#and i had two days off in the middle of the week and i drove to montreal and freaked out
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raven-cl · 1 day ago
For day 16 for @stmarchmm, pack isolation syndrome!
Lonely All on My Own
Ship: Steve & Tommy & Carol, Tommy/Carol | Word Count: 5,902 | CW: omega isolation syndrome, Mean Carol and Tommy in the beginning I Rated Teen | Read on AO3
Everything started off slow. Steve gradually feeling colder more often, the muscles in his body becoming sore and tense from seemingly nothing, his scent becoming weaker and less noticeable. It was all very slow.
And yet everything always seemed to be flying past him. It shouldn't have, with his gradual decline over the months but it started to feel like he was having to run to catch up to everybody else. It was foreign to him, scary to not be in the lead like he usually was, but with how his life was going how could he be?
The pack he had with his ex best friends since middle school has been destroyed by him choosing to stay with his girlfriend rather than them and the very same girlfriend he chose to stay beside was snuggling up with other omega.
He was totally and utterly alone apart from the party that would swing by occasionally to raid his house. But how could he possibly drag them into his mess when they were just middle schoolers, even if he could feel like he could breathe and wasn't shivering cold all the time when they were around.
And with Nancy choosing Jonathan over him, what was he supposed to do? So, he kept everything all to himself, dealing with stabbing pains alone just as he'd always done.
Sooner or later though it was going to kill him if the way he became weaker was to say anything and it was looking more soon. It was getting harder to move around with how his joints ached, and he was freezing no matter how many blankets he threw on himself.
He barely had the energy to get up, but he'd run out of groceries two days and he needed to get more desperately. Forcing himself up and out of his nest, he shucked off the three heavy blankets he had on him. Crawling his way out, he put on a thick sweater along with a jacket, slotting on some jeans.
Finishing up he threw on his socks and made his way downstairs, leaning against the wall as he went down. The omega huffed, really not wanting to go out but knowing he had to. Putting on his sneakers and grabbing his keys, he made his way outside into his car.
He cranked up the heater in the beamer, though it never seemed to help anyway and drove down to the store. Steve was cold the whole way there and ignored the looks he got, given it was a Saturday and some of the people expected him to be out partying or at the very least on a date apparently.
Entering the market he picked up a basket and headed straight for the frozen section, intent on just getting some tv dinners and drinks to last him the week. As he walked around in the section, he tried his best to not openly shiver, not wanting to look too odd while he walked around. He could feel himself getting light headed and knew he needed to get what he wanted and quick.
Surveying the lot, he just threw a couple in, not really caring which ones just as long as they happened to look decent enough to eat. Once he was done, he bolted out of there, speedwalking to the drink aisle. Luckily enough, he still had bottled water at home so he didn't need to grab a pack of them, he wasn't sure he could lift it up in his current state honestly.
Instead he just grabbed a few six packs of soda, tossing them into his basket. Just as he was turning to leave, Steve felt his heart freeze when he heard the undeniable sound of Carol Perkins ‘oooing’ at him and his fears were only just confirmed as Tommy's cocky mocking voice filled his ears, “well, look who we have here.”
Deeply sighing, he turned to look at them, shifting all his weight to one leg and putting a hand on his hip as the couple entered his sight.
“What’re you doing around by yourself? Wheeler not work out for you?” Tommy asked, taunting him. It was obvious to everyone that she had moved on from him to Byers and they knew that damn well. Seeing what used to be his former pack now act as enemies towards him stung, making his heart clench tightly in pain.
He stayed quiet, not dignifying them with an answer to that, not that it mattered, Tommy still laughed at his silence anyways.
“What the fuck do you guys want?” Steve questioned, glancing between the both of them as they stalked towards him, ignoring the way he felt as the familiar scent of his old pack began washing over him, even if they were no longer with him.
Shrugging nonchalantly Carol teased with a gun, "whaaat, we're just coming to say hello to you, see how you're doing."
Inhaling a deep breath he just stared at her unamused, but the glare didn't deter either of them as Tommy quipped looking him up and down as he spoke, "c'mon we're not allowed to check on you after you get your girl stolen by the town weirdo? Once King Steve, now just a… guy who sits around alone on a Saturday getting groceries?"
“Just knock it off, I'm fucking leaving,” Steve said and he would've, had Tommy not laughed and gave him a light push with a finger to keep him there. Normally it wouldn't have caught him off guard and he would've been able to recover, but with how his limbs are feeling like dead weight and he was getting a migraine the more and more he stood there, he fell. Stumbling back, he crashed onto the floor on top of his basket, hurting his back.
He groaned, not subsequently hearing the gasp and the "Tommy you knothead" that left Carol's mouth as he tried weakly to push himself up. Not that he needed to, not with the way Tommy immediately grabbed his shirt and helped lift him back onto his feet. Steve just held the back of his head with a hand, glaring at the pair as they stared at him.
“Oh my god, y'know what I just thought of?” Carol started, glancing between the two as she continued, “it's strange nowadays isn't it? It used to be so easy to find you in the hallways and stuff with your scent but it's hard as shit with the blockers you use now. I mean hell, I can barely even smell you from right here,” she stated, tone casual and playful but Steve knew better.
It had to just be a thing of her making fun of him as well, she was just better at hiding the venom in her voice than Tommy was.
“It is a bit odd isn't it? Why'd you start wearing blockers anyways Stevie?” Tommy asked, wrapping an arm around Carol's waist.
Sighing and rolling his eyes hard, Steve answered, “I'm not, I'm not wearing anything right now.”
Giggling, Carol asked incredulously, “what? Yes you are, you don't have to lie about it.”
He wanted to leave. He was starting to get painfully cold and his limbs were heavy and he wasn't even sure he could kneel down to pick back up his items. He wanted to sleep. He didn't need this right now.
Sighing and shaking his head, "oh would you just shut the hell up already?" Steve seethed, slamming his basket on the ground and stomping off, not caring if he was making a mess that the workers were gonna have to clean up.
He ignored the tears pricking his eyes and just headed straight for his car, wanting nothing more than to just be home and in bed.
Blearily, he started up his car and sped home, breaking several traffic laws in the process. As soon as he got home, he flopped face first into the nest he'd made on the couch, tired and quickly falling asleep the second he closed his eyes.
“How long has he been asleep for? He was asleep when we got here,” Steve heard a voice travel over him as he slept, trying to place who it was. He could hear other people in his home if the fridge opening was something to go by, but it wasn't anyone in the party or someone that his brain placed right at the moment.
"Dude, I dunno know, he's got like nothing in here though," he could faintly hear the other voice say before he couldn't focus enough on their conversation.
Blinking, he opened his eyes, eyelids heavy and making it difficult to see as he looked up to see Carol crouched peering down at him. “Heyyy sleepy head, thought we'd come check on you.”
Groaning again, he rubbed his head against the couch pillow, ignoring her. “You okay? Hit your head pretty hard back there,” she continued. Scoffing as she kept eyeing him, “you look like shit, what the hell happened? You bump your head too hard?”
Steve just huffed, not bothering to answer her though his brow was furrowed annoyed, not that she would care to leave him alone after noticing. He was cold, freezing, and he felt too tired to get up proper to shoo them out his house so he could have some peace and quiet.
But on the other side the familiar scent was so nice. The scent that he used to hang out with always and cuddle with and everything being so close, being right there for him to do again, but he couldn't. He knew he couldn't.
Speaking slowly he asked, “how the hell did you two even get in my house?”
After a very loud crunch, presumably a snack that Tommy had stolen from his kitchen, Tommy mocked, “awww come on, we've been friends for forever and you think we don't know how to get into your house without you?”
That was a sentence that should raise alarms but he couldn't find it in himself to care at the moment.
Flinching as a hand came up against his forehead, Carol exclaimed, “ough, you're cold! Why are you cold, it's not even cold out right now. And it's not cold in here either.” Continuing on her rant, “you want another blanket? I'll get you another blanket, hold on,” and then she was off along with her pleasant scent that was keeping Steve somewhat grounded.
He closed his eyes again, intent on just trying to give back to sleep and dealing with the fallout of whatever they were doing later. That only lasted so long however as soon he felt more blankets being toppled on top of him and then wrapped around him so he was snug. Then Carol felt his face again asking, “why are you cold?” before she sat on his lower back.
He couldn't see what she or Tommy were doing but he heard her say, “come feel him he's like, freezing right now.”
Steve sighed loudly at the crunching of whatever it was Tommy was eating got closer. As the sound approached, he felt a new hand try to touch him and he groaned, trying to hide his face in the couch cushion.
Tutting at him, Tommy used one hand to push his head to the side and using the other to feel his forehead again. Steve desperately tried to make sure he didn't make any noise, the distressed whine in his throat wanting to claw its way out.
Chuckling, “shit yeah, he is really cold,” Tommy said before Steve heard him take another bite.
“Why are you cold? Are you sick or something?” Carol asked, putting more weight on the central part of him as she leaned forward, putting her hands on his upper back.
He stayed silent and apparently that wouldn't just work with them, Tommy pressing a finger into his check, prodding him to answer. Once it was clear Steve wasn't going to answer that question, he heard Tommy walk off again, leaving him with just Carol who was now plain out lying down on top of him, head resting just below the nape of his neck.
Huffing, she asked as she pushed herself up onto her forearms, “why are you wearing blockers now? Like what's up with that, what suddenly convinced you to wear that?”
Loudly exhaling he replied, annoyed and tired, working himself up as even just speaking took a great deal of energy from him, “I'm not!”
Scoffing as if she was the one annoyed and being bothered, she argued, “yes you are! Look,” and she was pushing hair out of the way of his neck to get a look at his bonding and scent glands. He couldn't fight her, his limbs feeling too much like dead weight as she probed around, searching his neck before she fished his arm out from under the blankets.
She felt the glands on his wrist, the glands there making a futile attempt of releasing any of his scent there and she put it back down and just stayed there. Unmoving. It was unnerving not knowing what she was doing or about to do next, when she finally spoke up, “his scent is gone. Like it's just gone, he's not wearing any blockers.”
Chuckling, tone incredulous as Tommy questioned, “what? What do you mean it's just gone?”
“Like it's fucking gone Tommy, I just checked him, he's not wearing anything, this is just him,” she replied and Steve could hear her trying to keep the urgency and worry out of her voice. Though he couldn't even honestly be sure she was genuinely worried about him. If anything they probably invaded his house just to fuck with him so who knew if they were being authentic or not in their concern.
He heard Tommy come back over, briskly strolling over to them and he flinched as he felt Carol's hands on his neck again, only to move over to bring his wrist up presumably for Tommy's viewing. Then it was quiet again, unsettling him. He jumped and held his breath as he felt Tommy's hands on him now, though they weren't nearly as close to his bonding site as Carol's were.
He choked down a whimper, not wanting to confirm any suspicions they had while they were quiet again, now with both of their hands off him. Then he heard a quick shuffle of feet walking off and the sound of Tommy going up the stairs while Carol now sat up straddling his hips. 
He almost cried out at the loss of touch, so desperately craving her to lie back down, but somehow managed to keep it down and just waited as they did whatever they wanted. Carol was running her hands up and down the small of his back, presumably waiting for Tommy to come back downstairs from wherever he was doing. It felt like forever that he was up there, but the familiar scent along with the affectionate touches was driving Steve up the wall.
It felt so nice. Felt like home, like he could breathe without being suffocated, like he could move without weights being attached to him.
Then the clomping of Tommy's feet down the stairs filled the room and he spoke up, voice flat, “his rooms not scented either. I can barely smell him at all in there, even on the bed and pillows.”
“What's your deal? Why's your scent like, all gone?” she asked, laying back down on his back, moving up to plant her cheek against his.
As much as the two hated him, and as much as he should tell them to get lost, he didn't want it to end. The faux pack between the three of them right now felt good, he didn't want it to stop and go back to just being a shivering mess by himself again. Torturing himself while playing like he was perfectly fine in front of everyone else.
She wouldn't take his silence for an answer though, rubbing her cheek against his and subtly scenting him, trying to bother him enough into answering.
Steve just sighed, “can you just knock it off?” he mumbled, managing to crack a vexed eye in her direction.
“Oh come on, are you serious? You're really not gonna say what your deal is?” Carol complained, lifting herself back to straddle his waist as she pouted at him.
“Come on Stevie, what's the worst that can happen?” Tommy taunted, presumably leaning on the couch if the way the cushion squished was to say anything.
Closing his eye again, he countered, “what, I tell you guys so you can go about making fun of me? Or pushing me around?” saying the last part pointedly.
Scoffing dramatically, “that was an accident and you know it, how the hell was I supposed to know you were just gonna topple over? And I picked you up right after, didn't I?” Tommy argued.
Steve was quiet after that, Tommy was technically right. He hadn't pushed him very hard and he did pull him back up, although quite roughly.
Loudly sighing, “just tell us. We're gonna leave if you don't,” Carol grumbled, moving back to run her hands along the small of his back.
“No please, anything but that,” Steve said sarcastically even as he internally whined that the touch he had just gotten accustomed to at the moment was about to leave if he didn't do anything to make them stay.
Silent for a moment, all Carol said was, "fine, whatever, be sick on your own then," and was pushing herself off his back. Still keeping his eyes closed, he heard the shuffle of feet getting further away until the front door open and then finally clicked close.
Steve just stayed where he was, not even bothering to see that they properly left. Instead, he just miserably rubbed and scented the pillow he was on, subsequently missing the long last look Carol threw his way before she left with Tommy. 
He tried wrapping the blankets impossibly closer to himself and tried to take in as much of their scent, already starting to get cold again now that Carol was off him.
The next time the omega woke he was starving, nauseous with a throat so dry it hurt to swallow and a migraine so bad he almost wanted to cry. Groaning as he sat up, he leaned against the back of the couch so he didn't sway.
Steve sighed, looking over to the clock and squinted at it confused, tryingto figure out what time of day it was considering it was still winter and it was dark out.
Leaning down, he plucked the remote off the table and clicked on the tv, finally getting his answer as the tv said six pm. Heavily exhaling he threw his head over the back of the couch; he'd already told Dustin he'd watch some movie the beta wanted him to see that was only in theaters and the gaggle of kids were coming over tomorrow.
Moaning in pain, he forced himself up, looking down at himself as he apparently was still wearing the clothes from last night. Shrugging, he decided to just wear it out again, it's not like anyone would know, and stumbled out the door into his car and drove towards the movie theater.
The omega's head was pounding and the lights around him weren't helping. He almost immediately regretted his decision as soon as he actually got on the road but he was far enough out that he might as well see himself all the way through. While he drove he could still feel his head spinning and he decided that the first thing he'd do when he first got there after buying a ticket was get something from the concession counter to help with his headache.
Miraculously he managed to get there in one piece and without anything happening on the way. Snagging one of the more closer spots to the door he parked, almost stumbling out his car as he exited it. Strolling to the building, he stood in the line for the box office, hoping it wasn't too obvious how much he was shaking.
Then, as if they knew his every step he could hear the sound of Carol and Tommy conversing getting closer. Sighing, he already knew what he was about to get into when he heard the somewhat cheerful gasp come out of her mouth.
"Steve! There you are, y'know it was quite rude to blow me off yesterday," she said, pouting at his back. Turning his head back he only side eyed her, not bothering to respond.
"Come on Stevie, just talk to us, we miss being able to tell where you are," Carol teased, poking his back and Steve wasn't certain that she meant it. Leaning in close she whispered, "come just tell it to me then, omega to omega."
Annoyedly, he just huffed and left, leaving the two to watch whatever movie it was that they were planning on. On the way back to his car however, his head started feeling too lightheaded and all of a sudden everything was getting hard to hear.
Then the edges of his vision started getting black and finally, not having the time or energy to catch himself, he fell forward onto the concrete in the middle of the parking lot. As he blacked out he could faintly hear voices exclaiming, though he couldn't decipher who's they were.
When he woke up next, he found himself in a bright white room wearing a hospital gown. Squinting at the blinding lights, he looked around and the only thing he saw of note was someone with big red hair. He groaned, rolling his eyes and closing them, trying to will himself back to sleep.
Happily huffing, she rejoiced, "heyyy sleepy head, good to see you're awakeee." Upon feeling the bed sink near his hand, he peeped an eye open at her. "You've been out for quite awhile you know. You gave us quite a scare when you just flopped over like that," she complained, poking an offending finger at his stomach.
Heavily sighing she looked him up and down, apparently deciding to change her tone to be more serious as she spoke, "they took your vitals and stuff, said you were cold, said that you were extremely dehydrated and hungry so they gave you an IV and fluid. They already gave you an electric blanket to try to help warm you up."
Look away she continued, "we told them about the lack of scent and everything that me and Tommy found the other day so they're running some tests to see what that's about."
Exhaling exasperatedly he rolled his eyes annoyed, when he got a snap from her, only now smelling the light sourness that was underlying her scent. "You're not telling us anything and we know your little girlfriend got a new boyfriend so you're not telling her anything, so. We just had to find out on our own," she scolded, scent turning slightly annoyed.
Scoffing he answered, "we don't talk, we don't hang out, you guys don't like me! Why would I tell you anything about me anymore!"
"Yeah we're pissed at you, that doesn't mean we want you to die dummy," she yelled back glaring at him which he quickly returned.
They stared at one another, quiet with her scent flaring. Finally, she relented first, looking away and shuffling up the bed to sit right next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Confused, he gazed down out the corner of his eyes at her before just accepting that this was something that was happening. The pair sat there, Carol scenting him while his glands struggled to release anything to rub back onto her. Even with how tense things were between the two of them, this felt nice, he could feel himself slightly warming up.
Suddenly they heard a knock on the door and in came Tommy and the doctor. Tommy was carrying a bag with presumably food if the smell was anything and a cup holder with two drinks in it. He held it up, showing to Carol and Steve could see her wave him away.
Tommy set the food down on the ground but held onto the drinks, everyone turning to look at the doctor.
"Are you stepping in as the alpha for him?" the beta doctor asked, gesturing to Tommy.
"Yeah I am," he answered and Steve quickly opened his mouth to interject when Carol nudged him, stopping him.
Flipping through the pages one last time, she spoke, telling them about all the tests that they ran to figure out what was the matter with him.
Steve's heart thumped as the doctor spoke, scared for whatever was to find out the doctor's mouth next, knowing there was nothing there near next to nothing he could do that the couple wouldn't be able to weasel their way through. He closed his eyes as she started reading the results.
"So, with the symptoms that he's been displaying combined with what you've told us about him not staying close with a pack for a bit, we've diagnosed that he's got pack isolation syndrome," she finally concluded and the omega didn't have it in him to open his eyes to see how the couple was looking at him.
"Okay, so what would we do, just, start putting him in our pack more? Just hang out with him more?" Tommy asked.
"Well that's what I would start with, I'd integrate him more into the pack, give him stuff with both of yours and whoever else's scent on it for him to keep around. Then, if he'll allow which I would hope he would, I'd probably say if you guys to directly scent him in a little cuddle pile in his nest," she answered before adding, "and just keep him around more in general.
Finally he willed himself into opening his eyes and he felt a chill run up his spine. It wasn't even like anyone was doing anything wrong, Tommy was just facing the doctor to talk to her while Carol was looking straight ahead.
"Is there any questions that you guys have?" she asked to which all three of them responded no. At that she said, "okay well, he's all free to go then, just make sure you're intergrating him into your pack more and make sure he's eating and drinking. You can get redressed and you're all good to go."
And with that she left the room and now all eyes were on Steve. Carol hopped off the bed, about to join Tommy's side when he handed her Steve's clothes and she gave them to the omega. Getting up, Steve took up his shirt, glancing between the both of them before he said, "turn around."
"Yeah you alpha, turn around," Carol teased, pretending to squint a glare at Tommy even as he listened with a roll of his eyes. Now it was just Carol looking at him and Steve continued staring at her, waiting. "Ugh, me too?! It's nothing I haven't seen before, not like I'm Tommy," she pouted, crossing her arms and ignoring his small offended "hey".
Still she listened, turning around. Once he was certain both of them were going to keep their backs to him, he started changed, slipping off the hospital gown and slotting on his shirt and pants, cheeks flushing embarrassed at how the doctors had to undress him.
Apparently he finished changing just in time as Carol whipped her head around to see if he was done and announcing, "oh good! You are, let's go." Immediately she headed towards the door, opening it while waiting for the two.
Tommy picked up the food he'd brought in and headed out the door and subsequently Steve followed behind, Carol exiting the room last. The omega followed the couple all the way down to their car, having no choice but to get in in order to get home.
It was awkward, unnerving. The car ride back home was silent except for the sound of Carol digging through the bag and eating fries. Soon, as they got closer to reaching his house, she turned around, still chewing a fry as she pointed one at him.
He shook his head no and instead of just accepting his answer, she twirled it around until he finally accepted it and ate it in front of her. She kept doing it, occasionally giving him fries to eat and refusing to let him turn her down.
Eventually when they got there, Steve immediately left the car, booking it for his front door. However, as he got up the steps and tried it, the door was locked and he didn't have the keys to open it.
Sighing and resting his head on the door, he reluctantly turned and saw the pair coming up the pathway, Carol jingling the keys with a smug smile on her face. She opened the door, and made her way inside, Steve instantly walking inside.
He tried making a run for it upstairs only for her to grab the back of his shirt and pulling him into the kitchen.
"You should eat, you want the double meat cheeseburger? You can have it don't worry," Carol said, speaking to Steve even if the conversation was mainly with herself.
"Why should he get my food?" Tommy asked incredulously.
"Cause I said he could, just go get another," she answered with a playful look, biting a fry in half.
"Why not give him yours if you want him to eat," he questioned, putting his hands on his hips and looking her up and down.
Putting the rest of the fry in her mouth she finished, "because that's unalpha like and knothead behavior of you to make me give mine up."
Groaning, Tommy just rolled his eyes, glaring at her for just a second and then just agreeing, setting everything on the table. He snatched up the drink, telling her, "I'm getting the drink though," before walking out the house and the start up of his car could be heard.
Carol started getting plates, organizing everything and handing it off to Steve once she was done. Then, like it was nothing, she sat at the kitchen island, tapping the other side of the table, inviting him.
He looked at her suspiciously, standing on the other side. Finally, after being hungry for days and just being freezing and overall miserable by himself, he relented, sitting across from her and joining her in eating.
Steve stuffed his face with the burger, eating the whole thing quickly, also chowing down the fries.
He hated how well this was working, how with just the pleasant scent of her being around and the two acting homely with each other was being to make him feel better, making him feel alive.
"Do you not have any of our stuff anymore?" she asked suddenly, looking up from her burger.
"I mean," he started, shifting his eyes awkwardly, "I don't keep it around or anything but it's probably around here somewhere."
Scoffing, she just took two big bites of her burger and chewed them, scrunching her face in discomfort before licking her fingers and wiping them saying, "I'm full, are you?"
Not giving him a chance to answer, she grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs with her, making her way to his bedroom. Immediately bolting for his closet, she started rummaging through it.
"What are you doing?" he exclaimed, standing behind her while she ruffled through it like she was trying to decide his clothes for a date.
"Looking through it obviously," she said rapidly flipping through every article of clothing. "If you don't have something of mine then I'm just gonna start scenting stuff."
Stuttering he complained, "are you serious?"
"Yeah, I'm serious," she replied, unhooking a few shirts from his closet. Immediately she started rubbing them up against her neck, heavily scenting them as she strolled over to the bed.
"What are you doing now??" he asked, throwing his hands wildly.
Huffing like it was obvious, "getting in the nest goofball, get over here." He stood there in place, staring at her in disbelief.
Stomping her foot, she ordered, "I said get over here, stop just standing there."
"Why should I??"
Angrily huffing, "cause I said to, now come here," she ordered again, glaring at him.
When he refused to comply, she went over and dragged him, shoving him onto the bed. She finished scenting the articles, stuffing close to where their heads would before crawling in next to him and began heavily scenting the nest.
Steve sat there staring at her and groaning annoyedly she tugged him down, forcing him to lay face to face with her. Flustered and embarrassed about the whole situation, he flipped over so his back was to her.
"Oh my god you are ridiculous," she bitched but allowed it nonetheless, choosing to just hug his back and scent his neck instead. He just let her, even as embarrassed or weird as this was.
After laying there for a bit, they both heard the front door open and close. "Just ignore him, he'll find us," she mumbled and continued lying there. Steve peered behind him, finding her with both eyes close, though with his movement she popped an eye open.
Immediately he faced forward, opting to just close his eyes same as she was and to just ride this out until they left. He'd managed to actually fall asleep comfortably without freezing, only to be disturbed when he heard two voices in the room talking.
Opening his eyes he blinked blearily at the figure standing in the room who appeared to be holding something. Quickly he registered that it was Tommy and now he was scenting some of Steve's clothes.
Steve watched as he rubbed them against his neck, then threw them onto the bed. Carol got up and started organizing it into nest and Steve internally whined at the loss of contact.
But then he felt shuffling around and he turned around to see Carol moving away from him and Tommy crawling on to the bed.
"Christ guys, is this necessary?" he complained, leaning away from the middle.
"Don't be so dramatic, this is not that bad," Tommy said, flopping onto his back. Steve tried ignoring him, lying with his back to the both of them.
Pulling at him, Carol said, "oh come on, stop that."
"Just knock it off already man come on," Tommy groused, helping her flip Steve back over and manhandling him until he was half laying on top of Tommy alongside Carol.
Glancing between his eyes, she asked, "can you just relax? We're helping you out. As far as I know you don't have anyone else so at the very least let us make sure you don't fucking die okay?"
Mumbling a quiet "okay", she replied much louder, "thank you," and closed her eyes apparently intent on going back to sleep. Tommy wrapped his arms around both around both of them and Steve decided that he could just wait them out while at the very least enjoying the warmth that being next to them gave him, and closed his eyes, ready to sleep with the two of them.
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one year ago today i watched my beautiful laundrette at my friend's house
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sturniqlo · 5 months ago
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summary: where matt chooses to play video games over his girlfriend and it ends with him not being able to touch her for a while
cw: cursing, SMUT; dom(?)!reader, masterbating!f, oral!f receiving, hair pulling, fingering, making out
an: this is super super short, i honestly hate it, but happy kink-o-ween | until next kinktober...
masterlist | kinktober | join my taglist
it was friday night and y/n was over matt's house. ever since they started dating, she always spent the weekends at his house. no matter how she felt, she never missed the opportunity to stay a weekend at his. today was no different, she had driven to his, her duffel bag packed to the brim, and she was now laying in his bed.
however, ever since she got here he's been sitting at his desk playing fortnite. matt had probably spoken less than forty words to her. she was getting needy for his attention.
"baby!" y/n says for the hundredth time. "yes?" matt turns his head before looking back at his screen. "get off, pay attention to me." she whines. "wait until i win a game, okay? i get this really cool prize if i do." he quickly turns back and sees that he had gotten killed.
"fuck!" he said, his hand coming down on the desk. "please?" she pouted. "m' almost there, babe." matt fixed his headset and went back to playing. she sighed, tapped her fingers on her chest, thinking of ways to get his attention. calling out for him and telling him clearly didn't work,
she huffs, feeling the familiar ache between her thighs. she had been on her period for the last couple of days and and it was torture without matt's touch. now that she was off, he didn't touch her. he was literally right in front of her, yet he didn't pay attention to her. she decided to take care of the problem herself.
y/n pulled her sweatpants off and tossed them on the floor and the cold air littered goosebumps on her legs. she centered herself in the middle of the bed and propped a pillow against the headboard and laid against it, pressing her feet flat against the bed.
she lifting her hips and pulled her panties down to the middle of her thigh. her hand trailed in between her thighs to her wet folds. "shit." she sighed in relief when she felt her cold fingers on her clit. matt turns his head around as he hears her moan out. the sight of her touching herself makes him get hard instantly. "holy shit- babe." he takes his headset off before heading over to her.
y/n is quick to speak before he can get up. "no, you stay over there until you win a round, okay? i told you- fuck- several times to pay attention to me." he whines as she continues to play with herself. "please, baby. i'm- i'm sorry." matt looks at her fingers going in and out of her.
"once you win- mm- you get to touch me. and if- if i cum before you win- shit- you don't get to touch me." her pace quickened. matt felt himself get hard in his sweatpants. "but, baby." she shook her head. "focus on your game." her jaw slacked when she massaged the spongy spot inside of her. "fuck- fine." he sighed, turning back around in his chair his head turned back to her twice more before finally focusing on his game.
as he played with shaky hands, the loudness of her moans increased and it was hard for him to focus. the sound of her little whines went straight to his cock and he was now forming a wet patch in the front of his grey sweats. his leg bounced up and down as he tried to win as fast as he could, he didn't even care about the prize anymore, he wanted her. to touch her, to taste her.
"mm- oh shit!" she gasped as she lightly pinched her clit just like matt always did. she rolled the swollen bud in between her two fingers and it drove her crazy. "matt- i'm gettin' so close." she bit her lip trying to suppress her moans so she could get the full sentence out. matt heard her and his grip on the controller tightened. "baby, wait- please."
as much as she wanted to teach him a lesson. she listened to him and removed her fingers from her clit and slipped them into her tight hole. she moaned, even though they didn't fill her up like matt did.
y/n pumped her fingers in and out of her. the squelching sound of her sopping pussy hit matt. "fuck." he muttered to himself hearing the erotic sound. he was so into his thoughts that he didn't even realize he had won.
click anywhere to claim your prize
he didn't care to click, he tossed his controller onto his desk and pushed himself off of his chair and made his way to y/n. her eyes were closed in pleasure and matt saw her arousal covered fingers going in and out of her, her panties were still tucked in between her knees. matt wasted no time in pulling her legs, bringing her to the edge of the bed and removed her panties all the way off.
"matt!" she gasped when she felt his mouth connect with her pussy. "taste so fucking good!" he moaned against her. the vibrations adding to her pleasure. "f-fuck- so good." her hands tangled into his hair, pulling just how he liked it. matt threw her legs over his shoulders and continued to devour her while she was a whimpering mess. "don't stop- i'm so close. putting your mouth into good use, yeah? how 'bout you put your fingers to use." her jaw slacked when she felt his tongue prod at her hole.
he placed one last kiss on her clit before removing his mouth and bringing his two fingers and slid them up her slit, coating his fingers with her arousal. his fingers toyed with her bud, he loved to see her legs try and close. "yes- so good." she nodded against the bed. the two fingers slid back down and entered her hole- stretching her out. matt felt her warm walls tighten around his fingers.
"so tight for me, baby." he licked his lips before placing his mouth on her clit while his fingers thrusted into her. "shit! keep going, please! feels so good. fucking love your fingers in me." the sting of his scalp hurt so good.
a few sucks and thrusts later, her legs were shaking and she was coming. "i'm cumming, matt. fucking- holy shit!" her legs shook and she tried to close her legs around his head. matt kept them open, still licking her clit. once she started pushing his head away, he kissed up her clothed torso up to her lips. "m' sorry, m' never ignoring you again. always gonna be there to help you, m'kay?" he mumbled against her lips.
she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck bringing him closer. "go claim your prize, babe." she pulled away and looked into his eyes. he shook his head.
this was his prize.
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junkissed · 8 months ago
bad neighbor
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member — neighbor!dino x f reader genre — smut, college au word count— 6.3k synopsis — pros of living next door to a frat house: your neighbor is really really hot. cons of living next door to a frat house: probably everything else. smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, fingering, lots of making out, facial (cum on face), semi public sex (hooking up at a party) content warnings — slightly introverted!reader, chan is in college but reader isn't: can be interpreted as older!reader but that's up to you tbh, mentions of weed & alcohol (chan & reader are both sober), cameos from cheol & hoshi hehe notes — thanks again to @onlymingyus for helping me get my brain in order <3 please reblog or send an ask if you enjoyed reading!! it means a lot to me and it helps me continue writing :) i hope you like this fic!
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it's still early in the evening when the music starts.
the sound of voices and cars honking outside your house draws your attention away from the latest episode of your favorite new show. you get up and walk over to the window, peeking out through the curtain at the bright headlights beaming at you.
with a sigh you push the curtain closed again, heading into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea. if tonight is like any of the other nights, then it'll be a long time before you fall asleep. hopefully the chamomile will help—is what you tell yourself every time. and every time, it doesn't help.
living in the same neighborhood as the frat houses from the nearby state university was certainly a choice, but the rent in the area was the cheapest in town and you didn't have many options left. with the fall semester coming up fast, every other apartment complex and condo in the city was already rented out. after moving in, you'd quickly discovered why the rent was so cheap: not because the house was in bad condition or because the location was inconvenient, but because of the parties. nearly every fucking night.
you might actually be impressed at how these college kids find the energy to party so often, if you weren’t so fed up with them. every friday and saturday night, and even sometimes during the week, at least one house on your block was throwing some kind of wild party.
by now you'd seen it all: drunk girls throwing up on your lawn, shirtless guys doing keg stands in the middle of the cul-de-sac, people making out literally everywhere. and yes, including that one time on halloween when you found two playboy bunnies having sex with spider-man in your backyard. how they got back there was anybody's guess, but from then on you’d started double and triple checking that your back gate was locked every night. 
tonight, it seemed that the festivities were being hosted at the house across the street. and the man behind it all? none other than lee chan, president of the fraternity and owner of the house.
you'd only officially met him twice, once on the day you'd moved in and once the day after. his red honda had pulled into his driveway at the same time you were unloading your boxes from the u-haul, and he'd jumped out and offered to help carry your furniture inside.
at the time it had felt like this was finally your meet-cute moment, the friendly and unfairly attractive boy-next-door that sweeps you off your feet with love at first sight. but once the final box had been moved, he'd simply given you a smile and a wave and went back inside his house. no cute bonding, no exchanging phone numbers, no asking to see each other again. he just left.
of course, that had been before you found out about the parties, and the shock you were in for that same night when people had started showing up in droves had nearly led you to call the cops. so the next morning you'd put on a nice outfit and went to knock on his door, and it was then that you found out more about the neighborhood you'd found yourself living in.
with the same polite tone he'd used yesterday, he'd been friendly and apologetic for the noise, promising that he'd make sure everyone stayed on his side of the lawn and that no one disturbed you or your house. he'd explained that it wasn't a quiet neighborhood, no matter the time of year, but repeated that if anything happened he would take full responsibility for it. he said that you were welcome to come over any time, whether you needed something or you just wanted in on the fun.
you'd taken his word for it, sheepishly waving goodbye as you crossed the sidewalk between your houses, though you figured you would probably never set foot inside his house while there was a party going on. and as you’d walked away, you had tried to ignore the feeling of your heart fluttering with the beginnings of a crush on your neighbor.
tonight, however, your heart was doing anything but fluttering. music blasted outside, definitely a lot louder than usual, and the sound of car engines revving was already getting on your nerves.
you dunk your tea bag into the boiling water at the same time a loud banging on your door makes you jump, and you narrowly avoid spilling it all over yourself and the counter.
quietly you rush over to the door, looking out the peephole to see a group of people carrying cases of beer, looking around at your front porch.
before you can figure out how to react, you hear someone yell something distantly and the group turns around in the direction of the sound.
"shit, wrong house," one of the guys says loudly. "sorry, whoever lives here! have a good night!" he calls as they walk away, the others laughing over a joke you can't hear. 
with the crisis averted, you head back into the kitchen and pull the tea bag out of your mug, chucking it into the trash with a huff. full responsibility, your ass. 
and then… you have an idea. 
chan had been so insistent that you could come over if you ever needed anything, so you might as well take advantage of his offer. because tonight you did, in fact, need something. you needed the party to not be so goddamn loud that you can literally feel your living room floor vibrating beneath your feet.
you stick your mug in the microwave to reheat later and quickly change out of your pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. presentable enough that you don’t embarrass yourself, yet comfortable enough that you don’t feel so awkward.
with a deep breath, you pull open your front door, keys tightly in hand as you lock it behind you and start making your way across the street.
you're almost at chan’s front door when a man steps in front of you out of nowhere, stopping you short. "hey, here for the party?" he asks, holding up his hand for a high-five.
"um… kinda," you say, lightly tapping his hand. you figure he must be the bouncer of some sort, from his friendly yet confident no-nonsense attitude and the way his thick biceps strain against the sleeves of his t-shirt. "i'm looking for lee chan, he owns the house?"
"gotcha," he nods. "gotta check your age before i let you in, though."
you pause, his words sinking in as you realize why he's asking. "oh, sorry, i didn't think i'd need my id," you apologize. "but i live next door, my driver's license is just in my wallet, i can go grab—"
"are you over 21?" he interrupts, and you frown at the question.
"uh, yes?"
"cool. head on in, then," he says.
you look at him suspiciously. "you're sure you don't need to see my id? what if i was lying?"
"dino will probably be downstairs, his room is the door at the end of the hallway on the left," he says, pointedly ignoring your questions. "and while you're down there, tell him cheol sent you. ask him to grab another beer for me."
he waves towards the open front door, and hesitantly you make your way inside. you have no idea who the hell dino is, and you can only hope it's just a nickname of some kind and the man you're about to go find isn't some stranger.
the second you set foot inside the doorway, it's like entering a completely different world. the air is stale and humid, clinging to your skin as you push through a crowd of what must be hundreds of people packed like sardines into every corner of the room.
the music gets louder the further inside the house you go, and you have to focus on repeating cheol's instructions in your head so you don’t get lost in the maze of hallways and doors. downstairs, end of the hallway, left. 
you soon find out where the music is coming from. unlike the normal house lights on the first floor, downstairs everything is dark except for colorful flashing led lights around the room. a man stands on top of a table between two huge speakers as people crowd around him, jumping and shouting lyrics to the song that’s playing.
there’s so many people that you have to push your way through the crowd, but most of the people around you either don’t notice or are too drunk to care. but finally, you make it to what looks like the hallway that the man outside—what was his name, cheol?—told you about.
you open the first door on your left and find four people sat quietly on the floor passing around a bong, a thick cloud of smoke hanging over the room. all four of them look over at you at the same time, glazed eyes silently asking who the hell are you?.
"sorry, wrong room," you squeak, slamming the door and retreating back into the hallway as you try your best not to step on anyone's feet.
with a deep breath you crack open the door directly beside the one you'd just opened and poke your head inside, and relief washes over you when you see chan inside.
he's sitting on a couch with a couple girls sitting next to him and a guy slumped against his shoulder, eyes closed and brows furrowed.
he looks up when the door opens, and a look of shock spreads over his face when he recognizes you. he calls your name and you step inside tentatively, saying his name in response. "chan?"
"close the door behind you," he says, and you jump to turn around and shut it with a click. he must notice you standing like a deer in headlights, because he motions you closer to him with a friendly smile. "sorry," he explains. "people will think it's an open room if you leave the door open. i don't want anybody in here without a reason to be."
you nod, but your eyes dart over at the girls sitting beside chan. he makes eye contact with them and clears his throat, and without a word they stand up, understanding the message.
he helps the man laying against him sit up, then helps him stand up and hands him off to the others. "don't let hoshi drink anything else tonight except water, okay? keep an eye on him until your driver shows up."
they nod and slip their arms around their friend, helping him stumble out of the room as he grumbles about something incoherent. "thanks, dino," one of them says with a little wave. "see you monday for that bio test."
the girls open and shut the door quickly, suddenly leaving you alone with him in the room.
"hi," you start, not knowing what else to say. it's been such an ordeal just trying to find him that you've almost forgotten why you came searching for him in the first place.
"hi," he repeats with a laugh. "honestly, i never thought i'd see you here. you don't seem like the type. so, what brings you over tonight?"
"you've only met me twice, how would you know what i seem like?" you reply defensively, thought he's spot on. this is not your usual scene at all, and you’re sure that anyone at this party who’s even a smidge sober must be able to tell how out of place you look.
he shrugs, patting the couch seat next to him. "alright, fair point. come sit down."
you carefully take a seat, purposefully avoiding eye contact with the collection of ambiguous stains on the couch cushions.
"oh, before i forget. somebody named cheol told me to tell you he wants a beer?" you say awkwardly, relaying the message.
"bastard," chan mutters, but he's smiling, and you assume the guy you met earlier is a friend of his. "fine, i'll grab him something when i go back outside." pausing, he turns his attention back to you. "but really, why are you here? i don't wanna make any assumptions, but i doubt it's for the free alcohol."
"if i was, you'd have to tell me where to find it," you say with a shrug, and he laughs but stays quiet for you to finish.
you fold your hands together nervously. "anyway, i just came over to ask—could you maybe turn the music down, like, just a tiny bit? and also… can you tell people to stop having sex in my yard?"
he winces and gives an apologetic smile. "yeah, of course. sorry about that. i told vernon to keep it down, but you know how he gets when he's…" he stops as if he’s just realized something. "nevermind. i'll go let him know right now. do you wanna come with, or you wanna stay here?"
"no offense, but i'd rather not go back out there," you laugh awkwardly. “it was bad enough just trying to find you in the first place.”
"all good," he replies with that friendly smile of his. "it's not for everyone, that's for sure. just make sure the door stays closed, and you'll be fine in here by yourself. shouldn't take too long."
he opens the door and slips out, slamming it closed behind him. you sit unmoving on the couch, finally glancing at your surroundings.
unlike the first room, the air here is fairly clean, other than the faint smell of alcohol and weed wafting in from under the door. you realize this must be chan's actual bedroom, when you see the posters that cover the walls and the bookshelf full of knick-knacks and textbooks.
you start to wonder who else lives in this house, but soon the door opens again and chan returns, the sound of voices and music flooding in while the door is open but quickly falling quieter once the door is shut again.
"alright, he'll keep it down. i'm sorry about the noise," he apologizes again, but you wave him off, suddenly feeling shy around him. with him still standing and you still sitting, he towers over you in a way that makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter back to life.
"no, it's fine. really, it's not that big of a deal," you rush, trying to ignore the growing feeling in your chest. was he always this hot? for the first time tonight you notice how his blonde hair falls in waves around his face, perfectly framing his soft features.
he shakes his head. "really, i mean it. vernon will make sure it doesn't get out of hand, he’s good at that. i can't exactly give you a quiet evening, but i can give you the best i've got."
you take a deep breath and stand up. you're already way outside of your comfort zone even just coming to this party, but maybe this experience hasn't been all that bad. after all, you got to see chan again, and you got to exchange more than a handful of words with him like you did all the other times you’d met him.
"well… what is the best you've got?" you ask him, and you almost see him raise an eyebrow.
he puts his hands in his back pockets, pausing for a second as he looks at you. "mm, best i've got? probably this room. my room. quietest in the house, and nobody will come in to bother us."
your heart races as you take a small step towards him, standing close to him but still keeping some distance between you.
"so does this mean you're not leaving?" he asks when you don’t say anything, just barely loud enough for you to hear him.
"do you want me to stay?"
he takes a step closer to you. "only if you stay with me."
"do you say that to all the people you bring in here?" your question is joking, but a part of you still worries that he thinks you're just another girl at the party looking for a one night stand. though honestly, you wouldn't even really mind if that's all this was. hell, maybe all the secondhand smoke is getting to your head and clouding your judgement, because hooking up with your neighbor seems like a pretty fantastic idea right now.
"the only time i let people in my room is to let them use my bathroom and to make sure they don't die of alcohol poisoning," he says in a low tone, a little laugh escaping him. "and now, i guess i let my hot neighbor in here, too."
"you think i'm hot?" you ask, taking another small step forward.
he matches your stride, taking one last step towards you so that you're finally standing toe to toe with him. "i'd be an idiot not to."
"but how would you know, if we've only met twice?"
he laughs. "well, you had just moved in. i wasn't gonna hit on you when you hadn't even finished unpacking your furniture yet."
"so you did want to hit on me, then," you say confidently, straightening up a little.
“did i ever say i didn't?” he rests his hands on your hips and gently pulls you towards him, closing the last of the distance between you. his eyes never leave your face, gauging your reaction and looking for any hesitation.
you wrap your arms around him and lean forward, a smile on your lips. "good to know."
he leans in the rest of the way and presses his mouth against yours, and everything else just falls into place. your hands reach up to find his hair, threading your fingers through his blond waves and tugging experimentally, and when he lets out a little noise of pleasure you kiss him harder.
the noise of the party fades into the background as his hands slide down your body to grip your ass, and you can’t help the little moan that escapes as he starts to back you up against the wall. his hands stay put, kneading your ass as you try to keep your legs from giving out already. it’s painfully obvious how bad you want him, but it’s equally obvious how he feels the same way.
“fuck, been dreaming about this since the day you moved in,” chan says, pulling away from you with a shaky breath as your fingers tug at the hem of his t-shirt. 
he pulls it off over his head before leaning over to kiss you again, his tongue tracing over your lips. he’s good at this; not like you’re surprised by it or anything, but it still catches you off guard.
he seems to be able to sense the tiny bit of lingering hesitancy, so he breaks apart from you but still keeps his arms firmly around you, loosening his grip just a little. “is this okay?” he asks in a low voice, but you can hear the concern laced in it.
you nod quickly, tugging your shirt off quickly and letting his hands settle at your hips before you pull him back closer. you never do this. maybe you really had inhaled too much secondhand smoke on the way in and you aren’t thinking straight. but deep down, you know that’s not the case. 
as much as you hate to admit it, your harmless crush on your neighbor has grown into something much, much more. you can’t say you’ve never been a little jealous when you see girls leaving his house on sunday mornings after parties. you can’t say you’ve never let your eyes linger a few seconds too long when he goes out to check the mail and he’s wearing that tight black tank and thin silver chain he never takes off.
or the fact that he works out in his garage with the door open, and you aren’t really purposefully trying to look but it’s not your fault that your window just happened to be open. and it wasn’t your fault that you just happened to look outside and see him shirtless and bench lifting a very large amount and if you were really really quiet you could almost hear him groaning—
he slides his hands down your bare skin, hesitating again at the waistband of your jeans, but you arch your back a little to push yourself closer and he takes the hint. he easily undoes the button with one hand, and you try not to think about how many times he must’ve practiced that in order to get that skilled at it. but that thought is quickly pushed out of your mind when his hand makes its way into your pants, his fingers experimentally sliding down past your underwear and brushing through your folds.
you let out a groan, rolling your hips into his hand encouragingly. you’re already hot and sweaty, standing with your back against the door in just your bra and jeans, but it’s hard to tell if the heat is from the crowded, stuffy house or from something else.
“god, you’re so wet,” he murmurs under his breath almost incredulously as he presses his fingertip against your clit, circling the swollen bud before dipping back down to collect your arousal on his fingers.
you squeeze your thighs together out of instinct, trapping his hand between your legs, and he looks up at you for confirmation. “more,” you whimper, just loud enough to be heard over the music and the noise on the other side of the door. “chan, please.”
he groans and puts more pressure on your clit, starting to rub a little faster and a little messier. he slides his middle and index fingers inside and you let out an involuntary yelp, clenching and bucking your hips in search of more friction. he starts out slow, curling his fingers in a beckoning motion as his other hand massages the bare skin of your waist.
after more of your pleading he finally concedes, sliding his fingers out and wiping them on his stomach, leaving a glistening trail of wetness on his tan skin. he glances back up at you in questioning, but he finds no hesitation in your expression as his hands start to push your pants down your legs and you kick them away, leaving you bare in front of him.
“you sure you're ready?” he pauses to ask one more time, but your quick nod has him jumping back into action in seconds.
he follows hurriedly, stripping out of his pants and shoving his boxers down to free his cock. his length springs up and slaps against his stomach, the tip looking flushed and heavy, and your mind goes blank, replaced only with the thought of him inside you. he holds himself in one hand, lining his cock up at your entrance as you adjust your position in preparation.
you groan as he finally ushes into you, your fingernails digging into the back of his shoulder blades as you struggle to balance.
“feels good?” he mumbles as he lifts your thigh, wrapping your leg securely around his hip. he doesn't move yet, his hips still as he lets you move however you need.
you barely manage to nod in return, keeping your hands firmly planted on his shoulders, slowly but surely adjusting to his size. “god, yes,” you manage, trying to keep your breathing steady. “if i'd have known you felt this good i would've come over way sooner.”
“mm, well. you're welcome over here any time.” he grins at you. his dark eyes get hazier with desire as he holds you firmly against his pelvis. “for any reason you'd like.”
the best response you can come up with is “sure”, barely listening as you start to roll your hips, but you can tell the sincerity in his statement. your attempt at movement doesn't work very well in this position, but chan quickly takes the hint, pulling back and letting his cock slip halfway out before he drives back into you.
the first thrust has you seeing stars already, and you let out a broken moan as he starts to build up his pace. your back slides against the wall as you feel the bass reverberating through your bones, and it only enhances the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls.
“if there weren’t so many people in this house, i’d have you screaming my name right now,” chan huffs against your lips, pulling your body closer and wrapping his arms around you tighter.
“mm, but the music is so loud they probably wouldn’t be able to hear it anyway,” you bite back with a brazen smile. you're feeling bold, the party atmosphere filling you with a cockiness that you don't usually possess. but something about the environment, the fact that you're fucking the hottest person here while hundreds of people rave obliviously outside the door, is a thrill you've never felt before.
he rolls his head back with a groan, and you feel his thrusts suddenly getting harder and deeper. you have to fight to stay standing, using all your energy to keep yourself upright and leaning most of your weight on him, but if he notices it he doesn't let it show. all those push-ups and bench presses that you ogle him doing in his garage must be good for something, from the way he hoists you against the wall and drives his cock into you without even barely breaking a sweat.
“say it, then,” he goads, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thigh as he holds your leg up. “you want to, don't you? you wouldn't have come over here tonight if you didn't.”
the worst part is that you know he's right. your own curiosity is what brought you here tonight, masked by the claims of noise complaints. the noise isn't even really that much of a bother: you could've gone to bed, turned on your fan and played some white noise, and you would've been perfectly fine. but some part of you longs to know what goes on at these parties, to see your devastatingly sexy neighbor in this setting you've never witnessed him in yet. so now that your curiosity has been satisfied, you really have nothing to lose.
“chan! fuck— mmph, yes—” you whine loudly, unintentionally clenching around him as the words fall from your lips. there's no way anyone would hear over the music, and even if they did, there's a high chance they wouldn't care either way. it's just what happens at parties.
his eyes light up at the sound, a moan of his own leaving his mouth as he thrusts into you over and over again, burying his cock as deep as he can go with every stroke. a familiar heat burns in the pit of your stomach at his movements, winding tighter and tighter with each passing second. your walls throb around his length, filling every inch of you until you can't take it anymore.
“chan…” you groan again, pulling him towards you with your leg around his waist. “please, keep going… c-close, i'm close—”
he leans in and presses his lips to yours, swallowing your moans with his eager mouth. “god, please cum for me,” he says breathlessly, pulling away but leaving just enough room for your lips to stay connected by a thin string of spit. “need to feel it, need to feel you. please, baby, fuck…”
he slams into you even harder, driving his cock right up into the spot that makes your knees nearly buckle. you manage to whimper out his name one last time before your lips go slack against his mouth, your eyes squeezing shut as you crash into your climax. the force of his steady, constant thrusts combined with the force of your orgasm leaves your body tingling, every nerve alight from the waves of pleasure pulsing through you.
his movements don't ever slow, but you can see the emotion twisting in his face in reaction as he watches you cum, squeezing around him so warm and wet and perfect that it takes every ounce of his self control not to immediately follow you over the edge.
his eyes bore into yours, watching your face until he's sure you've recovered enough to handle him. he pulls out and keeps his hand firmly wrapped around the base of his cock, jerking himself with tiny flicks of his wrist to keep the momentum going.
immediately you drop to your knees in front of him, tilting your head back to stare up at him between his thighs, your eyes wordlessly pleading with him as your tongue nearly rolls out of your mouth.
“fuck, you're so…,” he groans, keeping his fist tight around his cock with a few final motions. “you're so fucking hot, god, i'm gonna—”
he whines and his hips buck as he spills across your face, thick white ropes landing on your tongue and your cheeks. your smaller hand reaches up to replace his and you take him into your mouth, gagging only slightly as the salty taste fills your mouth. you wrap your lips around him and swallow, letting your tongue swirl around his sensitive head to collect it all until he's finished.
he pulls back and his cock slips from your mouth, leaving you gasping and licking your lips to catch the stray drops of his cum. his voice is low and strained as he reaches out his hand to help you up, his thick biceps flexing as he pulls you to your feet. despite the blissed-out look on his face you can see the guilt in eyes and it makes you pause, wondering if he didn't enjoy it the same way you just did. but it's only another moment before he speaks again, and your short-lived worries are put to rest.
“i'm sorry it was so fast,” he says almost shyly, pulling you over to sit at the edge of his bed. “i can go again if you aren't done yet. or we can do something else… or i could walk you back home. whatever you want, i'm happy to do.”
you expression softens into a grin, still a little hazy but definitely not finished. “oh, i can go again, for sure. i've got all night if you'll let me.”
his eyes crinkle with an eager smile, and you're already spreading your legs to give him space as he falls down onto the bed between them, landing on top of you. his hand cups your chin ans he pulls you into him, his lips finding yours and melting into you with a satisfied hum. his tongue finds its place once again in your mouth, prodding inside as he kisses you with a level of passion and desperation you haven't felt in a long time. 
he groans into the kiss as he tastes himself on your lips, exploring your mouth and the bitter taste he left inside. you feel the vibrations from it in your jaw and down your neck, and it only makes you kiss him harder in an effort to draw out more of those pretty sounds.
"hey, dino, didn't you say you'd bring me a beer? it's so boring standing out there—"
the door opens and you jerk away with a scream, hiding yourself under chan and using the nearest piece of clothing to cover up as someone barges into the room.
"cheol, get the fuck out!" chan shouts, wrapping his arm around you and keeping you pressed tightly against his chest, using his back to shield you from view. "fucking knock next time, dude, you know better!"
"jeez! how should i have known? i thought you said you didn't hook up at parties," cheol mutters as he turns around, slamming the door shut behind him. "i'll get the damn beer myself."
the door slams shut once again, and chan sighs and hangs his head, his forehead leaning against your chest before he reluctantly crawls off of you and crosses the room to lock the door.
“you don’t hook up at parties, huh?”
he turns around to look at you, and you pause to take him in. his hair is messier than it was when you got here, glued to his forehead with sweat and sticking up at odd angles from you tugging on it. his broad chest is tinged red with tiny scratches from your nails, and it makes you want to bite him all over, but you contain yourself for now.
your voice is teasing, but cheol’s words have honestly made you feel a million times lighter. you hadn’t expected to be anything special to chan after tonight; at the very least, you hoped that it wouldn’t be awkward when you see each other, but you’d figured you were just the next in a long line of girls waiting to have their turn with him. for once, you’d never been so happy to be proven wrong.
“i’ll make an exception for the pretty neighbor girl. just this once.”
“oh, so now i'm just pretty. i thought i remembered you saying that i was the hot neighbor girl,” you giggle, watching as he hops on one leg to put his boxers back on.
“two things can be true at once,” he says with a grin as he walks back over to you still lying on his bed. “besides, i still haven't taken you out on a date yet. would be kinda forward of me to call you hot when i haven't even bought you dinner yet.”
you smile at him, trying to fight the warmth burning in your cheeks as you reach up to ruffle your fingers through his soft hair. he lets out a satisfied groan at the feeling, and it gives you an idea.
“do…” you trail off, suddenly unsure, until you see the warmth in chan’s eyes as he lays on top of you and it fills you with confidence again. “do you wanna continue this at my house? i’ve got the quietest room, and nobody will bother us.”
“mm.” he grins at the way you repeat his words from earlier, enamored with your shy yet playful tone. “if we’re at your place, does that mean i get to give you the noise complaint this time?”
“i’ll allow it.” you roll your eyes and pull yourself to sit up. “i need a shower, and i’m sure you would like one, too. plus i have food that hasn't been spilled on the floor or soaked in alcohol.”
he picks your shirt up off the floor and hands it to you with a smile, moving around his room with a quiet confidence you find unbearably hot. “does this mean anything to you, or is this just a tonight thing?” he asks.
you bite at your lip as you shimmy back into your jeans, shaky fingers sliding the button into place as you sit back down on the bed. “it does,” you reply simply. “you did tell me you'd buy me dinner, after all. i'm gonna hold you to that.”
he leans over you, pressing another chaste kiss to your lips. “and i plan on keeping that promise.”
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you stumble your way through the house, squeezing chan’s hand tightly as he pulls you up the stairs, following him towards the door. you're not worried about anyone noticing you anymore: everyone's too wrapped up in their own business to care, including you. the party seems dulled now, the music fading and the people around you becoming blank faces. all you care about is chan, your eyes roving over his broad back muscles that peek through his shirt as you trail behind him. you must look no different than every other drunk college kid here with the giddy smile on your face, but you haven't had a drop of alcohol. it's just the effect he had on you.
finally you make it outside, and the cool night air feels sharp compared to the humidity inside the house. already it seems quieter as you start to walk the distance across the street, moving away from the party and towards the comfort of your own home. chan moves up beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist while you lead the way, but you're stopped once again by the same man from earlier.
“hey,” he greets chan, only sparing half a smirk in your direction but otherwise not bothering you, despite the heat that instantly rises in your cheeks at the fact that you were caught. “did you get my beer?”
“no. you said you were getting it yourself.” he rolls his eyes, and cheol whines and gives him a look that you swear almost looks like a pout. “if anyone asks about me, tell them i'm not home. tell them i had to…” he looks over at you with a cocky grin. “…had to go take care of something. noise complaint.”
cheol groans, making a face. “god, whatever. i don't want the details. but just don't make me stand outside next time. i'm doing you a favor here. i'm supposed to be working on my thesis.”
“sure,” chan replies, but he's still stuck staring at you, barely processing his friend's complaints. “yeah. anyway, i'll catch you tomorrow.”
he tugs gently on your waist and you start walking again, leaving cheol without so much as a goodbye or even a proper introduction. you'll deal with that later, you guess. there’s a lot of things you'll have to deal with, but at least the wild parties your neighbor boyfriend throws won't be one of them anymore.
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13atoms · 1 year ago
Handsome and a Genius (Spencer Reid x F!Bau!Reader)
Inspired by that one scene in x files where mulder stands like a himbo looking handsome and being the future of beauty. you know the one I mean
Summary: Spencer’s overactive brain draws more attention than it ought to on a case, and you see him in a new light. 3k words.
Contains: hostile witnesses, spencer being clueless (but an absolute babe), friends to lovers. (No offence to Florida im sure it’s very nice, reader is having a bad day, and I am far too British for that kind of heat)
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The sticky Florida air had long since plastered your clothes to your skin, leaving you short of breath and with the unpleasant feeling of damp hair against your scalp. The whole team had groaned at the revelation their next case would be in the outskirts of Miami, and as soon as the plane door opened you understood why.
You were hot, and grumpy. The salty, swampy air made you feel disgusting as you approached witness after witness. There was a serial killer operating in and around mobile home parks in the area, with the two most recent murders taking place in Royal Biscayne Trailer Park, both over a week ago. While the rest the team spread out across the other crime scenes, you and your partner had been dispatched to this one.
It was a world away from Quantico: sun-bleached, dense, full of plastic and palms instead of concrete and maples. Nonetheless, the principles remained the same no matter where you were. Take everything in, speak to everyone, suspect everyone. Stepping in and out of trailers gave you very little relief from the heat, although respite from the sun pounding down on you was a welcome break.
Dr Spencer Reid stood a short distance away, shielding his eyes with his hand as he contemplated the sea of trailers around him. He’d stared around as you drove into the park, something faraway in his eyes as he memorised every detail from the safety of the SUV.
Now he stood close to you, heads inches apart as he whispered so that only you could hear. He faced one way, you the other, and you could focus on his words knowing that Spencer was watching your back.
“These things all come equipped with the same locks, at least each model does. If you recognise the trailer home, you know how to pick it. It’s fairly trivial, for someone with some basic industry knowledge.”
You hummed through pursed lips, surveying the small crowd who had gathered to gawk at a pair of FBI officers on their turf.
“And that would be true of all of the trailer parks… we know he’s got a common MO.”
“You reckon someone in the industry, then? A salesman? Maintenance guy?”
Spencer rolled his neck, stared up at the sky for a moment. His curls were long at the moment, damp at the name of his neck, a little frizzy in the humidity.
“Not necessarily.”
“It’s quite specific,” you agreed, “anyone operating as a common thief around here would have the knowledge too. We could be talking about a classic escalation – burglar to home invader to murderer?”
His eyes snapped from you to his phone.
“I’ve asked Garcia to check out any patterns in robberies, home invasions… the locks are hardly scratched. We know he wears gloves, cleans his tools. This guy knows what he’s doing.”
You nodded, surveying the street again. The sun was glinting off of white plastic, making you squint. You worried for Spencer, the heat and the light wouldn’t be doing his headaches any good.
“You want me to take that?” Spencer was saying, and you snapped your attention in the direction he was gestured.
There was middle-aged man a little way forward of the crowd, shoulders hunched, hands entwined. Nervous. He had the tan of someone who lived here year-round, not a big believer in suncream, with tanlines when he removed his hat and glasses to speak to you.
“I’ve got it,” you murmured, and Spencer nodded.
It was an unspoken part of your partnership, that Spencer liked when you started conversations with witnesses. You liked that he trusted you, trusted your skills, never questioned whether you’d done the right thing when you spoke to people.
Instead he remained a short distance away, climbing up the front steps of someone’s home for a higher vantage point to survey the place.
“Hello, sir. Can I help you?”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you. You said you’re with the FBI?”
The man had a tip, and it was an interesting one. A rumour spread throughout the HOA about someone trying the locks at night, the sound of metal against the doorways, silhouettes against frosted glass. A few people even had security camera footage, though nothing identifiable. It was great. You gave him your card, told him to get the footage to you asap.
It must be terrifying, you realised, to hear that kind of noise in the night. To be so close to danger, after a neighbour had been killed. The local sheriff’s department seemed frustrated by the interest the case was garnering – frankly you were amazed the story wasn’t bigger. There was no small amount of comforting involved in the conversation you had with the witness, and soon enough a few more people stepped forwards from the crowd. All seemed middle-aged, likely transplants to the sunshine state, and equally shaken.
When everyone’s stories had finished, they stood in silence for a moment. You frowned, noticing their gazes slightly misaligned.
He was stood at your shoulder, sharp gaze flickering across each face of the gathered residents.
“This is my colleague, Dr Reid. A few of you have already met, I believe.”
“You know,” he began, “the socio-economic factors influencing the way we think about crime in mobile home communities are fascinating. Often trailer parks are stereotyped negatively in the media, and because they are generally cheaper to live in than traditional housing estates, and that can foster a sense of shame or isolation for residents. Transient populations can also make community policing and security difficult, and anomalies in the patterns of everyday life become more difficult for people to subconsciously spot.”
You held your breath, and tried not to look worried at the reaction of the small crowd. Instead, you focused on Spencer. He was speaking with his hands a lot today.
“But I think the assumptions we tend to make about trailer parks completely overlook the very nature of living so close to your neighbours. There is a sense of community in living so closely, as evidenced by the conversations we’ve been having today. I’m not sure whether the killer understands that, or is exploiting the former theory that places like this allow for more deviations from the way we implement traditional security in communities. An unsub might hold some sort of resentment towards trailer parks, or some specific resident in his past, or perhaps he’s simply exploiting how incredibly easy it is to simply walk up to a mobile home and slip the lock open with a humble mass-produced lock pick.”
He was greeted with a sea of blank faces, littered with the occasional frown. Finally he looked to you. You caught the furrow of his brow, the way his shoulders hunched into himself, the clutching of his elbows to his body.
Oh, Spencer.
“That’s really interesting!” you tried to say, but Spencer was already backing away.
“Anyway, I’ll, um, leave you to it.”
“Thank you, Dr Reid,” you called after him, as he fled, disappearing into the shade of a nearby trailer.
 Your heart ached for him a bit, but you pushed that aside. Instead, you had a sea of potentially offended retirees to keep on side.
“God, what I’d give for a brain like that,” your witness laughed, his linen shirt straining under the movement.
You couldn’t help smiling, a little relieved the tension had broken.
“It’s not often someone has a face like that and a good head on their shoulders,” one of the older ladies piped up.
You found yourself looking over your shoulder at Spencer, his profile sharp as he looked down the road, deep in thought.
“He’s certainly a rare breed,” you agreed fondly.
A number of the crowd were following your gaze, and someone in you wanted to snap them out of it. Stop them from staring.
“He actually has an eidetic memory. Once he’s seen or heard something, he remembers it perfectly, forever. It’s incredible.”
“Oh, my goodness! I can hardly remember my own email password!”
“I wouldn’t mind if he hung around me and talked like that all day, even if I didn’t understand a word of it. Though perhaps he could use a haircut…”
There was a chorus of agreement and various coo-ing which seemed to occupy the entire scale from grandmotherly to entirely inappropriate. You couldn’t help staring at Spencer a moment longer, wondering if he was truly oblivious, or simply pretending to be.
A rare breed.
You were certain you’d never met anyone else like him. Certain you felt like a better version of yourself in his company. That you’d trust him with your life, that you searched every room you entered until you saw him. Watched the elevator doors each time they opened, all morning, until Spencer walked in.
You were certain you’d felt giddy the first time Spencer insisted the two of you would work together, alone.
 “Imagine knowing that he’d remember everything, forever…” one of the women was saying, her eyebrows raised in a way you didn’t particularly enjoy.
You cleared your throat, and hooked one hand over the badge at your waist.
“Unless anyone has any further leads, we’d better be on our way…”
The group silenced, and watched you dutifully. You passed out a few more cards, reiterated how dedicated the team was to stopping this killer, and gave out a few promises that there would be a police presence after dark throughout the trailer park.
When the request for any further questions was met with more glances towards Spencer, you thanked your witness, and made a beeline for the car. After only a few seconds Spencer was beside you, jogging to catch up.
“All done?” he asked, and you smiled at the question.
“I think so.”
You started the engine and both waited with the doors open for the car to cool down. The department’s penchant for black SUVs was not helpful when the sun was so vicious. Feeling the heat themselves, the group of residents had dispersed into a few groups, wandering into one another’s homes to continue gossiping.
“God, I’m disgusting,” you lamented, “sorry for the sweat-smell. I might actually take a cold shower when we get to the hotel.”
Spencer was already waving you off, leaning into the car to mess with the AC. Through the open door you saw him groan at the heat, swiping a curl from his face.
“I’m afraid to raise my arms. It’s so humid, I’m not sure why anyone would retire here. High humidity aggravates a number of chronic conditions, especially respiratory ones, which are common in older people. Not to mention the skin cancer…”
“And it ruins your hair,” you teased.
Spencer faked a gasp, and reached for a damp, limp section of his hair.
“I mean, look at it!”
You laughed, and rolled your eyes at him, nothing but fondness settling warm and tight in your chest.
Surveying the road in front of you for one final time you saw a few curtain-twitchers, but no new faces. You climbed into the car, wincing at the heat. The seatbelt buckle was burning hot, and you swore as it burned your fingers.
“I always forget about that,” you grumbled, slamming the car door closed.
“You know, if you fasten your seatbelt after you get out, it stops the metal getting hot and burning you,” Reid offered, and you rolled your eyes at him again.
“Gosh, doesn’t it get exhausting being right about everything?”
Spencer went quiet, and all you heard was the click of his own belt. After a few moments the car was cool and bearable, and your lungs felt like they could finally move again. The sat-nav happily talked away, and you started stealing worried looks at your partner once you’d returned to properly-maintained roads.
“What you said out there was really good, do you mind if we go over it again once we get to the station? I think it’s worth exploring.”
“I shouldn’t have said it in front of them.”
He was right, but you didn’t have to heart to say anything. That was the thing which made your heart twinge about Spencer – he was so insecure, and yet so self-aware, it was the worst of both worlds. Being an expert in body language was a double-edged sword.
“I don’t think they minded. Did you hear those old ladies talking about your big brain?”
Spencer didn’t laugh. He turned himself towards the window, curled up with his hand beneath his jaw.
“They were very impressed. So was I, for what it’s worth. I think we’ll make some really good progress on this profile tonight.”
He hummed agreement. Watched a vista of blurred blue and green and white going past the window. The radio was turned down to a low hum, you could hardly hear it. Silence pierced its way through and sound of mumbled songs and road noise.
“Are you okay?” you asked finally.
“I’m okay.”
You sighed. Tapped the steering wheel. Sped a little to get through an intersection on amber.
“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to ruin that for you I just… sometimes I think of things and it’s like I have to tell you.
“Spencer I’m not mad at you! Not at all! I think we’re both just tired, and too warm…”
He didn’t say anything.
“Honestly, I was worried you’d heard what those ladies were saying about you and gotten upset. It was inappropriate of them…”
“I didn’t hear anything. What did they say?”
Your gaze was focused on the road, but you met Spencer’s eye in the rear-view mirror as he watched your face.
“Just that you were a handsome young man. And that they wanted you to get a haircut, which I firmly disagree with…” you teased.
Spencer touched his hair self-consciously. He was still quite curled up, leaning away from you despite his interest in the conversation.
“That’s nice of them, I suppose.”
“‘Nice’ is an interesting way of putting it, but I’m glad you’re not upset about it.”
“When I was a kid, I read a book at the library about how to tell if you’re attractive. It was for women, all about makeup and stuff, but there was a section about what made guys hot. I could never figure it out, I just always thought I looked like an alien.”
The sudden change made you sit up straight, heart in your mouth as you rolled to a stop behind a queue of traffic.
“I think everyone feels like that sometimes. Being a teenager is really hard.”
 “I… yeah. I suppose so.”
“I always felt so jealous of the people who walked around looking perfect every day, confident that they were not. It just never came naturally to me.”
“Really? I assumed you were one of those girls in school who I’d be too afraid to talk to.”
You scoffed, and for a moment were struck by how little you really knew about one another. The way Spencer looked at you, looked it everyone, it felt as though he had an x-ray into every tiny detail of your life. How could he know, though?
“Of course not,” you laughed nervously.
You weren’t sure if you’d prefer Spencer knew the truth, or kept believing whatever he’d made up ini his head. You weren’t sure what any of this conversation meant. Traffic was moving. The precinct was two turns away.
“I’m not sure I believe you.”
He was teasing you. Finally he leant back in his seat, shoulders square to it, legs stretched out in the passenger footwell.
“Either way, I’m glad you can talk to me now. I’d miss it if you didn’t.”
“You might be the only person on this planet with that opinion.”
You took a moment to glance across the car at him, and caught a flash of a smile. He was joking. You released tension from your shoulders you hadn’t realised you were holding.
“I’m sure that’s not true. You’re a handsome genius, just like Barbara said.”
“Her name was Barbara?” Reid laughed.
You shrugged, and took the final turn into the precinct parking lot.
“I’ve got no idea.”
Even with the SUV in park, the aircon no longer blasting away, neither of you moved. Not for a moment, at least. A moment of peace before the chaos all began again. Just the two of you. Wherever you were, with Spencer was your favourite place to be.
“You’re the same, you know. A genius. And handsome…”
You frowned.
“Pretty! Beautiful. You know what I mean.”
In truth, you didn’t care about the words. Not at all. Not when your heart was pounding at the realisation Spencer had his gaze fixed on your lips, his eyes soft and pupils blown wide.
“Beautiful,” Spencer repeated, “You know, in a lot of languages, handsome can be translated for men and women. The word itself doesn’t have a gender. Guapa, for example, in Spanish…”
You let him talk, on and on. You decided you wouldn’t kiss him yet, while your hair was matted in sweat and Spencer’s face was brushed with sunburn and embarrassment.
“Bella is more popular in South America, though, or bonita. My favourite is Japanese, though. Kirei. To be beautiful both inside and out…”
Only a few more moments passed before Morgan arrived and banged on the glass with a wide grin and a sweat-beaded brow, announcing a break in the case. You were sorry for the interruption.
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ellieputellas · 4 months ago
prove you wrong | alexia putellas x reader
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You carelessly tell everyone you've never been sexually satisfied to piss off your fuck buddy, Alexia. She decides to prove you wrong and make it known to everyone just how wrong you are. | Inspired by these requests: (1) (2)
tags / contains: wc: 5k, friends with benefits, jealous!alexia, rough sex, strap r!receiving, fingering r!receiving, breath play, a lot of dirty talk, usage of degrading language and names, a bit of orgasm control, dacryphilia if u squint, set when lucy was in barça, semi-public sex kinda
masterlist | please do not repost or plagiarize.
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It's been months since you last saw Alexia.
She’s been extremely busy with football, brand deals, and events. As her friend, it made you incredibly proud to see her achieving so much. She’s worked so hard and it was about time that she was able to reap her benefits and gain the recognition she so badly deserved.
But as her fuck buddy, the feral, needy side of you was just writhing with sexual frustration and yearning, wanting her to fuck you after every time you’d watch a game of hers.
You tried touching yourself, trying every new vibrator and toy available in the market but not a single toy could replicate the way Alexia made you feel. The way she moved her tongue, her fingers, her hips – it always drove you insane. Every single time with Alexia left you in a dreamy state for days. The sore muscles from all the positions she put you in always left you aching for days, but you loved every bit of it—each ache serving as a lingering reminder of that night.
On different occasions, you wanted to just text her and beg her to come over and fuck the living daylights out of you but it just felt like you might be crossing the line. You two usually just fucked whenever you had free time to spend together; asking her to make time from her busy schedule just felt personal and… intimate. So, instead, you’d sulk at home and try every single possible way of fiddling with yourself to no avail.
Feeling desperate and horny, you made the mistake of making out with Alexia’s friend and teammate Lucy Bronze. You bumped into her during a night out with friends wherein she recognized you as Alexia’s friend from college. A couple drinks down and one thing led to another.
Even if Lucy was an excellent kisser, you didn’t feel the same electric connection with Lucy that you had with Alexia. Though, since then, you’ve maintained close contact with the Brit.
Despite several attempts of hitting on you, you never really responded to any of Lucy’s booty calls. You knew Alexia and you were just friends with benefits but somehow, you felt like it was wrong to do anything more with a friend of hers. It wasn’t as if you two were exclusive… but you still felt hesitant.
Although, after a while, you grew more and more frustrated with Alexia. How was it possible that Lucy had enough free time to hit you up but Alexia seemed too busy to even send you a naughty pic or even just a cheeky message? You felt neglected and increasingly sexually frustrated.
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Little did you know that word had gotten to Alexia that you made out with Lucy.
Ever since the two of you started hooking up, Alexia had grown increasingly infatuated with you, craving the feel of your skin and the taste of your lips at every waking moment. If she could, she'd have you beneath her every day of the week. But as life got busier for both of you, she held back, reasoning that it would be selfish to hit you up randomly in the middle of a busy week just to scratch an itch. Besides, she had always been the one to initiate before, and this time, she decided to wait. She waited to see if you wanted her as desperately as she wanted you.
But the silence from you was deafening.
No late-night texts, no "I miss you," not even a casual "wyd." At first, she convinced herself you were just busy. Then she heard through the grapevine that you'd been kissing one of her teammates at some club.
The news hit her like a punch to the gut, leaving her pissed off and bitter. If you'd moved on or decided to have fun with some other girl, fine, you weren’t in a relationship anyway — but it didn't make it sting any less. And to top it off, she had to find out from someone else that you were attending the team’s victory party at Lucy’s place.
The audacity, Alexia thought bitterly. Even if it technically was Lucy’s party, she thought you’d have the decency to refuse or to even just give her a heads-up, knowing that it might be weird to be around Alexia and Lucy. No decency at all.
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When you got the invite, you hesitated. But then you decided this was your chance to remind Alexia exactly what she had seemingly forgotten about. After all, she'd ghosted you out of nowhere, leaving you high and dry after giving you the best sex of your life.
So, the night of the party, you slipped into a tight black dress that hugged every curve and sprayed on the perfume you knew drove Alexia crazy. If she thought she could move on so easily, you were more than ready to remind her of what she'd lost.
As soon as you entered Lucy’s place, she was the first person you saw.
It wasn't hard for you to see her. She was usually taller than most girls and she always just exuded a confident energy that never failed to catch everyone's attention. She was wearing a black cap and a black jacket, with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows exposing her muscular forearms. Your mind tried not to remember all the times you watched the veins in her arm bulge out so slightly as she pumped her fingers in and out of you.
You locked eyes and her jaw instantly clenched. She looked upset. You would have felt a bit bad about never reaching out to congratulate her on all those winning games or even checking up on her if you didn't see her arm around a shorter girl you didn’t recognize.
Great. I've been replaced.
You rolled your eyes and headed to the corner of the house where Lucy and her other friends were seated.
"Hey, mami." Lucy greeted you. She stood up and gave you a kiss on the cheek, immediately snaking a hand around your waist. You loved how Lucy was never secretive of her finding you irresistible. Once or twice, you thought about riding that strong jaw but you figured you had to see out a complex friends-with-benefits relationship before entering another one. "Looks like we're all out of seats. Why don't you sit on my lap instead?"
You smirked. "You just would grab any opportunity to have me on top of you, huh?"
She smirked, biting her lip. "You know it."
You sat on Lucy's lap sideways, arms around her to secure your spot as your legs dangled on her side. She put her hands around you with her left hand on your back and the other drawing small spirals on your bare lap.
Alexia must have caught sight of this because you saw her looking over, jaw clenched and eyes darkened.
“I’m just so glad this season is done. I seriously need to go out to the clubs and get laid… get all that tension out of my body.” Patri, who was sitting on the floor beside Pina and Salma, complained to the group before taking a swig from her beer. “Nothing like unwinding to a girl between your legs.”
The crowd chuckled. Ingrid playfully threw a rolled up paper towel at Patri calling her gross. You smiled and nodded along as you let Lucy run her hands up and down your leg. “Thirsty, pretty girl?” She asked.
You shook your head. “You?”
“Hmm, why don’t you grab that beer and help me out?” She asked. You smiled as you grabbed the beer with your free hand and put the bottle against Lucy’s mouth, tipping it a bit as you let her drink from it. You bit your lip as the older girl maintained intense eye contact as you did.
Alexia was practically seething from the sight of it but continued to ignore you, staying at the other side of the room. The girl in her arms was trying to chat her up, asking about football or whatever, but all she could focus on was you.
The conversation continued with the group. “I’d hate to be single right now. How do you have the energy to go out and exert all that effort just to get laid?” Mapi exclaimed as she put an arm around her girlfriend who was sitting beside her. “If I were single, I’d rather just grab my vibrator and call it a day.”
Patri rolled her eyes. “You’re just saying that cause you have Ingrid.” She retorted. “If you were single, you’d be out there in the clubs with us too.”
You could feel Lucy’s body vibrate against you as she chuckled. You grabbed Lucy’s bottle of beer, drinking from it as you continued to listen in on the conversation that was unfolding.
“I agree with Patri.” Irene chimed in, swirling a plastic cup with her hand. “I’d hate to be single and always end up masturbating at night. That would make me miserable.”
Patri nodded, as she raised her bottle high up. “Exactly, exactly!”
“The orgasm you get from a girl does not compare to one you get alone.” Irene added on, garnering a slow clap from the drunken Patri.
You laughed at the interaction. Lucy turned to you with a small smirk. "How about you? What do you think?"
You paused. You noticed Alexia move closer to our group. You hummed in thought, returning your gaze back to Lucy. "I don't know. I feel like it depends. It's a case-to-case basis and it just depends on who your partner is and what you want." You said, loud enough for others to hear. “So, yeah, I don’t have a clear cut answer.”
Mapi nodded to what you said. “Yeah, but having to find someone who suits you… it just takes too much time. If you’re single, you’re basically gambling every single time you decide to sleep with someone.” She said as she shook her head. “Besides, why would you want someone you barely met handling your precious goods?”
“We get it, Mapi. You’re in a loving relationship where you have sweet, sweet, compatible sex.” Patri said, rolling her eyes and making the crowd chuckle.
Before the two could continue debating, Pina chimed in. “Capitana,” She called Alexia over. "Settle the debate for us. What's a better way of unwinding after football season — masturbating or going out to have someone take care of it for you?"
Alexia moved closer to the group, an arm wrapped around a girl and her other hand wrapped around a red cup. She looked serious with her eyes still fixed on you. "She hasn't actually answered the question yet." She responded, looking at you as she tilted her cup at your direction.
You rolled your eyes and sighed, defeated. "I guess, I'd choose just making myself cum."
Mapi nodded smugly at Patri who felt annoyed.
"Really? I always pegged you as a pillow princess type. Like... the type who has to be pleased by someone else?" Lucy asked, fingertips still suggestively grazing your thighs
You hummed in thought. "Well, I haven’t found anyone who pleases me better than I do myself.” You lied with a shrug, looking directly at Lucy and avoiding Alexia’s gaze. “Why bother trying to find someone to aimlessly poke at me until I fake it when I can just take care of it myself?”
The group laughed at your statement but Alexia remained stoic and stiff. "Really?" Her voice dripped with thinly veiled annoyance. "Are you trying to say that no one has ever made you cum before? You always just fake it?”
“Yeah, no one really comes to mind.” You shook your head. "Besides, I'd much rather spend a night getting tired out by my vibrator rather than to be disappointed by some tryhard who fingers like they have carpal tunnel or eats me out with the same limp energy of an old man with his porridge."
The crowd laughed even harder but Alexia looked even more annoyed. If everyone was sober and in the right mind, they'd catch on to her reaction to your bold statement and figure out there was definitely something between the two of you.
You tried to laugh along but you felt weirdly nervous about lying. Alexia didn’t seem too pleased with your statement. Why is she so pissed off? It’s not as if anyone here knows we’ve slept together.
You were pulled out of your worries when you felt Lucy’s hands move higher up your leg, skimming the skin under your tight dress.
"Why don't you give the poor vibrator a rest from tiring you out," Lucy whispered, playfully using your own words. "And have me give it a try?"
You moved closer to her. "Hmm, I don’t know. Aren’t we just friends now?" You said softly so that the group wouldn’t hear too but still loud enough for Alexia to hear, if she tried hard enough. “Sex might just complicate that.”
“C’mon, we already kissed.” Lucy smiled with eyes that flickered from your eyes to your lips. "Besides, isn’t it worth risking it? I know I can pleasure you better than anyone else ever had.”
You smiled and playfully caressed her strong jaw with your fingers. “Well…” You trailed off seductively in a low voice, moving closer to Lucy’s face. "I've always wanted to feel that strong jaw against—"
Your flirting was cut abruptly when Alexia angrily threw her crumpled red cup to the ground and walked out of Lucy’s place. Everyone looked around confused, including the girl she was with. She blinked curiously as her eyes stuck at the door, wondering why Alexia had left so abruptly; the poor girl was just talking about her new manicure.
"Damn, I guess, no one's making her cum either." Patri joked, garnering a bunch of playful slaps and chuckles from the group but the room still seemed to be confused; Alexia was never the type to storm out in anger out of nowhere.
You tried to just shake off Alexia's mood swing and returned to flirting with Lucy but just minutes later, Alexia was storming back into the living room. She stomped her way to you and grabbed your hand, basically yanking you off of Lucy. You nearly tripped over your own feet as she grabbed you.
"What the fuck, Alexia?" You exclaimed as you were pulled by the arm by the tall blonde. "That fucking hurts. What's your problem?"
She didn't speak up. She basically dragged across the house until you reached what seemed like Lucy’s bedroom. She slammed the door loudly and locked it behind her.
Now that you were alone, you could see the annoyed look on her face, the redness across her cheeks, the tightness of her expression… and the slight bulge in her pants. Oh... that's what she had to get from her car when she stormed out.
She slammed you against the bedroom door, towering over you and trapping you with her arms. You gulped as you felt your back press flatly against the door.
Alexia suddenly grabbed your face with one hand, gripping so hard your lips were almost puckering out. "Why are you running your mouth about how no one's made you cum?" She said with a low, threatening voice. Her hazel eyes had darkened under the dim lights of the bedroom.
You stared at her, blinking your eyes in fear. She was so frightening when she was mad; it was like she was a completely different person. Her eyes, which were usually warm, were staring at you pointedly. All of the muscles in her face clenched as she slightly grit her teeth. And, while you were actually scared, you were also getting incredibly turned on.
Alexia squished your face harder, slamming her other hand on the door. You felt the wood pressed behind you vibrate with the force. "Answer." She leaned in and aggressively bit the side of your neck, sinking her teeth into you.
You gasped loudly in shock. "Ahh, Alexia, that really hurts."
She ignored you. She moved her head back to stare you in the eyes before she wrapped her hand around your throat. "Tell me who makes you cum." She asked.
You gulped as you felt her hand tighten slowly. "I'm sorry, Alexia." You responded, feeling incredibly nervous and intimidated. "I'm sorry I lied. I was just joking. I just missed you so much and I was frustrated that you never contacted me and I just wanted to see you react to —"
You gagged as her hand suddenly got tighter. "I didn't ask for an explanation." She growled. "I asked who fucking makes you cum."
You gasped for air as her hand loosened a bit. "It's you, baby. It's just you." You croaked out.
"What did you just fucking call me?" She growled in your ear; you felt the familiar electric tingle in your spine as she breathed heavily against your ear. “You don’t get to fucking call me that when you’ve been such a brat.”
"Alexia," You moaned, correcting yourself. "It's you, Alexia. It's you who makes me cum. Only you make me cum, Alexia.."
You felt like a blubbering mess but Alexia seemed pleased because she let your throat go, and fondly touched your cheek instead with her thumb. You inhaled deeply before leaning towards her to kiss her but she moved away.
"Bad girls don't get kisses." Her mouth quirked up into a smirk. "Bad girls get on their knees instead and offer their mouth like a slut."
You looked down again and you were once again reminded of the strap poking against the front of her denim pants. You gulped but got on your knees and slowly unbuttoned her baggy jeans which revealed a harnessed strap-on above her Calvin Klein underwear.
You bit your lip. You gasped when Alexia grabbed a chunk of your hair and looked down on you. "Open your mouth." She said as she tilted your head back with her hand.
You opened your mouth, obediently. "Now, stick your tongue out, you fucking slut." She ordered in a low but firm voice.
You didn't let a second pass before you followed her instructions, opening your mouth wide and sticking your tongue out as far as it could go. She smiled at your obedience before leaning over and spitting in your mouth. You nearly moaned just from the action but before anything could escape your mouth, she slammed her hips against my throat and fucked your mouth with her silicone member.
She grunted and cursed as she watched you suck and gag on it. "That’s right. Suck like a good girl."
You moaned in response as you eagerly sucked on the strap as if your life depended on it. You were gagging a lot with Alexia’s force and your face was streaked with tears but you felt incredibly turned on by the sight and the feeling.
Alexia was gasping and groaning as the base of her strap pressed against her own clit, forming a dark pool on her grey underwear. You moaned at the combination of the sound of her guttural moans and the smell of her wetness. You could practically feel your core grow more and more moist by the second.
"Fucking suck harder, you fucking slut." Her voice sounded venomous with all the expletives she was hissing out. "You don't get to flirt with other bitches in front of me. I own you."
"Or do you just let any other bitch fuck you like this?" She grunted out, looking down at you. Alexia never went this rough with you before but she was starting to enjoy it, especially the sight of your tear-stained face and puffy lips wrapped around her strap. "Are you that much of a pathetic whore? You just let anyone fuck your throat like this?"
You shook your head, unable to speak as she was filling your mouth with the silicone. She moaned out as she pushed your head even further.
You felt tears sting your eyes as she thrusted in your throat with such vigor and roughness. For a moment, you felt like you were just a doll made to satisfy her lust and oddly, it made your core ache more for her.
Alexia tilted her head back, thrusting against your throat. The base of the strap was perfectly hitting against her clit. It felt satisfying knowing she was getting off of fucking your mouth with her strap even if that meant that your throat would be sore in the morning.
"That's right, cariño." She moaned out. "Take all of me.”
It didn't take long until Alexia moaned out. She pulled your head off of her, making a satisfying sound as it exited your mouth. You coughed and wiped the tears and saliva off of your face, clutching your throat as you started to feel the discomfort spread.
Before you could even do or say anything more, Alexia yanked you up immediately and pushed you towards the bed. You fell backwards on the bed, feeling your dress ride up on your body, pooling together near your hips which meant your underwear could be easily seen by the blonde gir.
You felt so exposed and vulnerable.
She took off her jacket and her shirt, revealing her Calvin Klein sports bra and her toned stomach glistening with sweat. You bit your lip as she walked closer to the bed. The dim light entering the windows from the street lights outside and the small night light in the corner of the room was accentuating every contour of her body.
"Strip. Now."
You frantically tried to remove your tight dress. It made it so difficult to remove as some of it clung to your sweaty skin. You felt unsexy wriggling out of it in bed. But, you also felt nervous, knowing Alexia wasn't always the patient type in bed.
"Hurry the fuck up." She groaned. You tried but she grew more frustrated. She took your dress and pulled it off your body roughly. You heard some seams rip as she did but you didn't give a fuck. You were more concerned about her impatience and how it was gonna affect you.
You were mostly bare in front of her, only wearing a pair of lacy black underwear which was now glistening with your translucent nectar.
She chuckled. "You really are a little slut." She said as she used a finger to graze your core, making you whimper. "Look how wet you got just from getting throatfucked by me. I haven't even touched you and your cunt is all drenched."
"Yes, Alexia." You moaned out as she pressed a finger against your clit.
"You really were talking your shit about how no one makes you cum while your cunt is quivering and soaking wet just from giving me a blowjob." Her fingers were so delicate against your core — a weird juxtaposition with the roughness of her words. "I wonder what everyone else would think if they heard you moaning out my name just after you lied out there. They'd think less of you... they'd think you're a dirty liar who loves to provoke just to get fucked. Isn't that right?"
You gulped and bit your lip as she gently moved her fingers up and down your opening, teasing you with the pad of her fingers.
You were broken out of a trance when her hand was squeezing your face again. "Answer me."
"Yes, yes, Alexia." You responded, almost out of breath. “I’m a liar.”
"And I don’t like liars. Right, cariño?" She let go of your face and backed away slowly.
Before you could respond, two fingers were thrust into your hole, roughly fucking you. You moaned out loudly as you felt Alexia's fingers rapidly move inside you with complete disregard of letting you adjust to her fingers. She leaned over to your breasts, sucking on them so roughly that it was almost painful.
"Alexia," You moaned out. "Please give me your strap. Alexia, please."
Alexia ignored you as she continued to fuck you with her fingers and suck on your torso, leaving you branded with bruises all over and glistening with a mixture of your sweat and her saliva.
"Alexia, please." You whimpered.
She groaned loudly before pulling her fingers out of you. You don't know how but she managed to get you off of the bed and pressed against the door again in a swift motion. This time, your front was pressed against the door — hands against the cold wood — with your butt sticking out.
She grunted out curt instructions for you to steady yourself against the door as she positioned herself behind you. She gripped your waist roughly with her long fingers as she rubbed your cunt with the length of her strap. You bit your lip, holding back your moans, too afraid that your proximity to the door would mean everyone out there would hear you, even with the music they were playing.
You grunted out when you felt her grab your hair and mutter in your ear. "You better not choke down those moans, cariño."
She let go of your hair before slamming the entire length of the strap inside you. You moaned out loudly, struggling to grip yoyr hands against the flat door.
"Baby, it hurts.” You winced as you felt her begin to thrust.
"Who said you can call me baby again?" She practically shouted it before raising her hand, landing it on your right ass. It made a loud sound, quickly followed by your loud cry of pain and pleasure.
"I’m sorry, Alexia." You responded. Alexia grabbed on to your waist again, thrusting her silicone dick in and out of you. You were feeling the pain in your core as the silicone stretched you but it was such an addictive pain. It felt so satisfying being filled by Alexia like this.
Alexia must have sensed how close you were to an orgasm because she picked up the pace. The base of the strap hitting your slick vagina which made a loud sound, accompanying your loud moans and Alexia's grunts.
"Alexia, don't stop. I'm so close. Please." You moaned out, hands and legs shaking.
"Don't cum until I tell you." Alexia's voice was strained as well. You knew the base of the strap was rubbing against her own clit too. "If you cum before I do, I will take you out of this room and fuck you in front of everyone else so they can see how much of a fucking, lying whore you really are."
You moaned at that statement, making it even harder for you to delay your orgasm. You felt your walls clench against the strap. Alexia picked up the speed even more, driving you into a frenzy. You were practically a blubbering mess — face pressed against the door and hands trying to cling on to the flat surface as a string of incoherent moans and words left your mouth.
"Alexia, please." You felt like you were going to collapse any moment soon, struggling to keep your clammy hands from slipping off of the door.
Alexia slammed her dick into you a couple times more before saying, "Cum."
You almost shouted in pleasure as you felt the orgasm ripple through your body, making your legs feel like jelly. You felt the warmth spread through you as you exclaimed her name another time as Alexia thrust a few more times to ride out her own orgasm.
You wanted to fall on the floor and just lay there but Alexia's grip on your hips remained firm that it was almost impossible for you to fall over. She put you upright again, one hand firmly on your hips and the other cupping your chest as she helped you up. She gently guided you back to bed.
You laid on your back, out of breathe as she crawled on top of you. "No one makes you cum right?" She teased.
You rolled your eyes to playfully smack her but she caught your hand smoothly and put it above your head. "I'm not done with you." Her serious face was back.
Your eyes widened. You felt like your body would give up on you if you werefucked again but that didn't seem to stop Alexia.
Her hand found its way to your cunt. You felt her thumb and index finger gently fiddle with your clit before pressing roughly, then pinching it.
"Alexia!" You yelped, instinctively pushing on her shoulders a bit
She let go of your clit and began roughly rubbing instead. You put your arms around her shoulders, holding her closer as she rubbed your core. She moved closer to yoy before kissing and sucking on your neck, leaving more bruises for you to worry about the next morning.
"Oh, Ale, that feels so good." You said in a hum of pleasure as your eyes fluttered shut.
Alexia managed to push the hood off of your clit and began gently rubbing and flicking against the tiny, sensitive part of it, overstimulating you. You moaned out again and tightened your hold of her.
"Who makes you cum?" She asked in your ear.
"Say my name." She ordered before sinking her teeth on your collarbone and sinking her two fingers back into your vagina.
You gasped before you shouted. "Alexia! Alexia! It's you, Alexia!"
She continued to kiss your neck as she fucked you with her fingers and rubbed your clit with her thumb.
"Alexia, I'm close! I'm so close!" You moaned out as she pumped in and out. "Alexia! Please!"
"Cum for me, cariño." She whispered so gently and as she did, you shouted out her name as you held on to her, experiencing the most intense orgasm of your life.
She chuckled. "Hmm, I don't think you've squirted this much before."
Yoy blinked a bit before sitting up to see that Lucy's bed was completely drenched. You felt your face become red as you realized the mess you two have made.
Alexia was smiling, satisfied at her work. You pouted your lips as you looked at her. "Baby, can I have kisses now?"
She leaned close to your face again. "Only if my princess promises she's going to be a good girl from now on."
"Yes, Alexia." You said, pouting your lips as you looked into your eyes. You gave her an irresistible wide-eyed innocent look — the kind you knew she could never resist.
She smirked before she leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss. You grabbed on to the back of her neck to deepen the kiss but just a while after, she pulled away. "Why don't I take you back to my place and then you can let my neighbors hearyour pretty little moans too?"
You chuckled. "Okay, Alexia."
You got up from the bed, and got dressed with Alexia. She apologized for ruining your dress but she didn't really look sorry for it. She actually looked proud and smug. You straightened up your appearance as much as you could before Alexia and you stepped out of the room.
To your shock, a few people from the group earlier were hovering near the bedroom door with mixed expressions of horror and amusement. They tried to not make it obvious that they heard you get absolutely wrecked by Alexia.
“Damn,” Patri shook her head as she turned to Mapi. “I want whatever those two are having.”
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a/n: i barely edited this and proofread it once. i might have fucked up with some pronouns and would appreciate if anyone dms me to correct hehe. anyway, i hope you guys liked it esp since this is more intense and rougher than everything i’ve ever written before. tags: @micaluvssoccer @buzzinrusso @hermen0404 @mrcat77 @oh-thats-cute @iamagoddess1 @noone-find-me @zairaaaa @vlt4845 @oakwave @sam23114 @louxbloom @ppx004 @serynsworld @oohtobeagooner @daylightisa @xxforeverinadayxx @itsandreaca @liagracexx @julesthegreatsimp p @mysticfalls01 @maddiewrites11 @besitosakusa @alexiputellas-protector @wosoloverthings @alexiaswiftie @katycat0811 @femmefataledotcom @footygirl114 @baddestbittyontheblock @wosolipa @mpileons @girlmineis @a-pute11as @hella-hecka-gay @alexiaputellasera a + more but i couldnt tag u all aaa
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whytheylosttheirminds · 11 months ago
I Remember Everything - Rafe Cameron (Chapter 3)
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Summary: You left the island two years ago, leaving the love of your life a shattered man in your wake. Now, when you return, you find the sweet boy you once loved has transformed into a monster of a man. How can you detangle the real Rafe from the terrible things he's done?
Timeline: begins toward the end of obx season 3 and is mostly canon.
Content: this story contains sexual content, alcohol and drug abuse, and brief mentions of violence. All chapters are 18+, minors do not interact!
⯎series masterlist⯎
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“I like the lilac, but I just wonder if the lavender would’ve gone better with your complexion,” your mom said as she eyed you critically. You were standing on a pedestal in the middle of Sally’s Dress Shop, trying on the bridesmaids dress your mom had picked out for you to wear to her wedding. The dress was far too frilly and pastel for your taste, but if wearing it would please your mom and make this week move faster, it was worth it.
“I think this is fine, mom,” you were trying your hardest to keep your tone polite, determined to keep this outing from turning into a fight. After all, it was your mom’s wedding week, and despite all of the history between you, you really did want her to be happy. 
By the time you had returned to the table last night, your mom had already paid the bill. The three of you drove home in silence, your mom giving you her patented silent treatment. This morning when you came downstairs dressed and ready for your fitting, she simply started talking about the flower arrangements for the reception, like the night before had never happened.
“I think you chose well,” you said before your mom could change her mind on the dress again. You’re lying through your teeth, you think this dress might be one of the worst choices she's ever made, but the satisfied smile on her face makes your discomfort worth it. 
“Do a spin for me,” she asks for the tenth time today. When you roll your eyes she pouts and says, “please?”
You smile and twirl for her again, giggling when you nearly lose your footing and fall off the pedestal, grabbing your mom’s shoulder for support. Your mom laughed too, and you realized you couldn’t remember the last time the two of you laughed together. It was nice.
Rafe has been avoiding going downtown as much as possible these days, keeping his outings to the Island Club and having his friends come to him if they want to party. Even though his dad had officially taken the fall for everything, he knew people still whispered about him as he walked by. I heard he was there. I heard he did it. They say his fingerprints were on the bullets.
Today, however, he had a meeting with a potential buyer of some of the melted gold, a jeweler on main street. He slid on his sunglasses and locked his car, trying desperately to act like today was just business as usual, like he hadn’t just put a hit on his own father.
He walked quickly from his truck toward the jeweler’s store front, but stopped in his tracks as he passed Sally’s. There you were, behind the glass, spinning in a puffy purple dress, before nearly falling on your ass. He cursed himself for the way he flinched, as if he could reach out and catch you through the window. Why was it still his instinct to catch you? 
Two Years Earlier…
“Rafe!” You squealed as he pulled you through the side door of the ballroom into the dimly lit alley. “They were playing my song!”
“That’s why I had to get you outta there,” he leans over you, backing you slowly up against the wall. “You looked way too fucking good dancing to that song.”
Rafe started rifling through the layers of your prom dress impatiently, trying to get his hands on you.
“What are you doing?” You playfully swatted his arm, thinking he must be teasing you.
“I need you,” he growled.
“Right here? In the middle of this gross alley?” You started to think he might not be kidding.
He finally gets his hands under the heavy fabric of your gown and begins kneading the flesh of your ass, making you gasp. His open mouth found yours, and you can immediately taste the alcohol on his tongue. You pull back from him and reach up to grab both sides of his face, hoping your touch would ground him a bit. He looked at you frenzied, his pupils shrinking to pinpoints.
“Baby, are you drunk already?” You said as gently as possible.
“Just on you, baby,” he slurred, attempting to dive back in for a kiss. 
“Wait,” you turned your head, causing his mouth to miss yours and land sloppily on your ear.
“What the hell?” He backed away from you in frustration. His chest was rising and falling quickly, nostrils flaring, and you wondered if he was also high. He’d only done coke once before, as far as you knew, but you remembered how panicked he was after, his heart pounding violently as you tried to calm him down. 
“It’s okay,” you assured him. “We just need to slow down a bit.”
You approached him with your hand outstretched, like he was a stray dog you were trying not to scare off. He didn’t look at you, but allowed you to slip your fingers into his, squeezing gently.
“I just wanna dance with you,” you whispered softly. Je just glared back at you, so you pouted your lips, knowing he found it irresistibly cute when you did that. He couldn’t hide the crooked smirk growing on his lips, and his breath steadied.
“We can party hard later,” you promised. “But I wanna remember this part, with you.”
He looked down at your hand in his and ran his thumb over the promise ring he had given you just a few weeks ago. You lifted his hand to your lips and kissed it softly.
As you swayed softly to the next slow song, he bent down and laid a kiss on your bare shoulder. For a moment, you thought you were successful in bringing him back down to Earth. You were full of pride, truly believing that you, and only you, would always be able to fix him when he was broken. 
Rafe stood frozen at the dress shop window, just watching you. When you tucked your hair behind your ears, it was like he could still smell your pretty coconut shampoo. When you smoothed down your dress, it was like he could still feel your soft hands on his bare skin. When you said something to your mom, it was like he could still hear your voice whispering in his ear I will love you forever, Rafe Cameron.
But you hadn’t meant it, had you? You couldn’t have, or you would’ve stayed. And if you had stayed, maybe he wouldn’t be where he was now. Maybe he would’ve married you, taken you away from this island like the two of you used to dream about. Maybe he wouldn’t be a thief, a liar, a killer. 
It was too late now, too late to undo it. Too late to get back to who he was before you left. But there was something about the sight of you, the presence of you, even through the tinted window glass, that made him want to try.
Decisively, he turned back toward his car, feverishly dialing Barry’s number. Praying to whatever God was good enough to create the girl in the window that it wasn’t too late.
Looking back at yourself in the mirror, you stopped short when you saw the reflection of a figure in the window. By the time you turned around, it was gone, and you were the one left wondering if you were imagining things.
Two Years Ago…
“Ma’am can you tell us what happened here tonight?” The cop questioned you.
Rafe looked up at you with pleading eyes. White button up stained with blood, eyes glassy and red. His suit jacket, the one you had picked out together to match your dress, had been ripped to shreds.
“I don’t know,” you said to the cop, not removing your disappointed eyes from Rafe, his bloodied face illuminated in the blue-red light of the sirens. 
“We’re going to need you to give a statement, ma’am,” the officer clarified, “for the record.”
“For the record…” you shook your head at the boy on the curb, arms held behind him in handcuffs. Arms that used to hold you every night, arms you didn’t know if you could trust anymore, “...I don’t know him.”
With that, you walked away, the shattered glass from your car window crunching under your heels with each step. Rafe had no choice but to sit there and watch you go, aching with something completely unrelated to the accident.
“Y/N!” He yelled after you, unable to suppress the pain in his voice.
You just kept walking.
You woke up with a start, clutching your bedsheets. Sighing, you tapped your phone screen and it lit up in the darkness. 5:53am. 
You weren’t surprised, you hadn’t gotten a full night’s sleep in two years. You knew how this would go, once your brain was awake there would be no turning it back off. You sighed and threw the covers off, your old childhood bed creaking loudly as you stood up. You winced at the noise, your mother was a light sleeper, a lesson you’d learned the hard way too many times. 
You pulled on an old pair of leggings and a hoodie, and slowly crept down the stairs. Once out the door, you found your old bike in the shed in the backyard and rode off into the soft morning light. No clear destination in mind, you rode around the neighborhood, down to the beach. You watched the waves crash as you passed them. It had been two years since you’d seen the ocean, and you had nearly succeeded in convincing yourself you were okay with that. But now, the sun rising over the sea, salty air consuming your senses, all the hard work you did to delude yourself unraveled.  
Without really meaning to, you ended up at the cemetery. You parked your bike and let your memory lead you right to your dad’s plot.
His grave clearly hadn’t seen visitors in a while. You made a weak effort to brush the dirt off of his headstone, before smiling and choosing to leave it as is. “God made dirt, dirt don’t hurt” your dad would’ve said. 
For a while you just sat there, fingers combing through the grass as you listened to the birds chirp loudly in the trees above.
“That ever get annoying?” You asked your dad in jest. You smile to yourself, knowing your dad wouldn’t have minded. He was too easy going, the calm current that kept you and your mom afloat. Suddenly hit with a pang of longing to see your father again, you wished that you had something to leave here for him. You noticed a grave a few plots over, completely covered in fresh blooming flowers. 
“Somebody was popular,” you say to your dad’s headstone. “I’m sure they won’t miss one flower right?”
You stand and approach the grave, wondering who it was that inspired such an outpouring of love. 
“Sheriff Susan Peterkin” 1977-2020
You frowned. She must’ve died recently, then. Strange that your mom hadn’t said anything, surely Chip had known her, being on the force. You remembered Peterkin, she came to your school every year when you were growing up. Back then, she was just a beat cop who pulled the short straw and had to give the anti-bullying presentation, but you remember her being very nice.
You plucked a tulip from one of her many bouquets and felt like you should say something.
“Um, hi. I don’t know if you knew my dad, but I think you would’ve liked him. I’m sorry for whatever happened, but thanks for always being so cool.”
As you walked away from her grave, you noticed another newly dug plot a few yards away. The plot was small, if something was buried here, it wasn’t a body. Still, there was a small plaque over the fresh dirt. You approached, having to get pretty close before you could make out the name…
“Ward Cameron.”
Your knees buckled beneath you, the tulip you were holding slipping from your grasp. This grave couldn’t have been here for more than what, a few weeks? The grass had barely begun to grow. Maybe your mom could have just forgotten to tell you about Sheriff Peterkin, but surely the very recent death of Ward Cameron hadn’t just slipped her mind. Clearly, something bigger was going on. 
And Rafe…Rafe.
You regained your footing and started running, past Sheriff Peterkin’s grave, past your father’s, blowing him a quick kiss.
You found your bike and started pedaling as fast as you could. Not even pausing to think through what you’d say when you got there, just knowing you needed to see him, to be with him. Suddenly, it made more sense. He was grieving. Their relationship was complicated, but even when he was pissed at him, Rafe still worshiped his father.
You pulled up to Tannyhill, but the gate was closed. You tried some of the gate codes you remembered the Camerons used to rotate through, but none of them worked. After your fifth attempt, the system locked you out. You rang the bell, not sure if he would even let you in when he realized it was you, but you had to try. No answer, he must not have been home.
You sat by the wall for a few hours, waiting for him to get home. Eventually, your stomach ached with hunger, and you really had to pee. You decided to go home, collect yourself, and come back later. 
By the time you arrived home on your bike, it was almost noon. Chip was just walking in the front door, home from work. He had been pulling double overnight shifts to pay for the wedding and he looked exhausted. Luckily for both of you, the wedding was just a few days away now, and all of this would be behind you soon.
When you walked in the living room, he was mid-conversation with your mother, who quickly shushed him at the sight of you. He looked at her in confusion, clearly not reading the silent message she was trying to send with her eyes.
“What’s going on?” You asked, feeling just as lost as Chip.
“Just telling your mom how we brought in that Cameron boy again last night-” your mother cut him off with a harsh, “Chip!” and he threw his hands up in surrender.
You and your mother looked at each other for a long moment, saying nothing, and at the same time, everything. 
“Don’t,” she pleaded quietly.
You turned fast and ran toward the door, grabbing her car keys and your purse off the dining room table as you passed.
“Y/N, do not do this,” your mom was up from the couch, running after you as you headed for the front door. “Tonight is my bachelorette party and tomorrow we have the rehearsal!”
“I’ll be back in time, I just have to-”
“No you don’t! You don’t have to!” She yelled, trying to grab the handle of the door before you could get to it, but you beat her to it and threw open the door.
“I’m sorry,” you called behind you as you ran to her car in the driveway. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Don’t bother,” she yelled from the front steps. 
You stopped in your tracks, hands pausing on the handle of her car door as you whipped your head towards her in surprise.
“If you leave right now,” she said, eerily composed, “If you go to him, I don’t want you at my wedding. If you do this, y/n…I don’t ever want to see you again”
Your mother had said many harsh words to you in moments of frustration that she tried to take back later, but the way she was talking to you now, her tone so even and her words so carefully selected, you wondered if she’d practiced this speech. Then it dawned on you, she knew you would do this. She knew if you found out about Ward, that you’d run to Rafe’s side. And she was fully prepared to cut you out.
You opened the car door and got in, not looking back at your mom as you peeled out of the driveway.
Twelve Years Earlier…
“No, Rafe,” you scolded, hands on your hips. “You’re the cop, and I’m the robber!”
“Well too bad. I wanna be a robber, too,” he said, taking off the plastic sherriff's badge you had given him and throwing it in the playground dirt. 
“We can’t both be robbers, that doesn’t make any sense,” you told him. 
The rules of make-believe were very clear, and you’d always been a rule follower. That is, until you started spending your recesses playing with Rafe Cameron. He was always in trouble.
“Sure we can, we’ll be like Bonnie and Clyde!” He encouraged, handing you his plastic toy gun.
“Bonnie and Clyde,” you agreed with a smile, taking the gun.
Suddenly, you didn’t care so much about breaking the rules. Not if it meant you got to keep playing with him.
(chapter 4)
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a/n: y'all are blowing me away with all your kindness about this story!! I hope you keep loving it!!! Lots more to come (including some smut if you're patient🤫) 🫶
If you asked to be on the taglist and I forgot you, I'm sorry and please let me know!!
taglist: @maybankslover @dark1paradise @lmg-stilinski24 @idkdudsworld @mimipanini09 @patis643 @readingsmuts @nymphetkoo @xoxohoneymoongirl @hangmanscoming @azrielsgirll @maibelitaaura @laniirackssss @rubixgsworld @sweetienans @dasguccier @brain-palacee @ymnizuh @wearemadeofstardust0 @rafesgiirl @thewalkingdeadsmut @themindofmoe @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @v0lturiaq
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 1 year ago
Kinktober day 7 | Billy Loomis x Riley!Reader x Stu Macher
Day 7: threesome
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: 18+, threesome, cheating, oral (m receiving)
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Being sisters came with double the amount of clothes, gossiping in the middle of the night over a bowl of cereal, and liking the same boys. You and Tatum had very different taste in men — she was a James Van Der Beek girl and you preferred Johnny Depp —, but there was something about Stu Macher that pulled both of your heartstrings. 
‘’I saw him first, I call dibs on him,’’ Tatum argued, fighting for Stu. 
‘’He’s not a cute skirt at the mall, you can’t call dibs on a person, Tatum.’’ 
She narrowed her eyes at you. ‘’I don’t care! He’s mine. Back off.’’ 
A series of arguments drove you into a game of who would win Stu Macher. The first to kiss him would win. 
For weeks, you and Tatum competed for Stu, flirting with him at school and at every party. You’d offer him a drink and she would try to get him to dance with her. Stu liked having two sisters flirting and fighting for him, it was exciting. But the game came to an end when Stu kissed Tatum on a Friday night.
‘’I won,’’ she said when she came home that night, a smug smile on her face after sticking her tongue in Stu Macher’s mouth all night. 
Since that night, Tatum assumed she had won, but the hand currently inside your panties playing with your clit was his. 
Your hips bucked at his touch, asking for more. 
Coming behind Stu, Billy laughed as he looked down at you, so needy for his friend’s fingers. ‘’Fucked you twice today and you’re still begging for more?’’ 
Stu looked over his shoulder. ‘’Two times?!’’
Billy hummed, looking smug. ‘’Bet she’s still full with my cum,’’ he teased, his words causing a mixture of embarrassment and excitement to wash over you. 
Stu looked back at you, his hand stopping all movements. ‘’Is that right? You and pretty boy had some fun without me?’’ 
‘’Well, that’s your fault for being at the mall with the wrong sister,’’ Billy said, crashing on the bed.
‘’Tatum told me she was getting lingerie. I couldn’t say ‘no’ to that,’’ Stu defended, being a sucker for women in lingerie.
‘’And lingerie is better than this?’’ Billy asked, tweaking one of your nipples over your shirt and making you mewl. ‘’I don’t think so.’’ 
You moved your hand down over your panties — right over Stu’s hand — and bucked your hips again. ‘’Stu, please.’’ 
The latter cooed, but didn’t give you what you wanted. ‘’Don’t you think you’ve had enough?’’ He pinched your clit, making you moan, then withdrew his hand from your panties. ‘’Such little slut.’’ 
His condescending tone was turning you on, your arousal mixing with Billy’s cum inside you. 
‘’Are you gonna be a good girl tonight?’’ Billy asked, rolling on his side so his face was close to yours. ‘’Since you’re already full down here.’’ He caressed over your panties, feeling the wetness seep through the thin fabric. ‘’Stu and I are gonna fill you up here,’’ Billy explained, dragging his hand up to your lips. He pressed his thumb and you opened your mouth, catching it and sucking on it. ‘’Gonna suck our cocks until we cum and swallow it all, won’t you babydoll?’’ 
You nodded and Billy pulled his thumb out of your mouth, now coated with your saliva, then sat up and reached for his belt to undress. On your right, Stu was doing the same, his stiff cock underneath his pants begging to feel your warm mouth around it. It’s been a few days and he was missing it — missing you.
Once both boys had their cock freed completely, you kneeled on the floor before them and debated who to taste first. Stu’s was red at the tip and shined with pre-cum. He reached down to his cock, pulling his hand up and down on himself before you. 
‘’Can’t pick, uh?’’ Stu teased, continuing to jerk himself. ‘’Let me help you. I say I’m first since he got you to himself all afternoon.’’
It seemed fair enough. 
You moved toward Stu and started by mouthing the tip, tongue lazily teasing him. He watched from above, choking on a breath as you took him into your mouth in one fluid motion, sinking down as deep as you could manage. You slid your tongue against the sensitive underside as you stared up at him through fluttering lashes. 
‘’You like this? Taking my cock like it’s fucking candy?’’ 
You hummed around him, continuing your motions for a few more seconds, then pulled back and moved to Billy, doing the same. His hand immediately went to your hair, cupping the back of your head to keep you there. You tried to come up more for air, but Billy held you in place, needing your mouth a bit longer. 
While your mouth was busy and full, Stu reached down to pull your shirt up and cup one of your tits, fiddling with it while he jerked himself and waited for his turn. He would never say it out loud, but fuck do you look good with his best friend’s cock in your mouth. 
Eventually, Billy let you switch, a string of saliva connecting your tongue to the tip of his cock as you turned back to Stu. Their cocks were mere inches from your lips, making it easy for your mouth to go from a cock to another. You took it deep, eliciting deep moans and groans from them. 
At some point, the ache between your legs had returned. You had tried to squeeze your thighs to get some friction, but it wasn’t nearly enough. You wished they would both fill you up and fuck you until you can’t feel your legs. 
But tonight was not about you.
Stu was the first to shoot his load, his face contorting in ecstasy and thighs trembling as you jerked what you wouldn’t take with your hand. You made sure to not swallow anything, then moved to Billy, a mix of saliva and cum dripping from the corners of your lips. It was a sight right from an adult tape you can rent at the nearby blockbuster. 
‘’Such a cum slut, aren’t you?’’ Billy said, smugly looking down at you, your tongue full of his best friend’s seed. 
You let him fuck your mouth the way he liked, looking up at him through the blur of your teary eyes as his sounds of pleasure intensified. Every movement was bringing him closer to the edge. When he knew he couldn’t hold it in anymore, Billy pulled you back and you stuck out your tongue, ready to catch everything he had to give.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble  @luiise  @planetkt  @vampyrgoff  @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover  @Danniackerman
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @Idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt
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allertononfilm · 1 month ago
unbridled love - rafe cameron
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chapter 1
summary: You end up taking a trip out to OBX to attend your estranged brother, John B's, wedding. You also happen to meet someone while you're there that you just can't seem to shake. (post-s3, if s4 didn't happen—all canon same except rafe & sarah get back in touch sooner … and no sofia technically lol).
content warnings: john b's sister!reader, original afab!reader, obx!universe, use of petnames (sweetheart, baby), kissing, 18+ MDNI - smut, oral (m receiving), mentions of being under the influence/consumption of alcohol, totally unrealistic love at first sight plot lol, a little mix of angst and fluff for valentines day 🥰🥰🥰
length: 3.2k words
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As excited as you were to be present to witness this milestone, you were nervous above anything else. You and John B had never been particularly close, the circumstances in which you'd met your half-brother not the most conventional either, but when has anything in your life been?
He'd reached out a couple of years ago, not having known he even existed prior to that point. The younger boy had been riddled with panic because your shared father had gone missing while on some sort of work excursion. That was the only other time you'd been in the Outer Banks.
You'd stayed with him for a few weeks, trying to get to know him and help him get some sort of balance in his life. The two of you finding out you weren't very alike despite being siblings, which ultimately resulted in you deciding to return home and letting him handle it all himself.
You only heard from him again months later, offering you an apology and an unbelievable story about his wild adventure looking for the same treasure that had once consumed your father. Having kept a distant but amicable relationship with him since then, which is why you were back on the island.
"I'm so glad you made it!" Sarah cheered as she ran up and engulfed you with a hug, your brother not far behind as you stepped off the ferry. "Now the wedding can officially start."
"I take it that you guys are ready for this?" You gush as they led you to the truck.
"Absolutely." Sarah proclaims, turning to your brother with a bright smile.
"Never been more sure about anything in my life." John B adds without delay, taking his bride-to-be's hand in his and bringing it to his lips.
As they drove you to your hotel, you watched the scenery pass through the window, becoming familiar with the small town once again. Catching up with the couple over mundane life stories, Sarah eventually changing the subject to gossip with you about final arrangements.
"I'm sure you're exhausted from travelling all day, and the weekend is pretty jam-packed, so we'll drop you off and let you chill tonight." Sarah explains. "Tomorrow, we're having a barbecue at the new Chateau for the wedding party, and then the rehearsal later on."
"Sounds good." you affirm, trying to absorb all the new information. "Is there anywhere around here for me to grab dinner?"
"The Wreck's nearby," John B suggests. "Kiara's parents own it. Food's pretty good."
"Did you want us to pick you up tomorrow morning?" Sarah extends graciously.
"I'm sure you have enough running around to do with final touches. I'll figure it out," you reassure them as they pulled up to an elegant hotel.
You thanked them again for picking you up from the dock, the couple helping you get your luggage from the van before finally bidding you goodbye and driving back off. Leaving you to enter the swanky lobby of one of the nicest resorts in Figure 8.
This was one of the things you didn't meet eye-to-eye with your brother on—having grown up in a much different tax bracket than he had. It was nothing close to the extravagance of the crowd that lived here, but the middle class was a life of luxury compared to what he experienced in The Cut.
By the time you'd checked in and gotten settled in your suite, you were starving. Looking up the place they'd told you about and deciding to walk over since it wasn't longer than a fifteen-minute journey. The trip there being much different than when you'd go to the bars at home, passing vast forests and being surrounded by the sounds of nature instead of honking horns.
The restaurant was bustling when you arrived, locals scattered around the beloved establishment as they kicked off their weekends. Spotting the bubbly brunette right as you wandered inside, assuming she was on the clock from the creased apron tied around her waist.
"Hey!" Kiara beamed as she came over, instantly recognizing you. "So good to see you! When did you get in?"
"A few hours ago."
"Came for a bite?" she correctly assumed. "Did you want a table, or did you just wanna sit at the bar? It's a lot less crowded over there."
"Whatever's easier for you guys," you tell her, blindly following as she took you into the busy area.
You sat at a long counter with rows of liquor bottles displayed behind it, assessing the array of options, impressed at the selection since it wasn't the busiest of towns. A bartender came to take your order, opting for a gin and tonic. When they brought it to you, however, a filled shot glass was also set alongside it.
"Oh, I didn't get this," you inform the employee.
"It's from him," they reply, nodding their head towards whoever they'd been referring to.
You prepared yourself to be confronted by some creepy old dude or dopey hick that you knew you'd need to outwardly turn down, but that wasn't how the culprit looked at all. If anything, there was a subtle familiarity about him even though you couldn't recall meeting him during your last visit. 
He was incredibly handsome and clearly ripped, despite the fact his arms were mostly hidden by the rolled up sleeves on his button-up shirt. Your brother had mentioned the deep-seated politics of the island—the distinct class divide—but there was no questioning that this guy was well-off. His style was preppy and clean, hair buzzed down and accentuating his sharp features even more.
Sending you a devilish smirk as he raised a shot identical to the one he sent to you like an indirect greeting, tossing it back with ease and swiftly meeting your gaze again. Immediately picking up that he had an edge to him, not missing how the other patrons had been giving him apprehensive looks as they passed by.
Your indifference didn't seem to discourage him at all as he sauntered your way about ten minutes later, his strong musk and overall presence hitting your senses and providing a different kind of intoxication. Not anticipating for him to tower over you like he did because of his large stature.
"Hey," he establishes, his voice more gruff than you'd expected. "You aren't from around here, are you?"
"Is it that obvious?" you quip back.
"Just know I would've remembered such a pretty face." He banters, scoffing at his cliché line even though it totally made you blush. "You here on vacation?"
"Something like that." You shrug, not wanting to expose too much to the unknown man, no matter how attractive he was.
"Yeah?" he notes curiously, taking a swig from his old fashioned. "Business or pleasure?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" You avert, taking a sip from your own beverage, not having touched his initial offer yet.
"That is why I asked," he asserts, not making his interest in you a secret. "The least you could do is answer that for me. I did send over that shot."
"That I never asked you for, by the way." You flip back onto him, a little amused by his shameless flirting.
"Is it a crime to buy a beautiful girl a drink?" He grills, bringing his glass back to his lips, inadvertently glancing at them. Realizing he'd caught you when his cheeky grin grew even more. "Just trying to show some Southern hospitality, since you're from out of town and all."
With a dramatic roll of your eyes, you finally took the small glass in your hand. Giving him one last pointed look as you knocked the tequila down your throat, feeling the alcohol burn through your body. You rested your elbows on the table, propping your face in your hands as you examined the cute stranger keeping you company.
"You're welcome," he teases lightly, inherently leaning closer.
His thumb brushed your bottom lip, wiping off a drop that hadn't reached your mouth. A faint tingling erupting where his finger had barely caressed you. Popping it between his lips and sucking it suggestively, a dangerous glint sparkling in his gaze.
You were grateful when the server interrupted you, abruptly diverting the conversation and giving you the opportunity to order dinner like you'd originally gone there to do. You had no idea where this guy came from and why he was so infatuated with you, but you couldn't deny that you liked his unwavering attention. Even with his constant provoking.
"Two more, please," he sneaks in right at the last second, not letting you get any input.
This time, when the shots showed up, you decided not to stall. Rafe tapping his cup against yours before simultaneously tossing them back. The effects from your liquid courage giving you a surge of confidence in handling his magnetic charm.
"Got any more plans tonight?" He interrogates, still not letting up on his pursuit.
"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" You retort smartly.
"I doubt it." He remarks. Taking the opportunity to steal a french fry off your plate, tossing it in his mouth. "As a matter of fact, I have a feeling I might end up being involved."
"Oh yeah? Cocky much?" You sneer.
"You don't seem to mind," he observes, revealing you might not have been acting as sly as you thought. "Let me take you home," he deadpans out of seemingly nowhere. 
"Do you really think I'm just gonna leave the bar with a stranger in some random town I'm passing through?"
"Fine. I'm Rafe," he introduces smoothly. "Now we aren't strangers."
"Is this what you consider Southern hospitality?" you reference back to his earlier comment, getting a hearty laugh in return.
"Only the best, sweetheart," he persisted. "What do you say? It's getting late."
You pushed the remnants of your food around the plate as you contemplated your next move. On one hand, it's not like you'd never had a one-night stand, having dealt with your fair share of doting admirers. There was just something about this guy that you couldn't ignore, and you weren't sure if it was a good or bad thing.
"Just for, like, a drink or something..." you concede begrudgingly.
"Yeah. For sure." he concurs, not hiding the pride in his expression.
He took you back to his place at his insistence, boasting about how he resided at one of the biggest properties on the island, something he was not shy about showing off. The previously chatty man letting a thick silence fall between you after that, making you grateful that the drive wasn't too lengthy. 
You lounged on the passenger side of his Range Rover as he raced through the unfamiliar neighbourhoods. One of his hands clutching the top of his steering wheel with his other arm stretched across the back of your seat, his thumb brushing against your shoulder every so often.
And even with his exaggerated description of the house, that was still an understatement. Turning onto the long path, a huge manor sat at the top, surrounded by extensive acres of land. The car rolling up the steep hill and taking up the otherwise empty driveway. 
You hadn't expected him to jog to your side of the vehicle and open your door for you, his hand finding your lower back as he led you towards the home. Taking you inside and into the equally impressive kitchen, the counter in the middle of the room finally giving you some space from all his poking and proding. 
"How the hell did you score this place?" you investigate as he grabbed two glasses and a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue, unable to hide your absolute awe for the lavish home.
"Uh... It was my dad's." he indicates somberly. "He left it to me when he died." he clarifies, tearing his focus from you for the first time that evening as he poured the whiskey.
"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry for asking." you apologize, although he didn't look particularly upset.
"Don't worry about it," he dismisses, feeling a discomfort rise as he poured out the gold-coloured liquid.
"Mine did too..." you disclose, not knowing how else to respond. "But we weren't super close."
"I get it." he acknowledges. "Didn't have the best relationship with mine."
"The house is a pretty sweet consolation," you ramble on. "And you live here, all by yourself?"
"Yeah..." he trails off, passing one of the half-filled cups to you.
His focus fell to the amber spirit, swirling it around as he contemplated how to proceed with your encounter. Sensing a palpable shift in his attitude after that. Not wanting to create any more awkward tension, you lifted the beverage in the air. Rafe following suit and clinking his against yours in ritual.
"To shitty, dead dads," you toast earnestly as Rafe brought the drink to his lips, choking slightly upon hearing your declaration. Noticing a sheepish grin appear through the crystal pattern on the glass as he went for another swig.
"So, what's your deal." he surveys, purposely changing the subject. 
"You really don't stop, huh?"
"Just making conversation. Unless you just wanted to get right down to it," he taunts.
"Is that how it usually goes for you?" you quiz.
"What do you think?" He throws back to you, not being subtle as his eyes dragged themselves down your body.
"I don't think I need to inflate your ego even more than it already is."
"You're acting like you don't want this as much as I do. You did agree to come back here with me, you know," he reminds playfully, raising his brow at you in challenge.
He topped up both of your cups, sauntering around the countertop so he was standing beside you again. Taking a piece of hair that had fallen in front of your face and placing it behind your ear. An obvious move but still making your stomach flutter with butterflies.
You were already pretty tipsy leaving the restaurant, but the strong liquor quickly pushed you into drunk territory. Knowing your clouded mindset was due to all the alcohol but inwardly recognizing Rafe's effect on you wasn't just physical. Your head spinning just from the way he was staring at you.
"What?" you press, feeling vulnerable under his scrutiny. A bashful smile settling on Rafe's lips as he shook his head.
"I don't know... There's just something about you."
"Really, Rafe?" You sass, giggling at the vagueness of words. "How many girls have you used that line on?"
"You'd think more, but..." he falters, his brows furrowing in concentration. "Seriously, I have no idea. There's just something different about you."
He kept his hand on your chin, cradling your face upwards and cutting right to the chase. His other hand going to your waist, rubbing circles over the fabric of your shirt. His warm breath mixing with yours the closer he got, literally dangling what you wanted directly in front of you.
"Is this okay?" he whispered right as his lips ghosted yours, as if he was feeding you the question. Looking up at him wide-eyed, nodding because you couldn't form an answer at that point.
The kiss was initially slow and sensual, the two of you savoring the moment. A rush of heat passing through your body as he embraced you with a mix of caution and raw passion. Letting him maneuver you through the halls without breaking away from your kiss, both of you giggling drunkenly with every stumble or misstep.
He pinned you up against the wall, one of your legs instinctively lifting and wrapping itself around him. Leaning back on the hard surface for some sort of balance, your earlier skepticism having disappeared and turned into total hunger. Tasting the mix of booze on his tongue as he slipped it into your mouth, Rafe swallowing every moan that escaped you.
"Jump," he instructs hoarsely, catching you without difficulty and carrying you up the grand staircase.
Once you hit his bedroom, all bets were off. Nudging him to lie back on his mattress, you straddled his waist as you continued making out. His hands grabbing your ass and prompting you to grind against him. Realizing in that moment that as easily as he'd gotten you to agree to come back here with him, he was unraveling twice as quick under your regard.
You gave him one last kiss, roaming further down his body, mirroring each other's fierce demeanor. Your fingers went to his waistband, removing his belt and undoing his pants, palming him over the fabric. Removing them with his boxers, you spat in your hand and started stroking him.
"Fuck," he groaned, mesmerized just at the sight of you.
You bent slightly forward, pouting your lips and dragging his glistening head against them, coating them with his precum. Finally taking him into your mouth and swirling your tongue around him. You hollowed out your cheeks to fit as much of him as you could, gagging lightly when he hit the back of your throat.
While you took your time getting used to his size, he wasn't as patient. Threading his fingers through your hair to gently guide you back and forth, craving some kind of relief. Grasping whatever you couldn't fit, letting him determine your rhythm. Your jaw feeling sore at his needy movements.
"Just like that, baby," he mutters, completely mesmerized by your skills.
You bobbed your head at his faint urging, his grip on your hair tightening as you swallowed around him. Pulling back to give yourself some air, focusing on his tip and spreading your saliva along his shaft. Watching his feral reactions through your lashes, unknowingly pushing him even more.
He started thrusting again when you could tell he was getting closer to his peak, his motions becoming frantic and desperate. With a few more pumps, his cum coated your throat, his head falling back as he reveled in the sensation. Looking absolutely blissed out as he rode out his high, brushing his fingers down the back of your head as you both caught your breath.
And it just picked up from there. It was explosive and fast and hot, neither of you making your desires a secret throughout the night. Rafe claiming dominance over you as if you'd known each other for years, picking up on your ticks and locating all your sweet spots without difficulty. Worshipping you and your body like it was the most magnificent thing he'd ever encountered.
You wanted to blame it on your intoxication, how enamored you felt over a man you'd only met hours ago and barely even spoke to properly. Boiling it down to pure lust, fundamentally knowing this was a one-time thing and that assuming otherwise was unrealistic.
When you finally heard his breathing still, indicating he'd fallen asleep, you decided to make your exit before you could be caught. Not wanting to deal with the post-hookup routine in the morning, especially when you'd have to spend the day with your brother, his fiancée, and their rowdy group of friends.
You knew the island wasn't huge, remembering how your brother was able to greet almost every person he'd pass by their first name. But you couldn't have guessed the predicament you'd just managed to accidentally get yourself into.
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note: ahh i went so back and forth over actually posting this… love the concept but not super excited over what i actually wrote?? let me know if you guys like this, i probably will post the whole thing (it’s 4 parts!) just to get it all out lol but apologies in advance if there’s a bit of a delay 🙈 hope you guys like it!! always appreciate your support & msgs!! 💞💞
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nellielsss · 9 months ago
ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇ?! (;° ロ°)
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Summary: When the relationship is so well, you tend to forget a lot of things... such as your inability to drive A/N: So... this is inspired by my current predicament 😭 I've put off getting my license for a while now but I'm getting it next week!! You're still welcome to read if you can drive. Pairing: Satoru Gojo, Toji Fushiguro, Kento Nanami, Yami Sukehiro x reader CW: light teasing (reader can't drive obvi), mentions of car accidents, pure fluff, reader is married to Nanami, sexual jokes (Toji)
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Kҽɳƚσ Nαɳαɱι
╰┈➤ One of the hottest sights to see was whenever your fiancé, Kento Nanami, put his arm on his seat so he could put the car in reverse and pull out of the parking spot. You didn't know exactly what that did, given the fact that you two rarely had to drive in the middle of Tokyo, but you still appreciated whenever he offered to drive the two of you out on dates.
"Those heels are pretty high, honey, are you sure you won't get too sore?" was something he said whenever you went out on date nights all dressed up for him.
"I like to look cute for you, Kenny," you pouted, putting the final strap of your sandals on.
"Sweetheart, you don't have to wear those ankle killers to look cute for me," he said with a chuckle, the smile breaking his usually calm and stoic expression. "You could wear a pair of flats or sneakers and still look like the most beautiful woman on earth to me."
"Don't get it twisted; I also like to look cute for me," you retorted once more, making him laugh again.
"Have it your way, sweetheart. I have to say: you do look quite cute right now. Now, would you like to take the car, call a cab, or take the metro?"
Right now, the two of you were getting quite serious in your relationship. It was time for you to abandon your 1 bed/1 bath apartments and upgrade to a bigger place for the two of you. It's worth mentioning that you both had different ideas of what the perfect place to live was: you liked living in the heart of the city, and a 2 bedroom apartment in a cosmopolitan area, close to plenty of subway stations and yummy restaurants to try; Nanami liked his peace and quiet, and that usually involved a long commute (much to your dismay). In the end, you settled on a house in a neighborhood that was perfectly close to what was going on and also far enough out that Nanami got some much needed rest and relaxation.
One of the problems of said neighborhood was the faulty subway stations that were frequently in disrepair. Most of the residents in your area drove cars in order to get places which meant that the neighborhood board didn't feel it was necessary to renovate the subway stations. This was bad news for you because you were one of the only people who took it everywhere they went. So, when the one closest to your house was under complete renovation for the week, you were left stranded and had to go wherever Kento went.
What was even more unfortunate was that one day, you had to specifically ask him for a ride to get somewhere. He was currently resting on the couch, having the day off, so you couldn't exactly hitch a ride and get dropped off somewhere close to where you were heading.
"Sure thing," was what he said without a second thought. You breathed a sigh of relief and were glad that the most embarrassing part was over, only for him to ask: "if you don't mind me asking, why did you need to ask me to give you one? Can't you take the car on your own?"
"Um... well," you said, a little nervous by the sudden questions. You then looked up at your boyfriend who now had a questioning look on his face.
"See, I could, but then I'd probably crash it... because I don't know how to drive."
And there it was: the ugly truth baring its fangs at your handsome fiancé. During your three years of dating and your one year of engagement, he'd never figured out why he was always the one driving or why you always took the subway everywhere you went.
"How come?" he asked in a tone that was neither judgmental nor harsh.
"So, you see," you started, trying to make it sound as normal as you possibly could. "I'm... afraid of car accidents. Very afraid of them," you said with a slight frown. "And I'm afraid that I wouldn't be capable enough to handle such a big piece of metal without something bad happening. What if I lost control over the steering wheel or the gas pedal got jammed and I... took another person's life?" You looked at the floor out of embarrassment. "Hah, would you look at that: a 28 year old who can't drive."
Kento looked at you, this time with an apologetic smile on his face. He reached out, cupped your cheek, and brought your gaze back to his. "(Y/N), don't be embarrassed. There are plenty of people who get by and live their day-to-day lives without needing a car. But, you need to understand that knowing how to drive is a very helpful skill in life. What if you were far away from any metropolitan areas and someone you were with got into a bad accident, and you had to drive them to the hospital?"
You looked up at him like a kicked puppy, a shy smile gracing your features. He always knew the best things to say for times like these. "You're right: I should know how to drive. I guess I just never got around to it," you said with a small huff through your nose. "You really are too kind to me, Ken. Anyone else would've turned their nose at me and passed me off as someone incapable."
"Why would I ever turn my nose at you, sweetheart?" He asked, his hand still on your cheek, now rubbing it with his thumb. "You still have plenty of wonderful qualities worth celebrating. And, you're right: you just never got around to it."
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Why don't I teach you how to drive? I've been told I'm a great driver by people very close to me," he offered, making you giggle.
"You're simply the best fiancé, Ken. You'd really do that for me?"
"For you? I'd do anything. Now, let's fill out a permit form and get you that license."
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"Alright, first thing's first: let's get out of this parking spot," Kento said, his hand steady and guiding yours as he gave you a demonstration. "Turn the steering wheel left, and the car will back up in that same direction, and vice versa for turning right."
"Okay," you said, determined to get out of that spot.
You began to reverse, only for him to stop you: "stop, stop, stop the car." You freaked out and looked at him, abruptly pressing the brake pedal. "Honey, you can't just reverse without looking behind you; there could've been a child!"
Speaking of the devil: there was a child walking behind the car.
"Shit... sorry," you said, biting your lip out of worry. He just sighed and shook his head.
"Make sure to use the backup camera; although on the actual test itself, you won't be able to use it, so it's best that you use your head to turn for now. Here, this is what you do when you reverse." He grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and turned his head in the opposite direction, and you almost got distracted by the veins on his forearms when he said: "eyes on me, sweetheart."
"Sorry, babe." You smiled at him bashfully before mimicking the action, reversing just as he'd directed you.
"That's it, honey, you're already doing so well," he said encouragingly, reaching out to press a kiss to your forehead.
Praise always made your stomach flip, even in non-sexual situations.
"Keep it up, and you'll be better than me in no time."
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Sαƚσɾυ Gσʝσ
╰┈➤ Satoru Gojo was good at everything, and you knew that even before you got into a relationship with the powerful sorcerer. You'd always heard stories from both his friends and strangers about how he could accomplish anything very quickly with only a single demonstration given on how to do it. This man could do everything: play soccer, ballroom dance, speak 30 languages (according to him), and he was even good at chemistry! If you weren't the man's pride and joy--the man's girlfriend--then it would've been really annoying to put up with such nonchalant skill.
He still made sure to tease you from time to time, saying that he could do whatever you could do but with tenfold skill (he really could; he just didn't want you to grow resentful of him (not that you would)). These claims were usually never backed up because at the end of the day, he knew that he was just joking with you.
One of the best things about having Satoru Gojo as your boyfriend was him being your personal chauffeur who could drive you anywhere he wanted in the least amount of time with the most amount of efficiency possible. He was even good at riding motorcycles which you usually weren't too fond of, given how dangerous they were.
But, oh, how his teasing tongue was just so irritating whenever he decided to use it. The man was an amazing boyfriend and an even more amazing best friend, but he could also be really cocky at times and for good reason.
"Satoruuu, I wanna go shopping," you drawled out, your arms landing around his broad shoulders and pulling his attention from the stack of papers on his desk to you. "Mind taking me?" You knew the man couldn't possibly resist because of his love for shopping which was greater than yours (seriously, how was it possible that someone loved shopping more than you?)
Satoru chuckled and gave you his trademark cocky grin. "You're asking me for a ride like I'm your personal chauffeur, eh?"
"Is that not what you are?" you quipped back, making him feign hurt.
"I'm hurt; my girlfriend's been using me this entire time for rides!" he said sarcastically, putting his hand on his forehead for added effect.
"Like you don't love going shopping more than I do," you scoffed, taking your hands off his shoulders and putting them back on your hips. "C'mon; you and I both know you can't resist a good shopping trip."
"Never said I was trying to," he said, standing up from the chair and stretching his long legs out. "I've been needing an excuse to escape these papers, anyway. Always so stupidly menial and boring."
"You're the one who wanted to be a teacher."
"Yeah, so I could raise a couple nice generations of kids; not so I could raise my blood pressure with these papers that need grading!"
"Be glad you only have, like, 10 kids to worry about--some teachers have 30 per class. And even then, it's basically 9 kids to grade, since Yuji's papers are never that hard to grade."
"That's true," he acquiesced with a snicker, shaking his head at the boy's... delayed learning.
"Anyway, I'll grab my purse, and you grab your sunglasses," you said, walking away to get said purse from your closet. Once you did, you returned to find Satoru waiting outside, perched against the car nonchalantly.
"Ready to spend my money?"
"You know it, baby," you giggled, making him shake his head. Once in the car, he did his thing and reversed out of the space, driving to the mall with the skill of an F1 racer.
Along the way, his tongue was just itching to say something to you, though: "Y'know, princess, I find it funny how you're always needing me to drive places. You're like my little passenger princess," he crooned, patting your head, only to be met with your swatting hands. "It's like you can't even drive."
That little quip, while it may have had innocent intentions, made you freeze up for a moment.
That's right: Satoru didn't know about your lack of driving ability.
"Cat got your tongue?" he asked, looking over at you while his hands effortlessly rotated the steering wheel for a turn.
"More like my license," you muttered, making his teasing smile drop.
"Are you as clueless as you are tall?" you asked, looking up from your phone at him, face scrunched up like an angry kitten. "I'm saying I can't drive."
That confession almost made Satoru hit the brakes in the middle of a busy road. "You can't drive?!"
"No!" you said, a little angrier and louder than you'd meant it to be. It was clear that he'd hit a sore spot, so he cooled off the accusations and the teasing. "I can't drive... I never learned how to. I was supposed to learn it when I was younger, but I... y'know, just forgot to! It slipped my mind, was all." Satoru let the weight of your words sink in, realizing that this was a big insecurity for you, judging by the defensive tone.
"Baby, I'm sorry for provoking you like that," he said. He only ever used the pet name "baby" for when you were either mad at him or in just a plain bad mood. "I had no idea."
"How could you have? I never told you," you scoffed.
"Well, that part is true... still, I should've known something was up. You always love car rides--you get to blast your music at full volume--but you never actually wanna drive yourself," he chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.
"It's always been an insecurity for me." You leaned forward, your elbows resting on the dashboard temporarily. "My friends--our friends don't give two shits about that kinda stuff unless they don't get gas money, but whenever old-heads find that out they make it seem like you have stage 4 breast cancer. 'Oh, you can't drive? However will you get around places?' Uh, I dunno, the metro?" Your little joke about geriatric seniors not minding their businesses made him laugh.
"You tell 'em."
"I was gonna learn, I even promised myself I would... but then I met you, and I started dating you, and you were just such a good driver that I felt it wasn't necessary to learn..." He was about to say something when you decided to continue: "... but it's wrong for me to rely on you for everything. I'm an adult; I should be able to do stuff on my own, even if I have a boyfriend who makes everything easier for me."
Satoru's face relaxed into a soft smile, and he glanced over at you while still driving. "That's true--that's all very true. You are an adult, even if you're still my princess," he said while ruffling your hair. "Tell you what: in order to repay me all those car rides I've given you, you have to let me teach you how to drive."
You looked over at him, your smile replaced by a soft look of shock with your lips slightly parted. "Really? You'd do that for me?"
"What kind of a man would I be if I let my girl struggle to learn with some old hag who barks at their students?" he asked with a toothy, cocky grin. "It's just like you said: I'm the best driver you know, so why not train with the best?"
"Satoru..." you leaned in suddenly, pressing a big kiss to his cheek. "You're the best! Thank you so much!"
"I know, I know," he chuckled, his pale cheeks slightly red from the praise. You then whacked him upside the head, making him let out an "ow!"
"Cocky bastard," you said under your breath.
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"Alright, don't forget to use your turn signals, baby," he said, reaching out to turn it on.
"Right," you said with an apologetic smile. He was just like a mother hen when he taught you how to do stuff. Seriously, how could Yuji have been such a bad student? You were currently on your sixth driving lesson with your boyfriend, and you were already a better driver than most people you knew (except for him, of course).
"And keep your eyes on the road- watch out!" You were about to cross an intersection when an elderly lady was crossing the street. She barked some curses at you in Japanese before continuing on her way.
"Sorry!" You said to both him and the old lady.
"It's alright, you're still doing great," he said with a proud smile on his face. "See that sign up there? It says 'yield to pedestrians' which means you have to slow down and let any and all pedestrians cross before continuing. It's not your fault 100%; that lady was quite slow and small, but still, you have to keep your focus on the road at all times. No daydreaming or zoning off, no matter how hot your driving instructor is." He flashed you one of his cocky Satoru smiles before you whacked him upside the head again. "Ow! ... anyway, let's spin the block once more before calling it a day, yeah? I'll cut the lesson short since you've been doing so good."
"Can we get frozen yogurt after?" you asked, making sure your focus was still on the road.
"We can get anything as long as it satisfies my sweet tooth and doesn't break the bank."
As if his bank account wasn't literally limitless.
As you spun around the block once more, making sure not to hit any little old ladies or small children, you muttered an "I love you" under your breath.
"What was that, baby?" he asked, turning his ear to face you, "I don't think I caught what you said."
"I said I love you," you said, rolling your eyes out of how needy he was.
"That's the spirit." He smiled at you before relaxing into the seat, still keeping his focus for the two of you. "Y'know, maybe later, you can repay your gratitude to your super awesome and amazing and sexy boyfriend for being such an amazing teacher."
"In your dreams, snow leopard," you jested sarcastically.
Satoru merely chuckled and changed the song on the radio to something he liked better.
"Yeah, I sure as hell will be dreaming of it."
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Tσʝι Fυʂԋιɠυɾσ
╰┈➤ Your man, Toji Fushiguro, radiated dilf energy from every fiber of his being. Even though you and him had yet to marry--let alone have kids, you knew that, one day, he was gonna be an amazing (and super sexy) father to your children. You already had baby names picked out for said future children, even though you'd still like to enjoy your youth before having them; you didn't wanna waste your youth on diapers when you could be getting turnt.
One of the things that made Toji so dilf-y in your eyes was the way he drove. You know that specific way that fathers drive the family van at a moderately-fast but not illegal speed & how they look so good doing it? Like they were built to be Nascar drivers? Yeah, that's how Toji drove, with his sexy girlfriend in the passenger seat to boot. A small part of him loved it when guys driving in the next lane over could see a beautiful chick & gained the slightest bit of hope that they could get your number before the light turned green... only to have their dreams crushed by the sight of the oh-so hot and oh-so intimidating man who was driving said car, his thick forearms on display and his veins popping while he had his hands on the steering wheel. They couldn't see his eyes through the sunglasses he wore, but they could tell that he was all but sneering at them. They'd look like little boys next to him, after all.
He also especially loved it when you two pulled over at the nearest secluded parking lot, horny out of your fucking minds and unable to resist each other's touch, and he especially loved it when you sucked his dick in the backseat and then rode his cock like your life depended on it (in that same backseat, of course).
Yeah, you guess you could say you loved it when Toji drove the two of you places. "Just sit back and let your boyfriend be your chauffeur, doll," was his tagline whenever you two hopped into the car.
You wouldn't deny him the opportunity to drive you around, especially since you couldn't drive.
Those little moments in the car would be put on hold, however, when Toji's arm got severely wounded while fighting a particularly pesky target. Not only that, but it was his good driving arm that he couldn't drive without!
It should've been fine, since he had superhuman healing powers and therefore only had to wear an arm-cast for a day or two. He had the day off, and he'd be damned if some stupid injury got in the way of enjoying his day off with his favorite girl. You'd also just be the one driving around, he presumed.
"Hey, sweetheart," his gruff voice said into your ear, making you jump out of surprise. "Sorry for spookin' ya," he said with a laugh, ruffling your hair with the hand that wasn't broken.
"Don't scare me like that; you know how silent you can be."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm just too good of an assassin," he quipped, his laughter piping down. "Why don't the two of us go out and get somethin' to eat, and maybe get a dessert afterwards? You know I love something sweet to eat." You raised your eyebrows when he mentioned dessert, knowing damn well that his idea of "dessert" eating your ass. "Nah, nah, not that kinda dessert; I'm in the mood for a parfait or two. I've recently developed a sweet tooth because of your sweet ass."
"Or two?" you asked mockingly, raising your eyebrow.
"Big boys gotta eat big meals, am I right?" he asked, that classic Toji smirk never leaving his face. "C'mon, I'll even pay for it."
"Sure, sure, where do you wanna eat?"
Toji shrugged. "Doesn't make a difference to me as long as the restaurant's good."
"Alright, lemme just get my suica card."
"Don't you wanna drive instead? I know damn well you ain't walkin' in those heels, baby," he said, looking down at the 4-inch heels you were wearing. "Plus, I don't wanna ride the subway when I've got this big-ass cast on."
"O-Oh, um," you started stammering a little, not wanting to let him know that you couldn't drive while also not trying to argue with him.
Toji, however, in his infinite perceptiveness, saw you stammering, and that little smirk faltered a little. He looked at you with question, wondering why you were at a loss for words when it came to driving you two to the restaurant. "Somethin' wrong, baby? What's got you stuttering?"
"Um... well, the reason is because I can't drive."
Toji stared at you for a few seconds, letting the information sink in. "Doll, you can't drive?"
"N-No, I can't drive! I... never got my license," you said, your voice gradually diminishing in size. "I just didn't get one when I was younger, okay? Don't judge me for it!" you added defensively, crossing your arms over your pink top.
"Calm down, baby, I'm not judging you for anything," Toji said, raising his one hand to calm you down. "It's alright if you can't drive; if anything, it's cute."
"Cute?" you repeated back.
He chuckled for a few seconds and explained his reasoning. "Yeah: it's cute as hell that you need me to drive you around everywhere. You're like a cute little kitten: all defensive and hissy, but still dependent on me." He stepped closer and ruffled your hair for a few seconds to which you didn't swat his hand away. When he finally removed his hand and put it on his hip, he reached to take his phone out of his pocket. "So, should we take an Uber?"
"Yeah, if you want to," you sighed, rubbing your forehead and squeezing your cheeks together out of worry.
"Hey, hey, don't be so strung up, doll," he said, trying to relieve some of the tension in your body. "Once I get all patched up and take this stupid cast off my arm, you'll be back to being my passenger princess." He flashed you a crooked grin, trying to alleviate your mood.
"I know you will, but what if it's a more serious injury? What if you couldn't use your arm for a month or two--what if you lost your arm?" you asked, furrowing your brow in stress and pouting as well.
Toji sighed, giving you an apologetic smile. "You're right. Plus, driving's a good skill that could come in handy someday. I know we've got great transit in Tokyo, but if we were to live somewhere smaller with less public transit, what'd we do if we couldn't drive?"
"As if I'd live anywhere with less shopping," you scoffed, making him chuckle.
"I'm just saying: we can't just rely on public transit alone."
You took a deep breath, calming yourself down and getting rid of the attitude. "You're right, you're right, I just got a little tense. Driving is a necessary skill which could come in handy one day."
"Damn straight, doll," he agreed with a chuckle. "Right now, let's just take that Uber and get somethin' to eat, 'kay? We'll figure out all that driving shit later."
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"Alright, doll, keep your eyes on the road and not on your man's arms," he instructed you, making you snap out of the trance that his arms had unintentionally put you in.
"Maybe don't have arms worth drooling over," you sassed, making him chuckle.
"Hey, I'm just tryin' to give my girl somethin' sturdy to hold onto when she wants it," he retorted, putting his hands up in defense, still keeping that smirk on his face. "Anyway, just look straight ahead, and nothing should get in the- shit, watch out!"
Out of nowhere, a red car sped through the street, rounding the corner very sharply and almost hitting your car as it did so. You immediately hit the brakes, startled beyond all belief with the hair on your arms standing up. "Sorry, sorry," you mumbled. "I didn't see that car."
"I know you didn't. Don't worry 's not your fault; it's their fault, if anything. Fuckin' assholes don't know how to control their fuckin' cars," he spat, rubbing your shoulder as the red car sped off. "But, that's why it's important to keep your eyes on the road: you can keep watch and make sure that some shitty ass driver doesn't hit you and get you into an accident."
You nodded, keeping that fact in mind. "Alright: keep my eyes on the road." You took a deep breath, making sure that there weren't any out-of-control drivers headed your way.
"So cute when you focus," he muttered under his breath. He watched as you changed lanes, rounded corners smoothly, and stopped perfectly at the red lights. "Good job, good job!" he praised enthusiastically, clapping just to add effect. "You're already doing such an amazing job!"
You smiled and looked away bashfully, still keeping your focus on the road. "Thank you, thank you," you giggled, accepting any and all praise.
"No; thank you for being a great student and not giving me a fucking heart attack," he chuckled, relaxing into his seat. "Alright, now: drive a few more blocks, and then we can go home and watch whatever chick flick you wanna watch. Maybe afterwards, I can feed you some dessert?"
"Yeah, that sounds-" you stopped talking when you realized what you meant by dessert. "Toji, you pervert!"
He laughed loudly at your reaction and shook his head.
"As if you could resist my desserts; your sweet tooth's just too damn strong for your own good."
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Yαɱι Sυƙҽԋιɾσ (modern AU)
╰┈➤ If there was one thing that got Yami Sukehiro's dick hard, it was a strong woman--a woman who didn't take shit from anybody; didn't need to rely on others or be babied; and who most certainly wasn't incapable of handling themselves. Everyone should be able to handle themselves when they're adults because it was what made one an adult!
One of the things that he believed made an adult an adult was getting around on their own, whether it be by car, metro, or even by helicopter (if you had the budget). Your boyfriend and you had different modes of transportation: you chose to take the metro, and Yami liked to drive his car, even if he had terrible road rage and hated traffic (Tokyo's traffic could be terrible on certain days).
"Come on! Hurry your asses up already!!" Yami barked from the driver's seat, honking the horn as loudly as he could. "Shut the hell up, you bastard!!" he barked again when the person behind him honked the horn. Naturally, his first reaction was to honk back ten times harder. "Wish I could teleport or somethin'..."
Regardless of your preferred mode of transportation, he just wanted you to get where you were going efficiently.
One day, after he'd refused forgotten to pay one too many parking tickets, he sadly had his license revoked. He believed that losing your license over tickets was a myth and that you could only lose it over DUIs, but when the police took that little piece of paper away from him, he now knew that it wasn't a myth.
"Hey, honey," his deep and raspy voice said into your ear one morning, "do you think you could give me a ride to work today?" Just to convince you further, he wrapped his big, muscular arms around you and pulled you close to him.
"What do you need a ride for?"
"Um, well... got my license revoked," he mumbled into your ear.
"I said I got my license revoked," he said louder this time, his arms instinctively tightening around you. He buried his face into your shoulder and avoided your gaze, not wanting to see the judgment on it.
"Suke, why did you get your license revoked?" you asked him, brows furrowing together out of confusion. You turned around in his embrace and grabbed his cheeks, making him look at you.
"I forgot to pay a parking ticket," he mumbled, sighing deeply. His charcoal eyes met yours, and he looked like a kicked puppy.
"Baby, you know I could've helped you with that."
"No," he refuted firmly, shaking his head in response to your offer. "I don't want my girl doing anything I can do with my own two hands; I wouldn't be a man if I let that happen."
You gave him an remorseful smile and now it was your turn to sigh. "You and your chivalry..."
He let out the tiniest whine and hid his face in your hair. "Shut up," he mumbled, "can you just gimme a ride? Please? I'll give you gas money if you need it."
"I can get you a suica if you need one," you offered, shoulders shrugging in his arms.
"Ugh, not the metro--I don't wanna take the metro. Too many things can happen and it'll fuck my timing up if I do." By timing he meant the amount of time he can cuddle with you on the couch before going off to work. "And there's too many people--I just don't like taking it. Can't you take the car instead? Just this once? I know you hate traffic and all, but it'll just be until I get my license back."
All of a sudden, you went quiet, looking off to the side (quite embarrassedly so).
"What're the tight lips for, baby?" he asked, cocking his head to the side out of his obliviousness. "Hey, you know I don't like it when you go silent on me."
"Suke, I can't... I can't drive."
"What do you mean you can't drive? Didn't you get your license when you turned 18?"
"No, I didn't!" you exclaimed, making his brow furrow further. Once he realized that you were serious and not joking around with him, his confused expression turned into a remorseful frown.
"Well, you're an adult! You have to know how to drive!"
"Shut up already!!" you snapped back in response, embarrassed from that same fact that he brought up. He sighed and released you, letting you walk away and cool down for a sec.
"Honey..." he looked down at the floor and then up at you again, his frown still there. "I'm sorry for making you so upset, I just- I've just never met an adult who doesn't know how to drive, so I didn't know how to react."
"That's 'cus you're a blue collar worker who needs to know how to operate a car," you sassed, making him "tch."
"Well, I guess you're right," he conceded with a chuckle. His eyes followed you and, once he saw that you were cooled down, he came closer to you. "C'mere, hon," he coaxed with his arms outstretched, beckoning you to come closer and give him a hug. You didn't say anything and did as he wanted, letting him encircle his arms around you. "I'm sorry for getting you riled up, I really am. I've been trying to control my temper lately, and I slipped up."
"Hell yeah, you did," you mumbled into his thick chest, his pecs making your words come out muffled. "Control that shit if you want cuddles."
He chuckled and shook his head. "For your cuddles, I'll do anything."
"Could you teach me how to drive?" You asked softly, looking up at Yami and offering him the best puppy eyes you could possibly muster up. "I don't wanna be embarrassed the next time someone asks me for a ride."
"Baby, you already gave me enough reason with those puppy eyes," he reassured you, running his calloused fingers through your hair and smiling at you. "Alright, since you asked so nicely, I'll teach you how to drive a car. But fair warning: my road rage isn't to be messed with."
"I know, I know--I've seen said road rage firsthand many times."
He just laughed and rested his chin atop your head again. "So, how many minutes do we have for cuddles before I have to take the metro?"
"Enough to satisfy your little heart."
"Perfect," he sighed, already leading you to the couch for said cuddles.
Later, he'd face-time you for a half hour while angrily trying to figure out how the stupid train lines work, making several people look at him out of fear. "What're you looking at, you little punk?! I'll kick your ass!" he shouted at a rather short man who'd accidentally looked at him the wrong way.
"Yami Sukehiro, don't beat up the other riders!" you scolded him over the phone.
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"Hey, eyes on the road at all times!" he barked a little too loudly, making you flinch while keeping your hands steadily on the steering wheel. "And don't you dare take your hands off the steering wheel!" he also said rather loudly.
"I know, I know! Stop shouting and just let me drive!" you shouted back, making his blood vessel pop in his forehead.
He sighed and rubbed his forehead, trying to calm down. "Sorry, sorry, honey; I'm just a little stressed whenever I'm on the road."
"A little?" you asked, almost in disbelief that he could be stressed out "just a little" bit.
"Well, don't give me that look! Driving's dangerous and you can get hurt if you're not focused."
"And who said I wasn't focused?"
"You were staring at my biceps earlier when we were supposed to change lanes." You didn't say anything back, instead looking at the road again with a deep blush on your face. You zeroed in on the road this time, bringing a tiny smile to his face. "I hope you know it doesn't mean anything if I get mad at you; unless we get into an accident, of course. I just care a lot about you, and I don't want some shitty driver getting my honey into a car accident."
"Right, because who would give your big ass all the cuddles you want later?" you asked with a snicker.
"Hey! The correct term is beefy," he retorted, flexing his rather thick arm just to prove a point. You shook your head and managed to keep your eyes on the road, making his smile widen. "Speaking of cuddles, would it be too much to ask if we could cuddle later tonight? Been missing your touch..."
"We cuddled right before this, Suke."
"It's not enough. Did y'know one of my three favorite things is cuddling? This big man right here needs some love and affection from time to time."
"I thought your three favorite things were gambling, beer and sleeping?" You asked, making him pout in a way too cute way. He crossed his arms over his chest and instead turned his eyes back to the road along with you.
"FYI: I quit gambling for you..."
"So, what's this new third favorite thing?" Your question made him chuckle, and he looked at you again.
"You, of course. Now, drive us home so that I can get those cuddles in."
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 6/21/2024
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charleszleclerc · 3 months ago
Monaco would be a night to remember
July 2024
word count: 1.6k
warnings: pregnancy, vomiting, fluff
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It had been six weeks since the Monaco grand prix. Six weeks since Charles drove so well that he finished in P1. Evelyn can still picture the happiness radiating off of Charles her long term boyfriend. Its something she’ll never be able to forget from the cheers to the podium to the eventful night of partying to celebrate. That’s a night she will never forget it is safe to say they didn’t sleep that night. Even when the party finished Charles and Evelyn continued it in their hotel room.
Now six weeks on Evelyn is vomiting into the toilet for the third time this week. She was afraid she might be coming down with something, which is rare because Evelyn very rarely gets sick.  It was a good thing she didn’t get sick until Charles left for the Silverstone grand prix because she new full well that if she had been sick around him, it would end up throwing him off balance for the race weekend. She wasn’t going to the Silverstone race because she has a work event on Saturday that she can’t miss. It was only Friday, but she knew that if the vomiting persisted for the remainder of the weekend, she’d have to go see a doctor on Monday. Either way as the day went on Evelyn started to feel a bit better so she decided to meet her close friend Eloise for lunch.
They had decided to meet at a small little café in the middle of Monaco which both Evelyn and Eloise loved and visited frequently. Still feeling a bit off Evelyn ordered something very small off of the menu and once she got it she just continued to push it around the plate. She’s pretty sure it’s some of the smells of the food they just seem to be twisting her stomach. Eloise had thought it was very odd her friend wasn’t eating considering that she loves this café. Eloise couldn’t stay silent for much longer “hey, are you okay” “yeh why wouldn’t I be” Evelyn replied questioningly. “its just firstly you barely ordered anything and now that the food has come you’ve barely touched it” Eloise said hesitantly. So, Evelyn proceeded to tell how for the last three days she’d been vomiting mainly in the mornings, but it had also occurred at different times of the day. As she continued to tell Eloise about how she’d also been a lot more tired for the past couple of weeks and her aversion to certain smells, Eloise couldn’t help but blurt out “are you pregnant”. “no of course I’m not” Evelyn replied defensively. “well when was the last time you got your period because it really sounds like you could be pregnant” Eloise asked. “Eloise you know I’m on the pill so my periods are barely present but I can’t be pregnant” “its not like you and Charles don’t want children. The two of you never shut up about having your own kids” Eloise added. “Just drop it Eloise” “Okay I won’t say anything more”. The two of them finished their lunch and said their goodbyes.
Though that Friday night Evelyn could barely sleep with the idea of her possibly being pregnant. It wasn’t that she or Charles didn’t want to have a family, but she wasn’t sure if he wanted that right now. Don’t get her wrong she knew Charles would be happy they had talked about it so many times and they had added to their family with Leo but she also knew that Charles was constantly fighting to be world champion and while he could still race and be a good father, she knew Charles and she knew it would cross his mind that he wasn’t present enough. Though deep down even though she was worried she was also excited about the aspect she’s always dreamed about having children with Charles and she knew he’d be an amazing father and their children would be so proud of their dad and his racing.
As Saturday morning came, she was once again towering over the toilet vomiting. She knew she had to take the pregnancy test sitting in the back of the press even if it was only to ease the thoughts going overdrive in her head. So that’s where she found herself a couple minutes later sitting on the toilet seat processing her thoughts while waiting for the time to be up. A part of her now felt she’d be more upset if it came back negative but before she could think anything more about it the timer went off. She picked up the test to see two pink lines as clear as day. She was shocked. Tears of happiness immediately started to brim her eyes. She couldn’t believe she was pregnant, but she was so happy, in that moment there was no way Evelyn could describe how excited she was to become a mother and have a family with Charles. There was no way she was going to tell Charles over the phone and Charles wasn’t going to be home till Monday so she decided to go out and see what she could pick up to try and surprise him when he got back. While out she picked up a small box, some tissue paper, a pair of small booties, a digital test she was going to take once back at their apartment and some balloons.  She went to bed that night excited for the future.
On Sunday she spent the day watching the race while setting up her surprise for Charles. She baked some of his favourite cookies she knew he’d love. She couldn’t help but have some right now seems like the baby might also like their father’s favourite cookies. She placed the booties and the two pregnancy tests next to each other on top of the tissue paper in the box. She placed the box on their kitchen counter next to the balloons and a vase filled with flowers. Charles finished p14 in the race so Evelyn sent him a quick message knowing he’d be disappointed.
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Then that night she brought Leo for a walk to try and ease her nerves. It wasn’t that she felt Charles would react negatively but rather she was an overthinker and she thought about people’s reactions to everything. Charles called her later that night which eased her nerves even more by just seeing him and being able to talk to him. Charles was amazing and she was so lucky to be with him he knew her inside out and she knew him the exact way she’s so happy to be having a family with him.
It was Monday Evelyn had once again woken up quite early to vomit and once she was awake, she knew she wouldn’t be getting back to sleep. Knowing Charles wouldn’t be back until ten or eleven o clock she brought Leo for a quick walk and then came back and had a smoothie to try and ease the nausea feeling. She was placing the cookies on the counter next to the box when she heard the door click. She took a seat on the other side of the counter facing the door. “mon coeur I’m home” Evelyn’s face lit up at the sight of Charles. “Charles I’m so happy to see you, I’m sorry about the race” she said embracing him. “it’s okay Evie there’s always the next one. You seem excited what’s up” he asked while embracing her back. Evelyn looks up at him with this huge grin on her face and leads him to the kitchen. “Surprise I got you something” she replied excitedly. “What’s all this” he asked looking at the box and the balloons. “wait you made my favourite cookies” he asked while giggling. Evelyn sat down in front of Charles at the counter. “I did but open the box first we can have cookies in a minute” she replied.
So that’s what Charles did he walked over and started to open the box. He once again noticed the huge grin on her face. It wasn’t unusual for Charles or Evelyn to get each other gifts so he wasn’t to surprised that she had got him something. Though once the box was opened and he noticed the little booties and the tests he was surprised. “Evie is this what I think it is” he asked her quietly while staring at the tests. All Evelyn could do was nod her head as they both made eye contact each of them could see the tears brimming in each other’s eyes. “Your pregnant” he asked excitedly picking up the little booties to expect them. “Yes, Charles I’m pregnant” she said while getting up off of the seat. “Are you happy” she asked as she reached him. Charles turned swiftly to catch her in an embrace. “Happy Evie of course I’m happy. Are you?” “Yes Charlie I am I can’t wait to have a baby with you” she said kissing him. “We are going to create the best family” he replied.
The couple spent that evening curled next to each other and Leo on the couch discussing all sorts of things about the baby and their future. Things such as Evelyn's first doctors appointment which she had scheduled for later that week. They were already talking about baby names and how they were going to tell their families. It was safe to say that they both were excited for the future and this baby. It’s also safe to say that all the cookies were gone by the end of the night.
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Hii so here is my first fic post I'm so excited and I'm already in love with Charles and Evelyn. If you have any questions or requests just send them in
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tiredofthehumanlife · 27 days ago
We are going to kidnap a child!
Barbie dolls: Remus x gn!reader (possible future Sirius x reader)
Word: 3.5 k
Summary: you've made a life with your boyfriend Remus but crazy shenanigans happen when a dog from his past shows up
Warnings: EVERYONE IS DEAD, James is dead, Lily is dead, all of Remus' friends are dead, it's not allusions it's stated, kidnapping, Sirius breaks out of jail multiple years early, stalker-y vibes, you garden now, also James' family does Christmas and they're really festive, mentions of The Betrayal, mention of the Black's A+ parenting, Dumbledore hate, you're quite chill w kidnapping a child, dudleys mentioned, non white James & Harry, his scar doesn't look like the cartoonish one in the movies more like those fanarts where it looks like an actual lightening strike, he's cool idc, yeah that's it
 You met Remus four years ago, in a coffee shop. You two were quick to fall in love. You loved life with him. It was easy and breathable. Your dates were simple and left you smiling rather than stressed. Most of them you spent inside; you were both the kind of people who didn’t need to be dressed up and stuck in a restaurant to enjoy yourselves. A simple movie night with popcorn tickled your fancies just fine.  
You moved in together and actually found a house together. It was a simple cottage on the edge of town. It was bordering a forest so it was a calming place for Remus when the moon came out. You were magical yourself, you went to a different school than Remus. Every day you wished you had gone to his but you suspected you both would’ve been different people then. It was encased by a wooden fence, with a small garden in the front. It had all his mother’s favorite flowers, a few of yours tossed in there as well. The inside was warm and every shelf was coated with your trinkets and symbols of your love. You found it easy to feel like you were living a heavenly life. 
Remus told you of his atrocious and terrifying life before you. For a while, you thought he was kidding but when tears broke his voice you understood he wasn’t. He told you of all his friends during school, the mischief and laughs they had. The fact they all had the chance to learn how to transform into animals. His young love with a boy with gray eyes and the personality of an exploding star.
He told you of how it all fell apart. His friends ended up dead, lost, or imprisoned. Some days were easy, like floating on your back in the ocean. Just like with the ocean, some days a wave came out of nowhere and filled his nose with salt water. Some days he couldn’t do anything except cry and hide in your arms. You were just fine with that, calling his work to tell them he wasn’t coming in that day. 
Life with him was simple. You woke up at the same time every day. You made breakfast at the same time every day. You drove Remus to work at the same time every day. You tended to the house and garden while he was at work in town. You picked him up from work and drove him home at the same time.  You ate dinner and went to bed at the same time. With all the routine he still made you laugh and feel loved. Easy. 
“I feel like someone has been watching me for the past week,” Remus muttered, as he picked popcorn from his teeth. You looked away from the TV, giving him a very confused look. A strange thing to drop in the middle of a terrible rom-com. You nudged his thigh with your socked foot, pulling his attention from the screen. He looked at you, rubbing his tongue around his teeth inside his mouth. 
“What?” Remus shrugged. 
“I’m not sure, I’ve just felt eyes on me. Not at work, just at home.” Remus said, his hand on the back of the couch bouncing up to show that he really had no grasp on what was going on. You shook your head, shooting him a smirk. 
“That’s my fault then, I can’t take my eyes off your beautiful body.” You snapped your teeth at him. Remus snorted and rolled his eyes. 
“They're different though. Yours are all warm and honey-ish. These are like setting me on edge.” Remus muttered. Still, his non-chalantness over this whole ordeal was bothering you. What kind of person isn’t going crazy over something like this? 
“Maybe they're just like a hallucination or manifestation. Maybe you’re just really stressed out, and this is your brain turning it into something else.” You said, reaching over onto the coffee table to take another handful of popcorn. Remus hummed. 
The next day went smoothly. You kissed Remus’ cheek as he made breakfast. You scolded him for almost forgetting his lunch in the fridge on the way into the car. You kissed him goodbye and reminded him you loved him as he left the car for work. You washed the dishes when you got home, setting them on the drying rack. You headed out into the front garden, plucking old leaves off and watering them plenty. As you started picking a few of the flowers to refill the vase on the kitchen table, you heard clawing and whines at the gate. You slowly turned to look at the fence. 
A shaggy black dog was pushing his nose at the bottom corner of the gate, clawing at the wood. You stood, dusting your hands off on your pants. The dog lifted his head, panting and watching you. You opened the gate, cautiously opening it. The dog quickly pushed past you, making you stumble backward. He shot up the front steps, lying down at the front door and staring at you. You paused, humming and kicking the gate shut. The lock clanked behind you, locking itself. You thanked your genetics for giving you the power of magic. You loved the small inconveniences it saved you from. You stepped up to the steps by the dog, squatting down to get on his level. 
“You’re not really a dog are you?” You whispered. The dog stood up like he was offended you would even suggest that. He sat on his hind legs, letting out a bark and throwing his paw into your lap. You hummed and shook his paw. 
“Thought so. Let’s get you cleaned up, you reek of death.” The dog huffed, the side flaps of his mouth puffing up for a millisecond. “Am I wrong?” The dog patted the door with his paw. You sighed and opened it wide for him. You stepped in, looking back at the dog. He stared inside an unreadable look on his face. Unreadable because he’s a dog.
You waited patiently, watching him like he would look up at you and say you have a lovely home. He slowly pulled one paw over the threshold, padding into the room like it might explode if he went too fast.  You closed the door behind him. When you finished locking it, you looked back at the dog. He was sitting at the bookshelf, nose pointed at a framed picture. 
You moved to sit on the floor next to him, staring at the picture. It was taken by James’ mother. All six faces you knew the names of. Remus would never let his friends go forgotten.
James was plopped in Fleamont’s lap. Fleamont was decked in a red suit. A fake white beard layered over his black beard. They were both caught in a laugh. They looked like carbon copies of one another. Eyes closed and crinkled at the corners, dimples and shining teeth. Their laughs looked like they filled the room with the color yellow if that made any sense.
Some days you found Remus looking at pictures of them. He told you once he wondered if James would’ve looked more like his father or his mother when if he had gotten older.
Next to James and Fleamont on the couch was a young boy with long black curly hair. Sirius’ cheeks were rosy from how hard he was laughing. He was doubled over, clutching his sides. His nose was scrunched up as he laughed.
Remus was next to him, sitting on the floor and watching Sirius. Love was in his eyes, the bright young kind. The kind that was naive and assumed they’d be wedded in a few years. Maybe they would’ve.
Peter was on the other side of the couch, sitting in front of the large tree and laughing himself. He had an unopened Christmas present next to him in yellow wrapping paper. For him, you supposed. Remus told you his favorite color was yellow. You guessed it was probably something moody and terrible now. Black for his master’s heart or red for the blood he shed. 
”That must be you, huh?” You asked the dog, watching him push his nose up onto the bookshelf. He didn’t respond but you knew the answer. 
“Let’s see, James was a stag, Peter was a rat, Remus doesn’t do that, so that makes you Sirius. Or Padfoot, in this case. I thought you were imprisoned, Sirius. I guess I don’t know you, nor do you know me, would Mr. Black work better for you?” Padfoot pulled his head from the bookshelf and stared at you before turning his head away from you. He stood and turned his body just enough that his back was now facing you. You snorted. 
“I’ll just use Padfoot, is that alright?” Sirius turned his head around, looking at you again. You nodded. 
“A bath, dear Padfoot?” You stood. Padfoot joined you at your side, staring up at you. You led him back to the bathroom, running a bath. You sat on the toilet seat, patting your thigh for him. He pranced over to you, sitting down and plopping his chin onto your thigh. You gently pet his head, watching his tail slowly swish back and forth on the bathroom tile. 
“I know you loved Remus during school. I don’t mind, truly. I know life has been unkind to you. Why did you wait until Remus went to work? You could’ve shown up when we were loading into the car?” Padfoot stared up at you blankly. You frowned. 
“This would be easier if you weren't a dog.” Padfoot pulled his chin from your thigh and turned his head away from you again. He stared at the bathtub instead. 
“You don’t have to brood about it. Remus was right when he said you were dramatic.” Padfoot’s tail doubled its pace on the floor at the mere mention of Remus’ name. You had a small smile on your face at that. It was a little silly. Padfoot turned his head back, noticing the tail movement. He stood up, before sitting back down with his tail tucked between his legs. You snorted and added soap to the bath, making bubbles form over the top. You turned the water off, sticking your hand out towards it. Padfoot stood and skittered over the edge of the bathtub, splashing into the water. You settled onto your knees by the edge of the tub, lathering soap into his fur. 
Eventually after three shampooings and a lot of detangleing with your comb, he smelled like your shampoo with a light undertone of wet dog rather than death. It was an improvement. You stood and wiped your hands off with a towel. Padfoot plopped his butt down in the water, making it splash up again. You gave him a soft smile. 
“Stay right here I’m going to call Remus.” Padfoot nodded, unsettling you to your core. You didn’t like that at all. A dog doing human things was now added to your fear list. You closed the bathroom door and headed for the phone in the living room. You pulled it from the wall dialed his work number and pressed the phone to your ear. Remus picked up within the first few rings, worry lacing his words already. 
“Hello, love. Are you okay? Everything alright?” Remus asked, pulling more breath in to ask more questions. 
“Well. Remus, my dearest love. I mean not to worry you, however, I found a rather human-like black dog in our front yard today. I think you might want to tell your boss you feel sick and find a ride home. I can’t drive you because I’m cleaning him up right now. Hurry quick, I suppose.” You said, turning back to glance at the closed bathroom door. You worried he might be causing trouble in the bathroom. Maybe eating your body wash. Or trying to open Remus’ to see if it’s still the one he used in school. Remus was silent on the other side of the line. “Remus?” 
“Yes- I heard you. I’m-uh- processing. He’s supposed to be you know where- for the rest of his life, it’s been six years since he was- well you know- how could he-“ 
“Remus, firstly, is this not the same boy- well man now- that set his parent's house on fire? Do you really think he wouldn't raise hell to get out of that prison? Secondly, why don’t you ask him yourself?” You asked, keeping an eye on the bathroom door. Remus sucked in a breath and you could almost hear him rubbing his brow in frustration. 
“The house thing was a whole situation okay, he didn’t just do that for the love of the game. On the other thing, I’m-“ 
“Scared? Worried? Anxious? Longing? Confused? Just get your ass home and stop dragging your feet.” You said before slamming the phone down. You hoped Remus made it home soon. You headed back into the bathroom. 
A man was in the bathtub, his knees peeking out from the layer of bubbles. The bottom of his face was hidden under the water, just his piercing eyes and nose above. His long black hair was longer than it was in the picture from before. That much should be expected but you hadn’t considered that. It was swirling around him in the water like ink. He could’ve been a siren in another life. You understood young Remus. 
”Wow.” You muttered. Your shoulders sank and your legs couldn’t bear your weight anymore. You slumped against the door frame, still caught in those damned eyes. He pulled his head from the water, a smirk following after. 
“Knew I still had it,” he muttered, his canines on display. You pushed yourself from the doorframe, shaking your head to get his smirk out of your mind. You pulled a towel down from the cabinet. Sirius sat up, revealing his bare chest with black ink etched into it. His hair stuck to his shoulder, dripping more water onto his chest. 
“He said you had an ego so big you could float away with it.” You muttered, unfolding the towel and holding it out. Sirius still had his smile, staring up at you. You avoided his eyes, knowing if you didn’t you might lose your balance again. 
“Does he always flatter me so much?” Sirius asked. You nodded, slamming your eyes shut and holding the towel out to Sirius. You kept them closed as you heard the water splash around. The towel was pulled from your hands. 
You gave Sirius a handful of Remus’ clothes. He left the bathroom later drowning in Remus’ sweater and sweatpants. You sat him down on the couch with a tea and busied yourself with scrubbing the counter.
The front door knocked against the back wall soon after, announcing Remus’ appearance. You left the kitchen, throwing the hand towel at the counter. Remus was frozen in the doorway, eyes glued to Sirius. Sirius looked away from him to you and set his tea down on the coffee table. He stood, slowly approaching Remus. Remus quickly jerked forward, taking him into a tight hug. You watched awkwardly, staring at them blankly. They soon pulled apart. Sirius dragged Remus to the couch and you took the armchair nearby. 
Sirius discussed his experience in prison and how he broke out. Remus explained his life after he was arrested and after the devastating end to many of their friendships. You sometimes threw in your two cents with a ‘yeah’ or a small hum. After he finished explaining how you both got your house Sirius nodded. 
“We are going to kidnap a child,” Sirius said, smiling at Remus. You paused, staring at the convicted felon on your couch. 
“Right.” You muttered, not shocked or even surprised just quiet. You would say disappointed but you’re not that either. You barely know this man it’s almost entirely impossible for him to disappoint you. Remus glanced over his shoulder at you. 
“We’re doing what now?” Remus asked, looking back to Sirius. Sirius pulled his tea to his mouth and took a sip. He set it back on the coffee table and smacked his lips. 
“Harry? James’ and Lily’s boy? We’re kidnapping him.” Sirius said. You nodded, catching on but still not understanding. You didn’t fully care to, pulling the magazine from the side table next to you. You flicked through the pages, sighing through your nose. Sirius jutted a finger out at you. “You’ve got the disappointed parent thing down,” Sirius exclaimed with excitement. You hummed, flipping another crinkly page. 
“Harry is with his aunt, Lily’s sister. He’s with family.” Remus said, repeating what his past headmaster had told him years ago. Sirius glared at Remus. You read a small excerpt on the best pizza recipe, finding it boring halfway through. 
“That’s the same shit he said about my family. I found them, and I watched them in dog form for a little. They’re awful. He sleeps under the stairs, cleans for them, cooks for them, and still it’s not enough. They’re barely feeding him we have to get him out of there. Harry doesn’t deserve to live through all I did when his father went through hell to get me out of there.” Sirius said, his voice cracking towards the end. A silence followed. Remus sat frozen in his spot and you continued flipping through your magazine. Remus leaned back, looking at you. 
”What do you think?” Remus muttered, watching you carefully. You glanced over the edge of your magazine, raising a brow at him. 
“Sounds like we’re kidnapping a seven-year-old. Your nephew of sorts.” You said, eyes glancing over to the picture of Remus, Sirius, and Peter with James on his wedding day. Remus sighed and leaned back to face Sirius. 
“My godson, but yes whatever.” Sirius corrected. You raised a brow at him before looking back to your magazine. Remus let out a long sigh, rubbing his face with his hands. 
“I guess we’re kidnapping a child,” Remus whispered. 
You had assumed you’d be included in the planning process but in the few days that you had known Sirius you should’ve realized he wasn’t much of a planner. You were now staring at the child sitting at your dining room table. You stood across from him, your eyes locked. Remus and Sirius had left to go to the store for more child-friendly foods and a few clothes and toys for him. 
Harry looked exactly like the pictures of his father. Warm brown skin, the hint of dimples on his cheeks, big wide eyes hidden behind large glasses, a swirl of black curls on top of his head. Harry had a white scar spreading across his forehead, branching lightning. You wanted to look closer and see if the small streak of stark white hair at the start of his scar was real or your imagination. 
“You look like your father.” You whispered. Harry raised his head and looked around at the surroundings. 
“Veron?” Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows. You grimaced and shook your head. 
“James.” Harry stared at you blankly. It occurred to you that you might’ve seen more pictures of James than he had. You left the dining room and headed straight for the living room, collecting the framed photos of James from the bookshelves. You laid them out in front of Harry. You pointed at each person, naming them. You showed him pictures of his mother too: Lily dragging James into a lake, James with Lily on his shoulders, Lily hugging Remus, Lily in her wedding dress with her long trail of bridesmaids. Harry stared at all of the pictures with his mouth open in awe. 
“Did they ever show you pictures of your parents?” You asked. Harry looked up from the picture of James and Lily in each other’s arms, smiling at the camera. He shook his head. You hummed. 
“Remus will change that. He was your dad’s and your mom’s friend. So was Sirius.” You said, watching him carefully. Harry nodded. He looked away from the pictures and eyeballed the kitchen through the door. 
“Do you have any fruit?” Harry muttered, his voice quiet with worry. You nodded. You led him to the kitchen and showed him where you kept your fruit in the refrigerator. He pulled an orange from the drawer and smiled. Defiantly had James’ dimples. Harry pressed the framed picture to his chest as he dug his fingers into the orange, ripping at the peel. You whispered to him that he could get food from the kitchen any time he felt hungry. Harry paused in his tears, staring up at you. 
“Really?” Harry whispered, sparkles appearing in his eyes. You nodded, reaching into the refrigerator for another orange. You pulled a bowl from the cabinet and dropped the meat of the orange into the bowl after you skinned it. You gently took the orange from Harry’s sticky hands and dropped the slices into the bowl, handing the whole bowl to him. He stared down into the bowl with a grin. Raising such a kind boy with your boyfriend and his highly attractive high school ex shouldn’t be too hard. 
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kingdom-of-sins · 4 months ago
Max Verstappen x Reader
Max crashes his ex's wedding but will he get the bride?
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You never expected to see Max Verstappen again. Not like this. Not today. Not on your wedding day. Yet here he is, standing in the middle of the aisle, hair disheveled, still in his Red Bull Racing suit, looking like he just won the championship...again.
Because, of course, he had to make an entrance.
A couple of years ago, you and Max had been inseparable. The kind of couple that people whispered about in the paddock, that journalists wrote about, and fans shipped relentlessly. But it ended when Max, with a heavy heart, told you he wasn’t ready for marriage.
"I'm not that guy yet," he’d said one quiet evening in Monaco, his hands in his hair as if trying to figure out a way to keep you without breaking your heart. "You deserve someone who can give you everything you want, and I can't be that person right now."
You’d cried for weeks, tried to move on, but your heart stayed bruised for far longer than you cared to admit.
Now, two years later, you were marrying someone else—someone stable, predictable, and safe. Someone who wouldn’t put your heart in a spin with every career decision. Someone who wasn’t Max Verstappen.
But Max had been keeping tabs on you. Not obsessively, no. Just… occasionally checking your fan accounts (he definitely didn’t follow them under a burner account named SuperMax33). He told himself he was happy for you when he saw the proposal photos. He even congratulated himself on being mature when he heard about your wedding.
Then, on a random Thursday, he scrolled past a photo of you in your wedding dress on a fan account.
You. In white.
His heart stopped.
Max tried to ignore it, brushing it off as pre-race jitters. But it didn’t go away. Not during practice sessions. Not during qualifying. Not even after winning pole. He’d spent years convincing himself he made the right decision by letting you go. But now, staring at that photo, it hit him like a wall at Eau Rouge, he had made the biggest mistake of his life.
Race day came. Max was laser-focused on winning, though not for the reasons everyone thought. The lights went out, and he drove like a man possessed. Every lap, every corner, every pit stop—it was flawless. When he crossed the finish line, the roar of the crowd barely registered.
“Max Verstappen takes the win!” the commentator screamed, but Max was already planning his next move.
Three hours later, your ceremony was in full swing. You stood at the altar, your groom beaming at you, your heart pounding—though not entirely from joy. There was an ache, a nagging little voice that you couldn’t quiet.
"Do you, Y/N, take this man—"
The doors of the church slammed open with a deafening bang.
Every head turned.
You froze.
Max Verstappen strode in, sweaty, breathless, and still in his racing suit.
“Stop the wedding!” he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls.
Gasps filled the room. Your fiancé blinked at him in stunned disbelief. The priest clutched his book like Max was there to steal it.
"Max?!" you exclaimed, your voice a mix of shock and disbelief.
He held up a finger, panting. "One sec. Had to run from the car and all those stairs."
You stared at him, speechless.
"I know this is crazy," Max began, catching his breath. "I know I'm insane for showing up like this. But I can’t let you do this. I can’t let you marry him."
Your fiancé shifted uncomfortably. “Who the hell are you?”
Max ignored him, his eyes fixed on you. “You look breathtaking, by the way. Absolutely stunning. But you already knew that.”
Your cheeks burned. The audacity.
“I screwed up, Y/N,” Max continued, stepping closer. “I was stupid, immature, scared—whatever you want to call it. I wasn’t ready back then. But I am now. And I can’t let you marry someone else knowing that I still love you.”
“Let me finish,” he interrupted, raising a hand. “I’ve thought about this every day since we broke up. I’ve thought about how stupid I was to let you go. I’ve thought about the house we’d live in, the trips we’d take, the little Verstappens we’d raise—if they’re anything like me, I’m sorry in advance.”
Someone in the crowd snorted.
Your lips twitched. Damn him. Damn him for making you laugh at your own wedding.
“Do you know what I see when I think about the future?” Max asked, his voice softer now. “I see you. Always you. At every race, at every finish line. I see us, building a life together. And yeah, I might come home sweaty and exhausted half the time, but I’ll always come home to you.”
The silence was deafening.
“Don’t marry him,” Max said, his voice cracking. “Marry me. Right now. I mean, I’m already dressed for it.” He gestured at his racing suit.
You blinked at him, your heart hammering.
“Y/N,” your fiancé said, his voice tight, “is this a joke?”
You turned to Max, who looked at you with so much raw emotion it nearly broke you.
It wasn’t even a choice.
You dropped your bouquet and ran down the aisle, straight into his arms.
The room erupted in chaos—your mother fainted, your fiancé cursed, and Max just grinned like he’d won the championship all over again.
Twenty minutes later, you stood in front of the priest again, this time with Max by your side. He was still in his racing suit, grease smudges on his hands, but his eyes shone with unfiltered joy.
“I’m never letting you go again,” he whispered as the priest declared you husband and wife.
When he kissed you, the room erupted in cheers, but somewhere the Red Bull PR department is having a heart attack.
But none of that mattered. You were finally where you were meant to be—with Max Verstappen, your husband, your champion.
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goldberrg · 1 year ago
surely "bestfriends"
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summary : You and Billy have been best friends for a while, but when he comes over unexpectedly.
TW's – cursing, sex (in details)
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The end of your pencil tapped against the edge of your desk, the side of your head resting on your hand. Your leg bounced to the same rhythm as your pencil, while you listened to your teacher finish up telling you guys about a project. You were all reading "Pride and Prejudice", or at least had read it, and now needed to do the final project for it. You were aloud to work in groups of up to four, but you knew you'd only be working with one person – your best friend, Billy Hargrove.
Billy's step-mom, Susan, and your own mother were close friends. They worked together, and when you had been invited over for dinner the first week they moved to Hawkins, you and Billy had clicked. The two of you spent most of the night in his room, flipping through his vinyl's and helping him hang up his posters. You couldn't help but mock him about the clichè Playboy posters he had, and all the random crap in his room. But the two of you hit it off, becoming close friends quick.
And now he was your partner for every english assignment, art project, and science project. Those were the three classes you shared together. The first time you tried pairing up with someone other than him, a girl named Cheryl, he didn't speak to you for three whole days. Even when he drove you to and from school, he blared his music so loud your ears rang for hours afterwards.
Only after the project was over, and you showed up at his door with two tickets to see a movie.
Once your teacher had finished giving out her information and instructions, the class dispersed to get with their groups or partners. You leaned your head back, already finding Billy getting up from his seat behind you. He tossed his backpack onto the now-vacant desk beside yours, slamming his body into the chair with a grunt. This was your cue to get up and go get the poster board you would need for the project. You returned with a plain, white board compared to the other varying colors of purple, green, blue and red.
— Get your gross feet off the desk. — you ordered, glaring down at Billy since your hands were preoccupied. Billy rolled his eyes, but complied and removed his feet, the legs of the chair falling back onto the floor.
— Alright, doll, what's the plan? — Billy questioned, reaching into your backpack and pulling out your personal copy of the book. You'd already read the book various times throughout middle school and early high school, so you and Billy switched off borrowing your book.
— I figured I'd paint the board, sort of like a collage. Have different things on it. — you explained, looking down at him from the other side of the desk.
— Sounds good to me. We have two weeks, right? — he asked, quirking an eyebrow up at you.
— Yup, so if you don't finish the book by then, I'll kick your fucking ass. — you hissed, watching as he paused his skimming through the book.
— What?
— There weren't any lions in the book, jerk. You have two days to finish it. You're three fourths done, because that's how much we've read together, so you can finish a hundred pages by Thursday. — you sighed, rolling your eyes.
You walked over and sat in your own chair.
— Yeah, yeah, alright Your Highness. — he grumbled, closing the book and tossing it on top of the poster. — What else? We're doing the whole 'main characters, theme, plot, climax' stuff, right?
— Of course that's the only word you'd remember. — you grinned, shoving his shoulder as he laughed. — The dramatic structure, yes. And all the other stuff. We'll split it up. — you said, putting the book away. — You're coming over after dropping Max off, right? — you asked, standing up.
— Yeah. Most likely around 4:00. — he said, standing up as well when the bell rang and slinging his bag over his shoulder. — Let's go, doll.
Once Billy dropped you off at home, you laid the poster board on your bed and your backpack by your desk. You decided to shower and change into comfy clothes before Billy came over, after all you had about an hour. So you grabbed a pair of skull pajama pants and a big shirt, before heading into the bathroom. You turned the water on high, stripping off your clothes from the day, leaving you in your underwear. Grabbing your moms essential rose oil, you dropped a couple drops into the shower before leaving it slightly unopened on the rack next to the shower. The smell would help relieve the tension of the day, and get you focused for schoolwork. Finally, you took off your bra and underwear, stepping in.
The hot water hit you in the face, and you welcomed it. Scrubbing your face, you made sure to get your mascara and concealer off so that when you got out you wouldn't look horrifying. You let the water travel to your hair, smoothing it down your shoulders. Steam filled up the bathroom, the smell of rose invading your senses.
The roaring of the water was so loud that you didn't hear your front door open or Billy shouting for you name.
Billy pulled up to your driveway, hopping out of his car and heading up to the front door. Max had been dropped off at Mike's, not Dustin's, so it was a lot closer than he thought. He decided not to stop at home afterwards, and just head straight to your place. So he got there around 3:20, rather than 4:00. Not that big of a deal.
Banging on the door, Billy waited a minute or two for you to answer. When you didn't, he tried again, but louder. After the third time, Billy just barged in, rolling his eyes at the fact it was unlocked.
— Hey! Y/N? — he called out, hearing the shower running. Kicking his shoes off by the door, Billy tossed his jacket onto the back of your couch. He didn't hear a response from you, so he headed towards the bathroom. Knocking on the door with his knuckles, he leaned against the frame.
— Come in! — Billy's eyes shot open, looking at the closed door in shock.
As you were putting shampoo into your hair, you heard a knock on the bathroom door. You looked over at it through the glass doors, thinking of who it could be. Your mom wouldn't be home until later, and an intruder wouldn't fucking knock. So you probably lost track of time, and it was Billy.
— Come in. — you called out, not minding if he did or not. The glass walls were textured and opaque so he wouldn't be able to see anything porn-worthy.
And the two of you had paraded around in front of each other with your underwear on before, it wasn't much different. There was a pause before the door creaked open, and the outline of Billy came in.
— Sorry I'm early, doll. — he said, his voice darker than normal. — It didn't take as long to drop Max off. And I figured I'd stop by right after to get a head start on the project, maybe hang out for a while. I didn't realize you'd be naked.
— It's fine. — you laughed, opening the door slightly so you could poke your head out. He was sitting on the sink counter, shirtless. Every other girl in Hawkins was wet for Billy Hargrove, how could they not be? And of course you fell into that category. But you couldn't express it like they could, even though you were closer to him than they were. A few times a week, you'd find your hand sneaking down your underwear, his name leaving your mouth as you writhed against your sheets.
— Don't take too long, alright? — Billy pleaded, when he looked up and saw you looking out of the shower. His cheeks were red, but you passed it off as the hot steam. — Why the hell does it smell like roses in here? There aren't any flowers. — he questioned suddenly, lifting his nose in the air and diverting his eyes away from your wet neck.
— It's my momma's rose oil. I use it to relax. — you said, a 'duh' tone to your voice as you closed the door. — And I'll take however damn long as I please.
— Course you will. — Billy grumbled, and you smirked to yourself. You washed away the shampoo as Billy fired off more questions. — Why do you need rose oil to relax? Doesn't that burning water help?
— Not entirely. It helps my muscles from being hunched over all day, and the steam helps with my nose. But the rose oil adds the extra flare. It's rejuvenating.
— Rejuvenating? The hell's that supposed to mean? — Billy ridiculed, hopping off the counter and moving closer to the door so he could hear you better over the shower.
— It's like... I don't know Billy! — you huffed, opening the door suddenly and popping your head out. You were startled when you came face-to-face with him, noticing the way his eyes darted down to your nearly exposed chest and back up. — It helps with headaches, my skin if I apply it directly onto it, and the smell is just nice. Don't you think? It's just fucking relaxing. Unlike you right now. It's amplified in the shower, so I apologize if you're not getting the full treatment. — you snapped, getting frustrated. Having Billy so close in an intimate setting was rough, especially when you couldn't touch. It was like a goddamn museum, you can look, drool and adore. But if you touch, you're getting arrested.
— I'm getting the full treatment just fine, baby. — Billy snickered, leaning closer to you as his eyes dragged up and down your hidden form. Your face heated up, and you shot your hand out, shoving his face back.
— Pff, yeah right, Hargrove. — you scoffed, closing the door and diving under the water. Your breathing was heavy and you tried to mellow it out by focusing on your conditioner.
— You still with that Caden guy? — Billy suddenly asked, his voice now on the other side of the doors, causing your eyebrows to furrow.
— No, I broke it off two weeks ago. Remember? He couldn't decide if he wanted me or Jenny more, even though he was fucking her the whole time.?— you laughed dryly, running the conditioner through your hair as you shook your head at the memory.
— Good. — Billy muttered, but you still caught it. — You could do so much better than him.
— Yeah? — you laughed, shaking your hair to even out the conditioner. — Like who, you?
— Exactly like me. — you stopped, and turned to the end of the doors. There was an audible zipping sound, causing your heart to speed up.
— That so? And what makes you think that, Billy? — you called out, biting your lip and turning to face the water again, washing out the conditioner, in hopes of calming yourself. Your heart hammered against your chest when you heard the shower doors open, as if it was about to leap out of your throat. You didn't turn around however, opting to close your eyes as the water hit your face.
— Cause. — he replied simply, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear.
Your eyes shot open as rough hands gripped at your hips, spinning you around. Your arms collided with Billy's chest, your head tilting up to look at him. His blond hair was beginning to stick to his face, and his blue eyes stuck out more than ever against the tiles. You weren't given anymore time to admire him, because his lips were on yours instantly. Both of you were swallowing water, your lips pushing against each other desperately. Billy walked the two of you backwards carefully, making sure you didn't slip, until your back hit the wall. You were now out of the harsh spray of the water, and you broke away to gasp for clear air.
— Are you.. — you attempted to ask, not wanting him to regret this, and have the friendship ruined.
— Yes, yes I'm sure, Y/N. — Billy said, not giving you the chance to finish. His hand reached up, pushing your wet, dark hair out of your face before leaning back down to capture you in another demanding kiss. Your fingers tangled in his damp curls, tugging slightly when his hands gripped your waist tightly.
Billy moved his hands under your thighs and crouched, indicating you to jump, and you did. Your legs tightened around his waist for dear life, knowing that if either of you gave out it'd end in a naked hospital trip.
— Fuck. — you moaned out, breaking the kiss as his cock rubbed against your pussy, tilting your head back. Billy ducked his head, attaching his mouth to the center of your throat, biting the thin flesh before sucking it. You whimpered, moving your body up and down the slick wall slightly, giving the both of you more friction. His nails dug into your ass, pinning you to the wall so you couldn't move.
— Don't do that, princess. — he warned lowly, vibrating against your throat. You could feel the occasional pulse of his cock against you, and you wanted nothing more than for it to be in you. Whether it was your mouth or pussy, you didn't care. You just wanted it.
— Billy, please. — you whined, after having waited patiently for him to finishing sucking on your neck.
— What do you want, baby. — he growled, pulling back to look up at you. You didn't answer him, instead you held onto his shoulders tightly so you could unwrap your legs without death. Once your feet were safely on the ground, you flipped the two of you, so his back was against the wall and your back was facing the water. Giving him a smirk, you kissed the corner of his mouth before getting on your knees. Billy's tongue darted out, licking along his lips while looking down at you, his hand running through your wet hair. Grabbing his dick in your hand, you pulled at it a few times, twisting your hand along the base. Leaning down, you gave the tip a few kitten licks, gathering the pre-cum onto your tongue. Looking up at Billy, you waited until his eyes fluttered closed before taking the beginning of his dick into your mouth.
— Ugh, Y/N. — Billy grunted, his hold on your hair tightening. You smiled internally, licking the underside of his cock, and then left to right in order to ease your mouth farther down. It took a few minutes, but soon enough the tip had gone past your tonsils. Your eyes were watering, and saliva was dribbling out of the edges of your mouth. Billy's hips bucked against your mouth, his tight grip on your hair giving you a steady rhythm. Continuous moans streamed out of his mouth, and eventually you were roughly pulled off of his dick.
— Not yet, baby. — he said, more so to himself than you. You understood what he meant, and grinned in satisfaction. Putting his finger under your chin, Billy guided you to stand up. Holding your chin between his thumb and forefinger, Billy pulled you in for a slower, more passionate kiss. Your hands rested on his chest, relishing in the warmth of the water and his body. His free hand traveled down the small of your back, tickling you as he went, before gropping your ass.
— Billy.. — you gasped, your voice breathless. You grinded yourself against him again, growing impatient. You looked into his eyes, chewing on your bottom lip to keep in your needy whines. Billy simply smirked down at you, fully aware of what it was you wanted – no, needed.
— Hmm? — he hummed, a wicked grin on his face. You let out an impatient huff, ducking your head to harshly bite at his shoulder. Billy hissed out, the hold on your ass tightening before it released. You thought he was just gonna move you two, but instead he brought his hand down in a harsh slap.
— Ah, Fuck. — you cried out in shock, arching your back.
— Don't bite. — he warned, and then he finally pushed your body against the wall on the side, the cool tile instantly calming down your burning ass cheek.
— Then fuck me already, you jerk. — you snapped, running your thumb over the bite mark on his shoulder. Billy's eyebrow rose at your bold statement, and you simply grinned up at him. His fingers ran down your stomach, tracing at your curves and marks of imperfections. He kept eye contact with you as his middle and ring finger dipped between your folds, slowly dragging from your entrance to your clit. Your body jumped at finally being touched, a sigh leaving your mouth. His thumb rolled around your nub, your hips jerking occasionally, while his middle finger worked it's way inside you. A small grunt sounded in your throat, and you held onto Billy's shoulder, leaning your head against the wall. Once his middle finger was in to the knuckle, he pushed in his ring finger and began pumping them in and out of you, curling them.
— Ugh. — you whimpered, your nails digging into his shoulder. Billy started kissing his way around your jaw, neck and chest, occasionally licking your nipple for fun. He added his forefinger after a minute, another moan escaping. You bit your lip, hard, holding in another whimper.
— Why are you being so quiet, princess? It's just us. — he mused, biting at your earlobe.
— I don't wanna boost your ego. — you snickered, yelping when his thumb pressed down on your clit and his fingers dug inside you even more.
— Yeah, well. — he laughed, shaking his head. — You can't hide the sounds you're making down here. — he snickered, slowly pulling his three fingers out of you and bringing them to his mouth. His tongue moved between his fingers, licking your juices and the shower water off of them. You watched, mesmerized.
Once his fingers were cleaned to his liking, he gripped the back of your thighs, having you jump up again. He gave you a nod, questioning if you were ready or not. You nodded yours quickly, having been ready for this for months. Aligning his cock with your entrance, Billy didn't have the ability to ease himself in because of your guys positions. So with one quick thrust, he was inside you, his hand splayed out against the wall and the other gripping your ass.
— Fuck. — you screamed, throwing your head back, crying out when it hit the wall. Billy was big, bigger than his three fingers. Your arms pulled him closer, trying to even out your breathing and relax your muscles around him. Billy didn't move, small moans being breathed into the crook of your neck.
— I'm sorry, doll. — he whispered, knowing it hurt. You didn't have lube or a condom, and not much preparation.
— No, no, don't apologize. — you said quickly, squeezing yourself around him to emphasize. — It's fine. You can.. you can start.
Billy removed his head to look at you, but when you gave him a nod he started moving. He thrusted slowly, not wanting to lose his grip on you or push your body. Both of you were breathing heavily, and you moved your body along his, matching his thrusts with your own.
— God. — he moaned, pulling his cock farther out before slamming back in, continuing the movement over and over again. Your nails scratched their way over his shoulder blades, biceps, back and anywhere they could reach. The pain was decreasing as the thrusting went on, and when Billy moved you slightly to the left, slamming back in, your eyes shot open.
— Holy fuck, right there, Billy! — you shouted out, arching yourself into him.
Billy smirked up at you, licking his bottom lip and doing as you said. He quickened his pace, no longer hearing your hisses of pain, and thrusted into you quickly. The sound of his skin slapping against yours, as well as the sound of your back hitting the wall, echoed throughout the bathroom, overpowering the shower.
— Ugh, god. — Billy grunted, throwing his head back. — I can't hold out much longer, Y/N. — he moaned, looking down at you just as you opened your eyes to look at him.
— I'm close too. — you whimpered, hiking yourself higher up on the wall, screaming out when his cock hit the spot again, but deeper. — Fuck, fuck, fuck. — you moaned, a streamline of curse words leaving your mouth. — Billy, I'm.. — you tried to warn him, but a high pitched moan escaped before you could finish as the heat in the bottom of your stomach exploded. A wave of warmth washed over you, your toes curling and your thighs squeezing around Billy, pulling him closer. You mouth fell open, letting out a small, quiet gasp as you orgasmed.
Billy pulled out quickly, feeling his own orgasm wash over him, and his hot cum sprayed over your stomach and the tops of your thighs. Your head fell to his shoulder limply, your body slipping down the shower wall, as it shook from your orgasm. You could see your thighs wiggling, and Billy gently lowered you to the floor. When the cold shower water hit you, you welcomed it, letting the cum wash off of you.
— Hey. — Billy whispered, his arms wrapping around you from behind. — This isn't a one time thing. I want you to be mine.
— Good. — you grinned, a giddy feeling coming over you, more intense than your orgasm. You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. — Let's go take a nap, that project can wait until later.
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hittmeandtellmeyouremine · 20 days ago
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 | 𝙣𝙤, 𝙞'𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨
pairing: bsf!rafe cameron x bear!reader
summary: with finals week finally over, you’re ready to enjoy summer, with rafe there to keep you company. as the day goes on, though, the feeling that's been looming starts to make its way to the surface.
warnings: swearing and suggestive content.
word count: 3.2k words
song: swim good - frank ocean
chapter one → socials chapter one
©hittmeandtellmeyouremine | this is my only account across all social media platforms. please do not translate, copy, or repost any of my writing.
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you felt the stress that had been looming over you for the past few weeks finally leave your body. it was finals week for college students, you included. this was your last final and your grade rode on this test.
you had been stressing about it all week, buried in your notes. you had gotten an A in every other class while this one was sitting at a B+. you vowed to make this final your bitch, you had to.
you woke up a few hours earlier to get in some extra hours of studying. you made sure to have a decent enough breakfast and some of an energy drink to really wake you up. one last test and then summer was all yours.
rafe drove you onto the mainland to take your test, your personal chauffeur. the whole drive there he reassured you that you were stressing way too much about this test, you had it in the bag. school was never really rafe's thing, he barely skimmed through college. but he knew how much it meant to you, sometimes he worried it meant too much.
it meant so much that he hadn't even seen you this past week because you were studying so much. he only saw you briefly when he brought you over food in an attempt to see you. that lasted all of twenty minutes before you kicked him out to get back to your studying.
this was part of the reason why he offered to drive you to and from your test, though he would've done it regardless.
you and rafe were close, super close. he was your best friend. back in middle school you and sarah had became friends, good friends. that somehow bled into rafe's life. the more you came around, the more time you spent with rafe. sarah started to do her own thing and where she started to fall short, rafe excelled. your relationship with him quickly became stronger than yours with sarah.
you became his favorite person and he became yours.
you pushed past the doors of the building, turning your phone back on and watching the previously silenced notifications load.
you looked up to see rafe leaning against his truck. you hadn't really paid much attention to him before your final, studying even on the way there. rafe kept telling you that you were gonna burn yourself out. you told him to shut up so you could focus. he shut up after that.
rafe cameron. he leaned back against his truck, arms crossed over his chest. he had on a white tee, black cargo pants, and black and white high top converse. that outfit was basically his uniform at this point. graphic or plain tee, cargos, and converse or sambas. oh, and a backwards hat, occasionally. he had one on today. you loved when he wore it backwards, having soft spot for when he did.
he stretched his arms, his shirt lifting up and letting you get a peek at his abs. it didn't help that his biceps looked like they were ready to bust out of the seams of his shirt any minute now. sometimes you thought he did this type of shit on purpose, he had to.
"you're not slick, you know" you said, rolling your eyes as you approached him.
"hello to you too, baby" he smirked, pushing off the truck and closing the distance between you two.
you don't remember when exactly that started but you know it was over the past year. you also remember your stomach doing a flip when it did. you didn't protest, so it just continued.
"how was it?" he asked.
"i got a 96" you confessed, a smile forming on your face.
"atta baby, i knew you had it in you" he smiled down at you.
"something like that" you mumbled, moving past him.
he chuckled but opened the passenger side door for you.
"what was that?" he smirked, watching you climb into the truck and toss your bag into the backseat.
"you heard me" you answered, he leaned against the door.
"such a smartass"
"you love it"
"mmm something like that" he teased.
"touché" you said, sucking your teeth.
he laughed, closing the door and walking around the drivers side.
you liked to joke around and call rafe your personal chauffeur because he basically was. did you have your license? yes. did he still drive you everywhere? also yes.
rafe liked to joke around and say it was because he didn't trust you on the road. you couldn't necessarily deny that claim, it was a valid reason. you cared more about blasting music and living your music video fantasy than paying attention to the road. that or you were a complete bundle of anxiety behind the wheel. there was no in between.
he let you drive his truck one time. you barely made it out of the cameron's driveway before he called it quits.
he's always driven ever since.
you guys had quite the drive back to the outer banks. in celebration of your accomplishment rafe let you blast whatever girl music you wanted to.
a frown formed on your face when the music paused and you saw topper's name pop up on the screen.
"give me a second" rafe said, pressing the "accept" button on his steering wheel.
"rafe cameron" topper dragged out.
"what's up, top?" rafe answered.
"where you at, you home?"
he was fishing for something.
"nah, i'm driving back to obx right now"
"so you're gonna be back in time for the party tonight?"
there it was. you looked over at rafe in confusion.
"yeah man, i gotchu" rafe confirmed.
"you bringing y/n with you?"
"yeah, she's coming"
the hell you were. your eyes bulged out at rafe.
"no i'm not" you interrupted.
"oh, hi bear"
"hi topper" you focused your attention back at rafe, "you never said anything about a party, rafe"
"i tried to but you were busy studying. we're going, it's basically the summer kick off" he said, glancing over at you briefly before his eyes returned back to the road.
"you're 22, aren't you a little too old for summer kick offs???" you commented.
"okay, first of all, watch your mouth" he scoffed.
"don't tell me what to do" you scoffed right back, "i'm not going to a summer kick off. my summer doesn't start until the girls get here and that's tomorrow"
"okay, well my summer starts today and i want you there with me"
"your summer is all the time, you already graduated" you reminded.
"alright, yep. topper, we'll be there later" he said before reaching over and hanging up.
you honestly forgot topper was even on the phone, hearing all your bickering. your music resumed, not that you cared.
"rafe, i'm serious. i wanted to wait until they got here" you said, your tone approaching one that could be categorized as whiny.
"baby, i know you are but we'll only be there for a little while. plus, once your friends get here i'm gonna have to share you with them" he grimaced at the last part.
you debated it in your head.
your best friends we're finally coming back from college. anora, lina, parker and you together again. it was one of the parts of summer you were most excited for.
your group was literally inseparable in highschool. well, until you guys separated. lina went off to start her modeling career in new york, parker went to a fashion school in chicago, and nora was still close by but a decent drive. you actually both went to the same college but she stayed on campus while you didn't. with her spending the majority of her time on the mainland, you only saw her once a week if you were lucky.
you were dying to have them all at arms length again.
nora was packing up her stuff today and would be back tonight. fortunately parker and lina both flew in tomorrow. rafe knew this by heart because when he did actually hear from you this week, it was all you would talk about.
he was happy you were happy. it was bittersweet for him though because other than the weekly outing when he brought you to see nora, he had you all to himself for the last few months. and everyone knew rafe was not one for sharing.
rafe quickly realized how attached he had gotten, a long time ago. he spent more time with you than he did with anyone else. sometimes he even thought he spent more time with you than he did himself.
you wanted to go shopping? rafe let you drag him along. you wanted something sweet at 1 in the morning? rafe would take you in a heart beat (and pay). you were sat at your desk doing your assignments? rafe would lay in your bed and scroll on his phone until you were done. rafe was going golfing with the guys? he would drag you along to sit in the golf cart. rafe had some business deal where he needed to go somewhere further out? you were in the passenger seat of his range rover.
you two were inseparable.
he would never admit it to you but he was having a hard time processing the fact that that was going to change. he knew he shouldn't have been upset. these were your best friends and he did get along with them, despite the banter. but god did he like having you to himself.
"text nora, see if she's gonna be back in time and we can pick her up on the way there" he said, it was an olive branch to get you to agree.
he looked over at you to solidify his suggestion.
"topper's been asking about her anyway" he mumbled.
nora had a... thing with topper, if you could say that. he took her out on a few dates and decided she was the love of his life. she thought it was sweet, a little much but sweet. plus he had money and bought her things whenever she had the time to respond. not that she needed it, nora was an independent woman who had her shit together. but it was nice that he did anyways.
rafe was just glad topper had finally stopped bitching and moaning about his sister.
"okay, fine" you mumbled, opening up your messages with nora.
"that's my girl" rafe cooed, one of his hands going to your thigh. his thumb rubbed small, approving circles on it.
my girl.
another thing that you can't remember origin of but you knew you liked it. loved it, even.
you pretty much spent the rest of your car ride texting nora. it took the smallest bit of convincing but she was quick to agree. while you were occupied with that rafe took the opportunity to play his own music, rap seeping through the speakers.
when you finally looked back up from your phone you guys were already heading back into the outer banks, passing the 'welcome' sign.
"are we going to mine or yours?" you asked, looking over at him.
it was part of your routine. you always ended up at one of your houses. it was just a matter of who's.
you saw his jaw clench slightly, it was so faint that no one else would be able to tell. but you did.
"yours" he answered, "my dad's home today and i don't really feel like dealing with his shit right now"
his hand squeezed your thigh slightly before his thumb rubbed over the spot in a soothing manner.
"i need to get gas" he mumbled, turning into one of the town's gas stations.
his hand withdrew from your thigh as he turned the car off. he looked over at you for a moment. his blue eyes ran over your face, your eyes glued back to your phone as you typed away. your group chat with the girls was blowing up with speculation and a side of interrogation after the recent instagram posts. his hand reached over and gently grabbed ahold of your face to get you to look over at him.
"you want somethin'?" his thumb gently brushed against your cheek.
your stomach did another little flip.
"i'm thirsty" you nodded.
"yeah, from all that fighting me you did" he smirked, making you roll your eyes.
he got out of the truck, going to close the door behind him.
"i didn't even tell you what i wanted" you called after him.
"you don't need to, i already know" he answered as he walked into the gas station, waving you off.
he was right, he did know what you wanted. he handed you the bottle before he went to pump the gas. even if he hadn't handed you the right one, he bought a bag full of others for you later. he knew you like the back of his hand.
"what time is the party?" you asked when he got back in, driving to your place.
"kelce said it starts at nine, figured we'd get there around like ten?"
you nodded, mentally calculating when you would have to start getting ready.
as if he could read your mind, "start getting ready around eight, baby"
a smile crept onto your face as you looked over at him.
"i know you" he reassured, glancing over at you.
the rest of the ride to your house was filled with you singing along to whatever song rafe let you blast which just so opened to be a frank ocean song. windows down, wind in your hair, and the biggest smile on your face. rafe watched you, something he could quite pin stirred inside him.
you and rafe spent the rest of the afternoon in your bed, watching whatever show you had convinced him to watch. he wasn't really one for watching tv, he'd rather play video games or quite literally anything else. you were the opposite though, you loved a good show. and rafe would do anything to make you happy.
after ordering a pizza for you two to eat, he went home around seven to change.
the minute he left you felt... hollow almost. cold, even. it was a strange feeling you tried your best to ignore.
you filled the next hour with an everything shower and every pop princess you could think of. somewhere in the midst of your break between showering and actually getting ready you had switch over to your chill playlist. you switched over to your crash out playlist again as you started to get ready.
halfway through the process, in the midst of picking out your outfit and starting on your hair, nora texted you. you paused everything you were doing and sunk to the bathroom floor to respond.
your heart dropped when you read the message of her cancelling. she still hadn't finished packing and was gonna get in later than she expected. you understood, plus she was gonna drive you guys to get parker and lina tomorrow so she was gonna need her sleep.
but it changed the plan you fought to agree to earlier and you were too deep into it to cancel now.
you spent so long sitting there trying to mentally recover from the change of plans that you hadn't realized how late it had gotten until rafe texted you to let you know he was on his way.
that woke you right up and you began flying around your room to get ready. you rushed in so many things at once that you were practically on autopilot. you were snapped out of your trance once the doorbell rang.
you bare feet padded down the stairs of your house, rushing to open the door for him.
"hi, sorry. i'm almost ready. i just need to finish my hair and then we can go, i swear" you rambled, stepping to the side to allow him the space he needed to come inside.
it took rafe a second to catch up to what you were saying, his eyes too focused on what he was seeing to properly hear. the little black skirt you had on showed perfect off the thighs he had been struggling to keep his hands off of lately. then your top.
your fucking top.
it was one of those tops that looked like two pieces of fabric that tied in the front. you had been talking about them for the past few weeks, he remembered. calling them a "summer staple".
a flyaway top. yeah, that was it.
it showed off your cleavage perfectly. rafe had seen you in a bikini plenty of times, sure. a sports bra, a crop top, whatever. but this was different. he silently thanked god that you bought so many for the summer.
you were so frantic you didn't realized his gawking before turning and going back up towards your room. his pants felt slightly tighter than they were a minute ago. he swallowed and closed the door behind him before following you up.
you're still rambling when he follows you into your bedroom, leaning against the doorway of your bathroom. he watched as you stood at the sink counter, doing your hair. you hadn't given him enough time earlier to consider the jewelry you were wearing. you just got better and better.
"wait what?" he asked, his ears catching up to his brain.
"nora's not coming. she texted me saying that she was gonna get in late tonight and she wasn't up for it. i mean i get it, we have that drive tomorrow to get parker and lina but you know i hate when people cancel plans last minute" you explained, frowning.
rafe saw the anxiety set in quickly. he forced his eyes to tear away from your exposed skin. especially the tiny, cursive tattoo that was engraved on your side, making a slight appearance . god, wished it spelled out his name instead of what it really said.
"you look pretty" he said, you paused.
"thank you"
"i mean it, you're killing me" he said, eyes catching yours through the reflection of the mirror.
"i'm serious" he said, moving to stand behind you. his hands found their way to your hips. "if i was an insecure asshole, i'd tell you to go change"
your eyes stayed locked on his, finding it impossible to look away. not that you wanted to.
"but i'm not" he finished.
you were saved by the bell when his phone started to ring. he stepped back, taking the device out of his pocket and answering kelce's call. he still was close behind you as you finished up the last few touches.
he didn't do much to conceal his conversation which made it easy for you to make out most, if not all, of kelce's comments. one in particular you wanted to hang up and frame on the walls of your brain.
"you bringing your girl?"
"yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
the lines between your friendship and something more had been getting blurred for a while now, you both knew it, you both felt it. neither of you would come out and say anything about it though.
it didn't mean anything.
he finishes up his call with kelce as you finish getting ready.
you look pretty as ever. he almost regrets even inviting you, knowing guys would be eye fucking you the whole night. the good thing about being in the obx was that that's was all they would do, look. they knew better and if they didn't, they would sure learn better.
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a/n: the first chapter ahhhh. what did you guys think??? i was fighting demons honestly not to make something happen right then and there. the parasite in me really, really wanted to but the writer in me said to make you guys wait a while longer. go read the social media chapter that ties into this because i think it's the funniest thing i've written!
chapter one → socials chapter one
tag list: @princesspeaxhh
either comment or send me an ask to be added to the tag list! must interact to stay tagged.
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decodedlvr · 2 years ago
~ never did this before | virgin!Eddie Munson x virgin! Thick!Fem Reader \\ modern au
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This story is based off the song Wet Dreamz by Jcole **recommend listening to it first to understand the story// can be perceived/read regardless if you are a poc; as I am mixed ♡ [descriptions of reader having tan skin and brown eyes; so it meets in the middle if you are a poc or not]
• Summary: after weeks of flirting and crushing on each other, you finally pop a serious question into your bestfriend Eddie’s head, and he has a hard time providing you with an honest answer // this is more like a rom com
• Warnings: MDNI; smut (not too explicitly) fluff, both kinda experienced? soft Eddie, cocky Eddie, sassy reader, brief mentions of smoking and drinking, he’s a little bit of a perv, masturbation, 69, protected piv, premature ejaculation, heavy petting, grinding, confessions, slight insecure thoughts? (both are 18+) word count :3.4k //sry 4 errors
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Eddie’s Pov
Calculus. The last class of the day. My favorite class overall.
There she sat, giggling on her phone, showing me silly photos she took of her dog Skittle, the sun shining just right on her honey toned tanned skin, hair laying just as perfect as ever in that simple, claw clip. Curls and wavy bangs sectioned to shape her face, brown eyes that matched mine and oh those glossy lips..
I wanna kiss you so fucking bad baby.
Her outfit of the day, that new pink and black checkered shirt she got at the mall that I drove her to.
It’s so tight on you sweetheart, your tits look beautiful today.
White Reeboks as I have, but very much cleaner…
Those 100% perfectly stretchy, acid wash jeans you wear every week that fit your ass so fucking bad.. fuck don’t bend over.. don’t—
“Eddie? what’s wrong with you?”
Fuck— didn’t realize the moan that I slipped out when she dropped her phone, she cracked it..but all I could focus on were the back of her thighs when she bent over
“Sorry uh- I think I’m just sore from carrying those amps last night”, he says now rubbing his not sore bicep with a pout
“Oh babe I’m sorry, come by later and I can rub it out for you” she replies
Why the fuck would you say that to me right now—
“Oh yeah? You’d just love to get your hands on me always huh sweetheart? ” leaning back in my seat, with a cocky smile
You blush and shove my arm playfully “you’re so stupid, you know what I meant”
She’s been like this for the past month, after Harringtons party. Smoking and drinking under that patio umbrella, away from everyone else. Laughing, holding on to each other for dear life. I tell her jokes, she ugly laughs. I love her laugh, it’s not fake it’s genuine like her.
We met at the drink table, both preferring whiskey over the red shit they put out.
We talked about our intrests, I was very suprised and impressed with how she carried herself. How she talked about herself. How she sat comfortably on my lap; as if we knew each other for forever.
Obviously her thick hips in that royal blue, tacky dress she wore caught my attention first
It takes a certain kinda person to make me laugh but she.. she was probably the most funniest and beautiful fucking girl I’ve never seen. A few beauty marks as she would call it, scattered down her neck and arms. Eyelashes so dark she could always pass on the mascara, the sweet charm and sass she had to her.. she was something different.
She was fresh to town and it was relief to meet someone new. Similar childhood experiences, divorced parents but her dad stopped reaching out to them. Her mom was just a bitch to her. Very narcissistic person but, she had her kind moments. She definitely wasn’t the worse mother I’ve ever heard of.
All of that lead to a heavy make out session in the bathroom.
Sitting at the edge of the toilet, her scratching the back of my head with those sharp coffin shaped nails, me squeezing the fat of her ass on my lap. Hell, I was surprised how into this she was.. considering I’ve only kissed two girls in my life.
Sure I’ve watched my fair share of porn, visited sex stores, took a few notes; even got a handy under the bleachers last year from Carol. She forgot to pay for the weed I gave her, she offered, why not.
“Oh yeah, what’s your name again?” I ask kissing down her neck
“Y/N, but you can call me anything you want right now” she whimpers at the feeling of me nipping her throat
-“fuck you’re a r-really good kisser”
“-could say the same about you sweetheart” feeling the roll of her heat over my already strained dick.
I wonder how many guys she’s done this with
“Sorry, I don’t usually do this but, there’s just something so sexy about you”—
Biggest fucking ego boot ever.
“Fuck baby, if you keep talkin to me like that I’m gonna bust”
“Awe, am I making you feel some typa way Eddie?” She smirks looking down at me
“You know you are”
Unfortunately that ended quicker than it started, Robin got too hungover and needed our space.
She told me her classes and we exchanged numbers.
After that we talked everyday on FaceTime after getting home from school. I show her a new guitar riff and she shows me the new necklaces or shirts she ordered.
Sometimes she’d forget she was on camera and changed out of her bra a few times.
Hey, couldn’t help but to look come on, I am just a man
I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve fucked myself to that imagine every morning.. and evening and night..
Slept on the phone together, hung out at lunch together.
I only ever seen her at lunch other than at the end of the day in Mrs. Wilson’s calculus class. Bringing us back to now
“Mr. Munson are you done chatting now?” Wilson knocks me out of my trance
“Sorry bout that, yes ma’am” giving her a thumbs up sitting back up straight as she rolls her eyes subtly.
You slide me note. Folded up, in blue highlighted letters
You ever have sex before? Circle Yes or No ♡
fuck—we never even discuss stuff like that! how haven’t we? Don’t embarrass yourself man
Course I have, why? what’s got you so curious? ;)
I watch her look away quickly, gulping when she covers the paper to respond back
Well.. you’re cute and shit & was wondering if you wanna come over friday..? My parents have been gone all week and..we can hang or do whatever.. ♡
Did she wanna fuck? I hope so —wait you’re a virgin idiot, wait is she? probably not
I’m already there babe ;)
I reply with an easy smile, hiding the fact I’m in a state of panic
Good.. and uh bring those handcuffs on your wall too.. ♡
No way she’s a virgin talking like that
She rushes outta the classroom at the bell, turning back with a wink
Holy shit I gotta talk to Harrington.
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“-and that’s what I’m saying dude, just sweet talk her, treat her like a princess, rub her in all the right places”—
“Okay but what ARE those places? I know her like tits and shit.. and well under her panties but what does it feel like? Ya know putting in it? What if I cum too fast and she laughs or runs away and never talks to me again..”—
I’ve been pacing back in forth in Family Video, loud where all the customers could hear. Definitely loud enough for Robin to upchuck her lunch
“No Eddie- just, come back here— Rob? watch the front please?” Steve grabs me by the shoulder making a bee line to the stock room
Sitting on the empty table still trying to gather my thoughts of Steve’s advice. “Well?” I rush out
“Damn man let me sit down first” he scoffs pulling a chair over to me
“Alright, you wanna know what inside a vagina feels like right?”
“Jesus, can you just say pussy or some shit”
“Same thing” he glared
“Okay well it’s not really sexy to just say vagina-
-“god Eddie, do you wanna know or not?” I can tell I’m testing his patience, I shut my lips, nodding eagerly
“Okay, so It’s like this- well like wet and really, really warm, almost like hot bath around your dick or a tight hug”—
“Wow, a hot bath thanks for the analogy Steve, I’ll make sure to take one when I get home”
He deadpans at me. “You asked me and I’m telling you, it’s hard to really explain other than a tight, wet warm hug. Oh!” he snaps his finger”-and sometimes it’ll tighten around your cock when she’s about to cum and holy shit dude— you better hold your load because the first time I had sex, it lasted about 10 seconds” My eyes widen
“WHAT!?” I shout before him shushing me “King Steve was a minute man?”— I joke
“Hey I said at first, when you get used to having sex your stamina gets better and for me personally”— he leans in “I can last approximately 45 minutes and 27 seconds” he sits back proudly
Cocky bastard.
How long will I last? Will jerking off more boost my stamina?
Since that afternoon I did as much research as a I could, making a DIY sponge fleshlight.
That was a fail, got carpet burn.
Even bought condoms from the corner store, didnt know what size i was so, i grabbed all 4 boxes
Practicing my stroke game, using my pillow as a hole.
Down. Glide. Up. Down. Guide up.
Ow, fuck, cramp, cramp
This shits hard. My back hurts.
Throwing away the 8th used condom of the day, tossing myself in my desk chair, forehead sweaty, wrists throbbing; hearing my phone go off
FaceTime from Crush🖤
“Ah, fuck”— grabbing a shirt, wiping off the excess sweat off my skin, putting my pants back on, setting the phone up on my night stand, grabbing the guitar quickly setting it on my lap— “Hey! Sweetheart, what’s up, what are you up to?”
“I could ask you the same thing why is your face so red?” She asks giggling, laying on her tummy, tits spilling out , kicking her socked feet from behind
“Just took a hot shower is all”
“But your hairs not wet?” you give me a suspicious look, “Oh yeah, I just tied it up..sooo still want me over tomorrow?”
“Hell yeah! I picked up cookie dough the edible kind because I know you like that anddddd”- she reaches over her phone to grab something—“I rented whole stab franchise for a throwback”- showing me her laptop screen
“Well, that sounds like a party to me”
“You got that right..” She replies, biting her lip as if I didn’t notice,- “Anywaysss, just calling to remind you, see you tomorrow im tired, goodnight dummy *mwah*
She always ends our calls with a kiss on screen
Fuck I’m hard again
“Can’t wait sweetheart, sweet dreams” ending the call, looking down at my bulge
Welp, gotta jerk off again
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Friday. THE day I might lose my virginity to the sexiest girl in school. My best friend.
I wake up earlier than usual, do my morning ritual, a joint. My nerves making me shower twice.
Should I shave?
Would she care?
A little trim wouldn’t hurt
May or may have not nicked my balls. Not too bad, maybe she won’t notice. Finding my nicest pair of jet black jeans I own, I only wear ‘em for special occasions and a wife beater? Nah that’s too much right? A flannel would help. Yeah. Definitely.
Hey I look kinda good, checking myself out in the mirror
Alright, wallet, keys, condoms, I glance over at the cuffs on the wall. Can’t forget those, stuffing them in my back pocket
My palms are sweaty, fuck even my ass is sweating.. 3 cigarettes already in, on my way to her house; of course I have a bad fucking hair day today, so I just opted for a low bun.
Before I could even knock, you open the door my jaw already on the floor
“Hi dummy!” You jump giving me a hug, pulling me inside.
What the hell is she wearing
A transparent green knitted, cropped sweater
is that her nipple I see? Those goddamn Nike shorts are doing her a favor—“Someone’s excited to see me?” Kicking off my shoes
“I’m always excited to see you.. also nice hair”
and neck goddamn, what is hell is he wearing you think, already feeling horny from the sight of my neck being so exposed
those jeans are doing his fine ass a favor
fuck I’m wet already
“Come on, already got it all set up for us”
“Lead the way princess” following behind you
I need to bite those fuckin legs.
We always sit like this on movie nights. Me against your headboard, back against my chest. I don’t remember how it started but I love it.
“Didn’t David Arquette also play in Spree?”
I squint back at the tv, “Uh yeah yeah he did, he was Kurt’s dad I think”
She replies with a mouthful “omyeah”
My hands have been holding both sides of her hips the whole time, occasionally rubbing them with my thumbs; every time I do it your breath picks up
Something else is about to be up—
“Did you even hear me? You’ve been zoning out a lot recently”, you say sitting crisscross
“Something on your mind Ed’s?”
“No no just— “ sigh
“Yeah, you. You’ve been on my mind.”
She smiles looking down, cocking her head to the side
“Oh yeah? Been thinking about me have you?” She grins
“You have no idea. ”
My breath hitches when you straddle me
Fuck me
“Wanna tell me these thoughts you’ve been having?” she asks twirling a piece of my bang
Remember what Steve said, sweet talk her
“Why don’t I just show you pretty girl”
Her smirk instantly falls, cheeks crimson “shit.. okay”
Running my hand up your thighs firmly, wrapping my arm around your lower back, my free hand pulling your face closer into my lips. “Like that baby?”
Who the fuck are you she thinks
“Fuck, yeah kiss me again”, I stare blankly until my eyes turn to pure lust, pushing her down to her back climbing on top to ease my tongue back into her mouth, my hips grinding into yours, hearing you whimper…
You’d think that’d make me harder but it’s when you grind back into me that did it
“You’re so beautiful you know that baby?.. fuck been missing these lips for weeks..”
“Shit, me too, been needing you so close to my body recently it’s been killin me,” she whines, rubbing her hands down my chest
—“that’s why I asked you to come over, could tell you were feeling me too”
You’re right about that, I mumble sucking your neck,
I’ve practiced giving myself hickies on my arms freshmen year.
Eddie, score
“That tank top Eddie.. t-take off the flannel let me see you? Please?” You ask giving me doe eyes. I sit up eagerly throwing it about, she sits up on her elbows, throwing off her sweater
The goddamn groan I let out
Jesus Christ
You lie back down bashfully covering yourself
A whore being shy huh?
“Whattt? She asks feeling self conscious,
“You’re..fuck.. just let me get a closer look please?” I plead, you nod shyly
Squeezing your breasts hard in my palm, licking my lips, nipping them, kissing them, hearing you gasp “holy shit -
I do it again, in combination with my tongue, She doesn’t stop me she moans, making me feel bolder, “ Lemme take these off?” My thumbs already ready to yank your shorts down
You don’t answer
“Hey, it’s just me you know you’re beautiful to me, right?”
“Yes..you can take em off” she whispers
Thinking it’d be hot to yank them down quick like those sex movies
I try it..
“Ow! Fuck what the hell?” She jerks
I didn’t know she had the goddamn drawstring tied. , “Ow..you pout rubbing your hip, “Shit I’m sorry! I’m sorry”
I’m already fucking up, “It’s okay.. it’s just tied” she says undoing them pulling them off herself, holding her hands in her lap
I lean down to kiss both hips as an apology, looking up at you slowly undoing your hands
Cute little hair she has
“Can I um..”
She looks down at me gaining back her confidence, “You wanna eat me don’t you?” My eyes widen, gripping her side, “Yesss.. really bad” but I don’t know how to —
“Can I see you too?” again with that lip bite
“Of course” okay.. here goes nothing whispering to myself , yanking my jeans and all down in one swift motion, staring at the spot on the ceiling
You scoff with the sour look, “Oh my god”
“You’re packing Eddie”
“Oh..thank fuck, really? I wouldn’t say that but..” I sit back in front of her
“Can I touch it?” You ask still staring at my cock
-..But I wanna taste you.. what if we..you lay on me but backwards..? Like 69?” I recommend
She nods eagerly, nervously but very excited, “Okay.. just don’t look at my asshole.. there’s a spot on it that looks like I didn’t wipe but it’s not what you think! It’s a freckle..”, I chuckle, rubbing your cheek nodding
Laying down flat, you swing your legs over my face
Oh god fuck, “Such a pretty pussy” i mumble
Suck a pretty cock you think
You’re both horny as fuck, both licking on each other immediately —“Jesus fuck!” I shout, hearing and feeling you choke on my dick
“Y/n, y-you done this before?”
-“But it was with a guy at my old school, said I was the best head he ever had” , you say rubbing my balls
Okay Eddie do what feels right
so that’s the clit? how cute
Bringing my lips around your nub, licking you, tasting you, “Oh god why do you taste so good, you smell so..sweet?”
“Was that a question?” You ask popping my dick outta your mouth
“No, no just the sweetest pussy I’ve never tasted”-
the only pussy I’ve ever tasted
I’ve never smelt anything like this, I think I’m addicted
Flicking my tongue a few time feeling you react in a high pitched moan, sucking and massaging it lightly, my eyes flutter spotting your ass hole winking at me
“Holy shit” she’s pretty everywhere
“You have such a pretty ass” blurting out
“Eddie! I told you not to look!” She whines trying to climb off, “Shut up I do what I want”saying firmly, pulling you back down by your thighs; sticking my pointer finger in your cunt,
so that’s the squeeze Steve was talking about
“Ohmyg— fuckk yes please” she vibrates around me, a guttural moan purging from my throat, curling my finger like they said —
“Oh! Fuck yes keep doing that Eddie baby please”—
“I am, I am baby you just suck my dick”—
Holy shit who am I—
“-Eddie I think I’m gonna cum yep, I’m gonna cum..”—
“Wait really?”
“Really?” Asking again “YES EDDIE SHUT UP AND KEEP GOING, FUCK”—
Thrusting faster, licking faster I feel your wetness roll down and down into my mouth instantly making me cum in yours
“Fuck baby like that, fuck did you..just swallow?—“ I ask but you proceed to keep sucking-“OKAY OKAY, stop, s-shit!”
Pleading trying to stop you from overstimulating me further, “Shit.. sweetheart, that dude was right, that was the best head I’ve ever got”
The only head I’ve ever got
She lays back down beside me with a large grin,” Was that your first time getting head? You came so fast for me”
Not replying I get up, finding the condom in my Jean pocket, “What’re ya doing?” You ask with a questioned expression, “Condom?” I hold up “Oh, oh yeah yeah right duh”—
Fuck I forgot with which way it goes on— got it
Turning back to you, cock still hard, nudging your core
You give me a small smile, watching me hesitantly about to slip my tip in
“Wait! Wait!”-
“What? Sorry, I didn’t ask”—
“Eddie I need to tell you something..”
“I can tell you definitely know what you’re doing but I just.. be gentle because I’ve never done this before..”
never done this before, never done this before
I stare like a deer in headlights, the weight off my shoulders lifted. I laugh sarcastically to myself , “That’s, well.. I should probably tell you I’ve never done it either.. like ima”—
“Virgin too?”
“Yeah, surprise?” feeling embarrassed, “How did I not know that? We tell each other everything” shrugging, “Not sure, but I’m glad you told me before I stuck ya”
“Ew don’t say stuck me weirdo”
“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing at all, I had to ask Steve for advice.. I figured you would know more I mean since you wanted my handcuffs”-, you bite your lip, head shaking
“I said that because, I figured you’d know how to use em”
“There actually just for decoration sweetheart, looked kinda metal”, we laugh in awe with each other , “But here we are..” I say biting the skin on my lip—
“Yeah here we are” you look back up at me, hopeful, “Do you wanna stop?”
“No..do you wanna stop?”
“Nah, been hoping you’d be my first actually”, you blush at my statement pulling me down for a deep kiss , “Let’s do it..”
“..but what if I cum too fast? that would be humiliating”—
- “I understand how it works.. don’t feel bad if you do, I promise I won’t laugh Ed’s” she squeezes my hand lovingly
My heart is erect
I nod, looking over all of you again, spreading your thighs a little wider, “I’ll go slow”
Furrowing my brows in consentration, slipping my tip in, surprisingly not easy mother fuck—
“Holy fuck you’re so-
“Tight? I know I have a hard time fingering my self as is”
“Why would you tell me that at this very second,” I try not to laugh, holding my shit together, “that’s so hot by the way,” bottoming you out, we gasp in sync
“Oh god”-
“Holy god”—
“What!?? You alright?” She asks , “I’m about to cum already”—
“I told you, it’s okay”
“I know but that’s so embarrassing”
You clench around me on purpose, suddenly your eyes widen, feeling a warmth from inside, while also hearing me grunt almost in pain above you
“Im so sorry fuck,” pulling out, shocked at how full my condom is, “Did you cum?”, she scrunches her nose, “No silly”
“But you squeezed me?”
“Yeah but, I didn’t have an orgasm”
Fucking Steve
-“But Steve said when a girl cums she clenchs around us” explaining further—
“First off, I’m gonna need you to not take advice from Steve and second, I mean according to my girlfriends we do.. it’s like a few squeezes but apparently we really squeeze for a long time when we do cum? Maybe even shake? I’m not sure but I think I’d know when I felt it”
Well shit
He looks like a sad puppy this won’t do you think
“But hey, we can try again right? Don’t be embarrassed if anything it’s kinda hot”
“I mean yeah, I made you cum in under like 1 second, biggest ego boot ever” you lighten the mood, nudging my shoulder smiling at me, pulling me for another kiss, “Don’t ever tell anyone that” holding my forehead to yours
You smirk, holding your pinky up “I promise”, Interlocking mine, noticing your body shifted closer, staring at your lips, “Let me try again Sweetheart” your eyes also on mine, nodding, crawling back to you, chasing your touch, taking each others breath—
Was that a car door??
“Is someone here?”
“Honey we’re home!”
FUCK, not now!!
(again recommend you listen to Wet dreamz by Jcole; it’s a bop)
reblogs appreciated // this was fun. let me know your thoughts? I do realize the smut was kinda rushed? Should there be a part 2? Suggestions? Comments? Feel like I should have kept going for them to restart again but I dunno🤷🏽‍♀️
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