#and i am Short(tm)
seirindono · 3 months
What's everyone's official height?
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Ah, yes. Official height and age, of course...
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ezlo-x · 10 months
how do i explain to everyone that my josha comic is abt my au and not fully connected to totk? 👉👈
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the-busy-ghost · 2 months
Irregular bit of cricket-posting for the two and a half mutuals interested on this website, none of them likely to be online at the moment, and also on the offchance I convert a bored dash-scroller.
The first test match ever staged in Northern Ireland is being played at the moment. Northern Ireland is largely represented at a test level by an Cricket Ireland, so this is an all-Ireland team involving players from both the Republic and the North. They are currently playing Zimbabwe at Stormont in Belfast.
Although I have recently become a big TMS fan and therefore have England vs the West Indies blaring on the radio, I know that it's possible to follow the score on the BBC here. But if anyone knows any local radio that's covering it, would love to know.
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warrior-of-storms · 3 months
every time I read MCU Peter Parker, an angel loses their wings
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godkilller · 5 months
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❝ Say, is that guy of yours still treatin' ya right, or do I haveta kill'im and pretend it was an accident? Aside from that... -- it's good to see ya. ❞
@soverina liked for a one-liner starter!
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saveraedae · 2 months
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bbq-potato-chip · 11 months
HI HAI HOPE IM NOT TOO LATE FOR TH ASK GAME BUT ✨ your silly lil green guy. yknow the one. ulquiorra. please please tell me about him ive been spectating from afar and i need to know abt him so bad. as silly or as serious as you want, say anything, ijust wanna hear abt him from a certified Appreciator(tm). be free :]
At last I am enabled HE IS MY FUNNY LITTLE GREEN GUY AND I LOVE HIM I am honored to be chosen as a certified appreciatior ANYWAY SO UM let me just explain like. What he is rlly quick because there are so many different types of guys in the whole bleach world
you have humans, who live in the world of the living and souls (dead people) who also live in the world of the living and then you have hollows which are like corrupted souls that the soul reapers gotta defeat to get them to love on to the next life (which is in the soul society)(the soul reapers also live there)(the soul reapers are also dead people)(it’s like a whole reincarnation thing)
the hollows live in this other dimension called hueco mundo they look like this (the guy on the left- hollows are more “monster-y” looking whereas arrancars are more human looking but they still have the holes where their hearts should be-hence the term hollow)
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So these guys called arrancars (that’s what ulquiorra is!!!) they’re hollows that have been modified to be kind of…like a cross between a soul reaper and hollows because they have swords (soul reaper thing) but are also hollows. Basically like. You have a bear and your like let me give that bear a gun. Like that. The main antagonist is responsible for all that for reasons™️ but that’s a whole other thing in it of itself. But yeah he’s like an an evil henchmen.
but onto greater, more important things
ok completely on a surface level his charcter design is like. 10/10
I don’t know much abt charcter design but since his colors are limited he really like stands out (it’s part of the reason why I think kny characters have such good designs because they stick to the two main color plus accent color)
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He’s mostly black n white with accents with green which is just so striking and the green tear makeup is just *chefs kiss* PLUS the combination of the traditional Japanese hakufu pants combined with the almost (not rlly sure how to put it) like European tail coat kind of deal he’s got going on really is such an interesting combination of two different cultural fashions. Ichigo (the guy on the right) has kind of a similar deal going on with the pants and the more western looking tuxedo looking deal and they’re design are supposed to Parallel each other for thematic reasons but PERSONALLY I think ulquiorra does it way better . But idk Maybe I’m biased!!
And there’s his other powered up forms which are just so cool
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He’s so edgy. I love him this slaps so hard I cannot deny he’s so creaturecore
ok so now. Plot stuff
so basically his whole deal is that he’s a nihilist. Throughout his appearance he’s always like oooh nothing matters I don’t care blah blah blah despite the fact that he has emo make up. He does NOT put the emotion in emo. (Which, at least my impression of emo is about wearing emotions on your sleeve. I don’t know much abt emo as like a whole but if anyone has any like critique on my definition please let me know I’d love to learn more) My man is emo in style but is like yeah whatever I don’t feel emotions I don’t have a heart I’m not human don’t think of me as a human I’m a logical emotionless creature yadayada.
it’s such an interesting design choice to me because it really highlights how…hypocritical his worldview is. As the story goes on you can see his whole nothing matters deal kind of crack, towards his finally battle we see him get angry and surprised and then (spoiler alert) love right before he dies.
And you really can’t talk about ulquiorra without talking about orihime.
orihime was kidnapped basically by orders of the main antagonist because she has powers that he needs for reasons™️. It’s kind of a long explanation why so I’ll just leave it at that. But the whole reason Orihime is there was because she loves her friends, and she goes over to the side of the enemy because she didn’t want her friends to get hurt (basically the “bad guys” were like come with us or we’ll kill your friends and she was like. Well I guess I have to go because I love my friends) which is like the complete opposite of ulquiorra because he’s all like whatever friendship love and bonds are all bull. But as he interacts with her he gets (upset?curious? Not sure of the wording) about what it means to have a heart (or a bond with another person really). I just love how as we move through the arc we see him gradually more humanized, partly as a result of orihime being all like. You’re wrong things DO matter but also because he IS human in a way.
specifically there’s a scene in his backstory one shot where orihime catches him sleeping and brings him food and it just shows that yeah maybe he’s not technically a regular guy but he gets sleepy and needs a little snack!!! He’s grumpy about it but I just love how it portrays him in such a different way than we usually get to see him. (He’s embarrassed he’s so funny. “Ooooh I take naps and eat snacks 🙄so embarrassing” He’s so silly)
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As he talks to orihime throughout this arc he gets CLOSER to understanding as his whole nothing matters deal keeps getting shut down by her when he tries to convince her that nothing matters. But he really doesn’t GET it until right before his death when he realizes what “the heart” is. Because orihime showed him humanity and kindness he’s like oooohhhh I get it now. But at the last second which just is so…cries
anyway. He finally realizes what it means to care about something as he dies and it’s so tragic because this is the first time he’s ever felt anything and now he’s going to die reaching out to her. It’s probably THE most tragic anime scene I’ve ever watched it kills me literally Everytime I watch it screaming crying throwing up. You know the deal!!!
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Then after that whole arc is finished the author published this art . And look at him. He’s so silly look at him
Anyway. *does jazz hands 👐 * that’s my guy!!!
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Also!!! Fun facts(tm)
-Ulquiorras name was based off of Spanish architect and the castle that he lives in is based off of abstract Spanish architecture . Which I just think is really neat
-His birthday is on December 1!!!
-i just think he’s neat!!!
Anyway thank you so much for the ask I am so sorry this took forever to respond to I jus have SO many thoughts and typing on my phone takes FOREVER anyway I hope I did him justice!!!
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facesblind · 4 months
idk what is happening honestly so tired so eepy let boys run the errands with teddybeardog and i have some regrets ( tm )
#apparently she almost bit a child (but it was because said child carried bread or a sandwich so i bet she wanted. said sandwich)#(her favorite snack of all time is bread)#and also had her nails clipped and it was. very unpleasant#she had lots of stress today due to storms and her anxiety pills didn't do a great job :/#then a different person had to clip her nails#not usual doctors#she had to have a muzzle she was tryna bite :<<#maybe because it was hurty because there's this thing inside pet nails#called “proper claw” or something#and she has it and it's very long and it has nerves and all#she has it long due to being neglected in the past by previous owners so it grew and grew inside the nail that can be clipped#so we can't clip the nails short - short so we don't damage the nerves#apparently the doctor did clip a bit too short#and the boys tried to say that they can't be clipped this short but the lady was ukrainian and didn't speak polish#and teddybeardog bled a little#though she's a big girl and it didn't hurt her much but she was STRESSED#she also tripped on stairs and hit her head :(((#she only calmed down when she got to lay down and sleep with me#and now she's better#i just think i would've handled it all better#if i had not slept 2h yesterday and then spent 4 hours running other errands that made me pass out on bed unable to get up#i let teddybeardog have forbidden snackos for being so brave today#(raisins in chocolate)#dont come @ me i know what i'm doing#for a dog this big the amount of chocolate she was given does nothing#she will also have some chicken and cheese off my pizza#but then again they know teddybeardog and whats good for her i just know i am her comfort person despite how she looks at my boys#like theyre bread#and at me#like im just some guy TM
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Feel free not to answer this if you feel uncomfortable or it's just not something you want to talk about, but where do you feel is the line in joking about the Chantry explosion? Is there a certain tenor of post, vague or specific, that you feel goes too far or generally gets too real? Not asking you to call out specific people and posts, but I was just curious what your thoughts were, because you make a really good, valuable point. Again, sorry if this is a question that for any reason you don't feel like answering.
No worries at all!
Tbh it's kinda hard to define a clear line.. first ofc because it's gonna be different between me and other people, but also for what I personally don't mind and what i find uncomfortable it's kind of a case by case basis depending on the tone etc. so uhh. Maybe it's easier to define my issue with it?
So basically. For me personally, as a muslim (this isn't exclusive to muslims obviously, plenty minority groups get similar media treatment; but this is the experience that i personally can speak of), the entire Chantry Bombing Scenario TM is uh. Not Cool. Because it feels very reminiscent of how muslims and islamic extremism have often been portrayed in media, and from the setup it's pretty obvious that it was supposed to have a similar effect. It was supposed to be a big shock moment to make the player re-think if mages really do deserve freedom, because "but look what that one did!! What if more of them are like that??". And the fact that it was quite literally done through the bombing of a place of worship does Not help.
Which is the other point. Because terrorist attacks like that do happen. It is very much a reality for more than enough people, and having that made light of or even glorified, which.. happens more than i'd like in this fandom, is also not cool to see. Yes, even if it's fictional, and even if it's is a counter reaction to how the game is trying to frame Anders's actions.
So i guess the bottom line is, i don't mind jokes about, say. the absurdity of the bombing. Because it kind of is, in that usual Dragon Age way. Or about inconsistencies surrounding the event, or anything like that. Where it gets uncomfortable is anything that feels like it's making fun of terrorism. But again it's kinda difficult to draw a clear line of where it's just silly and where it starts having Weird Implications
I'm sorry if this isn't very well explained, but thank you for asking!! <3
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le--fruitcake · 5 months
Hello my leige, Lord of the Gays. This humble servant requests that you part your most correct cartoons opinions onto us all so that we may partake of your wisdoms.
How could I refuse a polite request such as thine? But of course, my vassal. Prithee, give me a moment to collect my thoughts before I impart them unto thee.
I refer, generally speaking, to the spinoff show of my favorite comic series, Usagi Yōjimbo, called Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, as the "children's shows", though I may also refer to any of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shows as well— more on this later.
In Samurai Rabbit, the main character Yūichi is obsessed with the exploits of his ancestor, Miyamoto Usagi (宮本 兎), the main character and protagonist of Usagi Yōjimbo. Many of the fans on tumblr.hell grossly mischaracterize Yūichi as having a style of nerdiness that is very painfully American (such as enjoying pop music instead of Shamito Nadeshiko, for example, which is almost certainly something that would play in Neo Edo, the city in which Samurai Rabbit takes place. Yūichi literally lives in Japan. He would not listen to American pop music, mostly because he does not have access to the Internet. nor does he speak English), when there is, in fact, a subgenre of Japanese nerdiness into which he fits (almost) perfectly. This subgenre is called 歴女, or "rekijo", which transliterates as "passage of time woman", but is used to refer to women and girls interested in pre-Edo period (1600s) Japanese history— essentially female Japanese history buffs, usually into samurai and such. Usagi Yōjimbo takes place in the early 1600s— the beginning of Japan's Edo period. Of course, Yūichi is not a woman, but the sentiment applies. I frequently and somewhat jokingly use the nonexistent term 歴男 (rekidan) to refer to him and myself, as I, too, enjoy Japanese history. I replaced the kanji for woman, 女, with the kanji for man— 男.
(By the way, this show is For Children, and the animation is kind of terrible. I hesitate to recommend you watch it, but at the same time, it has many lines I am always quoting in situations such as Work and Any Time I Hear the words "Syrup" or "Accident" or "Grape", and some legitimately funny jokes sprinkled in. Also, the Japanese dub, despite not being the original, still manages to be better in most cases. There are some bits I prefer in English, and some I prefer in Japanese.
This is unrelated to anything and more of a nitpick I have with the show, but they state his name is 兎 友一 [Usagi Yūichi], which would make his family name his ancestor's given name— something that does not really happen in Japan, according to my sister, who is fluent and studied much of the culture. His name should be 宮本 友一 [Miyamoto Yūichi], assuming there is an unbroken line of sons stretching back to Usagi because of the stupid way last names work under the patriarchy, or if any of the women of their lineage made their husbands take their last name, or something like that.)
In terms of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it is important to note I got into this series because Usagi, the ancestor with which Yūichi is obsessed, frequently crosses over with them, in both comic and TV show forms, due to the authors of both comics being friends in real life. In fact, in every iteration of TMNT save Rise of the TMNT (which happens to be my favorite, despite this), there are at least two episodes that feature Usagi. I grew to like the Turtles independently, and made a post about them. In this post, I mentioned "having the most correct opinions about a children's show", and it is this that I quote all the time in my Esoteric Tags.
Anyway, Rise is the best Turtles because all of them are so well characterized, and the show has the very rare combination of good and stylized animation/acting, good characterization/writing, and a good story/premise. Usually, shows have one or two of the three, and you have to deal with the third being Just Good Enough to Keep Watching. Very much not the case with Rise, and I highly recommend starting with it if you want to get into TMNT. Music kinda slaps also. (This is a Correct Opinion because apparently, some people don't like this show. Somehow)
Side note about the crossovers: while the crossover with the 2003 TMNT is the most homoerotic (between Leonardo and Usagi), the 2012 crossover is the best, despite 2012 being my personal least favorite TMNT. Stan Sakai, the author of Usagi Yōjimbo, actually wrote two out of the three episodes, and they FINALLY got an actual Japanese person to play the Japanese character. That's a whole other can of worms I could open, but I'll leave that for another post, if I ever get around to making it. Suffice it to say, Japanese or Japanese-coded characters are, unfortunately, rarely, if ever, portrayed by Japanese people.
Hm. If I have any more Correct Opinions about Children's Shows, they are so correct in my mind I cannot fathom a world in which people don't think the same way I do, so I shall leave it here for now. I thank thee, my vassal, and pray you send me more asks like this in the future!
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thedeadthree · 4 months
🎵 for Karolina!
HI HI ALYSSA I HOPE YOU ARE WELLL !!!! ty ty so much!! i have had her on the brain lately i miss her SOO much :')) <3
send me a ♫ + a character’s name and i will respond with a song that reminds me of them. send a ♫ + a ship and i will do the same.
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✧ ― 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐈 -`. dua lipa.
if you're good enough you'll find a way / maybe you could cause a girl to change (her ways) / do you think about it night and day? / maybe you could be the one to make me stay
#🌞: alyssa#risingsh0t#hi hi thank you SOO much for the ask dear i apologize for the delay!!#favoritest ask game everr i think <33 i have to rb it again i love talking about clowns and tunes ITS SO FUNN#if i havent rec'd you breach yet (i am POSITIVE thoughh bc faviee jdshnhk) i cant rec it enough especially book two *screams* SOO GOOD!!!!#i need to replay it again i miss her and michael so stonkinn MUCH#i would say though that this more applies to her ships in her c*od and c*yberpunk verses??#for c*od shes with ghostiee and in cybering punk shes with g*oro and this goes SOO well for those like?? to the letter ????#especially this line ty tyy d*ua for writing THE karol song it just.... GETS her especially in these verses !! <33#also with breach i feel like you would LOVEE gabriel and raquel hehee#in her v*tm verse shes a l*asombra <33 i have a backstory for her pre embrace i am workin on that i am SOO excited to look intoo#i may even incorporate it into her other verses too i lovee it? she was an orphan and bounced places and people right??#eventually she ended up in a convent preparing to be made a nun and then she dipped <33 stole a bunch of valuables on her way out ofc jhsbj#because of COURSE she did djnjfksnk that wouldnt be very karolina of her if she didnt!! very spark notes but short version but!! eeek!!!!#she wasn’t into it so she left but not before taking anything valuable with her on her way out i adore her sm 🥀💌😌#jsandkja moots if yall read all of that i am baking you cookies rn we are besties
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newervegas · 8 months
okok sleep deprived BUUT i think i have the j//jk verse figured out so far!!!!!!
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three clowns atm!! shiori (g*ojo), minako (t*oji + ch*oso) and kanna (n*anami) !!!!!!! 🌸💕
minako is g/ojos older sister (by a few years she graduated college and was in her first year as a teacher in ye olde flashback era of when g*ojo and besties were in school) she was married and thus and still into today she uses her late spouses surname mizuhara.
shiori is either n//aoyas twin but they weren’t really close as kids and aren’t close now so there isn’t much to that?? (or maybe they were but now its strained due to yk succession who gets to be heir i am not quite sure about that yet!! oo it would give s//uccesiion but make it j//jk OO!!!!!) ORR she’s the older sib of m*ai and m*aki?? and still candidate of heir (?) in that as well?)
BUT ANYWAY..!!!! she was an old classmate of g/ojo and the besties (was maybe in either his year or n/anami and kannas year?) AND BESTEST BUDS. its giving childhood sweethearts to lovers yk? CUUTE.
fast forward t*oji passes….ish. right she and him after they grad they raise her nephew together (he even has a room at her apartment they’ve been SUUPER married but never got together what gives yk?? ILL EXPLAIN 💀) so her career skyrocketed (as an actress?? model? both????) and so things got busy BUUT like they’ve baaasically been living together and raising two youngins (minako and t*oji have a daughter aya <3) they hang out like ALL THE TIME……. and yet not married 💀
(but i mean thats not to say they’ll never yk *giggles* shes taking a year off of to help out and support m*egumi at his first year with goj 🥀🤧 SUPER MARRIED PARENTS!!) theyve alsoo been very invested the last decade or so with getting two of their besties together ever since n*anami said he was interested in her since like forever and never told them about it but swore to never tell her about it so theyve been trying to subtly *wheeze* set them up 🥀🤡
WHICH LEADS ME TO KANNAAA so she’s the granddaughter to the principal of the k*yoto campus and she transferred to tokyo so not to have the rep as “principals kid” (she still did alas 💀✨🤧) and possibly get special treatment bc shes related to one of the administrators. her curse technique she uses (its like c*assia in r*ogue trader-ish seeing emotions, curses and resonances as colors and swipes of paint and swipes of a paintbrush !!) and its helpful as she is a psychotherapist these days for sorcerers !!!!!!! 🌸 very much on the outside cool and collected “has her stuff together.” meanwhile that mask hides behind a hot mess teehee <3 also parties a lot chronic partner drags shiori to all of her after parties and galas and suggests kanna “tags along” so she can party 🥀😌 the girls are thriving!!!!!!!!
she didn’t think anything of nan and in fact likely didn’t even know he existed let alone has had a childhood harbored crush on her 🥀💀 ……. and then they reunite when they’re set up together in ep9 TEEHEE (everyone (g*ojo and shiori) cheers they’re brains for suggesting she aid them HUUUGE) she had planned only to be there for the exchange event and then go back to things buuuut teehee n*anami like kanna fell HARD (everyone’s thrilled especially g*ojo and shiori ndjxxh) and thus decided to take a transfer to be in t*okyo HEHE.
SO GOLDFISH BRAIN their curses!! minako (dream walking/weaving), shiori (pied piper if i make her an actress she doesn’t do musicals or play instruments UNLESS there’s curses in her midst bc she can control them and people in the vicinity with her ability (like meat puppets 🥀🤧 BUUT if i made her a model people already would expect her not to sing so i mean it would be convenient??) and kanna was listed earlier!!
(also when g*ojo and shiori finally DO get together everyone was like ????? we thought you both already were?? and they were like 🥀🧍‍♀️🧍👁️✨😶🫨)
BONUS TRACK VERSION: so nan and kan begin as more of a fwb but it doesn’t last im thinking bc teehee <3 BUUT not before shiori stopped by kans place for something and noticed…… something of nanamis there 🥀💀 (like a tie or jacket of his or something yk?) BUT THE WAY SHIO BOLTSSSS TO DELIVER THE NEWS very had to be ✨ so normal ✨ around them lest ye aforementioned parties are made aware that they know 🌸💕🫨🥴
#leg.txt#t: personal musings#i am so sorry if this makes no sense dkxjxhgc i haven’t gone to sleep and it’s 7 am 💀) ANYWAY i hope y’all are well!!!!!! 🌸💕#*its 8 am now *wheeze* leg go to sleep challenge (impossible) the saga continues 🥀🤡#veery trying to keep it vague xkxhhxh since i think im a bit over halfway thru s1#and like yk this all could SUUPER change yk?? (alsoo i can’t wait to dev minako and c*hoso once i meet him they’re gonna be the cutest AHH)#alsoo jess i may beeline to the ye olde messages bc i have hyperfixation bad rn 🥀🤧😌✨☺️ binge watching it and feeling normal rn!! <3#ill go into a lore thingy on minakos new lore later !!!!!! leg need nap *wheeze* 🥀🤧🥴✨#but like in short toj they meet she went on a date to tell him she’s married its dropped#SUBSEQUENTLY he’s given an assignment interestingly to zero her man and the immediate family#(she had to grade an assignment that night where her students wrote their own plays!!)#i mean in his mind even with his profession he’s the tiniest wee bit grateful she wasn’t attending that night 🌸💕☺️😵‍💫#something something in love with the mark trope I LOVE SYMBOLISM!!!!!!!#and like her and goj were SUUPER close until he passed then she never really wanted to see him or speak to him again#leg returning to their v//tm era while also needing to write that w//itcher fic and other things 🥀🥴 but!! we are creating though yay!!!!!!!#that is a BOTCHED summary of things for minakotoj if i ever saw one kdjxhxhx 🥀🤧
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not-oscar-wilde · 1 year
Chapters: 1/14 Fandom: Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dorian Pavus, Halward Pavus, Aquinea Thalrassian, Felix Alexius, Gereon Alexius, Rilienus (Dragon Age), Varric Tethras, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Vignette, Snapshots, Character Study, Dorian Pavus Has Issues, Dorian Pavus-centric, Childhood Trauma, conversion therapy, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Non-Linear Narrative Summary: A series of vignettes written for the 30 Days of Dorian prompt event.
the dragon age fixation has coincided well with the @30daysofdorian event, so I’ll be writing and posting a series of short dorian vignettes throughout the month based on their tarot card prompts!
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chelseasasimmer · 2 years
i've decided my main personal goal/resolution/whatever for 2023 is to start taking better care of my hair. mostly because i keep looking back at photos of me when i was younger and mourning the fact that my once curly hair is now wavy at best (except for the strands right in front of my ears, which are the only part of my hair that has retained a nice curl pattern and which torment me on a daily basis)
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widevibratobitch · 1 year
it's embarrassing that i let a het ship hold this much power over me but at least he's somewhat gnc so it's cool
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more or less nobody else that follows me will get this but the last episode of Hustle, 8x06, literally broke me in half because WHY did they have to reference The Magnificent Seven (1960 vers.) and by extension reference Lee as another Robert-Vaughn-played-this-character was RIGHT THERE.
...that was uncalled for and. ...im. im still not over it. I'm still not over it because wHY did they do that and WHY did they add the theme song in the back and WHY
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