#and i feel like i'm inconveniencing everyone
pharawee · 10 months
I already love Chef Shin so much for making gluten-free cake 🥰
(But also the fact that at one point the subs said "comPeach" instead of compete. Genius. Give this series an award!)
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syn0vial · 1 year
someone please deprogram me from feeling like i've committed cold-blooded murder every time i have to ask for a sick day from work
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goatsandgangsters · 1 year
even though I moved out of state, my boss is making me commute in once a week, which is a FOUR HOUR TRAIN each way, on my own dime, in order to—and I shit you not—open PowerPoint for teaching faculty bc this is apparently beyond their ability
and the CHERRY on this kafkaesque sundae of bullshit, is that I got stranded 50 miles from my destination at 9 pm last night due to flooding on the tracks and I had to split an Uber with three strangers to go the rest of the way
so that I could spend 5 minutes opening PowerPoint today.
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sagaschan · 10 months
It is so much easier to be inexplicable no expectations that mean anything and no one to attempt to pry a little deeper, why is that unattainable in this economy
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aftermathing · 3 months
#God im so annoying at phone calls just stop fucking talking to me#I'm pretty sure everyone in my thin wall dormitory thinks I'm completely socially inept because my siblings or parents#keep calling me literally like three times every day when I don't even want to talk to or think about them#So it looks like I'm obsessed with phone calls because I'm always on one because I can't do school work if I am interrupted#by a phone call#The entire conversation from my end is 'yuh................. uh-huh......... yeah......... haha i think so....................'#I add nothing because I don't want to talk to you shut the fuck up shut the fuck up#Literally wasting my time I literally feel completely insane is it normal to call people this much#Is it normal to force me to use my voicemail which takes ten minutes instead of just fucking texting me??????????#I'm like actually going to throw up leave me alone I literally do not want to interact with any of you in any capacity that's why I'm here#and not there.#if I enjoyed your company. i would hang out with you. But seeing as I hate you and am annoyed by you and wouldn't mind if you died#Stop calling me!!!!! No one fucking calls people anymore#Literally only doctors. You're such an asshole leave me alone now I can't do school work for another week#'Dude I can tell you've been sleeping' yeah you fucking woke me up#And even awake my responses would be 'yuh...... haha no...........'#My sleep schedule is 7am-12pm you're the one inconveniencing me
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why is my voice still fucked up and why are my lungs so so itchy 😭
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eatember · 2 years
the "neglected in childhood" urge to tuck into a project without fully understanding it because confusion and fear in the face of attempted competence feels normal only to disappoint yourself and others send tweet
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spacedace · 1 year
Jon, Kon, Tim and Damian all chatting, and start musing on their various anxieties about going dark side and how they would stop each other.
Elle wanders in and only catches the last bit where Jon and Damian are referencing world domination and is just like:
Elle: Oh, are we going dark side? Who do you guys need me to fight? I can body just about anyone in the League but I'm pretty sure Batman had some tricks up his sleeve to deal with me so we'll have to account for that. I know you guys aren't gonna want to kill anyone in your families, but I'm pretty sure I could alter the nightmare dimension to be less, you know, nightmare-y while still keeping it inescapable so that's an option -
Jon: W h a t
Damian: We are not going "dark side" Nightingale...probably.
Jon: Definitely! Definitely no dark side!
Elle, relieved: Oh thank the Ancients, that was gonna be such a bummer
Tim: Jesus Christ you didn't even hesitate
Kon: You didn't even need any kind of justification. Did you just hear Jon say "take over the world" and that was all you needed???
Elle: I mean, yeah? I wouldn't be happy about it but I'm not just gonna let Jolly and Day go and take over the world without me.
Jon: I'm not sure if I should feel touched or worried...
Damian: Are you seriously saying your loyalty to us is greater than your duty to the world?
Elle: Day I would crack the universe in half and devour the souls everyone who ever so much mildly inconvenienced you two if you asked.
Tim & Kon: *fear.jpg*
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hedgehog-moss · 7 months
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This very daft dog managed to get a little stick he found in the woods stuck in his throat in such a way that the vet had to sedate him to remove it and everyone thought he was suffocating to death.
(Everyone = me and the llamas, who looked either concerned or inconvenienced* by the sounds Pandolf was making when he came to find me in the pasture like "help I'm dying") (* hard to tell with llamas)
Of course he chose to have a near-death experience on a Saturday afternoon 15min before the vet clinic closed until Monday and of course no one picked up when I called the clinic to ask them to please not close, so I had to drive very fast and hope for the best 😭
(when I was waiting at the vet for Pan to wake up from anaesthesia I met this chewable toy llama and sent the pic to my mum like "ha, look, it's a llama. For dogs" and 30min later when I was on my way home with Pandolf she replied to my text like "I hope you bought it for Pandolf!! he deserves it!" and she made me feel like a monster for not buying Pandolf a toy to reward him for swallowing a stick. He already has three chewable llamas at home, come on.)
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He's okay!! Not very proud of himself (tail firmly between legs) but grateful to be able to breathe and feeling confusedly flattered because everyone at the vet petted him and called him brave and soft-eared
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waffliesinyoface · 30 days
Thinking about Envy from FMA and why he acts like that. Specifically, why he seems to take such vindictive pleasure in killing.
He doesn't have any loved ones. At all. And it fucking burns inside of him.
When he takes the form of Gracia to kill Hughes, and when he taunts Marco with the destruction of his village, despite what he claims about "humans not having the guts to make the logical choice", there's nothing logical about it, it's purely out of spite. It's "you have something that I don't. You have someone you love and someone who loves you back. Fuck you. I'm going to hurt you with it."
On the Promised Day, when he finally confesses to Hughes' murder, the reason is simple: Mustang loved Hughes. Hughes is dead but Mustang is still doggedly pursuing his killer. And Envy hates that he doesn't have that. He hates the fact that Hughes and Mustang were so close that Mustang would go to the ends of the earth to avenge his death, but if Envy died, no one would care. At most, Father would be inconvenienced, but not angry.
At the end, when he's trying to get everyone to start fighting and kill each other, it's because he's genuinely having a breakdown. Half the people in that room have very good reasons to want the other half dead. But they're still working together. Even if they're not exactly friends, they're still able to form bonds. Envy looks at Scar - a man who, justifiably or not, was a mass murderer - and Rita/Mustang - people who, even if they feel guilty, still participated in a genocide - and it drives him off the deep end. Because after everything they've done, people are still willing to stand by them. And Envy can't say the same.
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
Cater: Idia-chan~.
Idia: Shit.
Idia: Wh-What is it?
Cater: Have you ever seen MC get mad about something?
Idia: No. They're pretty calm about things. Why do you ask?
Cater: Don't you want to make them jealous?
Idia: Are you serious? No.
Cater: Aw come on~! It's normal for couples to have a fight or two!
Idia: Are you kidding me? That's BS. And don't think I don't even know what you're trying to do here, you Trey and MC shipper.
Cater: Oh. So you're aware.
Idia: ...
Idia: Ah.
Idia: ...
Idia: Do you want to see them get mad?
Cater: Yes~
Idia: I will report you. I'd tell them that you're harassing me.
Cater: I- No! I was just joking! T~T
Riddle: Would you be mad if ever Idia-senpai found someone else?
MC: ...
MC: I don't think I quite understand your question, Riddle.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Let me rephrase it. When Idia-senpai finds someone he truly loves, would you be mad about it?
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* Of course not. I will respect Idia's wishes if ever it comes to that.
Riddle: ...Wow. No wonder Ortho is very supportive of you two.
Riddle: But then, is there anything that can make you angry?
MC: Hmm... I couldn't think of anything.
Riddle: *chuckles* It's fine if there isn't any.
MC: Idia, why are you playing with my face?
Idia: I'm trying to see what you will look like when you're angry.
MC: ?
MC: Why?
Idia: That's what everyone is curious about.
MC: Oh.
MC: ...
MC: You could tell that I barely show my anger to anyone.
Idia: ...
Idia: You can hide that you're angry?
MC: I suppose?
Idia: ...
Idia: When I'm inconveniencing you, please tell me. Don't keep it to yourself.
MC: *nods* *smiles* Okay. I'll be always honest with you, Idia.
Idia: ...
Idia: *blushes a little*
Idia: ...
Idia: Let's sleep now. We still have classes tomorrow.
MC: Okay.
Ortho: ...
Ortho: Brother, you're developing romantic feelings for MC, right?
Idia: *almost dropped his game console*
Idia: Wh-What are you saying?
Ortho: *giggles*
Ortho: I checked your vitals.
Idia: ...
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noyzinerd · 9 months
Derek teaching unknown werewolf societal/cultural facts to Stiles is cute, and I love that for them, truly, but I want to see the reverse.
We're always hearing about when someone (usually Stiles) asks a naive question about werewolves and Derek going "No, you idiot! It doesn't work like that!" As if it's common knowledge that everyone should know, when in reality there's no possible way Stiles (or any average person, for that matter) could know that.
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And I'm sure in Derek's world, stuff like silver not actually being effective against werewolves is a no-brainer or spotting a Kitsune is laughably easy, but not to the common bystander.
So, instead, I'd love to see the random, human customs and social norms Stiles would find himself needing to explain to Derek when they start living together. Stuff that the human family members of his pack never displayed because they had been raised surrounded by werewolves their entire lives.
From all the small things like how, when you get a canker sore or lose a filling, you always gotta stick your tongue in it. ("No, we don't want to do it. It hurts like hell, actually. It's just something we do. Don't ask me why. I honestly couldn't tell you. It's the same with picking scabs or pressing down on bruises.")
Or like how you're not supposed to eat the weird, little black nub at the bottom of the banana. ("I don't care if it's composed of the exact same stuff as the rest of the banana, that's so fucking gross 🤢")
Or like how you have to walk around ladders instead of under them ("Because otherwise you'll get bad luck, Derek!")
Or how, for a short time in history, a man wearing a singular earring on his left ear meant that he was gay for some reason. Or was it the right ear? ("Hey, listen, man, I didn't make these dumb rules!")
Or how you can't pick up a penny off the ground unless the face side is heads up ("Yes, it's another 'good luck, bad luck' thing. We actually have a lot of those, now that I think about it.")
Or how if someone far away sees you coming and holds the door open for you, you very specifically have to do a customary tiny wave or acknowledging nod before doing a small little half trot-half jog that isn't too slow or too fast all the way to the door. ("Because you don't want to take up their time, but also you don't want them to think they've inconvenienced you. Yeah, no, I get that they already have, but you don't want THEM to know that.")
All the way up to things like the weird history of Coke Zero, even though Diet Coke is essentially the same thing. ("Oh, now see, that's actually pretty interesting. And by interesting, I mean dumb and terrible. See, in the 80's, Coke only ever marketed Diet Coke as a 'woman's drink', so when they finally decided to expand their demographic, they had to spend millions of dollars to undo their own conditioning because their women's only Diet Coke campaign had been so successful, it took decades for men to stop associating drinking diet soda with being gay or effeminate.")
Just so Derek can finally know what it feels like to be on the other end of "common sense."
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maple-the-awesome · 8 months
Body Swap || Part 2/2
Part 1 ||
Pairings: Legend, Time, Twilight, Warrior x Reader
Overview: A wizard's spell leaves you both in a state of confusion, especially upon realizing you're no longer in your assigned bodies. No Wind for this one, so we'll just give him a cookie and spare him the trauma for today -.-/🍪 The other boys are at my mercy, though
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
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Panic ensues nearly the second your situation becomes realized. Legend frantically tugs at his hair and clothing, hoping this to be some sort of illusion cast by that wizard, however his senses only confirm his fears: you've switched bodies.
You're him and he's you which probably shouldn't be as big of a deal as he makes it out to be considering how much worse this could've gone, after all, a greater enemy might've caused actual harm, yet that doesn't stop him from being upset.
Out of everyone this could've happened with - out of all nine of his traveling companions - why did this have to happen with you, the only girl in the group?! Nevermind that you're also his crush!
"I can't believe this..." He groans, picking at another strand of hair and holding it in front of his face. Alas, the color isn't the same as his usual faded pink, "Give me back my body!"
You whip your head around at Legend's demand, finding yourself mildly offended by it which is shown through the placement of your hands on your hips, "Don't you think I would if I could? Like it or not, I think we're stuck like this –"
"- Are you kidding me -?!"
"- Until the spell either wears off or we find a way to reserve it," You narrow your eyes when he interrupts. Standing, you dust yourself while he copies the action except with some added complaints and curses mumbled under his breath.
"I can't believe this. Of course, this is how my day would end. I can't ever catch a break, can I?! The others are never going to let this go. It's all we're going to hear about for the next week!"
"Geeze, I didn't know a day in my body would be so terrible for you."
Legend frowns, not intending to make you feel bad. It's not like you asked for any of this yourself. You’re equally as inconvenienced. It's just...reeeally weird and uncomfortable knowing that he's technically you right now. He's currently in the body of the girl he finds most attractive and sometimes daydreams about –
"I'm sure you're not having any more fun than I am. Let's just get out of here and find a solution as fast as possible, okay?" Legend hastily grabs your hand, intending on getting you both out of this dungeon before you can notice the redness to his cheeks (at least, he's sure he'd be blushing if in his own body right now. Is it even visible on your cheeks, though?), however almost as soon as he pulls, he's nearly thrown back against your unmoving weight.
Kill him now. He isn't used to not having his power bracelets.
"Did you...want me to follow you?"
"Do you also want me to hold your hand so you don't get lost?" You give his hand a squeeze, all the while wearing a shit-eating grin that makes his face even warmer than before.
"...Forget it and fuck off," With that, he drops your hand and marches off, yet you aren't far behind, chasing after him while clearly having too much fun with his reaction.
"You know, this is usually the point when you ask me if I'm on my time of month! Is that your problem, Vet? You're already hormonal after just a few minutes in a girl's body?"
Has his laugh always been this obnoxious? Does he owe Warrior an apology?
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"...Well, this is troublesome."
Your eye twitches after Time's calm 'evaluation' of the situation, "...'Troublesome'? You THINK?! You know, when I woke up this morning, I did not expect to end up becoming a sixty-year-old man -!"
"- Sixty? Is that how old you think I am?"
"Well, you act like it sometimes!" You defend, huffing at the end of your sentence before trying to rise onto your feet which still feel wobbly due to that wizard's spell. It takes you a second - and you almost tumble forward like a newborn giraffe, causing you to start swinging your arms around in a desperate attempt to regain balance - but eventually you do succeed in the basic human function called 'standing', "We need to find the Veteran. This is his stupid world, so I'm blaming him for this happening!"
Time, meanwhile, takes pity upon you by letting your previous comment slide. Unlike you, he easily gets to his feet as if ending up in someone else's body is an everyday occurrence for him. His new height is something you take immediate notice of, mentally noting how strange it is to be looking down at someone – let alone him – from so far up. Is this how it always feels for him? No wonder he took on the mantel of being the 'dad' of the group so quickly. You all probably look like literal children to him!
"Thank Hylia we camped close to the dungeon. The others should be getting ready for dinner at this point, so they'll all be in attendance to take joy in our misery," You smile sarcastically with a wave of your hand, however you only take a few steps forward before turning around and realizing that Time isn't following you. His face also looks rather...alarmed?
"...You okay there?"
He hums and gives you an awkward thumbs up, yet that doesn't change his expression any nor does he immediately move to follow you. He simply stands there, his face bright with embarrassment until he finally clears his throat, "I...think I might've had an accident?"
"An 'accident'...?" You scrunch your nose, needing a moment to understand what he could possibly mean. Did he just piss himself as you? You would've thought he'd have more self-control even if he isn’t technically himself. Sure, it might be scary opening your eyes to find yourself in someone else's body, but it's not that scary to warrant - ...Oooh...You get what he means now...
When the realization sinks in, you can feel your own face grow warm. You had forgotten all about that, "Oh shit. I, um...Yeah that's not – It's harmless, really. You'll be fine, it's just -...You know what, just don't worry about, okay? Let's focus on getting ourselves switched back around first. You, uh...gonna be okay dealing with it for now?"
Sympathy laces your voice, however it isn’t exactly strong enough to hide your embarrassment. Seriously, could this get anymore modifying? You weren't trying to think about the whole 'my-crush-is-currently-in-my-body' thing, but you definitely can't ignore it now! Out of all the days of the month this could happen - How embarrassing for you both!
Fortunately, Time, ever the brave gentlemen, nods, that be it slowly and unsurely, "If you can do it your whole life, I can manage for a day..."
"That's the spirit!" Please, please, please say Legend knows a solution for this because you will absolutely die if you have to talk Time through a 'change' of certain materials tonight.
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“Oh no…”
“What do you mean by ‘oh no’? What happened? Are you hurt?” Twilight’s voice – which doesn’t really sound like his own – gets progressively more concerned by each question until he finally manages to escape the wall of smoke around him. Once finally receiving a clear view of his hands, he suddenly understands the meaning behind your less-than-thrilled expression.
“That’s what I mean by ‘oh no’,” You frown, watching as he flips his hands around front and back to confirm the notable difference he sees. It would be difficult to ignore how much smaller and smoother they’ve gotten…or to turn a blind eye to all the other major variations throughout the entirely of his body.
“Has anything like this happened to you before?” Whatever surprise you have towards your shared predicament is either quickly recovered from or masked well, because you don’t hesitate to pick yourself up and start collecting your fallen belongings – or rather Twilight’s – from the ground.
“Can’t say it has. I’m guessin’ you’re in the same boat?”
“Yeah, this is the first time I can knock ‘switching bodies’ off the bingo board,” You shake your head, pausing to watch him stand as well, “I know Wind mentioned being able to control other people’s bodies or something like that before. ‘not sure if it’s the same or if he’d know how to fix this.”
“Even if not, we’re in Legend’s world. He’d have to know some kind of solution,” Twilight sighs, going to place a hand on his hip out of habit, but he instantly decides against it in a quick movement he hopes wasn't too obviously. Even if he's consciously in this body, it's still yours. Touching his hip now would be no different from touching your hip any other time which is NOT a friendly place for hands to be! At least that's what his awkward brain tells him.
Trying not to dwell too much on any of that, he makes himself useful by plucking your dropped sword off the ground and returning it to your scabbard the same way you had done with his before reaching down to grab -
“- Don’t touch that!” You’re startled to a halt by Twilight’s sudden shout and turn to give him a puzzled look as he gulps while eyeing the shadow shard you were inches away from picking up next, “It, uh…It’s sharp.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at him, and for a second he’s worried he might just have to tackle you to prevent you from touching the object in question (which now that he’s considering it, would probably only be as effective as a sparrow attacking a horse seeing as you’ve switched bodies not to mention you’d only have more reason to question him in that case but -)
“- All you Links are such terrible liars,” You huff after a minute. Nevertheless, you step aside and allow Twilight to pick up the necklace himself. He’s careful to only touch the string and tuck it securely in a pocket because the very last thing he needs added to this day is you finding out one of his greatest secrets by literally becoming it yourself which would then undoubtably lead to his second greatest secret being discovered, after all, it's one thing for a random wolf to let you give him kisses free of charge, but there'll be a lot more to unravel there if you find out it's been your travel companion the whole time.
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"Okay. Try not to panic. There has to be some way to reverse this - ARE YOU CHECKING ME OUT RIGHT NOW?!"
Warrior jumps with a start after having been caught, although he must not be too embarrassed because he doesn’t immediately remove his hands from their place on his hips nor does he show much shame in currently having his body turned at an angle to look at his – or more importantly – your back side, “What?! You do it to yourself all the time!”
"T-That’s not - When I'm in my own body!” You stammer, blushing at the realization that you apparently haven’t been as subtle with your habit of checking your own appearance here and there, “Excuse me if I don’t want to walk around looking like a mess with dirt and leaves stuck to my backside! I’m not over here looking at your dick!”
"I hardly think you can equate that to an ass," He deadpans.
"Well, I'm not looking at your ass, either, pervert!"
At last, something you say seems to get to him, your words causing Warrior to bow his head with a pout and that shared discomfort he should’ve had from the beginning, “I’m not a pervert. If it’s such a big deal, then you can come over here and fix the backside of this tunic. It’s riding up on me and it’s driving me crazy.”
You blink then glance around him to notice that your tunic is indeed all out of sorts, one end lifted and tucked in your belt. It must’ve gotten stuck that way during your fight with that wizard…Now you just feel like an idiot…
“Oh,” Warrior mocks with a roll of his eyes, not saying much else – perhaps out of pity - as he waits for you to help fix the tunic correctly, although truthfully he’s just busy redirecting his eyes and cursing himself internally for not having explained the situation from the start. He maybe-kinda spaced the fact that he’s currently in your body and didn’t consider the implications of what it would look like for you to see him fussing over your back end. How were you to know he was simply fixing your tunic? He really did probably look like a massive pervert.
“There,” You finally step away.
“Thanks,” He coughs into his fist awkwardly with his opposite hand rubbing the back of his neck. Even in a different body, he carries the same nervous habits, “Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to –“
“- No. No, you’re fine. I, uh, should’ve had more trust in you," You mumble, running a hand over your hot face before shaking your head. You need to get it together, "Come on. Let's just get out of here and find a way to fix this before any other misunderstandings can happen."
Warrior nod and follows after you out of the dungeon without another word to be said. He won't say it aloud - He refuses to even admit it to himself because he's supposed to be a gentleman and what if you've suddenly become a mind reader?...But if you were to for some reason ask his opinion, you do in fact have a fine ass.
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andraxicated · 1 year
Intimacy in all its forms
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Pairings: ayato, heizou, albedo, kaeya, childe, scaramouche x f! reader
tags: fluff | highschool au! (currently reading seasons of blossom and i'm not okay)
a/n: this will probably be one of my last writings here before i'm once again swept up in school. this will be 3 parts with other characs!
taken from prompts here
pt. 2
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Ayato | The intimacy of someone falling asleep next to you. On your shoulder. In your company.
—he was oh so capable. everyone admired and trusted him, he was all smiles to them and they'd worship the ground he walked on. he was good at everything; academics and athletics, student government positions, and work that seemed too much for one person. he handled it all like some kind of superman and you hated it so much. you hated how ayato promised he'd change his attitude when you're dating and he broke it—seeing him still handling paperwork when the sun was starting to set and the school was about to be empty.
"are you done?" you ask, leaning against the door to be met with his sorry eyes and words. "sorry (y/n), i'm about to be finished soon, you can go now if you want." what kind of question was that? of course, you'd stay with him.
you pull out a nearby chair and sat next to him, leaning closer and resting your head on his shoulder. "I can't have my afternoon nap because of you" you mutter before closing your eyes, hearing his hushed apologies that you inwardly groan to. and when you wake up, both of you go together in the darkened hallways hand-in-hand, passing by empty classrooms that you refuse to look at and ayato chuckles while glancing at you.
he doesn't call for a car ride when he's staying late, in fear of inconveniencing the family drivers but you tell him he's the only one who'd be inconvenienced commuting at a rush hour.
"how could I be inconvenienced when you're with me?" he says before yawning, a sign that he was about to succumb to exhaustion, and soon you feel a weight on your shoulder to see his blue hair nuzzling your face. ayato fell asleep on your shoulder as you held his hand, smoothing his knuckles over.
it was far from an uncomfortable silence. to have him resting on your shoulder, in your company, laying his guard down, and being vulnerable around you is enough to make your heart melt. you remember feeling something press against your head earlier when you were asleep on his shoulder, it felt like a kiss. and you know you'd always return the favor so you lean down a bit and kiss the top of his head, careful not to disturb him in this short slumber.
"take it easy sometimes, will you?" you whisper.
Heizou | The intimacy of “How did you know that?” “Because I know you.”
—you learned from the very start that heizou was a deductive person. it's like he knew everything as he was very quick to pick up on things. he even notices random stuff that you don't even know about. and all these little things he points out pile up and makes your heart flutter. you seriously think you're catching feelings and you hope this was one thing heizou won't know.
"you have something on your mind? you've been zoning out since earlier like your soul had flown out." he asks and you brush it off by saying you're just stressed from doing schoolwork. heizou won't pry if you don't want to tell him so instead...he's going to be the one to tell you something that's been weighing heavily on his mind.
it was just a peaceful day hanging out with him until he blurts out a confession out of the blue. "I like you (y/n)" he says and you're staring at him unbelievably with your eyes wide and mouth parted. he continues, "and I know that you like me too...at least from what I observed. turn me down if I'm wrong-"
"wait. how did you know that?" you cut him off. and you weren't even obvious with your crush from what you think. does he really know you that well to let you face your feelings for him?
"because i know you"
it had been bold of him to take that leap of faith to you. because there was that slight chance that he was just assuming and you only saw him as a friend. but his risk paid off knowing you all these years, staying by your side, and watching you fall for other people. for the first time, he chose to trust his guts rather than his mind. and it was rewarding to see you smile and hear your answer to his confession.
"once again you're right. i like you too, heizou"
Albedo | The intimacy of seeing someone’s unfocused eyes when they first wake up
—your eyes flutter open and the first thing you see is long lashes and striking tufts of blonde hair. you're curled up against the bed, a safe distance from this warm body and you haven't processed the information yet that your "classmate" is still here and you slept in the same bed together.
your parents are coming home today by the way.
you mutter a curse, soon realizing that the wet streets have dried and albedo is still here. oh my god. albedo! you wanted to scream but he looked so peaceful sleeping, you thought it would be a crime to wake him. but from your stirring and panic, you stop for a bit just to see his eyes flutter open, staring at the ceiling for a moment, revealing a lovely color of teal that soon moved to stare at you.
"good morning" he groggily greets and you say it back meekly. oh you've been a bad bad girl. when your parents are away from vacation, you invited your boyfriend to your house for a movie and cuddles since it was rainy season. turns out, you lead him to the bed for a continued cuddle session until you fell asleep.
you both sit up at the same time and you carefully watch what he does next. albedo looks at you as you flinch in surprise. "I should go now, you said your parents are coming back today, right?" you nod and he moves to kiss your forehead, feeling the warmth of his soft lips that closed your eyes. "I should've said no but unfortunately, I realized I couldn't resist you. I'm dating a bad influence." albedo says, playing with your fingers as you shake your head while giggling.
"let's have breakfast together first. then you can go after that, we have plenty of time." you whisper, kissing his cheek before going out of your room, feeling flushed and giddy from this intimate secret.
Kaeya | The intimacy of someone saying "Text me when you're home safe."
—"you don't have to do this", you shake your head looking up at him yet he gives you an easy smile in return. "this is the least I could do as your suitor." he insisted to wait with you at the stop until your transportation arrives. kaeya always made you feel safe and assured, he was constantly looking out for you. and before you go, he held your arm and said "Text me when you're home safe." so when you arrive, you let down your bag and pull out your phone to text kaeya.
"I'm home now! how about you?" you waited for a few minutes, growing worried until you see him typing a message that read, "home too. it's raining these days and it's going to be hard to commute. do you want me to give you a ride home starting tomorrow?"
you type in, feeling embarrassed yet he beat you to it saying "it's only for the rainy days. i hate seeing you squeezing against other commuters too."
yet he didn't say you'd see his brother too in the front seat with kaeya enthusiastically tapping the passenger seat at the back for you to sit in. it was very awkward in the car, proceeding to kaeya's smooth words that his brother lets out a groan every few minutes or so. you know it was his way of letting his brother know that he actually has a girl with him.
"hi can you please drop me off just around the corner? it will be fine thank you." you spoke to the driver with a smile and kaeya was confused as to why you wanted to be dropped off there.
"are you hiding something from me? a secret boyfriend coming over?" he teases yet he was quite nervous for the reason. you laugh it off, pushing him playfully before easing his worries.
"my parents still don't know about you, right? let's avoid any confrontations for now, I just don't want to be teased by my family that's all." you held his hand, giving it a little squeeze to see him break out in a small smile. "i'm not hiding something i swear! i'm serious about you. i like you kaeya!" if someone, even your neighbors saw this sleek black car parking in front and you coming out of it, it will certainly be the topic of gossip. you just wanted to avoid that.
"i know. i like you too. but was that your answer—" "ehem, (y/n) here we are. stay safe." diluc cuts him off with a cough, announcing your location and you pull away much to kaeya's dismay. you give him your brightest smile before shyly waving, thanking the brothers and the driver then got out of the car, walking to your house, knowing they're still there parked and watching you go in.
kaeya's phone beeps, a notification of your message saying, "I'm home! Thank you for the ride♡"
Childe | The intimacy of instantly recognising someone’s handwriting
—a piece of paper had found itself bouncing on your desk, all crumpled and white. you open it, not taking a glance at whoever behind you had thrown that but as soon as you open it you already know who it came from.
it was very evident from the handwriting, nice and clean but in terms of penmanship against other people you know, this person was on the middle tier. it was not something that gets someone to say "wow, your handwriting's good!" yet you loved seeing it anyway.
and you know he could see the corner of your lips rise from his view, it made him mirror the grin you so subtly hide in fear of being called out. you take a glance at the teacher before writing on the piece of paper.
replying to the message written, "Let's have lunch together :(( I miss you"
you write in, "Okay! And I missed you too even though we literally talked 10 minutes ago", you crumpled it back and threw the paper without looking, hoping ajax could somehow catch it.
have some faith in your boyfriend, would you? he's not part of the athletes if he's not that agile at catching. he secretly opens it and fails to hold back his chuckle that drew question marks above everybody's heads.
Scaramouche | The intimacy of answering the phone "Hey you."
—the phone rang, the door locked, and his heart fast as he was nervous about talking to you. pacing around, running a scenario of what would happen once you answered the phone.
scaramouche doesn't wait yet he finds himself wishing you'd pick up. but ultimately the tone ended without being answered and he was left with his screen showing a failed call.
he sighed, wanting to retire for the night until his phone rang once again with your name on it. he dives onto the bed to get ahold of the device and picks it up, speaking first as he always gets the first word.
"hey you"
"What's up?" he hated your dry reply. "What took you so long to pick up?" he wanted to know what kept you busy, didn't he tell you to always answer your phone when he calls?
"I took a shower and cleaned myself up. I'm literally in a towel. Why did you call?"
he didn't mean to do it but he immediately created a mental image of you freshly out of the shower with your hair wet and wearing a towel. the tip of his ears turned hot and he struggled to speak until you laughed over the phone and reminded him of what he was to you.
"hey boyfriend. you shouldn't be thinking of anything funny—"
"I wasn't!" he acted like a provoked cat as his shout tore that his mom shouted back asking who he was fighting. he was certainly fighting you and your schemes to get him all flustered, it worked though. and scara never changed, even after everything he always had the first word in calls. a "hey you" laced with unconcealed affection and a cheeky grin that follows.
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solisaureus · 3 months
I don't speak for everyone -- I'm sure some creators appreciate this kind of thing -- but I wanted to talk about people who send artists, writers, and other creators online "when are you going to make more" messages. Things like:
When are you going to update this fic?
Why haven't you posted art recently?
When are you going to draw the thing you said you'd draw?
Why haven't you followed through on my request?
Again, I'm sure there are some people out there who see these kinds of inquiries as motivating, as evidence that people are interested in what they make. And I don't doubt that most people sending these kinds of messages mean well. But I want to point out that this often comes across as entitled, inconsiderate, and demanding.
Most people making creative fan works (like fan art and fanfiction) have life commitments -- jobs, relationships, school, life events, personal projects, and their own health and wellbeing. Making art can be a stress reliever, but that can become stressful when people start demanding for more. For me, personally, if I haven't posted anything in a while due to life circumstances or poor health, seeing people ask when I'm going to post again just makes me feel guilty and stressed. It certainly doesn't make me write any faster.
If you want to show support for a creator who hasn't shared much recently, try this instead:
Compliments and engagement on their past works (if you've already seen/read it, a "coming back to this again, it's still great" comment never goes amiss)
If they haven't posted in a while, let them know you hope they're doing okay. but only if you actually care how they're doing as a person and not just as a stalled content machine.
Instead of asking when an update is coming, something like "I love this work (for xyz reasons), if you do continue it I'll be excited." This gets at the encouraging angle without sounding demanding.
Please don't treat each other like content mills that have inconvenienced you by stalling. We get enough of that from capitalism :\
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obae-me · 5 months
Omg Hi!!! It has been so long since I have seen you on my dash! How are you doing love? I hope you are doing super well ^.^ I recently saw your Mc with trauma post. I loved it so much, and it has also given me a lot to mull over the past few days lol.
Honestly I love the idea of a traumatized Mc and the brothers feeling like absolute shit for the way they treated them in the beginning... but yk another part of me wonders when I imagine my own traumas in that scenario... that for people (the bros- literal demons) who have faced so many things and traumas in their own lives, whether my feelings or pain is even comparable to that. Ik you can't compare things like that and the brothers would probably even be mad if I think of my feelings this way since it's the "Ohhhh someone always has it worse. It's not even that bad so just suck it up" self-deprecating part of me. Despite knowing ALL THAT I can't help but think that I am not traumatized enough to deserve empathy lmao (I realize how stupid it sounds saying it out loud).
So that is what REALLY got me thinking. What about an Mc that is genuinely terrified of scrutiny, being a nuisance and just basically inconveniencing anyone for things that are just basic needs. Idk if I am explaining it well enough oof and a mc like that (like me lmao) certainly won't bode well with Lucifer. Atleast not in the beginning. I could hate him (I could never but if I did) but still be terrified of disappointing him. This is what I mean when I say I love him but he reminds me too much of my father habits wise 🤢.
I am thinking a Mc who is afraid of asking even their basic needs at the beginning once Lucifer mumbled about them being too much trouble. Mc who feels so extremely guilty when the brothers get anything for them, cuz they feel like they have to work for it or they don't deserve it. Mc whose blood freezes over when they break something and try to replace it as quick as possible so no one blames them. Mc who never expresses their concerns so as to not add to the brothers' already full plates or worry them. It hurts to bottle it all up but seeing the brothers' concerned faces with so much PITY is a thousand times worse. Mc who never complains and adjusts to even unfair situations so as to not be a bother. Mc who just takes, takes and takes everything bad and doesn't say a word cuz they feel like they deserve it. Mc who tells little white lies to hide their flaws and be the perfect exchange student and avoid scoldings and criticisms ; only to stew in shame, disgust, self-loathing when someone eventually catches up on one of the lies (the person probably didn't even make a big deal of it/ was only mildly disappointed but Mc feels their heart breaking in two as they think they have broken their trust forever and would never be trusted again)
Gosh this got way longer than I was expecting >.< and a lot of signs like these aren't really obvious until you are close to that person. I think so many of us are so hard and rutheless to ourselves when sometimes the thing we need the most is a little compassion and understanding ;-;
Hi! I love seeing you in my inbox and thank you! I've been in recovery mode for the last few months but am finally coming back out of that cave and working on my hobbies again (seriously going too long without writing almost feels like going without food for me)! I hope you've been doing well too!
And oof, yes, I understand what you're saying completely. I'm like that too in a lot of ways, keeping certain details or complaints to myself because "Oh surely what I've been to is really nothing". And sometimes I let something slip and people get very concerned. Which is validating in a way, not that I need to be validated for it, everyone goes through their own pain and awful things SUCK no matter to what extent it is and I've had to learn that through my life.
(Wow that MC really is just me, huh? Calling me out are you? /j)
Honestly this type of MC is just canon to me. (I mean, the more pithy responses the MC has in original OM might just be due to writing but to me it just seems like the calm and general response of someone throwing out NPC answers as a survival tactic.)
They suck things up and soak up everything that's been said to them and work hard to remain a normal functioning being.
And of course Lucifer is an interesting character to think about with this MC because on one hand the human could absolutely despise him for the way he treats them. Or on the other hand (if you're like me I guess, which I realize is hella unhealthy, oops) the MC could look up to him and work extra hard to try to gain his validation, because getting praise from someone like that means you must not be a failure, right?
And just...the dynamic of that is so appealing to me, because Lucifer loves when people work hard and do what they're told, but then if he finally comes to the realization that they're burning out and actually almost putting themselves in more danger and harm because of HIM? And at the end of the day he's doing more damage than any of his chaotic brothers? (I like to have him spiral and be humbled just a bit)
Just all of the brothers doing some deep introspection once they come to care for MC and needing to sit down and realize that probably made their human feel so much worse and then spending the rest of eternity trying to fix that. And then the "I can fix him" mentality from MC turns into the "I can fix them" from every other character. A special Uno Reverse, if you will.
Oops, this turned into a fairly long ramble of my own...
Thanks for popping into my inbox with your thoughts! Traumatized MC deserves some extreme love
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