyeing Hiccup with distaste.
“He’d better be useful,” she hisses. “Imagine of he really had killed yeh, huh? That’s jest what his lot do.”
She spits on Hiccup before stalking off.
After Merida leaves, Anna admits she followed Hiccup, wanting to know why a Blade Runner spared her. After a rather tense conversation--including but not limited to Anna painfully shoving Hiccup against a wall and conducting an impromptu interrogation--Hiccup admits the truth: He had to take the job to retire her and her friends because someone he loved would be in danger if he didn’t. Someone mechanical.
With a little more prodding, Hiccup admits that the people he used to work for threatened to deactivate Toothless if he didn’t dispose of the four rogue replicants “terrorizing the city.” Anna muses--half to herself--that she may be able to help. No one better to understand an artificial life form than another artificial life form, after all. And Anna has been to dozens of planets in all different types of spacecrafts and interfaced with hundreds of other AIs--if anyone understands AI coding and tampering, it’s her.
Besides, she saved his life. Him, a bounty hunter who got paid for killing beings like her. That has to count for something.
Before they know it, the two are forming a tentative alliance. Anna offers to take a look at Toothless’ software and try to figure out how to disconnect him from the cloud, thus cutting off any outside access to his neural circuits. In return, Hiccup will give her and her friends protection, ceasing his hunt for them for the time being and keeping their locations a secret from other Blade Runners.
With nowhere else for her to really go, Hiccup reluctantly tells Anna she can stay in the spare room of his apartment--only because she might be the only one who can potentially save Toothless, of course. That’s the only reason it’s worth the dangers. Hiccup supposes it’s just as well--easiest to keep her safe (so she can still be around to decode and free his cat) by keeping her close. Emotions can’t factor into this when replicants have none--not like humans do, anyway. Right?
It turns out Hiccup can’t stay nearly as detached as he hoped. The more Anna tries to figure Toothless out--muttering about his wires and his circuit board and his signals as she tinkers with the squirming feline--the more Hiccup tries to figure Anna out. She’s fascinated by the humans on earth--their food, their culture, their art. Their reverence for the biological and their utter disdain for the artificial. He often finds her asking for bites of his food (despite not needing to eat), or watching cars and ships pass out of his high-rise windows. She begs to tag along when he goes undercover in dingy parts of town, fascinated by the bustle of the crowds and the crammed markets with their shouting vendors and ever-flashing neon signs.
Protecting replicants, however, isn’t without its dangers—as Hiccup well suspected. His employers are becoming suspicious of his skills having grown so “rusty” that he misses every shot and he often just “can’t track the bastards down.” But as he grows closer to Anna and meets the rest of her friends, he realizes everything he’s been taught about replicants couldn’t be more wrong. 
They’re intelligent, and they can be kind, emotional, loving, good. Their brains and souls are just as “real” as any human’s. All they want is what anyone wants—to not be treated as lesser for things they can’t help.
As Hiccup’s bond with Anna grows, she opens up to him about the horrors she’s faced. Bloody battles on distant planets. The death of her “sister” Elsa, a replicant made in the same factory as her who was the first living being she ever met. From the same line of Nexus models as Jack, Elsa was built to withstand frigid subzero temperatures...but it wasn’t enough to protect her from being slaughtered by a hoard of newer, even more cold-tolerant models.
Together with the four replicants he’s supposed to be hunting, Hiccup eventually uncovers a horrifying truth--all replicants are programmed to shut down permanently after 4 years. A self-destruct “failsafe” put in because humans were scared of their creations growing and developing in ways they couldn’t predict. Becoming a little too self-aware, and realizing how sick they are of living as second-class citizens. Before he knows it, Hiccup finds himself on a mission more perilous than ever: Find out how to override the programming sending his new friends toward an early doom, all while dodging the wrath of employers who will no doubt think poorly of him for fraternizing with the enemy, to say the least.
And the fact that he’s falling in love with his bounty isn’t going to make things any easier.
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orojuice · 3 years
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Paradox Bandit: Alternate Take
A comic by me and Sha-Y. Part of our NMH3: Alternate Struggles series.
Paradox Bandit was probably the alien “superhero” I was least interested in when FU’s crew was revealed way back in “The Return”.
Some noted his resemblance to He-Man, which I only recognized after it was pointed out. This comparison was strengthened during the Rankings comicbook intro that called him the “Master of Explosion”, a possible riff on “Masters of the Universe”.
Even with 2021 being an odd year for the Champion of Eternia, I wasn’t very inspired to do an “alternate take” comic with him like I did with Vanishing Point, Sniping Lee, or Black Night Direction.
Then Travis unveiled his skeletal “Full Green” armor mode and everything just sort of clicked, and a backstory for Paradox Bandit as fallen superhuman barbarian hero of a far-off planet/dimension whose Yuga-esque cyclic exploits are broadcasted on Earth ala Robert A. Heinlein’s “World as Myth” concept i.e. all “fiction” is “real” somewhere out there in the multiverse.
A quick two-punch, two-page comic script reminiscent of Travis’ confrontation with Electro Triple Star in TSA came to mind. One that satirizes the quick AND painful way writers try to shake up long-running fictional franchises, as well as the feuds that follow. We’ve seen it with He-Man, with Marvel’s Thor (whose washed-up Endgame iteration Paradox Bandit also resembles) with Star Wars, with The Greatest American Hero, the list goes on. In the stories these shifts typically occur in, the current is powerless to challenge the coming, the past is to be killed with no sincere purpose, but in the chaotic framework of No More Heroes, that needn’t be so as anything can happen.
Thus, the dismissed, diminished, and discarded demigod is given the chance to “fight back” in a raw and direct fashion that some of the archetype’s bereaved fans secretly wish they would, resulting in a metaphorical sequence rife with genuine pain, visceral delight, and undeniable horror. 
Choking Hazard: 3 years of age and under.
Rather than a straw supporter of the new guard or an upright acolyte taking a former idol to task, Travis would be an interesting opponent as he’s clearly not the ideal result of the pop culture strata Paradox Bandit is supposed to represent. Despite being a fan of heroic fiction as seen in the likes of Ultraman, Kamen Rider, and presumably 80s action cartoons (Travis was born during 1981 or 1982), he’s grown up into a thoroughly unpleasant and dysfunctional individual, calling into question just how effective the old way of doing things was in providing actable and legitimate inspirations for audiences. He is, in short, exactly what Paradox Bandit accuses him of being, the awkward contrarian who would like the Skeletor and Orko stand-ins over him.
That in mind, perhaps a change is needed. Although pre and post-fight, Travis tacitly argues for a method that ties in for his love of tokusatsu (see the names for the various Death Glove Chips), sequel stories that explore new themes, ideas, and characters but truly respect the virtues and spirit of the mythology’s bedrock rather than treading upon them to form a distinct platform: succession rather than supplanting (you can see that in how MotU progressed from simple toy comic tie-ins to all its much loved animated iterations, graphic novels, etc). Which is more diplomatic and preferable than Paradox Bandit’s wish to take the reins of his next cycle and lock it in a status quo where he will remain secure at the cost of stagnancy.
For his battle, Travis fights Paradox Bandit in his Full Green mode much like he does against Midori, more out of symbolism and to have at least one other Full Green boss fight on the roster. In contrast to Midori’s area control/denial battle style, Paradox Bandit fights in a much more aggressive and direct manner: causing tremors, stomping up boulders to kick towards Travis, calling down lightning, throwing his axe and calling it back, doing melee combos reminiscent of the Captain Treatments, summoning his version of Battle Cat that Travis needs to use missiles or his Tiger Attack to knock him off of, and of course, doling out EXPLOSIONS.
The fight ends with Paradox Bandit managing to badly damage the Full Green armor (to the point that it can only be used in short bursts, explaining why Travis didn’t pull it out during a crucial moment during the final boss sequence), but this gives Travis a chance to wrest his axe away from him. Screaming “By the Potence of ZweiNull! I have the Potence!” (which does nothing), he swings it down and critically wounds Paradox Bandit. As he lies dying, he expresses fear at what’s going to happen to him come his next incarnation, if one happens at all, and laments over his failures as both a hero and villain.
Travis assures him that despite how screwed up he himself is, he still lives by some of the lessons Paradox Bandit doled out as De-Max in his original show: He recycles, he looks both ways before he crosses the street, etc, which he’s passed on to his own kids. Paradox Bandit asks him if he’ll share MASTERS OF EXPLOSION with Hunter and Jeane, but Travis shrugs and says they’re not really into the kind of entertainment he likes, but if the new CG MoE show on Notflix is good, he’ll probably buy a couple of the toys if they’re of acceptable quality.
This gives Paradox Bandit some measure of peace, who says that he’s once again feeling very, very sleepy, as his body suddenly disintegrates. His axe then flies out of Travis hands and up into space, presumably to reboot MASTERS OF EXPLOSION.
I’ve actually watched the CG He-Man show. It’s actually pretty good. Radically different in lots of ways, but the essence and ideals of the Masters of the Universe remain. It also comes packaged with shockingly good humor, character dynamics, and action scenes. So check that out if you like.
Travis’ shirt is part of the logo of Forgotton Anne, a beautiful and fully-voiced indie puzzle platforming game that’s also about lost things…and lost people.
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blackhillverse · 4 years
i posted this on my twitter but i thought that people on tumblr will find this helpful as well. so, welcome to blackhill masterpost!
ೃ⁀➷ blackhill 101
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a helpful guide for people who have just learnt about blackhill and wish to expand their knowledge on their new favorite sapphic ship.
ೃ⁀➷  disclaimer
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✧ ideas presented in this thread are considered to be fanons which means, they are headcanons accepted by the blackhill community
✧ they're essential to know since they're the stem of the ship
✧ the existence of fanons does not forbid you from creating your own headcanons
✧ fanons help us to unify the core information since the whole ship is based on our presuppositions
✧ once again, it is rather important to at least get familiar with the core ideas, because fanfiction authors often use them in their works
ೃ⁀➷ maria hill
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✧ born on april 4th, 1982
✧ there are two ways of picturing her family background:
⋆ her mother died while giving birth to her which caused her father to display abusive behavior towards maria (canonical information from the comics)
⋆ her family is big and supportive (fanon, might have developped from ‘the perfect girlfriend’ by thetruthaboutlove fanfiction) 
✧ she is considered to be either of:
⋆ an american descent - might be canon 
⋆ an italian descent - a very important fanon which developed from 'the perfect girlfriend' by thetruthaboutlove fanfiction
⋆ a canadian descent - it refers to cobie smulders' descent
✧ she used to be a marine
✧ most of the fanons are based on the comic maria hill so it is recommended to read at least some of them
✧ most people visualize and portray maria hill as cobie smulders in their works however she can be also pictured as in phil noto's comic artworks
✧ maria hill is considered to be a canonical lesbian. even cobie smulders herself agreed that her character is tired of men (thanks to @blackhillthings  on twt for making cobie say this)
ೃ⁀➷ natasha romanoff
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✧ natasha can be perceived in many ways, in my opinion, everyone has their own portrayal of her character in their head
✧ in blackhill universe, natasha's character tends to be a mix of a mcu natasha and comic natasha
✧ it is highly recommended for you to read the comics
✧ natasha is usually portrayed as scarlett johansson in fanfictions but it is also very common to picture her as in phil noto's comic artworks
✧ personally, i recommend you to read the 'fearless' by elle1991 fanfiction for natasha's background story
ೃ⁀➷  a list of suggested movies & series to watch for a better blackhill experience
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✧ the avengers (2012)
✧ captain america: the winter solider (2014) - this movie is considered to be the core movie since it provides the longest amount of screentime
✧ the avengers: age of ultron (2015)
✧ jack reacher: never go back (2016) - for a marine maria hill experience
✧ the avengers: infinity war (2018)
✧ the avengers: endgame (2019) 
✧ stumptown (2019) for a marine maria hill experience
ೃ⁀➷ comics to read
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✧ comics are a very important part of the blackhill universe
✧ the most essential comic series, in this case, is black widow (2014) by nathan edmonson and phil noto, it features lots of core information as well as characters like liho, the cat
✧ another comic series to read is black widow (2016) by chris samnee and mark waid
✧ the last series that provide blackhill essential content, as well as maria's backstory, is invincible iron man (2008), issues: #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #22
ೃ⁀➷ essential fanfictions to read
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✧ gone to the dogs by avesnongrata and woodface
✧ the perfect girlfriend by thetruthaboutlove
✧ by baby steps by thetruthaboutlove
✧ weekend plans by avesnongrata
ೃ⁀➷  other things to know
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✧ blackhill was created around 2011
✧ there are two peaks of blackhill popularity: 2015 and 2019
✧ the 'do you have any gum?' 'no gum' quote comes from 'gone to the dogs' fanfiction and is one of the most popular thing to say in the community
✧ clint is a very close friend of maria and natasha but when referring to him, we mean comic and avenger's assemble (cartoon) clint
✧ blackhill # on tumblr is a great place to find useful stuff like manips (i'm one of the creators on here), art, fanfictions, and fanons
✧ if you decide to repost someone's artwork on any media platform, make sure that the author gave their consent to that (usually you can see the information about that on their profile). we respect the creators in the blackhill community
✧ always credit the author when reposting
✧ keep in mind that due to maria's and natasha's troubled past, blackhill is a very deep and tough ship. some things might be as considered out of the character if you forget about that
ೃ⁀➷ thank you for attention
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if you have any questions about blackhill, feel free to pm me or other people form the community. we’re all very helpful so don’t be shy! 
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white-cat-of-doom · 4 years
My favourite blog is accepting asks? Yes! Can you tell us your top 9 Cats performers? Idc which Cat they play.
(sorry if this is something you've stated before)
First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am honoured that I am your favourite blog! You really should find someone better than me.
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You put a smile on my face!
This is going to get a bit long, but here we go.
I have one person who is my absolute favourite performer (and person), Noaimh Morgan, who was Rumpleteazer in CATS (2019) and in the UK International Tour 2018. I went into the reasons in a separate post, if you curious as to why.
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Just look at her! I LOVE HER SO MUCH! (This is my tablet wallpaper if anyone cared). She is an absolute joy in the 2019 movie, and is my favourite character in that film. She is part of the reason why I am in this fandom.
Now in no particular order, eight other wonderful performers in CATS:
Susan Jane Tanner - Original London Cast (1981-1982) Jellylorum/Griddlebone and CATS (1998) Jellylorum
She IS Jellylorum, and one of my two favourite Jellylorum performers. She originated the character in London, and I adore her singing voice and the ways she portrays Jelly. She is so kind and gentle! Some people dislike her in the 1998 film due to her singing and the fact she is older, but those people are very much wrong. In my opinion she is underappreciated in CATS.
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Here is a photo of her from rehearsals in 1981. I love this darker Jelly design! I wish I could find more detailed pictures of it.
Bonnie Simmons - Original Broadway Cast Jellylorum/Griddlebone (1982-1992)
My other favourite Jellylorum, and my favourite Griddlebone. I ADORE her singing and wish I could have seen her perform! This is some footage of her as Griddlebone that I would recommend anyone watch, as Growltiger's Last Stand on Broadway was an EVENT.
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Another very underappreciated performer, considering she was the third longest serving original cast member in the original Broadway production, behind only Susan Powers (1982-1997) and Marlene Danielle, who stayed for all 18 years until 2000!
Phyllida Crowley Smith - London (1992-1993) and CATS (1998) Victoria
My favourite Victoria perfromer. She is so beautiful as Victoria, and her dancing and movements are so graceful! I do not think there is anyone better than her as Victoria, even if they are more technically trained.
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She is so pretty and I love her!
Hannah Kenna Thomas - UK Tour (2014), Palladium (2015-2016), UK International Tour (2018-2019), Vienna Revival (2019-Present) Victoria
My second favourite Victoria performer, Hannah is someone who I believe loves being in CATS (which I very much appreciate). She is absolutely gorgeous as Victoria and perfectly embodies the character.
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Being a part of the Vienna revival always makes me wonder if she can speak German at all. Regardless, that Vienna 2019 promotional video of her performing the White Cat Solo lives in my mind at all times.
Freya Rowley - UK Tour (2013) Swing, UK Tour (2014) Tantomile, CATS (2019) Jellylorum
I feel in love with the tall, orange background Cat in the 2019 movie, who is beautiful and cheerful! Freya initiated my love for Jellylorum, even if she is the most unconventional Jelly to have ever existed.
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She is so pretty and is my second favourite character in the movie. She is always so happy and having fun, all while never being the center of attention.
Lili Froehlich - Broadway Revival (2016-2017) Electra
Another person who is beautiful and so incredibly cute! I love her, and she brings such positivity to her primary role of Electra, and the other roles she covered.
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Immensely talented as well, she served as a dance captain in the Broadway Revival, and was an assistant choreographer in the US Tour 6.
I admire Lili as well, as she helped me figure out and become more comfortable with my sexuality, as she showed me that not everything is straightforward to figure out, and there is a fluidity to that may change in the future.
Eloise Kropp - Broadway Revival (2016-2017) Jennyanydots
She has such a fantastic charm to her performance and is a phenomenal tap dancer! Eloise and The Old Gumbie Cat performance is one of the better parts of the revival changes, although I still adore the standard Gumbie performance.
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I mean, look at that smiling face (and that AMAZING Jenny design)! Eloise has made me fall in love with Jenny!
Jo Bingham - London (1991) Etcetera, London (1992) Rumpleteazer, London (1997) Demeter, CATS (1998) Etcetera
A trailblazer and a personification of absolute joy mixed with chaos, Jo Bingham took a character and them her own. She did what she wanted in the 1998 film and it does not look like anyone involved had more fun than her.
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I wish I could have seen Jo perform as Demeter! We never had the chance for her to sing in the 1998 film and I NEED to hear her sing Macavity!
Thank you so much for the ask!
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allthings-chaos · 4 years
Knight Rider 2008 X Reader
Description: Reader steals a car with Artificial Intelligence that is much like KITT.
It was about four in the afternoon when you received a call from an unknown number, which you decided to answer. Normally it was a telemarketer and you would try to annoy them to the point where they’d simply hang up.
Not this time, though. You didn’t recognize the voice, but it seemed to be someone of importance, at least, so you decided to not hang up, figuring it was probably the best decision.
“Is this (Y/N) (L/N)?” The voice asked after you had answered the phone, before you could even say hello.
You raised a brow, wondering how someone had gotten your number, and also knew your name. “It might be. Who is this?”
This person didn’t even bother to answer your question. “Ms. (L/N), it appears that you have either unintentionally or intentionally stolen an asset from Knight industries. We request that it is returned immediately.”
“First of all, you didn’t answer my question, and second, what did I steal? I’m not exactly the smartest crayon in the box.”
“I am aware of the fact,” The man probably would have laughed if it weren’t a serious matter. “I have an agent en route to retrieve the asset that was stolen.”
“How do you know that I’m stupid?” You were enjoying talking to this person, even though you knew that you definitely were not stupid, and that you had in fact stolen some “asset” on purpose. You wouldn’t make yourself the enemy, yet. “Who’re you sending? They’d better be hot.”
“This is a serious matter, Ms. (L/N).” You were reminded once more, “But to answer your question, it does not take much to find out you were a high school dropout with a 2.0 GPA.”
“So are you stalking me or something? Because it really seems like it. I also prefer to be called (Y/N), not by my last name. Thank you.”
The man sighed, “The agent I am sending will be there within a few hours, do not try and run. We will find you.”
When the line dropped, you laughed to yourself, petting the steering wheel of a sweet white mustang that you had in fact stolen just an hour ago. Did you plan on giving it back? Possibly, but what was the point in hiding it when you could have some fun with it?
Even though you’d been told not to run, you did. Well- not exactly. You drove out of your small garage, and drove down the street just under the speed limit. You’d miss the car after it would be taken back, but that was okay. You’d just sneak in and steal it right back. For some reason the car was labeled “KATT” whatever the hell that meant.
While you waited for the “agent” to pick up the car, you parked at a grocery store and went inside, grabbing a case of hard lemonades while you were there. Walking out into the parking lot, however, you realized the car was missing. “Already? Sheesh.. They must have teleported.”
“Ms. (L/N), please get in.” The car rolled up, a door swinging open as it stopped in front of you.
“Did I already drink today?” You raised a brow, as you looked at the time on your phone, before shrugging and hopping in. “So, are you the cat thing then?”
“No, I am the Knight Automated Tactical Technology.”
“What now? That’s a mouthful.”
“Or K.A.T.T for easy reference, KATT if you prefer.” The car told you.
“I’m on drugs, aren’t I?” You weren’t even driving, as the car drove by itself.
“You do not appear to be.” A hologram screen appeared, which seemed to display all of your vitals.
“I feel like that’s a violation of my privacy, but okay. How’d you do that?”
“I scanned you,” The car stated, which just confused you more.
“I thought I just stole a car..” You huffed, “I’m definitely going to jail for this.”
“As long as you do not attempt to prevent me from returning, you will not face any charges. Mr. Torres is under the impression that you were unaware that you stole his technology.”
“So I can for sure accidentally steal you again.” You laughed once again, already planning to when the next chance arose.
“I’m afraid they would realize that you were not truly stealing me by accident if that were to happen.”
“Well that sucks.”
Later on that day, you were sitting in a lawn chair, while you sipped on a lemonade that you had bought earlier, when someone in a black mustang pulled into your little driveway. The guy that was driving got out of his car, before he made his way over to you, while you.. Tipped your sunglasses down and checked him out. “Your fly is down.”
“What?” He was fooled, as you simply went back to reading your magazine. “It was not-”
“So what’s your name?” You asked, while not taking your eyes off of the new magazine.
“Michael Knight.”
“Ah.” You had a thing for annoying people, apparently.
“I need the keys to the car.” Mike told you, to which you shrugged.
“I never had any keys,” You finally looked up at him, setting the magazine down. “So is she that one’s girlfriend then?”
Mike actually laughed at that, “It seems like it sometimes. How’d you get a hold of her?”
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
“She did not ‘get a hold’ of me. I came here.” KATT had her own story, though she was likely covering for her new friend, so that she would not be in any sort of trouble.
“Then I suppose if that’s true, we’ll be leaving.” Mike shrugged, “KATT, follow behind us.”
“I can use a tow hook if necessary.” KITT finally spoke up, just offering help.
“That will not be necessary.” KATT quickly told them, “I can follow.”
You just watched them, not really seeming to care all that much. Though, the interaction was interesting. You certainly were going to get your hands on that car again, maybe not soon, but at some point.
After Mike and the two cars had left, you simply went back inside your house to plan for another day, where you would take the car once again- only next time, you would not be giving it back.
Author Note: I hope you enjoyed this small story! I plan to do more as I come up with more ideas- and I am also open to requests. Just to add a little information, KATT is a character that I made up years ago and wrote some fanfictions with. She is basically a copy of KITT, with just a few differences(including her having a female voice). To name a few, her job is to search and rescue, as well as provide comfort to victims of a crime. She is housed in a white mustang, and her light bar in the front is blue as well. That is all! Once again, requests are open. I mostly write about the 2008 version of Knight Rider but I can for sure do some for the 1982 version!
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fl0ra · 4 years
i was tagged by @lostand-notfound thank you so much ♡︎♡︎♡︎
Rules: answer the questions about 2020 and tag some people to pass it on!
Five favourite films you watched in 2020? the scent of green papaya, yi yi, cat people (the only other film i watched this year was batman returns but that was for educational purposes and i did not enjoy it that much)
Five favourite TV shows you watched in 2020? harlots, a suitable boy, this country, killing eve, angels of the north
Five favourite songs you listened to in 2020? i cannot choose just five, sooo (i’m just listening my favourite songs that i listened to this year that were released this year, because there are so many more i could mention...): ‘we are bulletproof : the eternal’, ‘friends’, ‘black swan’, ‘00:00′, ‘moon’, ‘filter’, ‘my time’, ‘louder than bombs’, ‘inner child’, ‘your eyes tell’, ‘blue & grey’, ‘병’ (all bts) ‘보라빛 밤’ (sunmi), ‘uncover’ (seulgi), ‘nobody else’, ‘lmm’ (both hwasa), ‘christmas love’ (jimin), ‘대취타’, ‘people’, ‘moonlight’ (all agust d)
Top five albums of 2020? map of the soul : 7, be, maria, monster, d-2
Top five books you read in 2020? the bloody chamber by angela carter, tidelands by philippa gregory, kim jiyoung, born 1982 by cho nam joo, a history of the world in 100 objects by neil macgregor, cherry ingram by naoko abe
How did you spend your birthday this year? my birthday fell at the end of january, just before covid kicked off in the uk, so i could have lunch at a pub-restaurant on the coast and then we went for a walk across the marshes
What was your most memorable day this year? two days from july spring to mind - one was going to an outdoor sculpture exhibition and the other was going to an art gallery
What was the most memorable meal you had this year? yesterday’s roast duck, for christmas
Did you find any new hobbies or interests in quarantine? no, i don’t think so
What was the last big thing you remember doing B. C. (before Covid)? going to london.  :( i miss london :(
Five good or positive things that happened to you in 2020? i have felt so happy with myself and the way my life is since this autumn, i got an interview at oxford (i still don’t know if i’ve got in yet but i was buzzing about that), i’ve made some good friends, a level subjects are going well (even my composition sounds not bad), i went to some nice places (even if it was only a few)
Biggest messages or lessons learned from this year? don’t impulse buy, hard work DOES pay off, though you may regret some past decisions these mistakes mean you won’t mess up the better things to come
What are you most looking forward in 2021? hopefully seeing the end of covid, finishing the final exam (not looking forward to results day though..), starting afresh
tagging @hae-des @rosademiel @daughterofchaos @docheri @rruslana @uneorchide @biseulgi @sheart @berryblisses @japanesepeacelilly @ahearthrob @gloria-gloom @s00ft @loveyov @cherubov and anyone else who wants to :))
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