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someone please deprogram me from feeling like i've committed cold-blooded murder every time i have to ask for a sick day from work
#I HATE MISSING WORK#I HATE INCONVENIENCING OTHER TEACHERS BY MAKING THEM SUB MY CLASSES#I HATE MAKING EVERYONE SCRAMBLE TO PICK UP MY SLACK#I HATE GETTING BACK TO WORK THE NEXT DAY AND FINDING OUT MY LESSON PLANS WEREN'T EVEN FOLLOWED#unfortunately i've been getting sick pretty much non-stop since they stopped requiring masks at my school in march#also i already had to miss one of my classes last week for a doctor's appt which makes me feel even worse :(#also i got back the next day and my students were like ''the sub just let us watch a movie all class :)'' WHICH#I'M GLAD THEY HAD FUN. BUT WHY REQUIRE ME TO WRITE SUB PLANS IF THE SUB AIN'T GONNA FOLLOW THEM#crumb post
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work stuff
silly stuff: I have a new phone I hate it =) not really but I bought one that was cheap so I can't find cases for it, and I was just used to my old setup so now everything's diff... It has this horrible material on the back which is impossible to stick anything to! so adding my beloved phone ring hasn't worked. Tried hot glue gun, Elmer's glue... it does not stick lol.
ANYWAY, I covered in Moomin stickers and my coworker goes "EHHH you like Moomins?"
me: "yeah!"
her: "But... you're so cool!
x'D Idek what she meant. I'm not cool, but I've been told my whole life that I come off serious. I don't really know what to do about it, I'm not serious person at all, but people decide lots of things based on random stuff to substitute actually getting to know you. And they conclude I'm serious. I can only guess that's what she meant by "cool" lol. It was very funny to hear myself described as "cool" at all though. If only the kids from junior high were there!
less serious stuff: not gonna get into buuuuut GUESS WHAT WE'RE MAJORLY UNDERSTAFFED AGAIN! aaaaand stomach flu is going around, so a bunch of teachers have been out sick. I'm fine! Which is so great because I get to go to work and pick up the slack :) so fun. Since we're understaffed, we've had to ask for help from another school. We've had to ask a lot the past few months because of the understaffing, and this week, with the addition of illness, it's been even more.
So there's a teacher from the other school there in the afternoon (actually an admin, not teacher), and as she's leaving I thank her for her help (we had a tough afternoon today, the kids have no mercy lol). She says: "I like coming here... but not this often." x'D It wasn't impolite, and I don't blame her a bit... She has her own work and they've had a bout of illness at her school too. She shouldn't have to come over here and help us, especially not so often. But what can I do about it? Why tell me? Does she think anyone listens to me x'D because I promise they do not! I'm here every day, covering for coworkers, as well as looking after my own class without one of my coteachers because she quit in September. All that kind of comment does is make me feel like guilty, like there's something else we should be doing? Browbeating people for getting sick? Cloning ourselves so we can meet the mandated teacher-student ratio without help?? I would LOVE to not have to ask for help from the other school but I literally cannot do anything about it.
I'm a little ticked off for a bunch of reasons, but it boils down to there's just not much appreciation for those of us who are sticking it out and covering for others. It feels like when people are absent, the people who show up to work get the brunt of the disappointment and the dissatisfaction. It is always a scramble trying to make everything work out and it's stressful.
We don't perform as well in suboptimal conditions... That's as true for pre-K as it is anywhere else. Yes kids deserve the best always but teachers are only human. Just because you throw in random admin stuff or teachers from other rooms who don't know our routine or our kids doesn't mean now everything's going to be fine. Ratio is not everything. If you see a problem, maybe instead of complaining or lecturing about it... help out?? lol smh. This happened with an event we did recently, where there was a fuss by some people that things were not progressing as smoothly as they're supposed to... Surprise surprise, one of the teachers who was supposed to lead it had just quit :) everyone else on the team were FIRST TIMERS. The only one who wasn't a sub!! But they got lectured... it wasn't there fault. Hard to say whose fault it was - ideally, if that happens, someone in a leadership position would say, "OK, that teacher quit, so the new team is all newbies and will probably need some advice so they know when to get stuff going with this event." But our boss isn't really involved in teacher activities and has enough on her plate. There isn't always a team leader on campus either. The rest of us are all equals and we aren't keeping tabs on each other. That's not our job. Soooo... no one noticed, basically, until it was almost too late.
But the reason things went wrong there is because of understaffing. Not any teacher being lazy or careless. And today a bunch of stuff went wrong. Because we were understaffed, there were big changes during the day as another teacher called in sick and another went home in the middle of the day also sick, and it threw a wrench into the rest of our schedules. As a result, things that usually get done in a certain order were scrambled through or misplaced. Despite that we were all doing more work than usual. I did cleaning duty for both my coteacher and myself because she had to stay in the nap room for a long time. I also wrote in our class journal (required) and worked on stuff for the next event. AND I wrote half of our students' daily messages (also required) and my coworker did the other half. Usually we do those messages during classtime. But I had to cover for another class during the time I typically write them. We would have then written them after lunch, but our sub was the teacher who went home sick, so we were under ratio and had to scramble to recalibrate so stuff could stay legal. We ended up very behind and couldn't write the messages. So that had to be done during afternoon prep as well. Because of that chain of events, neither of us thought to refill the diaper bin. Probably also because of us that chain of events, the teachers on duty at naptime didn't finish writing all the naptimes in the kids' journals. Which is an easy fix, but became a lecture?? We KNOW what to do. We do it just fine every day. It is NOVEMBER. School year started in April. It does not occur to you that perhaps things got missed because our day was bananas?? (Nah definitely because we suck lol)
I took a 30 min break at 3:15 pm. I went and got a drink and read a book. I didn't take any break yesterday. I'm supposed to get one hour. It's not even a paid hour. If I'd done more classroom organizing today I would not have had even that 30 min. But heaven help us, someone had to walk out and pick up a diaper for one student because of my laziness. Lol.
The expectation at this job is really becoming "constantly work and don't take a break" and I'm so not here for it. I know I keep saying I'll find a new job and never do but I am going to I swear...
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The Universe Had His Back - Chapter 7
Chapters: Six | Seven
Master List
Warnings: Fluff, Fluff and more Fluff
Word Count: ~2.74k
Inspiration: Don't Go - Exo
A/N: And with this chapter, I conclude this series. Thank you for all the love you all gave my baby project!
Tags: @sooibian, @queenofcurse, @red-n-tall, @badbitxhbuckybarnes , @sweet-assh0le
‘Why am I nervous? We've done much more than just kiss. For fucks sake! I'm the mother of his child.’
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before pushing the cart from behind your truck towards the large glass doors of the café. You had offered to take today’s batch of bread and pastries to Levi’s to snag a chance to see him, much to Mikasa’s annoyance.
“Oi, brat! You’re late.”, Levi remarked without looking up from his laptop when the bell above the door rang with your entrance, expecting her to have finally arrived.
“Levi, I’m so sorry! I made an impromptu decision to come here instead of Mikasa and -”, you emerged from behind the lofty stack of boxes.
Your hair was up in a messy bun, you were panting from hauling the weight and the resultant perspiration made you glow. Your continual rambling about why you were late, instantly gave him a feeling of Déjà vu, hurling him eight years back in time to the morning when he first laid his eyes on you. Mirroring that day, he couldn’t focus on anything you were saying, gawking at you with unblinking eyes given how stupefied he was by the sight before his eyes and the sound of your voice.
“Levi? Are you listening?”, you waved your hand in front of his face, disrupting the mental movie playing in his head.
“Huh? Oh, y-yeah. Hi.” he shook his head vigorously and blinked a few times to bring himself back to the present.
Both a blushing mess, you stood by the entrance to the cafe, smiling at each other like two smitten high-schoolers.
“Are you finally back together?”, a shriek from the opposite end of the seating area made your ears ring.
The cacophony was loud enough that Erwin’s head immediately peaked out of his office; his face riddled with confusion. Both your necks snapped towards the source - Hange was running in your direction with the brightest grin on their face. Every head in the room was turned towards you. Eren and other new members of staff at the café, Armin, Jean, Sasha and Connie were slack jawed with their gaping eyes fixed on you after being subjected to this abrupt and unnecessary announcement. One look from Levi sent them scrambling back to work.
“Fucking four-eyes.” he mumbled as they came closer.
“I knew it! You lovebirds couldn’t stay apart for long!”, they squealed with joy enveloping you both in an spontaneous group hug, not giving Levi an opportunity to flinch away.
“Shhh! Calm down, Hange! We’re not back together. Yet.”, you tugged on their hands trying to free yourself from their clasp.
Levi's eyes met and stayed on yours when you uttered the last word, the way his heart fluttered at the sound of it clearly reflecting on his face.
“But you were together last night. You have both put in way too much effort in your appearances today. And the color on Short-stack's cheeks can be spotted from Mars! What am I missing here?”, they observed, unaware of the heat rising within their two friends thinking about their final moments together at the Ackerman home yesterday.
Always the perceptive one, Hange. They weren’t entirely wrong. You did spend forty minutes in your closet hunting for the one floral lemon-yellow dress that Levi loved seeing you in; piling on deodorant while simultaneously cursing the hot summer. You picked your reflection in the mirror apart for way too long, fiddling with the necklace he bought you ages ago while rehearsing what you would say to him.
By the looks of it, he did too. He looked oh-so handsome today. Granted, he always did. But today was different. He wore your favorite navy-blue button-down shirt with slate grey slacks, sleeves folded to reveal his toned fore arms, and the top two buttons left open to aid with the sweltering heat; or was it because he knew that it made you weak in the knees when he wore his shirts that way? And his cheeks and ears were definitely a brighter shade of pink than the raspberry compote on the cheesecake you brought.
He stood pinching the bridge of his nose, his breathing starting to speed up. You figured it was his attempt at suppressing the strong urge to smack the grin right off Hange’s face.
“Hange, I promise, I’ll give you all the details later. But for now, Levi and I have things to discuss.”, you pulled him away before he could act on his impulse.
Taking a seat at the table by the large bay window, kissed by the morning sun, you watched the city slowly rise awake with your cheek resting on the palm of your hand. Levi, who was walking back from the kitchen with a cup of tea for himself and a caramel latte for you, stopped in his tracks to mentally frame this image. It was as if you were a different person than who he met over the last two days.
There were no signs of the anxious but adoring mother from yesterday nor the bewildered, pained ex-wife from the day before; you were the same clumsy, moody, garrulous, as well as kind, selfless and mesmerizing woman he fell madly in love with when you walked in through the doors of this very place eight years ago. How could one person flood his heart with a barrage of different emotions this way?
You acknowledged him with a soft ‘hi’ accompanied by a smile when he sat down on the chair opposite to you, nervous about the forthcoming conversation. You stole occasional glances at each other while sipping your beverages, hesitating to be the one to say the first word.
“Do you hate me?”, he asked out of the blue, his gaze locked on his cup.
“No! Why would you think that?”
“Uh- you obviously had a chance to think about what I said to you after going home last night. Why would you possibly want to still see me?”
“Well, I’m here, aren't I? I want to work on us if you’re willing to try as well, Levi. I want to see where this takes us.”, you smiled, placing your hand on his.
"Me too."
Four months later
The day of Suki and Furlan's wedding was finally here. The venue was set, guests had arrived and you were busy helping the bride get ready for her special day, having spent all morning with her, Isabel and the other bridesmaids in the bridal suite, chatting away in excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.
“Honestly speaking, Suki, I’d have a hard time keeping my hands off you if I were Furlan”, you teased while draping the veil into her hair, causing her to bury her face into her palms.
“You’re one to talk! Levi has been looking for reasons to see you all morning. I had to turn him away thrice already. I'm pretty sure he is going to murder me after the wedding is over.”, Isabel shot back with a smirk.
The last four months had been nothing short of a whirlwind. After that morning at the cafe, having breakfast with Levi turned into a routine. He brought Luna along on most days, and the three of you spent time chatting and admiring the toddler’s antics over tea and scones while sitting at your usual table by the bay window. Sometimes you’d have her accompany you to the patisserie to give Levi a much-deserved break.
Everyone there was enamored with the little firecracker. Her Uncle Miche had always been her favorite because the gentle giant ferried her around the large kitchen on his shoulders. Bertholdt and Reiner would happily comply to all the orders their mini boss belted out. Annie, although a little awkward around her, listened intently to her endless stories; Mikasa secretly pampered her with numerous treats even after several warnings from you, and Nanaba would fuss over her all the time and try to keep the little one all to herself, earning protests from the others.
The evenings varied between taking Luna to the park or the pier, or just spending time indoors at your place or his. You even celebrated her fourth birthday two weeks ago. All your friends and family, along with some little friends the birthday girl had made at the park were invited. You spent a beautiful evening in the backyard of your house around a bonfire, with a delectable meal and wonderful company.
Levi especially made sure you knew that you were being wooed by taking you out on date nights every now-and-then to the finest of restaurants, walks on the beach, to the drive-in theater a few miles outside your town, or star gazing from your favorite spot up the nearby hill. You both were working through your differences and had barely had any disagreements during the time spent together. Things were slowly falling in place; in fact, this newly re-built relationship with him felt much stronger than ever before.
The flashback ended when the wedding planner knocked on the door indicating it was time for the ceremony to begin. You, Isabel, and the other bridesmaids ushered Suki to her designated spot, making sure her dress, hair, make up and flowers looked perfect.
Standing at the altar by Furlan’s side as his best man, Levi was relieved that he would finally be seeing you soon after being apart all morning. Lately, the two of you spent most of your time together; and this sudden separation had him feeling restless.
On cue, the two harpists seated on either side of the rows began to play heavenly tune of ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perry, a prompt for the bride’s party to start making their way towards the altar. He watched patiently as bridesmaids accompanied by groomsmen walked down the aisle, waiting for you to finally appear. He almost forgot to breathe when your form eventually entered the nave, walking a short distance behind Isabel and one of Furlan’s friends.
You wore the emerald gown from your encounter with him at the store four months ago, and looked a million times more beautiful this morning. Your usually open hair was tied into an elegant loose braid with some curly strands framing your face. The sun rays falling on your silhouette from the towering stained-glass windows of the church made you look like an angel descending solely upon him. He finally began breathing again when you smiled at him and mouthed “breathe”, after taking your position at the altar.
Levi only peeled his eyes away from you when Luna’s giggles reverberated off the stone walls as she waddled down the aisle, scattering petals of baby pink roses, about the same shade has her chubby cheeks, on the ivory carpet. You wiped a stray tear rolling down your face as you both proudly watched her play the part of a flower girl with utmost perfection. Upon making it to the end, she ran to you and buried her face in your gown, suddenly feeling shy from the cheers and applause she received from the smitten guests.
You instantly scooped her up and held her close, letting her nuzzle into the crook of your neck, cooing sweet words of encouragement into her ears. Levi was so taken by this divine scene before him that he failed to notice the bride's much awaited walk down the aisle; surprised to directly find Suki standing at the altar, facing Furlan with her lips curved into the widest smile before his attention found you and Luna again.
He lost track of how long he was marveling at his two perfect girls for, until he felt an elbow harshly crash into his ribs, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“Is this revenge for your wedding?”, Furlan frowned.
Levi blankly stared at him, having no clue what he was talking about
“Ring, Levi!”, the fuming groom growled.
Oh, right. He pursed his lips in embarrassment melting under the scrutiny of the baffled guests while he handed over the ring that was in the safety of his blazer’s pocket. His eyes darted towards an alarmed Suki and silently apologized to her. Then his gaze moved back to you, an impish smirk on your face as you stared back at him, knowing exactly what was going on in his mind.
Fuck! Furlan was not going to let this go for a long time.
Luna had lost interest in the festivities midway through the nuptials and had fallen asleep in your arms. After the ceremony, when everyone began to make their way outside the chapel, Levi swiftly moved over to walk beside you and offered to carry the snoozing toddler. You groaned after her weight left your body, stretching your sore shoulders and aching back .
“Stop that. You have no idea how hard it is to control myself from jumping your bones, especially when you look this gorgeous.”, Levi whispered in your ear, snaking an arm around your waist.
You glanced around awkwardly making sure his words did not fall on any prying ears and gave him a quick smack on the shoulder, trying to suppress the heat creeping up your neck.
Time skip – Evening
The wedding reception was underway. You sat at a table sipping lemonade, watching the newlyweds grooving to the beats of music being played by DJ Zeke. Levi swapped his usual glass of Macallan for a cup of ginger lemon tea; His reason being that his throat was sore from carrying out best man duties. But you knew he was just being supportive of your goal to stay off alcohol.
Erwin and Hange sat by the bar, socializing with Furlan’s Boss, Mr. Pyxis while Luna was busy playing duck-duck-goose with some new toddler friends she made at the venue. Levi needed to be physically restrained from ambushing Isabel who he had discovered slow dancing with the same groomsman that walked alongside her at the ceremony. Miche and Nanaba were spotted in a rare public embrace, dancing leisurely to the slow music; and your army of helpers consisting of Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie took the lead on setting up tables as yours and Levi’s patisserie and café were the official caterers for the evening.
The choice of DJ Zeke's next track brought a sparkle to your eyes. Your smile spread from ear to ear when ‘Fly me to the Moon' by Frank Sinatra emanated from the speakers. You sang along and began swaying cheerfully in your seat to the melody.
“Remember, Levi? This was the song we had our first dance to at our wedding.” you reminisced; a nostalgic smile spread across your face.
“How can I forget?”, he asked.
His eyes were unfocused, lost in memories of his own. He remembered how ethereal you looked in your white wedding dress. How your diamond jewelry shimmered under the spotlight, how you whispered honeyed words into his ears when he felt exceptionally uncomfortable dancing in public, how warm your hands felt wrapped around his body, how your breath tickled his neck. He’d give anything just to go back and relive that moment.
You gaze was still lost among people enjoying themselves on the dance floor when a stretched-out hand entered your line of vision. Your eyes followed it to land on Levi’s face. A quirk in your eyebrows wordlessly asked him what this action meant.
“Let's dance.”, he said.
“You, Levi Ackerman, are willingly asking me to dance? Did someone spike your tea?” You smirked, earning an eye roll from him.
“Oi, brat! Let’s go before I change my mind.”
“Only if you ask nicely.”
“May I have this dance with you, my love?”
You accepted and the pair of you headed towards the dance floor. He gently pulled you close to him and firmly held on to your hand. His other hand wrapped firmly around your waist and you rested yours on his shoulder. You both moved to the slow rhythm in perfect harmony, as you drowned in those gorgeous blue-grey eyes. It felt like the world around you had dissolved and it was just the two of you and the music.
“You look nice today. I see you bought the same gray suit you hated with a fiery passion.”, you teased.
“How could I not after you said you liked it?”
You looked over his shoulder to Suki and Furlan flashing you a wide grin from across the dance floor. And so did Hange, Miche and Nanaba from over that the bar. Erwin gently raised his drink in your direction. The heat from the from the sudden metaphorical spot light you stood under was cooled by the kiss Levi planted on your cheek.
“Did I tell you how lucky I feel to have you?”, he whispered into your ear as while brushing strands of hair off your face.
“I could stand to hear it more often.”, You hid your blush by resting your forehead on his shoulder, feeling too shy to keep his gaze.
“It's true. You’re the most beautiful woman is this room tonight, scratch that, you’ll be the most beautiful woman anywhere, any day; and I get the honor of calling you mine.” he cooed, drawing gentle circles on your back with his fingers.
“You’re awfully talkative today!”, you lifted your head again to reveal a contagious coy smile spread across your lips.
“Don’t be stupid. I’ve always been talkative.”,
“Come with me.”, he moved you off his chest and tugged at your hand.
“Where?”, you asked in utter confusion, and a bit of annoyance at the wonderful moment being ruined, just to receive silence in response.
Levi quickly glanced over to find Luna munching on garlic bread sticks with Erwin and Hange, as he guided you away from the venue and towards the lake nearby. The ripples in the water gleamed under the moonlight, resembling liquid silver. Warm yellow light from the lamps on either side of a wooden dock dimly illuminated the path that led to a gorgeous gazebo that stood at the end, its ceiling sprinkled with fairy lights that defined the intricate floral carvings in the wood. You stood in the center of the structure and slowly spun around, marveling at the work of whose ever brilliant hands built it.
“Levi, this is stunning!”, you said gazing in all directions, running your fingers over the sophisticated engravings.
“Yes, it is.”, Levi agreed, his eyes not on the architecture, but instead on the human embodiment of radiant sunny day that stood by his side.
Not remotely expecting anything to outshine the sight before you, your vision was captured by an extravagant display of red, green, and gold against the dark blanket of the night’s sky. You jumped when the sound of the first soaring explosion caught you off guard. An arm slid across your waist and a kiss was placed on your temple. You were enamored by the shattering sparks of the fireworks, eliciting frequent oohs and aahs, until a voice snapped you out of your reverie.
“Marry me.”
It took you a few seconds to fully register what you just heard. But when you did, overwhelming feelings of joy rendered you speechless; fingers absentmindedly running over the carved railing of the gazebo, stunned orbs darting between the brilliant sky and the love of your life.
This time Levi had to remind you to breathe.
Your eyes and lips both turned into wide Os, and you slapped your hands to cover your gaping mouth when he slowly lowered himself to kneel before you, opening a little black box containing the same gorgeous ruby ring from all those years ago, which he sneaked out of your nightstand during one of his visits.
“I know that you said you wanted to take this slow. But the last four months with you have been the most precious of my life, where I got a glimpse of what having a perfect family would be like. I learnt the hard way, what I lost when I lost you and you gave me a second chance at finding happiness when you decided to come back. I promise to love and protect you every single day for the rest of my life, and even after. You complete me, love, and you complete our family. So, will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Ackerman, again?”
“Levi...”, your trembling voice was barely audible.
“Yes.”, you breathed, letting the floodgates finally open when he slid the ring on your finger.
He got back on his feet and engulfed you into the tightest embrace as you wept joyous tears into his shoulders.
“I love you so much!”
“I love you too!”, moving to look into your eyes, he cupped your face with warm hands.
And finally, his lips found yours.
It felt... like home;
Like laying in a cozy bed after a long day of work, like the warm chocolate sauce on a cold scoop of ice-cream, like wearing a fuzzy sweater on a crisp autumn evening, like walking barefoot on the beach at sunset, like taking a cool shower on a blazing summer afternoon, like everything you ever needed.
After being torn apart from the one person who made your life perfect, you were finally back in the soothing confines of his strong arms, resting against his able chest, ready to fall apart; all while the fireworks in the sky mirrored the fireworks in your hearts.
“Mama! Papa!”
You were awoken from this surreal euphoria by the most beautiful squeal you had ever heard. Both your heads turned towards the source of it – a tiny figure running towards you with all her might while all your near and dear ones including the newlyweds watched from a distance, cheering merrily.
“They knew?”, you gasped, sobbing and sniffling from the joyous tears.
“Yeah, pretty much everyone but you knew.”
Luna flew into Levi’s open arms when he bent down to receive her. The three of you merged into one blob of a positively smothering family hug, only pulling away to pepper each other with more kisses. Levi held his two girls close. His sun and moon were now back together in the sky of his life. He looked into Luna’s crescent shaped eyes and whispered,
“Moon beam, Mama’s coming home.”
#levi x reader#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackerman#attack on titan#snk#shingeki no kyojin#levi ackerman x fem!reader#levi ackerman fluff#levi ackerman angst#levi ackerman fic#levi ackerman imagine#levi ackerman headcanons#domestic levi#dad!levi#aot fic
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warnings. fem!reader, voyeurism, public fingering, light humiliation and manipulation kink, finger sucking. ment. jeno, renjun, hyuck.
this was wrong.
this was so very wrong, and you knew it. there was this churning feeling in the pit of your stomach, a stinging sensation in the base of your thumbs that told that you were doing something terribly immoral.
well...you weren’t the one doing it. technically.
the metaphorical devil on your shoulder tried to reason, and you made a small, annoyed noise to yourself. two long fingers had practically made their home inside of your core; index stroking your sensitive bundle of nerves slowly but it was still enough to put you in a haze.
you squeezed your thighs shut, puffs of hot breath leaving your lips in quick succession. the culprit only hummed in response, a shameless grin spreading over his face, brown eyes glinting with what could only be described as playful defiance. na jaemin had you exactly where he wanted you.
“you’re doing so good, sweetheart.” jaemin whispered, his head buried in the crook of your neck. “such pretty little noises you’re making for me.”
you whined in response, and you sounded so meek and submissive; you hated it. you never once in your wildest dreams thought that jaemin of all people, the boy who just a day ago was happily introducing himself to your parents, would be the one to have you in such a predicament. cuddled up on the couch with him, a throw blanket rested over both of you, while jeno and renjun sat mere inches away from you.
there was a part of you that remembered growing up with nct dream, watching them walk their path to achieving their dreams of becoming idols. you remembered meeting jeno and jaemin back when they were in the mickey mouse club, all of you in the same age range with goals of making it big.
so, the fact that you were inside of their dorms being fingered by their best friend and bandmate while they were supposed to be watching movies almost felt sacrilegious.
but you didn’t dare tell jaemin to stop.
so he continued, index finger lazily massaging your soaking wet core as if nothing was happening. he even managed to keep a straight face, staring at the screen and turning to crack jokes with jeno every so often. he wasn’t even blushing! how the hell was that fair at all?
you were filled with so much shame, and yet at the same time the thrill of being touched so explicitly right in front of people made your heart race.
every time his fingers would dip to gather some of your essence, teasing at your begging hole, it would take every ounce of you not to scream. you wanted to drop to your knees and beg him to just fuck you stupid, right in front of everyone. you wanted him to go faster, you wanted his mouth on you, you wanted his hands all over you.
goddamnit, you just wanted to cum.
“nngh...t-tease…” you mumbled, furrowing your eyebrows in frustration. jaemin only chuckled softly in response, other hand rested on your thigh; fingers drawing patterns over the expanse of it. “but you sound so cute.” he giggled against your ear, kissing your cheek. “you’re so good for me, doll, you’re doing so good.”
to the naked eye, jaemin was just being overly affectionate. which was in his nature truly, so jeno and renjun didn’t bat an eyelash at him canoodling with you the way he was. if only they knew what magic his fingers were working underneath that throw blanket.
“should i let you cum right here? hm?”
panic began to rise through your chest as jaemin picked up his speed, he kept an eye on his friends, index finger rubbing your clit in quick circles; or as quick as he could do without getting caught. you dug your fingers into the flesh of his arm, whimpering softly as you shut your eyes to try to focus. you were trying your absolute best not to let your thighs tremble, but it was useless at this point.
“jaem, no...n-not here. please, not here.” you pleaded with him, voice a broken whisper. jaemin hummed, his middle finger slipping inside of you before you could stop him.
you inhaled sharply, which caused jeno and renjun to turn to look at you. “you okay?” renjun tilted his head at you and you scrambled to come up with an excuse, nodding your head rigorously.
“yeah! i’m okay! i, uh. i just...accidentally scratched myself too hard. g-gotta cut my nails later.”
renjun narrowed his eyes at you for a moment before nodding, seemingly buying it, and you felt like your heart was gonna come tumbling out of your ass at any minute.
jaemin giggled again, nibbling on your earlobe. “nice save, baby. you’re adapting well.” he teased, and you were so angry you wanted to scream. as a ‘reward’ he curled his middle finger inside of you and you were losing your mind.
you bit down on your lip so hard it hurt, head falling and resting on his chest. “please...please please please please…” you whispered.
“shh shh. c’mon, baby, you can handle it.” jaemin whispered into your ear. “you’re doing so good. so good, my baby, you’re gonna earn your orgasm. i’ll make you feel so good.”
you bit back another whimper, eyes falling shut again as you tried to calm yourself as best as you could. you felt like one more prod was going to send you right over the edge. “nana...i c-can’t…”
“you can.”
jaemin’s voice was dark and demanding, and it made you shiver. “sit still.”
minutes went by, and they felt like hours. the movie had finished and the boys had a long conversation about how boring it was for it to have been a horror movie; you were unable to contribute much as you weren’t paying much attention to it to begin with.
the plan was to order food and watch something significantly better, which in jeno’s mind was some obscure murder mystery he had found on netflix. jeno had left to go to the bathroom, renjun getting up to make popcorn and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“jaem, for fuck’s sake.” you finally burst out, whimpering and whining as you buried your face in his chest. “you’re so fucking mean, i hate you.”
jaemin laughed as he slid a second finger into you, surveying the area and making sure the coast was clear before curling both fingers and ramming them into you with such speed you were sure you were going to pass out. after at least an hour of slow teasing, the sudden onslaught of pleasure was almost over stimulating. you threw your head back, eyebrows furrowing and eyes crossing while your thighs instinctively shut around his hand. it was too much for you, so much that you began to try and squirm away from him only to have jaemin give your thighs a firm slap.
“keep them open.”
“n-no, you’re gonna...m-make me…”
“that’s the plan.” jaemin glanced up again, making sure to keep a lookout. “if you don’t cum before they get back, you’re gonna have to wait another hour or more. possibly until they fall asleep, which could take all night. you’re very impatient so i know you don’t want that.”
oh, god you hated time limits.
you were sure you had, at best, 30 seconds or less before jeno or renjun returned. the last thing you wanted was to be caught mid orgasm by either of them. what would they think of you? their friend reduced to some disgusting little whore being fingered on their expensive couch?
something about that turned you on so much more, though. the adrenaline of trying not to be caught, chasing your orgasm as fast as you could. “you’d better hurry…” jaemin sounded almost sing-songy in your ear, fingers still fucking into you at speed your brain couldn’t comprehend. with the palm of his hand rubbing against your clit, you were melting into his arms.
you stuffed your fingers into your mouth in a feeble attempt to keep yourself quiet enough that they wouldn’t hear but your poor brain was fried, all you could think of was jaemin and how good his fingers felt inside of you.
‘fuck, i have to cum now. i need it, i need it so bad. they’re gonna see me, fuck. oh, god, they’re going to catch me. this is so fucked, they’ll never see me the same if they catch me. they’ll think im such a slut, i have to hurry!’
suddenly your jaw went slack, the burning knot in the pit of your stomach finally unraveling. there was an explosion of white, followed by splotches of every other color in the rainbow as you convulsed in his arms. you found yourself biting down on jaemin’s collarbone as you hid your face in the crook of his neck trying not to scream while he cooed in your ear.
“theeere she is. that’s my girl, i knew you could do it. i knew you could hold out for me, baby. fuck, you’re so beautiful, that’s it. thaaat’s it, fuck my hand. god, you’re amazing.”
you whined desperately, trying to push his arm away as he continued to rub at your over sensitive clit. your chest was heaving, tears clinging to the corners of her eyes and then you heard footsteps. jeno had returned first.
he sighed, sliding his phone back into his pocket before glancing around the room; locking eyes with you. you looked out of breath, panting in jaemin’s arms while he smiled down at you with a loving look in his eyes. “what the fuck are you two doing?” he asked bluntly with a laugh.
you startled, giggling nervously out of instinct. had he seen you? did he know what was going on?
“i showed her this funny video donghyuck sent me.” jaemin answered calmly, removing his fingers from their warm spot inside of you. “she started doing that thing where she laughs until she cries.”
god, he’s way too good at this.
you lifted a hand to wipe your tears and gave another giggle, playing along with his story. “the stupidest shit makes me laugh, it’s really awful.”
jeno scoffed a small laugh, falling down on the couch. “yeah, tell me about it. your humor’s so fucked, one weird sound and you’re giggling about it for weeks.”
‘home safe. god, how did i get out of this.’ you thought as he and jaemin delved into a conversation of stupid memes and how weird the internet’s humor had become.
renjun returned with popcorn and the food jeno had ordered, giving jaemin the chance to fully retrieve his hand as they had their backs turned. “messy girl.” he whispered to you, smirking as he showed you his two fingers coated in your juices.
you felt like your face was on fire, watching him dramatically encase his own fingers within his mouth; licking your cum clean off them before turning to grab the ramen he had ordered as if nothing had happened.
you started incredously at the back of his head, in utter shock at just how brazen your boyfriend truly is. you hated that you weren’t sure if you could control yourself the next time you were left alone with him. you were half considering taking him to the bathroom to take his cock into your mouth and give him a taste of his own medicine.
you decided to keep your composure, though. trembling hands reaching for the peach flavored drink you ordered while jaemin practically burst with pride when renjun began to tease you for your shaking hands.
#so i had posted this before#ended up deleting it don’t remember why#but i made some revisions and decided to repost it ��😳#enjoy <33 an apology for not posting so much lately#nct smut#nct 127 smut#nct imagines#nct 127 imagines#nct 127#nct hard hours#nct dream#nct dream smut#nct dream imagines#jaemin smut#jaemin imagines#jaemin headcanons#jaemin x reader#jaemin drabbles#jaemin scenarios#jaemin fic#nct dream hard hours
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Warmth of your Touch || Eren Jaeger
➳ Eren Jaeger x Fem Reader
Word Count: 4K Warnings: contains spoilers from season three Taglist: @jaegerbomb20 @sleepysnk (message to be on it in the future)
➳ Note: This is from my canceled december event and it was just laying around in my drafts, i might start posting more of those! Also ignore the typos and such, this is HEAVILY UNEDITED.
The members of the Survey Corps couldn’t remember the last time they let loose and had fun. Around here, everyone was on their tiptoes, waiting for any enemy to strike. Really, all of humanity was like this. But the Scout Regiment was the first line of defense, and they always went underground first before anyone else.
Many casualties swept over the brigade. The return to Shinganshina hit hardest. With the Beast Titan arrival and the fight put up by the Colossal and the Armored inflicted more damage than any group of titans could. With the death of Commander Erwin, and the retrieval of Reiner by the Cart Titan and Zeke, it wasn’t right. With the soldiers returning back home, it was quiet. No one dared to speak another word.
Only 20 or less able bodies made it back home to their families and were lucky enough to see the rays of the sun and breathe in the air that the Earth gave them. Too bad others were left on that battlefield on that day, their bodies becoming one with mother nature once more.
The days slowly but surely started to get shorter as summer turned to fall. The colors of the leaves changed for the season, right on time. The hot sticky air turned to crisp, and more damp. The sky let out it’s tears and covered the earth with grey blankets more often. The sun was hiding behind the clouds, as the fluffy white shapes overtook the sky. The rays barely peeked through them, unable to give light for the day.
With the help of Eren’s new hardening technique, he was able to make a new weapon that saved many soldiers from here on out. Hanji was enraptured about it. This experiment, that was a success, was all she could speak about. Nothing else mattered in her mind, and Captain Levi knew that as well.
Eren was pushed to the brim with this. Day after day, night after night, the boy was exhausted. They pushed him beyond his limits for the technique. Sometimes, he was in and out of consciousness. His titan form decreased in size, his bones would crack upon another transformation to the point where he couldn’t even stabilize himself with his own legs that had the width of twigs.
Fall soon turned over for the year and gave the duty of the seasons to Winter. Winter came rather hard, and quick at that. The harsh winds sent chills up and down the soldiers' spines as they paid their respects to their fallen comrades. An assortment of bouquets were placed in front of the many grey stones that represented a daughter, a son, a father or a mother.
The dirt underneath the boots of the breathing was moist from the rain. The crunches of leaves was the only noise that rang in a soldier’s ears, despite the sobs from others.
Eren couldn’t help but carry the burden. He felt as if it was his fault for their deaths. Their sacrifices, only to keep him alive and well. Humanity’s Last Hope. With the newfound memories from his father, he knew that everything laid in his hands.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The seasons passed as they always did. Life in the walls became busy once more. In a year, the Scouts were able to wipe all the leftover titans in Wall Maria. This meant old residents of this wall were able to return to their homes and start all over again. There was nothing wrong with that, but it meant that the fight for their land was over.
Everyone seemed to show gratitude towards the Scouts. At first, they hated the soldiers who would risk their life to put an end to the Titans reign of power. Called them ‘fat pigs who lived off of our hard working money’. Many soldiers of course took offense to this, but decided to stay silent. After all, they were right about the hard working money. Their earnings were the only things that allowed them to have the supplies they needed to survive.
Winter approached once more to the soldiers of the Survey Corps. Adjustments were made as they needed to happen. Hanji, was appointed as the new Commander of the regiment. The news of humans being Titans spread like wildfire between every man and woman in the walls. The children stayed oblivious.
The outside word began to shine brighter if possible. The world was rid of the filth that the Titans had left behind. The grass was able to dance in the wind as flowers began to grow from the soil. Animals were able to come out from years of terror, finally realizing they were free. Even though the man eating creatures weren’t attracted to animals, the sight of any being over an average height could place fear into the hearts of anyone, including living creatures.
The gust of wind blew against the windows of the rooms in the headquarters. Despite everything being closed, the nooks and crannies were able to fill the once warm shelter, making it cold and gloomy.
The Levi squad, that consisted of those left over from the battle at Shinganshina, were put to cleaning duty. Of course, that’s what you guys always did when Captain Levi felt it was time for a new cleaning, which was about every other day.
Currently, you got stuck in a room with Sasha and Connie. Your job was to clean the room, wipe the shelves, mop the floor, wipe the desk that was in there, make sure to sweep the room as well. It was a lot of tasks for a room that was meant for one person.
A hum vibrated in your throat as you stood on your tiptoes, using a rag that was given to you by the Captain, to clean the upper shelves. It wasn’t even that dirty. You would give it at least another few days before it needed to be cleaned. It was like Levi had a secret eye for spotting microscopic dust particles. It was absurd to say the least.
Behind you were the other two, Connie and Sasha. They did do their work! They actually helped, but for some reason they decided nothing to. You could hear their giggles and the clanging of their broomsticks knocking against each other. The buckets getting knocked over with dirty water didn’t help either but hey, if they got in trouble that was on them. Least you were doing your part.
Maybe you could laugh from your room as you watched them run until their legs fell off, begging for mercy as the hot sun burned against their backs. It always amused you when the Lieutenant stared up at them, unamused.
You flinched when you heard Sasha let out a screech and a cry of anguish discharged from Connie’s mouth.
“What are you guys doing?” you questioned as you swiveled on your heel, turning to face them. Connie’s ass had met the floor, a hand against the floor to keep him upright and the other on top of his head. Sasha on the other hand, still had her arms raised in the air, a look of revelating shock on her features. They seemed to be playing ninjas again by the way Sasha had her leg up and bent in a right angle.
“She hit me, that's what she did!” Connie abruptly stated, looking up at the two girls in front of him. “You promised not to hit me! I never hit you!”
“It was an accident Connie! Your head just happened to come into contact with my hand! It wasn’t intentional, honest!”
“What’s going on in here?”
Your eyes widened as you held the wooden stick with a vice like grip to your chest. Your heart began to beat a bit faster than usual. Your posture straightened up as you turned around to look at the short man.”C-Captain Levi!”
The said man looked up at you, then turned his head to Sasha and lowered his gaze to Connie, who was still on the floor. No words were exchanged as he took a step back, realizing the mess that occurred. The cleaning supplies were scattered across the floor, the mop and brooms were on the floor instead of the hands of Sasha and Connie, and not to mention the dirty water was spilled and engraved into the rugs. Yeah, they were in deep shit.
Without warning, Levi made a ‘come forth’ motion with his index finger, to the pair, glancing his silvery eyes to your stiff body. “Keep cleaning, I’ll make Eren come help you.”
“Yes sir!” you saluted him as fast as you could, internally shaking as the three of them walked out of the messy room. As soon as they left, you could hear yelling from the corridor and their terrified squeaks.
A huff escaped your lips as you bent over, picking up the spare cleaning supplies. Looks like it would be awhile until someone else came to help you.
He said Eren right?
At the name of the boy, your face heated up as you shook your head rapidly, ignoring any thoughts of them. It was often that the brunette invaded your unconscious mind and overtook every crevice of it. His eyes were absolutely beautiful. They had to be your favorite part of him, besides his personality. The way the irises shined in the sunlight, the rays giving them an ethereal look. His lashes complimented them. They weren’t long, but they weren’t short. Whenever he stared at you, you swore you could just lose yourself in them.
His appearance was changing. His hair became longer and rested at the base of his neck. His shoulders began to broaden as he got a bit taller as the year passed. His loud mouth quieted down as he became more realistic with his goals. He was still the same driven boy you met three years ago.
Your jaw slacked as you looked over your shoulder. Eren was standing in the door frame, as he looked down upon you. It took you a second to realize what position you were in, on your hands and knees with your back facing him. Scrambling off the floor, you swiftly fixed the shirt and pants of your uniform. “H-Hi Eren!”
Fuck you probably embarassed yourself in front of your own crush. He probably thought you were a weirdo.
“Hi Y/N,” he spoke calmly and walked into the room, brushing a strand of brown hair out of his face as he placed a hand on the desk, using it as leverage to crouch and grab a mop. “They made a big mess huh?”
“Yeah they did..they always manage to get themselves in trouble. Kinda shocked..how they lasted this long in the Levi Squad.”
An amused noise came from Eren as he looked out the window, squinting his eyes. Without speaking, he advanced forward to the glass and moved the curtain out of the way. “Well would you look at that..”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“It’s snowing,” he muttered and took a step back, letting the drapes loose from his hands. “Wonder how they’ll get punished.”
“No way it’s snowing?” you asked, ignoring his last words as you rushed to the window, placing your hands on the cold glass. You had just finished cleaning it, your hand prints would now be stuck to it. “Wow it is,” you whispered, a joyous feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. “We should go outside right now.”
“Now? Are you crazy? Captain Levi would punish us twice as hard than those two! We could probably be on our deathbed if we don’t get to work!”
“Oh hush up Eren! When was the last time we were able to have fun huh? Years right? Literally! Live a little!” you exclaimed, tossing the stick on the floor.
The brunette grumbled in protest as he shook his head, his strands of hair following his movement. “Thanks but no thanks. I rather live my life peacefully.”
An annoyed groan left your lips as you approached him, your lower lip jutting in an agitated pout. “Come on Eren. Please? For five minutes I promise! Levi is probably on the other side of headquarters right about now!”
He turned his head to the side, his eyes piercing into yours. His eyes were dull, but the curve of his lip meant otherwise. His fingers slithered around the silver pole of the mop, the pads of them moving up and down slowly as if he was thinking about it.
“Guess it can’t be helped,” as dramatic as he was, he let out a loud sigh and dropped the mop of the floor. “Let’s go. Before Captain Levi rips us a new one.”
“You’re the best Eren!”
“Uh huh. Now hurry up!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The two of you put on your winter coats. It was the same one as the ones you were given in your cadet years, just a bit more efficient. The hoods were over your head as you walked beside Eren in the falling snow. It could have looked like any soldiers left the building. Soldiers with no chores, is what you guys were going for.
“I think we’re clear now,” you said as you took your hood off, looking around the vicinity. Eren glanced down at you and did the same, running a bare hand through his hair.
“Well go crazy then. You brought us out here,”
“Shut up Eren,” a huff of air passed your lips, the fumes becoming visible to the eye as it turned to mist and disappeared. Your eyes wandered across the dark clouds in the sky, small white particles falling from the insides of them. The grass that you walked on, began to get covered by the blankets of snow, the crunching increasing underneath your boots as you moved an inch or two. Your fingers itched inside your pockets, begging to touch the white mess.
The tip of your nose began to grow cold as you let out a sniffle, scrunching your nose as well as your upper lip in the process. The cold was nothing compared to this though. Honestly, you wouldn’t have minded coming with someone else, but something about Eren made it ten times more special than a random person.
Eren watched you from his peripheral vision, staying silent as the shock and awe look on your face was enough for butterflies to appear in his stomach. You looked like a child in a jewelry store in Wall Sina. You had to have seen snow before, but it was just in the moment that made you look adorable. His cheeks burned with a rosy red as he looked away from you, craning his neck upwards to look at the grey blanket of darkness. If he looked close enough, he could see the sun trying to peek through the stubborn clouds, but to no avail, it could not.
He fluttered his eyes shut as he exhaled slowly, letting the days stress wash away from his body. Eren was exhausted. Emotionally, and physically. His body was used for experiments constantly, he rarely took breaks as he mentioned that he had to be ready for whatever. Emotionally, he hated his power. He hated being a monster like everyone said he was.
He attempted to be normal on so many levels. At first he knew he wouldn’t be better than those ugly creatures that used to roam the land. The townspeople weren’t his biggest fans. They tried persuading the Military Police to shut him down when he first found out about his shifting ability. It was horrendous. He just wanted to be seen as normal amongst those that were classified as a regular human being.
He tried so hard, yet no one could listen to him. He couldn’t see himself as human. In his eyes, he was disgusting. He was ugly. He was a monster.
Oblivious that Eren was in his own state of mind, you decided to take a moment to admire his looks. His eyelashes rested peacefully on the top of his cheeks, small puff of air exerted from his lips as his shoulders heaved up and down slowly. The tiniest of snowflakes landed on his supple skin, and melted away automatically from his warm body temperature. His hair started catching the fall snowflakes. The pieces of the small ice crystals scattered across his locks. He seemed like a snow angel, literally. The tip of his ears were a faint red, freezing from the cold atmosphere.
He was alluring. You wanted to know more about him. You craved to hear his deepest of secrets that only you would know. You desired for him to be by your side, and for you to take care of each other. The only person that knew of your crush on the boy was his friends, Mikasa and Armin.
Mikasa seemed to notice right away. In your third year of training, she took notice that you were more upbeat when Eren was nearby or you would try your best to be partnered with him, if she wasn’t already. Sometime in that year, she had approached you straight up, with the same look on her face and said--
“Do you like Eren, Y/N?”
“W-What do you mean?! Course I don’t like Eren!”
“You’re lying.”
She was in fact right. You begged her a hundred times not to bring it up to anyone, especially Eren. You would have rather been eaten by a titan, spit out and get devoured once more instead of having to confront Eren about your feelings. And of course since the universe loved messing with you, Armin happened to walk in on the moment you were begging with mercy and got curious as to what you were speaking about.
“Y/N, do you like Eren?”
“No Armin, why would you think that?!”
“Yeah she likes him.”
At the embarrassing memory, you didn’t notice that Eren had already been staring at you, knowing that you were gazing up at him.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I’m not looking at you in any way! Why are you looking at me like that?!”
“I asked you first, Y/N!”
Panicking, you quickly bent over and grabbed a clump of snow, modeling it into a sphere as you muttered things under your breath. He couldn’t know why you were staring because you wanted to kiss him, oh god no he could not.
“Shut up!” you said quickly and threw the ball of snow at his face, a sound of shock leaving your lips when a noise of surprise left Eren as the sphere slid off his face. He blinked rapidly a couple times, small clumps of white stuck to his eyelashes, making his eyes more alluring.
“Did you just…”
“Yeah I did..”
It was silent as he crouched down, staring forward but not at you. His hand dug into the blanket of snow and modeled a ball, letting out a shaky sigh. His nose has gone incredibly numb already at this point. His fingers dug into the delicate shape as he made eye contact for a split second before winding his arm back, and brought it forward with full force.
Before you had a second of protection, the ice crystal came into contact with your neck, the shape exploding upon contact and sending pieces flying. Some even fell down your coat and into your uniform. “Eren what the hell?!”
“What?” his grin that has been gone for too long, made its way back onto his face once more. Your heart fluttered at the sight. He looked like his old self once again. As much as you wanted to admit it, you missed him. You missed Eren. “shouldn’t have done that if you weren’t ready for a comeback huh?”
“Oh it's on,” you grunted.
Little kids is what you became once more. Your shouts and his laughter could be heard miles away from headquarters. Shots of snow were being sent back and forth from either side, some hits being successful, others not so much.
Both of you had to have looked the same by now. Your eyelashes were damp from the melted crystals, as well as chunks of snow staying on top of your hair. Your nose was frozen off as the snow came down a bit harder than you expected, but you didn’t care.
It seems like hours have passed since you’ve come out here with Eren. Chores were forgotten in the back of your mind as your smile seemed to brighten by each second. It was sure that the water stains in the room dried, but left a foul stench in there. Captain Levi would for sure come and hunt you guys down for leaving your job unfinished.
A loud laugh left your mouth when Eren tripped over a covered branch. His body folded as he fell forward, a yelp withdrawing from his lips. His face came into contact with the snow, his body leaving a decent sized human hole in the ground.
“Eren are you okay?!” you called out for when you stopped laughing, small puffs of air leaving your mouth as you walked over to his limp body.
He grunted as he pushed himself up, giving you an annoyed look. “Yes I’m perfectly fine,’ he grumbled and shook his head, reminding you of a dog as the pieces of snow fell off of his head.
Puzzled, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked down at him in curiosity. “I’m sorry, did you say run? Run for what?”
“Eren what the hell are you talking about?”
What the hell was he on about? If this was another one of his ramblings from his father’s memories, you would personally knock him out and tell him to quit it. But there was a different look in his eyes. His eyes were squinted, small creases formed at the corner of his eyes, a mischievous look in his orbs. His fingers clenched around nothing as he slowly got up from his position.
Realization hit you like a wagon being pulled by horses as you took a step back cautiously, a small lump forming in your throat. Yeah, no. You rather not be crumbled to the ground by a boy, who weighed more than you. That was a death sentence.
Instead of running, because you wanted to be cautious of any possible injuries, you decided to speed walk in the direction of the doors that led to the inside of headquarters. He couldn’t try shit if you were already inside. God, why was Eren like this?
You didn’t even hear the crunches of the shoes from behind you as a pair of arms wrapped around your midsection and knocked you down onto the ground. With a sharp intake of air, your back collided with the pillowy bottom as you wheezed for air. Your eyes widened when you realized how close you were to Eren.
His hands were by your biceps, caging you underneath him. His brown locks fell forward, but they weren’t long enough to tickle your face. His cold breath fanned against your face as you felt yourself drown in his eyes. His eyes glanced down at your lips before looking into your eyes. He felt all of his willpower from keeping him sane.
It seemed that his body moved on his own as he leaned down lower a fraction, as if he was getting ready to kiss you, but came to terms that it might not be the best idea. You took notice of it as you moved suddenly, bringing a hand up to his hood and pulled it over his head, making sure it covered his eyes. Your other hand raised up to his face, cupping the swell of his cheek as you leaned forward, pressing your cold lips against his own.
His whole body tensed for a few seconds before melting into the kiss. His eyebrows furrowed as he sat you both up, cradling a hand behind your neck as if to bring you closer. Your hands moved from his hood to the front of his coat, your fingers curling around the material. A new sense of heat seemed to wash over your entire body. His fingers danced on the base of your neck, shivers running down your body, not only from the cold, but from his electrifying touch. With him being at an advantage, his forehead pressed up against yours. Your fingers weaved into his hair, slowly running up to his scalp, desperately trying to stay in the moment.
He began to get shaky as he pulled away slowly, tugging on your lower lip with his teeth in the process. His eyes fluttered open as he took a look at your face. It looked like you were struggling to open your eyes after the kiss. It made him a bit prideful when he noticed this.
“Open up,” he whispered, tapping your cheek with his fingers, a boyish smile on his face. He watched as your eyes fluttered open, a hazy look in your orbitals.
“Hi Eren,” you forgot where you were as you glanced around the area, realizing you were still in the snow. “..I’m a bit cold.”
“Yeah? Me too,” he responded as he looked over your shoulder before pushing himself off of the ground, lending a hand for you. Gratefully, you took it as he hoisted you up.
“Do you think Captain Levi found that we weren’t there?”
The boy stayed silent as he thought for a moment before shrugging. “Who knows. Maybe he did and he’s looking for us right now. I think we should go back then, before we get punished,” he muttered and grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours.
You stared down at his calloused palm rubbing up against your own. His hand was different. It was warm and it made you feel safe. Who knew a connection between hands was more than enough to know about your requited feelings.
“Eren I like you,” you blurted out, your face heating up as you looked down at the ground, listening to the crunches underneath your feet as you advanced forward.
“Yeah? I knew already.”
“Huh?!” A look of bewilderment and a choke of air was all you could express at the moment. Who betrayed you.
“Mikasa,” he interrupted, a hint of smugness in his tone. “I asked her to find out for me last year.”
“Mikasa?” You whispered, voice wavering. You remember that she swore to not tell a soul, not even him.
“But it worked out right?” He asked and looked down at you, a grin on his face. “You should really thank her one day. She may be silent, but she knows what she’s doing.”
You rolled your eyes as you nodded, hugging his arm close to your chest. “Yeah you’re right. Maybe we should both thank her. She does save your life after all.”
“Hey that’s one thing I would not do. I never asked for it!”
Your laugh could be heard from a few feet away in the midst of the snowfall. Fog began to cloud the outside word as you held onto Eren as a guide.
Upon hearing your laugh, it made Eren feel human again. His heart was beating faster than normal, a sign that he was feeling another emotion besides fear. The touch of your hand set a fire full of adoration within him.
Unbeknownst to the two teenagers, their short Captain watched with his hard eyes, his arms crossed over his chest. He had just checked up on Sasha and Connie, who were cleaning the stable and happened to come across the scene not too far away from him.
Instead of deciding to approach the pair and punish them, he let them have their fun. Even if Eren was one of the most hated people in all of Paradis, even the most hated deserved to have someone warm their heart.
#eren jaeger x reader#eren x reader#eren yeager x reader#aot x reader#snk x reader#attack on titan x reader#shingeki no kyojin x reader#aot imagines#snk imagines#eren jaeger imagines#eren yeager imagines#eren imagines#attack on titan imagines#shingeki no kyojin imagines
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felicitate. four.
three < current > five
March 2017

White Day is only a few days away when you begin to notice Rika’s form is absent from your training sessions lately. There shouldn’t be any reason for this, at least not one you’re aware of. Your class celebrated Yuta’s birthday just two days ago, and both the curse and cursed seemed fine, great even. You decide it’s best to bring this up casually - Yuta was still so skittish and Rika would be able to hear whatever you said anyways. So while you lead Yuta through a yoga session, you ask, “How’s Rika?”
He flusters and falls from his side-plank variation pose. The band he was using as an aid tangles around his calf. You debate and decide to leave him. If you touched him now, he might spontaneously combust. That thought makes you giggle a little. You move to change to a position that meant you weren’t looking at him. Hopefully, that’s less pressure.
Yuta speaks up when you’re fully downward dog, leading you to believe your plan worked. “She’s fine, yeah, fine. Just uh - tired?” You nod but inwardly roll your eyes. You shift your hips in to move to upward facing dog and make eye contact again.
“Just checking. I miss her hanging out, you know?” It’s obvious Yuta just lied, curses don’t get tired, but it’s better to not call him out this time. You just have to hope it wasn’t anything you did. “I know you fell but at this point you’re just slacking. Get back on your mat,” you say, changing the topic to something safe.
You’re back in downward facing dog when the door slides open. A familiar voice drawls, “Why are you still working out, dummy? Forgot our plans?” You scramble to your feet.
“Gumi!” You rush to hug him despite his obvious distaste. “What time is it? Do I still have time to shower or will we be late?”
Your little brother snorts and pushes you away, “Please do, you smell. You have,” he checks his watch, “fifteen minutes.”
“Gumi! That’s not enough time!” You yell, already sprinting towards the showers at the back of the gym. Yuta pouts at how quickly you seemed to forget his presence. That face doesn’t escape Megumi.
“So, you like my idiot sister?”
“W-what! No, no no no, it’s not like that! She just helps t-train me and -!” Yuta knows he’s rambling but he can’t seem to stop talking.
“Whatever,” Megumi has better things to worry about than repressed hormones. He's known that Yuta had a crush on you since the first time he came to campus to train with you after Yuta arrived. Your classmate couldn’t stop staring and seemed disheartened by the fact that you called Megumi by a shortened version of his given name. He had pouted until Satoru showed up and made a spectacle of ‘Team Gojo’ being all together again. Like you three didn’t, at minimum, have a weekly dinner together.
“If you ever want to acknowledge them, you’ll have to get approved by Satoru.” Yuta feels like he also needs the approval of this boy, but he leaves that unsaid. Just nods dumbly. Probably a good thing he didn’t respond, because you barrel through the doors you disappeared from.
When you rush past him, Yuta gets a strong whiff of the floral scent he’s come to associate with you. Megumi laughs under his breath at the blissed out look. Your hair drips water onto your tee shirt and it’s clear you rushed. “Really, really sorry to dip, Yuta. Run through those stretches we did last week to cool down!” Your fingers distractedly pull your wet hair into a braid as you instruct him. “Oh! Tell Maki I won’t be at afternoon training, Satoru already knows and gave permission. Megumi, grab my duffel?” Already carrying it, he rolls his eyes. “I should be back tomorrow morning, but don’t count on it.”
“Wait, but why -?”
“Gotta dash. Bye, Yuta!” You run ahead of your brother, headed to your room to grab Tsumiki’s gifts. Megumi gives a nod and follows after you. Alone and without anyone around to judge, Yuta groans and buries his face into his yoga mat. God, why can’t he just be normal.
When he looks back up, Rika has taken your spot on your mat. You left in such a hurry, you didn’t even clean up. He’ll have to drop it off in your room. “Ya’ know, it’s not that I’m mad about you liking her,” she begins. “It’s just…. I know we can’t be together so I do want you to be happy. I just feel jealous. Especially since you got her that super fancy chocolate for White Day,” Rika finishes with a pout.
Yuta doesn’t really know how to reassure her. So he does what he promised when he was ten, and is just honest. “I’m here to learn how to let you go, Rika. Neither of us know how to do that yet. I can’t be in any kind of relationship until I learn. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you.”
Rika hums and picks at the corner of your mat. “Well. I think it’s more than just us two you’re worried about.”
“Inumaki seems pretty interested in the both of you too. You may not see it, but all three of you are pretty smitten. It’s actually kind of gross.”
“That’s - he - no!” Rika just laughs and dissolves her form. Yuta, still flustered, continues to mutter as he collects the things you left and wipes down any used equipment. When he finally leaves, it’s just his luck he runs (literally) into Inumaki who looks unfairly handsome in a fitted tee and sweatpants. Even his markings are uncovered, which makes Yuta groan, tuck tail, and run away. Yuta can hear Rika laughing in his mind.
“Tuna mayo?” Inumaki tilts his head to the side but shrugs off the odd behavior.
July 2017
JJH Thots the good gojo: guysss help which tie do i get :( fushiguro: isn’t satoru with you the good gojo: yea but u know he’s shit at gifts maki: Both of those are ugly, (y/n). Do you hate the man? osamu: the cheetah print trophy husband: I like that one too! the good gojo: this is why you two are my favorites
From a few cities over, Yuta flushes at your words. Inumaki notices and kicks his foot. He’s laughing when he says, “Nori,” but Yuta can spot a faint pink over the hem of his collar too.
You turn around in the middle of the street when you hear a loud, “(y/n)-chan!” Satoru is speed-walking towards you, waving an arm that is covered in different shopping bags. His long legs have him beside you in a split second, even without the use of cursed energy. “Are you done yet? Nanami won’t even thank you properly you know. Why don’t you just get gifts for your precious Nii-chan?” He pouts and takes the two bags you’re carrying.
“One, it’s not your birthday. Two, you could buy anything you want already. Three, who's to say I didn’t already get you one?” You pull a box of macaroons out from one of the bags he took. Satoru moves to snatch it immediately but you put it behind your back. Of course, if he wanted, he’d just grab it, but your Nii-chan would never deny playing a game with you. “You can’t get it until we’re back on campus! I’m already tired and this is my bribe to go home early.”
“But (y/n)-chan,” he whines.
“Nu-uh. I promised a movie night with Toge and Yuta and I don’t wanna be late.” You realize too late you revealed too much, because your brother suddenly looks like a very successful cat.
“Why didn’t you just say so? I would never make my little sister late for her first date.”
You blush furiously, “Who says it’s my first?”
“It better be your first.”
“It’s not even a date,” you roll your eyes. “Neither like me like that, and if it was a date, wouldn’t one be a third-wheel?”
“Tricycles are pretty fun.” Your brother says casually. You roll your eyes again and add a gag for good measure. “Seriously, (y/n). You should know you have my full support to love anyone and everyone you want. Not that you need it, though. You’re a Gojo. We do as we please anyways.”
You tear up at his sincerity and throw your arms around your brother, or at least the best you can with his bags in the way. The two of you are frequently physically and verbally affectionate but not often in such a serious manner. You know there’s a deep love between you; for a long time, the two of you only had each other. Eventually, your family expanded to include Megumi and Tsumiki, but neither ever took the Gojo name. You and Satoru had a special bond. “Thank you,” you stutter around tears. You hope he understands it’s not just a thank you for the reassurance but a thank you for giving you such a life.
“Come on, no crying. You can’t go on your date with puffy eyes, you’ll scare both of them away.” He pats your head softly and just laughs when you punch him in the gut.

#felicitate#cass.writes#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk x reader#inumaki x reader#yuta okkotsu x reader#inumaki x reader x yuta#female!reader#jjk spoilers#jjk volume 0 spoilers#in ao3 this is two chapters but theyre real short so#combined with my author powers
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Inception: Chapter 7
Regardless of your persistence to avoid Childe, you noticed that he intentionally walked along the same paths to 'run' into you just as you intentionally chose different paths to work every day to avoid seeing him. To be honest, it was a bit stalker-ish. But one fierce glare from you, and his confidence deflates like a balloon as he gives up on the idea to talk to you. He was just as stubborn as you though, and would continue this pattern every day despite your continuous rejection. You still hadn't said a word to him since that day in Mondstat.
At one point you discovered a new tactic to keep him at a distance; walk around areas of Liyue where Fatui are most prominent. Childe would almost immediately be called over or consulted over various matters from his underlings, and you were able to lose him for the day.
It was late one night when you finally left the funeral parlor; you didn't need to stay so long, but working on filings diverted your mind from the present occurrences. Your footsteps were quiet along the dimly lit streets of Liyue as you made your way past Liuli Pavilion. Despite it being the middle of the week, there were several Fatui agents drinking and making a ruckus at the outside seating area--laughing, cursing, and a bunch of slurred gibberish you couldn't quite catch.
That was when your stomach growled and begged for food that it hasn't gotten all day. By the time you'd get back to your apartment you wouldn't have the energy to cook, so you decided it'd be best to get a meal-to-go from the Pavilion despite the annoying customers blocking the door. You reluctantly made your way up the steps when one of the drunkards called out you.
"Hey! Waitress! Where's our damn order?" The man impatiently slammed his pint onto the table out of the corner of your vision. He had to be the least sober of the group.
"That's not the waitress, dumbass. She's clearly a customer."
"No," interjected the third. "That's Master Childe's woman." Apparently Childe's coworkers had picked up on your relationship with the harbinger much sooner than you figured out his true identity.
You finally reached the door handle and twisted it open, but a hand slammed above your head to keep it shut. "Childe's girl, huh?"
"Kliment, you know better than to screw with Childe's shit," the third man warned. "You continue with this, he's gonna kill you."
"I'm not his girl," you spat, meeting the devilish crazed eyes of the man pinning you against the door. "Back off, I'm starving."
"Not his girl," Kliment scoffed with a lopsided smirk as he glared down at you. "You hear that, Charlie? This is the chick everyone's been talking about. The one that's got him slacking off on our missing agents and that stupid vigilante that's still running around."
"You've got the wrong chick, asshole." This seemed to agitate Kliment, and he leaned in way too close for comfort.
"I don't give a damn whether you belong to Childe or not. Since there's no getting through his thick skull, maybe this will get him to do his job."
"Kliment, what are you saying?" Charlie, the second agent, shifted uneasily in his seat. "Leave the girl alone. You're drunk."
"All I'm sayin' is a little rough-up would get Childe to take his responsibilities seriously. An eye-opener, if you will." Kliment raised your head to look at him by putting a thumb beneath your chin. "Though if you have any valuable relics on you, which I doubt, you may sway me from hurting this little face of yours. I really do just care about money; this matter doesn't interest me."
Your stomach sank when you remembered your empty pockets. Your vision sat at home in your kitchen drawer tonight, so there was no way you could fight the three of these guys with your pyro energy and you'd lack the fire resistance it provided. You never relied on it anyway; with your combat skills, you might be able to take them out somehow. There's silverware on the table...plates, knives, forks, even the empty pints that lay strewn about. And there'll be witnesses that might jump in to help.
But most of all, you were angry. This is how undisciplined Aja--Childe's men are. You were right all along; there are no 'good' Fatui; that'd be an oxymoron, impossible, senseless. So when Kliment threatened you with his foul alcoholic breath burning your nostrils, an almost devilish smile stretched across your face.
You leaned in and whispered in a low voice so that he'd be the only one to hear you. "Valuables? You mean like that precious Fatui mask of yours?"
The gears turned in his head for a few seconds, then his expression of confusion switched to disbelief, and finally to seething anger. "You--! You're the bitch that stole my mask--!" His hand flew to your throat and squeezed.
"Kliment! What're you doing?!" Charlie bolted upright before charging to get him off of you. "You're gonna get us in trouble! Cut it out!" Before he could reach the two of you, you landed a strike to Kliment's throat that loosened his grip and sent him gagging. "Klime--"
Your attack apparently prompted the third agent to get up from his seat and he proceeded to launch himself not at you or Kliment, but at Charlie. The two collided and crashed over another table where a romantic dinner was taking place. The nameless agent was yelling incoherently about Kliment being right while they threw punches.
I guess those two will take each other out? Your attention refocused on Kliment, who was now able to inhale a decent amount of air to lunge at you full force into the pavilion door. Your head slammed into the wood with an unsettling crack, but the adrenaline made it impossible to tell if it was the wood or your skull making that awful noise. You blocked a punch directed at your jaw. He drove his knee to your stomach, but you swayed just enough so it slid past your side and into the door. Your elbow jut into his ribcage, then his kidney, then you pulled his head down hard onto your knee. He crumpled to the floor.
The shouting of the patrons, waiters, and other staff were quiet compared to the heartbeat drumming in your ears. They stood and gawked at the damage the entire group was making, but they did not dare to intervene. You scanned the surroundings for those other two Fatui. The one named Charlie was knocked out cold. "Where--Ngh!"
A fist held your hair tight at the top of your head and drove you face-first into a table to your left. "You're definitely Childe's woman if you can hold your own against an agent. You have my respect for that...But this needs to be done to get his head out of the gutter!" Another slam against the table, and white clouded your vision. Somewhere in your peripherals Charlie had snapped out of his daze and scrambled to his feet to leave you and the rest of the pavilion behind.
Looks like that agent learned a lesson from going against the flow of the Fatui and abandoned the idea of helping you.
Your fingernails clawed into the agent's gloved fist to no avail. You couldn't even kick at him with how he pinned you to the table, but luckily he decided to pull you upright and throw you to the ground. There's a chance to strike him now.
Or at least, there was. Just as you flipped over to kick him away from you, his boot crashed down on your face hard. The sickening crack of your nose against the force made your vision darken completely.
Childe was just about finished with his work for the day and nodded farewell to the secretary behind the front desk of the Northland Bank. He barely reached the exit when the double doors burst open and an injured agent began blabbering about something while out of breath.
"...Ha...haah...fight...Agent Kliment...your...girlfriend..." Charlie managed to wheeze out the most important details first and didn't miss the cold expression that enveloped Childe's face.
"Excuse me?"
"--The Pavilion! Hurry!" The words barely got past his lips as Childe bolted out the door. Charlie chased after him despite his lungs begging for air. He could barely keep his superior in view.
The chaos that greeted the pair sent a chilling thrill down Childe's spine. A few additional agents had joined the scene and were trying to keep the others at bay while others aided so that a Liyue citizen was the sole target. Childe had no problem reminding his agents of their place in the food chain and that they were more expendable than the innocent, but the glimpse of your face getting kicked in made something snap inside him. He was still several feet away from the scene and many witnesses were yelling for the fight to stop. It wouldn't be long before the Millileth would arrive.
Childe held an unreadable air about him as a single hydro blade manifested in his hand. He spared none of his strength when he threw it at the man that towered over you. The man let out a strangled cry as it impaled his shoulder into the wooden door. "Now now," a cruel empty tone left Childe's lips as he approached with a deadpanned expression. Everyone stopped throwing their punches when they recognized the voice. "I don't suppose there's a reasonable explanation behind this, is there?"
"M-Master Childe!" The Fatui agents bowed over and saluted the harbinger while the bystanders parted for him. "This is--"
Childe ignored their stutters and made a beeline for the half-conscious girl on the floor. He knelt and lifted your chin slightly. Sorry girlie, but there's no way I'm just going to let you walk home from this no matter how much you hate me right now. Your lips were busted and swollen, your nose red and bloody, not to mention broken...The tears that obscured your vision made it difficult to see him, no doubt.
A cold, chilling anger like Snezhnaya's weather washed over the harbinger while he estimated your condition. Then he stood up and announced with a voice almost too quiet to hear at first. "Every agent here is to report to my office immediately."
"But Master Childe, she was--"
"--She started--"
"I tried to stop them from hurting her--"
Childe faced them with a death glare. "My office. Now." Everyone gulped in fear. "And if any of you decide to run off and hide, I will hunt you down. Go." The bystanders were whispering things amongst themselves as they watched the agents sprint for the bank. Then, the harbinger faced the man that was still writhing against the wall. "What's your name?"
"Hongqi--GAH!" Childe violently ripped his blade out as he looked the agent in the eye.
"Well, Hongqi, you've made quite the first impression on me. Unfortunately for you," Childe swiped his fingers across the blood that coated the blade, "it was the bad kind." Hongqi nodded and shuffled to the direction of Northland Bank. Childe watched him before giving one last glance to the bystanders that were directing the Millelith in this direction from across the street.
A small wheeze from his feet grabbed Childe's attention and he knelt beside you once more. "...leave me...alone."
"You know I'm not the kind of man to leave a beaten girl alone on the streets." The touch of his fingers grazing your cheek made you wince.
It was only when you caught the sight of the authorities drawing closer that you raised your voice. If he wouldn't leave you, this called for a more drastic approach. "H...Help! Help!" Despite your injuries your arms flailed about in an effort to push Childe away from you. This earned a confused yet hurt expression from Childe, but you couldn't care less. Why should you?
This was his fault. These men are under his supervision. He failed you. Again.
Despite your weak attempt to get away from him, Childe scooped you up in his arms and disappeared from the scene as quickly as he had appeared before the Millelith could catch up. Somewhere along the way you lost consciousness, and Childe was able to get into your apartment thanks to the keys that were in your jean pocket. He lay you down on your bed as carefully as possible before finding and wetting a towel to clean your wounds.
"I'm gonna need you to lie still while I do this," he warned before pressing the damp cloth to your bloodied lips.
"...can do this myself. Get out."
"I never said you weren't capable of handling the aftermath yourself, girlie. But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you do it yourself." He brushed the hair out of your face and continued to wipe away at the blood and dirt on your skin. The ticking of your wall clock was almost aggressive in filling the silent room.
"This is all your fault."
His movements slowed if only for a moment. Was that really what you thought? Was it really his fault? His men were always disciplined, or at least they were to the best of his knowledge. But tonight proved otherwise, and it proved yet again that he's still hurting you. The missing men, the rowdy behavior of the agents, even the bank heist...something doesn't add up. They're connected somehow, but where was the connection?
"Rest assured they will be thoroughly punished." This earned an eyeroll from you that he pretended not to notice. "Your nose needs to be reset, but I'm assuming you'd rather do it yourself."
"You're finally catching on."
"I need to return to my office now. Don't hesitate to get ahold of me if you need anything." It was unnecessary to say so since he doubted you'd need him anymore, but he said it just in case.
"Good riddance." Your gaze followed his movements past the kitchen and to the door. Childe's hand hovered above the doorknob for a second. You weren't able to hear whatever he mumbled next and were too stubborn to ask him to repeat himself. Then, you were met with only the sound of your wall clock ticking the night away.
"Master Childe!" The secretary to the Northland Bank greeted the harbinger at the door. "What happened? A few men came rushing in with injuries--Should I get medical aid?"
"Don't bother with them." The cool anger was so obvious upon his demeanor that she clammed up and nodded. "Their injuries are not severe enough to require medical attention. They're a waste of resources."
"Y-yes, sir. Is there anything I can get you?" She closed the doors once he entered.
"A room alone with them would be excellent." The lady scampered away. When Master Childe is angry, it's best to leave him to his own devices and keep quiet. No one wants to be in the way or make him any angrier since he already has a problem with his temper...
"Master Childe," the troublesome Fatui agents bowed their heads and knelt before him.
"I want a full description of what incited your unsightly actions." Childe scanned their faces one by one until he landed on Charlie. "You. Speak."
"Everyone was drunk beyond belief, sir." He was still bleeding from behind his ear as he spoke and ignored the tickling of the blood that trickled down to his neck. "Kliment thought that woman was a waitress, but then Hongqi said she was your girlfriend."
"That bitch admitted to being the person that's been inconveniencing us the past few months and stealing our property!" Kliment jumped to his feet and faced the harbinger directly. "If she's really your girl, it'd explain why you haven't done anything to catch her! You're a disgrace to the harbingers, to the Tsaritsa, to--"
BAM. A fist collided with Kliment's jaw and he stumbled backwards onto his butt. Blue eyes as pale as ice stared him down. "I don't remember asking for your input. Seeing as though you still haven't sobered up, I have reason to doubt whatever comes out of your mouth. Hongqi," Childe's glare flicked to the agent that knelt to Kliment's left, "why were you beating a defenseless woman when she was already down?"
Hongqi was putting pressure on the arm that had been impaled by Childe's hydro blade. "I don't care about whether she's involved with those acts of vandalism, but I do share Kliment's view about you. You've been slacking off, sir. I thought this would send a clear message--"
"Let me get one thing through your thick skulls," the harbinger interrupted with an edge in his voice. "That girl and I are not involved with each other. And I don't condone senseless violence against the innocent." His gaze was sharp like that of a predator scouting his prey. The sound of his footsteps pacing across the tile floor filled the silence between sentences. "Thanks to your carelessness I'll have to clean up the mess you all made. What do you think the Millelith will do when they hear details of this incident? What do you think the Qixing will make of it? We're already scorned as it is."
"No thanks to you and Osial," muttered Kliment. A pointed look shut him up quick.
"It's become clear to me tonight that the Tsaritsa doesn't need you to complete her mission. Hongqi, Kliment, you're dismissed. Don't show your faces to me again."
"W-What?! Sir, we--"
"You're not my harbinger anyway. I'll just go tell the Fair Lady about your pathetic actions," Kliment growled through a clenched jaw.
"By all means, go ahead. Of course if you have this much of an issue with your punishment, you could always take me on in a fight. Well? What'll it be, gentlemen?" Their silence and averted eyes gave him the answer. "That's too bad. I've been itching for a proper workout. Get out of my sight."
"Sir, what shall I do?" Charlie's voice was hesitant and barely audible after he watched his former comrades vacate the bank in an uproar. Careful, now. Wouldn't want to say anything that could anger the man further...
"Relax," Childe briefly flicked his gaze to the agent with a sly smile. "I have no need to punish you. In fact, you seem to be the only one here that has their head on straight. You have my gratitude for bringing the matter to my attention and standing up for that woman."
"Of course. Don't let it get to your head, though. An inflated ego will only work against you on the battlefield."
"Hey. Kliment."
"Can you believe that, Hongqi? He just threw us out like we're the bad guys! I swear to the Tsaritsa I'll show that loser a piece of my min--"
"Yeah about that. Shall we get away from the prying ears of Liyue?" Hongqi nodded to an alleyway that was to the left of the stairs that led up to the Northland Bank.
Kliment scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What, now you're self-conscious of sharing your opinion on Childe?" Yet he followed the man's lead anyway until they were both obscured in the shadows.
The silver eyes of Hongqi almost appeared to glow in the dark as he faced Kliment in a serious manner. "There's a certain group of Fatui that have grown weary against the Tsaritsa. This group is planning something big, and their goal is to uproot the Fatui's reputation first in Liyue, then they'll move on to Mondstat. I happen to have a few connections."
"A group of unfaithful Fatui? What are you talking about?" But then it clicked. "Wait, you don't mean..."
"Those who've gone missing in our ranks have simply created a new organization tasked with creating chaos to ruin the Fatui's reputation until it disintegrates into dust." Hongqi sent a quick glance to the lighted street outside of the alley before returning his attention. "Seeing as though Childe has disrespected us both, there's a chance we could get back at him for his tyranny. The leader of the group is quite rich and compensates his members like there's no tomorrow."
"Huh. I didn't know you that well even in the ranks, but I think we could be great friends, Hongqi."
#wesimpforxiao#childe x reader#genshin x reader#tartaglia x reader#tartaglia#childe#childe tartaglia#genshin impact#inception#wesimpforxiaoupdates
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okay so awhile ago you posted something about Yosuke (crazy, right?) and in the tags I believe you mentioned something about how you don’t like Yosukes parents? Could you elaborate? bc I have not stopped thinking about it since you mentioned it (sorry this is so vague my memory is horrid skjdjfjgj)
OYSUEJGHHBKEJHDSGVDH oh my god okay SO. At first I just got ~vibes~ from him... like, I couldn’t quite pin down what made me think he had abusive parents, because obviously he never says anything to indicate it explicitly, but then I started noticing... small things.
I don’t want to say outright that I think they’re abusive (physically or verbally) and I also don’t think that Yosuke hates them, or necessarily even sees anything wrong with how they treat him, but I do think that their behavior has severely impacted Yosuke and led to a lot of the negative traits he displays.
To me, the most telling example is this conversation where he talks about Teddie being praised by his parents for being “thoughtful” very pointedly in front of him. It seems to be a reoccurring thing where they compare him to other people (primarily Teddie) and make him feel inferior. Yosuke’s a bit of a pushover, and frequently gets taken advantage of monetarily, and in this case he’s caved and lent Teddie a significant chunk of his savings for their trip to Tatsumi Port Island... only for him to spend it on presents to suck up to Yosuke’s parents which makes Yosuke look unthoughtful. Yosuke clearly sees it that way, even if Teddie hadn’t intentionally planned it out from the start as such (he calls Teddie “surprisingly shrewd”).
Yosuke gets told off either because a) he didn’t want to fight back/argue, and instead just took a passive stance instead of telling his parents that he was the one to lend Teddie the money in the first place, and thus didn’t have any left to buy them gifts, or b) his parents think so little of him that they don’t believe him at all. He specifically says he doubts his parents understand, which makes me think that he did try to explain the situation.
There are also several instances of a large Junes event being Yosuke’s responsibility, or at least of him thinking that he has to scramble to make things work, like the Junes concert, where he says he’ll have to move away if it doesn’t pan out; maybe this is his own thinking, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it was something his dad said to scare him into helping, especially considering he MUST know that Yosuke is friends with Rise, or the time during the summer where he calls Yu and begs him to help out. Yosuke isn’t a manager, but he’s still got all the responsibilities of one, and even tries his best to work out other employees’ problems as well (look at his SL).
The Junes concert in particular really sent up some red flags for me, especially because Yosuke says this.
“Awfully nice for some reason”?
Yosuke’s got terrible self-esteem, there are countless times where he’s shown to be overwhelmed and embarrassed by completely genuine praise from his friends. In one of the drama CDs he mentions that he intentionally doesn’t try his best in school because he doesn’t want to disappoint himself by doing poorly while also knowing that he gave his all. It really makes me think that his parents just have an abysmally low opinion of him, and he’s adopted that same view of himself.
There’s also several scenes where he talks about his parents finding his porn (or Teddie showing it to them) and in his SL he says his mom “read the title out loud to [his] family” which on top of obviously indicating his family is pretty conservative about that kind of thing, also means he’s had to learn to be secretive with them to some extent. In Arena, Yosuke’s mother goes as far as burning the porn Teddie finds. Even if it's meant to be humorous, Yosuke's property is still being destroyed.
Now these next few things are more... abstract and can definitely be argued, but personally I still find them important to point out when discussing the topic.
Yosuke obviously struggles with toxic masculinity, and similarly to Kanji, feels like he needs to be the ideal, strong man that protects the weak, etc. Even without looking at specific dialogue, you can tell that Yosuke’s been raised to think he needs to be a “real” man, that displaying more “feminine” behaviors is a sign of weakness; because that isn’t just subtextual, it’s something he very visibly displays, it’s part of his arc. He can’t mourn and cry, he has to get revenge (because he couldn’t protect Saki at the time and he watched helplessly as she died, it makes it his fault), he says hugs are for girls (a common sentiment, but he had to learn it from somewhere), and any time he slips up and reveals his actual feelings, he has to overcompensate, let everyone know that he’s just your average teenage boy who’s definitely interested in women. Yosuke’s not the most masculine guy, he likes fashion and cares about his appearance (the bar is so low) and I’d bet that if he were given space to explore his interests without any expectations, he might actually find he’s into stuff that goes against what he’s been taught. He admits to liking crossdressing, then walks it back; not because he’s ashamed of it (on the contrary, once he realizes people found him cute, he openly brags about it), but because he thinks he SHOULD be ashamed of it.
It’s why he feels so threatened by Kanji, who completely takes him by surprise when he realizes his outer appearance and interests don’t match up. Now Yosuke’s got to compete with Kanji over who’s the manliest, show that he’s not like Kanji, because Kanji’s already accepted that side of himself, and it totally goes against everything Yosuke’s been taught to think is “normal”.
So then we look at lines like this.
On its own it’s nothing special, but it’s not just the slogan itself, it’s the way that Yosuke specifically says that his dad is still saying it. Combining this with what I mentioned previously about Yosuke’s behavior, and a few other tidbits, like Teddie mentioning that he watches violent war movies with Yosuke’s dad, it definitely makes me think he’s the type of guy who’d try and push Yosuke into being more masculine, being a traditional, unshakable, unemotional man.
Lastly, there’s the recently identified album on Yosuke’s shelf in arena, and what do you know, one of the songs on it (The Chain, by Mr. Big) has these lyrics...
In my mind, I see Yosuke’s mother as an incredibly controlling, strict woman who expects her son to be utterly perfect, and even when he’s good, it’s never good enough. Yosuke’s father is busy with Junes, and while he isn’t around the house too often, Yosuke sees him at work quite a bit, large and in-charge, not allowing anyone to see weakness, he leans on his son because he can’t bring himself to ask for help. Yosuke’s left to pick up the slack, and he’s taught by example that relying on others is cowardly, that being intimidating gets you further than being “nice”. Even though Yosuke obviously goes against this, he can't fully commit for fear of standing out and disappointing his parents, and that makes him passive; he ends up being a pushover, and neither of his parents are happy about that. He’s a “disappointment” to them, it’s one of his defining traits that everyone loves to bring up. It's something that's shown to really get under his skin, but he can never do much more than get angry, because he truly thinks he is a disappointment, he doesn't think highly of himself, even if he protests.
Maybe I’m reading into all of these things a little too much, but... I don’t know, I’ve said it before, but I just don’t see how half of Yosuke’s personality would have been shaped by anything other than his parents being Not Great.
#ada's writing#yosuke's parents#yosuke hanamura#yosuke appreciation#WHEW. THIS WAS A LONG ONE.#i literally spent like 3 hours on this and i still couldn't find most of the examples i wanted to lol#mentions of abuse#mentions of neglect#official-redhood#ask ada#ada's analysis#yosuke meta
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Here’s some belated Geraskier fic that I finally get to post, as last week’s flash fic challenge has wrapped up! This was originally published anonymously; kudos to those of you who guessed that I was the author. Head to the collection to see the picture prompt that inspired this, as well as view the other works. I've been having a great time participating in fandom events like this; I promise there's more on the way!!! (Read on AO3)
Up To Date
prompt: "You were so hot that when you asked if I was the blind date you were looking for, I lied and said yes. But then your actual date comes up to introduce themselves and I'm so embarrassed."
G, 2.3K words, modern AU, Geralt/Jaskier
It shouldn’t be this difficult to find inspiration. He never used to struggle like this in high school, finding his muse in everyone and everything. Even his mundane trip on the city bus to and from school would give Jaskier hundreds of ideas, for poems too personal to publish or lyrics too deep for his band to use. Back then he had thought he lacked discipline and experience, so the clear choice had been to take his interest in poetry one step further and go to university.
The problem, as he’s now discovering halfway through his second year, is that he maybe hates university. He loves it, of course; he loves the praise from his professors and peers, he loves learning about the history of literature and art. He even loves the academic rivalries that wax and wane every term, and the competitions that ignite a mean streak in him he didn’t know he had.
But his assignments are of worse quality than anything he’s ever written before, and try as he might, they aren’t getting any better. Putting words on the page just to meet a count is impossible for a poet, not when the space and thoughts and images are all supposed to be cohesive. Poems used to flow from him so freely he hadn’t been able to keep track and now his well of motivation has just about run dry.
That’s what led him here, for the third time this week. His creative dysfunction has forced him into the day-to-day habits of an elderly man who spends his days reading in public gardens. It hasn’t helped so far, but maybe this third time will be the charm. Jaskier finds his favorite place: right by the koi pond, next to a strange art installation with ivy crawling along it. He sits at the base of the giant question mark, dropping his backpack onto the bench beside him.
“This better fucking work,” mutters Jaskier to himself and the koi, opening today’s book to a random poem. He refuses to let his mind wander at first, gluing his eyes to the page and reading with intense intent. The first poem he sees is about love.
Groaning, Jaskier flips the page. The next poem is also about love.
The third poem is about war, and Jaskier thinks that might be alright, until he realizes what this long-dead poet is trying to tell him, which is that war is also about love. Because it is, of course, but also of course it is. Jaskier scowls deeply and flips through the book to a random page, hoping to find something to spark inspiration that won’t just make him feel hopeless and single and hopelessly single.
Before Jaskier can get through the title, someone speaks to him, startling him so badly he jumps. “Are you Yennefer’s friend?”
Jaskier scrambles to catch the book by its cover and nearly drops it. He hadn’t even heard anyone approach. “Sorry?”
The stranger audibly sighs, as if Jaskier has inconvenienced him terribly. With all the force of someone announcing their presence at their own death row, he grits out, “I’m here for a blind date she set up. With you.” Jaskier looks up at the man and sees him wearing a blank expression, pointing at the question mark in front of the bench. “By the thing.”
“Oh,” Jaskier says, still looking at the man. It takes a second for the words to sink in because the stranger is perhaps the most handsome person Jaskier has ever seen. He could write a thousand poems and still fail to capture his beauty. He has golden eyes, for one, and a sharply chiseled face. Even grimacing like this, his jaw is set in the loveliest way, and his stern brow is framed by platinum white hair, half-tied up. He’s wearing a fairly gloomy outfit for a blind date, but maybe he told whoever Yennefer is that he would be dressed in black. Regardless, he’s making it work.
The gorgeous stranger is still waiting for an answer, scowl worsening as Jaskier tries to make his decision about how the fuck to handle this. Really, there’s no decision at all— he just impulsively takes the leap. All his best ideas come when he’s stumbling forward blind anyway. “Yes,” he finally says, jumping to his feet. “Yes, um, I’m sorry, you caught me off-guard. I’m Jaskier.”
“Geralt.” They’re of a similar height, but Geralt is so much wider. Jaskier wants to climb him like ivy on a question mark. “I’m sorry I interrupted.”
“It’s fine! I got here a while ago. You know, can’t be too early!” Jaskier has never been early for anything in his life. He sits down again and shoves his books into his bag as quickly as he can. Geralt shifts his weight back and forth between his feet before awkwardly sitting on the bench next to Jaskier, looking out at the garden. “I’ve never done this kind of thing before,” he admits, which is true. His usual lies and schemes are much less chaotic.
Geralt doesn’t reply to that, leaving Jaskier to privately wonder about his dating life. He stares at the plants, giving the impression that he might be hideously nervous. Jaskier has no idea why someone like Geralt would be nervous about anything but it’s an awkward situation, to say the least. Right as Jaskier’s about to suggest they get out of here before Geralt’s real date shows up, the man asks, “What were you reading?”
“I was studying, sort of,” Jaskier says. “I’m a student.” Then abruptly he wonders how much Geralt knows about who he’s supposed to be, and he swallows, pulse racing.
Glancing over, Geralt’s yellow eyes meet his. There’s no obvious doubt there, just a curiosity. “What’s your major?”
“Poetry,” Jaskier grins as their conversation starts to pick up something resembling a rhythm. “What about you, are you in school?”
“No,” says Geralt, cutting his dreams of a normal date conversation short. “Are you any good? At writing poetry?”
What a weirdo. Jaskier’s heart thrums. “I’d like to think so!” This, at least, is something he knows how to talk about. Except, of course, it isn’t really the truth. “Well… recently, I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut. Just waiting for the right burst of inspiration to come along.” Perhaps this blind date that he’s stolen will suffice, but he doesn’t say that. “This place is great for that, actually. I mean, it hasn’t worked yet, but I’m sure any day those fish will sing for me.”
Geralt blinks. Jaskier feels a bead of sweat run down the back of his neck. He tries a different tactic, crossing his ankles and asking politely, “Are you a reader? What kind of things do you enjoy?”
“Nonfiction,” Geralt answers, slightly stilted. His gaze drifts over to the plants once more. “Not biographies, more like… encyclopedias and field journals. I like field journals.”
“Alright,” Jaskier says, shrinking into himself. This is going terribly. “I’ll have to go bribe some scientists for their field journals, then.” The corner of Geralt’s lip twitches, and Jaskier’s stomach flips. Gorgeous and weird and maybe, although he’s trying his best to hide it behind seven layers of nerves, maybe a little amused by Jaskier. Jaskier is going to fuck him right here in the garden. “Do you take journals of your own for work?”
A rather roundabout way of asking ‘what the fuck is it that you do’ but somehow, it lands. “I’m a… researcher,” Geralt mumbles. How very vague. “But I don’t publish my findings very often.”
Jaskier raises an eyebrow. “Do you work… for a company?”
“Right. So you’re just keeping all your findings to yourself for no good reason at all.”
“Then it sounds like you’re a pretty terrible researcher, actually.”
Geralt’s eyes flash as he turns to glare at Jaskier. “What?”
“Well, if you don’t share what you’ve found with anyone—”
“My… colleagues—”
“Aha! So you have colleagues!” Jaskier pokes Geralt’s side. “You aren’t just holed up in some depressing storage unit with months and months of research just for you.”
Once more, Geralt half-smirks. Not even half— more like a one-fifth smirk. “Years,” he admits.
“Years…” Jaskier tilts his head to the side thoughtfully. “Why do I have the feeling that you’re perhaps a significant number of years older than me?”
“I had the same thought when I saw you sitting here,” Geralt mumbles.
Jaskier snorts. “Seems like something Yennefer should have warned us about, perhaps. I would ask you directly how old you are, but I’m fairly certain that the only response I will get is a very gruff no.”
“No,” says Geralt, nearly smiling.
Making a show of pouting, Jaskier folds his arms over his chest. “Is that your favorite word?”
“No.” Geralt breaks into laughter as he repeats himself, and his whole face lights up with it. Jaskier laughs too, delighted by how joyous Geralt looks. He’s even more beautiful when he’s happy like this, and Jaskier wants very badly for this not to be their last date. “If I tell you my favorite word, you’re bound to judge me for it, as a poet.”
“As a poet, I swear not to mock you,” Jaskier raises his hand to cover his heart, barely restraining himself from grinning.
But before Geralt can share whatever it is, someone else approaches their bench. A second stranger— a woman about his height with short brown hair, wearing a pretty blouse. Jaskier notices her much more quickly than he’d noticed Geralt, and he makes the connection instantly. This can’t possibly end well.
“Oh, Yen wasn’t kidding,” says the stranger, eyeing Geralt. “You are very distinctive!”
Geralt stares back at her, slack-jawed for a moment. “What?”
“I’m Renfri,” Geralt’s date introduces herself. Jaskier wishes the earth would open up and swallow him whole, especially when she glances over at him. Her gaze slides back to Geralt, as does Jaskier’s, and yeah, he is very fucking distinctive with that white hair and those yellow eyes. Damn. “My friend Yennefer set us up for a blind date…?”
As Jaskier contemplates throwing himself into the koi pond, Geralt twists to stare at him. Jaskier can only imagine how mortified he must look right now; his face burns as both Renfri and Geralt look his way. Perhaps Renfri will figure it out before Geralt says anything; she looks like a smart woman.
But Geralt just gets up, dusting himself off and shaking his head. “No,” he tells Renfri, which would almost be funny if it weren’t the weirdest thing Jaskier has ever seen anyone do. Then Geralt leaves, turning to walk away from both of them, leaving Jaskier and Renfri alone together in the garden. Renfri frowns, watching him go with obvious increasing confusion. Jaskier also jumps to his feet, equally confused but determined not to lose sight of Geralt.
He chases the man— and it does feel like a chase, Geralt must be fucking speed-walking away— and finally tracks him down well outside the garden. Geralt is thundering down a set of stairs leading to a parking lot and he doesn’t stop at the sound of Jaskier careening towards him. Only when Jaskier desperately calls his name does he finally stop, slowing until he reaches the bottom landing and then standing there, still.
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier calls down the stairs, breathless. He begins to descend them but Geralt doesn’t turn around. “Fuck, you’re fast! Shit. I’m sorry, Geralt.”
Without looking his way, Geralt complains, so quietly that Jaskier nearly misses it, “Yennefer is going to kill me.”
“I would have fucked off,” Jaskier says quickly, hurrying down the rest of the steps until he gets to the bottom. Geralt still doesn’t look at him so Jaskier slides none-too-gracefully into his space, demanding his attention. He’s hardly red in the face or anything, but he looks embarrassed. Jaskier crumbles. “I’m sorry. I— seriously, I don’t care, I would have fucked off. I should’ve left, I should’ve— You should go back there, she’s beautiful!”
Geralt’s nostrils flare but he doesn’t look away. “Why did you lie,” he demands, flat.
“Well,” Jaskier deflates. “Um. You’re beautiful.”
“I really am sorry,” he offers.
Geralt, still watching him closely, says, “You don’t sound sorry.”
“What do you want me to do?” Jaskier throws his hands in the air, breaking away from Geralt’s stare— in the greenhouse, surrounded by bright lights and open, manmade nature, it had been easy to sit under the weight of Geralt’s eyes on him. Down here, at the end of a staircase and the entrance to a dark garage, chest still heaving, it feels too intimate. He puts some distance between them, sighing. “You want me to go back there and explain the whole situation to poor Renfri?”
When Jaskier finally turns around again, Geralt’s gaze hasn’t left him. “I want you to come have dinner with me instead,” he says, slowly but purposefully.
“Oh,” breathes Jaskier. “That’s— well, if you want that.”
“I already made a reservation for two. My name’s on the list.” Geralt is fidgeting with the end of his sleeve at first but when he approaches Jaskier he drops it, striding forward without hesitating. “Table for Geralt and one young brunet friend of Yennefer’s.”
Jaskier chokes on his own surprised laugh. “I don’t actually know Yennefer,” he needlessly explains.
“She’s going to hate you,” says Geralt, half-smirking, and then he adds, “Well, she’ll hate both of us now.”
They get to the restaurant twenty minutes late, Geralt’s hair mussed up and lips a bitten red and Jaskier wearing his backpack and a shit-eating grin. The host sees them and immediately tells them their table has been cancelled, and they end up getting terrible two-dollar slices from a hole-in-the-wall pizza place. They eat on the way back to Geralt’s car and then he drives Jaskier back to campus, kissing him soundly in the door to his apartment until Priscilla comes home and yells at Jaskier to get a room. As they squabble Geralt apologizes, polite and nervous, and kisses Jaskier’s cheek and tells him it was nice to meet him.
Jaskier goes inside and spends the next thirteen hours writing the best poetry he will ever write.
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On the other side
Asadbatman over on Twitter wanted to see the other side of the Clan Swap fic, where Jiang Cheng gets transported into Lan Wanyin’s body and where he meets Jiang Xichen. You can find “In every timeline” here and you should probably read that one first. This comes in at 12k.
Lan Wanyin is reading over a particularly insulting letter on his favourite pier, but even that does nothing to soften the frown on his face.
Sect Leader Yao really has a lot of nerve to send this letter to Jiang Xichen who—for all intents and purposes—is a goddamn war hero now, not even to mention the Sect Leader of one of the most powerful Sects out there.
Lan Wanyin takes a deep breath and decides to deal with that letter later—much later, if he can get away with it—before he turns his attention towards the lake in front of him.
It’s a rather calming sight, and one of the reasons why this is his favourite place in Lotus Pier. The lake stretches on for longer than the eye can see, and this close to the piers, there are dozens of lotus heads gently bobbing on the water and it’s so calming and relaxing that Lan Wanyin could totally drift off here.
Except that he still has work to do, because Jiang Xichen trusts him to deal with the paperwork and this part of running a Sect even though they are not married. Yet.
But Lan Wanyin will not allow anyone to say that he’s slacking off, and even though this is a private pier there is still a chance someone might catch a glimpse of him, and so he lets out another sigh as he picks up the next letter from the stack to his side.
He wonders if the stacks always get so high, but then he remembers fondly that there is almost nothing more Jiang Xichen hates doing than paperwork and with how victorious Yunmeng Jiang came out of the Sunshot Campaign it’s understandable that everyone wants to gain a favour with Jiang Xichen.
Lan Wanyin is very pleased that Jiang Xichen allows him to be the one to formulate very polite “Fuck off” replies to them, he’s not going to lie about that.
“What are you doing?” Jiang Xichen suddenly whines from behind him and drapes himself all over Lan Wanyin’s back.
“Doing the work you pushed off on me?” Lan Wanyin gives back without even putting the letter in his hand down.
He has gotten rather used to Jiang Xichen being as tactile as he is, and Lan Wanyin is enjoying it immensely, even though he would never admit it. He would blush his way through every single word of that sentence, he just knows it, and then Jiang Xichen would tease him about it, and Lan Wanyin would blush even harder.
He knows that from experience.
“But I didn’t mean you have to do the work immediately,” Jiang Xichen sighs, but he stays where is, with his arms around Lan Wanyin’s waist and his head hooked over his shoulder.
“I’d rather get it out of the way,” Lan Wanyin says, patting Jiang Xichen’s hand on his stomach.
“You’re all work and no fun, lately,” Jiang Xichen complaints and Lan Wanyin’s mouth twists with his words.
He knows that he hasn’t been the most fun to be around lately, but one of them has to take the task of leading a Sect seriously and it certainly isn’t going to be Jiang Xichen, no matter how effortlessly he still seems to fall into the role as Sect Leader.
Lan Wanyin puts it down to his rigorous training and Lan Wanyin did not receive the same training. He was never meant to be Sect Leader, so he has a lot to catch up to, he knows that. Especially since the wedding is still a few months away.
He just doesn’t want to embarrass Jiang Xichen with his ignorance before they are even tied together.
“If you keep this up, I’ll give you something to complain about,” Lan Wanyin says with less bite than he intended to, but then again he never can be really mad at Jiang Xichen.
To underline his threat he reaches out for Sect Leader Yao’s letter and waves it in front of Jiang Xichen’s face, who makes a grimace at that, but then hides his smile in Lan Wanyin’s neck.
“Feisty. I like it,” he mutters, and Lan Wanyin doesn’t mean to, but he freezes up completely.
With how Jiang Xichen is still pressed close to him, he notices it immediately of course and Lan Wanyin can almost hear him frown.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his voice low and soothing, and Lan Wanyin hates that he is still like this—that the doubt is still a niggling bud in his mind—but he also can’t help it.
“If you like feisty so much, you should probably go look for my counterpart again,” Lan Wanyin says, and this comes out much more bitter than he thought it would.
It’s too telling, he knows that immediately, and Jiang Xichen pulls away for long enough to make Lan Wanyin panic before Jiang Xichen simply turns him around and pulls him into a hug.
“I don’t want your counterpart,” Jiang Xichen tells him, his voice controlled and even, and despite the way Lan Wanyin clings to Jiang Xichen he lets out a bitter laugh.
“Yeah, right,” he mutters. “You wouldn’t even have noticed me if it wasn’t for him catching your eye,” he goes on, hiding his face much more firmly in Jiang Xichen’s chest, because he doesn’t want to know what kind of face he makes at that.
But Jiang Xichen is not letting him hide; he pushes Lan Wanyin away, so that he can look him in the eye when he next speaks.
“He might have managed to catch my eye, but it’s you who kept it for years now,” Jiang Xichen tells him and Lan Wanyin blushes at his words.
Jiang Xichen has never made a secret out of the fact that he fell head over heels in love with him, but his actions speak very loudly too.
Like the fact that he not only allows Lan Wanyin into his home and family, but that he also trusts him to lead the Sect together with him. Lan Wanyin knows how much Yunmeng Jiang means to Jiang Xichen and it regularly warms his heart to know that Jiang Xichen wants to share this with Lan Wanyin.
“Shut up,” Lan Wanyin grumbles slightly, but he’s very pleased by Jiang Xichen’s answer.
“Only when you stop being stupid,” Jiang Xichen gives back and brushes a kiss over Lan Wanyin’s cheek.
“I’m not stupid,” Lan Wanyin protests more out of reflex than anything else and then he sighs. “I know you love me and it’s stupid of me to still be jealous of my counterpart,” Lan Wanyin admits.
But knowing that he is unreasonably jealous and not being jealous are two completely different things and Lan Wanyin is not doing well with the latter part.
Jiang Xichen hums at his words and manhandles him around again, until Lan Wanyin sits with his back to Jiang Xichen’s chest and Jiang Xichen hugs him close.
“You never did tell me what happened in that other world,” Jiang Xichen lowly says and Lan Wanyin shrugs.
He doesn’t think anything that happened to him in that world is worth mentioning, but he guesses that Jiang Xichen has burned to ask this question for a long while now.
“Fine,” he sighs and pulls down Jiang Xichen so he sits pressed up to his back and he puts his hands over the arms around his middle. “I’ll tell you.”
Lan Wanyin wakes up to someone frantically calling his name.
“Jiang Cheng? Jiang Cheng, wake up right this instant! Jiang Wanyin! Don’t make your poor brother fret like this, come on. A-Cheng? Chengcheng?”
Okay, someone calling a semblance of his name, anyway.
Lan Wanyin groans slightly, before he blinks his eyes open, and his vision is immediately filled with a mop of unruly hair and a worried face of a person Lan Wanyin has never seen before in his entire life.
“Jiang Cheng?” the person asks him and Lan Wanyin pushes him away as politely as he can.
“No,” he says, immediately startled by how deep his voice is.
He looks down at himself, to figure out if there is a visible clue as to why he was unconscious, but when he sees dark purple robes he frowns. His frown only deepens when it feels like something vital is missing.
“What is going on?” he asks the other person, who is clearly not at all reassured now that he’s awake.
“Jiang Cheng?” he is asked again and Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“My name is Lan Wanyin,” he gives back and watches as the person goes pale at his side.
“Lan Wanyin,” he mutters and then he scrambles up to frantically gather a few papers.
Lan Wanyin watches him study them, seemingly more desperate the more he reads and when the guy looks at him Lan Wanyin can see something close to panic on his face.
“Oh fuck,” the guy mutters and then plasters a smile on his face so quickly it gives Lan Wanyin whiplash.
“I’m Wei Wuxian, nice to meet you,” he says, adopting a cheery tone that’s so obviously fake that Lan Wanyin cringes on his behalf.
“Where am I?” he asks, but when he looks around he can tell that this is the Jingshi, so he changes his question. “Why are you in my home?” he asks instead and watches as the smile on Wei Wuxian’s face falters dangerously.
“Your home, of course,” he mutters. “You’re Lan Wanyin and this is your home,” he goes on and Lan Wanyin bristles at his words.
“Yes, I am and yes it is. And I demand an explanation from you now!” he says, trying for a stern tone, but he knows it comes out much more wavering than he’d like.
“I’m sorry, this must be really stressful for you,” Wei Wuxian says, and he sounds so sympathetic that Lan Wanyin immediately has to bite back some tears.
“Just explain to me what’s going on,” he tries again and Wei Wuxian sighs, clearly about to give in, but before he can do that, someone slides open the door.
“Jiang Cheng? Wei Wuxian?” the newcomer asks and Wei Wuxian gives a fleeting smile to Lan Wanyin before he gets up and turns around to the new man that stepped into Lan Wanyin’s home uninvited.
He’s wearing the customary Lan white—he even has a forehead ribbon—but Lan Wanyin has never seen him in his life and he frowns at him. All that does though, is making it startling clear that he’s missing his own forehead ribbon, and suddenly Lan Wanyin feels entirely too naked.
“Lan Xichen,” Wei Wuxian says with a nod of his head. “Meet Lan Wanyin,” he then goes on with a nod towards Lan Wanyin, who is still on the ground, and Lan Wanyin scrambles to get up.
It’s a little bit strange, this new body; he seems to be taller and broader than he’s used to being and he fumbles around for a second before he falls into an appropriate bow.
“What is going on?” Lan Xichen wants to know, his expression bordering on outright pained and sad, and Lan Wanyin turns expectant eyes on Wei Wuxian because he is still expecting an answer to that very same question as well.
“It seems that my spell did not work as intended,” Wei Wuxian says with a wince and Lan Wanyin watches as Lan Xichen’s eyebrows rise on his forehead.
“What spell?” he asks with the voice of a man who is too used to dealing with mishaps and problems and keeping his own feelings on the matter very far removed, and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“Are you the Sect Leader?” he asks, because he has seen his brother make a very similar face when he’s faced with one of the junior disciple’s shenanigans.
“Technically I’m—it’s complicated,” Lan Xichen finally settles on, but when Lan Wanyin keeps his baffled expression he goes on. “I used to be,” he finally admits.
“Xichen-ge,” Wei Wuxian whispers, clearly a lot of history behind that one sentence, but Lan Wanyin is too stuck on the informal way with which Wei Wuxian refers to him.
“Where’s my brother? And how dare you refer to your elder as disrespectfully as that?” Lan Wanyin suddenly asks, filled with the desperate need to see someone familiar, to have his brother look out for him like he always does, and he doesn’t even care that his tone is very close to whining but he also has their Sect’s rules ingrained in his bones and he cannot let disrespectful behaviour like that stand without even trying to correct it.
“Lan Wangji?” Lan Xichen asks, clearly only guessing and Lan Wanyin nods frantically. “He’s out on a night hunt. It should still be a day or so before he comes back. He’s accompanying the juniors.”
“I want to see him,” Lan Wanyin says, knowing that he shouldn’t be making demands of people he doesn’t even know, but he needs to see a familiar face.
“We can’t call him back,” Wei Wuxian gently says. “We’ll have to wait until Lan Zhan returns on his own.”
Lan Wanyin freezes when he hears that name, because even he doesn’t dare to call his brother that and he can feel his temper spike again, before he takes a deep and calming breath.
“Could you please not refer to my brother like this? You have no rights to do so,” Lan Wanyin says in what he thinks is an appropriately calm voice.
“What should I call him then?” Wei Wuxian asks, a mischievous smile on his face. “Lan-er-gege?” he asks and Lan Wanyin goes hot under the collar.
“How dare you call me that?” he hisses out and watches as Wei Wuxian’s eyes go big and how Lan Xichen presses his lips together.
Lan Wanyin is not sure if it’s in an attempt to hide a smile or because to keep some words in.
“Wei Wuxian,” Lan Xichen reprimands him and Wei Wuxian does seem appropriately chastised, if only for a second.
“You’re the younger brother?” Wei Wuxian asks, clearly embarrassed for a moment and Lan Wanyin nods.
“I’m sixteen,” he answers and now both of them pale.
“Oh fuck,” Wei Wuxian answers and even though Lan Xichen doesn’t look like he would ever utter such crude words he nods with emphasis.
“Lan Wanyin, Wei Wuxian is Wangji’s husband,” Lan Xichen gently tells him and Lan Wanyin goes still.
His brother is way too young to marry but he guess that’s not the case in this world.
“How old is he?” Lan Wanyin carefully asks and Wei Wuxian shrugs.
“Over thirty. You are too, in the body you’re currently in,” he explains and Lan Wanyin needs to sit down for a moment.
This is not what he expected.
“I want to go home,” Lan Wanyin whispers, suddenly feeling small and young despite the body he is in, and he watches as Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian share a look.
“I’ll work on reversing the spell, but I don’t know how long it will take,” Wei Wuxian finally says and Lan Wanyin deflates.
“It’s probably best if we leave him to it,” Lan Xichen chimes in, giving Lan Wanyin a reassuring smile. “How do you feel about staying with me for the time being?”
Lan Wanyin is not feeling anything about that despite the aching urge to go home, so he simply nods.
“I’m sorry about imposing,” he says with a small bow and Wei Wuxian makes a startled noise at his side.
“If anyone’s imposing, it’s us, since we dragged you here against your will,” he says and Lan Wanyin wants to snap at him that he’s damn right about that, but he only nods.
Snapping would be rude, after all.
“Wei Wuxian will get you back home,” Lan Xichen promises and Lan Wanyin pretends that he doesn’t see how Wei Wuxian winces at that.
It doesn’t spark confidence in Lan Wanyin, but then again Wei Wuxian did drag him here, so he should be capable of sending him back too.
Neither of them comment on Wei Wuxian’s slip of face though, and when Lan Xichen motions for Lan Wanyin to follow him, he does so without another word.
The trek to Lan Xichen’s home is silent, but it’s not long before Lan Wanyin recognizes the path they are taking and unease grows in his gut.
Logically it makes sense that Lan Xichen would live in the Hanshi if he is the older brother, but Lan Wangji is very protective of his space—always has been—and so Lan Wanyin hasn’t set foot into the Hanshi more than a couple of times in his life.
The thought that he’s going to live there for the time being makes him feel slightly sick and he tries to subtly reach out for the trailing ends of his forehead ribbon, but of course his hands come back empty.
“It’s not much, but I hope you can relax here a bit,” Lan Xichen says as he invites him into the Hanshi, and Lan Wanyin hesitates a moment before he follows him inside.
“This is not where you usually stay,” Lan Xichen mildly observes and Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“My brother lives in the Hanshi,” he explains and Lan Xichen nods.
“I suppose that would make sense, if he is the older one this time,” Lan Xichen says with a shrug and then busies himself with getting some tea ready.
Lan Wanyin observes him, and he takes note of the slightly shaking hands and the way Lan Xichen avoids looking directly at him.
“I’m—I shouldn’t be here,” Lan Wanyin finally whispers, and Lan Xichen jerks with his words.
“Wei Wuxian will work very hard to get you back to your world,” he promises. “You’re occupying his brother’s body, he’s personally invested. It’s a good motivator,” Lan Xichen whispers and Lan Wanyin frowns at his tone.
“His brother,” he mutters and then walks over to the mirror in Lan Xichen’s home.
Lan Wanyin takes a long moment to simply look himself over and he’s not sure he likes what he sees. Jiang Cheng’s body is older—of course it is—but it’s also a lot broader than Lan Wanyin is used to. It seems battle hardened.
His face at least is much the same—even though it looks empty without the forehead ribbon—though of course he seems more mature.
“Jiang Cheng doesn’t usually smile like you do,” Lan Xichen suddenly says from behind him and Lan Wanyin thinks that over for a moment before he schools his expression into a frown.
“That’s more like it,” Lan Xichen says with a wistful chuckle and Lan Wanyin keeps the expression for a while longer.
Jiang Cheng is still handsome, even with a frown, but it also makes him look fierce and unapproachable and Lan Wanyin doesn’t like that at all. He quickly drops the frown, watching as his features smooth out into his much softer ones.
“Do you want a forehead ribbon?” Lan Xichen suddenly asks him and Lan Wanyin whips around.
“What?” he asks, though he can’t deny that the answer would be a very resounding yes.
“I noticed you keep reaching out for it,” Lan Xichen explains and Lan Wanyin flushes when he realizes that he must have done it unconsciously.
“I can’t take your forehead ribbon,” Lan Wanyin says, appalled at just the idea of it, but Lan Xichen shakes his head.
“I have some spare ones,” he says and walks away to retrieve one of those. “I used to look after this one rowdy kid,” Lan Xichen says with a smile when he sees Lan Wanyin’s confused look. “He needed a few new ones every day and I didn’t have the heart to throw them out once he grew up.”
“I see,” Lan Wanyin whispers and takes the offered ribbon with shaking hands.
He does quick work with tying it around his forehead and he has to admit that he does feel better once it’s tied snugly.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely to Lan Xichen and after one last look into the mirror—now much more familiar than before—he turns away from it.
“If Wei Wuxian is my brother in this world, then where is he in my world?” Lan Wanyin asks Lan Xichen, mostly to have something to talk about.
“I don’t know,” Lan Xichen answers with a shrug. “If Wangji is your brother in your world, then where am I?”
“I don’t know,” Lan Wanyin whispers. “I don’t even know Wei Wuxian.”
“You’re sixteen?” Lan Xichen wants to know and he hums when Lan Wanyin nods. “Did you participate in the classes already?”
“No,” Lan Wanyin mumbles. “They are about to start in less than two weeks. I’m going to miss them, aren’t I?” Lan Wanyin asks, and he feels strangely despondent at that thought.
He’s going to miss out on so much.
“Wei Wuxian will do his hardest to send you back. The classes last the whole summer, right? You’ll probably have some time to get to know the other students,” Lan Xichen tries to reassure him, but Lan Wanyin is not convinced.
Wei Wuxian hasn’t looked all that confident before; he’ll probably be here for longer than either of them cares about.
“Jiang Cheng,” Lan Xichen suddenly says and Lan Wanyin tenses before he realizes that Lan Xichen doesn’t mean him. “Do you think he’ll be alright in your world?”
“I think so,” Lan Wanyin says without hesitation. “My brother will look after him.”
“That’s good then,” Lan Xichen says with a small smile and then he busies himself with the tea again.
They spend the rest of the afternoon with soft conversation, comparing notes on the different worlds, but it becomes clear to Lan Wanyin pretty quickly that Lan Xichen is skirting around a lot of topics.
Lan Wanyin is honestly too scared to ask and so he allows the topics to be shallow and safe.
Night has already fallen by the time footsteps approach the Hanshi and both Lan Xichen and Lan Wanyin perk up.
There’s a polite knock on the door before it slides open and Lan Wanyin has to fight the rush of relief to see his brother.
“Xiongzhan,” Lan Wangji greets, and the word sounds exceedingly strange on Lan Wangji’s lips.
Lan Wanyin doesn’t even have time to process the fact that Lan Wangji is looking at Lan Xichen instead of himself, when he’s already bowing.
“Xiongzhan,” he says, too, and then he shrinks back when Lan Wangji gives him a bone-chilling glare.
“Wangji, this is Lan Wanyin,” Lan Xichen explains but Lan Wangji’s look only gets darker at that.
“If you have to marry anyone, why does it have to be him?” Lan Wangji asks and Lan Wanyin reels back as if he has been hit.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen snaps, stepping closer to Lan Wanyin. “Do not forget your manners. This is Lan Wanyin from another world. One of your husband’s experiments went very wrong, and you would do well to be polite to our guest. To any guest.”
Lan Wangji doesn’t lose his hostile look, but he at least bows to Lan Wanyin, even if he doesn’t apologize.
“I’ll be checking on my husband then,” Lan Wangji says, immediately leaving the Hanshi and Lan Wanyin can do nothing but stare after him.
This is not how he imagined meeting his brother would go over and he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself now.
“I am so sorry,” Lan Xichen says. “There’s some history between Jiang Cheng and Wangji.” Lan Xichen winces at his own words and then goes on. “It’s still no excuse. He should at least remember his manners.”
Lan Wanyin can’t even nod at that, because he is still too shocked. He has never heard his brother sound that cold, not even when dealing with people he doesn’t like. To have it directed at himself is certainly an experience Lan Wanyin could have done without.
“I think I would like to sleep now,” Lan Wanyin eventually whispers and Lan Xichen’s face falls.
“Should I send for some dinner first?” he asks, already half up, but Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“I just want to sleep,” he mumbles and Lan Xichen sighs.
“Alright,” he thankfully agrees and setting up a second bed is short work, so soon enough Lan Wanyin is laying down.
He doesn’t fight the urge to pull the blanket over his head and he also can’t help the few tears that escape, but he’s proud that he doesn’t outright sob, even though he absolutely feels like it.
He tries to convince himself that tomorrow will be better and that he will be back home soon, and Lan Wanyin falls asleep clinging to that hope.
Breakfast is a quiet affair. Lan Wanyin understands that it’s not quite acceptable for him to go to the communal breakfast, even though he would like that. But outsiders are not allowed and for all that Lan Wanyin is very much a Lan, Jiang Cheng—whose body he’s currently inhabiting—is most definitely not and so Lan Wanyin can’t go there.
Lan Xichen stays with him though and breakfast passes quickly like that.
Lan Wanyin is still thinking about his meeting with Lan Wangji—more like fretting over it—when they hear another set of footsteps approaching the Hanshi.
“Oh no,” Lan Xichen whispers, before he gets up, clearly recognizing the steps, but before he can reach the door someone knocks on it. Very insistently and loudly.
“Lan Xichen!” that person yells and Lan Xichen is quick to slide the door open, but he tries his best to block the person from looking inside.
“How dare you?” the person hisses and Lan Wanyin sees Lan Xichen wince.
“Jin Ling—” he starts, but Jin Ling doesn’t let him talk.
“You call my jiujiu away on urgent business and now you refuse to let him leave again? How dare you? Let me see him at once!” he demands and Lan Wanyin gets up, because he figures it’s kind of inevitable that he’ll have to introduce himself.
“Listen, Jin Ling, there’s been an accident,” Lan Xichen starts and Lan Wanyin thinks this might not be the best way to break the news to Jin Ling about his uncle.
“If he got hurt on your watch I will make you regret it,” Jin Ling says, and Lan Wanyin is surprised at the confidence with which he says it.
Lan Xichen shakes his head, but before he can figure out how to explain this to Jin Ling, he pushes his way into the Hanshi.
“Jiujiu!” Jin Ling calls out but when his gaze falls on Lan Wanyin he freezes.
“If you married Lan Xichen without telling me I will never speak to you again,” he then says, voice deceptively calm and Lan Wanyin rushes to clear the situation up.
“We didn’t marry,” he says and he’s proud that he only flushes a little bit.
A side-glance at Lan Xichen reveals that he’s doing much worse, because his face is bright red.
“Then what the hell is going on?” Jin Ling demands to know.
“Language,” Lan Wanyin says out of reflex and he is surprised at the pained look on Lan Xichen’s face at that.
“I’ll watch my language if you explain to me what you’re doing here, in Lan Xichen’s personal quarters, with what seems to be his forehead ribbon.”
“It’s a spare one,” Lan Xichen chimes in. “And he’s not actually Jiang Cheng,” he then belatedly says and Lan Wanyin thinks that maybe he should have led with that.
“What do you mean? It’s clearly my jiujiu,” Jin Ling says, already puffing himself up as if he’s gearing up for a fight.
“My name is Lan Wanyin. I’m from another world,” he rushes to explain but the frown on Jin Ling’s face only gets more pronounced.
“That doesn’t make sense,” he decides then and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“One of Wei Wuxian’s experiments went wrong,” Lan Xichen says and it seems like that makes much more sense to Jin Ling because his face falls.
“What?” he whispers and now Lan Wanyin can finally see that he’s just a teenager.
“I’m really sorry,” Lan Wanyin says but Jin Ling shakes his head.
“I want my jiujiu back,” he says and Lan Wanyin can understand that feeling—he wants his brother back, too—but there’s not much he can do about that right now.
“I wish I could just swap us back,” Lan Wanyin says. “But we have to wait until Wei Wuxian figures out how to switch us back.”
“How is my jiujiu? Is he alright?” Jin Ling wants to know, but it’s again something Lan Wanyin can’t tell him for sure.
“He should be. I was at home when it happened, so he should have woken up safe and sound. And there’s not much that can happen to him in the Cloud Recesses.”
“Does he have someone to look out for him?” Jin Ling asks, and his voice is small.
“Of course he does,” Lan Wanyin tells him, frowning when he sees Lan Xichen shaking his head at him. “My brother will make sure that he’s alright.”
“Your brother? Lan Xichen?”
“No. Lan Wangji,” Lan Wanyin says, smiling slightly when he remembers just how protective his brother can be and so he nearly misses the way Jin Ling’s face falls again.
“What?” he hisses and then whirls around to Lan Xichen. “He’s alone with him?”
“As far as I understand it, there is no Jiang Cheng in his world. Wangji has no reason to hold a grudge against him.”
“But you don’t know it,” Jin Ling bitterly says and then turns back around to Lan Wanyin.
“How can you be this calm? My jiujiu is missing and you’re not even doing anything” he asks them, but Lan Wanyin shrugs.
“There’s nothing much we can do,” he says, even though he wishes it were different too. “We just have to wait for Wei Wuxian to reverse the spell.”
“And you’re just okay with that?” Jin Ling asks, now turned towards Lan Xichen again.
“Like he says, there’s not much we can do,” Lan Xichen apologetically says but it seems to have been the wrong thing, because Jin Ling huffs.
“I hate you,” he hisses. “I hate you both and I want you gone,” he then adds towards Lan Wanyin and promptly storms out of the Hanshi.
His words sting, even though Lan Wanyin understands that his emotions are most likely running rampant right now.
“He doesn’t mean it,” Lan Xichen tells him after a long moment of silence. “He just loves Jiang Cheng more than anyone else in this world and he’s clearly not doing well with his absence.”
“I see,” Lan Wanyin whispers and he gets it.
He isn’t doing well without Lan Wangji either, but at least his manners prevent him from breaking down or lashing out like Jin Ling just did.
“He’ll probably be back soon to apologize,” Lan Xichen prophesises but Lan Wanyin doubts it. “His parents died and Jiang Cheng raised him. I know he taught him more manners than this, but Jin Ling is a very emotional boy.”
“You seem to know them very well,” Lan Wanyin says with a small frown and watches as Lan Xichen’s cheeks go slightly red.
“We are—were fellow Sect Leaders. It’s only natural that we got to know each other.”
Lan Wanyin doesn’t want to ask about his correction there, though he can’t deny that he is curious what could have possibly made Lan Xichen step down from that position. But Lan Wanyin is too polite to ask about something that so very clearly still brings pain to Lan Xichen, and so they fall into silence again.
It’s not uncomfortable—at least not entirely—but Lan Wanyin finds himself fiddling with the ring around his finger more than he probably should.
He didn’t yet have a chance to look at it clearly, but he figures there’s nothing else to do for now, and so he raises his hand closer to his face, so he can take a better look.
The motion gets Lan Xichen’s attention immediately of course, but he stays silent for now.
Lan Wanyin inspects the ring with the utmost care, and he realizes soon enough that it’s a spiritual tool, but he’s not sure how to use it or if he even wants to.
“It turns into a whip,” Lan Xichen eventually chimes in and Lan Wanyin startles slightly, he was that engrossed in the intricate details on the ring. “It’s the Yu family heirloom. Jiang Cheng got it from his mother. It’s called Zidian.”
“What form does the whip take?”
“Purple lightning.” Lan Xichen hesitates briefly. “Would you like to try it out?”
“I—" Lan Wanyin starts, but then he doesn’t know how to finish that.
It’s likely that he will have more than enough time on his hands here, since he doesn’t have his usual classes or chores to attend to, but right now Lan Wanyin doesn’t feel like doing anything.
“I would like to meditate,” he finally says, allowing himself one day off in all this madness.
Lan Xichen doesn’t seem like he minds that much, because he very earnestly offers to accompany him to the cold springs, and Lan Wanyin would love to tell him no, but he knows that he’s in the body of an outsider, so seeing him at the cold springs without proper supervision would probably upset other Sect members.
There is nothing for Lan Wanyin to do but to agree.
It’s not so bad, in the end, because Lan Xichen has a very reserved nature it seems—not unlike Lan Wanyin’s own—and meditating next to him is easy.
Easy enough that the day goes by quickly and before Lan Wanyin knows it, he’s back in the Hanshi, with only Lan Xichen as his company during dinner.
Lan Wanyin finds himself wishing that he could see more of his brother, but then he remembers the tense atmosphere and Lan Wangji’s cold stare and Lan Wanyin figures it’s better that Lan Wangji doesn’t come around more often.
He kind of wonders over Wei Wuxian’s absence—since he’s apparently inhabiting Wei Wuxian’s brother’s body—but when Lan Wanyin brings it up to Lan Xichen he simply shrugs.
“Wei Wuxian is most likely doing his level best to send you back,” he explains and Lan Wanyin can’t quite hide the bitter twist of his mouth.
It has nothing to do with returning him to where he came from; it has everything to do with getting Jiang Cheng back.
“He would do the same for you if Jiang Cheng was still here,” Lan Xichen says, clearly reading the thought right off Lan Wanyin’s face and not for the first time does Lan Wanyin wonder if he is just that easy to read or if Lan Xichen is that familiar with Jiang Cheng.
“He made a mistake and he’s rushing to fix it. Not to mention that it’s probably driving him insane that he can’t figure out why his original spell went so wrong,” Lan Xichen says but the exasperation in his voice tells Lan Wanyin that this isn’t the first instance of Wei Wuxian going mad over something he caused himself.
Lan Wanyin wonders how Wei Wuxian can possibly fit into the Lan Sect, but if he and Lan Wangji are married, then at least Lan Xichen must have approved of it.
That thought spirals into imagining if Lan Wanyin’s own brother would approve of him marrying someone like Wei Wuxian—not that Lan Wanyin can imagine himself doing so—and he gets hit with a wave of homesickness.
It ruins his appetite rather thoroughly.
“I’m tired,” Lan Wanyin says as he puts his bowl down, trying not to notice Lan Xichen’s worried gaze on him.
Lan Wanyin doesn’t wait for a dismissal, and simply gets up to retire to bed. He hears Lan Xichen rummage around, but the noises are quiet and unobtrusive and Lan Wanyin quickly drifts off, even plagued by worries as he is.
The days don’t pass quickly enough for Lan Wanyin’s taste and soon enough he feels trapped inside the Hanshi. He’s not used to being so idle; in his world he has duties to fulfil and classes to attend but here there is nothing for him to do but sit and wait, and he has never been good at either of those things.
“I think I want to practice with Zidian,” Lan Wanyin says apropos of nothing one morning and Lan Xichen doesn’t seem as startled by that as Lan Wanyin expected him to be.
“Of course,” he quickly agrees and Lan Wanyin narrows his eyes at him, watching as Lan Xichen smiles slightly.
“You’re not as different to Jiang Cheng as you might think,” he says with a shrug. “Both of you don’t deal well with just sitting around; I was just waiting for you to get bored enough to say something.”
Lan Wanyin blinks at that.
“I had duties in my world,” is what he finally says.
“And I’m sorry you can’t carry them out here. You can help me with some of the paperwork later, if you want. It’s nothing important, but it would give you something to do.”
Lan Wanyin doesn’t comment on the nothing important part, but he can’t deny that he’s curious. Lan Wanyin is absolutely sure that Lan Xichen used to be Sect Leader and to hear that his paperwork is nothing serious just feels wrong. Even if he no longer is Sect Leader, if he stepped down for whatever reasons, people should still seek him out for his expertise and knowledge.
Lan Wanyin is on the cusp of asking, when Lan Xichen abruptly turns away from him, walking out of the Hanshi and clearly expecting Lan Wanyin to follow him.
Lan Wanyin swallows his questions down and trails after Lan Xichen to the training grounds.
“Do you have a spiritual tool?” Lan Xichen asks him and Lan Wanyin nods.
“I play the xiao,” he says and Lan Xichen looks startled.
“You—of course you do,” he finally says and Lan Wanyin frowns at him until he explains. “I do, too. It truly does seem like you have my place in your world. Maybe I do have your place, then, in Yunmeng Jiang,” he muses and Lan Wanyin promises himself to find out about Lan Xichen’s whereabouts, once he’s back in his own world.
“How does this help me with Zidian?” Lan Wanyin wants to know, and shakes himself out of these useless thoughts.
He can do nothing as long as he’s here, in this world, so there’s no point in making plans for now.
“If you already know how to use a spiritual tool, channelling energy into Zidian will be easier,” Lan Xichen explains and Lan Wanyin flushes, because he should have realized that himself.
Lan Wanyin takes a deep breath and pushes his embarrassment far away, because it’s never helpful while practicing and instead he concentrates on channelling energy into Zidian, just like he usually would with his xiao.
It doesn’t take long at all for Zidian to spark purple and then suddenly it’s no longer a ring, but a whip in Lan Wanyin’s hand.
“Very good,” Lan Xichen says with a smile and then steps away from Lan Wanyin, clearly giving him space. “Try it out,” he encourages him and Lan Wanyin does just that.
Controlling the whip is much harder than he imagined it to be, though. He can feel some confused resistance from Zidian, and Lan Wanyin is surprised to find that the tool notices that he’s not its usual master.
Jiang Cheng really has quite the priceless weapon at his disposal.
During the course of the next hour Lan Wanyin whips himself on accident more often than he really cares to admit, but it only plays into his stubborn streak; he is going to master this tool, and if he comes out of it bloody, then so be it.
“I think you need to arch it further over your head,” Lan Xichen suddenly says from the side and Lan Wanyin startles so badly he nearly whips himself in the face.
He completely forgot that Lan Xichen was there.
“Sorry,” Lan Xichen says with a grimace.
“How would you know how to use Zidian?” Lan Wanyin asks him, frustrated by his lack of progress so far, so his voice comes out more biting than it should. He takes a deep breath to calm himself before he goes on. “Have you used it before?”
“No,” Lan Xichen rushes out, blushing at the suggestion. “But Wanyin and I fought in the same war; we have been on some night-hunts together as well. It’s hard to miss how he uses Zidian,” Lan Xichen explains and Lan Wanyin frowns at him.
He still tries to do what Lan Xichen told him to and to his surprise it works out quite well. Lan Wanyin is aware that his posture is not perfect, but he’s getting there and he thinks with a bit more practice he could master Zidian, especially now that it seems to have accepted him.
Lan Xichen continues to give him a few more valuable tips and while Lan Wanyin does try each and every single one of them out, he can’t help the nagging thought in his head when Lan Xichen keeps talking.
“You’re in love with him,” Lan Wanyin says out of the blue after yet another successful manoeuvre and Lan Xichen freezes on the spot.
“You are,” Lan Wanyin says, taking Lan Xichen’s reaction as confirmation and then he watches as Lan Xichen goes red, before all colour drains from his face.
“I am not,” he tries to deny, but it’s a little bit too late for that. “Why would you think that?”
“You don’t learn these kind of tricks by picking up on a few things during night-hunts,” Lan Wanyin says, calling Zidian back and returning it to its ring form. “To notice the things you notice you’d have to watch him pretty closely.”
Lan Xichen opens his mouth as if to argue, but he can’t seem to find his words and so in the end he simply closes his mouth again.
“Have you ever told him?” Lan Wanyin wants to know and is surprised by the bitter laugh Lan Xichen lets out.
“Of course not,” he whispers and then looks away from Lan Wanyin. “I’ve been in love with him for so long, but I never dared to say anything. And now it’s just—” he trails off with a shrug and Lan Wanyin wonders just what the hell happened for Lan Xichen to think like that but before he can ask anything else, Jin Ling approaches them.
“You can wield Zidian,” he says, and it sounds so accusatory that Lan Wanyin flinches.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes and has half a mind just offering the tool to Jin Ling for safekeeping when Jin Ling lets out a rough breath.
“I’m here to apologize,” he says, not looking at Lan Wanyin directly, but he seems very determined.
“There’s no need for that,” Lan Wanyin says, because he can understand why Jin Ling freaked out when he realized that it wasn’t his jiujiu he was talking to.
“There is. It’s not your fault you’re here and I don’t hate you. I’m sorry I said it,” Jin Ling says, clearly uncomfortable with the apology, but he’s still doing it and Lan Wanyin thinks that Jiang Cheng really did a great job, raising him.
“It’s alright. Thank you,” Lan Wanyin says and once that is out, Jin Ling looks at him.
“I just miss my jiujiu,” he says, voice small, and Lan Wanyin notices yet again that Jin Ling barely looks older than Lan Wanyin is.
“I miss my xiongzhan too,” Lan Wanyin admits and Jin Ling nods.
“I’m sorry I can’t be around too much, but I have a Sect to lead, too,” Jin Ling says, and Lan Wanyin aches for him because no one that young should ever have to shoulder that kind of responsibility.
Lan Wanyin knows he couldn’t.
“It’s alright,” he says, because he guesses it’s only partly that, and mostly the fact that Jin Ling can’t bear to look at him and know that it’s not actually Jiang Cheng, and he’s not holding it against him.
Jin Ling nods brusquely at that, and then turns to Lan Xichen.
“I expect a proper courtship afterwards and you damn well better ask me for permission,” he hisses at Lan Xichen and then he simply stalks off again.
“Everyone seems to know you’re in love with Jiang Cheng,” Lan Wanyin mildly observes, thinking back to what Lan Wangji had said too and he watches as Lan Xichen blushes slightly again.
“It doesn’t matter. Jiang Cheng doesn’t know and he doesn’t feel the same way, and there’s no chance that will change now,” he gives back and he sounds more composed than Lan Wanyin expected him to.
“How would you know if you never confessed?”
“You’re not wrong. I have watched him a great deal. So trust me when I say that he doesn’t. Jiang Cheng is never subtle with his feelings and especially not when he loves.”
“Is he in love with someone else?”
“I don’t think so,” Lan Xichen admits.
“Then there’s hope for you,” Lan Wanyin shrugs, even though he can’t be sure of that at all.
He doesn’t know Jiang Cheng after all, but if he came here on Lan Xichen’s request—in a rush nonetheless, too, if he didn’t properly explain things to Jin Ling—then he must at least treasure their friendship.
“Thank you for saying that,” Lan Xichen whispers though he doesn’t sound convinced at all and Lan Wanyin turns away from him.
He doesn’t feel like practicing with Zidian anymore and the encounter with Jin Ling just reminded him who he is missing as well.
“I wonder how xiongzhang and shufu are doing,” Lan Wanyin mutters and startles when Lan Xichen puts a hand to his shoulder.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to go see Wangji, but we can go visit shufu,” Lan Xichen says and Lan Wanyin turns towards him, his eyes wide.
He hadn’t dare to ask after Lan Qiren, too scared that he wouldn’t like the answer, and since no one had brought him up either, Lan Wanyin had half convinced himself that Lan Qiren didn’t exist in this world at best or was dead at worst.
He never dared to contemplate this.
“Can we?” he asks and Lan Xichen nods with a smile.
“Of course,” he agrees and then leads Lan Wanyin away from the training grounds.
Lan Xichen doesn’t act like Lan Wanyin has to pretend with Lan Qiren, so Lan Wanyin guesses he must have been told about what happened.
His suspicions are confirmed when Lan Qiren greets them.
“Xichen, Lan Wanyin,” he says with a nod and they both bow to him.
“Shufu,” they say in unison and despite the tight feeling in his chest Lan Wanyin has to hide a smile.
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Lan Xichen says and promptly leaves Lan Wanyin alone with Lan Qiren who motions for him to sit.
“How are you doing?” Lan Qiren asks him and Lan Wanyin has to fight against the tears.
His uncle is exactly the same here in this world and Lan Wanyin feels so homesick, it threatens to overwhelm him.
“Good,” he somehow gets out, even though his voice is all choked up.
“I see you got a forehead ribbon,” Lan Qiren says, and while he doesn’t say it with any form of judgement Lan Wanyin rushes to explain.
“It’s not Lan Xichen’s! It’s a spare one! Nothing inappropriate happened.”
“A shame,” Lan Qiren mutters. “And here I thought the only nephew with taste would also finally be man enough to do something about it.”
Lan Wanyin presses his lips together, because apparently really everyone knows about Lan Xichen’s feelings for Jiang Cheng but when he sees the twinkle in Lan Qiren’s eyes he allows himself to smile.
“Maybe they will figure it out eventually,” he says and Lan Qiren sighs.
“Maybe,” he agrees, though it seems like he long ago gave up hope for that.
“Do you like Jiang Cheng? Would you approve of him?” Lan Wanyin asks, even though the answer seems pretty clear.
“Yes,” Lan Qiren easily admits and he doesn’t explain anything, so he really must hold Jiang Cheng in very high regards if he thinks it should be that obvious.
“He will come back to you all, soon,” Lan Wanyin whispers, hoping that he is missed in his own world just as dearly as Jiang Cheng is being missed here.
“He no doubt will,” Lan Qiren agrees but then he reaches out and cups Lan Wanyin���s cheek in his hand, stunning Lan Wanyin into stillness.
“But until then we’re all very happy to have you,” Lan Qiren says and Lan Wanyin swallows against his emotions. “Now,” Lan Qiren says and clears his throat. “How do you feel about a lesson?”
“I feel very good about that, shufu,” Lan Wanyin admits and when Lan Qiren falls right into explaining something Lan Wanyin feels settled.
It feels a lot more like home this way.
Lan Wanyin continues to spend his days training with Zidian before he goes to Lan Qiren for a lesson. Like this it doesn’t feel like he’s missing out on so much back in his own world, and the Lan Qiren of this world is just like the Lan Qiren of Lan Wanyin’s world.
Strict, but loving and Lan Wanyin wonders if he ever thought to appreciate that before.
He doesn’t see much of Lan Xichen for a few days, because he leaves Lan Wanyin to his own devices more often than not, but when he returns to the Hanshi in the evenings Lan Xichen seems troubled and stressed but he won’t talk about it, no matter how often Lan Wanyin asks.
Jin Ling seems to be staying in the Cloud Recesses, too, because he sees flashes of his golden robes more than once, but Lan Wanyin is in no rush to bother him again.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian continue to be evasive, but it’s not like Lan Wanyin saw much of them before so their absence doesn’t seem all that strange.
Until he walks back into the Hanshi, almost three weeks into his stay in this world, and everyone is there waiting for him.
So this must be what had Lan Xichen so stressed over the past few days, Lan Wanyin thinks as he settles down at the table, expectantly waiting for someone to say something.
“So,” Wei Wuxian starts, nervously fiddling with Lan Wangji’s fingers. “Here’s the thing. We decided to tell you a few things, since it seems like they might still happen in your world and we don’t actually want you to have to go through them,” he says and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“Does this have to do with all the topics you keep glossing over? Like why Lan Xichen is no longer Sect Leader and the history between Wangji and Jiang Cheng?” he asks and everyone nods at him.
So this is not going to be fun then, Lan Wanyin thinks and he is right.
It’s a nightmare, if he’s being honest, and his mind is reeling when everyone finally falls silent again.
“We’re sorry about simply dropping this on you, but we think it’s better if you know these things,” Wei Wuxian says with a wince and Lan Wanyin cannot believe that he was dead for sixteen years.
“I—” Lan Wanyin starts, but he doesn’t actually know what to say to any of that and so he falls silent again.
He compares the things they talked about to the political landscape of his own world, and he realizes that they are probably steering towards the same war. The Wens are trying to reach for power; Sect Leader Nie’s father already died and no one believed Nie Mingjue when he said that Wen Ruohan had a hand in that.
There will be a lot to do for him, once he gets back to his own world, Lan Wanyin realizes and he grows cold with horror at the thought that maybe he cannot prevent any of it.
“I need to talk to him alone,” Jin Ling suddenly says and glares at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, before his gaze goes a little bit warmer when he looks at Lan Xichen. “Would you allow us to talk here, for a moment?” Jin Ling asks, suddenly all polite, and Lan Xichen is quick to nod.
“Of course,” he says, as he gets up, doing his hardest not to meet Lan Wanyin’s eyes but before Lan Wanyin can say anything he, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have left the Hanshi.
Jin Ling walks after them, making sure they really leave, before he puts up a silencing ward on the Hanshi.
“What else?” Lan Wanyin asks, rubbing his head, because this cannot be good.
If Jin Ling send everyone else away, this cannot be good at all and Lan Wanyin is not sure if he wants to hear it. His mind is already reeling and he still feels faintly sick from all the things he just heard, but Jin Ling fixes him with a hard glare.
“Jiujiu did not go back to Lotus Pier to retrieve his parent’s bodies,” he starts with, simply diving right in as it seems and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“But that’s what Wei Wuxian said.”
“Because he doesn’t know better. He thinks that’s what happened. But it’s not true. My jiujiu got captured because the Wen soldiers were about to capture Wei Wuxian and jiujiu distracted them,” Jin Ling says and Lan Wanyin is glad he’s already sitting down.
Jiang Cheng sacrificed himself to keep Wei Wuxian safe, only to have it all ruined when Wei Wuxian gave him his core.
“They don’t know?” he asks, even though the answer is obvious.
“No. Jiujiu never wants Wei Wuxian to know that and so you’re not going to tell him either.” There’s an underlying threat in his voice and Lan Wanyin is quick to nod.
“Of course not,” he agrees. “But why are you telling me this?”
“Because I don’t want the same to happen again,” Jin Ling says. “I don’t know about your relationship with your brother and I don’t know if there’s a Wei Wuxian in your world and if he has a brother, but maybe you should keep an eye out. They seem to think things are going to be the same in your world, and this is something you need to know as well.”
Lan Wanyin nods, his mind still spinning, and this new information does nothing to calm him down at all.
“Did he know he would lose his core?” Lan Wanyin asks and he watches in horror as pain flashes over Jin Ling’s face.
“He expected to lose his life,” he whispers and Lan Wanyin can’t even imagine how much Jiang Cheng must love Wei Wuxian to do something like that, expecting it to cost his life.
“I see,” Lan Wanyin whispers and wonders if he would be strong enough to do the same for Lan Wangji.
He hopes the answer is yes, but he also hopes he never has to find out.
“Thank you for telling me,” Lan Wanyin mutters and Jin Ling nods, before he destroys the talisman.
“I’ll get going then,” Jin Ling says, suddenly back to his awkward teenager self and Lan Wanyin musters up a smile for him.
“Have a safe trip,” he says, praying to all the gods he knows that the next time Jin Ling will see his jiujiu again.
“You too,” Jin Ling says, clearly not doubting for a second that Wei Wuxian will figure out how to send Lan Wanyin back and then he’s out of the door.
It’s not long before Lan Xichen comes back, but he’s still avoiding Lan Wanyin’s gaze and Lan Wanyin frowns.
“What is wrong?” he wants to know and watches as Lan Xichen flinches even as he plasters a smile to his face.
“You can request to be housed somewhere else until Wei Wuxian figures out how to send you back,” Lan Xichen says, his voice stiff and formal and Lan Wanyin’s frown only deepens.
“Why would I do that?” he demands to know and Lan Xichen shrugs.
“You heard what happened. I gave A—him the tool to murder my sworn brother and I never noticed a thing,” Lan Xichen says and Lan Wanyin pretends he doesn’t hear how his voice breaks over the almost uttered name.
“As did no one else,” Lan Wanyin hotly gives back. “So everyone else is at fault, too. And besides. He was your sworn brother, too, was he not? You should have been able to trust him.”
“I should have noticed,” Lan Xichen insists again, but Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“He shouldn’t have done it,” he counters, but now it finally all comes together.
If Lan Xichen thinks he is guilty—an accomplice, almost—then of course he would step down as Sect Leader. Of course he would think Jiang Cheng could never fall in love with him.
“You said Jiang Cheng and I are quite similar, right?” he demands to know and Lan Xichen jerks his head in a nod.
“Then he must feel the same about this. It’s not your fault. You were all deceived. I doubt he thinks of you like you seem to fear.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Lan Xichen says and it rankles Lan Wanyin to be spoken to like that. “It’s more personal for him. He lost so much because of what happened, because of what I allowed to happen.”
“Everyone allowed that to happen. Everyone who didn’t say a thing and simply followed. Do you think he’s angry at the whole world?” Lan Wanyin wants to know and he is almost relieved to see a small smile on Lan Xichen’s face.
“He’s angry a lot,” he whispers but then he grows serious again. “Our relationship changed quite a bit once the truth came out.”
“Could that maybe be because you went into seclusion and withdrew?” Lan Wanyin wants to know and Lan Xichen looks startled by that suggestion.
“I don’t—” he starts but Lan Wanyin shakes his head.
“He came here when you wrote him, right? Didn’t he visit you before, too? I certainly wouldn’t do that with someone I hold responsible for a crime of any kind,” Lan Wanyin says, because he does feel pretty confident about that.
Lan Xichen swallows heavily before he nods once.
“Thank you for saying that. I will give it some thought,” he whispers and while it’s not exactly what Lan Wanyin wants to hear, it’s better than nothing.
Small steps.
Lan Xichen and Lan Wanyin have just settled down for a relaxing breakfast when Wei Wuxian barges into the Hanshi without properly announcing himself.
“Wei Wuxian,” Lan Xichen says, not as biting as Lan Wanyin would have expected, but then again Wei Wuxian seems too excited to properly remember his manners.
“I figured it out!” Wei Wuxian yells, disregarding yet another one of their rules and with every time that happens Lan Wanyin understands the pinched lines on Lan Qiren’s face more and more.
“You figured out what?” Lan Xichen asks, clearly practiced in wheedling out the necessary explanations of an excited Wei Wuxian.
“How to send you back, of course,” Wei Wuxian says with a maniac grin as he looks at Lan Wanyin. “Come, come, we gotta get started right now,” he rushes out and darts forward to take Lan Wanyin’s hand and drag him out of the Hanshi.
“Xichen-ge, you better wait here for now,” Wei Wuxian calls back when it becomes clear that Lan Xichen intents to follow them and when Lan Wanyin looks over his shoulder he sees the lost look on Lan Xichen’s face.
“Don’t worry,” he calls back, trying to sound more confident than he really feels, but Wei Wuxian’s manic energy doesn’t inspire trust at all.
Lan Xichen nods at him and doesn’t make a move to come after them and Lan Wanyin finds himself wishing that he could have said a proper goodbye to him.
Provided that whatever Wei Wuxian figured out actually works.
“Are you sure about this?” Lan Wanyin asks as he’s being dragged after Wei Wuxian, who nods so frantically that his hair goes flying.
“Of course I am! I never make mistakes,” he cries out and Lan Wanyin raises a very judging eyebrow at him. “Okay, maybe I do make mistakes, sometimes, rarely, but I promise you this will work out just fine. Don’t worry.”
Lan Wanyin of course still worries—how could he ever do anything else—but he also follows Wei Wuxian more freely.
He’s not surprised to be brought back to the Jingshi, but he is surprised to see that Lan Wangji is obviously missing.
“Can’t have any other qi mess up my careful planning,” Wei Wuxian cheerfully explains when he sees Lan Wanyin’s searching look and then he simply pushes him into the centre of the room.
There are papers strewn all over the Jingshi and Lan Wanyin’s fingers twitch with the need to tidy up in here, but then Wei Wuxian whirls around to him.
“Now, channel your energy into Zidian,” he demands just as some dark mist starts to swirl around Wei Wuxian.
Lan Wanyin has never seen demonic cultivation in person and it takes him a moment to shake off his instinctual horror but then he does as Wei Wuxian asked of him.
When Wei Wuxian’s and his energy come together the papers around him start to glow and Wei Wuxian lets out an excited yell.
“Yessss,” he hisses and then gently guides Lan Wanyin to lay down. “Tell your Lan Zhan hi from me,” Wei Wuxian says with a wink and it’s the last thing Lan Wanyin sees and hears before everything goes dark.
“You know the rest,” Lan Wanyin says, and sinks deeper into Jiang Xichen’s embrace, content to feel his heartbeat through his back, as he tightens Jiang Xichen’s arms around his middle.
Lan Wanyin can’t help but to appreciate his own forehead ribbon wrapped around Jiang Xichen’s forearm, but when he reaches out, Lan Wanyin fingers stray towards Zidian.
“That’s why we did so well in the war,” Jiang Xichen mutters and presses a kiss to Lan Wanyin’s head. “Because you knew what was going to happen.”
“Enough things were different that we still struggled,” Lan Wanyin says, feeling yet again like he failed everyone who died in the war.
He always gets upset over that, and his fiddling with Zidian gets stronger.
“Can you still wield it?” Jiang Xichen asks and swiftly slides the ring off his finger, before he puts it on Lan Wanyin’s.
“Xichen!” Lan Wanyin yells out in surprise, because it’s a family heirloom, and he really shouldn’t be holding it.
“Don’t you know that you can use it?” Jiang Xichen mutters in his ear and when Lan Wanyin tries to direct some energy into the ring, it promptly responds to him.
“Xichen,” he says, much more softly this time and Jiang Xichen noses at his cheek.
“What belongs to me also belongs to you,” he whispers and presses a kiss to the corner of Lan Wanyin’s mouth. “You should know that.”
“You should know that as well,” Lan Wanyin says and puts his hand over his forehead ribbon on Jiang Xichen’s arm.
“Oh, believe me, I do,” Jiang Xichen suggestively says and Lan Wanyin lightly slaps his arms, even as Jiang Xichen pulls him closer.
“But you know, I’m actually kind of upset now,” Jiang Xichen finally says after a while and drags Lan Wanyin out of his comfortable doze the soft murmuring of the lake lulled him in to.
“About what?” he whispers and turns his head so he can kiss the underside of Jiang Xichen’s chin.
“It’s clearly not me who caught your eye. You didn’t even know me. But from the way you talked about him it seems like Lan Xichen caught your eye.”
“Well, just like Jiang Cheng caught yours, right?” Lan Wanyin says and untangles himself from Jiang Xichen, just so that he can turn around and straddle his lap instead of sitting with his back to him.
“But it was me who managed to keep your eye, remember?” Lan Wanyin whispers into the space between them and he cannot believe how lucky he is when Jiang Xichen looks up at him with nothing but love on his face.
“Yes,” he whispers but when he strains up to get a kiss from Lan Wanyin he slightly leans back, just enough to stay out of reach.
“And you are the one who managed to keep my eye,” he tells Jiang Xichen and only when he sees the possessive happiness on his face does Lan Wanyin lean down and meet him in a kiss.
They get lost in it for a while, and when they finally part, Lan Wanyin moves around so he sits sideways on Jiang Xichen’s lap and can tuck his face into his neck more comfortably.
“I just hope that Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng figured it out on their end as well.”
“Well, Jiang Cheng seemed pretty flustered with me. I’d say chances for them are good,” Jiang Xichen says with a small laugh and Lan Wanyin hopes he is right.
Lan Xichen deserves to be just as happy as Lan Wanyin is right now.
Lan Xichen stares out over the water, thoroughly enjoying the silence at his favourite pier, even though the cold is slowly creeping in.
It’s been years since he came to call Lotus Pier his home, but there are days where he can barely believe that he got this lucky at all.
That Jiang Cheng came to love him back, even though Lan Xichen doesn’t deserve it. And he’s pretty sure that Jiang Cheng’s stay in the other world has something to do with it, even though Jiang Cheng never really told him exactly what happened there, always blushing furiously before changing the subject.
Lan Xichen wonders if they would be here like this, today, if that experiment hadn’t gone wrong and then he wonders if Lan Wanyin also managed to get this lucky in his own world.
He definitely deserves it.
“My light, what are you doing?” Jiang Cheng suddenly asks from behind him and Lan Xichen cranes his neck to look up at him. “It’s too cold still for you to sit like this,” he berates Lan Xichen, but Lan Xichen can see the blanket in his hands and he knows that Jiang Cheng is simply worried.
“Maybe you should keep me warm then,” he gives back and he feels entirely too indulged when Jiang Cheng immediately settles down behind him, putting the blanket over his front and pulling him into his chest.
“You’re going to get sick like this,” Jiang Cheng grumbles but he presses a kiss to Lan Xichen’s hair as he says it. “What are you doing here, though?”
“I was wondering about Lan Wanyin,” Lan Xichen admits and snuggles into his husband’s chest. “Do you think things on his end turned out okay?”
“You told him what to look out for, right?” Jiang Cheng asks and strokes his hand up and down Lan Xichen’s stomach in a soothing motion. “And I doubt he was stupid enough to disregard everything you said to him. It should be fine.”
Lan Xichen hums at that, because he hopes Jiang Cheng is right.
“Do you think he got as lucky in love as we did?” Lan Xichen asks after a while and he doesn’t even have to look at Jiang Cheng to know that he’s blushing again.
“No one is as lucky as we are,” Jiang Cheng says but then he sighs. “I would think so,” he then finally admits. “I might have been a bit careless with his forehead ribbon,” Jiang Cheng finally admits and it’s surprising enough that Lan Xichen turns around to him.
“You what?” he wants to know but he’s smiling giddily when he sees how embarrassed Jiang Cheng is about this.
“I met your counterpart,” Jiang Cheng admits. “Jiang Xichen.”
“Ah, so that’s where I went,” Lan Xichen nods, finally being able to put that nagging thought to rest.
“Yeah. You had your hair in Yunmeng braids and you were wearing purple,” Jiang Cheng admits and he reaches up to tug on Lan Xichen’s braided hair and then he smoothes his hand over Lan Xichen’s side, clearly appreciating the deep purple that his robes are.
There is still some blue mixed in, but it’s subtle enough that one might miss it on first glance, and Lan Xichen doesn’t mind it as much as he once might have thought.
His heart belongs to Jiang Cheng and that means his everything belongs to Yunmeng as well. It’s only fair that his look reflects that.
“And?” Lan Xichen probes when Jiang Cheng falls silent and then he can’t help himself because he simply has to kiss the blush on Jiang Cheng’s face.
“I was in a sixteen-year-old body,” Jiang Cheng says as if he needs to defend himself and his actions upfront. “There were a lot of hormones I wasn’t used to anymore.”
“And?” Lan Xichen asks again, a smile curling around his mouth because he might see where this is going.
“And Jiang Xichen was smuggling in alcohol past curfew and he was being a little shit and he looked so strange without his forehead ribbon. And I wasn’t used to mine,” Jiang Cheng mutters, clearly embarrassed beyond words and Lan Xichen laughs.
“So you gave him yours?” he snickers and Jiang Cheng pinches his side, before he chases away the sting of pain with a kiss.
“Maybe,” Jiang Cheng whispers against his lips and Lan Xichen hums.
“I thought you were different when you came back,” he admits and a tiny part of Lan Xichen can’t help but to wonder if they would be here at all if Jiang Cheng wasn’t forced into that other world.
If he ever would have come to love Lan Xichen on his own.
“Stop it,” Jiang Cheng chastises him and cups Lan Xichen’s face in his hand. “I love you,” he firmly states. “And I would have come to love you without those three weeks as well. I was already falling for you,” Jiang Cheng promises him and Lan Xichen has to blink back his tears.
Jiang Cheng does know him too well.
“And besides, you don’t have room to judge,” Jiang Cheng finally huffs out. “You gave me your ribbon as well, after all,” he says and tangles his hand in the trailing ends of the slightly purple ribbon Lan Xichen is wearing.
It’s not his Lan ribbon, that one is braided into Jiang Cheng’s hair like it should be, but it still sends a shiver down Lan Xichen’s back when Jiang Cheng lightly pulls on it.
“And you accepted it,” Lan Xichen gives back, because he still can’t believe that some days, but when Jiang Cheng smiles at him, all thoughts flee his mind.
“I love you,” Jiang Cheng whispers, straining up to kiss Lan Xichen, who happily leans into the contact.
He’s too busy kissing Jiang Cheng back to say the words as well, but Lan Xichen figures since he’s wearing purple, proudly displaying Jiang Cheng’s braids in his hair and with his forehead ribbon forever in Jiang Cheng’s possession, it should be more than clear.
He wholeheartedly belongs to Jiang Cheng.
Link to my ko-fi on the sidebar!
#bt writes#the untamed#mdzs#xicheng#doubly so#clan swap#lan wanyin#jiang xichen#hurt/comfort#family feels#fix-it of sorts#cuddling and snuggling
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PE Class Volleyball: Basics Edition
ft. Miya twins+Suna
!Gender Neutral Reader!
Inspired by @ 420rintarou on Tiktok
I wanted them to be meaner but... oh well. Also I DO NOT play volleyball and all my knowledge is from my previous PE classes and/or Google searches, or tips my volleyball player friends told me before.
*Edited 1/14/21 for mistaken rules hahah
Ok so like you have no experience with volleyball at all
So why is it that you were paired up with the THREE people in your 4th period PE class that were on the famous VBC?!
Oh right... the teacher absolutely HATED you because he over heard you talking shit about him ONE time in the hallways
Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, and Suna Rintaro were FAMOUS on campus for TWO things: their looks and their volleyball skills
Unfortunately their *interesting personalities weren’t as pleasant to deal with as their appearance
Osamu was perhaps the only pleasant one to speak with among them- you wouldn’t have minded being paired with him
Suna was alright, but his sarcastic remarks and scarily neutral expression unnerved you at times
But Atsumu- dear G O D was he a nightmare to deal with
By all means you DID NOT want to be paired with him
Sucks for you though
A-hole sensei hates you
So you were paired with... you guessed it- A T S U M U
It started off simple enough?
Serve practice
Again, the universe was against you and everyone in your class had already known how to underhand serve...
So ya’ll went right into overhand serve practice
It goes like this:
“Wtf are ya even aiming?” Atsumu screeched, rubbing his head in pain
You had *attempted* to serve overhand... and get the ball over the net... but the ball didn’t even go in a straight line... instead it swerved and smacked the faux blonde in the back of the head- HARD
From the other side of the net, Suna and Osamu were openly laughing at your teams predicament
“Pfft Osamu look- I think I see a bump forming on his head-”
Osamu can’t even reply- he finna die of asphyxiation
You are absolutely mortified
If Atsumu doesn’t kill you first- his fangirls definitely will
“I am SO sorry-”
“Ugh- scrub- just serve underhand then. Can’t go wrong with tha’-”
You were about to prove him wrong
After getting another ball, you held it firmly in your non dominant hand, holding it a little ways in front of you, while pulling your fisted up dominant hand behind you- preparing to serve
Your form is decent, they think you’ll be able to pull it off-
You toss the ball slightly, expecting to be able to hit it with your dom. hand...
Seems you miscalculated by a millisecond- since the ball hits your foot before then
“Are ya fuckin serious?” Atsumu looks like he’s going to burst a blood vessel
“Oops- um let me try again! Sorry about that!”
Osamu at least has a little bit more decency and tries to hide his laughter with a cough and turn of his head
Suna straight up doesn’t care and is snickering, a wide grin stretched out on his face
“This is my 13th reason the saddest thing I’ve ever seen- even elementary kids can serve underhand.” He ‘whispers’ over to Osamu
You can still hear him
Very clearly
“Suna shut up-” Osamu says- snorting
“Ya know what... it’s fine... I’ll just serve.” the blonde huffs, after seeing Osamu’s (poor) attempts at decency, he’s decided he has to beat his twin feeling generous enough to pity you
You awkwardly take a spot up on the upper left of your side of the court, not knowing how to stand
The other team is no help- Suna’s back to his blank look and Osamu’s not even looking in your direction
You don’t even bother trying to mimic their stances, instead you just glance over your shoulder and observe Atsumu
His eye twitches in irritation- the gym is loud- as he bounces the ball a few times, tossing it into the air and taking three quick steps forward- before jumping and smacking the ball hard
It wobbles in it’s path slightly and begins it’s descent, nearly brushing against the top of the net
Osamu moves in and receives it perfectly
There’s a loud SMACK as he does so, sending the ball over to Suna expertly
Suna runs up to it, looks you right in the eye and spikes it right at you
The ball moves in an instant, meeting the ground right in front of you
You’re frozen in surprise- not even knowing how to respond
You don’t even hear Atsumu stomping up beside you
He is S E E T H I N G
Even though you’re the one making all the mistakes- you feel pretty frustrated with him
“I’m sorry Mr. Perfect- not everyone can be a volleyball fanatic like you! I have literally NEVER done this before- cut me some slack!” You spit at him, leering right into his personal space
His face twists with surprise for a moment- something akin to sympathy washes over him- but it’s gone in the blink of an eye
“Of COURSE I have to be paired up with a complete scrub-” Atsumu rants.
“L/N” Osamu interrupts his brothers tantrum, looking at you with a tired look “Do what I’m doin.”
He spreads his legs shoulder width apart, right foot slightly ahead of his left- and bends his knees slightly
You follow his example
“Some people do it differently but this is how I do it.” He clasps his hands together, thumbs side by side. “It s’pposed ta make a platform for when ya receive the ball. See how there’s barely any space b’tween my arms?”
Again you mimic his movements, “Okay I think I get it, thank you.”
“Yeah, no problem... Tsumu stop it already- (s)he didn’ know any better.”
Atsumu gives his twin stink eye but does as told
Suna- who had been watching the scene silently- says nothing, instead going to retrieve a stray ball and waits to serve
“Okay... just... er- if the ball comes over ta yer side just try ta get it and send it my way. I can score the points.” The older twin says to you awkwardly, feeling a tad bit bad that you were a complete noob and he scolded you for it
He hadn’t always been good at volleyball so he understood the initial struggle
“Right.” You agree, clumsily getting into receiving position (is that what you call it? You don’t know but it sounds accurate)
Suna doesn’t run up to hit the ball like Atsumu did
Instead he just scans the court and tosses the ball, bringing his hand up to smack it
It flies over the net, again, to your side
You rush to intercept it, shakily lunging forward and barely bumping it up- it’s an awkward delivery since it bounces off of the inwardly curved part of your joined wrists
Atsumu hurries after it- the ball wobbles midair- luckily he manages to get it, creating his own platform and sending it over the net
Osamu calls out “I got” and positions himself beneath it, perfectly setting it over to Suna
He doesn’t need too but the brunette calls out a “mine” before hitting an easy cut shot.
Atsumu was able to predict it and manages to pick it up, sending the ball to you
You scramble to receive it
Panic sets in as you try to decide what to do
“Try ta set it! Y’know the thing ‘Samu just did!”
As a setter, Atsumu knows setting is one of the hardest things for beginners- and one of the easiest ways to get in trouble was to set illegally
Some divine entity seems to have mercy on you, since you manage to pull off what you deem a *decent* set
Atsumu frowns at the sight of the balls odd side spin and his brows furrow as he allows the ball to drop right in front of him
“Wait why’d you do that?” You ask confused
“Oh you didn’t know did you?” Suna speaks to you for the first time
“We’re still playing by normal rules. When you tried to set- you touched the ball twice... we call it a double.”
Atsumu sighs, but he didn’t seem as irritated as before
“It’s fine, settin’ is hard for every beginner- ya just need ta’ get under the ball before it gets too low.”
You sigh, glancing at the clock on the wall. Only 10 minutes have passed.
It seems like you’re going to be here for a long while.
#miya twins x reader#suna rintaro x reader#suna x reader#miya osamu x reader#miya atsumu x reader#pe class#volleyball#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu headcanons
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The Menegarie
Mark knew there was something up with, Ethan, the new kid. He was always on the verge of being late, he always looked like he didn’t sleep, and he was constantly carrying around a briefcase. Mark wouldn’t think much of this, if not for the day the teacher demanded he open it.
Ethan had showed up right as the bell rang. The teacher glared at him, but Ethan simply murmured an apology and sat at the far corner in the back. He put the briefcase down, only for it to start rattling. The teacher stared right at him, but Ethan smiled nervously. She walked up to him. “Mr. Nestor, please open the briefcase.”
Ethan paled. When he didn’t react, the teacher tapped her foot impatiently. “Today, Mr. Nestor.”
“Of course,” he muttered, going to unlatch the suitcase. Mark and Sean exchanged glances, but neither of them said anything, simply reverting their attention to the boy nervously fiddling with the latches. The briefcase rattled again, but Ethan didn’t seem to notice as he opened up the briefcase for everyone to see.
It was a normal briefcase. It has some textbooks, folders, a jacket and a scarf. It looked completely ordinary. The teacher glared at him suspiciously, but said nothing.
Mark and Sean explained the entire thing to their friends, but they simply said that they were being paranoid and stalker-ish.
That was when Mark actually started observing Ethan. And he found some troubling results. Ethan was constantly looking around, as though he could hear something they couldn’t. He snuck out of the dorms every night, snuck food into his bag during meals, and seemed to be constantly injured, as well as sleep deprived. Ethan had somehow lucked out and gotten a room to himself, so Mark didn’t even have a roommate he could interrogate. Sean noticed everything, too, but neither of them did anything about it.
They finally decided to when Ethan showed up to class heavily favoring his right leg. He was practically hopping. The teacher noticed, and demanded Ethan show her the leg. Ethan had sighed, but reluctantly rolled up his jeans to reveal the huge wound on his leg. It looked like something bit him, but no animal had jaws that big. The teacher gawked for a second, before shakily demanding that he see the nurse. Ethan waved off help and limped out of the classroom.
Sean and Mark finally had enough. They planned to follow him today. When he came back with the cane, they knew it would be a lot easier. When classes let out, both boys purposely waited until Ethan was ahead of him, briefcase in tow. Both followed, forcing small talk so as to not be suspicious. They both finished all their homework in a rush, making sure to keep an ear out for when Ethan snuck out in the night. They both finished around the time for dinner, almost scrambling out of the room when they heard Ethan’s door open.
They followed Ethan to the dining hall. Ethan sat alone in a corner, as usual, but Mark and Sean were both careful to sit close by to keep an eye on him. Ethan seemed more nervous than usual, his eyes constantly flitting around the room.
Mark and Sean both got back to their room about a half hour later, when Ethan left. They both were pacing, excited to find out the weird boy’s secret.
They stayed awake until midnight, when they finally heard Ethan’s door open, and started. Sean held a finger up for them to wait, and they waited until they could no longer hear the cane on the ground, when they finally strayed out of the room. “How far d’you think he’ll go with the cane?” Mark muttered to Sean.
Sean shrugged. “Hopefully not very. For both our sakes and his.”
They followed him until they reached the back entrance of the school, Ethan slowly slipping out. They waited a moment, before following him. They followed him into the woods.
“Hey!” Ethan yelled. He had taken out a steak from their dinner and was waving it around animatedly. “I know you’re out there.”
“What is he doing?” Sean muttered. Mark simply shrugged.
“Is he talking to us?” Sean hissed. Mark made a shut up motion and they went back to watching Ethan wave around the steak, still leaning heavily on the cane. “C’mon, buddy, that chunk you took out of me couldn’t be enough. You have to still be hungry.”
Mark and Sean exchanged panicked looks. Something did bite him! Ethan was still waving around the beef. Something rustled in front of Ethan. Sean and Mark both froze. Ethan, however, had no such qualms, and walked towards the rustling. “That’s it,” he murmured.
Nothing happened. Then, a huge dragon slowly walked out. Mark and Sean were both frozen in terror. It looked as though it could rip them apart on a whim. “Is the plan to grab him and bolt?” Sean hissed.
“Yep,” Mark hissed back. They both prepared to grab the young boy, when Ethan held out his hands to the dragon. The dragon gazed at him warily, before settling on it’s haunches in front of him.
“Hey there, beautiful,” Ethan murmured. “I knew you’d come to me.” The dragon seemed to purr when Ethan leaned to scratch the bottom of its neck soothingly. “Here, you must be starving.” Ethan reached into his briefcase and pulled out what looked like enlarged dog treats. The dragon puffed, making Mark and Sean tense, but they relaxed when it seemed to nuzzle Ethan affectionately. Ethan giggled at that. “You’re just a big ole softy, aren’t you?” He cooed.
Mark and Sean both washed in fascination as Ethan fed the dragon, still cooing at it. “I need to pick a name for you, don’t I?” Ethan mused. “How about Spencer?” Spencer snorted, letting out some smoke from its nose. Ethan grinned. “Spencer it is!”
Ethan finally stood up and opened the briefcase. “Now, I hate to ask this of you, but I need you to shrink down so you can join everyone else.”
The dragon tilted its head, before starting to glow and shrink to about the size of a German Shepherd. “That’s it!” Ethan enthused. He pointed to the briefcase. “In you get, Spence!”
“What the hell?” Sean muttered. Mark couldn’t agree more. How the hell was that going to fit in a briefcase that size. Spencer dove in, and Sean and Mark gawked when he seemed to sink like he was in water. Ethan stepped into the case and sunk, too.
Sean and Mark were dumbfounded. “Wanna follow him?” Mark finally asked.
“Hell yeah,” Sean half screamed, sprinting at the case at full speed. He hesitated, before stepping into it. He gasped when he started to sink. Mark hastily follows suit.
They were both spit out into what looked like a zoo. There were dozens of huge enclosures, all housing different creatures. Creatures they thought to be mythical. Ethan was showing Spencer to a rocky habitat. Mark and Sean both had to stop themselves from being seen by Ethan. “Is that a unicorn?” Mark hissed, pointing at a grassy enclosure
“I think it is,” Sean whispered back, his jaw slack with amazement. Mark wasn’t much better.
“I haven’t forgotten about you, little buddy,” Ethan muttered, reaching into his pocket and pulling out what looked like a fairy. “Hey, Blank.”
“The twins are hungry,” Blank said back.
“Ethan!” Two voices shouted. Ethan hastily went into his bag and grabbed more food from dinner and approached what looked like an aquarium. Marla and Sean gawked at two mermen glancing at Ethan.
“Mike, Heapass, I haven’t forgotten you two,” Ethan said to them, giving them dinner.
“You got the dragon!” Mike cheered.
“Not after it took a bite out of him,” Blank muttered under his breath.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine,” Ethan said quickly.
The mermen looked hesitant, but didn’t seem to be in the mood to push.
Ethan put Blank on his shoulder and walked away, the twins chattering happily in the background. “Updates, Blank?”
“You need to feed Chica,” the fairy replied sadly.
“Lighten up, Blank!” Ethan said cheerfully as he grabbed what looked like an entire chicken from a storage room and approached what appeared to be a chimera. Mark’s jaw was wide open with astonishment, and Sean was not much better. “You’re not the one with a cane.”
“I already yelled at you yesterday,” Blank grumbled. “There’s two unidentified life forms in the Menagerie.”
Ethan laughed softly. “Nah, I knew they were there. They’re not very good at sneaking.” Ethan raised his voice at the end, turning to Mark and Sean, cocking his hip pointedly. They both stepped out sheepishly, trying to look at Ethan instead of the other mythical creatures in the room.
“Sorry,” Mark said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “We didn’t mean to intrude.”
“You’ve been stalking me for months,” Ethan said, snickering. “Blank knew it instantly.” Blank had flown up to Ethan’s shoulder, where he nodded at them smugly. The two mermen gazed at them curiously.
“We were just concerned,” Sean tried to defend.
“It’s fine,” Ethan said, smirking. “I’d be investigating me, too, if I saw someone as suspicious as me“
“What is this place?” Mark asked.
“I’d tell you, but then I’d have to end you,” Ethan said, his voice going lower at the end. Mark and Sean both froze.
The mermen suddenly started laughing. “Their faces,” the pink and blue one wheezed.
Blank was sniggering, too, flying over to perch near the mermen and pout when they playfully splashed him.
“No, I’m just messing with you,” Ethan giggled. “I call it my menagerie.”
“Are they mermen?” Sean blurted our, pointing at the aquarium.
“The technical term is nanaid.” The brunette answered. “I’m Heapass, and that’s my brother, Mike. The fae up there sulking is Blank.”
“I’m not sulking,” Blank grumbled. “Sup?”
“You guys can’t tell anyone,” Ethan said to Mark and Sean. “They’ll get taken away from me, and that can’t happen.”
Mark and Sean exchanged glances, before looking at Ethan. “It’ll cost you,” Sean said, putting a hand on his hip.
Ethan sighed and pulled out a wad of cash. “This enough?”
“What? No, no, not money,” Sean said.
“You take us with you when you visit,” Mark finished.
Ethan gaped. “I go every night.”
“You show up to class injured and tired a lot,” Mark said. “Let us help you.“
“We can help feed these guys,” Sean said eagerly, running over to the unicorn and petting it.
“That’s Gizmo,” Ethan said, laughing at Sean’s excitement.
“So what do you say?” Mark asked, holding his hand out. “Partners?”
Ethan looked at Sean as he practically skipped over. “Yeah, Eef, what do you say?”
Ethan paused, glancing at them. Then, he sighed and shook Mark‘s hand. “Deal.” He stepped back and grinned. “Welcome to the Menagerie.”
#ethan nestor#mark fischbach#sean mcloughlin#crankgameplays#crankgamepays egos#crankgameplays egos#markiplier#jacksepticeye#high school#high school au#basically I wanted to write a fic where Ethan had a case like newt from fantastic beasts#Newt scamander’s case#blankgameplays#mad mike#heapass#chica#chica fischbach#spencer#spencer nestor#chica is a chimera#Spencer is a dragon#That can change sizes#Blank is a fairy#Mike and Heap are mermen#Sorry nainades
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J2 Fanfic Rec List <3
In honour of all the j2 content we have recieved, and the amount of fanfiction I have read, I decided to make a rec-list nobody asked me for but EVERYONE has to read k? Capiche? Make sure to heed the warnings, and read the tags. These are some beautiful gems by very talented authors and I’ve only scratched the surface of it.
The Courtship Of Jensen’s Co-Star{Masterpost} by qblackheart-
Summary:- Somewhere in the time between a handshake and a hug, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki went from being reel-life brothers to real-life best friends, and complete strangers to cosmic soul mates, no rhyme or reason to it that either of them could ever see. Jared was everything Jensen was not: friendly, funny, and full of life; one in six-point-whatever billion the Earth’s population currently stood at. Life was awesome. Work was amazing. Everything was fine until Jared kissed Jensen. Everything was peachy until Jensen fell in love. With desperate times unexpectedly calling for desperate measures, Jensen called Chad Michael Murray for relationship advice – because being in love led to temporary insanity obviously – so it really didn't surprise him that he couldn’t seem to win when it came to wooing Jared. Still, Pisces must’ve been in a really good place in the night sky or something because suddenly, right smack dab in the middle of the miserable courtship of his co-star, Jensen discovered that maybe loving Jared was all he needed to do to win his heart. And luckily for Jensen, loving Jared was also the one thing he did best. ~112k~
The Play Nice Proviso{Masterpost} by qblackheart-
Summary:- When Jensen Ackles first met Jared Padalecki, it was most definitely not love at first sight. It wasn’t even like at first sight. In fact, Jensen hated him, and he had a few good reasons as to why. So what if his new co-star was oblivious to his one-sided warfare? Jensen could deal. Apart from when he couldn’t. So when it came down to picking between Padalecki and his peace of mind, the choice seemed clear. Except for the fact that The Network had his balls in a vice, leaving him stuck with Supernatural, stuck with his idiot co-star, and worst of all, stuck with a ‘Play Nice’ Proviso added to his contract. Well, he could play nice. He would play so nice that the world was going to think that he and Jared Padalecki were the bestest friends in the history of best friends. It was unfortunate then that no one had ever told Jensen what happened when an immovable object met an irresistible force; no one had ever thought to mention that there was a thin line between hate and love; and nothing, absolutely nothing, could have possibly prepared him for Playing Nice with Jared Padalecki. ~70k~
And The Rest, As They Say Is History by Raina_at-
Summary:- Struggling actor Jensen takes a job as big-shot movie star Jared Padalecki’s dogsitter. And the rest, as they say, is history. ~17k~
reinventing love ‘verse{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- With high school graduation less than two weeks away, best friends Jared and Jensen find themselves scrambling to tie up a few loose ends before they’re forced into adulthood. Jared ropes Jensen into helping him get the alcohol for Sandy's graduation party, and what should be a simple night of partying ends up turning into a series of mishaps and misunderstandings that all come to head when Jensen finally tells Jared the secret he wasn't ever planning on spilling. If high school has to end, they're going out with a bang. (A J2 spin on the movie Superbad) ~200k+~
My Heart Don’t Beat The Way It Used To by Raina_at-
Summary:- Jared and Jensen have been best friends forever, and nothing’s going to ever change that, not even senior slump, or college anxieties, or even Jared getting an annoying cheerleader girlfriend. Or so Jensen thought. ~26k~
Can’t Point The Way To Your Heart by Belyste-
Summary:- AU in the vein of movies like Hitch - Jensen's an unofficial advice guru, and Jared's his latest project. Except while Jensen's supposed to be helping Jared end up with the woman of his dreams, he falls for him instead. ~33k~
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by Belyste-
Summary:- When Jared desperately needs a date for his brother's wedding, he hires an escort. Jensen's the perfect fake boyfriend, except pretty soon things get a little too real. Based on The Wedding Date. ~38k~
True Colors by muni-playground-
Summary:- Jared is a mentally challenged young man with a very special gift. Jensen is an executive with nothing in his life but work. They meet by accident and discover a connection that defies explanation. ~32k~
The Billionaire’s Reluctant Husband by house_of_lantis-
Summary:- Billionaire Jensen is a playboy and he needs a husband pronto if he wants to keep his company and his inheritance. After a chance meeting with quiet and hardworking Jared, Jensen decides that he’s found the perfect candidate. The arrogant Jensen thinks he’s got Jared in the bag, but when his new husband refuses to sleep with him and doesn’t really even seem to like him, Jensen convinces himself that he’s happy with his open marriage lifestyle. But Jensen becomes increasingly obsessed with his new husband and discovers the truth behind Jared’s dark past. ~98k~
Project Get Jared Banged{Masterpost} by soulmatecest-
Summary:- Jared's had the best stepbrother in the world in Jensen since the age of five — growing up together and more attached than usual brothers would —, only realizing that he’s in love with Jensen by the time he hits thirteen. After five more years of Jared's impossible crush, he knows his life turns and spins around his brother. Luckily for Jared, he and Jensen have always been closer than other siblings, making his feelings seem a little less hopeless. Or that is until Jensen announces he’s moving to Austin to live with his girlfriend next year, leaving Jared's perfectly built Jensen-centric world crashing to the ground. That’s when Chad and Sandy decide to convince Jared that moving on and letting go of his feelings are the only way to get through his lost love for Jensen. Yet their plan to get Jared out of his shell and over his stepbrother doesn't sit well with one person: Jensen himself, who realizes that the more Jared tries to pull away, the more he wants to get him back closer. ~120k~
Burn The Land and Boil The Sea by nyxocity-
Summary:- Eight years ago, Jared spent his entire summer on a tropical island off the coast of Mexico with Jensen. He fell head over heels for Jensen, but their lives were going separate directions at the end of the summer, and they never quite got together. Jensen left for Greenpeace and Jared went off to college—but he never truly got over Jensen. Now, in present day, Jared is a marine biologist working on a project in the gorgeous panhandle of Alaska. He’s amazed to discover the captain of the ship he’s chartered is none other than Jensen Ackles himself. Jared’s overjoyed, but Jensen is less than thrilled—he’s a changed man since that summer so long ago; withdrawn, passionless and solitary. Still something of the bond between them remains, and neither of them seem to be able to escape its pull completely. When Jared’s project leads them into danger and leaves them running and fighting for their lives, Jensen’s secrets begin to come out, drawing them back together—but can they survive long enough to figure out this thing between them? ~53k~
As This Sunset Turns to Morning{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- Jensen spends his life hiding who he is from the family that would never accept him if they knew. When he’s uprooted in the middle of his senior year and suddenly becomes the new kid, his carefully placed mask begins to slip. Especially when he meets Jared – a loud, outspoken spectacle of a boy that fights for everything Jensen was taught to stand against. Jared has no problem going after what he wants, and now it’s just a matter of Jensen letting himself do the same. ~86k~
Leave My Heart Out of This by elless18- (link to the timestamps)
Summary:- AU. Jensen needs to get married in order to get his grandfather’s inheritance and open his own law firm. Jared would do anything to help his best friend. The plan is simple- pretend to date, get married, get the inheritance, get divorced. But things grow complicated when one of them starts falling for his fake boyfriend. Can they find their happily-ever-after from all the lies they’ve built around them? ~35k+~
Who Watches Over Me? by nyoxicity-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles is an ex-Navy SEAL turned civilian bodyguard with a mysterious past. Jared Padalecki is a flamboyant Hollywood star known for his action movies who's been receiving death threats. The case sounds like Jensen's idea of a nightmare, and he takes it on against his better judgment. Jared drags him to clubs and parties and award ceremonies without any care for how difficult he's making Jensen's job, and to his complete lack of surprise, they hate each other. But when hate changes into passion, it begins to reveal something deeper between them, and Jensen realizes he's in over his head. Can he still do his job and keep Jared safe? Or will he fall prey to his greatest fear and fail someone... again? ~96k~
The Billionaire’s Bidding by Raina_at-
Summary:- When idle, slacking billionaire’s son Jensen Ackles lends a helping hand to his old childhood friend, he gets a lot more than he’s bargained for. ~31k~
Hold My Whipped Cream by dimpleforyourthoughts-
Summary:- International Best Selling Author Jensen Ackles is all kinds of specific with the details of his life. He likes privacy, writing, and coffee; black, no sugar, hold the cream. He’s become a fixture at the local coffee shop, writing from his table every day for the past two years. His vices include routine, neatness, and structure. Jensen doesn’t do messes. Then there is Jared, recent post-grad basket case, who’s been coming in every day for caffeine he doesn’t need and bringing the increasing disaster in his life with him. Jared is a mess in all the ways Jensen is not and so Jensen offers to help Jared in the only way he knows how: by buying Jared a cup of coffee. ~37k~
Operation: Mistletoe by dimpleforyourthoughts-
Summary:- FBI Agent Jensen Ackles is a damn good agent, but his devil-may-care attitude, gut instinct, and sheer dumb luck have finally run out. With his job and reputation on the line, Jensen is assigned to a new partner: the overzealous and overachieving Agent Jared Padalecki. Their mission: Infiltrate a ring of drug dealers hiding out in Suburbia in the midst of the Holiday season. The only catch? They have to pretend to be head-over-heels in love with each other. ~39k~
Regaining Sense{Masterpost} by astri13-
Summary:- A vengeful crime-boss cost Jensen not only his eyesight but also a promising career with the FBI. When the man resurfaces two years later, Jensen is not thrilled to find himself taken into protective custody, even less so when the Agent in charge turns out to be Jensen's former partner and boyfriend, Jared Padalecki. Will the two men be able to overcome their differences and work together to not only stop the bad guy but also uncover the mole in their own ranks before it is too late? ~27k~
Say You’re Mine by Belyste-
Summary:- It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate. But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother, but you don't need to have seen that to know what's going on. ~56k~
Absence From Those We Love by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles led a great life. It just wasn’t the one he planned on. Now he’s newly single, stuck at a job he hates, and sharing an apartment with his lovably psychotic best friend. When he’s given the chance to go back and do it all over again, he leaps at it. Only he soon comes to realize that no matter what’s in front of him, it’s impossible to leave the past behind. Considering what he’d be giving up, he might not even want to. (17 Again - J2 Style.) ~41k~
Change The Fate’s Design by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- All Jensen has ever wanted to do is see the ocean. Unfortunately, that's kind of hard to do when your dad won't let you leave your house in the forest because of your magical powers. So, Jensen spends most of his days with no one but his pet hedgehog to keep him company. At least, until a guy named Jared stumbles along and offers to help him realize his dream. (A J2 spin on Disney's Tangled.) ~50k~
A Spotlight On These Desolate Dreams{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- In high school, Jared Padalecki had it all. He was surrounded with rich, famous, beautiful friends and partied with young Hollywood's elite. As if all of that wasn't exciting enough, he used the tricks he learned from his grandfather to become an amateur sleuth with his billionaire best friend, Jensen Ackles, playing the role of trusty sidekick. But when he got in over his head and lost everything he once held dear, he knew that it was time to move on. That was ten years ago. Now he lives the lonely life of a hardboiled private investigator on the streets of Manhattan, and his fabulous past is nothing but a distant memory. That is, until a tragedy forces him to return to California and the world he left behind. Between juggling rabid paparazzi, sarcastic detectives, and a spurned ex-best friend, it's a wonder that he can possibly find the time to solve a murder that has left the city of angels reeling. ~50k~
Break Me, Shake Me, Hate Me, Take Me Over by orphan_account- (sorry, I can’t access the author’s account but the story’s link still works!)
Summary:- When recklessness, alcohol and a bullet to his hip sees his police career end in disgrace, alpha Jensen Ackles resigns himself to a life spent in the dregs of a bottle, aimless and filled with regrets, watching as the bills and eviction notices pile up. That is, until he's offered a job and lodging with beta lawyer Samantha Smith, as a pseudo bouncer/admin worker. It's a far cry from his previous life, but it might just be what Jensen needs to drag himself from the dark place he's in. Not only that, but little does Jensen realise that taking on the position will bring him face to face with his biggest regret; the person he walked away from three years ago in what was the worst mistake of his life... ~70k~
Whiskey River, You’re All I Got by whisperedstory-
Summary:- Jensen's life revolves around The Whiskey Sour, the bar he inherited from his grandfather nine years ago. But with too few customers and not nearly enough profit, things are taking a turn for the worse. And then Jared Padalecki walks into Jensen's life and changes everything. ~19k~
Out Of The Silence by annie46-
Summary:- When hardened, but lonely cop, Jensen Ackles meets Jared Padalecki in his family’s diner, he doesn’t realise that his life is about to change drastically. Jared is a complete innocent, deaf, mute and unable to communicate, he needs a friend. Can Jensen be that man? ~the word count wasn’t mentioned but if i had to take a guess, I’d say something between 20k and 30k~
The Execution Of The Last Steal by soulmatecest-
Summary:- Anyone who meets Jared Padalecki would think he has the perfect life: a college degree, a normal life and an apparently perfect fiancé, Stephen Amell, the son of a Senator with a bright future. Except for one thing: it’s all based on a lie. Five years ago, he created a new identity for himself to cut all ties to his criminal past and ex-boyfriend Jensen Ackles, a world-renowned thief. But Jared can’t run forever. A threat from his past comes back looking for him and the only person who can help him is the man he thought he left behind forever, the only person Jared’s never been able to forget. Incredibly charming and just as cocky, Jensen Ackles is a thief that is too good at his job for his own good, who would do anything to protect Jared now that his life is in danger. Years have gone by, but he has never been able to forget Jared either. And perhaps now that they are forced to escape together, Jensen might be able to do what he’s best at: steal Jared’s heart one last time and win back the only person Jensen has ever loved. ~97k~
Bring Me To Life by alienat-
Summary:- Jared’s a shy young man, whose life has never been easy. His father hates him, his mother drinks her sorrows away and his husband Paul treats him like he is nothing more than a beautiful toy. When his husband has to go away on a business trip to Europe for two months, he sends Jared away to a ranch in the middle of nowhere to keep him under control. There, Jared meets people who show him what love, friendship and loyalty mean for the first time in his life. Can he escape his life and finally find some love and happiness for himself? ~81k~
Gunpoint{Series} by felisblanco-
Summary:- Jensen got his childhood stolen away from him when he was ten years old. Along with his memory, his voice and every emotion that wasn’t fear, hatred or anger. Question is, can Jared help him get any of it back? And more importantly, does Jensen really want him to?
Election Day by morganaDW(morgana07)-
Summary:- Jensen's running for President with the deck already stacked against him. He's come out as gay while serving in Congress, his Vice President is a colorful Misha & his family has disowned him over his choice of partners. But that's not the worst of it...On Election Day when he should be focused on winning Jared ends up shot after stepping in front of a killer's gun to save some school children. Election Day is important but to Jensen nothing is more important than Jared and he doesn't care who knows it or if he loses so long as he can be with him. It's Jensen who winds up surprised in the end. ~8k~
A Boy At An Open Door by poor_choices-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles' life is all sorted out, until a blast from the past shows up and makes him realize he's not as happy as he thought. ~10k~
Beautiful Disaster by nyoxicity-
Summary:- Rock Band AU. Jensen’s the lead guitarist in the number one rock band in the country. Justin’s the lead singer, and they’ve been doing this together since middle-school, been together since just after high school. As on top of the world as they are, Jensen’s starting to become disillusioned with the lifestyle and his crumbling relationship with Justin. And then he meets a new roadie on the crew named Jared who’s got a voice like an angel and a heart to match, and everything starts to change. ~96k~
And that’s the end of it!!! These are absolutely beautiful, gorgeous and epic fanfictions and will keep you buys for days! Hope y’all enjoy these, I’m off to read more sksksksksk. Let me know if a link doesn’t work, if you like any of these in my inbox and if y’all want a part 2! Peace and J2 5 ever!!!
#j2#j2 fic recs#j2 recs#j2 fic rec#j2 rec list#fanfiction#jensen ackles#jared padalecki#me as a stan doing my civil duty#ENJOY IT J2 NATION#!!!
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MLQC Boys And The Domestic Life
I kept this as PG-13 as possible. You guys know I can be a little...naughty with my HC’s but I know that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I try not to do too much. I apologize if you were hoping something else! Apologies for the typos and such!
Warning: Slight Spoilers for those who know nothing about their backstories or current events!
Kiro’s life is crazy enough as it is, so coming home to you is a nice change of pace. No cameras flashing in his face, no overly excited fans, and no manager to hound him about what he can and can’t eat. It’s just you and him just the way he likes it.
Your boy is a gamer and will always try to pull you into whatever he’s playing.
He will buy a lot of two player games just so you can play with him.
If its a single player game you enjoy watching him play! He’ll even offer to teach you how to play!
Since he’s also a huge fan of comics he’ll talk your ear off about them!
Bonus points if you’re a comic book lover and/or a gamer too!
Will fall even more in love with you if you go out of your way to buy things he’s interested in.
“I got you this limited edition Iron Man statue! Like it?”
He’ll marry you right then and there!
Kiro is very playful so expect tons of play fights! Tickle fights, pillow fights, and wrestling which...turns into....you know....
Kiro enjoys going grocery shopping with you. Of course he has to be in disguise in order to shop with you in peace, but he enjoys the company while he buys things that would get him into trouble with Savin.
However, Savin has nothing to worry about when it comes to Kiro’s eating habits, because while you’re pretty lenient with Kiro and often him join his mischievous activities, you do a great job with following his diet routine.
You’ll sometimes join him on his diets to support him. Its hard on you, especially when the sight of french fries makes your mouth water.
“See, honey, drinking a protein shake isn’t so bad!”
“But I want a milkshake, barbecued ribs and a nice juicy burger!!!!” Poor baby just wants to eat!
You’re normally the one that cooks mainly because Kiro never has time to do it himself and almost always settles for something quick or whatever his nutritionist shoves down his throat. If he does have time off you both cook together.
If Kiro ends up breaking his diet you join him on his workouts. Kiro doesn’t mind because there’s something about you being all sweaty and panting heavily that really gets him going.
“I’m sweaty and gross...”
“What a coincidence?! I’m all sweaty and gross too! Lets take a shower together.”
In the bedroom, Kiro is definitely a cuddler and it doesn’t matter who cuddles first as long as he can feel you against him.
Because of his busy schedule Kiro becomes extremely needy. Both in the sexual and non-sexual sense. He hates being away from you for too long and calls you almost everyday while he’s away.
He’ll be in the middle of rehearsals while FaceTiming you and Savin is like “BOY IF YOU DON’T STOP WITH THAT PUPPY LOVE BS AND FINISH THIS DANCE NUMBER I’LL...”
If your relationship isn’t public yet, Kiro won’t do too much, but he will steal kisses when he thinks no one is looking. You two have been caught fooling around by Savin a few times, which always ends with him scolding you both.
He wants the world to know how much he loves you and will continue to broadcast it until hell freezes over.
Will put his fans in their place if they try anything with you. Your sunshine ain’t afraid to lay down the law!
Top 3 Pet Names: Miss Chips, Honey, and Cutie. Honorable Mention: Cookie
As you know, Gavin’s upbringing wasn’t exactly the best and seeing what his mom went through, he never wants to put you through that.
This man practically worships you! You’re everything he’s ever wanted in a partner so he’ll do anything to keep you in his life and happy.
Casual dates. Nothing too fancy unless its a special occasion like a birthday or maybe....a wedding proposal?!
Aside from that, Gavin’s pretty simple and often lets you take the lead which you find infuriating since you want him to have some sort of input in decision making when it comes to little things.
Gavin is the cook of the household mainly because you think he’s the better cook. If you make such claims, Gavin will always say that he prefers to eat whatever you make.
In bed, Gavin likes to hold you tightly from behind with his faced buried in your hair. His favorite position is where you’re hugging him and he has his head pressed against your chest. Its easier to hear your heartbeat that way.
If you stroke his hair while holding him then he’s a goner. He’ll be out like a light and you’ll just watch how adorable he looks sleeping against you.
Days where you’re both home are referred to as “Lazy Days.” You’ll sit around, do absolutely nothing, and enjoy each other’s company. You may wash Sparky after its gone through a full week of riding through the city, but sometimes the laziness is just too strong.
Doesn’t help when Gavin has you in his arms. The entire day can escape you when you’re in such a comfortable position.
As for PDA, this man doesn’t care who’s watching! If he feels like kissing you then he’ll kiss you and he’s all about hand holding. If you’re uncomfortable with such gestures then he’ll refrain from doing so.
Until you say otherwise, you will be getting a lot of affection out in the open! If people glare, then he’ll just glare right back and go back to loving on you.
Being in love with you and not caring what people think isn’t a crime, right?!
Obviously, he won’t do anything too wild, but Gavin can be a bit mischievous when he wants to be.
He’s not as bad as Kiro in the cheeky department, but a lot of the “accidental” touches aren’t accidents at all!
Always your protector. Is always up for kicking someone’s ass if they look at you funny. He’d go to jail for you or...at least make whatever he’s about to do look like an accident.
Clingy Baby #2!
When he’s gone for long periods of time, he clings on to you and never lets you go once he returns.
Holding you in his arms while you’re trying to cook, casually playing with your hands as the two of you watch TV, and heated make out sessions that often end in a night of passion.
No one would have guessed Gavin could turn into a touch starved crazy man. But could you blame him? The things he has to go through on missions really puts him in a mood. He needs your love and affection after a long mission.
Prefers to spoil you instead of the other way around, but let’s you pamper him. He hasn’t been shown any form of affection since his mother died, so bare with him!
Gavin has never told you this outright, but you’re the closest thing to a home he has ever had in a very long time. Wherever you are, he wants to be right by your side.
Top 3 Pet Names: Babe/Baby, Beautiful, and Angel
Victor loves taking you out whether its to nice restaurants or out of the country.
Has no problem dropping thousands on you because you deserve the world. You’ll have to tell him to calm down with how much he spoils you, but he most likely won’t listen.
Of course he’s not completely insane and has some level of restraint.
Ever the professional, there is a difference between how Victor treats you at work compared to when you’re home.
He always wants you to be at your best and doesn’t want you slacking off just because you’re with him.
At home, Victor is a way more affectionate with you. The first few times he pulled you in for a loving embrace or a kiss, you had to do a double take. This isn’t the cold-hearted CEO who picked a part your report and verbally ripped it to shreds just hours before!
Victor does most of the cooking, but if you want to help him he won’t complain. Just listen to the directions he gives you and he won’t critique you.
He does appreciate it when you cook for him. Sometimes you’ll wake up before him just to prepare a nice breakfast and his heart just swells at the sight of you doing your best to make scrambled eggs.
“Its a little runny, but edible.” Wow...thank’s, honey.
Victor loves taking you to Souvenir so he can cook for you. Lunch dates and dinner dates are sometimes had there.
Sleeping wise, Victor will entwine his fingers with yours and hold your hand over his chest as he sleeps on his back and you sleep on your side. He will never admit it, but he’s a big fan of being the big spoon especially after a night of intimacy.
Will teach you French if you ask! Will sometimes tease you by throwing out random French phrases and if you figure out what he says he’ll give you a reward!
Your man is a workaholic! You sometimes have to convince him to sleep after he spends countless hours working. Even on his days off his eyes are either glued to his phone or his computer.
He’ll be reluctant, but he’ll drop whatever he’s doing if you’re adamant about him getting rest or spending time with you.
If he’s already in bed looking over paperwork you can just snuggle up to him to distract him from what he’s doing. Of course he’ll complain, but all of that stops the minute he wraps his arms around you.
Victor isn’t one for too much PDA, but he will do small things.
For example, you’ll be at a company event, he’ll squeeze your hand gently and kiss the back of it just to see you blush.
Speaking of events, you attend all of the banquets with him. Everyone knows who you are and who you’re with. They won’t dare try any funny business with you.
There is a big part of him that likes to brag about you to his business associates.
“They saved a dying company through hard work and determination, has to deal with me on a daily basis, and continues to persevere even when the odds are against them. They’re one of a kind.”
Top 3 Pet Names: Idiot/Dummy, Dear and Darling(Victor normally uses nicknames when you’re in an intimate setting and very rarely)
Ever since he was young Lucien has known nothing but hardships and just how cruel and twisted the world was.
Having you in his life really changes his perspective on the world. Who would have thought that a man like him would have someone as precious as you in his life?
Your dates consist of art exhibits, aquariums, and picnics in the park. Honestly Lucien prefers private and more intimate dates with you. It gives him a chance to learn more about you and to really focus on you without the distraction of the outside world.
You cook together and its pretty much a perfect balance. You learn different recipes together and think of it as a bonding experience.
You often visit him on campus for lunch dates and to work on whatever project you’ve roped him into.
You’re not sure why, but his students practically adore you. You’ve heard them whisper about your future with the popular professor. Talks of marriage often fills the room whenever they catch wind of you being on campus for the day.
You find it embarrassing, but Lucien only laughs off the murmurs of his students.
They have active imaginations, but he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t think of spending the rest of his life with you.
Lucien is fine with PDA. He’ll hold your hand and give you gentle kisses. He’ll tease you a lot!! There’s never a time where he doesn’t have you blushing.
He enjoys catching you off guard! Lucien will even go as far as to steal a quick kiss while you’re rambling about how much stress you’re under with work.
Lucien’s favorite thing to do with you is to relax in a nice warm bubble bath. It only turns steamy 70% of the time but Lucien truly enjoys little intimate moments like that with you.
When it comes to sleeping, Lucien really likes it when you’re sleeping against him with your head on his chest and he has an arm around your torso.
He also likes listening to your steady breaths as you sleep. There’s something soothing about how calm you sound in your most vulnerable state. He sleeps a thousand times better when you’re with him.
Lucien appreciates how accepting you are of him despite the fact that he’s done a lot of harm in the past.
You trust that Lucien will never hurt you and while he knows this, he sometimes feels like he has a lot to prove.
Deceiving you is his biggest regret and if you continue to love him, Lucien will devote his life to making you happy.
Top 3 Pet Names: My Little Fool, Love, and Silly
Done! I really hope you like it! Want to read more of my stuff?! Please go to my MLQC masterlist here!
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tempestuous | darth maul
word count: 5.043k
warnings: nsfw, 18+, professor/student relationship, sexual tension, smut, nudity, sexual innuendos, dominance kink, age gap, cursing
a/n: hello everyone! due to the response i received, this is the second chapter in the professor!maul au! i am so happy with the overwhelming comments of kindness. you guys rock :’) thank you for keeping me sane during quarantine. as always, the first chapter is linked below. enjoy :))
summary: weeks have flown by, and you find yourself under immense amounts of pressures with midterm quickly approaching. not only are you stressed with the academics, but you can’t seem to shake a certain professor out of your head.
“(y/n), did you have rough night?” barriss chuckled, handing ahsoka an iced coffee before sliding into her own spot, “here, i got you a little pick-me-up.”
wrapping your hand around the cup, you swirled your straw around, “thank you, barriss. i guess i’m just a little stressed out with midterms approaching.”
“a little?” ahsoka giggled, covering her mouth, “(y/n), we love you, but you look like you’ve been hit by a truck. is everything okay?”
you rubbed your temple, a dull aching seeping into your skull, “i’ve been pulling some all nighters lately.”
“well if you ever want to study for with us, you’re always welcome,” barriss’ blue depths shone, her lips curved into an encouraging smile, “ahsoka and i are a little nervous about the midterm as well, especially for this class. professor maul hasn’t given us any sort of notion on what the exam may be.”
“i hope it’s something simple,” you grumbled, taking a sip of the matcha latte, “again, thank you for the matcha, barriss. i appreciate it.”
barriss laid a gentle hand on your shoulder, “anything for you, (y/n). after all, you’re our new best friend.”
“she’s very right,” ahsoka shot you a wink, prodding you with her elbow, “you should come to the library with us tomorrow night! i know, it’s lame, but it’s pretty empty on the weekend. we have a good chance at snagging one of those study rooms. and if we get our homework done friday, we can always meet up before that party saturday night!”
“you guys party?” you arched a curious brow.
barriss and ahsoka rolled their eyes simultaneously, the togruta letting out a huff, “we know how to have fun too, (y/n). after all, they say that the bookworms know how to let loose.”
“whatever,” you couldn’t help but laugh, pulling out your laptop.
it was now about halfway through the semester, with midterms approaching on the horizon. the looming fact that you had about five exams, along with working extra hours with your internship, were beginning to take their toll on you. the internship at the hospital was running smoothly, and you were performing so well that you were offered extra hours. of course, you couldn’t help but accept the offer.
yet, it came with a cost. although it was only two nights a week, they asked if you could stay a few hours later than normal. so, every tuesday and wednesday, you strolled into your apartment well past one in the morning.
rex helped in every way he possibly could. whether it was cooking you dinner, making you coffee, tending to your laundry, as well as keeping the apartment tidy, he was adamant about making things easier for you. which, you greatly appreciated. there were even times he charged your laptop and made runs to the printer. last night was one of those nights where you didn’t get back till late, so to say you were exhausted was an understatement.
although it was your first class of the day, and 9:56 a.m., sleep still hung heavy in your mind. the comfy clothes hanging on your frame weren’t much help either, the coziness of the fabric lulling you to sleep. a university of coruscant hoodie, a few sizes too big, was almost like a blanket. and the grey sweats were comforting. shaking your head, you attempted to focus.
the class fell silent as he entered the room, causing you to perk up in your seat. today, he was clad in a pair of black slacks, the color of his button up and blazer corresponding with his pants. his shoes were freshly polished, glossy in the sterile light. the monochromatic outfit brought out the color of his crimson skin, his amber orbs nearly glowing. as usual, the silver chain hung from his neck, this time, settled on bare skin, as a button or two was left undone.
you nearly choked on your matcha, as you drank in the sight of him. maker, was he gorgeous. mind buzzing, you mustered all of your strength to not admire for a moment too long. it was already embarrassing enough the sheer amount of instances you saw him on campus.
now that you were enrolled in his class, you saw him everywhere. whether it was grabbing a meal to-go in the dining hall, bumping into him at the gym, or mumbling a greeting as you passed him in the halls of the psychology wing. it was odd, yet you paid no mind. a part of you yearned to see him, to just admire his features.
professor maul didn’t seem to mind the encounters either. every time, he would chirp a greeting, his tone smooth and cordial. even though he was formal, you couldn’t help but notice a gleam in the golden pools as he spoke. it was almost as if his eyes were roaming your body, glittering with lust.
just the mere thought of his lips on yours sent a faint blush painted across your cheeks. shifting in your seat, the realization that class began washed over you. letting out a quiet sigh, you typed notes as he spoke, his voice clear, thick with authority as it rang through the lecture hall.
“now,” he cleared his throat, backtracking to the pedestal to the left of the space, “i compiled a list of terms and parameters of your midterm exam.”
groans of frustration erupted like a volcano, maul’s eyes blazing with amusement, “may i discuss the exam with you first or are you all going to complain?”
“i hate him,” ahsoka muttered under her breath.
“you don’t mean that,” you whispered, teasing, “what if the exam is a breeze?”
“the midterm will be no walk in the park,” maul announced, gathering a thick stack of papers in his hands.
your eyes wandered to his hands, and how they sprawled over the stack with ease, how they were would fit so well over your breasts. a shiver ran down your spine as you pondered of his hands all over your body, relishing every inch of your skin. his voice snapped you out of your fantasy, his gaze settling on you, a smirk creeping onto his lips.
“for the exam, i ask that you research an individual or authoritative figure who is a ‘monster’ in our society. once you conduct your research, you will give me a brief presentation. the presentation will be done orally, through a video format. the deadline is printed on the assignment sheet. there are no exceptions, so plan accordingly.”
biting your lip, your cheeks reddened under the eye contact. however, his attention was taken away from you, eyes flickering towards a student near the top of the lecture hall.
“does this mean we can talk about president palpatine? he’s a tyrant!”
“i can’t believe he almost banned the frats!” another complaint rose from a classmate.
“if that’s who you would like to report on,” a bubbly, lighthearted laugh escaped his lips, the sound flowing like sweet honey into your ears, “you might have your work cut out for you. that is my boss after all, so i am not sure how biased i can be.”
the rest of the class droned on, ahsoka and barriss lost in their note-taking, their stares fixed to their laptop screens. meanwhile, you found yourself getting lost, daydreaming. maker, did you ache to experience just one kiss. to trace the tattoos all over his chest and shoulders as you unbuttoned the article of clothing. gnawing on your cheek, shame burned through you as you realized that you were beginning to feel a sensation in your core. the mere thought of maul had your folds slick, wet and desperate for him.
soon, class was over, students herded to the doors. you followed ahsoka and barriss, conversing about tomorrow’s plans. you were anticipating the study session tomorrow, as you needed it.
after all, you weren’t paying much attention in class these days.
“so, are we wrapped up for the night?” ahsoka yawned, her eyes bleary with sleep.
a rumble in the distance shook the library, a thunderstorm wreaking its havoc over coruscant. you, barriss, and ahsoka were finishing up, the building nearing closing time. it was 10:32 p.m., the three of you hunkering down in a study room for the past two and a half hours. however, the session was helpful, the three of you passing notes, sharing what you did and didn’t have. you were all caught up, thanks to them.
“i believe so,” barriss nodded, shoving a notebook into her bag, “(y/n), would you like us to walk with you to your apartment? we can share an umbrella and give you one.”
“i’ll be fine,” you shrugged, glancing at your phone, “i think i might wait out the storm for a few more minutes. besides, my roommate has a girl over. i don’t want to impose on them.”
“you sure?” concern flashed across ahsoka’s face, “it’s not a problem to us.”
“you guys can go,” you teased, winking, “i can handle myself. besides, there’s no one in here besides the twi’lek at the front desk.”
“whatever you say,” barriss huffed, adjusting her hijab, “see you tomorrow!”
“see ya,” you waved to the two girls as they left the room, “text me when you guys want to meet up!”
“we will,” ahsoka called, giving you one last grin before they disappeared from your field of vision.
exhaling, you rose to your feet, slinging your bag over your shoulder. strolling out of the study room, the lights of the library were dimmed, a few students lingering, milling around the front desk or nose deep in textbooks, scrambling to finish their work.
eventually, you made your way to the lobby, leaning against the brick wall. rex promised that he would text you when his friend was on her way, yet there were no message on your screen. no missed calls. nothing. frustration welled up inside of you, creeping into your thoughts. surely the girl wasn’t staying the night. rex didn’t mention anything about it to you earlier.
“hey there,” an all too familiar voice rumbled, “do you need a lift?”
turning ever so slightly, your eyes widened at the figure before you. maul stood in the doorway, donned in a pair of grey joggers, a university hoodie on his top half. the hoodie was black, which was a prominent color in the zabrak’s wardrobe. you picked up on that the third day of class. his brows were furrowed, lips pursed. it was almost as if he was concerned.
“i’m fine,” you muttered, “just waiting on my roommate to give me the all clear.”
“i remember those days,” maul mused, “savage used to have all sorts of women over when we rented an apartment together for grad school. it was downright horrid.”
“i bet,” you sucked in a breath, anxiety swirling as you read the time once more. it was 10:48 now, more and more students filing out of the exit.
“you all right?” he inquired, his voice low, “if your apartment isn’t too far from here, i can give you a ride. it’s storming pretty bad out there.”
“isn’t that illegal?” you snorted, a glimmer of hope rising as rex’s called id lit up your phone, “hang on, i gotta take this.”
“heyyyy,” immediately, you sensed that rex was walking on eggshells, “do you have a place to stay for the night?”
“rex, i thought we talked about this.”
“well,” he mumbled, “she wants to stay the night. i’ll do all of your laundry tomorrow if you say yes.”
“rex this isn’t the right time to bargain with me,” tears brimmed your eyes as the horror crept in. you had nowhere to go.
“please?” his voice was sickeningly sweet, “pretty please?”
“fine,” you caved, “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“thank you-” rex began, but you hung up before he got the chance to finish.
storming out of the library, tears streamed down your cheeks, mixing effortlessly with the icy rain as it cascaded down, piercing through your clothes. you sobbed, your cries deafened by the thunder. maker, you were so furious. how could rex do that to you? especially so last minute? the only place you could go was your car, and you didn’t even have a fresh change of clothes.
“(y/n),” through the roar of the thunder, you heard his voice.
“oh great!” sobs racked your body, “now i have to deal with you too-”
his hands grasped your cheeks, pulling you in. lips collided with yours, his touch warm, as you crumpled completely. fingers tangled into your wet locks, desperate to bring you closer to him, to feel your lips mold so effortlessly with his. the kiss was fiery, burning with a passion. a desire for you. it was exhilarating, intoxicating, your mind buzzing, losing any sort of coherent thought as the rain pounded against the cement, lightning illuminating your surroundings.
“now,” he pulled away, leaving you breathless, “do you need a ride?”
“i don’t have anywhere to go,” you could barely string the words together.
“you’re welcome to stay at my place.”
“are you sure?” you wiped your tears, yet the effort was fruitless. your clothes were soaked, you were chilled to the bone.
“yes,” he took your hands, “come on, let’s get out of here.”
“what if someone sees us?” anxiety bubbled within you.
“my hood is up,” he began to make his way towards the parking lot, clicking a button on his car keys, “besides, i’m wearing black and so are you.”
“i guess you’re right,” you muttered, a shiver rippling through your being.
as he approached the vehicle, he opened the passenger door for you as the rain pattered against the pavement. slipping off his sweatshirt, he shoved it into your hands, “here, put this on.”
“i-i’m not wearing a shirt underneath,” the words were a stutter.
“and i’m not fifteen,” maul scoffed, ducking so that he could slide into the driver’s seat, “you’re going to get sick out here and mine is somewhat dryer than yours.”
hesitantly, you made your way into the passenger seat, your eyes widening as you noticed the interior, “this is a tesla.”
in the darkness, you picked out the brightness of his grin, his incisors flashed, poking against his lips, “indeed. my apartment isn’t too far from here. i need to let savage know that we’re no longer having drunkfest.”
“drunkfest?” you couldn’t help but giggle.
“drunkfest,” maul affirmed, his thumbs dancing across his phone, “we get absolutely wasted every friday night to forget about the awful moments of the work week.”
“interesting,” you settled into maul’s hoodie, grateful for the slightly drier fabric. his scent flooded your nostrils. it was a strong scent, with traces of leatherwood, spices, and bergamot. it was heavenly, with just the right amount of cologne.
“it is interesting,” his eyes focused on the road, the lights of the city whirring by as he drove, “even though i’ve gotten completely trashed every single time, i can’t seem to shake you off my mind.”
blush flooded your cheeks, your breath hitching in your throat, “i see.”
within minutes, maul pulled into a parking garage, turning off the engine. he helped out of the passenger seat, “let me carry your bookbag for you. the textbooks probably need to sit out for a few hours. i’m sure you don’t want to pay for new ones.”
“i don’t,” you sucked in a breath.
the zabrak slung your bag over his shoulder with ease, locking the car behind you. the two of you entered the elevator on the level, and maul pushed his desired designation. a wave of silence crashed over you, but it wasn’t unnerving. it was more relaxed, maul humming a tune as the elevator whirred.
eventually, you were standing outside his door, the zabrak shoving the key into the lock. pushing the door open, you couldn’t help but marvel at the decor, furniture, as well as the viewports. the apartment was luxurious, screaming wealth. yet, maul remained humble, not uttering a single word.
the floor was a flint concrete, glossed over with a polish. in the den, there was a massive patterned rug, intricate patterns of black, white, and crimson woven together. the couch was a sectional, a dark grey. the shelving and tables were black, paired with subtle hints of scarlet or grey decor. there wasn’t much wall decor, besides some vintage posters from the old days of coruscant. framed photos of zabraki were scattered, and you inferred that they were feral and savage, maul’s younger brothers.
“there’s a hall leading to the refresher. it’s on your right, i’m going to set out your books to dry. before you shower, leave your clothes in a pile by the door. i’ll throw them in the wash for you. and if i pop in, don’t scream. i’m going to lend you some of my clothes,” the zabrak murmured, “take your time in the shower. i don’t want you getting sick.”
“what if i need help getting the right water temperature?” you arched a brow.
his eyes narrowed, gleaming, “i think you’ll be fine, princess. call me if you need anything.”
your cheeks reddened, “okay. i’ll be in the shower.”
maul mumbled something incoherent, and you wandered through the den, discovering the hall that he mentioned. once you found the refresher, you peeled the damp clothing off your body, grateful that there was a towel hanging outside the shower. exhaling, you tossed your clothes outside the door, turning on the water. after adjusting the temperature to your liking, you stood underneath the stream, grateful for the warmth as it seeped into your skin.
the shower was just as elegant as the apartment, with glass doors and a steel shower head in the shape of a square. it was far better than the shower in your own apartment, as you didn’t have to worry about wasting hot water or any spiders. steam billowed into the space, hugging the doors of the shower, droplets of water condensing on the glass.
“i’m coming in to drop off some clothes,” the zabrak’s voice entered the room, “holy fuck do you always have the water this hot?”
“do you not?” you chuckled.
“it feels like a sauna in here,” he chuckled, teasing, “anyways, i’ll leave you be.”
letting out a content sigh, you turned the water off once he left. opening the door, your eyes scanned the space for the light switch. after a few seconds, you found it, flipping on the vent. hopefully that would help with the amount of steam that clung to every single item in the refresher.
on the counter, there was a black turtleneck, along with a pair of briefs. patting yourself dry, you slipped on the briefs first, then slid the turtleneck over your head. it was getting late, the clock on the counter reading 11:36 p.m. yawning, you pushed open the door, padding into the hall.
maul was nowhere to be found, a frown forming on your lips. where could he had run off to? surely he would’ve mentioned something to you. yet, your curiosity crept in, urging you to explore. holding your breath, you noticed a door, inferring that it was maul’s bedroom.
the door creaked as you tapped it, the draft pulling it open. inside, the floor was the same as it was, a king-sized bed in the middle, pushed against the wall, supported by a black wooden bed frame. there was a dresser, along with a walk-in closet. the most breathtaking aspect were the viewports, acting as a wall. the lights of coruscant glowed, the room overlooking the city. rain flowed down the viewports as thunder rumbled. you felt drawn to them, awestruck by the beauty of the sprawling city.
“you like the view?” your heart nearly leapt out of your chest.
“don’t scare me like that!” you pouted, folding your arms across your chest.
“don’t go snooping around,” maul smirked, matching your energy.
your heart thudded as his eyes drank in the sight of you, in his turtleneck. the sweater was a little large, hanging loosely in some areas. the briefs hugged your thighs, leaving nothing to the imagination. your nipples poked through the fabric of the sweater, the cool air sending a shiver running down your spine.
“gods,” he breathed, licking his lips, “i-i don’t know what to say.”
“i’m sorry for wandering off,” you mumbled, your cheeks hot as shame burned through you, “i didn’t mean to-”
“just stop,” maul shook his head, taking a step towards you, “just fucking stop. you have no need to apologize.”
the air in room crackled like the lightning outside as he took another step forward, an old t-shirt clinging to his torso, the same pair of grey joggers hanging loosely on his hips. your throat tightened as you noticed the way his chest rose and fell, the zabrak’s breathing ragged.
“it seems as if i can’t shake you off my mind,” he panted as the space between you dissolved, “lately, all of my thoughts have revolved about you.”
“what do you think about?” you swallowed thickly.
“do you want the hear the answer?” his face was merely centimeters away from yours, “or would you rather experience it?”
“i want both.”
his hand reached out, gently grasping your jaw. the touch was light, feathery as his fingers traced your heated skin. you melted, nearly collapsing to the floor.
the zabrak’s eyes glowed, the amber now hardened into a deep honey hue, almost a chestnut brown, “can i kiss you?”
you nodded, almost a little too quickly, “yes.”
a low, guttural growl dripped from his lips, “i couldn’t resist you before. but fuck as soon as i saw you in my clothes, i just can’t fucking take it any longer.”
the kiss was hungry, an open-mouth, lustful kiss. his lips crashed into yours, yearning to explore the taste of your mouth. the zabrak’s hands laced into your hair, tugging at the roots, gripping tightly. a whine echoed through the room as he sucked on your bottom lip, his tongue delving into your mouth. a hand slid down, resting on the nape of your neck, holding you steady as the kisses grew hungrier and hungrier.
“get on the bed,” he commanded, his tone thick with authority, a hand untangling itself from your hair and tugging on the hem of the turtleneck, “and take this off.”
the way the words rolled of his tongue struck you to your core, your folds growing slick as the anticipation grew. fingers wrapping around the hem, you tugged it off, your breasts bouncing. the zabrak practically groaned as he admired your exposed body, a hand palming his cock as it hardened, the outline prominent in the light.
obeying his order, you laid on the bed, your back hitting the soft comforter. maul slipped off the t-shirt, almost pouncing on top of you. pinning you down, his mouth connected with your neck, trailing sloppy kisses down, onto your collarbone.
“if only i could leave my mark on you,” his breath was hot, coming out in pants, “i would paint you like a canvas.”
“you can,” the words were a broken moan as his tongue dragged across your collarbone.
“oh?” you could feel his lip curved into a smile, “you want me to?”
“ye-” the reply was shortened as maul’s lips wrapped around nipple, his tongue flicking over the sensitive area.
his tongue drifted from your nipple to your flesh, nipping and sucking, a satisfied purr erupting from the zabrak as a rich burgundy mark appeared, “i hope you’re aware that you’re the most beautiful woman i have ever met.”
“i don’t think so.”
within seconds, his mouth was hovering over the waistband of the briefs, “you better fucking believe you are, (y/n).”
“i- oh my god,” the tearing of fabric rang off the walls as maul ripped the briefs off your frame.
“usually i take my time with this,” maul murmured, his gaze burning with lust, “but fuck i need you. i need to feel you take my cock.”
“please,” you whimpered, squirming as he parted your thighs.
“holy fuck. how are you so fucking wet? you’re soaking and i haven’t even touched you.”
the zabrak was appalled, a flash of awe painted across features as he took in the sight of your dripping core, your pussy aching. desire burned through your being, threatening to consume you whole. maker, you never knew you wanted someone this badly. exhilaration rushed through you with every touch, his fingers slipping between your folds.
“i’ve thought about you like this,” maul was enticed, almost in a trace as your juices coated his fingers, “i’ve thought about the way your body would be underneath mine, your eyes begging for me to fuck you till you can’t take it anymore.”
“i’ve thought about you in class.”
“in class?” his voice faltered, “(y/n), that’s sinful.”
“it’s not as sinful as how i’ve wanted you to fuck me for weeks,” your cheeks were flushed,.
“oh gods,” maul groaned as a finger entered you, “i’m going to make you mine.”
“please,” your hips bucked forward, his finger plunging further into you, “i want to be yours.”
“you’re going to be mine princess,” he purred, “i promise i’ll give you what you’ve been yearning for.”
hastily, the zabrak tugged his sweats off, kicking them to the floor. your nearly choked on your spit when his member sprang free from the constraint of the fabric. his cock was massive, the largest you had ever seen. yet, it wasn’t too large that you couldn’t take it. crimson and black patterns wove all around it, his shaft ribbed, precum dribbling down his length.
“tell me how much you need me,” his voice shifted from a coo to a growl as fingers wrapped around your throat, “tell me how badly you need professor maul to fuck you senseless.”
“i need you to fuck me,” the words were a broken whine.
“louder,” his grip tightened, “say it louder. i need to hear you.”
“i need professor maul to fuck me,” the words were enough to bring the zabrak to the edge, to make him unfold.
“good girl,” his tone oozed with praise, low and husky.
he lined his tip at your entrance, slowly inserting himself into you. maul’s hand loosened from your throat, gripping the headboard for leverage. your moans were breathy, laced with bliss as your walls expanded, wrapping around his cock.
“that’s such a good fucking girl,” maul leaned in, nipping at your ear, “you take my cock.”
the zabrak thrust into you, his tip brushing against your g-spot. throwing your head against the pillow, your body almost went limp, collapsing. the pleasure was overwhelming, burning through you like a fire. but maker, did you want more. you needed more.
maul watched as he fucked you, one hand steady on the headboard, the other on the mattress, gripping the sheets. he was plowing into you now, showing no mercy. the moans bouncing off the walls were rich and so loud, fueling his desire to keep going. the zabrak lost all inhibitions minutes ago, his thoughts blurred, eyes glossed over.
the way you felt was heavenly, every single thrust euphoric.
maker, was he losing control.
tightening his grip on the headboard, his knuckles were almost white. he was completely feral, unhinged, detached.
a horrid cracking filled the zabrak’s ears, and he glanced up towards the headboard. the wood split into two, a lengthy, crack down the middle, stemming from his hand.
“oh shit,” you gasped.
“look what you made me do, angel,” a smirk stretched across his lips, “you’re going to fucking pay for that.”
your nails dug into his shoulder blades as he slammed into you, balls slapping against skin. his cock throbbed, swelling. with every throb, your walls tightened, the pleasure building in your belly. eyes squeezing shut, you felt every inch of him buried in your soaking pussy, balls deep in you now.
“maul,” the zabrak nearly unfolded right there, “i’m going to cum.”
“let go baby,” his lips brushed against yours, “you can cum. cum for me.”
the orgasm racked your body, maul’s mouth connected with yours, the moans muffled. your thighs trembled, stars bursting in your vision, the pleasure almost blinding.
with no strength left, your body went limp, collapsing into the mattress.
his thrusts were more languid, sloppy with every stroke. maul came moments later, filling you up with it all.
“fuck,” he cursed under his breath, a sheen of sweat clinging to his body, “are you all right?”
“i’m fine,” your inner thighs buzzed, soreness creeping into the muscle.
every inch of skin the zabrak touched tingled, as if your body was savoring the memory.
maul cleared his throat, his cock still inside of you, “i kinda lost control.”
“a little bit,” he chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair from your forehead, “it’s been so long since i’ve last had sex. it doesn’t help that i’m in heat, either.”
“you’re in heat?” you pressed, brows furrowing.
“perhaps,” the color of his eyes returned to their normal hue, amber flowing into crimson, “let’s get you cleaned up. it’s late.”
“is it past the professor’s bedtime?” your tone was snarky.
“don’t tempt me to fuck you again. because we both know damn well that i will.”
glancing up, you noticed the broken headboard, “how much is that going to cost?”
the zabrak let out a huff as his cock slid out of you, drenched with a mixture of juices, “i don’t know. it’s the least of my concerns at the moment. stay here, and don’t move a muscle.”
swinging his legs over the mattress, maul strolled towards the refresher, retrieving a rag to clean up the mess that you made. you sunk into the bed, questions ringing through your mind.
yet, you couldn’t help but notice a prominent feature. in the light, the tattooed skin glowed. but there was something different about the way his thighs transitioned from flesh to an ashen metal.
maul’s legs were cybernetic.
and your curiosity about the zabrak, your professor, skyrocketed.
tagged: @sapphicstars , @maulieber , @starflyer-104 , @alwayshappysith , @doobiwankenooku , @magicalkitkat12 , @dartheldur , @princessayveke , @multifandombtch , @spaghetti-666 , @lis-ard , @swimmingsloths , @sithmando , @mother-0f-monsters
#darth maul#darth maul x reader#star wars#star wars x reader#maul#maul x reader#professor#au#darth maul smut#darth maul fluff
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Sub Rosa [39]
x. fallen
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: language, bleeding, fighting, death, violence, general angst.
Summary: Bellamy learns the news of Lincoln’s fate, and Octavia lashes out. from Arkadia, Monty calls and asks for help, sending you on a rescue mission.
a/n: hi just a heads up that TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY, so I probably wont be that active!!! the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
Octavia’s cries for Lincoln quickly turn to anger.
You can see it set in her face, feel it rolling off of her in thick tidal waves, and you know that no matter Octavia does, she’ll get revenge for Lincoln.
She turns away and walks back to Helios, the mood of the group somber as she takes his lead from Harper and starts to walk to the cave. There’s nothing the rest of you can do except follow, everyone quiet as the rain soaks you to the bone and hides your tears. You feel your heart crack open at the thought of Lincoln being gone, forever, sacrificed to keep his people safe. Nothing you do will bring him, or his quiet wisdom, or his intense sparring sessions, or his kind comfort, back. Lincoln is dead, by Pike’s hand, and you were almost dead too. The same way you want to honor Gina with your life, you want to do the same for Lincoln. All he ever wanted was peace, and a life with Octavia. He’ll never get the latter, but maybe the rest of you can achieve peace in his name, his memory.
At some point, Miller pulls ahead again, and Octavia drops back to walk with you. You know there’s nothing you can say to ease her pain, so you reach out and grab her hand, letting her know that you’re there for her. You walk the rest of the way to the cave hand in hand, but she drops it when you get there so she can tie up Helios.
You follow the others inside, Ocatvia beside you still, and as you come around the corner you see Bellamy. You let out a little gasp at the sight of him, chained up to the wall, unable to go anywhere. He looks relieved when he sees you and Octavia both alive and well, but he catches on to the mood of the group quickly. You see his eyes bounce over everyone one after the next, before he realizes who’s missing. “Where’s Lincoln?”
Octavia turns away from him, pulling her sword, Lincoln’s sword, off her back and setting it on the ground at her feet. You see her fighting back tears as she answers, “Pike put a bullet in his brain.”
“O…” He trails off, begging her to look at him, but she ignores him and pulls her wet jacket off, dropping it on top of the sword. “O, I’m so sorry.”
You can see the change again, can practically feel Octavia pushing her heartbreak down and pulling out her anger instead. It’s lighting fast, but it’s written all over her face, and you have half a second to register the change before she spins around quickly and punches Bellamy across the face. Everyone in the cave shifts slightly, towards Octavia and Bellamy, you included, all eyes on the siblings, waiting to see if you need to intervene.
The force of Octavia’s punch knocks Bellamy’s head to the side, and he looks up at her in shock, before she punches him again, once with her right fist and then with her left. You step forward, grabbing her arm. “Octavia, stop.”
She turns and pushes you down, blinded by anything but anger, and Kane steps closer to the pair of you. “Octavia, that’s enough.”
Bellamy looks over at him, blood already starting to mark his skin. “Kane, stay out of this.”
Octavia stands panting, watching her brother, before she continues her assault, hitting him wherever she can reach: his arms, stomach, face. You can hear her sobs in between the sounds of the punches, and everyone turns away from the scene, unable to watch. You stay frozen on the ground, still watching, unsure what to do. Miller is the only one still watching alongside you, and as soon as Octavia knocks Bellamy to the ground, he closes the space between them and grabs her arm, pulling her away. “Okay, stop. That’s enough.”
She turns and punches him in the chest, knocking him back, into Bryan’s arms. You scramble to your feet as Bellamy pants, “Miller, back off.”
He pulls himself to his feet, blood all over his face, and as she punches him again you walk towards them, unable to watch anymore. She knocks him to the ground as you reach her, and you wrap your arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides. She struggles for a second, tears falling down her face, before she finally goes slack in your arms. She stares down at Bellamy, her face a storm of emotions, and he looks up at her from her spot on the ground. “You’re dead to me.”
You see his face fall, her words devastating him more than her fists ever could. Octavia shrugs you off and storms out of the cave, and everyone stands frozen for a minute, unsure what to do. Bellamy pulls himself into a sitting position, tucking his knees to his chest, and avoids everyone’s gaze as he processes Octavia’s words. You look at Kane and nod in the direction Octavia ran off in, and he nods, standing to follow her. You move to one of the packs and grab a first aid kit, before walking to Bellamy and plopping down in front of him. He glances up just enough to know that it’s you, before dropping his head again. You reach out, tip his chin up so his gaze meets yours, and eye his face.
He’s covered in blood, but you can’t tell where it’s coming from, though you suspect it's from a few places. You reach for the first aid kit and start to wipe away the blood, wordlessly cleaning him up as his eyes roam over your face. As you’re applying antiseptic to his wounds, he whispers, “What happened?”
You glance back, making sure Octavia isn’t nearby, and answer, “Pike said there was going to be an execution today, and if we didn’t turn ourselves in, it’d be the prisoners.”
You see that unreadable expression settle on Bellamy’s face again, and you hate it, how closed off it makes you feel, but you say nothing. He’s quiet as you clean him up, clearly lost in his thoughts, and you struggle with whether to say something to him, or leave him in his head. Ultimately, you keep quiet, deciding to let him process things on his own, for now. When you finish, you stand, turning to leave, but he reaches out to grab your hand, stopping you. “Lexa’s dead. Indra left to meet the new commander.”
You feel the breath leave your lungs as he says it, thinking about Clarke, and the loss of someone special to her. You realize now that you were so focused on Lincoln’s death and Octavia’s reaction that you didn’t even notice Indra’s absence. You nod, thanking him for the information, before returning the first aid kit to the pack and joining the others, passing along the information.
Kane returns with Octavia less than an hour later, and they find you all sitting around the fire, talking quietly about nothing. No one wants to address the elephant in the room, or the traitor in the cave, so the conversation is kept to light topics.
When Kane and Octavia return, they join the circle, and you all fall into silence, turning to look at Kane. “We need to talk about next steps.”
Bryan is the first to speak up. “I say we run two men patrols around the clock, starting now.”
“We'll do that but we should be safe here. The Grounder blockade's too close for Pike to risk looking for us.”
“Yeah, but are we safe from the blockade?”
“As long as we stay on this side of the line, we should be.”
You give Kane a serious look. “None of that will matter if we give Pike to the Grounders.”
Miller agrees, “We take him out, we can go home.”
Kane nods, already on the same page. “That's right. We become the thirteenth clan again. Those were the terms.”
Sinclair shrugs, “Lexa's terms. If what Bellamy said is true and she's dead, how do we know the next commander will honor them?”
“One problem at a time.”
“The only thing that matters now is killing Pike.” Octavia’s voice is flat when she says it, her mind focused only on Pike’s death as she sharpens her sword.
“Octavia's right. So how do we do it?”
Before anyone can offer up any ideas, a radio to your left crackles to life with Monty’s voice. “Bellamy, come in. It's Monty, I'm in trouble. Please say you still have your radio.”
You pick up the radio, looking at it, and Sinclair puts a hand over yours. “If we respond and Pike's listening-”
Bellamy cuts him off, “Go to channel seven. ‘Please say you still have your radio.’ That's seven words after the word trouble. It's code, go to seven.”
You turn and look at him, scanning his face for any signs of deceit, but you find none. You turn back to Kane, who nods, and you change the channel before passing the radio to him. “Monty, it's Kane. What's wrong?”
“Pike knows that I helped you get out.”
You can hear a sigh of defeat pass through the circle, before Kane asks, “Can you get to the dropship?”
“I think so.”
“Good, go there, I'll bring you in. Stay off the radio. Over and out.”
Harper turns to Kane, looking worried. “Hold on, what if it's a trap and Pike's waiting?”
“That's why I'm going alone.”
Octavia glares and stands when Kane does, “Like hell you are.”
You stand as she says it, adding, “You’ve lost it if you think I’m not going with you.”
Kane looks between the two of you, sighing. “If it is a trap, I'm not marching our entire insurgency into it, so you two and you two alone are coming with me.”
Octavia nods to Bellamy, still chained to the wall, silent since the tip about the radio. “He's coming too. We’ll need a hostage to trade for Monty.”
Kane looks at Bellamy, thinking it over, before agreeing. “That's a good plan. He stays chained, and gag him.”
You turn to Kane is shock, protesting at the same time as Miller. “Kane-”
“Sir, with all due respect-”
Kane cuts you both off, snapping, “He's the enemy. Do what I said.”
“You were the enemy once too. So were we.” You give him a long look, before glancing over at Miller, the only other one on your side, and when he drops his head, you sigh, conceding. “Fine.”
You walk over to one of the packs, pulling out one of the strips of fabric for bandages, before moving back to Bellamy. Miller comes over with the keys to the chain, detaching it from the wall, but keeping it on Bellamy’s hands, and Bellamy stays still the entire time, letting you both work. Miller passes you the keys before he steps back, and you shove them into your pocket. And then you lift the gag to his mouth, whispering, “I’m sorry.”
He lets you slip it between his teeth, and you pull it around to the back of his head, securing it in place. You turn and look at Kane, who grabs one of the rifles, and Octavia, who is busy strapping her sword on her back. You lead Bellamy to the entrance of the cave, waiting for the others, and when they finally appear, Kane tries to pass you the rifle. “In case he acts out.”
You roll your eyes and push it away. “I’m not going to shoot Bellamy. If he runs, he runs.”
He sighs and pulls the strap over his chest, taking it himself, before he nods to the entrance. “Lead the way.”
You turn and grab Bellamy’s arm, leading him out of the cave, Kane and Octavia right behind you. They both have their weapons out, ready to attack if necessary, and you have to resist the urge to say something. Because despite Bellamy being on Pike’s side, he’s not the enemy. Not really. An asshole maybe, blinded by his pain, but not the enemy.
The walk to the dropship doesn’t take long, and before you know it, you can see the remains of the gate up ahead. Kane and Octavia press closer to you, Kane now turning his gun towards Bellamy’s back. You stop just inside the walls, and Kane yells out, “Monty?”
You all wait, listening for a response, eyes searching the camp for a sign of life, but you hear nothing, see nothing. Kane whispers, “We got here first.”
He pushes on Bellamy’s back, urging him forward again, but he only manages to take three steps before Octavia lifts her sword to Bellamy’s throat and mutters, “No we didn't.”
You turn to her in surprise, “Octavia, what are you doing?”
She doesn’t answer you, just keeps her eyes on the dropship door as she yells, “Get outside! Now!”
Monty slips out the door, slowly, hands raised, followed by the barrel of a gun. You glare as Pike comes into view, his weapon trained on the back of Monty’s head, who apologizes. “He followed me. I'm sorry.”
“Let him go, Pike!”
“I can't do that.” He says something into his radio, quiet enough that you can’t hear, and a second later a bullet whizzes towards you, lodging into the dirt by your feet. You all jump in surprise, turning to look at the closeness of the impact, as Pike adds, “It's over. Put down your weapons.”
Octavia whispers, “Shoot him.”
“Monty's in the shot.”
“Come on, Marcus. I promised Monty's mother that I'd bring him home alive. Don't make me a liar.”
You turn and look at Kane, waiting for his instructions, and he lowers his gun as he steps away from Bellamy. You step away too, lifting your hands in surrender, and Octavia protests, “No, don’t.”
Kane pulls his gun off and drops it at his feet, lifting his hands in surrender. Pike glares at Octavia, who still has her sword to her brother’s neck. “Now you.”
She pulls Bellamy closer, wrapping her arm around his neck to get a better angle. You and Kane both protest, but she ignores you. Pike lifts his radio again, and you can see Bellamy tense, both of you guessing what the next command is. Bellamy ducks under Octavia’s arm, twisting it back painfully, forcing her to drop her sword. Pike whistles, and hidden guards move into the camp, making a beeline for all of you. They pull out cuffs to restrain you, while another holds a gun to your head. Bellamy pulls his gag from his mouth as Pike walks towards him, looking him over. “You don't look so good.”
“I'm fine.”
“You’ve got about five seconds to make me believe you're still with me.”
Bellamy deadpans, “All the others are in a cave not far from here.”
You yell out his name, angry that he would sell out the others, just like that. No hesitation at all. He turns to look at you, a flash of something passing over his face, but you can’t tell what. Octavia turns towards Bellamy, just as angry as you are, screaming, “You son of a bitch!”
She runs towards him, ready to attack, and Gillmer pulls out his shock baton and zaps her with it, the force of it taking her to the ground. You try to move towards her, to go check on her, but the guard in front of you steps closer, pressing the gun to your forehead. You look up at him, glaring, lifting your chin in defiance, daring him to pull the trigger.
“Give me the coordinates.”
You Glance over at Bellamy, gun still pressed to your head, and he shakes his head. “I don't have the coordinates. But I can take you there.”
“Good.” He turns to the other guards. “Gag them.”
The guard in front of you steps away to get a gag, but Gillmer beats him to it, coming to stand in front of you, holding the gag up with a smirk. “Not much of a fighter now, are you?”
You look up at him, eyes landing on his nose, set differently from before, a cut across the bridge of it. You smirk in return, looking up to meet his eyes. “Nice nose. Little crooked now though.”
His smirk drops into a glare and he punches you in the stomach, the force of it sending all the air from your lungs in a whoosh. You double over, letting out a pained groan, and he leans down to whisper in your ear, “Don’t you worry, soon you’ll be just like your friend Lincoln. Dead.”
The words send a wave of rage through you, angered that he’d even say Lincoln’s name, and you try to leap at him, yelling as you do. But the guard at your back expects the move and wraps his arms around you, holding you back as you kick and thrash, trying to get to Gillmer, who stands in front of you, smirking again. Bellamy walks over to him, holding out his hand for the gag. “I’ll do it.”
“No, I can-”
His voice is firm when he cuts him off. “I’ve got it.”
Gillmer slaps the gag into Bellamy’s palm, turning to stalk off, and you calm your fighting enough to let Bellamy approach you. He reaches into your pocket and pulls out the keys to his cuffs, quickly freeing himself before he steps toward you, gag lifted, voice scolding. “Stop fighting.”
“I’m nothing but fight.”
He sighs and holds the gag right in front of your mouth, waiting for you to comply the way he did, and you look down at the gag and back to him before opening your mouth just enough. He slips it between your teeth before reaching back to secure it behind your head. His mouth is right at your ear, and he whispers, “I’m sorry.”
He pulls away, stepping back and turning to nod at Pike, letting him know he’s ready, leaving you to wonder what shitty thing he’s apologizing for, because the list is getting long.
You all trudge through the woods back towards the cave, hands cuffed and mouths gagged. Bellmay leads the way, Pike at his side, and you and Octavia follow closely behind them. Her gaze never leaves the back of Pike’s head, staring daggers at him. If looks could kill and all that.
Kane is behind you, and Monty behind him, and the guards are all dotted between you, sticking close. Gillmer is behind you, and you can feel the weight of his gaze on your back, leaving you feeling uneasy. As Pike walks beside Bellamy, you can hear their conversation drift back towards you. “You sure about the route? We're getting close to the blockade line.”
“That's why Kane set up out here. He didn't think we'd risk it.”
We. You feel a wave of nausea roll over you. “Well, he was wrong.”
Bellamy glances back at you and Octavia, and his voice drops slightly, but you can still make out his question. “What's gonna happen to my sister? I know she has to answer for her crimes but-”
You glance at Octavia, watching her glare shift from Pike to her brother. “Tell you what, I'll make you the same promise I made Monty's mother. Immunity for all past actions, but if she screws up again…”
“Oh, she won't. I'll make sure of it. My sister, my responsibility.”
Octavia’s glare deepens, and you can practically feel the scoff she’s trying to hold back. Bellamy glances back again, eyes focusing on you, before turning to Pike. “What about...those that were sentenced to death?”
“I told you, crimes against our leadership can’t be tolerated. Miss Griffin and Kane will die for their crimes. We need to set an example.”
You tense up, turning back to glance at Kane, who seems to understand the conversation being had at the front. Though you expected nothing less from Pike, hearing that your execution will resume as soon as you’re back at camp is not a comforting thing. You turn your gaze back to the front, eyeing the tension in Bellamy’s shoulders, something you’re sure wasn’t there a few minutes ago.
You watch as he turns off the path to the cave, and starts to walk down a hill, towards the blockade line. Your brows furrow, confused, because this new path takes you away from the cave, not towards it. Pike realizes the closeness of the blockade line, and holds up a closed fist to stop his people. “Hold on.”
“The cave's just on the other side.”
You want to turn and look at Kane, to see if he realizes what’s going on, but you don’t want to risk exposing Bellamy’s intentions. Instead, when Pike gives the order to continue walking, you keep your eyes on the treeline, looking for the Grounders, but saying nothing.
When you reach the bottom of the hill, a horn echoes through the air, signaling their arrival. “The blockade! Anybody got eyes?”
The guards all spread out, turning in circles, looking for the Grounders that are no doubt hidden in the trees. When they see nothing, Pike yells, “Back to higher ground!”
You glance at Bellamy to judge his reaction, looking over just in time for him to pull Pike’s pistol from his thigh holster and point it at the man. “Drop your weapon!”
“What the hell are you doing?”
Bellamy’s command is so forceful it makes your brows lift in surprise. “Drop your weapon!”
To your right, you see Gillmer turning towards Bellamy, lining up his gun, and you channel all of your force into your hands and hit him in the stomach. While he’s still caught off guard by the move, you hit him hard in the head, splitting your knuckles, knocking him out the way Lincoln showed you. You pull your gag from your mouth and turn to look at Bellamy.
“We bring you Chancellor Pike of the Sky People!” Bellamy turns to look at his sister, who is still taking everything in. “O, translate.”
She slides her gag from her mouth, and yells, “Osir lid yo in Chansla Paik kom Skaikru!”
Pike glares at Bellamy. “You've killed us all!”
Bellamy ignores him and tells Octavia, “Take him and lift this blockade.”
“Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!”
All of the guards that are still standing in between your group are shot down, killed with arrows. As they hit the ground, Grounders come towards you from all sides, dropping from the trees, materializing from the bushes, slipping from their camouflage hiding. Octavia leans down and pulls a knife from her boot, one they clearly forgot to take from her when they took your weapons, and she turns towards Pike.
You realize what she’s going to do and you step towards her, but Kane beats you there, pulling the gag from his mouth to say, “Hey, hey, no. The Grounders are gonna need him alive. They didn't get justice for Finn, so we won't get away with that again.”
Pike, who must have been listening, turns to Bellamy, ready to take his gun. “In that case-”
He is cut off by an arrow flying towards him and lodging into his shoulder, knocking him to the ground, and one of the Grounders descends on him and knocks him out. Four men walk to Pike and each of them grabs one of his limbs, as Kane tries to follow. “Where are you taking him?”
“To the new commander.”
“May I join you?” He pulls up his sleeve, revealing the mark of the coalition. “We're the thirteenth clan.”
“Don't slow us down.”
You step up to Kane and grab his arm to stop him. “Are you sure? We know nothing about the new commander.”
“I'm sure. Go home, tell our people what happened here. Tell Abby…” He trails off, trying to find the right words to say, before shaking his head and giving you a small smile. “I'll look out for Clarke.”
You nod, and he surprises you by stepping forward and pulling you into a hug. It’s quick, almost like he’s embarrassed he even did it, so you smile at him when he pulls away, letting him know you didn’t mind. “May we meet again.”
“May we meet again.” He turns to follow the Grounders, but as he passes Bellamy, he stops. “Did you do this for them? Or because it was the right thing to do?”
“You're welcome.”
As Bellamy tries to walk away, Kane grabs his arm to stop him. “It matters. Until you see that, you'll still be lost.”
You see Bellamy’s jaw clench, before Kane lets him go and turns to leave with the Grounders. Monty is standing nearby, staring down at the dead guards, and Bellamy stops at his side. “My mom turned me in.”
Bellamy glances over at Octavia, and then you. “You're family. You'll work it out.”
Before anyone can say anything else, you hear a groan from the body near your feet, and look down to see Gillmer waking up. Octavia closes the space between them and lifts the knife from earlier and plunges it into his chest. He groans, struggling to breathe for a second before his head lulls to the side, and he takes his last breath. Octavia looks up from his dead body, and you follow her vision over to Bellamy as she mutters, “Jus drein jus daun.”
Blood must have blood. It takes you a second to remember that beyond Gillmer’s usual asshole behavior, he was one of the main guards that threatened Lincoln, and he was the guard that threw a rock at Lincoln at the memorial. You look down at his dead body, and feel no sorrow, glad that he’s gone.
Octavia wipes the blood from the blade on Gillmer’s shirt, before holding it out to you. “I believe this is yours.”
You finally realize that it’s your Grounder knife, the one the guards took from you when they arrested you. “Thanks, I was wondering if I’d get it back.”
She kneels down and starts stripping the guards for gear, and you grab the holster from Gillmer’s thigh for your knife. As you strap it on, you glance at her. “Wait, how’d you get it?”
“It was on Bellamy when I searched him.”
You hum, but say nothing else, just kneel down to help Octavia take anything useful off the guards. Later, after you distribute the gear between you, Bellamy, Monty, and Octavia, you’re walking back towards the cave, ready to tell the others what happened. Bellamy comes up to walk with you as you lead the way, and you walk side by side in silence for a while, before you finally ask, “Did you only do this for us? Because Kane’s right, if you still agree with everything Pike did and you’d do it all over again, you’re still lost.”
“I didn’t agree with everything he did. I didn’t want to kill the wounded when we went to that army, I saved Indra’s life, I protested the attack on the Grounder village, I spoke up for you and Kane after your sentencing. I came to Octavia to save your life.”
He whispers the last sentence, and you’re reminded of his conflict, and all the times you’ve seen him struggle with the leadership he chose to endorse. You know you should be angry, hold a grudge like Octavia and make him earn your forgiveness, but you don’t have it in you. Not with him, and not after nearly getting executed in the last 24 hours.
“It’s behind us now. Now, we start over. We’ll fix things in Arkadia and fix our relationship with the Grounders. We can work for peace, real, lasting peace. Build a life and a future that isn’t full of fighting and killing.”
You reach out for his hand, and as you make contact, he pulls away. You look over at him in confusion, and you can see that he’s wound tight, ready to pop. He whispers, “What if I’m nothing but fight? Nothing more than that?”
You shake your head, surprised at the way he twisted your earlier words. “You’re more than that, Bellamy. You always have been. You’re kind, and smart, and strong, and you’d do anything for your people.”And then you see it, the guilt weighing down on him for everything he’s done, the belief that he’s worth nothing more than the fight to survive. “You deserve more than fighting to survive. You deserve peace, too. Happiness. A future.”
“You’re wrong.” He snaps it at you, so fiercely that you feel yourself pull away from him on instinct. He notices right away and his face falls, before he walks away from you in a hurry, dropping back to trail behind the group.
You glance back at him and then back to the path, nearly at the cave now, and you know there’s nothing you can do at this point. Others will forgive him, some quickly, some slowly, but none of it will matter until he forgives himself. Until then, you can stay by his side, offer your support, and hope he sees that.
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