stephenmurphy74 · 2 years
Ethics in Social Media
Trends that are happening in the industry that I see a lot is brands and companies over the past few years have been using certain situations “Movements” to profit and gain a following or profit from. For example, the war going on with Russia and Ukraine and at the time everyone was saying We Stand with Ukraine and changed their profile pics and bios to their flag. I feel like a lot of companies and brands did that for a few days because it was trending sent out a tweet or two or post then a week later all of the flags and tweets or post saying we stand with Ukraine were gone its like these brands and companies are trend hoppers and hop on any situation in the world to show there diversity and to show that they care but at he same time it looks like they are just trying to profit off of the situations and trends happening in the world. Same with LGBTQ and that whole movement you see so many brands look at it as a trend to profit off of it. So social media brands will change their profiles to all rainbow flags and post about it specifically when something is going on with LGBTQ or pride month and depending what company or brand, they are they might start selling merchandise to profit off of Pride month. So, I feel like a lot of Brands are seeing ways to profit off of trending events and Movements and trying to gain something out of it. Recent Ethic case was the banning of Andrew Tate on almost all Social Media platforms because a lot of the stuff he was saying was going against the terms and conditions of most of the platforms and a lot of it was to do with Misogyny and that he was sexist. Another Ethnic case that happened super recently is Kanye West antisemitic posting which are getting him cancelled on social media and now he is getting dropped from Adidas and Balenciaga. A professional organization that I would love to work for as a Social Media staff is Twitter and twitters code of ethics states to treat others with dignity and respect, refrain from demeaning or discriminatory behavior and speech, and be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants.
I think Twitter is a prime example of utilizing proper social media practices. They have a strict policies and conditions and terms of services. On twitter you will see them suspend or ban a lot of accounts that are hateful or spew false information. For example, when Covid 19 was going on a lot of accounts were spreading false information about the virus where it was creating arguments that then lead to hatful comments to then banning or suspending multiple accounts. Professionals that I think practice strong ethical behaviors is the YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki and I think she practices super well ethical behaviors between all social media platforms but one that I see her posts on a lot is her Twitter page and all of her tweets are professionally worded and just positive posts overall mostly about what’s going on in the YouTube space and who she’s working with. Everything is based off her brand and what she does.
For my personal conduct online that I adhere from is keep my social media accounts as positive as possible. Positing positive and tweeting about things that will benefit me online and not tweet or post my views on politics or arguments. Only tweet or post about my personal interests and hobbies and follow other likeminded people that enjoy my interests and hobbies and to always be positive.
For sure the number one thing I will always stay away from on social media is politics or conspiracy theories. Nothing good ever comes out of it because politics are 50/50 you will never win an argument or change someone’s mind that already has their mind set on something like politics same goes for conspiracy theories. Mostly you will always get nothing good out of politics on social media its either pick sides and that’s what creates the biggest arguments on social media and that’s what creates hateful comments and then it creates negative environment in social media so best thing to do is stay away from politics and to keep you views and arguments to yourself cause there is no point in sharing it on social medias.
5 points I will follow as a practicing social media professional is
Pay attention to your tone on social media to be respectful and professional
Be as diverse as possible and be Inclusive to all audiences, perspectives, gender roles, and communities on social media
Be positive on social media and not get into arguments on things like a person’s views or political views
Be as transparent as possible
Know about what you are posting about and do research about it before posting or talking about it
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stephenmurphy74 · 2 years
Blog 2 Stephen Murphy
One thing that has been a part of my life and that I have some of the earliest memories of is gaming. I have been gaming my whole life from getting my first Gameboy color to getting an Xbox 360 to getting a PC for gaming. Gaming has always been there through my life from meeting long-life friends through gaming, building connections, memories, going to huge tournaments and events for video games and even to get sucked into a virtual world that has insanely wonderful stories and campaigns. I have been a happy kid all my life but one thing I can say is whenever I was super sad or down, I could always turn to video games to get me threw it. That’s exactly what Gamers Outreach does. Gamers Outreach is a nonprofit organization that brings consoles, pcs, handhelds for gaming to hospitals of kids that are stuck in hospitals because hospitals can be a scary and super isolated place so to have gaming to distract them or even build connections with other patients in the hospital is amazing. I found out about gamers outreach 4/5 years ago when a YouTube video got recommended to me. It was a YouTube video of Pineaqples a H1Z1 professional player that went to a hospital and teamed up with Gamers Outreach to deliver GO karts to a children’s hospital and GO carts are carts that are movable to hold console and video game systems and they can be easily moved to room to room around hospitals to each patient so they can escape what ever problems they are undergoing and use video games to help them through it to distract and bring happiness to the kids where they can jump into their favorite video game and jump into a whole new world where they don’t feel isolated and scared while being stuck in a hospital because some patients that are kids can be stuck in these hospitals for months or even up to a year so having a escape and a thing to bring happiness to them is what Gamers outreach aims for and I am fully behind that.  I love Gamers Outreach and every they are doing. Across the board their social media metrics are pretty decent from YouTube to Instagram to Twitter. They are very active on Twitter and Instagram but something I am noticing is the engagement rate on each post over the years it when from getting thousands and hundreds of likes to know of days getting around 20-100 likes a post. I would think it could be because I remember years ago seeing Gamers Outreach promoted by hundreds of streamers and influencers to now a few streamers and influencers partnering up and making content. I see a bunch of pictures of these big influencers at the hospital with these kids but not a lot of videos or content where we can see the whole process of them going to these hospitals and teaming up with Gamer’s outreach and their outlook on everything. I would say to bring back more engagement rate is posting way more with influencers on YouTube because if you look at earlier vids from years ago there engagement rate was a lot better when it showed the process of how the GO carts helped the kids and why bigger influences are behind the whole Gamer Outreach idea because when I found them it was through that video of a bigger influencer and his insight on how wonderful Gamer outreach is and how he feels about it. So I would say there twitter is doing well but the two platforms that need more work is there YouTube where one advanced Metric is keep bringing in Bigger influencers and partners, One channel metric is make a lot of content video wise for more engagement, and behavioral metric is making content with bigger influencers and partner where we can see there insight and the whole process of how they think Gamers outreach is and have there audiences and fans get behind Gamers outreach. A lot of these metrics and content can be mirrored from YouTube and reposted on Instagram. Here is the links to Gamers Outreach twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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stephenmurphy74 · 2 years
Social media
I would define social media as a multitude of platforms and apps to help better our lives, improve it, build connections, fan bases, jobs, speak with family from all around, make content etc. Social media is truly an amazing thing and I believe that social media has changed the world for ever. We live in a world now that social media is a 24/7 tool and that is amazing. Personally how I would characterize myself as a social media user is that I use social media 24/7 from using twitter to seeing what’s happening around the world, to snapchat to talk to friends and see what they’re doing, to watching YouTube to see gaming, vlogs, lifestyle videos to watching Twitch to watch esports, tournaments, content creators and events. So, I would say I am super into social media and use it on an everyday basis. I think everyone should try and capitalize on social media and build an audience and connections from it. Social media can change your whole life. I would say my strengths and understanding of social media as a whole is pretty good just from knowing what apps and platforms do, the trends going on, and how most social media apps work. I use social media every day because I am really into the gaming scene from content creation and esports. I have always been super invested into the gaming scene since 2009 but got hooked to the esports side in 2013 and ever since I have loved watching and competing in games. I have part took in making content on YouTube in the past, streaming on twitch, and using twitter as a main staple to build connections and grow an audience which I think everyone should have a twitter. It is for sure my favorite app out of all of the social media apps out there and it is for sure my most used app. I wish I focused on content more and using social media through my gaming and competing all the years I played because some people I used to compete against and watch there content they have grown the biggest audiences because of social media and they capitalized on it at such an early stage from putting out content nonstop, to building connection, and fan bases where now some of these content creators and pros can live life amazing because of how they capitalized on social medias. What I would love to learn from this class and beyond is learning social media platforms algorithm and how to reach a huge audience. For example, there content creators on TikTok and YouTube that study the algorithms to the point that they know every trend, what performs well and they guarantee that their videos or content reach a bigger audience each time. I would also love to learn ways to break into the social media space for jobs for example to work at places like twitter, snapchat, YouTube etc. and to know how and where to start. I’m looking forward to taking this class and can’t wait to learn through the semester!
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