#and i honestly don't really plan to go back!!!
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absolut3rat · 3 days ago
ok im actually reblogging this because i want to explain why this is stupid and inefficient. I don't know who's organizing this but they greatly misunderstand how to actually get results from companies.
First you don't have a scheduled time that you STOP. You only stop when demands are met, not before. If you stop before your demands are met then that tells the company they don't have to listen to your demands. Not to mention this is only a week???? what the hell do you think a single week is going to do to profits? its going to do jack shit that's what. Because a single week of profits will be unnoticeable to them in the large scheme of things. Second why are you doing a no spend anywhere for a single day? That will literally do nothing. Its pointless and honestly not worth any more acknowledgment because if you had a brain its easy to see why this isn't used for real protests. Seriously who is scheduling this and have they organized anything like this in the past? Who is backing them? Who are they working with and who are they consulting? What are the demands being made? What do they plan to do if they are actually called to negotiate (something I highly doubt due to points i made above)? And to my mutuals who I keep seeing reblogging the posts like this please think. Do you REALLY think this will work? Do you know how these actually work or do you just reblog it because it looks like its important and that it might work?
No Amazon. No Walmart. No Target. No Disney. No Google. No Apple. No Visa or Mastercard. And especially no Facebook. I will not be posting on Meta platforms for the next 24 hours in support of the economic blackout.
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bloomries · 19 hours ago
Hey hey! I hope you’re doing well! I absolutely ADORE your “calling them husband” thing, it’s SO cute! Would you be up to doing similar for the other dateables? (So like… Dia, Barb, Simeon, and Solomon?) if not that’s totally chill too, but figured I’d ask! Either way, have a wonderful weekend!
me and my husband~
includes : diavolo, barbatos, simeon, and solomon.
summary : calling him your "husband" (even though you two aren't married yet) to see his reaction.
warnings : gn! reader. mention of marriage.
part 1
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You knew you had to be cautious, say it at the wrong time and Barbatos would certainly be pissed- which was something you wanted to avoid more than anything. So, in the early hours, as you helped Diavolo get ready for the day, you couldn't help but tease. "What am I to do alone without my husband?"
At first it's eerily quiet, and you're nervous to glance up to see Diavolo's reaction, his fingers- which rested on your waist- twitch as his grips tightens a bit. "I- I was just prankin-"
He leaned in close, his lips by your ears. "Is that what you want?" His voice was low and smooth. "Should I finally bestow such a title upon you, hm? I've certainly thought about it more than a few times..." He muses, pulling away just enough for you to see the smirk on his lips.
You're still a bit stunned by his sudden shift in demeanor and his hinting words. You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. Diavolo chuckles. "Be patient for me, spouse. We'll talk more about this tonight, okay?"
And before Barbatos can interrupt such an intimate moment, Diavolo presses a kiss to the corners of your lips before leaving- leaving you stunned and waiting for the promise of tonight.
You were helping him set up for a party being hosted by the Devildom's prince, wanting to do anything to relieve some of the stress of it for him. "Where should these flowers go?" The delivery man asked, glancing around the giant hall.
"Hmm," you hum in thought, also glancing around the hall. "My husband will want them over there." You say casually, just loud enough to capture the said demon's attention. He didn't really give much of a reaction at first, just glancing your way before returning to the party details.
It wasn't until much later that you finally find out how he feels about your words. "Husband, hm?" He asks, his hand in yours as he leads you two around the dance floor- one of the few pleasures of helping to plan a party. You grin, your eyes sparkling with delight.
"I was wondering if you heard that." Barbatos hums in response, a smile sneaking its way on to his features.
"Whilst I'm not opposed to the title," He says, pulling you impossibly closer to him. "Perhaps we should wait until I've properly earned it, hm?"
"Oh? And when will that be?" You tease, biting your lip in anticipation. Barbatos chuckles, taking a step away as the song ends. He bows, placing a kiss to the back of your hand.
"Soon, I assure you." And then he's leading you to get a drink with him.
Sometimes it was hard to tease Simeon, but other times it was oh-so-easy that it'd be painfully hard not to mess with him a little. So when the little old granny cheerfully asked if you two were a married couple, you had to step in. You clutched his arm a little tighter, and before he could answer you spoke. "That's right, this my darling husband~"
Simeon sputtered a bit, looking at you mild disbelief to have agreed and even call him such an endearing term without hesitation. Simeon, trying not to cause a scene however, composed himself rather quickly and smiled at the elder woman.
"Mm, yes... I- I'm their husband..." He nods along. He's thankful she doesn't say much more, only commenting you two were adorable together before leaving. When she's far enough, you burst out into laughter. He frowns, arms crossed over his chest.
"Honestly..." He sighs, shaking his head at your antics. "You just love to mess with me, don't you?" You wipe away at tears from laughing so hard, glancing at him with a grin.
"Well it'll be true one day, so what's the harm in saying it now, right?" And if you thought his reaction earlier was cute, this one was much, much cuter- a shy smile he tries hard to hide. Simeon certainly hopes it'll be true one day.
"Husband, oh my lovely husband~" You call whilst you know Solomon's in the middle of brewing a potion. You peaked your head into his lab, only to see him completely unbothered. He lifts his head only to meet your eyes for a few brief seconds before returning to his potion.
"Is there something you need, dear?" You frown, entering the room fully now.
"Not even a smile? No blush? Nothing?" He has a sly grin now as he shrugs.
"It's not I'm new to the title or anything." Solomon says simply, and this simple sentence causes your eye to twitch. "A great many, in fact, have called me such-" He narrowly dodges an attack, an alchemical book flying right for his head, before he realizes maybe he went a little too far with his own teasing.
"I'm never calling you that again, I swear-" Before you can leave he's abandoned his potion, his arms encircling you from behind.
"Don't be mad," He whispers, "You know that there isn't anybody I'd rather call me that than you." He presses kisses to the nape of your neck and downwards toward your shoulder. "And it's never sounded as sweet as it does than coming from your lips- like wine." He murmurs, "sweet and addicting." You roll your eyes, turning around to face him.
"Don't think your flowery words have gotten you out of trouble... completely." He grins, that mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"I have plenty more where that came from, if you're interested?"
Biting back a laugh, you drag him out of his lab. "Hm, keep it up and you'll have that title back by the end of the day." And he was more than happy to provide flowery, honeyed words forever should it please you.
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matchingbatbites · 1 day ago
A lil something for @stmarchmm day one: Courting Rituals.
Steve spots Eddie's van in the driveway as he's passing by the living room window. This isn't weird on it's own; he and Eddie have plans, after all, even if it's just crashing on the Harrington couch with pizza and a cheesy B-List horror movie.
No, what's weird is that Eddie is early.
The alpha is historically late for things. The entire party has a fifteen minute grace period that they wait before they actually start to worry that something might actually be wrong. So it's odd that Eddie is at Steve's house a whole ten minutes ahead of the time they agreed on.
Steve goes to the front door and opens it, only to find Eddie at the bottom of the steps, pacing back and forth. His bangs are frizzy and ruffled, like he's been running his fingers through them, and he has a bouquet of flowers in hand.
The omega hovers in the doorway and smiles when he realizes that Eddie is muttering to himself.
"-think you're an amazing person. You make every day brighter, and- No, shit. Tone it down, Eddie. Don't scare him off from the get go." He turns and continues pacing, his free hand moving to push through his bangs again.
"Uh, we- we've gotten to know each other better over the last six months, and I really like you, and I was wondering if- Fuck! Am I asking him to court or asking him to the homecoming dance? Jesus christ."
Steve's stomach flips at the mention of courting. Is that what Eddie's doing? Hyping himself up before he comes in and asks to court Steve?
He really hopes so; Steve's been dropping hints to Eddie for a while now. Any longer and the onega was going to start the process himself, honestly.
Eddie's just so... Eddie. He's weird and manic and intense, but he's also kind and incredibly gentle, handling every interaction with Steve like he's juggling glass. Like one wrong move will have the whole thing shattering to pieces around him.
It's endearing. It shows Steve that Eddie cares, that he wants Steve to think good of him.
"Hey, Eddie!" Steve calls and Eddie's attention immediately snaps to him. He turns so fast that he nearly slips and eats shit on the concrete, but he manages to catch himself at the last second.
"Hey, uh, hi! Steve!" Eddie shuffles in place and half-hides the flowers behind his leg, and Steve beams. He loves the weird, goofy man.
"Are you gonna hang out here all day? Or are you going to come inside and actually ask me, Alpha?"
It takes Eddie a second to register the question before he's scrambling up the steps and shyly presenting Steve with the bouquet - a bundle of wildflowers in varying colors, each one unique and beautiful. Steve happily takes them but doesn't move from the threshold, instead looking at Eddie expectantly.
"Steve, you are the most beautiful person I've ever met, inside and out," Eddie starts as he fidgets in place. "You deserve the world, and if you allow me the honor of courting you, I'll spend the rest of my life trying to give it to you."
Steve smiles and reaches out to grab Eddie's shirt. "You're too sweet, Alpha," he mutters as he tugs the alpha closer and places a kiss to his cheek. "I don't need the world, Eddie. I just need you to love me."
Eddie blinks rapidly for a second before his nerves seem to vanish. He smiles and hooks a finger into Steve's belt loop, keeping him close. "Well, good thing I've got a head start on that, then."
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Do you think leona ever asked his parents why he was even born? When he wasn't even destined to rule a kingdom and only exist in the background as a "prince", whose title meant nothing anymore when cheka was born.
(I want me some angst)
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Possibly? I think that Leona probably had to come to terms with a lot of not-so-nice truths about the world and his place in it as he was growing up. He's a smart guy, he'd put two and two together eventually.
Coincidentally, Leona asks a similar question (“How can I become king?”) to a butler in the second volume of the light novel (during his post-OB flashback sequence). The butler becomes deeply uncomfortable and cannot seem to muster a response. In that moment, Leona states that he knew it was considered inappropriate for him to covet the throne. And then he praises himself for being such a clever child LMAO—
Maybe there was no particular reason for his birth. On royal money, they can have as many children as they want and still have the means to support them. Family planning isn't as necessary. If you really want to go the angst route though, maybe the Kingscholar parents had a second child as a "failsafe" in case something happened to Falena or he wasn't able to sire an heir. If that's the case, the parents probably weren't thinking about how this might affect Leona's mental or emotional wellbeing; they were preoccupied with cementing their rule into the next generation and might have figured Leona would be happy serving in some other governmental position instead of taking up the throne (which now belongs to Cheka by birthright).
It's sad to think about little Leona working so hard in order to get recognized. He must have been so full of hope and joy back then, before he realized his efforts were futile and he would never get what he wanted most of all. Not just the crown, but the love and admiration that comes with having your skill and merit recognized. I wonder if Leona got his UM before or after he had his dreams crushed...? If it's before, it feels like a bad omen and a reason for others to hate him. If it's after, it only feels like confirming what people believe about him... That he's only capable of taking and destroying, never building or growing. That has got to do some damage to your psyche.
Leona may not have even asked his parents The Question directly, honestly. His mother is scarcely mentioned and his father is ill... and Falena is busy ruling in their father's place, which makes me think that it was mostly Kifaji raising and taking care of Leona. Maybe Leona pipes up one day and asks the Grand Chamberlain why was he born if he has no purpose? And that startles Kifaji, who tries to reassure him, only for Leona to grow increasingly frustrated and accuse him of being evasive or lying to avoid telling him the ugly truth. If they're playing chess at the time, I can picture little Leona knocking all the pieces off the board with an arm and then storming off somewhere to sulk.
We still don't have the origins of his scar. Leona talks about it very casually in his Dorm Uniform voice lines, stating that scars are seen as marks of bravery in his home country, but never explaining how he got his. It could be that there's no grand story or meaning behind it--but I've also seen fan theories that the scar was the result of Leona doing something dangerous at a young age in a desperate attempt to be seen and praised by others. That detail could fit very well into this angst hypothetical.
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starrylanex · 21 hours ago
bf!dean having to see reader take one for the team and flirt/make themselves bait for a pervy witness during a mission. I'm just wanting to see how hard it would be for him to restrain himself from stepping in or him having to step in if things get out of hand 🤍
Thank you Pookie 😘
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wordcount: 1,2k; warnings: a creepy guy, readers uncomfortable but dean comes in and saves the day.
an: hi angels, this has been in my drafts for way too long now so I think its fair it finally sees the daylight lol, so sorry to the person that requested this, but here it is now✨
The second Sam briefed all of you on the plan, you knew it was going to be a problem.
Not because the mission itself was complicated, just a simple case of a missing person, tied to a local creep with enough ties to the supernatural world to be suspicious. No, the problem was the role you were being asked to play.
"Carl Jennings," Sam had explained, tossing a file onto the motel room table. "Owns a bar downtown, last person to see our vic before she disappeared. Cops questioned him, but he claimed she left alone. No leads since."
You flipped the file open, scanning the contents. The guy's face was plastered across one of the pages, a middle-aged man with thinning hair and a face that made your gut twist. Not because he looked particularly intimidating, but because you recognized the type.
Sleazy. Overconfident. The kind of man who thought women were owed to him.
Dean leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "So, what? We knock on his door, ask real nice?"
Sam shook his head. "He's not gonna talk to us. But," he turned to you, "he's got a type."
You groaned, already seeing where this was going.
"Great." You dragged a hand down your face. "Let me guess, I'm the bait."
Sam hesitated before nodding. "He likes younger women, especially ones who act... interested. If we send you in, maybe you can get him talking."
Dean hadn't said anything yet.
You glanced at him, expecting at least a grunt of disapproval, but he was just staring at the file. Too quiet. Too still.
Oh, yeah. He hated this.
"Dean?" you said, his name sounding more like a question.
His jaw clenched. "Do we really need to do it this way?"
Sam sighed. "Dean—"
"No, seriously," Dean cut in, his voice sharp. "There's gotta be another way. We can corner him after hours, rough him up a little—"
You snorted. "Yeah, because nothing says 'please tell us everything you know' like breaking someone's nose."
Dean shot you a look, but you ignored it, closing the file and pushing it away. "Look, I get it. This isn't exactly my dream gig, either, but if this is the best way to get him to talk, then I'll do it."
Dean exhaled sharply through his nose, leaning forward to brace his forearms against his knees. He ran a hand over his mouth, visibly trying to reel himself in. "I don't like it."
"I know." You placed a hand on his knee, squeezing lightly. "I don't either, but I can handle myself."
Dean's eyes flicked to yours, something passing through them. Something tight and reluctant, something that said I know you can handle it. I just don't want you to have to. But he didn't argue.
And that's how you ended up here. with Dean Winchester sitting few tables away from you pissed.
And honestly? You couldn't blame him. 
Because if the roles were reversed, if it were him sitting at the bar, laughing a little too sweetly at some pervy woman's joke, letting her place a hand on his arm, leaning in just enough to give the illusion of interest, you'd probably be throwing chairs. 
But the job was the job, and you knew what had to be done. 
It didn't make it easier. 
You could feel Dean's eyes on you from across the bar, burning into the side of your face, hot and searing. You didn't need to look to know that his jaw was clenched so tight he was probably grinding his teeth, that his fingers were wrapped too tight around his beer bottle, that he was seconds from saying screw the mission and stomping over here just to deck this guy for breathing in your direction. 
And honestly? You wouldn't have minded. 
Because this guy, Carl? Craig? Who cared, was exactly the type you hated dealing with. The kind of man who thought confidence and sleaze were the same thing, who assumed that a polite laugh was an invitation, that the way you leaned in closer was because you wanted to, not because you were trying to get him talking. 
You had the routine down to an art. Light touches. Tilt of the head. Biting your lip just enough. A perfectly timed giggle. And it was working, he was spilling information between flirty comments and drawn-out stories about himself. 
Then he placed a hand on your thigh. 
Every muscle in your body tensed. 
You swallowed the disgust curling in your throat, forcing a breathy laugh as if that wasn't your cue to get the hell out of here. As if your skin wasn't crawling under his touch. 
It's fine. You've done worse. It's just a hand. 
And then he leaned in. 
His breath was hot against your ear, his voice dropping into something meant to be seductive but landed more on the side of stomach-churning.
"You're even prettier up close," he murmured. "Bet you taste just as sweet." 
Oh, hell no.
Before you could react, before you could push him off, before you could figure out whether breaking his nose would blow the mission, he was gone. One second he was next to you, and the next, Dean was in his place, standing between you like an immovable wall, broad and solid and yours.
Oh, shit. 
You barely registered the sound of the guy stumbling back, his confused "Who the hell are you?" barely processing because your brain was still catching up with the fact that Dean had moved.
Because Dean Winchester never let personal feelings get in the way of a mission. Not when it mattered. 
But this? This was you. 
His restraint had been stretched too thin, too fast. 
And now? Now that elastic band had snapped.
"Her boyfriend." Dean's voice was rough, clipped, the kind of dangerous that had made grown men twice his size back down without a second thought. 
The guy scoffed, glancing at you like he expected you to deny it. When you didn't, he rolled his eyes. "Jesus, relax, man. She was into it." 
Your stomach churned. You were so close to just decking this guy yourself, mission be damned, but Dean's grip on the bar was white-knuckle tight, and you knew if you so much as exhaled wrong, he'd finish what he started. 
You placed a hand on his back, fingers curling into his shirt, not to stop him, but to ground him. To tell him I'm okay. I've got this.
Dean exhaled sharply through his nose, tension radiating through his body. "Yeah, well, work's over," he gritted out. "So why don't you take your slimy hands and crawl back into whatever hole you came from, huh?" 
The guy held up his hands in mock surrender, muttering something under his breath as he walked off, and only then did you feel Dean's body loosen under your touch. The moment the guy was out the door, Dean turned to you, scanning your face like he expected to find something broken. Like he was waiting for an excuse to go after the guy and finish the job.
"You okay?" His voice was softer now, hands finding your waist, pulling you in like he needed to feel you close.
You sighed, letting yourself relax into him, just for a second. "I had it under control, De." 
Dean huffed, eyes flicking to where the guy had disappeared. "Yeah, well, my self-control only goes so far." 
Your lips twitched. "I noticed." 
Dean ran a hand down his face, exhaling deeply. "Next time, I'm taking the pervy witness." 
You grinned, tilting your head. "Sure when you grow a pair of boobs."
Dean smirked, pressing a kiss to your temple, warm and steady and safe.
"Might as well."
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allthingsfangirl101 · 14 hours ago
Rooster's Twin Sister – Jake Seresin
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Rooster's POV
The entire time I've been in the Top Gun program, no one has found out about my twin sister, Y/N. We both ended up going into the Navy. I became a pilot but Y/N became a mechanic—a damn good one, too.
A few years ago, Y/N, Maverick, and I were at lunch one day when Maverick and I found out more about Y/N's job. She was working at a garage in town and one of the guys wouldn't leave her alone. Most of the guys made jokes, accidentally brushed her when they walked by. All in all, they made her extremely uncomfortable.
After pushing her to tell us everything that was going on, Maverick convinced her to become a mechanic for the Navy. With her experience, her degree, and Maverick's recommendation, it would be easy for her to get in.
It took a lot more convincing, planning, and badgering before Y/N finally agreed to let Maverick send in her resume. Three days later, she had a job on a Navy base. She quickly became the top mechanic. She's not assigned to just one base. She moves around. She basically goes anywhere she's needed.
I walked into my and Y/N's shared apartment to see her keys already hanging up by the door.
"In the kitchen," she called back. I hung my keys next to hers and walked into the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, I looked around to see her making her favorite pasta dish.
"What are we celebrating?" I asked as I immediately stepped in and started to help.
"Maverick called me today," she mumbled.
"He invite you to dinner Sunday?"
"Well, yeah," she chuckled. Her smile dropped. "He also told me about that Petty Officer that sabotaged your planes."
"Oh yeah," I scoffed. "Guy tried to. . . Wait, why was he telling you about that?"
"He talked me through what the Petty Officer did," she explained. "He asked if it was easy to reverse."
"Is it?"
"Very," she smiled again. "I told him it would only take an hour to reverse it."
"One hour to reverse it on all of our planes?"
"Well, an hour per plane," she smirked. "But I could easily get it done in a day or two. It was a small issue. Honestly, I could've done worse in high school."
"Did you explain to Maverick how to reverse it?" I chuckled.
"I didn't have to," she said, suddenly avoiding my eyes. "He asked me to come in next week and look at your planes and reverse the sabotage."
"That's awesome," I started to say, but she cut me off.
"He also wants me to see if I can tweak the computers so they can fight against anyone else who tries to sabotage or hack the planes."
"I didn't know you could do stuff with computers," I said, realizing just how long it's been since I had a real talk with my twin sister.
"I got a minor in cyber security, Bradley," she sighed.
"Did Maverick know?" I asked.
"I helped him put a few extra layers of security on the airplane hangar he keeps his plane in before he started training you guys. Now, Maverick wants me to spiff up the security on all your planes."
"How long would that take?"
"I said maybe two weeks," I shrugged. "Nothing more. But Maverick didn't put in for a limited transfer."
"What did he put in for?" I asked. I studied her and instantly knew what he put in for. I smiled as I answered my own question, "He got you permanently transferred to our base."
"Are you. . . Are you okay with that?"
"Of course," I laughed as I turned and stirred the sauce. Y/N grabbed my arm and pulled me back so I was facing her again.
"Are you really?" She double-checked. "I don't want to come to your base and. . . I know that you don't like me following you around. . . I mean, we're each our own person. And. . . Well, does your team even know about me?"
"They don't," I sighed. I hated that the look in her eyes slightly dropped. "The only reason I didn't tell them about you was to protect you. As soon as they find out I have a twin sister, I know several of them will look you up on the Navy website."
"And they'll think I'm disgusting?" She fake laughed.
"No," I said firmly. "They'll think you're amazing and bother me until I bring you around."
"And you don't want to bring me around because. . ."
"I don't want to bring you around them because I don't want them tripping over themselves to get to you."
"Like they would do that," she scoffed under her breath and walked back to the stove. I sighed before setting the table.
I hated it when she did this. Y/N's always struggled with her confidence. Part of it has to do with her being a mechanic. The other part was typical teenage girl stuff.
I thought that she'd grown past that.
As we ate, I got an idea. "What if I took you to my favorite Navy bar on the beach and we can celebrate you coming to base?"
"Your favorite Navy. . . Won't your friends be there?"
"I hope they are," I smiled at her.
"You want. . . You want me to meet your friends?"
"I do, Y/N."
* * * * *
Reader's POV
I subconsciously straightened out my uniform that I rarely wore. Bradley looked over my shoulder and laughed.
"What?" I scoffed. "I'm usually in my mechanic jumpsuit."
"You look good," he chuckled as he opened the bar door. As soon as we were surrounded by other Navy guys, my heart jumped into my throat. With my nerves and anxiety all over the place, I grabbed my twin brother's hand.
"It's okay," he said under his breath. "If the guys look at you wrong, just let me know. I'll kick their ass."
I rolled my eyes as he kissed my cheek.
"Bradshaw. As I live and breathe."
I looked away from my brother to see a guy smirking at me. His eyes fell on me and his smirk changed.
"And who is this, Bradshaw?" The guy asked.
"This is Y/N," he introduced me. "Y/N, this is my team. Phoenix, Bob, Payback, Fanboy, Omaha, Coyote, and Hangman."
"It's nice to put faces to the names on the sides of planes," I chuckled.
"What does that mean?" Coyote challenged.
"Easy, Lieutenant," I chuckled. "I'm a Navy mechanic."
"She's the best mechanic the Navy has ever seen," Bradley bragged about me as he threw his arm around my shoulders. "And she's joining our unit."
"You're the mechanic Maverick called after someone hacked our planes," Phoenix said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "He seemed to believe that you could reverse it."
"She already did," Bradley smirked. "She went in today and reversed it on my plane. She even added like 7 layers of security."
"I only added one," I scoffed, pushing his arm off me. "And spiffed up the original security and added my own code to strengthen it."
"Do Navy Mechanics have callsigns?" Bob asked, making me smile.
"Sort of," I shrugged.
"Sort of?" Fanboy asked.
"Callsigns are only meant for pilots," I said like it should've been obvious. "Don't all pilots know that?"
"We do," Fanboy said crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well, mechanics aren't pilots. But we do have nicknames for each other," I clarified.
"What's yours?" Phoenix asked, glancing at the other guys with a smirk on her face.
"Tinkerbell?" They all repeated.
"Yeah," I shrugged. "Mechanics 'tinker' with things and I'm a girl. Tinkerbell."
I sent Bradley a smirk, making the two of us laugh. I looked over to see Hangman studying us.
"So, Bradshaw," he finally spoke up, "how do you know the Navy's Best Mechanic?"
I glanced at him, not sure if he was going to tell his flight crew the truth.
"Y/N is my twin sister."
"You're what?!" His team gasped in sync.
"Do you guys always talk in sync?" I asked, making Bradley laugh. "You've done it twice now."
"You have a twin sister, Bradshaw?" Hangman laughed. "You are his twin sister? That's not possible."
"Why not?" I challenged.
"Well, he's eck and you're hmm."
I turned to my brother and said, "I don't know whether to be flattered or offended."
"Offended," Bradley answered instantly. He turned toward Hangman, his Protective Brother Glare on his face, and added, "With Hangman, the default should always be offended."
* * * * *
When we got home later that night, Bradley talked to me for over an hour. For some reason, he made it his life mission that I know everything about his team. Especially Hangman.
Bradley spent most of the time warning me about the kind of guy Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin truly was. He wanted to make sure I knew what kind of game he played and how he treated/talked about women.
I'd be lying if I didn't get the "womanizer" vibe from him. All night it felt like he was studying me. He'd say things that were clearly meant to be brags. After he said them, he'd look at me like he was waiting for me to be impressed.
I've been here a little under a week now and Hangman has fulfilled every warning my brother gave me. He was busy on the flight simulator while I was working on his plane. When I get working, I tend to tune everything around me out. So much so, I didn't hear someone walk in.
"Gotta say," someone said as they walked in. "Seeing another body in my cockpit doesn't sit well with me."
"Aww," I fake-cooed. "Is Mr. Hangman feeling a bit self-conscious about his cockpit?"
I smirked and the look in his eyes slightly darkened. I laughed as I went back to tweaking the security.
"Can you at least tell me what you're doing to my plane?"
"Your baby is perfectly safe with me, Hangman," I said. "I've almost broken down the previous hack. Once I get it off, I can put in my own code of security."
"You write code?" He challenged.
"I'm not just a mechanic," I sighed. "I got my degree in cyber security. A part of that is understanding code. Once you understand it, it's easy to write."
Hangman kept asking me random questions as I worked on his plane. Most of the questions were about Bradley and my childhood. I didn't give him full answers—just your basic half-assed ones —until he brought up the bar.
"You didn't seem impressed by me," he laughed off.
"Was I supposed to be?" I challenged. I glanced over my shoulder and smirked when I saw his jaw clenched.
"Well, yeah," he tried to shrug off. "My numbers and stats are. . ."
"Let me stop you right there," I cut him off and stopped what I was doing. "Something you should realize, Hangman, is the fact that I am constantly surrounded by insecure men who think they have to prove they're more masculine than me."
"More masculine than you?" He smirked.
"My brother wasn't exaggerating when he told you guys that I'm the best mechanic the Navy's got," I explained. "Men don't like women trampling their turf. They get defensive and angry and insecure."
"Why are you telling me this?" He asked, his usual bravado failing.
"Because I wanted you to know why I wasn't falling for your little tricks," I said, turning back and finishing what I was doing on his plane. "You do know that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."
"Meaning, you catch more women with honesty than with lies."
I sent him a look before wrapping it up. The entire time I finished working, Hangman stayed where he was and watched me. I got hyper-focused on his plane and forgot he was there until I climbed down. My foot missed the third-to-last step. I would've fallen if Hangman wasn't there.
He caught my hips and we both went down. We landed with matching grunts.
"You okay?" He asked, his arms still wrapped around me. My brother's words of warning popped back into my mind.
"I'm good," I said, standing up and brushing myself off. I looked up, instantly coming face-to-face with Hangman. "Thank you."
"Of course," he said, instantly snapping back into his cocky demure.
I saw the clock on the wall and smirked. I crossed my arms over my chest and slightly shifted my weight.
"You might want to get out of here."
"And why's that?" He asked, copying my stance.
"My twin brother is on his way and if you're here when he gets here, he'll throw you off this ship."
"Your brother warned you about me?" He laughed, but there was a bit of concern hiding in his eyes.
"Oh yeah," I chuckled. "He warned me thoroughly about you."
"What if I told you I was actually a good guy?" He asked, his voice slightly dropping. "And that I only act this way because everyone expects me to?"
I scoffed as I started to walk away. "Y/N," he stuttered.
"Guys only say that because they're too embarrassed or insecure to man up," I cut him off. "They either act like dicks because they are playing a facade to cover up an insecurity. Or they act like dicks because they are dicks. So my question for you, Hangman, is which type are you?"
I couldn't help but smirk when I saw the look on his face before walking away.
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goquokka00 · 7 hours ago
Hiii! Can please write me a jeongin fanfic where u both are dating for a while now and after a long date u both are asleep and cuddling really close and skz being skz go into his room and catch u both (they didn't know u were dating) I really love ur fanfics and if u choose to write this one I know it would be amazing 💗 💓 💖
Absolutely! Honestly, this is such a cute idea, I love it so much, and I really hope that I did you justice! I'm also really hoping that I got the vibes of our wonderful baby bread down pat...I never know if I nail the members and how they behave. Hope you love it! Love you, pookie ❤️❤️❤️
Show, Don't Tell
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Summary: You and Jeongin had been dating for a while now, a few months. But your relationship was a secret, up until your 6-month anniversary, where you and Jeongin fell asleep after a date, and some unexpected guests found you...
Pairing: Jeongin X Reader (F!)
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Word Count: 1.8K
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The members of Stray Kids weren't stupid. They knew that something was up with their maknae. Jeongin was never this smiley, or happy. Not saying he was depressed or anything, but he was never this...lively. It was strange. But when they asked, Jeongin just said that it was nothing, and that he was perfectly fine. Nothing to suspect.
He didn't want them finding out about the relationship that he had with you.
Ever since the two of you had shared your feelings for each other after hanging out one night, going from friends to lovers, Jeongin had been the happiest he'd been in years. He felt whole. Complete. And it was all because of you. And you felt the same. Both of you completed each other, even before you both started to date.
The little problem was that Jeongin was nervous about telling the others about the relationship he had with you. Yes, Stray Kids knew about you. And all of you got along well. You saw them as your older brothers, just as he did. And they saw you like their little sister. But what Jeongin was nervous about what the others would say.
He was an idol, after all. He had to remember that. And he did remember that. If his members found out, he was scared that he'd be forced to share you with Stay as well. And that scared him. Stays were brutal, and he didn't want you to get hate. And so, for that reason, he kept it a secret.
But today, everything changed. And it all started with him showing up at your door, flowers in hand.
To sum it up shortly, it was your 6-month anniversary. Half a year. And that was big for both of you. And so, you two decided to celebrate by spending the day together. And it started here.
You opened the door, wearing a simple pair of jean shorts, a cropped hoodie, and those sneakers Jeongin bought you for your birthday. You had on some bracelets and a necklace he gave you for your 2-month anniversary. Your hair was down, and your makeup was done lightly.
"Wow....you look perfect, jagi." Jeongin smiled, holding the flowers out for you as he spoke, watching your face light up just as it always did. "Here, for you."
"Aw, You didn't have to, Jeongin." Your voice was soft as you spoke, that smile melting Jeongin's heart. The two of you shared a quick kiss before you ran back inside to put the flowers in a vase. And once you reappeared, the two of you linked hands, beginning your date.
The two of you went to a park, walking around and getting ice cream before going to the arcade to play games. The two of you kept score of who won what, and per usual, Jeongin beat you. But not by much. And then, it was off to a fancy restaurant for lunch. And the two of you talked and laughed, getting along just as well as you did when you were both friends.
But it was when the two of you went back to his place, going into his room and gently shutting the door before cuddling on the bed when you decided to ask Jeongin a question he was dreading.
"Baby, when do you plan on telling the others about us?" You gave Jeongin a curious but concerned look, seeing the way his face fell a bit as he sighed.
"I don't know..." He spoke, holding you closer to him. All you did was brush some hair out of his face, studying his features before speaking again.
"I'm not pressuring you, but...you can't keep it a secret forever."
"I know. I'm just nervous about what they'll say about it." Jeongin then looked to your eyes, and you could see the fighting he was doing with himself. It made your heart twist a bit. "I love you a lot, and I know you all get along...but I'm scared that they'll make me go public with you. And I'm definitely not ready for that."
"Jeongin..." You cooed, moving to hug him closer. "I don't think they'd ever do that. They're your friends..."
"They'll still bring it up..."
"Yeah, but you can't run away from the fact that you'll have to go public about our relationship eventually."
And that got Jeongin to go quiet. You looked at him, seeing the fighting continue before you smiled, pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips, seeing his eyes widen a bit. And then, you pecked his lips again, smiling.
"Let's not focus on it right now. Today is about us, not about what we need to do in the future." You suggested, seeing the smile that appeared on his lips. And then, he pecked your lips in return, humming.
"I like that idea..."
All Chan was doing was going to get food, and wanted to know if Jeongin wanted anything. But when he didn't get a response, Chan just decided to knock, seeing if that would do the trick. And when even that didn't work, he opened the door. And immediately, he was met with a view he never expected in the history of his life.
There was Jeongin, holding you right against his chest, you in his hoodie and your leg up on his hip. His one hand was inside the hoodie, both of you sleeping close together. And immediately, Chan blinked before taking a picture and sending it to the groupchat.
And it wasn't long after when the rest of the group was over, standing in the doorway and ogling at the sight of their maknae cuddling with you.
"Holy shit..." Changbin mumbled, blinking before looking to Chan. "How the hell did he manage to score a girl before us?"
"Shh! They're sleeping!" Minho growled, his eyes harsh. The rapper just shrunk down, watching as Minho looked back at them.
"So, uh...what do we do?" Felix asked, looking to Chan. The leader just crossed his arms, running through the possibilities. It was hard to make a call, but eventually he smiled, looking to the couple.
"Let's leave them be for a bit. They're obviously tired. We can ask questions later." Chan said. And after that, he gently shoved the group out of the room, ushering them out. "Go go go, out we go."
"Aw, but they're so cute together!" Jisung whined, throwing his head back as he walked.
And as he continued to whine as the door was shut, Jeongin slowly woke up, groaning and lifting his head, looking to the door. He heard the commotion, thinking that maybe the group was having a meeting about something. Either way, he just grabbed his phone, opening it up to find...
Oh, no....
"Shit...Shit shit shit...!" Jeongin sat up, rubbing his eyes in disbelief as he stared at his phone, waking you up in the process. You groaned, lifting your head, still half asleep.
"They found out!" Jeongin's voice was panicked, but it was also quiet. And then, his eyes went to you. "Chan took a picture of us! See?"
"Aw...cute. You should send that to me." You said with a smile, still groggy.
"Sorry, sorry..." You then sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning, looking to Jeongin before looking to his phone. "It was bound to happen eventually, you know."
"Not the point!" Jeongin then pointed to the door, his eyes panicked. "They're out there right now, talking! They're probably gonna force us to go public, and-and Chan's probably pissed, and--"
"And I'm gonna stop you right there." You then grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you. "Nobody can force you to do anything with this. And knowing them, they'll support you in whatever decision you make. They'll ask questions, yeah, but they'd never force you to do something you don't want to do."
Jeongin took a deep breath at your words, letting it out slowly before nodding his head. You had a point. Just like always.
"Right. Yeah." And then, he kissed your palm, smiling. "Might as well go and face the music."
And so, the two of you went out of the room, only to be bombarded with questions. And you both calmly answered the questions. All of them. How you were dating, how long you had been dating, how you both started dating, all of it. And then, you both looked to Chan.
"So you hid this for six months?" Chan asked, watching as Jeongin nodded. "And why is that?"
"I..." Jeongin started, taking a breath as he felt your hand in his. "I was nervous about telling all of you. I was scared that you guys were gonna force me to go public with this, and...and I really don't think that I'm personally ready for that yet."
Everyone was silent as Jeongin explained himself, listening to each word. They all looked at each other, only for Seungmin to speak up.
"That's the dumbest reason I've ever heard in my life." And as he spoke, Jeongin looked to him, eyes wide.
"No it's not!"
"Do you honestly think we'd force you to do that?" Minho asked, crossing his arms as he looked at the youngest. "We aren't monsters, jeez."
"Going public is huge, Jeongin. And that's a call you should make by yourself." Chan said, giving Jeongin a smile. "While I'm not exactly happy that you kept this from all of us, especially me, for six months...I can understand where you're coming from."
"And I'm sorry for that, hyung." Jeongin then looked to you, smiling softly. "I just...Y/n means the world to me. She makes me feel calmer, happier, warmer...she makes me feel complete. And I just don't want anything to jeopardize what we have between us."
"Aw, that's so adorable!" Hyunjin cooed, happy to hear that his friend was really that in love.
"So, I think we've learned a valuable lesson." Chan then clapped his hands together, smiling at you both. "From now on, no more secrets. I'd suggest going public sooner rather than later, but don't feel like you need to right away. Make sure you're both ready."
"Right. Thanks, hyung." Jeongin smiled, nodding his head. And then, he looked to you, seeing your smile.
"I told you." You said to him, seeing him sigh.
"Whatever..." Jeongin then nudged you, laughing a bit. "What a way to celebrate six months, huh?"
"Wait, celebrate?" Felix asked, blinking. You nodded, smiling to him.
"Yeah, today is our 6-month anniversary." You said. And instantly, the members froze, looking at each other.
"Oh my god, congrats!" Hyunjin exclaimed, all while Chan stood up, guiding the others out of the dorm.
"I am so sorry for doing this on your anniversary, you guys! We'll leave you alone, now." Chan said, dragging Jisung and Felix behind him.
"I'll make you guys brownies for it later!" Felix exclaimed, Jisung only whining as he was dragged out. And once everyone had cleared the area, you and Jeongin just smiled at each other.
What a way to celebrate six months...
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @miss-daisy04 @kayleefriedchicken @wolfs-archive @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @wolfs-howling @rose-w-00-d @skzlover24
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elrielffs · 9 hours ago
Do people forget that Gwyn can’t even leave the library yet? Like I’m trying to sound horrible but that is the truth.
I see them making theories about her saving Illyria, awakening dusk with Nesta, being Azriel’s mate but they never talk about the abyss between where Gwyn is now and where they want her… I never see them theorizing about how she is gonna overcome her fears and traumas.
I think it would be such a disservice to her character to rush everything… because how can we go from “I’m not even sure if I’m gonna attend my best friend’s mating ceremony” to saving Illyria and doing missions with the Valkyries (who lack training but still)
And not only that but also built an intimate relationship with Azriel? And deal with the Koschei, Illyrian, dusk plot? There is no time (especially since she is not tied to any plot)
It would need time for her to leave the library, feel safe in the outside world and be around men without feeling uncomfortable (and that is totally ok) and THEN starting missions
And SJM honestly wouldn’t write it because she isn’t good enough and this is kind of a delicate and sensitive subject, which if isn’t done right can cause lots of drama (rightfully so)
The thing about Gwyn is, she had her healing journey already...along with Emerie and Nesta. All of ACOSF was predominately Nesta's healing journey yes, but Emerie and Gwyn came along for the ride as needed friends for Nesta and their own trauma to overcome.
That's why the BR was about them winning instead of just Nesta, it was a culmination of their training and healing progress. You never hear about how Emerie needs a book for a "healing" journey.
And the thing about "well, Gwyn went back to the library so her story isn't over yet, she has more to overcome!" Yes...but so does every single character. Every single character can have a book about a personal "healing" journey. They are not static characters and like real life, constantly evolve and have new experiences.
But these books aren't just about personal healing journeys. There is an active plot and narrative and big bad that is uh...trying to destroy and or take over Prythian...a plot that has already been mostly stalled in ACOSF and needs to be progressed as we barely know anything about Koschei, his plans, even what he is trying to achieve.
And Gwyn is not connected to that. Sure, she could be artificially but that's not satisfying and other characters have naturally been connected to the plot would have to be shoved aside or replaced.
Gwyn is not built up as a love interest. Gwyn is not connected to the main plot. Gwyn was there to predominately be Nesta's friend and I say this as someone who likes Gwyn and loved the Valkyrie friendship in the book.
The only way Gwyn could have more significance to the plot is if she was a Lightsinger...but antis don't like this because they know what it means for their precious BC.
And even as a Lightsinger, I don't know how much that would even play into it tbh or if it would just bit a reveal in the book and come into play at a later point? (If I had to guess, I would think if her LS abilities played at all, it would be from Koschei/Merrill influence to keep Elain and Azriel apart? But I've come to really dislike that as I really just don't want Gwyn in an Elriel book at all and also, I think SJM might avoid it now due to the heavier backlash she would receive from the already backlash she will receive for the Elriel book in general.)
And Illyria? Gwyn isn't connected to Illyria. She doesn't even want to acknowledge her title and status as Carnythian (a point that antis forget and try to play up as a point for the ship). The only way she could be connected to Illyria is through Azriel. (Emerie where?? An actual Illyrian woman who has suffered because of her culture?? She's just off eating pussy I guess with nary a care in the world.)
And Azriel is connected to Illyria but that's as his B-plot. His main focus and plot is about Elain (like Rhysand was to Feyre, and Cassian to Nesta). Most of his interactions and words through all the books are about Elain. He doesn't like Illyrians, doesn't like their traditions, hates the BR. The only thing tying him to an Illyrian plot is the knife...which is also tied to Elain. I think if Azriel was going to have this BIG Illyrian plot, ACOSF would have been the perfect time for it. Not to hammer a point home but...the Blood Rite, which Azriel doesn't respect, and Gwyn, his supposed mate who already was SA'd and Cassian even mentions could be exposed to in the BR...what better way to kick off an Illyrian plot with Azriel and mate romance with Gwyn then having Azriel break all the rules and go absolutely feral to rescue her resulting in the fall out to be covered in the next book? It would have been so easy for SJM to set up not only this "Illyrian plot" but also Gwynriel romance if she wanted to. This is already long but I could basically add in short but important pivotal sentences and scenes in ACOSF for Gwynriel that SJM could have easily inserted into already existing scenes and not be in your face but speak volumes.
SJM is a veteran writer who excels at writing romance and has written and thought about this world for over 10+ years. I think if she wanted to do the things that antis theorize, she would have put in way more groundwork for it, either for a romance or just more narrative action for Gwyn and especially if she was an MC for the next book. She didn’t forget, she isn’t saving innocuous interactions for their book, she didn’t look at TOG and think,”well I gotta make a connection to music and mates so I’ll write about Cassian cumming and readers will be able to pick up that this means Gwynriel,” instead of…idk, actual interactions??
Too many antis characterize (and desperately hope) SJM as easily influenced and changeable and while yes, it's standard for an author to have wiggle room and change their mind on some things, I don't think 6 books deep SJM is going to drastically alter the narrative she's been building. This isn't her first foray into a long standing series or even in ship wars. (Chaol vs Rowan was big back when TOG was being written. SJM had a smaller fanbase and booktok wasn't a thing, but there was a shipping war on a slightly smaller scale with who Aelin would end up with.)
Can I see SJM doing something with the Valkyries as a unit? Yes. Can I see SJM doing more for Gwyn as an unexpectedly popular character? Yes but it won't be to basically shove Elain out of her role in the books and insert Gwyn.
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arrow-guy · 2 years ago
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egophiliac · 4 months ago
do skully have pokemon?
Pumpkaboo is the obvious one, but y'know, sometimes the obvious one is the right one! (we'll say SUPER SIZE Pumpkaboo, just for fun. big pumpkin for big skeleton boy.) and another person actually also suggested Greavard, which I somehow hadn't considered, but feels so perfect that I feel like I should have. dangit.
(they can also have little Nightmare Suit costumes :D)
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#art#twisted wonderland#pokemon#poketwst#twisted wonderland spoilers#lost in the book with nightmare before christmas#hajimari no halloween#(sorry for leaving anon off for a while! i've gotten a rash of spam and i'm gonna wait it out a couple days before turning it back on)#also apologies for the rest of this not really being pokemon related#i don't have anything right now for part 4 of the event so i'm gonna use this space to go off about it#because. oh man.#a sad lack of the scullsman but a FEAST of everyone else#gotta love malleus and leona uniting in the common goal of hunting trey down for trying to game their whiny pettiness#(trey doesn't know what to do with someone he can't easily distract with cake)#also further confirmation that malleus WILL kill a small child and leona WILL point and laugh the whole time#also sebek's plans revolving around what he knows he's good at: screaming extremely loudly and hoisting nerds#and let us not forget what i consider to be the crowning jewel#which is jamil figuring out IMMEDIATELY where scully has taken his prisoners#only for everyone else to just. literally refuse to do anything about it.#jamil just standing there and going 'WE KNOW WHERE THEY ARE! WE CAN JUST! GO GET THEM!!!! WHYYY AREN'T WE GOING'#visibly losing his entire mind and it's beautiful#top 10 twst event moments honestly#also some delightful character consistency from jade being all#'actually my dicking around is a sign of my immense trust in your abilities to get things done :)'#'but also consider: there are currently two housewardens chasing a child'#'alternately angrily screaming poetry and begging them not to sue'#'and if you will pardon my city of flowers...there is no fucking way i'm missing that'#lock shock and barrel did not sign up for this. how did these idiots turn out to be somehow weirder than the three of them.#twisted wonderland must be a frightening place indeed
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shamblz · 5 months ago
Getting up at 5.45 tomorrow to go to a work seminar in Manchester at 9 to hopefully get back home for around 6.30 so I have time to make it to Leicester so I can go cinema with my mum and watch the Edward Scissorhands ballet broadcast at 7 so I can get back home for probably around 11pm so I can go to bed and get up for work again the next day at 6.55
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Last time I'll see him tomorrow as I move jobs next week
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Also saw my rue girl for the last time Monday broke my heart I'll actually miss these dogs so much. I hope they find their perfect home soon
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lisbonsteresa · 2 years ago
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spiraling again
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egophiliac · 3 months ago
I have never been more concerned for a JP update from your art than I am seeing a Cheka knowing the context of Leona’s dream.
My bois ok right?????? My sweet nephews ok right??????
I'm sure the real one is fine :)
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 11 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 11 spoilers#unfortunately leona's ultimate happy dream did involve his entire family dying tragically. them's the breaks.#(for the record he is a little messed up about this) (he is a little messed up about a lot of stuff)#the context of cheka is that they were going to try to shock leona awake by having him show up#however while styx could provide them with a 3d model based on a bodyscan (which they had for...reasons??) they had no data on his behavior#so he was basically just a little frozen mannequin#(the sprite was not t-posing but in my heart this was happening)#ruggie could kind of pilot him with his magic but it only lasts for a few seconds so he had to keep recasting it with noticeable choppiness#so while we don't get the entire effect due to the limitations of the format#this means that leona was in the middle of let-them-eat-cake'ing a revolution when suddenly#his late nephew bursts jerkily in through the door yelling OJITAN I'M ALIVE AND MY VOICE CHANGED OFFSCREEN#honestly they spent more time thinking of how to explain ruggie's terrible impression of cheka than anything else#how could leona have seen through this brilliant plan so quickly 🤔#man i really did love his horrible dream though#i like him as a character but i wasn't expecting his dream to be the one that got to me like that#love how all the savana dreams were like#jack: what if leona was really cool and my friend :)#ruggie: what if my dad came back and leona created a socialist utopia for me :)#leona: what if i finally got the chance to prove myself except i screwed everything up and everyone hated me and my family was dead#his conversation with kifaji at the end 😭#kifaji in his dream in GENERAL acting as a counterpoint to his phantom like. like!!!! (waves hands)#i just. these guys.#me 4+ years ago: this game looks so dumb i gotta try it. surely i won't become emotionally overinvested in any of this.
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000png · 2 years ago
will zero finally go back to school... stay tuned and find out
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melonymint753 · 2 years ago
San Francisco is giving me New York vibes and not in a good way
the chain convenience stores have *toothbrushes* locked in cabinets to prevent people from stealing them to resell
and at night it really makes me feel the quote that's like "we colonized America just to pave it over" and also turn it into a wasteland
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