#and i feel really alienated from my own needs and emotions in a way that makes it hard to like. communicate or even know them
garpond · 1 month
i want to take a hiatus from talking and socializing so bad but im scared if i go any further with pulling away ill never want to come back. i know its irrational but i feel so confused lately that i sometimes genuinely think it would be better if i didnt interact with others in the world. i should probably get over it though and figure out what action to take because i really just need like. a hard reset, i am hearing my emotions about it loud and clear and i should really be responsible and address it before it gets to the point of no return and i just explode and harm people in the process
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dan-crimes · 1 year
I love writers I love when they ramble on abt characters and their motivations, their core values and the reasons why they react to things in certain ways and having character interactions work off of each other due to their differing ways of viewing the world and in general I just love character analysis
#as someone who loves humans and human behaviours and figuring out why people react to things the ways that they do#uhhh I'm actually surprisingly really bad @ writing characters with those same traits 😅#unless it is smth I can connect to on some sort of level like a few of my characters have issues that I specifically relate to#thereforee I can understand the ways they act in certain circumstances#BUT when it comes to characters that are like almost entirely outside of my wavelength it's pretty hard for me to understand how they work#and it's pretty basic habits and behaviours I just fuckin lack them in general#like the concept of clinginess or abandoment issues or wanting to stay around people who treat you badly or jealousy or missing people#also love like I understand my type of love but my type of love isn't typical from what I've seen from others#even some of my own past issues like dealing with trauma have kinda been lost on me especially bcuz I'm the type to ignore stuff#like I just ignored it til it came back to bite me in the ass and had to just kinda struggle with it and go completely numb#until I got tired of feeling that way and pulled myself outta it step by step and my various negative ways of thinking elude me#since I just gradually built myself up and rearranged my brain so that all negative thinking eventually turns into dust#whether be positive or purely neutral until I'm able to handle it better#REGARDLESS I try to get a sense of what these other traits are like and how exactly they work for people but it is VERY difficult for me#bcuz the stuff is just such an alien emotion to me like people get REALLY emotional about things that simply aren't a problem for me#and I wish I could understand why and what goes on in the brain that causes that but my brain just doesn't work that way#SOOO me trying to make characters of typical issues I see people having DOESN'T really work when I have no idea what's going on#like IN GENERAL my characters need to have more emotion behind them but the emotions I need them to have are#like I said before. something I totally lack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I have no idea how to do it#I mean I think I need like a check list I need to make a list of traits my characters have in general cuz I never write anything down#it'd be easier to figure it out if I had words to go along with it and then I could figure out the behaviours behind those words#plus I need to draw my characters cuz I'm very much a visual person I can't get as good of a feel without some visuals along with it
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drchucktingle · 9 months
my masks
hey there buckaroos. due to all of the attention the TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION situation has gotten i am going to take a minute to talk about my personal way as an autistic buckaroo. im going to tell you about my masks.
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im doing this for a few reasons, some are good FUN reasons full of love and some are not so great. 
lets start with the GOOD STUFF. first of all, i am talking about this because speaking on my way can help other buckaroo feel more comfortable speaking on there own way, ESPECIALLY if they are good at ‘passing’ for neurotypical like chuck is. 
unfortunately the NOT SO GREAT reasons im talking about all this dang stuff are two fold. reason one: i have been put into a position of having to explain and justify my needs and boundaries by the TXLA. this is not something that i WANT to be taking up all of my time, but when large organizations do not make space for those who they have pledged to support, it puts us smaller buckaroos into position where were have to defend our existence. it is not plesent but it is necessary.
the second NOT SO GREAT reason is that ‘passing’ bisexual and autistic people like myself are ALWAYS just seconds from being gatekept from folks both outside and inside these communities. there will probably be a day on chucks deathbed where i take off my mask and say hello to this timeline (mostly so you can all see how handsome i am under here but I DIGRESS). i KNOW with absolute certainty (the same way other bi and autistic buckaroos are probably nodding along right now) that when that day comes i will STILL be accused of ‘not being real’ and ‘faking’ because i ‘dont look autistic’ and i have a beautiful ladybuck partner in sweet barbara.
ALL THAT IS TO SAY, i am taking a moment today to talk FOR THE RECORD about my neurodigence and my particular needs. hopefully i will not have to keep diving this deep every time an organization takes a discrimantory action against me, but i will also say this: at least it is a good fight on an important battlefield
anyway buds, here is the story of my way on the spectrum
when i was a young buckaroo i knew that my thought process was different. i could socialize easily, which is unique in contrast to many autistic buds (it is a spectrum after all), but my social ease was for an interesting reason. I ALWAYS KNEW WHAT OTHERS WERE ABOUT TO SAY. it was like a strange ‘human game’ where someone would say one thing and i would think ‘well you actually mean something else’ in a sort of logical way (this is why i later related to DATA from star trek so dang much). at first i remember thinking ‘well i am just NOT going to play along with this human game’. i quickly learned neurotypical buckaroos do not like this, that there is a BOB AND WEAVE to social interactions that must be learned. 
later i realized ‘actually if i WANT to make friends and prove love is real then i can do this like an expert because i can SEE the game where most cant’. this got chuck many buds and took me on many adventures. please understand, i am not saying these connections are not important to me, they are just different. they are full of love, but i express this in my own unique way.
HOWEVER, while growing up i felt disconnected from this timeline in other ways, like an alien or a reverse twin trotting along in a world that is not quite my own. i did not feel emotions the same way my buds did. they would get upset over the ‘human game’ interactions and i would not be moved at all, HOWEVER i could see the way sunlight hit a window and start crying my dang eyes out over the beauty. so my emotion was still there and VERY STRONG, i just felt it in more existential ways (like hearing the call of the lonesome train). these days that feeling has progressed to where i am pretty much in a constant blissed out state of cosmic emotional connection (make of that last sentence what you will, but it is the truth). when i make existential posts online i am not just FIRING OFF SOME CONTENT, i really mean every word. this is really my trot.
anyway as a young buckaroo these feelings made me worry sometimes. i thought about various mental health dianosises and marked the parts and pieces that matched with myself. am i this? am i that? sometimes, instead of just being’ different’ i worried i might actually be ‘wrong’. 
when i saw david byrne on letterman in my younger days i immediately recognized something connected to myself. i thought ‘wow this is the mystery being solved before my very eyes.’ i could hear it in the music of talking heads too. i started doing research and realized that i might be on autism spectrum, something that was later confirmed by a therapist (back then the diagnosis was called asperger's). it was a glorious and fulfilling moment. i was SO EXCITED TO BE AUTISTIC LIKE MY HERO. i felt very cool because of it, and i still feel very cool because of it.
one of the big reasons i talk so much about being autistic these days is because i want to make sure OTHER buckaroos can have that same moment that i did. they can see chuck and think ‘wow i really like this autistic artist, maybe being autistic is cool’
so what does an average day WITHOUT wearing the pink bag look like for me?
my thought process is exactly like ROSE from CAMP DAMASCUS, which is part of why i wrote the book. we have the same stim (complex order of finger taps), we prepare for social interactions the same way, we analyze things in the same logical trot that neurotypical people might think feels ‘detached’ but for me feels natural (certain reviews of camp damascus are very funny to me in this way. you can tell when a reader is just very confused by existing in an autistic brain for 250 pages.)
from the outside you would not be able to tell that i am on the spectrum. in fact you would probably find me very socially adept. 
the problem is, all of that masking can take its toll. i spent years trotting in and out the emergency room, talking to confused doctors who could not figure out the chronic phantom tension and pain that radiated through my body. i eventually accepted the fact that i would either live a life constantly on heavy painkillers or just stop living altogether.
eventually, however, i started noticing a correlation between the way that i felt, and the space that i allowed for chuck and the pink mask. i was exercising that tension, allowing my mental mask of neurotypical existence to take a rest. i started practicing physical therapy and this time THE RESULTS STUCK because i was approaching from two sides, MIND AND BODY. after a while, i got my pain down to about 5 percent of what it once was. i still have flare ups in times of stress, but the healing has been very real and life changing.
lets get VERY specific now. if i attended the TXLA confrence without a mask and gave my talk i can tell you this: i would do a dang good job. i can work the heck out of a crowd and (not to reveal too much about my secret way) I HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO DO THIS ON OCCASION VERY WELL. however, going home from this event i would very likely be in pain. i would likely need to do physical therapy. i would likely need to stim for a while. i would NOT be emotionally fullfilled in the same way. in other words, without my pink mask i can charm the heck out of buckaroos, but THE SPACE OF CHUCK TINGLE IS NOT THE SPACE FOR THAT. the pink bag is a place for me to not have to put up with that tension. it is a place for me to unmask mentally by masking physically.
this pink bag space SAVED MY LIFE and i am not going to risk blurring these lines. if and when that ever happens it will be MY decision, not someone elses. that is my boundary. the part of me that neurotypically masks could handle a library conference in a purely technical sense, but the part of me that chuck represents absolutely cannot and should not be asked to do that without the pink bag. unfortunately, the complexity of this point makes it even MORE difficult for me to think about and takes up even more of my time, because it forces me to START QUESTIONING MYSELF and my own needs. to be honest, that is the most insidious part of other people questioning your identify and refusing to accept your accommodation needs without ‘proof’.
the thing is, while all of this discussion of disability and accessibility is important, i have a much larger point to make by writing these words.
a conference should not uninvite someone with an unusual physical presentation or a strange way of speaking REGARDLESS of it being classified as a disability. it does not matter WHY i look the way that i look and wear what i wear. i should not have to spend all day writing this post instead of writing my next book, just because my sensibilities are unique and my presentation is unusual. 
fortunately the solution is very simple: let other people be themselves. its not hurting you to simply accept and nod at the buckaroos you think look strange. let us exist
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k2ntoss · 4 months
Jason makes love and just fuck rough just sometimes... but he loves making love, not just a thing to pleasure, but for the feeling, for loving his girl... it's a intimacy thing...
I don't he him as a abuser... a guy that don't ask for permission even if it's just a look in her eyes
Sorry for felling up ur inbox with my sad and horrified ass
Love u!
request for this pretty girl and for me happy 3 months after my concert i'm emotional and too attached to that event i'm not even sorry!!!
t/w ⭒ SMUT!!! a little bit of angst and so but mostly some kind of fluffy smut and also... john constantine's sidekick!reader, i'm not even sorry but i have to do this
word count ⭒ don't know i've slept like 4 hours in two days so here you have this made with love and pouring my raw feelings on it
song ⭒ more than you know - blink-182
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things had always been a little harder for jason, after all that's what he always expects from life so the punches sometimes hurt less but there's always something or someone that holds the power to make everything hurt worse than hell. how can he explain it? if he has always struggled with his feelings, after being left down over and over again he built walls to protect himself and pushed away whoever tried to come closer.
he didn't knew if he had to curse or thank for the day he met you. little cocky bastard that somehow connected with him from the very start, that understood him on a level that scared jason to death but he would never say it out loud, that would let you grip his throat and leave him helpless because his heart was open wide for you.
it was sad you didn't knew it and he didn't knew either if you felt the same things for him. he knew you would be there for him and so would he do for you, jason knew he had everything he lacked in your presence. you made him feel things he had never voiced because he didn't knew why and the day you started to find the way to voice the things you had bottled up he felt a little left behind.
"i- look, it's hard but i have to grow a pair and say it, jay... i want us to be different, to work a little more on whatever we are because i feel like i need more and more from you and honestly it scares me more than anything" the sudden confession feels alien for you, jason feels like he has been kicked in the face because this is not what he had expected. you always hid yourself underneath halfhearted confessions, never your real deep feelings.
"what do you mean?" the question slips past his lips before he can really think about it and the small flash of disappointment that crosses your face makes his chest ache. how can he put his words out for you? it's almost impossible to see himself saying it outloud, it was a sickening need to protect himself even if he knew you could never hurt him.
"i mean... i don't really feel like i know what you feel for me, i feel like i've been left with nothing at it freaks me out to feel you can leave me to die if i ever lose you" the words from your mouth now sound strained and realization downs on him. it's heavy, the knowledge that you felt the same fear he felt, the way you had let him hold youe life on his hands until the point that losing him would shatter you to pieces.
the lump on his throat subsided, the way you had finally voiced your fear made jason find his own grasp on what he felt. he felt like he had been cursed, his life was a constant fall as if he was sinking like a rock but there was also something else when you were around and even if neither of you had ever said it the feeling was there, deep and rooted in your hearts and it was too hard to say it out loud, love wasn't something you had ever experienced in conventional ways during life.
"why do you poison yourself with the thought i won't love you to death?" the question slip with an ease he had never felt before and the surprise in your face made it all worthy. it wasn't just giving you the power to burn him to ashes, it was giving himself the permission to lean on you, to indulge him to have a ray of light even if he sunk down further "i know i've never said it before, i've never told you how i really feel but trust me it's more than you'd ever know"
he had reached to you, his hand gently brushing a strand of hair out of your face as he leaned closer to press a soft kiss to the corner of your lips. the contact was so simple and light but yet so intimate it made you close your eyes, his hand hovering over your jaw before settling on the side of your neck as you closed your eyes.
"i feel like i shouldn't be trying at all, jay... but i just know i need you with me" your whisper made him sigh and it was all he needed to hear. his lips pressed against yours in a slow and deep kiss, jason cupping your face tenderly as you held onto his shoulders while leaning in across the distance between you in the small couch on jason's safe house.
the tender touch of his calloused hands against your face was a stark contrast, to wounded souls merging into one as he caressed your sides slowly pulling you closer to him. drinking you in like a man starving because he was giving in to you. the weight of your body making him aware of the fact that he had pulled you into his lap and breaking the kiss he looked up at you with adoration.
"can i...?" he asked, trailing off as he saw the same resolve in your eyes. you were just giving in to him, letting yourself be totally vulnerable for him to either take care of you or destroy you completely. that same resolve and trust made jason decide he would always protect you, even from himself even if it meant changing his whole being because he knew it was the least he could do for the person that was willing to do the same for him.
a silent nod from you was enough. his hands wandering across your body to free your figure from the fabric of your clothes, his eyes taking in every detail as his hands caressed every dip and curve of your body, your hands doing the very same on him as your lips lavished his neck, jaw and shoulders with tender and lingering kisses.
jason held your waist, slowly picking you up as he kissed your neck while walking to his room in long strides filled with purpose until he was able to lay you down, placing you gently on his bed and looking down at you with adoration and need. he knelt on the bed, his large frame hovering over yours as he leaned in to kiss a trail from your neck down to the middle of your chest, feeling your hands on the back of his head.
words weren't needed, the way jason looked at you as he settled between your legs was everything you needed to know what he felt and thought, the absolute trust he was putting on you mirroing yours. it was the first time he felt sure he wouldn't be betrayed or disappointed by someone he felt he needed as much as he needed air.
"jay..." the murmured call of his name that left your lips made jason shudder and he looked up as his hands caressed your waist and stomach softly, soothing and worshipping you.
"y/n..." he whispered back, moving until his face was next to yours and he pressed a soft kiss to your temple "are you sure?" the question was soft and even if he felt like he couldn't resist it another second without feeling you around him he held back. wanting to make this as special as he could.
"i'm sure" you whispered against his jaw, lips ghosting over his skin and with that confirmation he kissed your lips firmly as he sunk into you, a slow and steady stroke to settle between your warm walls. the overwhelming feeling stronger because of all the feelings poured in your words.
a low growl escaped his throat, his face hidden against your neck as you held onto his shoulders, face nuzzled into his hair as a low and soft moan escaped your lips at the first jerk of his hips. the pace was gentle and passionate, his lips peppering your shoulders in kisses and soft nibbles as your nails drew patterns on his back.
the breathless moans and grunst filling the room slowly turned into needy whimpers and low groans as jason picked up the pace, his hands gripping your waist and even if everything got more heated there was still that look of adoration on jason as he looked down at you.
and just like before. words weren't needed, all the feelings that had been poured at the start were loud and clear in the way jason let go off your wais to hold your hands, your legs wrapped around his hips as your fingers intertwined, gasps and soft kisses between each stroke that made his hips snap against yours until your body tensed.
he looked down at you again, leaning in to press a kiss to each of your closed eyes and then on your forehead and one deep thrust made you crumble apart underneath him. your body clenching around his as you moaned loudly made jason groan "jason!" and the sound of your voice was enough, his grip on your hands tightening.
a low growl of your name was all you heard in the moment he reached his own peak, his release spilled inside you in a jerk of his hips against you and the intensity of it all made you whimper silently against his chest.
"i love you, jay..." you whispered as he released your hands, his arms moving to wrap around your waist as you hugged his neck tightly and he chuckled tenderly.
"i love you too..." he muttered. days ago he would have said he didn't had highs but he had some lows but having you was definetly a high. he belonged there, right into your arms.
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lxmelle · 2 months
Geto Complex / Suguru Complex
Reposting from my Twt 😅 I need to stop blabbing in different places.
Out of the numerous things Gojo could have developed a complex about (like almost dying, feeling alienated/sheltered, etc.), it was that he “couldn’t stop” Geto from defecting.
This is interesting. He did not blame Geto or anyone / anything else. We know he was a “resigned person” who could accept things rationally / objectively, but Geto’s defection really hit him harder than anything ever did in his entire life.
While he could accept his departure & even the necessity of his death, Gojo carried this relationship in the pocket of his heart like the one & only treasured photograph within a precious locket. Geto’s pain was his own. He guarded it very, very well. In fact I’d even call him a bit of a guard dog where he just didn’t let anyone into that space. At all.
This is also why I respect him as a teacher. Some lines you just don’t cross professionally. His students were his students. The relationship chart thankfully depicts that too. It doesn’t cheapen the quality of their student-mentor relationship: it strengthens it. Gojo would never lay his hands on the youth that he was determined to protect, after all.
He took onboard a lot from Geto. These boundaries and respect were birthed from the things he experienced with Geto. But! Some things were just natural to Gojo.
As much as he said he hated righteousness and the expectations that came along with the burden of “the strong” - Gojo actually practice it. From a young age, going on missions and doing what was loosely expected of him, within the parameters of the jujutsu tradition. He just… didn’t imbue it with too much emotion - because, again, Geto was the subjective (compassionate and emotional / philosophical) type and Gojo was the objective (rational and pragmatic / straightforward) type.
It seems aligned with his character shown in HI where Gojo took on the “blame” when things went wrong too, shielding Geto when he apologised & made plans to proceed with their mission (this is how they balanced each other out when their relationship was healthy) - staying focused and generally being reliable, dependable, and offering an aura of security to Geto.
The subtle undercurrent that likely facilitated the Geto complex was that, young Gojo had this attitude where he also readily accepted that “things are just mine if I want”. He was powerful. Never experienced insecurity or poverty. He was a genius. He never had close relationships, so he never knew loss. He never particularly wanted anything and people came and went easily. Nobody really mattered.
But nobody could hold a candle to Geto Suguru. Gojo didn’t realise that there were some things that he needed to look after.
So with this attitude he didn’t imagine he needed to treasure Geto after enlightening, so I think he realised that too late. He didn’t realise he was thinking arrogantly. He just had no idea he took anything for granted. He was born to just be strong. Everyone treated him that way.
Except: Geto Suguru.
That’s why he had a Geto complex... he blamed himself (like always) but it was a painful lesson he experienced for the first time -
To want something he cannot have.
To want to save someone who didn’t want to be saved.
To want to be with someone who didn’t want him to come along.
To love someone who did not want to be loved.
To learn something only for it to be too late.
To be strong, yet, not strong enough.
So what else could Gojo Satoru do with his love, but to love and respect Geto from afar, living in a way that would make Geto proud…
Isn’t that profound?
To let someone change you so much because that is all that is left of them- so he treasured him like that...
And perhaps, also important, is that Gojo recognised that what he had received (and was receiving even when being left behind) was love.
So, really… the pure love between them was also undeniably shared.
If Gojo had a Geto complex, I’m certain Geto had a Gojo complex of some kind where he never forgave himself, wore the kesa with his best friend’s name on it & brainwashed himself with “love to the strong” & “weak & foolish deserve to be punished by death” (these were the wall scrolls in jjk 0).
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dathen · 11 months
Then my friend's wiry arms were round me, and he was leading me to a chair. “You're not hurt, Watson? For God's sake, say that you are not hurt!” It was worth a wound—it was worth many wounds—to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask. The clear, hard eyes were dimmed for a moment, and the firm lips were shaking. For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain. All my years of humble but single-minded service culminated in that moment of revelation.
I have yet to see an aromantic analysis of this but now my brain and heart is overflowing with Many Thoughts brace yourselves
Look at the wording of this. This is not a character development moment for Holmes, but for Watson--a realization it took him far too long to come to, a glimpse that made him realize how deeply Holmes has cared for him all along. All his years alongside him culminating in a moment of revelation.
But to guage the significance of the revelation, we have to go back to the start--particularly, the start of this "Holmes is an unfeeling machine" viewpoint Watson has expressed so often.
In The Sign of Four, when Holmes admits to not noticing if Mary was attractive, Watson replies, "You really are an automaton-a calculating machine! There is something positively inhuman in you at times." Aromantic Holmes fans have talked about how deeply relatable this moment is--which of us haven't been compared to a machine for lack of the feelings we're supposed to have, or felt inhuman because of our alienation? It's painful to see Watson say this so bluntly, but their relationship doesn't stop there.
Over time, Watson understands that Holmes cares for and feels affection for him, but he seems to see himself as rather inconsequential to Holmes' life, no matter how many times Holmes insists he cherishes his company, no matter how many ways Holmes demonstrates how much he loves him. They're speaking different languages about what love means. This is also intensely relatable to aromantic people, especially neurodivergent ones like Holmes clearly is. (side note: It's been wonderful reading these stories alongside other nd fans who easily spot those demonstrations of love)
And then there's this moment is when Watson finally UNDERSTANDS. It takes Holmes trembling with fear over him being hurt, snarling with protective ferocity for it to hit how important he is to Holmes. We've been staring at what feels obvious the entire time, because he's like us, and then Watson says "For the one and only time I caught a glimpse" of it. Holmes isn't the one framed as needing to change--whether what his love is, or how he shows it. It's that Watson needs to understand and realize it's always been this way.
Swapping to Holmes' side: this line often comes up in conjunction with Holmes saying he's never loved in The Devil's Foot, as a way to disprove it or show that Holmes was lying for some reason. But I feel that Holmes' side of things is that he is not a murderous person. As this story shows, he had a gun to a man's head, his most beloved friend gets SHOT, and instead of pulling the trigger he just hits him with the gun instead. In Devil's Foot, Holmes is musing over this urge to kill out of revenge and concludes that his hesitation to kill is because of something he lacks: he's never been In Love, never been swept up in all the irrational impulsive floods of emotion he's observed stem from that. He's also never seen Watson shot and fear this deeply for his life.
For Holmes, the realization of this moment isn't being surprised at how much he loves Watson, but the realization that his own kind of love is capable of this murderous ferocity. It's not something inherently tied to the way Normal People (tm) fall in love--this is his Watson and his dearest friend and companion and confidant and life partner and he WILL tear someone limb from limb if they managed to kill him.
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kathaynesart · 10 months
I remember when you first started Replica and I haven't been here in a hot minute!
May you please do a debrief of what it is, the characters and their relationships.
I want to be able to give my friend (who I finally dragged down into this TMNT rabbit hole) a good explanation of your wonderful comic!
(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
Aw thank you so much! Hm… I suppose a summary would be good to have on hand. For the uninitiated with no context, here is the basic elevator pitch:
The year is 2044 and the last remaining Resistance of Earth has just fallen to the alien invaders known as the Krang. In a last ditch effort to save the planet, Casey, a freedom fighter is sent back in time to undo the events that first led to the invasion. While he is ultimately successful in his mission, the state of his original fallen timeline remains unknown. The last of the freedom fighters, his family, perished to ensure his safe escape, leaving their world to the mercy of the Krang.
Which brings us to the ultimate question: when you already know the heroes are doomed to fail, what can be gained from being told their story?
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For the rest below, I’m going to write with the assumption that the reader has some basic knowledge of the series and the film because I feel that this story is best enjoyed with proper context.
Replica is a story meant to answer many of the questions the first 4 minutes of the movie left us wondering. It’s to explain the basic history of the bad future timeline and how it came to be. The plot focuses particularly on the later half of the apocalypse, all with the intention of leading up to the opening scene where the Krang wins and Casey Junior is sent back in time to fix the mistakes that Leo and his family could not.
It’s to answer questions like:
How did Leo get injured?
Why is Mikey so old looking?
What were these characters like in the future?
What happened to Raph, Donnie, and April?
Where is big bad Krang Prime in all this?
How did the Resistance finally lose to the Krang?
Did they plan to send Casey back in time in advance?
What happened to this world/time-branch after Casey Jr was sent into the past?
For the most part, the cast is comprised entirely of characters from the series. My goal is to keep this as canon as possible, so no new OC's... save for one (kind of).
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Omega Bootyyyshaker 9000 is where this story starts and ultimately where it ends. He is a brain scan AI of Donatello, created to act as both a support system for the Resistance after the turtle’s untimely death and also a key component in a plan that will hopefully put a stop to the Krang should the Resistance fail. Omega is great because he adds some much needed levity to the story, acting a bit more like the aloof but silly teenage Donnie (a side affect of not having to experience the usual physical weariness that comes with being an organic, aging organism in an apocalypse). However, he also adds more weight by being the thing that is supposed to outlast all of them and act as the last line of defense for the remainder of the universe. He claims to merely be a "replica" of Donnie's mind, but whether he's just a digitized scan, his own AI person, or somehow connected to Donnie in a deeper way has yet to be seen.
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Leonardo Hamato: the man, the myth, the legend. Casey Junior spins tales of how great his sensei was in the movie, but in this story we really get to see Leo go from his lowest point as a pawn for the government, crushed by the shame of his past actions, to his greatest height as the leader of the Resistance. He is going to fail a lot in this story... but ultimately his greatest success is overcoming his own inner demons and coming to terms with being the father figure he had never asked to be. He cares deeply for his family and Casey... but he thinks he'd be a horrible dad.
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Michelangelo Hamato: the only other surviving turtle to see the end of the world. He is the emotional bedrock of the family and a stand in therapist when he's not being a silly little guy. His mystical powers are unparalleled, but in his attempts to regain his lost Ninpo he taps into something far deeper, leading them down a path that intertwines the destiny of their doomed future and a past that has yet to occur.
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Casey Jones Jr: a sweet boy taken in by the Hamato family. He strives to become a great warrior like his mother (Cassandra) and his Sensei (Leo). We are going to watch him grow from child to teenager as he slowly takes on the roll of being a fighter in the resistance. Through it all he must walk an unsteady line that allows him to find the strength to weather the storm but retain a certain spark of hope that helps keep his family going.
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April O'neil: Commander of the Resistance and another honorary Hamato family member. She is the voice of reason and most emotionally stable of the family. Even after dealing with so much loss, she keeps a stiff upper lip as well as cold and calculating mind that always puts the colony's wellbeing first and foremost.
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Donatello Hamato (deceased): The story begins shortly after Donnie’s passing during an infiltration mission against the Krang. He was dead set on planting a probe behind enemy lines that would allow them to spy on the Krang’s movements. However it seems that he had a secret agenda in planting something that would work as a final doomsday weapon against the Krang. What that is exactly, we do not yet know. The man self-destructed in a last ditch effort to avoid being interrogated by the Krang as well as a final attack to injure Krang Prime.
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Raphael Hamato (deceased): The eldest brother who sadly passed away many years ago in the fight against the Krang. A boisterous but considerate man whose death sapped a great deal of the fighting spirit out of his brothers. His absence is greatly felt, but he might not be as far gone as he seems.
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Krang Prime (One): Our big bad of the story. He is the leader of the Krang that has latched onto this planet like a cancer, using up its resources and assimilating its population. However, unlike the hundreds of planets that have come before this one is particularly personal. He doesn't want to merely assimilate but utterly destroy the descendants that caused his imprisonment thousands of years ago. His current state is unknown after being last seen with Donatello at the time of the man's self-destruction.
All Resistance fighters have tiny self destruct bombs in their brains so that the Krang can not probe their minds to find out the Liberty Colony's location. They go off automatically after Krang infestation reaches a certain percentage, but can also be set off via voice command.
Donnie's brain bomb was far more potent because of the amount of information he knew. He did not want to risk the Krang getting any part of his mind.
The Krang have been searching for the resistance in a frustrating game of cat and mouse which has only become more difficult now that the Resistance easily knows their every move by using Donnie's probe.
Central Park Colony: now destroyed, but was once the last massive human colony in North America, housing both the EPF (Earth Protection Force) and US Government. Racism was a huge problem as most yokai and mutants were either quarantined, tested on, or used as living weapons in the fight against the Krang. It has since been destroyed.
Liberty Colony (aka the Resistance): grew from the ashes of the Central Park Colony. It is comprised of the survivors and lead by Leonardo, April, and several others. It is much smaller and more militaristic, but treats yokai, humans, and mutants equally.
Artificial Intelligence (like Omega and Shelldon) are able to fend off the Krang assimilation that people and tech would normally succumb to. It is for this reason Omega is used as both a protector of the Liberty Colony and operator for a majority of the vehicles so that the tech can no longer be easily taken over by the Krang during attacks.
Leonardo and Michelangelo (as well as Donatello's) Ninpo have all been stripped from them by this point in the story. While Leo can not tap into his family connection at all, Mikey at least has regained the ability to use some of his mystic powers.
Mikey's mystic abilities however come at a price. Since he can not tap into his Ninpo and the fountain of energy from his ancestors, he is instead using his own life force to cast his spells. It is slowly draining him.
TIMELINE Can be viewed HERE
SOURCE MATERIAL The video that inspired this all can be viewed HERE
Hope this helps! Sorry it's a bit long, tried to break it up with images. At least there might be a few interesting bits of information other readers may not have noticed. I snuck in a few things that haven't been mentioned yet, hehe.
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drdemonprince · 7 months
something im kind of connecting the dots to re: your posts about shaming people who don’t wear masks…in ‘20 and ‘21 I spent a lot of time posting shaming instagram stories telling people they needed to mask, and i yelled at family until i was blue in the face bc they weren’t masking, having big weddings, etc. and it really created a rift (obviously) in my relationships. I’ve also spent a lot of time and energy in the past 4 or so years telling people that it’s not possible to be an ally to trans people if they still engage in any media created by jk rowling. Especially given that her anti trans manifesto has been cited in anti trans legislation in the uk, she says that she assumes that anyone who continues to engage with Harry Potter media approves of her transphobia, etc the list goes on. And yet i still see my friends going to the wizarding world of Harry Potter, marathoning the movies with their friends, going to see the new movies in theaters, and so on. Obviously my aggressive shaming posts and conversations (which have alienated a lot of people) aren’t doing jack shit. Your mask shame posts made me realize that it probably wasn’t right of me to do that. But I don’t see how I can stand up for what I believe in and show people that it’s not okay to keep doing this shit AND play nice and not create trouble. Do you have any thoughts?
Thanks for this great question and for sharing your experiences.
I think when we shame, part of it is a grappling with our own powerlessness. It feels terrible to confront that no matter how much we care, and no matter how much we plead, we cannot make another person take action. When people we love or rely on won't hear our pleas and won't take action, it wounds us so deeply, and it makes sense we react in anger or seek to shame them hoping it will make them care. But it isn't effective.
I think one of the first steps is accepting our powerlessness as individuals. We have to stop expecting ourselves to somehow persuade people to change their behavior and views, when all the research indicates that such change is rare, slow, and very hard, and cannot be accomplished on a person who does not already want to be influenced. We have to sit in the humility of not being able to make others care, and take time to grieve how badly it hurts. Our understandable and huge hurt feelings need to be processed. many of us have a powerful need to express our rage and have it witnessed by others who understand.
From there, we have to think very strategically about what kind of collective work we can do that will shift social norms, facilitate the behavior we want to see, and fight for systemic changes that will actually address the root issues.
This may be things like passing out masks at protests. Joining a local mutual aid fund to contribute to the expenses of people who are quarantining. Protesting an event space to make them institute a masking policy. Unionizing with our coworkers to demand paid sick leave. Shoplifting tests and redistributing them to people in need. Terrorizing the business leaders who dragged us all back into the office. Sharing the wastewater data. Asking loved ones about their COVID mitigation decisions in a sincere way. Organizing outdoor events for our communities. Paying for a buddy's vaccine.
There are countless ways for us to be plugged into an active community that is larger than us. The work is humble, and ongoing, and what you do personally will never be enough on its own, and you must accept that in order to believe that it does not have to be. We are in this together.
In short, I think the tough emotional realities of feeling disrespected and not cared for much be addressed by finding community with people who do care and will give us room to voice our outrage. And then we have to work together to create the circumstances that allow real systemic change to germinate.
Right now, people conflate that emotional need to express rage with the political need to take action. And what feels cathartic to do or say is not necessarily what's persuasive. There has to be room for both.
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sinelanguage · 2 months
32. bodyswap
The Grand Line is a mysterious place; Usopp really shouldn’t be surprised when he wakes up feeling out of sorts. He’s woken up in weirder ways than having an empty, ravenous appetite; this is nothing. He must’ve eaten something weird the night before, leaving his stomach an empty, bottomless pit. Perfectly fine.
Usopp tries to pick himself up out of his hammock, and his foot doesn’t hit the ground. That’s weird; his hammock is closest to the ground. He stretches a bit more, then a bit more, and still, nothing. 
Then, Usopp stretches out way too far, way farther than should be physically possible, until his foot hits the floor. His leg feels like absolute jello. His heart rackets in his chest. 
That’s not fine. 
His chin warbling, he looks over the edge of his hammock until he sees one long leg stretching all the way from the top bunk down to the floor. 
“Luffy,” he says. Luffy’s voice comes out of his mouth. Oh, no. “Luffy, what did you do?!”
“Eh, what do you mean, what did I do?” That’s not Luffy’s voice; that’s not even his own voice. “I’m– wait, woah! Why am I so tiny?! Why do I sound so weird?!”
“Hey, Chopper, quit freaking out,” comes Usopp’s own voice. “Wait– what? Why do I sound like Usopp?”
There’s a loud thunk; Usopp watches in horror as his own body hits the floor. Usopp’s body picks himself up off the ground, shoves his hands in his pockets, and peers around the room with a critical derision that looks alien on his face. 
“What the hell?” he asks. “Usopp, you shithead, what did you do?!”
“I didn’t do anything!” Usopp yells, his voice still sounding like Luffy. “Who are you?! Is that you, Sanji?!”
“How curious. The Grand Line is a mysterious place, isn’t it?” says Zoro, sounding way too damn calm for Zoro. Who the hell is he swapped with? “It seems like we’ve all swapped bodies.”
The noise the crew makes is as loud as it is confusing. 
By the time they all get out of bed and onto the deck, Zoro– well, Robin, who swapped with Zoro– explains that they must’ve passed by some mysterious mist that swapped them all around, just like an old story she read. She assured them that they would all be fine, they just needed to wait it out until the effect faded. 
If only it were that simple. 
Instead, the entire crew is caught in the mess of being swapped with each other. Chopper-as-Sanji tries to chase down and lecture Sanji-as-Usopp down for his clear and obvious nicotine withdrawal symptoms, Nami-as-Robin sprouts way too many limbs all at once and almost turns the Merry over, and Luffy-as-Chopper tries to steal Chopper’s rumble balls while he’s otherwise occupied. 
Usopp tries, he really tries to grab Luffy before he grabs the rumble balls, but his arms refuse to listen. They stretch out like limp snakes, his fingers wiggling on the deck helplessly. 
“This is the worst,” Usopp complains. He tries to bring Luffy’s arm back to him but he manages to get it stuck, looped around the mast. “How long did Robin say this would last?!”
“I don’t know what you’re all complaining about, this is great!” Robin– well, Nami– says. She’s using several of Robin’s arms to unfurl the sails and steer the ship, gleeful as she sits perched on the top deck. “I don’t need any of you to steer the ship now!”
“Oh great, then you can just boss Robin around instead of us next time,” says Zoro-as-Nami. 
“What, so you can just laze around all day?! Oh, right, that's what you already do!” Nami-as-Robin counters, trying to hit Zoro in the face. She miscalculates, uses the wrong arm, and hits herself in the back of her head. “Ow ow ow! Oh, this is all your fault, Zoro! I can’t believe you’re stuck in my body!”
“Hey! I don’t like it any more than you do!”
There's a low whine on deck, like the sound of a tea kettle.
“Shut up! You should be glad you swapped with Nami-san, you– you shitty- you-” Zoro-as-Nami turns to face Sanji-as-Usopp, and Sanji's face contorts through a series of rapid emotions before settling on abject horror. “I can’t even yell at you like this!”
“This is a disaster,” Usopp mutters, watching Sanji’s ongoing breakdown. “At least everything is somewhat under control now.”
Robin-as-Zoro is the only sane one, Usopp decides. Everyone else is a weck.
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. If we run into any trouble, none of us will be able to fight, will we?” says Zoro– no, says Robin. She smiles, and it looks absolutely horrifying on Zoro’s face. “What an interesting way to go.”
Usopp turns to face her. Robin-as-Zoro smiles at him sweetly again, as sweet as a deadly poison.
No, he’s changed his mind. This is a disaster for absolutely everyone involved; they’re going to be lucky to make it the next hour, much less the next day. They’re all going to die. 
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bonefall · 10 months
Is Crowfeather's parenting and abuse of Breeze going to be any different and/or handled differently by other cats in BB? Thinking about his honor title being for Feathertail and... ugh this poor woman having to watch a cat who named himself for his love for her be so horrible to his own kin after she's torn from hers so soon. She should get to come down and knock some sense into him, if that's even possible
I haven't been able to get into BB!Feathertail yet, but she's fascinating honestly. I like the vibe that Feather x Crow is like this cosmically doomed ship, destined to torpedo itself time and time again for various reasons, and that's the foundation of them in BB.
They were NEVER going to work. Crowfoot has a ton of issues he's working through. Feathertail values herself too much to allow him to mistreat her in the meanwhile. If Feathertail never died, the breakup would have been good for him. He REALLY needed it, actually. Calm, funny, easygoing Feathertail just laying their problems on the table, why she doesn't want a relationship, but still spinning it in that way-of-hers that softens a hard blow.
It wouldn't have fixed him overnight, of course. It just would have been a spark. Paws on a better, happier path. Not a lover in another Clan, but a friend, if he took her words to heart.
But she's dead. She died horribly. And her memory is this perfect fantasy for the magical, flawless love they could have had, an impossible standard Crowfeather viciously holds all of his future lovers to. So as a spirit guide, with all her eloquence, she'd say to him, "That's not very cash money of you."
But anyway, on Breeze's abuse.
For one, I absolutely would want to make sure to stress Breeze's good qualities sooner and harder, and explicitly make them friends at certain points.
The Tribe Journey in particular, where there's a lot of opportunities to get him away from Crowfeather. By the end of it, I would want to include a poignant moment where they have one final nice moment together, before Crowfeather barks for him, and it's gone.
(and, also, add a couple of cats who help The Three discuss their complicated emotions towards seeing their bully being abused.)
I would also actually remove the way that the cats of WindClan "look to" Crowfeather on how Breezepelt should be treated, particularly from Crowfeather's Trial. I feel it misses the point and ends up saying that Breezepelt could NEVER get the social approval he craves unless his abusive dad CHOSE to stop mistreating him.
Like!! FUCK no!!! You do NOT need the approval of a guy who NEVER would have given it without 3 different women and Onestar screaming it into his ear!
Instead, I'd stress how the Clan was beginning to turn on him as soon as his problems escalated into active reckless endangerment. His abuse was causing his social alienation by making his behavior worse and worse.
That seems like a minor change, but it's one of my bigger complaints. ALL of WindClan shouldn't be looking to an abusive parent to model how they'll react to his son. PLEASE let the cats have their own unique social opinions.
One of Breezepelt's adult defenders is Brushblaze. I will be picking more-- but there's always going to be some cats in his corner besides Nightcloud and Heathertail (and Harestar of course who is poly with Heather and Breeze in BB.)
(though Pro-Breeze cats are in the minority unfortunately.)
MOST of the Dark Forest trainees from WindClan were personal friends of Breezepelt. Harespring, Sunstrike, Furzepelt, and Antpelt all came into the training because of him.
All that said, not much else is different about the setup of Breezepelt's childhood abuse! It's a part of canon I think is good and I would like to stay relatively faithful to it.
His arc also continues into BB!AVoS. Continued distrust of him after fighting for the Dark Forest, misplacing his anger onto Harespring when he manages to take deputyship, and Dishonor Titles from Onestar end up causing him and his friends to feel so rejected that they join The Kin.
Its message, that they are "The Kin that the Clans abandoned" appeals to over a dozen cats from other Clans who are shunned for various reasons. HalfClan cats, codebreakers, and Dark Forest trainees alike all come together, because BB!The Kin is mostly comprised of Clan cats, particularly ones from SkyClan, NOT rogues.
There's about 6 or so non-Clanborn cats in The Kin; Rain, Raven, Flame, Dragonfly, Roach, Nettle. If I end up keeping Silt, Thistle, or any of the 7-10 unnamed cats, they'll get shuffled to be Clanborn.
(Max, Loki, and Zelda are cut. Many of Zelda's roles are being absorbed by Dragonfly, who is remaining with Violetshine after The Kin disbands)
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wispscribbles · 6 months
hi i just discovered your beautiful art so i obviously needed to scroll down your whole blog to catch up on everything you posted haha
i just wanted to say that i got way too emotional after reading that post of yours regarding mw3 and your mental health… on one hand i’m so sorry that you felt that way, but on the other i feel it with my whole heart
ghoap content especially for me helped me these past few months with my mental health in ways i would never have expected, it was my solace and inspiration, i started working out too and got back into drawing, got a lot better at it as well!
but unfortunately i get way too fixated on fictional stuff and there comes a time that my brain switches up and connects the things i liked and comforted me with things that make me extremely uncomfortable and stressed out, especially if i fall down a fandom rabbit hole that i would never have searched up, beacuse i know myself, i know my limits and triggers but i feel like i’m not a part of the fandom if i don’t like and interact with every single headcanon, art and ship
these past days i was really down because of that, and the things i read (why did i do that???) and now when i think of ghoap i think of that stuff and im scared that i alienated myself from the one thing that made me happy
but discovering your art and with that your post reminded me that im not alone in these feelings, even if it’s not the same exactly, and i wanted to thank you, for sharing your thoughts that time i guess haha <33
((sorry for rambling))
Long reply under 'keep reading' !! CW: talk of triggers and MCD
Always feel free to ramble my way!!! How nice you could find some comfort in my art and ghoap stuff. Especially in my mw3 post. I've been considering deleting it a few times, but hearing it maybe helped to read in some way makes me happy I left it up.
I get where you're coming from - I very much use these fictional characters as a safe space, but ppl view them very differently. There's room for it all, "don't like, don't interact" is very much a policy I agree with. It's important to mute words and be aware of your own triggers as you browse stuff in this fandom, because there's such a wide variety of stuff out there. You do NOT have to interact and agree with every thought people have on this ship, that's impossible and super stressful. There's plenty of stuff and headcanons I don't vibe with. There are no 'requirements' that you have to meet in order to enjoy fiction.
It's part of why I enjoy ghoap - that their dynamic resonates and has sparked so much creativity and outlets for so many - but it also means there's gonna be a lot of stuff u don't necessarily agree with or feel comfortable with. For example, a lot of folks use the MCD in mw3 as a way to explore grief, which I think is really cool, but on a bad day that could potentially get my brain in a bad headspace, so I only check out that art and those fics when I feel okay. There's also a bunch of stuff I'd never want to interact with, and that’s fine !!
I'm personally quite vanilla and a sucker for exploring the softer, more domestic aspects of these characters. It's what brings me joy. I know there are parts of this fandom who don’t vibe with what I make at all, and would call it untrue to the characters. Some creators enjoy exploring the more violent or toxic sides to the source material. That's just how it is, we all need different things from fiction. As long as we're capable of chilling in our respective sandboxes, then all's good.
But if you're like me, and enjoy the softer things, then definitely be aware and careful while exploring this ship and fandom. I've seen takes on these characters that are so far removed from how I view them, that they're basically the complete opposite, and it can leave a very bad taste, especially if you're the type to hinge your safe space on fiction.
Just... be mindful of yourself and your potential triggers, be respectful and don't interact with things that make you uncomfortable to the point of feeling unsafe. Shape your own online experience to your best ability.
Hope you're doing okay and still find joy in ghoap <3
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Sleep Token Lore theory
From the pov of someone deeply interested in psychology and a survivor of narcissistic abuse.
Warnings: mentions of narcissistic abuse, brief mentions of suicidal ideation, alcohol use.
Disclaimer: my idea of what all of it means is less in the esoteric direction and based more on my opinions of some of Vessel’s personal experiences. I’m basing all of this on lyrical content, the evolution of his masks, how he behaves on stage, and my own personal experience. I will not mention any of his previous work or related individuals. I will keep this as neutral as possible out of respect for all of their privacy.
1. The deity of Sleep: I believe that Sleep is less of an actual deity (I know it’s mostly a marketing gimmick), and more of a metaphor for someone that Vessel used to be in a relationship with. This person was very toxic and likely abusive in some manner. They also definitely had a god complex. In my opinion they most likely displayed a lot of narcissistic tendencies, such as love bombing, denying responsibility, manipulating, lies, mind games, and other such things. Emotional and psychological abuse are very likely. People who display narcissistic traits tend to worm their way into the minds of their targets. They prey on their insecurities, weaponizing them. Hence “my insecurities surround me like lions in a den.” This person met Vessel, noticed the things he was probably already insecure about and deliberately poked at those wounds, making them worse. This person also probably made efforts to isolate Vessel from the rest of his family and friends, making him dependent on them and them alone. If you have no one else to turn to, you are much less likely to try to escape.
2. Vessel’s part in the toxicity: in multiple lyrics from different songs Vessel expresses deep all consuming guilt over the way that he acted in this relationship. Being in a relationship with a narcissist will change you into a different person, but who you become depends on who you are to start with. Some people become more argumentative and fight back, which the narcissist enjoys. They like it when you react emotionally, they take it as a chance to say “look at the way you’re acting, you’re being the bad guy. Now I can go and make my smear campaign to make me look like the victim.” Other people shut down emotionally, becoming even easier to manipulate and control. In Vessel’s case, I think he mostly became the argumentative version, though inside he was likely pretty emotionally numb. This is shown in DYWTYLM when he says “maybe it’s not that you conceal your feelings, they just don’t exist.” The narcissist has succeeded in alienating him from himself so much that he can’t recognize his own emotional state or needs.
3. Vessel’s emotional state: with the narcissistic behaviour that I mentioned earlier, it’s very likely that Vessel was the recipient of a lot of mind games and love bombing. Love bombing, to put it in the simplest terms, is when a narcissist pours on the charm in opportunistic times to get you to believe that they are the nicest person ever. They follow this up with extremely shitty behaviour, and then more charm. This way you start to believe that you imagined the shitty part and that they couldn’t do anything wrong. This back and forth creates a pattern that the victim will be addicted to, the good parts are so good that they brush off the bad. This is shown in Sugar “I’ve developed a taste for you” and in Distraction “you come crawling back to me, but I’m already on the ground.” If the narcissist is tenacious enough, this will push their victim to the point of wanting to take their own life or attempting to. This is shown in Atlantic, Are you really ok?, Dark Signs, and several others. References to scars on arms, trenches deeper than the scars can show, tearing off limbs, etc etc.
4. Vessel’s actions during: there are several songs where he describes self sacrificing behaviour, the biggest example being The Offering. Just the whole entire song. He gave himself over completely to this person. In a healthy relationship this isn’t a bad thing, but in an unhealthy relationship, it most certainly is. His entire identity could’ve been defined by the other person. “I am Vessel, and I belong to ________. They are my purpose.” That kind of thing. A complete erasure of who he was prior. At this point, he does not know who he is, he depends on them to tell him and others who he is. Through this he also grew to hate himself, and to believe that all of his dreams were probably unrealistic or something like that. And that he is ugly, as is shown in the Fall For Me video. This probably acts as the main driving force behind the masks in the first place. To literally hide behind, in fear that if the mask were to go away, that we the audience would no longer be interested. There’s those insecurities again. Afraid that he’ll lose all of his success if they see his face. Despite the fact that we don’t buy his albums to listen to his face.
5. The aftermath of this: When this relationship ended, which would’ve been after a long course of back and forth, and probably some on again off again cycles, Vessel would’ve been left feeling completely dead inside. To put it simply. Recovering from this kind of abuse takes a very long time, for most it takes months, for others years. At the start, he would likely struggle to see any worth in himself at all, hence him saying that who he is behind the mask does not matter. He was taught that belief. I think we can all agree that for Vess, it took several years to fully recover, and we continue to see his progress with every performance. We can also see this via the evolution of his mask, in the beginning covering his whole face, very much not human. Then the second mask, also not human but also softer. Not as archaic in appearance. But still not human. Still not him. The current mask showing a portion of his face at all times, the red lace like design on the bottom. It’s prettier, softer. It’s more human and approachable, but it has the spikes on it. He still feels the need to defend and protect himself. The other ways we were able to see the damage incurred, was through the fact that for many earlier performances, Vessel was drunk on stage. It doesn’t take a lot of thought to see that he wasn’t feeling too good about himself. A lot of victims of this kind of abuse tend to turn to some kind of vice/addiction to get them through the pain. After going through and getting out of something like that, self care and healthy habits usually isn’t a top priority. All you want in that situation is to numb the pain and distance yourself from it.
Someone on TikTok also pointed out to me the line (I think) from TMBTE “I’ll take a pound of your flesh before you take a piece of my pay stub.” With the idea that the person he was in a relationship with he also worked with, and they hogged a lot of his money. This aligns very much with narcissistic tendencies, as financial abuse is also extremely common.
More about the other members and their roles tomorrow.
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lemonhemlock · 3 months
THANK YOU I AGREE WITH YOUR AEMOND POST 1 MILLION %. Some of the replies are so frustrating, all you were doing is discussing the writers' decisions this season regarding Aemond, and how simplistic it would be for Aemond's motivations to betray Aegon to be based on the brothel scene. You put into words everything wrong with Aemond's arc this season and I tremendously agree! I feel that the writers are flip-flopping with Aemond and Aegon's relationship, first they were enemies as children, then Aemond lost his eye and they seemed to be on the same page, then AEGON'S SON WAS VICIOUSLY BRUTALLY MURDERED AND AEMOND IS (besides showing no character evolution driven remorse to speak of) BACK TO HATING AEGON AGAIN?! THAT'S HIS BROTHER. HIS NEPHEW. HIS SISTER'S KID. Aemond had zero fucks to give!
The fandom's reaction to Aemond has been so embarrassing! Why is he not held accountable for ANYTHING. EVER. I defended Aemond all through S1 and will always defend him from TB but HE'S A GROWN MAN NOW. He just doesn't show empathy for Aegon after Jahaerys' death, your brother is grieving and he swears Aegon is his King and he's his hitman and he will always serve his ass. IF THEY HAVE AEMOND MURDER AEGON BECAUSE HE TEASED HIM IN A BROTHEL WHAT EVEN IS THIS. Really bad writing. Really cringe too.
So don't worry there are some of us who whole heartedly agree with you and don't coddle Aemond a grown man, with the same standards season after season and hold him accountable for the sin of hoping he grows as a character even if he is heading for a darker turn.
thank you so much, anon, for this unexpected reply, as i'm hanging out at the airport with not much to do 😅
yeah, i think that, ON PAPER, aemond turning on his brother as a result of years of bullying is believable, sure, BUT. the bullying truly needs to be horrific to explain away the urge to commit basically three of the most grievous crimes in westeros: kingslaying, kinslaying and usurpation. like. no one takes those things lightly. and, i'm sorry, but teasing just doesn't cut it. i think that a lot of people may be kind of projecting their own personal grievances with school bullies onto aemond, which is natural to an extent, but they have to step back a little and realise that being rude or hurtful to someone just doesn't, in any way, merit a reaction so disproportionate that it amounts to soul-drenching crimes
in that regard, last season i was 100% on aemond's side as well, because, well, MUTILATION might warrant such an escalation in violence. compared to all that pent-up anger aemond felt for luke, the aegond rivalry is just not really well done. it COULD have been, but, without having seen ep 4, it feels very milquetoast and, most of all, unearned.
honestly, i think gwen emphasized really well the fact that we're in a fandom obsessed with their headcanons and brainrot, to the extent that it becomes difficult to separate the backstory one has created for some character with what has actually appeared on screen. what we've seen so far has only been mockery, and i get that, when you're a kid, it's very difficult to go through, but we are talking about murdering your sibling here. i mean, no, i don't think "it makes perfect sense". ALSO. pointing that out doesn't mean you're invalidating the trauma of bullying victims, let us please separate people's real experiences from fictional experiences, which 1. are fake and 2. can be improperly presented in media, which is what we are critiquing in the first place
on a final note, i have had people on my post clinging to this idea that, just because the writers had aemond say (in the most bored tone in existence) that he regrets "the business with luke" (or however the hell he phrases it) means that the writers want to communicate to us that he feels sorry over jaehaerys. please. they must either be aliens that are just now learning about human emotion OR they want to relay that aemond isn't really all that bothered fundamentally. his reaction is basically the stoned out version of this gif!
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but, anyway, as dumb as aemond's reasons are or aren't, what ultimately brings the whole rivalry down is that they really didn't invest in creating any dramatic tension between these two. think of the scene at storm's end, it's the literal version of "you could have cut the tension in the room with a knife" and it's only a few minutes long. so it can be done. they just don't care OR, because of this stupid trend of reducing the number of episodes in a season, aegond was just one of those things that hit the cutting room floor. so we can all blame capitalism for rook's rest. 😅
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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And we love like fools
✧ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: i know i still have plenty of requests in my inbox but i felt really inspired to write this. first full hsr oneshot. i love sampo.
✧ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ: sampo x gn!reader, fluff, pining, sampo and reader are both masked fools but don't know, there was only one bed, 4k words
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: fools — lauren aquilina
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: reader has a sad backstory, mentions of bullying
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There are many tales throughout the universe about the Aeons. About how they were born; where they found their resolve. A cynic might say that they resemble too much of our own stories; that one could hardly know what guided a being incomprehensible to most ordinary mortals. But you thought now; that maybe that was the beauty in it. That even gods could be touched by such simple emotions as sadness or joy.
The stories that are told throughout the Epsilon system speak of what appears to be chaos and randomness at first glance; each tale more absurd than the last. But the one you'd always remember was one that had started with eternal darkness and pointlessness as the Aeon Aha climbed to the highest branch in the tree of existence. The universe functioned like a machine operating to the whims of a force not even the Aeons could comprehend and all who lived within were merely pawns or cogs that kept it running. The truth was that our existence within the machine was so minimal and unimportant; that even the loss of the individual would mean nothing in the grander scheme of things. It was easy to feel lost within a place like this. You knew that better than anyone.
You had felt lost on your home planet all your life. You didn't know whether you were an outlier in their neatly and meticulously planned system or whether you were never meant to be on this world in the first place; but you had noticed that you didn't belong there at an early age. You would always look at the society around you like you were a traveler from outer space who was perceiving it for the first time; and always look at the stars like there was a future waiting out there for you. You had been a thorn in their eye; unable to work within the life that they offered you and unwilling to change enough to fit into their ideals. Your time there was so brief compared to the time that was ahead; yet the years of alienation and mistreatment had scarred you and left you lost without a point of focus. It was as though you, too, had been looking at the vast and black universe wondering what the point of all of this was.
You had left the planet you were born on as soon as you had the means to; traversing the universe as a vagabond; looking for a purpose or something that could bring the light back to your eyes. Epsilon was never a place that drew your attention. Your starskiff needed fuel and maintenance and this was the closest populated area available. You spent your days there mostly in hotel rooms, plagued by the nightmares about your past and the worries about your future. You had known that this was not getting you anywhere; so on your last day before you were ready for take-off, you decided it was time to go out and get some fresh air. Your aimless wandering throughout the city streets eventually led you to a tavern that was far from ordinary. Entrance was only granted if you wore a mask; which you found strange but there was someone willing to sell them outside for a couple of bucks; so it wasn't like you had to go out of your way to get one.
The atmosphere inside had been lively and almost whimsical. People gathered around the tables; each one waiting their turn to tell a story of their travels. Laughter filled the small establishment and it seemed as though every guest was in a competition with the others to fascinate and entertain the crowd the most with their tales of odd pranks and foreign worlds. It made you feel out of place once more. With the way the past few days had gone, you couldn't ever see yourself laughing along with them.
You thought back to how eager you were to leave your home world; thinking that everything would change once you started anew in a better place. You had tried connecting with people; had tried counseling and new hobbies. But you carried the weight of your sorrows around like a boulder tied to your leg or a shadow that would seem to follow you forever. That day had been the worst you felt in a while and you supposed your emotions just got the better of you in that moment. A horrible predicament, really. You don't cry in a tavern where the masked fools gather. Or at least; don't expect yourself to be crying for long.
"You're going to draw a lot of attention with that, you know?"
You had looked up at the masked stranger with quiet sobs forcing their way out of your mouth and you made it clear that you weren't looking to talk. That didn't deter him. The mask covered his whole face and he was wearing a hood but you could make out a few strands of dark blue hair falling out of it. You vividly remembered that encounter even today, after a few years had passed. Despite your protests, the stranger sat down next to you and seemed amused at your predicament.
A wiser person would have left the tavern at this point. But you were vulnerable and sad; not in a state where you could just hold your emotions in anymore. "Geez, you have no idea what place you walked into, do you?", the stranger had laughed and ordered another glass of what the menu advertised as "weird funky juice; god knows what's in there (lactose-free)". He was kind enough to educate you about the masked fools. Great, you had probably made a joke out of yourself that this guy was more than ready to find his daily share of amusement in, you had thought. But whoever he was, he didn't seem interested in making fun of you. At least not more than he made fun of himself. To his mind, all you needed was to see him try and balance his drink on his pinkie finger and failing miserably; splashing the entire thing over the bar counter. You just seemed as sad as you had been before.
"Aww, come on, I really thought that was going to get a laugh out of you", he pouted. You sighed and shook your head. "What's even in that drink?", you raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, no one knows for sure but it's lactose-free if you want to try", he shrugged with a chuckle, "so anyway, what's got you mourning like a sopping wet alley cat in this place of joy and whimsy on a Saturday night?"
In a more stable mental state you would NOT have told this overly enthusiastic, purposely clumsy guy your entire life story; but you were emotionally at the bottom and had been alone for too long. So you poured out your heart to him. And he turned everything you told him into a joke. All of those serious experiences that weighed on your heart. Whether it was the rules of the city you grew up in or the reasons a friend betrayed you or the noble who had made fun of you buying a cheap umbrella. "What, this guy?", he asked when you showed him a picture he wanted to see on your phone, "his hair looks like a paintbrush. Like he'd be great for painting my garden fence. Wait, hold on." He asked the bartender for a piece of paper and a pen.
You remembered the noble. He had always made fun of you for behaving "oddly" for what your world considered the status quo. He had spread rumors about you around the city that had the people whispering when you walked by. You remembered buying the cheap umbrella, hating the fact that you had run into him in front of the store. He had followed you for a while to the outskirts of town before he grabbed you and took your umbrella and drove away with it, leaving you standing in the rain after he called you a disgrace and a failure. You remembered how helpless and alone you had felt; how you made your way back to your house as the rain drenched you and your legs hurt. You remembered how you had gotten sick as a result and how he made fun of your sickly appearance when you went to buy your medicine at the pharmacy. How experiences like this had become your daily life for as long as you lived there.
And now you watched this masked stranger make the silliest drawing of this guy you ever could have imagined. "My apologies, I'm not the best artist but I hope this'll do", he said as you took a sip of water and he held up a stick figure sketch of him holding the noble by his legs like a comically large garden shear and painting a very badly drawn fence with the pompadour on his head. And it made you spit out your drink and let out a wheeze; much to your surprise.
"There we go!", he exclaimed. You could not see his face but you were sure there was a triumphant grin on it. You could hear it in the tone of his voice. You took the drawing out of his hands and snorted. "Why are his ears so long that they reach the ground?", you asked, laughing. "Those are supposed to be his arms", he whined and looked at it, "I think it turned out great."
He proceeded to tell you about all sorts of funny stories from his travels and invited you to dance. Your sorrows were long forgotten by that point.
The tales of the masked fools speak of the laughter of Aha that disrupted the endless nothingness of the vast universe. In your toughest times; this stranger's silly antics had gotten you out of your spiraling sadness and you had readily accepted the mask he had handed to you that night. "It doesn't seem like you have anywhere to go. Why don't you stay with us, then?"
That was five years ago. Everytime you came back to that tavern, the people welcomed you with open arms and they had long since accepted you as one of them. It felt as though you had friends there; even though you didn't know who was underneath those masks. That was the thing about the masked fools. As soon as you put on your mask; it didn't matter who you were anymore. It didn't matter whether someone was rich or poor; where they had come from or how old they were; in that tavern all were followers of the Aeon of Elation and looking to have a good time.
You still saw the masked stranger who had introduced you to his world once in a while, even though you passed each other by sometimes because you were both off to your own travels. You had played with the idea of getting to know the man behind the mask but you mused that this wasn't in the spirit of the masked fools and might make things unnecessarily difficult in a place that had always left you with good memories. But he had left your heart fluttering whenever your paths crossed.
You had gone off to another journey when you had seen the warning light on your starskiff blink again. You had the option to stop earlier and just fill up fuel everytime you landed; but you never knew what surprises were waiting for you if you let it just run its course. This time it was a frozen planet called Jarilo-VI. And truly, within the first few weeks there you had gotten roped up into all sorts of crazy adventures.
You had made plenty of friends there; some because you genuinely thought they were likeable people and some because they kept insisting that they were your friends before trying to scam you. Chaos seemed to follow Sampo Koski wherever he went and no matter how you felt about him as a person; you knew the people back at the tavern would love him and hearing about his misadventures. Natasha had reassured you that he might be up to no good but that he was in no way mean-spirited. "Besides, I think you caught his eye", she had chuckled. "Believe me, I noticed", you had rolled your eyes.
You always thought that Sampo was just a casually flirtatious person. Later on, you had come to realize that you had actually never seen him try his luck with anyone else. He argued that your sense of humor and your tendency to subtly cause a chain reaction of chaos around you was charming and had captivated him; unknowing that this behavior stemmed from your alignment with the followers of Aha. His comically bad pick-up lines and outlandish romantic gestures fell on deaf ears; however.
However, you had to admit that even though you at first only stuck around because he was a magnet for exactly the kind of jokes the masked fools would love to hear; you found that you actually enjoyed his company. For now he was still looking to scam you at every opportunity that presented itself; but maybe with time he would realize that you were better suited as a friend than a scam victim.
"Aw, come on, I'm really trying here", Sampo whined after having presented you with a flower balloon, "you're breaking my heart." You chuckled. "Sampo, your attempts at flirting are so bad that i do think you're just trying to get my money", you raised an eyebrow. The two of you had agreed to go to the overworld to get some medical supplies for Natasha. You were willing to help her out for treatment you received in the past. Sampo had to be bribed with money. "I'm not", he insisted.
"Last time you handed me a 'Congratulations! You just turned 85!' card that had the price tag still on it and you wrote 'Dear y/n, please love me back, I'm tall, blue and handsome. Yours, Sampo.' inside", you laughed at the memory of that. "I thought you would like it", he gestured wildly as both of you watched Stelle tackle a trash can in the distance, "that seemed like your type of humor." And you did like it. It just hardly came off as him having serious intentions.
The two of you got a coffee at a nearby vendor after having picked up Natasha's supplies. "It made me laugh, I admit that", you patted his head and he smiled back at you. "Well then, let's hear it, what's your attempt at a pick-up line?", he raised an eyebrow. You smirked.
"Did it hurt when you crawled out of hell?"
Sampo let out a laugh and sat down on a bench putting a finger to his chin. "Well now I'm not sure if you're flirting with me or want me to die", he exclaimed but you could tell he found the whole thing humorous. You chuckled and took a sip of your own coffee. "Let me guess; you've already got yourself a little crush on some outworlder guy on another planet", he teased, not knowing that he was absolutely correct in his assumption, "but maybe you should look around and consider what's right in front of you!"
You gave him a questioning look and pointed at Ronald the storekeeper. A grin found its way onto your face when Sampo playfully punched your shoulder and shook his head in disappointment. "I was talking about me", he pointed at his face with both fingers. "Let me guess - because you're tall, blue and handsome?", you rolled your eyes and laughed. "Finally you get it!", Sampo exclaimed, "I will count the coffee as compensation for breaking my heart."
You let out a sigh. "I didn't think I was going to get that money back anyway."
You were about to head back to the underworld when the rain started pouring down. "Oh no", you whined and Sampo led you to the Goethe Grand Hotel. "Fear not, I have a room booked here for my overworld stays", he explained and you let out a sigh of relief. He awkwardly put a hand on the back of his neck. "The only thing is; I locked myself out two days ago and I left the key inside of the room; so we're going to have to climb in. "Where do you keep your head?", you shook your head in disappointment. "It's your fault for occupying all my thoughts, heh", he winked and helped you climb up to the window on the second floor where his room was.
He got the window open and you climbed inside, finding the room empty and unused with fresh towels by the bedside and the "Hope you have a nice stay!" candy still on the desk.
"Sampo... did you just make me break into a hotel room?!", you turned around and looked at your friend climbing through the window after you. He put his index finger to your lips and whispered softly. "Shh... I paid for this room, don't question it too much", his mischievous smile made you believe that he did not, in fact, pay for it, "anyway; you want to go back out there? Be my guest, but I'm staying here where it's dry and warm." He took his shoes off and plopped himself down on the bed. He reached inside the night stand drawer and tossed you the spare key, asking you to lock the door. Unfortunately for you, the rain didn't stop for the rest of the evening.
"We can't just stay here, we broke in!", you hissed. "Sampo Koski would never commit crimes on a date." "We're not on a date." "I thought you were always up for fun and spontaneous adventures", Sampo protested. "Yes, ones that do not involve me getting arrested", you argued. But you grew tired and eventually found yourself lying down on the other side of the bed, listening to the quiet radio on the night stand that you had turned on. The news lady announced a blizzard warning and urged all citizens of Belobog to stay inside shortly before the signal died.
Wonderful, you thought and closed your eyes, praying you weren't going to wake up in jail. Unfortunately, the cold made you unable to get some rest. You looked around the room, searching for an old-fashioned heating only to find it broken. "The heater's broken", you told Sampo who did not seem bothered by this fact at the slightest. "We can always huddle for warmth if you want to", he suggested and crossed his arms behind his head while staring at the ceiling.
You rolled your eyes but thought about the idea for a while. Sampo was likely just joking with his attempts at flirting with you and he was a friend and you were freezing. You could just get up tomorrow and go your own ways again; no feelings attached.
That was how you ended up snuggled against Sampo's chest under the blanket, the storm still raging outside. He had gotten unusually quiet, simply having his arms wrapped around you and his head rested on top of yours. You thought back to the masked stranger at the tavern. The last time you had reported back to the masked fools, they had told you that he wasn't back from his travels yet and he'd likely be away for a little longer this time. But they were happy to hear about your time on Jarilo-VI. You were told they had especially laughed whenever you brought up Sampo.
You were looking forward to telling your friend about Sampo's antics when he was back from his trip, but you mused if you wanted this to go anywhere, you should probably leave out the fact that you cuddled said scammer in a hotel room you broke into. Now that you had accepted your predicament; you did see the hilarity in this situation. And what good was a masked fool who couldn't laugh about themselves once in a while?
You noticed you could hear Sampo's heartbeat. His chest felt warm through the fabric of his shirt and you had to admit that this was quite comfortable. "What's got you so quiet, hmm?", you broke the silence. Sampo chuckled. "I'm still thinking about 'Did it hurt when you crawled out of hell?'", he patted your head and you could feel his chest rise and fall with his laugh, "I'm going to use this the next time I'm surrounded by foes. This will confuse them and throw off their groove, allowing me to run away." You laughed and shook your head.
"You're so out of touch with reality sometimes, Sampo Koski." He shrugged. "As long as I'm able to bring a little joy to your life, what more do I want?"
Sampo eventually started running his fingertips up and down your arm. Your exhaustion eventually got the better of you and you closed your eyes. Sampo must have thought that you were sleeping because he pulled you closer and whispered quietly. "I really like you, you know that? What do I do with you?", you heard him sigh but said nothing.
You thought back to the masked stranger. You didn't even know who he was behind the mask. Was this really going anywhere? Or maybe Sampo was right and you were too set on a love that might not even be reciprocated to see other options. Despite all the times he had tried to scam you and perhaps because chaos seemed to follow him wherever he went, you felt comfortable around Sampo. You felt safe in his arms.
Maybe I should give him a chance...
You eventually fell asleep in his arms with that thought on your mind.
Sampo Koski woke up that morning to your cold hands on his exposed midriff, presumably after you had dunked them in ice-cold water. He shot up instantly, accidentally headbutting you in the process. He groaned from the pain and held his head. "Rise and shine", you teased and Sampo let out a laugh. Moments like these were what made him fall for you after all.
He was unaware of how similar the thoughts running through your mind were to his own. That you considered telling him about your true purpose for coming to Jarilo-VI. That you thought he'd make a great addition to the masked fools. That you considered asking him to join you.
"Can you get my phone?", he asked you, still struggling to keep his eyes open due to the bright light coming through the window, "it's in my backpack." You were about to tell him to go get it himself but curiosity got the better of you. What did Sampo Koski carry in his backpack?
As you rummaged through the bag, you found that the answer to that question was his phone, a notebook titled "scam ideas" and a finger trap.
You were about to pull out the phone and close the bag again when your eyes landed on a mask that looked all too familiar. Your heartbeat quickened as the realization kicked in. "What's wrong?", he asked, looking at you with a puzzled expression, "you look like you've seen a ghost in there. Oh...is it the scam list? I can explain that one." You held up the intricately designed mask, one much like your own but individual to its user. "Oh that? Won it at a fun fair a couple years back", Sampo lied and brushed you off. You wordlessly reached into your own backpack to pull out the mask he had given you all those years ago.
"Sad clown fella?!", he exclaimed in shock. "I told you to stop calling me that!", you retorted and Sampo ran a hand through his messy bedhead, trying to make sense of this situation. "What are the odds?", he shook his head in disbelief, "the universe truly is a joke."
You looked at him for a while as a painful silence settled between you. The masked stranger who had eased your sadness and introduced you to a life of fun and adventure all those years ago was none other than Sampo Koski. And the sobbing individual at the bar he got a laugh out of with a silly drawing turned out to be the outworlder Sampo found himself absolutely infatuated with.
And once more the silence and uncertainty was broken by both of you breaking out into laughter. A feeling of relief settled in your heart. "I can't believe it's you!", Sampo exclaimed and got up from the bed, "well, isn't that something? I bet they're clowning on us back at the tavern every day." "Oh god, yes", you held your head, imagining the reactions knowing full-well that both of you were on Jarilo-VI unmasked, "we accidentally became the butt of the joke we were trying to create."
"Well that's a wonderful conclusion to this journey, don't you think? All within the spirit of Aha", Sampo grinned, "well, to celebrate our reunion, how about we finally go out on a- hmph-".
He didn't get very far until you pulled him closer by his waist and your lips crashed into his own. Sampo was stunned for a moment, his eyes widening, before he closed them and kissed you back passionately. You buried your fingers in the hair that fell into the back of his neck and you could feel him smile into the kiss. "I love you", his breath was warm on your lips when he whispered those words. You pulled him into another kiss, your tongue clashing with his. Sampo held you very close; not wanting to let go of you now that you were finally his.
You rested your forehead against his with a smile on your face. "I love you too." He kissed you again, this time much more gentle than he was before. He cupped your cheeks and poured all the love for you into his kiss. Sadly enough, even this moment had to end.
"Room cleaning service!", you heard a voice, followed by a knock on the door. "Oh god, we need to leave", Sampo hastily grabbed his bag and was on his way to the window. "So we really did break in!", you hissed and grabbed your own things. "I thought you figured that out already, why do you still sound surprised?", he asked as you followed Sampo Koski out of the window, giggling about the absurdity of the situation.
Maybe being finally united with the one you loved was worth breaking into a room for.
A few days later you found yourself in front of a large broadcasting apparatus in Rivet Town, ready to report back to the masked fools. Sampo tightly held your hand in his, smiling at you from the side. "They'll never let us live that down", you sighed as you put on your mask. Sampo lifted it again to grab your chin and press one last kiss to your lips.
"Then let's give them a grand finale to the show."
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0lshadyl0 · 2 months
Hello!! Idk if you still making one punch man headcanons,but could you do speed-o sound sonic headcanons? 🙏🙏
Of course I still write for the OPM fandom, if it's on my masterlist it's because I write about it, honey, don't worry about that.
speed-o sound sonic Yandere Headcanons
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This guy, like Flashy Flash (let's assume that he is a ninja crush thing, due to all the training put in since early childhood) has a taste for only strong women, so no civilian darlings for him either
But unlike his ninja partner who is a hero, his standards are even more ridiculous thanks to Saitama, since according to Sonic's logic, strength = beauty
So he doesn't really care how you look or what race you are (you can be a monster or an alien) he only cares that you are ridiculously strong… and have a high sense of fashion (he can't date someone who dresses badly, he has an image to maintain)
Also, the only way to get his attention (and arouse his obsession, mind you this is canon) is to simply kick his ass, that's it, that's all
After that event you will never be alone again because day and night, behind a tree, in the corners, hidden in your shadow or on the other side of the street, he will always be there, watching, stalking you without any shame (he is one of the most stalkers in OPM)
The type of yandere that he is is obsessive, possessive and sadistic (this can be interpreted from the side where he likes to scare you or see you cry to the other sexual side… where he also likes to see you cry)
He's also aware of how he feels about you, it's an obsession with the power you possess, his need to possess you, (and that he finds you hot, after all) but honestly he doesn't care, not out of selfishness (like Flashy Flash), but because he literally has no idea what a healthy relationship is and he doesn't care to find out
Honestly, his s/o is going to think that Sonic hates her or simply wants to be her rival, since the first few meetings (and a few months of the same routine) he'll look for a way to attack you to show how strong he's become (and he'll fail stupidly in the process)
Once he's better at interpreting his own emotions and feels more prepared to deepen the relationship to make it official, whether you want it or not (whether you're even aware of it or not), Sonic will change his dynamic from attacking you to kidnapping you (again failing epically in each attempt)
Sonic will invite you to train with him from time to time, for him they are dates and yes, it is your duty to go to each and every one of them
He spies on you when you shower and likes to put his special manly seed in your shampoo (he is marking you as his)
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
people are saying he « led her on » because he did. the fact that he kissed her in the first episode set the tone for the rest of the season and if you can’t perceive the flirting I’m sorry but how?? he didn’t make anything clear he sent the craziest mixed signals in the world. there’s nothing revolutionary about claiming that Martha was being pushy toward someone who was clearly not interested it’s 1) weird to claim in what it suggests about her 2) factually not true.
I wasn’t gonna respond to this at first because the top half of this ask is pretty much just individual interpretation and I don’t really care about it. Like, no, to me, the Doctor doesn’t seem especially flirty towards Martha. He’s just sort of Like That. That’s his damage, you know, Mr. I need to traumadump on anyone who tolerates being around me for more than five minutes. Mr. If I don’t develop an intensely codependent emotional bond with the companion I have currently I’ll die. It doesn’t read to me as him trying to lead her on because that bit’s honest, and he does it with damn near every companion he’s ever had.
And if nothing else, because we do see Ten when he tries to flirt intentionally and he’s a fuckin dork about it. Kind of guy who looked up romance in the dictionary and took notes. Kinda guy who draws diagrams to maximize kissing potential. It would have been obvious even to me (<- romance-blind as all fuck) if he was flirting with Martha on purpose because he’s not smooth at all; he flirts like he’s gotten lines in a play and he’s super excited to be the main star.
But anyway, as I was saying, that’s just how I see it. And if you see it different, no skin off my back, I just disagree.
But I take umbrage with you putting words in my mouth. I never said Martha was pushy towards him. Because yeah, she’s not. If I implied that she was, then it was a result of poor phrasing on my part. Martha’s not at fault for what she feels, for wanting there to come something of it. No more at fault than the Doctor is for not returning those feelings. It’s a bit weird that you’re assuming that I think one of them has to be the bad guy here when that was the opposite of what I was saying. My point was: When it comes to their romantic subtext of their relationship, it’s weird to pretend like either of them are to blame for them not being in a relationship at the end of s3, and even weirder to assert that as part of why Martha supposedly wouldn’t like the Doctor afterwards when they’re. friends. they continue to be friends into s4.
Martha’s not pushy. She has a crush on her friend. It happens. He doesn’t return it. This also happens. Both of these facts are pushed to the extreme because he’s a time-traveling alien with poor emotional skills and she’s put herself in the position of needing to help him from minute one of meeting each other. That’s why it’s fun to watch, because the Doctor is both so open and so unavailable in turns, because Martha’s feelings for him grow and change as she knows more about her Doctor until she decides to step back.
I don’t know, man. You seem to be coming at this as if one of them has to be The Problem™️. I don’t think either of them is, not so definitively. I think boiling their relationship down to that is reductive and an insult to the way they both grow over s3, to Martha’s choice to continue to be his friend while also establishing her own boundaries, to the fact that the Doctor is able to let her go without immediately trying to kill himself afterwards when she’s not there to catch him.
#the thing about the doctor is that if you want to tell me that he’s Extra Special Flirty With This Companion.#i dunno. feels like something that requires a lot of proof lmao. because the doctor is a freak who latches onto people like a barnacle and#gets way too invested way too quick and holds on like he’ll die if he even thinks of letting go. he’s just like that. he’s just like that.#he’s like that with rose he’s like that with martha he’s like that with donna amy clara bill!!!! these relationships are all different but#the common core is that the doctor is a freak! the doctor clings on too tight!!! the doctor will fuck you up he loves you so much!!!#idk! is it more leading on for the doctor to kiss martha to pull off a plan than it is for him to reshape amy’s life around him on accident#and then show up when she’s an adult to finally whisk her away. or to let clara do emotional infidelity with him for months while#insisting that he’s not her boyfriend. i don’t think ever he is. i think he’s just like gravity. mavity. you’re gonna orbit him because he’s#something cosmic and unknowable. and he’s also your best friend. he’s always too much and too tangible all at once.#am i making any sense here.#ask#martha jones#the doctor#tenth doctor#doctor who#idk man its like 7 in the morning where i am im not awake enough to talk martha/ten semantics. personally i think they should have made out#on screen even more without ever clarifying the nature of their relationship so that they had even weirder and more complicated feelings#about each other.
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