#and i always will
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twainxavier · 6 months ago
I am genuinely so devastated right now.
It might sound silly but I have actually been crying today. I'm not sure this post will properly articulate my thoughts but I'm going to try because this show and this fandom deserves that at the very least.
Dead Boy Detectives was one of the most amazing, agonisingly beautiful, and in my opinion perfect shows I have ever watched. The writing, the acting, the camera work, the cgi, all of it. Every single part. I honestly don't think I could name another show that comes close for me that I have actually watched all the way through and over and over again.
Losing this show has genuinely broken me. And I am not just upset for myself, and the fact we won't see a true end to the story that was started. I am upset for every single person who also found a home with this show and this fandom like I have. And possibly most of all I am upset for the cast and crew and everyone who was involved in making Dead Boy Detectives happen.
To speak on the first point, I know that everyone I personally helped find the show genuinely enjoyed it, even if it wasn't their typical thing. Every single one said that they would love to see where the show takes things in future. To have that taken from all of us is painful enough.
And I know that myself, and many others, found a home and a safe place within this fandom. I remember how we watched the show over and over again desperate to stop this from happening. We all came together and gave this show all the love we had, and I know we will continue to do so through the fandom and fanfiction and everything we can.
But for me, one of the things that possibly hurts the most is that this has been taken not only from us, but from the cast and crew as well. I think it is clear to see how much they loved this show as well, the characters they played, the scenes they crafted. They all deserve so much better than this.
And I think, personally, this proves that Netflix never will be better. They will always cancel the shows that people genuinely love and highly review (a 92% and 90% rotten tomatoes score clearly meant nothing to them) purely because it doesn't align with the views of the higher ups with the money. Funny how every single queer show with a strong queer fanbase doesn't last more than a season. To me, it feels like the platform is trying to queerbait. Not the show of course, never that, but it feels like every now and then Netflix will make a queer show to get us all back on their platform watching it, and then delays their cancellation decision to squeeze every last view from us. So much so I am not sure I will be able to watch it on Netflix's platform again, I don't know on that point just yet but that is how I feel in this moment. Dead Boy Detectives did not deserve this treatment, and I'm not sure why, but I still have hope that perhaps a different and better platform might pick it up. But even that feels sadly not plausible.
Rant aside, this show meant everything to me. It was raw and honest and funny and just everything it should have been. I hope that we as a fandom make sure this show never dies in our love for it and the fan works we create and will continue to create.
I have run out of words for now, eventhough I am sure there is more I could say.
I have so much love for this fandom and the cast and crew, all of whom poured all their love into this show. I hope we will continue to do so, however we can. And thank you, all of you, for giving me a home I felt safe in.
Dead Boy Detectives, forever 💜
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frownyalfred · 10 months ago
curious as to if you’ve seen Titans (the live action TV show)? Really terrible show, but GREAT jason
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who can forget the iconic "fuck Batman!" line? not me. I think about it all the time. I can't tell if I love or hate it.
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ghastella · 4 months ago
todd philiips keeps saying "no one cares about arthur fleck." but i do. i care about arthur. i care so so so much about you, arthur!
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Holy 1k kudos, Batman!
For the first time EVER, a fic of mine has crossed 1,000 kudos! 😍 I'm shocked, stunned, and not a little amazed.
I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read, kudos, and/or comment on any of my work - it really does mean so much.
I appreciate all of you! ♥️
And, because why not, the fic in question!
Title (and linketh): and i always will
Author: Maira
Word count: 2.3k
Rating: M
Summary: When a ringing phone wakes you up from a dead sleep, make sure that when you answer it, it's actually your phone...
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heretherebedork · 7 months ago
Hero just wailing on that boy for insulting Pop was great. I do love when they throw a punch for their man before they've been chosen. And that was a GREAT punch. A+. Hero might be a poor little rich boy with plenty of personal and family issues but he's got this weird little heart of gold buried under all that damage and I love it.
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kori-senpai · 1 year ago
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Call the anime and games cringe or whatever but they went off hard with the character designs, christ alive
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alexandria-thornton · 1 month ago
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wildsaltair · 3 months ago
do you ever think about how Maximus lives and dies as a man of the earth. haha me neither. like his whole life revolves around the farm where his beloved family lives, which is why he dreams of golden fields and anchors himself before battles by handling the soil. when he finds his family dead, he lays down in the dirt beside him. when he's on the wagon to Zucchabar, all that brings him from the brink of death is his hand brushing the soil. in the colosseum, his last connection to his family is the dust of the arena floor that he handles before fights, and it's only when his blood mingles with that soil once more than he can be at peace. but no i dont ever think about it though.
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gampiyah · 1 year ago
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happy new yuri
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miquella-everywhere · 5 months ago
Remembers Miquella the Unalloyed: :)
Remembers Miquella the Kind: :(
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System restore on my computer finally finished, but I don't know if I'll be able to do any writing tonight. I may be too stressed out at this point.
Like. I hate it here. The right wingers insisting this is a "Christian nation" are ignoring the whole "do unto others" bit. The left-wingers insisting that eye-for-an-eye punishment and violence are wrong on the whole are laughing about it.
And none of them are making any logical sense, and none of them are even concerned that we've reached a point where attempting to kill one another is not only acceptable but also funny.
People have been shot at in a public venue, people have been killed, and they're fucking laughing at each other.
Supposedly they both fundamentally agree that killing each other is wrong, but they're both trying to make light of it and justify it?
And nations have this funny little habit of fallling into turmoil when the citizens become so divided that they can approve of vigilante justice and/or approve of hatred and violence in the name of religion?
And I fucking HATE IT HERE.
But that's not going to happen, and I can't see anything coming from this except further division and animosity, and I hate it more than I've ever hated anything.
I have a niece that identifies as bisexual, who has never hurt anyone in her life and would support absolutely anyone for being themselves and stand up to bullies that say otherwise, who could be persecuted for the same reasons that make me so proud of her.
I have an almost four year old son who could grow up in a nation that tells him that thinking for yourself should be punished.
I wish I could say that I never thought I'd see the day something like this happened here.
But it's been coming for a long time. And it's more terrifying now than it's ever been before.
And it's happening pretty much everywhere at this point, in some way or other.
I really don't care if I'm being overdramatic. If it's overdramatic to care about people attempting to kill each other in the name of political affiliation, or religion or race or any other skin-deep difference, then I'll happily be a fucking drama queen.
Because fuck absolutely all of this.
I've always said this blog is a safe space, and this is what I mean. I don't give a single flying fuck who you are, or what you believe in, or what you look like, or what the dangly bits between your legs mean to you.
With all the collective knowledge we have at our fingertips, it doesn't mean anything if we can't coexist and just be fucking nice to each other.
So I just want you all to know, I absolutely love all of you.
And if you're scared or disgusted or worried or pissed off about the direction humanity is headed in, then you can still come here for reprieve.
And I'll be right here with you. I can't promise much else, but I can promise that.
And we can all fade off into a happy little sunset together while the rest of the world sets itself of fire.
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sillylunaa · 9 months ago
Taking another break with this one 🔥🔥🔥
But seriously ive been feeling hella unmotivated lately and i can barely make art rn (it is approaching finals week y'know)
Ill be back when its summer break gang (so in about 2 weeks or so)
Cya guys 🫶❤️‼️
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pierrelucdisaster · 4 months ago
my favorite thing about today was that when I was on a call with my favorite writer and I was telling her about this shitty week she randomly had to hang up bc her boss was calling her and the entire phone call she had took the same amount of time as cody's interview and I think this week has been so magical despite the bullshit.
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horse-heaven · 2 months ago
I hate hate hate the idea that progressive or oppressed groups in the south should simply “just move north” if we want to be protected. aside from the obvious things like not everyone can afford to just drop everything and move across the country, I simply don’t want to move north. I’ve lived in the south my entire life (aside from two years in Iowa when I was a toddler that I don’t even remember) and I love it here. most of my family lives in southern states. I love my city and the friends I’ve made, I love the culture and the environment (even when I’m sweating to death in the summers), I’ve built my entire life down here. I don’t think I should have to give all of that up and move to a completely different place just bc certain people in power are regressive assholes. and sure, I’m privileged in many ways. I’m white. I can pass as straight and neurotypical. I have a lot of support from my family. I live in an incredibly progressive city that is constantly fighting tooth and nail against the conservative laws of my state. but even if I didn’t have those advantages, I shouldn’t be forced to move somewhere else to have my human rights protected, as well as have the human rights of those I love and everyone around me. the south is not a monolith. there is so much diversity and culture and a wealth of wonderful people in the south that you can help instead of telling them to simply move to where you are. we can make things better if we work together. I firmly believe that the future will be better, but it won’t be an easy fight. there are no easy solutions for bigotry, so stop telling people to take quick fixes that won’t solve anything in the long run
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unabashedqueenfury · 10 months ago
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Reign 2013-17/02-22
Adelaide Kane as Mary Stuart
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