#and i am so. so proud of her. but i need to stop poking her with a stick.
clemkesh · 9 months
i keep tweaking my secsam babey,,,, stop me from making minor edits,,, i need to turn this bad boy in,,,,
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annievrse · 2 months
sukuna x reader —ᡣ𐭩 blurb
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"where is he?" and by the tone of his gravelly voice, you know sukuna is angry. but not at you, never at you.
shoko points to the living room of satoru's house; a throng of college kids holler at the sight of being noticed by her.
"oh, shut up," shoko spits at her peers, wiping away the stray tear that rolls down your cheek. you look up at your ex-boyfriend, eyes sad and dried tears painting your cheeks.
his expression morphs into a snarl. "i'm gonna kill him."
"kuna," you mumble, grabbing his hand as he passes. stopping, he clenches his jaw. "you don't need to defend my honour anymore. i was stupid enough to get involved with him. i'll handle it."
sukuna clicks his tongue. he warned you about naoya zenin long before you even met the man. but despite the break-up being mutual, you felt you needed to punish yourself for letting go of someone who'd move heaven and earth for you. so, in bitterness, you decided to get back at sukuna (and yourself) by going out with naoya.
instead, naoya was worse than sukuna forewarned. your ex-boyfriend wasn't going to tell you, 'i told you so,' because he felt he deserved to see you with him. sukuna deserved to be punished for letting you go.
"i'm not above begging if it means i can make him unrecognisable, baby."
you let out a puff of air close to a laugh and shake your head. shoko gives you a look, one that you know well. it doesn't take much for you to change your mind. sukuna does not beg. the gleam in his eye does nothing but make you roll your eyes and succumb.
"fine," you huff. "make it quick."
sukuna's tongue pokes the inside of his cheek while his lips pull into a smile. "glad to be of service."
he leans down to kiss the top of your head and mumbles something incoherent against your hair — but you know exactly what he said. you grab his tricep and give it a squeeze. sukuna lowers his face before yours, his eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips.
"have fun," you tease, pressing your mouth to his cheek.
"i always do." and then he's gone, glancing over his shoulder to wink at you.
"what am i gonna do with him?" you sigh, watching sukuna shove through the crowd to reach naoya.
shoko says nothing. she clutches your hand between hers and shrugs. for the first time in her life, she has no witty response.
and at the first roar of both encouragement and surprise from your fellow college kids, you smile. shoko pulls you up to stand.
"you two are made for each other," shoko mumbles, watching the proud grin on your face. you barely hear her over the oohs of the crowd, and you know he's making you proud.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 month
something’s gotta give
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gif by @kwistowee
eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 5,988
warnings: swearing, crude jokes, sexual innuendos, general hatred for either party, one small mention of a judgmental christian lady, depictions of an accident involving a box cutter, talk of blood and the ensuing wound, banter, both reader and eddie trying to get under each others skin, enemies to lovers trope
synopsis: eddie munson is a prick. a prick who also happens to be your coworker. you hate his guts. he hates yours. and who would think there’d be reason for anything else?
a/n: well, hello!! i’ve been working on this idea for a little bit, and it was definitely a challenge because i’ve never taken on something with this dynamic before. it was so tricky to come up with all these snarky remarks, to build up a world where it made sense. speaking of, this is without a doubt a 90s!au. i am proud of myself for trying something new and i think it turned out pretty good. shoutout to @clovermunson for listening to me vent about my struggles and helping me mold eddie into the smartass he is. also thank you to @steph-speaks for making me a cutie rb banner!! peep it at the end of the fic. happy reading!!! <333
“Here’s your change and…there’s your receipt.” 
You bump the cash register drawer with your hip, slamming the thick metal shut. You give a big, warm smile to the woman in front of you. She has a face full of freckles and the most beautiful silver hair that makes her blue eyes look insanely vibrant. 
She grins back at you, setting her palm on the countertop, her nails painted a pale, shimmery shade of pink. “Thank you, sweet pea. And thank you for helping me find some goodies!” She shakes her paper bag. 
You hand her a complimentary bookmark with the store name on it. “You’re so welcome. You’ll have to stop by and let me know what you think about that one!”
“Of course! You have a good day, now.”
“You too!” You give her a small wave as she walks out the door, and move to put away the store’s copy of her receipt. Your smile drops immediately when you feel a looming presence behind you. The paper in your hand gets crushed when you shove it under the counter. 
“Damn, you flick the bean this morning?” Eddie’s voice drips with malice. You know he’s wearing that sinister ass smirk before you even turn to face him. 
“Why? Need some advice on how to find it, Munson?” You grab a stack of books off the counter and slide out of the way so he can clock in. 
The sound of his boots on the carpeted floors tell you he’s following you. He always is. 
“I think it’s a valid question, princess. You’re in such a good mood it makes a guy wonder…” 
You stop in the mystery section, looking for authors with the last name beginning with ‘F,’ and begin to restock. “Well, Eddie, if I got off and that’s why I’m so bubbly today, it’s pretty clear to me that somebody gave you blue balls last night.”
He laughs, snatching a book out of your hand to put it on the top shelf when he sees you rise up on your tippy toes. It pisses you off. “Harsh, princess.”
You turn around at the sound of the doorbell, but he stops you with an arm outstretched to rest on the wall. 
You grab his hand and shove it out of your way. “I guess you should’ve put that hand to good use then and given yourself a quick, and probably little, job before you came to your real one.”
When you escape his vicinity, you look around for the customer you heard come in. There’s a young boy wandering through the back section where you sell records, tapes, CD’s, whatever the fuck. It’s Eddie’s section, and therefore not your problem. 
You hold eye contact with the man in question, giving him your bitchiest look possible. “You have a customer, Munson. And…” you glance at your watch, “I’m going on lunch.”
Eddie watches as you cross your arms and march off to the break room. His gaze falls to your ass. You’re wearing this long skirt, one that falls just above your ankles so your boots poke out. The fabric is loose and flowy, but manages to cling to your skin and he can see every curve when you walk. Every bounce of soft flesh—
“Hey, excuse me?” The voice of a boy, no more than fourteen, snaps Eddie out of his dick-controlled reverie. 
He spins around to face the kid, putting on his customer service face. “What can I do for you, little dude?”
In the break room, you stand in front of the microwave, shifting back and forth on your feet while you wait for your leftover pasta to warm up. It’s rare now for your shifts to line up with Robin’s. She is a good coworker, and you’d built up this system, this rhythm, that Eddie has never even tried to build with you. 
God, you miss her. And you fucking hate Eddie Munson. 
You pull out a chair and sink down into it, too pissed to care that you’re essentially manspreading and certainly eating like a slob. 
What angers you the most is that you tried to be friendly with Eddie when he was hired. You have seniority over him, and you were happy to help him figure out how things worked. But he didn’t give a fuck. To you, it seemed like he was too good for your help. 
But the first time you saw him ask Robin for help, you realized that he just…didn’t like you. And you don’t know why. You have always been nice to your coworkers. You have no reason not to be. Except when you get to a point that you’re forced to match their energy. 
You down the rest of your drink. You need to go out and get some fresh air, despite the fact that it’s fucking scorching outside. 
Up front, Eddie gives the young boy his receipt and a little bag full of cassette tapes, buttons, and a patch that he helped him pick out. Another child saved from the masses of pop music, he thinks. 
He taps his ringed fingers against the counter, lowering himself so that his elbows rest against the cool vinyl. Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie catches a sticky note stuck to the edge of the computer monitor. 
The store’s goal total for today is written there, penciled messily in your handwriting. Eddie rolls his eyes. Why do you always have to be on top of everything like that? You’re so fucking uptight all the time Eddie’s surprised you don’t waddle because of the stick you permanently have up your ass. 
Ever since the day he got hired a few months ago, Eddie has despised you. He remembers taking a small tour of the shop and being introduced to you where you were organizing a new shipment of magazines. 
You stood, shyly fidgeting with the pin on your fitted denim vest. You were bubbly, with these sweet little doe eyes and an expression on your face like you were hoping to make a new friend. He remembers your palm feeling unsettlingly cold when he shook your hand, and now it all makes sense to him. 
What with the way you can change moods with the drop of a pin, how you manage to bring a storm cloud with you every time you walk in his direction but have everyone else wrapped around your finger. 
A cold-blooded bitch like you must surely feed on the souls of little children every morning. 
He hates how organized you are, how prepared. How you behave all patiently when you’re with a customer who’s been a prick, even though he knows it’s all an act because you’ll give him a death glare at any given chance. 
But most of all? He hates how fucking gorgeous you are. You’d think all that hatred would make you look like an old hag, but no. Instead you walk around in your skirts that show off that perfect ass and every once in a while you wear a shirt that shows the tiniest sliver of your stomach, or in some cases, your back, if you bend over. He hates when you wear those platform boots with the heels that allow you to level with him. 
And the fact that you’re walking toward him right now. 
Eddie watches as you strip off the cropped button-up you’d been wearing, exposing your bare arms. 
There’s a tattoo running up the length of your bicep that he’s never seen before. His gaze lingers on it for long enough that you catch it and raise a brow. 
“You cry when you got that, princess?” He points to the dark ink on your skin. 
You slide behind him and sit on the stool in front of the computer. 
“No, Eddie. I fell asleep. If you want to bond about how you wailed during each of your tattoo sessions, you’ll have to talk to Brian.”
He scoffs. “Guess you can handle a little prick then, huh?”
“I work with you everyday, don’t I?” You smile, but keep your eyes on the computer screen. There’s supposed to be a new shipment of books coming today, and your boss already asked you to set up the display when it gets here. That reminds you, and you speak before Eddie can give you a smartass remark. “Eddie, there’s a box of new vinyls in the back you’re supposed to sort and put out.”
“Yeah? I’ll get right on that, mom.”
You pinch your thumb and forefinger together so that you don’t snap. It’s such a shame that such a pretty man is such a fucking asshole.
The mouse starts to feel slick from your clammy hands as you click around, trying your best to track the package. Slam!
Eddie drops the box of records on the far end of the front desk, making you jump. He grabs a box cutter and pulls open the mess of cardboard and packing tape as aggressively as possible. 
Your head snaps in his direction. “Can’t you do that anywhere else, Munson?”
“Nah, babe. My only entertainment for the day is pissin’ you off, and I just clocked in.”
You facepalm. “Jesus fucking Christ, I miss Robin.”
Eddie cups his hand around the shell of his ear. “What’s that, princess? You need Buckley, huh? Bet she puts up with your shit.”
You stand up. “More like she puts up with me talking about the shit you put me through, because you masquerade as a sweet little angel when you work with her.” You’ve moved toward the other end of the counter before you can even realize, leveling with Eddie and getting in his face.
He places both of his hands on the table, grinning like the cat that got the cream. “Maybe it’s because Robin isn’t a fucking priss, and actually has a personality.”
That hits a nerve, and Eddie catches the way your brows twitch. But your poker face doesn’t slip, not for a second. Your eyes flick to the front door. 
“You have a customer, Munson. I’ll go take care of the records. Oh, and they’re a chick. Maybe you can go see if she has a personality that’s up to your standards and get your dick wet so that there’s a slight chance you become less of a raging asshole.”
Eddie looks over his shoulder at the young woman who’s just walked through the door. She has long, dark hair and more piercings than he can count. She’s his type, and he hates that you clocked that. When he turns back to you, you’re already taking the box off the counter. 
“Oh, and Eddie? Fuck you.”
You get the vinyls sorted and put away in record time. 
If it’s possible, the next day is hotter than the last. You’re sweating the second you walk out of your front door, your hairline quickly dampening and your thighs sticking together on the drive to work. 
You put on the one short dress you own today, grateful for the fact that your place of occupation doesn’t have a strict dress code. It’s too hot to wear anything, but the thin, mesh-like fabric and little spaghetti straps will do just fine. 
Luckily for you, Eddie’s shift doesn’t start until one, so you’ll be able to have a chill morning where you won’t feel like blowing your own brains out. Knock on wood, but you even feel a little giddy because Robin opened, which means she’ll be there to welcome you and greet you with a bit of peace. 
You pull open the front door, and pick up speed, knowing the cool air is just within your reach. The sounds of heavy metal reach your ears before you see him. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” 
You consider yourself lucky that the floor is empty, because you did not consult your conscience for one second before expressing your pure annoyance that Eddie is here before he was meant to be. 
You push up your sunglasses so they’re level with your eyebrows, and take a look at the figure standing behind the counter. There is no Robin anywhere in sight. “Where is Robin? Why the fuck are you here?” You catch Eddie’s gaze drag up and down your bare legs and that good mood flies right outside the front door. 
“Why are you dressed like that?”
You let out a bitter laugh. “What’s the matter, Eddie baby? You not see a lot of shoulders in that fuck ass club of yours?”
You pull your sunglasses back down over your eyes and grin, because you’ve just seen Eddie Munson blush. That one really hit the mark, and you are immensely pleased with yourself. 
Even more so when you realize he’s following you. You start switching your hips, knowing where his gaze is. You’re not as stupid as he thinks. 
His wallet chain is jingling, his hair flying behind him as he jogs to meet you in the middle of the store. If a customer were to walk in right now, they’d see the both of you standing nose to nose, a murderous look in your eyes, and probably feel like they’d just walked in on a taping for a soap opera. 
“What do you know about my fuck ass—” He coughs, practically chokes. “W-what do you know about Hellfire?” Eddie asks. You can almost see his blood boiling. 
You put your hand on his chest. “I’m a rogue, bitch.”
The sound of your laugh reaches Eddie’s ears before he’s even registered your hand on him, your breath on his neck, and that you’ve turned around and disappeared. There’s no way you’re not a witch. Are you a witch? What does a hex feel like? 
Eddie starts walking to the stacks, suddenly encouraged to see if you carry any witchcraft-related texts. The doorbell chimes and he’s forced to spin around. 
The group of people that have just pushed through the doors is huge. At least six teenagers of varying heights, followed by four or five college-aged kids. And they all look like they’re on a mission. Two of them head straight for the records, one for the magazines, and he loses sight of the rest down the romance aisle. 
In the back, you lock up your bag and shake out your shoulders. 
Your fingers fly over the radio, quickly changing the station Eddie had chosen to one you know plays much better music. You turn the dial down a little too, having already started to feel blood leaking out of your ears. 
At the counter, Eddie watches in horror as the teenagers grab armfuls of records and CDs. What’s worse is that a family of four walk in next. An older woman walks straight up to him. “Excuse me, sir?” Sir? What is he, a fucking mummy? “Where are your bibles and Christian novels?” He catches her eyeing the ink littering his pale arms. 
“I can show you to them, ma’am. If you wanna come with me, we’ve got a whole section just for that!” Your bubbly voice meets Eddie’s ears. And so do the sounds of “There She Goes” by The La’s. 
The woman turns on you, her smile brightening, and she’s quick to follow your purposeful step. Over your shoulder, you wink at Eddie. 
He knows it’s evil. He knows he fucking hates your guts. He hates that you’ve just charmed that red flag of a woman. But he’ll be damned if he fails to admit that his zipper didn’t feel just a little tighter at that faux flirtation in your expression.
“Let me know if you need help finding anything, alright? And if we don’t have anything in stock, we can always order it for you!” 
Your smile doesn’t reach your eyes and you’re practically stomping on your way back to the counter. You use the walk to actually take in Eddie for the first time since you came in. 
He’s wearing a t-shirt that he obviously cut the sleeves off of at home, purely based on the way they’re fraying. His arms are…beefy, to say the least. His skin looks unnaturally soft, and his biceps are just so big and they look like they’re begging to be squeezed or bitten, even. 
Your eyes wander lower when he’s called over to help a child cart probably ten CDs to the counter. His jeans aren’t tight, not exactly. But they fit. He’s got more ass than most people would know what to do with. You can’t help but wonder what it looks like outside of that ratty denim. Or what else he might use that bandana for. 
You park yourself in front of the register, getting the system set up before the rush you can feel coming on. The cracks in the leather seat below you pinch your thighs, but you can’t be bothered to care. You deserve it for thinking of such a dickhead that way. Why are the gorgeous ones always assholes? 
A quick glance over your shoulder tells you that Eddie’s not helping kids anymore, but shamelessly flirting with a girl who can’t be more than twenty-one. She looks slightly intimidated by him, until he flashes his ring-covered fingers in front of her. You recognize that look, the one that tells you she might just eat him alive. 
You fear she’ll be immensely disappointed when she truly gets to meet his personality. 
In the time he’s been trying to woo this young lady, a line has formed, and now you’re stuck cashing people out. The Christian lady is first. 
“You find everything you needed today?”
She drops some change into the tip jar and takes a mint from the tray you just restocked. “Yes, I did, sweetheart, thank you for asking. You see that? Yes, that one—isn’t it gorgeous?”
She forces you to look at the fancy bible she’s picked out, and you do so despite the voice inside your head screaming for her to fucking pay already and get out because she’s been here long enough and the line is only getting longer. 
“It sure is!” You do your best to smile kindly. You hand her the receipt and a small card that not only thanks her for her purchase, but promises a ten percent discount if she comes back within the next month. 
The next customer is easy, a ten year old with a storybook that has colorable pages and a bookmark with rainbow tassels. You hand him a sticker and tell him you like his Gizmo shirt, and he beams his way out the door. 
When you are confronted with a set of parents who clearly have more kids than they seem to want, you feel a warm breath on the back of your neck. “You have a happy pill on you I can have?”
Eddie takes the stack of books out of your hands and places each one in a paper bag. The customers aren’t even looking at you, what with the husband fussing about inflation and How much for a paperback? and the toddler trying to eat the rug.
“No, sweetie,” you start, sliding the bag across the counter, hoping maybe the woman will notice and take her gaze off the street just outside the window. She takes it without looking at you, without a word, and the husband walks away mulling over the receipt, not bothering to do a headcount of kids. “I can’t keep up with your stash of boner pills.”
Eddie laughs. He tosses his head back, bearing his thick neck to you. It��s a slow sound. You can’t help but feel like it’s not something you should hear. It feels like the kind of laugh someone saves for a lover in privacy. And it’s so gravelly and deep. 
The line has slowed, and all that’s left for you to do is keep an eye out for the customers slowly making their way up front. 
You tilt your head a little in Eddie’s direction, signaling that you’re speaking to him. “You probably do need them though, based on the way you were eye-fucking that girl earlier. God knows you’re gonna need a little…happy to keep up with her.” 
Eddie bends a little at the knees, getting his head completely level with yours, his brown eyes twinkling with malice. “You think about my dick a lot, princess?”
You place your hand on the counter, less than an inch between yours and Eddie’s fingers. One move and they’d be touching. Hell, one step forward and your front would be pressed to his. “More like I worry about it,” you say. 
He quirks a brow, his lips ticking up at the corners. “Yeah? Why’s that?”
“Since I see you try and pick up a girl in the store at least three times a week and you know what? They never stick. So either it’s that you can’t get it up, or it’s that if you treated any woman as well as you treat that guitar of yours, maybe they’d be satisfied.”
Eddie takes a step forward. You’ve never been this close to him. “You know, Princess, they might not last, but based on your fucking attitude, it seems like you’re jealous.”
He pushes a strand of hair out of your face. Your blood pressure spikes. It feels like your veins are turning colors with how angry you are. Eddie has the nerve to laugh. 
“Yeah. I think all this bitchiness comes from the fact that no one will put their dick anywhere near you. They’re probably afraid you’ll make it shrivel up and die.” You don’t say anything, and he just keeps going. “Hell, I’m nice enough that I’d fuck you if that meant you’d get off my back.”
Your entire body goes rigid. And in that moment, you know that’s exactly what he wanted from you. But you refuse to give him the satisfaction. 
“Thanks for the offer, Munson. But I’d rather gouge my own fucking eyes out than let you touch me. If you wanna see me as a priss, that’s fine. But at least I’m not an insufferable prick who can’t give a damn about anyone who’s not shoved so far up my own ass and ready to fall at my feet at any given moment. Some people have to grow the fuck up.” You practically spit out the last few words, your voice laced with venom. 
Eddie blinks. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes glazed over. For the first time since he met you, he doesn’t have shit to say.
You and Eddie are the only ones on schedule today. 
You haven’t spoken in days, just moving around one another and doing your jobs in silence. You can’t lie about the pride you feel in your chest from having finally gotten to him. Even if the dead quiet is unsettling, you feel a sick sense of satisfaction. 
You think Eddie might’ve even mastered the art of a fake, but amiable personality. 
You’re currently hiding away in the back room, unpacking new shipments of books, vinyls, display materials, along with all the shit you actually need like paper for the register and cleaning supplies. 
Not that it matters where you are because you’ve had a total of one customer today. But that’s how Wednesday’s go. 
It’s sort of mindless, this activity. You slide the box cutter over the packing tape, rip open each box, take everything out, stomp the box flat, repeat. It’s not very stimulating, but you don’t hate it. 
The last box though is covered in enough clear tape to catch every fly in the world, and it’s taking some serious sawing to get through. You set your hand on the worn and slightly damp cardboard, bracing yourself to get one end of it loose. 
You’re just getting there when the blade finds a raindrop on the silky tape and slips free. You’re not expecting that, of course, and the blade slices the skin of your forearm quickly and thoroughly. 
You yelp, dropping the box cutter. You’re never one to wail or scream, but you let out a whimper at the shock of pain. Your non-dominant hand starts to shake as you take in the wound.
You’re too panicked to realize that your frightened exclamation could be heard up front, considering there’s no music playing and you left the receiving room’s door open. 
It doesn’t look deep enough to need stitches, but it’s bleeding. Quite a bit, actually. 
“Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.”
There are thudding footsteps, and then Eddie appears in the doorway. “Fuck fuck fuck, what? Bein’ so damn loud.” He pauses, taking in the sight before him. 
Your eyes are glazed over, your hands shaking, and you’re cupping your forearm so as to not let blood drip all over the floors. 
“Oh fuck off, I do not need this right now!” you exclaim, knowing he’s going to berate you or say something demeaning and you are not going to cry in front of him. 
Eddie says your name. 
He never says your name. It makes you look up at him, and you almost feel nauseous at the sincere look on his face. 
“Do you need me to drive you somewhere?”
You roll your eyes. “No, Eddie. I’m not fucking helpless! And I’m not bleeding out either!”
He steps towards you, his hands outstretched like he’s a ringmaster, like he’s trying to tame an apex predator. “But you are bleeding.”
“No fuckin’ shit, Sherlock—”
“Let me help you—”
You decide to shove past him, whimpering your way towards the bathroom. Eddie is on your heels. You try to shut the door in his face, but he plants his boot firmly on the floor and prevents you from it. His glare is unwavering. 
He repeats your name once more. It sends a shiver down your spine. “Just—just fucking stop for a minute, okay? Let me help you. Let me do this one thing without any of this shit, you hear me?” 
You blink. Eddie kicks the door stopper down so it stays open. His eyes flick to the toilet seat. “Sit.”
You’re too winded to say no. So you sit down, cradling your arm, while Eddie rummages around for gauze and wipes and whatever the fuck he can find because he’s not a nurse but he has had to clean himself up on more than one occasion. 
You can’t process that Eddie is treating you this way. Like a human. That he’s insisting on helping you when he doesn’t get anything out of it. 
When he returns, he settles on his knees in front of you, looking into your eyes to make sure it’s okay for him to touch you. You hate the way your stomach flips. But the little shift in your arm tells him it’s alright. 
Eddie’s fingers are cold on yours as he turns your forearm outward so he can look at the wound. You can’t help but watch as he works on you. Takes care of you. 
He sets a paper towel underneath your arm, using another to press down on your skin and make sure the bleeding has stopped. The pressure hurts, but you don’t say a word. 
Eddie hooks his foot around the corner of the trash can, pulling it closer. He throws out the bloody towel and wets another, being as gentle as he can in an effort to clean all of the dried red splotches from your skin. 
The cut isn’t deep, but it definitely nicked a few capillaries along the way. It is a little longer though, and Eddie has to use two big pieces of gauze to cover it. This is after he’d swiped your arm with alcohol wipes, grinning to himself because of how hard you were trying not to show him any weakness. 
Eddie’s thumb lingers on your skin long after he’s taped you up. You’re both silent, sitting in your shitty workplace bathroom. You can feel that he wants to say something, but you don’t know what. It’s why you haven’t gotten up yet. 
You notice his eyes on your face before you meet his gaze. “Will you look at me?” he says. Your heart jolts in your chest. 
“What for?”
“So that I can tell you why I’ve been a giant dick since I met you and you’ll see I’m being real with you.”
Your head shoots up, mainly because you can’t really believe he’s just said those words. “Hold on,” you laugh, “You’re going to explain yourself now? After I spent all that time trying to be your friend and you—”
“Treated you like shit, yeah I know.” Eddie drags his hands down his face. You’re not sure why, but you feel compelled to listen to him. “I showed up and you were there in your cute fucking skirts and you were so nice to everyone and just so…good? I couldn’t stand it.”
You blink. 
“I’m not like that. I’m not good with people and empathetic like you are and it takes me a long fucking time to do anything right. And I chose to take that out on you, to hate you, because you were so perfect, and that was easier than falling for you.”
Your mouth drops open. He what? Eddie waves his hands in your direction. 
“Close your mouth, you’re gonna catch flies. I hated that I could’ve dropped to my knees for you the second I met you. You looked at me like I was precious, like you were happy to meet someone new, and I’m such a fuck up, such a nuisance to so many people, that there was no way I was going to let a pretty girl like you befriend me and have me ruin it all. Because the truth is, I’d kill to be as fucking good as you are.”
You start shaking your head. You feel your eyes glaze over, so you look down at your freshly bandaged arm. 
“And I realize that the only reason you’re a dick to me is because I started that shit.”
You let out the barest hint of a laugh. “It’s called matching your energy. There wasn’t any point in trying to befriend you when you…hated me.”
Eddie says your name again. “I don’t hate you. I do hate myself though, and that I was so—”
“Jealous?” you interrupt, finishing for him. 
He tugs on the hair at the base of his neck. God, this is the most ridiculous fucking thing. 
“Yeah. Jealous that I don’t have as much good in me as you do. I’d see you working, see you happy to help anyone, see you pull more weight than anyone else here. I hated that you’re everything I’m not.”
When you finally look back up at him, you’ve gone all teary, and something inside Eddie breaks. It snaps. 
“We’re not supposed to be the same. If we were, nothing would ever work. You act like you’re just—just this helpless piece of shit, Eddie. You aren’t. But I can’t make you realize that. All I can do is tell you that if you want to be more charismatic—or whatever the fuck—you gotta work at it.”
He’s looking at you with his stupid ass doe eyes, and you think you finally understand him. 
“It doesn’t matter if you’re everything I am, Munson. No one else is livin’ your life for you.” You start to trail off, but not quite yet. “I wish you hadn’t been so fucking sincere so I could yell at you.”
Eddie tosses his head back, bearing his neck to you, and laughs. He raises his hands, beckoning you. “C’mon. Let me have it. You deserve it for how many times I’ve called you a priss.”
You shake out your shoulders, and if you weren’t still drained from the box cutter incident you’d jump up and hop back and forth like you’re readying to get in the ring. 
“I get it, you know? But I also don’t think it’s fair, because, and I’m gonna be honest here, the day you got hired I thought you were so gorgeous. Trust me, I was fully weak in the knees. You were also dressed like, well, you, and I wanted to at least make friends with you because you seemed, to use your words, good.”
“I heard you crack a few jokes, saw you picking up on how things worked, and then with me it was like you had this alter ego. I just don’t think it was fair that I got the short end of the stick here, even if I did enjoy being a smartass to you. So I guess what I’m really saying is, why me? Why weren’t you a dick to Robin, or Brian or fuckin’ Keith? Why not take out your jealousy on someone else?”
Eddie stands up, shoves his hands in his back pockets. “You can hit me if you feel like it, because I know this is going to sound fucked.” He pauses, and then all the words spill out at once, leaving you completely breathless when he’s finished. 
“Not only was I jealous of how perfect your soul is, but you being so sweet made me want you. I wanted you all to myself. I wanted that personality, those kind remarks, that look you get in your eye when you’re listening so well, I wanted it all around me, all the time. It felt like you were this fucking angel, I wanted to lose myself in you.”
“But it didn’t feel like I’d be worthy of you either. I figured you’d get sick of me, real quick, when you realized I wasn’t as good of a person as you. When you figured out all the shit I need to work through. It seemed easier to hate you than to have you see me the way everyone else does. Nobody wants a work in progress.”
You laugh. You take in your surroundings, still in the work bathroom, and you laugh. Eddie’s brows shoot up, and his heart drops out of his ass and onto the tile floors below him. 
“Eddie, everyone is a work in progress. And I am an extremely patient person.”
He recovers himself fast enough to make one more smartass remark. “You’re sure you don’t wanna kick me in the balls or somethin’?” 
You take a step towards him, breathing deeply. Breathing him in. 
“Not right now, Eddie. What’s frustrating though, is how much I want to kiss your dumb ass. Your annoying, over-complicating, completely ridiculous, stupid hot fucking ass.”
Eddie blinks. You might as well have kicked him in the balls because he can’t even think a single coherent thought now. Not with the way you’re pushing up onto your toes and pulling him down towards you, shaking your head so he doesn’t make up something stupid about not deserving it. 
And then your mouth is on his. Your lips are so warm, and everything else disappears. All Eddie can feel is you. Your perfume engulfs him, the heat of your chest pressed against him, the soft fat of your hip under his hand. When you pull on his hair he almost whimpers. 
You kiss hard, harder than he’d have thought, but it’s so gentle at the same time. You’re kissing him stupid. There’s no other way to put it. The only thing that pops in his head is that his suspicions about you being a witch were totally fucking spot on. 
When you finally pull away, your lips have gone all puffy, and there’s this dazed but incredibly satisfied look in your eye. He’d take you home right now and get on his knees for you if you’d let him. 
Your lips tick up at the corners, and he has to shake his head so he can really hear what you’re about to say. 
“Aren’t we on the clock, Eddie?”
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note: none of the gifs or images i use are mine! i get most of my images from pinterest or here, and gifs from about the same. please let me know if i ever don’t credit someone properly!
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fangirl-dot-com · 9 months
Chapter 13 - I-T-G-I-R-L, You Know I am That Girl
So this chapter is a little different. As well all know, the reader is an ICON and no one is near her level and she will do some iconic things in 2024
Look out for the dates to see how the time line goes (its a bit all over the place so I apologize but this will end with the start of the F1 Season with her clip in the Formula One Intro for every race and some other little things.)
And I know most of the pictures I used were Max but we play pretend here :D
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated <3
February 20, 2024
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acrosstheline.podcast we are so privileged to have sat down with y/n.89 for this all exclusive interview where we discussed her opening races, femininity in male-dominant sports, and what it takes to be a racer - read now in our special edition
liked by y/n.89, landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 751,836 others
lilymhe is this what you've been working on! so so proud of you
y/n.89 hehe it is! and love you too - tell Alex that I'm taking you alex_albon I'm right here y/n.89 and? lilymhe gagged him
y/n_lover and hopefully not the last! y/n.89 definitely not y/n_updates SHE RESPONDED?!
change_ur_f-car the questions were top notch! good to see interviewers who aren't looking to poke and prod for a reaction
y/n.nation favorite quote - "I never thought I'd podium on my first race - let alone finish it in the points. I hope that this means that this season will be good. I've always said that I was born to break records - and I'm glad to see that I wasn't lying."
formula1fanatic this was beautifully written, I was skeptical about her joining - but now I have no doubts. she truly belongs in the car to win
May 15, 2024
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duke Y/n L/n has taken the Motor Sport World - and everyone else - by storm. we had the opportunity to sit down with the rookie and discuss the inside feelings that might take over during the pressures of her first year. these are the unfiltered thoughts of y/n l/n.
liked by charles_leclerc, formula1, and 284,937 others
y/n-lover MOMMY, sorry, MOTHER, sorry, MOMMY
maxiel_obsessed glad you put my thoughts into words
y/n'soneandonly can arthur_leclerc fight? post up frenchman
charles_leclerc he's MONEGASQUE
girls4girls this is the moment I became a fan
89_all-the_way "I looked around one time and really thought about how I was the only female racer. I was waiting for the doubts to creep in but instead pride found its way into my soul. I made it and no one can stop me" WHAT AN ICON
box-box literally one of my favorite moments number1y/n-fan I love her so much
maxverstappen1 where is your shirt young lady?
y/n.89 its called fashion - something you haven't heard of mr. I only wear RedBull merchant lewishamilton glad to see you went with my outfit suggestion georgerussell33 what was wrong with my suggestion!? y/n.89 I was not about to wear a Tommy Hilfiger jumpsuit
francisca.gomez loml - so proud of you girly
y/n.89 thanks kika! tell pear I want you back
pitstopfailure BARK BARK BARK BARK
October 7, 2024
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voguemagazine "I think that I was born for this. there's nothing else I'd rather be doing than getting in my car every weekend and putting my life on the line for the sport I love," says Y/n L/n. Her days are directed by high speeds, training, and breaking records.
liked by kellypiquet, lewishamilton, and 820, 184 others
redbullracing that's our rookie!!
emotionalsupport-rivals and everyone liked that bullsrunred they are everything to me your honor
verstappensfam first kelly, then y/n! now max just needs a vogue addition
y/n.89 oh I'm working on it!
y/n-on-top they hit us with that "no one is on her level. they may be close, but we haven't seen talent like this since Lewis Hamilton's rookie year. even then, it feels different - she's different."
iamred-iamyellow and then they follow up with "her poise and composure are unmatched. she wins and maturely celebrates, she doesn't too well in the race - she takes it to heart and fixes it. she is everything a formula 1 driver aspires to be."
oscarpias-tree the way her birthday is right in the middle of Max's and Arthur's birthdays y/nxarthur exactly 7 days after max's and 7 days before Arthur's
December 4, 2023
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time Y/n L/n (y/n.89) is TIME's 2024 Woman of the Year.
In her freshman season of Formula 1, L/n talks about her phenomenal rookie year, carving her spot into the sport, and the up's and down's of the expectations that were on her shoulders.
liked by taylorswift, zendaya, and 926,824 others
y/n-lover LETS GO!!!!!!!
maxverstappen1 so so proud
taylorswift congratulations y/n.89! you deserve this and everything!
y/n.nation that's our girl right there - woman of the YEAR
y/n.89 why is everyone tagging me in this post??
landonorris uh, did you even look at it??? oscarpiastri you were announced woman of the year? y/n.89 oh. boxbox_nightmare where'd she go logansargeant oh she's screaming right now - I can hear her though the walls y/n.89 LOGAN
y/n_updates everything about this article changed the way I think about life
lestappenlove this is my Roman Empire
December 20, 2024
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motorsportsproduction The "Minds of Champions" special issue is out now!
We thank sebastianvettel, maxverstappen1, and y/n.89 for sitting down with us for this exclusive. Inside you will find separate as well as joint interviews from the drivers.
liked by arthur_leclerc, danielricciardo, and 2,947,935 others
lastlaplando the way they had not only y/n and max but SEBASTIAN VETTLE TOO
vettelsvetos this is everything to me, I know y/n isn't a champion yet but the way she talks and acts - she's truly champion material
emotionalsupport-rivals max, y/n, and Sebastian are the perfect trio, I could see them win a Le Mans race one day
box_box oh my gosh yes - they'd be the perfect line-up
redbullracing our three generations: past, present, and future
sebastianvettel thank you for having me - it was a special time
y/n.89 it was so good to see you again seb! planning my Switzerland trip as we speak maxverstappen1 am I invited? charles_leclerc Sebastian's favorites ONLY maxverstappen1 then why are you still here? y/n.89 shots fired (you're all wrong - I'm the favorite) landonorris popcorn is out and the girls are fighting
landonorris sad I wasn't invited for this interview
motorsportsproductions next time mr. Norris, next time
y/n.nation half of these interviews made me cry
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y/ndoesiconicshit so, y/n dyed her hair navy and red just for a RedBull commercial? she is COMMITTED - sad that she eventually got back to her blond hair
liked by lastlaplando, maxiel-lover, and 170 others
y/n.nation sorry to tell you but these were wigs, y/n mentioned it once in an interview :(
y/ndoesiconicshit NOOOOOOOOOOO y/n-on-top her hair would have been crispy af if she actually dyed it
formula1fan when I tell you I switched teams because of this commercial
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y/ndoesiconicshit y/n put out bts pictures of her first photoshoot and lemme tell you - I am in LOVE
liked by y/n.nation, pitstopfailure, and 239 others
f1-today this photoshoot was everything to me
y/n-loves-me people better be glad that y/n chose to be a driver and not a model
formula_uno the way that half the drivers could be models if they quit their day jobs
y/n_updates those pictures are on my wall
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y/ndoesiconicshit apparently y/n wasn't ready when Max came to pick her up before media day - so she got ready in the car (what a queen)
liked by y/n-lover, y/n_fan, and 361 others
piastri_81 the way she's so unbothered, in her vlog from that day she sounded so chill while max was freaking out about being late
icon-y/n I quote "max what would they do? fire us? yagirl89 the follow up "YES" and then the "oh" had me dying
lastlaplando her skin is flawless - she needs to drop that skincare routine asap
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y/ndoesiconicshit y/n's birthday was wild - y/n hinted at what happened but nothing was confirmed. all we know is that the wags took her out to celebrate the night of and they all went radio-silent (max and Arthur were panicking)
liked by change_ur_f-car, formula1fanatic, and 613 others
f1_wags apparently they went to a club where phones weren't allowed for privacy reasons
y/ns_oneandonly the leaked videos tho were hilarious
y/n-and-wags but the outside videos of Arthur and Max coming to get her melted my heart
maxiel-lover i NEED the details like water - y/n better drop them
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y/ndoesiconicshit y/n at the premier of the Formula 1 film "Can't Catch Me" starring Tom Holland - when she stepped out on the red carpet ALL cameras went to her, like no one else was photographed during this time
liked by y/n.89, arthurxy/n, and 729 others
y/n.nation I thought that woman looked familiar! y/n.89-love where was she! I'll go back and watch it just to find her tomholland-fan it was when Tom's character needed to go to the mechanics for his Honda - she was the one he talked to and she was also at the end race as a engineer as well!
RedBull.nation the way everyone held their breaths when she stepped out of the car, the only sound was the clicks of the cameras and then the crowd just erupted in a roar to get her attention
Start of the actual chapter!
Your sunglasses sat perched on your nose as you sat in the back seat of whatever rental you were in for the day. Your fingers swiped the screen of your iPhone, constantly switching videos before they could even finish. Vito sat next to you, looking out the window as he talked to someone on the phone. Words about contracts, signings, photoshoots, and interviews rattled around in the car. The driver turned the wheel as he pulled up to the studio. The car lurched as it came to a stop. 
Vito quickly hung up on the phone with a short goodbye. You turned off your phone before you stepped out of the car. 
“What was that all about?” you asked as he guided you to the front of the building. 
You heard the click of his phone as he locked it and opened the door. You said a quick thank you as you were blasted with the air conditioning. 
“Just some calls I had to make. Lots of people are wanting to interview you kid. I have to make sure that they’re not just using you or plan to ask you stupid questions.” His fingers flew over the screen, probably typing yet another email. 
You just nodded. Vito had taken care of you for so long, he’d take care of you now. You knew how dangerous the media was, especially as a woman in your occupation. 
The two of you followed a long hallway down to a big room where cameras and other filming equipment were set up. Right now, Max was in the middle in his racing suit working on poses. Since he was the 2023 champion, you guessed he’d be doing what he did last year and the year before. But you’ll have people know you tried to convince him to do an actual pose, but he was resilient against your puppy eyes. 
You however had no clue what pose you were going to do. So, you were really hoping that someone would be able to assist you. 
Max quickly glanced at you and shot you a smile before being directed to pay attention. His smile melted and his stone-cold façade showed up. You wanted to shiver since you knew that Max was this big softy that had been broken down by the villainous persona that had been built by cut scenes and misplaced wording. You’d rather go back in time to tell little Max that he wasn’t the big monster everyone said he was than win a world championship. But because time travel hasn’t been confirmed – yet, you’d stick with helping present Max and work toward your own championship. 
You were ushered to a small changing room where your new race suit was hung up. Your fireproofs were neatly folded and were lying on the small bench. The shoes sat next to them. This year, the suits were a bit different. Max and you had voiced how much you liked the matte gold and navy look. Yes, the navy and red were the big staple colors of Red Bull, but you could do well with a little pizzaz. 
So the design team listened and made the red a sub color. The lettering and stripes down the sides were gold. The bulls on the main logos were gold as well. Red lined the seams as well as being the main color for all the sponsorship logos. 
The one thing that Max was happy about was that the hats stayed the same. He had too many from the year before to not be able to wear them. You didn’t see the appeal as you were more prone to hat hair than he was. 
You put on the all navy fire proofs before stepping into the thicker race suit. You kept the outer layer on your hips as you sat down on the bench to lace your shoes. Standing up, you noticed a mirror. You walked over and just took a moment to look at yourself. 
Possibly for once in your life, you liked the way you looked. The once dark circles under your eyes had finally gone away with some good sleep. Your hair looked more shiny and healthy and you had put on some good weight in the form of muscles that were needed to steer the car. Your trainer had put you through vigorous training, but it was all to help you prepare. 
A knock on the door let you know that they were ready for you. Vito stood to the side with your 2024 helmet. You were known for switching your helmet almost every other race in Formula 2. Your argument was that you just had too many good ideas not to use them. To keep it simple, you went with a full navy helmet with gold logos to match the suits. 
Some of the Red Bull team had mentioned that your helmet looked similar to Sebastian Vettel’s helmet. You only shot them a sly smile, basically telling them everything they needed to know. And it’s not like you didn’t know the German racer, quite the contrary. And did he give you his blessing to take inspiration from his glory days at Red Bull? The probability was huge. 
But again, people really didn’t need to know that either. 
All you knew was that the helmet matched to a tee, and it would be lucky to be used for more than 10 races. You had a list where you’d use special helmets. Vito was already on it with getting them ordered. You didn’t pay him to not order multiple custom helmets per year. He was already used to your antics. 
You shook hands with multiple people before walking over to Max. You took your place next to him. 
“So what’s the plan. I go left, you go right, and we leave with a giant explosion behind us? Taylor Swift Bad Blood style?” 
Max wheezed through his nose, not expecting your full-proof plan. 
From behind, Vito spoke up, “There will be no explosions. Here’s the plan. The producers talked to me and they actually want Y/n’s segment to go last as like a ‘surprise’.”
You interrupted him, “But people already know I’m driving.” 
Vito sighed before continuing. “I know. It doesn’t make sense but they’re the bosses for today. So they want Max to hold your helmet, turn to the left and hand it off screen. Then the camera would cut to you ‘taking it,’ you’d look down, and then put it on.” 
Your hands flew up. “So I don’t get to do the pose I rehearsed and Max doesn’t get to continue to look dead inside?” 
Max looked at you and squinted. “You didn’t have a pose ready. You were just texting me and panicking that you didn’t have one.” 
You only pouted after his confession. 
Max went ahead and redid his segment. This time, he did manage to do a little smile, just because you were the one taking the helmet and you made a weird face at him. 
The film techs said that the last take with the smile was the best one. And to Max’s chagrin, it would be the one to be used in the official video. 
You were told to stand on the massive X in the middle of the background. You were looking around at all the lights as someone helped you fix your hair. You hadn’t done anything pretty with it because it wasn’t realistic. You had never curled your hair and done anything special with it on race day. People would always find your hair in a braid, bun, or a Founding Father’s ponytail. And today was no different. 
You took a bit of time to actually make a nice braid that sat on your shoulder. Made you feel a bit like Katniss Everdeen. 
Speaking of, you wanted to have a little bit of fun. Your nickname wasn’t Kid for a reason.
“And action.” 
Your hand scrunched into three fingers that rose to your mouth for a kiss and then was lifted above your head. 
“I volunteer as tribute!” 
A couple of giggles filled the studio. Max and Vito were trying their best not to laugh out loud too much behind the camera. 
“Cut! Let’s try it again!” 
Your segment took about three more tries to get correctly. One of them, you accidentally dropped your helmet. Another, the helmet wouldn’t go on properly with your braid on your shoulder so you had to move it and undo it, so that you didn’t look like you didn’t have hair – the ponytail worked better. And then the third take was perfect. 
Max had been the one to hand you the helmet off screen and you did the opposite that he had done. You started off with a small smile, before going cold faced when you put the helmet on. You tried not to giggle once the thing was one since it felt weird without the balaclava. But you managed to keep your shoulders still until the man yelled Cut once more. 
You, thankfully, were allowed to now go change out of the hot suit. A Red Bull manager was the one to take the suit from you and hold on to it until preseason testing, which was going to be in a few weeks. You knew that when you said goodbye to Max as the place, it wouldn’t be too long until you would see him again. 
Wasn’t like you were ten minutes away, or that you didn’t work together, or that you somehow had the same simulator testing times just to catch up on what you missed during the week. But during the last few weeks, you spent more time with Arthur. 
He had called you in tears once he finally got confirmation that he was going to be out of Formula 2 and then cried once more when he had to leave the Ferrari Academy program. Your heart just ached and ached for him when you held him. 
You remember when he finally opened up a few nights after. 
You were bundled up in a giant blanket. He had come over to your apartment since Charles was staying with their mom for a few days while his apartment was being remodeled. Arthur’s head was tucked in your neck as a random movie played on the screen. 
He had finally spoken up. 
“You know. I really knew from the moment that I couldn’t continue karting all those years ago that racing just wasn’t for me. It never was.” 
You looked down at his face that was stained with tears. “Thur, don’t say that.” 
He only shrugged. “It’s true. If it wasn’t maybe Papa would have chosen for me to continue racing. And I know I begged Charles to be selfish, but maybe now I’m wishing I hadn’t.”
Your hands grabbed his face and made him look up at you. 
“Please don’t say that. Please.” 
By now, you had your own tears staining your face. 
“Because if you weren’t in Formula 2 this year, I would have never met you.” You took a breath. “My best friend wouldn’t be my best friend without it.” 
His eyes closed as he nodded little nods, almost as if he was having a hard time excepting what you called the truth. 
“I just feel like I don’t have a purpose anymore. You and Charles have racing, Maman has her store, and Lorenzo has the business. I have nothing.” 
Your arms wrapped around his figure. “We’ll find something and figure it out together. If anything, you can follow me to all my races.” You had a shit-eating grin on your face. A small laugh escaped his lips and you took that as a win. 
“What, and be your WAG?” 
You elbowed the Monegasque. “Sure. That’s exactly what I’m going for. I think I’ll have separation anxiety without you.” 
“Then that’s what I’ll do. Or unless I find something else.” 
“That’s all I ask. For you not to give up Thur. We’re in this new world together.” 
Arthur, feeling bold, laced his hands with yours. You were thankful for the dark room so he couldn’t see your red cheeks. 
And together is what you did for the remaining weeks. You and Arthur scoured every possibility he had to get back into racing. You reached out to many people – people who knew your godfather well and had helped you back with karting. You also reached out to many other people who normal fans didn’t know you knew. 
On this list, which Arthur had a hard time believing, were people like Sebastian Vettel, Kimi Räikkönen, Jensen Button, and Nico Rosberg. 
Arthur had tried to persuade you to not go to all your famous connections, but you were on a mission. He even threatened you that he wouldn’t take any offer since he didn’t want you to feel like he was using you. You only threatened him back when you told him that you wanted to do this and didn’t mid at you. You believe that you scared him since he never questioned you again. 
It was the day before preseason testing in Bahrain before you got an offer, or actually two, back. Arthur, keeping his promise to follow you until he found something, came with you. He was under the guise of being with his brother for support, but most knew that he was actually there for you. 
The first one came from a face time call from four time champion Sebastian Vettel. 
“Kind, it’s good to see you!” Sebastian’s voice echoed in your hotel room. Your laptop was on the desk. You sat on the second bed while Arthur sat in the rollie chair. Before, the two of you had argued about who got what seat. You sadly lost the game of rock-paper-scissors and was banished to the bed. 
“It’s good to see you too Seb! How are your kids?” 
A squeal could be heard from behind his office door. Sebastian smiled at the sound of his children. 
“They’re doing just fine. How are you doing Arthur? I know that losing a seat is hard but I was delighted to hear from Y/n when she told me that you weren’t giving up racing entirely.” 
You shot Arthur a knowing grin as to say “see, you still have a spot in this world with me.” 
Arthur spoke up, “Ah, yes sir. I was a bit discouraged. But she somehow convinced me to not give up.” 
Sebastian clapped his hands. “Well I do have an offer for you. However, it wouldn’t be for this year and maybe not the next. There will be a lot of preparation but I know you could handle it.” 
Arthur shot him a shy smile. “I’m down for anything at this point.” 
“Well, I have been in the talks about endurance racing. And as you know, I am getting a bit older, but I still want to be involved. So I need to come up with a team. I would either be a driver or the team leader, I have yet to decide. But that means I need to start creating a team.” 
The young Monegasque took a moment to bring everything in. “So you’re asking me to be on your future team. Even after all the mistakes I made in Formula 2?” 
The German winced. “You are just like your brother. A bit too self-deprecating but we can work on that. Like I told Charles, don’t waste it. Don’t waste your talents away by not trying. We will have to do months and months of training as to get over making mistakes, but that’s also part of life. We just need to learn from them. So what do you say?” 
The rest of the facetime call was filled with tears, smiles, cheers, and talks of sending over contracts to go over. You and Arthur were over the moon. 
He might not be racing in 2024 or even 2025, but he’d be doing something. 
Now, the next two offers came during media day when you had testing. Nico Rosberg and Jensen Button had apparently been looking for the two of you the entire day. Thankfully, it was just media and Max was the one to drive the new livery around for everyone to see. You just got to sit back and relax, well, as much as you could when you weren’t discussing data. 
Nico and Jensen both cornered you when they had the chance. 
“Good to see you again Brittany.” You shot Nico a smirk when you exchanged greetings. Arthur, polite as ever, shook both men’s hands. 
You smiled at the two older men. “Now to what do we owe this pleasure of this fine Tuesday?”
The two former drivers looked at each other before they casted their gaze at Arthur. 
Jensen spoke first. “We just want to preface about how terrible we feel about you losing your Formula 2 seat. It was your rookie year and you had some pretty bad luck.” 
Your eyes rolled. “Way to rub salt in the wound Button.” 
He shot you a glare, but Nico spoke next. “However, we have a solution. Y/n here told us about your taken offer from Sebastian. And we know that there are going to be weekends that you won’t have anything to do. So to save you from quote on quote from Miss L/n here ‘separation anxiety from missing your best friend’ we are offering you a type of paid internship at Sky Sports.” 
Jensen cut in, “Obviously you would be helping either Nico or I depending on what weekend, but you’d be interviewing, commentating, or taking videos of drivers throughout the race time.” 
Arthur had sparkles in his eyes, but you knew they were probably tears. With this offer, he’d be closer to you and his brother. You knew he didn’t want to be alone somewhere while you two were living his old dream. Well, it could still be his dream, but he told you time and time again that it was easier to put the Formula 1 dream in the past so that he could move on. 
That day was also filled with smiles and contract talks. 
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were filled with you in the new RB20. If the fans thought last year was a rocket ship, this one had to be some type of vehicle from a Sci-Fi movie cause you think it was even faster. 
But, the Ferraris and McLarens were very close behind. The end of the weekend determined that Red Bull was still on top as you were able to take the fastest time out of the whole weekend, while you and Max did the most laps. 
You were practically vibrating in the debrief meeting from excitement. What this year would hold, you didn’t know. 
But you couldn’t wait to get started.   
y/n.89 has posted
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y/n.89 it's go time
liked by arthur_leclerc, sebastialvettel, box_box_express, and 65,294 others
y/n.nation babygirl's new helmet - I'm in love!
sebastianvettel I see you're coming for my spot as Red Bull's golden child
maxverstappen1 sorry that was me, I have taken the seat y/n.89 sit down max, there's a new golden child
box_box_express middle picture is slaying
y/n-on-top I mean she did graduate from the university of servington with a degree in cuntology and slay sciences y/n.89 PERIOD
arthur_leclerc photo creds would be nice...
redbullracing rookie of the year right there
y/n.89 I'm the only rookie? but thanks admin :D
iamred_iamyellow everyone was so close with only a few seconds separating the top three
ferrari'slastchamp this year is our year the-bulls sure - you all say that EVERY YEAR
f1 only six more days! see you drivers in the paddock
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @leptitlu @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog @treehouse-mouse
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bts5sosempire · 6 months
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A/n: another blurb cuz why tf not? Another Dad!Simon and this man deserve all the softness in the world. Plus, I am not a professional in baby-ology, so take this cute drabble with a grain of salt. 🤟🏻
Simon was convinced his child hated him; the first six months were hard. He might as well get a reward trophy for participation in creating one of the prettiest girls in the world instead. The man tried to get his daughter to get used to him, but every time he hold her, the baby girl realized she wasn't in her mother's arms and they wriggled, before fussing and let out a few cries before going to a full-blown one. Thus, this lead you having to drop whatever you're doing and tend to the baby instead as Simon take over the current chore(s).
"Simon, just give it some time."
The sentence you always use to comfort him, but he still feels a little discouraged, maybe a bit hurt on the inside at the baby's refusal to be in his arms. He was excited for nine months to see his baby girl, but only for her to reject him once she came out of the womb.
"She'll come around, and once she do it'll be worth the wait."
The only time the baby seems to stay content in his arms, albeit a little angsty like always when you're not around, and the calmness appears to remain stagnant only for a moment until she starts fussing again; their little whimpers begin to bubble out, as wondering glossy little beady eyes search the room for you as they feel disconnected from their mother who was nowhere to be seen. Simon does his best to quell the child and soothe them before they can cry again.
But alas, it failed as their eyes had tears wounded up in them, and he already knew the signal cries she was going to make. So he had to speed dial you on call and put you on speaker to talk to the child. Honestly, Simon felt terrible for calling you for something as minor as this when he promised to take care of the baby and that he 'got this' for the next few hours when you did the shopping run. "Sorry, Love, it seems she wants to hear you."
Once the baby has heard your voice, they immediately stop crying and listen intently to your sound, like in a trance. The man felt hopeless about the child wanting you only, not him; he watched how they calmed down into obedience as he rocked them from side to side. The amazing things you do that soothe the child in a heartbeat.
But it wasn't until your voice was directed at him.
"Simon, I know you're doing your best trying to have her adjust to you, and I want you to know that I am proud of you for not giving up."
His heart warms at that.
It was late noon when he let his baby girl sprawl on the floor inside her playpen as he was watching a show while keeping an eye on her. The moment the little girl gained consciousness as a separate entity from her mother, she began to roll over on her stomach before crawling to sit up, and her little eyes glossed over, looking around the playpen, searching for the maternal needs before it landed on Simon who took his eyes off her for a fraction.
Her little bottom lips begin to quiver and poke out before bursting into tears as Simon quickly steps into his fatherly instinct and scoops up the baby into his arms, silencing her. They bleary wipe their beady tears away with stubby fingers before looking up at him and seeing her father's eyes looking down at her. She sniffed as Simon wiped the snot away with a thumb under her nose, "It's okay, I got you," his voice deeply resonated when he patted her back as his baby girl kept looking at him like it was seeing him for the first time in a different light.
With another sniffle and a little disgruntled noise, she rubs her eyes again and presses her forehead to the thumping side of his heart, slowly calming down. She realized it wasn't so bad to be in her father's arms and have another parent close to her to ease her separation anxiety.
It felt like magic for Simon, how she eased her miniature body into his instead of rejecting him and crying for you until you had to come and get her. He continues to soothe her while swaying from side to side, and you pop out of the corner on the open archway into the living room from the kitchen to see the rainbow after the storm.
You were about to say something, but you quietly mouth:
"I told you so; enjoy it."
With a smile.
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lady-ashfade · 7 months
Quick Meeting
Day 18 of celebrating marathon
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Platonic! Poseidon & Brother!Persy Jackson x Fem!reader
-♡ ask: poseidon x reader... him saving her and Percy from some monster, and in the end family moment
-♡ this is so bad and I apologize. And it was rushed. (Update this is the worst thing I have ever written)
-♡ warnings: short, family moments, family problems too, idk what this is but I tried.
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“Just take my hand.” You scream and grab your younger brothers hand and tug him with you. You’d be damn if he was left behind or you weren’t with him, this monster was ruthless.
the monster roared behind you both and shook the ground with it’s footsteps. you could practically smell the gross air coming from its mouth. monster didn’t have dental hygiene to your knowledge and this one definitely need it.
“Percy, get in front of me.” You practically throw him in front of you and slow yourself down and reach for a weapon of your own. “You run as fast as you can.”
“Like hell I’ll leave you.” He turns and huffs from exhaustion from all the running.
“I’m older so you have to listen to me. Plus, I can buy us some time..” you come to a stop and glare at the beast rushing towards you. Percy tried to pull you from your still placement but you didn’t allow him.
Honestly it all happened so fast.
Water come from no where and covered the ground, you both lost sight of the beast before the waves pushed you both back. Your instinct was to look around for Percy as soon as the water leveled itself and you found him coughing and slowly getting up with his clothes soaked.
You rush to him and pat his back, “what did you do?” You ask amazed and surprised. He looked up at you with his skin covered in water and tilts his head, “Me? I thought that was you.”
Turning around slowly at the sound of footsteps against the water and expecting to see the beast return to attack you. But you didn’t find the giant creature but a man. A normal looking man. Percy pulled away slowly from your arms and looked at the man like he knew him.
Then it clicked when you stared into his eyes…you knew those eyes from a distance dream. And you knew that smile, Percy had one similar.
“Dad?” Your voice was cracked and slight terrified.
Percy looked at you and realized you have never met him before. And Poseidon was memorized by the sight of you for the first time since you were younger and running after your brother.
“You both like to get into trouble don’t you?” His smirk was almost proud.
“That’s the life of a half-blood.” You walked to your brother and closer to the god you called your father. You thought he would be scary, but he looked like a normal dude. Though, that didn’t stop your stomach from getting upset with nerves.
He looked down at you with admiration in his eyes, Percy let you both have this moment like he did.
“You look just like your mother.” The closer he got the more you wanted to embrace him and cry, or punch him and cry.
“I clearly got the looks.” You poked fun at Percy and he playfully rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath.
“You’re both very lucky I got here in time for you would have been food,” he looks back at the knocked out creature on the ground. “He’s going back to where he belongs, I suggest you both do that same.” You both look at each other and then back at him.
“But I am very proud of you both. Know that.” You reach out to touch him but he disappears with a shining light with the monster. You sigh and stare where he used to be and feel disappointed, there was still so much you wanted to ask.
“He didn’t drop you through the floor. Better then my first time.”
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pasdasin · 2 months
Wicked Game
wolverine x vampire!reader
an: omgg I am so happy yall like this! thank you for almost 100 notes!! If you want to be added to my tag list pls comment and ill do my best!! Remember Logan beefs with Alex Summers not Scott bc Scott is my son (dofp casting)
ch 2
warnings: mentions of blood, needles, generic doctor stuff, cussing i think, angst, poor reader :(
previous -- next
The next day you were sitting the in teachers break room, listening to Hank and Charles debate on what to do for the annual end of year movie night. Both options sounded boring, a basic slasher and some movie about a train. You turned to your right to look at your other close friend, Storm. 
“I heard Scott learned Dracula was about you” She hummed, bored of the debate as well. “I was wondering if you finally would tell your version of events?” You turned to look at her and pierced your lips. Thinking about the choice before you. It would be nice to get to talk about it, but at the same time you didn’t see it as fair to only do it since you brought it up to tease the boy. 
“I’m not su-” “She’ll do it” You turned harshly to the voice behind you and not surprisingly it was Logan. 
“Are you serious?” You pushed his arm away as his tried to lower it down on your shoulder. 
“What are you not proud to be a vampire?” 
“I am not a vampire” You grumbled looking back to Storm, who was also starting to get over this conversation. “Yeah sure whatever” She smiled and squeezed your arm as a thank you before leaving the two of you alone. 
Logan looked down at you and smiled. “I ate some broccoli today.”
“Wow. I’m impressed it wasn’t also soaked in scotch”
“Well I didn’t say that” You giggled at his response. You decided to get more comfortable under his arm, sinking into his side. Turning your attention back to Charles and Hank who finally agreed to a movie. The Breakfast Club. As they reached the decision, Alex Summers entered the room. 
Alex Summers was everything he was supposed to be. Kind, tall, handsome. The school girl crush of almost every girl that attended the school. He was calm, he was smart, he was caring, and he hated it. 
“Oh hey y/n.” He always wanted to be with you. You felt Logan tense up against you, his face contorting into an annoyed expression.
“Watch it bub” Logan said, staring at him intensely. You instinctively scratched his back to help him relax.
“Hi Alex! You need to stop by my office later for your check up.” You reminded him cheerfully. Alex thanked you for the reminder, promising to see you before Logan pulled you up with him and out of the lounge. In fact he managed to somehow pull you along out of that section of the mansion before he finally let go of you. 
“Dude what is your problem”
“I don’t like him”
“Yeah no shit.” You remarked, causing him to look down at you and raise an eyebrow. 
“I also don’t like when your sassy.” He poked your forehead with his finger, causing your face to scrunch up. “Besides your giving a presentation about your life, you need to make good on that promise” 
“I didn’t know you cared so much”
“I don’t” Oh. There it was. The fatal rejection that you have experienced from him over and over again. You looked down at the floor, muttering something about finding Storm and hurriedly walked away. He had hurt you for centuries. Your mind, body, and soul yearned for him and yet his own chased another. He had to know at this point. He just wanted to tease you until you couldn’t take it. Unfortunately for you, you had always shown him tolerance. 
Your walk was cut short as you bumped into Storm, who informed you that you were gonna “spill the beans” the next day, leaving you to walk back to your office and get ready for Alex to get his check up. 
As you prepped the trays you needed for his appointment, the all too familiar voice of Alex filled the room.
“Hello doctor,” He said in a flirty tone, cheering you up slightly. 
“Hi Alex, sit down here” You patted the bench and started the procedure. It was just a normal check up. He talked to you about his brother and his upcoming mission. Saying how he will miss his hot doctor when he left for Europe. 
It made you chuckle as you placed the stethoscope on his inner elbow, focusing once again on the sound and patterns of his blood. He watched you intently as you nodded your head along as if some kind of melody was playing and he was producing it. Your eyes were closed and your eyebrows furrowed together before you relaxed and smiled up at him.
“You're all good. Beautiful blood” He thank you before placing a blow pop he kept in his pocket in his mouth and walked out of your office. As the door shut, you started to clean and pack away your personal belongings. Putting the last needle into the biohazard box, you moved to turn off the lights when Charles wheeled into your office.
“Hello y/n. I need to ask you a favor”
tag list: @captain039
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gingernut1314 · 9 months
I just want to say I love your blog!! Not sure if you do requests but I loved the one about the hammock and Zoro. Can you do a part 2 where the crew wakes up and teases Zoro about it (and obvi sanji gets jealous)
Demons and Claws Pt. 2
Roronoa Zoro x GN!Reader
Summary: You are pulled from your now peaceful sleep by your rowdy crewmates.
Warnings: Fluff, mild anime spoilers (Chopper)
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: Thank you!! I really appreciate your kind words!! 🩷 I do take requests!!! And yessssss!! I love it when the crew interacts! I hope you all enjoy!
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You dreamed of small coffee shops. Coffee shops whose ambiance was interrupted by your crew, who had followed you into its cozy walls.
You dreamed of cool, sea breezes and polishing weapons as Zoro laid his head on your shoulder, snoring up a storm. 
You dreamed of--something hard and sharp kicked your face. Something hard and sharp that kicked your face repeatedly in a near frantic manner. 
It had your eyes snapping open and held a hand up to protect your face from getting kicked again by the cloven hooves swinging your way. Chopper hung from the edge of his hammock grunting and whining as his hooved feet continued to try and find something to stand on.
“Chopper.” You said, blocking another kick. “Chopper stop.” You grumbled, making the doctor freeze. He turned his pink, top hat-wearing head down to look at you, giving you an anxious little smile. 
“Sorry--wait, what are you doing in here?” He asked, his body getting swung slightly by the sea rocking the ship. 
“I was trying to sleep.” You huffed, reaching over Zoro’s still snoozing form to grab Chopper. He let go of his hammock and patted your hand with a nervous laugh. 
“Heh, heh…silly me. Sorry, Y/N. I’ll let you get back--” 
“I am going to murder you both.” Zoro's rough voice said, cutting off Chopper and rumbling through your arms. Chopper gave a squeaking little noise, squirming in your grip and giving apology after apology that was broken by a loud scream when Sanji's head popped up next to him. 
“If you two idiots don’t--” When Sanji’s blue eyes found you lying there, the murder, which had once been shimmering in his eyes vanished. “Beautiful.” He greeted, leaning in closer with that charming smile of his. “I thought I heard your melodic voice. What are you doing all the way down here with that dirty oaf?” 
“I’d watch your mouth, waiter.” Sanji’s eyes snapped to stare daggers Zoro’s way, who had yet to open his eyes.
“Good morning, Sanji.” You sighed, grabbing hold of Chopper's hooved hands to lower him down onto the nice fabric of the couch below. He bounced a few times before hopping off onto the floor. “I just needed a snuggle buddy is all.” Zoro’s hand reattached itself around your waist and pulled you away from the cook smiling at you.
“If a snuggle buddy is want you needed, you could have come to me. A radiant beauty such as yourself shouldn’t have to stoop so low as to ask such a brutish creature for such things. I’ll do it without a single complaint.” Zoro’s eyes snapped open then with a growl, zeroing in on the chef.
“I’ll give you something to complain about, curly brow. Two things.” He hissed, clenching his fists. Sanji scoffed.
“Oh yeah? Well--” A knock on the wall between the two hammock rows had you pulling your attention away from the still arguing Sanji and Zoro to find Usopp had woken up and was watching all of this unfold with an amused smirk on his lips. The emergency exit that separated the two rooms snapped open and Nami poked her orange-haired head in, a look of slight annoyance on her face. 
“Pay up.” He chuckled, looking overly proud of himself as he held his hand, palm up and fingers wiggling, down towards the navigator. She opened her mouth to argue but Usopp silenced her with a simple head nod towards you and Zoro. When her blue eyes scanned you both over, she shut it with a huff.
“What are you two up to?” You asked, sitting up to watch them better. 
“Oh, nothing to worry your radiant head about,” Usopp said, teasing you with the compliment Sanji had just given you. Nami ducked her head back into your shared room, grumbling away only to come back out two seconds later with a few green berries which she slapped into his hand. 
“Don’t forget the specifics, Usopp,” Nami said, resting her elbows on the ledge and extending a hand toward Usopp with a smug look. “Pay up.” 
“Pay. Up. Or I’ll add interest.” Usopp groaned and handed her half of the money he had just earned back. 
“Usopp.” You hissed, making the man jump around startled, to face you again. “What the hell?” He seemed to grow overly nervous then. 
“Oh, you know. Me and Nami are just--” He looked back to Nami for help but the navigator gave him a little salute.
“Hope you two love birds slept well.” Nami teased your way, making your heart nearly freeze.
“Love birds--Nami--” Zoro snapped away from his argument just as she slammed and locked the emergency exit shut.
The swordsman looked over Usopp's nervous grin as he sunk deeper into his blankets before his attention drifted down to you. He took in your tensed-up demeanor. Took you in slowly and in a way that was long enough for him to try and gauge what you might possibly be thinking in that moment.
“Alright.” He hissed, having made his assessment of you. Zoro sat up a bit in his newfound annoyance, making the hammock sway dangerously. You grabbed onto his strong chest for dear life, feeling gravity pull you towards the ground.
New sturdy and not literal burlap sack hammocks were definitely in order.  
“I’ve still got another hour left and I’ve had it up to--”
“Did someone say snuggles?” The groggy voice of your captain sounded, cutting the grumpy swordsmen off. You watched with a chuckle as he looked over the edge of his own hammock to spy Zoro and you. “Y/N!” He greeted cheerfully, rapidly ripping his sheets off and rushing up. 
“Luffy, no--” Zoro’s warning was cut off with a pained Oomph that spilled from your own lips as well when your captain's body landed on top of both of yours. Dull pain shot through your bones, but the warm, stretchy arms of your captain extending around both your bodies was quick to ease the small hurt. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to have a sleepover? We could have had Sanji cook us snacks and everything!” Luffy ecstatically said, his voice slightly muffled from where he had buried it between you and Zoro’s necks. A laugh spilled from your lips as you unwedged your arm out from under Luffy’s body to hug him back. 
“I’m sorry, captain. I’ll let you know next time.” You chuckle, patting his back.
“You sure as hell won’t tell him.” Zoro gruffed, grabbing Luffy by the scruff of his red vest and pulling him away.  
“Aww--why Zoro?” Luffy asked, a near-heartbroken look on his face that only continued to irritate Zoro.
“Yeah, Zoro?” Sanji teased, a smug grin on his face. “Let’s all snuggle up together next time. I call dibs on the spot next to Y/N--” Sanji had hardly gotten your name out of his mouth before Zoro was flinging Luffy’s body into him. Chopper gave a scream as the two went crumbling to the ground with a sharp grunt, the poor doctor caught in the crossfire and crushed under their bodies. 
“I’ll beat you all into a bloody mess if you don’t leave me the hell alone. No one is snuggling with anyone.” He barked down at the pile of bodies on the floor, which slowly started to rise. Luffy gave a forlorn little moan before Sanji threw him off himself.
You chuckled, starting to raise to get ready for the day when Zoro’s strong hand latched around your waist. He gave it a sharp tug to pull you back into his side. 
“No.” He said simply, closing his dark brown eyes once more.
“I thought you said no one was snuggling with anyone?” Zoro huffed.
“You’re not no one.” He said simply before going silent once more. You felt your chest warm at his words. A warmth that only spread as you watched his face begin to soften, sleep come to take him once more.
With a satisfied smile, you snuggled right back up into Zoro’s strong hold.
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Tags: @fanaticsnail
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year
hey cutie patooties :) this is very much rushed and as usual i don’t even know if i like it, blah blah blah.
Jack Champion x Reader
Compliments and Confessions
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Teen Vogue’s compliment battle. A fan favorite, when it comes to the promotional part of any new tv show or movie. And today, Teen Vougue has asked some of the cast from Scream VI to join them. You were beyond excited to compliment some of your closest friends, wanting to tell them just how great they are.
You, Jack, Mason, Devyn, and Jasmine all cram into the van taking you to the set of the video. Your nerves starting to get to you at the thought of Jacks big brown eyes staring at you, while words of affection spew from his lips.
Yeah, you had a thing for him. Who would have thought?
Jack also had feelings for you, and he wasn’t that great at hiding them either. Well that is to everyone but you. All of your friends knew about the crushes you both had on each other. Anyone could quite literally feel the chemistry the two of you shared. But neither of you would ever confess, too scared of rejection. That’s why your friends were going to help you both.
After a while, you arrive to set. As they’re finishing setting up, Jasmine walks up to you, a mischievous grin on her face, and you already know she’s up to something. “What are you scheming now, Jas?” Her lips purse, and she points to herself in question. “Me? Up to something? Never.” Your eyes squint in disbelief, she was totally lying.
You let it go though, as they call for you all to gather around the table, where there’s a glass bowl full of slips of paper.
You can feel Jack standing behind you, his hands resting on top of your head before placing his chin on top of them. “I’m totally gonna make you blush, hard.” He whispers to you. You turn your head slightly, looking up at him, and a small whine leaves your mouth. “But you know your eyes are like kryptonite. You have an unfair advantage against me!”
“Are you kidding? If anything is unfair, it’s your face! You’re way too gorgeous, and I demand someone put a bag over your head. A paper bag, of course, so you don’t suffocate.” You couldn’t help but laugh at Jacks kind words, already blushing.
“I didn’t know we already started the battle.” You hear Mason whisper to Devyn, but choose to ignore him, as the filming crew tell you to get started.
First up is Jasmine and Devyn.
Jasmine grins as she pulls a slip of paper from the bowl, looking Devyn straight in the eyes. “I am so proud of you, and should be proud of yourself too.” Devyn holds a straight face for a few seconds, but ends up failing at holding back her smile. “How are we supposed to not smile at these?” She groans and makes walks back to stand by you. “I think Y/N should go next.” Mason says, and your eyes meet his. He’s holding that same scheming look on his face that Jasmine held earlier.
“You two are up to something. And I don’t like it.” You stand in front of Jasmine anyway, preparing yourself for whatever they’re planning.
Before you can grab your slip of paper out of the bowl, Jasmine stops you. “I’m sorry, I really need to pee. Can we take a break?” You quirk an eyebrow at that, knowing good and well she went to the bathroom just before you guys started. “I’ll be super quick!”
You take this opportunity to get as much information out of Mason as possible. All you had to do was flash him those puppy dog eyes and he would crumble. “Mase, are you and Jas planning something? You two are making me very anxious.” He avoids eye contact.
“You’re avoiding me.”
“No, I’m not!” His tone raises an octave higher in defense. “Dude, you totally are!” Jack chimes in, coming to stand beside you with crossed arms. “I saw you two whispering to each other earlier. You both were looking at us too!”
“You conspiracists! What are you planning?” You poke his chest accusingly, too nervous to just let this go.
“I’m back, let’s get this started!”
“Perfect timing! I think Y/N and Jack were about to jump Mason.” Devyn laughs to Jasmine. What you and Jack didn’t know though was Devyn was in on the plan that was formed that morning.
They switched the jars. And all the compliments that were once from their fans, was replaced with sappy little lines that you and Jack have said about each other.
“Okay! I think it’s Jack and Y/N/N’s turn.” Mason basically shoved Jack to the table, and Devyn grabs your shoulders and gently guides you to the other side.
You felt like throwing up. The butterflies you felt earlier, were gone. Replaced with the nauseating anxiety that felt like a rock in your stomach.
You think Jack noticed, because he places a hand on top of yours and squeezes it gently. “Hey, don’t worry. It’s just you and me, okay?” His smile was reassuring enough, but his words made all the anxiety you felt melt away.
“I’ll go first! Prepare to fall in love with me, angel.” Jack teases you, grabbing the slip of paper out of the bowl. If only he knew how in love with him you already were.
He reads the words to himself first, and you watch as his eyes widen. What the hell did those idiots do?
“Every time I see you, I have to hold myself back from wrapping you in my arms and confessing my love for you.” You’re definitely blushing. You watch Jacks adams apple bob in his throat as he swallows thickly. He was clearly nervous now, but you had no idea why.
Those were words he once said about you to Devyn.
“My turn?” You ask sheepishly, you didn’t know how much longer you could stand here as his eyes bore deep into your soul. “Uh- Yeah, yeah.” Why was he acting so fucking nervous now?
“Jack? Are you okay?” You ask before slipping out a piece of paper. He smiles at you and nods his head, trying to convince you and succeeding.
As you read over your paper, Jacks smile grows bigger as you giggle to yourself. You finally understood what your friends had done, as you read over words you had spoken about Jack. “This one is really sweet!” You meet his eyes, and there’s nothing but adoration in your stare.
“If someone asked me to paint my dreams, your sweet face would adorn every canvas.” You glance over at your friends, all with goofy smiles on their faces. You turn back to Jack, “Have you figured out their plan yet?”
He still looks confused, the boy is adorable but can be a bit dense sometimes. “Okay, so I’m gonna take this opportunity to confess something to you. I’m hoping that you feel the same way I do, or this is gonna be really awkward…and it’ll be recorded.”
There’s concern in his eyes, and his hand reaches back up to hold yours. “It’s just you and me, right?” Jack whispers the same words from earlier, so only you can hear him, giving a nod of encouragement.
“So.” You grab his other hand in yours, a small smile graces your lips, and he’s looking at you with so much love in his eyes you know now he feels the same way you do.
“I’m in love with you. And I’ve been in love with you since that night you walked me back to my hotel room, after dinner with everyone.” You were trying not to tear up, but you were finally confessing how you felt to the bit of your dreams.
“You knew I was upset about something, but didn’t pry. You just took my hand in yours, and told me that you would always be there for me for anything I ever needed. Even if it was for mundane things like folding my laundry!” You get a laugh from everyone, and Jacks finger wipes a fallen tear from your eye.
“How can someone not fall in love with you?” You tilt your head, still looking up at him, and before you know it, he’s kissing you. He was so gentle too. His hands placed on your cheeks, his thumbs rubbing beneath your eyes. You felt so light, his lips dizzying you a little.
“I love you too. And you know I’m not good with words so I’m not even going to attempt to give you a cheesy speech. Just know that my heart belongs to you, and I think it always will.”
“Okay! Will one of you make it official, now?!” Jasmine all but yells at the two of you, and you couldn’t help but giggle. You were the happiest you had ever been.
“Jack, will you be my boyfriend?” His smile is so big, he almost looks silly, if he weren’t so goddamn pretty.
“Of course I will, angel!” And you both just stand there, staring at each other, looking so in love, it was sick.
“This is really great everyone, but can we get back to the original video?” One of the producers ask.
“Oh shit, yeah!”
“Totally man, sorry.”
“This is way better, but okay.”
a/n: here’s a little glimpse at what happened the night you fell in love with Jack.
Jack watches your face fall as you read a text from your phone. He didn’t know what it said, but he knew moments ago you had that beautiful smile of yours plastered on your face, and now you just looked so dejected.
He was just itching to wrap you up in his arms and kiss all of your sadness away. Instead, he grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. “You okay, angel?” You didn’t realize anyone was watching you, so you hurriedly turned your phone off and put it away. Trying, but failing, to give Jack an convincing smile, you nod your head ‘yes.’
“I think I’m gonna head back to the hotel actually, just not feeling well.” You stand and announce to your friends, all giving you concerned looks.
“You want me to walk back with you?” Jenna offers, she knew how bad you were with directions. She didn’t want you getting lost. “It’s okay, I’ll walk her back Jen.” Jack says and he grabs your coat and bag from your chair.
“Really, it’s okay! I can walk back alone. I don’t want to make anyone end their night early because of me.” Jack smiles down at you at your words. “Sweetheart, if you think I’m gonna let you walk alone at night, in the middle of New York, you’re crazy. Come on, I’m getting bored with these losers anyway!” He jokes and earns threatening remarks from Jas and Jenna.
You give in as Jack holds your coat up for you to slip your arms through, and you bid everyone a good night, placing a kiss to Jenna’s cheek for offering to walk you back.
The cold air of the night was a soothing to the heat you felt on your cheeks. You had moments ago received a text from your parents, letting you know they wouldn’t be coming to the premiere of Scream VI.
You weren’t all that surprised, you’ve never had a good relationship with them after all. But this was your big break. You were an only child, with no other living relatives besides your parents. So, while everyone else would have someone there to show their support, to show how proud they are of them, you would have nobody.
“Hey.” Jacks hand finds yours again, and you feel your skin prickle up at his touch. “I don’t know what’s going on, and I’m not gonna make you talk about it, but I do want you to know that if you do want to talk about it, I’m here to listen. I’ll always be here to listen.” You hide the smile on your face by looking down at your shoes as you both continue to walk. “Thank you, Jack. You’re very sweet.”
“Don’t thank me, I mean it. I’m here for whatever you need, angel. I’ll even do your laundry for you, even though I’m terrible at it.” You both laugh at that, and you move your body a little closer to his. “You being here is enough.” You tell him.
The rest of the walk is silent, but in a comfortable way. And when you get to your door, you found yourself wanting to invite him in. You weren’t ready for him to go yet. “Thank you for walking me back.” “Yeah, of course.”
And with that, you stand on the tips of your toes and place a sweet kiss to his cheek. “Goodnight, Jack.” There’s a furious blush on his face now.
“Goodnight.” He watches you smile back at him, before retreating into your room and closing the door.
You both knew after that night, you were goners.
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ugotcooneycrossed · 1 year
you're my kind of woman
kyra cooney-cross x reader
w/c: ~700
you comfort kyra after the world cup third place match
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Standing in the friends and family stands when the final whistle blows hurts.
There’s an air of disappointment circling through- what feels like the entire stadium, and you feel your heart break just a little more when you see your girlfriend plop herself down in the middle of the field.
Her knees are pulled up and her elbow rests on top of them- her hands hiding her face. Your hands grip the rail tighter and you want to almost leap over to run to her.
You decide against it though- instead using your wag privileges, you make your way down to the field, flashing security your little badge. There’s a sea of people you have to try manoeuvre your way through. Swedish player rushing past you excitedly, some screaming happily as they make their way to the change rooms.
You make a mental note to never go to, or eat at IKEA again.
You just manage to poke your head out of the tunnel- and you scan the field, no sight of Kyra. You frown at that and you turn around to try find a quiet place to call her- you know there’s no point, she won’t have her phone until much later but she always does love your voicemails.
Just as you turn and start to walk back-  strong arms wrap you in a hug, tightening around you so you can’t move, a face buries itself into your neck and you feel wet tears start to tickle your neck.
“Hi my stargirl.”
Kyra tighten her holds on you at that, shaking her head.
“Yes- you are, and you’ll always be sweetheart.”
Your hand holds the back of her head- you press a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you so much Kyra- I’m so, so, proud of you.”
She pulls away from the hug- smiling at you softly, eyes crinkling and freckled cheeks pulled upwards.
“I love you so much.”
You pull her into another hug- and her arms wrap around your waist. You stand there for a while, just hugging each other, when a voice interrupts.
“There you are! Kyra come on we need you back.”
Your girlfriend smiles at you apologetically, and you shoo her away with a smile.
“Go- I’ll see you later.”
You end up back at your hotel- watching as many clips of the post-match interviews you can. Your heart breaks a little more for the girl’s- especially when you see Kyra crying again.
You grab your phone- pulling up her contact to call her.
Calling ‘Kyra<3'
“Hi baby.”
She answers almost right away- and you hear the girls in the background.
“Hey- almost done?”
“Yeah, nearly- I’ll sneak over to your hotel later.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You’re in bed after dinner- Kyra resting her back against the headboard, you laying in her lap. She’s twirling your hair in between her fingers and only half listens to what your saying.
You know because you stopped talking a while ago- yet she stills nods occasionally as if she is listening. You squeeze her hand to get her attention.
“You okay?”
She shrugs.
“I guess I’m still a little sad.”
You take a moment to think- looking up at her and smiling softly.
“That’s okay. But, remember- I am so proud of you. You played your heart out and it’s going to be alright.”
She smiles again- sliding down to face you in bed. She presses a kiss to your nose and you push her away with a small laugh.
She reaches out to tuck your hair behind you ear- stroking you cheek with her thumb.
“I’m really okay though- I have you, and you’re all I really need.”
“You sap.”
“Yeah, yeah- I’m the sap, sure, not like you don’t wear my shirt every game.”
“-s’cuse you! I’m not the athlete here.”
She giggles a little.
“Oh, I know.”
You narrow your eyes at her and turn the other way- you hear her start to protest at that.
“No- turn back around.”
You do- pressing a kiss to her lips when you do.
“Oh- by the way, we need a new bed- the one back home is from IKEA.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
tadc cast with a s/o who hates touch.
BUT when they finally get comfortable with the characters they get soooo touchy (as in hugs ,hand holding etc)
Sorry if i didnt make myself clear
And thank you for your work!! ;)
TADC cast x reader who's warming up to touch!
So sorry for taking so long to get to this anon <\3!! I recently went back to writing on mobile due to back pain from sitting at my computer and it's really done a number on my efficiency <\3
That said I hope you enjoy!
Side note does anyone know any tips on how to soothe sore throats? Preferably not with honey because honey naoes my throat swell and itch 😭😭
This post ended up being waaaaaay longer than I first intended so I hope yall are ready to eat up
LAST MINUTE NOTE I misread/misinterpreted this as "reader finally taking a step towards initiating affection for the first time" and not "they're already comfortable and LOVE touch" I am so so dumb but I already have this written <\3 I hope you enjoy this regardless anon 😭😭😭
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I think Caine would struggle with the no touching thing especially since I see him being very affectionate both verbally and physically. That said I do think he eventually gets the hang of it and stops himself from throwing his arms around you for a hug... he amps up the verbal affirmations to make up for it though! He doesnt wanna make you unhappy so hes gonna respect your boundaries and take things slow!
As for when you start easing yourself into it, I think he would try to not make a big deal out of it, as not to risk embarrassing you. As someone who doesnt like touch as well as being hesitant to initiate it, I think I wouldnt want a big hoorah about it you know? But that's just me
He does subtly know hes proud of you for being able to take that step, even if you two are only holding hands via linking your pinkies together
I dont think pomni would be crazy about touch imo, she seems like the type to seize up when you touch her without warning. And I'm not saying that as something to be ashamed of because honestly me too. So I think this is one where you both need to have heavy communication in order to push past that and get used to touching one another ! Team work makes the dream work or however the saying goes
That said imagine you two grab each others hands bc something startles you/you both run from something (be it a prank from jax or an IHA or an abstracted) and you both just
Stare down at your interlocked hands. Experimentally squeezing each other before both relaxing into it
I think that would be a cute idea
Just like caine she is so so understanding. But unlike caine, she doesnt struggle all that much with trying go restrain from giving you physical affection. Ragatha naturally shows her love through quality time and gift giving, so she doesnt often feel the urge to wrap her arms around you, much less unprompted. Especially with your discomfort in mind
In the event that you come over to her, maybe lay your head on her shoulder while shes reading, I think she would stiffen up a little out of surprise, before gently leaning her heads against yours. Its nice, its quiet, and its comfortable. You two both peacefully exist like that for a while... good thing you guys probably dont have organs because ragathas heart would be pounding so fast, shes just so proud of you that the adrenaline kind of gets to her
I think this might be the main one where there may be conflict.
Not because jax belittles your discomfort or tries to push the boundaries. No, I dont think he would, especially when you two get serious. Like would he probably poke you in the beginning before realizing it genuinely brings great discomfort? Yes. Would he stop when he finds out it's an issue for you? Also yes. Again, hes an asshole but I dont think he would be outright ab*sive
No, the reason why I think kay there may be conflict is because behind closed doors, jax can be very clingy and physically touchy, he would want to lay on top of you and hold you and that kind of stuff. That one ask with clingy jax hcs changed me
I think, if you ever try to initiate touch first he would say something kind of mean before he can stop himself. "About time" or something. Like he means it lightheartedly but like. He immediately regrets it, especially since that can just be so... eidkcmc.. when you're trying to come out of your shell in regards to something
Easily has the worst reaction, make him sleep on the metaphorical couch
I think he would do anything to fix that though, you're his lil bun afterall
Kinger is big on touch, he likes handholding and putting his hand on your shoulder. But ultimately he would respect you and not touch you.. honestly kinger can be the same way depending on the day. Either he hates touch and doesnt want anyone or anything touching him, or he needs to be held in order to keep his mind set straight. Poor guy. He just like me frfr.
Honestly gets a little spooked when you gently set your head on his lap, announcing you're going to take a nap while you two hang out in the pillow fort. Kind of gives a soft and surprised "oh!" Before going as still as a statue. Does he stay put? Does he run his hand through your hair? Does he keep up his bug ramble? Does he pipe down?
Ultimately he sits there quietly while you sleep
Expects that to be a one time thing, but he notices you're slowly becoming more physically affectionate. He outwardly shows his support and pride for you
Another one who doesnt really like touch, but instead of it being a discomfort it's just a "I dont like it" thing you know? I mean what did you expect? Zooble doesnt interact much with people unless they're forced to, so it makes sense that touch isnt their thing. So this actually works out very well for you two.
Just like the pomni segment, you guys are going to have to do a lot of communication in regards to introducing stuff like cuddling and hand holding ect into the relationship and finding what works for you while keeping both parties satisfied. I think in the end zooble would be supportive, and even try to esse themselves into the whole thing. So you dont have to do it alone, you know?
Honestly I think shes too shy and/or unconfident to initiate physical affection herself so the topic never really came up. Which... is a bit odd since it regards a comfort thing for you as well as gangle possibly thinking that you dont enjoy her company; assuming you never really tell her that touch brings you discomfort
But because we love healthy stuff here, let's assume you guys set down boundaries and stuff before getting together
I still think gangle would have some teeny tiny feeling that they arent the best for you. She knows its unfair to think that for both of you, but like. Its one of those nagging mean voices we all have/get at some point, you know?
Probably lets out a little squeak when you slowly wrap one of her arms around your hand and wrist. Kind of just stands there frozen. Too scared to speak up or move, fearing she would ruin the moment
Honestly I think gangle isnt used to touch (that isnt neutral or in passing), so this is going to be a little experience for her. You're both in this together now, basically
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zymruk · 9 months
Hey you [Shuri x Fem!Reader]
A/N:I've been obssessed with this woman ever since the release of the film. So here I am writing a story for her. Also, Reader's pronouns are she/they.
Warning(s): Fluff
Summary: Shuri's mind has been elsewhere lately. She couldn't stop thinking about Riri's roomate.
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When Shuri had fled to the US to save Riri, she didn't expect to see two beds in that room. By what Okoye had told her, this room could only welcome one person. Riri. Still when she entered the room after the aforementionned, she didn't understand how you'd come to have a bed in that room. Wakandans' reseaches were thorough, way more than American Governments could ever wish to be.
"Oh my god, you're the princess!" As the words escaped Riri's mouth, you found on your way out of the toilet, Wakanda's royalty standing in your dorm room. You only had the time to hide back in before she saw you.
"Yes, now you need to come with me. You're in danger." She had whispered.
Riri looked like she had seen a ghost. "Did I piss off Wakanda?".
While Riri and Shuri were talking in the bedroom, in the bathroom you waited for what felt like forever. On top of that you had forgotten your phone. What a crappy day.
Suddently, you heard a ratteling noise, something was wrong with the window. It looked okay, but it was like it was getting pushed open. Aproching it, to make sure it stayed in place (you didn't need problems with the administration) you were more than taken aback when a bald headed woman's face appeared on the other side. You only had the time to yelp before you were pushed on the ground by the very same woman.
At this point you didn't care if the princess was there, this lady had broken into your bathroom! All you wanted was to get to safety.
Back in the room, Shuri and Riri's conversation was interupted by what seemed like a scream. Barely persceptible to the ear. Then, both women watched in chock how your rushed out the bathroom followed by what looked to be Okoye.
"Who the hell are you?" Riri and you had retreated to a corner of the room, now completely cautious of the two women.
"You said I had five minutes." Blurted Shuri.
"I gave you six." Said the strange woman. Now, after taking a look at her. Not only was she taller than you'd thought. But she wore the most ridiculous outfit you had seen in a while. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make fun at a woman more than capable to crush you in two. Even if it was in your head. Not only that, but the princess' eyes were almost poking your face with how much intensity she looked at you. She, however, had to stop looking at you if she wanted to protect both Riri and you.
You didn't really understand what was going on. If they just wanted to talk to Riri, why had they broken into your dorm? Why had that lady quite literally fucked with your lease? And most importantly why were they sneaking to get there?
While in your thoughts, Riri had grabbed your brand new speaker as a way to defend the both of you. "Do not make another step!" The two Wakandans had moved foward, and in another attept at protection Riri had thrown the speaker at them.
"You see how they treat their guests?" Okoye turned to Shuri, with one of the tiniest smiles on her face.
"She brought a fucking spear in our room. Get out. We didn't do anything." You couldn't believe what was happening. Not only did they intrude on you but now they were threatening you with weapons? You weren't even alowed a taser here!
"We just want to bring you to safety, before something happens. However, we cannot disclose the reasons for your departure yet."
"Oh, you thought you could come in here and kidnap me, huh? Well you can't. There's a witness here." She stood there proud of herself. She couldn't come to wherever they wanted to take her if she had a witness, right? That was probably what she was thinking.
"What? No, I mean yes. You need to come with us. You're in great danger." The princess said exasperated.
Both you and Riri looked at each other before bursting out laughing. "That's litterally what a kidnapper would say. "You tried to say in your most serious voice. But failed miserably. In your defence, she said it weird.
Now at a crossfire, the princess and her guard shared a look and weirdly enough started smiling. "You know what you're right. We should leave you two alone to deal with what's coming. " All the while backing out towards the door.
"Yeah, let's go back to Wakanda and leave them to fight the fishman alone. With their speaker. I mean it's big enough." The baldheaded woman uttered.
"Wait! What do you mean fishman?" Riri asked for the both of you. In what type of caca did she put yall in this time.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
Safe | {SabiGiyuu}
part 2
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Theme: fluff??? it's kinda like comfort fluff i think
Note:Timeline: before Final Selection
// shorter than... hantengu.🫠
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Sabito was a sort of endless comfort. He was always there, could somehow make Giyuu happy with the slightest glance. A comforting hand on his shoulder and he felt safe. The days weren't easy, of course. The training was intense and Giyuu would often feel a stab of loneliness when he remembered Tsutako was gone. But then there was Sabito, hugging him, telling him it was alright. Sabito made it all feel alright. He made everything feel like it would be okay.
There were days in which Giyuu couldn't do anything but cry, bury himself in the sheets even when he should be outside, training his body to feel the weight of the katana in his hands as if it was another limb. And he didn't know what to do anymore, he would feel useless and weak. Then Sabito would swoop in, engolf him in an embrace and press his lips to Giyuu's forehead.
"Do you need a break?" he would always ask. There were times where Giyuu would shake his head, then be unable to will himself up. Sabito would hug him tightly, rest their foreheads against each other. "It's alright. We can stay here a bit."
Urokodaki let them be on these days. Giyuu suspected Sabito would tell him to have a break, but he never caught them in the act.
"I'm sorry," Giyuu would mumble. He was always sorry. Sorry he wasn't enough. But Sabito denied it. Every time.
"Don't be sorry, Giyuu. You're doing well." Sabito's voice could contort itself to anger, to enthusiasm, to anything. But he reserved this voice for Giyuu, for when he was sad. It was a soothing one, calming Giyuu's nerves.
"I'm not... I'm..." Giyuu shook his head, not sure how to describe it. Sabito couldn't understand. Could he?
"You are. I'm proud of all you've accomplished. Urokodaki-sensei too. And I'm sure your sister would be so happy to have had you as her brother," Sabito murmured. He tugged Giyuu's chin up, meeting his eyes. "Nobody's perfect, Giyuu. But you're close to perfection, you're amazing. No matter what you do, I will still love you, alright?"
Giyuu's lip trembled and he held Sabito's gaze for a moment longer. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure," Sabito assured him, a small smile curving his lips. 
"But... what if I fail you?" Giyuu asked tentatively.
"You can't fail me, Giyuu. You never can. I don't care what happens." Sabito's voice was firm, not allowing further argument.
"You're sure?" Giyuu asked again, feeling uncertain. 
"Oh...'kay," he mumbled, leaning against Sabito.
Sabito nodded matter-of-factly, pulling Giyuu closer and resting his head on Giyuu's. "Good."
There was a moment of silence and Giyuu shifted onto Sabito's lap, looking up at him.
"Why're you so cool?" he asked. The question was so random and earned a laugh from Sabito.
"We're the same age but you're so much... cooler," Giyuu said with a pout.
Sabito sighed. "Giyuu! I told you not to think like that. You're even more awesome, okay?" he said, pressing a fleeting kiss on Giyuu's cheek.
"But... all you said! I'm so bad at comforting you..." Giyuu whined. There were times when Sabito let himself be sad and Giyuu, unsure what to do, could only hug him, frantically trying to think of something to say. 
"You're not bad at comforting me," Sabito said, frowning. "Is that what you think? You always make me happy, Giyuu. Why do you think I'm not sad as much? You make me too happy to have room to be sad."
Giyuu blinked. "Oh."
Sabito shook his head with disapproval. "I thought you promised to stop thinking so badly of yourself."
"It's not that easy..."
"Yeah, well, you're not making an effort," he pointed out.
"Fine. But it's not like there's anything good about me," Giyuu said defiantly, quite sure he had a good argument.
"That's not true wither. You're cute," Sabito said, poking Giyuu's cheek which quickly grew flustered. 
"Am not!" Giyuu protested. 
"You're cute now, too," Sabito continued. "So adorable."
Giyuu spluttered for a response. "You- I..." 
Sabito smiled and said nothing else, continuing to cuddle him as if nothing happened. Giyuu sighed but gave in, relaxing against the embrace.
"Don't worry," Sabito murmured. "You're everything you need to be and more. And you'll be safe here, okay?"
Giyuu nodded slowly. "I love you, Sabito. Thanks..." 
Sabito patted him gently. "Always."
« Word count: 752 »
why is it that the word "always" spoken as a single response is so... js harry potter ;-; gosh
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some-pers0n · 4 months
Hey guys I rewrote that Battlewinner death scene lol. This time I decided to make Mastermind a weeee bit of a silly guy as well as make her death a bit..y'know.. No real TW or anything other than death and Bad Parenting
The ground quivered beneath Starflight's talons as he raced down the corridors, Glory, Princess Greatness, and Fatespeaker in tow. He had been in a cave his whole life, but never had one felt as alive as right now. The rocks felt hot to the touch. The walls rumbled. The distant sound of lava moving was all he could hear.  It was as though a slumbering beast was being pulled from its sleep, waking to the sight of a colony of ants nestled into it. It wants them out.
"Question," he began, "how long until the volcano erupts?"
"Erupts?" Greatness echoed. "Not for another two years. Mastermind took some calculations and predicted that the next one would be soon, but not right now. What you're feeling is just...abnormal activity. The volcano does that."
"Really? I've lived here my whole life and I've never felt something this strong," Fatespeaker said.
"We'll worry about whatever the volcano is doing later," Glory snapped. "Right now, we have a mad queen to talk to."
"I- I don't get it." Starflight slowed his pace. "Don't you have oracles? Prophets? Why did Mastermind have to guess? Wouldn't a future be more accurate? Not to doubt my father's research but..." His words trailed off. "Why? What's going on?"
Greatness turned away, staring straight ahead. "We're almost there. I can hear Mastermind."
Starflight's ears perked up. Amongst the bellows of the volcano, he could make out the faint mumblings of a scientist. They turned the sharp bend and entered into the queen's chamber.
It was a large, spacious cave, with a lake of lava in the center. Stalactites hung from the tall ceiling, embedded with a rich, deep shade of red. A deck of metal and steel was built, leaving way for Mastermind to stand upon.
But that wasn't what caught Starflight's attention the most. A cauldron of iron stood above them, with Battlewinner poking her head out of the top. Lava dripped off her as she stared them down. Next to her was Mastermind, absent-mindedly babbling and talking to her. The armour rack that he saw in his lab was with him, with all but the headpiece missing.
"– which, need I remind you, makes this completely safe. You can sort of walk, but ultimately your presence is more about your imposing lava-filled...armour– where are you looking– OH!" His eyes followed her gaze, widening as she saw the group. "Ah, hello! Starflight, my beloved protégé! I'm pleased to see that you've come to your senses and decided to turn over this band of revolutionaries. Shame to see it happen, really."
"No, dad, uhh–"
"Fools..." Battlewinner hissed. "All of you..."
"Mh-hm." Mastermind nodded his head.
"You too, scientist... If only your pride did not blind you to the truth..."
"Blind me?!" he snapped back. "Pardon me? I may be hard of sight, but I assure you that I am no fool, right Starflight? Utter brilliant genius. Oh, I'll be so proud to see you grow up. Perhaps you'll too come around to understanding your father's achievements."
Starflight winced. It was hard to hear a dragon talk like that.
"Your son is not here to help you, Mastermind," Battlewinner snarled. "He is here to stop us. All of them... They--" Ice frothed up in her throat, cutting off the words. The shards of frost melted as she took a mouthful of lava.
"What? No! Starflight would never betray us. He is a NightWing. He serves his queen, right?"
Starflight glanced at his talons. He couldn't dare to look him in the eye.
"Mother–" Greatness began, but was cut off by a sharp growl.
"Queen Battlewinner."
"– Queen Battlewinner," she continued, "I'm sorry but we must call off the attack. The RainWings are too powerful and our tribe is too weak to take them on. We cannot afford to lose any more of–"
"We will not surrender to these dragons." Battlewinner's voice boomed. Smoke coiled from her nostrils. The light of the frost in her mouth reflected in her eyes. "We are NightWings. We do not bow to any other dragon..."
Glory clicked her tongue. "Well, that's annoying. I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this the harder way." She walked forward. "Battlewinner, I come to propose an offer: you call off your invasion and, in return, I set up trading between the NightWings and RainWings. Your dragons are starving, diseased, and dying. You should be ashamed of how you've let them rot like this. I am only offering you this as I cannot let dragonets die, even after all you've done to my tribe."
She kept going. "You will also step out of this war. I am aware of how you and Mastermind have been trying to tip the scales. Leave my troop, the Dragonets of Destiny, alone. You will also step down as ruler. I see you as personally unfit to rule. You are a tyrant. You allow your dragons to suffer. Greatness is..." Glory squinted at her. "Marginally better."
"Thank you." Greatness dipped her head to her.
"If you do not comply, I will destroy the tunnels. I will not hesitate to kill any NightWing that dares enter my kingdom. I already plan on informing the other queens of your conspiracies. If you want your tribe to ever lay a claw on Pyrrhia again, take my offer. Relinquish control. Perhaps, in some years' time, you can find your way off of this island and rejoin the continent."
Silence. The rumbling of the volcano was all that remained. The caverns shook as the white noise surrounding them grew in intensity. Battlewinner's gaze remained fixated on Queen Glory. They both remained locked in this silent war.
"Bold words for a RainWing dragonet..." she said, amused. "Step aside before I drag you into the lava myself."
"No." Glory repeated. "You will comply with this offer or let your tribe die."
"You can't be serious," Mastermind spoke, half laughing. "You're just making a joke. You cannot expect something like that to work out. You? You're a dragonet! You're overly emotional. Not thinking things logically."
"Overly emotional?!" Glory snapped. "You're the ones who have been kidnapping the RainWings! Innocent dragons who were holed up in your dungeon!" Red splotches faintly appeared along her neck and frill. "If I had my way, you would be dead as you stand."
He snorted. "Ha! You truly don't understand science. Ethics and morality are mere roadblocks. Others of a more intellectual nature would understand." He shot Starflight a look. "Besides, we need the rainforest more than anyone else. As you said, it is a lush and thriving environment. What has your tribe done with it? From what I've seen, nothing! It's asinine to watch you flaunt your fruit and your peaceful lives while the NightWings have suffered for two thousand years!"
"So? Why should you have it? All you've done is lie and hurt my tribe, you murderous snake!" She spat. "We lived there! We have lived there for thousands of years! You do not deserve to wipe us out just because you feel it's necessary."
He adjusted his spectacles. "Starflight, son, you can't honestly expect this to work. You're reasonable. Come now, try and tell this RainWing some common sense. Do you honestly believe that the NightWings would accept it?"
"No, I don't." He shook his head. "Battlewinner would never agree to that."
"Precisely!" Mastermind beamed.
"So..." Starflight tapped his talons anxiously. "We can compromise? Maybe?"
"WHAT!?" Mastermind and Glory called out in unison.
"I know, I know!" He winced, waving his talons to try and calm them. "I was thinking that, because the Rainforest Kingdom has plenty of space and the NightWings are so few in numbers, we could donate a sizable amount of land to them. Have them build their own village." He turned to Battlewinner. "But, only if they accept Queen Glory as their ruler."
"Starflight, that is the worst idea I've ever heard from you--" Glory began, but was interrupted by the animalistic roar from behind.
"NO!" Queen Battlewinner screeched. She jerked around in her cauldron, spilling lava. "Never! Only I rule the NightWings!"
"Please, listen!" Starflight called out, matching her voice. "The NightWings cannot survive here anymore. Even if we set up trades, they cannot live. If we allow them to exist peacefully in the Rainforest Kingdom, we can leave the volcano behind. No more disease. No more hunger. Nothing."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Princess Greatness said.
"You are a terrible heir..." Battlewinner hissed.
She paused. "I know. I never was a good queen. Queen Glory is more fit to rule than you and I both."
"Sure, yeah, but really? You want me to rule over two tribes?" Glory shook her head. "I can't do that, especially not with the tribe that has been torturing my own dragons." She glared at Mastermind.
"I think it's a bit much to call it torture," he interjected. "I only tested on them for years. Some died, sure, but they were just the weaker ones." He shrugged. "Should've been better."
"I hope that, even if you survive, your body is feasted upon by snakes and ants."
"Anywho," Mastermind continued, ignoring her threat, "I still fail to see what would happen to our queen. She has her armour."
"She won't make it," Greatness said. "She knows this. Your armour is nothing more than to prolong her life in time to see the trees. She will die either way."
He scoffed. "Preposterous! My design is flawless!"
She squinted. "I'm not too sure about that..." She shook her head. "She knows she'll die here. Buried under the rubble. It is the only option."
Battlewinner raised her claws, slamming down on the edge of the cauldron. "You will NOT speak for me!" she screeched. "It is MY kingdom! I will not allow for this!" And with that, she began to lift herself out of the vat.
"Mother, no! Please!" Greatness called out.
"Your majesty, control yourself! Your armour is not fully prepared."
Battlewinner did not listen. Her body slipped over the edge, spewing lava in all directions. Starflight jumped back as a large chunk almost hit him directly. He looked on, seeing Battlewinner's full body for the first time.
As the magma dripped off, it revealed her heavily scarred and discoloured body. Her scales were charcoal black, with burn and scratch marks dotted everywhere. Her wings were damaged, with the membrane showing a hint of blue. She was massive, but couldn't hold her own weight. The armour on her held the lava briefly, but it spilled out the instant she collapsed onto the ground.
She dug her claws into the ground, dragging herself towards Glory. Wordless threats spewed her way, little more than menacing grumbles. Yet, as she did so, she began to slow.
Then, the frost appeared.
Starting from her chest, a vibrant pale light emitted. It was inside her, in her veins. Ice formed, rapidly covering her body. Starflight heard her scales snapping and breaking as the ice pushed their way out. He could only watch in horror as her movements slowed.
Her eyes were wide, a mixture of malice, hysteria, and an utter refusal to die. A futile effort. The ice travelled up her next, encasing her entirely in it. In her final moments, she looked to Princess Greatness. Her expression was incomprehensible to Starflight, but to Greatness...
He turned to her. There was a sadness in her that he could feel even from there. Her breath was heavy and staggered. Her eyes were blinking, just barely holding back tears.
"Queen Battlewinner!" Mastermind lunged to her side. "No, no, no! You can't be! It was all perfect! Everything about my armour should've protected you! How could this be!? My calculations were perfect." His talons grazed the frost formations. "...it is fascinating to see the effects of the frostbreath in action, however. Mesmerizing."
As his eyes glazed over her, he caught a glimpse of the dragonets. "Oh, yes, you!" His snout scrunched. "In my scientific opinion, that was a STUPID IDEA!! Idiots! All of you! You've doomed our tribe!" He stood, glaring at Starflight. "I'm ashamed to see you do this, son."
A lump formed in his throat. Rejection from the dragon who understood him the most.
And, yet...he didn't care.
"So?" The word leaped from his mouth.
Mastermind blinked, squinting in disbelief. "So?" he barked back.
"So what? You're a terrible dragon! You tested on the RainWings! You never even cared about me! You just wanted to see a successor who would listen to you ramble." Built-up emotions spilled out of him all at once. "I'm ashamed for you to be my father!"
Mastermind opened his mouth, perhaps to make a snarky comeback, but a loud crack! interrupted them. It shook the whole cave. The lava boiled with more intensity. Starflight's stomach was tied into knots as the realization dawned on him.
The volcano was erupting. If they did not leave now, they would be reduced to nothing more than charred corpses buried under rubble.
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icallhimjoey · 6 months
If tomorrow is the end of the world, one of the last things I wanna do is reading a oneshot of Joe and Hazel because I miss that little bitch a lot. Thank you in advance.
so, i vowed to never write baby hazel again, and yet, here we are... you're welcome Wordcount: 1.3K
--- Great Mum, Great Team
"What a terrible development," you said aghast though you were smiling, apples in your cheeks round and blushing. You were stood in the doorway to Hazel's bedroom, amazed at what you were looking at.
"I cannot believe my eyes!"
Joe sat on the carpet next to Hazel who was trying her very best to put on her mary jane's correctly, right shoe on right foot, left shoe on left foot.
Joe fully ignored you, eyes trained on Hazel's feet, just like hers were.
She struggled with the straps, tiny fingers trying to sort her toes out and not let her socks get in the way. You saw the tip of her tongue peek out in concentration, and saw how Joe, for whatever reason, copied it.
Your heart was overflowing with proud love for her as you saw her put real effort in, eyes flitting up to Joe for encouragement. It swelled your chest, pained it wonderfully.
"Nearly there. Yep, you got it." Joe spoke softly, not lending a hand, which really impressed you. You had a way of taking over, wanting to help out and just get the task done.
This was better parenting, what you were looking at.
Hazel's left heel slipped into the shoe and she immediately moved to stand up, grabbing onto a hand that Joe held out for stability.
"Yeaaa. High five, Hazel!" Joe exclaimed, holding up a palm that got hit by two smaller ones.
She did it.
"I can't believe it." you made big eyes as you smiled at her when Hazel skipped closer, telling you all about how she put her shoes on all by herself because she was a big girl now.
Something you'd been trying to convince her of for weeks.
"See, didn't I tell you?"
It seemed like she thought it was all way too far-fetched when you told her she was old enough to put her shoes on by herself, though.
The standard reaction you'd get was, "Can you please help me, mummy? I can't do it by myself." and you'd try. You'd really try. You'd tell her things like, no babe, I know you can do it, if you don't, you'll have to go outside without any shoes on and your socks will get all wet, and that doesn't sound very nice, does it?
But you'd grow impatient.
It would just take too long.
"She's going to need a big girl bed soon, too, don't you Hazel?" Joe said, getting up himself now too. Hazel ignored the both of you as she skipped past you, on her way to the living room where the TV was still playing one of her shows.
You raised your eyebrows and huffed a laugh as you watched her disappear down the hall.
"I swear she thinks she's a teenager." Joe mused, stepping closer and letting his hand fall to your waist.
"Yea, a teenager who only listens to you, it seems."
"Well," Joe leant closer for a quick peck to your lips. "Stop being such a push-over then."
Joe expected you to drop your jaw, to frown deep, and to shove at him, because he was clearly only joking.
But instead you sighed and quietly said "Yea, I know." much more sorrowful than he ever wanted to hear you.
You thought maybe it was your voice. You didn't think you sounded very authoritative, that you didn't tend to make demands very well.
Hazel always poked right through your demands. Didn't take them seriously like you wanted her to.
"Hey," Joe whispered worriedly, forcing eye-contact before saying, "You know you're not a push-over, right? I was only joking."
You smile at his gentleness. At the instant care he's got ready for you.
"No, I am. It's okay. I shouldn't have made such a headstrong child, it's my own fault." you tried your hand at humour, and Joe nearly bought it.
You could hear how Hazel opened a cabinet in your living room, followed by the sounds of the box with wooden blocks being dragged out. Hazel didn't really have time to play right now, Joe had just gotten her to put her shoes on for a short trip to the market. You didn't really need anything, but it was nice to get out of the house and tire Hazel out a bit.
"Baby," you called out to her, leaning away from Joe a little as to not shout right into his ear, and were about to tell your daughter to put the blocks back. But then Joe pulled you in close and pressed his nose into your cheek, softly saying, "No, let her. We're not in a hurry, are we?"
You realised just then that you weren't, and, to Joe's relief, finally swung arms around his neck to hug him back.
Through kisses to your cheek, Joe murmured, "You realise that only headstrong girls can make headstrong girls, don't you?"
You couldn't help smiling as you closed your eyes, relishing in this little moment of affection Joe created.
"You have no idea..." you started, humour in your tone. "How long I struggled to get her to put on her shoes the other day. And guess how that whole altercation ended?"
Joe kept his face stuck to yours, not moving away in between kisses, just making noises with his lips against your cheek.
"Who ended putting the shoes on?"
"Was it you?" Joe spoke out of the sides of his mouth, all hot air against your skin, unintentionally raspberrying you as he did.
"It was me." you confirmed, and you let a laugh escape in a huff through your nose.
"Hmm," Joe mused, moving to press his forehead against yours. "Just means you're nurturing. Caring. So sweet, and kind."
You got a kiss pressed to your lips.
"Yea, well... would just be nice if she listened to me like she listens to... well, literally anyone else. Not to, you know–"
You didn't want Joe to think he fell into that category. He very much wasn't literally anyone else to Hazel.
"I know." Joe understood.
"She– you definitely are dad, you–"
"I know. I was trying to compliment you, just accept it. You're a great mum." Joe shut you up, pressed more kisses to your mouth and let his arms wrap tighter.
You stood in Hazel's bedroom's doorway and let yourself drown in Joe's fondness for you. Joe showed it all the time, but there weren't many moments where you stopped everything you had going on to fully accept it for a moment.
And Joe lived for these moments.
It was only short-lived though. It always was.
From the living room you heard a crash of block, followed by a silence that then got broken by beginning cries from Hazel.
They quickly grew in volume.
You were about to pull away from Joe, already mentally picking Hazel up from the floor to hug close to your chest. But Joe held you and said, "Wait..." as he turned his ear towards the living room, listening. Waiting.
It just took a second longer for Hazel to start to cry out for her mum, and a smile spread across Joe's face.
"See? Mum. She needs you. No way that she was going to call out for anyone else. It's why we make such a great team."
You rolled your eyes as Joe made his point, finally losing his tight grip so you could make your way over.
Joe followed and watched as you bent over to pick up a crying Hazel who was holding a small hand to her head next to a big pile of wooden blocks. It was obvious a tower had fallen over and she'd gotten hurt in the process.
You shushed her and swayed as you comforted her, asking her if she'd hurt her head, if it was the blocks that got her.
Hazel's soft whimpers confirming that it had been the wooden blocks made Joe pout at her sad little voice.
When you turned to look at him, Joe's face smoothed out.
"Great mum." he mouthed, and you scrunched up your nose in response.
"Great team." you mouthed back.
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @bylermaxmayfield, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn, @dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma77645, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4, @hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @miserybeans, @munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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honeylations · 1 year
Prompt: She’s out with the girls at a bar but she can’t keep her eyes off you and is encouraged to make a move
Warnings/Notes: bartender reader, not all contestants are mentioned in this story
A/N: I never thought I’d write for R U Next but here I am T^T couldn’t help it when I laid eyes on Chanelle and Jiwoo. Also, I decided to include the eliminated contestants because I love Moa and Funa :<
“I needed this” Yunah sighed with content as her and the other girls managed to find a table in the bar.
“I’m glad we’re all here” Jiwoo said that earned a laugh from the others.
“I’m more surprised Minju’s here. Aren’t you parents strict or something” Moa commented, leaning her elbows on the table.
“They were but I managed to convince them” Minju smirked.
Everyone looked at her with confusion.
“What did you say?” Yunah asked and took a menu from the centre of the table.
“That Funa was being deported back to Japan-“
“WHAT?!” The entire table screamed, a mixture of disbelief and laughter.
“They’re gonna think I’m some trouble maker or something!” Funa dramatically cried into her palms.
“Are you hearing this, Chanelle?….Chanelle?” Jiwoo poked the called girl’s shoulder.
The half American jumped and returned her eyes to the other girls in panic. “Sorry, what did you guys say?”
Yunah squinted before looking behind to where Chantelle’s eyes were at first. That’s when she saw you, a young bartender that held a pretty smile when serving the many customers at the counter. You had beautiful long hair and great fashion sense.
Yunah looked back at Chanelle with a goofy smirk. “You creep”
Chanelle’s eyes widened. “I am not!”
“What’s happening?” Jiwoo asked, trying to look at what Yunah saw.
“Our adorable Chanelle here… has a cwushie wushie on the pretty bartender” Yunah nodded her head to where you were.
“Ohhhh~ She’s so pretty Unnie~” Minju wiggled her brows and the others added onto the teasing.
“You should ask for her name” Moa winked.
“Or even better, her number” Jiwoo made kissy faces.
“Stop, please” Chanelle groaned and laid her head down on the table.
“Hey, why don’t you go order us some drinks and food?” Moa suggested while snatching the menu for Yunah and slapping it onto Chanelle’s head.
The half American sat up and held the menu tightly. “Do you even know what you want to order?”
“Just to start light, can you get all of us the Sunrise cocktail?” Jiwoo asked, pointing at the night’s specials.
“Oh and a bowl of chips to share!” Minju excitedly put her hand up.
“And a cheeseburger for me!” Moa had to add, earning a look from Chanelle.
“Well can one of you come with me to help grab the drinks? I only have two hands” Chanelle said but the girls shook their heads.
“Nah we’re good. Plus, you get to go back and forth to see the pretty bartender!” Jiwoo giggled, only for Chanelle to roll her eyes.
“Fine whatever. Y’all better pay me back! Drinks are expensive”
“Yeah yeah. Now go!” Yunah flicked her wrist as Chanelle walked off.
“Are we gonna ignore that I have to pretend to be deported?!” Funa yelled.
“Hi there, what can I get for you?” You smiled when Chanelle approached you at the counter.
Her breath hitched, realising you were even more beautiful up close. “H-Hi, um…shit I forgot what they wanted” Chanelle hissed and started skimming through the menu again.
She was surprised (and proud) to hear you give a small laugh. “No rush, gorgeous”
GORGEOUS?! Chanelle needed to remind herself that it’s bartender language and she shouldn’t let her delusions get the best of her.
“I’m sorry, I forgot what my friends ordered. What would you recommend?”
You smiled at her worried face. “We thinking of something strong? Or like a cocktail?”
“Cocktail please, I can’t be bothered dealing with 5 drunk girls tonight” Chanelle placed the menu down and sighed.
“Let me whip you up my secret drink then” You winked, almost sending Chanelle into cardiac arrest.
“Don’t poison them please, I don’t have many friends”
And for the first time that night, you warm heartedly laughed, holding your stomach from how funny this tall girl was. “I didn’t mean to laugh so hard, I’m sorry. You’re just so cute!”
Chanelle looked away to hide her blush, unfortunately making eye contact with her table who started making kissing noises. The half American sent them a middle finger before turning back to you.
“How many drinks did you want?”
“5 of your special drink please. I’ll just have a lemonade” Chanelle leaned onto the counter.
“You’re not a drinker?” You asked while setting up the glasses and ingredients.
“I do drink but not for tonight. I’ll get ahead of myself”
You nodded and started bopping your head to the bar’s music, creating an awkward silence between you and the taller girl. That’s when Chanelle closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“You’re very pretty. What’s your name?”
Chanelle didn’t miss the way the tip of your ears went red and how you started giggling timidly. “Thank you. I’m Y/n”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Chanelle”
You tilted your head while mixing the drinks individually. “Your name is pretty. You foreign?”
“Oh yeah, I’m half Korean”
“What’s the other half?”
“Half yours?” Chanelle cringed at herself, making you laugh loud again.
“Smooth Chanelle, very smooth”
“Too much?”
You shook your head and started wiping any spills on the counter. “Not at all. It was perfect”
‘You’re perfect’ Chanelle wanted to say but she already embarrassed herself with the dumb pick up line.
“Alright Miss Chanelle, here are your drinks. $63 please”
You snorted at the way the taller’s eyes almost popped out her sockets. “Jesus, I forget how expensive drinks are” she muttered and pulled out cash, placing it in your hands.
“Thank you. Let me get your change”
“No it’s okay, keep it as a tip. You know, for your 5 star customer service” Chanelle grinned.
“Oh~ Such a smooth talker aren’t you?”
“Good enough to possibly get your socials? Or maybe your number”
Not gonna lie, you wanted to punch Chanelle out the window…out of cuteness aggression. She was undeniably attractive and charming, there was no way you were gonna let this opportunity slide.
“Sure. I’ll give you both” You took the phone from her and gave your details before returning the device.
“You must get a lot of people asking you that, huh?” Chanelle fiddled with her phone.
“I do. But this is the first time I’ve actually given it to someone”
“I’m honoured. I should probably let you go. I don’t want your manager yelling at you” Chanelle scratched the back of her neck while eyeing the 6 glasses.
You took notice of her worry and walked around the counter, now standing directly in front. “I’ll help you”
“Well aren’t you sweet” The taller giggled and took 3 glasses while you took the other 3 and followed her to the table.
“Took you long enough, Chanelle” Yunah sighed before grabbing one of the glasses.
You placed the rest down and quickly brushed your hand across Chanelle’s arm. “See you around, cutie”
Chanelle’s eyes followed you while you walked away, her gaze shamelessly checking out your body. Moa slapped the back of her head.
“You’re no better than a man”
Chanelle shrugged and sipped her lemonade.
“Hey this isn’t the cocktail I asked for” Jiwoo frowned.
“Did you order my chips?” Minju asked with sparkle in her eyes.
“And my cheeseburger?” Moa raised her eyebrows.
The half American gulped. “I forgot, sorry..”
A/N: lemme know if you want more 😔
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