#and i about threw my pc across the room
zaana · 1 year
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Kim Kitsuragi - it's been a couple years since I played Disco Elysium, but he's one of the best characters i've ever encountered
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zephyrchama · 3 months
We know there's cooking duty, and trash duty, and various cleaning duties that the brothers rotate who's in charge of. They take turns shopping for groceries. When MC becomes their attendant in Nightbrighter, some of these chores are foisted onto them.
Is there a laundry duty? Does MC have to do everybody's laundry? Does Asmodeus keep buying more and more outrageous underwear to leave on top of his laundry so he can tease MC?
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whaddya think you’re doin’?”
Mammon walked into his room and caught you red-handed with a pair of his yellow briefs. He nearly flew across the room to snatch them out of your hand.
“Uh, the laundry?” You gestured to a basket of Mammon’s dirty clothes that had been collected from all over. “This would be easier for me if you left it in one place. Getting all of your stuff every week is like a scavenger hunt.”
Mammon threw the dirty briefs over his shoulder. They landed somewhere on the opposite side of the room for you to find again later. You looked at him in exasperation while reaching for a pair of crumpled-up jeans. His face had a rosy tint.
“Why are you doing the laundry?” he demanded.
“Because it’s my job as your attendant,” you answered.
“Wh-? Like, just this week?”
“I’ve been doing your laundry for the last three months, Mammon.”
He craned his neck forward in shock and waited a beat, as if you would say psyche. It’s not that Mammon couldn’t understand you, but this was new information he did not want to process. A hand rose to his forehead, sliding upwards as he pushed in frustration. “Well... cut it out! You look like a pervert. How would you like it if I did your laundry, huh?”
That’d be nice. “Could you, please? That would be great. I don’t have a day to do my own wash, given there’s seven of you and only seven days in a week.” Chores, RAD duties, and devilsitting took up every waking moment.
Mammon sighed and ruffled his hair. He muttered, “Seven…" In an instant, his attention snapped back to you.
"Seven? You’re doin’ everyone’s laundry?” he shouted.
You were ready to pull his jacket off yourself if he wouldn't cooperate. “Yes! And I’m short on time so just give me your dirty clothes!”
You cracked the door open ever so slightly. Leviathan was preoccupied with a game at his desktop, the back of his chair pointed at the door. The chair shook from the intensity with which he smacked the controller. Now was the perfect time. With the goal of being as quiet as possible, you crept into Leviathan’s room and made a beeline for his laundry hamper.
“Dooooooooooon’t touch those!” The pitch of his voice rose and fell impressively as Leviathan jumped and scrambled across the tile on all fours to physically block you from the laundry. Did he see your reflection in the monitor? His headphone cord popped out of the PC, its headpiece falling down to tug at his neck, and the gaming controller clattered to the floor. Leviathan slid in between you and his laundry basket like an athlete safely sliding onto a base.
In contrast, you just stood there wide-eyed with a tub of detergent in one hand.
Leviathan stammered a few times, realizing he might have overreacted. “So, uh. You see, Mammon gave us all an earful for letting you touch our clothes,” he explained. “He clearly didn’t listen when Lucifer told us you were doing it.”
“Oh, and you knew? Good job, Levi!"
You both smiled, Leviathan chuckled bashfully at the praise.
"Now give me your laundry.”
His face fell.
“No, wait! I knew you were doing it! But… you know, I never really thought about it. And for once, I think Mammon has a point. So, please!” Leviathan pressed his hands to the floor and bowed his head to the ground. A pose he learned from anime. “I’ll do my own laundry from now on! Just don’t touch it anymore!”
“Why? I've always been careful, I check the tags on your shirts so the colors don't bleed.” All of the brothers' clothes had insanely specific washing instructions. Compared to laundering suit jackets and leather and silk, colorful graphic t-shirts were a walk in the park.
Leviathan did not budge. "That's true. Still, I have dignity that must be protected!"
Beelzebub goes through almost twice the amount of clothes that his brothers do due to his regular workouts. Thankfully, he helps you carry them all to the laundry room so you're not struggling alone.
Beelzebub already had everything neatly sorted into two baskets - regular clothes and workout clothes. They were all ready to go when you showed up for the weekly collection. He let you take the lighter one.
Before the two of you left the bedroom, Belphegor called out, "are you doing laundry?" His head lolled over the side of his bed.
"Yeah, do you need anything washed right now? You can put it in with mine," Beelzebub kindly offered.
Belphegor wormed to the edge of his bed and picked up an empty pillow case. "I drooled on this and stuff. Can you take care of it?"
"Sure," you said. "Pass it over."
Getting up was far too much work. Instead, Belphegor loosely balled up the pillow case. With the world's laziest throw, he tossed it in your direction. It managed to sail through the air. It smacked the side of your head and landed on your shoulder.
"Thanks," Belphegor yawned, having already turned his back to you and Beelzebub.
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Maybe a Hobie Brown x Mabel-Pines-Type!Reader? Older obviously, with just like, her personality and fashion sense? A Chaotic Sunshine meets Chaotic Rebel type thing.
If not interested, just ignore. But I look forward to whatever you write!
Starstruck (Hobie Brown x Fem!Sunshine!Reader)
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Summary: You’re Jess Drew’s gal in the chair (in training), and when you have to make a quick trip the spider society you happen to catch a certain punk’s eye.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I hope this meets your expectations!! I had alot of fun writing this!
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Your desk was more glitter than wood at this point.
It was hard to tell where the stickers stopped and where the wood of your desk started.
Especially now, as you squeezed glue on top of whatever artpiece you were currently working on. An array of different paint tubes and what looked like glitter bombs were spread about your work area, dangerously close to what looked like very expensive monitors and pcs. Though it was kind of hard to tell based on all the string worms and star stickers pasted on any surface that wasn’t a screen.
The project, which could only be identified as an oversized button pin upon closer inspection, was coming together nicely. Atleast in your eyes.
It read “BEST SPIDER” with a cute doddle of a spider surrounded by loads of blue, yellow, and red glitter. Currently you were putting your finishing touches on it by attaching color coordinated ribbons to the bottom ruffles.
The craftsmanship alone of it was indeed impressive, you just needed to look past the blinding reflectiveness of it.
It was for your mentor, Spiderwoman.
Who had taken you under her wing for the past two years, “training” you to be the best. Well, best in the sense of “gal in the chair”. At first it didn't make a whole lot of sense to you, but neither did the world you were thrown into. She apparently saw something in you from all the way across the multiverse.
The rest was history.
The glue bottle currently in your hands spun in the air, a chaotically beautiful cascade of glue spewing in the air and (thankfully) somehow none of it landed on you. Slowly turning your head, you gave a small wave as you saw said mentor on the screen staring down at you.
“Jess! Hey…did you..did you try calling my watch?”
“What do you think?”
Spinning your chair across the room, you snatched your multiversal watch and flicked the screen on.
You did in fact have about five missed calls from her. You could feel her iced stare from across the room, hell from across dimensions.
“But it was getting in the way of my creative liberties!”
“I don’t care! As the second half of a spider person you need to be available 24/7! Your future spider will need to be able to rely on you.”
Slipping the watch onto your wrist, you shot yourself back over to your desk and smiled widely at her. She knew that whatever scolding she gave you would only have about a few moments effect. Sure the message would stick but she always had that nagging feeling in the back of her mind of how long it truly stuck.
“Well, You have me on the horn now! What's up? Who do I need to aid with my technological wonders? My sleuthing skills? I'm ready to Sherlock it up!”
After a few more long blank faced seconds, Jess reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose.
“We actually need you here. Our resident Spider who usually deals with all of our technological deals is having some connectivity issues.”
Your heart stopped for a moment, but only for a moment before you were shooting out of your seat and whooping. Jumping around your room, you threw your fist in the air before a sudden realization dawned upon you mid air.
It was almost comical how you seemed to pause mid jump.
“Oh my god…I have to change. I can't show up to Spider Society looking like this!”
“(Y/N) there's no time! Grab your bag and get here now.”
Standing in shock, you huffed as you watched your computer screen clip off.
She was crazy if she thought you weren’t at least gonna put on some body glitter.
“Jess said to meet her here…do you think she got lost?”
Hobie shrugged, shoving his hands into his vest pockets. His fingers found themselves fiddling with whatever computer chip or part he had nabbed as he leaned against what could be considered a front desk.
“You know ‘er best. She usually punctual?”
Gwen looked up from her watch with an exasperated look. That told Hobie all he needed to know as he leaned his head back with a sigh.
“Listen! I've never met her in person! She’s one of Jess’s other trainees! I just know she's not a spider, and that despite having worked with Jess for two plus years she's never stepped foot in Spider Society!”
“She’s a chair?”
Pinching her nose, Gwen nodded. “Yea. A pretty good one too. She is a bit…eccentric though. And loud…I think she blew my eardrum out one time. I had tinnitus for like a week...”
“So she’s got some vocals on ‘er aye?”
“Thats all you picked up on? C’mon Hobie help me look for anyone who looks lost we’re supposed to chaperon h-”
Usually the portals that opened here were the usual semi-chaotic reality altering ones. But for some reason the one that just opened in front of them was nothing of the sort. No..this one opened with a loud tear; Everything and everyone in the vicinity was enveloped in a neon pink hue.
It was hard to tell who came stumbling out of the portal, as Hobie feared that if he moved his hand he would temporarily blind himself. But as the portal closed, and everything returned to its normal color palette, he finally dared to move his hand.
Maybe he shouldn’t have moved his hand.
Cause he was only met with a very different, blinding sight.
You had just fully stood from what he could only assume was a clumsy entrance. You wore what could only be described as almost every color of the rainbow but someone you pulled it off. There was absolutely no way you could move silently, as you were adorned in a plethora of kandi bracelets, pastel chains and pins. Your hair was adorned in a multitude of clips that matched the ones on your bag. 
Was your smile an accessory too? Hobie was sure it was, cause it was blinding him just as much as the body glitter that was spread over your legs and arms were.
His hand slowly reached up to clutch the chest of his jacket, in hopes that it would remind his heart to beat.
It wasn’t until Gwen had elbowed him in the side (hard enough to bruise might he add) that he remembered to breathe.
“Don’t stare, it's rude.”
He didn’t want to look away.
“Hi! Im Gwen…Stacy! We’ve talked a few times over coms?”
You smiled even wider as you grabbed Gwen’s hand and shook it rather violently (or enthusiastically it could have been confused for either). When she removed her hands from your drip it was left brighter than before for only a moment.
“Hi! Its nice to finally put a non-masked face to the name! Im (Y/N). And you are?”
Your sneakers squeaked as you took a sharp turn to face Hobie fully.
“Im Hobie Brown. Quiet the entrance you made.”
He holds his hand out, and is relieved when you shake it for just as long as you did Gwen’s. He watches as it glowed then returned to its normal saturation.
“Yeaaaa. Apparently my Earth is like WAY brighter than most. I would’ve brought sunglasses if I had known that would happen. Anyways…can you show me to the computer lab..hub…wherever this Spider-Byte normally operates?”
Gwen had taken it upon herself to lead the charge, and include a quick run over tour of whatever facility you all happened to pass on the way to the lab. 
Everything was so bright, but what amazed you more were the amount of Spider people that were just casually walking about. Either they were coming back from patrol, returning from break or coming for the first time.
You were sure your neck was gonna hurt or have a permanent crook in it from how much you were whipping your head around and turning to take everything in. You weren’t sure when the next time you would be here would be, so you wanted to take it all in.
“And here is where all the computer magic happens! You uh…know what you’ve gotta do from here right?” Gwen awkwardly raised her hands as if to present the lab.
“Yup! Im TECHNICALLY supposed to monitor your guys software and stuff and blah blah blah but I actually connected with Layla on the way here-who is super sweet by the way-and Im actually just gonna fix Spider-Byte’s connectivity issues here so she can get back to it. Y’know since she’s more knowledgeable with everything here. I would probably just mess something up.”
Despite the fact that you spoke about a mile a minute, and it was obvious Gwen was struggling to keep up, Hobie hung onto every word.
You moved like you had been here before despite this being your first time even stepping foot on the premises. You just moved with this sense of self confidence that had the aura of the room commanded by your presence alone. If you hadn’t told them your Earth just naturally saturated Hobie would have just assumed your essence was just too potent that it leaked off you and onto whatever you touched.
You were leagues above him when it came to the coolness factor.
Watching as you moved around the consoles via spinny chair (when did that get there?), each screen popped up and immediately began to run code. Hobie liked to pride himself on being a tech wiz, but this was levels beyond what he knew how to do. Maybe he could learn a thing or two from you.
But as he watched your hands, he noticed…were you TAKING code off the computers too?
Oh, that just brought a smile to his face.
As Gwen wandered over to the other side of the console to watch the miles of code run across the screen, Hobie took the opportunity to have a moment with you on the opposite side of the room.
Right when you went to shoot across him (and might he add it was almost like you had spider like reflexes with how you moved around on this thing), his hand went to grab the back of your chair.
Pulling the chair back, he watched as you rubber banded back into the seat and stood straight up. He leaned over your shoulder to look at the screen in front of you both. His hand reached over to tap a few keys and pull up the results onto just this screen.
Ignoring how his spider senses were shooting down his spine at an all time high with how close he was to you, he looked at you with a smirk.
“Did you just ‘alf inch some of our code?”
“Im sorry?”
Leaning in closer, he pulled the thumb drive out of only this terminal and held it up. Your cheeks turned a dark red in realization to being caught, and you crossed your arm as you started at him.
“You know wha’ I said”
Turning quickly, you pulled ANOTHER flash drive out from your pocket and stuck it into the port. The downloading resumed, and much to Hobie’s surprise you stood and snatched the thumb drive from him.
“First of all, I am part of the ‘’our’’ and second of all…it's none of your business.”
Suddenly multiple of the screens, well practically all of the screens in the room flashed green. With a pat of his shoulder, you rolled over to every computer and pulled out each flashdrive. Hobie counted…12!
He covered his mouth, trying to keep his cool disposition as he watched you quickly shove each one in your bag. You little grifter you…he would definitely have to find out what Earth you were from…
With the push of a button, you turned to them with a smile as you placed your hands on your hips.
“Alrighty! My work here is done…wait..,”
Turning around, you pressed the enter key on the computer behind you only to whip right back around smile as all the screens returned to normal.
You had been here all but twenty minutes and you managed to do solve all of their problems and then some.
“Now Im done! Gwen, you have my contact coordinate. Call me if you need me at all.”
Your eyes raked over Hobie, and you couldn’t help but feel a flutter in your chest as he watched you carefully. The hair on your arms stood when he had leaned over you earlier. You could tell from his punk aesthetic and impressive hair that he was definitely anarchy incarnate…
He intrigued you. You were sure the data files you had picked up from the archives would barely answer every question you had about him.
You would have to push off your paper mache project for tonight…
“It was nice meeting you Hobie! Hope we can meet again sometime. Im like, basically free all the time…Later!”
Signing off with a peace sign, your neon portal opened again and closed in an instant as you fell into it.
“See what I mean, eccentric.”
“I thought she was pretty cool.”
Walking over to where you just stood, Hobie ran his fingers over where you had last touched hoping to catch some of the light leftover.
It was then he noticed you had left behind one of your thumb drives. It was definitely yours, a bright neon yellow covered in white glitter that fell off as he picked it up. His other hand came down to pick up the tag on the string connected to it.
‘Oops! Guess I left behind this VERY important thumb drive. Mind returning it to me? I like really need it for super duper important chair stuff…Earth 1618, Kings, New York City things y'know.
– (Y/N)’
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finelinevogue · 10 months
love her stupid
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summary - you are jealous of harry’s new bandmate, when you really don’t need to be
word count - ~1k
pairing - nonfamous!harry x reader
You didn’t think you really ever got jealous.
Not like this.
Sitting in your boyfriend’s room, alone whilst your boyfriend and his bandmates practiced downstairs, you never thought you’d be jealous of their new lead vocalist.
Your boyfriends band - Last Day on Earth - were in need of a female voice to better their music, and after many interviews for someone they came across Shana. She was a brilliant singer with just the right love for this kind of music - indie rock.
She was also out, most definitely, for your boyfriend.
You had come straight from the library to Harry’s house, hoping to spend the evening with your boyfriend.
When you arrived you heard them before you saw them. Harry and the band often practiced in his mum’s basement, as long as they were finished up by 10PM.
“Hello, love!” Anne had coddled you on the way in, taking your jacket from you and hanging it up in her under-stairs cupboard like you were part of the family.
“How are you, Anne?” You asked.
“Doing alright, love, yeah. You?” She pointed towards the kettle. “Cuppa?”
“Oh, no thanks. Just gonna see H if that’s okay?”
“Of course. He’s downstairs with Mitch, Tyler, Pauli and Shana.”
“S-Shana?” You questioned, pulling the sleeves of Harry’s sweatshirt over your hands and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Yes. She’s the bands new lead singer. Bit pitchy if you ask me, but it’s not my band.” Anne shrugged her shoulder and continued making herself a tea.
“Is Sarah here?”
“Yes, she is actually. Mitch is giving her a ride home I think.” Anne said, because apparently she was more clued up on your friends than you were.
“Okay.” You nodded, smiling. “Think I’m just gonna go to Harry’s room for a bit. If that’s okay?”
“Do what you want, Y/N. This house is as much yours as it is ours.”
You thanked Anne and walked up to Harry’s room.
Harry’s room was very stereotypical for a guy going through college. He had his bed with blur bedsheets and duvet. His posters on his walls from famous movies and concerts he liked. His bookshelf filled with Tolkein and Pratchett. His drum set in the corner of the room and his desk in another.
You threw your tote bag to the floor by the door and jumped onto his bed, before laying down.
His whole room smelt of him, obviously, and you absolutely loved it. He smelt so warm and musky. He smelt homely and comforting.
And after a long day studying, that was just what you needed.
You took out your phone and pulled up your text messages.
To Harry: in your room xx
To Harry: just going to lay here for a bit, then i’ll come say hi to you and the band xx
It took you a while to build up the energy to speak to people, especially after a long day studying. Your social battery took a long time to charge up and then drained almost instantly after one use, much like your old(ish) iphone.
You pulled out Harry’s Nintendo Switch and loaded up a new Mario Kart game.
Even though it was Harry’s Switch, you used it much more than he did. Harry much rather prefers his PC for gaming. A lot of the time he’ll game whilst you read, both of your sitting in comfortable silence as you enjoy being in each others presence.
Your phone pinged when you finished scrolling through Instagram.
From Harry: I’ll be up in 5 x
You didn’t expect Harry to stop practicing with his band, especially not for you, but it made your heart swell knowing he cared about you so much as to stop band practice for a little bit so he could see you.
A day apart from each other was too long. You had even packed your toothbrush today with the hope Harry would be okay with you staying over.
You pulled out Harry’s plaid pyjama bottoms from underneath his pillow, stepped out of your uncomfortable jeans and put on his pyjamas. It was a sigh of relief and comfort when you put them on.
You won your game on the Switch with a whispered cheer just as Harry walked into his room.
“Hey, you.” He smiled.
“Harry!” You cheered, dropping the Switch to greet him.
You sat up on his bed, coming to kneel at the edge of his bed with your arms out. He walked over to you and into your awaiting arms, linking his own around your neck and giving the top of your head a couple of kisses.
You hummed in comfort as you took in his homely smell.
You squeezed him a little tighter before letting him go. You moved back just a bit rested your chin on his chest, looking up at him from an unflattering angle.
“You okay?” He smiled down at you, double chins only making him look prettier.
“Mhm.” You tiredly smiled.
“How was the library?”
“Boring. Missed my study buddy.”
“Oh, I’m sorry baby.”
“Kiss? To make it up to me?”
Harry laughed, “Of course.”
He leant down slowly and you tilted your head to the side to let him have room. You captured his lips with yours, softly. It was a slow and soft kiss. Intimate and loving.
You pulled away, only for Harry to chase your lips back to his kissing you again. You smiled into the kiss, before giving him what he was clearly craving; You.
You reached up a hand from around him to bring up to his cheeks and squish them, so his lips could break away from yours.
“Oi, piss off.” Harry sounded silly at he spoke with your fingers squishing his cheeks.
You giggled, letting him go completely, before sitting back on your heels and smiling up at him.
Harry ended up resting his palms on the bed either side of you, bending down to your head height to speak to you.
“Come watch us play?” He asked politely, kissing your cheek.
“But Shana’s there.” You looked down, suddenly finding your fingers far more interesting. You messed with the ring on your finger that was actually Harry’s. The one he’d given to you one random night together, to show you how much he loved you.
“She is.”
“Yeah.” You said, not knowing how to articulate what you meant.
“She’s nice.” Harry added.
“I bet she is.” You huffed, when you had no reason to.
“She’s a good vocalist too, which is the only reason she’s here.”
“How good?” You looked up at him.
“Good enough that her girlfriend recommended her to us.” Harry smirked, knowing he got you there.
“Oh. Cool.”
Harry quickly kissed your forehead before standing up to normal height. “C’mon Little Miss Jealous.”
He held out a hand for you. You took it and he helped to pull you off the bed. He pulled you close to him so you chest hit his with a soft collision.
“Hey.” He spoke to get your attention. You tilted your head up to look at him through starry eyes.
“I love you.”
You smiled, “Love you too.”
“Who loves me?” He asked for you to be clearer.
“I do.”
“Good. Wouldn’t want you to be anyone else.”
Harry always knew what to say, even when you were being unnecessarily mardy. There was no reason for you to be jealous for Shana, but sometimes you got in your own head too much.
Harry was always there to coax you out of your head though, working through your jealousy until you knew there was no reason.
He always validated you, but he also always reassured you.
“Okay. We can go now.” You nodded more confidently.
“Ready to watch me with heart eyes, baby?” Harry smirked.
“Always do, baby. Can you play ‘Love Her Stupid’?” You gave him puppy eyes.
“Think that’s a great idea, love.”
You made it downstairs with Harry.
You found yourself walking in behind Harry, who went straight to the cookie cupboard.
His mum hit his hand before he could grab the whole packet.
“You can have one, mister. Dinner will be ready soon.” Anne said.
You laughed as Harry groaned and tilted his head back in frustration. His craving for biscuits was a serious one. One that you joked about with him all the time.
“Y/N, tell him he needs to cut down on the biscuits.” Anne tapped Harry’s stomach.
Harry was toned, don’t get anyone wrong, but he also had a little bit of chub there when he wanted. You loved how he didn’t take his body too seriously, but also didn’t neglect himself.
“I do tell him. He just doesn’t listen.”
“Listen to your girlfriend H, otherwise you’ll bloody lose her.” Anne lectured him.
“Lose her?” Harry scoffed. “Y/N’s obsessed with me.”
“In your dreams.” You rolled your eyes, but realistically what he said was the truth. You were obsessed and you were okay with that.
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Girlfriend | Stardew Valley Sebastian/F!Reader
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Synopsis – Sebastian finds out that Sam is dating the farmer. Nice guys finish last.
Content Warnings – masturbation, creepy incel stalker behavior, excessive swearing, jealousy/pining
Author's Note – This is my first time posting a fic online and not just leaving it to rot in my Drive. I'm working on varying my sentence structure and hope the next one will be better!
The slamming of the basement door echoed through the dim, musty basement. Seb raked his fingers through his hair, grunting “Fuck!” through gritted teeth. The large case that had been slung around his shoulder clattered to the ground, with no regard to whether the keyboard inside would be damaged. Seb rolled his chair back and practically threw himself into it, pulling forward to boot up his PC. Frantic mouse-clicking and key-tapping eventually led him to his best friend’s Instagram profile. This fucking asshole.
Under the username, sam.i.am.01—how lame is that?—in his bio, was the final nail in Seb’s coffin. ‘Taken :)’. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
Seb selected the first post, accidentally missing the image a few times before it blew up on the screen. Just a generic beach picture? He clicked the arrow taking him through the slides, ignoring the “cool" shells and sunset views until he got to one photo in particular. Sam and the farmer on the beach. She smiled as he kissed her cheek, both of them glistening, covered in beads of salty water as the ocean behind them reflected a perfect day. The caption: ‘Got to spend the day with my favorite girl in the whole world. <3 Just kidding, mom!’ Pens and pencils clattered to the floor as Seb pitched their container at the wall across the room. He gripped the arm rests on his chair and rolled away from the computer. “What the fuck?!”
Dingy floorboards creaked as Seb huffily paced around the room, biting away at the skin around his fingernails. The ones the farmer painted. ‘That post was days old and no one told me anything! He fucking knows I’m not on social media and he took advantage of that so he wouldn’t have to tell me to my face! He could say he thought everyone knew!’ Sam, that piece of shit, knew how he felt about her. Even when she was still the new girl in town, Seb liked her way before Sam did. He knew that. No wonder Sam had been so “busy” the past few days. Dark eyes focused on the map still sprawled out on the table from last week’s D&D session. It was supposed to be a one shot of an experimental system Seb found on Reddit, but Sam kept cracking jokes and it took longer to get through than expected. ‘I should have known then, every time Sam said something, he’d look to her for approval. And she ate it up!’ Come to think of it, more jokes had been at Seb’s expense than usual. He snatched the map and crumpled it up, colorful dice and intricately painted miniatures flying off and scattering on the floor. The map landed in a ball near an overflowing trash bin. Heart pounding through his ears, he returned to the computer. “Fuck this.”
As he sat, Seb tugged at the button on his dark jeans, undoing and and lowering his fly. He hated Sam, he fucking hated him, but he couldn’t change how good the farmer looked in her tight little swimsuit. Seb drank her up with his eyes, memorizing how nylon spandex indented her smooth skin. How sweat and saltwater intermingled and rolled down her curves. It was like he could taste her, and when he palmed his growing hard-on through the denim of his pants, he could feel her too. Running thumbs around the hem of his pants and boxer briefs, he hurriedly pulled them down mid-thigh, freeing his erection. He was warm, but it felt nice in the cool air. Under the desk was a bottle of lotion, and Seb reached down to pump some into his palm. This is it. This is what Sam fucking deserves.
One hand blocked the face of a traitor on his monitor while the other began massaging lotion onto his stiff cock. ‘Sam’s such a pussy, she’s got to pity him, going for a guy like that. But he doesn’t get the connection we have. He’ll see.’ He could treat her so much better. He knew he’d treat her so much better. Seb’s fist pumped at increasing speeds as he imagined the things he’d do to her.
If she chose him, he’d bring her out to the beach late at night. Elliot and Willy would be asleep at home and they’d have the shore to themselves, letting them talk and relax to the sound of waves crashing uninterrupted. She’d kiss him under the moonlight, and he’d snake a hand under the stretchy fabric of her bathing suit to fondle her breast, kneading her hard nipple under his thumb and making her hum in satisfaction. Her moans would be the invitation he needed to take things further, straddling her and humping her wet cunt through her swimsuit. She removes her arms and pulls the fabric down past her tits, and Sebastian is mezmerised by the way they bounce beneath him. He lunges forward, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard, before pulling it upward and releasing it with a satisfying pop. Her moans reverberate into the night but are drowned out by the ambient sound of the ocean. But Seb wanted more; he wanted everyone to hear what he was doing to her. Shimmying his swim trunks down to his knees, his eyes bore into hers, begging for permission to enter. “Fuck me.” And so he does, yanking her swim bottoms to the side and plowing her into the sand. His hands and knees sink into the ground beneath them, but he still manages to pull her hips towards his and ram into her with unexpected force, grunting with each rut.
Sand sticks to her sweat-slicked skin as she pleads to him. “Shit, Sebastian…!” She reaches to lick a stripe up his neck, sucking on the sensitive skin just under his jaw and making him shiver. He pulls back, keeping his eyes on hers as he licks his thumb and grazes her clit. She squirms under him, rolling her hips to gain more friction.
“What, you like that?” He smirks, but her frustrated groans as a result of his teasing convince him to relent. He traces swift circles around her clit and is rewarded with a tightening around his cock.
“Yes…yes!” Seb lulls his head forward, overwhelmed by the pleasure, and watches as her pussy contorts around his shaft as he penetrates her. Fuck, she’s so hot.
He wanted her so fucking bad, it wasn’t fair. The glow of the computer screen illuminated his flushed, sweaty face in the dark room. She was so tempting, he found himself rutting desperately into his fist, increasing the strength of his grip as though it was her squeezing around him. Glazed eyes darted from the image of her breasts, to her midriff, to her ass and back up again; he wanted to visualize them all at once. He wanted all of her. She was his.
Seb brought the free hand against the screen up to his slack mouth, stifling a moan. Seeing the full image again, of Sam kissing his goddess, made him grunt in frustration, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Still, the tension building in his core was at its climax, and he came hot white into his palm and onto the floor beneath his desk. Head rolling back, a cloud of euphoria washed over him, followed by a wave of clarity and regret. Tears rolled down his warm cheeks as he drooped his head into his hand, liked the post, and closed the tab.
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captainmalewriter · 1 year
Hi, I was in my way from work to home on Friday on Katowice (Poland) underground bus station, when I found Yellow with Green Ring capsule on the pavement. I took it and put into my bag's pocket. I will open it in the evening, when I will have a bit of free time before my computer's monitor. What will happen?
Congratulations, you found my missing yellow with a green ring capsule! Here's what happened when you found it...
You held onto the safety rail as the underground metro barreled down the railroad. As you waited to get home, you felt around your bag where you had stored a yellow prize capsule. You had found it back at the station just sitting around on the pavement. You decided to take it for yourself. You thought about opening it right then and there, but decided to hold off until you got home and open it there. You rubbed your finger against its sleek surface, your finger gliding across like butter due to how smooth it was. 
Your ears perked up. You thought you heard a whisper but weren’t too sure.
Open the capsule…
You heard it again. It was a scratchy, low-pitched voice. Your eyes darted around the bus car, trying to find whose voice that was, but you couldn’t find anyone suspicious. On top of that, nobody else seemed to notice the strange ominous voice. It was telling you to open the capsule. It was a simple command, and for a moment, you were actually considering listening…
But then the bus conductor announced the next stop, which was also your stop. You shook off the weird feeling, slipped the capsule back into your bag, and went about your way.  You got off the bus and made your way back home. You made yourself comfortable, then sat at your computer desk with the prize capsule in hand. No matter how much you looked at it, it seemed like an ordinary capsule! Yet at the same time, something felt undeniably wrong about it. You noticed it ever since you first laid eyes on it. It was as if the capsule itself possessed some sort of malicious energy…
You found a label tag on it. Before opening it, you decided to do some internet searching first just to make sure it was safe.
Open the capsule…!
You heard the sinister voice again. It sent a shiver down your spine, but forced yourself to ignore it. 
The voice got louder and louder. It was as if the voice was inside your head… It was driving you crazy! You couldn’t take it anymore! In frustration, you slammed your hands on your keyboard, grabbed the capsule, and tore it open without a second thought. You were breathing heavily as you held the now broken capsule in your hand. However, there was nothing resembling a toy or a prize in your hand. All you were holding were plastic shards.
“Man! This is bullshit!” You shouted as you threw the broken capsule across the room. You didn’t care that you’d have to clean it later; you were just so mad that the same thing that was driving you insane turned out to be nothing but a piece of cheap plastic. 
You huffed out a breath as you calmed down. Now that that mystery was over, you decided to spend the rest of the night playing video games on your PC. You took out a game controller out of your desk drawer as your favorite MMO loaded up. You then looked up and gasped loudly as you saw a horrific sight on your computer screen: the skeleton of your face. 
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“What the fuck!! Who the fuck is that!?”
You screamed out in terror as you made eye contact with the face on the screen. Your reflection was nowhere to be seen on the computer monitor. Instead, it was the reflection of some random stranger with an exposed, skeletal face. You felt unnerved as you looked at him… Every movement you made, the man copied you, acting as if he was your reflection.
“Wh-what’s going on…” you shuddered. “That’s not my face, who are you!!”
You shouted at the skeleton man. He only grinned in response, and when he did, the same cocky grin began to form on your face. You tried to stop it but it was no use, you were forced to smirk against your will.
“Heh, I’m the soul you just freed from that tiny prison,” the man said. Hearing his voice, it hit you that he was the one you were hearing earlier! But even more unsettling, your mouth began moving to match whatever he was saying. Now you were his reflection.
He noticed the uneasiness in your eyes and chuckled. He was clearly enjoying how much power he had over your body despite being just a face on a computer screen.
“You asked me who I am,” he started. “Well, to be honest, it doesn’t matter who I am. I’m about to be you.”
The man leaned in closer to the screen. When he made contact against the edge, he began to bleed out of your computer monitor as he physically manifested right in front of you. You opened your mouth to scream, not knowing how big of a mistake that was. 
As your mouth hung open, the soul made a beeline straight for your mouth. You gasped as you felt your entire body getting filled with a ghostly presence. The soul didn’t hold back in taking your body over as its new vessel. It entered you through the mouth and nose, causing you to float up slightly as you got possessed. With one final gulp, you swallowed the last few ounces of his soul into your body. Warm sensations flooded your senses as you felt your consciousness fade away into the background of your mind, leaving the driver’s seat open for the soul to take over. You knew you were finished when you felt an unwanted smile creep up on your face again; the same arrogant grin you saw on the computer screen a few minutes ago. With the possession complete, he was in total control and you were nothing more than a passenger inside your own body. 
You watched from the crevices of your mind as your body began to move around on its own. Despite having no control anymore, you could still feel as the soul possessing you touched and rubbed your now shared body. The hair on your arms felt familiar yet foreign due to the ghostly presence controlling you. 
Fuck yeah! It feels so good to have flesh again!
You could hear the soul’s inner thoughts as he flexed your arms. You then noticed a feeling of disappointment growing. 
Not good enough. If this is going to be my new body, then it’s gotta be just right! Don’t you agree bro!?
Under the soul’s command, you began flexing your entire body as hard as you possibly could. As you did so, your muscles began exploding with newfound strength and power. Your body was quickly becoming stronger! Your body didn’t take on any extra muscle mass, but the mass you already had rapidly became toned and well-defined. The hair on your head grew out until you had a flowing mane and stubble a man could wear with pride. Even your cock grew until you had an obscene bulge in your pants, a testament of the heavy hitter your body now possessed between your legs. The soul that had possessed you had completely remade you in its image! 
And although you were powerless to do anything, you soon learned to love the new arrangement you found yourself in. Everything the soul did in your body was way more fun than if you did it by yourself, including and especially sex. You were having the time of your life being nothing more than a vessel for a soul to have fun with. Soon enough, you were sporting the same arrogance the soul had. Perhaps the soul had even managed to transform your soul during the possession? Who’s to say! But who cares, all that matters now is whatever adventure the soul possessing you was about to embark on next.
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Hope you enjoy the new body prize you won from finding my lost capsule!
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propertyofwhitney67 · 11 months
i want Soft Whitney hmmm....whitney taking pc on a REAL DATE (maybe he buys her a plushie or something :3) -propertyofkylar
This made me think about what things there are to do for fun in this god forsaken town. I didn't know exactly how to end this but I still had a lot of fun writing it, thank you so much @propertyofkylar for sending this.
Carnival Date
Words: 731
Warnings: none just fluff
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The cafe was more rowdy than usual with the traveling carnival that came to town. I was on my lunch break watching them set up across the street. I’ve been working overtime to save up enough money to go and still be able to pay rent. I’ve made enough for rent but not enough for the carnival and Sam refuses to give me a raise, the selfish bastard.
Halfway through my break Whitney sauntered through the cafe alone and took a seat across from me, “Finally found you.” He stole some chips off my plate and leaned back into his seat.
“I’ve been here all day.” I said while popping another chip in my mouth. Why was he looking for me anyway, normally I have to go searching for him. 
He was quiet for a while, seeming to be fighting something internally. I waived another waitress over who took my empty plate for me. “What is it?” I finally asked him.
He sat up, “Friday night, dress in something nice. We’re going to the carnival.” With that he got up, patted my head and left. I sat in shock for a few moments. Whitney being romantic and taking me out on a date, practically unheard of. I didn’t exactly count him taking me to the bar then fucking me in front of everyone as a date so this is definitely a first.
I sat on the steps of the orphanage waiting for Whitney. I hoped I dressed up enough to satisfy his demands. Finally when seven rolled around I saw him coming down the street. I stood up and he looked me up and down, “Nice.” Then he grabbed my arm and led me to Cliff Street where the carnival was.
The whole area was lit up with lights and the smell of popcorn was prominent. I looked around in awe at all the different games and rides. It was almost too nice for a place like this. “What do you want to do first?” Whiney asked as he lit up a cigarette.
There was so much to do it was overwhelming, “I don’t know.”
He turned his head and let out a cloud of smoke, “I have to do everything huh?” If I didn’t know him I wouldn't know he was joking.
I rolled my eyes as he pulled me over to the milk jugs. “You know these are all rigged.” I mumbled to him as he handed over a few tickets he bought for the both of us. He wouldn't let me pay for any of it.
He took the tree balls from the worker, “Not if you know where to aim.” I took a step to the side as he aimed and threw the ball, knocking over all three jugs. He turned to me and said, “See, easy.” I just smiled and shook my head. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pointed to a large stuffed purple dragon, “I want that one.” The worker got it down and handed it over to Whitney who gave it to me with a blush on his face, “Don’t ever mention this.”
The rest of the night went about the same. Whitney acting oddly sweet but still being himself with the odd threat here and there. By the time we left I had three stuffed animals and a large bag of popcorn. He also got a stuffed animal which he made me carry so he didn’t look too soft.
Overall it was wonderful, I honestly didn't expect this from him. “Why?” I asked as we made our way back to the orphanage.
He shrugged his shoulders, “Overheard you talking about it with Robin and thought my slut deserved a treat.” I could see a faint blush on his cheeks.
I stopped at the steps of the orphanage, “Thank you,” I lowered my head to hide my own reddening face, “I had a lot of fun.”
With two fingers he lifted my chin and kissed me. It was not like his usually rough ones, it was slow and soft. He pulled back first, grabbed my arm and dragged me inside to my small room. He was soft, more so than when we were usually alone. I savored every moment, not knowing when I’d get him like this again.
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nilsavatar · 11 months
Parings: Lo'ak x Fem!Metkayina
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Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI + 18, no use of Y/N, SMUT, ANGST, friends with benefits, hookups, enemies to lovers, revenge sex, anger sex, rough sex, mirror sex, P in V, cream pie, Lo'ak loves video games, they both have issues, both toxic. All characters are AGED-UP.
Word Count: 4,2k
Masterlist - Request a fic
One nice thing about having a human outpost near the village? Video games.
Lo’ak was compulsively pressing his thumbs and index fingers on the PlayStation controller. It was outdated and small in his hands, but the rich assortment of games to draw from was worth the effort. His fingers scanned the incessant succession of attacks, parries, and rolls he forced his PC to perform sequentially. Attack, dodge, attack, then roll, move away and heal, repeat again. His agitation and nervousness were directly proportional to the passage of time, which increasingly made him hold his breath and twist his guts in on themselves. The boss he was fighting with was really tough, he had been defeated countless times, but never, ever, did he give up. On the contrary, every time he started the boss-fight he felt more and more charged and willing, and finally, all his willpower was about to pay off. It was knocking that giant bearded knight hooded in red down this time. The tip of his tongue peeped out from his contracted lips in pure concentration, and his fingertips pressed ever more neurotically on the keys of the joystick, which he brought closer and closer to his chest as if the proximity helped to increase the force of the blows he was piercing Gael with. He squinted his eyes, thumbs aching from exertion — if he didn't get tendonitis this time, he would never get it — when a sharp sound distracted him.
Dammit, not now!
Undaunted he kept pressing X, circle, R1, dodge, now loaded shot. It was close. Very close indeed, but the trilling of the doorbell would not cease, becoming more and more insistent, in a harassing call that seemed to drill straight through his brain, until it stopped in a dazed knocking.
What the fuck, she's going to kick down the door!
He had already figured out who it was, there was only one person who knew that when he was locked there, there was no other way to get him out. He got up from the couch huffing, and threw the controller between the cushions. His revenge against Gael had gone to hell and, stifling a few expletives, went to open the door, already ready to welcome his sister through his piqued tongue. But the outburst died in the bud as soon as he saw her face flooded with tears that gushed from her lower eyelids like waterfalls. He stared at her taken aback; he had never seen his little sister so upset. Usually, it was laughter that unmolded her face, not tears.
At the sound of her name, the girl threw herself on his lean chest, clutching his shoulders, and cried. Among the sobs, he recognized one sentence, "I am ugly. Ugly and weird." “Wait,” he pulled her inside the room, escorting her in the direction of the sofa, "Let's not talk on the door, sit down.” He then walked to the kitchen, where he retrieved a large glass of water and handed it to her as he took a seat at her side. Tuk looked at him for only one excruciating instant, before setting her sad, hard, candy-gloss eyes on the glass, clenched between trembling hands, but it was enough to chill him like a gunshot with a silencer. You don't hear the shot and by the time you realize it, it's too late, the bullet has already pierced your flesh and reached your heart.
“What happened?”  She hesitated before spitting between her teeth, “Mawoë.”  Lo'ak sighed, “What did he do this time?” “He said I'm weird,” she repeated bitterly, “That my kuru (neural queue) is repulsive.” 
Big brother rested his elbows on his knees, gathering his head between his palms, raven braids covered his ice-cold irises. He took his time before replying; he didn't want to come across as too brusque or insensitive, not when his beloved little sister was shattered in front of him. It wasn’t so often that Tuk, like Neteyam, was targeted for her hybrid origins. Unlike him and Kiri, they did not have such obvious human traits. Although the avatars were produced to be virtually identical to the Na'vi, they had distinctive features inherited from the human genome. The most obvious were eyebrows, a firmer musculature, smaller eyes, a more pronounced nasal septum, and, of course, the infamous five digits on each hand and foot. Lo'ak owned most of these. But there was another, much more difficult to detect that was common to all four Sully siblings and that brought out into the open even those two for whom Eywa seemed to have had a keen eye.
The position of the queue.
The queue of an avatar starts at the base of the skull, whereas a Na'vi queue starts at the top of it. Although noticing it was not immediate, its conformation necessarily involved readjusting traditional hairstyles, which on them did not open up where they normally would. In a way, he was impressed that a child noticed, but the act of bullying was inexcusable. Not that he was surprised. The Metkayina had proved to be intolerant and closed-minded from the start, and this kid was the younger brother of one of Ao'nung's friends, one of those who had dragged him at the Three Brothers.
“We were playing when he picked up my tswin (queue, braid) and said it sucked. Everyone else started laughing at me, saying it was the aliens' tswin.” Her big yellow eyes filled with salty drips again, breaking her voice as her grip tightened on her glass. Lo'ak clenched his fists in anger and clenched his jaw. The urge to swoop out of the lab and smash someone's face becoming more impelling with every second. It was the reaction he would have for anyone, but to make Tuk Tuk cry like that was truly unforgivable. Evidently the famous Forest Boys vs. Fish Lips fistfight had not been enough; they needed a reminder.
He laid a hand on her shoulder, conciliating, and drew her close to him, letting Tuk rest his head in the crook of his neck, where she released a deep sigh, broken by the now exhausted weeping. “Everything will work out, I'll take care of it.”  A final sob gave way to a weak laugh. The little girl guessed perfectly what her brother meant, but she simply nodded, snuggling closer to him, barely rubbing her index finger and thumb on the pendant he wore around his neck, “Will you let me play?”  He puffed out a smile: his sister was back. “All right, but you should get Mom to clean you up. You're dirty with sand.” All perky the little girl rushed to the door, “Get ready to lose!”
He dropped sitting on the bed in the adjoining room, huffing in distress as he untied the band he wore on his left arm, which slid down to the floor as if it had a will of its own. He huffed a second time, stooping to the floor to pick it up, but his noisy breathing turned into a tremor the instant two tapering hands clutched at his chest, eagerly smoothing his entire torso from his pecs to the edge of his loincloth. The confusion and surprise vanished from his face at the exact moment when one of the hands seeped into the fabric, in a clear attempt to reach the manly part scarcely concealed by it.
“Tuk could be back any minute,” he chided in a gasp, blocking the hand with his palm, a gesture that only worsened the effect the girl was already having on him. The bulge between his legs was a glaring demonstration. His breathing became heavier as her delicate hands returned to caress his chest, while her lips lapped softly at the sensitive epidermis of his earlobe, where she whispered persuasively, “So? You've been playing for hours, completely ignoring me.”
From what pulpit, he would have liked to retort, but instead he replied, “You jumped on me as soon as I got here. Isn't that enough for you?” “I can never get enough of your cock,” she emphasized, wrapping his hard member with an eagerness that caused him to gasp and shudder down his spine. Only her touch could make him react like that.
You can do without me, though, can't you?
As much as Lula'ni's attentions were appreciated, if not coveted at this juncture, Lo'ak could not let go as usual. Not after Tuk's words; the pain that twisted her cute little face, and the feeling of helplessness still so vivid. They take hold of your being as if it were your own blood that drags them along the pathways that nourish the whole organism; oxygen that preserves and destroys life. For Mawoë was not only brother to that idiot who followed Ao'nung everywhere like a licker, he was also brother to the girl who was now pumping him at a slow and deadly pace, waiting for him to succumb to his own weaknesses.
Ironic, isn't it?
But after all, that was why their little game had begun. Lo'ak had seduced and deflowered her out of spite, to take some sort of revenge — he had failed with Tsireya, so why not try his luck with the sister of asshole No. 2? Lula’ni on the other hand... He couldn’t tell why she had been playing along; it was rather obvious that she was not naive enough not to see his real intentions masquerading as flirtation. It was probably because of his appearance, so unusual for a Na'vi, his outcast, alien aura. Out of curiosity and transgression. Enough to let that game go on until now and evolve into an odd friendship.
The young woman instantly sensed the disturbance and, understanding and sweet, she interrupted her warm advances, cupping his face between her fingers and forcing him to look at her. "Lo'ak, what's wrong?" His golden orbs were lost in the vast, calm waters that were her irises, but he found no peace in them, only lies and the terrible, vivid knowledge that he had wasted his time with her. How could such welcoming eyes, kissed by the kindness of a river, belong to such a cruel woman?
Beautiful on the outside, rotten on the inside.
Over the months she had only become better at making a pretty face. At least she used to show herself for what she really was and that was one of the reasons why, no matter how infuriating it was, she had always attracted him. Lula'ni felt no fear or remorse at being herself. She mocked him, at the time, for that very appearance that had driven her into his arms and impaled her on his cock. It was precisely her doggedness that made him question the motivation behind her inexplicable interest in tormenting him. To call it 'torment' was a bit much, but she loved to poke him, as if to nick him, to make him feel as small as an insect to be squashed. But Lo'ak was no insignificant bug. He was a wasp ready to sting. In fact, he never wasted any time in penetrating her soft, well-groomed skin, make it purple with its venomous forked tongue.
Oh, how it infuriated her at first; it was a sight! Fury that gradually faded into respect, into a continuous provocation aimed at teasing a reaction that had now become her drug. She liked the way he stood up to her, liked the painful stabs to her self-esteem. It brought them closer and closer. So much so that one day, hidden behind a palm tree, the sting found its way into the girl's battered heart, thanks to a sudden wet and messy kiss that later turned into a stolen virginity on the beach on a festival night. Lula'ni could make up all the lies she wanted, but he knew he was the first to take possession of that amazing body. He wasn't sure if he was the only one to have had her after that, but he was certainly the only one to have loved her in spite of himself. That was why she always came back to him.
“Don't you feel like it?” she asked offended. Lo'ak rolled his eyes. As usual, her insecurities, steeped in selfishness and narcissism, took over. She paid no attention to the little girl he had mentioned earlier. He was tempted to kick her out of his bed, out of the lab and finally out of his life, because he had reached the end of his tether. He could no longer tolerate the egocentricity of the beautiful girl in front of him. Being a secret was no longer enough for him. It was time to make a choice: come out or go their separate ways. Too many opportunities to be happy with someone else he had given up for her, it was time for her to get the two in spades.
But not tonight.
Tonight the hangdog expression seeking reassurance and those curves, hidden by the sheets, still had the effect of clouding his brain, of making his blood drain all over to fill his substantial shaft like a sponge. And why not? Make her pay for how Mawoë had mistreated Tuk. An eye for an eye.
A violent spark ignites the automatic motor that animates his primal urges. He lifted her easily by her ass and pushed her onto the bed, who giggled in satisfaction as she positioned herself between his thighs, already ready to receive him. She loved being taken like this, almost violently; it was a poignant sensation of submission that drove her mad, made her feel irresistible. As if she was able to activate those animal instincts that so many people try to put to sleep. And partly that was so, but not entirely; in this instant it was the desire to return to her at least an ounce of the suffering she had given him that moved him. All this time she had been using him; it was time to return the favor. He wasn't going to love her tonight, no, he was just going to fuck her, and then have her spit out the truth and thrown Lula’ni away if necessary.
Lo'ak hastily shrugged off the tewng with one hand as he unceremoniously sucked a couple of phalangi and stepped past the sheets, not at all surprised to find no barrier garment between his fingers and her intimacy. “I'm already wet,” she whispered sensuously in his ear as she clung to his shoulders with her hands. He said nothing to this sentence, didn't even nod, just pushed himself all the way in, not caring about her moan of pain and the nails that dug into his flesh. She liked it that way, brutal. Beneficial at the moment, it allowed him to pour all his resentment directly into her. He plugged her mouth with his palm to quiet her obscene and embarrassing cries, “They'll hear you,” he scolded breathlessly. “Who cares,” she huffed between uncontrolled yowls. He clenched his fists, imprisoning part of the mattress cover, coming almost completely out of her and then penetrating her with even more energy than before, totally shocking her.
“What's the matter with you?” she asked overflowing with lust from both her high-pitched voice and her shiny, gem-round eyes. “You don't care,” he thrusted even harder, “You don't fucking care about anything or anyone besides yourself,” he quickened his pace, ignoring her rebukes. He wanted to finish as soon as possible; he was hating every single moment when her tight, enveloping walls suffocated his manhood.  At one point he felt a searing heat take over his entire lower abdomen, giving rapid convulsions of obvious significance; he was on the edge, endurance included. It came out of her in the midst of ejaculation, soiling the young woman here and there, who grunted in dissatisfaction. She sat down with her back resting on the backrest, bringing the bedspread down to cover her nakedness as his eyes of icy fire pierced her from side to side. 
“Have you lost your mind?” she asked hostilely. “How long do we have to go on like this?” “Mind to be clearer?” she taunted him sarcastically. “I got tired of this back-and-forth, Lula. You don't want to be with me, but you won't let me live my life. When I'm finally moving on here you reappear, screwing everything up!”  “Stop yelling.” “Are you afraid someone will hear us fighting? To be heard getting fucked is neither hot nor cold to you though. In fact, you like it.” “Lo’ak.” “Leave,” he chuckled coldly. “What?” she blinked a few astonished times, squeezing herself into the sheets. “Are you deaf? Get the fuck out, I never want to see you again.” “It’s not funny.” “It’s over, Lula’ni. This...,” he pointed alternately at their chests, “...indefinite thing between us is over. I’m sick of it. Find yourself another fuck buddy.”
The Metkayina bowed her head on the blanket clutched to her chest and, in a whisper, asked, “What if I told you I didn’t want to be just bedfellows anymore?” “I wouldn’t believe it,” he spat, “To you I’ve always been just a skilled plaything between the sheets.” “N-no, that’s not—.” “Don’t add any more bullshit. I know way too well someone like me has nothing to do with someone like you. The whole clan hates me. Demon blood. Alien. That’s all they see. It would be a snub to your image, I get that. And I was okay with it at first; a friendship with benefits. After all, what else could I expect from you? Normally you wouldn’t even look at me.” “So you were with me just as a sort of payback.” I was with you 'cause I fell in love even with your malignancy, “You were with me just to comfort yourself, my feelings never mattered much to you. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice my interest in you.” “Y-yes, but—.” “But you don’t reciprocate and you took advantage of that. That’s all,” he concluded disappointedly, rising from the bed in his birthday suit. His back facing her as he looked out on the placid sea out the window, dominated by a red sunset, which gave the room that cozy warmth typical of the seaside. All around was calm and still, not a breath of wind shook the foliage of the few trees around there, as the first lights of the village were beginning to come alive. Awa’atlu for a small village on an islet was quite lively at night.
Lo’ak leaned against the window jamb with his right hand, arm outstretched to support himself, back hunched as if a cramp was bending him in two. The girl’s hand rested delicately on his deltoid, stroking it up, reaching the upper edge of his left shoulder blade, grazing its outline to his right one, and then slipping over his ribs, while her other hand smoothed his lats on the other side of his torso. Her fingers cautiously tickled his epidermis, going to place on his pectorals. Lo’ak felt himself being pulled backward, and in the process he felt her breasts adhere to his back and her lips rest on the center of his spine.
“Why are you still here?” He wanted to loosen her grip, tug her away, but he couldn’t; the dull ache he felt was too great. “Because I love you,” her mouth was so close to his skin that he shivered. “Stop fooling me.” “I’m not,” she lifted herself up on her toes and placed a kiss between his shoulders, “I love you. I’ve always loved you, but for too long I was attached to the ideal of the popular girl, to the image I had to maintain. I don’t need that anymore." He turned just enough to look over his shoulder lit by the faint blush of the dying sun; the light was so faint that it showed almost no color. “With you I'm happy, you are the only one who understands me and I want everyone to know we are made for each other.” He stared at her open-mouthed and she smiled with that sweet, sincere grimace that only with him had she allowed herself to show, moving to face him truly naked for the first time.
Lula’ni had emerged from the chrysalis, the pupa had become a butterfly.
“Can you forgive me for all the harm I have done to you, and to your family, with my stupidity? Will you start afresh with me?” The Omatikaya framed a hand at the height of their navels with a sly smile, “How do you do? I'm Lo’ak.” She laughed, with that crisp, slightly squeaky laugh that always infused him with warmth, “Lula’ni.” When their palms met, he drew her to him and then gathered her face with both hands, shaking out her silky hair, and kissed her slowly and softly, without that cupidity that used to queen their entwined tongues. Tonight, for the first time, he kissed Lula’ni as one kisses a bride, not a lover. And finally he smiled, resting his forehead on hers, as a couple of joyful tears watered his half-closed eyes, “At last you're mine.” “I’ve always been yours.”
Maybe it was from joy, maybe it was from their unclothed bodies brushing against each other, but Lo’ak felt something firm and substantial pull him toward her belly, who giggled with amusement and a hint of mischief. “Are you about to apologize for just now?” she asked, teasing his dick with a sharp fingernail from the base to the tip. Automatically his hands went to squeeze her rear, forcing her back to the center of the room, “I’m going to make you forget all the nights we were just friends.” Lula’ni arched an eyebrow, encircling his neck and caressing the hair on his nape, as she gave herself the momentum to let him take her in his arms and feel the urgency that pervaded her. “Let’s go to the bathroom,” she said defiantly.
He set her down on the shelf where the sink was embedded, stripping her of her chest cover as he greedily kissed her cleavage. The girl abandoned herself against the surface of the mirror, sighing the moment the laces of the tight loincloth unfastened with a snap, exposing her naked, hairless womanhood, moistened at his mere touch. “Come in,” she whispered in his ear, clinging to his neck; with her fingers twisted in his raven hair, she spread her thighs to make room for him. No need to have her repeat herself twice, because he penetrated her and her voice filled his hearing with guttural murmurs, cadenced by the rhythm of his lunges.
Suddenly, Lula’ni let herself slide down the shelf and his phallus capitulated inexorably out, during a stifled but overflowing ‘no’ of disapproval. With a wry grin plastered on her face, the girl turned around, leaning forward, putting her butt in plain view. The message was clear. He grabbed her by the side with one hand and with the other held his erection, which, after a couple of attempts, returned perfectly to its place. To feel so wrapped up and warm was wonderful. Lo’ak began thrusting again, and with each thrust, Lula’ni’s throat ripped with moans that were increasingly high-pitched, but also choked by the extreme proximity between vocal emissions.
This was their favorite position. And if merely having her in such a submissive pose already aroused him, the presence of the mirror, the sight of their bare bodies, their faces rouged by exertion and deformed by unbridled lust reflected back, so much went to his head that he lost what tiny shred of lucidity he preserved. Ferment that went hand in hand with the borderline absurd little games she played with her pelvic floor muscles, which widened and tightened to her liking and the cadence she wanted to give them, clamping them until they almost pushed him out and then sucked him in.  And the attempt to control his orgasm went to hell as well; it poured out with such impetus that it surprised her in a final painful plunge, which made her cry out in pleasure, coming sitting upright.
Lo’ak slumped on his back exhausted, his forearms trembling with fatigue, anchored to the edge of the granite shelf. “You looked like a crazy pali’ (direhorse),” she breathed, “Amazing!” Lula’ni’s subtle laughter broke violently into one last high moan, and the ecstasy on her expression was so sublime it went to his head. Her back collided with a sticky clatter against his chest, and her fingernails crawled over the basin in a vain attempt to hold on to something, clouded by the frenzy. But the release was still far from over; it was creaming on him as if he were an icing cake. 
For a nanosecond his sister’s face flew over his mind. Kissing his now-girlfriend, he cast a very brief glance at the door, as if he could look through it, and formulated a single thought.
Hope you’re not coming right now, Tuk. Sorry.
Special thanks to @pandoraslxnafor the prompt!
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ichilemonwritruoo · 5 months
Hikari Twins Sickfic
Disclaimer: I am emetophobic and part of my therapy to help me heal is writing about throwing up and what I believe is the proper response to help me get out of my head. That type of illness is the focus of this story, its not in depth but it does happens so please be mindful. Scene begins under the cut. Thanks <3
"How are you feeling Nii-San?" Netto asked as he sat down on the bed.
"I'm okay." Saito yawned. "I'm a little tired."
"Take a nap! It might make you feel better." Netto settled onto the pillow beside his twin.
"Okay." Saito nodded and eventually laid down as well, resting his head on Netto's shoulder.
The older twin had a small procedure for his chest and was doing well, just in the recovery phase.
Saito stared at the ceiling for awhile before eventually being lured to sleep by the sound of his twin's soft breathing.
It was an extended amount of time before Saito finally woke up. He didn’t know why he had woken up, and was slightly frustrated with his sudden awakening, but yawned as he sat up.
"Oh you're awake Nii-San!" Netto said.
Saito glanced and noticed Netto was across the room at the PC (hopefully working on homework).
Saito simply nodded. He didn’t feel right. His throat was warm and his mouth was watering.
"You okay Nii-San?"
"Um...I don't feel good." Saito looked down.
Netto's expression softened. He was hoping the nap would have helped because Saito had mostly been miserable. "What's wrong?"
"Got a weird feeling."
"Like what?" Netto asked. His brother hadn't been human for very long so he was still adjusting to everything in his new body.
"Like its-" And that was unfortunately all Saito could get out before he suddenly threw up.
Netto was immediately by his side, rubbing small circles on his back and holding his hair out the way. He now understood what Saito was trying to tell him.
It seemed to last forever and Saito was frustrated as he had been sitting in the bed. Now there was more stuff to clean.
"Easy Nii-San. It's okay." Netto said softly.
Saito shook his head as he choked back a sob. This sucked!
"Mom! Nii-San's sick!" Netto called as he moved to help Saito lean forward.
"I'm coming dear!" Haruka called back as her footsteps begin to travel up the stairs. It was shortly a minute later when she arrived at the twin's room.
"Oh sweetie." Haruka said as she joined them.
"I'm s-sorry." Saito whispered.
"No apologies." Haruka shushed him. "Netto, let's move Saito-San into the bathroom, I'll take care of the bed okay?"
"Okay!" Netto nodded as Haruka helped Saito out of the bed.
Netto picked his twin up to carry him to the bathroom.
Haruka followed after them with a fresh set of pajamas and water. "Call me if you need me."
Netto and Saito nodded as Haruka left to start cleanning. Netto helped Saito out of his clothes and after a quick shower, helped him into new pajamas.
"Feeling any better Nii-San?"
"No." Saito said hoarsely. Now his throat was hurting too. "I just gave you and mom more work. I'm horrible." The older twin pressed his face into his hands.
"Stop Nii-San. That's not true. You're sick and recovering from surgery. Not only that you're still getting used to having a human body. Things like this happen."
"But your bed-"
"It's fine, worse things have happened to it!" Netto laughed.
"So stop worrying okay?"
"O-Okay." Saito said finally as he nodded. "Thank you Netto-Kun."
"Of course." Netto smiled. "Come on, you need to brush your teeth too."
When the twins came back the bed was made once more and everything was clean and pretty looking (the Haruka touch).
"Back to bed for you dear." Haruka ushered her oldest back into the bed.
As much as Saito wanted to protest he did as was told.
After getting situated, Haruka kissed them both on the head. "You know to call me if you need anything."
They both nodded and with that she left. Saito laid back down and Netto sat up beside him to keep him company.
Their mother had left a basin just in case Saito wasn't feeling well again. Which in the end, Saito was very grateful for as his stomach decided it was not done with him.
Netto was of course ever by his side holding him steady as he clutched the basin tight, hoping and praying the worst would be over soon because the gagging made his chest hurt worse.
"Why...why do...do you stay?" Saito asked quietly as he inhaled as he coughed once more. "Isn't...it gross?"
"I stay because you need me." Netto said instantly as he continued rubbing circles on Saito's back. "How could I leave you when you need me the most? Also you can and would do the same for me. How many times have you stayed by my side whether you were in the PET or not, doing whatever you could to make me feel better when I was stuck in bed? That's what you do when you care about someone."
Saito felt his eyes watering and that he wanted to cry.
"If you're done I can go get Mom."
Saito nodded and Netto called for their mother. Haruka came within a minute's notice, told the twin's she was proud of them, and left to clean the basin out.
Saito mindlessly thought about how his mother was a hero for how she wordlessly took care of them and never complained. She was too nice and deserved the world. When she came back she checked Saito for a fever which he thankfully didn't have.
"No fever which is good. Let me get you a ginger ale and crackers." She handed Saito a towel to clean his face with.
Saito nodded but he felt very tired and laid back down as soon as she left the room. The good thing about being twins was that he didn't have to ask Netto if he could use him as pillow or if they could cuddle. Netto already knew.
And so Saito cuddled up into Netto's side using his twin's stomach as a pillow.
"Comfortable?" Netto asked softly as he put his arm around his older twin.
"Yeah...back hurts." Saito replied tiredly.
"Unfortunately not surprised though." Netto took a pillow and placed it behind Saito. "Try to get some rest if you can. I'll be here."
"M'kay. Thanks Netto...you're the best."
Netto smiled. "Anytime Nii-San. Love you."
"Love you too." And when Haruka came back Saito was thankfully fast asleep.
The oldest twin slept through the whole night easily and the next morning woke up feeling a bit better just empty and exhausted.
"How's my dears doing?" Haruka asked the next morning. Netto hadn't come to get her since the evening so she hoped everything had been alright.
"Better." Saito said hoarsely. "Just weak. And head hurts."
"I'm glad your stomach is better sweetie. Now we just gotta finish letting your chest recover."
Netto was snoring and fast asleep beside Saito. He deserved all the rest he wanted, Saito thought as he squeezed his twin's hand.
"How about a really light breakfast? With some gatorade?"
Saito nodded. His stomach growled now that it had stopped being a jerk. "Yes please."
"I'll get right to it. You guys stay put."
"Can you make Netto hot chocolate?"
"Sure thing. I'm sure he'd love that." Haruka smiled gently.
"I can't make it myself but I just want to thank him even in a small way." Saito smiled a bit. "He rarely gets to have that so."
"Of course. Anything else?"
"No ma'am thank you."
"That's what Momma's are for Saito." Haruka kissed his head once more and left to start breakfast.
Saito sat up in bed and watched a little tv on the laptop making sure to be quiet so Netto could stay sleeping. "I love you Netto. A lot. You mean the world to me."
"Love you...too...Nii-San..." Netto slurred in his sleep but smiled.
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strangerobsession · 2 years
I Cast Knock on the Door
Votes are in! I'll probably do more lil one-shots based on ACOC because I'm mentally ill and I'm obsessed with these silly little guys.
Gender neutral reader, and they play a character named Theo who can be imagined as masc, fem, or neither.
Summery: Things are going sideways for the party in Eddie's new political corruption campaign. PCs are dying and betrayals are occurring, but morale is regained when you achieve a small victory and catch Eddie of-guard.
Word Count: 1,446
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“I think we brought this on ourselves, guys.” You muttered, leaning back in your chair with a heavy sigh. “We did let Eddie do a murder campaign.”
Everyone at the table had been practically paralyzed for the past twenty-five minutes. The incredulous sputtering from the unexpected betrayal by a favorite NPC had turned into silence as Eddie now somberly narrated Mike’s character’s death.
He chuckled quietly, shrugging. “I told you; if you play royals, everyone’s gonna try to assassinate you.”
“It’s okay, Eddie’ll pull an NPC out of his ass that he was gonna introduce later for you to play.” Gareth, who’d also had his character killed off, said kindly to Mike.
“You got one for me, too?” Jeff asked, laughing tiredly.
“Oh, you’re fine, you’re still alive.” Eddie waved him off.
“Cruller just threw me off the roof of my own castle.” Jeff deadpanned. “I might be fucked.”
When Eddie had pitched his latest campaign idea, everyone had been excited about doing something different. The picture he’d painted of the world and the lore had been too good to pass up. Even when he’d explicitly said “I will be trying to kill you every step of the way,” Hellfire still gave him the stamp of approval, and set about creating new characters.
Now? Dustin’s familiar and best friend had been killed, Gareth was on his second character, Jeff seemed close to death, and now Mike needed a new character.
Eddie laughed again. “Well, for now,” He gestured to you. “Theo?”
“Mm-hmm?” You grunted quietly at the sound of your character’s name.
“You are walking through the castle looking for some of the other knights. You find Toby’s quarters,” Eddie said, referring to your character, the captain of the royal guard’s second in command. “They look sort of messier than normal, which is unusual to you because he’s a very neat, crisp knight. As you go in to investigate, you see Sir Toby’s body butchered in a corner of the room.”
Your eyes widened, but Eddie wasn’t done.
“You hear the iron door of his quarters slam behind you and lock. You hear the voices of some of Cruller’s men,” He pitched his voice lower and laughed. “Keep them behind the door. Have fun in there! If you get hungry your friend Toby should be able to help you with a meal.”
You crossed your arms, and shook your head, brows furrowed. “I think Theo’s just running through everything in their head, just like a million thoughts at once. They’re thinking ‘How did I not see this? How did I not suspect this? Where’s the king?’” You sigh heavily, eyes scanning your character sheet and what few spells you have. An idea starts to form. You look up at your boyfriend, perched behind his DM screen. “Can I hear how many people are outside the door?”
“Yeah, only probably like two or three.”
You nod, glancing back at your spells. “I cast Knock on the door.”
Eddie stares at you, eyes wide and mouth gaping as your fellow party members cheer.
“Yeah!” Mike yells from next to you, pumping a fist. Dustin grabs your arm from your other side.
“It automatically unlocks the door.” You finally let yourself smile at Eddie’s shocked face- he’s so rarely thrown off his game, you can count on one hand the number of times you’d rendered him well and truly speechless during a session.
He lets out a stunned laugh, grinning widely. “You hear them snickering outside, and suddenly the door bursts off its hinges, flies and thuds into the wall across, and they whip around to look at you. Sweetheart, if you will, please roll initiative.”
You pick up your d20 between two fingers with a smirk. “Do I get any kind of surprise?”
“You’re gonna get a surprise round, absolutely.”
Dustin frowned as you rolled. “Is it just (Y/N) going?”
“Yeah, well we’ve gotta resolve this before we cut back to everyone else.” Eddie nodded.
“I got an eleven.” You inform him.
Eddie rolled behind his screen. He shakes his head with a rueful smile. “The guards got a three. Go ahead and take your surprise round.”
“Oh my god,” You laughed, scanning your possible attacks and spells. “You’re going to regret not killing me first, asshole.”
With advantage for the surprise round, you quickly dropped two out of the three guards. Eddie marked something off on his notes, still looking a little dazed. “Okay, that’s your surprise round. There is one guy left and you rolled higher on initiative. Go for it.”
You rolled a few more times, rattling off numbers to Eddie as you took out the last guard. “First attack was just five, this is…. Another eight damage.”
Not your best rolls, but luckily the palace guards had pretty low stats. Eddie nods. “Theo, they’ve locked you in this room, and they’re laughing outside. In a swirling helix of magic energy, the door explodes off its hinges, and as their faces follow, you slide out.” He waves an arm, mimicking a swinging blade. “All of these soldiers are dead before they even have a chance to draw their weapons.”
You sigh in relief. “Amazing.”
“We should get a sign or something for the room.” Dustin smirked. “‘It’s been zero days since Eddie’s plans were ruined by an unassuming spell.’”
The table laughed as Eddie leaned forward, pointing a pencil at Dustin with an impassive expression. “You’re still way too proud of that Detect Poison thing.”
“It solved the whole battle, it was awesome!” Lucas protested with a laugh.
Eddie groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Everytime,” He muttered. “Everytime I have a whole fight, one of you does that one thing that fucks it all up.”
“Your goal is to kill us, ours is to make your life a living hell.” You replied evenly, setting your dice back into neat lines. “If we have to follow the rules, so do you.”
“You’re doing a bang up job.” He quipped, before clapping his hands. “Alright, let’s cut back to Cumulous.”
. . .
“You think Eddie’s already got an NPC for Mike to take over?” Dustin asked.
“Knowing him, it’s more than likely. That or they’re working something out right now.” You shrugged. “Either way, he won’t leave him hanging.”
After the session, Eddie had asked Mike to hang back, telling him he “had something for him.” You, Dustin and Lucas waited by your car for them to be done.
“I think I’m still in shock.” Lucas commented. “I think I’ve been in shock for the past four sessions.”
“Me too,” You agreed. 
Eddie and Mike soon pushed through the front doors of Hawkins High. Eddie had an arm wrapped around the younger boy, patting him comfortingly on the shoulder. They were both smiling, though.
“Figure everything out?” You asked, holding a hand out.
“Oh yeah.” Eddie took it, kissing your knuckles. “We haven’t seen the last of Wheeler.”
“Good.” You ruffled Mike’s hair affectionately. “Pile in, boys.”
The kids clambered into your car- Dustin scrambling around to the passenger’s seat after calling shotgun- as you turned to fully face Eddie.
“Hey, that was a really good move with Knock, earlier.” He grinned. “I didn’t even know you had that one.”
“Never had to use it before- I only added after I realized how trigger happy you were with the assassination attempts.” You chuckled. “Figured it’d come in handy.”
“You’re a genius, babe.” Eddie grabbed both your hands, pressing kisses to every finger. 
Lucas knocked on the window from inside the car. “Wrap it up, lovebirds!” He called, muffled.
Eddie shot him a dirty look, then kissed you deeply. You cupped his face in one hand, using the other to flip off the groaning boys in your car.
“We still good for tomorrow?” He asked, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Yup. Pick me up at 12?”
“I’ll be there.” He promised, kissing you again. 
“Okay, I should actually go and get these guys home.” You said regretfully, pulling out of Eddie’s arms. “Thanks for the session, Ed. It was really fun.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. You were amazing.” He started walking backwards towards his van, a soft smile pulling at his lips. “I love you!” 
“I love you too!” You called as he got further away.
“I can’t believe you just made out with the man who murdered me in cold blood.” Mike scoffed as you slid into the driver’s seat.”
“Sometimes you have to compartmentalize, Micheal.” You replied as you started the car. “In my head, my boyfriend and the guy who’s ass I’m gonna beat in next week’s session are two very different people.”
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media Lewis 'The Mind Has Mountins'
Character Adam Douglas
Couple Adam X Reader
Rating Smut
Concept Attention
Smut Semi nudity / sexy outfits / Non concent/ BJ
I laid on the bed pouting slightly as I listened to the clicking and clacking of his mechanical keyboard keys, the sound of his classical study music audible through his headphones I grabbed a bit of paper from my notebook ripped it out and balled it up, tossing it at him however I missed and it simply landed on the floor. I sighed and grabbed another page, and threw it at him again. This time I managed to hit his head making him jump and pause his music putting his headphones down as he turned to see me
“Adam. I’m bored” I told him 
“You done your assignment?”
“You done your revision?”
“Good, then get on with your essay”
“But I’m bored”
“Do your work then you won’t be?” he says returning focus to his screen
“But Adam”
“What are you pouting and whining about?” 
“Attention” I pouted opening my arms 
“I’m doing my work” he says 
“Please” I pouted 
“Later” he told me before he returned to his pc 
“Adam” I whined “Adam! Aaddaamm! Aaaaddddaaaammmm!”
“Y/n” he sighed “I am studying classics at oxford. I have to study, I have to work, I don’t have time to cater to your need for attention” He says 
“But… don’t you love me?”
“Of course I love you, but I need to work” he says turning to give me a little kiss “do your work we can cuddle when the work is done” he says 
I sighed throwing my work off the bed, I did try and get his attention but no his focus was far too intense. 
And I smirked as I hatched myself. 
A Plan.
A Concept.
An Idea.
That would guarantee the attention I wanted.
So that I would not be denied. 
I moved to perch myself on the edge of the bed and kicked off my sweatpants and grabbed my little elastic shorts pulling them up to my waist leaving them basically as hot pants, I tossed off my jumper and pulled down my little vest letting my cleavage sit perfectly, and then putting my hair in a ponytail. 
I moved across the room and stroked his shoulders and he quickly rolled his eyes 
“I’m working,” He says and I smiled giving his cheek a kiss and moving to my knees crawling under his desk “Y/n?” he asks but I simply smiled innocently and undid his jeans and tugged down his boxers releasing his slowly hardening erection, I gently rubbed up and down his shaft until he was completely hard, I moved and held his base gently before peppering his shaft and head with kisses, he leant back clearly to give me more space and so he could watch me. I took him completely into my mouth making sure to suck gently and move my head back and forth fueled but his stunted groans above me “Fuck- Y/n” he moans until I pulled back a little 
“Focus on your work Adam” I smiled before taking him into my mouth as much as possible deep throating him to suck harder “Uughhhh! Y/n!” He moans loudly his hand grabbing my hair so I pulled back and wiped my mouth making sure to make eye contact with him blowing him a kiss and returning to bed he smirked and turned on his chair to see me in the bed “Y/n?”
“Hi adam” I giggled 
“Okay” he shrugs putting his headphones down on the desk shutting down his pc and coming to bed. 
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
Virtue's Last Reward
In some ways it's better than 999 but in some it's worse. 
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The characters are pretty memorable, I was afraid it'd be staler than the eccentric personalities of the first game but it remains. A plus is that our new main character, Sigma, doesn't talk. (Well, he does, but he has no audible dialogue so he's not as annoying.) It carries over that problem from the last one too where they overexplain things like it's a children's game but it's rated M otherwise. Visually, it switches the 2D sprites with 3D models, which can be considered a downgrade in some ways but it's easier to navigate the rooms though with proper 3D environments versus simulated for the DS (it's the 3DS now) but it's put on this nice collection on the PC so it looks smoother and cleaner.
The one complaint I have about the port in general is that it could've cut some things out. I imagine the transition scenes were made to mask loading screens but we don't need them anymore and they're more tedious than Resident Evil's. While not as often, they take longer because they'll go somewhere and it shows them as a blinking dot on the map and the route they're taking (not that it matters most of the time, when it does matter, they reiterate the sequence anyway) but they'll show them going across an entire floor, go to the elevator, stop, show them pressing the button, the elevator comes, wait for the elevator to descend, beep, open doors again, back to map, show them moving to their destination again, it's just meaningless. And there's a skip but it's only for stuff you've seen before (in any route) so it usually doesn't include the transitions and when it does, it needs to be activated before it starts because it doesn't give you the option during.
And also (...) they have a tendency to (...) whenever (...) there isn't anybody (...) saying anything and (...) they'll show it (...) for each character. There were some parts where my experience was an error but I couldn't find proof of others being that way. Gaulem Bay for example, there are rows of (nonspoiling here) "lights" that some are on and some are off and you use that pattern to activate a puzzle, however, mine spelled out something different than what it was supposed to, I double and triple checked in game even after I looked up the result and the same answer got back to me every time.
All that remained was the ending. Would I find the outcome better than the last one? Because the other one reached a little too far in terms of what you could've predicted with the face thing. Well...this ending isn't much better. I actually had this game pegged as "great", I even accepted as far as the Phi ending and would've given it a 3.5/5 but it was afterwards that reversed everything.
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Literally. It's like Meet the Robinsons but not as a good thing. It takes the time to explain every aspect of it and it's boring, because it's a large infodump and exposition for the next entry in the series...as an ending. So yeah, it seems like it's going to be a complete package but it's not a complete story, while 999 was at least contained enough to seem satisfying. And I mean it really threw the kitchen sink at you too. It has the regular endings and then two hidden ones before credits roll but then two more after credits roll so it never really knows when to stop either. People complain about Kingdom Hearts but that's nothing, this is the real menace, overcomplicating and recontextualizing everything. Kingdom Hearts explains its way over a whole series of games, that's people's only problem and it's an outdated problem now that all the games can be bought in one package for the same system but imagine taking the plot and obscurities of those games and doing it all at once at the end of just one game. "Imagine a cat. Imagine a truck. Imagine a line. This is my name. This is my actual name. This is what I am. This is what I actually am. Let's review our history. Just use E = mc2. Imagine the relationship between classical mechanics and modern physics"....You think I'm joking? You think I just pulled all those out of my ass?!
So I don't think I'm going to play Zero Time Dilemma anymore.
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theenpcbracket · 1 year
Ahh I forgot to submit propaganda for last round and now Sprout is out!! 😭 (/lh) I’ll still share it now in his memory.
So the reason that my character, Bexon/fighter, thinks that Sprout Bloodfeast III Esquire is homophobic is because he has pretty major trauma about anyone finding out he’s gay. He has a sort of relationship with Obediah, the party’s cleric, that he thinks is “secret” (literally everyone knows). Sprout will sometimes see Bexon interacting with Obi and narrow his eyes. Bexon once freaked tf out when he noticed Sprout had just been sitting there watching the two of them making out. Bexon assumes Sprout is judging him and knows he’s gay, but Sprout is just suspicious of him being with Obediah because he’s highkey an emotionally inept asshole lol. Sprout understands this, and will use it to his advantage to mess with Bexon when he’s being a dick.
He’s also our tracker, which is probably why the DM gave him to us after realizing none of our idiot PCs have any tracking skills. Also we rely on him to do a fair amount of damage in combat, and in our last fight he brought back Bexon’s sword when he threw it across the room on a nat 1. He really is the MVP of our team. 💚
This is closer to what he looks like: he is a cooshee, an elvish forest dog, not just a regular green dog.
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(art on left by @miighty-star our cleric)
No worries on the delay, it's been a hectic round! Thanks for sharing all about Sprout!!
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stephenmurphy74 · 2 years
Blog 2 Stephen Murphy
One thing that has been a part of my life and that I have some of the earliest memories of is gaming. I have been gaming my whole life from getting my first Gameboy color to getting an Xbox 360 to getting a PC for gaming. Gaming has always been there through my life from meeting long-life friends through gaming, building connections, memories, going to huge tournaments and events for video games and even to get sucked into a virtual world that has insanely wonderful stories and campaigns. I have been a happy kid all my life but one thing I can say is whenever I was super sad or down, I could always turn to video games to get me threw it. That’s exactly what Gamers Outreach does. Gamers Outreach is a nonprofit organization that brings consoles, pcs, handhelds for gaming to hospitals of kids that are stuck in hospitals because hospitals can be a scary and super isolated place so to have gaming to distract them or even build connections with other patients in the hospital is amazing. I found out about gamers outreach 4/5 years ago when a YouTube video got recommended to me. It was a YouTube video of Pineaqples a H1Z1 professional player that went to a hospital and teamed up with Gamers Outreach to deliver GO karts to a children’s hospital and GO carts are carts that are movable to hold console and video game systems and they can be easily moved to room to room around hospitals to each patient so they can escape what ever problems they are undergoing and use video games to help them through it to distract and bring happiness to the kids where they can jump into their favorite video game and jump into a whole new world where they don’t feel isolated and scared while being stuck in a hospital because some patients that are kids can be stuck in these hospitals for months or even up to a year so having a escape and a thing to bring happiness to them is what Gamers outreach aims for and I am fully behind that.  I love Gamers Outreach and every they are doing. Across the board their social media metrics are pretty decent from YouTube to Instagram to Twitter. They are very active on Twitter and Instagram but something I am noticing is the engagement rate on each post over the years it when from getting thousands and hundreds of likes to know of days getting around 20-100 likes a post. I would think it could be because I remember years ago seeing Gamers Outreach promoted by hundreds of streamers and influencers to now a few streamers and influencers partnering up and making content. I see a bunch of pictures of these big influencers at the hospital with these kids but not a lot of videos or content where we can see the whole process of them going to these hospitals and teaming up with Gamer’s outreach and their outlook on everything. I would say to bring back more engagement rate is posting way more with influencers on YouTube because if you look at earlier vids from years ago there engagement rate was a lot better when it showed the process of how the GO carts helped the kids and why bigger influences are behind the whole Gamer Outreach idea because when I found them it was through that video of a bigger influencer and his insight on how wonderful Gamer outreach is and how he feels about it. So I would say there twitter is doing well but the two platforms that need more work is there YouTube where one advanced Metric is keep bringing in Bigger influencers and partners, One channel metric is make a lot of content video wise for more engagement, and behavioral metric is making content with bigger influencers and partner where we can see there insight and the whole process of how they think Gamers outreach is and have there audiences and fans get behind Gamers outreach. A lot of these metrics and content can be mirrored from YouTube and reposted on Instagram. Here is the links to Gamers Outreach twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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nvertheless · 2 years
nights with you — honesty
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m.list ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
1.2k words.
you picked up the final pieces of your room as you shoved the last item of clothing hanging around in your closet, closing it and fanning yourself from sweating. you put your hair behind your ears as you heard the doorbell ring.
you jumped from the sudden sound, now in your head realizing jake was here.. at your house. you quickly checked if your room was spotless clean before running to the door. you quickly prayed for a second before opening it to see him.
jake smiled at you as you quickly admired him. he was wearing a dark blue sweater with some black sweatpants, his hair was down and he looked really pretty. “hey y/n!” “hey jake! come on in.” he walked in your apartment and observed it as he took his shoes off by the door.
you closed the door behind him, “are you thirsty or anything?” he shook his head. “im good! i have a bottle of water in my backpack anyways.” you understood as you guys awkwardly stood in the hallway for a second. “okay anyways let’s go to my room.”
he followed you to your room as you opened the door. your room wasn’t as big and it was simple but it was cute and comfortable, just the way you liked it. “her room matches her well.” jake thought in his head as he observed it, he looked over at your desk to see you had a pc.
“woah y/n you have a pc? do you play games on it?” he asked excitedly. you didn’t use your computer for games, you used it for your streams (which you saved all your money for) “no no i don’t play games on it! i use it just to.. use it.” you lied to him as he understood.
“well we should get started on it so we can finish this project right?” he asked as you nodded, opening up your school computer and getting to the google doc, you didn’t have many chairs in your house considering it was just you and your parents together. “you can sit on my chair jake! i’ll just sit on the edge of my bed.” you offered to him.
you two sat and worked on your project, plus made small talk in the process, “wait.. after this, me and jake will be done with this project..” the more you thought about it, the more feelings you were starting to feel about it. you truly wanted to be honest with jake and just open up to him, but you were too scared for that.
jake noticed you getting quiet and didn’t know if he should ask if you were okay or if you were just concentrated. “..are you okay yn?” he asked you in a concerned tone as you quickly looked up at him, “no no im fine! i was just concentrating on this.” you lied to him again.
he nodded, looking back at his work. you looked over at him. jake was such a beautiful person to look at, as corny as it sounded it was true. jake was truly a perfect person in your eyes. you felt your face get hot as you stopped looking at him, putting your attention back on your screen.
half an hour went by of just comfortable silence. you suddenly felt the need to use the bathroom and a well needed stretch break. you let out a small noise as you put your computer down beside you and stretched. jake looked at you in awe. “im going to use the bathroom really quick! i’ll be back but you can still work on your slide.” you told him.
he understood as you got up and went to use to the bathroom which was across the hall. jake put his computer down and got on his phone, scrolling through twitter and instagram. he put his head back on the chair, but he went too hard with it and pushed your chair back to hit your desk, which made your desktop turned on.
jake quickly turned around to see your desktop turn on. “she might’ve accidentally left it on.” he thought in his head as he turned himself completely around to turn off your computer for you. he tried to find the turn off button but he saw something that threw him off. “nights with lofi — stream.” in your tab.
jake wasn’t a nosy person, and he didn’t want to invade your privacy, but it just intrigued him, “it wouldn’t hurt to just.. take a look right?” he thought in his head, figuring out wether or not he should look. he put his hand on your mouse and pressed the tab, to see.. start stream now?
“wait a minute.. no this can’t be..” jake felt his heart start beating faster than ever, he looked all over the tab, from the lofi songs to night animations to the name.. nights with lofi. “is y/n.. is y/n the owner of nights with lofi?”
you turned off the bathroom light and walked back into your room to see.. jake looking through your desktop, and worse of all, the nights with lofi stream was on the screen. jake looked at you and got startled, jumping out of the chair. you didn’t know what to say, you felt your heart start beating faster than ever like you were gonna throw up.
“i fucking forgot to turn off my computer the whole way.” you thought in your head as it was dead silence in your room for a couple of minutes. “y/n.. are yo-“ “yeah.” you cut him off. you felt embarrassed, ashamed that you weren’t honest with him.
“i guess since you saw it i might as well tell you now, im the nights with lofi owner, everything that you listened to for these pass couple of months has all been me.” you got quiet, you wanted to just crawl into a ball and vanish. “why couldn’t i just be honest with him in the first place?” you thought in your head.
there was silence that filled your room, you looked down at the floor, being scared to look at jake. jake didn’t know what to say, though he was startled by the sudden confession, he was surprisingly not mad, how could he be mad? the girl he liked practically helped him with his sleeping issues for the last couple of months.
“y/n..” you didn’t look up at him. “y/n can you look at me atleast?” you sighed before looking at him, you thought there would be some type of expression that was negative in his face, but… there was nothing, it was the opposite of that.
“y/n that’s really cool.” what the hell.
“what?” “yeah! i think that’s really cool.” he happily responded to you. you thought he would’ve been mad or tell you why you lied to him. “i uh- your not mad?” you asked him. he smiled at you. “what? no y/n why would i be mad about that?” “i just thought you would’ve been upset because i wasn’t being honest with you, and i knew you listened to nights with lofi.”
you quietly said to him, “y/n.” he walked up to you. “i would never be mad or upset at you, it’s not like it was any of my business to know, that was your business and if you didn’t want me to know i would’ve been fine with that.” you felt your heart start going at a steady beat again.
“really?” you asked him. “yeah! i will never be mad at you for keeping some things a secret from me, plus i think it’s really cool! you practically helped me with my sleeping issues, that’s the best thing to ever happen to me.” he gave you a reassuring smile. you felt relief at that, it didn’t have to be a secret anymore.
“i do feel as though i should also apologize for going through your computer, i truly didn’t mean to! i was just.. in the moment.” he said as you shook your hands. “it’s okay! it was bound to happen..”
“are we good then?” “when have we not been good? of course we are good.” it was a bit of silence in your room before you thought of something, “just confess, it’s better to do it now then later.” you thought in your head as you sighed before speaking up.
“jake.. there’s something else i need to tell you.” he looked at you as you moved pass him, sitting on the edge of your bed and putting your computer behind you. you patted the side next to you as he moved to sit in that spot. “there’s something you have to tell me?”
you nodded, “i just felt like i’m not being completely honest with you, and this isn’t about the lofi channel, it’s something else.” you didn’t want to look at him for this part. jake looked at you, waiting for you to speak up.
“okay here it goes, i uh..” “i like you jake.” silence completely filled up your room. “i like you a lot, more than a friend type of like, and im sorry for not being honest with you about any of this, i just didn’t know how to approach the situation and i didn’t want you to think i was weird or anything.” you looked down at your fingers, forcing yourself not to look at jake.
“if you don’t feel the same way as i do then that’s completely fine! i won’t force you to have feelings for m-“ “y/n.” you felt yourself get embarrassed by each second. jake knew you wouldn’t look at him as he softly put his hands on your cheeks, bringing your face to look at his. you were shocked by the sudden gesture.
you looked at jake as his cheeks were pink. he took his hands off of your cheeks and put his hands with yours, “to be honest? i really like you too y/n.” what. “huh…” you were shocked by his answer to say the least. “you like me? like-“ “more than a friend? yes y/n, i like you too.” holy shit.
“i uh.. wow sorry this is a lot to take in.” jake laughed as his hands were still on yours. “how long have you liked me for?” he asked you. “since…. the beginning of the school year.” you mumbled but he could still hear you. “what? since the beginning of the school year? i could’ve known you ages ago then.” he said to you as you laughed.
“i was just.. scared to talk to you i guess? you were with your friends and nobody really knows me at school so i thought it would’ve been weird.” you shyly admitted to him. “atleast we know each other now right?” he asked as you nodded at him. you two looked at each other as the room got silenced, jake hesitated before putting his hands on your cheeks again.
“y/n can i..” you nodded at him as he leaned in, pressing his lips on yours. you didn’t know how to kiss, considering this was your first kiss, you just followed jake’s movements as his soft lips moved against yours. it was a quick but soft kiss as he let go, both of your faces were feeling hot in the process.
you were shocked as jake, your first and biggest crush, liked you back and was your first kiss. “woah.” you accidentally let out before covering your mouth, jake let out his contagious laugh as you two ended up laughing like two idiots.
being honest with him definitely was a success in your book.
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notes — FINALLY!!! THEY CONFESSED!!! #ynandjakeparty 💪 take a shot everytime jake says “yn and cool” btw i’m so sorry for the kiss scene that was my first time writing one (it was funny to write)😕 one more chapter and then nights w you is officially finished </3
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oceisastar · 2 years
I wanna give f!kylar the whole world 😭😭😭 every day I daydream about her being a cute little stay at home wifey who doesn't wear panties around the house and she constantly gets worshipped, spoiled, praised, and just completely and utterly adored by the love of her life 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (also liking 2 imagine/daydream that is me JWJEJAJDJJD)
minors do NOT interact. do NOT repost / use / translate my work in any shape or form.
LOL I’m not into the stay-at-home-wife thing but her waiting for u at home without panties is so hot... just in a shirt and apron but no bottoms like omg
TAGS: f!wife!kylar x gn!pc; super soft love, implied underwear stealing lol, implied masturbation, sex toys mentioned, kylar being kinda gross at some parts but in typical kylar fashion, reader has body hair, oral sex
imagine coming home to find her bent over scrubbing the kitchen counter. you’re standing there staring at her lovingly in silence until you gently make some noise. she jumps when she realizes it’s you and immediately throws her arms around you. you hug her tight, peppering kisses all over her face while she’s smiling so big her cheeks hurt. she’s like “hi! I missed you so much. I was just about to do the laundry.” and you’re like “I missed you too. let me go get changed.”
but when you go into your room there’s a sticky vibrator and your underwear strewn across the bed. it’s damp, and it’s not from you because you haven’t touched that pair since last night.
kylar stands in the doorway, blushing when she realizes she didn’t have time to put it away. she stutters and tries to distract you, but you just sweep her in your arms and whisper in her ears, “if you wanted to taste me that bad, you should’ve asked, baby.” she shudders palpably, fingers digging into your biceps as you let your tongue slip into her ear.
“I-I-” kylar stutters, face red.
you smirk, laughing softly as you pull her closer. the two of you fall back into the bed. she caresses your face then straddles you, pressing your lips together—fervently, desperately. she’s always like this when you get back even if you’re only gone for a few hours—needy for your kisses. you hug her tight as she seals your lips together over and over, as if memorizing the softness of your lips.
“how’s the new vibrator?” you ask, stroking her back.
“I love it. thank you so much,” she says, smiling against your lips.
“I used it myself a few times and I liked it, so I’m glad you do too.”
her eyes light up, almost ravenous. “recently? like, this one?”
“no, love. mine died so I threw it away. I mean this model.”
“can you... can you use this one too? and leave it on the bedside for when you go? I really miss you and it’ll be like a little reminder.” her voice gets softer as she realizes she probably sounds like a fucking weirdo.
but as you usual, you assuage her worries.
“of course I can.”
her eyes light up so brightly, and you kiss her again. you let your fingers brush against her pussy, softly massaging her lips. she jolts against you, moaning loudly.
“you’re so wet,” you bite your lip.
“I’m only like this for you,” she pants. “y-you make me feel so good,” kylar babbles, grinding her pussy against your fingertips.
“sweetheart, fuck,” your sex throbs. It’s like kylar can sense it, because she looks over her shoulder.
“can I use my mouth on you? please? I’ve—I’ve been practicing just for you. not on anyone else, of course I’d never do that! but just... watching videos and um, studying. I want to make you feel good. so can I?”
when she looks at you like that, how can you say no?
she’s practically shaking with anticipation, kneeling beside the bed as she stares at you like some sort of statue.
“you deserve everything. to be worshipped, to be celebrated...” kylar murmurs, kissing up your inner thighs and burying her face in your pubic hair. “you’re so perfect.” she looks on the verge of tears.
“I love you, kylar.” you smile, stroking her cheek. she holds your hand to her face, nuzzling her face against it.
“I love you, too. so, so much.”
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